#i am also reworking a whole other story slowly
vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
*me hyperfixating on something entirely different when I have a whole project to be doing*
Leonidas Addams: Eldest Son, Wednesday suggested this name. Only his moms call him Leo, his sisters have called him Lee since they were old enough to speak. He loves his uncles more than words can say, so he just shoots them with arrows whenever they visit instead of saying it. He also does this to Vittoria but not Naenia because he likes his fingers. He loves red meat and he’s threatened to eat kids at school before. He wants to be a warlord but will settle for conquering the musician world with sheer force if Enid doesn’t let him conquer the world.
Vittoria Addams: Older than her twin by 13 minutes. When they found out they were having twins, Wednesday suggested that whoever came out first be named Vittoria. She has made her entire family watch every disney princess movie and you can spot papa gomez doing little tea parties with her when they visit. (She does somehow steal his credit card every time) She’s also a master manipulator but that’s besides the point. She once tied Leonidas to the ceiling fan and left him spinning there for 2 hours gagged until Enid found him. She wants to be a disney ninja princess. Whatever that means.
Naenia Addams: Spends a lot of her time attached to her twin. Very quiet, not very outwardly expensive, very academically and logically inclined. Though not very verbal, it is often her facial expressions that speak for her. She really likes headless dolls (birthday gifts from Wednesday). Naenia is very calm and collected until she isn’t. Her siblings learned very quickly she will make their lives miserable if they bother her during her reading time. Sarcastic, literal, loves her big brother. She wants to be a great writer like her mom. Enid sometimes reads her stories and faints. Wednesday is always very proud. They get the smelling salts together cause its a bonding experience.
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 4 months
Fic Updates!!
(Yes, I'm back with these 😂)
Update notes for:
It's Visceral And It's Cruel
Burnt Over And Over Again
He Saw Her At Daybreak
Struck By Fire Drowned By The Sea
*Burnt Over And Over Again* (Modern Au)
So I am currently working on this MAJOR sex scene for the upcoming chapter (chapter 5). BUT I'm actually in the process of reworking it. The initial draft was like 80% finished 🤣💀
I'M SORRY, I was actually so close to being ready to edit and then post. But the further I went with that version, it just wasn't giving what it was meant to give. And to share my thoughts/struggles with this plot point/scene without spoiling the entire scene. If y'all remember, chapter 4 has Rhaena and Aemond bickering like an old married couple in a nightclub in Prague. And as their drama progresses, Aemond finds a way to get Rhaena alone so they can have a private tense conversation. Their sexual tension builds up to a point where they HAVE to do something about it.
Semantics I guess, but there's a ✨mood✨ I'm trying to convey and it's SOO hard to convey it genuinely, idk why 🤣 Like Rhaena is in denial, but she's CLEARLY still very attracted to him. And he's down so BADDD for her, but he's also really frustrated and annoyed with the current state of their relationship. Like the sex isn't going to be all that frantic, because of the way I've slowly built the tension. But at the same time, Aemond's frustration still needs to be present? At least I want it to be? Like I want him to coax her into this, because deep down she definitely wants it, she's just in denial.
Am I making any sense? I don't really know 🤣 I just don't want it to sound like coercion, and that feels like such a fine line with this scene for some reason 😩 like he's definitely not forcing her to do anything, but he is leading this whole thing. The key for me, is making it really feel like she's down for this and welcoming it all physically even if she's still trying to keep him at arm's length emotionally... UGHH it's a fine line fr.
My goal is to update this fic before I move onto any others. So fingers crossed for meeee 😭
(I'm also working out some more background lore for this modern au universe, like what everyone in the family does career wise, I'm working out who has pets and whatnot, expanding the lore of Rhaena's former relationship with Dalton since I initially made it rather vague...SOOOO get ready for this whole story to expand as it goes. Because I kinda want this story to be a bit more than short fic now 😂)
*It's Visceral And It's Cruel* (reg medieval time period)
Nowww this is my bread and butterrrr 🤣 I have about 13k of next chapter (chapter 9) written and ready for editing. BUT I still have about 5 scenes to go, or at least those were scenes I originally planned to include in this chapter.
I'm starting to think adding in all of those scenes will make this chapter TOO long if I include them all here 💀 like I added in two extra scenes to make the narrative flow in a more interconnected manner. But in doing that, it's definitely going to make this chapter too long. And the final scene I initially had for this chapter was going to be the Royal Hunt shenanigans. And THAT is a scene/plot point that needs a lot of time/words dedicated to it. Especially since it's going to be written from Aemond's POV, and that boy is going to be going THROUGH it watching Rhaena purposely flirt with literally every other man there EXCEPT for him 🤣🤣
So I think I'm going to move the hunt over to chapter 10 (even though I promised it would be here 😭😭). Because logically...like I must 😂 I can't let this chapter be 40k in length, I'd take DAYSSS to edit it if I did🤣💀
*He Saw Her At Daybreak* (horny married Rhaemond Fic)
UMMMM I actually have no clue when I plan to work on the next chapter LMAO 😂 There are a few things I need to map out plot wise. Like slight spoilers:
But here are the scenes I'm planning on including in chapter 10:
• Actually showing Aemond flying over to Driftmark and interacting with Grandma Rhaenys (for the Spice Towk salt that Rhaena craves).
•Aemond and Aegon actually discussing their mother returning to court for the birth of the baby.
•I want to slip in a sex for Rhaemond, since ya know, this IS the horny fic 🤣and this is my last chance to include the lactation kink before the baby gets here, so I must do it 😂 I'm also thinking that scene could definitely start with pregnant Rhaena being a little self conscious about her body before a family event. Like I haven't had much of that insecurity mentioned for her.
•The family event being the Valyrian equivalent Yule/Christmas holiday event, that's going to be like a nice wholesome gift giving scene. Targ family shenanigans.
•ALL culminating with Rhaena's water breaking and the baby finally coming. Like this baby is COMING in this chapter, most definitely 😂😂 we are ending the chapter with Rhaemond happily holding their newborn baby.
So there's a lot to write, and I'm still only on the first scene 💀💀 but hey, now the 10 of you so still tune in, have an idea of what's to come! 😂😂
*Struck by Fire, Drowned By The Sea* (Pirate Fic)
LORD, I PROMISE I HAVEN'T FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONEEEE. AGHHH oddly enough, like this writing process feels like the sex scene in BO&OA, I can't seem to land on the vibe™ for the next chapter (chapter 5). And it's not even a sex scene, so Idk why I'm overthinking it all 🤣🤣
It's weird, really. I usually have a really easy time writing from Aemond's POV for my other fics, but since Pirate Captain Aemond is more of a mystery to both Rhaena and the audience. It for some reason feels a lot harder 💀🤣 like it shouldn't be, but it is 🤣🤣 I've rewritten/restarted this chapter at least 6 times trying various ways to tell the same scene, seeing how much I should give away in his inner thoughts or not. And I just haven't landed on a good ratio for him, like we all know this IS Aemond. But there's still so much of his past that hasn't been revealed, and it's all still a mysterious element for captive Rhaena, she's still trying to figure him out... especially since they've never really met until now.
Their relationship is going to be SOMETHING wild, if I can get past this damn chapter 🤣🤣
This just feels like me explaining in depth, four various types of writer's block 🤣🤣
Anywaysss, if any of y'all have any suggestions or helpful ideas, for any of these fics, I'm very open to them 💖
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teecupangel · 9 months
Disclaimer: Fantasy Life (a 3ds game) is relatively unknown and I doubt that you know it. If you do, tell me please I have put 164 hours into this game and have no friends who know it. If you don’t, just ignore this ask, the story and game are complicated and don’t waste your time trying to figure it out for a tumblr ask. Backup question: what’s your favorite dinosaur?
Now, Fantasy Life idea:
Desmond AND Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton all wake up in Fantasy Life in the place of the pov main character.
I think Altaïr would go for an Alchemist life before pivoting to do all the crafting ones. Get level 15 dagger skill so fast tho.
Ratonhnhaké:ton i think would initially go for Hunter life but mayyyybe the Wizard life would draw him in. He’d also be the most well rounded in terms of weapons even if he thinks it’s bullshit he can’t use a high level sword and shield.
Ezio im honestly not sure about. He might go for Paladin for the weapon style but I could honestly see him wanting to be a gatherer life instead. Or maybe a crafter.
Next to Ezio, Desmond would still probably switch the most. I have zero clue what he’d choose first he’d probably choose something out of panic at first and end up an Angler or smth lol.
During the story: Ezio tries and fails repeatedly to woo Yuelia, you can’t change my mind. Desmond finds it hilarious that he died due to problems with the Sun and now he’s having problems with the Moon. Altaïr is somehow the one keeping them all on track but also is the highest leveled in any and all of the skills he’s focusing on. Somehow, some way, impossibly, Altair makes a philosophers stone before they even make it to Al Maajik. Ezio is thrilled when he sees the Azure Rose and Rose Shield and uses them even if he has access to better weaponry. Ratonhnhaké:ton gets a dog from all three regions. Desmond immediately realizes they need the home in the Shopping District to hold all their stuff. Desmond unlocks the majority of the Bliss. Desmond at some point becomes a Cook. At least for a little bit.
I’ve got more but I think that’s enough.
I did not know about this but, considering it’s a Level 5 game, I am not surprised. Level 5 games tend to go under the radar with word of mouth being their best source of publicity (unless you get a super hit like Ni no Kuni).
It does remind me of Rune Factory a bit though. I would have tried it but the 3DS shop is already down. Oh, there’s going to be a new game for the Switch though, apparently, so we’ll see XD
I think you’re spot on with their life choices, especially Altaïr. He looks like the type of person who would craft lots of bombs and chuck them all to the enemies with his team wondering if this is Altaïr’s way of destressing and if they should be worried? Altaïr would probably try out Blacksmith too considering he did reworked the Hidden Blade and created the Hidden Gun. Did he recreate them in this world as well? Yeah, probably. It’s Altaïr.
No notes for Ratonhnhaké:ton, could totally see him going for Hunter first before branching out to check the other lives just to get a feel if any of them would be interesting in his eyes.
Ezio would go for Paladin at the start until he realized that he didn’t have to focus on fighting anymore. Sure there was the whole ‘the world is in trouble’ plot going on but he’s not alone in this and they have allies they can rely on. Ezio would change to something more chill like a Woodcutter, Angler or Tailor. He’s trying out the more chill lives to see which one he would enjoy and he’s happy that being a Farmer isn’t an option because he believes farming would just remind him of how much he misses his family.
Desmond would pick Mercenary first because Ezio had already picked Paladin and Ratonhnhaké:ton picked Hunter so he thought he’d pick the last remaining combat class. He doesn’t know magic so he didn’t pick Wizard. Also, he expected Altaïr to pick Wizard and Altaïr picking Alchemist is what made Desmond slowly start to realize the same as Ezio, that he doesn’t have to pick a ‘combat’ life. Sure, the first time he started to cook was when Altaïr invented protein bars (wtf) and Desmond needed to put his foot down because he is not going to eat protein bars for the rest of his life (Ezio was still in his Paladin phase). The reason why Ezio didn’t pick Cook is because Desmond eventually settled on a Cook life because he enjoyed cooking. There’s a kind of control in it that he didn’t have before and, also, this way, he can be sure his ancestors actually eat (especially Altaïr who tend to forget he needs to eat when he’s in a middle of experimenting).
I feel like in the end of this entire thing, Altaïr would have managed to recreate an Apple of Eden (which he just throws at Desmond because Desmond is a cook. Desmond is offended and wanted to hit Altaïr with his frying pan) and the Armor of Altaïr (which he gives to both Ratonhnhaké:ton and Ezio).
(Feel free to add more. I read TvTropes for this one hahahaha)
(I think it would be Archaeopteryx mainly because they’re supposedly around the size of a magpie and looks like the midway point of a dinosaur and bird looks like.)
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rubberduckyrye · 3 months
You don’t need to post this, but thanks for caring about antisemitism on a deeper level beyond that whole Kokichi’s hat thing. Just saw a different post that really bummed me out so seeing you being thoughtful about it cheered me up (which is funny bc Gonta’s backstory never personally bothered me, probably bc my standards are low and at least the reptites portrayed as nice there & a video game reference lol)
NGL Anon I'm morbidly curious about the post you saw, but aside from that--
I actually want to give @jacksmusesdrv3 credit here, because for the longest time I did not want to really engage with the antisemitic stuff at all--which while my intentions were good (as in I wanted to just kind of erase them from my rewrite), it made me blind to other antisemitic notions in the narrative, a lot of them being philosenitism, which in this case, is a very specific breed of antisemitism that idolizes the stereotypes instead of condemning them/using them to fear monger.
I knew that the hat was likely a reference to WWII Germany (I still can't believe military officers wore hats with SKULLS ON THEM like how can I take you seriously you are LITERALLY being supervillans in a cartoon I cannot--) and I knew the Reptites were suspiciously similar to the "lizard people" thing, but there's quite a few a bit of philosenitism in it--things I plan on trying to remove if possible.
I also have been discussing the ableism (pardon the extra salt for the post with the links, this one's personal) and racism in the narrative of V3, both of which I also plan to either address or reassess.
I am very neurodivergant (AuADHD), so the ableism is something I face first hand in my daily life--but the racism and antisemitism aren't things I experience, which is why I want to learn about them and rework the story of Twins AU to be rid of them, if possible. Especially since the ableism is baked into the character interactions and Gonta's character arc so that's hard to remove, but the racism in Angie's writing is mostly backstory related so that can easily be reworked and changed. (Namely, I'm stuck on if I should keep the deities she refers to as the Atua, since I'm not sure if that's interchangeable with the Kupua, which is specifically Native Hawaiian, where as Atua refer to deities that aren't so specific.)
For the antisemitism and antisemitic-philosentism, I'll need to do more research on. I know there is something with Kirumi's last name being a reference to a prime minister of Japan, which has something to do with philosentism/antisemitism, but I don't 100% recall it atm.
I try to be very, very mindful of these sorts of things in fiction, as I want to create a story that isn't going to perpetuate stereotypes or harmful rhetoric, which will isolate readers of those groups from my work. I never have fun seeing ableist shit in media, in fanfic, so I apply that same logic to everything. A Native Hawaiian won't like seeing Angie's narrative racism. A Jewish individual would feel uncomfortable seeing antisemitic characteristics, even if they are being glorified. So I try to eliminate those things from my own rewrite.
And TBH, I am a little ashamed of myself for wanting to shut down any discussion about the antisemitism/philosentism in the past, because I didn't realize it was making me ignorant. I thought I recognized all of it and that was arrogant of me. I have a lot to learn, and I will always be learning! So I've been slowly working myself up into discussing it and understanding what about V3 has the antisemitism and the antisemitic-philosentism, so I can rework that in my own story.
But yeah--sorry for the long response, I just kinda started rambling a bit.
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overlordraax · 1 year
Little update on fics I’m working on atm
So! Just wanted to give an update on various fics and stories I’ve been working on. But thought I’d give an update on fics I’m the process of working on and updating. I’ll start with the ones people are probably waiting on.
So I do need to get back to this one. I definitely want to do more of Roddy fitting more into his role as a Decepticon and maybe making friends, but I’m stuck on just exactly how some of these scenes should go. The comments on the last chapter made me realise people are desperate to see Drift/Deadlock in this au so I feel I am obligated to have him in now lol. Though I just need to figure out how cos I had originally imagined him as Turmoil’s heir (though I suppose that does not need to be the case).
I also want to do more general Galvs bonding with Roddy moments. So once again I just need to devise more ideas for that.
Titan Starscream
Another fic where the comments have sort of changed my plan for it. In the last chapter everyone was talking about Starscream learning to respect what Skyfire wants and understand how he is being more introverted. It was a nice idea and just got me thinking, so if I do another chapter it’ll have that as a focus.
And now some unreleased fics:
MegOP Beauty and the Beast AU
This one I’ve been working on for quite some time. It’s a fic I started on ages ago. Though it has seriously branched off from the original premise and now barely resembles the fairytale it’s based on. I now jokingly describe as ‘Beauty and the Beast but the villain is Judge Claude Frollo’, that’s a vague summary of the story.
(There’s already at least 2 other Beauty and the Beast MegOP aus out there but I think that’s okay. Everyone who’s doing them is taking them in a fun different direction and I like it’s still an idea that can be reworked in a lot of fun different ways)
This one I’m not gonna post until it’s fully done. That’s kind of become a thing after I posted my Snow Queen au and realised I had made a massive mistake early on and couldn’t fix. So I don’t wanna have that happen with any of my other stories. However, I’m looking forward to it! It’s got mystery! Political intrigue! Curses! Religion! A whole lot of stuff going on.
Jazzwave Loneliness
A piece I intended for Jazzwave Week last year but didn’t get to finish cos it was meant to be a one shot but it ended up as a multichapter piece about Soundwave suffering from social anxiety and slowly developing a friendship with Jazz.
First Contact
A one shot about the Transformers trying to blend in and stay in disguise in the 1980s. Basically about the mishaps that happen as they try to act human and blend in.
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lost-technology · 11 months
You Can't Outrun Your Past, No Matter How Hard You Try...
So, I got a DM from someone looking for an old fanfic of mine - or, they didn't know if I was the author, but were looking up stuff from the old Live Journal days and found me somehow - managed to connect my regular pename to my account here - well, I do mention it on my pin-post. They were looking for a particular old fanfic and I was all "Okay, that sounds vaguely familiar" but I couldn't find it. I googled the title mentioned and... promptly had a thousand-yard stare. I used to get up to some seriously fucked up shit in my early Trigun fandom days in the early 2000's. So, I had one of those experiences that fell into the annals of "this is why I do not do co-writing." It took a bad experience in the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fandom to finally solidify that, but I really should have learned back then. I have had more bad experiences co-writing than good ones (although there is a Zelda fic I do not regret co-creating and a pretty good Super Smash short I did with someone I'm still friends with). Anyway, I did this fic back in the day with someone whom I eventually had a huge falling out with and hope to never see hide nor hair of again in my entire life - and, if possible, I'd like to continue that relationship of no-contact into the afterlife, should one exist. The falling out wasn't over this fic we created together, it was over a variety of other things that happened later and I can admit that there were two assholes in the equation, not just one - I was just as much of an asshole as my former friend. Anyway, indeed, I am the co-author of some fic that... people still talk about, I guess? titled "Dark Mirror." As I remember it - being that I erased its presence from the Internet as much as I could and no longer retain files (if I ever kept any, they were several computers and virus-attacks / hard drive reworkings ago), it was a WEIRD fic. I remember it being a take on the "Dark Vash" toy repaint. It involved Vash going evil, but not of his own choice. He basically got Plant-rabies. He got a fungal disease that was slowly killing him and eating his brain. He also found a somehow Survived!The!Big!Fall! Rem (coldsleep pods, baby)! who reunited with him, tried to help him find the cure and they fell in adult-style love. BLECK!!! WHY?! YOUNG SHADSIE, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!!! YOU WERE INSANE! (In my defense, I have figured out exactly what mental illness I had / have and have gotten medication and treatment, thank you). I also seem to recall that most of the idea - certainly the structure of the Plant-fungal disease (which was actually one of the cooler ideas in it) was courtesy of the person known as "MillyFan" (or as I'd like to call them today, the Motherfucker). I think Vash / Rem was their idea, too, but I can't be sure. It was entirely my fault for going along with it. Certain stupid cameos from other animes were my fault, I recall that. (I was trying to insert Haibane Renmei characters into the whole mess for some reason). I... feel like taking a shower now. I already took one today... Anyway, I have a lot more weirdness and "What was I thinking?!" stories that do actually still exist on my old fanfiction.net account if anyone is interested in those. I have one where Legato propositions Vash for sex in a dingy hotel (Vash runs away very quickly). I have one where a woman that Midvalley got pregnant confronts him and he preforms an abortion by saxophone. I have this one really annoying anti-Vashwood piece back when I was an annoying little shit about Vashwhood. I have one that I actually recently re-read in thinking I could transfer it to Ao3 that isn't so bad, but I was overdramatic and predictable about Vash getting a pet cat. (You know the cat is doomed from the start, right? Very "Does the Dog Die?" stuff. Blech). I really like to think that I have become... a much better writer than from my early days. Please stick to my Ao3 page to see anything that I think is actually halfway decent in this fandom.
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Out Of Time ~ 126
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,525ish
Summary: Y/N sees her men after saying goodbye to Coulson and the team. Infinity War starts.
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Tony’s apartment was dark and quiet, which was extremely unusual for any of Tony’s places of living. 
“Tony?” Y/N called, her body was exhausted. She was trying to hold herself together from also saying goodbye to part of her family. “Tony?”
“The Boss is currently away on a business trip, Agent Rogers,” FRIDAY responded. “I will inform him that you are here.”
“Thanks… Uh, FRIDAY?”
“I’m… I…”
“If I could step in, it seems like your body is exhausted, running on its last amounts of fuel. May I suggest that you rest? I will order food and work with Mr. Stark to get him here as fast as possible.”
“Okay… I’ll be in Tony’s room.”
“Y/N?” Tony called. 
When FRIDAY had told him that Y/N was back, Tony quickly ended the meeting he was in and flew home. He had been kept up to date on the SHIELD issues, since they were being broadcast everywhere. The man hunt was on Y/N like nothing it had before. He was concerned and so very worried, Tony was barely making it through the meeting.
“Y/N? Are you there?” He tried again, exiting his suit and searching his apartment.
“Boss,” FRIDAY responded. “She is resting in your room. She came back with extreme exhaustion. I’ve sent her to be and ordered food.”
“Thanks, FRI,” Tony sighed, relieved. 
He quickly, but quietly, made his way up to his room. Opening the door, the light from the hallway illuminated a very asleep Y/N, buried in the covers. He walked over, tucking her into the covers more before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Tony?” She rasped, eyes half opening.
“Go back to sleep,” he urged, brushing his fingers over her cheek. “I’ll let you know when the food’s here.”
She nodded, quickly falling back to sleep. Tony watched her lovingly before changing into something comfier. He was in the living room, waiting for the food, when the elevator dinged. Quickly on guard, Tony stood up defensively. He relaxed slightly when he noticed Peter waltzing in, bags of food.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted excitedly.
“Hey, kid,” Tony responded. “What ya got there?”
“Oh, FRIDAY told me that you needed me to run and get some food. Even told me where to go and what to go.”
“FRIDAY, huh?” He looked up at the ceiling with a little shake of his head. “We’re going to have a conversation later.”
“Am I intruding on something?”
“No, kid,” Tony sighed. “It’s about time I let you in on a little secret.”
“A secret? What secret?”
“How about you go and get everything set up for three in the kitchen and I’ll be right back?”
“For three? Okay, Mr. Stark!” 
The kid rushed away to the kitchen. Tony headed back to the bed room. He had the urge to leave Y/N sleeping, as she very well needed it, obviously. But she needed to eat as well. He walked over and gently sat next to her.
“Y/N,” he called softly. “Time to wake up.”
“Hmm?” She hummed, stirring from her slumber. 
“Food’s here. And, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Meet?” Y/N was more awake now. “Tony, you know I can’t—“
“They won’t say anything to anyone. I promise.” He grabbed one of her hands and brought it up to his lips for a kiss. “Please?”
“Okay, Tony,” she nodded. Her stomach growled as she threw the covers off of her.
Tony chuckled. “You hungry?”
“A little.” She put her hands out. “A little help.”
Tony smiled and nodded before grabbing her hands. He carefully guided Y/N so that she was standing. Keeping hold of one of Y/N’s hands, Tony began to lead them out of the bedroom. Suddenly, Y/N tripped over her own tired feet.
“Woah, there, honey,” Tony said, steadying her. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Uh… honestly, I don’t remember,” Y/N responded. “It was… I thought happened.”
“And you better plan on telling me all about it after dinner.”
“Yes, Tones.”
Tony wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist to keep her more steady as they made their way to the kitchen. When they arrived, Y/N saw a teenager, one from the pictures on the wall. He was setting up dinner.
“Mr. Parker,” Tony called, the boy’s head snapped to look at his mentor. The boy was clearly surprised to see who was standing beside Tony. “I’d like you to meet Y/N. Y/N, this is Peter Parker. Or, Spider-Man.”
“Hello, Mr. Parker,” Y/N greeted holding her hand out for the young hero to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Peter nervously shook Y/N’s hand. “You’re…” He swallowed. “Y-you’re Lady America. I… I fought your brother in Germany.”
“You did, huh?” Y/N gave Tony a look. Tony looked away, not willing to meet her eye. 
“Yeah! I even stole his shield from him.”
“Well, that sounds like an interesting story. I’d love to hear it sometime.”
“Okay!” / “Let’s not.”
“Miss Rogers, I promise I won’t tell anyone about seeing you,” Peter continued as they sat at the table. 
“Thank you, Peter,” Y/N replied. “It means a lot.”
“How was school today, kid?” Tony asked, taking Y/N’s plate and dishing food onto it. “And patrol? Save any cats?”
“School was school. I spent most of science reworking my webbing. And I didn’t save any cats today, Mr. Stark. Just some old ladies crossing the street.”
Y/N honestly enjoyed the dinner with Tony and Peter. It was a sense of normalcy that had disappeared from her life what seemed like ages ago. After dinner was done, Peter needed to go home to get Aunt May. He awkwardly said goodbye before disappearing into the elevator. Y/N leaned back into Tony once Peter was gone. Tony pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Coulson’s dying,” Y/N whispered.
“What?” Tony quickly moved so that he was facing Y/N. “How?”
“I don’t know. But, I said goodbye to him and the team. Only final time.”
Tony pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sorry you had to do that,” he said softly. “I know how much they meant to you.”
“He was there when I woke up… he was my first friend.”
“Do the others know? Does Daisy know?”
“No. And I wasn’t meant to find out.”
Tony looked down at Y/N. “What do you need me to do?”
“Hold me.”
So that’s what he did, all night long.
To say Bucky was anxious would be an understatement. Y/N had been gone for about a week, without a word from her. Shuri had tried to cheer him up, but it was only met with grumpiness. He was beginning to worry that something had happened to her. After that worry crept it, Bucky noticed that T’Challa and the others were keeping something from him.
“What do you know?” Bucky asked, marching into the throne room where T’Challa and his counselors were.
“Leave us,” T’Challa requested, and the others quickly left. “This is about Y/N.”
“What do you know?”
“I will show you.”
T’Challa showed Bucky the news footage of Talbot’s press conference and him getting shot in the head by Daisy, only for Y/N to appear moments later.
“The government will stop at nothing to throw her in Raft,” T’Challa stated. “I have—“
“They won’t waste their time with Raft,” Y/N’s voice came from behind. The men spun around to see her standing there. “They’ve already made it clear that they will kill me on sight.”
After spending time with Tony, Y/N knew she needed to go back to Wakanda to see Bucky. She willingly let Tony make her breakfast before fighting him to let her leave. Luckily, she won.
“But I’m fine,” Y/N continued. “Healed it myself.” Bucky began marching towards her, clearly angry. “What? I’m okay, I pro—“
She was quickly cut off by his lips smashing onto hers. With his only arm, he pulled her into him, keeping her tightly against his chest. Y/N could feel all the worry and frustration that was being poured into the kiss.
“Don’t ever do that again,” Bucky growled against her lips. 
“I’m sorry,” she replied softly. “I really had no choice.”
T’Challa cleared his throat, reminding the two that they were not alone. “I’m glad that you are alright, Y/N,” T’Challa said with a slight smile. “I’m afraid Barnes here was about to burn the whole country down to search for you.”
“The whole country, huh?” She looked at Bucky, teasingly. “Wow.”
“The whole country, no,” Bucky defended. “The whole world, that’s probably about right.”
“Cause that would solve the problem.”
“Anything to get me to you, doll.” He gave you a softer kiss. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. And I’m safe.���
The next year went by in this weird, fast-slow sort of way. Both Tony and Bucky were as understanding as they could be with the situation Y/N was putting them in. But as time went on, the more frustrated and jealous both men became. Valentine’s Day was honestly the least problematic of any of the holidays. And that was saying something.
Alone, Y/N worked to gain more control and confidence with her abilities. She needed to be ready for whatever was coming. At the start of 2018, the Stones slowly began haunting her dreams, concerning both men greatly. Sleeping was becoming a luxury. The Stones showed to her their powers and the vision Wanda showed her three years previous. They kept telling her to prepare, but not exactly what to prepare for. 
The mounting stress of choosing between the men she loved and the oncoming battle that laid ahead, was enough to make anyone go crazy. But Y/N tried her best to keep an even killed head on her shoulders. Both her men could see that this was all weighing on her, but they did their best (somedays) to take a weight off of her.
Y/N also began to grow more angry at Steve. Though she missed him greatly. She was so mad at him. Mad at him for not reaching out or appearing to not care. She was mad at him for not telling her about Howard’s death and for not being willing to see outside his stubborn ass. For that being there when she lost AJ. But Y/N also missed him terribly. Steve was her twin after all. She would always love him.
It was now currently April and Y/N was up late after having visions of the Reality and Power Stones. And a purple giant. She was alone in her Wakandan bedroom, staring at her hands nervously. She had woken up deciding that she couldn’t wait any longer to choose. A choice needed to be made before what ever was haunting her came. In all honesty, Y/N had known for months, who’d she choose. She was just lying to herself.
With a deep breath, Y/N looked over at her side table. There were two clocks on the table, one with New York’s time and one with Bucky’s. It was almost time for her morning run with Tony. 
“I guess it’s time to make the choice official,” she whispered to herself. “Someone help me.”
Tony was already waiting at the Compound for Y/N. He had bought the property on the other side of the lake months back so that their dates could be outside more. He put in a dirt path so that they could run in the mornings too. Tony was leaning against a tree, waiting for Y/N, with his fingers running over his knew (detachable) arc reactor. Ever since Y/N began to struggle to sleep at night, he knew he needed to do something to protect them. To protect her. The new arc reactor didn’t get placed without a fight. But Y/N eventually gave in.
“You ready to lose again, tin man?” Y/N teased, appearing through a portal beside him.
“I never mind losing,” Tony smirked. “The view’s great.”
Y/N playfully swatted him. Tony grabbed her hands and pulled her into him for a kiss. Something was off about it.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling away.
“Yeah,” she responded, unconvincing. “Just ready for a run.”
She pecked his lips once more before sprinting off. He quickly followed. They ran in silence for a while before Tony started talking, but it wasn’t all making sense to Y/N.
“Slow down, slow down,” Tony requested. “I’m totally not kidding.”
“You’re totally rambling,” Y/N laughed, slowing down to a walking speed.
“No, I’m not.”
“Lost me.”
“Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded.
“Okay, and then you're like, 'Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?', 'Oh! Someone's watching,' ''m gonna go in my pants.’”
“Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee.”
“Yeah. Everybody has that.”
“Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid.” Y/N stopped turning to face Tony. “So real. We named him after an eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?”
“Right… Tony, I think—“
“Morgan! Morgan.” He snapped his fingers.
“So you woke up, and thought that we were…”
“No,” Y/N shook her head. “We haven’t even had sex in a year. How could that me possible?”
“I had a dream about it. It was so real.”
“I’m sure it was, Tony. But I haven’t even—“
“I know, I know. You haven’t chosen yet. But just think about it, will ya? My dream can’t be far off.”
Y/N sighed and untied the jacket sleeves around Tony’s neck. “Also, if you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” She tapped the new reactor.
“I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nano particles.”
“It's not helping your case, OK?”
“No, no, it's an attachment, it's not a—“
“You don’t need that.”
“I know. I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us. The future uses, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of, you know…”
“You know me so well. You finish all my sentences.”
“You should have shirts in your closet.”
“I should have more of your shirts in my closet.”
“I know, getting ahead of myself again. You know what there should be no more surprises. Let’s have a nice dinner tonight and we should have no more surprises. I should promise you.”
“Actually, Tony, I really need to talk to you about something. I made—“
“Tony Stark,” a man with a red cloak appeared a few feet away. There was an orange portal behind him. “Y/N Rogers, I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. And I need you both to come with me.”
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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Emotive Writing
Guest Poster: @thepartyresponsible​
Emotive writing is about making people Feel Things. People use this all the time to sell you stuff, but we’re out here giving emotions away for free. Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve found to make people feel the most emotions.
Word choice:
This is the most straightforward part of emotive writing. Your word choices add an extra layer of complexity to your message. You aren’t just telling readers what happened; you’re signaling to them how they should feel. Most writers do this unconsciously, but being deliberate can make it especially effective.
Here’s a non-emotive, just-the-facts sentence: The soldier lifted his weapon and turned toward the enemy.
Here’s the same sentence reworked to make you care a bit more: The exhausted soldier raised his broken shield and faced the invading army.
The actions here are fundamentally the same, but exhausted and broken invoke sympathy while invading skews negative.
The words you choose are sign posts for the reader. They indicate how to interpret the story and help your readers orient themselves and form expectations. Subtly building expectation is important because, while surprise can be effective, shock is generally numbing and confusion tends to be irritating, so word choice helps you frame things and guide your reader along.
One of the keys here is to attempt some subtlety. If every sentence about your protagonist reads like an ad campaign (effervescent, brilliant, impervious) and every sentence about your antagonist reads like a political diatribe (cruel, spineless, malicious), you’re probably overusing your sign posts. People want to know who to root for, but too much emotive language can make them feel manipulated.
Think of word choice like adding spices to food. If you put oats in boiling water, you’re making oatmeal, and the spices you use won’t change that. But if you throw in some honey and cinnamon, I know we’re headed somewhere wholesome. If you sprinkle in little discordant notes of garlic powder and cayenne, what we’re cooking is a tragedy. And if you upend an entire bottle of cinnamon, a quarter cup of nutmeg, and toss in seventeen whole cloves, I am not staying for breakfast.
Narrative distance:
Narrative or psychic distance is the space between the reader and the character, usually navigated by the intermediary figure of the narrator. Your narrator can be an omniscient figure that knows the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of every character in the world. Or your narrator could be sitting on the shoulder of your main character, close enough to hear their thoughts and know their story but not so close that they speak with the character’s voice. Or your narrator could be your character.
If you want to ramp up emotion, you usually want a narrator who is very close to one character (or, alternatively, to separate characters in turn). But you don’t have to stay at one distance for the whole story, and, just like word choice, shifts in narrative distance can be helpful indicators to your reader about the story and the characters.
A sudden, dramatic shift in narrative distance is quite jarring, like a sudden zoom-in during a movie. It can be effective, but it’ll lose its punch if it’s overused. Generally, if you want to shift narrative distance, you should build to it slowly. Here’s an example of shifting from a distant third person to a closer third person:
They wake the Soldier because the archer is missing. He has a habit of slipping his lead, disappearing post-mission. The chase grew tedious years ago, but the Soldier runs it just the same. He’ll do as he’s told. But it bothers him, when he lets it. The why.
Why does he do this? the Soldier wonders, when he shouldn’t, when it isn’t his place. Where is he going? he thinks, when he can’t stop himself. Who is he running to? But he tries to think nothing at all.
Another trick of narrative distance is to suddenly pull back to show a character who’s been compromised, shocked, or deeply hurt by something. Imagine spending a long time in a close Bucky perspective, hearing his thoughts, and then being abruptly walloped across the face with: The machine went quiet, and the Soldier opened his eyes. Zooming out can emphasize what’s been lost. Because you aren’t just taking the soul of Bucky Barnes right out of him, you’re also taking that closeness away from the reader. You’re silencing the voice they’ve been listening to.
Whether you zoom in or out during highly emotional moments depends on what you’re trying to accomplish and also on who’s involved.  Some characters have loud, messy emotions that will get louder when they’re hurt. Some characters will freeze over and push a narrator further away. You can use narrative distance to show a character slowly opening up or suddenly slamming a door. But you need the reader to have a solid understanding of the character in order to follow what the shift means, which leads to the next component.
Know your characters:
So, here’s the thing. You gotta Velveteen Rabbit this. Every character is Tinker Bell. If you stop believing, they die.
If you want people to care about these characters, you have to treat them like living, breathing, fully feeling people. They have favorite colors. They have phobias. They have Friday night plans and blisters from new shoes and sesame seeds stuck in their teeth. They have superstitions and secrets. You don’t need to know all of these facts, but you should try to give the impression that someone could know them. The more real your characters are, the more we’re going to care about them.
Since this is fanfiction, you start with a receptive audience. Your readers are fond of these characters. Figure out why. Figure out which parts of the character you can relate to and dig in until you feel like you can understand the parts of them you can’t relate to.
Try to collect things that make you feel close to that character. I always have music playing when I’m writing, so I make playlists for characters and playlists for stories. If I feel like I’m losing a character, I’ll go back to their playlist. But you could also use Pinterest boards, reread favorite fics or comics, rewatch movies or fanvids, or spend an unreasonable amount of time researching bows and tactical knives. Whatever works!
Also, remember, your characters don’t know what story they’re in. They don’t know it’s going to end well (or terribly). Maintain that tension, because that’s where the emotions are. When you watch a good horror movie, you’re not really scared of the monster. You’re scared for the characters, because they don’t know if they’re going to survive.
Emotions come from the characters. That’s why it’s still sad that Tony Stark dies, no matter how many times you watch it happen. Tony Stark was brave and flawed and usually right and often sarcastic, and it hurts to watch him die because that’s a full, unique human we’re losing. We know him well enough to know he’s choosing to sacrifice himself and why he made that choice and who will mourn him.
Know your characters, and let them be messy and weird and wrong and hopeful and cantankerous and unique. Fear is relatable, flaws are relatable, and awkward, ungainly, stubborn progress is relatable. Just remember what it is that makes their progress their progress because, if you can swap Dominic Toretto in for Ted Lasso and have the exact same story, you’ve probably lost your characters.
Plan your emotional trajectory:
Okay, time to get a bit technical. This is for people who like to plan. For those terrifying, godlike writers who just sit down and write, this might not be helpful. For my fellow planners:
There’s a theory (which you can get a general overview about here or, if you’re very into data, right here) that there are six core emotional trajectories in narratives:
1)      Rags to riches (rise)
2)      Riches to rags (fall)
3)      Man in a hole (fall then rise)
4)      Icarus (rise then fall)
5)      Cinderella (rise then fall then rise)
6)      Oedipus (fall then rise then fall)
Since rise and fall can mean different things, I find it helpful to combine these building blocks with emotional axes, which you can find some examples of here.
So, basically, for my winterhawk baseball au Got a Heart in Me, I Swear, I planned to follow the “man in a hole” trajectory (fall then rise) along the anxiety-confidence emotional axis with some bleedover from the humiliation-pride axis. Which basically means Clint started comfortable enough, nosedived deep into anxiety and humiliation, and then slowly built his way to confidence over the rest of the fic.
If the listed axes don’t appeal to you, you can very easily create your own. Just think of an emotion, identify what links it to its inverse, and then list the related emotions between the two opposites. Disgust and adoration are opposites, but they’re linked by attention, right? You can’t ignore something you find disgusting or adorable. So, here’s an example emotional axis you could follow: Disgust – Resentment – Obsession – Fascination – Reverence – Adoration. Enemies to lovers, anyone?
Emotional axes help provide a natural framework for your character’s emotional trajectory. They can be subtle; you don’t have to start on one end of the spectrum and go all the way to the other. A story that moves just a step or two on an emotional axis can be incredibly compelling. That small progress from discomfort to hope can hit really hard if the progress feels fought-for and earned and real.
Tips for writing emotions:
·         Get physical: If you want to show an emotion instead of telling it, describe its impacts on the body. Most characters won’t think I’m embarrassed. They’ll feel a drop in their stomach like someone cut the elevator cables and a hot stinging in their face like they’ve been slapped by some disappointed version of themselves. The more visceral your descriptions, the more the reader will feel them. If you want your reader to feast on feelings, you have to set the table.
·         Dramatic zoom: When something very intense happens, shift the narrative distance. In or out is fine, but a sudden, dramatic event should result in a sudden, dramatic change in focus. Characters might hyperfocus on their physical bodies (the mechanics of breathing, the ringing in their ears, the mad animal urge toward flight) or they might be kicked so far out of their own heads that they feel like they’re dreaming or watching the scene play out from overhead. This distance is useful for two reasons: it feels real, and it allows readers to absorb the situation in pieces, without being overwhelmed by it.
·         Unreliable narrator: Some emotions can be so charged that people don’t want to own them, like grief, shame, jealousy, rage, lust, and guilt. Characters might unconsciously misrepresent these to themselves as something else. A grieving mother might insist she’s tired. A rehabilitated assassin who’s fallen in love with an absolute dork might tell himself he’s just tracking a target. Everyone knows what it’s like to lie to themselves, so this makes characters relatable. And, also, everyone likes being in on a secret, so, sometimes, this is just fun.
·         Face the monsters: We’re often conditioned not to dwell on unpleasant things, which is part of why it can be powerful to examine them in stories. From small things like inglorious emotional states (envy, cowardice, resentment) to character flaws (recklessness, withdrawal, arrogance) to personal tragedies (loss, betrayal, abandonment), the negative parts of human emotional life pack quite a punch. Acknowledge them. Not only are they relatable experiences, but redemption and recovery arcs are some of the most compelling stories we have.
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20 Jan 3:38pm ET Mars Conjunct Uranus 6º44’
Aquarius Season Begins ! Focus of Feb 2021 by sign :
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So we have talked about it, warned about it, fret a little about it and at the same time felt a little excited about it. Mars Conjunct Uranus is here. As its not just a day long transit we have felt this about a week or so coming in and would continue to feel for a week on the way out though it wouldn’t ever be fully out. Fixed aspects are such they are never out of our system.
They create long term shifts in fixed corners of our psyche.
This is the most interesting aspect and to some its scary & erratic as well as it acts out of character or norm and its unpredictable. I have this aspect in my natal chart in a square and I can tell you people who deal with me have that kind of varied response too. Some find my actions interesting, some erratic, some strong willed and some think I am downright nuts - mission accomplished, keep them guessing 😉 When Mount Etna slowly but surely exploded its lava out after seething for a while it reminded me of this aspect. Whatever is hemmed in surely explodes - thats one thing thats certain of this aspect - Need for Freedom.
We take what we want from each aspect and each person so I am going to try and see if we can draw the best of this aspect. It happens every year & in Taurus it helps over seven years release fixity in comfort zone corners of our life in food, in money, in assets, in economy, in voice, in talents. The special and unique thing about it this year and about 2021 as a whole is that this aspect are / will aspect the 5 planets in Aquarius over Jan and Feb - nothing real or noticeable happens without a square - I mean what’s the point if it wont be in your face 😉. You cant ignore a square, its not easy but it makes sure you notice it and do something about it cause otherwise it just hurts too much to live with it. It actives us to make the shift.
So if you feel the pain in places you used to draw comfort from, know its your body and psyche giving you hints like boulders to make that shift.
I noted where and what this aspect is happening in my 2021 note as thats something where every fabric of your being would look for more freedom and shift in. How will it play out though, where would it manifest is another story cause those 5 planets in Aquarius in this season will help you put the sand in the sandpit for you to play in and display your need for freedom, brilliance and change. Mercury will also be going retrograde in Aquarius (30 Jan-20Feb) so you will have some rethink, rework before you put the first layer in - this process will go on this year as Saturn and Jupiter go back and forth over it helping you create source of your next 20 years of growth using this first layer of sand you are putting in Aquarius season.
Videos by sign done before :
Across signs Mars Uranus is a volatile energy so physically you would want to be careful with devices, knives etc especially fixed signs : Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio especially planets around 7º.
Let’s begin - by sign what are you about to begin:
#Aries : Network, platform, investment gains, group of influential
Looking to have a platform or a group of influential people or a fan base or a set of like minded people - your tribe who can work on the new vision you have of your life. That’s where it will manifest. What’s the driver and what’s the Mars Uranus restleness and brilliance - its in your money, confidence, self respect and assets house. You seek freedom in financials, radical self confidence in your personal assets and its a drive to prove your worth to none other than yourself. It’s you wanting to play and have fun with assets and money without being tied down. Creating all of it from the things that bring you bigger vision of life and helps you connect with people on larger scale instead of being confined and limited in your outlook to life. So you would work on money & asset shifts and manifest it in form of a platform or a network or a group of like minded people working on a larger vision - also through investments beyond a job, gains from investments. Detachment from fixity of assets and any kind of source of income that inhibits your freedom would seem urgent and essential. It might almost feel manifestation of your vision is impossible without it. Money becomes a means to freedom and you look to stop trading money for time as how you spend your time becomes more meaningful. A step towards that vision is what this season is about.
#Taurus : Job, career, leadership style, your title
Looking to start a new job or a new way to do a job or a shift in title - what you are know as and known for, shift in how you are a leader of your life. Driver is you don’t want to be who you were before. You want to detach from your past life in some ways as you would like to be more authentic to yourself, be more of you instead of what others want you to be or see you as. As you “show yourself” so as to speak - the existing mode of how you express yourself - which is normally our profession, our formal title - would also shift with it cause you want it to. Mars Uranus right now might make you feel very rebellious - wanting to jump out of your skin - sorry I don’t know why the werewolf analogy is popping in my head - you are beautiful inside out - but as risk of offending you I will use that analogy. It’s about you about to pop out - if you are a wolf inside and have been a sheep outside, it wont work for you especially not in your job. Yes it can be an erratic display, a conflict, a fight with authority but you know what - its long overdue probably. We can manage how it looks but not how it is - how it is , is how it is. So it would be a bit of truth time and time to move to what’s more real to you as you make a new start this season in your work.
#Gemini : Travel (jeez talk about being a tease), adventure, higher education, publication, putting your content on a platform, teach, higher mind
Geminis are going places, wanting to start something that gives them adventure, gives them that high vibe they crave. Aquarius season activates a very positive and to some extend radical part of their chart - this is what makes them so brilliant and interesting. They get radical also positively. They look like they are thinking of ten things at a time seemingly lost on all ten but inside they are synthesizing how to take over the world. This is where Gemini converge all they have learned and put it into a book, into a publication, on a platform, they teach, they engage with people who are different and far from them using tech and state of art platforms, they create state of art platforms to publish information thats useful and meaningful. Their drive is this Mars and Uranus bringing all thats within to right in from of them - they don’t feel scared any more of endings, of facing any demons within or outside, of facing their own fears - they have got to do it cause they are after finding their place in this wide wide universe. They are after establishing meaning of their existence and wanting to make it valuable beyond imagination. They want to wrap all their hidden talents, hidden insecurities and light it all on fire to get out in the open. It’s almost like they are asking - let me see how my worst fears play out - let me see what was I really afraid of. So I don’t ever have to use that word “fear” ever again anymore. Preach Gemini we are all ears!
#Cancer : Give & take in partnerships, Karmic, depth, healing
You know they say those who hurt so much, learn to heal others of their hurt. I always think of Cancerians when they say that. Cause why else would God or higher powers make them feel so much... unless it was to help them understand how every living being feels in every living instance. Human emotions isn’t the only thing Cancerians are expert on using their intuition on - they are sensitive on knowing the undercurrent of society and even financial world if they apply themselves to it. They are brilliant in seeing things below the surface but they create a protective layer even against their own intuition sometimes cause sometimes what they see hurts them. That sometimes makes a Cancerian stay in dysfunction longer than they should. So its a new wave of detaching ourselves from what’s karmic what’s bad for us and our intuition has told us so many times but we have been shielding ourselves from our own knowing. Its time to start a new ledger and put a knot on all old karmic ties so you establish a blank slate. A new start in much more powerful way of being when it comes to partnership, seeing the writing on the wall and handle give and take differently in relationships, use your depth and intuition in financial matters where you know things way ahead of time. Using your knowledge of matters unknown to others by putting that knowledge out on a platform, on a screen, for wide population to see. Sharing your depth, your knowing, your ideas with a larger set for their benefit versus reserving all your heart and love for one. Uranus and Mars will introduce you to unique people, offer you opportunities to work on new and state of art platforms to put your knowledge on and help you detach from past patterns in relating to others. Love is a tough topic, actually not love but intimacy and that depth & returns you seek in relationship is cause may be for far too long we have been mistaking unease, dysfunction, pain and karmic for depth and love. Love is not supposed to feel like pain. This is process of relearning it all by detaching from dysfunction. Starting new without the heavy.
#Leo : Clients, contract, commitment
Restless restless Leos have been looking for that thing, that thing they don’t know what thing, but that thing in their work, in their business, in their title, in the way they rule that domain of theirs - that links what they feel inside with a manifestation outside. They feel like a king or a queen inside - larger than life, magnanimous, caring for the people who benefit from just their smiling confident gaze. That’s their true self, that’s who they were born to be. But then life got in between and daily annoyances, need to pay the bills and take care of people got in the way. Licking the wounds of not being themselves for far too long, Leos have been waiting to roar. Fixed signs are triggered and Leos are on top of the list cause they crave and need to break out of these shackles that hold their mind down and make them be who they know within they are not. The place they would want to be themselves the most would be in how they handle their job, their work and especially in the one on one interactions with their clients and partners. You are preparing a stage for your enormous potential. It could be by working towards a new contract that allows to access to the client or people who you crave to connect with or gives you the kind of freedom and eclectic freedom and brilliance in work you crave. You want your clients, your partners, your platform to benefit from your ideas and brilliance. You need a mode to convey that - may its not in the traditional job or may be a traditional job needs to follow some new rules to make that happen. Either ways if there is not a way you will make a way - such is the fixed intensity of your Mars Uranus in your career - it will make you jump through jobs, rebel at jobs, create unique roles, create unique career - till you have got it. What would you start new to make it all happen - a new contract, a new commitment, a new partnership or a unique disruptive partner which helps you explore your own psych to see why any of the titles not fitting who you feel within. May be cause what you want doesn’t exist right now, may be cause you are a creator and not a follower, may be its time to stop looking for someone to create what you want and make it yourself.
#Virgo : Order, job, project, coworkers, work place, mind body connection
When Uranus first entered their house of higher mind over two years back, it was almost like something very subtly but surely shifted in them. Whatever they thought they knew about life and where theirs’ is going at least changed. It’s a weird thing - philosophy - its supposed to be nebulous, non physical thing but its one thing in our life which if shifts - everything consequently has to shift to adjust it. As their philosophy in life shifted and is in process of fully changing who they are - Virgos have to adjust the most important thing in their life to adjust that to go with it - their own daily routines, the thread of life that runs their physical existence - their processes, their work environment, who they work with and what kind of projects they work on and most importantly how they take care of your body. Its a cause of friction when your life philosophy and who you are within has expanded but you still continue to work with the same people or employ the same people you did before or the way you handle your body and your routines stay the same. When your higher mind has been set free you need to start a new chapter in your physical reality as well - new start in your own daily routines, when you work out, where you work out, how you take care of your body, what kind of projects you work on, who you work with or who you hire, what’s the structure of your work place, what’s the kind of workplace you go to. Its got to reflect it all - your daily environment has to mirror your higher vision else you will feel a friction in your body and that friction would show up in form of non stop conflicts with coworkers or unease in health. Use this season to break a pattern and start anew.
#Libra : Risk appetite, love, passions, children, joy
People have a lot against pandora box - I love the unexpected nature of it all - I love the fact that it shows that side of us that we knew was in us but it wasn’t oh so kosher to show up cause of others. But when you close it - the gifts go back in as well as does hope, joy and passion. The very balanced and my beautiful Librans can write their own book on balance and the evils of opening such boxes but what if it was knocking on their own doors. Uranus and Mars wakes up a dormant yet very important part of Librans thats not only powerful, its essential to help them make their passions come to life. Some call it kundalini release some call it that coiled serpent - one thing thats common in it all is that its not something that anyone attaches with a Libra archetype. Its raw passion, even anger, jealousy, need to be powerful, establish that right give and take in partnership, knowing your own worth and not being shy of making it evident and asking returns that corraborate that. Its somewhat essential to release that - cause its also the part of you that helps you go after your desires, helps you take a bit of risk in your love and professional life, helps you give birth to what you love and would cherish as your legacy. So thats where we begin - driver is to come into your own power, to release archaic ways of give and take in partnership, to let the patterns play out as they should and not on basis of how good or bad they look. What you start new to give that drive an outlet is a new passion, a new appetite for risk in life and that could be in form of a new love, a new hobby, a child, a business thats like a child - its you giving birth to what you would love, cherish and is an extension of your love for self. This is excellent season for you Libra as its your house of joy which is woken up but its facing a hesitance - a bit like resistance to ones own happiness as it requires you to go out of your element to get there. It requires you to not hide the powerful side of you when you deal with others and let them know what you know.
Don’t reduce yourself to make mediocre feel comfortable. They aren’t elevated, we become mediocre in the process.
#Scorpio : Home, family, ancestors, place of living, comfort
People don’t understand why a Scorpio needs to be sure before going into something or going “steady” and why they have to “sense” out things. Sage the hell out of their aura cause they are about to occupy mine for a lifetime says my Scorpio rising.
People don’t get that as much as we are eager to act and ready to face any consequence, we have a fixity in our relationships and partnerships. Partners and relationships never leave Scorpios even when they leave. But the “please no drama” zone of partnerships to be honest has become a bit of battlefield lately. What are we fighting for though. More freedom, more authenticity possibly. But may be more passion, more expression, more dynamism. Its such a contradiction isn’t it - the area we seek the most stability in - we also seek the most excitement and freedom in as well. That kind of freedom can only be based in trust, can only be based if we feel stable in our footing. Feel sure of the ground we stand on and then we can build all the existing relationships, connect with unique partners and clients / networks with. Aquarius season and this year of Saturn Jupiter in our house of home, family, place of living is aiming to do just that. Beef up the home metaphorically and physically. So this season we do something new in that direction so we can take more risks in our business and personal partnerships. We embellish our home, shift houses, countries, find a home within home and find the resources that beef us up from within or find that tribe we can call family that help us get there. Nothing above the surface can fly higher without that home as much as we would want to run away from it. So it might be time to put roots, find that place or do something make your family comfortable in some ways so you have a sure footing within - by purchasing real estate or changing your lease or shifting something in the house or deciding which country you would live in. Normally modern family structures and home structures suit us, possibly away from place of birth or away from parents in some ways - Scorpios cherish the closeness that comes from letting them have their “space” - may be time to find a bit of space so you can think, create and draw strength from. Beef those roots up.
#Sagittarius : Communication, immediate environment, commercial skills
Like a fish out of water, Sagittarius might have put themselves in a zone totally out of their comfort zone cause what they themselves don’t understand right now is that traditional isn’t cutting it for them as much as they are trying. Old isn’t vast enough to let them be who they need to be. The kind and level of commercial success and to some extend the kind of impact they are looking for doesn’t come from traditional careers. They are looking to create something unique and its coming in tough by sticking to old work environment or even that environment might have stopped suiting who they are becoming. Its a process that started over two years back when Uranus first started in their house of work and health - creating a bit of environment of restless brilliance which is just waiting to pop but not yet finding possibly its outlet. Not yet finding that outlet cause may be using the old skill sets and using the old teachings / learnings or old modes and methods of selling / communicating. When you cannot stand the confinement of your surrounding, usually your immediate environment needs a shift - as does the people you see on a daily basis, the road to work you take, the car or vehicle you use and the platforms / devices you use for communicating your perspective along with the words that you are communicating. This new start this season is an up skill to a new commercial reality by changing what you talk, what you sell, what your talents are. I love that unique brilliant futurist sign of Aquarius sits in mind of Sagittarius - it makes them say what they think but also say what they see far ahead of time. They blurt out outstanding thoughts... well without a thought. Possibly a new course can be pretty helpful just to open your mind to new way to commercialize those brilliant thoughts. Perhaps a new neighbourhood or new surroundings can open the mind to more suitable environment that help you commercialize. Perhaps a new platform or new communication devices help support your work in the way you would like. Perhaps a new route to work could help support the new health routine you are looking for. Anything that opens your mind to new economy would be a helpful hand in your journey to get more freedom in your work and provide a platform for you to express your ahead of time ideas. But speak, sell, communicate, connect, commercialize - its time to.
#Capricorn : Money, assets, networth and self worth
I have said it before and I am going to shout from the rooftops till everyone knows, I love love the Uranus transit Capricorn are getting on. Its so freeing - its going to free their sense of joy, their ability to connect with the fun playful innocent child within which has been forced to grow up way too fast with the last few years of transit. Uranus in your house of joy and passions is screaming to release all thats fun, confident, talented, creative, passionate about you. You feel driven to take the risks you have not taken in love, in money, in business - it creates this radical confidence in your ability to bring things to life, in your ability to give birth to the unique thoughts within. And it all, as with everything else with Capricorn, has got to be something real - something touch it feel it. The manifestation of it all to start with could be seen in your financials , in your assets, in things you are going to buy or invest in. Aquarius season starts a new cycle in your networth and self worth. New source of income, new asset, new investment, new purchase that would add to your networth and a new sense of self that helps you go after getting true value of your talents. You might even go after aquiring some talents that help you create more value e.g. in stock markets. You are on a new journey where you want to be free of guilt in being happy, in being fruitful, uninhibited smile - whatever brings that on, bring that on!
#Aquarius : You
Everyone’s talking about you or of you, you don’t necessarily like that... you didn’t ask for it but may be you did - its all been going stale for a while so you did ask for it all to become interesting and it all started being a bit more interesting two years back and now its just all changing way too fast. More importantly think I am changing too fast and rest is changing with me cause my comfort zone is shifting - cause well I wanted to do something different. So here it is that time to start new life, new you in your season - Happy Aquarius Season to you and happy birthday to Aquarius Sun. It just is how your season would be for next few years but this is a landmark one as lot of energy concentrated in your sign is being challenged by your own inertia to change things cause you feel the comfort zone will be lost in some ways - not registering there is no comfort zone anymore. When a kite has taken a flight there is no ground to rest on so its better to learn to fly breathlessly a bit cause stopping isn’t an option at this stage. Unprecedented growth is the reward awaiting of you taking over the reigns of your life in your hand. You have taken a journey where you are fully owning everything in your life, now so don’t look back - start another new chapter in that new direction you have decided to go on. There could be physical volatility in home, family or place of living - its like some constant ground you stood on is shaking - cause its limiting your ability to go where you need to. Its like you need to almost forget where you came from to become who you need to be - leaving the nest is one thing, forgetting the patterns that physically kept you there is another. This is like you are literally being reprogrammed as a person - physically in your body, in your fitness, in what kind of a leader you are and how you show up to the external world. And as part of that reprogramming, your old patterns would have to be irrevocably erased. Whatever it takes!
#Pisces : Peace, healing, health, recognizing your hidden talents & place in universe
Most brilliant creators go to isolation away from everyone to create their masterpiece even though the masterpiece is for the enjoyment of the very people they are going away from. Its like somehow they need to connect with themselves before they can give to others their best work. Its like for it all to be kosher pure chaste and brilliant it needs to be all free of any influence. Do you feel the need to shut all that noise sometimes so you can hear what the universe is trying to talk just to yourself - so you can find why you came here - what is your role and what are you here to serve. Uranus in your house of mind, create such sensitivity and brilliance in your mind that you feel sometimes an idea a minute coming - yet not having an outlet for it all sometimes just leaves a restless feeling that makes it impossible to settle down or sleep sometime. What if you needed a beat to put it all down, what if you needed to create your island so you can in that silence synthesize all that the rest of the connections have inspired you to think of. I am in no way suggesting its time to go on a mountain but I am saying there are two parts of you - conflicting parts of you fighting it out right now. One is teaming with day to day bustle, so much talk, so much information, so much connection, so many ideas, so many people in surrounding acting erratically. Yet not being able to leave that cause I know I can create here something unique, I am learning so much commercially, I am meeting so many unique people, I am actively engaged in my mind and body. Yet this can make you exhausted and scattered. Aquarius season and this year helps you find that corner behind the stage where all the real work happens. You work on a network project behind the scene there, you find peace in your thoughts there, you possibly connect with your hidden skills there, you meditate, put yourself in unique healing positions and potions to bottle all that brilliance into something of value, something of impact, something that can benefit many people. Gift that place behind the stage this season by starting a practice, finding your spirituality again, work on a behind the scene project thats your vision, deal with your fears and inner world. Its going to completely change how you deal with that active, bustling yet brilliant external life of yours. All innovators do this and you are one. All innovators also decide to give away & serve before they get & gain.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party
Notes: I reworked this one one short story instead of three small chapters. I know its New Years Eve but it is also creepy So it is a good fanfic to start off October. These characters will continue into an All Hallows Eve story I am I working on. Also I write The Kid/Henry Deaver a little different than most. He is based on the rumor that he is The Crimson King in the Steven King Universe. Word count 3,033
Warnings: creepiness, smut,
tags: @loomiz​ @super-pink-a-palouza​ @ill-skillsgard​ @waywardtigersandwich​ @dreamtherapy​ @grandpa-sweaters​ @goblincxnt​ @dragsraksllib​ @bskarsgardlove92​  @taintedglass​
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Genevieve and her best friend Nadine, prepared for their yearly New Years Eve bash.They always invite practically the whole town of Castlerock, but only the very brave showed up. For most people that have survived in Castlerock long enough, know it’s no a place to be out during the night. Hell, the local bar has been closing at 8pm since the last disappearances.
But they revel in the possible dangers lurking around every corner especially in the evening hours. They have seen some weird shit growing up around here. Like part of the town of Derry falling practically underground like there was an earthquake, but no earthquake ever registered there  Parents kept children inside the whole year before that happened.
Now that they are adults they feel, either embrace the darkness that goes on around you or you let it drive you madd. Most people in the area lean towards the crazy side but pretend to be completely normal.
“What if we put on the invite for everyone to wear cloaks this year?” Nadine suggested.
Genevieve agreed. “I love that idea. Oh, we need to find that Kid that they say went missing from the prison and hasn’t been seen since. Did you see his wanted posted? He’s fucking hot. We need him at the party.”
“We need him?” Nadine Smirked. “More like you think you need him because he is creepy as fuck.”
“You say, creepy. I say, hot.” Genevieve laughed. “What ev. I want to find him. I want to know his story.”
Nadine huffed. “Fine, we can do some research and see if  anyone is talking, which I doubt because no one in this town talks about anyone who has gone missing weather they are a good person or bad.”
“He’s good. I just know it.” Gen grinned. “I mean he is at least as good as me.”
Nadine cackled. “Oh, so, the bar isn’t that high,”
They giggled continuing shopping for party supplies. This task is not so easy in a town like Castlerock. No after dark parties, equal no great party supply stores. They buy left over red Christmas lights and some cool looking statues from Pop’s, who never asks questions why anyone would need anything. The décor is complete.
A trip to the grocery to get chips, dips and hotdog tots and they are done for the day. They left invites in every mailbox and a handful at each store. This is mostly to tell the town they don’t care about their petty fears. Tomorrow night this party is a go.
Gen is walking down the street alone. It seems something is gnawing at her to head into the woods. The ground is covered in fog; it is dark with a chill to the air. Her small flashlight and this feeling kept her on a path leading through the woods. The hat on her hoodie pulled up over her head keeps her warm enough. She stopped when she saw a small cabin up ahead.
A little frightened she walks to the cabin anyway. Genevieve feels something is waiting inside. The hairs on the back of her neck rise as she opened the unlocked door slowly.
“Hello, is anyone here?” Only her echo is returned.
The room is silent. The darkness blankets it other than her flashlight with its one beam of light. She lifted the flashlight up slowly. An iron cage in the corner of the room comes into view. Gen started to walk over. Hearing shoveling she stopped. Gen pointed the flashlight towards the sound. It’s him. It’s The Kid on the wanted poster. He is caged like an animal. His big sad eyes meet with hers.
 “Who left you hear like this?” Genevieve asked.
He said nothing just looking at her pleading for help with his expressive eyes. She looked for the opening of the cage. Seeing the padlock, she rummaged through her mini backpack to find anything to help pick the lock.
“I’ll get you out of there.” Genevieve kept looking threw her bag as she toldl him, “Just let me find something to pick the lock. I’m really good at it with just the right…Oh, yes, this safety pin will work.”
Genevieve worked on the lock as The Kid watches closely. It barely takes her a minute to pop the lock. She opened the door. Taking his hand, he leans on her a little as she helped him to the couch. Gen ran her hand through his thick brown hair holding the flashlight between the two of them. He caressed her cheek with his large hand.
“What’s your name?” She asked.
He managed to speak in in whisper. “Here they have been calling me Henry, but I go by other names. You can call me Red or Henry like others do. Thank you, My Queen, for opening that cage. I knew you would come eventually.”
Goosebumps ran over her body. He leaned in kissing her lips as a thank you. His lips are dry and chapped. When he moves back watching for her reaction she dug in her backpack and find some cherry Chapstick. Gen applied it to his lips gently.
“This will help make those lips feel better.” Genevieve put the flashlight down between them so she could hold his chiseled jaw as she applied the Chapstick. “I’ll get you a drink from the kitchen if the water is working. Some of these old cabins…”
Genevieve gasped as he touched the inside of her thigh. He ran his hand up slowly unbuttoning her jeans as he watched her reaction. It seems like a split second they are naked and she is riding him moaning out as he rests his hands on your hips.  As she rolled her hips, he thrusts powerfully pushing her to the edge  of ecstasy.
Genevieve wakes in a sweat breathing heavily. Her mind swirls as she tried to remember the dream that brought her to this state. All she remembered is there is a cabin in the woods she needs to get to, but maybe during the day would be better.
When daylight breaks she gets ready for an adventure. Gen is not sure what She will find, but she brings some bottled water and turkey sandwiches in case she gets lost. She has heard of people getting lost, never to be found again, in these woods. Plus, there is something about them that always makes her ears ring.
Genevieve has never told friends that because they love to have bonfires in the woods to try to scare each other with stories they have heard about the area. It doesn’t bother her enough to ruin a good time. Once she has a beer or three Gen doesn’t even notice the ringing.
Sticks and dried leaves crackle under her feet as she makes her way through the woods. Unsure where she is exactly going, she trudges along watching for the cabin in your dreams. Gen shakes her head thinking, Why, would I ever come out here alone? Then she sees it through the trees. It’s a pretty rundown looking cabin.
Silence drops around the area as Genevieve gets closer to the cabin. She thinks, That’s not weird at all, but I’ve come this far. She goes to the door. Looking around she knocks because who is dumb enough to just walk into a creepy old cabin. No one answers. The door creaks as she opened it slowly. It smells musty and dirty. No one seemed to be in there. Gen starts to turn to leave and then she heard the shoveling.
Genevieve turned her head seeing him in the cage. Her eyes widen as he looks to her innocently. It’s the Kid she has wanted to find. The one, she dreamed of finding here. Could that even be true? She is not sure what to say or do. Maybe she is just dreaming again. It all seems a bit bazaar.
His voice is barely audible. “You’re here?”
Genevieve whispered, “yeah.”
He replied, “To help?”
She asked. “Who are you?”
A slight grin appears on his face. “You know.”
Gen swallowed hard as they stared at each other for a few moments.
He whined. “Help?”
Genevieve is a little hesitant, but he seems so fragile and helpless. She still doesn’t really know what is going on. All she knows is this strong feeling to help him. She looked around the room and in every drawer for a key. Only in her dreams is Gen a master at picking a lock. She can feel him watching her as she tore up the place looking for the key. She finds it taped under the coffee table when she overturns it.
Gen holds the key up. “I found the key, Red.”
She thinks, Where did I get that name from? But she is sure that is his name or one name he likes to be called anyway.
He smiled. “Good girl. Open the door, Now.”
Shivers roll down her spine as he emphasizes the word, now. A small wicked grin crosses his lips as she unlocked his prison. He stumbles a bit as he gets to his feet trying to walk. Genevieve tries to help. They sat on the couch. She watches his hands as he studies her closely. It seems neither trusts the other in this moment.
Genevieve finally broke  the silence. “I brought water and sandwiches.”
She got up mostly to get some distance between them. She has never been so unsure about a person’s motivations in her life. Gen set the table back upright and put her bag on it.
As she got out the packed stuff, she questioned him. “How long has it been since you had food or water?”
He sighed deeply. “A while.” His body was stick thin. His face a bit gaunt. His eyes sat back in the sockets deep but still large.
Gen untwisted the cap on a water and handed it to him. He took small sips as if conserving it in case it is the last thing he ever drinks. When she handed him the sandwich, he took it apart carefully. Then he balled up the bread to eat.
When Genevieve  watched him stuff it in his mouth she laughed. “I guess the rumor of you being a carb addict was correct. You should eat the protein to, so you heal.”
As he chewed up the bread he noded.
She took a swig of bottled water. “If you want, I can take you back to my loft to get cleaned up?”
. “Yes.” He croaked
 “My Friend and I are supposed to throw a New Years Eve party tonight, but I can stay home and take care of you.” She mentioned even though she originally wanted him at the party. “I don’t think you should be alone or be around a lot of people right now.”
 “We should go.” He countered.
That surprises her. “You want to go to the party with me?”
He nodded, “Yes.”
 “Okay, I’d like that.” Gen smiled. “Do you think you can walk? Oh, I should find you different cloths. Maybe there is some in the closet.”
He watched as she went towards a closet. He took off all his clothing throwing them in the cell. “I can walk.”
 “This will have to do.” Gen pulled a long brownish-red cloak from the closet. “It will be perfect for the party.” When she turned around she gasped. Then grinned. “Okay, Big Red. Put this on. And let’s go.”
He puts on the cloak. Then they head to her place.
When Genevieve let him in the door he ducked. She felt bad her loft apartment had such low ceilings since when he stood the top of the cloak brushes the ceiling.  He sat spread out in a large chair.
Gen is not sure why, but she has a desire to sit at his feet looking up at him. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
He sits up to caress her cheek.“Yes, my Queen.”  She leaned into his touch.
The way he says it gives her chills. He tilts his head seeming to contemplate something. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
Genevieve shuddered “I uh, I think I should know more about you before anything, I mean before we go to the party.”
He nods in agreement as he thinks of a clever story to ease her mind. “I don’t remember how long I was in that cage or how I got there really. I don’t even know why. If you need to know why I am sorry I can’t tell you. I was a fiction writer obsessed with how science fiction dealt with time and space. I was mostly alone other than my gold tabby, Randal, who seemed to worship me. He was a little asshole but still wanted me to care for him. You know animals?”
Gen giggled. “Yeah, I know. So, have you written anything I might know?”
He shrugged, “I don’t think so. I self-published once. That seems like ages ago or maybe after now.  I’m not really sure.”
His words confused her. “After now?”
He answered, “Yeah, I created something or someone else did. I can’t remember now.”
She nods concerned his lack of concentration.“I think you need to eat and drink more to clear the cobwebs from your brain.”
He caressed her cheek again as Gen looked to him for answers. “Yeah, I think that is what happens now or should happen or did.”
Genevieve blinked several times as if that would help her understand. “Okay, weird, you relax in here.”
She headed into the kitchen to put on some steak and eggs. Gen hummed as she bustled around to get things together. She put the steaks on and seasoned them. Then she cracked the eggs beside them still humming the last song she heard as she shook her bum a little. When Gen did a little turn, she jumped seeing him standing naked in the doorway.
“I’m not sure I meant for you to get that comfortable.” Gen tried to laugh it off.
“Are you done yet?” He gave her a wanting look. “I need you.”
Genevieve turned back to flip the steaks. “It depends on how rare you like your steak.”
He came over behind her watching the steak and eggs cook. After a few minutes he put his hands on her hips.
. “Turn it off.” He pleaded. “I need you. I always need you.”
Gen is surprised to feel his arousal so prominently. She reached to turn off the stove. Then she turned to look up at him. Holding her hips, he pulled her away from the stove. He did not break eye contact. She could not tear her eyes away from his. As he reached down undoing her jeans she pulled off her hoodie with the t-shirt underneath it. Gen stepped out of her jeans and panties as he griped her face with both hands plastering his lips against hers. As she moved backwards, he continues to kiss her hungerly. She hit a wall. He pulled her hands over her head as he positions himself to wreck her. She moaned out at the complete fullness she felt. The utter intesity of the moment.
He captures her mouth in another kiss as Gen felt yourself getting close to her peak. He looked at  her with a devilish grin when she screamed out “YES OH FUCK YES!” as her orgasm hit. He groaned as he came soon after. Slowing to a still he held Genevieve close not wanting to lose their closeness. He leans his forehead to hers.
Gen ran her fingers though his drenched hair when he let go of her wrists.  “I’ll always find you. I don’t fully understand but I’ll always find you.”
He nods, “Most of the time you do.” He pulled out. “I live for these times.”
“Yeah?” Gen smiled. “We can stay here.”
“No we have to go.” He sighed. “ Put on your cloak. I’ll put on mine.”
Genevieve took a deep breath. “I think, we eat, shower and then get ready and go to the party.”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
About three hours later they go to the party. When Nadine sees them her eyes are wide.Her heart practically stops. Jealousy swells in her thoughts.
“Oh, wow you actually…” She looks to Henry. “Your Henry, right?”
He nods a yes since he knows that is the name he is called here. She looks to Genevieve. She silently mouths, you fucked him? Gen blushed. He grins walking in front of Gen knowing what Nadine is feeling. He stays close to Genevieve without saying a word as she socializes with friends. They can’t believe he is there. He just  nodded no expression on his face unless Gen turned to him in which case, he gave her a partial smile and sometimes a small kiss.
When the countdown started on the television Nadine screams, “ITS TIME. LET’S GO EVERYONE!”
Genevieve pulled The Kid outside with the rest of the crowd. He pulls her to face him as they go into the woods. A countdown to midnight goes on through cellphones as everyone laughs dancing around in their cloaks. Gen winced when her ears start to ring. He looked at her with dismay and fear in his eyes.
Several people are screaming, “Five, four, three, two…”
Genevieve put her hand on his cheek. “Don’t worry. Nothing really ever happens in these woods.”
The countdown continues as they walk near a clearing
” …two, one HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
He grabbed Gen. “Don’t worry you’ll find me another time.”
He kissed her passionately as long as he could keep her close to him as others are kissing and hugging and wishing each other a Happy New Year. But eventually Gen is pulled away to hug and kiss Nadine and others. Her hand still holds his but slowly he slips out of her grasp.
When Genevieve no longer felt him, she looked around. He is no where to be seen. Her chest hurts. Her ears are killing her. She stumbled around the scene.
Nadine helped her back to her place. “What happened? Where is he?”
“He’s gone.” Genevieve cried. “But I’ll find him another time.”
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stefciastark · 3 years
MJ ~ Webpril Day 10
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A/N: So this was an older work of mine from years ago that inspired me to rework and rewrite it to fit the prompt fill. It's quite different from anything else I've done in this collection thus far, in that it's set in an AU where it puts Peter quite OOC compared to his MCU persona. The Peter I've portrayed in this short one-shot is quite jaded and pessimistic in his adult life, having been hurt in love before and instead has become a sort of tortured artist. Peter also doesn't have powers, Harrington is now an arts professor, and Ned is inexplicably clairvoyant. Peter somehow knows he's seen the woman he's painting before, and maybe he has, in another lifetime. This story is a bit darker in sub-tone and doesn't contain any IronDad, but what's a compilation without a bit of variety :) This is a project I've considered making into a full fic, but we'll see what happens with it.
~Read on AO3
~Read on FFN
Paintbrush in hand, he let each colour blend together in a unique dance of raw emotion, letting each stroke convey a secret that resided deep inside him, and he found that the strokes directed themselves once he began. Her face, though only seen ever so briefly, embedded itself into his memory.
The image was beginning to take place on what was once a blank sheet of white, and now a woman with olive skin took over the surface, framed by long and dark hair cascading down the figure’s shoulders. Hazel eyes stared back out at the artist, and the dimming light from the busy city below surrounded the piece of art with a haunting yet dauntingly beautiful quality.
What really caught the eye of the artist, however, was the dark necklace that hung just below her collarbone. It was a black dahlia flower made of glass, some petals cracked, and some completely missing. The memory of it stood out so clearly in his mind, just as her face had when they fleetingly passed each other on the metro during that midsummer afternoon.
An angel must have been looking down upon him and had granted him the opportunity to find love once more, but he couldn’t tell if it was an opportunity that could be defined as cruel, or a golden chance to redeem his heart that had begun to blacken as he got older.
Startled from his reverie, Peter turned around, paintbrush still in hand, palette now empty and canvas now full. The door had creaked open ever so silently and tentatively that he would have nearly missed it if it weren’t for his overindulged paranoia.
“Didn’t anyone teach you to knock?” His tone was laced with annoyance, and it was poorly covered up. This of course didn’t go unnoticed by Ned, but his urgency far surpassed his need to grace Peter’s biting comment with a response.
“Peter, there’s been an accident on Queens Boulevard, and I think this woman you drew may have been involved.”
The sun had now completely set on New York as Peter turned right and onto where 71st Avenue met Queens Boulevard. Peter had come up to the scene first, the man he still called his best friend arriving moments later.
What met his eyes was an absolute catastrophe, and he wondered how anyone or anything could have survived what was the largest vehicle pileup he had ever seen in his twenty-eight years of existence.
A large semi-truck was keeled over sideways on top of a number of smaller cars. It was a mess that consisted of an assortment of wheels and metallic parts that once belonged to a whole. He could smell the acute tang of iron amongst the powerful odour of gasoline and burnt rubber. In a moment at the wrong place at the wrong time, the lives of ill-fated drivers and unfortunate bystanders alike had ended. Even if some had survived, there would be permanent scars, physical and mental, that would remain for the rest of their lives. It gave Peter a fleeting sense of sonder.
Quashing his initial surprise and his odd sense of apathy regarding what caused such an accident, he turned to Ned and frowned, indifference transforming into confusion and mild vexation. He sighed. “Why am I here, Ned?”
“So, you’re telling me that you’re not expressing an ounce of concern for these people? That’s cold, man.” Giving him a brief sidelong glance and pressing his lips together, Ned moved to be amongst the crowd and reached out to the first man he saw – a police officer – and swiftly made to gather all the information he could about the situation at hand.
The clock had ticked forward about thirty minutes since the two arrived at the scene of the accident. He returned around fifteen minutes later, having grown weary of (what was essentially) interrogating person after person. He shook his head slowly, communicating ‘nope, I got nothing’.
“Look, this is tragic and all, and I feel really bad, I do, but dude, did you really have to distract me from my artwork? I need to get this piece finished and handed in to Harrington by tomorrow, I don’t have time to be checking out depressing wreckages on the main road.” He paused, shifting his eyes away from the disaster zone and instead transferred his full attention to Ned. “Wait wait, why did you say the woman I drew might be here? And why did I believe you?”
“Because I’m usually right?”
Peter felt a small pang of unease dart across his mind despite himself. He trusted Ned’s intuition – it was rarely ever wrong. Most things that Ned had seen in his visions had come to pass, and Peter hoped that this mystery woman would be no different. He had to meet her, and not in a creepy way. He felt as if in another life or another timeline - should such a thing exist – they had been happy together. Unexpectedly, the image of himself giving the necklace to her featuring himself as a younger, less jaded version of himself, played through his mind. They were standing on a bridge in the night, in a place that was not their home yet was. He felt that anywhere she was became home. It was such an unexpected thought, and yet it was so strangely profound and vivid that it felt more like a memory.
He scanned the wreckage from afar once more, but most victims had long since been extricated from the pretzel made up of what was now just scrap metal. He knew who he was looking for. He was looking for that face he drew in his painting, the face that had been etched permanently into his mind for some time. Once more he recalled that figure silhouetted by long, dark curls that fell like a waterfall in the night. That necklace of a flower with a meaning he had yet to understand.
If she wasn’t there, he didn’t even know where to begin looking. New York was a massive city, full of seemingly infinite twists and turns he hadn’t discovered and probably never would.
He was taken aback by his own obsession with this strange girl. He’d never even truly met her.
His musings were broken by the sound of sirens echoing down the main boulevard, the final ambulances at last departing with the injured and deceased citizens of New York.
He wondered sadly if she was one of them.
A/N: SO, that was definitely different haha What'd you guys think? I enjoyed writing with a bit more of a 'serious' tone, but today's fill was a bit difficult for me, hence the shorter length as well. I also wanted to try something a bit different, so here we have it! See you back with another update tomorrow xx
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kunstpause-archive · 4 years
From the scrap pile
Thanks to @elveny and @kittimau for tagging me ❤
This was surprisingly hard bc even though I scrapped easily over 100k words over the course of our big DA2 fic alone I keep reusing small bits and pieces in odd places and the stuff I totally throw out I don’t like enough to show to anyone really
But I did find something. This is from 2018, it was set pretty early on in our story Precipice of Change and was the original first meeting between Cullen and Cassia, before we heavily reworked the story.
I don’t know who did this already so feel free to ignore me but tagging @captainderyn @tishinada @curiousthimble @cornfedcryptid @faerieavalon @sharkapologists @fandomn00blr @serial-chillr @wardenari @ranawaytothedas @midnightprelude @charlatron @anchanted-one
Under a cut for length-reasons. :D
Cassia had underestimated the way towards the Gallows, it seemed. ‘They are really serious about this whole separation thing’ she mused while waiting for her boat to cross over. She had never been even near this place before and for good reason. The closer she got the more daunting the huge statues looked. All of a sudden, she could understand Adriene’s refusal to take any work that would require going here a little bit more. But on the other hand… they needed the money and the pay just seemed too good to not at least try. She only hoped she would get anywhere after her sister had already turned down the offer. Rather colourfully apparently, or so Cassia had heard. 
When she stepped into the courtyard for the first time, she couldn’t suppress a small shiver. There were tranquil around, selling wares. Some mages walked briskly, not looking around much. And templars. So many templars… She wasn’t sure she had ever seen so many templars in one spot before, and there was an eerie feeling in the air for some reason.
Cassia was used to hiding among regular people. Non-mages. Even hiding in front of templars at the chantry. It usually involved looking either as unassuming or as disarmingly open as possible for her. Light clothes that made it obvious she wasn’t hiding anything underneath, a bright smile and most importantly: no staff. For the first time, the absence of the most trusted weapon was something she could almost physically feel, though, before she shook her head. It wasn’t as if it would do her any good even if she had her staff with her. Under this amount of vigilance and raw power, she wouldn’t even get one spell off before they took her down. She shook off the sense of doom that seemed to permeate the very air in this place, put on her brightest smile and went up to the next patrol, asking for the Knight-Captain who had made her sister the oh-so-well-paid offer earlier. 
Cullen had been deeply immersed in the report on his desk when a knock on his door pulled him out of his concentration. “Yes?” he called out, trying not to lose track of where he was on the document.
“There is a Serah Hawke here to speak to you, Knight-Captain,” came the muffled voice of one of the recruits on guard duty from the outside. Irritation went through him at the reason for the disturbance. 
“Tell her I don’t have time,” he called out again. He didn’t know what it had been exactly but something about her had made him slightly uneasy, even though she had been a great help at the coast.
“She is standing right next to me and insists,” the recruit called through the door again, and Cullen felt the irritation grow even stronger. 
“Fine, send her in then.” What in the world did she want? She had made her disdain of templars in general quite clear only a few hours ago, and he had no desire for a repeat performance. 
“What do you want?” he sighed impatiently. “Because if I remember correctly, you said something about never wanting to set foot in the Gallows ever again rather loudly not that long ago.” With an impatient glare, he looked up from his documents at the intruder in his office only to be met with a pair of raised eyebrows that definitely did not belong to the woman he had met earlier that day.
“I get the feeling I have to apologise on behalf of my sister, Knight-Captain,” the woman standing in his office said in a light and slightly amused voice. “I am Cassia Hawke, and I am here about a job you offered her.”
Sister? His first thought was that he had probably never seen siblings look less alike than the two of them. They looked like complete opposites of each other. And from his first impression, they sounded like it, too. The woman in front of him was nothing short of charming, not a trace of the hostility her sister had shown him.
“Knight-Captain Cullen,” he introduced himself even though he was certain she already knew that. “Forgive my reaction, but I am somewhat confused, Serah Hawke.”
The information she had gotten from Fenris had not been much. Adriene hadn’t been willing to listen for very long, it seemed, but she was certain he had said Knight-Captain Cullen had been the one offering said job. She gave him a careful once-over. He looked… younger than she had anticipated. In her head, the Knight-Captain of a city as big as Kirkwall had been someone more seasoned. More looking at home behind a desk. Knight-Captain Cullen looked like he was around her age, maybe even the slightest bit younger. Like he should be out there, on the frontlines instead of in here, doing paperwork. He must have had a steep career to end in such a prestigious position at this part of his life already. 
“Confused about me asking for a job?” Cassia had put on her best, most pleasant smile for the occasion. 
“Yes, given that not long ago your sister told me, rather colourfully, her stance on working for us or even considering it,” he said drily. 
Cassia nodded in understanding. “Adriene has very strong opinions on several subjects,” she said, sounding as diplomatically as she could. 
The way she phrased it made Cullen think that their differences definitely went beyond the physical appearance.
“And you don’t?” he asked skeptically. She laughed softly, and he was surprised at the thought that it was a rather pleasant sound.
“Oh, I do! They do not always coincide, however. Which is why I am here.” 
“So you decided you want to help us, despite your sister feeling so strongly about the templars?” Cullen was still not quite convinced, too strong had the reaction of her sister been when he offered her the job. 
“To be quite honest, Knight-Captain, helping you is more of a side benefit,” Cassia shrugged. “I heard the pay is good and that working with the templars is quite reliable here.”
When Cullen didn’t immediately say anything, she went on.
“You don’t believe me? Maker, what did Adriene say? No, don’t tell me, I can guess. But no matter.” She sighed. “Look, we came here from Ferelden, fleeing from the Blight. We had to leave behind everything, start over completely here. If we ever want to get somewhere, hard work is the only way. So, there you have my motivation.”
Cullen gave her a speculative look. She sounded honest, surprisingly open in her explanation. Another complete opposite from her very guarded sister it seemed. Her sister who seemed to have been in a constant state of battle ready. Cassia Hawke meanwhile looked… soft. Her braids had flowers in it and she was wearing a simple, but very becoming dress. At first glance, he could not imagine her taking on fights in back alleys if it came to it.
“I’m not sure this job is right for you, Serah,” he started carefully. “You look… Not like a mercenary if I have to be honest.”
Cassia smiled brightly. “I dress for the occasion,” she said with a hint of mischief in her voice. “I am here to get a job, not to pick fights with people after all.”
“A fair point,” Cullen relented. It wasn’t like everyone who could carry a weapon did so all the time after all. “I apologise for the assumption.”
“Oh I’m not offended, don’t worry,” she said almost immediately before she gave him a calculating look. A hint of playfulness appeared on her face. “On second thought, maybe I am,” she said slowly. “Terribly offended actually!” 
Cullen raised his eyebrows. “Terribly offended?”
“Yes. It’s awful, really.” Cassia did her best, putting on her most practiced fake upset look. But she couldn’t quite quell her own amusement as she spoke. “I fear, only a job offer might be able to smooth this over…”
Her gamble seemed to pay off, the Knight-Captain definitely looked amused by now. “Would it now? And if I were to leave you in this offended state?”
“Then I would have to storm out of here in a huff and never talk to you again.” Cassia was delighted about his willingness to play along. She had expected someone stuffy. Someone she’d have to formally apologize to and who would probably give her a dry talk about appropriate behaviour towards authority in regards to her family. This was the opposite. This was something so much easier to work with. She gave him a coy look. “That would be such a shame really, you seem so fun to talk to.”
“I seem fun to talk to?” He gave her another skeptical look. It seemed he was almost thrown off by her more direct approach.
“Don’t let it flatter you too much,” Cassia assured him, “The last person I worked for was so incredibly drunk he could barely even sit upright. Second time I met him, he fell asleep while paying me.” She gave him a playful wink. “The bar for decent conversation is remarkably low these days.”
Cullen couldn’t help himself but laugh quietly. This conversation had been something he never would have expected. But to his surprise, he found it utterly delightful. “Glad to see I place above the inebriated and the unconscious,” he said dryly but not bothering to hide his amusement anymore. “But what would I lose out on really?”
There was a glint in her eyes that made them almost sparkle. “Why, my remarkable problem-solving skills of course. There is a reason there is much less work in Lowtown since I got here after all. And I’ll have you know that I am also fun to talk to.”
She was definitely right about that, but nonetheless, he gave her a most skeptical look, enjoying her small huff in obviously fake indignation.
“I am a delightful conversationalist!” she insisted. “And you have been smiling for the past few minutes when earlier you looked like you ate a shipload of citrus just before I got here.”
This time he had to laugh out loud. “Indeed you are,” he agreed. Cullen wasn’t sure when the last time he had had this much fun talking to someone even was. “Alright, we can give this a try.” He took a small pile of papers and letters he had put together for this job and handed it over to her. “Here is all the information you need, I expect you can find your way around the notes.” She was already flipping through the letters he gave her, looking a bit more serious. “There is a certain level of discretion advised,” Cullen added almost as an afterthought.
“I see, of course,” Cassia murmured as she went over the names and dates, starting to see why they would hire a mercenary for this. “None of these people would talk to a templar.”
“Or any authority even,” the Knight-Captain added. “That’s why we need outside help for this.”
Cassia folded the papers carefully, putting them away into her pockets. “Luckily I am as far away from being an authority as you can probably find in this city,” she gave him another bright smile. “I am definitely the woman you need. For this job, I mean. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” 
And with a good-natured but polite good-bye, she left the Gallows behind again, feeling considerably less anxious about the place than she had when first coming here. It still was a place she wouldn’t want to set foot in voluntarily, but she had gotten what she came for, and it had been easier and far more pleasant than anticipated. Now, she only had to get this thing done as quietly and as quickly as possible. And who knew, perhaps this could open a door for more well-paid work in the future.
The task was surprisingly simple for her. Cassia could see why a templar would have not gotten most of the relevant information from any of the people she talked to. After a while, she was almost glad that Adriene had turned the offer down. As much as she loved her sister, she could imagine that Adriene’s approach to this would have had the potential for more than one altercation. Cassia had always preferred to talk herself out of any situation if needed, and she knew she was good at getting people to see things her way, even the ones that needed a bit more convincing. ‘Why pull out a weapon when a well-placed compliment or a vague hint of a promise could do the trick’ had always been more her style. 
Normally, she and Adriene complemented each other perfectly in that regard. Cassia managed to avoid them some fights while Adriene was always ready and never missed a beat in situations where that simply wasn’t possible. It felt almost wrong now for Cassia to do this on her own, fully aware that she didn’t have a very well thought-through backup plan if things didn’t work out the way she wanted them to. But it seemed she was lucky this day, managing to get everything she needed without any major incidents. Well, almost without. 
It was dark already but still busy on the streets when she was done and made her way back to the Gallows, this time finding her way to the Knight-Captain’s office almost directly.
“Good evening, Knight-Captain,” she greeted politely after knocking. He seemed surprised to see her again.
“Serah Hawke, back already?” Cullen had not expected her back this day. Not even the next one if he was honest, not with the amount of information he had sent her out to find, yet here she was, in his office again.
“Please, call me Cassia,” she smiled. “Otherwise I’ll always think you’re talking to my mother. But yes, here is all the information I could find.” She handed him a staple of notes and he gave it a quick once over. 
“Impressive. And you did all this in a day?” He flipped through the pages after pages she had filled with all the things she had found out. On first glance, it looked like she had done a very thorough job. He couldn’t help being impressed.
“One of the notes sounded rather urgent,” she said with a shrug.
“It was, I thank you,” Cullen agreed, putting the papers aside to work through their content later. He took in her appearance. She looked different. Her hair was in a bun, and while she was still wearing a dress, it seemed to be a different one than before. “And I see you even had time to dress for the occasion again.”
Cassia looked down, for a moment looking confused before she smiled at him. “Naturally.” She shrugged. “But that was more of a necessity this time. Two hours of walking around town and my clothes still hadn’t dried.” 
Cullen felt his own eyebrows run up. “Dried? What happened?”
She held up a hand as she assured him, “Nothing relevant to the investigation, don’t worry.”
Cullen couldn’t help giving her a skeptical look. A look that sent her into a small bout of laughter.
“I’m telling the truth,” she said between laughs. “It’s… you’re gonna laugh, but there were some very angry ducks. And a pond.” He felt his eyes widen. “And perhaps a person you may or may not have hired for her skills who had a slight issue of paying attention.” She shook her head, giving him a pointed look. “It was not a very graceful event, let’s just keep it like that.”
Cullen hadn’t been certain what to expect from any of this, but her little story definitely hadn’t been it. He tried his best to not laugh out too loudly, but his efforts were in vain.
“And now you are laughing at me!” Cassia sighed. “I should have left it at the change of clothes. Kept some of the mystery.”
Cullen shook his head, forcing the laughter to calm down. “I have the feeling there is plenty of mystery left with you, Serah… Cassia,” he corrected himself.
“I have to disappoint you,” Cassia grinned, feeling pleased at his use of her first name. This was only their second time meeting, but she had a good feeling about this already. If she played her cards right, she might be well on her way to find an in with the templars here. Adriene would probably throw a fit if she heard about any of this, but Cassia could try to deal with that later, make her see the advantages. “No mystery at all,” she said, giving him her best ‘I have nothing to hide’ look. “I am an open book.”
Cullen still seemed amused, but there was a hint of something she couldn’t place in his voice as he answered. “In my experience people who say this usually aren’t. Not really.”
The conversation was still light-hearted, but there was something underneath that was almost intriguing to Cassia as she smiled. “I see I have to change tactics then.”
Cullen didn’t answer immediately, giving her a strange look. Was there tension in the air or was she imagining it? She was still deliberating when he broke the silence.
“I may have a follow-up job for you, depending on where this leads. Maybe come back in a couple of days?” he said, sounding a bit more formal again. His voice had lost some of the lightness from earlier but his eyes… His eyes seemed to look almost right through her. ‘Be careful Cassia’, her inner voice that sounded, not surprisingly, a lot like her sister said. ‘Don’t underestimate this one just because he has a nice smile.’
“I will. Thank you Knight-Captain,” she said simply.
He nodded, and it seemed like they were done when he suddenly added. “If you insist on me calling you by your name it is only fair I insist on you doing the same.” 
“You want me to call you by my name?” The words had left Cassia’s mouth before she had even thought to think about how wise it would be to crack jokes right now.
Cullen gave her an almost unreadable look and Cassia grinned at him apologetically.
”I’m sorry. I have a sister who never stops joking around - it leaves a mark on you sometimes,” she explained before smiling again, making her way to the door. “But I appreciate the offer, Cullen. And I’ll see you in a few days then. Have a good night.”
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tact-and-impulse · 4 years
At Arm’s Length Chapter 15
Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! Let’s kick off the year of the ox with an appropriately obstinate Kamiya dad.
At last, Koshijiro arrives in Kyoto, where reunions and revelations await! The whole gang’s here! Now that I’ve reworked the plot, we’re actually at the halfway point of the story. I’ll be taking a final exam today too, so I’d appreciate knowing what you think! FF.net / AO3
Chapter 15: Reunion
The train’s steady rocking caused him to nod off once or twice, but the sun, cresting over the horizon, kept him awake for good. The sky changed colors, from light purple to intense orange to gentle blue. As he watched, he massaged the back of his neck. It had taken a while to settle in his futon last night, and his muscles were somewhat sore.
Takani had been lightly dozing, and she stirred when the light poured in through the window. She yawned, covering her mouth with one hand. “Did you not sleep, Kamiya-san?”
“On and off. We still have some time before we arrive.”
“Oh, I can’t anymore. I should be ready to work once we disembark.”
“I did hear Sagara-san might have done something that will upset you.”
She clicked her tongue. “Typical!” After a moment, she asked. “Did you hear anything else?”
Mixed feelings. “Nothing medical.”
Her lips pursed in suspicion. “Anything that would upset you?”
“I have no reason to be upset.”
“Hmm. Your arm’s length rule is funny.” She remarked. “But otherwise, I’ve noticed Kaoru has a lot of freedom in her life.”
“I’m her father but she is her own person. Above all, I trust her and she knows if I don’t like something, I will be honest.”
She gave a bittersweet smile. “You and my father would have gotten along. He was very progressive, like the rest of our clan. Men and women alike were encouraged to study medicine. My father was direct too, he always believed patients deserved the truth. I forgot that, over the years.”
“I think your father would be happy that you’re in a better place now, doing good work.”
She did not reply to that, turning her face slightly away. “I’ve been thinking of going back to Aizu.” She slowly said. “Not right now, it hasn’t been finalized, but I am looking for a job there.”
“Do you miss your home?”
“A little, yes.” She hesitated. “I want to search for my mother and brothers. I know it’s probably unlikely they survived, it’s been a decade. However, Dr. Gensai told me about what happened to you and how you turned out to be alive. So…”
“I understand. Would you like me to help? I can send a message to the department there and see if they have any information.”
“Would you?!” Her eyes widened before she forced herself to be composed. She interlaced her trembling fingers. “I…I would be very grateful.”
“It’s no problem. I should have done so earlier. Although I must warn you, it might not be good news.”
Her expression was wry. “I’m a doctor. I’m used to bad news and I’d rather know for certain.”
He nodded. “Yes, that’s true. Can you give me any information?”
She opened one of her books, flipping to a blank section and writing in earnest. “My mother. My oldest brother, and my second older brother. I can give you their dates of birth, and here is our former address. They disappeared, during a fire at Wakamatsu Castle. Do you need anything else?”
“It should be enough to start with. Don’t tear out the pages now, I’ll investigate when we return to Tokyo. Just in case I forget, please remind me.”
“I will. Thank you, Kamiya-san.” Her hair fell forward as she bowed at the waist. When she was upright again, she discreetly wiped at her eyes and Koshijiro pretended not to notice. Outside, the landscape blurred past in shades of green.
When their last train slowed to a hissing halt, it was already mid-morning. Asking for directions, they made their way to the Aoiya. The streets slowly revealed destruction, fallen debris littered about and scorch marks upon walls. Then, there were wooden support beams propping up buildings, and round pits in the streets. Koshijiro stopped. What was supposed to be their destination was half destroyed.
“Hey! You got here fast!” Yahiko approached them, rigidly waving. Bandages wound around his head and disappeared down his neck. He was keeping his torso straight; he must have suffered an injury.
“It’s good to see you.” Koshijiro reached out to steady his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He grinned. “The Aoiya is worse off.”
“That’s certainly true. Where is everyone else?”
“At the Shirobeko. Uh…” His expression became serious. “Sano’s okay but Kenshin was hurt really bad. Some doctors were brought in last night, but they haven’t left yet.”
That caught Takani’s attention and they followed him to the restaurant. “I thought Kaoru said you were all safe! And you should be resting!” She said indignantly.
“Well, we are safe, we’re not getting attacked. And um, I wrote the telegram. Kaoru hasn’t left Kenshin’s bedside, so she told me to send a message. We figured you both would be here soon, no matter what I’d say, so I just tried to keep it short. Those things are expensive! By the way, how did you make it in one day? Last time, it took three to get to Kyoto.”
Koshijiro provided the explanation. “There was a fight between two gangs, and I was compensated for additional interrogations and paperwork in the aftermath. I was able to pay for the extra expense to take the new railroad route from Yokohama to Kobe. It was luck that we met at the Aoiya.”
“Yeah, I was tired of lying around. I volunteered to get some info, so they can start rebuilding.”
Takani wasn’t pleased. “I’ll examine you later, and I’ll have a word with whoever let you go.”
Fortunately, the Shirobeko was no worse for the wear and after greeting Sae, they walked to the second floor. One room was bustling with activity; Takani rolled up her sleeves and joined the fray, introducing herself as Himura’s doctor from Tokyo. The door closed behind her, and although Koshijiro strained to look, he was unable to see past the huddled group to find any trace of his daughter or Himura. He considered going in but couldn’t think of how he could help. It was best to leave the professionals to their work and Yahiko led him back down the stairs, to find a quiet spot in the yard.
“Do you wanna know what happened?” The boy was eager to divulge the battle in Kyoto. It was a long one, full of action and daring feats. “I took down this guy with wings!”
Some parts were difficult to swallow at first, but he trusted Yahiko. He tended to exaggerate, but he was honest. After his initial fight with Shishio’s second, Kenshin had received a new sakabato from the son of the original swordsmith. This was technically crafted with the first, and it had been the version given to the gods. Now, it would do well in Himura’s hands. Shishio’s naval attack had been thwarted by Himura, Saito, and Sagara; the city was defended by the others, along with the numerous policemen. Yahiko had picked up one of Himura’s moves and used it to claim victory over his opponent.
“You figured it out from watching him?”
“Yeah, but I had to practice in secret, since it’s not Kamiya Kasshin. Kaoru knows now, though.”
“I’m impressed. You’ve become an excellent student, just within this year.”
“Thanks. I want to get stronger, to fight with everyone.” He gave a toothy smile. He had matured a little since Koshijiro had last seen him. “Kaoru also took down one of Shishio’s gang. Her shinai broke, but she kept fighting and won!”
“Did she? I’d like to tell her she did a good job.” He glanced up at the building. He hoped she was alright, as was Himura.
“She wasn’t hurt too bad, and Kenshin will make it. They’ll be okay, Kamiya-san.” Yahiko was very certain of this, or perhaps, he was trying to convince himself too. “And then, Kenshin and Sano-”
“Someone say my name?” At the familiar voice, they turned. Sagara was in even worse shape than Yahiko, with twice as many bandages and his face badly bruised. His right hand was rendered immobile in a sling, and his left fingers were wrapped up as they lifted in greeting. If this was ‘okay’ in Yahiko’s mind, what condition was Himura in? “Hey, old man.”
“Sagara-san, how are you?”
“Still kicking.” He grinned. “Fox is here too?”
“She’s upstairs with the other doctors.”
“Right.” His good humor evaporated, and he trudged over, exhaling loudly as he sat on the back steps. “Kenshin’ll be fine, he definitely will. Now that the fox is helping out, he’s in better hands. Anyway, what were you talking about?”
“I was telling him about our fights!” Yahiko supplied. “But I didn’t mention your new punching technique yet.”
“Leave that to me.” He spun a tale of wandering in the forest, which led to a fateful instructive meeting with a monk. The new technique was essentially a double punch, resulting in increased destructive force. Unbeknownst to Sagara at the time, his teacher was one of Shishio’s comrades. It made for a bittersweet duel in the final battle, and the monk, Anji, had willingly turned himself in.
One by one, the rest of the Ten Swords fell, either in Kyoto or defending their leader, and Shinomori had settled his grudge with Himura in their own match. The story reached its climax with a four-way fight against Shishio. It had been vicious, with Himura using the succession technique of Hiten Mitsurugi, and ended with the other man succumbing to his burns in the prolonged battle. Even after sacrificing his lover, Shishio had died laughing in an inferno.
By the time the story reached its end, it was lunchtime. Sae urged them inside, and as they sat down, Koshijiro realized that there was someone he hadn’t seen yet. He glanced around, craning his head. No sign of him at all, not even a hint of cigarette smoke.
“Where is the assistant chief inspector?”
Neither of them responded at first, exchanging glances. Yahiko stalled. “Uh…”
“We don’t know.” Sagara said. “Last time I saw him, it was after Shishio went up in flames. Saito just walked back in, but I don’t think he died!”
Koshijiro didn’t believe so either, but he wondered what he was going to tell Tokio. “It’s possible he had some work to finish, for whatever the Minister wanted him to accomplish. If he hasn’t returned by tomorrow, we can try to look for him.”
“Yeah, I’ll lead the way. Sounds like a plan, old man.”
The atmosphere remained tense, and Koshijiro was unable to savor much of his meal, though he encouraged the boys to eat and recover their strength. After the dishes were cleared away, he intended for a short stroll outside.
The strong aroma of sake was the first thing he noticed. Leaning against the restaurant’s wall, a tall man was drinking out of a jug. His coat was draped over his shoulders, his long hair in disarray. He wiped his mouth, and his dark gaze landed on Koshijiro.
“So, my idiot apprentice has more people from Tokyo to visit?”
Koshijiro politely ignored the modifier. “Your apprentice?”
“Yes, the idiot who hasn’t woken up yet.” He briefly jerked his head towards the building.
“I’m afraid Himura-san is still unconscious.”
“Hm.” He took another pull, the liquid sloshing. “How do you know him?”
“Himura-san has been living with us. I’m Kamiya Koshijiro.”
“Ah. You’re the tanuki girl’s father.”
“...tanuki girl?”
“The kenjutsu master, who my idiot apprentice is besotted with.” He lifted his hand to his chin, with a smug smile. “Her face reminds me of a tanuki.”
Koshijiro was at a loss to interpret any of that.
“Anyway,” The stranger continued. “I am Hiko Seijuro, the Thirteenth Master of Hiten Mitsurugi. And as it seems, most likely the last.”
“He isn’t dead.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
Kaoru’s letters had not described him in great detail, but Himura’s teacher really was an strange person. Assuming he’d only obtain more questions than answers, Koshijiro opted for another subject. “I heard that you helped protect the city. Thank you for your effort.”
“I only came since it was a request.” His eyes darted to the upper floor again. “I had to get supplies anyway, they still haven’t been delivered yet. Speaking of which…” Abruptly, he straightened and corked his jug.
“Do you need any help?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle on my own. How’d you lose the arm?”
What a blunt question! Even Hayashi’s son was more tactful, and at least, he had the excuse of childhood innocence. “…Satsuma.” He left it ambiguous to whether it was last year or during the Bakumatsu.
“Hm. This is why I stay out of politics.” Before Koshijiro could respond, he was already stepping out of the alley. Hand lifting in farewell, Hiko walked into the main street without even swaying. The entire encounter had left Koshijiro feeling off-balance, not helped by the overt smell of liquor, and he made his way in the opposite direction.
The other swordsman was still gone when he returned, though something was clearly different within the Shirobeko. Sagara had dozed off and Yahiko had acquired an inkbrush, which was paused in midair between them.
“This…this isn’t what it looks like!” He protested.
Koshijiro suppressed a sigh. “Is it a message you can’t put down on paper?”
“Well, he has ‘evil’ on his back, so I thought he’d like it on his sling too.”
“Let’s ask him when he wakes up. For now, you can practice.”
They must have been too loud, because Sagara snorted and lifted his head. “What’s going on?” Upon Yahiko’s admission, he readily agreed to the addition. “Hell yeah, you can. Thanks!”
“Sure, I’ll start right now!” He aimed for the white cloth.
“Wait a second. Do you know how to write the character?”
“I’ve seen it so many times.”
“Seeing is not the same as practicing.” Koshijiro added. “It’s the same with kenjutsu.”
“You’re right, old man.” Sagara took his side. “Come on, Yahiko, get some paper.”
Grudgingly, the younger boy began to draft his rendition of ‘evil’. Sae approached with a fresh pot of tea and rice crackers, inquiring about her sister and the Tokyo branch. The conversation was a good distraction for a number of minutes.
At last, footsteps echoed from upstairs; the doctors were leaving. Their expressions were not grim, but not totally satisfied either. After they filed out, he heard her voice first.
“Thank you again, Megumi.”
“We’re far from finished. It’ll be a long road of recovery ahead, and he has a very high risk of infection. If it weren’t for the full hospital beds, I would have transferred him to the closest one. The next few days will be critical.” Takani warned, as she descended to the lower floor.
And then, there was Kaoru, following behind her. “I know. I just wish there was more I could do.”
“You’ve done well until now, and unless I call you again, your presence is enough.” The doctor briskly nodded, and then in the direction of Koshijiro. “I’m sure your father will agree.”
Immediately, her face lit up. “Otou-san!” She rushed over to embrace him, and he held her tight. It felt like it had been years since he had last seen her. “I’m happy you’re here!”
“So am I. You look tired, Kaoru.”
“I’m fine.” She argued. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her hair was mussed. He laid the back of his hand against her forehead. She wasn’t feverish but she obviously needed rest. Grumbling, she did her best to glare at him. “Geez, I said I was fine.”
“I heard you, I only wanted to be certain. It’s been six weeks.”
She smiled. “Otou-san, you were lonely, weren’t you?”
He deliberately cleared his throat. “We’ve just finished lunch, but I can order anything you’d like.” She had supposedly eaten a late breakfast and claimed not to be hungry, but she sat down with relief. When Koshijiro pushed the rice crackers toward her, she did grab a handful.
“Ken-san has been stabilized, and two of the Oniwabanshuu are watching him in the meantime. I don’t know when he’ll wake up.” Takani informed them as she took a seat. “I will not lie, his condition is serious and we’re treating it as such. We’ll keep a close eye.”
“Thanks for letting us know. Drink up, you deserve it.” Sagara nodded at the teapot.
“Oh? I won’t refuse-what?” Her gaze had followed his sling and she gave a cry of horror upon noticing his right hand. “What did you do?!”
“Sorry.” He said without a trace of regret. “I learned something new.”
“Being foolish isn’t exactly new for you, rooster head.”
As they sniped back and forth, Kaoru exclaimed. “I almost forgot! Misao should be finished soon with her recon, and she wanted an update. She said she’ll be going through the back.” With that, she stood and hurried through the dining area.
Koshijiro followed suit, and by the time he caught up, his daughter was greeting another girl around her age. She was shorter, her hair in a long braid, and her garb was designed for maximum mobility. She had a familiar face…recognition struck him.
“Otou-san, this is Makimachi Misao.”
“Nice to meet you!” She bowed in greeting, and he certainly remembered that cheeky voice.
“Thank you for hosting my daughter and her friends. But I believe we’ve met before, in Tokyo.” He said meaningfully.
A beat followed, as the girl scrutinized him. Then, her jaw dropped. “Oh. Ohhh. I did, uh, borrow your wallet.”
“Misao!” Kaoru was appalled. “You were the girl who stole from Otou-san?”
“I didn’t know, and I was running low on cash! Sorry!” She held up her hands, palm to palm in apology.
“It’s alright. I believe you’ve fully repaid with your hospitality. Although, it would be wise to refrain from stealing again.”
“For sure, I don’t need to anymore. I’m home again, and so is Aoshi-sama.” At this, her smile dropped. “Physically at least.”
“Are you speaking of Shinomori-san?” The last time Koshijiro had seen that man in person, he had broken into the dojo. He had followed a meandering path since then, but he must have changed for the better.
“Yeah…he’s been hurt too, but he doesn’t talk at all. It’s the emotional pain, I think.”
“That takes time, even longer than the physical.”
“I guess.” She gave a heavy sigh disproportionate to her petite frame.
Kaoru clasped her shoulder. “Misao, why don’t we get Megumi and my father settled in?”
“True, that’s something we can do. It’ll keep our minds off worrying about the men we love.” With renewed purpose, she bounded into the restaurant.
He gave his daughter a very pointed look. “And what exactly did she mean by that?”
Kaoru furiously blushed. “Otou-san, let’s talk later, okay?” And then, she rushed after Makimachi.
So far, people here had been hinting at something, but now this! This response was entirely unfamiliar, and he felt like his feet had been kicked out from under him. What on earth had happened while they were in Kyoto…?!
Somehow, he processed that he was assigned to the same room as Sagara and Yahiko, while Takani would join the girls. Space was cramped, but they had to make do. While his futon was set up, Kaoru had slipped into Himura’s room again, to his frustration. Later, indeed.
Makimachi introduced him to the rest of the Oniwabanshuu, four young men and women with variable injuries but equally bright smiles. They referred to her as their leader, which caused her to turn crimson. “That’s me, the Okashira. Haha!”
Her reaction was odd, and Koshijiro inquired. “Did you not want the position?”
“No, I do. That’s why I took it, when Aoshi-sama…well, he wasn’t in his right mind and I stepped in. But I’m still not used to it yet. But don’t think I’ll quit! I’ll embrace this responsibility, and lead the Oniwabanshuu into a new era!”
A new voice entered the conversation. “Well said, Misao!” Walking up to them, an older man stroked his gray beard. His bandaged shoulder concealed wounds of his own; this must have been Okina. “That determination is exactly what we need. And is this another of Himura-san’s friends?” After the usual pleasantries, he added. “Himura-san mentioned you.”
“Did he?”
“He said you were our trusted ally for the second line of defense in Tokyo, if we happened to fail here.”
Koshijiro glanced back at the too-quiet room. “I’m glad it didn’t have to come to that.”
“I feel the same way.” He smiled kindly. “Have faith in him, Kamiya-san. I was also on the precipice and I pulled through, even at my age. Himura-san will wake when he’s ready.”
Okina then spoke to Makimachi, of what seemed to be innocent errands but the deliberate phrasing made Koshijiro suspect it was code for internal matters. It was clear that he was nudging her into her role, presenting the decisions suitable for a leader to resolve; she was initially nervous but stood her ground. At the end, he was satisfied with her choices and she seemed bolstered. Saying that he’d see them around, the spy left to fulfill his duties.
Makimachi gave another heavy sigh. “Now, what to do, about Aoshi-sama. Oh! Maybe, he’d talk to you. Could you try?”
“I only met him briefly, and you know him best. At the moment, I believe he needs space.” Koshijiro then suggested. “You could write notes to him. My wife and daughter did so, when I was struggling in the past.”
“Notes, huh. That’s a pretty great idea, I can slide them into his room.” She beamed. “Thanks, Kamiya-san! I think I saw the ink and paper downstairs.”
As she grabbed the materials and ran, he remained in the dining area. Sagara and Yahiko were passing the time, playing a game of Go.
“How is he?” Sagara spoke out of the corner of his mouth, as he moved to capture a few white stones.
“Nothing new, as of yet.”
“But Kenshin is the strongest in Japan.” Yahiko insisted. “And he got some of Megumi’s medicine we brought, so that should help.”
“Did Kaoru give it to him?”
“Yeah, while they were talking on the rooftop.”
“Talking on the rooftop?” Koshijiro repeated, and the boy immediately clamped a hand over his mouth. “Why were they there?”
“Er…um…” His eyes were roving about. “They were sitting next to each other and talking really quietly, so it seemed serious. Like, they were gonna kiss or something…”
“Come to think of it,” Sagara mused as he rolled a black stone between his left fingers. “Kenshin said something weird while we were in Shishio’s base. He thought he heard Jou-chan’s voice, and he felt better even if he only imagined it.”
“And she was crying a lot when we came back, saying ‘please don’t die, Kenshin, stay with me’.” His voice hit a terribly executed falsetto. “She wouldn’t let go of his hand until the doctors came. Ah, oops. Sorry, old man, maybe you shouldn’t have-”
But he was already walking away. Before dinner began, he intended to have that conversation with Kaoru. She wasn’t in the girls’ room, only Takani was. She was in the middle of combing her hair and anticipated what he would ask.
“Are you looking for Kaoru? She’s still in his room.” She coolly said.
“Thank you, Takani-san.” He paused. “And thank you for your work today.”
“That’s what I can do for him. Apparently, Kaoru really helped overnight as well.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a fairly new practice in Japan. When someone loses blood, they can receive more from another person, but there are limitations and it can be dangerous. We’re still figuring it out. However, some people can give blood without fear of hurting someone. Kaoru is one of those people, she said she found out last year. With how much he’d already lost, there was no time to test Ken-san, so it was good to know that about her. Ken-san couldn’t have been stabilized so quickly if she wasn’t here.”
He considered this new information. “I didn’t know. Did you give him any blood as well?”
“I’m not in the same category as Kaoru. So, my expertise is all I can do for him.” Recognizing the double meaning of her own words, her rouged mouth twisted and she resumed pulling the comb through. It was best to leave her alone.
The door was slightly ajar, and he peered inside. Himura was covered up to his chin by blankets. Kaoru knelt at his side, and there was a severely torn gi in her lap, the needle jutting out of the fabric. Her expression was brimming with concern as she looked over him.
She jerked her head towards him. “Otou-san? You can come in.”
He did, properly closing the door behind. He sat next to her, watching Himura’s slow, even breathing. “Any change?”
“No, he hasn’t woken up yet.” She undid a stitch, creating a tighter one in its place. “It’s hard to wait.”
“I know, Kaoru. It’s difficult, but he’s healthy and resilient.”
She didn’t respond at first, her throat working. “When they came back, the moon was rising. Behind them, there was a trail of blood. His blood. He couldn’t walk on his own, or raise his head. He was cold. And when the doctors were closing his wounds, he didn’t even react. Shishio bit into his shoulder, close to where the vessels were. I’m so scared for him.”
“However, you should take care of yourself as well. Overly worrying will not do you or him any good.” He gently reminded her.
“Yeah, but I can’t help it. Okaa-san died in her sleep too…” Her voice diminished as she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hand.
At the memory, Koshijiro’s chest tightened. Without speaking, he lifted the blanket enough to find Himura’s hand. A few scrapes were already scabbed over, and his nails had been cut and cleaned. He placed two fingertips upon the sleeping man’s pulse. Rapid, but not abnormally so, given that his body was working hard to heal. “At the moment, he’s not in immediate danger. I heard he received some of your blood?”
She clasped the inner part of her left elbow, where it must have been taken from. “I did. While you were gone, the hospital was paying people for samples, that it could help in emergencies. It was after the students left, so I signed up. I was told that I have good blood, I can restore almost anyone.”
“Well, I expect nothing less from my daughter. You’ve done excellent work, from fighting off Kyoto’s attackers to giving your own life force to Himura-san. I’m very proud of you.”
Her smile was strained. “But he’s still fighting. Otou-san, I don’t want to lose him. We have to return to Tokyo together.” She was on the verge of tears, and he held her shoulder.
Waiting until she was calmer, he quietly broached the question. “Do you love him?”
“I…” She took a deep breath. “Misao’s been in love with Shinomori-san since she was very young. I only met Kenshin at the beginning of the year, but…I really care about him. After we were finished here, all I could wonder about was whether he was safe. I want him to be happy, and even though he carries his past regrets, I want to help him. I may not understand all of it, but if I can make him smile, that's enough for me.” She looked at Himura with an emotion Koshijiro had seen before but not from her. It had been in Kyoko’s face, when he read aloud to her while she was ill. It was longing, tenderness, a deep and unwavering love.
Oh. She really did love him. Not that he was completely surprised, but her confession made it definitive.
However, Himura had not declared his intentions at all. Towards Kaoru, what did he feel? Was it equal to her own for him? He had said goodbye only to her, but what if that had no deeper meaning? And what were the mixed feelings he had spoken of, when they reunited? There was still room for doubt, and thus, still a possibility for Kaoru to be hurt. Right now, Himura’s health was the priority, but after he recovered, there had to be a conversation. Until then, if she wasn’t directly assisting him, keeping the two of them apart at arm’s length was the best course of action. If Himura really did care for his daughter, he would be respectful, and at the very least, begin a courtship. If not…the distance would protect her. Even if she was an adult, Kaoru would always be his little girl. She deserved to be loved in return for what she gave, and anyone who treated her badly would earn his eternal resentment.
“Kaoru, when-” A rustle of movement interrupted him, as very slowly, Himura opened his eyes.
She set aside her sewing, drawing close to him. “Kenshin?”
He lifted his gaze, and his mouth formed a small smile in recognition. Almost too quietly to hear, he murmured. “Kaoru…dono.”
“I’m here, Kenshin. You’re safe at the Shirobeko. I’m glad you’re awake. Thank goodness…” She wiped away her tears of relief.
Urgently, Koshijiro stepped out, calling for Takani, who immediately rushed over. Unfortunately, he was already drifting back to sleep by the time she arrived, but she seemed reassured by the development. Sagara and Yahiko, panting from running upstairs, were disappointed that they hadn’t witnessed the moment. From below, someone complained of scattered Go pieces on the floor.
During the night, they took turns watching him, settled by a tournament of janken. With a win and a loss, Koshijiro was dealt one of the middle shifts. Through his two hours, Himura didn’t stir at all. If he was dreaming, it was hopefully good.
At dawn, he went with Sagara to look for their missing ally. They searched the shoreline, where the ship had sunk, and followed the trail to the rebels’ base, which Shishio’s remaining lackeys had fled. He spoke to the Kyoto police, who were making arrests, but no one had spotted the man nor his katana. It was altogether strange.
“Well, there hasn’t been a corpse.” Sagara pointed out. “But what was he thinking? There’s gotta be a reason that he went off alone.” He continued down the path, grumbling to himself.
Aloud, Koshijiro said. “Even wolves hunt better in packs. Isn’t that why I was given responsibilities in Tokyo?” The whistling wind was his only response.
When they returned, Yahiko shared that Himura was able to stay awake long enough for breakfast. Sagara barged in first, cheering to the point where Takani admonished him for being disruptive. She dragged him out by the ear, remarking that his dressings needed to be changed.
Koshijiro saw Himura uncovered for the first time. In the daylight, Himura was startlingly frail. He must have pushed his body beyond its limits, to defeat Shishio. Both of his shoulders were wrapped, the fabric crossing his abdomen. Another wound was at his right flank. Propped up on pillows, he was being spooned broth. By Kaoru.
He felt a twitch in his forehead. “Hello, Himura-san. I see that you are looking better.”
“Hello…Kamiya-dono.” His voice was slightly uneven.
Kaoru fed him another mouthful. “Let me know if you want your tea.”
Himura gave the barest nod, and even that required visible effort.
“The last time we met, it was before you left for Kioisaka.” Koshijiro said, sitting by the door. “I know you did not want to initially leave, but thank you for preserving this country’s peace. I am very glad that you survived, and that you did not have to break your vow.”
“So is this one.” He breathed out. “But this one came close, only once.”
Kaoru had evidently not heard this, because she lowered the bowl. “Kenshin?”
He spoke slowly, hesitantly. “It was after the first sakabato broke, and this one went to find the original smith. He had passed away, and his son was no longer crafting swords, to live quietly with his family. Then, one of the Ten Swords took their infant hostage. This one was given the only katana remaining, in order to save the child.”
Koshijiro frowned. Balancing the vow not to kill against the life of a baby? What kind of person would impose this choice upon Himura? “What did you decide?”
“This one used the scabbard to strike the enemy, and as he went down, this one saw that the sword was a sakabato after all.”
“So, that’s what happened.” Kaoru softly said.
“However, for a moment, this one considered drawing anyway.” His tone was serious; the memory weighed heavily on him. “In that second, it didn’t matter what kind of sword it was. But this one remembered something. The night when Jin-e kidnapped Kaoru-dono. The answer she gave this one, when her life was in danger. To not give in, even when it is tempting. To remember that life should be protected. So this one changed tactics. This one’s first thought was suited for Hiten Mitsurugi, but the issue was settled by Kamiya Kasshin.”
Himura had saved the child, while the principle of ‘the sword that protects life’ had saved him in turn. Since the beginning, he had taken the school’s message seriously, yet this was the first time he explicitly had it in mind during a fight. He was not only wielding a reverse-bladed sword, but the foremost lesson of Kamiya Kasshin as well. It was a subtle change, and Koshijiro approved, with an upwelling of pride and satisfaction.
Kaoru had recognized the significance as well, eyes wide and unconsciously leaning towards Himura. Her voice was hopeful. “Kenshin, you were thinking of Kamiya Kasshin?”
“This one did say that he preferred your vision.” And he smiled at her, a true one that reached his gaze.
Koshijiro realized that this was probably what Yahiko had seen on the rooftop. This closeness, like a magnetic draw to each other, even if they weren’t touching. Before he could remind them of his presence, another voice floated overhead.
“Finally, my idiot apprentice is awake.” Hiko was standing at the threshold, expression impassive.
Himura blinked. “You were here, Shishou?”
“Of course. It took me far too long, because you didn’t tell me the location of a place called the Aoiya.”
To Koshijiro’s surprise, Himura seemed annoyed. “This one believed you would ask.”
“Did you think any of these people would stop and provide directions, while the city was under attack?”
“If you did not know where it was, you could have said that, when this one first told you.”
“Both of you, stop it!” Kaoru interjected, lifting the spoon to Himura’s mouth. “Hiko-san, don’t pester him. Kenshin, you should take it easy. Everyone’s okay, so no more arguing. Understood?”
Reluctantly, they both nodded. A tentative stalemate. The silence was only disrupted by Himura’s sips.
She gave him the last of the broth, then half his tea to wash it down. She was about to stand, but Himura’s free fingers pinched her sleeve, keeping her close. “Thank you, Kaoru-dono.”
“You’re welcome, Kenshin.” She smiled down at him. There was no sign she was resuming her previous action.
“Arm’s length.” Koshijiro said, out of habit, only to remember that Hiko was standing right there.
The man erupted into loud, malicious laughter. “Is that how you’re living, baka deshi? At arm’s length?”
Himura actually scowled. “Shishou…”
“I’ve heard of horrific mothers-in-law, but you? You have a strict father-in-law.”
“Father-in-law?!” Koshijiro and Kaoru exclaimed simultaneously.
“W-what?” She stammered. “That’s not how it is! Otou-san doesn’t act like a…that would mean…”
Himura’s face was a shade close to his loose hair, and his jaw clenched. “Remind this one why you are still here, and not at the mountain.”
“My supplies are taking too long.”
“Yes, they are. Your demands must have been overwhelming.”
This was a different side of Himura, more like the young man he really was. Koshijiro thought it was refreshing, and honestly, his master was insufferable. Tired after finishing his meal, Himura’s eyelids started to fall. Kaoru ushered the men out to leave him be, though she didn’t linger either, stepping out moments later and taking his tray to the kitchen.
With nothing else to do, Hiko leisurely headed downstairs. “Will he be going to Tokyo with you?”
Koshijiro replied. “That is the plan, unless he expresses otherwise.”
“I doubt he will. I’d never seen my idiot apprentice at a loss for words, until your daughter walked into my house.”
“Didn’t he say he had mixed feelings?”
“Ah, so you’ve heard. Half anger and half relief, that’s what he said.”
Anger, presumably that she had followed him when he had willingly gone on this mission. But relief…he had been relieved to see her face. Neither of those emotions, however, were indicative of romantic love.
“But while he’s here,” Hiko continued. “I’ll make up for lost time. It’s entertaining to watch you put him in check. To think, after all these years, the idiot would actually listen to someone and it’s an overbearing tanuki father who just lost his arm.”
“I did not tell you when that happened.”
“No, but it’s in your bearing. You’re awkward, you haven’t entirely adjusted. You still believe you’re inadequate, and that burden is heavier than this coat. Well? What have you done to correct that?”
He really didn’t like this man. He retorted. “At the very least, I wasn’t drinking myself into a stupor out of worry.”
Hiko whipped around, coat flaring and eyes narrowed. Koshijiro refused to flinch.
Then, the so-called Thirteenth Master showed his gritted teeth. “It wasn’t out of worry. Sake is good at any time of the day, as long as there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“And I am content enough to be alive, with or without my left arm.”
“So, if neither of us have complaints, then we have nothing more to speak of. Tell my idiot apprentice I haven’t finished my supply run.” Abruptly, he marched on, striding out of the Shirobeko.
With his frustration boiling over, Koshijiro took the opportunity to begin repacking. He could handle his belongings perfectly fine. And he hated that Hiko’s observation had genuinely disturbed him. When the boys had described the battles, he had been thinking as well, of strategy and how he would have acted. But he had to rework every move, to account for his current state. The one-handed variant of Kamiya Kasshin was in development, and even though he had tested it, his opponent had been unskilled. With how he was now, he wouldn’t have been able to protect anyone in Kyoto, and his own responsibilities had their importance. But seeing everyone’s injuries had stung the swordsman in him. Once he was in the dojo, he’d have to continue his progress.
Kaoru must have heard the noise, because she knocked. Looking around the room, she asked. “You’re going home today?”
“I am. I have work tomorrow.” He turned to her. “Do you want to return with me?”
Immediately, she shook her head. “Kenshin can’t travel yet, and I don’t want to leave him. Or everyone else.”
Sagara and Yahiko were not ready either; Takani intended to continue her care of all of them during the week. On a positive note, Kaoru also enjoyed Makimachi’s company. The younger girl was boisterous and trained in martial arts, so it was no wonder they had become fast friends. “It’s alright if you stay.”
“Yes. After all, I’ll be back next weekend.”
She blinked. “Huh?! I mean, Otou-san, you don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do. Who else will enforce the arm’s length rule?”
“Geez, Otou-san! It’s still in place, even when Kenshin’s hurt?”
“Helping him is an exception. If nothing inappropriate will happen, then there is no issue.”
“I shouldn’t have told you anything.” She grumbled.
He gave a leveling stare. “Kaoru. You don’t mean that.”
“No.” With an exhale, she crossed her arms. “You’re just being really picky about this.”
He sensed that if he unveiled his full reasoning, particularly the possibility that Himura did not care for her in the way she most desired, she would be incredibly upset. Instead, he said. “As a young man and woman, this ensures that you’ll be mindful of how you act around each other. It seems that’s slipped in the past weeks.”
“So we should talk behind folding screens?” As if she hadn’t poked holes through rice paper when she was younger.
He ignored the sarcasm. “If your feelings are true, they will endure. Unless you become formally engaged, the rule will remain.” Wait. Damn it. Damn Hiko for mentioning the word ‘father-in-law’.
Kaoru was bright red. “…Alright.”
“I’m not saying that I expect an engagement or that if there was such a thing, you would be free to do whatever you like.” He hastily added. “It was a hypothetical example.”
Acutely aware he was digging a deeper hole, he excused himself to say goodbye to the others. Makimachi was in the hallway, lightly humming and glancing up from her ink-covered sheet of parchment.
“Are you leaving already, Kamiya-san? The rest of the Oniwabanshuu are out on tasks, so that’s too bad.”
“Give them my regards, although I’ll be here again in six days.”
“Oh, great! I followed your advice, by the way. Would you like to say anything to Aoshi-sama?”
“Only that I wish he recovers and despite a rough start, I appreciated his aid in this.”
“You got it!” She finished her note with a flourish and turned to the nearest door, cracking it open. She pushed the paper inside, and it fluttered to the tatami. A glimpse showed that Shinomori was in a meditating position, his rigid back towards them. She closed the door with forced cheer; she definitely had an uphill battle, but kindness always won out in the end.
Takani was mixing medicine, though she asked him to let Dr. Gensai know she would be staying. “And here are the pages.” She carefully tore them out of her book.
“It may take time, but I will do the best I can from my end.”
“Thank you, Kamiya-san.” She returned to her work, still melancholy but a little less than before.
Yahiko was next, and he handed off a folded square of paper. “It’s for Tsubame, I said I’d write to her after we won. Don’t read it!”
“I have no intention of doing so.” He gravely answered. Sae also approached with her own message to her twin, which he promised he would deliver. He reiterated his gratitude to her and the staff, and that he was sorry to impose upon them again. It was no trouble, they insisted, and it was fun to have the Shirobeko so lively. Throughout the city, many others had been left with damaged homes, and as it had been with disasters in history, it was the time to come together.
Sagara was attempting to use chopsticks with his left hand, clacking them together. “See you, old man. I’ll be as good as you with one hand, next time we meet.”
“I’m far from an expert.” He humbly said. “Please don’t overexert yourself.”
He did enter Himura’s room one last time, but he was still sleeping. These initial days of recovery would be vital, and Koshijiro hoped he would never receive a telegram bearing bad news.
He took the afternoon train, and his daughter saw him off. “I’ll see you soon.” He intently looked at her.
“Bye.” She huffed but gave him a quick hug before he boarded. And with that, he was alone once more.
Despite the late hour, his first stop was the home of the assistant chief inspector, and Tokio greeted him. Her gaze briefly searched behind him, though she maintained a neutral, polite face. He delivered the facts, that her husband was unaccounted for.
“Have you received any correspondence from him?” He asked.
“No, not since he asked if we could take in Eiji.”
Silence fell over them, the worst possibility left unspoken.
“Did he have any contacts I can reach out to?”
“My husband’s work is highly classified, and I don’t think we are at that point yet. I’m more concerned with why he hasn’t notified me. Nothing can tame a wolf of Mibu, but he comes home if he’s told to. And I told him to come home.” Tokio emphasized. Her gaze was tracked on the horizon, and only the slight trembling of her hands gave away that she was in turmoil.
“You will be the first to know if I hear anything from Kyoto.”
“Thank you, Kamiya-san.” From within the house, Tsutomu whined, and Eiji called out hesitantly to her. She gave a quick bow before hurrying to the children, the door closing behind her.
If…no, when he saw Fujita again, he would have to give him a piece of his mind. Worrying his allies and his own family was too much.
The following morning, he kept his promise to Takani. He sent the information she had provided to the police department in her hometown, requesting for anyone who met the descriptions and to write back to him. In the meantime, he would continue to work, with his lunch break at the Akabeko so he could deliver the letters. Tae thanked him, and Tsubame had turned pink upon reading her paper.
According to recent reports, there was a scavenger in the vicinity of Chinshu Forest, and the station was told to keep an eye out. The younger officers also said there were rumors of a ghost, which Koshijiro ignored. When one of the rookies, Ikehira, went to investigate and confessed he had just missed whoever this scavenger was, but they could set up a perimeter. Koshijiro detoured there on his way home, to see if he could uncover more.
He heard the noises first. Dull scraping, heavy breathing. He kept his hand on his baton, as he drew closer. Near a small shrine, there was a young boy, scrambling in the dirt. He was around Yahiko’s age and he was singularly focused on rearranging the ground. Grass bits and clumps of earth were scattered around him.
“Hello?” Koshijiro called out. “Are you lost?”
The boy turned, and Koshijiro saw that he was a filthy child, as if he had been living in the wilderness. Like an animal, he bared his teeth and ran off. Koshijiro made to follow, but the boy was faster and smaller, disappearing into the brush. Within a few minutes, he could only hear his own footsteps. Unable to pursue any further without venturing into unknown territory, he resorted to finding his way out of the forest, back into town. He had not heard news of a missing boy, so who was that?
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unweavinglies · 5 years
Kokichi Ouma Character Analysis: The Chapter 5 Murder was Premeditated
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So a quick disclaimer: Yes, I am very aware that this is most likely not canon, or at least not what the writers intended on being canon, nor am I saying that this is 100% canon and should be considered as such. This is just a fan theory/analysis I came up with for my own enjoyment and wanted to share with others, as I like coming up with theories/analysis posts and reworking canons to make enhanced stories and character development in my perspective. I firmly believe that the idea of making theories isn’t supposed to be a shouting contest to see which opinion is the most loud and correct, but should be something to share with others and find acceptance and understanding in different interpretations, even if you don’t agree with them. 
Something I’ve noticed within the fandom is that most fans assume that Kokichi’s plan with the hydraulic press is something he made on the spot just after Maki shoots him and Kaito with the poisoned crossbow arrows. They think that he managed to: come up with the trick on the spot, write an entire script for Kaito, got a camera/jacket set up--all within the span of two hours and dying of a lethal poison.
Needless to say, that’s a bit unrealistic, even for Kokichi. Writing that huge script alone probably took several hours of his time. However, there’s little to no evidence to suggest any other time he could have made it, right?
Well, that’s where you would be wrong.
Because there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Kokichi was planning the Hydraulic Press trick long before he was shot by Maki with the poisoned arrow.
So without further adieu, let’s get started.
First, there are some things we should make clear before anything else. Kokichi was missing throughout most of Chapter 5. After Chapter 4, Kokichi was nowhere to be found until he shows up again in the gym with the Electrohammers and Electrobombs. Second the narrative never revealed if Kaito or Kokichi left the hanger at any point during the time period when the Electrobomb was set off. Third, Kokichi did not have obvious narrative access to the hanger or knowledge of the hanger until Chapter 5--meaning that we can simplify that because Kokichi never implied to have known about the Exisal Hanger beforehand during the narrative, we can assume he didn’t know about it until after it was unlocked. Fourth: Kokichi’s biggest strength, is his ability to adapt to any situation within seconds, and we should keep this in mind.
With this in mind, it paints a pretty clear picture as to when his plot for the press murder takes place--it has to be somewhere in Chapter 5, because he simply did not have obvious knowledge or access to the hanger before then. However, it couldn’t be after he and Kaito get shot with the poisoned arrows, due to the fact that Monokuma--or anyone, for that matter--never witnessed them leaving. Maki was also probably slashing at the control panel for quite some time given how many marks she left on it, so if they had tried to leave, she would have probably noticed. Considering how long she was possibly there for, and how quickly the poison was tearing through Kokichi, it’s more than likely both Kokichi and Kaito didn’t leave the hanger at all.
This causes several issues with the idea that Kokichi thought of all of this on the spot.
Firstly: the camera he used for the trick.
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Kaito (as Kokichi) talks about how the camera he has is from the warehouse, and that Kokichi brought it to the hanger “just in case.”
This detail goes extremely under the radar as the game just dismisses it and doesn’t fully explain it, because once you stop to think about it, you realize that there was no time after Maki had shot Kokichi and Kaito with the crossbow arrows to get the camera from the warehouse. Kaito might be able to, but he isn’t nearly as evasive and sneaky as Kokichi--and Kokichi has a serious back injury that probably makes it difficult for him to move. So that means, Kokichi had to have gotten the camera before Maki made her assassination attempt.
The question is... why? Why would Kokichi think to bring a camera into the hanger? What was he planning on doing with it? He didn’t know Maki was going to make an assassination attempt on him, and he couldn’t have done it after she had done so. So what was he thinking?
In actuality, there’s implications that Kokichi was gathering more than just the camera before hand.
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Just after they see the flashback light, everyone starts to make a plan to fight back against Kokichi and save Kaito--to which Maki admits that she had seen Kokichi leaving and probably re-entering the hanger the previous night.
Since we know Kokichi left the hanger at least once, we can assume that he probably left and returned many times. One of which must have been to retrieve the camera.
I suspect this incident where Maki sees Kokichi is when he was obtaining the camera from the warehouse. There is also probably another item that Kokichi grabs from somewhere else--something that the fandom has talked about and thought of as some kind of plot hole, but in actuality, it makes perfect sense when you consider it was brought to the hanger on purpose, by Kokichi.
And that is, Kaito’s second jacket.
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The first and obvious jacket we see is the one left stuck on the press--this is the jacket Kaito was wearing at the time when Maki shot him with the poisoned arrow. the blood and the hole on the sleeve confirms that.
However, when Kaito emerges from the Exisal--
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He very clearly has another jacket. This one doesn’t have any obvious blood stains or signs of damage. So, how did Kaito obtain a second jacket before the trial, when:
He couldn’t leave the hanger without revealing the trick
Kokichi couldn’t have gotten him the jacket after he was shot with the arrow
Kaito couldn’t leave the hanger before Maki attempted her assassination plan since Kokichi was holding him captive
He was stuck inside the Exisal until this point
So how did Kaito get his second jacket?
If we consider that Kokichi brought it with him into the hanger, then that answers the question as to why he has two. In all likelihood, though, Kokichi probably got the coat for Kaito as a part of giving him fresh clothes to wear while he was holding him hostage, but I digress. Kokichi is seen leaving the hanger, and he clearly goes back to it, implying he’s retrieving something (or somethings) and bringing them back to the hanger.
The earliest item Kokichi probably snuck out of the hanger to get, however, is the script he left Kaito.
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With how the script is described, it has way too much detail and thought put into it for Kokichi to be able to whip it up in just a a couple of hours while he had a poison slowly killing him.
And to note:
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And not even a minute or two later, he says:
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Not too long after Kokichi gave Kaito the antidote, Kokichi was struggling to breathe.
There was no way Kokichi would have been able to produce a script that detailed within the two hour time limit for the electrobomb, and even less likely he did so with the poison, seeing as it’s killing him pretty quickly. It’s far more likely that he had this book prepared very far in advance. Kaito even seems to think so as well--
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And, if you consider Kokichi’s true reasoning for kidnapping Kaito, you can get a perspective of how far in advance Kokichi could have potentially planned this out.
It’s possible that Kokichi kidnapped Kaito because he was the best candidate to pull off the press murder.
Kaito was already a dead man walking, and Kokichi was very aware of this. Since Kaito was going to die anyway, Kokichi probably thought that he could convince Kaito to go along with it if he waited until Kaito was standing on his last legs. After all, too many people already died to this Killing Game, so Kokichi was probably extremely hesitant to choose someone else. The less deaths possible, the better.
Either way, knowing how detailed that script was, Kokichi needed several hours of time to be able to write the whole thing. While Kaito needed to ab-lib through most of the trial, it’s safe to assume that Kokichi had some sort of idea of how everything was going to go down.
So with everything on the table, let’s summarize Kokichi’s true plot, and how he adapted when Maki poisoned him and Kaito.
From the start of Chapter 5, Kokichi started plotting a plan revolving around the Hydraulic press and pulling off the switch with someone else. After evaluating who he had left to work with, he decides that Kaito--being already on the verge of death--was the best candidate to be his partner in this scheme of his. He lures everyone down into the Death Road of Despair, not only to just steer everyone away from continuing the Killing Game, but to pose as the Mastermind and kidnap Kaito to hold him hostage in the hanger. He planned to continuously check up on Kaito and how fast his illness was progressing, and also provided him with food and clean clothes during this time. When he thought Kaito was just about close enough to dying from his illness, he went ahead and grabbed a camera from the warehouse. He planned to continue to wait until he was sure Kaito would only last maybe another day at most.
However, before he could even wait for that, Maki made her assassination attempt, poisoning both himself and Kaito in the process. After essentially assuring that the Killing Game would continue, Kokichi decides to use this development to try to blackmail Kaito into working with him for his plot--though, Kaito didn’t actually need the blackmail, as he was pretty much on board with it due to their situation and the solution.
While that is all up for debate and speculation, that series of events would make the most sense and tie up some loose ends that the game did not completely tie up itself. It gives context as to how long Kokichi was planning his own death as well.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading through this analysis/theory. Until next time!
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sandalaris · 4 years
For the writer asks: 5, 10, 17, 22, 23, 30, 45, & 54!! :D
Finally getting around to answering these XD
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
I read so much I feel like I can’t narrow it down. My favorite author is Ilona Andrews but they write almost exclusively in first person and have their fair share of action in their novels that I don’t think they’re that much of an influence on me. I’m trying to think of who I read that did the whole “people usually feel a mix of emotions over just one” thing that I know I’ve adopted, but I can’t think of who it is. (I can think of an author, who I do love the books of, who did the opposite and I found myself always confused about a character was supposed to be feeling/thinking and they probably influenced me to not do that, but I do like their books and that seems too much like I’m trying to be negative about them.)
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
If I got to pick anyone, it’d be Marissa Meyer who wrote the Lunar Chronicles. It would be for one novel/novella, because I feel like the Lunar Chronicles has one more sort of side story in it and would want so badly for it to fit what the author has already written. If you haven’t read the series, it’s basically a retelling of various fairy tales just set in the future, like Cinderella has a metal prosthetic foot that keeps falling off and Rapunzel is a hacker living in a satellite orbiting earth. Everything is set up to perfectly fit a Beauty and the Beast side-story. Genetically altered super soldiers who are big and hairy and given animal aggression and had all their teeth surgically replaced with fangs for failing to pass a test as a child? Check! Now all we need is to write a story about the bookish daughter of a geneticist who gets blackmailed into staying with the “beast” and slowly learns that there’s a man inside of the monster and ends up figuring out how to reverse some of the alterations (because we already got the “I love him just as he is, fangs and all” thing from Scarlet and Wolf so we can have a little “curse breaking” this time around.) It can be set post-series, when some of the wolf-soldiers ran off and disappeared into various countries.
I once co-write a novel with my best friend about an evil warlock who fell in insta-love with a ditzy elf and spent the rest of the novel trying to avoid her so he could dodge his fate of retiring from villainy like his father and grandfather before him. He was determined to be the one villain in his family who actually went through with his evil master plan, dammit! It was a comedy, and kind of a spoof since we were at that age where romance novels were the thing to make fun of, but it still ended with him deciding he could do evil masterminding later and running off with the elf. What can I say, we were like twelve.
17. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Eek, the problem with averages is that any sort of outlier knocks everything else off, and I have a lot of outliers, lol. I go through writing spurts, sitting down and all but knocking out an entire chapter/one-shot in one sitting followed by days where I won’t even open a word document. And then there’s sort of my inbetween times where I’m usually typing away on something, but it’s more editing than actual writing, so maybe 100 or so new words might get written, but what I’ve previously written looks better by the end, lol. This has been the norm especially lately with school and work taking up the majority of my time. And then it hits me and I just need to let the story flow out of me? Between 2k-5k a sit down session.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
I don’t really do true drafts. I write, I edit, I post, and then I suddenly see all my typos. On the rare occasion editing doesn’t fix the issue, I might cut the scene into chunks and sort of look for the line(s) that don’t fit and start branching off from there (like maybe someone’s acting out of character *glares at current chapter* and I just needed to look at it in smaller incriments to see where they started to veer off). Only once have I ever just completely reworked the extremely extremely rough draft I had written, but that was an original work I did for Nano and so was more concern with getting words on a page than editing as I go.
I suppose editing could count as a second draft, so two? Maybe three? What is considered One Editing? If I leave off and come back, is it an all new edit/draft, or am I picking up where I left off?
23. Single or multi POV, and why?
Nine times out of ten I seem to veer towards single, although I’ve had some fun with multiple POVs before.
Not really sure why. Maybe I just find it easier to burrow into one person’s headspace and go from there? I know there are times when I want to jump to another character for one specific scene, but I always feel like I’m already committed to telling things from the one character’s POV. Or maybe I just like the limited narrator thing.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Err.. I don’t know that I have one. How about a line I rather like? This is from a kind of Amaru/Brasa fic (kinda sorta. He’s got that whole mix of love and hate and resentment and worship thing going on, and she has her own twisted attachment to him) set in those six months between seasons. These lines are from a moment where Kate surfaces and Brasa fantasizes about taking out some of his resentment of Amaru on Kate. (He never actually physically harms her, Amaru would never allow someone to mark her vessel simply because its hers, but he likes to imagine.)
He thinks about wide green eyes looking up at him with fear, filling with tears as she whimpers out a “Please.” Imagines pressing a hand to her shoulder, pressing down down down until she’s kneeling before him, trembling as he cups her jaw, forcing her head back. He wants to press his thumb to the plump swell of her bottom lip, dig his nail in until the blood, her soul, comes to the surface. Filling the flesh with color until it spill across her chin in a vibrant slash.
and to give you an idea of how Kate is handling Brasa’s attempts to take his issues out on her...
He can see the muscle at the hinge of her jaw tighten, hear the harsh edge of every exhale, as she turns to look up at him mere inches away.  
“My name,” she clips, “is Kate.” She bites off the last, harsh sound, almost snapping her teeth at him.
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I’m trying to think of actual feedback and not just like angry comments/reviews from people who didn’t like my fics (which tbh I haven’t gotten that much of because people aren’t generally that big of a dick to leave flames on fics these days.)
Someone tried to tell me that a character dropping the f-bomb was unnecessary and jarring and I should remove it from one of my fics. And hey, to each their own, but I personally felt it fit both the character (who cursed in canon) and the story and so kept it in. People certainly can write great literature without every putting down a single curse word, but there’s also great stories that wouldn’t be the same without a bit of foul language. What bugged me most about it was their insistence I should remove it.
Besides that the only other bad feedback I’ve gotten (besides obvious flames and people not liking the direction I’m going/have gone with a story), was someone who said that my clearly labeled unhealthy relationship fic was romanticizing abuse and they didn’t appreciate the one character manipulating the other character like that. They were actually fairly nice about it (if a bit of an anti about the whole thing), I just remember being a little bugged at the time because I had already tagged it as unhealthy/manipulative.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t be afraid to experiment! And in that same vein, try out writing rules and discard them just as quickly if they aren’t for you, because there’s no set in stone way to doing things. Break all the rules if you want, the point is just to write. XD
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