#i also drew all of their hands!! are ya proud of me?? :D
golden--doodler · 11 months
Okay, so there's a Roudise warmup prompt (Cult classic / Picking out Costumes) for Halloween over at @roudiseshipweek, and I knew after reading that prompt I just had to sketch out something for it (yes, I did coloring and simple shading, but no lineart! seriously, this keeps happening)!! I know I already posted a drawing today, but I couldn't help myself, I wanted to participate!! I had the idea to draw Rudy and Louise as Jack Skellington and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, as that is one of my absolute all-time favorite movies, especially for Halloween time! I also wanted to draw them kissing because I don't draw them muppets kissing often enough 😌
Happy Halloween again, y'all!! 🎃 👻 🍫
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It has basically become my mission to draw the muppets as characters from different movies, especially Disney movies. Also, I headcanon that Tina, Gene, and Louise went as Lock, Shock, and Barrel for Halloween once. It just seems very fitting for them.
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
Going off of Vader giving you his full undivided attention I thought of this:
He’s in a meeting and you’ve finally finished your project so you’re waiting outside the office a little bored but fully willing to wait. Your a little nervous to show him what you’ve made because you’ve spent countless hours pouring your heart into it. Seconds feel like minutes and your anxiety starts to eat at your confidence little by little.
What if he hates it? He’s seen how many hours you’ve spent putting your love into it. What if the outcome is disappointing to him? He’s taken down entire civilizations before he’s probably seen way better work than what you can d-
Before you can finish your thought the doors to the office open. Speak of the devil and he shall come, lord Vader was looking down at you from the doorway.
But the meeting was supposed to last another hour? As he gazed down upon you he could visibly see your confusion and anxiety plain as day. You were like an open book to him even without his ability to sense how you were feeling through the force. And that was one of the many things that drew him to you. The fact you never hid how you felt from him.
After a awkward one minute staring contest he extended his hand, gesturing to the finished project in your hands.
“Your creation, hand it over” if you were anyone else those words would have made your anxiety turn into a typhoon in your stomach, but you, and only you, could hear the care and softness spoken behind it.
Placing it into his hand, he held it up to his face and tense minutes crawled by as he gazed upon it. The other generals and officers sending you weird looks obvious that they wanted to continue with the meeting. You started to pick at your nails under their gaze when he finally said:
“This is … adequate, we shall speak later”
He handed it back to you and went back to to the meeting without another word. His cape almost getting caught in the doors with the gorse he twirled it. And with that you turned on your heel and went back to your workspace to wait for him.
Only later in private did he tell you that your (thing) was absolutely divine and that he is so proud of you. Pressing the forehead of his mask to yours he told you that:
“Anything you create shines like the stars and I am honored that you see me worthy enough to look upon them”
He also would never admit it but you actually weren’t giving off that much anxious energy during the meeting he was just really, really, really excited to see what you created and would put any meeting on hold for you no matter who it was or what it was about. (unless it was your wedding, that’s pretty important too)
Ya-ha-ha! - 🍯
At first you might be a little disheartened that he has to look at what you made so quickly and leave, but be patient with him. He's probably THE busiest man in the galaxy, but he'll always find time for you at the end of the day. But once he DOES have the time oh my GOD he'll be all over you. Hes so touched thag youd go to all that trouble for him, and he's gonna make sure that you know just how much he loves and appreciates it
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thebadbatch · 3 years
Hii there, can I request The Bad Batch defending reader when a Teacher is being disrespectful and calling her/them lazy when reader have a single bad grade? Thank you!! (you can use whatever pronouns you prefere).
Our Star - The Bad batch x Gn!Reader
A/N: Hey I really hope this is okay! :D I really liked your request it was a joy to write! Tysm for requesting :3
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Plot: Learning at the academy your grades are incredible, thanks to Tech, apart from one. One in which your teacher made out to be the worst thing possible and it ruins your self esteem. The Bad Batch won't have that though and are on root to help and support you. 
Warnings: Upset over grades also a mean teacher!
"Sit." She demanded which made you inwardly sigh and begin to panic a little bit. Why was she so moody today? "Do you know why I called you here y/n?" You just simply shook your head choosing not to speak as the words got caught within your throat. "It's because your grade is slipping and it's a horrible reflection upon the academy and me. You're lazy!" She paused before showing you the datapad filled with your grades, a slightly lower mark than the others beside the specialty of combat medic. It was a tough class trying to figure out what to do in the heat of the simulator battle mode to save a pretend person's life. It left you shaking more than you'd like to admit.
Our star
Training at the academy was hard, especially when your family is on the move constantly for missions. Your family dubbed themselves as The Bad Batch and you write a part of it too! You loved your brothers and they loved you. Walking through the busy and crowded hallways, you clutched your datapad to your chest making your way to the office. Your teacher had called you there for a small discussion, one in which you were eager to have. Thanks to Tech tutoring you, your grades were excellent and your brothers were extremely proud of their 'star' as they called it. Pressing the doors controls, it opened with a light hiss allowing you to walk in and smiling at the head teacher before you. They were always rude and mean, strict on students and it was rare to hear any praise unless it was sarcasm. There was plenty of that thrown around. The head reacher didn't return the smile, instead she gestured to the seat before you to sit in. 
"I'm sorry, I'm finding that class a little tough but my grades are still high." You breathed lightly, trying to keep your voice from leaking any knowledge to your fear. "I promise to work harder."
"Too right you will!" She yelled out, slamming her fists onto her desk. This was pretty over dramatic, even for her. "What would your brothers think? I'm sure they'd be ashamed of you." That instantly struck a nerve, your heart sinking into your stomach. Thump. Thump. Thump. Your heart was hammering against your ribcage, your lungs tightening as your mind wracked through these new darker thoughts. Would they be ashamed? Maybe they would. Tech has been doing everything he can to teach you and he'd put his own life on hold for the private lessons. All of them had been helping you out and you began to think that you had failed them as their younger sibling, tears pricking your eyes. 
"I'll do better. Thank you." You spoke, your voice barely a whisper. She waved her hand, signalling for you to go which you gladly did with great speed - heading straight outside and toward the direction of the Havoc Marauder. 
Once the attack shuttle was in view, you drew in a jagged breath. They're going to be so disappointed surely. Once you walked up the ramp, familiar laughs and voices filled your ears. The sound always warmed you and let any tension melt away, but not today. 
"Hey y/n is back!! How was ya day?" Wrecker laughed, lifting you up and spinning you gently before setting you down due to Echo's demand in case you got dizzy. 
"Uhm, yeah it was okay!" You lied through your teeth toward them, forcing a smile to your face that didn't meet your eyes. Tech and Echo soon walked in with Crosshair trudging behind - giving you a light smile that he had reserved just for you. You smiled back before fiddling with your hands trying to stop the emotion swelling within you. 
"What did you learn about?" Echo asked, smiling as he patted your head in a gesture of affection. You wracked your brain trying to think back on the day, what had you learned? The conversation with the headteacher was the only thing playing on your mind. 
"Well it was shooting practice today." You gazed up at them before seeing Crosshairs eyes light up momentarily. 
"I trust you did well thanks to me?" He spoke playfully, chuckling gently. 
"I did! Top grades!" You beamed but that instantly fell away from your face, a frown replacing it. 
"How about your Combat Medic training? I checked your time table and saw that it was scheduled for today." He paused, giving you a warm smile after putting down his datapad. "I'm sure you did amazing." 
Once his praise was in the air, you couldn't hold it back anymore as you began to cry. Sobs wracked through your body as Hunter instantly brought you into his arms. "Hey hey what's wrong vod'ika?" His voice soothed, hugging you tightly as his hand rubbed circles into your back. 
"Got into trouble an' she yelled at me my grades are bad." You sobbed out, Tech's face instantly softened as you cried. Crosshair soon growled lightly, gazing toward his brothers before gently crouching beside you, brushing hair away from your eyes. 
"Vod'ika, which teacher yelled at my star?" You sniffed lightly, crying more as Echo gently held you, taking over from Hunter. 
"Headteacher…" Your muffled voice whispered as Tech began typing away at his datapad. 
"Star, your grades are perfect. You're doing great in combat as a medic!" He began to ramble onwards, "What on maker is she on about? Our vod'ika is doing amazing." The others just huffed lightly before smiling as your sobs calmed down and turned into hiccups. 
"She-she said that I'm a horrible reflection on her and the academy and that I'm lazy! What if they expel me!" The batch gently sat you down, all of them beside you as they comforted you. 
"My star, your grades are not a reflection of who you are. You're an amazing talented individual and we trust you with our lives." Hunter paused for a moment gazing at you happily. "You work so hard! She's wrong. Your grades are amazing and it's okay to struggle!" He smiled as Tech wiped away some of your tears. 
"We love you. You are not lazy, you are the most talented person we know. You're the backbone of our batch." Echo chuckled, loving the new smile against your face.
Little did you know that when your brothers made sure you got some rest, all of them apart from Echo who had said he wanted to keep you safe, left that night in their full armour. They showed up at the academy and requested a personal meeting with the headteacher which she accepted. Walking into the office, Hunter slammed his hands on the desk with the brothers standing and glaring daggers into her eyes. 
"Now what's this about you calling our y/n lazy huh?" 
Rest assured, she never bothered you again and they made sure you knew that you are amazing, smart and talented even if grades slip every now and then.
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wardenannie · 3 years
Hurt Levi pls
I normally don't take tumblr prompts, but for you, anon whose identity is a total mystery to me, I will accept
NSFW under the cut. Also warning for some torture that happens about midway through. Nothing too graphic tho.
Kenny captured him as they dueled in the streets of the capital. Levi didn't see the net coming until it was too late. His eyes were locked on the gunslinger, body moving like water as he spun past bullet after bullet, slate eyes trained on Kenny's exposed jugular.
When the net struck him it took his balance with it, and he tumbled two stories to the ground, confused in a pile of weights and rope. He landed with a sickening crunch, the right side of his body slamming brutally into the paving stones.
Levi was stunned, body wracked with agony as his broken bones screamed in complaint.
He could hear his squad calling out for him; "Heichou!" But he could not make out their faces as his vision blurred and dark shadows began to loom over him.
One of those shadows- the tallest, the most menacing- laughed, and then spat in his face. Kenny.
"Gotcha, runt," Levi could hear the sneer in his voice, words dripping with the venom of sordid joy. He struggled, breath coming ragged as panic began to set in.
"Knock him out," Kenny ordered.
A sharp pain radiated up the side of Levi's skull, then everything went black.
He awoke in a dark cell, suspended by iron manacles that dug harshly into his wrists. His shirt was gone, body coated in a fine sheen of cold sweat that shimmered in the dim light of a single, paltry torch.
Levi's head throbbed painfully. The right side of his body was mottled with blue-black bruises. It hurt to breathe, to blink, to think.
But Levi was a survivor, so he pushed through the pain, recalling everything that had brought him to this point. He remembered battling on the streets of the capital. He remembered Kenny shouting his name boisterously. He remembered Nifa's brains being splattered across the rooftops, and he remembered falling, and falling, and falling.
"Shit," he cursed, and he pulled at his restraints. The movement only served to dig the metal more painfully into his flesh, fresh blood running hot down his forearms.
Levi drew in a ragged, fortifying breath, then shouted with all of his remaining might, "Kenny!"
The low tenor of his voice echoed through the subterranean dungeon. A peppering of dust fell from the rafters, disturbed by the sudden noise.
Panting, chest heaving as he bit through another full body wave of pain, he shouted again, louder, with more power and rage behind the name; "KENNY!"
His muscles went limp, body hanging weakly from his shackles, toes dragging on the filthy floor. Everything hurt. It hurt so much. Every fiber of his being seemed to be crying out in red hot pain. His head throbbed, eyes pulsing in his skull. There was a constant pressure in his chest, digging into his lung, a broken rib, more like than not.
Levi huffed a broken sound, hanging his head. He was useless like this, strung up like a fresh kill. He shut his eyes, waiting helplessly for his fate to arrive.
Hange would come for him. He knew she would.
He recalled their parting moment, the people she had loaned him, the people he had gotten killed. He remembered the trust she had placed upon him, that had swirled behind those wine-colored eyes, and somehow he felt even more broken.
"Hange..." He sighed her name, lids fluttering.
He'd been so caught up in his memories that he hadn't heard the telling sound of footsteps on the bricks. Two grizzled, calloused hands gripped the bars mockingly.
Kenny grinned at him from the darkness of the corridor, freshly shaven. Face porous and lined and aged.
"Hey there, runt," he goaded, fingers drumming softly on the bars. Two more people appeared beside him, men, their faces obscured behind black torturer's hoods. Their black eyes flashed menacingly in the torchlight.
"We have a few questions for ya," Kenny produced a key from around his neck and slipped it into the lock. The heavy, barred door opened with a metallic shriek and a muffled kerthunk. He slipped into the cell, body long, thin and skeletal. Behind him the two torturers followed.
Now that they stood in the light Levi could see that they wore the instruments of his torture across their bodies like bandoliers. The knives and scalpels and scrapers all gleamed orange by the light of the torch.
Levi swallowed thickly, giving another weak pull at his shackles.
"Now," Kenny's smile never waned. He laced his fingers behind his back, standing up straight and proud. "Are ya gonna cooperate? Or will we have to do this the hard way."
Levi's lips curled into a snarl. They wanted Hange's location, the location of his squad.
They could rot in hell.
He demonstrated as much by spitting onto the floor in front of Kenny's boot.
"Fuck off."
Kenny puffed his cheeks amusedly, and took a small step backward to make way for the torturers.
"These fellows are good at what they do," Kenny explained softly as they began to pluck their implements from their chests. "They were loaned to me by the king himself."
Levi bared his teeth, refusing to give Kenny anything more than his ire.
Kenny cracked his knuckles, smile shifting to lopsided and entertained, "Alright then, let's begin."
Levi stayed strong. Through it all, he endured. He kept his lips sealed, biting on them until they bled like his exposed nailbeds, like the parallel lines they drew across his belly with their razor sharp knives. He endured when they began breaking nailess toes, and he endured when they moved on to his fingers, peeling the skin back to the first knuckle.
His blood painted the floor in crimson-black drips. His grunts of agony echoed through the dungeon halls in a torturous symphony.
"Where is Hange Zoe?" Kenny asked, obviously beginning to grow exasperated.
Levi showed his teeth, red with blood, red dripping from his nose, "Never." He choked, tasting rust in his mouth. He would die before he gave Hange up. It was her face that lingered in the back of his mind, that bolstered his resolve against their blunted rods as they beat his already broken ribs.
He remembered her smile. Her laughter. They way she smirked when she teased him over his height and cleanliness. He remembered her touch, the fire she awoke inside of him, in his skin.
He remembered Hange. His Hange. And he endured.
Eventually they left him alone. Making sure to snuff out the torch as they went, Levi dangled weakly in the dark. The only sounds were that of his own breathing and his blood dripping steadily onto the floor.
His vision began to fade, sounds growing distant, as though he were submerged beneath dark waves of white hot water. He struggled to breathe, to keep his eyes open. 
Ultimately his struggle was in vain. He fell into viscous, black unconsciousness. 
Hange Zoe had never before known fear like this; this terrible, gripping thing that settled in her chest and constricted around her lungs like a parasitic snake. It radiated outward from her center, down her limbs and into her fingertips, numbing them as she gripped the triggers of her ODM gear. 
He had to be alive. He had to be. 
How would she survive if Levi were gone. What would she do? She couldn’t imagine it, that agony which she was barely holding at bay. Were the worst to come to fruition it would surely consume her. 
They busted through the doors of the anti-personnel squad compound. Shattering through them with a battering ram, shards of broken wood raining down on the occupants of the adjacent room; splintering and slicing them. 
Hange grabbed the first man she saw by his collar, hoisting him into the air as her muscles burned. She pressed the edge of her blade to his throat, flashing her teeth, vision blurring red with complete and utter rage. 
“Where is he?!”
Moblit and Levi squad apprehended the others in the room. Binding their hands and feet. Hange simply wanted them dead.
The man dangled in the air, grasping weakly at Hange’s wrist where she held him aloft, “I- I um...” 
“Spit it out or you won’t have a tongue to speak with!” Hange demanded, pressing her blade more insistently to his throat. 
“D-downstairs,” he pointed towards a door with a shaking finger. 
Hange grunted and threw him roughly down onto the floor, leaving him to the rest of the squad. She rushed for the doors, prying a torch off of the wall as she descended into the dark depths of the dungeon. 
Let him be alive, she chanted to herself. Please, whatever gods there may be, let him be alive. 
Kenny was nowhere to be found. The fighting upstairs cleared quickly and soon all of Levi squad was trailing the Section Commander through the dark labyrinth. 
It only took another few moments for them to discover him hanging by his wrists in the dark. He was filthy, covered in blood, sweat, and bruises. His eyes were closed, chest barely rising with stilted breath. 
“Levi!” Hange rasped, gripping the bars. “What did they do to him?” 
She ground her teeth to the point of pain, leaning all of her weight into the bars like she could bend them through sheer force of will alone. The sight of his blood pooling on the floor made her stomach twist, her heart ache. Her mouth was dry and a salient mixture of horror and utter rage pooled in her center. 
Armin was already working on the lock. But it wasn’t fast enough. 
Hange shoved him out of the way and slammed one of her blades down into the rusty lock mechanism over and over. It creaked, shuddered, and then cracked in two under the force of her assault. 
Leaving the rest of the squad in the dust, Hange rushed to Levi’s side, wrapping her arms tenderly around his waist and lifting him so his wrists were no longer being cut by the shackles. 
“Hange,” he choked her name weakly, then spit blood onto the yellow of her shirt. His slate eyes were hooded and distant, dissociative from the pain. 
Armin and Mikasa were working on his restraints. 
“I’m here,” Hange breathed, careful only to touch him where she had to. “I’m here.” 
She wanted to scream at the sight of him. His body was a warzone; brutalized, left sallow and broken. His skin was clammy, breath tinged with the scent of blood. 
“Levi...” she exhaled shakily, and finally the manacles came lose and Levi crumpled into her arms. He buried his face against her neck, and she heard him inhale sharply, painfully. 
Hange bit her lip, cupping the back of his head, stroking his greasy hair gingerly. 
Moblit cupped her shoulder gently, his eyes wide with concern, “Section Commander, we need to go.” 
Hange nodded, lifting Levi protectively into her arms. She wouldn’t let anyone help her. She couldn’t bear the thought of anyone touching him but her. She guarded him carefully all the way back to their hideout, keeping his head nestled safely in her lap as their cart wheeled bumpily along the city streets. 
Hange treated his wounds as best she could. She wrapped his tortured fingers and stitched the wounds in his abdomen. She tied his broken toes to unbroken ones and gave him water each hour on the hour. As for his bruises? She could only hope that they were not set too deeply into his muscles and organs. She could only caress delicate fingers over his cheek and pray to whatever merciful gods might exist that he would come out of this trial relatively unscathed. 
Though he would always bare the scars. Reminders of her own failure to protect him; the man she...
She utterly refused to leave his side, not even to report to Erwin. She sent Moblit in her stead. 
And how could she leave him? Her Levi? Her partner in crime? How could she possibly rationalize leaving his side when he was so close to death, when she had nearly lost him. 
She cried softly at night, sat up against a stark brick wall, just feet away from the Captain. She cried because she realized for the first time that she really, truly loved this man. She loved him with each individual fiber of her imperfect being. She loved him, and she had nearly lost him. 
Levi had nearly died. 
“I feel so helpless,” she whispered, blinking back her tears. “Levi, I’m so sorry. If I had just gotten there sooner you might not-
“Shut it, four-eyes,” Levi groused painfully, blinking to wakefulness. His voice was groggy, eyes blurry, but he still managed to reach out and touch Hange. He laid his bandaged had over her own. 
“You’re awake,” Hange exhaled in relief, and she leaned over him slightly, scooting nearer. She could feel the reassuring heat of his body, watch the steady rise and fall of his chest. 
“Did you...” Levi let out a painful wheeze when he tried to rise onto his elbows. Hange gently coaxed him back into the sheets. “Did you treat me?” 
Hange nodded, sniffing, “I did. We’re still in hiding so we couldn’t call on any actual doctors.” 
Levi swallowed thickly, wounded fingers curling gingerly around her own, “Is Kenny dead?” 
“No, he wasn’t there when we raided the compound.” 
“Levi...” Hange leaned closer, looming over him. Her eyes flashed with genuine concern. Her throat suddenly felt too tight, too hot. 
Levi went very still, and for a long moment they simply stared, gazing into one another’s eyes. There was a spark of recognition in Levi’s grey as he reconciled the emotion swirling in Hange’s russet irises. 
She kissed him, leaning carefully over his body and sealing their lips in a wet, tearful kiss. Her tongue traced along his lower lip, and he granted her entrance with a soft moan, mimicking her action in turn. Hange cupped his cheek, thumb brushing along his chin. 
When they parted a soft sob wracked through Hange’s body, breath tickling along Levi’s parted lips, tears peppering his cheeks. 
“I almost lost you,” Hange choked. 
Slowly, Levi raised his good arm and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her in for another; slower, more reverent kiss. 
Hange shifted her position over Levi’s body as their tongues and lips worked in tandem. She straddled his left thigh, her own thigh pressing very near to the crux of his legs where he was obviously hard, wearing only a thin pair of sleep pants that Hange had scrounged for him. 
“You almost died,” she said when they parted again. Then she peppered his face with kisses from his forehead to his chin. “I almost lost you, Levi.” 
“We’re soldiers,” Levi spoke, but there was no conviction behind his words. “Soldiers die.” 
Hange shook her head, more tears welling. She bit her lip painfully, and when she opened her mouth to speak only a pained noise managed to eek past her lips. 
“I knew that you would come for me,” Levi admitted after a moment of uncomfortable silence. “I knew you’d be the one.” 
Hange nodded fiercely, then kissed him again. Her fingertips teased along the waistband of his pants, and he hummed in silent consent. Hange needed this, they needed this. This kairotic moment to which they had been building for years. This physical expression of their shared need, desires, and- though they did not give it voice- their love. All of it precipitating from such exquisite pain as nearly losing one another. 
When she sank down onto him is was with a soft sigh. He filled her up, made her feel whole in a way she had never known she was missing. She was careful of his broken body, setting a slow, even pace that drove the both of them mad. 
“Hange,” Levi whispered her name. His bandaged hands lifted to hold her hips as she rode him. 
“I love you,” she admitted, ducking her face to hide behind her hair. “I love you and I almost lost you, Levi.”
Tears continued to pepper his face and chest as they made love, Hange gliding gracefully back and forth on him. He even managed to cant his hips slightly to meet her, drawing a quiet moan past her lips. 
They reached climax quickly, peaking together in a moment which Hange could only describe as one of pure light. 
Afterwards she tucked herself into his good side, head resting on his shoulder, cum dripping between her thighs. 
“I love you, short stuff. I love you so much it hurts. And to see you so broken, in so much pain... I can’t.” The tears were flowing again, dampening the sheets. 
“Easy,” he touched her hair. “I’m alive, four-eyes. You saved me.” 
“Not before-
“Hey, enough of that shit,” Levi demanded, though his voice was soft. He inclined his head to kiss Hange’s hair. “I’m alive four eyes. I’m alive because you came for me.”
Hange blinked away her tears and nuzzled into Levi’s neck. Muffled against his skin she breathed, “I love you.” 
Levi closed his eyes. Body still aching, in tatters, but with Hange by his side he felt as though everything might turn out okay. 
He loved her, too.
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veliseraptor · 3 years
So this is in NO WAY PRESSURING, get to this whenever you're bored and have nothing better to do, but I (have still not watched The Untamed) would love to hear any disorganized rambles around your fic 'Punitive Measures', like your thoughts while writing it, how you view Xue Yang's fight/flight/freeze instinct, and/or where you would take the plot if you ever came back to it (again, not pressuring, I'm not asking for a sequel, I'm asking for director's commentary. Also I know the mysterious flute was implying Wei Wuxian, I know that much and not much more.) It's a really fun, quick fic that I enjoy reading through while I keep circling around your longer, more intimidating stories. I aspire to write like you.
oh boy, well, I don't know that I ever have nothing to do but here I am answering this ask anyway, because I like talking about my fic even if I get self-conscious about it.
this entire fic falls solidly into the genre of fic I write that is legitimately just “I’m gonna fuck up this character I love because it’ll be fun and I love to do that” and then just kinda...went for it. actually harder than I was initially planning! my vague sense of what I was going to do with this fic didn’t have Xue Yang down an eye at the end of it.
but when inspiration strikes, what’s a girl to do, etc.
I actually thought recently about writing a sequel to this fic (or, well, continuing into the AU it started, more like) because the concept of Wei Wuxian and Xue Yang being bloodthirsty vengeance brethren is a very good one for me, personally, and at the point their paths would be intersecting in this AU a more plausible one than it would be at pretty much any other time (I would argue, at least in CQLverse). And that’s where I think this would be going. Because Xue Yang would see Wei Wuxian, in his bloodiest frame of mind, powered up with a gorgeous flute of bad vibes and go “fuck yes” even if he wasn’t in a place where he really needed the help.
The question I had was whether Wei Wuxian would be interested in accepting company, and I feel like Xue Yang on that front could be convincing. And the way that the latter would both enable and egg on all the former’s darkest fantasies and impulses...I’m just saying, Wen Chao and everyone he has ever known is in for a very bad time, possibly even worse than they already were.
I invite you to picture in this AU the part where Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji find not just darker and edgier Wei Wuxian at the end of their scavenger hunt but darker and edgier Wei Wuxian with a friend. A familiar friend! Now down an eye and practically picking his teeth with Wen Chao’s finger bones. :D
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since you asked for disorganized rambling I went back to reread and I’ll give you some director’s commentary on a few things
And he’d kind of hoped Wen Ruohan would be too busy figuring out how to deal with his brewing war to dedicate much attention to looking for one absent retainer. And even if he did, Xue Yang had sort of figured that finding him would fall to Wen Chao, who’d probably struggle to find his own ass with two hands.
kicking off this director’s commentary with Xue Yang’s brutal assessment of the competency of Wen Chao.
tbh one of my favorite things about CQL’s involving Xue Yang in the whole Sunshot storyline, despite the merry hell it plays with timeline stuff later, is how obviously little regard Xue Yang has for the Wens, even when they’re at the height of their power. He shows Wen Ruohan himself very little respect, and I can’t imagine anyone else getting more (except maybe Wen Qing, because Wen Qing is competent and if nothing else Xue Yang can respect competency).
and he just like. ditches them. walks out! promises to deliver very powerful magical artifact, and then gets what he wants and is like “smell ya later, peace” and they never catch him.
that’s just a kind of gutsiness and casual disregard for very powerful people that I really both love and respect about Xue Yang. and also that he has in common with Xiao Xingchen, tbh. and Song Lan (though him I think to a slightly lesser degree, partly because he has a little more tact and sense of societal norms as something relevant to be thinking about)! they can all vibe on that.
They took Jiangzai. Well. One of the Wen disciples took Jiangzai in the stomach and Xue Yang didn’t get it back.
this isn’t an important line or anything. I just like it a lot.
Wen Chao gestured again and he went down in a hail of fists and feet. Xue Yang tucked his chin down to protect his throat, curled his hands into his chest, and drew up his knees to guard his stomach.
He knew how this worked. Sure, it’d been a while since someone had beat him like this, but the lessons stuck. It was almost boring, really. If Wen Chao was going to play torture games then he could at least do Xue Yang the favor of trying to be creative.
He checked out the part of his brain that registered pain as anything other than a thing that was happening and focused instead on opportunities. Weaknesses in his assailants. Escape routes. Getting away would be the first thing. Nice if he could take a piece of Wen Chao with him on the way out - arm, or maybe even a head - but the priority was freedom and survival.
okay, this I feel like cuts into some of what you were talking about regarding Xue Yang’s fight/flight instinct, and also a lot of what if, I was feeling pretentious, I feel like this fic is digging into on a level under “what if I just tortured Xue Yang a whole bunch,” which is something about the relationship Xue Yang has to (a) pain and (b) his own body. Specifically, the relative indifference he has toward both. Or...not indifference, exactly, because it’s not like he’s enjoying himself, it still hurts. It’s just...expected.
which is a lot of what I was trying to convey with Xue Yang’s narration during the whole torture sequence, with the commentary on methodology and how things are mundane or boring, because the suffering itself is mundane! as far as Xue Yang is concerned that’s exactly what suffering is! other peoples’, for sure, which is part of why it doesn’t matter, but also his own.
the world hurts and that’s just how it is and you learn how to cope with that. pain as...a thing that [is] happening.
I also, since you mentioned the fight/flight instinct, think a lot about how Xue Yang is, while he’s very proud and very stubborn, absolutely not someone to pick fights (in general) that he knows he can’t win. Xue Yang will almost always be on the side of “run and come back another day” over “stand and fight when all is lost.” survival, first and foremost.
which feeds into the weird paradox that I kind of hint toward at the end of this fic about Xue Yang as someone who has a definite death drive, who is profoundly obsessed with his own death in a lot of ways, and simultaneously is attached to staying alive above pretty much all else.
“Snap and snarl all you want,” he said. “You’re not going anywhere. And the only part of you I need intact is your tongue, so you can tell me where you hid the Yin Metal you promised. Everything else is optional.”
A prickle of fear rolled down Xue Yang’s spine and he flicked it away, baring his teeth.
I actually do think that, even before they get around to hand-specific trauma, permanent mutilation is one of those things that still scares Xue Yang. which is a short list! there isn’t much that actually either gets to or scares him, but I think the prospect of (further) mutilation does, because I think Xue Yang is very...acutely aware of the fact that his physical capability is a major factor in what has kept him alive and what, in all likelihood, is going to keep him alive moving forward. anything that threatens that capability, that limits him in terms of strength or mobility or otherwise has a disabling effect, is consequently going to be a short road to death, and Xue Yang would much rather die painfully fighting than die as a consequence of not being able to take care of himself.
for Xue Yang, the idea of a return to the kind of helplessness that is tied to his trauma is one of the worst possible prospects to contemplate. in my head this is exacerbated further by the fact that I figure Xue Yang didn’t get much if any medical care post hand incident, meaning that the recovery period was absolutely nightmarish and a whole stretch of time beyond the event itself where Xue Yang was struggling to survive because he’d been damaged.
in some ways I think that period of time probably did more to shape Xue Yang than the moment itself.
Wen Chao grabbed one of the branding irons from a disciple’s belt and pressed it to his stomach. That hurt. More. He clamped his back teeth together so he didn’t make any sound, absorbed the burn, owned it. His. You only hurt if you were alive. And anything you survived made you stronger.
Not that this was actually going to make him stronger. It was probably just going to make him dead. But then again, the worse this went the more resentment he’d have built up. He could use that. Would.
Dead didn’t have to mean finished.
obviously this is pulled almost direct from what Wei Wuxian himself says to Wen Chao. deliberate echoes based on character parallels! we love those.
and yeah, again here about Xue Yang and his relationship to pain, but in a less mundane way this time where it’s about pain as a tool, pain as something he can use. which is another thing about coping, I think - when pain and suffering are a regular part of your life, one way to deal with that can be to convert it into having some kind of purpose or benefit.
which in this case it definitely can. Xue Yang is definitely someone who, I think, has thought a lot about trying to arrange it so he becomes a ghost after he dies. or at least has thought a lot about what he’d do after dying to the person who killed him. 
and when you’re a necromancer by trade death really isn’t the end of the line anymore, just the start of a something new. Xue Yang’s relationship to life itself: about as jacked up as his relationships in general.
He felt the snap of bone in his teeth. Pain shooting up the side of his hand, all the way to his wrist, and Xue Yang couldn’t keep himself still enough not to try to wrench himself away. He swallowed his scream and turned it into a laugh. It was funny, wasn’t it? Funny, that he was back here, again. It wasn’t as bad, though. He knew how to take pain, how to breathe it in, make it part of himself, later turn it outwards magnified tenfold. They were old friends. Practically lovers. 
two things here:
1. the thread throughout this fic of Xue Yang making things funny so he can deal with them, here brought to you by reliving trauma! because it’s funny! right? laugh about it! just fucking hilarious.
I have a thing about characters basically deciding for themselves to make very unfunny situations funny because it makes them less awful.
2. and look, now he can deal with it better this time! he’s Learned. :) :) :)
Everything splintered. Splintered like bones under a wheel, and first thing he tried to struggle to get away but that just hurt worse and then old old old instincts kicked in and he went still, limp, dead.
“Did he faint?”
Someone nudged him with their foot. One part of him roared to grab that foot and rip it off along with the leg it was attached to. Immediately the same thing that’d made him play dead told him to wait.
at an end point where fighting is impossible and running is also impossible, the only thing left to do is play dead and wait it out. this is very much, in my head, a reversion to a tactic Xue Yang hasn’t used in a very long time and does not want to be using now, because it is absolutely the recourse of the extraordinarily helpless with no way out.
which he has been! and is now, but he really really really doesn’t want to be. Xue Yang has built his life around not being that, ever again.
but here it’s not a move he makes planning to turn it around the way he does, not at first. he gets there, but when he first does it I think it is literally just instinct that goes enough is enough and shuts down.
Wen Chao, Wen Chao, Xue Yang thought. My body’s going to give out before I do.
someone should remind me at some point maybe (or not) to write something coherent about my Xue Yang vs. his own body thoughts. specifically the way that, while Xue Yang is very physical and very grounded, I think he has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with his own body, actually. not completely! he definitely respects what it can do for him! but I think he also treats it a little as a slightly separate entity that’s capable of betraying him rather than as a fully integrated part of himself.
not always! but it’s a little bit there. this idea that sometimes his body, and its capacity to be hurt or damaged, is a weakness that he’d like to be able to forgo entirely, if only it wouldn’t mean losing all the good things about having a body. and that’s present here in this line, for me, where he thinks about himself and his body as slightly separate, and his body as something weaker than its Xue Yang core.
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lowkeyjustvibing · 4 years
Guess who decided to write more fanfic?
So I took those angsty IBVS headcanons, procrastinated for forever, and have finally figured out how I shall write this.
Also I decided to get some hurt/comfort up in here ‘cuz our favorite school king doesn’t deserve pure distilled pain without getting hugs.
IBVS by onebizarrekai
It was odd to say the least. Edward was known to be arrogant and boisterous, enough so that he drew the attention of anyone and everyone. So it was certainly confusing when the normally loud and proud school king slowly became much more quiet and secluded. No one knew what had caused it but after just a week Edward was an entirely different person. He was jumpy and hardly interacted with anyone outside of his inner circle. Easy to say, this caught the attention of many of the students.
“Hey, you know what’s up with Ed?” Chris asked, “I mean, he hasn’t shown up to any of the meetings and I rarely see him outside of class.”
“I dunno’,” Isaac said, not looking up from his sketchbook, “but yeah, it is a little weird that Mr. High and mighty is all secluded now.”
“I’m just worried.” Chris mumbled and Isaac gave him an odd look, “Hey! Don’t you dare. I just don’t want him to be hurt or something and we haven’t done anything to help him. I know you two don’t have the best relationship but you have to at least be a little concerned.”
After a moment of silence, Isaac sighed and set aside his sketchbook, “Alright, you caught me. Yes I’m a little curious about what’s up with the big guy, but what do you want to do about it? You can’t expect to just ask him what’s wrong and get him to pour out his heart or something. It was already difficult to get him to talk about like, anything aside from supernatural stuff before so I can’t imagine how sheltered about personal stuff he’d be now.”
“Well I’m getting the truth out of him one way or another.” Chris responded, standing up and grabbing his jacket.
“You should try asking Barry if he knows anything, he and Quinton are pretty close.”
Chris just nodded before waving goodbye and leaving to go find Barry.
“I don’t know what’s wrong either.” Barry said sadly, “He doesn’t even come over anymore.”
Chris groaned in frustration, falling onto his back and frightening a nearby cat, “Great, so NO ONE knows.”
They both just sat there for a minute, neither of them wanting to break the silence.
“It’s just so frustrating!” Chris groaned, digging his palms into his eye sockets, “I mean, it’s not like the answer is just going to just waltz through the door!”
Suddenly, there was a loud bang coming from the kitchen and they both jumped. They glanced at each other and then tensed upon hearing the back door fly open and shut.
“Hello?” Barry called.
There was no response and Chris stood up, a fuzzy outline of a blade hovering next to his hand. Barry followed him as they slowly walked into the kitchen to see what was happening. 
“Hey!” Chris called, “Who’s there?”
There was a quiet sniffle and then a weak voice responded, “S-sorry for j-just walking in...”
Barry blinked a few times before stepping forward, “Ed?”
Sure enough, the once proud school king was hidden in the corner hugging his knees to his chest. He was shaking and breathing unevenly and looked like a mess.
“Holy cow Ed,” Barry muttered, walking over quickly, “what happened?”
When he tried to reach out to comfort his obviously distressed friend, Edward flinched back, “D-don’t t-touch me p-please...”
Chris stepped forward, “Are you OK?”
Edward shook his head, barely stifling a sob.
“Is there anything we can do?” Barry asked.
“W-water.” Edward croaked, wiping his face with his sleeve.
It was then that Chris noticed that the other was wearing thick gloves and extra layers.
“Are you cold?” He asked, “I can get you a blanket.”
Edward shook his head slightly and Barry returned with a glass of water.
“Here.” He said, carefully handing it to Edward without touching him.
After confirming that he wasn’t hurt or anything, Chris and Barry walked back to the living room to give him some space.
“Did you see how much stuff he was wearing?” Chris asked, “He looks like he’s planning to go to Antarctica or something.”
Barry thought for a moment, “He said he didn’t want to be touched, maybe that’s part of it?”
Chris nodded, “But it’s weird, he was never this paranoid about being touched. Heck, he used to drag Isaac into closets. What changed?”
“That’s something he’s going to have to tell us.”
After Edward finally calmed down enough to talk, Chris and Barry began rapid firing questions at him.
“Are you OK?”
“What happened?”
“Why were you so freaked out?”
“Did someone hurt you?”
“H-hey!” Edward stuttered, “I appreciate the concern but just... One at a time or something.”
Barry was the first to speak, “What happened?”
This seemed to catch the other off guard, “Well, umm... I just- Umm...”
“Here,” Chris interrupted, “let’s break it down a little, did someone do this to you?”
After a bit of hesitation, Edward nodded.
“Who?” The other two asked simultaneously.
“N-” Edward flinched, “E-emo kid...”
“Nevin?!” Chris asked incredulously and Edward flinched again.
Barry only grew more concerned, “What did he do?”
“H-he’d catch me a-after school and beat m-me up...” Edward mumbled, seeming to shrink into himself, “I-it sorta’ became an e-everyday thing. I’d get out of class and h-he’d drag me off somewhere and...”
“Holy...” Chris muttered, “Edward I- Oh my gosh... I’m so sorry man.”
At this, Edward broke and started crying. It took every ounce of self control in both of them not to rush forward and comfort their friend.
Barry rested a hand on Chris’s shoulder, “I’ll take care of him, could you go talk to Nevin?”
Chris nodded, his worry instantly forgotten as he was filled with anger and determination, “Of course. Take care of him while I’m gone.”
And with that, he was off again, this time with a burning sense of purpose.
Chris knocked on the door to the Jovel’s house (To be fair, pounding would be a better word). After a few moments, none other than Nevin opened the door. He looked bored and vaguely annoyed, like Chris had just inconvenienced him.
“‘Sup Chris?” He asked nonchalantly.
At the completely unfazed tone, Chris couldn’t help the slight flicker of a knife appearing at his side.
“Well,” He said through gritted teeth, “I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.”
Nevin gave him a suspicious look, probably noticing his tone, before moving aside, “Then come on in.”
“I’d rather not.” Chris muttered.
“Oh?” Nevin responded, “But I insist.”
Chris finally snapped. He grabbed Nevin and after yanking him out onto the porch, pinned him against the outside wall. Before the other could even speak, there was a bright red blade inches from his throat. 
After recovering, Nevin finally spoke, “Oh, this was unexpected.”
“How DARE you.” Chris hissed, the knife edging just a hair closer.
Nevin gave him a confused look, “How dare I what?”
“You know what!” Chris spat, “Here, I’ll help you out. Two words, Edward. Quinton.”
Nevin looked at him for a moment before he burst out laughing. It took all of Chris’s willpower not to give Nevin a taste of his own medicine and beat him up.
“Oh I forgot about that!” He wheezed, “That was fun! Can’t believe you’re actually worried about that guy.”
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done to him?” 
“Oh please, inform me.” Nevin drawled, once again looking bored and inconvenienced.
Chris felt his eye twitch and he dropped Nevin, “OK, how about I give you a demonstration then?”
As the other stood up, Chris noticed that his eye had turned to the unnatural cyan color indicating that his powers were activated. Then, to his surprise, a thick black liquid seemed to materialize on his shorter opponent.
“You want a fight?” Nevin said, grinning wildly, “You got one.”
Meanwhile, Edward was sitting with Barry on his couch watching a movie. It took a while, but Barry eventually managed to convince his friend that he wasn’t going to be hurt. Not long after that, Edward was practically on top of him, furiously denying that the action meant anything. About halfway through the movie, the front door slammed open and Edward screeched before falling off the couch.
“Chris?” Barry called and received an affirmative grunt in response. 
After hearing him struggle for a bit and mutter something about octopi, Chris finally walked into the living room.
Barry jumped up at the sight of him, “Holy-! I’ll go get my kit, stay right there!”
Chris groaned before flopping face first onto the couch. He was covered in cuts, bruises, and odd patches of black slime.
Edward looked worried, “Are you OK?”
“Peachy.” Chris responded, turning to look at him, “How ‘bout you?”
“Better than you I suppose.”
Barry got back with some medical supplies and started fussing over Chris. While he was getting cleaned up, Chris explained how he got into a fight with Nevin and “Taught that crazy goop lord a lesson”. Barry didn’t even question that statement, just telling Chris to go take a shower before he made even more of a mess.
“Want to finish the movie?” Edward asked after hearing the upstairs bathroom door close.
“Sure.” Barry responded, “Just let me clean off the couch first.”
By the time Chris finally finished showering, realized he didn’t have spare clothes, and was supplied some sweats and a T-Shirt by Barry, it was already dark.
Chris swore quietly, “My dad’s gonna’ kill me when I get back. I should probably go before he gets even more mad.”
“Oh heck with your dad!” Edward shouted from the kitchen, “He’s gonna’ be pissed whether you go back now or a week from now! How ‘bout we all just hang out here for the night?” 
Barry shrugged, “Sounds good to me.”
Chris was dumbfounded, “B-but I need to-”
“Ah shut up ya’ nerd.” Edward said, sauntering out of the kitchen, “You already had quite the day so there’s no point in going home just to get chewed out by your dad.”
“Besides,” Barry interjected, “I don’t think he’d miss that you’re wearing someone else’s clothes.” Chris flushed slightly at that statement, “I’ll toss your clothes in the washer and you can go back tomorrow looking like nothing happened.”
“OK...” Chris mumbled, still embarrassed.
After Barry left to put Chris’s clothes in the laundry, Edward jumped onto the couch, bouncing once and then burying his face in a pillow. Chris just grabbed the blanket and sat down on the other side of the couch, wrapping himself in it. Then, to his surprise, Edward grabbed a corner of the blanket and yanked on it, pulling Chris (Who had a death grip on said blanket) onto him.
“‘M cold.” Edward muttered, yanking on the blanket a few more times.
Chris was conflicted and incredibly flustered. On one hand, he wanted that blanket and on the other, he wanted to apologize for nearly falling on top of his new friend. Edward didn’t seem to mind though. In fact, he seemed quite content. It took a few moments of mental struggle for Chris to decide that being warm under the blanket was worth more than apologizing profusely. Barry finally got back, stifling a laugh at the sight of an unconscious Edward practically cuddling a very flustered Chris.
“Help!” Chris whispered.
Barry just grinned and sat next to them, “Sorry buddy, I’ve learned from experience that there’s no escaping Ed when he’s in a cuddly mood.”
With that, Barry grabbed a corner of the blanket and pulled some onto his legs before leaning up against the arm of the couch. Chris sputtered a bit before succumbing to his fate and deciding to just get some sleep, almost instantly passing out.
Anyways, I’m too lazy to write it out but Chris totally wakes up to Edward and Barry acting like an old married couple and giving each other kisses while they’re cooking. But yeah, I decided to write some good ol’ Edward angst and accidentally turned it into a poly ship, so sue me. 
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 9
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 6,131
WARNINGS: Cursing, Continuous Mentioning of Previously Done Self-Harm, Recreational Drug Use (Weed), Sexual Language
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for a year, and the time has come for the show to start. But how will this affect her and Thomas’ relationship?
A/N: This chapter is brings back Aliena’s self-harm. Unfortunately, it isn’t just one big scene and will be mentioned throughout the chapter. Fortunately, there is no descriptive scene of it taking place so... YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
Also, not a lot of Tommy in this one...
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A month has passed. Everything is practically shot to shit. Everyone in the family thinks that Tom shopped Freddie. It doesn’t matter what I tell them. I mean Arthur doesn’t think it’s Tom, but he also won’t support him, either. 
Whenever I tried bringing it up to Polly or John, they both had something lying on the tips of their tongues. Like they were gonna say something to me, but chose not to. I I knew what it was, that they all knew I had a crush on Tom. But, it had nothing to fucking do with that!
Hell, the man, himself, wasn’t even accepting me sympathies anymore. Would hardly even talk to me now! He’s always running off somewhere else. 
I practically had no one in that house. Polly and I weren’t speaking like we used to. I was ostracised by everyone, even Thomas. I cried meself to sleep most nights. When I wasn’t crying, I was doing everything not to fall asleep. I drew, sang, wrote, talked to meself, and started cutting again. 
It’s gotten to the point where I had to stop it with the left thigh and I moved onto the right. What’s worse is that I pick at the scab, every fucking time! I ate normally but it didn’t have any taste. I smiled at people on the street, at Finn, at the kids- but I wasn’t happy. I could burn meself while cooking and I wouldn’t shout. 
That one was caught by Finn. I was making soup and didn’t even realize me arm had touched the pot. Polly finally looked at me then, but it was only to help. 
It was like I was a fucking doll!
There was a knock on me door. It startled me and I flung me dress down. I was scratching at me scabs. 
“Come in.” I said. 
Thomas stepped into me room. His cap in his heads. I looked at him, already annoyed by his presence.
“Well, what is it? Spit it out.” I quipped while massaging me forehead.
He cleared his throat. “I decided on December 3rd for the day we take out Kimber and his men. You’re the only one in this house who doesn’t hate me, so I thought you should know.”
I said nothing back. Me eyes started drifting down and to the side of him. I was practically staring at his shoes while me head started to twitch slightly.
“Aliena, are you all right?” He asked me. 
Slowly, I drifted me gaze back to him. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. 
“No. No, can I have the day off?” I asked me voice trailing off slowly.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it.” He said then left. 
I just sat there ‘n stared. I don’t know how long I sat there, but eventually all of the bones in me body ached. I got up and started making me way to me door. But I was hit with dizziness and black spots filled me vision. I was brought down to me knees in an instant. I was panting while opening me eyes wide as I tried getting me vision back. 
Once it felt safe, I slowly got back up and started back me way downstairs. 
I was headed for the phone. I asked the operators for Cassie and they put me through.
“Hey, Ali!” Cassie’s cheerful voice made me smile.
“Hey, Cass. I have the day off and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?”
“Shit, really? Of course! I’ll get ready and pick you up. Is that okay?” 
“Yeah, great! I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, see you soon.” 
I shook me head and shouted. “Wait!” 
“Fuck! What is it?” 
“Cassie, do you have 420 already in your room?” 
“Um, I don’t know if I have it here, but I can looked around. And if I don’t have it, I’ll call up a friend who does.” 
“Okay, thanks.”
“No problem. See you soon.” 
We both hung up and I raced up the steps to me room. I slid me slip down me body and dragged me suitcases out from under me bed. I took out a red tank crop top and mom jeans. I tied me hoodie ‘round me waist and waited in me room ‘til I knew she was outside. 
I put me hair in a different kind of bun and wore sunglasses. The sun was out today, so might as well. I also decided to bring this little backpack I had. I filled it with extra clothes, just in case something happens.
There was an obnoxious honking outside the house and it brought a smile on me face. I raced down the steps. Then, headed for the kitchen. I got the apples there and I made me way out. 
We both screamed when we saw other. Cassie jumped from the car into me arms and I had to catch her. 
“Why do you always do this to me?” I asked, throwing me head back with a laugh.
“‘Cause it doesn’t make sense that you’re shorter than me yet can hold me up.” She tapped me nose before jumping off of me. I groaned exaggeratedly.
We hopped into her car and she ordered the driver to leave. I handed her an apple. 
“Why’d you bring apples?” She asked with a confused look on her face.
“Well, I didn’t know if you had a pipe, so I brought that. Just in case, though.” 
She gasped. “You can smoke out of an apple!” Cassie kissed me cheek before shouting. “Ali, you’re a genius!” 
“Yeah ‘n if we decide to eat it, it becomes an edible.” I said with a proud smirk on me face. 
“What’s that?” 
“You don’t know what an edible is?” 
She shook her head. I threw me head back on the carseat. 
“An edible is basically a snack made from weed.” 
She hummed while looking at the apple. We made a little small talk in the car, but I honestly just wanted to get high. I wanted it to make me go to sleep or at least make me think abar other things for a while. 
When we made it to her room, I untied me hoodie from me waist and threw it on the bed. She tossed me the bag and the lighter. 
“Go pour us some water. I want it to be nearby in case one of us has a coughing fit.” 
She said okay. I walked over to the couch and got comfortable. I shook the bag out on the table in front of me, and out came a pipe along with another little bag. I opened the smaller bag which the weed was in and started preparing everything. 
When I had it ready, I put it to me lips but at the same time Cassie came back ‘n sat next to me. 
“You’ve done this by yourself, right?” I asked.
She shook her head. “No, I usually take it out for people I meet at parties. Angie likes it too, so…” She drew out her sentence. 
I nodded. “But you have tried it, right? Like you’ve gotten high before?” 
She shook her head, chuckling this time. “I usually just supply it. Or when I do take a hit, nothing happens to me.” 
I nodded. I brought the pipe to me lips, flicked the metal wheel, hovered the flame around the weed, and inhaled. I blew out the smoke as I started talking. “Alright, so hold it to your lips, but don’t make contact with it yet. Make sure you’re not blocking the little hole, either. Okay, now slowly draw in a small breath. Hold it! Now, hold the pipe to your lips and when I say go, you inhale slowly. Got it?” 
Cassie nodded. I flicked the lighter again and hovered it ‘round the weed. “Go!”  She inhaled as I said. “Stop and blow it out slowly.” She did it, but started coughing. “Okay, calm down. Calm down and drink the water. Don’t take a big gulp or you’ll choke yourself or fucking throw it back up.” 
Cassie did as I said and I chuckled to meself. “Yeah, it’s normal for it to burn your throat, so just remember to drink water. At least you got it over with and now you can smoke weed.” I patted her back as I took the pipe back for another hit. 
I cut us both off at three. It was never good to take a lot of hits when you smoke a new strain, in me case, at least.
“Don’t lay down ‘cause sometimes it’ll make you like trip out bad. Think that your heart is beating too fast ‘n shit like that” 
“So, what do we do?” She asked. 
“I usually binge out. So like I fucking eat and relax.” 
“Damn, but I don’t feel like doing that. I feel like I have energy.” 
“Fuck it! I’m game! What do you want to do?” 
“Do you want to have a fashion show?” 
“Like with what? Your clothes?” 
“Yeah, why? You don’t want to do it?” She asked me with a really cute pouty face.
“I mean, sure, but you know your tits are bigger than mine, right?” 
She nodded vigorously. “Yeah, you’re a 34 C while I’m a 34 D.” 
I nodded too. “Fuck it! Let’s do it!” 
We hopped off the couch and we quickly ran to her closet. We dressed up in dresses and her other clothes ‘till it got boring. 
Afterward, we were laying down while eating the apples I brought. 
“So, how’s it going with Mr. Shelby? He’s still not talking to you?” Cassie asked me while hovering over me. See I was on me back while she was resting on the bed on her stomach with her elbows supporting her up. 
I flipped ‘round and laid the same way she did. I sighed before talking. “He came into my room this morning. Had something to tell me, but it was fucking business.” 
“It’s all because of this bitch, Grace, right?”
I shrugged me shoulders. “Hell, if I know! The whole family is pissing me off. I mean they are so quick to pass judgement on Thomas, ya know. No, sometimes the bastard warrants it. But like I was trying to clear his name, and he decides to distance himself from me, instead! Like, what the fuck? 
About him liking me, well, even Polly said that he wouldn’t go after someone my age. So, there’s that!” I bit me apple in rage. 
“Sucks that you had to meet him the way you did. If he hadn’t been your boss, I bet he wouldn’t think twice about trying to get into your panties.” 
I scoffed. “I wouldn’t doubt it. You know he has prositution on his record. The fucking sex addict!” I started laughing to meself. “Hopefully that means he can fuck properly.” This time we both were laughing. 
I didn’t really mean what I was thinking or even saying. I was just mad at him. I wish I didn’t love him like I did.
I laughed until I was out of breath. 
Cassie sighed. “No, but Ali, are you okay? I mean don’t you wanna get out of that place? You’re losing your man and well, can you honestly say that you feel safe in that house?” 
I stabbed me apple with me fingernail, making an indent. “No.” I answered with a mocking tone. 
“Then, why don’t you move in with me? I can convince my dad and if he won’t support you as my friend, then I’ll make you my personal maid.” Cassie said with a really big smile on her face as she entwined our fingers. 
I smiled, too. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna take advantage of you like that.” 
“You wouldn’t be!” 
I shook me head. “Nah, I’ll never grow up if I don’t experience a little more suffering. You know that saying or whatever.”
“You’re still holding onto hope, aren’t you?” Cassie asked me in a hushed voice.
I shook me head again. “No, Cass. It’s not like that. I can’t just pack up and leave. I made their house my home for almost 2 years now. They became like my family and unless they actually kick me out or I feel extremely unwelcomed, then I won’t leave so easily. ‘Cause even though it doesn’t look it right now, they did care for me at some point.”
‘Hell, they even killed for me. Twice.’
Cassie looked away and then groaned loudly as she threw herself back on the bed. I crawled to get closer to her.
She hugged me, her face in between me breasts. “If they mistreat you like this again, then I’m really gonna steal you for myself.” She said, very muffled, by the way. I started stroking her hair. 
“Okay.” I whispered. But I knew deep down that I was never going to leave Tommy ‘til he really wanted me gone. There’s this connection between us that I can’t describe. Sometimes I want it to be romantic, but it might just be platonic. I don’t know, but-! I don’t want to let it go so easily either. So, just like that I felt meself fall asleep. 
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Well, that something happened. I ended up sleeping through the whole night. I didn’t wake up ‘til it was four in the morning. But since it was so early, I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, it was ten in the morning. 
Cassie was in the shower as I heard the water running. I got off the bed and walked over to get the orange juice that was on the table. I drank some of it and then nibbled on the breakfast. When Cassie came out of the shower, she said that she’d ordered breakfast for the both of us and I was welcome to eat the plate I was nibbling on.
I thanked her and continued on nibbling. 
“So,” She said. “how much trouble do you think you are in, right now?” 
I scoffed. “Big time, or who knows maybe they haven’t even noticed. Polly was always the one who made a big fuss when it came to me being home late, but since we’re at odds lately… Who fucking knows. I doubt that she knew I was given the day off.”
She hummed before lathering her leg in lotion. “Well, he’s gonna know now.” 
I chuckled humorlessly. “That’s if he went to check on me. And he only ever comes in my room if he gets permission. He probably walked away from my door and figured I was too tired to respond. But, then again. I let him every time.” 
“Wait! You answer every time someone calls out to you. Like, you can hear that?” 
I looked at her like she was crazy. “Yes, Cassie! I wake up when someone calls for me. I have to be dead tired to not hear them, or I don’t care to be woken up. I’m also a lightweight sleeper, so that could contribute to it.” I took another bite of bacon.
After that, we didn’t say much to each other. Cassie was getting dressed and I was eating. When we were both done, we moved over to her couch. 
I groaned as I rested me head back on the edge of it. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked. 
“I’mma have to go back and I really don’t want screaming in my face today. I have like a big ass headache, right now.”
“Why, though? You’ve already slept for like a long time!” 
I turned me head toward her. “Yesterday was the first time I’ve gone to sleep in two days.”
Cassie instantly shot up in her seat. “What?” She screamed. “How was yesterday the first time you’ve gone to sleep in two days, Aliena?” 
I shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep in that house.” 
Cassie groaned loudly before she threw both of her fists down on the couch. “I can’t believe they can be this insensitive. Didn’t they notice the fucking bags under your eyes! You looked half dead yesterday, Aliena! Did you know that?” 
I shrugged again laughing. “I’ve gotten used to my racoon eyes, Cass. I never notice a difference. By the way, I’m pretty sure that was the reason why I got a day off yesterday. Thomas asked me if I was alright and when I said no, he said I needed it. Or something like that.” I waved me hands before leaning back onto the couch. 
She rolled her eyes before she stood up. 
“What are you doing?” I asked. 
“We! Are going to go shopping today. You are not going home because I’m kidnapping you for the rest of the week.” Cassie said while trying to tug me up.
I was “uh-ing” as she tried to do so. “I don’t know about that. I mean a full week? They’ll think I’m dead, Cassie! And we were literally just talking about how tired I am!”
“So fucking what! If they do, then that’s their fault for giving up and not trying to find you hard enough. You’ll be all mine just like I wanted. Also, shopping can be relaxing.” 
I rolled me eyes before a smile spread across me face. I let her pull me up. “Fine! A week, but then that’s it!” 
She gave me a mischievous smile. “I mean it, Cass!” 
That day we bought a whole bunch of clothes. I even got undergarments. I bought more shoes too. I was able to buy shoes with 4-inch heels! They were really cute. 
I knew that Cassie saw the cuts, but since she didn’t mention them— neither did I. But she made a similar comment. 
“You know, Aliena, that if you’re ever not feeling okay— you can talk to me, right?”
I nodded and said, “yeah, I knew.” When we got back to her place, we tried on everything we bought then ordered dinner. I had a shower and then went to sleep in me newly bought nightgown. 
The third day I was there, Angie and Tina came over. Everybody smoked out except Tina. 
“But men don’t understand what women go through! I mean we barely managed to get the right to vote last year, and it’s not all women! It’s women that have to meet a certain criteria.” Angie argued.
Cass and I just looked at each other. 
‘We were both content with living a completely domestic lifestyle. We planned out where we wanted to get married and where our children were going to attend school. It was all pipe dream, but we did it, nonetheless. We weren’t even obsessed abar marrying for love. If we could marry a wealthy man and be “gold diggers”— We were fine with that too. 
Women’s rights was definitely an issue worth fighting for, but Angie had the habit of putting other women down if they didn’t match her views. We can explain our desires a million times and she would never understand that we simply wanted other things while supporting the movement.’
“Yeah,” I said. “Fuck the man on top. Give all women the right to vote!” 
She clapped her hands before exclaiming. “Yes, thank you, Ali! We are just as intelligent as men and we all deserve the right. I mean men have it!” 
“They do, but that happened under the same Act, Angie. Before it was limited too.” Cassie chimed.
“Exactly! Why did they do that? Why did they decide to give the right to men over the age of 21, and not do the same thing with women? What is it? Only women over the age of 30 who own property get to vote? Are they more intelligent than women who just turned 22? Nu-uh! I don’t think so!” Angie huffed before she took a drag from her ciggie. 
“Ali?” Tina asked.
I turned me attention toward her. “What’s up?” 
“Why do you want to be a housewife? I mean you’re really smart and yet you don’t want to use it. I don’t get it.”
I shrugged. “I guess a little of it has to do with the way I was raised. I mean ever since I was little my mum surrounded me with romance. Like she would read me romantic books, take me to see romantic pictures, and I was surrounded by her married friends. I wanted that life. I wanted to have a loving partner and have a loving family.”
Angie sighed while leaning forward in her seat. “That’s very sweet, but there is no guarantee that your life will actually be like that, Aliena. Men are dogs.”
I shrugged again. “I know. I know that Angie. I’m not living in some fantasy world. My wake up call was a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. They were my neighbors. I would play with their kids and Mrs. Wheeler was friends with my mum. What they didn’t realize is that my window allowed me to see into their room. You know? 
Like they were my window buddy. So, sometimes when I was bored and since they had no curtains, I would peak into their room.” They all gasped. 
I nodded. “What people didn’t see was that under those smiles, was Mrs. Wheeler’s pain. He would cheat on her and slap her around. It was the first time I’ve seen something like that. Then, my sister got a boyfriend and it was the same thing. And that’s when I knew that love is not guaranteed in any marriage. It’s not even guaranteed to last.
So, I decided that I wanted to marry a rich man. If we get divorced then I’ll get half of everything, if he has the decency to help me provide for his children. But if I were to marry rich rich, I would most likely be sent to a different house, instead, and we would stay married. 
I’d be fine with that too. All I want is to have children of my own, be financially stable for the rest of my life, and be able to write. On that list is to get married, but I never said I had to stay married. I don’t think of me not marching and seeking out a feminist job as not using my intelligence. No, I use my intelligence in a way that will benefit my goals, my dreams. And that! Is, as I already mentioned, a good-looking, wealthy man who will only love me as long as we both shall live.”
“Amen!” Cassie yelled. I winked at her while raising me glass to her. 
“Besides,” I added with a sigh, “if I don’t find someone that fits my list. I’ll make something of myself and become a rich man rather than marry him.” 
‘Using future inventions as me own, of course.’
Angie scoffed. “That is what should happen! I don’t want you to waste away in a big house, just taking care of your children.” 
I shrugged me shoulders. “That’s your opinion. To me, it wouldn’t be me wasting away. It will be acting on my life’s purpose.” 
The sun started going down and our talks got more risque. 
Cassie asked, “Why do men like blowjobs so much? I mean why the fuck would I want to go near your cock if it’s not cleaned?” 
I giggled. “‘Cause it makes them feel good, Cass. What other reason do you need?” 
“But like why do guys like it when you stare up at them? I mean, I must look horrible.” 
“Not to them, you don’t!” I laughed so hard, I started slapping me thigh. “Well, actually I think some men don’t like it. I know I wouldn’t watch if a guy went down on me.”
“Ugh! That’s another thing! Men never want to reciprocate it.” Angie exclaimed. “I just gave you a fucking blowjob. The least you can do is get me off too before you want to jam it in me!”
I booed. “Douchebag alert! If he don’t go to town, then he ain’t shit.” I started waving me finger guns. “Pleasure is a two-way street.” I hollered in a deep voice. 
“How was your first time, Ali?” Tina asked me. 
I looked at her with duck lips. I made a “pop” with me mouth before saying. “Well, I wouldn’t know ‘cause I’m a virgin.”
They all gasped. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Aliena, do you realize how many sex tips you’ve given us, and they’ve ended up working? A fuck ton!” Cassie yelled. “How the hell are you still a virgin? I thought you’ve hand the most sex here with the knowledge you have.” 
I shrugged me shoulders. “I read erotic books and my sister told me a lot. So did the other girls around me. You know the prostitutes in the pub are nice women. Give out tips for free. Said they didn’t want me to get hurt.” I shrugged me shoulders again with a shit-eating grin. 
‘The truth is that I’ve watched a lot of explicit content while using the incognito mode. If ya get me jist? I’ve also watched a lot of romantic movies that had sex scenes in it, so. I’ve also know abar sex since I was 8 years old. The internet provides.’
They all took it as the truth. 
“What do you guys think about choking?” Cassie asked. 
She got a “yay” from me and two “nays” from them.
“What about dirty talk? Like them calling you a slut, or that you’re being a good girl?” She exclaimed with a smile on her face.
“I have more dignity than to deal with that, Cassie. That’s just wrong.” Angie said with a disgusted look on her face.
“I wouldn’t like it.” Tina said with a frown gracing her face. 
Then, the attention turned on me. “Okay, I would like the first choice, if I had already okay’ed it. If the motherfucker starts calling me a slut and a whore outside of the sheets, I’m crying. That is for sure! If it’s maintains as bedroom talk, count me the fuck in! Now being praised makes me giggle, so if they can withstand my giggling— what the hell, ya know!” 
“That’s my girl!” Cassie yelled as we high-fived. 
“You guys are so gross.” Angie said under her breath.
“Gross, no. Kinky as fuck, yes!” 
“Yeah, Angie. Not all of us want to be the ones in control.” Cassie quipped. 
I nodded furiously as I cheered. 
On the fourth day I was there, Cassie and I went out to see a movie and walked around London. When we got home, we relaxed and talked the night away. The fifth day was spent much like the day before it, only we were in the room the whole day.
On the sixth day I was there, Angie and Tina came back. We had tea at some fancy place and window shopped. Angie did end up buying me three very expensive dresses. She said if I was planning on snagging a wealthy man, I needed to look like I already belonged. 
I thanked her until she got embarrassed of me. We also went to see a movie together and had dinner at another fancy place. When Cassie and I got back to her place, me feet were aching in pain. 
I jumped on the bed and groaned. “I’m never wearing these devil shoes again!” I yelled as I kicked them off. 
Cassie sighed, exhaustedly. “Tell me about it!” 
Then the phone went off. 
“I got it!” I yelled as I started crawling over to the phone that was on the bedside drawer. 
I answered it, “Hello?” There was no answer. I stood on me knees as I waited for a voice. “Hello?” I said drawn out.
I heard them clear their voice. It was masculine. “Hello, Aliena. I tried you in the morning, but I guess you were out.” 
“Tommy?” I uttered.
“Yeah.” He sniffed. “It’s me.”
“How did you find-?”
“Find you? I have friends, Aliena, but you knew that. I sent the word out that you were missing and then it all came together. Have you been with Cassie the entire time?” He asked me.
I could hear him take a drag from his ciggie and blow it out. “Yeah, I have.”
“Good. Have you been resting then? Finally able to go to sleep?”
I chuckled mirthlessly and folded an arm under the one that was carrying the phone. “You knew?” 
“Around 3 on the dot, your voice is loud enough at night that I can hear every word you sing or say. At 4, you quiet back down again.” 
I couldn’t stop the ‘tsk’ that escaped me mouth. Me face heated up and he couldn’t see me pout. 
“By the way, why are you talking like that?”
“Like what?” I asked.
“With an American accent.”
It was his turn to chuckle humorlessly. “Right. You didn’t think about calling home? Call Polly and tell us you’re not coming home?” 
“Didn’t think you’d guys would care, to be honest.” 
“You’re joking, right?” His tone changed. It went from slightly playful to slightly pissed. 
“Maybe, maybe not.” I said to egg him on. 
He scoffed. “We were looking for you all over the bloody city, Aliena! Polly thought you had been kidnapped or worse. I thought… I thought you had been kidnapped or worse.” He took a deep breath. I heard his mouth smack. “Finn cried for you, thought you’d died.”
I hummed. “Well, I guess that’s nice to hear. I don’t know what you want me to say. One minute I’m not worth talking to and the next there’s a search party for me. Mixed messages, you know?”
“That’s different, Ali and you know it! As long as you were defending me, you’d only get more glares from Polly and John. Hell, I knew Ada stopped talking to you for that reason.” 
“So, you weren’t talking to me because you wanted to protect me?” I shouted.
I took the phone away from me ear and groaned so loudly— it was a borderline scream. Cassie was watching all of this go down, by the way. 
I put the phone back to me ear. “Tommy Shelby, you proper fucking divvy! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Don’t you dare try to protect me without me knowing first. I’m too emotional for you not to tell me. You have to come up to me and be like “Aliena, I’m going to stop talking to you so you can make amends with Polly and Ada.” Not fucking ignore me every time I tried talking to you, hoping I would get the hint!”
I heard him laughing. “There’s our Ailena. Nice to hear your real voice.” 
“Shut it, you bastard!” I took a breath. “But still, it makes no logical sense to send out a search party for me when things are so delicate at home, Tom. That was a stupid thing to do, after all, I’m not family.”
“Don’t say that, Ali. You’re special to us. You hear me, you’re special to us, Aliena.” 
“Then why did Polly slap me?” 
“You’re lucky that’s all she did. I’ve gotten worse when I was a child.” 
“You might be used to that, but I’m not. I’ve never been hit like that in me life. Well, by someone who I see as a parent, at least.”
“You mean you’ve never gotten into trouble with your parents. Never? I’m not buying it.” 
“I mean it wasn’t a lot of times. I got a few spankings, but I was never slapped across me face!” 
“Well, if you come home, Polly is ready to both slap you again and apologize at the same time.” 
“I don’t know if you’re trying to convince me to come home or stay with Cassie?”
“Come home, Aliena. Please. I have something important to show you.” Tommy said softly. 
I rolled me eyes. “Fine, I’ll see what I can do. Bye, Tommy.” 
“See you soon, Ali.” 
I hung up the phone and looked at Cassie with a sigh. She was already nursing a ciggie. 
“No.” She said while turning her head away from me. 
I made me way to her and crawled to her lap. I rested me head on her lap. “Please, Cassie! Please, please, please take me home.” 
She huffed. “No, they hurt you more than enough. You’re mine now.”
“Please!” I whined and I drew it long enough ‘til I had to take a deep breath.
Cassie ended up shaking her head before she stood up. “Fucking fine! Fine, but if he hurts you again. I’ll never forgive him! Do you understand me, Aliena? If Thomas Shelby hurts you again, and you don’t give up on him- I’ll… I’ll!” 
I had a tight smile while looking away. I wanted to ask her what she’d do, but I didn’t want to anger her anymore. So I waited. 
“Well, I don’t ever want to hear about your problems with him ever again! It will go one ear out the other, I promise. Or I’ll cut you off and tell you that I don’t wanna hear it!” 
I nodded. “Okay, fair enough.” I stood to me feet too and started packing up all of me stuff.
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The whole ride back to Small Heath, Cassie was really grumpy. I tried cheering her up, but she was serious. I knew she was. I knew it was bad that I was always forgiving Tommy for making me cry, but I didn’t always blame it on him. 
I was just too emotional for me own good. But I think I was getting used to his intimidating aura a little more, at least. 
‘But I also didn’t want anyone else beside be to know the fact that I was already at peace with the fact that this man could hurt me in the worst way possible, and I’d still be in love with him.’ 
When we finally arrived at the house, I kissed her cheek and hopped out of the car. I had multiple bags on each arm and boxes were towering on the floor. I had to shuffle them carefully on the street to get to the door. I knocked on the door as hard as I could before I yelled. “Hello? It’s Aliena! I’m home.”
The door ripped open and it was Polly at the door. 
I gave her a big toothy smile. “Hi, can you help me with me stuff?” 
She ignored me entirely and attacked me with a hug. I made an ‘oof’ sound as our bodies collided. I couldn’t hug her back with the amount of bags hanging on me arms. 
“You stupid, stupid girl. Are you that fragile, Ali, that you’d run away after one fight with me?” Polly whispered.
I hummed, jokingly. “Hmm. Yes, yes I am.” 
She scoffed while laughing. 
“Is that Aliena I see?” Arthur’s head peaked out from the door. His voice put a smile on me face. 
“Of course, it’s me, you dork. Now, help me with me boxes.” I said with a giggle in me voice. 
Arthur leaned down and grabbed me boxes. I hmphed when I saw he could carry all of them. Polly pulled away from the hug before caressing me face. I smiled again at her. She looked me up and down before ushering me inside. 
“You don’t have a bloody coat on, Ali! Hurry up inside.” 
I was wearing the same outfit from earlier, so I was pretty okay. If I wore what I did when I left the house, I’m sure I would’ve been shoved in the house much quicker. Everyone greeted me and hugged me. 
I found out that Arthur never tried to hang himself because he was too busy trying to find me. 
That’s what everyone was doing, so their father was left on the backburner. Found out he had robbed a place then split again. They all had to spend a night out of town because Campbell was looking for them, but they came back today. 
I knew that meant that Tom had sex with Grace. They may as well be in a relationship now since the thing with Billy Kimber isn’t supposed to happen ‘till December 3rd. 
Tommy showed me the company card and I cheered for them. It was nice to be back home despite the minor upset. 
The next morning was filled with light and smiles. Everyone was in the betting shop, just over the moon. Tommy stood at the end of the stairs that led up to where John was sitting, always near his blackboard, when I bumped into him. 
His proud smile never left his face. 
“We’re going up in the world, Ali.”
“I know, Tommy…”
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston​ @nemesis729​ @salvatoreitmeanssaviour​  @tlfshelby1​
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kiss me in the d-a-r-k .epilogue iv.
monday night
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Warnings: dub con sex (oral, intercourse)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: The reader has a late night.
Note: #ficdaddy #afterworkwriting #naughtythoughts #whatamidoing? Okay, so here’s more but might be a little break til the next because I’m exhausted and I’m thirsty but ya girl is also a disaster. Thanks everyone for your support and indulgence in my #pornfic lol🔥🔥🔥 I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply!
By the time you got off the subway, your fatigue had washed away your shock. The whole ride home, you felt him. Felt the afterglow slake away and the ghost of his touch. You swore it was a dream. A very vivid fantasy but you just wouldn't wake up.
You walked the block from the stop to your building with your hands tucked deep in your pockets. The city was overdue for snow. You shivered as your boots scuffed the pavement and you stopped dead just in front of the steps. There was a familiar car across the street. A rover, to be exact.
The horn tooted as your eye narrowed on the tinted window and the door opened. Steve stepped out and waved as he looked both ways down the street. You winced and tried to hide your anxiety. You were a terrible liar, worse with him. He saw through you like a window.
What was even doing here? You’d told him you were busy. How long had he been waiting? You sighed and dropped your shoulders.
“Hey,” You greeted him stiffly. “What are you doing here?”
“Couldn’t help myself,” He reached out with a gloved hand and rubbed your arm. The gesture reminded you of Bucky. You gulped. “Tell me you’re not planning on turning in already?”
“I was planning on cramming for my exam,” You countered. “Not much sleep to be had these days.”
“I can help,” He smirked, “Keep you on task.”
“Really?” You challenged with a scoff. “I think I’m better off alone.”
“I swear,” His breath clouded in the frigid evening. “Come on, you can’t leave me out in the cold.”
“You really wanna hang around and watch me study?” You asked.
“Help,” He corrected you. “Come on, years of helping with homework has prepped me for this very night.”
“Alright, if only to get out of the cold.” You relented and dug for your keys. “I hope you don’t mind clutter. My apartment is...small.”
You led him to the front door. He was close enough that his warmth radiated over you. He climbed the stairs after you and you were out of breath by the time you got to your floor. He wasn’t. How pathetic you were. After a struggle with the janky lock, your door jolted inward and you welcomed him into your college nest.
“I know you don’t like coffee, but I can make you a tea?” You set down your bag as he closed your door. “I, uh, just toss my coat on that chair.” You laughed at yourself as you unbuttoned your jacket. 
“You know what, I could use a coffee,” He removed his coat and folded it over the patched armchair. 
You placed your jacket on his and pulled your boots off. “I was just gonna have some leftover pizza. Want a slice?”
“As gracious a host as you are a guest,” He looked around the small space. “Make your coffee. Get your books out. Tell me what you want. I’ll order in.”
“You really don’t have--”
“Ah,” He raised a hand as he pulled out his phone. “You have studying to do. Let me worry about dinner.”
You agreed with a nod and went about setting up the coffee to brew and dumped your text and notebook on the bed. Steve went through the options and you settled on Chinese as you poured milk into your mug and set it on the table beside your bed. You sat at the top of the mattress and opened your textbook.
He ordered and sat across from you. He pulled your notebook over and flipped it open. “What course is this?”
“Public discourse and Social Trends. Third tab.” You instructed and squinted at him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” He folded the notebook back and his eyes glossed across your writing. “Put that down. Quick review. Then you’ll know what you need to work on.”
You tilted your head and pursed your lips at him. “You should be in your hotel, enjoying the view, or the pay-per-views, or the minibar. You shouldn’t be in this hole helping me revise all this...garbage.”
“I am right where I want to be, sweetie,” He intoned. “Now stop stalling.”
It was just past midnight. You’d gone through all your notes and the cartons of fried noodles and sweet and sour chicken. Two cups of coffee as well. You sat with legs crossed as Steve reclined across the bed and closed your notebook. He yawned and tossed it atop your textbook. You leaned back on your pillows, his yawn was contagious.
“Alright, you’re free.” You said. “I feel...better.”
“Better? You got this.” He replied.
“I hope.” You muttered.
“Ugh, haven’t had a night like this since...since me and Bucky were in college.” He grinned. “Did you know we went to the same uni? I was in business, he was in Lit. That was his first degree, my last. He always was a do-gooder.”
You nodded. You picked at the corner of your textbook and kept your eyes to the bedspread. You could feel him staring at you. Shyly, you glanced up as the heat grew unbearable. “What?”
“I meant what I said...about Bucky.” He lifted a brow. “Would do him well to loosen up. You too.”
You swallowed and clenched your jaw. You chewed your lip, unsure how to divert the conversation. “I don’t…”
“Wait,” He sat up and the mattress shook beneath him. “You...already did it?” You looked at him, “That was your appointment?”
“Steve, I--”
“Oh, sweetie, that’s...wow. You see, you should enjoy yourself.” He reached over and squeezed your knee. His hand lingered. “Explore.”
“I wasn’t thinking. It happened so fast. I-I-I…” You huffed and hung your head. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t do that.” His hand crawled up your thigh as he moved closer. He pushed your books aside and sat next to you. “I’m proud, sweetie.”
“Proud?” You said confused. “For fucking my professor.”
“For being you.” He leaned in. “Tell me,” He kissed you and wrapped his arm around you as he pulled you close. “How did you do it? Were you on top? Was he?”
“Steve,” You warned and tried to wriggle away. “Really.”
“I wanna hear,” He purred. “Come on, tell me.”
You licked your lips and thought. You shook your head at your helplessness. You knew he wouldn’t let up. 
“We were in his office,” You started quietly. “I...kissed him.” You cringed as you recounted the scene. “I shouldn’t have but...uh, he kissed me back...Steve, I can’t…”
“Go on. You’re doing fine,” He urged as his fingers traced the line of your vee. 
“I was on the desk first and he...used his fingers.”
“Did you cum?” He rubbed just along the top of your thigh.
“Yes,” Your voice was raspy as your lip trembled. “Then he turned me around and--” Your lips moved but no words would come.
“He fucked you against his desk? Oh, Professor Barnes,” He mused as he picked your fly open. “How unprofessional.”
“Did you cum again? While he was in you?” He asked. You nodded as he slipped his fingers beneath your jeans. “No panties?”
You closed your eyes as his fingers hovered just above your clit. “He came in them. I had too take them off.”
“Fuck,” He breathed. “That’s fucking hot.”
“It’s...I could lose my scholarship...he could lose his job.” You gasped as he flicked his fingertip over your bud.
“He has tenure and who’s gonna know? I’m not telling anyone,” He pressed his lips to your cheeks and rubbed you with his finger. Slow, tantalizing; enough that your thighs began to tingle. “It was nice, wasn’t it? The rush? Up in his office like that?”
“Y-y-yes.” You confessed.
“Like the summer? Kylie just down the hall...asleep. We could’ve been caught so easily,” The glimmer of guilt at the reminder was muted by the lurid thrill. “Oh, sweetie, you’re so wet already. Is it for me or him?”
You bit your lip and breathed through your nose. You shook your head. He stopped and you looked to him sharply.
“Tell me.” He demanded. 
“Y-y-you…” You blurted out. “...and him.”
“Tell me what else you want him to do? How do you want him to fuck you?” He tickled your cheek with his nose as he inhaled your scent.
His finger began to moved again and your eyes threatened to roll back. Your thoughts blurred together and the last of your willpower drifted away. Your lip quivered and your voice rose in gasps.
“I want his mouth on me. To feel his beard against my thighs.” You grabbed his wrist as the sparks flew and bounced around your core. “To drink me up until I cum.” Your voice thinned. “I want him to push my legs up and fuck me until I scream. I want him to be rough with me. To not stop even when I beg--” Your breath caught as the coil wound tight. “--when I beg him to--STOP!”
You slipped from his embrace and pushed yourself back against the pillows. Your thighs squeezed his hand and as you lifted your pelvis and came loudly. You shook as you dove over the edge and plummeted to the depths with a shout. Your hand rested on his as he stilled his fingers.
“Can I fuck you, sweetie? Like that?” He slowly pulled his hand from your jeans.
You nodded frantically and caught his hand. “Please,” You panted. “I want you. Not him. I want you right now, Steve.”
He smirked and bent over you to kiss you. He drew his hand away from yours and as he sat back he ran his fingers along your lips. You opened them and he shoved them inside. You tasted yourself on him and sucked on them with a hum. His eyes darkened at your reaction.
“Anything you want, sweetie.” 
He pulled his fingers away and climbed off the bed. His pants were tented with his arousal. You shoved your jeans down your legs and your socks caught in the bottom as you tore them off. You took your sweater off next and unhooked your ratty bra. You really needed a new one. You looked over as he rolled his briefs down his thighs. You liked to think none of the guys your age looked as good.
“Lay down,” He pointed to the pillow. “And don’t you move.” You laid back and he got back on the bed. “Bend your legs. Yeah, like that, now, apart. Very good.” He knelt between them and his eyes shone down at your pussy. “God, you look just as good as you taste, sweetie.
He bent and he slowly ran his tongue over your clit and along your folds. You gasped and reached down to touch his greying locks. He shoved your hand away and growled. You kept your hands on your chest, cupped your tits as you watched the top of his head, His tongue flitted up and down, each time faster, and he swirled around your bud so that your hips bucked.
You began to mewl. You sounded animalistic. Your legs closed around his head and his hands spread across the back of your thighs. He pushed your legs up until your knees were almost to your chest. He kneaded the flesh and purred as he lapped you up. You arched your back as he plucked at your deepest strings.
“S-Steveee.” You came with a drawn out moan. His name floated above you and he tended to you until you were breathless.
Slowly he lifted his head. You looked down at him as he deliberately licked his lips. He kept hold of your thighs as he got to his knees and positioned himself against you. His cock slid between your folds and along your clit. You shivered and reached out to him.
“Ah, keep those hands to yourself, sweetie,” He tilted his hips back until his cock poked at your entrance. 
His eyes fell between your legs and he watched as he impaled you an inch at a time. He pushed his shoulders back and sighed as he reached his limit. Your walls clung to him; longed for him. He pushed your legs until your knees were against your chest entirely. He rocked into you once and you squealed.
He did it again. A similar reaction. He thrust, each time waiting for your response. You got louder and louder as he sped up. Delving deeper and harder. His flesh clapped against yours between your cries and a bang came at the wall, warning you to quiet. But you couldn’t.
You stretched your arms out and grasped at the blanket. He snarled as he pounded into you. He had never been like this. Always decisive, but never rough. Never this carnal. This incensed. You bunched the bedspread in your fingers and keened as another orgasm tore through you.
You quaked as he didn’t waver. He had you pinned to the mattress, helpless. Not that you could’ve have pushed him away if you wanted to. His thick muscles bulged beneath his skin as he thrust into you. He didn’t fuck like an old man. At least, you assumed most men his age weren’t so ferocious.
It wasn’t long before you came again. The banging on the wall stopped. They’d given up. He had your ass off the bed, your back curled as he pounded into you. He found your clit and teased you as he drew forth yet another orgasm. You were dazed.
“Steve...Steve...please, no more, I c-can’t.” He slammed into you and chuckled.
Your words turned to murmurs. Pure gibberish as he ignored you and carried on. He grunted and his motioned stuttered. He bared his teeth and growled as he pulled out. He kept hold of one leg as he stroked himself with the other. He came all over you, the warmth seeped between your folds and along your ass.
Slowly he sat back and let your legs splay around him. You were both out of breath. You felt around blindly, felt his cum all over you as you spread it around.
He climbed over your leg and fell down beside you, out of breath. He smiled and closed his eyes as he caught his breath. You rubbed your forehead as your wits reassembled. What a long day. Both of them in less than. How had you gotten tied up in all this?
“Steve,” You ventured and he opened his eyes.
“Yes, sweetie,” He turned his head to look at you.
“Why are we doing this?” You asked weakly.
“I…” He clamped his lips shut and thought. “Well, I’ve done the right thing; got married, had a family, white picket fence. It’s boring. Fake. I don’t want fake. You get to my age and you realize there really isn’t any harm in doing what you want instead of what others expect of you.”
“Oh,” You considered his words carefully. “Have you done this before?”
“What do you mean? Have I fucked any of Kylie’s other friends? Of course not. Never even fucked anyone more than a couple years younger than me. Didn’t have the time, or the energy.”
You nodded and stared at the ceiling. Afraid to ask your next question. “Why me?”
“I...At first, I just thought you were cute. I don’t know what made me kiss you in that hot tub, or why I even invited you, but I knew that night, I needed you.” He traced circles along your stomach. “And you needed me. To show you before it’s too late that it’s okay to be more than cookie cutter.”
His words reeled in your head. You were surprised; that you asked; even more that he answered. And he sounded honest. And if he wasn’t being earnest, you’d learn another lesson from all this. 
All you could do was enjoy it while it lasted.
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bl597 · 4 years
requested by my dear @whack-ed ♡: "não resisti e vou escrever isso em pt, pq sim kkkkkk. okay, então primeiro parabéns pelos 300 seguidores cara, isso é bom demais! pra comemorar junto eu queria um 🍒. Sonserina, bissexual, ela/dela, teatro/escrever/desenhar/costurar, cabelos e olhos castanhos, o cabelo liso e curtinho. cara, pra simplificar, eu me descreveria com essa musica "Good Girls - Elle King". é isso meu amor, e de novo, parabéns! vc merece <3"
I accidentally posted the request and I had to delete it jssjksskjdjd anywayssss obrigada meu amor!!! 🥺❤ eu ia responder em português, mas me sinto meio estranha já que tô meio acostumada em escrever em inglês sksjdjdkdjk espero que tu goste!! 💕
warnings: just fluff, really. it took me a very long time to finish it because i procrastinate quite a lot hahaha i need to stop doing it, i really suck at writing headcanons maybe i'll start writing blurbs instead of them hmmmm. a few curse words i guess :p, english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are closed for now!!
my masterlist ♡
I ship you with... Fred Weasley!
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okay so first of all
you + Freddie = chaos
you two started dating on your fifth year
and you and the twins always pulled prank together
Filch hates you three so much skshdkdjd
you always used the Marauders map - before the twins gave it to Harry - to sneak around in the middle of the night
and if you ever happened to be caught, you always found a way to get out of this
because come on
you probably study theater and you're an amazing actress
so you could always come up with an excuse for why you were outside bed at past cutfew
not that the teachers actually believed it tho
and Fred just thought you were bloody brilliant because?????
how could he not!!
and he always smiles like a fool when you try to convince the teachers that you did nothing wrong
even though the strong smell of dungbomb literally reports you guys
he didn't really like you at first
because you're a Slytherin and he thought you were an asshole just like most of your housemates
but turns out that you're different from them
you're so unique and so you
with all your sarcasm and cheeky replies
he couldn't help but fall hard for you
so one day he just randomly asked you out
and you said yes bc you thought he was cool too
and also bc hes fred fucking weasley i mean?????
so after a little while you started dating
and oh boy is this man the best boyfriend ever
he always flirts with you, no matter how long you've been dating
because he loves the tiny little blush that spreads over your cheeks
Fred loves to cuddle you and to run his hands through your soft short hair
and omg your eyes
he swears he could spend the rest of his life just admiring them
because they're so beautiful!!!
he will always support you
either it's with your passion for theater
or you art
or anything you do
he loves it all and always lets you know how much he appreciates them and you
he loves it when you read the things you wrote
because you write things so beautifully and so wonderfully
and the proud small smile you give him when he asks you to read to him is enough to improve his whole week
he also loves your drawings and how you put your heart in every single line of it
you once drew him and he almost cried a bit
you always cheer for him during quidditch matches
even though your housemates give you disappointed looks
you couldn't care less
you just wanted to support ya boy
ok so
about his family
they were extremely happy for Fred when he told them he was dating
but they were a bit apprehensive when they found out you were a little snake
because of the house bad fame and everything
but he was fast to calm them down and say you weren't like the other Slytherins
and didn't give a shit about blood statuses or some shit like that
so they invited you to spend a week at the Burrow
to get to know you better and to make sure you were a good person for Freddie
and in the very first minutes you spent there
you managed to steal everyone's heart
you got along pretty well with everyone
and they simply loved you almost as much as Freddie boy does
you and Molly would sit down and talk for hours while she teaches you how to knit
she gets even more excited when she learns you know how to sew
in less than one week, you unofficially became a Weasley :D
Fred loves you and he was extremely happy to see his family loved you too
his family is everything to him and their approval of your relationship was very important to him
I ship you with... Sirius Black!
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ben barnes is such a cutie
well lets begin shall we
Sirius is head over heels for you
no one can deny it
you'd be just breathing and he'd be like
ohmygod shes so cute hskshsdjdjksajjdjdks
and you two are like the cutest badass couple ever
but at first it was very completely different
simply because you're a snake and he's a lion
and he hated the Slytherin house because of his family
he hated every single person in Slytherin, and he wasn't really ashamed of that
poor baby he deserved a better family than those assholes :(
one day he happened to accidentally bump into you
and he was going to help you
bc his family was shitty but they taught him some manners
but he abruptly stopped when he saw the green in your robes
and he said something rude and left
but you definitely did not stay quiet
so you just argued with him
and told him to go to hell ooops
and he was like :O
and then you left with your classmates bc you were going to be late to Divination
and Sirius was fucking intrigued
i mean???????
and then when they arrived at the Gryffindor common room
Remus scolded him for being rude to people, specifically Slytherins
and told him to apologize for his childishness
and Sirius was like "hahahaha nice joke Moony"
but he realised Remus was being serious
and he was kinda confused bc??? why is he defending the enemies???
he somehow convinced Sirius to talk to you
which he did, but whining like a child when their parents don't give them a new toy
you thought he was going to say some shit like that day
so you were with your wand in hand, ready to jinx the shit out of him if he did something
that gladly didn't happen
you were extremely confused and you thought it was a prank
but you saw it wasn't
so you accepted his forced apologies
and after some kinda weird moments of you talking
you decided to be not enemies
you weren't friends yet but weren't enemies either
well I'll start the part where you two are dating or else it'll get longer than it already is lol
when you started dating
your housemates were like
what the fuck??
and you just kinda ignored them bc you were actually happy with Sirius
and let me teLl you
Sirius is a smoll bean even though he has this badboy fame
he loves to see the things you wrote or drew
he absolutely loves them and always tells you how talented you are and how proud of you he is
I don't even have to say that you two pull pranks together
you just like to mess around together
bc you like each other's company
and being chaotic is a bonus
i mean, who wouldn't want to pull pranks with Sirius and mess around with him??
when you came out as bi to him he was very supportive and was ready to beat the shit out of anyone who dared to say shit about you or your sexuality
Sirius says lgbtq+ rights and fuck jk rowling
he was so excited when he transformed into Padfoot in front of you for the first time
and he was so proud of himself when you smiled widely and showered him with questions about it
you always stayed with him after the full moon and helped madam Pomfrey
bc you wanted to see your baby alright :(
Sirius is really into pda and 100% would randomly kiss you in public
just because he can lol
you love each other too much
you're the best couple ever change my mind
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Sometimes You Gotta Be Bad - JiHope Littlespace Drabble
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(Gif source - joeguk)
yayaya on AO3 requested: “can you do one with little hoseok and caregiver jimin with spanking? smut maybe ? thxs”
A/N: Thank you so much for your patience with me, I hope this was worth the wait!
I haven’t written anything with spanking (or any punishment really lol) so this was a great request.
Here ya go, I hope you like it!!
Pairing: Little!Hoseok X Caregiver!Jimin
Rating: M (Smut)
Words: 2278
smut, spanking, fluff
WARNINGS: This story involves spanking as well as sex during littlespace, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please don’t read.
When it came to the littles in Bangtan, Hoseok was easily the most well-behaved.
Jungkook was the one who acted up the most, but his members didn’t love him any less for it. He just needed to be reminded of the rules more often than the others.
Taehyung was fairly well-mannered but got fussy when he didn’t get what he wanted right away. However, just like with the maknae, the rest of the members didn’t love him any less for it.
Hoseok though - Hoseok was an angel. He was almost unreasonably patient for a little and was very quiet.
No one is perfect, however, because even though Hoseok was a sweetheart most of the time, when he felt that familiar itch under his skin - the kind that begged for a burning sting on his ass - he couldn’t help but be bad.
He didn’t go out looking for trouble, but if an opportunity presented itself, Hoseok wouldn’t say no.
“Jung Hoseok,” the voice was eerily calm as it rang through the room.
The little looked up from where he sat in front of the white bathroom wall. His eyes were wide with fright, his body seizing up.
Jimin, who was stood in the doorway to the main bathroom in the dorm, narrowed his eyes in on the artwork created by the little on the wall.
Hoseok was caught in the act, his right hand clutching an uncapped red marker and a rainbow of other markers scattered around him on the floor. The wall was now covered in a giant mural of what appeared to be the little’s depiction of a farm. A blue cow, a purple horse, yellow chickens, and a pink pig were a few that Jimin could make out. He was currently working on a large, red barn beside his animals.
The problem was that, of course, one of the littles’ main rules was no drawing on the walls. It had been set in place after a mishap with Taehyung, who didn’t get in trouble because he truly didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to draw on the walls at the time and it was only with a pencil that was fairly easy to wipe off.
Little angel Hoseok, though, knew all the rules well, so he didn’t have an excuse for his breaking of one.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Jimin asked, his voice still uncomfortably level.
Hoseok immediately began whining and squirming, tripping over his own words, “S-Seokie was - he just - Seokie didn’t like the boring white walls so he draw pictures!”
Jimin took a few steps closer to the little, hands on his hips. “You know you’re not supposed to draw on the walls! You know, Hoseok.” He sighed, regretting gifting the little the only set of non-washable markers in the whole house. Of course, Hoseok just had to use that set when he decided to ruin the white wall.
The little frowned petulantly, “But-”
“No buts,” Jimin interrupted, “Is there a rule that says no one is allowed to draw on the walls?”
Hoseok squirmed on his butt, intimidated by his Daddy’s tone of voice. “Y-Yes...”
“And you drew on the walls. That’s breaking a rule, right?”
Now, the little nodded, more genuinely apologetic this time as he looked at his socked feet. “Seokie broke the rule.” What had seemed like a good idea at the time was slowly turning into the exact opposite.
Some of the tension eased out of Jimin’s shoulders, “You did, so Daddy’s going to give you a punishment.”
Hoseok looked up with wide eyes and a gasp, “No! N-Not punishment.”
“Yes, punishment,” Jimin replied firmly, “I think spanks should work.”
“Yes. Now, because you seem sorry, I’ll give you a choice,” Jimin said. “Five spanks on your bare skin or ten over your underwear.”
The little bit his lip in thought, resigned to the fact that he was going to be punished. Though spanks from his Daddy hurt, they both knew that Hoseok rather liked the pain and that part of the punishment was actually probably going to be keeping the little from getting too aroused.
“F-Five on my skin, please,” Hoseok finally answered.
Jimin let a gentle smile quirk his lips, “Good boy. Now, while I try to clean up your mess, I want you to go to the bedroom and take off your clothes. Wait on the bed for me, alright? I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Excitement and a bit of fear coiled in the little’s stomach and had him nodding eagerly. He wasted no time in hurrying to the bedroom and stripping down just as his Daddy had asked him to. He thought that maybe if he was good now, he would be allowed to cum after his punishment.
Just as Jimin said, a few minutes later he waltzed into the room and took in the sight of his baby lying naked on top of the covers. Though it was a lustful sight and caused his dick to twitch to life in his jeans, Jimin held himself together.
The caregiver took a seat on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through his pink locks before turning to the expectant little. “Over my lap, Hoseok.”
The little wanted to whine at the lack of a pet name, but he also knew that bad boys didn’t deserve cute names. He followed the orders quickly and moved into a semi-comfortable position over Jimin’s thighs.
Jimin hummed, pleased with the obedience but still unwilling to give the naughty boy any more praise. “These spanks are going to be pretty hard, but I want you to count them,” the caregiver said as he gently palmed at the perky ass in front of him. “You can yell into the pillow if you need to, but no squirming. If you can obey these rules, I’ll think about letting you cum after.”
“Y-Yes, Daddy,” Hoseok nodded, perhaps a little too frantically. “Thank you, Daddy.”
The first hit came only seconds later, not giving the little any time to prepare himself. Jimin’s hand on his ass caused a big slapping sound to reverberate around the room. Hoseok was able to shove his face into a pillow to muffle his surprised yelp, and his body only jolted slightly.
“Count,” Jimin reminded firmly.
Slap! Slap!
One good, harsh hit to each cheek.
“Two! Three!”
Jimin paused for a moment, rubbing his fingers soothingly over the reddened skin of the little’s bottom. “Why are you being punished, Hoseok?”
The little sniffled, trying his best to blink away the tears in his eyes. “S-Seokie drawed on the wall. B-Broke the rule.”
“You know that we have rules for a good reason, Hoseok. Though your drawings were wonderful, they don’t belong on the wall.” Even Jimin couldn’t help but slip a bit of praise in there, if only to help the little get through the rest of his spanking.
“S-Sorry, Daddy. S-Seokie knows he did bad now. He sorry.” In his quest to be bad, he hadn’t really considered the other consequences of his actions until now. They would probably try to clean it up later, but if the marker stained too much, they’d have to paint over it.
“Last two spanks and then we’re done, alright baby?”
Hoseok nodded into the pillow, his fingers tightening into the sides of it in anticipation.
The little shouted into the pillow and barely managed to keep himself from squirming. “F-Four!” his voice cracked when he spoke.
Jimin raised his hand and brought it back down on Hoseok’s behind with more force than the other hits.
The final slap! echoed through the room loudly, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Jimin wondered if any of the others were home and could hear it. That thought disappeared almost as quickly as it came, however, and Jimin’s focus was back on the little still splayed over his thighs.
“Five! Five!” Hoseok all but cried, his breathing harsh and his head swimming with so many emotions he couldn’t pinpoint any of them.
Jimin maneuvered the little around, careful of his sore bum, and cuddled him into his lap. “There you go, baby. Did so good for Daddy.” Jimin cooed out a string of praises as his hands gently ran up and down the little’s back.
Hoseok’s mind still wasn’t fully there, but the praises and his Daddy’s soft tone of voice were bringing him back to reality slowly. “Seokie good boy?”
“Of course you are, my love,” Jimin replied. “You did something naughty, but then you listened very well to me, I’m so proud of you.”
As the little came back to his head, he became painfully aware of his cock, fully hard against his stomach and leaking a bit of pre-cum. Hoseok let out a whine, “D-Daddy, can you...can Daddy touch Seokie, please?”
Jimin smiled, bright and fond. “I won’t touch you,” he began, “But you can get yourself off on my thigh, alright?”
Hoseok scrambled to get into position, straddling Jimin’s thick thigh. Half slumped over, the little finally found the perfect angle to rub his cock against the other’s jean-covered leg. The material was rough against his sensitive dick, but the pleasure overwhelmed all else.
“O-Oh!” the little gasped, “Daddy, feels good.”
“I’m sure it does, baby,” Jimin replied, his eyes darkening with want as he watched the other pick up a rhythm with his hips. His own dick was hardening as Hoseok continued his movements, but Jimin did his best to ignore it and focus on his baby.
The little was breathing hard now, his forehead leaning against Jimin’s shoulder as his hands clutched at the other’s t-shirt. Never once did his hips cease, though.
Jimin reached around the little perched on his lap and grabbed two handfuls of his firm ass. Hoseok let out a pleased whine at the feel of his caregiver’s hands massaging his bare, still stinging bottom, soothing the tender skin.
Hoseok could feel that familiar coil low in his abdomen tightening with every circle of his hips and rub from Jimin’s warm fingers. “Oh - Ah, Daddy - c-close!” he stuttered.
Despite earlier saying that he wouldn’t touch him, Jimin could no longer fight the urge to hold back. One of his hands slipped back around from the other’s ass and wrapped around the little’s red, aching dick. He wanted to see that wonderful expression his baby always had on his face when he came, and he wanted to see it now.
It only took a few calculated tugs to bring Hoseok over the edge. The noise he let out was a lustful mix of a scream and a moan, the sound reverberating through the room as the little tossed his head backward.
Jimin admired the other’s parted lips and eyes that were pinched shut in pleasure. He spoke gently into his baby’s ear as he came down from his high, rubbing soothingly at his back. “My good baby. Did so well for me.”
After wiping Hoseok down and changing his own clothing, Jimin slipped under the covers with the little who was still recovering from his orgasm.
Hoseok blinked his eyes open a few moments later and focused on his Daddy’s smiling face next to him. “How’s my love feeling?” Jimin asked softly, his thumb gently caressing the little’s flushed cheek.
“Good, Daddy, good,” he replied with a small smile.
Jimin hummed, “Good...I think you should rest now, baby. A lot happened today.”
The little’s eyebrows suddenly scrunched together and he frowned, “S-Seokie sorry for coloring on the walls.”
“I know you are, sweetheart. You did your punishment, you’re already forgiven.” Jimin pressed a sweet kiss against the other’s lips. “We’ll clean it up tomorrow, alright? For now, let’s just rest.”
Hoseok didn’t have any complaints about that, simply snuggling into his Daddy’s side and shutting his heavy eyes.
Jimin was about to drift off as well until a familiar buzz came from the bedside table. He pouted but reached out to grab his phone. When he saw that it was a message from Namjoon, he quickly opened it up.
Joonie: sounds like you two are having fun ;)
Jimin, despite not being the type to get embarrassed easily, couldn’t help but feel shy when it came to exposing his sex life. Even to his closest friends, his second family.
Minnie: um oops
Minnie: sorry hyung I forgot you were home
Joonie: no worries
Joonie: just be glad that Yoongi sleeps like a rock and that the others are out
Joonie: they’d never let you live it down
Boy was that true. If it had been Jin that heard them, he’d laugh every time he saw their faces for at least a day. If it had been Yoongi, he probably wouldn’t have said anything, but would definitely sport a sleazy smirk when he saw them next. Taehyung and Jungkook would have confided in each other and then teased both Jimin and Hoseok with sexual comments for a week.
Yeah, thank whoever was out there that it was only Namjoon.
Minnie: you’re right about that
Minnie: let’s keep this between us, yeah?
Jimin could almost picture the laugh Namjoon would let out upon reading the text.
Joonie: sure Jimin
Joonie: just maybe keep it down next time
Joonie: or maybe not
Joonie: Hobi’s moans would make a great sample for a song
Joonie: could be our next hit
Jimin nearly screeched, his already flushing face turning an even darker shade of red. He let out a huff, shaking his head at his friend’s antics.
Minnie: hyung!
Joonie: ;)
Perhaps it wasn’t better that Namjoon heard them after all.
A/N: so...my first fic with some punishments...how did you feel about it?
Also, thank you to the requester for waiting so patiently while I pushed through my writer’s block and a stomach bug to get this thing written.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to write more now that I’m pretty much in self-isolation. I hope that everyone is doing alright through these crazy times, and I hope that you follow what your local health officials are suggesting. Fighting!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
for the road (1/2) steve clark x reader
b +++++++++
part 1 part 2
hey all! sorry ive been absent for a bit. school has been crazy with finals coming up but im hoping to get back in the swing of things soon. i start a new class term next week and my homework should be slower for a bit so ill actually have time to write and edit again. yay! anyways i hope you all like this two part-er for our fave “wing commander steve ‘steamin, dreamy, snikker, mayhem, p.t.w.’ clark”
(part two will be coming in a day or two)
Song: buzz by halestorm
tag list: @cynic-spirit @lifeisabitchandsoareyou
I looked up from the binder in front of me as the bell on the door rang through the shop. A group of five guys walked in, the lot of them taking the place in. I smiled as one of them looked to me.
"Welcome to the Juke Box, can I help you guys find anything?"
I asked. They all looked around at each other for a second.
"We're just kind of looking, thanks though."
The tallest one said with a nod. I nodded back.
"Alright, well if you need anything I'm y/n, don't hesitate to ask."
I watched as they all dispersed into the store before looking back down at the inventory list in front of me. I was halfway down the page when I heard one of the men clear their throats. I looked up to see the cute blonde one staring at me from across the counter with a smile on his face.
"Uh, hi, I was wondering if maybe you had a new record in."
He said and I raised a brow.
"What exactly are you looking for?"
He let out a nervous Laugh.
"The new def Leppard album?"
He asked, hope lacing his voice. I smiled at him, I had just stocked them earlier.
"Yeah, I think so. They'll be on the far wall, I can show you."
I said, lifting the hinged counter in front of me, stepping under it and out next to him.
"Right this way."
I said, escorting him to the far side of the store.
"So, you into the band?"
I asked, trying to make light conversation. He nodded.
"Yeah, you could say that. Are you?"
He asked and I sent him a knowing look.
"Not enough to be a big fan but one of my friends is absolutely in love with their music so we listen to it together."
i mentioned.
"That's sweet, sharing music is important."
He noted as we turned the corner around one of cassette stands.
"Have you gotten a chance to listen to the new record yet?"
I asked, stopping in front of the 'D' rack and skimming over it.
"Yeah, yeah I have."
He said with a mischievous grin. I sent him a look before picking it up and handing it to him.
"You must be one of the lucky ones then, cause we just got it in yesterday."
I said, looking over at him as he stared down at it with a proud smile. He looked back up at me.
"Well I don't know about lucky."
I laughed a little bit, picking up another record off the shelf.
"Ya know, I've been looking for an excuse to get into new music. Do you think it's a good album?"
I asked as we turned to walk back to the counter.
"Definitely, but I may be a little biased."
I drew my brows as I stepped back under the counter top, clicking it into place behind me.
"Why's that?"
I asked, scanning his records bar code. He let out a nervous Laugh.
"I helped make it."
He said slyly and I sent him a look.
"Sure you did."
I said skeptically as he handed me a twenty dollar bill for the record.
"No really, I know you said you weren't a fan but I'm Steve clark and that's the rest of the band."
He pointed to the other guys as they browsed the music stands. I handed him his change and leaned into the counter. I raised a brow.
"How do I know your not just trying to impress me? I couldn't tell you the amount of Angus Young's and Joe Perry's I get in here on a given day."
He laughed and shook his head, pulling the plastic off the record.
"Look, it's me."
He pointed out, holding the sleeve up next to his face. I laughed a little bit as he smiled at me.
"Okay, okay, I believe you."
He laughed a little too, shaking his head.
"Forgive me for not freaking out."
I joked.
"No, no, I'm glad you aren't. It's a nice change of pace."
"Steve, you ready?"
One of them asked, drawing both of our attention.
"Yeah just give me a second."
He looked back to me.
"Hey I know we just met and you only listen to our band with your friend but how would you feel about comming to the show?"
My eyes went wide.
"Like your show? when?"
I asked.
He said flatly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Uh, i dont really know what to say."
He smiled widely at me before digging into his pocket.
"When do you get off work?"
He asked.
"I close up at 6."
He nodded once before handing me a plastic coated card.
"here, I'll have someone come get you, just show them this when you get to the venue."
He said. I looked down at it a little starstruck.
"Wait, this says crew."
He laughed.
"Well yeah, how else are you supposed to get back stage?"
I opened and closed my mouth a few times.
"I didn't know I was."
I said a little bewildered.
"Think o it as a date."
He winked at me and I could feel the heat rising to my face.
I said a little breathless.
"Oh and before we go, I could sign one of those. only If you want of course, maybe for your friend?"
I stared at him for a second before realizing what he was saying.
"Right, yeah. Sure if you wouldn't mind."
I said sliding the plastic off the other album that I had brought up, sliding it across the counter. He snatched the sharpie out of the cup next to the register and signed the back cover.
"Hey guys, come sign this."
He called to the rest of the band, gaining their attention.
"You a fan?"
The tall one asked with a smirk as be took the pen from steve.
"Actually theyre a friend and we have a date tonight."
He said matter-of-factly. We both looked at him before looking back at each other. He nodded.
"I'm Joe by the way. But also how are you gonna have a date if we have a show tonight?"
He asked, turning back to Steve.
"Their coming, as my guest."
He said as Joe passed the pen to one of the others.
"Well then, I guess we'll see you tonight, friend not fan."
He said with a laugh, earning a smile from me.
"Cant wait to see you guys play."
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ROXANNE: Chapter Two
 A/N: Y’all won. Y’all got another series out of me. Happy? Anyways, here in the second chapter of ROXANNE. In this chapter, Erik gets to see Roxanne in action and they get to know each other a little better.
For Character Face Claims, PRESS HERE.
WARNING: Street racing, weaponry, drinking, smoking and gambling with cursing. Also, I used Google Translate so dialogue may not be accurate and the English translation is in bolded.
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“RayRay, where my Nikes at, cuh”, Roxxx hollered down her hall of the one story home as Nipsey Hussle’s Question #1 played loudly. She wore her natural red hair in a high puff with curls tucked behind her ear. RayRay was in his room smoking a blunt and playing Call of Duty on PS4. The air was filled with the smoke making it gush under the door. Roxxx knocked on her little god brother’s door loudly. “RayRay, you seen my Nikes around here?”
“Which ones?”
“Negro, the one with the baby blue drip on the check sign. You already know what day it is, bro.”
“Nah, I ain’t see em. Sorry, sis”, he said in a nonchalant tone. Roxxx smacked her lips as she folded her arms. “Muthfucka, yo hood rat ass bitch better not have them or I’m rippin’ her fucking spine out that loose ass pussy of hers. And I know it’s loose because whenever y’all fuck, all I can hear is air and shit.” RayRay rolled his eyes still looking at the game and said “check the backdoor.” Roxxx placed her hands on her hips and said “why would they be there?” All of a sudden, a 6’2 sixteen year old with a goatee opened the door with a white shirt and basketball shorts on stood there. His hair was short and tapered around with bleached tips. “Because you asked me to wash them for you along with ya other sneakers, remember”, he said before pointing to the back door. There were her sneakers she had been looking for all day and more. Roxxx looked up at her brother as he smiled and said “don’t make me smack you.” She pulled him by his shirt to kiss his forehead and push it back. “Thanks, cuh. I’m about to head out to handle some business but I want you to look out for my package. I got some more sneakers and paint coming in. You know what to do when it hits the porch.”
  Roxxx gave RayRay dap and went back to her room to finish getting ready. She fluffed out hair before putting half up with curls by in front of her brows. She filled in her brows with her Fenty brow pencil and glossed her lips from the same line of cosmetics. She placed on her baby blue halter top with matching biker shorts and fanny pack, pushing it to the back. She stood in the full length mirror admiring the fit and her curves. She grabbed her money, gloss, and license in her fanny pack before putting her Swiss army knife in her tube sock. Roxxx stepped into her sneakers and her small leather bag before knocking on Ray’s door and leaving.
  Roxxx hopped in her Angel and fixed her hoop earrings. She drove through the Baldwin Hill streets and made her way to the local hang out for her street team, the Jungles. Every Sunday was the time to meet and talk about where to meet for and after the races. Also it was how she got her pay without any one trying to take her out in the process. She pulled up into the parking lot and noticed all the flashy cars, smiling to herself. She was the only woman in the group which meant she had to prove her title of the triple threat; Sexy, Smart and Speed racer. She was also one of the youngest at twenty six years old which meant people would try to get in her but she was too smart for that.
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  One man with onyx skin looked her way. He had gold caps on his teeth, with all black on and fade haircut. “There she is. What it do, little sis”, he said with his arms out to the side and smile on his face. She hugged and they did their own handshake/salute. “What up, Chi? What’s the move for today?” They walked back to the group and she gave the others dap. “Nothing, really. But it’s time for y’all pay day. First up, Roxxx. You did well, girl. Proud of you as always. Minus my cut, you got a cool 450 thou.” He handed her stack of money and she placed the rolls in her bag. Chiron looked over at Deeno and said “aight, bruh. You and I already talked so you know how I feel about you placing 3rd, so you only get $45,000.” He handed the brown skin man the money, watching him stuff it in his duffle bag. After he gave everyone their cut, Roxxx began to speak. “Aight, y’all. Go ahead and handle y’all business and make ya way to my place.” Chiron added “and bring whatever y’all need. We gonna be there for a while.”
“Yeah, I gotta make sure y’all muthafuckas don’t embarrass me”, she said laughing.
 It was a basic Thursday afternoon when Erik was at the gym. He was working on his chest and triceps while wearing only black sweats and an old pair of off white Chuck Taylors. His scattered keloids always drew attention but he didn’t care; he was simply just say “keep staring and you’ll become one.” He stared at his reflection watching all the veins push up under his chestnut skin, muscles flexing.
  He began to do a few sets of sit ups to further chisel his abs as he gained the attention of a few women but he made them no mind. As he stood, to drink his water he couldn’t help but think of Roxanne. That woman was like no other. She lived life to the fullest, independent with an intriguing taste in cars. He wiped the sweat from his lip, just thinking about her made him get hotter every second; he had to focus so he can finish his last set.
  He stepped away from the machine with Bluetooth headphones in about to change the song but his fingertips had another idea. His thumb hovered over the car text from Roxxx. They had met last Saturday night but something was stopping him from texting her. He looked to the text again and leaned against the machine.
Across town, Roxxx was there on the porch of her one story home with surrounded by the other racers. They all sat around her as she had Deeno in between her thighs, braiding his hair in neat cornrows. She had a blunt hanging from her lips before passing it around.
“Alright, y’all. As we all know, tomorrow night is like any other. So, we got a bunch muthafuckas who sneak dissin and I ain’t with that shit at all so it’s time to put their money where they mouth is”, said Chiron in a serious tone. He looked around as licked his gold caps and continued. “Y’all already know the line up. Deeno, Big Tim, Justin and of course Roxxx”. Roxxx nodded her as she continued braiding.
“So, Chi. Where the meet up at? Is it still at the bridge in Inglewood?” Chiron nodded his head while smoking his blunt and said “these old cliche ass muthafuckas. Think this is Grand Theft Auto or something.” The group laughed as Roxxx shook her head. Before she knew it, her phone vibrated against her thigh. She looked down to see the text and rolled her eyes with a smile. She finished up the last braid on Deeno’s head.
Back at the gym, Erik was busy doing his chest press when the sound of his ringer went off. He placed the 300 lb bar back and sat up, picking up his phone to respond. Deeno tilted his head towards his teammate and rolled his eyes as she giggled at the screen. Erik stared at the text with a smirk and found himself typing.
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    Roxanne placed her phone back down on the porch as she finished up Deeno’s last twist. She pushed at his shoulders for him to get up and Chi replaced his spot. As he sat, he stated how her phone was being blown up. She began cutting his hair, clippers and bent down in front where the member can see her thick bottom; Chiron noticed and gave them all a dirty look. “Don’t trip. It’s a dude that I met while racing.” The men all stopped and Justin asked “yo ass talkin’ to the competition”.
“Nigga, no. The fuck I look like trying to get wit them weak ass niggas. What y’all think I am? Some street car ass hoe”, she looked to them as she lined up the back of his head. They all said their nos except for Deeno...of course. “I mean I wouldn’t be surprised. Probably why you always winning.” Justin looked to Chiron and Roxxx shaking his head. Roxanne cracked her hand as she turned the clippers off to hand them to Chiron. “What did you just say”, she asked slowly walking to him and she stood in front of him.
“Man, don’t be like that Roxxx. I’m playin’ with yo cry baby ass.”
“Nah, it sounds like you got a problem because ya ass don’t know the difference between the gas pedal and brake.”
  Justin snickered but seized when he noticed Deeno looking at him. Deeno looked at her up and down and said “you lucky you a female because if you wasn’t-.” All of a sudden, Roxxx pulled out the glock she had hidden from the back of her waist band, holding it under chin while pulling his head back; they were eye to eye. “What ya gonna do, D, hmm? Beat me up like a nigga? We all know ya punk ass can’t fight for shit, cuh. You see the difference between you and I are, is that you all bark and no bite while I can talk the talk, walk the walk, and still kick a nigga’s ass or two. I can back up my shit talking and you can’t. How come I’m the only bitch in the group but got bigger balls than you?”
   Chiron nodded his head while drinking his Henny, watching and smiling. Roxxx made her way back to Chi with the gun still in her hand but stopped when he heard “yo ass wouldn’t shoot me no way.” Roxxx held the gun pointed to his, pulled the trigger making him flinch but he then realized, when he heard the click, the safety was on. Tim shook his head, chuckling and said “ol’ scary ass. You know Roxxx wouldn’t hurt her fam. She too sweet on us. She rather shoot niggas who fuck with us.” Roxxx gave her big brother, Tim, dap and went back to cutting Chi’s hair when she decided to check her messages.
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  Erik pulled up in his camouflage joggers, jean jacket, white tee and white All Stars when he noticed all the edgy yet expensive automobiles parked around; they even made his Jaguar look like a busted 2002 Nissan Altima. He also noticed the sea of people that stood around smoking, drinking and placing bets with huge wads of money. He looked around to see if he can spot Roxxx but she was nowhere in sight; he stood with the crowd as they all heard the siren on a megaphone go off.
There stood an albino woman who had a big, black fro, dark brows with slits in both and freckles. She wore a yellow jumpsuit with black combat boots and a matching leather jacket. “Good evening, everyone! And welcome to the best muthafucka night ever made. IT’S-“
“BET NIGHT”, the crowd, beside Erik, screamed before barking like dogs then seizing when she held her hand up. “Now, before we get started just know the rules. There is no rules except for no crashing into each other.”
Everyone cheered and she began to announce the racers. A few racers later, Mickey said “aight, this young lady come from the Jungle. Coming straight out of Inglewood, give it up for Roxxx a.k.a Lion Babe.” Roxxx drove her Lambo slowly as the guys followed behind on foot. She stepped out of her car standing and looking at the huge crowd; it looked as if she had on golden cat eye contacts. Her hair was blown out with braids on one side of her head going into the puff. She wore a white halter top, blue and black plaid shirt around her waist and black biker shorts. She also had on her white Air Force ones with the check sign dripping blue.
Erik clapped for her slowly as she flashed her golden fangs to the crowd once she used her pinkies to hold her bottom lip down. They chanted her name as the competitors all huddled up for the course plan. Chi looked over at Erik who watched and rose his brow once he noticed she was being watched. Chi leaned into Roxxx’s ear and said “we being watched, Roxxx.” She looked up at him to see his head tilted towards Erik.
Roxxx nodded at Erik and leaned onto Chi’s solid chest and whispered. “Don’t trip. He cool. That’s the same dude from night’s ago that I raced. Seems chill.” Chi nodded once as the huddled separated. Roxxx made her way over with hands in her pockets, standing in front of Erik. “I see ya found the spot.” She looked him up and down with a grin saying “ya look good.”
 “You do too”, Erik grinned back until he saw the group of men approaching them. All dark skin, tall and intimidating but to Erik; Roxanne liked that. She cleared her throat and said “Erik, these are my bros. Chiron, Tim, Deeno, and Justin. We all known each other for a while. They knew D’Angelo before he got murdered.” They all made a cross while closing their eyes and looked back at him. Erik nodded to them and said “nice to meet y’all, man. D and I went to school together. He was cool people.” They all nodded until Chi said “alright, Roxxx. The cameras are all set up and we got ya on mic so we can see ya feeling.” 
  Tim passed around the Henny bottle and Roxanne took an extremely long sip of it before passing it to Deeno; Erik was impressed. Roxanne did her salute to the group and made her way to the car, getting in and buckling up. The drivers began to take their places as Mickey took hers, holding the long yellow flag in the air. Everyone revved up their engines as they waited. Roxanne looked over at her group who nodded at her then she looked over to the cross dangling from the review mirror and finally at the pictures on her dash board.
   One had a smaller girl, about four in a fluffy dress and a pair of afro puffs her hair color. But that wasn’t the only person in the picture; there were two others. An older man held her left hand, with dark skin and a wide smile. His hair was in ginger toned dreads and the same cross was on his chain. The other child’s hand was held in the hand of a curvaceous woman. She was a plus size beauty with a huge fro that covered her forehead and she also wore a white smile; Roxanne smiled remembering them and kissed her fingers to place over their faces. She looked to the the other side and saw the huge faces she and a younger man wore. They were at the community pool after playing in the water all day; they were at least eighteen and a half in that picture. “This is for you, D’Angelo. Let’s get first place in this one, baby boy.” Her face harden as she watched the flag move in slow motion while she said her prayer.
“Your love and faithfulness, 
along with Your goodness and mercy, 
surround me daily, 
so I will not fear whatever might come against me. 
My trust is in You, God, 
and I give thanks to You for Your love and protection. In Jesus' name, 
Amen. Grant, O Lord, 
thy protection and in protection, strength.”
   The flag flowed and the race was off. Mickey watched as they were off and ran to the guys, crouching beside Chiron. “She looking good tonight”, she said and Chi agreed Erik watched Roxanne’s camera to see how she was doing, she was passing all of them up. “Roxxx, how you doing”, Tim asked and she responded. “Good so far. This muthafucka from the latin gang is on my ass though, bruh. Look like he tryna crash into me”, she sound a tad frustrated but couldn’t let it show. Justin shook his head and said “yeah, one of them niggas tried to get me during the bike race. They grimy as hell, man, but you got this shit, Roxxx.”
   The camera on her face showed her smile with the fangs and it made Erik smirk a tad. Roxanne began maneuvering in  moves that the other guys couldn’t catch on to. All she could hear was her God Mother’s voice saying, “keep it clean, baby girl, but make them fall.” She did just that as she turned a sharp turn on the course. Mickey hollered and said “so far, The Latin kings are last with Money Talks at fourth, Elm Street in Third and The Jungle in second and Crenshaw in first.” The crowd roared in cheer with a mixture of curses from people they were slowly losing their money.
   Roxanne kept her hands still when she heard the announcement as she kept her eyes on the winner so far. He was a few cars away but that wouldn’t stop Roxxx from getting to him. “Mickey, you gonna be saying The Jungle in first in a sec, love.” She began moving in between cars at ease and, right when the light turned red, she drove through traffic, losing the others. She was about to pat herself on the back when she heard the police driving behind the winning car. “Shit, you gotta get outta there before 12 call they niggas in”, Chi said. She had to make a move and make it fast. 
  That’s when Erik saw an alley coming into view. “Roxanne, take the alley. They won’t find ya in there and it’s on course. Take that and you would remain in the lead”, he said as he pointed at the screen. She took his advice and began driving back on to the course, in a different route. Chi looked to Erik and nodded before he went back to the screen. “Erik, how did you know that would work,” she asked and he said “trust me, I have had my share of hiding from the pigs”; that made her laugh. Before she knew she was back on course and ahead of the other drivers; they all soon pulled back in to the meet up at the Bridge and they crowd went off. Mickey grabbed her megaphone and said “THE WINNER IS ROXXX”; the crowd cheered but the Latin Kings were upset. “Man, fuck this! She cheated!” Mickey rolled her eyes and said “ok, how did she cheat?”
“The nigga with the dreads told her where to go.”
   The Jungle group looked to the other and said “man, fuck outta here. Every muthafucka in dis bitch help one another for one and two, you better be careful with that word”, Tim said wrapping his arm around Roxanne’s shoulders. One of the girlfriends from the rival team said “no, eso no es justo. Esa perra hizo trampa y todos lo sabemos. Probablemente esté chupando todas estas pollas negras y le dejaron ganar el culo. (No, that ain't fair. That bitch cheated and we all know it. She probably sucking all these niggas’ dicks and they let her ass win.)” Chiron looked to Roxanne who cracked her neck slowly walking to the group as the others watched. Roxanne stood in front of the girl with her knife in hand, slowly waving it as she said “en primer lugar, mi nombre es Roxxx. No perra En segundo lugar, no hice trampa porque ese callejón estaba en el camino y tercero, si escucho a alguno de ustedes decir nigga nuevamente, cortaré una herida tan profunda en su garganta, cualquier hombre que ponga su polla en su boca tendrá La mejor experiencia de garganta profunda que hayan tenido en su vida (First off, my name is Roxxx. Not bitch. Second, I did not cheat because that alley was on the course and third, if I hear any of y'all say nigga again, I will cut a gash so deep in your throat, any man who puts his dick in ya mouth will have the ultimate deep throat fuck experience they ever had in their life)”. Roxanne used her blade to cut a huge chunk of the girl’s hair with just the blade itself and that made the girl cry. 
   The crowd chuckled as the losing team left and everyone congratulated all the competitors; that was the ending. Roxanne looked to Erik as Chi talked to the other men. “What you doing now”, he asked and she shrugged. “We usually go out to our hang out spot and eat. You can come if you want. That’s if ya don’t have a dick appointment waiting for you.” Erik chuckled with his hands in pockets and said “nah, beautiful. I’m free tonight.” She rolled her eyes, smirking before they all met up at the diner.
   At the diner the guys all sat at one booth while Roxanne and Erik shared another. She sat across from him with her contacts out, back to their original oak wood color. Her eyes were on the menu but Erik’s were on her. Noticing how her plump, glossed lips looked in the dim light. He couldn’t help but to stare. Even if he tried to keep them away, they always fell back to her.  “Do you always like staring”, Roxanne said still looking at her menu. Erik’s eyes went for his and back to her face to see that she was looking at him. “Nah, you had something on your face.” She laughed once saying “I had something on my face?”
“Yeah, it’s gone now.” She rolled her eyes with a smirk as she folded her hands on the table and said “must have been real interesting because you were surely staring for a while, Erik.” Erik placed his menu down, still looking at her and said “it still is interesting.” Roxxx licked the inside of her cheek to hide the blush she gave. “Such a charmer, I see. I bet ya make females panties drop, huh?” She closed her menu and placed it to the side. Erik rested his arms on the booth and leaned back. “Not saying. Just know that no one claiming and neither am I.” She placed her leg on the booth and leaned her back onto the wall. Erik bit his lip as she looked at her and asked “why you single, hm? No niggas wanna be with someone as beautiful as you?”
“Because I don’t need a nigga”, she side eyed him and went back to her phone. Erik chuckled nervously, saying “I didn’t make you mad, did I?”; she shook her head. “Nah, I get that question a lot. But I just ain’t looking at the moment.” He nodded as the waitress came to their table with fries as their appetizers and took their order. “Can I get pastrami burger, well done with grilled onion and a lemonade with onion ring on the side, please”, Roxanne ordered after handing her the menu. “Sure, doll. And what can I get for you handsome”, the waitress asked Erik; Roxanne smiled while biting her bottom lip and shaking her head slowly. 
   Erik told her “I wanna get the breakfast special, steak medium rare, with wheat toast, scrambled cheese eggs, grits on the side and hash browns as well” before handing her the menu to her with a wink and smiled to the side. Once they lady walked away with heat rushing to her unknown place, Roxanne held a hand to her ear. “Do you hear that”, she motioned her hand going down and said “panties dropping.” Erik threw his napkin at her as she laughed. 
   Their food came out minutes later and he asked “so, where ya from? When you talk, I hear a slight accent in there.” She looked up at as she cut her burger in half and looked back at her plate. “You are very curious person.” He ate a piece of his steak and said “nah, just very observant.” She bit into her burger when she felt the other guys watching them as they ate. She sipped her drink and said “Jamaican. But I was born out here.” Erik can tell something was wrong when she looked around and saw that her leg was shaking a little. “Roxanne, you good”, Chi asked once he stood by the booth; she nodded and he said “Aight, I’m finna go finish this blunt with Tim outside.” Deeno and Justin watched from across the way and Roxanne felt all eyes on her as she ate. She cleared her throat before asking “so, Erik... why ya nickname Killmonger?”
  Erik looked up at her and saw that she was looking at him as she ate. “Well, that was my code name in the army. One of the boys at the platoon gave me the name. It was a joke a first because I would be getting all types of goo goo eyes from the ladies anywhere we went but then it became more.”
“What you mean?”
  Erik looked at the guys then at her and finally said “I killed a lot of people. Innocent or not, they were gone. You see every mark on me”, he asked and she leaned back, nodding. “Well, they are basically a mark for each person I murdered.” Her eyes looked over his arms and part of his chest that showed. Erik watched as her fingers got closer to his hand. “Can I touch them”, she asked with curious eyes; he nodded and her fingers danced up his arm slowly. She utter out loud “they’re really...”
“Weird?” She looked up at him and shook her head. He saw the warmth in her eyes, like a star trying to get through. She looked down at her hand, caressing the skin and said “soft and amazing.” He could only smile at her as she leaned back and looked to the guys. “Eat before y’all food get cold.” Deeno kissed his teeth and said “you can’t tell us what do.” As she ate, she pulled out her blade and placed it on the table close to the edge; the other men began eating as Erik chuckled.
   After the night meal, her group was all gone, leaving the pair alone. “So, what ya doing tomorrow? You trynna hang again”, he asked and she folded her arms. “I see someone is feeling me”, Roxanne said. He rolled his eyes and said “ha ha, funny.” She giggled and said “well, to answer ya question. I’ll be busy making moves and what not. But we can hang sometime next week. If ya up for it.”
“I got you. I’ll text you.” She nodded, held her hand out for him to shake and he accepted it. They shook hands but then all of a sudden, she kissed his cheek. “Good night, Erik. Stay black”, she said making him laugh. “I wouldn’t want to be anything else but black.” She let the door down and watched as he got into his car. Roxanne began to drive off when she got a call, and smiled. She placed her airpod in and said “I see someone missed me already. Of course, I miss you. You know that. Yeah, I’ll be home in a few. Aight, baby. Love you too. Bye.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody? Hmm. It’s been awhile.
When did you last change your opinion on a situation? Recently. My mom just got back from her 3-day vacay with her sister and I was worried about her going because of covid and really didn’t want her to go, but I know this trip was very much needed for her. She most definitely deserves time for herself, she’s always doing SO much for everyone else, but has has very little time for herself to just relax and do what she wants. I want that for her, I just wish she wouldn’t have gone right now, ya know? I believe I was justified in my concern, but I know she was extra cautious and did all the necessary things (wore her mask everywhere, constantly washed her hands, wiped down and sprayed everything, practiced social distancing). I’m glad she had good time, that does make me happy. 
Why did you last visit the doctor? I have to visit my pain doctor once a month in order to get my prescription refills.
What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? I don’t know. :/
Do you like salt? I like salty foods and add a pinch of salt or seasoned salt to some things like eggs, but I don’t crazy with it. There definitely is such a thing as too salty. A little really goes a long way.
Do you think Kurt Cobain was assasinated? No.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? I’ve honestly had that happen numerous times. People have told me they just feel comfortable to talking to me. It can be uncomfortable because I don’t always know what to say in return, especially since I don’t really know them, but I think a lot of the time they just want someone to lend an ear.
Have you ever regretted what you said in drunken conversation once sober? Yes. It was just embarrassing. 
Is there anything coming up which you're dreading? I’m dreading my outing to the doctor on Friday. It’s the only time I leave the house now, so I get really anxious about it. 
Anything you're looking forward to? We’re quickly approaching September, so hopefully that means it’ll start to cool down here soon.
Does it annoy you when people wish away their lives? I know people with so much potential, like they’re so smart and had a real chance at doing something big, but they throw it away. For example, I have a cousin who most definitely could have been a pro soccer player, but she threw it away for drugs. It’s really sad and frustrating. I see someone like me, wasting away, but I didn’t have anything going for me. I’m just very average. The people I’m talking about could have really done something great with their lives.
Do you ever do tediuos tasks just to keep your mind occupied? Yes.
Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habbits? No.
Do you tend to say things because they're appropraite not because you mean them?  I wouldn’t say tend to because that sounds like I do it all the time, but in some situations, sure.
What was the last thing to perplex you? Hmm.
What was the last thing to fascinate you? It just trips me out how we’re almost in September like wtf. This has been the longest year, but yet we’re almost down to the last 4 months somehow???
What was the last thing to annoy you? Blehhhh.
When did you last work your socks off fruitlessly? I just remove my socks with my hands it doesn’t take much work.
When did your hard work last pay off? What hard work?
Did you hate it when people patronised you when you were a child? I hate when it happens now as an adult.
What is a word you hate? The C word and the P word.
Do you have a favourite childrens book? Various Little Golden Books, The Berenstain Bears, Little Critter, and Amelia Badelia when I was little and then as I got older I was super into books like Goosebumps, Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Ramona and Beezus, and various others.
If yes, what is it? ^^^^
When did you last feel a need to be alone? I need some alone time everyday.
When did you last "need" to be around people? I spend time with my family everyday as well.
Have you ever been in a job where you didn't fit in with your co-workers? I’ve never had a job.
What do you do to "expand" you mind? Read or read up on/watch videos about something new.
When did you last REALLY want to go out but couldn't for whatever reason? I’d love a nice beach trip, but I just don’t feel safe or comfortable doing so right now.
Do you need a wee right now? No.
Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Anything sudden will make me jump. I am twitchy. <<<
When did you last eat sweeties? What are sweeties? Unless you’re just referring to sweets in general, in which case my go-to lately has been a spoonful of frost lmao.
Do you have a favourite micro-organism? No.
What was the last thing to upset you? My cousin wasn’t feeling well yesterday so she made an appointment to get tested for covid as a precaution today and I’m just worried about her and also the fact she was around my mom a few days ago (she was the one who took my mom and my aunt (her mom) to the airport). My mom got home last night from her trip and now we’re just really praying that my cousin isn’t sick and in turn didn’t affect my mom, who would have then affected me, my brother, and my dad. She wasn’t the one who picked up my mom and aunt yesterday from the airport at least. My cousin has been pretty lax during this pandemic, so I am worried.
What was the last thing to make you happy? Hmm.
Have you ever eaten chocolate for breakfast? “Candy? For breakfast? Not candy, Reese’s Puff Cereal!” anyone remember that commercial? haha.
Do you like balloons? Sure.
Out of the people you know, who's birthday is next? My mom’s is next month.
Does that person have any plans to celebrate their birthday? Not a whole lot we can do, unfortunately. We’ll likely just get her favorite takeout and maybe a rent a movie at home.
Do you enjoy swimming? No.
When will you next go to the beach? (if you know) I don’t know D:
When at the beach do you like to swim in the sea? (weather permitting) Noooo. I like to be near the water, but you won’t ever catch me in it. If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? I don’t have any fish.
Do you like adventure games like Monkey Island and Diskworld? I haven’t played those two specifically, but yeah I loved games like that as a kid.
Did you ever read the Terry Pratchet "Disk World" books? I’ve never read them.
If yes to the question above, what are they like? Have you had to change a nappy lately? Ew, nooo.
Do you find your batteries always run out right when you need them most? Super annoying.
Would you like a holiday about now? Ugh, I wish. 
What's stopping you from going on holiday right now? (if you want to) Covid, mainly.
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? (Assuming you eat eggs that is) Yes. It’s weird to me to think of storing them anywhere else.
Have you ever owned chickens? No.
Do you like classical music? Some.
When did you last listen to music? A couple days ago.
Have you ever seen "Canibal the Musical"? No.
Are your breasts sore? No. That’s how you’re gonna end the survey?
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Since you reminded us all of the JayRa's Roadtrip au: could we have some fluff of them with each other (or in an abo case their kid :D ) Also! Could I write something loosely based off of it for Ra'sbat week if I give credit? thanks!
You absolutely can write something based on the RoadTrip!AU. Saves me having to write stuff, lol. If you do, @ me so I can read and reblog it!
Here, I wrote something for the AU. It’s not really fluff? Maybe at the end a little. I don’t know, but here you all go.
I Didn’t Ask For This (a RoadTrip!AU fic)
Ra's' behavior had been atrocious throughout the whole ill-advised venture, starting from when Jason had busted the Demon’s Head out of Lady Shiva's oubliette where he'd been left to starve and die in solitude, to their globe-trotting jaunt hitting every League base they could find, cleaning out Shiva's loyalists, searching for information on Talia and Sensei and anything that could give them an edge against the Shadows. Jason had owed Ra's a save, for letting Talia take him in and getting him training, for taking care of him when he'd been catatonic and planning to continue doing so for his whole life if necessary, so he'd felt compelled to do the bare minimum to ensure the asshole's survival. He didn't know where the idea to put the man back in charge of the League came from. When it came down to it Ra's wasn't much better than Shiva, he might claim he was killing people for the planet, but from where Jason was sitting it didn't look that different.
Yet here they were, on a goddamn road trip across the country, raiding every League base they could find together and there were a lot, way more than Jason had any inkling of.
The man had started out condescending, waspish, constantly degrading Jason and his low birth, his inferior skill and lack of talent. The normal shit he'd been telling Talia since day-one when she had brought Jason home. He was no good, he was low born, had poor breeding, he was destined for the dirt—Jason had heard it all before.
At first he'd put up with it. When you get overthrown and tossed in a hole in the ground to die you're allowed to be a bit pissy, at least for a day or two, but after a week of constant berating Jason was fast reaching his limit. Pathetic to say, but Jason was used to the treatment, he used to believe he deserved it, and sometimes he still did. But the longer Jason stayed silent the worse it seemed to get. Ra's didn't have a global criminal empire at his beck and call anymore, so there was no reason to let the man get away with this kind of behavior.
“This place is filthy,” Ra's spat, running a finger through the dust layer that had accumulated in the six months it had been since Jason had visited this particular obscure safe house. “But what do I expect from my daughter's useless mutt? But I suppose you think this is acceptable, being as you are used to living in the scum and grime of the worse parts of that sewer of a city. I'm sure you're actually proud of your substandard accomplishments.”
Jason had been listening to this shit for over an hour as he cleaned and restocked their weapons and supplies. He was refilling the magazine cartridges to his pistols, suffering through a lecture about Jason's incompetence, his laziness, his heritage of poverty and how baffled Ra's still was that the Bat he so respected had stooped to taking in a mongrel such as Jason, when his patience just...ran out.
Jason pushed the now full magazine up into his gun, racked the slide to put a bullet in the chamber and aimed it at the immortal.
And Ra's Al Ghul, former Demon's Head, the man who used be unafraid of injury or death because he knew at any moment his body could be restored, flinched.
He flinched and clearly hated himself for flinching, and the six-foot-five alpha drew himself up to his full height, looming furiously, lip snarling beneath his sharp aquiline features and finely trimmed goatee, acid green-eyes glaring at Jason's gall. “You dare, boy--!” he began in outrage.
But Jason's expression didn't waver from regarding Ra's with disinterest as he leveled the gun with a steady hand. Jason was fed up with his shit. People had been saying he wasn't worth anything his entire life, because Jason was poor, because he was a street rat, because he was an omega, because he was an omega that looked like an alpha. He didn't deserve this kind of treatment from the man he'd rescued. He didn't expect a 'thank you', Ra's was too much of an arrogant shit for that, but at the very least he expected not to be insulted.
“Ra's I don't give one flying fuck if you were an emperor or a sultan or whatever back in the freaking dark ages,” Jason stated matter-of-factly and his low, serious tone seemed to startle Ra's into silence as he listened. “All these servants and so called loyal retainers that make you elite? They ain't here. Not a one lifted their finger to get you out when you were sentenced to death. The one who saved you? The one who got you out? That was me, the low born dog you're insulting. Yeah, I was born in shit and I ain't got much even now, my safe houses aren't decked out like the Ritz, but what little I've got I'm sharing with you. I'm putting a contract on my life for you. And what am I asking from you in return? Nothing but that you keep your damned nasty comments to yourself. Do you hear me?”
Ra's luminous green eyes narrowed, analyzing Jason as if seeing him for the first time, darting around Jason's face, across his body, to the gun aimed steadily at Ra's chest for a killing shot, back to Jason's sea-glass green eyes. Ra's was silent a moment more before he finally said, “Yes,” through gritted teeth and turned on his heels, stalking to the only room in the one bedroom apartment and pulling the door shut.
Jason sighed and lowered the gun, returning to his tasks in blessed quiet. Being around anyone all-day-everyday, much less a testy alpha that liked to tell him how pathetic he was, was enough to drive Jason crazy. The gun was maybe a bit much but...well, what was done was done. This incident probably wouldn’t change anything but at least it had given Jason’s nerves a rest so he could deal with the Demon’s shit again tomorrow. Jason slept on the couch like the dog he was, and didn't see Ra’s again until the next day when they tossed their gear into the nondescript green SUV that was their transportation this week.
Jason took the drivers' seat, as he always did, and expected Ra's to slip into the back seat like usual, as if Jason was his damned chauffeur, but he didn't. He opened the passenger door and slid in, messing around with the controls before he figured out how to adjust the seat to accommodate his extensive height. He had insisted Jason adjust it before, pushing the chair all the way forward to give him leg room in the back seat, and watching Ra's Al Ghul messing with the seat position himself now was surreal.
Finally satisfied, Ra's sat back and pushed up his sunglasses, crossing his arms over his emerald-green silk button-up shirt and black slacks, dressed like he'd stepped out of a GQ magazine, and stared firmly ahead as if the situation wasn't completely abnormal.
“The hell is this? Decided to sit with the servants, your highness?” Jason asked skeptically, almost certain he was going to regret it. Then again that never stopped Jason from speaking his mind before.
Ra's bit the inside of his mouth and looked physically pained as he bit out, “It has come to my attention that I have been...treating you poorly, Jason.”
“Ya think?” Jason deadpanned, not sure where this was going but taking the opportunity to get back a bit of his own dignity against the asshole alpha.
“You have risked much for me and I have done little to earn that loyalty,” the man stated, the nails of one hand digging into his arm, but he pressed on, Jason becoming more intrigued and confused as he continued. Ra's didn't admit to mistakes, Ra's didn't think of loyalty as something earned, at least not when it came to Jason.
“I, the Demon's Head, who has seen the worst of humanity, who began the League of Assassins to cull them for the sake of this planet's continued survival, fell pray to my own baser instincts, my own emotions and prejudices,” Ra's confessed. “When my daughter took you in, I never gave you your due, even when you proved yourself time and again. Even now you continue to make yourself an irreplaceable ally and I...have shown you nothing but disdain.”
Behind his sunglasses, Ra's eyes fell to his knee, proud brows wrinkled in distaste that for once was turned inward and not unfairly at Jason. “I was at the end of my means, my death certain after so many years of prolonging my life. I had no one, and nothing to offer anyone—and yet you appeared as my savior. But instead of gratitude and praise, I offered you only criticism, to raise myself above you who I had thus far held in low regard for reasons that I now see where based in pretty lies to justify my actions.”
Suddenly Ra's looked up and held Jason's gaze. He enunciated the words with difficulty, as if fighting to get them out, but he seemed genuinely sincere as he said, “Jason Todd, I...apologize. I will endeavor to correct my behavior. You are one who is worthy of my respect.”
Jason stared as Ra's fell silent. Through the man's confession, Jason's throat had begun to clench, his muscles tightening as if every word was winding him tighter and tighter. His eyes were burning and he had to fight not to blink because if he did he knew a tear would form. So long as he kept his eyes open, he could pretend to be unmoved.
He hadn't expected this. Not in a million years and not from Ra's Al Ghul of all people after holding the man at fucking gunpoint and telling him off. These were words Jason had wanted to hear for years, from Bruce, from Dick, from...from a lot of people that meant a lot more to him than Ra's. His whole life Jason had just wanted to do the right thing, to be worthy in a world that saw him as trash. He'd thought Bruce was different, but at the first opportunity Jason was replaced as if he'd meant nothing, and as soon as Jason wasn't exactly what the man wanted, when he disagreed with him about how to save their city—the city Jason had lived and been born in, had experience in every way more than Bruce ever had—he was called a villain.
Jason would have liked to get some acknowledgment from Bruce for all of that, but instead he got it from Ra's. He didn't want Ra's Al Ghul's fucking apology. Jason never cared what Ra's thought of him.
So why the fuck did hearing this all of a sudden make him want to cry? Why did it mean so damn much?
Jason felt the tear grow heavy and start to roll down his face so he raised a hand to hide it even if the gesture was pointless. Ra's already knew. He must. There was no hiding how broken up Jason was by his words, how much they had impacted him. Jason's emotions, his weakness, should have been enough to have the man revoking everything he'd just given to Jason, but Ra's didn't, he remained quiet in the front seat, looking out the windshield as if nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. It helped, that he was ignoring it. Jason was able to pull himself together and he wiped his eyes, put on his own sunshades to hide his red-rimmed eyes and leaned over the center console to open the dash compartment and pull out a map that he dropped into Ra's lap.
“If you're gonna sit up here, might as well make yourself useful,” Jason said, somehow managing to keep his voice from quivering as he turned the key and put it the car into gear.
Ra's huffed in amusement and unfolded the map. “If you had a map all along, then how were you able to become lost for four hours yesterday?”
Jason frowned, trying to hide his embarrassment at the event. “Hey, you try to drive and read a map at the same time and not crash, it ain't easy!”
Ra's eye lids lowered, unimpressed but also maybe...somewhat fond. “I suppose not. And we mustn’t use GPS navigation to avoid tracking. Your driving has been satisfactory, I suppose I can aid you in the navigation aspect of the task.”
Jason snorted. Ra's reading a road map was going to be interesting. Let him see how tough it actually was—you needed a damn microscope to see half the road names. “Great, now help me navigate to the nearest Denny's. I'm starving.”
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junionigiri · 5 years
Just Another Secretary Story! Chapter 4 - It’s Always Her
Chapter summary: Director Todoroki hires a new secretary.
Rating: T
It’s rare to see Midoriya as ill-tempered as he is now, yet Shouto is proud to say that when it happens it’s almost always because of him.
The green-haired executive moves to slam a handful of filled-out forms over his desk, but changes his mind at the last minute and places it gently in front of him instead. “Here’s what you asked for, Todoroki-kun. Don’t you ever make me do that again. I said so many lies I almost stress-barfed in your office! Twice!”
“Never again,” Shouto lies. “Brilliant execution as always, Midoriya. No-one suspected a thing. I could not ask for a better accomplice.”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere,” he says with a hearty harrumph and a pleased little flush on his freckled cheeks that betrays what he just said. “Anyways I know how important this is to you so I’m glad I could help.”
The result of Midoriya’s hard work is the fake survey form that Shouto designed to help him woo Secretary Uraraka. To avoid Uraraka’s suspicions, he told the marketing chief give out other forms to anyone willing to answer them. By the end of the day he gets five neatly filled-out forms with a wealth of valuable information hidden within. Now...
“Which one is Secretary Uraraka’s?”
Midoriya looks at him incredulously. “Come on, Director. You don’t know how your own secretary’s handwriting looks like?”
“How would I know what it looks like? We don’t write each other letters.”
(But if Uraraka is inclined towards romantic handwritten letters, it won’t be difficult for him to deliver. Shouto is proud to say that his calligraphy skills are superb.)
“Oh man. Okay, I’ll help.” The chief starts sifting through the papers with intense concentration. “Okay, so this one is Ashido-san’s, I’m sure I saw her use a sparkly purple gel pen to sign all her documents and also it’s full of hand-drawn emojis. This one’s Iida-kun’s, since the writing’s so pressured and accurate and his ideal date is reading encyclopedias at the library with a scholarly individual who knows how to use the Dewey Decimal System. This one--”
Shouto cuts him off. “I thought this was a survey for women.”
Midoriya shrugs. “The guys felt left out, so I gave them some too.”
“Anyhow… this one is Monoma-kun ‘cause it’s written entirely in French. And this one I think is by Kirishima-kun ‘cause he drew himself doing pull-ups at the gym...”
Shouto rubs the space between his eyes as he wonders how in the world this group of people manage to become the most productive set of people in the company.
“... oh! And here’s Uraraka-san’s.”
Midoriya hands him the form in question. The handwriting is small and messy, but legible. The few erasures were crossed out with a single line and countersigned. All in all a civilized entry, but only at about 85%.
Shouto wrinkles his nose in suspicion. “How are you sure that this is hers?”
“Process of elimination,” the freckled chief answers with confidence. “That, and… she wrote her name on it.”
True enough the characters for Uraraka Ochako are scrawled on top of the page. All right then.
Shouto reads through the answers within the span of a minute, absorbing every detail, and rereading them again. With each review, he feels the smile on his face grow larger.
Is this really the ordinary relationship with an ordinary person that Secretary Uraraka wants? While it’s nothing that he expected at all from his capable secretary…
“Todoroki-kun, you’re smiling a little too evilly there,” Midoriya mumbles nervously. “What are you planning?”
Isn’t this going to be too easy?  “Nothing special, Midoriya. Just something ordinary.”
With a new plan forming in his head, he’s sure that Uraraka isn’t going anywhere.
 The top of that day’s agenda is the interview for Secretary Uraraka’s replacement.
About a dozen men and women with all sorts of impressive accomplishments patiently wait for their turn outside the Office of the Executive Director. The first candidate sits politely on the plush sofa in front of Ochako and the Director himself.
Utsushimi Camie, 30 years old, a proud graduate of Shiketsu’s communications department. Not surprising. All of them tended to be from Shiketsu or UA or Ketsubutsu or some fancy university overseas. Ochako, who only finished a certificate course in secretarial work, has only dreamed of having that kind of education. It’s still baffling nine years later how an underqualified twenty-year old temp like her ever managed to get hired by Chairman Todoroki’s son.
Now that she’s at the other side of the table, maybe she’ll gain some insight on it. Ochako opens Utsushimi’s file and gives her a bright smile. “Utsushimi-san, thank you for coming. How are you feeling today?”
The first thing anyone will notice about Utsushimi is how gorgeous she is--long light-brown hair, full lips, a good figure, an elegant fashion sense. The confident way she carries herself makes her look like she belongs in this office. Ochako automatically thinks she’s perfect for the job.
And then she speaks. “Yeah, I’m totes… I mean, totally feeling super great today, thanks for asking! I’m so stoked to be here. Cool office, cool space… and you two are looking super hot today too, by the way.”
Ochako’s smile freezes on her face, while Director Todoroki’s face remains stoic. Okay then...
Clearing her throat, Ochako moves on to the first question. “So, Utsushimi-san--”
“You can call me Camie, I totally don’t mind.”
“... Utsushimi… Camie-san.” Keeping a careful side-eye on Director Todoroki, Ochako continues. “It says here that you worked at Orca Law Office before. What were your responsibilities there?”
“The low down in Law Town? Okay, I gotcha.” Confidently, she gives a breakdown of all the things she had to do and all the things she’s capable of doing. Ochako asks her a few more questions about what she knows of the company, current events, and hypothetical situations. Camie is able to answer them properly, although her language is too… casual for the setting.
Okay, so she isn’t bad. Ochako’s sure that the Director would reject her immediately, though. He had rejected applicants in the past just by the way they said their names. But the minutes pass by with Camie talking, and he has not said a single scathing word yet.
Ochako looks at him, and suddenly it’s apparent why he’s so silent--his odd eyes are staring at a spot in the ninth dimension. Looks like he hasn’t been listening at the very start. Ochako is rightfully irritated. Damn him if he thinks that he’ll make her do all the work here!
“Director, do you have anything you want to ask Utsushimi-san?”
Todoroki’s eyeballs moves to her in utter disinterest. “Must I?”
The smile on Ochako’s mouth strains. “Of course. She might be your future secretary, after all.”
He turns to Camie, who is looking too relaxed for the menacing gaze being directed at her. The Director taps his fingers on his armrest for a few tense moments, stretching the suffocating silence in between.
Just as Ochako considers breaking the silence with another question, Director Todoroki finally speaks up. “I have an important question for you, Utsushimi-san.”
A feeling of foreboding instantly fills Ochako’s chest. Utsushimi seems oblivious to the chill in the air as she asks, “Ya, fire away.”
He gives a meaningful side-glance to his present secretary as he asks, “If I hire you, how many years will it take before you quit?”
Ochako’s face stiffens.
Camie hums thoughtfully. “If I get this job, I’m defo not gonna think about quitting, y’know? Like, I came here to work, so, yeah. That’s just weird.”
“Yes, isn’t it?” Now he shows interest, and Ochako does not appreciate it at all. “But let’s say that you’re going to quit. That you have to quit because of something as trivial and vague as personal reasons. How many years will be acceptable before you get to that point? Say… three years? Five? Nine?”
Oh that’s just foul. Ochako barely keeps her jaw dropping at that blatant jab.
To the strange question, Camie merely chuckles. “A hundred? I’m kidding, I seriously dunno. I can tell you though that I’m too legit to quit, ya feel me? And if I have to quit, it’ll be legit. Vague is totally not my style.”
Ochako sees Todoroki’s mouth move again, but this time she beats him to it. “But Camie-san, the demands of this job are massive and unforgiving. What’ll you do if you and Director Todoroki’s definition of ‘legit’ don’t overlap?”
Camie shrugs. “Then I guess I won’t quit?”
“Great answer.” Todoroki smirks at Ochako. “Do you think these standards are worth attaining given the benefits you’ll be receiving? Health, security, experience--”
“Ya. They’re pretty lit~”
“So Camie-san, are you saying that you’ll be prepared to sacrifice everything for this job just for the benefits? It’s not just going to work early and going home late and not having days off. It’s literal blood, sweat, tears, heartache--”
“If I have to, sure. N-B-D.”
“But surely all the hours and blood and sweat and tears and heartache are necessary sacrifices for the good of the company. Didn’t you come here expecting to give your all for Endeavor Inc?”
“Sacrifices are okay, but Camie-san, sure you ain’t—I mean, you aren’t expecting to lose your sense of self just for the good of the company, are you?”
Before either of them realize it, Director and Secretary have abandoned the interview completely in favor of glaring at each other from opposite ends of the couch. By the end of it Director Todoroki’s eyes are flaring, while Ochako’s knuckles are sore from gripping Camie’s file too hard.
“Utsushimi,” Todoroki calls, but he isn’t looking at her at all; he doesn’t even seem to be aware that she’s there anymore. No, all that cold, raw emotion behind is eyes is for Ochako and Ochako alone. “Do you think that nine years of working with me is... will be a waste of your life?”
A chill runs through her as if she’s struck by ice. There isn’t much that Ochako can do to stop her hands from shaking and her lower lip from quivering except to stare at him in shock.
Camie stares at them one after the other with an interested smile on her face. “Um. If you hire me, I’ll do my best,” is what she decides on saying after an awkward silence.
His glaring heterochromatic eyes not leaving Ochako’s, Director Todoroki raises his right hand and slams it on the table. “Great. You’re hired.”
“What?!” Ochako cries before she can stop herself.
“Whoa, for real?”
“Indeed. Welcome to the team.” Director Todoroki stands up from the couch, too self-satisfied for Ochako to feel comfortable. “Well then, Secretary Uraraka, I’ll leave the transfer of duties to you. I’m confident that you won’t leave until Secretary Utsushimi is able to do your job adequately.”
Trying to keep herself from clenching her jaw, Ochako smiles stiffly. “Of course, Director. You can count on me.”
She wonders if Camie’s actively choosing to ignore the drama or if she’s just that dense, but she is entirely unaffected by the showdown that took place. “You guys, you totes had me going there, I thought I was cancelled the moment I walked in! C’mere, c’mere, employment selfie yeahhhhhh!!!”
Before either of them can react, Camie already has her phone out and has expertly squooshed them together on the couch. Todoroki falls back on the cushions, Ochako half-stumbles over him, and Camie sits next to her brandishing a finger heart. “Let’s do this fam! Say Colorado~”
Say what you will about Utsushimi Camie, but her employment selfie with the famous icyhot Director and his stressed secretary earns her eight hundred likes and a hundred more followers within the next hour. 
 Disastrous interview aside, Ochako thinks she can get along well with the new secretary. She may look too laid-back and casual on the surface, but it’s surprisingly easy to get a good conversation going with her. When she starts telling her about all the intimidating things she has to learn, the other girl accepts them with an easygoing smile.
“Like, so I get that Directoroki’s extra when it comes to work so I gotta be extra too… but dang, I gotta take care of the cat too?” 
“Try not to call him that,” Ochako says successfully without laughing her ass off. “Victoria’s got her own file right here--” she pats one of the thickest clearbooks in the pile of things Camie has to memorize by the end of the week, “--but it’ll be a while before you get cat duties, so don’t worry about her for now. For the first week, you’ll focus on the work in the office.”
“Gotcha, senpai. ”
“Oh, you don’t have to,” Ochako stammers, even though she feels her ears clapping happily at the feeling. “I mean--I’m a year younger than you, plus I’m quitting real soon, so I won’t be your senpai for long. Just Ochako is fine!”
“Hm… gotcha, Ocha-babes,” Camie says with a wink.
“‘Cause you have such a baby face. I mean, you’re a real cutie pie. A Sanrio character. I bet your boyfriend pinches your cheeks all day. Oh my god.”
Ochako blushes all the way to the roots of her hair. “Thanks I think? But I don’t have a boyfriend...”
“Nah?” Camie asks with a pucker of her lips. “A girlfriend then? A nonbinary pal?”
“Nope! I’m single… since birth, ” she says, slurring over the last part.
“Oh, worm.” For the first time since she got here, Camie looks terribly puzzled. “Like, tell me if I’m wrong, ‘kay? I thought people can get it on here as long as it doesn’t get in the way of work?”
“Yeah, relationships aren’t a problem. Even married people can work in the same office,” Ochako confirms.
“Oh sis that’s great news. I thought it was gonna be like Orca’s again. People got fired all the time just ‘cause they made eye contact in the office. Big yikes, right?” The taller secretary looks visibly relieved at this. “Tho I’m real surprised when you said you didn’t have anyone? ‘Cause I totally thought you were having a lover’s quarrel with Directoroki back there.”
Ochako chokes on air. “Wh--me and Directoroki--I mean, Director Todoroki?! No, we’re nothing like that!”
Camie raises her eyebrows. “So, like. The nine years wasting your life thing? He wasn’t salty AF at you for dumping him or whatever?”
“No?!” Wait, she did dump him just a couple days ago, but-- “I mean, no, that doesn’t count! We aren’t… we never-- ”
“Chiiiill.” Camie seems too amused watching the different flustered expressions she’s making. “Sorry, okay? I thought I saw some serious chemistry, but I guess I was wrong.” Going back to the next file, she says, “How ‘bout this one? No kettles allowed near the Director. Seriously?”
Ochako nods. “That’s right. I know it’s weird, but you can’t forget it, okay? It’s really important...”
The other girl makes a face. “Uh-huh. Is it, like, a rich person thing? Is he too bourgeois for kettles or somethin’?”
She shakes her head. “... no. It’s because he doesn’t feel comfortable around them…”
She learned this the hard way during their first year of working together. She wanted to show him how earnest she was by making him tea without being asked. The kettle hadn’t even been on, it wasn’t going to hurt anyone, but he started shielding his face like it was going to burn him. He curled into himself and wouldn’t speak for what felt like hours, even after she threw the kettle out and apologized profusely and tried to comfort him.
When he finally found his voice and managed to curb the shaking, he asked her quietly to never let him near another kettle again. It was the first time he had asked her of something that wasn’t a command, but a plea--the first time he seemed so…
Even though she can’t keep her eyes off the scar, she never knew the story behind it. She never asked and he never said anything. She convinced herself that she can exist beside him without digging up that part of his past--she was afraid that she’d hurt him again if she did.
Forcing herself back to the present, she gives Camie a pleading smile. “I’m the same with fire, you know? If I see even a little flame from a lighter, I’d start shaking and crying like a baby even though I should know better... the Director doesn’t put me anywhere near them because he knows how I’m not comfortable around fire, so I try my best to keep him away from kettles. We should just respect that, okay?”
Camie looks at her carefully. “... aight. Any and all kettles shall be yeeted off the face of this earth. Gotcha.”
Ochako giggles. “The yeeting isn’t necessary, but thanks for understanding!”
Thankfully Camie doesn’t ask further about her or the Director. She wonders if she’s too protective of the Director, but she truly can’t stand to see him like that again. 
Later on she decides to introduce Camie to the rest of the office. They react about the same as she expected--Monoma sizes her up, Mina dances with her, Kirishima shakes her arm so hard it almost pops off its socket, and Iida gives her a stern lecture about formal workplace Japanese that lasts all of fifteen minutes.
“--and furthermore, unless you are speaking about lanterns, LEDs, hazardous fires, the sun, or other luminous things, kindly refrain from using the term lit to describe anything--”
What she doesn’t expect though, is Camie nudging Ochako in the middle of Iida’s impassioned, action-packed speech to whisper, “Yo, this one’s mine, ‘kay?” with a wink.
Ochako gives her a “go ahead then” nod.
By the time Iida is done, the work-day is pretty much done too. After shaking himself out of Iida-induced slumber, Kirishima gathers everyone ‘round. “Hey, I got an idea! We should throw Utsushimi the manliest welcome party ever!”
Everyone but Iida cheers. “A party?! Preposterous! It’s a weekday!” he protests. “We should concentrate on preserving our energies for attending to the Director’s needs tomorrow!”
“Iida, don’t be such an Iida ! You already bored her to death with your lecture, now we gotta prove to Camie-chan that we aren’t workbots like you!” Mina whines.
“Agreed.” Monoma directs an ominous smile at Camie. “It’ll be good for Utsushimi-san to have one last peaceful meal as a free person, right?”
“Ya, totes,” Camie answers, unfazed. It’s pretty satisfying how Monoma’s face sours at that, and how it sours more when Camie ignores his antics in favor of Iida. Turning to the glasses man with a flair that makes her hair swirl, she smiles and says, “Fam, we’re all going to be working together like real fam, right? Bonding is part of work too~”
Iida sputters like a malfunctioning engine. “Perhaps that is so, however, I do not see the need for high-cholesterol food and alcohol to--”
“ Mou! Ochako-chan, just tell us we’re allowed to party already!” Mina says, going into a full blown tantrum. “I want barbecue, barbecue!!! Oh, but don’t worry, the place I’m thinking of has electric grills, so no worries about fire or anything...”
She loves this office. She’s really going to miss them when she leaves. “Sure, why not? I’m starving!”
Again, everyone but Iida cheers. The glasses man just sputters more. “B-but the Director…!!”
“It’s fine, he let us go early so we can focus on Camie. Besides, if he needs you, Iida-kun, he’ll just pick you up at the party!”
Iida scowls through the jeers of the others in the office. “That is not funny, Uraraka-kun, nor is it accurate. You’re his priority, not me.”
“Yeah. He’d sooner join us at this plebe’s party than to let Uraraka out of his sight for one night,” Monoma comments idly as they trail out of the office one by one.
 On top of being the resident rat bastard (self-proclaimed), Monoma just might be the office prophet as well.
So there they were in the hole-in-the-wall barbecue place. The grill’s electric as Mina promised so they’re able to cook the beef belly slices without Ochako getting a panic attack. Monoma’s goading Camie into a fight, Mina’s goading Monoma, Camie’s flirting with Iida, Iida’s trying to decode her words as if they were the Hammurabi code, and Kirishima’s dumping overcooked meat onto everyone’s plates. There’s food and beer and everyone’s getting redder and redder in the face. It’s fun.
It happens at around the fifth batch of meat that Kirishima burns to a crisp. “I daresay, Kirishima! This beef is not beef anymore, but a piece of coal!” Iida complains.
“Bro, crispy meat’s manly! Come on, eat up!”
“Blegh. I prefer my meat to not be as dark and shrunken as Director Todoroki’s soul, thanks,” Monoma hiccups. “I can’t see anything ‘cause of all the smoke. Someone confiscate the tongs from Kirishima before I shove them right up--”
A cold, bitter wind from the dead of winter floods the air around them and stops all conversation in their tracks. Kirishima drops the meat tongs with a loud noise.
It’s impossible that the entire restaurant would fall so deathly silent, yet Ochako can hear nothing but the familiar footfalls of genuine Italian leather over the grimy concrete floor. Closer, and closer, and closer. Around the table, everyone but the confused Camie exchanges mildly horrified looks and then stare right at Ochako.
Don’t tell me…
“Secretary Uraraka.”
Out of the smoke of burnt spicy beef comes the silhouette of none other than Todoroki Shouto.
“Director?” Ochako is the first to stand to bow, followed by the rest of the table who is only half a millisecond slower to shift from completely drunk to painfully sober. “What are you doing here?”
The stoic executive has an ungodly strong presence that makes everyone in a hundred meter radius stop and stare. But the overall effect is different in this grimy barbecue place versus the lofty offices of Endeavor Towers--he sticks out less as a divine presence and more like a sore thumb. He’s entirely aware of this too, judging by the way his nose wrinkles in distaste.
“This is an activity of the Office of the Executive Director.” He points to himself. “I’m the Executive Director. I should be here.”
Ochako can almost hear the same panicked internal thoughts of every member of the team: shiiiiiiit. Who snitched?!
It’s probably too late to salvage this very awkward situation, but to Iida’s credit he is the first to gallantly try. He jumps off his spot and bows at perfect ninety-degree angles. “O-o-of course, the Director should be at the very forefront of this activity! How shameful we are to forget! Why, I am astonished! Ashamed! Utterly mortified that he is not involved at the very beginning!”
“As you should.” Todoroki breezes past him, uncaring of the way Iida flinches like he just got stabbed by an icicle through the gut and the way everyone else is suddenly paper white and shaking in their shoes. “Uraraka, I’ll forgive this oversight today. Just today. This will not stand in the future.”
“Of course not sir,” Ochako replies, scrambling for her polite and efficient and not-drunk secretary voice deep within her brain, “But you made it! In this, um, event without anyone telling you how to get here! So thank you for coming to Secretary Utsushimi’s welcome party!”
“You’re welcome.” And then with his version of a winning smile (which is just both corners of his mouth moving 2 picometers upward), he tells his hapless office, “Let’s continue then.” 
 Since taking up his position as the Executive Director of Endeavor Inc three years ago and gradually picking out members of his team, he has never joined them for social gatherings like this. It’s not that he’s opposed to eating at ordinary (cheap) restaurants and eating ordinary (cheap) meat and drinking ordinary (cheap, and likely terrible) liquor like they do, just that he’s never considered it. If they had drinks at the upscale restaurants he liked maybe he’d join them, but then again socializing for work is exhausting enough as it is and he’d rather drink the aged whisky he kept at home.
That was then. Now he has something to prove: that he can be the ordinary man that Uraraka wants to marry. He’s going to ingest cheap meat and cheap liquor and he’s going to enjoy it so hard that Uraraka can’t say no to him.
He’s seated on an uncomfortable bench between Uraraka and Monoma, with Utsushimi on the other end; across from him are Iida, Ashido, and Kirishima. He would have seated himself at the head of the table as Iida has offered, but he didn’t like how Monoma could easily touch or grope or breathe in the general direction of his secretary. Not that he knew Monoma to do those unseemly things, but he had heard what cheap alcohol could do to any salaryman and he’s not risking his personal assistant going through any sort of harassment that will get her productivity down.
He doesn’t have any cause to worry right now though, because somehow they’re all enjoying the party in utter silence. They’ve abandoned their beers in favor of tea and ice-cold water. Ashido is the first to move since he sat down, and it is to sip at her drink with a shaking hand.
So this is how ordinary people have fun. Shouto isn’t that impressed, but far be it for him to judge anyone on how they spend their free time after work.
“S-so, Director. Would you like anything to drink?” Iida cautiously asks, face paler than usual. “Or perhaps, some beef?”
He carefully considers the dark matter on his plate. His nutritionist will take a month to correct the imbalance in his system if he ate this. “... a drink first,” he decides. Signalling one of the part-timers passing by, he says, “I’ll have a Boulevardier if it’s available.”
The part-timer stares at him blankly. “A what?”
So it’s not. He should have expected that from a place like this. “Never mind. I’ll have an amaretto sour instead.”
“ Oji-san, all we got here is beer or Pepsi, ‘kay. If ya want something fancy an’ sour I’ll boil the nicest pickles in the kitchen for ya.”
Oji-san? Since when did he become this kid’s uncle? Did any of his siblings sire a secret love child without him knowing?
Before he can ask, Secretary Uraraka covers for him. “He’ll have the tea too, thanks!”
He doesn’t know what he did to earn that flat-out glare he gets from the kitchen staff, but he isn’t going to let that deter him from his plan. “So. This is… enjoyable. You all seem to know how to have a good time.”
The strained silence over the table breaks into simultaneous laughter from all sides. “Y-yeah, we sure know how to party! Wh… Whoo-hoo!” Ashido cheers, her entire body trembling in what must be pure excitement.
“Yeah! This is fun and not awkward at all!” Monoma adds with a manic laugh bordering on insane. “So, so, so, soooo fun. My heart’s racing from 100% fun and 0% crippling fear!”
“Good.” If he can put a percentage to things, it must be accurate. Everyone else seems to agree so it looks like the evening (slash fool-proof plan) is going well. “Out of curiosity, how long does a standard party like this take?”
It is already eleven PM and late for a weeknight. It’s not a problem for him to stay out for longer--he has stayed up past midnight many times with Uraraka for work, after all, but he figured he should ask for posterity’s sake.
Uraraka clears her throat beside him. “Funny you should ask, Director! We’re actually almost done. This is our last round of drinks!”
Across from him, Ashido, Iida, and Monoma suddenly share wide-eyed looks that suspiciously look enlightened. “Th… that’s right! Because we’re responsible working adults and we must head home early on a weeknight! Now that we have thoroughly celebrated the employment of Utsushimi-kun we can happily head home to rest!”
They can go home now? It was that easy? Shouto keeps his smirk to himself. See how easy it is to do ordinary things, Uraraka? He truly isn’t a man to be underestimated.
Kirishima, however, looks puzzled over this. “Eh? But I went through all that trouble reserving the karaoke place, you guys! Did you all forget abou--ow, ow, ow, ow, Ashido!”
Oh, so they’re not yet done? How could they forget what’s on their agenda? Is that why Ashido is so angry at Kirishima? They must have been looking forward to this. Luckily for them, Shouto isn’t going to let such an ordinary mistake get in the way of their good time. “Karaoke after drinks sounds enjoyable. Let’s head out.”
And so Shouto loads them all in his car, with Uraraka on the passenger seat and the rest of them piled up at the back. The drive to the thoroughly unimpressive place Kirishima has picked out takes about ten gruelling crowded minutes. By the time they make it there, the rest of his team seem relieved to be able to finally breathe, but then make it to a just-as-suffocating small box with nauseating disco lights, an old machine, and an awful audio set-up.
And tambourines. God. He’s trying hard for Uraraka, but even she doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself in a sticky place like this. Shouto has to draw the line somewhere.
“Everyone get back in the car,” he commands darkly, and they’re all running out of the room after a beat.
It takes exactly one text message to the right person for his office to go to a better place they deserve. Shouto takes them to a small music theater in Kiyashi where the last run of Les Miserables was performed privately by his acquaintances from London’s West End. It’s unused at this time of night, so it was easy getting them to set-up for a karaoke party for seven people.
“Directoroki, you rock!” Utsushimi cheers as she rapidly takes photos of all angles of the stage.
He should probably mind the way she just stumbled over his name, but he doesn’t, because for once Uraraka seems impressed. “Let the party commence.”
His office crew’s aura is vastly different than in the barbecue place. They start drinking as soon as the cocktails are served and immediately start fighting over the microphone. Ashido wins first and slurs over a Nicki Minaj song. Kirishima tries to get Iida to sing “Be A Man” with him but ends up aggressively singing all the parts by himself. Etcetera, etcetera. With each song they sing, they progressively get drunker, bolder, and out of tune.
Surprisingly, Shouto doesn’t mind. Maybe because he’s finally drinking something that he’s sure doesn’t taste like piss. Or maybe because Uraraka’s sitting right next to him, clapping along happily as Utsushimi and Monoma sing a Carly Rae Jepsen song while threatening to judo-throw each other for the mic.
A warm feeling spreads over his chest when he looks at her. He knows it’s not just the highball he nurses over the span of an hour. He knows it’s not just the satisfaction of his plan going well. He knows it’s not indigestion from the burnt meat he didn’t eat back in the restaurant.
Uraraka’s smiling brown eyes turn to his. Suddenly his chest feels something akin to heartburn.
She says something that’s drowned out by Monoma and Utsushimi competitively screaming “I really really really really really really like you!!!” Shouto has to lean in closer to hear her. “What was that, Secretary Uraraka?”
She brings her mouth closer to his ear. Her warm breath smells like the strawberry syrup from whatever sweet drink is in her hand. It’s unnervingly pleasant. Shouto has to concentrate to understand what she’s saying. “I said, thanks Director! I really--”
--Really really really really really like you!.. And I want you! Do you want me?--
“--how about you?”
Shouto meets her expectant gaze, for once not knowing what to say. “... yes,” he answers, after a beat.
She smiles. Her cheeks are glowing light and pink, like sakura petals in the spring. “That’s awesome!” She says, for once letting go of the usual formal Japanese she uses with him. “You should join the team for drinks even after I quit, okay?”
“... ah.”
Suddenly irritated, he takes a good healthy swig of his drink and swallows with a grimace. Well… this is fine. This is only phase one of his plan. Knowing how decisive Uraraka is, she isn’t going to change her mind about him that easily. It’s actually better this way. That’s the secretary he hired, after all. That’s the person he wants to keep at his side.
Kirishima’s spiky head pushes between their conversation. “Heyyyy!! Uraraka! Are you thanking Directoroki over here?!! No fair, I wanna thank him too!”
“Excuse me?” Shouto says stiffly. The redhead ignores him though and traps him in a bone-crushing hug.
“I appreciate you! You… are the bestest, manliest boss ever, Directoroki!” Kirishima hiccups rather dramatically and rubs his cheek against Shouto’s. “And you deserve the world! And you should… you should--”
Shouto gives Uraraka a horrified look, which she throws right back at him. She visibly gains some sobriety as she attempts to pry off Kirishima’s muscular arm off of him with little success. “Kirishima-kun, you should drink some water and--”
“Heyyyyy Kiri move over! I wanna thank the Director too! Hic~” Suddenly, Shouto’s other side is being hugged by another unwelcome warm body reeking of alcohol. He freezes like a block of cement as Ashido straight-up cuddles him. “Like, you’re an awesome… awesome, handsome man, like oh my god I can’t believe how handsome you are up close, what the hell! Have you ever seen a man so beautiful you want to cry? Wait, what am I saying?…”
As Ashido starts weeping and getting lost in his face, Shouto decides he has had enough. He’s ready to shove the two assistants aside when another one decides he wants attention too.
Monoma has abandoned the stage and decides to join them. “How dare you smother the Director without me!” Fueled by alcohol, he reaches new heights of extraneousness and places himself across the increasingly uncomfortable Shouto’s lap. “Director, pick me! I’m your favorite, aren’t I?”
“Secretary Uraraka--” Shouto barks like an SOS.
Monoma pouts with a noise. “Her again? It’s always her! Are you in-love with her or something?”
It’s Uraraka’s turn to make an exasperated noise. “Honestly, you three! You are gonna get fired by tomorrow if you keep harassing the Director!”
It’s amazing how she’s still able to read Shouto’s mind so perfectly even in an absurd situation like this. But for all her warnings, all he gets for it is more unwanted bodily contact. “Harassment?! Not on my watch!”
Iida’s bellow is steadfast, but his gait is definitely not. It’s almost impressive how he keeps his body straight while also walking in an unsteady zigzag towards whatever it is that’s going on around Shouto and ends up dropping at his feet. Haplessly groping the director’s pants leg, he demands, “Cease this needless groping of the Director at once!”
“I’m getting major FOMO, y’all! Move over!” To top off this mess, Utsushimi sits near Shouto’s other foot next to Iida’s fallen body and takes her hundredth selfie with everyone. “Best party ever faaaam!!! Peace!”
That’s it, everyone is fired. Shouto is about ready to throw all of them to the floor and all their employment forms in the shredder, until a strange sound floats to his ear amidst all the drunken noises.
Uraraka is covering her mouth and holding onto her stomach in desperation. At first he’s worried that she’s in pain from a ruptured appendix, but further inspection reveals stuttered breathing, reddening cheeks, a smile so big that her trademark round cheeks are struggling to support it. It’s obvious that she worked so hard not to make the strange sound, but one snort and all anyone can do is watch the dam break.
Secretary Uraraka is laughing at him earnestly for the first time in nine years.
Now this shouldn’t be strange as Shouto is not a humorous man and has never given her any reason to laugh before. But now that he thinks about it, isn’t it strange to spend nine years with someone and never see them laugh or smile like this? Why hasn’t he noticed until now?
If--no, when he marries her (because he definitely will, there’s no way his plan is going to fail), is she going to allow herself to laugh like this?
“I’m s-sorry, Director,” she wheezes after another minute of desperate laughter. He’s never seen someone laugh so much that they’re in tears. He didn’t know it was a thing that happened. “I’m--we’re all going to write letters of apology tomorrow, I promise! Please don’t fire anyone!”
He takes a steadying breath. “All right. I’ll be expecting them at seven in the morning. Sharp.”
His team finally lets him go with a stunned air about them, staring at his face in interest.
“Uh… the Director’s smiling. I must be dreaming,” Ashido mumbles in a daze.
“Or wasted. I’m never drinking again.” Monoma says, holding back a gag.
The rest of the office agrees and follows the sober Shouto to his car. 
 With Uraraka’s guidance, they’re able to drop off all the members of his office at their designated homes without much problems. Because her home is the farthest one, Shouto takes his time getting to the correct exits (he still had to make a couple of u-turns here and there) and driving his car slowly through the narrow streets to avoid any wayward pots. He is proud to say that he is able to make it without any further incidents. Uraraka gets down from his car safely.
He escorts her as far as the unimpressive entrance to her apartment. “So… this is me, Director,” she says quietly, feet shuffling against the welcome mat. “Um. Thanks for dropping me off, but you didn’t need to walk me all the way here.”
“It’s nothing.”
She has a difficult time keeping eye contact with him tonight, which is rare. Maybe it’s from her impulsive actions earlier, or maybe because she’s noticed the way he’s plotting the exact color and diameters of her wide brown eyes, her cheeks. The more he stares, the pinker her cheeks get. It’s an interesting scientific phenomenon.
Objectively speaking, Uraraka has an... acceptable face. People with acceptable faces tend to be subjected to prolonged looks. From experience he knows how uncomfortable this can get and hates that he’s subjecting her to the same treatment, but he can’t stop staring. She’s just so… round. And soft-looking. He’s tempted to touch her cheeks even if there’s no real purpose behind them than to see if they’re as soft as they appear.
He doesn’t usually get senseless impulses like this. Maybe he isn’t that sober after all.
Uraraka clears her throat and finally looks up at him. “Out of curiosity, Director. You never joined us for drinks before, but tonight you really… um…”
He hums. “Everyone needs an ordinary night out to unwind, once in a while.”
Upon the word ordinary, her face falters, and then contorts into laughter again--truly an interesting sound. “There’s nothing ordinary about the night you gave us, Director Todoroki! But it’s good. It’s fun. You really surprised us, in a good way.”
What, so his attempts at ordinary failed after all? He’s a little nonplussed about this, but the giggle from her tells him that it isn’t all for nothing.
“But please, no more surprises in the future, okay? I’m not sure if my heart can take it.”
“I make no such promises,” he says flatly, “but if your heart is not okay, please get a comprehensive cardiovascular workup done as soon as possible.”
Uraraka’s eyes crease in a way he’s never seen before. “Goodnight, Director Todoroki.”
He steps away from her with a feeling suspiciously similar to reluctance. She doesn’t go in immediately and instead sees him off at the entrance. Just before he gets back to the driver’s seat, he calls out, “Uraraka,”
“Yes, Director?” she calls out in mild surprise.
“I warned you not to underestimate me.” He gives her a little upturn of the lips and climbs aboard. “Goodnight.”
The last thing he sees of her is her stunned figure through the rearview mirror. Satisfied, he speeds off into the night without a second glance. 
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Tattooed Love
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Summary: Soulmate AU. You have a small tattoo of your soulmates first initial and while you know him as soon as you see him it takes time to tell him how you feel.
A/N: this is for @thatfanficstuff 500 follower challenge. I also want to thank @mirandaaustin93 for being my beta. She isn't even into The Hobbit, but she watched it just for me and read over this. I can't thank her enough.
If you like this post and can Buy Me a Coffee
Warnings: none. I actually even made sure the boys lived because I can't handle their deaths.
Word count: 2203
Loyalty, honor, a willing heart. Those were the things Thorin looked for in a person, the things he respected. It was also something you had to offer. You were at the meeting in Ered Luin. You heard about his quest to reclaim Erebor and while Dain and the others told him it was the company's quest and theirs alone you refused to sit back and do nothing. The desire to help, to prove yourself, and to do the right thing burned deep in your soul and coursed through your veins hotter than a forge’s fire. That was how you found yourself riding with Thorin to the Shire to meet the rest of the company and meet the burglar Gandalf had chosen to assist on the quest.
But truth be told those weren't the only reasons you had for joining such a dangerous quest. Even though they were the main ones. In the back of your mind and somewhere in your heart you hoped to meet your soulmate as well. Ever since you were old enough to understand what the little D rune tattooed on your ankle meant you had been looking for him. Everyone was born with a similar mark. For dwarves or in your case half dwarves the letter was a rune, but it was always the first letter of your soulmates name. It always looked like a tattoo, but the markings weren't always located in the same spot.
As soon as you met the stoic warrior with tattoos on his head and forearms you knew it had to be him. Just his rough voice sent a tingle down your spine and while most found his gaze and the way he held himself intimidating you didn't. It made you feel protected and if you were being honest a little bit aroused. However you kept this to yourself. For one you had just met him and wanted to get to know him before you blurted out you thought he was your soulmate. For two you were about to embark on a dangerous mission and more important things needed to be discussed.
You sat listening intently to Thorin as he spoke of the mountain and seizing the chance to take back Erebor with a smile. You were proud to call him king, but then talk of the front door being sealed began and arguments once again broke out because no one thought Bilbo could survive the wild. It made you sigh. Dwalin looked over at you with a raised brow. “What seems to be the matter lass?” You shook your head. “Pointless arguing. Gandalf clearly chose the hobbit for a reason. So what if he's gentle and doesn't know how to defend himself. There's thirteen and a half dwarves here we can defend him if need be until we reach the mountain.”
Dwalin let out a gruff laugh. “Thirteen and a half. You're funny lass.” After that moment you wanted to hear him laugh more and so you made it your personal mission to make him do so. Even if you weren't sure how to do it. That night everyone of the dwarves sang and you joined in, but your eyes were locked on Dwalin the entire time. His deep voice, the glint in his eyes that said he was a fierce warrior, and the way he held himself all drew you in. Like a moth to the flame or a dwarf to gold. There was no doubt in your mind he was your soulmate.
As you left the Shire and traveled over rolling hills and across little rivers you talked to all the company getting to know them better. You made friends with Fili and Kili easy enough. They were sweet and could easily make you laugh. You also talked to Balin enjoying the stories he told you, but your favorite talks were with Dwalin. You could listen to his voice all day. He told you stories of battles he had fought in, mischief he had caused as a dwarfling, becoming best friends with Thorin and many more. In return you told him stories of your childhood, how you learned to fight because you wanted to honor your father who had died in battle, how people put you down for being a halfbreed, and anything else you could think of.
The more you talked to him the more you fell in love. Dwalin was everything you could hope for in a soulmate. He was brave, strong, protective, loyal. Most importantly he had a soft side that not many got to see, but you did. One night while most of the company slept you and him sat up talking long into the night. “There was this little fawn it had gotten separated from its ma, ya see. Well it was so tiny it was gonna die on its own. So I smuggled it into the house, fed it milk until it was big enough to survive in the wild and let it go.” He told you. It was the sweetest thing you had ever heard. This big tough dwarf who could easily crack skulls with his bare hands had taken care of something as gentle and precious as a lost fawn.
Getting to see that side of him made you realize there was more to him than meets the eye. And so you spent every night you could listening to his tales whether they be of gruesome fights or of helping someone in need by escorting them home safely, stories of boys’ night and getting plastered or of buying a single mother food for a week. Yes, Dwalin was a tough seasoned warrior, but he was also a soft kind soul once you got to know him. It warmed your heart that he allowed you to see the deeper part of him. You even had to stop yourself from telling him you loved him a few times.
Things seemed to be going great between you and Dwalin as well as for the company until one night you made camp near what used to be a farmer's  home. Gandalf and Thorin argued and the wizard took off. That was just the beginning of the trouble that would ensue that night. Just as you were about to take the last bite of the stew Bombur had made Fili came running toward camp saying trolls had Bilbo. You dropped the bowl grabbed your sword and followed after him like all the other dwarves. The battle was going in your favor until one of the trolls caught you and threw you into a tree. You landed on your leg funny and felt your ankle roll painfully. There was no doubt it was sprained.
Bilbo was captured and the dwarves dropped their weapons. Some were put on a spit over the fire while the rest of you were put in sacks. You closed your eyes and held back the whimper that was in the back of your throat. If you were going to die you would do it bravely. You wouldn't let the others know you were hurting as bad as you were. You were a warrior and you would die being strong like a warrior. You watched the spit looking at Dwalin sadly wishing you had told him how you felt. Now you would never get the chance to tell him, he was your soulmate and you loved him. Or so you thought.
The hobbit had managed to play for time. While his plan was a bit strange it had worked and Gandalf had showed up in time to turn the trolls to stone. All of you were released from your bags and off the spit. While some of the company went to look for a cave you sat there letting your ankle rest. You poked it and let out a hiss. “Let me have a look at it lass. You took a pretty hard hit.” You looked up at Dwalin and nodded not even thinking about the little soulmate tattoo he would find. You just wanted to make sure it wasn't broke as you didn't want to be a burden the rest of the journey.
Dwalin knelt next to you and pulled the leg of your trousers up, untied your boot and pulled it off. He lifted your leg and went to examine it. When he spotted the little D rune he took pause. The stoic warrior had felt himself falling for you more and more as you grew to know one another. He also remembered the rune on his right shoulder that was the first letter of your name. Deep inside he had prayed that you were his soulmate, but you were so soft, so gentle, so sweet, and perfect. He was none of that. He didn't want to get his hopes up in case he was wrong, but now he had a reason to have hope. For the first time in a long time he felt his heartbeat pick up and was honestly a little nervous.
“Y/N, lass.” He looked up at you his eyes more serious than you had ever seen. You could see the different emotions playing in his eyes. Nervousness, happiness, pride, love, and a little fear. All of it made you very nervous, but you didn't take your eyes off his for a second. “I think it's time I showed you something.” He shrugged his fur coat off and moved his tunic showing you his mark. There it was for you to see. A little rune depicting the first letter of your name. Honestly you didn't know how to react. This whole time you had been afraid to tell him how you felt when you had nothing to fear.
You smiled at him, the pain in your ankle completely forgotten and pulled him down for a kiss. His lips were chapped and rough just like he was, but having them pressed to yours was the sweetest feeling in the world. Tingles ran down your spine, your heart picked up pace and you felt like nothing bad could happen as long as he kept holding you like he was. Dwalin’s hands had come to rest of your hips and despite his tough exterior he held you gently, like a butterfly he was afraid to crush. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you, Dwalin,” you whispered knowing he would hear you.
“I love you too, Y/N. And I swear to protect you to the end of my days.” He promised. And no matter the hardships you endured on the quest he kept that promise. He made sure the orcs didn't get you as you ran, he protected you during the thunderbattle, in the goblin tunnels he hit any one of the nasty creatures that dared touch you, hanging from a tree he protected you then too. A skinchanger, spiders, elves, and a dragon. He watched over you through it all. He even kept you safe during the battle of the five armies. There was nothing he wouldn't keep you safe from. You thanked Mahal for giving you such a perfect soulmate. Without Dwalin you just knew you would be lost.
When the day finally came for your wedding you couldn't be happier. The smile on your face was more stunning than even the Arkenstone. What made the day better was the fact your best friends, Fili and Kili were walking you down the aisle while Thorin was officiating. It had been a miracle they had survived the battle, but they had and here they were to experience the happiest day of your life with you. You fussed with your hair one last time before opening the door and smiling at the boys. “Time to get you married,” Fili said. Kili had a cheeky grin. “I know you're excited for what comes after.” The young prince wiggled his brows. You smacked him, but accepted his and his brother's arm as they were offered.
Dwalin blinked rapidly. He couldn't believe how beautiful you were. The stoic warrior felt he was looking at an angel as he watched Fili and Kili bring you closer to him. As soon as you were standing across from him he held your hands in his and smiled. For anyone that didn't know how he was with you it was a strange sight, but for the company they expected nothing less. You stood there barely hearing a thing Thorin said as you gazed at your soulmate with all the love and adoration your small body could muster. If someone asked you what was said during the ceremony you wouldn't be able to tell them.
The only thing you remembered was promising to always love Dwalin and him promising you the same. Of course Kili then yelled from the crowd, “Kiss already.” Dwalin let out a growl, but did just that. Normally he wasn't one for public displays of affection, but today he made an exception as he kissed you with everything he had. “Your mine and I'm yours for now and until the end of our days,” he whispered. “I wouldn't have it any other way,” you whispered back.
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