#i actually think maybe Allen would instead
lichtecht · 6 months
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): Robert puts another piece of wood on the trunk and swings the axe.
Bökh: „And you never wanted to get in touch?"
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The Nichtraucher picks up a piece of wood.
Nichtraucher: „Why should I? We didn’t see each other for the past ten years either.“
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He rips the piece of wood apart with his bare hands. While holding eye contact with Justus.
Justus lowers his head.
Jo: „Uh.. weren’t you-" Martina, quietly: „Jo, leave it. Lets go.“
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Martina, louder: „We need to go! We still have something to do.“
The kids leave. Jo and Martina are holding hands as they walk away.
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Bökh: „Yeah… Thank you, kids.“
Jo, whispering as they walk away: "What was that just now?!"
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Robert picks up the chopped wood and walks back to his wagon. Justus looks after him.
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Narrator (audiobook): If the two friends will find back together? Matze isn’t so sure of that.
Matze, sarcastically: „Well, that was a great success!“ Jo: „Yeah, so much for friendship between Internals and Externs.“
Narrator (audiobook): At least Robert granted Herr Bökh access to his wagon. He looks around lost in thought more or less, while Robert washes the dishes.
Dishes clatter. There is silence otherwise.
Justus stares wistfully at Robert while he washes the dishes.
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Justus takes his eyes off Robert and starts looking around while Robert continues to ignore him.
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Bökh: „I thought you were living in London.“ Nichtraucher: (silence) Bökh: „It's nice here.“ Nichtraucher: (silence)
Justus starts walking around.
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Bökh: „I told the kids about our friendship.“ Nichtraucher: „As a cautionary tale?“ Bökh: (chuckles/scoffs) „No. Of course not.“
Narrator (audiobook): Bökh spots the poster of „the Bandits“, the same one hanging in his apartment.
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Bökh: „The 'Wild Dog' that we always played in is still there.“
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Nichtraucher: (silence)
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Bökh: „Should we meet there sometime? For a beer?“
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Robert looks up.
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He lets out a small huff, almost like an incredulous laugh or a scoff.
He dries his hands on a towel and folds it.
Nichtraucher: (silence) Nichtraucher: „I don’t know what we would have to say to each other.“
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Bökh: „Hm. Well. A lot of time has passed.“
Narrator (audiobook): Robert sits down at the table and lights himself a cigarette.
Justus turns as well and starts looking around again.
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Nichtraucher: „Why didn’t you come to Marie’s funeral back then?“
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Nichtraucher: „You didn’t even get in touch.“
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[„You didn't even get in touch“ -> parallels to „And you never wanted to get in touch?“]
Justus is silent. He starts fiddling with his jacket and pulls it off his shoulder. He lets out a deep, shaky sigh and is silent for another few moments.
Bökh: „…I don’t know, you met her and… and suddenly you were gone.“
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[Parallels to „suddenly your closest loved ones are gone“]
Bökh: „As if everything -our friendship, the band- as if that had all just been a dream.“
Justus turns around and looks at Robert.
Bökh: „Wir zwei. Wir hatten doch Pläne.“
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Bökh: „That really hurt me.“ Nichtraucher: „It hurt you.“
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Silence. Just the music.
Bökh: „Yes. Very much back then.“
The Nichtraucher lets out a soft incredulous laugh again, almost like a scoff.
Nichtraucher: „I see.“
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Long silence. Justus stares out the window. Finally, he turns and walks to the door.
Bökh: „You know where to find me.“
Justus leaves the wagon. Robert nods to himself silently.
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Narrator (audiobook): And with these words, Herr Bökh leaves his friend’s train wagon. If the two will ever see each other again?
#das fliegende klassenzimmer#dfk 2023 audiobook translation#dfk#das fliegende klassenzimmer 2023#mine#this is the most scene of dfk 2023 to me. i am having so many feelings and thoughts about it#there is so much to unpack#i really hope this did it justice... the whole. silent staring obviously doesnt translate#the silence in general doesnt translate#i would recommend to actually watch the scene#the silence is so so pivotal#another addition;#ach gott ich nehm grad neue bilder auf weil diese szene hq wirklich wert ist#und ich komm immer noch nicht darüber hinweg dass justus den nichtraucher allen ernstes 7 SEKUNDEN LANG ANSTARRT WÄHREND DER SPÜLT#ich hab hier wirklich am image limit gekratzt#tbh mit dem foto von den kindern kann ich nichts anfangen aber es scheint nicht unwichtig zu sein so i included it#it cant be robert and justus cause these kids are waaayy too young#if robert and justus met in school#these kids are like. idk. 9??#and i assumed they met when they were around the age of the kids in this movie#but maybe i got it wrong??#its so funny at some point i dont even talk about the Main Things of this scene anymore and focus on the most miniscule details instead#thats probably bc ive watched it maybe 10 times now and literally know this scene by heart. but let us PLEASE talk about the Main Things#i am so ready to have endless discussions about justraucher#hopefully the last addition of tags;#ok honestly i made almost as many edits to the tags as i did to the post#cause i kept changing little things so my comments werent up to date anymore#i think this part will be my magnum opus out of them all. but who knows theres still 9 to come#i think it shows that this is my favourite 🙃#oh yes i also added mentions to the parallels. felt like these were significant
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honesttoglob · 10 months
Ok so few thoughts on the Season 2 Bigtop Burger Supercut:
- Apparently the "freakazoids" that Cesare and the underworld have been keeping tabs on are Cryptids. I had suspected the freakazoids in question might be demons as Hell is taking some responsibility for them but they're cryptids??? Man, that just makes me sad, leave bigfoot alone :(((((
- One of the cryptids pictured is Flatwoods Monster, who, according to legend, is also an alien. The other two appear to be Mothman and though I'm a bit fuzzy on this one some sort of bigfoot or yeti creature. He's wearing a lil stetson hat. Did Cesare use the stetson hat trick before?
- The second still shown in the credits appears to be Munkustrap descending onto Earth on some sort of spacecraft as the Bigtop and Zomburger crews watch. They appear to be in the same positions/outfits as when Cesare whack-a-moled Steve into hell. Which is????? Idk what to make of that. Could Flatwoods Monster have some kind of alien technology that they used to contact Clown World? Are we finally gonna have Clown vs Undead War??????? I wonder how Munkustrap will react to seeing other clowns in the pink-yellow-blue spotted outfit which Tim, Penny and Billie are wearing, which seems to be a pattern which all banished clowns are exiled in. Looking forward to see how he looks now that he's aged! Also, I like that this scene implies the Zomburger and Bigtop gangs stick together! Which I want them too! SO BADLY!!!
- As @fr0stmask mentioned in a reply on this post, the spacecraft Munkustrap is seen on is actually a tire, as in the musical Cats, cats who are deemed worthy are sent up to the Heaviside Layer on a TIRE!!! Thanks for the info!
- What if the Cats performance is literal, and one clown actually gets sent "up to the heaviside layer", and that's what happened to Munkustrap and how he got the tire spacecraft. Steve got booted out via banishment and Munkustrap was chosen to ascend, but in the end they both ended up in the same place.
- Frances, Conrad and Allen look visibly upset when they realize Cesare isn't actually proposing a truce and is still up to his antagonistic bullshit.
- The image of Cesare in his weird little Cabinet of Dr. Caligari coffin makes my stomach do little back filps. We've seen Tim, Penny, Billie, Frances, Conrad, Allen, and Steve all in their own homes (For Steve it's his truck where he sleeps) but Never Cesare! Seeing him in there makes me nervous honestly because in the image, his box/cabinet has two doors on its front, with no handles inside, which suggests it closes from the outside and he's "stored" in there and deanimated (seeing as his eyes are closed and this is the only time we've seen him at rest) when not in use. This would add metaphorical meaning to Cesare's comments about being a puppet vendor, as now that's all he is- a puppet. He looks like a little doll being stored in his box. This seems to suggest something I've long suspected, that the "1000 year sentence" Cesare is being held on by the underworld may be bullshit, and he won't actually be allowed to go on retirement. Instead, this idea of his sentence one day ending is merely meant to motivate and control him, like a carrot being held in front of a horse. Could that candle shown at the end be his lifeforce? When its lit maybe he's animate, while when its snuffed out, he's a lifeless husk kept in a box.
- You think Cesare's and Steve's footie pajamas have a similar narrative role? Like to make them easily identifiable as rejects (in Steve's case) or property (in Cesare's case)? You think they're just meant to be dehumanizing or a source of shame?
- Tim was the first one to find Steve, which makes me feel fucked up that Steve still doesn't know his name and seems to mis-name him the most :(((((( Tom and Toby???????? I mean I get that my man likely has memory issues, he's very old and he hit his head very hard on the ground and he refuses to go easy on that fckng juul
- Baby Tim is so cute and handsome I'm dying
- The alley Steve emerges into in the after credits scene seems to rememble the alley with the hole in the ground that Conrad recounts Cesare getting money from. Is this because the underworld was able to track Steve's ascent through the ground to Earth's surface? Is this the same hole Cesare enters and exits the underworld from?
- Also, Steve spits out some rocks when he reaches the surface. U think that's how he started thinking of rocks as food? They just kimda got in ther and he thought "mmmnm yummy!"
- Based on the timelime and my own calcumalations, Steve landed in Sweden, creating the crater which is now known as the Siljan ring, and emerged a whole continent over in North America (at least I'm assuming the show takes place in North America. The driving wheel is on the left side, right? And everyone has American accents? (Except Tim) Is that enough?)
I have a theory that Penny reminds Steve of his own mother. Both women have the same voice actress (Lindsay Small-Butera, my beloved ;-;), and in season one, while Steve is high, once he hears Penny's voice, he shapeshifts into his child form (which I think might have been the last time he saw his mom before she dropped him off at Christian-Acting Camp) and asks her for soup. He's even in the same Little Lord Fontleroy outift. Also, at the Food Truck Expo, when Steve sees Cesare approaching him, he hides behind Penny's back. Also, they have a similar appearance in hair color and clown makeup.
- Speaking of Steve's family, in the scene where Steve is about to be shot into space, there are three clowns who stick out from the crowd. One, with a haircut resembling Steve's mother's on the right (I believe this is her), Munkustrap in the center (at least I believe this is him, their hair and faces are similar) and a male figure on the left. I believe this figure on the left is Steve's father, and Munkustrap is either Steve's brother or past love interest (I think him being his brother is more realistic because him being Steve's love interest and sending him into space is I think too dark even for this show).
- I think the clown actors in Cats may only refer to eachother by their character names. Munkustrap is given no other name, and Steve being stripped of his name as "Old Deut" is seen as a big deal.
- I noticed whenever male clowns get old, their hair develops into sort of a tonsure style with a little dollop of hair sitting right in the middle of their bald spot. Peanut has this, along with Steve's father, and Steve is also developing this as well, based on the wicked widow's peak he has whenever his hat is off.
- bro I wanna see Cesare and Munkustrap interact so bad. What if they get jealous of eachother like, "No! I'm the only emo twink that gets to make Steve's life a living hell, who the fck are you???"
- I want them. To fight lol
- Cat fight!!!!!
- I may be stretching with this one but Munkustrap and Cesare just look kinda visually similar to me? At least with the black onesie and the dark unkempt hair. You think there's a reason for that? Or is it more metaphorical, as in these are just two people who have an impact on Steve's life in that they do their best to not let him fit in with the general society?
- In the still of Munkustrap descending from the sky, Conrad is build like a brick shit house frfr
Just needed to get these thoughts out of my head so they don't weigh down on my humors and make me bad at art and work and remembering to eat food and sleep and bathe and breathe for the next however many months it is before another episode O-O
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aangelinakii · 5 days
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characters written about in this piece: bruce wayne, clark kent, diana prince, barry allen, oliver queen, dinah lance
note : i LOVED this idea so much i literally like it is literally 5 in the morning i wrote it in an hour i was so hyped !! hopefully it was what you were asking for, thanks for requesting !
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BRUCE WAYNE — grumpy x sunshine
okay you guys saw this coming. he's literally batman, and there's a lot of debate about whether or not batman is the real persona,, so NATURALLY i think a grumpy x sunshine thing would go well with him. i did also read somewhere that his sexuality is villains, but who says a villain can't be happy go lucky ???? wait because i literally feel a fic coming up... batman x golden retriever!villain like... ????? but it's like, batman / bruce is known as just this rain cloud, no emotion, but with you he just melts and his heart grows warm, as does his tough exterior. he's used to having a family now, going through failed relationships (whore lol) but meeting you is just different. has he been dating the wrong people all his life ?
CLARK KENT — strangers to lovers
a romance blossoms with clark as a chance encounter. two tired office workers caught in the rain, the bus is late, they agree to flag down a taxi and share one together, but fuck you've forgotten your wallet (just your luck) so clark insists it's okay that he can pay, but you're not leaving that easy, you ask for his business card so you can call him when you're free to pay him back (you say you'll pay him half, but you actually pay him full). when you meet him again, you either ask to meet halfway at a park somewhere, or go up to the daily planet. "just in case a situation like this ever happens again" clark asks for your card too, but instead just calls you one night as you're eating a takeaway in front of your tv to (really shyly) ask you if you're seeing anyone and if you'd like him to take you out sometime :)))
DIANA PRINCE — "who did this to you?"
I JUST SCREAMed at protective!diana LIKE ???? i was going through pinterest looking for ideas to help and i saw this microtrope and i was like yes this is the one. like imagine heavily injured / on the brink of death, laying in a hospital bed or in the infirmary of the jl station, and your lover ( / friend / enemy / ????? ) diana storms in maddd as hell and shés like "who did this to you??? are you okay??? what happened??? more importantly who tf hurt you ????" so you tell her, and she spends some time with you, but as soon as your eyes begin to droop closed, she is Gone. diana isn't one to kill i don't think, she tries to see the good in everybody, but this person hurt you. maybe death isn't what's coming for them, but she'll make sure it counts.
BARRY ALLEN — best friends to lovers
what better way to form a romantic relationship with someone, than through a platonic friendship with them? barry knows you like the back of his hand, you know him like the back of yours. you've watched each other go through relationship after relationship, always wondering why your heart droops at the news of a new person in the mix, slightly altering your dynamic, but pings up again once it finds out the relationship had sizzled out. there was something aching between you, but that was just what friendships were like, right ? so why didn't you feel it with anyone else ? it turned into something more when external people began noticing too, asking if you were already dating,, and it became more obvious that perhaps your friendship could be something else.
OLIVER QUEEN — flirt x oblivious
ollie queen is a crippling flirt. he's used to a mere wink sending the ladies whirling, add an "oh yeah?" to the end of his sentence and he can see the dust of a blush along someone's cheeks. he knows the ins and outs. so why can't he flirt with you ??? WHY WONT YOU BLUSH ??? OR EVEN FLIRT BACK ??? you're oblivious !!!! he will compliment your appearance, the way you fight in battle, the way you spar (and purposely pin you down, but get off with a huff when you chuckle and say he's got you down already, no need to keep you there). he starts spending so much time with you, offering himself up to go on patrol / missions just so he can spend time bugging you. but it starts getting too much, until he realises he can't say a word around you. why is he getting tongue tied ?? he doesn't ?? oh god *gag* he.. likes you ???? it isn't until now, with him being more nervous around you, beginning to actually avoid you, that you start to notice.
DINAH LANCE — rivals to lovers
when i say rivals i don't mean properly pitting against each other, not by any means,, i mean say you're also in the justice league as well, a hero, whatever you like,,,, whenever you're put together on a mission together, it's a competition between who can take out the most bad guys, save the most innocents, who gets there the fastest etc. it's technically friendly bants but there's some competitiveness behind it that isn't exactly fake. you're friends / acquaintances for sure, but what happens when a kiss is on the stakes ??? "person who takes out the most of joker's henchmen gets a kiss from the winner"
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poppystheories · 4 months
An Eye Theory
There's been a lot of debate, over the years, about whether Mana ever loved "Allen".
In the flashback, we clearly see Mana is a compassionate man who wanted to help a kid in a bad situation; in his final moments as himself, he wanted to take Red away from the circus with him. He wanted them to leave together. But that was compassion, not love.
And then Apocryphos used Red's Innocence to shatter his mind. After that, it's very much a question of if Mana was even capable of loving "Allen", as mentally unstable as he was. From what we've seen, he was very affectionate, and though he got Allen the dog and Red the kid mixed up, he eventually went on to introduce "Allen" to the symbols. You don't try to teach a dog to read your secret code. He understood "Allen" was a person, but more than that, we don't really know.
But the soul the Earl excised out of himself and had Allen put into an Akuma did some stuff that doesn't line up with it being the soul of a completely clueless man.
If we go on the assumption that the Earl was trying to rid Mana of any inconvenient memories through this process, we can assume Akuma!Mana is a conglomerate of just more than "Mana Walker". My best guess is that when the Earl excised Akuma!Mana, the memories he was trying to get rid of included stuff that re-stabilized Mana Walker, including knowledge of what actually happened when he met Red. If we consider that as a possibility, a lot of other things become more explicable.
First: If he remembered their first meeting, Akuma!Mana could know that "Allen" was an accomodator with an already activated Innocence capable of combat, perfectly able to destroy a level 0. He also would know “Allen” was fated to be an exorcist, and the threat that Akuma therefore pose.
Second: Akuma!Mana could have gained access to some of the original Mana's knowledge, including stuff about the Earl, Akuma, and souls.
Akuma!Mana said the usual Akuma stuff, and did the usual Akuma stuff, which Akuma cannot seem to help. But Akuma!Mana also did more than that: the "I'll curse you!" wasn't just bluster. He actually did manage to "curse" Allen, which the Earl clearly didn't know about. The Earl must not have thought the Akuma even capable of it, so he certainly wasn't making the Akuma do that specifically.
Mana couldn't control all the instincts of the Akuma, but he could use them to his own advantage.
As evidence, we gotta go on a bit of a tangent:
In the second volume, Hoshino mentions a play that inspired Lala and Gozul. The play goes like this: Old servant falls in love with high-class young lady. She plays with his feelings and he dies. As a vengeful spirit, he decides to curse her. But in the end, he changes his mind, and decides that as a spirit, he'd rather protect her instead, so long as she promises to remember him.
I've seen people dismiss this play in the analysis of DGM before, because let's be real, the premise here is kinda creepy. And it doesn't seem to actually have much to do with Lala and Gozul besides the aesthetic of "old man" and "beautiful maiden".
But the concept of a vengeful spirit saying they'll curse someone they once loved, only to overcome their negative feelings and decide to protect that person instead is present in the story, in a pair of characters the deliberately parallel Lala and Gozul.
Or maybe even more than one pair of characters that parallel Lala and Gozul.
We'll be focusing on Mana and Allen for now though.
I pointed out before that Akuma!Mana didn't need prompting by the Earl to attack, unlike Claire. I think Mana was using the programming of the Akuma to his advantage; if he attacked, he could place the anchor (the star) he'll need on Allen's face without the Earl finding his actions suspicious, and Allen's Innocence would activate to protect Allen, destroying the Akuma shell and freeing his soul to latch on to that anchor.
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This gave Allen the ability to see souls, probably because it was Mana's power originally, ensuring Allen would be protected in the future. Thanks to this ability, most of the risk of being ambushed as an exorcist is minimized, so Allen’s career as an exorcist would be relatively safer.
Mana was the "vengeful spirit" (aka Akuma) that decided to become a guardian spirit of someone he loved instead, just like in the play. Allen is "younger loved one" that, in exchange for that protection, must carry Mana's memory.
But it's not just Mana's memory Allen carries, but Nea's too. Nea's also a spirit haunting a loved one, but he hasn't decided whether he wants to destroy or protect yet.
Of course, there’s no guarantee any of this is true. I might be completely off base here. But it’s my current theory, and I’m gonna roll with it, because it does explain a lot of things.
And, most importantly, means Akuma!Mana did mean it when he said he loved “Allen”.
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preet-01 · 6 months
The Many Boyfriends of Daniel Ricciardo
<< Prev ||| Next >>
Chapter 2: Who Does He Think He Is?
Everyone knew that Daniel loved all things American.
You just had to spend a few minutes with him and you'd realize that the Australian was absolutely, undeniably charmed by the United States. Though his affections were specifically focused on Texas and cowboys, he did appreciate other things as well.
Like football.
Daniel loved football. He may not fully understand all the intricacies of the sport or the vast history, but he did love it.
All the other drivers knew just how much Daniel loved American football and how many times during race weekends, he could be seen watching a game or telling Blake to record it for him to watch later.
None of them expected a football player to actually encroach on Daniel's inner circle. To carve out a space for his rather large self in Daniel's close-knit group of lovers. Making room for Scotty had been easy, but Josh Allen? No, they did not like it one bit.
Despite Max's best efforts of keeping Daniel in Monaco in their shared apartment building or Lando's efforts in keeping Daniel in Woking, Daniel ends up in Buffalo, New York (a place that most of the drivers didn't even know was a real place).
From there on, it's just bit by bit of realizing that they would have to deal with the American for more than just a little bit like it typically was with Daniel's LA friends.
Max should be happy, basking in Daniel's company and delighting at the sight of the crop top that the McLaren media team had gotten Daniel to wear, but instead, he was grumbling about a big, burly American football player manhandling Daniel all around the paddock as if he was the only one to have Daniel's attention.
"Who does he think he is?" Max grumbles as he talks to Charles. They’d all seen how this Josh Allen never left Daniel’s side and looked like some lovesick fool. (They all also chose to completely ignore that they looked like that when Daniel’s undivided attention was on them.)
"Does he not know that Daniel is taken?" Charles questions in response, his eyes narrowed as he watches this so-called football player catch popcorn in his mouth that Daniel was throwing. Charles could do that too, why did Daniel need someone new when the rest of them were so good at catching things in their mouth.
In another part of the paddock, Lewis and George were watching the same scene with the same annoyance. "I hope that your team beats his team," George says. He doesn't know a lick of American Football, but he does know that he doesn't want the latest entry on the list of boyfriends to win.
"I want that too, but he's annoyingly good," Lewis mutters. "Maybe we should set an F1 curse on them or something," he says. Lewis only partly considers how influential Nico's selfie curse would be on football outcomes.
In his opinion, Lando thinks he has it the worst. Sharing a garage and a wall between drivers' rooms meant that he got to hear and see everything. And a guy like Josh Allen was intimidating, to say the least, so he couldn't even do something about it.
He rolls his eyes when he sees this Josh guy pick up and twirl Daniel in the garage. Sure, he couldn't do that, but he could do other things. Lando's sure he's more flexible than the hulk-like man Daniel seems to want in his bed after the race is over. He's not as flexible as Lewis, but he is much more flexible than Max and George, and definitely more flexible than the American.
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thisapplepielife · 10 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
A Solid Plan
Prompt Day 5: Domestic Fluff | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: Light E | CW: Sexual Content | Tags: Established Relationship, Teamwork Makes the Dream Work, If You Build It: He Will Come, Idiots in Love, Silly Sex Mishaps, First Apartment, Flat Pack Furniture
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"Are you sure you don't need the instructions?" Eddie asks, and Steve shakes his head. He definitely doesn't need the directions. It's like a picture booklet, more than actual plans on how to build this thing. So, he's good without, he's pretty sure.
"No, it's not that hard," Steve says, for the tenth time. 
It's a bookshelf, not rocket science. 
"Because, I think-" 
"Eddie! Just let me do this, okay?" Steve snaps, cutting him off. 
Eddie makes the motion for zipping his lips, and throwing away the key. 
Steve smiles at him, can't not. Even if he's tired of putting together all this furniture. But he'll do it, for Eddie. 
Eddie dragged him into this huge store, with names he can't pronounce, picking out pieces they had to put together themselves. That's not Steve's experience with furniture. Growing up, a truck brought a new couch, or a new bed frame, and the delivery guys just carried it through the double doors. Ready to use. 
This? Is not that. They don't have the money for that kind of treatment, at least not right now. So, they're stuck with this headache. This is Lego furniture, he's pretty sure. But it's made out of particle board instead of plastic. 
It's okay. Right now all they can afford is furniture with vaguely shitty instructions. 
So, Steve turns the Allen wrench that came with it, tightening all the pieces until he has a bookshelf. He stands it up. 
"See? Done," Steve says. 
"Anything look wrong?" Eddie asks, a smug look on his face.
Steve looks at it, really looks. 
The back panel is on backwards. Fuck. 
"Shit, I can fix it." 
"You wouldn't have had to fix it if you used the instructions," Eddie taunts, but he's smiling. 
"Yes, you're right. I'm wrong," Steve says, dryly. 
"Damn straight," Eddie says, but he holds onto it while Steve unscrews the back panel, so he can flip it around and screw it back on, the right way.
The bed frame takes both of them to assemble, and Steve isn't sure it's going to be sturdy enough to sleep on. Let alone fuck on. He should have brought his bedroom furniture from home. It's a little ugly, and his mom's taste, not his own, but it was solid wood. But they didn't want to move it halfway across the country.
So, now, they're stuck doing this, and Steve hopes it'll hold up until they can afford something better, sturdier.
Once it's built, Eddie helps him put the sheets on, and then he sits on it delicately. Eddie is thrilled, Steve is skeptical. 
He was right to be skeptical. One thrust too hard, and Steve hears it give way at the same time they're suddenly falling. 
They hit the floor, the mattress falling straight through the slats, the legs giving way to total collapse. Steve is stunned. He knew it was possible, but he wasn't expecting this to happen. Not really. Okay, maybe a little. But not the very first night. He thought it'd give way under heavy use. Not just fall to pieces immediately.
Maybe he put it together wrong.
"Shit!" Eddie yells, "Are you okay?" 
Steve's fine, but that was a rough ride. Eddie's somehow still in his ass, but he's gone half-hard from the unexpected scare. 
It really shouldn't have been so unexpected. Steve definitely predicted this exact thing to happen. 
"I'm pulling out," Eddie says, and Steve laughs. 
"Sounds like a solid plan," Steve answers, bracing for it. 
Eddie laughs with him as he eases out of his body. 
"You sure you're okay?" Eddie asks, rubbing his hand against Steve’s back. 
"I'm fine," Steve assures. "The bed? Uh, I think we killed it." 
Eddie laughs, then accuses, "Why would you pick this bed?! You nearly killed us!" 
Steve just laughs. Eddie picked the bed, but he'll take the blame. He doesn't mind. 
"Are you really okay?" Eddie asks, laying his cheek on Steve's back. 
"I'm fine. You didn't break your dick, did you?" 
"No. Just scared it," Eddie teases, pressing his lips to Steve's shoulder. Again. And again. 
Steve knows Eddie's kissing his moles. It's not an unusual occurrence. 
Once they've caught their breath, and stopped laughing, they get dressed and clean up the broken pieces, throwing them in a pile, then shoving their mattress on the floor. 
"This'll do," Eddie says. 
And Steve nods. It will, for now. He knows Eddie's bed at home didn't have a bed frame, so it's definitely not a necessity to him.
While Steve doesn't want to crawl up off the ground forever, they can do it for a while until they find something. They're still young. 
Steve looks in the phonebook the next day for thrift stores in the area. He's gonna find something heavy. It can be ugly as sin, as long as it's made of actual solid wood. He writes down five places that advertise furniture, not just clothes, and they get in the truck and go. 
The first place has nothing, but the second has something that's perfect. It's a little scratched up, but it looks like it'd stay exactly where they put it. And it's a bargain, with two nightstands included in the price.
Steve watches as the employee takes the tag to the front, and organizes for the pieces to be taken to the truck. 
He pays, and outside, in the daylight, it's uglier than he thought. The lamp that Eddie has in his hand is absolutely hideous. It has fringe. Together, it feels like it weighs a combined thousand pounds, but Eddie helps him load them into the back of the pickup. 
The new frame is not easy to put back together with no instructions, but he finally gets it done. And Eddie flips the switch on the lamp that's now on his nightstand. 
"Let there be light," Eddie says, and Steve flops on the bed. 
It doesn't give an inch. 
But maybe later, if he's lucky, Eddie will give him seven.
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Notes: IKEA was in the US by the late 80s, just not near Hawkins. So, if this stuff came from IKEA, they moved far, far away for this one to happen, lol.
And here's a little piece on how IKEA utilized the power of the Allen wrench for their flat pack furniture.
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! 🛏️
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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sammaggs · 14 days
due South Season 4 Personal Viewing Order
After @dirtyzucchini's amazing Season 3 Personal Viewing Order post, there was some call to do the same for Season 4—so I'm going to give it my best shot!
sammaggs' viewing order for season 4
Hunting Season
Easy Money
A Likely Story
Dr. Longball
Mojo Rising
Good for the Soul
Mountie Sings the Blues
The Ladies' Man
Dead Men Don't Throw Rice
Say Amen
(+13.) Call of the Wild
I've sort of merged the original airing order with the DVD/YouTube order here while moving a few other things around, and here's why!
I know putting Hunting Season first seems kind of insane on first blush, but hear me out: every single other season of due South starts in Canada. Every single one! Pilot and North and Burning Down the House all open in the Northwest Territories, and so does Hunting Season. I also prefer to put Hunting Season earlier in the season alongside the other "woman interloper threatens Fraser's partnership" episodes in season 4 (A Likely Story, Odds). We get a little happy Fraser moment right off the top, and now we don't have to consider why Ray would have run off to Mexico with some woman right after the Henry Allen. So that's that.
Easy Money is next because it's kind of meh and it seems extremely like a repurposed Vecchio episode, so really shouldn't go any later in the season. Lots of early season callbacks (tracking things in Chicago, money in the hat, etc.). But also Ray going feral over Fraser being kidnapped. That much feeling for his partner probably has him a little in his own head, leading to:
The interlopersodes, which I like in their original airing order quite early in the season—it allows for some post-Mountie on the Bounty gay panic (maybe I still like women! maybe you still like women? wait, maybe I'm jealous of women that are around you? wait, maybe I didn't actually like that woman after all, I just thought I should?). But that can't and doesn't last, and so we move on from that moment by the time we're done with episode 5.
I put Dr. Longball between A Likely Story and Odds 1) to break up the monotony of the two similarly-themed episodes with something more lighthearted, and b) because it actually does make sense to me that after the motorcycle refenestration and Luanne's rejection and Ray's subsequent soul-searching that he might do something as stupid as run off to Mexico with a perp in a last-ditch effort to be still thinking about women. It doesn't work; Fraser gets his ass back hard in Odds; that whole sub-plot is over. No more women, boys.
Then we've got Mojo Rising, because it's also kind of a meh episode and I like to get it out of the way in the first half. Like Ray in earlier episodes, Dief chooses Fraser for good in the end of the ep, so that's settled. Seasonally I also like it here instead of earlier as everyone is wearing their coats. Ray and Fraser are working well together but things do feel a little tentative.
Good for the Soul I like smack-dab in the middle of the season since it is the Christmas episode, and also because it's the moment where we really establish Fraser's found family once and for all. The 2-7 backs him, Ray backs him, it's Christmas, everyone loves each other. This is a heavy one and one of Fraser's most internally-challenging episodes, so it's nice to sandwich it between two less-stressful hours.
That's why I've got Mountie Sings the Blues next. It also introduces the idea of the Frannie/Turnbull romance (which I love), starting her down the path of letting Fraser go for good. The Ladies' Man is next; this is another heavy one and Ray's most internally-challenging episode, keeping it close to Good for the Soul but with a necessary emotional reprieve between. Ray and Fraser are about as close as they're ever going to be as partners, here. They've worked hard for it.
Dead Men Don't Throw Rice is nice toward the end of the season for a few reasons: It's Frannie at her best—she's both useful and dedicated to the case, and she's also got herself a new boyfriend, finally telling Fraser it's over between them—but it's also Bob Fraser's set-up for the finale. Benton's work isn't quite done yet, but Bob's nearly is.
Say Amen comes in penultimately with the series' thesis statement on love at first sight and true partnership, and really puts the final nail in the coffin on Fraser using his magic for anyone other than himself and the man he loves. And then we run off to the Northwest Passage in Call of the Wild and that's all she wrote folks
So that's that!! Huge huge thank you to @allofthebeanz and @dirtyzucchini for betaing this and giving me such great feedback. Please do comment, I would love your thoughts, this is still a working list!
PLAYLIST: Thanks to @dirtyzucchini, this season 4 order now exists as a Playlist on YouTube!!
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miss-eli-starfleet · 5 months
Okay. This post is gonna be about Bart Allen, and all the Thawne-Allen stuff.
Tagged bc we both love Bart’s Thawne Allen problem: @themaybewoman
This is what I’ve gathered so far about his existence is hopefully comic accurate, but maybe not continuity accurate:
It starts with Iris West. Apparently, it’s recently revealed to me (today) that this girl is actually from the 31st century. Because of the semi-dystopian era of her birth, her real parents sent her back in time to the 21st century to keep her safe. She was adopted by the Wests, but she doesn’t know her future origins until later on.
She meets Barry as a news reporter, and they marry. When they were thinking about having kids, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne comes along and murders her because his likes to make Barry’s life as miserable as possible. But because she’s from the future, her parents found some magic comic book science to “revive” her, thus placing her in the 31st century to live her life.
Barry finds out she’s alive in the future, and basically goes into retirement to live with her in the 31st century. He passes the mantle of The Flash to Wally West. Why he doesn’t just get her and bring her back to the 21st century, I’ll never know. Or he just wanted her to be with her real parents (which i would assume she barely knows lol).
I was trying so hard to find out why Barry decided to raise their children in the 31st century, but we have our answer there. Iris is future girl. Their children, Don and Dawn Allen, later operates as the Tornado Twins much like Barry did as the Flash. In Central City, I’m assuming. There was some clashing with the Legion of Superheroes, basically the 31st century’s version of the Justice League, but whatever. Not really important to Bart’s existence.
Dawn Allen marries Jeven Ognats. They have a daughter named Jenni Ognats, who later joins the Legion of Superheroes as XS. Jenni is Bart’s cousin.
Don Allen marries Meloni Thawne, and that’s where this gets more complicated.
Meloni Thawne is the daughter of Earthgov President Thaddeus Thawne, who irrc is a direct descendant of Eobard Thawne. When President Thawne learned of this marriage, the dude’s pissed because the Thawne-Allen feud is still on in his mind. He disowns his daughter, indirectly has the Tornado Twins killed via Dominators, and then kidnaps Bart.
Idk where Barry is in all this, maybe he went into the Speedforce and just chilled there through all this?
Now Bart had this hyper-accelerated aging thing going on as a side effect of being born a speedster (I think). Like nearly a teen by two yrs I think. Thawne grandfather stuck him in this VR so he can grow up “normally”, intending to make him a living weapon against the Flashfam. I’m pretty sure Meloni was locked up or something during that period of time too? Otherwise she would’ve done something about this.
Iris kidnaps Bart, and takes him to the 21st century via the Flash Museum’s Cosmic Treadmill (how they used that idk), hoping that Bart would have Wally West as a mentor. Instead, Wally ditches him to Max Mercury to be trained, and it plays on his low self esteem. Wally was pretty mean to him at some times, like when he gets recruited for the Teen Titans as Kid Flash.
But, hey, Wally did run him around the world fast enough to fix his accelerated aging problem.
Anyways, he gets some visits from his other cousin, Jenni, and his mom in the Impulse 1995 series, which was so fun to read. It was so cool to read them talking to each other in Interlac he Max being all confused.
This all makes me wonder: was Meloni ever Don’s lightning rod? As to Iris is Barry’s lightning rod?
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minhio22 · 1 month
uhh can I order the Zinnia flower for hajun yeon?) plss and hii I recently discovered your blog and I already like it ^u^)/
Zinnia - confessing how much they are missing you
Actually wrote this yesterday right after i finished that other shiki oneshot like the insane person i am instead of sleeping eventho i have like classes tomorrow but i hope u enjoy it took me a while CAUSE LIKE IT WAS SO HARD TO THINK OF WHAT STORYLINE WOULD MAKE HAJUN CONFESS THAT RKDBDKJD but i enjoyed writing it fr. Slight angst maybe? Also enjoy ur stay at my kinda half dead blog where i yap about stuff 🫶
You were packing your luggage. Clothes, toiletries, some snacks and your favourite stuffed animals. You were busy either trying to play tetris with it or just doing the art of stuffing everything inside as long as it fits while Hajun was leaning against the door frame of your bedroom watching you as you packed. He had came by earlier saying he needed to grab something that he forgotten to take with him the last time he was at your place but in reality he felt unsettled that you were leaving the country. Not that you were leaving for good. It was the school holidays so you being an international student at the international private university the two of you go to only make sense that you would return home during these times.
It tugged at his heart strings as he saw you pack, he didn't want you to go. To him it felt like he was being left alone again, tossed aside after his use was done but he knew you didn't think of him like that. You never would. You were too kind for that sort of thing. When you first told him that you were planning to go back, his face fell a bit but it was so slight that even you who has managed to see thorough him from time to time didn't pick it up. Despite however reluctant he was, he still upgraded your ticket to first class behind your back due to the fact you wouldn't let him buy your plane ticket back.
“Is there something you need Hajun?” You had just noticed him leaning against your doorframe as he stared at you. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“Of course I did. I have a great memory you know?” Hajun had put on his usual smile masking the fact that he was going to miss you dearly and that he didn't actually leave anything behind last time.
“Oh? But you forgot it here the last time?” You raised an eyebrow.
Hajun just chuckled. “What if I said it was because I wanted an excuse to come and see you alone?” He smirked.
At that you turned your head back to your luggage flushing slightly at his slightly florty remarks.
“Oh? Are you blushing now?”
“W-what?! No of course not!” You stuttered out. Ah the kind of reaction he manages to get out of you. “Oh by the way could you help water my plants while I'm gone?”
“Should I let them shrivel and die instead?” Hajun teased as he noticed that you left your bag of face care products on your bedside table. He picked it up and tapped it gently on your cheek.
You glanced up at him noticing that you had forgotten to pack it up and you gently took it from him. “You wouldn't dare let them die. Right?” You looked up at his eyes which just held a mischievous glint.
“I'm just joking with you. I'll water them for my precious partner.”
When it was time to send you off, all the members of BAE were there. You were talking with Anne as they hugged you and told you lots of stuff. After you were done talking with Anne and Allen, Hajun accompanied you to the security gate. The two of you walking in silence, you not knowing what to say to him. The two of you were holding hands as you walked, his grip firm and steady and his demeanour confident as usual as if his heart wasn't racing at the fact he has to part with you.
It was when the two of you stopped near the security gate that he finally said something. “Take care okay?” His gentle squeeze of your hand makes you melt a bit.
“I'll be gone for just two weeks okay? And don't forget to water my plants, Hajun.”
Hajun seemed amused at the fact that you just had to remind him about your plants but it's not like he would purposely not water them and let them die.
“I will, so don't worry.” He pecked your cheek wanting to give you a kiss on the lips instead but he held himself back.
You didn't expect that. You didn't expect him to do that. It felt so weird that you had trouble thinking a bit but he just ushered you saying that you're going to be late if you don't get a move on. You gave his hand one last squeeze before you left to pass the gates leaving Hajun to his own thoughts.
The two weeks felt quite fast for you but to Hajun it felt like time was dragging itself. You called and texted him often when you're not busy with your family or the friends you had back there. Back in Japan, Hajun was doing what he usually does, model, prepare for stage battles with BAE and the such. There were times he missed you so much that the calls and text didn't do much. He would never admit to it. It took an even heavier toll on him when he gets his trap reactions after performances.
It started like it usually would, in his house back in Korea with his parents telling him how he was unneeded after his half brother, Dongha was born. How he was later sent to Japan to make ‘networks’, how even until now these memories still haunt him. Even more when the trap reaction added the thought of you leaving him for another better man, how you would leave him after he had no value. During times like these Hajun would hold close the plushie that you left in his room, desperate for comfort in any form. He would never tell anyone though, this was between him and god.
The day you came back, it was already quite late at night and BAE had just finished a performance when Hajun had come to fetch you in that limousine of his. People at the airport were staring but you were too tired to tell Hajun off about it. You just sat side by side, shoulders touching. You were slightly worried about Hajun getting a trap reaction and at first you had denied for him to come pick you up but he was adamant. In the end he won and here you were. You leaned your head against his shoulder, taking in the comfort his presence brought to you after being away for so long. Hajun just let you be, none of his smarty remarks coming to bite you this time. Instead he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. He could tell that his trao reaction wasn't far from happening but he wanted to come pick you up. To make sure you really didn't leave him behind.
You had decided to stay over at BAE’s shared apartment that night. You had changed and all the luggage you brought sat in a corner of Hajun’s room as you laid in bed next to him. His breathing was heavy, and you knew it was going to be a long night. Hajun, always so attractive, looked even more attractive to you when his tinted glasses were off. His face bare to you but you knew now wasn't a good time to be thinking about that as his grip on you got tighter, the symptoms of his trap reaction taking place. He would rarely let you see him like this, only some rare occasions where it got so bad that he had to confide in you.
And every time it never fails to pain you how someone as confident and strong as Hajun could be reduced to something like this just from the phantometal’s reaction. The memory of that one ti-
“Y/n.” His words came out so soft but so pained that you snapped out of your thoughts as you looked at him. His eyes were unfocused, his breathing shallow and his grip on you tight. You know compared to the others Hajun had a better time at keeping it in check, suppressing it but it still hurt all the same to see him in this state.
“Don't leave me.” Were the words that shocked you. You didn't expect him to say that but you guessed it made sense with what he had been through. You just pulled him closer as you mumbled out how you weren't going to, how the thought had never passed in your mind.
It took a while of coaxing and reassurances to get Hajun to calm down back to normal. By then you were nodding off, barely able to stay awake anymore. Hajun who had just managed to get through the night once again saw your eyes drooping as he rubbed your back soothingly, trying to get you to just succumb to sleep knowing you needed it just as much as he does.
“Hajun… I missed you…” You mumbled out sleepily. It wasn't clear if you had intended to say that to him but he heard it all the well.
Hajun let his guard down even more to you that night as he whispered out to you that he had missed you too, the words that his ego wouldn't let him say when you're fully awake but maybe someday. Hajun wasn't sure if you would remember but if you did you would probably think it as a dream but he was fine with it.
“I missed you.” Hajun whispered right next to your ear, his breath hitting your ear gently as he continued to lull you to sleep.
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I’ve had a certain interview with Rob James-Collier and Allen Leech pop back into my brain after lying dormant for years - the one in which they suggest that Thomas run a gay bar, and Tom run an Irish bar, and they be business rivals. My first thought: “Oh! That would be a fun modern AU!” But then I thought: “What if canon era though????” So... uh... this is what I’ve got:
At some point after the events of the first film, Tom decides to run an Irish pub instead of the car business he was managing with Talbot (Mary/Henry divorce mayhaps?). He’s desperate to get some space from the Crawleys and find himself again.
Meanwhile, Chris has been recently released from prison. Thomas has been exchanging letters with him on the quiet for all the months he was locked up, and they have become good friends. Chris wants to arrange meet-ups with the rest of the Turton’s crew, but everyone is understandably skittish about squatting in another abandoned building.
Tom finds out about all of this because of [muffled sounds behind hand] reasons, and he’s like, “Wait! I think English cops should go fuck themselves, as well. You fellas should use the back room of my pub for your parties. We can stick it to the man together.” Thomas is... not impressed. But Chris is not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
And perhaps Tom bizarrely, impossibly finds himself drawn to this new Thomas, who dances and laughs and drinks with his fellow gays. Maybe that funny, happy, beautifully alive man is... sexy? But even if Tom really did feel that way - which of course he doesn’t - it wouldn’t matter. Because obviously Thomas and this Chris guy are some sort of item. Neither of them have ever actually said that, but clearly they are. Probably? Maybe?
Branrow shippers, is this anything??? Genuinely do not know at this point.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough, Ch 3
The master of the ceremonies, Mr. King, who introduces Henry Tilney and Catherine Morland is one of the two real people mentioned as characters in Austen's novels (the other being Humphrey Repton in Mansfield Park, a real famous landscaper). Mr. King was retired by the time of publication.
I love Henry's description:
He seemed to be about four or five and twenty, was rather tall, had a pleasing countenance, a very intelligent and lively eye, and, if not quite handsome, was very near it. His address was good, and Catherine felt herself in high luck.
Ah, he is well matched with "almost pretty" Catherine Morland.
Henry Tilney is a lot like a male Elizabeth Bennet, "there was an archness and pleasantry in his manner" and "there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner" (Pride & Prejudice, Ch 10) sound very similar. We also have the descriptions of their eyes being intelligent.
Now because I believe in Henry Tilney Supremacy, let me point out that Henry went to a ball where he didn't know anyone and instead of making everyone else uncomfortable (DARCY!) or just not going and doing his business (Knightley), he uses of the Master of Ceremonies to get a partner and then is just delightful. Darcy begins with insulting Elizabeth and Henry begins by being utterly charming. Just the best guy.
He starts with a hilarious bit, and while Catherine isn't sure if she's allowed to laugh, she's clearly enjoying herself. Then Tilney offers two opposing things for her to write in her journal:
Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings—plain black shoes—appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense.
I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King; had a great deal of conversation with him—seems a most extraordinary genius—hope I may know more of him. That, madam, is what I wish you to say.
Clearly the second passage is what Catherine would actually write, though maybe not that Tilney was an extraordinary genius. She is having a very good time.
Then they discuss if women or men write better letters. Catherine is unsure that women are superior, and after some gentle teasing Henry basically agrees and says this lovely progressive opinion:
"I should no more lay it down as a general rule that women write better letters than men, than that they sing better duets, or draw better landscapes. In every power, of which taste is the foundation, excellence is pretty fairly divided between the sexes."
And then we get to Henry's most famous attribute, he understands muslins!
Catherine is a bit confused by Henry's behaviour, but she does like it (and him). However, we again have some Elizabeth Bennet vibes with this observation, "Mr. Tilney was polite enough to seem interested in what she said; and she kept him on the subject of muslins till the dancing recommenced. Catherine feared, as she listened to their discourse, that he indulged himself a little too much with the foibles of others"
There are many who think Catherine is too unintelligent to be paired with Henry Tilney, but he clearly has more respect for her than Mrs. Allen, who we are told has, "a trifling turn of mind". She is catching more of his jokes than her chaperone.
She has detected a flaw in Mr. Tilney! (This will apparently be very much forgotten later). Catherine also tells something of a lie, but then is immediately honest about it:
Catherine coloured, and said, “I was not thinking of anything.” “That is artful and deep, to be sure; but I had rather be told at once that you will not tell me.” “Well then, I will not.”
The narrator then points out that it is very bad for a heroine to think fondly of a man before he is known to love her. This is a reference to a ridiculous letter in The Rambler, where it is written: That a young lady should be in love, and the love of the young gentleman undeclared, is an heterodoxy which prudence, and even policy, must not allow. It's pretty nuts, read the whole thing if you are curious.
And we see proof of Mr. Allen's sensibleness, he quickly inquire into Mr. Tilney and finds him to be from a good family and a clergyman. Catherine is being well cared for!
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
What is a random scene you would have liked to have seen in canon?
0. Markus converting machine Connor / Connor having no choice but to deviate on his own due to SI reaching some peak, without a choice to remain non-deviant
I don't like the scene with him "become deviant/stay a machine". It's the most underwhelming while also most awaited scene of the game that could have been better, whether by having a scene that shows Markus converting him (slipping into his memories through an interface and making it a combined effort in breaking those walls for him) or through some kind of emotional shock (maybe later in the game)
If there is a scenario in which he has no choice but to remain a machine, there should have been the opposite. Markus vs Connor fight scene being only available in machine route is a crime.
I hate hate hate how that's the only decision he can make while Connor can decide to change his mind on this. I mean, I get it, but also, I wish there was a way for Connor to turn deviant somewhere during or after this scene. And I know there are people (exactly one lol) who'll fucking bite me for that and call me a stupid mf but Yeah, I want that
"You're a machine, Connor. Just a machine"
Well, there could have been literally no choice for Connor to become anything else, and you're a fucking hypocrite
1.1 OR Connor throwing himself off that roof like he does with Allen, but it being like
Hank: "<...> But humans don't come back, do they?"
Connor: "No, they don't. But I will."
2. Connor calling Hank out on his bullshit after shooting Chloe (previously being shot himself)
The fact that we can Never call him up on his hypocrisy is ANNOYING. I want to rub it back at him.
3. Markus(maybe together with North) meeting Kamski
Being presented with a test, but turning the gun on Kamski, or instead stretching a hand to help Chloe up (while converting), then handing the gun to her to decide.
I want a reverse-kamski test.
4. Alice saying Kara who she is when they're at Rose.
Get rid of that stupid fucking policeman scene and finally make it about Alice and Kara. And remove that stupid twist about her "knowing all along"
5. Jericrew members each talking about their past and how they got to Jericho first chapter they're introduced.
Not only North (although she might be the one who reveals her story later, like she does in canon)
6. Amanda showing more appealing traits making the player like her (more).
Making her look reasonable and trustworthy, not only strict and chronically disappointed to the point where status "betrayed" makes the player celebrate instead of going "oh, I think I might have fucked up". I don't have a specific scene in mind for this, just a general vibe.
Show me. At least one scene, I'm begging. I don't know the context, whether it's Markus's final speech where EVERYONE is taking their skin off (please, why isn't it real), or maybe he himself turns it off to make a point, perhaps in response to Hank's whining about "what are you really" and him going skinless looking him dead in the eyes and going "a machine" or actually not saying anything, turning the skin off is enough of a power-move that doesn't require more words to be said out loud.
8. RA9 obsession among at least one of the protagonists. How is that they're all immune to that?
I don't know if I'd like it to be played along with RA9 = the player with some of them breaking the fourth wall and saying something like "RA9, help me" looking straight into the camera, or for it to be something completely different but idk, I really wish something could have been done about it. Perhaps it being a password needed to break the walls/escape the garden?
9. Appearance of current CyberLife CEO on the news or if not CEO then SOMEONE who's currently working in that company.
How is it possible that we only see Kamski who had been away from CyberLife for years and know absolutely nothing about who's currently in charge? Show usss, let them say something publicly.
10. More Perkins scenes.
Let him live his villain era to the fullest. Perhaps making him machine Connor's new partner after he's out of the DPD. I wanna see the two of them working together in order to achieve common goal of stopping Markus.
I think I'm forgetting something...ah YES (ignore the order, it means little about the significance of those non-existent scenes)
11. Markus crying during the revolution
Not only when Carl dies. (Why is it more soul-crushing for him than the death of his friend or lover?)
I can never understand how could they create a scene where Simon/North is literally giving him their heart and him taking it with barely any visible emotion. And in general, the way Markus can loose all of them, every single one of them, and never tear up. FUCK, let him SOB
If not here, make him have tears during his final speech or close to the end of it. From all the weight from recent events and grieve accumulated over the time of the game to the point where it's not possible to contain it in a stoic way. He's not a damn captain Picard to take everything with a strict frown.
Okay. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but it's a solid list already.
Thank you for the ask! Fuming about scenes that don't exist but could have been cool is never getting old with this game...
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toytle · 5 months
Hi! I love your art style it's like. Breathtaking. And your hcs on barry are some of my favourites of all time?
What do you think of "The Ballad of Barry Allen by Jim's Big Ego as an analysis of Barry's character?
are you asking or are you telling me 🤨 lol THANK YOU i put all my headcanon power into him <3
for the ballad, i love their song stress, and this isn’t bad at all as far as fansongs go. but there’s a reason i don’t include it in my barry playlist, and it’s ultimately bc it doesn’t fit my narrative haha
the song was made in 2003 and i haven’t read many comics before then, so idk how well it aligns w barry’s characterization prior to flashpoint, but i’m basing my playlist off post-flashpoint, so that’s where a lot of the differences will lie
for starters, the song only includes one half of barry’s relationship to his superspeed, and it’s important to me that a barry interpretation includes both sides of that coin. instead, it’s playing on the idea of the dark side of the hero fantasy, an inherently optimistic genre. which, fair, being a superhero sounds like a nightmare, but that angle is less novel to me when that’s the extent of the analysis (and i’m a little over the whole “i hate being a superhero” storyline in general, personally). the song is basically abt how much it would suck to have superspeed bc the world slows to a crawl and you’re left behind bc no one else can keep up w you. and it’s true, that is a very real setback! especially for someone like barry who’s already prone to self-isolation and time management issues! but what does the song actually have to say abt him as a character?
the thing is, barry isn’t a “i wish i wasn’t a hero” kind of guy. he’s a “could i be so strong [to give up the flash]? or do i love the thrill of these powers too much?” kind of guy. he’s a “knowing what i know now… if i could go back in time… maybe i would’ve been somewhere else the day lightning struck my lab and electrified those chemicals, ready and willing to forfeit a life of dodging deathtraps and battling villains… who am i kidding? there’s no going back. no do-overs. like everyone else, superheroes can only follow the path destiny has laid out for them, whatever lies ahead.” kind of guy. yes, barry is caged by his superspeed, but it would be misleading to not present it first and foremost as the very thing that frees him. it’s a double-edged sword that gives him purpose, and that freedom in obligation is what motivates him to keep going. as a wise man once said, “all you can do is go forward.” (“thanks.” “superman is pretty smart isn’t he.” “hm.”)
i think the real kicker for me was this lyric: “i’ve got time to think about the past… how my life was so exciting before i got this way.” my sincerest apologies to mr. allen, but he does not feel complete to me without his mother’s death or his father’s false imprisonment. this backstory contextualizes everything for me. his life was NOT exciting before his superspeed, it was lonely and full of escapism, either in his sci-fi/comics or his dedication to finding justice. i am of the belief that barry didn’t truly start living until he got his superspeed, over 2 decades of waiting around before he rly understood freedom and what it meant to live for himself. i get what they’re trying to do here, but this is what i mean when i say it feels like the song characterizes barry around the concept of his speed rather than how barry’s speed defines him as a person
ik i can’t expect a 4min song to include every aspect of a character’s timeline/development/nuance (esp before some of that even existed lol), but my issue isn’t that it doesn’t cover enough ground—it’s not bad that they had a theme and stuck by it, i actually love the lyrics from a speedster perspective. my issue is that i don’t think this is a good framing for barry’s character as a whole. for all his regrets and suffering, barry is optimistic to the point of denial. choosing this to be The theme to represent barry just. doesn’t feel like barry to me. it’s more like barry is the placeholder subject as an excuse to sing abt superspeed
if this was somehow less overtly a “BARRY ALLEN FANSONG” and maybe more metaphorical or even non-fandom, then it would be a dif situation and i might have dif opinions. at the end of the day, this has more to do w my pickiness than the quality of the song, and the fact that it even exists is so exciting for me as a barry allen enjoyer first, human second. but if you’re going to call smth a character study, i Will be getting my hopes up
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AU where Savitar, being Barry Allen's variant, kicks Zoom and Eobard's butts in the s9 finale
Better idea than canon ffs. Also, I do not know Sav as well as I know normal Barry so I apologize if I get his characterization wrong
He does side with the bad guys at first (I am not calling them the Legion of Zoom. who approved that shit) but ultimately plans to betray them soon as he gets what he wants/needs; changing the future enough to bring himself back into existence (idk how it would work but alas, neither did the writers).
The betrayal would probably come a little early, working on the same side as those who killed his dad and mom respectively would understandably be diffcult; and Savitar doesn't hold back like Barry. I actually think it would happen when Thawne goes after Nora (XS), I say that cause I really don't think even Savitar would try to kill his own daughter without reason; so when everyone runs off to fight, he would go after *checks notes* Allegra instead (as someone he has no connections/attachment to) and put her out of commission one way or another since it's confirmed (how? WHO KNOWS *screams*) that he knew who she was.
So Thawne goes after Nora and Sav decides he won't let that banana bastard hurt or kill anymore of his family (whether she's technically his kid or not) and stops him. Thawne of course gloats about how he {as a version Barry Allen} won't kill him. They fight and he lets Thawne get a few hits in for fun-- then Savitar gets to see that sweet look on his nemesis's face when he realizes who's faster, and stops holding back. The first 'fight' between Savitar and Barry in season 3? Yeah picture that but a lot more brutal and somehow more personal. Then, once Thawne is thoroughly beat to hell; Sav reverse flashes him and runs off to fight the other person who once destroyed his life.
He runs through the tunnel just before Zoom would have killed all the officers (since Khione and Mark are already knocked out if not dead-- this is what happened. don't even.), and does it without his suit so Zoom will chase him (cause all he'll see is yellow lightning). Of course, once they get to a new location and see each other face to face; Zoom gets in a quick gloat about how they really were the same after all. Savitar lets him have that; it's not true + will make it all the better in a few seconds. Same with Thawne, he lets Zoom get a few hits in, maybe even feigns fear-- and then Sav fucking obliterates him in a 'fight' that parallels the one in Enter Zoom. Hell, he should break Zoom's back for extra funsies. We get a scene similar to 2x23 where Zoom says Sav won't kill him; but this time, he does.
Things go mostly according to canon from here. Eddie absorbs all the NSF users lifeforce (or smth idk what that was man), and Savitar ends up going with it. He doesn't accept this 'death', but there is a brief moment of catharsis with the revenge before he's once again erased from existence.
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zeroducks-2 · 3 months
Ooh any thoughts on your royalty omegaverse Eobarry thing? If you wanted to expand it I’d love to read it. Just the way Eobarde talks about pretty you Barry is 👌. And trembling scared Barry is 👌.
Thank you so much for your interest, anon!
I am indeed expanding it, and I will most likely turn it into a longfic. I have written only snippets of it so far because I'm still unsure of what exactly I want to show, and what instead I plan only to tell.
It's my pleasure to share another snippet ♥ I finally had some time to polish it. This happens the night before their wedding - Eobard and Barry have never met, this is the first time they see each other.
(omegaverse, mentions of forced marriage)
He holds the folds of his robe tight on his chest, letting the cold night air soothe him as his breathing slows back to normal. He’s glad there was a balcony right at the end of the hallway; it’s one of the usual nightmares but waking up in a place unknown with not even the impression of a familiar smell threw him in a panic, and now the scars on his neck throb and pull like fresh bites, and there’s an impression of fingers tight around his nape. 
Eobard swallows, runs a palm on his neck and wishes he had fresh water to drink. And then he flinches and turns towards the rustling sound he just heard, and finds himself looking back into the wide blue of someone else’s eyes; they probably tried to sneak away but their shawl caught on the edge of a chair. 
«I didn’t mean to intrude.» Eobard mumbles, then realizes he needs to clear his throat. «I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep.»
There is just a sliver of moon in the sky, not enough for his eyes to make out the features of the other person. But they hesitantly step closer, and Eobard realizes this is the pup of House Allen. 
«Are you alright?» The boy asks, frowning as he pulls the shawl off his shoulders, which leaves him in a thin nightgown. It’s most likely that he was indeed having trouble sleeping after all. Unsurprising, since this is the night before his wedding. 
«I am.» Eobard frowns, eyes darting from the pup’s face to the garment he seems to be handing to him. It smells thickly like Omega, but it doesn't feel like this is the boy's scent. «I don’t need it.»
«You’re shaking.» The pup frowns as well but seems to opt not to insist, and drapes it back on his shoulders. Then takes a step back. Probably because Eobard is still looking at him with a scowl on his face. «I… Uh. I apologize. I meant no offense.»
He pinches the bridge of his nose and schools his expression. 
So, this is the last of House Allen. A young thing which maybe reaches Eobard’s chin in height, with big blue eyes and soft looking blond hair. They’re tousled and flattened as he had to have tossed and turned in his nest, and the only indication that he comes from a noble house is the color of his shawl… it’s finely woven, embellished with the sigil and hues of House Allen, and it likely belonged to the boy’s mother.
«I’m not supposed to see you, actually.» Eobard adds. «Given how… well. How we’re going to be married tomorrow.»
Understanding dawns on the pup’s face, and it clicks with Eobard that the boy hadn’t realized to be in the presence of his future consort. Blue eyes are wide again, and hands tighten around the edges of the shawl, but he doesn’t back off. He looks so young, it’s hard to believe Eobard has not even five years on him. 
«You thought I was a servant?» He asks, looking away and towards the dark expanse of the distant woods. «Your name is Barrence, right?»
The pup shuffles and it takes him a moment. «Barry.» He says eventually. «I don’t know what I was thinking.» He walks past him and leans against the column of the balustrade. «What’s your name?»
«Eobard.» He replies, and tries not to think about how much the pup surely wishes for none of this to happen, and to be reunited with his pack instead. «In another circumstance I would say that it is nice to meet you, Barry.»
The pup turns and there’s something soft in his look. Not a smile, but it’s close enough. He also looks very tired, and Eobard supposes they have that in common. «In what circumstance could it be nice for a Thawne and an Allen to meet…?» He asks, jokingly enough but Eobard can tell he means it. «I’d say this is better than I thought it would be, anyway. I expected my future husband to be less inclined to even want to talk to me.»
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yliaster · 2 months
dgm 252 (spoilers obviously) (extremely disjointed thoughts)
ok so i understand that it seems the "role" of recording the holy war has the name "lavi", which is why the past bookman junior and now the present junior have the same name.
but seeing as how past!allen was de-aged by apocryphos' attack, then lavi hugged/shielded him during that blow, I guess they were both de-aged and lost their memories???? ok at the beginning of the chapter, allen looks to be the same age-ish as the current one so like 15-18 idk how old he is rn. and then later he's noticeably older, so sure let's say 40. then allen deaged to maybe idk 5 y/o. and then the series starts and he's 15 again.... that makes 35 years i guess. or what if they blimped out of time for a bit and then the spiral spit them back out??? the noahs already have some kind of parallel universe? time travel? I really dont remember? whatever thing going on
past!lavi has droopy eyes...... I feel like this is a very noticeable trait that present!lavi has. and like. with past!allen you can very clearly tell it's allen, only with his original hair colour. his face is very allen, ignoring his hair. I feel like past!lavi and present!lavi are the same person????????/
past!junior disappeared, so I think this is why there is no body??????
though ngl he really looks like cross in the last panel. idk.
.......wait who has a picture of present allen and lavi standing next to each other. i feel like the height difference between allen and cross is bigger. i really dont think the past!lavi is cross, in my heart. if im wrong, im wrong.
...also it's hilarious that allen and neah only spoke once. wtf?
past!lavi offered to be neah's host but at that time it was already "too late"... but neah really looked like he was hurting a lot at that time so like what? is it because of his "contract" with past!allen that even if he died at that point, he was transferred to allen's body no matter how far they were. not that it really matters that much i guess...?
lavi considers neah his friend, but doesn't call him that because probably neah would tease him for it... i think? on the other hand, neah considers allen his friend but they only talked once? allen knows nothing about neah? what was allen's wish? to live? to end war?
......i still don't understand why apocryphos is personally obsessed with allen. he targets past!allen because he's the 14th's host, tries to kill him, notably fails. and now (present day) he's raving on about him being an angel. is it because the innocence that he tried to use to kill him actually accepted him instead?????
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