#i am so full of fear also what the fart
brainrot-stitch · 5 months
Sorry my hand slipped (the demons won)
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Here is whofuckingknowswhattheirnameis!!! Oughh if u got name suggestions lmk...
Anyways last alicorn experiment oc I SWEAR just I was thinking of my og base idea (green + kinda goopy + spiral eyes) and had to do it sory :(
Ok so this 1 was originally a unicorn!! And the scientists decided to experiment w/ changeling shit along with pegasus dna n all that and lil bro came out funky. This was like before the whole changelings got friendship-fied btw if that happened in this au !
Lovee her sm I'm gonna make her and eclipse meet I think. Anyways they r a SILLY GOOSE!!! very twitchy I think, short attention span and lots of? Stimming?? I think that's what it is yea. She'll like pat her hooves on the ground (idk what it's called sos) or kinda bounce in place or her wings will buzz (bug moment 🔥) or they'll twitch or yap ur ear off. Very big yapper btw they love talking that's why the mic cutie mark. Real good at public speaking n all that before they got bugged.
I imagine her as kinda creature like ?? Like in a silly way tho. With like growling, hissing, clicking, buzzing, etc. Does that make sense?? Idk. Why r all my ocs creatures bro.. this is becoming a pattern..... bro.......
Anyways they're very excitable and energetic and usually? Upbeat? But can flip at the drop of a hat it honestly just depends on their mood I think. Also it has a bad habit of plucking out feathers at times (not very often tho) bc it's not used to having them and they get super itchy sometimes. Also idk whatt happened in that lab but it's like. Kinda goopy a little bit. Like bro just drips occasionally??? And idk why???? But I can't just ASK because she's a CHARACTER and also not self aware so :( maybe I'll find out one day. I don't think it's good gho idk it looks kinda unhealthy that's the main reason why I'm confused on its physical health
Ok yea that's it I think I blacked out while writing that praying I didn't say anything odd also au by captainzigo ots soo fire umm lemme know if I missed anything that I need 2 say wahoo!!
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cuckaracha · 4 days
Ohhh please give Ace opinions. I love seeing people yap about Ace
With pleasure ^_^!
V spoilers talk! V
Most of my opinions were revealed to be sort of true on the last episode so it wouldn't surprise me if this is one-to-one what everyone believes now: Ace to me seems like an extremely love starved person, like, its so painfully obvious that he's faced some sort of neglect in his life. So much so to the point that he keeps himself guarded all the time to avoid falling for the trap of liking someone and then they immediately turn on him. Hence what he said to Levi during the trial. Ace is feels too much. He's well aware of his surroundings and how shitty he acts, but if he doesn't feel anger or fear, the loneliness kicks in. It's a toxic cycle of self-hatred, low self-esteem and cynicism. Though I do believe that it's mostly the situation making his bad habits shine more brightly, because during the prologue/chapter1, Ace is kind of just a bratty jock. He cracks jokes, he hangs out with everyone and he seems to not be plagued as much by his fear unless you breach the topic.
Hence why I personally think that there's no other person like Levi to be used as foil for him. Regardless of how you think on their relationship, be it romantic or platonic or whatever, it's nothing new that their attitudes clash so much, it comes back around to them covering each other's weakness very well. A little guy that feels to much and is scared of giving out of fear of being hurt, and a big guy that feels too little that gives to others out of necessity. So when taken to their natural extreme, they would very obviously have problems, specially under the circumstances that they're both in. Ace, tragically believing the one thing he knew he shouldn't have, and Levi hopelessly attempting to fix what he inadvertently broke. It's peak toxic yaoi imo.
(which also, at least in my opinion, makes Levi the one true Ace lover. None of the other boys have as much of their nuance intrinsically mangle with Ace's as him. But again, that's just me. Ship this little freak with however boy you want. Fuck it. Make him a slut even.)
The other thing that has popped in my mind a lot is his family situation. I know with my take of his family, he's like a middle child or whatever, but that was just me wanting to be contrarian to the obvious, more solid interpretation of Ace being the eldest of the 9 brothers. Because when you think about, him being forced into jockeying by his family to maintain them economically makes sense. He hates it, but if he doesn't do it, he'll be the loser everyone knows him to be. He'd be disposed of by his family, believing that they only care about him for his talent and the money that comes from it. And if he doesn't do it, the job might fall to one of his younger siblings. Something he can't morally do. Because as much of a stupid little shithead as he is, he's not an idiot. Ace knows what's right and what's wrong. He understands the cruelty of the world to an extent. And as such. He's forced into being the breadmaker for his big ass family until the day he either retires or dies.
All this to say. I love Ace Markey. He's such a silly little goofball full of depression and anxiety that is one fart away from going insane. Like I haven't even touched on my thoughts on Taylor (which I also got right on my earlier theory) and how that affects the Ace economy. I relate so much to this guy it's fucking unreal. I don't think I've ever hyperfixated on a character this much. Like. So much so that I even got a fucking custom plushie made out of him and am constantly drawing him.
Anyways thanks for listening to my old man ramble, have an Ace my friend Fennex made.
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starter-library · 2 years
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Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio Lyric Starters
My Son
“You are my shining sun; My moon, my stars, my clear blue daylight sky”
“If you looked at me today my heart would heal so fast”
“If you held me right away I’d be complete at last”
“You are my favorite, favorite thing. Better than sunset, better than spring”
“You bring me joy, you make me sing in the morning, in the evening too”
“You are everything to me and I love you”
“My son, my son. You are my golden sun”
Everything is New To Me
“All the things my eyes can see, Everything is new to me”
“What do you call it?”
“What to do with it?”
“I love it, I love it!”
“The world is rich with funny words, They ring like bells, those tiny words”
“They dance in my mind like a chorus line, Those silly words of mine”
“Alright- alright that’s enough”
We Were a King Once
“We were a king once Can we be king twice?”
“We were bathing in milk, Played for diamonds and silk once. But we want it twice”
“My show was a magnet for the crowd”
“You were the kings once. Mon Dieu, was it nice”
“You were knights of the night, full of glory and might once. So let’s get it twice”
“We need an ace, a prince, a hero with no fears, no tears, no shame”
“We lit big fat hills of one hundred-dollar bills once. Can we do it twice?”
“Believe in you. Believe in me.”
My Bubblegum
“I scream, I cry for ice cream and for pie”
“if I ate a few gummies I still would eat a ton”
“You are everything to me and I love you”
“I’m free as the wind, No, I’m flying!”
“Your son is happy to have fun”
The Late Lamented
“Thou art gone, thy life hast fled. All shall now bewail the dead”
“No more flesh and no more bone. No more trouble to bemoan”
“Like a wave along the shore, you have passed, you will complain nevermore”
“The late, late lamented. For death can’t be prevented”
“No more feast, Now rest in peace”
“No more pain, You can’t complain”
Ciao Papa
“Time has come to say farewell”
“For how long will I go? Is it far? No one knows, no one can tell”
“If I am gone for a long, long time, I’ll pack away a fine piece of shine”
“I am ready to go, going far. Now I know it will be swell”
“I shall be gone for a long, long time- Shall be picking many peaks to climb”
“Rain or shine, I’ll keep in mind your memory”
“As I gambol on my long, long climb, I hold on tight to our best of times”
“Eyes in the rain, I try to hide tears of a boy who shouldn’t cry”
“Forevermore I’ll keep in mind your memory”
Fatherland March
“I fight for the land, I fight oversea, I’ll fight up to the end”
“The horizon in sight, stand up, follow the light”
“Like an eagle soaring- Magnificent and free- I’ll be marching, on the path to victory”
“We are brave! We are young!”
Big Baby Il Duce March
“Go smell your farts and pray”
“Eat your boogers, your slime, You can also get mine”
“Eat caca, big baby, eat caca, we are strong”
Better Tomorrows
“Hop to the top of the day, the drops are easy to swallow”
“Mop your tears and mend your sorrows, do not drown your soul wishing for better tomorrows”
“You want to think bright, You want to think right”
“A star falling down doesn’t break the night”
“You want to think bright whatever you do”
“For life has a funny way of going round and round”
“You can make it right well worth a good fight”
“If some days have downs and lows, open your arms to better tomorrows”
“You want to think right- To let your heart sing on a summer night”
“Fly high with the band- Just get up and swing”
“You can make it right- Well worth a good fight”
“These are the simple things that matter”
“You make it right and your heart is bright, so let the world go how it goes”
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duchess-of-oldtown · 2 months
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 "Small folk" Thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
Am I sad to say I was excited to see House Lefford? Give us more houses.
Jason ordering Aemond to come to him, it's just... my guy do you know Aemond? Are you serious?
Alicent got her cumuppence at the Council. I'm loving Olivia's portrayal of her fear and unease around Aemond.
Another Red Kraken Mention!!
I like that they let Aemond be smart at the Council and it lays the ground for him leaving King's Landing.
Ewan Mitchell's lil mmms are such a great character tic
Alicent, you're giving Serena Joy Waterford and it's not a good look on you
Corlys taking his place as Hand, there's so much in it, you can see he's sort of like I got all the power I wanted but... The cost.
Oh great now we're just making up Targaryens. Ryan, wtf
Why didn't they use this as an opportunity to introduce the other Valyrian houses? House Celtigar?
As glad as I am to see Viserys and Daemon scenes, I'm so done with Daemon at Harrenhal. Why couldn't we get him wandering the Riverlands actually doing something? Introducing new houses and such? New places?
Simon being so kind to Daemon, this isn't the first time that somebody went mad around him.
These are the scenes we should have at Harrenhal, Daemon and Alys plotting and discussing magic
I loved the Seasmoke scene. You can really sense the awe in which they hold the dragons but also the true danger of them. It's something I never felt in GoT. Also Seasmoke was side-eyeing Steffon like one of the raptors in Jurassic Park, that man was going to be a snack from the outset
Jace shouting Mother as they watch Steffon burn... Oh the irony
Dyana scenes.
Slap that old man, Rhaenyra. Slap him
Rhaenyra and her sword = Visenya
Mysaria as Rhaenyra's mistress is so special to me. Canonically bisexual Rhaenyra.
Larys, you're about as subtle as a fart in church
Aegon and Aemond scenes. Ewan and Tom play them so well. Aegon holding the lil ball, remembering his lil boy
Rhaena is going to be Nettles. That's no Morning, no reason for Daemon to fight Aemond, nothing.
Oh lil Stormcloud 😍
Disliking Jeyne Arryn. Why did they do her as an expy if Lysa?
Also, how is Rhaena going for a walk in the Eyrie? Did they wynch them down for a jaunt?
The Gay Abandon 😭😭😭
Addam and Alyn discussing their dad. Why does Corlys not pay Addam any mind? What happened there?
Where is Marilda of Hull???
Jace giving Mysaria the "I'm not calling you mom look"
Alicent with Aegon, the miscommunication, ugh the tragedy
Gwayne being a good brother to Alicent, these are the relationships we want to see complicated but expressive
Daeron mention. He's kind. (tell that to Bitterbridge)
Both Hightower siblings looking at Criston like 👁️👁️
I love Helaena's fringe tiara.
Helaena's panic, Alicent defending her daughter. The SPIKES
It's the same carriage from Rhaenyra and Alicent's first scene, she still has it 😭
Daemon was hoping that kid killed his grandad, he was like "maybe that kid is alright"
Seasmoke was choosing his own man like a mid-season Bridgerton
Seasmoke reminds me of my cat.
Apparently all dragons have stealth mode.
Rhaenyra's little "yes he does that" when they tell her about Seasmoke is me when my sister complains the cat is trying to sit on her shoulder.
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purpleplaid17 · 6 months
Jess Watches // Sun 24 Mar // Day 179 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Call the Midwife 7x04
Trixie battles her demons and Sister Monica Joan faces losing her eyesight, while Sister Julienne assists a childless Pakistani woman after her husband is pressured to marry a second wife.
My gran is having her cataracts removed next month so SMJ's fears and apprehension felt very real. And the cosmonaut mentioned is also in the 'How's It Works' I am currently reading. Mad coincidence.
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Loudermilk (with mum) 1x06 Lay, Lady, Lay
Cutter continues to make Tom's life a living hell, but no matter what he tries, Tom can't shake him. When he turns to Loudermilk for help, Tom quickly finds that he's on his own.
The Cutter and Tom storyline is throwing off the pacing of previous episodes. It just doesn't really fit in. The end reveal that Loudermilk's wife is still alive being a much more interesting narrative.
Six Nations: Full Contact Ep 7 The Last Dance
All of the Scottish team are keen to be picked for the next round. But their coach has a hard choice to make as his best players are plagued by injury.
I love how calm the coaches are when giving motivational speeches. Straightforward and encouraging with no need to shout at their players. Especially compared to the captain speeches saying 'fuck' in every variation lol.
Merlin 2x05 Beauty and the Beast Part 1
The glamorous Lady Catrina arrives at Camelot with her servant Jonas. Gaius, who has met the real Catrina, and Merlin, who witnesses her true identity, are unable to convince bone-headed Uther of her real nature.
Me, feeding Sarah Parish maggot-infested rotten fruit: I’ll take care of you. A gassy Sarah Parish: It’s rotten work. Me, gagging at the toxic fart she just let rip: Not to me. Not if it’s you.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Moon Child, Moon River
The moon seems to call me more and more the past months. Looking back, the moon has been my refuge in my darkest nights, too.  A few months ago, as I was taking a break from my ina’s wake, I was greeted by the crescent moon with the unapologetic Venus. While I am a fan of full moon and try to track them and align them with my trips outside Manila, that night was magical and mundane. I remember huffing and puffing while a tiny stream of tears fell down my cheek. I remember whispering a prayer to mother dragon which is all about making sense of this loss which I didn’t expect to hit me hard.  That night, as the moon smiled at my side of the universe, I tried smiling back. I tried to make amends to it. While Venus showed off her majesty, I somehow fought back even when deep down, I am totally wrecked. That night is a reminder that even the darkest nights can be beautiful, even when the world is weeping and the grounds are shaking. That night is a reminder that while my version of love and beauty may be rarities, they can actually come to life. That night is a reminder that when things are toughest, looking up and allowing the light and shadows to embrace me would make me feel more human.  I guess, after 37 years of arguing that mother dragon has been making grand alibi as she points the moon as my nemesis and my confidant, she might be right all along. I guess that the moon is my Polaris as I have phases, too. One too many but always in a cycle. I may not have my own light but this gift, this curse, is where I draw inspiration to intention to make the most out of the light and shadow that is bestowed upon me.  I guess that this Taurus szn is actually what I needed and wished for, too. It may be one for the books of really thick plot twists. I’ve cursed it one too many times; but during those really crazy times, I was able to earn life and love lessons that will matter not only a year from now; but maybe, just maybe, even a decade or so from now, too.  Battling a good number of trauma is definitely a highlight and a low light, too. Forcing myself to trust people amidst my trusted trust issues is another hallmark. Doubling down on facing my vulnerabilities and those I come across a la serendipity is just above and beyond me. Perhaps, one of my wins this 2023 Taurus szn is finally being able to tell stories about the my fallen Taurus Twin Towers. The shaky hands, the ego, the pride --all worth it. I owe my audience of one the hardest crashes and the major burns; because, just in case someone needs to here my shittiest and realest thought farts, here they are. As I bleed so badly in my scarlet sins, may each letter, each pause, each typo, be of help to those who maybe looking for a safe space in one way or another.  Let Moon River be the song that reminds me not only of my ina’s burial day. May it also be my guiding light as I choose to allow myself to feel instead of numbing the pain. May I choose to conquer fear instead of falsifying its existence. May I choose to be human as it is more than divine. May I continue breaking the silos within me. May I be more intentional with how I curate my life stories that are about being kindest to myself and others, too. May I choose to let the tears of sadness, of joy, of disgust, and of anger flow as I go for slow growth. May I continue choosing the path less taken and while at it, may I be with people who matter most.  Thank you, universe for sending me angels who I’ve been pushing away many, many, many times. Thank you for making me see that to heal means to help others heal in the name of healing together. Thank you, universe for allowing me to make it just in time for recalibrating my current color grade along with all shades of blacks and whites. Thank you, universe for my people. I don’t know how, but I dearly hope that these people would also allow me to be with them in their battles, especially the silent ones, too.  PS 1:  Gah. Huy. Ang seryoso masyado netong thought fart na ‘to. Dapat yata ‘yun na lang “Love... Not Like The 90s” na lang ako because sabi ng tatay ko bago ako pumasok sa opisina kanina, para daw akong clipart ng 6-year old self ko na first day sa Prep school. :D To which I replied na, tumabi siya. ‘Wag siyang tumingin kung naabala siya kasi wala na akong maisip isuot kasi ang init ng kalakhang Manynila today.  PS 2:  Baka eto lang excuse ko na next tat ko apart from biking scene namin ng tatay ko e, phases of the moon naman kasi ‘di masyadong kita mga moon elements ng existing tats ko. LOL. Saan kaya maganda ilagay saka kelan kaya papaggawa? Sa Siargao na ‘PAG mas lumabas na clavicle ko. Shemay. Kaya ba yesterday ‘yung pag-labas ng clavicle?  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  PS 3:  Bukas talaga, Pluto Retrograde na topic ko. Try natin English pero graphic version. :D 
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Dreaming Through Reality
I want to talk to you about dreams. Collective yawn. I agree. There is nothing more boring than someone telling you about what happened in their dreams. I promise I will try not to do that.  Or at least I will keep it to a general level.  But my dreams are quite significant to me. Let me tell you why
 I spend a lot of time in a recumbent state.  By that, I mean I sleep a lot. I am on medication that makes me drowsy, forgetful, fat, itchy and constipated.  Most of those side-effects are not relevant here.  What they do do is make me sleep a lot. They also make me dream more, and more vividly. And I love them. The happy ones, the sad ones; the bad ones, the mad ones.  I love them all.  So let this loquacious sod pontificate to you a little bit about his dreams.
 Many people seem to have a strange fascination of what blind people see when they dream. Do I dream like I see in conscious life?  DO I see a giant green bubble blocking my vision? No, I don’t. I very much dream in full vision.  The best part is that the perennial flashing does not permeate into my dreams. Yet.  Even the nightmares are great.  Because often I get scared so shitless from them that when I awake,  feel a sense of reprieve and gratitude that it isn’t real.
 And the good dreams?  Well, I am agile and nimble.  Confident and not beset by a smearing of health issues.  I.e. myself three years ago.  Back in pre-fungus days.  When I could ride my bike, go to the gym, go running and meet my ‘friends’ without the fears I now bare which I wouldn’t have known even existed before. Love a little lament. But I can be that person again, in my dreams.  I meet people, real and proliferations of my unconscious imagination.  I dream stories that I don’t want to end.  I find love that would be impossible now, with my newly acquired state of decrepitude and undesirability.  Sad? Very sad.  A long-term viable solution to my problems? Sadly not.  But the prospect of some extrication from consciousness is a delicious one.
 So, to summarise, I use dreams as simple escapism and all they really are farts exuded from the brain. I do however believe  that you can learn to find solace in your dreams.  Towards the end of dreams, when consciousness begins to stur, I can cajole them into a favourable direction.  Lucid dreams?! Not quite. But maybe I’ll be able to some day.
 Some day, I forget the impertinence of phrases like that.  I think you will have gathered that it is not looking particularly rosie. Nevertheless, my machinations remain the same and I will predicate any decision I make at the end of my mental convalescence.  Until then, it is one dream at a time.
 I’ll slap myself on your behalf for that.
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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A Sketchbook About Her Sun
by Team SolEtude, Rinkaku
Genre: Interactive Fiction
Pitch: A lightly animated, lightly interactive story about a depressed and lonely comic artist. Set to Planet X, the sophomore album from Red Ribbon (the stage name of indie artist Emma Danner).
My expectations: "Sketchbook" seems right. I'm anticipating rough, free-form expression—creative doodles over locked-down, cohesive design. Could be cool. My fear is that none of that's true, and that it's going to be dull and pretentious.
As a game, A Sketchbook of My Sun is a joke. As a visual art piece, it’s passable. As an excuse to discover and listen to dreamy indie depression-rock, it is a triumph.
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The Game
Two choices appear above a shrinking bar. Pick one before time runs out, or don’t. Sometimes there’s only one choice, but it works the same way—click it or ignore it.
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The choices are a single word or a short phrase: “Gather” or “Illuminate.” “Grounded” or “With me.” At the end of the song, these selections are slotted into MadLibs poetry, which is more like BadLibs poetry.
The Look
A lonely, depressed girl flops from place to place, staring at nothing and doodling images of her lonely depression. These are pretty much my depressive-episode poses, so points for accuracy, and there’s a variety of media (pencil, charcoal, ink), but not much variety in the themes. There’s one song that gets a cool, animated music video, but none of the others held my attention.
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The Music
Planet X is half an hour of ethereal, devastating space music, with vulnerable lyrics and vocals and a floor covered in effects pedals. I’m spinning Red Ribbon on repeat for the rest of the day.
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+ I am in romantic love with Red Ribbon's Planet X album. + The one fully animated stage is visually arresting. The drawings and the light animation in the other stages are generally expressive, skillful, and deserving of praise; I just don't want to look at them for the length of an entire song. It's an issue of presentation; not art
– The drawings and the light animation in the other stages are generally expressive, skillful, and deserving of praise; I just don't want to look at them for the length of an entire song. It's an issue of presentation; not art. – MadLibs poetry where you don't even get to write in "fart," "farted," and "fartingly?" What's the point? – The song Planet X already has a music video, and it is better than anything in A Sketchbook About Her Sun. – If the songs were included as MP3s, playable outside of the application, I would tell you to disregard every negative word I've written and buy A Sketchbook About Her Sun right away, but it doesn't. Fortunately, the MP3s are available for purchase, and you should buy Planet X right away. Supporting artists is the way to go, but you can also find the full album on YouTube.
Bottom Line: How do you rate something like this? A Sketchbook About Her Sun is a dull, pretentious piece of software in service of the best album I've heard in months, if not years.
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews...
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xxatinyminionxx · 3 years
Minion's Followers Survey (NSFW) #3 Results!!!
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I got a total of 115 responses this time.
As always, cut-off responses are below!
Q: Alright lets get this out of the way. What do you consider yourself?
- Hard dom but i have my rlly subby moments
Q: Your TXT/legal Enhypen bias wants you to suck his dick during a solo vlive. Would you do it?
- How can i say “HELL FUCKING YES FUCK ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW” without coming off too strong?
- Depends on how horny I am but ya know...need to please him…
- perhaps, but more likely not,shit to risky lol
Q: A legal Enhypen member thinks it would be funny if you two fucked to "Hey Tayo". What is your reaction?
- Depends on if i’m in a chaotic mood or not lmao
- Would die out of laughter but hell yeah i’m 100% in
- I’m down but laughing too hard to actually do it
Q: Are you a supporter of the hard dom!taehyun agenda?
- Yes but if he has feelings involved, he'll want to be hella soft and like make love with you from time to time... Especially if he's just stressed and thankful to have you there. It'll be soft sex for sure
Q: Which TXT member would you peg?
- not into pegging but if they really wanted me to then soobin.
- is "all of them" an option because i will go full writer mode on this little survey thingy and discuss in detail me pegging all of them — pengu
- Not into pegging. No butt stuff for either of us.
- None...I'm not confident enough to take the leads :')
Q: Which legal Enhypen member would you peg?
Q: Thoughts on threesomes?
- If the attention is well distributed I think yes, but if not I'm pretty sure I'd end up crying. ALSO I would love to be one of the people "in charge"? Just to make sure I don't cry at the end lmao (but imagine they finding out about this fear and trying to make you feel alright "subbing" during the threesome 🥺... to clarify, they'd be doms/switchs and you'd be a sub for the first time in a 3some))
Q: What if I was in that threesome?
- If there's chemistry, for sure! Although I'd be mindful that I'd need to look out for two young'uns rather than one
- I’m really only into mmf 3somes, but I’m down for fff
- I dunno 😂 i dont know you personally, a solid maybe 👍
Q: So how is No Nut November going?
- Definitely not doing this one lol, i cant deprive myself like that
- i never participate in first place cause ✨hormones✨
- Initially i decided that i was only avoiding reading smut so porn didn't count but um either way i failed
- i have been too sad to fail but i think that's gonna change 🥴
- No, I'm trying to have that as part of my self care ☺ fun fact: i didnt have my first proper O until i was 21 because I was disgusted by my own sexuality, feeling pressured to think about p*nis pretty much lmao. Im gonna turn 22 this month 😵 Ive missed out on so much omg. Im so glad I worked through the pressure of being straight
- Not participating because I get gassy and fart-play is reserved for my Beomgyu
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Welcome to your new home
"Miss and mister, we are here"
The car drive was full of silence, the small child by the window watching the city pass by and his mother on the other one.
Everything was happening so fast, the winged boy had saved a few people from the car crash by instincts, then here he was now.
Going to live a better life and grown into a hero, just like his favorite hero.
The small boy smiled to the plushie, but was woken up from his daydreaming by his mother's voice.
"We don't have all day" her words were slurred.
The blond boy got up and got out from the tall car, which he fell face first on the floor since it was too high.
"Are you ok?" The driver asked.
Keigo got up and nodded, rubbing his face.
"Follow me" the driver took them to a big apartment, that could fit his old house entirely.  "Welcome to your new home, someone will come and give you two instructions, just wait in the living room".
Keigo couldn't believe how big this house was, he was starting to get excited about all of this.
His mother went to the couch and sat there while he was exploring the living room a bit.
As he reached for the snow glob he heard his mother scouting voice "Don't you dare break anything"
He looked at her, then looked back to the globe, but decided against it, walking to the couch and sat close to his mother.
"Who do you think they are going to put here with us?" He tilted his head to look at her
"Don't know, don't care, but probably someone old that can keep you in line" she said not even looking at him.
He frowned at that 'it will be boring if they do that...'
After some time in silence they heard the front door opening then some footsteps.
The living room door was open by a beautiful lady, she was really tall, her long (h/c) hair was in a high ponytail, shiny (e/c) eyes, and a small smile on her lips, dressed just like a business person.
She stops in front of them "Hello, and welcome to your new home, I will be the one to take care of it, and of you" she looked at Keigo, he blushed and looked away
She giggles 'cute kid'
"My name is Y/n, I'm 18 years old, anything you two wish for you can ask me" Y/n examine both of them a d notice the ragged clothes "I suspect that you both need a bath, please follow me and I will take each of you to your room"
They both get up "I want a room far from his" if Y/n was disturbed by that request or not, it wasn't noticeable, for she was one of the best of the best assistants on the commission.
"As you wish ma'am" Y/n bowed and started walking with them following her.
The first room she took them was for the boy of course, there was a very big bed,  and a wardrobe, the room was fully white and very empty, on the right wall there was a door that probably would lead to the bathroom.
"I know it's very empty, but you can request anything for me to put on it, from wall paint, to furniture, just ask me and I will bring it to you" the pretty lady pushed lightly the boy to the room.
He looked back at her and nodded showing that he understood.
"I will take care of your mother and will be right back to help you to take a bath" she bowed again and got out of the room leaving Keigo alone in it.
The boy looked inside the wardrobe and saw a lot of children clothes, they are probably for him.
The big white bed looked extremely comfortable, so he decided to try it.
As the small boy got up on the bed, he saw how bouncy it was and started to jump on it.
'This... this is fun!' With a big smile on his face and his loyal plushie in hands he started giggling and flapping his wings, while jumping.
He stopped when he heard a gasp from the door.
The lady from before was there looking shocked
"I-I... I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean- I only wanted-" Keigo stared at her as she walked to him "I was playing and-" she raised her hand, with fear of being hit Keigo closed his eyes and hugged his plushie tightly.
But instead of a hit he got a pet on the head, he opened his eyes surprised and looked at her.
"I'm sorry, it must have been boring waiting for me, but don't worry, I will make sure you have something to do next time" she smiled at him, her hand dropped at her side. "You are really dirty, let's take a bath, okay?"
He nodded still shocked that she apologized even if she didn't do anything wrong.
Y/n walks to the wardrobe and takes some clothes for him. "Please follow me" she walks to the bathroom.
When he got inside he was mesmerized by the size of it. "All of this is for me?" He looked at her confused "but I am small!"
Y/n giggle at that "But you will grow up, so we need to make accommodations on the long term of things" she goes to the bathtub and turn it on.
"While the tub is filling, please take of tour clothes, or do you need help?"
"I can do it" he looked around for a place to put his plushie.
"Would you like for me to hold it?" She showed him her hand "I can take care of it while you bathe"
He looked hesitant and shook his head.
"If you prefer we can let it by the sink, that way you can still see it"
Keigo nodded and gave the plushie to her, and watched her put it by the sink.
He took his clothes off and looked at it confused to what to do with them.
"Please give it to me, I will throw it away" he gave it to her, she turned off the bath while it was a little less the half of it "do you need something?"
"I can't get in... I need help" he looked down to the floor hesitant to ask for help.
"Everyone needs help sometimes, there is no need to be hesitant young master" she walks to him and take the naked boy on her arms "I won't take long" she walked out with his old clothes in hand.
"She is nice..." he looked at his hands and then at his wings "Am I that impressive?" Keigo huffed and started to bathe.
Y/n was back after a short while with some products in hand.
Keigo looked curiously at the bottles.
"These are for your wings, mutant quirks have special needs, you need to learn how to take care of your body, but since you are still a child I will help you." She sat on her knees "please turn around"
He did as told, then he felt two warm and oily hands massaging his back.
The silence was nerve raking, so he decided to ask "Why do you work for them?"
"The commission?"
Keigo nods
"Because just like you, they saw potential in me and helped me grow into who I am now" she started to carefully pass oil in each one of his feathers, on his right wing.
"They are good people?" He looked back at her.
"Hmm... that's a hard question... I prefer to call them parasites"
"But they helped you! And- and they are helping me..." he looked back at his hands
"Yes, but everything in life has its price, but don't worry too much about it, you don't have much choice right now" Y/n finished one wing and went to do the same on the other.
The unpleasant silence was back, but this time she was the one that broke it.
"You like Endevour? That's kind of uncommon"
"Really? Why? He's a hero isn't he?" Keigo tilted his head.
"He is, but he also looks scary, but... let me tell you a secret"
Keigo looked at her with shiny eyes "a secret?"
"Yes, can I trust you? It's one of my most precious secrets"
"I promise!"
She got close to his ear and whisperer "I like him too"
He gasped and looked at her with stars in his eyes. "REALLY?? WHY??"
"Shhh! Not so loud!" She giggles at his reaction "He was the one that saved me when I was small"
"Just like me and my mom!" His wings fluffed up
"Yes, that is one of the reasons that they choose me to take care of you young master"
Keigo had a big smile on his face "what's the other reason?"
"I will tell you when you grow up, now please stop moving"
"Do you promise?"
"You promise that one day you will tell me?" He looked serious at her.
Looking at his golden eyes, she raised her pinky "I promise"
He grabbed her pinky with his and smiled.
"There now let's finish with washing you hai-"
Her pagers started to go off.
"Your mother called for me, I will be right back, please finish soaping yourself" she gave him a sponge with liquid soap in it.
He nodded and took it from her.
Y/n went to the boys mother, when she got there the mother was on a bathrobe looking to throw out the clothes.
"What do you wish for ma'am?"
"I'm hungry, go make me dinner" she said not even looking at the lady.
"I will start to make dinner as soon as I finished cleaning and changing the boy, anything else ma'am?" Y/n said with her head high.
"Just leave him alone, he can take care of himself, do as I ordered you" Keigo's mom snapped back looking at the lady.
"Ma'am I will tell this one time, and only one time" Y/n's gaze was cold, empty of any emotion as she steps closer. "I do not serve YOU I serve the young master, and ONLY the young master, I am one of the best assistants that the commission has, please keep in mind that even if I look like a little bug ready to be stepped on..." now she was face to face with the other woman "I still am a woman that was made into a caretaker to a future top pro hero" her eyes went from (e/c) to black, her aura was frightening "If I can stop your son then I can stop you, twice as easily."
Y/n raised a finger, and pointed it to the wall that was behind Keigo's mother, her finger made a medium straight line, then her eyes went back to normal as she stepped back.
"If that is all I will be taking my leave, young master is waiting for me" Y/n bowed to her and went to help Keigo.
As the mother turned around her face paled and her body petrified, the wall behind her was a big and deep cut exactly where Y/n had made the straight line.
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................
Yoh, I'm back, and I thought about this before I went to sleep with a terrible headache, but since I knew I would totally forget about it in the morning I went ahead and wrote 400 words before I fell asleep from my headache.
I will keep writing the other one too, but this one is more of a brain fart than anything else.
Also, spoilers for BNHA
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manawhaat · 3 years
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#ok but if my nephew wasn't so obsessed with dinos i would buy this in an instant.... but him playing with this wouldn't go well with mom/dad
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does anyone else ever think of/say the word ‘lol’ instead of a laugh when they see something funny or is that just me?
32 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 06:54:03 GMT
A Little Help Getting By pt.3
Title: A Little Help Getting By pt.3
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas, mentions of Donna and other characters.
Summary: With Sam and Dean helping you with your chronic illness, depression, and anxiety, things should be as good as they can get. When they aren’t, though, Dean does what he can to help.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, general descriptions of an unspecified chronic illness and physical health issues, depression, anxiety, jealousy, insecurity, fluff, mild smut/masturbation. The first lines are misleading so don’t go thinking I’m a Sam hater lol. 
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: This is set around Christmas but isn’t necessarily a holiday fic. Commissioned by @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester​ as another part to A Little Help Getting By. Thank you so much for commissioning me for this series and I hope you like what I’ve written. I am also so sorry for how fucking long this took me to finish. @samsexualdeancurious​ @sebbytrash​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ thank you guys for betaing and helping me make this honest and sincere. Commissions are open. Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️
A Little Help Getting By
A Little Help Getting By 2
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38 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 05:11:22 GMT
Title: Juicy
Characters: Ray Merrimen x Plus-sized!Reader.
Summary: You can’t sleep so you find a midnight snack. Ray finds one, too *wink wink*. 
Warnings: Plus-sized!Reader, oral (female receiving). 
Word Count: 800ish
A/N: This is my first Merrimen fic and was inspired by some seriously delicious watermelon while watching Den of Thieves. No beta on this so any mistakes are mine. Let me know what you think! ❤️
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85 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 09:47:34 GMT
Title: Purr
Characters: Plus-sized!Reader x Henry Cavill, ofc friends named Ruth and Alexis.
Summary: When you meet Henry, you instantly click and one night promises to turn into more. 
Warnings: One mention of the film 365 Days, drunk!Henry, fluff, mild/implied smut (all smut is sober because consent is a must and this ain’t one of those fics). 
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Commissioned by @dorky-and-i-know-it​ . No beta, just free-ballin’ this one. :)
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125 notes • Posted 2021-12-13 05:52:01 GMT
Cherry Bomb
Title: Cherry Bomb
Characters: Jensen x Reader
Summary: While you’re on a road trip to visit your friend, your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, leaving you no choice but to accept the help of a handsome stranger. 
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Heavy Dub-con, groping, fingering, slight panty kink, stranger sex, public sex. 
A/N: There’s no real context about Jensen other than he drives the Impala, so you can imagine him as a regular dude with that car or as himself, whatever floats your boat.  Image from @justjensenanddean. Beta by @that-crazy-drummer-chick​. Let me know if y’all like it :)
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All you’d wanted to do was stretch your legs and take a picture of the beautiful panoramic sky, but life had other plans. Half an hour passed as you wracked your brain and flipped through the car manual, trying to figure out why your car wouldn’t start when you’d returned from your back-road photo shoot.  
With no reception or internet service, you feared you’d be stuck if no one came along soon. You’d passed a town a ways back, but it was too far to walk in the starch heat of summer.  
The sound of a car approaching should have been a relief, but the sight of the black car coming over the horizon somehow left you slightly uneasy. All the paranoia of being a woman, you thought, pushing your fear out of your mind as you flagged down the driver. 
The slick black car gleamed under the sun and when the door squeaked open, a tall, rugged, drop-dead-gorgeous man emerged. 
“Car troubles?” he asked, and the rumble of his voice matched that of his car. 
“Yeah,” you admitted. “I don’t know much about cars but the way it was shaking when I tried to start it up, I think it might be a bad spark plug?”
The stranger nodded and stepped forward, extending a large hand your way. “Let’s check it out. I’m Jensen.” 
His friendly smile and attractive face put you at ease, and you shook his hand, a thrilling chill rattling your spine when his skin met yours. “Y/N.”
Jensen scratched through his thick beard and made his way to the front of your car to tinker a bit under the hood, instructing you to get in and try to start it a couple times before he closed the hood and wiped his hands on a bandana he pulled from the back pocket of his jeans. 
“Not a spark plug, but not far off. It looks like your starter died in the heat. Lucky for you, there’s a little gas station and auto shop about thirty minutes North. I can drive you to pick up the part if you want.”
The thought of being in the car with this handsome stranger was exhilarating and worrying at the same time. He seemed trustworthy, but there was an unfamiliar depth to his green eyes that left you hesitant. 
“Um, thank you so much for the offer. I don’t wanna take up your time, though. If you have service, can I maybe borrow your phone and call a tow truck?”
A deep, condescending laugh burst out of his chest and he shook his head in amusement. “Sweetheart, a tow truck is gonna take two hours just to get here and those shady fuckers will charge you an arm and an ass. I’m free all day and know my way around an engine. I insist.” 
He gestured to his car and you reluctantly nodded, grabbing your purse and making sure your valuables were well hidden before walking around to the passenger side of his Impala. A true Texan gentleman, he opened your door for you and waited for you to settle before shutting it behind you. 
When he took his place behind the wheel, a wave of unease welled in your chest: you were trapped in a car with a complete stranger in the middle of nowhere. He shot you a small, reassuring smile and peeled out onto the road, chuckling to himself at the way your hands gripped the seat and door frame as his car roared to life. 
Polite smalltalk filled the space between you for a few minutes, and when the conversation lulled, the roar of the engine and the radio dulled out. The cab was weighted with tension, pulsing and undeniable as your breaths mingled in the confines of the car. Jensen’s hands gripped tightly at the wheel, freckled knuckles just shy of going white against the leather. You tried to keep your eyes to the road, but you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him, trying to take in as much of his gorgeous being as you could.  His hands held your attention though, big and thick. You daydreamed of how strong they must be, how they could be dangerous or delightful, or even both at the same time. 
Every bit of him looked rugged and the more you thought about the muscles bulging under his shirt and the pull of his jeans across his thighs, the warmer you got. Everything blurred around him and you quickly found yourself lost in a fever dream, imagining all the ways this man could probably ruin you. 
The car slowed dramatically, snapping you out of it and setting you at high alert. Jensen smirked at your visible reaction and reached out to place a comforting hand on your thigh. 
“Don’t worry, just a little pitstop at your local fruit truck. You’ll regret driving through Texas without trying Bobby’s Cherries. They’re the best you’ll ever have. Trust me.” 
His hand remained on your thigh, subtle but persistent, thumb gently rubbing your skin. It was an act of reassurance at first, but the prolonged contact made your heart race and you did your best to act natural while he pulled around the trees and parked beside Bobby’s flatbed truck filled with boxes of fresh fruit. 
“You’re just in time, I was about to call it for the day,” Bobby greeted as you both exited the car. 
The two men exchanged respectful smiles and shook hands before Jensen introduced you and requested ‘the best cherries you have, for the lady’. Bobby grinned warmly, as if he had just the thing, and handed Jensen a green plastic box filled with dark red cherries. The older man tipped his ball cap in your direction, and soon enough, his truck rumbled onto the road, leaving you alone with Jensen once more. 
He held up a pack of cigarettes and asked, “Since we’re stopped, do you mind?” With your approval, he slipped one between his lips and raised his lighter. 
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219 notes • Posted 2021-11-07 07:24:47 GMT
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fireemblemtcg · 3 years
“The Cipher Frontier!” Issue 58: “Cipher Will Never Die!”
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"The Cipher Frontier! With Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Val, Niamh & Poe" was a regular column on the Fire Emblem Cipher website which summarized upcoming news concerning Cipher and other Fire Emblem materials. It was presented by the eight mascot characters. The following is a full translation of the 58th and final issue of the column, which was originally published on 31 March 2021.
More Fire Emblem Cipher translations!
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Hello, everybody!!!!!!!!
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It's been over five years since Cipher launched - and, for that matter, The Cipher Frontier! itself...
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And today... we bring you the last one!
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Sniff... So this is really it...
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Aye, it certainly is a bitter occasion.
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With the moment upon us, I find myself overcome with emotion. Yet at the same time, I cannot help but sorely wish that this day had never come at all.
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Well, it... It doesn't bother m-m-me... Not... one...
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E-easy, milady! You swore before we began that you would not cry!
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I, too, owe very, very much to all of you, so... I am very sad.
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Where there is a beginning, so too shall there be an end... It is an inevitability.
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Still, one might argue that as long as there are still decks to play with and opponents to challenge... Cipher may be played for eternity. So think not on this as the end, for this is but a milestone of life.
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Sniff... So this isn't farewell?
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Not in the least! All of our players can still continue to get together to play Cipher. So as sad as you might be now to see the game end, the feeling won't last! And I, for one, would like to close out our final day with a smile.
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To that end, I propose that we all share some parting words. You first, Emma!
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Alrighty! Well, I've been here since the beginning, but... Back then, I was an absolute noob, wasn't I? I didn't have the faintest idea what a "Tea See Gee" even was!
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But then I learned so much from Shade, and I presented news, participated in Tryout and Gathering events, and watched Live Broadcasts - and all of that gave me the chance to grow so much.
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And then as the days went by, we got to meet Yuzu and Randal, Alice and Valjean, and Niamh and Poe, and we all always had a riot of a time playing Cipher together... It's all been like something out of a dream!
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Lastly, I just want to say thank you...
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To all of you who've been reading our column to date, thank you tho thuch!
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Ha! Is that a slip of the tongue I hear?
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Why, I do believe it was... And of all the words to flub, at that.
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H-heh heh heh! I guess I am still just a kid after all... But mark my words, I'll be working even harder to become a mature, full-fledged knight! Okay, let's try this again... Thank you all!
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Well, I'm next! I was primarily tasked with hosting this column and presenting news.
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But the work introduced me to more and more friends, and to a constant stream of announcements that were news to me myself... To lose it is like I've also lost my reason to exist, but at least I am left with fond memories of it all.
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My desire to convey the appeal of Cipher to others hasn't wavered in the slightest, but... this is the last time it will ever happen here. Alas. Still, I will always be rooting for all of you, even if we don't see each other.
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There will always be a bond between us - always. Remember that whenever you play Cipher and see our cards. On this, you have my word! This has been Shade, shepherd of wayward lambs, saying farewell!
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Alright, then. You're next, Yuzu!
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Huh? Yuzu! What's gotten into you? Would you just get out here?
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Er, forgive me. When everybody's gaze turned upon me, I could not help but immediately seek shelter...
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Oh, yeah. You never did like public speaking, did you, Yuzu?
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Of course! We had a devil of a time convincing you to come out at all for your very first column.
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E-enough! That was many years ago: a d-d-difficulty that I have long since moved past!
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Hrr-hrr-hrr... heh-HEM! L-l-let us, er, begin anew.
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I am Yuzu. My contribution to this column was to introduce cards that afforded new styles of play... only to let a haze of utter passion promptly consume me and hence spend my every waking hour crafting decks from them and trialling them in matches.
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You always were one to cry, "I must test these cards at once!" and throw yourself into obsessive research.
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As such, I have acquired an eye for strategy, forged in the fires of Cipher, to incorporate into my prior mastery of the martial arts - and with that, at long last, I have come to an understanding of the very heart of warcraft.
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Further, as a consequence I may declare with confidence that, should I ever find my brother, I shall be able to hold my head high for all that I have grown in his absence. For that, you have my most heartfelt gratitude. So end my parting words!
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Thank you, Yuzu. Right, it's your turn, Randal!
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Huh? Oh, right then!
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I've got a motto: always take your games deathly serious, and always make your own fun on the job… And, well, this has been my chance to prove those words true.
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I mean yeah, I'm a wanderer at heart; I might've stuck around a bit too long... but that's just because this was all a hell of a lot of fun.
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Oh, I agree... It was a HELL of a lot of fun!
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GAH! It's... It's you!
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Well, well. We have a stranger among us!
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Pah! "Stranger," indeed. This hair, this face, this ribbon... None of this ring a bell?
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Eh? Do you... do you mean Randal?
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Indeed! I am...
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...His son, no? It is nice to meet you!
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What are you on about?! I AM Randal, just from the past - younger than the one you know!
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It's happening again! The exact same argument!
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This really must be the end, if HE'S here...
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This is how you treat me? I have to hear that the last column is happening at the eleventh hour and make a mad dash to make it in time?! Bloody hell...
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What is this? A being under the thrall of the Boundless Chaos? How intriguing. I must conduct a thorough examination at once...
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H-hey! What are you doing, Niamh?! You look deathly serious... Oi, that's enough! Stay back! I... I've got a sword!
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Well, er, I'm just about all out of time, but I just want to say it was a hoot being on the Frontier. Hope I see you all again someday. Adios!
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He vanished?! Still more intriguing...
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Sigh... What a pain in the arse, if I do say so myself. Although... I must admit, we do agree on one thing: I'd also be glad to see you all again.
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This might be one farewell, but here's hoping we cross paths once more! And if we do, hey, why not play a match with this old fart? And that's all she wrote from ol' Randal!
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Thank you. Next, let's hear from Alice and Valjean!
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Heh heh! At last! Shall we, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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The two of us made our debut circa Series 10, and ever since that day, the Frontier never failed to be a most thrilling time. Would you agree, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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My objective in making this journey was simple: to experience much in my travels, such that I might someday return home and become a great ruler indeed. But instead, I first became a most superior, most brilliant Cipher player! Utterly invincible! Favored by fortune! And whatnot. Didn't I, Val?
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Yes, milady.
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I remember... that every time a Cipher release day came, I would be up all night from their eve, crafting decks and playing matches with the others. Oh, it was such fun! Wasn't it, Val?
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...Yes, mi... mi... milady! Sniff...
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V-Val?! What is the matter with you?
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I am most moved. That my most capricious liegelady could at last find in Cipher such an engaging hobby, such good company, and such a source of training - and that she could grow so greatly as a woman.
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We have been truly blessed to have had all of this: all of you, who welcomed us so warmly into the Frontier fold, and all of the Cipher players out in the world. I wish to offer you my gratitude for everything.
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To be honest... I have something to say on that matter myself. Thank you, truly, for everything. I will never, ever, ever, EVER forget even a single day that we spent here together!
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Nor shall I!
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...Having said that, milady, I fear that you are still yet unready for the throne! From today onward, we must redouble your original leadership training efforts! I fully intend to prepare for you an intensive study regimen.
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I-I-I beg your pardon?! You will not speak to me so! If I see even a single incorrect mark, you would do well to prepare yourself, for I will work you to the very bone for the rest of your days!
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By all means, do it. But be prepared, for I have a lifetime's worth of admonishments at the ready.
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Heh... Best of luck to the two of you!
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Your turn, Niamh!
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I was present from the 37th column onward... To be precise, it was in the "Love and Bonds Special Talk CD" audio drama that came as a set with an artbook, sold at Comiket 93.
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My inquiry and research into the miscellaneous phenomena of this world, and the Boundless Chaos in particular, shall continue, but...
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Well?! Don't tell me that's all you have to say!
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...No. To me, my inquiry into Cipher represented the introducton of a new, major challenge into my life. Cipher decks... Gameplay... Which solution is correct, and which is optimal... As yet, I still have found no answers. As such, it is vital that going forward, I collaborate with a broad sample of Cipher players and find an answer...
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So what you're saying is, you enjoyed playing Cipher with everyone, and you're gonna keep playing forever!
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That, er... Ahem! That's pretty much it.
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Cryptic remarks if I ever heard them, but certainly Niamh-ish.
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Right, let's keep this going with Poe!
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Only a year and a half has passed since I was welcomed to this column, and sadly, in the end our association has been brief. But I was able to have a very fulfilling time with you.
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Attending that Winter Comiket thing with all of you, playing the "Recite and Play: Heroes Iroha" card game being sold there... They were very happy days.
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And in all of that, I have always been monitoring Niamh...
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Hee hee... You have been a good girl here, have you not? I do nothing to good girls.
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If one of you becomes wicked, at that time I shall... Heh... Heh heh heh heh heh...
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So, I pray that we never have an unpleasant reunion, and end my speech. Thank you. This has been Poe!
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Heh... Let's keep that warning in mind.
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...With that, have all of us spoken?
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Tsk tsk... We aren't actually finished just yet! Since this is our last column, allow me to call upon a special guest!
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...A guest? Wait, you don't mean...
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Ta-daaaaa! Here he is!
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Hello, everyone! I am Kawade, the producer of Fire Emblem Cipher.
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My, what a surprise!
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The publication of the final Frontier coincides with, at last, the end-of-March termination of event support for Cipher. So I thought I would share a message for all of our readers and Cipher players.
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If you count from when Cipher was first announced, roughly six years have passed. That's a long time, yet it's just flown by... These have been very busy years, but also wonderful ones, absolutely full of memories and events.
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In that time we've constantly taken on new challenges - not just the production of Cipher itself, but Twitter content, live broadcasts, and staging events all around Japan.
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And through all of that, we've had the chance to meet so many fans of Fire Emblem and Cipher... That was not only the most fun part of all, but a part that made us happy.
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Although, we were unfortunately unable to hold any of our planned events for our final year, and for that I am truly sorry to all of you.
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Still, we staff stuck with it to the very end, and as a result were able to complete Cipher as a fantastic game that can be played for years and years to come. For that, we are proud of ourselves.
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It was thanks to all of you, who kept on supporting us, that we could continue our work to this standard all the way to the final series. I am overcome with gratitude to you all!
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Production might have come to an end, but Fire Emblem Cipher will never die! It would make me happy if, every now and then, you might bring your cards out and play with them. Thank you all, truly, for everything!
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And that concludes KawadeP's remarks!
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That, I believe, is everything that we wished to share.
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Aye, I've got nothing to add.
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So I suppose this is it: the end of the Cipher Frontier's long run.
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Er... Shade? Can I say one last thing?
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Hm? What is it, Emma?
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Thank you for taking the lead in hosting this last one... And thank you so much for all the things you've taught me!
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H-hey! That's enough of that! You're about to make me cry, and that wouldn't be ending this day with a smile, would it?
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Heh. I guess not!
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So hey, let's give them one last, enthusiastic That Thing before Shade bursts into tears!
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Very well, then. That Thing it is! This has been The Cipher Frontier!
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With Emma...
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...and Poe.
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Now, then...
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Let's do it, everyone!
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FIRE EMBLEM CIPHER The Cipher Frontier! With Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Val, Niamh & Poe
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Emma Emma continues to train in order to become a full-fledged pegasus knight. Her tireless Cipher training also continues, but she has yet to show much improvement at the game.
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Shade Veteran mage that she is, Shade continues to teach the next generation. Many seeking to become almighty Cipher players have come to her, only to struggle bitterly under her tutelage - yet at the same time, to Emma and the others, she remains a nurturing guiding hand.
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Yuzu Yuzu embarked on a journey of martial training, all the while following whispers of her brother's whereabouts... although evidently, she does return from her travels from time to time, bearing souvenirs, to partake in Cipher matches with all of her friends.
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Randal Randal made a truly once-in-a-lifetime wager, only to go into hiding thereafter. Some rumors attest that he won, and that with that windfall he secured for himself a carefree life of quiet leisure in some southern land - others, that he met with a catastrophic loss, and was hence forced into labor in someplace.
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Alice Alice's travels continue, as she seeks all the experience that she needs to become a true leader. Although at first she struggled, she grew to thoroughly enjoy it, and so she will persist in her journey without ever taking a break to return home... Or so she tells herself, at least.
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Valjean Valjean continues to travel all across the land with his liegelady. Witnessing Alice grow ever stronger and wiser by the day, he cannot help but feel conflicting feelings of joy and loneliness beneath the privacy of his helm.
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Niamh Even as she continues in her pursuit of wisdom, Niamh silently carries out research into Cipher. Her seminal monograph, "A Compendium of Cipher Decks," is over 100 volumes in length, and by all accounts is still in print to this day.
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Poe Poe vanished in her hunt for evil, and her whereabouts remain unknown. However, according to the afterword of "A Compendium of Cipher Decks," she and Niamh have since fought to the death on many an occasion.
The End...???
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faerielleart · 4 years
GIRL GGFJFJVGDJD OK UMMM let me see... what do you like about levihan? or do you have any unpopular opinions? or headcanons!
oh boi i hope i won’t rant too much, i don’t want this answer to be a thousand miles long i don’t want to seem boring-
OKAY let’s start
What i like about levihan: i have to start with a lil background a say that levihan is my longest ship i’ve ever had, it’s the only one who survived time and the only ship i have never stopped shipping/lost interest into, which is kinda rare for me since i switch interests a lot and go through hyper-fixations, so i tend to lose interest quickly in something once i’ve found something else to pay attention to
this, however has never happened with levihan: started shipping them when i was 12, still trash 7 years later skdjdjfjf i didnt start shipping them for special reasons tho, at the time aot was my first ever still on air anime and i was completel new to the community, plus i didnt really speak english well and the first episodes i watched confused me A LOT. However, amidst all that confusion and trying to remember names and plot points, episode 9 came, i got introduced to this character who apparently is named levi, the first information the scene gives the watcher is “this guy is a grump” based on his reaction to the crowd, the second information the scene gives to the watcher is “this person next to him, despite him being a grump, isn’t afraid to tease the shit out of him and we still don’t even know their name” which i found ??? Cool??? I immediately paid attention to this lil dynamic, then the next scene was the hairgrab scene and,,,,,, yeah my 12 year old braincells went into overdrive and i was completely sold
i just needed them to interact once and BOOM
but OBJECTIVELY i still find extremely telling, years later, how these were the first informations of these characters. In a narrative, character’s introduction is absolutely crucial to the story, you can understand millions of things just by the way a character is presented and says their first lines and honestly choosing to introduce levi and hanji together was imho very, very telling of what role they’d play in the story/what role they play in each other’s lives.
isn’t it strange that the very first infirmation we get of these two is that the grumpy one is okay with this person teasing him? that means there’s gotta be a level of familiarity among them, right? and the hairgrab? requested by isayama himself? in the official book of season one it also says that the scene was added to “show their relationship”??? i mean 2+2 is 4 where i’m from 👁👄👁✨
so yeah my dumb 12 year old brain had FORESIGHT apparently-
as i picked up the manga and read through the uprising (and got older and my english got better) i noticed more and more things about them and i just really freaking fell in love with their relationship okay it wasn’t “oh cool grumpy and sunshine who teases him”, more like “holy fuck grumpy has a sad backstory, seems unapproachable but is the kindest person ever, just wants to be a hero and save everyone, has the most tender heart, sunshine is a multi dimensional character who has fears and doubts and they work so well together despite being polar opposites but at the same time their oppositeness results in somehow them being completely in sync with each other and almost thinking with the same brain as if they were one person split in half”.
since they’re grown adults and they’re so close, their relationship has something that i always seek and almost never find in other ships, which is emotional maturity. You never see them purposely tearing each other down just to hurt the other, they work out their problems and C O M M U N I C A T E ✨ they don’t act childishly around each other, they tease and bicker but it’s completely different than full blown arguments where both parts disrespect the other just to prove their point. They are willing to listen to what the other has to say and their judgment is precious and welcomed, since the basis of their relationship is complete trust. levi is rough with words, but he means something else entirely despite what he conveys, as seen during the aftermath of eren’s first hardening experiments, and hanji totally understands what he wants to say, which is why they never reprimand him or take offense to what he says.
what i’m trying to say, i believe in a way that nothing is half-assed about how they were written in the story as a pair, despite how i disagree with certain narrative choices *ahem*; as much as i would have wanted them to have more screentime and more interactions, i believe it wouldn’t have been “in character”, lemme explain because i realize it sounds weird and my wording probably doesn’t help: their relationship is subtle and as such it should remain subtle and in the subtext, simply because it is none of our business as readers. Show, not tell, but show in a way that it is evident only if you pay attention. levi is blunt when he speaks, but at the same time his words have another meaning than what he conveys and his actions are subtle.
isn’t it obvious with how often it was remarked that the only person who is able to understand levi completely is hanji? and this is where chapter 132 comes into play with this amazing analysis post that i’m sure we all read a thousand times and screamed over it
all this “ambiguity”, all this subtlety, all this subtext, all this wordplay, words that have more than one meaning, i believe are all indicators of one thing: us readers are not able to understand comple what levi wants to say and his words result ambiguous to us and not 100% clear, simply because the readers are not hanji. but fortunately, i believe that hanji understood that levi too wants to “stay in the forest”. this is not the reaction of someone who is confused by a sentence, this is the face of someone who finally had a realization:
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what kind of realization? it’s not up to us to know (tho we know *wink wink*), because we’re not hanji and we can’t understand what levi says.
plus, 心臓を捧げよ, “dedicate your heart”, can hold a million different meanings. 心臓 is heart, を is a particle that denotes the object, 捧げよ is the verb “to offer, dedicate, devote, sacrifice”, there are no adjectives that indicate possession as you can see; levi using his own left (not right) fist and placing it on hanji’s chest instead of just taking hanji’s hand and placing it on their chest is ambiguous too. i interpet it in different ways but the conclusion is one, and i can’t honestly see it in any other way. one of the interpretations i like the most is that levi is implying that they both share the same heart, which is why he used his own left hand, meaning that both of them are dedicating their hearts in that moment to humanity, because they are actively choosing to put their desires aside to live a peaceful life away from everything (as jean too has wished in chapter 127, as hanji has expressed in 126 but in 127 too and jean seems taken aback by their confession) since they’re soldiers and duty comes first.
so yeah if i have to choose something i love the most about levihan, it’s gotta be the subtlety and the ambiguity that at the end of the day, is absolutely not ambiguous at all. everything is expressed for a reason, if an author actively chooses ambiguity, in this specific case of a relationship, he intends the result not to be ambiguous. it sounds like a brain fart but i blame it on my inability to articulate my thoughts well, i hope what i want to say can be understood 😭 and in a way, this can be considered as an unpopular opinion i think?
meaning that i get that commonly someone might want an explicit declaration that leaves no room to doubt and I honestly wish for it too, but I don’t think it would be in character, and the ambiguity (if we can call it that, i’m calling it that just to avoid backlash and controversy jshfsjdjmd) in this case speaks enough volumes to me considering both of the characters we’re dealing with, the story as a whole, the interactions with other characters.
ALSO going back to their bond, i want to copypaste something i posted on twitter regarding chapter 126 and the blush: it doesn't make sense, character-wise, for Hanji to feel in any way embarassed around Levi. They have no filters whatsoever around each other. They are close, closer than anyone in the series, the author hasn't shown any embarassment between them. Back in Uprising, when Hanji was hesitant and wanted out, Levi was the one who encouraged them. So, this thing has in a way already happened, since back then they admitted to wanting to abandon responsibilities to Levi's face and didn't blush. So, in 126's context, it doesn't really make sense for Hanji to blush "only because they were embarassed at being caught wanting to run away". It happened once already and there was no blush. So yeah, the blush means something else. And that something else is definitely much, much, MUCH deeper than "embarassment". 🙌
since smartpass stories can absolutely be taken as part of the canon universe as they’re supervised and approved by isayama and published with the manga, i am adding the rain story as further proof of what kind of relationship they have. also levi being a 30 year old tsundere is adorable but movING ON
SO YEAH MY FINAL TWO CENTS ARE : i love everything about levihan and there isn’t a single thing i would change, because wanting aot to be a huge slice of life of them doing the most random things just to watch them interact doesnt count sjdjfjdjdjfjsmdm, my unpopular opinion is that i find the subtlety and the ambiguity KEY to doing justice to what they have because it’s none of us readers’ business because only they are able to understand each other and i fucking LOVE that, my headcanon is that they totally kissed once during the timeskip, maybe on the first anniversary of the battle of shiganshina, i see them not being able to sleep alone and finding comfort in each other and in a moment of weakness and vulnerability they kiss, but pretend it never happened because things are messy and they can’t afford to get involved because again, duty first, but the YEARNING™️ and the PINING™️ only intensifies after that, but they manage not to make things awkward and they are close as ever.
my GOD i rewrote the odyssey, sorry 😭
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b-else-writes · 4 years
the tiger shark and the sun
New chapter posted for my Star Wars/Avatar the Last Airbender-RebelCaptain fusion AU! Feat: Jyn calls Obi Wan an old fart, Jyn tells Luke and Leia to stop being melodramatic about becoming evil, dragons, and me ranting about the “evil sexy matriarchy” fantasy trope. 
Read on AO3 | Read from start
Pairings: Jyn/Cassian, minor Han/Leia and Baze/Chirrut, random minor background pairings
Rating: T
Summary: Star Wars/Avatar the Last Airbender fusion AU. The Fire Nation, under  Fire Lord Palpatine and Lord Vader, has been at War with the world for  the last twenty years. When Jyn Erso lands on his doorstep the day  Cassian, last southern waterbender, is assigned to protect the Avatar,  she seems just another obstacle in ending the War. An obstacle he would  willingly remove. For exiled firebender Jyn, the Avatar is her last way  home - and to her hostaged father, never mind her own conscience. But as  their paths keep crossing, and the Avatar needs all help in saving the  world, Jyn and Cassian find they are more alike than they ever thought  possible.
Snippet under the cut!
Jyn woke with a start, rapidly trying to figure out where she was. She was lying on a straw mattress in a stone room. The early morning light filtered in through a low window. On the ceiling were carvings of circling sky bisons.
Slowly, her memory returned. Jyn sat up, taking in the small room in Hynestia, the Western Air City. Cassian and Kay were nowhere in sight. He had removed her bracers and her boots sometime after she’d fallen asleep, and left then. But there was a dent on the mattress from where he’d been. She could still smell him – and his horrible lizard – and she gave herself a moment to imagine a world where someone like her…
She hastily shoved the thought aside. Another, more pressing concern than her unrequited feelings had emerged. She was supposed to teach. Jyn buckled on her bracers and slid her boots on quickly. She combed her fingers through her hair, repining the bun, and set about finding Enfys.
It took her a surprisingly short time to get around: the entire city seemed to have been developed and built for easy accessibility, with lifts, railings, and maps everywhere. Enfys, after she’d shown Jyn her room, had said she was going to the temple. Jyn found her and Luke curled up on the temple floor, fast asleep.
Jyn crouched and poked her. “Wake up!” she hissed.
Enfys groaned, red braids falling in her face. “Jyn, it’s only dawn…”
“Enfys, I need your help.” Luke made a noise but continued to snore. Jyn pursed her lips. “I’ll make you those wheat pancakes with dates and honey you love,” she said in her sweetest voice.
Enfys cracked one eye open. “We don’t have honey or dates.”
“I brought a jar as a peace offering,” she admitted. There was a pause. With a groan, Enfys extricated herself from Luke’s arms, pulling her cape on. Luke made a little grumble and rolled over. Jyn refrained from commenting as Enfys trailed after her to the central atrium. Enfys was perfectly liable to turn it right back on her.
As Jyn got the ingredients out from her satchel on the war balloon, Enfys asked, “So, what’s the issue?”
Swallowing her pride, “How did you teach the twins?”
There was another long pause. “You didn’t think this through at all, did you?” Enfys said, covering her mouth with her hand. Jyn glared. “I’m not laughing, I’m not!”
“I hate you,” Jyn said, swatting the date jar away from Enfys’ grip.
“No, you don’t,” Enfys said happily, dipping one finger in the honey jar and licking it. Jyn crouched to light the cookfire. It took a moment for the flame to appear on her fingertips. She frowned, but Enfys continued to speak, refocusing her attention. “Well, for me it was simple – I just followed how I was taught by my mother and aunts and elders. I already had a lesson plan ingrained in me.”
Jyn shook her head, feeling her pulse race, though it had been a decade since Master Jorus had backhanded her to perform better. “That…is not going to work.”
Enfys’ face clouded over. She stood from her perch and began to help Jyn, brushing her hands against hers. “Well, then, start simple. Like how to produce fire. And go from there. Basic punches and blocks, you do that a lot, don’t you?”
“They’re called fire fists.”
“My mistake,” Enfys said, her eyes sparkling with mirth, “Fire fists and fire kicks and fiery-ness and aallll that.”
Jyn bit back a smile, extending the plate with honey-drizzled wheat pancakes. “For her highness, the Queen of Mon Cala.”
Enfys immediately grabbed it, digging in with a moan of delight. “One of the few things from the Fire Nation worth saving,” she said, her mouth full of food.
“What’s the rest?”
“Don’t fish for compliments,” Enfys said easily, making Jyn grin. As Baze and Chirrut came in, Enfys added, “Just remember to be patient.”
“I am a beacon of patience.”
Enfys laughed. “I meant with yourself, Jyn. You’re doing something new and difficult. So be kind to yourself as you figure it out.”
She sighed, resting her head against her best friend’s shoulder. “And yet you won’t share your portion with me?” she asked, fighting down her own rising panic.
“You’re impossible,” Enfys laughed, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Now eat up for your first big lesson, Master Jyn.”
Jyn stretched and popped out her muscles. She, Luke, and Leia stood in a beautiful courtyard of cream and white clay and wood. She imagined it must have been a communal space when Hynestia had still housed Air Nomads. She didn’t like dwelling on that too long. She could still feel…something clinging to the place. Fire child, they whispered, stroking her face and hair, this is what your people did.
She would have preferred pure hatred, but she felt that was not their way. It would have been easier than guilt. Especially when she saw the sadness in Enfys’ eyes.
Jyn focused back on the twins. Both wore expressions of trepidation, Leia in particular throwing her suspicious looks. Jyn tried not to take it too personally. “Have either of you ever firebent before?”
They exchanged a look. “Once,” Luke said, shifting a little, “We… we burnt Cassian by accident.”
Multiple statements immediately became clear in Jyn’s head. She pushed aside her own empathy for Cassian – and her instinctive urge to get angry on his behalf. Cassian held no grudge about it. Patiently, she said, “Most firebenders accidentally burn themselves or others when they’re starting out as children. It’s…normal.
“Alright then, let’s see what fire you can produce,” she said, folding her hands behind her back. Keep patient. Don’t be like Master Jorus. Don’t be what the Air Nomads know you could be. The summer heat touched the scars on her arms.
Exchanging another uneasy glance, the twins sank into a low hot-squat, good form, and punched.
A puff of smoke came out.
“That’s it?” Leia glared. Jyn resisted the very powerful urge to groan. “Let me demonstrate,” she said. Her muscle memory was so honed that Jyn didn’t even need to think. She sank and punched, sleeves billowing.
She produced a tiny gasp of flame.
Leia began clapping. Jyn scowled. “Don’t patronize, you know what it’s supposed to look like,” she grumbled. Jyn punched again. She slid into various forms, again and again. Only wisps of flame. “What in the…”
“Maybe you were never as good as you thought you were,” Leia said, grinning slightly.
“Oh, you’re hilarious,” Jyn snapped, trying in vain to produce more flame.
“Maybe it’s the altitude?” Luke suggested, though he didn’t look convinced. Jyn stared at her hands. Her inner flame felt cold and dull in her chest, despite the sunlight pouring over her skin. Sól, give me power, she thought, but none came.
Her firebending was gone. Somewhere, she could feel Master Jorus laughing.
The group sat around the cookfire, eating and chatting. The summer days were long, Chirrut knew. He could still feel heat despite the dinner hour. Baze had passed him his bowl, their fingers brushing. He smiled, gripping Baze’s fingers momentarily and grounding them both.
He heard Jyn clear her throat to speak. “There’s…a problem. I’ve lost my firebending. Well, not lost…but it’s weaker now and I can’t figure it.”
Chirrut considered as he munched. Bending was inherently spiritual, something that many had now forgotten, preferring to use as a blunt instrument. Jyn had never struck him before as someone who wanted to look within herself.
“Maybe it’s because you changed sides,” Cassian spoke up. Chirrut’s seismic sense could feel Jyn immediately perk up and orient towards him. Oh, young love. “Your firebending used to come from anger and desperation. Now you have none.”
“So, what? We piss Erso off?” Han asked, poking Erso with his sword butt.
Jyn kicked him in the shin. “Cut that out! It’s not an option.”
“What you need is a new source,” Chirrut said. “And by that, I mean an old one. The original. For earthbending, the first earthbenders were the badgermoles. When I was young, I ran away and hid in a cave. A blind child was better off gone.”
He still remembered the pain and fear as he had fled Jedha’s orphanage, stumbling through the crowds of people out into the scorching, shifting ground he had learnt was sand. Finding his way into the Catacombs. Surrounding by the dead, as he imagined he would soon become.
The Spirits had other plans. There had been a great crunch of rock, and a soft, wet snout had nosed him. They had recognized him as one of their own. “The badgermoles are also born blind. I learnt earthbending as an extension of my senses. Earthbending is not a martial art – it is a way of interacting and moving through the world, and that is the form I taught Luke and Leia.”
The wonder he had felt as he began to feel the world expanding outwards beneath his palms and feet. The grubs and creatures that lurked beneath the desert sand. The hardy plants that nourished from the earth. The secret oases. The possibilities that had exploded to him. His only regret was that it was no help to non-benders and other benders, but Chirrut was nothing if not stubborn. He had tried to help them too, as a Guardian of the Whills.
“Firebending isn’t like that,” Jyn said quietly, standing up and pacing.
“But surely you must know who the original firebenders were,” Enfys said, “I learnt from my Tribe, but the first airbenders were the sky bison. That’s influenced our bending to use gliders to fly, to our culture!”
Jyn walked over to Chirrut. He felt the same turmoil of his childhood self, in her. “It won’t work. The first firebenders were the dragons, and they’re extinct. There’s no other way.”
Baze squeezed Jyn’s hand. “There is always another way.”
Jyn was silent for a moment. When she spoke, he felt the vibrations. There is something she is concealing. “We’re not far from the island of Dathomir. The witches of Dathomir were said to be the first to learn firebending from the Dragons. They were killed off thousands of years ago. You still hear stories, but there’s no proof their society still exists. We might find something. Otherwise…”
“Sometimes the shadows of the past can be felt by the present,” Chirrut said. Several of the group shifted uncomfortably.
“We don’t have much of a choice,” Luke said, “Han, can we borrow the Falcon?”
keep reading
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jaskiersvalley · 5 years
I just started following you the other day and I just wanted to say I’m in love with your stories! You’re writing is amazing and I’m obsessively reading all of your stuff
Welcome, Nonnie! I hope you enjoy your stay! It makes me so happy you’re enjoying the stories I post up here. Hopefully there’ll be many more for you to read in the coming months. And, to bring you something new, here’s a little something to say thank you for reaching out with such kind words.
Heart’s Home
It wasn’t often that Geralt spent a lot of time thinking about other people beyond what they had to offer him. But there was something that really bugged him about Jaskier. They had been travelling together for years now and there was just some things that didn’t add up. For one, Geralt didn’t know where he was from, a single name of ‘Jaskier’ didn’t give any indication of identity. However, he seemed educated, claimed to have studied at Oxenfurt, had a knack for talking himself into and out of situations, knew how to brawl like any commoner, and his fingers were as light as any commendable petty thief’s. In short, he made for a curious conundrum of contradictions.
There were other things about him that bothered Geralt. Whenever they met up, Jaskier always looked skinnier somehow, already road worn and ready to drop everything in the name of an adventure. He moaned worse than a whore when presented with a bed for the night but didn’t grumble in the slightest when they slept on the hard, cold ground in some woods or other. And as much as Jaskier seemed to love the sound of his voice, not once did he whine or pester when food wasn’t as filling or as frequent as hoped for. Rain, storms, sweltering heat, he bore it all, fussing over his lute not getting ruined even if he never seemed to have the right clothes for the weather. He was adorned in the finest robes which he took meticulous care of. But not once had Geralt seen him in something suitable for travelling. No, Jaskier was always dressed as though he was about to perform in the finest court and nothing less.
Other, smaller things wouldn’t have made Geralt think twice usually, but when it came to Jaskier, he began to pay more attention. Namely, on all his travels, Geralt hadn’t even heard of Countess de Stael. Admittedly, it wasn’t unusual, he didn’t meddle or revel in the affairs of humans but no matter who he asked, she seemed as elusive as a fart in a sieve.
He and Jaskier had been parted for a good month now, Geralt off on a contract too dangerous and boring for a bard to accompany him. So he’d left Jaskier in a tavern and set off early one morning, confident that they would cross paths again soon. Except, they didn’t. Geralt kept taking contracts, traversing the continent as The Path took him. If he added a few twists to it, trying to return to places he’d heard Jaskier sing about, that was nobody’s business.
As it always was, Geralt’s luck changed when he stopped looking for Jaskier. He had shuffled into an inn, hood up to protect against the snow, on his way to Kaer Morhen for the winter. It had set in early and was going to be a bitter one. As luck would have it, the tavern also happened to be the very one Jaskier was singing his heart out at. He looked more gaunt, his doublet was loose on him and Geralt frowned. Obviously the last month hadn’t been kind to Jaskier. It made Geralt think of all the times they’d spent together, coming back after a spell apart. Where he could press kisses to Jaskier’s collarbone and feel his ribs under his skin. It seemed their reunion was going to be akin to those once more. Gentle because Geralt worried about how fragile Jaskier had become without a soft layer of fat to keep him whole.
Quietly, Geralt settled in the darkest corner, content to just watch Jaskier perform. The patrons of the tavern weren’t most forthcoming with their coin even as Jaskier obviously put his whole self into the performance. It was a rarity, to watch Jaskier without the bard knowing Geralt was watching - those times he would add in extra winks or draw attention to the witcher as he sang ‘Toss A Coin’. What was good to note was the empty plate and the tankard by the lute’s case. Obviously Jaskier gotten a good meal in exchange of his performance.
The singing ended, there was a smattering of applause and Jaskier collected a measly load of coins for his efforts. Packing his lute away, he sidled up to the counter and Geralt watched him wave his coin purse, trying to sweet talk his way into something from the innkeeper. However, his efforts were wasted, a firm shake of head had Jaskier glancing towards the door of the inn with a worried frown. One more try but he was quickly refused. Geralt got to watch as Jaskier walked to the door, obviously steeled himself and stepped out into the blizzard without a cloak or anything else.
“What did the bard want?” Geralt asked the barkeeper as he returned his tankard.
“Cheeky sod wanted to pay less than half the going rate for a room. After he’d already gotten a cheap meal and drink in exchange for a place to play.
Curious. Geralt wondered why Jaskier would try such a ploy, he usually wasn’t one to try and cheat his way out of an honest fare. And Geralt knew that the prices of the tavern weren’t eye watering, he’d paid for a room himself. Intrigue got the better of him and, once against pulling his cloak up, Geralt stepped out into the blizzard. It was coming down hard now, no doubt by the morning it would be a white blanket covering the village.
Tracking Jaskier down wasn’t difficult, Geralt could follow the familiar footsteps in the snow and also follow the wafting scent. If he had been one for guessing, he would have thought that Jaskier was walking idly, taking turns at random. So engrossed in his determination to not guess, Geralt almost missed the fact that the trail stopped.
There, on the stoop of a pigsty, a figure was huddled down, obviously trying to stay out of the worst of the snow but a lute propped into the deepest recess left a doublet covered back exposed to the element. Quietly, Geralt approached, stepping over the fence to get to Jaskier. He laid a hand on the thin shoulder.
“Fuck off!” The snarled words were ferocious and met with a dagger pointing at Geralt. “Oh, it’s you!”
The words were so sunny, Jaskier seemingly changing in the blink of an eye to his usual happy self.
“What are you doing here?” Geralt asked, trying to figure out why Jaskier would be huddling on a pigsty’s stoop of all places. As if he had nowhere better to bed down for the night like some vagrant. The notion of that niggled at Geralt but he brushed it aside.
“I was just taking a nap! Been playing to a huge crowd of adoring fans this evening. My walk to my dear Carlita’s home is exhausting so I found a spot to rest before continuing to her stately home.” If Geralt hadn’t been at the inn, he would have even believed Jaskier. However, he’d seen the lacklustre crowd and couldn’t think of a single stately home in the area. Which meant Jaskier was lying to him. But why? Before he could ask, Jaskier was struggling to rise to his feet and making a show of stretching. “But, my darling witcher, if adventure calls, I shall let my beloved Carlita down and join you. It has been too long since we hit the road. Tell me, have you a bed at a tavern for the night?”
Allowing Jaskier to save face for now, Geralt only nodded and led the way back to the tavern they had left. The barkeep gave then a sneering look but didn’t say anything as witcher and bard walked up the stairs to the room they were now going to share. Getting ready for the night, Jaskier kept up a constant stream of chatter, detailing the last month and his great successes. However, Geralt wasn’t paying him much attention. Well, not his words at least. He could see things on Jaskier that were contradicting his great tales of banquets and standing ovations. The doublet he wore was getting a little threadbare, there were a few expertly hidden lines where tears had been mended. There was an air of weariness to Jaskier, as if he hadn’t been sleeping well of late and it compounded the visible weight loss. Even worse, there was no pack, no bag beyond a small satchel he’d deposited on the floor that couldn’t possibly contain more than maybe a single change of clothes which wouldn’t be thick enough to repel the cold of winter.
“I’m going to Kaer Morhen for the winter,” Geralt interrupted. “Where will you go?”
That brought Jaskier up short, his smile was still in place but it looked fragile.
“Are bards not welcome in Kaer Morhen? Am I not to adventure with you?” For the first time, Geralt smelled fear on Jaskier. And, like an intricate lock, all the pieces fell into place, the puzzle now a complete picture.
“You’re homeless.”
The scoff Jaskier sent his way was a worthy attempt at scorn but Geralt could see through it.
“You dare besmirch my good name?” Jaskier rallied, pulling himself up to his full height.
“I dare say the truth.” Because there was no doubt about it. No other explanation fit the evidence so well. They stared at each other, a silent game of waiting for the other to blink until Jaskier deflated.
“So, my plans for the winter weren’t as fruitful as hoped. Don’t suppose you could put in a good word for me at Kaer Morhen? I’ll sing for my keep and do whatever else I can.”
Defeat was not a good look on Jaskier. But before Geralt could promise such things, he needed the truth, from Jaskier himself rather than cobbled together assumptions and guesswork.
Haltingly, it all came out. Jaskier, or rather, Julian Alfred Pankratz, disowned son of the Viscount de Lettenhove ran away at the tender age of 17 to avoid an unfavourable marriage. Cut off from the family fortune, he made his way to Oxenfurt where, out of boredom and for lack of anything else to do, he sneaked into lectures. It was Valdo Marx who caught him and had him thrown out after 4 years of Jaskier doing that. He’d amassed enough knowledge in that time to be able to pass himself as a bard. And he had all the flourish of an Oxenfurt graduate so he told people he’d studied there. Technically, he had but not officially. Not that anyone ever bothered to check.
Jaskier learned the hard way about fighting, haggling, stealing. In order to keep up his appearances of a court bard, his money almost always went on clothes befitting someone of his assumed station. It left very little in the way of clothes to travel in, or a horse to help his journeys.
The Countess de Stael was someone he had made up. It made people see him as more desirable if it sounded like Jaskier was going to return to the court of some noblewoman, the pay was increased to entice him to stay. Meeting Geralt had been a stroke of luck, the witcher capable of feeding two on travels and was always prepared to share a bed for the night. Not that Jaskier was trying to use him, he had tried to pay for his fair share whenever he could. But coin was sparse. The times Geralt left him, Jaskier wandered aimlessly from town to town, trying to earn enough coin to survive. Sometimes, for the winter, a nobelman would take him in and Jaskier could sing and work in the kitchen in exchange for a room.
“No noble wanted you?” Geralt asked, not mincing his words.
“Not this year,” Jaskier admitted and silence stretched between them. They both knew that it was likely Jaskier wouldn’t survive the harsh winter without a benefactor. Crowds were less generous with their coin during winters, saving everything they could in case the cold months stretched out. And Jaskier, without an income, would have slept on the streets, getting ill which meant no playing and no coin. It was a rapid downward spiral that didn’t have a happy ending.
“Kaer Morhen will welcome you, on one condition.” Geralt held up a hand to keep Jaskier’s grateful enthusiasm in check. “You must promise me that you’ll repay their hospitality by keeping me company on The Path.”
It wasn’t payment as such, they both knew it. Geralt was giving Jaskier a permanent source of security. It probably wasn’t much but it was more than he had before.
Graciously nodding, Jaskier smiled as he settled across Geralt’s lap, basking in the heat the witcher exuded.
“I think I can be your barker, it seems like a fair price.” He leaned in for a kiss and, once again, it felt like coming home but for good this time.
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fabulaee · 3 years
// A 🐺 fic based on my Stay journey’s aesthetics which was a coffee shop au bc they remind me of those times when I used to go to the café to draw and would see fellow regulars but unlike y/n and Chan, I never interact with them. We all just share a table 😂😂😂
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Monday. Wednesday. Friday
That was the set schedule for your coffee run. MWF from 9 am to 10, then coming back with your study supplies from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. It was routine; the small college café a safe haven from the slight messy floor of your dorm and the formal vibe of the library. Here you were focused and at peace of mind. The aroma of the coffee beans and soft sounds of the coffeeshop’s playlist serving as background noise.
There wasn’t much students at this time of the day compared to the much later prime of the evenings. The café then filled with college youths grabbing a drink after a long day’s worth of lectures and test reminders or staying to cram a night’s worth of information. There was something about cafés that seemed inviting and less suffocating yet at the same time a place where you can find the nursing students with their big thick books opened with streaks of neon yellow running across them.
“Vanilla Bean Cold Brew for y/n!”
Standing up, you went to grab your drink leaving behind the pastel rainbow set of highlighters and gel pens on top of your notes. You quickly thanked the barista as he handed you a straw before plopping back down on your seat continuing where you last went off. Something about the history of impressionistic art. You sighed as you lifted your eyes across the room, it was currently 2:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. A good time to take a break before your mind starts to commit brain fart.
Chris Bang. Affectionally called Bang Chan by his friends. Music major with golden hands, a good candidate for the honor roll, member of the varsity swim team, and resident social butterfly. An all rounder any college is proud to have.
You heard about him once or twice from your common friend, Yang Hongseok. They met at the gym apparently and became quick friends through the Japanese exchange student, Adachi Yuto, and their shared love for fitness.
You see him sit at the same spot everyday since the middle of sophomore year. His laptop with the cute decal of Deadpool open and his AirPods snugly tucked in his ears. He's always has his blonde head bopping to a song he's playing on either his phone or his laptop. Always seemed so engrossed in this little world he made for himself across the room, ignorant to the bustling crowd of students that come and go.
He looks up catching you off guard. His lips curled slightly upwards, chuckling to himself as he watches your cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. Great, he must think I'm a weirdo!
With a quick exchange of nods you both went back to doing your own thing. Just a regular day at the coffee shop.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
It's the Friday following Monday's slightly embarrassing incident. You looked up to find the same Chris Bang, laptop in hand, smiling at you like a friendly yet lost puppy. Warm brown orbs looking back at yours.
“My laptop's about to die and this is the only table with an outlet.” He explains himself, a tiny awkward giggle making up as the period.
“O-oh, of course!” You stuttered, hastily making room for him despite the large space as you swiped for the stray pastel highlighters and napkins closer. “No one's sitting here so go ahead.”
He whispered a small thanks before setting down his laptop to grab his bag from his usual spot while you went back to your notes. It was silent for awhile, only the sounds of pen against paper and the soft tick tack of the keys. At some point you hit a mind block, eyes glazing in boredom as you stared at the blank space of your notebook. You felt your table mate leave his stationary position too. he stretched in his seat before turning his attention to you.
Sensing his sudden gaze on you, you flashed him a small smile. You were never one to start a conversation, often keeping to yourself and minding your own business. A bit of a complete opposite towards the friendly Australian who somehow knows at least three students from each program.
He smiles back at you showing off his cute dimples and an outstretched hand. “Hey, I'm Chan. I never caught your name.”
Again with the cute giggle. It seems to be like a signature to him but it's cute still the same. You grasped his hand giving it a soft shake. “Y/n,” you answered curtly.
The following days you find yourself hanging around Chan more. Afternoon study sessions were no longer a date between you and the textbook or the small watercolor set you laid out on the table. Chan was there to fill the space making the long table that was a party of one to a party of two and maybe some on certain busy hours but mostly it was the both of you in your own tiny world.
You got to know him, his likes and dislikes. His major and passion for music, sometimes slipping in a few complaints about certain homework here and there; What else he likes to do. Apparently mr. Chris Bang was gifted in so many areas you often wondered what good he must've done in his previous life to be this gifted. Not only was he a jack of all trades, he's also the master of all.
You even had a small debate between Deadpool and Spider-Man. God, he's such a nerd it's adorable!
In return he knew these things about you. How you're taking up art as your major hoping to make it out as an illustrator one day—
“it would be so cool if you drew a variant cover for Deadpool!”
“Ha! We'll see about that, Chris Reynolds.”
He knows how you like to collect stickers and are quite passionate about making sure your notes are beautiful. He knows how you loved your drinks iced despite it being the middle of winter.
“Isn’t the weather too cold for that?” He’d ask with a quirk of his brow, amused brown eyes glancing at the iced hazelnut latte you have in your hands.
“Nope!” you replied, taking a sip as you did so. “It’s always the perfect weather for an iced coffee, Bang.”
He only chuckled at that.
It hit you like a freight train. You didn’t mean to fall for him. It wasn’t supposed to happen. You and Chan? No way, it was just supposed to be just friends. The kind where you hang out and have fun, no feelings attached. He was just supposed to be that regular from the café, right?
That was the plan, right?
But you can’t deny the small flutters from your heart much like those newly emerged butterflies. How you can feel that giddy feeling of excitement when you spot his mop of chocolate curly locks outside the café’s window. How you mirror his smile when you get together to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Bang Chan in all his cute dimpled glory, soft curls and hearty giggles was just too much to adore.
Yet it wasn’t that what pulled you in to the Music major. You felt love blossom when you both stayed up late, when the café was quiet after a busy day. The only people around being a couple medical students, some late night goers, and the employees. You felt the tiny flower buds start to bloom when he stayed with you then; keeping you company under the dimly warm fluorescent lights, laptop tucked away and a hand playing with yours.
You felt it bloom when you cuddled on the booth’s sofa one rainy November day. He scoots over next to you when he saw you shiver from the corner of his eyes. He’s naturally warm —you’d often tease him how he made the room hot. Why? well it’s because he’s from Australia! which earned the loud chorus of laughter from his friends and Chan’s ears turning into the color of the fire hydrant.
“Babygirl, you’re shivering.” He mutters as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you gently towards him. You accepted the subtle invitation, sides sticking together as you both went through forgotten notes and half finished coffees.
You felt it when you caught yourself staring at him a little longer than intended. Eyes drifting from Jisung’s expressive face to glance at the older one. You watched him look at the former with such adoration in his eyes; how he looked like a proud dad. You watched him nod along and laugh to Jisung’s animated story about how he and Hyunjin would fight back in the day, a fact that still seemed to shock you seeing how they are the best of friends.
Your eyes would linger on him while he worked on his music; focused and determined, hiding the exhaustion and sleepless nights prominent on the dark circles under his eyes. He was handsome even if he looked like shit. Hell, he was handsome even when he sported the infamous broccoli colored hair. You’d find yourself in a trance, like it was a dream. The world didn’t matter as much anymore when it was only you and Chan in the small dimly table, surrounded by the aroma of coffee beans at the small quaint cafe at the corner of the street.
You loved him. You loved him in the most beautiful of ways; you loved him in the most perfect highs and in all those crevices full of flaws.
You loved him in those bright moments, when the lights were shining on him during a 3RACHA gig. How they made him more beautiful, how they made him stand out from the 2 younger members. You loved watching him do what he loves; how he immersed himself in a world that was different from yours. How his version of colors and dried paint were beats and melodies, rhythm and tempos.
You loved him in the lowest moments; when the tide was high enough to cover you. You loved how you fit perfectly in his arms, how he became a shoulder to lean on when you felt the world was against you and you to him. When he would open up to you about his worst fears and his grandiose ambitions; when he spilled his heart out at the underlaying insecurity that’s been biting him due to his perfectionist attitude. You became his confidante; the one he can trust his heart to.
You loved him in the times he was vulnerable. You loved him when he would bask in glory and shining lights. You loved him like those cheesy lines in love songs. You loved him like how the tides would look at the moon in awe and yearning; gravitating with every push and pull.
You loved him in ways words can never describe. How the seeds he planted in your heart bloomed to the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.
You love him simply because he’s Chan.
You promised yourself you’d be just friends. It was safer that way but then again, what is love when she’s not one without twists and turns?
What is love when she comes to you, sneaky and sly like a weed disguised as a flower, whispering into your ear that it’s him.
It’s him, it’s him, it’s him.
It was always him, it just took you some time to figure that out.
When you first met Chan, he was simply a friend of a friend. Someone you knew because your brothers are his friends. He was the guy you’d hear about in passing, the popular cool guy with a heart bigger than a massive sized teddy bear and a smile that could cure the most depressing of days. Someone who, in probability, would just be an acquaintance to you.
He was that guy you regularly saw at the coffee shop you visited every week. He was just some guy from the music department who would flash you a friendly smile because you were a familiar face.
Funny how fate made him more than what you originally expected him to be.
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