#i am not immune to taking screenshots of him
suashii · 1 year
he’s so dreamy ♡
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petrichor-idyllic · 6 months
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@lu-thinkingstuff I accidentally deleted the original ask (and the entire fuckin fic I'd nearly finished along with it) so have a screenshot of your ask I managed to keep. Sorry.
I'm writing this as a standalone piece, but it can be read as a prequel to quite a few of my pieces if you please.
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SUMMARY: See above. I know the request is fem!reader, but I guess this can be read as gender neutral since I don't think I used any pronous to refer to you, apart from you obviously lmao. Follows no cannon events. I am making this shit up. Can be read as a prequel to "Life before Drowning", any other of my fitting work, or as a standalone. Whatever ya want. References to the simulation sky that's in the books - if you're reading this as a movie fic, then let's pretend this is a failed WICKED experiment.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, annoying WICKED shenanigans, traumatised children, Ratman.
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You met Minho when you were seven. Maybe eight.
The last few weeks had been a blur of chaos you can barely remember. With the Flare finally taking its victims in your hometown, families flocked to their last resort, donating their children to WICKED.
Most children weren't picked.
Of course, they weren't. Most children aren't immune. The occasional normal child was also plucked from the masses and swept away from the warmth of their families to the cold, white walls of WICKED's laboratories. But that was rare, and they were only ever valued as a control variable in whatever twisted experiments they took part in.
Not that you ever knew that.
The potential horrors didn't matter to most parents; yours included. Mothers and Fathers desperately passing their remaining blood to men in masks in hopes of saving their loved ones. There really wasn't much choice.
You were given even less choice as you were one of the lucky ones to be picked.
A white room became your home for several weeks. They made you forget your parents - those parents who willingly passed you into Ava Paige's custody in hopes you'd have at least a fleeting chance of survival on the infected planet.
They took your name, too. Your personality. The few memories you'd managed to develop so young. All of it; gone.
You were almost in a state of shock when they finally said you could leave your pristine tiled prison cell.
Following your capture through the endless high-tech halls and flawless clean corridors, you reach a large dining hall. Several long tables fill the room, along with the high-pitched chattering voices of children. The kids vary in age - some older, some younger, but that doesn't matter. They're all talking.
"Grab your food and find a seat." The booming, hollow voice of the balding man in a labcoat reaches your ears, and you can't even begin to process what he's saying.
"W-what?" Your voice is barely a whisper as you squeak out a response.
"Join the queue, and then find somewhere to sit. Your lunch break doesn't last long." He gives you no chance to ask anything else as he turns and walks back down the corridor. Leaving you with very little choice but to continue into the room.
Getting the food is the easy bit; a tray full of a passing excuse for food and a small cup of juice. Finding somewhere to sit is the problem. You mindlessly search for an empty seat, though your gaze mainly lingers on the masked individuals lining the room; armed and dangerous.
"Psst. Don't stare. They don't like it when you stare."
Your head snaps towards a voice. An Asian boy, about your age, leans over the table top, hand cupped around his mouth as he whisper-yells at you, like he's pretending to be subtle.
"...What?" You stare back at him as a grin creeps across his face as he sits back down.
"Those freaks? Duh? Don't stare at 'em. They'll snap at you." When you don't respond, the boy starts to sense your unease. "...You gonna sit down or what?" He vaguely gestures to the empty space on the bench across from him. It takes you a second to move, but he seems relieved when you do. "You got a name?"
"Uh, (Y/N)... I think."
"You think?" He scoffs as you struggle to get your leg over the slightly wobbly bench. You think it's wobbly, or maybe you're shaking too much; it's hard to tell.
"Well, yeah - that's not my real name, is it?" Your response leaves the boy unsure how to react. You're... not wrong.
"Huh. I guess. I'm Minho." He says with a grin. "And even if it ain't my real name, they made a good choice. It suits me, right?"
For the first time since you'd arrived, you find yourself smiling. Minho is charming, for a kid. He's already got an air of confidence about him, which is almost reassuring in this situation.
"Yeah," you giggle, "I guess it does suit you."
And that is how you met Minho. Reckless, cocky, funny, brilliant Minho. And by brilliant, I mean he is a brilliantly bad influence.
It's not like you got to see him very often - just over lunch and the rare breaks you both got at the same time. But when you did, it was always fun. You even developed a little group, mainly including Minho's friends - he has enough charisma for both of you.
The first time Minho snuck into your room, you were eleven.
It's the middle of the night, the faint sounds of footsteps from WICKED guards echoing through the small white room you reside in at nights. It's all background noise, now, you barely even notice it as you drift off to sleep.
Until the loud clattering of the vent hitting the floor makes you jump out of your skin, shooting up in bed.
"...shit." Minho murmurs as he peers into your room.
"Minho?" You whisper-yell at the sudden intrusion. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I couldn't sleep." He responds, matching your tone as he attempts to clamber out of the vent and onto the safety on the floor below.
"So, you decided to break into my room?" You climb out of bed, coming to assist your best friend as he slides down your wall.
"Yeah. Figured I'd give you a visit."
You cross your arms, eyebrow cocked as you glare at your friend. "Are you insane? We're gonna get in so much trouble if you get caught." You grumble at him, swallowing your initial shock (and your small smile thanks to his presence.)
"So? What are they gonna do?" Minho dusts himself off. "Make me train more? Poke me with another needle? However shall I cope?" His sarcasm results in another eye roll from you, but you can't help but chuckle as you shove him, playfully - but warning.
"They could lock you in your room for a week." A beat passes. "Again."
"Great." He grins. "Means I get some peace. Sleep away my problems."
"You're such a dick."
"You love me, really." He flashes you another signature cocky grin.
You don't even dignify that with a response. "What exactly are we doing then? Just... hanging out in my room?"
Minho hesitates, then looks back at the vent, then you again as a sly smile slowly creeps across his face. "I think I have a better idea."
And that is how you end up crawling through a vent in the middle of the night, and following your chaotic friend through the facility. Minho is a lot calmer than you are; cracking jokes, whistling and generally being a cocky little shit. You, however, are hissing at him every thirty seconds to shut the fuck up.
Somehow, you both stumble into a vacant hall. Well, Minho dragged you through another vent and whilst he gracefully jumped down, you fell in a heap on the floor.
"Christ-" you grumble as you dust yourself off, looking around the room. It's dark, unusually so - the only light creeping in from under the locked door to the room from the buzzing halogen bulbs. "Where are we?"
Despite your low tone, Minho doesn't do much to hide his voice. "Dunno. Damn - this place is huge!" The boy chuckles to himself, dragging his hand across the wall to navigate, the sound of his words, and comfort, creeping away from your reach.
"Minho-" you say into the void, further panic swelling in your gut.
"Yo, I think I found a light switch."
Before you can object that this is a bad idea, there's a hollow click, quickly follow by a binding light.
You weren't expecting it; expecting the same dull bulbs that consume the WICKED labs. But what you get is anything but.
The entire ceiling springs to life, imitating the bright blue of the sky you haven't seen since you found yourself in WICKED's custody.
"Holy shit-" Minho gawks upwards as he stares, too, finally in your line of sight.
The fake sky is scarily realistic - the glow of the sun, the faint fluffy clouds floating across the screen. You're not even sure you could call it a screen, honestly. There's not lines, or glitches or lagging from the technology. It looks so real. Like you could reach out and feel the damp clouds through your fingers, the heat of the sun on your skin.
You look at Minho, who looks at you at the same time. Both of you have no words; how could you? But your silence and exchanges looks say everything words could - what the actual fuck is this?
"...this is.." Minho starts, losing himself quickly.
"..beautiful." You finish for him.
"I was gonna say freaky." He responds, earning a chuckle from you as you wander into the middle of the room. "Hey, there's other buttons-" He says, gesturing to the control panel on the wall that he originally assumed was a light switch.
With the click of his fingers, dark clouds start to fill the fake-sky, creating a dimmer, more stormy atmosphere. But there's no rain. Just clouds.
Those seem to be the only two weather modes as Minho keeps switching between the two. Cloudy and sunny. It's definitely not quite advanced enough to imitate the real thing.
"Look- there's a time monitor." Minho mumbles as he moves a slider. The sky dims, as bright sunset colours fill the ceiling before it creeps into dusk, and then into a series of bright stars.
Minho's goofy grin says enough as he moves away from the controls, joining you in the middle of the room. You barely even notice him until he's crouching the lie on the floor.
"What are you doing?" You raise an eyebrow at him as he moves to lay on his back, looking up.
"Star-gazing, duh. What does it look like?" He says as he smiles at you, before gesturing for you to join him.
"We're gonna get caught-"
"Will you relax?" He chuckles, leaning up on his arms. "When are we ever gonna get a chance to do this for real? Might aswell enjoy it whilst we have the chance."
"It's fake." You cross your arms defiantly.
"Still pretty. Still better than our boring white rooms." He retorts. "C'mon."
You sighs, but relent as you move to lay next to him.
He's right. It really is pretty. The mimic stars sparkle and flutter, and suddenly the labs and the experiments feel worlds away, even if your escape is an extention of your captives skills.
Minho suddenly starts chuckling.
"What? What's so funny?" You say, turning your head to look at him.
"Nothing." He shrugs. "Just thinkin' that if Thomas was here, he'd probably be telling us about all those star thingies."
"...star thingies?"
"Yeah. You know? Those... stars that are, like, in a pattern."
"...constellations?" You can't help the amused smile creeping across your face at your friends ignorance.
"Yeah- those. They got names don't they?" Minho turns to look at you. "Thomas is such a dork. He'd know all of them."
You shake your head as you look back up at the ceiling, but Minho keeps looking at you.
"We should tell the others." You say, not noticing his gaze.
"About this room. Newt and Sonya would love this."
"I thought you didn't want to get caught?" He chuckles and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah- but this is cool. They should see it."
A beat passes as Minho continues to look at you. "Nah."
"Nah?" You look at him, surprised by this. He's rebellious and fiery and is normally the first to drag everyone into schemes and fun despite the risks.
"Nah... this is... ours." He says, smiling softly at you, before he shifts slightly to slips his fingers between yours, looking back up. "Just ours."
And that's what it became.
At least once a week, you and Minho would sneak around and into this secret special room. You'd spend hours talking and messing around, and somehow, you didn't get caught. Or maybe some of the kinder WICKED people were turning a blind eye to two kids enjoying themselves.
Who knows.
It was like this for about a year. Maybe a year and a half.
But, things took a turn.
Minho was starting to revieve praise for his athleticism. He became one of the most physically capable subjects, and it was impossible to get him away from a rigged-up treadmill. So, by the end of the day, he was exhausted. Too tired to be crawling around vents with you.
You were thirteen, maybe fourteen when Minho ended up crawling though your vents again.
Hearing the familiar noise, you're out of your bed before he's even here, your bare feet already on the cold floor as he appears.
"I know. I know." He grumbles. "I'm sorry." He says, before you can even get so much as a word in, and it leaves you stunned.
"For what?"
"For like... not being here. For neglecting you, I guess." He shrugs as he runs a hand through his hair.
"Neglect-?" You cut yourself off. "Dude, they've been working you to the bone. You don't have to apologise."
He sighs, seemingly of relief. "Yeah, well, I still feel like a dick. You're my best friend."
"Well, you're here now." You attempt to reassure him. "We can go back to the sky room."
He shakes his head. "Nah. I was thinking we could go exploring." He flashes that damn grin at you again.
"...exploring?" You raise a brow, crossing your arms.
"Yeah. Yanno- like me, Newt and Thomas used to do."
"I never joined in with that."
"Well- you should've. And we were exploring when we found the sky room, so you're no so innocent." He chuckles, and you can't help but admit he's right. Yet, he continues at your hesitation. "Look, we found that room by chance. Surely there's more cool and interesting things to find. I'm getting bored of looking at the same fake sky everyday."
Something in that comment stings. You'd never gotten bored of that pretend sky. Maybe because you'd always been with him - and you could never get bored of him.
"C'mon." He drags out the syllable. "One night of exploration. Just one. Who knows how far they'll be making me run from now on. Better take the chance whilst you have it."
You playfully shove him at this. "...fine. One time only. Okay?"
"Okay." He smiles. "Let's go."
So, once again, you find yourself creeping around the sleeping facility with your far too confident best friend.
Though, when Minho reaches a locked door, you would've never expected him to slip an excess card out of his shoe, swiping it into the card reader.
"What? Where did you get that?" You hiss, wide-eyed and stunned.
"Some dumb lab-coat dude left it on the side. So, I picked it up. Finders, keepers." He says as he pushes the door open.
Sneaky around is one thing, finding hidden rooms through vents - but stealing an ID card is something else. You're literally never going to see each other again if you get caught. Not that you get chance to voice your concerns as Minho walks into the room.
This sinking feeling creeps into your gut, yet, you can't find it in yourself to tell Minho. What if he really is starting to find you boring? Being whiney to him about this would only confirm that. You don't need him getting closer with someone else, especially not the flocks of girls in the dining hall who have started taking interest in the boy since he started his physical training.
Okay. Maybe this is creeping beyond friendship. It was years ago, but you're always thinking about the way he held your hand the first time you found that room. How it was just yours. Your special place, just for the two of you. And he doesn't want to go there anymore?
You've never felt so insecure.
So, you keep quiet.
The first room is full of labelled chemicals you don't understand.
The second is full of strange, clouded tubes, with slimy, creatures with metal arms. Even Minho was eager to leave that one - to remain ignorant for his own bliss, pulling you along once you stop to stare into the tubes. You suspect Thomas mentioned something to him. Thomas has always been Ava's favourite.
Though, the third is far less scary. It's a office - well, more like a small library with a computer and a desk. Filing cabinets liter the walls with endless documents.
Minho lets out a low whistle. "A computer." He grins, casually sliding into the office chair as he starts fiddling with the computer. Having most of the common sense in this friendship, you've assumed that the computer is password locked.
Which is confirmed by Minho's hushed cursing.
So, you start looking through the documents in the drawers. A lot of them are medical files and general testing that you don't really understand.
Though, a few documents contain blueprints and titles such as "the Maze Trails" and "The Scorch Trails". They're detailed and confusing.
"Minho-" you gets his attention, passing him the notes as he's distracted from the computer, a puzzled expression crossing his face as he looks through them.
He doesn't get much time to comment as you find another interesting drawer; labelled "Subjects."
Flicking through a few, you recognise the pictures of the people you've spent the last few years with. Teresa. Thomas. Gally.
You stumble upon Minho's- grinning at his awful mugshot style photo. A7. The Leader. They've already got him marked down pretty faithfully.
Though, something consistent through all the documents is the phrase "status: Immune." Something about that stands out to you, for some reason.
That is until you reach Newt's file.
Staus: Nonimmune. Control Variable.
"Uh, Minho-?"
"These maps are insane." He mumbles, still examining the blueprints. "Do you reckon these are those big plans Thomas is always yapping about?" He picks his head up to look at you, noticing your face drop, concern written throughout your features. "What? What is it?"
"...we're all immune to the Flare, right? That's why they're testing us. To find a cure?" You don't even look up at him.
"Yeah..? Why else would we be here?" His grin is there, same as always, but now it's uneasy and uncertain. You look at him, before walking over and slapping Newt's file onto the table.
It takes him a moment to catch on, but when he does, his face drops, and he just looks at you.
Before any words are exchanged, footsteps can be heard from down a corridor.
"Shit-" you both scramble, collecting all the papers and stuffing them in whatever drawer they came from (or whichever is closest.)
It's a mad dash to get out of the room - adrenaline and fear coursing through you both. You didn't even find your own file.
Are you immune? Could the Flare get you?
Little do you know, Minho is internally freaking out over the same thing.
In your panic, your silence evades you, which alerts whatever guard was prowling the building.
"Quick! Up here!" Minho commands as he struggles to open a vent, giving you a leg up before yanking himself up the wall and diving in.
You don't even know where you're crawling to, you're just trying to rush away. But, eventually, it goes quiet, only the sounds of yours and Minho's panting in the small vent system.
"We have to tell Newt." You say, managing to turn in the small space to face him. Minho hesitates for a moment, but nods.
Of course you have to tell him.
"Yeah, at lunch, tomorrow. We'll tell him. But right now, we have to get back to our rooms. They'll be checking." You nod in agreement. "Let's get you back first."
Minho has a far better memory than you, leading you back to the safety of the room before he turns to navigate the way back to his.
"Minho-" you say, turning to look at him once your feet hut the floor, a sense of dread overwhelming you.
You can only look at him. There's so much you want to say, but none of it want to come out. Some deep gut feeling screams at you that this is the end, but you tell yourself you're being silly.
His blank expression pushes you to talk, though.
"Just.. be careful."
He offers a warm smile, but rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. See you at lunch tomorrow."
Your attempt to mimic his expression falls flat as he shimmies back into the vent and on his way.
You didn't know how accurate your instincts would be.
The next day, you make your way to the lunch hall. You're late- your lab testing ended up being longer than possible. But when you enter the dining hall, Minho's absence is quickly noted.
Though, you do spot Newt. Maybe Minho's running has gone overtime, again?
"Newt-" you shout him, jogging across the hall. "Have you seen Minho? We need to talk to you."
Newt doesn't even have to say anything as he glances at Thomas, whose eyes are burning into the table in front of him. There's some sense of desperation in Newt's expression, mixed with grief and regret, but like he can't say anything.
It makes your stomach flip and your heart stop as you open your mouth to speak, but you don't get any sound out.
"(Y/N)." Janson's annoying voice sends a chill down your spine as you turn to look at him. Two guards stand by his sides, his forced grimace doesn't reach his cold, unforgiving gaze. "I need a word."
Janson gestures for you to walk with him and you swallow a lump in your throat. Your first instinct is to run. Like Minho thought you. But in a room full of people? It's not like your quiet escapades in the middle of the night.
Your feet are like concrete as you force yourself to walk towards him.
Janson walks in front of you, the guards behind you. You're trapped, and even if you did run, that wouldn't change anything as he leads you into a room. It's a room you're familiar with.
It's where you have one-on-one progress conversations with Janson to discuss how you're doing. Minho spent more time in here than you ever did, but that doesn't mean the confines space doesn't fill you with anxiety, even in normal circumstances.
You take your place in the cold chair as Janson sits across from you, the slab of metal that is meant to be a table keeping you separated feels like a godsend. Though, not much of one with the guards breathing down your neck.
"...Where's Minho?" You manage to croak, attempting to mimic your missing friends confidence.
"He's been dealt with." Janson says, and your blood runs cold.
"What- what does that mean?"
"I'm sure you already know what that means. From your adventures last night." The world stops.
You knew.
You knew it was a bad idea and your own insecurities led you to keeping your mouth shut and hiding away from your concerns. What? Because of a stupid crush? Your own feelings of inadequacy have led to Minho's demise. And it's soul-crushing.
"I-I don't understand." You words falter, any false confidence quickly shattering.
"It's a shame. Really. It is." Janson nods as he leans forward, his elbows on the table. "We let yours and Subject A7's strange relationship slide because it was showing promising results. New waves in the Killzone we were examining. I knew we should've stopped it." He sighs. "...and now, you know too much."
"Where is he?" You spit, fists clenched, unused adrenaline causing you to tremble.
"I told you." Janson hisses. "You already know. But don't worry. You're not going to remember any of this." Janson nods towards the guards.
"What-" your words catch at a sharp sting in the side of your neck as one of the masked-men injects a burning liquid into you. You gasp, grasping the side of your neck. "What have you done?"
Your words slur slightly as a dull buzz fizzles into your vision, your head feeling light.
"My job." Janson leans back as he watches you sway in your seat. "What was always going to happen."
You can't even respond as your limp body slips out of the seat, and your consciousness leaves you before you even hit the floor.
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I guess this is my 1k follower post - and it's angst. That's typical of me. Sorry for the massive gap since I last posted something, but everyone's support has given me a drive to write. Well, at least finish writing this. Sorry if its not everything you wanted, but I've always felt there's something so much sadder about not getting that chance to say goodbye to someone, and things fizzing out instead of a bang.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed :)
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the-masked-ram · 4 months
Fics for Gaza
Here I am taking the plunge. I'm a small blog but fast writer even when it comes to my slower times. So might as well put it to good use.
Planning on joining this fundraiser run by @ficsforgaza and help make everyone happy with some content in the process. Here is my plan of action for my wip and donation costs.
To participate- please make a donation to a vetted fundraiser and send a screenshot/proof of your donation to me in a DM. PLEASE MAKES SURE TO CENSOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. (internet safety and all that jazz). In the message also let me know what fic you are donating to and I will adjust expected word counts. These screenshots are merely for keeping things as honest as possible and will be shared with @ficsforgaza
-I obviously will not be taking the money myself. Please send it to one of the vetted fundraisers mentioned in the link below.
$5.00 per 800 words or a full drabble series installment
Link to vetted places to donate here! More fundraisers here!
As soon as 50% of any of the fics are sponsored I will automatically start on them.
Drabble series-
Sweet and Sour- Ren Kaji x Fem Reader Drabble Series
Your the new girl in the city. You are tough, sassy, but don't know a lick about the gangs, and if your honest you couldn't care less. But something about Ren Kaji catches your eye. He may snap and bark like a feral dog, but you can see through it and he knows it too. Slowly, you become his sanctuary even though you are the one person he's most afraid won't accept him. And he thought he was past all that. (NSFW)
5.00 for full installment
Read Part One here!
False Immunity- Hiei x Fem Reader Drabble Series
Where Hiei learns the ins and out of human courtship. (NSFW)
Find Part One-Six on my masterlist here! 5.00 for full installment
Multichap Fics-
Flawed Hope- Astarion x OC (BG3)
Brit was a paralegal, someone who had a normal life and enjoyed what she did for the most part. Yet, the only true excitement she felt lately was when she played Baldur's Gate Three. A simple video game brought her more joy than her friends or fleeting romances. One night as depression crushes her she wishes to live one day in BG3. Her wish is granted, however the world of BG3 needs her far longer than her wish had originally intended. And the worst part? She does not get along with her favorite vampire in the slightest. (NSFW)
Read the first four chaps here! WC: 1961/4000
Falling for Frogs- Sebastian x Fem Reader (SDV)
You are game developer about to make their debut into the market. The world you are about to venture into isn't exactly friendly to those of the feminine persuasion and as such you have flown under the radar using a masculine alias online. After a complete mental break down at a very important convention in Zuzu you realize you need to get away from the city for a bit so you can finish your game. Your best friend who runs a farm in Stardew Valley invites you to come stay with her. However as you stay there and get to know the locals, you realize the cute boy you saw at the con is her neighbor. What's even worse is he remembers you and just to add salt to the wound, he's one of your Kickstarters. (NSFW) WC: 309/3000
Read the first three chaps here!
The Unseen and Those Forgotten- Dabi x Fem Reader (BNHA)
The age of the Greek gods is long past. Dabi is one of the few left, his name in the ancient days had been Hades. Now he skulks among the humans, as a deity at half strength. With the old gods dying, the new ones have taken control of the humans’ feeble minds. There is a storm on the horizon though, quite literally, the end of days is nipping at mortality’s heels and the key to unlocking Kronos’s resting place, the only creature strong enough to put a stop to the apocalypse, is you. Sadly you have no idea what part you will play, after all, you are just an office worker who has an affinity for plants.... WC: 0/2000
Find the first three chaps on my masterlist here!
The Hellebore Rift- Hayato Suo x Fem Reader (Wind Breaker)
The town of Makochi has changed and so have all the gangs within it. Gone are the days of allies and rival schools. Gone are the days of delinquents battling for top spots and coming home with happy smiles from good fist fights. Now the world has been ripped apart by rifts that tear the very dimensions in two, spewing forth gigantic blood-thirsty monsters. It has forced the gangs to protect only their parts of town from everyone. Even the civilians, even those they once called friends. With those rifts and monsters, humans were gifted with powers, yet everything good always comes with a fall out. You are one of those few, blessed with the ability to Guide, to save those Espers from the toxicity that their own powers created within themselves when they protect their parts of town. You live in a small section Makochi outside any of the gangs control with a scant few Espers to call your own… or well you did until the day Hayato Suo found you. WC 313/2000
(Chapter one just started)
Dog Park with Megumi (no title yet)- You don't have dogs but you find yourself at the dog park everyday because you can't have pets. That's where you meet Megumi Fushiguro (NSFW)WC: 0/15000
A Bouquet of Deadly Thorns- Hanahaki Soulmate Gojo x Fem Reader
The world now is riddled with the phenomenon known as soulmates. You don't know yours but before you can even think about finding them, you must get rid of your growing feelings for Satoru Gojo, the only problem is they've grown suffocating and you've started coughing up blood and flower petals. (NSFW) WC: 3098/8000
Tetsuro Kuroo bar night (no title yet)- The first night you meet Kuroo he was celebrating with his friends who'd just won their volley ball game. You were drinking away your sorrows yet again from another shitty date. Fate had a funny way of making you forget things when he gets dared to make a move on you. (NSFW) WC: 0/10,000
My name in your mouth- Professional Poker Player!Suo Hayato x CardShark Fem!Reader Suo Hayato is well known in the gambling circuit, he strikes fear in all his opponents. Terrified that they will lose all the winnings and perhaps even worse to him. You however are a dark horse, a rising star lurking in the shadows among the tables, and you have the arrogance to back it up. You take Suo on and surprise him in more ways then one. But he's desperate to wrest back control from you and the rising sexual tension between the two of you gives him the perfect excuse. (NSFW) WC: 0/7000
Single Drabbles- 5.00 for a full drabble
Jo Togame festival day (sfw) - Link
Jo Togame the baths (NSFW) - Link
Nobara/fem! reader (jjk) (NSFW) shopping day, in the dressing room
Himuro tatsuya/male! reader (knb) (NSFW) pining, street ball rivals
Seishiro Nagi/gn!reader (blue lock) (SPICEY (not full nsfw)) comfort, lazy day, reuniting after long distance for a while
Sebastain/fem! reader (SDV) (nsfw) phone sex
Astarion/male!reader (BG3) (NSFW) dry humping, semi public sex Suo Hayato/fem!reader (wind breaker)(NSFW) overstimulation
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dreamingofthewild · 6 months
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All I could think of during Astarion's romance scene was 'move your leg Gale' and 'Gale does indeed have very well formed back cushions'.
I really wanted to decline having intercourse in this scene, knowing Astarion's backstory and because I don't think that Gale should be able to have sex because of the orb, but I didn't want to be locked out of the Bloodweave romance.
Also, it turns out that I am not as immune to the vampire, as I first thought. Like, I know he is manipulating us at this stage, but I would be lying if I said I'm not fond of him during his genuine moments.
(I may take a closer screenshot of Gale for science).
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 8 months
Any thoughts on the casting for The Last of Us season 2?
Oh god. So many.
So, I actually have all of TLOU show related tags blocked - because just seeing mentions of the show gets me kind of ticked. I miss the strike era when production of the show was delayed indefinitely.
But as far as the casting - I think Dina's casting is alright. I was one of those people who was naively hoping that Cascina would actually get to play Dina in the show, but I knew realistically that was never actually gonna happen.
Abby's casting however - I genuinely think that Kaitlyn Denver is a horrible choice. Like they looked up all the people who absolutely cannot play Abby and then they picked her.
Someone said that she looks like young Ellie - and I think for a long time, she was a popular fancast for Ellie. And to me, she looks like she can maybe only play young Abby in flashbacks. So unless they're gonna completely surprise people and only have her playing young Abby and then have someone else playing the real main timeline version of Abby - it won't work.
If you guys know me, then you know that I am incredibly protective of Abby's character. And based on the complete bastardization that they did of Season 1/TLOU 1, I already knew that they were going to royally fuck up Abby's character in some way.
And yes, I am basing most of my opinions on the fact that she is small and thin and Abby is supposed to be muscled, but people don't understand how pivotal that aesthetic is as a part of Abby's characterization.
(And they were never going to find someone perfect unless they used 2 different actors - one for flashbacks and one for the main timeline - because Abby gets ripped over years but it is shown in one short story, and her model was made with 2 different people - one for the face and one for the body, so they could keep her face on a younger, thinner body in flashbacks.)
Abby being muscled is actually a pivotal thing - it means she is feared and respected among the WLF, it means that Lev and Yara immediately fall in and trust to follow her through the woods because they view her as a protector when they are vulnerable and alone. Her body is a tool that is useful to her - it makes her completely immune to Isaac's violence right up until the moment she looks him in the eyes and asks him not to shoot Lev, and even then, he is asking her to step away from Lev so that he doesn't have to kill his best solider.
Isaac was more willing to kill Owen - thinking of Owen as disposable - than he was willing to kill Abby. And I think that breach of our society's typical sexism (where a man is always a better fighter, Abby supersedes that) in their post apocalyptic world, is really, truly shown by Abby's large stature.
Not only that, but it makes her physical malnutrition and how much she has wasted away because of the Rattlers that much more shocking. (Which, if they were going to depict that, it would be easy to do so with a heavily muscled actor and then make them look shockingly thin with CGI and makeup - but that scene is one of the reasons why video games are sometimes a better format. It being 100% computer generated means no actors had to be harmed during those scenes.)
Also (I wish I had screenshots of the specific lines) - but Abby and Owen's breakup at the Aquarium is about her training (her urge to gain muscle in order to aid of her long term revenge mission toward Joel) - Owen is surprised when Abby says she can bench press 140 pounds, and therefore, she can easily lift him. And Owen is insulted that Abby wants to spend more time training than she does with him - he is upset that her trauma and her revenge has overtaken her life to the point where she doesn't want to goof off watching spotted seals, and instead - just wants to train more.
And this leads more into the dynamic of - Owen is a disposable pawn (who pretends to take a pacifist stance when he's really a coward) and Abby has to vouch for his life with Isaac because she is infinitely more valued in the organization.
There is just a lot of layers to it - and they're already fucking it up.
I am trying my hardest to ignore the fact that she show exists, but it's actively lowering the IQ of the fandom every single day, and now I am gonna have to take braindead Abby takes from people who have only seen the show, and I genuinely wish it had never been made in the first place.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 9
Part 8 here
Back to our contraption, let's take a look at it now that it's active:
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It gives off lasers in all directions. These lasers DO have a range, though
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They seem to extend about as long as the ones that've hit the floor do. What purpose these higher lasers serve here, where the only enemies are bokoblins, I don't know; maybe they're here in case moblins spawn.
Something else that drew my attention here, though, was this:
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That orange glow there. Lava? A deactivated Sheikah switch? I backed up a few frames to get a closer look:
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This bokoblin has a juice backpack.
I have no idea what it does. My first thought is "ranged weapon," but maybe it's something meant to dismantle Ultrahand's adhesive. Do the enemies here learn from Link's strategies?
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Moving on, we see this HUGE monster, but before we focus on that, there are two other things I want to point out.
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First is Link's armor here. It's blue, with a spiked crown and luminous cuffs. It looks remarkably like Naydra, the ice dragon.
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But how do you get this?
The dragons must play some more significant role in the story, even if it's a side quest that rewards you with the chests for it. That's three rewards, all together, presumably from each dragon unless Naydra gets special treatment (which isn't outside the realm of possibility; it was the only dragon of the three to be cursed).
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The second thing I want to point out is Tulin. He's giving off glowing threads as he falls—why? What does he have that's doing this? What is it doing for him? He has wings, so it can't be a flight-related thing; is it a treasure he's carrying in a backpack? A spell that's currently active on him?
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Back to our boss monster, there are a number of things this guy resembles.
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There's Twinmold, from Majora's Mask; their mandibles look similar, and they have the same needle-like square mouth of teeth.
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Gohma's Wind Waker incarnation, for similar reasons.
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The Minish Cap's Gyorg, with its many eyes and curved mandibles, and its relation to the sky.
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And, while not a boss, it does resemble an ice-white version of a Skytail from Skyward Sword.
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It also appears to be coming out of a portal, though that could just be part of the effect of this thing tearing through the clouds.
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The next clip has malice spiraling outwards like a fireball, consuming everything in its path.
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We saw something similar when Zelda sealed Calamity Ganon away at the end of Breath of the Wild, so this might be the seal giving way.
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We then cut to Zelda—"I know why I am here. It's...something only I can do." Her appearance here is just like it was when her mentor figure was talking to her. However, if we look at the background-
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There is nothing behind her. No settlements, no towers, no sky isles, nothing. Wherever this is, it's fully immune to the absolute chaos that's currently going on—OR she stands on one of the sky isles, though a very plain one, with nothing else to her left.
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It's further evidenced here, by this stone, which we get a better view of in the next shot.
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Her hands, cupping the golden tear we see at her neck in the mentor shot, stand on an interesting background. We can see that she stands on a stone pedestal of some kind; likely a Zonai structure.
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But why does she have the Master Sword, wherever she is?
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Let's take a look at that tear, as well. See the runes etched on the surface?
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It's the "Recall" glyph we saw in the gameplay trailer, but turned. Thus, the "right side up" for this tear is like this:
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This is important later, I swear.
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Malice rises in the next shot, and it happens so quickly that it's hard to see the source.
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That's Corpse Ganondorf, his arms stretched upwards as he releases it all.
But then the trailer does a very, very clever switcheroo that's impossible to notice at normal speed.
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You see these two screenshots? Flip between them for a moment, back and forth. They look like they're from different moments, right?
The second one is exactly one frame after the first. These are two different shots, spliced together.
What does this mean, as far as we're concerned here? I see two options:
The pillars of light happen at multiple moments, possibly whenever the blood moon rises.
This is a different cut of the same cutscene—omitting a point in the middle between Ganoncorpse unleashing the beam and the beam going into the sky.
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Regardless of which it is, the beam goes into the sky, surrounded by the malice sparks that accompany the blood moon.
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And it explodes.
And I'm out of space yet again. Look out for part 10!
Edit: Part 10!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
duman vs kalshare
This one goes out to the people who weren't there during the great YouTube comment battle, allow me to set the stage for you:
All the way back in December of 2021 I was just existing on YT, looking at a couple videos, whatever- When suddenly, in a random comment section I came across the question that started it all. If Duman and Kalshara were to fight, who would win? And because I was about as normal as I am now, very extremely normal, I just. Jumped in there. Which I actually don't do, usually. Commenting stresses me out and ''arguments'' even more so.
I said Duman would win ofc. No surprises there. Now I will admit I literally just went "Duman." and dipped, I was satisfied with that at the time. I think a couple of people did the same thing, actually? Just a short chain of "Duman", it was kinda funny. Then the person started their defense, something along the lines of: "Kalshare has fairy magic and wild magic, that's more than Duman." And I'm not 100% proud of this response, but basically I just went "nuh uh"?? Like yeah it's more in the sense that. Those are two things. But is it more in terms of strength? 2021 me didn't think so. And lowkey I still don't.
Is it my bias against season 7? Maybe.
But did Kalshara still have her fairy powers when she went full wild magic? Idk!! If she did, she'd still wouldn't have finished/graduated fairy school?? I'd argue still being part fairy would put her at more of a disadvantage tbh, because y'know. Trained fairy hunter who is immune to fairy magic. Which is a point that was brought up to the commenter, Duman can't be hurt by 'lesser fairy magic', as mean as that might sound. The Winx themselves needed a specific transformation to start doing damage to the Black Circle, ignoring how some people feel about that, it was a thing. We told them that. Kalshara isn't a Believix fairy so her being a fairy would not help.
Besties. When I tell you their response will be engraved into my mind forever. "We never saw her transform so we don't know if she is." SORRY lemme just-
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I don't even feel like explaining why that's a deranged take, so I'm not gonna. I'll just move on to my next point.
This might be because I don't really respect wild magic as a whole, but what it looks like is just. Transforming into animals and creatures. Which? Slay ig. But it seems that's where the limit is. Animals and creatures. Duman is shown to also be able to transform into people and fucking WATER on top of animal and creatures. It's his preference rather than his limit. We don't really know where his actual limit is and S4 didn't bother giving a clear answer. Just kinda killed him off. That whole thing also vague in the show.
Anyway, we went back and forth for a bit, didn't come to an agreement or anything whatever. I ended up finding this person in other comment sections after this as well! Asking the same question. One comment section being. My own. Under my Duman VA video. I think the original comment section was blocked because the video got marked as for kids, but I may have some screenshots laying around that I'll add in a reblog if I find them. I do have this response to one of her comments that I decided not to interact with:
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Because spoken like an individual that doesn't value their two turtles.
Remember besties, one of these villains had to be DESTROYED, the other fell down a hole, was declared dead and never seen again. Things to think about. I know I think about it. Sometimes. Because I'm normal.
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renjibozo · 2 years
episode 8 trailer dropped, you know what that means !
guess who's back for another prediction.
ok first off before i put the cut, i just think rei's english is so pleasant to the ears that's all
okay spoiler territory time
(edited a little to add in a little something)
it seems we're finally at that point of PV 2 and 3 where they started planning and preparing a birthday !
but first let me just cry about how cute the conversation between kazuki and rei are before i get into the topic of the scenes playing in the trailer
(don't trust my translation 100% i am only going off of how i understand it with limited knowledge)
Rei: Because Miri came, I started to feel the seasons. Kazuki: That's true∼ Rei: And I thought summer was just hot. Kazuki: You do become more of a hikikomori when the summer comes... Rei: Summer was just limited to coolers, but... Kazuki: But? Rei: There were... also days where I thought the sunlight was nice
also this
Rei: It's the first time that I've ever thought that I liked this weather Kazuki: Barbecuing on tiles sounds good too Rei: I'll have to refuse. Kazuki: Eeh?
i love how rei's a little more talkative and especially about his likes and dislikes when it comes to summer
anyways onto the scenes!
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kazuki and miri are preparing but i'm still not sure if they're preparing for rei's birthday because putting kazurei's conversation aside, it should be related to the episode still like the previous trailer for episode 7
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since miri's zoo trip is over and the rainy season was shown in episode 7, and kazurei talked about the summer weather, i can only guess that it really is gonna be a rei birthday thing because no way is it miri's birthday bc hers is in november, and her acquisition was in christmas eve
rei bday might be somewhere between june to september
i will cry if i get this correct
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the suwa manor i assume??
we don't really see rei outside of the house on his own especially in work attire so this is new new
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this implies that despite kyutaro once looking at rei saying he knows the consequences of betraying the organization the most, he is in contact with his boss (father)
did he have an escape attempt once? is this episode going to elaborate on that? this seems more of a rei backstory episode after kazuki's backstory episode
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local malewife malewifing as usual, nothing out of the ordinary except he looks just a bit more natural in his position rather than vaguely distressed
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im willing to bet kazuki's the one who did her hairstyle because i feel like rei would just accidentally tug on her hair every few seconds but i might be proven wrong or they never show us
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favorite child and unfavorite child face off? they have similar facial structures and hair strand placement
the color contrasts is screeching into my face as well
(also i just think rei looks like slender man in that screenshot jesus christ he is terrifying)
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now why is this man here
he cannot be related at all so whats he doing here !! was he hired by rei's boss to take care of him or something !!!! curious. so curious
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i really do wonder what sort of conversation they're having in the midst of a gunfight inside a ship
maybe the organization found out about miri and them taking in miri?
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the infamous "Rei-papa looks lonely sometimes" scene which really just wants me to think its a rei bday episode
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he's showing too much emotion so i'm convinced that there was a threat made to miri and kazuki by favorite poster suwa child
we never see this man with any kind of scratch or wound from episodes 1 to 7 during gunfights, but we see him a little roughed up in this scene for once which really screams this man might be nearly superhuman but he is not Immune to physical damage (nor is he immune to psychological warfare)
this episode has me hyped because it seems like a tenser vibe compared to kazuki's more melancholy confrontation with his past which he ends up coming to terms with
hopefully rei does get back home safe and sound even if he gets a wound or two, manifesting!!
thats all folks, thanks for coming to my newest installment of yuzu loves overanalyzing 40 seconds of footage
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piracytheorist · 1 year
What's this? More clueless reacting?
Continuation of this as @yumeka-sxf outdid themselves and sent me more out-of-context spoiler-free manga screenshots.
Reminder to not spoil me about those. Let me have my fun.
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This four five "six"-year-old is going through. A Lot. I kinda love how that ranges from difficult math problems to protecting her loved ones from bombs, which should be terrifying but I am not immune to Endo's writing and humor. All Forgers deserve their peace and what Anya deserves in particular is to get more rascal gremlin time than stressed gremlin time.
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That's more like it! Badass Anya!
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Since That scene of "there's a trace of true emotion in his smile" I am growing weak on the knees every time Loid smiles because. How do I know for sure it's all fake? What is there to dispute my view that his expressions are starting to betray his true emotions?
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*grasps chest* *gently touches screen* *screams*
SOMFT 😭😭 Is he looking at Anya here I am going to SCREAM if he's looking at Anya here. Or even just thinking about them I'd take anything. MY SOUL FOR SOMFT LOID 😭😭😭😭😭
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I've been so used to such expressions that I immediately assume something funny is happening here. I cannot for the life of me make out the environment around him, or if he could be shocked by looking at something/someone or is just leaning back and having a CrisisTM and staring at the void. Could be just Anya being 0.1 seconds away from accidentally revealing she knows he's a spy, though. Or maybe Yor made another exhibit of her super strength and he's left with the most confusing boner of his life.
Speaking of Yor...
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Oh boy I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me :) Is she killing someone or trying to cook? I love not knowing.
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1. More adorable Yor that deserves the best and 2. WHO HURT HER. SHE LOOKS SAD. WHOM DO I HAVE TO BEAT UP. IS IT LOID IMMA BEAT HIS SHIT UP I DON'T CARE. Or maybe she's just shy about something. I love not knowing!
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Again that's probably like, something funny happening here. Those two don't have normal reactions to normally frightening stuff. That's why they're made for each other :D
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Like sister, like brother am I right. What is he so shocked about. Did Loi-Loi kiss Yor's hand I wish lol and that shan't happen? I love how when ShockTM happens, Endo takes the "square mouth" route.
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A fancy man! I genuinely love not knowing what's happening you have no idea.
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This could be Becky's reaction to thinking about or seeing Loid but it's gonna make my heart grow three times its size if it's Anya she's so loving with ;_;
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LMAO those were sent in random order but putting them together makes it look like it's progress from one to the other. What is Bond all shoujo-filtered about. Is it a good steak? Anya being adorable? And then he's sweating about stuff again. I love (painful) how being a part of the Forger family means dealing with unimaginable stress. Is he thinking about Yor's poisonous cooking? That might make his blushed reaction the opposite then... thinking about Loid's cooking XD
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I smell character development. He's sweating in both cases so in the first one he's not just being a little shit. It means Stuff is happening. Do you see what a few drops of manga sweat can do.
For some reason it's in this one that I see his O_O expression and I'm like "oh serious stuff is happening is his father being horrible to him again" instead of thinking that it could be a funny moment. I love not knowing and I love not knowing when those stuff will happen, I genuinely mean it.
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liliana-meadowpink · 11 months
(Note from the author: The name of this blog is my username, although spelled slightly differently. So if you see Lilianna Meadow-pink around, that’s me! I plan to sometimes share more screenshots and sometimes write things here like this is Lillie’s journal, but mostly I’m just reblogging fan art!)
Lillie’s page on Art Fight: https://artfight.net/character/4013935.liliana-meadowpink
🍰 Hi there, I’m Lillie! I’ve been living in Kilima for a while now. Haven’t found a Shepp yet but I’m taking my time to consider EVERYONE carefully.
🎂 I love mining, foraging, and bug catching. Fishing and gardening are skills I… can do, but I am not very strategic about them, haha! Hunting is only by necessity, and furniture making is not as exciting as Tish makes it seem. Maybe I should pick her as my Shepp. It might help me enjoy it more. Or maybe Nai’o, since the farm is such a lovely place to be! I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I wasn’t friends with him and Auni.
🐚 An update: I picked Tish as my Shepp since I got her to level 4 friendship first! I still have low level furniture crafting though, haha.
🐈 My palcats are named Aqua(island he/him), Luna(nocturnal she/her), Merry(sandy he/him), and Saber(snowy she/her). They’re great at chappa hunting, maybe better than me!
🥀 As for romance… What drew my author to the game of Palia was the fact that we can romance a robot (Einar is so sweet and sincere i lov himb so much) but then uhhhhh….
💜 Turns out I am NOT immune to the “somebody takes their glasses off and is hot now” cliche. I was supposed to have an enemies-to-friends arc with Jel because I’m a rambunctious and careless dirt gremlin, and yet here I am with a crush on the most annoyingly talented and softly beautiful NERD I’ve met in my entire life.
🏹 Or at least I think so. Hard to remember exactly when I can’t remember my life as a human. Just bits and pieces. I know I had a family. That’s probably why I can barely stand to talk with Hassan. He reminds me of someone. I wish I could remember who.
🪷 But… yeah, Jel and I are together now!
🪴Below the cut are some links to fics about me and my life in Palia. 🪴
Stinkbugs and Silk, featuring Kenyatta, with Einar and Jel mentioned. Just under 1,000 words.
More fics to come!
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mortuarywriting · 7 months
📚 🧚‍♀️ Just one or both if you'd like 👉👈
I can do both!! These were super neat to think on!! the second one is absolutely why this gets a read more. I went off the shits. So sorry about that.
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
Hmmm sometimes it's seeing the right prompt, sometimes its seeing ideas being tossed around and thinking on it, sometimes its taking the canon and seeing how a seemingly small but significant shift would impact it and how that would domino effect! I love playing with worldbuilding sandboxes so much that sometimes the fics themselves fall to the wayside ">>
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
OUGH this is such a hard one!! How do you choose a favorite child!! I'll scoop from the top and be read for filth for it I think but. Worth it i think. Anyway you get them alphabetically
Auron - Final Fantasy X
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This is it. This is your story. It all begins here.
I. boy I am really not immune to Dark Knights in the FF franchise the more I think about it but! Auron has always been such a good character and I associate him so much with a song I LOVE... Auron is just one of my favorite companions, I love the insight he brings and how he was a Guardian for Yuna's Father as well as her. He's also one of Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Death - Darksiders 2
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All who live know my name, all who oppose me shall know Death.
Caaan't find a decent pic of him and I don't really wanna go and redownload the whole game for screenshot purposes yet. Aywho-
Darksiders 2 is all about Death, the oldest of the Nephilim/Horsemen of the Apocalypse proving the innocence of his brother War (seen lower in the list) for the crime of allegedly starting the Apocalypse early. Between this game and the Abomination Vault book preceding any of the games I really appreciate these two, Death being a ridiculously smart but also an apathetic asshole who only cares for a small handful, plays things close to his chest... He's a neat character and I appreciate just how far ahead he seems to plan and the lengths he'll go to make sure it all goes as he wants it to. Metal as hell.
Because War has his I also have to show Death's horse so this is Despair
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And this is his Reaper Form
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Fray Myste - Final Fantasy XIV
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Bastard of the Brume, Fray was taken in by Ser Ompagne and became trained in becoming a Dark Knight with Sidurgu. By the time we meet them Ompagne is long dead, and Fray has just been defeated in a duel.
We find Fray, pick up the Dark Knight Soul crystal from where it had fallen beside him, and he becomes your mentor upon your waking up. You touched something that would hurt yourself and others along the way and BOY HOWDY does he have excellent threats of violence. Will follow you around on your job quests and heal you while you're being a dumb tank. He writes your quest journal entries and is such a sassy bloodthirsty shit
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Fray is the other of the Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Jarlaxle Baenre - Forgotten Realms
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I am Jarlaxle. I have been everywhere.
Lets start with Jarlaxle was born the third son of the Highest House in Menzoberranzan- a city where the houses are constantly trying to kill the house ahead of them for status and do so to not get caught, their goddess Lolth favoring those who get away with no evidence to damn themselves. To that end there's a firm rule enforced by Lolth- every third son is to be sacrificed to her- two male children are expendable and acceptable but any further are sacrificed after birth.
Jarlaxle's mother, ruler of the highest house and having kept that seat for Ages, went to acquiesce with that upon Jarlaxle's birth.
Lolth told her no. Jarlaxle was to live, he was too interesting.
He has since made this an everyone else problem. Man has connections in the underdark and surface, everything he wears is in some form enchanted, he's proficient with just about everything, and he is so fascinated with various things and just wants to see what happens next and how it can help him get ahead. I love him. I wanna study him under a microscope. Every character that's been in a campaign he's turned up in has vibe checked him and decided they want out of the room right now immediately. Most notably my dude who was sometimes part moose said "I'd like to leave, actually"
Urick - Drakengard 2
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A masked man who lives a life haunted by the curse of death. Three years ago, after a tragic incident, he made a pact with the Reaper, although the price he paid for this pact is unknown. At first glance he appears to be a carefree, lively character who could never bear a grudge. However, on rare occasions, his jovial facade can't quite conceal the truth...
To preface the significance of this-
A Pact, also known as a Contract (契約 Keiyaku?) in the Japanese version, is a contract system in the world of Drakengard between a human (or other humanoid race) and a beast. By merging their souls together, the human gains supernatural powers, and both participants gain a second chance in life should either or both be close to death. The human must pay some price for the pact, and if one should be fatally injured, it means death for both unless the pact is broken. Beings who have formed a pact with each other are referred to as "pact-partners".
Urik's pact is his mortality. Straight up he does not have a heart in his chest anymore. He's just a generally chill guy and while I haven't gone through Drakengard 2 in years (thanks playstation for 0 drakengard or drakengard 2 rep) I remember him fondly. I forgot how much I loved him and that his wiki trivia describes him as "Urick is good at playing dead." The game quote they chose for him is "Just because you can't make any friends, doesn't mean you should take it out on the rest of us" which is what he says as he's about to save your character's life.
plus lookit this smile
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War - Darksiders
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You can look me in the eye when I kill you.
Darksiders is a game about oops, the apocalypse started on earth! Heaven and Hell start duking it out in the streets and humanity suffers for it. Humans die out, earth is in ruins, and all of it is conveniently laid at the feet of War - youngest of the Four Horsemen who has gotten in trouble for fighting with humanity before (please see left arm being fuckoff huge gauntlet. That's a prosthetic. Death cut his arm off for that bullshit in the comics).
Now, War is a man of his word and high code of honor- he said he'd leave humans be and he did. He's been framed and the Council- those in charge of keeping the balance and the bosses of the Horsemen- gives him a shot to prove his innocence and find the actual culprits with a Watcher keeping tabs and reporting back.
This is his horse, Ruin
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This is his Chaos Form
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War is voiced by Liam O'Brian and the Watcher is voiced by Mark Hamill. so that's fun. Samael in game could also get it but that does not a fav make.
Also fun lore fact: all the horsemen's horses are the same species. The horse just reflects the rider once they've bonded. Fun magic shit.
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twig-the-edgelord · 5 months
why do you hate hazbin hotel
I do want to quickly state that I am FINE with people watching it, unless they like one VERY specific character. It’s one of the few things that I honestly think its better to pirate.
A lot of my moots and friends like it, and that’s fine I’m fine.
Another thing this isn’t a full thread, nor am I going to find too much evidence but I’ll link what I can! Also I don’t know how much of this has been addressed/ debunked. I will try to keep it factual and what I know up to be correct. No one is immune to false information.
I don’t care for the content it’s self but a lot of the characters are hurtful stereotypes (ex:angel being a hurtful gay stereotype, the flapper character being a Jewish stereotype)
Even if Viz says that a character isn’t Jewish it is very clear what she’s SUPPOSED TO BE!
She had/has a story bored artist who had a rape fetish working on the dancing scenes of the song poison, which is about Valentino’s abuse to angel and how he wants to get out. It is ok if this is how you cope however that should be kept to yourself. It is very VERY triggering for a lot of survivors, and teaches others that it is acceptable. I’m not comfortable looking at the evidence to this however there are plenty of screenshots. I cannot believe in good faith that she is taking this seriously if someone who is that open about liking it is at all working on such a thing.
Her Nazi oc (this thread also goes into other things)
Another part is its fandom.
Both of these characters are canonically rapists
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Staols (the bird) only allows Blitzo to have the book if they have sex every month (which isn’t how consent works) and Valentino (the moth) has scenes where he is abusive (sexual, physical, and verbal) to angel dust. Both of these characters are beloved by the fandom.
Especially Valentino, who is treated as a hot, sexy, and quirky character. He a the bad guy, yet both Viz and the fandom love him. It’s fowl. I hate it.
This was made extremely quickly but if there’s anything you’d like to add/I got wrong do feel free to reblog or comment. There is a LOT of misinformation going around about the show and its creators.
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raskolnikovslawyer · 1 year
9 10 19 !
9. worst part of canon
the gansey characterization, especially the reveal that he knew he was going to die the whole time. it's not a bad idea on its face but the execution was so sloppy. there is a universe where i am not a ganseyphobe, and it's all in ms. stiefvater's hands
10. worst part of fanon
total mischaracterization of ronan's religion i.e. focusing on the wrong part of him being a weirdo catholic. i've said this before and i'll say it again - god doesn't care that he's gay, but it IS a huge sin for him to create life. also a lot of the "take me to church dot mp3" -esque characterizations of his religiosity are kind of annoying to me* *not because i care for religious reasons. i care because i am a pedant
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
those posts that are like [screenshot from media] [euripides quote] [screenshot from media] [sad tumblr poetry] [screenshot from media] it does strike me a little bit like... you can draw parallels between almost anything tbh, and sometimes it really is just mashing things together and crying, "oh my feels!" but i am not immune to parallels. i love parallels. even imaginary parallels that tumblr users make because they listened to too much lana del rey that day
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claire-starsword · 9 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 16
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We continue Max's extreme luck with boats.
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I am also teased with the existence of my Favorite Man but unfortunately, he does not join the team now, nor is he valid in this run. The neverending string of Adam Ls.
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Once again there's nothing too interesting for the clear bonus. I do realize too late that I forgot to check the item shop in Waral, there's supposed to be something special there. I cannot go back now though until I solve the water problem here, so my bad.
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The thing about this battle is that you can split up and face them on three fronts, including some very annoying narrow paths, or just rush through the center and ignore the side enemies or deal with them later. I want exp, but I have many squishy people, so I'll start from the center and see how it goes. There are, as usual, bats though, which should be approaching from the sides anyway.
Also, Domingo is not equipped with the ring he's supposed to be equipped with. I goofed up big time last part apparently. Hopefully we won't miss the extra movement.
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Turn 1 is a bore fest with only a single bat approaching. Domingo can immediately go deal with it and hopefully distract it from frail targets.
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lmao never mind. fellas love to ignore Domingo, poor thing.
Not a frail target though, so we're fine. This is just how Max's life goes.
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The Worms however are doing a number on him. I do think they're valid targets for the Mermanbuster though.
Meanwhile Domingo left that first bat at 1 HP so Anri gets easy exp.
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It is turn 4 and the bats are ignoring everyone so hard.
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Domingo continues to have massive level ups, I didn't screenshot but he also got more defense, he's so good.
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Unfortunately no amount of level ups can make these dogs less annoying.
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On the other hand these things are indeed Mermanbusted.
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We're now on annoying blocked positions. And if you ever thought "Oh the hounds are immune to fire so they must be weak to ice", tough luck, they seem to resist it despite again having no magic res marked on their stats. There is a clear attempt to nerf wizards in this second half of the game and, well, you'll see where that goes in the future! For now is more annoying than anything as Narsha is taking everything just fine.
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Also Arthur redeems himself blasting this thing off the earth. I cheer briefly before realizing there's four more dogs in this map.
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Because I'm annoyed at how much HP the dogs have, and the Skeletons tend to be tanks as well, I'm using Attack 2 on Narsha, Arthur and Max, as the position lined up nicely. Tao is also getting the buff, but I don't think she'll get to use it. Always funny if she does though.
She was supposed to Blaze a Skeleton to oblivion, because that's another way to deal with their tankiness, but I misclicked and ended her turn. Sorry woman.
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Gong is also not having a great promotion debut.
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And then Lowe gets really excited to one up him! That's a one shot, shame it doesn't give much exp at this point.
We're at turn 6 but I'm not too worried about the bonus, I'd rather train, so it's time to try baiting the side enemies with Domingo and other tanks. Tao also gets to finally deal with that Skeleton as intended, getting a level for the good work.
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Turn 7 and everyone is baited by the trio of Domingo, Narsha and Max… Except that bat. I think these things are allergic to Domingo. You can see the dog did not ignore Domingo, this is flight AI thing or whatever. I'm calling it allergy. Or maybe a phobia. The enemies would be justified in having a phobia of Domingo.
A Skeleton survives Tao. This should be illegal >:(
Khris finishes it and unlike Lowe she gets a lot of exp from this enemy, levelling up.
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Gong gets to redeem himself with some awesome damage.
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This goddamn Skeleton refuses to be baited. I want to beat it up with Tao as she's pretty useless against the boss here, they're a mage so they resist any magic and have two hellhound with them. But Tao has no more Blaze 3 so she need someone to protect her, probably Gong, who can't tank the stronger enemies.
We're at turn 10 and haven't reached the boss yet, so that's it for the clear bonus. I really don't mind because the boss has to be done carefully (they have Freeze 2), and we're getting good exp. The worms were ridiculously easy thanks to the Mermanbuster (and Narsha getting a crit as strong as the Mermanbuster, the woman is really good with seafood), and Tao and Gong are finishing the annoying Skeleton.
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The thing about this boss is that, as a mage, their defense is trash. Max can probably one hit them. But they're not in reach yet, and the dogs will block us as soon as they can. Their damage plus the mage's damage is a heavy blow to tank, but I think Max can do it as his magic res is 38% right now, pretty good (nothing compared to the 47% and 48% of Narsha and Anri though, I did not notice Anri was getting this good, turns out there's two goddesses of magic res).
Because the mage is easy to hit, doing away with the dogs seem like the best option. I'm unsure of how much damage we're gonna do, I'm not used to the damage of Supernova yet.
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The damage is a whooping lot, that's how much. Perhaps it would have been possible to one hit the mage with this even with their resistance, Supernova is a bit weird with the resistances actually, but again, I prefer exp to the bonus today.
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Not much to comment for the end, Max, Arthur and Domingo deal with the last dog while receiving heals from Narsha, Khris and Lowe. By the time only the mage is left things are easy. You can see here however what 60% magic res means, Anri cannot finish this fella at 5 HP. But surviving like that only means he gets one of the rarest deaths possible:
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The Domingo slap.
Overall, a chill battle. There's a lot to do in town next time so I'll leave that for the next part.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2
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yumejo · 1 year
🎉🤪😳 for lilia?
ana, hiii!! i really hope you've been doing well 💘💘 /gen thank you so much!
🎉 Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re smiling/laughing/having a good time.
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—HE'S SOOO CUTE HERE TOO it's impossible for him to have anything thrown at him bc he instinctively dodges it from his war general days lol i love how cheeky he looks here!! it's my fave birthday card of his...!
🤪 Post a screenshot of your f/o making a silly face.
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—scary to everyone else, but funny to me heehee he could never be scary to me!!
😳 Post a screenshot of your f/o that flusters you.
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—i am not immune to general lilia kashgfdj//// maybe it's the way his eyes glows and i can see his fangs but honestly he can take a huge chomp out of me pls
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leafiebeanie · 2 years
for the rntn ask game!! 🔥❤️💣💭
hi!!! thanks for the ask bb! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
🔥- What first drew you to Rengoku Kyojuro/Tanjiro?
naturally, the man's beautiful and thick eyebrows xD jkjk
more answers under the cut! (its very long, you have been warned 🤭🤭)
i definitely fell heart ❤️ first for kyotan after finishing the mugen train arc, but hmmmmm, to pinpoint the exact moment it ✨ sparked ✨ and activated the fujo cells in my brain, it has to be the sleepy time on the train—i am not immune to the tenderness of the scene, pls gtg couldve had tan sleep against the window, or nod off to sleep without leaning against kyo, BUTTTTTT tan placed his head on kyo's shoulder, AND KYO DIDN'T STOP HIM!!! (ง ื▿ ื)ว
for all we know, tan couldve drifted off to sleep first on the rattling window, and then kyo placed his head on his shoulder so tan could sleep more comfortably! 😉😉 anyway
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🎴 tanjiro has always been my favourite character, right from the start of the series—he's a very loveable character, dependable, and his "i am the eldest son!" attitude really endeared me 😭😭 similarly, kyo is also a very dependable and sexy big brother, so its needless to say that they captured my heart almost instantly
and obviously, like, the way the kamaboko trio first met kyo on the train, how it was zen and ino's first time seeing kyo, and they were asking tan how they would know they met the right person,,, and the way tan said he's seen kyo before and would definitely recognise him! (im not gonna lie, that little bit alone had the fujo braincells in my head starting to wake up 🤭🤭)
and then how they got to see kyo's strength and power as he slayed the first two demons on the train with ease, and then the look of admiration (love) on tan's face when kyo ran up to tan and told him he would take care of five carriages while zen and nezuko handled three,,,
yes i took so many screenshots when rewatching the movie
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my boy's down bad for kyo 🥺🥺
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alternatively..... this is what i want kyo to say heheheheh
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and then how at the end of the movie, kyo gave it his all while fighting akaza,, how desperate tan was as he watched the fight from afar, hating how weak he was, how he flung his sword at akaza while akaza ran from the sun
and then finally, when kyo called tan to come over and referred to him by his name, especially hits hard when he calls zenitsu yellow hair and inosuke, boar boy,, and how he gave tan and nezuko his approval 😭😭😭
and then how tan could barely keep himself together, couldnt bring himself to accept the fact that kyo, a powerful and strong hashira, has lost to an upper moon, his anguished cries while he was carried away, please, spare me
i just really love how close kyo and tan got during the events of one night 😭😭😭
and i always find myself gravitating to ships that could have been, had you not left your time too early :')
plus an honorary mention from the short scene in the opening song, where kyo tries to get tan to eat more bentos, augh so cute!!! 😍😍
❤️ - what are your favorite kind of RenTan stories? (Canon, Rengoku lives, modern… etc)
mmm, i am a huge sucker for animal settings and stuff with deities, so konpon au, tiger x cat, owl kyo, literally all the ones with part animal stuff, i eat them all up!
aside from that, the rengoku lives tag is free therapy okay, lets be real xDDDDDDD i just love thinking about the future that couldve happened if kyo had survived
and i also think it would be interesting to see how they would live their lives after muzan has been taken down, we have kyo, whose entire life has been moulded and shaped for one purpose only and now that theyve finally achieved it, what happens?
definitely, there would be a training arc, maybe kyo and tan would have to rein in wandering thoughts about each other, or fics where kyotan gets into an argument bc tan doesnt want to become his tsuguko bc it means replacing kyo as hashira,
and even dumb shenanigans like giyuu being salty and jealous about kyo wanting tan to be his tsuguko, bc it! was! giyuu! who found tan first! kyo should go look for someone else to be his tsuguko! xD
like many others have said before me, i think it would be sweet to watch kyo learn how to live a simple life with tan, where each day is simply spent appreciating the idle things in life, the quiet days where nothing particularly Big! or Adrenaline Rushing! happens
💣 - share your most controversial RenTan take. Set your thoughts ablaze!!
controversial take hmmmmmmmm
lets see, i think kyo has the potential to be manipulative, whether he is conscious of it or not
it has to do with his trauma, where he is so! good! at compartmentalising his emotions, and how rigid he can sometimes be about "this is the way things has to be",
im talking about how ruka instilled "the strong must protect the weak" mentality in kyo, and given how he interacts with sen and the bento girl, it sort of reflects that "the weak should just sit back and be protected by the strong"
and i just think that if he's 100% set his mind on "the way a certain thing should be", he might end up manipulating the situation to be what he has envisioned in his mind
like if sen really pushes through headstrong that he is going to train hard and join the demon slater corps, kyo is going to reject and push sen's desires down, kind of the way shin is doing to kyo, but kyo might end up saying things that affect sen more than shin does kyo—maybe he'll tell sen about what ruka says, and it can be especially effective bc sen barely has any memories of ruka before she passed, how he should just let him! the older and more capable one! handle all the hard work, that sen is pitiful enough the way he already is, really hammering in the point that sen cannot possibly do anything,,, that kind of stuff
of course, that doesnt mean that kyo is incapable of changing his mind—proven when he first says nezuko should be killed bc she is a demon and 100% no longer human, but then changes his mind about nezuko once he sees her protecting the passengers in mugen train
gah—i just think that he can be manipulative if he (his heart) really wants to, and i say his heart because again, he might be doing it subconsciously, reflecting what he really wants deep down, and not what he thinks should happen from his skewed perspective as the strong one
💭 - In a world where the train ride lasted longer, what do Rengoku and Tanjiro dream of?
ooh!!! this one is a fun one!
enmu says he likes to give his victims the happiest dream they could ever dream of, then thrust them into the most painful dream once they've relaxed and put down their guards,,,
so lets see, for kyo right, since his dream starts of with a memory of him telling shin that he has finally become the flame hashira, and how shin belittles him and his efforts
then it goes on to show sen waiting outside shin's room, waiting for kyo to come out etc, yadda yadda
i think enmu would continue to build on that dream, so it will emphasize the peaceful, but short, days that kyo gets to spend with sen
then! he might end up dreaming about ruka, about the happy days he has shared with his family, before ruka's passing that broke shin so bad
maybe it'll show scenes where kyo gets back from a long mission and starts telling sen about how it went, and then goes on with him learning things that sen excitedly shares, stories that he's learned from reading,
sen getting his beloved aniki to try and taste test his latest recipes bc shin is too busy drowning himself in alcohol, kyo thoroughly enjoying and appreciating sen's efforts, eating burnt food whilst sen apologizes nonstop and trying to get kyo to stop eating the burnt stuff, saying he'll make another batch that isnt burnt
maybe there'll even be a part where sen helps to trim kyo's hair for the first time, carefully, and then sen accidentally cuts off a big chunk
now kyo lets him and just laughs it off, bc he wants to leave some happy memories with sen before his inevitable death happens, as with any rengoku before him, while fulfilling their duty
as for tan, enmu also lets him dream about his family, and we know that tan so desperately misses his family, how much he wants to sit there and bask in denial that his family had been killed in cold blood
so continuing from that, i think tan would be spending more time with his family, chopping wood and making charcoal as usual with takeo following him around happily, then descending the mountain to sell charcoal as per his usual routine with rokuta and hana tagging along
maybe the seasons would change, from winter to spring, where tan would occasionally take a break and go pick some flowers for kie, and to spend time basking in the morning sun with rokuta and hana
to summer, where he would bring his siblings down to the river and play with them in the water, and he would catch fish with them, teaching them how to spear the fishes
to autumn, where he would rake up the leaves to make a giant leaf pile and his siblings would jump into it, maybe he might even build a little canopy hut thing for them to play in with the fallen leaves and branches
with all the seasons that come and go, tan watches happily as his siblings all grow up, but bc enmu wants to give him a bad dream at the end, tan realises that he's the only one that isnt aging like the rest of his family
he starts to notice when he sees takeo and rokuta looming over him, having grown up already, takeo, getting into his rebellious phase, rokuta, no longer the crybaby he used to be
nezuko and hana, much older now, swooning over the new family that just moved into town, who also happens to have a handsome and single young man, who only vaguely reminds tan about muzan (bc it is him but in a different form, and tan cant smell him very well bc he's already so drawn into his dream, so settled in but just on edge enough to realise that something isnt quite right)
kie, her eyesight no longer what it used to be, grey hairs and shaky hands are her normal now, but still lovingly making their favourite senbei for her darling children
all growing older, except for tan, who continues to remain stuck, frozen in time
and there you have it! so sorry it took me so long to reply xDDDDD i had to get fresh screencaps from the movie hehe
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