#i am HURTING over pete and ted
alieonya · 1 month
ted having no real friends or emotional attachments outside of his brother, and maybe their parents. he has a soft spot for peter, even if it’s in his nature to tease him—but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or worry about him.
because of that, ted is so protective of peter when he learns that his little brother is being bullied and outcasted, he almost stays up all night just seething over how much he wants to beat the shit out of any shit starter that fucks with his brother.
(but he rationalizes that there’s no way he could protect pete if he went to jail for kicking some kid’s ass, even if he wants to fight a child as a sign for other kids to stay away from pete)
when pete befriends richie and ruth and ted learns about this, it eases his mind to know he at least has friends, even if the duo are rowdier than pete. he’s kinda proud that pete is the lead in their group, even if it’s coincidental.
when they both die, ted definitely hears about it from the news and pete. he fears for pete’s sake, both physically and emotionally, because those were his first friends that ended up sticking around for the longest time.
then stephanie comes along, and at first ted is most suspicious of her since she indirectly caused pete to get beat up for trying to meet up with her, and she’s “popular” from what pete has said. but he witnesses/hears how well they get along when she comes over, or how they become protective of one another, and ted begins to trust her.
(if anything, he ends up trusting her the MOST out of everyone pete knows because she’s so outspoken and willing to stand up for his little brother, and she’s a bit of a rebel, which ted finds entertaining—this is a shock to steph if she learned how ted felt, but it is appreciated)
to an extent, grace could be considered a friend of pete’s too, especially because at the end of the musical she tells both steph and pete about her homecoming date with jason, despite how much their personalities differ and the possibility of them being friends is slim at first.
ted may not be able to protect pete from everything, or be around him 24/7, but learning he has a safe space in the end and people around him that care. ted is so proud of him, and so grateful that pete won’t be as alone as he is, and that he’s happy.
and ultimately, that’s all ted wants for his little brother. :(
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Rekindle with an Angel but, Don’t Break her Heart
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Pilot!reader (present), Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Pilot!reader (past) - Briefly mentioned
Characters: Pilot!reader, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, Penny Benjamin, Eric, Jack, and Mark (Bartenders), Delilah (reader’s little sister), Larry (main range control man), Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky (briefly mentioned?), Beau "Cyclone" Simpson, Bernie "Hondo" Coleman, Robert "Bob" Floyd, Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Neil "Omaha" Vikander, Billy "Fritz" Avalone
Warnings: Angst, fluff, cursing, Jake becoming a softy for reader, not opening up to people when its necessary, jealous pilots being dicks, reader having a past with a few pilots (platonic and not), jealous pilots hurting the reader 
Word Count: 9,733
Gif is from @unicornships​
A/N: You guys have no idea how happy I am to finally be able to post this. I have had this in my doc for months... thank you for coming to my ted talk
*Was not expecting this to be this long. Definitely a surprise for me
Answers to RWAABDBHH
You could say it was a bit of a surprise when Pete called. You haven’t heard from him for a few months (after your minor disagreement) and he really needed to speak to you and calling the bar was the only way he could make sure you wouldn’t screen his call... again. 
It was just about after the third ring; you pick up the phone. “Hard Deck, bartender speaking.” 
He smiles. “Good to hear your voice again, Angel.” 
You’re surprised, you didn’t think he’d call the landline ever. 
 He usually tries not to call the bar as much as possible, not wanting people to butt into your business since your coworkers know what you did before joining the Hard Deck. 
 You decide to be nice and put in the effort to have a conversation with him. “Finally took a break from the sky’s, did you?” 
He chuckles, “you’ve still got that sense of humor. Good.” 
You sigh so much for being nice. “What’re planning?” 
He lets out a faux noise of offense. “Why do you assume I’m up to no good?” 
You scoff through your nose, “I didn’t say that. But now that you mention it, are you?” 
He says nothing. 
“Goodbye, Maverick.” 
“Hang on-” He sighs, staring at the phone. ‘Please don’t hate me.’ He steps back into the room. “Did you speak to her?” 
“I did.” 
“She’ll be here soon.” ‘Don’t hate me, Angel.’  
A few hours later…
The lunch rush ends only for the midnight rush to begin, although when you think about it, it’s not actually midnight, but it sounds better than, it’s dark, drink up. And that’s when you stopped letting the other bartenders come up with names. 
You turn to call for Eric or Jack to help out with drinks only to find they’re busy taking care of their sections. 
Penny calls you over, “can you take care of anyone who comes over here while I go over there?” 
“Yeah. Go take care of the customers over there.” You finish making the drinks, keeping the customers satisfied and willing to give a decent tip. You walk over towards Penny, “I’m gonna start cleaning up a bit. Jack’s finishing putting the latest order away in the back and Eric is getting ready to start in the kitchen. We have a few minutes to do some of the “boring” work so we’re doing it when we can.” 
She nods, “got it.” 
A few more show up, the crowd starting to become livelier in your section. 
Penny walks over to you and helps you with cleaning the glasses and wiping down the counters after the customers move away and sit at one of the few vacant tables. “I need you to take care of that table over there.” 
You nod to Penny, walking away with the drinks for the group of pilots, “be back in five, Peggy Sue.” 
She shakes her head, sighing although she has a smile on her face. “Please, just once, use my name.” 
You turn to look over your shoulder, whispering “never.” You walk away before she could say anything else. 
“Here are your-” You happen to glance up and find one of your old friends from school, jabbing a mustached man (with a questionable fashion sense) in the gut, “fuck.” 
You hand the last beer to – one of the khakis, as you mumble to yourself, “why?” 
When she turns around to grab her drink, her eyes widen at the sight of you. 
“Hey, Phoxy. How’ve you been? I’d love to talk but-” 
She shakes her head, getting out of her thoughts as she grabs your wrist. “You are not getting out this. We’re talking right now.” 
You sigh, feeling yourself being pulled elsewhere. So much for not running into anyone from your past. 
She whirls around, facing you. “Where the hell have you been?! What happened to you? You graduated early, got a job at the best pilot school and leave with little to no contact. I mean seriously, what the hell, Wings?” 
You glance back at her angry face every so often unable to keep eye contact with her. “I can’t talk to you about this, Natasha.” 
“Now, we’re back on a first name basis. Is that what our friendship has gone down to? I thought we were closer than that.” 
You sigh, “don’t give me that attitude-” 
“I’ll stop giving you attitude when you talk to me.” She finally takes notice of your expression, her’s softens, “what happened?” 
You swallow the saliva that’s stuck in your throat. “I can’t talk to you about this right now.” 
She opens her mouth to say something else, but you stop her, placing a hand on her forearm.
“It’s a long story and I really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this, okay?” Your hand falls off her arm before you walk away. 
She sighs unsure of how to handle the situation. You obviously don’t want to talk about whatever happened and it’s throwing her off. Nothing like this ever happened before and she really doesn’t know how to help you. 
Jake furrows his brows, after watching you brush her off. A smirk appears across his lips. ‘Interesting.’ 
Natasha stands beside Bob, absent mindlessly watching the others play pool. 
“So,” Jake says, extending of the letter “O”, brings Natasha out of her thoughts. 
“What do you want Bagman?” 
“What was that about?” He asks, with a mix of a concerning and nosey tone. 
“It’s none of your business,” she snaps. 
He smiles, “I could easily make it my business, Princess Phoenix. You forget we all went to the same school.” 
“I am this close,” she pinches her fingers together. “To getting drunk so I can’t hear your ass.” 
“Your fingers are touching,” Bob points out. 
“I know.” 
Rueben sits beside her with Mickey playing pool against Jake and Bradley playing against Logan. “What do you think happened with her?” asks Reuben. 
“I don’t know,” she says, shrugging. “This is the first time I’ve seen her since we were in school together.” 
“So, you didn’t hear the rumors.” 
“What rumors?” She turns to him with raised brows. 
“One of the ones I heard was that she got in a fight and got kicked out.” 
“She wouldn’t do that,” Natasha says, defending you. She knows you’re not dumb enough to do anything like that.  
Two days later…
Thankfully today the bar opens a little later than usual as you decline Cyclone’s call. 
The door opening gets you to pause, you don’t want it to look like you’re on your phone and sigh, tucking the item into your back pocket. Although you didn’t see it, it was only one of the bartenders who does the late shift.
Penny walks over with new rags. “You okay?” 
You quickly give her a fake tight-lipped smile. “Peachy.” 
“They still trying to bring you back officially.” You shrug, not entirely in the mood to talk about this, as usual. 
“I know you don’t want to hear this but you’re good. You are… the only pilot that I like enough to call my friend and I know working here is making you miserable.” 
You open your mouth to argue with the classic, “no. I’m happy here.” 
She shakes her head, a gentle smile gracing her lips. “Don’t argue with me on this, I know you are and it’s okay. I’m not taking it to heart because being in the sky has been your dream for such a long time and you were miserable when your arm was healing, and you still are because you’re not in the air because that’s where you belong.” 
You clench your jaw, the burning sensation in your nose prevents you from answering her. 
“What if I’m not the same?” 
She tilts her head, trying to understand what you’re saying. 
“What if I’ve lost my speed or- or my quick thinking, you know. What if- what if I’m in the air and that’s when they realize that I’m not good enough to be at Top Gun anymore.” You sniff, wiping the corners of your eyes. 
“They’d be stupid to let you go.” 
“I know you’re just saying that but, thank you.” 
She knows you don’t like it when people try to comfort you, but her maternal instincts take over and she pulls you in for a hug and letting you take your time to calm down. “Better?” 
“No, you made me talk about my feelings. I’m upset.” 
She chuckles, “you’ll have to put those feelings on the back burner because we still have to get ready for tonight.” 
“Has anybody cleaned back here yet?” Mark asks. 
“Not yet, I’m coming over to help you.” She turns back towards you. “Are you sure you’re gonna be alright?” 
“Yep. Get back to work, Pegs.” 
The older woman shakes her head.  
Four days later...  
You were surprised when he tried the Hard Deck’s landline and calling the bar is the only way he can make sure you wouldn’t screen his call... again. 
It was just about after the third ring when you pick up the phone. “Hard Deck, bartender speaking.” 
He chuckles, “good, you’re still there... how are you?” 
“You’re clearly up to something that I’m not gonna like and with how many times Beau has called me, I’m gonna say that it involves Top Gun which I told you and him that I’m not coming back so stop calling me if you’re gonna keep asking about that.” 
“I’m- I’m not-” 
“Goodbye Maverick.” 
You slam the phone done onto the wall receiver before walking away, shaking your head. “Oh... you’re here.” You turn around finding your boss, standing there. “Why do you have that look on your face?” 
“What look?” She asks, setting her stuff down in the back office. 
“The look you have when you know stuff that involves me or my past,” you pause, searching for the right word. “Job.” 
“Well- I mean, there is this one thing.” 
“And that thing is?” 
“A group of people are coming here today.” 
“A group of who people?” 
“A teacher and his students.” 
“Children students?” You ask, hoping it’s not who you think it is. 
She shakes her head. 
You groan and drop your head onto the bar top.  
Two hours later...  
The sound of cars scares you and sends you to “find a broom” in the storage closet. 
You hope if you stay inside and hide long enough unit they’re gone so, you won’t have to deal with certain people (playboys or people you typically went to, for “guidance”). But then again, maybe it would be good to see Natasha again and her friends. 
You shake your head remembering the two separate times when she was paired with Bradley and then when Mickey and Rueben were put into their little squad... the smile falls from your face when you think about your old squad. 
You gulp, having a hard time swallowing the spit that built up in your mouth. 
Would it be a good idea if you looked for Penny and told her you weren’t feeling good? 
You know it wouldn’t end the way you’d want it to but that doesn’t mean you can’t- the clacking and snapping of flip flops and shoes has you pause. You don’t move as they all pass by. 
The sounds of their voices carrying throughout the bar fills you with a mix of sadness but you bite back your tongue because there’s no one else to blame but you; you’re the one who pushed everyone away, you’re the one who didn’t tell anyone the... truth about what happened but that’s the past; all you can do is move on and live whatever life you have. 
You still can’t believe you saw her. You knew it was bound to happen at some point and yet, it was still a sucker punch to the gut. And to hear that the reason they’re all here, being taught by the Maverick is for a life-threatening mission and they wanted the best of the best from your generation is still so crazy. 
Once you're out of your thoughts, you realize everyone’s moved outside and it’s okay for you to exit the closet now. You don’t find anyone else but Penny, who wipes down the counter. “What’re you doing in here?” You ask, taking careful steps closer to the bar. 
“Cleaning before tonight.” 
“I can do that,” you offer. 
She shakes her head, “no. I couldn’t leave you in here by yourself to clean. I should be doing it.” 
“That’s the good thing about having someone who’s ignoring people they knew. They’re very helpful and will clean everything.” 
She turns to look at you, “that’s not funny.” 
“You’re right, it’s not but you always say you want me to be honest and this is it.” You continue before she could get a word in. “Nope, you deserve to finish your book and check out the eye candy. I’m sure there’s a certain old flame of yours out there that wouldn’t mind you ogling him.” 
“It’s called the truth, neither of you can hide your feelings whenever either one of you glances back at the other.” 
“You think so?” She asks, sounding so unsure, something you’ve never heard from her before. 
A heavy sigh slips past her lips. “Are you sure?” 
“I am,” you nod. “Yes. Absolutely. One hundred percent. Please leave.” 
The older woman smiles, “okay, okay. I’m going.” 
All you gotta say is, Pete’s lucky you’re a nice person. No one asked for you to make anyone drinks but you know they’re gonna need something and you know water ain’t gonna cut it right away. 
You finish and set the drinks on a tray before heading out the back. 
You scoff, watching as the line of boys fall with the playboy raising his arms up in celebration at an “obvious” win. You shake your head at the sight and conveniently, it’s like he sensed someone watching him and looks over in your direction, giving you a cocky wave. 
You groan looking away, jumping at the sight of Penny sitting there. “When did you get here?” 
“You’re the one who told me to come out here.” 
You give her a suspicious look. 
“What were you doing out here?” 
You throw an arm out, gesturing to the scene in front of you, "watching as they get sand in places sand shouldn't be. I feel bad for them honestly." 
She covers her mouth, hiding her laughter, "that's what you're worried about?" 
You wrap your arm around her shoulder, leaning your head on hers, "sand is no joke, Peggy Sue." 
She shakes her head, "still not my name." 
"And, yet you respond to it." You start taking the drinks off the tray, setting them a few inches away from her book, not wanting it to get wet. The last cup, you set down in front of her. "Make sure they drink something." 
"Okay, mom.” 
"Hey, hey. Dehydration is no joke. Neither is-" 
She cuts you off, finishing your sentence, "getting sand in places it shouldn't be." 
You nod, "exactly." You take one last look at the group, the happiness you shared with Penny vanishes when you remember the different life you had a year ago. You sigh, shaking your head as you head back inside. 
Penny frowns, knowing you miss being a part of the pilot life, even if you don’t want to admit it. 
You clean a few glasses you missed earlier, preparing for the “midnight” shift. After cleaning the inside of the now, clean glasses you set them up so, they’re ready to go for later. You set the rag down on the bar top, reaching for the phone in your back pocket, annoyed at the person who keeps calling you. 
The Godfather Accept □ Decline □
You click the answer button. "I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again. No. I won’t be in the air anytime soon. Stop calling." You hang up before Beau could say anything else. 
“How the hell could he have known to call now?” You groan, realizing what happened, “Maverick. Oh, you son of a-” 
The door slams open, putting Penny on high alert. 
"Mitchell! Hey, Mitchell!" You shout at the man sitting in the stupid lawn chair you just want to- You shove his chest before pointing your finger at him, “you are an absolute idiot! Do you know that?” 
“Hey, there’s no need for name calling, Angel.” 
“Do NOT use that name with me right now.” You stand a few inches away from him with a clenched jaw. “I told you and everyone else there, I’m done. I’m not going back in the air. I can’t.” 
He knows you’re hurting but you can’t keep pushing yourself away from what you’re good at. “You can, you’re just choosing not to.” 
“You don’t know what happened and you never will. So, stop trying to force me into coming back.” 
“I would but, you’re one of the good ones and anyone would be lucky to have you up in the air with them.” 
No one notices the blow up going on in the back as they continue with their game, well, except for Bob who happens to see everything going on. 
You bite your tongue, taking a step back. “You don’t get too sweet talk to me into coming back. If I feel I’m ready, you’ll see me in the air.” 
“But what if he’s right,” a deep voice says, walking closer to you. 
You glance back at your godfather and whirl around to face Maverick once more. “You called him?!” 
Now is when he struggles to give you an answer. “I didn’t- this isn’t how I wanted this to happen.” 
“But you made it happen.” 
“He didn’t.” Beau stands beside you. “I did. You know you’re good, and being in the air is where you belong. You know it, I know it, your parents knew it when you kept asking me about my job when you were seven.” 
You turn around, facing him. “If you wanted me to come back so bad, why didn’t you come to me yourself?” 
“I did-” 
You shake your head, “no, calling is completely different than you coming to me and talking to me.” 
“It’s hard to do that when one of you won’t talk about what happened.” 
A young girl runs out the back door. 
You turn at the sound of a child calling screaming your name, just in time as the short body tumbles into you. “Hey kiddo.” You pull back, bending down Delilah doesn’t have to stare up at you. 
“Hi,” she says, giving you a wide smile with her gap in her front bottom teeth that always gets you to smile. 
“How was school?” 
“Boring but, I did good on my spelling test.” 
You give her a high five, “awesome. See all that studying does pay off.” 
She groans, “I know. Can we go swimming now?” 
You nod, “I gotta change but I’ll be quick, okay?” 
She nods. 
You glance over your shoulder, talking to Pete, “and don’t break her heart again. She’s good for you and your, sort of, good for her.” 
He nods. 
“Come on, Del. We gotta get ready for some fun!” You bend down, lifting her over your shoulder. 
Delilah squeals, giggling while you walk back towards the table. 
Penny looks up from her book, “you want me to watch her while you change?” 
You nod, “please?” 
“Of course, but you gotta put her down first.” 
You set Delilah on the edge of the table, helping her hop down so she can sit beside Penny. You stare at the sand while walking back, the phantom pain in your shoulder returns. 
You hold your arm against your stomach, using your non dominant hand to open the door. 
Beau watches as you walk away, noticing how you’ve closed yourself off like you did when your parents died. 
“What was that about?” Bob asks Natasha when she sits down beside him at the table, reaching for one of the glasses. She shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe we should-” 
“That’s not a good idea,” Penny interrupts. 
“Why?” Natasha asks. 
“She’s-” she glances down at a distracted Delilah, “uh- she's still working through some things.” 
The younger woman doesn’t say much after that. 
You stand in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at your shoulder. 
You still remember what the asshole did to you, you may not remember the sounds, but you certainly remember the hand hitting your ribs, forcing you off the ladder. 
You slam onto the ground. The pain radiating in your shoulder, you couldn’t move it and you knew for a fact, it wasn’t good. 
The ladder fell on your calf, fracturing your tibia. And to top it all off, the asshole had the audacity to laugh as he knelt beside your head; his hand clamped on your chin, forcing you took look at him. 
You don’t remember how you got out of there. 
You don’t realize you’re hyperventilating until your body forces you to take quick, unsteady breaths. 
Jake walks in with a smirk, expecting to find you around somewhere, hoping to talk to you (partly to piss off Natasha and to see what’s got you so frazzled, you’ve never acted like this before). 
All and any humor fall from his face when he realizes you’re crying. He stands beside you, placing a hand on your arm. 
You jerk back, tripping over your foot. 
He’s quick to hold onto you, forcing you to stand up before you could fall. 
You can feel his hand on your cheek and know he’s asking you questions but you can’t get enough air into your system to reply. 
Jake wraps his arms around you, pressing you against him; he wraps one of your arms around his neck, the other flush against your waist. He hugs you. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” 
You close your eyes, trying to calm down. The tears roll down your cheeks faster than you would like but, Jake says nothing about it and continues to comfort you. 
You move your arm off you, wrapping it around his lower back, clenching his shirt in your shaky fist. You’ve calmed down enough to realize, Jake, the infamous flirty playboy is whispering comforting things in your ear. 
Your head rests two inches from the crook of his neck. 
“How are you feeling?” 
You sniff, “fine.” 
“You okay enough to let go of my shirt?” 
There it is. You give him one last squeeze before pulling away from him. You look up, wiping your cheeks, “how’s it feel?” 
“How does what feel?” He asks, pulling a paper towel out of the dispenser, wetting it in the sink. 
“Not being the reason, a woman cries.” 
“What makes you say that?” He cups the back of your neck, wiping your cheeks to get rid of the wet mascara streaks. 
“You say you bring all your hookups to tears.” 
The corner of his lips tugs upwards. “I knew you were listening to me.” 
Your roll your eyes, “yeah, because you take up half of my section.”
“Maybe it’s because I want your eyes on me.” 
You shake your head, taking it out of his hand; pushing past him to throw away the wet, black stained paper towel. You reach for another, making sure to get rid of any evidence that you were crying. “Why’re you in here?” 
“It’s a bathroom,” he shrugs. 
“Then go.” 
“I’d rather not.” 
“We all use a bathroom.” 
He chuckles, “it’s not that.” 
He shakes his head, “no, not really my scene anymore.” 
“Is it because of the mission?” 
You throw away the paper towel, turning back towards the sink; turning on the faucet to cup cold water in your hands and splash your face. You need a little more energy if you’re going to have a day at the beach with your favorite little girl. 
The sink turns off, you assume it was Jake. 
You open your eyes, staring down at the drain. Your chest heaves with every breath you take. You shake your hands, reaching up to wipe away the droplets on your chin. “You know,” you start, “I figured while you were here, you’d be waiting until later for some- uh- stress relief.” 
“You offering?” He leans against the wall with his arms crossed. 
“Yeah,” you look up, staring at him with no emotion. 
His smirks drops and he squints his eyes, trying to decipher whether you’re lying. “Really?” 
“No.” You snatch a paper towel and pat your face dry. “Seriously, thank you for helping me but- uh- could you not mention this to anyone else?” 
“It’s not my place to talk about it. You know that.” 
“Still, thank you. You’re oddly good at giving really good hugs.” 
He shakes his head, “I can honestly say, no one except you has been the one to tell me that.” 
“I’m happy to be the first.” 
Your phone buzzes again, you groan, yanking it of your pocket. You don’t even need to see the number before you press the power button, shutting your phone off. “Looks like I have to go back out there.” 
“Save my spot?” 
“Can’t promise you anything? Does it look like I’ve been crying?” 
He steps on front of you, staring into your eyes for a minute. 
You’re worried he’s seeing something you don’t see; his stare makes you nervous, butterflies in your belly, the whole nine yards... which worries you because you only ever feel this way when you like someone. Oh crap. You thought those were gone. 
He shakes his head, getting out of his thoughts “no, you’re good.” 
“You sure?” 
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” 
You weren’t expecting him to say that. “Okay.” You exit the bathroom, heading for the bar. 
“You alright? You looked upset back there?” Penny asks. 
You nod with a tight lip smile, “I’m good, Peggy Sue.” 
“Why don’t you take the night off? You know spend the rest of the day with Delilah.” 
“You need help behind here later.” 
“I’ve got it, besides Mary, Travis, and Jamie work tonight.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“You haven’t stopped working since I hired you. Take the night off. You deserve it.” 
“Are you really-” 
“Yes, I’m sure. You deserve to take the night off.” 
“You gonna play game with us or not?” Natasha asks, stepping away from the others. 
“I mean I could, if it’s alright with you and the others.” 
“After we swim though, right?” 
You tilt your head at your little sister who holds onto one Mickey’s shoulders. “You’re gonna have to climb off Mick in order for that to happen sweetie.” 
“Let me down. Let me down. If I don’t do it now, she won’t go out with me.” 
You scoff, “that’s not true.” 
“You did it last time.” 
“Because you were napping.” 
“I was... resting my eyes.” 
“Well, then lets’ go before you need to rest your eyes again.” 
“Can I come?” 
You glance back at the man with a buzzcut. “You want to go back outside? Aren’t you hot?” 
“Did someone call me hot?” Jake asks, placing his hand on your lower back, letting you know he’s right behind you. 
“No one did, Bagman,” Natasha chimes in. 
“I wasn’t talking to you, Princess Phoenix.” 
“You’re so nice,” you mumble.” 
“Only when it counts, sweetheart. You know that,” he whispers in your ear. 
You jerk your arm back, elbowing him in the stomach. 
“There’s that spark.” He wheezes out. “I knew you remembered.” 
“That’s payback for leaving me out to dry.” 
“It was one time.” 
“It was four times and each time I wound up saving your ass.” 
“We’re going swimming now,” Delilah interrupts, dragging Mickey behind her as Rueben laughs his ass off at the sight of a child dragging his grown friend outside, matching the same pace as her. 
“If you two can stop with the flirting, then I can talk to my friend.” 
“Not before I do.” 
“I thought you left, Maverick,” you say with a curt tone. 
“Just let me say what I need to say then I’ll stop trying to explain myself.” 
“Fine.” You huff, “follow me.” 
Natasha glances back at Jake with raised brows. “What?” 
“You know what? It didn’t work out the first time. What makes you think it would work again?” 
He doesn’t say anything because she’s right, if it didn’t work out the first time, why would anything be different now. “Nothing.” 
She takes note of his sad demeanor. “Wait- Jake.” 
He walks out before she could apologize. 
“What do you want, Maverick?” 
“You to not call me that.” 
He sees the little response he gets out of you and decides not to push it. “Okay, I’m gonna cut to the chase-” 
“You’d be wise to.” 
He purses his lips at the comment. “Cyclone wants you back because he thinks you’d be able to help show everyone that this mission is possible.” 
“No, he doesn’t.” 
“Okay, fine. Cyclone wants you back and I think you’d be the better candidate to help me show everyone its possible. I can’t tell you anything about it but, let me finish, I see the look you’re giving me. You can match the speed required for this mission. I know you can. This will be a walk in the park for you.” 
“As much as I enjoy you trying to kiss my ass. I’m gonna have to pass.” 
You spin around, slamming the door open; your foot hadn’t touched the floor when he asked, “so, you’ll be there tomorrow.” 
You step into the doorway, eyes wandering around the bar. ‘Is it really time for me to leave to leave this place?’ “I expect you to keep up with me.” 
He lets out a victory chuckle. 
You shake your head, biting your lip to keep you from smiling. “Pen?” 
“You’re covered forever. Let me know when you want to give in your two weeks.” 
“Wow! You sound excited to get rid of me.” 
“I am because you’re going back to do what you were born to do.” 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “I have a current little problem who is probably trying to drown grown men right now.” 
“Yeah, please save them before you lose your friends.” 
“Not my friends.” 
“Fine, your squad!” 
You shake your head and smile as you walk out the back door. 
“Oh, hush.” You smile, lifting her in your arms. 
“Look who joined the party.” 
“Oh, Bagman. You joined us.” 
He smirks, one eyebrow rising about the frame of his sunglasses. “Who said you could use that nickname?” 
“No one but it’s better than anything I could come up with.” 
“And she admits it.” 
You scoff, setting Delilah back on the ground, letting her run back into the ocean so she and Mickey can have a splash fight. 
“Admit it, you’ve missed this.” 
You scoff, “I’ve missed nothing about you.” 
“See that’s where we beg to differ.” 
Natasha groans and drags you away from him, forcing you to sit beside her and Bob. “What’s got you so happy?” 
You shrug, “nothing.” 
She narrows her eyes at you before her eyes widen and jaw drops to the floor. “Are you- are you coming back?” 
“What? No.” 
“Yes, you are! You have your pre-flight glow.” 
“I plead the fifth.” 
“Fine, I’ll pretend like I don’t know you’re coming back,” she says and then throws herself onto you, hugging you tightly. 
You chuckle, patting the arm she has wrapped across your chest. 
“I’m so happy you’re coming back,” she whispers into your shoulder. 
“I know you are,” you lean back into her. “I am too.” 
Delilah calls out for her. 
“Aunt Nat duty calls. Get up.” 
You groan, giving her enough room to move out of the way. “You’re no fun.” 
“I am fun!” 
You enjoy the warmth filling your heart as you watch Natasha, Mickey, and Reuben playing with her as Jake observes. 
“How are you?” 
“What?” The one with glasses asks. 
“How are you?” 
“Me? You’re talking to me?” 
“There’s no one else here and you seem less likely to annoy me.” 
“Oh? I don’t know if I’m supposed to say thank you or not.” 
“It’s not necessary but you’re welcome,” you nudge his arm with your elbow. 
“I think they’d be mad if I tried to talk to you without them here,” he mumbles. 
You furrow your brows trying to figure out what he’s talking about. “I don’t know who they are, but I know they would, and they can suck it up.” You scoot closer to him, who holds his snack of choice to you, silently offering you some. “Not now, person who’s name I still don’t know. Thank you though.” 
He nods. “Oh, I’m Bob.” He quickly wipes his hand on his shorts before holding it out for you to shake. 
“Well, Bob, it’s nice to meet you. It’s always good to know the people watching out for your friends.” 
“Uh- oh- I’m not-” 
“I know,” you give him a small smile, so he knows not to worry. “You’re not a pilot but a back seater and I hear the way I said it hut I promise I mean nothing bad about it, I’m just making an observation. I’ve known a few good back seaters in my day. Do you have a call sign Bob?” 
He shakes his head, “ah, no. It’s Bob just- just Bob. Although the blond one with the sunglasses, he came up with an acronym for Bob.” 
“Of course, he did. What’d he say?” 
“Baby on board.” 
You groan. “That’s terrible.” 
“I know.” 
“I mean the acronym. Don’t get me wrong he shouldn’t be saying this to his fellow teammates but that was just, terrible. He did not put any effort into it.” 
“I guess not.” 
“I’m gonna give you a makeshift call sign, something special just for you... Bound outta buoyancy.” You shake your head, “that doesn’t work.” You mumble other potential words in your head. “Okay all I’m coming up with is something that ends in buoyancy, and I mean like no other word besides that one.” 
“I don’t know.” 
“No, I mean- why are you trying to come up with a call sign for me?” 
“You should have one that isn’t a shorter version of your name, even though Bob is a cute nickname.” 
“Oh... thanks.” He pushes his glasses up, “Natasha mentioned you were nice but, I didn’t expect you to be this nice.” 
You turn, staring at him with your head tilted. “She talks about me?” 
He nods, “yeah- I mean, not all the time though. Just- every- a little.” He grabs a handful of his snack and tosses it into his mouth. 
Now you know the perfect nickname for him and it’s most definitely not going to be an acronym. “Muchies?” 
A quiet chuckle escapes you; you find it funny how he doesn’t realize what you called him. “What has she told you?” 
“You two went out a couple times.” 
You weren’t expecting her to tell him that. She must really like this kid. “And?” 
“She was surprised to see you here that’s for sure and misses you… so does Jake.” 
You nearly choke on your spit. “What?” 
He freezes, realizing he’s said the wrong. “Nothing- nothing. It's- people say the weirdest things to me.” He lets out a nervous chuckle, reminding you of a certain mother on “That 70’s Show”. 
“Bob, have Jake and Natasha talked about me before?” 
“Uh- no?” 
“Are you lying?” 
“No,” he nods his head yes. 
“I didn’t think Jake talked to you like you were friends.” 
“He mentioned you two went out.” 
“Nothing nice like Natasha, right?” 
“No, but she did say that you two agreed you were better as friends, and she doesn’t want you to get hurt because of something stupid he does.” 
“You sit quietly and learn all the gossip, don’t you?” 
“I don’t mean to.” 
“It’s okay.” You pat his back, “I believe you.” 
“It kind of feels like you don’t.” 
A shriek escapes you as your little sister crawls into your lap. “Lilah, you’re wet.” 
“That’s what happens when you’ve been in the water.” 
“Okay, smarty pants. How are you? You tired?” 
“No, I just-” She yawns. “I just need a break.” 
“Sounds like they’ve tired you out.” 
“More like she tired me out. We had to do two hundred push-ups during training, and she was worse than that,” Natasha tells you as she sits beside Bob. 
Mickey sits in front of you, playing hand games like slide as Jake settles beside you with Rueben trying to steal Bob’s snacks while simultaneously trying to mess up their game.  
The next day…
“I thought you weren’t scheduled until next Tuesday,” Larry says. 
You ignore Pete and Bernie’s looks. An awkward cough escapes you. “Yeah, I was.” 
“You finally coming back?” 
“We’ll see.” 
“It’d be nice to have you back here.” 
You nod before walking ahead of the two. 
“I knew you were BGA. I told you.” 
“Shut up, Bernie.” 
“No, your godfather owes me ten bucks.” 
You whirl around to face the two. “You made a bet on me?” 
He sees the look in your eyes and quickly back tracks, correcting himself. “No, we all knew you’ve been coming here but your alias was the question we’d all been asking.” 
You start to walk away, not wanting to listen to them anymore. “You guys’ suck.” 
“Not when I know I have ten bucks waiting for me.” 
“Actually, that goes to me,” Pete corrects him. 
“Dammit Mav.” 
You shake your head and continue ditching the two as Bernie tries bargaining with the man. 
“You realize your putting your career on the line right.” 
“I could say the same thing to you.” You tell him, not looking up as you fiddle with the straps of your helmet. 
“I’m serious,” he says, adding your name so you understand the seriousness of the situation. 
“I fully understand what I’m about to do, Pete.” 
“And you’re not afraid of missing your chance to come back? Even if Cyclone is your godfather, which would have been nice to know beforehand.” 
You shrug, “you never asked.” 
“I didn’t think I had to.” 
“Hurry up, Pete. Or else I’ll take off without you.” 
During this time, your dearest godfather is informing the students about Pete no longer being their instructor. 
The monitor beeps, Beau turns around. “Who the hell is that?” 
Another beeping sound comes from the monitor, further confusing the admiral. 
“Maverick to range control. Entering point Alpha. Confirm green range.” 
“Uh, Maverick, range control, uh, green range is confirmed. I don’t see an event scheduled for you, sir,” Range control tells him. “We’re already aware of your partner but your name is not on our schedule.” 
“Well, I’m going anyway,” says Pete. 
“It’s a beautiful day to be in the sky.” 
“You say that every time, Angel.” 
Natasha, Mickey, Rueben, and Bob push themselves to the edge of their seat at the sound of your call sign. 
Jake uses his fist cover his mouth, hiding his smile. 
“And I will continue to do so.” 
“Nice,” Natasha mutters. 
“Setting time to target: Two minutes 15 seconds.” 
“2:15? That’s impossible,” Rueben says to himself. 
“Final attack point. Maverick’s inbound.” 
A hearty chuckle escapes you before you could stop it, getting the man to smile. “Let’s light ‘em up.” You maneuver yourself beside him, “if you can keep up.” 
“I think it’s the other way around. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you.” 
“We’ll see.�� 
“Popping in three, two, one,” he says. 
You follow his lead. You two try and wait until your target is locked but your’s isn’t quite there. “Gotta go in blind,” you mutter. “Do it, Mav.” 
“Bombs away.” 
Jake mutters to himself, “damn.” 
“Bull’s-eye! Holy shit! Holy shit! Mav!” You pull up beside him, taking off your mask, showing him how pumped you are that you were able to do this. “Aw shit.” 
“What?” He huffs. 
“You know what.” 
“Oh, that. We’ll be fine.” 
“I will blame everything on you.” 
“I see why you’re Angel now. You know just how to comfort someone.” 
“Don’t make me kick your ass.” 
“I’d like to see you try.” 
Once you're on the ground, you head over towards the class, with Pete slowly walking beside you. “He won’t do anything. He now sees what the other old man saw in you,” you tell him. 
“I don’t know.” 
“No,” you shake your head. “Goddaughter knows best. Believe me.” 
“I’ll believe when I walk out of here without being discharged.” 
“You know why they call me Angel.” 
He shakes his head. 
“I tell prophecies and you being discharged is not one of them. Coming back to Penny is the one I see.” 
He chuckles until it falls when he realizes how close he is to standing before his students. 
You pause in the wide doorway when you hear you call sign being called by a voice you never wanted to hear again. 
You slowly turn, face void of emotion as you stare at him. 
“Look at you all dresses up. You really think you can come back, and everything will be fine?” He stares at you waiting for a response. 
You blink once. “Are you done?” 
That throws him off. “What?” 
“Are you done because this whole douche persona is not working and honestly right now, you’re ruining the adrenaline high I have right now so if you could just go that’d be great.” You spin around, aiming to stand beside Pete. 
“How’s that shoulder of yours?” He grabs the shoulder you fell on because of him and quickly spin around, grabbing his hand, twisting so he feels nothing but pain and cries out as if he’s afraid you’ll break it. 
“This is getting pathetic. You have two choices, stop being a prick and harassing me.” 
He groans. “What’s the second choice?” 
“There’s a lot to think of but the first one would be ideal.” You barely move him, and he immediately agrees. “Good. Now, go away.” 
He gets up, cradling his arm to his chest. “You deserved it!” 
You shake your head at his idiotic and hot-headed behavior. “What was that?” 
He’s gonna get what’s coming to him if he keeps going. “You should be lucky all I did was push you off that ladder. It was great without you here.” 
You glance over Beau, “you get that.” 
He nods and calls for the jerk and Pete to follow him to his office. 
You’re then bombarded by people. 
“I told you. I told you,” she repeats hugging you. 
You smile, hugging her back. “Shut up.” 
She pulls back, shaking her head. “How are you not shaking or get stuck in G-Lock?” 
You don’t answer her. 
“You- you’ve been practicing?!” 
“Just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have practiced and make sure I don’t lose my skills.” 
Mickey and Reuben push past her, giving you side hugs and shoulder pats. 
“You have balls,” the taller one of the two tells you. 
A chuckle exits your nose, “thanks.”
“No, I mean it. You and Maverick did that with sixteen seconds to spare.” 
He nods. 
“I was hoping for twenty,” you sigh. “Oh well.” 
Bob moves forward aiming to give you a high five. “That was... something.” 
“Thank you, Munchies.” 
“That’s my nickname?” 
“Yep.” For some reason you look over his shoulder and find Jake staring at you. You can the corners of your lips tugging upwards and the longer you look at him, the more you smile. 
Bob glances over his shoulder, catching sight of the blond. He leans in, whispering in your ear, “go over and talk to him.” 
You furrow your brows, “what are you-” 
“Just trust me.” He walks away, neither of you take the first step that is, until Javy’s had enough and shoves him in your direction. 
“So- uh,” Jake scratches the back of his neck. 
“You intimidated?” 
He scoffs, “yeah, right.” 
“Seems like you can finally have that rematch,” you tell him, reminding him of your first day in class together. 
“I can, can’t I? But I think that’ll have to wait until after I buy you a drink.” 
“Yeah, plus I owe your sister a piggyback ride.” 
You quietly groan to yourself. “You don’t have to, Jake. I know she asks everyone but you-” 
“I want to.” He looks like he says he wants to say something else and is holding it back. 
“Something on your mind.” 
He chuckles through his nose. “I know why they call you Angel.” 
“Oh, yeah? Why?” 
“There’s this glow you have when you’re in the air and on the ground.” 
“Is that a line you say to every pretty girl you see?” 
“No- no,” he stutters, struggling to give you a proper response. 
Warlock announces with everything that’s happened, it’s time for everyone to head to the locker rooms and rest until the mission. 
You pat his arm before walking away and all he can do his stare at your back, wondering what you’ve done to make him struggle with talking to you.  
Three weeks later... (after the mission)
You’re happy Penny lets you come in once a week for a shift, it’s good for you. Being at the hard deck gives you time to clear your head and keeps you occupied when you’re not at Top Gun. 
Plus, your shift is usually right around the time when the crew comes by. 
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen them and you guy’s plan on hanging out for most of the night since Delilah’s spending the night at her friends place for a sleepover. 
A few of them stopped by at the beginning of your shift, you glance over at the pool tables, watching as Mickey and Billy play against one another while Neil and Rueben count their cash, clearly placing bets. 
After a couple of hours, Natasha comes in and grabs a round before heading towards the back where the others are. She was the only to notice when Bagman came in and how he hadn’t left his chair to come over and sit by you as you chat with the others. 
It’s been half an hour and she watches the way he’s staring at you, surprised that he hasn’t walked over to you yet. So far, she’s counted six lingering glances, two long sighs, and one-half drunken beer. 
She can’t handle this anymore and heads over towards him. “If you’re trying to get back together with her, don’t break her heart.” 
He spins to face Natasha. “What?” 
She groans, taking a minute to think about her next course of action and jams her finger into his chest, “don’t act the same way you did before. You and I both know she deserves someone who’s...” 
“Not me and not a douche, right?” 
She sucks in a quick breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Although most of that is true and I’m not going to say what is and what isn’t. You- you've changed.” 
He furrows his brows. “I have?” 
“Yeah. When you’re around her, you act like a civil guy and not like Bagman.” 
“I mean, I don’t-” 
“Please shut up and just go walk over there. It’s pathetic.” 
“Says the one who couldn’t keep her.” 
She rolls her eyes, “you are not allowed to be near Bob anymore.” 
“He was just being a good guy and answering my question.” 
“She’s definitely got a hold on you, you’re saying Bob’s a good guy,” Natasha jokes. 
“I’m not even gonna respond to that.” He pushes himself out of the chair. “Wish me luck, Princess Phoenix.” 
She groans, shoving him in your direction. Once he’s at the steps just a few feet from you, she downs the rest of the beer he left behind. 
Penny raises a brow. 
“Add it to his tab.”
“Look who finally decided to show his face around here,” Javy jokes as his friend tries to make a move on you.
“Don’t you have a bet to lose, Coyote.” 
His buddy only offers a sly smile. “Nope.” 
“Yes, you do. Come on,” Natasha and Bob pull him away from you two. 
You turn to him. “You know what that was about?” 
Jake shrugs, “not a clue.” But he knows and knows that everyone else, but you know. 
“How’s it feel?” 
“How’s what feel?” He asks, giving you his full attention. 
“Having two kills in your belt. You know, being a hero and all.” 
He chuckles, suddenly feeling bashful. “I- uh- it’s- its fine.” 
“Really? You’re not bragging about it like you’d been doing since you saved Rooster and Maverick. What’s with the sudden change?” 
He shrugs because he can’t even tell what’s going on with him when he's around you anymore. 
“Do you wanna go for a walk outside?” 
He nods. Maybe fresh air is what he needs right now. 
You two close the doors just as Bradley heads for the piano. “Are you sure you’re, okay?” 
He rests his forearms on the railing. “Yeah. The more you ask, the more it sounds like you’re concerned about me, sweetheart.” 
You roll your eyes, feeling a little happier now that he’s starting to act like his old self. “You wish, Seresin.” 
“Maybe I do.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Huh?” His head slowly turns in your direction, barely moving up from his arms. 
“What do you mean?” 
The two of you don’t say anything for a few minutes and continue staring at one another, you try to figure out the meaning behind what he said, and he realizes that he’s been an idiot ever since you two broke up before you two were shipped off to different places. 
You furrow your brows. “Are you trying to tell me that you like me because, I don’t know if you remember, but we tried this,” you point to the two of you. “Before and it didn’t work out.” 
“I can’t help what I’m feeling and honestly even if I could, I wouldn’t want to.” 
“Okay,” you gulp down all and any spit that’s built up in your mouth. “If you want to give this one more shot, I’m gonna need you to be a big boy and put on your big boy boxers.” 
His head drops, he’s fighting the urge to smile but you take it as he can’t tell you what he feels. 
You’re not gonna stand around and wait for him to tell you no so you this opportunity to walk away. 
He grabs your wrist pulling you into him. “I am not letting you go again.” His other hand brushes away the strands of hair that come flying into your face as the wind picks up. “Do you hear me?” 
You switch between his two eyes, seeing if he’s being serious or not. 
“I think the first time I was too scared to let you in even though I already had, and I thought breaking up was better than us trying to make it work because I missed out on a lot of things,” his voice slowly becoming lower and lower towards the end. 
You can’t fight the urge to hide your runny nose or your tears, but you could care less to wipe away the tears trickling down your cheeks and sniffle. “Yeah, you did.” 
“I wasn’t there for you, and you needed me.” 
“I didn’t need you-” 
“That’s my fault, you’re right. You didn’t need me, but I think we both know it would have been easier if I was there to help. I mean, I wouldn’t have been much help, but I could have definitely taken Lilah out for ice cream after school or something.” 
“Oh, yeah. Load her up either sugar. Grade A parenting, Jake.” 
His lips tug upwards into his soft, boyish smile that he only reserves for you. “I want to be there for you. Anything and everything, all of it.” 
He shushes you. “Just kiss me, please?” 
You roll your eyes, “I was going to say when did you become such a sappy guy, but you ruined it.” 
He leans forward pressing his forehead against yours. His breath hitting your skin as a chuckle slips past his toothy grin. “You love it when I beg you.” 
“I don’t know. My tastes have changed,” you shrug. 
“Bullshit they have.” 
“My, my. You’ve got quite the potty mouth on you-” 
“Just shut up and kiss already.” 
Your heads snap over at the door, seeing Natasha’s head sticking out of the doorway. 
You groan, hiding your head into his chest. 
“I swear if two don’t- no, let go- no-” 
“She’s gonna take a five-minute break,” Bob tells you before closing the door. 
“And you said, I ruined the mood.” 
“Oh, shut up,” you giggle, enjoying the warmth emanating from him. 
“You know you never told me, yes or no.” 
“To what?” 
“To me.” 
You pull back, leaving enough space so when either one of you leans in, the other isn’t too far. “Oh, I didn’t.” 
He narrows his eyes. “No, you didn’t, and you know that.” 
“I guess you’re right.” You tilt your chin up, waiting to see his next move. 
“Hey guys.” 
“Why are you out here, Chicken?” Jake asks, keeping his gaze on you. 
“Oh, you know, just enjoying the... scenery. Have either of you ever watched the way the moon just reflects off the water.” 
Neither of you turn your heads. 
“Because you should.” 
You two do as he suggests, not realizing that he moves closer. 
You turn back to look at Bradley with furrowed brows. “That wasn’t much different than other nights.” 
He shrugs, “guess you’re right.” 
Jake moves back to his previous position. 
Before either of you two can understand what’s happening, you’re kissing Jake and you start chuckling when you hear the mustached man whine for the others to let him in. 
“You find that funny, sweetheart.” 
“Little bit.” 
“Maybe I can do this to distract you.” 
“Are you jealous?” You mumble against his lips. 
He pulls back, resting his chin on top of your head, enjoying this moment. “As I’ve I’d ever be jealous of Chicken. He doesn’t have what I have.” 
“And what’s that?” 
“The best thing I could have asked for.” 
You groan into his shoulder, trying to hold it together. 
“What’s that sound for?” 
You unwrap your arms from his waist to hold his cheeks. “Why are you so cute?” 
“I’m not cute,” he pouts. 
“Yes, you are.” A mischievous grin spreads across your lips. “You’re my cutie pie.” 
He shakes his head, “no. Get off me.” 
“You know I’m joking. Don’t be mean.” 
“I’m not mean.” 
“Well, you’re not being very good.” 
“You’re lying. I’m good, I’m very good and we both know it.” 
“You’re not making this moment any sweeter.” 
“I’m making it so sweet; Baby on Board is gonna get his firs cavity.” 
“Why are you still being so competitive? You’ve got me.” 
“This is just something you’re gonna have to get used to, sweetheart.” 
You let out a fake deep sigh, “guess I am.” 
He grins, pecking your lips. “I win.” 
“Moment ruined.” You shove him away from you only to be pulled back into his embrace. 
“Not so fast.” 
“Can you two tease each other later and come back in to play pool?” Natasha asks, pulling you away from Jake. 
You glance back over your shoulder, giggling back at him. 
He stands behind you as you wait for Mickey to take his shot. “You know what I realized,” he whispers in your ear. 
“You’re the future Mrs. Bagman.” 
“What makes you think I’d be the one taking your callsign?” 
“Sweetheart, do I seem like the type people would call angel?” 
“Yes.” You spin around, placing a hand on his chest keeping yourself from losing your balance. 
“Really? Who?” 
“Me. You’re my little angel baby.” 
The corner of is lips tugs upwards, you still remember your guys’ song, and the one that just so happens to be playing at this exact moment. 
“And, we’d have to be engaged for that to happen but before that comes boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Did that confession and kiss out there make you think I wanted to be your best friend or something?” 
“You didn’t ask me.” 
“Oh, sweetheart, there’s no one else I’m kissing tonight or any other night but you.” 
You squint your eyes at him. 
“I see the looks you’re giving me and I’m gonna confess another one of my truths to you,” he leans down, his lips a mere few centimeters from your ear, his breath hitting your skin causes goosebumps to rise on your skin. “When we were together officially and unofficially the first time, you were the only one I ever kissed.” 
“I was?” 
“Yep. It’s your turn.” 
You don’t know how you one the game after hearing that but when you shot the last ball into the corner pocket and looked up, you realized how you did and you don’t hold back the smile that stretches your lips wide from corner to corner as you look at Jake, who walks towards you, a sense of pride in his eyes. 
His hand cups your cheek as he pulls you in for a deep, long kiss, earning sounds whooping and hollering combined with the sounds of fake disgust. 
Neither of you cared what was going on around you as you enjoyed the others embrace. 
When he pulls away to catch his breath, you tell him, “guess I’m good too.” 
He smirks, “finally, I get someone worthy enough to be called my competition.” 
“Don’t get cheeky with me, Hangman.” 
“Say it again.” 
You peck his lips, “keep it in your pants, Jake. It’s your turn to play now,” you hold the pool cue out for him to take. 
He shakes his head as he takes it, heading over towards the table Bradley is playing at. 
“I can’t believe you’re with Bagman.” 
You grin at her, taking a sip of Jake’s drink. “I know.” 
“But I’m happy for you.” 
“Thank you. You spot the brunette eyeing you in the corner by the jukebox?” 
“No, thanks for the heads up. Don’t wait for me.” 
“Oh, believe me. I know the way you work, and I won’t, Phoxy.”    
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saturnskyline · 1 year
the unhinged ted talk is what i am here for! ♥ i think the camaraderie that they have is nicely summed up in ep13 by vegas saying that they "both were blinded by adults", that vegas in this was no different from porsche, they are pawns in someone else's bigger game. they can't trust each other, not like friends or family would, but they both don't trust the main family (korn), and they both don't like that they are being played with. and they both have something the other wants. and honestly, after vegas sees pete, says sorry for the last time (because vegas, i think, is pretty sure he might die, he might not, but he might, so he has to say sorry before he dies), he could just not help porsche the next day and not give a fuck about porsche's uncle or mom. but he does, and even if one could argue that vegas does it in hopes of porsche joining his side, does he really? he doesn't do the usual tactics of trying to convince porsche to join him, he doesn't do any real manipulation, just a 'porsche, be careful, good luck with whatever you choose'.
i could write essays about post-canon them, because, yikes, vegas, if porsche finds out you sent men to kidnap porschay from hum bar? chay? that could have and would have been hurt if kim didn't kill those guys? ufffff. and then vegas seeing porsche with his father's ring, the same ring that bruised his cheek so many times now on kinn's boyfriends hand? and YES yes yes vegas probably learns how amazing it is to not have to compete with kinn and be "the second" (he is first to pete and to macau which all that matters), and just be vegas, instead of 'vegas of the minor family'. but also, i keep thinking about minor family's compound and how vegas walked through it, and you could tell his people respect and love him, he felt so appreciated there, the small bows and 'khun vegas' they gave him. these were people that saw him, that feared him, admired him, people that worked for minor family, were loyal to them, and porsche is taking all of that from vegas. (except in my head he doesn't really, porsche is so over his head, and he needs vegas's help, and korn might have planned to put porsche as minor family's head to end the rivalry (but does he really? he is the one who thinks competition is good? so why end it?), and move vegas off from his chess board, but porsche is a rebel, he picks vegas and asks vegas for help because who else would know things better than vegas. porsche doesn't trust vegas further than he can throw him, he knows how vegas feels about being second in the second family, but porsche also knows that he needs vegas to secure his hold, and he knows that vegas needs to feel useful and needed (another headcanon, when vegas says "i have nothing left", he doesn't discount macau or pete, it just means "i have nothing to give to you, pete, why are you here still when i am useless"), and porsche can give vegas that while vegas figures out his life with pete and how pete does not need anything else from vegas but vegas himself).
and you know, maybe they will never be best of buddies, but i can totally see post-canon vegas who loses everything but gets to have pete, and post-canon porsche who in a way, also lost everything (his dream of opening a bar, keeping chay safe, escaping mafia life at some point) and gets to have kinn, realizing that they are in some ways two sides of the same coin, and hey, if you murder enough people on adrenaline rush missions together, and you race each other on expensive ducatis for fun, you sort of kind of can call them a friend? maybe?
(honestly, i am just weak, i want everyone to be happy, so please vegas manipulate me into believing you can actually care about people other than your new family.) oh, shit, i just realized how long this is, i am gonna send this non-anon way, so you don't need to answer on your blog if it's too much. :D
thanks for indulging my brain worms! x
ahhh yay, so happy to have another ted talk contributor!!! no worries about the lengthiness either; the more words the better i think 😊
no you hit the nail on the head with this!! i think the main reason i'm so obsessed with the vegasporsche dynamic is that trust is something neither of them can really afford. porsche even says as much: "i don't trust you. i can't trust anyone. even the main family, i don't trust any of them." that last part is really the key here, since the thing that goes unspoken is "i can't afford to trust kinn right now". and oh boy, that is a WILD thing to admit to the guy who has spent his entire life in competition with your boyfriend lol
still, that isn't even the part that really gets me. no, the thing that really gets me is exactly what you pointed out: the lack of manipulation on vegas' part. dude had the information to do SO MUCH DAMAGE.. but he didn't. he didn't even gloat over the fact that he's the only one porsche can turn to (one-upping kinn btw!); he just went "well, i wondered what kinn couldn't help you with, and now i know". and then there's "i'm glad that you thought of me" .... well. *adjusts clown wig* i think that that was completely genuine, in the same way that most of the motorcycle scene seems genuine. call me crazy, and i know the fandom talks both sides all the time, but EYE personally think that vegas has a real fondness towards porsche. whether it's due to his sheer honesty and naïveté, or whether it's just "oh he's so easy to exploit uwu", that's up for interpretation. but that's my opinion there :D
there's also the fact that in this conversation (bc clearly i have many thoughts on this scene), vegas doesn't try to talk porsche away from kinn's side; in fact, he essentially does the opposite! porsche asks if he knows anything about his parents, and vegas' response is: "i know nothing. and i don't think kinn knows about it too", followed up with the line about being "blinded by the adults". so basically HE'S GIVING KINN THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. he's talking about the fact that he and porsche are both pawns in this game, but kinn is also brought up directly in that context. "he probably didn't know either, since he's not really in charge." and thinking about this from a typical vegas manipulation point of view, wouldn't it be better to let porsche doubt kinn? wouldn't he be a perfect tool at this point, turning to you while incredibly vulnerable, admitting he can't trust the main family? why didn't vegas take advantage of that?? we don't have clear answers anywhere, but i guess that just adds to the ✨ flavor ✨
"vegas seeing porsche with his father's ring, the same ring that bruised his cheek so many times now on kinn's boyfriend's hand" NOW WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS 😭😭 *patrick bateman voice* did you know i'm utterly insane?? ahem but anyway. yes. ring symbolism my beloathed 💔 post-canon vegasporsche is the biggest mess ever bc absolutely, vegas is gonna feel some type of way about losing what was rightfully his. and oh, i LOVE that you brought up the scene at the minor family compound! the duration feels like such an intentional choice, since it lasts just long enough to make sure we take note of how powerful vegas is in this space. he is feared and/or loved (machiavelli in the chat?); people see him and immediately pay their respect. and now porsche, unqualified porsche of all people, is in charge of it all. i do like to think that vegas comes to terms with that eventually, and is softened by the love of his family and the search for a new purpose. but i absolutely agree, i think that he isn't out of the game at all, not really, so long as porsche needs his help and korn is alive. pro: he gets to work in his area of expertise! con: he isn't fully removed from the "vegas from the minor family" label that he clearly resents. hmm. many jumbled thoughts on this
glad that you brought up vegas sending his men to kidnap/possibly hurt chay.... i really do forget about that aspect of things 🥲 along with the fact that he drugged him and maybe would have assaulted him given the chance? insert further fandom discourse here, tried to kill him multiple times, and used him to get to kinn way more times than that. so yeah, a complicated history, to say the least. but you know what they say: the best friendships are forged by unresolved conflict and emotional baggage! (okay maybe they don't say that. but i just really want these two to be friends for some reason idk)
oh wowww, i love the idea of them being opposite sides of the same coin! absolutely fascinating stuff there. reminds me of when vegas tells porsche "we're not so different on the same team now, you and i". plus i'm absolutely down for some murder/motorcycle racing!! quality bonding time for sure 🥰🥰
weirdly, even after all this, i feel like there's so much left to say bahaha. i guess that's an invitation (to all) to drop by and share vegasporsche brainrot anytime! i will probably write a whole nonsensical book about it though, so be warned hehe
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dorkustm · 8 months
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Please accept my screenshot of HCs
peter... shouldn't be allowed to have a weapon, but if he's in a life-threatening situation or other, he's a resourceful fighter and a quick thinker. that isn't to say that this leads to smart choices, such as trying to punch a ghost with his non-dominant hand. weapons make him nervous, and he doesn't like the idea of physically hurting someone unless absolutely necessary, being bullied will do that to you
i think that richie n ruth peer pressure pete into becoming their usual d&d dm, bc every d&d group has that one poor bastard although i think they all take turns. but on the occasions that he gets to be a player? oh, it's over. min-maxer AND a rules lawyer, but only in a slightly annoying way. in the way that his go-to class could be wizard, maybe artificer, but he has some absolutely batshit multiclass builds in his back pocket bc god forbid he doesn't make it everyone's problem if he gets the chance to be a player
ted taught pete how to drive and i imagine it was an only slightly traumatizing experience. and i imagine this doesn't happen too incredibly often, but on the off-chance that ted gets fucked up and strikes out on a date or whatever, pete's his designated driver. he'll give his brother shit, but he'll give him a ride if he needs one
ted also gifted pete the watch that he wears, and it is definitely well-loved and well-used, especially at school where technically he isn't allowed to have his phone on him. that isn't to say that outside of school, when he's hanging out or on his phone or whatever, sometimes the instinct is to check the time on his phone rather than the watch that he wears near constantly. ironic, but teenagers and their phones, am i right?
pete absolutely had a space hyperfixation; one of the kinds of kids who begged for a telescope from his parents that would sit untouched in his closet for an undetermined amount of time until a special occasion called for it. i think he also used it as an excuse to stay up late because it was Educational. so, he'd be out with one of his parents in the backyard looking up at the stars, sharing all of his space-themed fun facts until he wore himself out and passed out
pete's favorite day of the week is thursday. why his favorite day of the week is thursday? i couldn't tell you because i don't know
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nayspy · 2 years
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Series masterlist
Summary: When you have to move away with your family and you find a very nice surprise but it brings pain as much as it brings happiness. But is the happiness worth it??
pairs: peter parker (andrew) x reader
This is the most awkward car ride ever. When I returned home after fighting with that good looking weird egg stealing guy. I was met with caroline and mom screaming at each other . I had to break the fight and also the eggs didn't survive I like to tell myself it happened when I dropped the bag on the kitchen counter but welll  .
They were like screaming and shit well after the divorce today dad had called to tell that he is going to marry Stephen the guy he was dating and well it hurt mom because they were like married for 20 years it is not easy to get over this stuff and I am thinking Caroline is trying to apologize i have no idea what Is happening.
"Do you.....want a fry?"Caroline asks.
"Is that your idea of an apology?!"mom huffed.
"I'm trying okay?! How else am I supposed to?" "Oh my. I forgot how much I love you."
"You still do?"
"What do you mean still you are my daughter ofcourse I do. You are both my lifelines."
"Mom I am sorry . "
"It's fine. We will be fine."
“I mean, mom it could take years.”
“So can life. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.”
"Wow. What a line mom you should try Ted talk" I interjected.
And well she just rolled her eyes. 
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I enter my classroom and see flash sitting there I am so sure he is going to make fun of me . I just dont meet his eyes and go sit on the bench in the corner and bell rings the whole room fills pretty quickly and enters the egg guy I narrow my eyes at him because he looks familiar. I mean i know that he is the guy from the grocery store but I just know and then I see the skating board and it all clicks he is the guy who helped me with the itinerary of the day.
There are no seats left so he seats beside me . That is when our english teacher enters .
"Good morning. Now that everyone is in their seats. ......" I tune her out because I have got this uneasy feeling and I have no idea why. 
"So before the bell rings I am going to give you all an assignment to work on . So I will  just name two people will be getting the same assignment you could do it together or not "so she started saying names " and I hear parker and forbes " as I raise my hand to look to my right and find out that egg guy is Parker 
I start my way out the door when I hear parker( I still don't know his first name) approach me. "Hi?" He says. "Hey" . He rubs his neck and glances around the room unsure of what to say. "So.. d-do you wanna have lunch together?" "No " I huff out and leave 
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I see Gwen talking with some guy as I go to sit with her. "Hey y\n "she says .
"Hi" " what's up? Something wrong " " No I just don't feel well." "Are you sick? You should probably go to the nurse"  "No I am good I just feel uneasy"  "Well you should eat something maybe it will make you feel better." "You are probably right" . As she looks over my shoulder and says " Hey pete" "Come and have lunch with us." 
As I turn around  " Not you again " I grumble and drop my forehead on the table. " What did you do?" Gwen asks Peter.  His eyes widen "No-NOTHING" . 
I am not paying attention to whatever they are talking about. "How do you two know each other?" I ask suddenly . Making them look at me as they look at me wide eyed at my Sudden question . " We used to date." Cool . Wait what? " YOU DATED HIM?" "Why what is wrong with me?" "Oh nothing you are the most good looking guy I have ever seen ."   Well even if it is true he won't know that. 
"Are you being sarcastic right now?" "Me? Never."
"Whatever I am gonna go now" he says and leaves.
"Gwen I wanna tell you something . "  "what?"
"Flash took me out on a date yesterday or that is what I think it was." 
" what really? "
"Yeahhh I had fun but then he said we were hanging out "
"He must be trying to embarrass you  . Don't worry about it."
" yeah that is what I thought but he tried to talk to me several times today."
"Then I think you should go talk to him" 
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I approach flash and lightly tap on his shoulder. "Heyy flashh" " Hi. " . We both stand there silent for a while " why were  you ignoring me?" He asks out of nowhere. Well not nowhere I expected that but yeah ."I thought" I stop and he gives me a slight nod as to say go on
"I thought ....... I thought you were making fun of me yesterday so.." " I would never do that"he says and I just lift my eyebrow as if to ask 'really?' " Okay well I would never do that to you." 
"Why? You don't wanna date me so why?" "Well I don't know I just felt it "
“That doesn’t make a lot of sense.” “With you, nothing ever does.” okay then " so like are we what friends" I ask him .
"Yeah" he says and leaves. 
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Peter's pov.
"Peter!" I hear and I turn around "Felicia "I grumble . My girlfriend just leans over to kiss me but I just take a step back. " what's wrong baby? " I cringe at the the word. "I think we should talk " "Okay are you gonna tell me you love me I knew that." She giggles. "Yeah noo , How do I say this I think we should break up " "WHAT?" I hear her shriek they should really appoint her to annoy prisoners or something. 
" yeah , I am sorry" I say " fuck you peter" She says and leaves I am not proud of what I did but I don't want to string her along I did not have the courage to do it till today but I just know we are not meant to be.  
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I see y/n (as I recently found out) sitting alone . "Hey you okay there?" " yeah  I am good  whats up?" 
"Well we didnt really have the best of  introductions " She laughs at that and I find it the most beautiful noise I have ever heard. " Yeah tell me about it egg guy. " I shove my hand on front of her "Well I am peter parker" "y/n y/l/n" she shakes my hand . "Also I like your outfit" she says to me. I look down to check Is she making fun of me but it is not that bad . " I like yours too" " Thanks" She is so silent and her voice is so soft I can't help but compare it to Felicia. 
" you are not half as bad as I thought." She says . "Why did you think I was bad?" "Well I just did" I wanna ask her out but I am scared .“It’s so cold, you should hold my hand, so it doesn’t freeze.” “I’m not that cold, I can give you my gloves if you want.” 
Oh no not what I meant. So I think . I do the second best thing I know "You look beautiful by the way" and I wink (it could not have gone any smoother) I think to myself . “Why are you blinking like that with your eyes? Is everything ok?” “That was supposed to be a wink!” "ohhh" and she laughs I don't find it very funny. "You are so cute omg" " sigh" " Did you just say sigh instead of doing it?" I ask her overly amused " I don't know I think I broke my brain i am guessing " she is so adorable
I am about to say something when she her phone rings ."gimme a second. It's my mom I gotta pick it up " I just nod. "Hello" I can't hear the person on the other side it is muffled. "Wait no but what happened?". I am suddenly on guard " Yeah no I will be out in a sec" and she is going for her bag. "Hey everything okay?" 
"yeah yeah no everything is fine my mom is outside I gotta go. I am sorry . I will talk to you soon I am sorry." 
" No its fine,bye "
" Bye " she says gives me a quick hug and leaves. And now I am worried.
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Taglist : @xoxoloverb
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spooderboyandtincan · 3 years
You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 2
There’s a spider on the ceiling.
Peter can barely make out its eight gangly legs through a blur of tears. He feels some sort of bond with it- not only because of the DNA they share- but because they’re both alone. Then again, the spider has probably spent its entire life in this room, and Peter’s only been here- on a whole different continent- for a good couple of hours.
Maybe it’s just the jet lag. According to literally anyone who’s known him at all- he gets adorably grumpy when he hasn’t gotten his beauty sleep (Tony’s words, not his.)
Who does he think he’s kidding? He’s homesick, he’s alone, and he really, really misses Tony. Misses him as in the his heart is literally being torn apart sort of missing. He wishes he’d considered how his severe separation anxiety might play a part in this when he’d still had a choice.
Peter chokes on a whine- the one that forces its way out of his throat until he’s full on sobbing and gasping for breath.
He scrambles for his phone on the nightstand. He needs Tony, he needs him, like a fish needs water. He fumbles with the lock screen and desperately taps on Tony’s icon (a picture of Tony holding a proudly displaying a mug that reads “Number 1 Iron Dad.”) It rings once, twice-
“Pete? How’s it going, kiddie?” Tony’s voice, so gentle, so full of love and concern- he already knows something’s wrong, of course, because his Dad Senses are off the charts- makes the tear in his heart rip open.
“Tony,” he sobs. “Tony. I don’t- I can’t, I can’t do this. I wanna go home, Tony.”
“Whoa, hey, it’s okay Petey, breathe for me okay?” He can hear, just barely over his sobs, that Tony is pacing, can hear that his breathing is just a bit too fast, and Peter feels awful for freaking him out, but just can’t stop crying.
“‘M so sorry,” he wails, “‘M so sorry. I-I wanna go home, I want you Tony.” He grasps his pillow tightly and buries his face in it, trying to stifle his sobs, pretending that Tony is there, wrapping his arms around him, kissing his hair, rocking them back and forth.
“I know, baby, I know,” Tony croons, “Everything’s gonna be okay, we’re okay. Right now I just need you to take a deep breath, buddy- in, two-three, out, two-three, okay?” Tony demonstrates for him, taking exaggerated inhales and exhales, which are probably benefiting him as much as they are Peter. “You’ve got this, Pete, I know you do.”
“I miss you, Tony,” Peter whispers after a few seconds of shaky breathing. “I wanna go home.” He feels so immature, begging Tony to fly across the Atlantic in the dead of night just because he’s a little homesick.
Tony, however, seems to consider his request very seriously. “Do you want me to fly out? I could be there in a few hours.”
Peter almost laughs, imagining Tony arriving to the hotel at daybreak, dressed only in sweatpants and a stained AC/DC t-shirt. It’s actually not a bad idea- Tony could act as a chaperone, they could explore the city together, make another precious memory.
“Yeah, um, that-that would be great, Tony,” he sniffs, wiping the wetness of his cheeks. “A-are you sure? I don’t wanna, like, make you, there’s probably Iron, um, Iron Man things, I don’t-”
“Pete, listen to me,” Tony interrupts, voice again so impossibly gentle. “Nothing- nothing- is more important to me than you, understand? I’m here for you. Always”
Peter smiles wetly, relaxing back into the covers, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I know. Tony?”
“Yeah, bud?
“Can-can you, um, talk? Please?”
“‘Course I can, Pete. What about?” Tony says fondly. The idea that his voice can bring such comfort to this sweet kid makes him feel all… schmoopy.
“Anything. I just… wanna hear your voice, s’all.” He tugs the covers up and curls into a ball, resting the phone on the pillow next to his ear.
“I’ve got you, bud,” Tony says. I miss you too. “Oh, you’ve gotta know what DUM-E did today….”
Peter feels himself relaxing as Tony talks about his day. It’s not just the words that soothe him, but the familiar sound of his warm voice that’s full of such love and affection. His thoughts begin to wander as he drifts into a barely conscious haze, but the voice remains steady and present in his mind.
Tony is quick to notice that Peter is on the precipice of slumber and wakefulness, and is just as quick to provide the last bit of reassurance Peter needs to fall asleep. “Sweet dreams, buddy. I love you,” he murmurs.
Just before Peter slips away, he finds himself slurring, “Love you too.”
Tony stays on the call for a solid ten minutes after Peter conks out, listening to the steady whoosh of his breathing against the speaker. Before he finally makes himself hang up, he whispers a quiet, “‘Night, Petey. I’ll be there before you know it.” Tony leaves for the airport at daybreak, not able to spend another second in that horribly empty penthouse. The absence of Peter’s presence is tremendously obvious, and Tony finds himself desperately trying not to imagine the unimaginable.
With a pilot on-call 24-7, and without the hassles of a public airport, he’ll be back with Peter around early afternoon.
Thank god.
He steps out of the Cadillac, barely noticing the blistering wind and the tiny snowflakes biting at his cheeks in his haste to board the plane. He greets the pilot- Allison, he thinks- with a nod, but she gestures to stop when he moves towards the stairs.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark!” she says over the howling wind. “We just can’t fly in this weather!”
To hell with that, Tony thinks. “When’s it letting up?”
“I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Stark,” Allison says apologetically. “Not for a few days at least.”
Tony activates the suit with a simple tap of his watch, the nanobots rushing over him within seconds. Allison gasps and jumps back, gaping as he rockets into the air.
He’s been flying for a good 50 seconds before a neon red warning lights up the HUD.
“Boss,” F.R.I.D.A.Y says, tone filled with caution. “The wind is blowing at a speed of 78 mph. I must advise that you return to the ground immediately, or you run the risk of losing control of the suit.”
Tony curses loudly. Just his luck, really. “How high is the risk?”
“89%, boss.”
“So, not all that bad,” he chuckles.
Then, F.R.I.D.A.Y reminds him how devastated Peter would be if anything happened to him.
Tony returns to his car on foot and pulls out his phone to call Peter.
Peter basks in the sunlight outside of a bustling café, sipping from a cup of hot chocolate. He’s ordered a chocolate croissant, and added the tasteless protein powder Tony and Bruce had synthesized to keep up with his spidey metabolism to his mug. Despite the jet lag, he’s eager to explore the city and it’s merits, his enthusiasm only growing knowing that Tony will be here within a few hours.
Feeling pleasantly full, Peter leans back in his chair- it’s an armchair, on a stool, and it’s driving him nuts, he loves it- and beams at Ned, who lounges next to him in an identical chair. “Dude,” he says.
“Dude,” Ned agrees.
Peter is grinning, Ned is grinning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, life is sweet-
Peter’s phone rings.
His first thought is that Tony’s plane has crashed.
His second is one of relief when he realizes it’s Tony who’s calling him.
His third is that his plane has crashed, and Tony’s calling him, mortally wounded, to say goodbye.
Ned stares at him, taking in the panicked look on his face, and mouths You good? Peter shakes his head and scrabbles for his phone.
“Pete?” Tony says as soon as he’s answered. He sounds fine, at least. “Hiya.”
“Are you okay?” Peter asks first, because he knows that even if Tony sounds like he’s fine, that doesn’t mean he is.
“Yeah. Yeah, Petey, I’m just fine, I promise,” Tony assures him. Peter relaxes in his chair, flashing Ned a quick thumbs up, because knows Tony would never lie to him, especially not if he was hurt. “How’re you doin’?”
Peter’s face lights up. “Oh, great! There are like, dogs everywhere here, even in the restaurants, and I saw this German Shepherd eating like- dog ice cream or something? And I got this super good chocolate croissant where we’re having breakfast. Y’know, I really thought the jet lag would be super bad but I’m not like, tired at all yet!”
“Aw, buddy, that’s great, I’m glad you’re havin’ a good time,” Tony says, voice dripping with fondness. “You’re drinking enough water, staying hydrated and all that, right?”
“Yup! Are you?”
Tony scoffs. “‘Course I am. Hafta set a good example n’ shi- stuff.” Peter snorts. He knows Tony does his best not to curse around his- and he quotes- “young, unsullied ears" but he ends up failing quite a lot.
“Which reminds me bud, how’s Ted?” Peter’s best friend’s health has pretty much no correlation with cursing, which makes the teen think that Tony has a specific reason for asking about him. He decides not to bring it up though.
“It’s Ned,” he sighs in mock frustration. And he’s good, he’s right next to me! I guess I didn’t tell you yesterday, but the hotel guy put us into two different rooms ‘cause they had extra or something and we didn’t realize ‘til we got to our rooms.” He sighs again then, for real, his good mood evaporating.
Tony’s Dad Senses pick up on it instantaneously. “Not ideal, huh?” he says gently, which earns him a small laugh from the kid. “D’you want me to talk to them?”
Peter nods sheepishly, then realizes Tony can’t see him. “Yeah. Thank you,” he says in a small voice, embarrassed that the genius is going to all this trouble just because he’s a little lonely. “Are you gonna be here soon?” he asks then, because he misses Tony, misses him just like he knows Tony is missing him.
Tony clears his throat. When he speaks, the guilt in his voice could rip him in half. “About that, buddy, well- Jesus, Pete, I’m so sorry. The, uh, the wind is too dangerous for me to fly over, and it’s not letting up ‘til around Monday. I’m so sorry, kiddo.”
Peter’s heart sinks. “Oh,” he says numbly.
He hears Tony lurch up. “Hey, Petey- shit, I’m so sorry, buddy. I- you know what, fuck it, I’ll fly over anyway, I-”
“No! No, I’m okay, I’m fine!” Peter says, wincing silently at the forced cheeriness in his voice, and knowing that Tony has seen right through.
“Hey, hey, buddy, it’s okay, I’ll be perfectly safe-”
“You can’t,” Peter pleads, desperate to keep Tony safe. “Please, Tony, you can’t, you’ll crash, or-”
“Whoa, Petey, deep breaths,” Tony interrupts, voice gentle. “I’m right here, I’m fine, you hear me?” He waits for Peter’s breathing to resume a steady rate, then says, “Bub, I won’t fly over if it’s not safe, I promise.”
Peter sighs. He’s relieved beyond belief that Tony is keeping both feet on the ground where he’ll be safe- he better be- but he misses the billionaire more than ever.
“And hey, who knows, maybe the wind’ll let up in a few hours!” Tony chuckles. Sobering a little, he says, “If the weather is on schedule, I’ll be there on Monday, 6 am, sharp.”
Peter prays he will. “I miss you, Tony,” he mumbles- he feels childish, knowing that he’s just begged the man to stay in New York, and now is just making him more miserable knowing that he’s miserable.
“I miss you too, Petey,” the genius murmurs back, voice filled with sorrow.
“Peter!” The phone nearly flies out of Peter’s hand as Mr. Harrington taps on his shoulder. He gasps a little, and though his teacher doesn’t seem to notice, Tony sure does, his gentle voice turning harsh with barley contained panic. “Who was that, Pete? Are you okay?”
“Um-” he tries.
“Come on, now! The bus is almost here, I can see it around the corner!” Mr. Harrington says loudly, and abruptly struts off, frantically waving down the bus that is already stopping.
“Peter!” Tony exclaims.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it was just Mr. Harrington,” he rushes to reassure him. Tony breathes out a heavy sigh of relief. “Uh, the bus is here, I- I have to go.” He hurries to catch up with his best friend.
“I love you,” Tony says. “I love you so much, Pete, stay out of trouble, be safe.”
He doesn’t want to say goodbye. Neither of them do.
“I love you, Tony,” says Peter. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry about me!”
And with that, the call ends.
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kittybellestark · 3 years
It’s Like Falling From The Sky
Hi I’m exhausting and things suck rn so i wrote this 
I know this is coming out but I really can’t promise that I’ll be able to be very active on here with everything going on with my Dad. 
If you have mad e a fic request I am working on it have no fears I have not forgotten I just needed to write out my emotions so I’m sorry.
I’ll get this on AO3 in the next few days
TW: Flashbacks, Minor Character Deaths, Re-Visiting Peter’s Traumas, Depression, Probably Disassociation.
Peter remembers. He hated remembering this. He couldn’t even talk to other people about this. Well, he probably could, but he wasn’t supposed to. 
Dr. Josh said so. 
He didn’t like Dr. Josh very much. He was there when it happened. Dr. Josh went through the same thing Peter did. Sometimes Dr. Josh still came to visit Peter up until the time Skip happened. Dr. Josh was there for Peter’s first trauma yet he wasn’t there for the next one. And Peter hated him.
Peter remembered the plane. 
Officially Peter was never in that plane. There was no records of Peter ever being there, or Dr. Josh being there. But Peter remembered it in perfect clarity. It was one of the only memories Peter had of his parents. 
It was fine. The plane ride. It was boring and he played Uno with his parents. Dr. Josh stayed seated in a corner, close to the front. It was a nice plane, a private one Oscorp had provided them. This plane was newer. Peter hadn’t ever seen it before, this wasn’t the plane his family normally took. He had liked the other plane more, that plane was familiar. 
He was the one who noticed the smoke. It was coming out of the engine. They had thought the shaking was turbulence, just a little bit of wind. The smoke clouded the sky around them. 
Peter remembers that his parents buckled him into a seat, before getting into their own. Dr. Josh went to go into the cockpit, but the door was jammed. He couldn’t get in. The locking mechanism had ceased, there was no way for Dr. Josh to get in there and Peter saw the moment he realized this. The doctor sat down and buckled in.
The lights flickering was the scariest part to Peter. That was when everyone knew things would get worse. Peter could feel it, he was able to feel his parents fear. Their fear was suffocating. It was the way his mother sobbed and his father dropped his head into his hands, shoulders shaking. There was no battle to be fought, they weren’t going to be able to get out of this one.
Oxygen masks dropped and Peter’s mom made sure to get one onto his face. She kissed his forehead and whispered goodbyes. He cried hard, holding onto her hand with both of his. The door had ripped off the side of the air craft and that made things cold. Cold, cold, cold. And that didn’t make sense to Peter. Outside was bright orange, the colour of warmth and his parents bedding. 
Nothing made sense. It was bad and scary and Peter hates remembering this. He hates it. Peter hates that he was there and that officially he never was. There’s been no one to talk to, no one who can understand. It was in the news, that the only two passengers onboard had died and it infuriates Peter. There was four passengers on that plane and two died. 
Peter remembers the plane going down. He remembers screaming, then he remembers waking up. There was metal scraps of plane all around him and fire, there was so much fire. He was still in his chair, strapped down to it and he couldn’t get out. He remembers calling out for his parents and then looking around for them. 
Peter remembers seeing his mother laying there on the ground. She was awake but gasping for air, her one hand on chest, a leg bent at an unnatural angle, hair melted onto her. Peter was afraid of his own mother. He couldn’t find his father, couldn’t see him, but Peter could hear his screams. Peter could hear him in pain and that scared him too. He feared the people who were meant to be safe. Peter hates himself for that too.
Peter hates Dr. Josh. He hates Dr. Josh for surviving and Peter hates that Dr. Josh for saving him and not going back for his parents. And Peter hates Dr. Josh for leaving him, for not showing up anymore. 
Peter hates Dr. Josh. He never expected to see him again. But the thing about being Peter Parker is that everything goes in the exact way that Peter just can’t predict. 
Becoming Spider-Man was never anything Peter thought he would ever do. Meeting Tony Stark was a pipe-dream, and this mentor-mentee thing was so wildly out there. Nothing ever seemed to make sense and Peter hated that too. It was always a whirlwind and never any time to process any of it. Never any time to make sense of anything.
Peter couldn’t help blaming Dr. Josh for that too. 
“You good kid?” Tony finally, finally asked. 
Distractions are good, welcomed even. Anything was better than his thoughts or the memories of his parents dying. Distractions are easy and they help. Things aren’t so painful if he’s distracted. It’s why parents teach their kids to laugh when they get hurt, it distracts them and then everything is okay.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry- I just got caught up in my head.” 
Peter couldn’t help running his hand through his hair. It was a nervous tick, at least that’s what Dr. Josh had said. Built on his anxiety after his parents death. Peter didn’t believe that to be factual. It was a way to comfort himself, his parents used to run their fingers through Peter’s hair when he was sad or sick or tired. 
He could tell that Tony didn’t believe him. Why would he? Peter hasn’t been focused recently. He needs to focus, but he just can’t seem to focus on anything other than the thought of Dr. Josh recently. It’s a problem and Peter knows it. But it’s just so easy to put the bad things on him. 
Had Dr. Josh at least saved one of his parents, Peter wouldn’t have gone into foster care. He wouldn’t have been placed into May and Ben’s home, Skip would have never been his babysitter. Peter wouldn’t have had to go onto the Oscorp field trip, and Ben would have never been murdered. If just one of his parents had lived Peter wouldn’t feel the grief or hatred he does now. More of his family would be around, he wouldn’t be made fun of for being the reason his guardians all keep dying. May would be happier, she’d have her husband and a in-law. There would never be any over-due bills. So Peter hated Dr. Josh, and it wasn’t fair to do that to him, but Dr. Josh was supposed to be a doctor. He was supposed to save lives.
“Earth to Peter.” Tony waved his hand in front of Peter’s face. “You zoned out on me while I was talking. We have a meeting to go to remember, you’re supposed to pretend to be doing intern-y things. With the Avengers?” 
Peter shook his head, trying to clear it. It was too busy most of the time. Every thought just started and ended on top of each other. But he was going into a meeting, and the Avengers were supposed to be there, so his brain needed to be clear. He couldn’t think about what is felt like to fall out of the sky and not being able to catch himself.
“Sorry, yeah, I’m here. Which Avengers?” 
Smile. Breathe. Listen. Try and be normal. Do not dwell. Not on the past. 
“I mean Cap is going to be there, he’s a total bore by the way. He drones on and on, I think we’ve all learnt to fall asleep to him talking without him noticing, you’re allowed to zone out on him. Natasha is going to be there, she’s sneaky about things so don’t fan boy too hard around her. Clint will also be there, he’ll keep things interesting. You get bored in there Clint is always doing something strange to get everyone’s attention, you two will get along like a house on fire, I’m only a little scared. And Bruce will be there, you’ve met him multiple times already though Pete, so we aren’t going to hyperventilate this time. You’re going to remember to breathe and not overwhelm Bruce with every question you have about one of his research papers.” 
Tony liked to talk with his hands. Grand gestures. It was calming to watch. Peter liked how expressive Tony was. The man said he wasn’t good at expressing his emotions but Tony showed his emotions in his movements. He was easy to read if you knew what to look for, and Peter did. Peter liked knowing. He didn’t get to know much in his life, he could never predict what was happening next and that hurt. But he could see how Tony was feeling and he could act accordingly and he liked to be able to control that.
“I’ve seen the PSA’s at school I think I’ll live. Black Widow is very intimidating so I don’t think you’ll hear me talk more than five words, she’s awesome but she could kill me in the time it takes me to blink. I cannot annoy her Mr. Stark, I’m comfortable being alive.” Tony laughed, Peter joined. “I mean really, I’ve met Dr. Banner and Black Widow has become involved with the government and on tv all the time. An no self respecting teenager doesn’t hate Captain America for those PSA’s at least a little bit. I know them all except Hawkeye really, but he’s the only Avenger that is still supposed to be a secret agent so it’s not like any pictures of him exists. Which is very annoying Mr. Stark. Ned and I hacked into your servers once to see if we could find any pictures of him- this was before I met you by the way- and you didn’t even have anything there.”
Yeah, that sounded like Peter Parker. Laughing, joking, he sounded normal. He was not spiraling. There was no imagining the lights flickering or smoke filled sky. Peter couldn’t talk about it so he shouldn’t think about it. There was no use in his brain remembering the sound of his father’s screams. He could remember so many better things, more useful things. It was over ten years ago. He had more recent trauma, plane trauma at that. This really shouldn’t be the one bad thing his brain goes to first.
Right. He’s supposed to acknowledge and follow and be normal. Peter has this. There’s no plane falling out of the sky today. He is okay. 
“I wish I was surprised about you and Ted hacking into SI servers and then getting into my own, but frankly nothing you do could really ever surprise me at this point. You’re too smart for your own good, I do expect you to take over the world Roo, but for my heart could you wait until you’re done high school.”
It was the right time to laugh. Tony was laughing, so Peter laughed. It didn’t make sense to Peter how his actions couldn’t surprise Tony. Sometimes Peter’s actions even surprise himself. But it’s not really like Peter knew himself very much anymore, not with his life continuing to be so unpredictable. Sure he had gotten used to the fake smiles, and pretending to be fine, deflecting, but that wasn’t really his actions. It just covered them up. 
Peter followed just a little bit behind Tony, it helped ease the anxiety, like a shield. He also knew it wasn’t good to use Tony like this. It was just easier sometimes, when he was scared. This wasn’t a good pattern, but neither was the rest of his life. The world owed him just this bit of comfort sometimes.
“If I’m going to take over the world then I have to take everyone by surprise Mr. Stark. Including you; unless you help me of course. I could use you for your government connections, sway them over into our favour. It really wouldn’t take much.” 
Peter shrugged as Tony stepped into the room, shaking his head while looking back at him. The room was loud as Peter stepped in, but it’s what he had expected. Stories have been told to him about the Avengers, loud and rambunctious, conversations on top of each other. Even with Thor off world the group made up for it in this small room.
“Everyone this is my personal intern. Yes I trust him, no he is not a secret love child, no you can’t interrogate. Yes he will be sitting in this meeting, no you don’t have anything to worry about. Okay? Great, Brucie you know Peter, everyone else this is Peter Parker, Peter this is everyone.” 
It’s like falling from the sky, when he see’s the Avengers. He smells the smoke and feels everything quake. He can hear his father screaming and his mother gasping for air. Everything is warm orange but he’s cold and it doesn’t make sense. He is falling from the sky and it’s way too fast and he cant keep his hold on his mothers hand. He is falling and he can’t catch himself and the world is coming at him way too fast. 
He needs to breathe.
It hurts. 
He’s trapped in the seat and everything is on fire and his family is dying.
And there is Dr. Josh pulling him out and taking him away.
Breathe. He has to breathe.
Peter is not there.
Not in the middle of no where.
Certainly not with his parents.
But he is here. In the Avengers Tower. With Dr. Josh.
He just needs to focus. He needs to breathe. His brain is running too fast and there’s too many thoughts. Peter hates him, hates Dr. Josh. The plane crashed, his parents were alive and he was carried away from them. They died by this man who was supposed to be a doctor. Peter couldn’t help but feeling the anger, over a decade of anger boiling inside of him.
Peter was never good at not saying what he thought. Words were just out of his mouth before he even thought them. It’s always been good to stop people from questioning him too much, but now it was nothing but a weakness. There was no control over this, over his words and Peter hated that he couldn’t control them. He just needed to control something and yet he couldn’t even control his stupid words.
“You killed them.” 
It didn’t even sound like his own voice. He wasn’t supposed to talk about this. He was told not too. Officially Peter was never there. And he was never meant to talk about this. He should have forgotten this.
Captain America, Steve Rogers was the first one to move, pushing himself backwards in his chair before standing up. Peter didn’t like the stance Steve took, he recognized it from school and from muggers too. It was made to intimidate. It worked. Peter found himself pushing against Tony. He didn’t know if that was to shield himself or to shield Tony. It felt selfish though. 
“Kid?” Tony whispered. 
He was clearly hesitant, scared of Peter, for Peter? Honestly, Peter wasn’t so sure. All Peter knew was that he was angry, and the man who ruined his whole life was just sitting there, like this was no big deal like it was nothing. He sat there, just barely a fake look of concern like he didn’t even recognize Peter.
“You don’t even remember me. You’re the reason my parents died, you introduced yourself as a doctor and clearly you fucking lied. They were dying in front of us. Remember that? Instead of helping them you got me out of the seat I was in and walked away. We were the only two who survived, but funny enough neither of us were put on the reports. Officially we never went on that plane. Unofficially you dropped me off in Connecticut to go into foster care, but officially I ran away from my babysitter and managed to sneak onto a train. You remember me now?” The words felt like acid, and Peter didn’t like the way the words felt in his mouth. But he was falling. “Oh, no? See, you introduced yourself to me as Doctor Josh Wilkes.”
Peter didn’t notice how he made his way further into the room. He wasn’t very aware of his body or the words that were spilling out. There was just so much pain, so much that he never talked about to anyone because they were never supposed to know. His world fell apart in front of him when he was too young to understand and Peter never got to tell anyone.
“Peter, I think you’re having a severe panic attack. Can you breathe with me?” That was Dr. Banner. 
Dr. Banner was in front of Peter’s face, enough to block his view. Tony’s arms were wrapped around Peter’s waist just enough pressure to help remind Peter where he was. It wasn’t enough for Peter’s thoughts to stay in his head, but his head had been so loud for so long. Letting it out felt better but also worse. He was finally being heard, but this wasn’t what he wanted to happen. 
Black Widow- Natasha moved around the room, stationing herself in front of her friend, and Steve looked ready to yell. None of this was what Peter wanted. He needed to gain control. He needed to take a breath and start thinking. But here was Dr. Josh, Clint Barton and everything just felt so much more like a lie. Peter felt like he’d been removed from his body and scrambled before being shoved right back in.
“No. No. You told me you were a Doctor, that you saved lives. That was all a lie. Every word you ever said to me was a lie and I hate you, I do. You told me that plane crash was our secret, that I couldn’t tell anyone. You stole my parents lives, and you ruined mine, and now you’re just sitting there, silent. You’re an Avenger, you are supposed to save lives. Why didn’t you save mine?”
There were tears streaming down Peter’s face. He’d been lied too. The man he hates wasn’t even a real person, just some persona that was put on. He hated an Avenger and he never thought he would. Peter hates Clint Barton for what was done to him. And he hates that Clint just sits there not saying anything. Looking at Peter with his eyebrows raised but otherwise looking unaffected.
He had to leave. He needed to leave and go find a place to breathe. It’d been too long and everything hurt too bad. Peter was only 6, barely had any life and yet had it all torn from him.
Peter waiting another moment for Clint to say something.
“You’re a coward.” Peter pulled himself out of Tony’s arms. “I’m leaving. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
He was leaving and Peter knew it was wrong. This was everything he hated but he should be more mature about it. Peter was raised to treat people with respect, never to shout, never call someone names. It didn’t matter who the person was, he should always treat them the way he wishes to be treated.
The past should be behind him and he just needed to stop experiencing it. Peter needed to walk away from his past even if that left his parents behind him. His mom wasn’t gasping for air anymore and his dad wasn’t screaming in pain, but this felt the same as it had then. When he was picked up and carried away fighting to go back. 
The elevator was too small and it felt like falling. There wasn’t enough air as they went down, down, down. They were going towards the ground way too fast and everything was too cold and- he wasn’t there. Peter is in New York and he’s leaving his past behind. It’d be easier to forget it, but that can’t happen. For now he’s in New York and he is not falling, things are controlled now. He isn’t controlling them but things are controlled and that has to be enough.
“Peter, do you want to talk about it?” 
That was Tony. Tony was there walking out of the building with him and he didn’t even notice. Someone was there for him and following him out into the streets and he is upset. This is going to be like Ben all over again. It was all too familiar. Peter is crying and too caught up in his head and he’s being followed by someone who cares again and he is in New York. Last time Peter had a gun held to him because he saw something he shouldn’t and Ben stepped in. Tony would do the same thing as Ben, Peter knows that. 
Planes don’t fall out of the sky often but it happened to Peter twice. Muggings happen often, Peter has seen his fair share. It could happen to him again. History repeats itself, everyone says that. This can happen again too, it could. All because of Dr. J- Clint. 
“You can’t let him kill you Mr. Stark. I can’t lose anyone else, I can’t watch anyone else die. You and May are all I have left.”
Breathe. He just needs to breathe and it’ll be okay. Peter knows this he just needs to get himself under control. One person should not have any control over him, his life, not like this.
“Alright kiddo. I’m staying right here, and you know May isn’t going anywhere either. We’ll stay by your side no matter what. So lets talk, tell me what isn’t official or don’t. Whatever you need right now.”
Peter nodded. He hated how the air was acid but he had to do this. He’s held it all in, every bad thing. He didn’t talk about things, never the bad things, those were made to be secrets. But it never felt good, it always ached, to keep it all inside. Peter never told May and Ben about his parents, all they knew was the official story. He had never told them about Skip, never talked about it more than what was necessary after May walked in. Never said anything about what happened to give him his powers. He didn’t tell May about watching Ben die. He never said anything to Tony or Happy about a building falling on him or crashing the plane on Coney Island. These memories, these trauma’s are not made to be shared, but he couldn’t hold in in anymore. 
His body wasn’t his own and Peter hated not being aware of his actions, pulled too far into the past to understand his movements, his surroundings. When Tony pulled Peter back inside and to the penthouse he hardly recognized his own motions. Sitting onto Tony’s couch helped Peter come back to himself, just the tiniest bit. 
For the first time ever Peter told someone the unofficial story. There was no talking about nothing. He tells Tony about what it was like to notice the smoke and the flames. He talks about being exposed in the sky and holding his mothers hand as they fall. He speaks about seeing his mom, hearing her and his dad. He explains what is was like to be carried away, fighting to be with them, knowing they’d die. Peter tells Tony about what it’s like in foster care, about being considered a flight risk because officially he ran away from his babysitter. 
Peter tells Tony everything.
And Tony listens. 
Peter thought he’d feel better. He never expected to feel like every problem is solved, but he thought he’d at least feel the tiniest bit better. This wasn’t better though.
Maybe it was a mistake.
These big, scary traumatic things were supposed to be kept to himself. They might have changed his life but they didn’t need to affect anyone else’s.
“This is the first time you’re telling anyone any of this?” Tony hand’s Peter hot chocolate as he asks this question, it feels like a stupid question to Peter, he wasn’t supposed to talk about it so why would he tell anyone. 
“I was told I couldn’t tell anyone about my parents. Dr. Josh, Clint, he sat me down and told me no one could actually know how my parents died, that it was our secret. He’d check in on me for a few years after to make sure May and Ben didn’t know. Clint told me that the big scary thing things that happen to a person aren’t made to be shared with others and that no one would believe me, so I didn’t tell anyone. I’m supposed to do what adults tell me, it’s not a big deal.”
Tony hummed, sipping his own drink. Peter didn’t like the way Tony looked at him, like a mystery that revealed itself. It was close to the look Peter gets when people find out his parents are dead and one of his guardians died too, but it wasn’t quiet it. Tony also held some level of anger in his eyes and Peter didn’t know who that was directed at.
“Peter you literally exploded when you saw Clint, that was a pretty big deal. Him telling you not to share the first big traumatic thing to happen to you is a pretty big deal too, especially because he told you that he was a doctor. It’s all big deal.”
Peter groaned. He should have had better control. It was already a bad day and his head was too clouded with the past. It was a mistake. A blip. Peter should have done better.
“FRIDAY, could you ask Clint Barton to come up here?” 
FRIDAY confirmed and Peter realized that this was another mistake. Why couldn’t he just stop himself? He wasn’t good at this. This was a mistake. Peter was raised to do what was right but he only made mistake after mistake. Everything he’s done was a mistake.
“What are you doing kid?”
Planes fall from the sky. Planes that hold Peter have fallen. They are world ending and Peter’s world has ended over and over. He blamed the person that Clint was pretending to be. Peter blamed a lie.
“He forgot me and then I told him he killed my parents and didn’t save my life.”
The elevator dinged out a final warning to what was coming before the doors opened. This time Peter was prepared to see the face of a man who haunted his life. Clint walked in and stayed standing away from Peter and Tony on the other side the coffee table. 
“Sorry for yelling at you. It was a bad day. I was taken off guard and said things without any thought.” 
Unrecognizable. Cold. Unattached. Empty. Peter’s voice didn’t sound nice, there was no personality. But it had been a long day. There was too many emotions all at once and Peter was tired, it was nearly too much today. All his thoughts and feelings were all too wrapped together, snaked around his heart and lungs. In his throat and into his jaw, squeezing too tight; a mess of what should be neat and organized.
“My mission was to protect you. I was assigned onto that plane and to your parents to make sure you were properly protected. Your parents were agents in the scientific division of SHIELD and were assigned to Oscorp to get intel. We had reason to believe that Oscorp was going to stage a kidnapping to experiment on you. My only job was to keep you safe and when that plane went down I had to get you out of the area before you were taken. SHIELD agents were with your parents by the time we got to safety. We didn’t tell you that you’re Dad’s spine was crushed or your Mom’s lungs were filled with blood, there was no saving them. Even if I helped them first they would not have survived, if I was a doctor it wouldn’t have made a difference. My mission was to protect you. I had to drop in after that every once in a while after that because Oscorp still had their eyes on you. I got reassigned when they stopped following you.”
Peter’s mind reeled. Hardly able to process the words being told. None of it made sense. It didn’t feel much like the truth. Peter still ended up at Oscorp and bad things still happened. 
“Well you failed then. You’re mission was a failure.” Peter couldn’t help but laugh. “Oscorp doesn’t give school’s tours, especially not high schools. But they gave my school a tour, but only my class. You did not succeed at your one job. I was there, got separated from my class. After that some Oscorp employees tended to show up where I was for a few months, offered me summer camp opportunities a few internships. I never took them especially not once I got this internship. But they never stopped. Oh, and I was friends with Harry Osborn, for years actually, went over to his house all the time until pretty recently.”
The spider bite. Peter always thought it was an accident. A coincidence. But now it was making sense. The lab assistant who gave him the wrong directions to the bathroom did that on purpose. He ended up in a room filled with spiders instead of a hallway he expected to lead to the washroom. Oscorp followed him to see if Peter had changed, not because they thought he did something bad or stole from them. It was their plan. Had he of taken the internship who knows what else would have happened. 
The mugging that killed Ben, that was probably Oscorp too. It would make sense. Especially if they were watching Peter. The gun was pointed at Peter first, meant to shoot him. Maybe they expected Peter to do something, confirm any theory they may have had about him. Instead Ben got in the way and died. And Peter didn’t do anything that day, or that week, not even that month. Oscorp stopped reaching out as much after that. They weren’t at his favourite places anymore and he got less mail from them. Every once in a while they still offered an internship to him, but it wasn’t a consistent thing like before. There wasn’t anything consistent.
“Clint, I think it’s time for you to leave.” That was Tony. Tony was nice. Tony helps. “Peter, buddy, you need to remember to breathe. C’mon Roo, I know that was a lot but breathe for me, please.”
He couldn’t do it. Everything about Peter was a lie. The man he blamed was a lie. The idea his parents could be alive was a lie. The reason Ben died was a lie. Everyone lied to him, his entire life, every traumatic experience came from a lie. Being Spider-Man came from a lie and working with Tony rooted from one too. There was no truth. He was never given the truth. 
Peter couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to. Nothing was true. How could he do anything real, or true? His life was a pile of lies stacked on top of each other in a way to control him and to manipulate. There’s no control here, this was a fall and every time there was something to grab onto it just disappeared. Nothing was real, it wasn’t real. Someone else pulled the strings on his life and now they’ve all been cut and there’s nothing holding him up anymore. 
Alone. He’s alone and he can’t do this. Just a kid who lost everyone on a lie. Peter never had a chance to control anything,  Everything was set up for him to react in certain ways, he had no choice, probably never did.
“Peter, buddy, c’mon, breathe for me. Don’t do this, you’re going to hurt yourself. I know this was a lot, but Roo, you’ll get through this, I know this was a lot, your whole life thrown at you in one go. I’m here with you.”
Focus on Tony. He needed to breathe, gain control here. But this was wrong, all of it was wrong. Peter had been through a lot but this was something else entirely. How can any expect him to get through this? 
“No. No, Mr. Stark. I can’t- I can’t do this. I’m not- it’s not- it’s a lie. I can’t do this.”
He was sobbing, face tomato red. Tears were streaming down his face, his body shook just like the plane that went down. He couldn’t calm down and he hated himself for it. Peter couldn’t control the way his thoughts always went to his biggest traumas, and now he couldn’t control the way he was reacted. Maybe none of this ever happened, and that’s just a lie too. There’s no proof that he isn’t dead or in a coma or even lost his mind. It’s all been a lie this far, it could be a lie past that.
Arms wrapped around Peter. They held him tight and he fought them at first trying to break free. He needed to be free of them, free of his thoughts. He only struggled for a few minutes before finally being able to relax, entire body going limp.
Everything was too much. It was too much.
And Peter was falling from the sky. Falling too fast and too hard into the rest of his life. There was no way to catch himself, not at these speeds. He was just a six year old with too much heartache. No Spider-Man there to catch him, no webs strong enough. Peter was falling from the sky and he couldn’t stop.
But Tony is there, and Tony will be there to catch Peter before he crashes.
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mediajist · 4 years
Some of the Best Humour Quotes Ever
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Looking for a bit of humour to brighten up your day? Here is a great selection of some of the best humorous quotes from some of the funniest people on the planet.
1. “I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later.”
—Mitch Hedberg
2. “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the war room.”
—President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers), Dr. Strangelove
3. “My mother always used to say: The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.”
—Rose (Betty White), The Golden Girls
4. “Halloween is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. That’s for women. The beginning of the holiday shopping season for men is Christmas Eve.”
—David Letterman
5. “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”
—Jack Handey
6. Bob: “Looks like you’ve been missing a lot of work lately.”
Peter: “I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it, Bob.”
—Bob (Paul Wilson) and Peter (Ron Livingston), Office Space
7. “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.”
—Mark Twain
8. “Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.”
—Will Ferrell
9. “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”
—Rita Rudner
10. “Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you—but I’m not going to.”
—Phil Connors (Bill Murray), Groundhog Day
11. “When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”
—Erma Bombeck
12. “I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.”
—Phyllis Diller
13. “Never follow anyone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path. Then by all means follow that path.”
—Ellen DeGeneres
14. “Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’”
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15. “Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.”
—Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld), Seinfeld
16. “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
—Michael Scott (Steve Carrell), The Office
17. “I walk around like everything’s fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.”
18. “I haven’t spoken to my wife in years. I didn’t want to interrupt her.”
—Rodney Dangerfield
19. “I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own.”
—Les Dawson
20. “There’s nothing wrong with you that an expensive operation can’t prolong.”
—Surgeon (Graham Chapman), Monty Python’s Flying Circus
21. “Someone asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring: ‘How to Build a Boat.’”
—Steven Wright
22. Ted Striker: “Surely you can’t be serious.”
Dr. Rumack: “I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley”
—Ted Striker (Robert Hays) and Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen), Airplane!
23.“There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.”
―Mindy Kaling, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
24. “You know you’ve reached middle age when you’re cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.”
—Joan Rivers
25. “Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.”
—Lt. Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen), Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
26. “My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.”
—Bobby Boucher (Adam Sandler), The Waterboy
27. “I never feel more alone than when I’m trying to put sunscreen on my back.”
—Jimmy Kimmel
28. “Marriage is like an unfunny, tense version of Everybody Loves Raymond, but it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.”
—Pete (Paul Rudd), Knocked Up
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29. “Being a mom means never buying the right amount of produce. Either everyone suddenly loves grapes and a week’s worth are eaten in one afternoon, or fruit flies are congregating around my rotting bananas.”
—Lessons from the Minivan
30. “I’m not insane. My mother had me tested.”
—Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons), The Big Bang Theory
31. “There are only three ages for women in Hollywood: babe, district attorney and Driving Miss Daisy.”
—Elise (Goldie Hawn), The First Wives Club
32. Usher: “Bride or groom?”
Wedding guest: “It should be perfectly obvious I’m neither!”
—Four Weddings and a Funeral
33. Stan Fields: “Describe your perfect date.”
Cheryl: “That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25. Because it’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.”
—Stan Fields (William Shatner) and Cheryl Frasier (Heather Burns), Miss Congeniality
34. “I saw a study that said speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number one fear of the average person. Number two was death. This means to the average person, if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
—Jerry Seinfeld
35. Lucy: “There’s just two things keeping me from dancing in that show.”
Fred: “Your feet?”
—Lucy (Lucille Ball) and Fred Mertz (William Frawley), I Love Lucy
36. “Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.”
37. Coach: “How’s a beer sound, Norm?”
Norm: “I don’t know, I usually finish before they get a word in.”
—Coach (Nicholas Colasanto) and Norm (George Wendt), Cheers
38. “If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised.”
—Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase), National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
39.“There’s nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like. Avoiding one’s friends, that’s the real test.”
—Dowager Countess Violet Crawley (Maggie Smith), Downton Abbey
40. “If I’m not back in five minutes, just wait longer.”
—Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey), Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
For more great humour, check out www.mediajist.com.
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polyamoroamer · 5 years
Rational Poly Men(TM)
So, you've been polyamorous for a little while, maybe even a big while. You meet this guy. He's funny, quick off the mark, intelligent, friendly. He's got a lot of polyamorous friends, some people even consider him a 'polyamory expert'. He may or may not modestly deny this. He isn't close to most of his ex partners, if any. They were frequently too controlling, too jealous, unwilling to do the necessary self work that polyamory requires. He's smooth. Maybe he even tells you he no longer really experiences jealousy, or gives some terribly minor, long-ago examples of it to prove empathy.
Maybe you end up dating him, or watching him date someone close to you. Let's say it's your friend, S. She's very empathetic, a warm, loving person. She's not completely new to polyamory, but she hasn't had many close relationships within this framework. She cares a lot about those around her and will always try to make time to show you she loves you. You regard S as a very good friend, and a good partner to those she dates - always willing to work on her own issues before taking it out on the other person.
You watch as she transitions from the initial elation and progressively becomes more and more unhappy and nervous, then happy again by turns. She confides in you, more than she ever has. Mr Rational has all these fights with his longterm primary partner. She hasn't spent much time with her, but she sounds pretty controlling. It's like she doesn't want Mr R to spend any time with S.
Of course, she says, he gives his primary so much leeway but he can only give her so much, right? They both agreed to polyamory, and it's not fair for her to ask him to stop seeing S entirely.
Eventually, S seems more steady, a bit more sure of her position. She's started spending time with Ms Primary, and they get on surprisingly well - both very courteous and always making sure they help each other get what they need in their relationships with Mr R, without hurting him in the process. It occurs to you that Mr R seems to be being very passive here - he's almost more like a toy letting himself be passed between two partners rather than a man with agency who can deliberately make time for either of them. He may or may not. seem to have one form of input, however: the suggestion that Ms P and S start seeing each other sexually too. S may view this as a kind willingness to share the affection of his partners.
Mr R starts seeing someone new. Suddenly S is nervous, vulnerable, confiding in you again, and closer to Ms Primary than ever before. They try to talk to Mr R together - even Ms P can see that Mr R is neglecting his relationship with S. Not to mention her own relationship with him. S tells you that Mr R doesn't do anything at the house, that Ms P is stuck doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry... Sometimes, she whispers, it's almost like he keeps her as a housekeeper rather than a partner.
They confront him together. Mr R accuses them both of jealousy, ganging up on him, of being controlling, too insecure to deal with the realities of polyamory. Because she is kind, and easily led to believe she is in the wrong, S starts working on her insecurities and issues with jealousy. You note that Mr R stays distant from this processing and doesn't offer noticeable support. Perhaps he is still too caught up in NRE.
This is a hypothetical situation, based off what I've seen in a few polycules I've encountered over the years. My first (secondhand) experience of polyamory was watching two (and then more) friends go through something akin to this. Mr R is one of my close friends, and so is Ms P, and now S, and many others. They are also Pete and Bea and Flora, they are also Franklin Veaux (Eve Rickert's coauthor in writing More Than Two) and his partners. They are also those guys I meet at festivals and out and about. The beautiful ones who are simultaneously drop dead gorgeous, charming and utterly yawn-inducing in their similarity. Mr 2Evolved4U.
Mr Rational Poly Man: Simultaneously active in the pursuit of new connections and absolutely, unbearably passive in the maintenance of current ones. The guys who start seeing someone new and it's down to whoever has the grabbiest hands to spend time with him. If you're sad about him not making the effort to see you, it's your fault for not demanding that time. If he doesn't want to spend that time with you, it's your fault for being too controlling. If you feel insecure or jealous, it's because you can't handle polyamory. Maybe you just want him to be monogamous with you, huh?
Mr Rational Poly Man frequently has at least one partner who bends over backwards to enable his lifestyle of pursuing new partners. Usually a woman, she takes on the role of mother, doing his laundry, his cooking, his cleaning, possibly even in some cases she is the sole breadwinner. She has little time to pursue new relationships herself, or even maintain the ones she does have. She is too busy being two adults, and looking after a man child.
This is more or less just a warning post, and a reminder that those guys who believe somehow that they're terribly rational are usually complete bellends. 'I don't feel jealousy anymore, I'm beyond it' often means: 'I have caring and empathetic partners who do their best to maintain our relationship as well as forming new ones, and I take it for granted'.
In my experience, when a Rational Poly Man feels jealousy, because his partner is maybe finally thinking of leaving him, or because they have formed a new, intense relationship and are maybe showing less care than they usually would, it's a messy explosion of rage. Because the coddling has momentarily stopped, and poor baby can't handle it.
M was not quite a Rational Poly Man, but he definitely sometimes bordered on it. The one time in our relationship where I behaved with a new partner the way he did every time (sexually interacting with them and not wanting to with him), he threw a complete tantrum and actually, it made me feel a little better about my behaviour in that moment, because while it was shitty, it was important for me to see how much I'd been catering to him and how little he'd been doing the same for me, though I genuinely believe he was trying to in his own way. And that was only a lowkey version of this.
Don't be taken in by Rational Poly Men. It's just a ballache waiting to happen, and a lacklustre experience in every way. Realistically though, they do tend to be very good in bed (or so I am led to believe) so it can be hard to let that go for a lot of people. Just remember there are always more people out there who either are good in bed, or are willing and quick to learn.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Iron Legion (22/?)
Never let it be said that Tony Stark ever does things by half. He might have grown up with little family, but he wasn’t about to keep it that way.
Tony Stark was seventeen when his first child was born, and that was just the beginning.
For Masterpost, Timeline, AO3, and Fanfiction
Web-Warriors, Part 1
Tony Stark was forty-one when his eleventh child was born.
“That was awesome! Is it always like that?”
“Nope. Usually they have normal guns,” Peter chuckled, creeping down the wall of his apartment complex to his window.
“Master Peter, might I remind you -”
“I know, I know, Jay. I’ll give Dad a call as soon as we’re inside.”
“You really need to figure out how not to lose your clothes in dark allies,” Harley snickered as Peter reached his window.
“Maybe I should make a backpack with retro-reflective panels,” Peter chuckled sarcastically as he pulled the glass up.
“Why not?”
“Wouldn’t that be really heavy, even just considering the panels?” Peter pointed out as he climbed inside and pulled off the mask. He waited until Droney was inside then closed the window with his foot.
“Not for you, and that would just make it harder for someone to steal it.”
“That’s true, I guess. Well, it couldn’t hurt to give it a look. Can you add it to the list for this weekend, Jay?” Peter asked as he released his grip on the ceiling and dropped to the ground. “Is Neb-”
“Holy shit!” Harley yelped as Jay said, “Master Peter, turn around.”
Something smashed to the ground behind him.
Peter spun around to see Ned sitting on his bed, the LEGO Death Star in pieces at his feet.
“Busted,” Harley muttered.
“Jay, end call,” Peter said, staring at his friend.
The two watched each other for a moment.
“You’re the Spider-Man, from YouTube.”
“I’m not. I’m not.” It occurred to Peter he was still wearing the suit and he slapped the release, letting it fall down so he could kick it away.
“You were on the ceiling!” he said, pointing up.
“No, I wasn’t. Ned, what are you doing here? How did you get in?”
“I used the spare key you gave me.”
Peter sucked in a breath as Droney turned to him.
“There is no record of a sp-”
“Droney, shut down.” The drone gave a chirp and landed on his desk as he whispered, “Oh, I am so dead.”
“Peter, you better be home,” Nebs called as the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed through the apartment.
His eyes widened and he grabbed Ned’s shoulders. “Don’t tell her you know!”
Ned put his hands on his head, grabbing at his hair. “Oh my God, dude,” he said, thankfully in a whisper. “You’re -”
“Peter? Peter, I swear you better be in there or else I’m setting that stupid suit on fire.” Nebs threw his door open, the anger fading to a blank look when she spotted him. She looked him up and down, glanced at Ned, then turned away. “I don’t want to know.”
Peter turned to Ned, who shrugged. He glanced down…
And blushed when he remembered he was only wearing his boxers.
“Wait, Nebs!”
“No. This is not what I signed up for. Put some clothes on. I’m ordering in. Is your boyfriend staying for dinner?”
“H-he’s not my boyfriend!”
“Does he want Thai? Ned, Thai?”
“Sure?” Ned said, voice faltering when Peter shook his head. “What? Doesn’t she know?”
Peter shushed him and scrambled to shut the door. “Yes,” he hissed quietly and grabbed his sweater. “But she cannot find out you know. She’d kill me! You can’t say anything to anyone! Come on, Ned, please!”
“Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I’ll level with you… I don’t think I can keep this a secret. This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, Peter!”
“Ned! You know how she is when she’s mad. And if she tells Mr. Stark, he’ll take the suit back and…” And oh man, Dad would never let him be Spider-Man again. Maybe he’d even pull him out of school! No more Ned or Michelle or Liz or -
“Mr. Stark? As in Tony Stark?” Ned gasped, his loudening voice snapping Peter out of his panic. He hushed his friend and Ned continued at a whisper. “Did Tony Stark make your suit? Are you an Avenger?”
Peter hesitated, then shrugged. “Yeah, basically.”
“Ned, seriously -”
The two boys jumped at Nebs’ yell.
“Don’t say anything,” Peter hissed before leaving the room. “Yeah, Nebs?”
She gave him a scowl. “Harley just texted me.”
See if I ever bring him on patrol again, Peter barely had a chance to think before she set into him.
“How could you let someone find out?”
“It’s just Ned! And I didn’t mean for it to happen! It was an accident! I forgot we were going to hang out tonight!”
“What is he even doing here? How did he get in?”
Peter fidgeted with the cuff of his sweater. “I gave him a spare key.”
“You know I forget mine sometimes, so it’s just for when you’re out of town and that happens. It’s no big deal, it’s just Ned.”
Nebs rubbed her thumb against the side of her neck, a calming practice for her species. “You can’t just hand out spare keys, Peter. It’s a security risk. You know that.”
“It’s just Ned,” Peter repeated.
She glared at him, then lifted her gaze to something behind him. “Privacy.”
“Yep, yeah, cool, sorry!” Ned yelped then Peter heard his door close.
“Peter, I’m glad you have your friend, but you need to be more careful,” she said in a whisper so quiet he was sure Ned wouldn’t have heard even if he���d been standing next to Peter. “If someone were to learn about either of our connections to Father -”
“I know,” he said in a slightly louder whisper, knowing her enhanced hearing wasn’t as good as his own. “But it’s just Ned. He would never do anything to us.”
“But he could lose the key, or it could be stolen. We need to keep track of every copy that exists.”
“It’s just a key. It’s not like people couldn’t pick a lock if they wanted to get to us. It’s not like I gave him the codes to disable the security system.”
“And yet here he is,” Nebs said pointedly. “Inside when no one was home.”
“It’s Ned! Ned can have clearance. He’s not going to do anything!”
“That’s not the -” Nebs pressed her thumb firmly against her neck. “Ugh, we’ll come back to that. He knows you’re Spider-Man.”
“Yeah.” Peter glanced back at his door, shifting his weight from side to side. “How long until Dad knows?”
“Harley included Father in the group text. Uncle Happy is on his way to pick the three of us up.”
Harley better watch his back. “What’s going to happen? Is Dad going to take me out of school? Am I not going to be able to see Ned anymore? Oh man, what if he makes Ned forget I’m Spider-Man?” Peter gasped. “What if he neuralyzes Ned and makes him forget he even knows me!?”
Nebs slapped her hand over his mouth. “You watch way too many movies and overestimate Father’s abilities. He doesn’t have a Neuralyzer.”
Peter pushed her hand away. “Are you suggesting he couldn’t make a Neuralyzer?”
“Don’t challenge him to make one, please,” she groaned. “Father does not need a Neuralyzer.”
He chuckled for a second before the worry set back in. “So what’s he going to do? Will -”
She shoved her phone into his hand. “Stop panicking and just ask him yourself.”
Peter nodded and read through the group text.
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Sad: I’m surprised it took this long
👑Queen👑: What happened?
Man-Child: Who is that
👑Queen👑: Ned
Man-Child: Who
Sad: Ted
Man-Child: 😞Haps go pick up the kids
Sad: Already on my way
👑Queen👑: What happened?
Brat: Pete climbed in through the window and he was there
Sad: So how to get inside the dealership be home yet and she wouldn’t let him in Peter‘s room
Brat: If your asking how he got in the room, I have no idea
👑Queen👑: Just focus on driving, Happy
Man-Child: Reming me to look over the dictation for the phones later
Man-Child: How’d you know about this anyways
Me: I’m home now. I can’t promise Peter will be alive long enough for Uncle Happy to get here.
Brat: Pete took me on patrol with him
Sad: i’m almost there so don’t kill him yet
Brat: It was pretty boring until he nearly got blown up
👑Queen👑: What?
Man-Child: He WHAT!?!?!???!!??!?
Peter’s eyes widened and he quickly texted the group.
Me: I did NOT nearly get blown up!!!!!!!
Man-Child: Pete wth!?!?!!?
Brat: Did too
Me: That’s not what happened!!!!!
Me: Shut up you trailer!!!!!
Man-Child: What happened!?!!??!?
Brat: Trailer
Me: I went to stop an atm robbery and the guys had some high tech weapons
Me: Delmars got blown up not me
Me: I was gonna call you as soon as I got home
Me: But then Ned
Brat: He also ran into the burning building
Me: 😠
Me: I had to save mr delmar and Murph
Me: I’m perfectly fine
Brat: And what about when that guy threw you against the ceiling
Me: IM FINE!!!!!
Me: Get out!!!!!!
Brat: It’s my group text
Brat: You get out!!!!
👑Queen👑: Boys, be nice
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Man-Child: Were talking about this more when you get here
Me: 🙁I know
👑Queen👑: Peter, are you really okay?
Me: I’m fine. Promise mom
🤖: Are these weapons something we should look into?
Man-Child: I’ll check the footage, but we’ll probably just alert the fbi
Me: So whats going to happen with Ned
“Uncle Happy’s here,” Nebs said, coming over from the window.
Sad: i’m here hurry up
Man-Child: Well talk when you get here
Me: Ok on our way
“I’ll go grab Ned,” Peter sighed, giving her her phone back.
“Don’t forget pants.”
Blushing, he went back to his room and opened the door. “… Hey Ned.”
“… Hey.”
The two stared at each other.
“How’d it go with Nebula?”
“Why are you wearing my mask?”
It was weird to watch the mask’s eyes blink, Peter had to admit.
Ned shrugged.
“Peter!” Nebs called.
“We need to go,” Peter said, grabbing a pair of pants and putting them on.
“Where are we going?” Ned asked as he hopped up and came over.
“Stark Tower.” Peter grabbed a duffle bag and shoved his suit inside.
“No way, really?”
Peter nodded, then nearly dumped the suit back out as Ned slammed into his back.
“This is the best day of my life,” he said as he hugged his best friend with enough force that Peter was thankful for the enhanced durability.
The boys pulled apart and did their handshake.
“Come on, let’s go before Nebs comes in to yell at me more.”
Ned pulled off the mask to reveal his wide smile.
Peter and Nebula were being way too calm about this, Ned felt.
They were being driven by Tony Stark’s personal driver in Tony Stark’s car to Tony Stark’s tower to meet Tony Stark!
Now, Ned knew his family was well off, but they weren’t private driver well off and they definitely weren’t Tony Stark well off. And Peter… Well, Peter was a scholarship kid, and though Ned would never judge him for it, it did mean he thought Peter and Nebula should at least be freaking out as much as him.
“How many times have you done this?” Ned whispered.
“Had someone find out?” Peter answered, not whispering back. “Well, Mr. Stark found out, obviously, and he told Nebs, but that’s it.”
“No, I mean riding in one of Tony Stark’s cars.”
Peter’s nose scrunched up. “Dude, don’t say his name like that.”
“But he’s Tony Stark!”
Nebula snorted. “You didn’t say you’d made friends with a fan.”
“Who wouldn’t be a fan of Tony Stark?”
Nebula muttered something in Italian and Peter snickered, shoving her.
“Mr. Stark is cool, but he’s not…” Peter flailed as he searched for the words.
“Dr. Banner?” Nebula suggested with a smirk.
“I outgrew that years ago and you know it!” Peter hissed, blushing. Turning back to Ned, he said, “Just stay calm.”
“Calm? Dude, I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming! This is so cool!”
Peter whined and put his face in his hands, only coming up for air when his phone went off. Ned peaked over his shoulder to see his texts.
Casta-net: TFW your girl finds out about your side chick
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Me: Who told you
Casta-net: Who do you think?
Me: I’m going to kill Harley
Casta-net: Wish I was in the country
Casta-net: I wanna see who’s more embarrassing, Re or Nedward
Casta-net: Before you finish, yes it is possible for Re to be embarrassing
Me: He’s literally iron man joe
Casta-net: He’s literally Iron Nerd
Casta-net: You and Plates are just too blinded by love to see how much of a dork he is
Casta-net: Then again you both are major dorks too so birds of a feather
“Who are you texting?” Ned asked.
Nebula grabbed his chin and turned his head. “Your friend is way too nosy. How did you manage to keep your secret this long?”
“Leave him alone, Nebs.” He pushed her hand away from Ned as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
Only to pull it back out a second later when he got another text.
Chicken: Pete!!!!
Chicken: Haley says you got busted by your bf
Merida: Haley
Chicken: Shut up Lila
No, I’m Texas!: Haley
Brain: Haley.
Me: Haley
Me: Also, don’t call him my bf Cooper
Brain: He’s right. It makes it sound like they’re dating. And we all know he’s likes that Elizabeth girl.
Me: Who let this child in here?
Brain: I’m smarter than all of you combined, Peter.
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Me: You wanna go Cho!?!?!?
Me: I studied with Bruce Banner I ain’t afraid of an eight year old!!!!!!!
Brain: I’m ten, and I studied with my mom! I can take you!
Chicken: You two don’t even do the same type of science!!!!!
Chicken: Now shut up and give us details!!!
Chicken: What’s going on with Ned?
Me: Don’t do the same type of science… can you believe this guy?
Brain: 평민
Chicken: PETER!!!!
Merida: You’re both pretty now what happened?
Me: Nothing happened
Me: Ned just came in my room at the wrong time and found out about my connection to Mr. Stark
Chicken: What’s Stark going to do to him?
No, I’m Texas!: Nothi my?
No, I’m Texas!: Nothing! Shit!
Merida: Nothi my?
Me: Nothi my?
Chicken: Nothi my?
Brain: Nothi my?
Nubs: Don’t curse in front of the children, Harley.
No, I’m Texas!: How the heck!?
Merida: Wait, who are the children??????
Nubs: I’m hacked into your and Peter’s phones. Amadeus, Cooper, and Peter are the children.
Merida: Nice
Chicken: I’d say something, but I’m honestly kind of scared of you Peter’s sister
Nubs: As you should be. Off your phone, Peter. We’re here.
Ned and Peter both looked up just as they disappeared into the underground garage.
“Noooo! I missed seeing the tower!” Ned groaned.
“Maybe if you weren’t snooping you would have seen it,” Nebs pointed out, giving Peter a look.
“Who were you talking to?” Ned asked.
“Just some friends I made while working with Mr. Stark,” he said nervously with a shrug.
“Are they Avengers too!? Do you all hang out?”
“Peter’s not an Avenger,” Nebula said, opening the door and getting out.
“I’m sort of an Avenger,” Peter said, following her.
“No, you’re not. End of discussion.”
Peter pouted at her before returning to Ned. “No, they’re not Avengers. Joe, Jocasta, works for SI and so does Amadeus’s mom and Harley’s dad. Lila and Cooper’s dad used to work here too, but he left.”
“Do they know you’re Spider-Man?” Ned asked as the four of them climbed into the elevator.
“Only Harley and Joe. Harley’s dad is super high up and Joe works security sometimes. Lila, Cooper, and Amadeus just think I intern with Mr. Stark.”
Ned nodded, glancing around the elevator. His eyes widened as he realized something. “Wait, did you say you studied with Bruce Banner!?”
“Uh, yeah,” Peter glanced at Nebula and the driver (who was still with them, kind of weird) nervously. “Um, Mr. Stark kind of introduced me to him.”
“Cool!” Ned said, but something nagged at him.
When did Dr. Banner leave again?
“Oh good, I’m not running late?”
Ned blinked and looked over at the woman getting into the elevator with them.
Pepper Potts smiled and held out her hand. “Ned, right? Peter’s told us so much about you.”
Ned stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. “Ms. Potts, it’s an honor to meet you, really, but I’m pretty sure our classmate Michelle would legitimately kill me if she knew I had shaken your hand before she’d even gotten a chance to meet you so I’m not going to do that.”
Peter groaned as Ms. Potts dropped her hand.
“Peter’s friends are fans,” Nebula said blankly.
“I see,” Ms. Potts said with amusement. “Well, it’s nice to meet you all the same Ned. Please call me Pepper.”
“Oh my God,” Ned whispered as Ms. Potts, Nebula, and the driver stepped out of the elevator.
“Cool it,” Peter whispered, elbowing him.
“Do that harder, I think I’m dreaming,” Ned joked, then groaned when Peter did just that. “Okay, ow, not dreaming. You didn’t have to do it that hard.”
Peter went pale. “Sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt something?”
Ned frowned, then remembered Peter had super strength and could probably really hurt him on accident. “It’s fine, just a bit harder than I was expecting,” he said, stepping out of the elevator. He barely noticed Peter’s sigh of relief as he spotted a familiar face sitting in the penthouse. “What’s your uncle doing here?”
“Uncle?” Peter asked then groaned. “Does everyone have to be here?”
“Yes,” Nebula said, sitting down on the couch.
“No,” the driver said, heading towards a hallway. “I’ve seen the kid make a fool of himself enough for one day.”
“Would you like me to leave?” Vittore asked, looking uncertain. “I didn’t realize my being here would be disagreeable.”
Peter immediately started shaking his head. “You’re fine, Vi, just… a lot going on today. How’ve you been?”
“Fine, I’ve just been doing… research on some things.”
“Oh, on what?”
Vittore frowned and looked around. “Where’s Mr. Stark?”
“Sir will be up shortly. He was waylaid by a group from R&D.”
Ned jumped and looked around. “Who was that?”
“J.A.R.V.I.S. An AI created by Tony. He runs the tower,” Ms. Potts explained, gesturing at the couches.
“He and Vi are the only pure ones in this place,” Peter muttered to him as they sat down.
“Excuse me!” Ned jumped as a young woman appeared right in front of them, her arms crossed as she glared down at Peter. “What about me?”
“Remember that month where you made it so that anyone who said the word Stark inside the tower got Rickrolled.”
“That was your idea!”
“Yeah, but you actually did it.”
“That was you two?” Ms. Potts said, glaring at them.
They immediately pointed at each other.
“Fri was the one that did it! I just said it would be funny!”
“Baby-Bro told me to do it!”
Ned frowned as everyone but he and the new woman flinched and Nebula hissed, “F.R.I.D.A.Y.!”
Word of warning: I might not post next week or the week after. Something came up so I'm moving. I'll try to post, but no promises.
I decided to use Vittore Shade instead of Victor Shade for Vision since I already had Victoria for Tori.
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mariellewritesalot · 5 years
Notes on the Romantic Narrative
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As an homage to my favorite film of all-time “Silver Linings Playbook” finally being on Netflix, and a coping mechanism to everything I’ve been feeling as of late: I am writing to you about some musings I’ve been making and breaking for the past few months. About love, or lack thereof, in my life. 
First, to give you an image of how I pay attention to detail in life and movies, I will start with a few reasons why I love this gem despite the huge changes they made on screen vis-à-vis the novel: 1) It portrayed mental illnesses in a way that didn’t feel pushy or overly-romanticized: healing is not linear, 2) Pat’s character development throughout the film was the epitome of his motto (and mine), “Excelsior”, 3) I love how the story sort of revolved around the Eagles and football to anchor the heaviness of the entire plot line, 4) The casting!!! I mean, wow, and 5) It makes you believe in silver linings, even in the safest sense of the idea, not too grand and definitely not perfect. Safe. Who could forget that scene where Pat runs after Tiffany with his letter? The relief we all felt knowing that her hard work and feelings were not for naught? If you haven’t seen it, I hope you have the time to. It’s a moving film, honestly.
Anyway, I digress. I am going to go personal in this bit and I might not like it, too. I am stating the obvious when I say that I am a hopeless romantic and that I tend to look at life in rose-colored glasses. Some probable reasons are because my parents have the kind of love story that really makes you believe in fate and second chances, plus the fact that I grew up with romantic films, songs, and books. I was sold to the fairy tale idea of happily ever afters despite the proof that it doesn’t apply to everyone in real life. I wanted my own story to tell. After all, I am a writer. I live for the things worth telling.
Nowadays, I also spend a lot of my time online where my timeline is bombarded with couples or romantic gestures, as if the algorithm is working against the realist in me. I can’t say I hate it, because one thing I get from this mindset is the tendency to highlight the good things, both in people or situations. The “too kind for my own good” complex. The only downside is that I may get disappointed more times than I should. It’s a tricky predicament if you think about it in my context: I grew up with mostly men in the house, in my own bubble, going through life thinking that somebody is going to sweep me off my feet, backed up by High School Musical films and the media pushing love teams down our throats...but then it hits me in real life as I grow older: movie moments do happen in real life, but they aren’t as common as they make it out to be, they’re the exception to the rule. They are as rare as they come. 
Some of us aren’t as lucky.
In reality, when the hurt runs too deep, it feels almost impossible to rise above it. The hopeless romantic dies out and is replaced by a semi-angry realist, tired of how the world consistently proves that it moves in circles. They become someone who occasionally relapses into that romanticized haze every once in a while because it gets lonely. When you’ve fallen in love a few times in life, it’s hard not to expect yourself to fall into a trap, any moment now. The withdrawals grow stronger just when you’re starting to get the hang of things. It’s an exhausting ordeal, if you ask me, turning numb but knowing that you can’t shake off the romantic within when it resurfaces in the most inappropriate of moments.
I used to think that I’d be one of the lucky ones who meet the love of their life early on; someone who’s capable of being in a long-term relationship in college or maybe even after...and I still think I am, but maybe I haven’t met him yet. Maybe I have, but the timing is off or we just don’t know it until a little further down the road. Now I’ve been single for too long, and there is nothing wrong with it, just the fact that the trauma I went through has really soiled my chances of healing fast; more from the events than the actual person who did the hurting. Being here though, I am able to see how I am in a generation where #hugot culture is the norm, relationships are only as good as they are on social media, and 80% of young people are desperate to find love or at least a semblance of it. It’s nauseating, accidentally giving into the “sana all” culture and thinking I am incomplete if I don’t have someone who’s technically obligated to care for me, vice versa. I am not a fan of it, but it’s not exactly easy to exclude myself from a narrative I have been in for years. I wish it didn’t feel so off.
Because...hey, there are pros to being single. For starters: I am young. I don’t have to worry about it yet at least for the next ten years or so. I am not supposed to have the same timeline as other people. I can go to bed without worrying about somebody else. I don’t have to ask for anyone’s approval. I have more time for the things I love doing. I am not being emotionally abused or taken for granted or cheated on, which were common themes in my past relationships. It’s a treat, until I am once again hooked by the media I consume and made to think that there’s more to life than being alone.
Maybe it’s the fact that I spent half of this year trying to get over the one I thought was the love of my life, or how I’m spending the other half denying to myself that I may be having feelings for a person and consciously running away from them through various coping mechanisms I never thought I’d use. Love is a gray area right now because I don’t see myself being in a relationship anytime soon, but if I ever do, I’d want something serious. I love meeting new people right now, but at the same time, my comfort zone feels good. I find that it helps tone down my anxiety when I am in control. I’m proud of myself for choosing to navigate through life by my own right now, turning down people who want to become a part of it for my sake and theirs. I just have a lot on my plate. Although I do believe that I’ll never be ready. No one ever is, but I want to put my faith in timing. I just have to learn the ropes here first. I hate that everyone around me is rushing because I feel like I’m that person being squeezed into the middle of the crowd in a mosh pit. I am choosing to make sure I am a better person than I was first before I dive into it, head first.
So yeah. Lloyd Dobler is not going to blast In Your Eyes by Pete Gabriel on a boombox outside my bedroom window (though I’d love Closing Time by Semisonic more). Dylan Harper is not going to organize a flash mob to tell me he made a mistake. Patrick Verona is not going to hack into the school speakers and sing to me at the football field. Troy Bolton is not going to show up outside my window to apologize, armed with Margherita pizza and chocolate covered strawberries. Ted is not going to steal a blue french horn for me. Johnny Castle is not going to dance with me in front of everybody to prove our love. Chuck Bass is not going to buy me a ring and carry it around even when we aren’t together anymore, hoping for the chance to get me back. Augustus Waters is not going to show up with orange tulips and a trip to Amsterdam. Pat Soltano is not going to run after me with a love letter he wrote a week ago...and I’m okay with it. I don’t want to buy into the notion that I need saving, or that I can be swayed by gestures that can so easily be just a move to win me over with no follow-through. I don’t want to be put on a pedestal, anyway. Also...sometimes, it’s in the little things. We fall in love with the way people remember something we said to them months ago, the way they show up after a long day, and the way even the tiniest gestures feel so big it fills up everything else.
I feel like one day I’ll be given the love I deserve and I don’t have to yearn for movie scenes like the art geek I am. You see, what makes love stories unique is the fact that it happens when you least expect it. Grand romantic gestures are welcome, but they aren’t really the basis of how deep love could be. I could only hope to be with someone who speaks my love language or at least tries to understand it. Until then...I’ll keep relearning everything until I make sense of what I truly want out of love and its intricate mess of a web.
I’ll love; even without pretense, without hope or agenda, without expecting the universe to give me back everything like it owes me.
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jxhnnyvincent · 6 years
Writing Prompt
Protective Tom (Requested By @LiaTaylorDae)
The rain in Bullworth was pleasant for some of the students and townspeople, feeling lavished with minuscule droplets that pampered their skin soothingly. The rain’s touch was gentle, a sprinkle of showered raindrops pecking them with soft kisses. It felt like an earthly tranquility, refreshing the people as they inhaled the olfactory telluric scent of the precipitating rain. However, for some of the others they absolutely held a vast disdain for the rainy weather, especially the preppy, fortunate students and the affluent townspeople that inhabited the Bullworth Vale, a whole castle caped with luxury and expensive indulgences. They had been apprehensive and afraid of taking a risky chance of getting their wardrobe grimed with the wet rain. The jocks were also whirled in angst, worried of getting their jerseys mucked with mud all over the fabric by slipping or exercising on the mud-caked football field. There was also a few who simply didn’t care, specifically pertaining to the greasers and nerds, and a couple non-cliques. 
Meanwhile, Sabrina was enjoying herself, relaxing inside of the boys dorm, specifically in Jimmy’s room. She couldn’t help but observe the rain at a pure focus, admiring the rain for what it was worth. The skies were gloomy and a cloudy gray, and although they seemed depressing, Sabrina however felt at ease. 
“Isn’t Tom supposed to pick you up soon?” Jimmy had pondered. The two chums were both sprawled on his bed, aligned opposite of each other. 
“Yeah, in a little bit,” Sabrina answered, craving the palate of nicotine. Perhaps she could ask Ricky to lend her a smoke, but currently she had been lost in her mind. She was in a lazy daze, wishing to not invoke in anything at the moment. 
Jimmy propped himself up on the bed in a sitting position, extending his arms out in a stretch. He gazed at the beautiful female Vincent, slightly envious of Tom for being in a relationship with one of the Bullworth girls that held the finest qualities. She was exquisite in everything and her personality was the sweetest, if one was on her good side. In some terms, she would be arrogant towards one if they were either an arch rival or one who she utterly despises. 
With a flick of his hand, he smoothed out some of the tendrils in his copper hair that was growing in a taper haircut. Throughout the course of the year, his previous buzz cut had conveniently grown, the flock of hair standing in an upright direction. A few of the girls, including Sabrina, had found it quite attractive on him as they had a preference for boys with sprouting locks of hair. It made him look like an actual teenager with his style of hair, making him appear as the young adolescence he was. Not to mention his hair coordinated so immaculately with his rosy cheeks and dollop of freckles, emphasizing his appearance as a natural ginger. 
“What do you do to get rid of stress Sab?” He asked, heaving an exasperated sigh. 
Sabrina shrugged, resting her arms against her chest. “I don’t know, I mean drawing usually works for me when I’m bored. And smoking helps.”
Jimmy frowned, not being one to smoke. Being the typical bad boy he was, he had tried a swing at inhaling a breezer from one of the myriad of stepfathers he had, but was disgusted by the taste and regretted it instantly. Also, he hadn’t been the one to be exactly phenomenal or skilled with the arts either. 
“Damn, those methods don’t really help me.” 
Sabrina furrowed her eyebrows and gaped at him, her chocolate pupils swept with concern. That had been another ideal that Jimmy had admired about her, which was how true she was with her feelings. 
“What are you stressed out about?” She asked, her voice so soft it sent tingling shivers down his spine. 
“It’s those damn jocks, I’m tired of them picking on the weaker kids in school! They think they are all that just because of their oversized pituitary glands.” He clenched his fists tightly, shaking his head in disbelief. He remembered his recent encounter with Ted and Damon, how they were harassing his buddy Pete for nothing at all. Ever since, it fueled his anger and pure resentment towards them more. Sabrina couldn’t respond much, as she was a cheerleader which meant she was partially involved with the jocks herself. 
“Yeah, they suck, especially Damon.” She simply agreed. 
“Aren’t you a cheerleader?” He asked, remembering her position on the squad. He earned a courteous nod from her and was silent for a moment. 
“So,” he began, “what do I do Sab?”
“What do you mean?”
“What do I do to get back at those brainless roid monkeys?” He inquired. 
She bit down on her bottom lip and pondered, thinking of a solution for her friend. The least she could do was help him, assist him as he had helped her with so much. It had been a variety of circumstances he had aided her in, and the one she was grateful for most was helping her brother become stable without the presence of the promiscuous Lola. He had also been there for her as a listener, helping her cope with anything assessed and a strong supporter throughout everything ever since he arrived here. She was truly grateful for their strong friendship, the two kindled in an inseparable bond.  
“I mean, I guess you could ask Earnest for help.” She suggested, hoping it wasn’t a half bad idea. Which in this case, it wasn’t. 
Jimmy raised an eyebrow and rubbed his chin, considering her idea. “Not bad, Sabrina. That’s actually a pretty good idea.”
“Yeah,” he agreed to it, resorting to this plan, “you know what, I might go pay a visit to him now. I am sure he’s at the library being a typical nerdling as we speak.” 
He sprung up from the bed, determined to plant a vain revenge on those damned jocks who thought themselves as high and mighty just because of their advantage in sports. He was ready to aim fire and fight, prove that just because they weren’t in sports, that they didn’t rule the school. Besides, he was the boss, or will be, and will prove to them they weren’t in charge. 
Seeing that she didn’t make an attempt in joining along, he peered over his shoulder and halted to a pause. 
“Are you coming or what Sabrina?” 
“No,” she decided, gaping at the ceiling, mentally counting the abundant tiles that were scattered all over. She heard the sound of the pampering rain and was eased, immobile. 
Assuming she wanted to wait for Tom to arrive, he didn’t protest. He respected her decisions and began to venture on his way out. 
“See ya later Sab.” 
Now she was alone, remaining in Jimmy’s room. She refused to move, feeling unusually pleasant not being involved in anything at the moment. All she wanted to do was simply relax and see her boyfriend that was planning to pick her up for a date. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t the famous greaser slut.” 
The sound of that familiar, distinctive voice alarmed her, causing her to hop up from Jimmy’s twin sized bed in a jolt. 
“What do you want Gary- oh, I’m sorry, or shall I say, power hungry, manipulative man whore?” 
She earned a resentful, hostile glare from the sudden Smith, provoking her in bitter agony. She didn’t hesitate to return the same glare, the tension rising in the air. Thunder roared from outside, suddenly the rain evolving into a major storm. 
“I see you are in Jimmy’s room, what, you tired of poor Tom cat?” Gary remarked. 
“What are you doing here Gary?” She demanded angrily. 
He threw his hands in front then behind, compressing the palm of his hands against each other. “Oh nothing, just thought I might wander around and see what the two morons are up to on this rainy Sunday afternoon.” 
“You eavesdropping asshole! What did you hear?” 
Gary cackled mischievously and cracked a spiteful grin. “I thought I had mistaken it for explicit, obscene moaning, but turns out it was just two losers talking nonsense.”
“Go to hell Gary!” She cursed, and he sneered. 
“Sorry, but an FYI sweetie, I already went to hell and it’s much pleasant down there than it is in this shithole.” 
Sabrina’s heart was beating rapidly, practically to the point it could of left her chest if possible. She was fuming with the familiar sense of rage, similar to Johnny’s. But it wasn’t remotely offensive, not like his. It was rare to provoke her, sincerely. However, the only one who would managed to do so was Gary. 
“Why do you have to irritate me so much?” She interrogated, her voice faint with defeat. It wasn’t fair how out of the entire female student body, he had only bothered to insult her and treat her negatively. His grin faded, his previous expression that reminded her of the vain and maleficent Joker was subdued. He approached her threateningly, causing her to cower backward towards the wall. 
“Because greaser slut, you are easy to manipulate. You are naive, nothing but an opportunity to for me to walk all over you. You may deny this, but you are gullible! You are a weak girl, having to depend on your brother and Tom for everything you do! You are such a fucking slut, walking around having a boy at your arms to be at your defense. You think you are so slick, with your perfect report card and the entitlement of class president, the class valedictorian, and this, and that! The list goes on, but deep inside you are vulnerable and worthless. You account to your imperfections, honey. You may think you’ve got this, but all in are you are just a little bitch. Just know I’m taking you down, and Hopkins too. You, your brother, everyone you ever loved is going to suffer eventually, just you wait!” He vilified, full of pure agony and equipped with disdain. Although the phrase, “sticks and stones may break ones bones, but words would never hurt them” was applied in everyday modern life, however for the female Vincent it had been another story. Hot tears began to stream down her face, becoming a waterfall. She had felt like the pouring rain, all it’s tears spiraling from the sky slamming down against earth’s surface melodramatically. Her chest dropped inside of her, utterly defeated by his bitter choice of words, his own style of melee attacks. As the tears rolled down, so did she. She collapsed down to the floor, unable to concentrate. Her train of thoughts had seized to nonexistence, as if the railroad had suddenly stopped. Gone, nothing but a dissembled passageway causing the fall of the train. She was trapped in fearfulness, worrisome of this malicious sociopath was capable of. 
Gary stood with a valiant pride, knowing he had defeated the newly distressed girl with his words, foretelling how disparaged she was. She had been shattered so fragile, soaking her tears on the navy shagged texture of Jimmy’s oval shaped rug. 
Thinking he could get away with having the chance of defeating her, he had assumed wrong the moment he turned around. He met up with the sudden Tom Gurney, who has heard the familiar cries of a certain female. He narrowed his eyes once he caught gaze with the manipulative Smith, who handed him a deceitful smirk. Realizing the girl crying in the corner, so vulnerable in defeat was his girlfriend, he rushed to her, kneeling down to her level. 
“Babe! What’s wrong?” He uttered out, enveloping her in his hold for support. Her cries worsened, deepening in uncontrolled sobs. He was quick to realizing she wasn’t able to speak, so he simply held her in his arms, caressing her to his chest. 
She didn’t mind the soggy, damp fabric of his hoodie, instead holding him tighter. 
‘Oh Tom,’ she mused mercifully. 
She needed her prince to come along. Now he was here, worried about her current condition. He worried she was about to have a panic attack, aware of how her anxiety had a tendency of getting the best of her. But he was here, in time for her to relinquish in his arms, alleviating her state of emotional distress.  
When she was at a somewhat calmer, comprehendible state, he had spoke up, disrupting the silence. 
“Babe, what went wrong?” He asked lightly, his voice faint and not levitating louder, fearful it could of disturbed her the wrong way. 
She sniffed, a few tears streaming down her angelic face. “Gary.” 
One word. One name. 
It was all it took for Tom to figure it out, that it was that son of a bitch who was the specific reason for her breakdown. 
She sank deep into his chest, hearing the mollified sound of his heart palpitating back and forth. Her head was submerged underneath his chin, sensing his anger levitating. She sensed his fury, and not wanting him to risk of getting hurt, she remained close. Like Sabrina, it had taken a lot for him to get angry, but when it came to his friends, his mother, or her, it was a completely different story. 
However, her attempts at refraining him to take drastic measures of possibly hitting Gary ceased to a failure. He pecked her forehead with a delicate kiss and carefully released her from his hold, leaving her at her knees. She gaped up and grabbed him by the arm just as he was about to exit, determined in smacking the life out of this fucking ignorant sociopath. 
“Wait, Tom,” she mumbled, causing him to pause in his tracks. She lifted herself up to her knees and to her feet, with the support of Tom to assist her. He gaped down at her face, his heart shattered as he glimpsed at her sad ridden face. Her olive complexion had been masked over with the tint of salmon, with hickory orbs puffy and swollen with teardrops like rain clouds. Her pupils were melancholy, her expression full of sorrow. This had only raised his determination higher, angered by the fact that someone would be so deranged with the idea that it was okay to hurt his girl. 
Well that bastard was wrong and would regret having done so. 
“I need to teach him a lesson, he hurt you.” He murmured. 
Suddenly he received a coaxed kiss from Sabrina, hoping it would restrain him from getting himself into a hassled showdown with Gary. He didn’t escape from this, as he had needed this kiss from her. She wrapped her arms around him, causing him to be stuck in her hold and trailing off into Sabrina world. Perched on her tippy toes, trying her best to kiss her much taller boyfriend was a common struggle for her. So, like he always did, he lifted her up to where her legs were wrapped around his waistline. She was engulfed towards him, nudging her forehead against his. She repeatedly kissed him, trying her best to put him at ease. Listening to the sound of the rain distilling their ears, completing the peaceful mood. 
Wanting to romanticize this further, he took her to Jimmy’s bed and hauled himself on top of her, craving her captivating essence. She suddenly felt warm as he compressed his body against hers, with his arms wrapped around her stomach while hers were enticed upon his neck. A combination of senses filled her nostrils, the components being the earthly scent of rain, lab chemicals from Jimmy’s lab set, and her boyfriend’s misty cologne. It was oddly a satisfying kind of olfactory, something that made her crave the distinctive scent and inhale it forever. 
The lights were dimmed, the outside was flickering with shards of lightening  zapping in an aimed attack towards earth, the rattling thunder representing earth’s battlecry. It settled the mood for them, allowing their moment to be more special. 
With an extensive arm, he reached over to close the door slightly for privacy. 
Sabrina couldn’t help but giggle throughout the kiss, humored by the choice of setting. Tom’s lips tingled from her adorable laugh, the sound he could hear all day if he could. 
“What are you giggling about?” Tom asked. 
The two lovers gazed into each other’s orbs, both sparkly. They were full of compassion, admiring each other’s significant presence in each other’s lives. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird that we are in Jimmy’s room?” 
“No, what do you wanna do this in my room?” He wondered. 
“No, I guess we can do this here. I just find the setting weird, making out in here.” She admitted, imagining what it would be like if Jimmy had returned from the library and invaded them accidentally. He probably wouldn’t mind, if it had been someone else, it would of been handled much differently. 
“Yeah, you are right,” Tom agreed, but he didn’t care, just wanting to be with his girl nevertheless. “Anyways, let’s continue this..” 
However, one delicate touch on her cerise silky lips and an unfortunate interruption had ceased their moment. 
“Slut!” Gary’s shrill holler erupted from the hallway, angering Tom. He immediately bolted up from the bed and despite Sabrina’s attempts to coax him again, in a swift jolt he approached the irritating bastard. With one hand in the air, he grabbed him by the back of his throat. Forcefully he was spun to meet with Tom, and before he could prevent anything from happening to his poor face, he sent in a grapple. With an elbow angled towards the back, he collided his fist with his gut in a jab. He was plowed to the floor, clenching onto his newly injured rib cage. 
“Ugh... you are gunna pay for this....” he huffed in defeat. 
“That’s what you get for hurting my girlfriend, jerk!” He spat, shifting his leg in the direction of his side, delivering him a sweeping kick. 
Nurse McRae sends her love.
Satisfied with the injury he handed him, Tom crossed his arms and gaped at him in a silent victory. 
“No one messes with Tom, his girlfriend, or his friends!” 
Arriving from behind, Sabrina rested a hand on his shoulder to gain his attention. 
His cornflower blue orbs connected with her hickory eyes, complied with affection. Appreciative of her boyfriend, who deliberately went out of his way of defending her honor stimulated from his protectiveness of her, she pressed her lips against his cheek. She wrapped her arms around his neck and soon her lips eventually travelled to his. 
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jswdmb1 · 6 years
Put the Message in the Box
“Put the message in the box
Put the box into the car
Drive the car around the world
Until you get heard”
- World Party
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Yes, I have enjoyed my break, thanks for asking, but it’s time to get back to work.  While I was off, I had plenty of time to read through all of the wonderful questions you sent.  Well, actually, it was only one.  But, given my difficulties sometimes grasping with reality, I couldn’t be sure if it was the only one I got, or if there were more just coming from my head.  Turns out, I was mixing up the voices in my head with the radio.  So, to avoid any confusion, I’ve included all of them here in my version of (bow to David Letterman) viewer mail.  Here we go:
“Astrology. Do you believe there is something to it? I mean like real astrology - like Ptolemy, Cassini, and Nostradamus practiced - not the one-size-fits-all horoscope you find in the newspaper.” - anonymous
Great question.  I definitely agree that these silly newspaper horoscopes are a waste of time, but the notion that the stars and planets somehow dictate what happens to us here on Earth is not something that I dismiss.  The problem I have is how could anyone possibly figure that out.  I am a very analytical person, and I just can’t believe someone like Nostradamus could have had the tools and data available to him at that point in time to make any sort of informed conclusions.  Frankly, I think he was just throwing a lot of shit up against the wall and just seeing what sticks.  That being said, the vastness and grandeur of our universe certainly suggest that there are forces out there that could have a significant impact on our lives. Unfortunately, I’m a bit too cynical and/or agnostic to believe that anyone will ever be able to prove that, in my lifetime anyway.  I guess that relegates me back to the astrology section in the newspaper, but I pass right by it to the crossword puzzle anyway, so I guess I’ll just have to keep finding things out one day at a time for now.  But, I’m open to any foresight that can be given to me, with proof of course.
“What’s going on?” - Marvin G., Detroit, Michigan
Gee, Marvin, where do I begin?  It seems if you even take a couple of days off there is “shocking” news that has already been replaced with something even more unbelievable.  I think, however, that this most recent story of a certain lawyer who worked for a certain boss who made him pay certain porn stars and committed a bunch of laws in the process is going to stick.  I think what everyone has to remember, including our president, is that impeachment is a political process and not a legal one.  Whether he can be indicted for a crime, or even if one exists that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt is irrelevant.  If the legislative branch feels from a political standpoint that the president needs to be removed due to his actions (or inaction) then they must proceed with impeachment proceedings.  If you look at impeachment processes in history, notably Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and even Richard Nixon, what got them in trouble pales in comparison to what this guy looks to have done.  I happen to think that means this is going to be going on for a long time and well into the 2020 election cycle.  No matter which side you are on, this is going to be political theater at its highest level, so enjoy it if you are into that thing.
“Can you get to that?” - Mavis S., Chicago, Illinois
Personally speaking, Mavis, I can definitely get to impeachment proceedings commencing at some point in the next six-to-twelve months.  The question is where do they go once they start and do they ever leave the committee level?  Even if they do, it seems unlikely to me that things could move fast enough to the House voting for impeachment by the 2020 primaries.  Furthermore, a Senate trial with a conviction appears even further far-fetched given eighteen Republican senators would have to flip on their sitting president (remember that a 2/3 majority is needed to convict).  I’m actually okay with that scenario playing out as it allows a lot of probing and debate that hasn’t happened in the past two years and gives the voters in the next election much better information than they had last time.  I also think that it gives other Republicans cover to challenge a sitting president in the primaries, which hasn’t happened seriously since Ted Kennedy took on Jimmy Carter in 1980.  My prediction is that impeachment never really gets off the ground, but it damages Trump so badly that he never makes it out of his party’s primaries.  Of course, this could all change tomorrow with the next bombshell that drops, but for now that’s what I see happening.
“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” - Michael S., Athens, Georgia
Thanks for the note, Michael.  The name’s Jim, actually.  Anyway, if you happen to be driving through the Chicago area, I’ll recommend two frequencies for you to try on your FM dial.  The first, of course, is 93.1 or WXRT.  It is the last true FM rock station left in Chicago that plays everything from blues to classic rock to 80′s new wave to 90′s grunge up to new music from today and everything in between.  The DJ’s are knowledgeable and stay out of the way of the music.  My favorite is Terri Hemmert on weekday mornings from 10:00 to 1:00.  Saturday mornings are also a can’t miss with the three-hour flashback show to a particular year in rock.  The other frequency to try is 88.7.  This one is fun because in the city it will be Loyola University’s WLUW, but as you drive out west (around Harlem on the Ike) it turns into Elmhurst College’s WRSE.  WLUW is the quirkier of the two as you may find an obscure Icelandic electronica song played right after Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights”.  Nothing wrong with either song, but it helps to be in college and on drugs to enjoy those so close together and I am not in or on either.  As such, I’m more partial to WRSE as they focus on rock variety with the occasional surprise thrown in.  They actually remind me a lot of an amateur version of XRT in many ways.  Whichever you listen to, it’s fun to hear college kids learning their way and it makes me feel just a little hip that they let me tune in.
“How bad do you want it?” - Don H., Linden, Texas
You have no idea how bad I want it Mr. H.  We’ve been waiting over thirty years in this town for a football team with a real shot at winning the Super Bowl, and I think we have one here.  This defense is that good.  Plus, as well as the D played against the Rams, I thought seeing the running game going well was a really good sign.  We’ll still need Mitch to get it back after hurting his shoulder, but I don’t think the Bears have to ride his arm to the Super Bowl.  Now, to get there, they are going to have to win two road games, probably in New Orleans and L.A., but I really think they would have an outside chance at a run if the momentum carries from last week.  If they do get to the Super Bowl, I predict they dominate any team that represents the AFC as I think they are better than them all (including the Chiefs and the Pats who they should have beat a few weeks ago).  The best thing about this team is that they have a ton of young talent that still has a lot of upside, so even if a Super Bowl isn’t in the cards this year, the Bears are a team to be reckoned with for a while in the NFC.   But, first let’s take care of business and win the NFC North title at home over the Packers.  After so many years of misery, I can’t think of a better way for this team to make a statement that it is back and the rest of the league will be messing with them at their own peril for years to come.
“Who are you?” - Pete T., London, England
I get it, Pete, I know that I have no authority to really speak on any of these subjects, but I can’t help myself.  I just love to answer questions and was very grateful for the one question that came to me from a blog reader.  I also think I have done a service by answering some of these additional questions that you all have been singing about for years.  I mean, as far as I know, there never have been any real responses to questions like yours.  I know there are a lot more out there too, so I’m happy to do it again.  I will, so long as I can get some blog reader questions to go along with them.  You know, just so people don’t think I’m completely insane. So, Take a Chance and Read Some Crap readers, hit that question button and keep this going as I’m sure Bob M. (Could You Be Loved?), George H. (What is Life?), and Whitney H. (How Will I Know?) would love answers to their questions too.  Until then, I hope at least some of these answers have satisfied your nagging questions, but the job is never complete.  I think the tide has finally turned for the question and 2019 is going to be full of them.  It may get uncomfortable at times, and maybe even downright nasty, but that is part of life and we are never going to evolve without continuing to challenge those with power and always asking why.
It’s good to be back everyone.  Until next time.
- Jim
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junker-town · 3 years
Predicting the MLB season with 7 big questions
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Our writers give their predictions for the 2021 MLB season.
The 2020 MLB season was unlike any other with the coronavirus pandemic delaying the start of the season until late July. Everything is on track for a more normal season with a chance to even get fans into the stadium at limited capacity for the first time in more than a year.
The rich got richer this offseason with a loaded Dodgers team loading up even more for what could very well be another run at defending their World Series victory. Can the new-look New York Mets or Fernando Tatis Jr.-led Padres throw those plans off track? Will the Yankees finally make it back to the World Series, or will their own health (and lack thereof) prove to be their downfall?
Before the 2021 MLB regular season gets underway, we asked our staff to predict how this year will go. Picks are being made by Andrew Mearns of Pinstripe Alley, Brady Klopfer of McCovey Chronicles, Sara Sanchez of Bleed Cubbie Blue, Kris Willis of Talking Chop, and Ashley MacLennan of Bless You Boys and DRaysBay.
1. Give us one bold prediction for the season
Andrew: The Phillies & Angels both end their playoff droughts with Wild Card runs. The Padres quickly dispatch the Phils from the postseason in the Wild Card Game, but behind big homers from Anthony Rendon & Shohei Ohtani, the Angels upset the Rays before falling to the Yankees in a tight ALDS. But hey, at least Mike Trout finally has a postseason win?
Brady: Someone will hit the 60 home run barrier, and at least two other players will cross 50 homers. A home run race will develop in the final months of the season, and that will become the biggest storyline of the season.
Sara: Kyle Hendricks will win the NL Cy Young award. Projection systems really don’t appreciate the way he gets guys out with 88 mph pitches while masterfully working the corners and playing with speed. In a year where very few pitchers will top 170 innings, Hendricks’ efficiency means he may have more innings, and more complete games than any pitcher in baseball. He’s not going to turn any heads with his K/9, but if he quietly puts up a sub 3.00 ERA while leading the NL in innings in 2021 voters will have a difficult decision to make in the fall.
Kris: Between Fernando Tatis Jr and Juan Soto, it feels like everyone is forgetting about Ronald Acuña Jr. He will give the Braves their second straight MVP Award winner in 2021 and put up a 40-40 season in the process while reentering the conversation of who is the best young player in MLB.
Ashley: Home runs are going to drop considerably with the slightly deadened ball, and the new laces may see us get a pitcher reach 22 wins (yeah, I said it). There will be exceptions but I’m thinking 2021 will be the year of the pitcher.
2. NL Champions: Dodgers or the field?
Andrew: Dodgers. If they didn’t exist, we could debate Padres vs. Braves all season long, but the Dodgers are just too absurdly good. I’m not convinced that they ever actually lose. The league’s just throwing us off the scent when they print those faulty box scores.
Brady: The field. The Dodgers are deserving favorites, but the field is always the safe pick in baseball, especially when there are still a decent number of elite teams to challenge the defending champions.
Sara: The field. The Dodgers are going to get some stiff competition from the Padres and the Braves at bare minimum. I think one of those teams will knock the Dodgers out of the playoffs.
Kris: Dodgers. The rich just get richer with the addition of Trevor Bauer. There are teams in the National League that could beat the Dodgers but given their resources, it is hard to pick against them.
Ashley: Dodgers. I’d much rather say the Padres will win the NL this year because they’re a much easier team to root for, but the Dodgers have absolutely done everything right this offseason to stay competitive and I don’t see them slowing down. That said, I’m hoping to see the Padres in the WS.
3. Who will win the MVP from each league?
Andrew: AL: Mike Trout; NL: Juan Soto.
The combination of an improbable Angels playoff run and Trout being, well, Trout, gives him his fourth MVP. As for Soto, the Nationals don’t even necessarily have to do much around him. His time is just now to be the modern-day Ted Williams.
Brady: AL: Mike Trout; NL: Juan Soto
Are these the obvious picks? Yes. But baseball is straightforward enough that I can’t break out of the box here. Mike Trout is the best player alive, has been the best player alive for a very long time, and no longer is battling Mookie Betts for this award. Soto is coming off a 201 wRC+ season, and is at an age where you expect him to not only get better, but significantly so. These are the heavy favorites in my eyes.
Sara: AL: Mike Trout, NL: Juan Soto
I thought about being contrarian here, but I just can’t. Soto is poised to put up a season for the record books and Mike Trout is Mike Trout. Depending on the prediction system both should put up OPS over 1.000. It is possible someone else gets hot in either league and runs them down, because baseball will always baseball, but I can’t bring myself to put anyone else’s name down here.
Kris: AL: Mike Trout; NL: Ronald Acuña Jr.
It seems like this is the same answer every year, but if he stays healthy, Mike Trout has to be the favorite for MVP in the American League. Especially if the Angels are an improved team and in the running for a playoff spot. Ronald Acuña Jr goes 40-40 and leads the Braves back to the NLCS and captures his first career MVP award.
Ashley: AL: Mike Trout; NL: Fernando Tatis Jr.
Trout has openly spoken this offseason about moves he has made to “improve” the things that have been slowing him down, and I for one am eager to see what those moves will change in terms of his performance. Is it possible to get better? We’ll see! I could have gone for any of the big three youth-movement guys in terms of the NL because Soto and Acuña Jr are incredible and I wouldn’t be surprised to see either of them take it, but my gut says Tatis Jr is just going to keep building off last year’s success and be an absolutely monster in the NL in 2021.
4. Which team will be the biggest surprise?
Andrew: Angels. For all the reasons above because I am a gigantic sucker and this time, Lucy absolutely won’t pull that football away.
Brady: Angels. This is the year it finally happens, and Mike Trout wins a playoff game. Trout, Anthony Rendon, and a healthy Shohei Ohtani is just too much talent, and I think the Astros are primed for regression. I say the Angels win the AL West and, at a very minimum, at least win a playoff game.
Sara: Blue Jays. They may not have a home park to play in but they made a lot of interesting moves in the offseason. Losing Yates for a while doesn’t hurt them as much as one might think and they have some really interesting bats. I think they are trying to chase down the Yankees in the East all year, and if the Yankees can’t stay healthy the Blue Jays may just win the division.
Kris: Rays. It is always the Rays is not in? No matter how unimpressive they look on paper, they find a way to win, and I do not think this season will be any different despite the departure of Blake Snell.
Ashley: White Sox. It’s hard to say they’ll be a surprise only because most predictions suggest they’ll be among the best in the very bad AL Central, but all the same I’m really interested to see what they pull off. Tony La Russa is going to be something the team has to overcome, rather than something that will help them win, I think, but they have such a strong core of talented players, I really want to see what they can pull off.
5. Which team will be the biggest disappointment?
Andrew: Blue Jays. The Mets would also be a decent choice since I have them missing the playoffs, but not by much. The Jays, however, could really crash and burn with that pitching staff (no matter how much that young offense terrifies me).
Brady: Astros. A run to the ALCS hid what was a pretty bad season for Houston last year. Not only did they finish the truncated season with a losing record, but their win differential suggested they were a highly mediocre team. I think we see that in full this year.
Sara: Yankees. For the past three years I feel like all I’ve heard is how great the Yankees will be, but it hasn’t gotten them another ring. Unfortunately for New York anything less than another ring is a disappointment for that fanbase. I know the projections love the pitching staff, but ace Gerrit Cole is one of the pitchers most likely to be impacted by MLB’s stated intention to crack down on substances because of spin rate discrepancies, Corey Kluber is a huge injury risk, Jameson Taillon is a good addition - who has thrown 37.1 innings in the last two seasons. Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton are both injury prone, and Gary Sánchez has shown no sign of turning it around at the plate. This is the same team that hasn’t delivered in the last 4 years, they are just a year older.
Kris: Blue Jays. Toronto looks like a fun team on paper, but I am worried about their starting pitching and whether they have enough depth to hold up over a full 162 games. They should score plenty of runs but in the end, I am afraid their rotation will cost them.
Ashley: Blue Jays. They made all the right moves in the offseason to push themselves as a competitive team, but a bunch of spring training injuries and some pickups that are as likely to implode as they are to succeed (Robbie Ray?) means the Jays could be a team that spent to lose instead of spending to compete. A lot of focus is going to be on the young talent like Guerrero and Bichette to see if they can shine as future superstars.
6. Which player will lead the majors in home runs?
Andrew: Pete Alonso. The dude knows how to go deep, and even in an “off year” when no one talked about him, he was still within shouting distance of the home run crown. Give him a real season again and he’ll go bananas.
Brady: Aaron Judge. Sure, it’s been four years since he hit the 52 homer mark, but he’s still got that power in him, and he can’t be pitched around on this Yankees team. If he stays healthy, I think it all clicks.
Sara: Mike Trout. I thought about getting cute about this and saying Eugenio Suárez because I love that bat and he plays in a bandbox, but I think it’s Trout. And even though you didn’t ask this, I think that number is less than 45...at least it is if MLB is actually deadening the ball like they claim.
Kris: Ronald Acuña Jr. I already picked Acuña to win MVP and the home run crown will be a big part of that. He makes a run at a 50 homer season and leads the majors in 2021.
Ashley: Mike Trout. I really, really want to see him kill it this year. In think home runs overall will be down, but I genuinely believe Trout will hit about a tenth of them.
7. What is your World Series matchup prediction?
Andrew: Dodgers/Yankees. The chalk pick, but the correct pick. The door is wide open in the AL for the Yankees to return to the World Series, and if not now, then when? But also, no one’s beating the Dodgers unless something goes seriously wrong.
Brady: Padres/Yankees. I have the Pads finally eclipsing their big brother Dodgers in a stacked NL, while the Yankees run circles around the competition in the AL. And it all makes for a star-studded World Series, that San Diego wins in seven.
Sara: Padres/White Sox. I refuse to pick the Yankees/Dodgers matchup that math, the universe and logic so desperately want us all to pick. Don’t get me wrong, I’d watch that World Series, but I wouldn’t get excited about it. Let’s watch the kids thrive and play. The Padres are a brilliantly constructed team and they are built to beat the Dodgers. They came close in the shortened season - then they went out and added Blake Snell and Yu Darvish to the Dodgers’ Trevor Bauer and David Price. The Yankees should be a juggernaut, but they are fragile. Someone in the AL will step in and beat them, it might as well be the team that employs Luis Robert and Lucas Giolito.
Kris: Dodgers/Yankees. I think the Dodgers are the clear favorites in the National League given roster depth and they will be looking to prove that last season’s championship was not a fluke. It seems like there are a lot of things that could go wrong with the Yankees’ pitching staff, but I do not see anyone else in the American League that can match their fire power.
Ashley: Padres/Rays. I cannot imagine a more fun final showdown than this, especially with former Rays Tommy Pham and Blake Snell in the mix for the Padres. These two teams have taken very different approaches to spending and signings this offseason and I think it would be an electric matchup (for everything except maybe TV ratings).
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kittybellestark · 4 years
Tony teasing Peter
Omg this was so hard to write I just kept wanting to make it really angsty and I struggled so hard what the heck. Massive respect to anyone who can write fluff easily bc that’s hard
@peterbeanie I really hope you like this and it loves up to your expectations ?? I had to read a bunch of fluff and comfort fics to make sure I got the right idea ,, it’s mostly just dialogue bc I am trash but it is teasing so there’s that
Peter wasn’t shy around Tony anymore. He didn’t stumble over his words or stutter nearly as bad as he used too. Peter’s wide eyes of hero-worship faded and turned into something much more complex. Peter wasn’t guarded around Tony anymore. There was no fear of talking to The Tony Stark or Iron Man. It was just Tony and Peter.
They had lab time together and watched movies. Tony would make sure to pick Peter up from school personally at least once a week on top of Happy already picking Peter up every other day.
Peter already stayed at the tower whenever May was working doubles or doinng overnight shifts. Tony viewed Peter as his own son and Peter viewed Tony as a father-figure.
So Tony was bothered when Peter started icing him out again. It wasn’t anything big at first. It started with Peter no longer talking about his friends. And then Peter ditching lab days. Then the stuttering and word stumbling was back, and Tony was worried.
Calling May was helpful, to a point, but Tony still didn’t feel better about it. May had suggested that Peter had a crush on someone. How outrageous. Surely Peter would have told Tony about it.
When Peter finally showed up for a lab day, red-faced and pouring out apologizes, Tony decided it’s time to face the music, and start getting his answers.
“It’s okay Pete, you found someone better than me, and you’re slowly replacing me with them, I get it. I’m just one of the two people who provide for you. Le sigh.” Tony then sighs dramatically brining a hand up to his head and leaning backwards.
“No, no, I swear I’m not replacing you! Tony, I wouldn’t replace you I promise I was just a little busy.”
Peter moves to his workbench , tossing his bag on the ground and activating some of the holo-screens. Tony watches him, seeing how Peter avoids Tony’s eyes, with his shoulders up to his ears. He hates that his kid doesn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him what’s happening.
“Oh, I see. ‘A little busy,’ I understand, I remember being your age. Of course when I was your age I was in college and therefore ‘a little busy,’ was technically illegal, although consensual, I get it, no worries. You got your needs. Just be ‘a little busy’ on May’s time not mine.” Tony shrugged working on getting Peter to open up.
Peter dropped his head against the workbench, a resounding thud that had Tony jump up and check to make sure Peter was okay.
“No harming yourself. That’s an order. We use our words. I don’t like seeing you hurt kid.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just, ugh, no that’s not the type of busy. No. God, no we’re not talking about that.”
Tony leveled Peter with a look, trying to maintain eye contact with Peter, but Peter keep avoiding his eyes.
“So, who is it? I can have Iron Man go pay them a visit and make sure they never hurt you. Apparently, from what I’ve heard Iron Man can be pretty threatening.”
“Tony!” Peter scolded. “You’re not threatening them. Drop it.”
Tony laughed, ruffling Peter’s hair. And moving back to his own bench.
“So there is someone?”
“Yes,” Peter finally relents with a sigh, “but we’re not ready to have anyone know, so please don’t threaten anyone, or go snooping to find out through some way that makes you look innocent, please?”
“Kid, I promise I will never invade your privacy unless I believe you to be in danger, okay? If you’re not ready to tell me that’s fine, tell me when you’re ready, but until then it’s my job to tease you about it.”
Peter wasn’t shy around Tony anymore. He wasn’t. No wide eyed wonder or hero worship. Which is why, when two weeks later when Peter whispered “it’s Ned, by the way,” unprompted during movie night, Tony felt so proud.
Of course, he couldn’t help but saying, “you mean Ted, or was it Fred?” Earning a laugh from Peter.
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From Celestial Explosion to Hallowed Ground: Don Bikoff in His Own Words
This originally appeared at North Country Primitive on 23rd April 2016
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I like these American Primitive guitarists who have been around the block a few times. They plough their own furrow, and long may they continue to do so. Case in point: I sent Don Bikoff a bunch of interview questions. He decided to ignore them completely and instead sent me back an essay - a mini-biography, as it were. I mulled it over for a while, wondering whether to edit the hell out of it and squeeze it kicking and screaming into some sort of Q&A format. No, I concluded. This is how it should be read - and it’s far more entertaining a prospect for it. You may know Don for his Celestial Explosion, that great lost fingerstyle album from 1968, reissued a couple of years back by the ever-dependable Tompkins Square Records. That’s far from the whole story, though - he has been a busy man these last few years. There’s the session he did for WFMU Radio back 2012, now available via the Free Music Archive. There’s a further session for Folkadelphia that you can download via their Bandcamp page. Then, in 2014, he released his first new album in over 45 years, Hallowed Ground. It’s an album you should hear. Even after this, Don isn’t standing still - he’s currently recording duo material with Mark Fosson, and rumour has it that these two venerable elder statesmen of fingerstyle are sparking off each other in a most edifying manner. The working title of the forthcoming album is Old Man Noises, and on the basis of the yet-to-be-mixed bits and pieces I’ve had the pleasure of hearing, it’s one to look out for. Over to you, Don…
I began playing guitar around 1959 or 1960, motivated by listening to Allen Freed under the bed covers ever since I was six years old. I had a great collection of various pomades that froze my hair better than Gorilla Glue to simulate that Elvis look. Early AM radio rock came in, with a good smattering of southern blues - on a good night the stations  be heard from quite a long way away. Nonetheless, I coerced my father into buying me a guitar at age twelve: I still remember that Harmony F-hole red and black sunburst six-string. He insisted, however, that I take lessons. Let’s just say that Mel Bay and I did not see eye-to-eye and the lessons were short-lived, to say the least. To backtrack a bit, my first public performance consisted of an accordion tune for my second grade class, followed by some trumpeting through to the sixth grade. Grade eight led to the formation of Donny and the Tornadoes, my early cover band, playing Beach Boys and other top of the pops tunes. At around fifteen years of age, I came to the conclusion that some guitarists were actually using their fingers rather than a plectrum. Perhaps it was Pete Seeger and my Weavers albums that led to this revelation. Now it gets a bit more interesting, as I was old enough to pick myself up and travel the Long Island Railroad to NYC and Greenwich Village. This was truly the very beginning of the folk scene and I was privy to performances by such luminaries as Bob Dylan, Dave Van Ronk, Buffy St. Marie and Jose Feliciano - the list goes on and on. One evening, Dave Van Ronk spotted a kid at the front table in the Gaslight Café and castigated him for writing furiously throughout his performance every night. After much embarrassment, he took me aside and allowed me to sit in at the backroom area, where I was treated to all the artists, whom I pestered unmercifully. The die had been cast. As I grew as a young guitarist, I sought out who I considered to be the true masters. I found the recordings of Alan Lomax to be a great help. The folk boom was coming of age and the Newport Folk Festival was in its infancy. I spent afternoons there, often under a tree with Mississippi John Hurt and maybe five or ten people looking on. Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Son House… guitarists playing slide with tableware and steak bones. I was in blues heaven. My own style was beginning to coalesce as a result of my encounters with these great artists. I never heard of John Fahey until a friend from California introduced me to his music and commented that we were somewhat alike. Truly a case of independent discovery on my part… I thought there must be a parallel universe somewhere out there for fingerstyle pickers. As the sixties came and went, I did get to meet Fahey; I still have one of the letters he wrote me. I found Robbie Basho intriguing, along with Peter Walker, Sandy Bull and a host of others. Timothy Leary’s League for Spiritual Discovery on the lower east side of Manhattan had both Peter Walker and I playing for the faithful. So along came an introduction to a record company owner who was looking for new artists for his label, Keyboard Records. I recall going to his office for an unofficial audition of sorts. He chronicled his own success at producing the Firestone Tyre Xmas Album and the Dorman’s Endico Cheese jingle (The first cheese individually wrapped in plastic!). Ed was very enthusiastic about my unique approach to the guitar and said he had an opening for a single album. The previous artist he interviewed simply didn’t excite him. His name was Neil Diamond. Within the next few months in 1968, Celestial Explosion was released and, much to my surprise, garnered great reviews from Record World and other critics. An underground favorite was the phrase often used to describe my music. My brief encounter with a press agent led me to a nationwide TV live performance on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour, where I lost to a Russian gymnastic team and a singing shoemaker. Just search for me on Youtube and you can see it for yourself. Ted said, ‘That’s unusual, to say the least.’ Subsequent years led to performances in Europe and small clubs throughout the U.S. and then reality hit. Family and day jobs happened. But then, 40 years later, Josh Rosenthal of Tomkins Square fame heard me on a local radio show and contacted me. One thing led to another and before I knew it Celestial Explosion was re-released to a new wave of listeners. I released  another album just last year, Hallowed Ground, my second in 40 years. I actually have been quite active again by my modest standards. I’m doing a number of folk festivals this Spring: The Montauk Music Festival, Music on the Great South Bay, Hopscotch in Raleigh, NC, The Bing Arts Center in Springfield, Ma, the Glen Cove Folk Festival and who knows what else. I also continue to play at small venues in Brooklyn and Manhattan and on Long Island… Union Pool, Elvis Guesthouse and the Living Room, to name but a few. One of the best things to happen has been my association with Mark Fosson. Mark is both a remarkable player, musician and composer and he and I share a vision of sorts, that enables us to play so well together. We are hoping to release a joint project in the near future.
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