#i always wanna see the utilisation of the fact that the people in the world of ts have a high threshold for horror and this is such a--
mikaze-discord · 3 years
Quartet Night: Love letters
Annnnnd these are the love letters written for Quartet Night!!!
Please enjoy under the cut~
From Anon:
I've always been drawn to characters with complex (and fairly dark) personalities, so liking Rei-chan was honestly inevitable for me.
He looks like a very bright and cheerful character at first, which he is, but sometimes that part of him is a little misleading because, in actuality, he's a character that holds a lot of negative feelings about himself due to a past that he can't seem to move on from. He holds a lot of those feelings to himself because he doesn't want to burden anyone else with them. He's a reliable, cunning, and ultimately selfless character that chooses to shoulder a lot on his own out of his infinite care for others, and perhaps a secret sense of atonement, all hidden behind his bright demeanor and goofy smile, and it's endlessly interesting to me.
Besides the duality of his personality, he has a lot of other endearing quirks to love about him. He loves his mom a lot and is a mama's boy. His old-man jargon and catchphrases never fail to amuse (I still can't get over the way he says "my girl"). His obsession with anything even remotely British is something my APH England phase can relate to. His style of music brings a lot of pleasant feelings of nostalgia for me, and his pretty voice suits them a lot. And most of all he's just a very good boy overall. I rate 99999 out of 10 would love and support him and also maybe pay for his therapy because god knows he needs it. Happy anniversary!!
From another anon: 
Would you like to hear a story? You do? Very well then, may this story be one you enjoy.
What do I like about Reiji kotobuki? A Lot of things actually!
Well, I've always really liked Reiji as a character as he seemed to be one of the more interesting characters to me, due to how complex he is with his backstory and general just personality.
I have always really enjoyed how Reiji just solves problems too? Like he is just such an outgoing person who deserves all the support!!!
Like the best word I can use for Reiji is just, unique. Everything about him is just so Reiji. From the way he talks, to his nicknames or even his texting style. Like have you seen how many people use emoticons when texting as Reiji? It's just so him.
I like his way of thinking too! I feel like some of the interactions in the games are just so interesting, just seeing Reiji’s point of view. How he deals with a sort of survivor’s guilt and all of that.
Personally, some of my most memorable roleplaying moments were watching a Reiji rper in action, like just seeing them interact and flow so seamlessly with the other characters was just so fascinating to wee baby rper me. Such a large part of playing Reiji is just how you flow with the people around you and comedic timing. I have so many funny moments where Reiji was just interacting with people and it was just so inspirational (?) like I couldn't stop the smile on my face. I had learnt alot from them. I still consider them my roleplaying senpai almost! I don't talk to them anymore but I really had an amazing time just seeing their spin on the character.
I don't find him to be a romantic partner towards me nor do I see any of the characters in that light, but I've always found Reiji as such a personal character. Not even just towards me, like even with other utapri stans. The most relatable character always seems to be Reiji.
I've always been pretty similar in many aspects to him and I often find myself relating to him in numerous ways like his vibe is just relatable! I have often found myself trying to make other people laugh and have fun that many times I'm spreading myself thin and feel unappreciated...Reiji really helped with that.
This is where i start getting into the really personal stuff LOL feel free to skip if you dont wanna hear the angsty backstory.
I had really come to love Reiji when I had just...hit a low. I had a group of friends who I enjoyed hanging out with and just talking to, but they weren't very good friends per say. I often had to schedule every activity we did and I spent days and nights trying to think of concepts that might be fun. They took it for granted.. I had spent 4 months trying to make a game for them, and they had constantly pushed back times that we would play it. Using excuses to not play it, without telling me out right what they did not like or even why. The site I used was later taken down without notice and thus I had lost all my progress. Later, they had mentioned how they would like to play it except that later ended up being two years later. I really wish I could've solved things with that friend group like Quartet Night did but that didn't happen. That is when I started seeing things Reiji’s way? Not to say that it was the same or similar scenario to Reiji but I had just associated it with him.
From Anon:
Ran is such a fun character! He sounds like a "rough outside, soft inside" kind of character, but his roughness is more like an integral part of him and it's through it that he shows he cares rather than setting it aside. That's what made me want to rp him. I also like how he is such a strong guy who's always determined to do his best in everything he does despite so much having gone wrong in his past. And it's very satisfying to see him form bonds and start to trust people.
From @mikaze-san:
Originally, my favourite Utapri boy was Ai, and it had been the robot boy for several years upon entering the fandom. In fact, it only switched to Ranmaru sometime late last year but regardless, I would still die for this man. Part of the reason why I switched is because I’ve always been a fan of Suzuki Tatsuhisa and I have a huge bias towards any man who wears nail polish without fearing being “feminine” because fuck gender roles.
As someone who studies fashion, I think Ranmaru is very coordinated and confident when it comes to portraying himself that way. He knows he’s not very good at expressing his emotions and utilises his passion for rock and playing the bass to portray those feelings through his songs. It’s also incredibly inspiring to know that he bounces back from pretty much anything considering his backstory and the stuff he deals with in the game/anime.
But my main reason for loving Ranmaru so much stems from the fact that I admire him a lot and want to be more like him. For a long time last year, I got to roleplay as Ranmaru in a few Utapri groups and through those experiences, I gained a better understanding and appreciation of the characters that I wrote for. In some weird way, by highlighting his flaws, character progression and how he dealt with different emotions, I ended up providing insight into how I dealt with similar issues by looking at them from a 3rd person perspective.
I used to be very shy and was very shut off from friends and family, and due to this I’ve always admired people in my life or fictional characters that are so confident in being who they are. Ranmaru particularly struck that chord in me because his bluntness knows no end. He’s very opinionated and doesn’t fear confrontation, in most cases being the one to provoke it. He speaks his mind openly without being overly anxious of the consequences. This is something that I feel is especially relevant today with being your authentic/unapologetic self is such a trend.
It’s something I’ve also noticed with having met people in or outside of this fandom, the notion of idolising a fictional character containing traits that we want to see in ourselves. Which made me think about a lot of my favourite kinds of characters which at the end of the day all boil down to sharing one similar trait: Being a bitch.
And in Utapri, Ranmaru embodies that. So naturally it’s very easy for me to idolise him.
(Tldr: I like his bitchy attitude.)
From Arashi:
It's hard to put into words why I love Ai Mikaze, perhaps it's because I'm subconsciously drawn to him, maybe it's because his hair and eyes are my favorite color, maybe it's because his voice is that of an angels, there are many reasons why I love him. I couldn't tell you a definite, "These one or two reasons are the entire reason I love him", but I'll try to sum it up.
I grew to love him by admiring his personality, his smile, his determination to reach his goals, everything about him made me happy. He's strict and a little scary at times, but when he sees people caring for him, he becomes happy and in a way, sentimental. He's not sure how to explain the way he feels, but he tries. I think I admire how he holds all the little things precious to his heart as he learns about them, and he wants to understand how to care for others and how they care for them in return. Even after six years, he still remains the most dear to me. I think that he now has a sentimental value to me, because even if I 'loved' another character more for a while, I will always come back to Ai. Ai deserves the world, and I'd give it to him if I could. He'll always be special to me, and I think that he very much deserves that.
From Maronda: 
My love for Ai started after I found Shining Live by chance and started to play. At first I wasn't particularly attached to any of the characters and decided to go back and watch the anime to maybe remember some context other than who Starish was. When I got to the episode focused on Ai and his "secret" I was absolutely thrown off by it all. I ended up feeling like I had so many questions and I knew that the anime would give me little to no answers, so I frequently turned to rambling on the internet about it. Eventually, this fixation on weird things about him seemed to turn into a clear fondness for him, and friends made me realize just how much I liked him. Knowing the cold and often strange aspects of his personality was due to something out of his control was something I resonated with as someone on the autism spectrum. He reminded me of some of the ways I used to think and behave.
I also began to notice other things I loved about him. Things like how soothing I found his voice, the pleasant shade of light blue in his hair and eyes, how ridiculously pretty he is... but the best things are the endearing parts of his personality. Though he's somewhat harsh, he's still entirely genuine. His curiosity is absolutely precious and his occasional awkwardness in expressing emotion or understanding the emotions of others made me empathize with him. And if you look at the Ai in Shining Live and compare it to the Ai in the anime and games... he really has changed a lot and grown as a person. He now seems so much gentler and understanding, and he clearly values the friendships he has now too! I think he's a wonderful character and ever since friends of mine encouraged me to selfship I've essentially been in love with him, but it also makes me happy to see other people appreciate him for other reasons as well. He's just so lovable!
From @uta-no-fakku-sama:
At the very beginning of my UtaPri interest, Camus never really caught my attention. That is until he became my first My Only Prince UR. I’ve come to appreciate him a lot more ever since, and now he’s become my favorite QUARTET NIGHT member! Along the way, I learned more about him and realized he’s one of the more complicated characters to understand. Nonetheless, I absolutely adore him. I tend to tease and make fun of him a lot, but deep down I truly do like him a whole bunch!
From @/waddamaloooon on twt: 
A little Camus appreciation post
(alternatively known as; how this guy managed to harshly take my heart and step on it like the gumin I am.)
Hello, this is Suikamaru, here to share a tiny story of why I, and eventually you, love Camus Rondo Cryzard.
At first glance, his looks appealed to me, but not his behavior (and ironically enough, his voice) so I didn't bat an eye on him. I've always been on a neutral leaning to dislike opinion on Camus, which is quite understandable because have you SEEN the way he acts. Unfathomable.
…..To a Young Suikamaru, that is.
I've grown, so naturally I've changed preferences regarding characters, ikemen, and who to stan and who to avoid like the plague. I will lie if I said that I expected to like that blonde confectionery devouring machine at any point of my life.
But it did happen so who are we fooling here.
It dawned on me that Camus is the type of character that you cannot appreciate unless you go in depth into his lore, backstory, and see him for who he really is. Because then everything else will make sense. And that never happened in my case until I started roleplaying as him.
I realized that he's not just a two faced, sweet toothed mean man. He's a perfectionist, someone who's always been raised since his childhood days to be nothing less than complete, who has locked on his heart and emotions to devote himself completely to the purpose given to him. He has the looks and brains for what though? He should be a little stupid honestly.
But his intelligence gave him the complexity that he just needed for his characteristics. Because as aforementioned, he's not someone to easily like or fall in love with. And I think that's quite rare in characters, and very much appreciated due to the fact it gives the fans a chance to not actually stay on a flat level of knowledge regarding their favorite characters.
I've slowly started to see myself in some aspects of him, which was the number one factor of liking him. Then came the Maeno magic when I realized Camus shares the same VA as another character that I love as well. (Hamelin, from SinoAlice.) From then, everything went downhill.
In a good way. I think..
Well, that is all from me, please read about this handsome man and appreciate his hard work both as an individual and as an idol. There is SO much to him that's p much overlooked and I'm getting broke from spending my money on his living expenses rent free in my head. Take him off my head.
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Here is the Chris Reading for the anons asking for it:
I’ve placed a whole bunch of things down for this one. You guys wanted general, so until I could hone in on something, I had to just test the waters on all things. (I’m not following him so I don’t know what’s going on at all) if you guys notice something in this reading that you think could be symbolism for something you actually know of in his life, let me know! :)
I was asked for General, how he feels about relationships, how he feels about marriage, career? And love life.
1. I put down Chris
2. Being in a relationship” second. BIAR Wanted to be in front of Chris, Chris also wanted it there
3. Career was confused where to go, Being in a relationship was in the way. Career decided it’s gonna jam itself between them. (Already this is super telling.)
4. Being Single - single was attached to career, it wanted to stay with career it wouldn’t move elsewhere
5. Family are right behind Chris, (good that’s where they should be. Doesn’t look like any animosity atm)
6. Strangely, marriage wanted to be in front of in a relationship……..? That’s gonna be a fun one to figure out.
7. “Having kids” is behind him, past family and on the left (it’s the furthest placement away so far”
Chris is staring ahead at Career, single, BIAR and single. They’re all in a line.
Chris is staring straight at career. I can’t feel anything from him besides the fact that this big brick wall called a career is in front of him. I see nothing past that. “Single” though, rather than seeming as big as career, seems to represent itself as a little flag thats just been pressed into the side of the brick wall, single isnt giving me any feeling either.
That being said, the career brick wall is not intimidating. It’s just more like he’s looking up at it like, “huh. Big guy” he has the need to climb over it.
Yeah, listen this wall is a wall but he’s not trying duck his head to the side and see past it, he just has the need to jump over this brick wall. The wall is maybe 7 foot tall, so in comparison to himself and how big he feels in this scenario (he feels his normal 6 foot self) he absolutely could. But it’s just interesting that what I’m seeing/feeling is a brick wall that’s like 5 foot in length and yet he has no desire to just bypass it and go to the side, he wants to climb the fucking thing?
Chris stans, tell me what the HELL that is about. You know him better than I. Does he like the competition or accomplishment? Does he feel he needs to prove himself the hard way?
Anyway, he’s pretty confident he can jump this wall. And single is not even a thing to him in its current position.
He’s thinking very hard about how to jump this wall. Like he knows how, you lift yourself up and jump over it I can see that image in my head very easy, but he’s struggling to actually DO it?
Nope, ok he doesn’t want to.
He knows he can jump it, he knows it’s blocking everything else, but I go to take an action for him and he’s like “nah I’m good tho”
Seems a fitting time to put in “anxiety.”
I laughed out loud when I had to place anxiety. Take a wild guess where it felt it needed to be?
You bet chya, it’s on the wall.
And then it couldn’t make up its mind. Officially I’ve placed it on the wall together with “single” and “career” but the energy for anxiety is actually that’s it’s jumping in front of the wall, to on the wall, to behind the wall and it keeps doing that. Just back and forth.
Makes total sense as to why he can’t cross this wall.
Now that anxiety is there he doesn’t want to look in its direction at all.
He’s gotten a bit warm and a bit of a headache too now, and a bit dizzy. The headache is real present.
The good news is in these situations where someone can’t move due to anxiety or otherwise, it’s always a good time to place supports, so the person can feel supported to do the thing they want and move forward. Luckily, his family are already placed behind him, they seem to really love him, so it’s just about me utilising that now.
This part I’m going to do more privately (as in I won’t type it) cause this would be a personal thing (maybe even generational thing) that he needs to move through with his family in order for them to feel that support. His anxiety didn’t come from nowhere. That being said I’m also not going to do a whole ass constellation with him cause 1. He’s not here and 2. It would take hours.
All I’ll say is his mum is a MASSIVE support for him, and also……. 😬 kinda swamping him a bit. He doesn’t mind it, it’s actually very comforted, but she truly is just physically in this reading SWAMPING him. An outsider could see that she’s maybe a bit too involved with his life.. which isn’t great for a fully grown man. But, he finds it comforting, what are ya gonna do. Clearly he doesn’t want it to end… :/
(For reading purposes So it’s not just jumping, I took about 5 minutes with him and his family to help move past anxiety, his family love the crap out of the guy it’s real cute.)
I thought this was important to note:
What Career feels in relation to CE:
Very big, bulky, serious. Reminds me a bit of Wilson Fisk from into the spider verse. Just very big, bulky, serious a bit of a bully. Not gonna move. You’re gonna do what I tell you. Restrictive. That kind of energy. It doesn’t HATE him, but it has rules. And Chris is gonna follow them. (That’s a threat) it also feels like within career is actually a powerful male that kinda owns his ass? Not sure who that could be, once again CE stans, gimme the tea.
For the next part I might… get in trouble. I know that when it comes to the talk of relationships no one likes to hear it. Don’t kill the messenger here you guys:
he has his back TURNED from “single”
I could encourage him to look everywhich other way for any other representative, but single? Back turned.
Doesn’t wanna look at it.
Single on the other hand is kinda looking at him like a little kid like :) hi Chris look pls. Chris! Pls :) Chris look at me Chris pls :) Chrissy! Take a look!
For whatever reason “single” in this reading is feeling very adolescent. Maybe he feels that being single isn’t a grown up thing to do anymore? (I forgot to mention, the things in the field take on the energy of the person it’s focused on, not necessarily how it is perceived by EVERYONE in the world, only how it’s perceived or how it acts in relation to the client. Single to ME might be a knight in shining armor that protects me, Single to Chris seems adolescent.
So, Chris is looking at both “marriage” and “being in a relationship” he’s not feeling particularly drawn towards either, but he is giving a lot more attention to “being in a relationship” than marriage.
Which is weird, cause if you don’t want single, yet you don’t want relationship, what do you want?
I have now brought in “situationship” “flirting w/ someone” and “fwb”
situationship is closest, but doesn’t have his full attention, as it’s to the left side of him at an Angle. FWB is just behind situationship but more aligned to be in front of his eyesight, and flirting with someone is on the right from him, at an angle and is the furthest of the three.
Ok, FWB feels the most comfortable for him, he actually took a step towards it. He’s not feeling super fond of any of the three in any way, but FWB is nice it’s comforting, he’s.. semi happy? It’s not even really happy… it’s just like “doing ok!This is ok! This is comfortable.”
He’s side eyeing the shit out of “situationship” though and is anxious at how close it is. He doesn’t actually want the situationship there, but it’s close now and it’s not moving, and he’s having a bit of anxiety about it. He can’t stop looking at it though. FWB is immediate comfort, situationship is SO ANXIETY INDUCING but it’s also more interesting to look at?
(Chris get therapy 🙄)
Flirting with someone is out of the picture, been there, done that doesn’t care about it. (Could be that he’s already gone through the flirting stage with someone that’s why it’s of no interest to him)
Now that he’s finding situationship more interesting, he’s looking past FWB and to “being in a relationship” which he also finds nicer to look at. The thought coming up is “that would be nice” but in a wistful way.
Marriage is still right out, we’re not looking at marriage.
I’m gonna move relationship closer to situationship to see if he feels better or worse.
Lmao ok, I put them both together and imagined situation ship and relationship being close, like they’re holding hands. In his mind, situationship is a cute little brunette that’s like 5’4 and “being in a relationship” is built like an Amazonian 6’5 goddess and he’s both in awe, yet intimidated a bit, but also not hating it, but the only thought that came up was “ahhhhh…. Fuck.”
Two thoughts came up but they both got crossed out before he could finish it.
“I don’t want-“
“I’m not ready……..-“
And now he just keeps hesitantly saying relationship over and over again but he’s saying it like he’s brand new to the word, like he’s trying to find the word for the word - yet he’s already speaking it??
And now it’s just a flatlining “😐 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……”
Sat with this for a while and didn’t have much movement so time to move to:
Question time:
Q: Chris.. are you in a situationship?
I don’t know what I’m in
Q: Ok. Are you… sleeping with someone
Q: Are you FWB?
He’s hesitant? Like he’s not sure. That word doesn’t seem to fit what he’s up to atm. He seems very confused about what he’s in.
Q: Are you going on dates with someone?
I’m going on dates
Q: With many people or just one?
Just…. One… (not sure why he was hesitant about telling me, but I feel like I’m starting to cross on something I’m not meant to talk about, so I’m ending it here. If he wants to keep it to himself, he is absolutely in his right to do so)
I will say when He said just one, a person did show up: brown hair, she’s shorter than him (but that’s obvious) and she’s slender and kinda perky. When I see her she looks like she’s fun! I saw her dancing around a bit. I liked her energy.
Sound like anyone you guys know?
Note: this is where I’ve ended it. Wasn’t gonna push on it he was getting more and more hesitant it’s not my place to push anything that he doesn’t want me to access. Now that we’ve created the focus though it will be easier to go from there :)
Hopefully that covered it for the anons that asked :) I’m over @energyanon to anyone that needs anything clarified.
Thank you for doing this @energyanon ! Your gift is amazing and thank you for your dedication!
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mickybee0412 · 3 years
4 Music Marketing Platforms That Every New Band Must Have In 2021
I think everyone will agree when I say:
It’s REALLY hard to build a fan base.  
Well, while still not as simple as it once was, the following platforms will help you get your music in front of more people sooner!
1.    YouTube
The video-sharing juggernaut isn’t only the best place to catch all the latest cat vids but should be the absolute first point of call when considering posting your musical content.  Here’s why:
·       An average of 5 billion hours worth of video is watched on YouTube every day.
·       YouTube is actively accountable for 47% of global music consumption.
·       85% of the most-watched YouTube videos are in fact music videos.
 Tips for success:
1.    Make your videos shareable!  Relatable content gets shared.  Topical content gets shared.  Valuable content gets shared.  Get the point?  Create something worth sharing and you’ll amass fans fast.
2.    Be consistent.  People will come to your page because of the content you release. Don’t mess it up by throwing stupid curveballs into the mix.  Keep your content consistent, release it on a schedule and keep all your thumbnails and artist profiles consistent with your other social platforms.
3.    Stop, collaborate and listen.  Network with other YouTubers and content creators posting content similar to you.  
4.    Communicate with people commenting on your videos. No matter how big you get remember where you came from.  You always have a spare ten minutes to reply to your fans.  Communication is key.
2.    Spotify
Playlists, playlists, playlists.  With Spotify accounting for 35% of digital music and a total of 68% of Spotify users using playlists to discover new music, it would be outrageous not to consider Spotify playlists when curating a marketing campaign.  Not only can the addition of a single song into a well-established playlist act as a game-changer, creating playlists can boost interactivity and help you maintain an active position on your followers’ feeds.
 Spotify allows you to upload photos, insert bios, and add in any upcoming tour dates, letting your fans know where they can catch a live set.  Spotify needs to be tended carefully, but so does everything.  If you wanna grow your audience, Spotify is a must.
Tips for success:
1.    Submit your tracks to playlist curators.  The more people that hear your music, the bigger you grow as an artist.  Playlist curators help get your music in front of the right people sooner.
2.    Create your own playlists.  Doing it yourself will increase your presence and allow you to connect with other playlist curators.  It’s a no brainer.
3.    Like any of the platforms mentioned in this blog, having a strong image, characterised by your style of music is a highly effective way to grow brand identity.
4.    Share your Spotify links!  Sharing your music links is the most grassroots way of promotion but it still works.  Show people where to find your music by sharing the heck out of it.
5.    Once you have a killer image start reaching out to music blogs.  If you have something worth writing about they’ll promote it to their fans.
3.    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
If social media was an awkward family get together, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter would be the parents you inadvertently cling to for the entire event. Why?  Because you need them!  With most of the digital world residing within these three platforms, they really do become an absolute must for your marketing strategy.  Don’t believe me?  Here are the stats:
 Facebook: 2.80 billion active users.  1.84 billion users opening the app at least once a day.
Instagram: 1.1 billion active users.  71% of users being under the age of 35.
Twitter: 192 million active users.  500 million tweets being sent daily.
 It goes without saying that each platform will require a tailored strategy for the tools and specifications that each app offers but if you can create a campaign that integrates all three, you have a solid foundation for your marketing crusade.
  Tips for success:
1.    Research similar accounts to give you a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
2.    In a bid to keep driving your image.  Select professional, charismatic profile photos and banner photos, but remember to keep them consistent.  Integrate this mother flipping campaign!
3.    Facebook and Instagram both have ‘live’ functionality. Use it.  It helps you reach people quickly and will promote fan interaction.
4.    Update everything regularly.  I’m sure if you showered once a month no one would talk to you either.  Keep socials fresh.
5.    Using appropriate hashtags will open the door to a greater reach and ultimately a larger fan base.
6.    Understanding the Facebook and Instagram paid advertising infrastructure is an absolute must if you want to target the right audience. Why?  Because you can directly target those that want to see your content. Learn who your audience is and then create paid ads specifically targeting that market.  It’ll come at a cost, but the reward is substantial.
  4.    TikTok
TikTok offers a unique option for those looking to bolster a marketing campaign, it allows you to post short, 15 – 60 second, videos and focuses primarily on creating authentic content.  A platform based on participation, TikTok offers the ability to post your own music, follow other musicians, and presents the uniquity of creating pop-culture trends as you connect with one of over 689 million global users.  Whilst new to the social media scene, TikTok has made an impact and is here to stay, don’t get left behind (Robley, 2020).  
 Tips for success:
1.    Focus on a niche market.  Find a community that you really want to engage with and start establishing a reputation.  Create a game plan and work to your strengths.
2.    Anyone that’s had success on TikTok knows that one of the main keys to success is consistent posting.  If you are posting three to five times a day, you are constantly in front of people.
3.    Shareable content!  Sound familiar?  Post content that’s relatable, post performance videos, post personal blogs, damn it just post stuff that people will share with their friends.
4.    TikTok utilises an algorithm.  Research into the sorts of content that best work on TikTok and you’ll find your content all over the FYP before you know it.
5.    Constantly look at increasing the quality of your content. If your videos look as though they’ve been recorded by a potato, chances are you’re gonna crash and burn.
 Look, it might not be a bloody baby but you are gonna need to take baby steps. These things take time but you should absolutely be aiming to get into good habits early.  If you want to make it in the big bad digital world you are gonna have to play by the rules.
Whether or not your tweeting, TikToking, or Face…booking, these platforms are a musician's best friend.  
Let me know which platforms you’re going to master by leaving a comment below.
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agentdagonet · 4 years
Someday Surprise
read it here on AO3
‘Oi, Merlin!’
‘Yes, Eggsy?’ Merlin held his head in his hands, rubbed at his temples as he waited for whatever banal question Eggsy had decided was worth bothering him about now. Ten years had done nothing to break the boy’s (for he would always be a boy to him) ridiculousness.
‘When were you gonna tell me you ‘n Harry are immortal?’  Merlin’s head snapped up and his hands came down so quickly the keyboard was damaged from the impact. Eggsy was propped casually against a sofa, the door was closed and locked, and he raised an eyebrow in response to Merlin’s shock. ‘Well?’
‘I should probably ask what gave you that idea.’
‘Probably, but then I’d pull out,’ Eggsy drew from behind his back a photo album, a garishly coloured thing that hadn’t been touched in at least a decade, ‘this, and point out all the dates.’ Eggsy flipped it open to a random page, ‘America somewhere, 1808 (you couldn’t be arsed to remember where?); Australia, 1900; Belize, 1750- and, somehow, you don’ look any different. Except maybe your hair, but I figure that’s easy enough to fuck with...’
Each comment had Merlin sinking further into his chair. This is what happened when someone was allowed limitless access to their home- they found things that should have remained hidden. That had managed to be hidden for several hundred years, like collections of portraits and photographs that documented their travels.
‘And I assume you’ve come to a conclusion of your own?’
‘See, thing is, I thought I’d done, yeah? Thought I’d figured this shit out years ago,’ How long had Eggsy known about the book?  ‘But it didn’t match up. So I’m here, askin’ you to make sense of it.’ Merlin pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and huffed a breath before he tapped the edge of his glasses several times and turned away.
‘Hamish, are you entirely aware of what time it is in Singapore-’ Harry complained through a yawn that was heard but unseen through the glasses.
‘He knows, Harry.’ It was typed out, utilising a feature that Merlin had only put into place for people outside of himself. He hated trying to focus at two layers of sight- to both see what he was doing in the real world and what he was typing into the glass barely a handful of centimetres from his face.
‘I beg your pardon.’
‘Eggsy knows. Found the book.’
‘Well, shit.’
‘I’m still here, bruv.’ Eggsy interrupted dryly, like Harry commenting on their target’s poor choice of interior design. Like Merlin had added on ‘with no parachute’ while he had been in training nearly ten years ago, now.
‘Give us a moment, lad- we’ve never had to tell this story before.’ That seemed to assuage him, and Eggsy allowed himself to slide from the arm of the sofa down to sit on it proper. The book was still open on his lap, and from the corner of his eye Merlin could see him turning pages idly.
‘Put your glasses on, Eggsy.’ Merlin sighed, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh at him. ‘Stop your laughing.’
‘I told you that book would bite us in the arse someday, but no you needed to have a record-’
‘There’s only so much space in the human brain, Harry, how else are we supposed to keep track-’
‘Boys, boys, ain’t no need to argue about shit- I just wanna know. I been with you ages, I fuckin’ live in your house, and you lot’ve got more makeup stashed about than one of them internet models. Wouldn’ it be easier not to have to lie all the fuckin’ time?’ Eggsy jumped in, having somehow managed to tap into their line- which would normally be something to worry about but at the moment was at the bottom of Merlin’s list of cares.
‘I don’t remember how long ago it was- a millenia, I think?- I stopped for a drink of water on the way back home. Brought as much as I could carry home- I’d often forget to get water from the well, while working. I’ve always been a man of science, though what I was interested in was called magic at the time, and I had a task ahead of me that many people of the time thought impossible.’ Merlin began, and Eggsy closed the book. ‘I managed it-’
‘Of course you did,’ Eggsy interrupted, grin on his face, and as irksome as the interruption was the grin set Merlin at ease. It, more than anything, let Merlin know that this wasn’t going to end poorly, with the loss of Eggsy from their lives- it would just be… complicated… for a time.
‘I managed it but it was a lot of trial and error. I’d been throwing things together at random, tested things on some animals I’d trapped in the forest, eventually tasting one thing before inhaling fumes from another- as much a mad scientist as you could imagine- before getting the combination right. I delivered my creation and some supplies to the person I thought most likely to succeed in the idea we lot had crafted together, and went home to wait.’
‘When I got back,’ Harry jumped in, ‘months later, I confronted Merlin in his chambers. Demanded to know what devil he’d sold his soul to to see our mission completed, shoved him into a wall with a blade-’
‘I think he gets it-’
‘And until I saw the absolute confusion in his face I’d no idea that he’d had no idea-’
‘It was entirely an accident-’
‘Easy t’see you’ve never told this story before cos I got no idea what’s going on. You’re usually better at givin’ the facts, Merlin.’
‘Well it’s not every day you have to tell someone that you accidentally made King Arthur immortal.’ He snapped, ears red in a strange mix of embarrassment and fury, accompanied by Harry’s howling laughter at Eggsy’s face. Eggsy’d jumped as if electrocuted, sending the book to the floor and accidentally kicking it with a twitching foot so hard that it slammed into the leg of a nearby table, which caused a mug to fall and shatter.
It was the sort of thing film sets contrived to make the audience laugh in an otherwise tense moment- and, in this, Harry was the audience of one. Eggsy’s jaw dropped and Merlin growled to himself and cleaned the mess before turning back to the computer screen he’d been focusing on before Eggsy’s intrusion. Not truly seeing it, just pretending while he tried to pull himself together.
‘You’re tryin’ to tell me that you,’ Eggsy pointed at Merlin, ‘made some shit that accidentally made King Arthur immortal and then fuck knows how much later ended up here where the whole place is themed for King bloody Arthur?’ Eggsy was laughing, having snapped from shock to acceptance in a fraction of a moment, obviously only half speaking to Merlin as Harry’s laughter renewed itself for a moment. Merlin pulled a flask from his desk and poured the contents into a glass before setting it on the table before Eggsy.
‘Not quite, Eggsy,’ Harry breathed, seeming to understand Merlin’s continued silence as a cue to take the story over. ‘You see, I can’t even remember what the elixir was that Merlin sent me off with that day, that journey, so long before there were any real consequences and all we had was a collection of ideas. But, I do remember the traveler’s flask he’d passed to me, filled with water that tasted of sunlight.’ Harry sent a message to Merlin’s lenses, a simply understood ?????, but Merlin ignored him.
‘Not sure I get what you’re saying, Haz.’
‘The water, Eggsy,’ Harry said softly, whether from lack of breath of an attempt to make the facts easier to swallow he couldn’t tell, ‘it wasn’t anything Merlin had concocted, it was the water he’d brought back from the spring. Neither of us had any idea until I lost my temper with him when I got back. I’d pulled a dagger to try and scare Merlin into explaining the devilry he’d managed, and miscalculated-’ I’m not even THERE you arsehole another chat bubble appeared, and Merlin ignored that one as well before feigning outrage.
‘Miscalculated?! You stabbed me in the neck because you tripped-’
‘And nothing happened when the blade pierced his flesh. There was no blood; in fact Merlin didn’t quite know what had happened at first and continued to babble on as if nothing was amiss. Meanwhile I was so frozen in terror I couldn’t breathe which I then discovered I had no need to. Which is an odd thing to adjust to-’
‘You don’t have to breathe?’
‘Let me finish, Eggsy- we’ve spent the years since trying to solve the mystery of the spring- luckily Kingsman has near limitless resources- and the pair of us have made it our business to be masters of illusion in whatever technology develops. Yes,’ Harry interrupted Eggsy’s attempt to speak, ‘that means makeup. And every other kind of theatrical illusion that can be translated to the modern day- manipulating clothing so that others’ gaze is where you intend it to be and nowhere else.’
‘That is sick.’
‘There’s more than one reason to make a covert agency’s cover a tailor’s shop- both historically an excellent place to obtain information surreptitiously and a useful skill to hone when one must be covert.’
‘Which brings me to my next point- how long ago did you find the book, Eggsy? You never let on that something wasn’t sitting right with you.’
‘When I moved in; you shits didn’t so much as make space for me as drag me in like a fuckin’ sarlacc and expect me to make myself at home. Which I did-’ Eggsy panicked to add, seeing the hurt bloom on Merlin’s face at his statement, ‘don’t get me wrong I love that you didn’ even think about it, that you thought I’d fit that seamlessly into your home, but I started explorin’ and you got loads of weird shit hidden about. I thought it was a gag gift at first but it was too good, y’get me? But figured you lot’d tell me when you felt ready- didn’ realise I’d have to prise it from you myself.’
‘We’ve never had someone we wanted to tell before, Eggsy, if this spectacular shitshow doesn’t make that clear.’ Merlin spoke up for the first time in a long while, having finally pulled himself and his decision together. ‘But we were always going to tell you, once we figured out how. We didn’t even have to tell each other, this is literally uncharted territory, but,’ Merlin shook his head and met Eggsy’s gaze evenly, ‘that doesn’t make it undesired.
‘For your average person, a moment like this would have a fancy dinner, some romantic shite and a ring,’ Eggsy didn’t look away from Merlin, didn’t dare to blink, but it was easy to see the moisture welling in his eyes. Even if he was being a bit misleading, the intent here was the same. You’re here, Arthur- here we are, and here he is Merlin sent back, and he could hear Harry’s huff of laughter.
‘What Merlin’s trying to tell you, Eggsy, is that we have no intention of letting you get away from us. We’d like nothing more than to spend the rest of our lives with you.’ Harry whispered, and Eggsy couldn’t stop a tear from escaping though he wiped it away quickly.
‘Don’t you mean the rest of my life?’ His jaw was clenched, and Merlin could see the sad smile pulling at the edge of his mouth. The heartbreak he was causing himself.
‘We do a lot for the world; we risk the things we know others can’t, and we have been glad to do it and are glad to keep doing so- but we’ve allowed ourselves to suffer. We’ve distanced ourselves and made shite choices and we hadn’t even noticed how far we’d fallen from the path until you.
‘So no, Eggsy, we don��t mean the rest of your life-’ Merlin leant forward and pushed the glass across the tabletop, ‘we mean the rest of ours.’ 
Eggsy looked down, seemingly noticing the glass on the tabletop for the first time, and gasped. One hand pressed to his lips while the other twitched in his lap, as if Eggsy was holding himself back from taking it, and Merlin forgot to breathe.
‘... Are you sure?’ Eggsy whispered, having finally pulled his hand from his face as he searched Merlin’s eyes imploringly. As if there was something else mysterious and unseen happening at this moment. As if the rug was going to be pulled from beneath him if he lifted the glass from the table.
‘I can’t claim it will be easy, lad- and there’s no way to undo it. In a few hundred years if we argue, if we break, you’ll have to continue on. Perhaps we’ll find each other again, but maybe not.’
‘You two broke before?’
‘A couple dozen times, easily, but we took a few years apart and came back stronger for it, in the end. But, Eggsy, you’ll have to grow used to seeing the things you care for disappear, or change beyond recognition. It could break you, even if we don’t fall apart.’ Harry whispered, and Merlin watched as Eggsy swallowed heavily, eyes still on the glass, before he reached past it and pulled one of Merlin’s hands forward.
‘You think we can make it, Merthur?’ Eggsy looked up at him from between his lashes, tongue poking out and a cheeky grin breaking through.
‘Y’know, Merthur, one of them couple names. Merlin and Arthur. Shove a bit of his and a bit of yours in there to get somethin’ new. D’you really think we can make it? Me ‘n you?’
‘Have you ever known me to make a decision without being certain of the outcome?’
‘No, but I still got to ask, yeah? This is big, this ain’t like movin’ in together, or a marriage, even; this is big. And, yeah, it’s gonna be heartbreakin’ at first- havin’ to watch everything go on without me- but,’ Eggsy squeezed Merlin’s hand and rubbed a thumb across his knuckles before he pulled away, ‘I’ve never done shite cos it was easy.’ As if he’d never hesitated in the first place, Eggsy threw back the glass of water with a smile that outshone the full moon on a cloudless sky.
‘Y’know, never thought about it before but Harry- Arthur- was right.’ Eggsy said a moment after, staring at the now-empty glass as he licked his lips.
‘About what?’
‘It does taste like sunlight.’
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theskyexists · 4 years
she-ra 4
the reason i stopped watching she-ra is the same reason i stopped watching the dragon prince.
the narrative doesn’t take the situation seriously. instead of leaning into the anguish of war and violence (atla, teen titans) - they make light of it. EVEN when the characters’ guardians are KILLED!!
when Angella died and they spent 2 seconds on Glimmer’s grief at the end of season 3 i was like......actually fuck this. HOW can i take any of these stakes seriously when they insist on brushing them off???
anyway just had to complain about that - especially because the start of the first ep of 4 is them joking AGAIN about something as grim as Glimmer now carrying all the responsibilities of her mother - who may i remind you IS DEAD
but catradora became canon apparently so now i have to struggle through
her aunt, her mother’s sister, is fuckin, joking about cakes, her friends are laughing at the joke. COME ON! how goddamn unrealistic and insensitive. EVEN if they wanna make a point of it - it’s silly! because the narrative PARTICIPATES in making light of the situation. if it was just the characters it would be less jarring
‘we’ll make sure this day is perfect’  WHAT? how could it EVER BE IF HER MOTHER IS FUCKING DEAD????????? AND THAT”S THE ONLY REASON SHE’S QUEEN????? ‘must be hard’ YEAH IT’S HARD - IN FACT IMPOSSIBLE. instead of pretending to be happy maybe you can show some genuine sensitivity. these people are so crazily emotionally underdeveloped my god. what age are they supposed to be? 16? 17? The problem that She-ra has (just like the dragon prince) is that there are no relevant adults. Oh sure there’s a Queen, and some Soldiers, and a Sorceress. But there isn’t a single relevant competent adult around who is concerned with running a bureaucracy or the emotional stability of children
I do like how Catra has overcome her fear of Hordak. but i think i remember being fuckin furious at her for almost destroying the whole world and hurting Scorpia and betraying Entrapta just to spite Adora. vaguely.
the rebellions problem is that they’re all extremely stupid himbos. like literally, in the whole story, only catra and shadowweaver have any smarts, while glimmer gains the ability to think during full moons on wednesdays. meanwhile everybodys is a slave to their emotions - which destroys any brain cells that shadowweaver or catra (or angella or anyone) might have managed. they could literally have killed hordak the entire time but just let him order them around because they’re so hot for acknowledgement
I’m glad Glimmer reflects my frustrations now hahahahaah
‘everyone is already acting like she doesn’t matter’  - yeah dudes, you fucking insensitive bastards
‘im supposed to take care of you glimmer’ - but unfortunately i have the emotional intelligence of a crab! FUCK!
this is another thing about this show that makes me groan. sappy quick resolutions of emotional turmoil through re-affirming the fuckin power of friendship in the first episode of the season.
also couldn’t Adora have done this she-ra stuff from the very beginning
that was badass.....miss glimmer’s other hair though. ok the emotions at that hologram and statue though...
the coolest part of she-ra for me is finding out more how the ancient systems all fit into Etheria and the She-Ras and Hordak Prime etc.
THIS IS A GOOD SPEECH. love this badass.
love Hordak getting put in his place. Love Catra realising she has power - love Hordak reaping what he sows. its unfortunate that she’s a shitty brat who JUST can’t get over her inferiority complex
if i could endlessly teleport i would do what glimmer does
also, glimmer was willing to fuckin murder catra before and she DEFINITELY will be now lol. love that for her.
why did they only introduce adora learning to transform her sword NOW ahahaha, theyve had SO MANY SCENES in which she doesnt have it and then suddenly does - and then its gone again
scorpia is the funniest and most likeable person in the whole show
they really suddenly can’t take five people on with she ra and fuckin huntara on their side??
i remember that little sadistic righteous twist in my stomach when Adora finally was like: FUCK!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Catra!!!!!!! and the stupid idiot got it
FINALLY A GLANCE AT THE PEOPLE OF ETHERIA AGAIN! i love the party sequences in this!!! the people of etheria are so beautiful! nobody ever comments on the main characters all looking plain human in contrast....
‘and i fell for it!’  yeah cos you DUMB AS BRICKS ADORA
so first they quietly take out the guards....and then literally break open the door hahaahahahahaaha
‘we forgot the bots regenerate’ - yeah cos you DUMB AS BRICKS ADORA
i just dont understand why they insist on making the main characters so DUMB ahahahahaah
Adora and Catra are great at hitting where it hurts. the difference between them is that Catra KNOWS that she’s hurting Adora - she does it deliberately.
wow that could be some pretty angsty stuff constantly leaving her to struggle on the floor while painfully electrocuted. Catra has also moved to kill Adora straight up so many times. im sure she really wants to (but it would destroy her later). But now, Adora swept something at Catra that might have actually killed her. I get Catra though, I would’t want to get beaten by some blonde, blue-eyed, glowing golden kid who always gets to win and do better. this is truly the first time Adora has moved to kill Catra......
does flatterina not have parents who’d be like: uhhhhh maybe leave the soldiering for a couple more years?
catra truly burning all her bridges. hahaha. it’s so satisfying to see her use her anger and power to truly destroy herself - because of guilt!
no other villagers were like - HMMMMMMM this random new kid is here? weird..... i didnt see that coming either.
Adora doesn’t think about what Catra might have even been doing there - cos she’s DUMB AS BRICKS
the interesting thing about this show is that they’re setting up a dichotomy. they’re treating war like a high-stakes game because they have the good side adhere to an aesthetic of ....magic. they will not make the two sides equivalent in any way - which makes questions of morality moot. the show is purely an emotional drama. the horde is an army of brainwashed kids in an industrial wasteland - they fight with tech and guns. but the good guys cannot fight with an army or tech, they fight with cleverness and magic. they’re called the ‘rebellion’ - they HAVE to be underdogs because they have to follow the script of good - even though what’s really going on is war, not a rebellion. That’s why they have a single strike team that do ‘missions’. They are presented as FUNDAMENTALLY different - on the level of identity which they cannot change lest they destroy themselves - and in that way the good guys can never become the bad guys. it is ALMOST meta. think they’re gonna do something with that at one point. i hope
also Netossa has such a super cool design.
‘everyone knows you’re needed in bright moon’ - uh. really? i dont know. some random person i’ve never seen before demands you go to meetings. so? is that important? why?
spinerella can literally FLY???????? why has she been in the background this whole time??? hahahaha military inefficiency.
there was an explosion that ripped trees apart - but bo’s alive!! honesty why didn’t they try explosive suicide bots before. they’re very lucky he was still alive to heal
‘could they be tracking she-ra?’ WHAT? isn’t the obvious suggestion - A SPY???? they just assume that the general is right hahahahaa.
i love how double trouble is so meta.
actually, why wasn’t glimmer trained as a sorcerer anyway?
glimmer is upset about her growing magic plants but not her having magic ingredients
why do they present good strategic thinking (for once) as evil influence from shadowweaver
what a fuckin badass. honestly - glad that this show finally utilised glimmer’s extremely op powers like they should be. honestly, she’s much more powerful than She-Ra.
that bit with spinerella was so contrived jfc.
‘by using me as a decoy’ adora says, pissed off. uhhhh YOU went off on your own to get smushed by fuckin bots adora. Glimmer didn’t do that to you. she just used your stupidity.
glimmer really left catra to die. hahahahaa
i like adora best when she’s on her own and being a dork
they definitely managed to foreshadow that Light Hope was evil but im glad they picked up the thread now
am i seeing this wrong or did scorpia have two mums??? but also. where the fuck are they
lolololololol because everybodys dumb as bricks and emotionally volatile they’re incredibly easy to manipulate
‘i cant risk hitting flatterina’ pffft - ALL YOUR ARROWS ARE NON-LETHAL BO. ugh i cant deal with these contrived stakes
they’re really gonna spin it like this is a bad development? fuck off. finally some grit.
‘you took things way too far’ - but she got results! dumb as bricks adora
(this may seem harsh but adora is DUMB shes so fucking DUMB!!!! and she has many good qualities (such as an almost innate sense of morality) but goddamn. i guess its good to sometimes have a show about all around dumb characters. i mean, it’s not unrealistic per se, it’s just.....weird.)
the interesting thing about these characters is that you can SEE every single one of them struggling with cognitive dissonance. thats the big story of this show. they see the world a certain way - and then when something challenges that, they fight to the death to destroy or deny or ignore that new information - to everybody’s detriment. and they can’t back down because every step they’ve taken - would turn to sins they can’t live with. it’s interesting and its also a kind of conflict that‘s frustrating if not resolved at SOME point. thats why i love this season for its characters going off the rails. adora aiming to kill catra, catra destroying her last relationships, glimmer growing more and more militant.
they’re all acting like teens - that  is - highly volatile - unable to keep from provoking others or be provoked - but they ARE teens.
‘catra doesn’t care. she’ll hurt people to get her way (implied: EVEN people on her side)’ - we must remember that Scorpia was entirely fine with KILLING the trio (it was Catra that wasn’t at the time).
‘you’re a bad friend’ OH OUCH. Catra - who’s always been treated as a whipping girl by those in power - does the same to those she is in power over. But on some level she doesn’t WANT to be that. she’s just always always been rejected and take advantage of and lashed out at and abandoned by the people she considered important (shadowweaver ---- doing the same to catra that was done to her is so goddamn....it’s the story of this show. the simplicity and banality of damaging and hurting others and that carrying over to harm even more people - is the story of this show and it’s immeasurably frustrating and REALISTIC)
she still flinches at Hordak’s lashing out. but she imprints on him the exact lesson she’s trying to school herself in. If you don’t need anybody - you don’t want anyone - if nobody matters but the mission and winning - then you can’t be hurt. she wants to prove her worth - but she doesn’t realise that inherently means that she’s putting somebody in power over her - again and again and again.
mermista coming  in clutch with the braincells: there’s a spy! I love how this is played as completely implausible and just Mermista nonsense (who i love learning about) - while it’s so obviously true/
i actually love Adora when she’s being serious and heroic, or a huge dork. and she has the wit to RECOGNISE good ideas. but i just don’t understand why Adora is being big b about being used as a distraction. like....why?
i love that the underside of Mermista’s sneaker has a figure. but why the fuck is a common soldier with them (flatterina) and do they really think they can interrogate the whole castle filled with some shitty guards and...what - the guerilla troops they sometimes employ? where do they even live? ah in a tent city. ok
why is the GENERAL in front line combat WITHOUT SOLDIERS???? oh wait. glimmer did that too when she was general. lolololol
i understand why Adora doesn’t trust Shadowweaver and doesn’t want her around most of all - and Glimmer getting buddy buddy with her is hurtful. but...it’s not helpful to needle glimmer about it. but dismissing the guards around shadowweaver however? stupid of Glimmer. unnecessary. ‘what has she done but help us?’ - uhhhh she kidnapped you, corrupted your powers, almost wiped Adora’s mind. I wish Adora had summed up those things instead of leaving them implied.
so perfuma and mermista come across inconsistencies in the stories - but then. forget about it? i just...... UGGHGHGHGHGHGHGH. people really aren’t this dumb are they? they’re just NOT.
‘no more secrets and doing things without us’ - that was a good speech. but like, glimmer is right - she’s surrounded by INCOMPETENT IDIOTS lolololol. but good leadership is corralling idiots, Glimmer. not going off on your own. but she’s already planted the bait about the dining room.
‘we were the only ones who knew about the plan to take back dril’ ---- THEN WHY DID YOU INTERROGATE OTHER PEOPLE AHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA
‘stop questioning my choices, stop whining about being a decoy’ YEAH FUCKIN HELL ADORA STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING SHIT. IS THIS REALLY ‘TAKING CARE OF GLIMMER’????
‘all you do is question my authority, it’s exhausting.’ yeah god...it really is. adora needs to fucking BACK! OFF! but im loving these fights because it brings out the grievances. Adora is right to be worried about Glimmer no longer including her in her decisions. and she makes a good point that that’s bad. She makes a good point that Shadowweaver cannot be trusted. And Glimmer makes zero good points - except that it’s been hard for her and has garnered 0.1% understanding from the people around her. Oh they were working together. BUT those were definitely real grievances.
GLIMMER CAN ALREADY DO A CONTAINMENT SPELL LIKE THAT??? godDAMN. castapella completely flunked her responsibilities to Glimmer but shadowweaver did NOT.
hmmm so Solinius was....destroyed. but like, did the people die? like....the people? that’s the important bit isn’t it? i mean, they were under the sea right?
i suppose the problem i also have is that this show will NOT hurry up. normally i love filler stuff but ...the characters are too.....cheery. too flat. their quirks are fun and funny until they’re literally character flaws.
are the horde just literally attacking civilians? jezus. the war crimes. how did shadowweaver ever expect to trick Adora when she was released into the field?
‘you can’t just keep going off on your own!’ - SHE LITERALLY SAVED THE WHOLE FUCKING TOWN. SHE’S THE QUEEN! EVERYBODY SHOULD LISTEN TO HER! lolololol
the problem with Adora’s points is that everything about their dynamics are always so nebulous. why cant glimmer keep showing up to help out? WHY??? she’s the most capable fucking soldier in the field! she’s supposed to have full fucking authority! like, Adora isn’t in the right here. the problem is that her needling is only a symptom of her worries - which is that Glimmer doesn’t trust her any more. but the needling does NOTHING but make her seem like an idiot
i do love this trope reversal here - Seahawk deliberately damselling them to let the princesses save the boys? pffft
love catra getting the consequences for her actions regarding Scorpia. You can’t keep lashing out at people and expect them to stay my dear cat.....
oooohhh Glimmer.... you’re treading close to very hurtful territory. Blaming Adora for the Rebellion failing? for things she couldn’t do anything about? stupid.
really?? you’re really gonna fucking fight-resolution BLOCK ME? are you FUCKING kidding me? edging me for the whole GODDAMN SEASON??? and finally Adora cries at Glimmer going over the line????  fuckin I HATE the narrative decisions in this stupid show I FUCKING HATE THEM FUCK THESE WRITERS GOD FUKCING DAMMIT!!! this has been the whole GODDAMN SHOW!!!!!! ARGHGHGHGHGHGH
i’ve been waiting for a fucking resolution for Adora and Catra the whole! goddamn! SHOW! NOTHING! else matters! you do the exact same for glimmer and adora and now you let it fester again??? because of some no-stakes BULLSHIT? just give me the fucking godddamn PAYOFF for watching these kids be IDIOTS.
this fight on the boat is COOL and really wonderfully animated
really? Glimmer’s response to Adora being hurt and not wanting to be TOUCHED is to be angry herself? what a fucking IDIOT. god i can’t stand this. I CAN’T STAND IT
is this how people act? do they never take a moment to breathe and think and reflect and realise their priorities and take a step back and fucking apologise?
‘no matter what glimmer thinks of me’ oh that HURTED. oh damn. that’s so relatable. it’s a way to run, it’s a way to internalise the hurt and then prove the things that hurt wrong. the one that hurt you
I know Bo is supposed to be the emotionally intelligent one but he’s also too soft. He should go up to his friends individually and ask them the sharp questions. not - ‘communicate more positively’.
I just like Adora so much better when she’s alone. Her friendships’ positive moments are always so sappy or so....like over-exaggerated, the negative moments always so fucking annoying. Alone, Adora is generally driven, tragic, and cool. the problem is perhaps that i don’t care for the constant fucking drama
god i LOVE Mara so much - she’s so beautiful. and i LOVE learning more about the Old Ones. So they were trying to study Ehteria’s magic.... but then Bright Moon and the princesses were already here. The Magic-Like systems of the Old Ones are pure tech.
wow! even Mara’s transformation is way cooler.
so why was the first one’s tech (she ra) responsive to the magic? why does Raz know about She-Ra? when she ra is first ones tech????
WAIT ONE SECOND. She-Ra is ‘magic’ ??? it’s the SWORD that’s the first one’s tech! She-Ra is Etheria’s magic ! but how if the First Ones chose Mara. Did they steal She-Ra from Etheria?
so what im getting is that. the Old Ones colonised Etheria. Etheria has magic, and when Mara was chosen they made that girl an elite soldier - giving her a first one’s tech sword so she could ‘control’ Etheria’s magic. Then Mara was told to study the magic of Etheria - the ship implying that she’d not been on the planet before. then they created a Heart of Etheria project - which will probably turn the magic into a weapon. this was going to be used against Hordak Prime, im sure. I mean, Mara saved Etheria, but she did doom the rest of the universe to...extinction.... like, judging from Hordak’s strategy, Hordak Prime just literally exterminates planets and repopulates them with his clones....
But why would the planet choose a girl from amongst the colonisers - twice?
OOOHHH that anguished scream. i love anguished screams
why dont they put fucking safety belts in these ships. it’s not like the ship didn’t survive. only Mara got splatted (i guess)
also i love Mara. but damn Adora just got some more shit on her plate. why the fuck was she pushed through a portal again? for a She-Ra chain reaction?
I love madame Raz.
So they didn’t explicitly use it against Hordak Prime. and it wouldn’t have destroyed Etheria back then but it will now...
guh this showmakes it so hard to enjoy catra’s pain.
well they did finally have a good talk about it. I have to say, Glimmer is making good strategic sense - it’s just that this show only rewards harebrained schemes
Catra having a crazy panic attack cos she can’t find Scorpia and she’s completely lost and she knows its her fault. kinda love that for her. my heart
my dear Glimmer, theres a difference between absence of trust and absence of agreement.
they’re bringing king micah back just when angella is dead? oh fuckin lol
the horde....exiled micah? they exiled Micah instead of killing him???
why do they ALWAYS interrupt important conversations? i hate that shit. it’s cheap. it’s unsatisfying.
now THIS is what im here for - that unstoppable WILL!! john gonzalez is right - we watch stories for characters overcomign obstacles. writing, is creating the obstacle course. .....what does that say about me and my life....hmmm.
‘light hope told me everything i need to know’ - uhhh no she didn’t. she didn’t tell you how to harness the energy at all. ugh
how the fuck did double trouble escape. seems to me that they didn’t actually. they were let go....
it’s always so stupid when people try to tell other people: oh no you’ve got no plan - this is too risky! when that’s NEVER a problem
Glimmer is going to activate the weapon just in time for Hordak Prime to use it. And naturally she misses the return of her dad. fuck this
they’re gonna have Hordak and Catra fight? hmm
Double Trouble is right - this IS good for her - and it IS Catra - except for Shadowweaver’s case - she was an abusive bitch
I love Scorpia’s new cool fight music and also glowy eyes
is glimmer going to throw herself into lava??
the unfortunate thing is that Hordak Prime is right on the doorstep and he took over the whole universe or whatever. so they could probably have used that weapon. i mean the Old Ones must have seen something coming. there must be a reason they’re all GONE maybe????
why did Adora assume that all those stars would be destroyed?
how the fukc are they going to beat Horde Prime lolololol.
i guess Glimmer really shouldn’t have done that. but at least she was in time to bond with Catra.
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Winter’s War: Chapter 15
Summary: It’s Thanksgiving day and you may be halfway across the world but you want to celebrate it. You try to surprise the guys, but they end up surprising you, instead. Pairing: Bucky x Reader Warnings: Language (always) Word Count: some number between 2500 and 4500 A/N: Another sweet chapter. We have a few more, at least :) I think we only have a few more chapters to go, though! Please note that this has been reposted after being taken down during the great Tumblr Purge 2k18
Masterlist // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Not a half hour later you and the guys were on your way to the airstrip; you were on Moxie with Bucky (you’d let him drive- he was thrilled), Steve was on Patriot, and the guys were in the trucks.
The moment everything was loaded you took your seat in the cockpit. Bucky took the seat next to you; you’d agreed to teach him how to fly and he was to be your copilot while he learned (Steve had been insistent about that. He probably hoped it would temper your impulses). Just like that, you were all on your way to Czechoslovakia.
November 25th, 1943 - A small town in Czechoslovakia
The timer on the stove top went off and you cursed, hastily placing the dish of uncooked vegetables onto the kitchen counter.
“Oh boy…” you muttered as you opened the oven door. The smell of butter-lathered bird hit your nose and you let out a small noise of contended pride. You’d never cooked for Thanksgiving before, but you finally had something resembling a family and a plethora of things to be thankful for, so there you were, cooking a veritable feast by yourself in the small kitchen of a house in Czechoslovakia.
Finding a large turkey had been the most challenging part. You ended up tracking down a man a few miles away who raised them for food. It had been enormously expensive, but you counted it as worth it.
You shoved the baster into the pool of butter at the bottom of the dish and coated the whole bird in the rich stuff, marveling at how well everything was coming along.
Then, the next timer went off. Your head spun to glance at the automatic mixer that was prepping dough for the rolls and let out a yelp; you’d left it too long and it was rising nearly out of the bowl.
As quickly and carefully as you could manage you shoved the Turkey back into the oven and slammed the door, yanking off the oven mitts as you ran to the mixing bowl. You turned it off and pulled the top of it up, shoving dough haphazardly back into the bowl in an attempt to save it from the worst fate of all: the floor.
You’d finally gotten all of the dough back into the bowl when a voice from the doorway interrupted the silence of your work space.
“What are you doing?”
You spun to face Bucky and Steve, who were looking at you with something akin to grim amusement. When Bucky got a look at your face, though, he had to bite back a laugh. Steve looked similarly conflicted, but one look around the kitchen made him frown.
“You’re not supposed to be back yet!” you said, glancing at the clock on the wall. No, you still had time. They were just back early.
“Yeah, well our reconnaissance mission went well, so… we’re back early,” Bucky said, crossing the room to take you into his arms.
“But… but this was supposed to be a surprise…” you said, eyes downcast.
Bucky laughed and reached up, rubbing some flour you hadn’t noticed from your cheek. “Well mark me down for plenty surprised, Doll,” he said with a smile.
You pouted, unable to look him in the eyes. “It’s not the same… You were all supposed to come back to the table set, the dishes all done cooking…”
“You weren’t going to even let me carve the turkey?” Bucky asked playfully, bending down so he could look you in the eyes.
“I- I didn’t think-” you sputtered, alarmed at how you could have overlooked such an important part of Thanksgiving. In your defense, you hadn’t had one in years; the only person you considered family was British and, as such, didn’t celebrate it. You and Steve had been too busy on the road to celebrate it, never staying in one place long enough to actually sit down and plan a huge meal like that. And, after all, it would only be the two of you; everyone else went home for the holiday.
Bucky seemed to realize he’d struck a nerve because he cupped your cheek in his hand and placed a tender kiss to your lips. It snapped you out of your darker thoughts and you kissed him back just as softly.
“No harm no foul, sweetheart. I was just joking,” he said kindly, smiling down at you warmly.
You smiled and nodded, your nerves set at ease at his words.
“Do you think maybe me and Stevie can help you out, though?” he asked hopefully.
You stood on your toes and glanced over his shoulder at Steve, who was eyeing the pots on the stove with varying amounts of concern. You glanced at Bucky and nodded after a moment. You’d really wanted to get this all done by yourself, but, if you were being honest, you really could use the help.
“Do you even know how to cook?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He scoffed at that. “Give us a minute to get changed and washed up, and I’ll just show you whether or not I can cook, Doll,” he said with a wink. “C’mon, Stevie. We’ve got work to do,” he said, throwing his arm over the blond man’s shoulder.
Steve sputtered his confusion, having missed your conversation a moment before while he was studying your dastardly creations on the stove top. You rolled your eyes at the two of them as they disappeared in the doorway, turning your attention back to the bowl of dough…
Which had risen again and was in the process of dripping slowly onto the counter and floor.
As it turned out, Bucky and Steve did know how to cook. Pretty well, too, if you were being honest. You chalked it up to him and Steve living as single bachelors together for so long; you could only live on takeout for so long, especially when you had as little money as they had back then.
An hour later you were pulling the last of the side dishes out of the oven. The table in the living room was already set and the huge turkey was covered in foil to keep it warm until the other dishes were ready.
The rest of the guys had arrived just a little while ago and took to setting the table, placing everything carefully as it exited the kitchen.
James and Jacques had protested a bit about the whole ordeal, but one whiff of the turkey and the pie you’d baked had them backtracking, now eagerly awaiting the Thanksgiving day meal.
Finally, you pulled out the last side- the rolls you’d struggled with so much earlier- and placed them on a plate with a cloth draped over it to keep their heat in.
“Is that all of it?” Dum Dum asked as you passed. He made a move to grab a roll from the basket but you deftly dodged it and placed the basket safely onto the table.
“Yes, yes it is,” you said proudly, eyeing the smorgasbord laid out in front of you.
Bucky came up behind you and placed a hand on your hip. “Looks delicious, sweetheart,” he said softly, placing a kiss to your temple.
“You and Stevie did at least half the work!” you said, tilting your head to look up at him, smile on your lips, adoration in your eyes.
Jim rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You’re all fantastic. Now, can we please eat?” he asked as he took a seat at the crowded table. The poor thing was nearly buckling under the weight of all the dishes and it creaked ominously whenever you moved dishes around.
James went to reach for the vegetables, but Dum Dum batted his hand away. “Not yet, ya idgit. We have to say what we’re all thankful for, first,” he explained.
“I suppose that’s why it’s called Thanksgiving, eh?” James said, rubbing his hand indignantly.
“Do you wanna start, Stevie?” you asked, glancing at him on your immediate right.
Steve nodded and seemed to think for a minute before he spoke up. “I’m thankful for a chance to serve my country, with people I can trust at my back,” he said, smiling at all of you.
There were a few sincere smiles along with a few teasing ones.
Jim was up next. “I’m thankful to be out of that damned hellhole, and for a chance to get back at the bastards that put me there.”
There were nods of assent around the table. You were sure they would have toasted to that one if they’d had drinks.
Dum Dum cleared his throat, his mustache twitching behind his hand. “I’m thankful to be surrounded by the biggest bunch of idiots in the whole Allied army,” he said with a toothy grin that had the rest of you grinning, too, even as Gabe reached over and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
You all turned to Gabe, who was still smiling at Dum Dum’s answer. When he realized you were all staring at him expectantly, he sat up a little straighter. “Right, uh. I guess I’m thankful for the simple fact that I’m alive and I’m getting to see the world, even if it is a mess right now.”
There were nods of agreement around the table and Jacques and Dum Dum gave him bracing pats on the back.
Jacques leaned over and whispered something to Gabe, who whispered something back with a nod.
“For my friends and family,” Jacques said, accent heavily coloring his words, to which everyone nodded, smiling along. “Et pour les explosifs. Et en utilisant l'exploration sur Hydra,” he added darkly. And for explosives. And using explosives on Hydra.
The guys knew enough french by now to understand the gist of the second half of Jacques’ sentiments and they all guffawed.
“D’accord, mon ami,” you said with a wink, which he returned playfully with a chuckle.
You all turned your attention to James, who shrugged helplessly. “For my health, friends, and family, I suppose.”
“Geeze, James. If you said that with any more emotion I think we’d all be a sobbing mess,” you said sarcastically.
He didn’t dignify it with a response, though (although he did subtly flip you the bird, which made you laugh), and you all turned your attention to Bucky.
“For my freedom, health, and the people in my life,” he said, giving all of you a smile (though his gaze lingered on Steve and you a bit longer than the rest).
You beamed back at him and it was only once Steve cleared his throat that you realized it was your turn.
“Oh, um. I… I guess I’m thankful for… Peggy, Howard and… and all of you,” you said shyly. Saying it out loud was way more embarrassing than it was in your head, made only worse by the chorus of aww’s from the guys. Steve nudged you with his shoulder, wide grin on his face; he felt the same way about your band of misfits as you did; they were like a family to him. Bucky reached for your hand and brought it to his lips, smiling warmly as he placed a gentle kiss to the back of it. Even though you were embarrassed, you wanted this moment to last. The only way it would have been more perfect was if Howard and Peggy had been there, too. You were finally enjoying a Thanksgiving meal with people you considered to be your family.
Without any further ado, Bucky stood and began carving the turkey, giving everyone giant chunks as they piled side dishes onto their plates. You asked him what he wanted and made his plate up for him so he’d actually have food; you were almost worried they’d devour everything before he could make it halfway through the bird.
“Back, you filthy animals! You’ll get your piece in a minute!” he said, waving the carving knife dangerously at Jim, Dum Dum, and Gabe’s wandering hands. Jacques snuck in from Bucky’s other side and grabbed a slice of turkey for himself causing Bucky to squawk indignantly and throw his napkin at the laughing Frenchman.
You chuckled along to the scene playing out before you, grinning happily as you ate. James surprised all of you by letting loose a bit, nearly getting into a food fight with Jim. It was only Dum Dum and Steve’s stern voices and your threat of beating the both of them up that saved the walls of the dining room from Foodmageddon. The food disappeared more quickly than you thought possible and you were indeed glad you’d made a plate for Bucky. He sat down after everyone had gotten their share of turkey and began munching happily on his food, though his progress was somewhat hampered by his unwillingness to let your hand go throughout the rest of the meal.
You hadn’t been expecting much in the way of leftovers, but by the time everyone was done eating, not a single green bean, dinner roll, or season potato remained. Everyone had dissolved into side conversations; you, Steve, and Bucky were talking about New York. You caught a bit of Gabe and Jacques’ conversation- something about weird french traditions.
“Well, I suppose we should start cleaning up… not that there’s a whole lot to clean up in the first place,” you said, smirking at the nearly-licked-clean plates on the table.
“Oh no, little lady. Leave that to us. You, Steve, and Bucky deserve a break after all that work,” Dum Dum said, to which the rest of the guys nodded in agreement. You glanced at Steve and Bucky, who nodded insistently at you.
“Well… alright, if you insist,” you said reluctantly with a smile. “Thanks, guys.”
“Yeah, yeah. Go relax, ya bunch of idiots. We got this,” Jim said, already standing and gathering up plates.
Bucky stood and tugged you gently to your feet. You made to walk towards your room, but Bucky wordlessly tugged you in the other direction down the hall, Steve following closely behind. You gave the back of Bucky’s head a confused look and, realizing he wasn’t going to tell you what he was doing, you glanced back at Steve. His gaze snapped to you and he smiled and placed a finger to his lips, signalling you to just go with it.
This, however, only confused you more. If Steve wasn’t asking about Bucky’s odd behavior, that means he was in on whatever was going on.
You arrived in the living room just a few moments later and let out a gasp of surprise. You dropped Bucky’s hand and took a few steps forward, gazing around the living room in awe.
When you’d arrived a few days ago the house was a bit of a mess. However, it seemed like it had been cleaned up while you’d been preoccupied cooking. Although the Thanksgiving decorations were of questionable taste, there was no doubt that it was a vast improvement over what it had been before. Someone had even started a fire in the huge fireplace, though it was slowly dying, as you’d all been in the dining room eating for a long while.
It was downright cozy.
“Did you do all of this?” you asked excitedly, rounding on them.
They grinned at you, but shook their heads. “It was the guys, actually. They got back earlier than you thought and cleaned as sneakily as possible as a surprise for you,” Steve explained.
“The decorations were actually worse until Dum Dum came through and got rid of about half of it, if you can believe that,” Bucky said with a wink.
You laughed at that. “They let Jacques and Jim decorate, didn’t they?”
Bucky and Steve laughed and nodded. “Yeah, yeah they did,” Bucky conceded.
You turned back to the room and couldn’t help the wide grin that lit up your face. “I think it’s perfect.”
Bucky chuckled and hugged you from behind, resting his chin on the top of your head. “If you can get the radio working, we may actually have some entertainment tonight… unless you feel like listening to more of Dugan’s stories,” he said playfully.
“Oh god, pass. I can only take hearing the same story so many times,” you said, grimacing at the though. You loved Dum Dum but if you heard the one about the childhood friend, the bike, and the babysitter one more time you might punch him. Steve and Bucky sniggered and Bucky released you. You immediately set to work on the radio, asking Bucky to bring you what you needed from your tools as you needed them.
Not fifteen minutes later you had the thing working and it began playing quiet melodies throughout the house. Bucky fiddled with the dials for a minute until it picked up a faster song; Benny Goodman, if you weren’t mistaken.
“May I have this dance,” Bucky asked, extending his hand for you to take.
You froze, though, and looked at his hand like it was a snake that might bite you. “I, uh- I’ve never- I don’t-”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “You don’t know how to dance, Doll?”
You shifted nervously as the horns blared through the speakers and shook your head. “I… wasn’t really one to go out to dance halls, Buck,” you said sheepishly. I was never really asked, technically, you thought to yourself.
Bucky let out a long sigh. “How is it neither my best girl nor my best guy know how to dance?” he said forlornly.
“Hey, I- …I resent that remark,” Steve said quietly, deflating a bit as he came to term with the fact he didn’t have a comeback for a straight fact like that.
“Alright, you two are learning how to dance. Tonight,” Bucky said determinedly as he rolled up his sleeves.
You and Steve gaped like fish, glancing to each other and back at Bucky. “What?” you both asked dumbly in unison.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at the two of you. “I’m teaching you how to dance. I want to take you-” he looked pointedly at you “-out to a dance hall at some point and you-” he stared Steve down “-need to learn to dance so you can take Peggy out. We’re killing two birds with one stone, here,” he said matter-of-factly.
You looked at Steve, who stared back at you, shrugging helplessly.
“Well, are we doing this?” Bucky asked, tone leaving little room for either of you to say no.
You and Steve both took deep breaths and nodded.
  As it turned out, Bucky was as good at teaching someone how to fight as he was at teaching them how to dance.
Not too long into your lesson the guys had taken seats around the room to watch, each one hopping in with suggestions, tips, and dance moves every now and then. By the end of the night you’d danced with nearly all of them. Bucky would demonstrate (sometimes with you) and you and Steve would try to recreate it. The first hour or so had been almost mortifyingly bad, but you improved slowly but surely. Once or twice Bucky had had to dance with Steve directly to fix a problem, earning good-natured jabs from the peanut gallery. You’d only smiled at the sight of your two boys dancing together, trying your best to ingrain it into your memory.
The song changed and you recognized it because it was played everywhere.
“Alright, Doll, let’s see what you’ve learned,” Bucky said, seamlessly taking Steve’s place as your dance partner.
The song was faster than anything else you’d danced to so far and you struggled to keep up, but one look at the smile on his face and you were suddenly laughing joyfully as you danced with him. Who knew it could be so much fun, once you got the hang of it?
He chuckled along as the two of you cut a rug around the room, the other guys cheering excitedly as you passed. Bucky was the only thing that mattered just then- the light touches, moving with him, taking notice of the tiny tells you’d begun to notice and keep track of, which told you what he was going to do a second before he did it. He picked you up a few times and you let out a squeak of surprise each time he did; you hadn’t practiced any of the lifts yet and it made your stomach swoop each time he did it.
Finally, the last few notes of the song rang out and Bucky spun you into his chest just as the music died. The sudden silence was deafening and the only sound that could be heard for a few moments was your and Bucky’s heavy panting. He beamed down at you and placed a fiery kiss to your lips and the guys broke out into raucous applause.
“That’s my girl,” he murmured, sending you a saucy wink that had heat flooding into your cheeks.
“Thank you and goodnight, Europe,” you heard the man on the radio say. You tore your gaze away from Bucky at the sound of someone clearing their throat loudly.
“It’s late, we should get some sleep,” Steve said, smiling fondly at the two of you.
You glanced out the window. Sure enough, it was pitch black outside. Your head whipped around (your hair nearly hit Bucky in the face) to glance at the clock. It was nearly midnight.
You turned back to glare at Bucky, who raised his eyebrows at your sudden change in demeanor. “You let us dance this late? You’re all going out to search for the base tomorrow!” you said indignantly. You didn’t wait for his response and disentangled himself from his arms. “All of you! Bed! We have a lot of work to do tomorrow!” you said chastisingly.
The guys all grinned at your sudden strictness and slowly filed out of the room.
“Yes, mom,” you heard Jim say under his breath. You glared at the back of his head, picked up the stuffed carrot out of the cheesy cornucopia, and chucked it at his head. It struck true, bouncing comically off of his head and onto the floor. Steve and Bucky bit back chuckles, afraid they’d be the next on your shit list if you heard them laugh. “Ow! Fine, fine. I get it,” he said, hastily making an exit, practically shoving past Jacques and Dum Dum.
You turned and glared at Steve and Bucky, whose smiles quickly slid guiltily off their faces.
“Bed. Now.”
Steve nodded and made a hasty exit, but Bucky merely waggled his eyebrows and swept you up in his arms before you could stop him. “I love it when you boss me around like that, Doll,” he said suggestively, sending you a salacious wink that sent your heart fluttering in your chest.
“I, uhm- I didn’t mean-” you sputtered, completely off balance from his remarks.
He chuckled and placed a tender kiss to your cheek. “Just messin’ with you, sweetheart. Let’s get to bed, yeah?” he asked, smiling down at you.
You nodded eagerly and placed a kiss on his neck which only made him grin wider. “Shower first for me, though,” you said, giving your shirt an experimental whiff that had you cringing.
“Agreed,” Bucky said playfully as he made his way towards the small room the two of you were sharing.
“Hey!” you said, batting his chest lightly.
“What? You stink,” Bucky said, grinning mischievously at you.
“You’re not supposed to agree,” you pouted as Bucky nudged the door open with his foot and walked into the room. He set you down and you glared up at him, which only made him laugh.
You opened your mouth to chew him out some more, but he silenced you with a soft kiss to the lips, effectively distracting you from the argument. “Happy Thanksgiving, (Y/N),” he said quietly, running his fingers through your hair.
You beamed up at him. This had been the best Thanksgiving you’d had in years, maybe ever. “Happy Thanksgiving, Bucky.”
Next Chapter
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etudaire · 6 years
A big bang of “how to” stuff
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There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles so I made up this long ass post for y'all!
So you a potato. Me a potato. World conquered by we potatoes. But potato need survival tips. So your brotato (get it? Bro potato?) help you out. Yay potato. Go go potato.
Study related stuff :
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1. Get good grades
Catch concepts, not chapters. Your portion is most likely gonna be super vast, so it’s helpful to know a little something from every chapter rather than knowing just 50% of your syllabus.
Figure out which concepts are important and master them.
Keep all assignments completed at least 1 day before submission date. This isn’t always possible but trust me if you do this you’re guaranteeing marks for proper submission. Job done early? Proof check and add touches to enhance that essay!
Let the teachers know that you’re working hard. I actually passed math because my math teacher knew I was working super hard on my math skills. Participate in the class, gather a bunch of doubts and then dump them on your teacher when the chapter ends.
Try not to miss lectures because chances are you’ll remember that silly mnemonic your friend made up in class and get the answer correct.
Analysis of your exam type is super important. Want me to make a long ass post about it?
2. Be more productive
Having a stuydjo/bujo by your side helps hella lot.
Plan plan plan. Lists, organise lists and colour code them. Basically become Monica Geller Bing and you’re set for life.
Motivational quotes from pinterest almost make me guilty for not being productive and force me to do something.
Before starting your study session, dance around to upbeat music for like 5 minutes. You’ll see the difference I promise.
Seek out inspiration from your smart friends /tumblr friends /people you look up to by constantly reminding yourself about them. I always think of hermione granger because even randomly picturing her with books in my mind ignites that badass boss feeling complying me to study tf up.
3. Manage your time
Studyjo/bujo saves your life.
Wear a watch all the damn time, it will remind you of how much time you’re spending doing nothing. You’ll end up saving several extra minutes!
List out what you’re gonna do every hour of the day on a sticky note and refer to it when you feel lazy.
Get a super nice friend /parent /sibling who will constantly remind you to utilise your time.
Think of time as currency and pretend that it’s all a game where you need to save up as much money as you can to become a billionaire. Save up your time and become rich af.
4. Avoid procrastinating
Stduyjo/bujo again. You know the drill now.
A little bit of exercise before starting work generally works you up and sets the correct mood.
Knowing how ahead your friends are from you often makes you wanna catch up so try getting that motivation.
Set goals + rewards that actually matter to you. Maybe a face care spa day isn’t your thing but munching on a snickers bar is. Treat yo self.
Tell someone a detailed plan of what you are going to accomplish the next day. Now whenever you see that person you’ll want to prove to them that you’re doing what you promised. Or the guilt may drive you too.
Appearance related stuff :
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1. Look more put together
Try the lipstick trick. There are days when you do not have the time /want to put on makeup, so just put on a lipstick that matches your outfit and you’ll automatically create an illusion of being more put together, boss af and fabulous.
Try out cheap (potato can’t afford sorry) but elegant accessories. If it’s a necklace try tucking it under the collar of your shirt and see the magic. Stick to one staple accessory that’s gonna be your trademark.
Tame that mane potato. Your hair isn’t gonna detangle itself. You gotta do it. I mean, don’t you love your hair?
Minimalistic colours rock. Some outfits never go old like flannels or white shirts or black dresses.
2. Feel beautiful
The lipstick does the trick for me.
Putting my hair in a sky high ponytail makes me feel like I’m a queen or something.
Save little compliments for yourself as reminders and when you get them you’ll feel 10x more beautiful than before.
Mind related stuff :
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1. Deal with burnout/slump
Try to accomplish super tiny stuff. Break down every task into micromolecular basics.
Give yourself a ted talk. It works.
Sometimes the best way of dealing with burnout is by detoxing from the thing that caused burnout. Stay away form books and after some time you’ll actually want to study.
2. Study with slumps/mental illness
Step one is to finish homework /assignments. If you can concentrate on them, you’re good to go.
Do not take up a lot of load, just skimming through textbooks, reviewing notes, going over flashcards should do the trick.
If you desperately need to get shit done, just ignore the fact that you do not want to do it. It’s harsh on your mind but desperate times require desperate measures.
Avoid forcing yourself to study because you’ll not retain info like that.
Take it easy. But consistently. Maybe just one topic a day. But do not miss a day. A steady everyday practice goes long way in the future.
3. Strengthen self control
There are several apps that can help you with this, like forest. My top pick is the Tide app which has a gorgeous interface and super aesthetic timers with new pictures everyday. I shit you not every time I quit my pomodoro I feel the guilt of having killed 1000 puppies its worse and I avoid doing that at all costs.
If you study in your room, keep your phone in the kitchen for some time. Your lazy ass is less likely to get up and use the phone.
Switching the phone off before starting a study session works because I care for my phone like a baby and it feels horrible to switch it on and off and on and off.
Practice 30 minutes of digital detox everyday. You don’t have to study at that time, just stay away from everything that is technology. Read and book, eat a fruit, make a sandwich, paint, sing, dance, exercise. Study if you want. Just no gadgets.
4. Deal with stress
Yoga works. Potato body ain’t that flexible so just breathing exercises for a start is also enough.
Highly recommended : brain dump every night before sleeping can ensure that you’ll not stay up too late pondering over the meaning of your existence and world politics.
Having a hearty talk with someone you trust will also lift weight off your chest.
Pin point the cause of your stress and annihilate the problem. Slay it.
Life related stuff :
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1. Drink more water
Carry a cool ass bottle of water with you every frigging where.
Make it a rule to have a drink everytime you go to the loo or you take a bath /shower.
Replace one of your daily caffeines /sugars with water. You don’t have to get rid of coffee because that’s just non potato ish, but maybe that third cup could be replaced with water.
Try a game thingy. Maybe everytime the word ‘procrastination’ pops in your mind take a drink. Wow, I’m so creative *sighs for eternities*.
2. Be more healthy
5 minute stretches right after getting up works you up.
Try one of those YouTube videos of 15 minute workouts. You can have 3 such workouts through the day and call yourself a fit potato.
Replacing one packet of junk food with nuts/fruits also works.
Everytime you hear someone say something related to money, have a banana. Random much? Nope, bananas are known to increase hormones that make you happy in your body, meaning you’ll feel full and happy. Maybe offer the person a banana too.
3. Be more happy
Eat bananas!
Take pictures of things you love, not things your followers love.
Puppies are a source of eternal joy.
Reading goofy/cheesy/romance books make you giggle and feel good in general.
Watching cheesy films or good ass romcoms works just well.
Friends was created for a reason.
Writing down what you accomplished today gives a sense of pride and satisfaction. Take that shit.
Tumblr has shitposts made basically to make you happy.
4. Find your true calling /figuring tf out what you wanna do with your life
Lists lists lists. Subjects you love, you hate, you’re good at, you suck at.
Consulting your teachers, family etc and find out what they think you’re good at. Sometimes other people can see traits of yours better than you.
Career tests rock.
You’ll figure it out in the end somehow.
And that’s about it for now folks, hope this helps. See y'all laterz~
Etudaire ♥
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w1737087 · 3 years
1st June
Sipped on mango juice through the night.
Up at around 9 from mother’s rigid voice and all her disputes with father.
Got up shut the door and shut the window. I could still hear her.
I finally placed multiple orders on ear buds..
Today she thinks dads out with a woman
I put on back to sleep playlist and later fell asleep. It was hard work, to fall asleep,
Dad called. I ignored it.
Kay called. I ignored it.
Up before 3pm and out of bed by 3
I cried before sleeping from all the frustration and triggering the sack of thoughts about my never ending tribulations and vast entrapment by mother.
Dreams? A little fucked up.
Shambolic scenarios being slammed in and out of one from another.
Killing bunnies?
Interrupted sex dream?
Other weird & hectic shit happened I cannot recall but I remember being sucked in by my pillows into some visions like a vacuum literally PULLING my face in. This happened twice and funny thing, I was in my mind REALISING it but also having the want to not... wake up because of it so I gave in again. It soon..was getting intense. Not scary but just hitting the red meter and I thought I’d burst and die and mentally I recited my shahada. Again, no fear, just intensity. Who dreams like this? For someone who dreams a lot this was something new I experienced.
When I woke all I concluded was that I really wanted to sleep. I hadn’t gotten enough and knew I wanted to get some more to meet the amount I should have gotten.
By 4pm completed the last mask sitting in the bed in my parents room.
Packed it up got ready. The little one tagged along. Dad came home and stormed back out. Mother has been fighting over the phone with him since the morning disrupting my sleep. I can hear her all day as I get on with my own day.
We went to post office to drop the mask sack off. Learnt what postage stamps are really for. A source of posting currency. Second band I sent it. Dad actually waited near the shops on the way there spontaneously, he called and we hopped in.
He took us McDonalds and we ate sitting in beckton car park. It was hot.
The little un wanted to return her books and I also needed to go to the high street.
We didn’t do either and I felt bad for not having taken her where I told her we’d go.
She also mentioned the zoo recently and I said a couple weeks time.
I’ve got to tell work I ain’t working my usual days then I’ll plan the zoo.
The car park is pretty empty. Around us boxed tarmac and in front upgraded stores.
Dads wearing a half sleeved shirt and
I wanted a fag as he had his.
I sat at the front, the little one at the back.
She talks about newspapers and her friends hand drawing being in today’s paper. She wanted to see. Dad only had dated ones.
I had one in my hands now and decided to do a crossword puzzle and a sudoku. I was really into the crossword as we arrived home.
We came home and through the journey dad talked about mother’s behaviour and she called a couple times and I didn’t like it. She is just so bothersome. Rightfully so but to witness it and know enough of what’s going on I’d without a doubt shove a muzzle on my mother for life and let my dad be. She would also be settled by this. Then I would be and that’s my main motive.
Tried to poop. Fail.
Eldest was in the shower. She was prompt.
Middle one wanted to go. I got out unbothered as i couldn’t go.
Came up
Lit up out the window.
My heart does that thing again.
Somethings deeply wrong. Inside of me I know for a fact there’s a riot, flaccid tears, somewhere along in the past couple weeks or further back I malfunctioned.
I don’t know if this is anxiety or not but I find myself alone and noticing my heart beating at an abnormal rate. It is everything but peace. I feel horrifyingly unsettled. I’ve got the essays I’ve got to write on my mind. It’s a factor in play as well as the wrecked sleep and I just feel so so insufferable these days. I can’t stop it, I try to be calm, I seem calm, I tell myself calm, I am so, but just as I am, I am entirely not all fine. Whatcwr this is I need it stop. My motner and her aura, ber behaviour which wrecks my sleep every morning as well as being underpaid at work and so many otber reasons. I cannot seem to stabilise myself correctly enough anymore. Everytime I want to yell at my parents it goes down mentally and when with them individually it’s to come out as I would be deemed crazy to blurt these issues out at the wrong times. At the right time it doesn’t work either. Either their good mood or their something is in the way. I’m doing so many things wrong and i just feel I’m in the middle of an identity crisis too. I don’t go to uni, I picture my desk and have no clue what’s there, I don’t go so label it as I can’t go, my baby sis is growing up and I haven’t been there, day by day I still feel I’m doing wrong by her, now that I’ve started work I’ve wasted time to better things with her. I don’t want to be here in this house and nobody will let me leave. I have no one to speak to because speaking to people is all that’s ever done, they hear they listen but they just don’t know the root of my problems and I am just beyond in need of help. How do I survive another year of this and manage to build the money and courage to move myself out of here, i don’t want grey hairs, if they show up I’ll know I’m damaging rn and I want to be settled if anything for now, for whatcwr this feeling inside of my chest is to mellow. It’s hectic between my rib cage there and my mind is swell. They are not in sync. I am not fine. Summer always had me feeling a type of way too. It’s a very very fine day and I want it but I feel once it comes around every year I’m not a part of it. Ever. It’s like it’s always for the world except for me. I cannot indulge in it enough to feel like it’s for me too.
The house is empty for now. Just us girls. Parents gone out to get some papers for the little one.
They may be back. I don’t know. I’m in my room holed up.
Mood today:
Absolutely off
Unsettled, torn.
18:40 tbwy levaw. The sisters now. I’m all alone. It’s Such a rarity I don’t have time to pick what to do. Today’s agenda was to begin emailing Stewart and getting started on something to do with the essays.
I’m still dressed.
I cleaned up the powder that fell to the ground dispersing into a thousand pieces from my compact blush case.
I remember growing massively agitated over it as it was a fat mess and it fell like they always somehow accidentally do due to lack of space here and how I always always mentally be careful to not let them fall and they do anyway.AND I GET WO MAD
Been a busy day. Productive.
Moved extension cord back. Had to move alll my shoes and did rearrange them better seeing as the few at the bottom were damaging by the compression.
Tidied the messy tower of clothes on my chair.
Emptied the underwear drawers and distributed everyone’s own to their own rooms. Assigned the two empty drawers to the little one now. She needs the space.
Liphi went for her lip filler appointment today with Nam who didn’t wanna go with.
We FaceTimed later around 9:45 for a bit.
Her lips are bruised.
I cleaned the floor. Emptied the bin, enjoyed the brief empty house before bleaching and washing my shirts.
Shuffled some things around
Tidied the bedside table and some of the drawer, moved all the bundles of colour pencils and placed them in my art box under the bed, the drawer now has better space but still clogged as usual.
Opened a package which held my sports bras that I wanted more of after having one. They stabilise my breasts well.
The little one stayed by me as I cleaned my room. She was refolding her clothes all very neatly for their new place.
She went out with my parents when the house was empty to collect madrasah forms and tbwy went shopping at galleons. From H&M she bought a sky blue dress, trackies with hearts on them, pink sliders with cartoon slapped on and a pair of leggings.
Macdonnas in the car with dad
Late night lasagne. 00:30
Ice cream from truck - sister bought after I sorted out everyone’s underwear with the little one in parents room. She sat in her car much of that hour.
Brain kicker
A nutty Lindt bar and I just ain’t taking care of my body anymore am I in terms of eating matter..
Sneezed 3 times
Thought about that bee lad at today.
Remembering to take my vitamins.
Killed my first mosquito tonight and seeing more than a couple. This means summer has officially kicked in.
Almost burnt the entire microwave down and could have blown a fuse. I placed my lasganve in and the wrapped food pack it was in caught fire immediately and I lunged at the push button.
Couldn’t blow the flames off as they were too great. Tossed it in the sink quickly and splashed water all over it which went everywhere too.
I was very alarmed. I don’t find myself in such situations that cause panic ever really.
Didn’t go to the Palestine protests as there were fights breaking out and harm occurring with the movement.
Humayra’s in the bathroom at midnight when I’ve already set my clothes in there and was ready to shower. I went back up for something and did an arm workout for 30 minutes or so including some rnr
I didn’t like that she was in there at this hour, why is it every time I need the bathroom she utilises it. I felt aggravated and those thoughts immediately crept in that I need out, I need my own place where I can get shit done without wasting these few minutes a couple hundred times a day of everyday due to others. It’s literally slowing my life down and she’s in the way of my kitchen and bathroom use, more so the latter this season.
So I showered, scrubbed my face, ears, in between toes and all and finally done with my day around 3am
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Wanna One as Princes [Part 2]
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Once again, I am back with the second part of this series and for some reason, this was a little harder to write. ^^;; I’m not sure what happened, but the ideas did not flow as well so I hope that this does not become an awkward read. D: Nevertheless, I tried my best to capture their characters in real life and put them into my writings, and with that, I wish you guys a happy reading experience from the second part to this request by @theresnowarinbasingse! 
PART 1: Yoon Jisung, Ha Sungwoon, Hwang Minhyun, Ong Seongwoo
Kim Jaehwan:
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Another prince who nobody would have guessed either that he was part of the royal bloodline.
Often gets mistaken for a typical government official or a scholar, because he always carries this book around in his hands.
The lowkey prince who is often found in the city centre reading his book (I wonder what) and listens out for the problems in society.
Puts in his input into political conversations while reading and nobody knows who he is, apart from the fact that he’s someone whom they always see at the fountain and is “extremely smart”.
Reads the people’s letters sent to him and combined with whatever he has heard or seen on the street, he gets quick and efficient work done.
The people are relatively happy and peaceful, but they are a little sad that they can never thank the prince himself. (He was right under their noses the entire time)
Not only wise, but extremely talented.
Participates in talent shows that the community organises and everyone knows him as a “Vocal God”
Always gives his winnings to others under an anonymous tag or charity.
Terrible at combat and would probably suit the marching band more but tries his best anyway.
When he likes a girl, he would be THE cheeseball and make use of his vocal talents to express his love for her.
Depending on his mood, he would either set up a stage in the city centre or give her a personal performance when the two are alone.
Probably leads to a quick mutual kiss or just two blushing beings waiting to make the first move.
 Kang Daniel:
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Carries a noble aura, so people can suspect that he’s of royal descent.
Is often seen walking with a skip in his steps and a bright smile on his face, occasionally waving to the people of the town.
Everybody knows him as that smiley noble whom they can trust and be comfortable with in sharing their problems and concerns.
Champions for the rights of animals and is always seen with a pouch of food for stray animals. (Probably started an organisation for their protection too)
Effective and efficient solutions to rectify the people’s problems, but it does not go without some effort from society themselves.
Fosters a close-knitted, peaceful, hardworking and resilient society where everyone stands together in the face of adversity.
Another all-rounder; looks exuding charm, great personality, talented in both sports and arts (namely ball games and dance) and obtains scholarly achievements.
Good combatting skills and can handle a range of weapons in practice, and definitely in battle.
Confessions to a girl he likes would probably be the cheesiest, yet cutest thing EVER.
Will not say it openly but will show it through his actions (the way he treats you, buys you random gifts etc.) and also the type to lend you his 60cm wide shoulders to lean on.
Will probably take his girlfriend stargazing to say, “I need the starshine in your heavenly eyes after the day’s great sun.” and would later say, “I like this, don’t you think? I like…. us.”
 Park Jihoon:
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Blessed with good genes and a mature aura, everyone knows that this boy has to be a part of the royal family, because there’s no way not to be for his case.
Doesn’t really carry any fixed expression when he walks around town, but it tends to be gentle and a little awkward when people bow and greet him out of respect.
But still bows back awkwardly anyway and pulls off his signature small smile that makes the girls’ hearts flutter.
Older citizens fawn over him and tend to pass him home cooked food whenever they see him around, invites him over for meals and basically treats him like their own son.
They would naturally open up to him and he would take all their concerns to heart, mentally taking notes while his bodyguard also listens in to take them down physically.
Doesn’t speak very much, but provides comfort and security with the people he interacts with.
Will go back to the palace almost immediately with a troubled heart, but a determined mind, to sort out all the troubles that his people face, while comparing notes with his personal bodyguard.
Might seem like a gentle being who can’t kill a fly, but he does not tolerate incompetence when it comes to settling societal issues (has probably fired a few government officials)
A little on the naive side sometimes, explaining the need for a bodyguard to prevent him from making rash decisions.
His community is hardworking, honest, peaceful and grateful towards their rulers.
All in all, he is a gentle and quiet being, serious with his work, has a soft spot for the children and the elderly and always attains top grades with ease.
Is a little clumsy with the sword because of his relatively small stature (and the lack of strength), but has an affinity with the bow & arrow and throwing knives, utilising them with deadly accuracy.
His bodyguard still tries his best to tutor Jihoon with the sword, and thankfully, he is getting better (as long as he works a little more on his upper body strength).
At this point, he sounds like a tsundere, but he actually does show it when he likes someone with the way he behaves and acts around her.
Would think he’s obvious with his crush and doesn’t feel the need to say it, until friends start commenting why they are not together and the reply is because they have not talked about it.
When he realises this, he would talk to the girl once the two of them are alone to his favourite hilltop, overlooking the scenery of the town and say, “If only I knew that all I needed to do was ask, we would have started dating a long time ago.”
 Park Woojin:
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If everyone in the list was mistaken as either a scholar or a noble, Woojin would be none of those.
He would be assumed as a lost and awkward teenager trying to find his place in the world because of his naturally shy behaviour.
Doesn’t really appreciate crowds so he’s not found often in the bustling city centre and is instead found in the outskirts or the quiet side lanes when he wants to find his quiet time out of the palace.
Quite a naive boy, so his personal bodyguard always ensures that he is kept safe and unharmed, especially when he’s accidentally approached by gangsters for trespassing their self proclaimed territory.
Luckily, he knows how to defend himself with hand-to-hand combat (to everyone’s surprise) and can probably handle a group of 5 men on his own.
Hears and learns a lot more by spending his quiet time outside the palace, especially when it comes to the people and writes them down in his handy notebook (before he forgets) and comes up with a plan there and then on how to solve it.
People often see what he has done for them and wonders who is the kind soul; suspects it’s the royal family’s doing but are equally doubtful because they rarely write about their problems and the family is hardly seen out of the palace. 
Woojin will be sitting in a nearby corner, listening to the people reacting to his doings with smiles and shouts of joy, bringing a smile to his face and a sense of relief, before continuing on his way.
Also has a soft spot for children and would often play with them if they follow him around; always has snacks hidden in his outfit and gives it to them.
Is adored by the older community too and receives treatment similar to Jihoon (I mean, he’s a literal bean)
Kind, gentle and shy, but gets things done quickly and efficiently (also to everyone’s surprise); exudes quiet maturity, is well read with the country’s politics, laws and appreciates the finer things in life (especially the Arts)
Extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but hates the use of weapons due to his nature of preferring to avoid conflict using such deadly weapons; is trying to build up on his confidence and courage but finds it extremely difficult at times.
His quiet nature carries on to his love life too, but eventually opens up to show more of his playful side when he knows her well enough and knows that he would not be judged for just being himself.
Leaves subtle hints here and there (plays with her hair, giving compliments, crafting gifts) but these are hard to notice for her, and he eventually gets frustrated.
Thankful for his supportive friends but freaks out and blurts out “I like you.” instead of that entire paragraph that he had prepared beforehand, but the girl won’t mind and if she was exactly like him, the response would either be “I like you too.” or a shy kiss on his cheek.
And once again, that is all for today! :) I know this was posted a little late but it is 2am where I am now and I would just like to apologise for the inconsistencies in lengths. ;; Might do an edit to this list when I can but I hope that it brought a smile to all your faces as you imagined the Wanna One members in royal garments and being all prince-like. ^^ Will hope to post Part 3 tomorrow and that will contain the final members Bae Jinyoung, Lee Daehwi and Lai Guanlin! :)
Requests will still be open for this week so do drop in an ask or a message to see more lists like these! ^^ Hope to see more of you guys there and thank you once again for taking the time to read these! ^^ 
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Zorror Legendary Adventures #2
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Zorro: Legendary Adventures #2 American Mythology Productions 2018 Written by Jean-Marie Nadaud English Script by Mike Wolfer Illustrated by Robert Rigot Translation & Letters by Natalie Jane As Appeared in Le Journal De Mickey        Zorro was the original swashbuckling hero and is one of the most recognizable comic book characters in the entire world! His fans are legion and come from every corner of the globe. These are action adventure stories that defined generations of fans for 99 years and American Mythology is proud to deliver stories that have never been seen in English and express the passion of Zorro in beautiful illustration.      One of the things that really strikes a chord with me here is the fact that there is such a huge difference in time between publications but the stories hold up and it can be seen as being made recently. Certainly the interior artwork has that aged look and feel and yet if you really look at it I think it’s better than a lot of what we’re seeing on stands today. Let us be honest here there isn’t a lot of books being made today that can stand the test of time when it comes to the character and the subject matter. We see cycles in comics just like we do in the cinema with Vampires and their ilk, in this case the resurgence of Zorro and if you look at Dynamite they have a lot of them being published right now. So someone is always remembering them and keeping their memory and spirit alive.       There are so many great aspects to this that it’s near impossible to name them all but there are pages in this very issue where I see and think oh I wanna watch The Wild Wild West (television show, as it’s the only interpretation worth watching) as Zorro’s heroics just match up with that. Also there is a tongue in cheek manner to the writing and the way the villains are represented and at least the absurdity of it all is clearly meant to be there. The interpretation will be different for each of us as we don’t have a hive mind (well most of us anyway) and I see it purposefully done to demonstrate how we see men who act like that, as fools and tools (hmm like caricature artists portray the ahem* man in the White House).       I absolutely adore the interior artwork here. The way that linework is utilised here and how delicate it can or how bold is just sensational to see. Faces people look at this issue and look at how many people have blank faces and then tell me why some of you can’t do this? The way that the foreground is utilised as much as the backgrounds to really give us a sense of proportion and perspective and it’s beautiful! The utilisation of the page layouts and the angles and perspective we see show off such a stunning eye for storytelling. This is what used to be four colour work and part of me wishes I could see on newsprint but regardless it’s bright and fabulous. ​       This is the perfect example of what comics were and could be again if folks stop being so caught up in being the next big thing and trying to emulate what we see time and time again. The writing is impeccable and the interiors are sensational so yeah this is what I believe people growing up these days need to read, to understand the past and realise that the past and present can be brought together again and be absolutely grand.
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showlexsite · 4 years
Colombian Mail-Order brides web that is: dating web web site provides individuals the chance to find a person outside a surrounding that is regular
Colombian Mail-Order brides web that is: dating web web site provides individuals the chance to find a person outside a surrounding that is regular
Colombian brides – that are they?
Just just what should you check out Colombian girls may be the undeniable fact that most of the rumors are undoubtedly genuine. We now have really proved-checked all of them with my crush and quickly after partner. Therefore you may be appropriate when you have heard that Colombian girls are recognized due to their curves, passionate dancing techniques and cooking abilities all over the world. However, foreigners keep on saying that there’s a no more wife that is jealous a Colombian the one which some men find rather repulsive. You are cheating on the or having motives to do so therefore it is far better to perhaps not provide your better half any suspicion.
Key top popular features of Colombian girls
Curvy figure
Latina appeal
Close home bonds
Extreme jealousy
How they usually look like?
Colombian girls tend to be looking stunningly hot. If it might appear to be always a dream for an absolutely free man, once you have actually hitched you’re likely to get green with jealous rage if you see your lady exposing her edges. However, you’ll be able to accept your wife’s attractiveness and permit her showing it well when you understand you’re man that is alone got plumped for through the plenty of other folks.
Why girls that are colombian a brides which are mail-order?
Due to the undeniable fact that she wants to have a family group group of one’s own, there’s no better way of a woman that is colombian start one like registering on an internet site where like-minded people gather. Think of some of it on your own, mail purchase bride the websites are clear with regards to motives of this users also it’s also appealing for the wanna-be partner originating from a family-oriented Colombia.
What precisely these girls good at?
For a Colombian girl, everything spins around loved ones and its particular well-being. She gets all the tricks which help from her mom to help she keeps healthiest home relationships.
Cooking dishes which can be hearty
Although these girls are getting far more to give than just delicious meals, their cooking abilities are miraculous. They can create a treat that is moreish a couple of minutes faster than simply about any takeaway circulation solution.
How may you wow woman this is certainly colombian?
Appreciate loved ones values
You don’t have actually become narco that is notorious Pablo Escobar and still have an ostentatious lifestyle to acquire attention from a female the truth is appealing. Although he’d been remarkably popular with females, girls in Colombia tend to be more into family-men that do every thing to be certain they might require next to nothing. Choose your terms and methods very carefully so that they resemble your intention this is certainly severe of the grouped family unit members. The moment a female views and appears it, you will win her heart.
Don’t be shy to dance
Simply just forget about being see that person can you possibly maybe not dancing at any party these are typically too timid plus don’t need to get laughed at by their peers as you are scared. After fulfilling your spouse that is colombian could have your personal celebration trainer whose edges’ strategies is going to make you almost no other choice but to participate the celebration.
And You’ll Discover Your Ideal Colombian Bride?
There’s no necessity to go to Colombia when you need to start looking for your partner. Luckily for us for people to you personally, you’re able to merely register on the internet site that matches girls which are colombian western men, take your time customizing your quest, talk for a while and satisfy one away from individual. Individually, we now have lost the count of many dating web sites linking lonely hearts from all over the whole world and try my far better to fairly select one for myself. By reasonable what i’m saying is later on by having a ratio consists of the time that’s available cash and goals you’ve got about the partner.
How exactly to select the most readily useful Mail Order Brides this is certainly Web that is colombian web web Site?
It is actually normal when you begin contemplating utilising the web site may end up being the one which is better within the market. Training shows it’s all functioning and prevent being scammed that it’s more straightforward to read some users’ reviews first getting notion of just just how.
Positives and negatives to getting spouse that is colombian
Finding household this is certainly close-knit
There’s nothing else in the world which means that because much as a family group group to just about any woman that is colombian. They’re geting to get a supplementary in relation to their loved ones who is able to do precisely the when this is certainly exact exact exact same. Maintaining this sort of family members this is certainly near takes some energy and efforts. Prepare to wait event, special birthday, wedding, christening, christmas or Easter event and satisfy all your extended home.
It would likely come to be a bit shocking to constantly meet when using the ones that are loved very little time for the family members that is nuclear but are specific to obtain accustomed it in a short time and learn how to appreciate it. It is actually well worth to mention that Colombians are hot and friendly therefore that they’ll treat you well particularly while you are doing precisely the exact same inturn.
Never get hungry
Colombians are significant in terms of dishes. All activities include an abundance of preparations and serving lots of meals. No longer have to order a takeaway if you want empanadas or churros, your spouse will prepare the most delicious meals you’ve gotten ever tried and so they desire to share to you if this woman is maybe not into the mood, her household certainly has many leftovers through the celebration.
Learning a language that is foreign
Due to the indisputable fact that English isn’t really considerable in Latin America, it is much better to begin with learning Spanish. But, you must certainly not learn Spanish in a method that is conventionally boring making use of a training course or cramming worldwide terms and syntax in to the brain whenever you understand this statement. You need to have many occasions to improve it in a way that is informal finding yourself in a family group of one’s spouse or her buddies. To assist you make sure so it won’t latin women simply take very very long until you become adept. If you wish to learn a language there is absolutely no better means rather than fall in deep love with a indigenous presenter not forgetting a married relationship with one reported by users.
Well, it speaks because of it self, just isn’t it? You might be conscious stories about some Latina girl being enthusiastic about checking upon her man for a daily basis. Keen on their tradition, Colombian dudes are susceptible to be promiscuous since you can find countless gorgeous girls not to mention they feel like a youngster in a candy land who wishes to decide to try numerous candies possible. Therefore make sure is remains in mind whenever conversing with with any type of woman in case your Colombian partner is through your part.
Independently, we may be aware with terms and certainly will never additionally significantly flirt with somebody else except for your better half. So that you can offer an idea, it is additionally better to be aware whenever a thing that is continue reading performing house like making jokes when you consider the household members specially when it comes down seriously to feminine relatives. Almost any females can be viewed a risk who is able to destroy your healthiest relationship therefore it’s safer to keep trust between the other person and deter from the chit-chat that is casual a woman that is hot winking at a waitress.
Fast summary
As a whole, Colombian girls are curvy individuals with a verve and passion to start a family group. Being a clumsy individual although you used to think of yourself with them, you will never starve and learn how to dance. Incomparable satisfying all of your substantial household and turn buddies making use of them in an effort they realize that love for the Colombian spouse reaches them additionally. But, it is additionally better to be aware in terms of speaking with any girl apart from your sweetheart because she can get acutely jealous that will be maybe not the kind of person you wish to be with. After reading nearly all of this knowledge this is certainly I also want you fortune to get the just one best for your needs inside you will be willing to begin an adventure of locating a hot latina spouse and.
Source: https://showlex.site/2020/03/27/colombian-mail-order-brides-web-that-is-dating-web-2/
from WordPress https://showlexsite.wordpress.com/2020/03/27/colombian-mail-order-brides-web-that-is-dating-web-web-site-provides-individuals-the-chance-to-find-a-person-outside-a-surrounding-that-is-regular/ via IFTTT
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daliaamara · 5 years
wrist mala prayer beads shop
wrist mala prayer beads shop
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mala beads elastic Lengthy ago i saw a Buddhist prayer necklace from Tibet, as well as it acquired a number of skulls on that. I would like to know the actual meanings on the skulls as well as what kind of prayer is being done using this band. The mala in question (the "mala bead") is a widespread style in Buddhism. In which a lot more impermanent. A cranium as soon as housed a existing human and is now only a skull. We all also are impermanent, and this is actually a reminder not to be able to possibly be too focused about material points, but even more, it is some sort of remembrance to focus considerably more on doing our own Buddhist practices. Types of Brain Mala Beads There are several types of skull da?inas. There are malas created of yak bone, metal, wood or other substance with each bead toned in the form involving a human skull. Could type of mala is actually not utilised by Buddhists with Tibet, it is now somewhat famous amongst European practitioners to be able to remind them selves of often the impermanence of lifetime. Yet another type of mala is actually made from the particular bones of Buddhist professionals often from small hard drives cut from their skulls after death. These practitioners offer their bones as the last altruistic offering. Right now there are several internet websites which often provide malas made out of these Buddhist practitioners, and it is considered their bones are imbued with the auspicious results of their life-long practice. If you're thinking of getting a new mala created using the beads carved while skulls, the item would be best to be able to acquire one made of any material other than bone. Because Polly Turner recommends, �It is often well-advised that will malas of heel bone rapid whether human or perhaps creature bone - should simply be used by accomplished yogins, considering that ritual objects crafted regarding bone are considered to possess karmic affects. � The worthiness of Mala Beads Bracelet mala bracelet handmade First regarding all, there is absolutely nothing like Mala Beads Bracelets, beads equivoca (or garland) is a very standard thing and people possess started wearing it seeing that a bracelet to incorporate several fashion statement or type. A Mala Bracelet provides 27 beads plus any "guru" bead traditionally made use of for introspection and prayer, are the newest craze in wearable meditation, along with designers making equivocada Anklet bracelets that combine gems imbued with potent energies along with sacred meaning to help infusion your practice. A Japa Mala Serves 2 Functions 1. helps to hold a new count of typically the number of moments typically the mantra is chanted 2. when you close your eyes and try for you to concentrate on the particular concept, the perception in the bead on your fingers helps you focus these are the actual main causes of using japa mala. Several believe that the material of typically the mala-wood, gemstone, crystal, seedling, etc . has some innate energy associated with it which also results in the target or results obtained by chanting. Can Da?inas Always be Worn as Jewelry? I actually was wondering if the item seemed to be disrespectful to make use of skull guttae in necklaces. I mean, Typically the guttae I wanna employ tend to be traditionally used seeing that equivocada prayer beads. I just wanted to be able to use one bone designed skull bead on some sort of line for a bracelets, but I wanted further perception into the make a difference. Prayer beads are used by means of members of various strict practices such as Aventure Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Anglicanism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Bah�'� Faith to be able to count the repetitions connected with prayers, shouts or devotions, such as the rosary of Virgin Mary throughout Christianity and dhikr (remembrance of God) in Islamic. They may also become used for yoga, safeguard from negative energy, or perhaps for relaxation. Typically any mala is used in order to depend mantra repetitions through a sadhana practice. Anyone shouldn't do a sadhana practice without three points: empowerment, reading transmission, and explanation. Sometimes this guideline is relaxed, but is actually necessary to get permission. If you need to use a equivoca for some other reason, that's fine, and it's really tantric sadhanas that have the restriction, not malas. And it's really okay to do meditation procedures such as meditating on the breathing or loving-kindness, even without professor or instruction. In admiration of your bone mala, I may want to appear scary as well as alarmist, yet a bone fragments mala can cause particular troubles when it was not correctly created or is not used efficiently. So an individual should ask a professor for permission and assist in selecting a bone fragments mala. Which is disrespectful. Varieties of Mantra Hopes Typically the mantra is not prayers, but are a concrete way of dwelling on that means, or maybe a truth. For instance, "Om Mani Padme Hung" means that the body-speech-mind of Buddha is available via compassion and information (Padme is the lotus, which includes it's rooted in the off-road at the bottom of the pond, as well as grows up into the actual light along with opens to a beautiful fresh flower, it represents wisdom). Therefore, as you say almost any mantra, you are paying attention on what is needed. There is usually no prayer; there is no demand to a higher power. What Is actually the Best Sanskrit Concept? The most powerful Sanskrit mantra is the most straightforward one- Aum was the particular 1st lesson Mahadev imparted. Any time Mahadev took typically the form of Anaal stambh (the pillar of fire), and when Lord Bramhan and Lord Vishnu wasn't able to find the beginning of the end of computer, after that they both conceded to Mahadev, sat The pup down and it started to be the morning of Consecration regarding Mahadev and is celebrated as Shivratri. Mahadev about that morning spoke to help both Head of the family Bramha and also Lord Vishnu on vital matters, plus the first make a difference was the mantra Aum (Shiv Mahapuran). Aum is actually the path to natural brain. Mandukya Upanishad saying 8 and Chandyog Upanishad segment 8 describe our own 'self' as the next state of turiya. Consciousness being in 4 states wakefulness, dream sleep at night, serious sleep without aspirations, along with the fourth beyond strong sleep, but when often the mind understands, conscious. This particular fourth state is described similar to samadhi in addition to allows one to be in touch with their atma or that will self which is part of Our god. In Mandukya Upanishad, Aum is definitely the mantra to always be in hitting the ground with that latest state. In a earlier portion of meditation, 1 obvious the word Aum in addition to heard his / the girl sound. Throughout advanced yoga, one begins hearing the particular sound Aum simply by himself and quickly climbs into the meditation state. Aum is actually the sound created through mother nature rotating on its axis. A meditative head is within sync with this and in the whole relaxing state, hearing typically the world's sound and resting by it. Very just and nicely described by Why and once do we hear Having all this specific, and the actual fact most mantras are usually pronounced starting with Aum, Aum is the many potent Sanskrit mantra.
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
Uhhhhh... *derp* (More stuff about indecision, some talk about doctors and some blog changes)
Lately has been well... kinda okay but mostly meh. I’ve been flip flopping between feeling somewhat content with myself and a little motivated and feeling absolutely empty inside and distraught. It’s been almost two weeks since my last post here (actually a reblog lol) and I’ve really been wanting to write a post but I’m still stuck in the habit of putting it off until I know for sure what I want to write or have the privacy to do so. Or maybe it’s just me being a big scaredy cat again :< I think from now on I’ll try to just write as if I’m writing in a diary, so more spontaneous and with less worrying about structure/keeping to just one topic or whether someone reads it or not, as I’m doing this for myself and my benefit most.
Although I was dawdling I did however sort out quite a lot of stuff to do with the blog and some good stuff irl (which I’ll get to later or in another post). One of the main things to mention is that I switched this blog from my primary one to a side one, which does make more sense and makes me feel a bit more at ease which should make it a bit easier to write and post without the restraint I was feeling before. Whether to keep them linked or not idk, I feel uneasy about it but I don’t think it should matter, I mean it is still me on both blogs and everything. I just wanted to separate the huge blocks of serious emotional text from the random cutesy and silly stuff I also wanted to post, but I think I might still post mental health related things to my main one, just in the form of images and not essays like these lol. 
Also I changed the urls from the hyphenated and maybe overly fancy termed things they were previously to more simple and cute ones. I still feel a lil iffy about them (like this blog url feels a bit ‘cold’ but looks pretty and flows well while my main one sounds more ‘warm’ but the world cuddly doesn’t flow well or look as nice lol) but whatever I’ll grow to like them or just change them again whenever, I spent way too much time agonising over them, it’s time to move on! I fixed up the about pages on both of them too, the links and tags pages are still empty for now, but I’m content enough with the way they are now to actually begin posting properly soon I hope. Oh and the current avatar/sidebar image is a really crappy drawing I made 2-3 years ago with a mouse when I was feeling down and was going to make and name this blog ‘rainysnail’ lol. I still might use that name/url someday for something though ^^
I searched for ‘extreme indecisiveness’ in google the other day because I was that frustrated with myself about well, being indecisive (and it was over the same lame url/blog stuff as before, not surprise surprise). I know there’s a lot of stigma around consulting ‘Dr.Google’ and self diagnosis being looked down on as it could prove to be more harmful in some cases and I won’t lie, I do get kinda hypochondriac-ish sometimes, but sometimes it can be very educational and helpful too. I just wanted to know if I was feeling something... something valid(?) or if I was just being an idiot. 
I came across ‘Aboulomania’ on my indecisiveness search and wow, it sounds pretty similar to AVPD and my current feelings but the way it’s written is kinda heavier? (and hella typo-ey/engrish-y lol I just chose that one because it seemed to have the most info from the few I clicked on). Idk... it doesn’t seem to be as much of a known/legit thing so there doesn’t seem to be that many sources on it or at least any reputable ones (though I didn't look particularly hard or for a long time though but once you’re past page 2 on google everything is bleh anyways lol). Also on its definition here lol it talks about ‘analysis paralysis’ and that’s something I kinda knew of and struggle with already. I feel some resonance with this finding and feel a little more assured and saddened at the same time, but I’m not about to run around screaming I have this thing or anything. Maybe I’ll look into it more another time but right now I kinda don’t have the energy to .__.
Indecision is something that appears and could be caused by all sorts of disorders, even just depression alone or a whole mix of other things and factors. Many disorders overlap (like the stuff in cluster c which I feel are most relevant to me) and trying to pinpoint exact reasons and causes for things to do with mental health is near impossible, so I don’t wanna dwell on it. I have therapy soon so having a professional help work out things is a much better idea (unless they also consult Dr.Google like some of the stories I’ve read online lol).
I did see some snippets of advice on indecision on another page and it was basically to let go of the feeling to try and always be perfect/choose the definitive ‘right’ decision and to just trust your gut feelings instead of leaving yourself to stress over it. Yeah, it’s nothing new really and I have been trying to do this but sometimes it’s just so difficult with all these automatic negative feelings weighing my rationality down and sometimes I forget because it’s so hard wired into me to get anxious and over analytical. *Sigh* ...but if I keep reminding myself I think it will stick more in the end. I have already adopted the ‘it doesn’t hurt to try’, ‘just do it, ‘yolo’, ‘no1curr’ etc. kind of mindset/mantra when I get hesitant before doing something that I usually avoid lol, sometimes it fails but the times when I have been brave and not overthought or avoided I’ve felt kinda proud of myself and there were some positive-ish outcomes too. So I just need to continue and allow myself to grow stronger in mind and spirit (and hopefully body too).
In relation to what I said before about the whole ‘Dr.Google’ thing, I thought maybe take the time now to write about my experiences with doctors in general. Many times in the past and even now when I would be explaining my problem (whether physical or mental) to a doctor, they would just shake their head and scoff to them self or even outright laugh smugly and then dismiss it straight away (especially if I mentioned I read something on the internet). The feeling of being fobbed off and even ridiculed by someone that’s supposed to be helping didn’t fare well on my confidence at all and I feel it is a reason I wasn’t proactive in sorting out a lot of the problems I’m still dealing with and obviously I am regretful, maddened and saddened as many of them could have been avoided or alleviated better if they were dealt with sooner.
I’m not saying all doctors are like this, I think it was those particular doctors that were the problem and thank goodness I don’t have to choose to see them anymore (I hope). My current doctor (who I actually came across due to those mean doctors being unavailable one time) is worlds apart in the way he handles things. He is so kind and accommodating to start with, listens well to any concerns, addresses them with great care and reassurance and is very adept at scheduling appointments for further investigations. I feel he really goes above and beyond and has both a friendly and personal but professional demeanour. I mean he isn’t 100% godly perfect as there were times I felt a bit iffy with some of the explanations and prescriptions and sometimes things were delayed, but he does try hard to help and is not against reading information from the internet and in fact encourages it and utilises it himself (eg. printing a informational page on a certain health thing from a reliable health website).
When I presented some info and concerns relating to a health problem I was having investigated already but felt was going in the wrong direction (ie. going down the typical ‘fob you off with the most common explanation so you go away’ route) he explained that it’s the typical process to go for the most common things first when investigating and agreed another route of investigation would be beneficial, more relevant and time efficient so he arranged that too. This doctor is such an awesome and good natured person and I’m so grateful, but he may only be temporary at the place I go to however and it makes me sad to think I might end up with the mean kind again someday. But the lesson is to not settle on doctors that are not helpful or any other type of awful and that there are good people out there. Something that was really very prominent and touching about going to this doctor is that my mother and sister who go with me sometimes were also stunned by how nice and helpful he’s been.
I distinctly remember one of the first times I went to see him with my mum and at that point I had been ill for so long already and she was obviously very worried about me. At the end of the appointment he announced what he would recommend me for investigation and assured that he’d help me get better soon with a smile and then he pointed to my mum next to me who I wasn’t facing at the time and I can’t remember exactly what he said but it was something about my mum crying. When I turned to look, she was indeed crying and I couldn’t stop my own eyes from watering either. I have never ever EVER seen my mum cry before, so it shocked me a lot and made me emotional too. I mean my sister told me she did cry one time recently, but that was when she was so stressed and upset over a family matter on her side of the family :c It’s not like this is something on my bucket list or anything, because I would rather her never be upset or cry for a bad reason, but this showed how much she cares and worries for me and in this case she was crying because she was happy, relieved that she would possibly not have to see me suffer as much and was moved to tears.
Unfortunately the problems have still not been resolved or fully recognised yet, and recently one of the doctors recommended to help investigate fobbed me off and it feels bleh lol... no not lol... very un-lol :< But at least the investigation is still going further in some way I guess and I’ll take his words with a grain of salt, I’ve yet to see my regular doctor to discuss what happens next. I think I’ve just backed down and passively taken whatever explanations too much in the past with negative results or progress and Idk I have a hard time accepting things some doctors say nowadays, a lot of it seems contradictory, sometimes illogical or outdated, robotic, insincere etc. 
When I’m reading what I’ve just written it keeps making me worried I’m a ass or have trust issues or something... :< I know doctors are meant to be serious and professional, but I can’t shake the feeling that some of them are not nice/unwilling to help as much as they could. I have had so many past experiences to do with being treated differently and being prejudiced against and it still happens today and not just to me but all of my family members, it’s tough and really upsetting... :c
It is true though, that you really have to push and persist if you want something done about a problem, and many times people are let go and misdiagnosed with stuff that ends up being something different or a lot more serious. I’m not saying whatever I have is ultra serious and I wouldn’t know anyways. I am clearly not dying, and I hope I’m not, but when I was without medication at the beginning I felt so bad and I was so scared of dying (even though usually idgaf thanks to depression etc.) I’m scared of being in pain and having to suffer both physically and mentally forever. I want to get better, become a stronger person. do the things that matter and well, in a nutshell live my life to the fullest.
Anyways, about the app with the normal doctor... I avoided phoning on a day I could’ve gotten a sooner appointment (my sister encouraged me to, but she was away that day and my mum said it was an inconvenient day to go, but it actually wasn’t really... I should I have pushed myself to go forward even so...) the appointment I do have is 2 weeks away from what it could’ve been. But I guess maybe someone else might have taken that appointment that needed it more urgently, or there might not have been any available that day anyways w/e. Avoidance playing up again... be more brave silly self!
I was planning to write some more happier stuff that’s been going but this post is already quite long so a separate post it is~ and I won’t keep putting it off! Tbh I’m only comfortable pulling up my blog and writing my feels whenever I am alone, so when my family are all at work, but this only occurs on random days and for such a short span of time. Or at least when I know they are all busy downstairs, I can try but I feel like I have to be extra alert and switch it away when they do come. I... ugh idk :c I don’t want to be secretive or feel guilty but I can’t help it, it’s just so hard and frustrating. I can’t even write what illnesses I was talking about earlier on (though I do hope to dedicate whole posts to writing about them later). I will improve and forgo this paranoid feeling someday though! Believe it! *cringe*
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showlexsite · 4 years
Colombian Mail-Order brides web that is: dating web web site provides individuals the chance to find a person outside a surrounding that is regular
Colombian Mail-Order brides web that is: dating web web site provides individuals the chance to find a person outside a surrounding that is regular
Colombian brides – that are they?
Just just what should you check out Colombian girls may be the undeniable fact that most of the rumors are undoubtedly genuine. We now have really proved-checked all of them with my crush and quickly after partner. Therefore you may be appropriate when you have heard that Colombian girls are recognized due to their curves, passionate dancing techniques and cooking abilities all over the world. However, foreigners keep on saying that there’s a no more wife that is jealous a Colombian the one which some men find rather repulsive. You are cheating on the or having motives to do so therefore it is far better to perhaps not provide your better half any suspicion.
Key top popular features of Colombian girls
Curvy figure
Latina appeal
Close home bonds
Extreme jealousy
How they usually look like?
Colombian girls tend to be looking stunningly hot. If it might appear to be always a dream for an absolutely free man, once you have actually hitched you’re likely to get green with jealous rage if you see your lady exposing her edges. However, you’ll be able to accept your wife’s attractiveness and permit her showing it well when you understand you’re man that is alone got plumped for through the plenty of other folks.
Why girls that are colombian a brides which are mail-order?
Due to the undeniable fact that she wants to have a family group group of one’s own, there’s no better way of a woman that is colombian start one like registering on an internet site where like-minded people gather. Think of some of it on your own, mail purchase bride the websites are clear with regards to motives of this users also it’s also appealing for the wanna-be partner originating from a family-oriented Colombia.
What precisely these girls good at?
For a Colombian girl, everything spins around loved ones and its particular well-being. She gets all the tricks which help from her mom to help she keeps healthiest home relationships.
Cooking dishes which can be hearty
Although these girls are getting far more to give than just delicious meals, their cooking abilities are miraculous. They can create a treat that is moreish a couple of minutes faster than simply about any takeaway circulation solution.
How may you wow woman this is certainly colombian?
Appreciate loved ones values
You don’t have actually become narco that is notorious Pablo Escobar and still have an ostentatious lifestyle to acquire attention from a female the truth is appealing. Although he’d been remarkably popular with females, girls in Colombia tend to be more into family-men that do every thing to be certain they might require next to nothing. Choose your terms and methods very carefully so that they resemble your intention this is certainly severe of the grouped family unit members. The moment a female views and appears it, you will win her heart.
Don’t be shy to dance
Simply just forget about being see that person can you possibly maybe not dancing at any party these are typically too timid plus don’t need to get laughed at by their peers as you are scared. After fulfilling your spouse that is colombian could have your personal celebration trainer whose edges’ strategies is going to make you almost no other choice but to participate the celebration.
And You’ll Discover Your Ideal Colombian Bride?
There’s no necessity to go to Colombia when you need to start looking for your partner. Luckily for us for people to you personally, you’re able to merely register on the internet site that matches girls which are colombian western men, take your time customizing your quest, talk for a while and satisfy one away from individual. Individually, we now have lost the count of many dating web sites linking lonely hearts from all over the whole world and try my far better to fairly select one for myself. By reasonable what i’m saying is later on by having a ratio consists of the time that’s available cash and goals you’ve got about the partner.
How exactly to select the most readily useful Mail Order Brides this is certainly Web that is colombian web web Site?
It is actually normal when you begin contemplating utilising the web site may end up being the one which is better within the market. Training shows it’s all functioning and prevent being scammed that it’s more straightforward to read some users’ reviews first getting notion of just just how.
Positives and negatives to getting spouse that is colombian
Finding household this is certainly close-knit
There’s nothing else in the world which means that because much as a family group group to just about any woman that is colombian. They’re geting to get a supplementary in relation to their loved ones who is able to do precisely the when this is certainly exact exact exact same. Maintaining this sort of family members this is certainly near takes some energy and efforts. Prepare to wait event, special birthday, wedding, christening, christmas or Easter event and satisfy all your extended home.
It would likely come to be a bit shocking to constantly meet when using the ones that are loved very little time for the family members that is nuclear but are specific to obtain accustomed it in a short time and learn how to appreciate it. It is actually well worth to mention that Colombians are hot and friendly therefore that they’ll treat you well particularly while you are doing precisely the exact same inturn.
Never get hungry
Colombians are significant in terms of dishes. All activities include an abundance of preparations and serving lots of meals. No longer have to order a takeaway if you want empanadas or churros, your spouse will prepare the most delicious meals you’ve gotten ever tried and so they desire to share to you if this woman is maybe not into the mood, her household certainly has many leftovers through the celebration.
Learning a language that is foreign
Due to the indisputable fact that English isn’t really considerable in Latin America, it is much better to begin with learning Spanish. But, you must certainly not learn Spanish in a method that is conventionally boring making use of a training course or cramming worldwide terms and syntax in to the brain whenever you understand this statement. You need to have many occasions to improve it in a way that is informal finding yourself in a family group of one’s spouse or her buddies. To assist you make sure so it won’t latin women simply take very very long until you become adept. If you wish to learn a language there is absolutely no better means rather than fall in deep love with a indigenous presenter not forgetting a married relationship with one reported by users.
Well, it speaks because of it self, just isn’t it? You might be conscious stories about some Latina girl being enthusiastic about checking upon her man for a daily basis. Keen on their tradition, Colombian dudes are susceptible to be promiscuous since you can find countless gorgeous girls not to mention they feel like a youngster in a candy land who wishes to decide to try numerous candies possible. Therefore make sure is remains in mind whenever conversing with with any type of woman in case your Colombian partner is through your part.
Independently, we may be aware with terms and certainly will never additionally significantly flirt with somebody else except for your better half. So that you can offer an idea, it is additionally better to be aware whenever a thing that is continue reading performing house like making jokes when you consider the household members specially when it comes down seriously to feminine relatives. Almost any females can be viewed a risk who is able to destroy your healthiest relationship therefore it’s safer to keep trust between the other person and deter from the chit-chat that is casual a woman that is hot winking at a waitress.
Fast summary
As a whole, Colombian girls are curvy individuals with a verve and passion to start a family group. Being a clumsy individual although you used to think of yourself with them, you will never starve and learn how to dance. Incomparable satisfying all of your substantial household and turn buddies making use of them in an effort they realize that love for the Colombian spouse reaches them additionally. But, it is additionally better to be aware in terms of speaking with any girl apart from your sweetheart because she can get acutely jealous that will be maybe not the kind of person you wish to be with. After reading nearly all of this knowledge this is certainly I also want you fortune to get the just one best for your needs inside you will be willing to begin an adventure of locating a hot latina spouse and.
from SHOW LEX https://showlex.site/2020/03/27/colombian-mail-order-brides-web-that-is-dating-web-2/
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