#i am so excited to be done
Throw Me To The Flames
You could drag me through hell if it meant I could hold your hand
Summary: Elain only ever meant to deliver a message to Vassa on behalf of her sister's court. She never intended to see Lucien.
And she CERTAINLY didn't mean to get in the way of a knife that was only ever meant for his chest.
Kidnapped, and dragged helpless to the continent, the two will have to work together if they want to survive.
Note: HAPPY HOLIDAYS to my BEST @acotargiftexchange, @fieldofdaisiies
I hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed hanging out with you!!!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter | Chapter 7 | It's not Taylor Swift, but it is a banger
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There was nothing but dark, and the occasional pull on Elain’s ribs. Elain would rise towards a pinprick of light only for the pull to recede, allowing her to slip back down. Elain was happy, even as she began to claw her way back up, confused as to why she was so exhausted. Why she couldn’t rouse herself?
It was with a gasping breath of fear that Elain returned. Hand clasped to her breast, she said, “I’m dead.”
A body shifted on the white blanketed bed beside her. “Hardly,” came the rich timbre of Lucien’s voice. “You’re merely taking a well-deserved rest.”
Elain recognized the room—Arina had given it to her when she’d first come to Day Court. Lucien stretched out his long legs, drawing in a breath of air. It was the only one he’d get. Elain flung her arms around his neck, throwing herself into his lap in a desperate bid to reach him. 
“Lucien,” she breathed, pressing her face into his shoulder. 
Lucien groaned, as if the pressure of her was too much but he wrapped his arms around her without hesitation. “You scared me for a minute there,” Lucien told her, nosing her hair just the way he’d done those last days in the woods. Elain could close her eyes and she was almost back. How strange, to wish they were still magicless, hiking through an unknown wood. Elain would have traded almost anything to open her eyes and find them still laying naked on a bed of leaves, skin warmed by the sun. 
“What happened?” she asked. 
“He pulled down the fortress,” Lucien told her with a grimace. “I thought we were going to die. We should have died.”
“But we didn’t,” she replied, tangling her fingers in his hair.
“Eris came,” Lucien murmured, lips pressed to her scalp. “Said he owed me, and afterward we were even. He still owes you, though. A lot more than whatever he’ll promise, so keep that in mind when he comes to you with some uneven bargain. He threw up a shield and saved us both, and in the aftermath, helped me get you across that battlefield. I…” Lucien trailed off, and Elain didn’t need to hear him vocalize whatever fears Lucien had felt during that time. She could imagine.
“Who took him down?” Elain asked instead. “Once he was mortal, who killed him?”
“Nesta and her Valkyries,” Lucien replied. “Lady Death versus a Death God. Nesta was terrifying. She’s waiting to see you, and part of me thinks I shouldn’t keep her waiting.”
Elain chuckled. “Oh, stop. Is everyone okay?”
Another kiss. “Thanks to you. Elain, you were so…so reckless, and so brave, and I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how much I am in love with you.”
She looked up, dragging herself away from his scent to really look at him. Lucien was working a muscle in his jaw furiously, as if fighting back some wave of emotion—and the expectation that despite everything she’d done to prove otherwise, the feeling was not reciprocated. 
“You doubt me?” 
Lucien cleared his throat. “I believe you care–”
“I love you,” Elain interrupted, impatient with Lucien. That was hardly a new feeling, and she was delighted to learn he could still infuriate her even when she loved him as much as she did. “I am under your spell, Spell-cleaver.” 
He reached for her face, holding it in his broad, calloused palms like she was something precious. “What am I going to do with you?”
“You could start by taking off your clothes,” Elain suggested, reaching for his shirt and tugging at the laces half tied against his collarbone. “Maybe some inspiration will come, then.”
Lucien frowned. “You’re hurt, and I’m too afraid of your sisters to admit I took you when they’ve been waiting to see you.”
“They know what this is like,” Elain reminded him, well aware she wasn’t going to get her way. Lucien was far too noble, and likely still injured himself. Frowning, Elain still unlaced his shirt and pulled out the collar, looking to see if he’d been marked by Koschei—Elain remembered those crisscrossing wounds over his chest, slicing through his perfect skin without care or concern.
It wouldn’t have mattered, she told herself. She would take Lucien in any form, under any conditions. Still, she exhaled with relief when she saw nothing but his smooth, unbroken skin just beneath. The world could stand to be kinder to him, she thought, and if she had to enforce it with the blade he’d given her, so be it. 
“Have you spoken to Helion?”
Lucien, who’d spread his legs every so slightly, blinked at the question. Elain could scent his desire simmering beneath his nobility, betraying him. If he thought she’d behave herself, he was wrong—she ran a finger up the side of his thigh, eyes never leaving his face.
His cheeks flushed. “I—for a moment. I’ve been so worried and I…” he trailed off, catching her wrist before she reached the seam of his hip and what lay just between. “Stop that.”
“We had less than a day together,” she reminded him, creeping closer. “Isn’t it driving you mad?”
“Yes,” he replied, swallowing hard. “And I can wait another. So can you.”
“I don’t want to wait another day,” she complained, but it was no use. A knock on the door didn’t pull them apart, but it did keep Elain from pushing Lucien against the pillows and just doing whatever she liked. Elain was certain, given how aroused he smelled, that his restraint was hanging by the thinnest of threads.
Nesta could too, given the way her eyes narrowed in his direction the minute they stepped into the room. Elain was ushered out, separated from Lucien just like she’d once feared. And Feyre and Nesta did have questions, though Elain thought she may have been uncharitable when she’d worried they would accuse Lucien of forcing her.
It was never asked, and though Elain knew from Azriel and Jurian that they had initially assumed Lucien had kidnapped her, when her sisters asked for an account of her time in the forest, they never once insinuated Lucien was anything other than a gentleman.
She supposed murdering Beron had alleviated their fears that Elain had been coerced. There was no question as to where Elain would live—Feyre seemed to understand without needing to hear Elain say it that she would remain with Lucien. Wherever that might be. Elain told her sisters of their plans to visit the other court, while promising she had no intention of vanishing off the face of the planet. 
They’d still see each other. They’d still be family, regardless of where Elain ended up. It was enough, at least for now. They had an eternity together. Nothing had to be decided at that moment. Elain knew both Feyre and Nesta were looking forward to true peace and a chance to breathe without the threat of danger constantly looming over their heads. 
They all wanted time with their mates. Time with their friends—with family.
It was that thought that sent Elain through the open, warm corridors of the Day Court. She found Arina in the sprawling, expansive personal library of the High Lord shelving a book likely twice as old as Elain. The last time they’d seen each other had been right before Elain left. Arina had been in charge of everyone in the city—had they failed, she would have been the last defense against Koschei.
“Heard you saved the day,” Arina commented, green eyes sliding toward Elain. The white of her dress swished around her legs, dragging over the marble floors just beneath. “How does it feel to be a hero?”
Elain scoffed, earning a smile from Arina. “Hardly.”
“That’s what they’re saying. Elain Archeron—God Slayer.”
“I’m surprised you’re still here,” Elain said instead, heart thumping wildly at the title. She hoped that faded in time. She didn’t want recognition for doing the right thing. Arina made her way towards another tall shelf, running her fingers along the spines.
“Are you?”
“What about Eris?”
“Ah.” Arina turned then, facing Elain fully. “What about him?” 
“I just thought, after everything, you’d want to be with him.”
“I don’t know him,” Arina replied easily, pulling the book she wanted with nimble fingers. “And I doubt the new High Lord of Autumn is looking to further disrupt his court by bringing in a wife from another territory. Eris and I are…we’re complicated. I owed him my life—now we’re even. I think we can leave it at that.”
Elain wasn’t sure she could—not when she stumbled on Eris mere moments later, clearly making his way to the library. For the flickering second before he saw her, Elain was allowed to examine the new High Lord outside of his awareness. There was a pensive, almost fearful look to him. As if he knew that Arina was not going to leave with him and the knowledge made him nervous.
He smoothed it over when he caught sight of her. “Baby sister.”
“Don’t call me that,” she replied.
“What else would I call you? You were initiated into the Vanserra brood the moment you buried my own dagger in my body.”
“You deserved that,” she informed him primly. Eris offered her a feral laced smile.
“When did I argue I didn’t? Stabbing me with my own blade, plotting to kill a High Lord…it’s very Autumn Court of you.”
“What do you want, Eris?”
He ran a hand over the fine green tunic he wore. Eris was nervous. It seemed strange, given how utterly confident he always seemed to be. Eris jerked his head toward the library.
“Does she want to see me?”
Elain shrugged. She couldn’t get a good read on Arina’s feelings, especially when it came to Eris. “What did you do?”
Eris’s eyes flashed, and Elain expected him to tell her to butt out. That it was none of her business what had happened. 
“She dances,” Eris finally told Elain, his neck straining as if the memory infuriated him. “And Amarantha asked to see. Arina danced for hours—beyond the point of collapse. Cruelty for cruelties sake. Be glad you weren’t alive for any of it.”
Elain waited, nodding for Eris to continue. 
“I put myself in Amarantha’s path as a distraction,” he finally said, his eyes very much warning Elain not to ask what, exactly, he’d agreed to in order to protect his mate. “She didn’t owe me for it.”
“She thought she did,” Elain replied. Eris only nodded. 
“Well. Maybe I could have been clearer in the following days. Thank you,” he added, as if Elain had done anything beyond poking his still healing wounds for her own idle curiosity. “I expect I’ll see you in Autumn one of these days.”
“Maybe,” she agreed, unsure if that was smart. Eris had turned, stopped only when Elain asked, “Why Nesta?”
Eris looked Elain up and down, his lip curling in a sneer. “Nosy.”
And that was that. Elain resigned herself never to knowing why Eris had asked to marry Nesta knowing he had a mate as he walked away, his boots clipping against the marble. 
She’d learn in time. For the moment, all she wanted was to make her way back to Lucien.
And so she did.
With Elain gone, there was no avoiding the inevitable. Lucien stared at the male before him, wondering how he’d never noticed their similarities before. Helion, seated in a high backed chair, crossed and uncrossed his legs nervously. They’d been sitting in total silence for the last ten minutes, waiting for the other to speak. 
Lucien smoothed his hands over his pants. “Have—have you spoken to mother?” he finally asked. Helion’s golden eyes flashed with relief.
“No,” he replied, which was just as well. Lucien might have murdered him had the answer been yes. Or worse. Let her grieve, if that was what she was doing. Or breathe, at least, given Lucien couldn’t imagine being genuinely sad Beron was dead. Maybe sad for her children, for her court. The last thing she needed was another High Lord chasing after her. 
“Have you?” Helion added when it became clear Lucien had nothing else to say.
“Not ah…not yet.” He was planning to see her somewhere neutral–Spring, perhaps. Lucien didn’t think Elain would be welcome in Autumn anytime soon. Beron would have had sympathizers and he didn’t know if Eris meant to purge any of them. 
Helion nodded, steepling his fingers. “I…” he trailed off, eyes glazing over for a moment. “I know this isn’t ideal. You’re grown and you don’t need me. But if you need a home…”
“Right,” Lucien agreed, wishing he was anywhere but there. Helion was so clearly trying, so obviously hopeful and curious and Lucien was confused. “Did you know?”
Helion’s cheeks darkened with shame. “I did.”
Anger flared like a spark for only a moment, dying before it ever caught flame. “He would have killed her,” Lucien said, the words curling like smoke in the air between them. “I was better off masquerading as his son.”
Helion kept his eyes on the floor, studying his golden sandals as if they were the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. “I know it’s not worth much, but I love your mother. And I was afraid, which is not a good quality for a parent, in retrospect.”
Lucien’s mind snagged on an old memory—of Tamlin coming to his bedroom days after Jesminda had been murdered to inform him Helion had come by. Lucien hadn’t thought a thing about it at the time. A lot of courts sent diplomats to try and lure him out of Spring where they assumed he would be wasted. Lucien had been too lost to grief to consider any offer faithfully.
“You came to Spring,” he said. Helion looked up, his eyes so hopeful and earnest that Lucien thought there was some path forward for them. “You weren’t High Lord.”
“I thought I might convince you to come to Day honestly,” he admitted. 
“It’s probably for the best I didn’t,” Lucien replied with a half smile. 
Helion nodded. “There’s time now. If you want it, I mean. There is time.”
“I’d like that. I’ve promised Elain time here, at any rate.”
Helion offered him a smile, backlit by the sun pouring through the windows behind him. “Consider this your home, if you’d like. You’ll want help with your magic as well. I am available to you both.”
Lucien stood, thinking that for the first time, there was nothing but an endless stretch of eternity before him. It had once made him miserable to consider, so much so that he’d often wished Beron had taken his life, too. That he hadn’t fought so hard to escape when he could have let his brothers kill him. 
And now Lucien felt nothing but hope. The future seemed soft—gentle, even. Lucien was grinning by the time he found Elain, stretched out on a chaise as she stared blankly into the void. When he came in, her eyes snapped back to life and a soft smile slid over her pretty face.
“You look happy,” she commented.
“I am happy,” Lucien replied, reaching for her. Elain squealed, legs flailing as he dragged her to the bed. “I am so happy, and do you know why?”
“Helion offered you a job?”
“What? No, Elain, I’m happy because I have you.” 
“That is lucky, Lucien.”
He’d promised himself he wasn’t going to touch her. He’d sworn he was going to leave her be, that he’d swallow the insistence of the mating bond and wait until enough time had passed between Koschei and Elain before he even thought about her naked.
Elain pressed her thigh between his legs, her fingers tugging at the strings of his shirt with an insistence that made his blood hot. 
“Elain,” he tried, but Elain covered his mouth with her own. 
“Shut up, Lucien.” Who was he to argue? He did want to tell her what he’d learned, and put up no fight when Elain pushed him to his back so she could straddle his waist.  
“Helion–offered—us—a—place—to—live,” he tried, forcing each word out between hungry kisses. Elain raked her fingers through his hair, humming in response. That’s nice, stop talking Lucien, her tone implied. Certainly, her body, grinding against him, was demanding he give in. 
“Thought we could stay for a while. Ride out the—fucking cauldron Elain—the frenzy,” he panted, arching into the hand curled around his cock. When had she gotten his pants off? 
Elain smiled, letting him rip the dress she wore clean down the middle. “There you are,” she whispered, stroking him up and down. “I was starting to think I was the only one lost to the bond.”
“I have been lost since the moment I first laid eyes on you,” Lucien replied, his mind too addled to come up with something witty or clever. All he had was the truth, laid bare before her just like his soul. 
“Much better, Lucien,” she whispered, sliding down the length of him without prompting or preamble. Lucien forgot words entirely then, lost to the grip of her body and how it felt to share space in her body again. Time was meaningless—each minute was a second, was an eternity. 
Lucien pulled her against him sometime late into the night, working to catch his breath before he had her again—and again.
“Elain, I–”
“I know, Lucien. And I wouldn’t change any of it,” she added, cheek pressed to his chest, just above his beating heart.
“I would do it all again, to end up like this,” he murmured. Elain smiled. 
“I love you.”
“I know,” he replied, kissing her fingertips. “And I love you.” 
His mate loved him. It was everything to him. 
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bizarrelittlemew · 6 months
i can't wait to be 30+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 40+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 50+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 60+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 70+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 80+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 90+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to look back on my life and know that i loved things deeply and passionately and was inspired to create and was part of communities with incredible people from all over the world brought together by the stories that touched us
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keymintt · 3 months
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too much // not enough
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obsob · 9 months
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bedtime story with my love !!
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gilly-moon · 1 month
Anyone want some danny phantom wips i’ll probably never touch again?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Teehee! (Spritesheets your Wangxian)
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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I don't believe in destiny, but if destiny exists, then it is heading for Donna Noble.
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deoidesign · 1 month
For my birthday... read my webcomic! It's literally free! (Unless you want books. Those are not free)
It's beautiful, it's gentle, it's funny, they're canonically t4t and gay... And it's about time traveling vampires solving supernatural mysteries!
I've spent thousands of hours writing and drawing it, and it's really good! I'm not biased!
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It's on hiatus right now and coming back in 2 months, so it's the perfect time to get caught up
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naomiknight-17 · 9 months
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Just got this sweet print by @theshitpostcalligrapher framed! In a gold frame, of course. As is appropriate.
Now to wrap it up nice and wait for Christmas when my brother (who is obsessed with this joke) will finally behold its glory
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crassstitchbeetch · 10 days
bee’s summer of stitching
ahoy! thank you for bearing with while i’ve been quiet here! i’ve been pretty busy. i’ve been using my stitching to unwind and calm down, and i’ve got through a bunch of work in the summer. here’s a rundown for your reading pleasure:
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the only way to begin is by beginning | stitched by me on 18 ct | i LOVE gamechanger and i loved stitching this one!
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ceasefire now! | stitched by me on 14 or 16 ct | good to spend time doing at the encampment. this pattern, as well as the other free palestine patterns, are freely available with an option to donate but honestly just donate to a gofundme
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i've had ENOUGH aroace pattern | stitched by me on 18 ct | this took about a month to stitch and was really simple once the outline was done! this will look really cute on the wall near my aroace flag !
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devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes | stitched by me on 18 ct | the pinks looked brighter than the pattern but i loved it! i’ve spend this summer working on my thesis so i’ve been drawn to simple designs and this was perfect. i also backstitched the font and border to make the project last longer (so i didn’t get hyperfixated on a new pattern)
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the children yearn for the mines | stitched be me on 14(?) ct | i started this one earlier this year, but finished it this summer. got super close to the edge there but i’ve stolen @jennystudy’s technique of putting masking tape on the edges to prevent fraying, so it was all good!
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take me back to the coconut tree | stitched by Pax on 18 ct | Pax is my flatmate and i got it into cross stitch over the summer. when i asked them for a review of the stitch, it said, “um… it was pretty fun. except for the bit where i didn’t have one colour because we went all the way to the craft store and i didn’t write it down so i didn’t get it. it was a good stitch.”
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we all got a little barbie in us | stitched by me on 18 ct | like minecraft, i started this one a while ago (edit: a whole year! holy shit!) and came back to it later in the summer. this one is Lorge holy shit i did not expect it to be so big!
last, but not least:
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under all conditions, i will persevere | stitched by me on 14 ct (grey) | i literally started this three days ago when the draft was already in my folder but i got through it q u i c k l y so i added it! this one is so cute, i’ve been wanting to stitch it since i designed it but never *quite* got round to it. this pattern is very special to me because of the damned stubbornness of dandelions and because they signal the end of winter, which is my least favourite season. i just love them
thus concludes the season of stitching i hope u enjoyed my silly little recap !!
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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DAY 103(123): miscellaneous practice beasts
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keymintt · 21 days
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dog handler, beekeeper
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obsob · 1 year
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here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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chipchappcomic · 2 months
TOMORROW!!!!! rarijack tiime :D
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powderofcats15 · 2 months
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Making one of those "maybe in another universe" Animatics and these two make an appearance :3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Creative Hubris takes another unsuspecting victim.
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