#i also feel like i need to weirdly make it clear that i'm not a shipper??
gimmethatagustd · 6 months
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sweetimpurity · 2 months
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Older Neighbor Miguel Part 3 NSFW!!
Part 1 Part 2
a/n: w.c. is 2.5k and it's longer than I thought it would be but I'm gagged and obsessed. Hope you like it! Might just tease you guys a little longer <3
The sun shines through the window, golden hues cascading over the blankets, your legs on the bed, the soft pillows warm after bathing in the light. It’s morning. It’s been a few days and you haven’t been able to stop thinking about that dream. It’s ingrained in your mind, the feeling of him, his voice, the look in his eyes. It almost makes the embarrassment of being seen half naked melt away. You’re almost glad it happened. It felt so real, making your thighs squeeze together at the memory. You head downstairs to start the morning, finding your parents at the kitchen table.
“Morning…” You smile softly, greeting them, walking over to the kitchen counter. Glancing out the window, at his yard. His house. Seeing if any of the windows are open, if he’s outside. Just a glimpse of him would get you hot. “Oh, honey…” Your mom starts, walking to the sink and putting her plate down. “I hope you don’t mind but I volunteered you to do some babysitting. Would you be up for it tomorrow, 3 to 8?” She asks kindly. You’ve babysat a lot of kids in the neighborhood since high school and your mom is close to a lot of the parents around. Figuring maybe it’s the Scott family again down the street since they have so many kids; always needing childcare. “Yeah I can do it. I’ll text Lisa and tell her I will.” You nod, taking a sip of orange juice and looking over at the breakfast your dad’s made. “Oh, it’s not the Scott’s, it’s Gabriella next door… O’hara?” She asks and you choke on the juice in your mouth, almost spitting it out. Your dad instantly asks if you’re okay when you suddenly start choking like an idiot. “Yeah- no yeah I’m fine-” You cough over the sink, eyes wide, clearing your throat, your mind spinning, heart thumping. 
“Miguel has a late meeting that day and I offered for you to help him out. And he said he’ll pay.” She says, but you can’t handle this. You wonder how he feels about that. He didn’t outright ask for your help but seems like he didn’t refuse it either. He’ll pay? What the hell is going on? “Uh… yeah. I can do it.” You say, feeling a bit nervous about it but also weirdly excited. To see him. To be near him. Gabriella is also a really sweet girl so you know watching her for a few hours will be a breeze. 
Your parents leave for their respective duties, leaving you at home. And all you can do is think about him. The dream you had. It’s embarrassing now, since he probably just thinks you’re a weirdo who walks around in her underwear. He probably got second hand embarrassment. You should be dreading seeing him again. But you can’t help but crave it. Crave him. 
“Shit.” He had muttered after talking to your mom across the fence. When she elected you to babysit his daughter after he mentioned in passing not having anyone to watch her after school tomorrow and his ex is out of town. He should have said no, to spare you both the embarrassment. He almost had a hard time looking your mother in the eye when she said it. Knowing he’d had a dream about fucking you nights before. He shouldn’t be having those kinds of thoughts, although they keep happening. You’re so pretty and young, fresh out of college and he feels like a creep for seeing you in your underwear like that. Even if it was an accident. What will you think? 
He can’t help but feel this tension across the fence. Like there's an electric current from your house to his, even though the two of you haven’t even seen each other since the incident. Maybe he’s imagining it. You’d probably never feel the same way. “What…?” He mutters, looking down at the mail he’s been absentmindedly sorting while he’s thinking all of this over. This isn't his mail. This has your dad’s name written all over it. 
He trudges out of the house, walking across the yard to your house. Checking your mailbox to see if his mail was also accidentally delivered here. A simple mixup, probably a new mail delivery person. When he sees the mailbox empty, he walks up the walkway to your front door. Preparing for your dad’s usual grumbles about the mail always being screwed up and packages being late. Knocking on the door. His eyes widening when your pretty face answers. 
“Oh sorry- hi good morning.” He says, a stack of mail in hand and like a deer in headlights. His and your hearts nearly stop. He should’ve known you’d answer the door, but it’s like he’s in a daze. You’ve been thinking about him all day and then he just shows up at the door? He’s a big man. Tall and broad. So seeing that look on his face and hearing his words just spilling out like he can’t stop them. It’s endearing. 
“Hi!” You reply once you find the voice to speak. Swallowing hard and looking up at him. Fuck, he’s hot. He looks like he’s on his way to work. Something smart with science in a tall office building in the middle of the city. White button down tucked into his pants, leather belt and sharp, handsome brown shoes; and the smell of his aftershave mixed with cologne wafts in through the open door. And here you are, in your pajamas, a tank and some little shorts. It’s the middle of summer, but why does this keep having to happen? He shows up all the times you’re barely clothed. This time there’s nowhere to hide. “So I… got your mail by accident. Here you go.” He says, reaching the stack of envelopes across the threshold. His dark eyes scan over your face when you look down. He wonders if you’re wearing those pink panties right now. “Thanks, wow must have just been a mistake then?” You look up and he nods, not even having heard what you said because he was distracted looking at you. Your hair, your bare shoulders and way your breasts sit so perfect and pretty in your tank top. He remembers seeing them spill out of that bra. Beautiful and soft looking. What the hell is wrong with me? I feel like I’m creeping on you.
“I think… you might have my mail too? I didn’t see any in the box.” He says after clearing his throat. Your mom got the mail this morning and she must not have had the chance to look at it very closely. “Yeah, maybe let me go see.”
When you turn away, he has to force himself to stop watching your ass, your hips and the way they sway. Is it obvious that I’m drooling over you?
It’s obvious. And you can’t stop the satisfaction you feel, grabbing that stack of mail off the kitchen counter and knowing you’ve got this big man on a leash right now. This could be fun. You take a deep breath, calming your thumping heart and return. “Here it is!”
He smiles when you return, his hands clasped in front of him because of the thoughts going through his mind right now. He’s a man, not a teenage boy. And yet here you are, you’re this young thing making him feel all horny and hormonal. 
“Thank you... oh and thank you for offering to watch Gabriella tomorrow, I know it’s short notice.” He adds, hoping you’re cool with it. Wondering what’s going on in your head. “No problem, she’s sweet, I’d be happy to help.” You nod, smiling up at him knowingly and it makes him feel a little warm. “Well she’s excited too” He nods. It’s not a lie. Gabi’s always trying to talk to you when she sees you around. She’s seven and loves asking about where you got your shoes, your new dresses and how you do your makeup. She’s a very cute little girl, very polite too. 
He debates bringing up what happened a few days ago. But it seems like things are cool and you’re not totally freaked out. That’s good. 
Tomorrow comes, and at three you head over to his house. Walking across the yard and to the door, using the spare key he gave to your parents in case of an emergency. Waiting a bit until Gabi gets home off the bus and making lunch with her. Talking about all the little things her mind comes up with. She thinks it’s cool to talk about girly stuff with a girl that’s older. She just thinks you’re the coolest. She was just waiting for school to end until she could come home and hang out with you. To feel like a big kid. 
It’s funny being in his home. You’ve never really been inside like this since they moved in. But you’ve also been away at college for most of that time too. You catch a glimpse of his bedroom as you walk by, the dark sheets and neatly folded blankets. His shoes at the door. Mostly dress shoes but a few pairs of beat up Nike’s, his shoe size impressive. You can’t resist opening the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, pulling the cap off his cologne and smelling it. The scent is like a drug to your brain. It just smells like a man. Maybe you’re creeping on him a little in return. 
Soon the time is nearly 8pm and you’re helping Gabriella into bed. She really is a sweet girl and you’ve learned so much about her and her life. A lot of things that let you know Miguel is a really good dad. All the memories she’d recall with him, vacations and school projects, along with little things like trips to the park and him taking her to work with him. You studied all the family photos on the wall. Most of them of Miguel and Gabriella, some with what looks to be Miguel’s parents and his brother maybe? There’s one photo with his ex in it. It’s in Gabi’s room next to her bed. She’s a beautiful woman, undeniably. Definitely his same age and you can’t help but wonder about the history. Would you have a chance with someone like Miguel who’s already lived a whole life? He’s got everything worked out already and you haven’t even started yet. 
You don’t even know why you have these thoughts. When did the thought of sleeping with him turn into spending your life with the guy? It could all just be fun. If you do manage to sleep with him, it should just be for fun. Because after listening to his little girl talk about how wonderful he is; looking at the pictures on the wall; even observing the way he sets up his home, the color of the pillows on the couch, the dish rack by the kitchen sink, the settings on the kitchen table. This man’s a man. You’d fall in love with him so quick and easy. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening. Gabriella is settled in bed by now and your job here is done. Waiting in the kitchen and giving him time to adjust. Smiling to yourself. 
He stops at the kitchen door after walking in. His work clothes as attractive and sharp as always. His hair slightly less kempt than it probably was this morning. “Hey…how’d it go?” He greets, undoing the buttons at his wrist and rolling his sleeves up a bit, it’s been a long day. He leans against the kitchen doorway with his arms crossed. “Hi. Gabi’s in bed.” You smile, you could suck the soul out of him right now. 
“How was she?” He asks, unable to stop his eyes from roaming your pretty face. Could you be wearing those pink panties right now? Why must he have these thoughts? “She was perfect… She's so sweet. We painted our nails and I helped her with her homework.” 
“Wow… busy day.” He nods, walking across the kitchen, past you to the fridge. His cologne wafting past you. “What do I owe you? What’s your usual rate?” He asks, grabbing sparkling water from the fridge. “Oh it’s fine, you don’t need to pay me. You get the next door discount.” You joke.
“No, I insist. I said I would pay.” He chuckles softly, twisting off the cap and drinking some from the frosted cool bottle; your eyes flicking to his forearms, tanned and toned. “How about… $200?” He offers, and your eyes blow wide. “$200 for five hours? No way… that’s too much” You shake your head, but he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket. That’s like $40 an hour. 
“Here… I have it right here.” He holds out two hundreds from his wallet. The money just appearing. “No I… it’s too much.” You refuse, not taking it. He can’t believe this. He’d spend a thousand dollars on you to get you anything you want. He’d love to do it with the way he’s been thinking about you for days. It’s no issue for him. And here you are refusing. He places it on the kitchen counter between the two of you, sliding it across. Your heart thumps in your chest. Your hand goes out, hovering over the bills before sliding it back to him. “Just pay for my dinner instead.” 
“Dinner…” His heart pounds in his ears. He has to make a choice. If he takes the money back, he agrees to do as you ask. Pay for your dinner. Take you out. He’s hoping that’s what that means. He’d get a chance to get closer to you and know you wanted him too. He could entertain this little thing going on between you two. Or. He could slide the money back and insist you take it. Go home and that will be the end of it. Refusing the chance to have you, to take you. 
He slides the money back towards himself. Scooping it up and putting it back in his wallet. Success you think. You smile to yourself, feeling so satisfied. “We can be in touch?” You say and it’s at this moment he’s wrapped around your finger. “Yeah. Definitely.” 
“I guess I’ll be seeing you.” You say and grab your bag off the kitchen table. Slinging it over your shoulder. “Goodnight, Mr. O’hara.” 
If you hadn’t turned to leave, you’d have seen him blushing all the way to the tips of his ears. Mr. O’hara. Just like his dream. Your sweet voice as he sheathed inside you. This is too much. He hears the front door close, letting out a deep breath and rubbing his forehead. “Hah…” 
He checks on Gabriella who’s sleeping peacefully in her bed. Going to his bedroom and winding down for the night. Unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off along with his tank top underneath. Walking to the bathroom in his boxers to brush his teeth. He stands in front of the sink, in the dim light of the bathroom, only the nightlight illuminating the tile. Opening the medicine cabinet to grab his toothbrush and something falls out. He looks down, flicking on the light when he sees it. A pile of pink and lace on the porcelain. He reaches down without a second thought, your panties dangling off of his fingers. What have I gotten myself into?
taglist: @miguels-cock-piercings @sana-4 @peachey-pie @milkyardbetter @chrissymodi-frost
@pxtched @izakopanyi2 @lazyjellyfish300
@nina-from-317 @bammzyboomy @naomihaha2099 @bruh-anator3000 @buttertubz
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koolades-world · 8 months
Okay follow me here what if jealous mammon is like why dont you ask x to do that with you? You're spending a lot of time with them. And mc just responds with they're not you
AHHH so cute
I'm 100% following gahhh that "they're not you" line is SO good
You finally arrived home after RAD, giggling with Asmo. It had been mostly boring, but at least you shared most of your classes with Asmo. He never failed to make everything more interesting. He not only made group assignments fun and colorful, he even made silent, individual assignments better with lots of texts back and forth.
Weirdly enough, you hadn't seen Mammon today. You didn't have as many classes with him, but you always made it a point to spend some time with him when possible. But, you couldn't find him anywhere. You also didn't get a response to any of your texts to him. After you were done talking to Asmo, you decided to make it a point to find him.
"Mc! Look at how cute this outfit is!" Asmo snapped you out of thought by showing you his DDD. It was Majolish Devilgram with a post with their latest stock.
"That belt is so you! The pink is just your shade." You take the DDD from him to look at the post closer.
"I know, right? We should go today before they sell out! They know me, and will probably set some aside for me, but if they did that forever, how would they make a profit?" He laughed, tucking the DDD back in his pocket. Before you could respond, you caught a flash of white at the top of the stairs. You remembered that you hadn't seen Mammon all day, and in hopes that it was him, you decided to see if you could find him.
"Actually, do you mind waiting a little? I just remembered I have something I need to check on." You glance towards the stairs again but see nothing.
"Oh, of course! You know, if its Levi you want to check on, just know he's still alive. I texted him this morning. Just be back soon! Those clothes won't try themselves on. Let me know when you're ready to leave." Asmo gave you a quick hug, before walking off in the direction of the living room.
As soon as he was out of sight, you made your way up the stairs and in the general direction of that something that caught your eye. You began to wander around upstairs, in hopes of finding the white haired demon that had been on your mind all day. The door to Mammon's room was shut, but a light was streaming out from underneath it. Gently, you knock.
"Mammon? Are you in there?" There was no response, but you heard movement in the room. "I can hear you in there. Is something wrong?" You can hear more shuffling around before the door finally opens.
"What?" Mammon asked sharply. You're stunned for a moment. You've never heard him use that tone with you before.
"Are you ok?" You ignore the way he addressed you and continued.
"I don't know. How's Asmo?" His tone was dripping with malice.
"What's gotten into you?" You raise your voice a little, confused. He turned away from you.
"Don't you have somewhere to be with Asmo?" He walked further into his room, away from you. You step into his room after him and shut the door behind you.
"He did want to go to Majolish later, but it can wait. I can't go anywhere without checking up on you." You keep walking after him as he sit down on his bed with force.
"Just go then. I'm clearly not worth your time." He turns his body away from you. He sounds more upset than anything at this point. You sit beside him and put an arm around him.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but please, help me help you." You lean to try and look at his face, but give up once he makes it clear he doesn't want you to.
"If you like Asmo that much, just go be with him." He huffs. His voice is quiet with emotion seeping into it.
"Mammon. He's not you." He stiffened like he'd been shocked. "No matter how much time I may spend with your brothers, or anyone for that matter, they come no where close to being you. You were my first friend here, and you made me feel at home away from home. You were my first pact. We have a special bond that's so precious to me. Most importantly, you're my first man. Not Asmo. Not anyone else. You." He turns back to you, his eyes glazed over with tears that threatened to spill. "Is that what you needed to hear? Because it's all true." He turns his entire body towards you and tackles you into a hug. You can't see his expression anymore, but from the way he fiercely cuddles you to his chest, you can tell how happy he is.
"I- I'm sorry." He hesitates at first. After taking a deep breath, he continues. "It was stupid. I just saw ya hanging out with Asmo a lot lately, and I jumped to conclusions." He hides his head into your shoulder.
"There's no need to apologize for how you feel, Mams. Just try to be a little more open next time. I was worried, you know." You feel him happily sigh into your shoulder at the nickname. You rub his back soothingly.
"I will. 'm sorry for scarin' ya." Before you can tell him he doesn't need to apologize again, he continues. "Will ya stay with me? I don't care if ya bring homework or whatever into my room, I just want yer company." He holds himself tightly to you as you try to push off of him a little to look at him.
"Of course." You decided to hold him for a bit longer, to reassure him he was the only man for you.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 4 months
In the wake of the Drake/Kendrick beef its become clear that a lot of people here don't know what hip-hop is and/or don't know how to listen to it. Instead of dunking on people's ignorance I'd like to offer up an educational opportunity. Hip-hop can be difficult to get into if you come from an exclusively white and rock oriented upbringing. It simply listens differently than other popular music and you have to learn how to listen to it. This is honestly true of all music, but white america grows up with modern rock and pop that more or less derive their structure from tin pan alley music of the early 1900's. Hip-hop is a derivative of the 70's disco scene. Disco had an even more dance oriented feel than the funk that it spun off from. And funk was already more rhythm heavy than the Soul and Rhythm & Blues that birthed the funk scene.
Hip-hop is, first and foremost, a black artform and I am not black. So I'm not trying to position myself as a community ambassador or anything, but I do get that there are some barriers that white suburban kids face when it comes to getting into hip-hop. I also know that I am very, very into hip-hop so being a suburban white kid is clearly not an excuse for dismissing an entire artform. And racism isn't something you are it's something you do. So its time to stop talking about Weird Al and Eminem* whenever someone asks if you like rap. Right now it is time to learn how to listen.
*all due respect to eminem, he's actually really good, but we aren't talking about white rappers right now
When listening to rap one of the first things you need to pay attention to is the rapper's flow. A rapper's instrument is their voice, but unlike what you may be used to rap vocals are part of the percussion. In the songs included below, try to listen for how the vocals create a rhythmic counterpoint to the instrumentals. and listen for how rappers use rhyme as well as rhythm to create a pleasing cadence. Don't worry about what they're saying, listen to how they say it.
All Caps We start with All Caps, an absolute beast of a song. MF DOOM meets the frantic energy of the beat with a steady even flow that feels effortless. DOOM interlocks Rhyme schemes and uses matching vowel sounds throughout the verses to create the illusion that he is just dropping thoughts off the top of his head. The maneuver he pulls in the last stanza always blows my mind. making a *pop* sound to onomatopoetically match the vowel sound in pot, got, and snot while also rhyming troubles and bubbles.
A Milli Next up is Lil Wayne. Much like DOOM he can bury rhyme schemes for days, but instead of a smooth even flow he goes in bursts of frantic energy to contrast the very steady beat.
Ultimate Denzel Curry is probably one of the best in the trap scene and Ultimate is an early track where he is nailing the lazy beat, angry delivery thing. his shouted couplets overlay the trilled snare to create a texture that is actually very typical of trap music.
Izzo (H.O.V.A.) Jay-Z has a triumphant tone and a sing-songy cadence to his voice. He tends to match the percussive parts of his raps to the downbeat of the drums and it further emphasizes the strings from the Jackson Five sample and his more melodic lilting.
Bad Character You might notice that Quasimoto sounds... uh... well its Madlib with his voice pitched up. Weirdly Quas has a totally different cadence than Madlib. The timbre of his voice is so distinctive but he raps so casually. It almost feels like he is disconnected from the beat, but he's still right on it. It is a weird quirky atmosphere.
ATliens ATliens is the first song on the list with multiple rappers on it. Big Boi is a master of the straightforward 90's gangsta style while Andre 3000 has a supernatural sense for where he is on the beat that allows him to dodge and weave around it. the two of them work together by giving a back and forth between the extreme steadyness of Big Boi and the extreme wonkiness of Andre 3000.
Protect Ya Neck The Wu-Tang Clan had a lot of members and Protect Ya Neck has all of them on it. It would take forever to explain the different styles of the whole Clan so I'm just gonna let you hear it all yourself. even if you can't tell them all apart it is still pretty easy to tell when they pass the mic.
Ready Or Not Wyclef Jean and Ms. Lauryn Hill are two of the best rappers, and also Pras is here. The interpolation of soul hooks that show off Lauryn Hill's singing skills were standard for the group, but Hill could switch from singing to rapping on a dime. Even when they are rapping there is a sense of soul music underlying their music.
Life's A Bitch Another track with a laid back beat. I couldn't tell you when Nas takes a fucking breath in this song. he just goes and goes. everyone on this is so smooth.
Fix Up, Look Sharp Finally I had to get some really rowdy shit on here. Dizze Rascal's flow is so bombastic. he hits every downbeat as hard as possible and almost drowns out the steady snare-kick beat with his voice alone. Like Jay-Z he is also very sing-songy.
To Be Continued ===> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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dominantslasherking · 11 months
Your work is just perfection chefs kiss you're the reason I got into the community to begin with. If you can could you perhaps wright a part 2 for David Mccal please that includes smut please😆?! Your work makes me super happy so thank you soon much.😘
David Mccall with dominant Male S/o
(Pt 2)
click here for pt 1
Backstory: Growing closer, you just realize how sinister and obsessed David is with you.
Warning: Smut + Worshiping (David likes to worship you etc)
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David had made sure to be in your life as much as possible, it was clear he was possessive and hated when others tried to get romantically inclined with you.
Currently, you were at Davids's house, (A house he shared with his weird ass friends) You actually had spotted David through the window, decided to knock on the door, and wait for David.
David had instantly brightened up at your arrival. "[Name] I'm so, glad, you're here, I missed you!" David said pulling your much taller frame into a hug.
David was typically this clingy and strange towards you, with his weird friends he always acted stoic and indifferent. David was indeed strange.
"Yeah, I missed you too." You muttered it's actually only been around 2 hours with you too apart from each other, but sometimes it's actually strange not having David stick to your side like glue.
But something strange has been happening recently, all your own male friends have actually been disappearing, even your sisters Nicole's friend Gary, ended up, going missing, just because you were only on friendly terms with him.
You could only assume it was David, you knew he was actually weirdly obsessed with you, he even got a tattoo of your name on his chest, not too big though.
"Let's go to my room." David had said with a gentle smile, his eyes coldly tilting to his weird friends that he shared a house with, most of them were criminals and such.
You simply nodded as David held your hand and went up the stairs, the house was rather trashed with graffiti and stuff, but the door to David's room actually looked nice.
Just as the inside. "Surprised?" David asked, showing off his actually well-kept room, but what rather distributed you the most was the giant picture of you, with what seems to be a makeshift shrine or something..
It was confirmed by David was fucking crazy for you. And you definitely didn't want to know what was in the box just below the makeshift shrine.
David was already taking off his shirt, showing off his lean body. Slowly, giving a smile. "I just can't help it [Name]..." David slowly stated, his voice cold, "I just love you too much to not worship you." David whispered seductively going in closer, as he raised his head to look up at you, his lips smashing against yours. His movements were precise, David had gotten you hard in no time, David was also completely rock solid, his lips churning as he took your clothes off, to reveal your own body. "So fucking perfect." David had stated as he started kissing down your chest, over to your pecs, and finally to your stomach. "Amazing,--fuck.." David's whispers of praise continued.
David's kisses trailed all the way to your cock, which was being eagerly stroked. Soon after David couldn't resist, and ran over to his bedside table and grabbed the lube. "I just, need you inside me." He growled out, as you watched him quickly return back over, and lube up your cock. "Sit down." He said with a grin, you complied taking a seat on his bed, as David positioned himself onto your lap. His puckering hole, slowly diving down on your cock. "Mm." You muttered out a small groan, as David's enlightened heat enclosed onto your rod. David took in a deep breath, as he descended himself fully onto your cock, as you were balls deep inside David. His hands were a bit shaky so he rested them on your thigh, as he slowly began to ride. This gave you a perfect view of David's hole devouring your entire length in all its monstrous size.
"Ohh~--I can feel you plunge into me every time I move like-" Instead of speaking any further, David sped up his riding pase, his hole tightening each time around you. the entire room was filled with the skin-slapping of David's intense riding. David's hole was noisy and messy around your shaft. David had suddenly increased harder, basically impaling himself onto your cock, David's movements slowed a bit as he came all over his chest, his puckering hole spazzing around your cock tightly, sucking you in deep, as he slowly rode.
After a while, David had calmed down from his high, and resumed his bouncing, feeling your cock twitch only made David more excited, as he threw his head back. "Yes, yes--oh fuck--that's right! Fuck all your semen into meee---" David cried out, as suddenly you splurged right inside his hole, David's body shook from pure delight as he purposely tightened his hole to keep in all of your cum.
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
I'm thankful for the Buddie scenes we got in this episode even though I wish we could have gotten so much more. In some ways I'm even thankful for the B/T scene we got because it creates a really stark contrast between the two ships.
It's clear that Buck's heart and soul are with Eddie and Chris. That while he might be attracted to T*mmy that relationship isn't about anything deeper. There's so much more they could have done with B/T in this episode if they wanted them to matter.
They could have actually defined if they’re in a relationship for one. Buck went the whole season without ever even saying boyfriend. They could have had T*mmy at the hospital with Buck yet they didn't. They could have used the dinner scene as a way for Buck and the audience to get to know Tommy more. For us to see him be supportive of Buck. He’s always just snippy or sarcastic and this scene didn’t help that. Instead of showing empathy for what Buck had been through, for his real fear of losing the only father figure Buck has known T*mmy was again dismissive (like we've seen from him with Buck multiple times before). His response to Buck talking about how he thought he almost lost Bobby this time is, “your father's alive." Worse he decides to be weirdly sexually in a conversation that really didn't warrant it in my opinion. And I have nothing against being kinky (99% of the fics I read are smut) but like there's a time and a place. Maybe when your date is talking about their dad almost dying isn't the best time to talk about your daddy kink. Just a thought.
I do wish Tim would have given us more of a signal where things are going with Buddie. I feel like there has been way to much use of Buddie to get people to watch (especially in the interviews) for them to not be a little more clear.
Also I feel like you can't make an episode like 704 where Buck clearly wanted Eddie's attention to not pick that back up even in a small way at the end of the season. We should have at least had hug between them and a moment. Nothing major. it didn't have to be an oh moment or an almost kiss but something a little more than what we got from the hug in 705. Just enough to let us know this is the direction things are moving it.
I've been really sure Buddie is in the plans (and I still believe that) but at the same time I also feel unsure of when that's going to happen. I felt certain Tim was going to give us some clue in the finale. Like I said I loved what we did get but at this point we deserve more. I know Buck only just came out and I know they had a short season. Obviously they weren't going to have both Buck and Eddie come out in the same season, still Tim knows how popular Buddie is and that many people watch just for them he needs to stop dragging his feet and pick a clear direction.
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annabelle--cane · 7 months
hmm okay to round up some current disparate tmagp thoughts into one place:
-> the fear taxonomy: I'm not quite sure where I sit on the desires theory currently, but I think it's worth noting that while both of our case subjects from the first episode were explicitly afraid of the spooky things happening to them, none of the rest have been, and I think it's really interesting that tom the horror blogger's whole problem was that he was so desensitized to fear it made him foolhardy (the exact thing our lovely ms georgina barker overcompensated so hard to avoid). yes, you could pick probably any archives statement and try to frame it around a desire instead of a fear because that's how character motivations work, but I don't think it's wrong to point out that since episode two all of our subjects have been remarkably chill about the Horrors happening to them. I'm not totally onboard with the desires at time of writing, I think there a few details that don't quite line up with that idea, but I'm still keeping a pin in the theory.
I also don't think it's wrong to point out that things like "music so hauntingly beautiful it makes a crowd tear itself to bloody pieces" and "paranoia and eye-related gore popping up in conjunction to the magnus institute" are familiar scenarios and seem to match up to the entities as we know them. those are very specific motifs connected to very specific types of Horrors and I think saying it's random coincidence that we're seeing them again is a bit of a weird take.
-> norris, chester, and augustus. in-universe, these voices appeared out of nowhere about a year ago, and one of the central mysteries set up so far is "what the hell is up with all this weird tech?", I think it is a perfectly reasonable assumption to think these voices are part of the mystery and not just an excuse to get jonny and alex's voices in the show. if that were the case, why would there be a third voice? yes, this podcast is meant to be comprehensible to new listeners, but I don't think that rules out any direct ties to archives, I think part of the function of having fresh protagonists who don't know anything about the events of archives is that, if the audience needs to learn anything about the first show, they can learn it along with a viewer-surrogate character.
personally, I think it very unlikely that the voices are literally jon, martin, and jonah's actual consciousnesses trapped in computers, I think those characters' stories are done and there's something funkier happening here (neither them nor not them but a secret third thing, yknow), but dismissing any idea that the voices are related to the characters, again, feels like a weird take.
-> gwen bouchard. honestly I feel like the way the production team have treated gwen's connection to elias vs the way some fans have come at is kind of illustrative. I've seen a couple of groups of fans get weirdly smug about the idea that we don't know gwen is related to elias, her name could just be a red herring, meanwhile on the tmagp post-launch stream everyone there took it as obvious that gwen is a bouchard and thus related to elias. not everything is red herrings, guys. it would be an extremely weird writing move to set up a bunch of stuff with clear links and parallels to archives and have it all be meaningless.
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polarspaz · 1 year
Okay, I'm sorry for bombing you with questions about InfectedRE AU so much (it will happen again), but I genuinely enjoy it so much and I want to know as much as possible.
With that said tho, I'm interested in Leon's living situation when he starts living at the base. Is he allowed out? You already showed that Ashley made him some clothes for the outside, but I kinda find it hard to believe that he would be allowed out, or at least not without someone to keep an eye on him.
And what about after the "cure" is made? (First of all, when is it even made? How long did it take Luis to make it?) Is he allowed to to move out or still forced to live at the base? Will he at least be allowed to go outside or is that also off limits because of the fact he can turn back at any point if his heart rate spikes up?
LOL it's okay! I say I write a massive wall of text...
-So Leon lives in an old USA base built in the deep wilderness of Alaska. It's about a full 24 hour drive to the nearest town, and the property is fully fenced in and plastered with DO NOT ENTER signs. So Leon is allowed outside if the coast is clear.
-Leon is not allowed anywhere in public. The military take him where they need him for missions and send him right back to the lab when the jobs done. He is escorted the entire time.
-Leon wears the disguise Ashley made for him when he's being transported between military bases. While his size makes him stand out, the outfit at least covers him completely from a lot of wandering eyes. ((Better for people to see a weird tall guy in a coat than a monster bug man.))
-Okay, now the cure took Luis at least a year 1/2 make. He wanted to make damn sure that he didn't accidently make Leon's situation any worse and tested the formula so much that Rebecca herself was starting to get worried. ((Luis is a perfectionist and still very hard on himself since his stint in Los Illuminados and Umbrella.))
-In beginning Leon isn't allowed out of base even with the drug. But over time the drug becomes more effective. Essentially the Plaga finally gets in sync with Leon's habits ((and insane fucking lifestyle)) and now knows when it's okay to relax and when it's time to kick ass.
-Seeing the improvement, the government allows Leon to be out in public, but he also must always have a handler. ((Handlers include Luis, Carlos, and the other soldiers that live with him in the lab like Tex.))
-While he's still forced to live in the Alaskan base, Leon honestly doesn't mind, as the place has become his home and he actually enjoys his life with the people there. In a way, they feel weirdly like family. ((Because I am big sap and love found family and happy endings))
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
what about aftercare with joe after you've asked him to be a little rougher than usual?
okay it took me like 3 hours of talking to SEVERAL PEOPLE to think of a way to make this work for my lil soft baby joey and... i think i got it. So, i gotchu babe (also, tw: choking, blacking out) Wordcount: 1.8K
Promise Me Both Ways
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"What the fuck, what the fuck, hey, wake up, wake up,"
You heard Joe's voice far away, barely even there. Everything was sort of... fuzzy. It felt like you were under water and you couldn't really feel your own weight. T'was nice. Blissful. A peaceful place void of issues, no negativity but just... warmth. And tingles.
You were completely unaware to Joe's panicked frantic hands that softly tapped against your cheeks before they curled around the back of your skull to tip it up a little, making sure you were breathing properly.
"Shit, shit, shit," Joe mumbled, his voice going up in pitch with every word and his limbs fumbling, slinging blankets back because they were all in the way, and nothing was really helping.
Joe knew this was a bad idea.
He should've never let you talk him into it. You'd been agitating him all night, really doing your best to piss him off properly and you hoped he wouldn't catch on. Would just get angry, all mad and frustrated. You knew a beautiful place for all that pent up energy to go.
But then he had caught on, and you'd been forced to talk about things. Like boring adults.
"What's gotten into you?" Joe couldn't help but chuckle slightly, and his face held a weird mix of confusion and annoyance as he smiled. It made you decide to just go ahead and tell him.
"Kind of like it when you're upset a little,"
"When I'm upset?"
"Mmhmm, makes you... I don't know, grab at me harder,"
Joe just looked at you, but you saw that curtain of lust slowly come down.
"Throw me around with a little less care," you continued, voice soft like velvet. "You know, when you bite at me? Yea, I like it when you do that,"
It took literal seconds for Joe to push you down into the mattress. And sure, Joe had heard you, and he tried to be rougher than he usually was. Smacked your ass a bit harder, squeezed at your flesh a bit more. But when you reached for his hand and placed it around your throat, he halted.
"Come on," you coaxed, all breathy with want. "Squeeze,"
Joe pushed his hand down, instantly closing off your windpipe and making you cough. He immediately pulled his hand away, afraid he'd done something wrong and had hurt you.
"No, baby, the sides. Here, look," you placed a hand over his and placed it back, feeding pressure over his finger tips on the sides of your neck. "Yea, yea, keep– keep pressing there,"
And Joe had done.
Joe had pressed his fingers there and had started moving again, and had pulled unearthly noises from you until you started feeling deliciously lightheaded. A little disorientated. It was a bit of a trip, but the power imbalance was weirdly hot. With your wits miles away, clear thinking left far behind, you egged it on. Unsafely so. But you wanted more of it. Needed more.
Joe noticed, was entirely unsure about it, but Jesus... look at you. He just needed to look to know he was doing something good. Joe had held you by the throat before, but had never been quite so deliberate about it. About blocking off the blood flow to your brain. He'd never dare to even think to do such a thing – not without your consent anyway.
But holy hell, you were into this, overtaken with thick and foggy desire. You growled at Joe to squeeze tighter. To speed up. To give you more. And Joe obliged, because oh my God, he could feel that you were about to come.
You demanded Joe to give you more, and more, and Joe gave you more, and more.
Until your eyes rolled back, and you blacked out.
Joe had immediately stopped. And then, immediately panicked.
You were only out for a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.
Joe's heart was racing, his thoughts going at a million miles an hour. It was quite literally the exact opposite of what you had going. Staring at the ceiling, you widened your eyes a few times. The room was swaying softy from side to side and you couldn't really focus. You felt dizzy, but divine, and then blinked your eyes until everything shot back into focus and the ringing in your ears was replaced by the sound of Joe freaking out.
Fuck. That was amazing.
Rocked to his core, Joe didn't know how to read your face. Were you okay? Did he take it too far? Was that even safe? Did either of you really know what you were doing? What you'd just done?
You were covered in a sort of cold layer of sweat, and you trembled a little, and fuck. Shit. This was Joe's doing and all he could feel inside was guilt and regret and worry.
"Are you all right? Tell me you're okay, I– water, you need some wate– sugar!" Joe scrambled out of the bed and ran to the kitchen.
"Baby, I'm fine," you tried, voice soft, but loud enough for Joe to hear. It wasn't enough to convince Joe.
He'd just choked his girlfriend until she passed out.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
He returned with a glass of water and a banana.
"I'm okay, I'm– that was– Joe, stop,"
Joe was quite literally about to force a chunk of banana into your mouth. You took hold of Joe's wrists with weak hands, and it just convinced Joe more that you very much weren't okay, despite what you were telling him.
"Please, have a bite. It'll make me feel better,"
With Joe hovering over you, you hesitated for a moment before you let him feed you. Joe carefully placed a small bit of broken off banana into your mouth with his index finger and his thumb, and you noticed he was trying his best to keep his hands steady. After, you let Joe assist you in sipping on some water. You saw how his eyes were trained on your throat as you swallowed.
"Joe, that was–"
"I'm so sorry,"
Oh my God, Joe was the fucking cutest person alive ever. You were about to say that you fucking loved every single second of what had just transpired.
"I'm fine. Really, I'm okay,"
Joe absolutely didn't buy it. He looked like a lost child, a little. Or one who just got caught doing something he didn't know was going to upset his parents. It was painfully endearing.
"Come here," you reached for Joe who instantly embraced you. "I'm all right, I promise I'm all right,"
You shifted and scooted until you were both comfortably lying down, arms around each other, Joe's face pressed into your neck where he nosed along your jaw and placed soft kisses onto soft skin.
For a short moment, it was silent.
Then suddenly, Joe released a pained breath he'd been holding in.
"Fuck, that really scared me,"
You hugged tighter.
"Are you sure you’re all right? Jesus Christ," Joe lined up his thumb over a particular spot to check. "That's, I'm so sorry, that's my literal thumb print,"
"Does it look bruised?"
"I don't know, it's definitely red, though,"
Joe trailed his finger over it lovingly, then, horrified, found more red marks on the other side of your neck and groaned. You couldn't help but giggle a little.
"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Next time, we'll make sure to stop before–"
"Never make me do that again,"
Your face dropped and you moved slightly to be able to look Joe in the eye. His eyes shone with unshed tears, and it felt a little absurd to you.
"Baby," you chuckled nervously, little to no humour behind it, but hoping Joe would break and would laugh with you. "Are you all right?"
He didn't. Instead scrunched his brows up, and said, "This isn't funny," all cold and flat. "This is how people get brain damage, don't they?" He looked away for a moment, and when he made eye-contact again, his eyes were all glassy and it broke your heart a little.
All over a little choking, you thought.
"Joe, you're not going to cry over doing something I asked you to do,"
Your words didn't help at all, so you reached and caressed Joe's cheek with a hand which Joe immediately moved to press kisses into your palm. Upon the closing of his eyes, water escaped down his face and you laughed softly as you winced at the sight. "No, please, don't cry, I really loved it, I was– I was only out for a second, it's okay,"
You used a thumb to catch a tear.
"Please, don't cry,"
Joe sniffed before rubbing his reddened face, and you leant in to kiss him which Joe immediately accepted as a way of making up.
"I promise I'll never make you do that again," you whispered into his lips.
Delicate kisses quickly became concerningly not delicate until you pulled back and Joe mumbled some stupid things about needing to keep you safe.
You kind of wanted to tell him to shut up. You really were honestly fine. But it was clear Joe wasn't, so you let him ramble for a moment. Mumble words into your neck as he grasped to hug you tighter than he normally would.
"Turn around," you suddenly spoke up, and for a moment, Joe froze entirely.
"Come on, roll over,"
Your hands guided Joe to lay on his side where you turned him into the little spoon to your big spoon. Joe held onto the arms that you curled around his side and sighed heavily.
"I'm sorry," Joe then said again, but it was different that time.
"Me too," you replied, and felt Joe relax more into your embrace.
You pressed your cheek into Joe's shoulder and tensed your leg around his thigh and hoped Joe would feel encased with your loving care. Hoped he'd fall asleep feeling warm and reassured, all protected, without any regrets.
It worked.
"Joey," you said after a little while, voice more serious than before because you had something important to say. "Promise me something?"
"Mmhmm," Joe was close to sleep, seconds removed from drifting off.
"Don't just... don't just do things you don't feel comfortable with, just because you think I would like them, all right?"
Consent went both ways.
Joe moved a little and brought one of your hands up to his mouth to press a kiss to it. Then two hands worked to open your palm that he then placed onto his cheek to nuzzle into.
This man was adorable.
"Promise me," you said after you felt Joe smile.
"Okay, I promise." Joe croaked, voice heavy, but content.
You couldn't help but smile into his shoulder in response before you let sleep overtake you fully.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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lmaooo kenny watching you sleep is so creepy (might also be the type of person to randomly trace your nose to see if you'll wake up???)
i can imagine being in a relationship with kenny being like dealing with an unpredictable hot potato of an angry cat who can bite you at any given moment (but, like, the risks of getting scratched and bitten until you bleed outweigh petting a cute cat...)
also, i feel like kenny would just know random details about you?? like your ring size. or your shoe size. or, if you have period, when it starts. and ends. or that you used to have a fringe in seventh grade. or that your grandma likes to bake victoria sponge cake.
or like, casually remembering something small, and being, five years down the line, like, "Do you remember you told me on X day of the X week at X hour XYZ?"
and you're like ????
and sometimes, when kenny would be weirdly nice like getting you a blanket or really leaning into domesticity, you would like watch him like O.O what's next...?
would casually spring up things on you. "Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
high-key very unhinged... but at least you're kept on your toes all the time? right?
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he’s so fucking Weird . 100% stares at you sleeping and traces the bridge of your nose … smiles a little when that makes your face scrunch up a bit. he’s just fascinated by you i think!! by the fondness you make him feel. he’s like oh :) emotion :)….
AND YES. HE LITERALLY IS JUST A CAT. when it comes to dating kenny i feel like you sort of have to adjust to his whims….. he can definitely be silly and affectionate (in a mildly condescending way) but then he can also be very Cold. and come off as apathetic. he’s like a stray cat who waltzed into your home one day and let you pet and feed it…. sleeps in your bed and purrs when you scratch behind its ears but won’t hesitate to hiss if you do something he doesn’t like. random bouts of affection but only ever at his whim, y’know? like. he’s Your Cat but he also isn’t. he doesn’t always come home and it’s clear he has a life outside of you. but he likes your company enough to let you come closer than anyone else has been and that means a lot on its own!!! he’s just…. your mildly creepy cat. who watches you sleep with his big creepy eyes and protects you from the shadows.
BUT OK enough abt kenyaku (<- his Cat name)….. ANON I LOVE YOU. i agree!! on all points!!!! him knowing random little things about you….. randomly recalling certain things…. i feel like his memory is a little jumbled. kenjaku is the type to forget your bday but like … he’ll remember your thoughts on Every Single Character in the show you’ve been binging. or the exact tone of voice you had when you spoke to him for the first time. his love definitely shows in the little things… he might not tell you that he Loves You outright and i don’t think he’d care about making your relationship official in any way, but if you mention liking a brand of soda you’ll find one waiting for you in the fridge the next day. he’s cute. i’ve said this before a while ago but i also think kenny would take you on random trips a lot…. just to spend time with you!! but he doesn’t Tell You where you’re going so you just have to listen to him say ”we’re almost there ^_^” like 50 times. lmao.
ALSO BEFORE I FORGET . the period thing. you’re a genius anon. he just randomly sniffs you and then goes ”you’re on your period aren’t you” and you’re like ??? wtf is wrong with you ?????? (he was Right btw) LIKE HE’S SO STRANGE. you don’t need a period tracker because he’ll just casually let you know you’ll be getting your period tomorrow. and that it’ll probably be a little worse than usual. and he’s Always right so you just have to nod.. silently…. trying not to give him side eye……… for the record i think he also takes care of you well during your Time of The Month. tries to be a little more tender because he knows you’re sensitive and doesn’t really want to deal with you crying (he doesn’t like seeing you in distress but that’s a secret)….. makes sure you’re taking ibuprofen. makes sure you get some fresh air. lets you sleep on his lap like a puppy while he reads. places one of his big warm hands on your lower stomach. he’s a little more indulgent i think.
but ok period comfort ASIDE . the random bouts of affection/domesticity….. you Get it anon. i think he’s actually fairly physically affectionate but it’s never something He initiates. he just expects you to know when it’s okay to cling to him and not. so if he pulls you into his lap or covers you in a blanket or whatever you kind of melt a bit…. i DO think he’s a frequent hair-ruffler though. and a serial booper. he’ll mess up your hair and boop your nose and you just have to Deal with it. get booped idiot. (it’s how he shows affection :3)
"Let's get married." "Do you think I should test this out on a human?" "I am leaving for five days, don't contact me." "Should we freak your mother and father out by saying that I'm centuries old?" "You remind me of someone I knew in the sixteenth century. They were... interesting." "I got you a wedding dress, put it on. If you don't, there'll be consequences." "I don't think I'll kill you... I think."
AND FINALLY. THIS. i went insane btw. all of these r so real and true anon …. he’s just kind of silly and weird and tiptoes that line between hot and cold. but he Cares for you in his own weird way.
and!!! i don’t think he would ever kill you!!!!! i do think he’d say that last line but only to see your reaction lmao. compared to other jjk villains kenny is never shown killing anyone on a pure whim, obviously he doesn’t Mind doing it but it’s not something i see him doing casually yk?? especially not to someone whose company he genuinely enjoys…. maybe if he thinks he’s getting Too attached to you? :0 idk but!! i feel like kenny keeps you around for as long as he possibly can if he cares for you. spending time with you is important to him. even if he randomly disappears now and then. (if he genuinely Loves you i think there’s a good chance he’ll just throw you over his shoulder and bring you with him LMAO)
BUT YES. i’m OBSESSED with him. thank you soso much for feeding my kenny thoughts anon <333 the kenny talks i’ve been having lately r Really tempting me to finish some kenny fics T_T….. soon.
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writegoblin · 1 year
Michael Myers Headcanons
I've super been in the mood to write lately :3c I've been pressuring myself to come up with like. Something cohesive. But nah. I just wanna get a lil silly.
- When you first meet, it's because you moved into Haddenfield. Illinois has like, three cities everyone moves to, so for you to pick a tiny town-- and Haddenfield of all the tiny towns? Something had to be wrong with you. Something Michael needed to investigate.
- In reality, you worked for a niche company that signed a contract with a Haddenfield hospital. It wasn't anything complex. But you're complex to him.
- He just quietly breaks into your home every once in a while if the mood strikes him. He's not always out murdering-- he's gotta case the houses, too! So, of course, he's taken the opportunity to break into your house the ONE night you had to do overtime.
- If you have pets, he mostly avoids them. If they're aggressive, he'll find a way to lock them up. It would be a shame to hurt you so deeply this early on after all. So Brutus can get locked in a closet for now <3
- You become more aware of his presence because he starts taking items. In a weird way this is also how you get to know him. A lot of old out of state memorabilia or souvenirs go missing. Pictures of strange places. Anything that's odd or unique looking. He might start taking hobby items just to see how frustrated you get.
- Once you two actually confront each other, it's a little bit like those old movies about the wild animal getting adopted by a human? Where at first it's like "oh god oh fuck big scary!!!" And then you flash the light on the silhouette and you see "oh you're actually just a pathetic little meow meow." That's him.
- The reason he's so meow meow is for the first time. His curiosity is winning over his blood lust, giving him sort of a clear head. He likes spending time with you cause it lets him actually think about things. You don't rush to judge him, so he experiments with himself more. (And also with you, in a way. It's how you bond!)
- I mentioned this in a previous post but I'll say it again here: he's the type to do something for you if he can reason that it benefits him. He puts you to bed because if you don't sleep early, you can't make him breakfast. If you don't eat, you get moody and THEN who will drive him to the weirdly 24/hr thrift store?! Fucked up.
- He's weird about physical affection. Some days are better than others. Some days, he's very cuddly, actually. And by cuddly, I mean leaning against you in a bid to get you to crawl into his lap or put your arms around him. On his bad days though, he gets flashbacks to the hospital. He feels like a wild animal in a cage.
- Speaking of, his bad days are when you don't see him. You're a safe space. He can't defile a sanctuary like that. If he's approaching a bad day, he might be more distant, standing in doorways and halls just. Staring. From then on, it's a matter of time. All you can do is fix whatever breaks in the aftermath. If you try to touch him, he'll leave.
- Quickest way to his heart is food and nursing. Did you just feed him pancakes after patching up his gash? Oh, heavens--
- He doesn't fall in love easily per say, more like he will trust you a bit more willingly. The love part comes FARRR later when you've seen his worst and his best, not to be corny.
- Before y'all met, between Halloweens, he's doing petty crime. Lots of theft. He steals magazines. You know where I'm going with this.
- He knows what he likes and he doesn't like. He has an idea of stuff he'd like to try. Lots of fantasies, not much experience save for the occasional vouyer moment.
- When you come around though, and you become sexually comfortable with him, he wants to experiment. That's kind of his other way of saying "I love you."
- Loves. Rope. Frog tie is best because he can kinda make a show of lifting you in front of a mirror and the face you make when that happens is-- *chef's kiss*
- Sadist, naturally. But I think he likes both pleasure and pain. A bit of a darker headcanon but sometimes he feels like he's stabbing you when thrusting. Your cries and mewls and erotic hollers spurring him on. Your orgasmic cries bring him back down. His own orgasm brings him back. He's him again.
- He loves intimidating you. If you're shorter or weaker in any way, he loves backing you into corners and making you feel small.
- If you're aggressive, he loves a challenge too. In fact, if you're into play wrestling he might be down sometimes. It wakes up this primal instinct in him that needs to pin you down. And he likes a good challenge.
- He's very thick. Very long. I'm thinking 8", uncircumcized, upward pitch. Bit veiny too if im honest. His first load is always stupid big.
- If you're a squirter, 🫡 it was nice knowing you Mr. President--//shot
- Once he gets the basics down, and you two start experimenting, and that happens for the first time, it is his goal. His duty. To make sure it happens every time.
- He has a third dense for your arousal. He's good at reading body language (he scares you sometimes, with how easily he can read your thoughts), so sometimes he'll wait until you're subtly showing signs without knowing. Wiggling your hips, sighing, taking off layers of clothes. And when you least expect it, that's when he'll get you.
- Low key has a thing for pheromones, I think. Like musky scents n all that. The scent of arousal. He loves eating for that reason among other more obvious ones.
- If you want him to be submissive, it will take lots of convincing. You'll have to catch him when he's in a more receptive state-- when he's reflecting on himself. He'll be more open to the idea then.
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0spookymoth0 · 28 days
Oh boy here I go being cringe again (rambling about Chuckles and Torbek)
It's weirdly sweet how Chuckles seems to have a real soft spot for Torbek. Like, there's a lot to suggest that they may have been really close at one point,of course you've got their shenanigans together in the winter one shots,also the too many games one shot where there's a scene in which Chuckles straight up let's Torbek cuddle against him bc Torbek's tired and although those aren't considered canon I still think they're worth looking at when observing their dynamic as they show how it's clear they're fairly close to one another,hell it's heavily implied in OUWA that they were so close that the others apparently felt the need to lie to Torbek about Chuckles' death bc of how upset he'd be over it. Not to mention when Chuckles first possessed Gricko and started making balloon poodles for everyone and he had placed a shrunken Torbek on one to ride, due to Torbek being cursed to only lie he accidentally made it seem like he's in distress and Chuckles immediately stops what  he's doing out of genuine worry that he upset him, they're dynamic is adorable and I'm sad more people don't discuss it 
All of this is to say:I feel like if Chuckles had either lived or hadn't been punched to start with and had joined the crew he probably would have been the first to either comfort or cheer Torbek up after the inn incident and I desperately need a fanfic exploring this
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I've come to the conclusion that Ezekiel has some kind of inherent luck charm. This came to me from @angelwiththeblue-box who gave me this concept when I first saw the show and I just had to add on and it's now part of my personal canon so.
The first episode I think we see this in is And the Apple of Discord. when he gets the apple nothing actually happens to him??? and the explanation is that he's already the worst version of himself which feels like such bs?? sure, he can be annoying at times and he's a thief, but the narrative never frames this as some sort of moral failing, especially when we find out later on his steals helped a lot of people so this never made any sense to me, so luck charm (obviously this is not the moment that prompted this theory, I'm just going chronologically and this is just one piece in the overarching theory)
In And The Fables of Doom he turns into a fairy tale archetype just like everyone else, but also he kinda doesn't?? at the end of the episode when everyone describes how odd and different their experience was and Ezekiel points out he doesn't feel any different, he just says, "Yeah. Well, everybody tells me I can't do what I want, can't rely on luck, but when a magic spell turns everybody into heroes of legend, who did it turn me into? Me!" I think the story book sort of enhanced the luck to make it more obvious (hence the quarter rolling up a flight of stairs through a hallway) but I think it's clear there's something there from the start.
Less of a compelling fact, but I also want to note how Ezekiel was the first one pulled into the dollhouse in And the Heart of Darkness aka the first one being pulled to safety. It's a little thing for sure, but I wanted to toss it into the ring.
In And the Curse of Cindy I always found it odd Ezekiel was the only one not affected by Cindy's love curse. Yeah, they try and explain it away with the fact that he was already in love with her, but that doesn't make sense since he didn't really remember her, he just kinda went "huh she's kinda familiar" throughout the episode before making the connection later on, and to me, luck charm feels more like an explanation.
And then we have And the Steal of a Fortune. The episode that sparked this whole thing in the first place. In an episode where every character has comically bad luck, Ezekiel is so weirdly immune to it. He's lucky and successful against Fortuna's goons and it's fascinating because even the narrative calls out how odd it is Ezekiel isn't affected-
Eve: How come it isn't affecting you!
Ezekiel, clearly guessing: I guess I broke the spell when I hacked the [slot] machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jake: How the hell do you hack a fight?!?
They could've left Ezekiel's explanation as good enough, but by having Jake question it, it's the narrative telling you to question it, yet it's never brought up again. Plus, it's not like they needed a character to be immune simply to win, like a minute later Eve comes up with a loophole to try doing the opposite thing and it works. I'd also like to point out that this luck of his beats out the luck of Fortuna, who is the goddess of luck. She's not just some creature of the week, she's a goddamn goddess.
I'm sure a lot of this probably wasn't intended to lead to the conclusion that Ezekiel has some sort of inherent luck charm, but it's just something I've noticed while watching the show and have incorporated into my personal canon. If you've got some other thoughts/evidence please add on, I'd love to hear them!
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2minutesnotice · 4 months
Give us headcannons please!! :)
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Polycule Headcanons
✨Stolitz/Fizzmodeus 🦎🦉🐸🐓✨
✨It was actually Blitzø who initiated it. As he started to connect with Fizz again he was sure he just had this childhood/teen crush thing and would get over it. Surprise, it wouldn't. It got worse. And since he was in a steady relationship with Stolas at this point and Fizz and Ozzie were definitely marriage material, it took some time to collect the courage to mention it.
✨Fizz was unsure if Ozzie would be okay with it, they had shared a bed with others but being in a relationship was a totally different thing. He also was not sure how to address the fact that maybe he has feelings for Blitzø? Like, he was pretty sure he had buried that very very deep.
✨ When they all sat together to discuss and reflect their relationships, they started with just putting down the facts. Since Blitzø started the whole thing, he made sure that he won't do anything unless Ozzie was in it AND Stolas. If anyone would be uncomfortable he had to get over his feelings and would try to make it as easy as possible for everyone .
✨ Stolas and Ozzie are not in love (yet). They're still in a dating phase, they pleasure each other, respect each other and they're fine with everything their imps bring on the table.
✨ Since dating 4 people is very very time consuming, Fizz made a schedule/calendar. It's not to be taken TOO seriously but they can put in their dating plans, when they're a No Touchy Day or they have to cancel plans because of work or just not being in the mood.
✨ They don't life together (yet). Blitzø moved into the palace but still has his apartment he sometimes goes back to. Loona moved out (on good terms) a while ago. Blitzø still sleeps on the couch when he's in his apartment, since he can't get over himself to move into Loonas old room.
Stolas is still at the palace but plans to move into a smaller mansion (with a garden and greenhouse). His divorce went through, Via is fighting to live with him since she had a very serious conversation with her therapist how to spot a toxic parent 🙃
Fizz and Ozzie still are in the Lust Ring and don't plan to move anytime soon.
✨ In this version of mine, Fizz is a Trans!Man. He prefers to call himself a man and identifies as such, but has his fluid days sometimes.
✨ Fizz has No Touchy Days, where he's very easily overstimulated by body contact. He is okay with reaching out himself but does not like to be touched.
✨ They use the ample system for consent and boundaries. Before every session they will ask for the color of their partner. It seems a bit excessive but if you have 4 people in an intimate relationship, communication is the key.
✨ Everyone is on the same terms for
GREEN: I'm good, you can touch me in any way, but I can change my mind.
YELLOW: I'm not in the mood, I don't want to start something yet, I'm okay with just being close but please don't start something sexual until I initiate it.
We need to slow down, I'm hurting but it's not that bad yet, I have something to say (yes even in the middle of it).
RED: It's a clear stop. No touching, keep your distance. Something doesn't feels right.
They also have a clear finger sign system if someone is gagged.
✨ Full Moon Dates are Blitzø and Stolas dates. They don't have sex then, they just date and chill, to put something domestic and nice into that date.
✨ So far, their Polycule is only known by close family members and friends. The media does not know. Stolas wants grass to grow over the divorce (Stella made a media spectacle out of it) and Fizz and Ozzie are still in pending what the consequences of their relationship is.
✨ Blitzø and Ozzie have a weirdly close relationship and maybe a few shared kinks lol
💖 I've tried to put it all together but I guess there's more lol I'm just taking a bath and tried to remember the early ideas 💖
Feel free to ask more 💖
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jesuisgourde · 6 months
Okay, All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade is out in the states, so time for a listen and a rambling track by track reaction. I'm listening to the whole album through and writing my thoughts, and then listening to it once more and adding any other observations.
I've already heard Run Run Run, and like I said before, it feels very classic Carl track. It's very catchy. I think I have the same complaint as everyone else, which is that it feels over-produced. No one should autotune the Libs, the whole point is that they're a bit wonky. Also I don't like that they've fucked with the equalizer and the vocals sound weirdly muffled? Also, upon this listen-through, this song reminds me a little of Frank Turner, which is a weird musical callback to like 2012. My favorite thing in any song is when the instrumentals cut out and it's just drums and vocals, so I love that as the ending of the song. This whole album has so many varied cultural references which I find very entertaining. Does Peter yell "Get your pants off" or "Get your hands off"?
Already I like the lyric to Mustangs A LOT. Feeling a Lou Reed influence there. Love Peter's high-pitched backing vocals and also the Pigman reference. I really love Libs songs where it's just a little scene set to music. And this is exactly that, in such a good way. Again, not a fan of the mixing. What is it with producers these days and mixing so shittily that the vocals get lost in the background instruments, and everything gets muddied? I had the exact same complaint with the last Manics album. Anyway, love the little jokey bits at the end. The second verse about the nun is such fantastic imagery. (Lastly, I thought it was Mustang, singular? But it's plural on Spotify?)
I Have A Friend has an AMAZING chorus I love it. Also that solo guitar bit from Carl right after, I literally could see him hopping up and down in my head. Love Peter's rolled R's. Okay, upon listening the second time round I really really really like this song. The lyrics are incredible. I think they're my favorite on the album. Social commentary but also absolutely beautiful and amazing imagery.
Merry Old England has a bit of a Hamburg Demonstrations vibe to it, which I love. The further I get into this song, the more I love it. It's such a creative and sarcastic critique of Tory policies and all that. Again, I've criticisms about the mixing. Also the pretty violins makes me miss Miki Beavis's wonky violin in Madres, which I think suits Peter/The Libs way better. Still, they add a nice touch.
Ohhh I love Man With The Melody, the clear pretty vocals. I like that each of the Libs have their own verse, that's so cool! Fuck the autotuning though. I really like this song. Melodically it sounds like a sequel to Milkman's Horse, and thematically a sequel to Fame And Fortune. It sounds like a "reply" or a look back at Anthems. Very pretty, with the lovely piano and minimalist guitar.
Hahahha Oh Shit! feels soooooo early 2000s American pop, in a fun way. It reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Something that was on the radio a lot in like 2003 or 2004 maybe? This is clearly a Fun Song, like a slosh your drinks around while dancing all goofy type song. Peter's "And that was the news today" at the end is so silly. I think this track is my least favorite but it is fun.
I already know I love Night Of The Hunter. Firstly because anything that uses the Swan Lake motif has my heart instantly. But also because I love the lyrics, I love when Peter writes songs about noir-type vignettes. Finally, some good shared vocals that aren't drowned out by instruments. Gosh, I love the lyrics of this song, I love the dual meaning in that it is technically about an actual noir film but could easily be talking about Peter's past as well. I really like that the lyrics get priority on this one and the instrumentals are pushed back in the mix with the Swan Lake motif coming forward sometimes. It feels like it needs that minimalism.
The guitar on Baron's Claw is already great from the start. I hear Peter's taking a leaf out of Daniel Darc's book with the close-in breathy vocals, which I'm so into because since I learned about Daniel Darc from Peter and Frederic Lo I've actually fallen in love with his music too. Melody-wise it's very close to The Glassblower from the Fantasy Life album, which is my favorite song off that album, so I'm not surprised I like this song too. I like the story in the song and I like the jazzy brass and piano and Peter's vocals. It feels like it's being sung in a smoky jazz bar. This one is so good.
Shiver is sooo catchy. I find myself humming it sometimes at work even though I haven't yet absorbed all the lyrics in my memory. This is also the real "Libertines mythology" song, so of course it's good. The fact that the lyrical subject matter is made up only of criticizing the monarchy and talking about specific Libertines lore is just so them. It's so short, though! I wish it were longer!
The guitar on Be Young is so chaotic lol. It reminds me of Horrorshow a bit. Okay, actually this whole song is chaotic. Melodically, lyrically, it sounds like they were crashing around in the studio while recording, which is very fun. The random calypso bridge bit is so....random! I like it, just a surprise in terms of musical style change. Suddenly they're the Clash! A fun way to pay homage to influences, I think. Also Carl yelling "Woo!" and then collapsing into a cough at the end is really really funny.
I can definitely hear the early-ness of Songs They Never Play On The Radio. You can tell the scaffolding is there from that early set of Libertines-to-Shambles transition songs like East Of Eden/Love Reign Over Me/Merry Go Round etc. I really really like the guitar on this one. And the vocals are so nice. Again I don't like the mix, where Peter's voice is a bit overtaken by the muddiness of the backup singers and instrumentals. But I do like this song a lot. The lyrics are pure Libertines mythology. Ahahah the dogs howling! The bit of acoustic and messing about and chat, I really like that. I think it's a really lovely ending to the album, just a glimpse of them obviously being friends and having fun. It's like a beautiful reply to the question "What became of the likely lads?"
As I've only listened through the album in full twice at this point, I'm sure my thoughts will change over time. But at the moment I think my favorite is torn between Night Of The Hunter and Baron's Claw. I Have A Friend and Songs They Never Play also are just so lyrically good. Least favorite is definitely Oh Shit. I'm excited to see which songs grow on me and in what ways.
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maleyanderecafe · 10 months
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The Yandere Angel is obsessed with a good-natured succubus (Oneshot)
Created by: aironiro
Genre: Smut
This one was really difficult to word properly and I'm not really sure why. It's not because of the angel and demon words that I don't know it's just kind of weirdly translated. That might be on my end because I finished this one while I was still sick. Hopefully it makes enough sense that it's still enjoyable though, I did like the backstory that the yandere had in this one. It's pretty interesting. If you are interested in a sequel, please donate to kofi.com/lovesicktranslation to fund it.
The story starts out with Lilith being recognized by her fellow succubus, Meribel, who hasn't seen her since the French Revolution. Meribel talks about how there's a corrupted angel attacking people, including the reaper, Yvette. While talking, Meribel is threatened by Cyril, the corrupted angel she was talking about, and Lilith is able to shoo her away. We see that Cyril has been chasing after Lilith for a while, to the point of attacking other Reaper. Cyril asks to have sex with Lilith, which she accepts because she it's kind of her nature, but is basically overwhelmed by it, something that she is confused and horrified by as Cyril ravishes her body. She passes out and recalls her first encounter with him, having gone to an orphanage to corrupt a priest, only to meet Cyril as a child. Cyril seems to be bullied at the orphanage, and Lilith defends him from spirits that want to take his pure soul away. She talks to him a bit, about how she's actually quite fond of humans. She remarks that because his soul is so pure, he will likely become an angel, and that the two will never meet again, and that even if they did, she would eat him. Lilith ends up waking up at her human friend Akari's place after having passed out. She's worried that Cyril might attack Akari and gets a note from Cyril on where to meet. Cyril upon meeting Lilith again, apologizes for what he's done, and states that he wants to be corrupted so that he can be with Lilith again. The two have sex again, and apparently the reason why Lilith feels so good while having sex with Cyril is because it's a taste of true love (?) something that succubus don't taste as they usually charm the people they're targeting. After all that, Lilith takes a liking to Cyril, even planning to allow him to meet and sort of make sure that he doesn't cause any problems.
I'm not super used to oneshot yandere smut splitting up the actual sex part into two sections, but this one does do that and it kept on throwing me for a loop while I was translating. Personally, I think the idea of a succubus feeling intense pleasure when they are actually loved seems kind of stupid, since I feel like there are people who do fall in love at first sight, so a succubus should be used to that type of feeling, or at least have experienced it once before. The lore of the angels and devils aren't made that clear in this story, which might be because this is part of a second series, with the first one introducing Togo and Akari. I guess it doesn't really need to be because it's a smut, but it does leave a lot to be desired. The most interesting part for me is the backstory, since we do get to see how and why Cyril became so obsessed with tracking her down, even if there is seemingly a weird age gap between them since I believe Lilith would have been around 200 years old when meeting Cyril who died at age 14 according to the end profiles (which is never mentioned at all in the story but alright).
Cyril as a yandere is pretty obsessive, having basically ignored the orders of god so much that his halo and wings ended up getting corrupted just so that he could track down Lilith, and even ended up attacking and wounding Yvette (who supposedly is difficult to kill) and nearly hurting Meribel had Lilith not stepped into saving him. He also seemed to have kept his virginity up to this point. I mean I am sort of glad they have a reason to why Cyril a virgin is able to make Lilith a succubus feel good, but it's still pretty stupid in my opinion. I still don't really get why Lilith ends up keeping Cyril at the end, but I guess it's better than letting a yandere angel run around for a bit. Always cool to see a yandere angel though since that's not something you'd normally see in this scenario. Yandere demons seem to be more common and for good reason.
Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this oneshot. The artwork in it is pretty loose so I could get away with the cleaning easier. The fonts kind of irked me because the original Chinese I was basing it off of uses way too many different fonts.
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