#i am all set to start this new job hell yeah
stumbledeggs · 2 months
Love to meal prep with my little apron on I feel so fancy
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toppersjeep · 3 months
Landos Girl ~ Lando Norris X Reader
A/N: I got this idea while watching ginge’s and landos new video. so basically you show up to landos when he’s filming with ginge and you join in on the fun. you’ve been dating Lando for a while now. you work with him at McLaren as a pr manger. that’s how you two met!
(a little fluff, mentions of smut but no actual)
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Your POV
I opened the door to Lando’s apartment with my key. I set my bag down and took my shoes off. Knowing I’d be staying for a while.
“Lan” I said. “In the kitchen” Lando said. “Oh hello are you filming” I said. “Yeah a quadrant video I meant to text you” Lando said. “All good I had a major McLaren meeting so” I said. “No way is that the Y/N in the flesh” Ginge said. “Ginge” I said.
“Guys I’m shaking Lando’s girl in person” Ginge said I laughed. “It’s nice to officially meet you” I said shaking his hand. “Don’t worry I won’t try to take your man yet” Ginge said. “Oh you won’t even get a try” I said. “Oh shit she is a bit scary huh” Ginge said.
“So.. I’ll let you guys film then because I am not eating whatever he eats for breakfast” I said. “What she doesn’t have to eat it” Ginge said. “She should” lando said. “No thanks I had a bagel earlier” I said going to sit on the couch.
“Damn and you couldn’t bring us any the hell” Ginge said. “Ooops” I said. “She doesn’t share her food you know” Lando said. “Well that’s rude” Ginge said.
A little while later…
I got up off the couch. I then saw Lando and Ginge working out. I stood in the doorway.
“Have her try the head pull thingy” Ethan said.“I think she does that with Lando off camera” Ginge said. “Oh my god” I said laughing. “Jeez mate” Lando said. “What we know you do” Ginge said.
“What’s next” I said. “Uhh landos turn” Ethan said. “I wanna see you guys pull him I’m intrigued” I said sitting on the floor. “As long as you do it too” Lando said. “Fine” I said. Ginge went first and pulled Lando. “My god he’s not even flinching” Ginge said.
“It feels quite nice” Lando said I laughed. “Really your weird mate” Ginge said. Ethan then did it. “Come on slow and hard” Ginge said. I laughed. “Oh be quiet over there with your dirty mind” Ethan said. “I didn’t say anything yet” I said.
“Keyword is yet” Lando said. Ethan the pulled the bands back. “What the heck so you even feel that” Ethan said. “It just feels nice” Lando said. “Alright your turn” Ethan said I got up. “Come on baby” Lando said. “I have like no muscles” I said. “You got it love” Lando said. I pulled it a little bit.
“No muscles my ass” Ginge said. “That’s good” Lando said. “Okay” I said stopping. “He’s flexing his jaw muscles now” Ethan said. “That’s so hot” Ginge said we all laughed.
We then went to eat some lunch.
“This is like rabbit food” Ginge said. “I just want some pizza” I said. “Don’t start pizza sounds good” Lando said. After we finished eating we went to show Ginge and Ethan around Monaco.
“I’m getting shotgun by the way” I said. “Ughhh fine” Ginge said getting in the backseat with Ethan. “So how long have you two been dating” Ethan asked. As Lando drove.
“Uhhh like a year almost two” I said. “Met her at McLaren well I kinda knew of her before” Lando said. “Oh really” Ginge said. “I worked at Willam’s with George but I wasn’t very social” I said. “Really you not social” Ethan said.
“Ughhh I guess I was just anxious about making friends” I said. “But then I did make friends and got a new job” I said. “I guess I brought out her fun side as she says” Lando said. “That’s nice” Ethan said. “Well you two do seem perfect but I’m still jealous” Ginge said.
“He’s mine Ginge” I said. “You win you win” Ginge said jokingly. “Hope everyone is hungry” Lando said. We all ate dinner and shared stories. I sat beside Lando. “Desert was so good” Ginge said. “You two go out every night or no” Ethan asked.
“Not too often it’s quite expensive” I said. Lando then licked the plate clean. “Oh my god” Ginge said. “Damn I really wish I was that plate right now” I said. Everyone laughed. “Oh my and she says she’s shy” Ethan said. Lando just looked at me all red.
“What” I said looking at Lando. “You got him all flustered” Ginge said. “You can be the plate later” Lando said. “Oh lord” Ethan said. “Get these two love birds a room” Ginge said. “Oh I’ll get one later on” Lando said. “Lord” I said.
“You two are perfect honestly with those out of pocket things” Ginge said. “Oh I know” Lando said. After we dropped them off we went back to our apartment. I kicked my shoes off and attempted to lay on the couch.
But Lando grabbed my arm.
“You wanted to be the plate so badly” Lando said. “I still do” I said. “So come on then” Lando said leading me to our room.
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v-hope · 14 days
glad you’re missing TF bc me too, i wanna see them finally settling and knowing they’re ready for the next big step in their lives or even just discussing building a family after grad or when they’re at a good stage in their careers🥺🤧
pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
genre: slight angst, flufffff, established relationship, non-idol au
warnings: pregnancy scare, mentions of condoms, mentions of unprotected sex
word count: 2.3k
a/n: um. hello after years lolll. i started going through very old requests in my ask box yesterday in case i found anything that’d bring some inspiration to my very uninspired self, and i found manyyyy tiger flower ones and this one in particular reminded me of a headcanon of mine that i never wrote nor mentioned (i think) but for some reason it was??? an actual Thing???? in my mind????? so yeah lol here i am. i don’t think anyone even cares about tiger flower (minus one person. u know who u are<3) anymore, BUT fuck it, i missed them and enjoyed writing this. i hope whoever reads it enjoys it too, bye<333
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A pregnancy scare wasn’t something you were expecting only two months into moving in together after your graduation. It wasn’t something you were expecting at all.
At most, you and Jeongguk had agreed on getting a puppy as a new addition to your family of two. Said discussion happened when the two of you had only been together for a few months, a little over a year ago, where you both agreed on moving in together after you graduated college and then get a puppy right away.
Moving in together was not up for debate — you knew so the moment Jeongguk got a job in the last year of college and so did you, saving enough money to get a decent place and looking for apartments throughout the entire year, so you could secure a lease as soon as your previous ones ended. On the other hand, although you were still excited as hell to get a dog, once you were settled in your shared place, you were both too busy and overwhelmed trying to keep up with your new jobs and all the new changes in your lives to even think of adding another responsibility on top of them all, let alone one that had to do with a living creature.
If neither of you felt ready to get a puppy yet, how the hell were you supposed to raise a child?
Your heart beat so fast against your chest, you felt like you would pass out any moment, as you paced around the bathroom while you waited for the pregnancy test to tell you whether you’d bring another human being to the world in nine more months or not. Endless thoughts running through your mind as you did so, and you internally cursed at yourself for not having waited outside with Jeongguk instead — God knows you needed his arms around you to bring you comfort.
You definitely needed Jeongguk to hold you, you realised the second the alarm you set as soon as you took the test finally went off, managing to somehow turn it off with your shaky hands, and fighting not to drop your phone as you took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a moment before taking a look to the test on the sink.
Once you earned enough courage to finally open your eyes and focus them on it, you exhaled all the air you didn’t know you were holding up until then — instant relief washing through your body.
You were given another chance not to raise a child when neither of you were ready.
And yet, a part of you couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed, empty even, now that said possibility was out of the way.
Although it was not the right time, a family with Jeongguk was something you’d always be happy about — and something you were only now realising you longed for way more than you thought you did.
Coming out of the bathroom and meeting a very distressed Jeongguk waiting right outside the door, you shook your head no right away, just like that letting him know you were on the clear this time around.
He let out a heavy, shaky sigh, rubbing his eyes with his palms as he processed the news, before he pulled you into his arms like you so badly needed him to — melting into his familiar touch and inhaling his scent as you felt yourself begin to calm down.
He said nothing, you said nothing. Your arms around one another and feeling each other’s comfort were all you needed right then.
Jeongguk didn’t let go until he felt your body stop trembling, only pulling away enough to rest his forehead on yours and cup your face in his warm hands.
“You okay?” He wondered; for a change, not being able to tell what the expression on your face meant right then.
He genuinely didn’t know whether you were relieved or not. And, therefore, he didn’t know how to react to the news. Yes, he had sighed in relief a minute ago, but that was as much as he’d let himself express until he knew how you felt about the whole situation.
You nodded, still a little bit stunned — not knowing whether you should say what was on your mind. Then again, it was Jeongguk the one in front of you, holding you. You knew you could tell him anything and he would understand, or at least try his best to do so.
“Is it wrong that I feel a little bit disappointed?” You finally mumbled, catching his attention. “I mean, I know we’re not ready, and we haven’t planned it at all and I would be so fucking terrified had it turned out positive, but, I just…”
“I get it,” he stepped up when he realised you wouldn’t talk anymore, gently reaching for your hands and holding them in his. “Of course I’m relieved we’re not having a baby right now, but… a part of me really wants to start a family with you now”.
“Now?” You playfully raised an eyebrow.
“Not now,” he panicked. “But, I mean, in the near future, but not that nea—ugh, you get it”.
You couldn’t hold back a giggle, biting your lip when he rested his head on your shoulder, embarrassedly hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“I know,” you reassured him, running your thumb on the back of his hand. “I can’t wait to start a family with you either. It’d be cute, wouldn’t it?”
He nodded — one hundred percent on board with it, yet pensively.
Up until that day, you hadn’t really discussed your future together. It was more of a given. Unspoken, but you both knew you wanted everything with each other. From moving in together, to getting married, to having kids, to growing old together.
Maybe it was finally time for you to actually bring those thoughts up.
“What do you think is a good age for us to start trying?” Jeongguk wondered, his voice gentle as ever.
You puckered your lips as you pondered your options. “I mean, we’re only twenty three this year… Maybe in another two or three more?”
“Yeah…” he quietly agreed. “We still need to get the hang of living together on our own…”
“Getting a puppy…” you added.
“Save some money” Jeongguk considered.
“Get a bigger place”.
“Get married”.
You smiled at his addition, feeling the by now very familiar butterflies fill your stomach. Reaching your hand up to cup his cheek, you sweetly ran your thumb over the corner of his mouth.
“You wanna marry me?”
“I am marrying you, Y/N” he confidently stated, only to feel his cheeks burn the next second when he caught the way your eyes lit up. “I mean, if you’ll take me, of course…”
You giggled once again, this time throwing your head slightly back as you rejoiced at the new bit of information your boyfriend had just provided you with. “I am marrying you so hard one day, Jeon Jeongguk”.
He beamed, giggling against your mouth as he searched for it and trapped your bottom lip in between his smiling ones.
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh of your own, wrapping your arms around his neck when he held you up by your thighs and took you to the sofa only a few steps away in your living room — not letting go of you for a second as he carefully lied on his back with you on top of him.
Lying your face comfortably on his chest, and running your fingertips up and down on it, you let out a contented sigh.
“So, kids sometime after we’re twenty six?” You returned to your previous conversation, before you got carried away by your desire to spend the rest of your lives together.
He hummed in response. “We should already have achieved all our previous goals by then, so I think it’s the most reasonable”.
“After twenty six it is then” you settled, smiling brightly when he reached for your hand and interlaced your fingers. “How many would you like?”
“Two or three would be nice,” Jeongguk confessed. “I’m okay with as many as you’re willing to have, though”.
“I always thought two… a girl and a boy” you admitted, feeling him smile against your head. “But I wouldn’t mind having three of them with you” a smile curved up your lips at the simple thought.
He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your head. “Two girls and a boy, or two boys and a girl…”
“What if it’s three girls?” You looked up at him.
“That’d be nice” he smiled.
“And if it’s three boys?”
“That’d be nice, too”.
“Mhm…” you squinted your eyes, suspiciously staring into his. “You want at least one girl so bad, Jeon Jeongguk”.
“I didn’t say that?” He defended himself.
“I can see it in your eyes” you playfully poked his forehead.
He rolled his eyes in amusement, tightening his hold on your hand to stop you from poking him again. “Well, sue me for wanting a mini version of you”.
Your heart melted, and you were pouting before you knew it. “I want a mini bun, too”.
“Too bad, we’re only having three girls now” he teased.
“Shut up,” you whined, slumping your face back down on his chest. “You just created a new need for me”.
Jeongguk’s chest trembled as a blissful laugh escaped his lips, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you so close to him you almost found it hard to breathe. You would never complain about it, though, let alone when his lips began to pepper kiss after kiss on the crown of your head.
“I love you,” he said. “And honestly I’ll be happy with whatever sex they are as long as they’re ours and we raise them together”.
His words brought tears to your eyes and a lump in your throat, being apparently still too sensitive over the whole situation not to feel like crying when he said the most reassuring words you needed to hear.
“You’re gonna make me cry” you let him know, looking up to meet his doe eyes once more. “But I’ll be the happiest as long as that’s the case, too”.
Jeongguk smiled timidly, gently pushing your chin slightly up for your lips to come in contact with his; pressing a soft kiss on them before his arms were once again tightening their hold around your waist.
“I’m sorry” he mumbled, nuzzling your hair.
“What for?” You questioned.
Jeongguk shrugged, fingers drawing small circles on your back. “For putting you through this…”
You chuckled, burying your face in his neck. “It takes two to make a child, bunny. Which we didn’t get to make, by the way”.
“I know,” he pouted, holding you somehow tighter against his body. “But last time I was too horny to go get a condom”.
You snorted. “Nothing we haven’t done before. We just tested our luck for the hundredth time and it backfired on us for once”.
Although you weren’t looking at him right then, you knew a pout had just formed on his bottom lip. You tenderly kissed his chest, in hopes of making the sad look on his pretty face go away.
When you felt him be distraught still, you decided to switch the mood a little bit.
“Still, I did have the scare of my life, so we’re going on a sex strike for a bit”.
His mouth fell open in disbelief, pulling you up by your shoulders so he could look you in the eye. “You’re not serious”.
“I am” you stated, trying your best not to allow your lips to break into a smile. “One month at least”.
“At least?!”
“Aren’t you the one who went twenty one whole years without having sex?” You raised a teasing eyebrow. “This should be nothing to you”.
“Petal…” he whined, hiding his face in your neck. “It’s not the same now”.
“Why not?”
“Because I got a taste of it with you two years ago and I can’t control myself around you now, you know it”.
“Sucks to be you” you shrugged. “One month starting today”.
Letting out a defeated cry that could only have you finally releasing the laugh you managed to hold for so long, he rested his head back against the couch.
“Can this month end already”.
“So you’re just accepting your fate?” You were the one in disbelief now. “You won’t even try to convince me otherwise?”
“No, it’s up to you” he said, closing his eyes as he threw an arm over them. “If you don’t want me to touch you then I’ll just keep my hands to myself and suffer in silence”.
You half cooed, half laughed, not having expected such a touching answer to your playful question. Then again, it was Jeongguk the one you were dating; you should know better by now.
Removing his arm from his face, you pressed a brief kiss on his nose. “I love you, bun” you ran your fingers through his hair. “As if I’d be able to go a whole month without jumping your bones”.
“Now don’t say it like that” he laughed, throwing one of his legs over your body and making you lie on your sides now.
Properly face to face now, you cupped his cheek and gently caressed it as you rested your forehead on his. “Give me two weeks tops to shake the fear off my body?”
He nodded, lovingly bumping his nose on yours. “As long as you need me to”.
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You need some Rise!Splinter, so here we go: Splinter finds out that their boys are in a relationship (with their own s/o, of course!) Aaaand... Goes into father mode. You know: wanting to know details, giving date advices, checking if their lover is "good enough" for his boys... Expect embarassment situation😆
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Splinter knows?
Fucking how???
He did his absolute best to keep Splinter in the dark because he knew this would happen-
Splinter had pulled him aside to have a talk.
Little did he know it was THE talk.
You know the one.
Leo was mortified.
After that, Splinter demanded to know all the "Juicy details." as he put it.
Uh, yeah no.
Oh my god when Splinter meets you Leo wants to crawl into the ground and die of embarrassment.
Why couldn't he ask normal questions like, "What are your hobbies?" or "How many siblings do you have?" No he had to ask if you ever planned to marry his son.
Both you and Leo did a doubke take and grew as red as tomatoes.
Then Splinter left, smiling and laughing.
Leo is 100% sure that Splinter just want to embarrass him.
Actually, Splinter was the first to know when you guys start dating.
Unlike Leo, Raph felt it was important for his dad to know.
He wasn't however, expecting to sit with his dad for hours, while Splinter gave him dating advice.
Then of course, "And finally, I demand to meet the person who has your love. I must make sure they are good enough for you."
Raph was nervous as all hell the day you were set to meet the fam, before he left to get you, his brothers kept complaining about his fear stink.
Splinter gave you a quick once over, smiled, then flashed Raph a thumbs up.
"Good job." he said, then spent the rest of dinner getting to know you
The utter embarrassment he feels at how his father is acting.
He is positivly mortified.
No, father, you are not getting details.
Have we kissed yet?
I am not telling you.
No you cannot meet them yet.
You know why.
When he does meet you, Donnie is terrified that Splinter will embarrass him.
And he does exactly that,
When Splinter see's you, it goes exactly like this, "Are you sure? You could do so much better."
"Father, that is incredibly rude. I love them-"
"I am not talking to you, I'm talking to them."
He then grabbed your hands and pulled you down to his level, "This entire family is crazy, get out while you still have the chance."
I'm sorry what?
His youngest is dating?
No way, he's just a baby!
Wait, he's a teenager?
The talk is unavoidable.
And Mikey is red for DAYS afterward.
Even then, he's really excited for you to meet his dad.
When Splinter meets you,
You are instantly his new favorite, already telling Mikey how he has to marry you, leaving the both of you blushy and embarrassed.
Whenever you visit now, Splinter is always in Mikey's line of sight, attrmpting to signal advice to his youngest.
It does not work.
Anon, you are 100% right. My blog is extremely lacking in rise Splinter. So here you go!
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beansricejc · 4 months
THE CLIENT - John Wick x F!Reader
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my masterlist.
synopsis: you go to some extreme measures to make sure you get your rent paid on time.
⚠️ warnings ⚠️: DUB/NON con, s3x work, cursing, sugar daddycore, implied violence, brief descriptions of violence, misleading job descriptions, good & bad name calling, chasing, financial / emotional manipulation, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT! MINORS DNI! 4379 words.
author’s note: I am so sorry about not being active, I’ve been meaning to take this off of the back burner for some time now. If you follow me you probably have noticed that this is based off of a short blurb I uploaded a few months ago. I’ve been avoiding writing because of several anon hate messages I’ve gotten about Fake It, and it put a huge damper on my writing process. but I’m back and I hope you all enjoy!
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This economy is shit.
That's the sentence you continue to repeat in your brain. Should you have to work more than your full time accounting job at that stupidly high skyscraper downtown? Absolutely not, but your rent was bumped up by 15%, and a mere 40 hour work week won’t cut it anymore.
“Can you work nights?” The temp agent asks from across his desk. The florescent lights of his office (that is desperately in need of an update) are giving you a headache. The pot of coffee on the table in the corner is starting to burn.
“Yeah. Anytime after 6.” You quickly answer, your leg that’s crossed on top of the other is bouncing. The worker nods his head and clacks his vintage looking keyboard in front of his computer monitor.
The thick silence in this small space might kill you.
The worker’s eyes squint at his screen, before they trail back to you, seeming to give your face and your body a look over.
“Do you have any experience with housekeeping?” The worker asks, which makes your head tilt. Your printed and slightly crumpled resume is right there in front of him. Idiot.
“I mean, not houses, but when I worked retail I would have to clean the store from time to time.” You tell him and raise your eyebrows.
He nods and continues to stare at you. Creep.
“There’s an opening for a private housekeeper gig a bit north. You wouldn’t be tied to an agency, the client would pay you directly.” The man informs you. “Can, can I just do one thing first? Usually our employers, uh, they typically request pictures of their applicants.” The temp agent stammers and grabs his smartphone from his desk drawer. “Let me just…”
You don’t have any time to decline, since the flash is already going off in your direction.
“Uh- I’ve never heard of anything like that.” you question while the man types on his phone.
“Have you been employed through a temp agency before?”
“Well, not exact-“
“Then clearly you’re unfamiliar with how this works.” He interjects before setting the device down. “The pay is very good, although the employer hasn’t told me specifics. 3 nights a week after 6:30. 3 to 4 hour shifts. Does that work?” the worker asks and pushes up his glasses.
You feel a bit dumbfounded, and you have a strange suspicion that this man is gaslighting the hell out of you. But what can you do? You’re about to be 3 weeks late on rent.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You mumble out.
It wasn’t fine. You hate the fact that instead of being able to snuggle up with your dog and watch reruns of New Girl, you have to pick up a second job.
“Great. I’ll have him give you a call.” was the last thing the man told you before you left the building. Secretly, you hope whoever this ‘employer’ is, they just forget about contacting you.
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Hours later, you’re putting groceries into your fridge when your phone starts to vibrate in your pocket. You answer of course.
“Hi, is this, uh…” a deep male voice on the other line asks, accidentally mispronouncing your first name. Chuckling, you quickly correct him. “My mistake, forgive me. Ah, I heard you’re looking for a job?”
Your eyes bulge and you suddenly straighten up as if the man is having a face to face conversation with you. There was no way he was already calling you! Totally unprepared, you cleared your dry throat.
“Yeah, yep, that’s me.” you answer his question. His voice is so sultry. The man is clearly older than you, and it’s clear that he thinks before he speaks.
“Perfect. Pay is 1200 an hour, and if you swing by around 6:45 tomorrow that would be great. Can I email you my address?” The man offers online. You frown and choke on the water you were sipping.
“Woah, woah, excuse me. You said… 1200 an hour?” You repeat his payment offer.
“Yeah, is that a problem? All in cash.”
You almost have a heart attack.
“Nope, nope no problem at all.”
“Excellent. And, by the way, wear something, comfortable.” He says over the phone. You frown.
“Comfortable?” You question.
“Yeah. Comfortable.” He replies.
In hindsight you should have thought this through. You should have seen this coming, since men are disappointing and so vile. And you even know that you’re an idiot for agreeing.
So you do, and end the call.
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6:45 comes faster than you thought it would. Your finger presses the door bell, and as you look around the neighborhood he’s in, the only thing you can think of? This dude is in a completely different tax bracket than you.
As for the comfortable clothing, you opted for some leggings and a long sleeve tee shirt that accidentally accentuates your waist and chest. You didn’t think anything of it. Did you think $1200 an hour was a bit off? Totally. But the guy was probably desperate for someone to clean this enormous house up.
You’re completely wrong.
The large door creaks open, and you come to face a man, middle aged, with long dark hair that seems to be tied in the back. A man bun? Really. You don’t say anything about it. Instead you smile and give the classic:
“Hi! You had a cleaning scheduled for 6:45?”
The words are bubbly and of course higher pitched. Like any customer service job, you’ve trained yourself to fake a smile and a friendly voice.
His rugged features surprise you. The way his jaw clenched and unclenched, his dark beard that grows on his face. The way his thin brown eyes trace over your body as he pressed his lips together. As if you were on display, only for him.
You couldn’t deny that he was handsome. But you’re not here for that. You’re here to work.
Are you?
“Yeah, you’ll do.” The man nods and allows you to enter his domain.
What the fuck did that mean? You don’t allow him to see the way your eyebrows scrunch up at his remark.
His house that reeks of modern contemporary architecture, the bachelor pad vibes were insane in this place. Regardless, the home seemed almost empty, even though it wasn’t. The vast size of it makes it so every little noise is able to bounce off the walls.
“Do you want something to drink?” Your new boss asks. He looks down at you with little to no expression on his handsome features. Despite the lack of emotion, a tinge of determination lingers in his narrowed brown eyes. “Call me John, by the way. Mister Wick will make me feel like a senior citizen.”
You just laugh. He already knows your name. Of course he does, why didn’t you expect otherwise? That temp agency definitely gave it to him.
“John it is.” You test out the name on your tongue; the simplicity of it is so right for him.
But something doesn’t sit right with you. It’s as if your body is subconsciously ringing all of the woman alarms that you should listen to.
Oh but you could use the cash! It’s the uneasy pit in your gut that churns and twists, attempting to pry yourself out of the situation.
Of course you ignore it.
“Right. So. There’s this particular spot I need help cleaning.” John’s hand guided you by the small of your back, you didn’t even notice how close he was standing to you. As if John were nothing but a ghost in the wind.
He leads you right in the living room, where a large crimson stain has set itself into the oak flooring. Your eyes widen, instinctively backing away, forgetting that John was directly behind you. Your shorter body runs into his, and he sets his strong hands on your shoulders.
Oh my god. A serial killer hired you. Or at least a murderer. The sheer size of the blood stain definitely was a fatal amount to lose. It’s as if someone had taken a liter of blood and dumped it onto his expensive flooring.
“I’m sure you can understand why this is such a lucrative deal, right?” John’s voice rumbled into your right ear. Chills trickle down your spine, caused simply from his touch and his murmur. But this is bad. You need to leave. You can’t just clean up murder messes for a living!
“I, I don’t know if I can-“
“Oh I know you can. Say, are you a good multi-tasker?” John asked, his grip on your shoulders becoming a bit tighter. It feels possessive almost. You should have listened to your woman warnings your body gave you.
Your canine teeth dig into your soft tongue.
“I mean, yeah.” You squeak out to answer the man who’s paying you. A throaty laugh leaves his mouth.
“Oh, good to hear.”
The scent of his cologne enters your nose. Tobacco, ginger, cocoa even. It’s intoxicating, the way his smell lingers in the air; and how it’ll imprint itself onto your own clothes and skin. You can’t let this man’s Dior Sauvage distract you from getting the fuck out of this house.
“Listen, I don’t-“
“2156, 45rd Avenue. Apartment 5. Right?” John suddenly asks. Those chills that ran down your spine seem to be more sinister than you initially realized. You turn around and glare up at him.
“How do you know that?” You immediately question him with a brash voice.
John lets out a deep chuckle, his handsome smile is so stupid. You don’t want to be attracted to him.
“You should take the job. I could buy your building, your rent could go down significantly.” John smirked down at your trembling form. “But, I’ll need you to be good at more than just cleaning.” His voice grumbles into your ear. His hot breath sticks to your neck. His voice is deep and almost off putting, in a good way. God the way he speaks. The way he looks you over with those pretty brown eyes.
Your mouth lets out a gasp as you suddenly feel his large hand reach around and grab one of your breasts. His unwanted touch feels like fire against your clothing. Your body tries to squirm.
“Shh, dear, let me touch you. I like it more if there’s less of a reaction.” John whispered, you feel his erection grow as he presses his groin into your ass.
“Woah, WOAH!” You yell, shoving him away. Surprisingly he backs away, with his hands in the air. There’s a smirk that plays on his rugged face, as he bites his tongue and lets his eyes devour your body.
“Really? You want to refuse me? Do you know who I am, little girl?” John chuckled, taking a few steps forward.
“You know what? I think I’m good on the job, you’re a fucking weirdo.” Is all you have to say to that. His rugged face has the meanest scowl you have ever seen in your life.
The tension in the air is so uncomfortable, and you want to punch yourself for not listening to your gut. The churning. The accelerated heart rate.
This was all wrong, that creepy temp agent had set you up with some gig that was clearly not legitimate in the slightest, of course it was too good to be true. Men only want one thing, and you don’t know how you didn’t manage to connect the dots.
You grimace at the thought of what he just did to you as your legs sprint towards the door.
“Not so fast, little one.” John growls, it seems he’s got you pinned against his entryway door. Your face is pressed against the wood, and you cry out in pain from the abrupt slam of your body.
“What if I bought your apartment building, and raised your rent? That’s why you have this job, right? That’s why a pretty thing like you waltzed into that temp agency and expected some help. God, I’m glad that agent sent me a picture. Do you know how much I came looking at your confused face?” John huffs out, biting his lip and moaning at the thought. His brown eyes roll to the back of his head for a split second as he recalls the orgasm he had, just thinking about you.
When he was hunched over in his shower, canines digging cuts into his bottom lip and drawing blood as John fucked into his balled up fist. When he whimpered your name like a pathetic needy bitch, the noise bouncing off of the bathroom walls to remind him of what a sick piece of shit he is. The mere idea of him taking advantage of a woman in a predicament like this made his balls ache in excitement. His toes would curl on the wet bathtub floor just imagining you being his good little fuck toy.
The ragged tone in his breath and voice make John sound desperate, deprived even.
“God I want you to swallow my cum so bad, I bet you’d look like a good girl, taking me in your mouth, huh? You wanna swallow daddy’s load?”
You elbow him right in the chest, but fall to the wooden floor while you do so. Too bad you’ve always been a clumsy bitch.
You groan as the pain shoots up your spine. And you panic. This absolute dilf of a man was a freak! And by the looks of all of that blood on his floor, a monster. A serial killer maybe! What the fuck was the point of listening to all of those podcasts if you didn’t take the god damn hints John had shown several times?!
John doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist, lifting you up as you kick, scream, struggle, he even gives your left asscheek a swift smack just for fun. You let out a yelp.
“Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go into the other room, and I’m going to buy your building. All I have to do is make a call. And you, cutie, get to make a decision.” John chuckled. “You leave, and I’ll have a group of men take out all of your shit from your place; and replace your doorknobs. Or,” John grabs your waist, your hand swats him away as you give him a glare. John sighs and gives you a smile, ruffling your hair with his large hand. “Or you let me have my way with you; while you clean up my little mess. And you won’t have to worry about paying a thing ever again.” John whispers. The man takes a step back, biting his lip at the sight of you being scared of him, before leaving and going into the other room.
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You groan, tears brim your eyes as you contemplate your choices. Seeing the vast wealth displayed by just his household furnishings, you figured he wasn’t bluffing. The sting from holding back the cry hurts like a bitch, realizing you have no choice in the matter.
“God dammit.” You mumble, grabbing the cleaning supplies. You can’t help but wonder how the hell this much blood got on this asshole’s floor anyhow. Maybe you didn’t want to know. Either way, baking soda would do the trick here; with some water and dishwasher fluid.
So you get to work, scrubbing and finishing away the blood stain from the wooden floor. It wasn’t nearly as easy as it sounded.
Your stomach churned as you hear him approaching, his Oxford shoes clicking on the ground.
“Oh, good girl.” John snickered from above, you looked up at him with an icy stare, only to see something you certainly didn’t expect.
John and his hand, expertly stroking his hard cock to the sight of you cleaning.
John’s a good size. Bigger than average. Not something straight out of some unrealistic porn video online. The 7 inch long and slightly girthy dick in his grasp twitched, while it dripped precum from the pink shaded tip.
You start to feel something stir in you. This is wrong. You know it’s wrong. But fuck. His lip bite, the way he stroked himself to the sight of you, it’s not like he was ugly or anything. Quite the opposite.
He’s everything every woman dreams about in a man. Dark, brooding, with chiselled features and a symmetrical face. His olive skinned forehead is slick with sweat, definitely from being all hot and bothered at the sight of lil’ ol’ you.
Realistically, there could be worse out there to have fuck you.
“No no, little one. Keep cleaning,” John takes in a sharp breath. “Don’t mind me. Just pretend that this is normal, don’t be distracted. This will be your new normal. You’ll do various tasks around my house, and you let me touch you however I want.”
Now despite what your brain is telling you, the churning in your stomach drifts into butterflies. This isn’t right. In fact, it’s fucking vile. But why is your breath caught in your throat? Why does your head feel like it’s spinning?
You’re too much in your head at the moment, and you don’t notice the sound of a switchblade opening. With one quick motion, you can feel your leggings slice open. Before you have time to gasp, next comes your thong, he’s cutting the fabric and peeling it from your body.
John pressed the soaked cloth to his large nose, taking in a deep breath to get a whiff of your essence. Chills run down his spine as he grows even harder, your pure femininity smells absolutely divine to him.
“Oh you’re so wet for me, you like this, don’t you? You bad fucking girl,” he laughs. Your yelp escaped your dry lips as one of his long fingers swiped your moist entrance, pushing one in to test the waters. Your soft grunt of surprise and disdain covers your pleasure as you continue to try to clean up this stupid blood stain on the wooden floor.
You have to wonder, what the fuck happened here? Your mind goes haywire, imagining the man behind you potentially taking a life in the very spot that you’re in. How did he do it? A gunshot wound? Cutting someone’s throat? Torture? Tying them up by their feet to hang upside down, only to stab their jugular and letting gravity do its job? And why exactly are you thinking of it while John adds another finger, pumping the long calloused digits into your soaking cunt.
You catch yourself backing up against him, moaning a bit as you bite your lip to punish yourself for it. You’re not supposed to like this! What the fuck are you doing?
A suit jacket is tossed aside out of the corner of your eye, as a deep throaty chuckle echoes from the walls of his large house.
“Oh? So I’m right. You do like it.” John chuckles, pulling his fingers out. You let out a whine, almost angry that he would stop fingering you all of a sudden. John slaps your folds with the tip of his cock just for fun.
Your whine is replaced with a sharp squeal, his large hands grip the roots of your messy hair, pulling your head back as his fat tip eases into your pussy. The burn of your head and the burn of his dick throws you in a loop, especially at the sight of John.
John. This perverted, sick and despicable example of a human being, who’s eyes look so soft as he inches in and out of you. There’s a wicked smirk on his face when your eyes shoot to his lips, nothing that the cut up remains of your thong are in his mouth.
And you’re not sure if it’s hot or nasty. The obscene view of him damn near chewing on your underwear has you… well, fucked up. But it’s the way he begins to snap his hips against your ass that makes you forget about it. The other hand whacks your right asscheek, earning another yelp from you.
“You’re a fucking pig!” you sputter out, trying your best to show absolutely revulsion to the way he’s fucking you.
John can see through you like a piece of cling wrap.
You’re not making any progress in cleaning the blood stain, as he thrusts harder into you. You mew loudly while he takes his hand in your hair and instead presses your pretty little face into the floor. Your cheeks and nose throb as scratches embed themselves into your skin, as if you hardly notice. The way John’s cock feels as he has his way with your fluttering cunt is too good to even put into words. You have to remind yourself to breathe while he speaks to you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess. I didn’t take you for a good little slut, who’s my slut?”
Gritting your teeth, his tip brushed your cervix, and that will certainly give you an aching feeling tomorrow. You don’t want to admit anything to this monster. But his fist tightens at the roots of your hair, sending pain down your scalp right as his other hand reaches your clit and draws quick circles on it.
“I asked you something, sweetheart. Now fucking answer me.”
“I’m your slut! I’m your slut!” You repeat out, shame fills your belly as you give in to John’s desires, and he giggles in return.
“What an obedient girl you are.” John praises, his thrusts become slower, more passionate even, as if he’s rewarding you for answering him. Somehow, the slower and more sensual movement of his dick feels even better, especially with John incorporating those finger movements on your clit.
“Stop fuckin’ cleanin’, you’re doing a shit job anyway.” John grunts, swatting the brush out of your tiny hands and flipping your body over like a ragdoll. I mean, he’s not wrong, he just doesn’t have to be a dick about it.
“You think you can take me? You’ve been doin’ a good job so far. Better than cleaning, you got a talent for letting me fuck you like this.” John’s words are almost garbled and incoherent but you’re too afraid to shake your head. Before you can even respond, he shoves your cut up panties into your mouth, covering your lips with those calloused large hands, much to your dismay.
You muffle loudly, an attempted “What the fuck?!”, but he only snickered before pumping his cock back into your cunt, lifting your legs so your ankles could have resembled earmuffs on him. Your eyes roll back. He’s so fucking deep, John’s hand moved from your mouth to your throat, restricting your oxygen intake by squeezing as he fucks into you. Using you as his little play thing. Your sticky sweat coated flesh smacks against another, sending the sound throughout the house, along with your softened moans and whimpers.
“Your cunt belongs to me. Got it, bitch?” John asks, these things he is saying to you are fucking terrible, but you can’t help but be excited when they come out. You nod and bite down on what used to be your thong as he continued to rub your wet nub and fuck you hard. Your sharp fingernails dub themselves into his bare thighs, which will definitely leave marks later.
John hisses, but continues plowing into you nonetheless.
“Cum for me. Do it before I change my mind.” John ordered. Say less.
He didn’t have to ask you twice. While your eyes cross, your pussy pulses around his dick, as you become undone under him. Your walls flutter and you whimper loudly, your climax unraveling and finally giving you that oh so satisfying release. John grunts over you.
“That’s it, cum for me, who’s making you cum?” He asks.
“You are! Shit- you are, John,” you mumble into your underwear as your cock drunk state leaves you unable to adjust your body.
John laughs at your undoing, pulling your thong out of your teeth and slipping out of your cunt. It doesn’t take long for him to use his immense strength to lift you up onto your knees, as he gives his slick cock a few jerks with his hand.
In a state of euphoria, you don’t question the man who just gave you a mind blowing orgasm. Your lips part, and he bites his lip as the tip of his dick reached the back of your throat. Your eyes widen as he moans, fingers gripping into your hair once more as he fucks into your mouth a bit more. It doesn’t take long before he climaxed, spurts of cum that you’re forced to take and swallow, like the naive little thing you are.
The things a girl will do to make sure rent is paid in full.
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The next few days are certainly something. There are scratches on your face and some light bruising here and there on your body from your, ahem, shift, with John the other night. A male coworker even asked if you had a sprained ankle or something from the way you were walking into the office the next morning.
How embarrassing.
And now you find yourself, checking your mail and getting your rent bill in for the upcoming month. You roll your eyes, tearing the envelope open as your little dog jumps up on your leg, excited that you have arrived home. You aimlessly scratch his head, setting the invoice on your kitchen counter before feeding your pet a scoop of food, and grabbing the checkbook.
It’s almost like it slipped your mind that John had actually acquired your apartment building.
John does many things, but he doesn’t bluff.
Your eyes scan the piece of paper as it hits you like a brick.
Thank you for your business. Please send your payment of: $0.00 by March 1st, 2024.
What the fuck?
The stack of a few thousand dollars stares at you from your desk, and you swallow the lump in your throat. Your mouth dries up when the words in scribbled writing at the bottom read:
See you next week, pretty girl.
xoxo, J.
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306 notes · View notes
monarchberrysblog · 2 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a day in the life as a Resident in Nueva York’s Medical Hospital with miguel o’hara
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: medical terms (i'm no expert in medicine. i study law.), mentions of bodily fluids, loss, denial, the reader has MAJOR mommy issues (like miguel-), and heavy imposter syndrome. brief mentions of sex, suggestive comments, and ofc OOC MIGUEL.(FLIRTY ASS FOOL—)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: +4.5k words
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: (new aesthetic?) yeah… I watch Grey’s Anatomy. sue me. but that show has some good drama. part two might be around the corner, i really want to make this timeline make sense. And I based this heavily on a couple of episodes in Grey’s Anatomy! (Like I mentioned, I don't study medicine and if there are errors, I am sorry!)
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This is dedicated to the gossipers; all of you need some love. 💌
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"Mom," You meek out, seeing her asleep on that usual brown leather recline with a blanket. "Yes, mija?" She groans out from where she sat on her seat. "I've been thinking—" She turns her head to you, showing those exhausted eyes to you—those exhausted, dull, dead-set eyes you were used to seeing as a child. "Don't think." She mumbled. "It's a waste of time." She grumbles lowly. "Well, I was considering going to Stanford and—" She hummed before it slowly became a lowly laugh. "Ay, mija. You silly girl." She grasped onto her glass of wine, soon taking a well-needed gulp.
"Stanford has a low acceptance rate! They only accept four percent of applicants! They wouldn't even glance at your GPA or application! Don't think about even using nepotism to apply!" You look down at the red wooden floors in the living room, hiding away your embarrassment like a dog hiding its tail between its legs. "Sorry, mom…" You conjured up, not daring to make eye contact.
"Go homebound or something…!" She murmurs in a low tone before slouching on her recliner. "Stanford… Que estupida." She brings her blanket up to her chest more to cover herself.
Entering your childhood bedroom, the Stanford University letter sat on your mattress, waiting to be opened. While grabbing the letter, you tossed yourself on the bed and held it up in the air, seeing the crisp letter before you.
Here goes nothing…
The sound of birds with the drizzle of rain greeted you out of your sleep. Your blanket was nearly slipping off your figure, with your pillow barely holding onto the edge of the bed. You let out a low groan from the back of your throat, soon opening your eyes and looking over to your right. The red digital numbers on your nightstand read a number you didn't want to see.
05:25 A.M.
It was too early to start your day as an intern. But something woke you up for a reason.
"Hey, you…" The sudden burst of cologne and a warm embrace snapped you back to reality as a nuzzle to your cheek was the first thing you felt other than the strong arms around your waist from your one-night stand. Your underwear on the floor, along with the man’s boxers, said everything.
"You need to go…" You sighed, soon grabbing onto your pink blanket to cover yourself, and got out of bed. "What's with the rush? Get your ass back into bed; we can pick up where we left off last night." You rolled your eyes, gathered your disregarded panties and bra, and threw them in the laundry basket from nearby. "No, seriously. You have to leave. I'm kinda running late for my job." You sat on the bed, letting out a well-needed big, quiet yawn. To the man, the sight you gave him was adorable. But to you, you looked like hell.
The man grabbed his boxers and his clothes, bunched on the floor, and gave you a sight while dressing up again. The man has the back of an adonis.
"Enjoying the sight, cariño?"
"No," You pause, not even remembering this man before you while giving you a free show of him putting his clothes back on. "Miguel." He intervenes, almost reading your train of thought, barely taking off for the day. "Nice place you got here, very Victorian." Miguel cleared his throat, looking at the antique furniture. "It was my mother's." You huffed, not thinking about your words.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that…"
You looked at him in confusion, trying to conjure his words. The sinking realization brought you back to reality as you collected yourself. "Oh wait! She's very alive, not dead. Breathing and living." You exasperated, slipping around the blanket tightly around you. A chuckle filled the space as he kissed your temple gently. "Will I see you again, chiquita?"
"No?" He found the response more amusing than anything. He adjusted his shirt slightly before running his fingers through his messy hair. "Well, yeah? You can leave now because I'm going to take a shower, and when I'm done, you better be gone."
"I can just join you—" He adds, pulling you into a warm embrace.
"Just go."
The smell of rubbing alcohol and cleaning supplies filled the space, along with the hustle and bustle of doctors and nurses walking or running. You heard the manic talks of men and women were heard as you held onto your tiny purse of belongings. "Hey, girl!" A gentle nudge on your shoulder greeted you. "Oh, Jess!" You smile, acknowledging your ride or die. "Who are you interning for?" She smiles, adjusting her braids.
"The humbling reality."
"The humbling reality?" you questioned, nearly laughing at the persona. Yeah, it's Dr. Parker." She laughed, grasping her lunch bag. "Yeah," you chuckled, holding your purse. "I just didn't expect that nickname."
Jess shrugs. "Most residents call him that because of how he behaves." It was nothing but the truth. The man is in his early thirties, burned out, and has a baby. It's the only thing he talks about. It's endearing. "He always shows pictures of his baby to interns, so get ready to get bombarded."
"Alright, rule number one: Don't wake me up unless there is an emergency. I rarely get sleep at home since my baby girl is teething. She's been keeping me up."
"What a way to start my day as an intern…"
Following Dr. Parker or 'the humbling reality' felt like a task while you and the other interns caught up with the exhausted man. "If you have any quiet time, take it as a time to take a quick nap or to snack on something in the cafeteria." The man turned on his phone to glance at the time. "But I can't promise that it will last a while."
The phone's backdrop you glanced at revealed a tiny redhead playing presumably with his stethoscope, putting her mouth on the chestpiece. "Where's the cafeteria?" A voice questioned.
"Wish I can tell you, but you're gonna have to figure it out." Peter huffed out before grabbing a couple of pagers from a counter and glanced at them, soon handing them out to you and your interns.
"Another thing," He pauses momentarily before pointing at a specific door. "That door is the on-call room. Other doctors and nurses always take these rooms. So, sleep when you can, where you can."
A beep sounded as it cut Peter off during his mini-presentation before looking at the four interns, including you. "Another rule, please follow me."
"Ay, mija…" The older woman greeted you and Peter amongst the group of interns. Peter stays silent for a moment before he chuckles. You recognized the nurse before you, causing you to bite your tongue. "Did one of my interns catch your attention, Ms. Rodriguez?" Peter made his way over to the older Hispanic woman. The older woman nodded and gave you a weak smile. You smile in return, looking down at the ground.
"Peter, no need for formalities. Just call me Nurse Sofia."
Nurse Sofia, a scrub nurse you remember seeing a lot as a child, worked next to your mother for many years. She always brought you your favorite gummies or chips whenever she visited your mother. (Against your mother’s wishes.)
The memory of this older woman took over, and you ignored her conversation with Peter. The memory of her taking care of you while your mother was away in the hospital plagued you; how she would feed you her home-cooked meals, bathe you, and tuck you into bed always brought a smile to your face. The woman always made it a task to take you in as her own.
There were moments where, as a child, you saw her more as a mother than your birth mother.
Your train of thought ended as Peter placed a clipboard into your hands. He speaks to you, using your name to get your attention.
"You'll be taking care of Ms. Rodriguez." He pats your shoulder before he leaves with your other colleagues. Jess gives you a quick thumbs-up before following Peter along. The door behind them closes with a soft click, and you flip through the pages on the clipboard and sigh.
"It seems you'll be taking care of me instead." The older woman smiles gently and reaches out to hold your hands.
"I will try my best."
The first shift as an intern dragged on as you sat in the cafeteria with Jess, looking at the bland sandwiches and fruit cups before you on your tray. "I heard that you're looking over Nurse Sofia." Jess breaks the silence before she takes a bite from her home-cooked meal. "Yep." You huffed. "Didn't she take care of you?"
You nod, biting into the bland sandwich.
"She was my mom's, I mean, Cecilia’s scrub nurse."
Jess stopped eating her homemade pasta and put her fork down. A voice cut the conversation before the woman could ask more about the nurse. "Wait, is your mom the Cecilia?" Jess turned to look at the voice and at the other intern.
Her wavy, black hair got tied up in a messy bun, showing off her dark eyes and fair skin. She looked at you and frowned. "Your mom is Cecilia?" She then chuckled and did a second look. "She was the best surgeon here; what happened? Did she retire or something?" She sneers.
"Yes, she's vacationing in the Bahamas." You retort to her, not appreciating her attitude. The woman put her hands up in defeat, slowly hurrying away from the conversation. "Didn't mean to push your buttons." The woman sighed slightly, poking away at her salad.
"Xina, just stop." Jess sighs.
"Stop what?" The woman, now identified as Xina, leans back in her seat and gives you a shit-eating grin. "We all know that her mother is the Cecilia—" Jess glared at Xina, an informal form of telling her to shut up.
Xina shrugged before she looked off to the side and perked up a little from her reclined position. "Oh look, Dr. McDreamy, three o'clock," Xina smirks before fixing her hair and making herself look presentable. You glanced over to Jess and saw a disturbed look on her face. "He's mid." Jess shrugs, earning a chuckle from you before you look up to see this "Dr. McDreamy" Xina was talking about.
Oh… Oh no.
Peter B stood next to Miguel with a clipboard at hand while having a half-eaten donut on the other, having small talk with each other before you see Miguel roll his eyes at probably some crappy joke Peter told him or at an inconvenience he told him.
You looked down at your plate of half-eaten sandwiches and cleared your throat. "Yeah, Jess is right; he's mid." You coughed out, feeling the dry bread lodge in your throat. You grabbed your soda and took a small sip, relieving yourself.
You missed the person you were a few seconds before his head turned to look in your general direction. And then you felt it. His gaze fell onto you.
Oh fuck.
You looked down at your plate, almost as if the sandwich before you was the most exciting thing you saw the entire day, despite you looking at Ms. Rodriguez's yellow eyes and urine sample. "Hey," He calls out to you, enough to make you feel your heart drop to your ass.
"You're the intern shadowing me, right?"
What? No! Damn it, humbling reality! Did he switch me to be with this himbo??
"Maybe..." You answer flatly, shyly eating away at your dry sandwich. "I am."
Miguel nods and beckons you. "C'mon. You'll follow me this entire day instead of Peter." Miguel grumbles, not looking up from the clipboard.
God damn it.
Following Miguel around felt like a task more than anything. You would have to brisk around with purpose to catch up with the man. It was enough to piss you off. The final moment you caught your breath, you entered the elevator and took a deep breath. "You walk slow," Miguel grumbles, waiting for the doors to close. "Well, some of us are average and not as tall as you." You angrily huffed as you leaned back against the cold elevator and took a breather.
"Finally," You huffed angrily.
Silence carried the small space as the two of you stood silently. Tensions were rising like a tide on a full moon. "Dr. O'Hara-" Your words ended when Miguel chuckled at the formality you brought. This was someone else entirely in this elevator. Does he do this behind closed doors?
"Dr. O'Hara? This morning, it was Miguel. Now, it's Dr. O'Hara." He chuckled as the metal doors of the elevator closed. The color on your cheeks seemed to have failed you, but he didn't acknowledge it now. "Well, we should pretend what happened last night never happened." You breathed out as you moved a strand of hair away from your face.
"Pretend what never happened? The part where you were sleeping with me, or you nearly kicking me out of your home?" Miguel asks, adjusting his glasses.
"There goes that charisma you think is going to work. It is not." You heaved angrily, ignoring the growing feeling of embarrassment flushing onto your cheeks.
"It worked last night."
"You shut up. You've done nothing but become an inconvenience." You lowly grumble, crossing your arms and sighing. "I can become something else entirely in this elevator."
Just as he said it, you can hear the innuendo in his words.
"Dr. O'Hara," You scoffed, looking up at him. "This is highly unprofessional!" Miguel chuckles and ruffles your hair, leaving it into a muss. "I'm making a line, and you're crossing over it." You state with a firm tone.
You fixed your hair while making eye contact with the man you had a one-night stand. You give him an annoyed expression while doing so. The two of you stood in silence while the elevator continued up. "Well then, is this line imaginary or drawn with an Expo marker?" He croons, stepping close enough to smell his musk.
You pursed a frown on your lips, annoyed that this conversation was even happening, let alone see your sneaky link.
"Alright, chiquita, let's put this conversation on pause. It seems like my patient needs our help." The elevator dinging out loud filled the small space before the doors slid open. He rummaged through the pages before nodding with the information he was reading.
"Take her to radiology for an M.R.I. Beep me whenever you're done with that." Miguel demanded, handing you the familiar files of Ms. Rodriguez. You sighed, clutching onto the clipboard, and looked into blank space.
"You want the Whipple, correct?" He questions, giving you that all too-familiar smirk. You look at him again for a moment before you nod and get off the elevator first.
"I am so blessed to have you care for me, mija." The older Hispanic woman beamed weakly while you wheeled her to the first floor, more towards the ER area. "You know, there are different types of surgeons," Sofia continues as some doctors and nurses wave at her. "There are the types of surgeons who remember their patients' names, the ones who forget, and the ones who remember the surgeries."
"Your mom always remembered those surgeries."
You nodded to her words, and some hospital nurses greeted her and squeezed her hand. "Nurse Sofia," some greeted her, while some patted her shoulder. You exhaled and let the wandering doctors and nurses greet her before entering the radiology wing. "I'll be fine," she chuckled, disregarding the comments of worry and panic. You huffed out, not of irritation but of worry. This woman, who has raised you as her own, trusts her life in your hands.
"Let's get you ready for your MRI," you sigh, bringing the two of you into the radiology wing.
You hurried through the hallways of the hospital, holding onto the charts close to your chest. You halted in front of a whiteboard scribbled with surgeries planned out throughout the day. Skimming through the board, you hoped to see Nurse Sofia's name or even a mention of a Whipple.
No... Nothing... Nothing about a Whipple. Did he forget?
You made your way to Miguel, ignoring the slight fluttering-like feeling in your stomach. The fluttering feeling is enough to make you throw up in fear, but wanting to avoid any word vomit that could escape as well. "Dr. O'Hara," You called out confidently, standing straight like a pin. The moment his crimson eyes meet yours, the liquid feeling on your knees is enough to make you melt into a puddle of a warm, gooey concoction like honey on a marble counter.
Ignore the feeling, ignore the feeling, ignore the feeling-
"I see that you don't have Ms. Rodriguez scheduled for a whipple." You commented, ignoring the butterflies in your lower stomach. "Yes," Miguel replied. "Do you want me to write it down and schedule it?" Miguel furrows his brows and shakes his head. "I want to see her biopsy and overnight labs." He disregards your comment by adding a somewhat irrelevant comment instead.
"But we're still doing the surgery, right?" You ask, trying your best not to plead. But the look on your face said otherwise; the look on your face made it look like you were a kicked puppy wanting reassurance from its mother or owner. "The woman has pancreatic cancer; we're gonna do something." He forces a chuckle out before he ruffles your hair with his hand into a muss.
With furrowed brows, you felt a pout form and growled from the back of your throat. "You know what? No, can I talk to you?" You reprimanded, standing your ground.
"The floor is all yours, sweetheart."
You lead him from the busy space into a quiet hallway on that same floor. "I like what you're thinking, chiquita." He sneers. You glared at the man and shook your head. "What? NO! Get your head out of the gutter!" You demanded, deciding to lead the conversation.
"Have you Ms. Sofia's overnight labs and her liver panel?" You demanded, swallowing away the flutter in your heart. "Yes, and ...?"
"Yes? That's all you have to say? No, there's more to it. You know that the results suck. She is choking on her own vomit-" Your words come to an end as Miguel intervenes with his words.
"She is a very sick woman-"
"A sick woman with the need of the Whipple!" Your words silence the empty hallways, only hearing the sound of a draft. "Excuse me? Since when are you? Her surgeon? You are an intern following my orders." Miguel firmly questioned, flipping away from the flirty persona. He took her biopsy results away from your hold and read them. Your hands grasp the charts and pull them down from his view.
"No, don't look at those! Screw what that says! Because you know what I think?" The sense of heat rose to your cheeks, not the kind you get when you do something foolish but something of anger...
"I think that you didn't want to do the operation. You think it's a massive waste of time and want her to die here!" You scolded your words like venom, briefly pushing your feelings for the doctor away. The slight rise of his brow showed a look of being impressed, but the corner of his lips said otherwise. The subtle twitch makes you want to take those words back so severely that you want to get on your knees and take back your improper words. But what happened, happened.
But no, no backing down about what happened.
The silence and tension between the two of you is enough to suffocate anyone if they step into the space, almost as if they were in hell's gate. Heat crawls up your neck painfully, feeling it bubble up like boiling water in a geyser in Yellowstone waiting to be erupted. No words were exchanged as Miguel swiftly left the space, leaving you alone with your regret and embarrassment of literally yelling at your late-night rendezvous.
You sighed as you looked out to the dark outside of Nueva York, seeing the city lights brighten the horizon. You entered Sofia's room and sat in one of the chairs. A long exhale escaped, and you felt like your knowledge of the medical world had disappeared like you'd been a headless chicken running around. "How are you holding up?" the woman asked, turning her head in your direction.
A nervous laugh escapes, causing you to clear your throat awkwardly. "I feel overwhelmed." You nod with the statement, rubbing the exhaustion out of your eyes. Sofia hums and sighs. "You are like your mother, kind of." She chuckles. "Her whole life is about her knowledge about being a surgeon, and here you are, doing the same thing." You rolled your eyes playfully at her words.
"Think about something else?" She suggests, getting herself comfortable on the hospital bed. "It helps me when I'm overwhelmed."
You humor her and let your mind wander in the blissful silence you spared yourself.
The pull of being in a jungle gym fills your mind. You remember how you moved through the monkey bars as Sofia cheered you on, watching nearby from the bench she sat on. Or you remember taking early morning strolls with her during the summer while your tiny hand grasped hers firmly. Or how you let the mom label slip out, calling the scrub nurse your mom by mistake a handful of times.
A smile tugs at your lips as you recall the vivid memories, recalling your childish antics with her. "Be like your mother when it comes to diligence and adaptation, but be yourself for me."
The beep from your pager snaps you back into reality. "I got to take this," you tell her. With a simple nod from her, you return the gesture and hurry out of the room. "I'll see you soon?"
"I'll always be here, mija..."
Days staggered, like a blur of events mushed together, like making a week turn into a day with consecutive tasks. As the days passed, Sofia didn't seem to be better but worse, making every little task impossible. It felt like seeing her dance with the grim reaper at the edge of a cliff with such grace, a dance you never wanted to witness. But that waltz would come to an end...
You stepped back into the same room for the umpteenth time this week, going to nurse Sofia's room. "Morning, Sofia." You greet her with a lighter, soft tone. "Mija," The woman beckoned you to her, waving her hand to you.
You made your way to her, lightly grasping her hand. "It feels like the old days, doesn't it?" She quips weakly, soon having a small coughing fit. "Take it easy, Sofia..." You whisper to her, soon making your way to her. A mere silence fills the space before you break the silence. "You knew that you weren't going to get the Whipple. Didn't you?"
You breathed out. The older woman with graying hair nods slowly, slowly stroking her thumb against your knuckles. "Yeah, I knew."
"Why didn't you tell me? You would have saved me a lot of trouble from Dr. O'Hara."
The older woman shook her head and chuckled. "It was about time you stand up for what you feel."
Your heart dropped at this, and embarrassment painted your cheeks. "How did you...?" You breathed out before you shut your mouth. "Word spreads like crazy here in the hospital. It's like a wildfire in California; there's no way to stop it."
"Thank you for taking care of me..." Her cold hands began to tremble, tightly holding your hand. "Shhh... Don't speak, Sofia..." You whispered to her, feeling your heart accelerate uncomfortably as you anticipated the worst.
"I'll always be here..."
Her eyes drooped, clutching your hand with the familiar firm grip you remembered as a child. She had the exact grip whenever she took you to the park or around the neighborhood for a walk. "Sofia?" The barbed wire grip around your throat became suffocating while the burning sensation was at the brink in your eyes. You put your stethoscope on quickly and tried to hear a heartbeat. Nothing. "Mom?" You slipped out, trying not to sob on the spot.
"Sofia, stay. Please?" You begged, suddenly feeling like a seven-year-old once again.
It felt as if your body did the motions themselves, rushing over to push the alarm button and rushing back to her to initiate CPR. "No, no, no... Please, no." You breathed out, seeing some nurses come to your aid.
"Someone page O'Hara." You breathed, continuing with the chest compressions, narrow-minded to your surroundings.
"She's a DNR." A nurse tells you, looking at Sofia's charts and paperwork. "No!" You howl, continuing with the chest compressions, feeling tired and worn out from the motions. "Doctor, she's a do not resuscitate-"
"What the hell are you doing?" The familiar voice fills the space as you glance at Miguel's scowl, indicating sleep deprivation. "Let her go," Miguel demands, making his way over to you. "No." You bellow, barely holding it together. "Let her go! She has a DNR." Miguel pulls you away, nearly yanking you away in midair. "Okay!" You yelled out, looking down at the ground to hide that pained look on your face.
The mere two seconds felt like hours as you took in steady breaths. You looked down at your trembling hands, feeling sudden uselessness in your system.
"Call it..." Miguel demanded, snapping you out of it. He tried to make eye contact with you, but it was impossible as you looked at the white hospital tiles. The nurses began to turn off the heart monitors and continued with their procedure. You nod slowly and let out a shaky sigh. "Time of death... 06:23." You nod before you swiftly leave the room past the nurses and Miguel.
You sat by the stairwell in the hospital, trying your damn best not to cry in the middle of your shift. But the tears rolling down your cheeks showed signs of defeat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." You sobbed to yourself, wiping your tears away with trembling hands.
"You fucking blew it, Cecilia was right..."
The heavy door to the stairwell caused your sobbing to come to an end and to look at the source of the sound. "C'mere..." The voice croons to you like you were an abandoned kitten left in the cold rain. You didn't leave your spot from the stairwell, still sniffling and holding in your sobs, but the whimper-like animal noises made it an easy find.
Light footsteps head towards you while you stay hidden behind the stairwell. "There you are..."
You let out a slight whine before you started to cry loudly, using your white coat to wipe away your tears. Miguel kneeled down to where you sat and slowly reached over to you, pulling you into an embrace. You tried your best to squirm away but failed as he managed to hold you down. "Miguel, I failed her..." You choked out. "Cecilia was right-" You continued to choke on your words, barely forming your syllables and sentences.
"Shhh... It's okay." He whispers, rubbing his hand through your hair. "Let her go, okay?" He whispers, trying his best to calm you down.
You nod slowly, soon accepting the embrace and sobbing into his chest, allowing your cries to vibrate on his chest. "We did everything we could. It's okay, I'm sorry..."
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pyramid-of-starrs · 10 months
Don't Be a Sweat
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Pairing: Gamer Yunho x Gamer Fem Reader
Genre: Smut & Fluff
Warnings: Sub Yunho, dom reader, fem reader and parts but no fem names, cum eating, exhibitionism, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe pls), cursing, if its anything I missed pls let me know.
Word count: 4.8K (one day I'll get past 4k lol)
A/N: First sub Fic, I think I did an okay job but let me know if you like it!
Minors dni
Smut under the cut
The door to your best friend’s room opens and you and her walk into it, you both plop down on her bed tired from a long day of socializing. You both decided to do attend a "group date" that the designated match maker of your friend group set up. 3 hours of karaoke with the lamest guys you think you've ever met it was so dreadful and boring, you would have much rather been home streaming yourself playing overwatch or the new PSN free games of the month.
"I know what you're thinking Y/N." Your best friend turned to you and said,
"And what am I think little Ms. Mind reader."
"You're thinking "God those guys sucked I bet they couldn't even beat me in a 1v1 on Minecraft." or something like that." you both laughed.
"Good effort but you can't 1v1 on Minecraft there is no fighting on it, Minecraft is-"
"Ah- spare me the nerdy details I hear enough gamer bullshit with my brother. Anyway, what the hell was she thinking setting us up with that pack of losers of the year." She laughs and shakes her head.
"Oh god did you hear the one ranting about all women wanting money." you joined her in her laughing.
"If you're gonna ask me my income you're gonna need to cook and clean blah blah blah go live in the fucking 50s then! Oh, and the one that hounded you when you told him that you're a streamer."
"I bet I could beat you at this! I bet you've never heard of this! Like gag me, literally."
You two started laughing louder at your impressions of the men, they truly were just that pathetic, but to you, every man was.
Being a streamer, you run into your fair share of overly misogynistic incels that hate you just because you like games and have a vagina but in reality they would crumble at your feet if they ever saw you. Hot women that play games make men angry for some reason and you wanted nothing more than to break them down . Beating them after they whine about how you're a terrible and only popular because you're pretty, always made you smile. It was kind of a sick enjoyment you got out of beating them but who care, sweats get no sympathy from you.
Speaking of sweats as you and your best friend were enjoying having a laugh you suddenly heard loud knocking on the door. Your best friend rolled her eyes.
"Ugh What!" she knew exactly who it was.
The bedroom door swung open and in walked your best friends twin brother Yunho. Yunho was also a gamer like you, very tall and handsome but you two have never seen eye to eye. Ever since the day you became friends with BF/N Yunho terrorize you. Calling you names,  embarrassing you in front of guys, making fun of your hair and outfits and just being an all-around bully. Eventually feelings became mutual, and you only put yourself around him to hang out with your friend but other then that you and Yunho couldn’t even have a conversation with out arguing.
“Can you guys shut the fuck up already? I’m trying to play squads with the guys, and they can barely hear me over you two.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever they will live.” Your best friend said while trying to wave her brother off.
You let out another giggle “You guys can barely shoot straight I’m sure we aren’t the reason you guys are losing, y’all just suck.”
You and BF/N started laughing together again as she slapped your shoulder.
“Ohhh Y/N maybe we should invite Yunhos friends over they are actually kinda hot and a few game like you, you’ll really like the really hot one uhm what’s his name- oh San!”
“Ooouuu, he sounds sexy, maybe we should invite them over.”
“As fucking if, my friends would never date a chick like Y/N.” Yunho rolled his eyes.
“And what the hell kinda chick am I Yunho.” You folded your arms and tilted your head ready to pop off at him.
“The kinda chick who can’t keep a guy even if he was locked in her basement because no one wants her ugly ass.”
“Now I’m ugly? Well, who dyed their hair Blonde just to get a girl that ended up fucking everyone BUT you.”
His ears and face turned red in embarrassment.
“Sis, you told her about that?”
“Yuyu, I had too, I wanted her to feel bad so you guys could talk, and you could finally tell her you like her.”
Boy if his face wasn’t red then it sure was red now, he even tried wiping the embarrassment off.
“What !? As if I would like some girl that spends all her time gaming and talking shit online like a fucking loser. I’d never date someone like her!”
“Good cause it’ll never fucking happen, maybe I should do what BF/N said and fuck your friend just to piss you off!” You stood up at this point, who the hell does he think he is calling you a loser.
“Fuck you Y/N!” He yelled before walking out and slamming the door, thank God Yunho and BF/N moved out and into their shared apartment so their parents didn’t hear the argument.
You plopped back down on the bed.
“God what the fuck is his problem? It’s like he hates my guts for no reason.”
“It’s just like I said Y/N, the boy likes you.” She yawned and stood up to change into her sleeping clothes.
“What? BF/N be serious here.”
She finished getting ready for bed and you got up to change into the shorts and shirt you brought with you to spend the night.
“I am being serious; he’s always liked you that’s why he’s mean to you.”
She got up and turned off the lights and got under the covers, you did too, you two faced each other.
“If you don’t believe me, ask him yourself tomorrow, good night, Y/N.”
You two eventually drifted off to sleep but your mind was still racing, did Yunho really like you? Isn’t that “boy is mean to the girl he likes” trope only in moves and poorly written fan fics? (Girl I’m trying my best)
Around 2am you were woken up by Yunho yelling, he was most likely playing the game with his friend, you could hear him faintly saying “Bro get him” and “Fuck” in the next room. You were going to go back to sleep but decided to see if what your friend said was true because it was slowly eating you up. You got up and walked to the room next door and knocked on his door. You could hear him telling his friends he would be back and then he opened the door. He had on random graphic tee and some grey sweatpants; fuck why does it have to be grey sweatpants. His room was nice, the lights were out but the LED strips around his bed still lit up the room.
“Oh, its you, what do you want?”
“Um, well can I talk to you for a second?”
“I mean I guess…” he walked back over to the gaming chair that was stationed in front of his TV and sat back down.
You decided to sit on his bed on the edge facing the TV and there was a brief awkward silence before he broke it.
“You came to my room just to sit here and stare?”
“Spit it out dude God, what’s your problem why can’t you be normal?”
Even with you trying to talk to him he just pisses you off.
“I heard you got the new street fighter game, lets play it.”
“What ?”
“Yea let play, loser has to do whatever the winner says.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, no I’m going back to playing with my friends.” He picked up his controller and put his headset back on. You just couldn’t understand why Yunho was so mean to you, what you ever did or why he just woke up and chose to treat you this badly. If what your friend said was true then you needed to find out, tonight! While Yunho continued to play with his friends you took matters into your own hands and snatched his headset and controller.
“What are you-“
“Sorry, Yunho is busy he’ll get back on later.” You said directly into the mic then quit his game mid match.
“Y/N What the fuck is your deal?”
“Shut up.”
He sat quietly while you started up the street fighter game, you tossed him back his controller and grabbed the unoccupied one and turned it on.
“Now like I said, loser has to do what ever the winner says got it?”
You two selected your characters and the match started, 3 rounds, unlimited time. You and Yunho played while making random grunting sounds and shouting one worded taunt but even he couldn’t match up to your acute game skill. The match ended with you as the winner, and you raised your hands in victory.
“That was such BS.”
“Don’t be a sore loser YuYu.”
“Don’t call me that! I’m not a kid any more Y/N.”
“Whatever, since I won you have to do whatever I say now.”
“What do you want me to do.”
“Hmm…for now you have to sit next to me on the bed.” You said in a slightly shaky voice.
He arched his eyebrow but chose not to question it getting up from his gaming chair and sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. Your heart started to beat a bit faster, Yunho has never made you feel this way before but with the thought that he may like you in mind it made you feel a bit shy.
“Earth to Y/N, come on let’s go again.”
“Y-yeah okay let’s play.”
Why was this making you so shy, you aren’t that kind of person especially for Yunho, so why is the thought of him liking you driving you crazy. You had zoned out thinking and didn’t realize you were losing, by the time you snapped out of it you had lost the match.
“I thought you were supposed to be some awesome ass gamer, that was terrible.”
“Shut up! What do you want me to do ?”
“How about you play in just your bra from now on.”
You scoffed because you knew that he was doing this to embarrass you, you knew he just wanted to belittle you. Even if he did like you, he was still an ass, and you were determined to finally put him in his place.
“Fine you want to play it like that, say less.”
You took off your night shirt and Yunho looked back at the TV to get ready to play the next round. Round after round Yunho lost to you because you had to show him who’s the top gamer here. You kept his theme of stripping, and he was left playing in just his underwear, his face was red as a tomato, and he was flustered playing. The next round started, and he pulled the ultimate foul move of gaming, pausing to see the move list.
“Come on YuYu don’t be scared of losing.” You laughed at his embarrassment.
He growled lowly. “Shut up, why are we even doing this anyways?”
“I have my reasoning, so come on and lose like a champ.”
Your eyes focused back on the TV and before he could unpause the game to take his loss, a message from one of his gaming friends came up.
xX_CallMeDaddyMin_Xx: Yo, Yunho did you screw that streamer chick your sister is friends with finally lol.
You both read the message and before you both could react another friend sent another message; you realize it’s coming from the group party chat. You disconnected his mic but forgot to leave the party too.
__bl00dy__San__: Yeah, tell her how you always watch her streams, probs jack off to them to lmaooooo.
Before anymore messages could come through, he turned off the TV.
“Ge-Get out I’m going to bed.”
He was a blushing mess, everyone just kept outing his little secrets today, he got under the covers and covered his face, and you couldn’t help but giggle at him, he was so cute when he was shy, and you hated to admit it. You crawled up next to him, now was your chance to get some revenge.
“Come on YuYu, tell me if what they said was true.” You snaked your hand under the covers slowly, trickling down his leg.
“Leave me alone.”
“Do you watch my streams YuYu?”
“Go the hell away Y/N” he said in a muffled shy voice, you needed to tease him more now, this was your area of expertise. Once again you were used to toxic guys trying to come into your streams to harass you, but you had a love for turning those same yelling dickheads to whimpering messes, it gave you so much power, and to finally have that advantage over the same guy that has bullied you for years. You were going to enjoy this way more then you should, and so was he, you reached up and whispered into his ear.
“Why YuYu? Don’t wanna admit you like to watch me stream even though you hate me.”
Your hands reached his V line, you played with the band of his boxers.
“I-I don’t hate you…”
“Oh really? How do I make you feel then YuYu?”
Your hands dived into his boxers, and you found his semi hard length, you started to rub up and down the shaft slowly to really tease him. One thing you hated to admit about Yunho was that he was packing. You grew up seeing him in all kinds of clothing and sometimes would see the outline, but you’d rather choke then admit he had a big dick but now that you’re feeling it it’s undeniable.
His bit back a small moan at the feel of your fingers on him, his mind was racing, the girl he’s been madly in love with since they were snot nosed was in his bed feeling him up, how could he possibly function.
“….you’re okay I guess.” He continued to hide his face in the covers.
“No, no little baby, I need a better answer then that, or do you just want me to stop and leave.” You stopped moving your hands but didn’t take them out of his underwear.
“No…please don’t stop.”
“Oh, you don’t want me to stop YuYu? Am I making you feel good? Is that why you watch my streams? Because I make you feel good baby.”
He didn’t respond so it was time to push these answers out of him, or more so rub them out of him. You gripped the base of his length and started to slowly pump his dick, he let out a soft moan at the sudden friction and it made your clit jump, you needed more and so did he.
“You…you look nice when you’re gaming.”
“Aww thank you baby but I’m asking you how I make you feel, so tell me that.”
Moving your hands up and down his shaft you directed your attention to his tip, pumping it tightly as precum slowly oozed out of it, you spread it over his tip the more you pumped, you wish he wasn’t so shy so you could watch his pretty pink tip be teased right now.
“Do I turn you on Yuyu? When I watch and degrade those guys on my stream does it make your dick throb? Do you wish I was talking to you?”
He could barely focus, the slow stroking on his length made him dizzy because the sensation was so strong.
“How about you let me see you Yuyu, let me see you fall apart for the girl you claimed to hate all these years.”
You pull the cover back and pull his dick out of his boxers, his dick was red and ready to burst, the tan shaft had pretty veins bulging on it, he had some girth, but the length was something to look at.
“Wow Yuyu your dick is so pretty for an asshole.”
He covers his face and looks away from you, he didn’t know rather he wanted to disappear or cum, your teasing was so sexy, but he didn’t envision the first sexual encounter with you going like this, but he wasn’t mad at it either. You started to pump his dick even more and moved down to it. As you pumped his dick faster, he bit down on his lips hard.
“Don’t hide YuYu let me see what you look like when you cum, is that what you want baby? You want to cum for me like a desperate little slut?”
“Please what baby?” You kept a steady pace as your grip tightened a bit.
“…please let me cum for you Y/N.”
You grinned a bit at his begging.
“Show me Yuyu, show me how you touch your self when you watch my streams.”
He was shy but he was desperate, he sat up and you removed your hand from his needy dick, and he replaced it with his own. He avoided your gaze, his whole face was red, and his eyes were low, he wanted to cum for you so bad it was driving him crazy. He started to pump his sensitive cock, throwing his head back onto the LED lit bedframe, breathy moans coming from his plush M shaped wet lips.
“Ah…Y/N…please watch me cum.” He tightly closed his eyes as he could feel his climax steadily approaching.
You had a lustful yet evil smile on your face.
“Of course, baby I’ll watch you stroke your slutty dick all night if you want me too, but I want to see more baby so don’t cum just yet, okay?”
He opened his eyes, his vision was hazy, his climax was right on the horizon and having him hold it only made it worse.
“Please…please let me cum for you Y/N” his grip on his shaft was firm as he continued to fall apart under you gazes.
“Mm well since you ask so nicely and you’re so desperate, go ahead and cum for me Babyboy.”
His moans were soft but got louder as his strokes became faster until his came. He shot hot ropes of cum from his throbbing cock, he continued to pump as it shot out and landed on his legs. His chest puffed in and out as he held his dick in his hands, he tilted his head on the side of the headrest of the bed. You giggled at his fucked-out state.
“You’re actually so cute YuYu.” You gathered up all the cum that came out onto your fingers, his eyes opened to see what your next step was. You put your now cum covered fingers into your mouth and sucked all of it off as he watched.
“Come on Yuyu, I want to play some more.” You sat on your legs and reached behind you to unclasp your bra, when you removed it Yunhos eyes was glued to your 2 mountains. You took it a step further and removed your shorts and underwear. Yunhos breathing spiked again and his softened rod started to rise once again.
“Do you want to touch me Yuyu? Go ahead and touch me wherever you like.”
He eagerly nodded his head and reached out both hands and gripped both your breast, he started to massage them.
“Ah~ that feels so good, touch me more okay Yunho.”
He brushed his thumbs over your nipples, and you moaned even more, your aching cunt became hot as you threw your head back.
“Ca-can I kiss you?” he shyly asked.
“Of course, baby.”
He didn’t waste another minute and planted a hot kiss on your lips. You’ve had sex with plenty of guys before and kissed lots of them, but this wasn’t like any kiss you’ve ever had, this kiss had dept and meaning to it, however now that you realized it, this whole moment felt so sensual. His touch on your breast gave you goosebumps and his tongue entering your mouth made you want him even more, you never realized just how much your body yearned for Yunho until now. Your tongues were doing an elaborate dance before he disconnected your mouths.
“Y/N…I need to taste you please…” Before you could even respond he pushed you down and got between your legs.
“You’re such an eager little baby, you want to taste my pretty little pussy that bad?”
He once again nodded eagerly, the look in his eyes looked like he wanted to literally eat you. You decided to give him what he is craving, and you spread your legs nice and wide so he could get a nice view, he leaned down and put his face inches away from your soaking cunt, he was so close you could feel the small breaths he was taking.
“It’s so pretty Y/N” Your face got hot at the compliment, one of the rare times he has complimented you and its about your pussy, you felt like melting. He licked one long stripe from your hole to your clit, then flicked his tongue on your nub, your legs flinched to close, and he swiftly brought his hands up to hold your legs open. He was eating your pussy like he was on death row, and this was the last meal he requested. Your back arched and staggered moans started to come from your mouth. He inserted one then two fingers into your hole, your pussy clenched and unclenched repeatedly around them as he sucked your clit like it was a lollipop. Your hands gripped his newly bleach blonde hair.
“You’re doing so good Yuyu, I’m going to cum on your pretty face if you keep going baby.”
“Please Y/N, please cum on my face, I need more of you.”
He hadn’t even entered you yet and he was already pussy drunk, he kept licking your core like his life depended on it. Your hips started to buck and you grinded down on his face, the feeling of his lips wrapped around your clit and his long slender fingers deep inside you, you had reached your limit. You came on his face, your clit throbbed, your hole started to squeeze his finger tightly, you had a firm grip on his hair, and he kept lapping up your juices. Over stimulation started to kick in and it seemed like Yunho had no plans on stopping anytime soon. You tried to push his face away, but he was stronger than you and kept going.
“Yunho! I’m gonna go crazy and wake your sister up, stop!”
He finally released your swollen nub from his lips and took his fingers out of you, he looked up at you with his face covered in your wetness, his eyes looked to pure and sincere yet the entire scene of him still having your legs spread wide was everything but pure.
“I’m sorry…I just need you so bad Y/N…”
“Then hurry up and fuck me Yuyu.”
His eyes gleamed like a kid that just got told he can open his gifts on Christmas eve and not Christmas.
“R-really? Oh my god okay let me grab a condom.” He excitedly got up and walked over to his dresser. He grabbed on condom from the top drawer, and you could swear you saw his invisible golden retriever tail wagging, he was so cute you giggled to yourself. He walked back over as he was tearing open the condom, he fully removed his boxers before getting back between your legs. He rolled the condom all the way down his length and lined himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? We don’t have too if you don’t want to.”
You reached up to cup the side of his face and smiled warmly at him.
“I want this Yuyu, please take me, I need you just as much as you need me right now.”
He leaned down to kiss you deeply and inserted the tip into you. You winced as your pussy began to stretch around his dick. He kept the slower pace as you moaned into his mouth, his length just kept coming, it felt like it was never ending. Once he bottomed out in you, he stopped the kiss.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay baby, I promise.”
He stroked into you once. Twice. Three times. Then stopped deep in you and closed his eyes tightly as he held his position inside of you.
“What’s wrong? I told you I’m okay, you can keep going.”
“I-I know but- I’m not” a rosy blush covered his high cheeks bones yet again and that’s when you put two and two together.
“Yuyu did you…did you cum?”
He pulled out of you and the condom was filled with his cum, he took the condom off in embarrassment and tossed it into his bedside trash You wanted so badly to tease him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, instead you reached your arms out to invite him in for a hug and he gladly accepted it. He dropped down on your body, and you hugged him tightly, even though he just came his dick was still hard as rock.
“Are you still horny Yuyu?”
“Yea but that was my last condom.”
“So, you are a little slut huh?”
“Not now Y/N” he was still sad that he couldn’t fully experience his first-time having sex with you the way that he wanted too.
“…Are you clean?”
“Of course, what kinda question is that?”
“…well, I am too.”
“What are you saying right now Y/N?” He leaned up to make sure he was understanding exactly what you were saying, and he wasn’t just hearing what he wanted to hear.
“I’m saying…if you want to keep going without a condom…we can…I trust you.”
That was all Yunho had to hear, he leaned back down onto you, and you hugged him again, he reached down and lined himself back up into your entrance and slid his dick back into you. His ear was right by your mouth as you let out a throaty moan, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly, pumping into your pussy slowly and deeply. You gripped both his shoulders and drip your nails into them.
“You feel so good inside me Yuyu it’s so deep.”
He started to pump into you deeply, his tip hitting your spot like it was a drum as he drilled into you. He groaned as the over stimulation and his soon approaching climax was rushing forward.
“I’m about to cum Y/N please cum with me.”
You dragged your nails up and down his back leaving red streaks up and down his back as he stroked deeply into you. You started to see stars; you tried your best to moan quietly but you couldn’t the feeling was too amazing. In perfect sync you two came together, you could feel the hot liquid deep inside you, thank God you were on birth control or you’d for sure be good as pregnant.
He still held you tightly and gave no signs of letting go, his dick softened inside of you.
“Yunho pull out so I can wipe up.”
“I want to stay in you forever Y/N, I love you so much.”
You couldn’t help but smile when he said that.
“I’m so sorry I’ve been so awful to you, it’s not an excuse but you drive me so crazy, and hearing about that stupid group date my sister dragged you too pissed me off so bad. I want to be the only one taking you out, I want to be the only one seeing you like this…” He kept going, just spilling out all these feelings he had held in for years, you felt like your heart was going to explode. As he was still talking, you pulled him into a kiss.
“I like you too loser.” You kissed him again and he slid out of you, you could feel everything seeping out of you, he reached over to his bed side table and grab a few of the tissues that were in the tissue box. He carefully wiped out your overstuffed pussy and threw the tissues away. He pulled the cover over you both and brought you in too cuddle.
“Yunho, I have to sneak back into your sisters’ room before she wakes up.”
The door swung open, and your best friend stood in the door frame with dark circles under her eyes.
“Too fucking late for that, I’m glad you two worked out your feelings for each other but next time do it quietly and when I’m not fucking home.” She slammed the door as she left, and you and Yunho just laid their giggling with each other.
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bit-odd-innit · 10 months
"Oh hell yeah." Argyle tips his head down to hang between his knees, clapping reverently and in time as he rises to the next song on Jonathan's mix. "Let's fuckin' goooooooo." Jonathan's nose scrunches around a laugh. "You don't strike me as a John Denver fan." Argyle's arms are up above his head, swaying elegantly in sync with the wind-swept branches above them. Robin is on her feet too, mimicking him, looking like an ancient aunt at a wedding attempting the YMCA. "As far as I'm concerned, dyood," he grabs Robin's wrists and maneuvers her to be somewhere in the neighborhood of the rhythm. "Anyone who's cool with the Muppets? S'cool with me. COUNTRY ROOOOOOADS—" Tonight was meant to be a relaxed night, an evening where the older kids could unwind, but there's an unshakable Finality to it. Jonathan and Argyle are shipping back to California in a few days, and it's a matter of weeks before Robin and Nancy head east for college. Steve's parents at last sold the house (well under asking, his mother loves to remind him) so he's crashing at Eddie and Wayne's Bright Shiny New Ranch for the foreseeable future. Steve's chest sinks. He's never going to be with these people, in this place, ever again.
Beside him, Eddie giggles.
"You amused, Munson?" He asks, rolling his head to the side. They're all more than a little high and more than a little drunk, but Steve and Eddie are the only ones who have fully laid back in the high grass behind the Hopper-Byers home. Steve thinks, briefly, of ticks. The bonfire he and Jonathan cobbled together flares orange, illuminates Eddie's cheekbones. Steve watches his plush pink lips silently mouth the words of the song, eyes closed. Steve's heart clenches. "Big fan of the Muppets, I assume," he says instead of you're everything to me. Eddie's whole face pinches in on itself, caught. "Are you surprised? I'm friends with Henderson, am I not?" Steve's laugh pulls him upright, his fist twisted in Eddie's tee shirt dragging him along for the ride. He's more than a little worried about ticks. Eddie follows him, still giggling, face pushed into Steve's shoulder. Across from them Nancy and Jonathan slow dance. There's something mournful about it; Nancy's hand curved around the back of Jonathan's neck, eyes and jaw hard; Jonathan rubbing his thumb on the small of Nancy's back, eyes watery and set somewhere far in the distance. Nancy's arm flies out and Robin is there at once, curved into her side. Argyle is there too, crushed against Jonathan's back, one hand still wrapped around Robin's wrist.
"Where you from?" Steve asks, feeling as stupid as the question sounds. Eddie squints. "Where d'ya think I'm from, baby?" And ah, God, fuck, shit. Because baby started as a joke. Baby built off their goofy innocuous teasing of darling and sweetheart and my love because they're friends and friends tease, but Eddie called Steve baby and his entire circulatory system collapsed, could only recalibrate by calling Eddie honey, watching his dark eyes go liquid soft, his body melting against him. They're friends. "You're from..." He gestures vaguely. "Not here?" Eddie laughs again, his breath warm against his collarbone.
"I'm from Kentucky," he lets his voice dip into his natural accent and Steve shivers. "I moved here in middle school when Wayne got the job at the factory."
"You miss it?" He tips his head so he mouths the question into Eddie's hair, in the space above his ear. Eddie hums and Steve digs his nails into the underside of his thigh to stop himself from jolting. "I don't remember enough about it to miss it," he says. "But I love this song, and it makes me miss something I don't think I ever had. Does that make sense?" Argyle, who is the closest he's ever been to the East Coast, tips his head back to face the canopy of trees and screams, "WEST VIRGINIAAAAAAAAA—"
Steve leaps to his feet, dragging Eddie with him.
"Dance with me."
Eddie's fingers curve around Steve's. "What about your girl?" "She's fine." Behind them, Jonathan Nancy and Robin kick out the square dance they learned in middle school gym class. Robin is one step behind, dragged along by the elbow Nancy has hooked around her bicep. Argyle watches, nodding and fascinated. Steve pulls Eddie in, chest to chest, hand crawling up to cradle the back of his skull, and murmurs, "take me home..."
He doesn't remember a lot after that. He remembers the thrust of Eddie's body, the soft press of his mouth. He remembers Nancy's squeaky "Oh!", Argyle's affirmative hum, Robin's hyena-like cackle that said he was going to get destroyed tomorrow, and the buzz against his lips. Eddie giggles, pulls him closer. "Take me home," he sings, and Steve thinks, we already are.
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eyeofnewtblog · 9 months
Things that happen at work:
Got hired by a trucking company doing admin to safety stuff.
My new boss, in the interview: I’d love to have you start on *specific date* so that we can do the on boarding stuff, but we’re going to have the Driver Appreciation BBQ literally the day after and I want everyone to meet you.
Me: That’s honestly a good plan. I’m completely available for whatever happens, what time do I need to be there?
My actual second day of being hired and going through the whole set up of Driver Appreciation BBQ Day:
*chopped four onions for burgers and sobbed in the break room*
My boss: *lightly supervises but is honestly a Party Queen because she’s a Hispanic mom and is used to throwing parties for 100 plus people in her own backyard let alone a work bbq, you don’t even understand she literally looked at the corporate list of supplies and was like “nah, too much. Mmm. Maybe. Hm. Not enough.” AND WAS EXACTLY RIGHT she owns her own bouncy house, she’s got this shit on lockdown, ok?
So like two hours into this polite bullshit introductory hell scape (I am fine with meeting new people in large groups but I hate meeting people in “sterile corporate” settings, like, if I’m going to remember you, it’s because you did something actually meaningful or interesting, NOT because you shook my hand for five seconds and said you go by Steve or Becky…)
Me, to EVERYONE because my job is to Hand Out Shirts and Lunchboxes: Hi! I’m the new girl from Safety! Who are you exactly? Please don’t expect me to remember you, I’m terrible at putting names and faces together, but I’m sure we’ll talk again soon! What size T-shirt do you want? Here’s your lunch box!
Me: *finally gets a break and sits down to eat some honestly decent brauts and potato salad, deliberately choosing to sit next to one of the drivers that’s been at the company for a while* Hi, how’s it going? I’m the new safety girl!
Older driver whose name I don’t know YET: I’m doin’ pretty good with all this free food. So, you gonna stick around after the little one comes along, or are you gonna leave us high and dry like the last one?
Me, honestly pretty angry but trying to be cool: Not pregnant, just fat.
*very very very awkward silence, like this dude knew that he fucked up, but also the way my body is shaped I really don’t blame him for thinking what he did*
He did actually apologize right then and there, and honestly the entire way he went about everything was from a genuinely good place, and I personally thought it was funny after it was all said and done. Verbal on the spot forgiveness type stuff.
Guess who fucks up the very next day by UNINTENTIONALLY losing a very important document of the exact driver who “insulted” me?
Yeah. So. I spent my entire first week on a brand new job searching through three giant filing cabinets and 20 years worth of documents for ONE fucking medical card. I didn’t find it. Believe me, I looked at every single piece of paper in those cabinets, I have no fucking clue where I put it.
The driver was really nice about it and we had a good laugh about him putting his foot in his mouth and me swearing up and down I didn’t do it for revenge.
Honestly I have no idea how any of this will turn out, but every one seems nice so far so I’m really hopeful.
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
a rather violent or might be crack prompt ; Melissa had a real bad morning. From her house and on her way to Abbott, all she encountered are misfortune, the barista didn't even made her coffee right and cursed to she's just centimeters away from punching someone. The reader, however is excited for her new job and parked on Melissa's favorite parking spot [she didn't know it is Mel's parking spot yet]. Ava was introducing the new teacher in the break room when Melissa burst in and asked who owns the jeep wrangler, the reader smiled sweetly and said it's her and hi. Which made Melissa even more pissed because she's so done and it's not even 9 in the morning and goes like "yeah, so it's you? well, Say hi to this" and punched the new teacher in the face breaking her nose lololol. The whole Abbott staff was GAGGED. But later on she apologize and the new teacher is very understanding. Ava was thankful because she said she cannot go to the court again, because apparently she had to go twice already that week. Lol. This is crazy, I know.
Alrighty! Here’s one of the ones that’s on the list! Anon it may be crazy but so am I lol. Crazy for our favourite redhead. This one is short but sweet. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m thinking of expanding the area of who I write for. Because while I’m completely obsessed with Lisa Ann Walter (she’s my favourite), I also like the thirteenth Doctor and Beverly (Jodie Whittaker), Misty Quigley and Marilyn Thornhill(Christina Ricci), Agatha Harkness and Eve Fletcher(Kathryn Hahn), and Moraine Sedai (Rosamund Pike). Let me know if any of those interest you!
The Stolen Parking Spot
Warnings: Feisty Mel (although that’s just regular Mel lol), reader gets punched
Words: 1.56
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Melissa is having one of those mornings when nothing goes right. She forgot to set her alarm which caused her to wake up at 7 instead of 6, which then caused her to quickly have a shower and not dry her hair. Which then caused her to get distracted and forget her lunch and coffee. Which was sad since she was looking forward to those leftovers. She quickly stopped at the coffee shop down the street from Abbott to get a coffee and they screwed it up. When she finally got to Abbott she saw that someone even parked in her parking spot. ”THIS FUCKING MORNING!” Melissa yelled in her car. She had to park in the very last spot, furthest from the door. On the way to the door she tripped and dropped her screwed up coffee. She swears that she’s gonna punch someone.
She looked at the car that’s in her spot and sees it’s a jeep wrangler, who the bloody hell can afford a jeep wrangler on our paycheck. Melissa stomps her way to the break room and looks at the time, 7:50, 10 minutes until school starts. When she got to the break room she slammed the door open and yelled, “who owns the Jeep wrangler in the parking lot?!!?” and all eyes turn to her, including a new pair of eyes, yours.
You were excited to start your new job today. You turned your alarm clock off and looked at the time, 6:15am. Perfect! You got in the shower, then after brushed your teeth and hair, dried your hair then applied some eyeshadow and lip balm, not a lot but a thin layer. You packed your lunch and then set off to Abbott. You quickly stopped at the coffee shop down the street from the school and got an amazing cup of coffee from there, you might have to return back here to get another. Just as you were about to get in your car, you see this beautiful redhead stomp up into the shop, she looks like she’s having a rough morning you think, you hope it turns around for her. You park in the parking lot then walk up to the doors and enter. You meet the principal and she brings you to the break room to meet everyone. “Everyone! This is y/n y/l/n! Our new 6th grade teacher, since the other one…nvm what happened there, she’s gone and y/n here is the new one.” Ava replies. Janine and Jacob immediately go up and introduce themselves to you just as another teacher storms in here, “who owns the Jeep wrangler in the parking lot?!!?” And everyone, including you, turns to look at her, and you raise your hand.
“Hi, I own the Jeep Wrangler, I’m y/n, it’s wonderful to meet you!” You tell her and she looks pissed.
“Yeah, so it’s yours?” She asks and you nod. “Well say hi to this!” She says and punches you in the face and you tumble back into Jacob and Janine and your nose starts bleeding. Everyone looks at Melissa and you in shock, everyone’s jaw dropped. Ava rushes to hand you napkins for your nose and then Janine quickly rushes you to the nurse.
Back in the break room, all eyes are on Melissa, Ava quickly rushes out, not wanting to get involved. Barb is the first one to speak, she gets up and makes her way to Melissa.
“Melissa, why did you punch that poor innocent woman?” She asks her, and it seems all of Melissa’s anger left her body already and looks guilty.
“I didn’t mean to. I just had a really bad morning and she parked in my spot and I tripped and lost my coffee.” She says and at that, Jacob quickly makes her a cup of coffee and hands it to her. “Thanks Jacob.” She says and Jacob almost trips when she tells him that since there’s no added insult.
“I should go and apologise to that girl. Who is she anyway? I've never seen her before.”
“Oh that’s y/n, the new sixth grade teacher, it’s her first day.” Jacob says and Melissa looks even more guilty.
“First day? Oh great. First day and gets punched in the face, great welcome.” Melissa says and Janine returns at that moment.
“Nurse is looking at her nose and thinks it’s a broken nose but just a little bit broken.” She says and Melissa facepalms.
“Janine, do you mind taking my class for a bit? I’m gonna go apologise to her.” Melissa says and Janine immediately agrees.
“I can watch over her sixth grade class.” Jacob says. “I have a prep period.”
“Ok ya, you do that.” Melissa says defeated and then she goes to the nurse’s office. She walks in and sees the nurse finishing up the bandage on your nose. “Hi.” She says to you after the nurse said you're good to go and you look over to her with wide eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to punch you again. I wanted to apologise.” She tells you after you get off the bed.
“Oh it’s alright, no hard feelings. I promise I won’t park in your spot again.” You tell her and then thank the nurse and then you leave, Melissa trailing behind you.
“Wait a second, can I talk to you for a minute please.” She says and you turn around to look at her.
“The bell rang like 5 minutes ago and I got a room full of students waiting for me and I’m sure you got one too.” You tell her.
“Well actually Jacob is looking after your class right now and Janine is watching mine while I came to apologise to you.”
“Like I said, no hard feelings. You’re very protective of your spot, I get it.” You tell her and she sighs.
“It’s not about the spot, it would have been fine if all the other things that happened to me this morning didn’t happen. I would have still been annoyed that you parked in my spot but I wouldn’t have punched you.” She tells you and you look at her and remember the woman outside the coffee shop this morning.
“Wait, did you stop at the coffee shop down the street?” You ask her and she nods. “I saw you walking in there as I was about to get in my car. You looked pretty pissed, I silently hoped your morning turned around but I guess not.” You tell her.
“Ya I’m not having the best morning, I forgot to set my alarm so I woke up an hour late. I could dry my hair since I didn’t have time, I forgot my lunch and coffee which I was looking forward too. And the coffee shop didn’t get my coffee right. And after I had to park in the furthest spot, I tripped and dropped my coffee.” She tells you and you stare at her with wide eyes.
“Wow, no wonder you punched me. Sounds like quite the morning.” You tell her and she chuckles a bit. Ava comes around the corner and passes you guys.
“Well like I said, I wanted to apologise for punching you, and also to properly greet you to Abbott.” She tells you and you smile at her.
“Like I said, no hard feelings but thank you, I’m not gonna sue or anything.” You say and Ava hears that and immediately comes over to you.
“You’re not gonna sue?” She asks and you shake your head. “Oh thank you, cause girl I can’t go to court again this week. I’ve already gone twice this week.” She tells you and walks away. You go to question her but Melissa tells you not to bother.
“She’s already gone twice? It’s Wednesday.” You say and Melissa laughs.
“I’m not that surprised.” She tells you.
“By the way.” You tell her. “I never got your name.”
“It’s Melissa.” She tells you and holds out a hand for you to shake.
You shake her hand. “Y/n.” You tell her and she giggles.
“Well it’s lovely to meet you y/n.” She tells you with a smile.
“Likewise.” You tell her.
“Well I should probably go. I’m pretty much the only one that can keep my kids calm. I’m surprised that Janine hasn’t burst out of the room yet.” She says and you laugh. Just then Janine bursts out of the room.
“Melissa, your students are so hyper.” Janine says and catches her breath.
“Wow, the timing.” You tell her and she laughs.
“To properly make it up to you, how about you sit at the table with Barb and I at lunch?” She asks you and you immediately agree. “Well I’ll see you at lunch then.” She tells you and you nod. You then proceed to go to your class and Melissa goes to save Janine.
*4 years later*
Melissa is standing holding your hands in front of both your families. “I can’t believe that we’re finally getting married. And to think it started with a stolen parking spot and a punch to the face.” She says as she starts her wedding vows and you giggle. She smiles at you as she hears the laugh that she fell in love with.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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raineandsky · 4 months
tw: guns
The villain laughs in the hero’s face when they round the corner. Laughs so hard they double over. The metal support they were bending with nothing but their mind is briefly forgotten.
“It’s you!” they announce, like the sight of the hero is nothing more than a surprise visit from a friend. “Now tell me, [Hero], why would they send you to deal with me? Did they get bored of you and hope you’d not come back?”
“They sent me,” the hero retorts flatly, “because they know I’ll get the job done.”
“Get the job done? And how exactly do you do that?” the villain says with a grin. “Go on, what’s your power?”
“I use it when I need to.” The hero cracks their knuckles expectantly. Their expression is plain, almost bored. “No one’s been bad enough to need eviscerating with it.”
“Eviscerating?” the villain repeats with an incensed screech. “See, [Hero], I’m starting to think you’re bluffing. You refuse to show us your power. You won’t tell anyone what it is. Is the agency sending unpowered civilians into battle now?” They tut in mock disappointment. “That’s not very ‘good guy’ of them.”
“What would you say if I had no powers?” the hero continues. They stand just on the edge of the villain’s destruction; they’ve been to town in the time it took the hero to get here. The building the villain was previously snapping the support of is one of the few left actually upright. Modern buildings were clearly not made with metal-bending villains in mind. “What if overpowered criminals like you could be stopped by some average guy like me?”
“If you have no powers,” the villain says with a content sigh, “I’ll laugh at you because I was right, then I’ll make you watch as I cause the destruction you’re meant to be stopping. Which you can’t, because I’m right and you don’t have powers. Look, watch.”
The villain turns their attention back to the metal beam bracing the entire building’s weight. They only get to set their focus on it before the sound of something clicking into place snaps their gaze back to the hero.
A small handgun sits in their grip, pointing at the villain. They still wear that aggravatingly bored look on their face. “I don’t have powers,” they admit tiredly, “and I don’t need ‘em.”
The villain forces all their willpower into the barrel. Metal’s their thing. Why is this hunk of metal so stubborn?
The hero frowns into the momentary silence, glancing into the villain’s face before following their gaze back to their weapon.
“Oh,” they say with a short laugh. “Yeah, I 3D printed this. It’s not metal, but it sure as hell shoots like it.”
The villain knows their horror shows on their face. “You’re bluffing again,” they say a moment too late. The hero smiles, and the villain suddenly misses their bland disinterest.
They angle the gun and shoot it into the rubble next to the villain. Instinct makes them yelp and leap back before they can stop themself.
“Am I?” They adjust the gun in their hand casually. “Would you like to find out?”
The villain scowls and steps away from the support beam, their hands up in surrender. No, they would not.
The hero’s weapon of choice won’t be the centre of the gossip. No, the villain got arrested by some unpowered, supposed hero. They know the news will reach the supervillain as unflatteringly as possible. They’ll look like an idiot.
The villain, defeated by just some guy. Embarrassing.
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bengiyo · 6 months
Last Twilight Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, August tried to make up with Day after standing him up on their date. Aon also showed up that day and mentioned that he is participating in a race with his new girlfriend. Day and August started practicing together, making Mhok a bit jealous. August organized a surprise party for Day with the rest of the badminton folks and kissed Day. Unfortunately, August only sees Day as a friend and walked off. Mhok confronted August and then took Day to a rooftop where he then kissed Day as well.
Oh hell yeah! I am so glad we’re not skipping over the kiss aftermath. Mhok is his caregiver, so this is going to immediately change things.
I love Porjai. Got her all worked up just to tell her what she already knew. These two are my favorite exes of the year.
“I didn’t say it.” Well he’s technically not lying.
This show is excellent. August is leaving, so we’ll deal with his mess and then eject him in the first part!
Despite being mad at August last episode, I’m really glad these two get closure. Friend break ups are worse than romantic ones.
They used “delulu” as a translation! Who is on the sub team for this show?? I want to send them flowers!
“That’s so fast.” I love Gee.
“About last night…” Don’t get me started, y’all.
Alright. That rejection in the car hurt my feelings.
Ope. I’m back. Day told on himself and Mhok is back in the game.
Mhok fixed the headband. I love you and your unsubtle metaphors, Aof.
Okay, I love Mhok blaming the shoes August picked for them not being able to sync.
I’m glad Sea is actually an athlete, so he doesn’t have to fake a cramp.
Night definitely notices how comfortable these two have gotten with each other.
This bed scene was probably super easy for them. Sea is always falling asleep easily on set.
OMG they’re stayin gat Mhok’s place before the event.
Porjai said, “Really, in front of my sardine salad?”
Namtam is actually so good. I like the way she uses her eyes.
Mhok planted jasmine at his house!!
She’s naming the baby Mee because Mhok has been practicing reading the book! I’m going to explode.
This show is doing a great job of making me miss Rung.
We have hit on a rare trope I love: Two people who are working out their feelings for each other are sharing a bed and hearing others go at it through the walls.
I’m glad we’re seeing more of Night. Mark is so good at communicating without saying much.
Oh, Day, don’t read too much into that conversation. Mhok’s friend is just looking out for him.
Shoot your shot, Porjai!
I am with Mhok. That’s enough games. Let’s make it clear.
Aof, please continue to be unsubtle. I love you.
Porjai and Night begins! Look at me rooting for hets in BL again.
I’m gonna lose it. Mhok is acting out Aon’s proposal for Day.
I see we were having too much fun. Let’s crank up the angst.
Look at them trying to assuage us with this PPL.
Beach trip next week! This was a lovely episode. It’s so smooth.
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iznsfw · 2 years
Chaewon anal pls :3
IZ Days of Christmas: Day 6 - Kim Chaewon
LE SSERAFIM's Kim Chaewon x Male Reader Smut
3455 words
Categories: BUTT STUFF (anal + ass eating), brat!Chaewon, cunnilingus, rough sex, spanking, mirror sex, masturbation, doggy style, fingering, squirting, inspired from how a BFH happens + dirty thoughts
I couldn't complete the initial draft, so I just combined it all together but still made it fit the story like the clever little fucker I am. Enjoy.
For @kaedespicelatte ❤
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Your cock goes through more bouts of stimulation in these minutes than your other body parts have ever felt in their lives. It suffers—or rather, enjoys, the feel of your fist bobbing up and down its girth as you imagine that your hand is not actually itself, but rather, your favorite idol's cunt.
"Oh, oh, fuck! Fuck, Kim Chaewon, you're so tight!" you yell out, speaking out loud to her in spite of knowing she won't hear you.
Yes, that is her name. You have never felt more of a degenerate and a blushing schoolgirl at the same time. This fourth generation idol does things to you. She's an adorable girl, but it's inevitable to see the hot side to her. As the concepts of her group, IZ*ONE, matures along with the members, she does, too. She becomes even more attractive.
You'd close your eyes to picture her bouncing on your cock better, but that would rob you of seeing the looped muted videos playing on your computer: Chaewon sensually gyrating her ass side to side, in accordance with the choreography of the most recent IZ*ONE comeback: Panorama.
Oh, she knows what she is doing. The smug look reflecting in her eyes, her smile... no one can tell you that Chaewon doesn't know the effect she has on her fans. What, with that tight little body and ass, she can send each and every one of the fans who adore her to heaven. Hell might be a better place for you since you love to lust over this girl so much, but you don't care one bit. You'd set yourself on fire if it meant a chance with her.
In short, and to keep all those pathetic statements, you are a big fan of Kim Chaewon. Too big of a fan, you know, but it is what it is. She's too attractive of a girl to not do... this.
As the videos transition to a new outfit and new angles, you close your eyes and let your mind run wild. What if....
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"Oppa, are these shorts too tight on me?"
No. Well, actually, yes. You purposely styled her navy blue shorts that way so it accents her hips and butt, to appeal to the fans. It's your job as her stylist to design good outfits for her that fit the comeback concept and also pleasure the eyes and flesh, but now, it has backfired. The plan you have made is slowly starting to take you as its victim, too.
Chaewon raises the shorts higher, smoothing her fingers on the fabric as it wraps around her tiny body. Your mouth practically waters.
Chaewon, with her dark blue hair curled and cheeks blushed, snaps her fingers in front of your face. "Hello? Hellooo? Oppa, you good?"
"Y-yeah!" you say nervously. Laugh a little at yourself because of how weak you particularly are around Chaewon. You're a professional stylist—you are blunt, but charming enough for richer customers like those from Swing Entertainment, and most importantly: professional, but cool enough for the idols to pull jokes around you.
However, you are none of those things. At least, not in front of Chaewon whom you cannot seem to put your work personality on for. You get along with Eunbi and the other members professionally just fine. Yena has even become one of your best friends. So why can you never act right around her?
"Ohhh." Chaewon draws out the word with a sense of understanding. Afterwards, she sets her hands on her hips and smiles knowingly. "You're one of them now."
"Huh? One of who?"
"One of those fans. Those fans who never want to do anything but worship my body. That's who."
You feel a little guilty now. Have you overstepped on her boundaries? Yes, it is your job to cater to IZ*ONE's male-dominated fanbase, but that does not mean you have to become like them, too. No, you only admire Chaewon in a proper manner. You like her because she is pretty and has a sweet voice, not just because of her body!
Her body that is just so hot and tight...
Chaewon leaning over one of the dressing tables and wiggling her ass is no help at all. She giggles profoundly, as if her doing that was a completely innocent thing, and smiles again. "What if," she says, and pauses, letting the suspense take over, " I let you? "
Is she serious?
You have no time to think about it. As if you were controlled by a perverted puppetmaster, you walk over and smack Chaewon's ass. She gasps deliciously, biting her lower lip, whether for more seduction or simply her libido is unknown. But you set that thought aside to take it all in: how Chaewon's buttcheek feels so soft yet firm at the same time, completely spankable; the wet spot your fingers touch on as you slap her ass and part of her center. Chaewon is as needy as she is evil, so her eyes send you a request. Without words, you understand what she wants you to do.
But foreplay is essential. Taking this into consideration, you close the distance between you till it is almost nonexistent. Her thighs feel great in your palms. You've never noticed how pretty they are before. Pale and thick, they feel like pillows beneath your touch. They are sensitive as well; Chaewon whimpers softly while you take your sweet time with them.
"Yes, I've wanted to fuck you for so long, oppa~" she confesses out of the blue. The mirror reflects your actions performed onto Chaewon's beautiful figure. Most importantly, they show her face: the makeup for the comeback performance makes her siren eyes look even more seductive. Her lips are painted a perfect ruby red. "Everytime I saw you arrange the clothes for the girls, and how passionate you are about everything, I felt so... needy. I've wanted you since the day I met you."
"That makes two of us," you chuckle softly. Kiss her back as gently as you can, somehow assuring yourself through it that you can hold yourself back from ravaging her immediately.
The day you met Chaewon enters your mind. She still uses the same perfume from that day. She had worn an adorable blue and strawberry red sailor-themed dress. You loved its design, so you had reached her, complimented her performance and how she looks in it, and asked who made it for her. When she replied that she had designed and sewn it herself, you were surprised. You already knew that Kim Chaewon is talented, but you somehow forgot that her capabilities are also strong outside of vocals and dance.
She looked adorable. You were both the same age with big dreams that were just recently attained. And now... she looks beautiful. She has always been pretty, but there is a mature side to her now. If you were to be a little more explicit... hot?
"Did you know, Chaewon, that I put a very special feature in these shorts?" you ask, grinning. Feel around her crotch area to render her moaning needily.
"Mm, and what is it?" she asks. Her eyes are closed. They flutter wide open suddenly. "Oh!"
You've inserted a finger inside her. Her wet walls tense due to the unexpected intrusion. Smirk as you explain: "I added a secret zipper. Just so I can fuck you safely whenever I get the chance."
"Mmm, oh..." Chaewon rides your finger in dizzying circles, head thrown back. And it is so much hotter to watch her in motion in the mirror—it reflects the need in her eyes, the talented sway of her hips, and most importantly, her rounded mouth when she lets out her beautiful moans. "W-what's stopping you then, oppa? Why don't you just take me?"
Quicken the wiggle of your finger inside her to reach the right spots. Chaewon gasps out girlishly, looking back at you as if she expects you to just get to it. That's how most of her fans would have done, but you are no ordinary fan of hers. You are her stylist, someone she trusts and someone she actually wants to fuck her.
"It's just so fun to tease you. Look at Chaewonie all red and blushing."
She does. She gazes in the mirror and sees her own flushed face, and becomes redder. Since when did she become this horny for anyone? There's been the occasional boy toy here and there, yet she always finds herself wanting you.
"Please, oppa," she begs, with a cherry on top. Her own cherries must have been rock hard under her bra right now. They poke through the fabric, not protrudingly enough to show an imprint, but still tweakable. They are your findings in the experiment that is "Explore Kim Chaewon: erect, yet soft tempting things that slide against your palm.
Stop fingering her for a while to smack her ass again. This time, you do not hold back. Its impact sends Chaewon's hips jerking forward. She cries out in pain, but your focus is on the way her fat ass cheeks ripples in your hand.
"Say it again," you command firmly. Your eyes seal onto the reflections of Chaewon's in the reflective glass. She whines, not knowing what to do being put in a situation like this, so you spank her again. "Say it again, Chaewon-ah."
"Oppa, can you—pretty please?—fuck my ass?"
Her words are the perfectly written code to trigger the following events: the zipper being wrung even higher, and your cock sliding up into Chaewon's asshole. The tightness is overwhelming; all the lube you've used is the natural wetness from her cunt.
Now, Chaewon arcs her back and screams. Her virginal asshole is not used to your size nor girth, but the pain only extracts more juice from her cunt. It is even wetter than from when you fingered her. She bites her lip in order to quiet herself down, but you slam into her ass harder, knocking her into the table.
"Ah! Oppa!"
"Scream louder," you command. Grasp her by the waist and start to pound her fervently. The puckered hole just grips you so well. What else can you do but let it? Hell, even make it?
Chaewon whimpers. "But what if someone hears? Oppa!" She screams again because of your cock roughly jerking to the depths of her ass, amplifying the pleasure that warms her whole body.
"Let them, they might even join in on the fun."
Chaewon considers this, and you can tell that deep inside, she has to confess that she likes the idea. Imagining someone coming in as you pound her before the mirror in the salon... it is a fantasy that she has not even considered.
She gasps as you add your fingers inside her cunt again. Her gasp turns into a wail; she's being fille din both holes simultaneously, and you are in no way being gentle. Your fingertips dig into a rougher texture, making Chaewon cry out. That is how you know you've reached her G-spot. Start to rub into that spot more and kiss her delicate neck and ears. Capture her earlobe with your teeth and increase the speed of your drills.
"Mm, ahh, fuck, oppa!" Chaewon wails needily. The penetration from both holes is becoming too much. She is just being stretched too well. All her sensitive places are being overstimulated. But she can't cum now! Not when you're jerking into her so perfectly and her mouth is lewdly slack as she watches herself in the mirror. Not when your cock stretches her tight asshole so perfectly that it is nearly agape!
"No, no, can't cum yet!" Chaewon's ass sways just like the part of the choreography you've watched for so long, again and again. "Can't cum y-yet—ahhh!"
Girl cum floods your hand like a storm. Chaewon's scream of pleasure is the thunder. The lightning speed of her body squirming and bucking into yours brings you to your orgasm, too. Her asshole has become incredibly tight despite the stretch your cock has made, wringing ribbons of cum from its tip and filling her ass with semen.
Such a shame that this has to end. You want to stay in the heavens of her ass forever.
Deftly pull out with pants that mirror Chaewon's. Her shorts are now ruined. Her creampied ass wets the fabric along with her own cum. It's filthy—you know you should be angry that her need to be ruined has done its own way of ruining the shorts you've painstakingly sewn and designed, but in that moment, you don't mind. You don't mind one bit.
That's your first orgasm for the night. Your cum has spurted all over your shorts and shirt. You are beyond exhausted; you have been wanking off to Chaewon all night, and your mind has gone to places you never knew could reach.
You can't move nor speak, so instead, you look at your desktop wallpaper of her in the background. She is beautiful—her tongue is cutely stuck out as she mimicks a Kuromi expression. A picture that is supposed to be cute suddenly gives you an idea again.
Sigh and wrap your hand back on your cock. Here we go again.
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"You're just so boringgg! Why can't we do it?"
If you were a different person and were told that those words came from a five-year-old girl spoiled by overly adoring parents, you would have believed it. But you aren't a different person and Chaewon isn't five; she's twenty-fucking-two years old and your girlfriend.
It's the weekend, and Chaewon has decided, because you are home, to be brattier than ever. You know your endless scolding and spankings won't stop her because she thrives on those like a little devil with each sin you make, so you try to ignore her loud complaints as you go through your phone.
She sits on the floor, legs folded beneath her, throwing another temper tantrum. You're used to it, but it still annoys you to no end.
"Why can't we do it?" she whines, slapping your knee. "Other couples do it a lot! But you won't let me!"
You ignore her, subtly rolling your eyes and scrolling through your phone. Cool, another funny dog video. But that doesn't evoke a laugh from you; you're too riled up by Chaewon to even chuckle.
You know what she's asking from you, and you are not about to give in.
It's not that you don't want to, per se; it's that you are afraid that it might hurt her. Even if she begs for it day or night, you aren't sure you can go ahead without hurting her.
Despite Chaewon's brattiness (both in and out of your sex life), you still love her and would not want to put her in pain.
"Why can't you put it in my ass too? Are you scared?"
Yeah, that's correct: Kim Chaewon has been begging you to do anal. You know it sounds ridiculous that she has to plead for it from you, but you have your reasons.
Reasons that you are having difficulty keeping.
But you roll your eyes. Fine, you'll bite.
Place your phone down on the sofa, your eyes trained on her with a squint. "Chaewon, I'm tired of this."
"I am too!" she fires back.
"And I'm not scared, Chaewon."
"Oh? Then fuck me."
"Easy," you say, licking your lips. You are about to reach for her when Chaewon shakes her head.
"Uh-uh! You don't just fuck me…I want you to fuck me in the ass."
You should have seen that coming. The little brat.
but if she wants it that bad…
Your mind is a large fire of frustration. Your girlfriend is being the most annoying person on Earth right now, and the pent-up tension between the two of you isn't helping at all. Not one bit.
Your hands quivering, you grab Chaewon without thinking and throw her on the sofa. She screams, whether out of excitement or actual fear is unknown to you. You simply wring her panties and shorts from her legs, finally giving in after abstaining from it for so long.
"Fuck, oppa, what are you doing?" Chaewon asks. Her legs are pushes back in the air. She gasps when you blow cold air all over her pussy, and the round brown hole that has barely been used.
"Lubing you up, what else?"
Chaewon moans with pleasure when your lips connect with her lower ones. Your tongue slides over her lips, flicking her clit, and licking its sensitive form repeatedly.
Chaewon practically quivers from gratification. She lies back to enjoy your oral attack, but you aren't about to give her a gentle way in. Not at all. You grab her thighs and wildly wiggle your tongue inside her, lapping up the juices that eventually start flowing. Lick from the bottom a stripe that finishes sharply on her clit, before trying out something new.
Your tongue prods against her brown hole. "Oh!" Chaewon screams, hands on her mouth as she watches you. She loses sight of you; she can only see stars as this oddly new sensation ripples through her body. Would she like it? Or would she regret asking you to expand your horizons in bed?
Your tongue eases in through the tight hole and backs out, too. It isn't quite anything like you expected. She tastes... delicious? Her juices flow down to her peach and make it easier to eat it, adding to the delicious flavor that is and only is Kim Chaewon.
"Fuck, oppa, you eat my ass so well!" cries out Chaewon. Her asshole tightens around your tongue, but you continue to lick and lap. All the while, your nose also provides constant stimulation to her clit with unintended but welcome rubs.
Chaewon's thighs crash into your head. You actually start to run out of air. You have kept at alternating eating out her ass and pussy, have become so inmersed in eating her out that you forget yourself. Inhale sharply through your nose and let her feminine scent invade your senses, just like how your tongue does to the wet and tight cunt and her unexpectedly delicious ass. It doesn't help that Chaewon keeps wiggling her cunt in your face, forcing you to continue eating her out with no break. Your plan of not giving her rest throughout this session has backfired on you, too.
Luckily, Chaewon is close. She announces it loudly, breath catching in her throat, before she screams loudly. She suddenly tears at your hair and forces you to keep your tongue wildly wiggling in both of her holes, sliding over her erogenous zones and filling them both. It is too much for a one-guy job, and you aren't too sure you can handle it. You aren't sure if you can handle her.
You start to spank Chaewon's thighs wildly, a sign for her to back out. You fire angry slaps at her ass too, but no matter how red and sore they become, they remain around your head. She's desperate, now, but you are, too. Who will win this game? Chaewon, who is squeezing her own breasts and lying back on the sofa pillows moaning, or you—her good-for-nothing daddy?
It's obvious now. Daddies always give in. Might as well do so in a way that pleasures you, too.
Soon, Kim Chaewon is upside-down. She is slobbering all over your cock, diligently blowing its girth, while you give your all into eating her cunt out. You groan; you forgot how good she is at giving you head. Such a pity you are out of breath to praise her. At least your hips are diligently knocking into that cute little face, causing her to gag wildly.
You are stunned at the thoughts your own mind can create. The clarity of it all makes your nth orgasm less intense. Although you have had your head full of thoughts about Kim Chaewon—her bending over and letting you take her ass, and her being bratty as you eat her out—only one thought remains clear:
I should become a smut writer.
You have read them before, and it is possibly that which has led to all this feral feelings over Chaewon. You have fantasized a lot before, but you have never actually considered writing them down or posting them.
Perhaps you could—no, you should—write them down. Maybe someone out there will like them enough. Tumblr is always a good place to start.
Determined, you wipe yourself down and clean your place up. You log into your barely touched Google Documents account, add a fresh new document, and start to write.
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armeenix · 6 months
Late Night Reliefs !Roomate!Bakugo! ♤ !Fem!reader
You and Bakugo both happen to be awake late one night. He couldn't sleep, and you were trying to finish some documents that you were assigned last minute and needed to be turned in the next day. With both of your lack of sleep and stress you decide to find some stress relief in each other. They were roommates.
Erm....i didn't grammer check this shit at all but i still hope you enjoy
It was around 2:00 a.m. on a Friday night. You couldn't sleep so you decided to try and get some personal work done but y2ou ended up getting hungry. You were sitting on the counter, eating some cold pizza when suddenly you heard footsteps walking down the hall coming closer and closer to the kitchen.
"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo's rough voice filled the room as he spoke. You quickly glanced over at him before doing a double take. You couldn't help but let your eyes wander up and down his body. "What uhm...what are you doing up so late?" He shrugged as he grabbed a cup from one of the over-head cabinets before setting it down next to him. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought maybe some tea would help. What about you? Why are you up this late?" I let out an exhausted sigh before setting my mug down on the island. "I keep asking myself that, but I still haven't found a sufficient answer."
When he raised a questioning eyebrow, asking you to continue you let out a soft breath of relief at finally being able to vent. "Recently, my job has been overworking a lot of people in our department. Some more than others. I am unfortunately in the some more than others category. Every day this month I've been receiving more and more new documents to fill out. It's like for every one pack I finish, I have two more that I have to start." He let out a snort of amusement, causing you to roll your eyes. "What?"
"Nothin, it's just cute how you're complaining about paperwork. At least you can do your work from your room unlike me. Some of us actually risks our lives out there just so you have a life to complain about. But oh no~ the horror...I'm a pretty little thing who has it so bad at my comfy little corporate job...!" There he went again. Starting another petty little argument over who had it worse. Most night his antics would have irritated you, but the way he grinned as he looked into your eyes only fueled your irritation. (Need for him) You rolled your eyes before meeting his gaze in a challenging manner.
"Wow...you're really gonna mock me? That's how you're gonna play Bakugo?"
"Hell, yeah that's how I'm playin princess. He stepped closer to you, as you took a step back. "What are you gonna do about it?" Bakugo continued to take step after the other as you did the same but eventually your hips gently hit the counter. Leaving you with nowhere to go and leaving him all the room he needed to mess with you. His hands gripped the counter on both sides of your hips caging you in. You knew that you really didn't have anywhere that you could go now, but it's not like you wanted to escape anyway. "Doesn't seem like you're planning on doing anything are you Y/N?"
"This isn't fair...You know that I can't do anything while I'm cornered here. I don't have a standing chance."
"Oh, come on princess, I'll go easy on you if that's what you really want. I'll even give you a head start."
You stared into his eyes curiously. Watching as he moved one of his arms out of the way, giving you a free chance to get out of the situation. The chance was right there for you to take, and yet that feeling of not wanting to take it kept you in your spot. He kept his arm down for another minute before caging you back against the counter. "You know what I think Y/N?"
"I think that you don't want me to go easy on you. In fact, if I just went off the way you've looked at me tonight, I would think that you would want me to be hard, and rough with you...Is that right or have I completely misunderstood our interactions?"
"You've misunderstood. Completely. In fact, you're so wrong that it's embarrassing how wrong you actually are."
"Oh Yeah~?" He practically moaned into your ear. It drove you crazy just how close he was to you. You could feel his shaky breaths against your neck, causing a shiver to run down your spine. He let out another breathy chuckle as he felt you shiver against him. "Yes."
"I think you're lying to me."
"And why do you think that?"
 "The way you always look up at me with those sexy puppy eyes of yours. The way your breathing becomes uneven whenever I get within five feet of you...And the way you try so hard to subtly look at me, especially when I wear shirts like these. You think you're so great at hiding how you truly feel but let me tell you something princess...You. Aren't."
He had gotten you down to the tea. It pissed you off, but also kind of made you feel embarrassed at how easy you were to read. "Fuck. You." He laughed once more causing you to whimper in frustration and the way his lips right by your ear made your heart skip a beat. "Yeah, I bet you wanna fuck me huh~" He lightly kissed your neck before slowly backing up with the widest shit eating grin spread across his features. You watched him, utterly speechless from what just happened. "Too bad you won't get to do that till you actually admit what we both know you feel for me." He grabbed his mug of tea as he turned around and made his way down the hall and into his room.
"Screw off asshole!"
"Goodnight Y/N~"
You were gonna think about that for the rest of your godforsaken life.
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simp-ly-writes · 1 month
Suits, Ties, and Thus Spies (pt.8)
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Pairing: Spy!Task Force 141 x Handler!Reader
Summary:The boy's have stated that you are their last mission at the agency. Little did you know how seriously they would take this operation. Familiar faces will appear, old one's will help to cast forward some advice, and maybe, just maybe in the end you can finally find that dancing partner.
Warnings: 2600 words, Mentions of Addiction, allusions to depressive behaviours and depictions of smoking, light mentions of violence.
A/N: the end nears but a sweet ending I promise!
Masterlist | Taglist Request | un-edited.
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6:00 AM | Spring | Your Home
"Your our new mission," those words would come to haunt you. By-gone were your days of throwing your phone at the wall and yelling at your home's digital assistant, 'X.' To having your burnt toast with a shot of vodka to get your system started for the workday ahead of you. No- the boys would not allow you these things, nor a lonely moment as Johnny woke you up with a smile, jumping onto the other side of the bed as eggs and freshly-squeezed juice came wafting up the stares. Pots and pans banging to the morning news as you groaned, turning yourself over, trying to hide yourself deeper within the covers.
"C'mon Daniels, you should be used to our antics by now. We have a meet in 2 hours, gotta be looking good for the chief-"
"He can suck my ass, fucking putting me on that fucking mission in the first place. They all can go to hell," you grumble into a shriek as Soap quite literally shoves you off the bed and onto your carpeted floors. "Well that hurt, thanks Soap," you spit back, standing up with a huff before slamming the bathroom door closed, the sounds of running water had Johnny giving himself a self-high-five and he ventured back down the stairs.
John leaned against the counter, papers in hand as his gazed snapped up to his teammate, "They up?"
"Oh yeah," Soap answered, pouring himself a coffee before taking a seat beside the captain, a plate being served by Simon. Gaz tries not to laugh, coming out of your pantry with a set of tea-bags in hand watching as the giant tries to navigate your small living space with sub-optimal grace.
You gripped the steering wheel the whole way downtown, having to listen to Gaz and Soap's pointless arguments as they debated is Zebras have black or white stripes. John looked at you from the passengers seat, turning up the radio in a social cue to the boys in the back as you pulled into a parking space. Throwing the keys into his lap and slamming the door closed you scanned your ID, presenting a small smile to the newest secretary before locking yourself in your office, taking a deep breath in silence.
You would be lying to yourself if you didn't miss the constant silence that trailed your presence in the office space, everyone not knowing quite what to say or seeing your drink-driven self stumbling throughout the halls. It all felt worthless, empty, the fun of the job completely stricken without Whitby's pet names calling after you, his hand on your back, guiding you into meeting after meeting, or his humor through your radio as you wrote notes on his assignments back at home-base.
You felt sick, having to work, having to act as a Handler knowing that you ended up killing one of your men- who's to say you wouldn't do it again- but before these thoughts could consume you, like clockwork another pair of the boys had wrangled their way into your space with bright smiles, pressed suits, and a tray of snacks and tea in hand. "Ready for a meeting?"
6:00 AM | Summer | Your Home
The cycle would continue, the boys somehow breaking through your security systems- Soap always looked extra guilty. Shifting his eyes away from your sights, feet shifting as Gaz chuckled, "We are good at are work." Casting you a wink as you sighed, slowly falling into compliance, trying to hide a smile as fresh breakfast coating your counter tops and people talked to you about anything other than death when you were willing too.
Butt when the night came, you hated it, hated the way you were moving on- seemingly too quickly. Whitbys voice haunted your dreams, his promises of adventures without weapons and suits, cameras or contracts. So you put on a record, leaning against your coffee table in front of your electric fireplace, fingers pinching against your leg as you eyed your phone. A few of Price's messages left unanswered alongside Laswell's.
You fell asleep on the floor that night and in the morning Simon threw a blanket on top of your form, quietly brewing a pot of coffee while shifting through your cabinets for something to make, Johnnys booming voice echoed from the front door as Ghost cursed underneath his breath, you slammed your head against the wooden furniture, gun clicking into place as you rounded the corner. His hands pressed upwards, grocery bags dropping as an apple rolled down the hall, stopping at your slippers. "Morning!"
And yet, you were back at the office again. Suit freshly washed, a few new sets already in the works as you talked with Charlotte for the first time in months and yet, when you first looked into her eyes. Struggling for an apology, trying to find the right words for your lack of appearance. She pulled you into a hug, cursing your name playfully before joining your tears into her shoulder. "I missed you, Handler."
"I missed you too, Doctor, so very much."
You and Charlotte would train the newest agents, you were saddened to see such early versions of yourself, asking yourself where the time went, in a way where your life went. Yet their smiles, jokes, and spirits reminded you of Whitby. His never ending teasing or endless stream of thoughts he would converse with you. It had you chuckling in their faces as you flung another to the mat, raced down tree-lines with gear on your back in endurance training or in the firing rang as Charlotte yelled orders. You felt yourself slipping slowly back, allowing for her voice to order you and the fellow trainee's around for the few weeks you shared together before they all were sent away once more.
You through your hair back off your forehead, gaze snapping as the 141 boys cheered for you from behind the glass as you passed your quarterly fitness examination. You gave them a nod, heading towards the showers and once the adrenaline wore off, Charlottes voice was no longer ringing through your skull, you began to cry without a reason as to why. Just gripping the tiled wall as your shoulder heaved, the water turning cool as you glided into a towel, into a suit, and out the door once more. Taking a break out back once more, Simon silently joined yourself, picking up a lighter you both stared off to the park cars in the alleyway before Price was calling you all in for dinner orders.
Dinner, it was the time you looked forward most to. Your growing team with Jacobs and Jason, followed by Charlotte entering the room, various plates and games in their arms as they joined your crew. The office had a near daily board games event, debriefing with playing Monopoly or a supposed, "rigged" game of life as Gaz put it jamming a finger in your face, accusing you of cheating as you casted him a middle finger with a smile. He matched your expression with excited eyes.
1:00 PM | Autumn | Somewhere in the Country Side
Spring had slipped away just as the summer heat, you packed yourself back into layers in order to hide away from the chilling air. Today you would be embarking on your longest hike yet, Simon had commented on taking one of your weekends every month for a hike, and today would mark your 7th together.
You breathed in deep the crisp air, closing your eyes as you paused on the pathway before feeling for your cigarettes, you had stopped the drinking yet couldn't give it all up just yet, the itching in your spine, the sweat dripping down your forehead as you looked up the rest of the hill ahead of yourself, Simon paying no mind to your stoppage.
You took a deep breath of smoke in, coughing up the taste as it had been a few weeks since your last smoke. Your eyes started to burn fore you casted the remainder of the bud against your pant leg, stamping it out before chucking the remainders in your pocket. Picking up a light job to catch up to Ghost who stood now at the top, looking down at you expectedly as you neared.
"Nice view," you commented, looking over the yellow and red trees they swayed lightly in the wind. He grumbled out a yes, sitting back on a fallen log as you did the same. Opening his bag, you both took out snacks and water as you became absorbed by the sounds of the world before you. Birds wings fluttered, chirping in the skies above, A few snapped twigs off to your side reminded you of the shy animals hidden in the trees as a squirrel darted off bast your feet.
You came to host the games nights as Laswell invited over her wife. She brought a homemade cheese cake that you ate a few too many slices of, now feeling the food-coma overcoming you, losing whatever game was currently in play as your eyes became heavy.
A series of light snores had everyone softening their voices, Laswell and John observed your sleeping form with softened eyes. "They look to be someplace happy," you shifted into a smile, "yeah," John added to the conversation, placing his wining hand down as Johnny nearly flipped the table, cursing out the group before being quieted by a drunk Gaz covering his mouth with a hand, tilting his head over to you.
12:00 PM | Winter | Taylor's Tailors
Winter was a long and slow season, work had slowed down yet no-one dared to comment before a new recruit was tackled to the floor for saying the criminals were celebrating the holidays for the year. Rolling your eyes into a smile, you brewed yourself a new cup of coffee as you leaned against the printer, nodding along to whatever Samantha had to say as she ranted about her newest agents lack of regard to their personal safety after falling three stories and running after a convict.
You sat down together in the staff room, offering your own advice as you had finally signed the papers for that promotion. 'Handler of Handlers' Charlotte commented one afternoon as you requested the results of the quarterly exam. It was a new experience, being so far removed from the fields yet the distinction helped you to move on in many ways, not forgetting but being able to take a step back, regarding all the past to present and accepting the decades you worked together with fondness sprinkled with regret.
A few years later...
A phone called surprised you one morning, Price's name flashing across the screen as it had been some time since you last seen the boys at work, a part of you forgetting that in your new navy blue suit and pictures framed on the wall, a connection to Whitbys mom and a new dog established a mission finished that you never quite noticed up until now. "You boys are very clever, arn't you all, how's the military treating you, camo was very last year, I hope you know-"
"Hello to you too, Daniels," the Captain chuckles back to you, you can hear whatever chair he sits in squeaks to the movements. "Anything I can help you with?" you ask, fingers dancing across the keyboard, preparing an email to Laswell.
"Not exactly, but we all wanted to invite you to our wedding."
"Our wedding?" your voice raises, eyes now opening a tab to facebook as you stalked each of their feeds only to come up with nothing.
"Yeah... we met a officer. Great one at that, our team photographer, they go by Dice," you can hear the mans smile as you can't help put smile for him as well.
"Thats fucking incredible man! Oh my, when did this all happen, I-... wow. Give an Agent a minute or too, I thought I would be on this shit just like Laswell's..."
A series of laughs erruput in the background as you make an inquisitive, high pitched tone in question. "You're on speaker," Simon says as the rest of the boys yell out their hellos.
The boys go on to give your the rundown of the event and the overarching points leading up until now as you checked out of work early and made your way home, laughing and crying alongside their story.
"Well of course Im going to your wedding! Have to meet this Dice of yours, they have any friends or siblings" you tease out.
"Actually..." Gaz pipes up, looking around the room as your fingers tap against the steering wheel, sitting in your driveway, not wanting to end the call at this new information.
"So, they go by fish-"
"What the fuck are these codenames, seriously guys, fish?" you question.
"You're one to speak Daniels," Soap retorts, defending the stranger as a series of laughs consume the call, echoing around your car as you lean back, ending the call with a smile before stressing out on what you were going to wear.
It was bittersweet to attend the ceremony as you blinked past tears, throwing rice as they all ran down the isle together. You walked around their new house together, admiring the green scenery around you all as the summer sun illuminated the various colourful petals of the flowers inside the garden.
Pouring yourself a glass of lemonade, a dip in the couch had your gaze casting over to a tall woman. She placed her boots on the couch table across form you both. Setting her own glass down in her lap as he sunglasses slid down her nose as she gave you a once over. A playful smile pinching the corner of her eyes as you tipped your head in greeting. "Names Daniels, do you happen t be the infamous Fish everyones been tellin' me about?"
"My name would look rather good in lights but I rather hear you calling me Gabby, pleasure to meet you Daniels. Price was telling me all about your missions together when they came back, did you really slit a guys throat open in an ice cream parlour?"
And just like that conversation flew easily between the two of you, both unaware to everyone keeping away from the bubble you both had formed as they obsessed you both from inside. "Think they will get together?" Gaz asks, pulling an arm around Dice that snuggles further into their side. "Nah, they'll kill each other before that, sure of it," Soap responds, taking a swig from his drink before pulling Simon to a dance. Price taps against the glass window behind you both, you two startle to attention, now glaring at the man as he waves you both inside, pointing to the dimming sun as bugs rapidly surround you both.
Joining Gaz and Simon on the dance floor, you give Gabby a twirl as she dips you with a playful smile. You both whisper jokes into one another tear, nails digging into skin as your foreheads crash against one another. "Wanna go for a smoke?" Gabby softly asks, eyes darting over your shoulder and towards the front door.
"Yeah, just gonna get freshened up, be out soon," you give her hand a squeeze. It's already the next day as you check your watch and fix your hair. Hands pressed against either side of the sink, a voice drifts from memory as if the present as you make your way to join the lady waiting for you outside, "...and maybe one day we will dance together again but for now- it's time you took some lessons and find a new partner, I will be waiting to see all your new move..."
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↳ Taglist: @thriving-n-jiving @cringeycookies @lilliumrorum @brokenpieces-72 @ashy-kit @notsaelty @hindi-si-ikay @sleepyycatt @no-lessthan3 @cod-z
↳ A/N: hope you all enjoyed reading this ending, if you read my Lasting Pictures series, Gabby and Dice are characters from that series, thought it would be a nice way to combine the two series. Thank you all seriously for the support, wouldn't write this much without it in all honesty, so thank you, again, truly.
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joongbin · 1 year
coffee. - c.bc
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summary › bang chan meets the new barista at the cafe he always goes to, and maybe even has a new crush.
genre › fluff
warnings › the members catch on immediately, bang chan is WHIPPED for reader, reader is absolutely oblivious.
pairings › bang chan x male reader.
𑁍𑁍𑁍. .𑁍𑁍𑁍
Bang Chan threw his bag on to the sofa of his studio, sighing as he set up his equipment to work on a song. The other two would eventually come and help him set up the equipment. Jisung yawned, putting his stuff on the table.
“ channie, can you go get us some coffee? ” Jisung sat on the chair. Chan hummed, plugging in the last plug. Changbin wanted something, too. So he told Chan what he wanted.
“ so, Bin wants a frappe and Han wants a mocha? ” The two of them nodded and hummed. Chan said a small 'okay' before grabbing his wallet and took the elevator down. Chan decided to get something for himself too since he was going there anyways.
Bang Chan opened the door to the cafe, the smell of freshly brewed coffee entered his nose, a faint smile slowly started to show up on his face. He walked up to the counter to see an unfamiliar face.
“ welcome, what would you like to order? ” you said. Your finger hovered over the registers screen, looking at Chan.
“ oh. Um. ” Chan stuttered on his words, his face getting hot. He took a deep breath before telling you 2RACHA's order, and then his. You nodded and registered his order in to the machine, and then told him the price.
Chan took out his wallet and paid the exact amount. You put the money in to the register and handed him the receipt, asking him to sit down somewhere. He took the receipt and sat somewhere close to the counter.
You began making the drinks, it was the usual stuff people ordered, albeit a bit difficult. Chan was .. well, looking at you make it. You made eye contact with him as you placed the first drink in to the plastic bag.
“ something wrong? ” you asked. Since your job was boring as hell, you might as well talk to the customers while your at it, right? New friends wouldn't hurt.
“ oh, nothing. Just, ah, I wanted to see how you make it. You're new here, right? ” You answered Chan's question with a hum, seemingly saying that he's right.
“ yeah, i am. Got here last week. How about you? Are you a regular here? ” You placed the second drink in to the plastic bag. Han's drink was next and you immediately began to make it.
“ oh, yeah! Sometimes I get free bread here for being one, from Eunha. ”
“ ah, Eunha. She tells me a lot about you, way too much honestly. ” You joking rolled your eyes. Chan chuckled, leaving a smile behind. You chuckled along, placing the mocha in to the plastic bag. While Chan was distracted talking about something, you grabbed a small paper bag and placed a bagel inside it, along with a note with your number on it. Talking to him was fun, and both of you had a mutual connection with Eunha. You hid it behind the drinks and handed it to him.
“ please come again. ” You smiled that literally could make this grown man giggle and kick his legs. He smiled back and took the plastic bag, before exiting the cafe.
Chan went up the elevator of the building all smiles and giggles, looking as if he was crazy. He went to the studio, and placed the drinks on the table. Jisung and Changbin went over to the table and grabbed their drinks, Jisung noticed the bagel.
“ did you get food, Chan? ” He took out the bagel in confusion. Chan blinked for a few moments before shaking his head no.
“ I didn't. You can have it, though. ” Chan poked his straw through his drink, taking a sip of it before placing it down. Changbin took half of the bagel from Jisung.
“ oh? Hey, Chan! There's a piece of paper in here! ” Jisung took it out and made an o sound while chuckling.
“ hey Chan, it's someone's number ~ ooo ~ ” Changbin teased the older, chuckling. Chan took the paper from Jisung with a frustrated look before all of that disappeared and replaced with a smile.
“ so, who's the special someone, hm? ” Changbin shook Chan from the side.
“ noone. ” Partially true since he didn't know your name or anything at that! He put your number in to his phone and named your contact 'barista boy'. He sent you a quick hi before telling the two to go write lyrics and shoving his phone in his pocket.
You received the text from Chan, you replied back with a hi, sending a cute little cat sticker you always used before putting down your phone and serving the next customer.
From that day on, you and Chan got to know each other better, and DID get to know each other's names. Bang Chan was usually teased by the members with his crush on you, but they know the two of you would make a cute pair.
Chan, on the other hand, was working on his behaviour around you. He was sometimes too shy to talk to you because he thought you were so handsome.
Chan also was torn by your personality, and how you were so quick to make his drinks. It made him absolutely swoon.
Minho would occasionally come to the cafe and tell you stories about Chan and how he keeps talking about you so much. Minho thought you would get the hint but he was so baffled at how oblivious you were to Chan's feelings towards you.
“ really? I never thought he liked me that much! ” You chuckled.
“ mhm, yeah. But- ”
“ Chan's such a great friend. ”
“ oh my fucking.. god. ” Minho muttered, sighing.
“ Chan, come on. He's not gonna reject you. ” Jeongin patted his back. Chan sighed while looking in to the mirror.
“ but what if he does? I mean, there's a chance, y'know? And, and- ” Seungmin slapped him on the back, causing him to stop his self depracation.
“ hey, old man. He won't. M/N probably has feelings for you too, don't be so sad over something that hasn't even happened yet. ” Seungmin was so right. Chan nodded and took a deep breath. The two maknaes were so proud of Chan, as if their father was getting remarried after a horrible divorce.
Chan wasn't in anything fancy or anything, he just texted you to meet at the park and you complied, since it was the weekends and you didn't have any work.
He thanked Seungmin and Jeongin before heading out. Now, it was time to taste every single energy drink in Korea.
Chan saw you sitting down on a bench at the park in a black and white outfit, your hair looked like you just got out of bed. You spotted Chan and waved to him. He walked over to you and sat down, sighing.
“ so, what'd you need me here for? ” You shut off your phone and placed it in to your pocket, looking at him.
“ .. well, listen. I've had these .. feelings for you for a long time now and- like in a romantic way. And I just wanna say that I like you. Like insanely like you. ” He rambled with a few stutters here and there.
You had to think about it for a moment. A few blinks here and there before you smiled. God, that quietness made him so nervous. He thought you thought he was fucking insane. You held his hands tightly before sighing.
“ hey, calm down. I like you too, for a long time, too. ” You chuckled. Chan got all smiley and happy, god he felt so different today. He was so happy.
You patted your new boyfriend lightly before kissing his cheek. Chan stopped his feet kicking and slowly started to feel his face burning.
“ did you just- wait- are you supposed to- ” He stuttered, his face absolutely red to the core. Little did he know, 2RACHA was just behind a tree, giggling.
“ we HAVE to tease Chan about this later. ”
“ oh my fucking god- yes. ”
Even though he did get teased by the members for his stuttering over a little kiss on the cheek, he was so happy to be together with you. Everytime he thought about it, he thought about how lucky he was to have you.
Let's just say he gets free coffee sometimes, too.
𑁍𑁍𑁍. .𑁍𑁍𑁍
any comments or reposts are appreciated <3
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