#i actually really love them ill be real. thank you all for taking them seriously
vacant2007 · 1 year
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reanimatedheart · 3 months
AHHH this is my first time asking something on here so am nervous sorry~
I’d love to know how our romancable companions would react to hyper expressive auDHD MC? You know, theatrical kind of manner, not really much of a filter in terms of what’s proper to ask or say, lots of stimming and incoherent noises. Very energetic but can get quiet and dissociate easily. (Totally not asking to self-insert better before working on fanarts haaaa haaa haaa)~
Also I need you to know how much I ADORE this game. The lore, the world-building, the characters and the choices that actually MATTER. THE WRITING! THE SOUNDTRACK AND THE ART AUUUUGH!!! It’s so good, it’s officially my newest hyperfixation. Thank you for making this piece of art, I’m buzzing and can’t wait for moooore! And the gnome scene really was hilarious, I was choking on air and saliva, xoxo
Thank you for the nice compliments! I'm so happy you like it. :D
This is an interesting question. I try to avoid specificity with the MC because I want people to be able to immerse themselves in them as much as possible, but I do have a lot of thoughts about this scenario.
Black would honestly find it refreshing. I don't think he's accepted it himself (he doesn't believe in therapy LOL), but I'm pretty sure he's autistic. Esp if the MC is very blunt or makes their thoughts and boundaries very clear. Black is the type of person that misses a lot of social cues, and people make fun of him for it. He takes things people say very seriously. If the MC just tells him their thoughts, he'll remember them and act accordingly. And I think this would make the MC feel safe too, because they would feel like he's not playing games with them.
This scenario is interesting with Crux in particular. They aren't in the game yet, but actually, his bio dad and favorite little sister are like this, and he would be able to tell immediately. He won't make a big deal out of it, but he'll be adjusting around the MC. Take them to quieter places, make sure their seat is comfortable, etc. The MC will just find this out that oh, he's always playing obnoxiously loud music in the car and smoking, but he never does it around them.
I also think in a weird way, he'd be way more honest around the MC, but he won't let them know he is. Like Crux is the type of person that keeps his real feelings and thoughts close to his sleeve, because he has a whole complex about being "weird" in ways he can't control, so it's made him a bit of a liar. But if it's the MC, he'd just say his real feelings, because he suspects they won't judge him for it.
Vincenzo is complicated because he is very mentally ill and neurodivergent, but for most of his life, he was in an All Boy's Catholic Boarding School. He was bullied for being weak, weird, effeminate, etc. If he notices these traits in MC, he'll degrade them for it, and in a fucked up way, see this humiliation ritual as actually beneficial to MC, because it would teach the MC not to show strangers their neck.
But I feel like, if the MC gets closer to him, that he'd be able to face aspects of himself that he's tried to suffocate for years, and it would be liberating to him.
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4thenookie · 10 months
Hi hi i heard you wanted some headcanons!! As always this is /lh, not meant to be taken that seriously, agree to disagree, yada yada all that good jazz lmao. Most of them are pretty crack-y in nature as well, they're just meant for fun lol. And with that, I'll compile my miles long headcanon list into (mostly) sorted by character for everyone's convenience lmao
- starting off strong with trans EJ! Idk why but do headcanons really need a reason? (I do know why) (i like to make my blorbos suffer 💖) (and also [diverges your neuros] [transes your genders] [homos your sexuals]). Also biromantic asexual king
- more EJ because he's THE blorbo. Boy is british asf and he knows BSL and is learning ASL. Touch averse as well. I feel like EJ would actually be a decent if not great cook.
- EJ purring like a cat when he's content/happy? I think yes! Also has a tail with one of those tail tuft thingies? Kinda like lions if you know what i mean. And the pointy ears (peak character design yaknow)
- moving on. I feel like Jeff knows how to play an instrument. Probably electric guitar. He also has like a bajillion band t-shirts. Jeff also likes to take long, hot showers but hates to comb his hair lol
- while Brian cooks food so bad/raw it could as well just still be alive, Toby is either a great cook or a disaster in the kitchen with seemingly no indicator for which one it's going to be on any given day. I'm talking managing to burn a pot of water one day and cooking a michelen star worthy meal the next.
- Kagekao is actually fluent in English and speaks and understands it perfectly, he just refuses to speak it. He takes great amusement in watching other people lose their minds over this
- speaking of languages, i feel like Toby would be bilingual if not multilingual. He speaks English and German, maybe even Spanish if we're going the multilingual route
- also. Oh my god. The generational difference between BEN "memelord who quotes vines like there's no tomorrow" Drowned and Slenderman is just. I cant stop laughing thinking about it. Any given conversation between these two is just a gamble on who is going to lose it first
- BRVR is kinds Lost Silver's pet but also not really? Like he just kinda goes wherever but Lost Silver mainly takes care of him
- LJ he/it truther
- Me and a friend came up with this which probably explains why it is cracky as fuck but hear me out. Jeff as a makeup artist. He made Slender look like Beyonce once. No one knows how he did it and how he's not dead (the answer, as my friend said, is "no one can hate Beyonce")
- i feel like Toby, BEN, and Jeff would be like. The chaos trio. God knows what will happen when you put the three of then alone in a room together
- i also feel like Brian sunburns really easily.
- Tim is one of those dads that wants to leave in the middle of the night for road trips / holidays to avoid the traffic jams
Hope this makes even a bit of sense and i hope you enjoyed whatever my brain spewed at me lol if u ever wanna share more headcanons or talk about blorbos or share character slander (looking at Brian and LJ (affectionate)) feel free to dm me!! (I dont mind i promise lol /lh)
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg these are so so so real thank you for sharing them with me!!!! ill go into some more detail under the cut :)
to be honest, i can kinda see trans ej being real now that you mention it, ill definitely think about that a lot!! and i also hc him as asexual!!!! :)
im british and i claim ej as one of us lmaooo
i absolutely agree w the purring thing!!! i think ej does a lot of cat things idk :)))) i love all of your ej headcanons!!!
tbh i can see jeff either playing electric guitar like you said or maybe drums?? just any instrument he can go ham on when hes mad lmao
in my hc he has the worst case of chronic greasy hair and he doesnt want to do anything about it
cooking hcs are so real brian can NOT cook!!!!!!! toby will either serve you some 5 star gourmet shit or some rotten takeout he found during a dumpster dive
omg omg omg I hardly see anybody talk about kagekao!!!!!! i totally agree he would do that lmaooo
idk if its canon or not but i read somewhere that tobys German so i totally agree that hed be bilingual!!!
oh my god BEN whos native language is memes meets grandpa slendy that would be so funny
in 4 words youve converted me into a fellow he/it LJ truther!!!! could we consider he/it ej too? maybe??
ik you said it was a cracky hc but i can actually kinda see jeff being good at makeup??? like one of those things where he tries it once and it's the most drop dead gorgeous makeup look you've EVER seen and everyones like how did you do that
toby BEN and jeff are an absolute riot when rheyre together lmao
omg i never thought about it but brian sunburning super easy is so real!! and in summer he always wears sunglasses so he has like an unburnt patch on his face where his sunglasses were yk??
OMG YES LMAOOOOO "guys get up our flights in 10 hours WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he would 100% have a checklist or 3
thank you so much for sharing these with me!! i hope you dont mind me adding my own thoughts lol but theyre so much fun to think about!!!! if you ever wanna slander lj and brian with someone feel free to dm me lmao!!!!!! take care <33333
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🌻 kai anderson boyfriend headcanons 🌻
kai anderson x hippie!reader
a/n: following up from my moodboard here 💜🧡
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💜 definitely feeds into his cult delusions tbh (you know with the whole manson family thing going on)
🧡 which isn't the case but let's probably not say that to kai. if he ever asks, yes, that was what you were going for lmao
💜 kai secretly loves your style, it's so different from his. he loves the cliche opposites attract scenario and that's a hill i will die on thank you very much
🧡wears your bracelets under his clothes so that he always has a part of you with him - not like he'd ever show it to the cult though let's be real
💜 if he's feeling particularly generous, which is probably when he wants something from you, he will gift you with a bracelet or a necklace or something along those lines - he says it adds to your 'aesthetic'
🧡 kai absolutely loves how free spirited you are - you follow your own rules and live every day like your last
💜 this is until you ignore something he tells you to do and then he doesn't like it at all lmao, man is one contradictory bitch
🧡kai lives for getting high with you - he'd never admit it but late nights in his basement with you is his favourite thing
💜 probably slips things into your drinks every now and then...
🧡 but if you catch him, no you didn't
💜 if your hair is long enough to braid, kai will be the first one to volunteer to do it for you. he's surprisingly really good at it and it helps relax him after a stressful meeting
🧡 would probably manipulate you into joining his 'cause' because it's kai, so let's not kid ourselves
💜 he's convinced if you had children they would grow up with the best parents ever (he has a god complex, okay? okay)
🧡 like think about it, cult leader father and a hippie mother? Best combo in my opinion
💜but realistically it's like the 60s all over again lmao
🧡 will constantly play with the rings on your hands - most of the time he doesn't even know he's doing it tbh
💜honestly, i think kai just loves your hands in general. for him they're feminine and delicate
🧡they look even better wrapped around his throat... okay swiftly moving on...
💜 this never fails to make you smile, you always see the side of kai that nobody else does which is something you're thankful for
🧡 as much of an ass kai is, he would never dream of hurting you. at most, a little silver tongue manipulation here and there but that's about it (and the fact he knows you'd absolutely deck him)
💜 winter adores you - she thinks you're the best thing that has ever happened to kai, even reminding her what he was like before the cult
🧡 if anyone, anyone, dare looks at you strangely for the way you dress, let's just say you'll probably never hear from them again after kai hears about it
💜possessive level 100/10 - you're his and he's yours
🧡 now this is just an assumption so take it as you will, but i imagine you're probably not opposed to joining the cult (as a hippie i'm allowed to say this okay?)
💜 surprisingly, kai actually really enjoys your music tastes and you will even find him humming along at random moments of the day
🧡never mention that you caught him though, it would seriously damage his ego
💜if you're ill, he'd probably bring you herbal teas to help soothe you
🧡 as much of an asshole he is, he knows exactly what you like and remembers the little details
💜 "i remembered that you only drink chamomile after 8pm because it's easier on your stomach" type details 🥹
🧡 the nicknames are endless - his favourites are definitely 'hummingbird' and 'dollface' but will probably call you 'moon child' as a joke (though we know he's probably dead serious)
💜 along with other nicknames if you get me but some people just aren't ready for that convo yet lmao
🧡yeah fuck it, we're going there - sex would be amazing okay
💜 half of your favourite songs you can't listen to without blushing anymore because kai deadass made a hippie playlist for you based on those songs
🧡 "only the best for the messiah, dollface"
💜 kai loves when you keep your skirts on, it's a major turn on for him - the whole process of bunching them up makes him feel some sort of way
🧡 overall, morality wise -5/10, but as a boyfriend probably a solid 5/10
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charmedcleric · 3 months
BG3 Tav Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash
I was tagged by @lemonsrosesandlavender , thank you so much <3
Tagging (no pressure of course): @auspex-author @lolthslover @fistfuloftarenths @orangekittyenergy @darkurgetrash and anyone else who would like to do it cause it’s v fun ✨
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This was honestly so fun! I could talk about Athena forever. I also talk more about athena and rolans life together andddd it’s very long so it’s all under the cut lmao oops
- Athena’s parents were Thomas Knight and Elerra Knight (née. Kenafin). Her father Thomas was a human Wizard/Paladin of Mystra (boooooo) who worked for the Waterdeep City Guard and her mother Elerra was a drow cleric of Eilistraee who worked as a healer at the local house of healing.
- She was born in Waterdeep at the families cottage. Her parents treated her birth as if they had been blessed by the gods themselves (as they should lol) they had been trying to have a baby for a while and were starting to lose hope until Elerra finally fell pregnant with Athena.
First word / Tantrum / When they first walked / First sickness
- Athena’s first word was ma. She didn’t really have tantrums often, and if she did they didn’t last for very long. She was 15 months old when she first started to walk and her first sickness was a common cold.
- Athena had a couple of friends growing up, as a half-drow she didn’t really feel like she belonged anywhere, some people knew she was half drow and treated her different, others didn’t know what she was but they still treated her with caution. Her best friends consisted of Tyler, a tiefling, and Ari who was a high half-elf.
- She had one sibling, a sister called rose. There was a 10 year age gap between them. Her sister rose was actually adopted and was a tiefling. Her parents were struggling to conceive yet again so they decided to adopt instead.
Getting into trouble
- Athena had terrible anxiety growing up so she never really did anything to get into trouble.
- Her birthday is Alturiak 20th
Games / Learning something new
- She loved a good game of hide and seek, she was very good at hiding so she always won when she played with her parents and friends.
- Athena loves learning and takes it very seriously, when she puts her mind to something she is determined. Growing up she loved lanceboard and even though she wasn’t good at it to begin with, she stuck it out and learned how to play, it took many hours with her mothers help but she got there in the end
- Her family being what they were, were judged by some of the public. She grew up hearing people call her mother an under elf, deep elf etc. her mother always tried to ignore it but Athena could she the heartbreak on her mothers face. If it wasn’t for her father, Athena would have grown up to not trust humans as most of the comments made about her mother were from humans.
First love
- Athena’s first love was her friend Tyler. She loved him very much and he loved her as well. Athena wanted to have something more with him but she also didn’t want to ruin what they already had so they just stayed friends
Rebellion / Running away
- Due to the situation Athena was in she never really had time to rebel. After her parents died and her sister became ill she had to grow up real fast and was essentially a mother figure for Rose. Athena had to work, cook and heal all day, everyday. She barely had any time to herself so there was definitely no time to rebel or run away
Reckless behavior
- When her sister had fallen deathly ill, Athena started to pickpocket/steal food and supplies as she now didn’t have much time to make a living to support the two of them. She did still work but it was very rare.
Peer pressure
- Although no one was pressuring her she still pushed herself. She would push herself so hard to heal her sister that some days it took all her energy and she would fall asleep on the floor next to her sisters bed.
Taking responsibility
- She spent most of her teenage years taking responsibility, between healing her sister, earning a living to be able to feed herself and her sister, She never had time for herself and always had to put her sister first. Athena developed a bad habit that when she eats she tends to eat very fast due to always needing to aid rose. Most of the time when she would sit down to eat, rose would start coughing and need urgent care, so eating fast became a bad habit of hers, one she is still working on today.
Their “first time”
- Athena’s first time was one she wishes she could forget. At 23 years of age athena had her first time with a man she met at the Yawning portal. It was soon after her sister had died and Athena was not taking it well and she wanted a distraction. She ended up getting drunk and have sex with the first man that showed a slight interest in her. Soon after she started to regret it and when she arrived home she curled up in a ball on her bed and started crying wishing her mum was there to talk to. This experience tainted sex for her for a long time after. The next time she had sex was with rolan after the fall of the absolute, she had filled rolan in beforehand about her experience and rolan made sure that she was showed the up most care and love during their first time together
Serious relationships
- Athena’s first serious relationship is with rolan. Although they had their differences when they first met Athena quite liked rolan, she loved how caring he was for his siblings, how determined he was and she found him very attractive. For a spell she thought he hated her but it was the complete opposite.
After Cal and lia were saved from moonrise, rolan found Athena sitting by the waters edge at last light, where he decided to apologize to her. The two ended up talking for a bit and ended up sharing a kiss, Athena thought rolan would regret it come morning but if he did he never showed it.
They didn’t really discuss their feelings till after the fall of the netherbrain. Athena wasn’t sure what she wanted to do now that the absolute was no more, so she decided to go and talk to rolan just to catch up and to see his reaction to her maybe going back to Waterdeep.
They were having a nice conversation when she briefly mentioned going back to Waterdeep, this made rolan drop his drink and turn to her like umm why???? She explained that she didn’t have anything here or anyone needing her to stay so she might as well go back home. Rolan then said something along the lines of “you’re so selfish you know that yes? You are just going to up and leave when the man who cares and loves you the most is standing right in front of you?” When she goes to reply he cuts her off and basically begs her not to leave. Basically rolan finally tells her he is in love with her and has been for a while and he has a meltdown about it. very dramatic, very much rolan lol
- Her first serious platonic relationship would be shadowheart, although she knew shadowheart was lying to her about something she knew that there was probably a good reason for doing so. The two grew close and are still good friends long after the fall of the absolute. Another platonic relationship dear to Athena is Jaheira, I talk about them more in this post. Jaheira is very much a mother figure for Athena.
- Before she was a cleric she was painter, she had to take a break from painting due to obvious reasons. After the fall of the absolute she takes up painting again and sells them in the lower city, all the money she makes from them is then donated to the local orphanage/s.
She tends to paint a lot of landscapes so when rolan first showed her the balconies of the tower she told him about how much she would love to paint this view. When she had finally moved in to ramazith’s tower rolan pulled her to one of the balconies and surprised her with a new easel, paints and a lot of canvases. She was on the brink of tears, she couldn’t have asked for a more caring partner. Most nights rolan will join her outside and will read one of his many books while she paints.
She still was a cleric of course and offered her aid wherever she could. Rolan cleaned out one of the rooms in sorcerous sundries and made it Athena’s office where she could manage all the paperwork for her patients. She was a call out cleric meaning she would go to the patients house instead of them coming into the sundries. She also helped out around sorcerous sundries. Whether that was scroll sorting or working the counter, she loved helping where she could, especially if it made rolans life slightly easier (the less stressed and busy rolan was, the more time they got together)
Leaving home
- Athena left her family home when she was 24 years old, after falling into a deep depression after her sister died she decided that enough was enough. Athena felt that the only thing she had left was her religion so she decided she wanted to become a sword dancer of eilistraee, after she did this she made her way to the promenade of the dark maiden. She helped and lived there for about a year.
- She doesn’t really like to talk about aging, from losing her family very young she would rather just live in the now instead of thinking about death, she’s had to much of that in her life. When she starts getting older she spends more time painting and hanging out in the tower with rolan.
Finding your place
- Athena feels she has found her place after the fall of the absolute. She is finally living with rolan (they end up getting married 2 years later), cal and lia, she has amazing friends which she still sees and keeps in touch with. She finally feels happy and feels that life is going her way for once.
Staring a family/found family
- Athena and rolan don’t end up having any children. She realises that she has been looking after people her whole life and she wants a chance to just live and have a somewhat calm life. Rolan, Cal and Lia are her found family along with Jaheira and her friends. Although they don’t have any children of their own, athena ends up adopting Yenna but its more of a sister than mother relationship for Yenna. Their family also consists of grub (yennas cat), two other cats they adopted and scratch.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 5 months
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@imsopopfly hello! thank you for your interest! ill preface this with a few things. one! the feeling of modern isekai is a lot different from older stuff. its possible that none of these will scratch the same itch just because of how different the genre has become. so i apologise in advance if thats the case! two! i know nothing about you beyond your icon and your bio, so some of these may not be good recs for you personally. i apologise for this as well, and i hope you can enjoy at least one of these. anyway!
Eminence in Shadow - since ive been granted leave to be cringy, we'll start with the most cringy protagonist i can think of. eminence in shadow's protagonist is an extreme chuuni version of an isekai protag. his goals are twofold: one, being the most generic background npc possible, and two, being the leader of a secret organisation who uses magic on par with a nuclear bomb, and he puts equal (and extreme) effort into both goals. the show itself is a comedy, but most of the comedy comes from the fact that all the other characters and the narrative itself take the world completely seriously. it's a fun show. content warning for attempted (and foiled) sexual assault in episode 1. also, there's more fanservice in this show than most modern isekais (which are kind of unfairly slammed for this, theyre usually very tame), so be aware of that.
MagiRevo - aka The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady. this one's about lesbians! a girl reincarnates as a princess, but she's unable to use magic so she starts researching ways to make magic available to commoners who can't use it naturally. she enlists the help of a girl who was just very publicly dumped by the crown prince, and the the show follows their relationship as they try to change the kingdom for the better. a very lovely show.
Fabiniku - aka Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout. its hard to say the protagonist isnt boring, bc he's a pragmatic salaryman, but really the draw of this show is the fact that the second protagonist is his childhood friend who gets turned into a beautiful girl when they get sent to the other world, and the fact that they now have to deal with their mutual attraction to each other. its fun!
HameFura - aka My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!. rather than a powerful protagonist, hamefura's protagonist is a moronic disaster of a woman with possibly the least powerful abilities in the whole show. she was reincarnated as the villain of an otome game who dies in every route, so her primary goal is to become very good friends with all the characters in the game so they wont kill her when one of them dates the game's protagonist, but all of them fall in love with her (girls included) instead.
Knight's & Magic [sic] - some of the stuff on this list you mightve heard of or even seen, but ive never heard anyone talk about this one except me. the main character is interesting to me because hes got exactly one special interest and doesnt care about anything else. and that thing is giant robots. luckily for him he gets reincarnated in an old timey fantasy world that has giant robots for some reason, so he dedicates his life to designing mechs. YES its cringe but its on of my favorite shows to rewatch because its just really fun if you arent sitting there thinking how stupid it is.
Shoukei Shoujo no Virgin Road - aka the Executioner's Way of Life. this show purports to begin with a generic boring protagonist brought to a fantasy world from japan, but he is killed in episode one by the Real protagonist, a girl who works for the church to kill isekai protagonists before they can cause irreparable damage to the world. but she soon meets a second isekai protagonist, a girl who doesnt die when she's killed, so the two of them embark on a quest together to find a way to 'return her to her world'. (but actually to kill her).
The Faraway Paladin - this one's got. some weird political takes, but bear with me. the main character was raised by 3 ancient heroes who became undead. the world has an interesting take on gods, and its nice to see a serious isekai with a protagonist whos principled and dedicated to a cause. i think season 2 is where the show really shines, but season 1 is also very good.
mmmm i think thats a solid list? im tempted to throw in 'reincarnated as a sword' bc even though the protagonist is boring (and a sword), the real draw is the cute and violent catgirl who wields him. but that doesnt strictly meet the criteria so. shrug. anyway hopefully at least one of these strikes your fancy!
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spicedfink · 10 months
Someone posted their opinion on tophabe and I'm not going to @ them since people are apparently being weird but it did make me want to voice my tophabe take because tbh it made me feel insecure and like I needed to explain myself because they were right and so real for what they said.
My thing with (s2) episode 8 is first off I can only process parts of it at a time because that episode made me uncomfortable Second is there is one major factors I take in when thinking about tophabe and a few minor factors: The biggest thing is Joan the canon end game love interest as far as we have been shown tried to point blank kill everybody which is objectively worse. As for minor factors I'll use bullet points: - Cleo also manipulates Abe not to that degree but for longer - All the cast are kind of bad people but the show only framed Topher's actions as bad which I found weird when I really thought about it then they said Harriet was a theater kid and I stopped caring about what the writing was meant to convey - Him giving good advice first in s2e8 reminds me of how I used to give a friend of mine bad advice as a joke when they kept ignoring my real advice and for some reason they took my joke advice seriously. - Topher wasn't in the classroom with Abe so he didn't know the teacher had been hitting on him so it feels like he's just making shit up on the spot - I don't see how Topher would have seen this working. Like it shows him being right there when it starts but like how? I know it's just because the plot said so but the actual "go sleep with this gross person" seems more like a "oh Abe would never actually do that" line of thought - like it reads more as "if I can get Abe insecure he won't ask Joan out" then "Abe will defiantly go for this" (still shitty but less) - It's a cartoon and their actions are exaggerated - s2e8 was such a horribly done episode all around that I can't do anything other than cherry pick it - poor mental health is hardly an excuse but man do I believe his therapist isn't doing him any favors (which is why I have his change therapist in my fanfics) - The fact they're still shitty high schoolers meaning they all have the most room for growth and I'm projecting my own journey of because and actual good person and figuring out my sexuality onto him (obviously wasn't his level of shitty but I said dumb shit and did weird emotionally charged things thanks to how I was raised and poor mental health) - Episode 1 of season 2 Topher got the t-rex arms so I attached myself to his character right then and there ("he's autistic just like me") - I like happy things. The show gave a character who they made clear was suppose to be disliked and bullied for being horrible and didn't show him do anything actually that bad until episode 8 out of 10. And before that ranges from normal weird teenager things he'd logically grow out of, trying too hard to be socially accepted and being mentally ill??? Like no. No I'm personally not going to think this character is a horrible person incapable of growth... And this is why my serious non one sided tophabe headcanons are all for when they are older because I really think Topher would, you know grow up and regret his past actions. Also since I see Topher as queer: internalized homophobia and the such are a bitch (speaking from experience)
I don't actually have a good reason for why Abe would like Topher back past I just think it'd be fun. If Abe gets with Joan and is friends with Cleo I think he should still be friends with Topher though
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
okay but when you aren't at practice i would Love to hear your thoughts on riddle/floyd though
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE thank u i love an excuse to talk excessively about Characters
i COULD link to some other post i could probs find where i talked about them a lot already. HOWEVER. i also love to repeat myself. i want excuses to do it AGAIN!!! sorry it is Long. teehee.
ok anyway. riddle/floyd, love those funny little guys. initially? like 2+ years ago? wasn't a fan, but i also did not like the octavinelle boys At All in the early days fklsdjfkldj but i warmed up to them by the end of book 4 bc they were Silly 😌
as for riddle and floyd together, my initial thought at first glance was "what da heck, floyd's just mean to riddle, that wouldnt work, i dont like it 😤
BUT through the power of obsessively rewatching scenes over and over again and getting a closer look at character vibes and motives [and also fun fanart lol], i have CHANGED MY MIND. mostly. i mean floyd is still floyd LOL but we'll get to that.
so my main thoughts for them could be one of two things: floyd having a one sided obnoxious crush on riddle and poking at him for attention/cuz it's funny, OR <- that but with the added layer of floyd picking on him half bc he thinks it's funny and half with some sincerity behind it [ill get to that] + floyds loose chaos way of existing is a good contrast to riddle who was forced to be Perfect and Proper and Rigid his whole life; he needs people to shake him loose a bit and teach him to learn to have fun and be a goofy lil guy!!! with time and growth they could balance each other out real well i think.
SO. yes on one hand riddle gets Upset with floyd and there are def times where it's like "uhuh floyds just bein mean for his own enjoyment and riddle's got the right to be upset here imo" like i think of i thhhiiiink floyd's regular uniform R vignette of an example of floyd picking on riddle for fun and riddle getting understandably upset, maybe getting a lil personal with his reaction but still i get him being like "why the fuck are you so awful to me get away" like. not off to a great start LOL but i actually really like that story. ive read it several times bc i feel like floyd and riddle's reactions to each other are interesting. the ambiguity [at least, i think it's ambiguous, im really not sure dklfjd] of floyd being like "....im bored now. bye." <- being either "was he upset when riddle compared him to jade/bit back at him, or did he really just have his regular mood swing and get bored? what was he feeling there???" also i just think it's funny how riddles like "huh, did i go too far and upset him...? oh well i dont care 🚶‍♂️" jsklfjdsl
ok ANYWAY. theyre complex and that's fun to me. i think however there are SEVERAL instances where floyd picking on riddle doubles as looking out for him - though im unsure if that's coincidence or intentional on floyd's part.
i can think of at least three off the top of my head: vargas camp 1 event, halloween 1, and the very start of book 4 when you're saying bye to everyone before they go home for the holidays.
Vargas Camp 1 scene [spoilers obviously lol]: the scene where people have gone MISSING and everyone's FREAKED OUT and they're by the fireplace. poor sweet lil riddle is shivering and very cold!!! floyd makes fun of him ldsfjds he's like "goldfishie, your lips are turning blue! if your hair turns blue too, i'll have to think of something else to call you lol" and riddle Gets Mad and is all "FLOYD why are you messing around RIGHT NOW OF ALL TIMES!!! TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!!" all red faced and 😡 so angy!!! floyd just laughs and is like "hehe glad you're all red and warm now 😌" <- so this is what i mean by it's POSSIBLE he did that on purpose, knowing it would make riddle mad and by extension make him all warm and toasty lol. it also could just be that he wanted to pick on him and it happened to also help djfkldsj. ALSO! right after that when riddle gets SNATCHED, floyd makes a comment about how the shadow beast must be strong because "even goldfishie's gone". just cute that he acknowledges riddle's skills there 😌
halloween 1: around the very end of the event when the second years are having their post party talking time, there's a scene where jade's still running around being Helpful and floyd + riddle are both like "hey man relax, come eat something" but the SECOND riddle says something to jade, floyd IMMEDIATELY turns around and is like "hahaha you're such a hypocrite, youve barely been eating anything yourself you tiny tiny cranky goldfishie" and riddle's all I Eat The Daily Recommended Calorie Intake. bjkldfjdsg. anyway floyd makes him mad but then hes all 👀 when silver mentions CAKE but then pretends hes too full. floyds like "uhuh well there's always room for dessert so let's go" and tugs riddle along with him and the others to go find cake lol. now on one hand you could look at that as Not Listening to Riddle and Doing Whatever, which i think is a totally valid interpretation too. BUT the way i see it is more of floyd being like "you're not fooling anyone here, we can all see you want to do this thing but you will not allow yourself to indulge, you need that push to enjoy yourself bc you havent learned to give in to indulgences so im going to give you that push". it's a cute scene of second years partying lol.
book 4 mirror scene: when riddle shows up to go home, he's distracted and low energy. he's gotta go home and wants to Face His Mother. having the dread of facing an overbearing parent, not wanting to go home for the holidays, i get it, it's a mood dampener. the other heartslabyul boys are all like 😔bc ya, sore topic, rough and heavy. then floyd shows up fdsklfdsklfjlk and he's like "what's the matter? dont wanna go home? then dont 😌 stay here with us! we can keep a tiny goldfishy as a pet hehehehehe" or something like that lol. the SECOND floyd shows up riddle is SCOWLING and COMPLAINING jfkldjsfl. even jade is like 😐floyd do not pry into his personal family life 😐 <- as if he's not a nosy bitch himself LOL. anyway!!!!! floyd's comment about riddle being a teeny goldfish makes him all mad and 😡 again and trey/cater gotta diffuse the situation like the mvp besties they are lfjsd. riddle's like "well anyway i do NOT wanna hang out with octavinelle for the holidays good BYE!!! 😤" and trey comments about how at least he seems like he's back to his regular self. i think again, you could see this as floyd just picking on riddle bc he likes picking on riddle, which i think is very true here lol, BUT if you read between the lines i do think it's a valid thought to look at it as like, floyd saw riddle down in the dumps and gave him something to get riled up about to distract him from his gloominess. i mean he made him mad jfldksjf but it was still more of the riddle theyre Used To and he was no longer sulking?? lol, that one may be a little more of a stretch but i stand by it as a possibility!!!
because!!! i wont get into it too much but it has been shown on several accounts that like, floyd's a smart dude when he wants to be. i fully believe he understands people decently well if he cares to, and has his own way of how he chooses to navigate it. like this part isnt about riddle but in one of the beans events, i think beans 2? when they spot malleus and lilia sparring, i think epel or someone's like "oh we could gang up on lilia and help malleus defeat him!!" but floyd stops them and is more or less like "nah they're havin fun over there doin their thing. we should leave them. if i were riled up havin fun like that i wouldnt want someone comin along to spoil it" or something like that. so like i think he's got compassion for other people at times and will act accordingly if he wants to. he's a very interesting multifaceted character!!
also heehee funny fish boy pokes fun at funny tiny red boy. opposites attract is just a fun dynamic i always like 😌
some other misc things i like with them:
in halloween 2, when they're initially gonna go in the mirror, floyd and riddle BOTH wanna just charge headfirst into it without a second thought fksdjflkd. it's SO cute seeing riddle on the same level as floyd with impulsiveness
also in halloween 2, when they find possessed jade and he's acting like floyd, riddle's like That's Not Floyd 😤 immediately, which i mean leads to a convo about the twins' hair lol BUT i like to think it also just shows how much riddle's around the twins
riddle has a lot of similarities to azul. floyd and jade like to pick on azul a lot. despite being weird about how they talk about it kfdjdlsdfjkl floyd jade and azul are all friends and i think they care about each other a lot. floyd also loves to tease riddle. i think it's both bc riddle and azul have entertaining reactions when theyre Being Teased, but also i think that's part of how floyd shows his affection. like he's having fun, he's playing!!! when he's not interested in something or someone hes got No Energy and is like im outta here 🚶‍♂️ but with riddle he's always like hehehehehe funny little goldfishie heheheheehehe
these two separate bits from the first twst anthology manga [fan translated by turtlesoupscans]:
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^i think the anthology mangas are considered like semi canon or something but i think this is kinda cute lol, like floyd thrilled to hang out with riddle and riddle apparently spending time with floyd for five straight hours lol
and then this part, i think about it all the time:
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thats just a very potent section of a small bit of floyd in general bothering riddle bc he's bored and wants to hang out!! but like. hi. hello. whoever wrote/illustrated this part? they had an agenda. a florid agenda. and i See It lolololol. and then floyd wants to play tag with him right after 😌 also i just like the way he greets him at the start lol-
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YO~ 🤗 f l o y d ... 😔
ALSO it's said somewhere, i think a few places but idr where, that during the second years' orientation, floyd and riddle got into a chaotic fight with each other like how grim disrupted the first years'/game's opening orientation. enemies to lovers on sight or something LOL
anyway. there are probably more scenes i cant remember but ive been typing for like an hour [i had to go into the event archives i needed to fact check myself for ACCURACY] and i have to cut myself off or i will Never Stop sljkfjdsj THANKS for indulging me SORRY i talked for 500 years. i can and will do it again tho any time anyone asks me how i feel about anything twst related. im constantly locked and loaded with SO Many feelings.
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quodekash · 1 year
os2 x eclipse ep2 part 2 of my silly little commentary
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oh thats weird, why is the cafe for all worker hosting the competition?
(huzzah i am funnie)
seriously tho, youd think aye would recognise them
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"this is my first short film. sorry- our first. it's a story of what we face in real life. Thank you to all my friends for always supporting me. Thank you to my advisor, Teacher Sani. If you hadn't asked me that day, I wouldn't have made it here today. I also want to thank my family. Even though they don't really approve of me making movies, they secretly transferred me money in the end. Thank you."
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hell yes imma add this to the collection
"even though your movie is not very perfect, i could see the power and sincerity in it." "thank you" "keep making films. dont give up." "i wont" HIS LITTLE SHRUG- I CANTTT
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the lights went out
here it is
aye's about to be dramatic
and im probably gonna scream and cry (in a good way)
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im giggling and sobbing at the same time
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im so glad im watching this now instead of last night bc its so much easier to scream out loud
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im sobbing
hes such a good singer
i love first's voice so much
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"if you dont like it, if you're not okay, let me know. ill stop."
the freaking PARALLELS
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oooo graduation blessing
"people say that life is like a journey. i want you to keep going forward to reach each of your destinations or goals." I LOVE HER
"keep going forward without knowing if there's light at the end of the tunnel" SERIOUSLY KAN, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP VOICING MY FEARS, ITS RUDE
"of course. you guys have done it before. you have walked out of those dark shadows." TY SANI THATS SO SWEET IM CRYING
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my face hurts from smiling so much in this episode
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"i love you too. shortstop." AAAAAAAAAA
damn, they end with what they cut out of the actual show
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i love them so much
oh, look at that, theyre ending with what the actual show had to cut out
oh look at that i used up all 30 photos again
how the hell is anything real rn
im gonna go cry for the rest of the day, peace out
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followedmystar · 7 months
If you haven't checked it out yet, you are absolutely SLEEPING on an amazing, vibrant, creative, and alarmingly productive fandom. Please join me in hell, it's lovely in here
Here are some Ed/Stede fics that took me out AT THE KNEES. That left me gasping for air. That ruined my life, and I'd let them do it again, thanks. Current OFMD peeps may find no surprises here, but lots and lots of my followers are not current OFMD peeps and I'm going to drag you down with me if it's the last thing I do ok thanks love you bye
Tree Change by ClaireGregory (E. So E. So very very E.) Ecologists by day, fic writers by night, fuck buddies for one month only (unless…) Claire never misses and this modern AU is no exception. She's turned this into a rollicking multi-layer meta commentary on fandom, fanworks, the creative process, OFMD canon, the whole bit. If you think you found all the layers, no you didn't. In progress, updating every other week or so. She also has a ridiculous wealth of completed fics if that's more your jam. You really can't go wrong with ANY of them.
Temptation 'Verse by Shearwater (T-M, depending - currently heading for NSFW territory but not there yet) Ed's an artist, Stede's a bookseller. They're both a bit surprised to have met the love of their life at this late stage in the game. This one. Oh, this one. I started with Constellationism (the second of two fics currently in the 'verse) and went back to the first with no ill effects. Constellationism absolutely sucked all the air out of my lungs, left me actually literally breathless. The writing is so rich and decadent. This Ed and this Stede are so beautiful. Oh my god. Also in progress, updating less often, but who fucking cares.
Darkness (noun): the partial or total absence of light by fishfronds (M) Stede & Ed cave dive together. As they map a previously unexplored section on a return to their first-ever dive spot, an accident leaves them with no choice but for one to leave the other behind in a barely-habitable, partially-dry cave and send rescue. CAVE DIVING AU. You'll laugh. You'll swoon. You'll gasp. You'll cry. No seriously, there were actual real life tears from me. And you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole. damn. time. This one is brand new AND complete, the product of the fandom's Big Bang that's just recently completed. So there's art too! God, I completely no-lifed this one. I feel like there should be an award for fics that keep me up until the wee hours of the morning because I just cannot put them down. This fic deserves the biggest and shiniest one. Fuuuck.
not pickles by smallestchurch (E) Ed's minding his business when the new neighbor's kid comes around holding a human puppet. It's creepy as hell, but as soon as the kid's father rounds the corner, Ed doesn't mind. I don't even know how to explain this one other than the writing is so original and the kids are so realistically weird and it will fill you with joy and sorrow and love and a kaleidoscope of other beautiful human emotions and it will also make you guffaw so hard you wake your husband up from a dead sleep at 1AM.
Sincerely, Captain Thomas by stitchy In which Stede and Ed are stuck ashore, and accidentally become pen pals. You've Got Ye Olde Maile! A oneshot! Oneshots are my beloved. This epistolary fic takes place between S1 and S2 and plays with language and expectations. Or maybe it does what it says on the tin and I just read it without so much as glancing at the summary. I fucking loved it okay?
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thedawningofthehour · 9 months
Hiii! I feel a little late to the chapter 32 party but I just finished it. I made a short list (there’s so much more I could’ve put in it) of some of my favorite things from the new chapter:
1- I love how in character everything feels! I don’t have a direct quote but I have the scene where Leo just got back to the lair and the narration brought up how he just pressed the key on the keyboard and spun around just to be cool. I know that might be obvious but it really stood out to me and it hit my funny bone in the right way.
2- I really enjoyed reading about Obscurial-Swann syndrome. It’s a random like but I found it really interesting. 2.1- Also, the side note of Draxum not knowing how to delete his browsing history was hilariously accurate. He feels like the kinda guy who wouldn’t know anything about googling and using the internet because he used encyclopedias and textbooks for everything.
3- This is something we can all agree on but I really enjoy reading the conversations between Gale and Tigerclaw. You really stepped into the murder uncle role for this chapter. The honesty and care and familial love is incredible. I just love their relationship so much.
lastly I did have a question, sorry if this has already been asked before. How do you think Gale will feel about Hungin, Mungin, Cass, and Tigerclaw once he becomes Donnie again? I don’t think he would really harbor that much ill will against them because they were all so nice and genuinely cared for him (as well as the fact the cass is under the hypnosis as well, if i’m remembering correctly). Thank you so much for all your hard work. Remember to take breaks, drink water and eat full meals!!!! <3
Bro the chapter's been out for 36 hours. You're not late for anything.
Seriously, I would very much prefer people take it at their own pace and talk to me when they get to it. It's honestly really disheartening when I put a bunch of work into a chapter, get five comments on it the first day, and then radio silence until I put the next one out. And besides, this was a long chapter. I figured it would take most people a little bit to get through. (plus a lot of readers are high school/college students-I released it on a schoolday, and y'all got homework)
LEO IS JUST SILLY THAT WAY. For real, writing little actions and stuff like that is real useful for breaking up dialogue, but then I have to, like, figure out what they're actually doing while talking. It's actually harder to do with Leo's sections that Gale's, because Galois is always using various tools and doing crazy shit that literally no one other than him would understand nor expect to understand, so I can mix shit up and keep it completely vague and it's still on-brand for him. Leo-what the fuck does Leo even do? Half the time I just have him On The Computer, like how Ken's job is Beach. What's he doing on there? I dunno! I just didn't feel like even pretending to make up a reason for him being on there and I don't think he did either. I think he legit said he was going to go upstairs and Look For Donnie on his laptop and gave no thought as to how the laptop helped accomplish that. He just pulls out his computer and clackety-clacks away because it makes him look productive.
Yeah, I do try to keep out the Harry Potter references, because fuck JKR, but in the same vein you're never going to undo the effect HP had on popular culture. HP stuff is pretty much universally recognizable and sometimes it's either use HP references or go something more obscure-and in a case like this, where I'm describing a made-up condition that I don't even define in the story, it could be very confusing if the audience doesn't make the connection. (also the other half is a Twilight reference, so it's doubly cursed)
Oh, and if you noticed, it's spelled differently for both Gale and Tigerclaw, because Tigerclaw is pronouncing it wrong. :D
Draxum probably doesn't even fucking know what a browsing history is, let's be real. It's a good thing he's gotten really into this dad roleplay thing and hasn't Googled anything about mind control or how to deal with your kidnapped son's estranged brothers.
Huginn and Muninn, hmm, I'll have to think about that. I haven't really thought about them in the epilogue, to be honest, they kind of just flit in and out of the story when convenient. I can't see him blaming Cass, she's as much a victim as he is. Tigerclaw-I mean, to be fair to Tigerclaw, he's operating on limited information. Draxum told him that Galois is his son. Why should he doubt that?
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elliepassmore · 2 months
The Girl with No Reflection review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: magic, mirror world, Asian fantasy, enemies to lovers, horror
Big thanks to Netgalley, Penguin, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
I absolutely flew through this book, it was so good! It already starts in a really interesting place, with Ying preparing for a wedding to a prince who had her confined to her set of rooms in the palace as soon as she arrived. Weird things start happening almost immediately, but they remained stable enough that it was questionable as to whether it was all in Ying's head or if it was actually happening.
Things escalate from there and Ying ends up in the mirror world, discovering her ability to travel between the two. The mirror world is identical to Ying's own, complete with mirror versions of each and every person. Despite the fact that there are identical versions of everyone, these mirror versions can have vastly different personalities, as seen with the Prince and the Mirror Prince. Mirror people are also distinct in the fact they have cold, glass-hard skin. They've been cursed to be 'reflections' and are made to mimic exactly what their 'real-world' counterpart does, and it's this curse that lies at the crux of the book. While things are mostly the same, there are some key differences that Ying discovers, including the fact that monsters exist. I really enjoyed seeing the mirror world and learning how it worked. I also liked how Chow brought some of our physics into the magic of the world. The mirror people are reflections and, as such, they need light. So if one of them is injured or ill, they need to access light in their world or somehow find a way to cross over into Ying's to get it. I thought it was a nice touch and added an interesting layer to things.
Ying is fairly lighthearted, though she knows her duty. She's willing to get married to Zhang Lin, despite his horrendous attitude, because she knows it's what she's supposed to do. I feel like that's not a trait you see a lot in arranged marriage fantasy books, so it was actually refreshing. She's also quick to want to help people, which both helps and hinders her since sometimes it means she puts herself in dangerous situations. However, it's clear that she's willing to go to great lengths to keep those she cares for safe and is willing to go to bat for them if something threatens them. I liked seeing Ying grow as a person and realize she doesn't have to do everything alone. Despite how fiercely she loves, she's hesitant to rely on others even when it would benefit her.
Zhang Lin is, as mentioned, quite terrible. He does get better, I promise, but at the beginning of the novel he's truly an asshole and it's hard to see how he could possibly redeem himself. While I don't think his later explanation totally explains his behavior, by then he shows enough good that I'm willing to let it pass. Despite this terrible introduction, it is clear from the get-go that Zhang Lin is dedicated to his people and takes his duty as prince very seriously. As we get to know him, more of his true personality peaks through and it's easy to like him. I think Zhang Lin just doesn't totally know how to express himself, because once he starts opening up, he quickly becomes much more tolerable and his rate of assholish behavior goes down, which is nice.
Of course we also have mirror!Zhang Lin, who is shown to be nice from the get-go. He immediately helps Ying and decries his counterpart's terrible behavior. He seems genuinely distressed at having to copy it as a reflection, which gets back to how mirror versions can differ from their counterparts. Mirror!Zhang Lin spends a good deal of time showing Ying around the palace, taking her on the tour she should've gotten but didn't when she first arrived at the palace in her world. It's easy to like the Mirror Prince based on how he treats Ying, and we even see some of that kindness extended to Ying's friend and handmaiden, Li Ming, whom the 'real' Zhang initially dismisses as unimportant.
While they're minor characters (they have even less page time than Li Ming), I particularly liked Ying's family, and especially her eldest brother Hao. Hao seems to have a soft spot for his only sister and encouraged her to tag along on their adventures and to learn martial arts. He also slips her a ring full of poison on her wedding day in case her husband is untoward, which I liked and thought was funny. Their whole family is obviously quite close, and I liked getting to see them together.
While the interpersonal relationships of the characters are important, this is mainly a plot-driven novel and there's a lot going on. In the mirror world, Ying finds friends and enemies closer than she could've ever expected, and things go south rather swiftly. It's clear there are some weird things going on and when she gets back to her world, she's desperate to try and find the answers. But with mirror enemies and flesh ones abound, there's a lot of tension over who can be trusted. Some of this was kind of predictable, but I was still hooked trying to figure out when the other shoe would drop. It was also fun trying to puzzle out the song/quest/riddle alongside Ying, and I actually kind of thought of the answer without realizing, lol. This was definitely one instance where I did not see where that was going.
I really liked how the reflection/mirror thing played out and the way it was used to amp up the horror. The horror aspect is particularly apparent at the beginning of the novel, when Ying is seeing things in reflections that disappear when she looks fully or when other people are there. I really liked the creepiness of that. Later on in the novel, the horror element is more about whether mirrors/reflections are present and if they are, who is watching through them.
Overall I greatly enjoyed this book and thought the mirror world and reflection idea was super interesting. There are some horror elements but I wouldn't say this is a scary read, most of the book is focused on figuring things out and going on a mini quest.
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Thank you so much for answering my ask! Heh the detail you went into seriously made me smile and everything.
I honestly believe this fandom created a world for Sherlock more real than MF's piss poor attempt in S4 lol
but at a certain point i think all they cared about is BIGGER IS BETTER... MORE and SHOCK as much as you can without realizing that the REAL fans actually hyperfixate on the little details... that we would literally cry if we ever saw Sherlock and John dancing together or buying milk.
God i would honestly seriously enjoy a 1.5 hour episode of them staring at each other across the room... literally it would make me squeal
BUT the thing is if ever in the tiny off-chance possibility that they DO make a S5 i think they'll do it with Molly and that makes me very angry... you know considering how they spent so long trying to deny homosexuality (UGHH) and the fact that they set up possibility for a Sherlolly throughout but i think him with Molly is just... bad.... not good... VERY BAD
and this whole thing makes me wanna live in a different universe GOSH
... alsoo DO you think there's gonna be a S5? like after all this time
Honestly i wouldnt even mind if its a spin off series about Rosie but parentlock better happen
(Heh also i do believe ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE HIMSELF wanted them to be a thing so like 200 years later WHY WHY ARENT they explicitly a THING?!)
Okay i promise ill stop spamming you... but i think somehow this show has a lot to do with who i am gosh... might have something to do with friends you deeply love and they scream NOT GAY at you.. hmm
Also i dont know if youve read her work but (Apliddell) (https://archiveofourown.org/users/apliddell/pseuds/apliddell) Has to be one of my personal fav writers heh heres me Fic reccing a fic rec grandmaster but if your really havent read it you should totally! Especially this series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/739065)
Okay Have a nice day!
(PS: I'd sent this stuff as a message but i dont think it went through? i dunno... im just spilling some of my angst gosh im sorry for spamming sm..)
Hey Lovely!!
OMG sorry for missing both this AND my message... Tumblr has been marking my messages as "Read" on its own and often I don't find out until I'm brave enough to click on the huge number on my bubble...this is an easier way to get a hold of me because for SOME REASON the anxiety I get when I see the number on my messages is a huge one skyrockets. Dunno why lol.
ANYWAY, Yeah, I love this fandom so much, and I adore all the content that comes out of it!!
And thank you for sharing your fave author! Everyone go give them some love on their fics!! <3
Thank you so much for this lovely read and your well-wishes <3
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softpine · 11 months
is this the closest we’ve gotten to seeing brandi’s ideas for a post-apocalyptic story/au? my ass will happily wait for this treat and take these crumbs yes, please, and thank you 🍞🐜 (only if ur comfortable with sharing more!!)
aww no i'm sorry it's not the apocalypse au 😭 however that's always in the back of my mind and i have a document i keep adding ideas to whenever i think of things. i still plan on doing a mini story for that someday!! the thing i'm working on right now is just a silly one-off. but since you were so excited and nice i'll give you some spoilers hehe
edit: the fact i said "some" spoilers and then proceeded to basically share my whole outline for the first two chapters is such a brandi move. sorry i'm like this
i'm going the last of us route by not having typical back-from-the-dead zombies and instead they're infected humans, but in this case it's going to be something similar to mad cow disease in that it originates in livestock and can be transmitted to humans (i'm using allllllll of these words colloquially for brevity, just know this is a massive oversimplification), where it stays dormant until it's far too late to be treated because the brain has already been compromised. the first symptoms are confusion, then problems with emotional regulation, dementia, and finally violence & insatiable hunger. however, these people don't possess inhuman strength or speed, though it may seem that way because they're working with unlimited adrenaline, so they're not slowed down by pain or fear. but you have a fighting chance! and any way that you can kill a normal human, you can also kill an infected person. it just might take longer. essentially i want it to be grounded in reality, mimicking the way a real disease spreads and mutates rather than going fully into video game-y horror (i love that stuff too, but it's not the story i feel like telling in a post-covid world lol. i'm much more interested in seeing how humans can survive and rebuild in the face of unimaginable chaos and tragedy!). the other important thing to note is that the disease doesn't have a 100% transmission rate. it's the same as if you had the flu and coughed in 100 people's faces, only a fraction of them would actually get sick. so if you get bitten by someone with the disease, it's not 100% certain you will be infected. so there is no singular special immune person, it's just a matter of chance & your immune system.
in the early days, this mysterious illness is only happening in remote areas with low human populations. meat that's been properly cooked & pasteurized dairy can't transmit the disease, so people in cities are generally safe, but improper handling of food, poor working conditions, factory farm employees, traveling, etc. all contribute to the spread of disease. though the illness can't be treated, it's easy to contain in the beginning. patients are restrained/sedated when they become violent and eventually they die (once the brain is completely taken by infection, the body dies too). however as the number of infected people grows, it becomes harder to hold everyone in basic hospitals. sanatoriums start popping up to study the disease and keep it quarantined. this is around the time where the story actually starts.
mikaela was a pediatric nurse at the hospital, but she was moved to one of these sanatoriums a few months ago. however, she's 20 weeks pregnant (with sadie) and she's nervous about continuing to work in a high risk environment. she asks to be moved back, but the hospital denies her request. that's how she knows shit is really hitting the fan. she warns everyone she cares about that something big is happening, but that's not how the disease is being reported on by the media, so no one really takes her seriously. and then the big outbreak happens.
there's a whole backstory to that but i'll skip it for now fjskjds the relevant part is that mikaela escapes unharmed and returns home to gather her family up. danny, casper (home from college for thanksgiving break), and asa (spent the weekend with his dad) are already there. mikaela is scared to stay there because it's a farm; they have cows, chickens, pigs, etc. and they still don't know exactly how the disease is transmitted. so she loads everyone into casper's truck (there's less space, but it's better for off-roading). on the way out, asa opens all the gates so the animals can have a chance at living even though he knows it's probably not a good idea. they desperately try to get a hold of caroline and beth, but the phone lines are dead, so they leave a note saying they've gone to their shared vacation cabin up north.
ummm and this is extremely long already but we haven't even gotten to the interesting part yet so.... they make it half way to the cabin before night falls. they don't want to run out of gas at night (and it's late fall, so pretty cold). so they stop in an area that's completely free of people. asa says he knows how to make a fire so they won't waste gas running the car for heat. casper goes with him for protection (he's buff college casper, not scrawny teenage casper fjksjd) to find wood. danny doesn't think they have anything to worry about because asa spends his days in the wilderness already, and he assumes mikaela is just being overly cautious because she's pregnant. so he lets them go.
okay so casper and asa stumble upon a small, seemingly unoccupied hunting cabin. they think this will be perfect to stay in for the night. but when they open the door, they see a horrifying sight: a man sitting in complete darkness, chewing on a freshly dead deer. the man lunges at them, managing to grab asa and bite his thumb clean off along with a chunk of his palm, before casper tackles him to the ground. he manages to immobilize him, but he's badly bitten on the neck in the process. it takes all his strength to just hold the man down, let alone fight back, so asa knows he has to do something. he finds a rifle in a bag that the man must've been carrying earlier, before the sickness set in, and he tries to shoot him in the head with it, but since he's never even held a gun before, he misses and it grazes casper's arm. he has to shoot two more times before he hits his target and the man stops moving. buuuut the sound of all the gunshots has attracted many others; they can hear them approaching in the distance. casper is in no state to move, already starting to bleed out from the wound on his neck (the accidental gunshot certainly didn't help), so asa does the only thing he can do; he leaves the gun with casper and starts yelling to attract the hoard's attention while he runs away from the cabin. he hopes danny and mikaela have heard the gunshots too and will find casper. he leads the infected further into the woods. on instinct, he tries to climb a tree to escape, but his right hand is effectively useless and he's in way too much pain to attempt it. he thinks he'll most likely die here, until he hears a distinctly human, non-infected voice shouting at him to follow his voice .... and that's where i'll leave it :D
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taegularities · 5 months
Rid you're crazyyyyyyyyyyy
just finished cmi11 IM FUCKING CRYING holy shit that was so good oh god
first of all the conversation between oc and her mom made me cry so hard- it hit home for me, as a girlie with mommy issues, that part felt so real to me. Oc's courage to stand up for herself like that and tell her how much she hurt her own daughter is something i dont have in me. It broke my fucking heart, that yearning feeling, i cant believe you put that specific feeling into words rid [are u part of the mommy issues community as well🧐 or are u just that amazing, a true fucking artist (i saw that anon calling you the beyonce of ff and i agree 100%)] idk how to describe my feelings rn, that part definitely left a mark in my heart, ill never forget it
second the domesticity in these two dorks oh my goddddd they're driving me crazy, theyre so cute and in love and im in love with them and i want to cry bc i want what they have but bc irl men suck the hopeless romantic in me is gonna have to live through fanfics for the rest of my life and that makes me fucking miserable but bless the fanfic gods like you that keep my soul alive, idk what id do without you
lastly that scareeeeee oh god like i knew itd be a negative but it had my heart beating out of my ass (idk if thats a phrase) but the way they handled it oh god, the emotionsssssss the fears and insecurities, just reminded me that theyre human, even if theyre the most fucking adorable characters ever, theyre still human and i loved seeing such nuance. You really are doing an amazing job rid, not only writing the story, scenes and dialogue, but also the way you write these characters in such depth, its so fucking refreshing to see.
i want to kiss your beatiful head that holds your beautiful brain, seriously ive never ever been so enchanted by a piece of writing before (and i read so much fanfiction its like an addiction) you are by far my strongest fix. For real tho, your writing, and particularly cmi has touched me deeply and I'll never ever forget it. So thank you
Rest assured and stop doubting yourself bc youre seriously incredible and so fucking talented. Now rest up and take care of yourself, i imagine its not easy to birth such work (i mean 36k you monster, i loved every second of it but damn girl take a break before you burn your brain out) but no srsly i hope youre eating well, sleeping well and doing things that make you happy and relaxed. You deserve all the best of this world rid🫂🩷
sincerely ~ 🐼✒️anon
panda hi hello oh my gosh, sorry for being late, but you mentioned so many important things, so i wanted to take my time HELLO!! never stop sending these lovely af reviews 🥺
i know... she really is inspiring bc the courage to stand up against someone you feared for so long is admirable. i'm part of both the mommy and daddy issues community even though it's gotten a lot better lol like i wonder why it's such a recurring theme in my fics 🤣 i'm so sorry you could relate to oc :( but i'm glad you liked the scene so much.
and ahhh the domesticity 🤧 it's been so so fun and relaxing to write!! real life romance can be hard to find, yeah :') so i guess writing these scenes and chapters has been extra cathartic (although it drives me crazy, too — the next chapter has been making me so jejfhdjjsgd), but here's to finding a cmi jk irl soon :') much more to come!!!🕯️
the scare was one hell of a ride 🥺 i cried a lot!! and even i have been realising lately that i sometimes try to make my characters flawless, but that's actually not what i wanna go for. i always snap out of it and then try to make them flawed bc they're human, and i think the cmi couple, despite how endearing they are, is definitely vv flawed :') thank you for pointing that out 🥺
your strongest fix?? girl PLEASE ILL CRY 😭💔 i love you so much, you're so sweet for saying that and seeing me in such a way, pls i want you here forever <3 i rested a lot after cmi11! but ngl, cmi11.5 almost burned me out ksjdhehd gonna rest even more after that hehe. tyssssm, i hope you're well and healthy and i appreciate you so much for your kindness, reassurances and love for this series/me. love you so much 🤍
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formula-fun · 8 months
(This was timestamped October 12th 😱 when I found bits of my always too long ramble in my notes; I was mostly talking about your answer to my ask on the 12th.)
Good morning! (This was really what I started with!)
Good gawd I totally forgot the other omegas on the grid🤣🤣 when I jumped down the rabbit hole of “ABO universes must be more patriarchal than real life” and “my poor baby being the one suffering the most on the grid for being an omega” and of course the waaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much talking about what I like in ABO fics.
It’s quite refreshing to remember that in your story Japan is less “only boys/alphas are deserving of the throne(literally and figuratively ”. (Still can’t believe I totally forgot about it yesterday, and it was mentioned in Capri too! One of my favorite parts!😱😱) Even though technically (please correct me if i’m wrong) ABO was created so Dean Winchester could logically get pregnant in English fics, I sometimes love the more Asian take on it: as in even in the real world, as soon as men can produce children too, the ones who could do that (like omegas in ABO) would immediately be degraded in the social hierarchy to becoming “women”. It’s a very widely used background in fics from Asian writers thus making me love a lot of fics with very strong omega characters, the whole “I am an omega but I am as strong as you(his future magnificent alpha mate). ”
“male can present as alphas or stay betas ;people born female can present as omegas or stay betas” So there is no female alphas. But if the world consists of male alphas + male betas +female betas+ female omegas, Charles is a male omega?
it’s indeed true we think very differently because half of the time is you amiably disagreeing 🤣 and I’m like nodding and pushing more into the same subject or different subjects and we just continuing on politely disagreeing. 🤣🤣🤣
The mating I do understand, since the actual “registering” happens ON each other and in bed hhahah! Do mating trigger heats and ruts for alpha/omega pairings? Since the whole biology of ABO is practically “let’s make two men having a baby as logical/easy as possible, and they should has they just mated!”.
As for spoilers! I am all for them lol, I have always been the type to want to know whether the end would be happy or sad/bad for movies or stories, and then I would decide whether I would read them (I am still on the life sucks so I shall only read stuff that makes me happy and my best friend is a lover of angst, and we bond alot over angsty stories I was “tricked” into reading that I end up recommending to her, so me reading WIP is totally growth 🤣)
I just checked the 2024 calendar so if the baby (yeah!) is conceived in June 2024, it looks like it’s going to happen in Austria? (June races are in Canada, Spain and Austria) At first I thought it was going to be in Monaco(late May) at home? (Why am I sticking to the real calendar when talking about characters in fiction having babies lol). I suppose too much is happening for them in Austria seriously hahahha.
You also mentioned that their baby was born early, the amount of stress for Max??? Did they speed all the way to the hospital in their Ferrari with Max “threatening” Charles their baby girl is most definitely not to be delivered in a Ferrari of all cars? Hahahhahahha
Wonder what kind of reaction the tifosi had finding out their prince/king is having a Ferrari baby?
Thank you so much for entertaining all my way too long explanations of “what I think”.
A very lovely Wednesday to you~~~~
ahhh hi hi!! Glad you found it! ill answer under the cut in case it gets long!
hahahah yeaaaaah sorry, im definitely breaking the a/b/o form a lot in this fic!! i think it's really only loosely an a/b/o fic in the first place tho--im using that as a way to explore gender, and it's become a pretty good vessel for that! there are a lot of expectations in a/b/o about how different genders are supposed to act and i KNOW thats why people like it.....it's just really fun to flip that on its head and poke at how at the end of the day they're all just people and biology doesnt dictate who they are dfjkdfkjdfjkdfk like am i doing it right? no. am i having fun? yes
and definitely! Im not asian so i can't really speak for that, i just knew from the start that certain countries would have different ideas about gender than others (just like it is in our world) and japan happened to be one of them. i do like the way it flips the script though, and you're definitely right about that meaning omegas can be stronger than alphas. it's kinda emphasizing that there's really no one truth about who anyone is and everything is fluid, especially the dynamics between two people. that's the whole bottom line with that scene with yuki, too--he thought alphas were super different but they're really kinda the same as anyone else. As for the bit about dean winchester, I have no idea if youre right but it doesn't sound wrong ;)
"But if the world consists of male alphas + male betas +female betas+ female omegas, Charles is a male omega?" charles was born female, he identifies as a man tho! same with his brothers, all the other omegas on the grid and a handful of the betas. there are also women who are alphas, who are biologically male. Gender and sex have nothing to do with each other in this universe, gender is just a form of self-expression and identity, so this is pretty common
and iiiiii do not knowwwwww to be honestttttttttt. not sure how mating works yet. We'll see! I think it can kind of be done whenever but there are probably some sort of requirements about hormones or some shit like that, like it probably relies on oxytocin or something so if there's not enough happy calm hormones being released then it wont take?? or something like that?? cause its basically the ultimate oxytocin bond right? its possible im getting too scientific about this but idk. cause in a lot of a/b/o it basically works like magic to the point people can start reading minds after and idk if thats really the direction im going to be going with this, but it's not just a bite either. we'll see we'll see, i need to figure it out still
Same with the calendar--not sure, we'll have to see. i had a plan at one point but i honestly do not remember now. I do think their first baby is conceived in a really dumb place like a sauna or a storage closet in the ferrari hospitality or the passenger seat of Max's valkyrie right after charles smacked his head on the roof and then whined for like six minutes straight while refusing to let Max look at the wound (spoiler: there was no wound. there was not even a bruise). idk why, it just feels like it adds balance to the narrative if the whole thing is dumb and ridiculous and literally not romantic whatsoever. im rejecting the 'uwu conception is beautiful and pure' notion, it's a million times funnier to me if charles gets pregnant because he tried to open a condom with his teeth but bit a hole into it instead and didn't notice or think about it until 6 months later when andrea looked at his most recent blood test results and immediately passed out
that's all i have for you!! no more spoilers, i have to go to sleep!! thanks for the ask and happy wednesday!
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