#i always expect to spend less time with a friend when they get a s/o but still they should still enjoy my presence
bunni-v1 · 1 year
I got an idea for Jamil and Kalim. How would Jamil react to his S/O teaching Kalim martial arts? S/O knows it's Jamil's job to protect Kalim, but the S/O knows there's a time and place when Kalim needs to stand on his own. Maybe S/O and Jamil talk about this and ask Kalim?
Jamil’s S/O teaching Kalim Martial Arts
TW: Mild swearing, (Slightly) Jealous Jamil
Info: Headcannons; Light angst, mostly cute and silly; Jamil x Reader, Kalim and Reader (platonic)
🍓This one was fun! It's short and sweet but I really enjoy writing for both Kalim and Jamil, so I had a blast. It's finals season right now, so I have a lot of papers and tests coming up, which is why it took me so long to get this out. But! I got this done, and I have another fun write (for myself) coming sometime in the future (hopefully later this week.) Thank you so much for requesting lovely!
-Jamil has quite a hefty workload. As Kalim’s keeper he must ensure his happiness and safety at all times — even after their ‘agreement’ after his overblot. As the house warden, he has to ensure that Kalim does his tasks as housewarden plus keeping all the dorm members in line.
-Simply: he’s stressed.
-As his partner, all this stress rubs off on you too. Seeing your boyfriend constantly high-strung and on edge can take quite a bit out of you. 
-Only issue, he won’t let you help him. No matter what you do, he wants to keep you as far away from his work life as possible.
-Which is sweet! In concept! 
-He really cares so much, but dammit you want to help him!
-Soooooo… you scheme <3 
-More specifically, you scheme with Kalim.
-Sweet little Kalim who is equally worried for both you and his best friend.
-The two of you plot different ways to lighten Jamil’s load… almost all of which backfire.
-First, you try to teach him to cook… doesn’t go well and Jamil bans both of you from the kitchen.
-You attempt to teach him better cleaning tactics, but a life of being picked up after doesn’t make that easy (paired with a side of ADHD makes it nearly impossible)
-No matter what you do, there’s a blockade that makes it so difficult. 
-Then one day, you realize, you know multiple different types of martial arts. If you can’t lighten Jamil’s workload you can potentially lighten the burden of protecting Kalim.
-To your surprise, its pretty easy! Dance interoperates itself to fighting scarily well, and Kalim is a fast learner when he wants to be.
-On top of that, its fun! Spending time with Kalim is always a delight, and helping Jamil makes everything feel better.
-Only issue… you sorta forgot to tell Jamil about it.
-From his perspective, you and Kalim have been sneaking around and spending more and more time together… its suspicious.
-At first, he let it slide. He trusts you and he’s learning to trust Kalim. He figures one of you will talk before long. 
-Then… a week or two pass, and nothing from either of you. Radio silence.
-Forgive him, but a life full of Kalim taking everything from him has made him particularly sensitive to… well… Kalim related things. This, in his mind, is Kalim trying to sweep you off your feet and take you from him too… and you’re letting him.
-So he… sorta… kinda decides to follow you around one day without your knowledge because his paranoia got to him. 
-He expected to find the two of you frolicking around the desert, or canoodling in Kalim’s bed… instead he found you throwing Kalim over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
-His first instinct is to yell at both of you, “What the hell are you doing!?!?”
-His second is to be relieved, because of course you weren’t cheating on him. With Kalim of all people. How crazy was he?
-His third is to figure out exactly what was going on, because it isn’t everyday your partner starts throwing your house warden around.
-The explanation of ‘We wanted to lighten your load so you were less stressed, so we decided to teach him martial arts!’ pretty much leaves him dumbfounded. That’s what you were so secretive about. He’s dating a moron.
-Truly though, deep down, he’s actually incredibly grateful for what you did. While it isn’t super helpful, he appreciates the thought behind it, because its you doing something nice for him. He’s not used to that, but he wants to soak it up as best as he can. 
-From then on he offers to help you out when he has free time — though you protest because its more work for him, he just wants to spend more time with you. (And he’s still a little miffed that you were spending so much time with Kalim and not him.)
-Definitely shows appreciation through his actions over the next couple of weeks. He’s more physically affectionate, gives you more gifts, and is generally more loving than he usually is in displaying his gratitude. 
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heyitsdoe · 2 years
Heya, Doe! I’m running into your inbox before you close it so I hope I make it 😂 anyways, may I please request domestic headcanons with katakuri and a gn!reader who is chubby (only if you’re okay with writing for chubby readers, if not then that’s fine), like how being married to him would be like? You can add some nsfw to it as well if you’d like hehe 👀 it’s up to you if you want to take this request, thank you so much! ❤️ 🫂
Of course, friend <3 Anything for the mochi husband. (And you, too, hehe.) It feels great to be back to writing ^_^ Not sure if these contain mentions of reader being chubby, for the most part reader's body is unspecified. Hope that's ok!
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Whenever possible, Katakuri has dinner at home with you. It's one of those daily routines that he doesn't want to skimp out on. Meals were meant to be shared with someone else (other than his meriendas, of course, but that was a special circumstance.
It might take half an hour before he actually says a word after coming home from his work. He needs time to really unwind from the stresses of his day, and he isn't up for asking or answering questions as soon as he returns. Give him a little space and he'll come to you on his own.
Getting used to Katakuri's many quirks is one of the more challenging aspects of being married to him. Not just personality-wise, but his general routine as well. Often times, he's away from the home, doing his duty and maintaining the day-to-day running of Komugi Island. He's a bit of a workaholic, almost to an unhealthy degree, but being the 'perfect son' comes at a price.
Sometimes as you begin to stir from sleep in the mornings, you can feel Katakuri tracing his finger along your ring finger. He's always silent, and he always pulls back before you open your eyes. You haven't ever worked up the nerve to mention it, lest he stop doing it entirely.
On weekends, he likes to spend time with his s/o. It's one of the few days of the week that he can dedicate time to something other than his work, when he depends on his assistants and other clerical aides to take care of things in his stead. There is little that can pull him away from you once he's set on spending time together.
Married life with Katakuri isn't remarkably different from before the wedding. He was always the type to be committed totally to his partner, regardless of their title in relation to him. It's comforting to know that he doesn't treat you any differently in the transition between partner to legally married spouse.
He sleeps in his socks, no matter how much you tease him for it. Boxers and socks, that's what he'll be dressed in when he slips under the covers.
Most of his side of the closet is black leather. (Did you expect anything less?)
Chores are equally divided around the house. He insists on sharing the work, since he doesn't like the thought of you up-keeping the house all on your own. Just because he's busy doesn't mean he'll leave you to the housework alone.
His most irritating habit is leaving his shoes by the door. He honestly forgets, in his relief to be home, that he should really return them to the closet.
He appreciates baths together, though depending on how stressful his day was, don't be surprised when he falls asleep. Especially if you massage at his scalp with the shampoo. Just be sure he doesn't slip under the water, please...
When he's in an inspired mood, he'll try his hand at a new recipe. Though his best work is typically desserts.
Disagreements happen, though not often. Katakuri will regularly stop the argument half-way through to give you both time to separate and come back later, when feelings aren't as heated. This can be both frustrating and considerate, especially if you're one to want to resolve things immediately.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
S/o feels weird about sharing Blitzo with Stolas thinking they're getting between them or they would fight over him.
Okay! I'm not sure if your the same Anon who asked for this one
If your not, check this one out as it's pretty simalir to what your asking, If you are then hope you enjoyed it. I'm not sure if this ask is the clarification I asked for, or completely unrelated so I guess I'm doing another one to cover all my bases XP Time for for more Polycule stuff!
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Blitz's S/O being afraid Stolas will get between them, or just concerned that they'll fight over him.
You kinda uneasily agree to the whole thing, it is still very much a yes, just you've never had a partner, who also has another aside from you, so your unsure how it will go.
You have nothing against Stolas tho, you know he and Blitz have had their up and downs before getting together, but the few times you see them interact it's clear Stolas makes Blitz happy, and you want him to be happy so you don't have a problem with the prince.
While Blitz would love to be able to hang out with the both of you together, your two different people with different schedules and avaliability so the times that's possible are few and far between, and that's on top of Blitz's own schedule.
He's generally the one to handle it all, but the somewhat rigidness of some times you spend with him are a bit awkward at first, you of course make the most of it, in whatever ways you want to at time, dates at places, at home etc.
During this adjustment phase you barely ever interact with Stolas, most times it's just you or him seeing the other as they drop off Blitz or something, but you do chat when it feels appropiate, neither of you want to outright ignore eachother, might as well make decent friends with him, might make fights you expect less common, on top of Stolas just being pleasant to be around.
Eventually a night comes up where your all available, and Blitz of course wants to make the most of it, your still not sure about spending it all together so essentially Blitz plans to split his time, first with Stolas and then finish off the night with you.
But then you hear your door being unlocked, a good hour before Blitz is supposed to come over, but that doesn't stop him from rushing up to you, spinning you around in a hug and then kissing you when you come to see who it is
You barely are able to ask what he's doing here early before he gives you a big kiss, though even after he's not who answers you.
Your attention draws to Stolas leaning against the door frame that's barely tall enough for him, the owl explaining he didn't want Blitz to get too tuckered out with him, and wanted to make sure the Imp boss would be able to properly attend to you.
Blitz notes they could have at least gone another round in the car, making you notice Blitz's shirt is only half buttoned, Stolas just responds that even his stamina isn't endless, blushing as he does so before bidding you two farewell and a goodnight.
Your a little stunned to respond to him before he leaves, and then Blitz picking you up and taking you to the couch for some fun~
You play video games :P On the side~
The next day while Blitz is at work, you can't help but keep thinking about Stolas forfeiting a good hour of his alone time with Blitz for your sake, so you call him and plan to meet at a cafe to talk about it.
When you ask Stolas just raises a brow, pulling on his collar a bit, apoligizing, expecting you to be ok with it. You awkwardly correct him, saying you appreciate it greatly, your just confused as to why he did that.
Stolas just responds, that he felt that it wouldn't be right if he let Blitz get all tired with him, and that he knew Blitz would end up feeling bad if the two of you wouldn't be able to enjoy your time together properly, and he simply wanted to avoid that for all your sakes.
Your silent for a bit, unsure how to respond, making him ask if everything's okay, you then just saying your surprised he's being so kind about the whole thing, admitting to thinking you two might fight over Blitz which Stolas awkwardly chuckles at.
"Well I just want him to be happy, and you clearly make him happy, so why wouldn't I be okay with it?."
Taking a bit to respond, just stating with a chuckle maybe you had nothing to worry about, both of you having a good laugh over it.
After that your a lot more secure in the whole thing, even making sure to tell Blitz to tell Stolas hi for you when he sees him, and you and Stolas become really good friends over it, after all, what better way to scheme how to fluster Blitz so much he can't speak?~:P
There you go, personally I've never seen Stolas as the jealous type, and I just think he wants Blitz to be happy, so I write him as such, a lot more fun to me personally XP
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May I please request some wholesome headcanons of Joker and Dagger as fathers? And maybe Jumbo or Peter too?
I love these boys <3
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The most overprotective father you will ever meet?? It’s a natural extension of his being protective of his S/O, he’s ever more protective of his child. If he even thinks there’s a threat, he’s right there, knives drawn, ready to defend his little one if he needs to.
Is his child’s favorite person ever when they’re a baby… has trouble relating to them when they get older, like around ten and older. He gets a little smothering and has a lot of difficulty in letting his child be independent. He just… wants to keep them safe forever, and allowing them to go out into the world without him there to do that isn’t easy. Of course, because of that, his child is probably going to be looking for excuses to do things on their own, which means Dagger sort of starts to feel like they don’t like him anymore. It’s complicated!
If he’s not using his prosthetic, he sometimes jokingly leans on their head once they’re older. Obviously he doesn’t expect them to support his weight, so he’s careful, and he uses his crutch to actually walk. It’s just something he does to tease them, “oi, c’mere, sweet’eart, gimme a ‘and… or, y’know, a leg!” Do they think it’s funny when they’re like five or six? Absolutely! Is it still funny when they’re around twelve? Not… not so much. He still thinks it’s funny, but, well, teenagers…
He’s very good at doing their hair if they need or want him to! It’s especially prominent if he has girls; he’s a master at ponytails, braids, and buns. Even his family asks him to help with their kids’ hair, and he’s always there to lend a hand if his child’s friends have a hair emergency. It’s very cute to watch him fiddle with a child’s hair, attentive and clearly having done his homework on it.
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He knows how lucky he is to have a family like this, so he’s the kind of father who tells his child every single day that he loves them. The knowledge of his mother leaving him, the not knowing why or if she ever loved him, has shaped this part of him. He doesn’t want his child or children to ever wonder about his love for them like he wondered.
Forever singing and humming for his child, no matter how old they get. He holds them in his arms and whispers lullabies when they’re a baby, and when they get a little older, he sings duets with them. He’s one who keeps up on popular music, so he can definitely go toe-to-toe with them. Every old song he knows gets passed down to them as well, because he thinks it’s important to share those things which mean something to him, so that maybe they can mean something to his little one, too.
If his child was born without one arm like he was, he doesn’t want them to feel bad about it like he felt. He wants it to just… be normal, to not feel like they’re less of a person or like they’re missing pieces. So what does he do? He makes it a point of bonding between the two of them! He’ll nudge their stubs together the same way other people give a high five, or he’ll ‘boop’ their stub like someone else taps a child on the nose. It’s just a part of their life, right? No need to make it a big thing one way or another.
He’ll happily help them with their makeup if they want. He’s gotten quite good at it over the years, running the circus, so he at least knows a bit about what goes with what. It’s also one more thing that he can try to get time in with them… even when they’re older and a little eager to run off with friends. He can make them look nice before they go off, can’t he? As much as he loves them, he tries very hard to not be overbearing. When they do spend time with him like this, though… he thoroughly cherishes it.
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Honestly, he just violently hopes his child didn’t inherit the condition he has. He’s learning how to be okay with himself the way he is, but it’s still not something he would choose for them to suffer with. Plus, especially when they’re young… he likes it when they’re just little. The idea of this tiny life being something he created and needs to protect makes it not so bad being bigger and taller than most people. It means he can keep them safe.
Oh, they are so learning how to play the harmonica as soon as they’re old enough, assuming they want to learn. This is the thing that helps soothe his nerves, and it’s something he plays a lot when they’re a baby. It’s one of those underrated instruments that he really finds a lot of joy and peace in. Of course, if they don’t want to learn, that’s fine. He’ll still give them his harmonica when they get old enough, as sort of a family heirloom. It’s the most valuable thing he owns, so, it will eventually be theirs.
… Is a little shy about how other people see him. His child’s friends or their parents or just people on the street while they’re walking? He tries not to stand out more than he already does. That’s maybe where most of whatever awkwardness is between him and his kid comes from; he’s intimidating without meaning to be. When people look at him, they see a tall, muscular, sour-looking gent and are understandably a little anxious about talking to him. He knows it, and he’s insecure, and just doesn’t know how to change it. (Good thing his child loves him anyway, even if it’s a bit awkward sometimes!)
Watch him be absolutely thrilled if his child wants to ride on his shoulders ever. Or, like, all the time. It’s one of the most ‘normal’ or useful things he can do for them, so he’s happy to do it. Even if his back hurts some, he’ll brave it just so he can carry them around. It doesn’t have to be on his shoulders, either — he’ll carry them in his arms too. That’s also when he looks his happiest and most content… getting to carry them around. He smiles a lot when he’s doing it.
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… His child might be a cheeky little thing, so he’s constantly chasing them around and shouting at them to, for example, “Oi! Get y’r shoe off y’r ‘ead ‘n’ onta y’r foot!!!” It’s not that he hasn’t raised them to behave, it’s just that especially as a toddler, they’re playful and like to tease their papa. It’s extra prominent if they’re not as small as he is, meaning the two of them are on equal footing height-wise for a while; it’s difficult for him to snatch them up when they’re running since they aren’t that much smaller than him!!
He actually is much more of a worrier than most people would think. Every little scrape, he’s dragging his kid over to Wendy and asking if it looks like something is wrong with it. Or, when they get older, asking if she thinks they’re okay if his child is out a little later than they said they’d be. It’s not easy for him to stop worrying, because, well… he knows how horrible the world can be. He’s scared of something happening to them, because he knows how many bad things can happen. He tries not to actually ‘fuss’, but when his child gets the third degree about staying out late and it turns out everything was fine, they’re really not going to be too happy with their father.
When they’re a baby, he lies in bed and sleeps with them sleeping on his chest. It’s the way to get some sleep while they’re still with him so he doesn’t worry… the closeness doesn’t hurt for bonding. When they get older, if they’re bigger than he is, he still likes to sleep with them once in a while. If they’re sad or had a nightmare. It’s half funny and half cute to watch, since he’s half their size and still trying to get them to rest their head on his shoulder. It sort of works? Mostly it just matters that they know he’s always there if they need him.
It’s not that he’s a homebody. It’s not… not that, though. Going out tends to make him stressed simply because crowds have a lot of people, and people in general do things, little things, that irritate him. It’s probably just his past showing itself, that his having anger problems is no secret. However, if his child wants to do something out in the world and they want him with them, he’ll do it for them. It’s not easy for him to shove all that anger in and pretend it’s not there; he does it anyway. And, well, he finds that maybe it isn’t so bad, and maybe there aren’t as many reasons to be irritated if he’s with his family.
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
Sakura,Nekomaru,Mikan,and Kirumi with and S/O that’s the ultimate MMA fighter
bro i don't even know how long it's been since you sent this ask because i've been on a long ass hiatus but i'm going against everything in me that is telling me not to answer it because it's been too long but i wanna freakin write. anyway sorry for not getting to it sooner, friend.
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sakura, nekomaru, mikan, and kirumi x ultimate mma fighter!g/n!reader
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the absolute best thing sakura could have in a relationship is a sparring partner
every single person she has sparred with in her career has left her dissatisfied, she barely ever broke a sweat
but with you, she has finally found someone who will give her a run for her money
sometimes, not always, but sometimes, she'll get distracted while you're sparring because she's in too much awe, but she'll quickly regain her composure
when you're done fighting, she will grab a couple of towels and start wiping you down softly, taking her sweet time caressing you, putting all her love into a simple service
all of the pride she has gained from winning matches, all of that pride combined, does not compare to the pride she feels standing next to you, and being able to call you her partner
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you already know nekomaru is the type to never shut up about his passions, and that includes you
constantly goes around saying things like
"you know, you guys should be more like y/n"
always thinking and talking about you
like sakura, he's never met a sparring partner that engaged him this much
spends all his time trying to convince you to spar with him
and he's always laughing this guttural, booming laugh during it
you know how convenient it is to be in a relationship with the ultimate team manager?
you were already recognized as the ultimate mma fighter, but now with him, you were able to get noticed more than ever before
you were fighting people from all around the world, it was televised, you were even making hella bank from it too
nekomaru also acted as your personal body guard. not that you needed that, but he was so proud to just get to stand next to such a successful and beautiful person
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as much as mikan absolutely adores you and your muscles, she would be far from the sidelines at your matches
she can't do crowds, or loud noises
she'd watch your televised matches from home, with the volume turned so low she could barely hear it
her way of supporting is wearing your clothes (that are way too big for her) and screaming at the TV
though, watching you fight people scares her more than anything
every time someone throws a punch or kick at you, she squeals and covers her eyes
by the time the match is over, she's usually in tears, but most of the time they are tears of relief that you didn't get beat up
when you get home, you'll find her with war paint under her eyes, clutching a pillow to her chest wearing an oversized shirt with your name on it
she'll jump off the couch and run over to you with the reddest little face
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just imagine this dainty little thing perched up on your shoulder
kirumi always thought that her whole life would be spent dedicating herself to some rich hotshot of authority, but when she found you, you made her feel girly
girly is something she never really felt
she had to grow up fast and act classy and mature around her clients so she could keep her job and title as ultimate maid
so being with you, being with a person so strong, makes her feel like a girl
she's a pretty quiet person, but she'll always show up and cheer for you at your matches
she's really good at anything crafty, so expect her to show up with the most well-made poster with your name on it to show off
and, honestly, she finds out that she really likes the scene
she's mingling with your other fans, throwing her arm around people's shoulders, really getting out of her comfort zone
because of you, she's been able to drop her facade as an uptight maid whose only love is serving others
it feels so good to write again
i love writing for less common characters like kirumi and nekomaru, those two are seldom requested so i'm super happy!!
-mod kyoko revamped
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Marauders' Era Character Sheet - Janet Spindle
I am living in a constant state of fear but if that's what it takes, then so be it.
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࿐ General ࿐
Full Name: Janet Spindle
Nicknames: January (by Barty)
Birthdate: January 28, 1962
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type (MBTI): ISFJ (The Defender)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: American / Scottish
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Residence: Boston, MA | St Andrews, Scotland
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blueish Green
Height: 5'5"
Weight: (136lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Alycia Debnam Carey
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Boston, MA Less than an hour away from Salem, Janet grew up primarily living in an apartment within the heart of Boston up until her parents' divorce and subsequent move to a cottage across the water in St Andrews.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Hannah Spindle née Thierry
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Hannah Thierry met Eric Spindle when she was studying abroad for a year in Scotland. Right off the bat, she was quite taken with his eccentric and otherworldly nature, but it would later be this very thing that attracted her to him in the first place that would cause their eventual divorce when Janet was 12 years old. Although Hannah got Lyse in the custody agreement, Janet went off with her father which didn't help the already shaky relationship that she held with her mother. Obstinate, passive-aggressive, and too unwilling to give into the magical side of the family, she and Janet never really saw eye to eye, even if Hannah's intentions were initially well-meaning.
Father: Eric Spindle
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The Spindles were always known for being quite creative and trying new things, whether they bore fruit or were tossed away. Their greatest claim to fame happened to be an invention of Eric's grandfather— Mr. Spindle's Lick "O" Rish Spiders. Eric himself was something of an inventive person and greatly loved experimenting with potion ingredients. Shortly before he decided to settle down and take over the manufacturing side of the family enterprise, he met Hannah Thierry. After dating for quite some years they married and put down roots back in her home in America and it wasn't until then that Eric explained to her that he was, in fact, a wizard. She didn't seem to take it as poorly as he thought she would, but the true challenges arrived later when it came to deciding how to parents their kids. Eric was adamant that Janet (and eventually Lyse) would go to Hogwarts for their education, a notion that Hannah simply couldn't wrap their mind around. By the time that they divorced, Janet had already completed her first year at Hogwarts and was fully prepared to go back for the rest of the seven years, and Eric was glad to be able to give that to her.
Sister: Lyse Spindle
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Janet and Lyse always had a peculiar relationship. Janet would often write to Lyse or call her over the phone since they would rarely see each other given the split custody agreement. Since starting at Hogwarts, holidays were a cherished time that she could spend with everyone together, and she always looked forward to seeing Lyse get older. When the letters stopped coming shortly after Janet graduated, Lyse never quite understood why...
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Rowan
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 12"
Flexibility: Pliant
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: Potions
Worst Class: Divination
Special Abilities: Legilimens
Boggart: The betrayal of those closest to her
Riddikulus: Her friends and family's clothes change into that of the characters from the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Patronus: Salamander
Patronus Memory: Brewing her first potion with Mary and Libby
Amortentia (what she smells like): old books, vinyl, maple syrup, roasted chestnuts
Amortentia (what she smells): Fresh linens, chocolate chip cookies, cigarette smoke, absinthe
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Clubs: Slug Club
OWL Classes (taken independently):
Transfiguration - Outstanding
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Acceptable
Potions - Outstanding
History of Magic - Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
Divination - Dreadful
NEWT Classes:  
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Acceptable
Potions - Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
࿐ Career ࿐
11-17: Hogwarts Student 17-Death: Potioneer, Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Personality & Attitude: An intrepid and self-effacing individual, Janet likes when things go well for good people and is very clued in to trying to raise up the best in people where she can. While kind and considerate, her frequent need to go internal combined with her deep sense of mental exploration can create an impression of aloofness until people actually approach her or, on the rare occurrence, she approaches someone else. Janet tries to see the best in people and this can ultimately lead to a level of disappointment when they don't live up to her standards or expectations. Yet, it is not a sense of naïveté that this results from, merely an intrinsic desire to look at things through multiple layers — albeit, occasionally to the point of getting lost in the depths.
Priorities: Her friends and family
Strengths: Insightful, passionate, resilient, curious, loyal, confident, tactful
Weaknesses: Lacking in self-preservation, reserved, expects too much, bad at reading red flags
Favorites: Halloween, Spindle's Lick'O'Rish Spiders, banana bread, chestnuts, swimming
Colors: Burgundy, black, green
Weather: balmy, arid, and slightly overcast
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, spending time with friends/family, potion brewing
࿐ Relationships ࿐
If you'd like to set up a relation with Janet, feel free to reach out to discuss something!
Best Friend(s): Libby Fairfax (@potionboy3) Mary MacDonald
Friends: Emmeline Vance Marlene Mckinnon Remus Lupin Delphine Vixen (@endlessly-cursed) Bessie Quinn (@gaygryffindorgal) Cameron Quinn (@gaygryffindorgal) Olly Enfield (@potionboy3)
Enemies: Mulciber II
Rivals:  Sirius Black Regulus Black
It's Complicated: Barty Crouch Jr.
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
When the Rocky Horror Picture Show came out in 1975 she watched it religiously, and left behind copy for Lyse
She held unrequited romantic love for Mary Macdonald
She frequently fed information to Frank and Alice Longbottom during the FWW up until they were placed in hiding
She was drowned by Mulciber II in 1980
She never saw Lyse again after graduating
She is simultaneously the worst/best class partner, as she'll easily take control of assignments
She has recognizably narrow handwriting
If given the chance, she is actually quite fair at Divination — she simply couldn't focus during that particular OWL
She doesn't enjoy flying but likes watching Quidditch
Halloween in the Spindle household isn't just a holiday, it's an experience
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outeremissary · 1 year
F K S - Balthazar and Tristian
For the alphabet asks, which now I can properly link.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
The fights run very, very passive aggressive. A lot of snipping at each other and piling up minor frustrations. There's never any yelling, but the effect is more than dramatic enough for others to know what's happening. During particularly bad periods Tristian spends the nights elsewhere- sometimes on his own, but usually with a friend like Jhod. It doesn't take much to get a petty vent-y snipe out of Balthazar over much smaller conflicts but this is where you get the Neutral Good Rant.
As for forgiving... Balthazar is, in some ways, much faster to forgive and forget. He hates being the one to apologize first, but when the fight's over in his eyes, it's over. He doesn't expect Tristian to hold a grudge and he doesn't resent Tristian for seeing things differently than he does. It can be harder for Tristian to truly forgive. On the one hand, he can be a fairly easygoing person and the power of forgiveness is something he believes very strongly in. But on the other he's an intensely principled individual and when something really gets under his skin it's harder than he'd like to let it go. Adding to that a tendency to break things down to relatively black and white situations and be naive in judgment for better or worse only complicates things.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The higher the romance level of the ask, the more embarrassingly long it takes to answer, I fear...
Balthazar's a great kisser. He has a lot of experience. He tends to be a bit forceful and domineering, and he absolutely bites given half a chance, but if that's not a deterrent... he's very, very good with his mouth in every way.
Tristian is far more of an amateur, but certainly isn't a bad learner. At first he mostly follows Balthazar's lead, but over time develops more surety. He's the sort of romantic to enjoy long kisses, sweet or passionate. The enthusiasm goes a long way towards developing technique.
As for first kiss... It happened not terribly long after Tristian was rescued from Nyrissa. For a time after that the two were nearly inseparable, and while there hadn't been a definite confession of love that emerged from the whole Oculus affair, there was a lot of clear tension. The waters of the changed relationship were still being tested. The kiss was a fairly significant test and came in the midst of a conversation that was more or less a confession, in that awkward way where no one is ready for the vulnerability of explicitly saying "I love you." And it was actually initiated by Tristian. Balthazar had been rejected by Tristian enough times in the past not to take for granted what he thought Tristian might feel about the situation. It wasn't until Tristian made a pretty unmistakable move that the reality of the situation set in. As for the quality: "It was by all accounts a bad kiss: sloppy, wet, aimless, and awkwardly full of teeth. And worst, it was over too soon." The second one, immediately after, was much better.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
A surprisingly complicated question and not a straightforward yes.
Tristian is committed to helping Balthazar build and maintain his realm and was well before liking him on any level. Over time he's come to believe in Balthazar's capabilities as a leader, but also continues to see potential to be better. Kinder. More gracious. To him, a part of helping is intervening and steering things in one direction or another. It's always like that with him- supportive but not always unconditionally. Or maybe it's more right to think that the challenge is a part of the support. Why do you want this? How else could it be done? What is it about the trade offs that makes you prefer this method to another? There's less intensity to the challenge in smaller affairs, but it's always lurking around the edges. Overall he is supportive though: he wants Balthazar to be happy and to experience satisfaction, he just wants to make sure those successes aren't consistently coming at the expense of others.
Balthazar is freer with his support. If it doesn't come at the direct expense of a project of his own, he's happy to indulge Tristian and to do what he thinks will make him happy. But he doesn't always believe in Tristian's capacity to succeed in his goals. He's far more cynical than Tristian, for one thing, and doesn't think that optimistic projects will tend to bear fruit. It's very much like this with Tristian's personal struggle to be redeemed. Balthazar wants Tristian to be happy and to live without being burdened by self-loathing, and knowing that he can never completely persuade Tristian to let go of the guilt he wants to help Tristian with whatever might bring him some level of ease. He never even considers the possibility that the goddess who turned her back on Tristian would restore his abilities or welcome him back. He takes it as a given than the gods are petty and that level of favor is gone for good once lost. That lack of faith is ultimately to his own detriment- it blinds him to potential.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
🦉 anon here, I would like to say that I want to redo a request(if possible) I sent last night when the inbox was open, because I made that request half-asleep with jet lag at 11 PM at night and didn’t fully read the prompt 😅. Im sorry to inconvenience you Eclipse!
I would like to request a match up
Orientation + gender: Asexual/Panseuxal female. No preference if demon or slayer.
Looks: 5ft. Brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I like clothing that aren’t too bright and are kinda dark or less saturated in colour. I leans towards more of a tomboy style but not all the way.
Personality: Eccentric as described by my friends but generally optimistic. Some days I’m full of energy, very skittish, jumpy, other days, I’m very mellowed out, dazed, and tired like a sleepy owl. I guess socially, I don’t interact with strangers unless necessary and prefer to talk to friends.
Hobbies: Art, talking about animals(mostly bird obsessed), watching shows and videos, and playing games(doesn’t have to be video games). I also like to passionately talk about things I like or do and go on for hours about it. I also like trinkets, could be shiny or could be unique. If it looks cool, I would be holding it and staring at it like a magpie.
Others: Scorpio
- 🦉
You got…Mitsuri!
Hear me the fuck out!!! I am onto something!!!!!!!
She has younger siblings, and I think you would be really great with them! Since you can pretty much match kids fluctuating moods and you have all those small facts about birds that they really like. She Is really enamoured with the fact that they always ask about you and ask when they next get to see you!
In a similar way, she also tends to go through energetic spouts, and the more time you spend together the more your inner tunes start to sync.
You and her crow get along so well! Because you are always leaving around little trinkets, it eventually picks up some and brings them to you, so long as you feed it from time to time. Mitsuri appreciates that you care for her bird, because she can get very forgetful about the small things.
Date nights usually involve going to a new restaurant every time, or going to her parents for a family night! Her parents think it's very cute that after all her fuss about a husband, she ended up with a wife, but they take you into the family real quick.
Being competitive in sports is great, because they also get very competitive at their games! While spirit is all the play, anytime you win it impresses Mitsuri a lot!
Expect lots of food dates where you talk for hours over different small dishes and snacks, and a second family that will support you above anything else!
Mitsuri is very joyous when you draw her, and any drawings you make of the two of you together gets framed and put up. In the hallway of the love mansion, there's a small collage in the making from your first drawing of your first date and hopefully it will end in a drawing of your wedding day!
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Authors Note - Honestly getting two of these rocks I have double the info to go off of! It's nice to meet someone else who is 5ft, because I sadly never got taller! I don't mind it, but an extra inch or three would have been great lol
I hope you like who I picked! I had to act very serioues, need to make sure owl anon gets a good s/o! No exceptions!
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krysandra · 2 years
I’m gonna start posting more content about Otis, and maybe more of my OCs, possibly even X reader type shit idk.
This is copy and pasted from a convo me and Owl has, where i was explaining the basics of Otis.
His personality and hobbies:
His personality had a bit of a revamp
he used to be timid, now he is a much more straight to the point type of man. He has the sense of humor of a child, but in general is a pretty good dude. he’s nice, respectful, and likes to keep things clean when stuff gets messy. the type of person who patches things up. He practices dark magic, and magic in general. he has the ability to summon a shadow demon/puppet that does whatever otis commands it to do. He named said shadow puppet Asmodeus. (Why? well uh, i guess you can say this is somewhat suggestive.. he named him that cause Otis was practicing lustful magic, i know i know, it sounds weird, but Otis is simply learning all of his magic book and lustful magic just so happens to be a section in the book… and accidentally created the one and only shadow demon Asmodeus. not the real Asmodeus of course— if Otis summoned the real Asmodeus we’d all be fucked. literally.)
In his free time, whenever he isn’t studying magic or creating potions, OR playing video games (that’s right, he’s a video game lover), he likes to spend time in my personas castle with my persona, he’s my fav oc after all, so he gets special treatment lol.
Dating head canons:
-he has NEVER been in a relationship before so bare with him.
-very romantic partner, always gives his S/O gifts made of magic.
-He often flirts a lot.
-he is an extremely sweet lover, and will compliment you ever chance he gets.
-makes sure you always feel loved and appreciated.
-he likes to make jokes with you, he’s a very funny person.
-you can call him both your boyfriend AND your best friend.
-he will help you study dark magic if you’d like.
-teach this man how to play video games, he sucks at it, and he’s still learning since he was born in the 1700’s and is learning modern technology
-also, pet names is a def
-oh and expect this man to stay up late studying, you’ll have to drag him into bed with you
Extra info:
A bit more about his magic: he can legit KILL people in an EXTREMELY painful way with his magic. Like I mean PAINFUL. no one actually knows what he does, cause whoever witnesses it never survives. All anyone knows is that when he gets fucking pissed, his magic turns WHITE when it’s usually purple, and when his magic turns white
bitch it’s OVER for you!
though, it would take a LOT to get him THAT angry since he’s chiller then a mountain.
Otis is pansexual, and over 300 years old, born in the 1700s.
since Otis was once a gold watcher and no longer is, i decided to change his story, he lived this long because he managed to resurrect himself with magic, that’s the first thing he learned how to do. which was heal, and resurrection.
ALSO!! Otis wants 4 kids, no more, no less. Plus, since he never had a mom, he wants his kids to have a very good one. If he gets a boyfriend/husband, then fuck, it’s adopting time.
That’s all i got for now, more info on the way.
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fallenangelflonne · 1 month
Poppy and hyacinth for the flower ask game!
poppy ✦ do you have lore surrounding your s/i, or is your s/i more or less just there to project on with your f/o(s)?
it depends on the s/i or oc, since i have several, but i'll give you a brief description of each of the main ones under the cut.
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mana: makoto amagi was born with a sixth sense. she's always had the ability to see small glimpses of the future, tell when someone is lying, and hear... not exactly ghosts, but fragments of people's souls that they leave behind when they die. due to this, she was always treated as gifted by the adults in her life, though this also meant she found it difficult to relate to her peers. however, her connection to the realm beyond proved to be a curse, slowly eroding her physical body and leaving her bedridden by age 10, forcing her parents to pull her out of school. she died by the age of 13, but that same curse tethered her consciousness to the mortal realm and prevented her from fully passing on, forcing her to become a ghost (or, more specifically, a yūrei) and adopt the name mana.
around that time, she met masaru fuzaki, a powerful sorcerer of the esteemed fuzaki bloodline who chose to forsake his family name and live a humble life as an apothecary in the forest. masaru took pity on the young ghost and decided to make her his familiar, allowing her to take residence in his attic and vowing to find a way to bring her back to life, all the while selling potions and enchantments and occasionally taking commissions to slay monsters in order to support them both. mana spends the majority of her time eating, sleeping, playing video games, and watching anime and youtube videos because it takes her a significant amount of energy just to maintain a corporeal form, let alone do much else, but she does make herself useful to masaru from time to time by foraging for ingredients for his elixirs or using her gift of foresight to aid him in combat.
mana is a tsundere, making a point of insisting that she's scary, not cute, and getting flustered and pouty at the slightest hint of physical or verbal affection, but she's also rather cheeky and mischievous, often playing pranks or attempting to scare masaru, though no matter how hard she tries, he remains largely unfazed.
i use mana as a vtubersona and a hololive and nijisanji self-insert. i do ship her romantically with masaru, but when it comes to the ships between her and other vtubers (namely gawr gura, pomu rainpuff, ike eveland, elira pendora, and a few others), i may disregard or alter parts of her lore in order to be more in line with theirs or even scrap it altogether in favor of saying, “she's a ghost and they work for the same company. that's all you need to know.”
please keep in mind that when i talk about my vtuber f/os, i'm referring to the characters and not the people behind the screen.
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rimi: rimi sonozaki is a responsible, yet rebellious 16-year-old girl who likes skateboarding, singing, playing the guitar, and punk, emo, and street fashion. her mom is the typical strict single asian parent who disapproves of her daughter's interests and has unreasonably high expectations for her. compared to mana, her lore isn't particularly deep.
i use rimi as a sk8 the infinity, persona 5 (+ strikers), skip to loafer, and naka no hito genome self-insert and ship her romantically with reki kyan, langa hasegawa, miya chinen, kojirou nanjo, kaoru sakurayashiki, akira kurusu, ryuuji sakamoto, ann takamaki, narumi kanechika, anya kudou, and yuzu roromori. she's also friends with makoto niijima, yuusuke kitagawa, haru okumura, yuuki mishima, sophia, mitsumi iwakura, yuzuki murashige, mika egashira, makoto kurume, akatsuki iride, and himiko inaba, and has a crush on sousuke shima. in addition, she sees hiromi higa, sojiro sakura, zenkichi hasegawa, and nao iwakura as familial/guardian-like figures, though she isn't actually related to them.
in persona 5, rimi is a persona user of the temperance arcana. her code name is vandal and her phantom thief attire resembles a graffiti artist with a gas mask. she wields a hunting knife as a melee weapon and dual smgs as a ranged weapon. she can also throw colorful smoke bombs or firecrackers to create a diversion. however, i haven't decided on an actual persona for her yet.
in skip to loafer, rimi is a member of the drama club.
in naka no hito genome, rimi is a streamer who specializes in gacha games.
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vivi: vivi is a 14-year-old gym leader from aurea (my fanmade pokémon region based on italy) who specializes in ghost types. both of their parents died one right after the other when vivi was very young, and as a result, a lot of nasty rumors began to spread throughout their hometown that they were somehow responsible due to how scary and offputting they appeared on the surface, leading them to become a shut-in and turn to video games as a form of escapism. they met their first pokémon, a shiny mimikyu, at the cemetery whilst visiting their parents' graves. eventually, they grew tired of hiding from the world and applied for an international scholarship to uva academy in paldea.
i use vivi as a pokémon violet self-insert and ship them romantically with arven and queerplatonically with nemona, penny, and giacomo. in addition, they see director clavell and mr. hassel as fatherly figures of sorts and eri as an older sister figure.
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penny: penelope "penny" st. ives is a laid-back, tomboyish, and slightly reckless steampunk inventor/engineer/mechanic who uses guns and explosives in lieu of magic. her lore is pretty much nonexistent beyond that.
i use penny as a devil may cry 5 and tensei shitara slime datta ken oc and and ship her romantically with dante, vergil, and veldora tempest and queerplatonically with nero, rimuru tempest, and milim nava.
in devil may cry 5, penny replaces nico goldstein as the person who drives the van and makes nero's devil breakers.
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sam: sam warner, a.k.a. sam the hunter, is a transmasc vigilante of sorts who kills bigots and politicians, but i haven't quite figured out his full lore yet.
i use sam as a creepypasta (slender mansion au) oc and ship him romantically with ticci toby and queerplatonically with nina the killer. additionally, he sees masky as an older brother figure and sally williams as a little sister figure and is also friends with ben drowned, homicidal liu, and kate the chaser, but doesn't get along with jeff the killer.
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skye: skylar "skye" mitchell is a very optimistic, albeit naïve girl fresh out of high school who landed her first job as a daytime security guard at the mega pizzaplex and wants nothing more than to be besties with all of her coworkers. she's extremely strong, having done both gymnastics and jiu-jitsu when she was younger, but despite this, she dreams of going into the beauty industry one day, and thus, takes great care of her appearance, tying her hair up in all manner of intricate ways and painting her nails all manner of fun colors and patterns. she's pretty good with kids due to having experience babysitting her younger cousins and second cousins, but she has no desire to have any biological kids of her own. she also has a very tiktok sense of humor and uses a lot of gen z slang, which makes vanessa feel extremely out of touch.
i use skye as a five nights at freddy's: security breach (human performer au) oc and ship her queerplatonically with both of the daycare attendants. she's also friends with glamrock chica and dj music man, has a small crush on glamrock freddy, and looks up to vanessa in spite of the fact that vanessa finds her annoying.
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while mana has the most complex lore by far, i'd say she's the character whose experiences and personality most closely mirror mine (gifted kid burnout, feeling depressed/isolated after having to be pulled out of school, etc.), but most, if not all of my ocs share certain traits (being autistic, biromantic, trans or nonbinary, having a sweet tooth, and liking video games, anime, music, plushies, and/or alt fashion).
i also use futaba sakura, lumine, hu tao, freminet, millie parfait, and a few other canon characters as self-inserts because i kin them.
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hyacinth ✦ how did your s/i meet your f/o(s)?
this is a difficult question to answer because again, i have several s/is and ocs across several different sources, i don't have all the details of all of their stories worked out yet, and most of what i write takes place after the relationship has already been established.
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academyguide · 2 years
[ad_1]  This time last year, I had several goals in place to take me through to the new year. A lot I achieved, some I didn't and others changed with me throughout the year. However this year, I haven't really given it a thought. So when I was asked recently what my resolutions where, I simply said to be a better version of me. And that's what I want to talk to you about today. Like me, you might not have any resolutions in mind. So I thought this might give you a little idea for a few positive changes for 2019 and beyond.So what do I mean by a better version of myself? Well we can always improve. Be that in fitness, work, relationships, personality - there is always room for improvements. This year I want to take the time to do and be better, to be happier and make others happier around me, to make the most of this year instead of wasting it. So, to be more specific, here are a few ideas how... S E L F   L O V E   Work on that inner voice. Stop looking in the mirror & pointing out floors. Stop comparing yourself to others. Be kind to yourself!!! Focus on what you like about yourself, your accomplishments, your strengths. Act more confident and your confidence will grow. Find something you're good at & enjoy & you will learn to appreciate yourself even more. Remember, everyone is different. So embrace what makes you you. F I T N E S S   What would you love to achieve? Get fit, run a marathon, deadlift 60kg... Or what do you struggle with? Work towards improving on that. Whatever your goals, work towards them, mix things up & challenge yourself more. The more you keep pushing yourself & overcoming hurdles, the more motivated & excited you will become. Your body can achieve a lot more than your mind would have you believe.   H A P P I N E S S   Something I think we're all guilty of ignoring our own happiness. It's important to slow things down at times & focus on what makes you happy. This could be spending time with family, a partner or friends. Exploring new places. Reading in the garden. Just make time for you, as you are important. Plus your happiness will rub off on the people around you & improve your daily life. So make time for you. S T R E S S   Again, stop & slow down. Try to isolate the things that are actually important & make a plan of action. Feeling more in control will help you control the stress. As for everything else - be it work load, personal expectations, or others - ask yourself whether you do need to be worrying about them so much... As most of the time we don't. Again, slow things down, write a list and try to get a couple of things achieved a day. Stress will only hinder progress & will make you feel like crap. So it's very important to look after yourself, make realistic targets & don't punish yourself!!! F O O D   In order to look after yourself, you need to eat well. So this year, try making a few positive steps in the right direction. Eat less processed foods & cook more (try Joe Wicks & Fit Men Cook for easy, quick, healthy recipes). Eat more fruit  & veg. Drink more water. Eat less sugar. What ever you do, do it step by step - don't punish your body & cut everything out at once, as it will be a lot harder to sustain. But, on the flip side, remember to treat yourself on occasion! Balance is key & we don't want to be miserable!!! M O N E Y   The route of a lot of worries. So this year, try to be better with it. But where to begin? Write down all your monthly outgoings & review - do you really need all those direct debits? Could you save money by switching? Do you need limitless data when your at home & work using their wifi most of the time? Could you save money by shopping at a different supermarket? Next, aim to put away a realistic amount in your savings & pension each month - be it £10 or £100, it all adds up! And vow not to touch it, except for big things (house, car, emergency, rainy day fund...). Final tip, once you know all your outgoings & what you'd like to save, give yourself a weekly allowance for the food shop, fun & anything else you'd like to buy.
This really helps me to control my spending! O T H E R S   Help & consider others. Be polite & friendly. Smile at someone. Make their day a little brighter. Hold open a door. It doesn't have to be big, grand gestures. Sometimes the small ones make the biggest impact. Just think before you act. P E R S O N A L I T Y   This one continues on from last year. Try to be more positive, happy & friendly. This will have a huge impact on your mood & others around you. Take Kimmy Schmidt for example, I know she's fictional, but her endless positivity is contagious & inspiring. I know I want to be more like that! So think, glass half full... So that is my aim for 2019. But whatever your goals are, good luck & stick with it! You may have a stumble at times & that's ok, it doesn't mean you have to quit. So stay strong for 2019!!! [ad_2] Source link
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1eos · 3 years
okay so: we have a couple in my friend group and it's frustrating/hurtful for me that they only seem to exist as a couple anymore? at first I thought I'm the problem, that I just need to get used to the new dynamics in the group + they're in the honeymoon phase and don't see each other all the time (one of them lives in a different city but they visit each other often) but they've been official for over a year and it hasn't changed a bit even when they've been in the same place for weeks and my other friends have expressed their discomfort too...
I can't remember everything but it's many instances from little things like always having to be next to each other and walking far behind everyone else to snogging next to us and treating us like we're disposable (e.g. treating a trip with all of us like a couple getaway and even disappearing out and about without a word, spending weeks in the same city as us but only doing things as two even though the rest of us hadn't seen one of them in months too...) it feels like having that friend that puts their relationship above friends except worse bc it's both parts of the couple :/
basically I want to ask if you think I'm overreacting and am asking too much since a couple is supposed to be each other's priority, or if you don't think so if you have advice for me? I know the first answer is always "communication" but they've made it clear they find it ridiculous to feel excluded so idk what to do
sorry im late anon my sweet and sour pork put me straight to sleep. but naurrrrrrrrrrrrrr u're not overreacting. literally i think everyone has gone thru this nd once they've made it clear they they aren't gonna put effort into y'all's relationship it's time to take a step back from them and stop trying to put all the effort into hanging out. if they complain just be honest nd say how u feel disposable nd don't enjoy that feeling and let them take responsibility for what they're doing! bc while a relationship can be a priority that doesn't mean your friends are just whatever bc you're not in a romantic relationship. if you truly care abt them you would respect their time!!!!! and theres 100% nothing wrong with wanting someone to respect your time esp when you care about someone nd would never do that to them. so i would definitely be like hey put a lil effort into this friendship i don't want to be with u 20 hrs a day but just an hour with you a week where it feels like u actually give a fuck abt us would be nice. nd if that's too much...........start hanging out with other ppl bc ultimately you can't force someone to treat their friends right unfortunately.........................
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imagineimpact · 3 years
Could i request Diluc angst oneshot where reader and him get into a big disagreement or argument where Diluc makes them cry and feel really bad about themself so they go and end up hanging out with Kaeya a bit much cause he offered to cheer reader up and Diluc won't apologize. until he see's his s/o hanging out with Kaeya
I actually wrote 2 different versions of the ending for this, but this is the one I decided to go with! If you want the more angsty version do let me know.
Harsh Words
Diluc x Reader
Screaming. Yelling that could be heard throughout the Dawn Winery residence late into the night, heard only by the maids, the night security, and perhaps a late worker or two.
And of course, by the two individuals who held the voices.
It was rather unusual for the two of you to be at odds; and, on the occasion in which you were, it wasn’t nearly to this degree.
But the two of you were outright screaming at each other. It wasn’t even about one thing anymore - it was everything. Whatever you had been arguing about had reached the point of irrelevance; It never should have reached this point and you knew that, but you were under fire and you couldn’t stop.
All you knew was that this was Diluc’s fault, and that you couldn’t take this kind of argument.
“If you just thought about your actions for once-”
You cut him off, “Oh don’t try me with that, you’re the one treating me like I’m an idiot and trying to control my-”
“If you had just listened for once and been less of a selfish bitch then I wouldn’t have to!”
His words had cut far deeper than either of you had expected, and you physically recoiled at the words, a sudden wave washing over you which forced tears from your eyes. The truth in his words was irrelevant - It felt true, even if it wasn’t.
You turn away from him. In spite of your state, he makes no move toward you. None, not even to give you the slightest feel of any comfort. You knew - he wanted the words to cut through you.
You go to the door and slip on your shoes, leaving the room as fast as you humanly could.
You can’t take this anymore.
But you don’t make it past the front door. As if by telepathy, Diluc has two of his night security waiting by the door in a stance showing you that they’re ready to make sure you don’t leave. They block your path, silent in their menace. When you turn around, only then do you notice Adelinde and Hille quietly staring at you. Diluc’s footsteps down the stairs are a slow horror, an even pace which served to only emphasize that feeling of dread; Very easily, this felt like the perfect time to be murdered.
The drawl of footsteps approach, yet cease a few meters away - he’s far too distant to do anything himself. His eyes lock on yours, quietly assessing you.
“Diluc, let me leave.” You hiss through streaming tears. You nearly choke on the tension in the air.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. His eyes don’t show any expression, show any remorse or guilt, or even happiness. Truly, there is nothing in his eyes.
“Let me make myself clear: You are not leaving this premises in the middle of the night. Do you understand me?”
“Not even slightly.”
Silence. His eyes flicker, the way they do when he sees an abyss mage, or when Kaeya makes a comment that goes a little too far - pure anger.
“Adelinde, fix up the guest room.”
“No need. I’ll be leaving now.” You scoff.
Diluc tilts his head, peering over you and towards his security as if to say ‘don’t you fucking dare let them through’.
Then another look, and you feel yourself being pushed into the house again, the slam of the doors behind you.
A wave of anger washes over you, and you can’t help the excess of tears that fall, harder now than they had been before.
Diluc holds his ground, staring at you silently. You shake your head and look away, not sure what to do with yourself. Their staring puts you in pure disarray.
“Yes, sorry.” She mutters, bowing and taking her leave in the direction of the guest bedroom in order to prepare it for you.
When she’s gone, you shake your head. “I’m not going to be sleeping.”
“Then stay in your room. I don’t care.” He huffs, turning away and wandering back up the stairs, his footsteps seeming less menacing now.
The argument was done.
Your eyes catch a light outside the window, seeming to exist a far distance away. Maybe it was the fire of a hilichurl camp.
What time was it? Surely the sun would be up soon anyway.
Fine. You would leave then, no matter what.
When you got to your room, you actually did manage to sleep. Not nearly enough; An hour was nothing in the long run, but it was still just slightly enough to not feel entirely exhausted.
Still, the sun was up when you arose, and you lay in the bed, uncertain as to what would happen when you left the room.
If Diluc wasn’t going to apologise, you wanted nothing to do with him.
So, after a little while of resting, it was a surprise to hear a knock at the door. You were summoned to breakfast. Nearly the entire time, you and Diluc sat across from each other - an oddity indeed considering he would always insist that he wanted you seated beside him - this time, however, you were as far from his as possible within the confines of the seated table. The usually empty seat felt hard beneath you, not softened by an everyday presence. Your usual seat to his right - where your plate had been placed before you had taken it to where you were now - was empty.
Neither of you could look into each other’s eyes. The silence, broken only by the light clinks of cutlery, felt burdenous.
You expected him to say something, anything really. You could barely eat the food on your breakfast plate, and without any words, you didn’t feel all too comfortable anyway. You let out a quiet sigh and stood up, tucking in your chair and lifting your plate to take it back to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Diluc’s voice was quiet but the harshness in it was unmistakable.
“I’m not hungry.” You looked down at the plate in your hands. “I’m going to Mondstadt.”
Diluc stood up suddenly, pushing back his chair and stepping close to you. The sudden movement caused you to shutter slightly, and he pulled back a bit. Still, he tore the plate from your hands and placed it on the table. “When you return, be ready to have a serious conversation.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but then huffed and turned away. “Right. I’ll look forward to getting yelled at again.”
Diluc scoffed, “Stop acting like a petulant child.”
“I’m not doing this right now, Diluc.” Your feet are moving before you can even think about it. This time, as you approached the door, no one was there to stop you. You left with no present company to watch over you, and you knew that today was going to be a long, long day.
Mondstadt thrives with life, as per usual. Because of how bright and pleasant the place is, any spec of gloom is extremely obvious on a day like this.
You took to the adventurers guild to take some commissions. Maybe killing some hilichurls or slimes would take your mind off of it all, or maybe just delivering some needed materials to someone.
The entire time you had been speaking to Katheryn, you felt eyes watching you, but you didn’t want to make it obvious you knew. Alas, it was only moments later that you startled at the feeling of a hand on your shoulder.
“No need to be so surprised.” The familiar voice chuckles beside you.
“Good morning, Kaeya.” You let out a soft sigh, the exhaustion of the day before wearing into you. You thanked Katheryn and turned your attention to Kaeya. His eyebrows twitched and his expression shifted as he studied you.
“What happened?” He asks rather blatantly, eyes clouding over. “Was it Diluc?”
You took a deep breath. “Wanna join me for commissions?”
Kaeya scans your eyes. “As long as you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Come on.” You nod, wandering out of Mondstadt with him.
The slowly falling night brought you back to Mondstadt. You agreed to go to the tavern with Kaeya, a subtle kind of thank you for spending time with you today. It wasn’t like you were doing anything else anyway.
The tavern was already busy before you got there, people crowding around for a nights drink. You subconsciously step towards Kaeya as if shading yourself away from the crowded atmosphere and he is wary of your proximity. He draws you to his side, a friendly notion, and steps inside before you.
Charles waves at you both from behind the counter. Kaeya quickly orders a round of drinks and takes you to a table away from the bar.
“Hey, look who’s been dragged in.” Rosaria wanders over, quietly making soft chatter with you. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to spend some time together.
Kaeya eventually wanders away, grabbing your drinks and bringing them back over.
Time seemed to dwindle away, the mindless chatter with your friends giving you more than ample distraction from anything else that might have been happening.
“Master Diluc! Didn’t expect to see you here today.” Charles’ voice rings out.
Of course, that wasn’t going to last long.
You lift your head slightly, tensing up. Diluc is scanning the room, twisting his wrist lightly as he speaks quietly to Charles; The words miss you. You freeze as your eyes lock. For just a moment you’re caught in that discerning gaze before he nods at you and turns back to talk to Charles. Kaeya draws your attention back away, and you slip back into your conversation, not wanting to deal with anything else.
“I’ll get another round.” Rosaria gets up and makes her way through the tavern, leaning over the bar and making another order for the table.
“How many are we on?” You ask, already flushed from the… how many glasses had you even had?
“Five.” Kaeya laughs, leaning on your shoulder. “But now that the killjoy’s here, he’ll stop us from having our well-earned fun.”
“I heard that.” Diluc scoffed, passing by you.
“Good.” Kaeya wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, more out of a delicate affection than anything else. Diluc’s eyes narrow at his brother, who just laughs in response.
“Get your hands off of-“
“Oh don’t worry, brother. I would never keep them somewhere they don’t want to be.” Kaeya mocks. “You, on the other hand, can’t say the same.” Even with his words, he loosens his hold on you and leans back a bit.
Rosaria returns with your round, greeting Diluc casually as she slips back into her seat. Your pissed off boyfriend wanders away back to his work.
It clicks in your hazy mind that the only reason he’s here is likely because you are. You laugh at the thought, then clink your tankard to the group and drink.
As the evening wears down, many people in the bar until it’s pretty much only your group and a few others left there. Diluc lets out a soft sigh as he watches you, trying to soften that jealous pounding of his heart. He takes a sip of his own drink - apple cider, of course. He could never slam back drinks the way that your group currently were. Where had the hours gone?
Oh, no. How many drinks had you had? Whatever was next, he swore to himself that he would make sure that it was watered down. At this rate, you were pretty much welcoming alcohol poisoning with open arms.
Kaeya, wobbly as ever, decides to be the one to approach the bar this time (mostly because Rosaria was leaning against the table, head folded into her arms as she groaned). Diluc shook his head. “No, no. The three of you will drink this whole tavern dry if I don’t stop you.”
“Oh, I’m not here to get any more.” He leans on the countertop. “I just want to know what the hell you did.” Kaeya motions over to you. You’re just giggling at Rosaria’s complaining, leaning over and patting her on the head.
“I’m not talking to you about this.” Diluc leans back, crossing his arms stubbornly.
“Suit yourself.” He straights up. “I should probably get her out of here before you say something stupid.”
“I’m not going to be saying anything stupid.” Diluc shakes his head, looking over the list of all the drinks you’ve had this evening. “You’re all wasted.”
“And yet, you haven’t said last call.”
Seemingly to spite him, DIluc immediately does. He signals over to Charles to round up the remaining people. He knew to leave you last.
Kaeya’s laugh is enough to haunt him. “You make this right, Diluc.” He runs his finger over the counter. “Otherwise I will.”
“Get out of my sight.”
The cavalry captain laughs again, then wanders over to your table. He practically drags Rosaria back up, but she pushes away from him and made her own way to the counter - always a good spirit, she paid for her own portion of drinks and left. Being a nun, she probably didn’t need to use the money elsewhere.
Kaeya was two steps away from just carrying you out the door, but through his drunk mind he finds the clarity to understand just how absolutely inappropriate that would be to do, especially in front of Diluc. Alas, you lean on his shoulder as he assists your steps.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Diluc’s voice calls out, as if to stop you both.
“Usual billing.” Kaeya calls back.
“No, no.” You both look back at him. He shifts on his feet, eyes locking with yours. “I’ll be damned if you go home with him.”
“Then damned you are.” You roll your eyes, turning away.
He calls your name softly. “Step away from him. Come here.”
You take a deep breath. “I am so glad I don’t have to remember any of this.”
Diluc places a glass of water in front of you. “Drink this. You wreak of alcohol.”
“And you wreak of your hatred.” You sit down in front of him, knowing that it wasn’t about to get better.
Diluc’s eyes flicker up to Kaeya. “Get out.”
“Not happening.”
“Kaeya, this doesn’t concern you.”
“Their safety is more than enough concern.”
“It’s alright, Kaeya, just wait outside.” You pipe in, not wanting even more stress.
Kaeya agrees, quietly slipping out the door. Charles is told to escort him away, an act which may have varying success.
Either way, you sat in front of Diluc, not sure what exactly to say to him.
“I’m tired, Diluc. I’m tired of this. I can’t put up with-“
“I’m sorry.” He blurts out, interrupting you. “Please, hear me out.”
“I’m not going to remember-“
“Then I’ll tell you again when you will.” He leans over the counter, not wanting to be apart from you. He calls your name again, as if to hold your attention, “Can we talk about this?”
“I think we talked about this already.” You groan. “Yesterday, plenty of yelling. The Maids and guards can confirm.”
Diluc takes a long breath out. You lift the glass of water and take an even longer sip.
Maybe the barrier of the counter between you made you feel better. But, as tears sprung to your eyes, you felt so, so much worse.
“Do you hate me?” You ask, your voice squeaking. “Do you want to break up with me.”
“No, Y/N.” He reaches for your hands, but you had pushed your stool too far away from him beforehand that he couldn’t. He circles around the bar and gently grabs both of your hands, soft enough in his hold for you to be able to pull away. “Don’t ever say that. I love you.”
“Then, why?” You sob, turning your face away from him, hands still in his. “Why did you yell at me? Why wouldn’t you talk to me this morning?”
“I…“ Diluc stops himself, taking a deep breath. “I was angry. We were both angry.” He shifts, pulling out a stool and sitting in front of you. “I wasn’t acting rationally.”
“When you said you wanted to talk this morning, what were you going to say?”
Diluc hesitates, gripping your hands just a little bit harder. “I was going to ask… I was going to ask if you were happy.” He admitted, quietly. “But I can’t do that. I can’t put you through that.”
You tug him toward you, pulling his hands close to your face. “Why would you say that? I love you.” You sob into his soft skin.
He takes his hands away from your gently, slipping them around your waist and pulling you close to him, into his lap. He tightens his grip. “I’m sorry.” He repeats. “I’m so sorry. I never want you to cry.” He feels his heartbeat heavily in his chest, a distraught washing over him. “Don’t ever destroy yourself like this again.” He runs a hand over your back.
You don’t say anything. You’re way too drunk for many more coherent thoughts to pass your lips. You lift your head and plant a soft kiss on his cheek, and he softly kisses your forehead, pulling you back to his chest so that you don’t try to kiss him anymore - He wasn’t about to let that happen, you were far too drunk.
Diluc was ashamed of his thoughts. His guilt, rising only when he saw you in the present company of his brother, showing affection and finding comfort anywhere except for him. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, nor to you, but as you cried into his shoulder, he couldn’t help the wave of disappointment in himself that washed over. Why could he never be there for the people who needed him most?
“Come on, finish your water, let’s get you home.” He insists, though he holds you tightly still until you stir.
You take the water, sipping it with a slight indignance. He would have to apologize to you again in the morning, but he would do anything to get you to trust him again.
(Part 2 here)
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hello lovely! I loved the scenario you did //It’s only you—their s/o overhears someone confessing to them and gets insecure 🤍🤍 for Mikey and Chifuyu!! I wanted to request them but this time..reversed!// Like they overhear someone confessing to their s/o and gets insecure 🥺🤍 reader reassures them ofc~she wants no one but him:,)
❀ IT’S STILL YOU | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano manjiro, matsuno chifuyu 💿 female reader, second pov (you/your), angst and fluff, established relationship, au - everyone lives / nobody dies, timeline: highschool, imagine 📅 july 04, 2021 🔗 masterlist ,, version: alternative
they may be quite popular at school but they know their flaws as well. they can't help but feel insecure when someone confesses to their s/o, realizing that you could do better than them.
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“Please go out with me, Y/n-san.”
Manjiro’s smile immediately flipped into a frown hearing those words that left the boy’s lips. He didn’t recognize him at first but after a few agonizing seconds of thinking, he finally pinpointed a name to the face: a student two classrooms away, one that you helped quite a few times with studying when you weren’t with Mikey and Draken.
Mikey had known that he had feelings for you, from the way his touch on your shoulder lingered and how he glanced at you while you’re teaching him something on his notebook. He just didn’t expect for the boy to actually confess to you.
He had come here looking for you only to be greeted by a less favored sight of someone else trying to take you from him.
He sits by the wall, pouting with his arms crossed, crossing his legs and awaiting your reply. He knew that you would reject, he can’t expect you to do anything else. Mikey loved you!... You loved him as well, right?
Sure, he isn’t perfect. He’s not smart, doesn’t get perfect grades, doesn’t even participate in classes and just falls asleep. He isn’t that well-mannered either nor is he gentle, rather he’s very pushy and clingy. He isn’t that mature in some moments, always acting on his emotions rather than his head. But… But-
Manjiro falters. Oh god, what if you’re actually tired of him but aren't saying anything because that’s just how you were—always so kind, always so thoughtful? He can’t let you go! He can’t imagine spending his whole life with anyone else...
Baji had warned him of this. Girls like you prefer boys who are mature, who always know what to do and what they want and can make them happy. Manjiro knew that he made you happy but he doesn’t completely trust his brain and his abilities to be in the same league as you.
This boy was the first in his class, prim and proper, has proper etiquette, generally well-liked by both students and teachers, and he’s even a part of the student council.
Mikey takes a quick peek…
He’s quite handsome as well.
You could-
“I’m sorry, I already have a boyfriend and I love him with all my heart.”
He leans back on the wall, feeling as if all the fight left him while relief settles deep on his shoulders.
“O-Oh, yeah, I know. I’m really sorry. I just wanted to tell you.”
“Thank you, and I’m sorry. I hope that we can still be friends after this.” Even without looking, Mikey knew that you were smiling so kindly, hoping for the best. The boy responded positively but Mikey was already standing, ready to walk away.
“Manjiro! Jeez, you need to stop eavesdropping.”
He freezes, looking over his shoulder with a sheepish smile as you stand there with your hands on your waist. You caught him huh… “Sorry, sorry,” he murmurs as you walk up to him.
Expecting a harmless jab to his shoulders, Mikey was surprised that you wrapped your arms around him, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “What’s wrong? Jealous?”
When you look up at him, the realization of him being lucky dawns once more, again and again, reminding him. Manjiro loves you, you and your pretty smiles and soft heart. He grins, resting his forehead on yours. “Nah, I just love you.”
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Chifuyu gnaws at his lips in apprehension.
He knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help but follow you all the way out here in the empty courtyard when he saw you with another boy. Chifuyu got too curious, alarmed at the fact that the boy was holding your hand.
So here he was, crouching behind some trash cans, trying to convince himself that no, this isn’t weird, I’m just making sure that this asshole isn’t going to do something suspicious.
“I- I like you, Y/n-chan! Please go out with me.”
Chifuyu blinks, unsure if he just heard it right. It wasn’t wrong but it was rare for a male to actually confess to a girl instead of the other way around in their school. Chifuyu definitely confessed to you first, albeit being a little insecure and a little hesitant, ready for rejection.
He wasn’t that surprised though.
You were beautiful, you were kind. Chifuyu was convinced that everyone loved you and it wasn’t too far off from the truth. This guy may have been a senior but even him wasn’t an exception to your charms.
Chifuyu can’t help but gnaw at his lips even more, almost causing it to bleed from how hard he was biting it.
Shit what if you didn’t like Chifuyu anymore? What if you actually didn’t from the very start and only pitied him? You’ve only been dating for two months, if you broke up with him, it wouldn’t change anything that much for you. But it would change everything for Chifuyu.
He frowns, looking down on the ground and ignoring how his legs ache from how long he had been frozen up in that one position.
If you were to agree… If you were to accept the confession… If you were to break up with Chifuyu…
He’d have to let go of you. He didn’t want to. But if it made you happier, if you were happier with him, if you didn’t want Chifuyu anymore… He’d do it a thousand times-
“Sorry, senpai, I’m not interested.”
“Ah… Thanks for your time, Y/n-chan.”
Chifuyu stares at his shoes, fiddling with his shoelaces. He felt so relieved that it was almost suffocating. You can still be his… Even if just for a little while more until you find someone better.
“What are you doing crouching over there, Fuyu?”
He snaps up, seeing you peek at him. Standing up in surprise, he bumps his head onto yours before he once more falls to his bottom, almost hitting the back of head on the bin. “Y/n!”
Chifuyu hurries up while massaging his forehead, heading over to your side to see you also sitting on the floor while holding your head. He kneels in front of you, gently pulling your hand away so you can caress your forehead.
He frets, missing the way you looked at him softly. “Do we need to get it checked in the infirmary?”
You giggle, snapping Chifuyu out of his worried daze. “Y/n?”
Chifuyu tenses when you press your hand on his arm, leaning forward to press a quick kiss on his lips, catching him off guard. You looked at him as if you knew what he was feeling, causing uneasiness to crawl in his veins. “I’m so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.”
His gaze softens and Chifuyu plops down beside you, resting his forehead on your shoulder. “I should be the one to say that,” he murmurs but you only giggle in response.
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lotus-flowerz · 3 years
Can I request Albedo hurt/comfort? Romantic please, with Gn!reader.
I had this idea, so, your together like romantically, only for the last couple weeks/months he’s really only talked to you if you’re helping with an experiment, or you’ve made the effort to talk to him. And the reader now feels neglected because of this. And when they brought it up with Albedo, he quickly dismisses their points and shuts them down.
Later he thinks about it, and realizes the reader is right, and ends up going down to Mondstat to apologize, only to overhear a conversation between his s/o and whomever you think would fit. The convo is like the reader telling them about Albedo, and their like “honey, you need to break up with him,” but like less harsh? Like “I know it’s hard to come to terms with it, but if someone isn’t treating you right you need to get them out of your life.”
And as Albedo overhears this, he isn’t pleased and decides to make it up to the reader by like idk taking them out to the pond in whispering woods, and they cuddle while watching the clouds and Albedo spends the whole day just apologizing every way he knows how.
I know this is a lot, and it might take some times to get to ahahaha, feel free to as much time as you need!!
~🌈(can I be that emoji?)
hi rainbow anon! sorry i'm just now getting to this! I said everyone's requests would be done by midnight but that proved to be too much work. This is a bigger project than I intended, but rest assured I have started all of my requests. Hope this suffices for tonight!
albedo x g/n! reader
"Hand me that beaker."
"Sure," you sighed, "Are we almost done? The reservations I made us at Good Hunter are for 6!"
Albedo looked up from the potion he was making, face contorted uncomfortably.
"Dove.. I do not think I can make it tonight. There's so much work to be done! You should go with a friend."
"Albedo, what? You've done this every time we have had plans for the past two months! You can't be serious?"
"Y/n, my work is tedious! If I am disturbed I could mess the entire thing up!"
"Disturbed? That's what I am to you? A disturbance."
"Well, if it's making noise and preventing me from finishing groundbreaking research, then yes, I would define that as a disturbance. Would you not?"
"You know what? Maybe I will go to that dinner with a friend- but don't expect me back in Dragonspine tonight to keep your hardass self company or give you any help."
There was no response from the blonde man, he simply returned to his work and continued with his research. With a huff, you left to go get ready for dinner and headed to Mondstat to see if any of your friends would join you.
Albedo looked up from his work a bit after you left- it was 7:30 and you still weren't back? You had left at five.. and what was it you had said before leaving?
"Don't expect me back in Dragonspine tonight to keep your hardass self company or give you any help."
"Sucrose." he called out for his assistant, who had been diligently working on something else.
"Yes? Is there something you need help with?"
"No. I want to know where Y/n went?"
"No can do, Mr. Albedo, I told Y/n I'd keep their whereabouts private. I don't really think you deserve to know right now either. Y/n is my friend and you really messed up this time."
Albedo ran a hand through his hair and scrambled to pull on his coat and boots.
"Watch the lab while I'm gone- I don't know when I'll be back."
"Alright. Good luck, Mr. Albedo."
He trekked into Mondstat, making a beeline for Good Hunter, but alas, you were nowhere to be seen.
He rushed over to the Cat's Tail next. No dice. The last place he could think of would be Angel's Share.
He slipped into the busy tavern quietly and instantly recognized your voice- but he also heard someone else's.. is that.. Eula?
"I can't do it anymore!" you sipped your wine. You and Eula had decided to go drinking after dinner, to ease some of your pain. "He's ALWAYS busy. And he thinks of me as a burden anyway. What can I even do at this point? I'm just a lab partner for him. Another assistant."
No! That's not what he thought at all! His heart dropped when he heard Eula's words though.
"Leave him. Take your vengeance! You deserve it. He doesn't treat you how you should be treated! No use in salvaging this if he isn't willing."
He saw you nod, but he felt so sick he had to leave. He returned to Dragonspine, feeling defeated, and climbed into bed. He didn't sleep well, keeping himself up in case you returned. He did eventually doze off, but he still woke up alone.
He got dressed and left for Mondstat early that morning, heading for Eula's house. After knocking a few times, she answered looking less than pleased.
"What do you want? I will have my vengeance for waking me up at the asscrack of dawn."
"Where is Y/n?"
"Oh? Now you come looking for them?"
"I didn't want to interrupt your conversation at the bar last night, so I left, if you must know." he grumbled, annoyed.
'Y/n, Albedo is here. Go make up with him."
After you got dressed and thanked Eula, you left with Albedo.
"Y/n, listen, please come to the Windrise tree with me- let me explain! I brought your favorite breakfast and a blanket for a picnic! Remember? Like our first date!"
You sighed, contemplating it.
"Fine, Albedo. Let's go."
You walked in silence to the tree and set up the picnic.
"Listen Y/n. I have.. trouble separating myself from my work. You know this. I also have trouble with words. I do not consider you a disturbance. I am not affected by physical cold, but Dragonspine felt cold for the first time without you there. I do not know feelings or comforting words well. But I do know that I love you, and I cannot lose you. I am far from perfect, but for you, I would try my damn best to be perfect."
You were silent, before leaning in to hug him. He was initially surprised, but wrapped his arms around you gently.
"We can work this out, Albedo. I love you too."
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static-fanatic-1 · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are doing well today. I was wondering if I can get a semi-angst hc of Pakunoda, Illumi, Milluki, Silva, Chrollo, Kurapika and Shalnark + Setsuno, Overhaul, Chronostasis, Tamaki, Endeavor, Shinsou, Aizawa and Shiggaraki with a s/o who hates them, but once their children gets kidnapped they beg and cry to the boys/girls to find their child and bring them safely home. Hopes that makes sense. Please and thank you.
She hates seeing you in pain, in ANY pain, so this doesn’t sit well with her at all. It hurts that you hate her, but to her it doesn’t matter as much as her undying love for you. She is sweet, and she knows despite keeping you captive, you are cared for. This includes your and her child. She will tear the world to shreds with her lovely heels.
She will be more methodical in ending whoever took her child, and no harm will come to the sweet baby. She will not use this against you in anyway, she would rather you love her naturally. So when da baby is returned, she won’t tease you or ask for something in return. She just wants to comfort you both and tell you everything is okay now.
Like Paku, Illumi cares about both of you, just in a really different way. He “loves” his kids more as a tool and as a successor to his lineage, not like he loves you. So when his kid is taken, there will be hell to pay.
He doesn’t really think much on the fact you are begging him, though it is a nice change to your typical screaming. He won’t brag, boast, or use it against you, for the most part anyway. He might be robotic, but he still is smart. He will keep your children in mind next time you try anything too risky.
He doesn’t care about his kids, they are spoiled little shits in his eyes. He probably didn’t really want kids in the first place, but one thing led to another and here they are now. So when they are taken, he sees it as an inconvenience, but also an opportunity once he sees how distraught you are.
He makes it into a big deal and boasts about how only HE can save your kids. HE is the only reason you will get your little babies back. And don’t worry, he will make sure you inderstand that. He will ALWAYS use this against you at any moment of any day. He wants you to know you need him.
He doesn’t care about your kids, to him they are an end to a means, and another way to keep you with him. So as much as he knows his kids can take care of themselves, or at least he wants them to be independent through whatever means, seeing you hurt makes him take initiative. You are devistated, fine, he’ll save your kids.
Silva makes quick work of whoever took your kids, and makes sure to savor it. Once he’s done, he lets you take a moment to be happy for your kids being safe, but don’t expect to be in the clear. You will have to give him something in return, and knowing his sex drive, you probably wouldn’t like it. But your kids are safe, so everything is fine, right?
Like Silva, Chrollo doesn’t care about your kids. A means to an end, to keep you locked with him. Though, he really does care about you, so he will do anything to make you happy.
This means getting that little bundle of attention-stealing-shitness back. Anything for you to get on his good graces. Besides, he has the whole troupe that loves the kid, so they will all pitch in to find the little one. I don’t think he will use this against you, mainly because you should already knows nothing will get between the two of you, not even your child.
Shalnark is a strange one, to me he seems like a mix between Chrollo and Pakunoda. He cares, a lot, but if anything was to come between you and him, he wouldn’t mind making a point. Still, seeing you in so much emotional pain makes him jump into action.
He calls up his best friends to help find the poor sap who took his and your kid. Yeah, they won’t last long. Shal takes great care in handling the little one to make sure they aren’t too scared. He also spends a lot of down time after to bond with the both of you. Maybe this wasn’t a good thing to you, but to him it only brought you closer together.
Really big family man, whoever took your kid must have been the most stupid person to walk the earth. He is defiantly on your side with getting his kid back, so he won’t use this against you as much as the others might. Instead of bragging or boasting about how you need him to keep you safe, he will want a little something in return.
He might be on your side, desperately wanting his kid back, but he wouldn’t waste an opportunity to get a little treat from you. He will manipulate you to feel guilty, like it was somehow your fault, just to get something from you. Wether it be some bonding time, or something more suggestive, he will get it through manipulation. Of course he’d love to bond some more with your kids after he retrieves them, just don’t think you are safe around Kurapika.
This poor guy had a terrible relationship before you, so there is no way in hell he would let what happened before happen again. He hates the fact you hate him, but he refrains from hurting you in anyway, this includes your kid. He will leave the room, break things, anything other than touching you and both of your kid.
When someone takes the baby, you aren’t the only one pissed off. Setsuno is furious, so he will do anything to get your kid back. He calls his friends just in case, and the three of them destroy whoever laid hands on his baby. Setsuno is happy to have everyone together again and he’ll take this time to bond with the both of you. Just don’t push him away or else he’ll remind you who saved your kid.
Overhaul finds children to be dirty, they are nasty things that need so much attention. With that being said, to an extent, he treasures his kid. He wants them to be just like him, so he takes his time to teach them everything there is to know about ruling the underground. Again, his kid is an end to a means, but he does think of them a bit more than most of the others on this list.
When he kid is taken, he is frustrated for a few reasons. One is because he taught his kid to use their quirk (if they are old enough to have it by now), and two because he has to waste his time trying did of dirty things. Though, seeing you beg for him to save your baby makes it more worth his time. Much better than when you grit your teeth and turn the other way. So when he gets the baby back, he makes sure you understand what he went through to appease you.
Another one that actually likes his children and treasures them. Chronostasis is more of a family man, taking care of the children, getting groceries, the usual stuff to help around the house while you are there. He doesn’t keep you stuck, he just uses his profession to threaten you. But other than that he acts like a normal father when he doesn’t have work to do.
Taking his child is a really bad thing. He values work a lot, so he will put work first, so he will only leave to find his kid once overhaul gives him the go. He might get help, but in the end it doesn’t matter. He will tear anyone apart to find your baby. When he does, he brings them home and smiles at you, taking as much time as he is given to comfort the both of you. Everything can go back to normal now, just ignore the spots of blood on the bottom of his white jacket.
Such a shy guy, he doesn’t do much to your hatred against him, he kinda just lets it happen while apologizing profusely. Though he doesn’t let you go. He does, genuinely, love his kid. In a way it gives him a sense of pride that he helped create such a beautiful baby. So when they go missing, and you grip his shirt and beg for him to find them. Tamaki is relieved you finally need him, but so frustrated at the same time.
He wants to sulk and cry through his frustration at loosing his kid, but your begging doesn’t allow that. Instead he asks his besties for help and makes sure to hurry. He’s so happy to get his baby back he can’t help the tears of joy falling from his face. When he comes back home you both cry and hold your baby as close as you possibly can.
I think Shinsou has an inner demon when he is a Yandere, this is when it shows itself. He loves his kid, and is a really relaxed guy when it comes to the both of you. It’s just when his patience is pulled by someone out of his obsessive behaviors is when it becomes a problem.
He goes on his own, after all he is a hero not many know about, and his ability is insanely powerful. He will find the people resposible and tell them to “jump off this building” or “go kill yourself”. Things that will force them to get their hands dirty and stay away from his kid. He comforts his kid, tells them everything is okay now and that the two of them are going home to see you. Y’all can all watch a movie too, get take out and simply take it easy.
He is almost exactly like Shinsou, or Shinsou is almost exactly Aizawa. The biggest difference is Aizawa has less patience, and isn’t afraid to get a little sadistic. With that said, you are more likely better “behaved”, though you still have some fight in you. Your kid is one of your joys in life, so when he comes home from work and sees you begging for your baby back, he’s happy.
He goes on his own and takes out whoever was involved. He doesn’t kill, he isn’t that reckless, but he definalty beats them to a bloody pulp until the police arrive. He does the paperwork, and then happily takes back his kid. Aizawa will make sure you know he did this for you and he will make sure you only think that. He loves his kid, a lot, but if you think you owe him more love, then that’s a win for him.
Enji thinks his kids are weapons, I mean, that’s obvious right? He does care, but more as it would be a waste if something bad were to happen to them. Also, they are keeping you stuck with him. So yeah, when they are taken he gets pretty pissed about it.
Enji kinda rubs it in your face too, I mean you are begging for his help. You NEED him to save your kid. He won’t tell you he would get them back either way either, he wants you to think you owe him. So expect listening to whatever demands he wants from you. Not much time to appreciate your baby being safe.
Crusty man actually kinda likes his kid. In a way it’s like he has a distaste for them but can’t help but have a connection with them at the same time. Even Shigiraki doesn’t think he would be too distressed if something happened to his kid, but he was wrong. He takes it personally, and your begging makes him even more pissed. How dare they?!
Shigiraki makes a huge deal out of it, the entire league (those close) will be involved to cause chaos to the idiot who hurt his kid. It will be all on the news, how much carnage he caused, but not a single person will know it was because of his kid. He will boast about how he defeated the final boss for you and his kid, and he expects you to reward him. After you reward his efforts he will relax with the two of you, taking in the warmth from your love.
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