#i am so tired and so soggy
strawberri-syrup · 1 year
can my boss PLEASE check his EMAIL for the love of all that is HOLY
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saetoshis · 1 year
thinking about noel noa and how when he fucks you from behind, he’s so tall that he can just curl over you and kiss you - or even lean down to your ear to tell you just how much he loves your pussy as he fucks into you hard enough to shake the bed
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paranormalglass · 3 months
doing schoolwork is so rude i am meant to live in a forest and be gorgeous
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cemeterygore · 6 months
i have like two physical stims and ten thousand vocal stims and my girlfriend is sick of this really. hates to see autistic boys winning
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
I tried to eat my first meal of the day but it was all gross because I cooked it wrong and I kept burning myself and idk if I can eat it. It's kind of starting to feel really not worth it
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mychemikuromance · 11 months
I don't quite feel like a person today (but in thinking that I only repeat "I'm just a Muppet of a man" in my head)
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need to start a collection of emotions expressed through bag metaphors. ie plastic bag drifting through the wind, wet paper bag, etc......
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sapsolais · 11 months
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levitiquee · 7 months
All that's left.
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“I know you’re there.”
Levi called out, startling you. You’ve been watching him from the side of the wreck, watching as the ghosts of your comrades appeared for one last time, one last salute. One last declaration of all they dedicated. One last goodbye.
And when Hange gave you a nod, you nodded back.
You two are all that's left.
You stayed out of his sight even after they disappeared, giving him the privacy to mourn. God knows he needed it. You didn’t think he had noticed your presence, but then again, who were you trying to fool? His extraordinary instincts were never to be underestimated.
Sighing, you pushed yourself to stand straight and stumbled forward. He glanced at you with the side of his eye. Ever resilient, ever strong, the cracks were so slight, just barely there. But you knew. You could always tell.
“Hi.” You mumbled. He stared at you as you dragged yourself in front of him, slightly limping.
“Nice of you to make it out alive.” He said.
“Who would’ve thought?” You shrugged.
“You made an ugly titan by the way.”
“I’m sure you would’ve looked charming.”
You smiled. The conversation was so unbelievably normal. Here, in the wreckage of everything, all the corpses, smoke, blood and ruins, here you were, back to how it always was. It almost felt surreal. Almost as if you concentrated hard enough, all of it would go away and you’d find you and him back in the soggy cafeteria of the scout headquarters, back to bantering with him and arguing about silly little things that don't really deserve arguments but it’s you and Levi so of course it’d end up an argument.
You felt so old suddenly.
How come you ended up here? In this way?
And Levi looked so tired, you could cry. Hasn’t he given enough? Doesn’t he get to rest now?
“Does that..” You glanced down at his leg, the one he had spread out in front of him. It was clear it was beyond repair. The fabric of his pants were torn at the knee, from where it was crushed between the titan’s jaw, a bloody, mangled mess. “Does that hurt?”
“Not really, no.” His eyes went to where yours were. “Numbed down a while ago. Can’t feel shit really.”
You sighed. "Not very humanity's strongest anymore, huh?"
Levi raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" He said. "Careful, I could still kick your ass."
"I'm sure."
You grinned. Then went ahead and dropped yourself beside him. He frowned.
“Shouldn’t we be getting up now?” He said. “Why are you getting all comfortable?”
“Why not?” You muttered, pulling your legs upto your chest, hugging them. “What’s it matter what we do or not? Armin’s the hot shit now, let him deal with shit.”
He didn’t answer, but he made no attempt to get up either. If anything, he looked more relaxed. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to spend the rest of your life here. After all, you were so tired, and you were sure he was too. This was as good as anywhere else would be.
Because there’s no home to return to anymore.
“Do you think there’s anything left of Hange to bury?” He suddenly said.
You shuddered. What do you answer to that?
And your head pounded so hard, you couldn’t really think. Far away, you could hear someone yelling at another someone, but you couldn’t bother to pay attention to the words. Armin and the others would figure something out surely.
You were exhausted.
“Say, Levi.” You said tiredly, nudging him slightly.
“Wanna get married?”
Levi almost choked, he was suddenly all uptight, stiff as a board as he looked at you with wide eyes.
“What the fuck?” He asked, scowling. “Are you seriously gonna make jokes here? Here?”
“Not joking.”
You lifted up your head, tilting it to look at him. It was hard to tell whether he was annoyed or flustered. You’re not sure where the sudden boldness came from, but this is as good a time as any. Might as well. “You’re right. It’s a bad time to make jokes. So I’m dead serious.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am.” You nodded, turning your expression very serious.
“You’re weird as fuck.” He sputtered out after a few attempts to speak. The tips of his ears were red, red as it always was whenever you used to jokingly suggest that he should date you. Except you weren’t really joking anymore. You haven’t been joking for a long, long time.
“I mean..” You closed your eyes. You were too tired to even feel embarrassed. “We’re the only ones left. Me and you. You’re all I have left, Levi. So, why not?”
He stared at you for a few seconds, gaping. Then he started shaking his head. “You’re insane.” He finally said.
“You’re just realizing that?”
“No.” He muttered. “You’re insane. And it’s rubbing off on me.”
He turned to you, peering at you with one good eye, pondering. And finally, he made up his mind.
“You’re insane. And I’m no fucking different.” He sighed. “I must’ve hit my head pretty damn hard because I’m actually considering this shit.”
You grinned. “Go on, say it. You like me.”
“Wrong. I tolerate you.”
“Good enough. You don’t tolerate a lot of people, so I’ll take it as I'm special.”
He sighed, turning away, hoping that’s enough to hide his heart from you. You were special to him, always. But you didn’t need to know that. He didn’t want you to know that. He didn’t know how to let you know that.
“Can you believe us?” He scoffed. “We’re practically sitting in a graveyard. Half the world’s ruined but then there’s us.”
“That’s fine. Let’s keep being us. The world can go fuck itself. Meanwhile, we can—”
“Do not finish that sentence.” He glared.
You stopped, a laugh breaking through. And you laughed so hard your stomach ached and there were tears lining in your eyes. And even Levi smiled, just the slightest, barely. A subtle quirk of his mouth.
“We’re insane.” You admitted. With that, you stood up, stumbling a little before you found your balance. You reached out your hand to Levi, who took it without question.
“Come on, Lev.” You pulled him up, letting him wrap an arm around you to brace himself. “Let’s go home.”
You were right, Levi thinks as he limps with you, letting you support him. It was nice to finally let himself lean on someone.
You two are the only ones left.
You’re all he has now.
The world has taken enough from him. He’s so tired of letting go.
And he’d be damned if he let you go too.
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churipu · 2 months
hii i hope ur midterms r going well !! ive binge read so many of ur work n js wanted to say theyre so amazing (´꒳`) i wanted a request for toji + any other character of ur choice x reader who stays up late n has difficulty sleeping (fluff),, thank u !! 🤍
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────── 𝕴 . featuring. toji fushiguro x reader
────── 𝕴 . warnings. cursing, and mentions of toji being soft, i love him.
note. hi nonnie! thank you so much, you're too nice to me, and yes, my midterms went well! it's been so long since i've done the requests in my inbox, which is the sole reason to why i have closed my ask box so i could finish them all! although, the next time i open them, i won't accept requests for a bit. sorry for those who have visited my inbox and have waited for a long time for your piece to be done. // anyways, new theme = new layout!
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"why aren't you in bed?"
toji's voice came out hoarse — he cleared his throat and approached you, sitting himself on the couch despite his heart caressing his ears, pleading for him to go back inside the bedroom and just lay back down on the bed.
the cotton surface of the couch dipped just as he practically threw himself down on it, holding back a loud yawn. you raised a brow, shoving the spoonful of cereal you mixed with milk five minutes ago, just before toji emerged from your shared room.
small yellow chips of cereal that had grown soggy, seeping in the white tasteless liquid dispersed into a mush inside your mouth. they weren't even solid as they're supposed to be, "can't sleep, you?"
"you weren't there."
old habits die hard. that's how the saying goes, and you undeniably agreed to that. the night is an old friend to you, never did your eyelids felt heavy when you were supposed to be in bed, asleep. it's not healthy, you're killing yourself doing this.
"you're such a baby," you mutter out, staring into space, feeling your eyes slowly dissociate — jaw moving in a slow motion, biting into wet and mush before you swallow them.
"y/n, it's three am, y' can't keep doing this stuff," toji scratches his nape, leaning his head back onto the couch rest.
despite your eyes staring into nothing, you could hear his words pretty well. in fact, toji had repeated the same words countless of times that you found yourself engraving it into your mind, "i know, i can't sleep. i know it's not healthy, if i could stop it, i would."
"you're scooping nothing, y/n."
this time, his statement pulled you back into reality. looking down to see that you were indeed scooping no soggy cereal chip, nor a drop of milk onto your spoon. chuckling out lightly, you stood up and sauntered over to the kitchen, dumping what was left of your cereal pieces into the sink.
"you should go to bed," you tell him, wiping your wet hands onto your shirt — crumpling up the fabric to soak them in the access waterdrops lacing your fingers, "'ts late."
toji scoffs lightly, "shouldn't i be saying that shit to you?"
no mistakes there. you emitted out a soft sigh, "i'm fine, i'll be back in bed in a few . . ." toji raises a brow skeptically. he never forgot the last time you said that, he woke up alone on the bed — and you were wide awake on the couch, watching the morning news.
"hell no. it's two of us or nobody goes back to bed, 'm not kidding." he mutters out, not realizing how harsh his voice came out as.
brows furrowed deeply, he looks at you. your disheveled (h/c) hair going all point in a compass points, the visible dark shade of exhaustion coloring under your eyes — and the light creases on the corner of your beautiful, tired eyes.
"can you not?" you mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose; honestly, you can't blame him at all, he's just a worried boyfriend and you were being stubborn.
"can i not what? worry about my own—" he stops mid sentence and shakes his head. toji was never a man of words, he doesn't express his affection to you through words. he's had moments, not a lot, but he's had them.
toji's a man of actions. he thinks that words mean nothing, which you knew, "'m tired, but i can't sleep, okay? i'll just hang out here a few more minutes and i'll come back to bed. you don't have to stay awake just because 'm awake."
"just shut up."
you stare at him, surprised. parting your lips, you try to speak again but toji beats you to it.
"can't i worry about you or something? you're my partner," he said, his then exhausted eyes now fully refreshed. a tinge of frustration coloring his greenish iris.
your eyes darted around for a bit, searching for words to spout out as a reply, "you don't have to worry about me, 'm fine. i promise. so, can you please just go to bed and stop worrying about me?"
"fuck that," he stands up, with heavy footsteps he darted towards you.
his figure grew in your view as he closes the distance between you and him. with a quick motion, he threw you over his shoulder, letting you dangle over his shoulder. at this point, you were too exhausted to even move a limb so you just laid there, not having the cell to even open your mouth.
toji walks over to the bedroom and he sat you down gently on the bed. on most occasions, he would throw you onto the bed playfully — but this was serious. he's pissed, and you're pissed.
you crane your neck upwards, face scrunching into one of annoyance, "i just told you that i can't—"
shaking your head, you said, "i can't, i've tried."
his finger brushed over your hair, smoothing them back down. he didn't reply to you. frankly, he finds it hard to be in the current position — as a kid, he was taught to never show his weakness. he grew up in a household full of so much hate that he forgot what love is.
here you were. vulnerable, in a weak state that toji has seen a lot before throughout your relationship. if this was anyone else, toji swore he'd tell them to suck it up because life isn't always what they think it ought to be.
but this isn't anyone else, it's you. y/n. the only person toji has showed his own vulnerable sides to — it's like a punch to his gut when he saw a bit of his younger self in you. he had nobody, and nobody had him.
it's different this time, it's not about him anymore. it's about you. you had him, and he had you.
toji inhaled sharply, his large hands slipping underneath your pits as he gently pushes you up. your feet dangled as he then pulled you into him, his right hand traveled onto the hollow of your back — and his left hand prepped your legs around his torso.
you felt like a child, "what're you doing?"
"shut up," he mutters out into the crook of your neck, "just try to get some sleep."
he pressed his lips onto your skin tenderly, making you shudder at the sudden contact — but you liked it. toji didn't stop, with an arm around your waist, and another under your thighs, he held you close to him.
warm and shallow breaths blew onto your skin like warm lights, it didn't tickle, you bury your head into the crook of his neck. copying his actions, "'m sorry."
toji grunted, "for?"
"just . . . everything," you murmur out.
his grip around your waist tightened, "'ts not somethin' to be sorry of, you can't control it. so just try and get some sleep," he muttered out, rocking side to side gently.
a faint smile appeared on your lips as you pulled your head back slightly, "you're too nice to me."
"don't get used to it," toji rolled his eyes.
"i love you too," you planted a kiss onto his lips briefly before returning your head into the crook of his neck, letting him lull you to sleep for the night.
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paranormalglass · 3 months
so. muhc school work to do. i have no enegery
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The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - A Songfic
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Pairing: None 
Rating: General, although my blog is, as always, 18+ only 
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: angst, breakups, mentions of Teresa x Patrick Jane
Summary: I am a visitor here. I am not permanent. 
A/N: @whatsnewalycat said that The District Sleeps Alone Tonight by the Postal Service was a Marcus Pike song and then I listened to it during a thunderstorm and imagined a whole scene based on it. I’m not sure whether or not to call this a songfic, but there are several direct quotations from the lyrics and the “plot” of this follows the song pretty closely.  For best results, listen to this song while you read. The lyrics are posted at the end of the fic <3
A lone figure cuts through the wet fog, his collar turned up and shoulders hunched forward in a futile attempt to ward off the elements. The faded leather jacket may have been sufficient enough for even the coldest winter days in Austin, but against the drizzle and wind in this new climate, it only succeeds at keeping him dry. Mostly. The notion that he may not be as well-prepared as he had originally thought himself to be grates on him, shame niggling at the back of his spine at the realization that he doesn’t even know where to go to purchase a winter coat.
A gust of wind sends thousands of miniscule, stinging droplets of water into his face, making him grimace, and Marcus wonders to himself how it could possibly still be raining with temperatures so close to freezing.
It seems as though he’s stopped at every street crossing, because of course he is, and he squints against the endless line of headlights and brake lights extending in either direction, blurring and distorting in the soggy weather, as he waits for the traffic lights to turn.
It gets dark so early here.
His phone buzzes against fingers shoved in his pockets, and he fishes it out to read the text message that flashes on the screen.
Sorry, I think you might still have my spare key? If so can you mail it back? Thx.
The cavity of his chest feels empty and raw as his vision seems to darken around the words, twisting and warping them much like the rain and the headlights. Marcus pockets the phone again without responding and stares blankly at the ground. He thinks about the endless, pitch-black tunnels stretching out in every direction beneath him, wondering how many feet of asphalt and concrete there are between the bottoms of his feet and the top of the cavernous expanse of the DC underground. He imagines the sidewalk crumbling, sending him down into the unknown depths.
In reality, he takes the escalator across the street.
The station is buzzing with life–as it always seems to be, no matter the hour–and Marcus watches vibrant humanity swirl around him. Two teenagers sharing the same pair of headphones. A tired-looking mother with two young children. A woman in a business suit, eyes glued to her phone. A disheveled old man, smelling of booze, that everyone subconsciously steps around without even a look in his direction. 
Marcus fishes in his pocket for his metro card, his fingers bumping against the badge he had immediately unclipped from his lapel upon leaving work–the one that spells out a single word with big block letters, just another indignity upon all of the other indignities he’s suffered this week.
When he had asked why his regular badge–the one he’s clipped on his lapel every morning for over a decade–wasn’t sufficient, the bored door attendant tried to explain about building access being tied to his network credentials, which were tied to something called “Active Directory,” and it couldn’t be done right now because they were experiencing downtime after a backup server failed, and Marcus didn’t really understand what any of this meant or why this hadn’t all been set up beforehand, but there was hardly a point in trying to get answers to his questions because none of it would speed up the activation of his new credentials, nor the delivery of his new laptop, which wasn’t arriving until Monday.
None of this was done with malicious intent, of course; nor is he the only new employee affected, going by the line of badged Agents standing in line every morning this week to get the day’s temporary access, but Marcus still feels like a marked man. Separate. Apart. Singled-out. 
I am a visitor here. I am not permanent. 
It only compounds upon that same feeling inside of him: that feeling that he’s on some sort of strange vacation, and that soon he’ll be able to return home. Home. To his little duplex in Austin, where he shared one wall with Mrs. Ruth Galloway, the eighty-five year-old widow he had a cup of tea with every Sunday at two pm. To the city he knows, the field office where he’d spent most of his career, with familiar rooms and familiar faces… where she walks through the familiar halls. With him. 
Marcus swallows thickly, shoving the painful lump down into his stomach. 
No, he can’t go home.
The spacious condo certainly doesn’t feel like home when he opens the door to find the large living room dark and cold and foreboding, although that’s probably mostly his fault–the walls are still lined with moving boxes, most of them still half-full with his belongings, messy and unkempt after rummaging through them to find the essentials and leaving the rest.
When he had toured the building, two weeks before the move, the large residence felt full of dreams, of possibilities, rather than empty and sterile. Marcus remembers going from room to room, his head filled with images of an idealistic future: a king-sized bed, his and hers towels in the pristine bathroom, a bookshelf large enough to fit all of their books in the first spare room, and, in the second spare room… a crib. 
Now, they’re just two empty rooms. 
The fridge is empty too, Marcus suddenly remembers, having not had a chance to find a grocery store yet. He’s been living out of takeaway containers, not even bothering to open the box of dishes and silverware. He takes out two styrofoam boxes–one half-filled with leftover Pad Thai, the other with chicken Tikka Masala, and dumps them side-by-side into the same container with a half-grimace.
Beats going back out into the weather.
There are two beers left in a six-pack bought three days ago, so he opens one and takes a long sip while the microwave heats his food. He thumbs through the mail he left on the kitchen counter absentmindedly, finding mostly junk advertisements and coupons, but a takeout menu for a Sushi restaurant catches his eye. As he sets it on top of several other menus he’d accumulated over the last couple of days, the microwave beeps, alerting him to the fact that his dinner is ready. 
Marcus sits at the kitchen table and flicks on the TV in the living room, setting the channel to some random rerun of a syndicated sitcom that he doesn’t recognize, mostly for background noise. He pulls a somewhat-soggy copy of the Washington Post he snagged from the breakroom from his messenger bag and flips through the pages without really reading any of the headlines until he finds the crossword. He halfheartedly fills out the clues as he eats, the canned laugh track from the show filtering in and out of his awareness. The clue ‘strips in geography class (6 letters)’ finally causes him to rub at his temples, setting down the pen as he rises to his feet to toss the empty container and bottle in the trash. 
The other beer is popped open, and Marcus settles down on the couch, flipping through channels. He pauses briefly on a black and white film–Roman Holiday, he recognizes after a minute or two of watching–but when Ann and Joe kiss on the riverbank, he quickly switches to a basketball game instead. Keeping the volume low, he lets his mind wander as he blankly watches the teams run back and forth on the court, not all that interested in the score. 
He needs to buy food. He needs to find somewhere he can get a winter coat. He needs to find a post office, he suddenly remembers, thinking of the text message from earlier. He checks the time–late, probably too late. Wait, no–it’s two hours earlier in Austin. Two beers is hardly enough to even feel the alcohol, but apparently it’s enough to dull his sense of judgment, because he finds himself pulling out his phone. The call goes straight to voicemail, and he tries not to think about the possibility that she’s screening her calls because of him.
“Hi, uh… Hi. I’m sure you’re busy, but I got your message earlier about the key, and… I think I do have one, yeah, but I’m not sure… where, exactly. I’m still in the process of unpacking, got a couple more boxes to go through,” Marcus says, looking at the large pile of boxes in front of him and knowing he’s got many more throughout the house. “I’ll make it a priority to find it and send it off this weekend.
“It’s really nice here,” he continues, seemingly not able to stop the flow of words once they’ve started. “There’s a Thai place down the street that you’d like, but the spring rolls are so-so. Not like that one place we found in Ridgetop, remember that one?” Marcus chuckles softly to himself, hardly recognizing the sound of his own laughter, and it sends a pang down into his chest. “I–” he stutters, blinking rapidly. “I know things weren’t perfect between us. The–the timing wasn’t right, and there were a lot of… of uh, obstacles in our way, but I’ve been doing–” he huffs humorlessly, “–a lot of thinking over the past couple of days, and I think I understand now. I saw a life that I wanted, and… I pushed for it. I pushed too hard, without–without thinking about how you felt about it, about whether you were ready, whether you even wanted a life with me. You were… you were trying to tell me, that whole time… and I didn’t listen. But I… I think I finally see it–why I was the one worth leaving. It was never going to be me, it couldn’t have been. I ignored all the signs that I was pushing too hard, not listening, pressuring you…” He takes a shaky breath, and lets it out slowly. “I’m sorry. You were right to leave. I–I wish you the best, Teresa.”
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
The Postal Service
Smeared black ink
Your palms are sweaty
And I'm barely listening
To last demands
I'm staring at the asphalt wondering
What's buried underneath
I'll wear my badge
A vinyl sticker with big block letters
Adhering to my chest
That tells your new friends
I am a visitor here, I am not permanent
And the only thing
Keeping me dry is
You seem so out of context
In this gaudy apartment complex
(Where I am) A stranger with your door key
Explaining that I'm just visiting
(Where I am) And I am finally seeing
Why I was the one worth leaving
Why I was the one worth leaving
D.C. sleeps alone tonight
You seem so out of context
In this gaudy apartment complex
(Where I am) A stranger with your door key
Explaining that I'm just visiting
(Where I am) And I am finally seeing
Why I was the one worth leaving
Why I was the one worth leaving
The district sleeps alone tonight
After the bars turn out their lights
(Where I am) And send the autos swerving
Into the loneliest evening
(Where I am) And I am finally seeing
Why I was the one worth leaving
Why I was the one worth leaving
Why I was the one worth leaving
Why I was the one worth leaving
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undyingghoul · 4 months
Valentine's Ghoul/Ghoulette Headcanons
Hey, look, content! I am so tired and cannot think at all but I am doing this anyway. happy early valentine's day you guys, i hope it's good for you all <3 ~~~~~~~~~ Dewdrop- He won't let anyone know he enjoys it, not even his dear valentine. He's secretly very into the holiday but lucifer forbid he let it show in an obvious way. Flowers? Nah, he'll give you a nice bouquet of nothing. Chocolates? Overrated, overdone. He hisses at even the thought of giving them to his valentine. There will be a nice card though, entirely handmade. He'll also make a coupon booklet... Except it's not entirely hugs and kisses, if you catch that drift, but those are included for the sake of fluff and wholesome purposes. He's a sucker for that secretly too. He won't do a fancy smancy dinner, but rather get a takeout dinner of your choice (he'll ignore Swiss puppy dog eyeing it and whining for some from the kitchen entirely by the way). Overall, he has his own special way of celebrating, but he still makes an effort for it to be as perfect as possible.
Mountain- Flowers. Right off the bat. The minute he sees his valentine? A nice bouquet of flowers tailored just for them in a fancy vase. He'd also get you a small basket filled with your favorite snacks, drinks, small items, and a card. Mountain is very traditional when it comes to this holiday but he wouldn't have it any other way. He'd spend the entire day by their side, doing what they want when they want, how they want. He'd end the day with a nice candlelit dinner in the greenhouse with your chosen dinner he cooked just for his valentine. And of course some snuggles and cuddles. That is a must you know.
Rain: The lake is the hit spot for Valentine's day. Rain planned out an entire day at the lake, getting Dew in on the fun by helping keep things warm if it gets too cold. Dew agreed to help because he knew how much Rain was worried about this day. He wanted to help Rain have it be as smooth as possible. Rain also may or may not have gotten help from Mountain in decorating the lake with pretty plants. And the picnic on the dock was just amazing even though Rain fell into the lake at one point from tripping over his tail. Perhaps he was a soggy boy, but a happy soggy boy.
Swiss: At first Swiss didn't know what to do. Everyone else had grand ideas, but then he remembered how busy the local shops were this time of year. It was almost like the universe wanted this to happen. He took his valentine to the shops with maybe too much money, but what better way to spend than spending it on someone you love and cherish, right? He bought some cupcakes, cookies, and brownies to share, salty and savory things, and way too many physical items. That one wrap he had at an American food stand really hit the spot for him though. After the day was done he came back with his valentine carrying so many bags Phantom nearly passed out from laughter- apparently, he looked a bit ridiculous to the young quintessence ghoul with the amount of bags, a furiously wagging tail, and a stupid grin on his face. But it was all worth it in the end.
Phantom: Oh LORD did he go above and beyond. When he found out this holiday was a thing he maybe got excited. Too excited. He may have collapsed from dizziness from how excited and riled he was. After Aether forced him to chill out for a bit he sprung into action, prepping everything for his valentine. Outfits, dinner, things to do- He had it all planned. He picked a nice outfit for him and brought his valentine to a local clothing store to get some clothes they wanted. After that, he spent time with them at the small library. He had somehow convinced the library to let him rent it for the day and he had used one of the corners to set up a cozy little nest area to read, chat, and snack in. He read books to his valentine, ones he knew they'd been meaning to read, and just soaked in the calming aura and presence. A nap was in order for a few hours but afterwards Phantom cleaned up their corner and took his valentine back to the Abbey for a nice dinner in the dens (it took some convincing but had the ghoulettes back him up to get it cleared for an hour or two). Needless to say he was in bed with his valentine and sound asleep before the rest of his pack came back.
Aether: He kept it on the down low. He didn't go above and beyond but didn't make it a sad holiday either. A card, a thoughtful and colorful flower bouquet, a small thing of candy and chocolates, and an adorable stuffed animal. He spent the day with his valentine entirely, watching cheesy romance movies, feeding them some chocolate snuggling up to his valentine under a nice cozy blanket, and ending with a nice pasta dinner. Though the day was not very busy it was still enjoyable and a good day. Cumulus: This ghoulette was prancing around in joy when she woke up. She fluffed up her hair all nice, put cute bows and ribbons in it, dressed in a nice casual yet alluring outfit, and sprayed some perfume on her. When she saw her valentine she was over the moon. Greeting them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek she quickly pulled them out to the gardens for a nice, slow walk. Talking, laughing, playful smacks and shoves- Oh how she loved it. Seeing her valentine smile and laugh made her purr and tail wag. She picked berries earlier from the fridge and brought them on the walk, sharing them and basking in the wonderful taste. It wasn't long before one naughty joke was made about that wonderful taste that had her cackling. At the end of the day she made a thoughtful dinner of all her valentine's favorites, along with some fruit on the side and a nice cold glass of soda. Cirrus: She made little puffball clouds for her valentine in the shapes of hearts as they woke up that morning. With a giggle escaping her she led her valentine to wonderful breakfast variety, filled with many options of sweet, salty, and savory. After a filling breakfast she took her valentine to the rooftops and made the clouds dance in the sky as the sun rose. The clouds reflected the colors: oranges, yellows, reds, purples, and pinks all seeming to mix into the clouds as they danced. She moved a cloud or five around her valentine slowly, letting it grace their skin to feel the cool sensation. After puffing the clouds back into place in the sky she just enjoyed time on the rooftop and its view with her valentine, talking about anything and everything until night hit and it was time to eat some dinner. Something easy was made that night but it was a very calming way to end the day.
Sunshine & Aurora: These two tag teamed it. Sunshine was experienced, and Aurora was beyond nervous. Sunshine agreed to help the new ghoulette traverse this holiday. Guiding Aurora carefully while her valentine was so incredibly patient and understanding, Sunshine couldn't help but smile. After some time Aurora became more comfortable and relaxed, easing into the holiday slowly. She paired with Sunshine to help put on a small show of fire and water with a touch of air. Sunshine swirled fire streaks through Aurora's clouds and through the center rings of water, letting the gentle burning fire swirl around her valentine. In the middle of the day it was declared by Aurora that she would share her valentine with Sunshine because she didn't want her to feel left out. Sunshine puffed a plume of smoke from her nose in excitement. The trio spent the day doing whatever they could find, even some arts and crafts that turned out to be an absolute blast. To end the day, Sunshine fried some fish in a pan and served some rice to go with it. Aurora added a small salad bowl and a fruit bowl into the mix. It was a delicious dinner and the best way to end the holiday.
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
a silly little blurb (written on my phone)
a/n; if you don't own a hairdryer + hairspray, you do now. y'all are married. wrote this instead of sleeping, wesker is soft in this, sue me. set before the events of 1998, a few weeks prior.
thirty minutes. it's been thirty minutes and he still can't get his hair right.
albert looks down at his hands, covered in hair gel, then at his hair with a huff. this is the last thing he needs to do before he goes to work. he's in uniform for the most part, undershirt included, sans his blue button up and shoes.
on the bathroom counter lies a thin-tooth comb, also slathered with gel on the teeth. nothing has worked. his hair is so... flat. disappointing. soggy with too much hairgel and not enough hair to distribute it evenly.
you're asleep during all this, though the light seeping from the bathroom door hits your eyes and starts to rouse you.
he's never been so frustrated. genuinely frustrated.
"god damnit. i don't need this." he grumbles as he hastily cleans up the mess he's made of the bathroom. he's as quiet as can be, and yet you knock on the bathroom door anyway. he jumps- how did that startle him?
"baby?" you mumble, rubbing your face with one hand, "you alright? i heard cussing." you lean against the doorframe, heavy with sleep that lingers in your bones.
"fine, dear, really." he says over his shoulder, still in a crisis over his hair. really, he's not that old, how is his hair so thin already?
"m'kay. im coming in." you push the door open before he can protest, let alone hide his disaster of a hairdo. he accepts this minor defeat, half expecting you to say something about his hair when you walk in.
but you don't. you kiss his cheek and mumble a tired "good morning," before walking over to the sink to brush your teeth and start your day. he stares, puzzled as to why you're not seeing what he sees.
"morning, dear." he says quietly, grabbing his overshirt and shrugging it on as you finish up brushing your teeth. his fingers are still a bit slippery with hair gel as he fumbles with the white pearly buttons. wonderful, another frustrating thing. of course you notice.
"need help?" you look at him through the mirror as you're starting your skincare routine. you haven't even put on your cleanser yet and he's already struggling- again.
"that would be nice, thank you. it seems that my fingers have some leftover gel on them." he steps towards you as you turn to face him. your deft fingers make quick work of the buttons. you can definitely tell something is bugging him, but you're not sure what. his brows are furrowed as he watches you and holds your waist.
"your hair looks different." you glance up at the mop on his head, sodden with gel and shiny. he frowns. you withhold a giggle. he looks like a wet cat.
"believe me, i know." he grumbles, and you just can't help it. you chuckle and he furrows his eyebrows at you, his upper lip twitching.
"don't be such a sourpuss, hm?" you leave the top two buttons undone the way he likes and peck his frowning lips. he brings you in for a real kiss, one you've been anticipating. he always kisses you more when he's grumpy about something. he's less frustrated when you break the kiss, his frown less severe.
"how long until you need to be in?" you scope out the disaster on his head, taking a few oversaturated strands in hand to assess the damage.
"an hour, but i was hoping to go in early... why?" he glances at your hand, then at your contemplative expression.
"well, maybe i could fix your hair." you suggest. his frown disappears.
"are you sure, darling? i'd hate to waste your time."
"it's not waste." you grab a towel and drape it over his shoulders- no point in removing his work shirt after you spent time buttoning it for him. he can deal with a few wet patches here and there.
"right. so what am i doing to fix this," he gestures to his hair, "issue?" his eyes follow you as you walk to the shower and turn on the water to hot.
"stick your head under the faucet and rinse the gel out. we'll blow dry it and go from there." he's less excited now. the last thing he wants to do is drench his uniform, but if you say it'll help...
reluctantly, he ducks his head under the faucet after removing his glasses and groans quietly at the uncomfortable feeling of water dripping down his neck. you come beside him to work the water through his hair and rinse away the sticky hair gel.
"darling." he's complaining, gripping the towel around his shoulders and you smile to yourself at the sight.
"alright, alright. i think it's out." you shut off the faucet and wring out the remaining water from his hair the best you can.
"thank god." he mutters under his breath, drying his hair off with the towel while you grab the blow dryer, a cylindrical hair brush, and a wide-tooth comb. you plug the appliance in and sit on the sink's countertop, gesturing for him to come closer and kneel down. he does as you ask, resting his head on your thigh.
you brush through his hair with the wide-tooth comb first. occasionally, he presses a kiss or two two the inside of your thigh, something he's doing to show appreciation. you try not to think about how good he looks on his knees in favor of staying focused on the task at hand; helping your husband with his hair. to busy himself so he's not just sitting there, he's taken to massaging your calf.
moments like these, you'll remember forever.
you pick up some styling mousse and heat protectant to lather in his damp hair. when you pick up the blow dryer and hair brush, he comes a bit more curious. you wrap his hair around the cylindrical brush and focus the heat on the section.
you continue to do this, section by section, until his hair looks pretty close to his usual style. he's nearly fallen asleep, kept half-awake by the annoyingly loud hair dryer.
"almost done." you grab hairspray from your side of the counter and shield his eyes before spraying a healthy amount. you hold your breath, but albert doesn't mind the chemicals- can't be worse than what he's going to do to his body soon enough.
he's staring up at you, his eyes half-lidded and sleep evident on his sharp features.
"are we done, my dove?" he asks, sitting back on his ankles and rubbing his bleary eyes. you return his glasses to him and he slips them on, standing up and using the counter as leverage. like this, he's caging you against the mirror with his large frame. you can't say you mind, though. he examines his hair haphazardly and ducks his head to kiss you.
"ah," you place a hand over his mouth gently, stopping him in his tracks. his eyebrows furrow, his eyes narrowing.
"work. you're going to be late." you remind him, to which he rolls his eyes at and moved your hand off his mouth.
"yes, that would be an issue. thank you for fixing my hair, dearest." he pecks your lips before peppering your face with soft, sweet kisses.
"albert. work. go." you intend on sounding stern but it's impossible when he's being sweet, so you end up turning him around by the shoulders and ushering him out of the bathroom. he goes easily, given that the future of your lives is at stake, and grabs his work bag as well as his badge and gun. you clean up in the bathroom and meet him by the front door.
"see you tonight, alby. i love you."
the blush that rises to his cheeks whenever you call him that is intense.
"indeed. i love you too." you give him one final kiss on the lips before he leaves for the next 8-10 hours. you're going back to bed.
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junjiie · 7 days
해찬  ##  🗯️ ⠀ &THEAFTERPARTY..
twenty four just a little. ⠀ wc 1.1k. ⠀ warnings none.
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the sound of your keys in the door almost made hyuck jump three feet in the air from his place at the windowsill, where he was sitting with a bowl of cereal in his lap and his speaker playing next to him.
what followed was a desperate scramble for his phone to pause the sad playlist he’d put on to sulk to before you could get in the door, and also attempting to turn in his place to make it look like he was sitting in the windowsill.. casually, rather than staring out into the dark and wallowing in his own misery.
he’d just about managed it before you shouldered the door open and kicked it closed again, chucking your keys onto the kitchen counter and then collapsing backwards onto the sofa with a huff; coat still on, headphones still around your neck, baseball cap falling to the cushions below, and shoes still on from where your feet were dangling off of the other side. donghyuck watched the display with badly hidden amusement, attempting to hide his exhale of laughter but reportedly failing when your head snapped up and you shot him a glare. 
“leave me alone, i’m still reeling.”
he turned his face down to his bowl of half-abandoned cereal to try and hide the smile on his face, pushing a few floating cheerios around with his spoon as he replied.
“why? was it really that bad?”
you shuffled and maneuvered in place until you were lying flat on the sofa, trainer-clad feet still hanging off of one of the armrests, and nodded vigorously as best you could from your position.
“worse than bad, oh my god. maybe it was just because i was tired, or something, because i was not ready for him to drag me to the park and start jumping around all crazy with the speaker he apparently pulled out of his ass turned all the way up.”
his eyebrows raised in surprise, but before he could get a word in edgeways you were off again—and so he felt he could do nothing but relax in his windowsill spot and enoy your rant, spooning his remaining cereal into his mouth while he did so. your hands were waving in the air as you spoke, fabric of the coat you still had on swishing this way and that with the movement.
“like, why would you even do that on a blind date? maybe he was just trying to see if i was into the weird ones—which, i guess i am, kinda, but c’mon, at least ease me into it instead of just springing it on me like that. i’m never letting heeseung slip my name to anyone he knows ever again, i swear..”
a yawn interrupted your tangent, and donghyuck tried to stave away the endeared look that he could feel spreading on his face in response to the way you flailed to press the back of your hand over your mouth to stifle it, in case you happened to look over and witness him in all his full pathetic and loserish glory. he’d only just moved in—he couldn’t really afford to be kicked out again so soon. mark probably wouldn’t let him back on his rickety and scoliosis-inducing sofa.
“anyway,” were your first words after you’d recovered from your bout of sudden tiredness, heaving yourself into an upright position and fiddling with the zipper of your coat, eyes narrowing when you attempted to look over at what he was eating. “what’ve you been doing the whole night? and what’re you eating?”
donghyuck swallowed his latest mouthful of bordering-on-soggy cheerios and gestured the bowl in your direction before you stood to hang your coat up and discard your shoes and cap, trying not to shrink back into the window too obviously when you crossed the living room again and was suddenly very close to him, leaning over a little to get a better look at what was inside of his bowl. when you were apparently satisfied you straightened up again and made a short grabbing motion towards his spoon, speaking up when he didn’t react immediately.
“give me a bit, will you? just a little.“
maybe it was a bit embarrassing, how fast he handed his spoon to you and held up the bowl not long afterwards, but hyuck pushed the feeling aside in that moment. it wasn’t like anyone else was there to make fun of him for it. 
and thank god for that. he probably shouldn’t have been watching you eat nearly-soggy cheerios with the look he knew he most likely had on his face, but again—there was no one there to judge him for it, so he let himself this one time. the spoon clinked back against the rim of the bowl once you’d finished with it, and you then made a budge up motion with your hands, to which haechan stared up at you cluelessly for until you rolled your eyes and explained.
“move up, idiot, you can definitely fit two people in there.”
brown eyes widened in realisation, and hyuck hurried to comply, abandoning his speaker and nearly-empty bowl to the floor below to further make room for the two of you on the windowsill (and make sure he didn’t spill milk all over himself). you collapsed down next to him and pulled your legs up to hug your knees to your chest, all of your breath escaping you in one long sigh. your skin was smooth from where it was pressed up against his own bare arm, and donghyuck felt like his face was red, a little too hot than what he could excuse as the heat of the living room.
he needed to do something about this crush—preferably as soon as possible. and seeing as getting rid of it didn’t look like it was all that likely, especially with how he would be waking up to you more often than not, then..
donghyuck spared a glance in your direction, only to find you already staring straight at him, eyes wide and unblinking as you searched for something in his. startled, he whipped his head back around and listened as you snickered at his reaction, as you let your head fall onto his shoulder and all the tension seep out of your shoulders.
well. he might as well just suck it up and confess. but not just yet—again, he’d only just moved in. surely he could allow himself a few more weeks of peaceful domesticity before preparing to possibly having to give it all up again.
(as well as preparing his back to carry his suitcases five floors down again. if it had half-killed him the first time, it no doubt was going to finish him off the second time around).
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taglist ## @wave2love @mins-fins @kimgyuuu @wtfhyuck (perm) &&& @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @kosmicbomb @222brainrot @haohyo @dinonuguaegi @winuvs
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hux-and-gay · 14 days
Grocery Store Meet Cute
here’s a Kylux Oneshot for you guys :)
I was inspired by THIS
let me know if you want me to do Kylo’s POV too
Hux dragged his feet through the sliding doors of the convenience store. He’d lost count of how many cups of coffee he’d had but it still hadn’t been enough. He’d been so engrossed in his work he had lost track of time again. Time? What time was it? He checked his watch. Nearly 2 AM?! Right that’s why he was in this dreadful place to begin with. Everything else had been closed. He just needed to do some quick shopping because Phasma had basically cleaned out his fridge over the past week. Sleepily he grabbed a cart. He contemplated just getting something microwavable but one look at the frostbitten dented boxes and he reconsidered. As he walked towards an aisle with something more to his standards, someone caught his eye. It wasn’t that he recognized this person, he was a complete stranger, but there was something about him. He was tall with broad shoulders, longish black hair, dark eyes…
Hux shook his head. What was he even staring at? This man was a stranger, albeit an attractive one, but a stranger nonetheless. What if he noticed him looking? He quickly turned back to one of the shelves in front of him bending down to get a loaf of bread. He checked the date. Three days till expiration? That’s ridiculous! He leaned down further reaching his hand back to see if there was one with a better date. He grabbed one and stepped back, hitting his head on the shelf above as he did so. “ow! Shi-“
He stopped himself standing upright, rubbing his head, and glancing at the stranger making sure he hadn’t witnessed his embarrassment. 
The stranger was putting a bag of Doritos into his cart. Doritos? Why do you need Doritos at… He checked his watch again. 2:05 Am?! Subconsciously he found himself watching the man, observing things about him. An oversized band T-Shirt, saggy shorts, smeared eyeliner, and bunny slippers? Who in their right mind would wear bunny slippers in public? He grimaced at the thought of how dirty they must be after walking through the parking lot still wet from the rain earlier that day. Involuntarily envisioning the soggy fabric and stained soles from walking across the filthy convenience store floors. Why was he still thinking about this man? Even looking at him was repulsive but he couldn’t get him off his mind.
How did he look the way he did for such obvious lack of hygiene? What was he doing at the convenience store at 2 Am? If he was going to eat Doritos this late why was he buying cool ranch of all things?!
He felt a tap on his shoulder. 
Hux jumped and turned around quickly
“OH GOD!…”
He recognized it was the stranger.
“good lord you startled me. Do I know you?”
“Uh I think you dropped something”
The handsome stranger nodded to the floor where the bread Hux had been holding had fallen. He must have been so distracted and tired that it had slipped from his hand and he hadn’t noticed. 
“Oh- thank you.”
He bent over grabbing the bread and placing it in his cart.
“no problem… nice ass” 
“Thank yo- Wait WHAT?!”
The stranger had already begun walking away 
I did it you guys! @dragonflies-draw-flame @friendlyneighbourhoodwhiskeyaunt
hopefully I did y’all’s posts Justice
@not-so-allegiant-general @thegeneralorder
@diabollicallyangelic @theosb0rnway @tomatette
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