#i also got a 4 on ap psych and a 4 on ap lang but this is the most important
thesockwhisperer · 1 year
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I was so damn stressed about this test. My Adhd meds wore off mid test and I wasn't able to finish the second half of the test (I had to leave one of the frqs blank because i didnt have time). It felt so icky because Biology and related sciences are kinda my special interest but apparently I was panicked for no reason because I still (somehow) got the 5!!!!
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mygnolia · 3 months
CALCU-CRUSH! ♡ powerpuff gals /// mathletes turned baddies
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୨୧ SMAU! SYNOPSIS -›  Yeah, Park Sunghoon might be just a little annoying- but hey! at least he can help you get an A in AP CALC, and he will never a crush on you to make things super weird and complicated, right?
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y/n: loves chem!! 4.32 GPA but currently 4.1 because math rip
karina: loves psych!! 4.22 GPA because she never took apush (ap us history) and fears it!! and was brave because everyone she knew got a 4 on the exam
wonyoung: an ap lit baddie :3 literally ap lit and lang had nothing on her she finished her frqs so fast the proctors were scared. wants to be a lit professor!! 4.4 GPA
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sunghoon: crazy good at math, took precalc his freshman year but the school realized he wasn’t supposed to be there so they didn’t let him take calc ab until now. 4.4 GPA if he says anything else he’s lying
jake: physics nerd.. basically a precursor to laws of motion!jake LOL 4.1 GPA because he read a prompt wrong on a lit final and got a B
jay: loves history and got a 5 on the apush exam EASY!! 4.23 GPA but hates studying so how does he even do it
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ml ♡ next
୨୧ REN SAYS... i unfortunately find myself extremely funny and therefore y/n’s bio might just be how i become a comedian. and also jay's. because guys i swear we all went to school w a 10 y/o who LOVEDDD history???? also yes i made them all have separate subjects sorry not sorry.
୨୧ TAGLIST OPEN! send an ask or dm to be added! @hanrinz @enhaslay @arep4con-qu3sp @realrintaro @jayhoonvroom @simpjay @i03jae
୨୧ PERM. TAGLIST! send ask to be added @dimplewonie @heeheesang
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ambivalent-academic · 2 years
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7-7-22 || Yesterday I got a cinnamon roll and some coffee from a coffee shop near my work, and it was so good.
I also got my AP scores a couple days a go, and I'm very happy with them! 5's in AP psych and AP Lang, and a 4 in APUSH.
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shokobuns · 4 years
Nanami kento for the ap class shitpost?
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i’ve literally been waiting for someone to say nanami because goddamn do i have so many things to say about this man’s fucking classes
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NANAMI KENTO — ok LISTEN nanami is so fucking annoying because he doesn’t even have to fucking study and he turns in everything on time and he has his life together. he has the potential to do so fucking well in ib diploma but all he does is advanced classes here and there like this man took ib physics for fun and GOT A FUCKING A,, i hate him. oh my god and definitely did ap euro, apush, ap world and man his DBQs ARE SO FUCKING GOOD... his ap lang essays are so fucking good like when this man writes a rhetorical analysis he uses words like “perpetual” and shit and the ap grader is just like YES NANAMI.. A 5!!!! he took ap calc because why not and got an A and a 5 on the exam (again i fucking hate him). this man does not take anything less than a 4. also got a 5 in ap psych as usual. he’s so fucking nonchalant about it, too, like mans is just chillin through his classes and everyone is jealous, but the thing is that he wasn’t THAT interested in those classes. he just wanted the college credit, EXCEPT he genuinely enjoyed ap macroeconomics. this man plays that fucking stocks game on marketwatch and HAS FUN with it. his counselor is always like “you should take this that ib diploma dude” blah blah blah and this man will look them in the eye and be like “ib classes are worthless.” he’s the dream of every current ap macro kid and i stand by this. 
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v4mpyr3n3rd · 4 years
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d4t3; 1-03-2021 ZuNdÆ
I’ve been doing sum homework today considering most of it is due either tomorrow or Tuesday. I did like a 1/4 of my psych homework only to realize that’s due THURSDAY so now I’ve started my AP US homework which is due Tuesday :((. I also have an AP Lang essay on Tuesday and a Psych test on Friday so this week will officially suck sm :)). I’m hoping that on Friday I can at least go to the comic shop with Axle :-/ who btw is A VERY TALENTED POET???
For English we were assigned to write five poems and I wrote abt being a lEzbiAN and Axle wrote abt being trans masc and it was SO FHUCKING GOOD???? HES SO TALENTED AND I KINDA THOUGHT MINE WAS GOOD AND THEN I READ HIS AND GOT JELOUS:( I wish I didn’t tho, I’m v happy for him that he’s talented but idk ig I j thought too highly of mine while I was in the zone of writing it :/ it’s not v good now.
I also have been rethinking being a director bc I really thought I had the creativity in me but recently I’ve just felt really dumb and confused and that people who make a living doing that stuff are on another plane of existence than me. Idk maybe I’ve been alone w/ my thoughts too long or something. Oh well.
I still have to read 196 pages of Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather (which is VERY good and her descriptions are soooooo vivid but I feel like a lot of what’s going on is going over my head or something :/ ) and I have to study for the aforementioned tests and then do my AP US homework and then start studying for midterms :((( I’m very scared for that ;-;
Ok I have family over for dinner rn so I should go bc I’ve been in the bathroom for a sus amount of time now, byeee
(Ps I’m trying to learn Give Em Hell Kid on the bass!! :>)
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sadkittyworld · 5 years
NS_ Wk 2
Session 4: The Nightmare city and the urban laboratory
In today’s session we looked at the plot summaries for chapters 3 & 4, if there is a homosexual subtext in Jekyll and Hyde, ‘Gothic Horror’ & the creation of the ‘Urban Gothic’ and Victorian pseudoscience.
Chapter 3 summary:
We finally meet Dr. Jekyll.
A ‘large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty’ although he has a ‘slyish cast’ (more foreshadowing).
Jekyll reassures Utterson he can be free of Mr Hyde whenever he wants. He says it’s a ‘private matter’ & asks Utterson to ‘let it sleep’*.
*Sleep is a repeated theme in the book.
Jekyll calls Dr Lanyon ‘hide-bound’, meaning narrow-minded.
Chapter 4 summary:
A peaceful year later...
Hyde murders Sir Danvers Carew, a respected Member of Parliament.
This was witnessed by a maid servant in a house overlooking the street. She described the murder in a strange way. She seemed to be infatuated with the MP.
This chapter was laid-out very cleverly. Before the murder took place, Stevenson describes the scene of the murder. There was fog, the night was cloudless and ‘brilliantly lit’ by a full moon...
Full moon is important because it was associated with the supernatural. Werewolves came out during the full moon. This also made it clear for the maid to see clearly what happened at the murder scene. Many adaptations make Hyde look almost werewolf-like.
Stevenson was a romantic writer rather than a realist.
The maid was sat at her window and ‘fell into a dream of musing’.
To the maid Carew is ‘an aged and beautiful gentleman with white hair’ and a ‘very pretty manner of politeness’*;
*This tells me that there was some thing homosexual or just feminine about Carew.
‘The moon shone on his face as he spoke’;
‘such an innocent and old-world kindness of disposition, yet with something high too’.
‘A great flame of anger’
‘Broke out of all bounds’
‘Ape-like fury’ - the maid is referencing Hyde to be animalistic.
‘Audibly shattered’
‘Incredibly mangled’
‘This insensate cruelty’.
The scene represents duality in action: tranquil romanticism becomes brutal gore.
The scene is shocking and effective due to the contrast between beauty and innocence of Carew with Hyde’s ‘violent’ behaviour as described by the maid servant.
This makes Carew a martyr-like figure. Carew’s death can be seen as symbolic - the ‘death of innocence’ by Hyde (supposedly an incarnation of evil)
This also ‘builds the legend’ of Hyde as an antagonist: if he’s willing to slaughter someone as pure and beautiful as Carew then no one is safe...
The next morning Utterson is called to the Police Station to notify him of Carew’s death.
Utterson then accompanies the police to Mr. Hyde’s lodgings*. Utterson describes where Hyde lives as ‘some city in a nightmare’.
* Appropriately (& symbolically) Hyde has 2 homes: Hyde’s shabby door in chapter 1 leads to Jekyll’s ‘old dissecting rooms’, a disused part of the house now used by Mr Hyde for his ‘comings and goings’.
Mr Hyde had ran off and hid himself. The policeman is optimistic as they find several thousand pounds in Hyde’d bank account: they are sure that Hyde will call to collect it. All they’ll have to do is wait for him...
This chapter ends on a cliffhanger with a clear hook to the next chapter.
Carew ‘accosts’ Hyde with ‘a very pretty manner of politeness’
‘accosts’ - so Carew intentionally approached, I can sort of see where this was going.  Carew basically went and asked for it. There is a Malayalam saying ‘Vadi koduthu adi vaangi’ = ‘Giving the stick to get beaten up’.
‘a very pretty manner of politeness’ - sounds very gay for a man to behave this way is what I think.
Feminist critic Elaine Showalter (1990, cited in Harman, 2006) calls the novella a ‘fable of fin-de-siècle homosexual panic’. She notes that working class men of the era were sometimes seen as erotic objects by their aristocratic superiors.
Harman, C. (2006) Robert Louis Stevenson: a biography. 2nd edn. [ebook] London: Harper Perennial.
(Hyde is ‘classless’ rather than working class – class structures were hugely important at the time, so this itself would have been disturbing, & bewildering, for Victorian audiences).
Matthew Sweet (2002, p.200) suggests that the 1885 Amendment Act (see next slide) was partly created to protect working class men from exploitation.
Blackmailer’s charter: This law is what got Oscar Wilde his trial and prosecution because of his involvement with Lord Alfred Douglas (nicknamed Bosie).
In 1921, there was an attempt to make lesbianism a criminal offence. This was ‘dropped out of concern that legislation would... draw attention to the “offence” and encourage women to explore their sexuality’ (British Library, no date).
The law remained for men until 1967.
The word ‘homosexual’ wasn’t used (in English) until 1892 in a translation of a German sexology manual Psychopathia Sexualis (first published in 1886).
Victorians mainly used the word ‘Uranian’ – and, as Sweet describes it (2002, p. 197), for them this meant having a ‘female’ psyche in a male body.
Sweet argues that Victorian sexuality was ‘less systematized… than our own’ (2002, p. 197), i.e. more fluid. Ironically, he says, the 1885 act helped create the concept of a homosexual ‘identity’.
R.L.S’ Duality:
Stevenson himself was a man of contradictions (Harman, 2006):
effeminate but straight
wealthy but dressed ‘down’ (scruffy with bad teeth!)
born to strictly religious parents but lived a bohemian (& open-minded) life as an adult
played at being lower class but exploited upper class connections
Stevenson himself had many male admirers - including folklorist Andrew Lang and novelist Henry James.
Stevenson appeared to enjoy the attention of these men.
And, whether he intended it or not, ‘Uranian’ men of the era did find sympathetic undertones in his work (Harman, 2006).
The main characters in the book are all unmarried wealthy Victorian men, past the age of marriage. Many think that they were homosexuals meaning they can’t get married due to social pressure. I think that Dr. Jekyll specifically was not a homosexual because I think that he could have been too busy with his ‘secret’ experiments. His ‘secret sins’ could have been doing experiments on human bodies which he ordered from grave robbers (this was something that was happening in the Victorian era due to the fascination with science and medicine (and drugs!)). I’m not so sure about the others. But then again, it could be Homosexual related.
According to Stevenson it was Jekyll’s hypocrisy that unleashed Hyde (the beast) – who only has as much ‘appetite’ as Jekyll.
Stevenson was much more forward-thinking & open-minded than many of the era – he didn’t think there was anything wrong with sexual desire, and didn’t want people to draw that conclusion from his work.
I also think similar. For story adaptation purpose I have changed it so that Jekyll is secretly ‘gay’.
Hyde is an example of the Uncanny in the story of Jekyll and Hyde. Nobody could ever describe him properly, They feel an inexplicable ‘loathing’ emotion towards him.
The Evil Within (Not the game)
In the late 19th Century Gothic novel the threat is no longer external but internal. It sourced from around the very heart of the respectable middle-class people. This made it more frightening because now the evil’s inescapable. 
Middle-class Victorians had a great fear that ‘sexual depravity’ and other kinds of moral decay would pass from the ‘nocturnal world’ to the safe space of the home (Botting, 1996).
Botting, F. (1996) Gothic. Abingdon: Routledge. Reprint, 2007.
The use of wild landscapes grew less interested of traditional Gothic, instead focused on the new landscape of the city/urban environment.
In ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ fear is visualised through the symbolic uses of darkness and fog.
fin de siècle - end of the century / era
The fast-paced advancement of science narrowed the gap between science and occult.
The dual brain: 
In my story Hyde and Jekyll are 2 separate souls in one body.
Proponents of this theory argued that ‘each brain hemisphere might house a separate personality, indeed, a separate soul’ (Stiles, 2006, p. 882).
Stiles, A. (2006) Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ and the Double Brain in Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900, Vol. 46, No. 4, The Nineteenth Century, pp. 879–900. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4127513.
Left brain = logic
Right brain = emotional/creative/expressive
Women and ‘Savages’ were strong in the right brain.
Hyde would be a right brain user, unlike Jekyll who is more logical (secretly more Right leaning).
Poole - was ‘weeping like a woman’
Poole, Jekyll, Lanyon and Carew all seem to have a female psyche to them (they seem ‘Uranian’).
Brain wise Poole and Hyde are Feminine. Both emotional.
Hyde is more savage than Feminine in that way.
My Hyde is feminine appearance-wise, but he is an actor who should get an award for making everyone believe his lies, that is in my story.
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nautical-studies · 7 years
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4/100 9/11/17 I got my first essay back for AP English Lang and I got a perfect score! I'm really happy about that because I'm usually really bad with English. We also had our first quiz in AP Psych and it wasn't bad! I feel like I don't add enough to the studyblr community though. I'm going to try and be a part of it instead of shyly staying away.
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tbhstudying · 7 years
Hey, I got a 4 in ap lang and comp, ap stats, ap psych, and ap gov, and you've mentioned that you're taking some of them. I also have friends that did well on the ap calc b&c exam. If you ever have any trouble, i'd be more than happy to help you. good luck this year on your exams!
aaaa thank you so much for your help! i’ll be sure to send over a message if i ever need any help
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intellectys · 7 years
do you think it would be realistic to take 4 ap classes, 1 ib class, have a part time job, and get good grades?
For me, I think it would be feasible if it’s a job that doesn’t take up very much of your time, OR if you don’t do much by way of extracurriculars (assuming that the IB class workload is fairly similar to the AP workload).
To give you some context, I did 5 AP classes both last year (bio, psych, english lit, spanish lit, stats) and the year before (gov, calc ab, latin, english lang, spanish lang) and and two very time intensive extracurriculars (debate and band). I also tutored, which pays well but doesn’t have many hours.
My grades were mostly As and A minuses (except a B in calc :D) and I got 5s on all the exams except Latin (4) and calc (3– see the pattern here?), so the good grades part seems covered!
If I hadn’t done debate (which is maybe 25 hours/week with practice, research, case writing, mock rounds, coaching, and tournaments), I think I definitely could have picked up a more traditional job.
In summary: it really depends on how you work/what the classes are/what the job is/how many extracurriculars you have, etc.
If you think it’ll work for you, then go for it! All of us as students work in very different ways, so do what’s best for you and don’t base any decisions exclusively off the opinions of studyblrs, including myself :D
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chameleon-imagines · 7 years
IM BACK! + replies
Good news everyone! My fish is okay. However, I think he’s on his last leg and may die soon. It’s okay though because I’m prepared for it. He’s been my little betta buddy for a while and inspired my fishkeeping talent. :-)
I did get 6 neon tetras for my tank though!! They are really cute. I also got 2 more ghost shrimp.They are all getting along SWIMMINGLY. (Sorry I couldn’t resist).
ALSO I don’t mean to brag but I got a 4 on my AP Lang exam!!!! I’m really excited bc I really needed that college english credit lmao. Also I got a 2 on my psych exam lmao. In my defense my teacher was gone for like 3 months and you win some you lose some. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Now I’m gonna do some replies
@thegirlofrandom : It’s not parasites, thank goodness. I’ve never had to deal with them (*knocks on wood*) and I hope I never will. He just has a tumor and it’s been getting bigger and I think he’s on his last leg (or fin for better words lmao). And I looked that up and GEEZ NEMATODES LOOK SCARY AND HARD TO TRAT. Definitely not how spongebob made them seem!!
@vintagespacegirl : Thank you for the kind words, hon! 💖He’s doing better and actually ate his breakfast this morning!
Alright, time to get back to work! Love y'all!
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rahullikesthings · 7 years
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I’ve done these year-end reflections for the last four years, and most of them have been how things went badly and how I hope they get better. I’m happy to say 2017 was a really solid year for me. There’s a whole list of accomplishments I’m proud of, some I had worked towards, some that happened by coincidence. I moved into my own apartment. I got a promotion and two different raises at work. I’ve been booked more than ever since I’ve been doing standup. I started my own show. I’ve made friends, at work and through comedy. And as someone that hasn’t had much of that in a few years, I think it’s helped me be less cynical and paranoid about new acquaintances and relationships whenever they do happen. I met Terrell Owens (kind of a weird dude) and Eric Dickerson (cool guy!) and got that close to Steve Kerr at the Warriors championship parade. 
There’s still plenty more I hope to accomplish, but it’s fair to say this year is the start of an upward trajectory. I’m in a good space mentally and physically. I see people around me progressing and moving forward and I’m super happy for them. I’m thinking of going vegan. There’s people I hope to meet, places I hope to travel to, more achievements to realize. 
As I started to put together these lists, I realized how strange my media intake felt this year. Stuff that happened earlier in the year feels like sooo long ago. There are songs I loved that I forgot were released this year at all. The albums list was tough because there was no clear number one for me but definitely a handful that I really liked. There were more beyond that I thoroughly enjoyed, put in a playlist, and then completely forgot about because I guess that’s what streaming is. “Crew” was easily my favorite song this year. I spend just enough time in car to actually listen to the radio and it was such a cool feeling to hear Shy Glizzy on there. I get psyched and sing along to his verse every. single time. 
I watched a ton of TV this year but, really, no show comes close to American Vandal. The humor, the characters, the depth of the parody, the bingeability. It’s maybe the best representation of high school I’ve ever seen on screen. Quality all around. I don’t know that would tell someone who has never seen Twin Peaks to watch it, but there were three of four moments in this season that were some of the most visceral experiences I’ve ever had watching any TV or movie. Godless was fire. Mindhunter was also great. I thought this final season of The Carmichael Show was nearly perfect. Curb might not have had its best season but I laughed uncontrollably at every scene between Larry and Richard Lewis. The Get Down deserved more. The Deuce was as good as people said, but I think I needed a little something more. Shout out to Shark Tank for always coming through. 
I may have watched more movies this year than in any other year in recent memory (shouts to my Movie Pass). I don’t know that I had an obvious number one, but Lady Bird, Florida Project and Get Out are in that discussion for me. But also Star Wars: The Last Jedi was maybe the greatest movie I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve spent so much of my life with this franchise, I didn’t think I could be surprised anymore. The throne room scene is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen, and the audience reaction to Laura Dern’s lightspeed was priceless (every single time). Highlight: Watching Get Out at the Jack London theater in Oakland on opening weekend / Lowlight: not being able to discuss it at work the next day because San Francisco is the whitest, most clueless, most tone-deaf city on Earth. American Made won’t get mentioned a lot but it was one of the more fun experiences I’ve had at the movies. Girls Trip was awesome and hilarious. The Game of Thrones prison scene in Logan Lucky and the Kumail/Ray Romano 9/11 joke in The Big Sick are literally two of the funniest moments in any movie ever. I thought I was over comic book movies, but three ended up on this list. I still can’t tell if I liked Dunkirk.
Here’s to 2018.
Best Songs:
Goldlink “Crew (feat. Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy)” SZA “Supermodel” Tove Love “Disco Tits” Migos “T-Shirt” Playboi Carti “Magnolia” Future “Solo” Sevyn Streeter “Before I Do” Kendrick “Fear” Kelela “LMK” Bruno Mars “That’s What I Like” Ty Dolla $ign “Famous” Adrian Marcel “UKNOWUDO” Miguel “Told You So” 2 Chainz “It’s A Vibe (feat. Ty Dolla $ign, Trey Songz & Jhene Aiko)” A$AP Ferg “Plain Jane” Buddy “Type of Shit (feat. Wiz Khalifa)” Devin the Dude “Are You Goin' My Way?” Frank Ocean “Chanel” Che Ecru “2 Am” Majid Jordan “One I Want (feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR)” Rick Ross “Trap, Trap, Trap (feat. Young Thug & Wale)” Young Thug “Daddy’s Birthday” Vince Stapes “Big Fish” PRETTYMUCH “Open Arms” Wizkid “Come Closer (feat. Drake)”
Best Albums: 
Future HNDRXX Future FUTURE Kelela Take Me Apart Kendrick Lamar DAMN. IDK Iwasverybad Miguel War & Leisure SZA Ctrl Ty Dolla $ign Beach House 3 Jonwayne Rap Album Two Aminé Good For You Mary J. Blige Strength Of A Woman Drake More Life Meek Mill Wins & Losses Jay-Z 4:44 Playboi Carti Playboi Carti Che Ecru buries SiR Her Too Goldlink At What Cost Lou The Human Humaniac Roc Marciano Rosebudd’s Revenge Mozzy & Gunplay Dreadlocks & Headshots Wiki No Mountains In Manhattan milo who told you to think??!!?!?!?! Migos Culture Anna Wise The Feminine: Act II
Best Beats:
Oh No x Tristate “Wind Chime Wizardry” (Oh No) Juelz Santana & Dave East “Time Ticking” (Jahlil Beats) Offset & Metro Boomin “Ric Flair Drip” (Bijan Amir, Metro Boomin)  Future “Solo” (Dre Moon) Iamsu “Shake” (Iamsu) Aminé “Slide” (Jahaan Sweet, Aminé) Kap G “Motivation” (???) Mila J “Fuckboy” (Immanuel Jordan Rich) Jonwayne “Afraid Of Us” (Jonwayne) SZA “Go Gina” (Scum, Lang, Frank Dukes) Milo “Sorcerer” (Kenny Segal) Action Bronson “Bonzai” (Harry Fraud) RJMrLA & DJ Mustard “Hard Way” (DJ Mustard)
Best TV Shows:
American Vandal Mindhunter Godless Twin Peaks: The Return Bojack Horseman The Carmichael Show The Deuce Rick and Morty The Leftovers Master of None Veep Halt and Catch Fire Mr. Robot The Good Place The Get Down Shark Tank Glow Insecure Marvel’s Runaways Lady Dynamite The Defiant Ones All or Nothing  Every scene in Curb Your Enthusiasm between Larry and Richard Lewis
Best Movies:
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lady Bird The Florida Project Get Out Logan Lucky American Made Logan Girls Trip Hidden Figures The Meyerowitz Stories Molly’s Game The Big Sick Thor: Ragnarok Coco Wonder Woman It The Disaster Artist Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond Spider-Man: Homecoming  Dunkirk The Lost City of Z
Best Comedy Specials:
Louis C.K.: 2017 (I know, I know...) Roy Wood Jr: Father Figure Norm Macdonald: Hitler's Dog, Gossip & Trickery Chris Gethard: Career Suicide Al Madrigal: Shrimpin' Ain't Easy Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King Brent Weinbach: Appealing to the Mainstream  Rory Scovel Tries Stand-Up For The First Time Maria Bamford: Old Baby Erik Griffin: The Ugly Truth Neal Brennan: Three Mics The Standups: Fortune Feimster The Standups: Beth Stelling Marc Maron: Too Real Comedy Central Stand Up Presents: Anthony Devito Comedy Central Stand Up Presents: Sam Jay Joe Mande's Award-Winning Comedy Special Todd Barry: Spicy Honey Ryan Hamilton: Happy Face The Standups: Nate Bargatze 
Previously: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
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