#i always forget how much i feel about hawks until im writing about him
theloveinc · 2 years
do you talk hawks at all? i just love bird man so much i wanna pick his brain. wanna study him under a microscope. must be all of the ✨trauma✨ he’s been through
do you think he’d have abandonment issues in a relationship? how clingy do you think he’d get?
(also i hc virgin hawks on my deathbed. wouldn’t surprise me at all if you were his first serious relationship. just ‘cuz i could see it being pretty difficult to really get close to him. but once you do…he ain’t letting go
buuuuttttt that’s just me)
i talk every character tbh but people always seem to forget💔💔💔but hawks omg... remember back in the early days of the pandemic when he was basically everyone's number one sexy boy? i'm honestly not sure why the hype for him died down so much.
ANYWAY i absolutely wanna study him, too! his trauma is SO interesting to me esp because i think his demeanor + motives are honestly... berry strange LMAO. respectable... but berry strange (we can address this another time sdfkjadsf).
To get down to it, though... I agree with you about Hawks' clinginess (if you can call the rest of this agreeing), as well as that it takes long time before you ever see that side of him, too. And not like a three month long time, more like a YEARS long time. One or two at least, given I also see him as being really hesitant about relationships. Not exactly having abandonment issues... but commitment ones.
Which isn't to say he's unloyal, or even as more of fuck buddy than anything else... I DO think he very seriously dates you (cuz I see him as being very serious in general, actually)...
But at first, dating him is never... romantic. Or it is and that aspect of it just feels... weird. Like you definitely like each other... but don't actually know each other, if that makes sense, all because he's distinctly refusing to let you in. And it's not even intentional, or ill-intentioned, at that... he genuinely does want to be with you... he just can't bring himself to commit in the ways that matter.
Until he does. 
Because I think if you stick with it, enjoy the relationship as best you can, there comes a point after all of this nonsense, where... yeah. He gets attached. WAY too attached. Codependent attached. Which is kinda strange because part of you thought he just liked you for the company... like, a friend he could bang..
But the reality is, the entire time you were dating, literally while you thought things would never progress and this might just be... settling, Hawks was building a nest with you in his head. Piece by piece, leaving bits of himself beside you and then pondering if it was finally safe to leave them all. And suddenly, it is. And you become his lifeline, the person he trusts more than anyone else in the entire world... all because you waited for him, dealt with him... showed him that you loved him even when it was hard.
Then he becomes clingy. Nightmarishly so, as this is when his commitment issues turn into abandonment issues. He goes from being somewhat scared of tying either of you down to being afraid you'll leave him for the way he's treated you, all in like... less than a month.
(And since he's not dumb, it goes smoother than I'm making it seem. Like he definitely has a moment where he tells you all this, and explains what he's been going through in trying to stay so casual; that he knows it was dickish, but it was only because deep down, he was so, so scared.)
But this means you go from hardly anything—dinner dates that would sometimes get canceled whenever he picked up an extra patrol, always leaving your apartment before anything other than kissing could start—to so much: going on fancy dates. Spending the night and waking up together. Talking about the future... as the future finally feels right. 
I think it’s a kind of a nice clingy, though. He’s not whiney at all, more happy and silly than you’ve ever seen him (completely delighted by you, all the time), and if anything really, it never feels like the honeymoon phase, just like you get very close and comfortable with one another, like you’ve been together for years. 
He just wants to see you everyday, not to exhaust, but to spend time together, even if that means doing nothing at all. He calls you and wants to talk for hours, about anything and nothing at all. He doesn’t mind anymore. 
AND turn this fantasy into your own, by god, please, but... yeah. He probably is virgin up until this point. Acts so cocky and suave about it but only because he doesn’t know what else to do. He wants to be good, thinks he has everything mastered to a certain extent... then your pants come down for real and he just... losing all cool, focus and control. 
Gotta treat him so sweet🥺🥺🥺 so his first time w/ you is magical. I already know it is, though. 
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
↳  ❝burn❞ dabi x fem!reader → part V
summary: touya todoroki, your childhood friend was dead or so you thought. things get more complicated than you ever thought they could. word count: 2.7k+ tags/warnings: angst, mentions of abuse  a/n: i'll be gone for a while but im hoping to have a couple parts done while im away. enjoy this until i return~ spoilers for chapter 265 of the manga. also im sorry i need to get better at writing action scenes. masterlist
part IV part V part VI
It was a night you had tried to forget but it always replayed in your mind, over and over. How could you forget that night? You would always carry the weight of it, the grief, the guilt.
It was a gut feeling. You were always in tune with Touya for better or worse. It had been a bad night, Enji had yelled and screamed at him and it was the breaking point. Touya knew he would never be enough to make his father proud. His quirk wasn’t the perfect quirk Enji wanted but Shoto did have that quirk.
Once Enji knew he had his perfect child Touya was even more neglected. Before that, he was at best a backup if Enji couldn’t have the child he wanted.
This pushed things to their limit. Touya had enough of never being enough. Sure, he hated his father more than anything but deep down there was still something in him that wanted his approval. Touya reasoned the best way to prove himself was going against his father’s biggest rival.
It was probably stupid but when you got that gut feeling that something was wrong with Touya you would go to him just to make sure. You hadn’t been wrong. You found Touya changing late at night and you knew he was up to something.
“What are you doing?” You questioned.
“Proving myself.” He said.
“By running around at night?”
“No, I’m going to find my father’s rival and show everyone that I’m strong enough. That I’m good enough-” He cut himself off taking a shaky breath.
He didn’t have to finish that sentence for you to know what he meant. How many nights had he opened up to you in his most vulnerable state? He had told you how through it all, even with how awful his father was to him he just wanted validation. He wanted his father to be proud, to be supportive, to love him. What kid didn’t want that? You knew that he just wanted to be good enough to be loved.
Touya was good enough to be loved even if Enji Todoroki would never see that.
“You are good enough, I know you want him to understand but this is dangerous.” You said. “This isn’t the right way.”
“You can’t change my mind.” He said as he walked past you.
“I’m not going to let you go alone.” You said as you followed. “What kind of friend do you think I am?”
“The best.” He said as he looked at you with that playful smirk you loved so much.
You wished more than anything that you had stayed home. Over the years all you could ever thing was what you could have said, what you could have done to stop him, anything to change what happened.
Touya had tracked him down to an abandoned building. Before you stepped in you knew this was a bad idea. Things only got worse once you found him.
The fight was bad, indoors there was only so much you could do. You could use your quirk but you had a disadvantage in a smaller area. It was bad, Touya’s quirk was getting out of control. More so than you had ever seen it before. The heat from his flames was nearly burning you.
Endeavor had caught on to his son sneaking out and followed but he had not been fast enough. The villain collapsed the building, with a rumble you knew that you had no chance of protecting yourself from the debris that came crashing down.
Your eyes opened to find Endeavor over you, guarding you against the debris. You quickly realized that if he had saved you where was Touya? Endeavor burnt the rubble away freeing the both of you. Standing up you looked around but there was no sign of Touya.
You screamed and screamed for him but there was no reply. Looking at Endeavor you saw his face fall.
“Why didn’t you save him? Why did you save me?” You screamed at him, hitting his chest.
You tried pulling up the rocks, looking for any sign of him but there was nothing. You screamed his name hoping for something, anything to tell you he was still alive.
The villain had disappeared and Touya was gone. Endeavor had been doing the same thing as you, looking for any sign of him but he realized it was useless. Sirens approached and he pulled you away from the scene and to the ambulance. You screamed punching and kicking but it was pointless against his strength.
“They’ll look for him. They can search better than us you need medical treatment.” He said putting you down on a stretcher.
“This is your fault! He did this because of you! Why couldn’t you just show him, love? Why couldn’t you tell him you were proud of him?” Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed.
Enji stared at you with a solemn face before he turned to the search and rescue team.
You were taken to the hospital to have your injuries treated. By the next morning, you were told that the only thing they found was a pile of ashes.
Touya was dead. Your best friend. The only person you had ever loved and you never had the chance to tell him.
After it all, you found it hard to care about anything. Hero work seemed so pointless. Your classmates tried to help you, cheer you up but it was an impossible task. Eventually, you were a loner, you went to school and did your work but didn’t connect with anyone around you. What was the point if you would just lose them.
Most days you would sit under the tree you and Touya always sat at and remember all the good times you had with him.
You remembered all the times he had patched you up after a rough training session. All your scrapes and bruises were worth it for the disgruntled look on his face as he kneeled in front of you with a first aid kit.
“Touya with how good you are with a first aid kit I think you might consider interning for Recovery Girl.” You would tease.
“Only for you, rain drop. Only for you.” He would always reply.
It hurt being there, under that tree thinking about him, knowing you would never see him again. Students passed and gave you a sad look.
It was odd, that night was present in your mind often but lately, it felt like you couldn’t push it away at all. You missed Touya, you always missed him. How often did you see something he would have liked and thought of him? How often did something happen and you wanted to tell him? It didn’t matter how long he had been gone, his loss was fresh as the day it had happened.
There was no connection that you could see between his death and the situation with the hero commission but it still felt personal.
You had pushed for more information but were unable to find anything. Your last resort was risky but you had a feeling it was the only way you would get a real answer.
Walking into the hero commission’s building your heartbeat in your chest. You knew it was dangerous but you were in this so deep, you couldn’t walk away without understanding what was happening.
You had scheduled an appointment with the commission to report on villain activity in your patrol territory. It was something you had done here and there and something a lot of heroes did to keep them informed.
But the real reason for your visit was different.
“Thank you for visiting us again, if you have everything written down in a file you don’t have to stay and explain it all, we will review it and deal with things as necessary.” An older man said. “Just to clarify have you found that we need more heroes or less in your area?”
You handed them the file. The man took it and set it down not even opening it.
“Things have been quiet so for the time being I think some heroes could be put to better use in other areas.” You said.
“Good to hear.” He said. “Thank you for your time.”
“Thank you for yours.” You said as you turned to leave.
This was your time, now that you were deep inside the building all you had to do was find where they kept all their files. Of course, they had a lot of different file rooms but you wanted the one that had the information they didn’t want out there.
It was unmarked but had a serious lock on the door. Obviously, they didn’t want people in there. You looked over your shoulder confirming there was no one around and no cameras before you started to pick the lock. You thanked your internship with a hero that specialized in more subtle hero work.
It wasn’t easy, especially with how shaky your hands were from nerves but finally, the lock clicked and you knew you were in.
Opening the door quietly you moved in looking around all the shelves. You had to be quick but you wanted all the right information. Most of it was unmarked. As you glanced over the information you were disturbed.
The hero commission had a program where they took in children with promising quirks and trained them into weapons. The most notable one being Hawks. Skimming through more of the information you found Hawk’s file. He was in fact was working as a double agent. What horrified you, even more, was that the commission approved the killing of Best Jeanist. Everyone thought he was missing but he was dead.
The paper slacked in your hand at the realization. You kept reading, you would have time to process this later. Looking over more files you found evidence of them killing off heroes and covering it up to keep this information from getting out.
A shiver went down your spine. You were now one of those people. If they found out you would be another casualty. You grabbed the most incriminating papers and folded them up and hid them in your pocket. You had to get out before someone knew you had been there.
Once you were out and around the corner you let out a breath you had been holding. You made it out but that didn’t mean you were safe. You had to decide what to do with this information before it was too late.
That night you couldn’t sleep, all you could think of was all the children that had been taken from their families only to be stripped of their identity and treated like soldiers. How could an organization that was supposed to stand for justice and heroism do something like this? It was wrong and that was just the tip of the iceberg of their misdeeds.
You were just one person, what could you do?
Enji Todoroki. Your interaction with him stuck in your head. He claimed to be a changed man, or at least a man trying to change. If you approached him with this information he might want to help, even if he didn’t want to you could guilt him into it.
The thought of working with him made you sick.
Hawks was a more dangerous option. He was a victim of their system, there was a chance he would want to get out. There was also a chance he would be the one trying to kill you if the commission found out you knew.
Perhaps it was your pride but you chose the more dangerous option, tomorrow you would talk to Hawks and see how it went.
As you left your house you had a bad feeling. Someone was following you. You tried not to look like you knew as you walked along the street. There were people around so you were most likely safe for now.
You had been wrong. A weight collided with you and you were thrown into the street. You were disoriented but you tried to gather your senses quickly.
The man that stood over you was familiar, he was a villain. You hadn’t fought him before but you knew his face. He had a teleporting quirk. As you stood up her appeared behind you a knife in hand. You swung your elbow back, hitting him in his ribs. He was quick, as your arm went back he took advantage leaving a gash across your arm before you hit him. He let out a sound of pain but recovered quickly grabbing your arm and flipping you onto the ground.
Your lungs burned as the wind was knocked out of you. He leaned down to grab you by the collar of your shirt but you kicked him in the stomach knocking him back. Standing up quickly you used your quirk to push him back with a gust of wind before you summoned a lightning bolt down on him. He let out a grunt of pain.
Even while he was still in pain he teleported behind you so quickly you couldn’t react. He kicked you to the ground, hard. You landed on your face, unable to brace for the fall. Your head was spinning from the impact. He placed his foot on your back holding you down, not that you could move with how disoriented you were.
“The hero commission sends their regards.” He said leaning down close to your ear. You had expected another hero to come after you or even an underground vigilante but a villain?
You let out a scream of pain as he dug the knife into your side. Great, he wasn’t going to go for the killing blow he was going to torture you first.
You waited for another stab but you were shocked when a burst of flames blew over you, knocking the villain away. When you rolled over you expected to see Endeavor, which would have been odd considering he wasn’t over here very often.
When you saw Dabi you were confused.
He walked past you towards the villain saying something you couldn’t quite make out before he let out another burst of flames turning the man into a pile of ashes. You flinched at the heat from his quirk. He turned to you looking at you with an odd expression.
Why was he here?
He didn’t say a word as he picked you up in his arms and walked in the direction of your house. Did he know where you lived?
“Where are you taking me?” You asked.
“Your house.” He said as if you should have known.
“How do you know where I live?” You asked.
“A hero is stalking me and you didn’t expect me to do some stalking of my own?” He said in a teasing voice.
“Oh.” You said. That made sense you supposed. You were in over your head, you should have realized that when a villain was trying to kill you for the hero commission but being carried home by a villain was somehow more confusing. “Why aren’t you trying to kill me?”
“One attempt on your life in a day isn’t enough for you?” He joked.
“Are you the one who took me home after that night in the alley?” You asked.
“None of your business.” He said.
It seemed you weren’t going to get a straight answer from him. You supposed that made sense. You got home and he opened the door and took you inside setting you down on the couch.
“Where’s your first aid kit?” He asked.
“Under the sink.” You said. “Wow, so you not only saved me but you're going to patch me up. I’m starting to think villains aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be.”
Dabi returned kneeling in front of you looking at you with those familiar blue eyes.
“Only for you, raindrop. Only for you.” He said.
The realization hit you and it felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“T-Touya?” You could barely the name out. He looked at you with shock, it seemed he didn’t mean to say that out loud.
a/n: i swear i didn’t mean to leave it on a cliffhanger but it was getting really long and i didn’t have much time to finish it all
taglist:  @flowersgirl02 @wesparklebitch @moon-write @strangely-charmed @ibookishqueen @tomomoni @why-so-red @grungy-pansexual @sugarandsoft @pansexual-potterhead @ha-tep @milegonzalez96 @prettyinblack231 @jadepersonaldriscal @nanamichan @multi-madison @e-wwis @itlivesintheanime
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
The redhead
Ok, so. This story has been cooking on my head for such a long time now and Im gonna be clear with you: I´m aware this first installment and maybe the next won´t be of many people´s liking, so if you don´t like seeing the whumping of minors, I advice you to stay away from this series.
There won´t be any noncon here, but there will be lots of other hurt/comfort tropes and many creepy whumping from multiple whumpers to a pair of whumpees, one adult and one a minor.
I´m also gonna say this is the backstory of one of Albus´s story characters.
I remember sending you an ask @deluxewhump about some ideas for this story and you wanted to be tagged, But, I can´t find them and well. Wanted to give a heads up of what it could contain.
Taglist: @whumptywhumpdump @grizzlie70
CW// Pet whump, whumping of a minor, modern slavery, human trafficking, collars, dehumanization, it as a pronoun, implied death, creepy whumper, conditioning, captivity whump and angst. (ask to tag if I missed something)
House looked like an ordinary orphanage from outside. It had big halls with bunk beds and slim metal closets next to them. Shoes tossed under the beds along with any trinket the children wanted to hide from curious or severe eyes. Beds neatly made early and kids off to the classes on other rooms. There was no need for them to learn to read or write however, so there were no books that weren’t for coloring.
Many of the lessons were taken outside, along buckets and brooms they swiped dutifully, or inside kitchens learning to identify tools and vegetables and memorizing the measurements needed of each ingredient on what recipe. Children did everything under the scrutinizing eyes of teachers who were so, so difficult to appease, but yet again, tried hard to earn their comfort and approval.
So they could graduate and leave.
The very best left early and the not so good would leave bordering their 12. There were only a few that left on their mid teens, and so, the ginger kid wearing the sandy jumper of House’s uniform, coloring with a green crayon the feathers of a toucan, had decided he didnt wanna be like that a long time ago.
He would graduate and leave house and go with a loving family that would take him, that would really love him, just like the teachers told them they would sometime soon.
It was his dream. As it was every child´s wish in House. So, he did as he was told. He cast his big green eyes down when talked to, kept quiet until he was spoken to, paid attention to class and did his tasks before the day ended. He took all the punishments while training, too. Even if he tried to keep it to a minimum, there would always be something that pissed the Teachers off.
For example, dumping the trash. Having to go to the back of the one store building, close to the one beyond the thick brick wall, with its narrow barred windows -just like House´s windows were- from where phantasmagoric sobbing and pained screaming would come through, was the most loathed chore at House. Whenever he was on duty, the little boy shook like a leaf with the heavy plastic bags dragging behind, before throwing them and run back to the building.
One time, the kid saw a pair of thin hands wrapping around the window bars and saw a woman peeking from it, hands shaking with the effort when she panted a wheezy, “help me”
The little boy had never screamed so hard in his short life.
The teachers had been mad at him, but not enough for a crate training reinforcement. He was relieved, to a point, when they punished him to clean the bathrooms alone for a week instead.
As he swiped the floor in the middle of the night, he promised himself he would get out soon. Sooner than his brothers and sisters who wouldn´t dare to defend him, saying outloud how scary the other building was and how some of them couldn´t sleep because they heard the people trapped there scream and beg all night long.
Of course they wouldn’t. Excepting a few who unknowingly shared blood, nobody shared anything but the wish to get out. If you tried to fight the Teachers, it would just delay it further. Every kid knew not to get on their bad side. It was also part of their training to see them as their preliminary Masters. A drill, of how it would be once out.
So when one finally received their collar and graduated to go to the family who had chose them, only the brave ones would wave goodbye. Jealousy taking the better of some, meanwhile others would only feel fear.
He wouldnt be like that either.
The brother he had gotten the most close to, the one who actually did protect him from the other kids bullying, had graduated months ago. Taller than normal for any kid from House -the little boy had heard the teachers say once- the brown kid and black curls with a smile sitting on his face at all times, had been his best friend.
They didn’t have names and they weren´t given one until they graduated. The Teachers used nicknames like “ginger” or “mole” or “mousy”, but that hadn´t stopped them from calling each other a secret name. A name they used only for each other and secretly, considered their true names.
“Are you happy for me, Robin? That I will finally go” Hawk asked him once, while playing on a sunday. The Kid´s free day to go anywhere they wished inside the estate´s perimeter. Close to the brick fence, a river flowed through iron bars, not letting anyone in or out.
Robin shook his head, red hair bouncing at the motion. Hawk giggled with that weightless sound, throwing away the stick on his hand they had used to play as if they were two princes in duel a few minutes earlier.
Robin stopped walking when Hawk put his hand over the wall, looking at it with conflict on his face.
“I heard the Teachers say my new Master will take me over seas” Hawk admitted. Robin didn´t understand the reason for such a long face. That only meant he would see the sea! Wasn´t that cool enough? However, the small kid kept listening. “They said he specifically requested me. But…” he punched the wall suddenly, making Robin jump in reflex “They said because I was problematic, I would be getting extra training in something called WRU”
Robin didn’t know what WRU was yet. They barely knew what was beyond the brick walls surrounding House, but it couldn’t be much worse than House, could it?
“I´m sorry. You always ended up on fights because of me…” Robin started clenching the stick on his hands tight as Hawk turned to him.
“C´mon. We´ve been over this, Birdie. It´s not your fault” he said, watching the small readhead lift his glassy eyes up “Besides, you know what to do now if they pick on you, right?”
“But I´m not as strong as you!” The boy argued before feeling the big hand of his brother ruffling his hair.
“Maybe just not yet” he said with that innate warmth of him. Like the times the other kids gathered around him late at night, hearing him talk about what one of the Teachers, one that was so close and nice to him, they had thought he would take Hawk home, had taught him after class. About all the different animals that existed, about science, about the world outside of the thick walls.
It dawned on him then, no kid would have those stories anymore, nor would he laugh first thing in the morning seeing the nest his hair was.
The child jumped to hug the older boy at the waist. “But, but, even if you go, you won’t forget us, right? If I graduate soon and our Masters meet, even if I´m already an adult, you will recognize me right?” Robin asked him, feeling the other boy’s fingers card through his short hair before squeezing him tight.
“I promise I won’t, Robin”
“I will keep the name you gave me” Robin said urgently, clenching hard so Hawk wouldn’t let go just yet. Hawk sighed quietly before burying his face on the boy’s shoulder.
“They’re ours”
“Ours alone” Robin finished.
The next day, Hawk’s new Master came for him in a black suburban with polarized windows and a few scary looking men by his side. Hawk bowed to him before the teacher ordered him to, as a perfect obedient Pet from House did before graduating. The other boys were lined up in their Sandy uniform, maybe in hopes the man would take another boy or girl, but he was completely entranced by Hawk’s face. He had lifted his chin to have a better look at it and then ruffled his hair with a big smile.
Then, the man gently buckled the new collar around Hawk´s neck, clipping the leather leash with the outmost gentleness. The man only tugged on it to test if the boy would walk forward, and when he did, he passed his hand through his hair.
Robin couldn’t hear it, but Hawk glowed at the praise his new Master gave him before giving the Teachers the ceremonial thick envelope. While the transaction happened, Hawk sneaked a look back at Robin and smiled.
“Bye, Robin” he mouthed, before feeling a pull from his neck that told him to follow his Master to the black van.
Right before the car trunk’s door closed, Robin waved goodbye with tears in his eyes the other kids didn’t stop teasing him about for weeks.
Four months after Hawk’s graduation, a few weeks after his twelfth birthday, Robin was standing in front of the building again. Now, it was his turn to graduate. His new Master was an older man that came out from a car you could smell the stench of gasoline from miles away.
“Skip the formalities. Where is it?” The man asked one of the Teachers standing next to him after the boy bowed. The woman in white clothes simply pushed him forward. Robin looked down at his shoes, so old looking against the shiny, cared for shoes of his would-be Master. The man wasn’t gentle when he fisted on the ginger’s head and forcefully lifted his face for him to see. He was better trained than to let out the pained groan bobbling up on his chest. The man hummed, pleased with his silence. “Yeah. You will do. How much for it?” The man said letting him go and quickly taking out the thick envelope from his jacket.
“I see you didn’t bring your own equipment for your new Pet, Sir. Would you want me to add the collar and leash to the sum?” The Teacher asked to the man, who grunted, too annoyed, like it was a waste of his time to ask.
“Yeah, sure, whatever” the man said without looking at Robin “It´s not for me anyways”
The small boy gripped on his uniform tight. The distress of not knowing how his real owner looked like suddenly settling in with fear when suddenly his not-Master asked the Teacher for a transport crate.
“Of course, sir. We will prepare him right away” the woman said with a wide grin as two other teachers pushed Robin to the garage. The boy´s heart leaped, but he gulped down the fear and allowed himself to get dragged. As he walked through the mocking and confused stares of the other children, he heard the woman continue to speak “If you would be so kind to accompany us to the office so we take the information needed for his shipping”
The man cursed under his breath, “Make it quick. Hearst is already pissed at me for messing up his pair”
Robin didn´t hear her reply.
The next thing the boy knew was that he had wrapped around his neck the price leather collar- the one the Teachers would only put on when they had earned a people´s meal from good results on training- with a large paper tag on it. He couldn´t know it said the name and address of his new Master, but he was static as he crawled into the plastic crate with the blue blanket on the corner he quickly wrapped around himself as he was rolled to the man´s stinky car. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would be able to catch a sight from the sea. Or maybe, from the sky above, if they went on a plane.
The car´s doors closed and he was drived out of House´s property, through the bricked fence and so, as his world, that had been confined to the same three square kilometers, suddenly grew infinitely big, filled with infinite things to see.
The man´s laughter on the driver´s seat abruptly stopped his awe.
“Enjoying the view, Pet?”
“Y-Yes, sir. Very much, thank you” Robin quickly replied.
“Well, you better burn the image to your memory, because with Hearst, you won´t be seeing anything but a kitchen and dirty restrooms” the man laughed.
“Yes, sir!” Robin said before looking out through the bars on his crate. To catch the green land and the sea expanding beyond. The man rasped his throat, muttering something under his breath.
Although he could hear him say “That´s why you wanted him young?” Robin didn´t understand and put his whole mind into catching every last detail he could get of outside.
Robin held to the image of the small houses with red ceilings surrounded by a vast blanket of green even as he was processed to go back on the cargo at the airport. They took him out of his crate to check the tag hanging from his collar and stick some papers into his uniform before pushing him back inside.
Two workers in blue jumpers, loaded him with the rest of the pets. There were some cute dogs Robin had never seen but in his coloring books and even some older Pets with the same tags hanging from their necks. All of them, including him, were wrapped around a fuzzy blanket inside their crates.
Robin was dissapointed when he found out there were no windows inside the cargo, but the feeling of being lifted off the ground, of flying, even if he slammed himself against the metal door of his cage, was completely worth it.
During the long ride, he wondered if Hawk had gone on an airplane too. What he would´ve said of that weightless feeling as he curled tighter into his blankets. The sound of paper getting scrunched was muffled with the engine and the other pets conversations between them, but Robin closed his eyes and hoped, prayed, his new Master´s family allowed him to see even once more, the world he had dreamed of seeing.
And if his wildest dreams as he was rolled off the plane, abruptly awake when his cage was thrown around and rolled by Not-Master outside where it snowed, he hoped he could see Hawk once more.
“That´s our new addition, Charles?” a man´s voice said as he stopped rolling. They seemed to be on the parking lot now. Next to a black shiny car.
“It was a nightmare, but told you I would get a replacement for Shirley. It even has red hair” The man said patting the plastic cage´s ceiling.
The man didn´t reply immediately, but Robin had crawled slightly closer to the door, to catch some of the man´s incredule face.
The man’s low, almost amused, laughter hit him like a soft salty breeze, warm and gentle. “Well, let´s see Isaac’s new partner, Let´s see what you got us” the man said before he knelt before Robin´s crate.
The wished he could say his Master had looked kind, gentle even, that first time they locked eyes. But in reality, Robin couldn’t help but think his new Master’s eyes were so much like a cat’s. A pair of narrow, clever honey colored eyes stared at his wide greens for a moment, before he copened the door and pulled him out with a swift pull on his arm. Robin´s face scrunched at his Master´s grip, cracking a smile on the man´s as he let go “How old are you, boy?” The man asked him.
He bowed instinctively before answering, “Twelve, Sir, Master”
“I see” The man´s smile hung on his face as he said “Not old enough to be on the front then” His new Master then turned to the man “Thanks for fetching me a new one. The kids are very sad without Shirley but the worst must be Isaac. He just refuses to work now”
The man grunted as he saw Hearst open the trunk of his car. “I already apologized, Will”
“What´s one more “I´m sorry, Mr. Hearst”? My slave hasn´t even eaten because of what you did to his partner” he said before turning back on Robin, expecting “Do I have to put you in myself, boy? C´mon, up you go” he said snapping his fingers in front of his face. Robin´s body moved before he was aware he had crawled inside, then laid down on his side as the man put his hand back on the door  “Watch your head” he said before closing it, letting Robin in complete darkness.
It took a moment of hearing only his breathing to for him to finally sense the car moving. He was with his Master now… but he was shaking like a leaf. He didn´t stopped shaking, knowing deep on his bones, this Master would be the severe type.
It wouldn´t take him long to know he was right.
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fluff alphabet for tai-chan. im in need of fluff
Say no more, Fam <3
A ctivities - I know that food’s a big deal to him, but if he wanted to think outside of the box, he’d do something unique, like take his s/o bowling, fishing, to their favorite places, or generally whichever to wipe away his stereotype that it’s just about food. Don’t get me wrong, he loves eating at new places and stuff, he just wants to do something kinda unique :3
B eauty - He’s into inner beauty rather than outer. He can’t help but be drawn to beautiful smiles and laughter, though <3
C omfort - You bet he’s the epitome of a comfy teddy bear, fat form or slim form. Like he’ll hold his s/o close to his chest and ssh them gently and rub their back as he helps calm them down.
D reams - Tbh? He imagines just two happy dorks married in love and adopt a Maine Coone or Norwegian Forest cat bc they’re big floofy things
E qual - I see him just being in the mix between passive and equal, like he won’t be stepped on, but he won’t be controlling.
F ight - Haaates fighting! Like, I can’t see him get upset unless he had a really bad day at work and was moody at home, but other than that, I don’t think he’s the type to take anger out on s/o.
G ratitude - Our boy is a lil’ dense, but he knows that you’re trying, and so he’ll try to repay you with kindness, as well if you’re doing stuff like the dishes, he’d help you do them and stuff. Sweet cinnamon roll <3
H onesty - He’s an open book. He’ll just ramble about his day, his thoughts and feelings. He has no reason to hide anything from you. Even if it’s angsty and life-threatening, for an example, you’d be the first to know
I nspiration - His s/o would probably help him out a lot with his insecurities, tbh. Like he wouldn’t hide them, but he’d brush them off and forget about them, and his s/o would help him realize that it’s not healthy to do that. He’d start focusing on loving and appreciating himself, more and that his s/o does the same.
J ealousy - He does get a little jealous from time to time, but he knows that you love him and he trusts you. If it gets bad, he’d either pout a little or give whoever is flirting with you a mean look.
K iss - He’s a good kisser, he gives slow and sensual kisses, or just kiss his s/o’s face all over because they’re so cute. His and s/o’s first kiss was when the two of you were playing the pocky game, and s/o just went for it. 
L ove Confession - He’d confess in person while you two were more acquainted with each other and comfortable, and it’d be on a date to your favorite place.
M arriage - He would like to be married. He’d wait a while until he proposed, and he’d make sure that you wanted to be proposed to, so yeah, it’s a surprise, but it’s one that you’ve been wanting. He’d do a classical proposal while the two of you were on a romantic date. Marriage would be domestic bliss. Like, the two of you are equals and share the chores and bills and it’s a really healthy relationship that everybody deserves. 
N icknames - His favorites are the classic southern slang of “Darlin’, Sweetheart, Honey, and Buttercup”. He’d like others such as Gumdrop and Dear, too.
O n Cloud Nine - He’s always happy, but now he’s happy and seems to be out of focus as little hearts flutter around him. Like Eijiro is low-key worried that he turned into a zombie. Dadzawa and Hawks pick up on it rather quickly, and it’s painfully obvious that he’s in love. He shows extra affection towards crush or s/o, offering them food, lifts, spending more time with them and is extra sweet and goofy. 
P DA - Oh hon, he likes to squeeze you in a warm hug or kiss you loudly on the mouth in front of everybody. You’re his, now, and he’s happy to show it. He does like to brag a little, and show you off to whomever. He’s not into making out or long displays, though.
Q uirk- He can make his s/o smile, no matter how bad a mood they are in. He just...radiates sunshine and in an instant, you’ll feel at ease around him.
R omance - He’s super romantic. Like, he likes to be classical and do classy things, such as open doors for his s/o or kiss their hands and it’s super cute. He’ll try to be a little creative in the gifts, like he knows that food is a given, and so he’ll try to hand-make them something or get them something unique, just to think a little outside of the box.
S upport - He supports and believes in his s/o without a doubt. Like, it wouldn’t be him at all if he wasn’t supportive.
T hrill - He’s not too much on thrills, but he does try different things and think outside the box. He might just drag his s/o in the pouring rain one day and dance with them as he sings “raindrops keep fallin’ on my head”, just to give them a nice surprise. 
U nderstanding - He’s pretty open to his partner, and they’re the same. He’s super empathetic and he listens and cares about them fully.
V alue - His relationship comes only second to his job. He’s a hero and saves people, and his s/o might be worried, but they have to understand. Other than that, he loves his s/o more than food, probably.
W ild Card - He looooves it when s/o runs their fingers through his hair as the two of them are snuggled up together on the couch watching silly rom-coms.
X OXO - Highly affectionate! He’ll cuddle and smooch his s/o anytime and almost anywhere. Like, he’s the living definition of a teddy bear. So sweet.
Y earning -  He doesn’t like it when he or his s/o are separated. Like it’s been thirty seconds he already misses them pls come home, soon. If it’s a week, he’s already stress eating and worries about them. 
Z eal - He’s willing to go the extra mile for the relationship. Even if his s/o gets in trouble with villains, he fights them, anyway, and he’d still be with s/o no matter what threats come their way.
 There ya go, Anon! <3 This was so much fun to write, it’s not helping my poor heart, either QuQ
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Hawk ik you don't care about Anakin as much as I do but I like your page because it's always a great place for ranting & discourse.
and im just STEAMING about the way they treated Anakin's character in TCW. they toned it down a lot in season 7 (except for the part where he just flat out kills admiral trench) but ugh. im just mad.
I used to like the way they beefed up Anakin's character on TCW but now im just realizing they did it because it was Dave Filoni's original vision of Anakin instead of the emotionally vulnerable soft king that was portrayed in the movies & im mad.
Like why did they have to make him so?? jerkish?? Like... Except for that one scene where Anakin murks the sand people, he never really lashes out at ppl like he does in TCW. He yells at Zam (the bounty hunter in AOTC) but like that's the extent?? He doesn't even really lash out in ROTS... But in TCW he was just about Force choking someone every 5 seconds.
Also they made him to be such a dumbass????? Like more than he already was? I mean I get that it's a kid's TV show (or at least it was meant to start out that way) and that they needed some comedy relief but damn they treated Anakin so poorly... Like yeah he's celebrated as a dope decorated war general in the TV show but there are so many instances where he's portrayed as a frat Chad & it angers me.
Like that episode w/ the Bad Batch, "On the Wings of Keeradacks" or however you spell it, he's trying to ride the Keeradack & he's saying, "How do you control this thing?!" When he really would've had no problem doing that because he's done that before in AOTC with that reek...
okay end rant sorry I needed to tell someone about this & your page is always welcoming discourse so 😔✋🏻
Y’know I keep forgetting some of y’all can write essay asks now until I get one 🤩💕🥺 but omg yes I’m always open to rants of any kind
Okay I think there’s two parts to this:
I agree that making Anakin seem stupid sometimes is destructive to his character. I think, like you said, it was mainly done for comic relief since it’s a kids show. And my god does that show need all the comic relief you can get. Slavery, wars, corruption, child soldiers... Yeah I get why they needed to make the main character a bit more “childish” for the audience.
Anakin being jerkish on the other hand... I can’t really say that’s a flaw. This is a good point brought up in Harry Potter but also applies to this situation too: so like each Harry Potter book is a school year, yeah? But we don’t see each and every day in Harry’s time there. We don’t see him just having meals with friends, playing games, study sessions, all his Quidditch practices. We only really see what’s relavent to the plot.
Anakin in the movies is the same. We can’t see what he’s like on a more average day. We only see him in these important points of the larger story that TCW fills in. Honestly, I think TCW makes his descent to the Dark side far more believable and understandable story wise. There’s no way he slowly succumbed to that feeling without having those moments of lashing out, of more emotionally uncontrolled moments.
And honestly I appreciate how TCW shows how unhealthy his relationship with Padmé was. We see the little steps that lead them to how they end on Mustafar. It fills in those gaps.
Now... I’m also not a big fan of Anakin so I’m definitely looking at this from a different perspective 😅 I agree that Filoni infused a lot of how he felt Anakin should’ve originally been like. And season 7 as a whole well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ part of me is wondering if so many of those changes are just due to having a considerable break from the characters and story for so long.
Idk if any of that made sense? But I hope I responded decently!
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
The thing i noticed when i look at dabihawks fanart n read through your expiriences with the meta part of the fandom is that a lot of people seem to lean on dabi side of the dabihawks conflict. Like its hawks who has to make changes to earn dabi. Its hawks whos turned it a villain, its hawks who forgives or even thanks dabi for what he did. Actually i dont think ive ever seen art ro read a fic (but to be fair im extremly selective in fic reading) where dabi is the one to apologise and try to earn hawks
N i think this sorta makes sense because for a lot of dabihawks shippers, dabi is probably their favorite out of the two. That also makes sense cuz hes been around longer n has appealing design so it makes sense that people would try and fit hawks around dabis narrative instead of vice versa. They find dabi more likable n more interesting so its his side they want to explore.
I feel that this is completely different for me because hawks is my no 1 best boy. Like before hawks bnha was the kind of show where i would say 'oh i like the characters but none of them are mine fav' like id say shouto, shinsou or jirou were my favs mostly based on aesthetics or recognizing pieces i usually like in characters in them, but those pieces never being strong enough for me to say this is my fav bnha character like id say izaya is my favorite durarara character or ranpo is my favorite bungo stray dogs character. And then bam. Bird Time. Like when i first saw hawks i think the most i thought was 'damn thats a cool design' but as we got more of him he very quickly became the character i loved most and wanted to see more off.
Dabi on the other hand i was never really interested in. Like he was cool n all but overall i didnt really care for him until the touya theory dropped and until dabihawks. For me hes perfectly fine, i dont dislike him or anything but i like him most when hes involved with other characters i like, like Todorokis n Hawks. Like even now after a good while on Dabihawks juice id still stay hes not my fav villain. That would probably be Toga, Geten (as little as we get of him) and honestly mr compress just for being an evil magician i need more mr compress
So the fact that hawks is my fav means that unlike ppl whos fav is dabi i focus more on how can dabi earn hawks. How can dabi get better, would he ask for help, would he quit villainy, would he apologize. And most importantly would hawks accept him back.
Makes me feel like amongst dabihawks shippers theres simply two different streams that would probably get annoyed by each others content n feel like the other is spoiling their fav character.
Like i sure as fuck get annoyed when artists i follow for dabihawks start talking about how hawks should have been a villain n how hawks is actually an evil murderer while the league has a point n is poiting out that the heroes will save only those who dont fight back. No really thats a take i heard, lets just forget muscular, mustard, moonfish, gentle, the yakuza and ALL FOR FUCKING ONE who were all arrested perfectly fine without fighting back. But of course these people dont mean saved as in arrested, forced to rexamin their own behavior and work to be better people, they mean saved as in i want my favs to be coddled and patted on the back and instantly forgiven and even told they were right all along and they are the most special a good. Geeze
I fuckin went off subject so hard this is less of an ask n more of a rant now. The only good thing about seeing all those bad takes is that every time i see one my motivation to write a dabihawks story where dabi faces concequences, and they actually have to hash the whole villain hero ideologies thing out, grows stronger
...I’m sorry, I wanted to answer this sooner but wanted to get the smaller asks out of the way first T-T
But yes! That’s been my experience when it comes to Dabihawks as well. Not many people focus on Hawks side of the conflict and instead tend to make him the agressor in the relationship when they want conflict (it always tends to be Hawks who upsets Dabi for example, or Hawks will say something insensitive towards Dabi or do something that upsets Dabi). Not many people treat them as a pair, they just tend to focus on the Dabi angst more then the Hawks angst or angst experienced by the both of them (I like to call that the Dabias and many people suffer from it in the Dabihawks shipping fandom I’ve found).
I like reading stories like this too, from time to time, but I’m just tired of all the stories or comics or fan art being Hawks the bad person in the relationship with him having to apologise and make it up to Dabi. Especially when in canon it’s Dabi that has treated Hawks pretty terribly (he almost got him killed by lying to him about when he was going to release High End and he almost killed him during the raid, meanwhile Hawks hasn’t anything as horrible towards Dabi except hold him at knife point but that was more for his own protection then to threaten Dabi).
I feel like I’m just bitching because people don’t wrote fanfiction to my specifications but you’d be grumpy too if your favourite character always gets the short end of the stick in work that is supposed to be about the pair of them being a couple.
Also don’t get me started on the stories that make Hawks “see the light” and join Dabi’s side after he maimed him, some even going far as to have him thank Dabi for what he did. It just reeks of the Dabias and I absolutely hate. Let Hawks experience trauma you cowards, especially trauma that we know was caused by the hands of dear old Dabi.
I wish more work would try to reform Dabi as a person instead of having Hawks become a villain (especially because works that usually have Hawks become a villain tend to ignore the horrifying plans the League want to commit or acknowledged them but fool themselves into thinking Hawks would actually be down for all the BS). I think it’s more interesting to see a bad person try to change, it’s why I’ve enjoyed Endeavor’s character arc despite not liking him as a character. Like sure, I don’t mind bastardization arcs too but they have to be done with character I can see it happening too and Hawks isn’t that type of person.
(In fact it’s such an interesting source of conflict that Dabi and Hawks are very resolved people. They’re not likely to change their ways for anything but I don’t really see people explore that even though it’s the perfect source for angst).
I’m so tired of villain stans who wanted Hawks to become evil (and then wanted him to validate their murder favs). I want more stories where Hawks puts his foot down and Dabi realises he wants to be a better person for him (it’s in those stories I could actually see him bonding with his family again too because right now Dabi is a man with no qualms with breaking his family apart for his revenge).
I just wished more people would let Dabi face the consequences of his actions too. Like if you’re going to make Hawks suffer for what he did (even though I roll my eyes at the thought) then Dabi who has done much worse should be suffering ten times over.
Make it make sense.
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victor-v · 5 years
so, i finished reading call down the hawk, in a very turbulent way.
on one hand it feels like coming home. the raven cycle was a breaking point for me in many ways, and i hope this serie too. i always miss blue and gansey.
but also it feels different, like the writing was improved, like the story was improved, like the characters were improved. so many more female and queer main characters! i no longer hate adam, hes much more expressing and needless to say i would die for declan, the character development is amazing.
idk im sure im gonna love this trilogy, stiefvater bitch well fucking done, sometimes i forget you are that good. (spoilers and random thoughts under the cut)
-ronan's comebacks belong to an edgy 13 years old i swear
-"ronan missed him like a lung" im dead
-well lynch isn't it hypocrite from you to be bothered by matthew's dubstep music
-he fell in love at first fucking sight
-can you believe this guy thinking about hands and rolled sleeves and longing and yearning
-"life was messy until you were in your twenties" are you fucking sure because more of a mess than ever and im halfway through it already
-theres definitely a huge vicious and vengeful aesthetic here. huge. it's like victor vale will jump out of a door in any minute.
-is matthew really human, if he only can be cheerful?
-maggies power to create eerie places and situations is outstanding
-i love declan lynch. im sorry ronan, i love him
-declan gets furious at ronan for giving away a name and zip code but instantly slides his phone number to this fucking skilled girl mmmmmm weak from you
-the dreamed of you text is a kick on the chest
-gansey and blue's interactions are just too soothing
-my existence feels like walking non stop through the barn's security system
-damn the museum date
-i like this version of adam, actually expressing himself, in an uncomplicated way. i envy it.
-hes....... baby sitting the mint plant this is too soft to handle
-how do you go from soft af to anxiety made words in one page jfc
-i would die for the red haired girl
-lindenmere this, lindenmere that, but how can you get over your cabeswater forest?
-new favourite expression brought to you by ronan lynch: "what, as the kids say, the fuck?"
-i love the motherfucking lynch brothers i love them
-she unapologetically went "im gonna paint you like one of my french girls"
-oh i wish i was a cloud, avoid conversations, thunder a little
-hes so open about adam now, it's amazing
-writers go so often to parentless and family-less characters bc they don't have to deal with a lot of stuff
-if the character called neil from the next books belong to the mob im gonna lose my shit
-"i had another forest" is such a sad line
-this book is 500 pages of ronan being a disney prince
-a disney prince who materializes guns and immediately shot, so you don't forget he's both soft and sharp as fuck
-blues name on his phone is sargento i can't
-something is happening to adam. bitch pick up the goddamn phone.
-it turned into some kind of eerie steven universe
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lavellanlove · 5 years
I was tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor, @saphyremelodies, and @empresstress13​ (which makes sense, given the ships lol) I am so late to this party that idk who to tag im SORRY. Please tag yourself for me if u wanna and I’ll be grateful <3 
1. First ship you ever wrote fic for: Solavellan. My feelings about how DAI resolved were what drew me to this hellsite. It took a while for me to actually start writing outright, but I’m assuming it would have been content for them. (Don’t know that I’d consider any of it ship fic, though.)
2. Ship you write the most now: Mostly OC x OC ships atm, since those characters can grow dynamically, I have a collaborator, and they aren’t so played out. Hanavira (Avira x @thereluctantinquisitor​’s Hanin Lavellan) To summarize the novels worth of content, they’re distant clanmates who came together to solve the unjust massacre of their clan with Armor and Secrets and Ducklings (ie. the Dawn Squad). Despite their very different approaches, they clear up old misunderstandings, find their ideals and worldviews are much the same, and learn that when they manage to open up to one another, their complementary strengths have the capacity to make each other better.
Thelvira (Avira x @saphyremelodies​ Thelrand Lavellan) He was one of the first people to the scene when she was found near death on the outskirts of clan territory. She was one of the few people who could go toe-to-toe with him in an argument and come out unscathed. And though he may have been cocky and controlling at times, he was always there to get Avira out of whatever trouble she got herself (and Sylathi) into. Perhaps more than anyone, he knew Avira for her true self, before the Inquisition shaped her into what she is, and she was able to cut through the charisma and affirm his inherent worth, expectations be damned. Even though he ultimately chose to end things, that emotional mooring only grew more precious to her as time passed.
3. Ship you read the most now: I don’t know! I haven’t been reading much lately, so it’s pretty much just whatever my mutuals are posting at the moment.
4. Newest ship: Malrus!!! (Maleus x @thereluctantinquisitor​‘s Cyrus). Worst ship name ever, but it stuck because we reap what we sow. They had this bonding moment in a recent bit of RP, and I came away feeling like they would both be good for each other, given how surprisingly deeply they were able to connect over their pasts and reassure each other. Excited to see where this goes/if it goes.
5. Rare ship you wanna read more of:
@lechatrouge673​‘s Thea (nee Trevelyan) x Loghain Mac Tir. I’ll admit, I was never even a Loghain fan until I read her work.
@szajnie has SUCH an interesting dynamic for her Warden, Elspeth Cousland x Hawke. I’m here for it.
@idrelle-miocovani‘s Rhea Tabris x Daveth. Didn’t know I needed this. AND YET (my god i need to have a marathon and catch up on this bc I still think abt it all the time!)
6. Your taboo ship: I don’t think I ship anything taboo? How boring am I. I have plenty of ships that don’t do it for me, but that’s not quite the same.
7. They never met in canon ship:   Talira: (Avira Vedaris x @saphyremelodies​‘ Talim Vaharel) If she gets blighted leaving Amaranthine and has to undergo the Joining, she eventually meets Talim when she goes for training in Orlais and catches Feelings. Talim overcomes his fear of opening himself up to love again (after being exiled away from his bondmate and family), even knowing the Calling will rip it all away again. Avira lives out her remaining years honoring his memory and preventing the wardens who follow from ever having to die alone or forgotten in the Deep Roads.
8.Your unexpected ship:
Thelvira: @saphyremelodies​, we didn’t even set out for these two, REMEMBER!? He was a CAMEO. Alas, if there can be UST over prepping a ram for a feast, there can be UST anywhere, and so it was that we learned Thel was bi and Avi was into him.
Malrus: @thereluctantinquisitor​ these two snuck up on me and I am so far 1000% here for it.
Katsuma: @leothelionsaysgrrrr I was absolutely shocked that I hadn’t considered them before, but I think they just WORK. Freaking dorks, concerning Lux and Avi with their utter comfort discussing the morbid physics of death and combat. It’s perfect. I love that they can be unapologetically themselves around one another.
9. The ship you always forget to give love to: Tasami: (@saphyremelodies​’ Tamralan x Astaramai) I was sitting here trying to think of reasons, but there are no good ones. They have a mature, understated dynamic that is a breath of fresh air. Lots can go unsaid, which I love. There are plenty of challenges ahead of them, and they don’t always get a happy ending, but it’s good while it’s good.
10. Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): Solas x Avira: IdealistsTM Dorian x Katsuro: NerdsTM Josephine x Maleus: RomanticsTM Leliana x Astaramai: DevoutTM
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Solavellan. The characters themselves, as they are in game, have great narrative potential, but fandom has wandered so far off into ooc fanon over the years that the ship I see on my dash is one I barely recognize (and often makes me cringe).
12. Your most romantic ship: Malathi, Malephine, Malrus, Watermalon (Maleus x @thereluctantinquisitor‘s Ralon) ...Anything involving Maleus, tbph. He is the High Romance guy.
13. Your sexiest ship: Thelvira, hands down. (Avira x @saphyremelodies​ Thelrand Lavellan). Or if we’re being REAL sexy, Thelavuro (Thelrand x Katsuro x Avi, even though it only exists in AUs of AUs lol). Basically anything with Thelrand becomes sexy because he MAKES it so.
14. Your most tragic ship: Solavira. In different circumstances, they could have been happy together. And they were, for a time. But the lies and secrets couldn’t hold, and despite obvious mutual affection and regret, trust eroded and it had to end. Now, though their conflicting duties have driven them further apart, their once intimate knowledge of one another have forged them very reluctant, dangerous enemies.
15. A ship you want more content for:
Charter x Tessa Forsythia. Mostly because I love Charter with my entire heart and soul and Tessa is a precious bean and deserves happiness too.
Also need more Marius x Calpernia. For reasons. But I think I’d have to write it for that to happen.
I need to write more Gael Hawke, Elyon Andras, and Luca Tabris to figure out their ships (if they have any). I also need to write Lynmyath with her bondmate when they were younger, since they were SUPER in love.
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myyeehawacademia · 3 years
Acccepted! Touya Todoroki/Dabi

Character name: Touya Todoroki / Dabi (Doobi)
Why do you want to play them?: I feel as though there’s much more to his story than has been explored. I’d like to see how he adapts to life outside the league and what reconnecting with society does for him.
What is their quirk?: Cremation
What powers and limitations do they have: Touya has the ability to generate destructive flames (even more destructive than Endeavors) from his body. Over time, he’s developed his quirk so that he can control the projection and amount of fire he produces. He has to be careful though, if his flames go over a certain temperature he can damage himself, resulting in deep scarring.
Describe the character’s personality: Touya’s personality is more relaxed now than it had been in previous years (thanks therapy). Now that he’s medicated and in the process of rehabilitating, Touya is the standard older brother that blares punk rock, writes poetry, and smokes cigarettes. Oftentimes you can find him hiding throughout campus jotting down his thoughts into a worn out leather bound journal. If you ask him what he’s writing, he’ll tell you “my new book titled Daddy Issues”.
As far as friends, Touya keeps most people at arms length until he’s sure he can trust you (THANKS HAWKS). This doesn’t mean he’s an asshole to strangers though! He’s friendly, in his own way, and will respond if someone initiates conversation.
Touya is heavily dedicated to his rehabilitation and regaining his siblings' trust and love back. After three years of intense therapy, Touya doesn’t resent Enji or Rei anymore for the part they played in his mental break. Sure he wishes that things had been different, but he’s learning to accept the past and *not* let it define his future.
Preferred relationships (friendships, rivalries, ships, etc):
Friendships LOV ofc.
Family: All of the Todoroki family including Enji
Rivalries: Honks
Chemistry is preferred for the rest.
Please list your goal(s) for the character (This can be a long term plan for the character’s progression, or an aspect of the character you’d like to explore!):
- As I’ve said before, I’d like to see how he adapts to life outside the league and what reconnecting with his siblings is like.
- I’d also like to see how reconnecting with his parents would go. Though he has forgiven them both, there’s still a lot that he won’t forget. ~~IM LOOKING AT YOU ENJI~~
- Working through the rehab program and really digging into *why* he thought turning to a life of crime was the move.
Try and reconcile with Hawks? If not, at least get to a stage where they’re amicable
For your character: 
What do you think about UA University’s Villain Rehabilitation Program:
I didn’t believe in rehab until I got locked up. Truth be told, a lot of us shouldn’t have this opportunity.. We’re murderers. Convicts who, for years, terrorized heroes and civilians for a false prophet. All I know is that that I’ve put in the time and effort to repent for my sins and I’m busting my ass everyday to be a better person than I was before. If there are other rehab patients doing the same, then I think they deserve a shot in the program.
Pick two of the following prompts and write out how you would behave in that scenario. Minimum 100 words each:
1). “A friend is going through a difficult time, how do you comfort them?“ Editor's Note: I know Dabi has enhanced stamina despite him being a smoker. Just dream with me here.
Touya had been jotting down today’s thoughts and lessons in his journal when `Y/N` went whizzing by in tears. In all honesty, he wouldn’t have been able to tell who it was had her high pitched sobs not stolen his attention. He calmly places his pen inside of his journal and exhaled deeply.
Guess I’m not writing today…
“Oi,” he calls out, jogging to catch up with her. God. It’d been a while since he had to do anything at *this* pace. The woman slows down and waits for Touya to approach her. When he does he’s mildly out of breath, hands on his knees.
“Don’t. Make. Me. Jog.. Again.. Please.. I… Smoke… Will.. Keel over..” He says through his heaving. “What… Is wrong? Why…. Crying?”
As ’Y/N’ explains what happened, the other is processing her words. The woman explains that her asshole of a boyfriend dumped her via text. A breakup? That’s tough. Touya didn’t know what that was like… He’d never been in a serious relationship with anyone for this exact reason.. Emotions.. Well.. That and the whole blindly following someone who wanted him to murder innocent people to further their own agenda. ANYWAYS! After about 10 minutes of explaining, ‘Y/N’ asks for his opinion.
A clearly unqualified Touya, runs a hand through his spiky hair and rests it on his neck. “Tch.. Sounds like a case of That-Guy’s-A-Dick-itus. Think of it this way though, you’re no longer stuck spending time with someone you’re going to hate in a year.” At least that’s how he felt. Though, to be fair, he hadn’t been around the most healthy or stable relationships. ‘Y/N’ smiles, and wipes a few tears away from her eyes.
The arm sitting behind his neck, finds itself wrapped around his friend's shoulder. “You know what doesn’t disappoint? Ice Cream. It’s delicious every time. Let’s go to the caf and grab some. You can rant some more about the jackass.”
‘Y/N’ chuckles, and agrees to go with her friend. The pain wasn’t gone, but it had subsided a bit with the help of her friend.
2). “You just received a thoughtful gift from a close friend. What is it and how do you react?”
Christmas. The one holiday that, deep down, Touya couldn’t stand. Everyone rushing to grab gifts.. Having to pre-order your chicken for the week.. And don’t even get him started on how the holiday has been commercialized to the point it has lost most of its meaning. But what made it worth it to him was to see the smiles on his friends' faces.
As per usual with the present open ceremony, Touya opted to go last. Not for the attention… But because he was hoping that by the time his turn came, he could sneak out of there. Much to his displeasure, this didn’t happen. All eyes were on him as each friend handed him a gift to open. They were all great! Money, clothes, candy cigarettes (to replace his real ones). The final gift was one that took him by surprise.
“The… journal…” A leather bound, quirk proof, 400 page journal. Turquoise eyes look across to his friend who’d given him the gift. One thing that Touya was always running out of was journals. He’d kept one on him since he left home.. He needed someone to talk to.. Someone that wouldn’t judge him for his sins. Due to his personal financial situation, he’d been unable to invest in the high quality journal he’d been eying for almost a year.
He recalls telling his friend, “I could finally stop using those shitty ones that campus gives out. And this one won’t get all burnt when I’m pissed because it’s quirk proof.”
Not many people knew how special this journal would be… But this friend did… His friend listened… Touya struggles to hold back tears, but manages to muster out a very heartfelt “Thank you…”.
0 notes
ellohcee · 7 years
Alright. Your writing is amazing and Im a complete sucker for angst, soooo #17, ladynoir, post-reveal potentially? Thanks hun!
Sorry it took so long, took me a bit to figure out which direction I wanted to go with the prompt, but here it is! It’s not super angsty, but I got a little of everything in there so I hope you like it!
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50 Prompts
#17 – Promise
Miraculous Ladybug
Prompt List
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“I’ll always be by your side.”
It’s a statement that sends chills upher spine, as if a cold hand trails spindle fingers across her skinto leave goosebumps in their wake. She wants to believe him, with allof her heart, because she’d like nothing more than to always face theroad ahead with her partner. He is her strength, her pillar, and hersunshine. Ladybug can’t imagine life without him in it, his beautifulsmile and ever present optimism.
But, as much as this promise fills herheart with joy, it also forms a pool of dread in her stomach. How canhe know? How can he be so certain that he’ll always be there? Notthat she expects him to ever desert her willingly. No, it’s hisdetermination to protect her that scares Ladybug the most.
Chat Noir is always so immediate tothrow himself in harms way, taking hits for her, being thedistraction, drawing the danger and painting a giant target on hisown chest. On one hand she loves him for how brave and selfless heis, but the way he acts it out terrifies her. Hawk Moth is learningfrom them, taking in every defeat with unbridled anger but alsoputting it to use. Every Akuma seems to get a little closer, landharder blows, give them more of a run for their money than the last.It’s a constant dance, a deadly waltz of push and pull, dangernipping their heels like a constant presence. And one day, she fearsit will catch them, and he’ll throw himself in harms way like always.
Just last night she woke in a coldsweat from nightmares, haunted by the images in her sleep. It hadbeen after a close call with that day’s Akuma. A barber, enraged by agreedy customer feigning discontent and smearing the name of hisbusiness, akumatized to become Close Shave. The transformed civilianwields a huge barber’s blade, sleek and sharp and blinding them byreflecting flashes of the midday sun.
Chat had a close shave indeed, blockinga swing that had been aimed for Ladybug by deflecting it with hisstaff. But it strayed far too close, grinding against the staff andsending a shower of sparks from the contact. The blade ended upcatching his forearm along the way just before narrowly missing hisface. Ladybug had screamed, pure, unbridled rage and fear, as bloodseeped from the cut in his suit and ran down his arm, swinging heryo-yo out to wrap around the surprised Akuma.
After the fight, she stood tremblingwith fading adrenaline, clutching his hand in her own and making surethere was absolutely no trace of injury after the fix. “Really, I’mfine,” he tried to insist, but she merely glared down at his armwith tears in her eyes, bringing his feeble assurance to a halt. Shewanted to yell at him, tell him that was stupid and reckless, but shecouldn’t find the words as her throat was too tight. So she gave hima punch in the shoulder, then a tight hug, and ran off without aword, surely leaving him confused.
Later she tries to put it from her mind, toforget the sight of blood running down the leather of his suit, butit will not leave. She feels nauseous a few times imagining what couldhave been, how close he’d come to something much worse, and has tolie down more than once. That night her sleep is plagued by terribleimages, of how things could have gone, and if her fix works on moreserious injuries. In her dreams, it does not. In her dreams, he islost.
These nightmares are the reason sheslumps into her seat at school the next morning, tired and aching anda subtle sway to her body when she tries to sit still. Her friendsknow something is up, but she’s thankful she doesn’t look as terribleas she feels. “Marinette, are you okay?” Adrien asks, startlingher out of nearly falling asleep moments after sitting down. Her bodyflinches upright, an all-over sensation akin to a jolt ofelectricity.
“Ah, y-yes, I’m fine,” shestutters, her heart beating rapidly. For once it’s not becauseAdrien’s talking to her, but for being jolted out of that near sleepstate. She’s too tired to be nervous or embarrassed from those greeneyes watching her, she just wants to set her head on the desk. Somehazy passing of time and the cool stinging of her forehead makes herrealize she’s actually done it. They’ve given up talking to her,maybe assuming she’s fallen asleep in the few minutes before class.They’ll wake her when it’s time.
But suddenly her blood runs cold in herveins, because Alya’s going on about the Akuma attack yesterday andoh there’s a news report about it.Of course there would be, and of course Alya would be playing thevideo. She listens in an uncomfortable fog to the sounds of theirfight, feeling herself dragging down into the depths of sleep. Butsomewhere in the haze of her exhausted mind she hears the sharp hissof metal and Chat’s yell of pain that causes and immediate andviolent churn of her stomach. Marinette stands abruptly and hurriesout of the room, afraid she might be sick as she heads for thebathroom.
The exhaustion fromrunning on a mere 3 hours of sleep opens the door for her full bodyreaction. When Alya finds her in the bathrooms, Marinette is pale andshaking, a cold sweat over her body like she’s just woken from one ofthose terrible nightmares. “Marinette, geez, are you okay? You looklike you’re going to pass out!” Alya exclaims in worry, hoveringover her where Marinette leans heavily over the porcelain sink.
“No, I can’t…”she trails off, another wave of nausea hitting her hard.
“I have to takeyou home, you look terrible,” Alya says softly. “Can you walk? Doyou need a minute?”
She does, sheabsolutely does, so she nods stiffly. Alya looks worried, she’s neverseen her friend so disheveled. “I’m going to go tell Bustier I’mwalking you home, and I’ll get your bag, okay? I’ll be right back.”
Her hands trembleon the sink, and she wonders why this is affecting her so much, sostrongly, as if her heart were about to break. Is it the lack ofsleep making her overreact, or is it something much more? Her headspins just a little, and after several moments, she whispers into thevast silence of the bathroom. “You can’t be by my side if you keepputting yourself in danger, Chat,” she grumbles softly.
“And I can’t beby your side if you get hurt.”
Marinette’s headwhips up so fast that everything spins, and she almost falls overbefore hands are suddenly under her arms, keeping her from hittingtile. That’s definitely not Alya, the hands are bigger, and she fallsagainst a firm chest as her rescuer supports her. Her heart poundingin alarm, she trembles in their grasp because everything is stillspinning so she has no idea who’s touching her.
“Woah thereblondie, girls bathroom much? Thanks, but I’ll take it from here.You’re lucky you stopped her from kissing the floor, otherwise I’dbeat your ass for being in here. Go on, shoo!” Alya berates theperson, steering Marinette away from that comforting figure. Is thatChat? There’s no way he’s here…
But whenMarinette’s vision clears and she peers over Alya’s shoulder, shesees Adrien there, and her heart nearly stops. There are so manyemotions in his gaze, surprise, recognition, worry, love, that itsends a jolt through her body to realize it was him who’d startledher in the bathroom. And it was him who’d spoken those words.
He’s wide-eyed andalmost out of her sight, and just before they round the corner, hemouths something that looks suspiciously like ‘it’s you.’
- - - -
Later that nightthey meet up for patrol, Chat Noir ghosting across rooftops until hefinds her, slowing to a halt. He stands hesitantly a few feet awaybefore approaching, looking concerned. “Hey, you okay Bug?” heasks softly, peering at her from under wild bangs. “You look…um…”
“Terrible?” shegroans, running a hand down her face. “Of course I do, I hardlyslept. And today…” she trails off, as if questioning the realityof what happened in the bathroom. Was that really Adrien under themask?
Chat blinks. “Why?”
“Why?” sherepeats, incredulous. “Because of you!” she snaps, startling him.Normally she’d feel bad for causing that kicked kitten look on hisface, but she’s too exhausted to care. All of her pent up worry andfrustration she hadn’t verbally communicated yesterday swells like aflood. “Because you- jumped in front of me like that yesterday andgot yourself hurt because of me- And the nightmares! I kept seeing-You- and the knife-”
She doesn’t realizeshe’s started to get worked up until Chat wraps his arms around herin a hug, trying to calm her down and rubbing a hand up and down herback. “Hey hey, it’s alright, I’m okay, you fixed me up!” heexclaims quietly, feeling her exhausted body start to slump in hisembrace. He’s not sure if Ladybug is actually calming down or if thatbrief burst of angry energy is wearing off. Her arms raise up toweakly return the hug, and his chest tightens with worry. “Are yousure you should be out? Today in the bathroom…”
“So it wasyou,” she whispers in amazement. “I wasn’t sure if I had beenhearing things, or I misunderstood…”
“Yeah, sorry I…after you ran out, you looked so sick, I walked in right as you saidthat and I just kind of blurted out… I’m really sorry, I didn’tmean to,” he rambles nervously, wary of disappointing her forruining their shared anonymity.
“Don’t be,” shewhispers softly, making him blink.
“Really?” heasks, surprised.
Ladybug nods weaklyas he lowers them both to sit on the rooftop. “I… know it wasbound to happen eventually, there’s no denying that. The onlyquestion was whether it would be an accident, or when it becamesafe,” she sighs, making his eyes light up at the implication. “ButChat… I… need you to promise me something.”
He leans forward,claws digging into the palms of his gloves in barely concealed glee.“Anything, My Lady.”
“Please, youcan’t keep… trying to take all the hits for me,” she whispers,making his face fall. “Yesterday rattled me so badly, seeing youhurt like that because you were trying to protect me… I can takecare of myself!” she suddenly exclaims hotly, making him lean backin surprise. “But also, I could never live with myself if somethinghappened to you because of me. In the last 24 hours I’ve nearly hadthree full mental or physical breakdowns because your arm was gaugedopen. I’ll lose it if anything ever happens to you,” she admitssoftly.
Chat swallowsagainst the lump in his throat, feeling the full force of his loveand joy battling against the terrible feeling of upsetting her. “Wellyou know the same is true for me,” he says quietly.
“Then let’scompromise,” she demands. “Instead of you trying to take hits forme all the time, yank me out of the way! I can take hits Chat, soplease, no more human shield! You promised to always be by my side,right? Then be by my side, not in front of me. You’re mypartner and my friend, but you’re not my sacrificial lamb. Okay?”she pleads, taking one of his hands in her trembling grip and lookinghim dead in the eye.
Chat is strucksilent by the expression on her face, her eyes trembling in so manyemotions that he feels like he’s been sucked into a gale of hurricanewinds. His heart skips a beat before coming back to a painful tempoin his chest. He’s not used to seeing her so desperate, pleading withhim when she’s usually self-assured and confident. He wants to sayit’s worth the risk if he can keep her safe, but seeing her so hurtand worried over him breaks his heart. How can he say no? He takes aslow breath, before carefully setting his free hand atop of hers.“Okay,” he finally relents, seeing the wash of relief floodthrough her instantly. “No more sacrificial lamb, for your peace ofmind.”
“Thank you,”she sighs, leaning forward abruptly to hug him. “You stupid cat,”she grumbles in finality, making him laugh.
“My Lady,” hesays in a sudden fit of joy, holding her tight against his chest.“I’m so glad it’s you,” he whispers into her hair, the pleasantswirl of emotion humming in his chest.
Ladybug smiles, andfor the first time since she’d temporarily hated him, she’s notstuttering around Adrien. It’s hard to be nervous anymore because her‘perfect’ dazzling crush is really a giant goofball in cat ears, andthat thought makes her want to laugh. More importantly, he’s been oneof the best friends she’s ever had and he’s secretly been at her sidemore than either of them realized. And that one makes her eternallygrateful, seeping into her voice without restraint as she responds.“Me too.”
“You’re also gladthat you’re you? Or you’re happy that I’m me?” Chat teases.
“Shut up youdork,” she laughs, pushing him over.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
1-35 on fanfic asks
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
2 stars maybe? Im not great and i forget a lot of things. but no one can stop me from writing and i enjoy it. the more i do it the more i may like my own writing one day
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Fanfiction is everything to me. It was a matter of time until i started writing it seriously for myself.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Literally nothing. I tend to go off with ships and specific things i want represented... but thats it. anyone can write.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Always! so many! the best thing about fanfiction is how it builds upon itself and spreads!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Im very proud of Secret Baby/ River run. Its large and a mess and i hate it. But im proud ive done it. A completed one im proud of is "Compress said its his turn on the murder screen" i think i did well with that one and kept the tone I wanted.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Arguments between characters and having them express themselves other ways.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It's the making up and posting works i struggle with. Along with editing which is another monster.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
I do love the murder boys! Dabi, Itachi, Deidara, Naruto (should have killed everyone), Reno. If theyve got issues i love them!
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
happy characters. I just don't know what to do with them. Like a domestic setting with no action? nope not for me!
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
Hurt/comfort has always been my jam!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
im not entirely sure? I havent been really writing/posting that long.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Expectations! its a collaboration i'm working on with a friend and a DabiHawks fanfiction again! It's a fic where they fall in bed together before they even like each other. A lot of assumptions are made and not a lot of talking gets done until quite a bit of Damage has been done. Hawks finds out that Dabi's been doing some things he wasnt comfy with just because he didnt know how to tell Hawks and because he was attached to him. It's messy and won't get less so.
interesting to write to say the least because im such a Zero tolerance person.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Naruto lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
part of my heart will always belong to naruto. can't leave it. But im enjoying writing for bnha immensely!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Food Fantasy! a video game i did a short one shot on last october!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Soulmate au's! Omegaverse! I love tropes! Oh! Hanahaki!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I wouldn't say ive done anything too wild?
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
get canon away from me! i love au's! any and all!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
currently its DabiHawks! i love my enemies to lovers! (everyone deserves compassion lave and basic decency)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! some fics have specific playlists!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
All of the above! i dont know how to put wips back lol!
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
I like one shots better but the amount of effort for multichapter fics is something else tbh!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes a few times brought on by comments! What if Hawks ran in to Dabi early on or if Dabi had stayed and talked to Hawks the last night they spent together. None of it ever really goes well? Dabi has no support besides his Significant Other in both of these and i dont like that.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Nope! Ive been getting the hang of NSFW and i feel like that's one of my biggest areas to improve on!
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
any! seriously i love comments! telling me to write more or that i forgot something was done 6 chapters ago or a string of emoji's!
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
Much better than I used to!
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Every time i post lol. Im pretty comfortable with a variety of things! there's been times in this roleplay i participate in that i was very uncomfortable with how my character was acting but that was the entire point and it turned out well considering the outrage he kept causing!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Best of both! ive also taken a shine to writing things that out of story context are fluff but in context are horrendous angst!
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Nope! I don't really do Oc's!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Secret Baby/ River Run- Dabi gets pregnant and runs away. Hawks is the father.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I've had such a kind fantastic audience but i wish they would pay some more attention sometimes to why i have characters do things the way they do. Hawks leaves Dabi alone? theres a reason for that and the awnser is not to stalk him. even for Dabi's saftey.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Dabi dosen't meet Rumi like expected. He expected to just get taken out by her in a fight one day, if they met at all. Not him cleaning his torn staples in Hawks bathroom after he's been shoved in there, Rumi having interrupted a blowjob and Hawks had roughly shoved him in his bathroom. He couldn't hear much of the conversation going on outside. But what he could made his face burn with embarrassment as he tried to put himself together. The fact that she was also a Hero and Hawks best friend made him nervous. What a great first impression, sucking her best friends dick with a bloody face. -" NOT DATING-" Hawks voice broke through for a moment and then quieted. -"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF HE'S A VILLAIN KEIGO, HE WAS JUST GIVING YOU A BLOWJOB THERE IS NO ." There was a loud thump as Rumi was yelling and Dabi let himself flinch here in private. She quieted down soon after she had started yelling. Dabi sat down against the sinks cupboard and rested his head on his knees. Waiting for it to stop and Hawks to kick him out. He wouldn't actually get to meet Rumi as Keigo's, well as Keigo's anything. It was just sex between them on Hawks end anyways. There's stomping towards the door and Dabi scrambles up as he resists the urge to lock the door. To lock himself inside like a child thinking it will save him from Enjis rath. Hawks is.... he's not kind to Dabi, but he's not Enji either. The door opens and Rumi's gaze finds him as he's getting up. He ducks his head and gives a little half hearted wave, not sure what she's doing. Why she's looking at him with a gaze much softer than expected. "Hey. Sorry I walked in on you guys. I'm Rumi. Hawks best friend he's been hiding away from you." "I uh. Um. Dabi? I go by Dabi. I think it's more like I'm just his dirty little secret." He gives a small dry chuckle and a smirk, a tad on the mean side like he did with Keigo. It came out a little to real and he winced. He sounded like a whiny asshole, he thought as he kept his gaze on his bare toes digging into the tile. "Dabi, I doubt Keigo thinks of you like that." Rumi reaches her hand out and Dabi tenses in anticipation of her grabbing him. To harm him maybe? To throw him in cuffs? Out of Keigo's apartment but he has no doubt that he will be there soon enough after Rumi leaves. "Its fine. I'm just a villain he can sleep with ya know?" Rumi gets a determined look in her eye as she draws her hand back, having noticed him tense up. "I'm going to give you my number Dabi. Villains don't any resources and I don't like how Hawks treated you when I walked in. If anything happens, I want you to have a way out. I don't think you've told your friends who your sleeping with. Or you would have teleported out of here." Dabi hands his phone over still in shock to Rumi and she gently takes it. She's still super confident in person but, there's no violence or anger from her. Its... suprising.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Dabi and Hawks can both have issues and have to put in some serious effort to not only see those issues, but work together with them. this has been a PSA.
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