#i am slightly worried that i've finally got it under control a bit and my upcoming trauma anniversary is gonna absolutely wreck everything
arcadian-vampire · 2 years
I have a Signature Scent (tm) now. It's ginger and lemon.
Not for a cute reason like a favorite perfume or anything- no, in my chronically ill desperation I dropped $60 on essential oils + a necklace to diffuse them 🤧 Ginger tea wasn't quite Enough to take care of the soul-crushing nausea, but having the smell of it on me at all times now has really ridiculously helped
So it's the signature scent of Unexplained Chronic Illness, wahoo
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didoldacc · 1 year
(english is not my first language, sorry)
soo, thinking about the demo of tinnitus, imagine them saying the lyrics right in your ear while having sex, the demo is all about sex, I-
I really love your post, love u😿
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hehe dw it is not my native language either i just learned it from the internet too. and i am glad that you like my posts it means a lot and also sorry for the late reply the inspo didn't come so i waited 🕴 also studied for midterms(everyone is having their finals and we just started midterms wtf) so i hope it is worth the wait. and i choose taehyun to write the fic since tinnitus is just his song in the album imo. (you did not member specify so picked tyun and he just owns the song) AND THE DEMO HAD ME CHOKING IN SHOCK LIKE I- I MEAN I PREFER THE THE MISERY LYRICS BUT IMAGINE THEY SANG A SONG LIKE THAT- anyways here's the drabble love you too so much
warnings: basically lyrics of tinnitus demo version, dirty talk, slightly dom!taehyun, taehyun is wicked but soft, petnames(baby, pretty), reader having a tiny bit insecurity(not body related don't worry), no one is virgin but it's their first time, manhandling, cunnilingus, no essence of good writing (let me know if there is any that i've missed)
taehyun smiled to your pleas. you had no idea what you were asking for. you kept insisting that he let you listen the demo version of your favorite song. you knew it wasn't going to be innocent since you heard him saying that all the members were shirtless while recording. and the song had that vibe about it even with the sad lyrics they came up with.
taehyun knew better than letting his pretty girl down so he agreed. while he was opening his laptop, you patiently waited. you were so going to make fun of it for the rest of your life, you thought.
after bringing his laptop to the table, he gave you his headset. you gently took it from his hands and positioned the headset to your ears. he gave you a look that implied if he could start playing after you nodded, he started to play the song. it took you while to give a reaction to it and he couldn't wait to witness it. but you were trying your best to keep it cool. it was supposed to be a song about sex, you expected that. yet the whole song straight up felt like dirty talk rather than a song. you just gulped when the song finished. you avoided looking his face and gave a little laughter.
"so this is the demo, huh?" he nodded with disappointment. he was expecting more. his wishes of you being turned into red from embarrassment did not come true. but little did he know that you were struggling to keep your poker face.
you decided to end your stubbornness and blurted out the fact that you wished he had a recording of him singing the demo version and right there you had fallen into his trap. "well, maybe you can hear it in other ways, not necessarily singing." he said while grinning.
the next thing you know, your naked form was laying in his bed. him not letting go his risus just made you want to hide under the duvet. just when you were going to cover your face with your hands, he stopped you and instead kept your hands above your head.
he leaned towards your ear "baby can't you give it to me right now?" you low-key cringed but couldn't help but get aroused with the action. "pretty, i got no time to waste, give me answer." the minute you whined a yes, you felt his lips devouring yours.
"do what i say, if you want to learn more. is that okay?" you just nod and let him take control. "i wasted enough time with preparing you but you don't look ready for me yet. what a shame. but lucky for you you can sit on my face." your eyes went wider with his demand. you weren't sure about that since it was your first time with taehyun. it was not like neither of you lacked experience but you did not want your first time with him to be an experience where you chased your own pleasure. what if it would make him not want to do it again with you?
your concerns were nonsense in his eyes and he did not hesitate to let you know. he clawed a hold of your hips and positioned you where he wated. "i want you to keep repeating 'want it', is that clear?" you wasted no time to answer.
when he heard your yes, he started to give small kisses to your clit. every time you felt the sensation little whimpers left your mouth. "want it. i want it" you repeated which made taehyun pleased. his tongue knew exactly what to do to make you cry from pleasure. you were about to cum from slight stimulation yet he was going to let you. "just hang in there a little baby, we are not done." he said. but there was no way you could hold it any longer.
you shut your eyes from the pleasure and couldn't open it and put your hands to nearest surface to keep yourself stable. his making out with your pussy got rougher. and all you could do was to curse. "fuck, tae. please baby i can't anymore" you managed to say before your orgasm hit you. his grip on your tights got more stern. and when you came undone he lifted you up. he gave you a warm smile before getting up to kiss you.
"can you return the favor?"
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staygolddindjarin · 3 years
Chapter two: Rebellion
Din Djarin x Reader x Cassian Andor
Series Summary: Raised on Mandalore, born into a bloodline of warriors, no one ever expected for the daughter of a Clan leader to go rogue. Leaving the life of security and making the journey to fight in the war against the empire meant many things... giving up the way of the Mandalore, and giving up a solid future. A future that involves an arranged marriage to a foundling from another clan.
Chapter warnings: some brief angst, this ones pretty mellow ngl
Words: 3.3k
A/n: i was not expecting such a good response from the first chapter but bruh you guys are amazing- anyway here's part two of my brain's misery
Part 2/?
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The trip from Mandalore to the planet of Dantooine was long, and still ongoing. We all took turns, watching to see if we were any closer. After each jump from hyperspace, the transport would stop at a space refueling tank, before slowly going onward toward the destination. We must have been traveling several systems across the galaxy. We had a few laughs, mainly while watching Gander try and steal Shyloh's food from his knapsack while he was sleeping. Most of the other time we all just sat in silence, up until this point.
"What do you think we're all going to do once we get to the rebel base?" Merc raised his voice slightly, barely capturing our attentions as we had all been dozing off, and Shyloh was taking watch at the view point.
"What do you mean?" I had asked, not quite sure of what he was getting at. I sat up straighter against the wall, showing my interest in the newfound conversation.
"What branch do you think you'll end up in?" He was in a daze as he spoke, almost unsure of his intentions of bringing it up. His dark eyes were nearly emotionless under his furrowed brow.
"I hadn't really thought about it. I would say maybe something like mechanics," I said, thinking of the best possible use of my talents. I'm sure there's plenty of mechanical help already assisting the rebels, but with the galactic empire growing it's forces by the day, they needed all the help they could get.
"What about flying?" Shyloh perked up from his seat at the window.
"What about it?" I asked, curious as to why he suddenly thought of the new topic.
"You could do it of you wanted to. Be a pilot, I mean. You have the skills," He told me, but I scoffed. He wasn't in any way shape or form was making an ounce of sense at all.
"Speeder control races are a bit different from piloting fighters against the imperial troops don't you think?" I laughed at the idea, but he rolled his eyes, persistent with his opinion.
"It's less different than you think it is. Also mind you, I never saw you lose a race," He objected, but I wasn't having any of it.
"That's because when I raced, my own credits were on the line," I joked, seeing what he would try and come up with next, only to be met with a cold hard stare, before an answer that would shake me to my core.
"Well, now the freedom of the galaxy is on the line."
My smile dropped from my face and I turned to face the other two, who were looking back at me. They didn't expect that answer either. Shyloh was well known to be a boy of few words, and only really spoke to his friends and family. He was a founding just like the rest of them, but he had been with ths clan longer, due to having been saved from a war infested home as a baby.
He could sometimes be very wise, even if he didn't think he was being so. We weren't sure what it was, but he had this sort of presense that was so powerful. We knew when he would walk in a room, or walk out of it. It's like the air would change. Much like it changed now, with his words rendering us all speechless.
The silence was uncomfortable, and I was the one who left it unresloved, so I spoke up in favor of my crewmates to not keep quiet any longer.
"Perhaps I shall see where I am needed first."
"Perhaps you shouldn't be so afraid to explore an option you would excel in," He again rendered me speechless, and I did not have anything else to say this time. I was young, but my mind was not. I could comprehend thoughts the same way that an adult could. I could handle things just as well and if not better than some, too. He was right. I was simply afraid.
"I think we're finally here," Shyloh said, turning back to look out of the view port again.
"Its about time," Gander stood up, slinging his knapsack over his shoulder and standing at the transport door waiting for it to slide up.
We all followed suit, but Shyloh stopped us and held up a warning finger to stay still.
"There's manding droids, we gotta sneak off carefully. They don't look like bulk but they could be armed," He suggested. We were not yet at the rebel base, meaning these were probably droids of the land, and belonged to whoever oversees the exports on this planet.
When the panel opened, we were all careful to first peek out of the transport. This planet was nothing at all like Mandalore, which was dry and hot. This planet was lush with plants. And the air was slightly humid. It was a very welcome contrast from where I spent most of my life.
We all sneakily bolted out of the transport, ducking down behind one of the cargo units placed outside. We saw an opening in what looked like some sort of forrest patch.
There was a chill in the air on this planet, even in the middle of the day. Mandalore only ever got colder at night, when the sun was down and the moons were shining.
"That was close." Merc mumbled as we began to turn around and head into the grasslands, trying to find the rebel base.
We made sure no one was behind us, and were careful to check if any droids had caught sight of us.
We all went to turn around, but as soon as I did, I collided with someone's chest, rather hard might I add, sending me to the ground on my bottom. I didn't even collide that hard with the person, it was just the shock that sent me backwards.
"Need a hand?" I looked up to see a man, a sly smirk on his face as he held his hand out towards me. I took it without question, heaving myself up from the grassy, and somewhat muddy ground beneath me.
"You must be our contact," Merc smiled, and the man nodded, turning and begining to lead us to a speader that was hovering nearby behind a large set of trees.
"We must be careful not to use names outside of the base. I would be more than happy to formally introduce myself once we reach our final destination," He chuckled. It was only now that I realized he had an accent, a thick one. Probably left over from his native tongue that spilled out his mouth when he spoke galactic basic.
I know that sometimes my accent slips in when i speak. I never had to worry about using Mando'a around my fellow crewmates. They were foundlings, and hadn't been raised to speak it. Shyloh was, but he prefered to use galactic basic anyways because he had forgotten so much of it.
We all boarded the speader, Gander and I sitting on the back, our legs hanging off as we held onto the side bars.
"This might be a bumpy ride for you two," The man said, looking at both of us before giving me a wink. I scrunched my face up, not sure how else to react to it. The man was definitely on the younger side, but I wasn't sure how he could possibly see an interest in me.
Maybe he did and I just didn't want him to. Maybe I was still hinged to the idea that I would go back to Mandalore someday and marry my betrothed. I was so young, and hadn't the slightest idea of what feelings I could possibly be harboring, if any at all.
I couldn't deny I found him appealing. Anyone would, at least any human with eyes that is.
His hair was dark, and so were his eyes. He had a bit of stubble along his jaw and above his lip. He was somewhat scruffy looking, but in a good way.
As the speeder went through the forresty stretch of pathway, I kept turning around to catch a glimpse of him. Each time I did I had to look away fast because Gander would give me weird stares.
I would play it off like I was simply taking in the view of the green planet around me, and he wouldn't seem to notice.
After a while, with quite a few twists and turns, and Gander and I nearly falling off the speeder twice, we arrived to our destination.
We all hopped out of the transport, following the man into a giant cargo port. As soon as I looked to my left I could see an X-wing fighter in all it's glory. I had never seen a real one before, just heard stories and viewed holograms.
"Alright. We have about twelve other recruits arriving on this base today, so you will all be attending orientation this evening. As for right now, you look beat, and should rest. PX-74 will assign you to your bunks," He said, gesturing to the droid before beginning to walk away with a nod, but I stopped him before he could take a step.
"Wait a minute... I believe I recall something about a formal introduction," I crossed my arms over my chest and shifted my weight, trying to give off the look of having as much confidence as I could muster. I was putting on a facade, possibly to make me seem more mature. I didn't know the real reason.
He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he scanned me up and down with his dark eyes.
"Cassian Andor," He smiled, then looking right back at me with questioning eyes. "And how about you... you got a name?"
"Y/n from clan Maldrix," I said, my confidence wavering a little when he looked at me the way that he did.
"She's a Mandalorian," Shyloh perked up, and I sent him a warning glare.
"Yeah, sixth generation," Merc added, his cocky smile pasted on his face for all to see and be annoyed by.
"A mandalorian? I've heard the stories but I haven't ever met one. Are you-?"
"I'm not," I cut him off before this got twisted into one big lie. "My mother and father are."
"Doesn't that make you one too?" Cassian furrowed his brow but his tone was somewhat joking and humorous.
"No, it does not," I wasn't harsh with the way my voice came out, but I was firm. Though I wasn't one of them, the mandalorians and all they stood for were very important to me.
"Mandalorian is not a race, it's a creed. Some of the best Mandalorians I ever had the pleasure of knowing didn't even have a bloodline from Mandalore. They were foundlings, like these three," I explained, laying out the facts so that there was no longer any confusion lingering, but now there was a tension that was thicker than the trees on this planet.
"Even still, she can fight just as good as any soldier taken the creed," Merc jumped in, trying to clear the air, and thankfully, it seemed to be working.
"She flies even better," Shyloh mentioned, and I swore I could kill him. He was just so pushy sometimes, even with his massive sense of wisdom.
"You fly?" This peaked Andor's interest, and immediately he seemed more engaged towards me.
"I'm not as good as they say I am," I admitted, but he shook his head.
"No, really... if you can fly we could really use you. We're putting together a team for an air raid that's set to happen about one month's time from now," He came up closer to me and stared me in the eye.
"I'm just a kid, I might really let you down," I joked, trying not to get too caught up in his eye contact. His eyes were much darker when you could see them closely.
"I tell you what, I can arrange for you to have time in the flight simulator after orientation. If we feel you would be an asset, we can add you to the strike team," He said, nodding along to his words. I understood that they might need backup, and if push came to shove, I could maneuver faster than any pilot back on Mandalore. I never lost a race, nor did I ever lose a bet.
I could tell I was blushing from the extra attention I was receiving. I wasn't so sure what about me was so enticing that I deserved it.
"I have to go now to pick up the other recruits from a drop station. I leave you in the capable hands of PX-74," He said, returning to his speeder and letting us be lead off into the base.
"There are only so many open bunks left. Two of you will share one, and the other two will be placed with bunk mates." The metalized voice of the PX unit was strong in our ears, and we all followed after him as we ventured into the long hallway at the end of the cargo port.
The droid stopped at a door about midway through the hall and opened it using the side panel on the wall, revealing a young man that seemed almost younger than me even.
"One of you will be staying here. Which will it be?" The droid asked, turning towards our small group.
"I'll take this one," Shyloh said, stepping forward into the bunk to meet his new roomate.
The boy looked a bit frightened at first, but because of Shyloh's powerful yet calming energy, he seemed to relax almost immediately.
He turned and smiled back at us, waving before the IG unit closed the door and kept us going.
He walked us down passed several more doors, maybe more than twenty, before he stopped at another one and opened it up.
Inside sat a young woman, her legs crossed as she sharpened a knife with a smirk on her face. She looked up and made eye contact with me first.
"I wondered how long it would be before they got someone else in here." Her voice was somewhat low and raspy, but it was kind of soothing in a way.
"One of you-" the IG unit began again, but I stopped him, stepping into the bunk with the girl inside.
"I'll take this one." I smiled at the two boys left before the door closed on my new bunk.
I moved to set my knapsack down on the bottom bunk, but my roomate stopped me.
"Bottom one's mine." She said, looking up from her sharpened knife again to inform me of the sleeping arrangements.
I instead threw my knapsack on the top bunk, trying to climb up into it, but failing miserably.
"You need a hand?" She chuckled, watching my lame attempts to swing my leg up high enough. The fact that there was no ladder should have tipped me off.
"I'll be okay, thanks," I laughed, keeping my attitude loose and positive, though this bunk bed was already causing unnecessary problems for me.
"If you say so," She chuckled again, seeing as I finally managed to haul myself up and onto the bed.
"First try," I joked, and she laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I think that we would be getting along, because no one ever laughed at my lame sense of humor.
I laid back, resting my arms behind my head and staring blankly at the ceiling.
"So, where are you from?" She piped up, not taking her eyes away from her previous knife. That thing must mean a lot to her.
"Mandalore," I let out, trying to get comfortable on this lumpy pad that was under my head.
"Actually?" She seemed surprised. Everyone had heard of the planet that the mandalorian tribes had resided upon, and usually they understood what kind of people the place would breed.
"Yeah. Left just in time. Tomorrow's my birthday," I shut my eyes continuing our converastion with one less sense. It didn't matter, though. I was still fully awake.
"What would you have had to do?" She pondered curiously, finally looking up towards the bunk in interest.
"Well, to put it short... tomorrow I would have had to swear my freedom away. No living being would ever be able to see my face again till the day I died," I laid it out plain and simple, and she seemed to understand.
"How old are you?" She asked, her trail of questions getting longer and longer.
"Sixteen tomorrow," I answered, feeling a bit more tired now that my eyes had been closed, and the lights in the bunk rooms were dim.
"You're just a baby," She scoffed. "How could they possibly expect you to make that choice so young?"
"It's just the way it's always been there. This is the way," I remembered. Those words used to be said to me nearly ten times a day, and now they only rung in my mind as a memory.
"That's insane. The people on your planet must be crazy to take an oath like that," She muttered.
"You would think so... the strangest part about it is that there are kids brought back as foundlings that take the creed without hesitation. They don't even belong to a bloodline, they just feel as though they have right to the creed as much as anyone else," I silently remembered Din for a moment. He was the bravest, strongest, most loyal Mandalorian I'd ever known. A foundling.
I began to get bitter at the thought of leaving him. He could have made things better for me if I had just given him a chance. I had to let my head get in the way. I needed to think about something else.
"What about you, huh? Where you from?" I asked, changing the subject as quickly and painlessly as possible.
"Alderaan. Born and raised," She said, getting up from the floor and dropping herself on the bottom bunk.
"You been a lot of places since then?" I asked, but she first let out a heavy sigh before speaking.
"Only too many to count," She said, settling herself on the bunk like I had done.
"Must be nice..." I muttered. Finally able to relax on this pathetic excuse for a bed pad. Of course I couldn't complain. I'm the one who chose the life of the rebellion, including their miserable bedding. "I've never been anywhere outside my home planet until now. I haven't even seen the entirety of my own planet."
"Most new comers are the same. They haven't been anywhere else, then they come here and its like we're moving non stop. Base to base, on just about every planet in this galaxy," She reassured. At least now I didn't feel so out of place.
"How long have you been stationed here?" I asked, unsure of how long I would get to adjust to things.
"A few months. It's likely we'll have to leave soon. There's rumors of the imperials knowing our location," She answered, rolling her eyes, thought I couldn't see from the top bunk.
"You're kidding," I scoffed. After just getting here, I might have to up and leave again. I'll have to learn to accept this new life, it's what I wanted.
"I wish I was, kid," She added.
"I have a name," I retorted back, not a fan of the nickname 'kid'. I waited for her to ask me what it was, but when she stayed silent I sighed. "It's Y/n."
"I'll call you what you are... now get some rest, they'll come pounding on that door in a few hours for orientation," She said, as though she somehow had grown to a habit of mothering me only five minutes after we met. I dropped the conversation and drifted off to sleep, my eyes were too heavy to keep open anymore anyway.
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A/n: okay so like i wrote this a while before everything with gina carano happened and i do not in any way condone her whatsoever so let's pretend she's been recast already...
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petiteyoon · 4 years
Goose bumps — myg [M]
ATTENTION: if you’re a minor and/or uncomfortable with mature themes please don’t read... or do it, but I warned you.
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Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, smut
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, not-so-innocent baths in a lake, no pull-out game lmao, kind of sex with a stranger?, cum play, light spanking, slight daddy kink (yg calls himself daddy like o n c e), cum eating, Yoongi is a shy boi at first but gives up easily <3 if you hate being called princess then i’m sorry
Word count: 3k more or less
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Of course I am technically ✨L A T E✨ but I guess it was worth it (even if in my country it’s still the 9th) so,
I’m still getting used to writing those things so let’s pray that there’s nothing wrong here, hope you like it!
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As you woke up you silently thanked whoever was up there for having such a sunny morning, compared to the storm you were surprised with the day prior, as you reached the camping site.
The situation at hand was unexpected and quite messy since you were sleeping in your camper with seven boys, five of them scattered on the couch or in the driving seats. But it was more fun that way, you guessed.
You were traveling with your best friends, Namjoon and Jungkook, when you saw five people standing on the side of the road, with their car nearby surrounded by a thin layer of smoke.
Assuming they needed help and since they were directed to the same destination as the three of you, you offered them a hand and brought them to the camping site with you in your camper.
You slowly got off the bed, tiptoeing towards the exit and careful not to step on any hand or foot. You opened the door and hopped down, feeling the fresh grass beneath your feet. Everything around was still quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the sweet chirping of the birds that populated the trees. The area was well covered by tall, green plants and a few sun rays slipped through their leaves, creating puddles of golden light on the ground.
Before cooking yourself something to eat, you went exploring a bit, finding a couple of cute bunnies near the place and beautiful flowers, until, a bit down the path, you found a little entrance that hid a beautiful tiny lake and without a second thought you went in.
It wasn't really deep so you decided to sit on the moss that engulfed the sides and corners of the natural pool.
After contemplating the nature around you, you slipped in the cold water and slightly moved your limbs in order to get used to the low temperature.
The place was well hidden by the plants and trees, only giving you another open spot on the other side, just to admire the mountains nearby and you allowed yourself to relax. Said mountains were clearly visible and they created a stunning landscape, giving you the possibility to clear your eyes from the dull cities full of skyscrapers.
It seemed like the place was settled on another planet. Spots like this were truly a rare sight and deserved to be protected from the rest of the Earth, you thought.
"What are you doing here?"
As you were absorbed in your own world, a deep and groggy voice spoke up, making you snap your head towards the intruder.
Yoongi stood there, standing on the border of the pool and keeping an eye close to you, a veil of curiosity was wrapped around his sleepy voice.
You took a big breath and slumped your shoulders, the brief tension already subsided. "I was just looking around… this place is beautiful" you contemplated, shifting your eyes towards the landscape again. You felt the water ripple and you just assumed that Yoongi slipped in with you.
"It really is" he breathed, the sound reached your ears quicker than you thought. Turning around, the boy was really closer than you imagined, but he didn't seem to notice because his eyes were settled on the rural view as well.
You slightly shifted, tightening your shoulders as goose bumps emerged on your skin. Yoongi sensed your stiffness right away and moved towards you. With his eyebrows bent in a frown, he asked you if you were cold but you quickly shook your head.
The cold wasn’t the cause of your goose bumps, Yoongi was. You were totally feeling at ease, but having him this close was kinda unusual.
Ever since you two met the other day, you observed how his eyes always lingered for a moment on your figure, how he was always out of words and much more shy when you talked to him. Maybe he was really introverted, you assumed.
But while you were thinking about his behaviour, you have to admit that deep down you briefly daydreamed about him being attracted to you, which would be the reason for his behaviour; and if that was the case you were surely flattered about the idea of a cute guy like him feeling that way towards you.
Another couple of minutes passed by in silence, enjoying the company of the other. Yoongi slowly moved towards you, still keeping his hands on the border and his head bent down slightly.
He pressed his lips together, his whole body screamed shyness and you could perfectly feel how nervous he was. You knew he was trying to tell you something but his throat was completely shut, making it difficult to swallow.
That was when you decided to take the matter in your own hands, "Is everything okay Yoongs?" you asked.
The nickname almost made him blush but he just nodded, without opening his mouth. Your question wasn't much of help so you just tried to put him at ease without any words, just resting your head on his shoulder, to see how he would react.
Yoongi felt like the world had come to a stop and as he realized how close you were. He just stood there, eyes automatically fixated on you.
His hands were tingling. He just wanted to hold you tight against him, but he had to control himself. He had been infatuated with you since the second he laid his eyes on you, but he still didn't know you yet.
He just slipped his right arm around your shoulders, finding a comfortable position to look at the landscape. You smiled a little, content with how he was cuddling you. Even if you met him just the other day, he seemed such a sweet guy and you felt as if you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.
You closed the space between your bodies by inching closer and closer to him, until your face was buried inside his neck. You took a deep breath and your nostrils were flooded by the masculine scent of his cologne and this made you want to pull him towards you and engulf him in a tight hug, just to be blessed by his presence.
These thoughts of him kept racing in your mind and, as if you were possessed by an unknown force, you placed a hand behind his neck and brought him down to your level, suddenly pressing your lips against his.
Maybe you were being reckless but, hell, you wanted to taste those lips so badly.
For a moment he didn't move at all, totally taken off guard; but when the action processed in his head and felt your sweet lips against his, he finally gave in. His fingertips caressed your sides while he moved his lips on yours, enjoying their softness.
Your other hand found its way between his locks and lightly gripped them, earning a small grunt from him.
His chest was flush against yours as he subconsciously pushed your body against the border of the pond. You were trapped and the only thing you could do was wrapping your legs around his waist. After doing so, his body moved even closer to yours, if that was possible. You two were caught by a sudden passion that didn't let you separate from one another.
His tongue stroked your lower lip, asking for entrance. You swiftly opened your mouth and your tongues danced, wrapped around each other. That warm feeling made you feel tingles all over your body as you caressed the back of his head. After what felt like hours, Yoongi finally broke the kiss and looked at you deeply, contemplating what you had just done.
He regained himself and pushed himself off of you, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he blubbered, his head bent down again.
You felt your chest tighten for a moment, confused about why he was apologizing. Maybe he didn't want to do that? You were the one that pulled him in at first, maybe he just kissed you so you wouldn't feel rejected.
But as soon as he spoke up again, your doubts were cleared, "don't get me wrong,” he shook his head when he saw your worried expression “you're really beautiful and you seem a kind and sweet person. But I shouldn't have rushed like that" he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smiled at him, observing his face, and got closer to him once again, "Don't apologize, I enjoyed it" you whispered and licked your lips, "We can do whatever you want to do".
He sighed once he heard your words, still unsure about the situation. He had you on a silver plate and he was mere inches away from a good time or from something that could be deeper, as he let his mind daydream; but still, he didn't know you. Maybe you just wanted to use him for one time, and maybe he would even let you do that. The tension was strong and he couldn't make a decision: he could leave aside his morals for one day, or risk it all and try for something real with you.
Was it really worthy to give in so easily to a stranger? You occupied his mind since he saw you the other day and maybe he could really try and take action on his new feelings.
After thinking about it deeply, he lifted his head and watched you with a slight pained expression "I've known you for just one day, even less, but you already make me go crazy", so he conjoined again your bodies and kissed you.
The tension that built up inside you while waiting for an answer left your soul as soon as you felt his warm presence again against you. You didn't have time to reflect on his confession as you tightly wrapped your arms around his neck, lightly biting his lower lip and tasting him.
He sighed, his breath hot on your lips and you felt his fingertips brush your sides, slipping under your shirt. You unconsciously arched your back, giving him more access to explore your body. His cold hands gripped the flesh where your ribs were, picking you up and placing you on the border, with his hips in between your legs. A small whimper left your mouth as you felt his crotch push against your centre, pressing your nails into his shoulder blades.
His lips slightly turned into a grin, the sweet sound reaching his ears. Your moans were heaven to him and as he secured an arm around your waist, his other hand started to caress your thigh, slowly inching closer and closer towards the hem of your shorts.
Your heart was beating fast against your chest and it was difficult to breathe. His finger slid in your thin shorts that were soaked and clinging to your skin. He gently stroked your sensitive bud, earning another delicious moan from you. A new wave of pleasure washed over you as you felt hot pressure against your clit. He soon reached your entrance, he circled his fingers around it, collecting your arousal and teasing you. You broke the kiss and whimpered again while trying to catch your breath.
Your hips involuntarily pushed towards his hand, wanting just to feel his fingers in you, but before you could express your needs he removed his hand from your shorts and gripped at the hem of the clothing. Immediately taking the hint, you placed your hands on the hard surface and raised your hips, allowing him to take off your pants and underwear together.
His hand returned to its place as he rubbed the wet skin around your entrance, thanks to how wet you were, his finger dipped with ease in your heat, disappearing between your folds. The delicious burn made you cry out his name, throwing your head back, your nails scratching the ground at your sides.
Your hips slightly rolled with the movement of his hand, his face was buried in your neck, leaving wet kisses and bites that will surely leave a mark on your skin. Your hand reached Yoongi's locks, pulling them and making him groan against you, fingers pushing even deeper inside you and stroking your sweet spot.
You felt your orgasm approach quickly, a string of moans and whimpers left your lips. Yoongi's thumb pressed against your clit, circling it harshly and finally bringing you to the edge. Your hand gripped his hair even tighter and you cried out his name, legs shaking as a pang of pleasure exploded in your lower abdomen.
But Yoongi didn't stop, with his lips attached to yours, blocking your screams, he kept pistoning his fingers in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm until your shaky hand gripped his wrist, as you were too sensitive to continue.
He broke the kiss and brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting your sweet cum on his digits, "You taste delicious, princess" he spoke with his deep voice, planting another kiss on your lips.
You smiled at him in your post-orgasm haze, cheeks flushed with droopy eyes. "I should return the favour now, what do you think?" your legs moved closer to him on their own, and you found your hand already making its way towards his tummy.
He took your hand in his, shaking his head "I don't wanna waste time, I want to be buried inside you right now" he claimed, grabbing your arm and spinning you around, trapping you again between the ground and his waist.
You whined at his sudden action, but Yoongi didn't give you any time to understand what was happening as he brought his hand down your butt cheek harshly, a light smack reached your ears.
You moaned at the sudden contact, feeling your plump skin burn under his tight grip, "M-More… please," you cried out for him, feeling an unknown pleasure from what he was doing. You never minded that much, a bit of spanking was always there in your bed activities but Yoongi literally lit up a fire inside of you and you melted every time his palms touched your hot skin.
"Is princess that needy?" you could feel the smug grin in his voice, satisfied with the effect he had on you. You bit hard on your lip and pushed back your butt, nodding fervently. He quickly pulled down his pants, his warm cock now rested heavily against your backside as he stroked your cheeks.
However, instead of giving you what you wanted, he wrapped a hand around himself and pressed his tip in your entrance, without entering fully. You whined again, sick of all his teasing while you squirmed under him, desperate to feel him inside.
He blocked your movements with one hand and bent down towards your ear, growling "Stop being a brat, or else daddy won't give you the fuck that you deserve today" his teeth grazed the shell of your ear, biting it and finally pushing his length fully inside of you.
A loud moan left your throat at the sudden intrusion. Yoongi gave you some time to adjust as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "But for now I will let that pass, I don't wanna play games" as he said this, he began moving his hips. His thrusts weren't fast, but slow, deep and intense, making you feel at every movement that delicious stroke against your walls that almost made you go crazy.
You searched his hand with yours until you found it on your hip, and squeezed it. The tender gesture of holding hands was in stark contrast with the things he was doing to you. While his right hand was occupied with yours, his left one travelled towards your swollen bud, ready to give it again the attention deserved.
As his thrusts sped up, slamming his hips against you, his digits quickly worked their magic on your clit. "Yes…! Yoongi, oh my god," you mewled, the pleasure difficult to bear, "You're so big, it feels too good," you praised him, pushing your head back, trying to meet his thrusts.
You could hear him gasping from time to time, in sync with his dick coming in and out of you. Another wave of pleasure washed over you when you realized how strained he sounded, proud that you were making him feel this way.
His hips stuttered and the pace he was maintaining started to falter. You knew he was near the edge by the small grunts that left his glistening lips with every thrust and you were close as well.
As you finally managed to match with his thrusts, setting a new, hard pace, Yoongi dug his nails into your soft skin, "Fuck princess, you're squeezing me so tight" almost out of breath, he gripped onto you as if his life depended on it.
Another couple of quick, rough thrusts and he found himself slumping over you, whispering your name in a broken moan, right into your ear. You shuddered as you felt his cum coating your velvety walls, milking him as you reached your climax as well for the second time.
As the after waves of the orgasm wouldn't let your legs stop quivering, Yoongi squeezed his arms around you, keeping you close to him as he rested his head on your back, eyes closed and catching his breath. 
You two stood there, without moving for a moment, your limbs slowly relaxing.
"That was amazing" he whispered with a raspy voice, getting off of you and caressing your arms. You smiled to yourself and nodded, agreeing with him without a single word, turning towards him and putting on your long-forgotten shorts.
Yoongi kissed your forehead with a foreign sweetness, enveloping you again in a warm hug. You closed your eyes and buried yourself deep into his chest as your mind slowly came back to reality. You glanced up, staring into his eyes and playing with your nails, you suddenly had many questions swarming inside your head but maybe… it was better not to open your mouth for now.
You suddenly took a look at your hands and noticed how wrinkled they were, you scrunched up your nose and showed your palms to Yoongi. "I think it's better if we get out of here" you pouted and Yoongi nodded, soon following you.
When you returned to the camping site, everyone was awake and eating breakfast. Jimin spotted the two of you first and waved at you, calling for Yoongi. "Where were you, lovebirds? You're totally soaked" he took a close look on you, going inside the camper to take two warm towels and you kindly thanked him.
"We discovered a little pond down there, it's really nice and it's not even that deep," Yoongi explained, sitting on the bench next to Hoseok, with you next to him.
Currently, Jin had just finished cooking breakfast for everyone, while Taehyung already had his nose deep in his precious strawberries. You remembered him mentioning his love for those fruits, and at first you didn't understand his excitement but after he let you try his strawberries… you swear that was the sweetest thing you ever tried.
In front of you sat Jungkook, playing some game on his phone, with Namjoon by his side, who was eyeing you in a weird way. But you didn't mind his behaviour at that moment.
For now you just wanted to eat and enjoy the rest of the day with the boys. You still felt butterflies in your stomach while thinking about what happened at the lake and you were excited to discover what that day would bring to you.
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zoid-i-guess · 3 years
Morning Rush
So this was originally written in middle school and I decided to edit it and hopefully make it a bit better so pardon it's horrible plot
Paring: Katsuki x FEM!reader
Warings: swearing (because it's Katsuki we're talking about here) is it I think
Word count: 761
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"Oi hurry up" I hear a husky voice yelling from behind your door knowing instantly who it is I fire back.
"Just a second Katsuki," I yelled back at him. "You should never rush a lady ya' know" I said just finishing up.
"Yeah because you're so classy," Katsuki muttered under his breath, sarcasm dripping from his every word as he leaned on your door and decided to wait.
I have a crush on Katsuki practically the whole school knows about it. I am amazed it hasn't reached him yet. I live right next to Izuku so we've always hung out together. Plus you try to keep Katsuki away from bullying Izuku. My parent's like to say my personality is a mix of Katsuki and Izuku. I swear once in a while but not nearly as much as Katsuki. I do have a bit of a short temper but I try to keep it under control unlike a certain bastard at my door. I'm calm but when someone pisses me off bye bye self control.
"HURRY UP BITCH" Katsuki yelled, turning to face the door and kicking it. I am done getting ready by now but I want to wait a little while longer because I had thought of a pretty simple plan to get my revenge. So I sat on my comfy bed till I heard a magical sound, the sound of him leaning on my door again.
I opened the door quickly so Katsuki would fall on his ass.
Yup it worked. I jumped over him and ran to the door and away from his no doubt wrath. 'Time for a nice game of tag' I thought grabbing a quick breakfast of toast that was left out for me. I stopped at my door and munched on my piece of toast until I saw a pissed off porcupine at the top of my stairs. I made a mocking face and ran ahead to UA.
I am in class 1-B so I don't have to worry about Katsuki until lunch thanks to Monoma always finding a way to piss him off (not like it's that hard). ''That's what you get for rushing a girl and calling her a bitch' I thought when I was finally safe at my desk, able to look out the window and see him just arriving looking VERY pissed off. "Treat me like a bitch and a bitch is what you will get". I muttered under my breath smirking.
~Time skip~
"OI WHAT WAS THAT THIS MORNING" Katsuki yelled in my ear while I was just trying to have a peaceful lunch at my desk.
I looked over at Izuku who seemed to get an ear full from Katsuki about my little stunt this morning. Izuku most likely followed after Katsuki but that definitely just made his mood worse. Despite my slightly guilty conscience I just kept ignoring Katsuki.
"Oi look at me when I'm talking to you," Katsuki said surprisingly calmly. "Damn it" I heard him mumble as he walked off kicking some poor kid's desk in the process. He just left with the most scrunched up face I've seen. I felt a little guilty because Katsuki didn't do anything wrong aside from the normal stuff. I sighed and got up, leaving deku and my food behind in my search for Katsuki.
After searching for 15 minutes and seeing no sign of Katsuki in the lunchroom you decided to move on and look in class 1-A's classroom hoping he was there. Nope. With only 10 minutes left of lunch you went back to your classroom sighing as I didn't have enough time to finish my lunch by the time I got there.
"Katsuki!" I exclaimed when I saw he was in my classroom sitting on my desk.
"I'm sorry" Katsuki muttered looking down in his lap, his ears dusted pink.
"What?" You said honestly not hearing.
"I like you damn it!" he said, looking into my eyes his cheeks now flushed red.
You were speechless. Katsuki. You. LIKE!
"So... I would like an answer sometime today please" Katsuki said, getting up and walking out of the classroom and into the halls.
"I- uh I al-" I started to say.
Lunch was over!
I need to confess now. "Katsuki I LIKE YOU TOO!" you shouted down the hall that Katsuki went down. He stopped in his tracks, I could see his ears tinted red with his back to me and walked.
Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.
Please excuse any spelling mistakes I had thank you!
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mycupoffanfiction · 4 years
As Long As I've Got You
Coco Cruz x Reader
Summary: Coco takes you with him as moral support to meet with Celia and Leticia, but when Celia takes things a step too far, you tell her exactly what you think.
Warnings: Emotionally abusive parent, very mild violence, family confrontation, angst, some soft fluff at the end
Word count: Approx 1500
A/N: Hi loves, this was a request from an anon. I hope you enjoy it, it took me a while to work out how I was going to write this, I hope keeping some of it accurate to the original scene worked out okay. Thank you for requesting! 💖💖
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“Not sure if bringing you with me was a good idea.” Coco said, staring at the pack of cigarettes he’d put on the table. The pair of you were waiting inside the diner for Coco’s mother, Celia and his daughter Letty to show up. “Hey, since when have we faced shit like this alone?” You asked, Coco finally meeting your eyes and giving you a soft smile, but you could still see the anxiety he held beneath the sweet look he gave you.
You had known Coco for years, since before he did time in prison, though back then you had just been friends, but you had been his rock when he realised he’d have to give his only daughter away. It broke his heart to have to do it, but at the time, it was the right thing to do.
Just as you were about to reassure him further, Celia and Leticia entered the diner and approached the booth you were waiting in. Immediately, you felt Coco tense next to you, his eyes hardening to a heavy glare as he fiddled with the cigarette in front of him.
As the pair slid into the seats opposite you, Coco looked at anything but his mother and you began to feel like you were underprepared for the heavy tension that quickly rose between the four of you as Celia eyed you. You knew she’d likely make you a target if the conversation went south, but both you and Coco were wise to her manipulation. “Happy?” She asked in a sarcastic tone. “Shut up.” Coco spoke dismissively before turning to Leticia. “Gotta talk to you.” He told her, the teenager’s eyes having never left Coco. “Okay.” Letty nodded.
As the conversation went on, the tension rose further than you thought it could as you watched the interaction. It was awkward and confrontational and you felt the way Coco tensed even more when Celia struck Letty to keep her quiet. “Enough. Jesus.” He ground out, jaw clenched as he glanced up at the waitress watching the commotion.
“I’m glad you’re livin’ here now, right?” Coco said after a short pause, looking solely at Letty and trying to ignore his mother. Gently, you placed your hand on his knee, noticing how nervous he was getting as he approached the truth and he glanced at you quickly before looking back at Leticia. “But you can’t go around tellin’ people you’re my little sister.” “Why?” Letty asked. “Yeah. Why Coco?” Celia piped up in a mocking tone and you had to fight the urge to kick her under the table. “Shut up.” It came out as a whisper as your grip on Coco’s knee tightened slightly, trying to provide at least a bit of reassurance.
“Fuck.” Letty breathed out, disbelief in her voice. “Fuck, unbelievable. You don’t want anything to do with me either.” Leticia slammed her hand onto the table as she got up and walked away.
“Told you, she’s out of control.” Celia kept her condescending tone and you tensed, becoming increasingly angry at Coco’s mother. “If you had did what I asked you seventeen years ago, she wouldn’t be out of control. She’d have a decent life with a decent fuckin’ family.” He snapped.
You sat in silence as you listened to the pair argue and you increasingly had the urge to intervene and set Celia straight. You had been there for Coco through everything and Celia and her judgement was out of line. You knew she didn’t have an ounce of care for her granddaughter and Coco knew it too.
“The only reason you pretended to be her mom was so you could get that welfare cheque.” Coco argued. “Maybe I wanted another child cos the last one I had was a piece of shit.” Celia spat out, pointing at Coco and you almost threw yourself across the table at her but you knew this wasn’t your fight. You were here for support. “Then maybe you shouldn’t have let every diseased cock in Fresno turn your old gash into a cesspool.” Coco hissed in a bitter tone before he pulled away from you and got up to find Letty.
“Selfish bitch.” You glared at her as you slid out of the booth. “The fuck you just say? Coco is a fucking psycho, he’s bad for everything he touches, I should fuckin’ know.” Celia argued as she got up, squaring up to you, her hand batting you across the cheek, causing you to wince in pain and lean away from her. “Coco is anything but a psycho, you’d know that if you spent a second of your time actually appreciating him rather than trying exploit and manipulate your fucking family.” You stared her down, raising your voice a bit, the waitress watching you both, worried you might start a fight.
“Why’s a normal bitch like you with a fuck up like him, anyway?” Celia deflected, attempting to provoke you. Taking in a deep breath and clenching your jaw, you kept your anger in control as the waitress tried to get you both out of the diner. “Maybe because this normal bitch sees something fucking good in him. Maybe I fucking see how sweet and caring he is. We look after each other, we love each other, which is more than you can fucking say.” You argued, pinning your finger against her chest before you stepped away from her. “He isn’t a fuck up. You fucking failed him, Celia.”
Celia followed you out of the diner, letting the truth slip to Letty that Coco was her father as she got into her car, the pair getting into another heated argument as Letty ran off and you tried to go after her.
Chasing after her, you called for Letty as she climbed into some random guy’s truck, Coco now realising she had slipped away. “L-Leticia!” Coco ran towards you, only getting half way across the parking lot before the truck she had gotten into had pulled away. “Shit.” You breathed out, your heart racing as you tried to catch your breath from running after her.
Turning to Coco, you noticed his panic, wide eyes, chest rising and falling quickly as the shock set in. “We’ll find her, we’ll get her back.” You tried to reassure him, though you weren’t sure who you were trying to convince that it would all be okay. “She’ll come around, shit like that is heavy.” You rambled, Coco taking in a deep breath as he composed himself. “I know, we’ll get her back.” He nodded. “We got to, she fuckin’ needs someone.” Coco sighed. “She needs you, Coco.” Your voice quietened and Coco softened as he looked at you, realising you had an angry welt on your cheek from where Celia had struck you.
“She fuckin’ hit you.” Coco’s voice was heavy with a broken, tired tone. “It’s okay.” “No it’s not. What did she say, corazón?” He asked in a soft tone, his eyes sad as he reached up to gently smooth his thumb over your cheek. “I couldn’t stand the way she spoke about you.” You admitted, eyes welling up with tears as you processed how horrible Celia had been, the entire exchange finally catching up with you. “I defended you and-.” “She hit you.” He interrupted, unsure that he wanted to hear how exactly she had hurt you right now, because he was at a loss and part of him wanted to go after Celia and get her back for laying a hand on you and fucking things up with Leticia.
“I’m sorry, mi corazón.” Coco sighed, his voice small as he watched you try to blink your tears away, hanging his head low. “Maybe she’s fuckin’ right. I am a fuck up. I’m not worth gettin’ hurt over.” It came out as a whisper as he fumbled with his pack of cigarettes, pulling up one to his lips to light it. “No. You’re worth everything to me, Coco.” Your words stilling his movements, his eyes meeting yours for a moment and he let out a breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding onto, tears coming to his eyes as it all began to overwhelm him.
“You’re too good for me.” Coco whispered, reaching for you and pulling you against his chest. “You deserve some good, Coco and if I can be the one to give it to you, I will.” You watched as tears rolled down his cheeks and you reached up to gently wipe them away. “It’s okay, we’ll work this out, Coco.” You said, leaning up to kiss his cheek and he smiled sweetly at you through his tears. “We’ll work this out together, like we always do.”
Leaning down to capture you in a gentle kiss, Coco embraced you tightly, clinging onto you as much as he could. “As long as I’ve got you, mi corazón.”
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saidrolav · 3 years
Drunk Aurora
Single dad!Sam Wilson x gn!reader
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend dumped you, and you decide to get drunk in a pub but you bump into a handsome man.
Warnings: drinking, mentions of vomit, a small part of angst, mostly fluff.
a/n: I've been heavily inspired by the marvelous @barnesnroses and their fic "Invisible string" go check out their works cuz it makes my heart warm. 🥰 (I know you said i didn't had to credit you but i did it ANYWAY BECAUSE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHATCHU WROTE CUZ ITS WOW 🙌)
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not my gif!
You knew it. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later and it didn't fail. It happened. Your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend had left you, and you had felt it, your relationship was close to an end. But even through you knew it was gonna end, you didn't said anything, and even through you knew, it still hurted bad deep down in your heart. He left your appartement the morning. All day you sat on your couch watching him coming in and out of your place, his arms full of boxes, in silence. The only thing you managed to say when he told you it was over was an 'okay.' and since then you've been silent. You didn't even cried. You weren't shocked. You were just thinking, well, what am i going to do now ? All by myself. A part of you was screaming 'You don't need him, you're strong!' and the other part was crying their heart out. The thing that the two parts of you agreed on was, drinking. Drinking.. a lot. So that's what you did.
You entered the nearest pub that was quite crowded and approached the fastest you could the bar. You ordered the first alcohol on the list (which was the strongest), and waited patiently for your drink.
You looked around you and saw a couple of people playing cards and others laughing until they were out of breath, it made you smile slightly and when your eyes came back to the bar, your drink was in front of you. It took you no time to think that you were already drinking it in one shot, the alcohol burning your throat and your cheeks at the same time. You asked for another drink, and another one, and another one.. At your.. You didn't remembered how much drinks you had but you were quite drunk, you decided you should probably go home, and when you got out of the pub, you saw that the moon were already up high in the dark sky.
You stared at it for a couple minutes but when you tried to walk, you saw that your legs weren't following the pace and you almost fell, you putted your arm against the nearest wall and tried to find back your balance, looking at the ground. You really wanted to throw up right here in the middle of the street because the alcohol was burning your stomach and it made you feel sick, you bended your legs and catched your breath. You took a big breath and looked back at the street, okay fine, you were good, not going to throw up on the middle of the steet, you still had some dignity. Yes you were drunk in the middle of the night, outside, but at least you weren't going to vomit.
You standed up and it was with wide eyes filled with terror that you realized that you haven't putted your arm against a wall. You were too drunk to realize but you were holding a piece of t-shirt that were belonging to a chest of a man. A pretty handsome man to say at least. He haven't said a word, didn't make a move, didn't do anything until you were feeling better, his chocolate brown eyes were looking at you with concern and waited any sign to prove that you were okay.
"OH MY GOD !" You screamed and it made him jump a little, that's when he realized you were probably drunk, with the scream and the fact that you haven't realized you had grabbed him with his shirt. "Since when you've b-been here ?" You frowned and it made him laugh.
"I guess since i'm stuck with you ?" He smiled and pointed with his index where you were still holding him.
"I'm SO sorry... I mean i'm sorry for you for being stuck with such an handsome person." You winked miserably and he laughed even more at your attempt to flirt with him when you couldn't even walk.
"That's okay, pumpkin, i'm going to take you home just lead me okay ?" He smiled kindly and before you could answer he took you in his arms and lifted you so your legs weren't touching the ground anymore, you let out a little scream which made him chuckle. Damn that guy was strong has hell! He moved you like you were a feather and it made you feel like all sorts of butterflies were erupting in your stomach. He carried you, princess style and waited quietly for your instructions. And he waited quite some time, he had been more than patient with you but suddenly he heard soft snores coming from you and he smiled, he thought you were adorable. He didn't know if he was happy because he could take you to his home or unhappy because you would think he was some sort of freak taking random people in his house.
He finally took control of the situation and bringed you to his appartment, he wasn't going to leave you here anyway, so he thought it was the best choice.
The both of you arrived to his appartment, he tried to make no noises so he wouldn't woke up his son. He putted you on his couch and took off your shoes, putted those next to you and laid a blanket on your sleeping body. He waited a couple minutes and assured himself that you were in deep sleep and went in his bedroom so he could sleep too.
"Dad, DAD !" He jumped out of his bed only to be met with his son, Aiden, and he took him in his arms with a huge smile on his face, Sam had slept at least a good 7 hours.
"What's going on buddy ?" He ruffled his hair while taking him in the kitchen to make the breakfast for the three of you.
"Dad, there's a princess on the couch..." Sam frowned a bit and took a look on the couch and saw you, still asleep which made him smile, he putted his son back on the ground.
"Yeah that's Sleeping beauty, don't wake them up or they'll eat you alive !" He whisper-shouted at his son and at the end of his sentence he added some tickles under Aiden's arms which made him laugh loudly while running away.
Sam took a pan to make some eggs with bacon and putted on some cartoons and Aiden watched these in silence. The only sounds that we were able to hear were the TV and your soft snores that were coming from the couch.
Sam finished his scrambled eggs and bacon and seperated them in three plates, he putted one in front of you on the table of his living room, and one in front of his son who ate it with enthusiasm. He sat down on the seat next to you and ate his own plate while watching the cartoons with Aiden.
He served three big glasses of orange juice and he got worried when he saw that you were still asleep and it was almost 11am, your food was going to get cold. He drank his orange juice fastly and putted down his plate to kneel down next to you. He shaked you softly, trying to wake you up as gently as possible and it worked, you opened slowly your eyes but they widened quickly as the realisation hitted you. Who was this man ? What is this place ? Where the heck are you ? What happened last night ? Before you or Sam could manage to say something you heard a third person talking.
"Dad you woke them up they're going to eat you alive !" Aiden smiled at his dad and the man in front of you couldn't control his laugh when he saw the confusion creeping on your face. You sat up straight and looked around you while you were putting your hair correctly. You stomach groaned when your eyes landed on a plate filled with food and a homemade orange juice, you gave a questionning look to the man next to you but he only he sat back on his seat to eat his own dish.
"You can eat." He simply said with a charming smile which made your heart melt. "I made those for you." "You really didn't had to.." His smile only growed bigger. "But i wanted to." "Oh, thanks.." And you suddenly felt embarassed for letting your sentence in suspense because you didn't remembered his name, if he told you.
"I'm Sam, and this is Aiden." He gave a look at his son and you smiled before giving an akward wave at the kid which he returned fastly. "I'm y/n."
"Hi princess!" You blushed a deep shade of red and chuckled a bit before eating in silence your plate as you were also watching the cartoons on the TV.
When the three of you finished your portions of food, Sam took them along with the empty drinks and went to do the dishes, while Aiden went to the bathroom he had explained everything that happened last night and you were feeling more comfortable around Sam and his son.
Aiden sitted next to you and stared at you until you gave him the attention he wanted, then out of nowhere he blurted suddenly: "Is my dad your prince since he woke you from your 100 years old sleep ?" You grinned widely before taking a look at Sam, but this one had his back turned to you, however you could clearly see his big smirk.
"I guess so ?.." You chuckled slightly, not knowing what to answer to such a young child. You stayed at Sam's house a couple of minutes more, playing with Aiden, laughing, they had made your day a thousand times better, but you had to tell him that you had to leave and it made your heart broke when you saw the puppy dog eyes that his son was giving you.
"I'm gonna drive you home sleeping beauty." Sam said to you and his eyes lightened up when they met yours which made you blush slightly.
"No that's okay i don't leave that far i can walk." You nodded to yourself before returning his huge smile.
"That's not what was happening last night," He laughed and you joined him. Your cheeks were hurting from how much you smiled and chuckled that morning. "But you sure ?"
"Yeah, don't worry i'll be fine!" You were soon about to tell him goodbye but as soon as the two of you were in front of his appartment he screamed a "wait!" before disappearing again inside. He came back a couple of seconds later with a pen and he wrote his number on the back of your hand, and he added a "for drunk Aurora." while laughing to himself. When you read it, it made you smile brightly before kissing his cheek, making him blush lightly. You turned your back and was ready to leave when you heard him screaming behind you:
You gave him two thumbs up while chuckling and walking backwards so you could see his charming smile still on his lips. The two parts of you really were right, sometimes, getting drunk was the right option when you could run into Sam Wilson.
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
I know I've already given you a request but this is stuck in my head. Could you do a Gyro x female vampire reader who is trying to go without feeding but just becomes weaker as a result and Gyro has to help her? Thank you and you're amazing!!!
Aah, thanks so much for the request and I am so sorry this took so long. I hope this will make up for it. I tried my best as I still need to get used to writing regularly but I sincerely hope you enjoy this!
Regaining Strength
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Gyro Zeppeli x Vampire!Fem!Reader
Summary: When the sun begins to raise the three travelers find themselves spending the upcoming day resting at a motel. However you quickly notice something isn’t right and it doesn’t take long before a certain Italian offers his help.
Notes: A bit of blood
The sun peaked over the vast horizon, bringing the rays of yet another morning with it and coating the area in a pleasant warm glow. This would mean yet another day of tiring riding for the majority of the racers of the Steel Ball Run, but not for a certain group of three.
The staff of the small motel looked at you and the two males rather curiously when you reserved a room to spend the day in, having been riding on horseback the entire night. Competitors occasionally traveled during the dark time of the day, however, none did this as consistently and often as you did. And the sole reason for this unusual time of travel was you.
Being a vampire provided a certain set of advantages but with those advantages came things that made life just a tad bit more difficult. Any exposure to sunlight could mean certain death for someone like you so the only way you could advance in the already dangerous race was doing so only when the sun set. Fortunately for you, you quickly found yourself in the company of Johnny and Gyro, the latter of which you had grown quite fond of during the Steel Ball Run.
After the curtains of the room you were to reside in had been closed and the young Joestar fell into a deep sleep on one of the beds, you found yourself looking around the quite charming space surrounding you, while secretly looking for any places from which the deadly sun could seep through. Gyro stood in front of the now-closed curtains and carefully peeked through, as he often did.
“Damn, the daytime looks so weird now. Who knew I’d get used to being awake at night so quickly,” he said while his emerald eyes scanned the sight of the morning before him. You looked at him while standing next to one of the empty beds and chuckled lightly. “Welcome to my world.” The Italian glanced at you and flashed a grin that slightly showed his golden teeth before turning back to the window.
“You sure you don’t wanna come take a look at this? The sun looks awfully pretty today,” he joked, knowing full well that his request would receive no action as you weren’t dumb enough to walk into certain death. Still, you played along.
“Oh, really? Well, perhaps I should-”
“When did you last eat?”
Suddenly, completely out of nowhere your legs gave out and you instinctively relied on the bed next to you for support. Your vision got strangely blurry and everything around you seemed to spin and distort in all kinds of ways. Having heard your sentence cut short as well as the small groan that left your mouth, Gyro quickly turned around, his previous joking attitude disappearing entirely.
“(Name)? Everything alright?” He swiftly approached you and helped you on your feet once more, however the strange dizziness was still very much apparent. “Y-yeah... I just... Felt dizzy all of a sudden...” Your hands held onto him for support while your mind tried to go through the possible causes for this sudden sensation. You were just about to realize what made you feel this sick, but Gyro seemed to reach a conclusion faster.
His question immediately caused you to look up at him and you began thinking back at the earlier events of the night. The distance you rode with your horses was a long one and Gyro made sure you were properly fed the entire time. However, for some reason, the feeling of hunger never hit you, or you had somehow managed to ignore it entirely. “Just before we started moving,” you say quietly, as you know that he realized just how many hours it had been.
Consuming blood was something you never enjoyed, yet you had to do it in order to stay alive. Starvation was already bad for a human, but when a vampire like you was in its clutches, things could get dangerous quickly. Gyro stayed quiet for a few seconds and you expected him to scold you for allowing yourself to go without food for such a long time, but instead, he let go of you and walked to the bed you had been next to, sitting down.
“Alright, you know the drill,” he said and began to remove his scarf that was loosely around his neck, the sight of which immediately made your eyes glow. “You know I’ll worry my ass off if you don’t eat.” His voice was unusually serious. Despite his playful and sometimes sarcastic personality, Gyro took you and anything you needed very seriously, to the point where he didn’t mind offering his blood in order to keep you strong. However, he also knew of your unwillingness to feed on human blood, let alone his.
“Gyro... You know I don’t want to. Besides, I feel just fine. Look,” You spun around a couple of times to try to convince him that you didn’t feel the previous dizziness anymore. But you couldn’t control the underlying desire to consume the delicious liquid flowing under the skin of his neck. Gyro looked at you, giving you a look that was not impressed by your convincing and you secretly knew he wasn’t going to let this one go.
“(Name), you know damn well I’m not gonna move or rest until you’ve been fed.” He said, still looking at you with eyes that were filled with determination and slight worry. He was stubborn about all of this, but it only because he cared. His gaze softened lightly. “I’ll be fine, you don’t need to worry your pretty little head off.” The small hint of playfulness in his voice returned and admittedly eased your discomfort slightly. However, you were still reluctant.
“But... What if I drink too much?” Your thoughts immediately went back to the last time you had drunk his blood and just how overwhelming the feeling had been. It was always risky and the last thing you wanted was to hurt him. His brows frowned slightly, but his gorgeous emerald green eyes were still locked on your currently weakened form.
“You won’t.” This caused you to finally look at him. The amount of confidence his words had puzzled you, how could he be so sure? “Gyro, this isn’t a game. How could you possibly know-”
“Because I trust you.” The way he spoke stuck to you like tar, his words reaching the very core of your being. He knew the risks, but was still willing to help you in any way he could, from traveling at night just so he could have you near him, to offering you his very own blood that you needed now more than ever. You accepted defeat with a sigh and made your way to him. It was not merely because his words and trust in a creature of the night had such an effect on you, it was also because the unbearable lust for blood seemed to partially be controlling your movements, your nose picking up the scent of the liquid under his skin.
You swallowed nervously as you sat next to him, the sound of his blood flowing in his veins echoing in your ears. “Just... Please tell me if it gets too intense,” you said, voice barely audible. “Sure thing, cara.” You barely caught the reassuring grin he flashed you as your eyes were already staring at the spot you desperately wanted to sink your fangs into. With slow movements, you lowered yourself to his neck and could hear his heart beating rapidly, despite his calm demeanor from the outside. It calmed you in a way.
With a small sniff you took in the captivating scent of his blood and after placing a gentle kiss on the soft skin of his neck, you pierced the delicate flesh with your fangs and immediately felt him flinch. You held onto him and as soon as the warm liquid hit the sensitive sensors on your tongue, something snapped within you, and that overwhelming lust you experienced last time you did this only seemed to grow. With every gulp, you regained your strength, and the more you consumed, the more addicting it became
It was unreal. Your claws gripped onto the material of his shirt and the desire to feel stronger kept your fangs in his neck even after you had devoured enough. You couldn’t stop. You wanted more. You needed more. All the surrounding sounds were overpowered by your own inner voices demanding more of that heavenly blood of his. It was intense, and Gyro could feel it too.
“W-woah... Hey, listen, (Name),” he said, his voice becoming much quieter and raspier. He felt his blood being drained from him and as your lust grew and your grip on him tightened, he knew it was time to stop. “I... I think you’ve had enough...” He gently grabbed your shoulders, which fortunately seemed to bring you back to reality as almost immediately, he could no longer feel your fangs digging into his skin.
Your (E/C) eyes looked up at him, worry sparkling in them. You were so quick to check up on him, you didn’t even notice the blood dripping from the corners of your mouth. “Are you okay?” You simply asked, feeling stronger than before, but worried about his condition. As a response, he merely chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. And you seem to be as well.” He said and looked at you, noting just how much better and healthier you looked. A sigh of relief escapes your lips and after you wipe the remaining liquid from your lips, you gently bring them to his cheek, as a sign of gratitude.
“Thank you.”
Gyro grinned at your action and immediately threw his arm around you. “Anything for you. Oh, and thank you for not killing me.” He joked once again, which made you giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Of course, dear. If you died who would be my personal blood bag?”
The fact that he seemingly took this lightly was unbelievable to you, but then again, Gyro Zeppeli was one of a kind and you were fortunate to have him by your side.
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damoreyunho · 3 years
Vol1 Ch1: Lights
It was a late summer's day, the blue sky above was dotted with white cotton clouds, and Hongjoong sat peacefully on a bench watching the world around him. He watched a flock of pigeons make a fuss over a piece of bread and his eyes followed them as one bird fled with it, the others following, not far behind. He could hear the laughter of families playing with their kids in the open areas of the park. From further away a faint barking sounded from the pet-friendly zone. The air was warm but not hot. A soft little breeze blew past him and some lonely strands of his hair wavered along with it.
It was the last week before summer break ended and everyone were out and about trying to make the best of their remaining free time. The city was bustling with activity as most had already returned home from their vacations. From within the park Hongjoong could barely hear the city noise. Only vaguely if he tried hard enough. On the other hand he could definitely still see it. The city. Beyond the large trees outlining the park rose tall high rise buildings. Some would probably even be considered skyscrapers. The sun's reflection on the glass covered buildings made him squint as he looked up. He closed his eyes for a moment, observing the imprints which the bright light had left in his eyes, before opening them again.
Hongjoong got up, did a little stretch and was about to move on when he noticed something. Or was it actually someone? Crouched beside a flower bed was a young man, probably around the same age as himself. His hair was ash grey with the comma style and an undercut. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans. An also black jacket was slung over his left arm.
Hongjoong approached the stranger and stood a little off to one side tilting his head slightly in attempt to see what the other was looking at. He eventually noticed Hongjoong's shadow and stood up. He was quite a bit taller than Hongjoong, but who wasn't taller than him. The eyes of the other were a beautiful smoky grey and it was obvious that his hair color had been chosen to match the eyes. The two of them stared at each other for a moment that felt too long. Hongjoong broke the slightly awkward silence first.
HJ: "Did you find anything of interest?"
???: "Not really."
The taller man glanced down at the flowers uneasily. He seemed slightly flustered by being approached so suddenly.
HJ: "My name is Hongjoong. Do you live nearby? I've not seen you around before."
Hongjoong attempted to spark a conversation between the two of them. The stranger seemed a bit hesitant before replying.
SH: "I am Seonghwa. It is my first time here, though I guess you could say I live nearby."
Seonghwa cracked a small smile. His voice was soft and slightly deep. Even though he spoke quietly, his voice did not tremble at all. It was a voice that undoubtedly held power and probably also a certain level of authority. Hongjoong could not pinpoint which type of person he might be. Could he be a CEO for some company? Maybe he was a big politician? It would definitely be some sort of leadership role though he did not know which.
Quite suddenly it felt like something had changed within Seonghwa. His eyes which had seemed somewhat distant grew warm and welcoming. It was as if they started to focus. Onto Hongjoong to be precise.
SH: "Want to join me for tea?"
Seonghwa spoke warmly and had now turned his body in the direction of a path that would lead them out of the park. Hongjoong nodded and started to walk in the direction which the other had initiated.  
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
The two of them had found a small cafe in which they were now seated by the window. Seonghwa had tea while Hongjoong had coffee. Hongjoong was slightly worried about the silence between the two of them but he also kind of enjoyed it. There was something comforting about Seonghwa's presence. He just couldn't figure out what.
SH: "Do you go to the park often? You seemed familiar with your surroundings."
Hongjoong adverted his gaze from the street outside to the man opposite of him.
HJ: "I go there when I feel in need for inspiration. I love watching the butterflies during the summer and feeling the warmth of the sun."
SH: "Inspiration?"
Seonghwa's voice was encouraging Hongjoong to continue talking. And he did.
HJ: "I'm an artist in my free time. I like to design my own clothes and accessories."
He stretched out one leg from under the table and tilted his foot to the side. On his shoes were some writing in Hangul, hand-painted onto the sides of them. Seonghwa admired the work for some time before finally looking back at Hongjoong.
SH: "They are really beautiful. You have a unique style."
HJ: "Thank you. I also designed my own phone case!"
Hongjoong could feel the happiness within him. It was so nice to have someone listen and admire something you had put a lot of care and effort into. He held out his phone to Seonghwa who gently accepted the item with his right hand. On the case were two butterflies neatly painted in turquoise. The background was a simple dark blue, nearly black sky with a few white sprinkles for stars.
SH: "Do you like the night?"
Seonghwa's admiration for Hongjoong's work was very apparent. Hongjoong couldn't help but smile proudly.
HJ: "Most butterflies go to sleep during the night. But the stars will always be beautiful. Sadly the light from the city obscures the stars most of the time."
SH: "The butterflies may go to sleep, but this makes way for the moths."
Seonghwa handed the phone back to Hongjoong. He looked as if he was going to add something else. One short thought later he continued.
SH: "I can show you the stars. If you are interested of course."
Hongjoong stared intriguingly at Seonghwa.
HJ: "You can really do that? But we would have to leave for a place outside the city. I don't think there's enough time. I have work tomorrow."
He let out a sigh of dismay. He had seen the stars before, but he did not have a lot of money and he had to work if he wanted to save up money to travel.
SH: "It is not far from here. I do not think it will interfere with any plans you might have."
Seonghwa's voice had perked up at this conversation. His emotions were not easy to read as he did not show many expressions. During the short time Hongjoong had known him, Seonghwa had only shown his resting expression and soft smiles. His composure resembled royalty a lot. At this point Hongjoong was certain that he had met a significant person. Suspicions of him being an actor arose. Of course every muscle in his face was under control if he were an actor.
SH: "Do I have something on my face?"
Hongjoong's mind jerked back into reality. He had been staring mindlessly at Seonghwa while deep in thought.
HJ: "Ah no! I'm sorry. I was thinking about something."
He laughed awkwardly feeling his cheeks heat up. Whilst watching Seonghwa pay for their drinks, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful his hands were. They were not big but they were slender and elegant. One single ring adorned the middle finger of his right hand. Hongjoong got up before Seonghwa and headed for the exit. Seonghwa followed not far behind.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
The sun had set not long ago. The sky was now deep orange to the west, purple above and deep blue to the east. Hongjoong was walking along the park road beside a man he had just met that same day. Why he had agreed to join Seonghwa for a walk in the middle of the night, he did not know. But Seonghwa seemed genuine and Hongjoong disliked limiting himself  because of distrust. The two of them stepped off the pavement and onto a path that would lead them into the depths of the park.
HJ: "So... How will you be able to show me the stars? The park is isolated but we're still in the middle of a huge city."
SH: "Just wait."
Hongjoong was unsure if he had heard a smile in Seonghwa's voice or it was just his imagination. He discreetly searched the other's face for any clues of his intentions but did not learn anything. Had it been a bad idea to go through with this? There was still time to turn back if he wanted to. Hongjoong's doubt made the rhythm of his walking irregular for a moment. But the moment was long enough for Seonghwa to notice. He halted and looked at Hongjoong.
SH: "It is alright. We are nearly there."
He smiled and turned his gaze from Hongjoong towards a smaller path that lead off the main path and into an overgrowth of trees and bushes. Hongjoong let Seonghwa take the lead down the path and followed behind. It wasn't long before the trees had blocked out all the city lights.
HJ: "I can't see anything."
Hongjoong walked slowly and took small steps to avoid falling over when he suddenly felt a hand clasp around his left wrist. Upon instinct he tried to pull away. The hand held him firmly but not harshly.
SH: "It is not far. I will lead you."
Hongjoong heard no concern in Seonghwa's voice.
HJ: " How can you see? And how can I trust you? We're in the middle of a dark park all alone. This feels very deceptive."
Before Seonghwa could reply, they stepped out and into a clearing. It was still dark, but it was bright enough for Hongjoong to make out the contour of a lake. Seonghwa let go of Hongjoong's wrist.
SH: "We have arrived."
Hongjoong looked up at the sky but saw nothing but the crescent moon.
SH: "Try looking down."
A smirk was apparent in his voice as he spoke. Hongjoong hesitantly approached the lakeside. He felt on edge with Seonghwa behind him but as long as he could hear that Seonghwa didn't move, he felt fairly safe. As Hongjoong neared the waters edge he saw it. In the water were countless lights. He looked up at the sky then at the water and then back again. No stars were visible in the sky, yet the surface reflected a hemisphere full of stars. Hongjoong spun around to face Seonghwa expecting him to have moved. He hadn't.
HJ: "How is this possible? How can I see the reflections of stars that aren't visible?"
His voice was filled with both awe and wonder.
SH: "The lake is filled with magical creatures that light up the lake. They feast tonight and the fires of their large ovens can be seen as the brightest lights."
Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa with an expression that told him to be serious. And for the first time since they had met, Seonghwa's composure faltered and he let out a soft giggle.
SH: "I am sorry. I do not know why this lake reflects the stars even though they cannot be seen in the sky. My best guess is that there is something in the water that allows it to reflect light in a certain way. Either that or there are insects or bugs with luminescent bodies."
HJ: "The lights don't seem to move so it's probably the first option."
The two of them were quiet and Hongjoong turned back to the water to look at the lights.
HJ: "Would you not want to see it too? Come join me."
He waved his hand in a motion that invited Seonghwa to join him but Seonghwa simply shook his head and stayed back.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
Besides the moon, the sky was now completely dark. Seonghwa had agreed to walk Hongjoong to his exit of the park.
HJ: "Thank you for showing me that. It was really beautiful. I had no idea that lake was even there."
SH: "The path is vey hard to find. I am almost certain that no one knows about it. I accidentally stumbled upon it when looking through the park one evening."
HJ: "What were you even looking for when we met. You were almost sitting in a flower bed."
SH: "Ah. I was primarily admiring the colourful flowers but I was also searching for something. I did not find anything though."
They observed each other shortly, before Seonghwa spoke again.
SH: "It is late. You should go home and get some sleep. I remember you said you have work tomorrow."
HJ: "Yeah. Sadly. Thank you for a nice day though."
He hesitated before proceeding.
HJ: "Do you think we could exchange numbers? I'd love to see you again."
SH: "I- Yes. I would love to see you again too. Actually. I think I will be around in the park quite often from now on. Come by and we might meet again."
Hongjoong noticed how Seonghwa avoided the question but he let it pass. He was probably not comfortable enough to share his number yet. They had just met that same day after all.
HJ: "Yes. I will definitely come by. I'll see you soon."
Both men moved but neither knew what they wanted to do. They were not familiar enough for a hug but waving whilst standing face to face would be weird too. It was really awkward but Seonghwa eventually stepped back and bid the final goodbye. Hongjoong watched him walk off back into the park. And as Seonghwa walked away he could not help but notice how beautiful he looked as the moonlight lit up his tall figure.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
First time posting on tumblr. Let’s see how this goes XD
↓  these are the shoes Hongjoong  designed. Both in this story and in real life
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faofinn · 3 years
BTHB - Anger Born of Worry
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When Fao left on tour, he seemed to take most of Harrison’s sense and stability with him. The younger wolf began causing issues almost immediately, quickly squaring up to Sheila and Fred. Even Steve couldn’t control him, or his wolf.
After a particularly vicious moon, leaving both Harrison and Fred bruised and sore, things took a turn for the worse. He’d started on Finn, rounding on him over breakfast. They’d scrapped over nothing, Finn ending up landing on the floor rather roughly. He’d yelped immediately, scrambling away as he tried to protect himself. Still, Harrison didn’t stop.
The Daniels were furious, struggling to believe Harrison would do that to Finn, the kid he’d always adored. He was kicked out, the rest of the pack watching him as he collected his belongings. It was clear he wasn’t welcome.
Theo took him in, let him crash on his sofa while Steve patched Finn up - while he’d done what he could at the clinic, but it was clear he needed their hospital. Harrison, being bigger and more prepared, hadn’t fared too badly; a few cuts and scrapes that would heal soon enough.
While Theo’s offer was kind, Harrison couldn’t stay. He wasn’t sure if it was couldn’t or wouldn’t, but either way, he had to go. He left notes, an apology to Finn and then the Daniels, a few notes he’d saved up included to pay for the broken plates and chairs; another to Steve, for taking the chance on him and him screwing it all up, like he always did; one for Theo, a quick explanation and a (polite) request to not throw his stuff out, not that he deserved it; and finally, one for Fao. He wasn’t sure if it was a plead for him to come home safely, or an apology for everything he’d ever done. A love letter of sorts, things he’d never say out loud, but since he wasn’t coming back, that didn’t matter. Fao might as well know.
He waited until Theo had gone to bed, the older man offering to stay up and chat, sensing something was off. He’d declined, lied until he was left alone. Despite the other wolf trying to wait up, he’d drifted off, giving Harrison his opportunity.
He’d taken food from his cupboards - old stuff, nearly out of date, things he’d heard Theo complain about. It wasn’t like Harrison to just take charity, so he left some money too, under his letter of apology. With nothing left to do, he shouldered his backpack, shoved his rolled duvet under his arm and slipped out into the night.
When Theo woke and found Harison gone, he called everyone he knew, panic clear in his words. Nobody had seen or heard from him. And then, he found the letters.
The pack was out searching as soon as Theo raised the alarm - Harrison was still part of the pack, even after his actions. Everyone was distraught, worried about him - it wasn’t the first time he’d ran off, but everything felt wrong. His letters held too much finality, too much goodbye.
When Fao came back from his tour, it was to the family and the pack in chaos. Harrison missing was worrying, and the letter Fao read made his stomach twist. He was exhausted, just come back from war, but he threw himself into searching. Of course, after he'd spent some time with Finn. Something about what Harrison had said in his letter sent Fao searching further afield than he usually would. He spent days scouring the woods as wolf, sleeping under bushes despite the cold and wind. He clung to every hint of a scent, desperate to find him.
Haarrison kept his distance, travelled North. He’d never been far from London, only ever travelling to the south coast on the ‘family’ holidays he’d had. There was nothing for him in the north, but that was part of the (pull) of it. He wasted most of his money on hotels, trying his best to find somewhere to stay out of the cold and rain. There wasn’t much he could do; he couldn’t work, had to be careful where he left his leg when he shifted too. He did his best to hide his scent, to keep the pack from finding him, not that they’d be looking for him anyway.
The food was gone quickly too, despite his attempt to ration and hunt when he could. The idea of fish had quickly grown stale, rabbit and pigeon following suit.
He didn’t dare to beg, though would often find some safety in sleeping in doorways in city centres, his duvet wrapped tight around him. He was caught out a few times too, woken up to someone trying to rob him and beat him up. Bloody lip and bruised eyes left him more suspicious, made him sit awake at night. His black eyes grew into dark bags under his eyes, his tiredness past exhaustion.
With the days slightly warmer, more crowds flocked to the streets. His usual sleeping places disturbed by foot traffic and prying eyes. As much as he tried to sleep during the day, every instinct in him begged him to keep moving, to try and evade any search efforts that might still be going on. After all, he’d caused so much trouble within the pack, they’d surely still be out for blood.
It took Fao a long while to even get close to finding him. But his letter kept him going, scanning over each word to try and find any hint of where he was. It took him much further North than he expected. He lost the scent, and had pretty much given up as he headed into the town, very much human, in search of a hotel room to stay in and get cleaned up. But then he caught a scent again, and whilst he couldn’t be sure, it certainly seemed like him.
And there, curled up in a shop doorway, was Harrison. He was curled under a filthy duvet, and he smelled sick, but it was him.
Fao stopped dead.
“Harrison? Tomcat?”
He didn’t move at first. There was no way Fao had found him, not this far away. He sniffed quietly. Well, shit. Not one to give up, he pulled the duvet further over his head, trying to hide.
“It’s only me.”
He sat up slowly, breathing deeply as he tried to check if it really was just Fao. The others wouldn't be too far away. “Fao.”
“Hey, stranger.”
“What do you want?” He got stiffly to his feet, backed in the corner.
“Wanted to find you. Came back from tour and you’d gone.”
“I've missed you, Tomcat.”
“So what have you come to do?”
“Came to find you. Your letter… Well, I…”
“I said what I said.”
“I was scared I'd lose you.”
“I’m not coming back.” He frowned. “If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”
“I'm not gonna kill you, don't be daft.” Fao said. “But I swear I've been wolf for like a week, I was gonna get a hotel room, grab a shower and some food? Wanna come?”
“So you can tell the others where I am so they can get me? Yeah, sure.”
“They don't know I'm here, and I'm not going to tell them. I won't tell them I've found you, if you'd rather not. But nobody wants to kill you.”
“Of course they do.”
“They don't, Hars. They're all really worried about you.”
He shook his head with a bark of a laugh. "Don't be daft."
“They are. Sheila's a wreck.”
“She hates me.”
“She doesn’t.”
“They’re not my pack any more.”
“They’re always going to be your pack, Hars.”
He scoffed. "They kicked me out. I deserved it."
“They told you to leave the house. That doesn't mean you're gone from the pack.”
“As good as.”
“Not at all.”
“I’ve said what I said, Fao. I’m not going back.” He squared his shoulders, clenched his jaw. “Just leave me alone.”
“Come on, let’s at least grab a shower, some hot food and sleep in a real bed tonight.”
He shook his head, though his heart desperately wanted to. “No, I’m not...I’ve got to go now.”
“No commitment. Have some food, a soft place to sleep. And then if you still want to walk away… I can’t stop you.”
“So you can kill me in my sleep.” He laughed drily or dryly whatever. “Yeah, sure.”
“You don’t trust me anymore?”
“I trust that pack will come before I do.”
“They’re not coming. I can’t even tell them, my phone is dead.”
“You can charge it.”
“Why would I tell them? I’m just here for you.”
“Because you all want me dead.”
“We don’t.”
He couldn;t allow himself the hope. “No.”
“I swear, tomcat. Swear on my life.”
Fao wouldn’t lie to him. “No, mate. It’s okay.”
“Come on, let’s get you warm and fed, eh?” Fao said, offering him a hand.
He flinched away; his back hit against stone and he groaned. “I’ve said no.”
Fao frowned, and stepped back. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know, I know.” He wrapped an arm around his stomach, protecting himself. “I know.”
Fao dropped his gaze, wolf body language taking over by default. “I’m just here to help you.”
“Honest. I wouldn't lie.”
He hesitated, almost giving in. “I’ve not got any money.”
“Let me worry about the money.”
“I’m not taking charity.”
“Do I look like a charity? You're family, shut up and let me take care of you, tomcat.”
"I'm not family." He spat.
“You are to me.” Fao said, folding his arms over his chest. “Don't snap at me.” His tone betrayed where he'd been for the past few months, a hangover from his tour.
"I'll do what I want."
Fao raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say a word.
Harrison's lip curled. "What are you going to do?"
“Dunno. Figured I'd just wait for you to stop being an ass.
"I'm packing my shit and going." He all but snarled, starting to roll his duvet up.
“Okay. You want a hand?”
"Does it look like I want a hand?"
“Well, you seem to be making this a big thing. Bit dramatic if you ask me, all I did was offer you some food and a warm bed.”
"You only offered so you'd have the chance to hurt me."
“No I didn't. I don't want to hurt you.”
"You have to."
“No I don't.”
"An eye for an eye."
“Nobody cares about any of that crap.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I'm not lying.”
"I'll pay you back." He softened.
“If you want to.”
“I will.”
“Come on then. Food, a shower and sleep in a real bed.””
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” He said. “Nothing I’m not used to.”
“No, come on. We'll get you a good bed.”
He could fight it later. “Okay.”
Slowly, Fao offered Harrison his hand again. “Come on, then.”
Harrison shouldered his pack, then reached for Fao's hand. "Thank you."
“I've missed you.”
"Don't be daft."
“I really have!”
He didn't say anything. He still wasn't sure where he stood. There was no sign of ill intentions with Fao, but he couldn't be too careful.
Fao sighed, but didn't push it. Harrison was going to take time to trust him again. But he lead him to the hotel he'd planned on staying in, and managed to reserve a double room. They'd both have somewhere proper to sleep, hot water, and food that night and the next morning.
Harrison hesitated again. “Can I grab a shower?”
“Of course. You got some clean clothes?”
“Clean enough.”
“Grab some of mine, they're clean. And we can buy some more for you.”
“It’s fine. I can wash them in the sink.”
“No, Hars. We’ll get you some nice clothes.”
“I’ve got clothes.”
“Clean clothes.”
"They will be once I've washed them."
“I told you,” he said gruffly. “I’m not taking charity.”
“I know. But there's a difference between pity and help.”
“And I don’t think you know the difference.”
“Of course I do.”
"Then stop pitying me."
“I'm not pitying you. I'm just trying to help.”
He scuffed his feet. "Feels a lot like pity."
“But Tomcat, you think anyone who's trying to help is pitying you.”
“Because it’s the same thing.”
“It's not.”
“No?” He raised an eyebrow. “Could have fooled me.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“How far is the hotel?”
“Not far.”
“I’ve had enough walking.”
“It's not too far. But I can carry some of your stuff?”
He jerked away. "It's mine."
“I'm not gonna take it. Thought it might just make the walk easier if you didn't have so much to carry.”
“I always have to carry it. Otherwise someone would nick it.”
“I'm not gonna nick it.”
"You might." He shrugged his backpack on again. "It's fine."
“Okay.” It hurt that Harrison didn't trust him any more, but he didn't know what else to do or say.
Harrison could sense the pain from Fao and he sighed. "It's filthy anyway, I'm better off carrying it."
“Whatever you're comfortable with.”
"Not fair on you."
“Not like I'm not fit.”
He huffed. "Yeah, that's true."
“So I'm happy to carry if you need it.”
"It's okay."
“Let’s get going, then.”
He sighed. “Yeah, sure.”
Fao led the way to the hotel, trying to keep a slow pace so Harrison didn't have to rush.
Harrison hesitated outside, turning to Fao. “They’ll kick me out again.”
“No they won't. They've been paid enough.”
“Still, they’ve seen the state of me.”
“You look fine, just a bit scuffed up.”
“I look homeless.”
“Well, Hars, I hate to break it to you, but you have been living on the streets.” Fao attempted to joke. “Come on, take my hoodie.” He pulled it over his head.
“You think I don’t know?” Harrison snapped at Fao.
“Sorry, sorry. Stupid joke. Come on, just take the hoodie, it’ll be alright. You’re clearly with me, so it’s fine.”
“And what about my shit?”
“I’ll carry it.”
“They won’t let you in.”
“Give it here, I’ll shove it in my bag?”
“Let me carry the bag though?”
“Sure, so long as you don’t break it.”
“I’m not going to.”
“Good.” Fao shrugged his bag off and rolled Harrison’s duvet and other crap up to shove it inside. “That’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” He swung it onto his back. “Thanks.”
“Let's go, then.”
“Right.” He nodded. “After you.”
Fao led the way inside, glancing back at Harrison to make sure he was still following.
"I'm not going to run off. Don't give me that look."
“But you thought about it.”
“No.” He lied.
Fao raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. They got inside, and spoke to the person at the desk. He shot them some slightly odd looks, but Fao spoke in a way that dared him to give them shit, and nothing was said. They were given keys, and directions to the room. They headed up, and Fao unlocked the door to let Harrison inside. “Here we go. Much better.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Do you wanna grab a shower?”
“Yes please.”
“Go on, then.”
He glanced at Fao before heading into the bathroom, backpack still on. “Won’t be long.”
“Harrison. My pack, please?”
“It’s got my stuff in.”
“Take your stuff out?”
He shoved his pack towards Fao. “I’m getting a shower now.”
“Yeah, go ahead. Enjoy it.”
He headed back into the bathroom, dumping his stuff on the floor before stripping. He ran the water hot, used as much shampoo and bodywash as he could, and just stood under the stream. It was a stark difference from his previous attempts at a shower, a hurried wash in the mcdonalds toilets. After washing his hair and body, he slumped down, sliding until he was sat on the shower floor. His head in his hands, he let himself cry, all his emotions coming to a head.
Fao gave Harrison plenty of time in the shower. He deserved his privacy, and it was no doubt the first shower he'd had in far too long. He sorted through the other wolf's stuff, only to neatly fold it for now. He'd go through and wash it later for him. Even the duvet could be washed, he was sure. Of course he wanted to bring Harrison home, but if he chose to keep living this way, the best he could do was make him more comfortable.
Harrison eventually emerged from the bathroom, hair still dripping and a mess on his head. He was in slightly cleaner clothes, his others having also had a wash. When he saw Fao, his lip curled.
"I told you not to touch my stuff."
“I just folded them for you.” Fao said, guarded. “That way you can pick out what wants washing and if anything needs fixing. It didn't seem right, just leaving it in a pile on the floor. It's all there, you can check it for yourself."
"It's not yours to touch."
“Look, sorry. I was only trying to help.”
"I didn't ask for your help!" He shot back, his wavering voice betraying him. "I didn't ask for any of it."
“Look, I don't know what the fuck happened back home, I don't care, but I'm your pack and I'm your family and we help eachother out when we end up in the shit! I'm not long back from fucking Afghanistan, and yet here I am with you, because I'm not just going to walk past and leave you to suffer. So get your head out of your ass and just let me help, for fuck's sake. It's not pity, it's not charity, it's me helping a friend. And I'm sorry I touched your stuff, I am. But I was only trying to make your life easier!”
Harrison didn’t say anything, visibly shrinking back on himself, his lip trembling. He turned away, grabbing his clothes and stuffing them haphazardly into his bag.
Fao softened, and stepped back. He'd gone too far, he knew he had, but Harrison was just so frustrating. It didn't help just how worried he was about him.
“Look, Tomcat, I'm sorry…”
He shook his head, his wet clothes shoved on top. "Don't."
“Don't go. I'll leave you be, the room is yours. Don't have to see my stupid face. But take it, sleep in a real bed, eat real food. For your own health.”
"It's fine." He tried to slink past Fao. "I'm fine."
“No, Hars, you're not fine.”
"I am."
“You're so far from fine it hurts. I read your letter, I really thought I was never going to see you again. I thought I'd lost you. Please, don't go…”
He stopped, finally looking at Fao. "You weren't meant to find me."
“And yet I did.” Fao said, stepping closer. “Come on, don't throw it all in now.”
"I can't." He shook his head, clenched his jaw to try and stop the tears that threatened again. "It's already over."
Fao couldn't help himself, he pulled Harrison in for a hug, crushing him against his chest. “Oh, Tomcat, nothing is ever over.”
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waokevale · 4 years
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Under Control - Chapter 6
TW: Mind abuse, mention of getting hurt, Greed.
Very disgusted with his face but Deceit decided to ignore it as he tried to put the choker on.
When he finally did put it on, he looked at himself in the mirror again, wearing the emblem.
-"Not bad, actually...?" He smiled slightly admiring the crystal before sudden indescriptable pain came through his whole body followed by a  scream that came soon after.
He felt as his mind was leaving his body which made him stress out even more.
As if something was taking control over him.
He knew he shouldn't trust that thing
He knew he shouldn't have trusted 'him'
Yet he did...
And now....
It was too late..
Suddenly Deceit woke up.
His body was chilly as his breath was more stiff and heavy
It was all dark and blurry .
The place he was in was blank... empty...
Like an abyss.
A little foggy clouds could only be seen, except the giant, unknown grey space that the deceitful side was in.
When his vision got more clearer and his head stopped spinning, he looked closely at the space around him
as he tried to figure out where he  actually was and what happened to him.
-'What is this place?'
-Where am I?'
He thought as an anxious feeling started to rise up inside of him.
He looked in every direction to find a clue, any little one would seem good enough at this point, so he tried to focus more.
There was nothing...
Everything came all back together, lining up like the pieces of a puzzle.
He was really miserable today, especially after Thomas's video.
He went back to the dark side of the mindscape and then into his room.
There he saw a choker with an orange gem and a note from someone...
After a long debate with himself he decided to try it on.
And then...
He lost control..
-"Oh no...."
Now he was beggining to stress out even more than before, thinking about what could've happen during his abscense.
Especially if he was the one who took over Deceit's body.
-"I need to get out of here!" He then yelled loudly enough to spread an echo around the whole abyss he was in, hoping that someone would hear him.
After his voice tuned down a little bit there could be heard a giggle which didn't put him at ease much either.
It did the complete opposite of that actually..
He just wanted to gain his control back....
He didn't want this...
He wanted to leave.
Suddenly the giggle he just heard became a laughter that in bare seconds turned maniacal as the snake flinched in fear, not knowing where the creepy voice was coming from.
He just stood there, frozen in fear.
Until a giant screen appeared right in front of him.
There on the screen could be seen a shadow or a silhuette of another side, but the said side was surrounded by darkness around them, making it harder for Deceit to figure out who it was until the side on the screen opened their eyes.
Revealing two giant, bright orange gloving dots looking straight at him.
Now Deceit finally realized who it was.
He was pretty sure of that before.
He just didn't want to believe it.
It really was him.
The same side he didn't want to see the most.
The side that he feared so much..
The worst one out of them all.
He was the only side that actually didn't have had a name.
Not because he couldn't have one.
He just didn't want to, as he thought, that names were ridiculous so he stuck to his title.
Yet now Deceit was filled with anger, not only fear at the time.
He was angry, mostly at himself for falling right into the trap the said before side put for him.
But he was also scared....Very, very scared.
He knew that the orange side was capable of doing really bad things.
And in his body.....He could.....
No, no, no.....
-"GREED?? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" He then yelled as tears started welling up in his eyes.
-"That is me, my dear friend~" The so called Greed said.
-"W-why?! Why did you do this to me?! What do you want from me?!" Deceit shouted, ignoring the nickname the orange side gave him.
-"Ah you see, I've seen you go to light sides.
I've seen how hurt you were by them!
And since I was so pitiful of you, I wanted to help sort some things out for you~"
Deceit shot him a glare.
-"Drop the act.
Don't you lie to my face, you know who I am.
I can easily tell that you're lying."
-"Pfff, ah! Right! I would've forgot about that~
You caught me.
I don't really care about you, you know that?
In fact I only wanted to get revenge on the others, since your body has a lot of unuesed potential."
Now the angry expression on the lying trait's face changed again into a shocked one.
-"W-w-what do you mean by that? W-what are you t-trying to do..?"
-"Ah, nothing really.
.......Except... Maybe hurt a bit your "little baby" for example."
Deceit's eyes widened in fear for the other.
He couldn't take it.
He couldn't let this happen.
Not to him.
Not in the body in which he promised he'd never hurt him..
-"N-n-n-o! Don't hurt him! I-I-I beg you! Please! Don't! I'll do anything!"
-"Why do you even care about him?
He left you.
He betrayed you.
And yet....You still love him?
You're really fucked up, Ethan~"
-"I may be fucked up...But that's how loving someone is.
It's fucked up....
But I don't care about that.
I-I'm not going to let you hurt my baby....
...Please... P-please.
Just-Just D-Don't hurt him....P-p-please..."
Deceit said while begging now and sobbing softly.
-"Awwww Dee, you're just so naive.
I already have your body and I don't really need anything else from you.
You don't have anything else to offer me and I don't need your weak, depressed and melancholic personality."
-"W-w-why? Why are you like this? What did I ever do to you....?"
-"Ah really nothing much, but as a dark side you're just......useless.
You could be so powerful! You could even rule over the mind palace if you wanted to!
Yet....You wasted your powers just like that.
And you also influence Remus on this as well.
No wonder why Virgil has left you for the others."
The orange side simply said as Ethan's eyes began to hurt now from the ammount of tears he had spilled.
-"S-s-sssstop...." He pleaded.
-"Oh did I forgot to mention your boyfriend?
Don't worry I'll make sure you're not going to see him any time soon.
Or ever at this point."
-"W-w-what a-are y-you talking a-a-about...?
I....I don't have a-a-a b-boyfriend.
-"Oh right, I forgot again...
You would've have had if you ever got the chance.
But you can't....
Don't you even know who I'm talking about?
Your giant crush! Remus's soulmate and other half. The ruler of the light side of the imagination.
Someone who's way out of your league.
Got any clue now..?"
-"R-R-Roman......." Deceit whispered in horror.
-"That's right. And I know just the perfect way to make his fall...."
Something finally clicked in the deceitful side.
Now the other has crossed the line.
He couldn't take it anymore.
He couldn't listen to these awful things that Greed has said.
No more.
He couldn't listen anymore to what the other was trying to do to them...
He then started shouting and banging on the screen mercilessly, trying to do something, trying to break it.
Or at least crack it at this point.
Maybe this was it?
Maybe there is a way to gain his control back?
Just for a little while?
He had to.
He had to try..
He must try...
-"LET ME OUT! JUST LET ME OUT! Let me out! Please! Just let me out! (...)"
He kept yelling and attempting to break the screen as the side on the other end just laughed at him.
-"You're pathetic, Deceit. Do you really think that this will work? Or that I'll actually let you out?
You can't do anything.
Face it.
You're just useless."
Greed spat out loud and dissapeared from the screen as the other kept banging and yelling still, not caring if his hands began to bruise and cut and hurt, or that his throat was now dry and in pain.
He just wanted out.
He wanted to warn the others.
He didn't want them to fall for Greed's trickery.
He just wanted to save them...
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caraleedixon · 3 years
Meeting for the very first time
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The bombing of Atlanta~
Cara woke up to the sounds of screaming and panic, she was on the ground level of the Super 8 in Atlanta, Georgia. The nineteen year old was on break from the Police Academy and was on vacation with some of her friends. Cara got out of bed and peeked out the window, wondering if it was actually bad. What she saw scared her nearly to death, and if she hadn't been a sheriff's daughter probably would have rooted her to the spot. However, Caralee Grimes was a strong willed cop in training. She knew how to handle herself, Cara looked down at her nightside table when she saw the light; Cara picked it up as she began to pack up somethings and grabbing her twin desert eagles. "Mom, not a good time... somethin's going on in Atlanta..."
"Caralee, listen to me.. Its not just Atlanta.. Shane says that their going to bomb the big cities to try to control it.. you HAVE to get out of there" Came Laurie Grimes's voice, Cara bit her lip.
"Alright Mom, I gotta go then.. I gotta find--"
"I don't care about them, get your ass out of Atlanta, now Bug" Came Shane's aggressive voice. She rolled her eyes but sighed.
"Fine... but If I see them--"
"Bug, the dead have risen and are eatin' people... DO NOT put yourself in anymore danger then necessary" He told her sternly, "Meet us outside the city, the billboard, you know the one" Cara looked shocked as the line went dead. She grabbed her bag, putting one of her desert eagles in the holster and the other in her hand as she opened the door.
Dead bodies were strewn outside, monstrous looking people eating screaming humans. Cara centered herself as she made her way cautiously through the parking lot to her truck, keeping an eye out for any of her friends. She jumped in her truck and started it up, wincing at how loud it was. "Goddamn it, I told Shane to look at that before I left" She cursed before slamming the truck into reverse and peeling out of the parking lot. She stopped short as the headlights fell on Kevin, the kid who she had known her entire life, laying lifeless on the street in front of her being eaten. She shook her head and peeled away out of the city, she had only been able to get down a couple alleys before being stopped again because of traffic. "SHIT!" She screamed as she turned off her truck and grabbed her bag and gun again.
How many hours had passed since her phone call with her mother and Shane? Were they even still alive? Cara walked through the woods at the edge of Atlanta, the bombs had dropped soon after she had left the city and she was nearly out of bullets now. The dead just had kept coming and coming until she had realized to aim for the head. Cara leaned against a tree, trying to catch her breath and calm down. The burnet heard a snapping of a twig and raised her gun at the ready once more, she checked her bullets. "Three" She said aloud, cursing under her breath. "I better make 'em count" She said, reaching down and grabbing her boui knife out of her boot. Her legs were all cut up from running through the woods at night, She was still in her pajamas, a sweater tattered around her shoulders.
She shot the first walker in front of her, dead between the eyes.
The second one fell on top of the first. She aimed at the third walker and pulled the trigger before groaning as the shot missed. "FUCK" She put her gun back in the holster as she pulled her knife up, it wasn't ideal, she didn't want to get that close to the walker in front of her but now she had no chose. She took a couple steps forward towards the undead woman in front of her before stopping short.
"Missy?" She said, her arms becoming slack. "God.. Missy how did they get you?" She asked, tears threatening to finally burst as she saw her best friend limping and dead coming towards her. "Missy, Missy you gotta stop.. come on please.. Missy it's me.. It's Cara" She said before;
An arrow appeared in Missy's left eye.
"Are you fuckin' crazy?" Came a gruff voice as Missy fell to the ground. "You can't reason with these fuckers lil' girl" Cara looked up from her best friend on the ground to see a Redneck with a cross bow. "Are ya alright?" He asked, looking her up and down. "Those gashes are they from the dead?" He asked, lowering his compact bow and taking a step towards her.
"What? No... I've been running through the woods from Atlanta since ten o'clock" She said looking down and finally seeing all the gashes. Cara looked back up at him as he walked closer. "Look, Redneck, I'm tryin' to find the billboard by the Quarry... am I any where close?" She asked slowly, realizing how tall the man was and blushing deeply.
"My groups there now, its about a days walk from here.. You good to walk?" He asked her as her eyes lit up, the girl picked up her bag and nodded.
"I'm more then ready.. my family should be there... at least my mom and brother" She said, "And my Daddy's best friend" She told him as she started to follow him. "Thanks by the way, I know I can't reason with the dead but... Missy and I go back to pre-K... I just couldn't believe that she was dead"
"I get it.. but ya gotta be careful, Sunshine" The Redneck said smirking, "By the way... I'm Daryl Dixon... and that.." The handsome man pointed to a burley guy appearing behind a tree. "Is Merle, my big brother" He said as Merle leered at her.
"Well hey Sugar Tits, did my brother be your knight in shinin' armor?" He asked. Cara raised an eyebrow as Daryl spoke.
"Knock it off Merle" He growled at him, "Leave the girl alone" He took a step closer to Cara protectively. It seemed Daryl knew something about his brother that Cara didn't, but Cara didn't mind the handsome redneck's perfection.
The three walked in silence for a bit before Merle raised an eyebrow, "So, do ya always go around in booty shorts sugar tits?" He asked, Cara stopped in her tracks, her hand going slack on her bag before she turned to face the burly man.
"I do when I was asleep when all this shit starts" She said, "Didn't have much time to change runnin' for my life and didn't realize I would be walking with sexist mcGee trying to find my family" She said, her arms crossed as she glared at him. Out of the corner of her eye, Cara could have sworn that she saw a smirk play on Daryl's lip before it went back to his normal glare. "Call me Sugar Tits one more time, and we'll see whose really made of sugar" Cara said, before starting to walk again. She could feel eyes on the back of her thighs but couldn't tell whose eyes they were. Daryl caught up with her a few minutes later, pointing up the ridge.
"Our camp is just up there, hope you find your family among us... sorry about Merle by the way he can be--" Cara shook her head as she glanced back at Merle who seemed to sulking a few paces behind them.
"Don't even worry about it... I've dealt with worse.. my father was the sheriff of King's County" She said shrugging, "I did a few volunteer days down there and had much worse thrown at me..."
Daryl raised an eyebrow, before squinting at her slightly. "You a cop too?" He asked sounding... off.
"Was plannin' on it before the world went to shit." She said shrugging, "It's in my blood, my daddy was the Sherriff, so was my Granddaddy and his before that" She said looking up at him, "Look, I don't care 'bout any of that now.. I never had what you'd call a strong moral compass.. you saved my life Redneck, If you think that something that happened before that means anything to me... think again"
Daryl's lips turned up at the corners before the smile disappeared as Merle walked past them. "Can we just get back to camp lovebirds? I'm starvin' and wanna drop the bitch off" Daryl growled at him.
"Leave her alone Merle"
~~The next day~~
Cara woke up and sat up shivering, she pulled her bag around to her before realizing that Daryl was sleeping right next to her. That was when she remembered, during the night Merle had followed her when she had left to pee and Daryl had come to her rescue yet again and slept next to her. She smiled gently before grabbing out her jeans, she went behind a tree and shimmied out of her pj shorts before starting to pull on her jeans.
"Well well, that lily white ass is hot sugar tits" Came Merle's voice, Cara stopped short before looking behind her and seeing Merle standing up against a tree watching her. "Why dontcha loose those jeans and pretty panties and I'll show you something that my baby brother couldn't fathom to do" Cara opened her mouth to speak before Merle was inches from her. "Come on baby take 'em off" Cara reeled back and punched the man hard. She was stronger then most girls for her stature but compared to the big idiot in front of her, she was no match. "You little BITCH!" Merle yelled before punching her right back across the jaw. "I'll teach you to hit me you--" Cara looked up holding her searing jaw. Daryl was straddling Merle beating the shit out of him.
"I told you last night to stay the hell away from her.. Now you go and punch her?!" He growled as he continued to punch his older brother.
"Alright alright UNCLE" Merle said, after he himself got a few shots in, but Daryl was angrier he had won the fight. Daryl rolled off his brother before walking slowly up to Cara and taking a look at her jaw.
"You're gonna have a bruise.. sorry about that" He said slowly as he helped her up. "Are you alright?" He asked looking down at her, Cara nodded as she smiled slightly. "What?"
"I think this is the start of somethin'..." She said smiling at him. "Thats the third time in the past twenty-four hours that you've come to my rescue" She looked up at him, Daryl chuckled.
"Always.. if you stay with me... I mean my group... I'll always come to your rescue" He said gruffly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Daryl had sent Merle on ahead as him and Cara walked up the trail to Daryl's camp. Daryl waved at an older gentleman on top of the RV.
"Whose the young lady?" The man asked as Cara looked up at him.
"I'm Cara... Cara Grimes..." She said, "I'm lookin' for my mom and my brother Carl... and Shane... Have you heard of them or--" Her eyes glanced around as she heard an intake of breath.
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-"Lee-Lee??" Came her baby brother's voice, she went around the RV before taking off as her little brother did the same. Cara grabbed Carl and hugged him to him. The tears that she had been holding back for a day and a half burst through the damn as she fell to her knees still holding her brother.
"Carl... Carl you're alive" She repeated over and over, after a few minutes of the brother and sister hugging each other and refusing to let go. Cara heard a voice above her;
"Caralee... we thought" She looked up and found her mother looking down at her.
"Sorry it took me so long mom... I.. I got lost.. Daryl saved my life and...--" Shane appeared next to her mother, a bit to close for her liking but she gulped it down as she let her brother go slowly.
"Dixon saved your life? Damn" he said looking behind you and nodding at Daryl. "Thanks man, this kids like a daughter to me."
Cara rolled her eyes, "I'm not a kid, if I was I wouldn't have made it out of the city before the bombs dropped." She said before looking around. "Where's... Mom where's dad?" She asked. Carl looked down as Cara looked at him. "No... don't.." Daryl took a step towards her. "IS he..." Carl nodded.
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ezpezlemonsquez · 4 years
Okay, so I've heard about that theory in which princess Yue was to be the Avatar but since Aang hadn't died but just had frozen himself, the cycle was somehow broken and that's why Yue was born so weak and had to be saved by the Moon Spirit. This actually gave me a fanfiction idea, so
in this concept Yue is Sokka and Suki's child, as Lu Ten is Mai and Zuko's. They spend a bit of their vacation at their houses in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. Everything is peaceful. Everything is fine.
Lu Ten was screaming. He didn't have any control over his body, needless to say, his mind. He just wanted it to be over. Suddenly, he felt a gentle tug on his shoulder and he shuddered. Then he felt the second tug, a little bit more intense than the previous one.
"Lu" said someone with a really soft voice. "Lu, wake up."
So Lu Ten screamed for the last time and this time he immediately woke up and sat up on his bed. He was panting heavily, the sweat dripping off his body. At first he couldn't see anything. Only after a few breaths was his vision slowly getting better.
"Everything's alright, Lu." The same voice rang out again, finally letting Lu Ten fully get back to reality. It was kind of like his anchor and though he had sometimes heard it in his dreams, it had never been so clear before. Lu Ten blinked and he realised why this time it was different.
"Yue" he whispered and lied down again, utterly exhausted, as he saw his beautiful friend right in front of him. Her dark brown hair tickled his face when she leaned towards him to make sure he's awake. For real now. Lu Ten took one last deep breath and got up from the bed. He walked to the table and drank some water he'd prepared himself in a cup. The rest of it he spilled on his head. Yue came up to him and gently touched his shoulder.
"Everything alright?" she asked caringly. He nodded.
"Yeah" he answered, not being completely sure if he reassured her, or himself. "Yeah, everything's fine, it was just, uhm..."
Yue raised her eyebrow.
"A nightmare?"
"No, no, I don't have nightmares, no." He forced a laugh.
"Right" snorted Yue. "You know, you may be one really powerful firebender but that doesn't make you any truthbender."
"You say so?"
"I literally heard you screaming, Lu Ten. I woke you up."
The boy shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe you needed something?" he suggested and he suddenly realised something. "Wait a second, why were you even here?"
Yue seemed a bit confused for a moment.
"Uhm, I heard your scream" she answered finally, trying to be convincing. "I walked in to make sure you're not in any trouble. As always."
"Very funny, Yu. You were saying something about being a truthbender...?" he said, as if he was wondering.
"Excuse me, I'm the daughter of Sokka and Suki, I was basically born with the power of truthbending. Gotta have a talent, you know?" she said jokingly, throwing her hair behind her back.
"Yeah, of course. Come on, Yue, what were you doing outside this late?" He nudged her teasingly. "Perhaps a date or something? You know, holiday fling?" He insinuated, while feeling a bit of jealousy that she actually might have confirmed.
"I wish." She winced. "I... I was, uhm, kind of having nightmares myself" she admitted finally. "I woke up and I decided to take a walk. Moon soothes me."
Lu Ten's face changed immediately.
"Yue, I'm sorry." He shook his head. "I didn't mean to..."
"It's fine, really. Now come, you want to take a walk with me?" She held out the hand to him. He smiled.
"Sure. Let me just put on some shirt."
She nodded. After a while, they were walking by calm, peaceful streets of the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. Neither of them was saying anything, they just walked silently, hand in hand, being happy of each other's presence. They stopped at the fountain. It was a clear, warm night, so they took off their shoes and sat down, letting their feet dip into water. They were sitting silently until Lu Ten spoke up.
"It's a beautiful moon."
Yue smiled.
"Yeah, it really is. You know, my dad used to tell me the history of a girl from the Northern Water Tribe. She was a princess, actually. She was beautiful, and kind, and very brave, because when the time came, she was ready to sacrifice her life to become the Moon Spirit. I was named Yue after her."
"Did your parents know her?"
"My dad, yeah. They seemed to have been pretty close, you should've heard how he talked about her."
"Yeah, listen, from what I've been told, you should've seen my granduncle's face when my parents told him I was gonna be named after his son. Apparently, he cried so much. My father told not once that it was the least he could do for him for... well, everything."
"General Iroh was more like a father to your dad than Ozai, wasn't he?"
"He was." Lu Ten nodded. "He still is."
Yue looked up at the moon, thinking.
"You want to tell me about this nightmare that's bothering you?" asked Lu Ten softly. Yue sighed.
"This dream it... It comes back to me every full moon. But please, don't laugh, okay?" She looked at him pleadingly, with a weak smile.
"I won't, I promise."
"Okay, so, in this dream... I am about to become the Avatar. I can feel it's a great power, so I'm preparing myself to take it in. I'm waiting and waiting and it exhausts me but I reassure myself that once I take in the Avatar's powers, all my strengths will come back to me three times as great. And suddenly, something happens. Light blinds me, but no new strengths came. Instead, I'm just getting weaker and weaker. I don't know what's happening, but I can barely breathe. It's like, the circle has been broken and I don't know what to do. I try to scream but I can't even open my mouth. It's... it's horrifying." Tears appeared in Yue's eyes. She lowered her voice to whisper and she just looked at her hands. "I'm dying" she said barely audibly. Lu Ten didn't say anything. He took her hand and gently stroked it. He wanted to remind her she didn't have to be scared, because he was there. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.
"Anyway" she said after a while, when she managed to collect herself. "That's when I wake up." She looked at him with a sour smile. "Every time. No sooner, no later. I don't know what it means, so."
"Have you told about it anyone?" he asked, moving closer to her. She laughed quietly.
"No, absolutely not. And I forbid you to."
"Okay, no worries, just... I want to help you."
"I know, but please, don't tell anyone. I'll manage. So, you wanna share your dream now?" she asked immediately, trying to escape from the uncomfortable subject. Lu Ten let go of Yue's hand and smiled sourly.
"My dream is strictly connected with this city" he started. "I'm in Ba Sing Se but this isn't, you know, our Ba Sing Se. I'm in the Fire Nation's Army uniform. I have my own unit under command. It isn't big but I feel like it's great anyway. I know I trust these people. And suddenly, we begin to fight. At first, we win. We're going further and further into the town and I feel I'm on a tear, so I don't stop. Somebody's shouting my name but I ignore it. I run and I fight. I shout I don't need any more people, I'm calling off the reinforcements. Everything's great. But then I'm trapped. Earthbenders, more than I can possibly take, surround me. It's just me, my whole unit has suddenly disappeared. I try to fight them but I can't hold off them all. Nevertheless, I don't call for help. I just... try to take down these people. They're an obstacle. Someone shoots me, so I scream. I feel warmth of my blood. My vision blurs. I give more shots, and I get the same amount at me. Finally, I collapse. In my head there's just granduncle's song. It bores into my mind, I can't think of anything else, I can't hear anything but this song. It's more powerful than any thought, any sound I try to focus on. It hurts more than my wounds. So I scream. And I scream again and again, until I can't scream anymore." He looked at Yue seriously. "I'm dying, too" he whispered. Yue didn't say anything. She just moved closer and hugged him. He hugged her even tighter. The tears started to fall down their cheeks. They were both crying, because that felt like the only right thing to do.
"Don't tell anyone" whispered Lu Ten after a while.
"I won't" promised Yue.
They sat there, hugging each other, for a long time. They barely moved. Then Lu Ten cleared his throat and slightly moved away.
"We should go back home."
Yue nodded, sniffling.
"Yeah. Yeah, we should."
"I bet granduncle Iroh could make us some soothing tea, if you'd like."
"I would love to, but tomorrow, okay? We'll go to The Jasmine Dragon."
"Okay. Come on, I'll walk you." He held out his hand. Yue took it without hesitation.
"Thanks" she said quietly, smiling weakly. They didn't talk on their way back home. They really didn't feel like it. When they arrived at Yue's home, she hesitated.
"What is it?" asked Lu Ten.
"Actually... uhm..." She looked at him awkwardly, then she shook her head. "You know what, never mind."
"No, tell me, what's wrong?"
"I was gonna ask you, since I won't be getting much sleep tonight, if you wanted to keep me company" she admitted, smiling. "But then I figured you'd probably want to catch even a few hours of sleep."
"Actually, no, not at all. And I'd rather sit silently with you than alone, so." He smiled. "I would love to keep you company."
She looked at him gratefully and open the door. They sat on the carpet, near each other, trying not to fall asleep. But after a while they didn't even realise they did. They were sitting, leaning back against the wall, Yue's head resting on Lu Ten's shoulder and his head resting on hers. And when they were together, no more nightmares bothered either of them that night.
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nicolewoo · 5 years
All Along Part 2
Pairing: Joe Anaoi X Reader, Roman Reigns X Reader
Warning: Cursing and explicit sex. SMUT SMUT SMUT.
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I woke up to the realization that I was curled up on Joe's chest again. I breathed in his scent and appreciated the feel of his arms around me. I looked up to see that he was still asleep. The movie we'd been watching last night was over, and the TV screen was on the menu page. I was going to lay just like this for as long as possible. I placed a kiss on his chest and ran my hand over his arm tracing his tattoo.
“Mmmmm” He moaned. I felt his head shift and looked up to see him looking at me. The sweetest smile brightened his face. “Hey. Looks like we fell asleep.” He ran his hand up and down my back.
“Looks like it.” I answered laying my head back down onto his shoulder. “How did you sleep?” I asked.
“Baby, I always sleep well when you're here.” He kissed my forehead, running his fingers through my hair.
My alarm went off, jarring us from our snuggling bliss. Joe moaned as I reached to grab my phone and turn the beeping off. “I don't want to get up,” he sighed. I opened the calendar on my phone and began reviewing my schedule for the day. Joe peeked down at my phone and said, “What time is our flight?”
“10 am.” I said. “We should get up and get ready.” I smiled up at him.
He turned me so my back was to the mattress and he shimmied down so he was on top of me, face to face. “Can't we just play hooky?” He nuzzled my neck and I felt him begin to get hard. If only he knew how wet he made me, he'd never get out of bed..... I wouldn't either.
We hadn't had sex yet. We'd only declared our feelings two days ago, but knowing each other as well as we did, waiting to be together was so difficult. It felt like we were ready, but were holding off out of some archaic morality system.
Now, laying in his bed beside him, sleeping next to him as I had both nights since Thanksgiving, feeling him nuzzle my neck, I KNEW I was ready. Maybe it was a good thing that we had to catch a flight in a couple of hours.  
“I wish.” I said as I played with his hair.
He pulled away from my neck and looked in my eyes, his hand running under my shirt and skimming my stomach lightly. “Stay with me tonight.” He said impulsively.
“What?” I was shocked at how certain he sounded. “We're going to be in a hotel full of co-workers.”
He smiled slightly, “And?” he quirked an eyebrow. “Stay with me.” He pleaded. “I don't care who knows or what they say.” He was so certain it was hard to argue with him, so I nodded yes. He kissed me sweetly, and his hand began to brush against my stomach again. As he slid his tongue in my mouth, his hand slowly ventured down slipping inside my shorts. It took every bit of willpower I had to grab his wrist and stop him. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.
“We have a plane to catch.” I gently reminded him, and he lowered his head to rest in my neck.
“It's getting harder and harder to stop myself.” He admitted.
I grunted in frustration, “Here too.” I admitted.
I took a deep breath. “Ok, let's get out of bed before we start something we don't have time for.”  With a quick kiss to my lips, he slid out of the bed, holding his hand out to help me up. Joe showered in his room while I used the shower in the guest room. When I returned to his room to start putting everything back in my suitcase, Joe came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel. I gasped at the view.
“Shit, baby girl. I didn't know you were in here, he quickly turned to go, but not before I saw the tent in his towel.
“Fuck.” I whispered to myself as I turned away.
“Could you... um.... Can you bring me some pants?” He called out. I knew where he kept everything and I quickly got into his dresser to grab a pair of boxers and pants.
“Which pants?” I asked looking at the array.
“The jeans that are on top please.” He said. I grabbed them and went to the bathroom to hand them to him. “I was never shy in front of you before.” He admitted, and I realized he was right. I often saw him changing or in a towel in his locker room. Now though, it was so different.
I just chuckled and went back to packing, trying desperately to forget what I'd just seen.
“Did I see The Bump on your schedule?” Joe called out from the bathroom quickly changing the subject.
“I'm meeting with the producer today. I'm a guest on next week's show.” I saw him come out of the bathroom, still incredibly sexy with wet hair and no shirt.
“That's awesome!” he said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. “You've been kicking ass and taking names since you got to Smackdown.” He kissed my shoulder softly.
“Joe?” I asked, and he answered with a questioning hmmm. “Baby,” Fuck! How could I say this? “If you keep touching me......” I trailed off, but he knew.
He pulled his arms away from me and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I understand.” He said, but he didn't move away from me. Instead, he kept his body pressed against mine. His voice was husky with lust “Tonight, baby girl.” His voice resonated in my body and I felt my pussy clench in desire. I had to take a deep breath this time. He moved away from me and calmly said, “Finish packing. We're running out of time.”
“Ugh! That's not fair!” I complained, and turned to see a shit eating grin on his face.
“It might not be fair, but it's fun.” He teased, and I threw a sock at him.
He reached into his dresser to grab a shirt and slid it on his body, covering his incredible chest. “Tonight?” I asked.
He stopped what he was doing and came over to wrap his arms around me, “If you're ready.” He looked into my eyes. “I'm ready.”
I couldn't help the giant smile on my face. “I've been ready.” I said and he smiled too.
“Let's finish packing and get to the airport.”
The day DRAGGED. Everything seemed twice as hard as it should have been.... First a plane delay.... then a mix up with our room reservation.... the whole day was difficult. I just wanted it to be tonight. I wanted to be with Joe so bad, and it was all I could think about.
After losing my match, which I really didn't care about today, I showered, then waited in Joe's locker room until his match. As I went to the common area to watch the match on the TV, Becky wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “How are things going?” I knew she was asking about Joe.
“Everything is perfect.” I said, but she quirked an eyebrow.
“If everyt'ing is so perfect, why are you all tense?”
“Tonight.” was all I said.
“Tonight?” She questioned.
“Tonight's the night.” She didn't understand. “Becks, tonight is THE night.”
Realization dawned on her and she looked at me in surprise. “You guys still haven't....?” I shook my head no. “Holy shit girl! No wonder ya look like yur gonna snap on someone.” She giggled a bit which caught the attention of others in the room. I pressed my finger to my lips to tell her to keep the information quiet, and she patted my shoulder in understanding. I leaned my head back onto her shoulder. “It's gonna be great.” She said to me.
“Let's go to the gorilla,” she suggested when the match was almost over. I hadn't pried my eyes off the screen through the entire match. We headed over just as his music hit. He'd won the match.
AJ styles came through the curtain first. Everyone was congratulating him on such a great match. Joe took a few extra minutes to ham it up for the crowd before he came back. Once in the gorilla, he and AJ congratulated each other on a great match, and Paul Levesque  joined them for hugs and congrats. As the show ended, everyone in the room started milling around.
Joe was talking to Paul, so Becks and I chatted while we waited. I noticed Joe peaking up at me, and I smiled softly at him. Then again and again. He was having trouble paying attention to his conversation.
“Get a room,” Becks said quietly to me.
“We have one,” I whispered back, “and as soon as he's done talking to Paul, we can head there.”
Paul finally looked up to see where Joe's attention was. He looked confused when he saw me. He knew Joe and I were best friends, and it wasn't uncommon to see me waiting in the gorilla. My guess is that he was wondering why Joe was distracted by me this time. Either way, Joe focused solely on Paul after that. When their business was done, Joe marched over to me, took my hand and dragged me to his locker room without even a word.
I took a seat on a bench while he showered trying to block out the urge I had to strip down to nothing and join him. Before I could I even imagine what would happen in there, he was out, and he was ready to go a minute later. He beckoned me to him and we left. He didn't even care who saw us. Yeah, it was normal for us to hold hands, but not for him to be dragging me out like this. I saw a couple of  people take second looks at us.
“Are you hungry?” He finally spoke once we got in the car.
“Can we order room service or is there something special you want?” He asked, and I agreed to room service. Once in the hotel, we stopped by the front desk and ordered dinner. Joe left specific instructions to have the meal delivered to our suite's living room, but not to bother us. He tipped there at the front desk.
“What was that about?” I asked about the special instructions as we got I the elevator
Joe walked over to me, placing a hand on the wall on each side of me. “I don't want to worry about having to wait because of room service.” He looked in my eyes and I reached up to kiss him.
“You think of everything, don't you?” I teased.
“Well...” Joe looked shy again, “There's one thing we haven't talked about. Birth control.” He looked down to me, grabbing my chin in his fingers. “I brought condoms, but I'm pretty sure you're on the pill?” He was right. One of the benefits of working for WWE was that we were tested for STD's when we were drug tested; which was frequently, so we didn't have to worry about that.
“I am.” I answered; then added “But we can use a condom if you want.”
He chuckled down at me, “No baby girl, I trust you to take the pill.” He pressed his lips lightly to mine, starting a fire inside of me, but it was interrupted by the elevator stopping.
I was getting excited and just a bit nervous. What was going to happen? Was this going to be awkward? I began overthinking every possible scenario of how this was going to start. I shouldn't have worried though, because once we were in the room, Joe took my face in his hands and stared deep into my eyes. He slowly leaned down and gave me a gentle, sweet kiss. Instantly, all of my nervousness was gone. I was with my best friend, and this is what we were meant to be. I knew it. He knew it.
He guided me to the bedroom, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a few candles scattered around the room lighting everything in a soft glow. Joe turned to see the happy look on my face and shyly said, “I wanted to make tonight special.”
“Thank you,” I said as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, kissing me back. I began to guide us to the bed, and I felt a smile cross his lips. When I felt the mattress against my legs, I stopped and laid down on the bed.
“Sit up,” He said, and leaned over to kiss me, his hands slipping under my shirt and running over my skin. I moaned at the gentleness of the move. He lifted my shirt up and over my head and removed his own shirt. His eyes took in my form as he smiled down at me. “I've thought of this so many times,” He said as he laid next to me and ran his hand over my stomach again.
“Me too.” I said as I pulled him closer for a kiss. I moved to start kissing his neck, and he moaned as I gently sucked a spot for a moment. He pressed his body against mine, and I reveled in the feel of his skin against mine, but it wasn't enough. I needed more, and he sensed it.
Slipping his hand behind me, he undid my bra and discarded it onto the floor. He leaned up for a second to survey my breasts and smiled in pleasure. He took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue lathing it quickly, causing me to arch my back and press closer to him. I felt a contented hum from him, and it vibrated my nipple wonderfully.
I reached and grabbed for anything I could hold onto finding only his shoulders as he continued to tease my nipple. I could feel him hard as a rock inside his jeans as he pressed against me. I was having trouble concentrating on anything except the pleasure his mouth was giving me, but I managed to reach between us and undo his button. He pulled away and looked into my eyes as he took off his jeans and then mine. I pulled my underwear off which prompted him to also.
The view of his thick member being freed caused me to inhale sharply, and I reached to take him in my hands, causing him to moan and lean his head back as I stroked him. His hand began to slide slowly up my inner thigh, sending pangs of need straight to my core. I released his penis and wrapped a leg around his waist trying to pull him closer to me.
“I need you,” I begged, and he moaned back at me.
“There's so much I want to do with you.” He whispered to me.
“Later.” I whispered back. “Right now I NEED you, baby.”
He looked down at me, giving up his plans and slowly sliding into me, causing us both to moan in relief. It felt so right having him inside me. He kissed me softly and began to slide in and out of me slowly, tenderly. My hands grabbed onto his arms and explored his muscles as I reveled in the feel of him filling me. He moaned again and I saw frustration in his eyes as he tried to keep a slow pace, so I wrapped my legs tighter around him.
He pressed his forehead against mine. “Baby girl? Tell me what you need.”
My voice was louder than I meant it to be as I answered, “I need to cum.” He didn't need to hear any more. He pulled out of me and replaced his dick with two fingers causing me to cry out in sadness. He pumped in and out of me a few times before stilling his fingers deep inside me and curling up to brush my gspot. It was exquisite pleasure, and I lost all control of my body as he brought me to my orgasm, watching my face as I came.
He kissed me deeply until he was sure my orgasm was over. “You look so beautiful when you cum.” He smiled down at me, and I felt a hint of shyness, but this was Joe. This was my best friend, and we were taking this journey into a new phase of our relationship together.
“Come here,” I said as I pulled him back on top of me. He immediately slid back into me and started a steady pace. My gasps and moans spurred him on. He grabbed my legs and pulled them over his shoulders, looking down at me lustfully.
I screamed his name as he began pounding into me unabashedly. “That's it baby girl. Give me everything you've got.” He slid his hands between us and began rubbing my clit. I exploded around him almost instantly. My walls squeezing him tight and he lost control. He began rutting into me wildly, nearing his own orgasm. He pounded harder and harder, faster and faster until he lost himself inside of me. He exploded with a wild groan and stilled inside me, releasing my legs, laying on top of me and burying his head in my hair.
I ran my hands over his back as he caught his breath. He rolled beside me, and I turned to face him. We stared at each other as we recovered, smiles on both of our faces. He reached up and put his hand on my cheek. “That was amazing, baby.” He said, and I moaned in agreement.
After a few minutes, he whispered, “Are you hungry ?”
I hadn't heard the food arrive. “Is it here?”
He chuckled, “Yeah. You were busy calling my name when it got here.” I blushed and groaned at that. “Go get cleaned up, baby girl. I'll get the food.” He laughed.
We had a picnic that night right there on our bed. The food was fantastic, but nothing could live up to the feelings I had for Joe. We laughed. We joked. We ate. We kissed. We cuddled. We loved.
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
Oh my, oh my, "I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…" with Klaiiiine, pretty pretty please ? (I think this is the first time I've ever prompted you and I don't know why)
On  AO3
Blaine could cry.
Out of pain, sure, but also out of sheer frustration.
After months of sighing after Kurt Hummel, Blaine finally pulled his head out of his ass and asked him out--and was rewarded with a loud and clear “yes”--only to have to cancel because of his stupidity.
As in, got so excited about getting ready for his date that he tripped on his scarf and fell.
And now, Blaine’s wrist is hurting very badly, and oh God it’s an odd angle too.
Shit, shit, shit.
At least it’s his right one--silver lining of being a lefty.
While he waits and tries not to cry--not that there's anything wrong with a man crying, it’s just that Blaine didn’t pack any tissue and crying always makes him sneezy--Blaine sends a message to Kurt.
B: I’m so sorry I have to cancel our date but I’m in the E.R. Long story.
B: Raincheck?
K: Oh no! Are you okay?
K: Stupid question, nvm
K: Which hospital?
That gives Blaine pause. Why would Kurt want to know the name of the hospital?
B: Brooklyn Hospital Center
B: Why?
K: On my way.
B: What? No, no, Kurt, it’s fine! Don’t come down here I’m a mess
K: Blaine.
K: I’m not going to leave you alone while you’re in pain
K: I’ll keep you company, bring you smthing to eat, and we’ll see ok?
Blaine considers his options.
He can allow Kurt to come down to the hospital, see him be a pathetic, hurt mess, but they will be together and who knows, maybe he’ll get a sympathy first kiss.
(No, he does not have a nurse kink--but now that the image of Kurt in a doctor’s outfit presents itself, oy.)
He insists Kurt does not come, Kurt’s feelings are hurt while Blaine’s body is hurt, they never speak to each other and Blaine has to move back to Ohio.
Door number one, then please.
B: I suppose it won’t hurt, but no comment on how I look or no deal.
K: Scout’s honor.
Blaine smiles at that, barely suppressing a laugh at the next message.
K: I never was a scout, to be transparent and honest, but being a cheerleader counts, right?
Well now that opens a whole can of conversation, doesn’t it?
B: Cheerleader uh? I guess I can admit that if you have photographic evidence that it happened
K: Deal. See you in a few!
Blaine smiles at his phone before slowly but surely descending into a panic.
Kurt is coming.
Kurt, whom he has crushed on for the better portion of this semester; Kurt, who is always effortlessly stylish and remarkable; Kurt, who is probably the most interesting man in the school, if not the entire city.
This Kurt.
Is coming to, what, hang out with him in the E.R. while Blaine looks like a trainwreck smashed by a bulldozer? 
Before slipping on his scarf, Blaine was getting ready for his date with Kurt.
The keyword here is clearly the “getting” part, because he is nowhere near ready.
Not even taking into consideration the broken wrist and the puffy eyes from crying, which would be more than enough, Blaine knows that he is objectively a mess.
No product in his hair, an old t-shirt--the only thing he has going for him is his pants, because they are his Pants, capital P required.
But he’s sitting, so even that is a moot point.
With his free hand, Blaine tries to tame his hair but with no mirror and no product, he probably messes it up even further.
“Mr Anderson?”
A nurse appears in front of him. Nurse Pavarotti, it reads on her tag.
“I’m going to take you down for a X-Ray in about twenty minutes, if that’s alright with you. Sorry about the wait.”
Blaine nods. “I just--there is a, um, a friend coming to keep me company. Is it okay if we …”
The nurse gives him a long, searching look before giving him a small nod.
Twenty-one minutes later, Kurt makes an appearance. He is short of breath, slightly dishevelled, and his cheeks are a dark shade of pink.
Not a bad look on him, all things considered, but not one Blaine has ever seen on him.
“Blaine!” Kurt exclaims, making his way to the chair next to him.
“There you are,” Blaine says, unable to keep himself from smiling.
Kurt smiles back, unbuttoning his coat before taking a look at Blaine’s hand, wrapped from the tip of his fingers to his elbow in a dish towel with melted ice cubes. “Does it hurt?”
“Oh, yes. A lot.” Blaine chuckles darkly. “I’m considering gnawing it off to stop the pain.”
Kurt coos before looking from Blaine’s hand to his hair. Something sparks up in his eyes.
“That’s a new look?”
Blaine can feel his face heating up. “N-no, oh gosh no, I was just, just, um, getting ready for our date when my scarf attacked me from the floor.”
They look into each other’s eyes and Blaine really has no self-control over his zygomatics when it comes to Kurt, does he?
“Mr Anderson? Are you ready?”
Blaine shakes himself from his Kurt-induced trance and nods to the nurse.
“Give me your coat, I’ll wait here,” Kurt offers, already settling in his chair.
“I’ll be right back,” Blaine replies, groaning when the towel slightly moves over his wrist.
“Don’t worry,” Kurt says, “I’m not going anywhere. You won’t get rid of me so easily.”
A weight is lifted from Blaine’s chest, a weight he didn’t even know had found its spot there.
“It won’t take much time,” Nurse Pavarotti says as she guides Blaine toward the examination room. “And you two lovebirds will be back together in no time.”
Blaine’s blush is back at full volume. “We’re not, I--”
“Tutt-tutt-tutt,” the nurse stops him. “I can tell. Now we will X-ray you and in the best case scenario, put you in a cast before sending you both on your merry little way.”
Blaine sighs. “Okay.”
“Oh, don’t be so gloomy, dear. I’m sure we can find a color that will enhance those eyes.”
“Okay.” This time around, Blaine puts a little more energy and enthusiasm in his voice. After all, if there is one thing he knows how, it’s to accessorize.
Kurt is keeping busy with Candy Crush when Blaine returns, arm in a cast.
He doesn’t know why he went to the hospital--it can be because he waited for so long to either get the courage to ask Blaine out or for Blaine to cut through his obliviousness.
It can be because he cares about Blaine already.
It can be because Blaine made the first move and it was his turn.
--but right this moment, he doesn’t regret it.
Because Blaine has a cast on and he looks so shy and vulnerable. All Kurt wants to do is wrap him in a blanket and take care of him.
… Come to think of it, Blaine may need some help in the days to come. Even if he’s left-handed--and Kurt knows that tidbit of information, thank you very much--, it cannot be easy to navigate his daily tasks one-handed, can it?
“We had to give him a strong painkiller,” the nurse explains as she guides Blaine back to his seat. “Will you be able to take him home?”
“Oh! I’m not--we’re not--that is, not yet. I mean …”
The nurse frowns at him. “You are Kurt, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
“I thought so. Mr Anderson here mentioned you a couple of times while we were putting on the cast.”
“He--he did?”
“Only good things. So good, in fact, that I assumed you two were already an item.” The nurse cocks her head to the side. “I’m telling you this because we need to make sure Mr Anderson won’t stay alone for the next 24 hours. And if you’re not in a capacity to be here for him, we need to contact his emergency contact, which appears to be a Mr Anderson …?”
“That must be his brother. But he recently moved to Los Angeles so that’s a moot point.” Kurt takes a deep breath--it’s a no-brainer. “Don’t worry, Miss, I will stay with Blaine.”
I would stay with Blaine forever, but that’s perhaps a tad too soon to say it out loud.
“Fantastic! Well, all you need to know is that the cast needs to stay dry, and here is a prescription for painkillers. Otherwise, just check with him how his fingers feel. If he starts losing sensation in them--”
“Bring him back?”
“Bring him back.”
“Alright.” Kurt gives the nurse an approximation of a military salute before turning back to Blaine.
Who is wearing his jacket like a cape and smiling adoringly at him.
“Blaine? You okay buddy?”
“‘m fine,” Blaine replies, getting on wobbly legs. “Not as fine as you, though.”
Kurt flushes deeply but cannot help the pang of satisfaction at hearing this. Really, after months of being either oblivious or afraid of his feelings, Blaine is now going to let them all out, just because of a painkiller?
As little as he put into his thought process in coming to the E.R., Kurt can only pat himself on the back for the best decision made tonight.
“You flatterer,” he simply says, steadying Blaine with one hand around his waist. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“On the first date?” Blaine snorts before giggling. “Oh, Mr Hummel!”
Behind them, Kurt could swear he hears the nurse huffing a laugh. “No, not like that, Blaine. I’m just taking you home so you can rest and get better.”
Blaine pauses and Kurt has to stop. His eyes are a bit unfocused, sure, but there is a seriousness in them all the same. “You’re going to take care of me.” It’s not even phrased as a question.
Kurt swallows hard on the unexpected lump in his throat. “I will,” he replies, and he finds that he doesn’t mean just for the period of healing ahead.
He wants to date Blaine, sure, he wants to kiss him and “dot dot dot”, sure, but he wants …
Kurt wants the nitty gritty too.
He wants to figure out if Blaine is tidy or messy, he wants to find him drinking milk out of the bottle, he wants to see him under all the colors of the emotional rainbow.
He wants the passionate nights of lust and the quiet nights of comfort.
He wants everything Blaine has to offer and he wants to give Blaine everything in return.
That’s how far gone he is.
But for now, a helping hand to get clean and into another t-shirt and maybe some help heating up some soup will have to do.
“I know you will,” Blaine says, leaning his head on Kurt’s shoulder. “‘m sorry for our date.”
“It’s only a delay, don’t worry,” Kurt says with a smile as they start walking.
“I had this whole plan, you know.”
“Oh? Care to tell me about it.”
Blaine opens his mouth before glaring at Kurt.
(Well, “glaring”. An attempt is made, and Kurt really shouldn’t be laughing.)
“No, no, no. I’ll keep my surprise for you, Kurt. I’m going to woo the shizzle out of you.”
“The shizzle? Consider me swept off my feet already.”
“Good. But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Blaine says with a smile and a wink, the insufferable …
The adorable, insufferable idiot.
God, Kurt loves him so much already.
“I really am sorry it took me so long to ask you out.”
Kurt smiles crookedly at Blaine. “It’s fine. I could have asked you out too, but I was--”
Blaine huffs. “We truly make a pair.”
“As long as we get it right in the end.”
A short nod and a happy sigh. “As long as we get it right, yeah.”
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
DIYing a Bold Hair Choice
So, as we all know, we live in troubling times. I've personally been living in quarantine-like arrangements for about a month now, and although I've been mostly doing alright, some things have proven to be hard. I was supposed to have my hair professionally cut and dyed this week, but I had to cancel the appointment, and at the moment, I don't know when I'll get to visit the salon for the next time. So, I had to take matters (or scissors) to my own hands.
I'm a DIYer, but I've never cut my own hair. I've also had it professionally dyed since I was 15 or so. For a short period, I only had it bleached and cut by a pro, but then dyed it myself with a pretty intense cool shade of red - but other than that, and a few toner touch ups, I've always relied on professionals. So I was in a bit of a pickle, when I realized that I'd have to either DIY or have my grey roots grow wild for months. And because my hair is short, the roots way too grey for my age, and I had all this time ln my hands, there was really only one way this could go.
When I go about a DIY project, my first step, always, is thorough research. I had an idea for what I'd attempt to achieve, so I went on Youtube and searched for diy haircuts. I got some good tutorials, but most of them were for long hair - and I also got suggested GMM episode #989, in which Rhett and Link battle in cutting their own hair (wigs). Can I just say, they predicted the Tiger King craze long before Netflix:
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So, I immediately figured I would not be able to follow yhe hair styling tutorials of this GMM episode. First of all, I could only find one pair of scissors even remotely sharp enough to cut hair. They were not sharp enough. Secondly, the longest part of my hair barely reaches my chin. I would need to really commit to every snip I make, or I'd end up with a bald hair style, instead of bold. As attractive and gorgeous some people are with a fully shaved head, with my head shape, that was something to avoid at all costs.
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Another thing I was worried about was that I'd probably end up cutting my own finger, like Link. I've always found it extra difficult to see my own reflection in a mirror and try to do accurate motions according to the reflection. Simply put, my brain gets confused. Also, I don't really have a way to see the back of my head through the mirror at all. How the crap am I supposed to cut anything?
At this point, I understood that the actual haircut was going to be the tough part, so I decided to focus on the dye. Since I cojldn't just go to a big supermarket to buy the equipment, I had to order the dyes online. At this point my plan was simply to buy a multitude of wild colours to mix and match according to my mood, so I ordered a tub of Midnight Blue, Daffodil Yellow, Flamingo Pink and Cerise dyes, all by the brand La Riche Directions. These dyes are semi-permanent, sonI knew they wouldn't cause permanent damage to my hair, and at this point, that was kind of my goal - whatever I do, I don'g want to ruin things too badly. But, because I'm familiar with semi-permanent dyes, and I've had pretty much every shade on the spectrum on my hair at one point, I knew I might require an extra step to see results. Which is why, "just in case", I added a hair lightening kit to my order. I figured, I'd make some lighter strands on top, to have some colours show properly.
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By the time the dyes arrived, I was already pretty fed up with my grey roots. I watched the GMMore which followed the hair cut episode. Rhett, who won the haircut challenge, got to decide what colours would go in Alex's hair. Alex had done the smart thing and bleached his hair professionally to be dyed in this episode, but he somehow agreed to letting Rhett and Link add the colours.
When Rhett explains everyone how he and Link used to dye eachother's hair back in the day, I realize that even though I'm technically watching a DIY hair tutorial, they aren't actually doing it themselves. It's quite different to put dye on someone else's head than your own. (Also, something I didn't notice back when I first saw this episode: Link says it would be crazy for him to have his hair dyed, but looking back, he most certainly had his hair dyed at this time.)
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It was slightly alarming to see that Alex was worried about how things would go. I could hardly expect to achieve anything much better than the guys, since at least they had the studio lighting and a full team to help rhem not screw up. I had a mirror in my dark toilet, which is barely big enough to stand in.
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I also forgot to buy vaselkne, which was a big mistake - although I don't think it's even possible to buy a container that big here. Why would they have that at Mythical in the first place? But something about seeing how much trouble the guys were having controlling the unmixed streaks of dye and all that vaseline made me worried.
At this point, I need to tell you that seeing the blank canvas which was Alex's hair, I, now the proud owner of a 40 % bleack kit (which apparently is the strong stuff), decided I was not going to waste energy by trying to dye my hair without bleaching, only to find out that the colours didn't show. So, I mixed the bleach, put on a worn-out t-shirt, used hand lotion to vas up my forehead, neck and ears, and then just went for it.
I did watch quite a few proper tutorials. They taught me, firstly, that 40% was a no-no. Secondly, never bleach something that has already been bleached, especially, if your hair has multiple colours. Forth, never start from the roots, as they get bleached faster (this ended up being the only rule I followed). And, above all, go to a professional.
So, I added the bleach to my hair. First I tried sticking to just a few strands, but then a blop of the bleach fell on the wrong spot, and I figured, why not just go full head. I did. I left the stuff on for maybe 20 minutes, and after that I got scared and rinsed it off. Then, I used a silver toner, and was left with a fascinating mix of orange, yellow and white hair - and a strand of persistent green from my previous dye. But it was blond enough for my plans.
Alex had a beautiful mix of blue, pink and purple in his hair - and that accidental splash of green - and after considering thoroughly, I decided to go for these colours, too. I mean, pink, purple and blue are my jam. Also, as much as I wanted to go full rainbow, I figured it would be an impossible task to keep the different colours from mixing, and that might result in brown, which is the colour of defeat. So, I went with midnight blue, flamingo pink and cerise, and wasn't too concerned aboit getting the colours mixed together.
This is how Alex's hair looked on the episode, before he rinsed the extra dye off:
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I couldn't find any good photos of his hair after it was rinsed, but tgere was one which suggested only a faint shade of blue stuck.
And finally, here's what happened with my hair. Now, I'm not posting my face here, just the hair. Imagine a white blop with green eyes below the hair, and you'll get the idea. In the first two pictures is my hair during normal times, and just before I diyed it. It looks particularly nasty in the just before hack job pic, because it was adviced not to wash your hair before bleachkng to save the scalp - but as you can see, this was not a fun thing to see in the mirror each morning:
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After I had dyed my hair, I did some snips here and there, and also, because I was able to borrow a hair clipper from my dad, some clipping - which in my books, saved the day. The haircut is pretty botched, but I actually absolutely love the colour. And the criss-cross shave despite it being pretty bad - it also looks badass in real life. The picture taken outside shows the pink colours more accurately, but the cut shows better in the other pic. There are a couple of ways I can style this later on, but I kept styling to minimum for starters, because I didn't want to cause extra damage to my hair:
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So, this has been the story of how I diyed my hair during quarantine. My mom loves the whole thing (I showed it to her yesterday while taking them groceries), and although there are some spots in the back which could have more colour in them, I'm pretty satisfied. I know my hairdresser is going to weep when she sees me, but she'll get over it.
So, in conclusion: Would I do this again? Yes, but I'd definately leave the cutting and bleaching to the pros. Also, now I can't really bleach again for a while. But I'm actually thinking about taking the dyes I have to my hairdresser so she can dye my hair properly with them, in a healthier way, once all this chaos settles and it's safe again. I'd probably need a slightly darker, permanent colour to the roots, but I absolutely love these insanely bright colours. And I'm so going to try the full rainbow this summer, too.
Would I recommend this to others? Yes, but with caution. The direct semi-permanent colours are safe and won't damage the hair, but bleach does. My hair is naturally a tad too dark to show bright colours properly, so I took the risk. I was also mentally prepared to shave the whole thing off and wear my mythical hat for the summer - but I'm happy that wasn't necessary. If you aren't willing to risk damaging your hair, stick to semi-permanents.
To end this post, here's a selfie I took yesterday on my grocery store trip in full safety gear (I have a paper mask under the scarf):
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Stay safe! Do things that make you happy! BYMB! 💗💗💗
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