#i am once again too bashful to post these to my main <3
weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
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getting older means rereading your favorite reader insert fic and making art of it because nothing else really matters
chains by valentinesdaygreen (i usually read it on quotev) edit: that fic deserves a lot of content warnings im not going to list them all here but uh please reader discretion advised
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zanarkandfayth · 1 month
Would love to read your answers to questions 3, 9, 13, 17, 18, 26, 29, 31, 32, 50, and, if there's another number (or several) you really wanna answer, please add those too ✨
thank you for the ask!! <33 I wrote you novels in return gjdskglj
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
oooh this one is so hard because I love most of my fics for different reasons, even my older ones (at least the ones on ao3. we ignore the ones left behind on ffnet lmao). hhhh, of completed ones that are posted, imma have to say monsters honestly, because damn did I put some heart into that. but the one I'd probably consider absolute best is the still ongoing, not yet posted 600K+ beast of a fic I usually refer to as "nanofic" that I've been working on since 2019. it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it just gets so deep into noct's trauma that I inflict on him and his slow recovery from it, more than I've done for any other fic, and I've poured so much blood sweat and tears into that thing, it's kinda everything to me.
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
written, no. been tempted to in the past, but it was too much effort and I already had too many fics for my main fandoms. I have read fandom blind for both harry potter and supernatural in the past though, like lates 2000s into mid 2010s. both were kinda on accident. supernatural in particular is because it kept getting crossed over with MULTIPLE of my fandoms. psych, house md, and criminal minds. so I started reading non-crossover supernatural fics in self-defense gsdklgjdks
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I mean… this is the first paragraph of one of my fics from my first fandom when I was fifteen. you tell me 😂
"Relena smiled as she sipped her tea and mentally reviewed the day's schedule. 8:00 am- peace talk to the world. 10:00 am- conference with Romefeller. 1:00 pm- try to convince Dorothy to become a pacifist because she was to stupid to understand that Dorothy loved war. Rest of the day- annoy the HELL out of Heero Yuy. Smiling happily again (PLEASE! Her smile is SO annoying), she stood up and was just about to take a step when …. suddenly a freak falling cow killed her!!! =^.^= The gundam boys all burst out of closets around the room and rejoiced."
the biggest change is probably that I actually write well now lmao. and don't character bash. and don't throw author's notes and emoticons in the middle of fics, and have learned to format better, and, and…
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
oh god. let me hide before I answer this. hands down, it's shadows growing. like let me be clear, it's not bad by any means. I'm still fond of it. but I did not have a clear plan when I started writing it, and I really feel like that shows. it was not meant to be a fix-it fic. it was not meant to be a longer fic. it was not meant to be much of anything, tbh. I saw the prompt on the kink meme and the prologue literally started writing itself in my head and I was like "nah idk what I'd do with that" and I scrolled past, but I couldn't focus on reading other prompts and so I went back and just started typing the fic in a reply to the prompt. honestly I figured I'd write whatever I could and then when I left it unfinished, no one would know because I was anon and I had like one fic posted on ao3 for ffxv at the time and I was used to being a complete fandom nobody. the fact that shadows growing got me even somewhat noticed was unexpected and I was not prepared gdjskgjdskl
it definitely affected the fic because once the readers started picking up it made me feel suuuuper stressed and I was so afraid to stray too far from canon because I thought people would hate that??? for some reason??? no there's logic there. I was just overwhelmed. and I do get why people love it, because the whump and the friendship between the boys is really good. but I cannot help but look at it and remember how out of my depth I felt at the time and wish that I had been brave enough to diverge more from canon and smart enough to come up with a better ending. I still suspect there were quite a few people who felt let down by the ending and that's fair honestly. anyways, yeah, it's a good fic and I'm fond of it and most of the attention and the recs it got were in the first couple years of the game being out and I don't begrudge it being my most popular fic, I just. have better ones now I feel like gjsdgjskgsj but maybe not ones as many people would want to read. which is fine with me tbh.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
the gladio oneshot in my "fayth's daddy issues week" series! (I wrote all those fics so back to back that I can't remember the titles for any of them whoops.) I adore that fic and it got so little attention compared to most of the other fics in that week, or my fics overall tbh. the only one that got even less was the one about iris 🤣 but I don't care much for the iris one either, even though I think it has some stellar banter between the boys and cute/funny prompto/gladio moments. I really love the gladio one though, because it was fun to revisit gladio's pov in a fic and I got to develop a bit of backstory for him that's been evolving into headcanon and there's a good chunk of ignis and gladio friendship that was the precursor to all their friendship in monsters, plus I got to make gladio cry, so. I love it <3
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
characterisation, for sure. it's the one thing I agonise over and actually worry about what readers might think at times, especially as I get further away from having played the game to keep it fresh in my mind. so anyone commenting that it feels right makes me roll around on my bed in glee. the other aspect I equally enjoy is people commenting on the emotions. like, that the ones I wrote the characters having feel real/deep, that it made the reader feel them too, etc. stuff like that. cos the emotions are literally why I write fic lol.
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
I am dumb and am struggling to understand what this question is asking, tbh. is it like, do I write for as many fandoms as I read, or something? because fuck no in that case, haha. the only fandoms I've done major writing for (more than one or two fics) are gundam wing, digimon adventure, final fantasy x, and final fantasy xv. and I've read for something like 100 fandoms, idk. at one point I had a list but I stopped keeping track eventually.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
well… I didn't really understand the concept of characterisation for fanfic until a little before I started writing for ffx. so uh, it's kinda non-existent in my gdw and digimon fics. but once I actively started trying for it… honestly maybe just yuna from final fantsy x. I had some things featuring her meant to be longer fics that were set during the game (most of my posted stuff is set pre-canon, with no yuna in sight) but I never finished and/or posted them because I always felt shaky on yuna's characterisation. I don't think I've majorly struggled with anyone in ffxv to the point that I've felt too dissatisfied with characterisation to post. but at the same time I'm sure none of them are actually perfectly right xD but they FEEL more or less right to me, which is all I care about.
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
noct. I mean. he's my blorbo for a reason xD my beloved, I relate to him so much and the rest of it I just project lololol. I make a point to not actually just write myself as noct, cos I personally ain't about that, but it feels very easy to write him without needing to think too deeply about his thoughts/feelings/reactions most of the time. they feel instinctual to me, even when it's something that would differ from my own thoughts/feelings/reactions if I was in a similar situation.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
YES and the answer to this question is one of the reasons antis/purity culture upsets me so fucking much. it's a personal/sensitive answer though so skip if you don't want to read that xD but. reading rape/sexual abuse & aftermath fics as a teenager is what helped me to understand that, even though there was no outright rape happening, I was still being abused. seeing my favourite characters have the courage to tell someone about their abuse and get help is what encouraged me to tell one of my friends during an AIM conversation late one night when I was sixteen, and she convinced me to tell my therapist at my next appointment, who then told my mom, and yeah let's just say that was a very significant and eventually positive impact (it was a rocky road) on my life. if none of that had happened I genuinely think the CSA would have continued escalating into eventual rape. so thank FUCK for fanfic and I seethe with rage every time some shitfuck anti tries to claim there's no good to be found in such fics. plus in general it just helps with my mental health and I've made plenty of friends through fic over the years, even if they come and go I'm still grateful to have known them for that time, and writing fic is the one thing that gives life any meaning for me, etc. so yeah I'd say at least 99% positive.
and now, I will add a few to answer, because you said I could lmao
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
it is a toss-up between horizon road, an ffx fic featuring a toxic, fucked up relationship between tidus and auron that I still really love, or endless skies, a really self-indulgent digimon fic. they're both old at this point, horizon road I started in 2005, and endless skies was in 2016. horizon road suffers from me having no solid ideas for it beyond the three chapters I wrote, and endless skies is painfully fully outlined, but it was such a hard, research-intensive fic to write for a number of reasons, and now looking at it also just reminds me of an ex-friend who I feel very negative towards (because I talked to them a lot while plotting/writing and they even wrote some of the smut scenes for me, though I've since removed those) and even if I wasn't still deeply entrenched in ffxv, I don't think I could bring myself to ever work on it again :/ which sucks because I did adore it very much.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
…okay, I think anyone who has read shadows growing and then has also read or even looked at my ignoct fics knows that the ignoct is very much present in shadows growing gjdskgjsk as much as I will swear up and down it's platonic, and people certainly can take it that way if they want, like. come on. it's there. at a point, it very much was intentional. BUT. it did start out accidental. the og prompt asked for either gen or OT4 and I don't ship OT4 so I was gonna do gen but noct and ignis kept blurring the lines when I started writing scenes with them gdsjkgdjkl aaaaand actually I didn't start monsters with the intention of it being ignoct either. (the ignoct bits in the first chapter I actually added in a rewrite of that chapter lmao.) nor the tiny little epilogue in heavy is the burden that nudges into hinting at ignoct territory. fuck, even the ignoct in my very first ffxv wasn't meant to be so overt as it was gjdsklgjks there's also tiny hints of it in some of my fayth's daddy issues week fics (not counting the one that's deliberately and stated to be ignoct).
…actually now that I'm writing this I'm realising very little of my ignoct has been deliberately planned at the start 😂 the sequel to shadows growing, grey skies, was planned, at least xD the promptio that shows up towards the end of the fic was an accident though gjsdkgljslk it just. happened??? I didn't even LIKE promptio when I started writing that fic. huh. maybe accidental shipping is just my thing in writing ffxv fics.
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
wanted to answer this one, because, I'm NOT talking in terms of other people here. I don't mean to sound dismissive or ungrateful, because I do appreciate the people who read my fics, it makes me happy, but like. it's not why I write OR post. I'm not "producing content" for people; if someone is unhappy with me for not posting more fics, that's their problem. but in terms of myself… yeah, I do wish I had more to post. not because I feel like I've got some kind of arbitrary quota to meet. like, quite frankly, I have over a million words of fic posted on ao3, and given that I have a single unposted fic that's over 600K alone, I'm positive I have at least 2mil total words written. it's just that I wish I could write more consistently/frequently? I feel like I never write as much as I want to, and I know a lot of it is because of my worsening health, so maybe that's why I just feel so frustrated and dissatisfied with my output, but man, sometimes I look at my number of posted works on ao3 and feel like it's such a low number for how long I've been writing ): both for ffxv specifically and for all my fics total. I know it's silly, but the feeling persists nonetheless.
thank you again for the ask!! I feel happy getting to answer questions and ramble about my fics :D and it was really fun to think about my answers and realise a thing or two haha.
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etherealxgenie · 4 years
Why Lila is Marinette’s Own Fault || Miraculous Why?
(Before I begin, note that this is my opinion over the topic and am no way am bashing anyone’s love for the ship and/or character. I respect who and what you like, therefore expect the same courtesy. However, if this is something you cannot handle, please click the back button as this will be a heavily discussed topic. No flames allowed. Other than that, enjoy.)
So usually in the story, there’s always one or two mean girls who is out to get the main character for some kind of superior reasons to justify. And there’s no reason as to why they act this way just for the sake of being mean.
Like the Ashleys from “Recess”, who tend to pick on kids just for the fun of it sometimes or cause they’re popular.
Same can go for Libby from “Sabrina The Teenage Witch” who was out to get something for what she wants or just to be superior to the other kids in school.
For Miraculous, we already have that kind of character, Chloe Bourgeois, who is the daddy’s girl of the Mayor to get what she wants. And until we had some small character development in season two (which season 3 took it away!!), we had no reason feeling sorry for her and she was just for the convenient plot in the social life for Marinette in the series.
And then… there’s Lila.
Before I get into hand in this, let me note that Lila is not a good person at all in the show. She’s a liar, a manipulator and will do whatever she can to get what she wants. She breaks into homes, steals and molests pretty models. She’s been pretty shown to be just selfish without consequences and unless we get a background story of why she acts this way, she has no excuse. Especially when she teams up with hawkdaddy to now have permission to invade and spy on Adrien whenever she wants? Fuck that.
So in Volpina, Lila is introduced as this pathological liar to get attention in season one. She obviously goes for Adrien cause he’s the famous model after all. Reasonable considering as the new person looking for attention, you seek out the most popular/famous person in the school. That would Adrien.
Though considering with her connections, it would’ve been smarter to try and impress Marinette instead if Lila did her research before she came into the scene. But of course, new person so she wouldn’t know, but whatever.
And we can see Lila easily just says things just to get Adrien’s approval and such.
And so, Marinette follows them around (stalking? really?) because Tikki points out Lila has the book Adrien took from his father’s vault and threw it in the trash.
Now the SMART thing to do would’ve been to see how Adrien would handle the situation and wait for him to leave, if to acknowledge Adrien has a mind of his own and knows when to walk away (which he does). Or at the very least, try to distract them as Marinette while Tikki retrieved the book.
But… no. You transform into Ladybug to lash out at a girl PUBLICALLY, for anyone including Adrien to hear, just to embarrass her and call her out on her lying because she… “hates liars”.
Marinette, you fucking lie ALL the time! Most of those times to Adrien! And I’m not just talking about when in regard to being Ladybug, you hypocritical- (groans)
I can list plenty of episodes: Gamer, Aninmaestro, Ikari Gozen and hell, even Reverser counts! If she hadn’t lied about Marc’s book, Nathaniel wouldn’t have torn it! (sighs)
And before you all start jumping at me saying Lila got what she deserves, I only agree partially. Ladybug, as a public figure and heroine, practically the face of Paris, acted irrationally lashing out at a bystander because of lies which were or were not believable. Lila was broadcasting a post or making the news, she was trying (poorly) to impress a boy. Ladybug gave Lila the Regina George treatment.
Yeah, so you caused an akumatized situation and Lila hates your guts. Hell, I would hate you too. That’s like a celebrity jumping at an innocent bystander when they’re whispering to their friend about a rumor that only the two of them were talking about. You can’t jump to try and stop them and should just let it dispel on its own. At that point, Lila had no real power but you just influenced her.
And… oh boy did things get worse because of this.
Look season 3 was trash (except for moments in certain episodes) and I feel talking about the infamous ‘Chameleon’ physically hurts me but… yeah gotta point out a few things. The whole episode was unrealistic, and it was an obvious ploy to be sympathetic to Marinette with Lila back… but… you’re not fooling me.
So, Lila is still on her lying game, being able to fool the students and the staff?! Okay if you believe a student has so many disabilities without any paperwork proof, you can actually get fired for that for fraud. As someone who worked with education before, that’s just pure incompetence.
So yeah, Marinette comes to school seeing the seats changes to accommodate Lila and upright begins to plot to discredit her for her lies. UM… what happened to trying to start over with Lila after failing to do so the first time?
Oh, that’s right. She gets that way (at least partly) because Lila is sitting next to Adrien. I can understand if it was because they rearranged the seating without her say so but let’s face it. Lila sitting next to Adrien was her real trigger.
So since Marinette failed to acknowledge her mistake the first time, she spends all day trying to prove Lila is lying and in return the class is angry at her. Alya even comes to point out that Marinette is jealous of Lila.
And you know what? Alya is right.
Alya knows at least what Marinette is capable of doing so when it comes to Adrien and how far she’s willing to go. Remember that Alya is the one who encouraged her to break into his locker and steal his phone. So of course, she’s worried Marinette is gonna do something to the new girl.
I don’t blame Alya for doing one of the most competent things in the show: Warning Marinette to NOT go off the handle without proof and not make herself look bad in the process.
And because Marinette failed to do so… she made Lila her enemy AGAIN. It was bad enough you had her as your enemy as Ladybug, but now you get to deal with twice the drama!
Your own fucking fault, Marinette.
Also, the advice Adrien gave? I don’t blame for him for it and neither should you. Yes, his advice is not perfect, but with the options he has on his plate, its hard to do something otherwise.
For every encounter Adrien has had with Lila, it ended up with her being akumatized or a disaster no matter how he tried to handle her. We didn’t get to see how he would resolve in Volpina because of Ladybug’s intervention, but he would try at least in Chameleon and try to get her to see she didn’t need to lie and actually tried to befriend her. At this point, Lila was already triggered by Ladybug and Marinette so she just might have to take Adrien by force instead.
At that point, Adrien just wants to stay away and which he was trying to tell Marinette don’t interact with Lila or confront her cause there’s no way to do so at this point. Maybe he was trying to tell her to wait until her rumors got discredited, but he didn’t say it clear enough for her to understand.
And keep in mind, Adrien is a sheltered child with little to zero social skills taught to him by Nathalie and Gabriel. Hell, we don’t know how his childhood was really like even with Emelie around either and Adrien seems more like the pacifist unless he needs to absolutely step in. And he did by cleaning up Marinette’s mess in ‘Ladybug’. So now he’s gotta suffer being around Lila more because of Marinette making Lila her enemy.
But once again, this is bad writing as the writers of the show obviously forgot what it’s like to live in reality. In the real world, Lila would be immediately discredited without any proof the moment she came back. Not to mention, some of the class have their own connections and have more braincells proven in the previous episodes. Google search and such. A 5-year-old wouldn’t believe these lies in these times. Hey, I believe that because I once had a kid in kindergarten during my time as an afterschool art teacher look at one of my books I illustrated before and said they liked the ‘graphics’.
Kids are fucking smarter nowadays than you think.
The only reason anyone would believe Lila’s lies is if she’s magically influenced with some kind of ‘silver tongue’ spell or something and honestly? It looks like that’s the reason.
I dunno if Thomas Astruc or Zag is trying to insult the kids/adults or insult themselves to say Paris people aren’t that smart. If it’s the latter, you should see what you are doing because I don’t want to believe that because that’s disrespectful.
I know it seems I’m trying to stand up for Lila this portion, but I’m just looking things in a  more realistic and logical way. Did Lila take things too far? Yes, waaaayyy too far and should be arrested for it since she works for Hawkmoth. But it could’ve been handled better and that makes Marinette at fault too.
Part of me wonders if she’s done this before because in Zombiezou, she also causes Chloe to ruin her gift for Ms. bustier. If Marinette didn’t antagonize Chloe in the locker in front of the class, maybe she wouldn’t have done anything. Again, I’m not saying Chloe was justified, but if that was the reason, yeah I can see her doing it for payback.
So to all those fics where I’m supposed to be ‘Boo-hoo’ for Marinette because of what Lila did? Fuck you guys because you need to dig deeper into the story to see both sides and not just make it a pity party where Marinette is the innocent victim.
It’s called “Cause and Effect”.
And considering she made Lila her enemy, Marinette is gonna get effected enough because that’s how karma works.
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wowsoboring · 3 years
Deconstructing Baseless Harry Potter Arguments#2 (i) : Harmione Edition
Obviously I once again do not mean to target all Harmione shippers. I know quite a few who're very good human beings and tolerant and accepting above all. However these aren't. In this case, you might sense quite a bit of levelheadedness in the beginning, however you must not be fooled as it goes south and takes a nasty turn very quickly. Don't get your hopes up, this is some of the worst shit I've ever seen, especially the way in which it progresses through its course. Naturally, for this post I have picked my own style of writing which will match that of those redditors. Reddit is the perfect breeding ground for all these weird cults, honestly. I shall be resorting to a formal language and style of conversation, very much like a debater would to sound as pretentious as these do. These posts are found on the instagram handle toxicharmonyshippers who gather such toxic musings and sayings for Harmione shippers while respecting the ones that are nice.
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Oh yes, let's use words like 'vehemently' to sound smart, why not? Of course, this little tidbit of the highly stupendous post seems more or less civil at the start. They also have the common decency to say "some Romione shippers" rather than generalizing all of us. Very nice of you, how very saint like. Let's wait till they drop the act and show us their true colors. Harkening back to the argument, I have but one question for you, "where do you find these people?". Where's the proof? Who are these radical Romione shippers who worship Ron and dislike Hermione? I haven't seen any such shippers and I am surrounded by Romione shippers on tumblr, instagram and fan fiction sites as well and haven't met the people you speak of. Some point out her flaws, yes, but no one hates her or dislikes her that much. I have seen two or three Romione shippers across hundreds and thousands who're skeptical of Hermione's perfection. Skeptical. Not hating, disliking, or anything. Of course, unlike this person, I have evidence: find these pi charts for your referral (clickable): https://imgur.com/a/QfPnQbB
you can, through these, see the amount of Hermione bashing across Harry Potter fanfiction and you can see that even in Romione fanfiction there's more Ron bashing. Hermione-bashing is a non-issue. That's what it is. Regarding the "nagging" statement, where's the lie in that? "Annoying" is somewhat subjective, I personally don't find her annoying at all. Who are these people and how often do you find them? "Mary Sue" is only reserved for Movie!Hermione. I have only seen book fans call her that. No one has ever called Book!Hermione Mary Sue. The movie does paint her as a flawless, all-rounder who's also drop-dead gorgeous. Only things she's bad at are flying and divination, all of which she denounces as useless, even though flying is like biking for wizards, divination, sure, not that important. with a teacher like Trelawney, even I would denounce it as hokum.
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Remember what I said about waiting for them to show us their true colors, well here they are. Bask in the glory of their senseless arguments. Why, I am from reddit, heck I have 25 thousand karma points on there, I just left because it was too stupid for me but I can argue like them very well. And in this case I would like to say that these people are under the impression that Ron is just there in the story for the sake of existence. And he doesn't work hard. That argument is of course, wrong. Because Ron (in no particular order):
1) fights a troll when he's 11
2) is willing to sacrifice himself when he's 11
3) stands up for his friends
4) makes sure Harry feels like he belongs in the family
5) worries about Harry and rescues him from literal jail
6) stands up against Draco rather than by-standing and enabling his behavior
7) tries his level best to make sure Norbert the dragon is in safe hands and carries it out, albeit not in perfection
8) is with Harry every step of the way in his confronting the basilisk
9) sends Harry and Hermione long letters and calls them often to check up on them
10) stands up on a bitten leg to defend his best friend
11) always apologizes for any of his mistakes and is forgiving when others wrong him
12) works his way to join the Quidditch team unlike Draco who most certainly bought his way in
13) destroys at least 2 horcruxes
14) finds out how to defeat a horcrux
15) has an excellent enough memory and observation to notice Harry speaking parseltongue and also using it to his benefit which proves he's resourceful
now since I have 8 more such pictures to rebut and I do have a life, I will stop. These aren't even a twelfth of the remarkable things Ron has done though, so rest assured.
oh wait what did you say about him just existing and not working for anything? If I recall correctly, he did just as well as Harry did in school and didn't score well only in subjects he didn't care about. Which is true for most people except for Hermione who has an eidetic memory which not everyone has, understandably. Rote memorization is not the best way to get by in life, by the way.
what are the "so many reasons" behind why Harry is the best fit for Hermione? Kindly share so I can rebut those too, I'm rather free nowadays, my finals have been cancelled. You say there are so many reasons but don't even give one, yet you want me to take you seriously. I'm afraid that's impossible.
Romione shipper here, i don't dislike Hermione. I haven't met or seen many people in the book!romione fandom who dislike Hermione (except for Movie!Hermione). The question of someone you like ending up with someone you dislike doesn't particularly make sense. In Friends, Chandler ends up with Monica: now I'm not the biggest Monica fan (I don't hate her but I don't like her very much either) but they are my favorite couple because they make sense. It's about compatibility and character traits, not liking or disliking because that's just a set-up for a ghastly invitation for people to pair up hideousness. "Oh yeah, I like Harry and I also like Hagrid, they should be together. I mean it would be very very disgusting but that's my logic, now, you can't fight it. "- that's how you sound. Please read what you write. Your logic is just...abysmal. That's all I can say without breaking my resolve and berating you with colorful profanities.
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This is without the doubt, the easiest one to rebut. It's a delight to see such terrible arguments at my disposal. Come on, dear Harmione shippers, write something that makes me question my choices, not things that make me scoff in disbelief.
In this case, you're essentially providing us with theories. Unproved theories and speculation of what you believe because you'd say anything you like. Where's the proof of your theory, though? Where is that crazy radical Romione shipper who does this? Kindly show me these people. Oh yes, you wanna say we objectify Hermione and disrespect her and view her as a prize. This aches me, that you believe this. No one has ever insinuated this, ever, in the history of anything. What is this winner-loser theory? How do you round off Harry Potter to "an alpha-male ends up with lead-lady" trope and still say you're a fan of the series? Harry Potter doesn't fit in with that format. Ron, Hermione and Harry are co-heroes. Similar to how there's no main character in Friends or the Heroes of Olympus series or the Avengers. We're not living in the 80s anymore. Hermione will be a hero, invariably whether she ends up with Harry, Ron or no one. She ends up with Ron and that's it. Talking about her like this doesn't make you sound any better either. Now you're calling me a misogynist because I don't support the ship of two people who describe themselves as siblings. That's very mature of you. Well here's the thing- I'm not a misogynist. It's as simple as that. I believe that women are capable of anything and everything. I believe Hermione is an amazing person and she is a hero and a different person. I believe the series would be impossible without her. I believe she is no one's prize. There's no requirement of a prize. I just think, similar to canon and the truth and her romantic interest, she will have a great relationship with Ron. There's nothing complex or deep about it, really. No personal weird-thing, no psychological complex, no internalized misogyny. There's nothing deeper than what I said. I am not sexist. I am a feminist. I am all for women empowerment. I love women with the fabric of my being. I love Hermione. I think she's amazing. You only become sexist when you ship people with unstable power dynamics, a bully-victim relation or something of the sort. Neither Romione, nor Harmione are sexist. Heck if you paired Neville with Hermione you wouldn't be sexist. And I hate talking about this so much, I can't even tell you. This talk does make it sound like I treat Hermione like an object and I assure you I respect her and I normally won't talk like this unless someone just outright calls me sexist for something that's not sexist. And this is that situation.
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in the case of Romione, no one is too good for anyone. Both are amazing people who're heroes and have done amazing work. That's all I have to say. There's no league, they are romantically interested in each other. I have no intention on sounding lame, but, in love there is no league. As long as you're not putting in any effort and are extremely lazy and leech off of your partner, there is no such concept and no, Hermione is not "too good" for him. Unless of course you're talking about movie Hermione, who is too good for anyone.
5) (halftime!)
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oh yes they try to pull this off and wonder why we hate them. Classic. This person likes to sound british, so let's switch up our language, yeah? At least then I won't be out of my element. Let me correct ya, Ron at his best is an amazing, loyal, friendly, brave, strategic hero. There you have it. Ron and 'git' can't be used in the same sentence. Now if you talk about Ron's achievements, I re-iterate you to point two. If it's too much work, here:
1) fights a troll when he's 11
2) is willing to sacrifice himself when he's 11
3) stands up for his friends
4) makes sure Harry feels like he belongs in the family
5) worries about Harry and rescues him from literal jail
6) stands up against Draco rather than by-standing and enabling his behavior
7) tries his level best to make sure Norbert the dragon is in safe hands and carries it out, albeit not in perfection
8) is with Harry every step of the way in his confronting the basilisk
9) sends Harry and Hermione long letters and calls them often to check up on them
10) stands up on a bitten leg to defend his best friend
11) always apologizes for any of his mistakes and is forgiving when others wrong him
12) works his way to join the Quidditch team unlike Draco who most certainly bought his way in
13) destroys at least 2 horcruxes
14) finds out how to defeat a horcrux
15) has an excellent enough memory and observation to notice Harry speaking parseltongue and also using it to his benefit which proves he's resourceful
hey, see, I like Ron and I took the time to copy-paste this instead of asking you to scroll up. And I'm a lot of bad things but I am not lazy. I stick to my deadlines like Hermione. I start my homework in library class and continue it during phys ed the day its given. And I am not exaggerating. Bloody hell, I wish I was. I'm the ceo of deadlines, mate, don't tempt me! So you can see that Ron is much more than just a "nice bloke". And being a "nice bloke" isn't a bad thing either. He's all the things I said: intuitive, strategic, helpful, loyal and on top of that he's also a nice person. Yes, I do see a bit of myself in Ron. I do. I see the insecure side. I waste my time hating myself and criticizing myself and undermining myself, telling me I'm no good. But Ron overcomes that. He inspires me to appreciate myself. Is that a bad thing? Are you going to shame me for having a low self-esteem? Do you want to worsen my low self-esteem and make me feel more like shit?
Now the person who replied to your comment saying, "he isn't a nice bloke most of time.", he is. He is not being nice twice in a span of 7 years. How often do you act rudely or with jealousy? Wasn't Harry yelling at everyone in caps lock in OOTP. Now I don't condemn him for that because he's a fucking hormonal teenager like me and that would make me a hypocrite, but by your logic why don't you condemn him? Or why not condemn Hermione for saying "I only date good Quidditch players" and shoving canaries at Ron's face because someone else kissed him, while she kept using Krum and Cormac to make him jealous. She wasn't being a nice girl, then, was she? Now, once again, i don't dislike her or hold that against her because guess what, mate, I'm a hormonal teenage girl who gets jealous most of the time and would probably react in a similar fashion in the spur of the moment (Not defending her actions here, just putting myself in her shoes.) In short, Ron is a nice bloke MOST OF THE TIME.
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It would be misogynistic to think that. The thing is, NO ONE DOES my dear friend! My dear daft friend. I have never heard anyone say that! why are you so hell-bent on portraying us as misogynists when no one ever says that? Stop assuming. Just stop. You are crossing a limit here, aren't you? Yes you are. You cannot say these sort of things. We never said that or believed that, no one ever said this to be a reason to ship Romione. God what is wrong with you? Literally, stop fucking ASSUMING god damn it! Do you want me to assume things about Harmione shippers? Do you want me to go there? Because I will go there! I will go there the moment you tell me to. Just challenge me.
Ron is not a perfect best boi , the reason why so many of us like him is that he's imperfect and tries to become better through the course of time. You are once again assuming and I am once again asking you to stop.
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Ron might be an ordinary wizard. He might be poor, sure, but he's a pure-blood and won't face much if he chose not to fight. But he did. He fought. Now I identify with Ron's attitude a fair bit, but I am also likely to spend my day in a library without noticing. People aren't one dimensional. Stop trying to act like you're a psychologist, i know you're not. I don't even think Hermione's overbearing at all! You just insulted someone you're a big fan of. Jesus.
Both Hermione and Ron are strategic, jealous, passionate, feisty, argumentative, intellectual...
that's like 6 similarities. They aren't polar opposites in the slightest. Their differences are just: workaholic, not workaholic. Nerd, not a nerd. Like that's fucking it, man!
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being relaxed doesn't make you less independent or driven. A relaxed and levelheaded Hermione will think through things, not be impulsive, not panic etc. She doesn't need Ron. I don't understand your obsession with acting like we ever insinuated that. Then she doesn't need Harry either lol. Stop shipping her with Harry, then or like shut the fuck up. Being a bit relaxed won't stop her or anyone from hitting great strides. Just don't get relaxed to the point you're lazy and casual about everything, that's it.
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What do you mean? Ron is balanced. He does finish his work on time. And even if he does procrastinate, she could also help him not and be more driven. Of course, this is an open invitation for you to call me a sexist bitch because I said that she could help him and now you'll think her goal is to help him become better yada yada yada. Fuck off. Defeating the horcrux taught him enough. He respected her. He remembered about the elves when she didn't. He begged to be tortured instead of her. He wouldn't need it because school work and jobs are different and the same person might perceive those differently. Calmness and relaxation doesn't hinder your potential. Not caring and laziness does. You can't function if you work and are stressed 24/7 with zero breaks. Period.
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No i do not want (nor does anyone want) Hermione to become Ron. Being slightly calmer doesn't change up your personality. I'm sure many people dislike those sort of fanfics without a doubt. I hate OOC and I don't want Hermione to lose her intellect with Ron because that makes no sense. Ron himself is intellectual and loves arguing with her. They'd boost each other, more like it.
okay thats it i am exhausted as fuck. thanks for reading, i appreciate it. notes and reblogs are appreciated, this takes work.
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captainkirbypunch · 4 years
My love has left tumblr once again.
As many of you may know, the account under the name MDZADR, has left tumblr. They felt unsafe in their fandom, and as such have deleted their tumblr and AO3 account due to the bad memories linked to them.
As a part of their departure, they have asked me to post something in their name, as follows.
If you want more details about how I came to this realization, continue to read. If not, here is your summary:
TL;DR: For the safety and health of this fandom, I wanted to spread the word that Mooping-10 is filled with people who absolutely cannot be trusted, creating a very hazardous environment for the zadr community, and MelodyoftheVoid is connected to all of those people, living a double life amongst those of us that don’t “ship zadr correctly.” She has plenty of friends her inner circle knows nothing about, and nobody on either side knows who she really is. 
Full story below.
I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. Nobody did anything to me today, but this just wasn’t worth it.
My AO3 and tumblr are both gone. I didn’t say goodbye because I didn’t want to look like an attention seeker.
Here’s the thing. I wasn’t going to name drop, but you guys need to know the truth. I’m instructing my boyfriend (hi y’all) to turn asks off for his own safety after this because this is going to be a nightmare, but... allow me to tell you the full story. I’ll try to break up the text so it’s less difficult to read, but this is important. I’m sorry to air discourse so publicly, but please... I need you to listen to me.
I’ll start from the beginning, without being vague anymore about who “she” is. I request that you please read the whole thing and not skip parts of it. The whole story matters.
I finally returned to the fandom about two months or so ago. As I’ve mentioned, I don’t do well in my thoughts while left alone too long, so I posted saying I would stop messaging people I knew because I didn’t want to bother them. There were only two people I was talking to at the time, but one of them is famous so I didn’t want to message her directly saying that. Doing so would have put her in a position of feeling obligated to say “you’re not bothering me” rather than just simply being able to sigh with relief from no longer being contacted. 
But the first person to contact me was the famous person, and she asked if I was okay, and told me she liked talking to me.
God, I actually cried.
But, that’s just her. Melodyofthevoid is the type of person to talk to people in the fandom, totally unaware of her demigod status. She comments on stories, interacts on posts, messages first... a pillar of kindness, so it seemed.
But let the story continue.
Over time, we were talking more often. 
Mostly sending memes (cause everyone I knew, myself included, aren’t exactly great at holding conversations. No shade. Memes are a love language). I was still in the hero worship stage of our relationship, so my view of her was that that was perfect.
Now, let me bridge a connection with a new story idea I got around December 28th or so, and my thinking she was perfect.
I had recently finished watching Madoka and questioned “If I had magical powers, what would they be?” It then turned into its own story idea, basing creators’ powers around the strengths and weaknesses in creations. I actually realized “oh fuck. My stuff is incoherent. My friends’ works aren’t too different...”
Thus spawned the name “Incoherent” for the project.
What does that have to do with this? Well, here’s the thing that really fucked everything up quickly. 
This was not on purpose, because originally the project (which I had told nobody of yet at the time) was all about improving your works, making platonic friends, dressing our personas in cute outfits, and writing fun magic.
While listening to music and thinking of the story one day, my brain accidentally shipped my persona with hers, and I couldn’t unsee it. And I’m lousy at keeping my own secrets (other’s are different) so she found out on probably day one or two about my weird crush because of an ask meme of all things. 
She didn’t try to put me off any, which was another problem for future things to come, and so I decided that since Incoherent was finally making me feel alive again and feeling the euphoric feelings of love wouldn’t hurt anything (I figured they’d mellow out on their own eventually because that’s how infatuation works) since they helped fuel my inspiration, and then we would just continue from friends to better friends one day and this part of our lives would be over.
Besides, the forbidden is attractive somehow, and makes stories more entertaining. She’s aro/ace, so I had no chance anyway. Someone safe to crush on, in her own way.
This isn’t a story of a love betrayal however. There was no such thing. But it’s important to the story because Incoherent is where my mistakes were made, and hers brought to light.
By this time, I had a handful of people I was talking to, and I created a discord server for the project. Only my boyfriend (hi!) and I were in it at the time. I was not-so-subtly asking my friends what they’d look like if they were a magical person, what their names would be... I thought I would have had to lure Melody in to make her want to join us, but I managed to get her in very easily. Everyone was happy and excited! It was a no obligation, no time limit thing for us to enjoy, a little sandbox to play around in. 
Sure there were plans to make it bigger and I was working on art to the best of my ability, but it was gonna be a fun thing mostly. No pressure on anyone.
And how things started becoming a problem was that the rest of us posted publicly about the project and interacted with each other’s posts relating to the story, but she had started to interact publicly less and less with our things, and everyone noticed it.
It wasn’t because we were greedy and wanted the popular girl to reblog our things. It’s because we had a feeling she was ashamed of being seen publicly with us. The reason we were worried before then and started making that connection was because I mentioned I was going to ask another user if they were interested in joining Incoherent. Melody was the only one that seemed uncomfortable, and I messaged her asking about it. We agreed I wouldn’t invite that person but I knew things were off about it.
That person is like me. How long until Melody didn’t want to talk to me anymore? A few days ago, the other shoe finally dropped. A member of our little group and I were talking and (let’s call them Friend for simplicity. They asked to not be name dropped here) Friend was worried they had made Melody upset by tagging her in a meme picture they drew of her persona, and the two had agreed that Friend remove the tag. This spawned an anxiety-filled conversation where Friend and I expressed our concerns about Melody not interacting with the project, or us.
So since I wanted reassurance that that wasn’t the case, I messaged Melody with my concerns. I told her I had the feeling she was ashamed of being seen in public with us because of her friends, and she didn’t refute me. She simply told me to go get some rest. I messaged back with “I’m right.”
I deleted Discord off my phone for hours and nearly deleted my Tumblr, AO3, and the server after my boyfriend helped pass messages between us. Melody confessed that was the case because her friends expressed discomfort with my works, and she was playing both sides.
Her words, not mine.
Melody told me she would be withdrawing from the Incoherent project because it wasn’t fair to us if her heart wasn’t in it.
She didn’t stand up on my behalf when they said things about me. Her friends are the type who talk behind creators’ backs for shipping zadr “incorrectly.” Worse than antis because they actually participate in the “pro-shipping” side of the fandom. I broke that day and messaged her at 3 am.
We finally spoke at 3pm. We both missed each other. I tried to understand more. I wanted it to be more like a conversation rather than an interrogation. It was only one-sided however, and she never opened up further. And I made some mistakes and poor choices of words, and we ended up parting ways permanently right there. 
I nearly deleted everything, but much like a coma patient attached to many machines on a hospital bed, my blog was kept alive a little longer by people sending kind words in droves. I was briefly fuelled by spite, wishing to watch the world burn by making everyone on the "correct" side of the fandom upset by posting the worst, most vile content this fandom has ever seen.
I was also welcomed with open arms by a very kind server with fellow degenerates, all of them screaming and crying and partying when they managed to get me in their server. It was so heartwarming...
But as I spoke to others about my situation, I realized something. A disturbing pattern.
People telling me horror stories about how Mooping-10 was cult-like. How the people running it were antis. I was even told once that they have a secondary server where they go to have their talks and do their work, likely the place where the real bashing is held.
The server itself has rules against such behavior, but I suppose it's different when they do it.
One person (and this is the most unnerving part for me, personally) told me Melody actually set off alarm bells in their head without having even done anything yet, and the most disturbing part of the story was that one of the moderators was afraid and upset because they got Covid, and received basically no moral support at all. Only getting told "spoiler that. Sorry you got Covid".
I was horrified. That server has 100 people in it. How many of them are the same? They act like popular kids in school who picked up an unpopular main character and then bash others, and the main character joined in because they don't want to be left behind by their new "friends".
To put it short, back to my point:
TL;DR: I simply only wanted to spread the word that: Mooping-10 is filled with people who absolutely cannot be trusted, creating a very hazardous environment for the zadr community, and Melodyofthevoid is connected to all of those people, living a double life amongst those of us that don't "ship zadr correctly". She has plenty of friends her inner circle knows nothing about, and nobody on either side knows who she really is.
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Haunted (Ateez imagine)
Paring?: Ateez x plantonic!female reader
Warnings?: horror type themes / haunted house themes, mentions of fake blood and wounds (idk what else to put but if anyone has anything else that could be warned let me know) 
Word count?: 3.5k
A/N: Hey everyone! So I am a little late to posting this cause i wanted to post it on Halloween but time got away from me. I was finally able to get a break and take some time to myself to really ground myself, but now i’m feeling great! Anyways, I really enjoyed writing this! I always enjoy writing things like this! so maybe a part 2 if people like this? So i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i loved writing it! <3 Breezy
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Tonight was the best night of your life, the final night of the haunted house you performed in which typically was the most  of the night. Especially when the leader and creator of the house had to hand out waivers asking if you all would be okay being on a live video of a special guest they were expecting. You happily signed this. If you didn’t, the house would likely not be able to be run considering you played a huge role in the act. 
The house was set up was basically a Carnaval but what the unsuspecting visitors didn’t know, was that this was no ordinary circus. Instead, it was a freak show. Lots of you trained for this, either having been actors, gymnasts or even special effects artists. You were always ready to put on a show.  
In your case, you were a gymnast and being so, the last few years you were cast as the Flexible dancer. The main performer on the stage or contorted her body and tried to impress the few people in the crowd only to be booed off the stage, or well, killed on stage.  Though this year, they had given you something they felt suited you best. You were a tour guide, or one of them that is, that would lead them through the maze. You were the one who actually set the tone and how the actors reacted to the group you would be leading. 
Tonight, was your night in the spot light, you were the one chosen to lead this special group through the scares and make sure they enjoyed their visit. You were 100% up to the task. 
You were dressed to look like a ring leader, a long red tailcoat that had large buttons to hold it together. Underneath you had black pants on and dark combat boots. Your hair was done up nicely, you were the only person they would see that wasn’t covered in a type of makeup. 
“Are you ready (Y/N)?” Your boss asked, he was ready in his makeup and costume. “They just called and said they were in the parking lot, I told them you would go out and meet them. While you go out there, we will all be getting in position.” He explained to you, “Now get going, they’re waiting.” 
You didn’t wait for another word, you began your small walk towards the parking lot where only one car was parked. You took a deep breath, taking a moment to get into character before proudly walking towards them. 
They all stood outside of the car, small cameras in a few of their hands. There was eight of them, all of them taller then you but even in this lighting you could tell they were all cute as hell.  You could tell most of them were terrified, slightly shaking and already clinging onto each other. 
“Welcome valued guests,” you spoke to them in a sultry voice, you kept your posture very relaxed yet professional. “Are you ready for your tour?” The group was speechless for a few moment, the shortest member of the group spoke up first confirming they were ready. They all seemed to reposition themselves, one person in the front with a camera, one in the middle with a camera and one in the back. The rest of them just kinda slotted themselves around. By you there was two taller men, one of them with red hair and the other with long blonde hair. The blonde haired one held the camera. Those two were the ones that were going to be your targets, even though the tall one with blonde hair and plush lips and the dark haired shorter male that seemed to cling to the male next to him. The blonde haired male next to you was cute, but you could see the fear in one of their eyes. You had to have them next to you. 
You turn to the group,  “You there, what’s your name?” You question pointing at the dark haired boy who seemed to be grasping onto another dark haired boy.
His eyes went wide as he pointed to himself, “Wooyoung…” he stammers, his voice slightly high, you couldn’t tell if it was because he was afraid or that was just how he is. 
You smile widely.  “Wooyoung, why don’t you come and join me up here?” You look at the red haired man next to you, your hand gently skimming over his arm, “You both will be my assistants for this evening.” Wooyoung seemed conflicted as well as the man next to him who was holding his arm. 
“I promise I will keep him safe.” You pout before smirking, offering your hand towards the shacking man. All their cameras were on you, it empowered you to get even deeper into your roll. When Wooyoung cautiously took your hand, you offered the man next to you your arm. 
“Who who might you be?” Your head tilting towards the boy on your right. He seemed less frightened than the others, you enjoyed that. 
“Jongho,” he spoke, his voice was low. If you were in a normal situation, his voice would have easily make you swoon but you had to stay in character. 
“Oh dear! Where are my manners.” You cry out making the scared boy on your left to jump slightly. “My name is (Y/N), I will be your guide tonight. I am the ringleader of this circus and we are so happy to have you join us.”  You begin as you walk through the ‘main gate’, “We will start here.” You say leading the group straight towards the ticket booth, where a ‘worker’ sat, his eyes closed as if to be resting. 
“Tsk tsk,” you remove your arm from Jongho’s, they all seem confused at this. You slam your fist against the glass causing the man to jump and scream, his eyes opening staring directly at you. 
“We have guests.” You snarl angrily at the worker who seemed to be shaking at this exchange. “Dare I remind you of the last time you fell asleep?”the worker glanced at the group lifting one of his arms up showing off the his hand was indeed missing. 
“Tickets please.” You snap causing him to jump and quickly get the ‘tickets’. You take a few moments to hand them to each person in the group, not once letting go of Wooyoung's hand. You could tell the one he was holding onto earlier wasn’t happy to not have his friend by his side. 
“It’s rude to stare my friend, unless…” you trail and smirk, “You’re jealous?” You giggle handing him the ticket. “Maybe next time.” You wink before heading towards the front of the group again. 
“What ever you do, don’t agree to be her assistant!” The worker behind the glass warned whoever could hear, causing Wooyoung to tense up. 
The smile you wore faded as you glared at the worker. “I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson, have you?” You sneer, he began to cry and promise he didn’t mean it. Once again, you bash your fist against the glass harshly. The worker screamed loudly as he was pulled backwards and into the darkness. 
You offered your arm again to Jongho, you couldn’t force anyone to take your hand or arm, so even in character you always asked. You were a bit surprised when he actually took it. 
“Let’s continue, shall we?” You giggle as you continue into the tent that was in front of you. Upon entry there were many seats lined up though only a few of them were filled. On the stage there was a dancer, she moved gracefully to the music that played, that was until the music changed. Her moves stayed graceful but her body began to twist and contort in different ways. 
“She is our top performer, so graceful, such beauty.” Your voice trailed as you watched, “I used to be a dancer back when I started here, I was once the top performer here that was until she came alone.” You say before walking the group straight down the center towards the stage. “Don’t you think her dancing is beautiful, Wooyoung?” You say glancing towards the clearly frightened man beside you. You hadn’t even gotten to the scariest part of the house yet. The man didn’t respond, clearly too afraid so you glanced back at the one beside him. This one had the camera, his blue hair catching your attention right off the back. 
“What about you? Don’t you think her dancing is beautiful?” The man behind the camera was ready to answer when you turned back to the stage. This time fully letting go of Wooyoung and Jongho before walking closer to the stage. 
“Come now dear! We have guests, I know you can dance better than that.” The music picked up her dancing became faster and more sharp. “Faster!” You scream at her and she continued until she crumpled to the floor. You hum in disapproval, turning towards the group and the few people in the audience. 
You shake your head and sigh, “Such a shame, she was a lovely dancer.” You say causing the few people in the crowd to begin to boo at her. 
Her sobs could easily be heard, “Please, give me another chance! I can do better!” She cries, you laugh evilly. 
Sighing dramatically, “If you think so,” you begin, “GET THE STRINGS!” You shout, the group seemingly jumping at the fact that they were now surrounded by people. You walk but to the huddle, you slip past Wooyoung and Jongho through the crowd towards the back where the tallest members stood. The one with the lighter blonde hair peaked your interest first, you could tell he was just as afraid as Wooyoung. 
“And who might you be?” You say looking up at him, his eyes filled with a bit of fear. He didn’t speak but his friend next to him was quick to sell him out. 
“His names Mingi.” He giggled pointing the camera towards the two of you. 
“Mingi,” you say with a smile, “that rolls of my tongue so well.” You giggle, “I need your help Mingi, please come with me.” You say turning to head towards the front. You knew he wasn’t going to move on his own but you had a feeling someone would push him. 
“Yunho don’t you dare…” you heard Mingi speak, so you glanced back just in time to see him get pushed forward. During this ordeal you had noticed Wooyoung had made his way back to the middle, wanting to be with his friend. You didn’t blame him, so you let it slide. 
You brought Mingi to the stage, “I want you to stand right here, alright?” You tell the tall man as a man came closer handing you chains that would act as strings. You look at the dancer on the stage, 
“Now come here.” You demand, the dancer moved over to you allowing to attach the ‘chains’ to her. The chains seemingly pull her to her feet, moving her in a motion that was less graceful. She would shout in pain every so often. 
“Tell me Mingi,” you began, “Do you think she deserves a break?” You ask the man who seemed actually petrified. He was looking at the girl who was moving, her gaze sad and pained. 
“Y-Yes.” He says lowly, not sure what his answer will bring. You glance at the tall man, he practically towered over you but that really wasn’t important, and then looked at his friends. One of them that held a camera caught your eyes, the one with the long blonde hair. You took a step towards him, leaving Mingi briefly. 
“And what do you say?” You ask with a smirk almost eyeing him, he nervously shifted a bit clearly a bit uncomfortable with the look you were giving him. 
“Yes.” He tried to speak confidently but it was clear he was nervous. His voice was fairly low, but it had a sweet tone. 
“Come closer, so tell me your name.” You beckon the nervous boy over to where you now stood with Mingi. “If you don’t share I’m sure I can find out.” You giggle glancing up at Mingi. He still clearly shaken by being picked out of the group. 
“Uh, Yeosang.” He spoke nervously as he walked closer with the camera. 
You smile at this, “So you both think, we should give our lovely marionette take a break?” You confirm glancing at the two. You could see Mingi nervously swallow, his adams apple moving as he did so. The two nervous blondes nodded at you question.
You laugh a bit, “Give her a break.” You say to no one in particular. The motion stopped, she stood on the stage motionless for a few minutes. That was until she was lifted up off the stage, and up into the banisters, not to be see again. Her screams were heard for only a few minutes, until she disappeared. The tall man jumped back, nearly knocking into Jongho who stood behind him. A few of the less frightened members laughed at Mingi’s fear and you took note of this, everyone could be scared if you tried hard enough. 
You look at the group, you pout at the fact that Wooyoung having backed up, “I lost one of my assistants. At least I still have one of you.” You say looking at Jongho who seemed a little unfazed by this.
“Shall we continue?” 
You all continued forward, the group had stayed huddled together but you continued to shift the group around a few times. You had pulled another taller man with blonde hair to the front, Seonghwa was his name if you remembered correctly. It was rather funny moving them around because all of them seemed to be a little on edge or afraid. You had also somehow managed to get the ones with the cameras to move around a bit. Now in the front was the blue haired man, who seemed shorter than the other. He now stood next to Seonghwa, clearly enjoying recording the mans reaction to everything. The tall camera man in the back, Yunho, had moved into the middle, mostly focusing his filming on Wooyoung and his protective friend, San. 
You had honestly made a point to learn all their names and mess with them a bit. It was just all apart of the act and sometimes you could play with that. You particularly had a plan for those who were terrified. 
“Follow me, now we will head towards the back area.” You inform taking confident strides to where you were going. 
Reaching the back area, it was a large tent cages laid out all around the room that you had to walk by. Each of them occupied by different types of people and a few props. 
You had noticed Wooyoung and San standing a little close to the outside, close to the bars of the cages. 
“Wooyoung,” you say loud enough for the room to hear so they could play along, “I would recommend staying away from the cages. Some of our acts like to grab.” You warn glancing at the trembling man, right on cue a male with a mangled face appeared out of the darkness and started to bang against the bars. The scare causing Wooyoung to nearly topple over San and shriek and shock. 
You chuckled darkly, “Now now Mr. Richardson,” you tsk, “Don’t make me have to call the tamer again.” At those words he slinked back into the darkness. Continuing to walk through the dimly lit room, from across the room a faint voice could be heard. 
“Wooyoung!” The voice was quiet, sounding vulnerable. “Please help me Wooyoung!” The voice sobbed. You weren’t directly looking in his direction but you were sure he was likely still shaking. Others joined in around you, each cage calling for Wooyoung’s help. 
“Don’t worry San,” you spoke loudly, “I won’t let then take him.” You smirk, the voices continuing to call Wooyoung, and now Sans, name in hopes for a way out. 
Nearing the end of the tent, your favorite section of the whole haunt itself. A young girl in the last cage by the exit, she held a teddybear in her arms, she was indeed the one who called for Wooyoung first. When she saw the group, her eyes lit up not paying your character any mind. 
“Wooyoung! San!” She giggled, she didn’t know who was who but she would likely figure it out. “You’re here to save me right?” She smiles sweetly watching, her eyes locking now with the two in the middle. When she saw that they weren’t moving, her smile faded. She stepped into the light, large gashes over her body and one large one over her face. Almost as if she was attacked by an animal. 
“Won’t you both save me and teddy?” She questioned her voice lower. Her words cuing the loud bear growl and the bright eyes that shown through the darkness. She dropped her teddy bear, now grabbing a chain on the ground, 
“Come on out Teddy.” She giggled evilly, the sounds of growls filled the room, the eyes seemingly growing closer. It was then you began to lead them away and out of the tend, now concluding their tour. Well almost. 
“I guess this is where we part dear friends.” You glanced at Jongho, then Mingi and finally Wooyoung. “I really did hope that my new assistants would be permanent.” You glanced at the group as a whole, “Now follow me for one last time, I will show you out.” You begin to walk back towards the entrance. 
You stood under the archway, “I do hope you visit again soon.” You giggle giving them a rather cute wave. That was until a loud voice boomed,
“(Y/N)!” You glanced behind you, a large figure came straight towards you. Your characters demeanor completely changed, now becoming afraid. 
“Y-Yes boss?” You stammer your form clearly shaking. 
“So this is what you have been doing all night!” He growled grabbing you by your arm, not tight enough to hurt but enough to play the part. 
“I do apologize gentlemen, it seems our lion tamer got a little ahead of herself and decided that she ran this place.” He snarled glaring down at you, “It seems that she needs to be reminded where she came from. Get the strings!” He shouted. 
You began to panic, scream, and beg for him to rethink, “No! Please! Anything but that! I promise it would happen again!” You sob as you see them coming towards you, a cart with a cell on the back. They ‘tied’ chains onto your limbs and ‘threw’ you in, locking the cell. 
“Please! Help me!” You cried, “Please Jongho! Help me please!” You shriek in a desperate attempt to scare the seemingly unfazed man. 
“Shut up!” One of the ‘workers’ says, then seemingly tasing you causing you to jolt around and fall over. 
“Please!” You cry out all of their names, this causing your boss the march over to the group. 
“So she picked herself an assistant huh?” He glanced over the group, “Jongho, huh?” He said with a smirk. The red haired boy took a small step back, seemingly now to be intimidated by the taller male. They all seemly jumped hearing you cry out in pain hearing the buzzing sound of the ‘taser’ as you were wheeled off into the dark. When you were out of sight and earshot, you and your fellows actors laughed and joked. That was the best ‘show’ you had put on. 
When your boss returned, he gave you the biggest hug. “That was the best show I think we have ever had!” He exclaims, “Lets get things cleaned up and packed up. Great last show everyone!” He shouts causing everyone to whoop. You took a few minutes, in the dressing area, to get into more comfortable clothing before your boss returned to you again. 
“They’re asking to meet you.” He told you causing your eyes to go wide with shock. They wanted to actually meet you? 
You nodded before slowly making your way out front, they stood by the entrance where you had left them. The camera’s were gone, so you knew that you would likely see their true-selves. 
They all spotted you, each of the giving you the biggest and warmest hello. You hadn’t any idea that they would be so sweet.
“You’re acting is so good!” The one you remembered as Hongjoong spoke. The rest of them nodded their heads and loudly agreed. 
“Thank you! I really hope I didn’t scare you too much.” You giggle, “I’m sorry Wooyoung, you were just so easy to scare.” He gave you a dirty look but it quickly changed to something else, he was pretty happy. 
“You guys were so great though, groups like yours make my job so much more fun.” You tell them, “I would honestly love to work beside you in scaring people, I think you guys have a really good energy and could pull it off!” You smile happily with a giggle. They all joined you in laughing. 
“Who knows maybe we will come back again, then we can try to scare you.” Hongjoong spoke with a bright smile. 
You laughed but smiled, “I would love to see you try.” 
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subjecta5newtella · 3 years
thoughts on newtmas :) go on :) i’m listening :)
sami rly said ok time for violence. this is going to be so long sorry everyone.
if we’re talking newtmas itself as a ship in itself, outside of any other influence (and specifically in the movie version, which is generally what people are talking about), I think it’s a good ship. I would have to be the most unobservant motherfucker alive to not see what people see in it, and I am not, in fact, the most unobservant motherfucker alive. it’s a good dynamic with good chemistry and realistically I think if I’d started with the movies rather than the books, I would’ve gone all in for it.
however. I personally am incapable about talking about it in isolation.
I realize from that segue it sounds like I’m about to lead into some grand moral point, but mostly I just liked how dramatic it sounded. anyway. I feel like I need to start with a disclaimer that the easiest, simplest part of this is that you tend to get attached to your first ships in a fandom, as well as your initial feelings about the characters. obviously you can change your mind about any of those things, but it does stick with you. if we’re going to be kind and skip my internalized homophobia era (please be kind), I shipped thominho and nalby because that’s what was big at the time. I also just... did not like book thomas very much, so I wasn’t about to ship him with my favorite character.
(complete and utter tangent: it’s interesting to me that people read the books now and overwhelmingly see newtmas. I recognize that every time I start a sentence with “it’s interesting that” it automatically sounds shady, but i genuinely just love Analyzing. anyway some of it’s definitely people seeing the movie first or having fandom content as a first exposure even in passing, all of which are valid ways to engage, but I do kind of find it fascinating when people talk about book!newtmas as some massive presence because then... theoretically we all should’ve seen it pre-movies? the ship existed, usually among people who hardcore multishipped, but it wasn’t anything like it is today. not at all to say that reading it like that is invalid, it’s just interesting to me the way some people talk about that interpretation, rather than the interpretation itself)
anyway. with that all out of the way, i do have some actual issues with newtmas, although it really doesn’t have anything to do with the characters or the ship itself. these are things that surround the ship and affect my feelings about it, meaning that I never bought in despite, like I said, Seeing It. my main issue with it is how much the roles of other characters have been reduced to create the ship in its current form. I’ve talked at far too much length about the way minho was adapted and honestly will probably talk about it more, because that’s the big one to me (that post can be found here, for those who don’t keep up with every rant I’ve ever gone on for some reason). I will not go so far as to say that’s required reading to fully understand this post, but I would recommend it since I don’t want to just repeat myself. so much of newtmas being the major ship feels like it’s predicated on minho not being there and not having anywhere near as strong a relationship with thomas and newt as he did in the books, and that will never sit right with me.
newt’s relationship with alby is his other most significant dynamic outside thomas and minho, and i feel like it might be surprising to hear me say this, but i get why that one was reduced for the movie. there’s only so much time in the film, so you want to focus on the characters who are going to make it past the first one. I do have a problem here, but it has more to do with dashner and with some fandom bullshit. with dashner, i think the crank palace is the worst of it (I could’ve just stopped that sentence at “I think the crank palace is the worst” but whatever). since all my rants lead back to each other, I’ll link the relevant one here, but the general gist is that my biggest problem was that newt does not seem to have any more of a post-swipe past than thomas does despite theoretically having two more years of memories. given that fact, I don’t know about you, but I would kind of expect alby to be more of a presence in his consciousness. that’s true of pretty much any of the original gladers, but newt and alby are clearly very close in the first book, and again, alby saved his fucking life. he’s literally mentioned once. dashner prioritized the newt/thomas dynamic so much that newt seemingly had no meaningful relationships with anyone else. tcp isn’t immune to treating minho badly either; like I said in that post, it sounds like newt read the wikipedia page on minho. is any of this the fault of the ship itself? does this change anything that came before it? no, but the whole thing feels massively disingenuous, and also kind of disrespectful to people who actually, like, gave a shit about the other characters. also, the way he’s retconning makes me real nervous.
the other part, like I mentioned, is the fandom more than any of the actual content. I’m aware that part of this is just a statistics game and also that’s it’s not representative of all newtmas shippers, but most of the alby bashing I’ve seen comes from newtmas people. it’s... baffling to me, honestly. what’s the point in putting down a ship being kept alive by me and like 3 other people? what do you gain by misrepresenting a character to the point of maliciousness when you could easily just not engage with them? again, I know it’s not everyone and it doesn’t have anything to do with the ship, but I’d be lying if I said things like this don’t color my perception. if someone goes out of their way to put down a ship I like, I’m not really gonna want to associate myself with their ship. I’m gonna cling to my own harder out of spite, actually.
also.... okay. so I peaced out to go do other shit between earlyish 2015 and mid 2019. and it was very weird to temporarily leave the fandom while the two main (in my recollection at least, which could be biased by who i was friends with) mlm ships each included one of the explicitly non-white characters, and come back to find it almost entirely dominated by white boy/white boy... like. I don’t wanna make a statement as simple as “the fandom is racist” because a) it’s not my place to say that, b) if we want to go into that, there are other examples of fandom racism where it’s Blatant and there really is no excuse, whereas this is a bit more complicated imo because c) like. that’s the dynamic the movies gave us. the movies focused very heavily on the newt and thomas dynamic, so of course that’s what the fandom is going to focus on. there’s a lot to say there, but that’s a different issue. it does.... still contribute to the bad taste in my mouth, though, and also contributes to me feeling like I need to keep those ships alive. it’s not about who has the Most Progressive Ship, I just feel weird about the particular shift I’ve seen here.
on a note that sounds less like I’m leveling accusations, New Relationships just aren’t my vibe. you look at my ao3 and it’s like. friends of many years to lovers. established relationship. friends to lovers to exes and back again. just from a dynamics perspective, there are other ships that are more interesting for me to explore. there. this is a lighter reason.
idk overall I don’t wanna sound like I’m on some Moral Crusade here, even though i know some of my points made it sound like that. this is really just me putting all of my thoughts that I can currently round up in one place in order to... idk, explain myself? and like it’s stupid that i feel the need to explain myself, but I know it’s weird not to ship it at this point, and I know if I did I would have so much more content to choose from and a much wider audience for my own content. there’s just baggage there thats entirely separate from the ship itself, having seen the shift and knowing what had to change in order to center newtmas. I’m not trying to sound like I’m better than anyone; I just think maybe I have a different perspective on things having been here for long enough to qualify it as a new mental illness, and that’s ultimately why I feel the way I do.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 12
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover (If you can’t find it here)
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a | 7b | 8 | 9a | 9b | 10 | 11
Let me know what you think in the comments or my ask box.
Chapter 12: An Awkward Goodnight
You arrived back at your chambers, once inside Kylo removed his helmet and set it on the ashes. He no longer had your arm in his. This disappointed you—the lack of contact. He headed up the stairs to the bedroom and you followed.
He stood at the end of his bed awkwardly. You headed to your room, the door opened and you saw something in the room that wasn’t there earlier. A large bouquet of your favorite flowers was on the side table. You gasped turning toward Kylo, “Thank you. They are beautiful.”
You saw Kylo smile quickly before turning his head away from you. “You’re welcome. Goodnight.” You could see him trying to control his breathing. Taking deep breaths and seemed tense in his shoulders.
You shut the door to your room. Now alone for the first time all day you let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You gathered your thoughts for a moment. Before thinking too much you moved to your bag and got ready for bed. You grabbed the pajamas and headed to the bathroom. It looked relatively normal to you with a vanity sink, a toilet, a large bathtub and a separate glass shower.
Finishing preparing for bed you headed over to the bed. You quickly unpacked and moved things into the closet, knowing you wouldn’t be able to sleep if things were out of place. When finished you moved to get into bed, you messed with the panel off to the side of the bed until the lights turned off.
You hoped that this day wasn’t just a dream. A lot happened and you were trying to remember it all, just in case, it was a dream. You moved to lay on your side and just stared at the flowers until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up with the slowly brightening lights of your room, squinting you wondered what time it was because you realized you forgot to set an alarm. You jumped out of bed looking for your phone. You found it, saw it was at 10% and that it was 9:00 am. This was the latest you had slept in since starting your full-time job. You weren’t able to plug in your phone as there were no plugins and you weren’t getting any service anyways so it did not bother you.
You got up and got dressed, a sweater and a pair of jeans, the ship was cold so you felt it was justified. You made the bed and left the room. You noticed Kylo wasn’t in his room and made your way to the kitchen but before you could do that there was a junior officer in the main living space.
“Oh, hello! Are you looking for the Supreme Leader,” you asked the short brunette man.
“Oh no, I’m sorry my lady. The Supreme Leader has informed me that I am to be at your service today,” said the man nervously.
“Ok, and your name is,” you asked.
He flinched at this, knowing he was probably supposed to introduce himself, to begin with.
“I’m sorry my lady, my name is Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka,” he replied tightly gripping his hat in his hands.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lieutenant. I just woke up and have yet to have breakfast, have you eaten yet,” you ask.
The lieutenant seemed surprised by your question, “Yes ma’am I have, would you like me to help you order something?”
“That would be lovely, thank you,” you could tell that he was prepared to meet a different type of person than you. At first, he seemed scared but now he seemed to relax a little bit. He pulled out a small data pad from his pocket.
“Is there anything in particular that you would like to eat,” he asked.
“What do you have that is similar to Earth food?”
At this question, he seemed to frown not knowing what you were asking exactly. “Do you have pancakes,” you ask.
“Yes! Would you like some,” he asked unsure.
“Yes, with maple syrup if there is any and more importantly is there coffee?”
“Yes, ma’am I will order some right away is there anything else you need ma’am?”
“Not at this moment. Thank you, Lieutenant.” With that, he punched in your order on the data pad and you walked over to the dining table. You invited him to sit. “The Supreme Leader said I may return to earth today if I want. How would I go about doing that?”
“Yes ma’am, the Supreme Leader has requested that you be guarded by General Pryde and Commander Pyre with a squad of stormtroopers. Of course, I am to be at your service.”
You were surprised at the amount of protection that Kylo seemed to deem necessary. But you just nodded at the lieutenant. The door to the mailroom opened and the same droid from last night appeared with your food. You thanked it before it left and it beeped at you in response.
“Do you have access to the Supreme Leader’s schedule,” you asked the lieutenant.
“Yes, ma’am. He is in meetings most of the day, but he had set aside sometime in the late afternoon for you. He told me that it would be your decision as to what you wanted to do with that time.”
You wondered if there would be enough time for him to meet Carter and Hayden. But you thought better of it for now. Not knowing how he would react to meeting them. Plus it sounded like you would be near Earth for a while since things were behind schedule. You finished eating.
“I think I would like to return to Earth. Could you let the Supreme Leader know, and ask him if there is anything he would like me to do while I am there?”
The lieutenant nodded and sent a message through the data pad. “The general is currently on the bridge, would you like me to message him that you would like to leave or would you like to go directly to him?”
“Go to him I think. Last night the Supreme Leader gave meh a tour but I wasn’t able to really figure out the hallways.”
And with that, you both were off down the winding corridors of the ship making your way to the bridge. Just like yesterday officers ducked off to the side for you and stood at attention until you passed. You and the lieutenant came to the bridge, once again silence fell over the officers. You could tell this made the lieutenant a bit anxious, but General Pryde made his way over to you.
“My lady, I am guessing you have made the decision to return to the surface,” said the general.
“Yes, I was told that I need your escort.”
“Colonel Kaplan, you have command of the Bridge until General Quinn gets here during the Beta shift,” said the general to an older looking officer. He nodded to the general.
You all left the bridge and went to the hangar. There you saw a small group of stormtroopers and one that was decked out in gold armor. He addressed you, “Ma’am, General, we are ready to descend to the surface. The Supreme Leader sent back his command shuttle for you to use my lady.”
Once again Kylo surprised you, and apparently the general and lieutenant who seemed a bit shocked that the Supreme Leader sent back his personal command shuttle for you. You just followed the commander and boarded the ship.
You all sat and buckled in with the lieutenant on your right and the general on your left.
“The Supreme Leader answered your question, he would like you to stop at the White House as he would like to see you,” said Lieutenant Mitaka.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” you responded and settling back into your chair bracing yourself for the flight. Part of you was giddy that Kylo requested to see you even though you knew his day was filled with meetings.
The shuttle landed right outside the White House and you disembarked the craft. Crossing the lawn you could see Kylo’s tall frame coming towards the ramp. You could see the officers and troopers around you pause slightly as they prepared to greet the Supreme Leader.
Kylo reached you and took your hand, quickly paused and acknowledged the officers and lead you into the White House. He took you into the same sitting room you were in the day before. The junior officer in the room quickly left and shut the door behind them. Kylo then removed his mask and turned to you.
“How was your morning? How did you sleep,” he asked earnestly still holding your hand.
“Surprisingly I slept well. I had a good morning so far, haven’t done anything other than have breakfast and see you,” you responded.
Kylo seemed slightly bashful at your answer. He let go of your hand for a moment, to remove his glove to hold it again. This time with skin on skin contact. His hand was large and warm, you could feel calluses and scars. The back of his hand was soft and his thumb slowly messaged your knuckles.
He was mesmerized for a moment before clearing his throat to say, “You asked if there is anything that I would like you to do. All I want is for you to be comfortable and happy.”
This made you smile, you stepped closer to him saying, “I am happy, I just want to know if there is anything I can do to help you with the First Order? I just hate thinking your busy while I just sit around doing nothing.”
You swore you could see the wheels turning in his brain, “Why don’t you sit in on the next few meetings with me? They may be boring to you, but you understand this planet better than anyone in the First Order, you may be able to offer some insight.”
“Ok,” you said smiling at your little victory, being able to spend some more time with him even though you would be in a room filled with other people talking about other things. You just wanted to be near him—to know him.
He let go of your hand to put his glove and helmet back on. He took your arm this time and lead you out of the room and down the hall to a conference room full of different world leaders. Maybe this isn’t what you thought it was going to be.
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zukoshotleafjuice · 4 years
The funniest thing about june teasing katara and zuko about being a couple is that she just sees a pretty girl and an attractive guy, both looking almost the same age which immediately makes her go "you two must be a couple" and it just reminds me of zvtara shippers, you know what i mean? I'm convinced one of the reasons a lot of ppl ship them is bc of their looks. katara being the female protagonist and also a pretty, smart and powerful girl & zuko, despite not being the male protagonist, being the most attractive guy in the gaang. Boom, a "bomb ass ship". It is worth to recall that "people ship zutara bc they projected onto katara and had a crush on zuko". And if they say they don't ship them for that reason, then it's bc they read too much between the lines in every interaction they have. So, back to june, she didn't even care if they had chemistry or if they were friends or anything, she just straight up teased them about being a couple lmao. Because in all honesty zvtara can be an appealing ship in anyone's eyes but THAT'S IT, it doesn't go further than that. I can be testimony of that😅Before even watching the show i was like june, one day i saw a zk fanart and was like "wow aren't those zuko and katara from atla? They look so good, she's gorgeous and he's hot" i already knew kataang was endgame and that mai was zuko's love interest but seeing zuko and katara together was pleasing to my eyes. However once i watched the show for the first time (2 months ago i think) i realized there was really no romantic chemistry between them, nothing, literally nothing, i mean, i wasn't even waiting for the zvtara content in the show that made ppl ship them so much, i was actually very neutral about ships, i couldn't care less about them, but i still realized nothing was happenig between them and that it was obvious since book 1 ep 1 that kataang was endgame. Zuko and katara were two teenagers from opposite sides of a war that tried to kill each other multiple times and when zuko changed sides they developed a completely platonic relationship. As i said, people either ship them because it's an appealing and aesthetically pleasing ship (water/fire, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, the common red & blue ship) or they just love reading too much between the lines, OR BOTH, because they were so thirsty about it they ended up convincing themselves there was romantic tension between them, that they liked each other and that zvtara was scrapped when it was never planned in the first place. Not to mention the reasons why they claim zvtara should've been endgame are based only on symbolism and things they have in common that are just so ??? Random. e.g. (i saw these on a post on facebook and the comment section was hilarious, it was full of ppl being sarcastic about it & making fun of it) saying they should've been canon bc:
1. "They both lost their mothers at a young age" (?)
2. "katara was good but had rage in her heart and zuko was bad but had good in his heart so it was like yin and yang, and that was the main purpose/topic of the show" (?)
3. "they both had alter egos (painted lady and blue spirit)" (???) this one sounds like saying maiko was canon bc zuko worked in a tea shop and mai worked in a flower shop😂
4. "Zuko was the only one who supported katara in taking revenge on her mom's assassin" (?) if you ask me, that just proves zuko is not right for katara, he led her to do something she was gonna regret later (not trying to hate on zuko, i love him, and since i love him i acknowledge his flaws. I understand why he thought it was the best thing to do, he's an impulsive and resentful boy (he would've done the same if it was his mom) and he noticed how thirsty katara was for revenge, ofc he wanted to help her + he wanted her to accept him and thought it was the right thing to do in order to gain her trust, but it wasn't) unlike zuko, aang tried to make katara come to her senses and do the thing that was best for her: forgive and let go, and it was basically what she did at the end. She didn't do what zuko expected her to do. She did what aang expected her to do. She didn't forgive her mom's assassin, but she forgave zuko, and she didn't do THAT thing she (and aang) knew would regret later. Aang knew katara and what was the best thing for her to do.
5. and the most ridiculous one, "they both saved each other's lives in the final agni kai"(???????) and the funniest part is that it was followed by "WHAT MORE PROOFS DO YOU WANT???". Honestly wtf did ppl expect? Did they expect zuko to stand there and watch katara die? Did they expect katara to just stand there and watch zuko lay on the floor & die? And this has been said a million times and i am going to join and say it once again: zuko would've done that for ANYONE from the gaang, he would've done the same for toph, sokka, suki and aang. Because he learned to care about them. As for katara, she would've done that for anyone too wtf she healed aang once too and even brought him back to life. (I wouldn't be surprised if zk shippers used that as a parallel for romantic zvtara proof bc they're just like that💀)
There were more "reasons" but they're just so stupid and taken out of context like "they care for each other" & "katara was the one who encouraged him to talk to his uncle" like yeah that's what friends do. Basically all zvtara shippers do is REACH.
Also, i just can't see it happening. I like the enemies to lovers trope, maybe if the writers really intended to make it canon, i would have been down for the ship, it would've been interesting to see how it developed, but,, they didn't, and later i came to the realization that if it would've really happened, it would've been so... weird. Time to bring up the "colonized and colonizer ship" and how some ppl feel uncomfortable about it. Besides the fact that a relationship between zuko and katara wouldn't have worked (they're incompatible af, katara is a girl with a strong character and zuko is a guy with anger issues that takes everything personal, they'd be at each other's throats 99% of the time) it's just weird to think that katara would choose to marry a man from the fire nation, the nation that caused a big war that traumatized her, the nation that took her mother away from her. Imagine katara ruling along with zuko a nation she despised for years. Fire lady katara doesn't sit right with me, and i'm sure it doesn't sit right with a lot of ppl as well. I don't see katara doing that, and yes, i know she forgave zuko, but still, she would've never done that 🤦🏽‍♀️ i think it would've been so OOC tbh.
Another thing i laugh my ass off at is when they say "zuko should've chosen katara instead of mai" as if they were ever in a relationship for zuko to say "ok imma choose katara i wanna be with her". As if katara was EVER an option for him. They never showed interest in each other, what's not clicking?????? And zuko only had eyes for mai, not to mention that despite zuko and mai had a rough relationship, no girl would've dealed with zuko's bs better than mai. Can you imagine katara dealing with zuko blowing up over everything? Because i can't. Also people saying things like "zuko deserves someone who is always there for him and listens to him" (and ofc they're talking about katara) like, ok, you hate that katara is aang's "therapist" but you want her to be zuko's therapist. Logic? Where? And I do remember mai being a supportive gf and trying to cheer him up multiple times. Did they watch the same show as me?
Zvtarians try to play the victims about how they were "robbed" bc some voice actors shipped them and from what i've read people who worked for the show suggested to go for zk, but that's stupid, it doesn't count as "they planned it but scrapped it, we were robbed". The only word that counts are the creators' voice and they have stated they were always rooting for kataang, so no, you were not robbed.
People are just so in love with the idea of zuko and katara together they really convinced themselves it was likely to happen. Honestly zvtara it's a fine ship as fanon but ppl ruined it for me and what i hate the most is when they ship it and hate on aang and mai at the same time and make them look SO bad to invalidate kataang and maiko. Saying aang is abusive and mai is toxic is complete ✨bullshit✨ and lastly, it's ridiculous when they say the creators were cowards for not making it canon. They're cowards for not fulfilling your greatest childhood wish? Something they never planned? It is THEIR show. If you hate sm how things turned out then quit atla once and for all and go find another show that you know is gonna give you what you expect,,, it's tiring that they've been crying about it for 15 yrs , like, i joined the fandom recently but i can imagine how tired old atla fans must be of this.
OK so I have a lot of thoughts about this and firstly,,,anon I appreciate the dedication that it took for you to write  this, and I agree with many of your points. However, the attitude I have on this blog towards Avatar ships is far more neutral than what you’re saying.
Ultimately, romance is not and never was the focus of Avatar. Romantic development was always secondary or tertiary plot, and the entire show was far more focused on platonic relationship development. My attitude towards shippers on here - including Zutara shippers - is that people can ship what they want, as long as they’re respectful of each other and of the other characters that “interfere” with their ship. End of the day, shipping is irrelevant to the core of the show. 
People shipping something because they find it aesthetically appealing is honestly,,,fine. Personally, I think it’s reductionist, but I don’t care if you do because everyone has the right to enjoy media however they want to. 
That being said, we absolutely should call out racist or problematic tropes that we see, including ‘fire lady katara”. I also agree that it’s upsetting when people bash other characters in order to further their ship, as much of the bashing is also pretty racist and/or misogynistic. Calling that out, however, is separate from calling out every single person who happens to enjoy certain ships. 
“She didn't do what zuko expected her to do. She did what aang expected her to do. She didn't forgive her mom's assassin, but she forgave zuko, and she didn't do THAT thing she (and aang) knew would regret later. Aang knew katara and what was the best thing for her to do.”
I understand where you’re coming from, but I honestly disagree with this take. Both Aang and Zuko were approaching the situations from their own life experiences, but Katara didn’t do what either of the boys wanted. She chose her own path, by both sparing Yon Rha’s life but also refusing to forgive him. The episode is about Katara and her personal trauma and its focus should not be on her relationships with either Zuko or Aang. 
When I make posts such as this, it’s less about hating Z*tara and more about how this fandom focuses all its attention on romance and shipping, to the point where if you acknowledge a relationship’s importance it’s assumed you pair the two romantically. I don’t read Zuko and Katara’s relationship as romantic (for reasons that it would take too long to explain here), but their relationship development is extremely important, the two of them share tons of parallels and the final Agni Kai marks the culmination of both of their character arcs. Yes, Zuko would have taken the lightning for any of the characters, but it’s thematically important that it was Katara. None of this inherently means it’s romantic, but refusing to acknowledge the significance of the relationship between them is equally reductionist. 
This isn’t an attack on you, anon, and you’re 100% allowed to have negative feelings about a ship. But at the end of the day, it’s not worth getting this worked up over. If I were you I’d focus more on creating/consuming content for a ship you like than bashing ships you don’t!
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The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) finally part 2!
Here are Neha, Raquel and Tadashi! I had to cut the last 5 in 2 posts because tumblr doesn't allow more than 250 blocks of text... But anyway! I finally did it! It's been 84 years... though I feel like those are not really headcanons anymore. They're all so long that it would be more accurate to say that they're scenarios. Sorry! It's probably gonna be really annoying scrolling up and down.
- crying is a really good way to let your emotions out and it always worked out for you
- whenever it's all too much you make yourself cry to feel better afterward
- one day, once you finished crying your phone rang
- it's from Neha, she's inviting you to her room
- oh boy.
- when you moved into the dorms Karolina did say that the previous owner of the room would put loud music on and they would hear it
- 'did Neha hear me cry?' God you hope not
- When you knock, the door immediately opens as if Neha was right in front of it waiting for you
- She pulls you in and starts taking your measurements
- "I've decided to use you as my model for my next outfit."
- "W-what?!?"
- now you're almost sure that she did hear you, or else why would she make an outfit just for you when she's got Karolina?
- surprisingly a few days later the outfit is done! Does it really take that little time usually? You're pretty sure that Neha already had the design ready in her sketchbook
- during that time though, everyday until the "outfit" was ready she would go out of her way to talk to you everyday even though she's usually either busy or with Karolina
- she knows that it annoys her but even when Karolina was around Neha would still come and chat with you for a bit
- You're guessing that she didn't want you to feel like you're alone in your hard times
- when the outfit was done she called you over again
- "Here, try it on!"
- there's more excitement in her voice than usual and it's really freaking cute
- "You mean right here, right now?"
- she keeps staring at you in silence before coming back to her senses
- "Oh, right. Sorry. I'll turn away while you change."
- but then while you're taking your clothes off the door flows open
- "Neha, did you see my-"
- Karolina looks at the both of you and while she's trying to process the scene all that she gets from the situation is: you taking your clothes off in their room, and Neha waiting for you to take them off while facing away?
- "N... Nevermind. Just do your thing I'll come back in one hour. Or uh, two hours. Actually."
- She closed the door in a hurry. Welp. She probably misunderstood.
- Neha kept on facing the wall but you could see her ears getting red
- that little accident is quickly forgotten when you've put the outfit on
- it's so elaborate and classy. it's making you feel self-concious
- Even though Neha was the one who made the outfit she blushed when she saw you in it
- "You look so lovely- uh. I mean the dress! The dress looks lovely on you, obviously, since I'm the one who made it."
- her bashfulness is making you blush too but you tell her that you can't pay for it
- "Are you kidding? It's a gift I've made for you. No one else in the world owns this and won't own it because I won't put it on sale. It's a special outfit only for you."
- She takes her sketchbook and rips out a page, it's a sketch of the outfit and... you're the one wearing it on the drawing!
- "To be honest, I had already heard you crying a few times in your room and I didn't know how to help. So uh... I guess what I mean is. I've been planning this for a long time but I wasn't brave enough to ask for your measurements until recently and um..."
- She's rambling and rambling, you've probably never heard her talk this much
- "Basically... when you're sad come over. Or ask me to come over, whatever. Our rooms are right next to eachother so whether you cry in your room or here I'll hear you anyway so you might as well be with me."
- this was maybe not the best way to phrase it, but you got the feeling she was going for and that's all that matters
- Noticed that you weren't feeling good right away
- but more in a "are you catching a cold?" kinda way
- but it didn't have anything to do with your health
- You actually wanted to explain what happend as soon as it did but when you tried to, tears came down immediately from the very first sentence
- Raquel grabbed you by the shoulders
- "It's okay! You can tell me later if it's too hard."
- The next day when you were getting ready to go to school Raquel came to your room dressed in casual clothes
- "Hey Y/N! Let's skip today."
- You tell her that you can't because you're a scholarship student and all but she ends up convincing you anyway
- "It's all fine, it's just for one day! Everyone thinks that you're a really hard-working, punctual and honest person! They'll believe whatever you say."
- "Raquel... I am a hard-working, punctual and honest person..."
- "Exactly! And that's why you can take advantage of that and no one will doubt you."
- Oh well...
- it's not like you were looking forward to that math test anyway
- you sneak around and get out of the school through Raquel's knowledge of... blind spots?
- you feel a little guilty about it since you'll have to lie to the teachers later about "not feeling well"
- Raquel makes you forget that pretty easily though
- "Okayyy! Now let's go have our breakfast, I know a place."
- "Ah, cool."
- "You don't sound really excited... But you know, the both of us sneaking out of school to go on a date: isn't it a little bit like we're secretly lovers during war time between two kingdoms in a movie?"
- Wait, this was a date?? You had no idea
- You spent the whole day just walking around town in different fast foods, parks, and shops
- everytime you wanted to buy something Raquel would try to buy it for you
- You refused everything except the food, she was being extremely pushy about paying for the food
- on the way back you decide to tell her about your troubles again, this time hopefully you won't burst into tears
- She's incredibly understanding and doesn't let you downplay your feelings
- anytime you say "it may sound stupid"/"maybe I'm being too emotional" she's like
- "No! Fuck that! There's a reason why you feel this way and it's not dumb."
- You get a little bit teary eyed and before you can even think about crying Raquel hugs you
- then she whispers in your ear
- "Did it hurt?"
- "Uh... what?"
- At first you thought she meant your feelings because obviously it did hurt, you just spent like 20 minutes explaining what had happened
- but then you understood
- is she seriously trying to cheer you up with pick-up lines?
- "So did it hurt or did it not?"
- "You mean, when I fell from heaven?"
- She makes the biggest grin before replying
- "No, when you fell for me."
- You're trying your best not to burst into laughter
- "Nah, not really. It was a quick fall."
- Oh no, you outsmarted her lame pick-up line
- you guys end the day with the most stupid pick-up line fight
- little do you know that Raquel will shoot a ball in the face of a certain someone for hurting you
- maybe multiple times if she feels like it
- To be honest he didn't really notice at first
- maybe it was one of your "bad days", Tadashi knows what it's like so he totally gets it
- but then when it's been 3 days in a row and you're still in that state?
- he cancels all of his work and assignements for the day
- calls you over in such a professional manner that it's kinda scary
- he literally asks you to meet him in the student council's room
- tells you to "please sit down" in front of him
- Honestly, this situation is making you really tense. Did Tadashi figure out that one time, 3 months ago, when you stole a smoothie from the cafeteria?
- "Look, I'm sorry okay? I was just really thirsty and I needed sugar. Also, it's not like I wasn't allowed to get one! There was no one at the counter so I figured it wouldn't hurt to..."
- Tadashi IAmConfusion™ looks at you
- "Why are you talking about that now? Don't worry, I know."
- Now it's your turn to get confused
- "You mean... you knew and you didn't give me detention?"
- Now he looks a bit frustrated
- "Come on Y/N, I'm not that mean. I won't give you detention just because you came 5 minutes late to our meeting."
- This is most likely a misunderstanding...
- "This is what you were talking about just now, right? That the reason why you came here late is because you were drinking a smoothie. I figured you were probably busy doing something so no need to feel so guilty about it."
- "Oh. Oooohhh... yeahh... totally. Sorry."
- Now that this is out of the way, he asks you to tell him what's on your mind
- At first you hesitate a little but, if there's someone with whom you want to share this with, it's Tadashi
- he's listening really closely to what you're saying without cutting you off but sometimes you can see his eyes getting a bit darker
- Like, you're not being specific enough about a detail or something and he's probably taking notes of all the questions he has so that he can ask them when you're done
- At some point though, you become really emotional and your voice starts cracking when you're talking
- You end up crying and your tears fall on the desk
- Tadashi jumps out of his seat, his chair falls down as he panics
- "Hey! Y/N?? Err... Um..."
- Takes you in his arms carefully, like he's not really sure if that's what he's supposed to do when this type of thing happens
- "It's okay! I'm here... I'm here so... d-don't cry Y/N I'll do something about it no problem!"
- when you've calmed down he puts down his wallet on the desk
- "Uh... what?"
- "You can use it."
- "You mean your money??"
- "What else?"
- he explains that you can take all the smoothies and premium food in the cafeteria with this
- "Are you kidding? I can't use your money for that."
- He's literally trying to cheer you up with money which is obviously not the way to go about it
- He sees that you're not convinced so he pulls out his phone and shoves the screen on your face so closely that you have to take a step back in order to read what's on it
- It's Tadashi's to do list, probably the place where he writes all of his tasks for the week
- The spot on number one is you. It reads "1. Y/N"
- when you look at him Tadashi is furiously blushing and looking away
- this is incredibly sweet until you notice how wrong this sounds
- "Wait... Tadashi?"
- "Yes?"
- "I'm first on your... "To do" list? Seriously?"
- "What's that's supposed to mean? Of course you're number one on my- Oh god..."
- he just understood how wrong it sounded and took the phone back before rewriting the list
- He's making it so easy for you to tease him
- the poor boy is literally begging you to stop it but you can't until he shows you his phone screen again
- this time it's written "1. Make Y/N smile again", you're literally his number one priority. This is so sweet to the point where you can't tease him anymore. It would be too mean.
- As for Tadashi, let's just say that he's about to get "really mean" with the person you were talking about just now and he's not going to hold back
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fcarher · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: slug / ellie     Age: 19       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Yunaeisha Adynora, other demons from my lore Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Yunaeisha Current Fandom(s): None really  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Naruto, PKMN, Magi, Gangsta, OPM, MHA, Hazbin Hotel & currently working on an ATLA verse My language(s): german, polish, italian, english   Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: highschool, modern & fantasy/medieval
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting: the best way is just to straight up approach me. most often than not, just liking a post is not enough because it’s too vague ?? like if i post an idea & you like that, i’ll still be hesitant when it comes to roleplaying or approaching you because, while i appreciate such gestures, i’m just too anxious. therefore, plopping into my IMs without a properly fleshed out idea is also fine ! it, at least, gives me the hint that you’re actively seeking interaction. however, just saying “i want to roleplay & plot !” won’t cut it; at least, have something in mind, please !
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  basic ideas & pouring their heart into plotting! i don’t mind waiting, at all, so if you’re busy, don’t worry about keeping me waiting; i completely understand since i’m also often busy with work or university. but !! please don’t only come to me with the statement: “i want to plot!” it’s not gonna cut it & it’s not gonna help with a proper interaction, at all. if i approach someone, most often than not, i have SOME sort of idea in mind. but yeah, being passionate is the most important thing!
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  most often than not, the conversation will die down because i will loose motivation; i don’t like it because i’ll feel like a bother & i shouldn’t feel that way when it comes to a hobby! therefore, one-sided plotting is one of my deal breakers; i usually end the conversation & there will be little to no interaction happening. like i said; i don’t mind waiting, i just hate that feeling of coming on TOO strong when my plotting partner delivers no input. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  often than not, i start off with rather simple question like; are you interested in a certain verse ? do you already have something in mind ? if not, i will go through their about page & ask them things about their character & how that could possibly bring our characters to interact. sometimes, the about pages of a muse cannot give you every single bit of information; muses grow & change with each thread, therefore, it’s often better to just ask the people about their characters ! & from then on, it often just comes naturally. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if the thread is not THAT important or vital for our character’s relationship; i don’t mind & won’t need to know if the thread is dropped. sometimes, if it’s a heavily plotted thread & i’ve anticipated the interaction a lot; i’d appreciate a quick heads-up from my partner that they’re not feeling that certain thread any longer; i don’t mind that !! - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?: they don’t need to tell me; SOMETIMES, it’s just a nice gesture but most of the time, i don’t care, we can always start another thread !!
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  many things can lead to me dropping a thread; just losing motivation, having no muse for a certain genre or simply having the feeling that my partner is not liking it, any longer (ex. extreme lack of trying to match the reply length ). my health & my schedule can also, sadly, affect my motivation, so, more often than not, i tend to drop shorter threads & keep longer ones.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  i get anxious really fast if people stop replying for a very long time, out of the blue. it has happened to me once before with a good friend with whom i have no contact with any longer due to miscommunication & them not trying to communicate the issue with me; therefore, yes, it is very important. i wanna know if something is bothering you; i wanna know if you like something very much; i wanna know what’s up ! we’re humans & we’re adults; we can talk about this.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  yes ! as long as it is constructive criticism & not straight-up bashing my characters or lore; i’m all for it. i don’t mind hearing negative things; in fact, i appreciate the honesty & it gives me room to work on myself & my writing ! - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  building relationships that LAST & exploring my muses through & through; it is amazing how much yuna has grown through interactions with others; how different she has become from the yuna i once started out with; it’s almost been a year now & it’s just amazing. however, i’m not stopping anytime soon; THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO EXPLORE !! the ultimate goal is for me to just look at my blog & be completely proud of what i have accomplished & written; i want fleshed out relationships & threads; deep stuff !!
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  yuna talking with someone about her struggles; mentally & physically. being open about her abusive father & how it has traumatized her & painted men in the worst picture one could imagine. HOWEVER; a hard thing because i don’t want these things to be pre-est or something; i want a thread where there is struggling, screams, conflict ! it is rather hard to find someone, though, who is willing & fitting to go onto that long journey with me & yuna. also, i’d love to write about darker stuff; i love fluff, though, sometimes i sure want a bit of that, too. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  the only things i won’t rp or explore are stated in my rules; ex. pedophilia, rape & really descriptive animal abuse. killing, torture, gore as well as cheating, heartbreak or toxic relationships are okay, while i do prefer to have a deeper bond with someone while exploring the latter & be communicating the whole time; i think these are really REAL topics & that’s why i wouldn’t mind exploring them because it does happen, more than one would like them to happen. however, if i see you, the mun, glorifying or romanticizing these; just no. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i like everything with some sort of substance; i love short ones as much as long ones, nevertheless, you have to give me something to work with. yuna would ignore anyone not of any interest or value to her; therefore, if your muse just asks her random questions, the interaction will go nowhere. if you’re unsure; just ask !!
What type of characters catch your interest the most?: i love characters with uniqueness to them; it can be a certain interest, certain appearance or their species can be totally unique to them; i’ll love it ! i do have a thing for villains, though; always had, even when i was young 8^) so, dark, stubborn & “evil” characters catch my interest far more than a really nice muse who just is all smiles all day. i love a muse that can kick mine & yuna’s ass, basically. someone with strong morals or who is just really set on their beliefs can also offer conflict which i ADORE !! i need it; i live for it !!
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  really kind & unbothered muses who are self-sacrificing, perfect & loved by everyone for no reason ?? idk, i just think it’s bad writing. everyone has flaws; no one is perfect ! 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  i am a very open person who will talk with you about anything & is keen on exploring our character’s relationship at all times & through all means; i often send my rp partners prompts in form of my yuna just being her dumb-self or through memes ! i will constantly think about our characters & will try to have them interact as much as possible. i am, most of the time, very active & respond to the threads fairly quickly ! if i am totally invested; you’ll get everything you want; a moodboard, an edit, a drawing, etc. i literally pour my heart & soul into every bond my muse has; i live for them. oh !! i also love asking people question about their characters; i just love learning new things about them !! 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m very slow out of character; i don’t approach muns a lot because i’m scared to be a bother, working on it ! i often ramble a lot & my writing can become a bit convoluted & hard to understand, i apologize ! i tend to not message people on discord as often as i’d like to; mostly because i’m really socially awkward or just don’t think that what i want to show to them is THAT important. i’m not as straight-forward as i wish myself to be; however, even with all that; i still have a lot of fun & am acknowledging & actively working on my weak aspects ! 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  often, it is because i want to develop the relationship or yuna’s character; she’s a very sexual being who hardly connects to someone emotionally; therefore, writing sex & exploring the vulnerability behind it can be really beautiful ! though, fun is also involved !  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  non-consensual stuff is a no-go ! also, certain kinks that make me uncomfortable are also off the table; ex. anything involving bodily fluids other than spit. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  i love the conflicts the most; clashing ideals or just two stubborn muses arguing for the heck of it is really fun & can develop the relationship beautifully ! yuna is a person who likes someone that can be properly fought with, verbally here. but of course, i also adore the very soft moments!! i love meaningless fluff; it warms my heart.  - What is your smut tag?: SINFUL.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: nothing TOO drastic; a friendship, a rivalry is a-okay ! however, i’m very hesitant when it comes to having pre-est. romantic relationships; though, you can quickly change my mind if you pour your soul into the plotting; then i’m fine with it ! everything that needs time when writing also needs time when plotting; don’t just straight up jump into something if you’re not able to give it your all.
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  i think yuna is a person with whom it is easy to form relationships with; it takes a bit of time but due to her rather drastic ideals & opinions; anything can be founded within seconds. she doesn’t hold back when it comes to her honesty & conflicts will arise. also, for all muses with demonic or deity backgrounds; being a daughter of the literal queen of hell, though, also harboring fragments of a god’s soul makes her unique in the supernatural world which can spark interest with your character or even they can develop an ill-will towards her ? i think it’s really interesting exploring what makes one work & go on & yuna has the philosophical potential to tickle that out of your muse; she question EVERYTHING. now for certain plots; one-sided love or even friendships are always really interesting, especially when she is the one having such feelings. other than that; she has enormous & dangerous powers; so if you’re into character or world-building; can offer that as well !
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:  humans; she doesn’t approach humans who are just kind & have nothing to offer for her, the least she’d do is have sex with them or kill them to harvest their life energy. i’m sorry but she really does hate all of humanity & to change that opinion ? man, you must be the most stubborn person ever.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who are of supernatural or demonic nature; she’ll be very interested & even nosy to a point. also, very attractive characters who are not afraid to speak their mind; she’s really superficial most of the time & will flirt with anything that she deems good-looking. muses who have ideals that contrast hers or that are similar to her but also, generally, people who are open-minded. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  sex, parties, plants & flowers, astronomy, writing, demons & hell, the underground scene, killing, knives & playing the piano - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the questions that bother her the most are; why did her mother had to die ? why would nobody help her while she was being abused by her father ? why was she kept alive by her sisters ? is there love out there for someone like her ? what do these strange visions mean that occur almost every night ? she has a lot of things she wants to experience & wishes to have a normal life once she has killed her other mother, lilith, which is her ultimate goal, at the moment.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  their appearance; the scent of their blood & if it differs from humans; how they react towards her & what they do in front of her.  - What do they value in a person?:    strong opinions, loyalty, good looks, humor, strength (not limited to physical strength) - What themes do they like talking about?:  herself or the world & the state of it; she likes being philosophical with some, can often be somewhat self-centered; THOUGH; it is almost always for her to see how they would react to that. 
- Which themes bore them?:  love & drama; she does not care a lot for gossip or anything relating to it; the topic of love, no matter in which sense, is always brushed off because she just doesn’t find any appeal in it. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Being the reason her own mother committed suicide; Her father & sister abusing her all her life, spouting lies & beating her until she could stand no more while her other sisters would watch & do nothing, even though, they were supposed to support each other; laewa, one of her sisters, fancying the idea of killing yuna for the greater good; two of her best friends turning on her when they find out she’s not human & then being killed right in front of her eyes; her one & only boyfriend protecting her from a demon hunter & being killed in the process - What could possibly trigger them?:  loud sudden noises; making fun of her attachment to her late ex-boyfriend, being awfully nice to her, the sight of any dog or wolf, tender touches (esp. her back being touched), being alone with her thoughts for far too long  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  people who make fun of her & her powers; calling her a monster; not understanding her pain when she opens up; purposefully touching her back or any other scarred skin, being nosy  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  you are a demon hunter that does not show remorse when killing demons with a consciousness, trying to kill her, killing one of her comrades 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Keela Adynora, Myra Adynora (Father, Sister), the other D.O.L.s, EYES’ superiors (the organization she works for), Humans, Lilith - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Evelin Adynora (Her biological mother)
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: If you’re not quite human or are a demon, you could literally stand next to her & be silent; she’ll become curious on her own. other than that; be interesting or flirt with her; just do something that does not involve small talk; she hates that.  - Where are they usually to find?:  strip club (her workplace), bars, clubs, clearings within a forest, nice areas that are full of trees & plants; a roof-top
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Yuna is basically pandora’s box personified; she may seem nice & attractive from the outside but within her are sleeping demons that only wait to be awakened. & withal, she is still a cutie who will become your number one supporter & protector if you manage to build a proper relationship with. it’s hard to get through that shell & what awaits is NOT that pretty but with years upon years of abuse, neglect & shit being thrown her way; it’s not easy being a carefree immortal. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar , i srsly love these so much, snow !! thank you for tagging me <3 i had so much fun 8′)  Tagging:  @thevvolf ; @nezumi-vc-103221 ; @empiia ; @dvojakyvlk ; @childrenxfthemoon ; @hensetsu​​ ; @goldempire​​ ; @animatedatrophy​ ; @talonness​ ; @shikkotsunin​ ; @wcrthlessanimal​ & anyone else !! 
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January 2020 Picks
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And we’re back!!! Been watching a lot of great stuff recently that I’m excited to chat about. These are just a few of highlights. I’m not 100% caught up on the Arrowverse shows yet, but did enjoy the Crisis a lot-especially after the second watch through. Check out my full review on that here: https://talesofafangirlwithadvr.tumblr.com/post/190372384413/crisis-on-infinite-earths-reactions
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This 3rd season was my FAVORITE so far, which makes it even more depressing that this is the end. I watched it the fastest and even stayed up till 1 AM to finish the series after watching four straight episodes. (Normally I try to space out bingeing stuff because I don’t want it to end so fast.) This series has always taken liberties with the source material to make it even more relevant to today, but I especially felt that during this season. It did not feel forced one bit. From Bash losing Mary and overcoming being a minority in Avonlea to Ka’kwet’s story line that brings me to tears every time I think about it-especially because she made it ALL the way home just to be taken back. Would love to believe she’s back with her parents, but the ending this season doesn’t show it. Perhaps they were thinking about pursuing it more if there was a 4th season. Josie Pye’s assault was a nice commentary on the Me too movement as well as the Human Rights and Women’s Rights march. I’m so happy Matthew survived this series! I was so worried for him. (As readers know he dies at the end of Anne of Green Gables the novel. Most adaptations often keep it in and I am happy we diverted from the original this time.) Jerry and Diana were adorable at the start, but Jerry deserves so much more! (He got SO TALL! As I often remarked while watching this season.) I absolutely loved the boy craziness this season because they were “Now 16!” Tillie balancing two guys! Ruby’s crush on Moody was super cute. I loved when Anne was forced to ask Gilbert about having babies by the girls. THE STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS!! (applause) 1) Mrs. Stacy: as a widower she will not settle for just anyone to marry. 2) Prissy Andrews: I really like that they brought her character back up and that she attended college. So sad that Billy will still be the head of her family. 3) Diana gets to go to Queens (a change from the novel as well, but one that was a great choice). I really liked her chat with Aunt Josephine. 4) Of course Anne Shirley. There’s so much to say about Anne, but one of the things I really liked this season was getting insight into her own personal family history. Seeing her mom’s book at the end was very touching. I love that she also had red hair. Last thoughts: Delphine is the CUTEST BABY EVER! Seriously a fantastic actress. Her relationship with every person in the show was amazing. And of course my beloved Shirbert. I knew they were endgame (because of the source material), but BOY did they take their time getting there). Screw Winnie! Anne and Gilbert’s relationship hurt my heart throughout it all, but so many adorable moments between them proving they are meant to be. Forever my OTP!      
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I am seriously feeling the period pieces this month (but then again when am I not). As a HUGE Jane Austen fan I was extremely excited when I heard that her unfinished novel, Sanditon, would be adapted for the TV screen. Because I was unfamiliar with the story (which is always a fun time when one of your favorite authors has been dead for the past few hundred years) I made sure to add the novel to the top of my 2020 list. Due to its length I was able to finish it before the series started a few weeks ago. While I was not a huge fan of the unfinished novel, because I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters or see where the story was headed, I already feel differently about the mini-series. By the end of episode 1 I was already hooked and very happy that PBS aired the second episode immediately afterwards. I can see parallels to Austen’s work as well as echoes to other Austen novels (naturally Pride and Prejudice). When listening to the Masterpiece podcast in which they interview Rose Williams (who plays Charlotte Heywood) she described Charlotte as a cross between Elizabeth Bennet and Catherine Morland (from Northanger Abbey), which I think is really accurate. I like how Charlotte goes to Sanditon because of her interest in seeing this place that Tom Parker gets so excited about. She honestly isn’t looking for a husband, but rather an occupation. Something different away from her farm. Is romance involved? You betcha. This is an Austen adaptation afterall. But that is not her main focus. There’s so many other things going on with the story, but I’d have to dedicate a complete other post to explain it all. I really feel it is fitting in well with other classic book to screen adaptations coming out right now like Little Women and Anne with an E. If you’re a fan of either one then Sanditon is worth a try. And of course if you love Jane Austen and the 1995 Andrew Davies adaptation (he’s producing this one as well) then it’s worth a shot! 
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Just like with Anne with an E, I think this was my favorite season of The Man in the High Castle (and ironically also the last season. Although this series knew that going in to production). It held my interest very well and I watched it faster than the previous season. I really don’t think I’ve been this invested since season 1. Lots of new characters were introduced and while I missed some of the old it just shows you how much this show has developed. I also felt myself liking the new characters really fast. At first all of the multi-verse stuff was pretty intense and a little hard to follow, but it got easier as the show went on-EXPECT FOR THE END! Were all those people coming through because their worlds were much worse? What happens next? How are the Smith children? Amy and the other students who were brainwashed-will they change? Kido will stay. Did Childan find Kikuko? (Loved their relationship btw. I’m going to believe they got to be together in the end. It will make me sleep easier.) I was constantly saying to myself: How are they going to wrap this up in only 4 episodes...3...2...etc.. But I feel like it could have been a bit stronger. Despite this I still am a big fan of this season. I just get picky when it comes to series finales.  
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Last I had posted about Doctor Who I was very behind. Like I only watched last year’s holiday special this year behind. It was just tough for me to get into last season. I’ve really enjoyed Jodie Whitaker’s take on the Doctor. I feel she brings a new energy, but at the same time reminds me of the way Tennant and Smith portrayed the role. It’s just that I missed some of the familiarity of the show. It’s always hard getting a new Doctor because the show takes on a different feeling, but with all new villains, companions, TARDIS, etc it was tough. I wanted a couple more old references. I also didn’t love all of the episodes (although a bunch of them were really good: Rosa Parks, Demons of the Punjab, Kerblam! to name a few). So when I watched last year’s special at the beginning of the month I felt I zoned out a bit. However, Spyfall (parts 1 & 2) that kicked off this season were entertaining and I’ve been hearing good stuff about this season so far. Now that the show is on its second season with these characters, I’ve heard there’s more of a rhythm. I can’t wait to continue. I also can’t wait to see these guys again: 
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PLUS I discovered a HUGE spoiler about last week’s episode that honestly that has honestly gotten me so pumped; it is the main reason why I am catching up faster. (I won’t spoil it here if you still don’t know it. I foresee I’ll probably write an article just about that episode.) 
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My guilty pleasure that I have been bingeing on Disney+. This musical telenovela from Buenos Aires has three seasons of 80 episodes a piece! (That’s right I have my work cut out for me.) Currently only the first season is up on Disney+ and the show is pretty hard to find, so I am really hoping that by the time I finish it they release at least the second season. I only started it in the new year and am already on episode 42, so you can say I’m enjoying it... :) Basically once I hit 30 I was hooked. (Although I was enjoying it a lot before that, now I’m just more obsessed.) There are several characters in the show from the students, to the teachers and family members, but the main character is Violetta who has lived in many different countries all her life with her dad who is a very successful businessman. She has been home-schooled forever due to their lifestyle and because of her dad’s worry that she will be hurt in the real world. Her mother was a popular singer who died when Violetta was very little that she barely remembers her. When they move back home she secretly gets enrolled in a music school that her mom just so happened to attend. Her tutor is secretly her aunt (who no one recognizes because Violetta’s dad told her that her mom had no relatives) and she has to hide attending the music school and singing which is her ultimate dream. That’s just the basics because there is so much more drama in the series. Lots of lying, deceit, love triangles that just won’t quit, ridiculousness and music. While they repeat a lot of the same songs, many of them are quite good and really catchy that you can’t help but get them stuck in your head. My sister (who loves this show) kept talking about it and that made me want to watch once we got Disney+ (she was lucky to watch two seasons when it was still on Netflix). As she said to me, you should watch it in the original language, which is Spanish with English subtitles. I feel like I’m learning more Spanish while watching it. Probably be fluent by the end (ha ha ha ha-not really). 
So, what are your favorites of this month? Are we watching any of the same things? Anything look interesting to check out? Let me know! 
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thebalancewentwrong · 5 years
Why Steven Universe Future feels off (WARNING: BIG POST)
(This post was made when only the first 4 episodes were out)
Table of contents:
1. Intro and explanation
2. A new show
3. So much to do in such little time
4. The end of arcs
5. The plot?
6. Other little bits
7. Conclusion
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1. Intro and explanation
So I want to make it clear before I dive into this right of the bat that I honestly truly love Steven Universe with all my heart. It is easily my favorite show of all time and has influenced and affected me in so many positive ways beyond just enjoyment of the show.
That being said I (and the person I was watching it with) felt that something just felt a little... off for Steven Universe Future. It just didn’t feel quite right, and didn’t grip me nearly as much as as the original show or the movie. Now maybe it’s because of my experience in both film and writing and my desire to understand what makes my favorite things tick, I couldn't just let it go and decided to really dig deep into what it is that makes it feel so different and I think I figured out some of the reasons as to why.
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I haven't seen too many people talk about it on here and though that maybe it was just me. Most people on here seem to enjoy the show with no problems and if that's you then great! please don’t let me take that away from you, just ignore this post and move on if you don’t want to see me dig deep into it, I honestly hate being a fun killer/ buzz kill on these things but I asked a few days ago if I should make this post and a couple of people said they were interested so here we are.
And yes I know this post is excessive but I have a lot to say on the matter, also understand this is not a post bashing on the show or calling it “bad”, it’s just an insight into what makes the show tick and how it differs to the original show (and the movie)
With all that being said, let’s jump into the first major thing.
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2. A new show
Ok, so this one kind of goes without saying, but yeah Steven Universe Future is a new show. It’s not season 6, it’s a new show and as a result I think it’s only natural for the creators to want to try and emphasize that fact by giving it a different feel.
They accomplish this with a lot of subtle things but I think that it’s likely done intentionally in order to differentiate itself from the original series. Now do I think it was a good idea to change the overall feel of the show in order to separate it form the original? ehhhh not exactly... It would make more sense if it really was a different show, but you literally can’t understand anything that happens in SUF without watching the original show in almost it’s entirety, so eh.
That being said you could argue they wanted to try a new feel just to mix it up after working on the original for so many years and I guess I can get that.
This is a fairly weak point overall, however I wanted to start with the lighter stuff before getting into the big bois.
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3. So much to do in such little time
Again, this one may be kind of obvious for some but it honestly feels like that some of the episodes either really should have been longer or deserve to have a whole arc around them.
I’m talking especially about ‘Rose buds’ and ‘Volleyball’. Both of these episodes feature some pretty heavy themes and ideas that in the original show could easily be the focus of an entire 4 episode long arc each.
But here they have put everything into just the one episode, cramming it all in and constantly hitting us with big ideas and surprises. Not saying the episodes are paced badly, just that I think that these ideas really could have and perhaps even should have had way more time to be explored and expanded.
For example in ‘Rose buds’ there are so many moments that could easily be their own episodes if given the chance:
The ‘Zoomans’ learning to pilot the zoo
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Greg and Steven reuniting with the Zoomans
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Bringing the zoo to earth
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The Zoomans reacting to earth
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Freeing the Rose Quartzes
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Greg reacting to the Quartzes
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Pearl reacting to the Quartzes
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Do you see what I mean? they could each be an episode in the original show, but here it’s all just one episode and as a result it feels like it goes by too fast, we don’t get as much time to react and take it all in, to absorb it all. Instead with it all being in one episode it weirdly devalues these moments as just an almost throw away one off episode.
It’s still a good episode, don’t get me wrong but I really do wish that the concepts within it were given more time to breathe.
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4. The end of arcs
Ok, now we are getting into bigger stuff. So tell me, did Amethyst and Pearl seem a little different to you? Almost a little too... complacent? Like they didn’t quite react the way you would expect them to? Well that’s because of their character arcs.
In a story, character arcs are very important to making characters interesting and likable, It’s essentially the transformation from what the character was like at the beginning to what they become at the end. Typically through these arcs, characters confront their weaknesses and issues, they tackle their flaws and eventually overcome them.
Now the character arcs in Steven Universe are amazing and I love them, but they have one problem: they are done.
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The things is, by the end of ‘Change your mind’ the main crystal gems and even Steven to an extent had been through so much and had confronted all of their biggest flaws and demons that they all just completed their arcs and ended the story as their best selves.
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Then in the movie they do something super clever by reverting them all back to default and we get to see how far their arcs have taken them and how much they have changed, it’s simultaneously a brilliant way of addressing their arcs and tying into the theme of change and growing stronger, it’s honestly inspirational from a writing perspective for me.
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But then we get to future... where they don’t get the novelty of being rest to zero here, instead they have continued on from where we left them as their perfect selves.
Now I’m happy for the characters, it’s really nice to see them all happy living their best lives, but having flaws as I said helps the characters be relatable and continually interesting, but they really don’t address them here, as... well they’re over it.
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Again, in ‘Rose buds’ our old Pearl would have absolutely freaked out at the sight of the Roses, or probably be really mentally scared and messed up... but not here. Here she has gotten over Rose, and while she is still made uncomfortable by the Roses, she is nowhere near as messed up as she could have been once upon a time. It’s nice to see her change so much but it feels off to us now, that’s not how the Pearl we knew would react, and that’s why it feels weird.
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5. The plot?
So this is the biggest bit that honestly bothers me the most because I’ve seen other media do the same things and it’s upsetting to see Steven Universe fall into it but, as of right now Steven Universe Future does not have a plot.
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I know, I know, that’s a crazy statement to make but hear me out. A plot is an incredibly basic thing that helps bring everything together and to get audiences invested. A plot is essentially made by a goal, the goal does not need to be complicated, it just needs to be something that drives the story along.
In Star Wars, the plot is essentially for the heroes to stop the Empire, It’s pretty broad but it’s still a plot and a goal for the heroes.
In infinity train the main character wants to get off the train and get home.
In JJBA: Golden Wind, Giorno wants to become the boss of the mafia.
In Steven Universe (original series) Steven wants to learn about his gem powers and the crystal gems want to defeat and bubble all the corrupted gems.
And in Steven Universe Future, Steven uh he’s trying to uh... live.... life...?
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See what I’m saying here? There is no goal, there is no plot, the story hasn't really started yet, we as an audience don’t have much to hold onto story wise to keep us invested.
“But what about Steven’s new pink powers?” I hear you say. While yes this will very likely tie into the main story at some point, as of right now it’s just a plot thread waiting to be picked up. The main thing is that none of the characters are really following that thread right now, it’s just a thing that’s kind of happening while other stuff is going on.
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Imagine if instead of just going “huh cool a new power!” Steven actually went out of his way to pursue this now power and find out what it is, giving him a goal. Or hell even telling the crystal gems about it and giving them something to do, then you can say with confidence that:
‘Steven Universe Future is about Steven trying to find out about his new powers”
Simple as that, but unfortunately as of right now this is not the case.
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Like the episodes wouldn’t even have to be all that different, it would just help to know that we had an overall goal in mind and the rest could carry on as usual, just like it has many times in the show.
I am 100% confident that it will become a plot point, but as of the first 4 episodes so far it hasn’t been properly established yet and as a result the episodes feel like they are missing something, it just feels like a slice of life story, but with really intense and interesting ideas, and ultimately, just feels off.
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6. Other little bits
This next part is just a list of little random things that are ultimately inconsequential and don’t deserve their own points but might contribute into the overall ‘off’ feeling of the show.
The music does not quite feel to have that Steven Universe charm (Idk about this myself I’m not a music person as much as the person I watched it with who pointed it out.
No musical numbers yet (again a small thing but you think there would be one by now?)
Voice acting a bit off? (could just be me but that sound a little strange, as if they have a new voice director (maybe they do idk))
Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl (they haven't really all been in a scene together yet which feels weird as they always used to be together)
Some character models seem off (probably just me but sometimes characters like Pearl just seem weird in some shots idk)
Steven isn’t quite as jovial? (this is likely intentional for where is character is going, but it’s important to point out as it’s intentionally made to make the viewer feel off about him)
There is likely more that I might add later.
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7. Conclusion
So these are the reasons I’ve found that Steven Universe Future might feel a little off from the rest of the show (and movie) It’s entirely possible that you won’t agree with me on anything here and that's fine, these were just my findings and an attempt to rationalize why I feel this way about the show.
Please believe me when I say I want nothing more than for this show to be just as good as the original show if not even better because I honestly love the SU franchise so much. That’s why I made this post, because I want it to be the best that it can be and these are the things that I feel might be holding it back.
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Honestly so many of these things are easily addressable and very likely will be! Although my personal prediction is that the actual ‘plot’ won’t properly start until the end of episode 10 as the description for these episodes seem like they are going to be along the same lines as the first 4 eps.
Either way I will be happily watching as the new episodes come out as nothing can stop me from loving Steven Universe at this point, the show has already done so much for me and I will forever love it for that <3
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ofcmckenna · 4 years
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new york’s very own mckenna asher was spotted on broadway street in jimmy choo romy pumps . your resemblance to taylor hill is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being materialistic , but also devoted . i guess being a taurus explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be wrists covered in makeup swatches , a perfectly blended halo eye ,  and never being seen without perfectly manicured nails . ( i once made a fake account to expose information about myself just to get more followers ) & ( cis-female & she / her  )  +  ( lia , 19 , she / her , cst . )
hello , loves ! it’s me , lia ( i also play margo ) back again with another trash child that i’m hoping you’ll all love as much as i do <33 i first came up w kenna many years ago and haven’t had the opportunity to write for her in a long long time , so i’m really excited to bring her here ! as always , if you wanna plot go ahead and LIKE THIS and i’ll happily come love you down . if discord is more your jam , hmu there too @ 𝐛𝐛𝐧𝐨$𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥#1904 . love y’all !!! 💕💓💕
S T A T S ↴
-- * FULL NAME : mckenna sophia asher -- * NICKNAME(S) : kenna ( preferred name ), kenny , ken , mick -- * AGE : twenty-one -- * D.O.B : may 10th -- * ZODIAC : taurus -- * GENDER : cis-female -- * ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic -- * HEIGHT : 5″7 -- * NATIONALITY : american ( has dual citizenship in america and wales ) -- * BIRTHPLACE : colwyn bay , wales -- * OCCUPATION : youtuber / makeup artist -- * TRAITS : devoted , ambitious , hard-working , materialistic , stubborn , patient , sensual , reliable , organized , possessive , imbalanced , attention-seeking
B I O G R A P H Y ↴
honestly i am........ too lazy to make this a nice bio so plz forgive me for settling on bullet points ,, but at least that’s less reading for you !!!!
mckenna’s father is from wales and works as a plastic surgeon for the rich and fabulous and her mother is from new york and works a beautician and stylist for celebrities . together they had 5 children in total , the kid in the very middle being kenna . the family spent most of her childhood living in wales before moving to new york just before mckenna started high school
all of her siblings are really talented . it must be in their genes or something to have an affinity for the arts . her older brother is in a popular band . her older sister is a principal dancer . her younger sister is an incredible painter . and her younger brother is like six so he’s still coming into his own but there’s no doubt that he’ll be a prodigy at something
and what about mckenna ??? well she tried following in her brother’s footsteps by learning a bunch of instruments but none of them clicked . after that she tried to take dance classes with her sister but it was clear to see that she had two-left feet . she could barely draw a perfect circle , so painting like her younger sister was out of the question too . eventually she tried to pursue an acting career , auditioning for tv shows and movies but never booking anything more than a handful of commercials
so she spent a majority of her life feeling pretty inadequate compared to her siblings . she just wanted to be good at something , anything really . and she wanted to be praised for it . luckily , she eventually found her thing . though it was sorta unconventional : kenna figured out that she’s good at makeup . it’s basically an art form in itself and since she had the time on her hands to practice , she got pretty good at it
she started posting her looks on social media , gaining a little bit of attention on her instagram and later even starting a youtube channel ( at the time it was called pinkglitter2234 bc she was like 13 and cringey ). doing makeup and making youtube videos was her new favorite pass time and pretty much all she did throughout high school . kids in her school started recognizing her as “the the girl who talks funny and makes youtube videos” ,, so that’s pretty cool ig
it really wasn’t until her senior year that her channel gained a serious following . by the time she graduated she worked her way up to 1m subscribers and just a few hundred thousand away from having 1m on instagram too . CRAZY . and since youtube had become a serious job to her that she wanted to continue doing , she figured that she’d take a gap year off just to focus on that and building her personal brand . so she moved out and got an apartment in the city , paid for all by herself ( though mommy and daddy’s money certainly helped furnish it with all her lavish stuff ) and got to WORK
that ONE gap year turned into a gap... three years ??? she never applied to university and honestly she doesn’t plan to anytime soon ! her social media career has never been more poppin’ tbh . she has like over 8m subscribers on her main channel ( now called makeupmckenna ) and just a little bit under that on her vlog channel . she’s had various partnerships with different makeup brands , colourpopcosmetics , morphe , and lancôme just to name a few . on her channel she also does fashion / styling videos , which has gained her attention from several brands that have sent her pieces to promote and invited her to see their shows at fashion week and whatnot . big money moves basically !!
okay now for her secret : basically ,, kenna is hard-working don’t get me wrong , but she’s also obsessed with increasing her following and is willing to do anything if it means signal boosting herself and becoming more successful . so basically , at one point she made a fake account that posed as one of her “haters” “exposing” her-- and since no publicity is bad publicity , it got more people talking about her and following her . she even made a sob story youtube video in response to the “hate” she was getting and the rumours that were sparking because of it . the account has since been deleted but that doesn’t mean that the screenshots of the rumours aren’t still circulating the internet . it’s been a few years since the “scandal” but that doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t get talked about from time to time
P E R S O N A L I T Y  &  F U N  F A C T S ↴
personality-wise : kenna is a sweetheart ! at least on the outside ! like she lowkey has selfish motives sometimes when it comes to gaining online popularity , but outside of social media she is genuine and goofy and a good friend i swear . would give you the designer clothes off her back if you’re close to her . also affectionate because she’s from a big family that actually has a healthy relationship with each other ( minus kenna’s minor jealousy she used to harbor as a kid... she’s kinda grown out of it now as a young-adult who’s successful in her own right ) so she loves to love . super materialistic though . loves shiny things and owning the newest trendy stuff . definitely thinks that money can buy happiness and she’s super stubborn so you cannot convince her otherwise . loves attention , will do just about anything to get it but if it doesn’t fit her “pristine girl next door” image then she’ll have to do it in secret . and since she has made a name for herself as being “innocent” , she doesn’t party too much . just not a big fan of that lifestyle
just bc she never went to college DOES NOT MEAN that my girl is dumb  .. she actually likes to keep learning new things by constantly reading and trying out new skills . she’s v much a jack of all trades but a master at none . minus her ability to beat her face and talk to a camera lol
she’s fluent in both english and welsh , and used to have an accent when she was younger but has since taught herself to sound super american . she thinks it makes her more appealing idk
very family orientated and keeps in close contact with her siblings and parents despite the fact that they live all around the world doing their own things
has collabed with loads of famous peeps not just for youtube videos but getting to do their makeup for gigs . she’s gotten to a point in her career where she’s able to bridge the gap between influencer and professional artist y’know what i mean ??
loves dogs . has a dog named tate who frequently makes appearances in her posts :)))
consumes an unhealthy amount of caffeine daily
doesn’t know how to drive . doesn’t even have a license or anything and who knows if she’ll ever learn tbh
she’s bisexual but has only come out to her close friends and family . hasn’t outwardly said anything to her following but they can probably make assumptions considering who she’s been seen getting close to . like it’s not a big deal to her , she likes who she likes , but also doesn’t think it’s anyone else’s business besides whoever she’s dating / sleeping with at the time
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S ↴
EDIT : i have in fact made a wc page so peep that here if ya want ! xox
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Voltron Rewritten Defender (1/8)
Also known as My Almost Raging Bitch List for this Goddamn Disastrous Disappointment of a Show
I binged all 8 seasons in under a week, so believe me when I say almost nothing was forgotten between seasons/episodes and I do tend to note that.
If it’s not obvious by the title, I’m planning an entire show AU. I am extremely open to people’s opinions on what I’m currently thinking and when I finally post this I’ll be open to criticism there too. If you would like to avoid seeing anything in regards to this feel free to blacklist #voltron_rewritten_defender because that’s what I’ll be using for this whole thing.
Enjoy, I guess.
Fair warning I am a multishipper, but for this show I leaned towards Klance, so if that bothers you that’s okay, I’m not going to be bashing any other ships (mainly just Dreamworks’ forced Allurance). If you think I missed something for any other ship lemme know! If you wanna have a ship discussion that’s cool too. The only other thing I can think of is that Allura’s attitude in S8 really stuck with me to the point that she bothered me throughout the entire rewatch (I was admittedly one of the people who thought she could be very Mary Sue ish when I first watched this) so that’ll show up now and again.
If you want to look at the Google Doc for the whole show, click the link, if not you can expand this post to see Season 1. I’ll be doing these in chunks, but as some of you know I do a FicRecList on one of my other accounts here @sorcerusdragonbionics​ so I’m gonna be alternating between that and these for the next couple days.
If you do the Google Route it’ll have you ask me for permission, this is normal and if you request it I’ll give you commenting abilities.
Things I kinda wanna bitch about
Things I did genuinely enjoy and like 
Rewatch Thoughts (basically what I remember from further forward and how I feel like it reflects back on earlier seasons)
Ship Talk (behold my multishipping insanity)
Things I think I’ll do in the Rewrite
Writing Notes (mainly for me or as explanation for what I’m planning)
VA and Closed Captioning Things
Other Fic Thoughts
This ended up being music commentary in S8
Season One
Problems with the Season overall:
To be honest if I hated this season I wouldn’t’ve kept watching because by the time I started S3 had just dropped
Episode 1
Here’s the deal, WHY ARE YOU SO LONG BUT SO EMPTY?!?
Yeah, nope, that’s mostly it
Fix the problem of telling instead of showing about the other Lions and remove Allura’s explanation of the Lions if possible (thank you Kross for explaining why it felt so empty- this vid is actually where I started getting the idea to actually go through with a full series AU)
Also let the 5 introduce themselves to Allura and Coran
Also Character Drive to Complete Mission Should Be A Thing
Flesh out Paladin Personalities so that the Aris Arrival is End of Part One (making it closer to the length of E1)
Flesh out Lion intros so part 2+3 are more like full Eps without Sendak
Episode 2
75 degrees… that’s definitely in Fahrenheit, which why?
How does no one have a watch with a date on them?
“A man can be driven to do anything if a beautiful woman is just really really mean to him”
More inbetween scenes bc I can
I will accept the transformation sequence here, I’m just not going to write it
Episode 3
Please watch the use of Earth Time Slices please, because it’s confusing
I love the portrayal of PTSD in this show and I would die before I change it
Bye bye transformation sequence
Pidge’s talk with Shiro can please change
Episode 4
“I say Vol, you say Tron” will come up again if it kills me
Lance, how do you know what hotdog water and feet taste like?
I love how Coran is completely nonchalant about the fact that he’s drinking a hair tonic
Shiro, don’t bring down the mood
Goddammit Sendak, you could stay for this arc, but god I want you GONE!
Keith, having an emotion? Really?
Fight me I will change it
Or minimally change the fact that their selfish motivations are revealed to BAD and should be changed
Oh yeah, let’s not give the ONE GUY with notable homesickness a character arc around that
That moment when you realize Allura is like ‘wtf is a peanut’
Allura, don’t push it, some people don’t want to talk about it
You will have something to talk about, BIOLOGY
Decryption happens here, and next attempt to find family occurs… when?
Poor Coran, if there is anyone who was more forgotten than Lance it was him
Keith isn’t wrong, but he also doesn’t know how to say it without getting mad, which mood
Just pointing out Lance is not only smart, but selfless, tell me how he’s not the main character
My inner Shance/Klance shipper is sobbing
“Bomb fuel” mentioned here, occurs… actually it’s ok
Timelines need to be a thing!
Can I make the fight scenes more intense? Yes, I write them for my YJ Scripts. Will I? Almost definitely.
Keith with that much fire your mask should be closed because smoke inhalation is bad
Can we explain Vrepit Sa before s6?
It feels like Coran forgets that 10k years have passed under an evil empire and part of me likes it, but it hurts me
Episode 5
The Katie flashback is hurts me
I want to add Gender Identity
Can we talk about how Shiro is a nickname for Takashi Shirogane?
That’s not how an EMP works
The Coran sitting on Hunk’s shoulders with a machine gun is everything
I know the back x-ray was a joke, but I still don’t like it
Rax is an idiot, just saying
Bonding Moment!!!
Episode 6
“Intergalactic time measuring competition.”
“We had a bonding moment!”
Where is Sendak’s arm?
Fight me, Pidge’s ‘gender speech’
It will be a gender speech if it kills me
Lance, why are you acting the way you are?
“I figured” and “We were supposed to think you were a boy” ARE NOT PROPER REACTIONS!
Rolo, sometimes I want to punch you in the teeth
Lance’s boner is going to get someone killed
Lance had 4sec of logic and then Nyma brings up Keith, which ofc does him in
Let’s expand on the Komar, yeah?
Quiznack means fuck and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
Keith’s ability to fly is impressive and it’s awesome
Friendly reminder that Lance acknowledged the bonding moment
Episode 7
I LOVE the laser gun sound effects!!!
I just realized that Allura has no clue what an Acronym is
We… literally just talked about this and YOU didn’t know that Shiro, I understand the point, but seriously?
LIONS are TELEPATHIC Shiro DID NOT need to say that aloud!
I do actually like the fact that Kieth gets excited before realizing what he did
FIRE and ICE PEOPLE come on! What the hell?! You barely had to try
“Yes sir?” Keith to Shiro, what?
I love them and their cute little arguments
Left vs Right, thank you Zamber
We be lovin’ Hunay bc it’s pure as hell
Thank you Shiro for validating Hunk’s concerns
You could check  a little faster, Allura
I LIVE for this scene
Was it actually Rolo?
Do they have teleporters?
Keith being weird is my favorite thing
I love good big bros who argue tradition to save their baby sis
Zarkon is a bit of a moron
They all came through different doors… how?
What if the answer was no?
I’m ok with Lance embarrassing himself when he’s cocky, some people seem to forget that
Bye transformation sequence, I explained you ONCE and that’s it
Prorock… why are you familiar?
Episode 8
I admittedly forgot that they didn’t know these things would be different
Flying fight scenes I can do, teleporting not so much
Poor Shiro he thought he had an idea and he was wrong
I love Coran’s reaction
Also NO SHIT Allura
UHHHH Pidge said that not and of the other three so how did He know?
Allura may piss me off, but I do love this speech
“Your Altean Energy”??? Coran, you’re an Altean, I’m confused.
The “Sacred Altean” thing I get, but you must be more specific cuz it makes Coran sound like he thinks he’s not a proper Altean.
Oof, angsty
Also, I  know we can’t kill Allura yet, but... 
I love that Hunk forgot they hadn’t formed Voltron
Bye bye transformation sequence
Ummm, they NEED to explain the Bayard Equip bc that’s… two very different things that occurred between Hunk and Keith’s Bayard Weapons
Why is this a scene? It’s not a dog. So, yeah, I’m with Keith here
Episode 9
I just realized that this doesn’t come back until S..7? 8? Whatever, WAY too long
I can’t unhear “Training Dick”
Did they have homework on Altea?
Be still my Punk shipper heart
WHY is he SO pretty?!
Y’know, the glowing red eye is usually a bad sign
I could SO mean and hurt Keith here
That moment when you’re like 90% sure Shiro heard that somewhere
Not what haunted means Coran, but accurate
Why could Lance see Alfor for a second?
I too would like the answer to “where was the Red Lion?”
It’s a shame this is NEVER treated properly again
Thank you for NOT making the swimming thing a thing
You didn’t need to TRY Voltron, what the hell?!
Here’s the deal,  Altea not being Obliterated-obliterated is actually a really interesting idea
Lance still wins, for the record
If she was infected in any way this wouldn’t drive me crazier than a bot on Halloween
But she’s not so this is BULL
Shallura confuses me SO much…
Ok, admittedly the scene with Allura and Alfor is beautifully heartbreaking
Episode 10
The fact that Zarkon was a close friend to Alfor should be addressed
Also Shiro calling himself “an inexperienced Pilot” hurts
Allura’s a MORON!
Nice puppetry Hunk
What happened to THIS Allura?! She’s reckless but not INSANE (or so boring I might cry)!
Is this the same Druid from Season 8? Pretty sure it’s 8… I forget which, but the one Keith fought
“Don’t walk through that door!” / Keith does/ “I think I told him” // “You are a paragon of leadership, Lance”
Hehheh I love Hunk teasing Lance about Allura
I do actually the fact that I can’t tell what size the purple container is until Keith grabs it
Heheh the Allura interacting with the Galra soldier
The computer sounds like Lance
Also Shiro had that “holy shit” moment
I’m 99% sure that the ONLY reason I didn’t fall into the Galra Keith rabbit hole was the fact that I binge watched
This scene confuses me… so much now that I know Shallura was apparently never going to be a thing
So confused
Episode 11
That hair flip though...
Coran, I get it, but calm down
Okay, but Keith has a point. Seriously, he’s not wrong. 
For the record, Haggar scares me
So much makes so much more sense now that we know Zarkon is the Original Black Paladin
That… makes no sense… “enough essence to open a wormhole”
Why are you transforming? More pieces to shoot at is usually a smart idea…
Hey hey, THACE!
Why can’t you have two active at once? I’m honestly serious.
I mean too OP, got it, but you can maneuver around that for temporary stuff
Shiro, use your words, yeah?
“Thinking” uh huh you mean “telepathy” right?
I genuinely forgot that Shiro got booted from Black
Damn! Yes Shiro! Kick some ass!
Ok, here’s the deal, Keith’s not listening to Coran, but he doesn’t have all the info (LIKE THE FUCKING BAYARD), Zarkon’s the OG Paladin, and he’s in distress
“Could have been” … uh Kuron exists ?? 
Also, Shiro with yellow eyes is fucking terrifying
We ain’t ficking stupid VLD
Zarkon’s a fucking idiot
Written properly his power-hungry attitude works even with him destroying his own ship
But it wasn’t so it’s null
You aren’t even subtle about Galra Keith
How can Allura see through Illusions?
Nobody knows!
Shiro, you have no jetpack, how are you so fast?
“Who cares, wormhole!” mood
I… uh… I want to do SO many things with this idea
Preferably not what they actually do...
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sufferthesea · 5 years
Writing Commissions: OPEN
Hey friends! I’m officially opening my writing commissions and have a proper commission sheet for it! For examples of my writing you can check out my stories on Tumblr (under “/tagged/akimi.writes”) or my AO3 (username: akimikono). 💖 Most info will be under the cut! 
Reblogs are appreciated!! Thank you!! xx 💖💖💖💖💖
*** PRICES *** 
I try to keep my prices fair to what others can afford and what I need for school, moving, etc. Prices will vary by request. All money is U.S. Dollars.
The GENERAL cost will look something like:
UPDATE: All HCs and fics under 2k words are now part of free requests!
$10 USD: 2,000-5,000 words
$20 USD: 5,001-10,000 words
$30 USD: 10,001-20,000 words
$40 USD: 20,001-30,000 words
$50 USD: 30,001-40,000 words
$60 USD: 40,001-50,000 words
$70+ USD: 50,001+ words
Prices over $70 can be negotiated depending on prompt, number of characters, etc.
You will NOT be charged extra if I accidentally go over the general word count that we agreed on for payment.
You can message me through Tumblr or email me (PM me for my business email), depending on what’s easiest for you!
You are welcome to share the stories/headcanons on other sites, but please give me proper credit (name and/or username)!
Breaking Bad
Sons of Anarchy
Law & Order: SVU
The X-Files
Star Wars (first 6 films) 
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Welcome to Night Vale
Gravity Falls
The Evil Within 
Alien(s) franchise
Tim Burton universe
Horror movies
Certain musicals
Tom Hiddleston characters
Ben Mendelsohn characters
Raúl Esparza characters 
Feel free to ask if I write for anything/anyone else!
*** NO, I WILL NOT WRITE … ***
Total NSFW / Graphic sex scenes
No bashing canon characters, canon ships, or fanon ships
Incest/Paedo ships
Underage ships, unless it’s a historical AU and it’s necessary to the plot
Ableist/Racist/Sexist/etc in a positive light 
Pro-Abuse or Pro-Sexual Assault (any abuse or rape fics will be about recovery only) 
*** YES, I WILL WRITE … ***
Canon x Canon, Canon x OC, and Canon x Reader.
Non-ship fics are also welcome!
Character x Android, Character x Humanoid Monster 
OCs can be Android, Mythological creatures, Humanoid monsters, etc.
Age gap
AUs welcome!! Fantasy, horror, modern, etc. I love AUs!
Ships! Crack ships! Rare pairs! OTPs!
Adult student x Teacher okay! 
I am comfortable writing recovery fics, disability fics, mental illness fics, etc.
Gore, violence, blood, death, horror, etc. 
Pretty much all het ships are okay (sans incest or paedo) 
*** I MIGHT WRITE … ***
Real people fics (please ask first, though; I may decline depending on the prompt/celebrity, since some celebs have asked that people do NOT write about them) 
Enby/Agender characters (I’m not part of the LGBT+ community and if I feel like I can’t properly represent them or write for them, then I’ll deny the request)
M/M, F/F (Again, I’m not part of the LGBT+ community so if I feel like I can’t write it properly, I might deny the request) 
*** RULES ***
The story or headcanons will not be written until I receive payment.
Headcanons will be written within 24-48 hours of receiving payment.
Payment will be through PayPal or PayPal.Me only.
No refunds! Since you can’t return this particular service, I can’t do refunds. However, if you don’t like how something was written then we can discuss it and try to make it right.
Stories will be written within a month of the time you pay me and once we decide on a prompt.
Only headcanons will be posted on my blog. All stories will be saved as a PDF and shared with you via Google Drive.
I cannot give you daily updates of your commission since I have other obligations in real life, such as school.
Once we settle on a plot and price, I cannot change the story drastically or add many more details later on.
If I feel like I cannot complete a prompt and don’t want to waste your money, I will decline to write it. I also may decline to write something that’s too OOC for the character(s) chosen.
I am comfortable being given creative freedom with your story, but a basic plot summary and characters you’d like included would really help.
For OC and Reader-Insert: Please let me know the gender of the OC/reader, or else an unspecified character will be referred to as “they/them”. Please also let me know if you would like the story written in 1st (“I walked to the stove”), 2nd (“You walked to the stove”), or 3rd person (“Dahlia walked to the stove”).
*** ABOUT OCs ***
Tell me about them!! I will need a lot of information about them if I am going to be writing about them! It can be embarrassing at times to talk about our OCs, but don’t be embarrassed about it! I’d love to hear about them and write about them.
I can’t talk with you for hours and hours about your OC, but I will need basic things like background info, physical characteristics and appearance, personality traits, teammates, etc.
If your OC causes another canon character to act too OOC, I may suggest we tweak some things to get the story right.
I won’t be able to write more than 1 or 2 OCs in-depth in the story. While other OCs may be mentioned in passing, such as family, they won’t be as fleshed out or as featured as the main OC you’ve chosen for the story. Exceptions are 3-person and 4-person teams.
Note: I reserve the right to refuse any commission without an explanation. 
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