#i am sheith trash still
josilverdragon · 1 year
My queue is now shoved full of Sheith posts from the grave. I went down a sheith tag hole and found an account that reblogged a lot from the heyday of Sheith VLD before S8 happened (and found some after - pain)
ANYWAYS I'M SORRY for my non-sheithens who follow me and those who thought they left it behind them.
I still love Shiro and Keith a whole bunch and I am emotional. I am grateful that due to tumblr's reblogs basically saving the file of the post you reblog to your account, so many deactivated account posts remain and I am thus able to enjoy them here in the future.
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museaway · 11 months
I managed to respond to a few ao3 comments today. (this is a feat; i haven't been able to look at them comfortably since 2020.) I have noticed a few things
i am still absolutely trash at writing responses. how do people write beautiful thank you notes? you are wizards
i react differently depending on the ship (daster makes me happy, i was okay with sheith, but rinharu has me queasy)
i don't think i can look at these again for a while, i'm so sorry i'm like this. i sincerely appreciate that people have left notes and i wish i were able to read them in a timely way
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skalidra · 9 months
Fic Writers Showcase Game
@there-must-be-a-lock tagged me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: That would be The Other Side of the Mirror, an Earth-3 continuity mess with a JayDick main pair, featuring Roy as a 3rd PoV. First chapter was posted in September, 2014, currently 200k, 20 chapters , and as of yet unfinished, though I think as it stands it ends on a decently hopeful note. I do still recall the main plot points of where it goes, and would like to finish it someday.
Last fic published: I posted the first chapter of Five Finger Discount just yesterday, which is the 5th piece in my Worth Counting series, an alpha!Slade/alpha!Jason series exploring a variety of kinks but with a focus on non-formal dom/sub vibes, competence/strength kink, and mostly-play fighting. (The last finished story was Shifting Into Fourth which is the 4th piece of that same series, so, I'm a little bit on a theme here.)
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: I uh. I wrote Hamilton/Jefferson/Madison room-where-it-happens porn. For the Hamilton musical. It's called Do Whatever It Takes and I think it is still the thing that makes me feel the most sinfully dirty of all the things I've ever written. So there's that.
I also have Let's Be Clear, which is my only fic set anywhere in the MCU, and is a Daredevil oneshot of an asexual!Wesley being invited to join a Fisk/Vanessa relationship, as I vibed real hard with Wesley as a character and never really got over his unfortunate demise.
(Honorable mention to my four stories that are technically fandoms of their own, but all fall under the 'DCU' umbrella, being for the Arkham games, two shows in the CW Arrowverse, and the Teen Titans cartoon.)
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: This is a little hard to quantify. Technically 'DCU (Comics)' comes in at 93k in stories, which would make JayDick the most popular pairing, which makes my favorite story Captain's Privileges. It's a Star Trek mirror!verse fusion with Captain!Dick and Engineer!Jason and so many unhealthy relationships everywhere, and I love it.
However! 'DCU (Comics)' is a very broad umbrella and it's not really fair to say it's my biggest fandom, since the slice I belong to is much smaller. Which means the more accurate winner is Voltron, at 85k stories. I technically have a Klance story but given that it is a big poly clusterfuck dark!fic I really have to actually give this to the second most popular pairing by stat, Sheith. Out of those, I think my favorite is I'm Not That Man, which was an early false-memories/brainwashed!Shiro fic set just before the wormhole split them all up.
Fic I wish more people read: An Extra Shot, hands down. Come read my gen, Wilson-family-focused exploration of what happens if Adeline dies during the attack on Joey! Come read Slade Wilson being forced into confronting the fact that he is a terrible dad and also now a widowed dad of three kids! Come read Billy trying his best to bludgeon all the terrible communicators of this family into actually working things out! READ THIS. THERE'S A SEQUEL IN PROGRESS. IT'S GOOD I SWEAR.
Fic that was hardest to write: I think the award for this has to go to Me, Not Her, a CaptainPan/CaptainSwan piece which I was apparently so frustrated with at some point that I straight up deleted the file. Four years later (no I am not kidding) I had the vague memory of it. Some sketchy thing I could maybe expand, now that I was having thoughts about OUaT again. I pull it out of the (then eternal) trash of Google Drive. It is five thousand words long and needs no more than pretty basic editing and a little padding at the end to round it off. I don't know what the hell was happening with me when I deleted it, but wow, lesson learned.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: I don't recall any that were explicitly like this, but I also don't tend to write like, neat little packaged stories all that often. If I'm writing oneshots they're usually for events. So my best answer to this is probably Fucking Androids? It's a Reed900 relationship origin story that blazed its way out of me during NaNoWriMo one year, named entirely for the sex pun and then in the end absolutely refusing to have any sex in it, so it won that fight. I remember at least most of it coming really, really easy.
Fic I'm proud of: Pulling out a weird little one, here. I'm going to say Take a Ride. It's a JayDick, Gotham City Garage story that I wrote for Firefright's birthday one year, and on reread I actually still really, really like it? It's just a neat apocalyptic-desert vibe relationship building thing, set in the criminally under-explored and rushed GCG world, and I really like how I put Dick together in this one. I recommend it.
Not tagging anyone specific, but if anyone would like to do this as well, feel free!
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kamiqueen · 6 years
Person: *follows me*
Me *softly*: Why?
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avidbeader · 4 years
New Sheith Fic
Probably rated T, but we’ll see.
VLD post-S8, but Allura lives and the endcards are thrown on a trash heap where they belong
This is the fic thread I’ve been posting to Twitter for the last few days. Thought I’d share here as well. It’s between 1/3 and 1/2 done at this point. It will get to AO3 eventually once it’s finished and beta’ed.
I just got this idea of something that the Atlas might do in a given situation and ran with it.
The first couple of requests were reasonable. A real-time updated roster of the Atlas crew made sense for both organizational and security purposes. A record of the ship’s known offensive and defensive capabilities was necessary as the admirals and generals developed strategies for any potential threats, minimal though they might be after Voltron’s defeat of Honerva.
The order to have a Garrison official installed as their liaison made Shiro pause, but only for a moment. On the one hand, there were already several crew members on board who performed that role: Sam, Mitch, Veronica, himself. On the other hand, it was not unwarranted for the Garrison to have a point person for communication purposes so as not to add an extra burden to the duties of any one crew member. If Shiro had tried to keep up with every Garrison inquiry or notification on top of his own duties as captain, he probably would have gone to the Black Lion and begged to be taken back to the astral plane. This would take one thing off his plate without pushing more responsibility on any member of the command staff.
But when a General Stone reported to him, demanding both quarters in the same section as the senior bridge crew and an office next to Shiro’s ready room, his hackles rose instinctively. Atlas’ presence in the back of his head, usually a quiet and cheerful sensation, grew wary like a wild animal sensing a predator.
“Given that this was only communicated to us today, you’ll have to make do in guest quarters until we are able to make arrangements, General. I didn’t expect anyone to be appointed, much less arrive so soon.”
Which meant that someone in the Garrison hadn’t wanted to give them time to ask questions or protest the decision. And the fact that a general was assigned to a position that should have gone to a lieutenant at most was unsettling.
Stone growled at him. “This lack of preparedness is the kind of thing that I’m here for. As one of the Garrison’s most valuable assets, the Atlas must be primed and ready for action at any given time.”
It took Atlas a moment to identify what the general meant, but Shiro knew immediately when she understood. There was now an angry cat hissing and spitting in his mind and it was taking everything Shiro had to maintain a polite expression.
“It’s not a lack of preparedness when information is not provided in a timely manner,” he retorted. The general reared back slightly, taken aback that Shiro had not immediately accepted the criticism.
Shiro pressed a button on a small console in his desk for show, but Atlas had already found the ship’s senior steward and asked him through his datapad to report to Shiro’s ready room. Before the general could form a response, he continued. “I’m sure you remember this from your protocol training, General, but bear in mind that aboard a ship, the captain is the ranking officer. You are welcome to observe and advise, but you are not part of the chain of command.”
Stone’s eyes narrowed and he entered something on the datapad in his hand. It beeped and he frowned. “What’s the matter with the connectivity here? My message didn’t go through!”
The malicious giggle that only he could hear was answer enough for Shiro. “I expect your device will need to go through a security clearance. Mention it to—” Shiro paused as his door opened before the steward could signal his presence “—the steward. Lieutenant Rasal, this is General Stone. He’s been assigned to us by the Garrison and will need quarters and an office when you are able to arrange it. In the meantime, could you escort him to an available space in the guest accommodations?”
The lieutenant nodded, the flash of a dimple in his cheek the only sign that he understood what Shiro was not saying. As the officer in charge of organizing lodging, supplies, and maintenance aboard the ship, he knew better than most what the Atlas was capable of. If she cared to, she could have produced everything Stone was demanding within minutes. Shiro was honoring her choice not to, and Rasal followed his captain’s lead. He saluted and held out a guiding hand.
“If you’ll come with me, sir.”
Stone’s presence had an immediate and negative impact. He began by insisting on a full tour of the ship with Shiro. He complained constantly about the randomness of his datapad connection, too focused to pick up on the fact that Atlas was only letting neutral and positive reports get through. When Shiro convinced her that yes, she had to make him an office and a set of quarters, Atlas’ response was to make an office, not much bigger than a broom closet on the opposite side of the bridge from Shiro’s ready room, and a minimal set of quarters, as far away from Shiro as possible while still in the section for the command staff.
Stone’s next step was to observe, watching the normal routines of the crew. It made everyone nervous and more prone to mistakes. Even the oldest, most seasoned officers like Sam and Mitch were side-eying Stone when he was on the bridge. Shiro made time to circulate through the ship so he could reassure his crew that they had done nothing wrong. He noticed a sharp drop in the number of people hanging out in the common areas or lounges as any socializing shifted to rooms behind closed doors, out of Stone’s sight.
The Taujeerians made a formal request for the Atlas to map a nearby star system for potential relocation sites when their planet next went through its renewal cycle. Keith took advantage of the deep-space mission to run training drills with the lions and the MFEs, improving their teamwork and response times. Stone seemed especially interested in the paladins, having noticed how their quarters were all on the same hall as Shiro’s.
Shiro was in one of the conference rooms, talking with Baujal and his council, when Atlas nudged him, then sounded an alert on his datapad. He quickly excused himself and headed down to the Black Lion’s hangar.
He walked in on a shouting match between Stone, the paladins, and the MFE pilots. As he crossed to where they were gathered, he scanned their faces. Stone and Lance were nose-to-nose, yelling at one another, with Nadia backing up Lance. Keith, Allura, and James were clustered together. The others were watching closely, all in various stages of anger or irritation.
“...and I’ll see all of you court-martialed for this insubordination!”
“As their captain, I would appreciate knowing what your complaint is against Commander Griffin and his squad.” Shiro’s voice cut through the quarrel like a knife.
“These squads are refusing my direct order! I need to observe them in action and Kogane says he won’t permit me to board his ship!”
Shiro glanced at Keith, who cocked an eyebrow at him. He had held onto his temper and let Lance as his second lead the outburst against the general. Shiro’s pride in his best friend surged, knowing that just a few years ago Keith would have been the one shouting first.
“General, it is absolutely within Commander Kogane’s rights to refuse you access to the Black Lion. The Voltron team is not part of the Garrison—”
Stone interrupted him with a squawk of disbelief. “Since when?”
“Since always,” Allura interjected, her voice full of ice. “Voltron represents the Coalition and agreed to use the Atlas as one of our bases for ease of coordinating our efforts to build on the peace we have created. You may not simply demand access to any lion and expect to be obeyed without question.” Shiro noticed that Allura had used her shape-shifting abilities to make herself several inches taller than usual and she used that height advantage to glare down at the general.
“And as today’s drills are a joint exercise with the MFEs, you are not permitted to ride along with Commander Griffin. If he and Captain Shirogane give permission, you can observe the MFEs another time,” Keith added.
“I don’t need permission! I am—”
“Here to facilitate communication between the Atlas and the Garrison, or so I was told,” Shiro interrupted. “Unless there is a secondary agenda that has been kept from me, your remit doesn’t include breathing down the necks of my crew or our allies. You’ve been overstepping your role for days and it ends now.”
Stone drew himself to his full height, which meant he was eye level to Shiro’s collarbones, and snarled, “We’ll just see about this, Captain.”
His attempt at stalking out of the hangar was ruined when Black let out a menacing growl and Stone jumped in alarm.
Once he was gone, everyone began to relax. Shiro noticed that Keith’s stance was still rigid and went over to him, laying a soothing hand on one shoulder. “You okay?”
“We will be. Didn’t expect we’d have a battle before we even got in our ships.” Keith turned to Lance and Nadia. “Thank you both for stepping up.”
“No problem,” Nadia chirped. “He’s a puffed-up toad.”
“And now that he’s gone, we need to get back to work. These joint exercises will continue until further notice since we need to take advantage of our current situation.” Evil grins broke out as everyone understood what Keith was doing. “Do we need to go over today’s plan again?”
“Nah, we got this,” Pidge replied before throwing a glance Shiro’s way. “Thanks for coming, Captain.”
It took four days for Stone’s message to the Garrison to get through, and another two days of Shiro showing the general his message inbox as proof that he had no instructions to discipline any of the MFEs. Stone’s temper was running high, as he had received a reprimand of his own from the Coalition over his attempt to assert jurisdiction over an ally’s representatives. The fact that that message had been received within hours only added to Stone’s fury.
Once Shiro finally got the orders that he was to punish all four MFE pilots for their insubordination, he met them before their usual workout routine and instructed them to run twenty extra laps around the track in the Atlas’ enormous gym. The squad’s groans turned to glee when they turned around and saw that the length of the track had been shrunk to a fifth of its usual size.
That evening, Keith tapped on the door that connected his quarters to Shiro’s.
Shiro looked up from the reports he was reading and frowned. “You knocked. What’s wrong?”
“Got a message from Kolivan. They found a ship of former Galra soldiers turned mercenary, and they’ve been hired by one side on a planet dealing with a pair of feuding lords. He wants to stop the conflict now before it spreads.”
“Should I—”
“No.” Keith shook his head. “If the Blades go in with stealth and take out the mercs, that puts the two sides at stalemate again and the planetary government might finally contact the Coalition for help. Then we can officially come in to negotiate a settlement.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Shiro reached out a hand and Keith took it, letting Shiro draw him into a tight hug as usual. And as usual, Shiro resisted doing or saying anything more. “Be careful.”
“You, too. I don’t like leaving you with that Garrison watchdog.”
“He’s here as a liaison.”
“He’s here to find a reason to ground Atlas.”
Even as Shiro shook his head at Keith’s statement, he could feel Atlas’ alarm. “No, that would be just about the worst move the Garrison could make. The Coalition planets recognize two major factors right now that ended the Galra Empire: Voltron and the Atlas. Taking one away would make the Garrison the new intergalactic villain.”
“Not forever, but long enough to figure out how to put someone else in command of her. They need you and Coran and Sam—hell, probably Iverson and Veronica, too—off her bridge so they can have complete control of her, including all her battle capability.”
“I mean...we do need to figure that out, if for no other reason because I will have to retire someday, but there’s no rush.” Shiro struggled to keep his expression mild as he dealt with twin reactions. He ran his hands along Keith’s arms to allay the sudden tension there and
mentally tried to soothe Atlas, who was almost screeching in fury as she surrounded him possessively.
Ironically, the strength of her reaction made Shiro stop and wonder if maybe the Garrison didn’t have a point. After all, he couldn’t lead Atlas forever. He might have done the impossible once thanks to Black and Allura, but humans still had limited lifespans. But surely the Garrison brass, if they were considering the options already, would talk to him about possibilities?
“Just keep an eye on your six while I’m gone, okay?” Keith squeezed his shoulder.
“I will.”
He swung the sword as wide as he could, trying to hit as many opponents as possible as he forced them back.The roar of the spectators droned like machinery, a persistent buzz in the back of his head as he tried to reduce the impossible odds. Who had decided to punish him this way, with a dozen opponents? Was this the match where he finally died?
He shifted tactics, the sword in his hand shrinking back into a dagger. He took advantage of his smaller stature and dove between the legs of the nearest adversary, using him as a temporary shield against the others and slicing one quick stroke through the thigh above the cuisse. He spared a lightning-quick thought to thank the universe for giving the majority of bipedal beings a femoral artery.
He continued to dodge, eluding their attacks and striking at any weak point he saw. Suddenly there was only one enemy between him and an open path to the door and he dealt a vicious cut across the throat as he made his bid to escape.
Something struck and wrapped around him from behind, dragging him to the floor. He had just enough time to press the communicator at his wrist and signal the others to leave before the cord electrified, ripping screams from him before he blacked out—
Shiro shot upright, gasping for breath and fighting the covers that were tangled around him. There were sounds, the ordinary hum of the dim nightlights, his datapad beeping an alert, a furious pounding coming from somewhere in the next room...and an engine’s roar.
The Atlas was moving at top speed.
Shiro freed himself from the bedclothes and staggered to his feet. He grabbed the datapad and looked at the message, a priority one from the night comms officer—Cullen, Cuddy, something that began with C—stating that the Atlas had changed course about fifteen minutes before and was at full throttle. The bridge crew was locked out of all of the controls.
Shiro reached across the room with his prosthesis and snatched his robe from its hanger before moving into the sitting area. Once there, he identified the pounding as someone knocking furiously on the door to his quarters. Voices were coming from the hallway and they all sounded angry.
He pressed the control and the door slid open. General Stone staggered when his obstacle vanished, wrenching himself back upright from the momentum.
“Shirogane! What’s the meaning of the course change? You weren’t scheduled to be done with the Taujeerians for another forty-eight hours!”
The paladins were behind him, shouting at him for waking them all up. Shiro looked back down at his datapad and noticed a second new message below the one from the bridge. He opened it and felt the blood drain from his face.
It was two brief sentences from Kolivan: Mission a trap. Keith has been taken.
“What do you mean, you can’t stop the ship? It’s a SHIP! You’ve got two Holts right here that can supposedly hack anything that beeps! Break the security codes and set a new course for Earth!”
Shiro had been walking briskly down a hallway, Atlas subtly cutting the distance to the bridge, and trading messages with Kolivan to coordinate a rendezvous point with the remaining Blades on the mission team, Krolia, and a squad of Coalition fighters led by Matt. He stopped short, so abruptly that Hunk ran into him, and stared at the general.
“Earth? What makes you think we’d go to Earth at a time like this? We’re going to rescue Commander Kogane!”
“You said it yourself, Voltron isn’t part of the Garrison!” Stone flapped a hand at the other paladins who had been trailing them. “So let them go take care of the situation! We’ve got to fix this malfunction immediately and since the ship was built by the Garrison, that’s the best place to go to do the repairs!”
Shiro couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such a wave of derision. The mental image of Atlas in robot form and rolling her eyes brought him to the edge of hysterical giggles. It was verging on too much for him to handle.
Allura must have seen something in his face. She grabbed Stone by the collar and yanked him back before he could crowd into Shiro and continue his tirade. “If you are going to be so ridiculously focused on procedure in a situation this urgent, then consider this the formal request from the Coalition to the Atlas for support in a rescue operation!”
Stone tried to twist out of her grip and she hoisted him up until his toes barely touched the deck. His face grew red as he snarled, “Captain, I am ordering you to dismiss this group except for Katie Holt and turn all your efforts to retaking control of your ship!”
Pidge’s expression grew dangerous. Shior shifted and put one hand on her shoulder, willing her to hold her temper.
“As I told you the day you arrived, General, you are not part of the chain of command here. Your role is to keep both us and the Garrison informed of what the other needs to share. And you have not performed that role faithfully.
“The Coalition has every right to call on the Atlas. It was built from plans given to us by the Alteans and is powered by the crystal that houses the remains of their flagship. They have just as much claim to it as the Garrison does. We will lead the operation to recover Commander Kogane and you can inform the Garrison of our status. After that, you have two choices; you can stay in your quarters or be escorted to the brig until this operation is concluded. Which will it be?”
Stone stared at him, open-mouthed. Allura shook him, rattling his teeth with her strength. “You heard the captain. Which will it be? We have more important issues to deal with.”
“I am your superior officer and—”
Before Shiro could even bring up his datapad, much less start a message requesting assistance from security, a faint shimmer formed around Stone and Allura released her hold, skipping back nimbly. The general surged forward and bounced off the force field Atlas had brought up.
The paladins laughed as Stone began pounding his fists against the barrier. Allura smothered her giggles into her hand and looked at Shiro. “Shall we leave him here for the moment?”
Shiro was busy silently arguing with Atlas that, no, she could not open a portal in the floor and jettison the man into space. He gave one more psychic push, adding aloud, “Leave him here for now. We’ll take care of him later.”
They moved quickly to the bridge to find Sam and Coran with their heads together over one of the nav panels and the rest of the bridge crew huddled uneasily in the center. Sam brightened as he saw them enter. “Shiro! The Atlas has locked everyone out—”
Shiro stepped up to his position and laid both hands on the panels. He focused, trying to form a request to let the bridge crew access their stations in as clear and simple of terms as possible. He heard shouts of surprise in the background as the connection solidified and Atlas drew him in.
His hands were cuffed behind him. Two of the “mercenaries” dragged him from a pod into a hangar of a battleship, pausing in front of a Galra commander. The commander seized him by the throat and growled, “You’re almost certainly the right one, judging from your size, but let’s be sure. Drop your mask, Blade.”
He paused, just long enough to spark a reaction. The commander’s grip tightened. “Drop the mask or I tear it off. The druids want you alive, but they didn’t say that you had to be uninjured.”
He let the mask disappear and glared at his captor, who pulled his head up by his hair to study his face carefully.
“It’s him. Put him in a cell and double the guard on it.” The commander raised his wrist comm and opened a channel. “Set course for the Alvega system.”
The scene dissolved around Shiro, melding into the blue circuits that would surround him when the ship morphed into its robot form. Already he could sense Atlas changing course, plotting an intercept of the Galra battle cruiser.
We need to meet with the others. We need the Blades’ intel. We need Krolia and Kosmo. We need the backup from the Coalition.
You need him. Why do you waste time?
We need a plan. We need support. We can’t get him back safely if we just charge in.
Not fast enough.
The ship shuddered around him and Shiro grabbed the console to stay on his feet, his awareness of the bridge and its occupants returning. He rubbed at his temples with his left hand, trying to ground himself in reality once more.
“Shiro, how did you do that?” Coran shouted above the others’ reactions.
“Do what?”
“A wormhole...you took us through a wormhole, Shiro.” Allura spoke slowly, in shock.
The main viewscreen lit up, showing Kolivan and Krolia in two panels. Kolivan nodded, hiding any surprise he might be feeling. “Good, you’re early. Permission to dock our ships, captain?”
Shiro nodded, before remembering he had a voice. “Of course. Then we’ll get the Coalition ships and head for the Alvega system. That’s where they’re taking Keith.”
He closed his eyes and planted his hands on the control panel once more. Atlas, what are you doing?
You need him.
Yes, we need him. He’s the leader of Voltron. He’s a commander in the Blades.
YOU need him.
He...he’s my best friend.
More than need.
Image after image flooded past Shiro, showing him all the stages of his life that included Keith. The Garrison and Keith becoming his best friend there. The long nights as a prisoner, sustained by memories of Keith and the hope to escape and return to him. Reuniting, only to be dragged into the middle of an interstellar war and then killed. Brought back against impossible odds, with faint memories of what it had cost Keith to accomplish that.
He needs you. You need him.
Then we get him back.
To be continued...
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vcepsis · 5 years
hi hello i am also loving your shiro whump so much, god bless. can i request I + 5 for the drabble prompts, with sheith or miro?
I am so sorry this took so long oof but thank you so much for the request!! Taken from this drabble request meme (fever + in public)
Have 2k of my first ever vld AU (college AU whatup) and my first ever Miro woooo (thought I’d do something different for ya) massive shout out to @feverflushed​ as always for reading it over and listening to me whine
Matt had to fight the impulse to sprint down the hall, pulling out his phone again to check the time. Damn, he was coming up on being thirty minutes late. While being a TA meant he didn’t have a set clock in time, but he always tried to be in the office when Professor Shirogane got in. Matt always liked to be around to help with anything he could: grading papers, sitting in on exams, even writing test questions from time to time. Professor Shirogane—Shiro, he insisted Matt call him—trusted him with a lot, and Matt tried to keep a somewhat timely schedule in return. It was the least he could do, after all.
He finally stopped at the door of Shiro’s office, trying not to look like he ran all the way here from his car. Even after six months of being Shiro’s TA, Matt couldn’t stop the butterflies from dancing in his stomach every time he showed up. Not only was Shiro the most attractive professor on staff—the most beautiful person on campus at any given time, if Matt’s being honest—he was wickedly smart, and kind, and wonderful, and—
Get it together, Holt. Sometimes he felt like a kid crushing on his teacher, instead of a twenty-four year old man with an adult job and half a Master’s degree.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked softly on Shiro’s door.
No answer.
Huh. That was weird. Shiro had class in forty five minutes….he was always in his office at least an hour before.
Matt turned the doorknob, and, finding it unlocked, gently pushed the door open. Shiro always insisted on a casual relationship, even going so far as to give Matt a key to the office if he wanted to work when Shiro wasn’t around. Even so, it felt almost intrusive to enter the room uninvited. “Shiro? You in here?”
It didn’t take Matt long to find Shiro, who was sitting at his desk as usual, but it did take a few moments to register the scene before him.
Shiro’s head was pillowed on his arms in front of his laptop, his glasses pushed up to rest on top of his head. Sound asleep.
Matt gaped, unable to help it. It was rare to see Shiro ever slow down by even a fraction, let alone sleep.
Closing the door as quietly as he could, Matt tiptoed up to Shiro’s desk. The laptop’s screen was dark, and Matt wondered just how long Shiro had been asleep. His breathing was deep, but slightly uneven, and he was snoring softly.
It was the cutest goddamn thing Matt had ever seen.
His face was smushed against his arm, the glasses resting precariously on his white bangs. Matt couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It was nice to see Shiro get some actual rest, for a change.
The smile faded when he noticed the red flush across Shiro’s cheeks and the slightly congested sound of his breathing. There was also a box of tissues on his desk that had most certainly not been there yesterday. Was he getting sick? It was that time of year (then again, in a school this size, it always seemed to be that time of year) and Shiro wasn’t exactly great at remembering to sleep enough. Matt bit his lip, unsure of what to do.
But then, Shiro’s breathing suddenly stuttered, and he lifted his head, blinking tiredly at Matt. His glasses slipped down his forehead to land somewhat crookedly on his nose. Combined with the ruffled hair and the sleepy expression, Matt couldn’t help the way his heart clenched in his chest. Too cute!!
At the same time, though, the flush on his face was darker than Matt had originally thought, and there were dark smudges under his eyes. Matt was beginning to grow concerned.
Clearing his throat slightly, he put on his best not-creepy smile. “Hey man. You feeling alright?”
This seemed to snap Shiro awake, and he sat up so fast it looked like it made him dizzy. “Shit,” he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes with his palms and straightening his glasses. “What time is it?”
“Don’t worry, you still have…” Matt pulled out his phone. “Thirty-eight minutes until your next class starts.”
Shiro nodded, yawning into the back of his hand, only to have it turn into coughing on the exhale.
“But….” Matt hesitated, feeling like he was overstepping. “Maybe you should cancel?”
Shiro smiled sheepishly, sniffling a bit. “I look that bad, huh?”
God, no, Matt thought silently. A little rumpled, sure, but still the hottest fucking thing within a fifty mile radius. “Nah, just…tired.”
Shiro hummed in agreement, leaning forward on his elbows and rubbing his temples. “Yeah. Think I’m coming down with that bug that’s been going around.” He eyed Matt warily, looking a little apprehensive. “You might not want to work here today. Wouldn’t want you to get sick, too.”
Matt waved his hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about me, dude. It’s not like anyone can avoid getting sick here, anyway.” As if he’d leave Shiro alone when he looked so miserable. Plus, Matt’s heart jumped at the prospect of taking care of Shiro, even if it was just doing little things like making sure he had enough tissues, or that he didn’t die in his office.
“Still—” Suddenly, Shiro’s breathing hitched dangerously, cutting him off. He swiped a few tissues out of the box with a desperate urgency, swiveling in his chair away from Matt to sneeze harshly a few times into the folds.
Matt resisted the urge to rub Shiro’s back as he blew his nose in the aftermath (because that would be the exact opposite of professional), but he couldn’t help make a comment. “You sure you’re ok? You sound kind of….terrible.”
“I’ll be fine, Matt.” The words sounded a bit dulled, the congestion evident in his voice. He sniffled again and tossed the tissue in the trash. “It’s just a cold, anyway.”
“Sure,” Matt said, not convinced in the slightest. “But isn’t the best part of being a professor being able to cancel class whenever you want?”
Shiro shot him an exasperated look. “Most people would say it’s the joy of teaching,” he said flatly.
“Ok…sounds fake, but ok.” Matt deposited himself in one of the plush chairs opposite Shiro’s desk, rummaging through his bag to find his notebook. They lapsed into silence then, save for Shiro’s occasional sniffle.
Matt tried to concentrate on his work, but it was difficult to ignore Shiro’s deteriorating condition. The cough he was trying to keep contained was sounding worse and worse as time went on, from dry and quiet to crackling and harsh. It sounded downright painful. Matt knew Shiro thought it was “just a cold”, but he also knew Shiro had the tendency to work himself into the ground and turn a simple illness into something worse. And sure, Shiro was an adult, but Matt couldn’t help but worry.
Soon enough, though, Shiro was packing his bag to head to his class. Matt sighed internally, knowing Shiro would work through literally anything. So he did the only logical thing.
“What are you doing?” Shiro asked as Matt shoved his notebook back into his bag.
“Coming with you to class,” Matt said, as if that was what he always did and there was absolutely no reason to be suspicious about it.
But Shiro was, of course, not buying it. “Ok, but….why?”
Matt shrugged, trying to make it all seem natural. “Because you’re teaching a class that’s relevant to my Master’s? You know…the one you’re helping me with?”
“It’s an intro level class,” Shiro said slowly, rubbing his pink nose with the back of his wrist. “You probably know this stuff better than I do, at this point.”
Matt scoffed. As if that was possible. Shiro was probably one of the smartest people he knew. He did have a point, though; Matt did know this stuff inside and out. Mostly he wanted to make sure Shiro didn’t traumatize his students by passing out halfway through the lecture.
Shiro sighed as Matt zipped up his bag. “Alright,” he said, slightly exasperated. “It’s not like I can stop you anyway.”
Matt beamed as he slung his bag over his shoulder. “Nope!”
To his immense credit, Shiro did not, in fact, pass out during the lecture.
By the end, though, he looked pretty damn close.
Matt sat in a chair off to the side, where the podium with Shiro’s laptop sat. He got some odd looks from a few students—normally they only saw Matt during midterms or exams—but he ignored them, focusing his energy on monitoring Shiro.
Shiro had started off strong, only a hint of congestion in his voice giving away his condition. But as the class went on, his voice got worse, his energy seemed to wane, and he had to stop a few times to sneeze into the crook of his elbow. The ugly fluorescent lights of the lecture hall did nothing to hide the dark flush across his cheeks and nose. At some point, Matt realized had completely tuned out what Shiro was actually saying, keeping a close eye on the time, waiting anxiously for the class to be over.
After what felt like an eternity, Shiro finally dismissed the class, and Matt jumped up from his seat. Shiro made his way to the podium and started packing up his bag, taking longer than usual, his movements sluggish. Matt wanted to help, but didn’t want to cross the boundary of their professional relationship.
Well…he did. Very, very badly. But now wasn’t the time for that.
“Hey.” Matt leaned against the podium, looking up at Shiro’s flushed face. “I really think you should go home.”
Shiro checked his watch—of course he wore a watch, what an old fashioned fool, and Matt’s chest grew warm with affection. “I have my fourth year class in an hour—”
“So?” Matt straightened and put his hands on his hips, the picture of defiance. “There are like, ten people in that class. They’ll survive. Plus, you’re sick. They’ll understand.”
“No!” Matt exclaimed, frustration welling up inside him. God, why was Shiro so bad at taking care of himself? “You’re sick and you’re miserable and you definitely have a fever. You need to take care of yourself too, you know!”
Shiro at least had the decency to look admonished. “It’s not that bad…”
“Not that—” Matt choked on the words. And in a move of absolute rage-fuelled insanity, he shoved his hand under Shiro’s bangs, with his palm on Shiro’s forehead.
Shiro’s eyes went wide, and Matt suddenly realized what he’d done. But before the mortification could eat him alive, the heat searing into his palm demanded his attention.
“Holy shit dude, you’re burning up.” He dropped his hand as quickly as possible, as if that could salvage the situation. His hand tingled in the aftermath, and Matt wasn’t sure it was just because of the heat. “Let’s get back to your office so you can email those students because you are cancelling your next class.”
Shiro’s shoulders slumped under the weight of Matt’s words, and finally, he nodded. It was a testament to how terrible he was feeling that he relented so quickly. He turned away from Matt as another coughing fit took over, the sound wet and harsh as he buried his face in his elbow. Matt’s heart hurt from the sound.
“This hit you like a truck, huh?” Matt felt his frustration evaporate, only to be replaced with concern as Shiro used one hand to steady himself on the podium. As Shiro stopped to catch his breath, Matt circled around the podium, grabbing Shiro’s laptop and his various papers and stuffing them in his bag. It wasn’t the neatest thing ever, but it would do for now. With his own bag on one shoulder and slinging Shiro’s bag on the other, he reached out a hand to tentatively touch Shiro’s back.
“You ok?” Matt asked softly, feeling a little guilty about his previous outburst. But Shiro didn’t seem upset, until he looked over and saw Matt with his bag.
“Matt, no, I can take my bag…”
“I got it, Shiro,” Matt said. I got you ran through his head, but he managed to quell the thought before he did something stupid, like use it to confess his undying love. “Now let’s get you home, alright?”
Shiro ran a hand over his face, letting out a congested sounding breath. “What would I do without you?”
Matt grinned. “Probably be dead in your office.”
The smile Shiro sent him in return was a little tired, a little exasperated, but it was bright and beautiful and it melted Matt’s heart.
Ah, shit, Matt thought as his own smile grew wider. I love him.
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sheithfromvoltron · 5 years
Crimson Headache
a birthday gift for @quiznakingred​/@lepusastrum​ based on @applepieken​‘s sheith frat au fan art this fic is also on AO3
“Frat parties are stupid,” Keith groaned as Romelle pushed a pair of red sunglasses into his hair. This already seemed like overkill, but he’d said he’d go. Not that he’d be happy about it.
“I thought you’d never been to one,” she hummed as she moved back to dig through his closet.
“I haven’t, but frat boys are lame and parties are awful. Which means frat parties are even worse.”
“Your logic is flawless, as always, Keith.”
“I know,” he cast Romelle an iceless glare as she rolled her eyes at him. He pulled the dress shirt on anyway, then motioned to himself in question.
“You’re still going?”
“Well, yeah.”
“I’m not letting you go to some lame party alone. At least if I’m there we can bitch about how lame it is together.”
“You’re the best!”
“I know, now come on let’s go.”
Twenty minutes later, the two of them were pulling up on the grass of an already full yard.
Romelle got off the bike first, straightening her dress after removing her helmet. Keith followed, going slower to put off having to go in the house. The music was loud, the front porch was already trashed, and the windows flashed with neon lights.
“It’ll be fun, I promise,” Romelle squeezed his hand reassuringly, pulling him forward with her. “I heard Shiro’s going to be here.”
“Of course he will be, Alpha Phi Alpha is his frat.” Keith’s mouth snapped shut, realizing his mistake, but Romelle was already beaming at him.
“I thought you said frat boys were lame.”
“They are, I— Shut up!” Keith definitely wasn't blushing.
“Cute,” the girl grinned, pulling him along again until they were through the door.
Like every party he’d been to, this one was already crowded and getting fuller by the minute. He followed Romelle to the kitchen. She greeted a few people as they walked through the house, hugging a girl with short red hair that he recognized from one of his physics courses and waving a little too shyly at a boy who looked similar but was taller and had a bit of a southern accent. Matt he guessed based on Romelle’s previous rants about how smart and cute and sweet the boy in her robotics lab was.
Keith kept going as the other boy started up a conversation with his friend. Luckily the kitchen was only a few steps away and he spotted a familiar face. “Hank, right?” he asked a little ashamed that he wasn’t completely sure of the guy’s name despite being partnered on several projects together.
“Hunk,” he corrected politely with a bright smile. “You want something to drink?”
“Yeah, what’ve you got?”
“Beer mostly, any particular one you want.” He opened the fridge and stepped to the side to reveal various blue and red labeled bottles.
“Nothing stronger?” he questioned, wanting something to dull the claustrophobia that was starting to set in by being surrounded by so many people.
“There’s jello shots on the table, but that’s about it.” Keith gave an awkward thumbs up and headed in the direction Hunk had pointed.
When he got to the table however, the shots had been cleared to sit on a cabinet in the corner and there was some type of game going on. Not particularly interested, but having nothing else to do, Keith grabbed a couple shots and stood on the sidelines to watch.
It seemed simple enough, despite how intensely everyone was watching and hollering with every made and missed shot of the pingpong ball. By the time the game was over someone had found (or maybe crafted with MacGyver-like drunk ingenuity) a crown of beer cans and had placed in on the winner’s head.
“I am the Beer Pong King!” the winner, who Keith also vaguely recognized but couldn’t put a name to, declared, downing one the remaining cups of beer on the table. “Who’s next? Or are you all afraid to face the nine-time undefeated king.
“It was only six!” Someone hollered back from the crowd and that seemed to only fuel the winner’s ego.
“No volunteers then?” The boy looked around and for some reason locked eyes with Keith. “What about you, mullet? Let’s see if your just as talented off school grounds.”
While Keith wanted to correct that technically the frat house was campus property so technically was still school grounds, the competitive side of him won out and he stepped to the opposite side of the table. Though even know he still couldn't put a name or even any details to the reason that he and the King apparently knew each other.
From the first shot, the other boy seemed to realize his mistake as Keith easily sunk the ball into his opponents cup. “Drink up,” he smirked, the thought of losing not even entering his mind. It wasn’t even a fair fight. He won that match easily, trying not to turn red from the attention as the crown was removed from the former King and placed on his head. Seven rounds later, he bowed and stepped away from the table the undefeated king of the night.
By the time he settled onto the empty couch in the corner of the living room, he’d completely lost track of Romelle, but didn’t mind as he sipped from his glass, free hand keeping the crown steady on the top of his head. But eventually he got tired of having to do that and switched it out for the sunglasses he’d hung on his pocket so that they’d help keep the hair out of his face.
As he was finishing the last of his drink, he looked up as another was lifted into his line of sight. “You look like you could use another.” Shit, Keith’s eyes lifted to meet warm steel ones.
“Thanks,” he tried not to blush as his fingers brushed Shiro’s when he took the offered cup.
“Can I sit here?” Keith nodded, sipping the drink and avoiding eye contact. But he still found himself sneaking glances from the corner of his eye as the man dropped down next to him. He tried (and failed) not to memorize the spread of his legs or the thick muscle of his arms in his cut off shirt or the way his bangs sprung out from the opening of his backwards cap or the way his gum snapped between his teeth in a somehow non-irritating but actually very sexy way.
“I’ve seen you around before, never here though.” Keith hummed as a reply instead of answering, afraid that the man could here the way his rough voice was turning Keith’s insides to jelly. “I’m Takashi by the way, everyone just calls me Shiro though.”
“I know,” this time Keith managed to answer, proud of the way his voice didn’t waver.
That earned him a soft chuckle that made him nearly faint. “Your cute.” I’m not! “But I bet I could turn you into a bad boy.”
Keith turned to him at that, leaning in close. Closer. Closer. Until there mouths met and Keith was kissing him deep and hard, lapping at the inside of his mouth for a moment before pulling away. Shiro just stared wide-eyed and red faced and that earned him a smirk as Keith removed his sunglasses and pushed them up on Shiro’s nose, leaning in close again. “I’m already a bad boy, baby.”
He pulled away, picking his drink back up and winking as he chewed on the gum he’d stolen. “See ya around, Shiro.”
[[ Also available on AO3. ]]
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itsteatimenow · 6 years
please reblog or like this if you post about any of these things :)
hi everyone!
So, recently I decided to try and interact a little more on tumblr! I’ve had this one for quite a while, but I mostly just liked posts and left it at that. I’d really like to try and meet new people, and hopefully make some new friends, though!
I’m still new at this whole “interacting in tumblr” thing, so I’ll just leave a list of things I like, and if you also like it/post about it, I’ll follow you! I’ll also talk a little about stuff i like from a specific title (like favorite character or ships), how much i’ve watched/played of it, things like that! Feel absolutely free to shoot me a message or something if we share any interests and you want to chat :)
Voltron! i really want more people that i can talk to about this show, help. i ship sheith a lot, but i basically ship anything that has keith, shiro, allura or matt. i also stan keith and shiro individually like there’s no tomorrow.
Kingdom Hearts! i’ve fully played all of the games, except for DDD and Coded, both of which i’m currently playing! Birth By Sleep has been my favorite game so far, and Axel’s been my favorite character since he first appeared, but Riku is a reeeeeally close second place.
Boku no Hero! sooo, i’ve only been watching the anime, but i plan on reading the manga as well eventually! deku is my bby, and bakugo and dabi are my absolute favorites, even though i love basically the entire cast kdsjflskd i do kind of have bakudeku as my favorite ship of sorts, but “multi-shipper” is a huge understatement for my trash ass, so...
One Piece! i’m really not that far along in the anime (i’m like at episode 300 or so), but i do keep up with spoilers so i sort of have a grasp of everything going on in the series. i’m not even gonna try to name a favorite character, it basically changes by the second.
Marvel, all of it! Comics, movies and shows! i’m a diehard loki stan, also lowkey a bucky stan pls don’t give up on me :( comic-wise i really like the x-men comics, but i also read quite a lot of other stuff from time to time. show-wise, my absolute favorites were daredevil and jessica jones.
Persona! i’ve only played P5 so far, but i do plan to eventually play all the of others. i also haven’t exactly finished P5 yet, i’m about halfway through it, but i do love it already! Joker is probably my favorite main protagonist in quite a while. i also have played a lot of SMT games, and love them!
SKAM! i really really love noora and even, and isak is my bby boy aaaa. all of the characters are amazing, tbh, those are just the ones i got most attached to. i do also quite like noorhelm, which might be a somewhat unpopular opinion.
Harry Potter! of course, the fandom that introduced everyone to what fandoms are. i’m a slytherin, and i’m basically the biggest draco malfoy, sirius black and ginny weasley stan around. i highkey ship draco and ginny, sue me (also: drarry).
Percy Jackson! i have a couple of problems with some stuff riordan says, but one way or another, i do still really enjoy the Percy books. I haven’t read Heroes of Olympus, though i might eventually read it. my favorites are nico, thalia and luke.
Disney! And animation films in general! so yeah, i’m one of those people who really really enjoy disney and other animated movies!! i’d love to babble about any movies, especially if it’s stuff like Big Hero 6 or Aladdin, or Disney’s more “less known” stuff like Robin Hood or Treasure Planet or Black Cauldron. i also really really like How To Train Your Dragon, Megamind, Anastasia and lots of other stuff!! also i need to mention i love love lov e Meg
Star Wars! umm, i’m almost scared of jumping into this one, but oh well. so, i really like anakin and his backstory (the idea and concept of it, not necessarily how they were executed in the prequels), and he is one of my favorite characters along with han, leia and luke. i do enjoy the new movies overall, and i like most of the new characters!
Fullmetal Alchemist! this was my favorite anime/manga for a looong time! the only reason it’s not still it is because i currently love a lot of different animes and i am bad at picking favorites. i like both versions of the anime, to be completely honest, but i sort of dislike both endings.
Final Fantasy! it’s the first jrpg series i fell in love with! my favorites have to be VII and X, though from VII, i sort of like Crisis Core more than the core title, mostly because Zack Fair is my favorite character ever created hands down.
this is just what i could remember off the top of my head! honestly if you post/like anything anime related or jrpg related im probably interested in it!!
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siriusly-unexpected · 5 years
OKAY. Voltron season 8 thoughts below. Very much spoilery. 
I took notes with a pencil on paper like the old-fashioned person that I am. Also I binge watched all 13 eps without any breaks so my thoughts might be a bit all over the place. But, let me try to organize them a little bit.
Allura x Lance
we gotta start with this shit.
I mean no hate, if you ship this then great, this is just my opinion.I respect your ship, you respect my ship. (I totally just wrote shit. Oops.)
it felt too rushed. like why make all of that happen in the first episode and then forget all about it for a few??!
it was too soon, like i didn’t really think it would happen? they should have had a little more waiting time before going all oooh allura totes said yes to a date with lance, like where did that come from??
allura has been paired with a lot of the male characters throughout the seasons, and I HATE THAT
let her be a strong female character without a love interest goddammit
yeah that is actually my main problem with allurance. like, wasn’t she just kissing lotor a while ago? and then she had her moments with keith? and first was shiro in the very first season i could tell they were thinking of making it a thing
that first kiss was so ugh i actually gagged too much romantic for me
that was not a grammatically correct sentence i am sorry i am an english major but it is just past midnight
i get that this show is aimed for a younger audience, but show some connection between the couple before they become a couple and after??
yeah i just don’t like this ship
i am still klance trash
but i will admit allura and lance kinda cuddling? that was cute af
also they were SO CLICHE at times (ep11... the ending...)
this didn’t have to happen? the season would have been great without it? this didn’t really add anything to it? other than a couple awkward kisses? forced hetero romance -.-
gotta have a section for keef he is my baby boy whom i love
“the one i really want” meaning keith i mean same
he is so hot goddammit
and such a great leader i love
a lot of my comments are literally like “KEEF UNF” (ep1), “KEEF GOT A GUN *heart eyes*” (ep3), “BBY KEEP” (ep5), “keith babe <3<3 shouting at zarkon” (ep10), etc. you get the point i love him
oh one more
“as long as we’re a team we stand a chance” i literally wrote: YAS KEEF BBY !!!
that was ep 12 btw
also in ep5 when the whatshername was falling into the volcano i just had enough time to think ‘what a bad way to go’ and then my boy saved her <3<3<3
i love klance and you cannot make me not love klance
after their handshake thing in ep 11 i let out embarrassing noises because even with lance and allura i still can’t not ship klance okay
i love keith and hunk bonding or spending time together or getting stuck in an amusement park ride together
i love LOVE lions saving their paladins? like eating them in space? that shit so good mmh (ep 3)
i hate to see pidge cry do not make my child cry ever again
hunk has won over my heart i love him
Honerva (& Lotor and stuff)
iiiii’m not sure how i feel about her still being alive and being this season’s main villain
but i guess it makes sense since it’s the last season and all
they didn’t really have enough episodes to make a fully new villain
i really really wanted lotor to be dead and stay dead i mean he had his seasons now it’s momma’s time in the spotlight i mean what
honerva having guardians to protect her thoughts and memories reminded me of inception in some way
i liked the old paladins being there? it felt appropriate 
little lotor was cute
and when he said she’s not his mom? yass alternate lotor do some good
honerva was a little predictable tho? like in the end esp. when she couldn’t have what she wanted she was like ‘the no one can have anything’
but of course she turned good and helped in the end
about that. THE ENDING THING
that. was. so. intense. actually this whole season was really intense
i don’t like multiple realities things in anything
it’s a cool theory but it usually doesn’t do it for me in books / movies / etc
this was no exception
they made it a thing and then forgot about it for a while
which, bleh
then they saved the universes with (OFC) enough time to say goodbye cause who needs to hurry when realities at stake lol there’s always time for a goodbye kiss
(but hell yeah lance with altean markings??!! why what how??! but hells yeah.)
(catch me with that future altean!lance x galra!keith fic. i want it give it to me.)
yeah for a moment i was really afraid allura would find a way to come back? but THANK GOD that didn’t happen and she stayed dead
which i CALLED IT
like even before they went into honerva’s mind i was like it’d be p cool if allura died
not like cool cool but cool from the show’s perspective? you know?
someone had to die okay. even in a kids’ show, someone has to die.
iiiii didn’t really like that they had a statue for allura it reminded me too much of the lotor one and look where that got us
paladins color coding even a year later hell yeah
bye lions :’’’’’’’<<<<
also the picture of them older? hells yeah hot damn
that. was an actual gay kiss. on a CHILDREN’S CARTOON. AAAAAADDGDRHKAEDH
but it was pretty funny how it was like ‘the paladins did this, and that, and accomplished this and that, oh and shiro was gay’
but still. i love love love
keith with long hair can GET it, also him in the future? i love.
i have too many emotions about this right now
(i still believe in klance i do i do) (i mean i also ship sheith and pidge with like some of the boys sometimes? but klance is my main hoe)
i am a multishipper so i accept you and your ships even if they are different from mine
Finally, other misc things
voltron tv-series :’’’’DDDDDD 
i had chills down my spine multiple times when they were giving inspiring speeches, like for example when they were leaving earth in ep1
KOSMO <3<3<3<3<3<3
paladins in black underarmour can GET IT
matt is hot what is new
ATLASBOT is thicc and i love her <3
theee video diary documentary ep was actually pretty cool, i liked it
i had my doubts when it started, but seeing everyone from a different perspective was really cool
(there was a dude named seok jin i see what you did there bts IS taking over the world)
(yes i am actually kpop trash)
it was really stupid having everyone elsewhere when allura was doing stupid shit with the dark orb what was it called again? anyway.
i didn’t like that part actually, her using the dark powers (lol is this star wars?? come to the dark side allura)
some moments were a bit predictable but again, kids’ show
i really enjoyed by binge watch, despite all the critique i have said here
i like this show, and will be watching it again from the start some day
i still don’t remember the names of the new kids from last season but i guess i’m glad they didn’t die? i thought they might
i’m just rambling now i should just end this here
i don’t think anyone but myself will read this but if you did, thanks i guess? send me a message if you agree with anything i said? what did you like? was it a good final season? i think it was. thank god they knew where and when to end this and not go on forever.
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eledritch · 6 years
I know how you like basically went Sheith trash and distanced yourself from Klance and honestly after this season’s aftermath I relate too hard only maybe with Heith instead. I’m just tired of Klance shippers and they’ve made the ship unenjoyable to me. Also Lance. They’ve ruined Lance for me damn it. Anyway point is I’m glad I’m not alone in that and I probably should have followed your example sooner 😩
excuse you I am high quality Sheith recyclables, at worst 😂 also ‘they’ve ruined lance for me damn it’ hurts my heart bc yEAH....i still love lance but not the ridiculous fanon version they’ve created big yikes anyway welcome to the club fam
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ear · 6 years
aja,,, king,,, did you hear,,, joaquim just tweeted some nasty pro-sheith bullshit,,, they realized they messed up,,, and now they're pandering to the only demographic that seems to still stay with vld,,, i am losing my mind,,,
r u serious lmao............. voltron is trash
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midoriyasbones · 6 years
Sheith is canon. Stop peddling klance. You're too talented for that juvenile bull crap.
im gonna hit my fucking limit if you don’t piss off.
i’ve received so many of these over the past few months and i’ve just been deleting them because they’re a waste of my time. but im so angry right now i could scream. how dare you call me juvenile when you come into my inbox spewing this shit almost on the daily. also who the fuck says bull crap?? it’s 2018 you either swear or you stay in the chucke cheese ball pit where you clearly belong.
it’s people like you anon who are making me absolutely hate my work as an author, as an event runner, and above all you’re making me fucking hate myself. i can’t stand this. fuck.
anon, you’re making me loathe sheith, and not because of the ship itself. i think the ship is a great concept and has many amazing people behind it, but recently when i see sheith all i can think about are these fucking anons and i get sick to my stomach. the stupidest shit goes through my head like… ‘would people like me more if i shipped sheith?’ ‘is shipping klance wrong?’ ‘would my work be better focus towards sheith?’ ‘do people even listen to me because i ship klance? are they right, is klance ‘juvenile’?’ and it fucking hurts. because i like sheith’s dynamic. it’s a relationship built on trust and pure adoration. it’s a kind of love that lingers in your soul, the slow burning of sweet incense until you’re drunk from the smell, it’s that kind of intoxicating. i want to be able to see sheith exactly how i just described it there and not see this fucking anon taunting me. i thought if i didn’t answer you’d go away, but here you are. you’re always here.
anon, i’m not sure what you’d thought you’d accomplish by praising my intelligence, my compassion, my persistence, my strength for these past few months, and then saying i’m wasting it. if you were trying to get me to ship sheith, you’ve fucking failed. had you left me alone i probably would have started shipping it. but no, you kept sending these. well fuck you anon. i still don’t ship sheith and now i just feel so fucking angry at myself for allowing you to become what i associate sheith with. im so angry. the real sheith shippers don’t deserve my anger just as the real klance shippers don’t deserve it either. i should be angry at just you, but i’m not. i’m angry at it all and i hate myself for it. i hate myself! fuck!
but at least you’ve emboldened me. i’ve rekindled a love for klance because of you. i’ve kept my ship despite you coming in and trying to explain why klance won’t be canon, why sheith is already canon, why klance works are inferior, why i should rewrite my stuff as sheith, why i shouldn’t ship klance. in fact! i’d say i ship my ship more because of you. my talents are not wasted in creating what i love. they will never be wasted. as long as what i do makes me happy then you can go eat a full pound of sugar free jelly beans (aka the most powerful laxative in the fucking world). i am creating what i love just as other shippers are creating what they love. the point of a fandom is to create and enjoy. it’s not a place to debate about what ship is better.
klance is… it’s a ‘say you’ll never let me go’ kind of love. it’s an ‘i’ll be your anchor’ kind of love. it’s ‘i’ll be your voice when the whispers get too loud, your home base and the king that keeps you crowned, your lips when your choking on your words’. it’s a wildfire. it’s raindrops,  it’s who do you love, it’s stutter, it’s haven’t had enough, it’s a smoke filled room, it’s surrender, it’s clarity, it’s something better, it’s closer, it’s it’ll be okay, it’s firestone, it’s i’ll fight or you, it’s enjoy the ride and a million other songs i could link. 
klance to me is the sunlight reflecting off the ocean, orange rays staining the blue ripples. it’s the rainfall to the desert, droplets quenching the parched earth their creating new life. it’s the vivacious spirit of a summer storm, the lightning and the thunder. klance is the spirit of adventure, a great wondrous spark of curiosity. it’s an impulsive fling that turns into an eternal flame. it’s an iceberg: fun and bright on the surface but the passion runs deep beneath it. it’s the thrill of a new discovery, the innocence of a child in a park and simultaneously the father watching his child learn. it’s the drive behind competition, an adrenaline rush. rev your engines, smirk at your rival, ‘eat my dust’ trash talk but you know when the crowd dies down you’ll be in each other arms. it’s a thrill you get from going really fast and the fear from a fall yet all the overwhelming relief when you are safe. it’s a soul splintering sob that leaves you vulnerable and shattered in the best ways and a carbonated laugh that tickles from your nose to your toes. the warmth from the sun, the sighs of a wind, the light of the stars, the beating of a heart, the cool of the mist. it’s a thousand words in a picture. it’s a rush of air. it’s clean and fresh and youthful and exhilarating and i thrive in this kind of place. i thrive in the polar opposites and extremes. i need this kind of joy and reverence and mix of agape and eros like oxygen, like water, like touch.
and i thrive in the peace too. the gentle quiet of the dawn and the calm after a storm, the waves lapping on the shore, the fire crackling in the hearth, the ship docking at harbor, the plane gliding over the clouds. it’s the feeling of a good sleep. it’s the reassurance of a lover’s forgiveness. it’s the great tranquility of standing up for what’s right. it’s the great strength of a smile won after tears. if morning coffee and cuddles and blankets and nuzzles.
what im trying to say is… klance to me is joy. joy is my favorite emotion. i live to feel joy to make joy to be joy to spread joy. so let me be joyful in what i do and let others be joyful in what they do.
so i ship klance. and now you know why. this ship leaves me raw and empty in the best way. i’ll never stop loving it, you can’t make me, i won’t let you. just like i won’t let people like you ruin this ship or any other ship for anyone else ever again. the next ask from you i get i’m just going to ip block. i won’t let you take the joy from my ship or taint other ships for me anymore.
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harookah-nananase · 6 years
Discarding myself from the Voltron Fandom (possibly)?
I’ve gotten to the point where I’m kinda sick of hearing how people threaten the Voltron staff if something doesn’t happen. To be clear, i, being an LGBTQ member myself, was absolutely thrilled to see representation. But when Adam was given approximately 4 minutes of air time and the two possibly lesbian characters were killed, I was upset as well. However, I’ve been seeing and hearing all sides of the story but I can’t pick a side. For me simply:
I will not let my love for this show be ruined by others ignorance due to ‘ship wars’ and trashing the creators. We all should remember we have a season left right? Maybe sheith will happen, maybe klance will happen? I am a multi shipper and honestly would be happy either way. So LET ME BE HAPPY, and love this season and my characters. I will strictly be following fanart and fanfics. I will be rping still but not with others who completely trash other ships and other fans of this fandom.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Haha, thanks! Although...I built my PJO/VLD AU based on personality, so Lance is Neptune's great great great grandson & aphrodite's his mom. Uhh: Keith and Nico meeting (I literally call keith Space Nico), double dates for Klance & Nicercy, which characters are the most similar to the paladins (with s6, I've a VERY obvious favorite for Shiro & bc im multishipper trash, jasico's relationship reminds me of canon! sheith), & what would the PJO characters do if thrown into the VLD verse. TKSM :)!
Interesting take. ôo
Keith and Nico meeting (I literally call keith Space Nico)
That’s because Keith is space Nico. Not just the optics, but also the broody not team-player loner and the fierce determination to save the one person he cares about (Keith with Shiro in E1 and Nico with Percy in the Labyrinth).
I really don’t think they’d get along. They’re literally the same character. And that tends to clash. They’d be broody and glare-y and watch with hawk’s eyes whenever the other would come close to their blue boy.
double dates for Klance & Nicercy
Lots of glaring between Keith and Nico, while Lance and Percy have the time of their life and hit it off right away. It’ll take Nico and Keith some time, but the more our blue boys hit it off, the more Nico and Keith will begrudgingly bond.
By the end of dinner, two bottles of wine in, Nico and Keith are inseparable, just watching Lance and Percy and comparing notes on who is the cutest.
which characters are the most similar to the paladins
Shiro: Yeeeah no I got nothing. The whole abducted for years, amputated by the enemy, literally died and came back, got a couple clones of himself running around, was possessed by the enemy and used to infiltrate the good guys, leader of the team, professionally trained military man, admired hero… He fits no PJatO character around.
Keith: Nico. Do I even have to explain this one? It’s like… he’s literally space Nico. Literally.
Lance: Mix of Percy and Leo. Goofball, loyal to a fault, but the self-esteem issues of one Leo Valdez to top it off.
Hunk: Frank? Overweight and underutilized. Gentle giant to the max.
Pidge: Annabeth? Genius girl on the team, can be a super mean bitch even though she loves her dumbass boys. Also willing to do a lot to save her lost brother (in this case the parallel between Matt and Luke).
Coran: Grover? The kind of comic-relief support guy who would really deserve to be more than that, but there is enough going out around the ~main~ characters already.
Allura: Reyna? Born leader who still accepts those New Guys coming in and taking the lead. Graceful, firm, serious, beautiful, strong, badass. Also has to overcome millennia old prejudices (against Greeks vs against Galra) to work together with a group of those to win the war.
Lotor: Luke. Definitely. Trying to achieve the “greater good” and sacrificing the lives of “a few” of his people along the way, but being sure that he has made the right choice. Also got corrupted by an ancient evil essence that made him crazy. And mommy and daddy issues.
(with s6, I’ve a VERY obvious favorite for Shiro & bc im multishipper trash, jasico’s relationship reminds me of canon! sheith)
*points up above* Enlighten me to who you associate with Shiro, because I got nothing. ôo
what would the PJO characters do if thrown into the VLD verse
Percy: *standing at the void, screaming at the top of his lungs* Fuuuuck yoooou. Because quests on Earth and risking my life on a monthly base isn’t enough, now I gotta go to space? TO SPACE?! FUCK THIS! BUT I AM KEEPING THE GIANT BLUE ROBO-KITTEN!
Leo: *already strapping into the Red Lion*
Jason: *patting the Black Lion on the head*
Nico: *glad to be here to protect Percy from potentially getting killed by aliens, but also fiercely glaring at Jace for snatching the Black Lion while the Green Lion is sitting there, waiting for him*
Annabeth: *with the yellow helmet beneath her arm* Stop being dramatic, Jackson, we gotta save the universe.
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aleois · 6 years
Why are you still writing? No one like Prideshipping, and even if they did, no one would read your trash writing. Stop writing all this gay shit and just get off tumblr. I bet you don’t even have 100 followers. Go fuck yourself, you trash wannabe writer.
So I debated for a long time whether or not to post this or just delete it, but I’ve been getting several of these lately and judging by the wording, I’m pretty sure they’re all from the same person.
I love prideshipping. I love puzzleshipping. I love flareshipping and rivalshipping. I love Klance, and Sheith, and Lancelot. I love SNS, and Bakudeku and Tododeku. I myself am a part of lgbt+. You don’t like it, get the fuck off my blog and stop sending me pointless hate.
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amillionsmiles · 7 years
“You started sitting by me at lunch because I’m alone at my table but we never talk to each other” AU (Sheith or plance whatever inspires you!)
combined this with another college AU I saw floating around somewhere that said: “You’re the RA and you’re trying to bust me for having hermit crabs.” I’m sorry but I’m also not. here ya go, Justine ;)
[Ao3 link] in case you want to read there bc it got a little long
“Hey, mind if I sit?”
Keith looks up from his Econ 1 reading to find Shiro hovering by the seat in front of him, a plate in either hand.  A well-balanced meal, Keith notes—one plate has been dedicated specifically to fruits and vegetables, the other piled with careful portions of today’s chicken stir-fry, eggplant, and brown rice.
Shrugging, he says, “It’s a free country,” mostly because he knows that Shiro will sit down anyways.  It must be an RA thing: the ability to, at any time, locate one of your residents and administer whatever aid is needed.  In this case, Shiro has noticed Keith’s empty table, swooping in to save his freshman from being That One Kid Sitting By Himself in the Corner.
What Shiro has overlooked, however, is that Keith is eating alone by choice.  He has twenty minutes to scarf down his food and assemble an understanding of the income elasticity of demand before he heads to section.  More like twelve minutes, once you factor in how long it takes to put up his dishes and dash across campus.  So yeah, not much time for small talk.
Unfazed, Shiro sits down, swiping some napkins from the table dispenser.
“I’ll leave you to your work,” he says knowingly, eyes twinkling with good humor as he raises a fork and knife and busies himself with cutting up his lunch.  Keith blinks, a little, at that, before shoveling the rest of his cornbread in his mouth and relocating his paragraph on the page.
He reminds himself that Shiro gets paid for this.  It makes him feel less guilty.
The thing is, Keith has a secret.
While other people choose to stock their dorm rooms with succulents, coffee machines, or decked out desktops, Keith came to college certain of one thing: he was taking his hermit crabs with him.  Rescued from a booth on the boardwalk during the senior year field trip, Pearl and Raf have remained safely in his care for a year now.  There wasn’t anyone back home he trusted leaving their tank with, so they had to come here.
Rolo has been an accommodating roommate, for the most part.  Largely, Keith suspects, because Rolo just doesn’t give a shit.  Their relationship revolves around the age-old motto of “you do your thing and I do mine.”  Each boy’s junk stays on his respective side of the room.  The trash gets taken out on time. The system works.
And if Rolo ever does decide to throw Keith under the bus of the “no pets” policy, well.  Keith knows where Rolo hides his weed.
Still, these reassurances don’t protect Keith from the miniature heart attack he suffers when someone knocks on their door.  Hurriedly, Keith scoops Pearl and Raf off his desk and back into their tank, throwing a tarp over it.
When he eases the door open, Shiro is standing in the hall, one hand braced against the doorframe.  The pose pulls his shirt tightly across his chest, accentuating his pecs, and Keith is reminded that his RA is a junior on the swimming team.  Those arms could probably heave Keith over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and it would be no problem for Shiro to muscle his way into the room.
Shit. The realization smacks Keith in the face.  Shiro knows about the crabs.  He’s here to confiscate them.
Keith is not going down without a fight.
“Keith!” Shiro smiles, which is already suspicious.  “How are you?”
“Fine,” Keith answers.  Wary.
Shiro nods.  “Good.  Because we’d love to have you join us for the hall meeting…” He trails off, raising an eyebrow.
Keith glances behind him to the clock on his table.  10 PM. Wednesday. Hall meeting.  That was…definitely an email that was sent, which he might have deleted without reading.
“Right,” Keith says, squeezing through the small opening he left between the door and the frame.  Shiro steps back to give him space; Keith tries to hide his relief when the door clicks shut behind him.  Pearl and Raf will remain safe for another day.
“Well?” he asks, starting ahead.  Behind him, Shiro is watching him strangely, the hint of a smile on his lips.  “Let’s go.”
It is 3 AM in the goddamn morning.  Keith shifts from foot to foot for warmth, blowing air into his hands.  The fire alarm continues to screech, whistling through the wintry air as the rest of the dorm residents stagger outside.  Lance, who lives down the hall from him, walks over, some sort of white paste caked to his face.
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
“No,” grunts Keith.
“Don’t know why I thought you would,” Lance mutters, leaving to find someone more helpful.
“Smart, grabbing your jacket,” someone else says; Keith turns to find Shiro grinning at him, clad in nothing but fraying red pajama pants and a black muscle tee.  The cold doesn’t seem to faze him.  Makes sense, since Keith is pretty sure Shiro was meant to be a bronze statue somewhere and just got lost in transit.
“Yeah,” Keith says, not wanting to betray the fact that currently, there’s a hermit crab shoved in each pocket of said jacket.  He hadn’t been sure if the fire was real or not—better safe than sorry.  It’s not going to be good for Pearl and Raf, though, if they stay out in this temperature any longer.
Shiro places a hand on his shoulder.  Keith nearly jumps under the touch.  “I’m going to go make sure everyone else is okay.  Stay warm, all right?”
“All right,” Keith says, finding his voice, but Shiro has already disappeared into the crowd.      
Saturday night, the common room smells like blueberry pancakes.  People poke their heads in, shuffling away when Shiro gives an apologetic look and says, “Sorry, guys, I’m out.”  It’s almost 2 AM and his on call is winding down; on the couch, Keith settles in, closing his eyes and readying himself for some blessed peace.
Slowly—and not without a hint of annoyance—Keith opens his eyes.  Shiro frowns at him over the top of the sofa, a streak of flour dashed across the bridge of his nose, somehow.
“Wouldn’t you rather sleep in your own bed?”
“Can’t,” Keith grumbles.  “There’s a sock on my door.”  He’d known it was only a matter of time—Rolo and Nyma had been orbiting each other all of this past month—but the sexiling is a bit of an annoyance.
Shiro bites his lip, but his amusement at Keith’s predicament shows in the upward tick of his eyebrows, the slight crinkle at the corners of his eyes.
“You can crash in my room, if you want.”
“It’s okay,” Keith says quickly.
“Seriously, Keith.  I’ve got an extra mattress and you’ll be undisturbed.  Plus that way you’ll be safe from anyone drawing on your face or taking a picture for the dorm slideshow.”  This last part, said teasingly.
Keith thinks about it a little longer.
“All right, fine,” he decides, sitting up.  He just barely manages to catch the keys Shiro tosses at him.
“I need to finish cleaning up here.  Leave the door unlocked—you know where my room is, right?”
“How could I not,” Keith says, shuffling out of the lounge.
He pushes open Shiro’s door carefully.  He’s caught glimpses inside it once or twice while passing by, but he’s never set foot in it before, despite numerous invitations.  It’s small but well-kept: a spare mattress underneath the lofted bed, a couch pushed up against the other wall, a nice monitor and various posters—Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and one that probably makes sense to history majors but which Keith is too tired to try and figure out right now.
He toes off his shoes and sets them aside so Shiro won’t trip over them, then goes to the mattress, curling up on his side.  There’s even a blanket, which he draws to his chin; that sends its smell wafting toward his nose, and suddenly he’s no longer tired.
The door handle turns.  Keith snaps his eyes closed, feigning sleep.  Shiro’s feet tread quietly across the carpet as he putters about the room; a few minutes later, the bedsprings above Keith’s head squeak, the sound of a body rolling into place.
Turning over onto his back, Keith stares up above him, eyes straining in the dark.  Shiro’s breaths come in soft, quiet puffs—a sound that should be soothing, but one that, instead, sets Keith’s heart beating faster.  Weird.  It’s never done that before.
It takes him a long time to fall asleep.
The rest of the year passes by uneventfully.  Keith decides that he most definitely is not going to be an Econ major and, at the same time, discovers a hidden passion for pottery.  Summer comes and goes, and soon enough he’s back on campus, trying to decide if he really has the stomach to eat today’s green bean special.
It’s been a long time since he’s heard that voice. Even more shocking: the realization that he missed it.
He turns and Shiro is there, two plates like always, white-dyed tuft of hair swooping over his forehead.
“Hey,” says Keith, strangely self-conscious.
Shiro smiles.  “Are you sitting with anyone?”
“Great. Let’s catch up, then,” he says, tilting his head, and there’s something new in the air between them now, their old lines and roles fallen away.
Keith follows.  He’s ready to talk.
Somewhere after the fifth time Keith makes Shiro laugh and the second time Shiro asks him on a date, they end up back at Keith’s place.
Thank god I drew into a single this year, Keith thinks as the door clicks shut behind him, Shiro a long line of muscle against his front, shifting under his hands.  Shiro’s shirt comes off and Keith kicks out of his shoes, stumbling forward in the dark—fingers grip his waist tightly, yanking him closer, and there’s a heady power to this, the knowledge that he can just keep guiding Shiro backwards with nothing but a press to his chest, backwards and backwards until they both fall onto his bed—
A teasing bite against his collarbone; his heart stutters for a beat, hands fumbling at Shiro’s belt, and then he trips over something and hits the corner of his desk.  
“Fuck,” Keith swears, partly because of the throbbing pain in his hip and partly because Shiro has just licked a stripe up the column of his neck.  Squinting through the blend of pain and desire, he turns on his desk lamp, just to make sure they haven’t knocked anything over.
To his relief, his haphazardly stacked column of books remains intact.  And the tank is fine, too—
Shiro, who up until this point has been doing an admirable job of working Keith free of his pants, stops.  His hair is mussed, his lips bitten red, a throaty disbelief in his voice as he turns toward the light and says:
“Are those…hermit crabs?”
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