#i almost decided to drop it then the last episode was once again full of cool shit
mikimeiko · 1 year
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Legion | Season 2 (2018), Noah Hawley
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
movie night picks
summary: Ellie & Joel look for something to watch for movie night
warnings: light strong language from everyone’s favorite uncle
word count: 1210
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Every Friday there would be boxes set out on a table in the church full of movies for the people of Jackson to borrow and bring back the following week. Almost everyone in town had a DVD player and if someone was missing one, there would always be someone else who was willing to share. Ellie and Joel were given one by Tommy when they moved in and now every Friday morning Ellie would drag Joel down to the church for first-pick of the new movie selection
You never knew when new stuff would be added because it's all found while on patrol. If Jimmy went on patrol on Sunday and brought back 4 new movies, you wouldn't know until Friday. So it was important to Ellie that she was one of the first in line.
She sat down the movie she and Joel watched last week, his choice of some old western film, and started looking for a new movie. The western film wasn't bad but since she was sick last week and couldn't do stable duty, it made her miss Shimmer.
Joel stood behind her with his arms crossed, as he usually would, and started up a conversation with one of the other exhausted Jackson parents who got pulled away from their bed that morning.
"She made us watch that Barbie movie two weeks ago," the woman started, "She was tired of it within the first fifteen minutes."
Ellie took a quick glance over her shoulder to see what the woman looked like, then dropped her head back down to the movie box she was currently digging through.
"That's kids for ya," Joel replied and Ellie could suddenly feel his eyes on her. "She decided to watch The Ring while I was out on patrol about a month ago and–"
"Oh!" She quickly turned around and held up a DVD to Joel to get him to shut up, "What about this one?"
Joel took the movie from her, read the title of it, then handed it back. "No."
She frowned, reexamining the cover. Curtis and Viper 2. The cover was two guys, one had a sword. The description was a little vague but it seemed like a dumb action film. Joel loved these.
"Because it's your movie night," he nodded towards the boxes as a way to tell her to pick something else.
"Okay,” she turned around to look at the options again, then spun once more to face Joel. “I pick this," she held the case up again.
"No you don't.”
"Why not?"
"You're too young for that."
She dropped her hands to her sides, still holding onto the movie. He did not just tell her some cheesy action film was too mature for her.
"What's in this that I haven't already seen?" She sat the movie down on the table and crossed her arms.
"I'll explain when you're older."
She's 15 how much older does she need to–
"Is it dirty?" She raised her eyebrows, turning around to judge the cover again.
"No, it's just…” he looked around the church like he was searching for an excuse. “You wouldn't like it."
She sighed, putting the movie back in the box. She was confident she would like the movie but, for whatever reason, Joel was against it and she had to respect that. She planned on hounding him about it later until he told her why he was against it, but for now she had to find something he wouldn’t immediately veto.
She dug around for a few more minutes before coming up with a larger DVD case. She studied the front of it then turned around for Joel to see.
"No." He didn't even give her a chance to fully lift it up to him. 
"You can't say no to everything if it's my movie week."
"Do you even know what that is?" He pointed to the case and she flipped it around to look at it again.
It was some yellow square with holes in it. SpongeBob SquarePants was written across the front. 40 episodes, season 1…
"It's a cartoon," she shrugged. "It says PG."
"It's worse than The Ring."
She tilted her head and looked up at him, narrowing her eyes. "Is that your personal opinion?"
"Yes, it is." He nodded, taking the case from her. As he read over this nightmare choice, a grin appeared on his face. He looked up from the DVD and called for Tommy to come over from the other side of the church.
When Tommy walked up, Joel held the case out for him and immediately it was out of his hands and in Tommy’s. 
"No fuckin' way we got Spongebob," he opened it to make sure all the discs were present then closed it again, examining the front and back covers. "How the hell did we get this?"
Joel shrugged, not that Tommy was paying any attention to him. 
"You wanna come over and watch it?" Ellie offered, assuming if it was two vs one then she could get it. She’d figure out what it was about later.
Tommy looked between Joel and Ellie, handing the case over to her. "I'd love to," he smiled then turned towards Joel, his smile somehow getting bigger, "Just like old times."
Joel shook his head, stepping away from the movie table so Tommy and Ellie would follow and more people could get through. 
"What do you mean?" Ellie asked, following Joel out of the church and onto the street.
"Sarah and I used to watch it all the time. We'd leave Joel at the kitchen table the second the show started–"
"He's never been mature," Joel interrupted, taking the case back from Ellie so she wouldn't have to hold it as they walked back to the house.
"He hated it but he knew how much we liked it. I think the tradition of eatin' on the floor in front of the TV started with that show." 
"It started because you two would've rathered starve than miss a rerun." 
"I regret nothin'." Tommy shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
About halfway down the street the three of them came to a stop.
"So.. movie night tonight?” Ellie looked between the two of them.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Tommy nodded once before turning to Joel. "Want me to bring somethin'?"
"I've got a short patrol in about two hours. I should be back in time to cook."
Tommy waved him off, "I can bring somethin'." He turned around to start walking back towards the church. "I'll see y'all tonight."
On the way back to the house, Ellie took the case from Joel again to become familiar with the yellow sponge that was about to occupy her week. "Are you okay with this?" She looked up at him, trying to get an idea of how he feels through facial expression.
He nodded, looking back down at her. "Yeah, of course. I haven't seen Tommy so excited in a long time and I think you'd like it," he stared down at the smiling yellow figure. "He's got a God-awful voice though."
She laughed, holding up the case to try to imagine what voice could come from such a strange looking creation.
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chocmarss · 2 years
I’ve said this on twitter before but I’ll say it again here: it would be EXTREMELY funny if Rex, Ahsoka, and Bo-Katan meet again post episode IV, specifically in the Mandalorian era.
Ahsoka: You lost the Darksaber again?
Bo-Katan: [has been hiding the fact she did lose the Darksaber the 2nd time but by the gods has she been trying her best to keep that from Ahsoka] How—
Ahsoka: Rex told me. Sabine gave it to you and you lost it. How’d that happened, Bo? There were no evil ex-Sith Lords to steal it from you again, and you lost it?
Bo-Katan: I didn’t lose it—
Ahsoka: Then, how did Din get it?
Rex: Who’s he?
Ahsoka: The new Manda’lor
Bo-Katan: He is not the new Manda’lor—
This is the day Bo-Katan was reminded that these two might be dangerous on their own but together —Clone War vets who have been working together for almost 30 years and are basically each other’s persons— they’re a bunch of lethally dangerous assholes.
Okay, yeah, so maybe Bo-Katan did lose the Darksaber, but they didn’t have to be insufferable about it. They’re so annoying, honestly. They’re beginning to sound like Boba, and it doesn’t help that Rex shares the same genetic gnome with the dude, like ugh.
Rex: Oh yeah, I know he rules Tatooine. I visit him sometimes to make his life a mess, like he did when he was little and decided to be a little brat to us on Kamino.
I didn’t think much of this other than Bo-Katan drops over to Rex’s house before that because she knows Ahsoka’s there but walks in on them being like. old people sappy.
Bo-Katan: [watches them] I see you two have gotten… close
Ahsoka: [slow dancing with Rex around his garden] What of it?
Rex isn’t exactly young anymore, but he has his own house to retire and all, so Ahsoka drops by once in a while to spend some time with him and do all the nice things they wouldn’t imagine doing since they’ve been in too many wars one went through a lifetime, so forgive her if she’s enjoying herself, Bo.
Maybe you should join them, listen to the music coming out from the clanky old radio, breathe in the fresh air. Take a nap maybe, since you look like the last time they’re about to take over a whole planet.
Wha— you’re going to Mandalore again? Why?
To help Din? That’s a first. No, we’re not making fun of you, it’s just that you hate the guy’s guts, and usually, you’d die for that Darksaber if it means getting it from him.
You want our help to get him around the sewages? But you’re going to be there though, why won’t you do it?
You’re going there first. To wait for him. While the Manda’lor himself is somewhere around the galaxy doing. Whatever. Can’t you just look for him and then you go together?
Bo-Katan: [feeling a headache coming along] I have other business to look into, will you help me or not?
Rex: [taking a tray of freshly baked bread out of the oven] Nope. Permanently retired, remember?
Ahsoka finally agrees to follow Bo-Katan to Mandalore and Rex gives her a little kiss goodbye and saying things like, “Make sure there aren’t any old ghosts trying to kill you.” and “If you need help, just tell me, and I’ll go.”
Bo-Katan: What happened to retiring?
Rex: [gives Ahsoka a Keldabe kiss]
Bo-Katan: [full of heavy judgement] Forget I asked.
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sgt-morgan · 1 year
Marquee Moon 🌙
Summary: you’re having a tough time with your second baby. Pregnancy sucks, and your lovely Steven does what he can to make you feel better. Part of the Estrellita verse
Warnings: depression, depressive episode, real shitty pregnancy symptoms, AFAB and female identifying reader, one cut that isn’t described too much, inaccurate depictions if DID as made cannon by the show.
A/N: I had a depressive episode, then my baby brother turned on my favorite song and made me have a dance party, then o felt less shitty. I wasn’t cured, but I felt better. This is the result. Also, to those who have asked. No, reader is not married to the system in the Estrellita verse yet. I’m just bad at not writing husband and wife for them because I know where their story is headed. In this house, we support marriage when the couple is ready, no sooner no later.
Moonknight Masterlist
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Something was off. Steven couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, but he knew there was something… wrong. You were at the stage that your mom had affectionately called ‘miserably pregnant.’ You had gotten there last time, but this time was hitting harder than the last, and he couldn’t put a finger on just one thing that was messing with you.
Rory was struggling for one, the idea of having to go to a daycare was wildly unpopular for the girl who was so used to being with her mom almost constantly. The change was needed though, the little girl was just cresting the age of four, and you decided that she needs socialization, and to start learning basic skills for preschool. You figure her going to daycare while you were at work would be a good idea. Your parents had watched her up until this point, and you appreciated it, keeping her in a safe environment with your parents for so long was a great way to keep her in a safe environment without needing to worry about her catching illnesses or any other terrible thing. It just seemed to work out, your parents needed something to do, and you needed the childcare. Easy fix. The same could be said for your niece when she was little, three was the age that she started going to daycare, and you were sending her to the same place Cassie had gone. Your sister was able to keep her baby at home, but you couldn’t, so your new baby, when she was born, would also go to your Parent’s place. You were once again grateful that your sister was an accomplished editor, who enjoyed staying at home with her babies to do her job. It was her superpower, and most days you would say it was way more useful than yours.
So with all the transitioning schedules underway, and your parents not wanting to watch two babies at once, you enrolled Rory in daycare, and she hated it. It was too loud and there were too many people, and they didn’t speak Spanish, or Hebrew, or Arabic, and they didn’t believe that she had three daddies, and they didn’t like books. Rory has sensory disorders, so you knew this transition would be rough, but you weren’t expecting the full blowout that was her transition to daycare. She wouldn’t nap, she wouldn’t eat, she wasn’t playing with others, it was hell. She screamed every time you dropped her off, and your husband could tell it broke your heart every time. So you were in the hunt for a good fit, clearly this place wasn’t cutting it, so some other place would have to do. It would have to, you couldn’t do one more crying fit, or another bout of exhausted tantrums when she got home.
On top of all that, Rory was getting even more clingy. You would never dream of complaining about how much your baby loved you, but it was hard to juggle your belly and the rambunctious toddler who had seemed to attach herself to your hip. It was one of the things your doctor had warned you about about baby number two, the possibility of Rory starting to be more possessive of you. It was the underestimation of the century. She couldn’t get enough of you, wanting you to hold her, snuggle her, tuck her in. She was constantly clinging to you, kissing your belly and talking to the baby. She threw huge fits when someone took her from you, even when it was one of her dads, and she loves her dads. It was draining you, he could tell, but you kept pressing on trying to do what’s best for your daughter.
Then there was work, you still had one more mom expecting before your schedule was cleared for your parent leave. Being a dula was hard work, you were an advocate for mothers needs, a helping hand, a birthing expert, but doing all of that while also being ready to burst? Well, that’s its own special kind of hell. Horror stories from other peoples births were wild, and helping your patients with those horror stories while being pregnant yourself? Not optimal. On top of your normal duties, there was also the added stressor of most of your clients coming from Juno, needing you to protect mother and baby through some form or another with your pledge to her service. Thankfully, working with a fertility goddess meant leniency when it came to your duties as an avatar while knocked up, so at least that was a plus.
Then there was their problems. The system’s jobs were stacking up in preparation for paternity leave, dishing out make up work for each if them to handle before they took time off. Marc had exactly one last transit job for some artifact Konshu asked him to see settled, Jake had to make sure licensing, certifications, registrations, and inspections were completed in his fleet before he took off, and Steven was saddled with two deadlines on exhibits he was meant to be curating coming up. All of that on top of attempting to be a parent, a partner, and an Avatar for a grumpy ass deity. All of this had equaled less time spent with his pregnant lover, who just wanted to have one goddamn minute with her lovers please and thank you.
Then there was just all of the bodily side effects of pregnancy. You experienced all of this with Aurora too, but it didn’t really seem to hit you that badly. Your Belly grew more round, you complained that the stretching skin was itchy, they could only imagine. Your nipples were more sensitive, every one of them would wince in sympathy whenever they came home to find you sniffling miserably with bags of frozen peas on your chest. your feet grew a size, they had with Rory as well, and they never went back to normal, and having to buy new shoes again was really pissing you off. You were puking constantly, you developed a supreme sense of smell that caused you to hate some of your favorite foods, and even just catching a whiff sent you sprinting to the toilet at the first sign of trouble. Never let them tell you the puking is just a first trimester thing, it’s a lie. Your hips hurt, your muscles and bones making way for a baby was no easy feat, and you waddled around the house groaning and you tossed and turned all night trying to find a safe position for your aching joints. it was a whole list of terrible shit. The worst though, was your quote unquote ‘Pregnancy nose.’ Gods in heavens how you couldn’t stand the swelling of your face. Hormones are powerful shit, and with the sudden influx of them, and your new water retaining superpowers, your joints weren’t the only things that were ballooning. The system often found you staring in the mirror and picking at your face. The pregnancy acne and the nose were your least favorite things, It bothered you to no end, though they couldn’t understand why.
Your partners didn’t notice, only thinking you were beautiful and lovely while round and full with their child. However, you saw yourself as a whale, no matter how many times they assured you you were the most beautiful woman in the world. It was terrible for your disposition, but none of them knew what more to do about it other than support you however they could.
Steven though, Steven thinks he hit the nail on the head. It was about a month in to your pregnancy, they had just figured out you were pregnant, and you had switched medicines about two months before, new antidepressants that worked wonders, but unfortunately we’re not meant for pregnant women. So you went off them, and back on your old ones, and Steven thinks they weren’t working.
“Hey, you lot noticed she’s slept all day today?” Steven muttered into his teacup, Marc reflecting back at him from the murky surface of his tea, while Jake stared from the reflection of his darkened phone screen.
“Sí, parece estar más agotada de lo habitual.” Jake grunted, running a hand through his hair and snuggly fastening his flat cap back down.
“I know, she’s having an episode.” Marc sighs. You hadn’t had an episode like this since the beginning of your relationship. You had just switched up dosages and it wasn’t enough, you had sat and stared at the television, and slept, and did nothing for about a week until he finally made you call your doctor again to up your dosage. Thankfully this was more than likely a temporary episode, caused by the change in meds. He called your doctor to check and he said the same, but if it lasted more than a week, he should call and have an appointment scheduled to have the medicine changed or the dosage raised. Thankfully, your family’s psychiatrist was a skilled one, and one who was well versed in both your and the systems mental Illnesses. He was a good guy, they’re thankful to have him.
You and Steven were supposed to be cleaning house together today, doing some prep work before the arrival of your second daughter. It had started out well, about two hours in, you had cleaned the entire kitchen, scrubbed the fridge, washed dishes, put new child locks on the cabinets, and were doing really well. Steven was putting together your bedside bassinet for the baby to be put back in your room, having been put away since Cassie had started sleeping in her own room. He had also put up new blackout curtains in the nursery, and moved Cassie’s big girl bed into her new room across the hall from your room and the nursery. He had just finished building the bassinet when he heard a crash from the kitchen. Jake seized the body at the sound and hustled into the kitchen to find you sobbing into your hands, a broken tea kettle on the ground, not yet heated water covering your feet and the floor. They could clearly see this was your final straw for today, and their heart wrenched to see a pretty deep cut on your palm. At the sight of your silent, defeated, tears, Steven immediately took control again, carefully walking to you and wrapping you up in his arms. He shushed you calmly and rocked you back and forth, waiting for your tears to slow before he bandaged your hand. He then softly ushered you to your room where he made you change and lay down with him to take a nap. He lay flat on his back, and you were curled on your side curled facing away from him, staring at nothing and refusing to talk. He pulled you close to him and wiped at your tears until you fell asleep. Which led up to where he was now, drinking a cup of tea and contemplating what to do about your state.
“Let’s finish up the nursery, pick up the kid, and toss in another load of laundry, if she’s up by then we’ll get her to eat.” Steven mumbled, downing his tea and setting to work. Steven knew well that you can’t fix other peoples illness, it’s just a fact of life. He would take your pain and sadness if he could without ever thinking of the consequences, but you can’t just whisk away the bone deep dread and anxiety that was permeating your life like an unwanted rainstorm. He also knew that when you were like this, which didn’t happen often, it made Jake and Marc a little skittish. It didn’t bother him though, out of all the alters, he understood that life is always harder than you asked for, and depression can just amplify those things that make life as difficult as it is. Depressive episodes happen, the system has them, you have them, it’s just a fact of life for your family, and thankfully you were both committed adults who knew better than to take each others bad days personally. Instead, you did what you could to make the bad days tolerable. Today was one of those days, and Steven was more than willing to do what he could to salvage what was left of your day.
Steven put the last touches on the nursery and Rory’s new room. He moved Aurora’s name sign to her new room, switching it for the new baby’s. Then he tossed in the last load of laundry you needed done, and tidied up the toys in the living room. When he finished, he drove to Rory’s daycare. today it seemed that the daycare finally
won the girl over. With a shockingly complete change in attitude, Aurora told her Baba Steven all about the new daycare worker Ellie. Ellie, a new supply teacher finishing up he degree at university, had sat and read with her today. She told him all about how instead of going to the gym, miss Ellie let her stay in the classroom and look at books and listen to music. Steven grinned, like father like daughter, she didn’t like crowds, couldn’t blame her. This was good, a good improvement, one more win in the books.
When he got home, he found you awake and cooking dinner. He could tell from your puffy eyes and listless body language that you were still down though. When he came into the kitchen he gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed your temple. Even when you were struggling, you still took care of them. He loved that about you. You tried to smile for Rory, and while it might have worked on the little girl, he couldn’t be fooled. Though you did shoot him an impressed look when Rory told you all about her day at daycare, and her new friend Miss Ellie. Dinner was easy, just some pasta your threw together from a jar, but Rory ate it with gusto, and when she finished, he offered to give her a bath. You smiled and nodded, putting the dishes in the washer even though he insisted you leave it to them. You just waved him off and he sighed, carrying Aurora to the bath. Once he got her in the tub and soaped up her hair, the very intelligent child spoke up.
“Mummy sad today.” She stated matter of factly, splashing a toy around while Steven gently rinsed the bubbles from her hair.
“Yeah, she is a little bit down in the dumps, but mummy is gonna be alright, it’s just a bad day innit?” He said, smiling at the little girl gently.
“It’s okay Baba, people are sad sometimes.” She nodded sagely, parroting the words you had both instilled from the very beginning. Once again, Steven finds himself in awe of this perfect little girl, what on earth had a bloke like him done to deserve this perfect angel.
“Yeah mate, s’right. People just have bad days. Mummy is just tired, making a baby is hard work.” He chuckled, gently combing conditioner through her curly locks.
“Why doesn’t she just have the baby?” Rory scoffed and Steven chuckled.
“Would be easier wouldn’t it, doesn’t work like that though, your sister is not baking in there I’m afraid, mummy will have to just let her keep bouncing around on her bladder.” He chuckled, rinsing the girls hair again before pulling her out of the tub with a grunt as the child squirmed. “S’all right though- oh my days, have you gotten taller?- mummy will have your sister soon.”
“Well, then why don’t we give mum a dance party? Dance parties always make me feel better.” She says clapping her little hands at Steven and smiling. He nods slowly, thinking about it as he helps her pull on her Bluey pjs.
“Yah know? Thats not a half bad idea.” He grins at the girl, and he can see the proud stares of his alters in the reflection of the trifold mirror in their bathroom.
“God, we are the luckiest men alive.” Mark sighs, covering his mouth with his hand while Jake grins with a nod.
“We are surrounded by perfect women. How could any bastards be luckier than us?” Jake chuckles.
“Your Papí, Daddy, and I love you Princess.” Steven smiles, kissing her hair softly once he has it brushed out and pulled into two tiny little buns.
“I love you too dadas.” She smiles kissing him sweetly on the cheek. He carries Rory into the living room and makes his way casually to the record player. Time to dance.
You’re sitting on the couch facing the window, staring blankly at the rain as it beats down over New York with a vengeance. You’d been down lately, you know you had. Switching up meds and all the hormone changes of pregnancy were really beating you down. Life was changing, and when you weren’t able to fully regulate your emotions, it made every single inconvenience and struggle seems ten times more pressing. You were certain that this was a depressive episode. You’re sure your partner had caught on already, and you were grateful he had effortlessly picked up your slack without making you feel belittled. Starting a life with your Moonknight in shining armor had been the best decision you’d ever made. You may not be married just yet, but he had no hope in hell of getting rid of you that’s for sure.
You know you’d zoned out, but you couldn’t help it. You just felt… tired. Sad, and anxious, and tired. You couldn’t help it, you were trying, you got something done today at least, you cleaned the kitchen and did most of the laundry, you cooked and cleaned up dinner, but all you wanted to do now was pass out again. You felt so guilty, you had already slept for most of the day, you couldn’t be that tired, but alas, brain chemistry was a cruel mistress, and today you were in the doghouse. Then suddenly, music. You turned to look, dropping the moon necklace you had been fiddling with back onto your chest. You look up to see your sweet Steven reaching down and pulling you to your feet, while Marquee Moon by Television floated from the speakers on your record player.
“I remember
Ooh, how the darkness doubled
I recall Lightning struck itself
I was listening Listening to the rain
I was hearing Hearing something else
Life in the hive puckered up my night
A kiss of death, the embrace of life
Ooh, there I stand neath the Marquee Moon Just waiting”
Steven pulled you to your feet with a small smile and started to slowly dance with you in one arm, and your baby girl in the other. Twirling you with a grin.
“I spoke to a man Down at the tracks
And I ask him How he don't go mad
He said, "look here, junior, don't you be so happy And for heaven's sake, don't you be so sad."
He whispered the lyrics in your ear while you danced and twirled around the living room. For the first time all day, Steven was relieved to see a genuine smile grace your lips. He just knew you were recalling your first ever date to that little outdoor night market, a local band playing a cover of this song while you danced like nobody was watching. Just as he and his daughter had hoped, your impromptu dance party was working.
“Well, the Cadillac It pulled out of the graveyard Pulled up to me All they said, "get in, get in" Then the Cadillac
It puttered back into the graveyard
Me, I got out again Life in the hive puckered up my night A kiss of death, the embrace of life Ooh, there I stand neath the Marquee Moon
But I ain't waiting, uh-uh.”
You swayed to the time of the twangy post-punk classic, and your grin just kept growing as you twirled around the room. You started singing the lyrics to your daughter and curled your arm around Steven’s waist. Your joy was slowly creeping back in, this perfect Moment with your little family starting to bring you back to life second by second. You felt the warmth of their love creep up over your sadness, filling your brain with the glow of their love for you, and even though the sadness still lingered at the edges of your consciousness, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. This moment was too perfect to waist. Only made more perfect by the excited kicking of your newest addition where your belly pressed up against Steven. He grinned down at you, snuggling all of his girls closer and resting a palm where baby number two was kicking, and for the first time all week, you were content.
“I remember
How the darkness doubled
I recall Lightning struck itself
I was listening
Listening to the rain
I was hearing
Hearing something else.”
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weakforarwen · 2 years
Merlin Week 2022 Day 5: Free - Gwen and The Women of Camelot
I wasn't going to write another Merlin Week post, and Merlin Week is technically over, but after seeing some of the hateful posts fans used to write about Gwen, I wanted to show my appreciation for her again.
Gwen was the reason I didn't drop Merlin. After season 1, I'd become incredibly frustrated with the lack of progress in Merlin and Arthur's relationship, and how it seemed to evolve backwards as the power imbalance between them grew on both sides - Merlin's lies and good-natured manipulations kept increasing in frequency, while the trust and equality of treatment Arthur had initially shown Merlin all but disappeared until he began actively abusing his power. The lack of a magic reveal was infuriating as well, since I had expected it to occur early on in the series; when I learned it happened in the last episode I almost called it quits... until I watched The Once and Future Queen and decided I still had a good reason to finish the show, which was Queen Guinevere (and Arwen).
I honestly hadn't been paying attention to the episode, or the series in general at that point, but when Arthur kissed Gwen I knew they were it. I hadn't expected Arthur to ever become more than an idyllic hero, until he impulsively kissed Gwen and was no longer exclusively defined by his destiny and duties to Camelot. And I was so surprised and happy with how stable and healthy their relationship proved to be: no annoying breakups for the most part (4.05 doesn't truly count and, tbh, 4.09 is no conventional breakup), and no dating other people only to reunite in the last episode.
Gwen and Arthur were given a chance to grow and mature and I love them so much for it. I loved their relationship in season 4, how they became a normal couple. For the first time ever, a ship I genuinely loved was allowed to mature and become 'boring' and married; most other ships that get to develop onscreen and never really break up aren't particularly exciting or fantastical (Leslie and Ben from Parks & Rec are an example of this, though I adore them). However, despite Gwen's banishment and the Lancelot ordeal of season 4, and the lack of Gwen and Arwen in season 5, we know those two knew, trusted and shared many of the same values as each other and were equally committed and devoted to one another. Having this kind of paring in a series - one that is exciting and fairytale-like while also being so wholesome, mature, and normal - is truly unique. I admire this a lot about the show; most "mature" and consistent ships are not the main pairing, so I have a lot of love for Arwen and for the example they are of a healthy and strong relationship.
I also never expected to love Gwen so much when I started Merlin. Of all the characters, she had the best and most satisfying arc. I love that she grew and blossomed before our eyes, but, at the same time, never changed and remained loyal, honest, strong, optimistic, gentle, kind, compassionate, humble to the last. I love that she was sweet and conventionally feminine when most great female characters are badass fighters with attitude problems. Many of them also end up quite bitter and morally ambiguous in the end, but not Gwen.
Gwen was so normal and wonderful in a way that was human and achievable. She was a role model; she felt real, warm, and comforting to me. In a show that full of men, Gwen's growth surpassed all of theirs and she alone was enough for me not to choke on all that testosterone. I also love that her relationship with Arthur was good for her. It's true that Arthur failed her when he banished her, and their relationship put her at risk many times, but she grew so much with and from Arthur. He undeniably loved, trusted and grew from her, and would do anything for her as well, and that made her feel safer and confident in herself. She was his love interest but he put her first and their relationship was surprisingly equal. Arthur wasn't jealous or possessive, they talked (in 3.06, Arthur and Gwen openly discussed his engagement to Elena, in 4.09 he told Gwen not to kneel before him and let her explain her actions, they talked many times about his decisions as Prince/King, etc.), he listened and followed her opinion a lot too and stood up to her (to Uther in 1.03, 2.03, 3.07, 3.10, 5.03; to Agravaine, in 4.09 at least, to Merlin in 4.06 when he wasn't himself), he arranged picnics and breakfast in bed for her, gave her flowers, helped her brother and her friends, etc. I hate Gwen's banishment as much as any sane person, but, other than that, Arthur truly respected Gwen. I also love that Gwen had love interests before Arthur; it made her character, and her and Arthur's relationship, even realer and more balanced.
Lastly, I really love that Gwen became Queen. I hate Arthur's death, but her becoming Queen regnant, especially because Arthur chose her and wanted her to be his successor (how feminist of him), made a huge statement imo. I certainly hadn't expected Gwen (keep in mind I knew nothing of the Arthurian legends) to end up the most powerful person in Camelot. Here you have a normal woman - significantly a woman of color at that - usher in the Golden Age instead of Arthur. That was really cool. Gwen alone made the show enjoyable to me as a feminist (despite everything...). And some of the best characters in the show were women who only appeared in a few episodes. Truth be told, the show had great diversity of well-written female characters, but the writers chose not to do anything with them.
We had Princess Elena, sweet, kind, adorable, a bit unladylike, one of my personal favorites; Queen Annis, one of the few older women in the series, wise, strong, fair, and an admirable Queen; Lady Vivian, bratty, innocent, charming, honestly the female version of Arthur if he hadn't had his duties and friendships to ground him; Freya, sweet, loyal, beautiful, strong and tragic, had loved Merlin; Hunith, strong, compassionate, inspiring, brave, a leader, always fought for what was right and raised Merlin so well on her own; Ygraine, gentle and loving, loved her son and told him not to let the truth of her death hurt him; Princess Mithian, dutiful to her father and to her Kingdom, assertive, kind, strong, brave; Grunhilda, evil, but also endearing, hilarious, and refreshingly sexually empowered; Sefa, sweet, gentle, good, had only wanted to please her father; Mary, brave Mary who alone made the dangerous journey to Camelot to seek help for her village; Morgause, not a minor character, but the best female fighter, strong enough to beat Arthur, resourceful, knowledgeable, intelligent, had truly loved her sister; Isolde, loyal, optimistic, brave, empathetic, believed in the power of love; Alice, not a favorite but seemed like a good person; Lady Catrina, one of the most disgusting yet genial villains, so kudos for deceiving and embarrassing the hell out of Uther; Nimueh, she was right in some aspects and very wrong in others, but she had a lot of potential; Morgana, not a minor character, of course, the only one who could match Merlin in power, not an entirely unsympathetic villain, had genuinely loved her sister, Aithusa, and even Mordred.
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borahaejenn · 2 years
✨🦋Happy Birthday Bangtan!🌼✨
 Hello! I finally came back and I am early this time with posting like two days early. I wanted to come in because this time FESTA is overlapped with comeback time and I get overly anxious because of the excitement that I decided to greet you now and ARMY before everything drops. lol There are some things I need to think about still and I had to first wish you a great birthday and a good comeback with ARMY! 😇🎉HAPPY NINTH BIRTHDAY TANNIES!!!!!!!!🎉 YOU ARE ALMOST TO A DECADE! YEAH!🎂 I also want to wish all ARMY also your sister Joonie a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOL if you are a Gemini and also born on June 13 and in June I wish you the best my loves! 🥰
 This comeback is different for me because for once I decided not to see anything yet not even the photos. I stayed away from any sns for a while and I really want to have it all thrown at me on the 10th or in the evening because I want to fully grasp it all in one go and I hope I can hear the CDs. I hope to go on a walk and just play the cds to fully feel the demos. lol I know I am doing extra but that is why I have not talked about the photos or teasers lol I just saw ARMY reactions but stayed away from visuals. 😂I am a veteran by now so I am able to contain myself a little better. hahahahahaha it is a joke of course though but I have been oddly able to not take a full peak of what is going like that meme of fire in the background and I am just smiling while chaos is behind me lol I just am going with the ignorance is bliss for this comeback until I get hit with it all in one day. I can’t wait. \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
  Well, for your birthday I got a couple gifts in the form of videos, words, posts, and of course photos. lol A TMI that I can give for today just for the hell of it is that I have been editing all these photos while rewatching the entirety of the show DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. lmao I was into that show in the past and only ever got to see certain episodes but never the full 8 seasons in order and I am binge watching it all. After seeing it again, I see so many things I did not realize the first time and I have much to say lol but I won’t today. 
 But, let me get to your gifts. I say a lot in the interviews and videos I got so, I will try to be brief here so I am not doing so much. It is a lot, so be prepared for a lot of content to keep you going for the whole week. lol I even brought back the lip-synching again lol I did a couple tracks: Break Free by Ariana Grande and Zedd, Kiss Me Like The World Is Ending and Love Sux by Avril Lavigne, Marry The Night by Lady Gaga, Boyz With Fun by Bangtan lol I had fun with that one, Paradise by Bangta lol,  and Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga. I was feeling too inspired and thought why not lol It is just small clips to make you laugh and give you some energy if you like to see me have fun and act a fool. lol 😎✌
 Since it is your ninth birthday I wanted to be more real and just go with the flow with the gifts and everything is from my heart today. I hope you can enjoy it Bangtan and ARMY. 💜Also if anyone is wondering about my Bangtan headband because it will be in a lot of videos lol I bought it from a lovely ARMYs shop on Etsy named AshleysPersona. It was too adorable and I had to get it 😭😭😭😭😭😭Also, all of these videos and photos I did ahead of time lol I think the only recent ones are the last few videos I finished them like a day ago. 😏 Since it will be a lot if you want to start with the letter first you have to scroll down a bit to go in order with the videos too. hehe 
 For the first gift hehehehehe 💝it is an interview that involves some Namjooning, Keanu Reeves, BORAHAE, and purple hues. lol It was a theme that surrounded in representing who I am as ARMY because ARMY is full of diversity and I wanted to show that a bit with this shoot. I go into it more in the interview and there are confessions in there that I was scared to talk about before but I feel that for this anniversary I had to finally say it. It took me a while to possibly word what I wrote in it but I am glad I got to finally say it. I love you all very much. Because Bangtan is diverse as well within each member I think that reflects a lot on ARMY and I think there is power in showing your own colors and the main point is that Bangtan and ARMY is beyond just words, a feeling, and even a movement, you all are full of a lot of heart, the wild and chaotic parts that make life fun and meaningful, and a love that I never experienced before. I wish to say thank you for giving me all of that. Of course, this is just me but I want to say it more. 💖I hope you can enjoy it. 
 The Last gift 💝because I did just the interview and a full playlist for the summer for you all to enjoy and have fun with but a lot of songs are really chill for those hot nights when you just go out and look at the stars. It is a really mixed playlist so enjoy it. haha The mood changes with it. lol I hope you can find even at least one song to chill out or jam to. I got some older tracks too but upbeat and a lot of K-Indie tracks I fell in love with through the month as I was listening to them in my mornings. lol I love all the tracks in this playlist. I was in a hyped mood and added Simon Says by Pharoahe Monch because I heard it in the past and once I heard it again I forgot how much it made me feel in the mood to get the hell up. lol It is comeback time and I got into a “I AM READY AND UP TO GET THIS” kind of mood. lol So, it is for ARMY if they need a pick me up. 😎I was drawn to Moving by Krr at first listen and it was played alot along with Take A Taxi In My Dream by Ye Ram and Shower by Yebit like ahhhhhh!! Ye Ram has lovely tracks I fell in love. lol I got to listen to Post Malone’s album and I fell for When I’m Alone. I love how heavy it is in the beginning and it has a light alternative touch and one day I was thinking and heavy in my thoughts and that song came on and I felt better. I saw the past Charlie’s Angels from the 2000s and I lit up so much when the song by P!nk came out because that song was my song as a kid the first time I saw the films. lol I was awakened. It made me feel so boss. The track Summertime by My Chemical Romance still has a special place in my heart because it was introduced to me by Ana one summer season in our Junior year of high school. I like to enjoy it even more so during this season. I got a lot of remixes of dance tracks that I was heavy into even on my runs and walks and I really love Lonely Heart and TELL ME. lol I heard them one too many times as well. I went back to Summer By Calvin Harris because I remember when it was so popular back then and I remember I also liked the track Love Now. I dig the instrumentals a lot in it and it felt fresh again to me. I will admit that the Oliver Heldens remix of Daisies by Katy Perry has been giving me life lol I love the lyrics too. I relate. lol I also had to add RED by HyunA. That song is iconic to me to this day and I don’t care I loved it the first time I heard it and still do. My sister would always sing it with me when I would play it. lol I love HyunA. I also have to give a shout out to the homie Kim Hyunchang because his voice is just so nice and I had to add two tracks of his. It is very nice for when you want to simmer down from the heat. 😁 I added some tracks from past groups I miss like SISTAR, GIRL’S DAY, AND EXID. 😎 L.I.E by EXID always has me dancing in seconds when they drop the beat. lol I also added the remix of I Need U because it is still one of my favorite remixes. 😭 I hope y’all can enjoy this playlist. I will update it to add the latest new tracks coming in, I am curious of the Run BTS one lol. hehe YET TO COME is coming lol pun intended. haha I will listen well. 🎧🤟
  Well, I shall go for now. You will hear more of me through the videos haha so, although this letter is short I am still talking in the videos making it feel longer. lol Thank you for these past nine years Bangtan. Personally, I went through a lot in those nine years too in my own way and being able to be next to you through it even though we did not know of each other’s own conflicts, problems, and pains behind the scenes like at the fullest capacity, I found joy and life even more than before because you let me see it that way. You didn’t have this magical formula or you didn’t do something super extra to make me think of you that way, but you just were present and you shared your own voices and you kept going at it and it touched me. Thank you. I love you. You didn’t let me feel alone in being hopeless, angry, or feeling horrible for things I have done in my past. That was one of the most important things to me. I love this connection we have.😊 To me, in the desert you were never a mirage, but that soft cold breeze that lead me to the sea. I am finally there with you all. hehe 💜  Also, I have to say this just in case, but if I ever made you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by what I say to you or what I post, I am sorry. I tend to be that way because my energy is very excited and I can’t help myself at times. lol I know people may say that I shouldn’t apologize for my energy, but I still like to when I feel close to you. It is a habit I have. It is not because I am trying to be polite or nice, but because I just like you and that is what I do when I like you. lol I hope I can be with you for more years, ahead. Hopefully with longer hair because I miss my long hair now. lol But, thank you for coming into my life and stealing my heart in the process. lol I am almost catching up to you. The run training is working lol I shall get my heart back.  😂Just kidding. Have a lovely birthday with ARMY, Bangtan! I saw that you will be with ARMY for a music show recording and I am happy. I hope y’all get to eat deliciously through this week. 🤤HAPPY NINE YEARS AND MORE TO COME. LOL the pun is killing me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bye bye! I PURPLE U, ALWAYS. 🌈
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titan-fodder · 2 years
Back to Baseline (Miche Zacharias x Reader)
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Rating: E (explicit)
Count: 5.4k
Warnings: female-bodied&female-identifying reader, established relationship (marriage), small spats/tension, a lot of relationship reflection (all good, they are actually very healthy), sexual content, 69ing, silliness, coming separately, sex toys, cum play, a lot of real life inspiration 💕
A/N: this is my contribution to the better than fiction collab that I (sort of) helped co-host with @spacelabrathor! please please check out the whole masterlist because tumblr needs more vanilla content if I’m being totally honest.
this was so much fun to write, I banged it out in a day. It’s pretty self-indulgent, and I based quite a bit of it off my irl marriage just because the theme here is realism, and also my husband and I are pretty good at the whole relationship thing tbh. anyway, hope you enjoy some more soft Miche content from me~
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The house looks as it always does–dirty work boots by the door, a cardigan hanging from the hook your keys should be on, blankets thrown over the back of the couch, a fresh takeout box on the coffee table. The dogs are curled up on the loveseat, and the TV is playing an episode of the adult animation you’ve seen a dozen times before. 
 Everything looks as it always does, but it feels different. A certain tension hangs over you and your husband, one neither of you are used to, one neither of you enjoy, and it’s been permeating the space between you for days now. 
 A busy week left little time for the two of you to see or even speak with each other, Miche tied up with the new jobsite while you’ve been bogged down with deadlines. Communication dwindled which made room for tiny miscommunications, careless comments born of fatigue, and now the two of you are sitting on opposite ends of the couch, refusing to open your mouths in fear of words being misconstrued once again. 
 You have to admit, though, even bickering seems better than silence.
 Worrying your lower lip, you reach for the remote and try, “We’ve seen this one a lot. Wanna change it to something else?”
 Miche shrugs, and you sigh, dropping your hand and deciding to just leave the TV alone.
 “What?” he grunts, and when you shake your head, he asks again, “What?”
 “Nothing, babe. Fuck, I just breathed.”
 “No, you did one of your heavy sighs. There’s a difference.”
 Fighting off a groan of frustration, you shut your eyes, reprimanding yourself for disturbing the frail peace. As it turns out, the silence had been better. 
 You stand up in a swift motion, grabbing the leftovers to stick them in the fridge, relaxing a bit as you put distance between you and Miche.
 There is no resentment or anger. Just annoyance. And, for no real reason. 
 The two of you have been married for almost five years, and honestly, it’s been perfect–absolutely incredible. Miche just gets you, and you get him. 
 For most of your life, you listened to older couples preach about what hard work relationships take, and while you can appreciate that effort must be made, it isn’t hard to put forth said effort because you know it’ll end up benefiting you and your partner in the long run.
 Talking with Miche is something you can do with ease, and it always has been. You’ve never had issues in communicating your wants or needs, and the man is so laid back that when you suggested he make himself a little more emotionally available, he did so without protest. He was a little goofy about it at first, almost poking fun when he’d come home from a long day, sigh, and confess in a comically whiny voice, “I think I need to snuggle or cry or something,” but now he has no qualms with trudging into the bedroom and asking sincerely, “Can I hold you for a while tonight?”
 It’s the shit like that that makes marriages last, you think–being receptive and respectful. That, and the cup in the kitchen full of popsicle sticks scribbled with the names of nearby restaurants because Jesus fuck, talk about a life saver. You can’t make decisions to save your life, and considering Miche is the epitome of, “Followin’ you, babe,” the mealtime conversation was always draining. So, thanks, Pinterest.
 You’re best friends. You laugh when he laughs, and you cry when he glowers, and you can talk for hours when given the chance. You get along with his friends, he gets along with yours, and while you have some similar interests, the real beauty of your relationship shows through your differences and how you both appreciate them. Miche has taught you so much about so many things, and he gives you the same opportunities to teach him as well, always curious to learn more about you and what has your attention at the present time.
 Sometimes you wake up next to him and wonder if he was actually hand-crafted for you specifically because he fits you so perfectly, balances you where you need to be balanced and complementing you where you need to be complemented, not so much a yin to your yang–more like the serenity to your turbulence. You are not easy to manage (you know that better than anyone after trying and failing to do so your entire life), but Miche loves and takes care of you as if he was put on this earth to do just that, and you wonder how the fuck you could get so lucky because it doesn’t make sense–
 “What is going on?”
 His deep voice shakes you from your little reverie, and you blink across the kitchen island to find him braced on his elbows and staring at you with those soulful green eyes. His expression makes your chest clench, and you try to swallow past the tightness in your throat with little success. 
 You aren’t mad at him. He hasn’t done anything wrong. You’re just not connecting, and that fact alone has you irritated. You haven’t been able to have a decent conversation with him in nearly a week, haven’t felt his strong arms around you in just as long, and it’s starting to wear on you. 
 “I don’t know,” you mutter. “We’re both just tired, I guess.”
 “Well, that’s not gonna change anytime soon,” Miche says with a click of his tongue, “but this–” he motions between the two of you, “–this does need to change. Last thing I wanna do when I get home is walk on eggshells all evening, so let’s just… get it out.”
 Letting out a humorless laugh, you hold your hands out by your sides. “There’s nothing to get out, babe. I’m not mad at you or anything. We’re just in a weird place right now and both super stressed so, like…” He doesn’t look entirely convinced, so you raise an eyebrow and remind him, “Miche, if I was legitimately mad at you, you’d know it.”
 You aren’t the type to scream and throw things, but you are the type to sit down and cry and tell him exactly what happened to make you upset. After a shitty past relationship, you made a vow to yourself to never let things fester, which means Miche does not have the luxury of the cold shoulder. No, he just gets tears and hiccups and you stuttering, “I just feel like…” about a hundred times until you finally manage to voice the real issue you’ve taken with him.
 He must be some kind of saint for putting up with you.
 That said, you don’t fight often. The open line of communication means as soon as something rubs you the wrong way, one of you says something about it, and it gets clarified. That takes care of ninety percent of problems, you’ve both come to find. 
 When that line is suddenly closed, though, due to schedules or emergencies, things get a little muggy–you both fall out of rhythm, no longer on the same page, and that is when actual, serious arguments happen. In the years that you’ve been with Miche, you can count on one hand the number of times you’ve fought. The two of you have had some lively discussions before, but any time the energy shifts into something more serious, both of you pick up on it and pause, say something along the lines of, “Hold on, let’s step back for a second,” with shaky, sorry smiles. 
 You aren’t on the verge of a lively discussion currently, though. The rate things are going, the amount of times you’ve snapped at each other in the past week over stupid shit (the twist-tie for the bread being left out, your shoes under the coffee table instead of by the door, etc.), you and your husband are well on your way to a fight. 
 Unless you can put a stop to it here and now. 
 “What’re your plans for the rest of the night?” Miche asks, still watching you from the other side of the counter top.
 You give a nebulous wave and a little, “I dunno,” because as much as you’d like to just crawl into bed and start over tomorrow, you know that isn’t an option. “I got, like, zero work done today, so–”
 “Let’s take a bath.”
 Cocking your head, you squint and state, “You hate baths.”
 He does. He likes all the floral soaps and bath bombs you get from the little shop in the mall, but as far as actually sitting in the ceramic tub–the man constantly complains about being able to feel his bones scraping together while curled around you. 
 “I don’t hate them,” he tries, and it earns him a tiny, knowing smile. “They’re uncomfortable because I’m tall, but you like them.”
 “I do, and you know,” you start, slowly making your way out of the kitchen toward him, “You’d probably like them more if we got a bigger–”
 “I know, I know, whirlpool tub, it’s on the very long to-do list.”
 Miche is hesitant to reach out for you, almost timid when he takes your hand and pulls you close to him. It hurts you, makes you feel like you need to apologize, but you haven’t done anything wrong. Neither has he. No one is in the wrong here, but no one is in the right either. 
 “You still have some stuff from that frou-frou shop you like?” he asks.
 You answer, “Yes,” with a roll of your eyes, mumbling an amused, “Don’t act like you don’t like that frou frou shop.”
 The TV is turned off, and you walk with Miche to your shared bedroom, slowly undressing and feeling shy about it for the first time in God knows how long. It seems like forever since you’ve felt his hands on you, even in innocent ways, so when he wraps them around your hips under the warm spray of the shower, you shiver. 
 Miche insists on washing the day from him before soaking in a tub, something you’ve never quite understood since every bath has to end in a shower to rinse all the excess soap away. He’d mentioned once how he hates the idea of sitting in his own filth, and you’ve never questioned him since. It just makes the bath routine a little more tedious than necessary in your opinion. 
 But, if it means being able to lean against his broad chest while soaking in rose and jasmine, you suppose the wasted water is worth it.
 You hear Miche hiss when his back comes in contact with the cold tiles of the wall, can practically feel him grit his teeth when the ceramic digs into his hips and ankles. Knees are bent on either side of you, and you slowly sink back into him, letting him get used to your added weight as it pushes him further into the tub. Only when one of his hands settles on your tummy do you relax fully.
 The bath is very warm, a sweet, herby aroma swirling in the air just as petals swirl in the water. It’s a tight fit–Miche really is too large for this tub–but it’s comforting to you. You’ve always enjoyed deep pressure on your body, tight hugs and weighted blankets, and this is no different. 
 “Tell me about your week,” he says, and you can tell by the slight curve of his body that he’s resting his head against the wall behind him. “New project, right?”
 Nodding, you briefly tell him about the manuscript you were sent and how reading it alone feels like pulling teeth. 
 “Editing is a nightmare. Reminds me of peer editing in basic composition classes,” you complain.
 Miche chuckles, his thumb stroking just above your navel as he listens to you talk about how it isn’t an especially long piece, but it’s taking up extra time just because of how poor the quality is, and you can already tell it’s setting you behind for the next job you have sitting on your hard drive. 
 Once you’ve vented most, if not all, of your frustrations about the publishing company you work for, you urge Miche to tell you about how the new job is going. He’s got an idiot foreman with no experience actually heading a crew, and a vendor the company has never used before, so this whole first week has been an absolute clusterfuck. 
 “Thank god I’ve got Levi as my assistant on this one. If Dot had given me Gel again, I think I would’ve walked off the site completely a couple days ago. Almost did before Levi caught me.” He seems to laugh at the memory, your body moving with his as Miche recalls his coworker shooing him into his office and telling him to cool down after blowing up at at an electrician for not following OSHA guidelines. 
 “Can see why you’ve been stressed then,” you hum, loose where you sit in the water. 
 Chatting has been nice, even if it is just about work. It feels like you’ve missed out on so much just by not making small talk over dinner or through evening hobbies. It’s been so quiet between the two of you, and… you missed this. 
 “I’m sorry things’ve been so weird,” you sigh, running your hand up and down Miche’s calf, feeling the coarseness of his hair and scratching over the curve of muscle further down. 
 “Mm, not your fault,” he counters, holding you flush against him and speaking just above your ear. “Don’t apologize.”
 The water has been cooling for some time, but the moisture trapped between your skin is still very hot, and when you move a certain way, you feel Miche’s cock twitch where it’s pressed against your back. He groans when you repeat the motion, warning, “Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish, sugar.”
 You grin, turning to look over your shoulder at an odd angle and assuring, “Oh, I can finish. Question is, can you?”
 “Probably quicker than I’d like since it’s been a while,” Miche laughs before pushing you forward enough for you to stand up. 
 Both on your feet, you rinse off again then towel away any water droplets left behind, Miche bringing one of the towels into the room and leaving it at the foot of the bed before crowding you onto the mattress. 
 His shaggy hair is still very damp, hanging in his eyes until you push it away just in time to meet him in a kiss, and your whole body lifts with it, peace finally restored as his lips move with yours. It’s natural, it’s instinct, it’s the two of you in your most basic forms, locked at the mouths while hands roam free. 
 Miche crawls further up the bed with you until a loud yelp startles both of you, the smaller of your two dogs jumping from the place in the blankets he had apparently been hiding, scurrying away into the living room as Miche calls out a regretful, “Oh, sorry, bud!”
 “For the best,” you tell him. “At least he won’t be scarred now.”
 “The things these dogs have seen, honestly… They’re probably traumatized already.”
 You both get comfortable on your sides, facing one another, and you kick a leg over Miche’s hip, sucking in air when he brushes fingers over your folds. One of your arms is pinned beneath your own weight, but you have just enough range to wrap your hand around your husband’s cock, already half hard and easy to stroke to the point of straining. 
 Miche’s groan is low, rattling around your head as he rocks his hips into your hand, his fingertips feather light on your sensitive skin and making you throb for him. 
 His tongue slips into your mouth every now and again, but most of your kisses remain close-lipped save for the occasional nip and bite until you’re panting into him and gripping him tighter. Precum keeps beading at his tip, and you swipe over it again and again, smearing it over the flare of his cockhead before deciding you’d prefer to lick it away.
 “You ready for me to suck you off?” you ask despite knowing the answer.
 Miche nods but stops you before you can slide down his torso, instead suggesting, “Let’s just sixty-nine. Want my face in your pussy now.”
 Snorting, you very carefully position yourself over him, careful not to break his nose or kneel on his hair, and once he positions you just where he wants you, you lean over and grab his swollen cock, guiding it to your mouth as he grips your thighs and pulls you downward. 
 You gasp as soon as you feel his tongue on you, way more sensitive than you thought you’d be. It makes you pull up and away only for Miche to lock you into place. 
 “Fuck, babe–” you laugh only for it to go shrill again when he latches onto your clit.
 He turns his head just enough to tell you to relax, the brush of his facial hair over your folds making you twitch, then pulls the little bud back into his mouth.
 For a few moments, you buck with every flick of his tongue, almost as if it’s a surprise every time. Then, with a deep breath, you will away the tension in your muscles and allow yourself to go limp, to curl over him and lap at his cock while enjoying the way he eats your pussy from below. 
 When he senses your calm state, Miche loosens his hold on your thighs, simply massaging them, gently scratching over your ass until he’s able to find an angle that allows him to slide a finger into your entrance.
 You groan around him, taking him deeper in your mouth then running your tongue along the underside of his cock. You can’t swallow all of him, still have a couple inches of clean flesh you just work with your hand, but Miche doesn’t seem to mind, grunting when you squeeze his base and play with his balls. 
 At some point, you raise just enough to voice a wayward thought in your head, laughing as you slur, “You know some people don’t like doing this? Like sixty-nining isn’t–isn’t that popular apparently. People say it’s too much work without enough payoff.”
 Miche turns to nip at your leg, rumbling a lazy, “Those people aren’t doin’ it the right way then,” pausing to lick a thick stripe between your folds and adding, “Don’t know what they’re missin’ out on.”
 He works you until you’re dripping onto his face, loosened by two of his thick fingers. Drool has made your chin sticky, but it’s worth it to hear his groans and feel his cock twitch in your mouth. You both hit that point of wanting more at about the same time, Miche helping you off his face and motioning toward the towel. 
 You pass it to him, opting to rinse your face with water and returning just in time to see him make himself comfortable up by the pillows, making sure the blankets are kicked to the ground so that neither of you will get tangled in them. 
 “Oh, don’t forget to turn the fan off,” he says with a nod, and you pull the chain three times then crawl to straddle his hips. 
 “Do you think we need lube?” 
 Miche’s response is to drag his fingers through your slickness once again, making you tug your lip between your teeth. 
 “Not right now, but better to keep it handy,” he smirks, licking his hand clean then lining himself up with your hole. 
 The initial inward push causes your jaw to drop, as it always does, the thickness of his cock stretching you, your gummy walls making room as he slides deeper and deeper. 
 You’re both slow to start moving. You want to feel him, of course, but you’ve learned from past mistakes—going too hard too fast—and you’d really like to not end the night with a heating pad thrown over your hips. 
 So, you rock leisurely, dull nails biting into Miche’s pecs as he strokes your back and keeps himself from bucking. 
 You can feel the tightness in your thighs, a reminder that you failed to stretch before this. The warm bath and foreplay loosened you up some, but not the way downward dog and a butterfly pose does. Everything will still feel good, you just won’t be as bendy tonight as you are on others. 
 Miche begins to bounce you gently, his knees bent behind you, giving you something to lean back on so that he doesn’t fully impale you with every thrust. You reach up to cup your tits as your body rocks up and down, but it doesn’t take long for your husband to replace your hands with his own, squeezing supple flesh and lightly pinching your hard nipples. 
 He braces himself with one arm on the mattress, pushing up toward you to mouth over your chest, leaving a trail of spit that cools quickly and makes you shiver, and then he’s pulling you down for a kiss. The angle he’s hitting inside you has you moaning into his mouth, the press of his cock against your g-spot making your eyes roll and thighs quiver. 
 A loud barking jars you out of your lusty headspace, heart stuttering in your chest as your yappy little mutt devolves into a croaky howl. 
 You stop moving, and Miche gives a couple more thrusts before he also ceases, both of you snickering at the pathetic wails. A siren can be heard in the distance, what must have gotten Remy’s attention in the first place, and you know there’s no use trying to shut the little dog up (plus you really have no right considering you’d recently kicked him out of the nest he made of your bed, how rude), so you just pick back up, panting and laughing until the howling fades into a grumble and then into nothing. 
 You’ve nearly found your rhythm again when you hear more barking outside, and you brace yourself just in time for both Remy and his much larger counterpart, Minnie, to join in, the front room turning into a cacophony of yips and snarls and thunderous bellows from the wolfhound. 
 “Jesus Christ,” Miche groans, shaking his head before focusing in on you again. “Okay, eyes on me. Ignore them.”
 “Kinda hard to ignore,” you giggle, but a sharp upward thrust pushes all the air from your lungs and most coherent thoughts from your head. 
 His cock still feels perfect nestled in your pussy, but… it’s impossible to get lost in the void of pleasure when it sounds like you own a kennel. 
 Miche keeps trying, eyebrows knitting together as he moves you on top of them, but when the barking just keeps going, he ends up calling out, “Minnie! Remy! Shut the fuck up! Papa’s trying to come!”
 You immediately dissolve into laughter, falling to the side and off his cock. Oddly enough, it seems to quiet them, but that only amuses you further, and Miche has to wait out your fit. 
 It lasts just long enough for some of your natural lubrication to dry, and you end up spreading your legs so that Miche can drizzle some water-based lube over your folds, rubbing between them and slipping fingers back inside you then using the same hand to slick himself up again.
 Still laying on your sides, he slides into you from the front, and the curve of his cock presses against that back wall inside you, not quite as pleasing as the opposite but not uncomfortable by any means. It doesn’t make you moan with each shift of your hips, though, and Miche quickly picks up on it and pulls out, maneuvering you onto your back and lifting your legs to push against your chest until you wince. 
 “Sorry,” he breathes, switching tactics and simply throwing both legs over one of his shoulders, placing a kiss on your ankle.  
 He sinks into your heat again, and it doesn’t take long for his thrusts to get sloppy as he chases his climax. He was right about it not taking a very long time just like he was right about it being a while since the two of you last fucked, and that’s okay—both parts. Truthfully, you aren’t really up for marathon sex anyway, body already growing sore in more ways than one. 
 “‘’m’gonnna come soon, is that okay?”
 “Yeah,” you nod, “Whenever you’re ready, baby, just come inside me.”
 He lets out a desperate sound, moving faster as he pistons in and out of you. You can feel his heavy balls slapping against you, damp skin on skin like a lewd and lovely soundtrack that fades into the background as Miche’s whole body goes taut and he spills into you, groaning and swearing and—
 “Ow, fuck, fuck—”
 He’s frowning, cringing, and you watch in confusion as he reaches back to his leg while still moving inside you.
 He presses two knuckles into his calf, and you notice the way his toes are spreading and spasming, a question on the tip of your tongue as he empties his load deep in your pussy. 
 “What do you mean ow?” you prompt when he stills.
 Miche grunts, still massaging his leg, cock accidentally slipping from you in the process, and you make a noise of displeasure as you remember you didn’t put the towel down underneath you. Surely, there will be a mess to clean up. 
 “I get a Charlie horse every time I come,” he tells you in a strained voice, finally breathing out a sigh of relief and relaxing as the cramp fades away. 
 Your eyes almost fall out of your head. “Every time?”
 He nods with a grimace. “Every time.”
 “Good fucking god, dude! Eat a banana!” 
 “I eat plenty of potassium, thank you,” he mouths off with a chuckle. “It’s just a thing that’s always happened.”
 You are appalled. Truly appalled. “That is awful. Why even bother coming? I feel like that would ruin it entirely.”
 Miche shrugs casually. “It’s still worth it, honestly. Especially when I get to come in this pussy,” he says while cupping your mound, dipping his fingertip into your messy hole and teasing you. “Now quit worrying about me and let me help you get off.”
 No protests there. 
 Over your time together, you’ve developed a sort of routine, something that works every time. It took some experimenting, some trial and error because your orgasms can be… tricky. It’s left you self-conscious in the past, worried your partners would get bored or frustrated after trying to make you come for thirty minutes to no avail, but Miche saw it as a challenge from the start, and you knew he was the one when he went down on you for what felt like forever before managing to pull an orgasm from you with his mouth alone. 
 He’d torn that thin line of tissue under his tongue in the process, but he’d grinned in satisfaction even through the discomfort. What a man. 
 It’s much easier to use toys now, and he’s confident enough in himself to not be too bothered by it, still involved as he fucks you with his fingers while you press a vibrator to your clit. He’s so patient, content with watching the way your face changes and your muscles contract. 
 Tonight is more of the same which isn’t disappointing in the least. Miches makes sure your feet stay covered by sheets, having learned that if they get too cold it’ll make it impossible for you to come, and once he ensures they’re safely tucked in, he starts to toy with your pussy.
 You suck in shallow breaths as stimulating vibrations make you twitch, your sloppy cunt clenching while your husband pushes his own cum in and out of you, scissoring his fingers to stretch your hole in a way that makes you feel loose and filthy. 
 One of your more mild fantasies runs like a grainy film in your mind, some exhibitionist bullshit where he fucks you in front of his friends, and as you focus on that and the feeling of his thick fingers making a mess of your hole, the beginnings of your climax set in. 
 It starts with your stomach, muscles contracting as they cave inward. Your toes grow warm, a tingling sensation traveling up your legs, and they spread even further. Arms locking into place, you realize you’ve found that sweet spot with your vibrator, your clit trapped beneath it, and fuck, you imagine him holding you open for his guy friends to see and appreciate, hear the schlick schlick schlick of his cock moving in and out of you, think about the way you’d drip and cream the way you’re doing right now, and oh god, you remember that you’re still stuffed with his cum, that he’s stirring it into your insides, and that’s what does it—that’s what makes you topple over the edge. 
 You moan loudly, hips moving on their own accord as you pull the vibrator away and let Miche fuck you through it. A line of viscous fluid is pushed from your body, but you find you’re no longer worried about the mess. 
 You huff out a quiet, “Okay, okay,” that serves as the signal for Miche to stop, and he pulls his hand away from you then leans forward to kiss your cheek before getting up and walking to the bathroom to rinse his fingers. 
 You’re left breathing heavily and nodding to nothing in particular, pussy still spasming as you bask in your high. 
 “That was good,” you hum when he returns, draping the towel over your thighs for you to use when you’re ready. “I needed that.”
 “We needed that,” he corrects, flopping down next to you. “Fuck, we needed that.”
 You can already feel that things have returned to normal. It makes this even sweeter, makes your body warm and your heart content. 
 Miche’s hand settles on your tummy, and he reminds you, “Get up and pee before you doze off.”
 Your response is nothing more than a whine because the last thing you wanna do is move from your spot on the bed.
 But, he’s right. You could probably go for a shower, too (the fucking third one today) as you have a feeling you’re quite slippery between the legs. 
 “Come with meee,” you try. 
 Miche laughs, “To pee?”
 “No,” you smack him lightly in the side. “To shower with me afterward.”
 “Legs too weak?” he teases, smirk lacing his words. 
 “Maybe a little, but I really just wanna like… be close to you for a little while longer.”
 He makes an understanding noise and sits up, urging you to do the same. 
 “Mkay. Go peepee then turn the shower on and I’ll come in.”
 The juvenile term makes you laugh, and you’re so god damn thankful that it’s so easy to do that around him, that he makes it so easy.
 Stoic in public and even around friends and family, Miche opens up when he’s with you—letting his charming, dorky self shine through. He’s mischievous and childish and goofy, and he’s your best friend. 
 You lean over for a kiss. Then another. Then another. 
 “Mm, I love you.”
 He replies by sticking his tongue out and making a fart noise. Typical. 
 “Wow, rude.”
 He smiles crookedly, making the same noise then pecking you on the lips again and finally telling you, “I love you too. Now, go pee!” 
 You scramble off the bed, towel between your legs so that you don’t drip all over the carpet, and Miche has just enough time to slap your ass before you waddle to the bathroom. 
 As soon as the door shuts, you hear the dogs start barking again followed by your husband’s frustrated, “God daaammit.”
 You love it. You love it all. Your stressful job and your silly, noisy dogs. Most of all, though, you love him. 
 Every relationship has ups and downs, you know, but even the downs seem easy with Miche simply because you never doubt him—know you’ll always pull through even stronger than before. 
 The make-up sex (if it can even be called that) is just one of many bonuses.
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biisexualemma · 3 years
tired pt.2. bucky barnes
word count: 2.3k
warnings: violence, mentions of blood
requested: n/a
plot: you get injured during the mission to locate karli
a/n: so this is sort of a part 2 to the winter soldier imagine i wrote! i'm gonna be posting a part 3 soon too, i'm pretty much following each episode lol, this is obviously episode 4, and then next part with follow episode 5! hope you enjoy! i am very much enjoying writing for bucky atm! let me know what you think anyway! (sorry if there are any minor mistakes i cannot read this over again i am tired lol)
pt.1 / pt.3 / pt.4 masterlist
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you knew this was a bad idea. any idea that involved trusting zemo was bad. which you had reiterated to your team multiple times now, but here you still were, relying on zemo to get to karli. to top it all off, captain america and his nosey sidekick had found you guys, somehow, and invited themselves to tag along. too much toxic masculinity was floating around in the air when john walker tagged along anywhere, it was suffocating. made you wanna punch him whenever he opened his mouth and that arrogant, condescending tone came out. that, and he was resolved to shamelessly coming onto you whenever he spoke to you. you were sure he only did it so he could feel more in control of the situation. you tried not to let it get to you, but sometimes he was plain insufferable.
bucky already hated walker with every fibre of his being, and he definitely didn't take kindly to his flirting with you either. the only thing holding either of you back from decking walker was sam, and his level head. but you were constantly stealing subtle glances and touches with one another when you could without bringing too much attention to it. you had both decided it would only make things way more complicated during this mission if your relationship was out in the open. there were too many things that could go wrong, you definitely didn't want your relationship to be used against you. so only sam remained in the loop. everyone else was blind to your affection for the super soldier, and his for you.
the blonde haired fraud and his right-hand man, had somehow managed to make everything ten times worse again. you found yourself scouring the building, looking for karli, after mr-i-have-jurisdiction charged into the room where sam had been having a, somewhat productive, conversation with the girl. he barged in there, throwing around hollow threats, like karli would cave and come lightly after everything. he was ignorant and he was an idiot and you could've killed him for screwing up another mission.
you held your gun at arms length, kicking the door open in front of you, edging your way in, eyes scoping the room for any signs of movement. it was empty. you lowered your gun, making your way across the floor to the door leading to the next room. "east wing is clear so far, one last room to check and then i'll circle back to the stair--"
your words caught in your throat as a grunt left your mouth, feeling the blunt impact to the back of your head. you stumbled forwards, clumsily spinning around to see one of karli's super soldiers towering over you, an old pipe gripped in his hand. you quickly lifted your gun to shoot but the bullet hit the ceiling when he swung the pipe, knocking the weapon out of your hand.
you gritted your teeth, your head was throbbing where the pipe had made contact, and now you were weaponless. you ducked swiftly as he swung the pipe at you once again. you dived forwards, trying to catch him off guard and using your full force to tackle him. ordinarily, this would have knocked him off his feet and you would have used the upper hand to locate your gun and seize it before he could recover.
but this guy, unfortunately for you, was far from ordinary. he was significantly stronger than you were.
"all clear, y/n?" sam's voice echoed in your ear through the comms but you were far too distracted by your current predicament to answer him straight away.
"shit," you mumbled under your breath. the man had barely flinched, before switching it on you. before you could retreat, his arms grabbed your torso and you were halted, heaved off of your feet. "i need backup!" you shouted desperately into your comms, hoping one of them would turn up sooner rather than later. his grip was painfully strong as you tried to scramble out of his hold. but, with almost no strain on his behalf, he hurled you across the room, your body slamming into the brick wall and crumpling against the hard floor.
you let out a wheeze, you felt like the air had been knocked right out of you, and you definitely heard something crack. you clutched your side, wincing as you clumsily dodged the blows he threw at you, trying to clamber away from him. you had to pull yourself together, get up and get to your gun before this escalated any further.
you propped yourself up onto your arms, pushing yourself back and away from the super soldier towering over you. "sam, buck," your breathing was laboured as you tried to reach them again, after hearing no response from your initial plea for help. "east wing. i'm unarmed. super soldier with a pipe and a mean swing-- i need backup-- now."
you cringed, sharp pains rushing from your chest the further you dragged yourself away from the soldier. that was when you noticed the gash along his calf, blood soaking his pants. that was your ticket. you waited for him to swing again, dodging it only by a split second, but took your window and kicked as hard as you could at the open wound on his leg. he let out a loud groan, his leg collapsing under the shock of the pain.
you, however, scrambled as quick as you could, onto your feet and ran to the gun sitting on the floor behind him. before you got too far, your legs were swept out from under you as the soldier grabbed your ankle, your face slamming into the concrete floor as you fell. you let out a groan, followed by a soft whimper, blood now pooling from your nose. you desperately stretched out a hand for the gun that was just out of your reach. his grip tightened on your ankle, you felt yourself being hauled backwards before you lunged one last time for your weapon.
your hand clasped around the gun, twisting yourself onto your back, not hesitating to fire at the super-soldier attached to your limb. the bullet fired straight into his shoulder, he let out a shriek of pain, his grip lost on your ankle. you hurried as far away from him as you could on your hands and knees, your breathing shaky and uneven as the adrenaline coursed through you.
you sat still, legs brought up to your chest, your breathing heavy as you watched the super soldier grip his shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. you held the gun up, directed at him in case he made any more movements. you were panting, your hand moving to your head, wincing as the throbbing pain started to return, and your comedown ensued.
"oh shit," you heard from the doorway. "shit," he muttered harshly, his footsteps drawing nearer to you. you were preoccupied, the pain was spreading quicker now that your heart rate was slowing down. you felt the sharpness in your ribs every time you took a breath in, ringing in your ears growing louder and the throbbing in your nose intensifying as blood dripped onto your shirt.
you flinched when his hand brushed up against yours, your unsteady hands still gripped tightly around your gun. "hey," he whispered, you only just about heard his soft voice echo over the ringing. you noticed the familiar metal hand grazing yours and your grip loosened, letting him remove the gun from your hand. your eyes trailed up to his comfortingly familiar, blue eyes. you let out a soft sigh of relief, cracking a weak smile.
"took your time," you mumbled, teasingly, trying to ease some of the tension you were feeling. you moved your hand to your mouth, blood transferring onto your fingertips from where it had trickled from your nose onto your lips. you let out a halfhearted, tired, chuckle, your face contorting as the pain in your chest intensified. you were relieved that it was over, and that he had been the one to find you. you let out a strained breath, "i'm gonna need one hell of a drink when this is all over."
bucky, however, was examining every inch of you, his eyes shifting all over you, frowning as he found more blood the more places he looked. he watched your hands shake as you touched your lips, the lump grew in his throat. he knew you were trying to make light of the situation, to ease his mind but he could tell you were hurting, a lot.
he moved his hand to your face, his thumb brushing your cheek. his stomach lurched when your eyes met his again, the blood soaking your face was a sight he never wanted to have to see again after today. as impossible as that would be in this line of work. "let's get you fixed up, then we'll see about that drink, alright, doll?" his voice was soft, quiet when he spoke to you. you nodded, reassurance slowly washing over you with his fingers caressing your cheek. his touch was more comforting to you than he'd ever realise.
he dragged his eyes away from yours, over to the super soldier who was still squirming, his hand clamped over the wound in his shoulder. bucky glanced at you for a split second, his expression harder than before. you knitted your eyebrows delicately, noticing the shift in his temper. "wait here," he mumbled, his jaw twitching as he moved away from your side. you felt cold with the loss of contact.
bucky moved to tower over the super solider, his head tilting slightly, not hesitating for even a second as he raised his leg, quickly slamming the heel of his foot against his face. the solider dropped back onto the ground, now unconscious. "stay down," he mumbled under his breath.
"c'mon, we gotta' find sam and zemo first," he ignored your amused expression, helping you onto your feet.
you'd returned to the hotel room now you had zemo in your custody again. zemo was nursing his headache with a glass of whiskey, sam busying himself with something on his laptop, and bucky had pulled you into the bathroom to help clean you up.
"how ya' feelin', doll?" he quirked an eyebrow at you, positioning you so you were seated, while he hovered over you. he busied himself, soaking a cloth in warm water so he could tend to your wounds. you shrugged, lowering your gaze to where your hands sat in your lap, shaking less now you'd had that drink.
"i'll be fine," you muttered, unconcerned with your well being for now. your mind was swimming with thoughts on how you were going to handle the karli situation. no doubt, walker would be knocking around soon too, just to make things harder for you guys, and probably try and twist the story around to make it seem like karli getting away had nothing to do with him.
bucky wasn't convinced by your answer, but he didn't push you. instead, his hand moved to your chin, using his forefinger and thumb to tilt your head upwards. you saw his jaw clench before he started to wipe away the dried blood from your face. you flinched when he touched the bridge of your nose, recoiling from his touch. "ow, that kinda' hurt," you admitted.
"suck in your breath," he instructed, his jaw stiff as he spoke. "if i don't clean it up now it'll only get worse," you just nodded, doing as he said. you held your breath, biting the inside of your cheek as he cleaned up the rest of the blood (his spare hand moving to the back of your neck to stop you from pulling away). "all done," you let out your breath, your eyes were watery, a reflex from the sensitivity of your bruised nose. "y'good?"
you nodded, letting yourself fall forward, resting your forehead against his stomach, trying to disguise the range of emotions you were feeling. he let out a sigh, his hand still tucked around the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. "you don't have to keep up this act," he spoke after a while. exhausted, you let him hold you up, relaxing yourself against him. "it's just me."
you sniffled, pulling back to look up at him. he felt his chest tighten at the sight of your bruised face, stinging red eyes and pink cheeks. you weren't often vulnerable with anyone, but you were so worn out from everything going on, and bucky was looking at you in a way that made you feel so safe, you couldn't help but let go a little.
"i'm just tired, buck," your voice wavering. he moved both hands to either side of your face, pushing your hair out of the way. he cupped your cheeks, his thumbs brushing against your flushed skin. you relished in his touch, comforted by the warmth he was radiating, soothing you. "this missions been hard."
"i know, doll," he hummed, his gaze softening watching you relax against his palms, your eyelids drooping shut. he gulped. "let's get you clean, then you can get some rest."
you hummed softly. "thanks, buck," he took a step back, his hands leaving your face for a second. you hastily moved your hands to his, stopping him from moving further away from you. "no," your voice came out hushed. "just a bit longer," you pleaded, you weren't ready to let go of his comfort just yet.
bucky simply nodded, moving his hands back to either side of your face, letting your head fall against his stomach again. he raked his fingers through your hair soothingly, holding you for as long as you needed. he was just relieved you felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with him, it meant you felt just as much for him as he did for you.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Don't Breathe - Chris Evans smut
The one where your best friend and your boyfriend are fucking behind your back.
Warnings: smut, cheating, chris x your best friend, humiliation?, chris is an asshole in this, exhibitionism, the betrayal is real
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: this is sort of a companion piece to breathe, hence the same picture. While that one explores the extremes of loyalty, this one explores the extremes of betrayal. I also couldn't bring myself to create another moodboard. I wrote this story in one sitting, in the last anxiety episode I had and it helped me get to the place I am today - a better place than I was before, so while I'm grateful for it, I'm only publishing this to give myself some closure. I haven't edited it. I haven't asked anyone to beta read it for me because I simply can't look at it anymore. But it might help some of you, and it might even arouse some others (yes, there are people who have cheating kinks. Let's all be grown-ups and accept that sexuality is a complex and difficult thing. I won't accept kinkshaming in this blog). I only ask that you do not ask me about this story, how it came to be or any sort of part two's because I literally can't stand to look at it. Thanks, you guys!
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“Bitch really has no idea, huh?” Chris chuckled as he welcomed his mistress on his lap, licking his lip at the sight of the voluptuous body on top of his. He’d been dreaming about it for a while now, imagining it was her he was fucking when she was away and he had to fuck his girlfriend.
“Not a clue.” He was a bastard, he knew it. He was a son of a bitch, a good for nothing. He didn’t deserve to ever be happy again, not after this, but he couldn’t come to regret it. Not when your best friend was rubbing her cunt against his dick so sensuously, tempting him with her full pout and big breasts.
“She’s always been dumb,” she commented, like she wasn’t speaking about the woman she claimed to love more than anything in the world. Maybe that should have worried Chris, but for whatever reason, it just made him harder.
He really wasn’t worth shit.
“Can’t even figure out that every time we disappear at a party, I’m really just sucking your dick.” Chris chuckled as he buried his thumb on her mouth, chuckle turning into a groan as the beautiful woman twirled her tongue around his digit.
“I mean, this was how it started, wasn’t it, baby?” He reminded her. “You ditched her in the middle of the club to meet me in the bathroom and offer some help with the package I’d been hiding in my pants… Didn’t even have the time to doubt it before you were dropping to your knees and crawling towards me.”
The little vixen smirked at the memory, face suddenly lighting up as she let go of my dick to get out of bed. “Hey!” He complained, still smiling because he could see she was up to no good. “Where are you going?”
She had my phone in her hands when she climbed back to bed, a perfectly plucked eyebrow high in her forehead as she typed away in it. He’d never let you learn the password but what could he possibly hide from his mistress?
“Call her.” It wasn’t as much a request as it was a statement, since when she threw the phone on his chest, it was already ringing. A panicked look broke free on his face before he shook his head, smirking at her insanity.
Goddamn it if it didn’t make him harder than he’d ever been before.
“Hello?” Your sweet voice was the perfect dichotomy to the act he was partaking in, and he had to bite his lip so you wouldn’t figure out what was happening as your best friend leaned over his cock to take it in her mouth.
“Hey, honey,” Chris greeted, trying to keep his voice as smooth as possible. He could totally do this. He was an actor, after all.
“Is something wrong?” You questioned, and for a second both him and your friend froze, fearing you’d heard something. “You just left, I figured you wouldn’t call me until tomorrow.”
Chris chuckled lightly at your innocence - and the clear happiness you felt at him deciding to call so soon. He already knew what to say to plunge the knife even deeper into you.
“Oh, you know…” He trailed off, biting his lip again as your best friend swallowed his cock. “Just missed you.” He didn’t miss the smirk on her eyes. She didn’t need to speak or even stop sucking him for him to know that she was enjoying this, so he kept going, entertaining you with mindless conversation until you remembered you actually had to call her.
“Oh, I promised I’d call her… We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” You assured him, blissfully unaware of the betrayal you were suffering. “Bye, baby. I love you.” You disconnected the call before he could even lie about that too, but a few minutes later her phone began ringing.
She was still giggling when she picked up, now having stopped sucking him to rub her tight wet cunt against him again, teasing them both. “Bitch, you’ll never guess,” she greeted as soon as you said hello, and just as you asked what was up, she lowered herself down on Chris’ cock.
Your man’s cock. While she was talking to you. “I’m fucking someone right at this second.” He could hear your stunned silence, but you knew your friend had always been crazy - especially sexually.
It was the difference between the two of you that made him so obsessed.
“And he doesn’t mind?” You asked, clearly surprised, and Chris almost laughed when your best friend answered, “Oh, no. He gets off on it. Would you mind staying in line and listening for a bit? He’d really enjoy it.”
You hesitated only for a moment before agreeing, and that’s when she allowed herself to moan out loud. “God, what a fucking dick!” She cursed, fingernails gripping his pecks as she rode him for dear life. “I swear to god, you have no idea how it feels like to be fucked like this.”
You remained silent. Chris could almost picture it, the way you had one fingernail in your mouth, chewing on it as you tried to decide between keeping your promise and listening to your best friend fucking (your) man or leaving the phone on and going to do the laundry.
You were such a perfect girlfriend. So devoted, everything Chris should marry. His family loved you - hell, he thought he loved you. And here he was, fucking your best friend while you listened to her moans of pleasure.
He felt her eyes trailing down his body and he already knew what she wanted. They were a perfect match in bed. He manhandled her onto her stomach, knowing you were listening to her surprised scream and loud moan as he penetrated her from behind.
“So, so good…” She moaned. Chris had no doubt her eyes were rolling to the back of her head. “Would you ever stop fucking me, baby?” She teased, making Chris chuckle, knowing the sounds of his hips slapping against her full ass were drowning his voice from you. “Would you ever stop fucking my tight little pussy?”
He leaned over her, body completely enclosing hers in bed when he gripped her jaw to whisper in her ear. “Not a chance in hell.” Her delighted moan made it all worthy to him. He pulled out of her to turn her around once more, spreading her legs so he could have a taste of her pussy.
Eyes connected, he watched her reach for the phone and take it off the speaker so she could talk to you properly. “This guy eats pussy like a pro,” she informed you while Chris grinned between her legs, her fingers tangled in the strands of your boyfriend’s hair. “And he tells me it’s the best pussy he has ever had, don’t you, baby?”
Chris could only nod, obsessed with the taste of her sweet pussy on his tongue, the loud sounds of slurping undoubtedly reaching you. He could only imagine how you were feeling, confused and maybe a little bit aroused. It was like sound porn, after all - and it was starred by your very own boyfriend, but you had no idea.
He hummed against her pussy. You could never taste as sweet, try as you might. Even her painted lips tasted better, and he knew it wasn’t because of the lipstick she wore since you two often shared.
She moaned loudly when he shoved two fingers inside of her, having memorized her sweet spot ages ago, when this still made him feel bad and he’d often hurl when he got home to find you in bed, waiting for him.
And yet, he couldn’t stop. He waited for her to turn off the call so he could climb back up her body, kissing every inch of the way until he was buried deep inside her tight pussy again.
“You make me crazy,” he whispered, knowing this would never be enough. He would never get his fill of her. He might love you in one way or another, but he wanted her, and he would never let her go.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
💖💘my heart’s dizzy and I my dose of serotonin whenever I read your prose🤟🏽😩 was wondering if you could do reader with an erratic future-vision!quirk so when they first meet yandere!Hawks they’re suddenly plagued by erotic, sensual, 365days-level of disturbing visions of them, so reader actively avoids them (it’s like those Tik Tok future-seeing videos playing to “Play Date”)
Prelude - Hawks isn’t a famous pro-hero in this, but he still has his quirk. It’s not really mentioned a bunch tho lol.  This is rlly long, but I decided not to put it into two parts because the smut is so slight lol. Hope this meets your expectations anon, thank you for reading!
Pairing -  Keigo Takami X Reader
Warnings - NSFW mentions, dubcon, noncon. No out-and-out explicit smut, just a really long story. Hawks is manipulative and gets what he wants
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/5ukAQcKEIJuzIbP55xp07x?si=iz6I-RoDSdCNYhT2Du8etg
He was a friend of a friend, someone you had only met once or twice.
Your friend kept bringing him to hangouts, he kept showing up on her instagram feed,  getting mentioned in her twitterbio, and eventually it came out that they had started dating. It didn’t catch anyone by surprise.
What did catch you by surprise, was how infatuated with him your friend was.
“He’s just sooooo hot, isn’t he?” She squealed, shoving her phone in your face to show off a shirtless pic he had just sent her.
You nodded in agreement, quickly appraising the pic before turning your head. Yeah, her boyfriend was attractive, but you weren’t one to ruin relationships. Plus, you and Keigo had never really talked past the brief “Hey” and “Wassup?” said in greeting when introduced the first time.
“Can he come to the mall with us on Friday? I promise there will be no third wheeling.” Your friend begged, clasping her hands together. You thought about it for a second - this had been a fun shopping trip the two of you had planned a few weeks ago, meant as a girls date on a day the mall wouldn’t be crowded. But would it really hurt anything if her boyfriend came along? Probably not.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” You shrugged, watching your friends face erupt into a wide grin. “But don’t ditch me to go makeout in a bathroom or something, got it?”
“Sir yes sir!” Your friend faux saluted, before patting you on the shoulder. “Thanks girlie!”
You jerked back, head suddenly swarming with visions, your quirk activating. Your quirk was helpful in some ways, but you mainly tried not to use it - headaches resulted, and you hated getting glimpses of the future. Sometimes they’d be good, but they were often bad - you had gotten a screenshot glimpse of your brothers death, his face marred and bleeding out onto the pavement.
It still made you sick to think about it.
Touch wasn’t something you could always avoid, but you tried, seeing as how it activated your quirk, giving you visions of your future with whomever you touched, or whoever touched you.
You saw your friends face, eyes puffy with tears, shouting something. Then another scene flashed, your friend on TV, talking to a reporter.
Thankfully, the visions ended, this episode relatively quick due to how short of a time she touched you.
“Oh shit, I forgot, I’m so sorry.” She rushed to apologize, holding her hands up and backing away from you.
“It’s-it’s fine.” You wheezed, waving your hand in the air to signal that it wasn’t a big deal. The vision just probably meant the two of you would get into a fight soon, which wasn’t uncommon.  It was fine, you were fine.
The mall wasn’t too crowded, which made the day pleasant. Your friend was talking to her boyfriend, hand tangled with his as the three of you walked in.
“So (Y/N), what do you think about that new Victoria’s Secret launch?” Your friend bumped you with her hip, drawing your attention as she pulled you into the conversation between her and her boyfriend.
“Oh, um… what?” To be fair, you had zoned out when the couple started being gross and mushy, which was like, the second your friend met Keigo at the door.
The blonde man laughed. “Victoria’s Secret just launched a new line of lingerie, have any thoughts about it?”
Turning red, you smiled sheepishly. “Ah, well…. From what I’ve seen of their stuff it’s… nice? So I’m sure it’s good.”
Your friend mock-gasped, almost slapping you on the arm before quickly remembering your quirk, drawing her hand back. You gave a quick nod of thanks.
“(Y/N)! Don’t tell me you didn’t even know about it?! I practically live, eat, and sleep Victoria’s Secret, it’s impossible to miss their product drops when you’re one of my friends.”
Unsure how to respond, you floundered, opening and closing your mouth like a lost fish.
“Babe, leave her be, she’s probably just shy.” Keigo stepped in, giving his girlfriend a chuckle as he steered you both towards a shop.
“Fineeee.” Your friend whined, turning to focus on the task ahead. “They have a VS shop here though, you’re not getting out of here without going in with me!”
The VS store was huge, smelling sweetly of flowers, bright colors assaulting your vision, soft pop music filling your ears.
It was hard not to cringe at all the fancy lingerie, you were honestly a bit embarrassed to be strolling through the store with your friend, let alone her boyfriend by her side.
“Does-does Keigo mind?” You quietly asked your friend, out of earshot of her boyfriend, who was looking at perfumes, last time you checked.
“Not at all birdie, I’m used to clothes, any form, any shape.”
You whirled around, squeaking in surprise at Keigo, who had apparently finished with browsing the perfume. He was flashing you a 1000 watt grin, continuing with what he was saying. “I’m a model, practically every girl I’ve ever met I’ve seen in less than full underwear, it’s no big deal.”
“Oh…. Cool.” You offered, cheeks turning red again. You felt like such a blushing schoolgirl, turning red when faced with looking at bras and panties, flushing when a man got too close.
It was the nature of the store, you told yourself, that was making you so embarrassed.
“Oo! What do you think of this one?” Your friend was holding up a babydoll, pink, with light fabric and zero coverage.
Keigo wolf whistled. “Man, that’d be a good look for you. Lets buy it.” The couple moved on, pointing at different clothes, your friend occasionally picking one from the rack to hold up against her body, looking for Keigo’s opinion.
They were cute together, laughing over the cheesy names on the tags of the lingerie, holding hands as the browsed, your friend occasionally stopping to plant a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek.
“I think that’s everything that I like…. (Y/N), your turn!” Pulled out of your casual observance, you back pedaled. “Me? No, I’m not really the type to wear this kind of stuff - I don’t even think most of it would fit, I have weird proportions.“
“Nonsense!” Keigo looked around for a moment, going to the nearest rack to quickly sift through bras, before pulling one out. “This one would make all the boys drool over you honey.”
He held it out towards you, shaking it slightly when you hesitated to take it. Was your friend okay with him talking to you like that, pushing underwear at you to buy? A quick glance sideways showed she was more than okay with it, clasping her hands excitedly as she watched you.
The bra was sheer, soft lavender fabric forming the cups, an intricate embroidered detail of flowers dotted haphazardly over the bra. It was pretty, but you weren’t exactly partial to it. When would you wear it? Who would you wear it for? You weren’t sure it was your style. Plus, it probably wasn’t even your size.
“My arm’s gettin’ real tired.” Keigo joked, before you finally took the garment from him. Checking the size, you paused for a second, blinking towards the man.
“How did you-?”
“You spend enough time in the fashion industry, you learn to tell a girl’s size just by looking at her.”  He seemed to puff up, as if he was proud of his bra-sizing skills.
“Let me help her pick out some things too!” Your friend cried, rushing past you to head over to the next rack, ushering you to follow with a wave of her hand.
You ended up with an armful of lingerie - bras, panties,  an odd bustier or two, and some other flowy items, like a sheer robe and a lacy chemise. The choices weren’t exactly made by you, more so made by a combination of your friend and Keigo together. They had alternated holding up items towards your body, comparing color and garment cuts, lost in their own mushy-gushy world, and it was almost like you didn’t exist for a few moments, nothing more than a barbie doll to dress up.
But now the three of you stood in line to checkout, and you felt included again, your friend cracking jokes that were making you snort, Keigo watching the two of you interact.
Until your friend accidentally brushed against your arm as she shifted forward in line.
Again, you saw her tearful face, heard her sobbing, before the other scene flashed, of her on TV, talking to the reporter. She still looked upset, eyes rimmed red, nose running, hair a mess.
With a gasp, your vision returned to the present, and you were wobbling on your feet, almost falling.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry (Y/N), I’m so so sorry. Here, let me take that, go sit down by the entrance.” She fussed over you, face concerned as she carefully took the stack of clothes from your arms, making sure to not make contact.
“Oh fuck, is she alright?” You heard Keigo ask, your friend stepping in front of you as he moved forward to check on you.
“Yeah, she’s just feeling a little dizzy. Can you make sure she doesn’t fall and crack her head open? Just wait by the entrance please.”
“Okay. Oh, here-“ You were a bit dazed, but you saw Keigo fish his wallet out of his pocket, thrusting the entire thing into his girlfriends hands before patting her on the shoulder “Whichever card is fine.”
And then you were stumbling towards the entrance, towards the bench right outside.
You hated seeing the future. Why was your friend crying? What had happened to elicit such a reaction? The unknowns killed you, kept you up at night as you tried to puzzle out the events that could lead up to the scenes from your visions.
Not looking where you were going, you tripped on air, unable to catch yourself as you plummeted towards the ground.
But then you were seeing Keigo.
He was above you, face flushed and sweaty, hair tousled, his chest bare. The room was dark, barely lit, and he was so close. The man leaned down to kiss you, then the scene changed.
You were bent over a table, only able to see the solid wood your face was smushed against. There was a heat in your belly, a tingling between your thighs, and pressure. Someone was talking - Keigo, muttering behind you angrily. You head was pulled up, a hand fisted in your hair, and then one of your knees was pushed up onto the table, and the pressure inside exploded into pure pleasure.
You felt yourself screaming, bucking your hips as you suffered through whatever the feeling was.
The scene changed again.
Hands tied above your head, you were pressed against a wall, sitting on some kind of…. Saddle? Your legs couldn’t touch the ground, and you squirmed, before gasping loudly.
There was a nub in the seat, ribbed and textured, slick with some kind of liquid… From you? Then you saw Keigo, standing in front of you, smirking at you with hardened eyes.
He had something in his hand, arms crossed over his chest while he fiddled with the object, muscles flexing. He was shirtless again, and-and his cock was hanging out of his sweatpants, pressed against his belly, smearing precum over his skin.
You tried to say something, anything - the visions never lasted this long, it was too intense, there was so much sensation. But your mouth wouldn’t move, choked up.
Keigo’s hand was on his length, rubbing slowly, saying something that didn’t reach your ears.
The scene changed.
Something was shoved down your throat, warm and twitching. You were sobbing, choking, clawing at whatever was in front of you. A dark laugh filled your ears, and you opened your eyes, met with the clenching abs of a strong stomach.
Keigo was brushing your tears, no, smudging them over your face. Were you wearing makeup? His cock was sitting in your throat, his hips moving in tiny jerks, stabbing your esophagus, making you gag.
Then you were back in the present.
A hand was holding your arm, keeping you from falling and making contact with the hard floor.
“-N)? (Y/N)? Are you okay? Talk to me birdie”
You made a panicked noise, pulling yourself out of Keigo’s grip so fast that you fell flat on the floor, scrambling backwards away from the man.
He almost looked scared, confused as he followed after you, holding out his hands. “(Y/N), you gotta calm down, you’re gonna make yourself sick.”
The man reached for your arm again and you pressed yourself against the floor, screeching out a loud “No!!” before he could touch you. Keigo paused, looking at his hand, then at you. “Hey, hey, I’m not gonna touch you. It’s okay little birdie, you’re alright.” He cooed, sinking to his knees in front of you.
You were hyperventilating, wide eyes trained on Keigo. Your thoughts were swirling in your head, you couldn’t focus, the sensations of the future still echoing through your body.
Keigo crouched there while you steadied your breathing, talking to you the entire time, trying to help you relax and calm down. You weren’t sure what he was saying, something about the weather? Or a dog? But you could feel your breathing evening out, head clearing.
“Hey, she fall?” You friend was carrying two bags, crouching down beside Keigo, cocking her head at you.
Her boyfriend nodded, turning to her and taking one of the bags. “I caught her, but then she freaked out and fell for real.”
Your friend nodded. “I should’ve told you earlier, she has a touch-based quirk. Every time someone touches her, she sees snippets of her future with that person.”
Keigo cocked his own head, gazing at you curiously. “I guess her future with me isn’t too positive then?”
Your friend shrugged. “Eh, she just hates seeing parts of the future. She doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen, makes her worry or something like that. Don’t take it too personally, she’s like that with everyone.”
“It-it-“ you rasped out, causing both sets of eyes to swivel towards you. “-I hate it... because-‘cause I can’t ever cha-change it.” You shivered.
Keigo nodded in understanding, before rising to his feet. “Think you can walk to my car? I’ll drive you two home, I think you’d benefit from some rest.”
He dropped you off at your apartment, and you wearily waved at the couple as they drove off, before heading inside.
A week passed, then two.
The visions you had concerning Keigo were plaguing your mind, filling your body with anxiety. There had been a distinctive feel of fear during each one, and despite all the other various sensations felt, the most overwhelming had been distress.
Whatever was going to happen, you weren’t going to like it.
You were holing up in your apartment, ignoring your roommates when they knocked on your door, only leaving your room to eat or grab water. You couldn’t sleep, too scared you’d have dreams, or more accurately, nightmares of what you had seen.
Curse your quirk.
Trying to pass time, desperate to keep your mind off of the future, you threw yourself into any activity you could find.
First you tried coloring - it was supposed to be relaxing, but it gave you too much time to think.
Then you tried gaming, spending hours in front of your computer mashing the keys. That worked for a bit, but your eyes and head soon protested.
You listened to music at full volume, tried several workout videos, even resorted to cleaning your space with fervent energy.
None of it took your mind off the inevitable.
“(Y/N), someone’s at the door asking for you.” You jerked awake, slumped over uncomfortably on the floor, the half finished card tower in front of you promptly knocked over at your erratic movements.
“(Y/N)?” Your roommate called again.
“Yeah! Coming, sorry.” You mumbled, scrubbing sleep from your eyes. You guess your body would give out sometime and force you to fall asleep, but as you moved to stand, you sorely wished your body had chosen a more comfortable place to pass out.
Opening the front door, you immediately took a cautious step back, sleepy demeanor vanishing.
Keigo smiled at you, one hand in the pocket of his jeans, the other holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey birdie, mind if I come in?”
You stared at him for a second, immediately on guard. Why did he have flowers? Why did he want to come in? Wasn’t he dating your friend? She didn’t live here, what was he doing here?
The man cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow at you. You moved to the side, holding open the door for Keigo to come inside.
Your roommates were home. If anything happened, they would be within earshot.
Keigo shot you a smile and a thanks, before immediately moving into the small living room, taking a seat on the couch. When he saw you still hovering by the open door, he patted the cushion beside him.
“Come sit, I promise I don’t bite.” He thought for a moment, before grinning. “Well, not unless you want me to.”
Hesitantly, you shut the front door, going to sit in a ratty armchair further away from the winged man. If this bothered him, the man didn’t let it show other than a short pause before he spoke.
“So, I know it probably seems like, super weird for me to show up at your apartment, but hear me out.”
Flowers were shoved in your lap, Keigo taking great care to avoid touching you.  “I felt bad about the other day, and my girl and I decided that we should get you some flowers. She picked ‘em out, it even says so on the note.”  The man laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“She’s so uptight about this kinda stuff. Anyways, just wanted to say that I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. If I had known, I would’ve let you fall flat on your ass. But I know now, so I’ll be better, cool with you?”
Finishing his little speech, Keigo held out his hands, wings stretching behind him to mimic the gesture.
Looking at the flowers in your lap, you felt your hands shaking. Picking up the little note attached to the bouquet, you found that your friend had indeed picked out the flowers, which made sense. They were your favorites, and in a nice color too.  Keigo had left a messy, scrawled “Sorry!” in one corner, before signing by his girlfriends name.
“Um, thank you Keigo, you didn’t have to apologize.” You murmured, rubbing one of the flower petals between your fingers. You were so glad your quirk extended solely to humans - if you were shown glimpses of the future of everything you touched, you would most likely go mad.
“Nah, I wanted to. Also wanted to swing by, check how you’re doing. You been taking care of yourself?” He relaxed on the couch, legs spread, arms resting behind his head. This wasn’t his home, yet you totally could believe that it was by the ease with which he owned the space with his presence.
“Oh, well… I’m still here, so…” You shrugged.
Keigo frowned. “That’s not a fun answer. How much sleep you been gettin’ each night? Eight hours?”
You shook your head, huffing out a breath in place of a laugh.
Keigo clicked his tongue. “No sleep? That’s bad for you y’know. Have you at least been drinking water? Eatin’?”
You nodded quickly, looking up to meet the man’s gaze. “I’m not a kid. I appreciate your concern, but it’s not necessary.”
At this point, you think the best thing for your health would be for the man to leave.
The blonde man stared at you for a moment, before sighing. “Alright, I get it. But I don’t want to hear that you’ve passed out or something, got it? Your friend would kill me.”
He rose to his feet, and so did you, walking him to the door. “Thanks Keigo, and thank you again for the flowers. That was very sweet of you both.”
Keigo beamed, giving a two fingered salute. “You deserve it birdie. Well, have a good rest of your day, yeah? Eat something.”
You smiled, at Keigo as he turned away, beginning to whistle as he strolled down the hall.
Once the door was shut, you found a vase for the flowers, filling it with water and setting it on the table. Your roommates would think it was pretty, and it was, a nice little centerpiece.
That really was nice of your friend and Keigo to offer you flowers.
“Welcome to Gold Nile Jewelers, how can I-“ You blinked at the man entering the shop. “-Keigo.”
“Birdie? You work here?” He looked just as confused as you felt, cocking his head to the side as he approached the counter.
You looked around the small display room, nodding your head. “Yep… You looking for anything specific today?”
“Ah, right!” He clasped his hands together, bending over to lean on the display counter as he looked up at you. “So professional (Y/N), it’s just me.” The man chuckled.
“Actually, I thought I’d get my girl a cute little bracelet or something like that, you think she’d like that?”
Knowing your friend, she’d be ecstactic. “Oh, absolutely. Any particular occasion, or just an “I love you gift”?” You asked, already running through the list of bracelets in stock.
“It’s our two month anniversary in another week, thought I’d get her a little sumn’ sumn’, y’know?”
Gold Nile Jewelers was an expensive store. You patted yourself on the back for not dropping your jaw when he said “two month anniversary”. People came here for wedding rings and special occasion jewelry, not monthly anniversaries like some high schoolers.
Well, unless they were rich.
You showed Keigo the selection of bracelets currently available, the man listening quietly to your product descriptions and recommendations, asking questions about the fit and feel, and if you think your friend would like a particular one.
“Honestly Keigo, I could choose one I think she’d like, but it’d be more special if you chose for her.” You finally told him.  He wasn’t annoying you, but you felt frustrated with his apparent lack of knowledge about his girlfriend. How did he not know what her favorite color was? “I’d suggest coming back in a few days. Go home, see what kind of jewelry she wears, pay attention to the colors she gravitates towards, if she’s allergic to any metals.”
Keigo tapped his chin. “Hmm, you have a good point. I guess I should pay more attention to those kinds of things.”
You nodded as you began to pack the expensive bracelets back into their display cases. “Gifts for a significant other can be hard. Honestly, it means a lot if they pick it out themselves and surprise you with it. Makes it special.”
“Oh, you have a partner?” Keigo asked, bright eyes watching your hands work.
A frown almost crossed your features, but you stopped it before it could show. “Ah, sorry, that’s not really a work-appropriate question.”
“Awh, c’mon! It’s just me, we’re friends, can’t you tell me?” Keigo pouted, batting his eyelashes at you in an exaggerated, dramatic fashion. The display made you laugh, so you indulged him. After all, he was a friend. No harm in telling him something he was bond to know sooner or later.
“I’m actually single right now. But as a jeweler sale associate, I know how much it means to a person when their partner picks out a gift for them, especially if it’s a surprise.”
Keigo nodded his head solemnly.  “That makes sense. I better follow your advice then eh? Find out what she likes-“ he mused “-I can do that.”
“Good luck Keigo!” You called after him as he strolled through the door, waving when he smiled at you, giving that same, goofy two fingered salute that he always did when saying goodbye.
The man unnerved you, the visions you had experienced concerning him making you worry. But as long as he was dating your friend, you felt that you’d be fine.
Keigo showed up again two days later.
“Back so soon?”
“You know me-“ He shook out his umbrella, placing it in the drip-bin by the door, wiping his shoes on the mat. “I always try to be speedy with my work.”
It was grey outside, drizzling slightly. You loved these kinds of days, where you could sit near a window and watch it rain while sipping tea. It was so peaceful and calm, and always soothed your stress.
“Find out anything useful?” Whatever he could tell you would make it easier to refine the jewelry selection for his particular needs.
“So, she doesn’t have any bracelets, and I asked her about why and she said they annoy her. She likes necklaces.” He clarified,. You could tell by the way he puffed up that he felt proud of his detective skills. “I even made a note of the lengths - she likes ones that dip low, which-“ He wolf whistled, and your stomach turned. But it was fine, just awkward.
“Alright, I think we have quite a few like that. Let me collect them for you and lay them out.”
Keigo strolled around the display room while you bustled about, looking in each case at the shiny metals and stones  
You laid out the necklaces, calling Keigo over. The man smiled brightly at you as you showed him the selection, noticing he was gravitating towards the more simply, elegant choices.
“I’m sure she would be thrilled with any of these.” You offered, Keigo silent as he tried to decide between two necklaces.
Still, the man shook his head, quirking his lips. “I just…. I need to see them on, y’know?” Then he brightened, as if he had just thought of something. “Hey, can you try them on? Model one for me? Just to see what it’d look like.”
You laughed nervously. “Sorry Keigo, but I’m not allowed to do that, it’s against company policy. Only customers get to try on the jewelry, and that’s if they’re supervised.”
“Awh, c’mon! No one else is here, and I won’t tell.” The man leaned forward, shooting you a quick wink before he snatched up one of the necklaces, holding it out towards you. “Please? I just need to see it. I promise I’ll buy it.”
He was so insistent, and no matter how loud the alarm bells were wringing in your head, you felt cowed by his confidence.
“Um, still… I don’t think it’s allowed-“
“Fuck what’s allowed-“ He cut you off, snorting. “-I want to see what it looks like. It’s just me (Y/N), I’m not gonna snitch.”
A heavy sigh, and you finally agreed, taking the necklace from his nimble fingers.  You slung it around your neck, not fastening the back as you held it in place. Hopefully that would be enough to sate Keigo’s curiosity.
His eyes immediately followed the curve of the necklace, how it dipped low towards your cleavage (curse you for wearing a lower-cut shirt today). You tried to ignore the leering.
“Here, let me help you fasten it, doesn’t look right otherwise.”
Before you could protest, he was sliding behind you, deft hands reaching for the necklace your had in your grasp.
“Keigo no-!”
But it was too late.
You were pressed up against a wall, face-first, your hands gathered into the small of your back and held there with a vice-like grip. There was pressure between your legs, something hammering into you, in and out, in and out, in and out.
Keigo was talking to you, you could tell it was the man by his voice. What was he saying? You were too overwhelmed with the sensation between your legs to focus on the words falling from his lips.
Sweat dripped from your temples, Keigo’s chest pressed up against your back was slick with perspiration, his nipples hard and pressing into your skin. It was an uncomfortable situation-
And then it changed.
You were tied up now, tight enough that you couldn’t move no matter how you thrashed. Knees bound in such a way so your ass was up in the air, arms stretched out in front of you, anchored to the headboard of the bed.
Keigo was behind you again - nothing to indicate that the tongue running through your core was his, but somehow, you knew.
You were begging and pleading, withing in your restraints against his tongue, but he wouldn’t let up, he wouldn’t let you crest the mountain that had built up inside. He kept chuckling, the vibrations running through you and making you buck your hips. You felt disgusting.
Then the bed was gone, and Keigo was in front of you. He was sitting in an office chair, your legs straddling his lap. Hands on your hips were dragging you back and forth, grinding you on the hard member protruding from Keigo’s lap. He was flushed, letting out little moans as he kept eye contact with you, smiling and praising you.
Then you were back.
Gasping, you shot away from Keigo, the expensive necklace clattering to the ground as it fell from your hands.
The man froze, confusion etched across his features as he watched you bend over, trying to catch your breath, to calm down, to ignore the lingering sensations from the futuristic visions.
“I think-I think you should leave.” You heaved, tears building. That had been awful, everything had felt good but you hadn’t. You felt uncomfortable and disrespected and stupid. That couldn’t be your future with Keigo, you wouldn’t be able to handle that. He was your friend’s boyfriend, for goodness sake!
Keigo opened his mouth to say something, but you snapped at him “Leave.”, making the man click his jaw shut.
He walked out the door, shooting you concerned glances the entire way.
You felt better as soon as he was gone, the door clicking shut after him. Thankfully, you were the only employee out front at the moment, and no other customers were present, so no one but you and Keigo had experienced your outburst.
Bending down to pick up the necklace, you inspected it carefully, horrified that you had dropped such an expensive item. It was alright though, so you brought it back to the others, shakily beginning to gather them up to put away.
You didn’t want to see Keigo again.
“I just don’t understand!”
Your friend sobbed, surrounded by tissues on your bed, eyes red and blotchy.  You wished you could rub her back, our give her a hug, but you knew what would happen. So you stayed on the floor, passing up tissues and offering wordless sympathy.
“Why would he break up with me? Why?”
You shrugged, looking for words. “I don’t know… I’m sorry that this happened, but if he can’t see how awesome you are, then he’s an idiot.”
She sniffed, blowing her nose. You could tell she wasn’t convinced, but she didn’t say anything further, instead choosing to wipe her eyes.
She had called an hour or so ago, tearful, asking if she could come over. Refused to tell you what was wrong, but the second you let her in, she had burst into tears, explaining everything.
Keigo had broken up with her via text, that asshole.
“I just…. I thought we were good. Did I do something wrong? I just don’t get it.”
“Neither do I. You said he just texted you out of the blue?”
She nodded her head, going to blow her nose again. “We were supposed to go out for dinner tomorrow, it’s our two month anniversary.”
You cringed. Did your encounter with Keigo in the jewelry store have something to do with this? Had you driven your friend’s boyfriend away? Had you weirded him out? Oh god, what if this was all your fault?
Your friend broke down into a sob again, slumping onto your bed. You passed her another tissue. “It’ll be okay. I think he’s a stupid fucker that just wanted to play with your heart.  He isn’t worth shit. You deserve so much better than him.”
She nodded, blotchy eyes seeking out your own. In the back of your mind, you cringed, seeing the exact same scene from your vision. Well, at least the two of you hadn’t gotten in a fight.
A few weeks later, Keigo was at your door.
“You need to leave. Now.”
“Aw, c’mon (Y/N), at least hear me out?”
You huffed, crossing your arms. Maybe he had a dumb explanation for why he had dumped your friend. You were wary of him accidentally touching you again though. “Fine, but make it quick.”
“No promises.” He grinned, breezing past you and into your apartment. He beelined for the chair you had sat in last time he was here, leaving you to take a seat on the couch.
“Alright-“ He settled in, fixing you with a gleeful eye. “How do you feel about your quirk?”
Caught off guard, you blinked. Wasn’t he going to explain why he had broken your friend’s heart? “Um, what?”
“Your quirk, y’know, the one that makes you see the future?” He leaned forward, rubbing his hands together with a smile. He seemed far too pleased, and it made you nervous.
“I hate it. If I could get rid of it, I would.” You stated, ready to move onto a different topic. But just as you were about to ask him about your friend, he rose to his feet, fishing in his pockets.
He drew out a bracelet, black and red, thin. “Well then, lookie what I have.” The man walked over, sitting down quickly on the couch next to you, causing you to immediately scoot to the end. You didn’t want him touching you.
“Oh, sorry.” He apologized upon noticing your unease. Instead of scooting closer, he simply tossed the bracelet onto your lap, leaning back as he watched you look at it curiously. “Put it on, see how it fits.”
“I don’t need jewelry Keigo, and I think we should be spending our time discussing why you bro-“
“Just put it on (Y/N), please? I promise you won’t regret it.”
Huffing, you did as he asked, clasping the bracelet around your wrist. It fit snug, almost too tight, but it hugged your wrist comfortingly. It was pretty, but you didn’t see what this had to do with your quirk, or with your friend, or anything that held any relevancy.
Bracelet now on, you fixed Keigo with a blank stare. “Happy?”
“I don’t know.” Keigo grinned. “Are you?” And then he was hugging you, arms wrapped around your shoulders, face buried in your neck.
You shrieked, already panicking as you tried to ready yourself for the onslaught of  visions that accompanied physical touch.
They never came.
Choking back a surprised gasp, you drew back from his hug to find Keigo’s eyes, the man smiling down at you as he watched your reaction.
“Kei-Keigo…” You stuttered, shocked, surprised, euphoric, confused - so many emotions, all at once. You couldn’t even think to brush off the hands still around your shoulders, thumbs brushing at the tops of your exposed collarbones by the neck of your shirt.
You weren’t able to think rationally, couldn’t focus on anything but the awe you felt at being touched without being slammed with visions of the future.
You forgot about the terrifying visions you had gotten when Keigo touched you.
You forgot about how he had hurt your friend, broke her heart with no explanation.
You forgot about his hands refusing to leave your body.
“Keigo, this is…. Amazing” You breathed, wide eyes snapping up, catching his smiling face, eyes crinkly and twinkly.
“I had my team modify some quirk-cancelling cuffs! You seemed so upset whenever someone touched you, I couldn’t leave you with such a burden.”
Nodding, you returned your gaze to the bracelet, turning your wrist this way and that to look at the bracelet from different angles.
“I mean, I know how much I like being touched, and touching. I think I’d totally die if I couldn’t.” Keigo chuckled, but you weren’t listening.
The rest of his time sitting next to you on the couch was spent explaining the colors he had spent so long picking (“They’re my personal favorite, aren’t they nice?”) and why he had decided on a bracelet (“It could’ve been a necklace, but I think it looks better in it’s original cuff design, looks cooler that way.”).
By the time he had to leave, you were completely sidetracked, so distracted with your shiny new jewelry that you didn’t even remember to ask what his deal was with being a jerk to your friend, his now ex-girlfriend.
“-and then he gave me the bracelet. I wasn’t thinking much after that, I just… I can hug you, isn’t that incredible?”
You gave your friend another squeeze, feeling a smile dance across your face. But then you sobered, pulling back from her with your hands on her shoulders, quickly becoming serious.
“But he’s really starting to kind of weird me out. Why won’t he explain why he broke up with you? He’s being a little bitch. I tried asking him a couple times, but he kept cutting me off, and I feel like the bracelet was a distraction to stop me from busting his chops about his behavior towards you.”
Your friend looked sad for a second, before shrugging. “I dunno, he just said things weren’t working out, and that while he liked me, he’s not ready for a relationship right now ‘cause of where he’s at in his life.”
“Psh-“ You scoffed, going in for another comforting squeeze for your friend. “-that’s code for “I’m a fuckboy and want to sleep around”.”
“I know….. But it still hurts.” You friend sighed, wrapping her arms around your neck. “But at least he gave you that quirk thing. I’ve never seen you so happy.”
“I just wish he was a mildly decent person.” You grumbled, detaching from the hug to sit back, glaring at the ceiling. “He gives me the fucking creeps.”
“How so?” You friend locked her head to the side, throwing her arm over the back of the couch. You had called her over the second Keigo had left, finally gathering your wits about you.
“I dunno…” You shrugged, not quite ready to tell her about the disturbing visions containing him. Did that have something to do with their breakup? Was it your fault? What was going to happen with Keigo? It honestly scared you, the residual feelings and sensations you could remember from the visions.
Your friend nodded understandingly. “Some people just give off those vibes. Well, at least we don’t ever have to see him again. Good riddance I say.”
You agreed.
Knocking on the door, you shuffled your feet as you took in the house.
It was one of those rich places - nice neighborhood, fancy street filled with lavish houses, expensive cars. You felt slightly out of place, shifting from foot to foot in your clearance-rack clothes.
The door swung open, revealing a sleepy Keigo, shirtless, clad in nothing but sweatpants.
“Oh, um-“ You quickly turned, averting your eyes, trying to give the man privacy in case he hadn’t realized he was shirtless. It looked like he had just woken up from a nap, eyes blinking owlishly, hair mussed.
“Hey (Y/N), come on in.”
Still keeping your eyes turned away, you stepped inside the opulent house, trying not to gape too much at the decor inside. You didn’t want to look like a complete peasant in front of Keigo, but he’d already been to your house, so you could imagine that he knew of your poor-ness.
“Something wrong? You can look at me y’know, I’m not gonna turn you to stone or something.” Keigo joked, voice entirely too close for comfort.
Head whipping around, you found that he was too close, practically almost touching you as he stood beside you, head cocked as he watched you.
“No… nothings wrong, you’re just…” You gestured to his torso, and Keigo looked down in confusion, before looking back at you, a grin on his face.
“Ah, just woke up.” He shrugged, before reaching out to touch your arm. “Bracelet still keeping that quirk at bay?”
You nodding, following the blonde as he turned and walked further into his house, towards the kitchen.
“Glad to hear! I just wanted to look at it a bit, make sure nothing’s worn or torn, y’know? Hate for you to have to deal with the no-touching thing again.” He said over his shoulder, gesturing for you to sit down at the island, on one of the barstools.
You did so, watching the man open his fridge, take out a carton of milk, uncap it. “Is it too tight?”
He drank right out of the bottle, and you watched some dribble out of the corner of his mouth, down his chin. The man finished gulping down the milk, taking the bottle away from his lips to swipe at the white trail of liquid rolling down his chin.
Eyes dark, he made contact with your own eyes as he cleaned his chin with a finger, stuffing it in his mouth to suck it clean.
That was gross.
The next second, he was back to normal, cheerfully putting the milk back into the fridge. “Good, good. Now, mind if I take a look at it? You should keep it on though.”
You nodded, and Keigo straightened, walking around the island to sit next to you, shuffling his stool closer.
He grabbed your wrist, laying it out on the island, before beginning to poke at the bracelet, running his fingers over it, fiddling with it, squeezing the tendons in your hand, smoothing his hand up your arm.
It felt a bit intrusive.
“So the visions are all blocked?”
“And you can touch and be touched?”
“How’s your appetite? Sometimes complete quirk suppression can make you lose your appetite.”
“It’s been normal, I guess I’m a little hungrier than normal, but I’ve been getting out more too, not as afraid of crowds.”
“Nice! And how about your libido?”
You spluttered, choking on your own spit, snatching your hand away from Keigo’s wandering touches.
“Excuse me? That’s a bit personal, thanks.”
Keigo shrugged, bright eyes hooded and lazy. “It’s just a question.”
“Are you done making sure it’s all good? No broken parts?” You changed the subject, narrowing your eyes. You can’t believe your friend had ever dated him, that you had ever thought he was anything but a playboy.
You wouldn’t even be here, in his house, but he had come into the jewelers a while back (both you and your friend had blocked his number), spouting something about your bracelet needing constant checks and maintenance in order to keep suppressing your quirk. (“Wouldn’t want it to stop working, right? Just stop by sometimes, here’s my address.”).
So here you were.
Keigo leaned back a little, raising an eyebrow at your irritated tone of voice. “Woah there, don’t get snippy. I’m doing you a favor, right? I’m not trying to hurt you or something.”
Technically, you guess he was right. But he had played your friend, had fucked with her feelings. He was a fuckboy, liked messing with each and every girl he could find, and you didn’t care to be one of them.
“And I appreciate that Keigo. But I like to keep my private life private.”
Keigo was silent, simply holding out a hand for you to place your arm in, so he could fiddle more with the bracelet.
Several moments of awkward silence passed before he spoke again. “You’re being awfully ungrateful. It makes me think you don’t even want this little gift. If I were you, I’d be doing everything I could to show the person kind enough to do such a thing for me how thankful I was.”
Lost for words, you stared at the man. Was he expecting some sort of award? Some sort of prize? It’s not like you had anything to give him.
“I don’t have anything to give you in thanks. Just my words, which I’ve said plenty of. I didn’t ask you to make this for me.” You pointed out.
“Sure, but you use it, don’t you? You wouldn’t like it if I took it away, right? Think about how miserable your life was before I gave you this.”
Your life had been miserable. Afraid to go out in crowds, afraid to leave the house, Nervous about grocery shopping, about paying and having the cashier touch your hand as they handed over the change.
Scared of public transportation, of coffeeshops and bookstores, of public parks, even your own home. What if one of your roommates forgot and touched you? Or accidentally bumped into you?
Plus, you could hug now, and shake hands, and slap your friends back when she told a horrible joke, or tap her when you wanted her attention.
You didn’t want to go back to before. “I’m sorry Keigo… I really do think it’s lovely, and I can never thank you enough for doing this for me.”
Keigo let go of your arm, and it swung back to your side. You could feel the man looking at you.
“You know what would let me know that you mean it?”
God, it better not be something sexual.
“You could buy me coffee. Or maybe a cookie from that bakery on 1st Avenue, you know the one? With the little bunny pastries?”
That surprised you.
“You go there? That’s my favorite place.” You mused, looking at Keigo in surprise. He didn’t seem the kind of guy who’d like a place like that. But appearances could be deceiving.
“Of course! I really like their stuff.”
“Alright,” You conceded, rising to your feet. “I’ll get you some stuff from there. Want it today?”
Keigo rose to his feet as well, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “Yeah! Let me get dressed real quick, and then I’ll go with you. Don’t go anywhere birdie.” He shot you a wink, before sauntering past you, out of the kitchen.  You raised a brow, surprised. He meant to go with you?
“Make yourself at home while you wait, don’t be afraid to kick up your feet!”  
The bakery smelled as lovely as usual.
A warm atmosphere, good food, friendly employees. It was your favorite place for a reason.
“Alright, what do you want?” You asked Keigo, the two of you staring up at the menu.
“Hmm, I don’t know. What are you going to get?”
“Probably a muffin, those are my favorite.”
“What!?! That’s my favorite too! How crazy.” Keigo smiled at you, dimples showing. You got the feeling that he was brown-nosing you, but you kept the thought to yourself, striding up to the counter to order.
Muffins purchased, you approached Keigo, who was lounging by one of the display cases, admiring the delicate, mouthwatering masterpieces held within.
“All good to go?” His smile was so charming, so friendly, you almost caught yourself wanting to see it more. Huffing in irritation at yourself, you pushed past him, shoving the bag with his muffin into his chest.
“Here’s your stuff. I’m going home now, see you around.”
“Wait!” Keigo turned, jogging a little to catch up as you exited the bakery. “We gotta eat these before they get cold - hey, birdie, are you listening to me?“
You weren’t, stoically keeping your head turned forward, walking with determination. There was only so much of Keigo that you could tolerate, and you had reached your limit. He was starting to really annoy you, didn’t he get that you wanted to go home? You’ll just eat your muffin on the subway, it’s not that hard.
“(Y/N)-“ His sudden growl was punctuated by an arm on your shoulder, spinning you around and pulling you towards the man.
“Hey-!” The sudden collision of your face with his chest knocked your breath away, almost causing you to drop your own muffin in the process.
When you managed to gather yourself, you shot a glare up at Keigo’s face, only to find the blonde smirking down at you, a fierce glint in his eyes.
“I expect you to listen when I’m talking, got it? I don’t like being ignored.”
That’s evident.
You tried to back away, but he still had a hand on your shoulder, squeezing you tight to him. “Keigo! Let me go, you stupid idiot-“
“Stop it, I’m not doing anything to you, ya big baby.” He cooed down at you, before taking his hand away, letting you stumble backwards.
He was just messing with you, teasing you. It was obvious, yet still you allowed him to be around you.
“Alright, I’m sorry, I know all the touching’s gotta be new still. Wanna go eat these in the park? I’ll buy you some ice cream if you want.”
“I don’t want ice cream, I want to go home.”
Keigo frowned, walking after you when you turned on your heel, heading for the subway. “Why do you dislike me so much? I’ve done so much to help you, and yet you spit in my face. Your parents ever teach you how to be grateful? Or even respectful?”
You gasped at his accusation, stopping in your tracks to whirl around, only to find the man far closer than what you had expected. Still, you tried to hide your surprise at his proximity, jabbing a finger in his direction.
“You are a playboy, you broke my friend’s heart, and you want to sleep with every single person you come across just to mess with their feelings. I don’t want to be around you. I won’t get dragged into that.”
The man watched you, face solemn and contemplative. “Is that really how you see me?”
“Why would I say any of that unless it was true?”
He ran a hand through his hair, looking up and around, as if gathering his bearings, before back down at you.
“Have you ever considered that I’m the one getting my heart broken?”
“Yeah right-“ You scoffed, only for Keigo to cut you off.
“People want to sleep with me because they think it’ll get them something that they want. Fifteen second fame, a piece in a tabloid about my “new lover”…. Think it’ll help them further their career, or that I’ll give them money. I can’t find anyone real.
“And my friend wasn’t real enough for you?” You spat, not believing him for a second.
“Nope.  You think she liked me for who I am?”
“Uh, yeah? She gushed to me all the damn time about how good you were, how she felt about you. That girl held nothing but love and affection for you.”
The man snorted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, sure, love for my wallet.”
“She’s not like that.” You argued, brows furrowing.
“Really? Cause she was sucking me dry, and not even in a sexy way.”
You crinkled your nose at what he was implying. Your friend wasn’t like that, she truly had felt for Keigo, had liked him as her boyfriend. She wasn’t just a leech.
“I’m done talking about my failed love life.” Keigo said lowly, nudging your shoulder. “I just thought two friends could hangout, but it seems like you think all I do is try and fuck people.”
“No, Kiego…. That’s not what I meant.” Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, but right now…. You almost felt a twinge of sympathy for him.
Some of what he was saying made sense, how people would try and use him for various reasons. But that still didn’t explain his sudden and harsh breakup with your friend. And over text no less, a complete douche move!
But you felt bad about his words, about how he seemed to actually want to hangout, and yet you were accusing him of trying to sleep with you. But what about those visions you had had? Was that even how they went? Or were you remembering falsely based on your bias towards the man?
And what about his suggestive touches, his leering gaze? Was that maybe just how he always was, and it wasn’t exclusive to you? Were you inflating your place in his life, thinking that he wanted you?
It was confusing, and you didn’t want to think about it, try and untangle the lies from the truth. Right now, you just wanted to eat your muffin.
“If you really didn’t mean it, then can we go eat these in the park? I just want to chill with someone that isn’t trying to gain something from me. I want to spend time with someone that’s real.”
With a half-irritated sigh, you nodded, hoping you wouldn’t regret hanging out with the obnoxious man.
He kept calling you, texting you. You’d had to unblock his number at some point, in order for him to text you about the bracelet and when he needed to look at it.
“Come overrrrr, I’m bored!”
“Birdie, are you hungry? The delivery place gave me extra Torikatsu and I don’t want it to go bad. Can I come drop it off?”
He’d swing by the jewelers, leaning over the counter to talk to you about a recent shoot he’d booked, or something he saw recently.
Keigo seemed to slowly insert himself into every facet of your live, against your will, ignoring every subtle, irritated attempt of yours to turn him away. Every single time you saw him, your mind would inevitably think of the visions, but you felt like you couldn’t trust yourself with those anymore.
The man assured you at every step, he had no romantic feelings for you, he just wanted a friend, someone to put him in his place, be honest with him.
You definitely were honest.
Snapping at him when he showed up at your apartment uninvited, coming up behind you on the street and grabbing your sides, laughing when you shrieked and tried to hit your attacker, only to realize it was Keigo.
Tearing into him when he tried to talk badly about your friend - she had been having less and less contact with you, and you couldn’t figure out why. Now your relationship with her was reduced to curt text messages. Maybe she was just going through a hard time, and wanted alone time? Still, you let her know you were there for her, whenever she needed.
You were honest when Keigo asked your opinion on food, TV shows, clothes, movies. It was almost satisfying saying something sucked, just to see Keigo’s face fall slightly, before he shook his head, whining.
“Then help me pick something out! I can’t do it without you-“
He totally could, he was just being a baby.
The more he inserted himself into your life, the more you realized that he was akin to a petulant child, just with muscles and a penchant for inappropriate touching.
Whenever he saw you, he’d try to draw you into a hug, letting his hands drop far down your back, way too low for you to feel comfortable. You’d slap them away, and Keigo would laugh, before ruffling your hair.
He’d have you come over so he could check your quirk suppressor, except he was in the middle of a show, and it was getting to the best part. (“Sit down, shhh, it’s just getting good!”) You’d have to sit through the entire thing, enduring Kiego’s hand lazily drawing shapes over your pants on your thigh, simply putting it back whenever you shoved it off.
He was insufferable, irritating to no end, but you could tell he was a lonely man, bitter about his love life and with his friendships.
So you tolerated his presence.
After all, he wasn’t trying to hurt you. That’s something he reiterated every single time you shied away from his touch. He made you feel like a fool for thinking the man was hitting on you, when he made it so clear that he wasn’t, only interested in friendship.
Until you fell asleep at his house.
Another one of those days were he needed to look at your quirk suppressor (which you were 99% sure was fine, it seemed like he just enjoyed seeing it on your wrist). He had been rummaging around in his room before he had to run and open the front door for you, talking as he walked back to return to his previous task.
Apparently he was trying to find a good shirt, seeing as how he had pants on, but his chest was bare. Keigo instructed you to sit on the bed for a second while he retreated into his massive closet, trying to find a good shirt  to go with the rest of his outfit.
His bedroom was pretty large, a full California King taking up the majority of the space, neatly made. The sheets and blankets felt soft beneath your fingers as you sat on it’s edge, prepared to wait for Keigo for a bit.
The man always took his fashion very seriously - one time he’d even spent two hours trying on clothes until he’d decided on an appropriate outfit to go to the park.
So you followed your tired eyes, exhausted from work and dealing with Keigo, worrying about your friend, daily life stressors and the like.  Keigo wouldn’t mind if you laid back, right? Your feet wouldn’t be on the bed, so it’d be fine.
And it was fine, pleasant, the room the perfect temperature.
You were roughly jerked out of sleep by pressure. Pressure on your hips, pressure on your lips.
Eyes jolting open, you tried to inhale, only to find yourself unsuccessful.
Keigo was on top of you.
Panicking, your hands came to push at him, a muffled sound of protest being squeaked out from where his lips pressed against yours.
Noticing you were awake, Keigo pulled back, smiling the whole while.
“I’m not willing to wait anymore, I just gotta have you.”
His eyes were glinting, hair tousled, still shirtless. You felt goosebumps arise as you remembered the vision you had so long ago, of this exact moment.
“Wai-mmph!” His lips were on yours again, passionate and warm, moving eagerly. A wet tongue pressed at the seam of your mouth, surprising you and making you blanch, which allowed the man access.
Kiego’s tongue explored the inside of your mouth, playfully tapping your own wet muscle, encouraging you to lift it and wrestle with him.
This was too weird, this wasn’t happening, you couldn’t do this-
Biting down hard, you snapped your teeth shut on his tongue, and Keigo yelped, drawing back immediately.
“Ouch, what the fuck!?! Chill out (Y/N), geez.” His hand was dabbing at his mouth, wincing when it came in contact with his bleeding tongue. You had bitten him deep, but you weren’t focused on that right now.
“What are-what are you doing?” Your voice was breathless, disoriented. The room felt…. Dark, and suffocating, as if it was closing in on the two of you, trapping you.
Keigo looked down at you, and it was only then that you realized you had been moved to lie on the bed fully, shoes off, legs splayed. The man rested on his stomach between them, his weight pressed against your body, keeping you still.
“I told you, I can’t wait anymore. I’ve been as nice as I can, but it’s time you started paying me back for everything I’ve done for you.”
What? Paying him back-was he talking about the quirk suppressor he had gifted you? Had he been lying about his true intentions this whole time?
“That’s not right, it was a gift, you-you don’t have to pay back a gift.” You spluttered, feeling as if your chest was collapsing.
Keigo shook his head, swooping down to leave a bloody kiss on your forehead, which you cringed at, before pulling back to speak.
“Nah, it wasn’t a gift. You know how expensive it was? You were always gonna have to compensate me. Now shush, I wanna feel you-“
One of his hands grabbed your jaw, keeping your face turned towards his, pressing down until tears formed in your eyes. His lips were bloody from the bite on his tongue, tasting unmistakably like iron.
You didn’t want this.
Trying to bite him again left you with a slap to your thigh, making you cry out. Keigo huffed out a laugh against your mouth.
He detached from your lips, just to start nibbling at your jawline, elating streaks of red where his lips touched.
“God, you are so sexy. I was trying to chill, but then I came out and you were sleepin’ all cute, and I couldn’t fucking stop myself from touching.”
“Stop doing this, I can pay you with something different. I don’t wanna do this Keigo.” You whispered, on the verge of crying.
“No, I get to decide what you’ll be doing for me, it’s my bracelet-“
“It’s not, you gave it to me, please stop-“
“Shut up.” He growled sinking his teeth into the side of your neck, nipping at the skin hard enough to have you screaming. “You’re so ungrateful, where’s my thanks? I’ve done so much for you.”
“Thank you, thank you Keigo, I appreciate it all-“ You hurried out, hoping it was what he wanted to hear “But I can’t do this, please don’t make me. I wanna go home.”
“There we go, I like the sound of you thanking me. You’re going to thank me for each and every time you cum tonight, got it?”
“No, no, we can’t do this, I can’t! Get off of me, please-“
“You’ll do it, or else I’ll whip you until your flesh hangs off of you in strings.” He hissed, squeezing your jaw cruelly.
The tears in your eyes overflowed as you fell silent.
“Aw, birdie, don’t cry. I’m not gonna hurt you, I never have, right?” He waited for a second, watching your face before he pressed harder, eyes hardening “Right?“
You nodded jerkily, and Keigo came to kiss your tears away, savoring their salty taste as they rolled down your cheeks.
“Keigo, this isn’t right though, please get off me. I don’t want this-“
“You want me to take this away?” A hand caught your shaking wrist, the one that had the quirk suppressor fastened snugly around it, wrenching it up so both of you could see it. “Huh? Put you back where you were in your miserable little life? Running away from everyone, holing up in your apartment, not willing to touch or be touched…”
The very thought made your insides churn, and a fresh round of tears rolled down your face as you shook your head no, lips wobbling as you whined. You felt so pathetic, so small and dumb underneath Keigo.
“That’s what I thought. You’re going to relax now, right? No more begging unless it’s for more.”
He didn’t wait for an answer, beginning to shuffle around until he could slide his hands under your shirt, pressing against your tummy as you flinched away.
“Don’t worry birdie, you’re gonna like every single thing we’re gonna do. You’ve had sex now, yeah? Since I gave you the bracelet?”
You shook your head “no”, it’s not like you were eager for sex before you got it, and all the touching-without-terrifying-visions thing was still new to you, the dating world was being eased into. Somehow though, every single date seemed to be crashed by the man on top of you.
Keigo lit up like a Christmas tree, licking his lips gleefully. “Okay, okay, I can-whew, that’s hot-I can be gentle.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you, his hands skirting up your ribs, shucking up your shirt as the traveled higher and higher.
“Keigo please-“
“Don’t you dare say stop, I’m not gonna. You’re the first person that doesn’t want anything from me, you’re real, and I’m not stopping.”
His admission made you cringe, recoiling from his touch. He followed you, palms finally smoothing over your breasts, over your bra.
“You’re going to do what I say, or else this-“ Your wrist was wrenched into view, red-and-black bracelet glittering. “-gets removed. And I’ll still do whatever the fuck I want, but you’ll be off in your mind having visions of who-knows-what while I have my way. Got it?”
Your blood chilled, body suddenly feeling ice cold. His tone was dead serious, spitting out the words with a sense of finality.
“So, just lay there and take it birdie, I’ll be good to you.”
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Stay Close
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pPairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: After working non-stop, you go on a mission with the Batch and you get to be on the field with them this time. (Polyam series pt 6)
Warning: ANGST, some fluff, mentions of slavery, depictions of violence, blood and injuries
Word Count: 2190
pt v, pt vii
It had been a week ever since your break in Coruscant. That time and the moments that followed have been playing in your head non-stop ever since you got back to Kamino. However, once you got back, you were swamped with work. You were one of the only non-clone communications officers based on Kamino, so you had to deal with some data that came in from off-planet bases. It was frustrating to say the least and most of the clones who dealt with communication for their squadron left most of their work unprocessed, so you basically had to clean up after them. Due to work being unprocessed and sorted could cause a malfunction or even a virus to attack the computer system on Kamino. That would result in multiple horrible outcomes if the separatists get access to anything on the clones or any other upcoming projects the Kaminoans were working on for the Republic.
It seemed like you were living in that communications room because none of the boys really saw you anywhere else. It concerned them greatly and they decided to intervene before you die from overworking yourself. You were typing away on the computer when the door slid open which let in the batch one by one. You didn’t bother to turn to acknowledge them as you were sorting out multiple files.
“Mesh’la?” Hunter called.
“Hm.” You responded nonchalantly, still working.
“You’ve been at this for 93 hours, 34 minutes, and 20 seconds.” Tech explained while looking at one of his devices, “Working at this rate is concerning and unhealthy, especially for a simple being like you.”
“Huh… so if a clone were doing this they’d be able to work just a bit longer?” You asked, not looking away from the computer.
“What he’s trying to say, cyare, is that you need to take a break…” Echo insisted, placing one hand on your shoulder.
“I’m almost done, I swear.” You murmured, looking over data being transferred.
“Lucky for you, darling. I’ve created a program to help sort stuff out.” Tech went to the computer and plugged a small goober into one of the ports on the console, “It’ll notify me when it’s done sorting.”
“Come on, ad’ika, time for rest!” Wrecker moved to pick you up and carry you out of the communications room while the others followed.
You all arrived to their room and Wrecker tossed you onto one of the bunks, which caused you to laugh gently. You sighed, relished the feel of the bed under you, then it dipped slightly. You looked to see Hunter with a gentle smile on his face, which you returned before he pulled you up onto his lap. You pushed off the bandana around his forehead which caused some hair to fall into his face so you pushed it away for him. He held you closer, placed his face into your chest, and sighed.
“You alright, Hunter?’ You murmured, caressing the hair on the back of his neck.
“He’s missed you, like the rest of us have.” Echo smiled while cleaning his mechanical hand.
“It wasn’t like I was off-planet. I was just working.”
“Well, the idea of you working usually involves being with us most of the time.” Tech explained, “So it was odd not seeing you for such a long period of time.”
You hummed before kissing Hunter’s head, “I missed you all too…”
The next day, all of you were sent on an important mission. The Kaminoans didn’t give you much detail, only saying that it was urgent. You sat on the Havoc Marauder, looking over the map of the planet on your holopad.
“We have to be careful, this planet is famous for raiders, thieves, and smugglers.” You stated, looking everything over.
“We’ve handled much worse than that combined!” Wrecker laughed while slapping Tech’s back, almost causing him to drop the device he was holding. You shook your head, made your way out of the cockpit, and found Crosshair cleaning the parts of his sniper rifle.
“Do you think it’ll come to that?” You murmured, crouching beside him.
“Have to be prepared for anything, sarad. Especially on a planet like this.”
You nodded gently, picking up one of the pieces, “You should teach me…”
“How to put it together, or how to shoot?”
“Both… but we can take it one step at a time.” You looked at him with a smile.
He hooked your chin, “Well, let’s work on your aim without a blaster first. And test how good your eyesight is. When we get back to Kamino, I’ll show you the shooting range.”
“Kamino has a shooting range?”
Your question caused Crosshair to smirk as he finished cleaning all the pieces.
You shook your head with a small laugh, “I guess I don’t know Kamino as well as I should.”
He nodded gently and helped you up. Before you could move away from him, he grasped your wrist. His smirk was gone, his eyes were now focussed, and his stature became tense. He raised his other hand to cup your cheek and look into your eyes.
“You stay close to us…”
“I know, Cross…”
He nodded before going to the gunner’s mount to wait there until you landed. You strapped in as you were arriving at your destination. Once you landed, you all geared up and got ready to tread through the town to reach your target. You wore simple civilian clothing because it wasn’t safe to be wearing a Republic uniform full of outlaws and mercenaries. You pulled up the hood of your cloak over your head before nodding to Hunter. You all then left the ship and headed into town.
Tech was using a tracking device while you walked the streets, he was babbling on while you and the others looked cautiously at your surroundings. There were multiple stalls along the edge of the dirt street, selling many different things including spice, weaponry, and droid parts. You were in the center of the batch, and they urged themselves closer as if to shield you from danger. Hunter turned his head to you, which caused you to nod reassuringly. Even if you couldn’t see his eyes through the visor of his helmet, you knew he was checking up on you. You all then turned into a vacant alleyway to discuss how you will find the target faster. The boys discuss different strategies and you tried to listen to them, but then the crack of a whip caused your attention to be caught outside of the alleyway. One of the vendors was holding the weapon and using it against a young twi’lek. They were speaking two different languages, so the chaos was uncontrollable. You winced while watching and couldn’t stand it any longer. The batch noticed at the last second that you had rushed out of the alley to stop what was happening.
“Lodestar!” One of them called to you, but you ignored it and blocked the vendor from hitting the young twi’lek again.
“That’s enough!”
The vendor growled, “The little slave was stealing from my stall!”
You quickly placed down some currency, “Now it is paid for.”
The vendor took the money and scoffed, “They are lucky this time. Next time, I will tell their master.”
You shook your head and urged the twi’lek away from the stall. Then you crouched down and looked at the child’s injuries, whispering gently. You were lucky enough to be familiar with many languages due to your past, so making conversation with the young twi’lek wasn’t hard. Footsteps approached the both of you, so you let the child run off and turned to see the batch. It was going to be no surprise that they were upset with you, so you said nothing and followed them. Tech had found the location of the target, so you all moved quickly. You had to separate due to the package you had to retrieve being heavily guarded. You were with Tech, helping him monitor the motion inside of the small building where your package was being held. You scanned the holopad before speaking into your communicator.
“Careful, Hunter. There are multiple bodies coming toward you.”
“See them. Find how many are guarding the package.”
Tech diligently moved the camera and you watch on the holopad.
“There,” You signalled Tech to stop and looked over the thermal radar, “Five that I can see, Hunter.”
“Cross, what’s your status?”
“None up top. All clear here.”
“Wrecker, Echo?”
“Almost have the grate open.” Echo responded.
“Charges are all set.” Wrecker confirmed.
You winced gently, looking down at your arm where the whip had caught you. You thought it was only a graze on the fabric, but it was deeper and blood was staining your sleeve. Tech saw it and was about to say something, but then there was noise near where you two were hiding. It was one of the guards and he was sniffing around. Your eyes widened and you looked to Tech before placing the holopad in his hands carefully.
“Our location is about to be compromised, I’m moving now.” You said quickly before climbing up to the roof of the building next to you. You looked over the ledge and kicked a small piece of rubble, getting the guard. He looked up and saw you. You smiled gently before running along the tops of the buildings. He ran along the street following your trail.
“Cross, I’m coming to you.”
“Excellent.” He responded and he started to set up his rifle before you reached him. You jumped onto the roof where he was set up and turned to see the guard shot down. He then stood up and looked at you. You sensed the disappointment.
“You were reckless today.”
“I stayed close.” You shrugged, looking at the cut on your arm. He grabbed it gently and looked at it.
“How did you not notice that?”
You were quiet while looking at him, but then a small glint caught your eye and you gasped before pushing him away from you.
Blaster noises distracted the team from the mission, knowing it came from your and Crosshair’s location. Hunter had retrieved the package and had come out of the grate where Echo and Wrecker were..
“Lodestar! Come in!” Static.
“Crosshair!” Silence.
Then, guards started to rush around the corner. The three batchers rushed away and Wrecker had set off the explosives he placed around that area.
“Tech, head back to the Havoc Marauder! Echo and Wrecker will meet you there!”
“What about you?” Echo asked.
“I’ve got to find Crosshair and Lodestar.”
Hunter handed Wrecker the package and they went their separate ways. Hunter managed to get to one of the rooftops and rushed to where you and Crosshair were. He jumped onto the roof where you were and saw the dead alien, a blaster next to him. Then his eyes led to familiar white hair.
“Crosshair!” He rushed over to his side and saw you laying in his lap, unconscious, with a blaster wound on your side. He immediately noticed the race of Crosshair’s heart, and sensed his growing shock, so he placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“We have to go. We have to get back to Kamino.”
Crosshair nodded before letting Hunter pick you up and rushed with him back to the Havoc Marauder. They arrived back to the ship.
“Tech! Echo! Get us out of here now!” Hunter called as he boarded the ship with you in his arms. Wrecker was frozen with shock when he saw you.
“Ad’ika.” He whispered.
The ship moved quickly out of orbit and it was only a few minutes before everyone gathered together. Tech and Echo were rendered silent when they saw you on the floor with Hunter by your side as he exposed your wound.
“I need a bacta patch, now!”
Crosshair was the one to move to get it and give it to him. He took his place on your other side and helped Hunter.
“So...so pale…” Tech whispered, almost speechless as he looked at your condition.
Hunter was getting extremely overstimulated with everyone’s heartbeats and breathing, but he tried to focus on you. Tech was right: you were extremely pale, but as Hunter sifted through the different pulses reaching his ears, he found your weak one. He cupped your face.
“Mesh’la…” He called, “C’mon, mesh’la.”
“Can we lightspeed jump to Kamino?” Echo asked Tech.
“I...I don’t know…”
“Figure it out, Tech! Hurry!” Wrecker pleaded, his eyes averting from you to him.
Crosshair was extremely quiet with his eyes only on you. A million thoughts ran through his head. It felt like minutes before he spoke.
“Do the jump.”
“What?” Tech asked.
“Do the jump, now.” Crosshair repeated.
“We don’t know if it’ll make the wound worse.” Echo explained.
“If it does, we’ll be at Kamino!”
“Cross, it’s too dangerous-” Echo started. “We have to, or else the Kaminoans will have no patient, and we’ll have a dead officer!” Crosshair snapped, gripping your hand in his.
The rest of the squad looked to Hunter, who nodded.
“Do the jump.”
Sorry for the wait haha -Tree <3
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h50europe · 3 years
Why the myth about Steve's PTSD doesn't add up and other inconsistencies
In the last few episodes of H50, PL tried to sell us a mentally broken Steve suffering from PTSD. Only the whole thing came a bit too late. The clip you see is from season 4 and ended up - no, not in the series - but somewhere on the floor of PL's editing room. And why? after Kurtzman and Orci departed, along with their writers, PL took the helm and started turning Steve into a super-soldier. He stylized him into something that wasn't meant to be. Instead of developing the characters, PL began to incorporate more and more hair-raising action sequences into the series and then let Steve fight on the front lines. There was no mention of Steve's mental state, and a lot was explained by PL with: it just happened "offscreen." Yeah, sure. PL can't create a decent character. He can only produce stereotypes and one-dimensional beings. Like Adam. What potential would that character have had had he been turned into Five-0's antagonist? But no. So his role remained diffuse and monotonous. Sometimes even tragicomical.
Back to Steve. When SEAL Team started on CBS, PL also lapsed into SEAL mania. If someone who writes fanfiction were to produce as much garbage as this man did, he would be chased away from every writers' platform in disgrace. PL's Super SEAL also had to rescue his team members from a blazing inferno. Not man by man, no, he flew a helicopter right into the danger zone and lifted a whole cabin out of the burning jungle. If lunacy had a name, it would be PL. While the action became more and more exaggerated and unrealistic, the same happened to the protagonists. After the departure of Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park, PL completely lost his mind. And please, don't blame the writers for the nonsense that was thrown at you. A series stands and falls with the showrunner. He dictates what he wants and passes it on to his staff.
And so, lovable Steve became a soulless robot who only showed feelings here and there. Danny diminished more and more into a sidekick. McDanno became a ship that drifted anchorless through a stormy sea and threatened to capsize again and again. From season 8, it became a reboot of the reboot. PL tried an ensemble show and failed more than miserably. Often the actors just stood around bored. At least that was the impression. The only highlight was episode 8.10. A feast for all McDanno fans. But even here, the outcome of "who shot Danny" was more than insubstantial.
Wait, there was something about SEALs... Oh, yes. Junior appeared on the scene and became Steve's lapdog. I really wondered when there was going to be an episode where he would fetch sticks for Steve. Luckily we had Eddie for that. And because he thought he was so clever, PL invented the episode speed dating. How many subplots can you squeeze into one episode at the same time? In some episodes, you couldn't even take a look at the bag of potato chips without losing the thread.
The case of the week became the yawn of the week. There were so many loose ends that PL then came up with something called retconning. That's what you do when you're no longer satisfied with what was once established in the series years ago, or it no longer fits. But PL went one step further and did the same with the characters. The more the series was dragged out, the more the characters deteriorated and became OOC. It means, often, they were not recognizable at all. And that's where we come to Steve. Because PL, in his desperation, didn't know what else he could do to Steve, and so he killed Joe White. He did it in such a cheesy way with a fake sunset that it made you sick.
Of course, one episode later, there had to be another gig of PL's favorite Barbie. He stuck a fake beard on poor Steve/Alex, so he couldn't even hug Danny/Scott properly. The episode also raised more questions than it answered any. And Steve? He still didn't suffer from PTSD, even though he had now lost Joe White and a fellow SEAL. Everyone is dropping like flies, except for Steve, who is standing like a rock. No matter what. He doesn't need in-depth talks with Danny, nor psychological care, nor any sleeping pills. No, he's doing great. He also opens a restaurant with Danny because apparently, the carguments are already getting on PL's nerves. Unfortunately, this plot device leads into nirvana. The idea was nice, but nobody thought it through to the end. And the merry-go-round continues. Until we get to season 10, where it gets even more absurd. Now PL is almost bombarding us with McDanno episodes, or at least it should seem that way. Oh well, he's already planning for season 11, so a new character has to come on board quickly. While in the beginning, Steve's mother, Doris, dies.
Alex was allowed to take on the subject. Of course, only under the strict eyes of PL. He then nullifies Alex's idea that Steve kills his mother. Because a good soldier and Super SEAL won't do that. Little does PL know. THAT could have been the opening of a PTSD scenario for Steve. However, apart from that, this episode would have had any potential for a multi-arc. Just imagine Steve chasing his mother across multiple episodes. Again, PL stepped in and butchered Alex's episode. You can really feel sorry for the guy. PL at his best or worse? He just can't help it. And then, on the very last meters of the series, he brings someone new, who is allowed to cruise around with Steve most of the time. Because Danny was kidnapped by Wo Fat's widow, PL also invented quite late to have some villain at his disposal. This wannabe mastermind must really have been living under a rock somewhere if she wasn't even mentioned by her husband or appeared earlier.
Because towards the end, PL obviously ran out not only of steam but also of ideas, everything culminated in a wildly illogical scenario. Steve has to live through a dramatic day with Eddie, who stands as a metaphor for Steve (as I said, PTSD was never a thing for Super SEAL), Danny bangs his brains out in a ladies' room with a complete stranger, who dies shortly after that in an accident with Danny's rental car. Apparently, there was no budget to turn the Camaro into scrap metal. Danny then also goes home alone, ignoring the incoming emergency vehicles. Everything remains open at the end of the episode. While Steve expresses his gratitude to Tani and Quinn and says, he would be just as lost as poor Eddie without the dog and all of them. The strange thing is that you never notice anything until that sentence. A few forced dialogues are supposed to make the drama visible, but they all happen way too late or are so poorly written that you miss them.
PL had decided early on to make Steve a Teflon hero. That also means he didn't need to put much substance into the character. Which you can clearly see if you compare the first three seasons to the rest of the series. But towards the end, PL wanted to turn the tide and forcefully rewrote Steve's past. There is a huge difference if you compare Steve from seasons 1 to 3 with Steve from season 10. It is only a sparse remnant of what made this character so great. This change in Steve's personality also affects his relationship with Danny. The witty, affectionate banter degenerates into a snappy, humorless bitch-fest that takes all the joy out of it.
The final two episodes could have been written for any other crime show. As mentioned, we have Cole, who even gets a book'em Cole from Steve, which can only be described as out of line. And it begs the question, was that what Lenkov originally had in mind? Danny out of the show and Cole in? Was the last episode, which mainly featured McCole, something of a test run? Did all the McDanno moments happen only to tear the two apart eventually? Was the real final scene the one where Steve and Catherine take Danny's coffin back to Jersey? Was Danny not supposed to survive? Was that the real reason Steve wanted to get out of Hawaii because he wanted to pay his respects to Danny? And would he really have returned to Hawaii later? Or would he have turned his back on Hawaii? To me, this ending is more plausible than what PL served us. Then, Steve handed over his credentials to Cole instead of Danny, his second in command. Honestly, you can't make the end of a series any more sloppy and dumber than that. And I won't even lose a word about the last 1:30 minutes because I think everything has already been said.
No PL, mission absolutely not accomplished. You created Teflon-Steve. You never wanted him to show any weakness. You turned him into a superhuman who can survive anything. Only to pull the rug out from under him on the last few meters to the finish line and spit on his legacy. How can you dismantle such a great series and its characters like you did? How much do you have to hate something to do that? In the final interviews, the showrunner didn't exactly cover himself in glory either. Everyone who grew up with the series from day one knows that its end was wrong on all the possible levels and that the showrunner is solely to blame for that. It takes a fair amount of egoism and carelessness to drive 10 years at full throttle against the wall. Not many people can do that. Whether you can be proud of that, however, I doubt.
My respect if you have made it this far. Each of you gets 10 extra brownie points for it.
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sfb123 · 3 years
I just read your drunk Liam fic and I just HAD to send you some prompts!!! From the prompt list you hyperlinked 9, 16, and 17 maybe? (Preferably liamxriley) pretty plz?* insert puppy dog eyes🥺*
Well… since you inserted puppy dog eyes…
I wanted to try to incorporate all three of these into one story, which actually worked out really well. Then, the issue came of how to make that apply to Liam and Riley. Luckily, my current binge obsession is the 90′s sitcom Mad About You, and there was an episode the other night that set a lightbulb off in my head, so this fic is loosely based on that episode. 
“We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“You need a lift?”
(Prompt pulled from this list. Feel free to send me more!)
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Word Count: 1,431
Warnings: Adult language, mild innuendo
A/N: Thank you @phoenixrising308 for pre-reading. Your kindness and support are unparalleled, and I love you dearly. 
Also a thank you to @txemrn​ for dealing with my unnecessary back and forth about this moodboard. I ended up going with it, even though we were both so wishy washy about it. 
A/N 2: This is my third prompt story this week, I’m going to take a break and quietly write by myself for a while. I’ll continue to work on the asks I have received, and please please feel free to send more. I’m having so much fun! I just don’t want to bombard you all, so I’m going to start pacing my posting. When I finish a piece, I just get so excited when I finish something that I want to show you all so badly! 
Liam and Riley sat across from each other at the table, sharing the piece of cake that sat between them. They were in New York visiting Riley’s family for a few days, and her mother had insisted that Eleanor spend the night, so the royal couple was taking full advantage of their child-free night, wrapping up the evening with dinner at one of Riley’s favorite restaurants. 
“Hey, check that out.” Riley tipped her head toward the bar, where a man was approaching a woman who was sitting alone at the bar. “He’s going to shoot his shot and try to pick her up.”
“How do you know?” Liam asked, watching as the woman nodded, the man immediately sitting down beside her. 
“I worked in a bar long enough, I can read the body language and tell you exactly what’s going to happen.”
He turned to his wife, a skeptical expression on his face. “Prove it.”
“Wow, you don’t even believe your own wife. I’m wounded.” She placed her hand over her heart in mock devastation. “Fine, I hope you saved room after that cake, because you’re about to eat your words.”
Riley went on to explain what each was saying to the other, and accurately predicted each move that was made. Liam was so impressed that part of him felt like she may have hired these people specifically to act out this scene. 
“Now watch, he’s going to pull out his phone and try to get her to put her number in.” She said, as the man reached into his back pocket. 
“Is he going to get it?” Liam couldn’t help but be invested in the story that his wife was narrating for him. 
“She’s going to give him a number, but see how she’s already almost standing up?” Liam nodded, waiting with baited breath for her to continue, “She’s going to give him a fake number, and then leave immediately. She doesn’t want to reject him to his face.”
“That’s cold.”
“It’s life, we’ve all done it.” Riley replied nonchalantly. 
Liam’s gaze snapped to face her. “You’ve given men fake numbers before?” 
She nodded and shrugged. “Lucky for you. You never know, I could have ended up suckered into marrying one of those creeps. Or like locked in their basement or something.”
He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I consider myself very lucky for that.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. 
“Oh oh, here we go, look!” Riley brought his attention back to the bar where the woman was shaking the man’s hand. “Ooooh, not even a courtesy hug. Game over, dude.” They watched the woman exit the restaurant, as the man started typing on his phone. “He’s sending a text to the number she gave. It either won’t be delivered, or he’ll get a reply from someone who is most definitely not that woman.”
“That poor man. He just wanted to find love.”
Riley sighed, shaking her head. “Ahh my sweet, romantic king, your naiveté is so heartwarming. That man is just looking to get laid.” She laughed, “For all the normal experiences you missed out on, aren’t you glad that you never had to pick up women at bars?” She paused for a second. “Present company excluded, of course.” 
Liam laughed, his expression quickly turning serious. “Actually, I kind of wish I could have had the opportunity. I think I would have been good at it.” Riley arched a brow at him. “I mean it, I got you to quit your life and fly all the way to Europe because of one night, didn’t I?” 
“Touché.” She drummed her fingers against the table in a brief moment of thought, “But can lightning strike twice?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Pick me up. I’ll go sit at the bar, you come over and shoot your shot. No social season, no friends, no boxy work uniform. Just a regular guy picking up a regular girl.”
Liam smirked at the proposition. “You’re on.”
Riley left the table and took a seat at the far end of the bar. Once she was seated he put down some money to cover their dinner, and made his way to the bar. “Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?”
She looked up, smiling politely and shaking her head, motioning with her hand for him to have a seat. 
“I’m Liam.” He extended his hand. 
“Riley. Nice to meet you Liam.” She placed her hand in his, and he brought it to his lips. “A hand kiss instead of a shake, bold move. You’re not from around here, are you?”
“No, I actually just moved to the states from Europe.” 
The bartender approached and took their orders. Liam instructed him to open a tab to cover himself and Riley. He took Liam’s card and stepped away to make their drinks. 
“So, why is a beautiful woman like yourself sitting here all alone?” He asked once they were alone again. 
Riley tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at the bar, playing up her role. “You’re sweet. I uh… I was supposed to be meeting someone, but I think they stood me up.”
“Well, their loss is my gain.” As the bartender set down their drinks, Liam lifted his glass in Riley’s direction. “A toast,” He waited for Riley to raise her glass before he continued, “To the missteps of old friends, which allow the opportunity to make new ones.”
“So we’re friends now?” Riley asked as she tapped her glass against Liam’s. “That’s awfully presumptuous.”
“Well, we’ve only just met. I’m hoping that perhaps we could get to know each other and see where the evening takes us.”
Riley agreed, and they began with some small talk. Riley stuck to her pre-Cordonia life, while Liam had done a pretty good job of coming up with a non-Royal backstory. They sat there talking, and drinking and ‘getting to know’ each other. Riley was impressed with Liam’s subtle flirting skills and decided that he was right, he would have been pretty good at this had he been given the chance. 
The lights came up, and Liam’s bill was dropped on the bar in front of him. “It looks like they’re closing up.” He said as he reviewed the receipt, signing his name at the bottom. “This was a lot of fun Riley, I would like to see you again. We should grab coffee together sometime.”
“I actually don’t drink coffee, I think it’s gross.”
“Oh.” Riley smiled to herself at the disappointment in his voice.
“I would like to see you again, though.” She reassured him. 
He looked up at her and smiled. “Could I take you to dinner, maybe?” 
“Dinner would be nice.”
“Great!” He noticed the annoyed expression on the bartender's face, they were officially the last customers in the bar. “We should probably go. I’ll walk you home.”
“I actually have a car waiting for me outside.” He dropped his head, again disappointed by the rejection. “You need a lift?”
He smiled widely, standing from his seat. “I’d like nothing more.” 
He offered his arm, she slid off the stool and linked hers through his. They exited the restaurant, and were greeted by Bastien, standing in front of their SUV. Before the guard could reach the door handle, Liam released Riley’s arm and jogged ahead, opening Riley’s door for her. 
“Such a gentleman.” She smiled coyly as she slid into the backseat. He smiled and got in after her. 
“Back to the hotel, your majesties?” Bastien asked as he entered the driver’s side. 
“Yes please.” Riley answered. 
Liam looked at her curiously. “Assuming I’m going to come home with you, bold move.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to come, but I promise you’ll have fun if you do.” Riley said in a sultry tone, closing the distance between the two of them.
“Riley…” Liam’s voice was just above a whisper as she leaned in, finally pressing her lips to his. They pulled back breathless from their kiss, their eyes remained closed as they rested their foreheads together. “I guess lighting can strike twice.”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the second time I picked you up in a bar, and the second time you kissed me first.” He grinned triumphantly. 
Riley leaned back, laughing as her eyes met Liam’s. “I guess that means you win?”
“Great, let’s go back to the hotel so I can collect my prize.” He brought his hand to her cheek and pulled her in, kissing her again. 
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emersynwrites @emkay512 @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @pixie88 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sincerelyella @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Liam x Riley:
@jared2612 @neotericthemis
@amandablink @ao719 @yourmajesty09
One Shots:
@bebepac @darley1101
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crowdedimagines · 3 years
Spill It - Harry Styles
an// i literally love the spill your guts concept, but hopefully this is a new take on it! also, this is not going to be chronologically correct to real life, that’s the fun of fiction! also in a world without covid
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“I will never understand how you continue to convince people to do this.” I sigh, taking in the table in front of me.
“Let’s take a look at what Y/n here is so fond of.” James teases before giving the table a good spin, showing off all of its contents, “To start we’ve got salmon smoothie, beef tongue, bird saliva, scorpion, fish head, hot sauce, bull penis, and finally, the water beetle. I think you’re both familiar with the rules of this game.”
“I’m sure.” Niall smiles, turning his head towards mine and I nod in agreement.
Niall and I go way back, having been friends for years. We met back in 2013 when I opened for One Direction’s tour. I quickly become close with all of them. One more so than the others. Harry. He and I just clicked, everyone knew it. It took months for us to start dating, afraid that we would ruin the good thing we had, but neither of us wanted to wait anymore. You can’t pass up a connection like that.
“Niall, I will ask you the first question.” James announces, “We’ll go with the salmon smoothie.”
“Oh god.” He mutters.
James lets out a loud laugh and covers his face in shock over the question. He turns it to me so I can catch a glimpse before he reads it out-loud and my jaw drops.
“You might as well drink now, not even hear the question.” I tease, leaning across the table.
“Niall, who is your least favorite member of One Direction?”
Niall’s head drops in defeat, even though he was sure going into this a question like this would be brought up. He just wishes it could’ve been on something a little easier to choke down.
“Drink up, babe.” I smile, a teasing smile crossing my face.
“Fuck.” He shakes his head.
“I can’t… “ He reaches for the glass and throws it back, it takes a few seconds for the sludge to finally shift and he can get a mouthful. A sour look takes over his face as soon as it reaches his taste buds. He quickly leans down to spit it in the bucket.
“That’s horrendous.” He coughs, “It was like a salmon yogurt.”
“Alright Niall, your turn to ask Y/n.”
I smile politely to my friend of many years who takes on a sinister look once he’s read the question.
“Please be nice.” I stick out my bottom lip.
“Right right.” He laughs, spinning the table as he takes in his options.
“Don’t forget I have a very good memory, especially of the years spent on a shared tour bus…” I chaff.
“Don’t remind me.” He settles on the hot sauce, thankfully one of the lesser evil options. I would take this over anything else on the table.
I did crash on their bus more than my own. It started because they were fun, barely older than me, but then when Harry and I started dating we became. Even sharing a bunk as uncomfortable as it was most nights. Those boys grew up with me, and I’m thankful to still be in good contact with all of them.
“You recently welcomed your third god-child into the world when Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid welcomed their daughter to the world.”
“Yes, I did.” I smile at the cheering audience. I have managed to do the impossible in staying close with all of the boys since the hiatus. Well, all but one. Gigi and I met years ago, and I introduced the pair at an award show. The other boys had their reason for making me god mother, but it did give me this monopoly on all of the One Direction children. 
“You are actually the god-mother to all three of the One Direction children. Who’s your favorite?”
My jaw drops at the question. Who had the audacity to ask that? To think I could ever answer that about any of my little nieces and nephews. The audience cheers in shock over the question as well.
“You’re joking.” I scoff, “They’re children, I could never pick a favorite!”
“How about your least favorite then?” James teases.
“You lot are all horrendous!”
I grab the shot glass and down the hot sauce immediately. I love all of them way too much to ever pick. I’m sure it’s exactly what they expected with a question like that. It burns for a few seconds and I put the glass back and try to shake it off.
“Nice one!” Niall cheers.
“Now James-” I clear my throat, the hot sauce catching up with me, “Name one guest that you would never invite back to the show.” I bite back a smile and fan my face with the card.  
James looks up into the camera as if he actually wants to answer.
“C’mon, you can do it! Just for once.” I grin like a little kid in a candy store, I want him to answer. I want to know, and it would be nice to finally get him to reveal an answer like this.
“Are you trying to get this show canceled?” He turns to one of the producers off screen. He looks between them and the water beetle I’ve placed in front of him. He gives his head one last shake before throwing it down the hatch.
“Niall, it’s your last night on Earth, you can either spend it with your ex girlfriend Ellie Goulding or Selena Gomez?”
He goes back and forth, trying to be polite with his answer before eventually picking Ellie.
“Y/n, who is your favorite member of One Direction?” Niall asks, the smirk growing wider with every word he utters.
The crowd roars, knowing very well of my relationship from a few years ago. One that people still brought up regularly in both Harry and my life due to us remaining friendly. 
“What is up with you guys wanting to know my favorites?” I roll my eyes, “Give me something I can actually answer.”
“Fine! I’ll ask you one!” Niall grins, an evil and family glint in his eyes appearing, “What songs have you written about Harry?”
A red hue takes over my face again, only this time it’s not from the hot sauce.
“Either that, or the bird saliva.” He grins, showing off a wide smile. If only we weren’t on national television and I could smack it off.
“It smells like wet dog.” I sigh, I pick it up giving it a whiff before setting it back down on the table, “Could I name one song?”
Niall and James exchange a look before the nod accepting it. 
“I wrote the song Everything about him.” I smile. It shouldn’t exactly be a surprise to most people, there were clues. Both of our fans were smart enough to catch on and read between the lines. It was a song I released almost two years ago, the album following our breakup.
It was a powerful song, it quickly became one of the favorites of my fans. It’s also one of the few that I don’t perform. I can’t think of a time I’ve sung that song without crying, it wasn’t meant for the stage. It was meant to be played in your bedroom while you stare at your ceiling. People have always understood that. 
“It’s a lovely song.” Niall smiles knowingly.
“Thank you.” I smile, I move on and reach out to ask James his question.
“James, you have been blessed to have both Niall and I on for carpool karaoke.” I smile at Niall, “Which one did you enjoy more?”
I can’t fight off the laughter that takes over. As if it isn’t hard enough to answer questions like these, it’s only upped the ante by having us both here.
“You’re kidding.” He dabs away the sweat on his forehead.
“It’s okay, Niall won’t be that offended.” I reassure and stick out my tongue at Niall.
“You’re an arse.” Niall laughs with the roll of his eyes.
In the middle of Niall and I acting like children bickering, James tears off a bite of the cows tongue without another word.
“Oh god.” I turn away from the unpleasant sight.
“That’s rank.” Niall huffs.
Niall answers his next question from James again, successfully getting away without eating anything.
“Y/n, if the past four years you have gotten into acting. You have made quite a name for yourself on the big screen as well as on the stage.” Niall begins.
“I don’t like where this is going.” I laugh.
“Rank your co-stars from your past films best to worst; Dylan O’Brian, Logan Lerman, and John Boyega.” Niall smacks his knee with a laugh.
“I have been blessed to work with so many talented actors” I start, picking up the terrifying looking bug that has been placed in front of me.
“Mhm.” James agrees with an evil smile on his face.
“So talented, that I could never rank them.” I throw back the scorpion before I can second guess myself. I manage to chew enough of it for it to count before spitting it out as gracefully as I can.
That’s a wrap after that, enough time getting juicy content out of us quite literally either spilling or filling our guts. I give Niall a hug before going back to my dressing room. I couldn’t be more thankful to share the couch tonight with a long time friend.
I drive home, eager to go home and relax. The episode won’t air until later tonight which gives me a couple hours of peace from Twitter. I take a bath and make myself some dinner, before eventually climbing into bed and turning on the TV to watch the episode.
It’s good, fun to watch back. Niall and I make a good pair, easy to read the friendship on camera. In time the episode ends and I turn off the TV and decide to go to bed. It’s been a long day full of press. Before I can actually drift off my phone lighting up and vibrating on my nightstand grabs my attention.
You are my everything too. xx
PART TWO??????
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Hot Springs [Din Djarin x Reader] SMUT
Summary: when The Mandalorian crashes his ship into a barely habitable and unfamiliar ice cold planet, he has to spend time on repairs. Little does he know, his bounty (you), has sauntered off into the depths of the crystallic cave, finding a hot spring to lounge in. When he discovers you pleasuring yourself amongst the thermal blue waters, he just can’t keep his hands of you. 
Warnings: SMUT (duh...) m receiving oral, p in v, lots of touching and affection.
Word count: 3k
Rating: 18+ only
Authors Note: The devil works hard but I work harder. Chapter 10 was literally released three hours ago and I’ve already knocked this up. The scene with the hot springs gave me ~thoughts~ and well, I hope you enjoy!
MASTERLISIT | Submit a request!
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The Mandalorian was just about finished the repairs on his ship when the cooing of his child interrupted him. He put down the soldering iron, and turned to face the little green bean who was knee deep in fluffy white snow. After a few beats of silence, the child let out an incoherent garble and Din sighed. "Are you going to just stand there, or do you want to make yourself useful?" he quizzed, gesturing towards the Razor Crest. The child blinked momentarily and Din let out another huff of annoyance before returning back to solder together some pieces of wire
The child's next garble came only a few moments later and when Din turned around, he noticed that his son was gone. Din dropped the iron once more and raised to his feet, walking around the perimeter of the Crest until he saw the child again. The child turned to his father, babbling and pointing his finger. When Din followed the directions of the child's small claw, he realised that his son had been trying to alert him of something. Din flicked the tracking switch on his visor which highlighted the footprints through the snow.
"She's gone?" he questioned himself out loud. "Wait here." he told the Child, who slumped down in the snow and began to roll snowballs with his small hands.
Din followed your footprints through the depths of the ice cold caves until finally he found you. There you were, lounging naked in what could only be described as a pool of steaming tranquil water. It was a vibrant blue colour, comparable to the beautiful lakes of Naboo or rivers of Alderaan.
"I told you to wait by the ship." The Mandalorian's voice was low and dark through his modulator. There was something sultry about it. If you weren't engulfed in warm water, you might have sworn his voice alone could do things to you that no other man has ever. 
You took in his broad stature. Tall, wide shoulders, and covered in the most pristine Beskar armour. And he was just standing there, watching you.
"Just about all ice planets have hot springs," you informed the Mandalorian, dodging his statement only slightly. "They're almost always in crystalline caves, just like this one. They're heated by underground volcanic activity. I know what you're thinking— volcanoes on an ice planet? But trust me. Legends says they have healing powers and well, I believe them. The natural oils that these thermal waters possess make my skin so smooth." you drew out, kicking your leg out the water and rubbing your hand along your calf and up your thigh, humming in delight at the touch.
"Stars." Din gritted out as he watched you touch yourself. You noticed upon his entrance to the springs, he had completely stiffened up, not moving an inch. His eyes were locked on you. But you didn't mind. In fact, you kind of liked the attention from a Mandalorian. "So you knew about the hot springs here?"
"I knew there'd be hot springs, sure," you shrugged, continuing to drag the warm thick blue water over your skin. The oils in it made it slippery but all the more appealing to the Mandalorian. He shuffled in his boots slightly, dragging them across the thick snow beneath him. "I got bored waiting on the ship. Not much to do for entertainment."
The Mandalorian scoffed, but he couldn't exactly argue with you. "You could've put yourself in danger." he muttered, looking around. Your eyes followed his.
"Do you see anything?" you prompted him. "No? Exactly. It's safe here, I promise." After a long beat of silence, you took a deep breath and inhaled the fragranced air around you. "Join me." you murmured.
The Mandalorian was taken aback, but your offer became harder to refuse by the second. Maker, his cock was throbbing now, constricted and feeling tight under his pants and armour. He tilted his head slightly and watched as you let your hands grace your body and squeeze your own breasts. You knew exactly how to lure him in. You gently closed your eyes at the sensation, a sweet moan escaping your lips.
Of course, the opaqueness of the turquoise water left very little visible to the Mandalorian's eye but judging from the way you were positioned and the slight slushing sound of the water, he knew you were touching himself. 
The Mandalorian wanted to hear that moan again. If that sound was the noise you made when you touched yourself, then he wanted to hear the noises you could make when he touched you.
You were utterly a sight to behold. He wanted to engrain the image of you, lounging in the hot springs, for the rest of his life. 
The thought of you pleasuring yourself in front of him created a fire in his stomach. He felt his already hard cock twitching at the sight of you. Your hair wasn't completely wet, but damp from the condensation in the air, sticking slightly to your skin. Pearls of sweat beaded across your hairline and as he trailed his vision down, he noticed the way it glossed over your collarbones— defining them.
"If I join you," the Mandalorian gulped. "I might not be able to control myself." he warned, a strong level of sterness in his voice.
You bit your lip and extended your arms, propping yourself up in the tub so he could see the way you spread yourself out for him. "Consider this an invitation." you gazed up towards him, fluttering your eyelashes which framed your doe-like eyes.
The Mandalorian discarded his armour one by one, the Beskar of his chest plate and knee pads clanking as he dropped them to the rocky ground beneath him. As he undressed himself, he didn't take his eyes from you, and so, you decided to give him a little show to watch.
You hopped up on to the side of the tub, exposing your naked body. You even heard Din's breathing hitch when he took sight of you. You crossed your legs over, not wanting to show him too much yet, but dropped your head back and your breasts together. The sudden coldness in the air hardened your nipples and made them sensitive as you ran the pad of your thumb over the little bud, pinching it now and again. You dipped your hands back in the water and gently let the warm, oily water drip down your body. Din watched, completely enthralled as droplets dripped down the curve of your breasts and pooled in your belly button. He wanted to spread you out— take you now. Fuck you fast and hard in the snow if he could.
But there was something so delicate about the way you performed for him. The way you gently touched yourself and your whimpers which echoed throughout the crystallised caves. It struck something inside of him. He wanted to take it slow, touch every part of you like it had never been touched before. Grace his finger along every edge and dip of your body.
It wasn't long until the Mandalorian had stripped completely down, his clothing pooled on the floor amongst yourd. You let out a small gasp as you took in his manhood which was hard and pressed against his tummy. Dark brown hair trailed from his belly button down to his crotch and you swallowed a lump in your throat that you didn't realise you were holding. You knew he couldn't take his helmet off, but seeing the colour of his hair on another part of his body awakened a primal feeling inside of you.
He stood there, awkwardly, almost like he was awaiting your instruction. His hand dropped to his cock and he began to rub his length slowly, up and down. It was in that moment you got an eyeful of the precum that was beading at the dark pink tip. Oh Maker…. he was desperate for you.
"Come here." you gestured with a finger that beckoned him to walk around the steaming hot tub. Still jerking himself, he walked to the edge of the tub where you were sitting and you continued to swirl your feet into the water.
When he stood before you, you took his hand and gently removed it from his cock. The loss of Din's grip made his cock bounce forward. You looked down at it, taking in the sight of all the bumps and veins and licked your lips at the thought of how he would feel inside of you. He was big, you knew he'd stretch you out, but you had hope in the oils from the springs that maybe they'd lubricate you before that time came. "I want to taste you, is that alright?" you asked, dipping your hand into the warm water and taking it back out before rubbing his length.
"Y-yes," he stuttered, jerking his hips deeper into your first. You tutted and slowly shook your head at his lack of patience. The oils from the thermal water had made your hands slick and wet.
You rolled your hand to the bottom of his girth and cupped his balls before skillfully swirling your tongue over his pink tip, earning a groan from him. Your lips curved into a smirk as you continued with the kitten licks, savouring every drop of precum that he had created. You wanted to be vocal for him, making sure you moaned when his salty seed hit your tongue. Licking your lips, making sure you could devour every last drop. "Tastes so good," you cooed before taking his full length in your mouth and bopping your head.
On impulse, Din grabbed a fist full of your hair, holding your head in place as you took him as far as you could. With his remaining length, you lifted your hand and began to pump him. You slowly drew back from his cock, a line of your saliva mixer with his precum drawn from the tip of his cock to your swollen lips.
"What are you doing?" Din growled, pushing your head back on his cock. 
"Cmon, I know you want to fuck my mouth. I see the way you jerk your hips. And I want it too. Fuck my mouth, Mando," you commanded, reaching up and pressing a hand along his v-line.
You parted your lips only slightly, but enough for the Mandalorian to push his length inside of you. You immediately found yourself hollowing your cheeks as he began to fuck your mouth, illicitng curses in what you could only assume to be Mando’a. You grabbed onto his hips, fingernails pinching into his ass as he thrusted inside of you. "S-such a good mouth for me," he praised. "Good girl. Take me so well." It wasn't long before you felt his cock twitch in your mouth and you drew back, not wanting him to cum just yet.
"Join me in the water," you pleaded, hopping back into the tub and letting the wetness engulf you. The Mandalorian sat on the edge of the tub and carefully slipped in, the water rising to his chest. He shuddered at the heat and you couldn't help but smile. "You like it?" you asked him, and he nodded his head in agreement.
"Yeah, haven't felt anything this nice since- since-" The Mandalorian couldn't finish his sentence because you were already dragging him through the water and on top of you.
Once again, you leaned against the side of the tub and brought the Mandalorian warrior in between your legs. You hooked your legs around his waist and the water pushed his cock against your wet folds, a soft moan escaping your lips. Liking what he could hear, the Mandalorian teasingly rolled his cock over your clit, and your fingers dug into his back.
You didn't think it was possible, but somehow you managed to get closer to him. You pressed your breasts up against his chest and rested your chin the crook of his neck. He pushed the hair out of your face, revelling in your beauty.
In one swift motion, he pushed himself inside of you, desperate for some kind of release. You screamed, fingers digging into his tan skin. His back was strong and muscular and he held himself there, inside of you, warming his cock. You traced his back, enthralled in the way he was using his upper body strength to hold you up against the side of the tub.
"Move." you begged, pressing your lips into his shoulder blade. The Mandalorian groaned at your soft kisses. He hadn't felt such affection from anyone before. His hips moved slightly but his cock still filled inside of you, throbbing as your walls contracted around him. You bit down on his skin at the sensation. You loved how long and thick he was. You loved the way he filled you up. "Move." you repeated, but this time it was a cry of desperation.
The Mandalorian obeyed your order, slowly and somehow pushing himself deeper inside you. His cock curved and hit your sweet spot with every thrust. Fuck, he was good. You whined, rolling your hips and meeting his every thrust. 
"Stars, you're so tight," he cursed and you clenched around him once more. He was certain you'd milk him from his seed shortly.
"Mando, you don't have to be gentle. I need you to fuck me hard and fuck me fast." You whispered, your breath tingling his skin. He wasn't going to say no to that.
The Mandalorian increased his speed, and his thrusts became more erratic. As the oils of the thermal waters seeped into your cunt his actions became sloppier and he had to clutch onto you like he was afraid you'd break beneath him. The waters of the hot springs rolled over the edges of the tub and splashing noises, as well as your moans and his grunts echoed throughout the caves.
"I'm close," he warned. "Fuck. Your cunt is so soft. Ngh- feels so good around me."
"Mando," you wailed, your hands wrapped around his helmet for support as he continued to messily thrust into you. He lowered one hand under the water and found the bud of your clit, rubbing at it as he continued to fuck you. "Shit, don't stop that. I'm gonna cum."
"Yes baby," The Mandalorian growled. "Cum for me like a good girl."
The words spurred you off and you dropped your head back, your entire body shaking as he fucked you through your climax. Your walls clenched around his cock and he started twitching inside you. "Fuck!" he cried out, holding you by the shoulders.
"I'm safe," you gasped, as he continued to thrust deeper into you. "Please cum inside of me. Please."
"You take my cock so fucking good." He praised, his modulated voice echoing through the cave as his hips snapped into yours. His hands drop as he holds your lower back and the pressure feels sharp. He's rough, he's hard just like you had requested of him. You could feel every edge and vein of him as he slammed inside of you, groaning out your name with each savage thrust.
Before long, Din spills inside of you. And he was containing a load. You feel his sticky heat rope your and coat your walls as you yelp in pleasure. He stays inside of you, letting the cum bury deep within you before he softens and gently pulls out. You whine at the loss of his fullness, your eyes fluttering shut as he doubles back.
Both of you are a heaving panting mess, standing before each other in the hot springs. Your legs felt shaky, like he just fucked every last beam of life out of you. You grabbed onto the edge of the tub and pulled yourself up, letting the cool air dry your body.
The Mandalorian took another good look of your body and he felt himself get hard again. Fuck, no credits could amount to that experience. There was no way he could return you now. You were his to keep.
Permanent taglist:
@goth-topic​  @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
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To Train Up a King, Chapter 1/5
Note: For this story, I'm going to do something a tad different. Instead of a full 10k multi-chapter story or a single oneshot, I'm going to do about five episodic 1.5k chapters that capture very short snippets of these character's lives as an experiment. I'd like to see if I can pull off full character arcs with that kind of restriction. There will be smut chapters that are longer (I think, I have them planned anyways), but the bulk of their relationship will kind of be like tv show episodes. 
Prince Naga/Assassin Reader
Chapter content: sfw, no warnings besides some innocent breaking and entering, and one decapitated head :)
He’s just as beautiful as the songs say.
This isn’t the first time you’ve crept up onto Shahira al-Malik’s balcony, flush with vines and florals, just to catch a glimpse of the famed bastard prince, but you’ve never done so intending to reveal yourself. Tonight, he’s hunched over a large, intricately carved and gold-gilded chest, silver-blond hair billowing out with the night breeze. You think he might be asleep, his scales glittering in tandem to the stars as you shift your view in the moonlight.
His room could easily swallow the entire apartment you hovel up in, large, sweeping ceilings with jeweled mosaics covering the floor and walls. Despite its majesty, you know it barely holds a candle to what the rest of the palace offers, a biting commentary to just how little he is valued in the family. Despite the bed being large enough to host a variety of characters, he seems to be satisfied with hunching over that chest, made of simple wood, an arm crossed over the top to keep his head off the distorted surface. His tail lays limply on the floor, twisting and crossing at odd angles.
Creeping around the capitol as natural to you as breathing, so even though you stand in full view of the room, he has yet to notice your presence. The bag hanging from your belt is heavy, you are careful not to drop it as you unstrap it from your waist, and even though your fabric rustles and your boots scrape at the floor when you shift, he still doesn’t raise his head.
Awkwardly, you clear your throat, and that catches his attention, head jolting up, body tensing. When he finally spots you looming over him, bag in hand, large, wicked knife at your hip, he slithers back, mouth opening to shout for help. Calmly, you raise your hand, showing you hold no weapons, and press two fingers to your mouth as a gesture of silence.
“Who are you?” He asks, but still loud enough to get attention from the guards he still thinks are posted at his door. Despite the low light, you can tell that he must have been crying, lips swollen, nose and the crescents beneath his eyes a deep purple.
“Do not be afraid,” you say, hoping to soothe his nerves with a neutral tone, “I am the assassin one of your brothers hired to kill you.”
His viridescent eyes widen with fear, his chest quaking as the idea of his shortened mortality reverberates through his soul. There are strange marks on the underside of his wrists as he raises his hands outward, as though trying to give you some wordless order. Instead, though, he’s yelling, “guards!”
He’s scared, you think, satisfied. His brother, the cocky thing, didn’t show the same fear even at his very end. “Your guards have been removed from duty for the night.”
He knows that you hold his fate in your hands, back pressing up against the chest as his tail folds itself out in front of him, as though trying to keep his vital organs guarded. As you watch him, letting him steep in that fear for just a moment more, he seems to accept the fact that he’s about to die. No whining, no pleading, a grim sort of terror keeping his body still, despite the fact you’re so much smaller than he, almost as if he’s well aware that you are so much more than your size and strength.
Satisfied that you place a healthy amount of fear in his mind, you throw the bag, and he flinches as though it might explode.
Keeping your tone soft and gentle, as though speaking to a child, you prompt, “go ahead. My gift to you.”
You don’t know what he might think is in there, but judging from his trembling fingers as he undoes the ties, you suppose that he might consider his death is inside. The moment he pushes the thick fabric open, though, his eyes widen and his chest heaves. Slowly, unsurely, he pulls his brother’s large head out from the bag, features so similar to his it could almost be like looking in a mirror.
His voice trembles as he asks, “why?”
“He wouldn’t give me what I wanted,” you say, taking a step back. “You can.”
“And what do you want?” He’s trying very, very hard not to allow his voice to hitch.
You pause for a moment, wondering how you’ll be able to put it into words. It’s a complicated thing, your desires- for you have many, and some are of greater importance than others.
“I will tell you later,” you promise, taking another step back. “This will not be the last time we meet.”
“Wait!” His voice trembles, traces of panic thick in his mouth. “How do I know this isn’t a trick? I- I could be the one to fall for his death.”
Ah, so his mind decides to start working again. You suppose you don’t blame him, you did catch him at his weakest, and you almost owe him some reassurances. Ensuring your movements are nothing like your usual quick and off-putting cadence, you tug at the scarf around your head and mouth. Just below your left eye, you have a large, gaping scar that almost looks like a cartoonishly drawn teardrop from a time when your reflexes weren’t as quick, and your sneaking skills weren’t as honed.
“How-” he starts, but you’re quick to interrupt.
“A knife,” you say, holding out your hands. “I will rid you of the head. The body will be found in the desert, plundered by bandits.”
It’s almost like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders, one much more severe than the thought of death. You know that his path to the crown is that much clearer; though the second prince would put up more of a fight than the first, it’s still one less that he has to worry about. When you take the bagged head back, he’s staring at your face, intently, though not just at the scar.
He’s trying to commit a murderer’s face to memory, you tell yourself, even though his quizzical expression looks more confused than focused.
As your fingers brush together, though, he blurts out, “you’re my age.”
You blink, almost taken off guard. “How do you know?”
“Your face,” he says, eyes roving over your features. “And voice. You’re not much older than I am, aren’t you?”
Everyone knows how old the princes are; even a crowned bastard like him gets fanfare and feasts when his birthday comes around, the bells in the mosques and cathedrals chiming once for every year he has been alive. You know you’re roughly his age, but your birthdays come and go without you even knowing the precise day, no fanfare, no gifts.
“I suppose,” you say, strapping the bag back to your hip, “though it doesn’t matter.”
“Everything matters,” he says, retreating back to a safe distance as though unsure of how much longer his good fortune will last. “I should thank you for not killing me.”
“You should,” you say, “that would have been the easier thing to do.”
“Then, why didn’t you?”
You pause for a moment, not entirely sure of how to put into words why you didn’t. Defiance, maybe, you never did like how pompous and sure of himself the first prince acted. It is definitely not self-preservation; this is possibly the most foolish thing you’ve done since you broke into that knife-obsessed banker’s house.
Finally, you settle on a simple enough statement: “I’ll tell you later. Goodnight, my prince.”
You hear him follow you as you leap from his balcony, watch him search for you in the shadows. From your perch among the trees and stones, pressed up against the outer walls of his small garden, you wait until he retreats back into the safety of his room.
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