#i also really Want to make like character sheet type things for them all so you can 'get to know them'
stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
i just wanted to come say thanks to y'all who like my oc posting the other day TwT it made me really happy
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heizouz · 9 months
whoever requested the sub lyney thing i am so in love w u ALSO UR WRITING IS AMAZING litch rally all i can think abt rn
lyney is def like. a cocky sub tho like he’s a little feisty idk !!???! like he starts off all confident and then he just. falls apart over time… idk he lives in my brain i swear
nsfw sub!lyney + gn!reader, reader is kind of mean (not really at all), brat lyney turned cockwhore, cock can be referred to as a strap :]
THANK YOUUUU TYSM UR TOO SWEET!!! i can't tell if i strayed a bit off the request here but i hope it's okay nonetheless🤞🏻it's my favourite thing to put boys in their places so this was so fun to write, tysm for the req anon!!! <3
lyney is definitely the type of sub to test his partner's patience and bring them to their breaking point instead of being obedient because, what's the fun in that?
he always acts so confident, both in and out of the bedroom—putting on a show for anyone who has the pleasure of being around him. you know he's not always like that; you'd seen the ways he'd beg for you to let him cum, seen how he'd fall apart from things such as soft grinding or needy kisses.
that's why you just let him carry out his act.
lyney was naturally clingy, but the way his touches seemed to linger for a second too long, or fall lower than they were supposed to, you could tell he was trying to rile you up. he'd been at it all day; fingers dancing over your chest moments after you'd woken up, teasing remarks to make you flush in front of your friends, hands gripping hard on your hips when you stood, and squeezing your thighs when you sat. you put up with all of it though, letting the cockiness go to his head so you could watch him crumble underneath you once you finally got him alone.
lyney had to force back a grin when you'd stormed into the house later that day, not a word from your lips as he smirked and happily followed you around as if taunting you till you made it to the bedroom. he'd giggled when you'd practically thrown him on the bed, tongue pressing against your cheek at the smug expression painted over the magician's face.
you weren't mad per say; lyney was just naturally feisty and way too cocky, so all of his taunts and tricks were nothing by now. but he got a thrill off of seeing your reactions and watching you snap.
so what can you say really? he was asking for it.
"good fucking boy." you growl, your hips pistoning slow and harsh into him. lyney's moaning, crying out against the sheets as you hold him down, knocking the breath from him with every thrust. "see? 's not that hard to be a doll and listen, is it?"
lyney's constant stream of moans echo around the room, unable to answer you whether you wanted him to or not. he's too fucked out, cries spilling from his pretty parted lips with every drag of your cock. he's too weak to grab the sheets, fingers clawing at the material. he's so perfect like this—nothing like the usual overconfident, charming character everyone sees him to be; all completely at your mercy and squirming underneath you.
your fingers tighten in his messy hair, his once pretty braid now loose and falling out, and you lift his head from the sheets. lyney whines, high and needy, volume so much louder now he was no longer pressed against the bed. your hips don't slow, rather they pick up a little in pace and lyney has to hold himself up with his arms to stop himself from collapsing on to the sheets.
"what's happened, doll? can't talk?" lyney can feel your smirk just from your tone alone. you fold your body over his back, thrusting deep into him and he whimpers, "have i fucked you dumb?"
letting you wrap your hand around his throat, you make him tilt his head back as much as he can to look at you. his eyes glaze over with nothing but needy tears, pants falling from his constantly parted lips with every drag of your cock and how you handle him so easily into such positions. lyney doesn't answer you, but if the moans dropping from his tongue with every hard thrust told you anything, it was that you had fucked him dumb.
lyney's brain is practically empty, pretty dumb whimpers leaving his throat and he can't form any words; especially when you pull out just so the tip of your cock stays inside before dragging him back onto you with such ease. especially when the fingers around his throat find his open mouth and stuff his needy throat full, shutting him up even though his moans bleed past your digits. and especially after he finishes, head blanking and eyes rolling back into his head as you continue to fuck him through his orgasm, letting him know that this is what he deserves.
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Linked maze updated which means I'm back! :D
Hello Linked Maze fans! :D
Linked Maze returns with scent pt10, which means I am back to ramble about the small details in the comic because I enjoy it!
If you dont know what Linked Maze is, It's a links meet comic. About the links in a maze.... Self-explanatory really, but trust me it's amazing and I love it. It's great! But also for more mature audiences, so do take care and heed the creator's warnings before going in!
Importantly - Linked Maze and all the art belongs to @linked-maze and its artist @frulleboi, this chapter also had a guest artist, so the second page's art is done by @marenwithanm. And thanks again for the permission to do this! I really enjoy making them!
With that out of the way, My timer is set, grab some snacks and a drink of your choice! And lets get started! :D
We begin with the small bean
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He looks so happy, okay, I love him
Aww four, just wanted his sword back. Also here to straight up appreciate the detail with the little ticktacktoe on the scabbard of his sword i love him dearly.
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Wolfie looks both Done and worried at the same time.
Also, them discovering Sky's sailcloth! I'm so excited about this okay I want these two groups to find each other so bad.
Also, I was interested cause I dont think we've seen the sailcloth in the story yet. So it's fascinating that it's here. I blame Angel, she has shenanigans that I think work for this. Like imagine when we see Sky and he's like the fuck why do you have my sailcloth I've not seen it since I got here, type thing.
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Wind taking charge as he should be.
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There's a bunch to unpack here, so just give me a moment.
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That's not Sky's sword.
That's Twilight's sword.
The wrappings on the blade and the markings we see on it later match Twilight's sword. (From the character reference sheets.)
Do you have any idea how excited I was when I saw this? Then saw Wolfie's face like
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Why the fuck is that there?
I think this tells us two things.
Twilight/wolfie is now able to be armed. So he's got the capability to fight without the wolf form now. So he might transform soon!
Angel/ djævel are using the hero items to bring the groups together for some reason.
But now im considering the implications of having these specific items here. Like, Thats an item from a character from some of the major groups that we know off right now.
Twilight's sword(Twilight, wind) / Sky's sailcloth (Sky,wild,Time) / Four's sword (four, warrior)
Was the idea for them to find it, or for just one of the groups to find it so that they could find the others.
Something to think about.
Moving on!
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Me too four... me too
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Yes it does. He's sat about five feet from you
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Look at his guilty face, he know's but he can't say and he's sad about it.
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Warrior looks worried, you think he's thinking of war stuff right now?
A sword planted into the ground with an important item beside it... a sword who they dont know its owner. Its owner who to them could be dead?
Twilight is the only one who know's his sword after all.
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Good call Mr. Captain Warrior sir!
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Again with the sad wolfie ears, they give me life okay I love him.
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Good on Wind for being the one to lead the charge, we need a good vibe like Wind to get us through the shenanigans that I'm sure are going to ensue.
Again Twilight is looking towards his sword. When you think he would be looking towards Wind at this point. But his eyes appear to be looking towards the markings on the sword.
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I love his shocked face. He's like
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I can't track myself...
Totally not me going to be using this reaction when someone asks me to do something.
Wolfie is the real MVP of this chapter let me tell you right now.
I love this lot they are wonderful
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Yes, you look to your sword and think about what you've done.
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Sniff sniff out the cinnamon roll wolfie, find him!
Oh man, this update was fun, I got so unbelievably excited about the sword like it's great to basically have a confirmation about something that's been rotating around in my brain since we saw it before.
Thanks again for listening to me ramble my way through another comic update! :D
And thank you again @linked-maze for letting me do this, i will be continuing them (as long as you let me:) ) cause this was so much fun!
Thats me done for this update tho, so I'll be headed out!
Have a great night! :D
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hellishjoel · 7 months
every rose has its thorns
1.6k / pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
← masterlist | notifications blog
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summary: mike really likes your white panties with the pretty rose on the front.
warnings/information: soft/sub!mikey whilst still being on top (king), thumb sucking, pet names (angel!), mike using reader to unwind, panty play, size kink, coming wherever he likes ;) 
A/N: holy hell just realized this is my first non-pedro-universe-character piece! woohoo! I finally watched fnaf with a girlfriend of mine and with inspiration from a naughty twitter video, I wrote this! I have to give @cupofjoel a huge thank you, please read her entire mike schmidt masterlist, you will not regret it! I wrote this very ill with covid and on mikey brain rot (it's so bad I might have typed mark schmidt instead of mike x.x) so if there’s any errors, apologies are stated now. also thank you to @saradika-graphics for the fnaf banners!
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It all started with a pair of panties. A simple brief-style pair, the material rounding around the curves of your ass and ducking pretty between your thighs. White cotton. A small rose embroidered on the front. Untouched, perfectly clean, pristine. Just like you. Unlike Mike. 
Mike was all dark boxer briefs, the kind that clutched onto his thick thighs and cupped his lower half for dear life. Or the plaid purple and black boxers he was wearing now accompanied by a bowl of cereal that he was eating after a late night at work, now an early morning. Often shirtless when he was in the privacy of his own room, you had the opportunity to admire his dark, curly chest hair that was speckled across his chest and thinned out across his torso before filling out again at the start of his happy trail.  
“Thanks for taking care of Abby,” he said with his mouth half full of Trix, “did she get on the bus alright?” 
You nod weakly, gently nudging the back of your hand against your tired eyes. 
“Yeah. But I think she misses you at night. I can never soothe her like you can when she has nightmares.” 
You watch as Mike sighs and tips the cereal bowl back, the sweet milk dribbling at the corners of his mouth and making small trails around his pretty pink lips. The ceramic bowl chimes as he sets it down on his bedside table, watching from the pillows as he crawls up the bed to join you. The early morning light peaks through his curtains and highlights his dark eyes amber. Your thumb traces his lower lip, and he truly can’t wait any longer. He needs you now.
He spent all last night fantasizing about you. Head down with his arms folded along the security desk, eyes previously on the security monitors now heavily closed as he listens to the sounds of nature. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about you, he had more important things to dream about. But you kept appearing, enticing him, wearing those pretty little panties that he can’t get enough of. The white pair with a rose on the front. The pair he comes home to most mornings once Abby has left for school. The pair you’re wearing now. 
Knowing how desperate you both are, you let him guide you how he pleases on the bed. After long night shifts, his routine is to come home and fuck you in the comfort of his dark grey sheets before he falls asleep with your body cuddled in beside his. He pulls you by the ankle to the edge of the bed, legs spread and bent as you nip at your lower lip with a certain eagerness unfolding in the base of your belly. 
Mike’s thumbs hook into his plaid boxers, pushing them down until they do the rest of the work, naturally falling and looping around his ankles. He’s already half hard just from looking at you, dreaming about you. He wouldn’t last long looking as wrecked as he was. Tight jaw and fixated eyes, drunk on need and just a little bit of control with his tornado of a life. 
“Mike,” you whisper, cupping his cheeks and letting him fold over your body as you feel his hips rest heavily between your thighs, “s’okay, want you to get off however you like.” You cradle his face and kiss the tip of his nose while his long eyelashes flutter in comfort. 
“I know, angel. I’m here with you.” His voice is like heaven, drenched in a sweet honey that you’ve found yourself addicted to. You sit up on your elbows as Mike helps navigate your shirt off, admiring the curve of your breasts and the embellishment of your collarbones. So perky and pretty. He praises them with his warm mouth and tongue that can’t help but swirl around your taut peaks. He grunts softly against your soft skin as his hips lightly rut into yours, making your head drift back and forth in his sheets with bliss. 
“Fuck, I just,” he mutters quietly against your goosebump-riddled skin, “I love these.” He whispers as he slowly moves to stand up straight once again, his cock resting over the material of your white panties. He’s entranced by the red petals of the rose, the two dark greens that make up the stem and its thorns. Your eyes trail down to his beady red tip, leaking precum that you desperately yearn to kitten lick. 
“Every rose has its thorns,” Mike whispers, a raspy edge to it from the lack of sleep he desperately craves. You run your hands down your delicate body, hooking your thumbs in at your hips to your underwear, but Mike stops your movements. 
“However I like?” He echoes your statement from earlier, to which you give him a soft nod.
Mike’s always been soft with you, gentle, caring. You think he gets it from being an older brother, the type that has to be the parent most times instead of an actual brother. But when he steps into the bedroom, and Abby is elsewhere, his mind can drift away into being whoever he likes, however he likes. Merciless, rough, desperate, needy, sweet. Everything that made him unwind was all shared with you. And for that, you felt thankful. You could be the key to his lock, the one that kept his head up from drowning with the overflowing responsibilities he always managed to juggle at the final second. You were the one person he could fall apart with, and everything would be completely fine. 
So when his hand started to stroke up and down his cock, making your mouth water for a certain desire, you were eager to help him unwind. Lose his mind in a little slice of heaven. The pad of his thumb slowly begins to stroke up and down your clothed center, eliciting a desperate whimper from your lips as he circles over your sensitive nub. He could see it through your underwear with how aroused you were growing. Your clit swelled for affection. 
A small wet spot starts to grow, an embarrassing little pool that shows through the white cotton of your panties, just at the sprout of the rose. You let out a shaky breath as Mike traces the looping pattern with his forefinger. He then peels the material gently away from your sticky center, laying his thirsty cock between your folds before he lets the underwear blanket you both. He barely fits inside the dainty material. His cock swells with volume and makes your panties stretch to accommodate. He was large. And all yours. 
You whimper in need, hoping for more but realizing you could get off just like this. 
His breaths are already labored as he starts to thrust, feeling his tip nudge your clit with every beat. You fist the sheets, letting him use you like a wet little toy. He’s not sure what to do with his hands at first. They start on keeping your legs spread at the underside of your thighs, before one settles on your hip and the other is cupping your cheek. Not long after, his thumb pushes past the plushness of your lips, forcing you to suckle and moan around the intrusion. 
Your eyes stay connected, a silent bond between you both. This is a safe space for you, come unraveled before me. 
The next time you look down, the pooling of liquid from his cock has stained your panties. And he has no remorse. Your lips part at the truly dirty sight. He’s leaked so much that your panties have become nearly translucent. You can see the pink of his tip with each thrust and the curve of his shaft.
You grow even wetter, feeling him slip up and down your arousal-filled heat, each thrust making you moan weakly. A shiver rolls up your spine, your walls squeezing around nothing as the coil inside of you twists tighter and tighter. 
Mike cages you with his body as he leans down and kisses you in a distracted way, one that leaves his lips parted against yours as he airs out a few soft grunts while his thrusts slowly falter. 
“Mike, please,” you moan softly against the stubble that lines his cheek, your nose gently gliding against it as you tilt your head back into his mattress, feeling yourself come undone to his thrusts. 
His forehead clustered with sweat sinks desperately into your neck, sponging kisses and moaning weakly as he rids himself of his latest dirty fantasies. He gasps and grunts against your throat as he finishes with hot spurts against the material of your panties, making your jaw drop as you feel the seething warm cum spill and dribble along your stomach and inner thighs. 
Your hearts race in sync, feeling the post-orgasmic high that you catch every morning these days. His cock is still buried in your panties, your hole untouched, and your clit singing with fresh sensitivity. You kiss his earlobe and smile against his skin. 
“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while?” You ask curiously, coiling a dark curl around your finger before it springs loose. 
“Shit,” he mutters weakly, hazy eyes meeting yours as you sweetly kiss his parted lips once more. “M’sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” 
You simply shake your head and wipe the small bead of sweat that neared his eyebrow. “Don’t have to apologize for anything. You already know that.” 
He sighs weakly, but it’s of appreciation. He smiles despite how tired he feels, sponging your cheeks and chin with gentle kisses as he interlocks your hands by your head. “I love you. Mean it.” 
“With all your heart?” You ask.
He nods tightly and pulls your clasped hands to his warm chest. “With all my heart.” 
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hellishjoel masterlist | notifications blog
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chuuyasfanboy · 7 months
Just had some random thoughts so pulled up an old blog I never used and am now deciding to write fics! I've had this stuck in my head for two days now but like- Skk as parents... enjoy <3
Wrote three sections! One with Chuuya, one with Dazai, and ofc them together. It can be read from either adopted or blood perspective, I hope? Kind of scattered, I was just goin for it guys
Iffff you liked this, please req something! I'm having major bsd brainrot and I need ideas...
Soukoku as Parents Platonic x Gn!Child!Reader
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The SILLIEST father EVER guys.
For actual years he was fully under the impression he HATED all kids with a passion. I mean guys look at how badly he treated Aku-
Well then he had you and things changed
It's just something about you being his kid, not a subordinate or random kid on the street
He's your dedicated apologist
In fact, he encourages your mischief!
When you were younger, it was a lot harder to handle you. He even found himself on his last fuse sometimes. Usually, he left Atsushi or Yosano to deal with you
He didn't want to revert to old habits and accidentally traumatize you :(
When he can handle himself, though, he's only halfway controlling you-
He's right along with you in the heinous activities half of the time
Hiding Ranpo's candy (for as long as it lasts), misplacing Kunikida's glasses, hell you two have probably snuck into the infirmary and changed the sheets to something very colorful and very childishly wolf themed...
He's not really a mature dad, nonono. But he's doing his best
He fully supports all of your wildest interests, even tries out some of the more entertaining ones
He struggles to act excited when you're younger and all your interests are very out of his range, but as you grow older he's actually a bit intrigued by them sometimes
Best birthday gift ideas, too. He's very creative when he wants to be.
He also has way more money than he should be ALLOWED to have
For your Sweet Sixteen, he most definitely got you an obsessively large custom pinata of your favorite character...
He makes sure EVERYBODY gets you gifts, because you are his world and thus you must be everybody else's as well
He really does try to keep you out of work, and especially away from his suicide biz
Maybe HE doesnt have a reason to live, but he certainly doesnt want you picking up those thoughts, because he knows you have a real big destiny to live up to someday
I mean, what would the world be without you?
When you hit the age of 13 though, its really hard to hide anything from you
You're so scary when you grow up! And you're way too smart!!4
Did you get that from him? oops...
Now, he doesnt have any plans of living that long, but if you do grow big and strong and smart one day, and you join the ADA, he's definitely got some favoritism.
Surprisingly, Fukuzawa actually gives you your first few proper missions with him
(Because he knows Dazai will not be letting any harm come to you, he trusts Dazai with his life and he knows you trust Dazai even more)
If you have different plans for adulthood though, he's still so supportive
If you go to uni, you're going to have to show him off
Because, guys, he's a dilf
Nobody's gonna be mean to the kid with a dilf father, they all want him
He jokes about it constantly
But rest assured, stupid and immature uni kids are NOT his type, no matter how nice the ones his age look
He's got his eyes set on that waitress and at least four other men at the moment
If you go straight into the workplace instead of uni, he's going to use his connections to get you a good job early!
Fukuzawa has a good way with words and Dazai himself is a pretty good reference contact
Just tell them he's your teacher, or something
It's not like they'll know his hobbies, he's wayyyy too big a mystery for that
Overall: 7/10 dad
A little rough around the edges, but he's trying hard to improve himself for you
And he's trying hard to give you the best life he can offer
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Did I say Dazai was a dilf?
I lied out of my ass.
Chuuya is the real dilf here
But we'll get to that later! (Just know he has plenty of men and women at his feet and they're definitely being way too nice to you because they want him so bad guys)
You're SO SO SO SO spoiled.
So bad you might even be a little bit of a brat growing up
It's fine, not toward him, he almost never says no to you so theres no need
There's absolutely no amount of money that can't be spent on you.
Luxury clothes, professionally cooked dinners, fancy rooms, home staff, the whole works
Despite all that though, he's insistent you go to a public/private school
He's not tutoring you, wont even hire one
It's not because he CAN'T, it's because he KNOWS how important it is for you to get your sense of independence early
Sure, you'll always have financial support, even if he dies (Trust fund babyyyyy)
But thats not what's actually important to your future
You need social skills, you need friends, you need and education and the taste of disappointment
Dont worry, though, he's not sending you unprepared
You're not eating school lunches unless you want to (but fuck why would you?)
He's sending you to school with top notch food every day
And clothes
And supplies
Plus, you'll have a tutor at the ready for anything you need a little extra help in
But for the most part he keeps as far as he can out of that section of your life
You friends are yours, not his
He's polite when they have sleepovers, and he's more than willing to host parties and hangouts
But he doesn't try too hard to impress them, and he doesn't talk to them unless its related to you
Because as much as he loves being around kids (a real big father he wants to adopt everybody he sees)
He doesn't want to impose on any boundaries YOU may have
As a side note though, he's still very observant of your relationships with them
If he overhears any manipulation, or shit talking (about you or not), he's not going to let it sit and exist
If it comes to it, he will contact the parents (And holy fuck they are TERRIFIED i mean imagine a publicly known MAFIA EXECUTIVE contacting you to tell your kid fucked with his ABSOLUTELY NOT GUYS)
If you're into any extracurriculars, he is ALWAYS there
Even if he's overseas on a mission, he has some lower rank attend and clears his schedule so he can watch through a call
Also guys, he practically funds your school?
Your teachers are terrified to cross you because if they do there will be NO SALARY
You complain about anything that happened? He's fixing it up in any way he can
You are his ANGEL, NOTHING will ruin your day as long as he can prevent it.
When you grow up, your options are very clear in his eyes
Either you go to uni and live independent of the mafia, or you inherit his spot when he dies
If you go for neither, he may be a bit shocked, but he'll hesitantly step back
He'll see how it goes, but he's not very confident at first
If it goes well? Fuck, great! He's always in your corner rooting for you
If it doesn't go so well, you always have him as a backup
He'll always be there to take you back with open arms and give you a second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chance. Always
If you do join the mafia, there will be no low rank experience for you
You're straight to the upper ranks. At first, you'll probably be in a position similar to Akutagawa under Dazai or how he was under Koyo
Direct subordinate, his apprentice, his prodigy
And when he dies, you're next in line for his exec spot
There's not even a worry about your skillset, he knows he's trained you well, ability or no ability.
Finally, back to the dilf topic I've mentioned at the beginning
If you go to uni, he has the same problem Dazai had, but WORSE
Fuck guys, he swears he tries to keep out of your friendships, but suddenly everyone's adults and they wont leave him alone.
It's at this point he stops hosting your events (except birthdays) and separates himself
No way is he getting involved with crazy college kids, no way
Overall: 9/10 father
He's a bit absent in your social circle, but he's your dad and thats that
He screams support from the stands and that's really the best you can ask for in a dad <3
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theyre so pathetic together-
theyre all the entertainment you need growing up
constant bickering (lovingly)
they dont involve you in all that
it comes with them both being in seperate factions, but they BOTH work very hard to keep you out of the professional lives
you're their kid, they dont want you in any of the doublesided danger that could get you in
you're probably a secret to everyone except the ADA and the other mafia
And your existence is on a need-to-know basis for everybody else
Dazai is the more present figure in your life, simply because Chuuya has to be a bit more distant
It's the nature of his line of work, anyone he's seen with is a target, and he doesn't want that to be you
He will be at your schooling events still, though. He will be YELLING AND SHOUTING in the stands
Into sports? Every time theres an unfair play he will cuss the living daylights out of the ref
And they just have to let him because theres nothing they can really do about
Dazais the same way, but with less scare factor and way less vigor
After games, he's going to complain WITH you about how lame the whole thing was if you lost, how everything was judged unfairly
They may not get along the best together, but they love each other and especially love you, so they're improving for you
Read: Chuuya is making them improve for you
Dazai thinks hes the victim in all this!
But oh well, if Chuuya makes him apologize when they argue in front of you, he will
When you're all grown up, they both encourage you to find your own path
You've got the chance, thanks to them, and they dont want you involved in their little wars
It's not like you can join any sides, because who would want to be against your dad :(
So really your only choice is moving out, maybe even away-
If you really do want into their business, they both insist you join the ADA
It's safer there for you, and Chuuya would rather have to order his men to not under any circumstances EVER hurt you, than have to watch someone he can't control put you in danger
Plus, he knows Dazai will keep you in the safest position possible
Overall: 7/10 together
They're a nightmare at dinner, and Dazai is sleeping on the couch almost every night
But they adore you and every move you make, so there's no way you're feeling unloved at all
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Pomefiore NSFW Headcanons
Still having heart eyes for Rook as I write this. He’s just so freaking fine. Also, sorry if Epel falls a little short on the details. He’s not my exact favorite, so I find it hard to write for him. Same with Riddle tbh.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. This post also has explicit content. If you’re under the age of 18, or are uncomfortable with this form of content, please skip this post. Content Warning: Oral Sex, Body Worship, Predator/Prey Dynamics, Semi-Public Sex, Edging, Loss of Virginity, Slight Overstimulation, Bruises, Hickeys.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore (You're Here) | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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NSFW Headcanons
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Vil Schoenheit
The first time with Vil is going to be well-planned on his end. Everything is going to be perfect. He’ll discuss becoming more intimate with you, but if your makeout sessions get a bit too steamy, he’ll pull away. He has a vision for your first time, and nothing will taint it. When it’s time, expect to show up to a room with candles, probably having a nice warm bubble bath with wine (or juice if you don’t drink) and a little foreplay. He’s going to lay you on his sheets and learn every part of his body while unraveling you and discovering what noises you make.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your ultimate kink; Vil will never do anything public. The most you’ll get is a chaste kiss from him. He has a reputation he has to uphold, and if it ever came out that he even got slightly steamy with his partner in public…it’ll become a scandal. Tabloids will go nuts. He understands this, and it’s not a good look for either of you, so he makes it very clear that he will never do something like that in public.
He will worship his partner's body without question. Vil doesn’t need you to return the favor; people are always telling him these things. He just wants to make sure you get your fill as well. Especially if his lover is a bit insecure. All of those will be washed away with his words and the feeling of his lips. He will make you feel like you are the fairest of them all by the end of the night.
Vil, to no surprise, is more of a dominant lover. He likes being in charge of what’s going on. Control has its own beauty, and he needs it when being intimate with his partner. When he blindfolds them, and they’re whimpering under his touch, it drives him wild. He never loses his composure, always so poise when he’s fucking you. If he ever lets you switch things up, edge him. It’s the only way you’ll ever see a whiny Vil who’s almost in tears.
His favorite position is missionary. He wants to not only be able to see your face while he makes love to you, but he wants you to be able to see him. He will be showering you with compliments and sometimes even bring you into a mating press if he’s had a really stressful day. Entwine your hand with his own while he fucks you. It’s that kind of intimacy that he craves more often than not.
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Rook Hunt
Rook has a thing for predator/prey type dynamics. Don’t be expecting him to be growling and biting, though; it’s the chase he wants. It’s different from the normal one. Hide from him in school, evade his advances. Try not to be caught in his arms. By the end of the the day, he’ll have you in bed, whispering about how tricky you were today and how much fun it was trying to locate you and chase you down.
Rook also enjoys worshiping his partner’s body. He’ll be using more flowery words mixed with a few filthy phrases. He likes to rile you up by kissing every inch of your skin except where you need him. Laughing and telling you to be patient, and he’ll make you feel so good; he just needs to get a good look at his prize first. He’ll litter your skin with little nips here and there, watching as you squirm under him.
He is going to edge you. Seeing your tear-filled eyes as you buck your hips up into him, trying to get more of that delicious friction. He loves hearing you whining out his name, thrashing under him as he pulls away right as you are about to cum. He’ll then litter your skin with kisses, saying you’re doing so good for him and how he wants to see you desperate for a little longer.
He loves going down on his partner. It goes with the edging. He’ll use his mouth to bring you so close that you think he’s finally going to let you cum, only to take away and kiss your thighs. He’ll be grinding his hips against the mattress, your reactions making him go insane. Despite his love for oral, he never lets you finish like that. He prefers feeling how well you clench around his length as you come completely undone by him.
Rook is well aware of his surroundings. He knows the best places to go to be hidden, secret nooks that were left abandoned that no student would ever think to look at. He’ll drag you off to one, hand down your pants as he teases you. You should know to trust that he’d never let anyone see you like this. Still, you’ll need to keep the noises down. Just because you’re hidden from sight doesn’t mean if a student gets close enough, they won’t be able to hear your pitiful whimpers as Rook plays with you.
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Epel Felmier
You were Epel’s first kiss, so when it comes to sex…well, he’s never gotten close enough to discuss it with anyone. It’s an awkward topic that he’ll dance around for a while until it becomes unbearable. You’ll be making out with him at Ramshackle; he can feel how hard he is and moaning into your mouth, but always has you stop before your hand can even undo the first button of his uniform. It’s going to take a while before you guys actually do anything.
What really pushes Epel into going all the way with you is how Rook commented about wonderful it is to be wrapped around your partner in such an intimate way. Epel wanted that with you, so that night, he shows up at your door, and his lips are crashing into your own. Grim is long since asleep, so you two head to one of the spare rooms you’d cleaned up, and it’s time for Epel to learn a thing or two about anatomy…a lesson he doesn’t want to ever take from Vil or Rook.
Epel wants to be the dominant one. He doesn’t like the thought of being a whimpering submissive. He already has issues with people seeing him as submissive because of his smaller frame, so in this situation, he really wants to be on top. You might need to help him out, but once he gets the hang of things, you can let him take it from there. He’s a sponge for knowledge, if anything, with how he has to remember things from his dorm. Thankfully, this is more hands-on, and it’s something he enjoys a lot.
He likes making you cum, a little bit too much. Seeing someone unravel in front of him, totally vulnerable and whimpering his name… sends shivers down his spine. It’s going to take him a while to figure out how to get you to cum multiple times in a night, but oh boy. Once he does, you’re going to be twitching from the overstimulation. Your legs will be jelly by the end of the night.
Epel loves leaving love marks all over your skin. It’s a bit of his possessive side, wanting everyone to know you’re his. So he’s going to be leaving them everywhere he can. Even if you’re not having sex and just on the couch, he’ll drag you onto his lap and leave a hickey on your neck. If Vil finds out, Epel is getting dragged to a room and lectured about how inappropriate that is. He’ll be leaving marks in less noticeable places in the near future.
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
HSR Characters When Your On Your Period Hcs PT 2!
🥀Cw: blood, periods, afab reader, mentions of period sex and smut, non-sexual nudity in himekos, mentions of cramps and headaches
🥀Pairings: jing yuan x reader, welt x reader, himeko x reader, gepard x reader
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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the minute that jing yuan senses any form of discomfort from u, complete and utter chaos ensues
once he realizes ur on ur period, he immediately takes the day off work to pamper u senseless (much to the irritation of fu xuan)
jing yuan will carry u wherever u need to go, pressing kisses to the top of ur head and whispering softly to u
hes very mindful of ur emotions when ur on ur period, and is great at communicating how he feels and asks u to do the same so that he knows when its ok to poke fun at u and when u want him to just take care of u
he'll switch between joking around with u and trying to make u laugh and taking care of u depending on what u need from him at the moment
if ur feeling tension or pain in ur stomach or back bc of cramps expect him to give u the best massage of ur life
he can and will cook for u <3
he will let u lay with mimi, and loves silently watching the two of u just relax together big cat go brrr
jing yuan will rest with u if ur havinv a headache, turning off the lights and running his hand over ur back as u take a nap
if u need ANYTHING during ur period, say no more bc jing yuan will get it for u
hes has no problem with going to a store and buying pads, tampons, medicine, or anything else u need
when it comes to period sex, jing yuan is always dtf
he def has a size kink, hes fucking huge after all and when ur on ur period and ur so sensitive hes going feral
i feel like he would enjoy mating press in general, but when ur on ur period he especially enjoys it bc he can see how blissed out ur face is and he loves seeing ur blood and slick in a messy ring around his cock as he brings u to ur orgasm again and again
thinking ab jing yuans large hand gripping ur thigh, trailing higher and higher to press where u want him, so close but yet so far as he whispers the filthiest things in ur ear. eventually, his hands reach ur pulsing core, pressing down against ur clit through your undergarments and watching u squirm as he circles the sensitive bud, ur pussy is so wet from blood and arousal and he just cant help but want u...
welt is totally the type to help u track ur period, he is always super prepared for when u start ur cycle and always has products ready
he is a smart guy, he knows a lot ab periods and how to deal w them and is super reliable when it comes to comfort
he also cooks for u, and would bring u breakfast in bed!!! i also feel like he'd be the type to read to u, say for example ur exhausted with all of ur cramps and wacky hormones, he'll lay in bed with u and read ur favorite book to u while the both of u eat the food he made for u
welt probably already has a stash of period supplies for u, but if u ever run out he would prob just go to himeko to get more supplies for u
welt prob has headaches of his own with all the stress he goes through on a regular basis since hes a trailblazer, and would be super comfortable to just lay with
if ur hormones r being wacky and ur upset or anxious ab something, he is a really great person to vent too cuz hes an outstanding listener and always adds good input
if ur having cramps, he already has a heating pad or ice pack ready for u
welt is the type to make u both a pillow fort to watch movies in and read in while ur struggling with ur period, so that neither of u can be distracted
if u ever get blood on the sheets/on ur clothes while sleeping, welt is never grossed out or disgusted. he understands its a regular bodily function, and will give u a reassuring hug before going to wash the sheets /clothes for u
welt is always very careful during sex, and that also comes in during period sex
he wouldnt ever want to seriously hurt u, and would be very careful during period sex
hes constantly asking if ur ok and if ur comfortable
i think welt would really be into missionary cuz its a pretty intimate position for him and he gets to see ur face and know how hes making u feel
will not hesitate to go down on u and eat u out while ur on ur period, he will lay a towel beneath u two for cleanliness and then proceed to eat u out like a starved man, working his tongue and licking ur clit until ur seeing stars
pull his hair hard, it will catch him off guard and make him groan against ur pussy
hes really good at aftercare as well, brewing u some tea and running a bath and he'll give u a massage as well
welt would probably be the first to suggest period sex, esp if u had cramps bc orgasms can help w cramps
overall, supee caring and loving
listen, she's prepared too
himeko has a lot of period products cuz she also has a period (duh) and likes to be prepared and is always willing to share w u
if the two of u are synced up, she will totally be fine with just being lazy all day and laying with u in bed
she enjoys admiring u and the both of u will have relaxing days doing ultimately nothing
himeko would brew coffee for u if ur tired, and would nap with u if u genuinely wanted to sleep
she would give u massages and would prob want one in return, she would def want ur shirt off tho so she can admire ur body while she massages u
she'll press kisses to wear ur having cramps while gently and soothingly running her hands up ur thighs
if ur hormonal, himeko is good to talk too bc the both of u can vent ur stress together and lean on eachother
if ur sad or crying himeko will kiss away ur tears, whispering to u softly and telling u stories ab the worlds shes visited to calm u down
now if someone MADE U CRY.... theyre getting their ass beat
if ur having cravings, she will go to any world u want to get the food u want i feel like she would be the type to have super bad cravings so she always has a stash of comfort foods locked away for the both of u to eat
cant cook for shit tho 💀 she can only brew coffee
yall will bathe together u dont have a choice- she will wash u and u can wash her, she'll sigh and hum softly as u run ur hands through her red curls-
when it comes to sex in general, himeko is either pretty rough or pretty vanilla there is no between
i feel like she'd lean on the vanilla side of things when ur on ur period, esp if shes on her period as well
she has a mommy kink, and loves to "take care of u" during period sex since the both of u are practically insatiable do to hormones
she has a lot of toys, and will use them on u since ur so sensitive
a sadistic part of himeko enjoys seeing u cry from pleasure and overstimulation during sex, she definitely wants to ruin u
"aw, ur getting so worked up sweetie" she coos softly, running her fingers against ur wet slick. she pulls back, revealing her hands covered in ur blood. she proceeds to lick them dry, moaning from ur taste as the delectable and filthy act makes u whimper below her...
yo i went off for a second there anyways-
tbh ur prob one of the first people hes ever been with, i feel like he wouldnt have a lot of experience in dating but would try his best, he knows ab periods from his sisters but isnt super knowledgeable on them
when u first tell gepard ab ur period, he would probably instantly hug u
he would ask serval ab anything he didn't understand, and she would tease him mercilessly ab being a simp for u💀
gepard is often super busy with his silvermane guard duties but will take time off to care for u
if ur having cramps or need any supplies, he will go and buy anything and everything that u need to feel better
hed prob buy like 20 boxes of pads/tampons cuz he didnt know how much u neeeded, hes confused but hes got the spirit <3
if ur the type to workout and go to the gym when ur on ur period to help with cramps, he will accompany u!!!
gepard just wants to make sure that ur comfortable and happy
i feel like hes anothe person whos big on giving massages, he'd blush a little and fumble at first cuz he'd be afraid of hurting u but would be really good at it over time
gepard would play u music if u were tired and needed a nap, or would hum for u softly its so adorable
he understands that u dont say everything u mean when ur on ur period and that ur hormones can make u upset some times so if u guys ever argue he never takes it personally
if hes confused ab something he probably wont say it unless u ask him ab it, he doesnt want to seem stupid or incompetent in ur eyes
hes trying his best!!!!
if gepard heard that orgasms can help with cramps, he would def offer to help u
to yk, ease the cramps. no other reason. totally not cuz seeing u sensitive and needy turns him on...
gepard is SUCH a pleasure dom, he always puts ur needs before his esp during period sex and will make u climax from his fingers a few times before even thinking ab fucking u
would be hesitant to eat u out, but i feel like he'd really like it if u rode his face
gepard would also like u riding him in general, and he is another sucker for eye contact- seeing ur eyes roll back in pleasure from sensitivity only makes him harder, he will start thrusting into u faster, so eager to please u<3
he really enjoys aftercare as well, he'll press soft kisses all over ur body as he wipes u off with a towel and preps a nice bath for u both to enjoy <3
URGEHHRHEHEH THIS WAS SM FUN TO WRITE! i still feel like shit lmao. im considering writing a pt 3 to this if anyone has anymore hsr characters they'd like to req! hope u enjoyed!!
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Tired Turtle Doves
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader x Mykola Hohol
♡ synopsis: Fyodor decides to sleep in with you and Mykola.
♡ wc: 1.2k
♡ cw: None! Fluffy! (Fedya and Kolya do tickle you for a sec but it's supposed to be cute)
note: I got this idea from um nothing in particular. No I was not inspired while roleplaying a romantic scenario with AI versions of the characters, I can't believe you would ever think that. Also reader works with Fyodor and Mykola (work isn't specified but like...I guess they're a member of the DOA lol) Apologies for errors.
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a busy man. Such was a consequence of being a crucial part of multiple criminal organisations. Technically, you and Mykola were in the same boat, but you weren't the ones planning and coordinating absolutely everything from behind the scenes. These circumstances led to a tight schedule for Fyodor, meaning he unfortunately didn't have a generous amount of free time like the two of you did.
You were never bored around Mykola- you weren't sure if that was even possible- but over time you grew more and more dissatisfied with Fyodor's absence. All you wanted was to spend some down time with the both of them. You missed the small things, like the quick pecks you'd give the two of them before leaving your home, or even just mundane conversations you shared in your spare time.
One morning, as was generally the case, Fyodor was the first to rise from his slumber. Sitting up in your shared bed and slowly stretching his arms, he glanced down at you and Mykola with a smile. You both appeared to be sound asleep still, or at least that's what the rhythmic breathing emanating from your parted lips indicated.
Fyodor stared at the wall in front of him, momentarily dissociating as he ran a hand through his raven black hair, a little tangled from his sleep. Before long though, he shook his head and noted he'd have to look into that; it had been happening more and more these days. For now he ought to get out of bed and quickly freshen up.
Suddenly, though, he felt a small pull, and turned to find your barely conscious figure glancing up at him with heavy eyes.
"...don't wanna get up..." you mumbled, tugging at Fyodor's shirt. "C'mon, Fedya..."
To be fair to you, it's not as if you could really move. Behind you was Mykola, whose arms were tightly wrapped around your torso as he slept. His chest was flush against your back, and you could feel his warm, consistent breathing on your collarbone. Though you were still half-asleep with a clouded mind, you were still adamant on achieving your goal; getting Fyodor to sleep in with the two of you.
"My dear, you know I can't stay here-"
"Fedya...!" You whined with a tired frown. "You're always outta bed by the time we get up. And I miss you."
"I have work to do, myshka."
"Screw your work," You muttered, irritably. "We are more important than work. Do you love work more than us? How could you do that, Fedya..."
You trailed off as you closed your eyes again, fingers still gripping the hem of his shirt. He placed his hand atop yours, and you yawned.
"You know that isn't true," he answered calmly, knowing that your frustration was a result of your fatigue. You weren't the type to accuse him of something you knew was false and he knew it.
"So please, then? Please...?" You continued, lazily making grabbing motions towards your black-haired partner.
"...you are both frustratingly endearing," he sighed. You poked his arm, his cold, pale skin barely deterring you by this point in your relationship.
"Mhm...sleep, Fedya..." You attempted to pull his arm closer in order to get him to tuck himself back under the sheets. "Please?"
Fyodor sat still for a moment, before letting out a relenting exhale and giving you a smile.
"...alright, myshka." In response, you gave his arm a squeeze of appreciation and smiled back at him. His form was shadowy, the sun shining through the translucent curtains behind him. To anyone else he might have looked somewhat frightening, but it was different for you. There was affection for you in his gaze.
"Mm..." You heard a quiet groan and felt a small vibration against your neck. "...morning, Dove..."
"Hi, Kolenka." You let out a quiet giggle, moving your hand to place it in his snow-white hair. "Guess who's here with us?"
"...hm?" He buried his head further into the crook of your neck and planted a few kisses. "What's happening?"
"Open your eyes!" You encouraged, turning to face him. He lifted his head up to open his eyes and meet yours, before noticing the man on your other side.
"Good morning, Kolya." Fyodor smiled, his magenta eyes creasing so slightly. "Did you sleep well?"
"...Dos...!" Still half out of it, Mykola reached his hand over you to touch Fyodor. In his sluggish movement, all he did was lazily paw at Fyodor's stomach, but he was clearly happy to see his second beloved still in bed. Fyodor chuckled, taking Mykola's hand and pressing a chaste, soft kiss to his palm. You watched the scene with your lips upturned, still a little too lazy to grin all the way.
"Perhaps I should sleep in more often?" Fyodor mused. "You two are so sweet while half-asleep."
"Uh-huh..." You absentmindedly agreed as Mykola's body weight pressed against yours, his hand still in Fyodor's. "So stay."
"I am staying, my dears," he reassured you. "Just for today, though."
"Yay..." Mykola replied, sleepily. Fyodor chuckled and laid back down, positioning himself in front of you. You happily buried your face into his cool chest while he wrapped his arms around you and took Mykola's hand in his. The two were effectively caging you with their bodies, but you didn't mind at all.
"Warm..." You muttered contentedly. While Mykola hummed in agreement, Fyodor let out a small, amused snicker. "We should do this more often. It's nice."
"It is nice, yes," Fyodor replied. "Hm...perhaps this type of relaxation is just what I've been needing."
"You're welcome, Dos-kun," Mykola teased as he narrowed his eyes. "It took you a while to realise how lovely and therapeutic we are."
"He's been too busy being scary..." you yawned, and Mykola chuckled. Fyodor sighed in exasperation, though you could still see the corners of his lips upturned.
"Do you find me scary, myshka?"
"No, you're like a tiny baby kitten to me." Fyodor raised an eyebrow at that. You countered with a devious grin.
"Nooo, Y/N, Dos-kun is scary...!" As he cooed with a carefree lilt to his voice, Mykola pinched your side. You yelped in surprise.
"Hey, what the hell?" He didn't answer; he just let out a chuckle and tickled you more. You began laughing and shuffling about in bed trying to pry his fingers off your waist. Fyodor laid before you both, watching in amusement. "H-help me, Fedya!"
Fyodor did reach out, but it was not to help you. There was a reason he was known as a devil. There was nothing you could do besides fruitlessly writhe around while Fyodor and Mykola both tickled you in such a manner that made you wonder if they'd planned it. The two always seemed so in sync, but that wasn't always a good thing. Especially not now. Regardless, the three of you were all laughing in unison- yours a little more raucous than the others.
When they finally relented, you quickly wiggled your way out of the blanket and sat on top of it, legs crossed so you could quickly leap away should the two demons decide to strike a second time.
"You're both the worst!" You panted, earning a giggle from Mykola.
"You love us though," he grinned deviously, and it was true. You really, truly did love them.
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cider-est · 4 months
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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overlymetaromantic · 5 months
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I was very kindly asked about reference sheets for my comic's characters, which until that moment did not exist, but thanks to them asking now they do!!! I figured I may as well share what I made for them publicly as well, so please feel free to do whatever you want to with these details 👀 (+more character details below the cut!)
Karin: Highly self-assured with high self-confidence. As a default, she tends to assume she’s right about things, because the odds have almost always been in her favor—even when she’s wrong, she’s usually still picked up on some element of the truth. She’s a deeply empathetic person, but isn’t necessarily aware of just how affected she is by other people’s emotional states. All of this combined defines both her biggest strengths—her confidence and ability to push things forward—and her biggest weaknesses—her impulsivity and self-righteousness.
Kaito: Very much pulling from the straight-laced, rule-obsessed, class president type, but with several little subversions to the archetype that might be surprising. The only person he really holds to high standards is himself, with his core internal conflict being based around him feeling like he has a naturally self-indulgent nature while simultaneously being driven by a need to earn the right to actually indulge in the things he likes. Overthinks due to anxiety. Amongst the nerds, he's secretly considered kind of terrifying for how he's capable of going toe-to-toe with delinquents.
Maki: While he is capable of Crimes, Maki is arguably a delinquent in name only lol. In my mind, he's very Shonen Protagonist-adjacent, i.e., he has a bright sort of energy about him that just makes people like him immediately regardless of anything else that's going on. He'd be the student that's always getting in trouble but is also the teacher's obvious favorite. He's surprisingly (and concerningly) good at holding back on his feelings—in general, the more he cares about something (or someone), the harder a time he has with speaking up about his wants, out of the fear that it might change things for the worse rather than maintaining them as they are.
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kalieros · 6 months
MDNI ~ Multifandom NSFW Cuddle HCs ~ MDNI 18+ ~
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Just for fun!! I can see multiple characters in multiple spaces with this one 💕 I did my best to make it gender neutral <3
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The all-encompassing cuddle - gives their all, either spoons or wraps their legs and arms around you in varying tangled webs of love. Will stay like this all night if you are also just as comfy. Will stroke your hair and snuggle their nose into the crook of your neck, whispering sweet affirmations and praises, giving you kisses like they haven’t touched you in years. Also 1000% ready to cuddle-fuck at any point, though - they love the idea of snuggling up behind you and lazily pull your clothes down to gently slip inside and babble the most lovingly filthy things in your ear. “Mmm, you feel so good around me, baby,” they purr into your ear, thinking how they would stay like this all night, with your sweet moans filling the air
Izuku, toshinori, fatgum, shinsou, yuuji, sasha, hinata, kenma, jirou, armin, bertoldt, maybe.. reiner
The one with ulterior motives - okay, they love to cuddle and spoon when they’re in the mood, but they are way more handsy and more likely to grope and tease. While they are just as attached as the above type, they’re more likely to always take it further. They will grab at your ass when it’s sticking out, smacking it and pulling at your clothes with a devious look in their eyes. They love to mess with you and will often tickle you and maneuver you the way they want, grinding up against you. Very playful and upfront about what they want! When you’re spooning, their hands are cupping your chest or teasing a nipple, and their kisses are anything but innocent (definitely fond of marking as well~). They’ll slip their hands around to the front of you and slide their hands below, teasing you over your clothes and getting you worked up until they’re talking you through the most intense orgasm of your life. “That’s it, work those hips for me,” they groan, watching you slide up and down on them with a tortured pace. When its time to really sleep, they will snuggle for a while but tend to prefer less contact and will likely only be sleeping near you or with less contact.
Kirishima, denki, sero, hawks, mina, nishinoya, satoru, bokuto, kuroo, tendou, atsumu, jean, connie, possibly eren
The one who “doesn’t cuddle,” but will for you - you know the type. As a general rule they’re not PDA people, they’re not too outwardly affectionate or particularly loud about much. But when it comes to you? They’re more than happy to pull you into them, let you lay on their chest so they can just have you close. They stroke your hair and hold your hand as you two lay and talk or watch a movie. They will let you wrap yourself around them and be an ear when you need to talk about your day, humming in response. It’s intimate and loving, understated but so sincere. That’s not to say they aren’t thinking about turning you over, stripping you, and taking you right then and there, though. This type is the most likely to be holding back their desires and impulses in an effort to respect your cuddle time. But they are also the ones who constantly sneak glances at any exposed skin, or notice the way your lips move when you talk. They spend all day thinking about when they’ll get to touch you next, when they’ll be able to slowly take you apart with their tongue and fingers and come undone all over the sheets. “Be patient for me, baby,” they say as they think about how ruined you’ll be after they’ve made you come over and over. Sure, you might not end up cuddled up when you sleep, but you’ll be too fucked out to even realize
nanami, aizawa, bakugou, shoto, iida, ukai, tobio, ushijima, tsukishima, daichi, annie, levi, mikasa, eren, suguru
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wuntrum · 8 months
do you have any tips for an artist who wants to start making one off comics? i really enjoy your artistic direction and style of story telling so i’m very interested in your thoughts on it
yes, definitely!!
-read lots of comics! and a variety of them, too--both ones in the sort of genre/style you'd like to make, but also ones in completely different genres, lengths, places of origin, traditionally/indie/digitally published, simple to experimental formatting, etc
-in relation to the last one, if a comic you read really speaks to you, take some time to study some page layouts from that comic! how do the panels vary from page to page? how much space is the text taking up? what sort of "shots" (to borrow from cinematic language lol) are they using? these shouldn't be fancy, just little thumbnails, but i find it really helps. here's a few i did from a guest in the house by emily carroll
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-start smalllll. its really important to build up your stamina, just like with any new sort of skill. if you wanna make a graphic novel thats 200+ pages long, you should make some comics that are 1, 20, 50 pages long and see them through to the end before taking on a super big project.
-this is related to the last point, but i think keeping your cast of characters small at first can also help build up your comic stamina. signals was the first longer comic i made, so i specifically really wanted to focus on just jeanne (and occasionally her parents and peers when they showed up)
-character sheets are helpful, but i also think the easiest way to start getting your characters drawn consistently is through actually drawing the comic! there's also gonna be panels where they look "off" or whatever, and its literally fine, i promise
-through the smaller comics, experiment with how you go about writing your story! theres no right or wrong way to write/plan out a story so, it takes some trial and error to figure out what will work best with your work flow. for me, i've found success in making a timeline of events for the story -> loosely guessing how many pages i'll need/want per section of the story -> freewriting (trying not to edit too much, just dumping all the words out) -> thumbnailing/loose sketching/editing text (all sort of happens in the same step; i find i need the layouts in front of me to understand what i need/don't need from the text i wrote) -> tight sketching -> final . but, if that flow doesn't work for you, try something else! i know a lot of comics people find success in writing a script first, with indications of page and panel-by-panel breakdowns
-take shortcuts often and without guilt. its a lot of work to make a comic! theres just a lot of drawings involved, that most people aren't gonna look at for very long! i especially recommend for infrequent/difficult things, like buildings or crowds or cars or bookcases, using some sort of 3d asset/brush to make your life easier. if you can reuse a drawing and change the crop/expression, do it!
-use some sort of tracker to track your progress on how many pages you've sketched/inked/finished. even if you don't have an external deadline, i think it's still good to give yourself some sort of timeline to work on (i recommend setting "ideal" goals and "realistic" goals, especially if you're working/still in school/etc). for signals, i used google sheets, because you can set up columns to be attached to little circle charts, so as you check off your progress, you can really easily see how much you've done/how much you have left to do (as i type this i highkey forget how i did that before, with signals, so...you might need to do some sheets experimentation to actually do this lol. but there's probably other trackers you can use too)
-understanding comics and making comics by scott mccloud are both great books, highly recommend them (easy to get second hand/from your library/🏴‍☠️)
-lastly, haveee funnnnn
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fandomsoda · 6 months
Aight first Connection Terminated ref sheet done let’s go
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Here’s Ink’s design!!
For context, brief summary of Connection Terminated’s plot here.
So, CT!Ink’s nickname is Brush, not very creative I know. But that’s just because these nicknames are only to be used by us as observers of the AU, in-universe they all still refer to each other by their original names.
Soooo character description time below the cut, boys- read the initial info post first or you’ll be confused.
Ink started to dust when the multiverse began collapsing, but was saved by Anti-Virus swooping in to activate his failsafes and apply code that allows Ink to live without his vials. Due to almost falling apart but never fully doing so, he is somewhat “scarred”, in the form of more black blotches all over his body. Ink has retained all of his memories from prior to the collapse. He’s got a very ring-leader type vibe and he’s the one enthusatically greeting the others and keeping things running. He’s often floating around observing things and trying to manage, often coming off as suspicious or shifty. He’s heavily pre-occupied with bringing XGaster back but he tries to hide it from everyone but Anti. No alterior motives, just wants the best and is being questionable. Trying to keep everyone sane until they figure something out.
His speaking font is Bad Script!
I should probably also mention that every character has a proper code name/name in the code, the title of the filegroup that makes them up.
Ink’s is “ai.ink_brush/protector:role/top:rank/sans:form/auto:vials[file-repair-failsafe].char”
now to translate-
“ai” - denotes that Ink is operating on a more independent level than other characters ; Ink is not tethered to any AU, nor is he really your typical “outcode”, he is a core, designated guardian. And thus I choose to label him as being supposedly an AI rather than an NPC like most of the other characters.
“ink_brush” - this is just a name, basically
“protector:role” - speaks for itself, he has the role of a protector
“top:rank” - rank within the multiversal hierarchy, Ink is at the top of the powercreep even if he’s not exactly the “strongest” (and no I will not debate this topic)
“sans:form” - Ink is a shapeshifter, noting his physical form makes sense.
“auto:vials” - the variable that denotes how much “vial energy” he still has left in his system, Anti found a way to make this auto-fill itself
“[file-repair-failsafe]” - his file was repaired and utilized failsafes, not completely rebuilt
“char” - he is a character
ok that was a lot, but I hope it lets people understand how these code names work, they won’t be super important but I just like them so they’re here to stay.
either way- hope y’all like him!
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Apocalypse World
Did you know that some early PBTA games used to have *Blank* world as a naming scheme? it never really caught on
Touchstones: Fallout, Mad Max
Genre: Post-Apocalypse, Drama
What is this game?: Apocalypse World is a roleplay focused post-apocalyptic roleplaying game, its also the game that spawned the very popular PBTA framework
CWs: Apocalypse world deals with many dark themes, it's considered an "R-Rated" game citing Language, Sex, and Violence, it also features Mind control, mentions of drug use, and general post-apocalyptic horribleness, however I will attempt to stray away from those themes if possible
How's the gameplay?: OK, I'll likely actually link back to this review a few more times as we talk about other PBTA games, just so we can skip explaining the PBTA gameplay every time, so we're gonna try to be pretty thorough this time Apocalypse World's primary mechanic focuses on the use of Moves, Playbooks, and a 2d6 resolution system, where 1-6 is a miss, 7-9 is a weak hit, and 10-12 is a Strong hit, however your roll will always progress the story in some way, this way even failure can be fun! Moves trigger when doing specific actions, and they all interact with mechanics in some way, the prototypical move in Apocalypse world reads like this: "When Narrative trigger: gameplay effect", then this will either help you with a roll around the gameplay effect, or have you roll for a new gameplay effect, whereupon it'll read like this: "On a 1-6, Failure with consequences, on a 7-9 Success with Consequences, on a 10-12 Success with no consequences" Moves will usually add a stat to them, Apocalypse world's stats are Cool, Hard, Hot, Sharp, Weird, and HX, HX being an asymmetrical stat determining your relationship with other characters.
Playbooks are your character's narrative role, it will give your characters their narrative abilities, gameplay moves, relationships, appearances, basically everything about your character beyond things such as name (and even then, some games remove THAT distinction too), you pick one at the start and generally stick with them the whole game, think of it as a class, in Apocalypse World specifically every playbook has a "Special", a move that generally triggers when characters have sex, this might seem like the type of thing that other games in the framework dumpster pretty quick, but you'd be surprised it actually took a bit for people to get rid of that one
What's the setting (If any) like?: It has one Ok, in all seriousness, Apocalypse World's setting assumes you're playing in an edgy, presumably nuclear, mad max inspired post apocalypse, characters are grimy, aesthetics are leathery and gritty, mutations are common, and shit's BAD. Otherwise, feel free to work on the specifics, maybe you just want to play 1-to-1 fallout, or maybe you want to create your own fully original apocalyptic version of The Butt, Coventry, UK
What's the tone?: Dark. Apocalypse World makes it very clear that the world sucks, and the characters (probably) suck, while you could play a ragtag group of do-gooders, the game assumes a morally gray cast in a world that is actively hostile towards them. Apocalypse World's tone is, not for the faint of heart
Session length: Variable but 3 hours is usually enough to do quite a bit
Number of Players:  3 Minimum, but obviously more can help
Malleability: Apocalypse World's setting is generic to non existant, letting you play a ton of post apocalyptic settings, while branded apocalypses like Fallout or Mad Max might be difficult due to the inclusion of overt supernatural elements, you could really do any nuclear apocalyptic setting within this framework.
Resources: Apocalypse World has quite a few resources just due to being one of the oldest PBTA games, a google sheet exists, I've seen some short scenarios, and the game provides you with Move and Playbook cheat sheets, fan playbooks also exist and there's some pretty good ones if you look around enough, it's not a lot but it's enough for what the game is And here's the big cheese! While most modern PBTA design comes from Monsterhearts and Masks, this is the game that started it all, its gritty and very rough around the edges, but I still really like it
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gothamslostboy · 8 months
TLB Characters Favorite Type Of Blanket
A/N: I have no idea what this is or why I made it but I haven’t posted anything creative in so long. Yall ever love something but the thought of actually doing it makes you stressed? That’s what writing has been for the past couple months ugh :[ I miss it sm but I never like anything I end up making and keep deleting my progress. Oh well, hopefully I stop doing that soon and enjoy this pointless headcanon
ALSO: yes most these characters sleep upside down from the ceiling, but I like to ignore that bc tbh I want to erase the fact they have those weird ass feet. To me those monstrosities don’t exist. If you like the fact they hang from the ceiling then these headcanons are just for sitting on the couch or cuddling. They also don’t really feel temperatures but again I’m ignoring it:]
A big fluffy one filled with cotton
He’d never tell anyone, but it makes him feel safer
It’s similar to one his mother gave him in his human life
He rolls it up like a cocoon
He doesn’t even leave a hole for his face bc he doesn’t need to breathe
Paul and Marko use this to their advantage and prank him atleast 2 times a month
Dwayne shoos them away if he notices them trying to bother David when he’s asleep
This man is weird ngl
He just sleeps with a sheet
He doesn’t mind using a different blanket when sharing
But if he’s alone it’s a sheet
He doesn’t like feeling any weight on him when he’s asleep
Might as well sleep with nothing
But he also likes to cover his eyes with it
It’s just soothing to him
Weighted blanket
He LOVES to cuddle with ppl bc of their weight being on him
So when no one wants to sleep with him he pulls out this blanket
The boys and Star made him a custom blanket bc he wants it to be HEAVY heavy
If he was human this thing would crush him to death
He sleep walks/flys and this stops him
He needs help getting it off of him bc he’s usually still too groggy to put in the effort when he wakes up
Patchwork Crochet Quilt
She made it herself
Everytime she finishes a new project she added a new square made up of all the colors she used
Whenever David would see her adding a square he said something like “another square? That’s gonna be a big ass blanket”
She stopped the blanket when it reached 80x80 4 inch squares
She realized that that is, infact, a big ass blanket
She can’t even fit the thing on her bed
Most of it is just hanging off the side
She started a new one to give to Michael
But that one is gonna be smaller
After that she’s just gonna make one for each boy
Normally shares with Star
She doesn’t even notice he’s using it most of the time
Once it gets big enough he uses the one she made specifically for him
Uses David’s blanket when laying with him
But the fluffiness makes him feel trapped sometimes
Just holds on to David for comfort
Can occasionally convince star and David to sleep in the same bed with him and they use Star’s blanket obviously
He and David sleep under the sheets when using Star‘s blanket tho bc it’s a lil itchy
But she doesn’t seems to notice the itch
I’m just gonna insert a picture bc idk what it’s called
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But this kind of blanket^ along with Satin sheets underneath
He’s like Marko where he doesn’t like as much weight
But really likes making fun of Marko’s sheet and doesn’t want to be a hypocrite
If he’s cuddling with someone he puts their head under his chin and wraps them up together tightly
When alone he keeps the blanket lose
Just in case something happens and he needs to get up quickly and protect the pack
@crustyboypix @britany1997
if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know
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oftlunarialmoon · 7 months
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5 Imaginary Play Prompts for Age Regressors / Agere - How to Play Pretend (Agere)
Ciao lovelies! Today I have another Agere post for you all! Sorry that it’s been so long since the last one, but I think you will really like this! Have you ever had trouble deciding what to do with your toys when you’re regressed? Do you feel kind of annoyed because it’s hard to pick a game or prompt to go off for pretend play? Well, I’ve got 5 pretend-play prompts for age regressors to talk to you all about today! Let’s get into this and learn how to play pretend, agere edition!
Imaginative play is a super important and fun part of life. As children, imagination shapes your problem solving skills and provides tons of entertainment. But as we get older physically, even if we’re still children on the inside, getting that inspiration back can be very very tricky. Society is somewhat built to suppress imagination in “adults,” so it’s not uncommon to feel like you’ve “lost your imagination” as you get older. What I’ve found that helps me when I want to begin a session of imaginary play, is something to begin with, like a prompt! In this post, I’ve listed and described 5 of my favorite imaginary play prompts that can be used with toys, stuffies, or even just in journaling or drawing! These prompts are the ones I use most often and I enjoy the most. There’s no ranking here, just five ideas in a random order. I really hope these can help those of you who are looking for a place to start when you’re wanting to voluntarily regress!
Idea 1: Game Show!
This first idea is something I find super fun, and it’s easy to customize it to whatever you prefer. The idea is essentially, set up a game show for your stuffies, dolls, toys, etc, whatever you want to do! You can be the game show host, or choose a toy to be the host and announcer. When picking the contestants, try to give them fun back-stories to affect the game! 
I like using this idea in various ways. Sometimes it’s similar to “Total Drama Island”. Sometimes I frame it as a task oriented game show like “Wheel of Fortune” or “Jeopardy!” Other times, I set it up like a cooking show, similar to things like “Great British Bake Off” or “Chopped”. 
You can also have fun with this by imagining the prizes or even crafting them! Sometimes I like to draw and cut out prizes like huge fake checks (like the ones on TV), or award badges. Other times, I like using a treasure chest as a “grand cash prize!” Adding my own touch to these things is really enjoyable and adds to the experience overall.
My last tip for this prompt is, the more outlandish and wild you make the contestants, the more fun you’ll have! Don’t be afraid to make certain characters fall into reality tv tropes, those sort of things are totally fun in this type of game. 
If you’ve used a prompt like this before, comment below how you set up your game show! I would totally love to hear more ideas.
Idea 2: Deserted Island / Shipwrecked
Okay, so this next idea is something I like doing with smaller toys, so I can give them a big island to explore. I usually pick like 3-5 “characters” who get stranded on a deserted island together and have to figure out survival. Sometimes I have items they brought with them, but not always. This is a fun idea if you like camping or outdoorsy type stuff. It can totally be played outside, but that’s not required. 
A tip for playing this inside: use blankets/towels to add different “zones” of play. For example, I like to use my orange Umaru blanket for sand type things, and blue towels or sheets for the ocean. This is helpful if it’s harder for you to visualize environments like that.
Some other ways to add to this prompt, I suggest having a variety of character types to play with. Not everyone can be amazing at survival stuff, and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Giving everyone a different special skill can really help with that too. It’s fun to flesh out team dynamics in that way! It’s kind of like one-person-DnD.
It’s perfectly okay to use pre-established stories too! Sometimes I like to act out scenes from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous with this prompt, or even have similar concepts to Jurassic Park 3. (I’m a huge Jurassic Park/World nerd, I know, lol!) There’s nothing wrong with using existing stories as a starting point or as a “script” of sorts. Imagination comes in all forms, and using inspiration is perfectly normal!
If you’ve played something like this before during your regression, (or childhood!), please comment below, I’d really like to hear the types of stories you use with your toys as well! I’m a huge fan of sharing concepts and ideas as a community, so hearing from you is always my favorite thing, and totally makes my day!
Idea 3: Detectives
This is one of my fave tropes/concepts in media, when a show has an episode where they have to solve a mystery! It’s super fun to watch and even more fun to act out. The way I like to play this one is usually pretty simple, but then escalates over the storyline. 
Usually, I first pick out what type of mystery is being solved. Murder Mysteries can be good (more on that in Idea 4,) but I also like heists, conspiracies, ancient magic, stuff like that! After picking the type of mystery, I like picking 2 characters to be a “watson and holmes” type duo. Sometimes I bring in more characters to work with them, like random experts that are relevant to the type of mystery, key witnesses, etc. 
One of my absolute favorite things to do in this scenario is adding in obstacles/roadblocks, the more absurd, the better. Art museum was robbed of their most valuable statue? 2 detectives begin the case, but the art museum’s cameras were off that day. Taking witness statements? Only two people saw the suspects, but neither person can see well without glasses, and neither were wearing them. Got a clue leading to an address? Turns out to be an ambush trap, and our detectives find out that this mystery is only the beginning to something bigger! Things like that really add to the story, and you can make them as crazy as you want, because you are the author of the story, so you can just invent any solutions to them that you want. It’s such an enjoyable thing to do. 
A tip for this prompt, I enjoy modeling my detective characters off of Sherlock Holmes and Watson from the books, which means getting to give them funny voices and make them interact in fun ways. But you can make your detectives have any personality you want! Are you more of a fan of CSI? You can make serious policemen! Prefer something like Supernatural? Make them slightly snarky and quippy like Sam and Dean! It’s your story, so the tone is 100% up to you!
Similar to this prompt, you could also use the next idea, which is….
Idea 4: “Among Us” Style Mystery / Murder Mystery
This is something I remember playing very often as a bio kid, and now, as well. Starting with about 8-10 characters, who are somehow trapped within a house, ship, etc. Someone is murdered and nobody knows who did it. People keep disappearing or dying until the suspect is found, and nobody leaves until they know who was guilty. You can set this up to be similar to something like “Clue,” or even more similar to “Among Us.” 
A tip I like for this prompt: select a character who is not guilty, but everyone thinks they are. Have them be super suspicious and mysterious, only to dramatically reveal that they are innocent. 
Another fun tip: if you want a horror movie style thing (think like slasher films), select a character to fill the “final girl” trope (doesn’t have to be female though). This is the last person left alive who must face off against the killer in a dramatic final battle. 
I like adding plot twists to these, because it adds so much fun to the story. Here are some of the plot twists I like to add to these stories:
Someone has an evil twin, they are killed secretly and the twin replaces them until the very end.
Someone in the group is working with the killer.
Someone in the group witnesses a murder, but cannot speak and is in shock. They reveal the killer at the very end.
The first person to die was of natural causes, everyone after that was just everyone turning on eachother.
Nobody in the group is actually the killer, and the house is haunted, and a ghost is causing the deaths.
Nobody actually dies, it’s all an elaborate prank on the sole “survivor” and this isn’t revealed until the end.
Someone in the group disappears and is assumed dead, but reappears at the end to defeat the killer.
These sorts of stories are super fun to make overly-dramatic, and also super fun to give all the characters funny voices or weird reactions to events!
And now…. For the last prompt!
Idea 5: Exploring a New Planet 
Maybe I’m a huge nerd, but I grew up enjoying Star Trek TNG and Voyager. My dad and I would watch whole seasons from DvD box sets we had while we ate flash boiled broccoli in the summer (because it was finally in-season!). My favorite characters were Data (from TNG), and Seven of Nine (from Voyager). A big part of my enjoyment of the show was when they would discover new planets or new life forms! 
When I use this prompt, I typically use Star Trek as a basis for things like the space ship name, crew ranks, protocols, etc. I love having characters fight over the validity of the Prime Directive, and have intense moral debates. But that’s just me kind of being a dork. LOL.
To play this prompt, I suggest setting up an area you want to be the new planet. Laying down a blanket or towel in a fun color to be the surface of the planet, then use anything and everything to establish buildings, farms, etc. Make the planet anything you want!
Next, pick your explorers, I usually default to a group of 4-6. Select a mission leader, a science person, and if you want, a galactic ambassador! 
Now, the explorers can visit the planet, being amazed by each new thing they see. You can have them make “audio logs” of their findings and take “readings” of new life forms! You can even have your explorers meet aliens and learn about new cultures and beliefs.
For extra fun, I like to have a scene or two with my explorers trying the new culture’s food. I use Monster High food props for this, mostly, but sometimes I also like to use playdough or floam to sculpt new foods for them.
You can make their adventure as perilous or as interesting as you want! Your explorers can encounter dangerous new weather patterns or plants, or they can have an enjoyable trip meeting new aliens, it’s totally up to you!
Thanks for all the support from you lovelies! We have a pretty awesome community, and it’s all because of you! Thank you for keeping OFT’s online spaces positive, uplifting, and supportive.
And, thank you again for reading! And most importantly, please remember to stay awesome and love yourself! You are amazing just as you are, and you deserve so much love and support. I hope you all give yourselves the love and kindness that you show others.
See you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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