#i always have to say this whenever i gif this scene... no i dont like the way her arc ended
daenerys-stormborn · 2 years
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I promised to protect them. Promised them their enemies would die screaming.
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tofupixel · 7 months
Do you have any advice on how to get into pixeling larger scenes, or how you go about the process? I dabble in pixel art occasionally and am interested in pursuing it more, but whenever I try large scenes I always tend to fall flat
Love your art, by the way!
thank you!
my first step i always go get a ton of references. i think if you are struggling with pixel scenes it can help you to get some pixel art references too. for example if you arent sure how to render a tree, look it up on pixeljoint hall of fame im sure you can find something that inspires you.
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this is the moodboard for my current knight crowley/statue azi piece im working on (software is called pureref btw. i have a dedicated monitor just for this but you can do transparency and overlay it if you lack space)
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i think this is mostly preference but i always begin working with large areas of value/colour rather than an actual line sketch
i usually only save the wip process if im sending it to clients, so here is an example of how i worked through a commission
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at this point im just going for the vibes. colour is more important and shape/size and having random pixels everywhere doesnt matter cos u can just remove them later !!
its kind of an anomaly/doomsday thing so i wanted the red sky and chaos all over
i work really quickly at this point and try for energy
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just beginning to work my way through and detail things up. im still changing things around and adding more stuff in different places. its digital art so you can change things however you like, just keep moving forward
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final ver sent to client after some revisions. pixel art is 99% rendering so you just need to keep pushing forward
i also want to say i did like 3+ years of sporadic studies. mostly studio ghibli and shishkin. if you have someone who inspires you you can study their work and figure out how they do it.
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it cant be overstated how many of these i have done lol and im still not even close to where i want to be (its a process)
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anyway sorry for the long post but you really should go for it. ive done the same concept like 3 times over my career (so far) cos i enjoyed it and want to come back to it now that im a little better. so u dont have to make it perfect the first time but doing it is better than not doing it!
sorry for the long post but i kinda got carried away anyway lmk if u want more specific tips i like talking about pixel art :--3 GL with your art
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Okay! So um, can I request a headcanon for SWK, Macaque and Nezha with a s/o who often loves to suprise them by giving Eskimo kisses or just straight up kiss their noses all of the time. Sometimes they even forget they are in public places while doing so too!
Reader is a she/her
I hope this isn't too much! This is kind of my first time requesting, =.=
Don't worry! This is a pretty simple request, you did good!
I'm pretty sure the term 'eskimo kisses' are sort of offensive? Not dissing you, ofc, I doubt you had any bad intentions! So I'll just refer to calling it 'nose kisses' for this request :]]
Nose Kisses! (Wukong, Macaque and Nezha)
Sun Wukong
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Bro loves your kisses so much
He is obsessed, you dont understand-
He thinks it's because of his monkey genes, but whenever you give him a kiss on the nose he just gets instant heart eyes
Automatically goes "aww" whenever you kiss him on the nose
You sometimes get him caught off guard with the kisses, but he recovers fast
Always pulls you in for a quick cuddle whenever you kiss his nose, or at least a quick hug
Most times, Wukong just (gently) grabs your face and then pulls you in so he can kiss you on the nose too
Other times he just full on gives you a smooch on the lips
VERY insistent on kissing you back, it's like his own personal code or something
DO NOT try to run away after giving him a kiss on the nose, HE WILL chase after you!
Will pepper your face in kisses if you ever tried
Overall, he is so happy whenever you kiss him on the nose. Or kiss him anywhere, really
Mans is touch starved, what did we expect-
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Won't admit it, but he secretly just waits for you to kiss him on the nose
Literally will set up an entire scene where there's an obvious opportunity for you to do it
He lays on the couch, pretending to be asleep? He's waiting for you to come up and give him a kiss
He somehow gets into a fight that got his face (particularly his nose) hurt? Says that you have to kiss him better for the pain to go away
Putting his face super close to yours whenever you're cuddling? Damn, his nose is looking pretty kissable don't you think-
He thinks he's being slick when he's doing this
He is not slick at all, you figured it out a long time ago
Why can't you just ask for kisses like a normal person bro, damn
Macaque is like, on the other side of the spectrum as Wukong
He obviously enjoys your kisses, but also... Doesn't want to show how much he loves it??
At least, not visibly. His wagging tail always gives him away though
He shows how much he appreciates your kiss by giving you a surprise nose kiss! He's a bastard like that
This guy is also really touch starved, he just has a harder time trying to show how much he loves it
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Is somehow always caught off guard whenever you kiss him on the nose
You'd think he'd get used to it over time, but nah. He's always somehow a bit surprised whenever you give him a nose kiss
Incredibly flustered when you first give him nose kisses. Especially when in front of other people
Not that he doesn't mind! He just isn't used to such affection
After you kiss his nose, he'd politely ask if he can kiss you back
He's a gentleman like that
Please don't bring up the blush on his face, he will refuse to acknowledge it
Nezha feels like he has to pay you back somehow with all the kisses you give him
Like, it's an entire urge he gets whenever you kiss him that he has to do something for you
(feel free to abuse this fact to get free stuff from him lmao)
Instead of kissing you on the nose, he'd just kiss you on the forehead or cheek
Sometimes, he'd kiss your hand like some sort of prince
Overall, not as touch starved as the other two, but definitely treasures your kisses.... Even if he does get jumpscared by them
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Helluva Boss is Hella Sexist To Both Men and Women - Part 2
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In my last post about HB, I was discussing how the main female characters of HB get shunted to the sidelines/used as a vehicle for the men's character development. And its about time we started talking about the male characters as well. Cos despite how female characters being mistreated is the more pressing issues (cos female characters always have trouble being written properly for hundreds of years because the writers were incels or misogynistic women) male characters have their own stereotypes or objectification that writers fall into. Especially in regards to mlm relationships (OH, WE'LL FUCKING GET TO THAT)
But for now, lets talk about the main guys in HB:
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I might as well go into full character analysis here cos Blitz is ultimately the protagonist of the show. Blitz is a interesting character by concept. A foul-mouthed demon with a literal devil-may-care attitude, completely unprofessional, loves his job as an assassin but also craves love and intimacy with others but struggles to due to a history of failed relationships in the past so he hides behind a mask. Hes an absolute mess of a character and I love that. Blitz is not only a good vessel for comedy but drama as well as his self-sabotaging of his relationships with his friends/co-workers can be a great character arc of him learning to trust others again and start to love himself...
HOWEVER Vivziepop just LOVES throwing angst upon angst onto this guy cos it seems that every past relationship he's had from an ex-girlfriend Verosika to his former partner/childhood friend Fizzarolli to even HIS OWN SISTER ends bitterly and it seems no one from Blitz's past even likes him or is on some amiable ground. Verosika is portrayed like an antagonistic ex, Fizzarolli condescends and humiliates him and from what we see of Barbie's view from that animatic, she comments on how he fucked up her life. So we have two women who are scorned at him (one for justifiable reasons since Blitz was an inconsiderate jerk and the other for reasons we dont know yet) and a guy who broke ties with him to be his rival. And its not like Blitz isnt remorseful because whenever Verosika talks about their relationship, you can see the look of regret on Blitz's face and he was shown to be scared whenever he encounters Fizz, like a kid scared of a bully.
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Even Blitz's relationship with his adoptive daughter is fucked up, Loona constantly abuses her father when hes done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to warrant it outside of him being protective at a few moments or babying her (and by babying her I mean calling her Loonypoo or showering her with gifts and hugs). Aka what a typical parent is like. And yet he constantly bends over backwards for her and Loona hasn't even learned her lesson to stop being a bitch cos apparently the writers think women hitting men is funny. There are a few moments of them getting along, but its only for comedy. I would say the only good relationships Blitz has is with Millie and Moxxie. But even that's pushing it cos Blitz barely interacts with Millie in any meaningful way outside of co-worker banter and with Moxxie, the only meaningful scenes they share is in the Truth Seekers episode or that little scene in Seeing Stars.
Ultimately Blitz' relationships with others is why he's such a fucked up mess of a person to begin with. While he has a more stable relationship with his current friends/co-workers, the people of his past keep coming back into his life to mess with him and while he clearly regrets how he treated some, like Verosika, others like Fizz, are okay with hurting him for the evulz and thus set them up to be villainous foils. With all this baggage plus his traumatic childhood regarding his father and presumably dead mother, Blitz sounds like a great character to explore, especially with two characters who both have history with Blitz in different ways. And they barely show up.
You see, Verosika and Fizz ONLY appear in a couple episodes. Fizz appears properly (not his robot double) in the season 1 FINALE and his past with Blitzo is only expanded upon in season 2 premiere whereas Verosika had her own episode in season 1 earlier and her only other significant appearance is in the finale. Apart from that, we only get snippets of info about their relationships from Blitzo's viewpoint. WE HAVENT EVEN SEEN A FLASHBACK WITH BLITZ' BREAK UP WITH FIZZ OR VEROSIKA.
And then we come to his relationship with Stolas...and its fucking awful. That image at the top of this post? Thats what Blitz thinks of Stolas. Doesn't look like a wholesome relationship, does it? I can talk about Stolitz enough to fill a bible but to summarise: Blitz' relationship with Stolas is incredibly fucked up and whats worst, its shown so far to be one-sided. What started as a transactional sex relationship in order for Blitz to use Stolas' grimoire to enter the human world to do his job. (the ONLY METHOD HE HAS, mind you) And from what we see of Blitz' view of this relationship, he's tolerant of him at best to annoyed and angry at worst. The one scene at the end of the season 1 finale cements this when Stolas wants to comfort Blitz after the scene at Ozzies and Blitz refused to have sex with Stolas cos hes deeply hurt and embarassed after everything thats happened that night.
(btw love this video is titled Blitzo hurts stolas feelings. Like the scene of Blitz being publicly humiliated by both his ex and his rival didnt happen not 1 minute ago with Stolas just standing there not even saying anything so Blitz is clearly hurt by that but nooooo sad gay owl uwu)
Throughout the first season, Blitz treats Stolas like an abhorrent admirer with how Stolas constantly coddles or flirts with him to the nth degree and the argument shown above thats supposed to be the climax of this relationship's problems isnt even RESOLVED when the second season rolls around, the show just treats Blitzo like a tsundere slowly becoming more chill with someone whom he's force-shipped with. The writers really REALLY want you to root for Blitz to be with Stolas yet Blitz has been nothing but uncomfortable or annoyed in his presence. Look at Blitz' face on these photos on Stolas' phone. He looks bored as fuck. oH buT ItS OKAy cos BLitzo hAS a PHOTo of HIm slightly smiling AFter the two had secks so its all good.
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That's not the gotcha card you think, guys. Still doesnt excuse how fucked up the relationship is
The main problem I have with Blitzo is that Vivziepop LOVES to torture this imp for drama with scorned lovers, estranged siblings, an abusive father, a presumably dead mother, an ex-best friend who's now his bully, a one-sided relationship with a powerful prince thats built on coercion and pity sex. And yet the show flits back on forth on making him this lol screw you memelord who doesnt give a fuck to a tragic, broken man who doesnt know how to love anyone and himself anymore and the show doesnt dwell hard enough into the latter. I want Blitz to get therapy already or have him actually learn from his mistakes and the show doesnt punish him for it or treat his abuse like a joke. Ive got nothing wrong with a protagonist who's an asshole but dumping all this trauma and angst onto this character who's already got issues to deal with in his current life (like stalking, his lack of respect for boundaries, saying the r slur or making fatphobic jokes) is just depressing.
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Moxxie is by far my fave character for how level-headed and kind he is but cos the writers are so indulgent with their tropes, they've flanderised him into a soft boi malewife, infantilising him to the point he literally cant do anything without his wife picking up the slack.
My three main problems with him are: his status as a butt-monkey, his lack of agency and his co-dependency on Millie.
To start with: he's the most morally upright imp on the team so its only natural he would be the butt monkey of the team, but despite how Blitz respects him enough as an assassin, Moxxie is still ridiculed, assaulted and attacked by Blitz, Loona, Verosika, practically everyone except his wife. And while having a butt monkey for comedy is fine, the show goes out of its way to mock Moxxie for things that are so nonsensical it feels more like degradation than snarky banter. For some reason, theres a running gag where Loona and Blitz mock how fat Moxxie is...Look at him! He's thin as a pencil! WHO THE FUCK CONSIDERS THAT FAT?! And whats worse, Moxxie has internalised this by saying to Loona in the most recent episode that he lost weight, to which Loona looks up at him and ignores him. Why is this a running gag? What is the reason? It feels so cruel and pointless.
Secondly, his lack of agency. Despite Moxxie being the most intelligent of the team and his name LITERALLY MEANS "fighting spirit." he's still delegated to a damsel in distress or be given the idiot ball so other characters can have more spotlight. In the Spring Broken episode, while Blitz is distracted with Loona and Verosika, Millie and Moxxie put up the slack and carry on the mission, but Moxxie accidentally gets drunk and spends the rest of the episode being an inebriated doofus. Little moments like this are funny but there was and entire subplot in Seeing Stars where Moxxie gets roped into buying demo CDs and merchandise from every hack artist he bumps into in Hollywood and its up to Millie to take charge.
In the Exes and O's episode where we finally meet Moxxie's father and the uncomfortable reunion plus Moxxie's traumatic childhood flashback perfectly builds up to a scene where he stands up to Crimson for forcing him into marrying a dickhead shark and yet Moxxie gets struck down in one shot and wakes up being tied up at the altar. So the one chance Moxxie gets to take down his monstrous father is completely negated. Thats fucking weak.
Isnt Moxxie supposed to be a professional assassin? Have him do more badass stuff. Let him take control of a mission or a rescue. Have another scene like the Harvest Moon festival where he intimidates a villain with a DEMON-KILLING GUN. Or that scene where Blitzo and Moxxie take down a bunch of human agents in Truth Seekers. He has incredibly knowledge of weaponry and technology which are excellent skills for an assassin to have, so USE THEM. Where's this Moxxie?
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This issue also ties into his relationship with his wife Millie. Even though M&M have the most stable wholesome relationship in the whole show, half the time it feels like Millie is doing the most physical work out of their relationship. Whenever Moxxie is in trouble, kidnapped, put in danger or held hostage, Millie always bursts in to save the day and that would be fine except it makes Moxxie look like some baby who cant even tie his bow without Millie there. That whole wedding crash scene in Exes and O's was all set up so Millie can burst in doing cool badass fighting and save her husband. Why couldnt Crimson lock up Millie and Blitzo too? Well, we wont be able to have our cool Millie fight scene where she murders a bunch of thugs and do a Shrek reference. It feels imbalanced calling these two a "power couple" where only ONE of them is powerful and the other is just the emotional support noodle boy. And its even worse how Millie so far hasn't been in a situation where she needs support from her husband so we dont see that much of Moxxie being a good husband outside of cute couple banter.
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Basically less this and more of this
Lastly, it seems he gets hit with the angst stick too, cos the most recent episode was about his traumatic childhood with his abusive mob boss father and it turns out he isnt even dealt with or killed by Moxxie, the imps just rescue Moxxie and fuck off so Crimson can continue to be more of a problem. Yeah, that's exactly what this show needed. More traumatised men having their abuse being completely glossed over/treated as a joke so we can have our precious status quo. Except the rich white guy, he gets his happy ending.
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Oh god, its time we talked about this fucker.
My issue with Stolas mostly stems from two things: his treatment of the people he's supposed to care about like Blitz or Octavia and his flanderisation from a clingy rich asshole from the pilot who is in a transactional sexual relationship with a low class imp to a precious soft uwu nice guy who tries WEALLY HARWD
Vivzie clearly likes Stolas and she's been pushing for him to be a main character since the beginning, but the problem was Vivzie wants Stolas to be a well-intentioned person WHILST being a barely trying father to his teenager daughter and still being in a borderline SA relationship with a commoner.
Now I like the idea of Stolas being a complex character, theres nothing wrong with a flawed but sympathetic character (which Vivziepop is clearly trying to do). Stolas has made mistakes, he's neglected his daughter, cheated on his wife and put the only person he claims to love in his life in a transactional sexual relationship with a commoner imp, whilst treating other imps with apathy or disdain. These are all great things to unpack with Stolas, giving him the reality check he desperately needs (lets not forget he's a privleged prince of Hell and hes always been rather ignorant) so he can improve and be a better person, not just for himself, but to his daughter and to Blitz, whom he's grown to care about beyond sexual attraction.
BUT NOPE! Lets give Stolas a tragic backstory in the season 2 opener (JUST AFTER THE PREVIOUS EP TALKING ABOUT HOW STOLAS CLEARLY REALISING BLITZ DOESNT RECIPROCATE HIS FEELINGS AND THAT STOLAS MISINTERPRETED THEIR RELATIONSHIP). Lets give him an unhappy childhood, a father who doesnt care about him (yes Vivzie slap on another abusive dad to your characters as a shortcut for the audience to sympathise with them, that'll work), an unhappy marriage to an abusive woman, his relationship of Blitz is now established as a childhood friends trope (although I use the term VERY loosely as the two aren't even friends for more than a day) and instead lets depict Stolas' affair from a messy, complicated dilemma Stolas has to deal with the consequences to a triumphant act of defiance over an abusive wife. And dont get me wrong, Im totally fine with Stolas divorcing Stella, it was clear their marriage even in Stella's first appearance wasnt happy. BUT considering how that whole Circus episode was used to make the audience sympathise with Stolas EVEN MORE than the show was already doing, its overcompensating at this point.
When a show is shoving so many sad tragic scenarios into a character's backstory so the audience can buy merch feel sorry for him, thats a sign the character himself isn't very well written.
Lets also talk about Octavia, his teenager daughter who's bared witnessed to her parents declining marriage careening into divorce and while this is happening, we see Stolas making bare minimum attempts to fix his relationship with her. In Loo Land, we see Stolas taking her to a park she's clearly not interested in going to cos he's too stupid to ask about his daughter's interests and spends half the episode flirting with Blitz. After a talk with Octavia and comforts her afterwards, taking her out of the park and suggests they do something she enjoys. Now, I loved that. It really showed how Stolas can put his horniness aside to help his daughter. BUT in the next episode about them, Stolas dismisses Octavia AGAIN cos hes too focused on arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run away to the human realm. And sure Stolas is worried sick once he finds out Octavia's gone but when we get into the human realm and both him and Blitz get shoved into a sitcom studio, STOLAS JUST GOES ALONG WITH THIS WHOLE SITCOM SUBPLOT AND AGAIN FLIRTS WITH BLITZ LIKE THE PREVIOUS EPISODE OF THEM INTERACTING DIDNT HAPPEN.
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With how anxious Stolas was acting throughout the first act of the episode, you would think that he wouldnt have time to deal with Blitz' sitcom shit and spend the day but NO FOR SOME REASON LOONA'S THE ONLY ONE WHO IS ACTIVELY SEARCHING FOR OCTAVIA. OCTAVIA'S OWN FUCKING FATHER IS TOO INCOMPETENT TO SEARCH FOR HER HIMSELF ALL BECAUSE OF SOME WACKY COMEDIC MISUNDERSTANDING WITH BLITZ. Oh sure, your teenage daughter's missing in the human realm but nah l'll just carry on simping for my imp bf cos HEY AT SHE'S NOT IN DANGER.
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Loo Land: Stolas wants to spend a day with Octavia but ends up distracted with Blitz and learns to pay attention to his daughter and support her.
Seeing Stars: Octavia wants to spend a day with her father but Stolas dismisses her because he'd distracted with arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run off to the human realm, Stolas goes there but spends half the episode watching Blitz in a live sitcom instead of finding his daughter and yet is forgiven for being a neglectful dad.
But its okay cos Stolas and Octavia have a big hug at the end (they dont even get a chance to talk about the divorce btw since this is the first episode featuring Stolas and his family after the divorce) and despite how hurt and neglected Octavia felt by her dad, she's like "ah its no big deal the furry here told me dads fuck up but they mean well so im good now". So Stolas makes the bare minimum amount of parenting and he's forgiven for it cos he TWIES. Not trying hard enough, just trying at all. "Cos hey, at least its better than nothing!"
Vivzie, this plus the amount of abusive fathers youve already got in this show, I think you have daddy issues. You might wanna get that checked out.
So, much like with its female characters: Helluva Boss has serious problems with how it portrays men. The man with shitloads of emotional trauma and abuse is glossed over/never resolved for the sake of drama and protecting the status quo. (Blitz, Moxxie) The soft-spoken male being infantilised to the point he cant even fight his way of a paper bag with his badass hypercompetent wife to help him (Moxxie), the father who does the bare minimum amount of effort for his daughter and is forgiven for it because HE MEANS WELL (Stolas), the utterly RANCID fetishisation of mlm relationships with the endgame couple going from a toxic sexual manipulation/transactional relationship into a forbidden lovers romance (Stolitz) and the rest of the men in the show are either sex-obsessed (Chaz, Fizzarolli) or abusive (Paimon, Blitz' dad, Crimson) cos MEN AMIRIGHT?
Yeah there are a lot of perverts, coomers and abusive dads irl. Im not saying Helluva Boss isnt accurate to that fact. But these are negative stereotypes about men that shouldnt be shoved in our faces all the time. I think the only recurring male demon character so far who ISNT a chauvinistic dick, cruel or abusive is Wally Wackford. I know people pull the "oh theyre from Hell, of course they're jerks" to excuse all of this but thats fine when theyre characters youre not supposed to sympathise with like Crimson or Blitz' dad but its another thing when your supposed to sympathise with characters like Stolas but they're fucking horrible and yet the show constantly treats them like precious babus who did nothing wrong, while the characters who ARE legit sympathetic (Moxxie, Blitz) are dumped pain after pain onto them cos that makes good dramatic scenes for Youtube, not a story.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/lolotheparagon/712718858369286144/helluva-boss-is-hella-sexist-to-both-men-and-women
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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gege-wondering-around · 3 months
I hope your world is a happy one at the moment! 🩵I was wondering: what are some of the things that never fail to make you smile?
Hi darling, so sorry it took me so long to answer you! hope you are having an amazing day!💗
I've been thinking about your question since it first caught my eyes a few days ago and between thinking about the answe and dancing between drivers ed and working on my WIP i got lost in time!
my WIPs:
Something that never fails to make me smile are surely my WIPs! Ant time i work on them (rn only on one of'em) i get so happy with myself!
I have a very horrible memory so whenever i re-read something i wrote even a week ago, i don't remeber much of it and i get always surprised by what i wrote and by how much i like it (it's also the reason why sometimes i read the same fics without even noticing it till the end!)
I was always the kinda person who preferred to write than to speak, so I've been writing (poetry, little scenes without any connections, little works maybe never finished from when i was in middle school, and my WIPs now) for basically all my life! the major reason of why i started writing a while back was to express myself, my pain and my thoughts while i was going through a hard time in my life, but now I got to enjoy this as a way of being alive and it brightens my day to be able to write such wonderful things (I'll post a fic soon, so i promise there'll be some ground for this info in a little while).
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here's a little thing i wrote in my latest fic (coming soon probably)
So, I basically love writing! I also learned english because i like writing and i never like writing in my native language...
my cat:
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big old boy here is my good old pal Bounty! (nobody calls him that, but whatever ahah)
He is clumsy, fat, friendly, a ball of fur and a basic dork! He loves nothing more than to give and recieve love and he has an obsession with his food (he meows as loudly as possible when he wanna eat) and he has been by my side for 8 years now, from when i first got down a bad road to now (where i'm all better) and he has never left me!
It's not very tangible but it just makes me glad to have fought so i'm able to witness how kind people can be! It reminds me the world isn't just cruel and unfair, but it can be kind and caring especially when we are towards each other!
and to give you an example of kindness, i'll bring out a passion of mine i dont really talk about here...
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big old pal here comes from an anime called Trigun, his name is Vash.
buddy had no other goal than to be kind to everyone in every way possible despite everyone was against him cause they thought he was the bad guy cause he was different than them (let's say, he is the personification of what keeps humanity going in the show) and buddy here wanted nothing more than to help and despite carrrying this huge big boy here
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he didn't use to shot to anyone, his aim was always towards the bad guys' weapons to make them drop 'em and his air the excellent!
to me, old pal above is one of the many examples of kindness i can think about but i think i can give you another we are both familiar with...
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(from pinterest)
i mean, if he isn't a symbol of kindness without pulling in any "big ones" of kindness (and by this i mean a more popular person), i don't know what else to say...
my spotify playlist of the moment:
just love these songs and i just sing them all day
and here they are!
those never fails to make me smile!
hope you're having an amazing day and im about to run to your ask box to ask the same cause im too curious now to know your answer to this🫂✨
forgive any typos <3
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aneggofmystery · 5 months
The Monkie Kid Style Shift
(from the perspective of a fictive. i promise that's important)
To start, for those who are unaware of my existence bc you only know mills or just dont know us at all, hi! I'm Cicada, he/she pronouns, and I'm a Tang fictive. I wanted to give my opinion on all the shit that happened today, because I believe I and other fictives have unique experiences regarding source media changes :3
(the rest of the post will be under the cut, scroll away if you'd like to avoid spoilers from the trailer) (and, quick side note, NO MATTER WHAT I SAY HERE, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANYONE. CHRIST I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS, BUT PLEASE DO NOT HARASS REAL PEOPLE OVER THESE LEGOS. K? K.)
Okay, so we all know that Flying Bark's animation has always been an integral part to the spirit of Monkie Kid as a show, and is the main reason why a lot of people love it. As a semi source-connected fictive, seeing that style is like literally seeing me and my family in photographs.
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like, y'all have no idea the emotional damage this shot specifically does to me whenever i see it.
and while, yes, there is a possibility that WildBrain can simply just be learning the style (hell, even FlyingBark had to kinda learn their own style in the early days), it's an extremely drastic change and, thus, is bound to cause collateral damage.
I love speaking about my husbands, for example, and the FlyingBark style luckily gives me a great outlet to do so (pignapped lives in my mind rent free).
However, and I can't speak for any other fictives, but the art style shift is kind of like if you watched your family get replaced by aliens or robots right in front of you and couldn't do anything about it. Stiff, doesn't really have a lot of character. I've seen people theorize that they're gonna be animating on rigs instead of handrawn, which matches up. That means, however, that we can't achieve awesome shots such as. every lbd scene ever.
I know plenty of Singlet but neurodivergent people who are also distressed about this, there's familiarity. Especially in my fellow autistic folk, that feels natural, good, and we wouldn't give it up for the world.
(We mod in one of the biggest Monkie Kid discord servers and, dear gods, the fucking backlash. we're all going through it.)
I'm kind of worried that this was pushed, not only because of the ATLA movie, but also because everyone on the staff team was worried because the fandom was antsy.
Can't speak for anyone else, but all the "save me s5" jokes I made were just light hearted, and I'd much rather have quality over quantity. Personally, i'd be willing to wait years for the next monkie kid season if it meant that we could still have it animated by FlyingBark.
Now, of course, this isn't what we're getting, and we'll have to accept that, I just think it should also be valid for fans to be reasonable skeptical at the quality, no matter if it's still the same writers and VAs. It's a huge change, and all I ask is that you're patient with me.
WildBrain is an amazing studio, but I'm not sure they can adjust to the shift in style. Of course, someone's bound to be dissatisfied with it, including myself, and I ask that y'all are patient with people like that. Don't say shit like "if you're a real fan, you wouldn't care about the art style change." That's not nice.
sorry if this isn't coherent in the slightest, I have been crying for a while for the reasoning i mentioned about feeling like I've lost a part of myself. This is terrifying for me, and i ask that you please be kind to others like me <3
anyways, follow if you wanna hear me yap ab BreakfastShipping
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zhouxiangs · 8 months
One last thing and then I'll never darken your doorway/ask box again, but I just need to get all this pent-up Way-related madness out of my system so I can put it all behind me and move on!
Inspired by your tags on the post compiling the mind control moments, I thought how this is a great example of confirmation bias and it's really fascinating how differently we interpret things depending on our predisposition to view someone/something a certain way: those ppl who view Way primarily as a manipulative, creepy, irredeemable antagonist (each to their own!) see him using his power on Babe in ep 9 when they're hugging as the sick cherry on top of a moulding cake - it's Babe's most vulnerable moment and Way can't help himself, he's at it yet again, the utter bastard.
Whereas in that same moment what I see - someone who views him primarily as a deeply fucked up, morally confused, painfully tragic disaster - is a man watching the person he loves most in the world (regardless of how we judge his feelings, that's certainly what Way believes) completely break down, sob in his arms, and feel utterly helpless in the face of that pain - unable to comfort him, to make it better, to make Babe stop hurting. He looks positively panicked. And that's partly because of his own lies and secrets and the general complications of their situation, but it's also because he's a trainwreck himself - he doesn't have the psychological toolkit necessary to provide Babe with the solace he needs. So he falls back on the only thing Tony's conditioned him to think he's good for - he feels powerless so he uses his power. It's all he has. It's all he can do. It's such a childlike reaction, it breaks my heart - often when a child encounters someone in distress, that's their exact reaction: stop crying! Don't be sad! They're bewildered, they're hurting now too, and they don't know what to do, they just know they don't like it, so they simply order you to feel better. It's coming from the same sort of place, it's just that Way happens to have the ability to make that order a reality! And maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I think it's important that all he actually uses his power to say is, effectively, 'dont cry, you'll always have me', which, as you pointed out, is a perfectly normal sentiment to express to an upset friend! And even then you can see his hesitancy in doing it. If he really was a terrible horrible no-good very bad boy, this would be the moment to take advantage of Babe, physically or emotionally. But he doesn't. Okay, so the bar is super low, but I don't care - I'm still claiming it as a win for Way's potential redemption!
and because it took me so long to reply to the others i actually got a third ask ijbol 
ANON DON’T LEAVE ME, my ask box is open for whenever you need to get all your pent-up way-related or pit babe in general madness out of your system, so feel free.
disclaimer i should have made earlier maybe: i didn’t know nut before pit babe, so i wasn’t influenced by him playing way in any way. don’t let my username fool you; i am a hot wheel omegaverse fan first and foremost and a nut supanut fan second.
i have to say i felt so proud as more eps came out and they kept making more and more obvious what was happening with way… because i clocked it in that first scene at the pool table, on second watch iirc. it took so much effort not to point it out to my friend when i watched the ep with her later that i had to shut up so i wouldn’t say anything lol i love when they do things like that hhh
i’m pretty sure that’s the moment i started paying more attention to way too, because he uses his powers on babe
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to tell him something completely normal that anyone would just tell to their friends directly. and, to me, there’s only two ways to read his motives there: either he thinks he needs to use his powers to get through babe’s thick skull because he would not believe it otherwise, or he doesn’t believe in himself enough to think babe, his best friend, would actually listen to him and believe him. (arguably you could say he wants to make sure babe goes to him and no one else, which i don’t think is the case, but i will say it here just to be perfectly clear.) whichever his reasoning actually was it made my sad man alarm go off full blast. i didn’t have an opinion on him yet at that point, only found his reactions to the charlie situation funny, so that was my honest reaction without having any kind of preconceived notion or expectation from the character.
and then, as the story kept progressing, he kept using his powers for similar reasons.
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yes he still mind-controlled babe in fucked up ways into believing he wasn’t worthy of love, but now, because he doesn’t already believe that anymore, the idea wouldn’t take. it would hurt babe’s feelings hearing his best friend say that, but it was honestly something he had believed at some point, and again way was trying to protect babe in the most misguided way possible.
and then of course there’s the scene in ep 7 after babe learns about charlie being another of tony’s children and i don’t know if you’ve watched it again after way’s reveal, but you can see his thoughts and feelings so clearly in his face. he’s feeling helpless in so many ways and he wants his friend to stop hurting so he knows the only think he knows that works and it’s so fucked up, because it doesn’t really do anything. he only gets babe to stop crying, which doesn’t make him stop hurting, only makes way stop seeing it, and i don’t think he puts that much thought into it, as you said it’s very clearly a childlike reaction, but it is so telling of way as a character and of his state of mind. not least of all because we’ve seen him comfort babe a lot more with things that are nothing compared to this, but here he doesn’t know what to say or do. so yeah, no notes.
you and me anon, you and me. i do think we’re getting a redemption arc, specially with pete’s whole thing toward way, but i’m cautiously not counting my eggs just yet. 
breaks my heart when people don’t stop to wonder why someone that from what we know has the sole mission of bringing babe back home to tony couldn’t have used his powers to either do just that back then or mind-controlling babe into thinking he was in love with him, and instead has spent the last 10 years next to him every day as his best friend. love by itself is neither good or bad, it simply is. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
💛RE anon, here. I mean, I was gonna just say that names fine, but then I read your whole reply and started vibrating into another dimension and muffling my screams because OK OMG OK jealous Blackie, right?! I had this thought the other day. So, this is, again, entirely your fault because even though Freddy turns up in my dreams with…slightly alarming frequency and I’ve written myself so many self-indulgent things in other fandoms over the years, the Robert parts of my brain have been sadly neglected for some time.
Anyway anyway anyway: you know that part where the creepy sheriff is hitting on Fay just before Blackie pays the bribe and does that cute little “I’d like to strangle him” claw thing? The sheriff is being too familiar with the reader/oc or what have you while Blackie is at the register and clear as day I’ve got the image of him coming over and clapping the sheriff on the shoulder a liiiiiiiiittlle too hard. Laughter just a bit forced. Teeth gritted. Nearly growling. “Now, sheriff…reckon you oughta be a little more RESPECTFUL to my wife.” He does the claw while the sheriff gives an oily apology, she feels a sudden pressure on her hand at the same time, looks down to see a ring. The matching one is on the hand Blackie was resting on the counter. Cue the eyebrow raise but she’ll call him on that, later, if he’s through dancing around it.
But, no, he’s not admitting anything. Not Mr nonchalant “oh, I was having so much fun watching you all run I wished you were here. Iced tea?” It goes about like the “you think I’m gorgeous” scene in Miss Congeniality. You know, one with the candy bar of rejection? Rings disappear. He was just being nice because she was uncomfortable. She’s very annoyed. And kinda hurt.
Post attempted firing squad, when he was clearly keeping her behind him, she gets up the nerve again and with the close call it goes like the second “you think I’m gorgeous scene.” With the smooch.
So, after that possibly unhinged digression…which should probably be a warning that when I have time to turn up I’ve been writing too many headcanons…you may also call me the madly inspired anon, if you like. (PS, feel free to answer this on whichever blog you’d prefer. I’ll definitely be checking both.) And for now, I’ll say goodnight 🙋🏼‍♀️
💛 Madly Inspired Anon!! Thats a beautiful name actually, I'll use that one so long as you like it too! ^^
Y E S Jealous Blackie XDD For my own ideas, I've been on and off considering a fic where reader is another cook or waitress, or maybe a dishwasher or a cleaner, or something at the cafe, and she l i k e s Blackie. Right? And he knows it- she doesn't make any attempt to hide it. She's trying to get him, and he's acting like he's not interested (because, immortal trauma)... b u t, whenever a visitor gets too comfortable with Y/N (And maybe she's liking it- enjoying the attention she's not getting from Blackie) he always swoops in and ruins it for her. And she gets s o f r u s t r a t e d by him she ends up confronting him about it like 'you are acting like my boyfriend but without any of the benefits. if you want me, tell me. if you dont- leave me alone!'. I just cant figure out where that quote comes from though 😅 I know the first part did not come from my head but I cant remember what I scooped it from and I must give credit!!
ANYWAY though- your idea is way better XD And- y e s I know that claw thing XD Here:
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I do that myself all the time XD 😂😭 He is my spirit animal.
You've given me so much material for before-sleep fictional man fantasies XD
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jeevaschrist · 1 year
can i have a bsd male matchup please 😈
im 19, 5’11, and a scorpio( i have the same bday is fyodor😍) My personality type is infj and my enneagram is 4, i use she/her pronouns.
Most people say i’m pretty secretive but very nice, and i give good advice to people who want to hear the truth. I like to walk at night, i’m always listening to music, and i like feeding birds in parks(old lady things)
I dont have many hobbies tbh, i just do whatever i feel like in the moment. So there are days where i will lay in bed and do nothing and there are days where i’ll stay out all night doing random shit. i value personal space but i can also be kind of clingy at the same time.
i’ve submitted like 3 different matchups to different blogs but none responded sadly😞 maybe i’m just too complex/j sorry anyway
thank you and get to this ask whenever you can ;)
yussss you may! i'm so sorry no one responded, and i'm sorry for my late response, but here it is!
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i'd confidently match you with sigma!
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i think you and sigma would be really cute together. he'd go walking with you at night 100% and while he focused on you, he'd still be into looking at the scenery (whatever you can see at night) and pointing at things you may miss. i also think sigma would happily feed birds with you. imagine that scene from beauty and the beast where he feeds the birds and then all of a sudden he is just flooded with birds standing on him. that's the scene i think about. and sigma's just like 0.0 . he'd likely be happy to spend the day in bed with you while also trying to find things you might enjoy just to make you happy and to be able to bond together. i see sigma as secretive golden retriever/lab type here.
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micropoe10 · 1 year
Dumb Ways to Die... BG3 edition! PART: 1
Long post EXTREMELY LONG POST...okay maybe, probably not that long?? DEFINITELY LONG and Possible spoilers?!? I'm not sure read at your own peril! IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT THOUGH🤣
I've been playing BG3 for a collective of well over 250 hours now. I CAN'T express how much I absolutely LOVE this game! I adore my OG character she is perfect (as Astarion loves to tell me)! I will ALWAYS choose ASTARION to romance and too fall in love with repeatedly! ⬇️⬇️❤️❤️⬇️⬇️
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That has not changed in the other 2 characters I have made so far alongside my OG campaign. I have save scummed SO hard. (Listen...I want to watch THOSE scenes with my OG character over and over again whenever I want lmao😂 I also love watching the wholesome fluff scenes too) ❤️That being said this is not that kind of post.. this post is my, lets call it....DUMB WAYS TO DIE .....To the story.....
THE STORY: The Goblin Horde
I would like to stress the importance of what I'm going to say next!
So there I was playing on an ALT campaign that I made because I wanted to see what Dark Urge was all about. (I should clarify that I have NOT finished the story yet...no, not even on my OG campaign, im enjoying the game at my own pace and I have a lot of IRL responsibilities too.) So.. there I was, Astarion is madly in love with me ❤️ I just saved Halsin from the Goblins 🐻 everything is going so well, and he wants me to kill the BIG THREE leaders of the Goblin Camp. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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I got this....or so I thought...*(rolls a NAT 1 on Confidence)*
In my party I have Astarion, Shadowheart and Wyll. I also have a summoned wolf but for the sake of this story we're gonna leave them out of it. On my OG character I have already gone through the Goblin camp so on my Dark Urge alt I was feeling pretty good about my survival chances this time around...I start by picking off small groups of Goblins, the ones that are secluded, around corners, away from the big packs so it doesnt alert all of them. I close doors to keep them hidden...you know...
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⬆️⬆️YEA THAT⬆️⬆️
I destroy EVERY SINGLE war drum cause obvious reasons⬆️ I DONT want to alert everybody! I even saved Volo because...I have a soft spot for his annoying humor, and quite litterally I'm pretty sure he is the NPC equivalent of the games damsel in distress but *spoilers* lol. When I've picked off the stragglers all that is left is the BIG THREE and their packs of mobs around them. I figure my best bet is kill off Grannie Gut first so I remember that there are some spiders in the makeshift cages below and if you're like me well...🕷️☠️
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☠️🕷️Same Ron, Same🕷️☠️
But I ➡️ UNGROUP Wyll⬅️..remember this.. I ungroup only Wyll, because he is the only one in my party who can speak too animals and I was determined to Dr. Dolittle Bullshit my way through a convo with these spiders to make them do my biding! Even if it killed me, and if the RNG/DICE gods were displeased with me it could, would and probably should have. (Also this would be a good time to mention that yes I know there are potions, and scrolls for speak to animals...but I am a complete and utter MONEY GREMLIN sooo it all gets sold). So, I sweet talk my way through that convo while also trying not to stare directly at my screen cause. 🕷️=☠️.
The spiders tell me you need to open the door for us and im like that is simple enough. I walk over, I try to unlock the doors and the guards on the other side (nice chaps, great convo) say noooo the gates must stay closed spiders are dangerous, they are not trained. (I KNOW, kinda the point here). So if I couldnt open the doors I was just going to do what I've done best so far and KILL THEM.
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As wyll is shooting at these two "innocent" guards they are trying to spam unlock the door and all I'm seeing is:
At this point I have Astarion jump down and help me kill these goblins, but not before another "innocent bystanding" goblin joins the fight. At this point Shadowheart, and my ALT are trying to kill this extra goblin. Astarion is trying to unlock the door, the spiders are saying FREE us. And Wyll is just standing there living his best life, When Grannie Gut gets involved...
Stay tuned PART: 2 will be up shortly!
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leorawright · 2 years
Hello! Could i request a romantic tf2 matchup please?
-I’m a heterosexual/heteroromantic woman
-my pronouns are she/her
-im a Mexican woman who’s slowly gaining confidence in herself and her capabilities! Im pretty antisocial, but get very excited when I get to talk about a topic i love and enjoy extremely! I tend to have a hard time making friends, but deeply cherish the ones i do have. I try to be as creative as possible whenever i can, which includes trying to be more optimistic in my outlook on life. I tend to overthink a lot, but only to find different ways to get through a problem or situation. People have told me that I give off a very serious persona, even some telling me Im like their mom or even “45 years old”, but honestly i just have a different way of thinking. I tend to examine life though many means, either psychological, literal or spiritual, and often find myself lost in thought. Other than that, i just enjoy talking about my interests whenever i can and just trying to be a better person every day.
What i look for in a partner:
-i look for someone who listens to what im saying and feeling - meaning that they take my feelings to heart and actually listen instead of trying to fix the situation, putting in their own personal opinion as a way to fix the situation, trying to fix me, or just ignoring me in general.
-im a pretty sensitive person, so i want the kind of partner who compliments you when you do something right/are proud of instead of someone who will call you things like b*tch or something like that (its just not my kind of thing)
-i want someone i can trust and will apologize when they do something wrong instead of making an excuse to avoid the blame when deserved
-someone who will stand up for me and teach me how to stand up for myself when someone or something is trying to bring me down (basically a supportive bf)
-i have depression and anxiety, so i would love if they would find different ways to comfort me when im not at my best
-ive never been in a relationship before, so i want someone who will make me feel safe and secure with them as well as remind me that its ok to not know how to do things and help me when I feel embarrassed or ashamed of it
-i have many insecurities about my body, more specifically how people point out how skinny i am, my poor posture, messy hair, and especially how i never smile that much (its hard for me sometimes for some reason), so i want someone who will make sure i am loved in a way where I’ll actually learn to love myself step by step
-sometimes i feel like there’s always something preventing me from having someone like me romantically (either my personality, appearance, interests, etc), so i want someone who will make me feel loved no matter what im into or what i look like
My hobbies:
-i love to draw! Ever since the 5th grade, ive been drawing almost every day, specifically characters from tv as well as my own! I grew up always loving cartoons and animation, and hope to one day go to art school and hopefully get a career in animation! I specifically love 2d animation since i grew up with it and tend to adore movies and shows from the 1980’s-2000’s that show the different types of animation accomplished within those years.
-i love watching old cartoons from my childhood! Whether it be Hey Arnold, Invader Zim, or Spongebob, i always enjoyed watching the characters on screen, even becoming inspired to hopefully make my own animated series one day!
-ive been learning to sew stuffed animals and dolls for a few months now! Its been really fun trying to study different patterns and making my own little dolls of my favorite characters!
-i love Space! Although i dont know much about it anymore, its always fascinated me how beautiful the solar system can be. My favorite planet was always Jupiter, and whenever my family used to visit Mexico, I would be captured by the beautiful scene of stars dancing among the sky. It was as if it was so pretty that even merely touching the solar system would make you pretty too!
-i love to listen to music with basically everything i do. Whether it be drawing, getting ready for the day, going on a drive, or going into a store, im always playing music through my earbuds. It helps to calm me down, which is definitely needed for me. My favorite bands are Ninja Sex Party, j^p^n, Tom Lehrer, The Dreadnoughts, Shadow Academy, System of a Down, and Falling in Reverse to name a few!
-i like to listen to comfort audios every now and then. These are basically audios where your put yourself into a scenario with another person (aka “speaker x listener” format). These audios can range from “slice of life” and “domestic settings” to things like “talking with your local barista” and even “alien saves you from your dying planet”. It can get pretty creative, and can honestly bring great comfort when i need it most!
-i like listening to musicals, with my taste mostly residing in musicals people most likely havent heard of before. My favorites at the moment are “Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier”, “Something Rotten”!
Hope this wasn’t too much lol, but thanks for the opportunity!
Okay I really appreciate all the information you gave me and I was stuck between two mercs so I did both and you can pick which one you like better!
For the first Merc I've picked
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Demo is definitely one of the sweetest people and one of the most in touch with his feelings
He does things pretty spontaneously so he doesn't give you a chance to overthink
He listens intently whenever you tall especially if it's about what you do and don't like
He'd never insult you and he always tries to see your point of view on a situation
He's smart enough to recognize when he's wrong in an argument and he'll apologize
He's super supportive of anything and everything you do
You: *breathes* Demo: YEAH THATS MA S/O!!!!
He couldn't care less about how you look
You could have just woken up and he thinks you look absolutely gorgeous
If he could he'd spend hours watching cartoons with you since he absolutely loves them
You and him go stargazing some nights to just relax
Please show him your music tastes he'll listen to every song of your favorite artists
He's such a musical theater nerd and you and him gush over different musicals
Or if you're looking for someone I bit more thoughtful I'd suggest
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Whenever the world feels overwhelming and you feel so insecure Heavy will be right beside you to tell you you're beautiful and to shield you from the outside
He does research whenever you two have a disagreement and he comes to you when he realizes he's wrong to apologize
He always waits to think about what you feel before he says anything
No one can say anything bad about you bevause Heavy is standing behind you and daring them to say it again
For him, looks don't matter in a relationship but since he knows you're insecure he goes out of his way to give you a different compliment about your outfit or hairstyle every day
Sometimes you two draw together even if it's not Heavy's speciality
Long walks at night are one of Heavy's favorite ways to bond with you
He does research on your favorite musicals and he'll definitely take you to some of them as a surprise
Hope these were okay! I tried my very best and thought about each Merc carefully for around 10 minutes!
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navs-bhat · 2 years
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I posted 2,735 times in 2022
That's 1,090 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
2,729 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#marvel - 7 posts
#bucky x reader - 5 posts
#sebastian stan - 5 posts
#mcu - 5 posts
#bucky - 4 posts
#bucky barnes - 4 posts
#marvel fic - 3 posts
#bridgerton - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton x reader - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
My Top Posts in 2022:
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11 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Okay so I was reading this enemies to lovers bucky barnes one shot and well my phone switched off and I've lost it
So basically it goes like Tony and Steve send the reader and bucky for some time to Tony's winter cabin and well there's not enough food there and one bed and the couch dissapears and the rules are they can't say no
So bucky makes the reader call the pizza place but the reader tells him they'll only do it if he excepts that the last mission was his fault and then since he says that won't ever happen
The reader tells him to call the pizza place
"I want a cheezy pizza with extra cheese"
"Shut up"
Help me find it ahhh
11 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Student Of The Year Rewatch Thoughts? Idk reallly know what this is yet lmao
I hope this reaches my target audience
Firstly, it's been too long since I've rewatched this I used to watch it whenever it came on tv and I'd find it while surfing
Secondly, I still enjoy this movie I think lmao
Let's see
-okay so to start with the kukkad song
-I never realised that the lyric says " ainu vekhe de munde to kehnde Oh My God" I always thought it was kudiye both times
-kinda gay tbh jk jk
-Abhi is in the wrong tbh like this guy is parking a bike in a car park and then is like who said this is an entitled rich boy's parking LIKE WHY ITS A CAR PARK NOT A BIKE PARK
-then he goes and ruins a beautiful Ferrari😭
-one big question I have is how can Abhi even have thee audacity to get into physical fights with rich boy on what seems to be his first day
-this man is here on a scholarship he can't afford to do all this on his first day bro
-I always loved Siddharth Malhotra more than Varun Dhawan while there were many dying over varun
-I remember the whole thing was just as big as Team Edward or Team Jacob here okay
-Rohan is too mean too Jeet
-ALSO why was even Shanaya still with Rohan like according to her first few lines he definately has a habit of flirting with other girls while he calls her his girlfriend LIKE GIRL YOU COULD DO BETTER
-Rohan's dad and brother are too mean yikes
-no wonder rohan hates his dad the way he does
-why is the dean so weirdly gay its too funny but at the same time CRINGE
-it's sad to see Rishi Kapoor now :(
-all the parents are so weird
-Sumo is so sweet actually
-Dean massaging the coach 😭😭😭
-hes so gay its gay
See the full post
30 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
I lost this fic I was reading
It was basically an Anthony Bridgerton x reader and the first half was just reader chatting with Colin Benedict and Eloise where Colin pulls the readers leg about being unmarried and the reader snips back and takes Eloise's hand
Uh she has a gossipy mother
The reader and Anthony share this passionate look and the reader goes to the lemonade stand to look around and spot Anthony but she doesn't find him instead this other guy I forgot his name shows up and starts talking to her she decides to ask him about his trip to Italy to keep him talking while she ignores him
Eventually Anthony takes her away from tha guy and they are in the garden and he's jealous and she teases him by asking him why he hasn't kissed her yet
40 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Okay so I went to the page cause someone said they missed the book sucking scene and others said thank god its not there
Bur anyway the whole kate having a horseback accident reminds me of this one x reader fanfiction I read here
It was the same basic plot but the reader and Anthony were married and she was going to look for Anthony himself
I'm assuming it was inspired by the books but I love this
60 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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twinklix · 2 years
HIHIHIHIHI i need perv han pls pls pls i love u sm biggest fan here ☹️ 🙏
wanted ✧.* | h.js
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| Perv!Jisung x Fem Reader | Best friends 2 lovers | wc: 3907
A/N: Ok so my ass got carried away to say the least and its not even good bc i literally wrote it at midnight, and i got so lazy for the entire second half. but anyway luv i hope you enjoy, this is my first fic on this blog im so scared AHHHGHGHSDFG also this isnt proofread im tired ily
[warnings: Smut, explicit sexual content ,MDNI, piv, fluff, Degrading, semi public sex, virginity loss, unprotected sex (dont do it babes <3), fantasies, masturbation (m), bad writing bc im tired fingering, dom/sub dynamic, corruption kink ?]
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“pass the popcorn Ji!”
Your second request for the snack was met once again with silence from the boy beside you. To force a reaction out of him, you reached for the closest thing to you,(the tv remote) and chucked it at his head. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make him fucking answer you.
“YAH! Y/N!” He dramatically whined, rubbing his head, finally turning to you with a half pissed/half confused look.
“popcorn.” you motioned to the bowl in his lap and his face lit up with embarrassment and realization as he handed it to you. You accepted it happily and settled back into your spot on your bed, returning your attention to the movie playing only a few meters away on the tv mounted to your wall.
Han, however, did not return his focus to the movie. Not like his focus had ever been on the movie in the first place. It had been like this for the past few weeks. On these nights, he’d usually be intently watching with you, waiting anxiously for the opportunity to crack a relevant joke to whatever scene was playing, in hopes to make you smile or laugh. But now instead, he sits, trying to ignore the grumbling feeling of nerves and guilt mixing together in his stomach.
Being in this room. Your room, had a much different affect on him than it did mere weeks ago. Your scent. the excessive amount of plushies scattered across your bed. The posters on your wall of all your favorite groups and shows. Your clothes in a pile in the corner. He seemed to notice and dwell on these things much more now, because all those things were you. And you were all he could think about.
When this started, he wasn’t sure.
He had always loved you, but in the way he should love his best friend. He wasn’t sure when his gaze on you started to persist slightly longer than it should or when you started to invaded his thoughts at night and he especially wasn’t sure when he started to notice how visible your nipples were through your favorite white t shirt.
All these changes slowly snowballed to him, now, sitting stoic and silent on your bed beside you.
Your head turned to him, your lips turning to a frown as you sat the popcorn on the side table. “ji..” you began, and surprisingly he responded with a low hum. “do you not like hanging out with me anymore?”.
His eyes widened and he spun to you on his knees, waving his hands like an insane person. “no! no! never!” He almost yelled. Your frown stayed and you turned your head to look at the wall. “you haven’t seemed interested or...present.. whenever you’ve come over for movie night.”
He knew he fucked up and had to fix it. He hated making you sad.
“there’s just been a lot on my mind recently…” he slumped back down with a sigh, feeling like an idiot. “you know i love spending time with you! i spend my whole week looking forward to it!” he confessed, taking your hands in his, prompting you to turn back to him, a small smile adorning your face, making his posture perk back up. “you know what! Hyunjin’s having a party tomorrow. I wasn’t originally gonna go, but i think it’ll be fun!”.
You perked up fully now. You and Han used to go to Hyunjin’s parties together all the time until he suddenly stopped going and as a result, so did you. “really?” your eyes lighting up with happiness. Han looked into them, feeling his entire body warm up as the nerves and guilt in his stomach were replaced by butterflies.
He nodded and you sprung up to wrap your arms around his neck tightly, hugging him with a relieved and happy sigh. His arms snaked around your waist and it was then he realized. You weren’t wearing a bra. Heat rushed up through his chest, feeling the firmness of your breasts push against his chest, not far from his face. He cursed himself for thinking of you like that right now since that’s how this entire problem started. He couldn’t think about it much more before you pulled away, leaning back with a yawn.
“..but for now you need to get some rest, bug” he told you with a comforting smile, helping you into bed. Once you were comfortable and snug under your blankets, he went to stand up but was interrupted by a whisper from behind him.
“i love you Ji.”
Sleep hit you the moment after saying it. He turned to see your eyes closed and your lips parted. Soft. So soft. His eyes were stuck at your lips wondering what it would be like to kiss them, to use them...
You mouth was so small, he was sure you’d have the cutest expression trying to fit him. He was also sure you’d make the cutest noises as he touches you..
He shook his head, trying to make the thoughts go away. Trying to just see you as his best friend sleeping. Nothing else.
He realized how tight his pants had become and the grey spot appearing at the front. “fuck..” he whispered under his breath, thanking god you weren’t conscious to see him. His feet carried him quietly to the corner of your room where he leaned down to collect his stuff. Soft cotton brushed his knuckle as he picked up his jacket. His eyes fell to the pile of clothes he had zoned-out on earlier. Where his knuckle was, laid a pair of pink striped panties ready to be washed. A breath got stuck in his throat and before he could internally fight himself, he collected them along with his jacket and exited your room and apartment in a hurry.
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Grunts and groans left Han’s lips as his hips thrusted up desperately into the soft cloth. He pretended it was you, pretended you were wearing the clothing item wrapped around his cock and that he pushed it hastily to the side to fuck you.
“fuck.. bug.” His nickname for you came out so breathily as he felt his chest tighten, so close.
He imagined you saying his name, as he was yours. He imagined how your face would contort with pleasure. He imagined being the only man to pleasure you.
His fantasy came to a sudden halt when he let out one last grunt and closed his eyes as he painted your most intimate item white.
He was left breathless, melting into his pillows as his chest rose and fell trying desperately to refill his empty lungs.
He removed the cloth from his cock to stare at it in his hand. He stared at where your juices mixed with his and he felt a depraved smile creep onto his face as he tucked the item behind his pillow, not planning on returning it anytime soon.
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You arrived late to the party, being held up by an old friend you’d ran into on the way, exchanging the expected polite catch-up dialogue.
Not long after knocking on the door, Hyunjin swung it open to greet you, beer in hand and grin on face. “Hey.. Y/n!” his obviously tipsy gaze fell down below your eyes. “you look hot” he blurted out and you snorted, pushing him out of the way so you could step out of the freezing hall.
“haven’t seen you in a while!” he yelled beside trying to compete with the increasing volume of the music  you as you walked through the entrance together.
“been busy!” you yelled back but slightly quieter than him since you were still sober and capable of somewhat hearing. He stopped at the kitchen and nodded to you “Han’s on the balcony” he told you at the volume of a normal human now and you nodded to him, giving him a quick thanks before  leaving for the living room. You forgot how big Hyunjin’s apartment was, there had to be at least 50 people in this one room, all smushed together. You slipped through the crowd until you reached a table near the wall, decorated with different types of booze. You downed a few shots with a foul face then grabbed a beer.
Sliding the balcony door open, you saw only a few people. A couple making out beside you, leaning against the glass that looked inside. A drunk girl in a chair who you think was passed out. And Han, standing with his back to you, resting his arms on the railing to look out into the night.
“quieter out here, isn’t it?” you smirked, sliding beside him to lean ur back against the railing. Elated by your sudden appearance, he turned to you quickly, ruffling your hair with a smile “hey bug! I was wondering when you’d get here”
After explaining your hold up and taking a large swig of your beer, you tilted your head to him, already somewhat lightheaded. He finally looked down at your body, seeing your thighs on display and breasts practically spilling out of your dress. His words got caught in his throat as you looked up at him through your lashes. He cleared his throat and reached for the cup of bourbon he had forgotten and downed it quickly, deciding he’d need alcohol to distract him from how bad he wanted to fuck you.
An hour later, you both sat on the ground of the balcony, giggling messes leaning onto each other for support. You weren’t drunk, you were at the point of tipsy where you’re still aware and conscious but everything. is so. fucking. funny.
“i can’t believe it was you that gave suengmin that black eye!” you yelped out between laughs, clutching your stomach, trying to remember how to breathe. “i was practicing my nun chuck skills” he admitted casually, before you both lost it, laughing more.  
“what’s the best sex you’ve had?” you suddenly asked, after you’d both calmed down slightly. Neither of you expected but it slipped out. Did tipsy you think about Han having sex? or did you just feel it was a standard party question?
“um-uh..” stutters were the only thing that left his mouth since the inside of his brain was currently filled with only tv static. It was normal to talk about sex with your best friend, but it was different for him considering he’d shot a load into your underwear 24 hours ago. You leaned back on your arms and waited, smiling. He straightened up and thought up some bullshit answer. “my first time i guess… in highschool. i can’t remember much about the girl though“ he technically wasn’t lying, he had lost his virginity in high school to some girl who’s name he couldn’t begin to try to remember. ”how about you?… how was your first time?“
You frowned and sat up, rubbing your arm awkwardly, “well uhhh..”
Han’s eyes widened in shock. You were a virgin. Sure, he’d never seen you go home with a guy or listened to you talk about fucking any, but you’d dated guys in the past and he just… assumed things.
You sensed his realization and nodded “yup.. no ones laid me”. A shameful giggle left your throat and before the air could settle from your confession or anyone could even think, Han chimed in with a brilliant idea. “i could help!”
You looked at him solemnly for a moment before bursting out into laughter even louder than the one after his nun chuck story. “wh-what? are you volunteering to fuck me?” you asked, looking at him actually curiously now and he felt something inside him snap. He thought about it. What he’d been dreaming about and jerking off to. Could it really come true?
“i mean sure. i’d rather you do it with me where i know you’d be treated right, than with some random douche” He meant what he said, not just lying yo get in your pants.
Somehow under some miracle, you saw the logic too. “ok...yeah” you timidly agreed before standing up. If life was a cartoon, his jaw would have fell to the ground and his eyes would be comically wide. He couldn’t believe his ears. You’d agreed to let him fuck you. Not just fuck you. But take your virginity. Midway through malfunctioning while trying to process reality, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up and into the apartment through the crowd. He let you pull him along, knowing he’d be happy with wherever the end destination was.
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You let go of his hand and opened a door, walking in. He followed, realizing it was the bathroom. It was of course massive just like the rest of Hyunjin’s home, with a double basin on marble counters to your left with a width-long mirror above it. You moved to rest against against the sink’s counter looking down awkwardly.
Han closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it. A painful silence rested in the bathroom, a stark contrast to the blaring music just outside the walls. He walked over to your nervous figure, standing directly in front of you, leaving little space. His finger came up to lift your chin, forcing you to look at him. “are you sure you want to?” he asked, somehow letting the question come out in a low and unwavering voice even though his chest was swimming with fear. Your face mirrored his blank expression, but with an unidentifiable twinkle in your eye.
You nodded slowly, feeling a slight warmth in your thighs. He nodded back and leaned in quickly to connect his lips to yours. Your lips were as soft as he imagined them and it made his heart flutter and his dick harden. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with little protest from you, as you leaned back, placing your palms on the counter to hold yourself up. You felt the heat between your thighs grow as you let out a slight whimper into his mouth as his tongue continued to massage your own. He pulled away slowly after a moment, and you looked up at him through lidded eyes, panting slightly. He leaned back down and connected his lips to the left of your neck, using his right hand to turn your head to the side so he could complete his task better. His lips sucked onto the skin of your neck, leaving you whimpering slightly at the unfamiliar sweet feeling. you felt his teeth join, grazing he spot he was sucking, biting down softly causing you to let out a yelp, and grab onto his shoulder. “Ji..” you whined out. The heat had spread up higher, feeling it in your pussy now, you felt so empty even without knowing the feeling of being full. “please..inside me” you begged and it was music to his ears as he sucked one last time and pulled away, smirking down at the deep purple mark he had left. he moved back to look into your eyes now. You were blushing hard, feeling so embarrassed that he was seeing you this way, but even more embarrassed that you never wanted to stop.
He leaned down for one more kiss before directing his attention to your bottom half. “Up, baby” he instructed and you silently lifted yourself up to sit on the counter, dwelling internally on the new nickname,
You rubbed your legs together, trying to: a) hide your most private place  b) get some friction to relieve the ache inside you.  Han smirked and shook his head, placing a large hand on each of your thighs, slowly using them to spread your legs for him. You bit your lip in embarrassment but let him. one of his hand moved to caress your thigh slowly, inching closer and closer to where you silently begged for him. He hesitated before finally moving his hand to use two fingers to swipe a line up your slit over your underwear, causing you to let out a small gasp when he lightly grazed your clit. “So wet for me” he whispered into your ear and you couldn’t believe his voice could sound like this. The same voice that said the stupidest things and told the dumbest jokes, was making you silently beg for his fingers. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked them down, lifting you up to help get them off. He discarded them into his pocket then turned his attention back to you looking down, feeling breathless at the sight of your most precious area, and the fact he was the only man to ever see it.
You tried to push your legs back together, feeling insecure under his gaze, but he didn’t allow it. Placing one hand on your thigh to hold it in place then moving the other hand to your clit, pinching it slightly, making you yelp. “think you can take my fingers baby?” he asked, collecting your wetness and using it to rub circles on your clit. You looked up at him and nodded quickly, making him chuckle. “Okay” he announced before moving the finger on your clit to circle your hole before sinking it in. “j-ji!” you moaned out, reaching for his shoulders, digging your nails into them. He curved the finger slightly and begin moving it in and out before adding another. Your eyes flew shut as he picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers faster. You’d never felt anything like this and it only made you wonder how his cock would feel. He added one more finger and you started to feel a stretch, moaning out louder, as he fucked them into you so hard, you couldn’t even hear the music outside anymore. “you’re taking them so well” he assured you with a grunt and you nodded, unable to properly respond. You came back to earth when he suddenly removed his fingers from you and brought them to his lips to suck on them. “you’re so sweet” he told you and you looked at him. Mesmerized. Panting.
He made quick work of pulling his shirt off and you watched in awe, not knowing how beautiful his body was. Did he go to the gym? you wondered.
he moved toward you and looked at your already fucked-out expression, donning a cocky expression before unbuckling his belt and removing his pants and boxers. He was pretty big and he was already painfully hard.  Slowly, you reached down to touch him but he pushed your hand away. “tonight’s about you.” he told you before scooping you up to place you back on your feet on the floor. “now if you do want to help me, be a good girl and lean over the sink. Without a second thought you turned around and bent over, doing as he said, sticking your ass in the air, causing your dress to fall from your legs to pool around your stomach. Han couldn’t believe his eyes. You bent over, waiting for him. He felt butterflies arise again, even after all he’d done to you so far. he walked behind you and ran a hand over your ass slowly, admiring your body. ”please..“ he heard you beg with a broken cry and he nodded.
He aligned himself, rubbing his tip up and down your slit making you whine. “don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he promised, looking up at his reflection above you and smiling, feeling joy at every sign this wasn’t a dream. He focused his attention back to you, pushing into you slightly as you helped out reaching back to try and grab on to him. He collected both your arms with one hand and held them behind your back, pushing the rest of himself in. “i-it stings” your voice came out almost only as a breath and he ran a soothing hand up your thigh, “it’s ok baby” his assurance helped you relax and after a moment of laying there, panting, you nodded slowly. “can you do it now ji... fuck me.. please..”
No words had ever sounded more beautiful to han and without much warning he pulled himself out of you only to dive back in quickly, causing moans to escape your lips in lines, one after the other. Once he was rested inside you fully, he repeated the action of pulling out to the tip and then plunging in. keeping this slow, deep and torturous pace for a few minutes until you couldn’t handle it anymore. “faster!” you cried out, not caring about anything else anymore. Han chuckled before granting your wish, increasing the speed of his thrusts greatly. “oh god!” you nearly screamed out, “yes...like that Ji”, Han could listen to you forever. Both the sound of your moans getting louder and your pussy taking him so well, he knew you were making the most beautiful noises he’d ever hear.
“you’re being such a slut for a virgin” he groaned out, causing your pussy to clench around him even harder, thrusting into you especially hard after speaking. “god… so desperate for my cock you let me fuck you here in the bathroom… couldn’t even wait to get home to lose your virginity” he scoffed, reached forward to tangle his hand in your hair. You tried to break your arms away from his grip behind his back, so desperately wanting to touch him but he tugged on them harder, using them to pull you up so you were standing. He slid out of you and turned you around. You were unrecognizable. And he loved it. your pupils were blown, eyes barely open and your lips and cheeks bruised red. You pouted up at him, feeling empty once again, but too tired to protest verbally.
After admiring your state he reached for one of your legs, lifting it against his chest before entering you again, returning quickly to his quick pace, hitting deeper spots inside you. The sting inside you had long passed and you only felt euphoria now, squeezing your eyes shut. Something was happening inside you, something unfamiliar and strong. so strong. “i-i” you tried to think of the words to say between your pants and moans but Han nodded, “i know baby, it’s ok let go” And you did, clenching down on him so hard he could barely move. In an attempt to reach his end too, his hand found your breasts through your dress and he massaged them, watching you let go around him, moaning out so loud, and hanging onto his neck for support. With that, he let go too, painting your walls like he had your underwear, the night before.
You held onto each other, trying desperately to catch your breaths.
“i’ve wanted to do that for so long”
You came back to reality and looked up at him with wide eyes, confusion and shock on your face. “r-really?”  The question was so nervous and shaky but he met it with a warm smile. “of course. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, how could i not” All the energy you had left, was mustered up and used in you playfully hitting his arm with a laugh.
“im serious though. i love you. i’ve thought about you like this for a while..i felt horrible about it..but now..” your hand ran up his cheek, looking into his eyes softly and lovingly. “I love you too Ji.”
Tysm for reading i hope you liked <3
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xieula · 3 years
How they would comfort you if you were insecure
Encanto characters x Female Reader
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A/N: alright, this is a new account.. which is a new start. So I hope I'm welcomed on tumblr in this .. account. First thing I'd like to post a writing of is Encanto. Since it's such a good movie, how can I resist myself? Enjoy.
Also, I do have insecurities of my own. But in this chapter, I'll place SOME insecurities I do not own, because it can't just all be about me.
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Your looks.
Now, don't get me wrong- looks aren't everything. But you fear that Camilo may lose all interest for you.
It's scary to think, "Camilo only goes for looks." But that's what you often think to yourself, which isn't very unusual for people to see you pacing back and forth, thinking ways on how to gain much more beauty.
The people from the village, Encanto started to aware Camilo by telling him all the things you've been doing recently, and has been going on for quite a while now.
Which makes Camilo upset.
Not upset at you, but at himself. He's been so busy with chores recently that he didn't even notice himself any sooner.
"Y/N, can we talk?.."
Now you were trembling, is he planning to break up? What have you done now..? Have you done something upsetting?
"Mi amor.. I fear that you have a.. huge insecurity about.. your looks?"
Oh, this?
How did he catch up ? How did he take notice ? WHO TOLD HIM?!
"waaaaat, me? Insecurity? About my , pfft, looks?! Funny , Camilo."
Now you know he was being dead serious.
"Mi vida , you are perfect in every way, and I want you to never forget that. Alright? No matter how much insecurities you have, my love will never fade for you."
Those words touched your heart fully.
Now, you don't know if your insecurity is going to fade, but all you know is that it will die down for a bit.
C'mon. This guy literally looks at you for 1 second and he has hearts in his eyes already!! He's in love😔‼‼
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Your smile.
Being a good girlfriend as she already is, she caught up to that pretty quickly.
She's always noticed how you'd always look away from her, like turning from the side whenever you'd smile.
From your whole 3 months of dating, I dont think shes ever seen you smile before.
It's either that you cover your mouth when laughing
Or looking away to which she can't completely see your face!
She knows it's just out of habit but she is very sure your smile is as bright as the sun.
"Uhhh, s/o?" Mirabel lightly spoke
"Yes, Mirabel? Need anything?"
"I've been wondering.." Mirabel stops mid-sentence to gather up her words, "why haven't I ever seen you smile before?"
"Huh..?" You asked, knowing full well what she was saying. You just needed to double check if your ears werent fooling you
"I-I mean, it's either th-that or you're always hiding your smile because you're ... insecure?" Mirabel replied rather quickly, in panic of thought that she offended you.
"Oh.. insecure, seems like you've catched up rather quickly than I expected," you spoke.
Mirabel walks up to you and smudges your face in order for you to make a smiley face.
You thought it was adorable and ended up smiling, which you did NOT want.
Mirabel's cheeks started turning red, probably flustered.
"See?! You're so adorable, awhh!~"
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Your teeth gap.
You've always been so insecure about your stupid teeth gap, why does it have to look so stupid?
Due to your insecurity, whenever Bruno made you smile or laugh, it shows your teeth gap- making you cover your mouth.
Bruno's been quite concerned about it for a while
He decided not to make a scene and just ignore it for a while, though.
But that won't help anything, he wants to see your smile, your wonderful smile..
It may seem selfish of him, but he wants to see you laugh without your hand in the way.
He's decided to approach about your certain habit, which he is aware it may seem offensive- which he prevents on making it sound like it.
"Uh.. i-is it just me or you're always covering your hand whenever you smile or laugh.."
"Oh, uh, yeah, just out of habit. Heh, nothing to worry about, Bruno."
Yeah, easy for you to say that.. he just wants to see you smile for once!
"I just wanted to say that.. I wanna see you smile without covering your hand.."
"Uhm." You spoke- not liking the idea of doing so.
"I-I'm so sorry, if it made you uncomfortable then it's alright , again, I am so so sorry-"
You couldn't help but smile, I mean, that was adorable. And you know he's going to apologize for the next few hours if you don't, so you just had to.
Bruno suddenly stopped talking to gaze at you, with love hearts in his eyes. It just like in one of his dreams.
He's indeed lucky to have you, and he sincerely hopes you continue doing this often.
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Alright, that's the end of it. If you want a part two, well I'll try decided that for now.
If you actually want one, do suggest me some characters!
Hope this one was good enough for you, thank you and goodbye!
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saidrabbles · 2 years
bleeding heart
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pairing: koo ryeon x park joong-gil
warnings: none
genre: angst, fluff at the end
summary: she was well prepared for the day he remembers. her mind promised her heart to stay unwavering, but when he said those words, she...
"ryeon-ah. i see that you still use the color pink."
she stops in her tracks.
"it suits you, it always did".
he remembers everything...
what does it matter now? it's all in the past anyways. but the heart that's pounding inside her chest is telling her otherwise. "i now know why my heart would leap out of my chest whenever my eyes laid on you."
stop. stop saying all those things. stop making my heart waver. stop giving me a chance to imagine an impossible future.
joong-gil couldn't hold it in. he finally knows why he yearned for a glimpse of her everyday. why he tried every way to get her to look into his eyes. the guilt he felt after mocking her team and it's purpose. he couldn't bare for this to be their end, but he didn't want to push her over the edge. like he once did.
"will you...turn and look at me one last time before you leave?" it was then when she felt her nonchalant facade break down. it all came in one huge wave - the longing, guilt and regret. she had to walk away. if she dared to look at him, her heart will give up on her. her body will want to jump into his arms- to be engulfed in his warmth for which she longed for.
with all the red lights in her head, she turned around. she took her time in searching for his eyes which were already set on hers. she looked at all the bruises he received on his sculpted face. he was always like this. always helping her in the shadows, because his pride wouldn't let him show himself to you.
when her eyes met his, her fears were proven right. his eyes were burning for her. they had such intense emotions that trapped her in his gaze. she's never seen him look at her that way....maybe she was wrong. the time that has passed did not fade her feelings, but intensified it. because she was looking at him the exact same way.
she faintly smiled. "you make me feel weak, you always did." "i did not mean for it to be that way-" before he could finish his sentence, she knelt down and wrapped her arms around his broad, firm shoulders. the tears he'd been holding in were streaming down his face. his silent sniffling turned into sobs as he brought his face closer to her warmth.
they were holding each other so tightly, scared that if they let go, they will be separated again. that they will forget again. "puin, please dont leave me again. please stay by my side" he pulls away just to look at her. ryeon, for the first time in years, trusted herself. "i will never let go of you again, joong-gil."
they looked at each other again, for what felt like the first time. like the time when ryeon first saw her husband to be. and just like that time, she smiled. with gravity on their side, they started getting pulled in towards each other, eyes moving to their lips. when their lips were inches away, they paused. joong-gil marveled at her features from such close distance. he noticed the mole on her nose, and a smile crept across his face. "i loved this mole of yours, i remember how you used to hate it." she laughed. "and you would spend all day, trying to make my stubborn mind realize how lovely it is."
time stopped as his lips met hers for what felt like the first time. with this, they knew that a new chapter of their lives have started, one that they will write together.
a/n: when i saw this scene, i imagined the different endings but what they gave us was so little, so i had to write this for my joongryeon
edit: this has been in my drafts for the longest time, i forgot it was here until i checked hhhh
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