#i am for once a tiny bit proud over how the colouring turned out cause I usually just flat colour shit
generalsmemories · 1 year
Last time I posted about my oc I said that the next time you see them they’ll have a name.
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Kassandra x Fem!Reader - The Most Peculiar Wingman
Can be found on AO3 here.
Summary: You recently moved into a new flat and you’re hearing some rather unusual sounds from your next-door neighbour’s abode. You’re worried the mysterious woman next door is involved in something dangerous. Kassandra is worried that you’re the landlord about to bust her for her lease violation.
(Sorry if you don’t like coffee and/or you speak fluent Greek.)
Word count: 2568
Damn, you’ve lucked out with your new flat. The area is pleasant, the décor is tasteful – the windowsills could use a bit more greenery, but you’ll get to that – and the letting agent wasn’t a dick. Zero hassle with bills, minimal scuffs on the walls…it’s bizarre how simple your moving process has been.
But nothing can be perfect, can it?
Over the few days you’ve lived in your new home, you noticed some rather disconcerting sounds coming from the apartment next door. Nothing that disrupts your sleep, thankfully, although your post-unpacking nap was interrupted by a very loud thud against the thin wall connecting the two flats. Thumps, crashes and very disgruntled cursing in a language you can’t quite place tend to crop up in quick succession once or twice a day. Today, though, the odd sounds seem to be omnipresent.
The strange symphony is starting to get alarming; you’re beginning to ponder if the seemingly perpetually angry woman next door is involved in violence…or, forbid, organised crime? That would certainly explain the forceful thuds and grumbling. God, what if she manages to rope you into her shenanigans? What if she is armed?
After a loud bang and an exasperated “oh, fuck you” reverberates into your apartment, you decide to investigate.
Anxiously, you pop on some slippers and step into the hall, locking the door behind you (‘I’m not about to get robbed less than a week after moving,’ you think to yourself, ‘Oh, shit, I need to get insurance…’). Stomach churning with speculation, you make the arduous four-metre trek to your neighbour’s door. Biting your lip, you rap your knuckles against the wood.
A chorus of panicked shuffling echoes through the door, causing your throat to tighten. Footsteps sprint from one side of the room to the other, the sound of shattering ceramic shrill against the heavy thudding. “Shit, shit, shit, shit,” the woman hisses, muffled by the walls, followed by some shushing and the rattling of something metal. Who is this woman, what the fuck is she hiding, why am I doing this—
Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing…oh, wow.
Your neighbour is an amazon.
Flawless bronze skin, chocolate hair strewn into an unruly braid, tall and shredded with lean muscle. Her eyes are a gorgeous tawny brown, the split second of alarm disappearing from her gaze, replaced by a sparkle that makes your heart hammer against your chest. Very kissable lips upturn into a charming smile, bringing your attention to a small scar above her upper lip quirking adorably. A deeper scar sits on her nose, and the pang of anxiety returns, but your eyes need only flicker back to hers and it melts away.
“You’re not the landlord,” she says with a rich accent and curious lilt. Your cheeks feel warm.
“Uhm, hi.” You fiddle with your thumbs, mouth suddenly dry. “Sorry, I moved in a few days ago next door. I just heard some loud noises and was wondering if everything was alright?”
Lips curving furthermore, she braces her arms on the doorframe above and, fuck, are they nice arms. Sun-kissed, bulging against her white t-shirt, three gnarly rings cutting into her right bicep that just scream to be touched. Is this her distraction tactic?
“Oh, sorry about that. I hope I wasn’t too much of a disturbance?”
When you finally pry your eyes from her arms, a tiny smirk registers on her handsome face. Bashful, you stammer, “No, it’s fine. But, uh, what caused it, if I may ask?”
The woman cranes her neck to scan the hall. “Can you keep a secret?”
Mob boss? Arms dealer? Axe murderer?
Clearly, your nervous speculations are apparent, because her eyes widen slightly. “Don’t worry, lovely, it’s nothing dangerous. I just have a pet bird.”
Breathing a shaky sigh of relief, you run a hand through your hair. Just a bird. Just a bird. Her face relaxes back into a casual smile. A fresh wave of warmth caresses your cheeks at the name she gave you.
Chuckling, you joke, “Must be one big bird.”
“He’s…an eagle.”
You blink back your shock. “How on earth did you manage to get a pet eagle?”
She laughs, the melody warm and addictive. “Poor fucker followed me all the way from Kefalonia. I didn’t have it in me to say goodbye, even if it violates the lease.” Her tone is affectionate, despite her less-than-endearing name for the bird. Pushing back from the door frame – hands flexing wonderfully while she does so – she gestures for you to step in. “Come and meet him, if you’d like.”
Everything about this woman is so inviting, you can’t help but gravitate into her apartment.
“I don’t think I caught your name?” you ask shyly.
“Kassandra,” she replies, flipping the ‘r’ in her buttery accent. “And what can I call you?”
Anything you fucking want. “(Y/N) is fine,” you manage, debating whether her flat is hot or your face is akin to a beetroot.
“That’s a lovely name. Suits you perfectly,” she winks. She saunters over to a shelf with a blanket hastily thrown over it. You can’t help but observe her firm-looking behind through her jeans. Kassandra tugs away the blanket, revealing a large eagle sitting grumpily in a cage. It remains put when she unlocks the cage, standing almost defiantly.
“Don’t be like that, Ikaros,” she chastises. The eagle – Ikaros – begrudgingly flies out of his confines, perching atop the sofa in the middle of the open-plan room. “He’s gentle, I promise.” You’re doubtful, but he isn’t making any sudden moves.
“He just likes winding you up?”
“Loves it,” she grins. “He’s a little bitter I put him on a diet since he was getting a bit fat. That’s why he’s been throwing some tantrums lately.”
You smile as she scratches the top of his head before heading to the kitchen. “Can I get you anything to drink?” Kassandra asks, giving you another heart-melting beam. “I have coffee, orange juice, I might have some tea somewhere—”
“Coffee would be nice, thank you.” She asks your preference and you state it, taking in the layout of her apartment. The place gave off a very homely, Mediterranean vibe, with warm colours and white furnishings. A few hand-painted ceramic vases were dotted about – maybe she did pottery – alongside some family photographs. Atop the dining table was a woven basket brimming with ripe fruits, as well as a laptop with a pile of messy papers next to it.
“Have a seat, get comfy,” she calls over the whirring of an expensive looking coffee machine. Shyly you take the chair by the unoccupied end of the dining table. Feeling nosy, you scan the documents by her laptop, but the handwriting was all in Greek.
A minute later, Kassandra joins you with a steaming mug in her hand. “Your coffee, madame,” she announces with a pantomimic bow, evoking a laugh.
“Merci,” you thank her. “How would I say that in Greek?”
“Efharistó,” she replies. You test the word hesitantly, wincing on the second syllable, making her laugh. “Not bad,” she chuckles.
“I butchered it.”
“Try it a little softer,” she smiles, lowering her voice, giving it a sensual cadence that made your head spin. Oh, she knows she’s attractive.
“Efharistó,” you border on whisper, gay little brain surging with the overwhelming instinct to do whatever she tells you.
“There we go!” The proud quirk of her lips is all you need to see.
Feeling your cheeks flush, you bring the coffee mug to your lips, hoping the steam from the beverage will help mask your fluster. You blow on the liquid and take a sip, immediately regretting the decision as you scorch your tastebuds, repressing the urge to hiss in favour of looking cool for the hot Grecian.
“Do you, um,” you start, ignoring the numbness of your tongue, “work from home?” You wave your hand at the paperwork by her seat.
“As often as my job lets me.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a museum curator,” Kassandra beams, evidently proud of her job. “A glorified history nerd who couldn’t be fucked with the extra academia, basically.” You snort against the mug, nearly spluttering coffee over her. Smooth.
“What time in history?” Her eyes sparkle at the question, passion shining through her irises.
“Mostly the classics, ancient Greece and Rome and all that. But I did my thesis on the evolution of weaponry.” You prop your chin up on your hand as she talks, eyes lazily focused on her lips. If not for the conviction in her tone, you would have zoned out and chased some daydream about kissing those lips. Kassandra reclines back in her chair. “Enough about me, though. Tell me about yourself.”
“You sounded really passionate, though. I don’t mind if you keep talking about your job.” God, you sound like a dizzy schoolgirl who’s hot for teacher. You scald yourself with another sip of coffee in reprimanding.
Kassandra’s eyes twinkle. “I don’t usually invite beautiful women into my home to ramble about cool swords.” You blush and set down your coffee.
The two of you talk for quite some time, getting to know each other, peppering in the occasional flirtatious remark. In her company, you somehow simultaneously feel comfortable and skittish. She’s so relaxed and easy-going, but her physique and seductive demeanour fills your stomach with butterflies.
An irritated squawk cut your conversation short.
Kassandra shoots Ikaros a look before turning back to you. “Sorry about him.”
You shake your head. “It’s fine, really. Damn… What was I saying again?” you ask sheepishly.
“Nevermind, I was probably babbling anyway,” you dismiss, sipping on your now cold beverage.
Kassandra chuckles softly. “Don’t be silly, you have the voice of an angel. You could read me the dictionary and I’d still be interested.” She probably said this to every woman she took a liking to, but you can’t bring yourself to care, far too flustered and feeling, for once, special.
Her eye practically twitches in anger as Ikaros flies over to the windowsill, makes unwavering eye-contact with his owner, and shits on the wood.
Kassandra looks like she wants to be euthanised.
“My god,” she mutters as you burst out laughing. She awkwardly rubs the back of her neck and grimaces, mouth parted as if trying to form some kind of apology for her eagle’s behaviour.
“I’m guessing you’re used to being the only one doing the flustering?” you tease, trying to lighten the mood.
Her disgraced expression shifted back to a playful one. “If I say yes, do I sound like a whore?”
Grinning, you shake your head. “A little cocky, perhaps.”
“I’ll take cocky.” She winks and gets up. “Your coffee is probably cold, can I get you a fresh one?”
“Oh, no, thank you. I’m fine.”
“The finest,” she smirks.
“Real smooth,” you roll your eyes, smiling regardless.
Ikaros caws from the windowsill, as if mocking Kassandra’s advances. Once again, her effortless charm dissolves into a look of frustration. She grabs kitchen towels and a bottle of disinfectant from by the sink and walks over to the window, nudging the eagle so he’d move out of the way. “Maláka,” she groans, cleaning up the mess from the surface. “Μη μου το χαλάς αυτό,” she mutters to Ikaros, earning a confused look. Kassandra sighs. “Usually I wait until after the first date before introducing a beautiful lady to this little shit. That way people don’t immediately think I’m just a weird bird lesbian.”
Testing the waters, you remark, “I happen to quite fancy women with an affinity for animals.” You bite your lip and add, “And, well, you’re…very attractive.”
Smugly, Kassandra finishes disinfecting the windowsill and walks to the kitchen with a little more vigour, your compliment proving to be an ego boost.
Once again deprived of attention, Ikaros decides to flap over and join you at the table. Instinctively, you flinch as the large bird flies in your direction, but all he does is stare at you, trying to analyse the stranger in his home.
“Does – does he bite?” you ask, hesitantly standing up.
Kassandra discards the kitchen towel in the bin, washing her hands. “No, he’s very kind to everyone who isn’t me.” She flashes you a wicked grin. “I only bite when asked.”
Stammering, you choke on air, struggling to find a response. Ikaros gives her a disappointed look.
“Shit, too forward?”
You shake your head. “Not at all,” you blush. “I’ve just…never met anyone quite like you before.” Ikaros seemingly gives you a judgemental leer, and you swiftly find yourself adding, “I-in a good way, that is!”
“Oh?” Her brow is upturned, her interest piqued.
“It’s…exciting.” The eagle shuffles towards you and nuzzles your hand, apparently deciding you’re worthy of his affections. The dark feathers atop his head are surprisingly soft to touch. Smiling, you give his head a few pats, inhibitions to the wind when cute little coos vibrate from his throat. “I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“I think it’s adorable,” Kassandra says softly.
You look up. “Really?”
“Really.” She joins the two of you and plucks a damson from the fruit bowl, feeding it to Ikaros while you pet him. “You’re the loveliest person to have ever set foot in this building, that’s for sure.”
Ikaros cocks his head in agreement. His beady eyes meet yours, damson juice dribbling from his beak. Do it, he’s silently telling you.
Screw it, let’s shoot our shot.
You clear your throat, mustering up some courage. “Are you free next weekend?”
Kassandra beams amorously. “I was about to ask you the same thing,” she grins. “How does dinner sound?”
Fuck yes. “Really good,” you blurt out excitedly.
“There’s this great Persian restaurant a couple streets over. I’ll book us a table?”
You gasp, having seen the building on the drive when you were moving in. “The place with the garden and the pretty lights, right?”
“That’s the one.”
“Sounds amazing.” Red in the face and heart pounding, your eyes dart about the apartment, fearing that you’ll combust if you look at Kassandra any longer. They settle on Ikaros, who gently butts his head against your hand, almost like a fist-bump. “Well, uh, I have a home insurance company to ring up, so I should probably get going,” you stutter.
“I won’t keep you, then,” Kassandra says, a tinge of disappointment in her tone. Ikaros squawks sadly.
“Thank you for the coffee.”
“It was my pleasure. Thank you for staying,” she winks. The eagle coos in agreement. You give him one last pat before walking to the front door.
“Oh, before you leave, there is something you should know…” Kassandra calls, moving over to you. She delicately takes your hand, frying your brain, and leans down to your ear. You feel faint. Lowly, she whispers, “…Our Hermes guy likes to drop-kick our parcels.”
Snorting, you look up at her in disbelief. I mean, what was I expecting? A kiss? Get a grip, woman. Kassandra laughs at your expression. “Use the amazon locker down the road instead.”
“You’re amazing,” you murmur, grinning. “I’ll probably see you before next weekend, but bye, I guess?”
“Chaire,” she bids softly, opening the door for you.
When the door closes behind you, you let out a ragged breath, excitement coursing through your veins.
You are so glad you moved here.
( The Greek clause is meant to say "Don't blow this for me" but I used 5 different translators and all 5 came back with slightly different things and I sort of ip-dip-doo'd it and chose one at random...sorry. )
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nhinxsworld · 3 years
Hello, I really enjoyed your piece about Gojou's kinks in your masterlist! I was wondering if you write for male reader? Maybe a third year that Gojou likes to punish and degrade in praticular and be possessive over? (Sentimental Gojou?? He's been teaching him since his first year) Reader isn't weak or innocent but he lets Gojou treat him the way he does because he doesn't have anyone else in his life and Gojou has him wrapped around his little finger? Take it wherever you like, I'm sorry if this is too fucked up x
Is this what you wnated Im not sure!!! But i liked the request anyways 🥰 was little confused about what to do about male reader since I myself am not male! but it was fun to try i hope I did you justice on this :)
reader has Inumakis curse!!!
Gojo Satoru x male reader
my list uwu
warnings: manipulation ; non-con/dub-con(?) ; just slight degradation ; yeah im not good at this probably a couple uncomfortable stuff usage of slut etc.
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Gojo Satoru loves all his students, he really does yet he still can't help himself but to pick favorites. They've all grown on him, but he can't seem to take his eyes of one specific student.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who Gojos favorites are, it's easy to tell his favorite is his beloved third year.
Picking you up since you're only fifteen, Gojo had a liking the way you just seemed to always search for his validation. For you it has always been Gojo, Gojo, Gojo.
He has his pretty boy, by a leash and he decides how long it is.
The soccerer hums happily when he sees you in the classroom all alone, stepping inside he closes the room, causing you to look up at him.
"(Y/n)~" he calls almost too sweetly and puts his hand on the table pushing whatever you've been doing out of the way.
The rattling of paper, is heard. Before the paper could even land on the floor. He pulled down your mask to reveal your curse pattern, gripping you by your jaw "(Y/n)" he repeats and you look at him, eyes staring at his blindfold where his would usually be, yet you couldn't help yourself but trail from his blindfold to his rosy lips.
Just staring at him not able to say a word.
"Am I not your favorite?" he asks and you just stare at him. Why was he asking that, of course he is your favorite. Who else could it be?
Not allowing you to give him any kind of answer, he presses his tumb to your lips pushing at your bottom lip until, you bought out your tongue to lick and suck at his finger, making him smile.
"Haha of course I am your favorite. Who else would indulge such a dirty boy like you?" he chuckles as he spits in your face making you close your eyes instinctively. "Surely not Yuuta. Yuuta didn't pick you up when you needed someone the most now did he?"
Opening your eyes you shoke your head as Gojo just watches his spit run down your cheek like tears before he whipes it out in your face, his fingers lingering over your curse marks.
"That's right Sensei did." he reminds you once again, that it was him that took you in. It's him who made you, who you are and he can take it all away if he desires.
The older tugs at your shirt "Take everything off."
Starring at him for a moment you unbuttoned your uniform, that Gojo had chosen for you. Like many other choices, Gojo did them all for you.
Stripping of the shirt, taking off the shoes, slipping of the pants, your reached for you boxers too, taking everything of for the man before you. You're just so willing to listen to everything he says.
Pushing you down against the table he hums looking at your exposed body, the room feeling a couple degrees too cold now fully exposed, yet some other parts of your body are burning.
His large hands presses against a bruise on your side watching whince in pain and he just smiles "You see (Y/n), I have nothing against Yuuta. I like him, he is a precious student just like you."
Tracing over the bruise from your training session with the other pupils Gojo just laughs "But I have an issue, if you're getting hurt because of Yuuta."
Fingers digging into your bruise, until he hears you whine "because you're mine, this body is mine and I don't like my property getting damaged."
His, his body, his property, those words seems to spiral in your mind. His, his his, it's something you wished for. You remember clearly, the day you ran to him needing his comfort, his guidance, his touch.
Another laugh escapes his lips as he stares you down "Did my pathetic boys cock just twitch from me digging into his wounds?"
His grip gets even harsher "Or is it because this wound is caused by Yuuta? It's because of me right?"
You didn't answer him, it's none of those two options right? He had made you strip down in classroom, you're just anticipating for something else right? You're not getting off to him hurting you like this right?
A smirk spreads across his face "This bruised is caused by Sensei yeah?" he traces over it slowly as it has taken an even darker colour than before and you looked at him with scared eyes.
You weren't sure when it took a turn into this direction, from wanting to be with him, needing him as figure to guide you through the dark, to now depending your whole existence on him.
"You look so exited." he smiles as he traces careful lines under your eyes "Did you miss me?" he presses against the bruise soflty just to remind me you again of the aching pain "You can't live without my touch can you?"
You're terrified to feel this way, even more terrified the way your cock twitches from feeling like this.
He gives you a look of pity "I've told you, you're mine." Knocking against your head with his finger knuckle "Your dumb brain hasn't understood yet hmm? But your body has, and it's so honest."
"Don't you like it when Sensei talks down on you?" he questioned as he cups your face "I'd call you my pretty boy, but that doesn't make your little cock hard now does it?"
"It only does when I call you a pathetic slut, who is needy of my attention." his voice growls and to your confusion your body does react to those words, supporting his statements.
His hand gripped your throat with an amused yet somewhat judgemental face, he squeezes your neck just tiny bit, until he can hear you choke "You like this too don't you? When I'm mean, when I hurt you?"
It's hard to deny, to shake your head, wanting to tell him no, when you can't speak and you're body giving a completely diffrent answer. A harsh slap to your face, has you feeling it in your lower area.
"Haha~" he smiles "Pitifully cute aren't you?"
"You love sensei so much don't you? Your body grew accustomed to Sensei touching you the way he likes it hmm?" he askes you questions for questions knowing well you couldn't protest against him.
"Remember when you used to whimper around so cutely? When I used to praise you?" the older beams, reminiscing of older times "Sensei is your first hmm? He took such good care of you didn't he?"
"Such good care of you and your body." Gojo hums, pinching and twisting your nipples until they're hard "I had fun."
"It's so honest just for me now." The soccerer sounds proud of himself, proud to have taken such a pure boys first with love and care, just to slowly drift of that road.
Binding you to him with promises and words of love.
You felt a lash like feeling on your body, caused by his infinity "stop..." you choked out and he tilts his head to the side "Stop? You know that doesn't work on me dummy."
"When has it ever?" he laughs as he traces over your curse marks once again "Besides why would you want me to stop?"
"You like being bruised and hurt by me, no?" he continued and you want refuse, tell him no, but all you're able to do is shake you're head at him until he decides to hold your face still forcing you to nod.
"Don't lie to me." he pulls down his blindfold to reveal the sky blue eyes you've fallen in love with "You wanted me to do this, don't you remember?"
"You're such a good boy. I love you so much (Y/n). You're so perfect, I promise I'll be gentle, just tap me when I need to stop okay?"
"(Y/n), can we try something? Ill take it slow."
The first time you tapped against his skin, asking him to stop, with tears running down your cheeks and he stops to kissi your marks "Don't worry baby, haha see I stopped." Yet you failed to notice his cock just growing harder in his pants from the way you're crying.
Cries and taps, rapid taps against his shoulders, that turned into slaps, you're voice breaking from telling him to stop, an activation of your curse until he halts, blood running down your lips, you failed to notice how your curse didn't effect him "Awww no don't cry, it's okay, it's okay. I won't hit you anymore, if you don't like it. I love you, you don't have to do these things, because I like them. Don't worry about me, I give you what you need. You don't seem to like the things I do, maybe we should stop here."
The older had stopped touching you from there on just smiling and waving when sees you, no hugs, no kisses, no praise, nothing comes from him after what had happened making you feel guilty. This is you're fault isn't it?
Gojo always indulged in yours needs, why couldn't you indulge in his.
So the next time you see him you stopped him in his tracks, taking his hands in yours, already felling special as he had let you through his infinity. Bringing his hand to your face, you slapped yourself, and if you could see his eyes widen underneath his mask.
"Hmm? What's that for little one?"
Tugging your neck piece down you looked at him "Hurt me. Love me."
"Remember??" he looks psychotic "you wished for me to do this, I'm indulging in your fantasy. You've placed this curse on yourself, you placed this curse on us."
Gojo never leaves himself unprotected from your curse speech.
The soccerer never lets himself be vulnerable, specially not such technique as yours that is just so easy to block out. You can scream and hurt your pretty throat all you want, he won't be having any of that.
Gojo wraps his hands around yours and bought it up to his cheek slapping himself "Hurt me. Love me"
"That's what you did. I had nothing to do with that." he chuckles "You did that all on your own. I didn't force you, you wanted to be mine and I made you mine. You have to hold responsibility you know?"
Bringing you down to your knees infront of him unzipping his own pants "Don't strain yourself, you don't have to to say anything. Sensei knows, he always knows best for you hmm?"
Pumping his own cock a couple times he forced it into your mouth "Now be good boy."
Hands gripping onto his tight as he just fucks your mouth to his content, just so he can hear you choke and see you cry.
He just can't help himself when his pretty boy looks so lewd sucking him off, like it's the only thing you're made for.
"Hmmm, fuck. Might as well just be my full-time cocksleeve, if you like getting bruised and hurt so much, I'll just have to do it." he chuckled as you felt another lash like feeling against your skin making you moan.
"Awww, such a painslut aren't you?" he smirks as he looks down on you to admire his mess, his hand in your hair forcing down more than you can take "Come on slut, you've done this often enough."
A groan escapes his lips as he pulls you off him allowing you to breath "stop, please...." your voice broken and hoarse and just smiles "Didn't I tell you already not to strain yourself? You're so funny trying to pull these things on me."
No matter what you say, no matter what you do with Gojo it has no use, until it's something he wants himself.
"Or are you just that much of a plain slut? Needing to damage yourself as much as possible?" he asks as you felt the cold sole of his shoes pressed against your cock.
"Pathetically cute." he beams when he sees you're all hard and leaking, just from the way he talks to you and the sole of his shoes pressing against your lenght.
"Oh sensei loves you so much." he grins as he places a stinging slap to your face that stings and burns "And I show it through the pain I cause, I know you need this."
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 9
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: Slow Start, Language, Tiny bit of Fluff
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
So, hi again…I’m gonna be completely honest I’ve practically had no time to sit down and write for the past couple of weeks, college rained down tons of assignments and work kept asking me to do extra shifts. Hopefully you all understand the delay in updates, I’m determined to finish this book for you all, anyways I’ll shut up Enjoy 😊
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Whoever decided to wake me up and drag me away from the glorious land of sleep will suffer my early morning wrath, slowly I opened my eyes and the outline of two very stupid and annoying boys filled my vision. “Have you two never heard the saying don’t tickle a sleeping dragon? I quite clearly need my beauty sleep!” why is it every time I threaten to murder these two they just start laughin’? what the hell is wrong with em?!, “ Well good mornin’ to you too doll face, as much as I’d like to stay here and trade threats mama wants you outta bed for breakfast so get ya butt moving” My eyes narrowed at Bucky as he started to follow Steve outta the room, the smirk on his face widening as I reluctantly moved out of bed.
I’ve only been here a week and I’ve nearly killed him at least 50 times, wait that’s not something I should be proud of is it? in my defence Barnes can be a right little shit when he wants to be! Two days ago, he thought it’d be funny to drench me with water in the middle of the day, it’s safe to say he didn’t climb down the tree for a fair few hours. The smell of bacon and pancakes made me completely forget whatever the hell I was talking about, I shouldn’t have rushed pulling my pants on cause my dumbass failed to see that the left leg got caught on the draw knob and I was once again hugging the floor with my bloody face. Great that didn’t hurt at all!
Right let’s check for damage, bruises? Nope scratches? Nope pride and dignity? That went a long time ago who am I kidding? “Y/N You comin down or what?!” Jesus Christ that boy has a voice like a flipping fog horn, I wouldn’t be surprised if they heard Steve in queens! “Yeah give me a minute will ya! No need to get your panties in a twist Stevie” I’m pretty sure I can hear Becca and Bucky laughin’ from up here. Okay enough time’s been spent getting dressed, at this rate the boys will have inhaled all the food…the thought alone is enough to terrifying!  
“Right you lads better of left me at least one pancake and 3 strips of bacon or they’ll be hell to pay later” as a rule most people say good morning but I like to start the day with a decent dashing of threats and insults, cause I’m a friendly person…okay nope that’s a big pile of bullc**p and I know it. “Well mornin to you too y/n, the pancakes are on the table and the bacons on Bucks plate feel free to take some” a muffled sound of protest could be heard over my laughter as Bucky shot Steve a look of utter disbelief. “I think I’ll skip on the bacon then Stevie, by the looks of it Bucks already drooled all over it” Steve and I shared a look before we burst out laughing, Buck was glaring at the both of us with syrup dribbling down his chin and I gotta be honest it looked hilarious. “You guys done laughin’ at me yet or would you like to gang up on me some more?” is this boy dumb or somethin’? “Buck, I’d be on my deathbed and my final words would be some form of insult towards you”.
And there I go signing my death sentence again, at this point Steve wasn’t even on his chair anymore, instead he was lying on the floor completely pissin’ himself laughing while Bucky slowly stood up and started walking round the table. “Oh would you look at the time! Gotta go guys my appointment with the grim reaper’s in a minute!” hey y/n maybe it’s time you start running?! With a small shriek I turned and bolted out the backdoor with a pretty pissed off Barnes boy on my tail. The sunlight blinded me for a couple of seconds, so I was kinda running without knowing what was around me…and as per usual life decided to firmly kick my ass using the form of a bloody tree. A sharp stinging sensation spread across my entire face, huh reminds me of when I ran into that door…only that didn’t hurt half as much and there wasn’t an annoying brunette prick absolutely creasing with laughter behind me. I’m pretty sure that in the process of the tree b**tch slappin’ me I cut the left side of my cheek…oh would you look at that there’s the blood that should have stayed inside me, I couldn’t stop the small groan of pain that slipped outta my mouth, the lower half of my back was more than likely battered to all hell and the stinging in my cheek wasn’t helping either.
Apparently, the sound of my suffering seemed to break the idiot outta his little laughin’ session, I raised my eyebrows at him when it finally dawned on him that I hurt myself and that was pretty funny, all the colour drained from Bucky’s face, his eye’s widened when he noticed the lovely new edition to my face and pretty soon he reached a hand out to help me up. Such a gentleman… that’s if you replace the gentle bit with idiotic. The second I was on my feet, he pulled me into a hug and began checking my face and head, I’m hoping to god he can’t see my flamin’ cheeks cause I know for a fact he would never let me live that down. To be completely honest all I could concentrate on was the gentle touch on his hands on my cheek and the look on Bucky’s face, his eyes were completely focused on my cut. How have I never noticed that his eyes have the smallest flecks of green in them? Or how his dimples show when he frowns?… more importantly why do I feel both excited and terrified but somehow warm at the same time?
My little daze was broken when I realised that his lips were movin’ and I had no idea what the hell he just said, but he must of asked me a question cause he was lookin’ at me waitin’ for his answer. Bollocks. “What’d you say Buck?” Jesus Christ could I have been anymore obvious?! Maybe I should make a giant banner and smack him in the face with it, oh for godsake am I blushin’ again?!, the small smirk on his face grew into a sh*t eating grin as he threw his arm around my shoulders and dragged me back to the house. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you y/n were completely blow away by the masterpiece that is my face” oh great I’ve managed to inflate his ego even more, “Actually I wasn’t gonna say anythin’ but you’ve got a little somethin’ stuck in your front teeth” and just like that all the cockiness drained outta his body.
The arm around my shoulder disappeared rather quickly, to my amusement the boy next to me did as well, I could feel the little smirk on my face as I carried on walkin’ forward as he stayed behind more than likely doin’ that cute stupid thing with his eyes. Wait what did I just say?! What the heck is wrong with me these days? Its like a flippin’ alien’s taken over me and made me into a normal girl! .It feels all kinds of wrong. A sudden cough disrupts my inner monologue, my eyes roll to the sky as the smirk reappears on my face, I can’t help the laugh that escapes me when my gaze meets Bucky’s. He was stood with his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowed as I continued to laugh and slowly his face formed a pout as he waited for me to finish completely wetting myself with laughter. “You done yet?” his brow was pulled in as he tried to fight off the smile, “Do I actually have somethin’ in my teeth or were you just being a bully?”.
“Nah, just needed to keep your ego in check before it inflated and carried you away into the wind” Buck looked like I’d just shot him in the chest, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughin’ at him as I turned and started walkin’ back to the house. “Ya know you can be a real piece of work when ya wanna be don’t ya?” thank you captain obvious! “I know I am, you know I do it out of love don’t ya?” I shot him a small smile as I wrapped an arm around his back and pulled him in for a side hug, Bucky shook his head with a small smile, but accepted the hug anyway. After that we stayed in a comfortable silence as we walked back towards the house, his arm never pulled away from me till we got inside, that was until Mrs Barnes walked into the kitchen and saw the cut on my cheek, to simply put it she completely freaked out.
I watched her quickly shoo everyone outta the kitchen, she somehow managed to pull a chair out and sit me down while grabbing a towel and bandages, question after question was fired at me while she gently started cleaning to cut. After a while the conversation died out, Mama B was completely fixated on cleaning the cut and if I’m honest the silence was peaceful, well it was for the 5 seconds it lasted.
Bucky burst through the door lookin’ like someone was trying to murder him, not that I could blame them, 2 seconds later Steve and Becca burst through the door armed with…wait is that eyeshadow and lipstick? I watched as Bucky backed into the corner, his eyes wide as he begged them both of them for mercy, whatever he did to piss the pair off clearly warranted this man hunt and there is no way in hell I wanted to stop it just before it got good. Soon enough Becca and Steve some how managed to pin down Buck, and despite the many protests, the pair managed to smear the lipstick all over his face and dump most of the eyeshadow in his hair.
I tried my hardest not to laugh I swear, but he looked like a very disturbed and demented fairy princess and I couldn’t hold it in anymore, soon enough we were all having a little laugh at the poor bloke, eventually Buck saw the funny side of it and he too joined in with the mess that was the Barnes family.
So, I’m gonna be honest here this is more of a filler chapter/character development hopefully it didn’t suck as much as I think it did XD Okay I’ll stop rambling, Thanks for reading!
Rose Xxx
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jungshookz · 5 years
I would love a uni!yoongi & y/n drabble💓💜
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🌿pairing; min yoongi x reader
🌿genre; uni!yoongi, university!au, fluffy fluffy fluff!!!!!!! uni!yoongi owns my heart and my whole ASS 
🌿wordcount; 2.8k 
🌿what to expect; “and another fun fact! the mistletoe plant actually contains toxic amines, and eating its berries can cause vomiting and stomach pain.”
🌿note; outraGEOUS that a mistletoe emoji has yet to exist!!!! unfortunately i wasn’t able to do a 12 drabbles of christmas this year due to finals but i hope this drabble makes up for it :-) if i’m a little rusty it’s only because this is the first drabble i’ve written in a while,..,,. hopefully i’ll have another drabble up before christmas!!! happy reading :^) 
                                       »»————- ✼ ————-««
if yoongi had a dollar for every time he wanted to scream at you for being denser than a block of tofu he would most definitely be a billionaire
he’s had this thought time and time again but he really doesn’t understand how someone so smart can be so dumb at the same time
he could be holding up a flashing neon sign pointing to him that said ‘i 100% like you and am giving you the green light to ask me out so all you have to do is ask!’ and you would still be like .,.,.y’all hear sumn?
anyways he doesn’t have time to think about when you’re finally going to make a move because it’s that time of the semester ladies and gents
it’s finals season
now, traditionally, the way yoongi handles finals season is that he kind of just goes with the flow
as in he goes to the library and studies for two hours and decides that that’s enough time and dedication he’s putting into a particular class so he pretty much deserves the rest of the day off
and this technique has worked ever since his first year in uni so he’s stuck with it ever since
as long as he doesn’t flunk out of anything he’s fine!!!
but since getting to know you yoongi has adopted new techniques into his studying routine that doesn’t just include skimming over poorly taken notes from class for 5 minutes and then scrolling through instagram for 45 minutes and then taking a 2 hour nap
no no
now he has highlighted notes
now he has insanely detailed google docs
now he has flash cards
and not just flash cards
colour coordinated flash cards
crazy, isn’t it???
this is probably your guys’ fifth study session together and yoongi doesn’t want to toot his own horn or anything but he thinks he’s going to absolutely nail this chemistry final
he can tell anyone about the main types of chemical reactions without blinking
that’s how confident he is about his knowledge
and he knoWs it’s all because of you which most certainly doesn’t help him suppress his attraction towards you
how can he noT be attracted to the person who’s bumping up his GPA??
but yes
yoongi is confident and he feels like he doesn’t need to go over what synthesis reactions are for the tenth time in a row
(also he forget a stack of flash cards at home that u reminded him three times to bring with him today to which he responded with ‘i’m NOT going to forget them just relax’ and he’s hoping u forgot about them because you don’t play around when it comes to flash cards)
he wants this study session to be a little more lax
a little more chill
a little less conversation and a little more ACTION (but not in,.,. not in a pervy way or anything)
yoongi decided to bring a little special something just to make things a little more interesting aND to celebrate the holidays!!
he’s being festive!!
he even taped strips of jingle bells to the edges of his skateboard :-)
“okay, hydrogen bonds.” you flip your notebook onto its front before whipping around and letting out a breath “hydrogen forms hydrogen bonds with three elements. hydrogen is fun. hydrogen is fOn. hydrogen forms hydrogen bonds with fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen.”
…yeah that sounds right
you turn back around and flip over your notebook before quickly searching for your notes
yes!!!! you got it!!!! hydrogen is FON!!!! hyDRoGEN iS FON!!!!!
“up top, y/l/n!” you grin widely before giving yourself a high five
“just when i thought you couldn’t get any weirder.” you jump three feet into the air when you hear yoongi speak up and you let out a breath before placing a hand on your chest
“yoongi!” you clear your throat and lean back against the table a little bit
you’re just going to play it off as if you didn’t just tell yourself to give yourself a high five
“what, uh, what took you so long?”
yoongi raises a brow before checking the time on his phone “i’m three minutes early.”
you turn back a little to look at the time on your laptop
would you look at that
yoongi is early
and of course you’re here before scheduled because of who you are as a person
“…well, what are you doing just standing there? let’s get to work!!” you clap your hands together before looking at yoongi expectantly and gesturing for him to take a seat
“just so that you’re aware, i’m pretty sure i know more about the different types of chemical reactions than you.”
you raise a brow before crossing your arms
that is certainly a vEry bold statement because you could talk about the different types of chemical reaction for hours and hours on end
“oh, really?” you scoff playfully as you turn to wipe down the whiteboard
you’ve been tutoring yoongi for the past couple of weeks without expecting anything in return
honestly it’s just fun to ramble on and on about something that you’re confident about aNd it’s fun to see the panic in his eyes when you ask him a question about what you just talked about
and!!!! teaching someone else about the thing that you have to review yourself is actually a pretty effective studying strategy
you tried the practice test the other night and you got 98% so it’s safe to say you’re going to make this final exam your biTCH-
“yep.” yoongi sighs and leans back against his chair “in fact, i bet you that i’ll get every single one of your questions right this session.”
“what happens if you don’t?”
“if i get even one question wrong, i will… play one of your dumb studying games.”
your eyes widen in excitement
“charades for chemists??” (an exciting upgrade from the original version of charades)
((u have to try to act out a reaction))  
((it’s a lot more exciting than it sounds))
“but if i get every single one of your questions right, you’ll have to play one of my games.”
“…what kind of game?”
“you’ll just have to find out, won’t you?” yoongi smiles sweetly “it’s nothing like your dumb charades game, i can tell you that.”
you narrow your eyes suspiciously and yoongi shrugs
there’s no way he’d be able to get all of your questions right
obviously it’d be great if he got all of them right because that means these tutoring sessions are actually working but then again it’s yoongi
yoongi who uses pipettes to squeeze tiny spurts of air in your face just because ‘it’s fun!!’
yoongi who has the balls to juggle glass beakers in the middle of a lab in front of the professor
it’s yoongi
of course the idiotic things he does in class doesn’t exactly correlate to his intelligence
he actually did pretty well on the last lab report
“you have three seconds to decide if you wanna do this or not otherwise the offer’s off the table.” yoongi waves a hand in front of your face and you straighten up a little before sticking your hand out for him to shake
“alright, min yoongi. game on.”
the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a devilish smile
honey, you’ve got a big storm coming.
you flip your notebook open to the page where you have a bunch of practice questions written down and you skim the list
you’ll throw yoongi a bone
“we’ll start off easy. what’s the difference between exothermic and endothermic reaction-“
“endothermic takes in energy - for example, ice melting - and exothermic gives off heat - for example, lighting a match.” yoongi answers without blinking
that answer was word for word what you have written down in your notes
you should probably reconsider the whole throwing a bone thing
if anything u should probably take a couple bones away from yoongi
your competitive streak immediately kicks in once you realise the score board is 1-0 and you’re on the 0 end
“what does synthesis gas consist of?” you raise a brow
“before i answer that - you forgot to add a tally under my name.” yoongi points to the whiteboard and you kiss your teeth before whipping around and begrudgingly drawing a tally on the scoreboard “good girl.”
(you’ll never admit to him that hearing him call you that made your stomach do a little flip)
“answer the question.”
“synthesis gas is a fuel gas mixture consisting of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. it intermediates in creating synthetic natural gas and for producing ammonia or methanol.”
.,,.,.and that’s 2-0 to yoongi
what in the hELL is going on
u know what
it’s fine!
it’s fine
maybe he’s just having a lucky day
all he has to do is screw up once
“-due to the conjugation double bond character in alkyl halide.” the fact that yoongi’s inspecting his nails as he answers your final question is oddly vERy irritating
you can’t believe it
yoongi got all 10 of your veRy tricky questions right
you should be proud because it’s because of you that he knows that he’s talking about but at the same time you didn’t think you were doing thAt great of a job at teaching him!!!!
but you’re looking at the scoreboard and it’s 10-0
there are 0 tallies under your name!!! ZERO!!! under youR NAME!!!
and now you have to play yOOngi’s dumb game instead of charades for chemists
if anything it’s his loss
“i told you you have to close your eyes to play my game.” yoongi reaches over to shut your notebook after he catches you glancing at it (to make sure he actually got the answers right and you didn’t misread anything) for the fifth time in two minutes
you have to accept defeat whether you like it or not
you let out a sigh before crossing your arms and shutting your eyes “what are the rules of this game? how does one win?”
“i’m going to show you something-“ you hear yoongi unzip his backpack “and you have to identify what it is and tell me what its purpose is within 30 seconds.”
sounds easy enough
“so i win just by doing that?” your brows furrow and you resist the urge to open your eyes
“i guess you could say that.” you hear yoongi’s footsteps against the carpet and you freeze when you feel him standing right in front of you
“alright, open your eyes.” you immediately open them and-
“so, tell me, y/n-” yoongi lets out a sigh before glancing up at the mistletoe that he’s holding up in between the two of you “what do we have here?”
you swallow thickly and keep your eyes glued on the mistletoe
u know what that is
and u know what its purpose is
you could easily win this game right here and now so u don’t know what’s stopping you
you can feel yoongi staring at you and you know that if you make eye contact with him right now you will definitely combuST into flames
“that’s, um, well, i’m not a, uh, i’m not a botanist or anything, but that is a… that’s mistletoe.” you clear your throat “that is… mistletoe.”
“uh-huh. and, remind me again - isn’t mistletoe particularly special this time of the year?” yoongi hums and takes a step closer to you
you jump a little when you feel the bottom of the whiteboard dig into the small of your back
the little metal tray holding the whiteboard markers clatters a marker plops to the ground but you’ll deal with that later
because now it’s time to do what you do best
“mistletoe are actually hemiparasitic plants in which they kinda just suck water and nutrients from their host tress. did you know that?”
yoongi resists the urge to roll his eyes
he knows exactly what you’re doing (out of nervous habit) but for your sake he’ll play along
“oh yeah?”
“yep. and another fun fact! the mistletoe plant actually contains toxic amines, and eating its berries can cause vomiting and stomach pain.”
“…didn’t you say you weren’t a botanist-”  
“-but if we’re talking about its relevance to the christmas holidays, then… well, traditionally, people, um, people… kiss underneath them.” you finish quietly and your eyes instinctively flicker down to yoongi’s pouty lips
“i like you a lot, y/n.” yoongi breathes out and you feel your heart hiccup
your cheeks flush and you feel the heat rushing up to your ears
o god
a couple seconds of silence goes by and you wonder if yoongi can hear your heart pounding in your chest
“if you don’t feel the same way, i-“
“i like you too.” you murmur shyly and yoongi lets out what sounds like a breath of relief
before he gets the chance to roAST you for taking so long to finally admit it to him, you’re pushing your lips against his in a gentle kiss with your hand pressed against his cheek
it takes yoongi a second to register that you initiated a kiss with him but once his brain catches up to his body, he starts kissing you back
a smile tugs at his mouth when you take a step closer to him and he automatically loops an arm around your waist before carelessly tossing the mistletoe aside
yoongi tilts his head as he deepens the kiss and the quiet ‘fuck’ he lets out when you nip at his bottom lip almost immediately makes you lightheaded
it’s when you’re reminded that literally anyone passing by the room would be able to see you through the glass door that you drag yourself away (reluctantly) and yoongi unintentionally lets out a whine
“so did i win?” your cheeks are still rosy and your heart is still racing but you’re trying to play it off as if you’re totally cool about kissing yoongi and that you’re totally cool about the mutual attraction between the two of you but that fact that you’re kinda bouncing on the balls of your feet like an excited child is probably not helping your case
and yoongi’s smiling so widely his cheeks are starting to hurt but it’s totally worth it
:-) !!!!
“you won but i’m still marking you down for killing the mood by talking about vomiting and stomach pain.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag
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soradragon · 4 years
Sugary Comfort
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Art’s not mine I found it and credit goes to the wonderful owners of this master piece of a drawing!
First Mikey x reader! I am proud and content with this one!
Thank you my sweet new beta reader for helping me edit this fic I love u and your amazing! <3
Warnings: sensory overstimulation in the beginning, lots of fluff, one pun
Mikey x f! reader
Check out my main masterlist if you liked what you read and wanna read more!
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics don’t be afraid to ask me! ^^
Anyway, enjoy^^
You gazed at the reflection of a girl. She looked utterly exhausted; bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in ages. 
Her lips were tilted up in a sneer; it was evident that she was repressing the urge to scream. But instead of giving in to the voice begging her to do just that, she drove her foot through the water's surface. Not only disfiguring the reflection of the girl, but also dirtying the dress you nitpickingly chose to wear this day. At the time you felt beautiful wearing it. Proud that you chose the right clothes to fit with the dress, completing the look you wanted.
Now, you just didn't care.
You didn't feel pretty nor proud.
You choked out a sob, rubbing the back of your hand against your face harshly.
You wanted all the white noise to stop, wanted the crying to stop, wanted the searing headache to stop. Why couldn't time freeze? Then, maybe the chaos in your head would finally end.
You had tried everything you knew that normally should have worked. Out of all of the times for those methods not to work, why did it precisely choose now when it actually matters?
You followed all the steps. You even rehearsed the steps as you did them.
Step one: When you feel an episode coming, go to a quiet place with dull, even colours. 
You had almost dropped your project when you felt everything becoming overwhelming, muttering an explanation to your teacher before almost booking out of the school building, to the most calming place you could recall; the park.
Step two: Once you have found a quiet place, go sit down and use your headphones to block out all of the sounds.
The headphones did not work.
Your never-ending trains of thoughts took the place of the noise and multiplied it by two. 
Images that flashed before your eyes every time you closed them were too bright. You were unable to figure out the meanings behind the words your mind screamed at you. 
All of it only worsened the already painful headache.
After only a moment you tore the headphones from your head.
Step three: Try even your breathing, and count to ten to ground yourself.
This was the only step that worked. You managed to calm yourself and stop your ragged breathing but it took effort. It took two attempts of counting to ten before it succeeded.
This whole fiasco petered you out mentally and physically. You just wanted this unnecessary sensory to decrease and quiet down to at least a tolerable level. But alas, the world did not want to cooperate this time.
You sighed, casting your gaze to the heavens. 
The sky was beautiful this evening - painted in orange and pink - and you would have taken the time to admire it, had it been in a different situation.
After hearing a familiar yet obnoxious 'ping' coming from within your bag, you cursed under your breath. You snatched your bag from behind you crudely, zipping it open with a huff. As you turned it on, you flinched at the bright light of your screen.
One unread message from 'Mom.'
She was worried sick no doubt. You felt guilty for worrying her, and wanted to reassure her that yes, you were safe, but felt like trash and were in the middle of an episode that wouldn't stop. No matter how hard you tried, all the obnoxious and illogical sensory your brain's been picking up did not stop. Though, on the other hand, you just wanted to ignore the message and skip the whole situation of explaining everything altogether and just turn off the screen and put notifications on mute. You sent a quick 'k' to whatever she had messaged you and moved on to the mute button.
Your finger hovered above it when a notification popped up, causing you to hesitate.
One new message from 'The great Mikester dude!'
Without thinking, you pressed on the notification, staring with big eyes at the message he had sent you: Guess who and where dudette. :P
"Mikey." You gasped out, manoeuvring your head in all kinds of directions, eyes skimming all over the park, trying to find the one in question. You felt the tingling and buzzing feeling of hope and glee pool in your body, replacing the sadness and anger.
All problems were forgotten or pushed to the back of your mind.
The white noise died down suddenly when you heard a low thud and the slight rustling of leaves. 
There was no other explanation; they were here...You were sure of it. 
Only they could stop the chaos when everything else failed, though you didn't know how, nor the logic in it. 
You guessed it had something to do with their ninja nature or something. (Even though Donnie told you multiple times that it might have been because of the aura they carried with, them, being half turtle and all that jazz had its side effects on some humans, like how a pet could soothe its owner simply by being near them. You still blamed it on them being ninjas.)
With your mind settled down, you could think clearly again. 
You briefly acknowledged the fact that you most certainly were a dishevelled mess. Puffy eyes from crying, clothes covered in mud, and hair all over the place, considering that you've pulled and tangled your hair in frustration. Despite all of this, you didn't care.
You were too busy thinking of a plan to lure them - you guessed it was all of them, though it could be only Mikey - out of their hiding place.
You accidentally placed your hand on your phone, making it vibrate, and your hand shot back as if it had burned you. A few seconds after, a song piped up.  A lot of curses could be heard from the tree where the music came from, the leaves rustled like no tomorrow. Mikey fell out of said tree not long after, hitting the ground with an 'oof' followed by a groan. You stared at Mikey for a couple of seconds before doubling over in laughter as the realisation hit you:
You had accidentally called Mikey!
Well, it sure helped you find him!
You counted that as a win on your part. And it seemed that Mikey was on his own, for normally one of the brothers, cough Raph cough would have jumped out from their hiding place and scolded Mikey.
He rolled into a sitting position, giggling with you.
"Yo, dudette! Fancy seeing you here. Don't mind me dropping in," he said, peering at you with an expecting smile, seeming to wait for a reaction. 
It took you a hot second or two for you to catch on, eventually groaning at the pun and face-palming yourself for your delayed comprehension. He did jazz hands and everything.
The great ninja Michelangelo just punned...
You wanted to kick yourself, you completely forgot that April had warned you about Mikey using puns. She had messaged you not too long ago about how it was a "Big" (with capital B) mistake of Casey to teach Mikey "The Art of puns." For Mikey had become obsessed with them. - Throughout the whole exchange, Casey had managed to steal April’s phone a few times and messaged you some words. Three guesses which one was Casey’s input on the matter. - 
You had no clue what they meant with "mistake" throughout that whole exchange. 
You appreciated a good pun.
This was not a good pun. 
You could just imagine the brothers’ reactions to Mikey's newfound fixation: Raph screaming desperately for Mikey to shut up. Donnie being hella annoyed with something pressed against his (ears?) to drown Mikey out. Leo would definitely try to ignore him, probably without success, because you knew...oh, you knew Mikey would take every chance he got to make a pun.
Your heart went out for them. Needing to go through such torture was horrid, yet it was a funny sight to be completely honest. Not that you would ever tell them, heavens no.
You were not going to poke three bears with a stick - in this case, mutant turtles. You were not ready to die three separate times.
"Dude, that was so bad,” you said, making a face as if you had just been forced to smell Raph's feet. You still regret going through with that bet.
Mikey frowned, throwing his hands in the air. You knew he wasn't really offended, just a bit pouty.
"It's the truth, dude," you retorted absentmindedly, casting your gaze from left to the right before it rested on your bag. Smiling slightly, you snatched it, hauling it over your back before turning back to Mikey who sat contently against the tree. 
"But," you emphasised the word by pointing your index finger in the air, "you can get better,” your grin widened as you spoke.
 “And I, Y/N, know how it's really done."
Mikey's pout vanished and a wide, child-like grin overtook his face. You had his full attention, as he observed you expectantly from his cross-legged position. 
The long uncut grass rippled towards and caressed Mikey, the blades of green curling slightly forward and creating an image of what looked like nature sheltering Mikey from the harsh reality outside of this garden of paradise. 
The green-filled branches of the tree hovered above him, leaves gliding down every now and again, covering Mikey in small dapples of shadow.
Dusk's hew engulfed the image before you in a soft purple radiance. Mikey's skin practically glowed, making him look like a forest fairy.
It was a captivating sight. 
You could mistake it for a painted fairy tale that had come to life. Whoever the painter was had made sure that each tiny detail captured the magic and beauty of the image before you.
A magic-filled world coexisting in the harsh one you stood in... what you wouldn't give to cast all worries aside and join that world.
You were so lost in the moment that you almost forgot to continue.
Shaking yourself free from the enchanting sight, you carried on, albeit flustered, "a-and I could, um, teach you a thing or two. If...If you want me to, that is."
Mikey almost jumped right in your face before the words had completely left your mouth. There were practically stars in his eyes! He actually looked really adorable.
"Really!? You would!? Y/N, you are the best!!"
Mikey engulfed you into a hug, his body nearly covering your entire body from the world.
You gave a chuckle as he kept his arms circled around you, letting you sit in his lap. You didn't mind at all, feeling cosy in his arms.
"Of course I would Mikester. It would be my pleasure!"
You raised your hands to Mikey's cheeks, giving them a couple of pats before you continued.
"That way, you have a reason to end patrol earlier so we can spend more time together," and it would give the others a break from the barrage of bad puns, but you didn't voice that out loud. 
Mikey seemed to agree. He didn't waste any time to establish when and where this 'class-session', as he called it, would be taking place. He wanted it to become, without a shadow of a doubt, a weekly thing, like movie night at the turtles’ place with everyone.
Mentioning movie night brought up some nasty memories of last time -the movie night itself wasn’t bad, just one of your episodes got out of hand -  and Mikey changed the subject promptly after seeing you wince slightly. 
He told you about all kinds of new skateboard tricks he mastered and invented.
After a little while - when everything had been said about skateboarding - Mikey started to eagerly talk about random topics, bringing up stuff like how his training went this morning or what he encountered on patrol. Just little things to draw more time spending in this position. You kept in mind that this peaceful moment couldn't last forever, for both of you would have to separate sooner rather than later. 
You needed to go home to your no doubt worried sick parents, before they would start search parties. And Mikey...had to wait till the next time you two could hang out. (Which wasn't as often as both of you desired)
You listened to his voice silently, only humming a reply whenever Mikey asked for your opinion, snuggling deeper into his embrace as you lost track of time. Drowsiness tugged at your consciousness, beckoning you to close your eyes and let sleep take over. The way Mikey held you close to him made you feel loved and safe, with you resting your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. He rubbed soothing circles on your left shoulder with one hand, making it impossible to resist the urge to let sleep take you away to dreamland. 
You vaguely heard Mikey's voice murmur in your ear, "Sweet dreams, sugar muffin..." You felt soft lips brush against your forehead before sleep took you over.
Michelangelo stayed seated for a little while longer, looking at your sleeping form with loving eyes. If the world would have let him, he would have stayed like this forever. Alas, the moment was broken when your mobile pinged inside your bag, vibrating like crazy.
Mikey panicked. Jumping to his feet (surprisingly without stirring you) without thinking. He opened your bag in such haste he had almost dropped you trying to grab the vibrating phone before it would wake you.
He sighed in relief when the phone stopped its obnoxious buzzing after he managed to keep you from falling. He shifted you gently onto one arm to hold you delicately, yet tightly to his chest, as if he was protecting you from the world around you.
Once he made sure you were nestled comfortably in his hold,  he glanced towards the device lying in his palm. Mikey held it at an arm's length.
One question drifted inside his mind: Who in their right mind would call you this late in the evening?
It was a question where he could get an answer, but Mikey didn't want to pry into your private life without your permission.
But the curiosity gnawed at him like he would do with pizza.
He shook his head and chastised himself for goggling the device longingly. "No, bad Mikey...Be the better man, you can do this," he muttered, moving to put the phone in your bag until your phone buzzed again, displaying the number of notifications on the lit-up screen.
It made him halt in his tracks. 
Mikey knew you were having a bad day today. After all, he saw you crying by the pond in the centre of the park. It was a mere coincidence, patrolling around the park at the time. He had seen you crying and decided right then and there that he would cheer you up. But he had no idea you had that kind of bad day. 
There were seven unread messages and three missed calls from your mother. All of them showed how worried she was about you, asking where you were and if you had one of your sensory overstimulation episodes.
Without really thinking about it, he typed a reply to your mother: Batteries died, was with a friend. Coming home through the fire escape forgot keys.
It wasn’t a  grammatically correct message, he knew. It was the best he could do with one hand and one thick tumb.
Mikey glanced towards you with gentle eyes and a soft smile after sending the message and put your phone back in your bag.
He moved you gently, holding you with both arms again and cradling you against his chest.
You, in turn, stirred and snuggled deeper into Mikey's chest, making his heart soar.
"Time to get you home, sugar muffins..." he whispered softly, brushing a couple of stray hairs out of your face.
Mikey moved swiftly yet precisely, ensuring you did not wake or feel uncomfortable during roof-top-hopping. You needed all the rest you could get; the bags under your eyes made him even more certain of the fact.
Your home came into Mikey's field of vision far too soon. Opening the window and laying you softly onto your bed felt too fast for his taste.
Mikey took extra care to tuck you in. He even attached a little note to your bag for you to find when you would wake up. 
He really wanted to stay longer, but the sound of your parents coming up the stairs told him it was time to go. He opened the door of your room slightly so your parents would know you were home. Michelangelo climbed through the window before your parents could see him.
He watched your parents turn on the light from a rooftop across your window. Your dad gave you an extra blanket before the two of them turned off the light and left your room.
Mikey stayed there on the rooftop for a little while longer before leaving, looking over his shoulder one last time and then he sprinted over the rooftops towards home.
You found the note the next day. You smiled brightly at the words hastily scribbled on the pape. You texted Mikey a reply before you went to look out your window. Your eyes draw towards the morning sky, which was painted in a soft orange hue.  
You repeated the words inside your head, making you excited for the next time you would see your turtle in orange...
Yoo, dudette! Can't wait for the pun-session upcoming Friday! 
I'll pick you up at ten alright? It's a date! ;) <3
Thank you for reading, and keep soaring high!^^
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Heaven For Everyone
Hell my Tumblr Lovely’s.
Welcome to that period over Christmas where no-one has a clue what day of the week it is! And lots of sleep happens!
Here is the next part in this Robyn and Taron story. Hope you all enjoy.
Suze xx
P.S I managed to convince the parents to watch Eddie the Eagle... Love this movie so much. Such a sweet movie.
P.P.S I don’t know Taron or his family and this is just a work of fiction.
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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
Clive was waiting outside for them, standing in front of the blacked-out car and he stepped forward to take the cases from Taron, who thanked him, moving to open the door of the car.
“After you.” He smiled to Robyn who lifted her dress a little and stepped into the car, shuffling over in the seat, allowing Taron to sit in beside her, closing the door after him with a slight bang. Once in the car, he turned to her and grinned widely. “I think fiery Robyn is my absolute favourite.”
“I couldn’t help it.” Robyn fluffed her dress out a bit so it sat better and then turned to face him, feeling the car move as it started to make its way towards Leicester Square. “Just leave it be. Don’t come grovelling after the shit caused. I know it wasn’t her fault but it has just had a ripple effect neither of us needed and it has spoilt our day a little.”
“Maybe this morning but not anymore.” Taron moved so he was sitting closer to her. “This is what I have been waiting for since I gave you those vouchers. Getting to share this moment with you.” He reached over to take her hands, being very careful with her right one. “I am so glad you said yes Robyn. I have said it before but Kingsman would never have been finished without you. I wouldn’t be here without you and you mean everything and more to me and I promise to keep you close to me all night. I mean we come as a pair, can’t break this colour combo up.”
Robyn laughed loudly. “I think if we didn’t match, I would be terribly disappointed. I am getting so used to it now.” She turned his hands over, running the index finger of her right hand over his cuff links, the ones she had given him. “I am so excited to be here with you for this. I am so proud of you Taron, for what you have achieved. Enjoy every minute of this evening because you deserve it all and more.”
“With Stella not around now do you think it will be ok if I hug you? She doesn’t have a secret camera on you ready to shout at me for creasing your dress or ruining your hair?”
Robyn smiled and opened her arms for him and Taron happily engulfed her in a sideways hug, his face going straight into her left shoulder, breathing in deeply, a wonderful mixture of Robyn’s perfume, intoxicating body lotion and warm skin filling his senses and he was getting use to the feel of her bare soft skin under his hands.
“I love this dress.” He whispered into her shoulder, feeling her chuckle against him.
“It has its perks.” She agreed, enjoying the feeling of Taron’s large hands on her back, the heat from the palms of his hands seeping into her skin. “Though I haven’t a clue how I am going to pee in it.”
Taron laughed loudly and moved his head to kiss her cheek. “I am sure you will find a way.” He ended the hug and sat back against the chair, Robyn sitting right next to him, her clutch on her lap.
“I have something for you.” She opened her clutch and pulled out a very small slim box, wrapped in green stripped paper and passed it to him.
“What have you been up too?” He asked her. “And seriously? You never stick to our present pact.”
Robyn smiled and pressed the present into his hand. “Sometimes I don’t think you know me at all. It is only something very small.”
“Sure. Small.” He replied taking the box. “What is it?” He asked with a grin, knowing Robyn would frown his way and he smiled widely as sure enough she gave him a scowl. “Ok, ok I will open it.”
Starting with the tape at one end, Taron knew Robyn was watching every move he made and he purposely took his time, being extra careful and slow as he pulled the tape off and his smile grew even more as he felt Robyn shuffle impatiently beside him. Then with one tear, he ripped a large strip from the middle of the wrapping, a green box coming into view as he pulled the rest of the paper off. Robyn took the paper from him and scrunched it up into a ball and threw it over her shoulder, Taron giggling at her.
“I don’t think I have ever seen you impatient Robyn.” He finally got the rest of the paper off the present.
“I have never seen someone open a present so slowly.” She replied back to him, nudging him with her shoulder.
“I am nearly there.”  He held the box in his left hand opened it with his right and knew Robyn heard his intake of breath as he looked to the tie clip sitting neatly inside the box. Matching his cuff links perfectly, Robyn had bought him a stunning gold tie clip, the same Claddagh symbol embellished on it. The only difference between his cuff links and his new tie clip was the green emerald that sat in the middle of the heart and the small white crystals on the crown. “Robyn…” Taron looked to her with slight shock on his face. “This is too much.”
She shook her head. “Are you even going to try and argue with me over it?” She asked him taking the box from his hands, slipping the clip from its velvet case. “You know you won’t get far.” She moved a little so she was facing him better. “Can I?” She saw his tiny nod of agreement. Pulling his neatly tucked tie from his waistcoat, Robyn handed Taron the clip to hold so she could line the back and front of his tie together, slipping the index and middle fingers of her left hand in-between two buttons of his shirt, brushing over the warm skin of his chest and held the tie in place midway down his shirt. “Clip please.” She took the gold piece of jewellery from him and switched her hands around, her right fingers now holding his shirt and tie, she opened the clip with her left hand and clipped it into place making sure it didn’t snag his bare skin, smoothing down his tie with both hands, before tucking it back under waistcoat. “Perfect.”
Taron looked down to his tie and then back to Robyn. “It is way too much.” He ran his fingers over the clip on his tie. “I can’t take this from you.”
“You rejecting my present?” She asked him.
“No no no!” He quickly said. “No of course not but Robyn this must have cost you…”
He never got to finish as Robyn placed both hands over his mouth stopping him mid-sentence. “It is something very small that matches your cuff links.” She told him firmly. “And it’s a present that I got for you because I can and I love you and it is something to mark the occasion of your premier.” She took her hands from his mouth and placed them on his cheeks. “You are welcome.”
Taron looked to her, her pretty face grinning at him, her cheeks glowing in the late evening sun that came through the car window, her large eyes staring him down. Her thumbs stroked his cheeks and his heart thumped hard in his chest. “Thank you Robyn. I love it.”
“I know.”
Her answer made him shake his head a little and she took her hands from his face. “I have nothing for you.”
Robyn looked down to the beautiful dress she was wearing. “Really? Nothing?” She looked back to him. “I am wearing the most luxurious piece of clothing I have ever worn. Had my hair styled by a professional hairstylist to the stars and for the first time in my life, had my make-up done by someone who wasn’t me or Claire. I am sitting in a car on a way to a movie premier with my best friend who has been the most wonderful and caring person to me over the last few hours and tonight is going to be one of the best for me. This…” She placed her hands over his tie. “Is just a tiny token for you.”
Taron placed hands over hers. “Thank you.”
Satisfied he wasn’t going to argue with her again, Robyn reached into her clutch once more.
“You need to take these.” She placed two white tablets into his open palm.
“You better have your painkillers in that bag too.” He warned, his face turning into a small smile as she took a foil packet out too.
“Of course.”
Taron leaned forward and opened the panel in between the driver and passenger seat and pulled out a bottle of water. After taking his tablets, he handed the water to Robyn who swallowed her painkillers too. He had forgotten to take his tablets, let along bring them with him with all the fuss of getting ready but of course Robyn remembered.
“How is your hand?” He asked, slipping his under her right hand.
“Not too bad today. I didn’t have to use it at all.”
Taron grinned. “Stella took over everything?”
As Taron sat back against the seat, Robyn moved so she could lean against him a little, her right hand nestled neatly between his two. “Well I won’t be sorry to see the end of room three three three.” She turned her head as she heard him snigger. “What on earth is so funny?”
“Nothing. I just like the way you say three.”
Robyn’s lips rose in a smile. “You making fun of my accent?”
“Oh no. Not at all. I just like the way you say three.”
“I could pronounce it the proper way as three but where is the fun in that.”
“No fun indeed.” He agreed. “So chicken, are you doing the most amazing job of hiding how you are feeling right now with jokes and distractions?”
“Are you?” She returned to him. “You are holding my left hand pretty tight.”
Not even realising he was doing so; Taron had been gripping Robyn’s hand incredibly tight and he eased the pressure at which he was holding her hand. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.” Robyn took his hand back in hers and linked their fingers together. “You are bound to be nervous.” She ran her thumb over his knuckles. “You probably haven’t really had the time to think about it much.”
“Not at all but I know my heart is racing.” He looked down as Robyn placed her right hand on his chest.
“You’re going to be brilliant. The movie is going to be brilliant.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one calming you down?” He asked. “I promised you I would look after you tonight.”
“And I know you will.” She assured him. “We are there for each other, right?”
Robyn leaned into him again as he swung his arm around her shoulders. Sitting together, they watched the London buildings whizz past, their breathing falling in sync with each other, Taron making lazy circles on her shoulder with his index finger. His stomach was bubbling in serious nerves and his heart was thumping hard in his chest. It was normal excitement and anxiousness he always felt before he had to walk a red-carpet but there was just that added pressure he couldn’t help but feel this time around and with the breaking scandal that morning, he was definitely worried that the media would focus more on that than the movie and he was running over the prepped answers Lyndsey had given him in his mind. He moved to place a kiss on Robyn’s hair and then rested his cheek on her head, her thumbs on his knuckles deepening the pressure she was using. He was comforted by her touch and closed his eyes, taking some deep breathes to counter his nerves. Her thoughtfulness blew his mind and she just had a knack for giving him the most kind and unexpected gifts and his heart was filled with complete bliss and true love for her.
It was the first time Robyn had ever seen Taron this nervous and he was clearly extremely anxious about the imminent premier and she took his right hand in her two and started to massage the back of his hand with her two thumbs, digging into skin over and over, running her thumbs over his fingers too before moving back to his hand, making circular patterns of varying sizes. It stung her right hand a little but she needed Taron to feel somewhat relaxed before he stepped out of the car and his excitement that morning had been ruined by the unexpected media frenzy. She started to hum tiny dancer; hearing Taron join in with her.
“This really should be me calming you down chicken.” He murmured into her hair.
“This does calm me down. I like taking care of you.”
“I have noticed. Always the way.”
Robyn grinned as the fingers of his left hand made very delicate and light patterns on her bare shoulder, his touch spreading a fiery heat down her arm. She continued to rub his hand, feeling strong tendons under his skin.
“Taron we are just around the corner from Leicester Square. Two minutes.”
“Thanks Clive.”
Robyn felt the long breathe Taron took and she lifted his hand to her lips to place a soft kiss on the back of it. “You ok rocketman?” She asked him.
“Yep. Just fine. You?”
“Thought I would have been shitting more bricks but guess I am getting used to this red-carpet thing.”
Taron’s deep laughter filled the car and he cuddled Robyn into his chest. “I am so glad you are here with me Robyn.”
“Me too.”
They could hear the cheers and screams before the car stopped and Robyn lifted her body from Taron’s to lean across him so she could look out the windows. A red carpet lined the length of one side of Leicester Square and behind metal barriers were people gathered four and five rows thick, the fans on the front holding posters and signs. On the opposite side, a line of reporters, photographers and media were gathered ready and waiting to catch a perfect picture of the stars of the movie.
Taron watched Robyn’s eyes as they looked out the window, his hand on her back, waiting for a reaction of some sort from her but she turned to face him with a smile. “No backing out now.” She grinned, Taron chuckling.
“You sure Robyn?”
“I didn’t squeeze myself into this dress and one time use bra for nothing.” She saw the glint in Taron’s eyes. “I am very happy for a pants suit next time.” Sitting back, she placed her hands on his cheeks. “You got this Taron.”
“I am really supposed to be calming your nerves.” He said once more.
“What nerves. I am a pro at this now!”
With another chuckle, Taron smiled widely and placed his hands over hers. “Yes you are.”
Robyn took her hands from his face and gave him a smile and a nod, Taron placed his hand on the handle of the door to open it. The noise of the crowd was so much louder with the door open and giving Robyn’s hand one last encouraging squeeze, he made to get out of the car, closing the button on his jacket once he stood up straight, already seeing the flashes of lights from the photographers. He looked into the car and Robyn had already shuffled over to get out of the car too and he held one hand out to her which she took, placing one foot outside the car before her second and standing up tall beside Taron. Now along with his name being shouted out, hers was too and the flashes doubled. Robyn noticed that Taron hadn’t let go of her hand and she very much appreciated the tight grip he gave her.
“Thanks Clive.” Taron acknowledge the driver as he closed the door.
“No problem Taron. You just give me a call when you want to be picked up, regardless of time or where you are. I will come to you.”
Taron nodded with agreement and turned to Robyn. “So chicken, welcome to my world.” He slipped her arm around her waist. “Not too scary really right?”
Robyn looked to him. “So far no but maybe that’s because you are standing right beside me.” The screams and shouts were quite overwhelming and the constant flashes of cameras were hard to ignore but the comfort and heat from Taron as he stood next to her was keeping her calm, his hand rubbing her side lightly. “I am glad I was eased into your world before this though.”
Taron smiled. “You fit in my world Robyn. You fit perfectly.”
“I swear you two, this matching look is really catching on.” Taron and Robyn turned to look at Lyndsey who walked towards them, looking effortlessly styled in a grey pants suit and light purple shirt. “Robyn.” She gave the young woman a very tight hug. “You look absolutely beautiful. How are the nerves?” She asked as she let her go but held her left hand tightly.
“Roaming around but so far it’s fine. There are so many people here.” Robyn glanced around the carpet which was full of invited guests, all milling around chatting to each other and the media at the barriers. “I think that will actually make this a lot easier than I thought. The focus won’t constantly be on Taron and myself.”
Lyndsey smiled gently. “You are just two of a few who everyone has come out to see.” She then turned to Taron. “And you.” She took Taron in for just as tight a hug. “How are you holding up?”
“I am actually ok Lyndsey.”
“You sure?” She felt him nod.  “Your Robyn have anything to do with that?” She whispered in his ear, feeling him nod again. “Nice dress.” Taron chuckled as he let his publicist go. “Just do as we always do Taron. Smile and pose. Keep cheery and happy. Be there for each other and show everyone that you still don’t let media shit get in your heads.”
The trio laughed, but Lyndsey’s filtered off as she looked past them to the line of cars waiting to let their passengers out. “Taron, your other guest is just pulling up too.”
Robyn tilted her head. “Other guest?”
She watched as another blacked out car pulled up alongside them and could feel a new excitement coming from Taron, watching as his face filled with a large grin. Robyn turned back to the car as the door opened and Tina’s face appeared, Taron stepping forward to take his mam’s hand to help her out of the car.
“Hello love.” Robyn’s face bore a soft smile as mother and son hugged each other tight and for a long time, Tina rubbing her son’s back up and down. Robyn was sure it was the first time Tina would have seen Taron since before he went on his tour and she stood back with Lyndsey, letting them have their moment together.
“Is he really ok?” Lyndsey asked Robyn.
“Yeah he is. He really is.”
“Are you? Been a hell of a week for you too.”
“It has but we have gotten over the hard part.”
“You mean last weekend? I never really did get to thank you properly for what you did for him.”
Robyn turned to look to Lyndsey as Tina continued to hug her son tight. “You did and did many times too. Thank you for taking care of him too. He told me you practically sat on him in Paris.”
“Not quite but close enough.”
“He looks great Lyndsey.”
“Yes he does and now coming back around to you. That mess this morning was completely uncalled for Robyn and I have had a very strong word with the hotel to chastise them for their actions and what happened.”
“I read the statement Lyndsey. You got that out very quickly.” Robyn took a quick glance to Taron and Tina who were now standing close together in deep conversation.
“Of course I was going to Robyn. You have been nothing but a friend to Taron and I was not going to have three jealous girls tear your good soul and nature down because they are envious of your relationship. He was so annoyed this morning.”
Robyn turned to look at Lyndsey. “He was more upset when he got back to me.”
“Well that too but angry at first.”
“I think he had every right to be though.”
“Oh of course. I don’t disagree with you. When it comes to you, Taron will always protect you with everything he has and more.” Lyndsey saw a slight blush in Robyn’s cheeks. “So, are you sure you ready for tonight? Not going to run away Cinderella style leaving a shoe behind? You have the dress to pull that off.” Lyndsey laughed hearing Robyn laugh too. “You like the dress then?”
“I love the dress.” She nodded “And you know, I had told Taron in Paris that I was absolutely shitting myself with nerves for tonight but for some reason I am not actually as nervous as I thought I would be. Of course I still feel a little anxious but I think the media crap this morning just put some perspective on things for me. People are going to talk however they want but I can only stay true to myself and Taron and for some reason that I just can’t understand Lyndsey, the media seem to be right on our side for the most part. So, let them talk. Let the fans talk. He is what matters to me at the end of the day and the only thing that I care about is him. Just him.”
Lyndsey grinned. “And that is why you are the most perfect match for him. He needs someone who doesn’t give a shit about the media, who keeps him calm and loves him completely but also is not afraid to speak her mind.”
“Ahh yes. Taron calls it my fiery side.”
Lyndsey winked. “Bet he loves it and more than he lets on too.” She laughed at Robyn’s slight pout. “Now none of those faces this evening. Smiles and lots of them. Show this crowd that couldn’t care less attitude you have, that you are here to stand with that man who is here to promote this movie because of you and what you did for him all those months ago.” Lyndsey reached out to take Robyn’s left hand. “Maybe stay away from rubbing his nose and the head scratches on camera though.”
Robyn who was trying her best to scowl at Taron’s publicist, smiled widely. “I will don’t worry and he won’t be getting many head scratches this weekend.” She was holding her clutch in her right hand but still held it up to Lyndsey, showing her the dark bruising that marred her skin.
“Don’t lie to me Robyn Quinn. He has to have gotten at least one even with that hand and by that smile, I know he has too.”
“Once Taron is good, I am good.”
“So, I have noticed. He chose this dress, right?” Lyndsey nudged Robyn a little. “I wonder why.”
“Because it is his premier and we had to up the fancy fancy stakes.”
“Sure, his premier. Nothing to do with the extra skin on show?” Lyndsey teased as Tina and Taron finished their private chat and took the steps backwards to stand beside them.
Tina stood right in front of Robyn, a bright smile on her face. “Robyn, you look absolutely beautiful.” She reached for the young woman’s hand. “You who will do anything for my son.” Tina took Robyn in for a very close and tight hug. “Thank you for looking after him. Thank you for being there for him and loving him. Thank you for putting that sparkle back in his eye.”
Robyn felt the tightness of the hug and looked to Taron as his mam embraced her, raising an eyebrow his way. He had been given the same treatment from his mother and after another quick telling off for his reckless behaviour last week, she told him how gorgeous himself and Robyn looked together. He just shrugged his shoulders at her with a grin and mouthed ‘just go with it’ to her.
“Easy to do Tina. He’s a dote.”
Tina laughed at her words. “Sure. Whatever you say Robyn.” She then moved closer to her ear to whisper to her. “He stumbled over his words when I asked him about the dress you are wearing.”
“Your son’s choice.” Robyn whispered, a light tone in her voice.
“Of course it was.”
“It is perfect Tina. Matches his eyes.” She threw in.
“Hmm, matches his eyes indeed. That’s why. Nothing to do with this.” Tina placed her hands flat on Robyn’s back. “Nothing at all. My son is a red-blooded man Robyn.”
Robyn moved her head away from Tina’s shoulder and looked her straight the eye, avoiding Taron’s face from behind her shoulder, ready to change subject. “It is so nice to see you again Tina though I am sure Mari and Rosie were not impressed at all.”
“They are not at all pleased that I get to come along to Taron’s premier and then when they heard I got to see you, well I have been told that because I got to see you, they get to go to Disneyland.”
Robyn laughed as she let go of Tina. “I think I might be on their side and want to go on that trip too and you look beautiful Tina.” Dressed in a wonderfully fitted dark red dress, Tina oozed glamour for Taron’s premier. “That dress is fab.”
“Thank you.”
“So, I know you girls have lots to catch up on and need to make up for the lost girl talk but do you think I could actually walk my red carpet now?” Taron came over to stand with them.
“Your red carpet?” Robyn asked raising an eyebrow.
“Mine.” Taron chuckled. “It is my picture on that very large poster over there.”
Robyn smiled at the boyish grin on his face, his eyes so bright and happy. He obviously knew his mother was coming to his premier and having her with him, gave his whole body a new energy and she could see him almost bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Well then Mr movie star, we had better get going.” She stepped closer to him and linked her arm with his. She started to walk, giving Taron a little pull to make him walk.
Taron looked to his mam and his publicist and as Lyndsey gave him a little push, he stepped in time with Robyn, a wide grin on his face as they walked the first few meters of the carpet.
“You could have told me your mother was coming.” She said to him as they walked, Taron waving to some of the people standing behind the barrier as he heard his name called. “A little bit of warning maybe?”
“Real last-minute thing and kind of a surprise for me too, to be honest. Guy is at home with Mari and Rosie, who are absolutely not happy about mam getting to come and not them.”
Robyn smiled. “Poor little chickens.”
“Bribed with a trip to Disneyland, no less.” He shook his head.
“Which I am going on by the way. Ariel is my home girl.”
Taron’s deep laughter was covered by the shouts and screams around him. “I think if I brought you home to Aber with me, it would be just as good as trip to Disney.”
“I don’t know rocketman. Robyn and Disneyland together? Sounds good to me!”
He chuckled again as he took her in her honest and genuine smile and unhooked his arm from hers and wrapped it around her waist instead, giving her a slight squeeze. “Ready to get your photo taken?” He asked her as they walked in front of the large Kingman poster and the row of photographers.
“Is your mam going to join us?” Robyn asked as Taron moved to stand at her right side.
“She will but these guys need the exclusive of me and you together first.” He whispered into her ear.
As their names were shouted, Taron and Robyn smiled and glanced to every camera they could. After standing for a nearly two minutes, Robyn could feel Taron getting fidgety so Robyn tickled his side a little, hearing him giggle.
“You want to play that game?” He asked her. “Your back is bare and I know how tickly you are!” Taron ran the tips of his fingers very lightly across the skin above the crystal belt at her waist, feeling her wriggle away from his touch a little.
Their laughter was caught on camera and as Taron went to brush her skin again, Robyn turned around to face him, one of her hands on his chest. “Not the time or place Egerton.” She warned with a full smile. She was well aware of the increase of camera flashes as she stood slightly in front of him and looked over her shoulder with a grin.
“Smile for the camera chicken.”
Robyn turned into his body once more, laughing at the mischievous look on his face and in his eyes. She kept her hand on his chest as he wrapped his around her waist again, the calls for them to pay attention to each individual photographer becoming louder.
“You are asking for trouble Taron.” Robyn said to him through a smile as she moved her hand from his chest to his waist.
“Well they are talking about us anyway.” He replied, giving her temple a kiss. “May as well give them something to talk about.”
Lyndsey and Tina stood to the side watching at Robyn and Taron laughed and whispered to each other, hands touching in places that were much too intimate for so called friends.
“Who will break first?” Lyndsey asked Tina who was watching her son with slightly blurry eyes. She slipped her arms through Tina’s. “You ok?”
Tina nodded and placed her hand on Lyndsey’s. “He looks happy. I haven’t seen him smile like that in a very long time.” She shook her head a little. “She is something else.” Tina’s eyes were glued to the interactions between her son and Robyn and it was so easy to see the spark and genuine love they shared.
“He doesn’t stop talking about her and I don’t know if you know about the head massages?” Lyndsey looked to Tina, seeing her nod. “Ahh so you are well aware of them.”
“Walked in on one when Robyn came to Aber last year. He looked very cosy.”
Lyndsey nodded. “That boy is spoilt.”
“Yes, he is.” Tina agreed. “And he will definitely break first.” Tina answered Lyndsey’s earlier question, with a smile.  She looked as she heard her name being called, Taron beckoning her over. She slipped her arm from Lyndsey and walked over towards her son and stood beside him.
Taron looked to the photographers from under his eyelashes as he held his two favourite woman in the world close to him at that moment before he lifted his head, smiling. His mood had lifted and he was no longer worrying about things that filled his mind earlier. With a deep breathe, he pulled his mam and Robyn a little closer to him, his smile lasting much longer that it normally would during his photocall.
After two more minutes of flashes and increasingly loud name calling, Robyn could only see white spots in front of her eyes. Blinking a few times, she leaned her head closer to Taron’s. “How do you do this constantly?”
“It’s why I normally wear my sunglasses.” He replied to her.
“Think I will go and stand with Lyndsey for a few. You and your mam should have your own photoshoot now.”
“You sure?” Taron let his hand drop from his mam’s waist to turn to face her a little.
“Yeah. She is even more proud of you than I am.” Robyn reached to give his hand a squeeze. “Keep smiling rocketman.”
Robyn lifted her dress a little so it would sit right before she made to walk back to Lyndsey, standing beside her, to the side on the red carpet.
“Had enough?” She asked her.
“Just enough and he has to this all with the rest of the cast too.”
“Premiers definitely require a lot more compared to what you are used too.”
“And it is just the start of the evening?”
Lyndsey was about to reply to Robyn when a loud roar of the crowd disrupted her words and both women looked to the start of the red carpet where Colin Firth just stepped out of his car, waving and smiling. Another car pulled up and the crowd yelled once more as the two more stars of the movie exited the car.
“Feeling overwhelmed yet?” Lyndsey said to Robyn over the noise.
“Maybe a little.” She glanced toward Taron who was now taking his solo shots in front of the poster and it was as if he could read her mind and he caught her look and gave her a small smile and wink. “But I will do my best to take it my stride.”
“Along with Taron’s smiles and winks, right?” Robyn knew she blushed but nodded. “He’s got you in his sight all the time, don’t worry.”
“Right in your sight.” Tina agreed as she came to stand with them.
“Sent his calvary this evening I see.” Robyn grinned as Lyndsey and Tina flanked her side.
The three women laughed, Lyndsey saying hello to Colin as he walked by. “He knows it’s a big ask of you and just wants to make sure you feel completely comfortable, even more so after the media crap this morning.”
“He loves you.” Tina added simply. Robyn felt her cheeks blush once more. “You know I had a lovely conversation with your mam the other day.” Tina decided it was time to change the subject. “She reminds me very much of you. Bright and bubbly.”
Robyn grinned. “I heard you two had finally had the chance to talk. For quite a long time too.”
“Not that long.”
“Nearly three hours I believe?”
Tina chuckled. “We had a lot to talk about. Getting to know each other.”
“Organising secret trips to each other?” Robyn asked.
Tina smiled a little. “I have always wanted to visit Ireland. Now I have an extra reason.”
“Pity I don’t have a guest room.”
“So he does share a bed with you when he goes to visit you. I have been trying to get that information out of him for weeks.”
Robyn’s mouth dropped before she sighed. “Walked myself into that one.” She looked to Tina. “I think since we have met, we have slept in separate beds once?”
“Loves a good cuddle my son.” Tina nodded. “But it was nice to speak to Lizzie. I have a feeling it the start of beautiful relationship.”
Robyn felt Tina nudge her a little and she shook her head. Her mother had been delighted to get the phone call from Taron’s mam and had definitely teased her daughter about her newly admitted feelings, having tried to get that information out of her since St. Patrick’s Day. The mothers had definitely enjoyed chatting and gossiping with each other, planning a visit in the near future.
“Hey what’s that look for?” Robyn was so glad to hear the comforting tones of Taron’s voice as he stood in front of her and she looked up to see a little concern in his eyes. “You want to head inside? Your seat is already reserved.”
Robyn shook her head. “Nope I am good, I promise. Tina was just telling me about the wonderful conversation she had with my mother on the phone.”
Taron grinned. “Been getting nothing but grief over that phone call.” He agreed. “Did you have to pass over the number?”
“Think I could say no to your mam last weekend?”
Sighing Taron agreed but his face turned to a smile. “Photoshoot done. I am going to do the obligatory press now with Lyndsey.” Taron turned to his mam. “If I leave Robyn with you, you promise to go easy on the questions?”
Tina chuckled. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course, but I would actually like Robyn to spend the rest of the weekend with me.”
“I will look after her as if she were my own daughter.”
Robyn laughed. “Go Taron. You know I can hold my own.”
“Against the media sure, but my own mother?”
Robyn gave his chest a little push. “You need to leave now before you get a clip around the ear. We will follow you as you walk.”
Lyndsey stood beside Taron. “There is a lot of press to get through. We had better make a move.”
Tina and Robyn followed Taron and Lyndsey as they made their way towards the row of reporters waiting for their interview slot with the cast of the movie, both standing back as Taron and his publicist made their way towards the metal barrier.
He was nervous about the press junket outside the movie theatre, praying that the questions didn’t stray from Kingsman franchise but at least he knew Robyn was in safe hands with his mam. Taking a deep breathe he moved to stand in front of the first camera directed to his face and gave a smile as he began the first of many interviews of the evening.
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padfootagain · 5 years
The Jedi And The Pilot (II)
Part 2 : A New Deal
 Here comes part 2 for this series I haven't updated in a while, sorry about that…
No warnings apply here! I just hope you'll like it!
Word Count: 4332
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"Oh, maker…"
Obi-Wan was holding on the controls before him with so much strength his knuckles had turned as white as snow. His back pressed against his seat, he couldn’t believe he had stumbled onto a pilot even more reckless than Anakin.
"What now? You don’t like flying?" you teased, earning a glare from the Jedi by your side.
"I don’t mind flying, but this is not flying. This is… oh no…"
He pinched his lips as you rolled the ship several times, avoiding the shots of light aimed at you.
"If you throw up, I’ll take an extra fee. And I won’t clean it up for you," you warned the Jedi, who merely gave you an offended side-glance.
"I will not throw up. I wish you would be more careful though."
"More careful? We’re being shot at! And it’s your fault, Jedi!"
You had just left the atmosphere. Before you lied the countless stars, shining glimmers upon a velvety void. As far as the eyes could see, there was but darkness and dots of light. It was your favourite sight in the whole galaxy… just… the infinite possibilities of space. All these shining stars holding secrets of their own, as if they waited for you to discover them all.
But for now, you couldn’t settle on the beauty before you. Instead, you were focusing on avoiding the blasts that were shot behind you.
You entered the coordinates with one hand while your droid, an old R1 unit that you had painted in red a long time ago and answered only to the name Rupture - for a reason even unknown to you, but you and accepted the nickname - was preparing the jump to hyperspace.
You turned the ship to the right and left and rolled over several times, still avoiding the bolts of red light fired your way.
Obi-Wan was suddenly quiet. He seemed focused beside you. You chose to ignore him, for now.
"Rup, buddy, I’ll need a bit more power on the thrusters, please."
The droid beeped after only a few more seconds to signal you the extra power now available for your acrobatics, and you hurried to use it to turn the ship around in a quick movement, passing through the 4 ships. And as expected, two of them shot each other.
Only two left.
You pointed the ship towards space once more. By your side, Obi-Wan was strangely calm.
"You’re okay over there, Jedi?"
"I can feel something… someone…"
Obi-Wan slowly nodded.
"I can’t figure out who it is. But I certainly have a bad feeling about this."
"We don’t need more trouble than we already have."
"We must make the jump."
"Yes. I am aware of that," you replied in a dry tone.
Another roll, and your droid finally beeped to signal you that the ship was ready to go to hyper-space.
"Alright, hang on, Jedi! One last acrobatics and we're in the clear."
"Do you really have to…"
Before he could finish his protest, you were turning your ship up, until you traced a circle around the enemies' ships, that were too slow to react. The time they needed to make the manoeuvre was more than enough for you to make the jump. You were soon pushed against your seat, the thrilling sensation of lightspeed making tickles run in your belly, as stars before you were distorted in blurred, stretched white lights.
By your side, Obi-Wan heaved a relieved sigh.
You were finally safe.
"You are impressively dangerous," he said with a touch of humour to colour his voice.
"Well, thank you," you answered with an amused smile. "I'm very proud of you for not throwing up."
"I am a good pilot, believe it or not."
"I would not dare to doubt the abilities of Jedi in any area," you answered mockingly, which made him chuckle.
"I'm afraid we've missed our introduction back there. What's your name?"
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
"I wish I could say the same, but you're more trouble than you're worth for now, Jedi."
"I reckon that you were quite skilled in escaping from all this trouble, pilot," he teased, a humorous smile badly hidden on his features, and you struggled yourself to hide how much you wanted to laugh.
Rupture signalled you that all was fine, and he went to keep an eye – or well, a sensor, you guessed – at the hyperdrive, which had over-heated a couple of times before.
"How did you find an R1 unit anyway?" Obi-Wan asked. "I thought they had stopped the production years ago."
"Rup and I have been friends for years. Found him in a dump on Corellia. He saved my life, and I saved his in exchange. We've been a team ever since."
"He saved your life?"
"Ha… I don't think I should tell you the story, it might not have been extremely legal, the things I was doing."
"I see. You're a pirate."
"A pirate?!" you exclaimed, properly outraged and vexed. "Certainly not! How dare you?!"
"Well, you said you were earning your life in an illegal way…"
"I smuggled goods through Corellia. That's not exactly the same thing."
"You're a smuggler, then?"
"I'm a pilot. I'm a pilot, that's what I am."
"Who… smuggles goods through Corellia. Were you smuggling tonight?"
"I reckon that I smuggled your arse off this planet, indeed," you replied with a sour smile.
He opened his mouth to fire back, but had to yield.
"Well, I can't argue with that one."
"I don't particularly enjoy smuggling," you went on in a softer tone. "But I don't exactly have a choice, these days. This war is making my business very complicated."
Obi-Wan slowly nodded.
"I see."
"I'm not against you, relax. I mean… I don't put the blame on the Jedi, like some do. And I reckon that having to smuggle to get enough credits to go through the month is a lesser evil, considering what some have to go through."
"I'm still sorry that you have to go to such extremes to live," Obi-Wan said with compassion.
"I'll be fine."
"I guess you could get more money from this trip if you chose to hand me to the Separatists… they would pay a handsome fee for my head, I'm sure."
He was only half-joking, but you laughed hard at him.
"I'm a smuggler by default. But believe it or not, I do have a conscience."
He smiled.
"I believe you do indeed."
There was a silence in the cockpit, disturbed only by the rhythmic humming of the engines. All around the cockpit, the stars still traced lines of light against the darkness of space as you travelled too fast for them. The warm light in your ship gave the metal on the control a yellowish glow.
You struggled to refrain a mischievous smile.
"How much is it that I'd get if I handed you to the Separatists again?"
His laughter was as bright as the stars around.
 Coruscant was but a glistening sea of impossibly high buildings. You hated the place. You hated the busy traffic and all these people in their freighters who couldn't even fly and yet played the pilots. You hated the sight of all this metal, there to pack up as many people on this tiny planet as possible. You preferred forests and oceans and mountains to this.
While you silently complained about the scenery, and tried to not get involved in a crash with one of those flying idiots around you, Obi-Wan had settled your arrival at the Jedi Temple.
"Your money is waiting for you," he told you as he turned off his com-link.
"Great! Perfect!" you smiled.
"The Order could use a pilot of your talent though," Obi-Wan slowly added, glancing over at you. "If you want to make some more money, we could pay you well to work for us."
You laughed.
"No, no, no, no," you shook your head. "You stumbled onto my ship, and I had the courtesy to not let you be killed. That's about how far my relationship with you all Jedi is going to go. Too much trouble."
"More than breaking the law to earn a decent living?"
"When did I say that I could reach a decent living?" you gloomily replied.
"Well, one more reason to work for us."
"I will not fly into war zones. I will not do that. And I can't work for the Order, I don't take sides in this war."
"I see."
"No. No, you don't see. I don't have the luxury to take a side. All I can do is try to not get the wrong people angry so that I can live a little bit longer. And flying a Jedi back to Coruscant is already going to get me in a lot of trouble with these wrong people I've been trying to avoid for so long. So, I'm dropping you off at your lovely temple, I'm getting my money, and that's it. Then it's farewell."
Obi-Wan remained silent, merely nodding. Deep in thought, he stroked his beard, his eyes lost on the horizon but he couldn't see any of the buildings you flew by.
The Jedi temple stood proud and tall in the city, the architecture so recognizable. You had never been in this part of the planet, never dared to even think you would ever go there. You were more used to the neighbourhoods where you had to walk with a blaster apparent at your belt if you wanted to go home in one piece.
Indeed, Obi-Wan had not lied. A padawan was waiting for the two of you on the landing platform with all the credits you had asked for. Three times what you thought you would get out of today.
"Thank you again, Y/N," Obi-Wan gave you a kind smile. "I hope we meet again. And if you change your mind about working for us, just come here, and ask for me."
"I will not change my mind. But thank you for the offer anyway. Try not to get yourself into too much trouble, Jedi."
"I'll do my best, pilot."
You exchanged a smile and shook hands. Just as you walked back into your ship, Anakin and Ahsoka were arriving to greet Obi-Wan.
"We heard you ran into more trouble than what was expected," Anakin smiled to his friend.
"Indeed," Obi-Wan nodded. "But I also received some unexpected help from a talented pilot."
"The woman who just left?" asked Ahsoka.
"I kind of forced my troubles upon her, she took me back here, and lost the ones who were after us."
"I'm sure you loved it," Anakin joked mockingly, causing Obi-Wan to roll his eyes.
"I thought she could work for us, but she turned down the offer."
"Maybe she has a better job already," Ahsoka replied, but Obi-Wan shook his head, and a frown of worry formed on his brow.
"No, I don't think so. I think she might be in trouble herself."
"She's a Separatist?"
"No. No, I don't believe that, she said she didn't want to take sides in the war."
"Why not?"
"Earning a living in these times can be difficult, and some sometimes have to make trades with people… who are not exactly respectable."
"You're worried about her," Anakin spoke slowly, in a cautious voice.
"I'm worried I might have gotten her into more trouble than I thought I would."
"If she turned down your offer, there is nothing you can do now."
"She said she sometimes had to smuggle goods to make a living, these people can be dangerous."
"I'm sure she can handle herself, you said yourself that she was talented," Ahsoka tried to reassure Obi-Wan, but it failed.
He fell silent, knowing the conversation would not ease his mind. He would meditate on the matter, but a voice in the depth of his head told him that your paths would cross again. He merely hoped it wouldn't be to find out that you were dead.
 Despite how much you hated Coruscant, you had your flat there. Most of the passengers who hired you wanted to be transported from here, or at least, made their deals from here. You had no choice but to live where there was work, and so you did.
It was a tiny flat in a poor neighbourhood. But it had a bed, and a kitchen, and a decent bathroom, a table, a few chairs, and you could hardly ask for more. A large sign on the other side of the street, signalling a bar, painted your whole flat in pink. You locked the four locks on your door, and went to hide your money in the hole in the wall behind your bed. You didn't remember a time when you had so much money in your possession. It was far from enough to get off this planet though.
Soon though. One day…
You had barely lied down on your bed when someone knocked on your door. Loud, strong banging that made you jump. You took your blaster out of your bedside table, while the banging started again.
Well, they were fast, you couldn't hold that against them…
"Y/N! It's Barty! Open up! The Boss wants to see you. Come on, open the door. I saw you coming in!"
"He's not my boss," you corrected the Twi'lek.
"He still wants to see you."
"So he can kill me or beat me up half-to-death? I don't think so."
"Look, there's been a misunderstanding. We heard that you picked up a Jedi. Obviously, you would never do something like that. So, the boss is going to listen to your version, try to figure out the truth behind it."
You bit your tongue. You knew helping a Jedi would get you into trouble, however, you hadn't figured out that it would mean this much trouble.
"What if I did?" you asked.
There was a short silence, before Barty would heave a deep sigh.
"Y/N… not you…"
"Look, he forced me to do it," you lied… or well, half-lied. Obi-Wan had not exactly given you a choice, you doubted that he would have hurt you if you had refused though. "What was I supposed to do? Fight a Jedi? They have lightsabers, you know?"
"You should have brought him to us, or to the Separatists."
"I thought we didn't take sides," you answered, slowly opening your window, trying to make as little noise as you could.
"We don't. We go with the money."
You winced at his answer, disgusted. That's not why you weren't taking sides. You simply didn't want to get shot at, but the money was not the issue. How many jobs had you turned down to keep your neutrality? You had lost count a thousand times over. This time though, it seemed impossible.
And if you had to pick up a side, then your choice was already made.
"Look," you tried to reason with the Twi'lek one last time. "I didn't have a choice. I didn't want to take him, but it was quite literally a matter of life and death. What was I supposed to do?"
"We both know it's not that easy."
"It should be! I didn't have a choice!"
"Maybe the boss will listen to you. No matter what he does, you have to come now and see him. Explain this face to face with him. And then, maybe he'll be good enough with you and forget it all happened. You don't have a choice. They're sending me now, but you know they won't be so kind next time if you don't come. So just… come with me."
You thought about the money you had just hidden, but moving your bed again would make too much noise. You heaved a silent sigh, and merely grabbed your bag again. You took one last look at your flat, but knew you wouldn't be coming back. It didn't matter. Everything you needed, everything you cared about was in this bag you held against you now.
"I understand," you lied, climbing onto your bed to get a better access to the window. "Just give me a second, I'll give the boss the money, that might help."
"It sure will! But open the door for me, would you?"
But you were already stepping onto the bannister. Your ship should have been on your rooftop but you weren't dumb enough to leave it there. After all, you knew the Boss. Or well, you had never met him, and had no intention to do that, but he did have the reputation to kill whoever he was tired of, which had led you to take a few precautions. Including hiding your ship on the other side of the street, in a little alley behind the bar.
You climbed down the ladder on the side of your building and hurried to the gateway that connected your side of the street to the other. You heard some loud bangs behind you and guessed that Barty was trying to break into your flat. Good. It would slow him down.
It was night, and if the stars shone above you, you couldn't see any trace of them. The fumes coming out of the heating systems of the old buildings covered the sky too much to allow even the moon to shine through. The lights were those of the street, yellow and too close to your taste, showing your shape too much as you ran in the alley. And of course, the large sign above the bar shed its pink hues all over the place.
The Stammer was a weird place where only people with the lowest level of conscience thrived. You had never liked the place, but it didn't matter that you liked it or not. All that mattered was to cross the damn bar and get to your ship safe and sound.
It smelled of smoke and drugs and liquor and a good dose of sweat too, the smell of a place where you didn't want to linger. The low light, drenched in a pinkish colour – that matched the sign outside – made the shape of the customers a little blurred. A man near the door was selling death-sticks, some were playing Sabacc and most of the rest were drunk. You crossed the room as fast as you could without drawing too much attention to you.
You were closing the backdoor behind you when you heard some kind of commotion going on on the gateway. It probably had something to do with Barty. You hurried on.
It was a little hard to breathe, and not just because you were tired and had been running. You struggled to keep a clear mind despite your fear, forcing your breathing to get a little more even to calm yourself down.
If you were caught and taken to that criminal, you would probably never see tomorrow's dawn.
You pushed the thought away as you ran to your freighter. It was right there, on the other side of the landing platform.
You were almost there when Barty's shout reached your ears, making your heart trip in your chest and your legs run even faster.
You were locked inside the cockpit way before the Twi'lek had crossed the distance. Rupture gave you a questioning beep.
"Okay, to make it simple…" you answered, out of breath, starting the engine as quickly as you could. "I'm in deep shit, and if we don't get out of here now, we're both gonna die. So, Rup, please, hurry up…"
A loud banging noise against the door of the ship signalled you that Barty was trying to get in. Then the high-pitched sound of a blaster...
The droid complained a little about you getting him into trouble, but the engines were soon roaring through the night, covering the sound of the blaster shots. And in a matter of seconds, you were flying above the city.
It didn't seem that you were followed, but then you used all the tricks you knew to lose anyone who would want to go after you through the traffic of the busy town.
Besides, you didn't know much about what the Boss was up to, and you didn't want to get involved. You weren't a security risk or anything, you guessed that if he wanted to go after you, it was more a question of principle than anything else, maybe to set up an example too. You hoped he wouldn't put you on his priority list.
In the gigantic city of Coruscant, there was only one place you knew that the Boss could not reach. Even he, with all his spies everywhere, could not set up a murder in the Jedi Temple. And luckily for you, you had a way in.
You didn't like any of this at all, but you reckoned that you didn't have a choice. It was that or being killed now…
You landed on the same platform where you had left Obi-Wan earlier that day, and were met by a guard as soon as you set foot out of your ship. Despite the helmet, you could hear the trooper's frown in his voice.
"What is your business here?" he asked in a cold voice.
"I'm here to see Obi-Wan Kenobi," you said, crossing your fingers behind your back as you hoped that you remembered the name of the Jedi right.
"What for? Who are you?"
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I brought him here earlier today, I'm a pilot. He offered me a job, and told me to come back when I would have… thought about it, let's say. So, here I am."
The clone spoke through his comlink, and you didn't fail to notice how he held his weapon at the ready. Where you really that scary? Did you look like such a threat?
"Wait here until Master Kenobi arrives," the clone ordered as he turned his full attention back to you.
"Okay… great. Thanks!"
Five minutes passed, and then ten, and finally fifteen minutes ticked by, and you thought he would not come. You thought you would be thrown out of the Temple and left to survive on your own. You had refused the job, after all…
What would you do then? Leave the planet and lay low for a little while seemed like the best option. But where would you head to? The Boss had agents everywhere…
Luckily, it didn't have to go to such extremes, as you recognized Obi-Wan silhouette walking towards you in a fast pace, a shadow against the lights of the Temple behind him and the stars above.
"Y/N?" he greeted you with a worried frown. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh, yes! Yes, it's alright!" you lied with a grin. "I just… I've reconsidered your offer, and I might be interested."
He raised a surprised eyebrow.
"Really? And it couldn't wait till tomorrow morning? It is very late, you know?"
"Well, I didn't want the offer to expire before I could talk to you. And I am interested, indeed. I mean, it would be a regular job, right?"
"We could pay you for each mission if you'd prefer, but I reckon the usual way if you choose to regularly work for us would be to pay you every month."
"That would be great! You see, regular incomes would be a nice change."
"I see," he nodded, although you could read in his eyes that he knew there was something else.
You offered him your open hand.
"You've got a deal, Jedi," you gave him a smile, but he didn't take your hand just yet.
"Is it really the only reason why you've changed your mind?"
You took a second to choose the way to answer, but you clenched your jaw and decided it wasn't his business.
You had not come here to get a Jedi to protect you and save you from a brute. You didn't need rescuing. You needed a safe place to stay. You didn't need Obi-Wan Kenobi, you needed the Jedi Temple.
"It's the only reason you need to know about," you answered.
For a moment, Obi-Wan hesitated. You had admitted that you knew some… unrespectable individuals. Had you been sent as a spy?
Something in your glance told him it wasn't so. What was it exactly, he didn't know. But he wanted to trust you. He did trust you, somehow, for a reason he couldn't pinpoint and yet was strong enough to make him shake hands with you. There was something warm and radiant in the Force around you. There couldn't be such thing around an evil person, and who was he to not listen to the Force.
Maybe your paths had crossed for a reason. He was eager to find out why.
You were smiling a genuine smile at him when a speeder flew above you, loud and quite low. It was easy to recognize Barty's shape sitting in the driver's seat. And Obi-Wan didn't miss how your jaw clenched once more as you recognized the Twi'lek.
Something in his heart told him that his fears had become true, indeed.
"Do you have a safe place to stay for tonight?" he asked with a soft, reassuring voice.
You hesitated, but took a deep breath to relax a little anyway. You weren't here asking for charity. You had never done so in your life, you would not start today. It had been you against the world for so long, and you had always managed on your own. You would manage, one more time.
"Is there a hangar where I could put my ship?"
Obi-Wan nodded, respecting that you had dodged his question for now.
"I'll show you."
As you climbed back into your ship with Obi-Wan on your heels, you realized what you had done.
You were working for the Jedi Order.
Oh, in what kind of troubles had you put yourself into now…
Taglist: @ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​ @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​ @stuckupstucky​ @snek-shit​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @i-padfootblack-things​  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10​ @emyyjemyy​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony​
@wangmangagavroche​ @yana-versio​ @goldenor5​
115 notes · View notes
Undercover Lover prt 22 prt 1
To Eren’s complete surprise he didn’t wind up in bed with Levi at the end of the night. He’d drunk enough to be nicely buzzed, but Isabel had been at the bar with her daughter, who’d taken an instant liking to him. Hanging onto him, Hannah wouldn’t listen to “Daddy Farlan”, or “Mummy Izzy”. The four year old squarely sitting in his lap and deciding they were now best friends. Erwin had been on guard over the whole thing, Farlan cranky he’d been temporarily misplaced, but no one could argue with the logic of a four year old and it was kind of really nice to be a “hero” again, like he’d been to Mina and Thomas.
His drinks had swapped to water, the little girl in his lap talked on and on about all sorts of things until Isabel placed a colouring book in front of her to try to settle her down. That only made her more excited as she asked Eren all about the colours and told him off when he got the names of things in the pictures wrong. Seated beside Levi, Levi wasn’t handling having Hannah being messy beside him. Eren using his arm to keep her from annoying “Uncle Levi” too much. Part of him was jealous. Jealous that Mikasa had experienced pregnancy twice before he’d even found his mate. He’d always kind of gone first to protect his friends, then she’d gone and done the one thing he’d never thought he could do. Seeing her pregnant had been hard, but he’s been so proud of her and loved his niece and nephew fiercely, thinking they’d be the closest thing he’d ever to his own children.
“Eren! You’re not listening to me”
Taking a pencil up the nose, Eren supposed he deserved it. He couldn’t help wanting to watch Levi from the corner of his eye. His body deciding to be extra clucky, except Levi really did seem to prefer some distance between him and Hannah
“I’m sorry, Hannah. I was thinking and it hurt”
“I bet it did. I don’t know what colour to do the dress”
Everything was creatively coloured as it was. The princess in the picture now with blue and green skin
“Hmmm... what’s mummy’s favourite colour?”
“How am I supposed to know that?”
“Fair point. What about red? Like mummy’s hair?”
“She can’t wear a red dress! Her skin is green!”
Hannah made it sound like some inexcusable crime. Eren snorting. Kids were so damn brutal
“Okay, what about pink?”
“Pink is dumb”
Picking up the pink pencil, Eren had a feeling that was something someone had told Hannah and not her actual feelings on the colour. Colouring the edge of the dress, Eren shrugged, sounding as casual as he could
“I don’t know. I think it’s pretty nice...”
“I like pink too”
Ah. Yep. There it was
“Then you should colour her dress in. You’re doing a great job there”
Hannah lit up under the praise. All children seemed to become show offs for every single adult that wasn’t their parent. Cupping her hand, Hannah “whispered”
“I know. Don’t tell mummy but she’s really bad at this”
“Okay... I won’t. But I bet mummy tries really hard”
Sighing at how hard her little life was, Hannah was once again brutal
“Uncle Levi says she’s very trying”
Across the table Hanji snorted with laughter. She and Erwin had been talking back and forth until Hanji’s husband Moblit had arrived. The night had gotten pretty late and Isabel and Farlan were bussing tables and cleaning up. Levi banned from helping them in a way that didn’t sit right with Eren. Levi couldn’t help his OCD tendencies, and didn’t need to be ragged on for cleaning things within an inch of their life
“No, honey. It’s Uncle Levi that’s trying”
“The only thing Uncle Levi is trying to do is grow up... Even mummy’s taller than him”
Hanji cackled. Eren finding himself upset that his mate was being picked on. Poking Hannah gently in the side, he frowned at her over her shoulder
“Now. That’s not very nice. Your Uncle Levi loves you very much. People come in all shapes and sizes and that’s okay”
“You can say that because you’re huge”
“And you little missy are tiny...”
Tickling Hannah’s sides gently, Hannah howled with laughter. A gentle explanation was always his preferred to a harsh scolding
Stopping tickling Hannah, Hannah stared up at him. Shit. He really really missed Mina
“Are you okay? You look sad. Sometimes you need to do a big poo when you’re sad”
That sounded like an adapted “getting shit over and done with”
“Did your Uncle tell you that?”
“Daddy did”
“I’m sure he has a point. He’s a smart man”
“He is. But he does smelly poos”
This kid was killing him. Farlan calling over to them from the bar
“That’s enough, Hannah. Finish up your picture, it’s bed time”
“I wanna stay here!”
“I know, but it’s past your bedtime as it is!”
It well and truly was. It was past his bedtime too. Isabel explained she hadn’t been able to get a sitter, but Farlan couldn’t clean up on his own
“You know, even I have a bedtime”
Hannah’s eyes went wide
“You do?”
“Yep. I get up and go to work super early”
“That’s stupid. I don’t want to go to bed”
Nope. Hannah was on the verge of an overtired meltdown. Eren could see it on her face. He’d managed to avoid waterworks so far, time to be distracting again
“If you work fast, we can finish this picture before you do. I’d really like to see it all coloured in”
With Hannah falling asleep against him, the other said their goodbyes while he and Levi waited for Farlan and Isabel to finish up. Erwin was oddly nice when he thought about things. He hadn’t snarked at him once, though he had been on edge when Hannah started clinging to the omega. With Moblit being the designated sober driver, Hanji was hanging off her husband, demanding Erwin come back to their’s for more drinks. Levi sighing as Moblit apologised, but Eren felt Levi was more or less sighing at him becoming a pillow for the four year old when all the alpha wanted to do was go home. His very important job as a pillow rendering them stuck until for a further half an hour where Eren carried little miss Hannah out to the car, so Isabel had her hands free to unclip the car seat and triple check she had everything before Eren lowered Hannah into place.
Left out of the “boys club” Farlan and Levi were having a cigarette together near the back door of the bar. Eren unable to stop himself from shooting a wistful glance at the cigarette he really wished he was having
“Sooo. You and my big brother?”
Not another one... Clipping Hannah into place, Isabel re-emerged out the car, a mischievous smile on her face
“Are friends. I ended up with no place to stay and he took in a stray”
“Mhmm. I might believe it if it wasn’t big brother Levi. He took me and Farlan in, but that was years ago... before he was so... anal about things”
Eren wasn’t touching that one
“Our piece of sh...sugar boss had me training him. We’ve been working together for a few months now”
Isabel crossed her arms, her expression turning serious
“Thank you for looking after Hannah tonight, but if you’re thinking of hurting my brother...”
“Don’t worry, I’ve had the talk repeatedly. No. I’m not thinking of hurting Levi”
Looking him up and down, Isabel snorted a giggle, covering her mouth as she did
“I’m sorry. I can’t. Yeah, no. Don’t worry. I’m not going to pull an Erwin on you. I can tell you’re an okay guy. I mean, Hannah absolutely adores you already, and you were really great with her”
“My adoptive sister has two of her own. I’m the cool uncle”
“I’m sure you are. Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you and Levi, but I know he’s not going to be happy tonight. He’s not that great at dealing with Hannah’s whims. I mean, he tries, but it’s hard for him with his...”
Isabel gestured, leaving Eren to nod understandingly
“His need for clean? I know. I noticed how he wanted to join in, but kept stopping himself. Thanks for the heads up”
“He really must think you’re special if he’s bringing you around again. He’s been hurt a lot, it’s not for me stay but he stayed with his uncle for a bit, then his uncle up and left him. Sometimes it’s like he thinks we’ll leave him too. He’s a good man. I mean, he didn’t have to help me and Farlan out, but he’s always been there for us. Maybe you can get through to him that he’s okay being himself”
“I’m not sure about that. I mean, he has his quirks, but I think that’s just him...”
“You’re being dense on purpose. Look, he likes you and you like him. Don’t break his heart or Farlan will really break your neck”
“I don’t plan on it”
“Then you’re welcome back any time... though I shouldn’t really say that as it’s not Rod’s territory here and Rod is a total tosser”
“Isabel, the last thing I want to do is cause drama. I know how important family is, and it’s not always blood family that makes an actual family. I don’t want Levi getting caught up in my sh-sugar, and I don’t want anything happening to him...”
Choosing now to start walking over to them, Eren let his sentence trail off. Isabel giggling over it as she smiled brightly. He didn’t need her to tell him not to hurt Levi. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Even blowing his cover was preferable to Levi ending up hurt or locked away. All he could do was wait patiently until Pixis had signed off on the arrest warrants and they could move in for the bust.
Slinging his arm around Isabel’s shoulder, Farlan actually smiled at him
“Thanks for looking after Hannah. I wasn’t sure you had it in you”
Hopefully he hadn’t given everyone the wrong impression with his longing to see his family again. Wrapping his arms around himself, Eren lamented how nice the night was. It’d be perfect for a long ride down to the coast
“She reminds me of my niece... well, and my sister. I haven’t seen them in awhile, they’re not close... Sorry. Anyway, yeah. Thanks for tonight. I was pretty sure either you or Erwin were plotting my death, so it’s nice to know I’m going to be around for a little longer”
Ending with a nervous laugh Eren hoped he hadn’t just ruined all the nights work. Farlan wasn’t giving him anything. Levi put his hand on Eren’s arm, Eren’s heart giving a weird beat as he tried to avoid looking at Isabel who wore a smirk on her face. Okay. He couldn’t do anything about this, but it didn’t have to mean anything if he didn’t let it
“Tch. No one’s about to kill you. I’ll come see you guys soon. We’re leaving, brat”
The “goodbye” felt a little awkward. Isabel smacking Farlan for something the man whispered as they walked away. To make matters more confusing, Levi kept his hand on Eren’s arm right up until they reached the alpha’s car
“You’re right to drive, right?”
Eren cocked his head in confusion
“I can if you want me to. I didn’t think you drank that much”
“I didn’t... you just had a look on your face like you were thinking about something far away”
“Oh, it’s fine. I was just thinking this a nice night to go for a ride”
“You’re not getting on your motorbike after drinking”
“But you’ll let me drive your car?”
Levi huffed, he’d somehow pissed the alpha off
“If you don’t want to drive, I’ll fucking drive”
“No. It’s okay. I don’t mind. You had a pretty long night and I’m the one who had a nap”
Handing over the keys, Levi finally took his hand off Eren’s arm. Levi’s hands carried a certain kind of warmth that he’d been starved of for so long
“You crash my car...”
“Yeah, yeah. Anywhere in particular, or just home?”
“Whatever. Where do you usually go when you go out on your bike?”
“That’s a bit of a drive”
“Then don’t fucking crash”
Levi fell asleep during the drive. Eren stopping at a 24 hour service station to pick up a coffee and a tea for the sleeping alpha, before continuing the drive out to the coast. The first time he’d come to the beach had been with his friends, kind of like a last hurrah before they plunged into the world of adulthood. Parking up near the park before the pier, there was a certain kind of magic that came with being near the ocean at night. Leaving the car running and the heater on, Eren took his coffee as he left Levi sleeping, making the walk to the closest bench to sit and think about how Levi’s car needed a new ignition barrel seeing the car was on and the keys were in his pocket.
Their trip to the beach was the last time Mikasa confessed her feelings for him. Maybe he would have felt something if they hadn’t been brother and sister, something that felt almost instant when Mikasa joined their family. Heck, in under a year, he’d gained a sister only a little older than he was, and a new best friend. His mother had adored Mikasa. Mikasa who got the perfect grades and to which everything came as naturally as breathing air. Okay, that might be a little harsh, but it’d certainly shown his mother how much he was lacking.
Stretching out, it was amazing what the mind remembered. He didn’t remember the whole trip. He couldn’t remember who brought them to the beach, but he could remember things like failing hard at beach volleyball ball, and Sasha eating a whole watermelon by herself. Jean had been stupid enough to get a mouthful of water on his forest dive under the waves, their friend Conny laughing hard as Jean complained about how salty it had tasted. He’d known for a long time he didn’t want to be a doctor. When his dad started acting crazy after his mother’s death, he’d honestly been terrified to death at time of his father’s mental instability. Fortunately, all his father’s disappointments fell on his shoulders, not Mikasa’s. One night his father took it too far. He’d driven him out to the middle of the forest and just lost it completely. The fear he felt... he never wanted anyone else to feel it... and with no one having all that much belief in him, he’d turned into a right little shit. How he managed to graduate, he still wasn’t sure. He just knew he had to get out. That there was a world out there, and there were people suffering because no one would speak up for them.
So. He’d become an officer. Mikasa and Armin right there beside him... His Armin... who hadn’t even been able to stand up to bullies. He wanted more for Armin, but Armin made his mind up. By some twist of fate, he had no idea until he was at the training academy that Jean, Marco, Connie, and Sasha had all sort of followed him. Each of them wanting to escape the shit in their lives and not wanting to lose what they had as a group. Over time they spilt up, then came back together, split up again, then came back together when Mikasa and Jean married. Fast forward a few more years and Marco was dead, and there he was feeling sorry for himself. He hadn’t been the best officer. He’d had more than one written warning over his conduct, but he worked hard at his cases the best he could.
Lost in contemplation, Eren jumped as Levi came up behind him
“The next time you piss in a cup, don’t leave in the car”
“It’s not my fault service station tea isn’t to your liking. It cost me a whole dollar. You should be grateful”
“Says the lunatic that’s kidnapped me”
Tilting his head back, Eren stared up at the star shot sky
“You asked where I went. Normally I’d go along the coast, but this is nice”
Other than the waves and the very distant sounds of the port the place was fairly quiet. Shinganshima had hit its housing boom in his teen years, people wanting more and more to live closer to the coast. Thanks development laws, there were still nice patches of coast like this.
Walking around the bench, Levi dropped down next to him, before grimacing as he sipped his tea
“Maybe if you added sugar the taste wouldn’t be so bad?”
“I don’t think sugar can save this piss”
“Probably not. The coffee wasn’t awful...”
“It’s the middle of the night, don’t blame me when you can’t sleep”
“I’ll be fine...”
Tilting his head forward again, Eren looked to Levi as he spoke
“... but speaking of that, are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You seemed a little on edge when Hannah was colouring in”
Levi gazed at the lid of his tea, the alpha tensing momentarily, then relaxing again
“I guess I’m not used to kids. I don’t dislike her... she’s my niece... but I don’t know what to do”
“I didn’t know what to do either at first... She kept making me miss my niece...”
“You could call them?”
“Nah. I mean, I don’t want my sister coming down and getting mixed up with Rod”
“Fair call. I didn’t expect you to be so good with her”
“Must be an omega thing. Though, when you look at Mikasa, she’s the one who’s got it figured out. Not me. I didn’t really realise how jealous I was of her...”
There he went, letting himself talk too much again
“You want kids?”
“I don’t know. I never thought it’d be an option outside of adoption. Honestly, Armin is the only one who knew how hard I took Mikasa falling pregnant. She’s always been the best out of the three of us. I sound so pathetic right now”
“I think you earned the right to being pathetic after babysitting most of the night”
Eren snorted. Kids weren’t hard... adults were the tricky bit of life
“She was fine. Like I said, I was more worried about you”
“Tch. It’s about a decade too soon for you to be worrying about me”
“Still... Sorry. I’m probably making you uncomfortable”
A long moment turned to several before Levi replied. The alpha’s voice low, almost mumbled
“I know I’m not the best at human interactions... I also know I shouldn’t let myself be controlled by my need to clean...”
It sounded an awful lot like Levi was about to apologise
“Don’t. Yeah, I might not get it. But I’m not the one in your head being frustrated by it all. You’re okay to act how you need to act. It’s just another part of you. I know I’m not going to be the best room mate but I respect that it’s your apartment and that things need to be a certain way. I want you to feel like you can tell me off if I’ve done something wrong”
Great. They were plunged into silence again. Eren didn’t know how he kept saying the wrong thing. Finishing his tea, Levi leaned right back on the park bench
“I don’t understand what there’s to be jealous about, but you don’t have to judge yourself by everyone else’s standards”
And Levi called him weird...
“It’s pretty bad to be jealous of your own sister...”
“It’s worse to act on that jealousy”
Still. He was. Twice Mikasa had grown this whole other little human in her belly. Twice she’d given birth. Even if he experienced it, he was afraid he’d feel inferior seeing Mikasa had been there and done all that before him
“I shouldn’t have brought it up. I mean, I love my niece and nephew... I just... feel left behind because my dynamic is messed up”
“Tch. You have so little confidence that it’s amazing you made it anywhere in life. Of course you’re allowed to feel jealous. I read some of those sites on beta-omegas and they’re fucking shit”
He’d pushed Levi as it was. He didn’t want the alpha expiring from the embarrassment of showing he cared enough to try work Eren out
“Pretty much. Hurrah! You’re broken, but you can still get on your hands and knees and lick your alphas feet. I don’t want to be like that”
“That’s fucking revolting. Do you know how dirty feet are?”
“Especially ours. Here I was, trying to let you know you can talk to me, and I’ve turned it into a shitty counselling session”
“It’s fine. We make a great shitty pair”
“Us against the world. Wouldn’t it be nice if we just jump on a boat? Sail away like our enemies weren’t out there waiting for us”
“Don’t remind. Rod wants me in Eldia next weekend for some major underground fight. The way he spoke to begin with, I thought I’d have more time. I’ll leave the Thursday night and be back Monday morning”
If Levi was going away, he’d have to find a place to stay. Not that he didn’t have to as it was. He couldn’t very well follow Rod to the fight
“I’ll book a hotel tomorrow”
“You won’t be home”
“Tch. It’s your apartment too for now. It’s fine. Don’t shit on the benches and we won’t have problem”
“What if I shit in the fridge?”
“Then... I don’t know. Fuck”
Eren chuckled. It wasn’t often he managed to confuse Levi into not knowing what to say
“It’s okay, I promise I won’t. I still feel bad you took me in”
“I’m not sorry to see the last of those stairs. Are you sure it’s okay leaving your shit there?”
He wasn’t giving up his lease. He hadn’t really wanted to leave in the first place, it was simply too risky to be caught by Rod’s morons at the wrong moment
“Yeah. I got what was important. Plus, don’t forget those stairs. If Rod wants to break in, his goons have to go up those stairs again. Imagine the effort of trying to rob the place when you have to go up and down. Perfect deterrent”
“They could just toss all your shit out the window”
“That’s not the most comforting of thoughts”
His stuff would be looted within half of an hour of it being turfed out the window. Though, if it had to be stolen, having it stolen by people who actually needed it wasn’t so bad
“I’m not the most comforting of people”
“I don’t think you’re all that bad. Even if I know fuck all about you”
Levi snorted
“Not much to fucking tell. Never knew my dad, then when I was kid, my mum got sick and passed away. I was what they call “heading down the wrong path” when I fell in with Erwin. He knew Hanji and Moblit before I did...”
“I think there’s many people who’d say being a street fighter working for a thug is still heading down the wrong path”
“Probably. Yeah. But when you’ve been fighting your whole life, there’s not that many options open”
“Mmm. Trying being a killer...”
“You’re not a killer... I... I don’t know the situation but I do know you wouldn’t have killed your partner. How do you feel about the police force now?”
He honestly couldn’t blame them for the fallout and eventually all would come out when he was reinstated
“I don’t hate them. None of us can say for sure what happened... I’m okay where I am now... kind of. I mean, things used to be simpler, but I don’t feel like I’m just existing anymore”
Thanks to Levi. Having a friend... He hadn’t realised how much he missed someone who was going through kind of the same thing. Being a different dynamic meant a different point of view, yet Levi was his what helped make work more bearable than it had been
“Shit, brat. You’re being nice. Maybe I shouldn’t have let you drive”
“Fuck off. I got us here, didn’t I?”
“Yep. Bumfuck nowhere”
“Pretty much. Still, it’s different on a bike. We should get you a helmet”
“Or we could not”
Eren snorted. Levi just didn’t get the feeling of freedom at all
“Can we compromise?”
“No. I’ve seen too many accidents... on the news, I mean...”
“That’s not always the case. Look, with Hannah, you don’t have to try so hard. Yeah, kids are sticky and messy, but as long as you’re nice, they’re not that bad. I think she wanted your attention tonight”
“I’m already juggling one brat, I don’t need two”
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Music Meme
I was tagged for this by @actualanxiousswampwitch ! Thank you & sorry it took so long, didn’t have time to write this out before I left for holiday stuff so here we go! I shall tag: @actualanxiousswampwitch (go on give us another one XD), @a-muirehen​ , @kyber-heart​ , @thedinalixlegacy​ (no pressure as always, I know I’m kinda late now sksjkshskhs!) and anyone else who wants to do this, yes, I promise I mean you!
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art is by @ ocellifera on deviantART! :D
Let’s do Aria this time, shall we! Since her playlist is the second-longest, and her and Vano’s ship playlist is the longest, we’ll have the most (probable options! Long post so goin’ under a cut. Additional TW’s for: drugs, alcohol, alcoholism, drug addiction and murder, in case I’ve forgotten to add it to the song-specific sections. If you click past this cut, know that this is what you may find there.
reminds you of them most: It was super hard to pick just three for hers, there were so many others I wanted to include here, but couldn’t, as I wanted to make sure I included songs that covered as much of her over-arching characterisation as I could. Honourable mentions to: Miss Jackson - Panic! At The Disco feat. LOLO, Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy, Beekeeper - Keaton Henson, and Bones Of A Rabbit - Young Heretics, which can all be found (and more) on her Spotify Playlist - catch-all warning for: sex, drugs, violence and murdering of parents applies here, be aware her playlist is very dark, just as dark as Rai’s but with differing subject matter, proceed with caution if you find anything like that triggering!)
You’re Going Down - Sick Puppies :: This one is kinda self-explanatory. I heard it on a Spotify or Youtube shuffle at some point a year or so ago and immediately went “Oh, hey Aria!” so onto her playlist it went XD “Because I'm hyped up out of control If it's a fight, I'm ready to go I wouldn't put my money on the other guy If you know what I know that I know.”  don’t mess with the Tiny Sith, guys, she will put you in the medbay. She’ll do it, she’s done it before ask Vano what happened to the last guy *nods*
Liar - The Arcadian Wild :: This is a relatively “new” song in comparison, which was sent to me by a good rp/writer friend on Discord (who afaik doesn’t have other socials!) that I often discuss plot points etc. with among other things, saying “hey this reminded me of Aria thought you’d like it!”. I listened to it and yep, sure enough, it’s an Aria song. A big part of Aria’s character is that at the start, she really is quite a bad person. She’s nasty, and cantankerous and she really doesn’t care about anybody except for herself (and maybe her dad. A tiny bit.), as things progress, however, while she is still inherently quite rude and selfish, she DOES learn to value other people...provided they are people she cares about, like Vano, and her friends, and so on,  as well as (sometimes, she’s working on it still) taking the blame for her own actions and learning it’s not “weak” or bad to a) admit you care about people, b) make mistakes and c) admit those mistakes and take responsibility for them. "I sense there’s trouble ahead, it’s clear by the signs and warnings. That should tell where all blame is due, So why are they pointing at MY head? [...] I sense deception to come. Honestly, truth and I are never one. 'Cause I am the lying man and I have made you my next victim. I need you to see through my act, to tell me I'm wrong, to take off the mask, or else I'll be left in the lie. And I'll deceive my way straight to demise! Cause I’m not in the right state of mind, I just wish I had strength to admit it. My stubbornness will put up a fight! But I don’t deserve to win it... I’m left in the dark, pondering my mistakes But in the light I swear I will, deny it all...” 
I didn’t mean to post like half the song but woops it’s done so have it anyway lmao
Brutus - The Buttress :: TW: intense violent imagery in the lyrics. This one is very relevant but contains spoilers for upcoming and as of yet unposted/incomplete chapters (as in...like 3 ish chapters time at most) of Creeping Shadows, so I’ll post this quote as “explanation” and let you theorize who it’s about
“My name is Brutus and my name means “heavy” So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my Enemy! My whole life you were a teacher and friend to me Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I too have a destiny! This death will be art! The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history, And I'll be great too! I don't want what you have, I wanna be you!!“
reminds another character of them:
Where’s My Love? - SYML :: (Vano) I think the acoustic version is especially emotional : ))) Vano looked for her for years but couldn’t find her and genuinely thought Aria was dead. You can understand why she was so fucking angry when she found out that was a lie...but at the same time, she just wanted her love to come home :( “Did she run away? Did she run away? I don't know If she ran away, If she ran away, Come back home Just come home“
Mothers - Daughter :: (Myla, her mother) “Love all you need to love before it goes... When your face becomes a stranger’s that I don’t know. You will never remember who I was to you [...] I’m called “mother”, but they’re called “home”.”
Myla raised Aria for the first few years of her life, and really wanted to keep her away from both the Jedi and the Sith but as it became more and more clear that Aria’s Force affinity was as strong as her father’s, the situation rapidly spiralled out of Myla’s control. She tried to hide Aria, but in the end her father Noctis did find them and take Aria to train with the Sith. She didn’t see her daughter again until she was a teenager, suddenly turning up with the task to kill her for treason against the Empire (Myla is not the canon Imp Agent, but follows the general trajectory of the LS!Agent storyline i.e. an agent disillusioned with the Empire who eventually defects to the Republic with the help of the SIS.). Though she’s a Senator on Onderon now, Myla carried a blaster for personal protection and ofc knows how to use it, except...she couldn’t shoot her own daughter and that was all she wrote. I imagine her thought process during her final moments went something like in this song, especially the bit that I highlighted up there.
reminds you of a relationship of theirs, doesn’t have to be romantic, can be paternal, friendly, etc:
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives :: Aria & Vano (Romantic). Aria’s relationship with Vano is incredibly messy and complicated. On one hand, she knows Vano deserves better, but at the same time she doesn’t want her to go anywhere else and it seems like no matter what she does to try and “warn her off” about what a “bad person” she is, Vano keeps coming back anyway. Ergo, this song. "Oh, I will ruin you. I will ruin you. It’s a habit...I can’t help it. I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent. I will only break your pretty things, I will only wring you dry of everything! But if you’re fine with that, if you’re fine with that [...] You can be mine.”
Colours - Halsey :: Aria & Merak & Ziri (Friendship/Platonic Love) “You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope, I hope you make it to the day you’re 28 years old...”
Aria “coped” (i.e. not very well but she did it) with the guilt of killing her mother and the stress brought on by the night terrors by self-medicating with glitterstims (spice) and alcohol, and this is how Merak in particular remembers her. Though she got clean from spice after they picked up Ziri, she still continued to drink (and still does) quite heavily, though at least it’s easier to manage that habit. Both of them supported her through this the best they could and it’s probably a big reason (other than Merak being Vano’s little brother) that they’re still Aria’s friends to this day, even if she doesn’t actively travel with them anymore.
(honourable mention to Agnes - Glass Animals which also falls under this “category” but I didn’t want this to get too crowded lmao, it is once again a super long post woops) You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring :: Aria & Roan/Darth Noctis (Familial/Familial Love) Listen, he may have taught her very bad emotional habits and turned her into a tiny attack dog, but her father did love & protect her the best way he possibly could. He was very proud of her and always envisioned her taking his place as a Darth one day (and it takes her a longass while, but eventually she does! Congrats dad!). That’s all I’ve got to say about this one 🤷‍♀️ Monster - Willyecho :: Aria & Satele Shan/The Jedi Order (Enemies to Begrudging Respect (eventually) “I can see the truth. No, you don’t have to lie to me. Don’t fill your head with things and think you’re free~ [...] You don’t believe in monsters, do you~?” ”Of course not!” ”Well, I do...” See me change...into something...darker....” My personal favourite from this “round”. It’s not until Ilum that Satele and the Jedi finally realise they have not “converted” Aria as they thought they did, but rather...they’ve had a Sith hiding under their noses, a Sith related to a Dark Councillor well-known for murdering Jedi no less, and that perhaps...the “deaths” she had convinced them were accidental, were in fact, not an accident at all. 😈 Aria, of course, gets her ass thrown in jail for a few years for this lmao When the schtick with the Revanites happens and Theron needs someone who can “negotiate in a civil manner with Sith”, he and his mother agree Aria is the best bet - if it works, the Sith will respond more positively to her than any other Jedi, if they kill her instead then they’re “rid of” her and don’t lose one of their own - when Lana’s point-of-contact happens to be Vano and the pair reunite after another several years apart, Aria refuses to return to the Republic after Yavin IV. By then, she’s developed enough of a begrudging respect for Satele (and vice versa) that the Grand Master lets her go (not that she was willing to try and fight Vano, Ni’kasi, Marr & Lana to try and take Aria prisoner again anyways). They haven’t seen each other since and though Aria is neutral to the Jedi who have joined the Alliance, she doesn’t care for those who are still loyal to the Republic and would rather have nothing to do with them if she can help it.
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spectralscathath · 4 years
(All I Wanna Know Is) Would You Come a Little Closer? - Lava Lamp Oneshot
There's nothing better on a snowy night then curling up on the couch with the person you love, at least according to Yang and Ilia. Nights like these were what made love worth every adventure.
Commissioned Lava Lamp oneshot for @joethefriendlyponybro,
Ao3 link, fanfiction link.
Yang noticed flakes of white beginning to drift down around her and held out her right hand, watching a snowflake land on her metal palm and begin to melt. She smiled and wiped it off on her jacket, giving Ilia's hand a squeeze.
"Looks like we'll be having a snowy day tomorrow too," she grinned, frost crunching under their boots. "Pretty cool, right?"
Ilia grunted in irritation, pulling her hand out of Yang's as she crossed her arms, scowling up at the sky. "Let's just get home and get today over with."
"Hey, is everything okay?" Yang raised a brow. Had today really been that bad? It was just a bit of scouting, clearing out a few Grimm here and there. The area of Vale that they lived in could be pretty quiet some days, and this was luckily one of them. It meant Yang could spend it all with her girlfriend, instead of one or both of them being away on some sort of mission, or in Ilia's case, White Fang work.
Ilia rolled her eyes. "Everything's fine. Don't worry about it."
Everything didn't sound fine. Yang reached out and placed a hand on Ilia's shoulder. "You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. I just want to get home." Ilia started walking faster, her arms wrapping around her a little more. Yang could have sworn she saw Ilia shiver.
Hang on- was it the chill in the air? A playful glint sparked to life in lilac eyes as Yang tried to cheer her cold-blooded girlfriend up. "Yeah, once we're home I can warm you up all night long~"
"Really, Yang?" Ilia looked at her, entirely unimpressed.
"Cause I'm hotter than the sun," she continued, tossing her golden hair with a cocky grin. "Not as hot as you though." She punctuated the last statement with a wink.
Ilia's skin started to bloom an angry red, her eyes shifting to a bright hue before she took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yang."
"You electrify me, yanno?" She deliberately dropped her eyes down to the whip sword on Ilia's hip.
Normally a pun like that would at least earn a chuckle, maybe even Ilia's scale freckles turning cotton candy pink, but all she got was a scornful glare. "You know what? I'll see you at home. I don't have time for this."
She stomped off, leaving Yang behind in the falling snow. Yang winced as she realised she might have misjudged just how much the cold got to Ilia. Oops.
The rest of the walk home was silent, Ilia only beginning to lose the aggressive set to her shoulders when they walked into their current home, at least until the next missions. "I'll put food on if you get a fire going."
"Can do," Yang gave her a two-fingered salute, her grin softer and less cocky then before. Ilia gave her a tiny smile in return, silently letting Yang know her grumpy attitude was starting to clear up.
It was easy enough to start a flame, she'd done it plenty of times as a kid under her dad's supervision, which had become a useful tool in her Huntress Wilderness Survival arsenal. The smells of food cooking began to waft through the air, mingling with woodsmoke into a homely aroma that matched the warmth of her home.
She wandered into the kitchen and looked at Ilia, her girlfriend putting the finishing touches on their dinner. It looked like Ilia was making pasta of some sort? "Hey, Ilia, can we talk? After dinner? I promise it's probably not a bad kind of talk." She didn't want it to be. She wanted this to work.
Ilia looked at her, considerably calmer. "Okay. Food first. That mission left me pretty famished," she grinned faintly.
"You're in a good mood," Yang observed, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door frame.
"I'm sorry I was so snappish earlier. It was just really cold outside." Ilia shuddered. "I felt like I was on the verge of falling asleep or something."
"And you're cranky when you're tired, I get it," Yang smiled. "Don't worry, no harm no foul, right?"
"Right." Ilia looked like she hadn't expected Yang to let it go so easily. Sometimes things were like that. They were both still working around each other's old wounds. But they were working on it, and for Yang that was all that mattered.
"Anyway, I'm gonna go get out of my combat outfit. Give me a few minutes?" She stretched, her arm whirring with the motion.
Ilia waved her off with a smile. "Go change, you."
Yang shot at her with a set of finger-guns as she left, rolling her neck and shoulders until something clicked. That felt good.
She took a second when she was upstairs to look out the window, watching the snowfall as the world was coated in pearly winter white. It looked beautiful. Romantic too. What a perfect night to be with her girlfriend. She'd missed her so much.
She started downstairs once she'd gotten out of her combat gear, tossing her hair to keep it out of her face. Downstairs was dark, aside from a light in the kitchen and the fire burning merrily in the living room grate.
"Ilia?" She raised a brow as she looked around, holding herself back from activating the combat form of her prosthetic.
She thought she saw movement out of the corner of her eye before she was tackled in a hug, barely staying on her feet. She let out a small yelp in shock before she realised the ebony arms encircling her were Ilia's, the dark colour fading to reveal her grinning girlfriend.
Yang barked out a laugh as she hugged her back, holding Ilia up off the ground. "Sneaky."
"You love it." Ilia teased. "Your eyes are doing the pink thing again." She mirrored the colour in her own eyes, the soft pink much prettier on her in Yang's opinion.
Yang gave her a gentle kiss. "Guess it means I love you."
Ilia pulled back enough to rest her forehead against Yang's. "I love you too, but we need to go eat dinner or it's going to get cold."
"Wouldn't want anything else to get cold," Yang grinned and put her down.
Ilia rolled her eyes with a laugh, holding Yang's hand as they walked into the kitchen. "You're incorrigible."
"And proud of it. So, what's for dinner? Smells good."
Ilia's freckles turned bright pink. "Mac and cheese for you."
"Wait, really?" Yang brightened up. "You mean my signature dish?" If Ilia had added broccoli and bacon she was going to smooch her forever and ever and ever.
"All the bonuses you put in included." More of Ilia's skin began to change colour as she got bashful. "I wanted to do something nice for you, you know? It's been a while."
"Aw, Ilia," Yang smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "That's so sweet!"
"It's not- why you- shut up and eat!" Ilia snapped in embarrassment, not quite able to hide her pleased smile.
"Okay, okay," Yang grinned. "You having any?"
"Nah, I got ramen though. I'm not feeling like anything rich." Ilia began to plate dinner up, handing a massive bowl of pasta to Yang. They settled down in front of the fireplace, Ilia pulling a blanket around her shoulders to stay warm.
"So," Yang asked around a mouthful of food. "How's Fang business?"
"It's going well. We've gotten a lot of good infrastructure going for the faunus in Mistral, and we're finally going to open a Huntsman Academy in Menagerie. I can't believe we've gotten it on equal standing with the other four kingdoms. There's even going to be a CCT Tower," Ilia beamed, eyes shining.
"You've really come a long way," Yang speared some bacon on her fork. "Blake's doing pretty good as leader."
"Yeah, although the Huntsman Academy was Sun's idea. He's volunteering to teach, apparently."
"Sun as a teacher?" Yang tilted her head as she considered it. "That's either going to be awesome or a disaster."
"Those poor kids," Ilia laughed in agreement. "He finally worked up the nerve to propose, did you hear?"
"Trust me, I heard." Yang grinned. "Blake didn't get off the scroll for hours. I got like, sixty pics of her new ring. Looks pretty."
"Yeah, he ran it by me and Weiss first." Ilia snorted. "How's reclaiming Beacon going? Bet that's been keeping you busy."
"Ruby's spearheading it along with dad and Qrow," Yang nodded. "She and Oscar have been doing a lot of work to clear out grimm. They're totally dating, by the way, but they're pretending they aren't so if they announce it at some point can you act surprised?"
"Sure," Ilia grinned and made a dramatic shocked face, hamming it up way too much. "How's this?"
"Bang on," Yang laughed, Ilia joining her soon after. "Thanks for the food, Ilia. It's really good."
"I was just following your recipe." Ilia smiled at her, setting her empty bowl aside. "So… you wanted to talk?"
Yang nodded. "Let me put these in the sink," she gestured at her own bowl as she scraped the sides for any last smidge of food, "then we'll talk. Okay?"
"Okay." Ilia's voice held a note of trust that Yang knew had to be so hard for her to give, after everything that had happened, with how she'd lost trust in so many people by force, and Yang felt her heart flutter knowing Ilia was willing to give her the chance to do better than all those who had come before.
She left the bowls to soak overnight and took a second in the kitchen doorway just to watch Ilia by the fire, her breath catching in her throat as she watched the soft orange light dance over Ilia's skin, painting her with a colour that wasn't her own camouflage.
Ilia noticed her staring and raised a brow, pulling the comforter higher around her shoulders. "Yang?"
"You're gorgeous, you know?" She said it without thinking, meaning it with her whole heart.
Ilia's freckles began to dye pink again. "You're so soppy."
"Yeah," Yang smiled and sat beside her. "I am."
"So…" Ilia studied her with those intelligent blue eyes. "What did you want to talk about?"
Yang bit her lip as she fiddled with a few strands of her golden hair. "I want to talk about us."
Ilia straightened, her gaze intensifying as she watched Yang. "Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong- I just…" How was she meant to say it? It sounded childish, even in her own head. It sounded like the scared little girl she'd once been, who thought everyone she loved was destined to leave her.
"Yang." Ilia took her left hand, and she hadn't even realised that it had begun to tremble. "You can tell me anything. I promise."
Yang smiled weakly. "This is going to sound silly, but I miss you when you're off with the White Fang."
Ilia's grip tightened on her hand, the firmness of it comforting. She didn't say a word, waiting for Yang to elaborate.
Yang flicked some of her hair out of her face, bionic fingers whirring with the motion. "I know that your work is important, believe me, I never want to get in the way of it, I don't want to hold you back, but… even though I'm helping clear Beacon with my family and friends, and I'm living the life of adventure I always wanted, sometimes I still have to come back to an empty place."
She pawed at her eyes out of habit, not to wipe tears away but to prevent them forming in the first place. "The places I stay just don't feel like home when you're not there with me, Ilia."
Ilia reached up with her free hand, the one Yang wasn't currently clutching like a lifeline, and smoothed some of the hair from Yang's face with so much care that for a second Yang wondered if her hair was actually spun gold.
"I miss you too," Ilia admitted, her hand moving to rest gently against Yang's cheek. Yang leaned into it automatically, seeking the comfort of her girlfriend's touch. Ilia took a minute to gather her thoughts and plan her words before she said them, in stark contrast to Yang's rambled explanations.
"When I'm working with the White Fang, I feel like I'm making a difference. A real one, not the kind where I have to hurt people. I don't like to hurt people and I never have. Working towards peace with the White Fang as it is now is my real calling." Her thumb stroked the ridge of Yang's cheekbone, Yang's eyes fluttering shut as she basked in the amount of love that tiny affection held.
"I know. I think what you're doing is amazing." Yang placed her mechanical hand over the hand on her cheek. "I don't want you to stop."
"I know." She could hear Ilia's smile in her voice. "But every day I'm not here, I still miss you. We can call and everything, but it's not the same as waking up in your arms each morning. The distance gets to me too."
Yang let her eyes open, gravitating to Ilia like she was a binary star and Ilia was her other sun. "So… what can we do?"
"I guess all we can do is to make the times we are together worth it," Ilia closed the distance and kissed her, an act which Yang reciprocated with every ounce of tenderness she could give.
"I love you," Yang told her when they broke apart, knowing without seeing Ilia's grin that her eyes had turned pastel pink. Red was for rage, but pink was for love. Yang loved Ilia with her heart and soul and she hoped Ilia could see it.
"I love you too," Ilia tossed her blanket around Yang's shoulders, cuddling into her side. "But we should get some rest."
"I know," Yang stroked a hand through Ilia's hair, her mechanical arm securing around Ilia's waist. "I want to spend every night I can like this."
"We can find a place together," Ilia smiled at her, a yawn trailing after the sentence. "We can make a home that can feel like it even when one of us isn't there."
Yang kissed her forehead, pulling her a little closer as she felt the siren song of sleep start to call her. "I'd like that."
Ilia hummed in agreement as her eyes slid shut. "Yang?"
Ilia's smile was soft as she curled tighter into the warmth Yang radiated. "I love you too."
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asheewrites · 4 years
‘Inciting Unrest’
‚Inciting unrest‘
Asmodeus blinked at the slip of paper in his hands. But in the half second of darkness, the letters didn’t change.
‘Cause of arrest: ‘inciting unrest’’, it said.
Which was ridiculous. He hadn’t even tried anything for once.
Merely walked down the street and enjoyed the neighbourhood. Enjoying everything strange and colourful from the different countries. It was true, after all: The most eclectic kind of people became diplomats – they were the most absurd. And the most informed. Always worth a visit.
But now he apparently ‘incited unrest’. Because some children needed to follow the ‘suspicious stranger’. Since he ‘smiled with bad intentions’.
Asmodeus would be annoyed if it weren’t that ridiculously hilarious.
In the diplomat’s district, law enforcement isn’t far. Barely ten minutes ago, wind blew through his hair and the Netherlands sported more orange than thought tastefully possible, at this moment he sat on a metallic surface, an officer just left the room and he held a very tiny piece of paper in hand, that told him he won’t be out until tomorrow. Since he was ‘under investigation’.
He blinked again. Humans were most marvellous. With all their strange customs and constantly changing ways. The last time a prison tried to contain him the door could be kicked in. This time? At least the metal bars were solid.
Asmodeus… laughed. This was almost magnificent. He got captured for ‘inciting unrest’ by humans – simple humans that only saw this as a routine incident. It almost hurt. The ruler of hell. Inciting unrest by walking down the street.
Fitting, he supposed.
And maybe, just maybe, he could stick around until tomorrow, as to not disturb the rules even more. It wasn’t the most comfortable earthly abode. But at the very least it could be entertaining… if there were any humans around, at least.
Now, what did they do in a human prison? Sitting around - Already in progress. Talking to his fellow criminals – there were none. So… well… he might be able to sit for a while. There is some inspiration to be gained from restraints, if a considerable number of humans – and demons – are consulted.
… it turned out staring at naked bars, estimating the distance, thinking of scenarios and opportunities, rethinking the leverage and the possibilities of being watched or people joining… every variation he could come up with – and they were numerous - it barely occupied him for an hour.
Picking a pen from the depth of his coat, he started to run it against the bars. Up. Down. Repeat. Changing the tune slightly, depending on the height of impact.
Bored. Bored…
The little melody was… in this scenario…
-obody knows… but He knows my soooooorrow Yes, nooooobody knows the trouble I've seen! But glory, Halleluj-FUCK!”
… with a scrunched up nose and a hand over his mouth, Asmodeus endured the burning in his mouth. This was something he never got used to. It’s not like he had sung these awful hymns for ages.
He tested the sensitivity of his tongue with his index finger when the door opened and a very tall, very white person came in and looked around with an unhappy frown.
Asmodeus could move his hand from his mouth into a held up greeting and only slightly slurred when he said: “What are you doing here, Raphael?”
The angel’s head snapped to the side and, after a second, his eyebrows shot up. Emphasized with the glasses on his nose – it did work for him at least. He checked the notepad he apparently held, started to rummage in his coat and walked over to Asmodeus: “Ah. I… did not actually expect you in this place. Greetings… ah… well, mister Deus? It seems a fitting name”
That almost got him the angel a point – if it had been intentional, at least. But alas, he was still very cute, so he said: “Couldn’t take a better one. But now… I am here. Are you going to do something about it?”
Raphael finished rummaging in his coat and produced a brown glass bottle and said: “Sure, sure, but I heard you sing and… ah… a wonderful voice, of course” – he smiled up at Asmodeus in this instance before seemingly checking the beholder again – “but I suppose you know that… ah… well, yes, but even on the video one could hear it and… yes. I also heard the abrupt end and… here!”
With a slightly concerned look Asmodeus took the bottle held out for him. It really was a see-through, small, brown glass bottle and a… dark liquid moved inside, left reams, actually. The concern rose and he asked: “And… what… is that? Exactly?”
The angel still patted his coat until he looked up and blinked and smiled: “Ah… blood, of course!”
Asmodeus stared, still holding the now somewhat questionable bottle.
Not that it stopped Raphael: “It should help. Against the burning. Blood is slightly basic, so it can be soothing. The viscosity helps, too. And it was not given with express permission, so it’s not a sacrifice. It should count as unholy. Or unholy enough”
The angel didn’t see Asmodeus’ expression since he had closed his eyes to look… proud? Maybe? “And… why exactly… do you carry this with you?”
Now the lids behind these glasses opened again, and his face fell. With a sigh, he said: “Ah. Well, I wanted to do a few tests on it. Since human medicine is… preferable when I am here and I… try to see for myself what happens with the fluids and the different coagulants and… well… I thought it might help, it was more a random thing, but… apparently not a good idea, sorry, I just-“
“HOW did you get yourself in this mess?” came the voice, followed by the body, of Gabriel from the area of the door.
The other angel snatched the blood bottle back and it disappeared in his robes. Then looked… slightly defeated? Ah. Well, Gabriel was here, though. And she had to be greeted: “I ‘incited unrest’ apparently”
“As you always do, fitting for the job. But a See, when a little birdie told me you sit behind bars… I honestly thought it would be indecent exposure,” she bobbed her brows, just once. And gave Raphael a side-hug.
“… you and your pigeons,” Asmodeus shook his head, “But I’ll have you know that is my case, the exposure is always decent, it’s just what other’s do with it that causes trouble,” Asmodeus said, thinking to himself that yes, that is exactly what ‘incited unrest’. The phrase was just too ridiculous.
“Touché,” Gabe grinned, “But you agreed with the trouble and actually went to prison?”
Asmodeus rolled his eyes: “It’s for inspiration, prisons change – we have to adjust the fantasies to modern standards. Don’t say it didn’t at least cross your mind – all restrained and ready?”
“Oh! Shame on you, thinking such things. One might almost consider not posting the bail on you. Since you apparently don’t travel with money,” she raised a brow.
“I ask for your humble forgiveness. And thank you in advance for this generous-“
“You… can go,” said a somewhat concerned voice.
Both Gabriel and Asmodeus turned to Raphael, questioning looks in place.
He shrugged at them and said: “Metatron is right: Rules are there to be followed. To the letter, if necessary. This establishment has many. One of them obligates them to read you your rights and to let a lawyer through to you. Who can leave with you, if they did not follow the procedure. Anyone can be an attorney, if need arises, so… you can go. As long as I am able to provide your location, should the need to question you arise. Which will not happen, since they are at fault now, they will not admit to such a thing” The last few sentences had a drop in volume, so likely it hadn’t been recorded. Which was… a fact to possibly remember. He continued in normal volume: “So… we can simply walk out, please follow me?”
Asmodeus followed the politely gesturing angel, who nodded to the people that dragged him in. They nodded back, without a hint of suspicion, too. Gabriel elbowed Raphael in the side: ”What a smart boyfriend I have”
He looked down at her and smiled, clutching his notepad.
As soon as they were out, the entourage continued to the next market and then to an alley. Raphael turned around: “I apologize for the longer walk, it seemed prudent, I think”
“Seemed like my help wasn’t needed this time,” Gabe shrugged, “See you around!”
Asmodeus grinned at her and then looked at Raphael. He wore a patient smile. Maybe this angel was a bit stranger than expected.
“It’s been… unexpected” He laughed. “But I’m sure we’ll meet again. Until then!”
It definitely hadn’t been boring.
Weirder one. 
@mercuryreddie‘s Asmodeus hopefully isn’t too far off, so is @angeloftheeasterngate‘s Gabriel and @semiramis-audron‘s Metatron (even if only mentioned shortly ^^; )
Thanks for letting me have them :)
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interstellarflare · 5 years
Back to You - Thomas Shelby
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, angst.
Summary: After your relationship with Tommy hits a rough patch, you decide to try and calm yourself down with a few drinks at the bar. But after a few drinks too many, what happens when Tommy comes to take you home?
Author’s Note: This is it, the final installment of the series! I am literally speechless at how well this series has been received. All I can say is thank you so much for your support, you guys are literally the best. But not to worry, this isn’t the end of my Thomas Shelby x Reader Imagines. Once again, thank you all so much. A Masterlist will be released soon!
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It had been Ada who noticed it first, having been through the very same thing herself. She had assured me that the morning sickness would fade, but all I remember thinking was that it couldn’t be over soon enough. Tommy hadn't noticed, of course, being so busy with the Peaky Blinders and whatnot, but he was growing concerned for my health. I kept avoiding the subject, telling him that it was just a bug and that I would be over it soon. But how was I supposed to tell him that I was pregnant with his child?
Having been trapped in bed all morning, and thanks to Ada as well as Polly’s gracious care, I was up and walking a little after lunch, still feeling somewhat queasy, but nevertheless fine. As I sat at the kitchen table sipping lightly on a small glass of water, Polly sat down across from me. “You need to tell him Y/n...” she stated firmly for about the third day in a row “...he needs to know-” “And what if he isn’t ready!?” I suddenly snapped, throwing my arms out in exasperation “I’m not even sure if I’m ready” I mumbled lowly, lowering my gaze to the glass on the table with a heavy sigh.
It was then that I felt a gentle hand place itself on my shoulder “Tommy loves you Y/n, for god’s sake he proposed to you. And I know one thing for sure is that if he loves you, he will love your child just as much” she finished, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. A heavy silence passed over the three of us as I remained incredibly still, contemplating on my options. He would find out sooner or later after all. “Would you like us to come with you?” Polly suggested, leaning forward over the table to grasp my hand in hers, “I heard from John that him, Arthur and Tommy will be at the Garrison...maybe with Ada and I there it would-” “No, no...this is something I have to do myself” I spoke nervously, cautiously standing up from my seat whilst fiddling awkwardly with my hands. Taking a deep breath and with one final glance towards Ada and Polly, I left the house and began to make my way towards the Garrison, nervously greeting everyone that called out to me with an awkward smile.
As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by Harry behind the bar. “How are you Mrs. Shelby?” he asked politely, leaning on the bartop with a welcoming grin. I laughed, shaking my head in amusement “We’re not married yet Harry” I responded, causing said man to shrug his shoulders “I know, I’m just excited for you as all” he chuckled, before gesturing his head over towards one of the booths. “Tommy’s over there if you’re looking for him” he informed, before quickly leaving to attend to one of his regular customers. Nodding nervously, I sighed shakily looked around the pub, my gaze eventually landing on the Shelby brothers discussing something in one of the corner booths. I began to slowly approach, suddenly feeling queasy once again to the extent where I thought I would be sick there and then. 
“Y/n!” John called out, waving excitedly as I approached. Realizing that there was now no way out of this, I approached their booth with a bright smile, greeting Arthur with a small nod as I stood beside Tommy with my hands placed awkwardly behind my back. “Good morning love...” Tommy spoke warmly, moving around in his seat in order to make room for my person. “Morning...” I responded, sitting down beside him as he placed a gentle kiss to my cheek. “Are you feeling better?” he asked, looking me over with an expression of concern. With a nod of my head, I smiled reassuringly “I’m feeling much better, thank you. Actually, Tommy, there’s something that I wanted to tell you...maybe in private?” I spoke just above a whisper, staring up at him nervously. With his expression turning into one of confusion, it was Arthur who spoke next. “Y/n, we already know you’re engaged. Whatever you have to say to Tommy you can say to us, you are a part of the family now after all” he spoke kindly, pouring himself a glass of whiskey whilst he waited expectantly for me to speak.
My eyes widened in shock, my heart skipping a beat as my nerves suddenly took over my entire being. Turning my gaze towards Thomas, I gulped nervously and sighed shakily, placing my hands in my lap to try and stop myself from fidgeting. “O-Okay, um...well...” I stuttered, before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Once my eyes reopened, I bit my lip as I shakily reached out towards Tommy, taking his hands in my own. “Well...Tommy...how do you feel about becoming a father?” I asked him slowly, wincing slightly as I was suddenly afraid of his answer. I watched on in silence as the colour from Tommy’s face completely disappeared, his eyes widening in a mixture of disbelief, shock and bewilderment. In the corner of my eye, I watched as John’s mouth gaped open, his eyes fixated on both his brother and myself whilst Arthur spat out his whiskey, coughing and spluttering as he struggled to regain his breath.
“Are...Are you...” Tommy slowly trailed off, looking over my form before his eyes came to rest upon my own, searching for any sign of falsity. When I nodded my head in conformation, I braced myself for what was to come as uncertainty began to consume my entire being. What if he wasn’t ready? What if he didn’t want a child yet? What would I do if- Tommy swiftly lept forward, cupping my face with both of his hands as he placed a gentle but passionate kiss to my lips. The shock slowly faded as I soon kissed back, before Tommy pulled away with the most love-filled eyes I had ever seen. “I’m going to be a father?” he asked again in disbelief, to which I nodded my head eagerly in response, laughing joyously as he leaned forward and pulled me into a long embrace. “Fucking hell...” Arthur mused quietly “...I’m going to be an uncle”.
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Sitting at the end of our bed, I stared down at the newly born baby boy that slept peacefully in my arms. Happy tears filled my eyes, a breathless laugh leaving my lips as I became filled with joy. “Mummy loves you...” I whispered quietly, staring down at my baby boy lovingly. 
A presence sat down beside me, causing me to turn my head to meet the loving expression of my husband, who’s eyes were fixated on the small bundle in my arms. “I’m proud of you...” he whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me close to his side. I smiled, looking up at him with the same expression, “I’m proud of us...” I responded before a tiny gurgle drew my attention back to the baby in my arms. His eyes had finally opened, revealing mesmerizing icy-blue eyes. I chuckled “He has your eyes” I spoke excitedly, looking up at Tommy with a wide, bright smile. Tommy smiled in pure joy, his eyes never leaving his newly born son. “I love you, so much” he whispered, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smiled in return, “I love you too” I replied, as Tommy placed his head on my shoulder. 
Soft snores eventually left my husband, causing me to chuckle quietly in amusement. Staring down at my family, I couldn’t help but feel proud and excited at starting a family. Despite everything we had gone through, our son had brought the Shelby family together, closer than they could have ever been. And to me, this was the beginning of something great. The beginning of something that would soon blossom into a loving household.  
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Tag List:  @supermassiveblackhope @spaghettirogers @audioshoes   @gabriellepearce96 @twin-skltns @daisyxbuckley @arachnidscosmopoliton @affabletimelady @ljb-novels
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Friend Like Me
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Just a little concept I thought up after seeing the new Aladdin and had to put out into the universe so I can stop thinking about it omg...
Despite the voices coming from outside of the lamp you’ve spent years inhabiting, you didn’t expect that it’d be because you were finally being summoned — but that’s exactly what was happening.
In a whirlwind of blue sparkly smoke, you were unable to prepare yourself before being dragged from the suffocating brass walls of your lamp and welcomed to the outside world. You inhaled a breath of fresh air instantly as you spun around, smiling widely as you took in your surroundings while continuing to float in the middle of the room. You weren’t in a cave, or a castle; you were in what seemed to be someone’s home... but one that was much smaller, cleaner, prettier and technologically advanced than you’d assume it to be.
“Huh, I’ve been in there longer than I thought,” you muttered as you cracked your stiff neck, stretching your tense arms out as well. The sun was beating down from outside, shining in through the multiple windows that scattered around the room — its light glistening off the shiny tile that covered the floor. Once you were done taking in what appeared to be a kitchen of some sort, your gaze moved to that of a man who stared back at you in complete and utter disbelief. “Oh, right. Hi there.”
“W-who, what are you?” The man stuttered between uneven breaths, as a laugh involuntarily left your mouth.
“You act like you’ve never seen a genie before.” You chuckled halfheartedly as a clink sounded from him setting down your lamp onto the nearby counter before slowly started backing away in fear, which caused you to frown while letting out a huff. “... you’ve never even heard of a genie before, have you?”
“Nope, can’t say I have.”
“Then why did you rub the magic lamp?”
“That thing?” He asked incredulously while pointing to your humble abode. “I-I didn’t mean to! It was just dirty, so I thought I’d clean it off before trying to figure out what to do with it. Wasn’t expecting you to just appear out of nowhere if m’being completely honest.”
You quickly moved towards your lamp, taking in the bit of shiny brass that showed through the rest of the dirty smudges surrounding it. The lamp was in much worse condition on the outside from what you remembered. It always had this mesmerizing glint to it, one that attracted those who seeked your assistance to the item; but now it was dirty, dingy and clearly not kept to its original beauty. With a small sigh, you slowly turned around to face the man again. “How did you find me?”
“I- I didn’t, that lamp was given to me in a box full of other old items like candle holders and other scrap metal. I didn’t need any of it so I was just going to give it away after I cleaned it all up.”
“Did you just call my home scrap metal?”
“I uh, no I-,” the way he stammered was rather amusing to you and the more he spoke, the more that deep British accent of his became rather endearing.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how flustered he’d become, finding it amusing how he took everything you said so seriously. “I’m just messing with you. Hmm of all my masters, you’re the first to not actually know anything about what I can do... and the most timid? Look at you, you’re practically shaking.”
“Master? I’m sorry, what?” He responded with a shak of his head. “I don’t understand.”
“Ok, so here’s the whole lowdown on this genie thing.” You started, cracking your knuckles before getting the show on the road. Trails of blue smoke left your fingertips as you began showing him different things your magic can do, him not being to look away from any of it. “As a genie, it is my job to serve those who have summoned me.”
“But I didn’t summon you,” he stated while staring at the tiny magic fireworks that formed and were exploding over his head. “It was an accident.”
“Accident or not, you rubbed the lamp and poof! Here I am.” You explained, causing his gaze to fall to you once the fireworks disappeared. “For years people have been sent on missions for others, or taken quests of their own to find my lamp and use their wishes for personal gain. But you, you just fell across the opportunity.”
“Man, you really don’t know anything.” You groaned dramatically, hoping to get some type of reaction from him — but no, he just stared back at you with a stoic expression. “Yes, wishes. You get three of them. They can be for anything you want. Power, money, to get yourself out of a little predicament you’ve found yourself in... there’s a lot of opportunity with them. The only thing you can’t wish for though is unlimited wishes; three is enough, for someone to fall in love with you, or to bring someone back from the dead. That’s all there is to it.”
“But what if I don’t need or want the wishes?” He asked, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him.
“Pardon? Why wouldn’t you use your wishes?” Was this guy crazy?
He gestures to the space surrounding the two of you. “I- I have everything I could ever ask for in life. I’ve been very fortunate to be where I am and as much as I appreciate your offer Ms.-”
“Your name is Genie?” He questioned unsurely as you shrugged.
“I guess that’s not my actual name, no, but that’s all any of my masters have ever called me. No one ever cares about me, they care about what I am and how it benefits them. Which is fine, I’m used to that. Why are you acting so different from that?”
“Because that sounds terrible,” he stated firmly. “You’re still a person- kind of. How many people have you helped?”
“I couldn’t even begin to tell you that,” you explained casually. “I’ve spent hundreds of years serving whoever came across my lamp. Some good, some the most vile humans to ever walk this earth. You’ve probably read about some of the people I’ve had to work for in your history books. Have you ever heard of William Shakespeare? Marie Curie? Steve Jobs?”
“Y-you helped all those people?” The shock on his face was evident as he processed this information and it made you chuckle.
“I did. Some others I’m not so proud of helping as well, but that’s the catch of having these powers... I don’t get to choose who I help. It is my duty to serve whoever rubs that lamp regardless of who they are or what their intentions consist of. Believe me, if I had the choice I wouldn’t be doing any of this.”
“Don’t get the choice,” he repeated softly. “You’re stuck doing this, forever?”
You shrugged in response because that is basically the truth behind it all. A silent pause followed after as you used your magic to get rid of the smoke that covered your lower body and replaced it with legs, so that you could stand on the ground and have a more humanly conversation with this man.
Before you were done, you looked at the eccentric button up shirt he wore with simple black trousers, and decided to create an outfit based off his casualness. Once your feet touched the ground, you were wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a slightly baggy grey t-shirt that had the words The Rolling Stones with a large mouth that had its tounge sticking out printed across it; something you assumed was popular in this current day and age. Fashion has changed since the last time you were in the outside world, and you weren’t quite sure how you felt about it.
You finally moved your gaze back to the man, having to look up at him and cursing yourself for not making yourself at least a little taller. You then gestured to the the two thick, shiny gold cuffs that resided on each of your wrists before continuing.
“These are the reason I do what I do,” you began. “They don’t come off, I’ve spent my entire existence trying to remove them but I can’t. So yes, because of that, I am stuck doing this forever.”
“What are they?”
“They’re what keeps me linked to the lamp and what gives me my powers.”
“I-,” he stuttered. “That hardly seems fair.”
Again, you shrugged. There wasn’t much you could do but grant this man his three wishes before having to return to your lamp and the sooner he realized that, the better. “Life isn’t fair, you’ll learn that eventually.”
A pregnant pause resumed after that as he brushed his ring clad hand through his brunette curls, and shift his weight from one foot to another. “This is all so crazy. Can’t I just, and don’t take this the wrong way, pass your help off to someone else? Someone who may actually need it?”
“There’s always that option, but I ask that you don’t.” He looked at you oddly and it was then you knew this was going to take some convincing. “My powers falling into the wrong hands could be disastrous. And there’s other options, there’s no time limit for when you have to use your wishes. Why don’t you keep me around? You never know when you may need a little wish.”
And I really don’t want to go back in that lamp yet, you thought to yourself as he pondered your words. “I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you think about it, yeah?”
He looked at you and it was as though you could see the gears turning in his brain as he considered this. After a moment he let out a defeated sigh and looked away. “Ok.”
A wave of excitement washed over you, but was soon cut off when he spoke again.
“For now at least. People are going to question who you are, where you came from and if it gets too suspicious for others... things could get really bad.”
“I’ll blend in, I promise.” You insisted. “Anything you want, I can do it.”
“Can we start with making sure that you’re not blue?” His question comes as a surprise to you, but then when you glance down at your appearance— you nod in understanding.
“Fair enough.” You use your powers to make your skin a neutral colour that would blend in with humans, rather than the blue that would blow your cover instantly. Once you’re done, you look back at the man and smirk. “Now that we’re doing this, do I get to know your name?”
“Uh uhm, it’s Harry. Harry Styles. And you are?”
“That’s not your name,” he replied firmly, causing you to roll your eyes. Genie is all you’ve ever been called, but no, that isn’t your name. In fact, your actual name is engraved elegantly onto the base of the lamp — so you told it to him. He repeated it, and you felt something immediately flutter in the pit of your stomach. The way your name fell so smoothly from his mouth struck something inside of you and you knew right away that you were in trouble. “That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thank you.” Despite how difficult it was, you tried to hide the blush you felt burning across your cheeks as you awkwardly looked away. You wanted to look at anywhere but him, which he was quick in noticing. No more words were exchanged as you moved around the room to take in more of your new surroundings. He watched as you did this, but you kept your gaze from him; letting your mind wander to the thoughts of how this certain exchange between you and a master might be a bit more than you bargain for.
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halothenthehorns · 4 years
Lily snorted in disbelief, asking, "why is that an accomplishment?"
"It's a great honour to do something so bad you get sent to see the headmaster," Remus said with glee.
"Right," Lily rolled her eyes.
Harry remembered them having mentioned being sent to Dumbledore's office before, and asked, "why did you guys blow up a school corridor?"
"That was an accident," Sirius said, smiling brightly. "We were trying to set up a trap for a Slytherin, and this Ravenclaw kid came in and blew the whole thing early. If we'd been allowed
to set it up right, it would have just blew the Slytherin's clothes off of him."
"He was okay," Remus said quickly at the looks on both Harry and Lily's faces. "Just had to spend two days in the hospital wing because his clothes wouldn't come off. They fixed up that
hole pretty fast as well."
"I'm sorry you asked Harry," Lily sighed, "I'm much happier not knowing half the things these four came up with."
Harry didn't hear his mom that time, he was too busy chuckling at their antics. James gave his wife a superior grin, like 'ha he takes after me' before reading smugly.
Of all the offices Harry had been in this year, this one was certainly the most interesting to look at.
"You've only been to three," James scoffed, "we got sent to all of them by our third year!"
"You sound so proud," Lily snorted.
"I'm agreeing with Harry though," Remus said, "Dumbledore's is the best."
Harry knew if the fear of being thrown out was lingering over him, he'd probably want to go have a look around.
"And that would have been depressing, if I knew it wasn't true," Sirius said brightly.
The place was large and circular, and on a table to the right were a bunch of jumbled objects that let out different colours of smoke.
"What do those do?" Harry asked.
"I've no idea," James said, smiling as he remembered some of those instruments, and having to fight back the urge to go have a poke at them when he'd been up there himself, "we didn't stay
long enough to ask."
On the walls were old headmasters in magical paintings, and on top of a shelf was the sorting hat. Harry was sorely tempted to go over and put it on again.
"Now that's interesting," Lily said, going a little wide eyed, "I've never known anyone to put the hat on twice."
"You think it'll reshout out a house?" Sirius asked, grinning at his own stupid question.
James read on, curious himself what the hat would say.
Curiosity won out as he went over and placed it on his head. The little voice appeared in his ear again, and Harry began to ask a question, which the hat interrupted by correctly saying Harry had been wondering if he was in the right house.
"Well he can see inside your head," Lily giggled at the surprised look on Harry's face. "Why's it so surprising he knows what you're thinking, two years after he could do it last time?"
Harry shrugged, even after two years in the magical world, he still wasn't used to talking hats.
The hat still insisted though that Harry would have done well in Slytherin. Harry took the hat off, now feeling more dejected then ever as he put it back.
"Don't worry Harry," Sirius said bracingly, as Harry did look just a tad upset the Hat still stood by this. "I was supposed to be in Slytherin too, but I never looked back. The hat may place you, but you decide how you are."
Any lingering of looking upset vanished as Harry beamed over at him, causing Lily to restrain herself from making a jab at Sirius having said something both kind and intelligent.
Then Harry heard an odd noise behind him, and turned to find quite the ugly bird.
Remus chuckled, and said, "I'd wondered why Harry hadn't mentioned Fawks."
"What is he?" Harry asked nervously, remembering quite well the sickly bird.
"He's a phoenix," Sirius shrugged, like that explained everything.
Seeing Harry's still blank look Remus explained more about the bird's qualities. Harry nodded along happily, then said quickly, "So, the bird's not going to drop dead then? Cause he looks
awful right then."
"Nah," James said, "it's just one of his burning days. He's going to be reborn just as ugly."
"You probably won't see it though," Remus added, "Phoenixes are at their most vulnerable in their infant stage. They only do it around their familiar. I've always wanted to ask Dumbledore
how he got Fawk as his, since it's so stinking rare to find a phoenix, let alone get one to trust you long enough to bond with it."
"More questions to ask," Lily said with a shrug, still fully planning a visit up to the school when they were allowed to leave the house again.
What few feathers were clinging to it were bright red, and its plumage was a lustrous gold, but the bird looked so sickly it held no beauty. Harry was just thinking his luck couldn't be bad enough for Dumbledore's pet to die while he was watching, when the bird burst into flames.
"What?" All four of them yelped in shock.
"Did he really?" James asked, studying the book like he thought it was lying to him.
Harry was nodding mutely, a stunned look on his face.
"Wow, I...have nothing to say to that," Remus said, giving Harry a very inquisitive look. "Unless Dumbledore is standing behind you, and even then it's a shocker he did it with you in the room."
Harry smiled sheepishly, he had no idea why Fawk had done this, but didn't like the extra attention it would get him if it was as odd as everyone here said it was. He certainly didn't need
the extra curiosity about him.
Harry cried out in shock, stumbling back as the bird was engulfed in the fire and before he'd finished blinking there was nothing but a pile of ashes. Dumbledore chose then to open his office door.
"Nope," Sirius said.
"Obviously," Remus said, rolling his eyes at him.
"My son gets to do, and see, the coolest things," James sighed, thinking this was one time he didn't have to even do anything life threatening to get to see that.
Harry began at once trying to explain, but Dumbledore just smiled, saying it was high time. He chuckled when he saw the look on Harry's face.
Lily nodded and said, "you did look pretty surprised just then, but then that's probably the first time you've seen anything burst into flames, even knowing it was going to happen now."
Harry nodded, thinking back to that memory still made him want to back up in shock.
Then Dumbledore explained his bird was a phoenix, who was going to be reborn from the ashes. Even as Harry watched, a tiny, ugly, little head came poking out of the black.
James snickered at his son's description, while Remus went wide eyed with glee and envy. He had only ever heard descriptions of new-born phoenixes, Harry got to see one in person. First the
dragon now this! He was eagerly hoping Harry would describe something else new soon, before he remembered the circumstances that led to him being in both of those places, and his enthusiasm disappeared all over again.
Dumbledore took his seat then and told Harry to do the same, but before he could begin speaking his office door swung open, and Hagrid came storming in, bringing a swirl of dead rooster feathers with him.
"Well he seems to be in a hurry," Lily said in surprise.
"What spooked him?" Sirius added in confusion.
Hagrid at once spouted that Harry hadn't done it!
"Aw," Lily cooed, "he heard what happened and came to defend you."
"I've said it before, and I will forever say it, thank you Hagrid," James said, beaming.
Remus and Sirius were smiling as well, though they were still chuckling a bit at the vivid mental image Harry had painted.
Claiming Harry hadn't the time, Hagrid had been talking to him seconds before it happened.
"Not that you need one," Sirius said, "but Hagrid's even giving you an alibi."
"He had one for the first two attacks as well," Remus reminded him, "the abundance of ghosts, plus you can't leave the hospital wing without Madam Pomfrey knowing. Enter it sure, but you
can't leave. Honestly, if anyone sat down and thought about it for more than a second it's obvious."
"Thanks all the same," Harry said, grinning at the pair of them.
Dumbledore tried to say something, but Hagrid was still going, claiming he'd swear in front of the Ministry itself,
"Wow," James said, going wide eyed, "and Hagrid doesn't like the Ministry at all."
"Can you blame him, they did snap his wand," Sirius agreed.
but finally Dumbledore got his word in by saying he didn't think Harry had done this.
Though they were all pretty convinced Dumbledore thought this, they still released a sigh of relief that it was verbally confirmed all the same.
Hagrid cut himself off and left, looking very embarrassed.
"I don't care how embarrassed he was," Harry said, smiling from ear to ear, "no one had ever defended me like that. I went down to his hut a few days later, and ate everything he cooked."
"Now that's gratitude," Sirius snickered.
Harry felt much better now, but Dumbledore said that he did still want to talk to Harry. He asked him if there was anything Harry would like to tell him?
"Did you tell him everything?" Lily asked hopefully.
"Did you tell him anything?" James repeated at the apprehensive look on Harry's face.
"No," Harry sighed, "I was still afraid of being called crazy more than anything."
They sighed in disappointment, but knew better than to argue the point.
Harry considered all the things he'd found over the year, like Malfoy's actions, and the Polyjuice Potion they were brewing,
"Okay, I don't blame you for not wanting to tell him about that," Remus agreed.
and his ever growing fear that he was related to Salazar Slytherin.
"I am so happy I don't think that anymore," Harry sighed, giving them all very grateful looks.
Aloud he said nothing, and was dismissed.
The school went wild with the news, but mostly because of what had happened to Nick.
"Well yeah!" Sirius agreed, "I don't want to know what can kill a ghost again!"
Remus went bug-eyed, but forced himself not to shout out. No one had ever tested that, this idea had never happened in the wizarding world before...but he wondered if he'd finally found his answer. If it was though, then that meant what was running around Harry's school wasn't just the death of muggle-borns, it would be the death of them all! He tried to shake that thought away though, forcing himself to remain in the here and now and pay attention since he still wasn't positive he was right.
Fear had nearly every student racing to get out of the castle come holiday, and Ron pointed out that would only leave the three of them plus Malfoy and his two friends.
"That does sound pretty bad," James agreed, "especially since you're actively not trying to avoid him."
Harry felt rather relieved, as he was more than tired of students watching him with the growing fear he would suddenly leap forward with fangs and attack them,
"You mean you can't?" Sirius asked in mock disappointment, "personally I'd stand in line to see that!"
or the horrible teasing and hissing.
"Children, honestly," Lily muttered in disdain, hating that her son felt so awful two years in a row because of the random students in this school.
Fred and George seemed to find all this very funny.
"Now here's something fun," James grinned, "what exactly were they doing?" Then he read out eagerly.
As they went out of their way to go in front of Harry and clear his path, claiming that the Heir of Slytherin, a very evil and important wizard, needed to come this way!
Both James and Sirius cracked grins at this, finding this only the start of a list of jokes they would have made in the same instances.
Percy tried to tell them off, but Fred brushed him off by saying Harry was in a hurry, he needed to go and have tea with his monster.
"I don't see why that's funny," Lily said disapprovingly, "people are really scared of this, and them mocking Harry doesn't do any good."
"I disagree," James scoffed, "they're showcasing just how ludicrous the idea of Harry being the person doing this is."
Sirius and Remus didn't seem to be paying attention. Remus still had a bit of a vacant look on his face, unable to completely erase what his mind was sure it had just discovered, one Sirius had noticed happened every time someone made any kind of comment about this 'monster'. Had Remus figured it out? If so, why wasn't he sharing with the others?
James didn't seem to notice his friends were only vaguely paying attention now as he continued.
Ginny was on Percy's side though telling them off as well when George pretended to ward Harry off with a bit of garlic.
Remus snorted, that snapped him out of his revere, "unless there's a vampire running around, that won't do any good."
"It's my point though," Lily said harshly, "the first years are terrified, and her own brothers are making it worse."
"They're just goofing around," Sirius shrugged, "I don't know why she's so upset about them making a joke. Unless she thinks Harry is doing it."
James scoffed and said, "please, the way she fawned over him over the summer. She'll think that of her hero when Hermione stops believing in Lockhart."
"Thanks, I think," Harry said, giving his dad an odd look, trying to decide if that was supposed to make him feel better.
Harry enjoyed them though, since they clearly found the act of him attacking anyone laughable. The person who seemed most annoyed by their actions though was Malfoy, who looked more furious every time he saw them making jokes at Harry.
"Wonder why?" Lily asked, distracting herself. It's not like she could do anything about the twin's attitude.
"He's annoyed that Harry is getting that kind of attention," James snickered. "He's already jealous enough of Harry, now he's getting the credit for something he would have loved to be doing."
"That's awful," Lily yelped, looking ill at the thought, "you think a child would really go around petrifying people?"
"I wouldn't put it past him," Sirius agreed with his friend.
Lily still didn't seem so convinced, but as none of them really believed it was Malfoy, she didn't press the subject.
Ron said this was because Malfoy was just mad that anyone had beat him to it.
"Then he must hate everyone," Remus mocked.
Hermione told them that the Potion was almost ready, so he wouldn't be a problem much longer. The rest of the Weasley's were staying over break as well, though Percy insisted he was only doing so to help support the teachers.
"Somehow I think they could have managed without you," James snorted in disgust at this kid, he clearly needed his head deflated a bit. He may have also been speaking from a bit of past experience looking back on his own thoughts and deciding someone needed to deflate his own head a bit at that age.
The boys were woken on Christmas by Hermione coming in and throwing her presents for them at their heads. Ron's first reaction was to tell her she wasn't supposed to be in here!
"What boy complains about a girl bursting into their dorm?" Sirius asked, grinning wickedly.
"I wish I had complained more," Remus muttered in disgust, "maybe I wouldn't have walked in on so many scenes."
Sirius didn't even bother to look abashed.
Hermione just told them that the Polyjuice Potion was ready.
Lily couldn't help but tense up with nerves, still unconvinced this bright little second year could accomplish such an advanced potion. Harry was fine of course, but what if he hadn't been the first to try it and he watched one of his friends get poisoned? She felt almost as protective of Harry's friends as her own son at this point, seeing all the trouble they got into just made that maternal feeling come out.
Saying how they could use it tonight.
"And a Merry Christmas to her to," Sirius said, wrinkling up his nose in disgust.
Hedwig came swooping in then, and Harry was more than happy to see her, asking if she was speaking to him again?
"Wow," James said, going wide eyed, "I'd forgotten about Hedwig. She honestly hasn't come to see you since the beginning of term?"
"Nope," Harry said sadly, "which is why I enjoyed that gift so much."
She gave him a loving nip while Harry opened his present, which was from the Dursleys.
"Well this can't be good," James groaned, good mood gone instantly.
"If they gave you another fifty pence, you'd have a whole pound!" Sirius said brightly.*
Harry gave an amused chuckle, but he was the only one who did.
Harry had been sent a toothpick,
"A toothpick?" Lily choked.
"Might as well have sent you nothing!" Remus scoffed in disgust.
"Honestly at some point I do wonder why they bother," Harry agreed with a sigh, considering their hatred for his owl it was a miracle any of them had gone near her to tie that up. It was a
rhetorical statement though, and he wasn't really expecting a response.
"Oh, but there's more," James grumbled, reading on tersely.
and a note asking if it were possible if he could stay at Hogwarts for the summer as well.
"If only," Harry grumbled, then asked with genuine curiosity, "why doesn't Hogwarts allow that?"
Sirius said miserably, "oh trust me, I've asked. It's because the teachers have to go home at some point to, they do have lives outside of school like the students. There's not a lot of staff during the summer holidays, so they can't just let the student's wander around practically unattended."
"Still," Lily said miserably, "I would personally volunteer there if it meant kids like Harry had another option besides going home to an awful life like that."
All five of them stayed silent for a moment longer, Lily determining she would put some honest inquiries into this kind of situation. She now knew of three boys who would have done a lot not to go back to a 'home'. This matter needed to be addressed!
Shaking himself James forced himself to keep reading.
Harry enjoyed his other presents much more. The one he got from Mrs. Weasley though brought up some lingering guilt about their old car, which hadn't been seen since the night they'd landed.
"I'm sure one of the teachers went to take it back home or something," Remus said, already having thought of that.
"But Harry never mentioned where he got it from, to anyone," James reminded.
"Well it can't be too difficult to figure out?" Sirius snorted, "it's not like anyone in the school got a howler about it."
"Well I never heard anything else about it," Harry shrugged, wondering why he thought that car was going to show up again later.
The narrative pointed out that no one, not even someone dreading taking Polyjuice Potion later, could fail to enjoy Christmas dinner at Hogwarts.
"Glad I could put that question to rest," Lily giggled, "it was really keeping me up at night."
There was every bit of food imaginable, plus the always enjoyable pranks of the Weasley twins, who had managed to get a hold of Percy's badge and changed it to say Pinhead.
"As often as he polishes that thing, he didn't notice," Remus asked, bemused.
"Why didn't we think of that?" James exclaimed, clapping a hand to his forehead.
"Because, you actually respected me," Remus said, frowning at both of his friends who were snickering, "his brothers clearly don't."
"Way to sink a joke Moony," Sirius said, only looking a bit ashamed.
Harry was in such a good mood he was even able to ignore Malfoy who was making loud comments about his new sweater.
"Bet it wasn't hand knitted though," Lily snapped.
Harry was confident that after tonight, Malfoy would get what was coming to him.
"Exactly what was your plan again?" Remus asked curiously. "Turn into some Slytherins, get him to confess to you he'd been doing these awful things, and then what? Go to Dumbledore without
any proof but your word against someone you publicly don't like?"
Harry was frowning at him as he said, "well when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous."
"How did you put it?" Sirius asked.
Harry opened his mouth, then closed it again, unable to stop himself going red in the face. When his Dad didn't keep reading, he finally said, "okay, fine. We didn't really have much of a plan past getting Malfoy to confess."
"Okay," James shrugged, "so long as you admit it."
Hermione was going over the plan again, saying how it would be best if they could get something of Crabbe's and Goyle's.
Sirius nodded, saying, "at least you recognize that."
Then she also pointed out that they had to stow away the two students, as they couldn't go walking in on them during their talk with Malfoy.
"Also a good point," James agreed.
She gave Harry and Ron some cupcakes that had a sleeping draught in them, which they should give to the two other boys.
"And you're just hoping they'll eat something handed to them by a pair of kids who hate them?" Remus demanded.
"Why are you questioning every little thing?" Harry grumped.
"If you don't ask all the questions, you won't have all the answers," James shrugged, "and you need all the answers when doing something like this."
"I'm both intrigued you boys put so much thought into your stunts, and still annoyed by it," Lily told them pleasantly.
Saying they should leave them somewhere easy for Crabbe and Goyle to find.
"Oh that's even better," Remus amended his statement, "you're hoping Crabbe and Goyle will just eat food randomly lying around."
"Bet you that works though," James said, cracking a grin, "they seem thick enough," then he read curiously.
They asked what Hermione was going to be doing during all of this, and she reminded them of the girl she'd been fighting back at the Duelling Club, Millicent Bulstrode.
"You think Malfoy will find it odd if she joins in on this conversation?" Lily asked, joining in with the boys now, and still annoying Harry. "Do you know if she normally hangs around those
Harry just huffed, he had no answer for that.
The girl had gone home for break,
James broke off, to look at the book in disbelief, but read loudly before anyone could say anything.
and Hermione could just say she'd come back.
"You've got to be kidding me," Sirius said, going wide eyed. "A student randomly came back for an hour, and then left again? Where do I even begin! Why-"
"Okay," Harry cut him off, "it was dumb, I get it."
They felt a little bad about making Harry so obviously upset by their questions, but then James nudged him and said, "Well good. That means you're learning your lesson. Hopefully next time
you'll think of all these things yourself."
"How many times do you expect our son to go around doing this kind of thing?" Lily demanded.
Both Harry and James flushed and ignored her.
Ron was not pleased, as he pointed out that this plan literally had everything that could go wrong.
"At least Ron acknowledges it," Sirius muttered to Remus.
To their surprise though, the first part happened like a charm. Crabbe and Goyle found the cakes and ate them,
"I win," James crowed happily, "next time remind me to put money on that."
"No," Sirius said at once, "I'm not losing money to you again. I hate your stupid betting."
"He's just mad because he always loses," Remus answered Harry's confused look, then began laughing quietly.
passing out with stupid looks of pleasure still in place.
"Wish I had a camera," Harry said, grinning now, "because that was funny."
'To bad Colin isn't following you around anymore then' James thought sadly, but decided against saying that, since it seemed a bit insensitive.
The hard part of that was to shove them into a closet, though they at least had the forethought to take their shoes.
"Now you're thinking ahead," Sirius approved.
They went up to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to find Hermione stirring a cauldron that was steaming black smoke.
"Ah," Remus began uneasily, but Lily was beaming while saying, "it's supposed to do that. Merlin, I think she actually did it right."
"Here's hoping," James smiled.
Hermione greeted them, then pointed to some clothes she'd stolen from the laundry,
"Good," Sirius nodded, "you did think about this in some ways."
"You lot are far too okay with this," Lily scoffed.
"Well since they're already doing it," James said with amusement, "might as well praise them for what they're doing right."
"And," Remus said quickly when it looked like Lily was going to snap at him, "make sure at least Harry knows why it was wrong."
Harry just smiled at them.
reminding them how much bigger Crabbe and Goyle were. Harry peeked inside the cauldron to find the vat looked like boiling mud.
Lily nodded approvingly, but still wasn't going to be satisfied until Harry drank it first without a hitch.
Hermione was positive the potion was right, it looked the way the book described it. Ron asked what was next, and Hermione said they separate it into three glasses and add the hairs.
"That's interesting," Sirius said, going bright eyed, "what would happen if you put different people's hair into the same cauldron?"
"Your body would try and turn into both of those people," Lily said grimly, "it is not pleasant."
"I find it fascinating you know that," James chuckled.
They did this, and each glass changed colours. Millicents turned into a urine coloured yellow.
"Pleasant," Lily said in disgust.
"Was that not what was supposed to happen?" Harry asked in concern, misinterpreting his mother's look of disgust.
"No, it's supposed to change colours," Lily agreed, "the colour supposedly attributes to that person's personality. Example, a sick yellow makes her a bad type of person. Say the potion was a
more pleasant yellow, like a daisy or something, that person would be more fun to have around. Some people have tried to do studies on it, but since no two people have the same colours, it's hard to pinpoint exactly."
Harry nodded in fascination, but then wondered why he had such a bad feeling about Hermione's potion?
Crabbes turned into a darker muddier brown, and Goyle's looked like a booger.
"Pleasant," Sirius grumbled in disgust.
"Kind of want to make some now, just to see what colour mine would turn," James said, kind of amused now.
"Let me know how that works out," Remus muttered.
Hermione suggested they go into separate stalls, as the three of them would be quite a bit bigger once they'd changed sizes.
"Agreed," Lily giggled, "they don't even make those stalls big enough for the three of you honestly."
Harry nodded, glad Hermione had pointed that out since it had been a tight squeeze in there already.
They did this and then on Hermione's count, they all downed the potion.
Lily sighed as she said, "okay, Hermione officially has to be the smartest student, ever!"
"Kind of have to agree," Remus nodded.
"You're thinking she did the potion right without hearing about it?" Sirius asked, not disagreeing, just curious.
"Well if they all took it at the same time, and we know there couldn't have been any irreversible side effects since Harry's okay, then yes. Hermione did it right," Lily said.
"I don't know, potions isn't really that hard," James shrugged, "you just have to have the patience to follow the instructions as they're given. A first year could feasibly do a seventh year potion if they take the time to do it right."
"Oh really," Lily said scathingly, "so what's your excuse for doing so poorly in the class?" She was perhaps a little stung her husband was knocking her best subject.
Not seeming to notice this danger, James continued, "because we didn't care. Potions had little to no use to us."
Lily scowled at him, looking ready to fight back the importance and difficulty this class had, when Harry said loudly, "can we keep going? I want to hear about this."
Lily still looked a bit annoyed, but allowed James to keep going.
Harry had a hard time swallowing his down, as it tasted like overcooked cabbage.
Lily nodded, looking relieved that this was still correct. The taste should be at least similar to what it looked like.
Sirius shuddered in disgust, deciding he wouldn't join James in his new project, but James asked, "does all Polyjuice Potion taste like that, or was it because Goyle's colour looked like overcooked cabbage."
"I thought it said Goyle's looked like a boogie?" Remus asked.
"Overcooked cabbage does look like boogies," Sirius grumbled.
Lily spoke loudly over them, and repeated the same information she had been thinking out loud, making Remus ask, "so what would an ugly yellow taste like?"
"How should I know?" Lily asked, "I told you no two look the same, same applies to the taste."
Sirius brightened at that, taking back his mental comment.
The pain settled in then as Harry's very skin was stretched out, everything being turned and twisted in a different way.
"You know what," Sirius said aloud this time, "you have fun with this one James. I'm out."
"You're no fun," James told him, pouting, "are you really telling me you wouldn't want to switch bodies for an hour? At least now we'd know what to expect."
Sirius did look a little more persuaded, but James knew he could bring this up again later, so he read.
It stopped as suddenly as it had started, and Harry was left feeling quite out of place on the cold floor.
"I was going to ask why you didn't do that closer to the Slytherin common room, to give you more time," Remus said, "but I guess now I know why."
"Wouldn't want to get caught either doing that, or falling on the ground like that," Sirius agreed.
Harry called out to his other two friends, and was rather disturbed to hear Crabbe answering.
"It was creepy," Harry said, "hearing someone else's voice instead of my own, and then Crabbe instead of Ron."
"It can be disorienting to get used to," Lily agreed.
"When have you taken it?" James demanded.
Lily smirked and said, "wouldn't you like to know?"
"Did you do it in school?" Sirius demanded.
"Of course not," Lily said, looking offended he would even ask that. "If I had, I wouldn't have been nearly as disapproving of Harry doing it."
"But we started dating in our seventh year," James said, now looking like he was about to start pouting, "so when would you have done something like this without telling me."
"Don't look so upset James," Lily rolled her eyes, "I was joking, I've never actually taken it."
James brightened up at once, even smiling now that he realized his Lily Flower had actually just pulled one over on him.
Harry got to his feet and went over to the mirror, quite startled to find Goyle looking back at him. Ron was just as odd to be studied as Crabbe, with the brutish features and gorilla long arms.
"The descriptions are my favourite part of this," Remus chuckled.
Ron was just as stunned as he finished changing clothes, but Harry reminded they did have to get going and find the Slytherin common room.
"You didn't figure out at least that before you started this!" James couldn't help but ask.
"All you'd have to do is slip on the cloak and follow any Slytherin down there," Sirius agreed, "that would have been the easiest part!"
Harry just sighed, deciding against arguing the point.
Ron laughed that it was pretty weird to see Goyle thinking about anything.
All five of them snickered in appreciation of Ron's wit this time.
Then he knocked on Hermione's door, telling her to get a move on. A high-pitched voice answered.
"Ah, did anyone describe her voice as being high-pitched before?" Lily asked in concern.
"Well, we haven't even heard her speak yet," Sirius said, noting Harry's surprised look, so knowing that couldn't possibly be right. Then why did it work for Ron and Harry, but not Hermione?
She was protesting that she wasn't going, they should head out without her.
All five of them looked genuinely concerned now. This whole plan had been Hermione's idea, for her to not be going now meant something really bad must have happened to her.
Even Lily couldn't imagine why though, since the potion had worked perfectly for two of them. Unless Hermione was some sort of half-breed, doubtful since there would have been signs of this, the potion should have worked for her as well.
"I'm sure she's okay," Harry said feeling frustrated he couldn't be more confident about this, "I knew something bad happened to her this year, but I think she's still fine..."
James gave him as reassuring a smile as he could muster, saying, "well I know first-hand Pomfrey can fix almost anything that goes wrong in that school. So, whatever odd side effect happened, she can fix it."
"Can't imagine what the problem is though," Remus sighed.
"Would the potion work on Muggles?" Sirius suddenly burst out loudly, his mind pushing around for something else to change the subject. "I know Hermione's not one obviously, I'm just curious."
"No one's ever tested it," Lily said, Sirius' idea seemed to have worked as she seemed distracted at once by this idea. "Obviously they would have to consent to the idea, which would entail they knew about magic. However, I would think not, since very many things that affect wizards don't affect Muggles in the same way. Hum, I do wonder..." she trailed off.
James smiled indulgently at her, then mouthed 'thank you' at Sirius for giving her yet another project she would probably like to start now. Sirius gave him a half mocking bow as a 'you're
Ron laughed at first, saying he was well aware Millicent was ugly, but they weren't going to hold it against Hermione.
Remus gave a bursting laugh of appreciation.
Hermione still said she wasn't coming, and told them to go, they were wasting time. Ron turned back to Harry and told him that the confused look he now had on was much more like how Goyle usually looked.
The three boys smiled weakly, but until they knew what was wrong with Hermione they couldn't find too much humour in that.
They decided they'd better go, but as they were walking Harry corrected Ron on how to hold Crabbes arms,
"Good eye for detail," James approved.
pointing out he held them more stiff at his side. They went down to the Entrance Hall and Harry wondered where to go from there, while Ron pointed out where the Slytherins came up to breakfast from.
Sirius sighed. Did Harry have any idea how much area there was in the dungeons below? And the Slytherin common room was behind a blank, obscure wall. If they didn't know where it was, there
was a very good chance they'd never find it.
They spotted a girl coming up from that direction, and Ron asked if she could help them get to their common room. The girl scoffed and said she was a Ravenclaw.
"Ouch," all five of them winced, another spot of bad luck.
"I'm not sure how well that could have passed anyways," James sighed, "you're second years, halfway through term. Any first year can find the way to their common room before the first
month's up."
"I don't think even they're that thick," Sirius agreed.
Harry and Ron were starting to feel a little panicky then, realizing this wasn't going to be nearly as easy as they were hoping.
Sirius opened his mouth, thought about it, then closed it again and said, "nah, too easy. Plus we've already been over this."
"Ge, thanks," Harry muttered.
They went down into the dungeons anyways, and after looking around for nearly thirty minutes,
"Wow, I really hope you didn't do all that for nothing," Remus winced.
they finally came across another student, though it sadly turned out to be Percy.
"Percy?" They all asked in confusion. "What would he be doing down there?" James added.
"Maybe Prefect Percy isn't all that perfect?" Remus suggested.
Harry just shrugged, he had a vague feeling he knew the answer, but he had no real feelings towards the matter.
He was suspicious of them at once, telling them to get back to their dorm, it wasn't safe to be wandering the halls.
"Well he's not wrong," Lily winced, hating the idea of this horrid monster going anywhere near Harry, even if he was the one who kept hearing it. At least his father's status wouldn't make her boy a target. Then she felt guilty for thinking like this, since every other muggle born in the school was a target. She sighed, comforting herself that at least this monster's effects weren't permanent, and that Mandrake potion should be done before the end of the year.
Ron pointed out that Percy was, and Percy snapped back that because he was a Prefect, nothing was going to attack him.
"I think we should start calling him pompous Percy," James snorted.
"Is he really that delusional?" Remus asked, raising a brow in disbelief.
Harry nodded, wondering why the longer these books went on, the madder he got at Percy. Was it possible his behaviour got worse as he grew up?
For the first time in his life, Harry was happy to hear Malfoy calling for them from behind.
"And last time I'm sure," Harry muttered.
They turned to find him yelling that he'd been looking all over for them, and he wanted to show them something funny.
"Which probably means it's dumb," Remus surmised.
Then he caught sight of Percy and gave his customary sneer, demanding to know what he was doing down here. Percy puffed up, saying he didn't like Malfoy's attitude.
"No one does," James agreed, "but yours is hardly any better."
Malfoy gave him a dismissive look and beckoned Harry/ Goyle and Ron/ Crabbe after him. Ron had to stop himself just in time for apologizing on Malfoy's behalf.
"It was a nice thought though," Lily said.
Malfoy began ranting about Peter, though Ron quickly corrected it was Percy, and Malfoy hardly noticed as he continued by laughing about Percy sneaking around and how he was probably looking to catch the Heir of Slytherin single handed.
"I would hope not," Sirius frowned, "if the teachers can't, I'd hardly think he could. He's what, a sixth year? He also puts plenty of respect into positions. No, Percy's up to something else."
"And he has been since the summer," Remus reminded them.
They all puzzled for a moment, but shrugged when they realized they were stumped. They just didn't know enough about Percy, and Harry certainly didn't go out of his way to spend time with him, so they most likely wouldn't figure it out at all.
They followed him to a blank wall, and Malfoy said the password 'pure-blood.'
"Well that's original," Lily muttered in disdain.
"It's usually something along those lines though," James huffed.
Lily went bug eyed as she looked at the three boys and snapped, "why would you know that? I never even knew that."
"Really?" Remus asked in surprise, "I would have thought you'd at least know where the Slytherin common room is."
"No," she said, now frowning at all of them, "I don't know where any of them are, except my own of course."
"For shame Lil's," Sirius said, shaking his head from side to side.
"We know where all of them are," James said, puffing his chest out with pride, "and we've a pretty good idea how to get into them as well. The Slytherin's have a password system, like ours,
but it's not as random. It's more to do with their stereotypes, why I've no idea, but since I'm sure Snape sets it up same as McGonagall. That just says more about him than anything, Slughorn to for that matter. The Hufflepuff's are down by the kitchen, and you've got to do a series of taps on these barrels. That's harder to figure out, since it changes as often as ours does. The Ravenclaws are hardest of all, they do a riddle every stinking time a new person comes up."
"Remus was the only one who could ever figure those out," Sirius smirked.
Lily just kind of sat there, looking astounded at the lot of them. She couldn't decide if she was impressed they knew all of that, or annoyed since the houses weren't supposed to know about the other houses dorms. Finally, she went with impressed, since there was no good in nagging them about that now; so she asked, "What are they like then? And how did you get in without being
caught by someone else from that house?"
Sirius opened his mouth to respond, but James cut him off saying, "tell us what the other founders supposedly did to the school, and we'll tell you."
Lily studied them for a moment, before saying, "think we should pick this up later then. We're getting off track, and I want to see what Malfoy has to say about all of this."
James gave her a knowing smile, but continued on all the same.
Harry however was disappointed his mum wouldn't play his dad's game. He really wanted to know both of those answers, since he himself felt like he should know them anyways!
They stepped into the Slytherin common room,
Lily couldn't help but listen eagerly now. Despite how often she had got Sev to describe the common room to her, she would love to hear Harry's account of it.
to find a large room with plenty of comfortable chairs and a roaring fire place, with everything having a greenish hue to it.
"Please tell me you go into the dormitories," Remus said, going wide eyed with remembered glee. "That's the best part!"
"Why?" Lily asked suspiciously.
"Cause the walls are glass," Sirius nodded in agreement with Remus, "and you can see straight into the Lake. We only went into one of them, but I can't imagine why all of them wouldn't be like that."
"Almost, almost," James stressed, "rivals our view of the Quidditch pitch. It's pretty cool to see the mermaids just go swimming past you."
Harry shook his head as he sighed and said, "no, we only stay in their common room."
Lily couldn't help but feel a little envious now, suddenly wishing she really had taken a chance at some point and gone into the Slytherin common room.
Malfoy told them to wait in some chairs in the corner while he went to go get something.
"Sounds dark," Lily said in surprise.
"They like it like that," Sirius shrugged.
"Personally, I can see the pros of that, as opposed to the tower," Remus smiled.
Malfoy came back with a clip of newspaper, handing it to Ron who very clearly did not find it funny but forced out a laugh before handing it to Harry.
"So we were right," James sighed, "it isn't going to be funny at all."
The piece started by saying Arthur Weasley,
"Uh-oh," all five of them said at once. It had been long enough that if Ron hadn't come across this on his own yet, they had been really hoping he wouldn't be tied into this. Now James read with trepidation.
and his title at work, now owed the Ministry fifty Galleons for his bewitched car.
"Ouch," Lily winced in sympathy.
"Damn," Sirius let out a low, throaty whistle, "poor guy."
James huffed a bit as he kept going, not at all pleased someone like Arthur got into trouble. Yes, he shouldn't have broken the law in the first place, but it wasn't him that got caught either, it was the kids. If the boys hadn't taken the car, Arthur might have gotten away with it all together. Then
he realized he couldn't hardly be mad at Harry and Ron, what they did was stupid but ignorant in their actions so they were hardly to blame either. Recognizing he couldn't do anything for it though, he continued.
Lucius Malfoy, a school governor,
"He's a governor," James spluttered in disgust.
"Well that explains how he knew those test scores," Remus grumbled.
"Oh this is just brilliant," Sirius snarled, "Death Eaters making decisions about children's school life. Whatever respect I had for the Ministry before is gone now."
"Ge, thanks Sirius," Lily said, frowning at him.
"You know being an Auror is technically working for the Ministry to," James pointed out.
Sirius rolled his eyes at the pair of them, saying, "okay, so not everyone in there is evil, but a Malfoy getting a job there still feels like an awful omen to life."
"I'm going to agree with Sirius on this one," Remus nodded.
The parents exchanged a look before nodding their agreement as well. Still disgruntled at this revelation, James read.
had made the opinion that Arthur should even be fired for it.
"He doesn't even have that kind of power," Lily snapped. "Arthur being the Head of a Department, only the Minister could fire him. Doing something like that is hardly worth being sacked over."
Harry was sinking lower and lower in his seat, still feeling guilty like this whole fiasco was his fault. James tried his best to comfort both of them, saying, "I'm sure he won't be. Just the Prophet stirring up trouble as usual."
How this was shameful to all wizardkind, and his Muggle Protection Act should be tossed out at once!
All five of them growled in real anger at that now. Where did Malfoy get off deciding that! Taking a deep breath, James now felt a twisting pain in his gut as he forced himself to pay attention to the words.
Arthur Weasley had refused comment, but his wife was more than happy to tell the reporters to get off her property or she'd set the ghoul on them.
"A very real threat I'm sure," Remus grimly smiled.
Harry looked up from the article to find Malfoy waiting for him to laugh. Harry only managed the faintest of 'ha's.'
"Here I thought his sense of humour wasn't even this awful," Sirius hissed, "who would find that funny!"
"He really is as awful as his father," James agreed.
Malfoy was pleased enough for all three of them, drawling about how pathetic the whole Weasley line was, considering the way they acted.
"What, like a decent human?" Lily snapped.
Ron/ Crabbe's face looked furious, which Malfoy noticed and asked about. Ron regretfully had to grumble he had a stomach ache.
The four of them cracked grins at that, happy Ron had an excuse like that on hand, and it was believable enough if the implications of how much Crabbe and Goyle ate were anything to go by. It really wouldn't be good for anyone if the boys were discovered doing this.
Malfoy told him to go up to the hospital then and give those mudbloods a kick. Then he wondered how the Daily Prophet wasn't all over the school talking about these attacks.
"Now that's surprising," Lily said, quirking a brow.
"You can keep anything hushed up with a bit of money," Sirius laughed.
Lily frowned at him, she didn't find this funny one bit, but she also knew by now that Sirius simply deflected bad things with bad humour.
Then he answered his own question by saying that Dumbledore himself was probably keeping this all quite, pointing out that he'd probably be getting fired soon.
"Doubtful," James muttered, having absolute faith no one could remove Dumbledore.
Lucius had always said Dumbledore was the worst headmaster Hogwarts had ever had, how a decent one would have never let such a kid as Colin in.
Remus was red in the face with anger by this point. Dumbledore was the reason he had been allowed to go school, how dare this child say anyone shouldn't have that right!
Sirius balled up his fists in fury as he growled, "and I wish he wouldn't let your kind in!"
"You do know that means us," James pointed out sadly.
"I meant the way he's acting you git," Sirius huffed.
"What, should we start giving them personality tests before they can attend now?" Lily asked, a smile twitching across her face now.
Remus burst out laughing, causing Sirius to mumble something about being ganged up on, but they all felt a little better at the random messing around.
Harry bit at his lip, a question popping into his mind, and before he could decide to brush it away his dad caught sight and said, "come on Harry, what was that?"
Harry meant to deny it, his eyes flickering almost shamefully to Remus, but when he caught sight as well he gave him an easy smile and said, "go on, I can promise I've heard it before, and I know you don't mean it."
Still unable to untense his shoulders, he uneasily voiced, "well, you said that everyone who's born magical is automatically let in."
"Right," Remus egged him on when Harry still looked like he wanted to waver off.
"Well, you also mentioned before that Dumbledore was the only Headmaster who would let you come to school, but I mean, how could any headmaster stop you?" Harry finished in a rush. He
hated saying anything like that about Remus, but they'd asked for it.
Remus sighed as he looked pityingly at Harry, but he knew he'd always prefer him to look upset at the question rather than fearful, so he answered with as much dignity as he could muster, "it's illegal for me to be around children. It's technically illegal for me to even be here," he finished with a guilty look towards the stairs, "but when Dumbledore set it up for me, I'm sure he and all the teachers never mentioned it to the Ministry-"
"Just like no one's going to talk about you being here like that," Sirius finished with a terrifying look on his face. He would happily curse anyone into oblivion if they said otherwise about Remus going wherever he wanted to.
Harry nodded in understanding, that was all the answer he needed.
Then Malfoy started doing a cruel reenactment of Colin miming taking pictures of everything.
All five of them were furious by this point. The kid was a bit of an annoyance, but Malfoy's mocking was beyond uncalled for.
Then he looked over and realized Harry and Ron weren't laughing along, and demanded to know why. Harry and Ron managed to fake some more laughs, but it satisfied Malfoy; which made Harry wonder if the other two were usually so slow to laugh along.
"I would think so," James spat, "or it's just not funny!"
"What do you call them Harry?" Lily asked, "Malfoy's cronies. That's accurate enough, since they probably don't have a mind of their own."
The boys snickered a bit at that.
Malfoy continued in a cold voice, calling Harry a friend to the mudbloods,
James read with gritted teeth, making the rest of the sentence almost unrecognizable.
and how he was another who shouldn't be let into a wizards school, going around with a mudblood like Hermione.
"How many times can he say that before Dad really does curse him?" Harry asked his mom quietly.
"I won't let him curse a child," Lily sighed, looking rather upset at this fact more than anything, "but in answer, not much more."
The present Marauders were all talking in hushed, quiet voices, and the other two really didn't want to know what they were talking about; knowing full well it wasn't anything good. Once
James seemed to have vented enough he read on a little more intelligibly.
Then he laughed at the rest of the school for thinking Harry could be the heir! Harry and Ron felt themselves tensing up in anticipation, which was doused when Malfoy continued with less enthusiasm that he wished he did know who it was, so that he could help them.
Remus let out a dissatisfied huff, which his friends immediately noticed.
"What was that?" Sirius asked, "I thought we all agreed much earlier it wasn't possible a second year to be doing this."
Remus hesitated for a moment before finally admitting to the others what he thought was really going on. "The only creature who could possibly be able to petrify people like this, I thought, was a Gorgon...but what if it's something else. Something that no one has ever tested, because it's just
so bloody dangerous no one has ever even seen one in hundreds of years."
"Quit beating around the bush Moony," Sirius grumbled, not exactly the patient one.
Remus sucked in a deep breath before finally saying, "it's something only Harry might be able to hear, at least it would explain why no one around could hear it as well. It's something only Slytherin could control, the snake tongue! I think the monster creeping around is a Basilisk."
There was a very long pause after this before Lily asked weakly, "but, those things kill by looking, why hasn't anyone died?"
"I, well I am guessing here, but I think it's because no one has looked it in the eye yet." He began, still looking hesitant, but then he continued explaining all of the circumstances and no one
corrected him, but simply sat there in another long drawn out moment of silence. No one had even recovered yet to give their opinion on if they believed him or not before Harry said, "that's it!"
Remus smiled over at him, pleased he had worked this out, but then hesitated again and said, "my only problem is, who could be pulling these stunts off, aside from you. Parselmouths aren't very common, but it wouldn't have surprised me if perhaps Malfoy had been doing this all along, simply hiding his ability, but now it's obvious he's not..." he trailed off in frustration.
"Plus," James agreed, "no offense Moony, but really none of the teachers at the school thought of this either?"
"Um, thanks," he muttered.
"And how is something like that even getting around?" Sirius demanded. "Surely that snake's not exactly subtle."
"That," Remus shrugged, "I've no idea."
"Well, at least as far as James' concern, it is a bit far-fetched. I agree with Remus because I can't even think of anything else," Lily shrugged.
"Thanks, I think," Remus snorted.
Harry was kneading his brow, but looked a little less miserable as he admitted he had no answer. Malfoy's answer, while not unsurprising, was still disappointing. Harry however smiled again almost at once, saying that at least they were on the right track.
Ron very unsubtly let his mouth hang open in shock at this declaration, making Crabbe look more clueless then usual.
Sirius gave a surprised snort of mirth at that description.
Harry quickly asked if Malfoy had any ideas who it could be.
"I'd be astounded if he did," Remus frowned, "since I can't think of anyone."
"That sounded almost pig-headed," James told him with a smile.
Remus just grinned and shrugged.
Malfoy snapped back that he didn't, all his father had told him was that the Chamber had been opened fifty years ago.
"Fifty years," Sirius said, going cross eyed as he imagined that far back, "well that doesn't help at all. Why wouldn't we have heard of it though? It wasn't so long ago that we shouldn't have heard of this."
"Maybe it got hushed up as well?" Lily suggested. "If this same thing happened fifty years ago, and they were all simply woken up in the same way, but nothing further happened..." she trailed
off in frustration at the unlikeliness of this.
Remus was shaking his head fast, saying, "this exact set of circumstances, happening fifty years previously? I'm still blasted how no one's died yet. Thankful, but still."
Still confused but pleased that they had found out something from this little misadventure, James hoped Harry would get out of there quickly now. The hour must be almost up, and they had
learned everything they could from Malfoy. Plus, being around the kid just kind of pissed him off.
Lucius was lucky he knew about it, as the whole instance had been hushed up,
Lily didn't look happy that she had been at least semi right about that, but James didn't pause again.
but he'd told Malfoy not to go around talking about it because it would make them look suspicious. Malfoy was sure of one thing though, the last time the Chamber had been opened, a mudblood had died,
"Do what?" All five of them said in surprise, their shock for once bypassing the outrage at the use of that word.
"Now there's no way that could be kept quiet," Remus said, "surely someone would have looked into a student dying at school?"
They all exchanged very uneasy looks, not exactly reassured that something like a murder was hidden in the Hogwarts school history.
finishing that he hoped that happened again, and that it was Hermione.
"Who the bloody hell hopes someone dies!" James said quietly, he seemed beyond rage at this point.
No one had an answer for him. At James question, they had all thought of a certain three Dursleys, who they may not have batted an eye if they died. However, the main difference there
was that they were abusive people! Hermione hadn't done a thing wrong to anyone, let alone Malfoy. For a child to wish another kid dead like that was pretty dang awful.
Ron couldn't stop himself this time from making to punch Malfoy, but Harry stopped him as it might give up their cover.
"But oh so sweet," Sirius sighed. "Honestly, you could just punch him and run for it, and no one would have any idea what happened! You wouldn't even get in trouble for it!"
Lily opened then closed her mouth before shaking her head in disbelief, but since she knew full well Harry wouldn't allow his friend to do that, at least she hoped, she said nothing.
Harry then asked if the person last time had been caught, and Malfoy agreed whoever had done it was expelled and probably in Azkaban.
"Still can't believe I've never heard of that," Sirius shrugged.
"Well since you're clearly on your way there," James grinned, throwing a look at Lily, "you can ask him while you're there."
"That's not funny James," Lily snapped, "and I wasn't joking!"
"What, you going to turn me in?" Sirius smirked, now right in with his friend on picking on Lily for her earlier exclamation.
Lily narrowed her eyes dangerously at him before muttering something under her breath. Remus was the only one who wasn't exactly reassured that Lily hadn't answered, but since the other boys just started laughing he chose to say nothing.
Harry asked what that was, and Malfoy reminded it was the wizard prison, then mocked Goyle for being so slow, he may as well be going backward.
James rolled his eyes, now knowing Malfoy's sense of humour was as bad as it got, as if he needed confirmation.
Malfoy turned his attention back to talking about his dad, and how he'd been told to just let the Heir do its work on getting rid of all the mudbloods,
James didn't break off again, but he was mentally wondering what the odds were that he would get two chapters where Malfoy constantly said that word!
but then mentioned how his house had been raided last week.
"Wish they had bloody arrested him while they were at it," Sirius huffed.
Harry attempted to make Goyle look concerned,
"Hope it wasn't too difficult for you," James said, still more amused than anything by Harry.
as Malfoy said that they had hidden away anything too important in a drawing room floor. Ron couldn't help an exclamation of surprise at that.
"And there Ron goes," Remus said, tossing his hands in the air in frustration, "cutting people off when I'd have liked to hear the end of that sentence!"
"Yeah, which drawing-room?" Sirius agreed. "As big as that stupid mansion is, I'd have liked more details."
Harry shrugged, knowing there was nothing more they could do for it now. He also had a very firm feeling that they told Mr. Weasley about this, and hoped that this would help redeem him at
the Ministry a bit.
Malfoy looked at him in surprise, and Ron couldn't help but blush, all the way up to his hair, and even that was turning red.
"Time's up," Lily said, going slightly paler as she realized Harry must not be looking at his watch anymore.
"I don't know Lily," Sirius mocked, "are you sure Ron just doesn't blush so much his whole body turns red."
"You two are both awful," Remus cut in before anyone could respond, giving James a chance to keep reading.
The boys jumped to their feet, and Ron used the excuse they need to go get some medicine for his stomach,
Remus verbally praised Harry for that, saying, "it was good of you to set that up before."
Harry smiled at him, deciding against mentioning they'd hardly done that on purpose.
and began running from the room even as they continued to shrink. Harry could feel his limbs shortening again, watched Ron's hair turned back to its usual read,
James suddenly burst out laughing as he said, "just picturing someone watching that as they went by, it would have been a sight."
Sirius grinned as well, unable to deny that, though severally hoping no one had seen that, as it would make it all the harder for Harry and Ron to be 'innocent' of whatever Malfoy might have
seen that night.
only stopping to put Crabbe and Goyle's shoes back.
"Well that was polite," Lily grinned, despite her disapproval of Harry's actions, she couldn't deny she was rather impressed with the way he acted during all of this as well.
Ron was saying how at least it hadn't been a total waste, they did know some new things,
"Agreed," Sirius nodded, "we do know more now than we did before."
and he was going to write to his dad and mention the drawing room Malfoy had mentioned.
James got an uneasy look on his face as he said, "ah, is that really the best idea? Why does Ron know this information? Does Ron really want his dad to go after the Malfoys like that, without some more solid proof?"
At Harry's rather hurt look, James quickly said, "obviously I know he's telling the truth, I'm just saying it might not be the best idea in the world."
Lily smiled approvingly at him, pleased James actually did think things through every once in awhile. Harry however had no real answer for him and just shrugged, never having checked what
Ron told his dad about this.
They made it back to the bathroom and Ron began pounding on Hermione's stall door again, telling her to come out so they could talk. She, however, still refused.
"Not good," Lily frowned, "very not good."
"Why wouldn't Hermione be okay now?" Harry demanded.
They exchanged uneasy looks, not really being able to think of an answer to that.
Harry and Ron were very confused why she would still be acting like this, when Moaning Myrtle came gliding through the door beaming.
"I'll back up that not good," Sirius agreed grimly.
She was laughing that Hermione looked awful, and Ron asked if she still had Millicent's face?
"I don't think she ever turned into Millicent," Lily sighed, "I'm just not sure what she did turn into."
Hermione finally came out, and Harry and Ron were so startled they backed up into the sinks.
"Clearly nothing good," Remus muttered.
Her face was covered in black fur.
"Fur?" Remus asked in concern.
"Oh, did she somehow get hold of an animal's hair?" Lily yelped in shock.
"Yes," Harry said in excitement, which faded at once when he realized he had no idea how or why. Bloody hell, Hermione was about to explain it in just a second and his stupid memories still wouldn't show him?! Still, he asked his mom, "err, that's what would happen right?"
"Just about," Lily agreed sadly, "some people have tried using the Polyjuice Potion for temporary animal transformation, instead of doing it properly by becoming Animagi, and the end results is they get stuck halfway between an animal and a person."
"But it's reversible right?" Sirius asked in concern, thankful none of them had ever thought of that tactic.
"Yes," Lily nodded, "there are a few potions and spells you would have to take to help reverse the process, but it's slow going. It will take a while before she's back to normal."
Harry relaxed, sure that if this was the bad thing he remembered about Hermione this year, this didn't seem all bad since it would wear off by the end of school...right? This was the bad thing that happened to her, wasn't it?
She also had large yellow eyes and pointed ears coming through her hair. She unnecessarily told them she must have drank a cat hair.
"I do feel bad for her," Remus winced, "after all, this was her idea. Yet she was the one who got these awful problems."
Sobbing that Millicent must own a cat, and the potion wasn't supposed to be used for animals. Myrtle was giggling hysterically that Hermione was going to be teased.
"Guess we finally found the one way to cheer Myrtle up," Sirius added, ignoring Remus shooting him an irritated look for that.
Harry tried to sooth her, telling her he was sure Madam Pomfrey could fix her up without asking any questions.
"This is exactly why to," James nodded.
It took them a long time to persuade Hermione to leave the bathroom, Myrtle cackling all the time about Hermione now having a tail.
"There's the plus side," Sirius cried happily as he took the book from James, "having a tail is quite the experience."
*Yes, two fifty pence pieces actually do equal a pound in British money, I had to double check that fact before I said that since I don't know British currency that well, so just in case anybody else was wondering...there you go.
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sammim91 · 5 years
Chrobin Week 2019 Day Five Prompt- Memories
Day five prompt of Chrobin week 2019. Really enjoyed challenging myself with this and I’ve found that I’m learning a lot about my writing style as a result. Hopefully it will help me become a published frigging author one day, if i can only get my novel outline sorted lol..... Anyhoo, on with this. Link to Ao3 below the fic.
Day five prompt- Memories
Pairing- Chrom and Robin(M)
It was no secret that Robin had no memories. But he had never really been bothered by that too much. Sometimes he found that he wished her remembered simple things, like his mother, if he had siblings. Yet when he had married Chrom, those feelings had slowly gone. He had found a new family in the Shepard's, and in Chrom, who was the sweetest, most patient husband you could ever ask for.
So it came as no surprise when he walked into their room in the castle after a long day of going over new tactics in the library, that he found Chrom waiting for him. However he wasn't prepared for what else was waiting for him.
He gasped, his hands covering his mouth.
The room was awash with candlelight, and rose petals were scattered around the room. Chrom was stood next to a small table set up in the corner that had tablewear and two plates covered with silver domes, He was dressed casually, in a plain shirt opened low at the neck, and loose fitting trousers. A smile was on his face and he held a single rose in his hand.
"What's all this?" Robin entered the room fully, closing the door behind him, shuffling closer to his Husband.
"Can't I do something nice for you," Chrom feigned mock accusation, his empty hand clutching at his chest. "Robin, I'm offended."
"Okay, okay," Robin laughed, closing the gap between them, taking the hand Chrom offered him. "I didn't mean it like that. I was only inquiring about the occasion."
"No occasion, not really," Chrom pressed a kiss to Robin's cheek. "Just wanted to give you one more happy memory... that's all."
"Your sweet," Robin felt his face blush. "But every day I'm with you is a great memory." Chrom held out the flower to his husband, who took it, its petals the same colour as his cheeks, distracting himself with the floral smell. When he glanced back at Chrom he had sat down at the table, and gestured him to follow. "How did you plan all of this anyways?" Robin asked as he took his seat.
"Frederick helped," Chrom admitted.
"Frederick?!" Robin laughed, shocked. "Wouldn't have guessed he had a romantic side."
"Neither would I," Chrom captured Robin's hand across the table. "But the minute I mentioned what I wanted to do for you, both he and Lissa jumped at the chance to help." He motioned round the room. "The candles and flowers were Lissa's touch, although I'm not to sure it isn't a bit too much."
Robin smiled warmly. "It's beautiful." He made a mental note to thank his Brother in law and Sister in law.
"Your beautiful," Chrom murmured. Robin glanced away, unable to look in his eyes. Even though they were married, and had been for almost a year now, Robin still couldn't believe that he had been lucky to snag the prince of Ylisse. Robin was by no means a handsome man, not in comparison anyways. He was thin, too thin if you asked Chrom, pale skinned and covered in blemishes and scars. Right now he was sat in crinkled clothes, a linen shirt and pants, his white hair disheveled.
"I'm all gross from spending all day in the library," he admitted.
"Nonsense," Chrom smiled warmly, pulling his husbands face back to look at it, enjoying the blush across his cheeks. "I think your beautiful, no matter what."
"W-we should eat, before it gets cold," Robin decided to tactfully change the subject, otherwise he felt sure he would combust from embarrassment.
Chrom chuckled. "Sure."
They ate in relative silence. Robin hadn't realized how hungry he was, realizing that he had skipped lunch in favor of browsing the books in the library. Perhaps Chrom was right when he said Robin ate too little, as he practically inhaled the food, making note of the delicate flavours and spices as an after thought.
"You need to eat more," Chrom chastised, affirming what Robin already knew. "I worry about you." Robin stopped mid chew, glancing at his husband. Chrom looked upset, and it made him instantly guilty. I'm sorry," Robin swallowed his food. "I don't mean to make you worry." He smiled warmly. "You know how distracted I become sometimes though."
"I do."
"Tell you what," Robin smirked. "I'll promise to remember to eat lunch, if you promise to eat it with me." As much as Robin enjoyed living in the palace, he hated the fact that he barely got to see Chrom, who was constantly in meetings.
"I think I can try to make that happen," Chrom smiled, yet his eyes still looked somber. "I'm sorry if you feel lonely Robin. I wish things were different right now, but there is still so much to sort out."
"Don't worry about it," Robin took his husbands hand. "I knew what I was getting into when I accepted your proposal."
"Still, I feel like a pathetic excuse for a husband. I am always gone by the time you wake, and your asleep most of the time when I get back. I feel as though by putting my duty to the kingdom first, that I will lose you, and you'd be well within your rights to leave."
"Silly," Robin stood, his small amount of food left untouched, coming round the table and kneeling in front of Chrom. "Like I'd ever leave you. I love you you sweet, kind and considerate man."
"And I love you Robin," Chrom ran his hands over Robin's hair. "More than you could possibly know." When Chrom's hand trailed over Robin's cheek he turned his face and planted a kiss on the palm. This time it was Chrom's turn to blush a lovely shade of red. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. "Anyways," he stood, pulling Robin up with him. "Have you eaten enough?"
"I'm fine, stop worrying about me."
"Never," Chrom smiled roguishly, grabbing his husband's hand. "Now I need you to close your eyes, the next part of tonight is a surprise."
"Chrom..." Robin sighed. "Just how overboard did you go."
"My lips are sealed."
"Fine," Robin closed his eyes. "But your going to have to make sure I don't trip on anything, got it?"
"Not a problem." Robin felt himself get lifted into the air, and his eyes reopened in shock. Chrom had scooped him into his arms like he weighed nothing, holding him close to his chest.
"C-Chrom... what are you doing!"
"Making sure you don't trip on anything," his husband countered. "Now close your eyes, go on." Finding no excuse to argue, Robin closed his eyes once more.
Robin knew they were outside, that much was obvious. His body had shivered at the sudden dip in the temperature, and Chrom had pulled him closer to his warm body. He could smell flowers, and feel the air through his hair, heard it rustle through the trees.
After a little while Chrom appeared to be walking uphill, his body slowing as he worked his way upwards. Robin could hear the tiny breaths he made, could feel his heart rate pick up at the exertion.
But just as Robin was about to protest, Chrom suddenly stopped. Robin felt his feet hit the ground as Chrom finally put him down.
"Okay," Chrom whispered in his ear, causing him to shudder. "You can open your eyes now."
Robin opened his eyes and took in the sight before him. They were stood on a hill just outside of the castle, one that overlooked the entire city of Ylisstol. Above their heads was a giant tree, fully in blossom, some of the petals blowing around them in little pink flurries. And ahead of them was the most gorgeous sunset Robin had ever seen. Sure he'd seen a few, but he'd never stopped to really look at them. He glanced at Chrom, who was smiling smugly, clearly proud of the look of awe currently on his face, who's soft features were aglow with orange hue's that only enhanced his beauty. It was truly a memory that Robin would treasure for the rest of his life.
"I see what your doing?" Robin smirked, having seen through his husbands ruse.
"What?" Chrom tried to act innocent, but his flustered cheeks gave him away.
"Chrom. I know your trying to give me more memories," Robin touched his husband's cheek, forcing the bluenette to look at him. "Your sweet. Thank you."
"Y-your not mad?"
"Silly man, why would I be mad?" he took Chrom's hand. "I have a wonderful and loving husband. Every day with you is a memory I will cherish until I die." He turned to look at the sunset. "Pretty. I realize now I never really took the time to just take in a sunset before." He smiled. "So thank you for giving me this too."
He yelped in surprise as Chrom pulled him in for a kiss. It was long, heated, causing Robin to melt into his arms. Against the backdrop of the beautiful bursts of warm oranges, reds and pink of the sunset, with the pink blossoms billowing around them, Robin felt sure it was by far the most romantic kiss of his entire life, made all the more special by whom he shared it with.
All too soon Chrom pulled away, leaving Robin aching for more. He gasped to catch his breath back, annoyed that Chrom seemed unfazed by their kiss. He coughed, willing his heart to stop it's erratic beating, taking deep, calming breaths to steady himself.
Chrom stood watching the sunset in silence, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
"S-so," Robin's voice was croaky when he finally spoke again, "Was this the only reason you brought me out here?"
"No," Chrom admitted. He turned to Robin before continuing. "You see, tonight is the Spring festival," Chrom pointed down at the bustle of the haildom below. "And when the sun goes down, well lets just say it's even more magical."
"I don't know, this is pretty impressive," Robin smiled. "What could top this?"
"You'll just have to see."
"Fine, keep your secrets."
They sat on the grass hill, hand in hand, watching the sun dip below the mountain, giving one last burst of colour. Soon the sky was dark, the first sparkles of starts twinkling overhead. It had grown cold, so Chrom snuggled closer to Robin, the former always a lot warmer than his husband. They didn't speak, instead enjoying each others company.
After five minutes Chrom got to his feet.
"Should be starting soon," he mused, holding out a hand for Robin to take, who looked up at him in confusion as he was pulled to his feet.
"What's starting soon?" he asked. Chrom chuckled. He came to stand behind the shorter man, wrapping his arms around his waist, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Look over there," he pointed with one hand, before resting it back round Robin's waist.
"What am I..." his sentence was cut short, as suddenly a light flew through the air, before a huge bang, followed by a flash of colour crackled across the sky, illuminating Robin's view a shade of red. He gasped, his mouth probably falling open like an idiot. He felt Chrom stifle a laugh, his breath tickling his neck as his husband placed a kiss to his neck. Before Robin had time to process, another light shot up, this one arcing in the sky before showering with a tiny pop into golden sparks, followed immediately by one of blue, then of purple.
Colour after colour lit up the sky, and Robin could barely take his eyes off of them.
"It's almost over," Chrom whispered. "Just one final firework left."
"Which one is that?"
"The one which honors the royal family," Robin could feel Chrom smile. "And this years is supposed to be better than ever. I hear it is dedicated to us."
"Yeah," Chrom chuckled. "I've had nothing but earache all week about it. Apparently the cost of it was enough to make all the nobles flustered,"
"So why do it?"
"Simple," Chrom nuzzled Robin's cheek. "Because the haildom love you, Robin. And I guess in some small way they all wanted to show that." He laughed. "I'd say they must approve."
Just as Chrom finished speaking, a huge flash of light drew Robin's attention. It careened through the sky then exploded.
Robin felt the tears fall as it did.
When the firework burst into colour he was shocked to find it formed a pattern. Of Robin and Chrom's signature weapons, tome and the Falchion, a blue and purple fusion, a symbol of their love above the haildom of Yllistol.
When the light faded, Chrom turned Robin in his arms, distressed at the sight of him crying.
"Robin? What is it? Are you Okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," he sniffled, dabbing at his eyes and nose in disgust. "I'm just so happy."
"Happy? Then why are you crying?"
"Because silly," Robin broke out into a smile. "This is the greatest gift I've ever gotten." When Chrom looked at him in confusion he continued. "I was so worried that they wouldn't accept me as your husband. After all, two men marrying, let alone one of royal birth, is all but unheard of." He glanced back down towards the town. "So knowing that they acually accept us, accept me, is the greatest thing I could ever ask for. So thank you Chrom. This has been one memory I shall never ever forget, even if my memories were to vanish again."
"If your memories get lost again, then I will always help you make new ones," Chrom promised him. "You will always have me, till the day I die."
"And you will always have me. I'm not going anywhere." They sealed their vows with a kiss.
Had either of them known the dangers heading their way, the choices they would have to make, the promises one would be forced to break, they would have wished for time to stop in that moment, so they would have forever together.
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