#i always loved seeing things for this story coming across my dash ^_^
twofacedharveydent · 5 months
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HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY ↳ @mabonetsamhain
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Story: Dancing with the Devil (x) Fandom: Daredevil Featured: Abigail Lochlain and Matt Murdock
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engie-ivy · 1 month
(Fic I didn't know I wanted to write! So thank you for the inspiration, @wolfstarmicrofic!)
28th: Dogwalker AU
673 words
Some good old mutual pining between a dogwalker and his client!
Date My Hooman?
“Has he been a good boy?” Sirius is sitting on his knees, scratching Padfoot’s ears (and making quite the sight while doing so).
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. “Now you're just fishing for compliments. You know damn well Padfoot’s always a good boy.”
Sirius grins up at him. “Guilty as charged.” He looks back at Padfoot who's thoroughly enjoying his ear scratches. “I know my dog is great, but I love hearing other people tell me that my dog is great also.”
“Right you are,” Remus chuckles. “How was your day at the office?”
“Dreadfully dull,” Sirius replies instantly. “Really, Remus, you made some good career choices that you now get to play with dogs all day.”
“Well, I don't get to live in a house like that.” Remus nods towards Sirius’ three-story mansion with the sprawling garden around it.
Sirius winks at him as he gets up to his feet. “Maybe if you play your cards right.”
Remus can feel his cheeks heating up.
Before, he was just amused by Sirius’ flirtatious banter, and he actually gave it as good as he got. But now, he suddenly feels flustered, at a loss for words, and wholly out of his depth whenever Sirius makes a comment like that.
After long conversations, with Sirius being the last stop on Remus’ afternoon route, and being subjected to Sirius’ sharp mind and disarming sense of humour, things have changed for Remus.
He used to think that the best part of his day would always be seeing the excitement on a dog’s face when he reaches out to unclip their leash to let them run around the park and play with their friends, but now, it's like nothing compares to seeing the excitement on Sirius’ face at the end of the day as he crouches down to greet his beloved dog after long hours the office. Remus’ days have started to revolve around the moments he brings Padfoot home, and it's becoming A Problem.
“And that's not even taking into account cold, rain, new regulations, demanding clients,” Remus continues, as if he didn't hear Sirius’ last comment.
Then Remus’ own dog, Moony, dashes forward and starts licking a tail-wagging Padfoot’s face, like he knows he has to say goodbye to his friend for now, and Remus’ heart just melts. “Oh, who am I kidding? It's bloody amazing.”
When the dogs have said their goodbyes, it's time for their owners to do so as well.
“See you tomorrow?” Sirius asks.
“Of course.”
“Great.” Sirius beams at him. “Looking forward to it.”
Remus’ heart skips a beat at those words. Yes, definitely A Problem.
Sirius has given Remus the key to the annex besides the main house, so he can pick up Padfoot, take him for a long walk, and then, by the time they return, Sirius will be back from the office and usually already waiting on them.
Sirius has actually turned the annex into a space especially for Padfoot, with water and food, several dog beds, toys, and a dog door, so he can go in and out to the yard whenever he wants. Sirius has even hung framed pictures on the walls of him and Padfoot together. A fuzzy feeling spreads across Remus’ chest upon seeing those pictures. A Problem indeed.
Padfoot immediately comes running, happily wagging his tail, brimming with excitement to go on his walk.
“Calm down, Pads,” Remus laughs, as the dog keeps circling his legs and jumping up and down. “Come on, I need to attach your leash, otherwise we can't go. Hey, what you've got there, buddy?” He spots a piece of paper neatly tucked underneath Padfoot’s collar and he plucks it out. As he unfolds it, he realizes it's a note.
And as he reads, a huge smile starts to spread across Remus’ face.
Dear Remus,
You might have noticed that my hooman has quite a crush on you.
Will you please save me from his desperate pining, and let my hooman take you out on a date?
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91vaults · 2 months
Ok so here's the thing: I totally get where the Fallout New Vegas crowd are coming from
(Note: I haven't watched the show yet I'm only going off what's come across my dash so keep that in mind)
Fallout New Vegas is and always will be my favorite fallout game. But I also love Fallout 4. I'm a member of both camps.
I'm also weird in that I love Fallout but absolutely will not touch anything else in the post-apocalyptic genre because...I kinda hate it.
Fallout is Post apocalyptic, but not in the same way something like "The Last of Us" is. It's not grounded in reality for one, and whilst society isn't necessarily moving "forward"...it does exist in one form or another...and it is moving.
And then you have Fallout New Vegas which is very much post-post apocalyptic. It's not just about the wasteland and survival and fighting: Society is moving forward What direction do we want it to go? (oh that and Casinos! you have to admin the casinos were fun)
People are absolutely correct in that the games still exist. Nothing is stopping you from playing them It's not erasing the whole game from canon (I think?) and in a game series like Fallout canon isn't the most important thing anyway.
But here's the thing: By wiping out all that stuff on the west coast, the NCR etc. It shows us how Bethesda see's the series. You know that thing you don't see as much nowadays: when a movie had a sequel they would just undo everything that happens in the first one off screen?
It's like that: We have to maintain the status quo: . Because it seems to Bethesda, fallout is about pew pew chaos in the wasteland! it's why it still looks like the bombs dropped last week even though it's been like (200 years?). It's all wasteland rubble and shanty towns! Because it's fallout, that's the brand. Thats what people expect. The FNV fans are frustrated because it's Bethesda sending a clear message that their vision for the series is very much "stuck in one place perpetually" as is often the case with the genre. forever looking back, never looking forward.
But it doesn't have to be like that! the series can move forward whilst still being Fallout. In fact it would be super cool to see a setting where society has started to built more. Like we saw in F:NV . It opens up new story opportunities. New factions, all kind of cool new shit.
This isn't about who likes what games or why or even about the show (I've heard good things, so honestly I hope I like it) . I don't care. I just think I can see the argument that Bethesds wouldn't really want to take the series in any particular new direction because they've settled into "the brand"
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theoriginal-dc-hoe · 1 year
Surprise Return (Jason Todd x Female!Reader)
Okay this is a bit angsty with love making smut, brief mentions of death, and fluff.
My first fanfic since my return to the fandom! I hope you enjoy!
Story description: You meet Jason, your best friend and the man you love, for the first time after he comes back from the Joker incident...
The lights of Gotham lit up the pitch black sky. It began to rain heavily, making those in the streets run for something to protect them from getting wet. Others paid no mind to the rain, accepting their drenched fate. 
(Y/N) quickly ran into her building with a newspaper above her head. She had grabbed it on her rush back home. The door slammed closed behind her as she made it to the elevator. While going up to her floor, she sighed, knowing she had to wake up early again for her morning shift. The diner being understaffed was not doing well for her physical health. (Y/N) couldn’t help but think about what she would give for a nice, long vacation. She mentally asked herself if she still really needed that crap job. 
Once walking into her one bedroom apartment, (Y/N) cursed while trying to turn the lights on. “Really? The lights are out?” she whispered and groaned while placing her wet umbrella to the side. 
She kicked her heels off while walking into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, she bent down to see what she had for dinner tonight, using her flashlight to help see in the dark. (Y/N) grabbed some food she brought from the restaurant the night before. 
While turning around, something quickly, but ever so silently, dashed away from her flashlight. (Y/N) jumped, the food landing safely on the kitchen island. She pointed the light towards the direction the thing jumped to, but nothing appeared. 
(Y/N) swallowed and closed the fridge door. For a moment, she figured she was just seeing things. Placing the food down, she opened a drawer and reached for a fork. 
(Y/N) snatched a knife out and spun around, throwing it across from her. It stabbed the wooden wall…right next to a tall man with a red helmet.
“Damn, you still got good aim,” he told her with hands raised up in surrender. 
“You…” (Y/N) took a step back, recognizing him from the newspaper she used for the rain. “You’re that guy everyone’s been talking about.”
“Really?” He tilted his head to the side. “And I’m still just a new guy in town.” 
Her brows knitted together with confusion. “What do you want? If you’re looking for that guy who pushed his wife off the balcony, he moved out a few weeks ago. This is my place now.” 
“Oh, no, babe.” He sat on her couch and patted it. His legs spread out like he was comfortable. “Hm, nice and homey… Anyway, I’m here for you.”
(Y/N) blinked. “I don’t even know you.” 
“Oh, but you do.” He motioned his head with a nod over to the couch across from him. “Sit, please.”
The way he sat, the way he talked, it somehow…didn’t bother her, but she was too stubborn to not let him know that. Why was he acting like he lived with her, too? She kept her eyes on him, studying him as she slowly walked over and sat down. 
“Okay, explain. What do you want with me?” (Y/N) asked. 
“...” He placed his hands behind his head. “When you were a teen you trained with the Batman, huh?”
“How the fuck do you know that?!” She stood up with fear in her eyes, not even because of the strange man in her apartment, but because of all the memories of Bruce telling little ol’ (Y/N) to always keep her identity a secret. 
Oh, Bruce is going to be so mad at me…
The man nodded. “You trained with him and…one night you never went back. Why is that?”
“I’m not telling you anything, you–”
“(Y/N), please…” he said sincerely. 
The man grabbed onto his helmet. (Y/N) stood frozen as he started taking it off. Soft black hair poked out first and the front was white as he lowered the helmet to reveal… 
Tears took over (Y/N) eyes. Her legs gave out and Jason quickly caught her as she started falling down. 
“J-Jason…” she whimpered, voice cracking as she slowly reached for his face with a shaking hand. “You’re…”
“Alive, yes,” he whispered, smiling warmly as he cupped her cheeks. “Alive.” 
(Y/N) threw her arms around him, hugging him so so tight as her chest went on overdrive with euphoria. “You’re back! You’re alive!” she sobbed. 
Jason hugged her back in his strong arms, nuzzling her neck. “Why did you stop working with Bruce, (Y/N)?” he asked again. 
“Because I couldn’t– I didn’t want–” She sucked in a breath. “I didn’t see a point when I lost you that night! How are– Oh, Jason!” 
Jason let her cry in his arms for as long as she needed. He took in her scent, the same one he’s been missing for so long. He noticed his body now practically swallowed her in his hold. 
After a few minutes, (Y/N) pulled back and studied him yet again, looking at how he changed, his form, his hair, his lips and his eyes. She caressed his cheek. “You look so…different,” she whispered. 
His lips picked up into a cute smile, the one she fell in love with all those years ago. “I’ll explain everything, you should get comfortable first… Also, sorry for the lights, I wanted to surprise you.” 
She whacked his arm playfully and giggled. “You idiot, I almost…” She couldn’t finish her sentence about her knife, remembering what the Joker did…
Jason noticed. “I know, babe,” he said softly. “Shower, put some pajamas on, and I’ll get the lights on again.” 
(Y/N) bit her lip and gave him a quick peck before she ran to her room, excitement in her steps. (Y/N) felt like speed as she showered. She put on some pajama shorts and a nice oversized top before she stepped back out to join Jason in the living room. The lights were now on. 
He had placed his helmet and weapons on her coffee table. He ran his fingers through his white and black hair as (Y/N) sat next to him. 
“Where do I even begin?” he sighed. 
(Y/N) held his hand. “I think… I think that night, if you don’t mind, of course.” 
He nodded and started his story from the night the Joker took him as his victim. He told her about the lazarus pit and his plans for coming back. He also spoke about his plans for Bruce. 
“Are you…alright with me fighting that asshole?” Jason asked. 
(Y/N) bit her lip. “I– I don’t know, this is a lot to take in, Jay.” 
“Right.” He nodded. “I understand, I don’t blame you.”
She stroked his hand and gave it a kiss. “...Bruce took us in when we needed someone the most and I’m always grateful for that but…”
Jason tilted his head, more serious now. “But what?”
(Y/N) looked into his blue eyes again. She saw the ghost of his past still lingering in them, still taking over with pain. 
“I don’t want you two to fight, Jason… But I know this is something that needs to be settled between the two of you,” she replied with a sigh. 
“Yeah… Thank you, I had a feeling you’d say that.” 
“Just promise me you won’t get hurt in the process, too?” (Y/N) gave him a hopeful, worried look. 
Jason stared at her back for a moment in silence. He leaned in slowly and gave her a long, deep kiss. (Y/N) felt her cheeks warm up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head to the side as their tongues mingled together. 
He pulled one of her legs over his lap. (Y/N) moaned with a deep want and she ground against him. All the passion from previous years, the longing, the yearning, the desperate need for each other's touch grew with a fiery flame that couldn’t be put out. 
Jason stood up with (Y/N) in his arms, carrying her into her bedroom. She gasped with pleasure as he kissed her neck. “Please, I–”
“I know,” he whispered, laying her down in her bed. “I need you, too, I’ve needed you for so long.” 
He undid his belt with one hand and slid it off. Jason removed her clothes and took off his shirt, noticing her bite her bottom lip. “Have you ever…seen anyone after me?”
“No, never,” she replied softly, shaking her head. She caressed his sculpted arms and chest, feeling the scars. Some were deeper than others.
A surge of relief and pride filled his body. Jason leaned down and licked her nipples, enjoying the music of her mewls. He slid a rough hand between her legs, rubbing her clit between two fingers. (Y/N) immediately grew wet from his electrifying touch. It sent her body craving for more. 
“It’s been so long,” he whispered, kissing her lips and down her body. He kissed her breasts and tummy before reaching just above her needy clit. Jason breathed in before stroking her hips, licking her center with his eyes on her. 
“J-Jason!” (Y/N) gasped with delight. “Please, faster?”
“You sure?” He kissed her inner thighs. 
She nodded quickly. “Fuck me, Jason.” She stroked his strong jaw. 
A sexy aura filled his eyes. He sucked on her clit hard first, making her create an arch with her back. Jason’s moans vibrated her bud. 
“Fuck!” (Y/N) cried. “Jason, yes!” 
He shook his head, sucking her clit deeply. He checked how wet she was and once he knew she was ready, he sat up and released his thick, long member. Jason pushed her legs up as he slowly slid in. He moaned sexily once he was in completely. 
“Fuck, so wet,” he groaned. 
“Babe, please,” (Y/N) whimpered. 
Jason began to thrust, holding her legs up and apart. He started slow until (Y/N) begged for him to roughen his pace. 
A surge of pleasure ran through his body. A deep grunt escaped his chest. Her bed began to shake with his movements, making the floors creak and the back of the bed frame hit the wall. 
(Y/N) squealed as she tightened around him. She squirted, making Jason's abs glisten.
She held onto his arms for deer life. “I’m gonna–!” 
Jason leaned down, slamming into her with all his speed and strength. He kissed her deeply with tongue again. They both moaned in the kiss, both releasing as their orgasms took control. Their pleasure mixed together in blissful love. 
Jason slowly came to a stop. He rolled their bodies to the side, wrapping one of her legs around his hips. He kissed (Y/N) some more, covering her cheeks and neck. 
(Y/N) moaned softly. “I really needed that. I really needed you.” 
He gave her another happy kiss. “Same here.” 
She nuzzled his chest, happiness filling her heart with comfort. Her best friend, her love, the man she shared most of her life with was finally, finally back.
Jason massaged her thighs. “...You still up for more?” he asked with a sexy smirk. 
(Y/N) looked up at him. “Oh?” She gave him the same mischievous smile. “Can you keep up?”
"Me keep up?" He grinned with excitement, gripping her ass after giving it a spank. "You’re gonna be up all night, baby.” 
(Y/N) giggled as he rolled back on top of her for more bedroom fun. She completely forgot about her morning shift. Well, that finally gave (Y/N) her answer, she didn’t really need that job anyway. 
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muffinpink02 · 2 months
Bronze Is Better Then Gold
part 2 here
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Summary - Ona has transferred to a new police force, she meets her partner, Lucy Bronze. The girls hit it off right away, flirting at every chance they can get. But will Lucy’s past get in the way?
This is an AU story, but its got most of the girls from the lionesses featuring. People seem to like it so thought you guys might too.
Warnings - some suggestive scenes (lets keep it 18 and above) lots of angst, gun violence, smut to come in last chapter (chapter 4)
Ona shivered from the crisp cold morning air. It had just hit the start of October and the signs of autumn were already showing. Even after nearly five years of living in the UK the Spaniard still hadn’t got used to the cold English weather.
She drank the last sip of her coffee, taking in the grey building in front of her. Her new place of work.
She watched as a couple of uniformed police officers walked into the building, talking amongst themselves. She took in a deep breath, trying her best to shake off the first day nerves.
It was her first day at the new firm. She had been personally scouted from the Chief Constable to have a chat. When asked if she wanted to transfer it was an easy yes for Ona. The building was closer to home, it was a day shorter in the working week with Mondays off. And the Chief Constable was well known to be excellent at her job. Her team was one of the best in the city of London. She was definitely someone Ona wanted to be working under.
She dashed her empty coffee cup in a nearby bin and made her way to the buildings reception, where she was greeted by a very overly happy receptionist. Not something that she was used to back in her old firm or in London for that matter.
“Hello, how can I help you today?” The blonde smiled brightly up at Ona.
Ona cleared her throat. “Good morning, I’m Ona Battle, it’s my first day today, I was told to go to reception.”
“Ohh lovely! Welcome! I have all the bits you’ll need.”
Ona smiled at the bubbly blonde. She glanced at her name tag, Esme Morgan.
The blonde grabbed a folder that had lots of paper work inside, she handed it over to Ona.
“Right here’s all the bits you’ll need from me, I’ll take you over to Sarina, the ‘important’ part of the building. I’m Esme by the way. Follow me.”
The blonde was taller than Ona expected her to be, but that wasn’t hard in Ona’s experience, most people in the room were always taller than the Spaniard, unless they were under the age of ten.
“You’ve met Sarina right?” The blonde smiled.
Esme reminded Ona of an excited puppy in the nicest possible way, the girl was full of beans.
“Ahh yes, on video call. She’s really nice.”
“Oh yeah she is, she’s like a mum away from your own mum. Well that’s how I see her.”
Ona smiled, she liked this girl, she wasn’t like your usual Brit, she was genuinely cheery. Not fake cheery, but someone who actually seemed happy.
They walked down a long green corridor, Ona looked over at the pictures on the wall of police officers from across the years, even going back as far as the 18th century.
“We’ve heard such good things about you. I know Sarinas really happy that you joined us.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard good things about this branch. I could never have said no.”
Esme smiled, she had a happy bounce to her as she walked, her cheerful character was almost infectious.
“Ahh that’s great. I hope you like it here, we’ve got a lovely bunch on the team. Do you know who your partner is?”
“Ahh that’s good to hear. Erm I’m going to be working with Gold.”
“Gold? Who’s Gold? I didn’t know we had a gold.” Esme’s face scrunched in confusion.
Ona rattled her brain for the right translation, she was sure it was gold, or was it?
“Oh do you mean Bronze?”
Ona laughed, just slightly embarrassed of her mix up.
“Ahh yes, sorry I haven’t got my elements down.”
Esme smiled widely, Ona couldn’t help but smile back.
“Oh yeah, neither have I, don’t worry about it.” She laughed to herself, turning a corner with Ona following.
“Yeah Bronze is a lovely girl. She’s such a hard worker, one of the hardest workers on the team actually. You’re lucky to have her as your partner.”
Ona smiled, she already liked the sound of her new partner, but she had to try and forget ‘Gold’ and remember Bronze.
But little did Ona know that wouldn’t be hard.
They stopped outside a room with a plaque ingrained with ‘S Weigman’ on the door. Esme knocked a cheery tune.
In a heartbeat she heard a women’s voice coming from inside.
“Come in Esme.”
Esme opened the door motioning for Ona to enter.
“Right, here we are, this is where I leave you. Sarina will take it from here. Good luck today and if you need anything you know where to find me.”
“Thank you Esme, it was lovely to meet you.”
Esme nodded, a happy smile still sitting on her face.
“Oh by the way, Claudia called, she’s had to cancel the 10 o’clock meeting.”
Sarina nodded, smiling fondly at the blonde, it was as if she was looking at a young child.
“Thank you Esme, and thank you for bringing Ona.”
The bubbly blonde nodded and bounced off, waving at everyone she passed in the corridor. Ona couldn’t help but smile again at the brightness that Esme left on her mood.
“Ona! Please come in. It’s so good to finally meet you in person, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ve joined us. Come take a seat. Do you want a tea or coffee, a cold drink?”
Ona took a seat in front of Sarinas desk.
“Oh no, I’m okay, I just had a coffee. Thank you.”
Sarina nodded, smiling at the young girl in front of her.
“Okay, well firstly welcome. I know I’ve said it already but I’m so excited to have you on the team. Emma told me how much of a hard worker you are, you’ve accomplished so much at such a young age. It’s incredible. Emma did not let you go easy! But I’m glad you were happy to move to us.”
Ona smiled at her feet, feeling slightly shy at the compliments.
“Ahh thank you. It’s just part of the role, I really enjoy my job. And yes the move felt right, I had been there since I moved to London, so it was nice for a change. I’ve also heard a lot about you and your team. You’re well known how efficient your squad run.”
Sarina smiled and nodded, taking in the girl in front of her.
“So where are you from? That’s not a British accent I can hear.”
Ona laughed. “I’m from Spain, Catalonia. I’ve been in the UK nearly five years.”
“I see, so why police here and not Spain? What made you move here?”
Ona played with her fingers. “I was in the police force back in Spain, I joined when I was 18 but I wanted a change. I love my city but things didn’t work out how I wanted. I’ve always loved the UK and the people. There’s something special about it.”
Sarina nodded again, smiling warmly at the younger girl.
“I can understand, I’m originally from the Netherlands. I came here to study and never left. I then found my now husband and have lived here ever since.”
Ona nodded, smiling at the women. “The UK spoke to both of us.”
Sarina hummed in agreement. “It did indeed. Do you ever go back home much?”
Ona played with her fingers again, feeling a little uncomfortable. She kept her eyes casted down.
“Erm, not really. I went back once but that’s all.”
Sarina noticed the change in the younger women. She didn’t want to push so she changed the subject.
“Well, these next couple of days I just want you to get to know the team and the building and how we work here. I don’t want to throw you right in the deep end, even though I know you can handle it. I like my staff to feel comfortable first. Bronze and the team will be going on a raid next week. You’ll be joining them.”
Ona nodded. “Okay, that sounds good. I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting stuck in.” She smiled at the older women.
“And I want you to know I am always here if you need to talk about anything, from work, to general life. We have our therapist on site that we ask you to at least see once every two weeks but you can go as much as you want.
Ona now understood what Esme meant about Sarina being a mother figure, she could sense a genuine care from the older women but also a firmness to her.
The Spaniard nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”
“Great, I’ll take you on a tour of the building and you can meet the team and meet your partner.”
Sarina showed Ona around the building, stopping off at certain floors that Ona would need in the future.
They then walked into the main office, where it looked like most of the staff worked. Ona suddenly felt a little nervous, she was fine with meeting new people, she was a social butterfly really, but it was always daunting meeting your new work colleagues.
“Nobbs, Stokes, come and meet Ona Battle, it’s her first day and I want you to make sure she settles in.”
Two short women smiled brightly at Ona, both walking towards her.
“Hello, I’m Jordan or Nobbs. It’s nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out to shake Ona’s.
“Hello Jordan, lovely to meet you.”
“I’m Demi or Stokes. Really happy to have you on the team.” The slightly taller woman also holding her hand out for Ona.
Ona smiled, shaking Demis hand.
“Hello Demi. Also lovely to meet you.”
“You’ll be working a lot with DC Nobbs and DC Stokes. They’re some of the best Detective Constables I’ve ever worked with.”
Serina patted Demi on the back. Looking at the girls like a proud mum.
“Yeah, yeah. You say that about everyone.” Demi rolled her eyes, joking with her superior.
“No? Do I? Oh just the good ones then.” Sarina winked at the Spaniard. Causing the group to laugh.
Ona once again could see the pride this woman had for her team, it was refreshing to see. It definitely wasn’t something she was used to in her old firm.
Demi then spoke. “We’ve heard only good things about you Ona.”
A slight tint of pink rushed to Ona’s cheeks.
“I’m scared I’ve got to live up to this reputation now.”
All four of the women laughed.
“Don’t worry. You have Bronze as a partner, she’ll make sure you live up to it.” A new voice entered the chat.
Ona turned around to face a women even taller then Esme. A cup of coffee in hand.
“Don’t try and scare her Scott.” Jordan scolded the older women.
The taller women laughed at her own joke. She stuck her hand out for Ona to take.
“I’m only joking. I’m Scott, it’s good to have you on the team.”
Ona noticed her thick Northern accent, she knew she’d have to listen extra hard when speaking with the tall woman.
“Thank you, it’s great to meet you.” Ona smiled.
“Ona, this is our SFC Jill Scott, one of the best I’ve ever worked with.”
“That’s true.” Jill took a sip of her coffee looking pleased with herself, while the other two girls rolled their eyes at the banter.
“Where is Bronze?” Sarina looked around the room.
“Gym.” In unison all three of the girls replied.
Ona quirked an eye brow at the response
“That girl! I told her to be here to meet Ona.”
“She probably wanted her muscles to look extra big to show off.” Jordan laughed.
“Yeah, like she needs them any bigger.” Jill took another sip of her coffee.
“Jealousy is a shit trait to have Scott.”
Another voice entered the conversation.
“Ahh Luce, you know I’m only joking. I am indeed just jealous.” Jill laughed.
Ona turned around wanting to give the new voice a face.
Ona nearly forgot how to breathe, the woman standing in front of her was stunning. She took in the girl in front of her, she had almond shaped eyes, filled with a beautiful intense shade of green. Like Ona she had a face covered in freckles but a lot less dark and less condensed.
Her face was strong and soft at the same time, her jawline was perfectly defined, yet her other features were soft and feminine, she was gorgeous.
Her face was flushed, a thin layer of sweat glistening over her muscular arms and neck. Her dark hair was wet and scraped back, small curls escaping the messy bun, clearly wet from the gym that the girls had mentioned.
Ona was lost for words, the girl was beautiful.
“Ona this is CI Bronze, she’s going to be there for whatever you need, all of the girls will be, but Bronze is your go to girl.”
Lucy couldn’t hold back the smile that appeared on her face, Ona was breathtaking. It was her eyes that Lucy noticed first, she had wide, soft doe eyes, innocent looking eyes. A beautiful chocolate brown surrounded her iris, making her face warm and inviting.
Dark freckles covered her face, another feature Lucy couldn’t help but admire. Her skin was slightly tanned but not bronze, more of a milk colour. Lucy imagined that was because of the English weather.
It was when Ona smiled that Lucy felt her stomach flutter. She thought her face was beautiful and soft before, but her smile made her perfect. She noticed how chiseled her jawline was when she smiled, how perfectly it fit with her features. The girl was utterly beautiful.
Lucy held out her hand for Ona’s to shake.
Ona had to kick her brain into gear to move, she took Lucy’s hand, instantly loving how soft her skin was against hers.
“It’s great to have you on the team Ona, and like Sarina said, I’m here for whatever you need.”
“Thank you, I can’t wait to work with you.”
They held hands for a second longer than the usual handshake would normally last.
The interaction wasn’t missed by the other women, Jordan and Demi eyed up the the older brunette, smiling between each other as Lucy and Ona kept eye contact for a second too long.
“Okay, well. I’ll let Lucy take care of you from here, if you need anything let the girls know, or if you need anything from me you know where I am.”
The older lady smiled warmly at Ona, leaving her with her new co-workers.
“Let me show you your desk, it’s next to mine.”
“Great.” Ona followed.
Lucy walked towards a row of desks with computers and files of paper work neatly piled on each space. But there was one desk with only a computer that Ona assumed was hers.
“This is you. I apologise in advance my desk can get a little messy now and again.”
“Ahh that doesn’t bother me.” Ona couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
“I’ll try keep and keep it tidy though.”
“She won’t Ona, she’s lying.” Jordan poked her head over Lucy’s computer. Hers and Demis desk both opposite their own.
“Shut it Nobbs,”
Jordan smiled cheekily at the older brunette.
“Trust me Ona, give it a week.” Jordan smiled.
Ona laughed at the banter between the girls, she wondered if her and Lucy would ever get as close.
“Ignore her. I’m going to quickly head for the showers. I know you’ve got all that paper work to go through, so you can just chill here. Kitchen is just over there, help yourself to a drink. Once I’m back I’ll go through some bits with you.” Lucy smiled at the younger girl.
“Sure, sounds good. Enjoy your shower.” Ona had to stop herself from thinking too hard about Lucy in the shower. She looked around the room, noticing other people at their desks working, she was going to have to try and remember a lot of names today.
She started to read through her paper work, it was mostly rules and work conducts she had to read and agree to.
Eight pages in to her paper work she felt Lucy hover over her.
“God I hate all of this, it’s so boring, but I get it, it has to be done.” Lucy rolled her eyes.
Ona smiled, she agreed but she wasn’t going to make it obvious. “Ahh yeah, I know. Nearly done though.”
Lucy nodded. “Do you fancy a tea or coffee? I’m going to make one.”
“Coffee please.” - “Tea for me.” Jordan and Demi loudly put their order in.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t asking you!”
“Don’t be like that, you’re going anyways.” Demi shouted back.
“Fine. Ona?” Lucy started to get up.
“Erm, tea please? With two sugars please.” Ona smiled.
Lucy had to hold herself back from saying the ‘you’re sweet enough’ line.
“No problem.” Lucy made her way to the kitchen.
Ona smiled as she read on with her paper work.
Ona drank her tea that Lucy made, listening to the brunette talk about what investigations the team was working on.
“But don’t stress too much, I’ll have you sitting in the catch up on Friday, so you can get an idea. I’ll send over some bits so you can read them in your own time. I know the first day can be a lot.”
If Ona was honest she was more than grateful for the slow introduction to the work. She was finding it hard to concentrate with Lucy. She’d never been one for distractions with work, but she was having to listen extra carefully to Lucy, instead of watching her lips, wondering what they would feel like against her own.
Ona nodded. “Yeah that’s great. I’ll go over that tonight, thank you Lucy.”
“Great. It’s nearly lunch, Sarina has insisted we go for lunch together to get to know each other. Partners and all that. But don’t feel like you hav-.”
“Yes!” Ona internally winced at her own eagerness
Lucy chuckled.
“I mean yeah, that’s sounds great. It’s a good idea.”
“Cool, do you like pizza?”
“I love pizza.”
“Oi, don’t try and par us off, we was CC’d on that email too.” Jordan’s head pocked over the computer.
Lucy rolled her eyes once again at her friend.
The conversation between the girls came naturally, they spoke about why they got into the police force, and some of their hardest cases.
Ona explained that she fell in love with London, and how she always wanted to be a police officer when she was young. She kept some bits brief, not wanting to get into certain bits of her life.
She noticed those greens eyes watching her throughout the meal, every time she caught her, the older brunette would dart her eyes to something or someone else, but she was caught every time.
By the end of the day Ona was tired, she’d already not slept great the night before down to nerves. She had met everyone else in the office after lunch, so by five she was yawning.
Lucy was on her computer sending Ona some notes to read.
“Right, don’t stress about reading this tonight. It’s been a long day.”
“But don’t be tired on Friday, we’re going to The Rose and Crown. And it’s the rules, you have to come.” Jill had come up behind Ona.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I have a choice, you can buy my first drink.” Ona smiled, getting used to the girls banter.
All the girls laughed, Jill put her hand on Ona shoulder giving her a squeeze.
“I like this one.”
Lucy was watching Ona, a bright smile on her face, Ona felt her heart beat just a little faster.
By day two Ona was obsessed with Lucy’s laugh, the girl had a serious nature to her, but once Ona made her laugh she couldn’t stop. She wanted to hear that beautiful sound whenever she could. It was a good thing Lucy actually seemed to find her funny. Ona felt a rush of excitement go through her, even at a glimpse of Lucy’s beautiful smile, the girl did have a beautiful smile.
By day three Lucy had to physically stop herself from staring at Ona. The younger girl would be doing the simplest of tasks and Lucy seemed to find it fascinating. She watched the Spaniard making them tea in the kitchen, talking and laughing with others in the office. Lucy maybe even getting a little jealous when someone made the shorter girl laugh hard.
Ona may have noticed the eyes on her and was loving every second of it. Making sure to laugh a little harder at something someone would say.
By day end of day there neither girl could keep the other out of their head. Lucy thought about Ona as she made dinner at home, wondering if Ona would like her cooking. Meanwhile Ona got comfy on her sofa to watch a film, wondering what it would be like to have Lucy cozied up next to her.
By Friday morning, Ona thought about Lucy as she ate her porridge, wondering what her morning routine looked like. As Lucy finished her workout in the gym she wondered if Ona was a morning person. She wondered what it would be like to wake up next to a groggy Ona. The thought made her body heat up.
“We have eyes on Harvey Smith aka ‘Bugz’ and Frank Smith aka ‘Slims’. We know the brothers are highly dangerous to the public. We believe Slims is the brains behind most of the drug operations and Bugz is mostly muscles for Slims. On Wednesday at seven hundred hours, our teams will raid the location that we suspect they will be. We’ll have Scott and her team ready with arms. Carter will have the K9s unit, Bright and Greenwood will have their teams ready on site.”
Lucy looked over at her team.
“Any questions?”
Everyone shook their heads, and Ona wasn’t surprised. Lucy was clear with her instructions, she’d gone through many different stages of the plan. Ona understood why she was in this role.
“If you have any please come to me.”
Lucy looked her watch. “It’s 4.45 and Friday let’s call it a day.”
The room hummed in agreement, light chatter broke out as people started to leave the room.
Ona went to her desk to grab her bag and jacket, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders.
“Ready for the pub?”
Lucy’s voice filtered into her ears, Ona nearly shivered at how close the brunette was.
“Sii. I’m ready.”
“Great. Nobbs, Stokes, Scott, let’s go.”
Most of the staff from the office were at the pub, clearly a favourite of theirs. They made their way upstairs to a booth next to a fire place, Ona instantly felt the warmth from the fire kissing her cheeks.
“Right, I’ll get first round who wants what?” Lucy stayed standing.
The girls gave in their orders. Before Ona could offer to help with the drinks and also just have an excuse to be with Lucy, Jill got in there first.
“Right come on then, I’ll help ya.”
At the bar Lucy gave in the orders. She knew Jill wanted to say something as the Geordie had never offered to help anyone with the drinks since working with her.
“Go on then, what do you have to say?” Lucy looked hard at the taller women.
Jill smiled smugly. “Nothing gets past you.”
Lucy hummed.
“Just noticed you’ve been a lot more chirpier around the office. A lot more happy. Started since our new Detective Inspector started.”
Lucy felt the knot in her stomach, was she that obvious? Did Ona notice? Who else noticed? Either way Lucy wasn’t going to fess up.
“You chat shit Scott.”
Jill laughed loudly.
“You know I don’t. Come on it’s okay, no harm in it. Just happy to see you happy to be honest. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that smile on your face.”
Lucy knew what Jill really meant when she said that. She could tell the older women said it with her own hint of sadness to her voice. If she was being honest, it was the first time this year she had felt a little happier. And it was all because of the short Spanish girl sitting upstairs.
“So Ona are you seeing anyone at the moment?” Jordan asked.
“No, I’m not seeing anyone. I’m a single, how do you say? Dingle?”
The girls laughed. “Pringle, a single Pringle.” Demi corrected.
Ona laughed. “Ahh that’s it. Single Pringle. What about you guys?”
“Demi here’s engaged, with a baby.” Jordan smiled.
“Ahh that’s lovely.” Ona smiled.
“And Jordan has a little thing going on with a blonde in the HR team.”
“Oi, shut up.” Jordan looked panicked.
“Oh come on Jordan, everyone knows. You guys really aren’t subtle.” Demi laughed at her friend.
“Who’s not subtle?” Lucy placed the tray full of drinks on the table, sceptically looking at her friends.
“Just Jordan and Leah.”
Lucy let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding.
“Oh yeah, you guys aren’t subtle.”
“You can talk.” Jordan muttered.
Ona didn’t miss the daggers Lucy shot at Jordan.
The evening was full of laughter, Ona couldn’t help but feel a little sense of relief that these were her colleagues. They instantly made her feel like she was part of the team, it felt like she had been there longer than four days, it felt like she’d known these girls in another lifetime.
The pub bell rang.
“Last orders!” A bar girl shouted.
“One more for the road?” Lucy looked around the table.
“Not me, I’m at a coffee tour tomorrow.” Jill sipped on her pint.
“Yeah me too. I’m a plus one for a 2 year olds birthday party tomorrow.” Demi slumped in her seat.
“Yeah I’ve got to head off. I’m meeting a friend tomorrow.” Jordan cleared her throat.
“Yeah ‘friend’.” Demi laughed.
“I’ll stay for another.” Ona looked at Lucy.
Lucy had to hold back the excitement that bubbled up in her chest. Herself and Ona hadn’t really gotten any one on one time since the girl joined the team.
“Finally! Someone who isn’t a lightweight. Same again?” Lucy looked at Ona.
“It’s my turn. I’ll get this.” Ona shot up, going down to the bar before Lucy could argue.
Once the Spaniard was gone all three of the girls looked at Lucy, smirks on their faces.
“What?” Lucy looked at her friends.
“Oh come off it Luce, you like the girl.” Jordan nudged Lucy’s arm.
“What? No I don’t.” The brunette tried to defend herself.
She looked at Jill, hoping for some back up.
“I’m staying out of it. I’ve already said enough.“ She shook her head putting her coat on.
“Come on Bronzey. You can tell just by the way you look at her.” Demi laughed.
The smirk that creeped on her lips gave her feelings away.
“Is it that obvious?”
All three girls smiled happily at the brunette.
“Awww our girls got a crush.” Jordan grabbed the back of Lucy’s neck, making the girl duck her head.
“Get off.” She laughed.
“She’s single.” Demi quirked.
“Yeah but I don’t even know if she’s into girls.”
All three of the girls laughed hard then.
“Come on Luce, I thought you was a detective. The girl looks at you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread. I think this its a mutual feeling.” Jill lightly chuckled.
Lucy scoffed. “I doubt that.”
Before the girls could harass Lucy anymore Ona returned.
“Right I’m off. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first week Ona. The real work starts on Wednesday.” Jill winked.
“Sii, I’m looking forward to it. And thank you girls for making me feel so welcome. I appreciate it.” Ona smiled at the girls.
“It’s been a pleasure Ona.” Jordan smiled.
“Yeah, you fit in so well Ona, so glad we got you on our team.” Demi grabbed Ona’s shoulder.
“Look after her Bronze.” Jill pointed at the older brunette.
“Oh, she will.” Jordan winked at Lucy.
Ona didn’t miss the comment, or the way Lucy’s face went a shade of pink. Before Lucy could think of a come back the girls were gone.
Suddenly the room became quiet and the air between, Lucy and Ona felt thick. It was the first time Lucy had felt nervous, they had never been alone before, with no one sticking their nose into their conversations.
Ona was buzzing, don’t get her wrong, she loved getting to know her other colleges, loved being a part of the team but she had wanted some alone time with Lucy since she met her.
The fire made a loud cracking noise, the pub still had a few people nursing their drinks.
Lucy had forgotten all words, she hadn’t been able to think about nothing else since this girl came into her life only four days ago, and now her mind had gone blank.
After ten seconds of silence that actually felt like hours, finally Lucy’s brain woke up.
“So speaking about first weeks, how has yours been?”
Ona took a sip of her new drink, smiling.
“It’s been amazing. Everyone has been so friendly, so welcoming. It’s been great.”
Lucy nodded, smiling. She was happy to hear Ona was feeling welcome, she understood it was hard to start a new job anywhere.
“You especially have made me feel so welcome, I’m really happy that you’re my partner Lucy.”
Ona’s smile was shy, she looked at Lucy with those big beautiful brown eyes.
Lucy’s face had definitely changed in colour, she couldn’t hold back the dorky smile that plastered her face.
“I’m glad I have.”
Lucy smiled with her brilliant teeth.
“And yeah, you’re not too bad yourself. Definitely need to get you better at making tea, then you’ll be perfect.” She smiled cheekly at Ona.
Ona laughed hard. “Aye it’s not that bad!”
Lucy drank her drink, looking around making a point to not look at Ona.
“You’ll have to teach me.” Ona didn’t mean to sound sexy, but Lucy couldn’t help but think her voice got an octave lower.
Lucy pointed between herself and Ona. “If this is gong to work, then yeah, I’ll teach you.”
“Fine.” Ona smiled.
“No puedo esperar.” (I can’t wait)
Ona definitely lowered her voice that time. Lucy felt the heat rise up in her cheeks. Lucy laughed trying to gain her nerve back. She tried to change the subject before her face went any redder.
“Are you going back to Spain for Christmas?”
Ona’s smile dropped, she hadn’t told anyone the real reason for leaving Spain. It wasn’t because she was ashamed, it was just still a hard thing for her to digest. But if she could tell anyone Lucy would be the best person.
“No, I, ……. my parents don’t talk to me because I am gay.”
Lucy’s own smile dropped. She could see the sadness in Ona’s eyes, it broke her heart.
“Oh, Ona. I’m so sorry. When did they do that?”
“It happened when I was 19. They found out and kicked me out of my home. They blocked me and never spoke to me again. So I moved here. I wanted to move here at some point anyways, but it was sooner than I’d have liked.”
Lucy could feel her own tears well in her eyes.
“Have you spoken to them since?”
Ona looked down at her drink.
“After a year of living here I went back to Spain, to see if they would speak to me. But when I got to my home my mum closed the door on my face. I tried to reach out in many ways but they won’t talk to me.”
Lucy couldn’t believe how anyone could purposefully hurt the girl in front of her, let alone her own parents. It made her angry but Ona didn’t need that kind of response. She reached out her hand, gently grabbing Ona’s.
“I know we haven’t known each other that long but I am here if you ever wanna talk. Or if you ever just want an ear, I’m all yours.”
Ona smiled at Lucy, she heard everything she had said but mostly ‘I’m yours’ stood out most to her. “Thank you Lucy. I appreciate it.”
Lucy squeezed Ona’s hand, not ever wanting to let go, her hand felt so small and delicate in her own.
“Hi guys we’re closing up now.” The girl from behind the bar shouted loudly.
The last thing she wanted to do was leave Ona now. She wanted to do nothing else then scoop the girl up and hug her until she could smile again, even then Lucy wouldn’t want to let go.
“I guess we better leave.” Ona smiled sadly.
“You hungry?”
Ona nodded. “Starving.”
“Do you like chips?”
Ona nodded again, gaining back a smile.
“Right, come on then. I know the best place.”
“Okay don’t tell no one but I prefer curry sauce with my chips, and as a northerner that’s a bit of a crime. The northerners prefer gravy, I like both but the curry sauce just tastes so good.”
“I don’t think I’ve had it with chips before.”
“What? Okay, I’m about to blow your mind Battle.”
Ona laughed hard, she loved this excited version of Lucy, it probably was the fact that they were both tipsy and not in the office but it was nice to see the girl relaxed.
They left the chippy with their precious chips in hand.
“There’s a bench nearby if you want to eat there?”
“Yes, let’s do that. I want to give my full attention to your curry sauce.” Ona giggled.
“Thats what I like to hear. It’s just five minutes from here. It’s worth the walk.”
Ona followed Lucy down the coberrly streets of London. She watched as some business men stumbled into a black cab as they passed a posh looking restaurant.
They came to a busy road, with a few more pubs and bars lining the street. She felt Lucy link her arm into hers as she guided them easily through the crowds. Her heart skipped three beats from the simple gesture, just like it did in the pub when Lucy took her hand.
“Just down here.”
They got to a dark stair case leading down, Ona followed the older women, she would follow her anywhere at this point, no questions asked.
And as they got down the steps she saw why Lucy brought her here.
It was the perfect skylight of London. Ona had lived in London for nearly 5 years. She had seen the skylight in many different ways. Different times of the day, different seasons, different angles but this was the prettiest she’d ever seen it.
“Wow! It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah.” Lucy was looking at Ona. Agreeing with both views.
“I come here sometimes when I need to think. Or just needing some time alone. Come sit.”
They sat on the bench facing the Thames, the lights of London lighting up the sky.
“Right, get your chip and dip.”
Lucy held out the curry sauce.
Ona dipped a thick chip in the sauce, she already liked the smell of it, so she hoped she’d like it. And she did, she loved it.
“Oh wow, that’s so good.” She dipped another chip.
“Yes! I knew you’d like it. Get in.”
Lucy dipped her own chip then, a satisfactory smile on her face.
Ona watched the girl, smiling at her. There was something about Lucy, something that seemed like a comfort that she had known before, a comfort she hadn’t felt in years.
The girls spoke about random things, laughing at the one another as they ate their chips.
Once they had finished their food a comfortable silence settled between them.
Until Ona yawned.
“Yeah, it’s late. Where are you from here? We can maybe share an Uber” Lucy picked up her phone.
“I’m in Battersea.”
Lucy’s eyes brightened. “I’m in Wandsworth. Nearly neighbours.”
Ona loved the thought of them being so close. She couldn’t help but wonder if Lucy would ever meet up with her on a weekend.
Ona gave Lucy her address for the Uber.
“Cool, they’ll be here in two minutes.”
They walked to the pick up destination, both suddenly quiet. It felt like neither girl wanted the night to end.
The Uber picked them up, both girls jumping in the back. It was at least a 20 minute drive to get home, so Ona grabbed the aux cord.
She put on Rosalía - BESO. Lucy turned to her smiling. The older brunette began to sing perfect Spanish like it was nothing. Ona’s mouth fell open in complete surprise.
“What? You can speak Spanish?”
Lucy laughed at the girls shock. “Yeah a little bit.”
She didn’t know why but it turned Ona on to know Lucy could speak Spanish, not just Spanish but Catalonian, it was hot.
The girls sang mostly to Rosalia all the way. Lucy was first the be dropped off. She turned to Ona.
“Night Ona. I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“Lucy wait, I should have your number.”
“Oh yeah, you should. Pass it here.”
Ona handed her phone and Lucy put her number in it, she called her phone to save Ona’s.
“Text me when you’re in please.”
“I will.” Ona smiled at the older women.
Lucy slid out the car and walked towards her home. Ona and the Uber driver watched as she walked into her house.
As soon as Ona got in she texted Lucy to tell her she was home.
Ona - Hola! I’m home. I owe you for the ride x
Lucy replied instantly .
Lucy - don’t worry about it x
Lucy - actually you can pay me back by making better teas 🤔 x
Ona - Fine! I’ll do better! I’ll make your tea better then you do for yourself 💪 x
Lucy laughed to herself.
Lucy - hmmm bit confident, we’ll see x
Ona - got to be confident in yourself 💅🏼 thank you for a good night Lucy, I really enjoyed myself xx
Lucy - you’re right! And you’re welcome, I really enjoyed myself too. And always here if you need a chat xx
Ona - thank you Lucy ❤️ good night xx
Lucy - good night xx
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jamneuromain · 7 months
Wild Child Chapter. 4
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Series Summary:
As the granddaughter of the sole Duke in your country, you know that you were going to marry some douche prince, because it is the only way to solidify the grasp the future king has on the Upper House. On the flight home, you come up with a brilliant plan to defy your upcoming matrimony.
Bringing a random man to your grandfather's place, and say you have a boyfriend already.
"Is there anything else I should know about? Before I meet your family?" Ari cocks his head to the side, watching you adjusting your cerulean Valentino dress when you wave your hand dismissively.
"Just say we're in love and help me get out of marrying this D-bag."
Ari Levinson x You
#i didn't know he is my fiance-douchebag-prince
#when i did, it was too late
A/N: A big smooch to @rogerswifesblog for she has come up with some of the most hilarious conversation XD Please send her some love<333
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You were young, carefree. Came back from school only five minutes ago. Happy, giddy.
You were showing your mother, who took your school bag from your shoulders, a face you make, learnt from your friend in school.
You pulled your lower eyelids, and stuck your tongue out, making your mother laugh at your shenanigans.
“Very funny, sweetie.” Your mother tapped your nose with her finger with a “Boop”, before kissing it gently, “Now go wash your hands, okay? Daddy’s going to be with us for dinner. So be an elegant little lady, and don’t disappoint daddy, okay?”
“Okay!” You dashed to the bathroom with a happy grin, having your mother raise her voice.
“Don’t run in the hallways, sweetie, you might fall!”
Your father barely came to visit you. He would occasionally stop by for an hour or two, leaving you and your mother in this house for months before visiting again. To you, he was a stranger, but your mother’s attitude proves more than that. She would tell you to obey your father and be a good girl, that he is busy and could not afford to visit you often, and that your father loves you.
You saw her taking out the beautiful lilac dress that she had kept in her wardrobe for years, putting on make-up, and finding a pretty white dress for you, which was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Calling the two servants in this house, your mother ordered them to place the best silverware you had at the table, and having the chef cook a five-course meal.
You and your mother always had dinner together, in the small house on the outskirts of Ancetol. She would supervise your homework before dinner, and take your little hand, and walk you to the dining room.
But she forgot about tutoring your homework that day, and you were simply glad that you didn’t have to practice your piano and violin, do your math questions, or recite the poem in French that she taught you the day before.
You watched the few people in this house swoop in and out of rooms in haste, curious as to why the simple presence of your father could make your mother (almost) completely forget about you.
In the end, this was the one problem you could not have figured out, no matter how hard you tried, using the brain of a 7-year-old.
The clattering of plates, furniture, and heels clicking on the floor slowly died down, and you hid in your room, reading the fantasy stories written by some brilliant female writer, whom you hoped to be one day.
One of the servants knocked on your door.
“Miss. Y/L/N, your father asked to see you.”
If there is one thing that you have figured out, it is that making your father happy equals making your mother happy. And you’d want that, making her happy.
So by some sort of twisted logic inside your head, when your father asked you what have you learned in school, you pulled your lower eyelids, and stuck your tongue out, making a face.
You remembered every detail of how your father snapped, slapping you across the face and shouting at your mother, hitting her forehead with an ashtray that cut into her skin, before storming out of your house.
It was a memorable lesson as your mother locked herself in her bedroom and cried, while you sat by the dining table with a swollen cheek, looking at the meal gone cold, flinching at every sound, fearing that he would return.
When one of the servants came and informed you that your mother wouldn’t be joining you for dinner, by the time your stomach cramped in protest, for you were persistent in waiting for your mother to dine with you, you nodded in silence, grabbing the knife and fork, cutting the cold chicken into small pieces.
In the large, dim dining room, with romantic candles lit on either side of the long table, you sat on your chair, eating chicken and wiping your eyes, until your hands were soaked with tears that you could barely grasp the silverware anymore.
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You were pulled out of your thoughts when Guy, Guy Thomas approached you and sat down right across the table. He wore something more casual today, a blue T-shirt and a dark green jacket with a pair of sunglasses.
“Y/N.” His smooth brunette hair tousled as he removed his sunglasses, and a lop-sided grin lingered on his lips, “What a pleasant surprise.”
“Guy.” You rolled your eyes, signalling the waitress to take your order, “I called and asked you to come. There’s nothing surprising here.”
He folded his sunglasses, placing them on the table, right by the menu, “Since I am accompanied by this kingdom's future queen-”
“SHHHH!” You glared and kicked his shin under the table as the waitress clicked her pen and flipped a new page on her pad.
“May I take your order?” The waitress asked in a bored voice, not even bothering to lift her eyelids and look at you.
“Chamomile tea, please, and two croissants.” You handed the menu to the waitress.
“Ice Americano, please. Nothing else.” Ari scanned over the piece of paper briefly, handing it to the waitress as well.
Your focus drifted to the empty sidewalk and a few pedestrians. A young couple, having large mountain bags on their shoulders, taking a selfie with their daughter in a pink lacy dress.
All you remembered were the flashing camera lights at proms. Where you were forced to smile with pearl-white teeth. Or carefully orchestrated family pictures, which took hours to pose and select the best one.
You and Ari both remained silent as your food and drink arrived,
Ari observed you.
You still didn’t look happy.
There was a cute little frown on your face, as you stared outside of the window in this small café.
However, his observation did not last long, for you turned to him and put a smile on your face. The smile had all the elements, the movements of the muscles on your cheek, the corner of your lips, even the little lines at the edge of your eyes.
It looked sincere. Yet a small voice at the bottom of Ari’s heart told him, it was not.
"I've got this all figured out." You chirped up, a total change from your brooding status, pulling out a little notepad and started reading, "We met at a business dinner party in London when we got acquainted because the host accidentally put us next to each other. We had a fun night and talked about literature. I'm thinking French or German but you can decide the details. We exchanged phone numbers and started texting. But we're also new into this relationship so I'm thinking six or seven dates before sex, which of course, happened in my place."
Ari choked on his iced coffee.
“Sex??” He wiped his lips with a napkin, “Hold on. Hold-on.” Ari raised his hand, gesturing you to stop reading from your notebook, “You are making up a background story for this fake relationship?”
“Well yeah,” you shrugged as if you were not the one who just made up a story detailed enough to publish, “they are going to ask these embarrassing questions anyway, and they'd probably separate us to see if our story stays the same."
“My folks. Parents. My dad, especially.” You quickly changed the center of attention, “So … six dates before sex?” You quirked your eyebrows at him.
Ari made a mental note not to drink when you were speaking, “Sure, six.”
“Great!” You traced your finger on the notebook, finding the part where you had just left off, “Oh, right, new to relationship. I shall say three months? So we met in June, one months of texting and flirting and we settled the relationship on August 10th."
“Is it really necessary to have a date?” Ari huffed a laugh in amusement, you were way more fun than he had imagined, “You're making it sound like they will torture us for this information.”
A disapproving look was thrown in his direction. “I know my family. And trust me, talking to them is pure torture.”
Ari put both of his hands up in surrender, "Fine. You were saying?"
It didn’t take you long to find your notes this time. “Oh, the date. Because you are going to prepare a small gift. Small. To celebrate our 100th day together. Without saying, I'll obviously buy the gift and all you have to do is give it to me so that I can act surprised and talk about it in front of my family.”
Seeing Ari having nothing else to add, you continued: “About the time period of our relationship. You only need to remember one month of texting and flirting before we get together, but I'll act like slightly pissed at you in front of my parents. I'll say six weeks or five weeks and four days. Or forty days. Don't react to my answer. I'll probably sway your arm and pout and ask you to agree with me. And it doesn't matter if you do or still say one month; that would be real enough."
Ari nodded, biting the inside of his cheek to stop the laughter from bubbling out. He was now part of your plan, he had to follow it through.
“One month. 100th day, three months. Got it.”
You let out a sigh of relief, seeing there was still about 1/3 to go. “Right, sex. (Ari waited for a moment to swallow the coffee in his mouth) Two months should count for at least a dozen. But the first time should be in my bedroom. My parents are way too traditional to be told otherwise. And you took me to a fancy restaurant before that.”
“Anything else?” After listening to your fake relationship project, there was nothing that could shock him now.
“Anything else you need to know is on that piece of paper.” You snatched a piece of paper from your bag, with a list of likes, dislikes, and some fun facts about you. “Questions?”
Ari was reading through your likes of fantasy novels and dislikes of realism movies, “Only one.”
Not that there was only one question, but the only important one, that he wanted to ask, ever since he met you.
“Is your family always like this?”
His misty blue eyes focused on you. Yet the pitying and the condescending sympathy were too much for you to take in.
The need to share and the bottled wrath crashed into one another, prickling your eyes with tears. It had been so long since anyone comforted you – someone who wasn’t connected to you by blood. This was much less a comfort, and more of a confirmation that normal families, with emphasis on “normal”, should not need their daughter to join hands with a total stranger and lie to them to get out of a marriage proposal.
You shrug, pretending that it didn’t bother you, “You know, family expectations. And then the family I'm supposed to marry has another ton of expectations. And expectations crush you into something you're not. Showing them one side and trying to hide away another. But anyway, I bet the guy I'm going to marry is a lot worse. Machoman shit or stuff like that.”
Seeing him frown, you added, “Not you, Guy. The guy I was supposed to marry. The other guy. His name is not ‘Guy’, of course. But that guy…” Feeling like you had made the conversation a lot weirder, you gave up explaining, frustration taking over your tone, “… you know what I mean.”
Ari found that he was more prone to silence these days. True love was a vague concept for him ever since he knew that he would marry you one day. He thought about how you look like, how you speak or act in front of him. But it never occurred to him that the rules from both families are crushing you, molding you into a lifeless doll rather than a living human being. The twisted family you had, imprisoning you in your house, stripping you of connections to the outside world, and forcing you to marry someone that you did not even know about.
Was it the right choice to marry you? After seeing first-hand what the title and the royal burden meant to you?
Ari was sure before. Now? He was not so certain about it.
Changing the topic of your conversation almost jokingly, he swept away the heavy tension hovering above you: “You sure I’m the right guy-” Remembering your frustration on the “Guy” subject, he decided to ditch the word for the time being, “person to be your boyfriend?”
You dismissed his doubts with a simple reply, “Yeah yeah yeah, you have good genes. They’d love to see our kids.”
Ari was drinking the last few drops of coffee before choking on it again.
He would never drink anything while you were talking.
“That’s-” He coughed into his napkin, “That’s not what I meant.”
“Joking!” You pushed the napkin box in front of him, the smile on your face bright enough to dazzle the sun, “I’m joking. Seriously though, you don't need anything else. I think they'd be more welcome to someone twice my age…”
Twice your age?
Despite the fake documents and birth certificates that the royal secret services forged, the age put on the fake documents were similar to his own, for example, different birthday but the same year. On paper, Guy Thomas was the same age as Ari Levinson, both had turned 32 earlier this year.
He was six years older than you, not old enough to be your father!
The veins on his temple jumped with the beat of his heart.
He did not even look that old! Twice your age is what? 52 years old?
“…they are going to like you. One more thing, I need to know if you have any likes? Dislikes? Allergies?” You were so excited about your plan that you did not notice the muscles twitching down his neck.
“No allergies. Not that I know of.” Ari clenched his teeth. The rules bound to him ever since he was a child, telling him to be polite, were the only thing that prevented him from snarling after getting his ego (and his age) jabbed at.
You clapped your palms together, barely containing the giddiness from the bottom of your heart, somehow completely oblivious to Ari’s fuming, “Splendid! My parents think allergies are for the weak. They are going to love you.”
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Later that night, Ari went drinking with an old friend of his, Sammy Navon.
Sammy recently returned from a trip with Doctors Without Borders, before that, he had served two years along with Ari in the Ballenian Royal Navy.
While Ari continued serving for two years each in the Air Force and the Army, Sammy did two more in the Navy before deciding that he preferred saving lives in countries struggling in poverty rather than on the battlefield, and spending last year in South Sudan.
Both Doctors Without Borders and the Ballenian Army did not leave much space for press, let alone personal communication, hence they had only been reunited for a few months.
The tall, lean man slumped on the chair, pouring himself a healthy dose of scotch.
“To what do I own the pleasure of the future king raiding my private collection?” Sammy drummed his long fingers on the bar counter, glancing over the empty tavern that the royal bodyguards had ordered to clear out.
“Can’t it be a men’s night out for old time's sake?” Ari half-complained and dumped two ice cubes in both of their glasses, “How’s South Sudan?”
“Diseases. Famine. Warlords. The likes.” Sammy grunted a “thank-you” for the ice, before asking back, “How’s the royal family? Did the plan work? To check out the girl you were going to marry?”
“Sort of.” Ari hissed due to the spiciness of the scotch, “Gah- This is some pretty strong stuff.”
Sammy smiled ever-so-faintly, “Sort of?” He mocked his friend’s voice, “What – she found out about it?”
“No. Not yet.” Ari chewed on some salty peanuts, “One thing though.” He cleared his throat, swallowing with another gulp of scotch, and asked, “Do I look 40?”
Sammy opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, which made Ari more miserable.
So he did look that old.
Sammy finished the liquor in his glass, and replied, grinning, “You mean with or without that bush on your face?”
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Taglist (also tagging those who might be interested: @irishhappiness @patzammit @identity2212 @lokislady82 @petalj @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @magnificentsaladllama @xx-rennyxx @cringeycookies @autumnrose40 @hawkeyes-queen @vonalyn @theliheat @boo8008 @mrsevans90 @bradfordmyworld @delldenaro
Find the Wild Child Masterlist here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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rebouks · 6 months
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I'm using simblr gratitude day as an excuse to take a leaf outta @akitasimblr's book n' do a sunday faves/crushes style post to appreciate some of my fave blogs i scour for updates on the reg 👀 believe me, the list is 100x longer than this but it's 23:40 the night before cos i ran outta time and y'girl is tired AND stuck in the office tomorrow sdkjskdj...
@simlit - for the one of the most unique takes on a "bc" i've come across, with interactive polls and all! great character building too.. and impeccable screenies/worldbuilding 🤤
@lynzishell - for the cutest, realest characters i feel like i could be neighbours with, i bet i could barge in and join em for dinner and they prolly wouldn't mind 🤭 but also 'cause ur so sweet and supportive and ily <3
@citylighten - for a grittier story with complex characters, amazing shots and a dash of crime-.. oh and lots of hot, hairy men (not u, Ben) and strong women that tickle my pickle.. i need to see more Pietro soon or i may cease to exist skdsk
@rainymoodlet - for the hottest man tiddies on simblr and the most ridiculously ambitious bachelor challenge EVER, idk how ur keeping it together Shan but we love u for it and i can't wait to see who wins Dan's heart and the journey's all the lil pixels you've adopted have along the way ;-;
@akitasimblr - not only for the wealth of positivity you bring to simblr in general but your various gameplay/challenges that regularly liven my dash, and your unbridled love for my pixels too.. it's very special to me and so are you! 🤧
@zosa95 - for the queen of the cookies!! 🍪 and also because you created Edith, the legend.. and because Gemma & Markus are back and i love them as much as i love youuu.. your insightful comments (among some others in this list that may or may not result in a slightly chaotic comments section more often than not 👀) give me so much joy and so many of you make my day with ur support :')
@natolesims - i love ur approach to storytelling via the nsb challenge and the way you combine the silliness of the sims with the real emotions of the characters u create with it.. i always find myself checking in on Grey to see what he's been up to 🤭
@treason-and-plot - one of my faaave ts3 blogs, i'm obsessed with your characters and your writing! i'm forever on my toes waiting to see what happens next 👀 and the fact that u and those that follow/read along still have so much fun with ur story gives me so much hope that i'll still be here long after.. whatever the hell comes after ts4 😌
like i said.. there are so many of u i could list here so pls just know that ily all and could find a million and one amazing things to say abt you all if i only had the time! <33333
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
Gala of the Gods (Part 3)
Alright, Part 3 is here!
You get art this time around as well, as I couldn't resist drawing their fancy outfits! Hmm, nothing like attempting to draw these characters for the first time in fancy clothing with patterns and shit, I'm a smart one.
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Hope y'all enjoyed this little 3-parter. If anyone have more ideas, I'd love to hear it, because I like writing these two.
Also, before you read, just as a heads up, it gets a little suggestive at the very end. It's a firm fade to black, but it is a thing that exists. Look for a line of dashes if you'd rather not read it.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 -You Are Here-
Word Count: 2,300
The Organizer was not a god of... standard form. She wasn't a god of standard anything, to be fair. Scarab couldn't recall many run-ins with her, as their work very rarely overlapped, but that did not make sitting in her office with her staring down at him any more comforting or less nerve racking.
There was a constant noise, as her many, many arms carried on with her daily tasks. Some were writing, others were stamping, some were shredding, it was all happening at once. Her many eyes free roamed around the office as she worked, but she had decided to keep maybe half a dozen glued to the two gods sitting across from her desk.
Lucky them.
No one spoke for a long time. Scarab just nervously fiddled with his can, while Prismo seemed to be doing his best to will the floor to swallow him, shoulders coming up to his ears.
"I thought I had made the policy of fighting at my Gala very clear." Her voice echoed all over the room, rather than coming from some visible mouth. The both of them flinched at the sudden break of silence. "Scarab, while I might be less surprised due to past behavior, I must say I'm still disappointed with your recent track record. Prismo, I can't say I expected to see you in my office of all gods."
They both started at the same time, but were silenced by a single raised hand.
"However. I am not all-knowing. That is the Observer's job. Prismo, you are not one to cause problems often. And Scarab, despite your difficulties with others, you always filed your paperwork on time. So, I am giving each of you a chance to explain yourselves."
Scarab waited for some signal from her that he was permitted to speak.
"...Prismo, it was you who started it, so you will be first to explain yourself."
Prismo audibly gulped.
"O-Okay... I'd just like to clarify, Scarab and I were not fighting, not in the way you might be expecting. It was my fault..."
Scarab's eyes widened, about to jump in, but was silenced by a hard glare from the Organizer. She gestured for Prismo to continue.
"I lost control over an aspect of myself, and started lashing out. Scarab was just trying to neutralize the threat and calm me down. He wasn't trying to hurt me. Just stop me from hurting others."
There was more silence as the Organizer mulled this information over. Her gaze shifted to Scarab.
"Scarab. Can you confirm this story?"
"Yes ma'am. I was not trying to do harm onto Prismo. I had never seen that aspect of him act out, and I was not sure if or when he could regain control. So I worked to put a stop to it. The only weapon I used was a glorified flashlight."
"I see." Scarab saw distantly a set of arms start sorting through a filing cabinet. "Can you tell me why this aspect of Prismo got so out of control? Last I understood, Prismo, you had achieved complete control and cohesion with all aspects of your dream form. Has this changed?"
"No, no! It's, uh, different..."
"How so?"
"Well... my nightmare aspect only flares up under extreme negative emotions... Stuff life fear or really bad sadness or... when I'm really, really angry. That's what happened tonight, ma'am. I hit a boiling point and it... blew up."
She gave a pointed gaze toward Scarab, causing the beetle to sink into his seat.
"No! It wasn't Scarab's fault!"
"It wasn't?"
"No! I mean, Scarab's related, but it wasn't his fault!"
"How is he related, but not his fault, Prismo?"
Prismo ran a hand through his curls, trying to collect himself.
"So, Scarab's been under my management after the whole Fionna and Cake fiasco, right?"
"Yes, I remember signing that change of management form. I must say, I was a bit confused when I heard you had volunteered. My understanding was the entire incident was caused by a conflict between the two of you."
"It was but... well, the whole thing was my fault to begin with. I did make a rogue universe, and Scarab was just doing his job. He went too far at the end, and it was definitely more personal than his other cases, but I still did what he said I did, and he was right to try and do his job."
The beetle sighed. This was a conversation they had had many times. A lot of confusing feelings had needed to get detangled if they were going to live together. They had forgiven each other for quite a while.
"So, what did Scarab's assignment to you have to do with what happened tonight?"
"Well, Scarab and I have been getting closer. Bonding. We're actually really close now." The Organizer have him a very knowing stare. "I consider him one of my best friends and... I've been learned a lot about him. A lot about how he's been treated by our coworkers and... it wasn't nice and it wasn't fair. I've been getting more and more angry at the others for how they've been treating someone they don't even know, particularly Orbo."
Prismo's hands clenched into fists as he took a deep breath. The Organizer hummed. "What happened between you and Orbo?"
"Orbo cornered me tonight and tried to convince me that Scarab was changing me for the worse because I've been less than nice to him and others who keep trying to act like Scarab's some sort of monster. I got sick and tired of people acting like I was stupid for helping him, that I'm being manipulated. I'm tired of hearing 'Poor Prismo, getting stuck with Scarab, it's so sad for him', like I didn't volunteer for it!"
Scarab felt his mandibles tense... that's what had happened...? Orbo said that...? Was it... true... was he changing Prismo for the worse?
"Orbo making these comments are... interesting."
Scarab raised a brow. "Interesting how?"
"Because he filed complaints and write ups for you every Glob Forsaken time he thought he could."
All color drained from Scarab's face. His heart raced, and he started shaking enough for his carapace to click together.
"He what?!"
"He's submitted thousands of these things over the years. Pretty much none of them went anywhere because the Observer never confirmed the infractions described in the write-ups. Of all your write ups, only three have ever been acted on."
"Yes. The first two had notes that Orbo had the authority to discipline as he saw fit within reasonable boundaries. The third lead to the decision to move you into Prismo's management."
Authority to discipline as Orbo saw fit...
He touched the cropped stumps of his former antenna... he felt the lingering burn in his shoulders from his ripped wings...
"Do you... know what those punishments were...?"
"I was not privy to details. Just that they were carried out, and you returned to your duties."
There was a heavy pause, as both Prismo and Scarab processed that news.
"Well, if what you say is true, and I will be calling in the Observer to confirm, then it seems a meeting between Orbo and I is in order. However."
Prismo took hold of Scarab's hand.
"You two did break one of my only rules of the Gala. While it might not have been a true fight, it did cause panic and damage in the Judgement Hall. While it was not either of you who instigated the conflict, it was you two who escalated it to physical violence. It needs to be addressed."
The Organizer pinned the both of them down with a withering stare. Scarab would never not feel like he was a child around her.
Especially now. He saw the way her hands moved, the relentless precision with which she worked. It would be... frighteningly easy for her to pull his arms or legs off... He cast a worried glance to Prismo. His mortal body was much... softer than Scarabs... it... wouldn't survive getting plucked apart...
"...As punishment, you two are going to be my assistants for the time being. Prismo, your job as Wishmaster is still in effect, and you both will be allowed to return to the Time Room. However, you should expect paperwork to periodically be teleported into the chamber. I expect you both to work to complete that paperwork in a timely manner, as accurately as possible. You will be granted limited access to the divine records room for reference. Failure to perform this new duty will have me dragging the both of you back in here. And I won't be as nice next time."
There was a decisive stamp suddenly in front of them, as the Organizer slid a piece of paper in front of them.
Scarab read it. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He almost wept. Paperwork. He could handle that. He wasn't getting pulled part today. Prismo wasn't getting pulled apart today.
"Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes ma'am" they both said together.
"Good. Now, off you go, I have a Star Core I need to speak with."
Before either could say another word, they were warped away in a rainbow of light, and deposited quite ungracefully on the floor of the Time Room.
"Ugh, that sucks a lot when someone else is warping me... Paperwork's gonna suck though, right Scrabs?"
Prismo rubbed the back of his head as he sat up. He spotted Scarab in the corner, huddled down, making himself as small as possible. His heart squeezed as he crawled over to him.
"Hey Lovebug..." He tried to put his hand on his shoulder, but the beetle shied away from the touch. "...Are you okay...?"
Scarab sighed a tired chirp. "No Prismo... I'm... not okay. You were... so angry... you were angry because of me... You're... you're very frightening when you're angry..."
Prismo frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, Lovebug. That wasn't your fault..."
"But it is... You've been so... so kind to me, Prismo... So accommodating and forgiving and sweet... You're making enemies out of friends over me... And... what have I done? What have I done to deserve any of that..."
"Scarab, no-"
"Look at me, Prismo" he snapped. "I'm... not worth this... I'm not good, not like you. I've just been... a problem. An obstacle. Something to work around..."
Scarab's voice sounded so small... Prismo wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed.
"Scarab. You are not an obstacle. I do those things because I want you to feel safe and cared for. And... tonight, you've done more than anyone really has before."
"Look... When Nightmo takes control, there's not much hope for me coming down on my own. He's a protective measure, but he works too well. He feeds off of negative feelings, the fear and anger around him. He just gets bigger and bigger and more hostile, until there's nothing left to feed on. He has to be subdued or he'll destroy everything around him. I've... I've never seen him back down willingly. Not until tonight."
Scarab looked into Prismo's eyes, wide and uncertain.
"But... but he didn't back down, I had to neutralize him..."
"Scarab, you talked Nightmo down. Yeah, you had to get him small enough to pay attention, but it was your words that got him to fall back. He... He knows you're safe. He'll retreat because he believes you'll protect me. And that's... never happened before. Ever."
Scarab saw the tears pooled in Prismo's eyes, a sad and tired smile spread across his face. He pulled the beetle closer to give sweet kisses to his cheek and neck.
"You've been opening my eyes, Scarab. I was only everybody's pal because they thought I was... in on the joke. I didn't even realize what complete and total wads they were, because they thought I was "cool" or whatever. I don't want to be friends with people who could do the things they've done to you, just because they think no one will care. I have standards. And now I know they don't meet them. I'm not losing friends over you, I'm just finding out who really is and isn't a friend."
Prismo placed a soothing hand at the base of one of Scarab's wings.
"So no, Lovebug. You're not making me worse. You make me, even the worst parts of me, feel safe. I love you. All of me loves you."
Scarab should've been a bit embarrassed by the noises he was making, but it didn't particularly matter now. Not when the two trapped each other in a tight embrace, and a loving kiss. Mandibles threaded through gray hair, talons touched the soft skin they found, and gentle hands soothed aching shoulders.
"I love you too, Prismo" Scarab whispered as they separated for air. He chirped softly as the Wishmaster continued kissing at his neck, his wings twitching and fluttering as best they could.
"...You're so beautiful. You look so beautiful like this..."
Prismo's hands held his waist firmly, thumb rubbing at a seam in his carapace.
"Hmmm... What are you planning, oh great Wishmaster?"
"Well... We do have these bodies. For a little bit longer. I've got no plans for right now. But I could. Or, we could cuddle. Up to you, Lovebug."
Prismo busied himself with Scarab's neck again as the beetle thought. Or, well, as he tried to, but his own shell was suddenly feeling a bit warm. One of his claws traced around the Wishmaster's neck and shoulder.
"I... I think you're quite beautiful as well, Prismo. I'd be... willing to explore whatever plans you might come up with."
Prismo gave him a peck on the cheek, a maybe slightly smug grin on his face.
"I think that can be arranged."
And he closed the door of the Time Room.
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bunnakit · 5 months
do you want to get chicken noodles?
i've had several people wonder why i'm obsessed with playboyy's aob and why i'm constantly saddened by the indifference towards him on the dash so i figured i'd grab hold of my 'too much' habits again and do a breakdown of all the reasons i love aob.
as always, i'm just a little guy on the internet. i could be way off base, i could be seeing things that aren't there, i could be reading too much into things, could be forgetting points of the plot or times when people have mentioned aob in a bad light, whatever. i just ask that you be nice to me because i'm only this big 🤏🏻 (and i also took the time to make gifs of almost every single aob moment across 8 episodes and i've been working on this for 5 hours - some gifs are crunchy because i had to lower the quality to capture everything i want to address)
to preface, so much of aob isn't in what he says - you actually gain so much more to learn from aob about what he doesn't say and observing his body language and facial expressions closely. aob tells his entire story with his body, because that's how he's grown used to communicating.
episode 1 🌸
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we see here aob is genuinely baffled by the behavior of teena and soong. he's used to the environment of playboyy where clients are just paychecks and there's game of cat and mouse and as a result no need for any sort of emotions or emotional manipulation. he's simply providing a service and doing a job. he doesn't have to lure and romance, his clients come to him. the idea of getting emotions involved is completely foreign to him.
episode 2 🌸
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we're brought to a flashback almost immediately in episode 2 that raises a lot of questions but also shows us quite a bit. as aob walks up the stairs he moves as if he owns the place, with the utmost confidence. as he ascends we see security treat him with respect and offer wai's in passing - almost as if he is someone in charge here. this shows us what a big deal aob is among the club, how respected he is even as far as the security is concerned. i think it's a very interesting detail that helps back up aob's arrogance and confidence, because why would he be anything else?
the following conversation with the other workers is a bit confusing to me and as far as i recall we don't have all the answers to the questions it raises just yet. we do learn aob is the one that taught jump, teena, and soong during their time at playboyy. he asks them what they're going to do for a living if they're leaving and i think this conveys the idea that aob isn't as heartless as he appears. he worries for them and wonders how they'll take care of themselves if they leave.
teena makes a comment about the boss going too far but i'm not sure if we know what he means by that yet? i had actually completely forgotten about this encounter until i went back to grab screens. i want to comment on this part more but it's not really the point, i'm just really curious what the fuck they're talking about here as they seem to insinuate they've been forced to work here and even aob is surprised by that. this leads me to believe that aob might be a bigger part of the plot later on, perhaps in uncovering whatever was meant by these comments.
episode 4 🌸
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i think this is the moment aob really lost favor with so much of the fandom and i do understand why, however, there's a lot that happens here that's very interesting to observe.
"Don't say 'true love' and 'soulmate.'"
i have to wonder why these were the first words aob brings up as soong laments his situation. no one said those words, aob, but you sure did.
teena then talks to soong about what he's heard and tells him he should be responsible for first's feelings in all of this to which aob makes the above expression. aob hates the discussion of feelings, believes emotions need to be removed from the equation entirely, and is baffled by the way his friends are acting about people that should be nothing more than clients and believes any form of relationship impossible.
"Try being in love." "What, stupid love?"
something about this makes me believe that aob doesn't know what love is, not real love. he dismisses it as stupid and scoffs while the others almost roll their eyes at him. it's easy for aob to give the advice he does when he doesn't have love burning a hole in his chest the way they do, he's never felt it before, doesn't know how all consuming it is.
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and then as first confronts soong the camera pans from teena to aob and i find his expression very interesting. that doesn't look like a man removed of emotions. to me, that looks like a man that has just had his world tilted on it's axis and is now questioning everything he's ever told himself. he sees first's tears and the way soong stands still and listens as first falls apart. i think that moment truly startled him and drove home that the emotions between the boys and their 'clients' are very real.
episode 5 🌸
alright, episode 5 is a lot so i'm sorry for the absolute wall of gifs and texts coming for this single episode.
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"Time to work, Puen."
aob meets puen on the stage and immediately his face falls as it's not him picked first but puen. later, aob walks into the back where puen is smoking and immediately takes in the sight of him.
"Are you Puen?" "I am." "You're quite hot."
"Come find me later. I want to know why you're so popular."
aob wants to know who has dethroned him and why his clients are so enamored with puen. what does puen, someone completely new to the business, have to offer that he doesn't? this is also where aob begins to look at puen and from here on he will never look away.
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aob speaks so very much with his eyes. you can see his gaze drop and take in all of puen here during their 'evaluation' as he asks permission before going further with him. it's obviously quite professional but i think it also shows us that aob isn't as cold as he tells people he is; or perhaps that's just where puen is concerned.
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this is really where i realized that much of understanding aob is reading into what he isn't saying or what his words are hiding.
"I knew it, you aren't that great."
but he is, because aob can't look away from him.
"...You attract clients that want to try new things. Once they are bored of you they'll dump you."
you're attracted to me and want to try something with me, but once you're bored you'll leave me.
"Why don't you teach me? I want to be like you."
show me what you want from me. i want you to like me.
"I'm sorry. I can't be a teacher. I'm a prostitute. Oh. Don't be like me." Because you can never be. Loser."
i'm sorry. i can't like you. i'm a prostitute. and please don't like me because i can never like you back. don't look to me anymore.
but puen accepts that challenge.
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(i forgot to watermark this one lmao, i don't care enough to go fix it)
i'm still not entirely sure what to make of this moment with prom. why does he squeeze aob's shoulder as if to offer him some kind of reassurance? why does aob shake his head just the slightest bit and suddenly look like he's going to face a firing squad? does prom know it's already too late for aob, that he's in too deep? is he trying to prepare aob for the sudden fire in puen's veins? i'm really struggling to figure it out, really. i think it could mean quite a few things or nothing at all.
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"Why are you criticizing me? People might think you're jealous of me."
puen has so very clearly learned what makes aob tick. he's learned that aob's pride is also his biggest weakness and he picks at that weak point to evoke a response from him - and it works. suddenly aob is all bluster and anger, but interestingly puen doesn't back down, doesn't even flinch. instead, he has a confident smile and meets aob's eyes with a challenge burning in his own.
aob doesn't know what to do with that. you can see it in the shift of his face. this expression is very similar to the one he makes when first confronts soong - he's on the wrong foot, confused and adrift because suddenly puen is no longer the innocent doe-eyed novice but someone who is pushing back and challenging him. no one has ever challenged him before.
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they meet again later in the bathroom where aob is doing some sort of display of dominance perched on a urinal. listen, that's my blorbo, but even i can't defend that. baby get down from there, you're making even more of a fool of yourself.
"Do you want to eat chicken noodles with me?"
aob rejects the invitation and puen laments that he seemed fine earlier when they were in the room together.
"What happens in the room stays in the room, Puen. You can't have feelings for the clients. They'll be strangers when they leave."
what i do in the room with you has to stay there. i can't have feelings for you. you'll become a stranger to me when you leave.
"Why do you have to act so cold and emotionless to everyone?"
and aob doesn't answer. he doesn't even get angry. there's just a quiet look of resignation on his face and he bites his lip, almost like he's nervous, almost like puen is looking at him too closely and starting to see right through him.
"Can you have feelings for your friends or brothers?"
or for me.
"You aren't my friend or my brother. You're a competitor."
because you have to be. because i can't handle any alternative. i can't love you.
episode 6 🌸
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they're in the bathroom again but this time it's puen waiting for aob asking why he's been avoiding him.
"Why can't you have sex like a couple? You taught me how to feel. So practice what you preach."
why can't we have sex like a couple? you taught me to remove the feelings from it so why can't you do that?
and i think it's very interesting that for a moment aob drops his gaze and looks away. he's been caught and called out and looks away almost in submission before pulling up his guard again.
"I don't have any feelings for a kid like you. I just can't do it. You're not sexy enough."
he attacks puen's looks but this is a direct contradiction to when they first met and the first thing he said was "You're quite hot." once again aob says the opposite of what he means.
i have feelings for you, this is why i can't have sex with you like a couple. i like you far too much.
"Fine. I'll be better than you someday."
fine. i'll make you love me.
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and aob can't take it any longer. he goes just outside the door and breaks down because it's all so much; his feelings for puen, puen's refusal to back down, the turmoil he finds himself in having everything he's ever known turned upside down. he was never supposed to have feelings, least of all for someone as stubborn and determined as puen who breaks down his walls and challenges him at every turn. his will is breaking down every bit as much as he is in this moment.
episode 7 🌸
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this was one of the first scenes to really make me emotional in this show. throughout this entire scene aob cannot look away from puen. all of his attention is on puen to the point where he neglects the client and even pushes him away. he touches only puen, kisses only puen. he seems almost tortured by the moment, to be so close but so far from the object of his desire.
and puen looks at him with the challenge in his eyes again, almost mocking: look at me, i've surpassed you. you can't take your eyes off me. i've won.
and aob continues to watch him, his eyes almost a caress, gaze almost reverent as if he's witnessing something holy. my man is absolutely lost in the sauce.
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"You have a crush on a loser like me, huh? So you couldn't help yourself."
"This is how you pay me back?" why are you doing this to me? "Do it to me, not in front of the client. What's wrong with you?" don't challenge me in front of a client. don't push me.
but puen knows he's won, he knows he's hit the nail on the head and aob, as he always does, is growing defensive. because he's scared.
"But I'm glad that I'm important to you. Like I said, I will be better than you someday. But that day came so quickly. You lost."
i'm glad you've realized i'm important to you. like i said, i would make you love me. that day came so quickly. i've won.
episode 8 🌸
i didn't get gifs of the scene but prom asks aob if he's jealous of puen's popularity. that's all he asks. but what's interesting is aob replies:
"Jealous? I don't have feelings for him."
aob... i don't think that's what prom was asking. prom asked if you were jealous of his popularity among the clients, if you were jealous that he'd taken your throne.
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and puen appears to challenge aob again, blows him a kiss almost as a reminder of their previous encounter. but aob doesn't get angry, doesn't rise to the bait. if anything he looks sad, maybe contemplative, and perhaps like he's coming to terms with something.
You only appreciate the value of something when you are about to lose it. It's just so fucking awful.
Especially when you know in your heart that you are powerless.
Because he isn't your boyfriend.
The more you want to know the more painful it gets.
throughout this entire scene aob looks so sorrowful, like he knows he has to do something soon or he will lose his chance with puen. he has to try because this powerless feeling is growing to be too much.
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aob is waiting for puen at the bottom of the stairs and if you look he's bouncing his leg in a nervous tick. when puen rounds the corning his face is immediately in some semblance of a smile which is something we really haven't seen from aob. it gives the impression that he worked himself up to this moment despite how nervous he is. (his shirt is also very wrinkled, were you in a rush?)
"How are you going to haze me today?"
and this i think drives home that puen is tiring of their game. that aob is so very close to losing puen because puen is starting to believe aob's words, believe that aob doesn't like him and only wants to harass him.
so aob takes the leap.
(and i find the handle with care on the wall particularly interesting, as both of them need to be handled with care. aob, with his unfamiliar and warring feelings, and puen with his earnest and hopeful heart.)
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and as aob bridges that gap puen looks taken aback and confused because what the fuck, aob isn't soft, doesn't do things like this.
"Do you want to get chicken noodles?"
aob asks, a throwback to the day puen had asked him on a date. an acknowledgement and an apology.
i'm sorry i wasn't ready then, but i'm ready now. will you still have me?
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and that's why today's episode made me cry and why i love aob so, so very much. his journey learning his feelings and learning what love feels like and what love can be isn't pretty, he fights it tooth and nail the entire way, but the smile on both their faces as he jumps on puen's back gives me so much hope that they can be good for each other and support each other.
there are still so many episodes left and maybe i'll be wearing clown make up by the end of this, maybe my hopelessly disgustingly romantic heart has misled me, maybe i've read the facial expressions and body language all wrong, but regardless of all of that aob and puen are so special to me.
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xxcatzladyxx · 1 month
Heyy :)
Okay so, i wanted to request a platonic dadzawa, in which he have a teen daughter and she pranks him saying she is pregnant or that she got hurted or something like that?
Thanks :)
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Dadzawa x Teen daughter! Reader
Hello anonym and everyone else! ❤️
I'm here with the request of anonym. I hope it turned out okay. I've been thinking about it for days. One reason why it took so long. Another reason…my lack of motivation from time to time. Have a good read! I take requests! Any request! Lemon or lime! Yandere or not yandere. Any secenario!
Your Wolfi 🐺
Today is the day of days. Today you are going to prank your dad. You've already practiced the prank a few times in front of the mirror. Everything is perfect. You've even bought a pregnancy test and drawn two red lines on the test display. Finding the right pen that works well and holds securely wasn't so easy. Most pens barely drew on the display of the pregnancy test. Other pens smudged easily. You were on the verge of giving up until you found a reliable pen. Now the test looks like a real positive pregnancy test. Now you just have to tell your dad that you are 'pregnant'.
You don't have to look far for him. As always, he's sitting at the dining table in the living room when he's not working as a teacher in a hero school or as an undercover hero. In front of him on the table are piles of papers, some folders and even more papers. A coffee cup has also found its place somewhere. You recognize it immediately. It's a classy 'You're the best dad in the world' mug. A standard gift from a child to his father. What father doesn't own a mug like this? Well, except maybe Shoto's father. But that's another story.
You take a deep breath and exhale again. Now it was time for the prank. “Dad,...I need to tell you something...” you start. Aizawa doesn't even turn to you and continues to sign papers in front of him. He takes a sip of his coffee.
“I'm pregnant...!” He spits the hot drink across the table and has to cough because he has partly choked. He turns to you and scowls. “You're what?” You hold the pregnancy test out to him. The black-haired man sees the two red lines at first glance. Shock is written all over his face.
“How could this happen? Didn't I talk to you about protection? And only allowed you to sleep with a man when you were 30? Who was it? Who is the father? I hope for your sake it's not Bakugou!” You look puzzled. Bakugou Katsuki? The blond hothead? How did your dad think of him? As if a halfway normal girl would want to do something with him. Be it a kiss or more. He's got every girl and boy in stitches with his character. Not to mention his pyscho grin. What does Aizawa actually think of you? You remain silent.
“Young lady!” your dad's voice rumbles. “You're far too young to have a baby, and I don't have the nerve to look after another child. You and my class full of idiots and problem children are enough for me.” He continues his sermon until you get too tired. “Dad...it was just a prank! I'm not pregnant and the test is just a fake. I love you, Dad!”
You see that he is about to use his Quirk and make a dash for it before his scarf can reach you. You run into your room at high speed and close the door. There will be repercussions. Downstairs in the living room, you hear your father muttering something.
'These children of today...!
'She'll be the end of me...'
'Typical teenager...'
What you don't see. He sits back down at the table. A smirk graces his thin lips. He's not angry with you. Still, he comes up with a punishment. Not for the prank, but...because of you, he spit coffee all over important papers! He silently wonders what bad thing he did to be punished with you. But he still loves you.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Hi would it be alright if I request yandere Redson x Mei story /one shot please 🙏 💗 I really like their dynamic and I heard that demons back then would kidnap woman to marry them (even by force if necessary)
Would it be possible to request yandere Redson kidnapping Mei to marry her please ; if you wanna go dark you can do! I look forward to seeing what you come up with 💗 ^^
(if romance makes you uncomfortable, then maybe yandere platonic Redson doesn’t wanna share his only friend Mei with others )
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Caleo Courtnapping
(Romance isn’t usually my cup of tea, but it’s nice to try new things! Also, a new Azure Lion bot is in the works!)
“…you’re very pretty,” Red Son finally says. He’s been sitting at the table for nearly an hour, seated opposite his bride-to-be. Each minute not spent staring at her is spent brainstorming and sketching on blank sheets of paper. “You’ve always been pretty. I only wish it hadn’t taken me so long to realize something so obvious.”
In his other hand is a custom cocktail, made by a well-dressed Bull Clone- there’ll be alcohol served at the coming wedding, and he’s been combing through a list of potential options.
“Strawberry daiquiri, sweetened with sugar and served with a splash of lime for freshness. It’ll match our colors, too.”
The fiery prince turn to his ‘darling’, wearing a smug grin that vanishes when he sees the furious expression apparent in her eyes.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, Mei.”
From behind an intricate and gilded muzzle, the swordswoman snarls.
“I tried to take it off, darling. You wanted to breath fire at me. Bad idea, by the way- fire’s my thing. I’m not too sure what you expected, actually- stop thrashing around!”
Red Son rounds the table to his intended bride’s side, groaning at her fury. He hadn’t intended for the wedding planning to be a matter of trying to coax nods or shakes from his beloved dragon-horse girl. No, he would’ve much rather spent a lovely evening together, trying wine and sampling sweet pastries for the inevitable day of union that they would share.
But she had made the decision to get physical, so the prince had made a decision of his own- that restraints were now necessary.
And now Mei sits on a sturdy redwood chair, cushioned by lush velvet and installed with many metal shackles to hold any unwilling spouse defiant individual in place. With her wrists and ankles firmly latched down, she found it hard to do much more than writhe.
But writhe she did, so Red circled the chair and slapped a button on the side with little fanfare. A clanging SHUNK sounds as two crescents of metal meet around her waist, tightening slowly to adhere her more closely to the thick wooden chair. Another button, a loud banging of metal that leaves her forearms bound with steel.
“There. That should keep you from ruining your-“
Pause. What did Mother say? Be honest with her instead of playing coy or being proud?
“…you have lovely skin, my dearest spitfire. It would be a travesty if you broke it by thrashing about. That wasn’t a threat, by the way. Please stop writhing.”
Nailed it. Mother would certainly be pleased by his efforts to open up to his future wife, and his expanding complimentary skills.
Or she would start expecting grandkids.
Maybe it would be better to keep this to himself, actually.
With a sigh, he moves one hand to the woman’s muzzled cheek.
“I’ll let you have a drink, darling. But only if you promise to behave.”
There’s a clear enthusiasm in Mei’s burning green eyes- no doubt that she believes Red Son is about to hand her another chance to try and escape his care.
He dashes those hopes by procuring a blindfold. “Misbehave again and this will be going on next,” is his level-voiced threat. “Do not make me cover up those gorgeous eyes, my sparkling cinder.”
Red Son carefully unhooks the muzzle from around her face, taking the moment to brush one of his thumbs across her bottom lip.
“…you really are very pretty,” he comments, a striking note of simple sincerity in his voice.
If she hadn’t been kidnapped and shackled down, Mei might have been flattered.
But all she can manage is a roll of her eyes and a shrug. “Sure, whatever. Give me a sip.”
Seethed through clenched teeth her words may be, they’re still some level of non-violent. So, as he is drawn to do- Red obliges the the wishes of his darling dragon.
“A toast,” he proposes, taking up the wine glass. “To our enduring union.” The glass is tipped to the lips of the swordswoman, allowing her to imbibe the frosty spirit. Made with frozen strawberries to keep ice from diluting the flavor and a shot of internationally imported and very expensive white wine, bright and refreshing- so very like the woman he vied for.
“It’s fine,” the tempestuous woman scoffs in turn. “The sangria was better.”
Watermelon sangria- served with a handful of frozen blueberries in the glass to keep the drink cool, with orange wedges soaking in the pitcher to add a dash of vibrant citrus.
“We’ll have both, darling,” he reassures. “And I suppose we’ll have to rummage up something spicier, too. It won’t be any good if all the spirits are sweet.”
“Pineapple margaritas,” she excitedly says, forgetting for just a moment her predicament to instead gush about something she enjoys. “With jalapeño slices! Ooh, and mezcal!”
Even just that spark of exuberance reminds Red Son why he’s so intent on marrying this warrior of a woman. The light that sparkles in her eyes, the upwards pitch of her delightful voice- how could he not love her?
“Anything for you, darling,” he says, and certainly not for the first or last time.
“I would do anything for you.”
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despairforme · 5 months
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[ Oh man this post got long (and surprisingly serious) fjfjfjffjjf I wrote this 2 days ahead of time because I was so excited about it ahahaha --- I'm wishing you all a wonderful 2024!!!!!
2023 was a year of surprising development for me. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, or if I'm simply moving into a different mindset. I loved this year! It was awesome, and I'm so happy to see that I've written MORE for Nnoitra this year than I did in 2022 ( even though my overall word-count went down from 290 000 to 280 000 ). I can't say I completed many of my goals ( or any of them LOL ). I had lots of goals for 2023, but I was unable to complete them. The past few months, especially, have brought forth big changes in my creative flow and focus.
I've realized that I need to change my priorities, to better fit my new mindset.
Roleplaying is no longer going to be my main focus. In the past, whenever I've wanted to write, I've always focused on finishing drafts, asks ect. I've mostly written on here, since that's what I prefer. Or, rather - what I used to prefer. This is not to say I don't have muse for Nnoitra, because I always feel inspired for him. What's changed are my priorities. I've come to the conclusion that what's important to me is creating stories. Since Nnoitra's story ( main verse ) has become so stagnant, it feels less important to me. I know I can drive the story on, push it forward and thus find it important once more, but - I don't want to do that. I want to create my own, original stories instead. Becoming a professional writer has always been my dream, and that's simply not possible to do when I'm prioritizing rping. Roleplaying is going to have to take the backseat.
--- That being said, I'm absolutely not quitting! I can't imagine myself not writing for Nnoitra, so I'll be writing on here like before, and I'll even try to be more consistent. An enemy of mine in 2023 has been procrastination. One of my goals for 2024 is to conquer this, so that I can be more efficient with my time. I think that by dedicating less time to roleplay, I'll be more efficient when I do sit down and write for my muses. My activity the past few months have been spotty, so I'd love to get into a better flow.
2024 GOALS:
FOCUS ON PERSONAL PROJECTS. I have a lot of them. Two (three?) book projects, two long OC-centered fanfictions.
WRITE FANDOM PROJECTS. I have a lot of ideas for fanfictions, and I want to make the time to write them. Some are long, some are short. Getting feedback on my stories has always been a great feeling, and fanfiction is the best way to get that serotonin.
CHANGE MY WRITING HABITS. My habits are bad. They lead to a ton of procrastination and wasted time. I want to be more structured when it comes to my writing time (and my time in general, but especially my writing time). I want to stick to schedules, word-count goals, page goals ect. Conquering procrastination is going to be key.
CONSISTENT RP POSTING. Even though I won't be focusing on roleplaying, I still intend to do it regularly and get replies and asks out in a more timely manner. I'll probably set off some time in the evening to get replies done, and have some fun on the dash when others are online. I'll try to be consistent across my blogs, not just on Nnoitra.
CREATE THINGS THAT ARE PHYSICAL. I've come to realize that I love things that translate to the real world. Not just words on a screen, or a digital artwork, but things that you can touch. It's why I've absolutely fallen in love with watercolor painting. I'm going to try to print some of my writing work so that I have physical copies. I'm also going to print my art so that I can hold it in real life.
FIND A SHIP FOR NNOITRA. It's been so long since I wrote a ship for him, and I need it back in my life. I've been looking for a ship for him the whole time, but I need to put more effort in, and let him interact with more characters, as well as continue to develop the relationships he does have ( in case one of them turns romantic? ). I'd love for 2024 to be the year Nnoitra falls in love again.
I am SUPER excited for 2024! I love new years and fresh starts, and I feel so incredibly inspired by the changes in my mindset. I feel like I've been stuck for a good while with rping. Don't get me wrong, I've loved every second of it, and I've learnt so much about writing - and met the most amazing people. It's just that it's time for a change. Time for me to create other kinds of stories. I thought that things were aligned for me to write books last year, but I really didn't have the right mindset - but now I do! I'm hyped!! Hope you're ALL going to have the most amazing 2024 guys!! ]
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f1nalboys · 1 year
reading the house of wax script and it’s shockingly interesting :3 here r the little things i’ve noticed as i read it <3 here’s part 2
wade is 22, carly is 21, paige is 20, nick and dalton are 19, and blake is ‘early twenties.’
carly doesn’t have the job at the magazine yet but is hopeful. wade is Mean about it. the script says “with a slightly biting tone — wade: she doesn’t have the job yet”
wade has a muscle car and is all about it, he gets mad at carly for putting her feet on the dash ( “….placing her feet on the dash — immediately gets an annoyed look from wade — she knows better”)
wade is generally more antagonistic towards nick (not undeserved tbh) especially when it comes to his car. after hitting a buck, nick is drinking a beer but wade will not let him him the car with it and he chugs it and tosses it on the side of the road
paige calls dalton “cute in a dirty, skinny, sort of way” 🤭
paige was fully planning on marrying blake :,) his parents bought some land and were going to build him a house and paige was just waiting for him to pop the wuestion
carly and wade we’re having MAJOR issues with her taking the job at the magazine and it’s very evident in how they talk to one another and interact
carly and nicks relationship is also interesting. def still as angsty sibling rivalry that is in the movie but instead of stealing a car, nick had a party at their parents house and trashed it and was forced to go on the trip with them. carly is also VERY vocal about her dislike of nick and him coming (“i know you don’t want to be here but guess what — no one wants you here either. so — quit being such an asshole and for once, try to make the most of something”)
nick doesn’t want carly to leave :( she said “i hope to hell i get that job” (which is interesting because in the movie they confirm she got that internship) and he goes “that makes two of us” but immediately the script says “although he says it, we’re not sure he means it” :((
they party at their little campsite and they have paige give blake a shot from her tits LMFAO
vincent cuts the fanbelt <3 love my king
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talking about the scene where lester slowly slides his hand across the mannequins (which btw. was sexy. moving on) and it says “touches it like it’s a relic — infatuated” heheh <3333
carly had a tank top under her shirt so there was no weirdo perv lester scene of him trying to see her put on nicks tank
nick does give carly his shirt regardless and she’s genuinely shocked and he’s like “i have another in the car” bc we all know he’s emotionally constipated
Ambrose is called Athelston
They’re not in Louisiana either </3
lester says “i was always warned to never pick up strangers, but you two seem okay”
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lester has so much dialogue we were robbed yall. i’m serious.
carly calls lester a freak of nature 👎👎
this <3
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i love the description of the wax house and how it’s in disarray
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The story is different from the movie. Their house burned down and their dad died in the fire and trudy killed herself after and the boys went to foster care.
sorry this is sooooo sexy of him
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carly fights like HELL in this script yall! so does wade, but ESPECIALLY carly, she cuts bo’s hand with a hacksaw
there’s a cool scene where carly runs into the community pool and it’s completely abandoned but the noises were from a pair of speakers
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bo being cunty
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dalton and bo talking
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they gave dalton a LOT more time in the movie in the script!!! bo bring him to the house of wax and leaves and he finds wade in the basement :0
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paige’s fight with vincent takes place at an old mining town nearby which is such a cool setting yall, they fight in a ban and he kills her with a pitchfork
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karisomk · 1 year
AU Siren Merman Attuma x Okoye prompt
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With a dash of wealthy merchant W'Kabi
Okoye rubbed the back of her neck with a soft sigh, sneaking away from her parents and W’Kabi’s parents was a task in itself. For weeks, both pairs have been pushing for her to sit and meet with W’Kabi, insisting that they would be a good match. Clearly, it wasn’t this world, he barely acknowledged her in passing in town. She knew that it had to narrow down to family status, coming from a line of warriors and artisans.  And his own line coming from merchants and warriors.
Tonight her parents hosted an elaborate dinner for W’Kabi and his parents, although his parents showed up he did not. W’Kabi’s parents spent most of the night trying to smooth out the awkwardness, insisting that W’Kabi sometimes was just a busy man. And if Okoye should ever give her hand to him as a wife, she should expect this at times. Bast was watching over her, because just as she parted her lips to hurl an insult. Okoye’s mother came out of the kitchen with more refreshments. Okoye couldn’t wait for them to go home, she had seen their displeased looks at her parents' décor. Even at their food, there was only so much Okoye could take holding her tongue.  She couldn’t help herself when she shut her parent’s door quickly on W’Kabi’s family in the end. Even to her mother’s dismay, “Okoye! That is not nice.”
“That was the nicest thing I could do for them. Otherwise, my spear would have been used tonight. ” Okoye snorted softly.
“Young lady, that spear would not be used near my good rugs.”
“Then do not invite any of them here anymore, Umama.”
That sense of superiority and smugness that remained around W’Kabi also surrounded his parents. She would rather marry a fish if this was her current option in marriage right now.
“ My little ‘koye, I think you should stay tonight. It’s really late outside and besides, there has been word that it is better for residents to stay inside tonight for some reason. Something about tides is changing and the weather may be bad. “ Her mother was the first to spot her edging to the door, grabbing her red shawl to cover her braids that were styled in a french braid that went down to her mid-back.
“If the weather does turn bad I can always run home. The walk across the beach to my home isn’t that long. “
Okoye’s mother looked up at her with concerned eyes, her salt-pepper hair tucked into a high bun. The fine lines on her forehead only showed when she began to worry, almost always over her daughter. Okoye offered a smile, brushing her thumb over her mother’s forehead trying to smooth out the lines.
“You know if you do not let her go. She will sneak out anyway.”  Okoye’s father hummed playfully, shuffling to stand near Okoye. Both of her parents were shorter than her, both seemed to shrink with age. Her father was slumping forward slightly due to back issues. His hair held blotches of gray so he stubbornly kept it short for that reason.
“Baba,please-!” Okoye chuckled, even if she felt her father playfully tug at her head scarf. 
“Please be safe, and turn back around if the tide is high on the beach.” Her father said moving to stand near her mother.
“Yes, Baba.” Okoye hummed, giving both of her mothers a forehead kiss and hugging her father before quickly gathering her things.
“Here are some snacks for home if you would like, my dear!” her father called holding out a small box that was secured in a dark blue cloth. Okoye tucked away the small box, loving the scent of spices and fish. “Fried fish, with a little rice just like you like!”
“Thank you Baba, please you both sleep well tonight and I shall see you both soon,” she said, waving and slipping out the front door. 
Guards suggesting people stay in their homes was almost always rooted in groundless stories about sea creatures, spirits or some passed down belief. All of it was foolishness and just a way for guards to get out of extra work. Much to her parent's dismay, she couldn’t wait to change these foolish rules. The sight of people in town was very little, pathways normally filled and bustling seemed almost abandoned.
The stretch of water was pushed back due to low tide, the waters choppy most likely due to storms far off into the sea. Okoye enjoyed the beach even at night, the soothing sounds of water with occasional cold fronts that would come. A small delight compared to the endless heat during the daytime.
Okoye knitted her brows, slowing her steps while looking out to the pitch-black waters. Each time the waves broke against the shore, there was a low hum. She strained to listen to it, to see if it was just wind. She hadn’t realized her frame had pivoted in the direction of the sound now, away from the small path that veered away from the beach and down to her small home. She followed the faint voice, leading to a cove that was normally difficult to get due to high tides. Just as the voice stopped when she passed underneath the little rock bridge into the cove, Okoye blinked rapidly, finding her chest tighten as her stomach began to flutter from being uneasy.
There was no light from the town that could be used as a guide, only the brief light from the moon that peeked through the clouds ever so often. It was quiet, too quiet for Okoye’s liking even though she felt she was being watched. A large stain that looked black in the low light was at the edge of the shore in the cove. Footprints laced with that same substance led away from the water. She should have turned back and ran until her legs carried her away from the place but instead she crept forward.  Okoye moved closer to the stain, the smell of copper became strong the moment she kneeled by it. Dread began to feel her at the suggestion of it being possibly blood.
Okoye shot up to her feet at something breaking the surface of the water in the darkness, finally that notion of fleeing filled her. She tried to rid herself of thoughts of water spirits being real or even sea creatures. The most rational thing she could think of was this had to be a wounded animal nothing more. And she didn’t want to disturb it any more than she had already had. But this wasn’t an animal, the bellowing yell that erupted from this thing or being charged at her made her break into a  full sprint. A shrill erupted from her the moment she felt a wet hand grasp her shoulder. Okoye untied her bag and swung it to throw it. This was enough to get that wet hand off her, and she sprinted out of the cove and all the way home. She didn’t stop running until she was in her home, behind the lock door and leaning against while she tried catching her breath.
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musette22 · 1 year
Oh man, oh boyyyy. So one of my real life best friends sent me a voice message earlier saying, ''dude, you wanna listen to this asap, something happened to me yesterday and this is prime fanfic material, I'm telling you" and uhh, she was right 😳
It's kind of a long story lmao so I'll put it under the cut, but it's worth it if you like romantic, sexy drama (but TW for infidelity and minor bodily harm, I guess)
So my friend isn't originally British, but she's been living in London for years, and we used to be roommates (I know), but then I moved away, and she got a British boyfriend and they're about to move in together. But they're in between houses at the moment, so she's staying with his family in the countryside while he's away on business (something government related that he's always being very mysterious about lol).
So my friend and her boyfriend (I'll call them Maxime and William here, for storytelling purposes) have kind of a complicated relationship. They both cheated on each other more than once and decided to still give their relationship a chance, and while he's a really nice guy (he and I get along really well, too) he's very reserved and rich and British, while Maxime, who's a musician and activist and always works three jobs at a time, is someone who literally used to burst into my room in the middle of the night and fling herself on top of me, crying "I just need to feel something!" (she's fantastic btw, I absolutely adore her)
So anyway, Maxime gets to her boyfriend's family house in the countryside, and when she arrives, William's mother is like, "Oh hello dear, sorry, I need to dash out for a few hours, but James (William's childhood best friend that he's sort of lost touch with and whose name isn't actually James, but you get the idea) is in the garden doing some maintenance." So Maxime is like "Ok cool, I'll go and say hi," because she's never met this old friend of William's.
Turns out, James is ridiculously hot and built and working up a sweat in the garden. So she's just like, "Uh hi, I'm William's girlfriend," and he smiles timidly and is like, "Sorry, I'd shake your hand but my hands are dirty." You get the idea.
So Maxime - selflessly - offers James something to drink, and once he's finished up his work, he comes inside, and they strike up a conversation. They hit it off right away, talking for hours, and at some point they start a game of chess (idek, as you do in the countryside, I guess). Since Maxime is kind of a sore loser, once things start looking a little grim for her, emotions run high and she gets frustrated and snaps at James, "Ugh, I kinda wanna hit you right now."
And he just shrugs and says, "Okay, do it."
So Maxime is like, "...lol, I'm not actually going to hit you, you're crazy," but he starts goading her, until at some point she's just like "Fine!" and gives him a halfhearted slap. James just laughs and asks, "Come on, that all you've got? Really?" so of course my competitive friend is like "Ok well fuck you," and slaps him across the face, hard. AND THIS GUY, this really hot guy, just looks at her with dark eyes, turns her the other cheek, and says, "Please."
So what can she do but slap him again, right?
And then while they're just kind of staring at each other, both of them breathing hard, William's mother comes back. She's oblivious to the tension, but James immediately gets up like, "Right, I'll be going then," and Maxime gets up too to see him out and compose herself a little before facing the mother. And then at the door, before he leaves, James turns to to Maxime, kisses her cheek, whispers, "Thank you for making me feel something."
LIKE. God. JESUS. Like, ok well, damn.
While I'm not a judgemental person, and I believe life and love can be messy sometimes, infidelity isn't something I'd ever encourage, so I did tell my friend firmly that she can't seek this guy out again, at least not while she's still dating her boyfriend, and she said she wouldn't, so let's hope she won't. I'm also aware of the dangers of romanticising toxic behaviour, truly. But the writer part of my brain is just like "...where's the fic??"
I mean, gorgeous, fierce city person meets reserved, rugged country man who likes to be slapped because it makes him feel something?? Ugh, God.
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vverago · 29 days
By Vienna Godoy
A 2,357 word excerpt of my novella wip, We Sang in the Wood: A Series of Short Stories of Animal Myths, for acereadsandwrites on Instagram
Check outside my insta: vverarosa.go to see more of this work
They say crows, beautiful messengers of Apollo, used to be as white as swans. Until, one crow is caught within the betrayal of her Master’s lover: Coronis. In return, Apollo burns her wings to ash.
The little crow shares her tale to a bevy of swans, whom are dying to spoil her secret, while Apollo hunts her sisters.
Amongst the rustling of the groves, a Raven catches the air. She violently dashes through the leaves with her feathers dripping with ink and ash. In the middle of the tangling forest, resides a dark pond hidden by the overcast of branches– only little pools of sunlight strike the water in glittery waves. The Raven crashes onto a tree, groaning at the pain as her eyes spot a shimmer of ivory. 
Across the wine ridden water, a bevy of Swans sing together in a haunting harmony. The dissonance calms the heart of the Crow, and urges her to come closer to their song. The Crow pants, creeping around the rays, meeting the edge of the pond. She cries at the beauty of the pale feathers that gleam without a speck of dirt. 
“Hark, snow painted Swans!” She caws loudly with her wings flapping, “Your beauty shines no more than the sun. You wouldn’t dare believe that I nearly shared the same radiance.” 
A few Swans glance at the little Crow, who wallows at the pondside. Her wings cake in the mud. 
One gave her a haughty laugh, “You? With your feathers soaked in the mud and burnt like ash? Of course we wouldn’t dare believe your pitiful, self-seeking tale.”
The Crows sniffs at his snide laugh as the others honk in laughter. “I only speak the truth as is my duty as a messenger! My wings were pure as yours, iridescent in the light! The Keeper of the Sun has cursed me, but I dare not speak his name! His light burnt my wings– Oh, how painful they feel!”
Her accusation earns their interest, and they crane their necks towards her. They honk and shout over each other, twisting to ask her for her story.
The Crow sighs, wings tucking into her gray sides. “Very well, but know that it pains me to tell! My sisters and I lived in the heavens where the gods danced in the clouds. The skies are always bright there, the Storm King hates to rain on his kingdom.
“Despite the plethora of gods, there was only one we liked to dance and sing with: the young boy of the Sun. He loved us! He’d feed us from his dark, sun-soaked hands. In return, we feed him news of the mortal word as his lips would kiss our crooked beaks lovingly.
“One day, I was flying through Thessaly when horror struck! A hunter pierced my wing with an arrow! As I tumbled through the city, I spotted the princess on her porch. Her hair was like midnight, as if I could drown in it. And her eyes were just as dark against her pale skin.
“The Thessalian princess smiled at me radiantly as I stumbled into her yard. She lifted me into her hands before stroking my feathers and kissing my head.
“‘You poor thing!’ She cried, carrying me into her room. ‘Oh, sit very still!’
“She had set me on a bed of soft quilts, nestling me like a chick, as she tended my wound. I chirped and cawed as the pain left. Once I was tended to, she cradled me in arms for the night.
“‘How lovely to meet you, little Raven.’ She whispered to me. ‘I am Coronis; I hope you shall visit me often.’ Once the Sun appeared in the sky, I flew back to share the young god with my news.
“‘Little Crow,’ He smiled warmly. ‘Your sisters shared fascinating news last night: stories of Ares’ growing wars in Crete; of a child with beauty akin to Aphrodite in the Ionian Sea. Yet, you were the only one absent! I hope your night was filled with tales.’
“I bowed, spreading my beautiful white wings. ‘My Master, my day was treacherous, yet my night was peaceful. Hark! See my wing as an unlucky hunter has missed his prey.’ My master then kissed my beak and wings in folly. ‘But, a young princess of Thessaly took me in and nursed me back to health! I owe her many thanks and visits.’
“He was so enamored by my tale, finding himself daring to meet the kind princess who cared for his friend. And so, mid-day, he carried me on his golden chariot to the beautiful city. I perched on his shoulder as we searched her garden, and finally found the inky haired royalty onto a stone stool– sewing a little scarf. My master transformed himself. Now understand, my pale friends, the light of a god is powerful! I nearly went blind from his beacon, but my feathers could stand the heat of a dying star!”
The eldest Swan honks, “A dying star! Well, no longer, can you now?”
The Raven’s feathers ruffle and her eyes flitter towards the little pools of sunlight growing through the trees. “Hush!” She shouts, whispering the end.
“And continue to heed my tale. The young god was immediately stricken by her beauty. His ambrosia eyes were glittering, and he nearly fainted in my wings! However, he rose himself up. His delicate golden curls bounced delightfully on his dark skin as he took a step to her. I immediately fluttered to my friend– cooing the best I could. The Thessalian princess smiled wonderfully at me, and my heart nearly burst from my chest as she kissed my head.
“‘Hello again, little Raven.’ That darling Coronis whispered. Her kisses ceased with her gasp. ‘Oh! You brought a friend.’
“I peek out from her neck, watching the sun god admire the sight. He smiles softly, a gentle regal poise that hides his boisterous godhood. I watched him bow to the princess, telling her he was the son of a visiting merchant– looking forward to meeting the king’s children.
“Coronis grinned. ‘There is only one, Young Master. And, she is I.’ She set me on the ground, standing with grace to bow. ‘I am Princess Coronis of Thessaly, at your service, Young Lord.’
“And so, the sun god kissed her hand and gave her a fake name: Ellios, after his old friend.”
“Our dear Helios!” A swan wept. “Oh, we knew his story well. That young wretched god took his home in the sky without any thanks!”
“Don’t you lie about my Master!” The Raven shouted.
“You are no longer his servant, little Raven!” The elder Swan stated. “He has casted you out, we can say what we please about him, and you can continue your story about him.”
The Raven’s feathers ruffle at his words, but she sighs. “Very well, I suppose I have no control of that nor does my Master. But, please!” She pleads, eyes gazing at the sun settling in the trees. “Take caution for my own safety! I can see his chariot searching for me. But, to continue my tale:
“My Master and Princess Coronis quickly became close friends, alongside my friendship with Coronis. They would flock in the fields, confide with each other in the garden. I would linger in their escapades, and my dear Coronis always found ways to include me. At night, when Ellios left, Coronis would keep me close to her chest and kiss my head.
“She whispered. ‘How I wish you could join me, little Raven, beautiful specimen. You always can find me, caring for me like a dear friend. Yet, you can never stay, wings cannot run.’
“I truly loved her, understand! I wished for the sun god to give me legs, so that I may run with them and kiss her hand like he does. He refused, dismissing me with a coldness like the dark side of the moon.
“Without a word he left, and I followed him around the world and back to Thessaly. There, the princess’s chambers, laid her and the sun god in gentle embrace– to my utter horror! He had taken my place upon her bosom! I fled, crying to my sisters, yet they only berated me!
“‘Falling for a human! You insane bird! Won’t that sun god have your head!’”
“And, how right they are!” The swans shouted. “Such is forbidden love, it could never be!”
“And, how correct you would be!” The Raven cried as moonlight drifted overhead.
“Those nights continued the same, until Coronis no longer had me as her nightly companion… Replaced by her new lover, that damned god, we grew distant. I fled to the heavens, distracting myself with my sisters’ follies.
“Until, Ellios called me to the earth, asking me to watch over his love– the princess– as she was full with a child.”
The swans gasp and honk in surprise!
“My reaction was just like yours! But, loyal as a bird can be, I flew down to Greece again. And, Coronis greeted me with kisses as though I never left. And, my Master was true! Her belly was swollen, her cheeks softened– pink as roses! She glowed brighter than his chariot dragging the sun! I watched her like a hawk.
“During the day, I watched her tend her garden as other men would bother her for her hand. Once I relayed this to Ellios, his face darkened, and he instructed me to return to the Earth.
“‘Peck out their eyes! Might they never see her beauty; only I deserve it!’ He cried, shaking me by the wings in fury.
“And, so I swoop down, plucking and pecking the pretty eyes of the princes and dukes who dare enter my princess’ garden. At night, Coronis thanked me every night with kisses. Her baby’s heart beated gently, and I would slumber to its lullaby.
I had fled far into the garden, where a large fountain rested. There, I wept with joy. I felt so free with my princess. But, my head swarmed, scared if Ellios would treat me as he does the princes. I wanted nothing more than to love Coronis. Tears of gold stream into the fountain off my feathers. In a bright flash, a goddess revealed herself to me! Stunning with rainbows, the darling Iris!”
The swans squawk in glee. “Oh, our darling Iris! Gentle goddess!”
“Yes! Yes! The goddess is so kind! She beckoned me closer, speaking sweetly, ‘Oh pretty Raven. Your sisters tell me of your troubles; I wish nothing more than to calm your worries.’
“My heart warms at the goddess, and I finally crow, ‘I love her! I wish only for her happiness! But, my Master is a jealous man.
“He lives in the Heavens, asking me to watch over her– angered when she expresses love for another or others for her, he asked me to remove her from their vision.’ What will you have me do, lovely goddess!’ I asked.
“‘Tonight, before you lay down with your princess. Drink the water of this fountain and look into the mirror. When you wake, you will find something new.’
“As she faded into the rainbow of the water, I followed her instructions: drinking the water as the sun setted. When I returned, Coronis greeted me with sobs and warmth. As her tears fell onto my white feathers, I nuzzled into her chest and pecked lightly on her cheek. Crying softly turned into lullabies.
“When I rose, the world was spinning. Her room felt small in my blurry vision. I glanced down at my Princess… Down? I asked myself. My crow feet dragged on the ground, strangely heavy. And in the mirror, just as Iris promised, wasn’t a little white crow… But rather, a girl. A girl with pure ivory hair and skin that would make any Greek woman jealous. The only thing I could recognize was her dark eyes, beady irises.
“When Coronis awoke, she screamed! I darted to her, shushing her, holding her hands. ‘Coronis! My dearest friend, don’t shout! It’s me! Your little Raven.’
“Coronis gasped, pulling me closer, ‘Little Raven? My darling bird?’ She cups my face leaving my heart pounding as she bores her eyes into mine. I watched her eyes grow before she pulled me close. ‘Oh my, my friend! What god has blessed me? Blessed us? Oh, what great fortune! Knowing you can now speak to me, I don’t feel as lonely. I dreamed of this conversation for years.’ We smile, lingering with stares, before I lay beside her and kiss her head.
“‘I’ve longed for you to hear me.’ I whispered.
“We didn’t leave her soft bed for the whole day; instead, we kissed each other and talked like long lost friends. I became her personal handmaid, and she called me Ischys. For weeks, I watched over my princess– finally able for her to rest on my bosom. I watched her belly, nearly due. My sisters would visit, questioning when I would return to share my news with the Master. But, I couldn’t leave my new body– not even if I wished.
“But, the peace could not continue as one night, when I laid with Coronis and she was kissing my new name into my skin, the sun god had snuck into the window. He shouted at us in rage, crying that one of my sisters had told him! Coronis begged him to stop, but the fury of a god is a powerful thing.
“With his magic, he stripped my arms into wings, and I watched his human form transform into a godly light. Coronis shielded herself, but his light began to burn my skin! It boiled and stung, yet I fled– as fast as my wings could carry me. As my wings dripped ivory and into ink, I stumbled into your pond. Where I now hide from his fury.”
“And Coronis? What has come of her?” The Swans asked.
And, the Raven cried. “I don’t know! I miss her so much, but I know in my heart she still breathes with her child!
“But, now you know. But listen closely, he now searches for my sisters because of my doing. Do not let him burn their beautiful wings! I beckon you, dearly beautiful friends, seal this tale from your songs! For their sake!”
Hope you enjoyed <3
Check outside my insta to see more of this work
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