#i am probably gonna have to start like buying my own groceries n stuff in like a month or so but for now i dont have to
arodykeism · 1 year
its so cool how lucky i am
#bonk.txt#there are so many things about my life that are completely out of my control#simply because im only 18 so i have no choice but to stick with whatever my mom wants#but also i havent had rude customers at work yet n all my coworkers are so nice n i get paid like two dollars more than minimum wage#in my state so i can just like do shit now ive got money n no bills to deal with yet cause again im just 18#n i can just like do stuff cause there isnt much i want to do n the stuff i do want to do is relatively cheap#im going to the aquarium this week just cause i can the price of admission for the one near me isnt that high#n cause im going by myself i can just take as long as i like looking at stuff n soaking in the atmosphere#like yeah i still cant get a souvenir from the gift shop cause shits still expensive but wow i can just fucking go to the aquarium now#truly i can just do shit now with the limitations of i dont wanna spend more than like 50 dollars per paycheck#cause im saving up to change my name n i wanna be sure i can cover all the expenses but wow i can just do things now#i am probably gonna have to start like buying my own groceries n stuff in like a month or so but for now i dont have to#n can just use like 20 something bucks to go stare at a shark tank for three hours just cause i want to#idk everything kind of like sucks rn n will suck again but also i am just lucky n enjoying the mundane gift of being alive rn#free equivalent of the aquarium is going to the petstore after work n looking at the fishes while i wait for my mom to pick me up#cause i cant drive by myself n will probably not be able to own a car until im like 26 or something#n that is exhilarating in its own way
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thunderheadfred · 1 year
Life stuff update!
Haven't posted about this first bit anywhere because... wow personal, but it's been a majority chunk of life lately.
Husband put in his notice at his current teaching job a while back. He's been working there for 8 years and is supposedly one of their most valued teachers, yet he barely takes home $100 more per paycheck than when he started. Plus our insurance is insane, taking most of his check every month whilst covering literally fucking nothing (we are still paying off my doctor-ordered biopsy!). PLUS his commute is fucking ludicrous - in the winter he regularly drives over 3 hours a day to a shit job that doesn't pay anything. I barely see him for a hour or two each day during the school year.
Bio clock is ticking, just saying. Never really had that baby-wanting impulse until very recently, and there was absolutely zero possibility of us starting a family while he's at this job. No money, no time, no medical support.
So. Bye. After talking to a therapist to help us through the plunge, we finally decided enough was enough.
He doesn't have another job lined up after summer school, so in August we have zero certain income. Neither off us is particularly panicked about this; the hiring wave for fall teaching positions has yet to happen, and there are several things he can do even if he can't find a full-time job at a local district.
What's looking most likely is actually that he'll juggle part-time jobs for a while. Subbing or other work at a district he's interested in will help him get a foot in the door, meanwhile an afternoon or weekend cashier job at the co-op down the street (where I used to work) has some distinct benefits. First off, he could WALK to work, and the co-op offers higher hourly rates and better promotional opportunities than his current "salaried" teaching job. Add on a big discount at the place where we buy most of our groceries anyway...
Anyway. That's been a lot.
Meanwhile I've been doing the housewife thing. Which actually entails more than just "chores" - I've been doing a huuuuge amount of work on my mental and physical health. I've lost 40 pounds (with 60+ to go) and have completely changed my eating, which has helped immeasurably with CFS, Depression, and life in general. I've started socializing again after years of serious, life-altering anxiety. Basically, I'm getting my life back. Or maybe getting my life for the first time? I was so mentally ill for so long that this really feels like the first time I've been genuinely balanced... maybe ever?
Whether that new peace of mind encourages me back into fandom I have no idea. Fandom social mores seem to have shifted over the years. Maybe it's just the glimpses I see now and then, but the Internet as a whole doesn't seem too anonymous or even like... baseline compassionate for anyone anymore. That's probably a matter of what you make of it, but even so, I'd be lying if I said spending my time in fandom spaces hasn't lost most of its personal appeal. I've been much happier offline, so that's where I've been. I do miss my friends, and I wish they lived down the street and not inside the scary computron. It'd be great to write again, but my interest in fandom work might be over. I'll never say never, but right now I just don't see it. Maybe someday I finally get back into the habit; but it's gonna happen in its own time if it does.
Lately I've been working on my YouTube thing, though where that'll end up nobody knows. It's certainly not a serious money-making prospect, nor am I aiming to make it one. YouTube actually scares the ever-loving shit out of me, so it's pretty much a deliberate mental health exercise. My whole attitude toward it has been "stress less, make more." So I treat it kind of like a journal of the nail shit that has taken over my life (lolllll), and a chance to pay forward all the relaxation I've gotten over the years watching Nail YouTube. It'd be nice if I could eventually have enough subs to maybe pay for some nail supplies or get some free PR or something, but that's about as ambitious as I get.
Okay my fingers are tired
love you byyyyyeeeeeeeeee
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ignitedbynatsu · 3 years
He Makes You Feel Insecure ~ Bickslow
A/N: here is the Bickslow one! Please let me know who you want me to write for next as I no longer have a request right now 😁. Thank you for the incredible support so far it means the world to me and makes me want to continue with the series 💕
warnings: insecurities (he makes you feel boring), cursing
genre: angst to fluff
Other versions:
Gray ~ Laxus ~ Cobra/Erik ~ Gajeel ~ Natsu  ~ Jellal ~ Freed ~ Sting ~ Rogue
“(Y/N)! Can I get another one?” It was as rowdy as ever in the Fairy Tail Guild, but you didn’t want to have it any other way. Gray had thrown his shirt God knows where ready to fight Natsu while Erza kept an eye on the two said boys. Cana was talking loudly as she usually does when she gets drunk. Jet and Droid were gushing over Levy while she had a conversation with Lucy and Wendy. Happy was trailing behind Carla like a lost puppy. It was the usual stuff. 
“I’ll be there in a second!” You yelled back as you passed Mira-Jane behind the bar to get to the beer. You tapped the golden liquid and went to give it to Cana.
On your way back, strong arms snaked around your waist making you yelp out of surprise “hello to you too, princess”
“You scared me” You slapped Bickslow’s chest as he chuckled and placed a kiss on your cheek before telling why he stopped you “Me, Freed, Laxus and Evergreen are going out on a mission, you wanna come?”
“No, thank you” You kindly declined as you walked back to the bar with Bickslow following in your steps, a frown evident on his face.
“You never go out on a mission with me” he whined, making you chuckle and peck his bottom lip that stuck out.
“Well, I guess I like it more inside the guild. It’s less dangerous and less stressful” You replied as you started to wash the glasses that were piling up. He cocked his head to the side in confusion but shrugged his shoulders and let it slide.
“We’ll probably be back in the afternoon, don’t miss me too much” With that your boyfriend was gone along with his friends, leaving you to continue to look after the guild along with Mira-Jane. 
 After the busy Lunch break, you noticed that you were running low on some supplies, meaning you had to go take a trip to the market to buy some more food and other stuff. “Mira? I’m gonna head into town and stock up on some necessities, I’ll be back in a bit” 
“I’ll come with you!” Lucy exclaimed to which you agreed. You weren’t going to turn down help, knowing fully well how much of a pain it will be to get all the groceries back.
“Hey, I was wondering, how did you and Bickslow end up together?” the blonde asked as you looked at the fresh strawberries, trying the find the right batch.“It’s because we’re so different, isn’t it?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean- “ she quickly cut herself off when she heard you chuckling “It’s fine, you’re fine. After all, you’re not the first one to ask”
You handed the lady behind the counter some money before continuing your search and your story “I’ve been helping Mira with the guild for as long as I can remember so of course, he knew who I was. Him being a part of the Thunder God Tribe also made him well known in the guild. Bickslow always says that he knew I was the one from the day he saw me lash out at Natsu for being so careless after he accidentally burned me. He only wanted me to bring them food or drinks and every time I did, he had a bad joke prepared to try and make me smile. I always felt somewhat invisible in the guild, but it was like I was the only one there in his eyes. Laxus decided one day that he had enough of Bicklow’s bad attempts at jokes so decided to take things in his own hands. He dragged us out of the guild and told us not to come back until we had gone on a date. And I guess that’s where our story started”
“Who would’ve thought that Laxus would be the one to bring people together "Lucy chuckled, making you laugh along “I know right ”
Lucy and you continued to shop until you had everything you needed. “I feel like my arms are gonna fall off”
“Stop your whining, we’re nearly at the guild You chuckled as you could see the said building in the distance. 
Once inside, you two went to the storage room and put everything in the right place “I guess that’s everything”
You were about to leave when you heard your boyfriend and his friends talking about you "I could always ask (Y/N) to be part of the Fairy Tail B team”
“Don’t bother,” Bickslow told Laxus “ She doesn’t even want to go on a job. She’d never want to participate in something as exciting as the Grand Magic Games. She says that she doesn’t want to do anything besides this boring job, no offence Mira”
“None taken” Mira replied as you could hear the sound of glasses clinking together and the sound of streaming water, signalling she was cleaning them.
“Anyway, you should probably ask Juvia or something. (Y/N) doesn’t like to get out of her comfort zone. ” Bickslow said, making Evergreen snort at that “makes you wonder how you two ended up together. She’s so boring”
As you listened to the conversation you couldn’t help but take his words to heart. You’ve always known you two were incredibly different, but you didn’t know he viewed you as boring. Sure you were known for not going out on missions, simply because you didn’t want to put yourself in harm's way, but did that make you boring? Did he view Mira boring as well? Probably not because she’s a known S-class wizard you do not want to mess with. 
“Are you okay? ” Lucy snapped you out of your thoughts as she noticed your sudden change in mood.
You covered your doubts with a smile “Yeah! Of course, let’s go”
You reappeared in the guild alongside Lucy with a bright smile as if nothing happened, but in the back of your mind, the same thoughts about you being boring kept playing over and over again. 
You decided to do something about it and asked your boyfriend to go on a job the next day. To say he was surprised, was an understatement “Of course I wanna go on a job with you!” 
This went on for a couple of weeks. You often took more jobs in a day to seem like you were always doing something new and exciting. As the days past Bickslow noticed how more tired and unhappy you grew. You always brushed it off and told him it was nothing, but he wasn’t so sure if he liked the new you if it meant he had to give up his alone time with you. You hardly went on date nights any more because you were either away or asleep. Sometimes you two went days without seeing each other because either he just went on a job when you came back or the other way around. 
He finally decided he had enough and sat you down to talk about his concerns. “(Y/N)? Can we talk? ” 
“Can we do it another time? I’m about to go on this job” You said as you looked at the paper in your hand that held the description.
“It’s rather urgent” He pleaded, making you look up from your paper. When you saw that there was no sign of his usual cheeriness, you knew something was up. You gave in a went to a more isolated table in the guild. “So, what you wanna talk about? ” 
“What’s up with the personality switch?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You asked, pretending to be oblivious to what he was referring to. 
He frowned at your dishonesty, unsure if he had done something to upset you, so he decided to just be blunt about it, “We hardly see each other lately because either you’re on a job or I’m on a job and when we finally get a moment alone together you don’t want to do anything because you’re too tired.”
“I thought you’d like this less boring side of me” you mumbled.
He tilted his head a little to the side as he looked at you in confusion “Boring? Who told you that?”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you gather the courage to talk about your insecurities “I overheard you and your friends talking about the Grand Magic Games and how you said to not even bother asking me because I don’t want to do anything except for my boring job. After that Evergreen called me boring, and you didn’t comment on it, so I assumed you also think that’s true”
Bickslow was ready to protest, because he was certain to never talk behind your back about something like that, but a vague memory of that day crept inside his mind. He had never thought much of the exchange, but seeing how much it affected you, he couldn’t help but start to feel guilty.
“(Y/N), listen to me, I do not think you’re boring. Sure, your job is boring, I ain’t gonna deny that but that has nothing to do with your personality. Who cares if you don’t like to put yourself in danger? Does that make you boring? Absolutely not, because I know that when push comes to shove you’ll be the first in line to protect everyone in this guild. I fell for you because of your caring nature and the goodhearted soul you have in you. Are you a daredevil? Absolutely not. Does that make you boring? Maybe a little. Do I care about that? No, most definitely not, because you have so much better traits that people could only dream of having. ” He took his helmet off, took your hands in his and never once broke eye contact. Desperately trying to show how much he meant it.
“But what about the first time you really fell for me? You said it was after I scolded Natsu for burning me. You always said you knew I was the one after you saw my fierce side.” You frowned. 
He chuckled softly at the memory, seeing as you completely misunderstood why he knew he was going to make you his after that day. “I mean sure, seeing you all fired up and scolding someone much stronger than you was undeniably hot, but that’s not the real reason. After you got burned and put Natsu in his place, you didn’t even care about your wound. You were quick to check up on Gray and Natsu to see if they had gotten hurt in the process. You always put others first. Your selfless personality is what got me drawn in. I’d pick your caring and loving side any day over the reckless and daring side. I am so sorry for making you feel like you were boring. I never meant to make you feel that way”
“No, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have assumed things” You apologized as well.
“Please don’t apologize. I should’ve realized sooner what was going on. How about I make it up to you with a proper date? We haven’t been on one in a while and I really missed my girl at my side” He suggested.
“I’d love to” You agreed as you planted your lips softly on his.
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egcdeath · 3 years
aunt flo
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summary: your monthly friend decides to visit you while staying over at steve’s.
word count: 1.5k
pairing: steve rogers x reader 
warnings: periods (so blood as well), awkward situations
a/n: this is definitely inspired by the *ahem* cycle that is currently plaguing me. it also hasn’t been thoroughly edited as this was the first time in a while that i’d written something, and i wanted to share it with you all as soon as possible! i hope you enjoy <3 
Sleeping over at Steve’s apartment was never a bad experience for you. He seemed to always be completely prepared for what the night would entail, whether it be a plethora of snacks, or your favorite scent of lotion.
However, when you woke up in what felt like a pool of your own blood, saying you were alarmed was a bit of an understatement. You mentally cursed at yourself for not realizing ahead of time that your cycle was set to start any time that week, and the fact that you’d bled all over your boyfriends sheets.
You attempted to slip out of Steve’s grasp and out of bed to assess the damage done in both your underwear, and on the bed. Once you were finally standing on the floor and gawking at the red spot in bed, you rubbed your forehead exasperatedly. While it wasn’t as bad as you’d expected, it certainly wasn’t good. The quarter sized blood stain seemed to be glaring back to you, and you decided to glare back at it before heading into the en-suite.
Before plopping yourself down on the toilet, you searched through cupboard upon cupboard for some sort of period product. Behind the mirror: aftershave, Advil, bandaids, a random bar of soap, nothing you could use. Under the sink: Epsom salt, your favorite body wash, an extra bottle of shampoo, but not a tampon in sight. Above the toilet: a few rolls of toilet paper, yet nothing even resembling a pad.
Seeing as Steve seemed pretty prepared for anything related to you, you were more than a bit surprised that he hadn’t considered that you were a menstruating human. You huffed as you sat down on the toilet, then assessed the damage control you’d need to do. First and foremost, you needed something to protect the rest of Steve’s apartment from your uterine lining. After you figured that out, you desperately needed to get that stain out of your boyfriend's sheets before he’d notice.
Maybe you could order some pads from a grocery store to his apartment. That seemed like a safe bet, but Steve would probably become concerned if he realized you’d been in the bathroom for 45 minutes. Perhaps you could just leave without a word to Steve. But that raises the issue of a random blood stain, and possibly, an upset Steve.
“Think, Y/N, think,” you muttered to yourself. You attempted to brainstorm more options for yourself, but ultimately ended up dozing off, and waking up to the soft rapping against the bathroom door, along with the sound of Steve’s voice.
“Sweetheart, everything okay in there? You’ve been in there for a while, and I saw some blood on the bed. Did you hurt yourself?”
You mentally cursed at yourself, at least now you’d only have to worry about obtaining a pad, and not addressing the mess on the bed.
“Oh yeah, I’m completely fine. Actually, I should probably head home,” you attempted to sound convincing, but didn’t exactly hit the mark.
“Are you sure? I thought we were gonna get brunch together this morning.”
You could’ve sworn you heard the frown in Steve’s voice. “Oh, uh, I’m not super hungry right now.”
“Okay, that’s fine. But about that blood, what happened? Are you alright?” He questioned.
“I’m fine, Steve.”
“Did the headboard scratch you? Did I sleep fight you or something? Did you hit your leg on the nightstand again?”
“Jesus Steve,” you scoffed a bit at the overload of questions. “I just started my period. And you have nothing I can use here, so I need to go home. That’s why there’s blood in your bed, and that’s why I’ve been in here all morning.”
“Doll, you should’ve told me! I’ll go get you something, okay?” He opened the door just a crack, and blew you a kiss. “Just stay right where you are. I’ll be back quicker than you can say period. There’s medicine behind the mirror, and I can grab you my heating pad before I go. Maybe taking a shower would help t-“
“Steve,” you giggled. “That’s plenty. Now go get my shit so I can stop bleeding all over the place.”
“Got it. I love you,” he smiled warmly at you before closing the door softly, and heading out.
Steve basically sprinted to his nearest convenience store, getting lost in the feminine hygiene section, then finding himself completely at loss with what he was supposed to buy. There were just too many options. He considered calling you to ask what you need, but he didn’t want to bother you more than necessary. Plus, you could be standing in the shower right now, and what if you heard your phone ringing, tried to get out of the shower to answer, and slipped? The thought of you hurting yourself made Steve shudder.
He ended up settling on three different varieties of pads and tampons. If you didn’t need them, he could always donate them to a local shelter. He then stopped by the candy aisle to grab you some dark chocolates (he’d heard in passing that it was good for menstruating women), along with a package of panties that looked like they could be your size, before hopping in line at a register.
In the midst of Steve’s menstruation mania, he failed to notice a random customer snapping a photo of him with the over abundance of women’s hygiene products. He was much more busy with checking out and getting back to you as fast as humanly possible.
Once Steve made it back to his apartment, he found you still in the bathroom, surrounded by a light mist of fog from the shower, and clad in an oversized sweatshirt with a faded SHIELD logo.
“I didn’t know what to get you, so I got you everything,” Steve blushed at his own unpreparedness, then passed you the bags of period products. “I’m gonna go change the sheets. When you’re ready, just meet me in bed, okay?” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before leaving the bathroom, letting you handle your business.
A breakfast-in-bed and movie marathon later, you were still cuddled up in Steve’s bed, his massive body giving you an extra level of warmth that was soothing your cramps like nothing you’d ever witnessed before. You were probably more comfortable than you’d ever been. Except for the incessant vibrating of your phone on the bedside table.
You’d finally reached out for it, and were pretty shocked to see all of the messages you’d received. You opened the first message from one of your closest friends, and your eyebrows raised as you read it.
LMAO read this right now bitch
Curiosity got the best of you, so you opened up the article.
If you've been anywhere on the internet in the last few  hours, you’ve certainly seen the word “padgate” trending. The reason why is more interesting than you’d think.
Early this morning, Captain America, America’s sweetheart was spotted buying out the entirety of the feminine hygiene section of his local convenience store.
From this, a huge question rises. Is he donating? There’s certainly enough pads and tampons to keep an army of women satisfied for a year. Is he seeing someone? She must be some lucky gal.  Either way, when we thought this man couldn’t get any more lovable- he did!
You blushed while reading the article, not exactly sure how to feel. After letting it simmer in your brain for a second, you began to giggle, deciding that more than anything, it was pretty damn funny. You texted a quick message back to your friend who’d sent the article, then finally began to speak to Steve, who was giving you a bit of a confused look at your giggling.
“Steve, you goof. Someone took a picture of you buying all of that period stuff, and now the internet has gone wild.”
“What? Let me see,” he reached for your phone, and you gladly passed it to him. He skimmed over the article, then furrowed his brows. “Tony and the PR department are never going to let me live this down,” he groaned.
“Don’t be so dramatic, maybe something good will come out of this!” You chided, giving him a mischievous grin.
As it turns out, the word good is subjective.
It’d been about a month post-padgate, and you’d been strolling through the store with Steve, working on getting your groceries for the week.
As you entered the wellness aisle, you looked at the shelves containing menstrual products, knowing that you needed to restock sooner than later.
When you first saw what you saw, you had to do a complete double take. Your eyes must’ve been deceiving you.
A Tampax box stared back at you, a logo with a shield containing a star clearly defined on the box, along with the text ‘Captain America approved!’
“No way,” you actually laughed out loud at the sight. “Steve!” you grabbed onto his sleeve, and pulled him in the direction of the box so he could see what you were seeing.
“No way!” He reprised. “Oh my God. I’m really never gonna live this down, am I?”
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realcube · 4 years
Shopping headcanons w/ BNHA  🛍
Momo x Reader 
Iida x Reader 
Todoroki x Reader
tw// intense money spending 😎, cussing, reader wears a dress-
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Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
Prom in your school was coming up and Momo appeared to be fully booked that day and she felt horrible about it as she really wanted to be the one in all the pictures but..hey, what can you do?
She felt like the only way to make it up to you was by buying your dress and since you hadn’t even started looking yet, she decided to made it a date!
She took you to a designer outlet in hopes of finding you the prom dress of your dreams so that when she sees the pictures of you at prom, she can at least feel like she did something
There were only 5 dress places in the whole outlet though and one of them was for wedding dresses and in all honesty, you didn’t plan on showing up to prom in a gown and veil
However, there were lots of women’s fashion shops so there were a fair selection of dresses in each of those but most of those were party dresses and they were cute but not the sort of vibe you were going for.
Momo didn’t let you look at any shoes though until you found your dress - it was probably for the best though because she said that ( from experience ) the worst situation is when you fall in love with a pair of shoes but can’t find a matching dress; she does want you to suffer the same way she did 
You both popped into every store that sold dresses you cam across and Yaoyorozu made you try on every dress you even spared a glance to and then you’d put on a little fashion show for in every shop
Not that you minded though, you actually thought it was quite fun 
You also found her little cheers for you absolutely adorable, because every time you’d exit the changing room she’d be like 
“Yessss, (Y/N)! That dress is so gorgeous - or that might just be you but that colour really brings out you eyes.”
“Nooo, you can’t wear that to prom. You’ll make all the other ladies jealous!”
“Oh my lord above, that dress makes you look like prince(ss)! I love it! What do you think?” Momo inquired, covering her agape mouth with her perfectly manicured fingers. 
You twirled in front of the mirror, admiring the dress from every angle, “I mean, I adore it but..”
“But what, my love?”
You don’t know why you even bothered mentioning it as you already knew what Momo was gonna respond with but you said it anyway;
“It is too expensive.”
Yaoyorozu gasped, taking your hand and looking you dead in the eyes, “My love, don’t worry about it! I doesn’t matter how much it costs, money is but a number. All that matters is that you strut into prom feeling comfortable and beautiful - and you don’t need an expensive dress to look beautiful but it helps.” She giggled, flicking her ponytail over her shoulder.
She always knows what to say- 
She ended up buying the dress for you and of course you wore it to prom with the matching shoes, brooch and tiara she bought for you as well. 
She’s honestly so extra but that’s one of the many reasons why you love her
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Tenya Iida x Reader 
I am a firm believer that this man’s love language is receiving/giving gifts
So obviously he needs someone who is on the same wavelength as him..and that’s you!
Every time he goes out shopping with his pals or just by himself - even if it is just to the supermarket - he will die and be resurrected before he leaves the place without a gift for you
Like it can simply be him going out to get groceries and coming back with a bar of your favourite chocolate
Or it can be him going to a designer outlet looking for a tuxedo and coming back with a Pandora bracelet for you 
And obviously, you do the same for him so whenever you are on one of your all-expenses-paid vacations with your mother, you are sure to bring back a souvenir for Iida
( sometimes you even forget to buy something for yourself because the first person on your mind is always Tenya )
Now, it was your birthday
And considering he’s already set the bar so high and the next step up from the stuff he had already bought you would be a diamond ring - he was pretty stumped for ideas.
He hated to be unimaginative but it’s not like he had many other options at this point so he settled on taking you shopping for your birthday; at a designer outlet, of course. 
It was pretty weird though because him buying you stuff from the love in his heart was different to you asking for him to buy you something - which is what this little shopping trip felt like 
Also, it was very awkward just having him follow you around the shops and stuff - like he didn’t even go on his phone or anything, he just followed you and watched you shift through the clothes like 👀
But you couldn’t get mad at him though because every so often he would go off on his own and come back holding a random article of clothing that he thought ‘would look cute on you’ and you found that absolutely adorable. 
Especially because 9 times out of 10 it was a very dainty piece and he’d hold it up to himself to demonstrate, as if you were built like him at all. 
“I have no idea what these little spaghetti bits are for but I think it is supposed to be worn like this.”
And then he proceeds to wear a thong as shoulder pads 
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
he texts you in the middle of the night like ‘hi’
‘hi, Shoto! why are you up so late?’
‘i know the PIN for my father’s credit card’
‘meet me @ the mall tomorrow @ 1pm 
‘we’re going shopping and i will buy that dress you wanted’
usually, you never bought anything. the only time you’d get new clothes was when you got your cheque from your job and most of the time, you’d never accept any gifts or let anyone buy for you
but this was an exception..
of course you agreed, i mean, why would you pass on the opportunity to exploit your boyfriend’s father’s credit card i mean- it’s not like he was tight on funds
so you met up with Todoroki the next day in your usual meeting spot and you showed him the dress you were talking about and he bought it on his father’s card 
he told you to go crazy so you figured while you were at it, you may as well get a pair of shoes to match - so you did!
After you had finished up your little shopping spree, Todoroki took you out for lunch at you favourite restaurant
As the day came to an end, you were sitting on a bench in the park with Shoto, eating ice-cream when he turned to you and said, “Happy birthday, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you--wait!”
He chuckled, a rare occurrence but the perfect gift for your birthday. “Your a smart girl, I’m sure you’ve figured it out already.”
“Good thing I still have the receipt then.”
“Don’t you dare.”
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
You Gave Her Your Sweater
Heather Series Part 11
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Bonus!:Readers Card Confession Bonus!:To Hold On, To Let Go, Spencers take Bonus!:Series Playlist
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Summery: Reader runs into Heather while wearing Spencer’s sweater, solidifying the difference in their relationships.
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy, mentions of cheating
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
A/N: Okay guys, the next chapter is the last one! And I promise its gonna be so fucking long, and so fucking cute it’ll give you cavities. I’m gonna give you the good shit. The next couple weeks I might be a little slower at posting because I submitted an application for an apartment me and my sister want, and I’m fairly certain were gonna get it, so I’ll be busy packing and stuff. Thank you for your continued support!
I never liked grocery shopping.
I know it’s essential, but the task itself is so draining, so boring.
Even still, I can’t help but wander around, buying shit that looks good that I absolutely do not need.
I know you’re not supposed to go when you’re hungry, but I can’t help it.
I guess that’s an upside of being married to the man I am.
While one of his hands is situated in the back pocket of my jeans, the other holds a piece of paper that holds our grocery list, and he is a stickler for keeping to it.
He’s subtly leading me down the aisles as I push the cart, which is already half full of what we need.
Grocery shopping with Spencer is different.
It doesn’t feel like a chore when he’s with me.
It also cuts the time by at least half, because he doesn’t let me stray from the list. 
But I’ve had a special circumstance these past few months.
“You know what sounds so good right now?” I ask him, as he begins to lead me down the cereal aisle.
“What’s that baby?”
He removes his hand from my pocket, reaching up to grab a box off the top shelf.
“Shrimp. With cocktail sauce.”
My mouth starts to water just thinking about it.
He laughs, walking back to me, placing it in our cart.
“You hate shrimp.”
I roll my eyes. “I also hate pickles, but last week I couldn’t stop eating them. And besides,” I run my hands over my growing belly. “It’s not my fault.”
He smiles, shaking his head, coming forward to rest his hands on top of mine, leaning down and kissing the tip of my nose.
“I’ll go get you some. While you,” he slips the list into the front pocket of the sweatshirt I’m wearing. “Continue shopping.”
“Thank you, Spence.”
“Anything for my girls.”
His hands come to lift the hood over my head, pulling the string, shrinking it around my face.
“I’m never gonna get my sweatshirt back am I?”
I shake my head. “I’m gonna be buried in this thing.”
He rolls his eyes before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
“It looks better on you anyways. I’ll be right back.”
He turns and walks back down the aisle, only to turn back and say “Don’t stray from the list!”
I raise my hands defensively. “I won’t!”
I watch as he disappears around the corner before reaching into the cart and pulling out the box of cheerios, doing my best to place it back on the shelf.
“How can he like cheerios? Fuckin’ weirdo, Reese's Puffs are where it’s at.”
I grab the orange box, only pausing when I feel a kick against my side. 
“I’m gonna assume you agree with me. Cheerios are nasty. Don’t worry, we’ll make daddy see.”
Another movement, and my hand finds the place against my side, pressing lightly. “Okay, baby girl, mama still has to shop.”
“You’re wearing his sweater.”
I pause my movements, my hand still resting on my stomach.
It can’t be.
I mean it can, you do live in the same area that she does.
I turn, to see Heather standing in the middle of the aisle, her gaze falling down to my stomach, and then back up to the lettering across my chest that says ‘CalTech’.
I shove my hands into the front pocket, not really sure what to say. 
“I was cold, and I forgot mine at my place when he gave it to me.” I take my left hand out to brush some hair out of my face, letting her see the diamond ring that rests on my finger.
“He never offered one to me. Even when I forgot mine.” Her hands are in her front pockets of her jeans, and she doesn’t meet my eye.
I shrug. 
Is that supposed to make me feel bad for you?
“I don’t know what you want me to say to that, Heather.”
It’s quiet for a moment, as much as it can be in the middle of a grocery store. 
She’s the one to break the silence. “How far along are you?”
None of your fucking business bitch.
“6 months.” I cradle my stomach with my hands, smiling down at it. “We’re having a girl.”
She shuffles from side to side, running her hands over her jeans, her arms, through her hair.
I can’t help being proud of the fact that even six months pregnant, I still make her nervous. 
“You know, we talked about having kids. Or well, I talked.” It’s then that she finally meets my eye. “He told me he didn’t want any.”
I let a smirk slide over my face. “Spencer loves kids. Even before we got together he always said he wanted kids.” I look her up and down. “Guess he just didn’t want any with you.”
It’s been three years. It’s been a long time, and I know Spencer’s over her. I know I should throw her a bone, ease up on the sarcasm and poison laced words.
But she hurt him. She broke him. It took months for him to fully admit that he did love her in some way, shape or form, and that the betrayal of that love hurt. 
I would never forgive her for that, no matter what she did. No matter if he does.
The look of hurt passes over her face, but then a crying child is heard behind her and she turns. 
I look over her shoulder, and the man I saw that night at the bar is walking towards her with a spitting image of her in the seat. 
The child is crying over something I couldn’t really decipher, and I see her shoulders tense as his eyes meet mine.
I take in the ring on his finger, the one on hers, and finally look at how old her daughter is.
She knows, and turns back to me, panic slapped across her face.
“How old is she?”
She swallows, and her husband is trying to get her to stop crying. “She’s two and half.”
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that implies.
It’s just one thing after another, isn’t it?
“You gotta be kidding me. Are you fucking serious right now?” I cross my arms over my chest, cocking an eyebrow. 
She starts to pick at her cuticles. “I didn’t find out until after the divorce was finalized. My doctor said I got pregnant at the end of April.” 
She was pregnant with another man's baby for almost 2 and half months, while being married to him.
Buckle up baby, I’m about to rock this bitches shit for a second time.
“You were going to pass it off as his, weren’t you? You were going to fuck him, and than two weeks later tell him that you were pregnant.”
I take a step forward, anger boiling in my chest. “You know he’s a fucking genius right? He’d do the math in .2 seconds and figure it out? What is with you and thinking you can get away with this shit?”
He must have sensed a disturbance in the force, because not two seconds later he comes around the corner, holding my snack in his hands, only to pause when he takes in the scene. 
His eyes flicker to me, then to Heather, the baby, and finally the man, who is puffing his chest to try and appear like the alpha male he thinks he is.
His hands tighten around the container of shrimp, before walking past all three of them, coming to stand behind me, tossing the container into the cart, one hand back in my back pocket, the other in his front. 
He stares down Heather, his eyes going back to the child every couple of seconds. 
I know he’s doing the math in his head, and he figured it out probably faster than I did.
She pinches the bridge of her crooked nose, looking up to say something but I cut her off. 
“Don’t. You have nothing to prove to us. You made your choice, now you have to live with it.” I look at the man behind her.
“Not even half the man.”
Spencer turns towards me, his chest moving to contain laughter at the look on her face.
Not giving her a chance to get the last word, I turn, and push the cart down the rest of the aisle, turning it as I hear her start to yell at him and her daughter.
He pulls me into an empty one a few rows down, turning me to face him as he leans down and kisses me. 
I wish I could kiss him forever.
“I love you so much, you don’t even know.”
I grab his hands and place them on my stomach, where our daughter was making herself comfortable. “I think I have an idea.”
He laughs, his eyes not leaving my stomach as he feels her movements. 
After a few moments, he removes his hands, grabbing one of my own as he turns me back around to keep shopping. 
“Really?” He points to the box of Reese's Puffs. 
“What? The list said cereal, Reese's puffs are cereal!”
He shakes his head, kissing the top of my head. 
“Whatever you say, dear.”
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softboywriting · 3 years
Don’t Go | Nathan Bateman | Ex Machina
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Summary: One difficult boss, one contraband cat, and a whole lot of emotional turmoil. That’s your life these days. When you leave for a few months to get things settled back home before moving into the facility officially, Nathan doesn’t cope with your absence well. Upon your return you have to deal with Nathan being moodier than ever, hiding your cat Baxter in your room, and sorting out just what your relationship with Nathan is. [Light Angst] [Swearing] [Insecurity] [Daddy Kink if you squint] [Fluff] [No use of Y/N] [Sexual/Flirting Situations] [F!ReaderxNathan] [Assistant!Reader] 
Word Count: 5.2k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Four months. You're gone from Nathan's facility for four months while sorting out fully moving to Alaska with him, closing your leased apartment, and finding a home for your cat. Everything was squared away finally. All of your furniture and non personal items were sold and you were ready to move into his place in the middle of nowhere. Of course you couldn't find a home for Baxter, your cat, and you refused to put him up for adoption, so he was coming with you. 
Nathan didn't want a cat he explicitly said don't bring him but here you are in the helicopter with your bags and totes full of what you have left of your old life, and strapped in the back is Baxter in his tan cat carrier. You had to get special medication to help him stay calm but it was worth it. Surely Nathan won't kick him out once you've snuck him in. You'll just keep him in your room. 
You never see Nathan. He didn't help you carry everything in, he never saw Baxter, he didn't even leave a message. It's not until after you've unpacked the essentials and gotten Baxter settled into the bedroom that Nathan calls to you on the intercom system. 
"Meet me on the deck."
You jump, startled by the sudden break in silence. You slip out the door quickly to keep Baxter inside and head for the outdoor deck where the punching bag is hung. You round the corner of the kitchen and stop dead, eyes on the man on the deck, back to you. 
"Nathan?" You call out, walking forward carefully. It can't be. This man has hair. Quite a bit actually. But it looks like Nathan from the back. That is surely his ass. 
Nathan turns around and oh, it's definitely him. He looks so different without the buzzcut, he looks softer, sweeter. "About time you came back."
"Did I miss a day of work?" You roll your eyes. He may look softer but that snippy attitude was ever prominent. "Don't act like you missed me."
"You worked? I barely noticed." He quips, stepping down and unwrapping his hands.
You fold your arms. "So you just remembered to go shopping for groceries, to get your hand wraps, and to get the mineral water from the specialty place on your own? You just remembered that you had to eat every day? You don't need an assistant?"
"I'm an adult. Of course I can do all of that without you."
"So you definitely didn't use those alarms and reminders I set?"
He scoffs.
"Oh no, you did." You click your tongue. "Because they're linked to my tasks app and every time you shut one off I got a notification. And look!" You gesture to him. "You're not starved to death or bloody knuckled from training with no wraps!" 
Nathan rolls his eyes. 
"No come back?" 
"Fuck off." He sneers, grabbing his glasses off the table. 
You walk around the table and run a hand over his hair. "What's this?"
"Hair?" He pushes your hand away. 
"You've never had hair. Ever." You shove your hand back into his hair. It's short, but long enough you can grip the top. Curly, thick, dark. It's beautiful. It must grow like a weed, and with his genetics, you're not surprised it's this long in only four months. "Why now?" 
Nathan growls, shoving you back away from him gently. "Quit touching it!" 
"Then answer my questions!" 
"Fuck you!" 
"Fuck you too, Nathan!"
He narrows his eyes at you, glaring daggers. This is how it always is with him. Constant fighting about stupid shit because he doesn't know how to express himself around another human being eighty percent of the time. You're sure it's why he hired you, so he didn't go feral out here on his own. The other twenty percent of the time he is bearable and you actually really like that twenty percent. 
You let out a soft sigh and relax your shoulders. Yelling at each other isn't going to get you anywhere right now. You'll take the initiative and soothe the room. "Did your clippers break?" 
"Yeah." He grumbles, no longer looking at you, but to the bar behind the dining table. 
"And you didn't buy a new one when you went for groceries?" 
"I didn't go."
"I didn't go for groceries."
You close the gap and step in front of his line of sight. "Nathan, what have you been surviving on?"
"What was left. I've got some MREs in the office for emergencies. Well, I did." He runs a hand through his hair and turns away. "I'm fine. I'm alive, obviously." 
"So you just dismissed my alarms? Why didn't you go? I know the flight is a pain in the ass but it's better than starving. Is there nothing left?"
He walks out of the room, toward the kitchen. 
"Nathan!" You groan and let out a yell of frustration. If he ate everything and didn't replenish anything, then you're going to have to call the pilot back tomorrow and ride another two hours into the city, go shopping, then ride two hours back. 
After a grueling day of travel and shopping you start making dinner. You've not seen hide or hair of Nathan since you found out he's been barely living for the last four months. You can't fathom why he wouldn't go out, why he wouldn't even get you to bring him something. Sure you were in Seattle for the time you were gone but you probably could have managed to get on a plane and bring him some protein bars. It just kills you, knowing he just let himself suffer. But why? To prove a point? What was it?
"Dinner is almost ready." You say, pressing the talk button on the kitchen com system. He probably isn't listening but it's worth a try. The man must be desperate for a real meal. 
As soon as you get everything plated, on the table and glasses of wine poured, Nathan appears. You can only assume he watched you on the cameras, so he knew exactly when to show up. He is always checking in on you with those cameras. It was alarming at first, when you arrived about a year ago now. But these days it's alright, a sense of security, knowing that if something were to happen he would be there in a heartbeat. 
"Steak, spinach salad with bleu cheese, and a potato." You say softly, presenting the food like a gameshow host with your hand as he sits down. 
"I can see what it is."
"Mmhmm." You stuff a fork full of spinach in your mouth. "Can you see the poison then?"
A small smile plays at the corners of his lips and you don't miss it for a millisecond. "Must be tucked into the cheese crumbles."
You grin around the rim of your wine glass. "Soaked the steak in it actually." 
"Clever." He mutters dully, biting a piece of said steak off his fork. 
You eat a few more bites in silence, just staring awkwardly at each other. You have so many questions about what he was doing while you were gone. But you know he won't answer them, not now at least. He will have to be exhausted or perhaps less sober. That actually is another question. Has he been sober for all this time? Or did he ration his alcohol?
"Good food?" 
"Fucking amazing." He says, voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah." He rubs his last bite of meat around in the bleu cheese. "You can cook like no other."
You feel a flush rise in your chest. "I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." 
"Don't get used to it." 
"Oh I won't." 
Nathan stands and takes his plate to the kitchen. "Did you get my shaver?" 
"Yes." You follow close behind and drop your plate in the sink beside his. "But I like it." 
"Your hair. I like it." You lean against the counter and he runs a hand over his head. "It looks... different."
Nathan rolls his eyes. 
"It's up to you, obviously. I'm sure you keep it shaved for whatever reason." You shrug and look away from him. "The shaver is in your bathroom."
"Thanks." He mutters and heads off into the house. He's going to the lab no doubt. 
Finally two weeks later. Nathan is wasted. Gobsmacked, shit faced and three sheets to the wind. You got an allegory for it, that is this man right this second. Your chance is now, you can get his ass on the spot and start interrogating him. Well. That is if you can get him out of his lab. 
"Nathan, I have something for you." You coo softly into the com beside the door to his lab. "Something you'll like."
"Go away."
"Come on!" 
"Unless you're out there in some red panties and stockings then I'm not coming out."
You flush and close your eyes. He did not just say that. Surely he cannot mean that he actually wants to see you like that. God that's hot. Does he really want to see you like that? No. He's your boss. 
"What if I am?" 
"You're not."
"I could be."
"You aren't. Fuck off."
"You wanna see me all undressed hmm?" 
Nathan groans and opens the door, glaring you down. "You lied. Fuck off."
"No, I never said I was out here undressed. But now I have you." You shove your way into the lab office and plop down on his sofa. "You're not gonna get rid of me." 
Nathan stands at the door and sways on his feet. He seemingly is perplexed how you managed to overcome him and slip into his space. "You're a pain the ass."
"Mmm and you're a thorn in my side." You lay back on the sofa, and prop your legs up on the armrest. "C'mere, I wanna talk." 
"You wanna talk? What do I look like? One of your gal pals?" 
"Maybe with a little mascara, some eight inch pumps...yeah."
"I'll give you eight inches alright." He sinks into his desk chair and grabs a bottle from the desk to press to his lips. "What do you want?" 
You sit up and brace your elbows on your knees. "I want to know why you didn't leave here in four months."
"I didn't need to." 
"Nathan, you were living on MRE rations like a bunker crazed maniac. You barely called me, and when you did it sounded like you were doing fine. What happened?" 
"You left."
"Yeah?" You chuckle softly. "I had to settle things back home. I told you that, you knew where I went." 
Nathan takes his glasses off and sets them aside. "I think...I think I rabbit holed into my insecurities and loneliness."
You raise your eyebrows. This is going deeper than you imagined it would. "Okay. How so?" 
He tips the bottle up against his lips. "I thought, well maybe you wouldn't come back. Why would you? You got out, I let you go willingly. I felt like I just deserved to suffer alone." He shakes his head. 
"Nathan, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" 
"And make me look like a desperate fucking idiot? How would that look? Desperate lonely billionaire misses assistant so much he begs her to come back." 
"So you did miss me."
"Fuck." He rubs his palm into his eye and lets out a yell of frustration. "You're the only person I've had proper physical contact with in like three years, I've gotten attached to you, and you just don't even understand how messed up I am!"
You stand and walk over to him. "Nathan, do you have feelings for me?" 
He stares up at you, and sets his bottle aside. It's sloshes, mostly empty. "Don't play with me."
"No one's playing."
"You hate me. I'm so mean to you, and I yell at you and piss you off everyday."
You chuckle softly. "Oh yeah, that's all true. But when you're not being difficult, that's when you're incredible. You're so hot and cold I should have run away but somehow I still wanted to come home."
"Yeah." You run your hand over his hair and his head slumps forward. He hasn't shaved it off. It's been a few days. "You're insufferable but I can't get enough. I love how you talk, how you think, how you are always making sure I'm comfortable and happy even if you think I don't notice. I love how you look at me, glancing to make sure I'm still there, to make sure I'm real. I know how you need me."
"Don't want you to leave." He mutters, eyes heavy. 
"I'm not leaving." You kneel down, arms across his lap and he looks at you, hand going to your cheek.
He strokes his thumb over your lower lip. "Be my good girl."
"Nathan," you whisper and your heart threatens to explode and you're flushing, heat pooling between your legs. "You're really out of it."
He smiles lopsidedly, pressing his thumb between your lips and you open your mouth automatically. 
You lick the pad of his thumb and give a quick suck before pulling back and standing up. "You're way too drunk." 
"Come back here."
"I'm going to bed." You lick your lip, the taste of his thumb is salty. If he weren't wasted you would consider exploring this further. You've wondered if there would be more between the two of you. It felt natural. But he's your boss. This is your job and as much as you would like to be more with Nathan you know this has to end here. He's not a relationship guy. 
Nathan pushes up from his chair and slumps over onto the couch. God he's fucking gone. He won't even remember this in the morning. It's for the best. 
"Good night." 
You make your way to Nathan's room with a bottle of water, two Tylenol and a banana. He's going to be so hungover it's not funny. You hadn't realized how much he was drinking until you found the empty bottle of vodka in the kitchen trash can and the rest of a small bottle of whiskey in the office trash and you had only bought both just the other day. Not to mention all the beers he sucked down while in the lab, a good six of the eight pack. Oh boy is he going to be hurting. 
"Nathan, hey," you call softly, sinking down beside him on his bed. "It's almost noon."
"Lea'me 'lone." He grumbles into his pillow, wrapping his arms around it tightly. 
You run a hand up his back, settling between his shoulder blades. "I brought water and a snack." 
He turns his head, face smushed into the pillows as he looks at you. "What happened last night?" 
"You got very drunk and drank literally everything we had. I'm not sure how you're alive." 
"Did I do anything?" 
"Nothing I wouldn't expect of you." 
He shoots you a leery glare. "The fuck's that mean?" 
You shake your head. He doesn't need to know he started spilling his guts and coming on to you more than playfully. "Nothing. You were a dick."
"I'm always a dick sweetheart. I told you that when you started."
"You did." You rub his shoulder and he groans. "Come on, get up. Have your banana, pills and water. Get a shower. You've got a video call in an hour."
"Oh fuck off." He presses his face into the pillows. "Attend for me. I want to sleep."
"It needs to be you. It's an HR meeting about hiring new staff to run diagnostics on Blue Book backlog data."
Nathan grumbles unintelligibly. 
"I'll make your favorite lunch." 
"Mm'not hungry."
"I'll join you in the shower." 
He pushes up fast, nearly knocking the Tylenol from your hand. "No take backs." 
"Nathan! I'm not actually going to shower with you! You're my boss for God's sake. I just said it for shock value to get you to roll your hungover ass out of bed. Shit."
"Yeah but no take backs." He grins and swallows back the pills you hand him. "Come on, it's not like you haven't seen me naked."
"Uh no, I most certainly have not."
"Oh yeah you have." He smirks, eyes holding yours in a challenging gaze. "You liked it too."
"What?!" You shove him and stand up, throwing the banana at his lap. "Eat your snack and get your shit together. I'm going to take a hike." 
Nathan rips his banana top off to peel it and takes a bite. "You're not gonna set up the meeting stuff?" 
"You just turn on your webcam when they call, Nathan."
"What if I need help?" He says teasingly. "You're my assistant after all."
You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Would you like me to wait until they call? You want me to stand beside your desk and click the button to answer with a video camera on? Is that it?" 
"You could sit on my lap." He pats his legs. "Keep it nice and warm for me."
You twist your face quickly into an expression of distaste before a flush begins to heat your skin. This is just Nathan. He isn't flirting. He's being an asshole to get a reaction from you. He's like a child. Don't reward bad behavior. 
"Oh you're thinking about it." He murmurs, voice dropping lower than usual. It's almost sultry. You've not heard this tone but maybe once before. "You wanna fuck your boss don't you?"
"Absolutely not." You grip the side of the door a little harsher than you mean to. Just another step and you're out of the room. Away from his eyes. Fuck. His eyes. What is that look for? It's so...commanding. 
Nathan presses the door closed and you lean against it. "You're a horrible liar."
"You're projecting."
"Am I? Or were you on your knees in front of me last night?" He raises his eyebrows. "Oh you think I don't remember? That's cute."
"You know that isn't what happened." 
"I know you let me put my thumb in your mouth. I know you licked it, sucked it, willingly." He catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You really want me don't you?" 
You narrow your eyes. "Maybe I want you, but I have morals. You're my boss, I'm not going to just fuck you for no reason and I intend on keeping it that way."
Nathan drops his hand from your face. "You'll come around. You can be my employee and still fuck me. I'll allow it."
"Yeah, whatever." You pull the door open and he steps back. "Go shower. You've wasted enough time."
 Days later you go for a supply run and come home late in the afternoon. As you haul the bags from the cart you use to get them from the helicopter to the front door you see Baxter on the sofa in the living room. He's curled up, the fireplace is on, he's living his best life. Wait. Baxter. No. 
"Bax what are you doing in here?!" You set the bags down and hurry to the fireplace to snatch the little gray cat up from his warm nap spot. "How did you-"
"You're back." Nathan says sleepily from the couch. He sits up and runs a hand through his hair. God it looks so good, it's gotten longer you swear and fuck the curls are just maddening. "You wanna tell me something?" 
"I'm sorry. I couldn't leave him with anyone and he is like my child. I couldn't just abandon him." You cradle Baxter against your chest. "I'll leave, if I have to. You can fire me."
Nathan chuckles softly. "Fire you? For having a cat?" 
"You said he couldn't come with me. You specifically said no pets under any circumstances."
"Yeah, but maybe I can make an exception for this guy." 
You set Baxter down as he begins to squirm. He hurries over to Nathan and winds around his legs. 
"Come here." Nathan pats his lap. "Come see daddy." 
Baxter jumps up and curls up on Nathan's lap, head butting his hand for attention. It's the most bizarre thing. Baxter has never taken a liking to anyone this fast. It's as if he's been living with Nathan for weeks. 
"He never likes people like this. What did you do to him?" 
Nathan strokes his hand down Baxter's back and massages his ears. "I didn't do anything. I gave him affection."
"How did you find him?" 
"He's loud." Nathan laughs, looking at you with a soft smile. "You were on a walk in the woods and I heard him crying one day-"
"Wait what? You've known about him before today?"
"Yes." He gives you a look that says you're not fooling anyone. "I've been seeing him for days now. Almost two weeks."
You groan and press your back against the fireplace. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I wanted you to tell me. I wanted to see how long you thought you could lie to me."
"I didn't lie. I never said he wasn't here."
"Very true."
"So he was meowing? That's how you found him?" 
"Mmhmm." Nathan chuckles again. "You must have forgotten to feed him before your walk. Because as soon as I gave him food he was happy."
"Fuck. I probably did." You sigh and laugh softly at yourself. "I'm terrible at hiding things."
"Yes you are." His eyes catch yours and you glare at him. "What's the look for? You jealous?" He pats his leg where Baxter isn't stretched out. "You wanna sit on Daddy's lap too?"
You cover your face with your hand. "For fucks sake you're a freak. No, I would not like to sit. I'd like help with these groceries." You point to the long forgotten bags by the door. 
Nathan peeks over the back of the couch. 
"Come on," you shoo Baxter off his lap and as you turn away to go get the bags, Nathan pulls you backwards down onto his legs. "Nathan."
He chuckles deeply against your back. "What?"
"I'm not sitting on your lap."
"Mmm, yes you are." 
"Nathan," you sigh softly and stand up just long enough to turn around and straddle his legs, facing him on the couch. It stuns him silent for a second as he stares up at you in bewilderment. "This what you want?"
He grins big, hands running up your thighs. "Just remember that you escalated this, not me."
"I just sat down."
"Oh no sweetheart, you sat down with a purpose." He pulls you flush against him. "I thought you had morals."
"I do." You lean in and his lips part instinctively. "I haven't done anything against them."
Nathan grips your ass and you collapse against him, foreheads together. "You're pushing it."
"I just wanna see you weak, Bateman."
He narrows his eyes and shoves you off his lap. "Little late for that." He mutters as he retreats into the house and you climb up off the floor. If he thinks you're not going to push him to admit he wants you more than sex then he has something else coming. 
Two days later you're making breakfast and out of the corner of your eye you see Nathan walk in. You pay no mind. It's not unusual that he comes and grabs a water or a cup of tea before breakfast. You turn, plates in hand to put the eggs on and the moment you see Nathan you drop them. 
He shaved. Holy fucking shit he shaved his beard very close and his hair is still grown out. He doesn't have his glasses on and who...who the fuck is this? How does one person literally shapeshift? 
"Oh fuck, are you okay?" Nathan looks down at the shattered plates. "What happened?" 
"What- you! What happened?!" You gesture wildly to his face. "Who are you?!" 
He laughs, straight up laughs at you. "Is it that bad?"
"Bad? I wouldn't call it bad." You run a hand over your hair and look around for a tea towel to pick the glass up with safely. "It's not bad." You can't help but continuously glance at him. 
Nathan grabs a large bowl from the cabinet on his side of the kitchen and you both kneel down to clean up the glass. "You like it." 
"It's different."
"Good different."
"Yeah." You sit back on your heels and take another good look. "I almost couldn't believe it was you." 
Nathan drops the last piece of glass into the bowl and brushes his hands off on his sweater. "It's been a while since I went this short. Ten years maybe."
He smiles and it's like he's a different man. You cannot stop staring. It's all familiar, like if you were seeing his brother, or maybe twin. It's the same teeth, same turn of his lips, but that beard being nearly gone makes him so...fucking attractive. Not that he wasn't attractive before, you dug the buzzcut and beard combo, you dug the beard and grown out hair combo. But this is...this is hard.
"Hey, your eggs are burning." 
"What! Fuck!" You scramble to your feet and sure enough the sunny side up eggs are hard yolked and brown around the edges. 
Nathan dumps the bowl of glass in the trash and places the bowl in the sink. "Let me make something."
"I- what? You?"
"Yeah." He wraps his hand around yours on the pan handle and moves it back off of the burner. "I can cook y'know. I did it a lot before you moved in."
You step back and let him carry the pan to the trash. "Is it April fool's day?" 
"No? It's November." 
"You're being nice to me."
"Am I?" 
"Yes?" You fold your arms across your chest. "Suspiciously nice."
Nathan turns and quirks one eyebrow up. "Suspiciously nice? I don't think I'm being suspiciously nice. Maybe...considerate."
"Not a word I would associate with you either." 
"Well, I can just have a power bar and get out of your way if you like." He folds his arms, mimicking your pose. 
You chew on your lip. "Are you okay? Seriously, you've never offered to cook and you've managed to not insult me for a solid ten minutes. You even helped me clean up the glass. You're not...you."
"I had a good night's sleep."
"So you've been a dick because you haven't slept properly since I met you?" 
"Maybe? Okay y'know what." You raise your hands and let out a little laugh. "I get it. You are trying to get me to sleep with you. You have been for weeks and I can't just sleep with someone without being in a relationship. You've changed your appearance, knowing I'd like it. You're being nice, acting like you're some normal guy as if you think I'm into that. You just want to get in my pants so bad that-" 
"Or maybe I am trying to be a better person because I realized I'm going to run you out of my life if I keep being the way I am." He runs a hand over his hair and tugs. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come on so strong."
You're floored. He's left you speechless. Never has he said he's sorry, for anything. 
"You don't have to say anything. It's fine. I understand that I'm a lot to handle. You have been so patient, and understanding in this last year, and you go toe to toe with me and you don't stand for my shit, so I think you must have been put in my life to force me to make a change. I've been trying to get in your pants, yes, but I don't just want that. I want you." 
"I've been thinking about this since you left, and even since you came back. It's consumed me for the last five months and I-" He bites his lip and looks away from you. "I'm in love with you."
Your eyes widen. "You....Nathan..."
"It's fine, I understand if you don't love me. I've been awful and selfish and-" 
"You're really in love with me?"
"I don't waste words, you know that." 
You step forward and reach out to touch his cheek. The beard is so short, still there, but not bushy in the least. "I love you too. Even if you're a pain in the ass and a little egotistical." 
"So I don't have to be disgustingly nice?"
"I didn't fall for disgustingly nice Nathan."
"Thank fuckin God." He grabs your hips and pulls you against him. "Felt like I was playing house." 
You giggle and he groans. "Nathan."
"I love your laugh." He grips your hair and tilts your head back, kissing your throat. "I love how you say my name." 
A little moan escapes your lips as he scrapes his teeth along your neck. "Hey, easy, relationship first and sex later."
"Mmm. What do you want sweetheart? A date? Gifts? Long walks in the moonlight?" He leans back and looks at you. "I've got a proposal for you."
"What's that?" 
"Be my girlfriend. No, be my wife." He bites his lip and cradles your face. "Yeah, you'd be a damn good wife."
You raise your eyebrows. "Not sure I like the implications of that." 
"You don't like the implication that you'll be the richest woman in this country, own half of Blue Book, have everything you could ever want, and be a goddess to a god?" 
"A goddess to a god huh?" 
He smiles and presses his head against yours. "That's right. Besides, we already have a kid." 
"We do?"
"Mmhmm. Baxter. I'm his daddy and he knows it."
"Oh hell. Shut up." You roll your eyes. 
"I'm your daddy too." He hauls you against him, hands on your ass. "You like it, admit it."
"Yeah you do." He kisses across your jaw and down your neck. "It's okay, it's just us you can admit it." His tongue lavishes against your sensitive pulse point. "Come on, tell me you like it."
"Nathan," you moan softly and he rolls his hips against you. "Please."
"Just say it." 
He chuckles and pulls back, leaving your neck damp and aching. "I'll get it out of you. I know you wanna say it but you're too shy." He bumps his nose against yours and your head swims "I will bide my time."
"Yeah, a long time." You press your lips to his and he hums softly. "I'll think about your proposal."
He chases your lips as you pull back. "I'll be waiting."
"Relationship first." You run a hand over his hair and push him back. "Gotta show me you truly want more than what's in my pants." 
"Absolutely." He pushes his sleeves up. "I'll be the best husband." 
"Let's stick to boyfriend for now."
"Husband sounds better." He grabs a clean pan from the rack over the stove. "So, breakfast?" 
You hop up on the counter and watch as he moves about easily. "I'll take whatever you got."
"I've got a lot." He smirks and you roll your eyes. "But let's start with breakfast."
"Yeah, let's."
Header by delicate-venus
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*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
Target Run and Done
Synopsis: Felix is bad at flirting, and Hyunjin is the best wingman ever.
Warning: none
Word Count: 1.4k
Pairing: fem!reader x Lee Felix
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Felix says it’s fate to have run into you three times, but Hyunjin thinks it’s only natural that the two weirdos who consistently go shopping at 10 PM see each other. Not to mention that the Target is literally across the street from the main campus. Everyone goes there.
“It’s fate!” Felix argues, not caring that the other five people waiting at the stoplight can hear him. “Three times in two weeks? The universe is trying to tell me something!”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes for the nth time. He’s heard this spiel before, but Felix is determined to get it through his head because this is clearly a sign of something!
Maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to accompany Felix to Target after all. But alas, he apparently would rather listen to Felix’s wishful thinkings than do homework.
“Do you even know her name?” Hyunjin asks. “Actually, have you even talked to her?”
“Yes! I bumped into her in the bread aisle last time and said sorry.”
Hyunjin waits for the rest of the story. He really waits. The cursed stoplight that takes forever actually changes signs before Hyunjin says in disbelief, “That’s it?”
“What do you mean? We talked!”
“You said one word to her! That’s not talking!”
“It still counts!”
Hyunjin sighs and lets Felix recount his other distant interactions with you in an attempt to prove him wrong.
“Do you think she’ll be here tonight?” he wonders out loud.
Hyunjin can’t decide which option would be better: to have Felix freak out in the middle of the store or to have him be disappointed and sulky for an hour or two.
They enter the store, and even though Hyunjin’s walking in front of Felix, he can almost feel Felix scanning every single person, be it the employee who is on their phone or the guy with a case of beer in his hands, as they pass by. All of a sudden, he feels his hood being yanked and finds himself standing by a shelf of various dental care products. He rubs his neck pointedly while looking at Felix despite feeling no previous pain.
“What happened?” he asks, though he has a good idea of what occurred.
Felix ducks behind his taller friend and points at the aisle across from them. Hyunjin follows his finger with his eyes to see a girl in a red hoodie intently studying the back of a bottle.
“She’s here!” he excitedly replies. He shyly glances at her behind Hyunjin, and Hyunjin swears he hears a soft sigh. “Should I talk to her?”
On one hand, he did kind of lay into Felix for not talking to you. On the other hand, it’s 9:30 and you probably just want to buy your face wash and go home.
“Well, I don’t think— Felix!”
To his elation and horror, Felix has been magically granted confidence by some higher being and is heading straight to you. A part of Hyunjin is telling him to drag back his friend before he does something stupid and/or embarrassing, but a bigger part of him is telling him to sit back and enjoy the show. As such, Hyunjin casually walks closer and pretends to be interested in toothbrushes.
“Hey,” he hears Felix say. “I, uh, like your style. Uh, yeah.”
The show is going to be bad, so bad. It takes all of Hyunjin’s restraint to not facepalm, and he resorts to loudly exhaling through his nostrils. He doesn’t want to associate with Felix anymore. There were so many other ways to end it, and he chose ‘yeah.’
“Thanks,” you reply and leave it at that.
A second passes, and Hyunjin momentarily thinks that Felix has given up and expects him to slink back. However, the confidence has not worn off, and he follows up with, “Yeah, it kind of reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood.”
You’re awkwardly smiling at the compliment and saying, “Thanks,” but Hyunjin can hear the faintest bit of a question mark at the end. Hyunjin decides that he has had enough, so he strides over to save the situation.
“Felix! There you are!” Hyunjin makes a big production of pretending to be relieved and puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Sorry,” he says to you, “he’s a little… drunk. Yeah, that’s it.”
“No!” Felix quickly says, shaking his head. “I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” After being friends for years, one would think that they developed some sort of sixth sense in reading the other’s implied words. Hyunjin grips his shoulder a little tighter in an attempt to say, “This is for your own good.”
You nervously glance back and forth between the two before pointing to Felix’s left side. “Sorry, could I…”
Felix jumps aside and gestures to the open path. “Yeah! Sorry about that!”
“It’s alright,” you assure him. You pick up your shopping basket from the floor and tentatively smile at Felix. “Uh, bye, I guess.”
Felix visibly lights up, and he has a 400 megawatt grin on his face as he calls after you, “Bye!” When you’re out of sight, he spins around to Hyunjin and hisses, “What did you do that for?”
“Because you were being bad at flirting!” he whispers back. “Little Red Riding Hood when she’s wearing a red hoodie?”
Felix pauses. “Okay, I see your point, but still! We were connecting!”
“Can we just get your groceries and go?”
“Yeah, I mean, my chances tonight are pretty much ruined anyway,” he sulks.
Hyunjin winces at the offhand remark as he follows Felix to deeper into the store. He’s right though; Hyunjin did interject into the scenario rather suddenly. A sliver of guilt creeps into his heart, and he watches as Felix’s posture droops in the slightest as he walks.
“I’m really sorry,” Hyunjin softly says. “I thought I was saving you from embarrassment or whatever.”
Felix looks back and shrugs. “Nah, we’re good. I did say some weird stuff. There’s always next time, right? Fifth time’s the charm?”
Hyunjin gives him an encouraging smile.  “Yeah, you’re right.”
When they pass by the canned food aisle, Hyunjin spots you again, this time in deciding between two different cans of soup.
“Hey, I’m gonna check something out real quick,” he tells Felix. “I’ll meet you by the chips.”
“Mhm, okay.”
Hyunjin turns into the aisle and heads straight for you, not even bothering to appear nonchalant. “Hey.”
You look up from your selection and quickly glance behind him as if ensuring his “drunk” friend isn’t with him. “Hello.”
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” he says before you can turn away. “My friend, he’s—”
“Oh! Don’t worry about it,” you shake your head. “He didn’t do anything weird, so it’s all good.”
“Well, the thing is that he…”
Would it be wrong to confess for Felix? He probably should have considered this thirty seconds ago before he started talking. It feels wrong, but it’s too late, and you don’t seem too put off by Felix’s antics.
“Do you want his number?” he blurts out. That seems more innocuous than directly telling you about Felix’s feelings.
You look taken aback, and you turn a bright shade of pink. Your mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. Another second passes, and you stutter, “Well, he… he’s cute and uh…”
Screw it. “He’s got a crush on you. I think! I— I only think that! It might not be true!” Oh, goodness. “Wait! No! It probably is true, but like…”
He screwed up, he screwed up. Hyunjin runs an anxious hand through his hair and tries to laugh it off. “You know what? Sorry. I shouldn’t have, um… Goodbye!” he stammers out.
“Wait!” You take your phone out of your hoodie pocket and shyly hold it out to him. “Can I… get his number actually?”
Hyunjin makes sure to save the contact as “Cute Guy (Felix) from Target.”
A few hours later, Hyunjin wakes up to Felix’s screaming. Felix hurriedly shows him his phone screen.
3:08 AM [Unknown Number]: Hi! Sorry to text you so late, but I’m Little Red Riding Hood from Target. Your friend gave me your number.
3:08 AM [Unknown Number]: My name’s Y/N by the way.
3:09 AM [Unknown Number]: This is really forward, but do you wanna get coffee tomorrow together?
Hyunjin sits up in bed and grins at his friend. “Well, what are you gonna say?”
3:10 AM [Felix]: Yes!
~ ad.gray
Shout out to the guy at Target for inspiring this fic.
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A Learning Experience - jack kline x reader
Sam and Dean Winchester leave their little sister behind on a hunt to be a glorified babysitter for a certain nephilim. Y/n introduces Jack to a bunch of new things like pancakes, grocery stores and chick flicks. A few harmless questions arise. Fluff.
Word Count: 2,154 
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If anyone had told you a couple months ago that you would be babysitting Lucifer’s son while your brothers went out hunting without you, you would have laughed in their faces. But that was then and now you were cooking breakfast for two in the bunker’s kitchen balancing your phone against your head with your shoulder. 
“Real nice move, assholes. A note. What a nice way to tell your sister you’re abandoning her”, you hissed.
“We’re not abandoning you, Y/n, it’s just a couple weeks. Jack isn’t ready to come with us and he shouldn’t be left alone”, Dean replied, “According to Sam.”
“Are you keeping the knives away from him?”, Sam asked in the background. 
“I did not realize that was something I had to do but I think I’ll lock them up now”, you said.
“He’s not gonna hurt you, I’m worried about him hurting himself.”
“Great, so you abandoned me with a suicidal nephilim in a bunker that no one knows about.”
“It wasn’t my idea”, Dean grumbled.
“Shut up, De, I know you don’t like him but he’s just a kid”, you rolled your eyes. 
Your oldest brother laughed, “You two are like the same age if you don’t wanna get technical-”
“Which”, Sam interjected, “is why I think it’s a good idea you stay with him at home. You can teach him stuff and make sure he takes care of himself.”
“I’m literally a babysitter. You guys owe me big time when you get back”, you said. 
“Something I’m sure you won’t let us ever forget.”
“Goodbye, Dean”, you hung up the phone and plated the last of the pancakes. 
After setting the table you cleared your throat and called out for Jack in your best mother hen voice. It echoed around the empty bunker for a few moments before you heard footsteps approaching and a head of blonde hair poked in from around the door frame. 
“Yes, Y/n?”, Jack asked. 
“Sit your ass down and eat, breakfast is ready”, you gestured towards the pancakes on the table.
“What are these?”, he asked, staring at the pancakes after he sat down. 
You stared at him, “Are you kidding? They’re pancakes, you’ve never had pancakes before?”
He shook his head. 
“Well, these are the best breakfast food in the whole world. I don’t really know how to explain them better than that”, you said, putting a couple on his plate and passing him the bottle of syrup, “I think, you’ll like them. You can put syrup on them if you want…”, You watched in abject horror as he drowned his pancakes in the substance before digging in. 
Jack grinned through a mouthful of food, “These are good. I like pancakes.”
You laughed, “I’ll make them for you every morning as long as you don’t tell Sam about the amount of sugar you just ingested.”
Jack nodded, “Deal.”
After a couple days of making three square meals a day for a nephilim that seemingly never got full, especially of your pancakes, you had to make a trip to the grocery store. Syrup was at the top of your shopping list but you were running low on other actual essentials and you didn’t know if a nephilim could actually eat unhealthily but Jack was half human after all and Sam might appreciate you putting a salad into the boy. 
You knocked on the door to his room, in between yours and Sam’s incase anything were to happen, and stuck your head in. He was reading, something you encouraged considering how many pop culture references your brother used, besides Harry Potter was a classic and you were showing him the movies as he gradually finished each book. Which was surprisingly quick before you realized that Jack didn’t sleep nearly as long as you did. 
“Hey, Jack, you wanna get out of here for a little while?”
He looked up at you in confusion, “Sam and Dean said it would be best for me to stay here.”
“Well, I don’t see those dummies anywhere now, besides we need more food. It’s just a quick run to the store. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to though”, you said. 
He shook his head and stood up, “No, I’ll come with you.”
It really was supposed to be a quick trip to the store until you learned just how much food Jack had never had before. 
“Do you normally get this much food?”, Jack asked, looking over the nearly full shopping cart. 
“Living with Sam and Dean? Yes. But we’re getting a lot of stuff I don’t usually buy. It’s high time you lost your mac and cheese virginity”, you said as you examined the tomatoes.
“What is that?”, he asked tilting his head in a very Castiel esque manner, which you found absolutely adorable. 
What? Mac and cheese? It’s kinda in the name, just macaroni and cheese-”
“No, virginity.”
You think you probably rivaled the tomatoes in how red your face was, “It’s uh…like when you’ve never done something before. But it’s just a metaphor, normally virginity pertains to um”, you paused. You really did not want to give Jack the sex talk in the middle of the produce section. 
You breathed a sigh of relief, thank god. Wait… 
“How do you know what that is?”
“I saw something on Dean’s laptop-”
“Dean showed you porn?”, you hissed. 
“Not exactly, it was just there”, Jack said nonchalantly. 
You shook your head and put the tomatoes in the cart before dragging Jack off towards the registers. That was enough for today’s outing. 
After about a week, you two had finished all eight Harry Potter movies and had moved onto the rest of Dean’s vast collection of movies. Over the course of your time alone with Jack you had learned he was a huge cuddler. The first time you had sat down on the other side of the couch, he pulled you closer by the second act. Not that you minded, Jack was warm and it kept the chill off, the bunker was drafty. It was only for that reason. Not because you were developing a huge crush on Satan’s son. 
Tonight you were watching some romantic chick flicky movie you didn’t even know Dean owned. Well, Jack was watching it. You were nose deep in your book with one hand curled in Jack’s hair as he rested his head on your lap. 
“They’re supposed to be in love, right?”, Jack asked. 
“Yeah, that’s kinda the whole point of the movie”, you said, not looking up from your book. 
“Then why is he hurting her?”
That got your attention, you looked up at the screen. The guy in the movie was pushing his female love interest up against the wall and gazing into her eyes with an intense smolder that made you shiver a little. 
“He’s not. It’s kinda meant to be romantic. It’s building sexual tension”, you replied as the pair on screen started making out. “See? Now they realize they’ve been in love the whole time.”
Jack turned to look up at you, “How do you know when you’re in love though?”
“I don’t know, you feel all tingly and happy when you’re around someone you love. You really like spending time with them, I guess. These are some loaded questions. Haven’t you been watching the movie?”
Jack flushed, “I wasn’t really paying attention to some of it.”
You shrugged, “You didn’t miss much, most chick flicks are all the same anyway.”
The end credits rolled down the screen a few minutes later and you closed your book. Jack looked like he had zoned out again as you continued to play with his hair. He was probably tired. Even nephilim had to burn out at some point. 
“I think I’m gonna head to bed. You look like you should too”, you suggested, pushing a few stray stands of blonde away from his forehead. 
“Maybe. I’ll only wake up in a couple hours anyway. Can I stay up longer? I want to watch another movie”, he said, sitting up to let you up.
“Go ahead. I’m not your mom, you can stay up late if you want. Just don’t start Star Wars without me.”
Being a Winchester meant very few nights of peaceful sleep, luckily tonight was just the usual nightmares of being torn apart by various monsters. Nothing you hadn’t dealt with before. So when you woke up in a cold sweat, you shook off the fear and decided to grab a drink before going back to sleep. The clock read 3:00 AM in big red letters, so you had only been out for a few hours. 
Jack’s bedroom door was shut when you walked past, so you assumed he had turned in sometime after you. You crept down to the kitchen as quietly as possible to avoid waking him. You grabbed a drink of water and checked your phone for any notifications, nothing from the boys yet but they weren’t supposed to be home until next week due to complications according to their last call. From somewhere down the hall you heard a floorboard creek. If Jack had woken up you would have heard his door, the hinges in the bunker weren’t exactly well oiled. The hairs stood up on the back of your neck and you set your glass down silently. 
The hall was dimly lit but there was no sign of anything that could have made the noise. You sighed. You were just on edge from that nightmare, the bunker was decades old if ever there was the time to use the “house settling” excuse it was with this ancient building. You turned the corner back down your hallway and was suddenly slammed up against the wall. You let out a gasp that would have turned into a very loud scream if your eyes hadn’t met a pair of blue ones. 
“Jack”, you breathed, “You scared the shit out of me.” 
Jack stared you down silently. His grip on your wrists was tight and it made you wonder if he knew just how tight. His gaze was intense almost like…
“You can ease up a little bit there, tiger”, you whispered and his eyes softened along with his grip. 
“I’m sorry. Did I actually hurt you?”, he asked nervously. 
You shook your head, “I think I’ll live. What are you doing?”
His cheeks turned red, “In the movie, you said this was romantic.”
Oh. Now it was your turn for your cheeks to heat up. 
“I feel tingly and happy when I’m around you, Y/n”, he said sincerely, “You said that means I’m in love.”
“You’ve never been in love before, Jack. Love is more than just tingly feelings. It’s something that you have to figure out and learn on your own”, you explained. 
“You don’t love me?”
That damn near broke your heart. You shook free one of your hands and caressed his cheek softly. “Jack, I like you way too much than I should already and could well be on the road to loving you. But I don’t want you to think you’re in love with me just because I’m one of the only people you’re around-”
He shook his head, “I’ve seen other people though. No one has ever made me feel like you do. I thought there was something wrong with me but it doesn’t feel bad. It feels good, like pancakes or grocery shopping or you playing with my hair.” 
Forget being on the road, you had reached your destination. You were definitely in love with Lucifer’s son. His eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t take it anymore. You surged forward and pressed your lips to his. His hands landed on your hips as you threaded your fingers into his hair. The kiss was hot and messy, that was the only indication that this was Jack’s first time doing something like this. Of course he would also be a perfect kisser. You pulled away after a few more moments, breathing harshly. 
Jack beamed at you, “Can we do that again?”
You laughed, “Yes, Jack. But maybe after a couple hours of sleep.” You swore he was pouting.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”, he asked, “I heard you earlier, you had another nightmare.”
“Did I wake you?”
He shook his head, “No, I haven’t gone to bed yet.”
That’s why you had heard creaking, it really was Jack moving around. 
If anyone had told Sam and Dean Winchester a couple months ago that they would come home to find their little sister cuddled up to Lucifer’s son in bed, they would have laughed in their faces. But that was then and now Dean was looking absolutely mortified and about to blow as Sam dragged him out of the doorway so as to not wake them up.
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Still Hurts
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Pairing: Dean x Reader/Jensen x reader
Warnings: Death (noncharacter), Depression, sadness galore, some fluffy Dean, fluff ending, bible scriptures at the end depends on Faith. I am of Christian faith, and spiritual, and have added 2 scriptures to help with grief.
Summary: The reader is in the world of Supernatural, but things at home are still going on. It makes things hard.
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: My grandma passed away today, of all days Friday the 13th. We knew it was coming, she started going down hill 4 days ago, did good yesterday, was somewhat coherent. But today, she didn’t do good and passed sometime this afternoon. I felt numb pretty much all day, cried off and on. Slowly I’ve come out of the hole to write something mostly for me, but it can be for whoever would need it. Just with the fact, we knew it was coming, makes the pain not any better. Still hurts.
a/n #2: This, this storyline is going to be a little messy but, it’ll be a mix of my Down the Rabbit Hole series and another series that hasn’t even surfaced yet, it’s still in the daydreaming slash brainstorming stages in my brain. But It may be Dean, or it may be Jensen, I haven’t decided yet. Not fully anyway.
Still hard to believe, despite being in this mess my phone even works here.
Mom always kept me in the loop, same for Dad, about my grandma. My mom’s mom. I damn near lost myself after my last grandma died. It still hurts now, but not as bad when it’s fresh.
But this, we’ve known it was going to come sooner or later. She wasn’t doing good; she started the early stages of dying a few days ago. Her heart doing weird things. I was waiting for it then.
It never came.
Next day she’s fine. She’s talking, sort of. She’s somewhat awake. She was okay yesterday.
This morning my dad texts me.
‘Grandma’s not doing good today, they’re expecting soon. But I’ll let you know.’
So, while Dean was out, doing a supply run. Sam finding Chuck. Or should I say, Jensen was out on the supply run and Jared was searching for Chuck.
We had just finished up in Alaska, now we’re just trying to keep busy. Slow Chuck down.
I decided to do house chores. Keep busy, keep my mind at bay.
“Jared, I’m gonna do laundry, need anything washed?” I asked.
“Hmm?” he asked, coming out of a haze from searching. “Oh, uh, sure. I have a hamper; it should be ready.” He says. Getting back to searching, waving me off.
I nod.
My Supernatural phone buzzes. It’s Jensen, screen comes up as Dean. Texting me.
‘Need anything from me?” he asks.
‘That time of the month has passed, I’m good. When it gets closer I’ll do it. I don’t want to do that to you.’
‘You can’t plan ahead on what we’ll be doing. Just send me a pic of what you use, I’ll pick you up a few packs.”
‘Um, sure. Hang on.’ I send, as I head to the bathroom. Shooting a picture of my package of pads and sending it to him.
‘Don’t get lost Priestly.’ I send with a smile.
‘Oh, harty har, har, you think you’re so funny. Dee does that all the time to me when I offer her the same thing.’ He texts. Sending a few laughing emojis.
‘Okay, be home soon. I got food for supper if your up for it.’ he sends.
‘Wonder what it could be?’ I text him. Already curious about food.
Since being thrusted into this whole shit show. My ex friend, somehow turned into a mad scientist was able to break the realities. Make dimensions, portals to them. He made Supernatural real somehow. There was a period for 13 seasons the boys blamed me for created it. Because fan fictions, anime shows would be mixed in with the stories. Make their own episodes of them. They hated me, didn’t trust me. Until I couldn’t take it anymore, when we gone through episode Advanced Thanatology, instead of Dean injecting himself. I just yanked the needle out of his hand and killed myself. After that, things got better but it still feels forced. Then again, I could be miss reading it, as always.
But since that day, Jensen’s been strangely nice, Jared…he tries but Jensen’s seeming like he’s forcing himself.
I get the clothes loaded in the washer; I clean the bathrooms. I clean our rooms, make our beds and such. Dust.
Then my other phone vibrates. I’m getting a call. It’s my dad.
“Dad, what’s wrong?” I asked. Knowing deep down in my gut somethings wrong. He never calls, moments in this show when shit hits the fan back home he’d usually text me.
“Grandma passed away just an hour ago. I just got done telling my boss, I’m on my way home. I know you’re still in there with those guys. But, don’t tell them. Chances are they’ll just hurt you. I still don’t trust them.” He says.
“She’s gone.” I said, my chest feeling heavy. My eyes feeling the heavy, hot tears surface.
“Yes, sweetheart she’s gone. She’s no longer suffering.” He says. “That’s all that matters. She’s up there with grandpa, she’s not suffering. We’ve known it was going to happen.” He adds.
“Yeah, but…it hurts.” I said. Sobs are now wanting to break me.
“Y/N, you need to try to hold together until you can get into your room. I would kill to be there to hold you, mom too. But, we can’t. We’re here, dealing with it. But you deal over there, just put yourself back together, come home. In one peace, try not to kill yourself again. I know it hurts. But once your home, we can help you heal too.” He says.
“Thanks dad. I’ll try.” I said.
And I hang up after we said our goodbyes.
Everything’s clean enough. I thought.
I’ll keep doing laundry. It keeps me away from the boys; besides, I have all their clothes. I’ll fold, put away, and then hide and break down. I thought out my plan. That’s what I’ll do.
Point of view switch [3rd person]
Jensen walked in with the groceries, all in each arm, making it in one trip. Jared meeting him in the kitchen.
“So, what’s for supper?” He asked.
“Y/N found this recipe of her mom’s; I want to try it. Grown up Mac and Cheese. I just had to buy the pasta, she got everything else last week.” Jensen explained.
“Sounds yummy, she’s doing the laundry.” Jared said.
“Cool. I’ll give her, her stuff and she can get cooking.” Jensen says.
He makes his way down the winding halls, no sign of her in Jared’s room, but there’s signs she was there. His clothes were neatly folded on his bed.
He checks his room, same deal. Neatly folded clothes on his bed.
He heads to the laundry room, she’s not in there.
“Well, where the hell?” he asks himself. Maybe her room. He thought.
He gets to her door, but stops himself from knocking when he hears crying behind the door.
“Hey,” he says gently. “Hey, Y/N,” he says again with a knock. And slowly opens her door.
“Not now.” She says, her voice shaking from the crying.
“Sweetheart, what’s got you crying?” he asks kindly.
“What do you care, leave me alone.” she cries.
“Y/N –”
“I said get out!” she shouts, throwing a pillow at her door. Making Jensen shut it.
Jensen stood there, baffled by her outburst. And heads to the kitchen.
“Dude, what’d you say to her?” Jensen asks.
“What?” Jared asks. “Nothing, why?” he asks him.
“I went to her room, found her crying. She threw a pillow at me to leave. I don’t know why she’s crying.” Jensen explains.
Jared shrugs. Clearly, he didn’t cause her pain.
Jensen’s personal phone buzzed. It’s his wife.
“Hey baby.” Jensen answers.
“Jay, her little brother just reached out to us. Her grandma passed. She’s hurting. And her parent’s don’t trust you guys. They think you’ll still hurt her.” Danneel explained to her husband.
“Probably after treating their daughter like shit for 13 seasons, driving her to the point to kill herself, I don’t blame them. But, we’re trying. Or I thought we were. Guess we’re not trying hard enough.” Jensen says.
“Hey, don’t talk like that. You just need to keep assuring her. It’s her you’re trying to regain that trust. Just, try again. Either wait for the crying to stop, or just, do something you would do if your sister was hurting. Or your own daughter. Just, I hate seeing her like this Jay, maybe you guys cook that dinner for her.” Danneel says.
“We’ll think of something baby. Love you.” Jensen tells his wife.
“Love you more. Now go cheer our girl up.” She says. Ending the call.
“What’s the plan?” Jared asked.
“Well, the recipe is right there on the island. I guess, start cooking. I’ll go try to piece her back together if I can.” Jensen says.
“Don’t push too hard.” Jared advises.
“I know man.” Jensen says.
He makes it back down to her room. Hearing it’s silent behind the door he knocks.
“Hey, sweetheart, you okay in here?” he asks.
“Go away.” She says weakly.
Her light was on, she was curled into a ball in the center of her bed. The pillows surrounding her, minus the one she threw earlier.
“No can do sweetie, my wife and your little brother want us to take care of you. And besides, we hate seeing you hurting.” He says.
“I don’t trust you, now leave.” She says. Her voice cracking.
“Um, something tells me, you really don’t feel that way.” Jensen says. “But it’s okay to protect yourself from anymore harm. Whether it’s physical or emotional. But I promise you, I’m not here to cause any more pain. I’m here to put you back together.” He adds.
He hears her let out a sigh. Defeated. He takes that as his cue to enter fully, and take a place on the edge of her bed. Her head, near his lap.
“Your little brother contacted my wife somehow, told us what happened. Loss is never easy.” He says.
Seeing her face distort again with pain, she starts crying again.
“We knew it was coming.” She sobbed. As she hid her face in her hands. Letting some sobs rack through her, she sits up. Taking a deep breath.
“We,” she starts again, trying to breathe. “We’ve known for a little while. I mean, she’d have good days, bad days. But one day, she…she…” a sob began to surface.
Jensen placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, rubbing up and down her arm. “Shh, it’s okay.” He says quietly.
“She got worse; her heart started doing something. She was dying, but then the next day she was fine, and she was okay. Same for the day after that. Then today, dad tells me she’s not doing good. And not, two…three hours later, she’s gone.” She explained.
“At least she’s at peace, she’s not suffering anymore. That’s all that matters.” Jensen says, his hand not leaving.
“I know. But just because we’ve known, doesn’t mean it makes the pain that much easier.” She cries.
“I know it doesn’t. It just means you love her. But you have to remember her as she was when you last saw her, remember her at her best. Don’t think about the bad, the depressing stuff that’s happened along the way. Think about the good times you had with her.” Jensen said.
“God, it’s like that episode Cas has with Jack. About appreciating the time we all have together now. And that the pain, is…is because I love them. And the pain is awful, but it’s also living. But…” she began to trail as sobs racked her again.
“Don’t…please, don’t finish that sentence.” Jensen says. Tears of his own surfacing.
He doesn’t like seeing this. People crying over loss, losses so close to home. Especially people he cares about.
“I know it hurts; I can’t imagine how much it hurts right now. But you can’t give up, you can’t stop fighting now. You have to keep going. Do it for her. Do it for you. Take a knee sweetheart, you need to heal. And this kind of pain, it doesn’t have a set day of when it’ll go away. But it does get better. Once your better, let us know. And we’ll get back to hunting again, because the faster we get this done, the faster we get home. But for right now. Our focus is you.” Jensen explains. Giving her a kind smile.
She returns it, forcing it some. She casts her gaze down as some more tears escape.
‘C’mere.” Jensen says, bring her in his arms. Hugging her, holding her tight. Her face in the crook of his neck. It’s only then her walls come tumbling down fully.
“Let it out sweetheart, let that hurt out. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere. Just cry it out.” He tells her softly in her ear. He can feel her tears hit his neck the longer she cried.
It was a good long while she cried in his arms. He just started rocking her gently in his arms.
“There she is.” He says, seeing her peer up from his shoulder.
He takes his finger, gently wiping a finger across her cheeks, catching any stray tears that fall. “Feeling any better?” he asks.
“Just numb, and drained. Not sure if I can eat now.” She says.
“Well, you haven’t had anything all day. At least try a few bites.” Jensen encourages. She nods. “Atta girl.” He says.
“Knock, knock.” Jared says entering her room with bowls of her mom’s mac and cheese.
“You made this, I thought I was…” she trails.
“You were dealing with your own issues, wanted to help out a bit. Plus, I already tried some. This shits good.” Jared says.
“Is that why you only brought in two bowls?” Jensen asks.
“Yep.” Jared says shamelessly with a big grin.
Jared handed Y/N her bowl, and Jensen his. The smell from the bowl caused her stomach to growl.
“Sounds like your starving, eat up.” Jared says, leaving the room.
“At least try, could always snack on something.” Jensen says.
“I am starving, I’m not numb to that. Just, it’s like my light is gone. I mean, yeah Jared did make me giggle there a few seconds ago. But it’s like…” she trails.
“Need a recharge?” Jensen asks.
“Yeah. I feel so drained. And I’m running on empty. Things that’ll make me laugh is a 50/50 shot now, if I do laugh, it will only feel good for that split moment. Afterwards, I’ll feel shitty again. I don’t want to feel shitty.” She says.
“Then, what do we do? What’s the Winchester way?” Jensen asks with a knowing smirk.
“Always keep fighting.” She says with a tired smile.
“There you go.” He says to her, kissing her forehead. “Now, lets eat, I’m starving.” He says getting up to the kitchen. Y/N following suit.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Dean/Jensen tags:
@luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Car Troubles
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Mechanic Jaebum X Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 6K
Summary: Your car has been acting up lately, but you’re too stubborn to do anything about it. However, your best friend BamBam suggests you take your car to a mechanic and gives you the contact of his friend JB. When you take your car in to JB’s shop, you find yourself immediately attracted to him. You thought that he was just going to fix your car and that would be the first and last time you’d end up seeing him, but oh were you wrong.
A/n: Hey guys! So this was requested a while back and if I’m being honest, I’m kind of iffy with how this turned out I can never do JB justice :( I hope you enjoy! (This was actually written based on my first experience with a flat tire. Luckily I live in Hawaii, a lot of the locals are some of the sweetest people and they won’t hesitate to help you if needed plus we have a bunch of auto repair shops almost anywhere you go so before I could freak out about having to do all this unnecessary shit, I literally drove less then two minutes down the road and BOOM I was good PLS CHECK YOUR TIRES)
“Damnit! This is the third time this week my car overheated. I don’t get it. I put coolant inside every single time, so what’s going on?” You and your best friend BamBam were currently on the way to the grocery store to buy some snacks for the movie night you both had planned from the beginning of that week. Unfortunately, as you were about to turn in to the shopping mall, your car gave you a warning that it was overheating. 
BamBam couldn’t help but let out a chuckle; he’s been telling you for months to save up some money and to sell the piece of junk that you call a car in order to buy another one but you always gave him the excuse that it gets you to and from your location just fine so there’s no point in spending thousands of dollars to get a new one. 
“You already know what I’m going to say so I don’t see a reason to waste my breath.” You rolled your eyes and scoffed as you pulled in to a parking stall. BamBam was right and you didn’t understand why you were so adamant on keeping your car, especially when the cost of maintaining it was more expensive than getting a new one. It’s just that you didn’t want to have to deal with another car payment and everything else that came with it on top of your college tuition and rent. 
“Have you ever actually taken it in to an auto repair shop to see if there might be something wrong with it? I’m sure there’s more you need to do to it rather than constantly putting in coolant. Who knows, you might even be making things worse by doing so. Hey, why don’t you let my friend JB take a look at it? He’s a mechanic and he owns his own shop. What? What is that look for?” You sent him a knowing glare as the two of you got out of your car and made your way towards the store. 
“The last time you introduced me to a friend of yours I almost broke my ankle.” BamBam giggled at the memory of his friend Yugyeom teaching you how to dance and you tripping over his extremely long legs. 
“Hey, it’s your fault you have two left feet. Yugyeom is an amazing dance teacher, you’re the one who can’t dance. Ow—okay I deserved that. But I’m serious about JB. He knows his stuff. He’s been fixing cars since we were in high school and I’m sure he’ll give you a discount since you’re friends with me. Just say the word and I’ll give him a call. You can even search him up and read his reviews if you don’t believe me.” 
You contemplated his offer for a few moments before releasing a frustrated sigh and nodding in agreement. There wasn’t any harm in having him take a look at what might be the problem with your car. You just didn’t want BamBam to continue bothering you about it like he did with Yugyeom’s dance lessons. 
Once the two of you finished your grocery shopping and headed back to your apartment, you decided to look up JB’s auto shop to look at the reviews before having BamBam reach out to him for you. You were surprised to say the least when you saw all the comments from customers raving about how good he was at his job. 
As you continued to read the reviews and saw the photos of people’s cars, you could tell that JB was very passionate about being a mechanic and he put a lot of time and detail in to his work. BamBam was quick to reach for his phone in order to call his older friend once you gave him the okay and you took this time to start mixing the brownie batter. 
“Hey man, it’s Bam. Yeah, I’m gonna need a favor. What do you mean I still owe you for—okay I know, but didn’t I get you that—I didn’t? Okay well that’s not the point here. The favor isn’t even for me it’s for my friend. Her car keeps overheating and I was wondering if you could take a look at it? Really? You’d do that? Thanks bro! That means a lot to me I owe you one—I get it—fine I owe you nine whatever. She’ll bring it in tomorrow. See you then.” The older boy placed his phone down on the coffee table and folded his arms behind his head cockily. “Am I the best or what? You’re welcome.” You scoffed before setting a timer on the oven and making your way in to your living room. 
“You didn’t do anything, you know that right? All you did was call to make an appointment with a mechanic. I could’ve done that by myself.”
“Fine, you can go by yourself tomorrow too if you’re going to act like that.” You gave him an adorable pout before wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your chin on his shoulder. 
“I’m kidding Bam. I’m very grateful for you. You’re my best friend.” He gave you a knowing look before dipping his finger in the brownie batter and licking it clean.
“Who are you kidding? I’m your only friend. But I’m the only one that you need anyway. By the way, I actually have to go with Yugyeom tomorrow to his doctor’s appointment; he promised me lunch so you’re on your own but you have nothing to worry about. JB‘s a really cool guy. He’s even nicer to girls. All you have to do is bring your car in and sit in his office while waiting. It’ll be a breeze. Let me know how it goes, if he needs to keep your car overnight, just give me a call and I’ll come pick you up. If you’re nice to me, I’ll talk Yugyeom in to buying you lunch too.” 
The next morning, you woke up earlier than usual and began to get ready to head over and drop your car off to JB’s shop. You couldn’t understand why you felt so nervous. Something about mechanics were so intimidating, probably because you were afraid of being reprimanded for neglecting your car. BamBam went in to detail about their friendship the night before and explained to you that JB was very dedicated to his job. He knew anything and everything that had to deal with cars. All you had to do was hand your car over to him and let him do his thing while you occupied yourself with your phone. 
After eating some breakfast and preparing your insurance forms, you made your way to his auto repair shop which was conveniently located less than ten minutes away from your apartment. The drive took longer than expected; it seemed that almost everyone was out on the road today and you couldn’t help the frustrated sigh that fell from your lips at the realization. Once you finally arrived to “Nora’s Auto Repair” you pulled up right in front of the garage and parked before looking around for who BamBam described to be JB. 
“He’ll probably be working on a car by the time you get there so there’s no use in wasting your time looking for him in his office. He’s a few inches taller than me with dark, brown hair up to his shoulders, brooding eyes and a sharp jaw. Try not to make him angry, that jaw has a mind of it’s own. But don’t be intimidated by his appearance, he’s a big softie.” 
You walked straight up to the garage and saw a pair of feet underneath a car. At first, you were afraid of interrupting him, with the music blasting in the background on top of the sounds of what you assumed to be a screwdriver, you knew he was very focused on the car he was currently working on; but at the same time, you didn’t want someone walking in on you standing there, doing nothing like a weirdo. 
“Um—excuse me?” It came off almost like a squeak of a mouse, you were sure he probably didn’t hear you, so you repeated yourself again. When he still had yet to acknowledge your presence, you decided to get his attention another way and gently tapped his ankle with the tip of your sandal. Unfortunately, he ended up getting startled and immediately sat up, hitting his head up against the radiator and released a frustrated grunt before getting up from underneath the car. You were about to open your mouth to release countless apologies for scaring him but that was before you got to take a good look at him. 
He was in more or less words extremely gorgeous. His long hair was slicked back, he was wearing overalls and a blank tank top that showed off his broad shoulders and toned biceps. BamBam was right about his brooding and piercing eyes, and you were quick to notice the two adorable moles right above his eyebrow. He also had some dirt and grease on his cheeks, but for some reason it made him look even more attractive than he already was. You didn’t think someone could look so good, as if he came right out of a magazine while working on a car. You’ve been friends with BamBam for years now, why did he have the audacity to keep this beautiful man standing in front of you a secret? 
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you I just—BamBam told me to look for you and—“ When you first heard him groan in pain after hitting his head, you were sure you’d get an earful about interrupting someone while they were working on a car. However, your cheeks warmed up at the way he was looking at you with the most adorable smile you’ve ever seen on a grown man. 
“Don’t sweat it, it happens all the time. My employees constantly nag me about turning down my music so I can hear people approaching. You must be y/n. Nice to meet you. You’re friends with BamBam? You poor thing. It must be tiring being his right hand man—I mean woman. So, what seems to be the problem with your car?” He asked for you to lead him to your car and had you pop open the hood so that he could take a better look at what the problem might be. 
“It’s been overheating a lot these days. I’ve put in coolant three times this week and it’s still not cooling down. I have a fear that one day the battery will die if I don’t do something about it so that’s why I’m here.” He nodded in understanding before taking a look inside and making sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Your eyes began to wander all along his body and you felt weird for checking someone out just a couple of minutes after meeting him but who could blame you? He was practically a Greek God and honestly, even if the two of you just met, you would do anything he’d ask of you. 
JB took a few minutes going over multiple parts of your car, the exhaust system, suspension, brakes, air filter, spark plugs; anything he felt could be adding on to the failure of your car. While he continued examining the hood of your car, you decided to look away to prevent yourself from staring at him any longer. You texted BamBam to let him know that you made it over to JB’s place and you were about to admit that you were having a hard time paying attention to anything other than him. For someone who was drenched in sweat and car exhaust, he looked like he came straight out of a magazine. You were so deep in your thoughts that you failed to notice JB trying to get your attention. 
“I think the coolant you must’ve put in there kinda screwed it up but it’s nothing I won’t be able to fix. I also recommend you get an oil change since you’re here. It won’t take too long, you can go sit in my office and I’ll come let you know when I’m done.” You politely thanked him and he gave you a soft smile and you were sure your heart was about to jump out of your chest the longer you were around him. As you began heading towards his office, you heard him call out for you. 
“By the way y/n, call me Jaebum.” With the way warmth immediately rose on your cheeks, you had a feeling you were a blushing mess from hearing his words and you were quick to pick up on the cheeky intonation of his voice. You refused to turn around to face him and nodded softly to yourself, there was no way you’d give him the benefit of the doubt by making it aware that he was having an effect on you. You had just met the guy less than ten minutes ago and you’ve seen your fair share of good looking men before, so why were you going so crazy over JB? 
Once you took a seat in his office, you gave yourself a few seconds to breathe and get your thoughts straight. However, your mind wouldn’t stop going back to how attractive he looked with his hair all out of place while oil and dirt was stained on his overalls. The smile he sent was now glued in your mind. He was easy on the eyes, hardworking, and extremely personable. You secretly cursed BamBam for not introducing the two of you sooner under different circumstances but you had no idea why you were acting like this. It’s not like the two of you actually conversed with each other, nor were you anything more than just a clumsy customer who had no clue about anything car related. 
For almost two hours, you played a couple of games on your phone and even watched a few Netflix shows to make time go by faster, and to keep your mind off of the way Jaebum’s muscles flexed while working on your car as you checked up on him every now and then through the window. Luckily, multiple episodes of Parks and Recreations took up all your attention for almost the entirety of waiting. You were so deep in to an episode that you failed to notice Jaebum enter his office until you heard the door shut. 
“Hey, I’m done with your car. Sorry it took so long, I wanted to make sure everything is good before sending you off. I changed the oil, tightened a few pipes and fixed the overheating problem. You should be all good to go.” You smiled softly at him and thanked him profusely before taking out your wallet. 
“How much do I owe you?” He took a seat at his desk and began writing down a few numbers, estimating how much the work on your came out to on your car. 
“$100 flat.” You looked at him in shock, dumbfounded with his answer. Sure, you weren’t one to know much about cars, but you knew with the amount of work he did to your car that it was worth more than just one hundred dollars. It felt as if you were gypping him and taking advantage of his kindness. 
“Jaebum, you can’t be serious right? I’m sure it’s more than $100. I’m fine with paying full price! You did so much—“ he playfully shook his head before handing you your keys. 
“It’s totally fine y/n. If I’m being honest with you, I think you should actually put your money in to getting a new car. I took it for a drive around the block and it still runs just fine, but you don’t want to risk something bad happening to it again soon.” You nodded in understanding before writing out a check. An idea popped in your head and you could only hope that he’d want to go along with it and not think negative of you for asking. 
“How about I treat you to some lunch? You must be hungry after hours of work. Plus I want to pay you back for all that you did for my car. It means a lot, thanks again Jaebum.” The wide grin that he was now sporting made your heart flutter. You were soon regretting your decision of taking him to lunch because you knew you wouldn’t be able to sit in front of him without practically drooling over him. 
“That sounds cool. Let me just get cleaned up a bit and we can go.” After you paid him, he left his office to and in his words “look more presentable” leaving you all alone with your thoughts. Why were you so worried? He seemed like an extremely cool guy and he practically fixed your car for less than half of what is normally expected. If BamBam could trust him, you could too. It just didn’t help that he was extremely attractive. 
“Ready to go?” If you thought he looked good earlier, seeing him freshened up was a sight to behold. His face was free of dirt and oil, he changed in to a pair of jeans and a flannel and he threw his hair back in to a man bun. You were internally cursing yourself for putting yourself in such a situation. All you wanted to do was treat him to lunch, but now you had to suffer knowing that you were quickly developing a little crush on him. 
“Yeah. Shall we?” He hummed in agreement and like the gentleman he was, he held the door for you and led you to his car. When he walked up to his pick up truck, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. 
“Something wrong?” You shook your head in disagreement. 
“Your car matches you.” With the way he adorably tilted his head in confusion, you knew he didn’t understand what you meant. “Trucks can be intimidating and quite rugged. Like you.” 
“Ah. I get what you mean. Well, since we’re on the topic of it, your car doesn’t match you at all.” You were about to open your mouth but he was quick to continue. “You’re driving a 2003 Toyota Corolla. Quite a safe car, which is understandable—if you were an elderly woman. However, you seem quite stable unlike your car—ow! I fixed your car for cheap and I get a slap in return. I’ll make sure to rack up the bill at lunch to get back at you.” He winked at you, causing your heart rate to increase before opening your door and helping you inside. 
The car ride was filled with laughter and terrible singing, mainly from Jaebum, but you enjoyed every second of it. It’s been a while since your last relationship and you were only really close with BamBam, so you weren’t used to being around any other guy. You could get used to being around Jaebum. He had the heart of a child; he was so charismatic and optimistic. You also learned that he owned five cats, loved to read books in his free time and he was the biggest mama’s boy. So this is what BamBam meant when he said JB is a big softie. 
Your time together at lunch was much like it was in the car. You found yourself laughing almost the entire time over the countless stories he told you about his childhood, his friendship with BamBam and the rest of their group of friends and the horror stories that came with being a mechanic. Seeing his eyes light up as he described to you how in love he was with his job made butterflies erupt in your tummy. Too bad this was only a one time thing and you had a feeling you’d only ever get to see him if you needed your car fixed. When the two of you were finished with your meals, before you could reach for the check, he handed his card to the waiter in which you were quick to object multiple times, but he reached over and placed his finger on top of your mouth to prevent you from complaining any further. This man was going to be the death of you. 
“Jaebum, I was supposed to pay—“ he shook his head as he signed the receipt and motioned for you to get up. 
“You can get the check next time okay?” You gave him a pout, but on the inside you were over the moon. Next time? Did this mean he had plans on becoming friends with you? Or something beyond friendship? Whatever it was, the idea of having Jaebum in your life made you extremely happy. You could use such a positive and carefree person like him in your life to motivate you to become a better person. 
To your dismay, your day with Jaebum came to an end and before you knew it, he pulled up in front of your parking structure. “Thank you again Jaebum. For my car, for lunch, for everything. I had a really nice time tonight. Let me know when you’re free, you ass. I really wanted to treat you.” He flashed you his award winning smile before pinching your cheek. 
“Don’t worry y/n, I’m already planning on which expensive steakhouse I want you to bring me to. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need help with your car. Have a nice night!” When Jaebum told you to call him whenever something was wrong with your car, he didn’t expect you to call him every other week. The two of you texted each other back and forth every so often, but it was never more than a simple “how was your day?” Or “how is your car?” You had a feeling he wasn’t interested in you the way you wish he would be, but you decided to let it go. 
Unfortunately, only two weeks after he worked on your car the first time, your air conditioning broke which he was quick to offer in fixing. Then another two weeks later, your battery died. You were on your way to the grocery store when your car completely gave out and Jaebum did not hesitate to drive over to you and bring you another one. He even installed it on the side of the road where your car was. It was if you couldn’t catch a break, but you weren’t going to lie; you enjoyed having excuses to see Jaebum again. His presence was like a breath of fresh air and every time you had to leave him, you felt like your life was colorless and dull. 
He was always very kind and patient with you, he even tried his best to console you the minute your battery died because he could tell in your voice that you were freaking out. Even when he arrived to your location, he pulled you in to his embrace and cautiously rubbed your back in attempts to get you to calm down. His arms were so comforting and you missed the feeling of them practically swallowing your body entirely. With each and every time you needed his assistance, he would always give you a knowing smirk and remind you that maybe it was time to get yourself a new car. 
You didn’t fail to notice the way that Jaebum would steal glances from you every so often, and how he was quite gentle with you than he was with other clients. Even when he hugged you that day, there was something with the way he placed his chin on top of your head while running his fingers through your hair that made you feel as if he didn’t act this way towards just anybody. When you told your assumptions to your best friend, the older boy laughed in your face. 
“Jaebum? Like you? Hahahaha! Don’t make me laugh y/n—oh. You were being serious. Don’t take it the wrong way, you’re beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend. It’s just—Jaebum doesn’t date. Or at least I’ve never seen him in a relationship before. That guy is married to his job—hell he’s married to the cars he fixes. Maybe he’s just being friendly since you’re my best friend. It’s been a month since I first sent you his way. Don’t you think he would’ve made a move on you by now?” 
Although his words sent a jab to your heart, he was right. If Jaebum reciprocated your feelings for him, he would’ve done something about it a long time ago. You knew BamBam didn’t mean any harm, but hearing him say things like that was a slap in the face by reality that you were nothing to Jaebum but a nuisance. Someone who was too stubborn to pay for a new car and had to keep wasting Jaebum’s time when he could be doing something more important. 
You did whatever you could to make sure you no longer needed his help, but life never seemed to be on your side. You were sitting in line at a drive through when the cutest little elderly man came up to you and pointed out to you that your back tire was looking pretty low. Once you got your food, you pulled to the side and contemplated your next move. As much as you didn’t want to bother Jaebum, you didn’t know what to do. 
“What’s up y/n, everything okay?” You released a frustrated sigh at the thought of why you were calling him in the first place. 
“Hey. Sorry to bother you again but car has a flat tire and I have no idea what to do.” You heard him giggle softly through the phone and the sound alone made you calm down. Something about Jaebum’s laugh made you want to laugh yourself. He had one of those contagious laughs that could even get a mime to crack a smile. It was the most beautiful sound in the world, you were sure of it. 
“That’s why you have me. Where are you? Are you in a safe location? Can you send me a picture of your tire? Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you?” Your heart warmed at all of his questions. The fact that he seemed genuinely worried about you made you blush like a schoolgirl. “I’m fine. I was at Jack in the box when someone told me my tire was flat. I’m currently in their parking lot just eating my soggy curly fries and cursing myself for not listening to either you or BamBam about finally getting a new car.”
“Hey, as much as I want to tell you I told you so, now is definitely not the time. I’ll be there in fifteen. Save some of those soggy fries for me.” After you hung up the phone, you decided to kill time by playing some games. You even ran inside and bought him something to eat as your way of thanking him for having to leave work again to come help you. When he arrived less than ten minutes later, you were quick to pick up on the car he was driving. It wasn’t his truck, was he maybe taking someone else’s car for a test run? 
“Hey, I’m glad to see that you’re all in one piece, I was worried. It’s a shame your cars not.” Every time he had to come help you out, he always made a joke about how shitty your car was and if it were anyone else, you’d probably fight them. But because it was Jaebum, you allowed him to constantly make fun of you and the fact that your car was a piece of junk. You handed him over the bag of food to which he thanked you and playfully wiggled his brows at you. 
“You know this doesn’t count right? I’m still expecting dinner at Kobe steakhouse.” You playfully rolled your eyes and it’s as if he knew your next move so he immediately moved away. The two of you were extremely playful with one another and you would always end up hitting him whenever he made a joke about you but it was all in good fun. He began snacking on a few French fries before taking a look at your tire. 
“Oh shit. Oh yeah that’s bad. You know something y/n?”
“At first, I was sure your car was cursed. Sure, it’s 17 years old, so it’s expected to be a little run down. But I’ve had customers bring in cars from the 90’s and they drive perfectly fine. So I couldn’t help but think that maybe you purposely mess around with your car so that you have an excuse to come and see me.”
Although you loved every chance you got to see the handsome boy, you weren’t crazy enough to go to the lengths of practically killing your car. Did he really think you would waste hundreds of dollars by purposely breaking down your own car just so you could see him? He must’ve lost his mind. As you were about to open your mouth and fight back against what he said, he connected your lips with his. 
His lips were hot and rough against yours and his hands were quick to cup both your jaw and neck. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip before bringing it in between his teeth, nonverbally asking for entrance. Once you felt his tongue against yours, you were quick to release a soft moan and gently tugged on his soft locks. To your dismay, he pulled away in order to catch his breath and took a good look at you before hiding his face in the juncture of your neck. 
“I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t flutter every time I saw your name pop up on my phone although, I hated the thought of you in an unfortunate situation and I would always get worried because you’re usually alone whenever something goes wrong with your car. I’ve liked you from the day we went to lunch the first time and you practically snorted on your soda at something I said. You’re extremely beautiful you know that? I have a hard time trying to keep myself from looking at you. And you’re so fun to be around. Albeit a little clumsy, stubborn and irresponsible, but it makes you unique and honestly I really like those things about you.” He picked one of your hands up and began leaving a few kisses on the back of it. 
“Wait, you kissed me before confessing or even trying to see how I felt. Were you planning on seeing how things would go? Or did you just so happen to catch me practically drooling over you every now and then?” He let out a snicker and shook his head. 
“A little birdie called me last night and told me that you were talking to him about me and whether or not I had feelings for you.”
“That asshole. He told me he had no clue and that you were only being friendly with me. I didn’t think you liked me back, you never really talk to me unless something’s wrong with my car.”
Jaebum couldn’t help the laugh that fell from his lips as he saw your brows furrow in frustration. “Nobody knows how I feel about you. Look how quick BamBam was to admit that you liked me! If I were to tell him anything for that matter, it would probably be on the news less than an hour later. He’s one of the biggest blabber mouths there is babe. And I’m actually shit when it comes to these things. Trust me, every time you would text me, it took a lot of willpower not to go deeper in to the conversation. I love talking to you. There were so many days where I had the urge to call you and just talk about nothing. You make me really happy y/n. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Whenever you came in, I couldn’t help the stupid grin that would stay on my face for the entirety of the day. My employees wouldn’t stop looking at me funny. Is it wrong that I would sometimes hope something were to happen to your car just so you would come in?” 
You scoffed before stealing a kiss from the corner of his mouth. “And you call me crazy. You’re just as head over heels for me as I am for you punk ass.” He took a bite out of the sandwich you bought him and motioned for you to follow him. You noticed how he took out the keys from the car he drove in and handed them to you. It’s as if he knew you were about to ask him a question and beat you to it. 
“This is your new car. It’s not much, but it’s a lot better than the one you have now. Someone brought it in the other day because they had no use for it and so I decided to fix it up and planned on giving it to you. Take good care of it okay? As much as I love seeing you come in to my shop, I don’t want you having any more problems with your car.” 
Your jaw dropped in awe and a few tears fell from your cheeks. You couldn’t believe that he was giving you a new, well, used car but in way better condition than the one you had now. He could’ve sold it or donated it but yet he fixed it up with the intention of giving it to you. What did you do in your past life do deserve him? He wasn’t quite ready when you practically jumped on him, but his reflexes were quick as he wrapped your legs around his waist and held you by your thighs. You began leaving wet kisses all around his face before finally bringing your lips to his. When you felt him smile in to the kiss, you returned the same ministration. 
“Thank you so much Jaebum. Ugh you’re so amazing you know that? I really don’t know how I can pay you back for all that you’ve done to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He smiled against your neck and placed you back on the ground before intertwining your fingers together and leading you over to your old car to get your things. 
“You can repay me by going out with me on a date. Tonight, if you’re free.” You nodded in agreement while hiding his face in your chest. However, before you could get comfortable, you felt something wet against your cheek. 
“Ew babe did you just get finished working on the car? You’re sweaty!” He scoffed before playfully slapping your butt earning himself a surprised moan. 
“You want to give me another reason to get sweaty baby? Ow—there are other ways you can show me how thankful you are without having to hit me y/n. Unless you’re in to stuff like that I’m all for getting rough—hey—where are you going silly girl? Babe! Get back here y/n! And don’t eat my fries you bought those for me!”
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 3.3
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 4, 479
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for 7 months now. Tommy and Aliena have worked out a bargain on how he should be dealing with his PTSD. Will it help him? Or will it just make everything awkward? Also, she travels to London with Ada, but ends up making a new acquaintance. 
A/N: This chapter and 3.2 are both considered extras. You can move onto chapter 4 without really reading them. I honestly wrote chapter 4 before 3.2 and 3.3. So, that will explain why Ch. 4 is a little different. THANKS FOR READING!
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“Ali, wake up.”
Instantly, me eyes opened and Tommy was there towering over me with his hand on me shoulder.
“What?” I asked, kind of annoyed.
“Get in the bed. You have about 30 more minutes before you need to get up, all right?”
All I heard was get in the bed. 
Say no more, sir, I will! 
With me feet, I launched meself into his bed and pulled the covers over me body. Me left arm and neck ached like a mother, but I was determined to go back to sleep.
Through squinted eyes, I watched him leave and once he did, I closed me eyes. 
When me eyes opened again, I checked the clock. I only had a minute left to myself. I sighed tiredly. I ruffled the front of me hair, playing with it a little bit then hauled myself up. I made up Tommy’s bed, then left. 
I opened the door to me room, went in, and immediately walked to the mirror. I looked at me bruises. There was literally like no change. I sucked on me teeth before looking away. 
‘What the kinel am I going to do now?’
I didn’t have another turtleneck dress. I huffed while shuffling through me clothes. There was absolutely nothing in me closet that would cover me neck. I picked a dress that had like a “mid-necklike.” It didn’t cover it fully, but it got most of it. 
I got down on me knees, laid flat on the ground, and then pulled out me suitcases from under the bed. I opened them both up. I rummaged to find anything that resembled scarfs, and Lady Luck was on me side today ‘cause I found a couple! 
I smiled in delight and chose the one that went best with me pale pink dress. I put it on, put back all the items I took out, and slid them underneath me bed. I got up only to take off the scarf because I had to do me hair. 
Once I was done, I went downstairs. Polly was there, drinking her morning tea. 
“G’morning, Pol.” I said while aiming for the stove.
“Mornin’, Ali.” Polly replied, “Today, I need you to go to get groceries.”
I nodded, but then it struck me. Lizzie’s been getting the groceries for John. I hummed while looking at Pol. 
I started. “So, Polly about John’s groceries...?”
“Last time I got them, the house was already packed.”
“What?” She asked loudly. I heard her cup clink on the table.
“Yeah. I think John found ‘imself a woman.”
“No shit!” Polly huffed before laughing. “Finally! I mean those kids of his have been needing a mother, Ali. They can’t have just you. Besides, you’re the nanny. Oh, I hope it’s someone who won’t break his heart. Did you see her?”
I couldn’t exactly lie to her outright. I mean this woman can tell when Tommy is lying, you think I’m gonna be the exception? Nah.
I nodded. “She had short black hair and was tall. Not taller than ‘im, but way taller than me. Like way taller.”
I heard her light a match then a puff. She chuckled. “Aliena, sorry to break it to you, but everyone is taller than you. Finn will end up passing you in a year!” 
Oh, did that make her laugh!
I looked at her from the corner of me eye and made a “tch” sound. 
She walked over to me with her arms open, so she could hug me. “Oh, I’m sorry. But you have to admit it. How short are you again?”
“5 feet.” I grumbled.
“What-? What was that?”
“5 feet.” I said clearer this time, but still soft.
Pol stepped away from me and patted my head. 
“Ali, you’re only 5 feet?” Ada yelled while coming into the room. 
I groaned loudly. I whispered to myself, “For fuck’s sake!” 
“Yep, I’m only 5 feet and a quarter of an inch.” I said loudly.
A chair scraped against the floor. “Huh, how about that! I thought that you had to have been, what, 5’2. But, 5 feet, wow!”
“Yeah, shut it.” 
Ada had a smug smile. I put her food down in front of her and then Polly’s. I had to finish making me own scran. Ada and Polly were talking. I was just swaying while cooking. 
“Aliena, how would you like to have the day off?” Polly asked.
I twirled ‘round to face her. “Really?” The excitement practically dripped from me voice. 
“Yeah. You and Ada should go into the city. Have a girls day! I’ll take care of the kids today.”
Me gaze shifted to Ada. Me excitement gone. She avoided me eyes. I sighed. “Okay, then! Thanks so much, Polly!”
I was halfway done with me scran when Polly got up and put her dishes in the sink. She walked over to the both of us and rubbed our shoulders before heading off. 
I waited ‘til I heard the door slammed shut and then kicked Ada under the table. 
“What the hell are you roping me into, Ada?” It’s hard to shout and whisper at the same time! She wouldn’t look at me. “Is this about Freddie?”
Her eyes practically bulged out of her head. I poked the inside of me cheek with me tongue, folded me arms, and leaned back against me chair. 
“Fuck, Ada! What do you need me for?”
“Pol has been watching me lately! She’s not falling for my stories, so I figured I’d start telling her that I want to spend days off with you. And hey, you get paid leave!” She smiled before getting up and putting her dishes in the sink. “C’mon. I’ll be with you ‘till the afternoon.”
I smoothed out me forehead, resting me elbows on the table.
I muttered. “You’re lucky that I needed to go and buy some new clothes.” I stabbed the fork in me omelet.
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Ada and I took a train to London. We looked ‘round a few stores, but we were talking so much that I kept forgetting to buy clothes. True to her word, Freddie came to pick her up after we ate lunch. I was left all alone after that, sitting at a table sipping on hot chocolate. 
Yeah, don't care for coffee or tea. So, I opt for hot chocolate. Luckily, it was always cold here, so I get to feel validated!
After finishing me drink, I went back into some of the stores that Ada and I went into. I bought three new dresses that had a turtleneck. I also bought two regular dresses and a nightgown. I would have bought some undergarments, but they were just too different and difficult for me to like understand. They did have cup sizes and yeah! I'm not going to explain it. I'm gonna need Polly or Ada for that adventure. 
To be frank, walking around with no supervision was terrifying and liberating at the same time. I was deathly afraid of the possibility of a man dragging me into an alleyway and mug me or... yeah. However, it was also one of me rare moments where I'm being independent. 
I was in London on me bill!
I was walking around with me new threads when I was tapped on me shoulder. 
"Excuse me, can you help me?" The girl said with an American accent. She was absolutely beautiful despite the fact she looked absolutely bladdered.
"Ye wha?" I slipped out. 
I shook me head and said. "Sorry, um, I said Pardon. What did you need?"
She chuckled. "Oh, okay! You know I've never heard that accent before. Where's it from?"
As I answered I started taking in her appearance with more detail. 
She had dirty blonde hair. "Liverpool. It's Liverpudlian. I can do an American accent, if you can't understand me!"
She was at least 2 to 3 inches taller than me and her eyes were blue. 
"Really! I mean you don't have to do it, but I'd love to hear it." 
She was quite thin. Her breasts were large, probably bigger than mine. Her body shape might be a pear like mine or maybe an hourglass. 
I started to talk with an American accent. "Um, I don't know what to say. So, I'll just say Hi and how are you?"
Her makeup was smeared. Her eyes resembled a raccoon's and her lipstick dragged from the corner of her lip to the middle of her cheek. She had her heels in one hand, leaving her barefoot. Her hair had previously been kept up, but it was now mostly undone. 
She giggled. "Oh my god! It's so good! Have you ever been to America? Is that why you're so good at it?"
I nodded. My analysis was over. "I lived there practically my whole life. I learned how to do this to like blend in. Kids are pretty vicious."
"Ugh! Adults too! I always get shit just because I don't have an English accent. I mean I wasn't born here, what do you expect? My dad was born here, though. We came here after my mom died and then he became an MP. So, I'm basically stuck here with no real fucking friends!"
She hummed while picking at the dirt under her fingernails. Then, she clapped and snapped her fingers. "Right! Can you help me get to the Ritz Hotel?" 
I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I can help you. Follow me. You were going the wrong direction, love." 
I heard her mutter, "Fuck." 
We started walking to the Ritz. 
"So, what's your name? I'm Cassiopeia Johnson. But everyone just calls me Cassie."
"Aliena Welsh. So far my nickname has been Ali." 
"Did you have a different nickname?"
"A friend who I considered to be my best friend used to call me Rosie. She said she would know I was coming because I brought the scent of roses with me." I smiled at the thought. It was a true story. The girl who I considered to be my best friend back home gave me that nickname because I would always buy rose fragrant stuff. 
"How come she still isn't your best friend? Did you guys have a fight?"
"No, actually. It was because I moved here. It was a sudden move. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to her." I pretended to be saddened as I looked down at me hands. 
Cassie put a hand on me shoulder. "Why don't you send her a letter or something?"
I shook me head before meeting her concerned gaze. "She's off becoming a nurse. I don't want to interrupt her with my drama."
She hummed and removed her hand from me shoulder. 
"So, how far are we exactly from the hotel?" Cassie asked me. 
I hummed as I wondered. "I think about 20 blocks. That's about a mile, I think."
She groaned loudly. "Fuck! God, that lame party was not worth all this." Cassie rubbed her face with one hand. 
I smiled at the sight.  
"How old are you, Ali?"
"I'm 16. I'll be turning 17 in January."
"Oh, really! How nice. I'm 17 too! I'm gonna be 18 in February. When? What day were you born? Maybe we have the same zodiac sign!"
I chuckled at her peppy attitude, I just told her me age and she forgot within a split second. "January 24th."
"This can't be real. Mine's the 10th! We're both Aquariuses. This has to be fate or something!" She clasped her hands together as if she was gonna pray. 
That's when I gave her a face. I haven’t been around this much energy in a while!
She saw and stopped. "Sorry. I had a lot to drink last night."
I shook my head. "No, you're fine. It's just been a while since I've been around someone so cheerful. And someone who is crazy about horoscopes and zodiac signs. I had another friend who was like that. She used to swear up and down that she was an Gemini even though she was actually a Aries. I think her zodiac sign was correct."
Cassie nodded and smiled. "So, do you live here in London?" Her tone was meek and she kept twisting her hands. 
"No. I live in Small Heath, Birmingham." 
There was a slight silence after that. 
"Well," Cassie said, "you know where I'm staying at, so maybe if you want to chat sometime? We could?" Her face was red. 
I laughed. "Yeah, I'd love to hang out. I work almost all week, though, so that'll be hard."
"You have a job?" She asked, quite shocked might I add. 
"Yeah. My parents are dead, so I have to fend for myself. My bosses gave me a room in their house."
"That's just-! Wow! You know I always thought about teaching kids, or working in a flower shop if I ever needed to work. What is it that you do?"
"I'm a nanny-slash-maid. I take care of one of my employer's kids. I make sure they are fed, clothed, bathed. I teach them how to read and write. Then, I make sure that all my employers are fed and that the house all of us live in is clean. I don't do all of the cleaning in the house in its entirety. I get help from my female boss. Her name's Polly. Yeah, she basically splits up the work for me." While talking, I was gesturing with me hands and nodding me head a lot. 
"Are they nice?"
"Yeah. Of course, they are. They have to be nice, if they don't want spit in their food." I looked at her and stuck out me tongue. We both laughed. 
Cassie grabbed me arm and linked them together. 
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When I finally managed to deliver her to the hotel, she offered me a ride home. I took her offer. I had to wait for her to get dressed properly, though. 
"So, you live here by yourself?" I shouted since she was in the shower. 
"Yeah! I come here really on the weekends, or when I don't want to be near my dad! But believe me, Angelica's room is so much bigger." Cassie shouted over the running water. 
"Who's Angelica?"
"Angelica Sallow! She's the daughter of Earl William Sallow! She's also been my friend here since I arrived. She's a nice enough girl, to be completely honest, but I don't know. She's so stuck up. She always goes on and on about never getting married. Or, the man needs to realize that he's beneath her for the relationship to work. I swear I pity the poor soul who falls for her. And God, don't even get me started on her shadow!" Cassie walked out with a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped her hair. 
I was sitting on a lounge chair with me feet up. "Too late, love! You already started. Get on with it!"
Cassie walked to her closet. "The name is Christiana King. She is the granddaughter of a Viscount. Angelica and Christiana have been since childhood, and it's known among high society that wherever Angie goes Tina is not too far." 
I made the word "Wow" with my lips, but didn't say anything. 
"I know right." Cassie said while buttoning up her dress. "Sometimes, I get the feeling that they are more than just friends. If you get what I'm saying." 
I instantly tensed up. The next thing she says will determine if I ghost her or not. "And so what if they were?"
She shrugged. "I think it's Tina that likes Angie. But Angie is straight, she's been with a guy or two in secret. Meanwhile, Tina has never been with one! Even if they wanted to be in a relationship, they probably never could. High Society is too strict about a woman's image for them not to be married off. Or, they’ll have to be married off for political gain."
She passed. 
"That's true. Poor Tina, then."
"Yes, poor Tina. You know, I've talked more to you than anyone else these past few years. I mean it's so easy to open up to you."
I nodded as I had me head tipped back on the chair. "Well, it's easier for people to rant when it's to a stranger." No consqeunces, usually.
Cassie laughed. "Oh, come now! Don't say that! We're not strangers anymore. I've told you loads of things." She paused for a moment. "I know, it's because you haven't shared anything. How about you get something off your chest?"
I brought me head back up and faced her. I had to sit on me knees in the chair to look at her though.
We talked the whole walk too. I felt a real bond with her. I mean if we decide to stay friends, then she'll be me first one here.
 "Alright!" I said. "Let's see… Oh, well I find one of my bosses attractive."
Cassie gasped. "No way!"
"Yep! Oh, Cassie, if you'd only seen him. He is so fit! His eyes are so dreamy and his cheekbones are so defined!"
"Aliena, how old is he?"
"He's 28. We're 12 years apart."
"Huh, not too bad. By my luck, I'll never meet a decent guy and will be married to a guy three times my age."
"Eee!" I exclaimed in disgust. 
She gave me the same face. 
"Well, are you gonna pursue him?" She asked while doing her makeup. 
"I don’t want to make the first move. Plus, I'd doubt he'd even see me in that way. He's not exactly an open book, ya know. So, you have to be slow and patient with him. He's barely let me in like a month ago and we've known each for seven months now. But you know what, that makes sense. I mean the man is 28 and if we did get chummy fast, that would've been weird, to say the least."
"That's true. But can't say it would be illegal. Age of consent is 16 here."
"Maybe so, but it goes against a lot of social constructs and moral values and ethical principles of our modern society."
We both hummed. 
"Would you mind being with a 28 year old?" I asked. 
"Nope. I wouldn't even mind a 38 year old as long as he was good-looking and wealthy." She smiled at me through the mirror. 
Me mouth fell open in shock. The corners of me mouth turned into a smile. "Cassie, you're my fucking soulmate!"
We started having a big 'ol laughing fit. 
When we calmed down, I said. "But I'm still not going to do anything! I admit he's very attractive, but he is my boss. I need this job and helping him find happiness is completely fine with me."
"Aw, aren't you a saint!" Cassie exclaimed, quite sarcastically. 
"Was that sarcasm, Cassie?"
She stuck her tongue out at me. 
I scoffed playfully! “Oh, I don’t play with sarcasm!"
I leaped for her and she screamed. Let's just say the fight ended in a draw. Yeah, a nice tie!
When we finished, we went down and Cassie had her car running to take me home. I felt pity for the driver who was probably waiting for a good two hours. 
'I've done this loads of times. I've relinquished all of me troubles and secrets to a person who claims they want to be me bestest of all best friends, only for us never to contact each other again. It's disappointing, but again- I'm used to it.'
I hopped out of her car and waved her goodbye. 
"Next time, I won't go for the back of your knees!" Cassie yelled. 
"Ta' even though we both know that's a cheap shot." 
She stuck her tongue at me and I did the same. Then, she left and I watched. A weird pit in me stomach formed. 
'It sucks to get used to something so sad. I really just wanted that movie trope kind of best friend, but I never had it before. I wanted Cassie to be it. But only time will tell.'
I sighed heavily, kicking a pebble before turning around and unlocking the door. I heard the sound of shoes against the floor, but I didn't pay attention to it. 
“And where the fuck have you been?” Polly shouted.
Me eyes almost came out of me head. She was yelling at me.
“Do you realize what time it is? Do you?”
“I, uh. Innit about 8?”
“It’s 10 pm, Aliena. 10 pm!”
I pursed me lips while looking down at me shoes. “Oh…” I let out a nervous chuckle.
“Oh. All she says is ‘Oh’.”
Tommy cleared his throat. “Ali, Ada said she lost you while youse were shopping. What ‘appened?”
I looked at Ada. She was biting her nails with her gaze trained away from me. 
The little-!
I sighed, tightly closing me eyes before making up at lie. “Yeah, something caught me eye at a different shop. I just went out of the shop we were in without even realizing it. When I went back, she was already gone. Then, there was this girl who needed help with directions and I helped her out and I made a friend. She gave me a ride home.” I was switching me weight on each leg, bouncing like a divvy.
Thomas sighed. A ciggie in his hands. “There you have it, Pol. She made a friend.”
The crowd dispersed while Polly walked over to me. She put her hands on me arms. “Never run off by yourself like that again. Understand me?” She said.
I nodded. “Never again.”
Polly pulled me into her arms and hugged me. 
“Go on. Go to bed.” She pushed me towards the staircase while a hand flew to her mouth, covering it.
I did as she wanted.
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I was just abar done brushing out the tangles in me hair when there was a knock on me door. 
“Come in.” I said.
The door opened ‘n Tommy walked in. I gave him a tight lipped smile.
He cleared his throat. “Are we doing this therapy thing t’night, or?”
“Yeah. Yep.” I put down me hairbrush and started walking toward him.
Tommy curtly nodded, turned ‘round, and walked into his room. 
I’m not going to lie. It was very awkward. 
Very stiffy, he sat down on his bed while I stood there, kinda just watchin’. Then, he rolled over to his side and laid down. 
Once he did, I found me same spot. I sat down at his bedside, me arms folded and resting on a sliver of space on the bed. 
I barely opened me mouth to start talking when I was rudely interrupted. 
“No. I don’t like this. Get on the bed. I can’t have you falling asleep there like last time.” 
He grabbed me arms and started pulling me into the bed. 
I reflexively snickered. “Wait! Wait.”
“What?” He asked with his beautiful, enchanting eyes staring up at me. 
I was standing on me knees on the bed, his hands still on me arms. 
“Can I be on the other side?” I asked.
He blinked rapidly. “Why?”
“I don’t like sleepin’ so close to the door. If someone comes in, you’ll die first, then me.” I shook me head as if that was the most obvious piece of information that everyone knew.
Tommy laughed. He actually laughed at me. “Yeah, whatever. Fine by me.”
He let go of me arms and started shuffling back to where he originally laid. I, on the other hand, climbed over his lap to get where I wanted. 
Once I was there, I sat criss-cross applesauce style with me hands in me lap. It was just for safety reasons. I didn’t want him to accidentally see me undies. 
A silence enveloped the room.
I huffed before deciding to start talking. “Ok! The friend I made today was a girl around my age. Her name is Cassie ‘n she’s staying at the Ritz Hotel. It’s a real classy joint. Made me feel small, but whatever. She’s really air-headed like I coulda been a thief and nicked some of her stuff, but she let me into her room without a thought. But, you know a lot of people back home always told me that I looked really innocent despite me ‘aving a resting bitch face.” 
Tommy snorted.
“It’s not funny!” I pushed him. “Kids at school wouldn’t talk to me ‘cause I intimidated them. Anyway, she told me that her dad is an MP.” His eyes darted to meet me own.
 I scoffed and pushed him again. “You liked that bit, didn’t cha? Geez. Focus on going to sleep, dummy. Close your eyes. Go on! Close them.”
Tommy scooted his body down and did as I said.
“She was really nice. I don’t know if we’ll actually be friends, though. It would be nice. We got along really well, but could’ve been fake. You never really know when people are fake until after you shared a moment with them, if that makes any sense? Yeah.”
I didn’t know what to say after that, so I started to hum for a little while. 
“Oh, I’ll try singing a song. And before you try resisting, it’s not any song that you would know. So, just shut up and listen.” 
Just then an evil thought ran across me mind.
‘I’m not gonna lie. I’m dying in the inside!’
“Happy or sad, Tommy?” Me nails were digging into me palms. I was trying so hard not to tick. It would either be a bunch of snaps or I’ll clap me hands wildly. However, I didn’t stop the grin on me face.
His eyes never opened. “Sad.” 
I instantly hated meself ‘cause the way this man said that one simple word broke me heart. 
I cleared me throat and racked me mind for a sad song. I couldn’t really decide on one, so I went with my default which was “Bitches Broken Hearts” by Billie Eilish. I went onto sing “Crazy” by Patsy Cline and “Summertime Sadness” by Lana Del Rey. Then, I sang “I’m Not The Only One” by Sam Smith, and let me tell you even though I had fun singing it- it was still embarrassing ‘cause me voice kept cracking at some of the high and low notes. 
I sang “ilomilo” by Billie Eilish. For me unexpected “final” song, I sang “The One That Got Away” by Katy Perry. 
Even though I was sure he was asleep, I still sang until it was more yawns than lyrics. The difference was that I was singing anything I wanted. Since I was already singing Katy Perry, I sang “Teenage Dream.” 
Me final song was “Boyfriend” by Best Coast. I gave up halfway, laid down, and fell asleep.
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston​ @nemesis729​
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tf2-parqcxsm · 4 years
Demoman x Reader: After a Long Fight
a request from one of my favorite writers from wattpad. enjoy some demo love!
You woke up to the sound of creaking. You fluttered your eyes open, your vision immediately met the bright light that was coming out from the window. It looked like the sun had already rosen up, a few clouds barely doing their job to cover the sunlight. Squinting your eyes, you rolled over to the other side of the bed, reaching for someone to wrap your arm around. But your arm merely slouched off and landed on the bed. You fully opened your eyes and saw that nobody was there beside you.
Confused about the absence of a warm body, you sat upright. You looked around and your sight landed on your lover, who was standing in front of the cabinet. He must be preparing to go to work.
A frown crept its way on your face. He was going to leave early. "Tavish?" You called out softly, to which he responded quickly and turned around to while he was putting on his belt. As soon as he laid his eye on you, he grinned cheekily. "Mornin', lass. Did I wake ye up?" He questioned you, and you shook your head. "No. You're going to work already?"
The Scot noticed the sad tone in your voice. He knew you hated being alone for hours. "That's right, lass. That old hag who yells at us while we fight called as soon as I woke up." He explained, then almost immediately he perked his head up towards your direction. "But don't ye worry! I'll come back once we're done kicking the enemy's asses." He walked to you and sat down, putting his huge hands on your face and playing with your cheeks. You couldn't help but giggle while he held you softly in his touch. You opened your mouth to say something, but Tavish already planted his lips against yours, shutting you up completely.
The feeling of his rough lips suddenly making contact with your soft ones caught you in surprise, but your shoulders quickly slacked off and you melted into the dancing process. He was gentle in kissing you, tilting his head to give you more space to move around. Your hands brought themselves up and snaked around his neck, keeping him close to you. He pulled away for a breath of air, his hands still on your face, holding them ever so tenderly. He smiled when he saw the blush that had taken form on your cheeks.
"Yer breath smells terrible."
Your eyes widened. "Wh- TAVISH!!" You hit his chest jokingly and kicked him away from you, while he laughed contagiously.
He really had to ruin the mood.
"Anyway, I'll be going. Make sure to brush yer teeth!" He said teasingly with a cocky grin on his face. You turned your gaze away, grumpily crossing your arms, which he laughed at. He thought you were adorable. "I love ye!" He said one last time before closing the door.
"...I love you too." You responded, slightly delayed. A sad sigh came out of your lips, now you were all alone again. You always felt lonely and bored whenever your Scottish boyfriend goes away for work. You basically had nothing to do in the house except to watch TV and eat. But those were the boring stuff! It's always exciting with Tavish.
You shook away the thoughts. You didn't want to be sad for the whole day. Standing up from the bed, you made your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth just like he reminded you to do. Right now, it was a new day to start off with.
For the next several hours, you decided to go out and buy a few groceries. You fumbled on your house keys as the heavy grocery bags swayed off from your arms. Once you've inserted the right key, you immediately dropped the bags on the table and walked upstairs, entering the bathroom. You needed to take a quick shower after being covered in sweat!
It only took you a few minutes before coming out of the bathroom with a towel around your body, the water was freezing cold and you didn't want to stay any longer. "Jeez, what a day." You mumbled to yourself as you approached the cabinet that contained your clothes, as well as your lover's. You stared at his clothes for a little bit. You snickered at the size difference, his shirts were huge compared to yours. You decided to wear one of his shirts, so you can show it off to him and capture his attention. They looked baggy on you, but Tavish would always think you're cute in them.
As you wore your shorts, you heard the sound of the front door closing. He must be back already! The thought excited you and you quickly ran downstairs. Maybe today wasn't a bad day, after all.
Arriving in the living room, you didn't expect to see Tavish rummaging through the fridge.
You smiled at the sight. "You're early." You crossed your arms and leaned against the railing of the stairs, Tavish jumped at the sound of your voice, hitting his head on one of the shelves. You half-heartedly laughed at his silly action.
He swiftly turned around with a terrified expression, but when he saw you, it dissolved to a more relieved one. "Oh, (Y/n), it's just ye, lass." He said with a relieved tone as he closed the fridge door, a light slamming sound barely heard when it made contact with the huge appliance. He stretched out his arms upwards as he moaned a sleepy grunt. Once his arms dropped at his sides, his body swayed even though he's merely staying at one spot. "Did ye need somethin'?" He asked with a clearly drunk tone.
You couldn't bring yourself to bring up the topic, but you definitely felt your cheeks perking up, a smile making its appearance on your face. Shaking your head, you walked towards the counter that separated you and Tavish. You brought your upper body to the height of the counter, you then placed your arms on it as you kept your focus on your lover. "No, but what I do need to know is why you smell like alcohol." As you finished your sentence, you narrowed down your eyes to give him a suspicious look. He looked at you silently for a quick moment before bringing his hand up and putting up a finger. He seemed ready to say something as his mouth was open.
What you weren't expecting was that he would suddenly boop your nose. You were taken aback at the unanticipated action, he chuckled loudly at your astonished face. He used that same finger he used to boop you, to point it at you mockingly. "Ye think I'm drunk, don't ye?" The smug grin that always ticked you off had worn itself on his face again, and when you caught sight of it, a huff of frustration escaped your lips. "Well, that's how you always come back from work." You quickly shrugged your shoulders as you spoke.
Tavish shook his head, his shaking stopped as he looked to another direction. "Well, yea, I am drunk." In contrast to what he said, you rolled your eyes, but a small smile was still present on your facial features. "But not that kind'a drunk." His statement confused you. You tilted your head and knitted your eyebrows together, showing how confused you were at that moment. "What do you mean?" You asked simply, but Tavish didn't bother to answer at all. He merely neared towards you and knelt down to your height, and while you were too focused on him, he found the opportunity to gently grab your chin. His face got really close to yours, to the point you can feel each other's breaths.
You both had a staring contest before the moment broke. You would always get so invested in his stare, not that you do it intentionally, but you just can't help but feel helpless whenever you set your eyes on this man. Despite the fact that he lost his other eye, his chocolate-colored eye always struck you with countless spears and made you feel like you're floating in heaven.
He smirked when you were starting to stare off into space. He used this chance to whisper in your ear and say,
"I'm drunk from yer luv."
Once you snapped out of your senses, you suddenly felt the urge to laugh out loud. You moved away from him and gave him a bewildered look, he looked back at you with a wide grin. You stood up from your position and ran your hand through the side of your face. Scoffing a hearty laugh, you whined, "Oh my god, Tavish, you are sooo— lame!" At the same time, he was cackling loudly. You could have sworn you saw him slap his knee for a second.
"Haha! I know, right!" He forced himself to downgrade his laughter into soft chuckles. He wiped a tear away from his eye, probably from laughing too hard at his own joke. "That's why I'm so glorious, ain't I?" He did a terrible curtsy bow, which nearly made him stumble. You scrunched up your face and shook your head in disapproval. "Ew, corny." You jokingly said.
You heard an audible gasp coming from him. He brought his hand to his chest and looked at you in disbelief, acting like he was deeply hurt from your words. His dramatic reaction made you snicker. "That hurts, lass."
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" This time, it was your turn to mock him. You placed your hands on your hips and smiled teasingly at him. You awaited for his response while he tapped his chin in thought. Something must have popped in his mind when his face went from thoughtful to shocked and until a wide grin plastered itself there again. He brought his gaze to you and you tensed up at your spot. You immediately regretted the things you've said.
He was gonna launch at you.
"Tavish- Don't even- WAH!"
Before you knew it, Tavish threw himself over the counter. All you could do was yelp in surprise and brace yourself for any impact. It happened so quick that you didn't even feel his arms around you until you opened your eyes. That wide grin was still present on his face, now that you have the chance to take a closer look at him, he looked genuinely happy. "Heh! Gotcha!" He wiggled you around while he kept his grip on you.
You giggled to the movement, placing your hands on his chest after he stopped. Sharing another wholesome moment like that, you couldn't stay annoyed with him. You always appreciated the times when he would just make you laugh even with the most annoying ways possible. Still, you're grateful for being able to be with this guy.
He's your ideal man, after all.
You sighed lovingly, your thumb fondling with the belt that he's still wearing. "I'm just glad that you still come home even if you're tired." You murmured, although it was loud enough for him to hear. He smiled back at you, his hands making their way to hold your face — just like he did earlier this morning. His touch felt so gentle and soft, you were practically falling against his body.
He held your face to make you look at him. "I do it for ye, lass." He simply said. Your heart once again pumped when you heard those words. You felt yourself leaning into him, wanting to seal those lips of his with yours. He noticed this stance from you, mirroring your actions as he started to lean to you as well.
Not until you pushed him away with your hand. "Actually, maybe you should go shower first."
He groaned. "Augh, come onn..!" You giggled and brought him upstairs to share a shower with him. You wouldn't want to waste your relationship for something so cliché, why not spice it up a little?
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Valentine's Day | Shawn Mendes
“Valentine’s Day is always hard for some people that are single, but it’s harder you have a loved one that’s on another country, but lucky you, he always had his ways of making everything better”
Hiiii! I’m going to try to post this weekend other to Valentine’s Day oneshot, but the other two will be  one with Raul and the other with Peter, they’ll all be called the same {Valentine’s Day} and that’s it, hope you guys like it!
                                         Peter  |  Raul (coming soon)
Word Count: 3.7K+
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex and a lot of fluffy boyfriend material Shawn.
Posted: February 15th, 2020.
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  You love Shawn with every single cell in your body. I mean, how could you not? He’s everything anyone could possibly ever want. He’s the kindest, sweetest and most loving person you’ve ever met, he would literally run a marathon barefoot just to put a smile on your face and he would say that to anyone who was close enough to hear it. You’ve met him three years ago and been together practically all these time. You two met at a common friend’s birthday party and he couldn’t stop talking to you or trying so ridiculously hard to make you giggle just to hear it, at the end of the night, you had a date on the next day. And you couldn’t stop seeing him ever since and it was magical, for the first two months.
I mean, not that he changed or something, he’s still the same doofus cheesy 6’3 guy I fell for, it’s just that he’s not just Shawn, he’s Shawn fucking Mendes, a sweetheart with two identical brothers and a rockstar for a living.
The only thing that makes it hard is when he’s away. He tries his best to compensate with FaceTime calls and sending me surprise gifts and stuff, but that doesn’t make things easier. He also suffers from it, even though he doesn’t want me to see that or to think that, I know he does, his parents and friends told me that sometimes it gets harder for him and he just spends the hold day in a bad mood. But still, whenever he’s back from the road, everything’s better and it’s lime he never left. He clings to me like a giant teddy bear and follows me around like a lost puppy and I’d do anything he asks me with those hazel orbits and when he holds me, I just know things are going to be okay.
But right now, things don’t seem to be okay. 
I mean, between us, things are great, he’s been as present as he could as he was working his ass off in LA on his next album. But on the rest, it was all just a big mess. My parents are constantly screaming at each other due to a family thing on dad’s side, my brother left the house for college recently and wasn’t actually talking to anyone and work and college were trying to kill me, and the cherry on top was this  stupid project I had to finish and publish that was a huge part of my final grade. Everything’s falling apart and I haven’t been able to talk to my boyfriend for real for like, two days. I know it’s ridiculous, but I needed so bad just to hear him saying “you’re going to be okay, honey, you’re the smartest person I know”. But I can’t call him and stuff his head with my shitty problems, I don’t want to keep his mind away from his work. So I called his brothers instead.
Peter told me he could stop by at the end of the night if I felt like I needed help, and Raul offered to take me out to dinner to relax a bit since I’ve been going mad over this. And I love them for trying, but it’s simply not the same thing. So that’s why I’m sitting in Shawn’s living room (since he asked me to move in the past month and I did) surrounded by papers, textbooks and my computer on my lap, running my temples and trying to get some work going when my phone started ringing and my computer screen stopped working, Shawn’s face appeared all over it as he called me on FaceTime.
“Hey” I said as soon as I picked it up.
“Hey, baby, God, I missed your pretty face”
“You called me two days ago, weirdo”
“Still missed you tough”
“Okay, so... what’s up?”
“Hm, nothing, just got back to the apartment and I’m so tired and I miss you”
“I miss you too, kinda wish you were here”
“I’ll be back soon, I promise”
“I know” I said sighing and placing a few strands that fell of my messy bun behind my ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Just some stupid project”
“Apparently not that nice”
“No, it sucks, I have to submit it until noon”
“Uh, yeah”
“Oh shit, am I interrupting? Shit, I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t even considered the possibility of you being busy or something, I just needed to see you”
“No, hey, it’s okay, I was about to take a break, it’s okay”
“Sorry, I’m so sorry”
“Hey, bubs, it’s okay”
“Okay, so what are you doing tomorrow after submitting it?”
“I’m gonna go grab lunch with Peter and then work, probably later than I should, but you know my boss and his lovely situation with his ex, so he’ll probably keep us late due to Valentine’s Day to keep his mind busy, but after that, Raul is coming over for dinner since he’s single and you’re not here, Pete’s got a date”
“With that girl he likes?”
“Yeah, that’s the one”
“I think he’ll actually have something with her”
“So do I! He’s very happy whenever he talks to her or about her”
“He’s Peter”
“That’s true, what about you?”
“Me? Oh, just work stuff, I was curious about you to see if I could call you or something, but you seem to have way to many plans”
“No, you can call me after I leave work, I can text you, letting you know when I park or leave work so you can call me, Raul wouldn’t mind”
“I doubt that, but I don’t really care about what he thinks about it, text me when you leave work and I’ll call you”
“Okay, any new songs to show me?”
“Not yet, I want you to see only the finished product”
“You still love me” he sang song and I couldn’t stop myself from giggling at his boyish side.
“Bubs, I’m so sorry, but I gotta hang up, Kate’s calling me to help out with a thing I’m struggling with” I said sighing as my phone started ringing again.
“Hey, it’s okay, I should probably try to get some sleep, I have to be up early due to a meeting”
“Yeah, so should I but... Not finished, no sleeping” I said motioning to the paper on my lap.
“You should really try to sleep, honey, it’s late and I’m pretty sure the project is practically done, you’re just attached to details”
“Oh, you know me so well”
“Of course I do, I’m your boyfriend after all”
“That’s true, okay, I really gotta go now, Shawn, I’m so sorry”
“Don’t apologize, there’s nothing wrong, now stop worrying, add your finishing touches and go to bed”
“Okay, sir, goodnight”
“Goodnight, baby, I love you” he said chuckling.
“I love you too” I said smiling at the camera before hanging up, trying to call Kate back to get some help with some of the things I was not happy about before I could fall asleep.
Waking up on the other day was torturous since of the lack of sleep, but stepping outside was worse. I don’t get bitter on seeing other people happy, I really don’t, but seeing couples with flowers and holding hands broke my heart into a million pieces, because that was just a reminder that I wasn’t going to see Shawn for another week, which meant he was away for a month already. And it was everywhere.
When I was able to just hand my teachers a copy of the project and leave, it was like a thousand pounds left my shoulders and I could finally breath again, so I fished my phone from my pocket to text Shawn, but finding out he had already texted me early in the morning. This paper was eating me alive and I didn’t even noticed ‘till now.
“Hey, can you talk?” I said as soon as Shawn picked up the phone.
“Yeah, anything wrong?”
“No, everything went smooth apparently, I just left college and I’m going to meet up with Pete now”
“That’s great! Are you feeling better now?”
“So much better, I just called you to thank you for... I don’t know, being so supportive, I guess, and for texting me ‘good luck’ this morning”
“Oh, sure, that’s my job!”
“No it’s not, you’re just perfect and I fucking love you”
“Love you too, baby, but I gotta run now, I’m sorry”
“No, it’s okay, I’m sorry, I won’t hold you back”
“You don’t, relax for a bit, and thank you for calling me, I love hearing your voice, and soon I’ll hear it again personally”
“You’re too cheesy for your own goo, Mendes, goodbye” I said and I head his laugh through the phone, making me smile almost instantaneously.
“Bye, honey” he said hanging up.
The rest of the day was fine. Lunch with Peter is always amazing, he always now crazy and random facts about everything and he is way too sweet. Going to work sucked a bit cause my boss was being a bitch the whole day and just finding flaws were there weren’t any, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. When I left, I went to a grocery shop to buy some stuff for my dinner with Raul that he asked and sent a message to Shawn telling him I was going to be home in thirty minutes, and he replied with a simple ‘kay, baby, talk to you later’, which I found weird but tried not to read too much into it. He was probably busy anyways.
But what sucked was parking at the garage and calling Raul, only to find out he was not going to make it.
“Hey, Raul, I just got home and I can start the food if you want”
“Oh shit, I completely forgot to tell you”
“Tell me what?”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Y/N, but this kid come into work today and his situation is pretty bad, I can’t leave him alone, I’m so damn sorry, I... shit, I don’t even know what to say!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s not your fault and I’m not mad, you’re not bailing to go drink or something, you’re working and saving a child’s life, Raul, chill, dude, I’m not mad!”
“Thank you so much, you’re the best, I gotta go now, Y/N, again, I’m so incredibly sorry, thank you so much, bye” he said hanging up.
“Bye” I said into the empty lot and opening the door to grab my bags.
I pressed the button of the elevator and got in, holding the bags with one hand to text Shawn with the other one a quick ‘hey, Raul’s not coming, I’m at the elevator, you can call me anytime you can now xx’. When I got to my floor, my phone started ringing and it was Kate calling, so I picked it up.
“Hey, Y/N, are you busy?”
“No, it’s okay, how are you? By the way, thank you so much for the help yesterday, I really appreciate it” I said as I placed the phone between my cheek/ear and my shoulder to fish the keys in my bag.
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks, so... I’m calling you exactly because of the project”
“Oh really” I felt my heart going to a stop “something wrong?”
“The only think wrong with your project is in your extremely perfectionist brain, dummy”
“What do you mean, Kate?” I said finally being able to place the key on the lock and turn it.
“Bitch, you got an A, YOU GOT AN A, do you know what that means?! Your project is perfect! You don’t even need to do the test if you don’t want to! God, I hate you so much right now”
“Holy shit, Kate! Are you kidding me?! How do you know that?!”
“Mr. Saltzman just published the grades”
“I can’t believe it!”
“I know! And you know what happens to people who get an A on this thing?! YOUR ARTICLE IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED! I’m so damn proud of you”
“I can’t believe it” I said finally getting out of my trance with a wide smile on my face as I got into the condo, closing the door right behind me, still trying to balance everything I was holding and lock the damn door.
“I know, I mean...”
“Wait a second, Kate” I interrupted her as soon as I heard a noise coming from the empty apartment “I think I heard something.
“Is everything okay? Where are you?”
“I just got home and I heard something, but the door was locked, so I don’t know, it’s probably nothing, I’m just overreacting” I said as I paced to the kitchen to get rid of the grocery bags, my heels echoing on the empty rooms.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to come over?”
“No, it’s oka... shit” I said as I almost dropped my phone and I suddenly felt the bags being pulled from my arms  from behind, I was at the verge of losing my shit when I saw his reflex on the big window on his kitchen
Standing behind me was the 6’3 rockstar teddy bear that I got to call mine holding the bags that were almost falling from my arms for me as I just stared at him completely shocked. He just grinned at me through the reflection and I almost lost it, but kept frozen in place.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” Kate’s voice sounded clear now through the phone.
“Oh shit, sorry, Kate, I almost dropped my phone and I... I gotta go, I just found out Shawn’s home, I, I’ll talk to you later, bye” I said as I hung up, turning around in shock as I stared at him.
“Hi” he said barely louder then a whisper, placing the bags on the counter and picking up the bouquet of tulips that he picked up from the counter.
I couldn’t even understand what was happening, but my body decided to take the natural lead and jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face on his neck. He quickly wrapped his arms around me to keep me off the ground and in his embrace. I wrapped my legs around his torso and just took my time to process the information that he was actually here, with me. When I finally pulled back from his neck, I could only stare at his eyes that were already on me, with a look of pure love and adoration, so I just did what felt right, I crashed my lips on his. And all was right in the world again. The kiss was so passionate and so in sync that only made the fuzzy warm feeling I always have when I’m around him intensify a million times. I only noticed that I was crying when I felt his hand coming up to caress my cheek softly while his other arm kept me tightly in place.
“What the hell, Shawn?” I asked as soon as I pulled back for air.
“Hi, lover, I love you too and missed you lots”
“You do know I love you and you also know I missed you so bad, but what the hell? Weren’t you supposed to come home only in a week?”
“Well, that’s what everybody told you cause I asked them, you really thought I was going to leave you here alone in Valentine’s Day?!”
“Wait a second, Mendes, everybody knew you’re coming home today?!”
“Uh yeah?”
“So Raul wasn’t going to be with me at all?!”
“Nope” he said popping the ‘P’.
“Did he lie to me about being at work?”
“No, but he also never cancelled his shift today to be with you”
“So why the heck did he sent me grocery... is that why I have all the ingredients for chocolate chip muffins?!”
“Uh, maybe?” Shawn said with a sheepish smile on his face “don’t get mad at me, I wanted to surprise you”
“Mad at you? How could I be mad at you, bubs?”
“I don’t know, I can do some pretty stupid things”
“That’s true”
“Outch, you weren’t supposed to agree to that”
“Sorry, but I thought we didn’t lie to each other”
“Okay, I’m going back to LA” he said threatening to let me go.
“No! I’m kidding, I love you and you know I can never get mad at you, cause even though you make same stupid things, they’re never harmful and always innocent, so no, I’m not mad at you”
“Good, cause I have a whole night planned”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t like to go out, so I grabbed your favorite Italian dish, you bought the wine, I’ve set up our room, we can take a bath and then cuddle while we watch Harry Potter or Grey’s Anatomy and eat our food, then we’ll go to bed and I’ll cuddle the fuck out of you”
“You’re so weird, dude” I said and he chuckled, placing me on the ground again, but still not letting go of me.
“Yeah? Then why are still with me?”
“Because you’re the Shawn Mendes” I said and he laughed holding me tighter.
“Is that all?”
“Well, pretty much, of course, you’re pretty and stuff, but yeah, your career is all that matters to me”
“Thought it was my bank account... so if I go ugly and my voice disappears you’ll dump me?”
“Obviously” I said tapping his strong chest playfully and he held my wrists, bringing my hands up to kiss they’re back, so I took the opportunity to cup his jaw gently “but for real now, I don’t care if you loose your career, bank account and all your hair, it wouldn’t change a thing for me. Of course it’s amazing to be dating someone who gets to play in sold out arenas and travel around the world with a guitar case in his hands, you’re really talented and I’ve told you a million times that you always mesmerize me with everything you put on, you’re fascinating for sure”
“Thank you” he mouthed in the middle of my speech and I couldn’t contain myself from standing on the tippy toes of my shoes to place a sweet peck on his lips.
“Where was I?” I asked as soon as I pulled away “oh yeah, but honestly? That’s not what’s best about you. You’ve got the kindest soul I’ve ever met, you’re so caring and loving, you always put everyone that matters first and always makes me feel special, even on the toughest days, you do not measure consequences when it comes to pleasing someone you love and also, you’re the best person I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky to able to call you love of my life, I love you, Shawn Mendes, not only for the fame and the amazing...”
“...sex?” he suggested with a smirk on his face.
“Well, no, but that’s actually right as well. Anyone, and the amazing music you make, but for the real Shawn, the guy the grew up in Pickering and that watches rom-coms for a living” I said and he smiled softly, attaching his lips to mine again in a sweet kiss.
“I was the one supposed to make you a speech, I was not expecting that but thank you” he said kissing my forehead “ and also, thank you for being patient with me and allowing this relationship to work out”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything” I said softly as I caressed his cheek with my thumb “thank YOU, Shawn”
He smiled down at me and kissed me again, this time, deepening the kiss faster than before, quickly grabbing the back of my thighs and picking me up as he licked into my mouth, making my head go dizzy with the sensations.
After the bath, pretend to watch whatever we picked to put on the TV while we made up for the lost time on his couch and then ate or food to recover, we finally decided to head back to our room, cause after all, he got on a plane today to see me and my work was exhausting. We were laying in bed, Shawn in his underwear, and me in only his shirt laying half on top of him. He was gently running his fingers through my hair as I drew mindless circles on his bare abs, minds far away as we laid close just enjoying each other’s warmth and company.
“I forgot to get your present, it’s on my suitcase” he said more to himself then to me.
“You shouldn’t have”
“Ooh, shush, I like to buy you presents and spoil you, and you never allow me to do so, I just have to grab every opportunity I have”
“Fair enough, yours are on the closet”
“We can do that tomorrow when I’m making you breakfast”
“Yeah, learned how to do pancakes!”
“Really?! I’m so proud of you, bubs” I said and he smiled, kissing my forehead.
“Thank you”
“Hey, Shawn” I said lowly after a while, breaking the silence again “thank you so much for coming home and doing all of this, it means the world to me, every single detail was perfect, and I can’t believe you actually bought me tulips! They mean...”
“They mean ‘declaration of love’” he said complementing what I was going to say “yeah, I know, Peter helped out on that one, not gonna lie”
“Just the fact that you took your time on asking what each flower meant it’s enough to make me love you even more” I said pecking his soft lips delicately.
“You should sleep, honey, you seemed tired when you arrived”
“I am”
“So sleep, I’ll still be home when you wake up”
“Do you promise?” I asked nuzzling my face further on his collarbone.
“I promise” he said softly “I promise I’ll always come home to you, happy valentine’s day, honey” were the last words I heard before I drifted off to dreamland, in the arms of the man I love with every single cell of my body.
Happy belated Valentine's Day!
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I had to finish this in rush to post it on time.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
... : @fivefeetapartt
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 22
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Leo Valdez can be sweet when he wants to.
A/N:  Sorry for the long break! The holidays were a rather busy time for me so it did good to take some time off from writing. But now I'm back for my weekly updates (at least I hope I am)! And not just with any chapter but a long-ish chapter full of Caleo fluff :) I really hope you guys enjoy! Please let me know what you think because I 100% mean it when I say I love reading your comments!!
Words: 3200+ 
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
Once Calypso had made up with Leo and Annabeth, she had new issues to deal with. When she paid her rent for the month, she noticed that she only had enough money for one more month’s rent, not even including the other living costs such as food, other daily necessities and school supplies. She had pushed back the job hunting earlier partially because the friendship issues had made her feel too low to care about that kind of thing, partially because she had no idea what she could do, only having a high school level education and no special skills. She had only ever worked at her father’s company and that was not something she wanted to advertise in her applications. But now she was in a situation that unless she wanted to return to the very place she wanted to stay away from, she had to come up with something.
Annabeth and Piper had seen some of the clothes and other items she had sewed and made with her own hands and encouraged her to sell them but Calypso herself wasn’t entirely convinced they were good enough to be sold. She was also a decent enough artist but with a class full of artists just as good (some even better) than her, what would make her stand out in the public? Her people skills weren’t amazing either so she doubted that she would make a good retail worker. But she knew she would probably have to come out of her comfort zone in this case, so if anyone was willing to hire her, she’d accept it.
She was startled when she suddenly heard a familiar voice from the other room: “Sunshine, I’mma head out to buy some groceries and stuff for a new project. You need anything?”
In some other situation, Calypso would have been thankful for the offer, but she was still feeling like a nervous wreck because of her earlier discovery. That’s why the words escaped her before she could stop herself: “Huh? No, I don’t think so? And I can still buy my own groceries, thank you very much.”
“Sorry, I just thought I’d ask… I didn’t mean to…” Leo seemed a bit baffled by her outburst. He was already about to head out when Calypso came out of her room and stopped him.
“No, I’m sorry.” She sighed, looking regretful. “I was just on the edge because I just noticed my financial situation isn’t exactly the best… But that is something I need to figure out on my own, I don’t want charity.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna buy you a car or anything,” Leo tried to crack a joke. “Just thought that if you’re running out of milk or something, I could have saved you the trouble… Since I’m going there anyway…”
“Oh… no, I don’t think I need anything,” she said, this time a lot softer. “But thank you for asking.”
“No prob, Sunshine,” Leo replied, looking relieved now that he knew she wasn’t actually angry at him. “But hey, if you do need help with, like, searching for a job, or something, I’m your man.”
Calypso tried to keep her face neutral even though she had a feeling her cheeks were probably red. “I’ll… keep that in my mind.”
“Well, see you soon,” Leo said after the two just kept staring at each other for a while. He seemed to be sizing her, possibly still a bit thrown off by her weird reaction before he put his coat on (Calypso noticed it was the same shade of red as a lot of his shirts seemed to be. And it was also rather snugly fit, definitely not a bad sight, she thought before she had time to stop herself) and took his bags, leaving her alone.
“See you,” she said quietly when the door was already closed.
Once sure that Leo was far enough and not coming back, Calypso leaned her back against the wall of her room, sliding down into a sitting position on the floor. Throwing her head back, she groaned at herself. She had thought that the small falling out they had had because of the Percy incident might have affected her feelings towards Leo, but it seemed to become clearer and clearer every day that wasn’t the case. Even if she had admitted to Hazel and Annabeth that those feelings were not quite flatmate like, it was a whole different thing to really come to terms with that fact. She was falling quite hard.
The more she thought about it, the more she freaked out. Her relationships before one faithful day during her teenage years had failed badly (and that was over 5 years ago anyway) and the online dating she had done afterwards… Well, now that Calypso thought about it, only the conversation with Percy had seemed to be going somewhere. All the people she had cared about had left her and never come back. That, along with the fact that she had spent a lot of time alone in the past, had left her scared of relationships and ruined her self esteem, making her think that she simply wasn’t good enough. If Leo left too… she wasn’t sure how she’d handle that. Not to even mention, her dad was still probably looking for her and getting Leo mixed into that would be very dangerous for him. No matter what Annabeth said about wanting to help.
Biting her lip, she decided there was only one option. No matter what she felt, she should try to treat Leo just like any of her friends and conceal her true feelings. Having Leo in her life just as a flatmate was way better than not having him in it at all. When she remembered her friends’ hints that perhaps Leo himself wasn’t as indifferent to her as he probably should be, she suddenly felt like crying. In different circumstances… maybe they could be happy together, go on dates, hold hands… Now she would inevitably have to let him go when someone else would realize that Leo was a great person worth dating.
Calypso didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, and she also hadn’t noticed that there were tears running down her cheeks. She didn’t snap out of her daze until she heard the front door clunking again, this time indicating that Leo had already returned.
“Please just ignore me…” Calypso ranted in her head, but no luck. She heard steps from outside her room, stopping right in front of it. Swiping her wet cheeks quickly into her hands, she stood up from the floor just in time for Leo to knock on her door. Calypso didn’t really want to open it when she was in that emotional state but she knew that not answering would raise even more questions. Her messy looks she could always try to shrug off as a ‘bad day’, she decided.
“Yeah?” she asked weakly, opening the door to reveal her flatmate with that stupid trademark grin of his on his face. He seemed pretty happy about something he had or was about to do. The late autumn wind had made his curly hair even messier than usual and his cheeks were red from the cold weather and the exercise but his eyes were sparkling excitedly, like he couldn’t wait to show her something. He started: “I went to the hardware store and…” He quickly stopped when he noticed Calypso’s expression and puffy eyes. His happiness immediately melted away. “Hey, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?”
“It’s been a rough day,” Calypso sighed, looking down. “Don’t worry, I was just being overwhelmed by the loads of uni work before the exam season. And like I told you before, I need a job… But… it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Alright, if you’re sure…” Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, probably sensing that she wasn’t telling him the entire truth. “But yeah, I was gonna give you something. Hope it cheers you up a bit. He handed her a tiny packet of what seemed like flower seeds but before Calypso had time to read the text on it, he started explaining.
“So, I was gonna tell you that I went to the hardware store to buy me some supplies, and you know how they sell all kinds of seeds there as well? Well, I just happened to notice these while waiting for my turn to pay for my stuff and I just randomly decided to buy them.”
“But… why?” Calypso asked, finally looking at Leo directly.
“Um…” He started rubbing the back of his neck. “Remember when Festus jumped on your desk and broke it? There was a plant on it too… and I never replaced it. When I saw those,” he nodded towards the packet Calypso was holding, “I remembered that the plant looked like that… At least I think it did… I’m no good with that kind of stuff… But I know you care about your plants… so I thought it’d be only fair if I got you those. I know it’s not gonna be the exact same one you had, but…”
Leo didn’t manage to finish his sentence because Calypso couldn’t contain her feelings anymore. She closed the space between them and hugged him even tighter than the time they had had a game night with Jason and Piper. No one had gotten anything for her in years, and even if the seed bags didn’t cost much, it was the thought that mattered way more to her. She had never expected him to remember such a detail from several months ago when they hadn’t even been friends, but apparently he did.
“Uh, Cal, some air would be nice,” Leo said jokingly when it started seeming she didn’t even want to let him go. He didn’t attempt to break the hug, though, instead gently stroking her back. “Wow, Sunshine,” he said in an attempt to lighten the mood, “You’d think I bought you a house based on your reaction.”
Calypso raised her head from his shoulder, giving him a half hearted glare as she broke the hug.
“I’m not allowed to be thankful for a gift? You don’t know… You don’t understand…”
“Understand what?” Leo raised his eyebrows.
Calypso took a deep breath before answering. “I haven’t gotten gifts from anyone since I turned 16. And even then it was just… uh, never mind. The point is that I’m not used to such nice gestures… And I didn’t think you’d remember… It was my favorite plant. So excuse me if I’m feeling a bit emotional because your gift was more thoughtful than you probably realized.”
“OK, sorry,” Leo apologized quickly. “If you’re not used to nice gestures, I’m not used to displays of affection so I got a bit surprised, that’s all… Well, either way, I’m glad I got you something you care about.”
Calypso’s expression softened again. “Yeah. Thank you. I’m sure they will look pretty.”
Suddenly Calypso realized she was feeling a little dizzy, not sure if from the crying or from the smell of the mechanic oil she had just smelled on Leo’s shirt as she had hugged him. Sitting down on her bed, she leaned her face into her hands.
“Um, are you really OK?” Leo asked. “I know it’s not any of my business, but… if I can help you somehow, let me know.”
After a while, Calypso looked up from her hands, having half expected Leo to leave already. “If you happen to know anyone who’d be willing to hire an inexperienced, uneducated young woman, sure, be my guest,” she muttered.
“Hey.” Leo sat down next to Calypso on her bed, nudging her arm slightly. “Where’s the Calypso who has told me to fight my fear? I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who’d be willing to hire you if they knew how talented you are.”
“Wait… what?” Calypso wasn’t sure if she had heard right. Even if they had been friendly towards each other for a while now, she didn’t remember Leo complimenting her like that before. “Why would you say that?”
“Because it’s true!” Leo exclaimed, his eyes gleaming fiercely the same way Calypso had seen a couple of times earlier. “You are a talented person and even I can see that. You can draw and paint – I bet you’d do way better blueprints for machines than I do. To be honest, I’d probably hire you to do that if I could. You create a lot of things with your own hands – like that one dress you wore the other day, right? Like, OK, I wear overalls all the time so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I thought it looked neat.”
“But there are other things as well,” Leo continued persistently. “You know a lot and you’re always working on something – if not something university related, you take care of your plants or bake or something like that – and I think under that hard cover of yours you’re actually a super caring person. I dunno, those are things that at least I value. But maybe I’m the weird one here.” He rolled his eyes as if everything he had just said had been very obvious.
“Leo…” Calypso just stared at him with wide eyes, not finding the right words. She hadn’t been emotionally prepared for Leo showering her with compliments. If her cheeks had felt warm earlier, they were definitely burning now, and her eyes felt weird too… like she was going to cry again. “I…”
“Shhh. Crying doesn’t suit you, Sunshine. Luckily Uncle Leo is good at bad jokes that make the ladies laugh. How about this: What do you give to a sick lemon? Or… why didn't the astronaut come home to his wife?”
“Leonidas,” Calypso repeated but this time she did it with an annoyed groan. That was apparently what Leo had wished, though, because he grinned at her in return.
“Alright, I won’t finish that one!” he raised his hands up. “But it did work because there’s still some spice left in you. That’s what I wanted to see.”
“You’re the only person I know who can literally go from 100 to 0 when trying to cheer someone up,” Calypso said, but her mouth twitched. “But thanks. As much as I hate to admit it, I think it might have worked. For your information,” she added unexpectedly, “you give lemon aid to a sick lemon and the astronaut needed his space.”
“I think my job here is done,” Leo said approvingly, taking one step closer to her. Calypso had seen his brown eyes sparkling when he was happy and burning when he was mad but now she thought they seemed soft and warm, unlike she had seen before. And her heart skipped a beat when she registered that the reason for the warmth might have been… she herself. He looked at her right in the eyes and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear before his fingers moved to her face. He brushed some of the wetness off with his thumb and for one, short second Calypso thought that he also wanted to do something else… touch her jaw, her lips… But that moment ended fast when he cleared his throat and pulled his hand away. One, tiny part of Calypso’s brain yelled: “no!” while the rational part tried to be relieved.
“Um… You had something there…” Leo tried to brush his previous actions off. “Anyway. Like I said I have no doubt someone wouldn’t hire you. But now that I think of it, I remember hearing from my moms that one of their friends is looking for a holiday helper at her flower shop that is quite near Waystation. The holidays are always a busy time there and the owner’s daughter, who has usually been the one helping, has moved away, so they could really use an extra hand.”
“A flower shop?” Calypso asked, hope starting to flicker in her eyes. “Do you think they may have a lot of applicants?”
“Who knows.” Leo shrugged. “I think it might be a pretty popular place… but you can’t win if you don’t try, huh?”
“Yeah. You’re right,” Calypso agreed. “Do you know how I can contact the place?”
“Hold on for a moment. I can call Emmie and ask,” Leo said and left Calypso alone in her room, baffled by what had just happened but also a bit hopeful. Maybe at least something would turn out right even if her social life would probably continue to be a mess.
A few minutes later Leo returned with a piece of paper in his hands and a satisfied expression on his face. It told Calypso that he had managed to get the number.
“Here you go, Sunshine! Hope you’ll still remember me and how I helped you when you become rich and famous.” He winked.
“I know I’ve told you this before but you really are a weirdo,” Calypso shot back but took the piece of paper gratefully. She excused herself to make a phone call and managed to get a hold of the owner of the flower shop who suggested a meeting for the next day. After finishing the phone call, Calypso searched for Leo who had withdrawn into the living room to watch a movie.
“So… I’m going to have an interview with the owner tomorrow,” she told him. “Keep your thumbs up that it will go fine. I’m kind of nervous, to be honest.”
“I’d keep even my big toes up if needed but I think you’re gonna do great,” Leo noted. “For reals. Have some faith.”
“Easier said than done,” Calypso sighed. “You probably understand.”
“I… yeah,” Leo admitted, thinking about one moment only about a week earlier when he had felt like nothing would work out. “But for what it’s worth, there are people who do support you.”
“You too?” Calypso asked carefully even though she was a bit scared of his answer.
“Yeah, me included.” Leo nodded.
“Listen, Leo… Thanks… for everything you’ve done for me today. Not just the seeds and the phone number, the emotional support too. It really helped.”
She surprised even herself by leaning closer to Leo and giving him a quick peck on his cheek. He went completely speechless and just rubbed the spot on his cheek Calypso had kissed absentmindedly as Calypso waited for him to say something.
“Uhh… you… you’re welcome?” he finally stuttered when Calypso had already started thinking she had crossed some line with the cheek kiss and they were back on square one.
“I should probably go back to do some research…” she said. “I’ve had a hard time focusing on anything lately but I’m feeling better now so hopefully I will manage to make some progress with some assignments. Have fun with your movie!” She attempted to sound cheerful even though the two sides of her brain were having an intense battle in that moment. One said: ‘why don’t you just stay with him? The assignment can wait!” while the other side wanted to run from that situation before Calypso did something she would regret.
“Alright… Thanks. And good luck with that!” Leo said. Calypso was convinced that she just imagined it but to her he had seemed just a bit disappointed that she hadn’t joined him. When she was back in her room, she exhaled sharply. So much for that ‘being just friends’. She would really have to start working harder on that before someone got hurt.
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kpoptrashibnida · 5 years
Enough Pt. 7
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A/N: Sorry about the delay everyone! It’s been a hectic week and I wasn’t able to write as much as I would have liked. But finally here is Part 7!!!!! I hope you guys all enjoy it and don’t be shy to let me know what you think! Also, big DISCLAIMER: I think i used the word smiled a little too often in this chapter. I hope you’re not as annoyed by it as I am. Anyway, enough of that; here is part 7! Happy Reading!!!
Your first week working in the New York branch went by extremely fast. Everyone had been extremely welcoming and you loved your team. There were a few receptionists here and there that did not seem too keen on your arrival, but you ignored them because you were there to work and you were their superior; therefore, you were not going to engage in any kind of workplace drama. 
Mark and Johnny have been extremely helpful to you that first week, introducing you to everyone and teaching you the ropes of the company. Jaehyun has also been helpful, but he had been so busy that week, he had not been able to help you as much as he would have liked. You didn’t really mind though, since every time he was around your mind would not work properly and you had severe hypertension. He would stop by once in a while to your office to see how you were doing or if you needed something, which was extremely sweet of him and most likely the reason why a certain receptionist wasn’t too fond of you. 
“Hey, working hard or hardly working?” Jaehyun teases as he walked in your office, holding two cups of coffee.
“I’m working hard at hardly working.” You said with a grin, playing along with him and making him chuckle.
“I usually need another cup by 10 am, so I figured you might need one too.” Jaehyun said as he walked over to your desk, placing the cup of coffee in front of you and taking a seat on one of the chairs.
“You know, I was thinking about getting some coffee. It’s like you read my mind.” You said with a smile, happily accepting the cup of coffee he brought. Taking a sip, your face lit up once you realized it’s the same coffee you always get.
“This is my favorite coffee! How did you know?” You asked, pivoting your body away from your computer and towards the handsome man in your office.
“This is going to sound a bit stalker-ish, but I sort of asked the barista what your order was.” His ears turn extremely red after his confession, which was a cute tell sign of when he was embarrassed. 
“That’s extremely sweet of you, thanks.” You smiled, you couldn’t believe he went out of his way just to get you some coffee.
“So, got any plans this weekend?” He asked, leg bouncing rapidly and you didn’t know if he was embarrassed or if it had something to do with the coffee. 
“Super exciting stuff actually. I’m gonna go grocery shopping and clothes shopping. I know, so much fun.” You said sarcastically which made Jaehyun laugh.
He saw that this was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with you and he did not want to let it go to waste. 
“Do you want some company? I wouldn’t mind tagging along.” He really hoped you’d say yes, not sure if he’d be able to handle rejection at the moment. 
Your heart skipped a beat at his question. Was he being nice or did this mean he was interested in you?
‘Don’t flatter yourself bitch, he’s probably just being nice.’ You thought, feeling silly at the fact that he could potentially be into you.
“Actually, some company would be nice. I’ll need someone to help me carry all the bags.” You smile cheekily, making a gorgeous smile form on Jaehyun’s face. 
“Cool, where would you like to meet?” He asked, trying not to act too excited at the fact that you wanted his company.
“Shall we meet at Times Square? There’s a lot of clothing shops there.” You said, not knowing where exactly the best stores were. You were not quite familiarized with New York yet. 
“Sounds good. Let’s meet in front of the Steps and we can go from there.” He offered, which you agreed to happily. He bid farewell and left your office, leaving you behind and feeling tingly all over from excitement. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily, knowing you were in deep shit if the thought of Jaehyun going shopping with you made you this excited. 
It was the end of the day and you left your office feeling extremely fatigued from your first week. Since the state of your fridge was very sad and pathetic, you decided to grab some Chinese food on the way home. 
You had just arrived home when your phone started ringing. You looked at your screen and saw Mina’s name appear, making you smile and answer immediately.
“Mina! Oh my gosh, I am so happy to hear from you!” You exclaimed happily, truly missing your best friend. 
“Babe! I miss you so much! Work isn’t the same without you! How have you been? How’s the new job? The new apartment? Is everyone nice? Do I need to kick anyone’s ass? Ooh any hot guys?” Mina managed to say all that in one breath, making you laugh at her interrogation. 
“Well work has been great, everyone on my team is so nice. The new apartment is amazing! We should video chat so I can give you a tour. And there is a hot guy in the PR department….” You said slyly, knowing your best friend was going to freak out and ask for details.
“Bitch give me the tea!!! What’s his name? How hot is he exactly?” 
“Well, his name is Jaehyun and he is like a 15 out of 10. He’s so gorgeous!” You sighed dreamily, chuckling when you heard Mina screech from the other side of the line.
“Do you have a photo? I have got to see what this guy looks like.” She said curiously.
“I don’t. But I might take one with him tomorrow. He’s going shopping with me.”
You had to pull the phone away from your ear at Mina’s screaming, laughing loudly when you heard Suho’s panicked voice from the other end. Mina apologizes to him and told him that she was just excited.
“Oh my god. Is it a date? Are you gonna do the nasty?” 
“Mina, shut the fuck up! We are just friends and he was kind enough to offer to help me since I’m new.” You scolded her, thankful that she was across the world and couldn’t see the way your face heated up at her racy words.
“Okay okay I’m sorry. You gotta send me a photo though.” She insisted 
“Yeah yeah I will.” You smiled, glancing longingly to your Chinese food, which was probably cold by now.
“So, guess who’s been asking for you..” Mina said, making you furrow your eyebrow.
“Who?” You asked as you took out your food containers, doing a little happy dance when you saw they were still hot.
“Chanyeol…” She said cautiously, making you pause your actions. 
“That’s surprising. You didn’t tell him where I am, right?” You asked, not wanting him to know anything about you.
“Of course not! I even told Suho to keep him in the dark. I guess he’s been trying to get in contact with you but hasn’t been able to.” She explained.
“Yeah, well that’s because I blocked him.” You said, taking a bite of your delicious food.
“Damn, that’s pretty badass.” She said impressed.
“I wanted a clean break. And I didn’t want him texting me when he felt like he wanted his favorite fuck buddy.” You shrugged, not really in the mood to talk about Chanyeol. 
“Makes sense. Well babe, I’ll let you go. I’m glad you’re doing well. Don’t forget to send me a photo tomorrow. I love you.” 
“Love you too.” You said before hanging up. You ate your food in silence, not wanting to think about Chanyeol and the fact that he’s been trying to get in contact with you. 
‘It’s not that deep. He probably just wanted to come over to mess around. I’m sure he has many other options.’ You thought bitterly, shaking your head to rid your thoughts and focus on the fact that you were going to have a great time with Jaehyun tomorrow.
“Hey! Have you been waiting long?” You asked Jaehyun as you approached him, surprised to see that he was waiting for you already. 
“No, I’ve been here for like five minutes. I stopped by for some coffee first.” He said with his signature smile, handing you a coffee cup. 
“Oh gosh you’re the best. Thank you!” You said happily, accepting the cup from him. You took in his appearance and you weren’t sure why you were as affected as you were. He wore plain dark jeans with a cream turtleneck shirt and a tan coat, his hair styled away from his forehead, looking every bit boyfriend material.
“So there’s a store down the block that has great professional attire. Want to go there first?” He asks, both of you walking away from the large crowd.
“Yeah that’s perfect.” You agreed, following him through the throngs of people 
Jaehyun recommended a clothing store that had plenty of professional options, he was actually being extremely helpful and was helping you choose nice pieces. You couldn’t help but feel warm and tingly at his attention and how genuine his help seemed. You didn’t want to go there, but you can't help yourself. You knew that Chanyeol would never in a million years would want to go shopping with you. He wasn’t about buying clothes but taking them off of you. You shook the thought away, knowing that it wasn’t fair to compare Jaehyun to Chanyeol, they were completely different people.
After purchasing a couple blouses, skirts, pants and blazers, you guys headed out to a different store. You needed to buy some shoes and coats for the winter that was soon approaching. Jaehyun helped carry your bags, insisting that you needed both hands free in order to shop effectively. He trailed behind you as you looked through the racks of clothing, making conversation and making you laugh. You couldn’t help but notice the glances and stares from other women in the clothing store, eyeing Jaehyun and giving you a dismissive glance. You smirked to yourself, finding their petty jealousy funny; and you couldn’t help but feel victorious because he was there with you, even if it was just as a friend. 
“So, I’m getting pretty hungry, any thoughts about dinner?” Jaehyun asked as you both walked out of the store, your own stomach grumbling a bit.
“We should get something soon, I am getting hungry too. I’m good with anything though.” You said as you walked towards your last stop of the day.
Jaehyun’s phone rang and he took it out, answering with an eye roll.
“What do you want?” He asked, making his friend on the other line laugh because of his attitude.
“Come on man, you’re happy to hear from me. Hey so Mark and I are bored and we should go eat something together.” Johnny said, grabbing his keys with a happy Mark trailing behind him.
“I can’t, I have plans.“ Jaehyun said, glancing over at you and noticing you had stopped at a pretzel cart. He smiled when he saw you bouncing happily on your feet, excitedly waiting for your pretzel to be done.
“With whom? Is it a hot date?” Johnny asked, intrigued at his friends secretiveness.
“None of your business.” Jaehyun said, making Johnny howl while Mark made kissy noises. “Real mature guys.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his friends childish antics, questioning why he’s even friends with them.
“Hey, sorry I got so hungry and had to get one. Want some?” You offered as you walked up to Jaehyun, not noticing that he was on the phone.
“It’s okay.” He said softly, smiling as he watched you bite into your pretzel.
“Oh my god. Is that who i think it is?” Johnny exclaimed excitedly, hurting Jaehyun’s eardrum.
“Bro! Is it really?” Mark asked, his voice going up a couple octaves.
“Guys, shut up. I’m hanging up.” Jaehyun warned, not wanting to deal with their crap.
“Who are you talking to?” You asked curiously, amused at how stressed Jaehyun looked.
“Johnny and Mark.” Jaehyun said, giving you a tight lipped smile.
“Oh! Can I say hi?” You asked
Jaehyun gave the phone over to you, not being able to deny you of your request. He was a little surprised at himself, but he knew he was attracted to you the second he saw you, so he shouldn't be so surprised.
“Hey guys! How’s it going?” You asked, your bubbly voice making Johnny chuckle and Jaehyun’s chest constrict.
“We were just telling Jaehyun that we wanted to grab something to eat, but I guess you guys are busy.” Johnny pouted, making you giggle at his playfulness. 
“Why don’t we all get dinner together? I have one more store I’m going to and then we are done.” You informed, not noticing Jaehyun’s frown of displeasure. He loved hanging out with Mark and Johnny, but he really wanted to spend some time alone with you.
“Sounds like a plan! Why don’t we have dinner at your place? Mark and I will bring food and drinks and meet you and Jaehyun there.” Johnny proposed. You agreed and said goodbye, hanging up and handing the phone back to Jaehyun.
“So what’s the plan?” Jaehyun asked.
“We are going to have dinner at my place. They’re bringing food and drinks.” You said, stopping in front of the last stop if your shopping spree.
“Sounds good.” He said, trying to hide the displeasure in his voice. He’d much rather have dinner just with you.
“Did you want to wait for me out here?” You asked, not sure if he would want to go inside with you.
“Yeah, I’ll go…” he trailed off, as he looked up to see what store you were going into. It was Victoria’s Secret. “In with you.” He finally finished his sentence. Gulping are his stupidity, he should have looked up before giving an answer.
“Okay.” You smiled shyly, not expecting his answer. “Let’s go.” 
‘Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! I hope she doesn’t think I’m a pervert! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!’
You entered the store with Jaehyun trailing behind you, still carrying all of your bags. You felt really bad for him, so you told him to sit on a bench inside the store while you do your shopping. He sat down and tried not to look around the store. He got a few glances from women there, some curious and others disgusted. He glanced over to where you were and saw that you picked up a black lace bra and panty set. Looking away quickly, he felt his ears get hot from the sight of the pretty undergarments. He really felt like a big pervert at that moment and hoped you hadn’t noticed him looking.
“I’m going to go pay now.” You let him know, a few items in your hands
“I’ll come with you.” He said as he got up, trailing behind you as you got in line. 
He tried really hard not to look, he really did, but he couldn’t help himself. He wished he hadn’t looked as he saw your lacey black, white and cream items being wrapped and bagged. When you left the store, you noticed his ears were bright red. You felt a little bad, but you couldn’t help the small smile that took over your face. It was an extremely cute sight. You took some of your bags back and stuffed your smaller Victoria’s Secret bag inside another shopping bag. 
You decided to take and Uber back home since taking the subway with so many bags was going to be tricky and uncomfortable. The ride to your house was quiet but comfortable, the soft music was calming as you closed your eyes. It was a long day and your feet were aching, who knew shopping could be so tiring.
Walking into your apartment, you place your shopping bags in your room, telling Jaehyun to make himself at home. He sat down on your couch and stretched out, also tired from his long day of shopping with you.
Before you could leave your room, you heard the doorbell ring, telling Jaehyun you would get the door.
“Hey! We are here and we brought the goods!” Johnny announces as you open the door, hands full of food bags
“Woot woot!” Mark exclaims behind him, waving the alcoholic beverages in his hands.
“Come in guys! You can leave the stuff on the table.” You told them as they walked into your apartment, taking their shoes off at the door.
“What’s up man!” Johnny greeted Jaehyun, the other man giving him a halfhearted response, making Johnny laugh. 
“We brought Chinese food, I hope that’s okay.” Mark said, taking the containers out of the paper bags.
“That’s perfect! Let’s eat guys, I’m starving!” You said, placing plates and silverware on the table for the guys to use.
You all started to eat and make conversation, talking about what you've been up to on the weekend.
“Oh so Jaehyun kindly offered to help you shop today? That’s so sweet!” Johnny cooed, making you and Mark laugh. Jaehyun, on the other hand, just gave him a glare, not liking his friends bullshit. 
Eventually, once the beers had been passed around, everyone was having a good time, including Jaehyun. 
After finishing the food, you all moved to your living room, bringing beers with you. You guys were enjoying yourselves, taking, laughing and drinking. An hour later, Mark was already passed out on the couch. The newly turned 21 year old not having a high alcohol tolerance. You and Johnny were in the middle of a conversation, when he blanked out and stopped speaking. As soon as you called his name out, he passed out on the couch, his body leaning against Marks. You couldn’t help but chuckle, their low alcohol tolerance very amusing. You looked over at Jaehyun, who sat at the end of the same couch as you, and found him peering over at you. A soft smile graced his face and his cheeks were tinged a pretty shade of pink. 
“Why are you so quiet?” You asked, noticing that he had been oddly quiet since Johnny and Mark started to get plastered. 
“I just feel relaxed after the beers.” He said, moving his head towards you and giving you a small smile.
“Same, i'm not drunk, but I’m pretty buzzed.” You smiled, closing your eyes for a bit.
“So,” you started, opening your eyes and looking at Jaehyun, the alcohol giving you some courage. “Are you single or do you have a special someone?” 
His eyebrows raised at your question, amused at your boldness.
“I’m single.” He said, peering at you from below his eyelashes. 
“Hmm. Makes no sense.” You shake your head sleepily. There’s no logical explanation as to why a gorgeous man would be single.
Jaehyun chuckled at your answer, flattered that you thought that way if him.
“How about you? Are you single or do you have someone special?” He mimicked your question.
You hummed softly, closing your eyes and chuckling.
“I am super single. I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time.” You shared, Jaehyun looking at you intently, it made your stomach flip.
“Why am I not convinced?” He inquired,  somehow being able to look right through you.
“Well, there was someone in Korea. But he wasn’t my boyfriend…” You looked over at Jaehyun, who nodded and smiled softly. You took that as a sign to continue speaking. “He was more like a friends with benefits. It started out very casual, but somewhere along the way I started to really care about him. Like, really care about him. I wouldn’t call it love, but I did care for him. I knew he was never going to want to be in a relationship with me, but I couldn’t walk away. There were times where I felt like he cared for me too. But, I started to realize he was only using me for sex. I mean, I knew our relationship was strictly physical, but he wasn’t even trying to pretend. I distanced myself from him for a while and when we finally did...reunite, I found out he was sleeping with other women. We weren’t in a relationship but we had agreed to be exclusive. So when he didn’t tell me he had started sleeping around with other women, I felt betrayed. It hurt and I called things off. And we haven’t been in communication since then.” You hadn’t realized that somewhere along the way you started to cry a little bit. Tears streaming down your face. You wiped at them angrily, embarrassed at having Jaehyun see you cry. 
You felt him shift on the couch and he was next to you in a second, embracing you in a hug. It felt so nice, comforting and soft despite him having a strong and hard body.
He pulled away slowly, making eye contact with you.
“Don’t be hard on yourself. If you’re still hurt and need to cry, then cry. He’s an idiot that lost the opportunity to be with a strong, successful beautiful woman. He doesn’t deserve you.” He said, looking into your eyes.
You both stayed like that for what felt like forever, staring into each other’s eyes, no one uttering a single word. You don’t know who moved first, but Jaehyun was only an inch away from your face. Mark started coughing from the other couch, making you and Jaehyun pull away from each other quickly. Both your and his cheeks turning bright pink, you could blame the alcohol for that. 
“Bro, what time is it?” Mark asked groggily, trying to sit up but failing due to Johnny’s large frame leaning against him.
“It’s time to go home.” Jaehyun got up from the couch and slapped Johnny on the face, startling him awake. He just grumbled and rubbed his face, Mark laughing as he got up and stretched out his numb arm. 
“Thanks for having us, sorry we fell asleep.” Johnny said, giving you a side hug.
“Any time.” You shrugged, smiling at the sleepy giant.
“Thanks for everything noona. Is it cool if I call you noona?” Mark asked, making his way to the front door with the other two men.
“Of course you can.” You smiled warmly at the cute boy, his sleepy face extremely adorable. 
“Good night.” Jaehyun said as he escorted the still loopy men out of your apartment. He had already ordered an Uber and needed to get downstairs as soon as possible.
Once they were gone, you decided it was time for bed. You were so tired and sore and buzzed, you really just wanted to get to bed, your much needed shower could wait until the morning. Once in bed, you couldn’t help but recall the conversation you had with Jaehyun. You really hoped you didn’t ruin things by bringing up your toxic relationship with Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Wow. It really had been a while that you didn’t think about him. That was good, it means you’re progressing. You felt a pang in your chest, your eyes watering again as you remembered the roller coaster of emotions you felt with Chanyeol. You tried to forget it all and it finally felt like you were, you were almost there.
You glanced at your phone, not completely coherent enough to stop yourself. Grabbing the device, you went to your settings, locating your blocked list. You unblocked Chanyeol’s number and sent him a message. Locking your phone, you went to bed. You didn’t realize how much you were going to hate yourself in the morning. 
Chanyeol’s phone dinged on his night stand, bringing his mind back to earth. He reached over and his gut twisted when he saw your name appear on his screen. 
I need to forget about you. Why are you in my head?
He couldn’t explain the feeling inside his chest as he read and reread your message. He felt a small smug smile grace his lips. So you did think about him still. He wasn’t the only one that couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
“Who is that, Oppa?” The naked girl on his bed asked, draping her body around his and drawing shapes on his chest in what he assumed was a poor attempt at being sexy.
He looked over at her, no longer needing her presence since he finally heard from you.
“Get out.” He said, looking at her dead in the eye.
“What? You’re not serious, are you?” She asked offended. They had literally just finished fucking, there’s no way he’s kicking her out.
“Are you stupid? I said Get. Out.” He bit out, annoyed at this girls attitude.
She scoffed indignantly and got up from the bed, quickly dressing herself and leaving his apartment, slamming the door behind her. Chanyeol finally got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, needing a shower before returning to work; his lunch break was almost over anyway. He hummed in the shower happily, feeling like he was on top again.
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