#i am writing this instead of sleeping whoops….
juletheghoul · 1 hour
too close
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a/n: Yeah. The trailer got me again. I can't help myself!!! Also - I didn't actually want to write feelings for these two but I have no say anymore. They have feelings, they are obsessed with each other and I can't just ignore it lol. Not beta’d and barely proofread- any mistakes or errors are my own. Hopefully you enjoy! (PS I did a little research on fruits in Roman times- they had no word for orange, so any shade of orange was just called red)
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, Marcus eats pussy and I don't CARE, giving him that gluckgluck3000, creampie, Marcus gets hurt (hurt comfort), hand stuff from him because he's my precious man and he likes to give his girl pleasure, master / slave dynamic (power imbalance) he’s still pretty possessive, Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus (for now?👀), **FEELINGS** let me know if I missed any!
This is the fic I referenced in this preview
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 5.1k (whoops!)
reblogs are appreciated
Prev chapter Masterlist series masterlist
You frowned, despite your station, the confusion and slight worry breaking through the years of training your face to remain neutral. For a moment, you forgot your place.
“But-“ he turned, head tilted in curiosity instead of anger, thankfully, “I am to stay here? You do not wish me to accompany you Dominus? To pour and serve…?” You could not keep the slight hurt from your voice, much to your dismay. 
“No Girl, you will stay here, at the villa.” He saw the confusion, the unabashed anguish on your face and his expression softened, “peace Girl, it is not a matter of not desiring your presence or your service.” You listened to him with a lump in your throat, a wild fear seizing your heart that he might have grown tired of you. 
“I will not have the luxury of a tent, the rebellion is small enough that I can squash it and be back in less than a moon’s turn.” He came close, close enough to have your face tilt up to stare into his eyes. “I would not have you waiting for me in such a meagre camp, I would not have you sleeping in the dirt.” His hand settled on your arm, a soft offering, a reassurance but it did nothing to calm you. You have grown so accustomed to having him close, to ending up in his bed of a night more often than not before heading to your own, naked and pleasantly sore; to falling asleep with his seed trickling out of your puffy little cunt.
“I am comfortable wherever you are Dominus, I could still be of use, to light your fires-“ 
“I would have you here, and safe. That is my decision, and no amount of temptation will sway me from it.” He lifted your hand, pressing his lips to your fingers in silent, but firm apology. You knew there was nothing to be said, you had already pushed the matter far more than would be allowed on a normal day. 
“Your will, Dominus.” You bowed your head, despite the hurt and worry swirling around in your belly. “I will pray to the Gods for your swift victory, and safe return home.” 
He nodded, leaving shortly after. 
Time passed, and a feeling of restlessness took firm root in your being. The house felt empty, despite the attendants and sentinels left to guard them as well as the property. The days found you listless, moving through the motions of your chores and daily duties practically numb. The days were marks on the wall of your mind, praying to the Gods to send him back to you. 
Whispers travelled swiftly through the city, through the market stalls and through the villa itself, most of them rumours and it was difficult to keep your emotions in check. 
He has advanced
He has killed the leaders of the rebellion
He is victorious, already on his way home
He has been hurt
He is dead
He is victorious - Rome's favoured son has triumphed once more
The moon turned, once, and then twice, finally a third time before he was home. The all encompassing relief was short lived however, that wash of relief turned to ashes in your mouth at the sight of him. One of the rumours had been true after all. A sword wound to the side had laid him low late into the battle, it hadn’t killed him, thank the Gods, but it had slowed him down and made his journey home nothing short of agony. 
Your heart raced to see him weakened, every fibre of your being itched to run to him, to press your lips to skin but you refrained. You stood aside, dutifully, letting his trusted soldiers practically carry him to his bed. The older women got to work, bringing fortified wine with all manner of powders and potions to aid in his recovery while you stood next to him, the little half-moon marks in your palms from your nails barely felt like anything compared to the ache in the back of your throat. 
Your eyes would not leave his face. 
He looked so tired, mud and grime still marring his skin as he lay prone on his bed. To forfend the ugly thoughts swirling around in your mind, you focused on the tasks at hand. 
He needs to be cleansed, after he eats something I will boil some water and move gently, leave him to gather his strength. An offering must be made so the Gods will hasten his healing-
“Girl.” His voice was soft, and instantly you rushed to his side. 
“Yes Dominus, I am here.” You took his hand tentatively, your heart soared to feel him squeeze it. 
“Fetch me some broth, and help me to sit up–a few pillows behind me. I would sit upright.” 
You rushed to comply, happy to focus on his instructions. With soft touch, you did your best to prop him up, biting your lip to stop your eyes from welling up when he winced. Once satisfied, you set about fetching hot water and linens, as well as his broth. He sighed at the sight of it, and drank almost all of it within a few heartbeats. 
“Shall I help you cleanse now Dominus?” You brought the basin closer, showing him the steaming water and he nodded. 
Tentatively, you removed the soiled clothes he wore, ears pricked up for any sign of discomfort. He beared it with good grace, keeping the twinges of pain to himself, you imagined for your benefit, and you were grateful. It took time, but finally, you had divested him of everything, and he half sat, half laid on his bed, not an ounce of shame for his nakedness. It was secondary, to see him bare, more alarming was the soiled linens with the dark bloom of dried blood staining it on his side like some grotesque flower. 
He was pale, weak, his injury robbing him of his normal, ruddy health. He watched you, his expression somewhere between exhaustion, and a calm content. 
With gentle hands, you dipped the clean linen into the steaming water of the basin, and methodically cleaned the dirt, and dried blood from his skin. Eventually his eyes closed, soft sighs filled the air with every pass of the warm cloth across his shoulders, down the firm muscles of his thighs, his hands, until you reached the contours of his face. The lines were more defined, this battle had taken a toll on him. 
Your thumbs smoothed over his brows, wiping dust and worry away with a bone deep gratitude that he had come back. He melted into your touch, and you tried and failed to suppress the smile. 
“I must clean the wound, Dominus.” You reached for more clean dressings, giving him a chance to steel himself but he kept his eyes closed. You thought he might have fallen asleep, but he nodded, and so you did what needed to be done. 
To his great credit, he didn’t make a sound. Even as you cleaned at the angry, but healing edges of the wound. He said nothing when you packed it with the poultice one of the women had brought, when you covered it in a clean dressing, even as he drank down the no doubt foul tasting potion to help him sleep. Instead he settled back, and sighed, his eyelashes fluttering against his skin. 
You gathered all of the soiled clothing and discarded bandages, and moved to leave him to rest but his hand snatched at your wrist. 
“Wait, Girl, stay. Stay with me–” His words were almost slurred, and he didn’t finish his thought, his hand loosened around your wrist but you stayed, taking great care to lie beside him on his bed, and watched him sleep. Your heart raced with something you couldn’t–wouldn't name, something that threaded through your ribcage like smoke, wreathing its way around your lungs and taking root in your heart. You pressed the back of your hand to his brow, thankful that no fever lurked there and once satisfied that he was indeed resting, you rested your head next to his. 
Sleep took you, swiftly and without warning. 
The world outside was dark when your eyes opened, and it took a moment for you to get your bearings. His warm skin pressed to your arm and you jolted with the memory of his injury. 
“Peace, girl, I am well.” His voice was quiet, but stronger than before, “You did well in changing my dressings.” His praise squeezed at something in your belly, robbing you of any words you might have had. “You must be hungry, go and fetch something to eat and bring it here, I will share the meal with you.” The concern in his voice brought a smile to your lips, his thoughts on you, despite the pain he must have been in. 
“Yes Dominus, shall I fetch more of the potion as well? You should rest-” He raised his hand softly to forestall you. 
“I have rested enough, I would have my wits about me just now. Go on, you may fetch whatever else you need, I would have you sleeping in my bed.” 
His words rung in your ears as you moved throughout the silent house. They shone through your eyes as you piled a serving tray with olives and cheese, with bread and ripe fruits. They camped in your belly as it rolled with something when they repeated over and over like a prayer in your mind as you filled a serving jug with the wine he favoured, they strengthened your grip as you carried it with the utmost care down the moonlit halls of the house, almost sharpening your eyesight to bring you swiftly back to him. 
You set it down between you on his bed, careful not to spill anything or jostle him too much and just in time too, the hunger rung out from your empty belly loud as thunder but you ignored it, your priority was to help him sit up.
“Eat Girl, you are starving. I will pick at my leisure.” He frowned, gesturing to the food and you were grateful beyond words. It was a quiet meal, but comfortable. He usually ate by himself, most of the time while in his study and with you, it was after chores and duties had been completed. Despite all of your trysts and time spent together, it was the first meal you’d ever shared. 
“You do not favour the olives.” He said it without judgement. You shook your head shyly, covering your mouth to speak through bites of bread and cheese. 
“My desire for them is unpredictable.” He tilted his head, “Sometimes, they are all I want. Other times, I cannot stand the sight of them.” You wrinkled your nose, confirming that this time, the latter statement was true.
He smiled, huffing out an amused laugh through his nose.
“What else do you like? I see you favour the fruit, which one do you like most of all?” It was strange to be asked about yourself, no one in your life had ever wondered about what you might of preferred, for anything.
“Figs, I think. Pomegranates too, although peeling them takes a lifetime.” He huffed again, wincing slightly, “Are you in pain? Shall I fetch–” He raised a hand. 
“I am well, continue. Why do you favour them if they are so troublesome to eat?” He shifted a tiny bit, with great effort, turning to face you better. The room was dark, save for the few candles burning and the moon shining in through his window, casting stark shadows across his lovely face. 
“They are worth the effort.” 
He smiled, and finally reaches over to help himself to the food. Something about the darkness, about the quiet seclusion made you bolder.
“What about you Dominus? Is there a fruit you favour?” Your heart raced, fear that you might have overstepped grabbing hold of you but it was for naught, he merely frowned in thought. 
“I prefer plums.” He said after a moment, “I like figs as well.” It was both exhilarating and strange to speak with him like that, in the quiet dark, almost comfortable. “Although–in my younger days we fought in Spain, and there I tasted a fruit I have never seen again, I do not know the name of it but I enjoyed it very much.” 
“What was it like?”
“It was round, a strange shade of red with a thick peel but underneath it had segments like a lemon.” He continued eating, and you were content to sit with him, only moving the tray once he had eaten his fill.
“It is good to be home.” The words came out as a sigh, “I missed it while I was away, more than any other time I must admit.” He shifted slightly and winced again, “Help me lay flat, my back aches from sitting.” He held out his hand and you rushed to oblige, moving pillows and positioning him flat on his back. “That is better, gratitude girl, let us blow out the candles and settle in.” 
“Yes Dominus.”
“Have you something to sleep in? What is most comfortable for you?” 
“I am content in this, Dominus.” You gestured to your tunic as you made your way around the room, snuffing out the candlelight.
“That is not what I asked you.” There was no bite in his words, but the expectation of truth was plain as day. 
“Most nights I sleep in the nude, it is what is most comfortable for me.” You made your way back to the bed but he did not let you get in. 
“Please, make yourself comfortable, there is no expectation from me, much as I have missed the pleasures of your body. I would have you sleep how you are accustomed.” You nodded once, undressing down to your skin before slipping into bed with him. In the dark, in the quiet, it was peaceful and the sound of his steady breathing worked it spell on you quicker than you would have thought. 
“Gratitude Girl.” He said it soft, and with a full belly and heavy lids, you questioned him. 
“For what Dominus?” The words were almost slurred, as the heavy press of sleep pushed you into the deep pool of blackness. You thought you heard him say everything, but you could not be sure, sleep had claimed you. 
You woke with the sun, the first few rays sliding across your skin like water and it was hard to move from your place. In the night, your body had brought you close to him, seeking out the warmth of him. He was still asleep, but his legs had tangled up with yours and it was strange to lay with him like this, both of you nude as the day you were born, yet incredibly comforting. 
You took the time to check over his wound, and were pleased to find it looking much better. The edges of it stitching together, thankfully without corruption. 
“It does not hurt as much as it did before.” His voice was sleepy, “I will be back on my feet soon enough.”
“Let me dress Dominus, and I will fetch you something to break your fast.” 
“Not just yet.” He shifted, and although you helped him, he didn’t struggle quite as much. “Come, lie with me.” He held out his arm, and you went to him, trembling like a leaf to rest your head on his shoulder. “Gods, I missed you, Girl.” He buried his nose into the mess of your hair and something inside you grew and swelled, was fed and made strong by his words and by his skin. 
“I missed you, Dominus.” Truer words had never been spoken by you, the ache for him had been unbearable.
“Did you?” There was something underneath, something desperate and had it not been so early, so peaceful, he might not have asked.
“Desperately Dominus, I feared you had abandoned me, I feared you no longer desired me.” You pressed your face into his neck, breathing him in, his scent, his warmth, him- sustenance
“Come now, Girl, you know of my desire for you, it is like a thirst I cannot quench. A hunger I cannot satisfy, despite my dark moods, despite my sour face, you are a source of joy and pleasure I have not known in some time.” His hand brought your face up, his gaze burned into yours and his words affected you so that tears welled in your eyes. He wiped them away, and the tenderness was too much, a sob clawed its way out from your throat. All of the worry, all of the fear that he might have left you alone in the world, to be sold to another bubbled up and he held you as you cried.
“Do you wish to be free of me? Is that why you cry?” Something in his voice broke your heart.
“No Dominus, no-“ you wiped at your eyes, moving to look him in the eye and the expression you saw in them was almost too much to bear. “I have never been so happy in all my life, I have never felt about anyone, the way I feel for you.” You pressed your lips to his, petal-soft. 
“Sometimes, the things I feel for you are almost too big for my body, I want to be with you always, I want to feel you always. I feared so much while you were gone that I could barely eat, barely sleep-” Your words were frantic, so many things to get out that you could barely speak and he pulled you close, shushing you softly. 
“My heart swells to hear you speak this way.” He reached down, sliding his hand towards the hinge in your knee, to pull it over his thigh. “Peace, let us just enjoy the silence.” You nodded into his neck, letting go of a great breath in your lungs. 
“If I was myself, and whole, I would be pulling every ounce of pleasure from you now.” 
You laughed at the annoyance in his tone.
“Soon enough Dominus, I would have you healthy and healed.” Your hand slid up the smooth expanse of his chest, threading through the curls at the base of his skull. “Once your wound has healed, you may have me any way you please.” 
“Any way?” His tone darkened, and your body responded, thighs clenching, heart racing, nipples hardening. “Any way I please? And what if I want you for a day and a night? What if I want you wet and spread for me in this bed until you’re so full of my gift it spills all over my linens?” The hand that had been softly stroking your back moved down and grabbed at your backside, pulling until the lips of your sex spread open. 
A moan slipped out at the feel of his hands, and he all but growled. 
“Do not make those noises Girl, not when I cannot fuck you how I wish to.” He pulled your face up, licking into your mouth with a hunger you could not satisfy, not in his current state. 
“Dominus, I beg of you not to taunt me, not when we cannot indulge.” You kissed him again, despite your words and finally he pulled away, the tremble of frustration in his grip. You shifted, and felt his manhood press against your thigh, the sight of him, leaking and hard against his belly made you sigh. 
“Do not concern yourself with that, I am ravenous for you, but my body cannot fulfill the wishes of my cock. Go and fetch something to break our fast. I will need you to change my dressing as well, if you could.” He sent you off with a kiss, and with desire dripping onto your thighs. 
“Yes Dominus.” You smiled, and rushed off to do what needed to be done. 
Weeks passed, and he healed beautifully. His wound knit together cleanly and with that, his strength came back. More often than not he stood and cleansed without your help, he left the safety of his bed and his chambers and sported a genuine smile as he made his rounds through his house.
You trailed behind him, your own smile in place to see him coming back into himself. 
Things were different. He was different. 
He spoke more, that was for one. Before he would keep his own council, his words were curt and his thoughts would be kept close to his chest. Some nights he reverted to his silence, but it had grown into something peaceful, something comfortable.
The biggest change though, was his attitude towards you. 
For one, he refused to sleep alone. The darkness of night found you tending to his needs and after the candles had been snuffed- he pulled your tunic off and pulled you into his bed, into his arms. 
At first, you thought it was his injury, a fear that he might suffer some setback in his sleep, but as the days passed on and he was well past the point of danger, he still refused to let you go. 
His desire had come back too, much quicker than his body could handle. Mornings would find you in the cage of his arms, with his lust pressed hard and hot at the cleft of your ass. You would pull away so as not to tease him, and he would let you at first, but as his body caught up to him, he stopped letting you pull away. 
Most mornings, he’d whisper how much he missed burying himself inside you, how he couldn’t wait to gift you with his seed while slipping his fingers between your legs and swirling them around your clit, only stopping after you’d fluttered around his fingers. Then he’d send you off to fetch food with a smile on your face and an ever-growing ache between your thighs. 
A part of you fretted as to why he hadn’t taken you yet, as the days passed it was clear that he was well enough to indulge. Another part, a hopeful, possibly quite foolish part of you thought maybe he was waiting for you to ask him. That couldn’t be, could it? You ruminated on your previous encounters, yes–he’d called you forth to warm his bed, but with every recalled memory it was clear that in his own way, he'd let you decide whether to push things or not. A luxury you knew was rare. It was an intoxicating thought though, to think that you could decide when and what you wanted him to do.
So many possibilities. 
When night came, you brought him his meal, and his wine and tried to keep the tremble of excitement out of your hands. You watched him move about his chambers, his strength back to normal as he dipped his hands into the fresh water in his basin. His hair had grown out a little, dark with silver mixed through and that thought struck you again, that he was some beautiful marble statue come to life. An emperor of old, standing before you in all his glory. 
“Dominus-” You called to him, unable to hold back any longer. His eyes raised, finding you as he dried his hands. 
“Before you take your meal, I would ask something of you.” Your voice shook, never had you openly asked him for anything before. He raised his eyebrows, more surprised than anything.
“What would you have of me Girl?” He moved towards you, eyes curious. 
“I would have you–” You stopped him, guiding him to sit on his bed, “I would have you sit here, and accept my mouth.” 
You kneeled before him, staring up at him with your lip caught between your teeth. Your hands landed on his knees, sliding up to pull his tunic up to expose his manhood. For a moment, he stared at you with wide, surprised eyes. 
“I have missed our times together, I have missed you filling me of a night and as much as I treasure your fingers in the morning, I would have you feel pleasure at my hand–or, my mouth.” He did not stop you from exposing him and heat flooded your body to see how quickly his cock responded to your words, to the soft exploration of your hand. 
“You would do this?” His palm landed on your shoulder, sliding up to cup your cheek. “You have no obligation, I would not command you to do this should you not want to.” You spit onto your palm and grasped him in hand and despite his words, he shudderred to feel the way you stroked him. 
“I dream about this Dominus, I desire you so deeply that I ache for you–” You opened your mouth and took the blunt tip of him into your mouth. He moaned, slack-jawed at the sight of you. You placed open mouthed kisses at the tip, and the sensitive underside, stroking at the base of him. His thighs spread, making room for you and you relished the warm strength of them under your arms. 
He tasted like the ocean. 
“God’s above Girl-” You pulled away, smiling as you continued to stroke him, he barely fit in the palm of your hand and with his passion dribbling out and your spit the sounds were loud and slick. Your own arousal unspooled between your legs, the ache intensifying as he tensed underneath you, hissing when you pressed soft kisses to the scar at his side, to the softness of his belly, to the firm golden thighs bracketing you to his hips. 
“Open your mouth.” His confidence resurfaced, and then his hand wrapped around yours, guiding you to stroke him the way he liked. He guided the reddened tip into your mouth. “Look at me when you take me in your mouth, open wide, I want to touch your throat.” You moaned around him, taking him deeper, breathing through your nose in an attempt to stay calm. 
“That’s it Girl, Gods be damned-” His tone was filthy as he held you there, eyes watering until you pulled away, sputtering and messy. 
“If you continue, I will spill in your mouth.” he guided your hand still, slowly stroking himself against your lips, smearing your spit and his salty arousal onto your lips. Never in your life have you felt that powerful, that beautiful, with tears spilling down your face and slick dripping down your thighs. He held himself suspended in his pleasure, awaiting your word. 
“Would you like to spill in my mouth Dominus? Or would you like to fill my cunt?” You held out your tongue, letting him rub the tip of himself against it while he decided. Your heart soared to see the conflict on his face. 
“I would fill your cunt, I have missed it terribly.” You smiled and rose with a final kiss to his cock and once you did, he ripped the tunic off your body. The loud tear of it made you squeal with a mix of shock and excitement. 
“I promise you, I will not last.” He all but tossed you onto his bed, spreading your legs wide for his gaze. “Greedy little cunt, so wet for me.” He spoke in a daze, staring at the place that ached at the mere thought of him. He slipped down and it’s with a shock that you watched him dip down to spear into you with his tongue. Never had anyone used their mouth on you and the sight of it was almost too much to bear.
It’s with a greedy, filthy groan that his lips dragged up to latch around the pert little pearl of you, his tongue stroking, stroking, stroking while his mouth suctioned around it. Your body was a taut string, legs shaking under the strong grip of his hands, holding you to him tight enough to hurt. Your breathing came in pants, the climax was there, balancing on a knife's edge, so close you could almost taste it. His hands move,d sliding up to pinch at your nipples and the wave crested. Your hands gripped into his curls, both holding him close, and desperately pushing him away while you fluttered into his mouth. 
You felt the strong muscle of his tongue slide down, drinking you from the source. 
He made his way back up, your slick shining on his face and on his whiskers. You’re almost too shocked, and too shy to look into his eyes. 
“I confess, I have wanted to do that for a long time.” He pulled his tunic up and off as you lay under him, boneless. “I know it’s not something commonly done, but I enjoy it. Did you enjoy it? I felt you flutter.” He raised your leg, wrapping it around his hip while his cock slipped inside you without any resistance. You let out a relieved sigh, finally, he was home. 
“Yes Dominus–” You almost whispered, half-shy as he dropped down, his arms holding himself up on either side of your skull. “No one has ever–Oh–” He snapped his hips hard, unable to hold himself back and already, the need built in your core, robbing you of any coherent thoughts. 
“No one but me ever will.” He kissed you, making you taste yourself and it was so perverse, so exhilarating you held him close, wrapping your arms and legs around him to feel as much of him as you could. His cock pushed and pulled, hitting that special place he owned and with a handful of thrusts, and a punched out groan he filled you with his gift. Finally. 
He watched himself pull out of the mess he'd made, watched in silence as his gift dripped out and onto his linens. 
Things felt different this time, there’s a vulnerability, an intimacy that is almost overwhelming. You pulled his face up, and pressed your lips to his softly, praying that you conveyed the feelings swirling in your chest. He kissed you back, his hand gliding up to wrap around your neck. When you opened your eyes, his brow was furrowed, the same feelings shining back at you through his dark eyes. 
Seconds passed, and the feeling did not disperse. Before he would have sent you away, but he held you close. Wordlessly he pressed his lips to yours over and over, he stroked at your skin, your shoulder and your thigh high on his ribs, your breast, your lips. He moved off, and went about dampening a cloth to clean himself off of you. Once he was done, he brought the food you’d served him and fed you from his own hand. 
You accepted the food, smiling shyly as he watched you, something like affection, like love shining out through his eyes. 
“Thank you Dominus–” He shook his head, a small frown at your words. 
“Call me Marcus.”
– Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita @honey-on-your-tongue
18 notes · View notes
greenteacology · 2 years
7 and 15!
hi milo! :)
7. is there a series/book that got you into reading?
hmmm to be honest I’ve been really into reading for as long as I can remember, but the 3 series that got me really hooked on fantasy were the Xanth Series and Tamora Pierce’s Circle of Magic series!
Tragically Xanth (and all of Piers Anthony’s writing) is full of misogyny and racism and I can’t handle rereading it anymore, but the magic system there definitely shaped my approach to magic and fantasy as a kid. Tamora Pierce’s writing has held up better over time lol and I still reread it at least once a year, it was also a fundamental influence on my thoughts about magic.
15. recommend and review a book.
I am terrible at giving summaries or reviews, and I’ve been lucky to read a bunch of really good books lately, so instead of one thorough review I will give several small ones!
The Daevabad Trilogy - incredible work of historical fantasy, set in the Middle East and involving the magic of Djinn and other spirits. Deals with interactions between the different kingdoms, various types of oppression, and the healing of historical trauma. Plus cool magic! Feels like it has the weight of an epic but the writing is so smooth and it is never boring.
The Scholomance Trilogy - we love Naomi Novik! Starts off as the story of an outcast girl at scary magic training school, ends as a critique of capitalism and climate change.
House on the Cerulean Sea - very cute, very engaging story about the protection of children with weird magical abilities, and also gay romance. Also a critique of capitalism. I read it in one day because I couldn’t put it down.
The Temeraire Series - Milo I know you’re already reading this but I must restate how much I love this series. Again, Naomi novik is my queen. It’s dragons!!! And repressed soldiers and badass women! But mostly it’s dragons!
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
@steddieas-shegoes hoped for some sexytimes for this wonderful hurt/comfort piece, and i will jump at the chance to practice my smut so uhh!! explicit: quiet sex, trying not to get caught
Eddie’s touch leaves goosebumps on Steve’s skin where he’s slowly, gently trailing his hand along his sides, his back, up all the way to the nape of his neck. It’s an innocent touch — soothing at first, calming him and his frayed nerves, smoothing out the edges of his sharp and cutting thoughts.
But then, somewhere between love and touch and silence, the air in the tent has shifted into something else. Something that comes with goosebumps and hitching breath and racing heart.
Something that makes Steve’s dick twitch against Eddie’s thigh when on his next stroke, Eddie lightly tugs on his hair. Steve turns his face to bury it in his boyfriend’s chest and hides a sigh in the fabric of his shirt.
He can feel the vibrations of Eddie’s hum as they travel all across his body, and he can no longer bear it not to kiss him.
In one swift motion, Steve rolls on top of Eddie and connects their lips in a hungry kiss that in turn serves to swallow their moans, because Eddie is hard beneath him. Steve rolls his hips in a slow, teasing motion as he deliberately sucks Eddie’s tongue into his own mouth, leaving his love with a breathless sigh of his own — just short of a moan that he breathes right into Steve’s mouth.
“Stevie,” Eddie whispers, whimpers, keens, his hands tangled in Steve’s hair and applying the sweetest kind of pressure as he tugs just so. “Baby, we— they’re gonna hear.”
“Hear what?” Steve asks innocently, nipping on Eddie’s bottom lip before delving back in for another deep, breathless kiss.
In lieu of an answer, Eddie just rolls his hips, meeting Steve’s absentminded movements in a torturous manner that has Steve whispering Fuck! into the kiss. And again, when Eddie’s free hand comes up to control the slow gyrations of Steve’s hips.
“Eddie,” he breathes, and it almost sounds like a prayer. A plea. Begging. For what, he doesn’t know. Release, maybe.
“Shhh,” Eddie quiets him, rolling them over so he’s on top now, hovering over Steve. He brushes the hair away from his forehead that has begun to stick there as the air in the tent has grown hotter and hotter. “Quiet, baby.”
“Make me.” It’s a whisper, not nearly as defiant or challenging as either of them are used to, but it still makes Eddie growl, then exhale deeply as he tries not to laugh.
“Menace,” he says, kissing Steve deeply.
“Look who’s talking,” Steve bites back, winding his arms around Eddie’s shoulders to hold him for a second, to feel the matching pace of his racing heart, and hide his own breathless laughter.
They’re really doing this. They shouldn’t. The kids are only a few feet away, every movement in the tent can be heard easily, and the heavy breathing of two horny boys doesn’t really blend well with the sounds of the forest at night.
He’s just about to say something, when Eddie takes off his own shirt and then slowly, almost reverently, pulls Steve’s own shirt up and over his head, leaving them both breathing heavily. Steve lets him, keeps his eyes on Eddie the whole time — a glorious sight even in the dark, the way he straddles Steve’s thighs like that’s where he belongs.
And it is. He does.
“I love you,” Steve whispers. And again, when Eddie lies back down on top of him, their skin finally touching, their hands finding each other easily, their grip secure and tight and loving.
He bites Steve’s earlobe gently before murmuring with hot breath, “I’m gonna make you feel good, Stevie. Do you want that?” The question is accompanied by another roll of his hips, their clothed dicks rubbing against each other just this side of perfect, and Steve needs more. Wants more. Wants Eddie.
“Uh-huh,” he breathes, and it’s almost a whimper, almost a moan, and almost too loud. It makes Eddie grin, makes him bite his ear again as he chuckles darkly, leaving Steve with goosebumps all over.
“Quiet baby. You don’t want them to hear, do you? Don’t want them to know just how good you can be for me, hm? And I for you. They don’t get to know, angel. And do you know why?”
Steve shakes his head, already dazed and heady and a little desperate for more of Eddie’s touch.
“Because I’m yours. And you’re mine. And you gotta be quiet.”
With that, he catches Steve’s lips again just in time to swallow his heady whimper, because Eddie’s hips are moving again and he doesn’t stop this time.
And Steve can’t make a sound about it.
The thrill of being forced to silence turns him on in a way he never anticipated, and his dick twitches in its confines.
“Eddie,” he breathes again, and it means, Yes. It means, Make me feel good. It means, Please. It means, Anything. Everything. Please, baby.
Another chuckle against his skin, and then one of Eddie’s hands begins to travel downwards, leaving him to shiver in anticipation — even more so when Eddie sucks on his tongue the very second he wraps his hand around Steve’s dick.
It’s torture, trying to stay quiet. Trying to breathe just right — not too loud, not too heavy. It’s torture and it’s thrilling and it’s perfect, and it makes Steve arch his back even on the uncomfortable, hard ground beneath him.
Eddie grins against his lips, still busy devouring his mouth with everything he has, and finally, beautifully, wonderfully begins to stroke Steve’s dick inside the boxers he decided to wear to sleep.
“Yes,” Steve breathes, closing his eyes at the perfect sensation tingling up his spine, ridding him of any conscious and coherent thought that isn’t Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
“Yeah?” Eddie sounds both smug and encouraging, tightening his fist around Steve’s cock, and it has Steve burying both of his hands in Eddie’s hair, tugging and pulling until he has to swallow a moan himself.
“Ye— God, yes.”
“Good,” Eddie whispers, trailing his lips down the side of Steve’s face who tries to chase him, tries to get Eddie to come back.
But he won’t budge, attacking Steve’s ear instead, sucking at the soft skin just below it, fully aware of how sensitive Steve is there. It has him keening, bucking his hips further into Eddie’s touch, going crazy when Eddie breathes a laugh right into his ear.
“You’re doing so good for me, Stevie. Pretty boy, my pretty boy, looking so beautiful when you feel good. Am I, Stevie? Am I making you feel so good? Are you gonna come like this?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve moans, trying so desperately to keep it down. But how can he, when Eddie is humping his leg, when Eddie is breathless himself, when Eddie touches him like that and makes him feel so, so good. “Uh, I’m— Fuck, Eddie.”
It’s almost embarrassing how quickly Steve comes — and how hard. His legs buck when after two, three, four more perfect, mean, heavenly strokes, he comes in his boxers with a stuttering breath that turns into a king, drawn-out moan.
“God, angel, that was— You’re so— Fuck, I’m—”
And Steve can’t even think about reciprocating; because Eddie’s hips stutter against him before he, too, stills with a blissed-out expression.
Steve, breathless and a little giddy, asks, “Did you just…”
There’s a moment of silence before they both break into giggles. Eddie buries his face in the crook of Steve’s neck, who immediately winds his arms and legs around his boyfriend to hold him, dazed and happy and so, so giddy. It’s ridiculous. Eddie is ridiculous.
Steve loves him so much.
“I love you, too,” Eddie hums against his skin, smacking kisses to his shoulder and his neck.
“But next time I wanna hear you again,” Steve says eventually.
Eddie grins against his skin, nipping at the soft skin until Steve playfully shoves his face away. “Deal.”
Steve’s heart is light when he falls asleep not long after.
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orcelito · 1 year
Well. I blinked and I now have 2.7k words for itnl chapter 3. Which is about 2/3rd of what I have planned for it.
How does this always happen to me lmfao
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
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— Come get yer' kid!
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brace yourself folks, this is a long one!
Thank you to @alotofpockets for helping me through the writers' block with certain parts.
I was gonna just keep this as 5 parts, but I love writing choas fc so I'm just gonna continue to write it until I get bored of it, whenever that happens.
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pairings: kim little x reader, leah williamson x reader, awfc x reader
summary: the flight back to london and kim still can't catch a break, much to her surprise it's not reader causing the chaos this time though.
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"Aye, Kimmy. Yer kids' quiet," The ever observant Katie McCabe nudges the Scots' woman and gestures to the seated area in the airport where your all but practically glued to Alessia.
"Shes' missing Kyra," Kim glances over to see you as she makes the brief explanation to the Irish girl, knowing the truth behind the reason for your sudden withdrawn behaviour, "And shes' not my kid. I'm just babysitting until we get back to London and then shes' Leah's problem again."
Katie snorts in amusement, "Takin' it pretty hard to not have her partner in crime, ain't she? I bet Williamsons' ecstatic to have the little menace back under her wing." She jokes with your captain.
"She'll be alright as soon as we board the flight," Kims' more than observant with your lack of your usual chaotic behaviour, but somehow she still feels like she needs to be on high alert in case you decide to pull another prank.
Kim was right about one thing though, you were definitely in a sulk about missing your best friend.
After a fun filled few days down under in Aus with the overall win from playing against the All Stars team, you were all now heading back to London.
Unforunately due to the fact that International break was right around the corner, it meant that you would have to endure the flight without the older Aussie girl considering that all three Matilda's players remained in Melbourne to catch the connected flight to their camp.
It's safe to say that you do feel a bit mopey about the situation and of course its' not long before the rest of the girls start to pick up on your distant personna.
"We're goin' to be boarding the flight soon, Y/N/N," Alessia glances down at you from where you've shifted your body to lean up against hers with your head tiredly resting on her shoulder, "Is everythin' alright, kid?"
You just decide it's easier to sit with one of the girls, who wouldn't try and bother as much to get a conversation out of you and your pretty familiar with Alessia through the England side of things, so you know that shes' a safe bet to sit by.
"Mhm," You barely even have any energy to respond.
Your response peaks Alessia's further concer that there's something wrong with you because having known for you as long as she has done, the only times' you known to be this withdrawn is either when your sick, tired or just upset about something, "Are you not feelin' well?" She wonders.
"M' fine," You mumble with your head buried in her neck, you were keeping your hood over your head with the hope that everyone else will leave you alone.
"Are you sad about something?" Alessia frowns in deeper concern, trying to figure out the reason for your quietness; Yeah, you were definitely sad.
"I guess so," You murmer in response, your eyes feel hazy with the lack of sleep but that's purely down to your own fault of staying awake most of the previous night.
Damn TikTok being a bad habit, one minute your scrolling through videos and the next thing you know its' 5 am, the suns' coming up and your being woken up to head to the airport.
"What's goin' on?" Alessia leans forward to try and be more observant, "Are you missing Kyra?" She questions, trying to figure out what could be getting you so down.
Are you that easy to read?
"Uh huh," You mumble quietly in agreement, "I'm too tired, Lessi." You add, trying to fight the sleepiness.
Alessia chuckles slightly and pats your back with her free hand, "Thats' why you should sleep instead of being on TikTok, eh?" She jokes as you lift your head up to face her just as quick, "You made the mistake of posting one of them videos into the group chat."
"Awh shucks," You mumble in realisation; Fantastic, another reason for one of the older "responsible" girls to lecture you, ie. the blonde English skipper, otherwise known as Malfoy to you now, "I'm not in the mood for one of Malfoy's lectures."
"What?" Alessia asks, confused, "Whos' Malfoy?" She's bewildered by the name.
"Le, Malfoys' her new code name cos' of that god-awful hair cut," You explain in the state of being half asleep.
The blonde couldn't help but stifle her laughter, "I don't think she'll be too happy to hear that." She jokes.
"I'm willing to take that risk of her shouting, because its' funny at least," You mumble tiredly as you let out a yawn, "Lessi? Can I sleep on the plane? I'm so tired."
"Sure kid, you can sleep on the plane," Alessia chuckles and pats your back, "Just try and stay awake until we board the flight at least. None of us want to carry you onto the plane." She adds.
"I can't promise that," Your voice is once again muffled in the crook of the older blondes' neck as you fight the urge to stay awake, "I'm so tired, but TikToks' addictive though to give up watching it."
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"I don't think I've ever seen Y/N be this quiet before," Teyah jokes as she glances over to where your sat watching a movie on your iPad while still being leant up against Alessia.
"Unless shes' asleep," Katie remarks.
"Or she's sick," Vic chimes in, remembering the time where you came to training before and were too stubborn to admit you were feeling unwell.
You were more than aware that they were talking about you, but you were much too engrossed in the current Avengers film to even care about it.
The first flight from Melbourne had been fine, you had been able to peacefully sleep practically the whole flight; Luckily enough Alessia had taken pity on your tiredness and allowed you to all but lie right on her to snooze away, also making sure that nobody else woke you up either.
The connected flight from Dubai to London was a little different and with your newfound energy, you found yourself growing bored, fidgeting in your seat and being quickly aggitated when you couldn't get comfy until Alessia suggested that you watch a film to try and distract yourself for a bit, so therefor you're now sitting beside the blonde-- more like practically leaning on her while you watch the first Avengers film.
"She's too quiet. Are we sure that shes' not secretley plotting something?" Teyah wonders, hesistantly.
Katie shrugs her shoulders, "I'm not sure."
"You know how much she loves them Avengers films," Vic all but rolls her eyes; Its' true that you were a massive Marvels' fan, you wouldn't ever deny that - You bedroom walls were covered with posters, amongst other things and any time that you needed to wind down, you'd take yourself off to your bedroom, or a quiet place where ever you were to watch a film.
The Irish girl hums and tries to observe you closely, "Ere' Y/N! What's up with yer, kid?" She shouts across the plane to you.
"Leave her be, Katie, shes' fine," Kim gives the bruntte a pointed look.
Teyah snickers, "Are you sure? Shes' actually not being a pest for once!" She makes the snide remark.
"Yeh, only cos' she doesn't have her sidekick by her side. I've never seen her look so depressed..."
You finally had enough of the constant back and forth chat about you, besides they were ruining the perfect film.
Making sure to pause the film first so you don't miss any of it, you whip your head round to face the girls, "I can hear, you know!" You shout at them.
"Now look what you've done," Cloe pipes in, shaking her head.
"Y/N," Alessia tries to divert your attention back to the film rather than arguing with the older girls.
"What? They're talkin' about me behind me back-- And they're interrupting one of the greatest films made!" You whine in protest, shooting a glare at Katie and Teyah.
Kim exhales a sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, "I knew it was too good to be true," She thinks to herself, "Y/N, just ignore them and watch the film. Katie, Teyah, you girls are old enough to know better than to wind her up!" She scolds them both.
"Y/N is the same age as Teyah," Katie reminds the Scots' women.
"Are you sure? The way she behaves sometimes says different," Emily chips in, amusedly.
"She has a point," Frida adds in.
Kim starts to rub her temples, "Just a few more hours, just a few more hours until we're off the plane," She repeats to herself. "Lets' just leave Y/N be, alright?" She tells the rest of the girls, sternly.
"Yeah," Katie and Teyah mumble in sync.
You can't help but help look Katie dead in the eye and stick your tongue out at her before you go back to watching the film.
"Y/N," Alessia chides, catching the rude face you had pulled at the Irish.
"What? I didn't do out," You protest innocently, trying to act like butter wouldn't melt.
Alessia definitely knew different as she laughed and slung her arm around your shoulder, leaving you to be so watch the film and enjoy the peace and quiet for the remainder of the flight, hopefully.
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"Wha... What was that?" Kim shoots up from her seat and immediately sets her eyes' on you.
"What was what?" Cloe asks, confused.
"I just felt something hit the back of my neck-- Y/N!" Kims' straight to blame you for whatever it was that happened.
You poke your head up from your iPad to see your Captain looking less than happy, "What?" You question.
"What'd I tell you? No more pranks, or else!" Kims' still quick enough to scold you, thinking it had something to do with you.
"That weren't me, Kimmy. I've been watched the film-- Ask Alessia!" You protest, turning to look at the blonde for her to back you up.
Kim turns to look at the blonde girl, "Alessia?" She questions.
"Shes' right, Kim," Alessia nods in agreement, "Y/N has been practically glued to be the whole flight." She teases you, ruffling your hair which she knows' you all but hate when someone does that.
The Scots' women looks more than confused now, "Then who was it?" She wonders.
There's a few snickers around the plane and you poke your head round to spot where the laughters coming from; The Young Guns.
You weren't going to rat them out, you were actually quite impressed about being able to pull the prank off, even if it did mean that you were the one to get blamed for it.
"I don't know. Sure you're not imaging things now, Kimmy?" You joke with the older women, sure enough you were in sulking still about the lack of your best friend this flight but you had a spark of energy after your nap and would you really be yourself if you didn't act up even the slightest bit?
"Wha-- I know you had something to do with this, Y/N!" Kim is lost for words as shes' more than convinced it was you pulling the strings on the chaos.
"It wasn't me. How could I do that when I've been sat here the whole time?" You tell the Scots' women as you give her one of your famous cheeky grins.
"Yes, well-- Urgh. Enough of it, anyways. I don't want any more trouble the reaminder of the flight," Kim states sternly, wagging her finger in your face, "The sooner this plane lands, the better." She mutters to herself, walking back over to her own seat.
"It weren't even me!" You protest, miffed about the fact that you were automatically the one to get the blame for this.
Are you that predictable?
"Back in a minute. I need to loo," You make the quick excuse to the blonde, clambering over the seats before you head to where the academy players are all huddled around together, "Young Guns!" You shout in a low whisper.
"Hi Eagle 1," Mini Viv greets you.
"Whatever it was that you did, I got the blame for!" You huff in protest.
"We don't know what you're talking about," Noami replies.
You can't help but scoff and glance between all 6 of them who're trying to stifle their laughter, "I know you definitely did something. I know that look!" You insist.
"We didn't do anything," Maddie snickers.
"Yeah and well, if we did then we just learnt from the best," Laila remarks.
"Yeah but that's not the-- Wait, really? You really think I'm the best?" Your sidetracked by the compliment to continue to point your point across, "Seriously?"
"Yep," Maddie agrees.
Freya shrugs her shoulders, "We just wanted to have some fun. The flight is boring otherwise." She admits.
"I told them it was a bad idea," Mini Katie chips in, looking more apologetic than the other 5 of them.
You can't help but grin feeling a certain acomplishment, "Right, okay... I'm goin' back to my seats, but no more pranks. Mother Kimmys' convinced it' me and I'm toast if anything else happens!" You warn them.
Mini Viv mockingly salutes you, "You've got it, Eagle 1. No more pranks."
"Good," You glance between the 6 of them with a certain look, hoping it looks at least the bit immidating; After all, you have a great mentor when it comes to it, "I'm going back to my seat before Less starts to wonder where I am."
"Guys, should we have told her about us switching the luggage or leave it as a suprise for her to find out?" Noami questions in a hushed whisper.
"Nah, leave it. At least we won't be in the firing line then," Laila jokes with the rest of the Academy players.
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"Freedom!" You exclaim, jumping up from your seat the minute that you touch down in Lonndon; You couldn't wait to be off the plane and be able to run around again.
"Someones' eager to get off, huh?" Cloe jokes, spotting you from her seat as she watches you to try and rush off the plane the second you can.
"It's almost hard to believe that Y/N was this quiet on the plane," Emily chimes in.
"Yeah, you wouldn't think it now," Vic snickers, noting your usual energetic self again.
"Lemme off! I need fresh air!" You insist, wanting nothing more than to be off the plane, having had enough of being confided inside of it.
With that being said, as soon as the moment came where you could exit the plane, you pretty much sprint from your seat and out of the door, running down the steps onto the tarmac ahead of the rest of the girls.
"And shes' off," Alessia chuckles, shaking her head.
"Y/N! Don't run off!" Kims' back to stressing about you as she rushes to try and catch up with you, knowing the busy airport that you're no doubt bound to get lost inside if you get far, "Come back here!"
"Freedom!" You exclaim, throwing your arms up in the air as you run around like a complete maniac in that moment.
"Run, Y/N. Run!" The Young Guns shout in encouragement.
"Y/N! Come 'ere!" Kim shouts in frustration, trying to get a hold of you while your running about.
"I'm free!" You shout aloud like a mad man.
"Y/N, come back here-- We're about to go into a crowded airport!" Kim continues to shout frantically, catching up with you and taking a hold of your upper bicep.
"Ay, Kimmy-- Lemme go, I want a taste of freedom!" You whine and try to wriggle away, all you want to do is run around but the Scots' women is pretty reluctant to let go anytime soon.
"I'm not letting go, I can't trust that you won't run off again!" Kim states, sternly.
You still continue to try and break free from her grasp, "I won't do it again. Lemme go!"
"Mhm, I don't believe that-- Come on!" With that being said, Kim tugs you in the direction of the airport with the rest of the girls.
At least while you went through security, the Scot' had the kindness to realise her grip before you all head over to reclaim your baggage.
Low and behold did you or the rest of the team know what had happened to it.
Of course you were the one to get the blame for it without even a second thought.
"Oh hold on, I need to grab my power bank before we leave the airport," Katie speaks up in realisation, "My phones' almost dead."
"There's always one," Teyah jokes, rolling her eyes.
Katie unzips her suitcase, or at least what she thinks is hers, "Why can't I find it? I swear I packed it-- Hold on, this one ain't even mine!" She exclaims, confused as she continues to dig around in it, "Who's is this?" She questions, turning to the rest of the group.
"That's mine," Sarah chimes in.
Katie huffs and passes the suitcase to her, "You must've got mine then?" She questions, accepting the suitcase before she opens it up to have no luck there either, "What? This ones' not even mine!" She states, annoyed about the situation.
With that being said, Katie begins to start literally ripping open each and every suitcase, scouring through to find the correct one.
"They've all been messed up!" Vic points out in realisation.
"Really? No shit sherlock," Teyah teases the Dutch girl.
"What's going on?" Kim asks, confused as she overhears the commotion.
"The baggage has all been mixed up," Alessia exhales a sigh.
"Y/N," Kim mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose; At the news of this, your Captain is literally stood there seething in anger while you're non the wiser, distracted by the colourful logos' in the airport of a nearby shop where you spot lego.
"Of course it was her," Katie remarks, huffing in annoyance.
"Ah, no. Y/N, come back here, right now!" Kims' quick to spot you making a run for it in the direction, "Y/F/N, get back here!" She shouts through the airport.
"O... Ow, Kimmy!" You flinch in shock as you feel the pain of your ear being yanked, "Lemme go! Lemme go, I just want the Lego!" You state, not seeing the big deal about it; In your opinion, it looked so cool!
"Absolutely not! No!" Kims' firm in her words as she believes your the one thats' behind the whole mix up of the bags, "Why can't you not just behave for once? This is gettin' beyond a joke now, Y/F/N!"
"O... Ow! This hurts-- Lemme go!" You continue to whine and writh around in pain, your definitely not a fan of this but you don't see what the huge fuss was about you running off to look at the Lego, "I just wanted to look at the Lego, its' not a big deal!"
"I'm not talkin' about the lego, Y/N. You mixed up the bags!" Kim points the finger at you for the blame, "Don't even try to deny it-- I knew you were up to something!" The Scots' women scolds you.
"What? That wasn't even me!" You whine, trying to break free from the Scots' women.
"Like I believe that, Y/N-- This is completely out of order!" Kim states, sternly as she drags you in the direction back to the bags, "I can't believe you-- You can't ever stop causing trouble!" She scolds.
Your at a complete loss for words, you had no idea what she was talking about but the pain in your ear really was hurting a lot the more that Kim continued to hold it tightly, "I don't... I don't-- It wasn't me. Let go, it hurts!" You complain.
"The Young Guns have a confession," Katie speaks up as you both approach them all again; It turns out that while Kim was chasing you around the airport, the Young Guns decided to come clean.
"Oh?" Kim blinks and looks between the 6 academy players.
"Go ahead," Teyah nudges Freya to speak.
"Uh... It's about the baggage..." Freya begins.
"That wasn't Y/N," Maddie continues to say.
Mini Viv scratches the back of her neck, "Er, yeah, it was us instead."
"We just wanted to have some fun," Laila chips in.
"Yeah, the flight was borin' and wanted to do something," Noami states.
"I was completely against it-- I told them it was a bad idea!" Mini Katie insists, seeing the fury in the Scots' facial expression and not wanting to be on the wrong side of her Captain.
Kim exhales a sigh, easing her grip on your ear as she pinches the bridge of her nose, "Right, I see. Well, thank you for being honest," She states.
You stare at the Scots' women in disbelief, "Thats' it? That's all your gonna say-- You yanked me by me ear across the airport and they just get off scot free? What the actual fuck!" You exclaim, annoyed.
"Calm down, Y/N," Alessia can clearly tell your annoyed and tries to defuse the situation.
"Calm down? Nah, sod that! If... If that were me then I actually would've been in trouble-- That's not fair!" You whine, huffing and puffing and stomping your feet around to cause a scene.
"That's enough, Y/N," Kim cuts in, her voice remaining firm, "I don't care who did it, they've admitted it now lets' grab our things and get out of here so we can go and meet the rest of the girls.
"I didn't... I didn't even get to look at the lego!" You huff in annoyance, kicking the ground beneath you as you sulk behind the rest of the girls, "I want to at least look at that!"
"I don't think so!" Kims' quick to grip a hold of your ear again as you're reluctantly pulled in the direction of where Leah, Lia, Beth and Viv are all waiting for you, "Leah! Come get yer' kid. I'm done babysittin' now!" She exclaims.
"Kimmy, lemme go-- This hurts!" You still try and break free from the Scots' womens' grip, but to no avail shes' still reluctant to let go.
"Hi, girls. Good trip?" Lia greets you all as you walk over to them.
Katie scoffs, "You could say so."
"It's been eventful," Alessia chimes in.
"So, we heard you might need one of these?" Beth smirks, holding up one of Myles' leashes in her hand as she looks you dead in the eye.
"What-- No!" You protest against the idea, scowling at the blonde, whos' finding complete humour in the situation.
Leah furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she catches up to you all, "Dare I ask what happened?" She asks.
"Y/N's just having a tantrum over lego and other things," Vic jokes.
Judging by Leahs' stoic facial expression, you guess that shes' less than happy to hear that.
"I'm never babysittin' again!" Kim states, releasing her grip on your ear as she pushes you in the direction of the blonde, "Shes' your problem now."
With that being said, Kim all but takes a hold of her luggage and starts to walk off from the rest of the group.
"Wait, no-- Hey Kim, hold on!" Leah calls out to her in sudden realisation, "We still need you to babysit when we go to camp!"
"No, no, nope. Absolutely not!" Kim shouts back in response without even turning round, "Theres' not a single chance that I'm taking care of that menace any time soon-- I need a break!" She exclaims.
"C'mon Kim, we can hardly take her to camp with us!" Beth pleads with the Scots' women.
Kim scoffs and shakes her head, "That's your problem girls, figure it out yourself!" That being said, shes' quick to make her exit out of the airport and you bet no doubt the first place shes' heading to is the nearest off license.
"You know I'm 19, right? I can take care of myself just fine-- Alright, I'll just shut up then..." You go to protest, but judging by the look that you get from all four older girls, you just decide to shut up.
"Poor Kim," Lia exhales, shaking her head.
Viv hums in agreement, "Yeah, poor Kim indeed."
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"I thought I told you to behave?" Leah exhales a sigh while she looks at you in disappointment.
You were now back home, you had to deal with the scolding of a lifetime which still didn't end even when you arrived back at the flat you shared with the blonde.
Which led you to know, where the blonde was still telling you off for everything dumb and idiotic in her own words that you've done over the past few days.
"I did-- I just wanted to look at lego!" You whine, trying to justify the reasoning for your need to run off in the airport.
"Oh, really? So Kim literally dragging you through the airport by your ear was for no reason at all, was it?" Leah questions with a raised eyebrow as she unlocks the front door.
"I hope you know that you're grounded," Leah states, firmly.
"What! Why?" Your eyes widen in disbelief.
"Because I quite clearly remember telling you to behave and you clearly didn't," Leah explains the reasoning as she continues with her usual stern facial expresion, "Therefor, you are grounded."
"You can't ground me-- I'm 19!" Your quick to protest, knowing there was probably no use in even doing that.
Leah has the audacity to smirk at you, "Oh, well that's where you're wrong there, sunshine. My house, my rules."
You continue to widen your eyes in disbelief, "What!? That's not... That's not even fair!" You whine, like the ever mature adult you are.
"It is more than fair, Y/N," Leah states, firmly as she looks you dead in the eye, "From what it seems like, between you and Kyra, you've both tormented Kim the whole trip. We had a conversation about this, didn't we? The reason for you being grounded is more than justified and I'm not going to change my mind anytime soon."
"Meany," You mumble, staring down at your shoes.
"Great, so we can't leave her alone and nor can we take her with us," Leah huffs aloud, talking about you like you weren't even there with Lia, Beth and Viv who also came back to the flat with you both since they all seemed to have shared one car.
"What do we do?" Lia questions.
"Well, there is a third option," Beth chimes in.
"What's that?" Leah furrows' her eyebrows in confusion.
Beth starts to turn to look at Viv with a coy smirk on her face, "Viv could you..."
"No, no, definitely not!" Vivs' quick to catch on to what her girlfriend was about to say and protests against the idea, "You heard what Y/N was like in Melbourne, I'm goin' to Scotland-- I'm not dealing with that!"
Spoiler alert, you do in fact end up going to Scotland.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
The Wayne foundation was a giant in the corporate world. What made it impressive was that their company was based in Gotham where, despite or perhaps in spite of the frequent rogue attacks and general hostile environment, the Waynes managed to run a tight and efficient ship. Their operations run extremely smoothly.
However, that was not to say there were no mistakes. There were. Wayne Enterprises usually had enough-more than enough- budget to cover such mistakes.
The employees, after all, were humans (though their new CEO, Timothy Drake, might have been a vampire considering how pale he was) and were prone to make mistakes.
Thus, due to the nature of human mistakes, the visiting senior class of Amity Park’s Casper High found themselves in a rather baffling situation.
“Well, we can’t say there’s not enough beds.” Their chaperone-teacher, Mr. Lancer rubbed the back of his bald head.
Before them laid not ten, not twenty, but fifty five twin beds arranged in neat rows in Gotham Academy’s auditorium.
“What is this, the military?” Their other chaperone-teacher, Mr. Falluca, grumbled.
“It’s not like we haven’t slept in worse places.” Sam grimaced. The class collective shuddered as they remembered the junior camping trip from hell.
“Ugh, my hair is going to get frizzy if we sleep here.” Paulina muttered.
“I thought we were getting called here for cheer or something.” Star frowned. Her boyfriend of four years, Kwan, slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to comfort her.
The doors open as a harried Wayne Industries employee ran in.
“I am so, so sorry! This isn’t where we were supposed to have you stay but WE mistook the donation request and sent in beds instead of paying for hotel rooms!” They blurted out, looking panicked. “Your hosting class - we’ll have you meet them outside, maybe?”
“It’s fine, right guys?” Danny spoke up, arms crossed. Tucker hummed at his side, tapping quickly at his
“Yeah, whatever Fentina says,” Dash grumbled. After the reveal of Danny’s identity as Phantom, his hostility and bullying died a quick death. Though, Dash kept the nicknames as they were a hard habit to kick and there weren’t any malicious intent behind it. In fact, Dash quickly became one of Danny’s biggest supporters, hidden behind scowls and general posturing.
“We could just meet in here. Get rid of the bedframes and just have a giant sleepover while you guys get everything sorted out.” Valerie volunteered.
“That’s a great idea!”
The class, coordinated from years of ghost attacks, quickly assembled the giant floor mattress. Gotham Academy’s senior class filed in ten minutes later, gaping at the giant floor mattress(es) before whooping and joining Casper High’s seniors in tumbling around.
Danny threw an empty plastic water bottle at Kwan’s head.
“Hey! No PDA on the giant mattress!”
“Yeah, get that love shit out of here!” Someone else hollered.
“There might technically be only one bed, now, but it’s still multiple mattresses!” Stephanie Brown, one of Gotham Academy’s seniors heckled.
“Hey, Danny, it’s your turn for truth or dare!” Tim said.
“Truth.” Danny returned.
“C’mon Fenturd, too chicken to do dare?”
“Danny, that’s so boring,” Sam smirked.
Danny scowled. “Hey, whose side are you on?”
Sam and Tucker grinned and said in unison, “The winning side, duh.”
Tim cut in. “So, what’s the worst thing that’s happened to you?”
Danny groaned. “Camping trip, no contest.”
“Camping trip?”
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gribbo · 7 months
In the hands of another minstrel, it would make a triumphant theme: Thorm trounced, his captives freed, his curse lifted from the land. Let another minstrel write it. The one who struggled up from the bowels of Moonrise Tower would rather find an unobtrusive corner in which to curl up and die.
"Somebody knocks you on the head every tenday," grumbles Barcus, as though it's a character flaw. His hand on the minstrel's jaw is rough and cool. "Follow my finger."
He seems to be holding up two. Peculiar. The minstrel does his best to watch them instead of falling over. "Did you see the"—he wobbles, peering over Barcus's shoulder—"aasimar?"
The Nightsong, tracking bits of Thorm across the hall, wings to Isobel in a blaze of moonfire. Barcus fails to notice. "You're more addled than I thought."
The minstrel could kiss him. If either of them deserved that.
He reports to the High Harper, who stops him midway and orders him to bed. Where bed has gone eludes him; Vally, he thinks, had shouldered his bedroll. Karlach, his pack. He looks for them in the hushed bustle of the hall: teary farewells here, his niece Nimble frowning at him there, the dead laid out yonder for the living to grieve. Harpers weeping for their fallen softly, businesslike. Victims of the cult, too, lying far from their families and friends—and Alfira where he expects her to be, hunched alone with her lute, feeling out the first fumbling chords of a threnody for them all.
It all makes sense, all of a sudden. He still has his gittern. When he drops onto the bench beside her, her hands stumble on the strings.
“Let’s sing for our supper, then,” he rasps without preamble, tuning up.
Alfira stares at him—huge, stunned eyes in a hollow face. “Really?”
Magga cammara, the minstrel thinks, she’s gotten thin. She’s not even famous yet.
“Go on,” he says gruffly. He fiddles for a moment in A minor before settling on something suitable. “I’ll back you.”
A slow, weary smile staggers across Alfira’s face.
It’s a grueling task, to sing in tribute for so many, for so long. Few would ask it of a singer so untried. But when Alfira’s voice lifts in lamentation like a rusty bell’s chime, heads turn; when he joins her in the second verse, the stentorian echo of her high mourner’s cry, the hush that follows is a grim gratification. They play long after their voices fail. He’s nodding over the gittern, his fingers plodding across the strings, when a warm, heavy hand envelops his shoulder. “Silk?”
“Karlach.” His voice scrapes like an old hinge. He blinks up at her, wondering why she’s so blurry. “There you are.”
“Here I am, sangster.” She turns from him, speaking gently to someone else. “Get some rest, Fira, hey?”
Whoever’s leaning on him rises with a willing mumble, leaving him cold. There’s a head on his knee, he realizes; he gives Mirkon’s curls a drowsy pat, then nudges him awake. Someone lifts the boy and carries him away. Around the hall, the torches burn like drowning stars.
Karlach’s hand keeps him steady. “Can you walk?”
He wobbles up. To his consternation, the hall tilts. Around him, the torchlights stretch and spin—
“Whoops,” Karlach says—and whisks him off his feet, bearing him who-knows-where. Hellion. He should object, probably. Keep his eyes open, certainly. Beneath his head, the machinery in her chest—that horrid death-clock, ticking—rattles a radiator-cough.
She smiles grimly at it. “Will you play one of those for me?”
A funeral dirge. His own tired heart beats off-tempo. “Oh, Karlach.”
“It was beautiful,” she says in her plain, awful way. “Will you?”
He’d sooner cut off his hands. Milil, he thinks, help me play happier music for these people. That triumphant theme. It’s in me, somewhere.
A voice speaks up somewhere past his eyelids. “Is he all right?”
“Asleep.” An infernal yawn. “Hells. I’m beat, too.”
Not quite asleep, he thinks. There’s a space between sleep and wakefulness, now, where the Prism-bearers’ minds mingle and meet. Gale’s drifting off thinking about a real bed, with sheets and blankets and such, so all of them are thinking about real beds. Them, the minstrel thinks muzzily, who are we, who are us.
Karlach’s thoughts, blunt and amused, brush his. You sound like that brain-thing.
Shadowheart, ever the eavesdropper, dips in. Are we going to keep it?
That headcheese? asks Vally.
Whatever will it eat, thinks Wyll, in our company?
Tsk’va. Lae’zel pretends to miss his joke. The creature is an abomination.
So are we, darling.
We! cries the intellect-devourer, somewhere else. It’s skittering after a rat, its simple joy rippling through their minds in alien hues. Whee!
Not a theme, the minstrel thinks, absently. Not a theme. He blinks up at Karlach with some effort. “Odd little medley, ours.”
Karlach blinks back at him.
Then she grins, brushfire-bright. “Catchy."
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jerzwriter · 2 months
Second Thoughts If it were cannon... AU
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A million years ago, someone asked me if I'd write a series that mimicked canon but with Tobias Carrick as head of the Edenbrook Diagnostic Team. While I don't have the bandwidth to take on a series at this point, as I'm doing my Open Heart re-read, I will rewrite select scenes that I think could be interesting.
Part one was the first night at Donahue's when there was a serious connection building between Dr. Tobias Carick and new intern, Dr. Casey MacTavish. But now, they've had a chance to sleep on it, do things look different in the morning light? Lack of sleep, misunderstandings, and a dash of fear lead Casey to make a choice. Will it be one she comes to regret?
Book: Open Heart Book 1 / Chapter 3 Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Featuring: Bryce Lahela, Jackie Varma, Landry Olsen Rating: Teen Words: 2,200 Series: If it were canon... AU Summary: See above
A/N: A quick thank you to @angelasscribbles for helping me come up with a new nickname lol I was at a loss. And thank you to @alj4890 - because of you I'm inspired to continue with this!
Series Masterlist Tobias x Casey Masterlist My Masterlist
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The second day of her internship was not going as planned. Casey hardly managed to get any sleep in the miniature closet she called her room. At least the stairs above her came in handy today. She accidentally set her alarm for 5:00 PM instead of 5:00 AM, and if not for someone stomping down those steps, she would have overslept and likely decided to return to Philadelphia in shame. Now, with barely 30 minutes before her shift began, she threw on a ratty old Henly that paired perfectly with the wrinkled pair of jeans at the foot of her bed. Hair and make-up? Not today. A messy bun and brushed teeth would have to suffice. Somehow, she managed to arrive at Edenbrook with ten minutes to spare; when she saw a group of surgical interns playing basketball outside. Bryce Lahela was amongst them, and suddenly she wished she had spruced up just a little bit more.
“Up top! I’m open!” A shirtless Bryce barely got those words out before he flew by her, catching a pass and dribbling confidently toward the hoop. He dunked the ball, then screamed out in celebration. “Ha! Who’s the king now?”
“King?” Casey laughed, “You nearly killed me getting to that ball! I think the king should at least get a traffic infraction."
“Damn! I didn't realize. I would  have gladly given up two points for a chance to collide with you.”
Casey laughed as the other interns whooped and hollered when she saw the ball suddenly flying in her direction and caught it with both hands.
“Well, come on then, MacTavish!" Bryce goaded. "You gonna play, or you gonna send that back over?”
With a determined smirk, Casey slowly dribbled the ball, taunting him. “Come see if you can get it from me." Bryce sauntered toward her with what she’d come to know as his signature grin firmly in place.
“You’re making me look good,” he whispered upon approach. “I really am the king.”
“King of the surgical interns,” she laughed. “I guess that’s something, but....” without another word, she dribbled the ball around him, rushing toward the hoop with Bryce at her heels.
“Gonna make it tough on me, huh?” he laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist and spinning her around, but not before she shot the ball right into the hoop.
“That’s gotta be a foul, Ref,” she hollered, giggling in Bryes’s arms.
“It’s not a foul if you’re on my team,” Bryce defended. “And you are definitely on my team.”
Casey caught her breath as he put her on his feet, crossing her arms defiantly. “Says who?”
 “Says me!” He replied with a playful shrug. “But seriously, you want to join in?”
“Nah, my shift starts in five, and I’d really like to make myself look decent before it starts.”  
“You’re already looking good, MacTavish. Don’t go too crazy; I don’t want competition for hottest intern.”
“Ha!” she laughed, reaching up and flirtatiously pinching his cheeks. “I’ve already got that in the bag, Lahela!”
"Quite possibly," she beamed. "Hey, lunch later?"
"Sounds like a plan."
He smiled as he watched her run to the hospital entrance, pushing her way through a group of staff who had stopped to watch the game and assess the new talent.
“Excuse me. Pardon me,” she pushed through.
“You looked really good out there,” a pretty nurse winked.
“Thanks,” Casey smiled. Completely unaware that her handsome attending was quietly sipping his coffee nearby.
“She was impressive, wasn’t she, Dr. Carrick?” The nurse asked.
“Yep," he nodded. "She sure was.”
After a quick change, sprucing up her hair, and even applying a dab of lip gloss, Casey was the last of the interns to enter the atrium, but still on time. She was eager to meet her senior resident, and when Dr. Ines Delarosa called her name, Casey gently pumped her fist. “Yes!”
“Why are you so excited?” Jackie asked.
“I met her yesterday, she’s amazing! Bubblegum and rainbows incarnate!”
“Gross!” Jackie grimaced. “I’d rather take my chance with the grumpy ass I've got. I’ll catch you on the other side!”
Ines clapped her hands with joy to gather her charges. “All right, young ones! You’ve got your assignments! Go forth and shine bright!”
And Ines greeted her interns with the same enthusiasm when they returned a few hours later. “I hope you’re all excited! We’re about to begin rounds!”
“Woo-hoo!” Casey yelled as Ines gave a thumbs up with approval.
“That’s the attitude I want to see! You’ll be even more excited when I tell you we have a very special guest! Dr. Tobias Carrick will be joining us for rounds today!”
Casey turned to see Tobias leaning against a wall, looking up from his clipboard at the mention of his name. He curtly nodded at the interns, and Casey’s mouth went dry. Why did he have to be so beautiful? One glance made her knees go weak, and when his ice-blue eyes locked with hers, she could feel her cheeks begin to flush. She had been fueled by liquid courage when she approached him at Donahue's last night. What kind of intern flirts mercilessly with her attending on her very first day? But with his eyes still on her, she felt the heat rising. Yeah, she thought, that’s why I did. But when he turned away without acknowledging her, she began to question her judgment again.
“Let’s do this,” Dr. Carrick said gruffly.
“We’re doing rounds with Dr. Carrick? This is amazing! Also, I’m going to puke!” Landry whispered softly but loud enough to hear.
Tobias stopped short and looked over his shoulder, catching Landry chatting with Casey. “Less chatting and more moving!” He scowled. “Or do you think you’ve learned enough to keep your patients alive with just one day on the job?”
Casey’s brow furrowed. He didn’t seem at all like the man she met yesterday: the one who patiently guided her through an emergency procedure before her shift even began, one whose jovial attitude kept the interns energized throughout the day, or with whom she flirted shamelessly last night, perhaps that last one was the problem. Still, she shook her head and whispered to Landry.
“He was so cool yesterday. Why is he acting like such a jerk today?”
Dr. Carrick screeched to a halt again, causing several interns to trip over themselves to avoid toppling on top of him.
“Something to say, Dr. MacTavish?”
Her wide-eyed peers whispered amongst themselves. How did he already know her name? Dr. Carrick didn’t expect an answer, but Casey was giving him one all the same.  
“Yes, actually. I was wondering why you were so irritable today. I liked the Dr. Carrick I met yesterday much better.”
Tobias crossed his arms, biting his cheek to stifle a laugh, and Ines looked nervously between them. “Ha-ha!” She laughed. “Dr. MacTavish is so funny... haha! That will help make you a good doctor, but why don’t we get on with our rounds.”
“Wait,” Tobias held up a hand. “Dr. MacTavish, what role do you think attendings will play in your residency? Do you they – myself in particular -  are here to amuse and appease you?”
“Nope," she replied, not backing down. "Not at all.”
“Good. Because all of us will be putting in long hours, sometimes you won’t sleep for days on end. You’ll be dealing with life-or-death issues, and sometimes, the losses will nearly destroy you. No one is going to be rainbows and sunshine all the time. So I suggest you learn to deal with irritable colleagues and patients alike. It’s as much a part of this job as anything else.” He looked directly at Casey, and even as he was admonishing her, his gaze still made her melt. “Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” she grinned as Tobias forced himself to look away. Casey was completely unaware, she had the exact same effect on him. b
“Good. So why don’t we start rounds with your patient then?”
Landry wanted to question Casey as they walked away. He wasn’t sure if she was his hero, if she was out of her mind, or a combination of both, but he didn’t dare speak after that exchange.  
Casey and Landry went on to present. Or better said, Casey did. Landry was so starstruck by Dr. Carrick’s presence that he couldn’t bring himself to utter a word. Casey eyed him nervously, but when it was clear he was stalled, she jumped in to bail the duo out. Calmly and succinctly explaining that their patient had been in an accident and had internal bleeding as a result. She offered their prognosis and defended their treatment plan, even reassuring the patient when he expressed concerns about the length of his stay. Tobias was impressed with her, and halfway through her presentation, he couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so grumpy after all. It wasn’t like him at all.
“... so we have to get you healthy, Mike,” Casey said sweetly. “There are people counting on you.”
“Excellent, Dr. MacTavish,” Tobias approved, looking pointedly at Landry.
They proceeded to watch Elijah, Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, and other interns present.
“Congratulations!” Ines chirped. “You survived your first morning rounds! That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Depends on who you ask,” Landry droned.
“Landry,” Casey frowned. “Don’t worry, you’ll get a chance to...,” but Tobias began speaking and drowned her out.
“All right, doctors! Your patients are all alive... let’s make sure they’re still that way when I see you tomorrow. You’re dismissed.”
Casey turned and walked away with the other interns, but she didn’t get far when Tobias called her back.
“Not you, Newbie. You have one more patient to see.”
“I... I do?” she stammered.
“And do I?” Landry asked.
“Did I say you?” Tobias glared.
“Nope,” Landry gulped, turning to Casey. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Casey walked toward Tobias; while some interns gossiped, not even attempting to hide.
“What’s with them? One asked “Nothing! She just made a good a good impression on him.” “Yeah,” Another sneered. “A good impression on him at the bar last night!” “Well, I guess that’s one way to get ahead.”
Tobias didn’t hear, but Casey did, and she couldn’t conceal a frown as she walked his way. Seeing her distressed, he hoped his attitude had nothing to do with it. He greeted her with a warm smile.
“Hey there, Newb. Why so glum? You doing OK?”  
“I’m good,” she sighed. “Very sleepy, but good. Hey, I want to apologize; I’m sorry if I was a jerk back there...”
“Nah,” he replied, and she realized his graveled voice had the same effect on her as his damn eyes. This would not be easy. “I was the one being the jerk. That’s why I wanted to talk to you...”
“Wait,” she crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. “Are you telling me there’s no patient? You just wanted to talk to me?”
“Two things can be true at once, grasshopper,” he smiled. “That’s good to remember in medicine. But I am sorry for being grouchy. It’s not like me; I guess we all have bad days.”
“And we're all entitled to them every so often,” she winked. “Just don’t let it happen again.”
She wasn’t your standard intern, and he couldn’t help but laugh when he caught a nurse looking at them intently. She scattered away when he met her stare, refusing to shift his gaze. Casey followed his eyes and understood at once. She lowered her eyes as he returned his attention to her, his voice taking on a more serious tone. “Listen, about our talk last night..”
Casey felt herself becoming sick, and she didn't think skipping breakfast was the culprit. Her cheeks turned red, and her breath quickened. What would all the gossips say about the two of them standing this close? She was a kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Philly, worked her ass off to get here despite all those who said it was just a dream. She wasn’t going to have anyone saying her success was a result of flirting with her attending. But, God, she wanted to pursue him. She hadn't felt a connection like this in so long, and he had said they could find a workaround. Then she felt her blood go cold. Listen, about our talk last night...
Oh, God! She thought. I made a total ass out of myself, didn’t I? I’m an intern, for God’s sake. He’s Dr. Tobias Carrick; he likely has his choice of any person in this hospital. Any person in Boston! What the hell was I thinking? Convinced he was about to tell her he wasn’t interested. Her blatant flirtation was about to make her look like nothing short of a desperate fool, and Casey never wanted to be a desperate fool.
“It’s alright!” she interrupted, though right now, nothing felt alright. “We both had a few drinks, and it was late... it’s not surprising that we both said some things we didn’t mean.”
“Oh,” Tobias said, clearly taken aback. “I didn’t realize that...”
“Hey, Casey,” Bryce smiled, walking past with his team. “See you at lunch!”
“Oh,” Tobias repeated, images of the two of them kissing and their flirtatious game on the hospital court rushing to his mind. He recovered quickly this time. “It’s fine. I’m glad we’re on the same page then; this way, we don’t have to be awkward. We’re cool?”
“We’re cool,” she faked a smile, not understanding why his apparent dismissal brought the sting of bitter tears to the back of her eyes.
“Good! So, I do have a patient for you,” he said, nodding in the direction they were about to walk. “Her name is Kyra Santana, and her doctor thought a golf outing was more important than being here today. But, his loss is your and Ms. Santana’s gain...”
Casey took notes as he spoke. She never needed notes; she remembered almost everything, but she'd find any excuse to avoid looking into those eyes.
 “Hey, Dr. Carrick,” a beautiful nurse winked. Casey looked up momentarily but rushed her eyes back to the pad in her hand.
Thank God she quickly covered, she thought, her cheeks flushing with a mix of relief and embarrassment. He was Tobias Carrick. As if he’d have any real interest in her. It was bad enough that she had it this bad for her attending—the last thing she needed was for him to find out. That would be no way to start this phase of her life.
Tobias stood before the door, and, damn it, he smiled again. "You ready, Dr. MacTavish?"
"I like to think I am," she smiled as she walked through the door.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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queenshelby · 2 years
Forbidden Desire (Part Four)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest (at this stage accidental), Age Gap, PTSD, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Fluff, Mild Smut
Words: 5,456
This plays after Grace’s death but before Tommy becomes a politician. Lizzie is pregnant with Tommy’s child, so it is somewhere around season four.
In this fic, Tommy suffers from episodes of PTSD and so does the reader, resulting from trauma and abuse. They will help and save each other without realising that their connection is much stronger than they could have anticipated.
There will be love, fluff and smut as well as a highly taboo relationship.
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The following day, you again, arrived at the gambling den on time only to find out that Tommy was not there and neither were any of his brothers.
Polly and Michael too were absent from the den that day and the only person who barged in at around 9 o’clock was a woman by the name of Linda.
She was blonde and beautiful, with lovely curls and hypnotic eyes. She appeared stressed however and when you introduced yourself to her, she chuckled.
“I know who you are. My husband told me about you this morning” the woman then said and you queried her.
“Your husband?” you asked, not knowing who she was married to.
“Arthur Shelby. He is my husband and I believe that, last night, you met him, at the state library” Linda explained before sitting down and looking through the betting book.
“Yes, I did. He seemed nice” you acknowledged before thinking back to last night which is when Arthur, who happened to be Tommy’s oldest brother, came to find him. He too was in a panic last night, telling Tommy that he found someone they have been looking for. An acquaintance of some sort and, with that, Tommy had to leave rather abruptly.
Leaving you with his car and the key to the library, Tommy said goodbye without a kiss and it was almost like he did not want his brother to know about the fact that he took a liking in you.
Why this was the case, you did not know but, somehow, it was bothering you. You felt as though he was embarrassed by the way he had met you, in less than ideal circumstances and, the idea of Tommy being ashamed of you, was stuck in your head for the entire night.
You got no sleep whatsoever and needed to know the true nature behind Tommy’s intensions. Why was he so afraid of showing his feelings towards you in front of others? Was this just a game to him? Something to kill his boredom with perhaps?
“Y/N” you then suddenly heard Linda as, clearly, you were daydreaming and thinking too much about last night.
“Yes Linda” you responded almost reluctantly.
“Are you alright taking some bets today? Because we will be on our own until 3 o’clock” she then said and you realised that she must have asked you this very same question just seconds ago to which, clearly, you had failed to respond.
“Yes, I can take bets. You may just need to help me write them down. I am okay with numbers, but complex words are a different story” you admitted to her before asking where everyone was.
“There was an incident last night, near the docks in Camden Town” Linda told you but this did not really answer your question.
“What sort of incident?” you thus asked but Linda shrug her shoulders.
“Business I suppose” Linda said. “My husband never really tells me everything but, what I know is that Tommy was shot last night and this is why he isn’t here today. Lizzie cancelled all of his meetings” Linda explained and your chin dropped while fear began to overwhelm you.
“Oh my god Linda. You need to tell me what happened to Tommy” you demanded, but Linda did not, immediately, answer your question.
“So it is true what Lizzie said. You have taken a liking in Tommy” Linda observed instead. “My oh my, little one. You know you don’t stand a chance, right? Tommy is not a man who is faithful. Despite, he is marrying Lizzie, so…” Linda then went on to say but you did not care and repeated your question.
“Linda, is Tommy okay?” you asked again, to which, finally, you received an answer.
“Yes. He is fine. It is not the first time he got shot and the man who shot him is now laying in a ditch somewhere. My husband made sure of that” Linda told him while you were quick to reach for your coat, causing Linda to ask where you were going.
“I need to see him” you told her, causing Linda to roll her eyes.
“No, you don’t. What you need to do is to help me run this office. Tommy will be just fine” Linda said sternly before making an observation. “You have no idea what Tommy does, do you?” she then asked but the question was a rhetorical one. “He may be my brother in law, but he is not a good man” she furthermore said. “It is because of Tommy that my husband is acting the way he does. He had found God after having been jailed for his crimes, but now he is back carrying our Tommy’s dirty work. It’s appalling and you should stay away from him” Linda finally mentioned to you but this was not all she had to say.
“I know about you. I know about your stepfather too. Tommy is looking for him’” Linda revealed and you gasped momentarily in response.
“What are you talking about?” you wanted to know, seeing that you were not aware of any business Tommy had with your stepfather.
“You think that Tommy chose you out of kindness or love?” Linda chuckled after realising how oblivious you were. “Lizzie is right. You are naïve. Your stepfather has a gambling debt with Shelby Company Limited and went into hiding after using a false identity to steal from Tommy’s family business. Tommy wants to recover the debt and make him pay for stealing from him. This is why he needs you” Linda then told you and it all started to make sense now.
Tommy did not like you. He was using you. This was all you were to him.
“I need to go Linda” you then told her as you were trying hard to hold back your tears. You were feeling betrayed and upset by what Linda had told you and, even though you still could not be sure about Tommy’s true intentions towards you, you were almost certain that you were nothing but a means to an end. 
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
Tommy Shelby Tag List:
@cyphah (cannot tag)
@alannielaraye (cannot tag)
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blackjackkent · 2 months
I feel like every time I pop in here you know what I'm gonna ask but I can't help it. You capture the dynamic so well lol.
Touch for that prompt meme for shadowzel
(Fluffy One-Word Prompts)
(OK so the meme was "fluffy" and I uh. definitely didn't go fluffy with this. XD Whoops. I’ve also realized, in writing this, that it’s basically a reverse of the situation from the last Shadowzel fill I did for you. XD I’m nothing if not consistent I guess.)
Shadowheart stumbles into camp with blank eyes, trailing behind Tav more by rote habit than intention. Her mind feels blank and numb, deadened by pain, which is good, because if she could think clearly, she would be terrified.
I threw the Spear away. The thought drifts in and out of focus, like a light piercing through the cursed darkness all around them. Her hand throbs with every beat of her heart. There are tears at the corners of her eyes but they don't fall.
She tries to recollect exactly what Lady Shar did to her in that endless hanging moment of torment in which her punishment was inflicted. Her brain shies away from the memory, unable or unwilling to render it clearly. All she knows is that there was pain - blinding, ripping, burning, choking pain. And then exile.
She is alone.
She drifts to a halt near her tent. Someone has lit the fire and she stares into the flickering flames without really seeing them. She should rest for the battles that still lie ahead, but sleep feels as impossible as redemption. 
“You are shivering.” Lae'zel's voice pierces through the haze, crisp and matter-of-fact. Shadowheart doesn't look up - but she's conscious, suddenly, of the warmth of the gith's body next to hers.
She shakes her head. “It hurts,” she mutters vaguely. Because really, that's all she can think about. The torment of the Dark Lady's punishment and the abyss that lies all around it, the agony and the numb grief.
Lae’zel grunts. “Your goddess is as spiteful in her dismissal as Vlaakith was to me,” she mutters. “A wretched reward for the strength you have shown.”
“Strength?” Shadowheart tries to laugh, but her voice gives out with a watery crack. “I failed her…”
Silence. Lae’zel does not try to argue the point, but instead, simply rests her hand gently against Shadowheart’s back. The heat of her palm seeps through the leather of Shadowheart’s tunic, her fingertips flexing gentle pressure under her shoulder blades. 
The touch is comforting. Grounding. And yet it carries its own sort of agony, because wherever Lae’zel touches her, it cuts a bright, searing line through the numbness. And what she feels, where that blank chill fades, is the sense of her heart crushing inwards as if it is being squeezed by a fist.
Shadowheart draws a shuddery breath in, closes her eyes. She wants to pull away, to hide. Instead she waits as Lae’zel slides her hand upwards in a long, slow, careful line until her palm cups the back of Shadowheart’s neck.
“For some time now, I have wanted to touch you with gentleness,” Lae’zel admits in a low voice. Shadowheart would almost say she sounds embarrassed, except that she cannot imagine Lae’zel embarrassed by anything. “I had hoped… it might be in service of a happier occasion.”
Silence again. Shadowheart doesn't know how to respond to this, so she doesn't try. But she does finally look up, and finds Lae'zel watching her with an expression for once entirely unguarded. The gith's large catlike eyes are wide and filled with regret.
"I do not know what to say," Lae'zel admits gruffly. Her eyes flick away - and it's obvious now, she is embarrassed, and more than a little frightened. But she presses on anyway - as Shadowheart has always seen her do, even in the darkest hours. "But I am here, and I shall stay by your side, even should every god of all the planes turn against us both."
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Sacred realm, Sacred realm, Sacred realm!!!!!
Prepare yourself for the most excited screaming you've ever heard because this update is wonderful and I love it and I'm so excited about it that I'm writing this instead of sleeping and it will be worth it.
Set the clock its 12.45am lets see if I can do this before I have to go to bed for the morning shift.
Alright, now for the important stuff! Sacred realm belongs to @zelda-the-sacred-realm, and all art from the comics belongs to the comic artist. I've got their permission to do these!
Link to the comic can be found here! :D
Now, get some popcorn and if your like me probably an energy drink too and lets goooooo!
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Big evil big bad. Who's hair is stunning i could never ngl.
It's awesome to see the black knight like this. (I believe that's right? Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Though im trying to figure out what he found unexpected? Is it Sky? Is Sky the unexpected thing? Good, No body expects the blorbo to come out of the medallion and whoop ass.
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Self-sacrificing boy please you are in pain
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Cinnamon roll link please i know you're not used to this, but he's got this
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He's so damn pretty dammit, pretty boy right here. Hylia chose him for his looks first, 10/10.
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Like low key look how Sky is moving he's pushing towards time but moving more to the right to do so then time is. Which would indicate that he's moved rather quickly to get in front of this thing.
They have to protect the small hero and it gives me life.
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Okay, this all but confirms this isn't the first time they've done this.
Oh and it has to be said
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That's a practised spell
(using a few panels from this update here) Chapter 4 - part 1
So, I think that the last time the spirits gathered was sometime around when Twilight was still alive, we know that Time had direct contact with Twilight because of the comic panels in the last update.
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We also know that Time recognised Sky when he first appeared in the last update.
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So there one of two explanations
The medallion or something akin to it has been used in a previous hero's journey. And so some of the spirit already know each other
Or being a spirit grants them foresight that they can just fight with each other like this.
Im more inclined to lean towards the first one at this stage because of that recognition from time but to be honest I think we need to meet Twilight first before we get any answers about that.
I am also going to assume the element that time yields is Electricity (Or time haha.)
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It looks like lightning, but we've also seen him use a time spell so I'm not entirely sure at this stage.
Gonna lean towards lighting tho, it suits him
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He looks so tired, and the lines against him have been growing longer. I assume its more and more of the barrier sucking his energy away.
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Pretty boy alert
i am once again an advocate for the Sky is the Best Bean Club he just needs a nap he's going to be fine
Also, Medalion jails for Sky because he's eepy.
I assume this is how we are going to keep Sky out of this arch, he is too tired and is resting from doing this now. I hope we see you soon blorbo!
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This made me chuckle, Time just grabbing him by the waist like the child he is brings me joy (Im aware Link isn't a child but he is in the cinnamon roll outfit right now so he is a child)
And time is older than him and is at current the only one who can help with the current predicament.
We interupt the end of this post for a Sky appreciation segment because he is the best bean and is my blorbo and got a bunch of great panels this update
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Being the hero
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Jumping into harm's way
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The face of determination
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Sleepy boy we got sleepy sky and I love him
Okay im done, We shall get back to the end now.
That's everything from me! :D
I hope you enjoyed my rambling please do let me know if you spotted anything I didn't! Thanks for hanging out with me and for uhh, also hanging out as I yell excitedly about my blorbo because, to be honest, I love him and it wouldn't be something from me if I didn't soooo....
Thanks again to the artist for letting me do this! I really appreciate it!
Have a great night!
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direwombat · 8 months
wip music whoops-it's-not-monday-anymore 😬
no writing today since we're fresh off the heels of a fic update for katc and most of my writing for it right now is uh. bare bones to say the least. and while i do have an askbox prompt i'm working on, its close enough that i would prefer to publish it once it's ready. so you're all getting music instead.
tagged by @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies and @simplegenius042 to share some music inspiring my wips.
here's a track for syb's energy in the first/current arc (ie, the holland valley arc) of katc
Why did love put a gun in my hand? Why did love put a gun in my hand? Why did love put a gun in my hand? In my bed, in my head, in my hand
Was it for redemption? Was it for revenge? Was it for the bottle? Was it for the ledge? Was it for the thrill of pushing my hope to the edge? Why did love, why did love put a gun in my hand?
and under the cut is one that's about my babygirl's enneagram type that just. hits really hard and makes me feel things (especially if interpreting the lyrics as her thinking about/talking to jacob ;w;)
Now you won't see all that I have to lose And all I've lost in the fight to protect it I won't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford, no, I refuse to be rejected
I want to break these bones 'til they're better I want to break them right and feel alive You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too Now I'm a broken mirror
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
Here I am, pry me open What do you want to know? I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough To hold the door shut And bury my innocence But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel
I'm all in, palms out I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
tagging: @marivenah, @statichvm, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @carlosoliveiraa, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to share some music inspiring them! (taglist opt in/out)
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Oooooo I am so normal about ieytd. So normal. I did not just scroll the tag instead of sleeping. Why would you say that.
I'm thinking about Agent Phoenix and I'm trying to figure out my hc on how they survive everything. Bc. Time loops are cool.... but sometimes they get too depressing for me. And I have No Clue how pure skill would save them from the final missions. That elevator fall, and Phoenix was somehow well enough to get up and leave the scene such that the agency didn't find them in the destruction? Getting exposed to neurotoxins/poison gasses without experiencing any bad symptoms if you stop it fast enough? Driving through the massive jets of fire on Prism's truck without an Immediate Need for Hospitalization? Falling from orbit?
So. Hear me out. Agent Phoenix has some kind of supernatural ability to not die. I played with the idea of the name Phoenix being accidentally more literal than all the characters thought bc I hc Phoenix as a bit of a firebug, but that would cause problems with the whole heat-activated bomb in their head, so. The recreational arson is a coincidence.
So that leaves me down to a couple ideas.
1. Regeneration
Ah, the classic. I love regeneration. Simple but it can be used in really cool ways. The fun is the how. I think I'm leaning towards ✨experimentation✨, either self inflicted (Phoenix seems to like the sciences) or something done to Phoenix and they decided to do something with it. The Agency definitely wouldn't be involved, considering how surprised everyone is that they keep surviving these shenanigans. This has great angst potential and I'm giggling and kicking my feet thinking about it.
Also, this makes me think of using the forge in KBOOM. You can't convince me the metal tools are safe to handle so quickly. Not glowing does not equal safe temperature. I kinda want to write a snippet where Phoenix hands Prism the wrench and she immediately drops it bc OW???? And Phoenix thinks whoops, I forgot that burns are a thing.
2. Telekinesis and pray
What if the massive tk stunt in KBOOM wasn't exactly unprecedented? What if Phoenix has had a lot of practice pulling off nigh impossible things with telekinesis, sink or swim style?
Paralytic neurotoxin/poison gas? Manually keep your heart beating and puppet your body until you can get a moment to counteract it or it wears off on its own.
Faceful of fire from some mad scientist security measures? Split your attention between driving the car and desperately pushing back the hot plasma inches from your face, because you kind of need your eyes for this mission.
Falling from orbit? Slow your descent as well as you can, and push even harder because your best won't win against gravity. Don't tell your handler you had to do that, bc he never asked. He simply assumed you were lucky enough that your shuttle wasn't damaged when the big death laser went kaboom. If all your enemies think that explosion was too bad for you to survive, well that's just a bonus. It wasn't, right? You're here. Your shuttle had to have been fine.
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not-poignant · 10 months
I hope you have a lovely day with lots of snacks
Tl;dr the day was not lovely but there might be snacks
I actually didn't have many snacks today but I'm about to make up with it with a couple of churros and dark chocolate dipped strawberries.
Today I...woke up and showered and replied to comments on AO3 for a while, and then I spent about 4 hours formatting documents into PDFs of varying sizes for Patreon and Ream and uploading chapter commentaries into compilations. And then I did more formatting stuff behind the scenes while I stared at all the other behind the scenes stuff I need to do and thought 'writing is a hard job' quietly and intensely.
I ate lunch while I was working. I also made some memes about how overwhelmed I felt, and then made some for my readers too, lol.
And then I laid down for about 4 hours because I also have chronic illness (whee) and I am constantly in pain and varying degrees of fatigue and I literally must lie down every afternoon so I don't collapse in the evening (literally) - and I did a tiny bit of reading (webtoon: Shutline (which I immediately realised I'd read before and didn't fondly remember), webtoon: December (didn't mind this)) and then dozed restlessly because it was 40C/104F today. I also edited a Tiktok art video in Adobe Premier Rush, but I haven't put it up yet, and I should really do that.
Got up and made ham and cucumber sandwiches for dinner, and watched Girl with the Dogs on YouTube while I ate, and a Smosh video.
Then did some more work and helped a friend with her work stuff, and then I watered the garden for 1.5 hours because *points tiredly to the heatwave* and stared balefully at the dark sky (you can't water during the day - it's literally a heatwave but also it's illegal here to water during the day) with its few stars because they'd set up a severe weather warning due to extreme winds in our specific area and it was dead AF and oppressive out there and it was just hot instead.
I watched a few Tiktoks while I watered.
When I hung the hose up back on the holder thingo, I sang to my plants: 'I hope you make the best out of the water I just gave you, you little fucks' like a sweet lullaby, and a person who I didn't know was outside next door because it was like 9pm and pitch black laughed softly and sweetly, like they didn't expect it, and felt kind of fond. I didn't know I had any nice neighbours on that side of the house, so I mostly just thought 'WHOOPS SHIT' and then felt too embarrassed to say anything.
And then I came back inside and replied to some asks (hi!) and am hopefully going to eat churro's soon and it's 10pm and so I'm probably going to do some more work and then I'm going to go to bed while I feel stressed about the work I haven't done (currently Palmarosa is the heart beating beneath my floorboards). I will probably keep reading December. It's okayish.
I don't know if I'd call today lovely, because I'm burnt out and I want to put up the Christmas decorations but it's 10pm and idk if I should start that because it tends to make me severely ill to do it for a few days.
I'm a little sad, a lot lonely, a little melancholic, a little grumpy, and a little very excited about churros and chocolate dipped strawberries. I resent days that are 'work and sleep' sometimes, especially during November. That's my fault. That's on me. I'm a mean and shitty boss to myself.
Gotta do something about this burnout at some point, because December is the worst month for my PTSD, but I also need to keep getting paid, because medical bills and food and stuff. So like...finding the balance there is a constant work in progress.
There were some lovely moments today:
That little laugh from the neighbour in the dark
The first yellow peach of the season
Doing tricks with my cat (who is trained) for treats
Making silly little memes
Helping a friend with work stuff
Replying to some amazing comments
Watching cute dogs
Feeling pretty accomplished at putting up those compilations on Patreon/Ream even if I'm not done yet.
I hope you're having a lovely day too, anon, with many snacks.
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2girls1log · 10 months
866 words to understand
i had a close friend bring up my love life yesterday. made me think abt it the whole day because i didn't tell her honestly how i felt because i didn't have the right words to explain the situation. this made me spend the whole day writing about it. 866 words in total.
couldn't sleep until 4 am cuz my body hasn't been able to adjust to night time room temp when i'm abt to get my period. good timing cuz i had an exam at 9:30am. imma try expanding my vocabulary so imma use a new word for every entry. at least my lack of sleep didn't enervate my exam performance, instead it was just a skill issue.
lost track there whoops so basically the period part was necessary cuz it made me cry over the "love life" situation at 3:40am. it's a ridiculous situation that i've finally been able to come to better terms with after writing it down and thinking through it logically.
im moving on cuz like my coworkar said, it's emotionally draining (it's not but i don't want to create a false reality).
im praying to the academic weapon gods for a good time for finals. like im gonna go crazy the next three weeks and maybe it'll be enough to completely distract me from the "mess" that my delusion has put me in. after my calc test, which will go terribly, im gonna have a redbull, take a nap, and then gym and then grind.
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fox-quills · 4 months
For the asky thing! Coz I wanna be nosy but also I haven't paid attention to what's already been done! #7, #8 & #23 😘
Oooh thanks for asking!
I already did 8 in an earlier ask, so I'll do the other two!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
You know I just realized I missed the "explain why" portion when I answered 8 before, whoops.
Also this is such a hard question because there's uh. A lot of prose to consider, but my favorite bits are almost always when I land on a good/fun descriptive turn of phrase like: He held himself taut as an over-tuned guitar string, jaw clenched, the shadows under his eyes speaking of too little sleep. or The class scattered like a pool break or Izuku honked into Hizashi's shoulder like a mortified goose.
Those examples are all from Mobius, and just a few I could remember off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more/better.
If we're talking about a longer snippet, hm. It's kind of embarrassing to admit that I have such a terrible memory for my own stuff but here we are. Although! I was very proud of the opening chapter of Kintsugi in general (and credit where it's due, the emotional gut-punch of Izuku and Shouta dying together was all @scratchxiii, my contribution was just in the execution), but I do like the opening in particular:
The end of the world crept up on them by inches, the retreating tide a sign they had refused to heed until the tsunami crashed over them with terrible, shattering force.
Poetic bullshit, but there was something about the visual that Shouta couldn't shake. Hubris, maybe. In the face of the sea, in the face of the enemy, in the face of the end. Could also just be the sleep deprivation and the adrenaline making him fucking loopy. He slapped the C4 against the wall, checking the detonator. Or maybe he was feeling philosophical because they were about to blow themselves to kingdom come.
If everything went well, at least. It's a little more poetic than I usually am, which was fun. My prose is generally pretty straightforward, so I don't get the opportunity much. It also feels like a solid opening, establishing quickly that things are fucked, with the added punch of the characters being in a situation where death was the preferred outcome. I dunno, I just really liked it! 23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Okay so this question doesn't really apply to my current crop of stories, because the oldest thing I have is only... three years old maybe. So! We will talk of the Before Times. I've been writing fanfic for ages, so I've got a looooong trail of fics behind me on accounts I no longer use. I think the only answer here is one of my old FMA fics, which I will not name because I don't want to embarrass myself, because I wrote it when I was 19 and while it holds up pretty well, it's def not up to my current standards. It's a RoyEd fic (moment of silence for my long affair with problematique ships lmao), and aside from my BNHA stuff it's the most popular fic I've ever written. It was the first long fic I completed, and I was SO proud of myself, so it would be awesome to see it updated. Although it would probably be a wholesale rewrite instead of a revision. Realistically though if I ever went back to the ship, I'd probably write some of the ideas I never got to instead.
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