#i appreciate that they saw this particular assignment and decided to be as weird about it as possible
corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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Eurovision 2023 postcards - Lord of the Lost | Germany 🇩🇪
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Uh.... Main four plus Butters find one of Kenny's many corpses?
I don’t write for Cartman currently just cause I’m not super confident with his personality yet. But I’ll do everyone else <33
Your daily walk with Stan was such a routine that you never really remembered anything that happened. That was about to change today. It started with the normal loop around Stark’s Pond and then you guys decided to take the long way through the back streets because the conversation was still engaging enough that it deserved prolonging.
You were passing a particular alley when Stan got weird and jumpy. It wasn’t normal for him to start having anxiety and it set off alarm bells in your head. In an attempt to figure out why he was freaking out, you looked around, then down that alleyway. To your horror and shock, Kenny laid, missing his legs, on the ground bear the wall.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed and ran down the alley to see if he was still breathing. He’d clearly been dead for at least a few hours. Stan was frozen, previous hopes that you wouldn’t notice, no longer applicable. He wished that he could save you from the trauma and that he could’ve discovered Kenny alone.
“I can’t believe he’s dead.”
“Stan, fucking call an ambulance or something. Don’t just stand there!” You were on the verge of tears. The smell of blood and death making you nauseous.
After Kenny’s body had been taken away by the ambulance, you sat at Stan’s house, devastated.
“Babe, are you ok?” Stan checked in, softly. You let out another muffled sob through your hands.
“How long did he suffer? How long did he lay there, alone?” Stan pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your cheek to try and lessen your pain. He, himself, hadn’t even processed what he’d seen. But it yielded him the mental space to care for you.
“It was probably quick, my love. I bet he didn’t even feel anything.” You squeezed him tightly and buried your face in his chest. It was possibly the worst thing you would ever see but at least Stan was there, comforting you. Always.
It was the usual, coffee and studying with Kyle, Stan and Tolkien. You guys finished up, in good spirits, and began the walk back towards the suburbs. You all spoke and laughed, excited that you’d all finished your math assignments with a week to spare. Holding Kyle’s hand and listening to Stan and Tolkien babble about Warhammer, you scanned your surroundings, taking in the sunny day.
“Holy fuck.” The boys had stopped, Tolkien had spoken. Following their gaze, you saw a familiar orange parka, face down in the grass next to the playground.
“Is that-”
“Kenny.” Kyle cut you off, tugging you closer. Stan ran to investigate, lifting off the hood. He gagged and dropped it suddenly.
“Somebody call the police!” He backed up carefully. Tolkien was already dialing 911. You turned away, shoving your face into Kyle’s jacket, trying to block out the current situation.
Kyle took you home before the police showed up. He turned on a Disney movie and held you tightly on the couch, occasionally kissing your cheek. You were checked out. You tightly held Kyle’s hand, trying to stop replaying that brief moment of when Stan had pulled Kenny’s hood off and all you could see was the blood and brain matter mingled among his blonde hair. But Kyle was holding you so tightly, it was almost painful, and it grounded you enough to appreciate his touch and finally, fall asleep to the movie.
Ok, so, the triple date was awkward. Not so much Wendy and Stan, it was Eric and Heidi. Eric was never on good terms with Wendy and there was clear tension. Kenny was doing his usual best to diffuse it with jokes and casual conversation. The date was definitely cut short by the uncomfortable energy and you, Kenny, Stan and Wendy, left together, getting back into Wendy’s car. You and Kenny agreed to walk back to yours after a quick drink.
It was on the way back when you recognized his parka. You almost laughed before you realised what you were seeing. You screamed and Kenny covered your eyes. It was his body, a pole sticking through his midsection and pinning him to a tree.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK, KENNY!” You sobbed.
“My darling, it’s ok. I’m here.” He started pulling you home, “I’ll explain when we get back, ok?”
When you were back at your house, you slammed the door shut.
“Was that you? Am I hallucinating?” Tears streamed down you face.
“Sweetheart, you’re not going to believe me. I’m cursed. I die all the time, and keep coming back. And you’re probably going to forget this when I die again.” He was staring right into your eyes. You could tell he was serious but you weren’t sure what to believe. He held his hand out to you and you collapsed into his arms, still sobbing.
Kenny resolved to make doubly sure that you would never see his dead body again. Ever.
“What’s up, hon?” You threw your arm around your boyfriend on your way out of class. He smiled and softly leaned in closer to you.
“Not much, darlin’. I hate that class.”
“I agree.” You laughed, “You wanna go get sushi?” He nodded in agreement and you made your way towards the main street together. It didn’t take too long, and for that you were grateful. You both had another class in an hour.
After you’d gotten your food, you ate as you took a roundabout, scenic route back to campus. That was a mistake.
You almost didn’t recognise the bloody corpse when you saw it, slumped against the back wall of a shop. But the messy blonde hair tipped you off. Your grip tightened on Butters’ hand before you heard retching and Butters pulled away to throw up across the street.
“Honey? Let’s go.” You resolved to suppress everything you were feeling and take care of your boyfriend. You dialed 911 as you led him away. Waiting on the curb for the cops and ambulance to show up, you held Butters as he nearly hyperventilated. Guess you weren’t going back to class. You blocked his view as Kenny’s body was put into the ambulance.
“Let’s go home.” You dragged him up by his hand and walked him to his house. You could feel a cry building up in your chest but you swallowed it, assuming you could go home and cry. But Butters insisted you come in. He couldn’t be alone. You agreed but as soon as you shut the door, you broke down. The both of you cried in each others’ arms until your tears ran dry. At least you had each other.
hope u like <33
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mister-supernova · 4 years
If I Saw You on the Street
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Pairing: Hope Mikaelson x Reader - Platonic Josie Saltzman x Reader
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After Malivore
For as long as you could remember, summer vacation was your absolute favorite time of the year. To your surprise, it’s actually been a huge drag for you this year. It wasn’t like this was the worst summer ever--you could think of a few others that could take that spot--but there was definitely something off that you couldn’t piece together. 
For instance, no one has any idea as to how Landon destroyed Malivore, not even Landon himself. That whole day seemed to be a huge blur to all of the students. You remembered the bigger events like the school defeating Triad, but everyone seems to struggle when it comes to the smaller details.  
In order to keep yourself busy, you decided to stay at the school and take a summer job at the Mystic Grill. Besides the fact that everyone else was back home with their families, the whole school had this off-putting sense of emptiness. The place has magic in the walls for crying out loud, you usually feel some sense of liveliness. 
There was this one room in particular that you felt strangely drawn to. You had no idea why since you knew that no one stayed in that room this past year. At least, no one you knew anyways. 
One day out of pure curiosity, you picked the lock to that room to see what was special about it. 
Just as you expected, it was just a regular empty dorm that was probably going to be taken up by a new student during the fall. It looked like every other bedroom at the school, but this one felt familiar. 
Something that caught you off guard was the scent that faintly lingered in the room. The best way you could describe it was something floral with a hint of sweetness and spice--vanilla and cinnamon maybe--and it wasn’t like anything else you had smelled in the school before. 
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave for the longest time. The urge to stay and wander trumped over the obvious choice that was to walk away. 
Something happened here, you thought. 
A few small drops of pastel blue paint chips stained the wooden floorboards and you wondered how the hell they got there given the rooms have white walls. 
Instead of questioning it any deeper, you just assumed that a student who had this room before must’ve gotten the paint on the floor and the janitors hadn’t noticed it. 
But how could they have missed that? 
You stood there for what felt like hours, trying to piece together what it was that made this place have this unexplainable affect on you. You could’ve stayed there for the rest of the day digging through your brain for an answer that would never come. 
At the end of the day, you knew nothing would come to mind no matter how hard you tried. It was like the answer was at the tip of your tongue, but your mind was radio silent.
Frustrated and defeated, you had to force yourself to leave the strange room. After that, you made yourself forget about that place completely for the rest of the summer and refused to ever return to it.  
Whenever you weren’t at work, you spent time with Landon, Josie, and a wolfed-out Rafael which was fine in the beginning. Dorian gave you permission to shift in the woods on full moons for the summer so that Raf could talk to somebody and you guys could possibly get information on how to help him. 
He definitely appreciated the company that you could provide, but alas he had no idea on how he could be turned back. 
The happier times were the nights you four had weekly movie nights by the Old Mill. You all would alternate who would pick the movie to watch and Landon absolutely hated that you chose a horror movie every single time, but you loved hearing the phoenix boy screech with terror. Josie would get a good kick out of it, too and you were positive that you’d see Raf wag his tail every time Landon screamed.
During those small moments, things felt like they could possibly get back to normal, but once you stepped foot back in the school, you were lost again. 
Your thoughts were much louder through the night. It would get so bad that you could barely get any sleep and the times that you would, you’d wake up screaming from a night terror. 
There was one night when you were tossing and turning, you knocked on Josie’s door to ask if she knew some kind of incantation to get you to fall asleep. You were up for anything at that point, even letting her swing a frying pan over your head to knock you out.  
Not wanting to hurt you or possibly kill you, Josie made you some sleepytime tea instead which actually helped a lot. It didn’t help so much with the vivid dreams you’ve been having, but you thought that it was better than getting no sleep at all. 
Everything felt like it was going decently well until Raf decided to bow out once Josie and Landon started getting close. You wanted to curse at him for making you the third wheel, but you understood that he couldn’t wait here forever for some solution that could help him become human again. He had to move on somehow, especially seeing that his best friend seemed to be moving on, too.
Regardless, you started feeling awkward hanging out with just the two of them. They wanted to include you during their weekly movie nights, but you’d just make up some excuse that you had to be up early for work the next morning. 
Landon--damn him for knowing your work schedule--could tell that you were bullshitting, but he didn’t want to force you into doing something you didn’t want to do. 
You tried busying yourself with other activities like running through the woods, canoeing in the lake, taking extra shifts at work, binge eating all the good snacks in the kitchen; you even got yourself into drawing and painting for some weird reason, but no matter what you did, there was still something missing. 
Towards the end of the summer, you didn’t feel like your usual jokester self. Sure, you’d throw out a line of sarcasm or make a witty comment here and there, but most of it would sound forced. You’d mainly do it so that Josie and Landon wouldn’t worry about you so much, but Josie quickly picked up on your facade. 
They really wanted to help you figure out what was making you feel this way, but as much as you appreciate their help, there was nothing they could do. How could they figure out what was wrong if you didn’t even know for yourself?
One day after your shift at work, you decided to do something you never in your wildest dreams thought you would ever do. 
You started cleaning your room. 
Josie volunteered to help even though you assured her you’d be fine doing it alone. She bribed you by saying she’d buy you a milkshake if you let her help, so without another word, you agreed to let her stay and assist.
“Gosh, do you throw out any of your old assignments?” Josie asks as she rummages through your desk drawers, “This is an algebra one paper from three years ago, Y/n,” she says, flashing your old homework assignment with a huge F circled in the front. 
“Hey, less judging and more cleaning.” You say, digging through your dresser for clothes you don’t wear anymore. 
“Did you try writing a reminder for a history test or something?” 
You furrow your eyebrows before turning to look at Jo, “What do you mean?”
“You have this post-it note that says “Don’t forget H”, but that’s all that’s written,” she holds up the note and from the other side of your bed, you read exactly what she had said. 
It definitely looked like you tried scribbling another letter after the H, but it ended up being a long messy squiggle, “Uh, I don’t know,” you shrug, “Probably. I must’ve been half asleep when I wrote it though because I have no clue when I did that.” 
Josie puffs her lip out in confusion, “Well. I would be surprised by that, but judging by the ten cans of energy drinks I just tossed out, it’s not so surprising to hear that your memory is a little fuzzy.” 
You drop your jaw in shock, “Is today Judge Y/n Day and I wasn’t made aware of it? You asked to help clean my room Jo, now save your judgments for another day please.” 
Josie playfully rolls her eyes at you, followed by a small chuckle, “Toss?” She asks, ready to crumple the piece of paper up. You take a second to answer back, wondering whether or not if you did forget some history assignment or maybe something even bigger than that. 
“Sure,” you feel your stomach churn seeing her throw the note in the trash bag, but there was no taking it back now. 
Another few minutes of silence pass until Josie speaks up, “Since when do you draw?” 
You look back up from your clothes to see Jo now holding up a sketchbook you snagged at the lost and found a few weeks ago. It was brand new and untouched, so you thought to yourself “why not?”. 
After explaining that to Josie, she flipped through some of the first few pages. You were no Leonardo DiCaprio--or whatever that painter guy’s name was--but you thought you were decent with your sketches. 
“These are really good, Y/n. Did you just think of these by yourself?” She asks, talking about the drawings you had of a girl you’ve been seeing in your dreams. 
You could only see parts of the girl’s face. Mostly you’ve only been able to clearly see features like her eyes and hair, so most of the pages were taken up by a pair of blue eyes and waves of auburn hair. 
“Not really. I’ve been having these really vivid dreams lately.” You tell Josie.
“This is who you see?” She looks down at the pages again, “Who is that? She doesn't look like anyone we know.”  
“Yeah, I don’t know either. She’s all I’ve been seeing, though.” 
“Well, it looks like you’ve found yourself a hidden talent.” Josie smiles, gently setting the book back down on the desk, “And maybe she’s your soulmate,” she teases. 
You just roll your eyes with a small smile and get back to your tasks. 
Like a girl that beautiful could even exist let alone talk to me, you think to yourself. 
As you continue sorting through your clothes, you notice a pair of sweats that look almost smaller than half your size. 
“Uh, Jo?” She turns to your attention, “These aren’t yours, are they?” 
She raises an eyebrow at you, “How short do you think I am? I think my legs are a little longer than whoever those are.” 
“Well, they’re not mine, obviously. How’d they get into my drawer?” 
“Maybe they belonged to whoever lived in this dorm before you?” Josie shrugs.
“But the dresser was completely empty when I moved in,” you think for a moment, now questioning everything, “At least, I thought it was. I would think that I would’ve taken these out if they were here. Why would I keep a pair of sweatpants that I don’t fit in?” 
“You do a lot of questionable things, you know. Like that one time you jumped through a bonfire wondering how hot it really was or when you tried to do a backflip off the roof of the school and into the pool or the time you “drank” a beer through your-” 
You raise your hands in surrender and cut her off before she could finish, “Okay, I get it! I do stupid shit. The sweatpants belonged to whoever lived in here before I moved in and I didn’t take them out of the drawer. Case closed. Swiftly moving on.” 
You were positive they weren’t there when you moved in, but there weren’t any other reasons you could think of as to how they got into your dresser. 
Seconds before you tossed it back into the bottom of your drawer, your nose barely caught the same sweet and spicy floral scent that you recalled smelling in the strange room. Breathing it in again brought back that memory of being mentally lost in that room, but oddly enough this time it made you feel calm. 
After another hour passed you and Josie ended up filling three bags of trash, one of them recycled trash, and one large donation box of clothes. 
You didn’t waste any time reminding her that she owed you a milkshake. She kind of hoped that you would’ve forgotten about your deal, but she was a woman of her word.
You made a “compromise” to take your box of clothes over to the donating center on the other side of the town square while Josie bought the milkshakes. 
Your task was a lot quicker than Josie’s since it was pretty much rush hour at the Grill right now, so you waited for her on one of the benches in the square.
Sitting by yourself with nothing else to do but wait, you couldn’t help but feel that empty feeling return. The emptiness never hit you all at once, but it definitely drained the hell out of you. 
Again, you felt stumped. Like there’s somewhere you should be or something you should be doing or someone you should be with. You knew Josie was going to be back any minute, but that wasn’t what was missing. 
You anxiously looked toward the Mystic Grill, feeling your breaths becoming more and more shallow as every second passes. You started wishing Josie would walk out so that all your worries could just go away. 
Then--almost like you knew right where to look--your gaze stopped when you noticed someone looking at you from where you just came from on the other side of the town square. 
You couldn’t make out her facial features from so far away, but it was the auburn color of her hair that stuck out to you more than anything. For a moment--and just for a moment--all the weight that had been weighing on your shoulders this summer felt much lighter and everything felt okay again. 
“One cookies and cream milkshake,” Josie’s voice startles you and you face her abruptly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she chuckles, lending you your milkshake.
“No, you’re good. I was just…” you look back to the spot you saw the girl only to find that she was gone, “I was just lost in thought.” 
You had no idea what just happened or how you seemed to have possibly seen the girl from your dreams, but just a glimpse of her made you feel more emotions than you have all summer long. Because of that, a huge part of you hoped that you would see her again. 
heyyyyyy beautiful people! thanks for over 100 likes on This Isn’t Goodbye you guys gals and nb pals! i’m super super happy that you’ve been enjoying this series so far! still have no idea how many more parts this will be just yet lol but i really appreciate every one of you for the love <3  
*also the title was inspired by the song Dreams Tonite by Alvvays in case you were curious ;)*
taglist: @chicken-wang09​ @trikruismybitch​ @sodangtired​
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Lovebug (11/14)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Notes: Feedback is very much appreciated :D
Levi could only be grateful that Petra had taken charge.
He was in no mood to do much but sit down, maybe get the gears of his brain moving when questions on coding or troubleshooting were directed to him. When the questions were on expected behavior of application, on known bugs, the motions in his mind were automatic, the responses that followed were second nature.
In that particular role, he was certain he’d be functional at the least.
There were questions about the overall testing process though that required more consideration, more planning and maybe some drawing. They weren’t formulaic. They required an overall different approach, a different part of the brain and Levi was only further convinced of that as he watched Petra draw over the floor plan with pencil.
He didn’t make sense of it at first and maybe all he needed was just a little push in the right logical direction.
Petra’s explanations were a godsend. “With the size of the gym, we can manage thirty tests at once…” She drew circles over the gym, evenly spaced. “We do it all at once, then we have them exit through here. ” She continued to trace the path from the front of the gymnasium to the back. “Then they answer the questionnaire over here, then one of the facilitators will submit it to the moderator’s table.”
The line that weaved efficiently through markers was a sign enough that she had put much thought into the overall planning process.
The moderator's tables was strategically positioned on one corner of the gym, angled in such a way to be inconspicuous.
Levi looked back for a second, noting, it's almost invisible presence next to the stage and the stored sports equipment.
And all I have to do is sit here, listen and answer questions right? Levi wished he could have asked it out loud. What kind of head engineer would he seem like if he did though? He went for the less desirable option of just keeping quiet, instead letting whatever questions in his brain out as one raised eyebrow.
“We want to make the most of our resources here so Eld, Oluo, Gunther, can facilitate. Make sure that none of the Love Alarms are on silent, that all the questionnaires are answered then mark on the box if it did ring. And Levi…” Petra turned to Levi. “I recommend you stay in the moderator’s table, encode the data, and stand by for any issues that may come up.”
Levi nodded. “That sounds like a plan.” He forced those last words out of his mouth while brushing off the almost guilt inducing relief at the confirmation of his own job and soon after that, the painful awareness of his own strange disconnect from the overall testing process
Petra though, had proven more qualified to take over. She had taken it upon herself since even the planning stages, coordinating with the logistics team, coordinating with the marketing team. Thus, she was in a better position anyway to brief people.
More importantly, she was admirably calm and professional about the whole process of presenting a plan in front of one of the biggest investors of the company. A very glaring reminder why she had been assigned to front office work since the start.
It wasn’t at all difficult to admit that Petra deserved to manage it.
So he let her take free rein. Levi leaned back on the wall, arms crossed as he watched the hand drawn lines darken under Petra’s delicate motions. He was tempted to doze off and a few times he did, especially when Petra took some time out to mention the specific responsibilities of facilitators.
When she mentioned the data encoding process, Levi forced himself to listen. Moments after that, when Petra shifted to other topics, he found himself darting his eyes across the small crowd, letting his eyes land on Zeke. The view of Zeke standing on one side of the table, looking deep in thought sent a rush of urgency through him, a very natural reaction to money, corporate obligation.
And something else.
Something unfamiliar and unwelcome. Sadness? Before Levi could even pin down the emotion, he was already following Zeke’s gaze.
Those blue eyes were tracing the plans on the table. Levi observed for a while, making quick guesses of what Zeke had been watching on the table, maybe to get a glimmer of what the man could have been thinking. Just behind the table though, on their side, there was something that had caught his attention more quickly than some overly detailed plans and some notes he had seen too many times already.
There were two hands clasped together and before he even noticed it himself , Levi was staring, tracing the thumbs with his eyes. Soon, he concluded, the grip of one of those hands was all too familiar.
Levi looked up, only to confirm what he already knew.
Hange could have known he was watching but Levi liked to guess that she didn’t. After all, she didn’t meet his gaze, instead, her head shot up, her eyes shifted towards Zeke.
It felt like an unspoken rejection.
A very out-of-place feeling of rejection.
Why would she look at me? Levi looked back down at the plan, letting the mood whiplash that followed rush through him. In those few moments, nothing much had changed. The markers were just a little clearer, the black ink a stark contrast to the white paper but he only found as he continued to follow it, that he couldn't make much sense of it anymore.
“Are you okay with this plan?” Petra asked.
Levi wasn’t looking so he couldn’t be too sure who she was talking to. Her voice was careful, gentle, and her tone was very respectful. He took the risk of making eye contact.
“Boss, are you okay with it?” She repeated. “If you have any feedback…”
Out of instinct, Levi nodded. “Yes, it looks like a great plan.” He could only thank whatever god, or whatever natural forces had made his voice naturally toneless and uninterested. That was the most he could have feigned anyway in such an unexpectedly tense situation.
Petra nodded and moved on from there. And whether or not the others had been looking at him, Levi couldn't tell too much. Their eyes fell back on the table in front of them, Petra continued to prattle on about logistics and upkeep.
Soon, Levi decided, he could probably just learn along the way. All he had to do was keep watch on the moderator’s table and encode data anyway.
Right? “I’ll go to the toilet first,” Levi whispered from behind Petra.
Petra saw him off with a subtle eyebrow raise.
With that bout of freedom, Levi broke away from the small crowd and made his way out of the gym. There probably was a toilet inside the gym but he didn’t bother to search for it. The point of the toilet break was the break more than the actual toilet.
Over the long drawn orientation, Levi realized he was tired, unmotivated and maybe a little desolate. Everything had the potential to tick him off and he just needed some time to breathe.
Maybe a long walk could help. Maybe pretending Hange didn’t exist for just a few minutes would help.
His emotions were a mush and he found himself in some strange in-between state as he strolled aimlessly through the campus. He was looking for a way to get lost while at the same time, he was looking for the most efficient way to make it to some empty toilet.
After a good number of unproductive minutes and a not-too-comforting toilet break had passed, Levi conceded. He might really have to do a quick search to even find his way back in such a big campus. After opening the maps app and confirming location, Levi made one last check on one certain application to satisfy his curiosity.
Purple. His emotional alarm confirmed. He was going to have to be productive despite being very purple.
Levi pocketed his phone and made the familiar trek back to the gym.
The gym exploded into a cacophony of rings from that familiar alarm and very annoying echoes that never seemed to end, both sounds Levi was all too tired of hearing already.
It didn't help at all that booting up his laptop and opening the sheet had been also an excruciatingly slow.
When he organized the stack of questionnaires into a pile next to his desk, he was just a little disconcerted. Disconcerted enough that it took him some time to notice that someone had settled onto the seat next to him.
Recognition came quickly, the first question came out instinctively. “Why are you here?” They were still close enough at least that Hange seemed to have gotten his question even with the little effort he put into speaking over background noises.
The flash of surprise in her eyes, beautifully framed as Hange furrowed her brows was very telling of Levi’s tone. Was he too abrasive? Well, they had a pretty good send off yesterday. Right? He eventually concluded, he probably could have been a little nicer.
Hange was a distraction. When Hange was next to him on the moderator’s table, it felt like a carrot was being dangled in front of him. When it was him and her, in front of hundreds or other people, some of them people who could potentially ask about Hange, he couldn't even act naturally around Hange.
Levi could only entertain the possibility that it would have been easier if she wasn't present.
It didn’t help at all that Zeke was just a few feet behind Hange. Sometimes, the blonde was rattling on about possible investment plans with some very irritating enthusiasm. Sometimes, he was talking to some other school official and sometimes he was on the phone with god-knows who. And every now and then--- No, not every now and then--- In very regular intervals, Levi would notice the way Zeke would stare at the both of them for just a few seconds.
Not infrequently enough for Levi to blame his own paranoia, yet too often for Levi to have noticed some pattern.
Hange though, hadn’t been very helpful. She started to type on her laptop much louder. “I volunteered to help encode data. Petra said during the briefing that you wouldn't be able to do it alone. Weren't you listening?"
Maybe he hadn't been listening. That didn't mean he had to admit it. “Only one person needs to do it,” Levi responded.
“We’re looking at hundreds or even thousands of data points.”
“I’ve dealt with worse.”
Hange turned to him, her eyes observing. “And you seem tired.”
“Do I?” That last syllable came out as a croak. Hange’s own conjecture had left Levi thinking, then he was suddenly more aware of his own vulnerability.
When she stared at him for a while longer, her lips curling up into a soft smile, Levi had to acknowledge her ability to just see through him. He cleared his throat, swallowing that crack in his voice from a second ago.
“How are you feeling?” Hange asked. She continued to type, sometimes she shifted to clicking with the mouse, maybe preparing a spreadsheet.
The question had come out of nowhere and in the air between them, it seemed almost out of place. What could he expect though after their last encounter?
He silently stumbled upon the answer. Nothing. There was no well-backed formula to navigate such complex circumstances.
Levi didn’t answer immediately, allowing himself a few minutes to at least come up with something fair. He leaned back on the metal chair and stared up at the ceiling. He dug into his pants, searching for anything to hold onto, dryer lint, a few odds and ends to distract himself with. He was a naturally fastidious person and consequently, digging into pockets had left him empty handed. With no choice but to answer, He opened his mouth slowly, before he could even come up with something. “Purple,” he eventually whispered.
It was still loud enough for Hange to hear. She responded soon afterwards. “I’m feeling green, very green.”
Happy sad? Or sad happy? Those questions never left his mouth. Maybe he was a little terrified to know the answer. Maybe he just didn’t trust himself to function if by some chance she said something he didn’t want to hear.
Besides, this was a professional relationship. They were colleagues, business partners.
And once again, Levi reminded himself. Why should she think of him as anything more than that?
“You’re not joining testing?” Levi asked.
They had been silent for a while, long enough for Levi to get tired of staring at Zeke and Erwin who had been engaged in some other conversation on a table towards the corner of the gym, some area concealed by some makeshift stage. From the moderators table situated right beside the stage. Levi couldn’t make out conversations but he could make out some of the gestures and mannerisms
There was another man, someone Levi didn’t recognize. A School Official?
It didn’t seem necessary for him to think too much of it. After all, it had seemed like a more casual conversation. Zeke though, always seemed to be having a relaxed conversation while Erwin never looked like he was having one.
“I left my phone...” It had felt like ages before Hange replied.
He didn’t even notice he had been waiting for her reply until he turned back, and returned her gaze. Until he found himself unable to respond, possibly out of shock.
She continued. “Back in the house…” Her words came slowly. Maybe she had been too engrossed in something else in her laptop to tell.
We have test devices. The suggestion seemed almost automatic
Levi’s mouth was already halfway open when she interrupted. “I’d personally rather I didn’t test the Love Alarm today. He might insist we test it but I thought it worth a shot to at least not have my phone with me, to make it less convenient.” She shrugged then gave him a knowing look.
You know why… Those had been the silent words between them. And there could have been a silent conversation after that, or a silent moment of comprehension. Something only two people whose love alarms rang under the mercy of the most complex of circumstances could have ever understood.
In the silence that followed, Levi kept himself busy encoding some of the data that had already come in. He was grateful there were still parts of the spreadsheet that needed fixing. He managed to prolong his busy-ness and as they continued, he was committed to keeping both of them occupied.
The answered questionnaires came more quickly, in thicker stacks and Levi only got enough to seem productive, leaving Hange with a slightly bigger stack. The unsynchronized clacks of the keyboards were enough to fill the air of the room, for a good long hour.
He tried to take control in his own way, maybe find rhythm with Hange's typing.
A part of him was desperate to fill the air between them with some casual conversation but when he opened his mouth, nothing much else came out. They were doing what they were supposed to do but Levi felt like a fish out of water.
With time and the right prodding, his thoughts flew back to Hange’s words just yesterday. Maybe she had been right. They were at the mercy of circumstances.
An hour or so could have passed before Zeke sauntered back into their table with Erwin trailing behind. Zeke slammed both hands on the table in some strange greeting. "Did you have our chauffeur pick your phone up?"
Hange looked up at Zeke, her expression unreadable. "No, I didn’t.”
Zeke had the face of a wounded monkey. “So you really don’t plan on joining the testing?”
Hange shrugged. “I’m fine just helping out here. I’ve done enough testing with the app already.”
“I want to test it with you,” Zeke said.
Hange returned Zeke’s look with her own consoling one. “We could always try it together another time?” She suggested.
Zeke didn’t seem satisfied. “I’ll call someone to bring it over.” He pulled out his phone.
Hange put her hands up in defense. “No need, besides, there might be something wrong with my phone. I plan on having it checked.”
“You could use one of the test devices here?” Erwin suggested.
A very unwelcome suggestion. Levi was tempted to look at Erwin, shooting daggers with his stare. Instead he bent over, just a little hiding his face behind the laptop screen.
“No no, don’t trouble yourself, other people might need it more,” Hange said.
"We could always buy a new phone?" Zeke seemed pretty certain about his suggestion. He had pulled out his phone as he spoke.
If Levi had been drinking then, he could have spit it out. Instead he had to settle for choking on his own saliva. What?
Erwin raised both eyebrows in shock. "Mr. Jaeger, do you mean buying a new phone for testing? We have a few test devices here. You shouldn't put yourself thought the trou--"
Zeke shook his head. "Believe me it's no trouble." He started to type. "Leave the test devices for people who actually need them. Buying a phone is no problem for me.”
Hange had opened her mouth to protest. Something could have caught at her throat and she looked back down at her laptop. She started to type faster, much faster than a while ago. The quick and off rhythm clack of the keyboard mixed with Zeke’s very firm orders at whoever poor sap was on the phone.
“Any particular model you’d like?” Zeke asked.
Hange shook her head. “You know my stand on this Zeke.”
“It’s a quick test,” Zeke justified. Seeming unbothered, he turned to Levi. “What type of model does the love alarm work best in?”
Erwin had been looking at him expectantly then and Levi found himself dropping a typical model, muttering it under his breath.
It hadn’t done much anyway. Zeke acted as if he hadn't been listening to Levi in the first place. Maybe he hadn't, his focus completely on whoever he was talking to on the phone. “Just buy the best model available and get it down here stat... Money won’t be a problem.”
Still, it was a total waste of money. Levi snuck a glare at Zeke from just above his laptop and a part of him was hoping he had gotten the message.
It was just like Erwin to find a diplomatic way to make his own thoughts known. “You really didn’t have to go through the trouble. We have some working phones which Hange could have borrowed.”
Zeke put one finger up as if to silence Erwin. “I think it’s a fair price for convenience. Besides, if your phone is broken, better to replace it right?" He turned to Hange with those last words.
To Levi, it seemed almost like a challenge.
A challenge to what? There were too many things running through his brain, useless things like estimations of phone prices and a price that would have meant installments to most people, so casually dropped by someone as insufferable as Zeke Jaeger.
He didn't trust himself to speak. So he encoded the last few papers in front of him onto their electronic sheet, slowly yet very carefully, willing his eyes to run through each number multiple times.
His brain was barely moving though.
When the new stack of papers came, care of Eld, Levi was an odd mix between grateful and exasperated.
When Zeke invited Hange out for lunch, he was an odd mix between relieved and just slightly offended.
By what? Of course Zeke wouldn't invite him.
Still, maybe it hurt just a little bit to have the seat next to him empty.
Levi settled for a lunch of a sandwich and whatever drink he got his hands on first. Nutrition facts and long term consequences to his overall health could wait another few decades.
Just like with toilet breaks, Levi went for the farther convenience store for no specific reason. Maybe to see a little more green or to allow himself some brain space to think and walk.
And maybe to run into Hange and Zeke again. He found himself thinking back to Hange at the hotel restaurant. It had happened only last Friday but somehow, it had felt like ages ago.
He shifted his gaze, looking subtly through cafe windows, searching for a mop of brown hair or maybe the well kept golden blonde. He came up with nothing.
With time, he gave up, and turned back to the school, passing through one of the nearby entrances, quietly looking through the map on his phone for assurance that he was still on the right path back.
The uniforms were the first sign he was on the right path. The students that had strolled purposefully through the characteristic red brick roads of the school were another sign.
All he had to do was follow the signs to make it back to the gym.
And as he walked on, he noticed other signs, like people with their phones held up, as if looking for an app, maybe? He couldn't be too sure. That was until he noticed two people hunched over, screaming obscenities about love, relationships and some ridiculous app, to surmise he must be nearby.
"Why the hell did it ring?"
"Relax Connie, it's just an app."
"Just in case you forgot, you're in a relationship. Niccolo could kill me for this."
Levi looked back fast enough to catch the nonchalant shrug of the brunette.
"He won't," the brunette continued. "Besides, who cares about what an app says. I already committed to a relationship with him ----”
“I care!”
“Okay then,” She looked dumbfounded or maybe that had been her natural face. She paused for a second, looking upward, seeming deep in thought before she spoke up again. “Why are you so worked up over this?”
There was a bench nearby and for a good few seconds, Levi was eyeing it, especially while the two young students continued to chatter on about his application. The conversation got a little more interesting and it had been all the easier to decide to take a moment to settle on the bench and scroll through his own phone.
“Sasha, tell me… What did you put in the questionnaire.” Connie asked, only confirming the girl’s name for Levi.
“Isn’t that confidential?” Sasha challenged.
Technically it was confidential. Levi had to note and the two were talking in such a recklessly loud manner and even Levi a good few feet away was within earshot. Just to seem less like a peeping Tom, he put both earbuds on.
“I said I trusted you, that I’m happy with you. I think about you a lot. Maybe that’s why it rang for me.”
Levi noticed it from his peripherals, the way the girl named Sasha tensed up and froze on the spot. He found himself cheering silently for the young boy.
Connie, that’s his name right?
“Connie, we’ve been best friends for years… Of course I’d feel the same way about you.”
“So… If the alarm rang for both of us…” Connie never finished his sentence. Or maybe he did, his voice had slowly deadened into murmurs and in response.
Sasha’s jaw dropped, reminiscent of only Hange’s face just yesterday when they separated by the boarding gate.
In shock? In confusion? There were only too many reasons for that expression but Levi was feeling conservative with his guesses. They were a bunch of teenagers, what did they know about love and relationships?
Sasha’s expression softened into a kind smile. “We’ve been best friends for years...even if it is true…”
Their voices had softened to a whisper as the conversation only got more and more serious and Levi was starting not to make out most of what they were saying. He did notice though how she mentioned something about a man named Niccolo, something about a choice to date someone.
And he concluded, maybe it was for the better that he left the two alone to discuss their problems.
He silently scolded himself for even getting invested in that conversation in the first place.
Whatever results Connie and Sasha gave were completely anonymous and as Levi scrolled through the datasets on the sheet, he felt almost guilty for prying so deeply into some stranger's personal business. Embarrassingly, it had reached a point where he had been invested enough to guess which of the results were theirs based on the conversation a while ago.
After half an hour of fruitless searching, he let the guilt take over and he stopped himself. Instead, he turned back to the stack of papers that needed encoding.
Maybe one of the papers is there. Levi guessed then he mentally slapped himself for that bout of desperation.
“You should put a minimum age on this Love Alarm app.”
Levi looked up to see Hange had pulled back the seat and settled down next to him. “Why?” he asked. The question seemed more for posterity. Levi was starting to guess the answer himself.
“On the way back from lunch, we ran into a few students fighting.” She chuckled, her voice was light, her tone almost mischievous. “It looks like the love alarm might have started some drama.”
Levi wondered how she could even manage such a conversation when there were more pressing matters on hand. Still, he decided to engage. “I ran into two kids outside too. They were talking about their results with the love alarm.”
Hange raised one eyebrow in interest. “Oh?”
“And one of them’s in a relationship already.” Soon after those words leaked out, Levi wondered if he should have even admitted it. They seemed too painfully familiar.
“So, it just proves, even in a committed relationship, it could ring. Right?” Hange asked.
“Of course it would. The love alarm wouldn’t be able to tell if you’re in a relationship right?” Levi responded. “All the app measures is…” Love. He was careful that second time around. “Compatibility. Unable to multitask at that moment, he dropped his hand right next to the laptop. He looked to Hange, only to notice she hadn’t even started on the second stack yet.
Her eyes were on him and she was still looking very much invested in the conversation. “And I told you, I think your app is working fine.”
Levi continued. “But they’re high school students.”
“Are you saying high school students aren’t capable of love?”
Levi almost choked on his own saliva. “What? No, I never said that.” He took a deep breath. “But there are nuances when considering compatibilities right, something people wouldn’t figure out for themselves early in life.”
“Your application is able to detect those nuances even if people aren’t aware of it themselves then. Going back to those two kids you ran into, let’s assume the love alarm was correct and those two really were compatible with each other. Explain the situation Levi.”
Levi had to pick at his brain. He had to do and undo knots from inside him so maybe it had taken him a bit longer to get those words out. He stared in front of him, trying to find organization in the way Petra had guided the new set of volunteers in.
Luckily, Hange had been patient.
He didn’t spend too much time wondering how long he had made her wait, he looked up at her, and leaned his cheek further into the palm of his hand. He spoke up. “One of them is in a relationship already. Her name is Sasha. The other one—I think his name is Connie— is a childhood friend.”
“Oh, childhood friends to lovers huh?” Hange gestured playfully for him to continue speaking.
Levi had momentum in the conversation, so he willed himself to continue. “And it rang for both of them, and they were talking about it. I couldn’t tell too much from the conversation but---”
“Do you think Sasha would leave her boyfriend just because the love alarm rang?” Hange could have been a mind reader and it was just like her to go straight to the point. Her voice was a little louder. At that point, she leaned back on her chair, and stared straight ahead. Her expression was painfully unreadable.
That had shortened Levi’s tirade by minutes, maybe seconds. That unexpected query left Levi frozen for a while.
“Should a love alarm ringing be worth two people reconsidering long term relationships?” Hange pressed.
Even if he didn’t have an answer for himself. Levi bit his lip and stared straight ahead. It was an easy enough question to answer, a very logical one. All he had to do was look back at whatever snippets he got of the conversation back in the schoolyard to grasp for some right answer.
Even if it is true, we made our choices. And a high school student admitting that of all things, should have been a glaring sign that maybe Levi had been a little immature, having been bothered by the prospect of ‘love being a choice’ for so long.
No, a love alarm shouldn’t be worth it. Levi had opened his mouth, ready to answer it with a simple and most objectively correct answer.
Even if the love alarm was correct, we made our choices. He had accepted it already weeks back, a sad kind of happiness.
Acceptance. But why was a part of him still resisting? He was looking for something. He looked back at Hange who sat, unmoving, he continued to search for it, studying whatever features his eyes would land on, from her cold eyes right until her pursed lips.
Acceptance. Levi repeated to himself. That had been enough to quell the drive to search within him
“Is a loving alarm ringing, really worth it?” Hange asked again. She had more to say, it was very much apparent in her cold professional demeanor. He could have sworn he saw something else, something that made him reflect on whether that question had been rhetorical or whether Hange really expected him to answer.
Worth throwing our lives away? Levi finished the sentence for her in his head and he almost regretted it. His heart ached, he found himself almost unable to breathe. It had been a miracle he managed to continue speaking.
Acceptance. He had accepted it a long time ago already. Maybe that had been the reason he had still managed to look her in the eye then. Levi took a deep breath. “It isn’t,” he admitted.
Hange dropped her shoulders and leaned back on the chair. She closed her eyes and let out an exhale.
A natural response to the thick tension between them. Still, something inside him was desperate for an inkling of her truth and he continued to search.
Hange looked back at him. In those few seconds, she had managed to compose herself and Levi was just having a much harder time reading her.
She spoke up again. “Are you okay?”
“No I’m not,” Levi admitted.
“Is there anything else you wanna talk about?” Hange was once again cold and professional.
Brushing away disappointment, Levi shook his head. “No. Let’s go back to work.” It looked like that 'casual' conversation had taken some turn for the worse and he was just a little tired from that.
After an hour or so, Levi had attempted again to loosen whatever tension blanketed both of them with another light conversation topic.
The few times he tried, he was interrupted. Events were only happening one after the other and he was starting to realize how difficult it was to keep a calm and disconnected conversation. Every other few minutes, they were coming at him with new reports, new stacks of paper, new developments.
“This is the last time we’re testing on high school students,” Levi muttered. He was almost relieved their last conversation had ended on an abrupt note. Maybe that wasn’t a conversation they should have been reaching in such a hectic situation.
“I’ll tell Zeke about this,” Hange responded calmly.
A huge chunk of Levi’s attention was on the scene in front of him just a few rows back There were, two girls, a small blonde and a dark lanky brunette a few inches taller, right next to them was a burly blond man. The blond man seemed almost devastated, the brunette seemed defensive and it looked like the small blond girl was trying to pacify both of them with a rattled Oluo in tow.
“How did you even convince a bunch of high school students to volunteer to test the app?” Levi asked half heartedly. That seemed like a casual conversation starter. He kept a good amount of his focus to his side, just in case Hange spoke up, he wouldn’t miss it.
Hange put one finger to her chin. "Zeke was pretty smart about it…” He pointed out something. "Teenagers are very simple minded yet very cynical at the same time. Just put the right bribe in front of them, concert tickets, front row tickets to a game in exchange for testing some product which seemingly tests their status with love? Most teenagers took the bait. " She grinned and spoke up again, her tone a little higher. “What can a simple phone app say about something as complex as love? Besides, the love alarm is a pretty harmless app right?”
She didn't really believe that right?
I mean, technically it is. Theoretically, all it did was measure compatibility. Most people should have chalked it up to something similar to horoscopes, superstitions or fortune telling. That information was on a nice-to-know basis but not necessarily life changing.
Levi only had to look ahead again to be reminded, maybe the Love Alarm just had that effect on people. Maybe users were underestimating their own ability to be unaffected by some reading on an application. The success of the Love Alarm was enough of an answer. The proliferation of app usage in the dating sphere was another hint. And the love alarm and the emotions alarm having some reign over Levi’s moods lately should have been another huge, visceral hint.
Levi set aside that last hint as soon as he articulated it in his mind. Instead, he turned his thoughts to an exhausted Oluo who was making his way to the table.
"This is a good lesson boss. We really should put a minimum age restriction on this," Oluo said as he sat back down on the chair next to Levi, seeming completely spent.
"You're not the first one to tell me that," Levi responded.
"You see that couple there? That small girl and that brown haired girl are in a relationship already. And that big guy, he has a thing for the small girl," Oluo explained. It looked like he had tried to keep a facade of disinterest, a shoddy one.
Levi saw easily through it. "I can see that." He kept his own tone seemingly unaffected. He wondered if it showed.
Either way, Oluo seemed too invested in whatever love stories he was speculating. "And the love alarm just made things slightly… complicated."
Levi narrowed his eyes, following the trio that only a while ago had been fighting.
He focused then on the brunette and the blonde, the subtle way they held hands, the wide eyed, seemingly permanent smile on the small blonde’s face. The brunette on the other hand seemed to wear a permanent scowl on her face. That was, unless she was staring at the smaller girl. He then looked down at the two hands, held close to each other.
He shook his head when he realized he had been staring at it for a little too long. He looked back at the burly blonde man, who stepped back, seeming disappointed, almost embarrassed.
"It helps articulate emotions. That’s the point of the Love Alarm because some people don’t even know they’re feeling something until someone—or something points it out right?" He turned almost instinctively back to Hange, only to feel a slight drop in his stomach.
Hange didn’t look back at him, seeming focused on whatever was in front of her. Her concentration made it difficult to see what had caught her eye.
Oluo continued. "There are two blondes over there. I think their names were Aaron… Arnie…? Anyway they have almost similar names." He subtly pointed towards another pair.
Still, it had been easy for Levi to trace the view to the two blondes next to each other, seeming nervous as they made their way through the crowd then to the table with the questionnaires. There was an awkward air about them, but he couldn’t help but notice the subtle smile plastered on both of their faces.
It only pushed Levi to look more closely at the papers as they were submitted to Petra. Petra had conveniently piled them on top of the stack and Levi followed it all the way until the mods table.
He looked over the answers.
All Yes boxes were ticked. Did they trust each other? Yes. Did they think about each other a lot? Yes. Levi double checked the question on the remarks filled up by a facilitator.
Did the love alarm ring? The ‘Yes’ box was ticked on both papers
"It looks like the Love Alarm can tie up romantic loose ends," Hange commented.
Levi only noticed when she had spoken up that she had craned her neck to read the questionnaire next to him. It looked like she had been listening the whole time. She gestured towards the exit of the gym where the two blondes seemed to be deep in conversation. From the distance, he noticed the red tint in both of their cheeks.
Then one raised their hand slightly, the other clutched it. Then Levi conceded, there was some truth to Hange’s comment. But he was tempted to challenge it. "Maybe because they mustered the courage to confess," Levi suggested as he encoded the numbers onto the spreadsheet. “They allowed themselves to feel whatever they were actually feeling.”
"Well, circumstances were in their favor right? I'm sure there are a lot more cases where just admitting would be slightly more complicated than that, like those two kids you mentioned a while ago."
Levi turned towards Hange, keeping his face as serious as possible. "I wanna know, why would admitting it be hard?"
Hange hummed "Rejection maybe?" Her face seemed innocent, mockingly innocent.
A little ticked, Levi was uncharacteristically in the mood for a little back and forth. "You've been talking about reading and acting on circumstances so many times this past weekend, I'm sure you know it's not always about rejection."
For the first time in a while, Levi was raring to talk. From the messy facade of disconnect, Hange’s expression shifted to that of hesitance, nervousness. For a good few moments, she was frozen on her seat. And he started to realize why he had been so strangely talkative since a while ago.
He was in a strange state of mind, he desperately wanted answers to questions he couldn’t yet articulate. Was he just not satisfied? Or was Hange just deliberately not giving them?
"Do you think it's embarrassing to feel something for someone?" Levi broke the silence with one question he managed to forage from the back of his mind.
Hange answered with a quick sentence. “No, it’s not.”
"Of course it's not, but when you think about your situation and you realize you’re not supposed to be feeling a certain way... Should you be ashamed about feeling that way?" He pressed.
"We can't assume how we feel right? Before we even delve into that, we have to consider whether or not we really feel that emotion right?"
"But when we’re sure we already feel it,” Levi clarified.
"But if you allow your emotions to play a part, all you do is muddle your own ability to analyze. I think everyone should analyze the situation first with a very cal—"
"I think that's pride," Levi said firmly. "I think pride is refusing to let yourself feel it in the first place."
Hänge hummed. "Well, then assuming that circumstances are so simple that you can just feel whatever you want… that's prejudice right? You only get past initial prejudice when you learn to analyze what's beyond the situation. The more you know, the more you understand, the freer you are."
"But you're only free if you let yourself feel, then after that, you let yourself understand," Levi said. So maybe just letting go, enough to let yourself feel, maybe that's freedom?"
Hange shook her head. "Thinking while letting your emotions run free? It's not that easy. You’re just gonna end up a slave to your emotions."
“Well, would I rather be a slave to my cold calculating brain or to my emotions? We can’t control emotions. We can’t control circumstances either. So what now?” Levi said, looking pointedly at Hange. He only realized then when the hoarseness of his throat caught up to him, that somewhere along the way he had raised his voice.
Hange’s eyes were wide and when she spoke up again, her voice was notably softer. It looked like she had raised her voice as well. “I assess the situation, and then I decide what to feel, what to do.”
Levi sighed. "Hange, I have another theory,” he started. “What if freedom is acting logically and objectively despite emotions?" He only noticed it soon after, he had adopted Hange’s mannerisms with those last few sentences.
Hange seemed unsurprised. She shook her head. “You can take control of your emotions more easily than your circumstances.”
"I don’t agree with that. No one can control how they feel. So I don’t think anyone should be ashamed of how they feel? Why do people have to stop themselves from feeling?" Levi asked. "Connie, that guy I ran into, the love alarm rang... They're best friends...there's acceptance there… isn't what's important is what we do with the feelings? I understand the circumstan—"
"Do you really understand it Levi?" Hange asked. She gestured with her face towards what was in front of them. The voices, the background noise became somewhat clearer as he watched the scuffle in front of him.
Levi huffed. “I understand that the Love Alarm isn’t enough reason for anyone to switch up their relationships…”
Sasha’s words echoed in his head. We’ve been best friends for years...even if it is true…
He continued. “But if the love alarm was correct, if the love were true, real… shouldn’t the users just accept these feelings for what they are?” Levi only noticed it a second later, when his eyes had locked on Hange that he had mimicked her position, leaning back on the chair. “Is it really so wrong to just accept sometimes, that love is an emotion and sometimes we just can’t control how we feel right? Maybe there is still a lot we can learn from an unrequited love.”
Hange furrowed her eyebrows. “We?”
“‘We’ as in every single person, who ever had to deal with an unrequited love.”
Hange didn't respond to that, she made some other excuse about how they had to work on the next set of results conveniently stacked in front of them.
Another attempt at some light conversation had left Levi winded. The words on the paper then on the screen were starting to blur amongst one another. His head was starting to throb. He found himself lowering the screen of his laptop just a bit and staring straight ahead, just for a break from the soft white glare.
He snuck a glance at Hange, who seemed just a little exhausted as well, her shoulders dropped, her wrists falling more recklessly onto the table as she typed.
The more people that filed in through the entrance, the more Levi realized it was a busy day. They shouldn't have been spending too much time discussing the relationships of people they would never see again. They shouldn’t have spent too much time discussing some useless philosophy on love when there were more pressing things to deal with.
Levi couldn't help but wonder. How the hell did all of their light conversation topics end up so heavy?
Or maybe he was the only one feeling that way. It looked like Hange had recovered first from that casual conversation turned deep. She looked up in one swift movement and spoke up, breaking the ringing silence between them. "That's Eren, Zeke's brother," she subtly pointed her thumb towards the side and Levi had to crane his neck to see behind her.
It wasn't too hard to pick him up. Eren was a tall teenager and he was followed by a young girl with chin length hair and an almost demanding presence despite being a little shorter.
"And that's Mikasa, his best friend,” Hange added.
Levi followed Eren with his eyes to see that he had gone to that corner just to talk to Zeke. Whatever they were talking about, he couldn't tell much from his end.
He looked to Hange for answers.
There was a flash of excitement in her eyes and she looked very much like she was holding in some interesting story, torn between speaking and watching the developments closely.
"You wanna tell me about them?" Levi asked when the anticipation finally became unbearable.
Hange seemed particularly focused as she watched Zeke and Eren talk. Levi even guessed that she may have heard that hushed conversation between them.
"He and Mikasa have been best friends for years… You know it's funny, her last name is Ackerman too. Are you related?" She commented
Levi never had enough bougie connections to have any cousins in swanky private schools so he brushed that question away. "Okay, what about them?"
Hange tapped one hand on the space between them on the table then pointed their way as Mikasa and Eren started to tap at their phones, with Petra looking like she was explaining something on her own phone.
They were downloading the app.
A young boy, a few inches taller than Eren joined the crowd. Levi followed the taller boy's gaze as they landed on Mikasa.
He tried to make sense of the conversation. Lip reading had never been his forte though.
"I don't recognize the taller guy," Hange admitted.
It was someone else who answered the question. "That's one of Eren's friends, Jean."
Levi turned behind him to see Zeke, the latter making his way to the seat on the other side of Hange. And just like that, Hange had turned away from him and started to engage with Zeke. When Hange willed it, it looked like she had a way of just making her voice unintelligible to him. Levi considered craning his neck, just to pick up some of the conversation, yet it seemed almost intruding.
That was Zeke and Hange’s conversation not his.
So he stared at the trio in front of him. When he had nothing else to do but encode the stack of papers next to him or make some mental detour about how they should automate such an archaic process, he found it easy to remember the names of the three kids, all an even distance away from each other, their eyes all on their phones.
Eren, Mikasa and Jean. Levi leaned back and watched the events in front of him unfold.
The gym was a constant slew of echoes and alarms and he couldn’t really tell the exact alarm that could have been from any of the three of them. He had to rely on expressions.
Jean turned a bright red. Mikasa had made a seemingly apologetic look at Jean. Then at Eren?
Eren didn’t blush, but he had seemed a little uncomfortable at the turn of events, apparent in the way he had tensed up, the way he turned his head sharply towards Jean.
Mikasa walked in between both boys, holding her hands up as if to separate the two. Maybe the dark glare she had given both boys had done the trick. The tension remained but there seemed little to no threat of a scuffle anymore.
Somewhere along the way, Eld had appeared next to the three with six sheets of paper and three pens. Eren came from behind Mikasa, walking notably nearer to her than a while ago.
They were whispering. Mikasa turned behind her to Jean who was following behind, a wide eyed look on her face and soon after Eld left, Zeke appeared next to Eren. He looked like he was pacifying the young teenager while the latter had gripped at his two sheets a little too hard.
Talking to him? Advising him? Levi didn’t ponder for long. He decided he didn’t want to think about Zeke.
“Zeke filled me in.” Of all things, that had been Hange’s conversation starter.
Levi didn’t know if he should be grateful or just irritated that of all things Hange had to mention him. “Go on,” he said as if just speaking would be enough to get rid of that twinge of irritation.
“It looks like Eren doesn’t know yet that he likes Mikasa. Or that’s Zeke’s speculation. So Zeke expected it to ring.”
“Wow, your husband takes the time out of his busy schedule to actually speculate on the love life of his younger brother.” Levi attempted not to lace his tone with sarcasm. As it turned out, even a sentence like that sounding emotionless or even friendly would seem sarcastic.
If Hange did notice it, she ignored it. “With the looks on their faces, I’m guessing it did ring.”
“For both of them?”
“For both of them maybe,” Hange said.
Another stack of papers were dropped in front of them, a few greetings were exchanged care of Gunther and once again, Levi was sifting through the pile for the more crumpled papers.
There were no names but he could make an intelligent guess. The crumpled papers were Eren’s definitely.
Did the alarm ring with your partner? Yes.
Just under it were two more papers.
Did the alarm ring? Yes.
Did the alarm ring? Yes.
“That looks like Eren’s hand writing, and that one’s Mikasa,” Hange pointed out. “I knew it.”
“So this means, Mikasa’s alarm rang with both Eren and Jean,” Levi said as he ran his hands over the papers.
Did the alarm ring? Yes.
“Then maybe, Jean’s alarm rang with Mikasa?” Hange guessed, giving him an expectant look. “Jean is one of Eren’s close friends from school apparently, and according to Zeke, he has the hots for Mikasa too.”
Levi looked at Hange. Her eyebrows were raised, her mouth played into a wide grin and for just a second, Levi could have felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Well who do you think Mikasa will pick?”
“That’s her choice right?”
“Zeke told me, one reason he wanted to test the love alarm here was to get his brother in one place with all the others who were crushing on Mikasa. He wanted Eren and Mikasa to realize something. Something that only the Love Alarm can prove maybe?"
"Love? Yearning?" Levi was spouting all too familiar emotions, or more specifically, he was spitting them out, like they were laced with poison.
Hange shrugged. "The love alarm causes chaos but sometimes it can tie loose ends."
Something inside him snapped. "Then why the fuck bring it up if you're just gonna answer with something vague."
Hange didn't seem surprised at all, and the more Levi stared, the more he realized he would have been annoyed either way.
A surprised Hange meant she probably didn't care. An expectant Hange meant she was hiding something.
"Levi…" Hange started. She took her time saying his name but she didn't say much else afterwards as if she was at a loss for words.
"We've been talking since a while ago. " Levi asked. "I wanna know, what are you trying to tell me? There must be a point to all these conversations."
"There's a point to this."
"Then, What. Is. It." Levi challenged.
"I told you, I don't want to rely on this love alarm to tell me how to feel. I want to decide how to feel."
"I will not allow it to tell me how I feel."
"Then I guess we won't agree. Look, I don't care about changing our circumstances right now. I don't give a fuck if after all this you leave." Levi mustered up some courage to look up at Hange.
She seemed lost in thought, yet at the same time, she seemed to be staring straight into him.
Levi only saw it as opportunity to continue but he was a little more careful that time, letting his voice soften into a whisper. "The most I want out of you is just some proof that this love alarm thing wasn't a sham. You said it yourself, it's not a bug right? Why did you say that? Why did you say that and now you're suddenly pretending that nothing happened?"
Hange opened her mouth to speak and she couldn't have gone any slower. He would have liked to blame the anticipation at first, the thick heavy tension that only made it harder to move.
When a box dropped in between both of them with a thump, Levi concluded, Hange had just been slow, fucking slow.
"We have a new phone. Download the app in, let's test," Zeke ordered. Who the hell was he ordering at that moment? Levi and Hange both couldn't tell.
Yet, their responses were surprisingly coordinated. Hange went for the box, quickly unwrapping it. Levi went for his laptop, pulling credentials from the system and a download link to be sent to the new phone.
It was only halfway through, when he was sending over the link did he notice it. Reciting the log-in details, he was only silently and peacefully walking to whatever chaos awaited them at the end. Yet, somehow he couldn't stop. Hange had seemed accepting too, overly professional about the whole process of testing and possibly inadvertently exposing her strange yet very personal love alarm results.
Around the time when Hange was going through the biometrics, Levi thought it polite to resist just a little. "You sure you wanna go through with this?"
"Who said I wanted to?" Hange asked.
"You know what I mean."
"Well, what do we tell Zeke then?"
Levi couldn't think up a response to that so he kept quiet. He let his mind wander. Then he agreed it wasn't a matter of Hange wanting to do something.
It was a matter of Zeke getting what he wanted.
Levi couldn't sit still. He couldn't bring himself to even get past the first paper on his new pile. His eyes were on the screen in front of him but he had snuck glances just above him towards the crowds of people so often that he might as well have just been looking ahead.
Eventually, he dropped the pile, gave up on getting any more done. He lost all self consciousness and just looked straight ahead.
It felt like he was watching an execution. It could have been his own execution, Hange’s execution or maybe even the whole company’s in slow motion.
He couldn't answer that particular question yet. With time, maybe he could. All he had to do was get past the few minutes that seemed like years, even decades.
Zeke was taking his sweet time, murmuring sweet nothings to Hange and Hange had taken her sweet time double checking those fucking biometrics. To the point where Levi actually spent a good amount of time brainstorming how to streamline the whole registration process.
The build up had been unbearably slow. Fucking slow. Petra stood next to them, preparing two sheets of paper and Levi found himself passing the time trying to answer it in his head.
The climax came very anticlimactically.
There were less people in the gym already, especially so late in the day. So when Levi craned his neck to hear it, he could almost pick it out, that one ring on their side of the gym. He only surmised that Hange's alarm rang when he noticed the way Zeke had wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows.
Hange's back was to the moderator's table so Levi couldn't make out her face, as desperate as he was to know.
He wasn't that desperate yet. In fact, his own reaction to the chain of events didn't come as quickly as he had wanted to. Of all things, it had been Erwin’s expectant stare, the uncharacteristic panic in his eyes that had Levi standing.
“Levi could you check up on them?” It was Erwin’s order that had Levi making his way to them.
It had been the look of panic in Petra’s face that had him speeding up. And the closer he got, the more he realized how much he had wanted to see Hange’s face.
But business came first. “It looks like there’s still something wrong with the app.” Zeke’s words had surprisingly been polite. Levi’s first instinct was to search for the venom and the sarcasm and maybe he had sensed some.
For a mainly back office employee, diplomacy had seemed like the hardest part. There were only two things Levi would have been most comfortable doing then: turn to Petra and have her do the speaking or step forward, look back and take a peak at Hange who had stood unmoving since the alarm rang.
A sense of obligation was all he needed to meet Zeke’s eyes. He had to clench his jaw, he had to narrow his eyes just to keep some grip on the situation.
And it might only get worse.
He stepped forward, a few more steps then past Hange and it was only getting harder not to look back.
Zeke’s presence was domineering. His money, his power over whatever work Levi was doing was an unignorable reality. “It looks like the Love Alarm might not be working as expected," he said calmly.
Levi had his months worth of research and testing to look back to. And one thought, one long split second later, one deep breath later, he let it out, not confidently but just professional enough to at least get his point across.
“It’s working as expected,” Levi mustered. How many ways could he say something like that without insulting a billionaire? He wondered what Erwin would have said, what Hange would have said, what crazy lingo their marketing or public relations team would have come up with. Levi though had been the one who had slaved for years over that application. He would have been the only one to know the gravity of such a statement. “The love alarm is working as expected,” he repeated, just in case the message didn’t come across.
Maybe it didn’t. Zeke narrowed his eyes. “How can you be sure? Have you done the proper testing?”
“We’ve been testing this for months. Mr. Jaeger, it’s working as expected,” Levi repeated. He willed himself to keep the tone at the least, emotionless. At that moment, when he was also resisting the urge to look back at Hange it had been almost an impossible task.
Zeke let out one exhale. Then, his voice was soft, almost deathly cold. “Would you like to test again Mr. Ackerman?”
Test? Levi let his mouth drop just half way down. “Here?”
“You've taken a liking to Hange haven't you? I heard about it, if I've not noticed it myself.
Heard from who? Asking questions, Levi knew he would be only delaying the inevitable and a part of him wanted to delay it.
“Levi go turn on your Love Alarm,” Erwin ordered.
At the least, he had an excuse to look back. He caught Hange behind him for a split second. Her face was a strange mix between utter acceptance. The more Levi looked though, the easier it had been to pick out something else. A hint of pleading, too small that it could have been his imagination.
Levi looked away.
And Erwin wasn’t allowing him a second look. “Levi, is something wrong?” It wasn’t a question of concern. Levi had know Erwin enough to guess, it was merely a nice way of telling him to hurry.
Levi pulled his phone from his pocket, navigated to the application and activated in one quick motion. If he spared any more time, he might just hesitate.
There were three separate rings that filled the dead air between the four of them. At first, Levi had attributed the profundity, the implicit ringing in his ears to just the weight of the moment. Time was moving at a snail’s pace and by the time he had come to his senses, by the time Zeke had brought out his phone turning the empty screen towards him, Levi was suddenly aware that there were only three rings that graced the whole gym.
The gym had gone silent. All eyes were on them and the ringing of the three arms only continued, supplemented by whatever echoes followed.
And it would only continue unless someone moved to turn off their love alarm. Even in complete shock, Levi surmised that much.
Erwin had been the first to have composed himself. He took one to step back, then a few more. Then he was completely out of range of the love alarm.
The three alarms continued to ring.
Zeke was next to move. His face was completely unreadable and he had bent his head down, his eyes seeming glued to the screen.
From that angle, Levi could never be too sure of Zeke’s reaction.
Zeke eventually looked up, his face cold, almost expressionless. He held his phone up, only dangling it from the ground by three fingers.
The contents though were what had Levi still struggling to move. It had been expected, but to see it in the silence, when the air around them was heavy, when they were under close watch by tens if not hundreds of people, that had only served to make his stomach drop.
Zeke deactivated the alarm, and the alarm, barren of any hearts, shifted back to the title screen.
One sound disappeared. Two were left. And when everything else was silent, Levi couldn’t help but grovel silently at how annoyingly loud the ringing actually was.
He looked back at Hange. She had stood quiet and unmoving those few moments that seemed to last an eternity. When Levi looked back though, their gazes locked almost instantly.
Hange’s eyes were wide, her mouth pursed into some lopsided line and when Levi looked closer, he could have sworn he saw that flash of pleading again.
Pleading for what?
In such a fast paced world, on a Monday of all days, there was not much time to ponder. He had felt almost guilty staring, finding some way to placate her with his eyes alone. Eventually they were escorted out. Hange and Zeke went ahead and Hange as usual, had Zeke’s strong protective arm around her.
“Levi, we’re going to have to discuss this,” Erwin said. He walked ahead, gesturing for Levi to follow behind.
As always, Levi followed, slowly and sluggishly. It took him a minute more to realize he had almost forgotten to turn off the alarm.
“There’s no bug,” Levi repeated again. He attempted to compose himself but there was only so much he could do when he was the only one standing in the small conference room.
Zeke had settled on the sofa and as expected, no one protested. He put one hand to his chin, in mock surprise. “I could have sworn it had been working a few months ago.”
“We had a test build.” Hange spoke up from next to him, her voice was soft. It lacked the melody it usually had. “We needed the funds to continue digging into that bug so we created a build… for extra testing.”
“And I would have gladly given the funds either way,” Zeke said. “The burning question is, did you even find the bug?”
“There’s. No. Bug.” Levi kept his tone firm and professional. He wondered if the venom had made it out of his mouth.
“You gave up pretty fast,” Zeke commented.
And that was the moment Levi realized, there were things Zeke might never understand about the testing process. It was a complete waste of time explaining the difficulty of labor to someone who treated an ordinary person’s full time job as just another vessel for investment.
“Tell me, Mr. Ackerman. If there’s no bug, can you explain to me the reason behind the strange behavior of the application?” Zeke said.
The question had come as a challenge, something Levi was in no mood to take. When Erwin was giving him a long side eyed glance, he knew he’d have to make something work.
“It tests compatibility,” Levi said. “How well people would probably make as a pair, the potential to… get together.” He found himself dancing around definitions, avoiding the word ‘love’ like a plague.
But that wasn’t love. He would rather it wasn't love. Then and there, he almost considered applying for a name change.
“Zeke, love is a choice,” Hange said. “Whatever result the application gives is never going to affect this relationship. I wouldn’t let it.”
“Can you explain then why you have so much faith in this application then?”
Hange turned to Levi and nodded. “It has potential.”
“Potential for further research. You told me that before,” Zeke’s voice was only getting louder. “But can you really trust this application, this developer, after he inadvertently confesses, after your own application rings for him. And he refuses to admit to a bug.”
“Because it’s not a bug,” Hange said. “I was testing with him, I know.”
“So are you saying you’re in love with Mr. Ackerman?”
Hange dropped her shoulders, then looked straight ahead. “In another life, maybe we could have been compatible. If things didn’t end the way it did, maybe Levi and I could have gotten together and we would have been happy. I think that’s what the love alarm meant to say. Circumstances are different though. I’m married to you. I am committed to you.”
“But, are you in love with him?” Zeke pressed.
Hange shook her head. “I don’t think the Love Alarm measures love. It measures emotions, compatibility. Zeke, this thing between is, it's something we built overtime, something we grew together?”
Zeke narrowed his eyes at Hange and Levi followed his eyes back to her to see that pleading expression once again. Hange was still pleading, that time that expression was directed towards Zeke.
“Is it, Hange? Is love something which grows over time?” Zeke pressed.
Levi noticed Hange's face had fallen, her eyes widened but the pleading in her expression only grew. Then Levi made a silent yet outrageous guess.
Hange was pleading. Pleading for answers?
Zeke turned to Erwin then to Levi, his eyes once again cold and serious. "Can you give me and Hange some space first? We need to discuss something."
Maybe Zeke had guessed something similar and as Erwin led Levi out of the room, he was starting to accept that he might never know. Levi’s legs were heavy. The glass door had difficult to pull close and when he had shut the door behind him with a click, he felt like he had been lifting weights.
Or maybe he was just finding an excuse not to leave. There was that in between, something similar to the desolation of rejection and another pathetic emotion.
Denial. There was more to their circumstances for sure. Hange’s strange expression, the wide eyes, the almost seemingly curious glimmer and the pleading that never seemed to fall away.
Out of curiosity, or even desperation, Levi ended up waiting outside for a second longer, positioning himself somewhere where he wouldn’t so easily be seen.
The door was an orderly combination of frosted glass, wooden frames and transparent glass. When Levi sat on the sofa just in front of the doorway, burying himself into some social media timeline, he still had enough headspace to crane his neck up, and just make out positions just behind the frosted class.
Behind the portion of clearer glass, Levi could see Hange was still sitting on the sofa but her posture had shifted into something strangely uncharacteristic. She rested her forehead on her palm and she was bending over, staring at something at the palm of her hand.
The familiar silver of Zeke's phone. What was she staring at?
It felt almost intrusive asking, so Levi ended his own mental reflection there. Instead, he focused on how Hange had looked back up, a look of panic, concern. She was calling out to Zeke maybe?
In a few swift movements, Zeke had come right beside her, he pressed her towards the clear glass.
And he kissed her.
Head empty, thoughts elsewhere, Levi didn't feel it immediately. But eventually it did come. It was a strong wave and for a while, Levi was bombarded.
A second later, he was drowning.
Over a small view? Something between the slits of glass? When he got his grip back on reality, he let his eyes wander over the intricate design of the door and to to the only part of Hange that was reflecting some glimmer of protest.
The fingers of her right hand were pressed on the doorway and Levi continued to watch that less painful view from the one just above it. Hange’s hand continued to twitch, then it went back up and gripped Zeke by the waist. Then suddenly her arm had snaked over Zeke's back then pulled him into one tight embrace.
One tight embrace in front of him and Levi started to think it almost laughable that he had even searched for some rebellion in that intimate moment.
Why would she rebel? She told him herself, she loved him. Yet, why was he still searching for something? Why did he hyperfixate on such a subtle movement that could have meant nothing in that grand scheme of things.
And when Levi mustered the courage to look away from the hand, back up to the view of their heads pressed against each other, he noticed Zeke was looking in his direction. When their eyes met, Zeke narrowed them and raised his chin up in some strange indignance, some vague threat. Then his curled up into a small smile, not wide enough to have ever been genuine.
And the overall expression had Levi dropping his shadows in some cruel realization. Why did he feel like he had lost something? Not just someone but some game.
Had he even been playing?
With that strange expression directed towards him , Levi deemed his very small yet personal search useless and suspended it altogether.
Something pricked at his eyes, his lips trembled and by god, did he want to call it a day. His legs were jelly, deadweight at the same time. His hands didn't feel like his. Still, he moved mechanically to nothing, one step at a time towards the door.
Suddenly aware of social graces, he shook his head and scolded himself once again for getting in the way of such an intimate moment.
He met Erwin outside and by the time Erwin had asked why he had taken so long, Levi had already found ways to compose himself. “Just had to check something on my phone.” It didn’t make much sense but at that moment, sense was the last thing on Levi’s mind.
"I'm going to have a long talk with Zeke about that contract."
"Do you need help?" Levi asked.
Erwin shook his head. "No, this is between me and Zeke. Focus on the alarm."
"I will… No, Hange and I will." Adding her name had only made the prospect of bouncing back from such an ordeal almost stomachable.
But it had worked for only just a few minutes. When Hange and Zeke had left the office, it backfired magnificently.
And all he needed was that one-sided exchange to bring him back to that point of utter desolation.
"Hange, I'll see you tomorrow?" Levi asked.
Hange didn’t respond. Notably, she had been walking faster towards the exit of the gym, only trailing behind Zeke.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Hange…" Before he knew it, he had followed her through the campus grounds. Before he even felt it, he had clutched a shaking hand.
'Levi, let me go, will you?" Hange didn’t seem at all angry. Hell, she had been smiling since even before their eyes locked. Her manner of speaking, her words, then that last expression before she turned her back on him, they all seemed to have a calming effect.
It was easier to let go of her hand, easier to watch silently as she and Zeke turned the corner towards the open parking lot.
But her final parting words burned into even the recesses of his mind. And those words stayed there, the whole train ride home, the whole trek back up to his small studio apartment.
For the first time, Levi went straight to sleep. Of course he would, it had been a long day, too many things happened and he was fucking tired.
But extreme exhaustion was never just exhaustion. Sometimes, he even forgot how much control emotions had over the physical.
Out of curiosity, he opened his alarm to make sense of that strange exhaustion. He noted the blur that came with his own bleary view.
Then the colors and contours settled. Then he noted a pale sky blue.
Levi had always been a stickler for cleanliness.
Hange's writings on the whiteboard was a nagging antithesis. They were a conglomerate of careless scribbles, some parts faint other parts dark. Hange never bothered to write over them, never bothered to write on the white board with the same pressure every time.
And she never even wrote in a straight line.
The lines only bent, fell over or climbed as she wrote them and they only acted as some sort of distraction especially when Levi was in a constant process of organizing and reorganizing both his thoughts and his actual belongings.
Yet somehow, Levi couldn't stop staring at the lines of used emails and the check marks next to them. Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to erase it and write over it, despite the codes, the plans running through his mind, demanding to be let out.
Maybe he could ask her for permission, maybe scold her for not cleaning up.
At around ten that Tuesday morning, he called, only to receive a dial tone. And he listened to that dial tone for a few minutes longer, while staring at the messy white board on front of him.
Hange was an utter mess. He thought loudly to himself. Then he found himself a little more ticked to have a whiteboard with shitty scribbles on it.
The eraser was right under the board. Yet as easy as it would be to erase it, somehow he couldn’t.
He turned back to his computer, opened his workflow tracker and started a new project just for both of them. He added the resources, the codes and the latest build of that birthday present he had created just for her.
He opened a virtual drawing board on his tablet, drawing plans for new colors, plans to quantify emotions and plans to connect a phone to some desktop view dashboard.
He didn’t know what Hange would need, what Hange was envisioning or however way he could make sense of numbers or assign them into each emotion just yet.
If he just created a few formulas, suggested a few codes, Hange would give her feedback anyway. He booted his phone up and opened his chat with Hange.
11:00 AM
Hey, you’re going to the office today?
Lunch break passed without any hitches so Levi decided to stare at the whiteboard again just to annoy himself enough to want to message Hange again.
2:26 PM
Are you done with the whiteboard? I’m gonna erase what you wrote.
She didn’t reply.
He sent over those same questions, those same threats multiple times a day over the week and every time, the result had been the same.
No response.
As week turned into two weeks, then three, he realized he had never planned on erasing it in the first place. Somehow, he wanted that antithesis, that glaring reminder that it hadn’t just been his office space anymore.
Work and responsibilities had become some sort of a solace, a godsend in their own little way. With enough post release questions to answer, with enough data from the testing to make some sense of, Levi was constantly busy. With bugs constantly rearing their ugly heads, demanding to be solved, Levi had at least managed to pretend he wasn’t always thinking about her.
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wordupcomics · 3 years
We would like to see more about the adventures of the boys (Violet, Scoops, Becky and Tobey) when they were teenagers we really love to see our favorite team interacting with each other 💗
Hey Anon! Sorry this took so long! It took me a while to think of things and then when I did I wanted to draw them but by that point I'd already kept you waiting for a while so I only have two drawings but I have a lot of ideas I will share through text instead!
First lets do the moment with the drawings
So it starts with the gang as teenagers, all four of them in detention. The girls and the boys got detention for different reasons, and ask the other why they are there. First Becky and Violet ask Tobey and Scoops why they're there. It's a long answer, so I'll just have Becky sum it up for you
Becky:...So...let me get this straight...Scoops saw Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens kissing in the parking lot, and decided to right an article about it and why we should remain loyal to our partners...and then Tobey pointed out that if anyone saw that article he could damage Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens marriages and get in trouble. So to avoid getting in trouble you two decided to flush the article down one of the toilets in the boys locker room and it clogged the pipes and flooded the boys locker room and you two got detention for causing damage to school property????
Tobey: Yes we hear the irony that we did that to avoid Scoops getting in trouble and then ultimately got in trouble because of it
Becky: Not even on my list of concerns right now. First of all...why did you have to destroy the article? Why couldn't you have just not published it? You could have hidden it or thrown it away?
Violet: No they should have recycled it!
Scoops: What if I recycled it and someone found it? Or what if I lost it and someone found it? it would spread like wildfire!
Becky: Okay, but why flush it down the toilet??? You could have shred it?
Violet: Or painted over it!
Becky: Or used one of Tobey's robots to destroy it
Violet: Or you guys could have thrown it in my fire pit when you came over next weekend to roast marshmallows!
Tobey and Scoops (realizing they're right): ...
Becky: And secondly (Looks to Violet as they both try to choke down a laugh) Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens are married
Scoops: I know, that's why I wrote an article on cheating Becky!
Violet: No, you guys, they're married to each other
Tobey and Scoops: ...What..??
Becky: Mrs. Stevens wanted to keep her last name so she never changed it
Violet: They've been happily married for twenty years
(Tobey and Scoops then realize they got detention for basically no reason at all as Becky and Violet burst out laughing):
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Tobey: Oh yeah! And why are you two here, hmm? What bad thing could the two most rule-following students in the school have possibly done to end up in detention with us?
Becky and Violet (paniced): No reason
Scoops: No no no! We told you, now you gotta tell us! What'd you two do?
Violet: ....Well...Becky brought her laptop to school today so we could look at Pretty Princess fanart at lunch...
Scoops: At lunch? A teacher shouldn't give you detention for goofing off on a computer at lunch
Becky: Yeah the problem wasn't when we were looking at it...the problem was the particular fanart that just happened to be on the computer when the teacher passed by...
Tobey: ... What in the world kind of fanart were you two looking at?????
Becky: We were just looking at normal fanart! As it turns out some people one the internet are...messed up and we accidentally ran into some fanart that...um...
Violet: Will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life...
Becky: and was ultimately deemed "highly inappropriate" by the teacher...
(Tobey and Scoops then burst out laughing):
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I'm gonna put some more scenarios under the cut!
Becky begged Tobey to read this amazing book she just loves:
Becky: Have you read it yet?! Wasn't it amazing?!
Tobey: ...Becky you are one of my dearest friends but I have to be honest with you-This was the worst book I have ever had the displeasure to read
Becky: (Yanks the book out of Tobey's hands and "covers it's ears") (Gasps) IT CAN HEAR YOU!!!
Tobey: ....please see a shrink...
Mrs. McCallister is finally ready for Tobey to meet her new boyfriend and Tobey is super nervous. Scoops gets this idea that he'll look up the guy in the phone book, call him, and pretend he's randomly interviewing people on the phone for a school article, when instead he's actually getting information Tobey needs to get to know the guy better so he knows what to expect (fun fact: this man would later become Tobey's stepdad, his name is Alex). Scoops has the phone on speaker so Tobey can hear
After a bunch of oddly specific questions:
Alex, on the other end: ...Are you a friend of Claire's boy, Tobey?
Scoops: ...
Alex: ...
Tobey: ...
Scoops: Bye! (hangs up in panic)
Tobey: SCOOPS!
Scoops: He was on to us! I panicked! What was I supposed to do???
Scoops wrote an article about WordGirl. He didn't see anything wrong with it...Becky did...
Becky: How could you say that about me!?
Scoops: I didn't think you'd care!
Becky: Well I do!
Scoops: I'm sorry, Becky. I didn't know you felt so insecure about this or I never would have written it, I promise!
Becky: Insecure! I am NOT insecure!
Scoops (raising an eyebrow): ... define insecure
Becky: ...
Scoops: ...
Becky: I'm leaving! (leaves)
Tobey is in the park reading, Violet is also at the park, doing an art show. She walks up to Tobey all sad and sits next to him
Violet: Hi..
Tobey: What's the matter?
Violet: Someone came to my art show and said he thought all my art was terrible...
Tobey: ...Who in the world would say such a thing???
Violet: That guy over there...
Tobey: You know he's probably just jealous of how talented you are and is masking his insecurities behind rude comments
Violet: ... You really think so?
Tobey: Oh yes, I used to do it all the time..I still catch myself doing it to be honest
Violet: Well now I feel bad for him..
Tobey: Well there's nothing you can do about him, so if I were you I'd just go and continue your art show like normal
Violet: You're right Tobey! Thanks! (leaves for her art show)
Tobey: (pulls out his remote) Insult my dear innocent friend? Not on my watch
Becky and Violet talking about Pretty Princess
Becky: I mean...I know none of it is canon but it's still a good idea right?
Violet: Becky! This is the best AU idea I've ever heard!
Becky: (gasps) I'll write fanfiction for it and you draw fanart for it?
Violet: YES!
Becky and Violet: (Excited screams)
Tobey, now officially having given up crime, is doing community service (of his own volition) to make up for his past actions. Becky, Scoops and Violet come up
Becky: How's community service going?
Tobey: It's awful! But I'm glad I'm doing it
Violet: Want some help?
Tobey: No, it wouldn't feel right
Scoops: Well, can we just sit here and keep you company then?
Tobey: ... Of course!
In high school, Violet got into acting and often performed in school plays. Her first play ever she invited all her friends to come see, and of course they were happy to watch her have fun on stage! However when they saw the play it was....horrendous. Worst thing they'd ever seen. After the play was over Violet happily came over to ask them what they thought of it. Important note: Violet and Scoops were dating at the time
Tobey, seeing Violet coming: What do I do??? I can't tell Violet it was terrible! It would break her heart! But I can't lie to her either! That's wrong!
Becky: Tobey, relax, just do what I do
Violet: Hey guys! What'd you think?
Becky: you looked like you were having so much fun!
Tobey and Scoops: Yeah you did!
Violet: I was! But what did you think of the play itself?
Becky: ...Well...honestly you guys mispronounced so many words I couldn't really enjoy it. I mean it's not your fault, no one uses those words anymore but you know...I know how they're pronounced and can't stand when words are pronounced wrong so...
Violet: Oh that makes sense! We'll work on that! Maybe you can tell me how to pronounce them!
Becky: Sure!
Violet: Tobey what did you think?
Tobey: Um...I wasn't really a fan of the genre so I probably didn't enjoy it as much as I could have
Violet: Oh, what kind of genres do you like?
Tobey: ....a consistent one...
Violet: (laughs) You're so silly Tobey! Scoops! What'd you think?
Scoops: ... Um... I loved it of course! I mean, you were in it! And I love you! So how could I not love it!
Becky, having learned from the WordGirl stuff, later told Violet the truth and explained that she didn't like the play at all and only liked that Violet seemed so happy doing it. Violet took this well. Tobey and Scoops however...:
Tobey: What?
Scoops: The school paper wants me to review the school play! I can't say it was good, that goes against my oath as a reporter! But I can't say it was bad either, I already told Violet I loved it!
Tobey: Ask someone else to do it
Scoops: No one else has the time to take on any more assignments! What am I gonna do?! I don't wanna upset Violet!
Tobey: um...uh...could you post it anonymously?
Those actions eventually lead to Scoops and Violet breaking up (don't worry, they did get back together years later)
Scoops took his and Violet's break up particularly hard, and Tobey tried to cheer him up by finding weird things happening in the city for Scoops to write about. It didn't help a whole lot, but Scoops appreciated Tobey trying to cheer him up. Meanwhile Becky, who by this point all her friends knew she was WordGirl, essentially tried to fix Scoops and Violet's now ended relationship, and between trying to help them, school work, hero work and family life, she ended up stretching herself a little too thin to the point that all her friends had to do an intervention and tell her to stop because it wasn't good for her.
I've mentioned before that Becky's necklace in Word Up in significant and special to her. This necklace was actually made by Scoops, Violet and Tobey. Note the fact that her friends made it isn't the reason it's so important to her, but it is sweet they took the time to make it for her.
For one of his birthdays Tobey invited his friends to a demolition derby. When his friends said they thought it odd he'd be into that, he stated it was his new outlet for seeing destruction now that he was no longer doing crime.
Hmm that's all I have for now! If you are wanting more and have any particular questions or ideas, feel free to send more asks! If they are a little more specific I'll probably get to them a little sooner
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Twenty-One
Warnings: fluff, smut in this chapter, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: There’s only one chapter left after this one! I loved writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it! If you guys want to be added to my taglist tell me what characters you want to be tagged in or if you want to be on the permanent taglist!
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You enjoyed being a professor a lot more than you thought. The majority of the students were extremely kind and listened to you. Getting to see your friends all the time was definitely a bonus. Things were finally normal. Remus was enjoying returning to teaching just as much as you did. Everyone said that he was a fun teacher, which made you proud.
The past two months as the Transfiguration professor had gone by quickly. By the end of the day you and Remus were both worn out and busy grading tests. You made sure that on the weekends you and Remus both relaxed and spent time together. It wasn't hard because Minerva let you stay in the same living quarters. The only time you really got upset with a student was a few weeks into the school year.
A fifth year Slytherin that you hadn't known previously decided to insult Remus during your class. You were sitting at your desk grading papers while you let the students get started on their homework. Joseph Adams was always chatty. Even when you looked up from your work to signal to him to be quiet he would keep talking. You understood that kids liked to talk. You were barely out of your teenage years yourself.
This particular day the topic he was discussing was other teachers. His desk was in the front row so you could hear everything he said if you listened close enough. He got through a whole list of reasons why Slughorn wasn't as good as Snape before moving on to talk about Remus.
"Lupin's the worst of all. He treats us like we're five or something. And why is he even a teacher? He left a few years ago because he's a werewolf. They just let him come back like nothing happened," he scoffed. That had gotten your attention. You didn't look up but listened closely as he dropped his voice to speak to his deskmate. "And the thing that's really weird is this, Professor Y/L/N is dating him! Yep, I saw them kissing in Lupin's room after class was over. Really low of her if I'm being honest. He's about 40 if I had to guess."
You narrowed your eyes and looked up. Joseph had his head close to his partner's and glanced at you. "Thank you Mr. Adams for updating William on my personal life. If you would please mind your own business it would be much appreciated. And I would like you to know that Professor Lupin is a wonderful man and teacher. I'm sure many of your peers would agree."
"So it's true then? You and the dog are together?" he asked.
"Excuse me?" you asked, appalled at his rudeness. Did he not hear what you said just a moment ago? And who does he think he is calling Remus a dog?
"Well Mrs. Y/L/N? Are you dating or not?" He asked the question with an air of arrogance that reminded you of Draco Malfoy. Joseph even had the audacity to smirk when he finished talking.
"That is none of your business. And since you have enough time on your hands to poke your nose into others' private lives, then you can spend this Saturday in detention." That made a few of the students around him snicker but he just scowled and went back to his work, muttering something under his breath.
You and Remus weren't exactly trying to keep your relationship a secret but it wasn't like everyone in the castle knew. You tried to keep the affection to a minimum when around students. It wasn't his knowledge of your status that bothered you either. How could he say such things about Remus, the kindest man you know?
Joseph thankfully decided to stay silent for the rest of the class, and left in a rush when you dismissed them. A couple of the fifth years gave you a smile and wave as they left. At least a few students were glad to have you.
That was your last class for the day so you went back to your room, stopping by Remus's classroom to find him starting another lesson with a group of seventh years. He smiled at you when you passed, which made you feel better about the scene that Adams caused.
That was the only incident that happened in the first two months during your position as professor and you were pleased at how smoothly it was going.
There was another thing that you found out about Remus in those two months. He enjoyed sex with you immensely. Depending on how he was feeling the sex would differ. After a long day he liked to do slowly, relieving himself of stress with every thrust. You also made a joint decision for you to take birth control for the moment. You both agreed it was too soon for kids but one day you wanted them.
The first time it happened you were both equally as pent up. It was 1 in the morning and you two were grading parchment. He finished a bit before you and kissed your neck lazily as he stood behind you. You were sitting in a leather chair, leaning over your desk. You were so concentrated on work you didn't hear Remus come up behind you. You jumped slightly when his lips made contact with your neck.
"Remus..." you hummed.
"Are you almost finished darling?" His tired voice was right beside your head, tickling your ear with his breath.
"Yes, almost. It won't get done any quicker with you teasing me though."
"It's more fun this way," he chuckled. His lips moved from your neck up to your ear, which he bit lightly. You rushed through the last papers, trying to finish as soon as possible. Hopefully those kids wouldn't mind that you skimmed over their assignment. What you did read was decent so you gave them a decent grade.
Remus must have noticed your change of pace because he let out an amused breath. You set down your quill and swiveled your chair around. You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him deeply as he moved around to sit in the place you had just left vacant. You crawled into his lap, straddling him.
He took your robe and shirt off, leaving you in a bra and pants. As he frequently did, he peppered kisses along the length of your shoulders, sucking at some spots. Even if he left a mark it would be covered up with your clothes.
He set his hands on your butt and lifted you up. He set you down on the hard desk and reached behind you to unclasp the only thing keeping your chest covered. Once it was off, Remus took your boobs in his hands, kneading and massaging them. You let out a small moan, pleasured by his hands on such a sensitive area. He slid his hands down your sides and pulled your trousers and panties down and into the floor.
He got on his knees and put his head between your legs. You sucked in some air, preparing for his tongue to enter your vagina. He pushed it in and swirled it around, causing you to let out multiple lewd noises as he worked up your arousal. Your hands tangled in his hair and you pushed his head slightly, making him let out a groan that vibrated through you. Just that could push you over the edge but he stopped.
He shed himself of clothing and lined his hard cock up with your entrance. He slowly inserted it, stretching your walls as he did so. Once you had gotten used to the feeling he started to move back and forth. He always began slowly and picked up the pace as he went. Your back was fully against the desk now and your hands were on Remus's, which were holding onto your hips.
He let out groans as he pounded into you, letting the stress roll of himself with every thrust. You too also felt the stress leave your body, all worries gone while your mind focused on Remus and your approaching orgasm.
Just after a few more thrusts you reached your ecstasy, cum spilling out onto Remus's dick. The sight of your pleasure on his cock made Remus pound harder than ever before. You thought you were going to break as your nails dug into his back. It didn't take much longer for him to release. His cum filled your vagina, some dripping out as he slowed his thrusts and pulled out.
He cleaned you both before you made your way to bed, wrapped up in his arms.
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945
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ihatetaxes99 · 4 years
Well, hello all once again. Considering that the last time I discussed BNHA, it was in an overwhelmingly negative context, I've decided it would be a good plan to actually talk about an aspect of the series that makes me really happy and one that I constantly eagerly await new content for. And yes, it's none other than the good old League of Villains. 
So, since I have nothing better to do, I've decided to discuss each and every Leaguer in order of my favourite to least favourite (although I at the very least appreciate all of them.) Keep in mind that the rejected Vanguard Action Squad members who were either written out of the story during the Training Camp arc or shortly afterwards will not appear on my list (Although Muscular and Moonfish and hopefully Mustard do seem to be making a return), nor will I discuss the additional members that came with the formation for the PLF, because although I really like Re-Destro in particular, none of them really give me enough to work with and I'd be writing like two sentences for someone like Geten, which would just be a slap in the face to people who do care about his character. Also, Doctor Garaki and All for One also won't appear. Basically just the core members who have been present with the League from the Training Camp up until the War will be featured.
Anyway, I've wasted enough time, let us proceed without any further ado.
Tenko Shimura [Tomura Shigaraki] - Yes, it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone to see good old Shig ranked at the very top of my list. Yes, as I have said before, Tomura tends to flip between being my favourite and second favourite overall character, but the reason I have listed him as the best League member is simply put, his development. My God, it is absolutely sublime. I legitimately adore it. When we first saw Tomura emerge from the underbelly of society during the USJ arc, he was a pampered, whimpering brat, a manchild who threw tantrums after he lost and essentially threatened to kill everyone, ranging from random children to his butler. I mean, can that even be compared to the same person who took command of an army, broke past his potential and meticulously pulled apart every threat he's stared down? Here's some food for thought, Shigaraki has never lost to another villain. He emerged the clear victor when facing Chisaki and the Meta Liberation Army and in the long term, proved to usurp Stain's legacy and make it his own. The growth is just amazing and Shigaraki is genuinely a more interesting character to follow than our door mat of a protagonist. I have very rarely seen an antagonist start out as exceptionally weak, essentially being a comedy villain of the week, and slowly growing in power, intellect and ferocity. Just a fantastic character overall.
Atsuhiro Sako [Mister Compress] - Alrighty, now we get down to the interesting stuff! Mister Compress is, without a doubt, my favourite Boku No Hero Academia character, he holds the top spot more consistently than Shig does. But why is that? After all, Sako had done essentially nothing from the Training Camp up until his reveal. Well, you see, I am of the belief that a character need not be particularly deep as long as they have an engrossing personality. And Mister has that in spades. I am a huge fan of characters who know how to articulate themselves well, so of course Atsuhiro's constant metaphors and showman persona appealed to me instantly. But not just that, his design (and no, I'm not just talking about how hot we now know him to be) is just brilliant. The top hat, the masks that change to reflect his general emotion at the time, his bolo tie, he has a fucking badass prosthetic for Christ's sake. And remember, as the great Joseph Joestar proved, prosthetic hands in fiction are kickass. I just love him, even as a character who never contributed all that much overall, and I certainly hope for his return in some capacity following the shocking twist of him actually doing something during the war.
Jin Bubaigawara [Twice] - Rest in peace my friend, rest in peace indeed. But really, what can be said about good old Jin? Well, he was fantastic, easily one of the best in the League. A truly sympathetic figure within the group, someone who we the audience could truly feel sad for. Out of everybody, Twice likely went through the worst of the trauma and at the end of the day, he just wanted to fit in somewhere, anywhere. He wanted friendships. And friendships he found in Mister and Toga, and to a lesser extent, Dabi, and a boss he truly respected could be found in Shigaraki. I was, as many others were, completely torn by Jin's death. This was the first major death of the war, and as we soon found out, unfortunately one of the only few overall (sorry, I know I promised to be positive, the war arc just really went to shit after chapter 294, which by the way was so far the last really good chapter to me.) Alas, the death made sense; Twice's arc was complete, he had overcome his fears and finally found a place of belonging. If any villain were to die, it made sense that he was the one. Truly a legendary character, one of the greats.
Himiko Toga - Ah, yes, the blood-soaked minx that has proven herself a constant thorn in the side of UA, whether they know it or not. Her whereabouts are currently unknown (maybe she's doing something involving Mister? Please, Hori?), but from what she has featured in, I have certainly loved her every appearance. Initially a typical psychotic "yandere UwU" girl, she's certainly evolved over time. Her proactive nature was revealed during the License Exam arc, In the Overhaul arc, we saw her care for others, during the MLA skirmish, we saw her backstory and motives made a little clearer and finally, during the war, she was pushed to her breaking point, in a rare example of a character from Oceaniz' War arc video who actually belonged in the tier he assigned them to. Yes, Ms. Toga has been one of those characters who has been given so much screen time due to her popularity that it has definitely benefited her in the long run, at the expense of characters like Mister and Spinner. She's not my favourite Leaguer, but still a brilliant character in her own right.
Shuichi Iguchi [Spinner] - Well, nearing the end of the list, we approach the first character that I am leaning more towards just liking as opposed to really liking. Spinner for the longest time, did fuck all. Actually, he's still basically done fuck all. Mostly a self-admitted aimless Stain fanboy who provides running commentary. But, remember what I said about a good personality making up for a weak presence? Well, Iguchi is not quite as strong as Sako in that regard, but the little lizard boy has certainly grown on me. We've seen him grow into the moral centre of the League, being the only other member aside from Mister Compress to presumably have a body count of zero, and as I mentioned above, has even admitted to himself and Shigaraki that he's a hollow fanatic of Stain, that he leapt on the bandwagon because he thought it would give him purpose in his meandering life. And ultimately, it did, as Shuichi has evolved to becoming one of the most positive members of the team. I mean, for God's sake, he even pleads with All for One to rescue Compress and Toga before they fled the battlefield, that alone skyrocketed my respect for him as a character. 
Touya Todoroki [Dabi] - Well… Here we are… The only League of Villains member that I would generally say I dislike. And that's not to say I don't see the merits to him, I'm just not huge on it. Dabi is the League's edgy boi, he dresses up in a way that only a blind person would approve of, is too cool for anybody else and is essentially a big bundle of daddy issues. Now, the recently-released Chapter 301 absolutely tanked my respect for him as a character, with him being portrayed as an awkward, foul-tempered brat, but I never have held him in the highest regard. The whole bad boy shtick just isn't my thing, Dabi is a shining example of the opposite of my belief about a character; I really dislike his personality, but he contributes enough to the overall plot that I wouldn't quite consider him a bad character. I don't know, he's a weird one, and not one I've ever been fond of. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I mean, when even pre-Overhaul arc Shigaraki calls you out on being a rude piece of shit, you know there's a problem somewhere.
Well, those are my collected thoughts on the members of the League of Villains. Maybe I'll do another one of these sometime, talking about the Vanguard members, maybe combined in a double feature with All for One and Garaki. Another time, perhaps. Another time…
Moral of the story, the villains are the best BNHA characters, fight me on this.
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fangirl-on-bitches · 4 years
Javier Peña x Female!Reader.
Word Count: 4k approximately.
Summary: You and Javier have a particular way of saying goodbye, so particular you get a surprise when you get back to the US.
Warning: a lot of cursing, a bit of pregnancy shenanigans, a lot of dialogue and a little messy plot and timelines lol.
A/N: Okay, listen before you continue. When I was younger I used to write, maybe not with the best grammar or the best plot, but sure as hell with a lot of creativity. Now I just can’t be that creative to write a complete fic or hc, so if you find this boring or a waste of time I’m really sorry. If you like this, I appreciate it as I really made an effort to finish it (a crapy ending anyways). I’ll be sincere, I had this idea and couldn’t get it out of my head so I wrote it. I feel like the scenarios aren’t realistic to what could happen in real life (I feel like they are forced or way too dramatic) I really hope I don’t waste your time. (and yes, I chose the name in honor of Pedro’s role in triple frontier)
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You were cursed. Definitely.
You were back in the states, had been for a few weeks, enjoying the warmest sun Miami had to offer along with Connie. You loved relaxing by a peaceful beach after years of chasing after Escobar with your life on the line every hour of every day.
That day you were really excited to wake up and meet Connie to go to the beach, it had been so long since you saw her and little Olivia. You felt at the same time a little uncomfortable with your body that day, bloated and kind of heavy, like there was extra gravity, but the excitement overwhelmed whatever other feeling you might be having.
The beach had some people because it was a nice day, so you lounged along Connie and baby Olivia, eating fried fish with chips as it was beach food. You were laughing at something Connie said about Steve, something about being a pain in the ass, which you agreed with. It was all fun and games until you felt horrible nausea and a pushing need to vomit. Connie, being observant noticed immediately.
“What’s wrong?” before you could answer you ran to the restaurant’s bathroom, puking whatever food you had that day. Connie came close behind you. She gave you a paper towel so you could wipe your mouth.
“Okay, I might be sick.” you admitted flushing the toilet.
Of course, your mood just plummeted to the ground when you were sitting in a private room in the hospital. Connie couldn’t check you, but she was looking for her friend on-call, meanwhile, you looked as baby Liv (as you called Olivia) slept peacefully by your side.
You didn’t like hospitals. They reminded you of your time in Colombia, and although you weren’t shot, your compañeros might have been shot multiple times. There had been too many close calls and so many lives lost, you just got the creeps whenever you heard a gurney moving.
Soon, Connie came back and carried Olivia outside, leaving you with her friend. She presented herself, and asked routine questions. How are you feeling? What happened? Does something hurt? Is your period late? Did you fall and hit your head? Do you have any diseases? Or do you take any medication?
“I do have nausea and I threw up after eating.” She nodded as she took your blood pressure. Then you started thinking. You were thinking really hard.
Your period was late, you didn’t remember how late, but it was late. Two months ago, Steve and you caught Escobar. Steve went straight back home and you had to stay, to finish completing paperwork. Then Javier was back in Colombia to follow the Cali Cartel, but you were assigned back to Miami and couldn’t stay.
To be fair, you were glad to be back home, but you really missed Javier. When shit went down with Los Pepes you were pissed off at Javier. You knew he usually overstepped the line to get intel, but this time he had stepped so far off the line, he wouldn’t be able to see the line.
The night before he left you decided you would drink your consciousness off because you hated to even think that Javier Peña was living in Colombia; after a glass of a really strong Rum and Cola you decided against it and knocked on Javier’s door.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, suggesting that he wasn’t up to listening to more of your nagging. Your head had a million thoughts racing, you wanted to tell him so many things varying from ‘you are an idiot’ to ‘why the fuck did you do this?’ but the only thing you articulate was something like ‘I don’t want you to go’
Javier’s face softened, although you cast down eyes couldn’t actually look at his face, he had stepped aside and invited you inside. “Do you want something to drink?” you shook your head, looking around the apartment. It was almost empty, but it has been pretty empty since the beginning. You sat on the floor, Javier following with a beer in his hand.
“Will you come back?” you asked him, but you already knew the answer.
“I don’t think so, it depends on the higher ups in the states” you nodded, looking at him. You were really going to miss him. “Look, it’s not like we won’t see each other anymore, when you guys catch Escobar-” you laughed humorlessly. How long would that be? Months, another year perhaps? 
Both of you stayed in silence for a while. “I should go.” you told him, standing up, he stood up as well.
“You shouldn’t go.” He told you, squeezing your shoulder tenderly, a familiar touch. You looked at his sweet dark brown eyes, a silly small smile playing on the corners of your lips.
“What do you mean? You have a plane to catch tomorrow.” you remind him, wondering if he was drunk, he clearly wasn’t. His hand, which was still on your shoulder, moved to cup your face. For a second, you were lost and didn’t understand what was happening, until you looked at his eyes again and understood. You didn’t wait for him to lean down, you just wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
You would lie if you have never felt curious as to why every informant in Colombia gave Javier the intel he wanted. After that night you understood why. He was passionate, attentive and a really generous lover. You might have even believed him if he had blurted out an ‘I love you’.
The only reason why you let this happen was because Javier was supposed to stay in the US, officially he wasn’t your (or Steve’s) compañero anymore. And that was true, even when he came back.
“Okay, so your results are in. After you told me you’ve been missing your period for quite a while, I drew some blood to analyze it.”
“Yeah, it must be stress. You know, I worked in Colombia with Connie’s husband and moving back here plus all the work I have to do was really stressful. Also, I had a UTI back in Colombia, I wasn’t drinking enough water and I read that the strain might move my period a little.” you started rambling. For some reason, you felt jittery, almost anxious at the look on the Doctor’s face. She had a grin in her face, really big and excited.
“That may delay your period for two weeks, but it won't magically make it disappear, dear.” She read the results once more and nodded to herself. “As I suspected, you are pregnant.”
“W-w-what?” you mumbled. “But I didn’t pee on the stick.” clearly, your brain had short-circuited.
“I have some pregnancy tests if you wish to take them yourself, but the blood analysis is pretty accurate.” she offered with a nice smile. You nodded and took the box going to the bathroom, trying to focus on reading the instructions.
The stick said you were pregnant. And you knew exactly who was the father.
You sighed at the papers you were reading, the office already empty, way past dinner time. Since catching Escobar, hours were cut short, but to you they were really slow. Steve wasn’t there, he had left a few weeks ago, Javier obviously wasn’t there. It was just you, some files and occasionally some booze to help you relax before sleeping. Thankfully, you would be leaving shortly.
On your way back to the apartment complex you stopped by a grocery store. You needed ice cream, and lots of chocolate, and some chips. Probably some booze too. You had bought a flask of whisky that reminded you of Javier, although whisky might not be your first choice of booze.
That same flask almost fell to the ground when you saw goddam Javier Peña entering his apartment, a big suitcase by his side.
He also noticed you, the dark bags under your eyes and messy hair evidence of your hard work. 
“Oh my god” you whispered, unbelieving. You walked and hugged him, relieved to see him again. “You are back?” you stupidly asked.
“Yeah, they want my intel and help to track down the Cali Cartel.” he answered.
“Well, that’s weird.”
“My orders are to finish paperwork and return to Miami. They didn’t tell me to stay to help.”
“Well, it’s a different operation this time, more discreet.” he tried to hint you that it wasn’t just DEA business anymore, it was more a CIA kind of work. You invited him to your apartment, that had two boxes of things you were going to give to charity, you didn’t need all this stuff back home, you already had them.
He explained his situation while you shared the flask of whisky and bid good night like the old times, no kisses or sex, or nothing like that. Which was fine.
Everything was fine for the next few days. Javier even helped you pack your stuff and sort it out. The night before returning home he offered to go to the bar you always went to with Steve and him on Friday’s or Saturday’s (sometimes even a Monday)
Both of you drank like you always had, but instead of bidding goodnight and going to bed separately, you both had sex. Again. It was probably a coping mechanism, the way both of you said goodbye to each other. Such a complicated method.
So, so complex that now you were pregnant.
With a child.
Javier's child.
It had to be his, you only had sex with him within the last 3 months. Since Colombia you hadn’t have sex.
This was bad. It was complicated. You didn’t plan for a child; working at the DEA (chasing after Escobar) left you almost no time to think about dating, much more less building a fucking family. 
Could you do this? Hell yeah, you are an awesome strong woman.
What you couldn’t do was tell Javier.
When you came out the private room, you were fidgeting with your hands, Connie came and took them. “I’m pregnant.” you blurted out. Connie looked at you shocked; then you noticed little baby Olivia wasn’t on her arms.
Steve, in all his blonde mustache glory stood with his daughter on his arms, looking as shocked as Connie. “What?” he asked.
“Who is the father?” Connie inquired.
“What are you doing here?” You asked Steve.
“I came to pick up my wife and daughter for dinner. Why don’t you come with us and tell us more about this?” You nodded out of inertia, but you looked at your hands while walking, Connie hooking her arm with one of yours.
As you sat on traffic, you tentatively touched your belly. It was... normal. No kicking, no large or really hard belly. It was like there was nothing there.
You would have declined dinner if you knew the questionnaire that would come from the Murphy’s. Well, questionnaire would be an exaggeration, but you didn’t really like the single question they were asking.
“Who’s the father?” 
“I- I can’t tell you.”
“Why? We don’t know him?” you sighed and reassigned. You knew they would ask forever.
“Please, please, please you have to promise me you won’t tell anybody. Both of you.” you looked pointedly at Steve. He nodded but held your gaze, trying to figure out what you were really trying to say. A second later he muttered something.
“Jesus fucking christ.”
“What?” Connie asked but soon realized. “Oh, no way. Javier?”
“It’s Javier.” you confirm their suspicions.
“Are you certain?” Connie asked.
“Of course.” you paused and then added. “You can’t tell him Steve.”
“What? Why?” he sounded slightly offended.
“I should tell him first. He should hear it from me.”
“I can’t believe this. The minute I come back home you two just pound at each other.”
“It wasn’t like that, and technically you were still in Colombia the first time.”
“The first time?” he asked with a chuckle, he looked very happy.
“The second time I was the one leaving!” you paused, moving the food around your plate. “How the fuck am I going to tell him? I can’t just call him and be like, ‘hey I’m pregnant and you are the father. How’s the Cali stuff going?’. This kind of news aren’t told over a call.”
“But it’s different, it’s not a normal situation. Javier could be in Colombia for years.” Steve reminded you.
“It wouldn’t make a difference. He can’t come back until his work is done.” You rolled your eyes, there was no good alternative.
“So you plan to just hide this from him?” Connie asked, her look full of pity, if it was for you or Javier, you didn't know.
“Only until I know he’s coming back. I’ll check on him every once in a while. I’ll need you to call him too, Steve. I don’t want him to suspect me.” He sighed but nodded nonetheless. You sighed as well, a million thoughts racing through your head.
You called Javier that same week. Of course, it was unexpected for him but really welcome. Colombia was not rainbows and sunshine. “So how’s the Cartel treating you?”
“It’s a fucking nightmare, but hopefully it won’t take long. I can't talk too much over the phone about this, who knows who might be listening.” he sighed, sounding really 
“Yeah, you are right.” for a minute, you thought about telling him. Then you decided. “Please take care and be careful.”
“Of course compañera.” he assured, you could practically hear the smirk in his lips. After ending the call, you pressed the heels of your palms in your eyes. How in the world were you going to tell him?
A month turned into two, and then five months flew by in the blink of an eye. Javier was not coming back for the time being and your belly was starting to pop. Your head was still working on how in the world were you going to tell Javier, which was the only problem you had right now. It wasn’t even a big problem, if Javier wanted an out of fatherhood he was free to go, but you had been so happy since day two (day one was a full shock) that you honestly didn’t care.
You were getting way too ahead of yourself. Maybe Javi wanted to be a father and he would be really happy with the little baby. But that wasn’t the Javier you knew, and that’s why you were so afraid to tell him. 
Today looked like the best day to tell him. You were going to probably get to know if the little baby was a girl or a boy. You were waiting patiently for him to pick up the call in the hospital public phone. After a while, he picked up.
“Hello?” his voice sounded gruff and stressed.
“Hi, compañero. How are you?” you asked, a hand on your belly.
“As fine as I can be here,” he answered. “What did you want?” he asked abruptly, almost tired of talking to you. It stinged a little.
“I just called to check in…” you lied, maybe it wasn’t the best time to tell him after all.
“I’m going to be as clear as I can. Don’t call me, unless you are fucking dying.” you felt a piercing pain in your throat, a tight knot forming, making it really difficult to talk.
“Fine.” you hissed and hanged the phone, tears slipping down your cheeks. Fucking hormones. Fucking Javier. 
Connie, who was waiting for you anxiously to come back, hugged you. “It’s okay sweetie, it’s okay.” you nodded and wiped your tears.
“I’m okay. I just need to focus on my baby and myself right now.” you told her and rubbed your belly.
“Of course honey.”
It had been a really smooth and sweet pregnancy, you were really happy with your 5th month old baby boy Francisco. He was really sweet, but he had so, so much of his father, the resemblance was uncanny. Deep brown sweet eyes, and a mop of soft brown hair.
Javier had not called you since that horrible last call. You knew he called Steve every once in a while, but you asked Steve please not to tell you anything about him. Both Murphy’s just assumed you had told Javier about the pregnancy and that he had not taken it well.
This was a lie. Javier had no idea you were pregnant, much more less with his child. But he was still in Colombia, so unless you told him he would not hear it from anyone. 
It hurted you deeply, not being able to tell your son who his father was. However, all around your house there were pictures of Steve, Javi and yourself from Colombia. Connie and Olivia were there too, even Carillo. 
Anyways, the baby was too young to notice the absence of his father. Maybe by the time Francisco starts wondering about daddy, Javier would be around the USA to talk.
Your son cooed and asked to be held up, it was time for his nap. Just in time, you thought, Steve was coming over to pick him up as you were going to meet your best friend in an hour or so. Your baby boy soon fell asleep, you held him in against your chest, rocking him gently.
Then the doorbell rang.
“Steve, you are early. Fran just fell asleep.” you told Steve. But it wasn’t Steve. Javier fucking Peña stood in the door way, his eyes looking at your son. You frowned and tried to hide Francisco’s face sneakily from him. “What are you doing here?”
“Hello to you too, compañera.” he said, but his mind was not entirely focused on whatever he was saying. His mind was in the baby, and about how quickly you had moved on.
“Don’t compañera me.” you hissed, in a hushed tone, the baby in your arms sleeping soundly. “Come in.” you told him, as you turned around to leave your baby on his cradle. 
Javier looked around, looking for any sign of the baby’s father. But he only found pictures of you, Steve, Connie, baby Olivia and other people he knew. Then he started thinking, what if the baby was his child?
No, that’s not possible. 
“So?” you asked, really anxious. You had no idea he would be here. You were not prepared for this. But really, would you ever be prepared?
“I came to apologize.” Javier simply said, his hands on his hips.
“Took you a little long.” you said, rubbing your hands together. “If you apologized sooner I could have…”
“Could have what?” you exhaled and sighed, trying not to cry. 
“You are not supposed to be here.” you whisper, your voice cracking softly as you sit on your sofa. Javier sat by your side and you felt the weight of your decisions constrict your chest, making it harder to breath.
You were a horrible, horrible person. How could you deny him knowing he was a father? That he had a child? It didn’t matter how angry you felt, or how much of an asshole he had been. The baby was made by both of you. He had the right to know.
“I’m sorry.” he was not sure why, but he really was sorry. You shook your head, and started to tell him that you were sorry, repeating like a prayer. “Hey, hey” he tried to calm you down, rubbing his hands up and down your back. “Breath, baby. Breath.” you complied, breathing deeply. After a minute of silence you took his rough big hand and held it, squeezing it slightly.
“Javier, I got news for you.” you started, and felt his hand tense. “The baby boy, Francisco, he’s your son, our son.” He looked at you, his eyes wide, looking like a deer in the headlights. “That time I called you, I was pregnant, and I wanted to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me after?”
“You told me not to call you unless I was fucking dying.” you exhaled and stood up. “Look you don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to, I had Francisco because I wanted to, but I didn't expect anything from you.”
“Not getting involved? What are you talking about?” he asked offended.
“I’m sorry, and I mean no offense, but you don't strike as the kind of guy who would want a family, or children.”
“And what the fuck do you know?” he raised his voice a little, making you cringe a little.
“I’m sorry, and I can’t do anything to return back time.” you told him sincerely. A loud whine was heard from your room, where the crib was. You sighed and went to your room, to calm Francisco down. Unbeknownst to you, Javier followed you looking how you delicately held him and rocked him. The baby’s eyes were still closed, he was just a little disturbed.
You looked at the door frame, Javier stood there, looking at the child. You walked to him, your intentions clear. “Do you want to hold him?” you asked your voice soft and soothing. Javier gulped, feeling suddenly nervous, he didn’t know how to hold a baby, what if he dropped him? “Don’t worry, I’ll help.” you offered, a kind smile in your face.
Javier extended his arms and you walked closer, softly passing your son to Javier’s big arms. Francisco whined a little and Javier’s face cringed, making you smile. “Hold him against you,” you helped, gently pushing his arms, closer to his chest. Francisco was fast asleep again. Javier just looked at him, marveled. You guide him to the sofa, making him sit there with your son. “I’ll be right back.” you tell him, and at the panicked face he made, you had to quiet your laugh. “You’ll be fine.”
You called your best friend, telling her you wouldn’t be able to meet her. When you stepped back on the living room, someone knocked on the door, it must be Steve. You opened the door and gestured to him to be quiet, pointing at the couch, were Javi sat (finally) relaxed.
Steve did not enter the house as you promised to call later. You returned to the living room and sat beside them, contemplating how peaceful they looked. Javier had moved your son, laying him against his broad chest. You caressed the baby’s hair, looking at him with doe eyes.
“Want to stay for dinner?” you asked standing up. Javier nodded and then lay his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes. You smiled and entered your bedroom to change your clothes into something more comfortable.
You had nothing figured out, but you were happy knowing your son had a loving father to grow up with. You’ll figure your relationship out (if there was going to be one).
After some minutes, you heard some gurgles coming from the living room. Javi fell asleep, and Francisco was wide awake, looking at his father curiously, moving his little hands. You took the baby from him, kissing his chubby face. “Your daddy is sleeping, baby. C’mon, let’s give you some mashed banana.” you told him, caressing Javier’s hair back.
You spent some long 20 minutes feeding and nursing your baby boy while you also checked dinner. Javier, still fast asleep on the couch, woke up with a start, touching his chest, as if missing something. “Where’s the baby?” he asked, looking around.
“He’s here, Javier.” you told him from the kitchen, a silly smile on your face. Javier sat by the table, feeling self conscious at the baby’s gaze over him. His son’s arms moved up and down, talking unintelligible gibberish. “He likes you.” you commented, cleaning his chubby face. Javier held his hand out and Francisco took one of his fingers, squeezing with his baby strength. Javi’s heart skipped a beat.
Eating together was really weird, but at the same time it felt right. You noticed Javier’s tired face and wondered if he came straight from the airport. So you asked, sparking some conversation. You talked about what finally happened with the Cali Cartel.
“You got a place to stay?” you asked, but you knew the answer. “You can stay here if you want. Hotel’s are really expensive right now.”
“You sure?” you nodded. You forgot how well you clicked with Javier, it was a nice reminder.
He helped you with the dishes, and then went to shower, getting his suitcase for clean clothes. You prepared Francisco for bed, giving him his formula bottle after changing his diapers.
You saw Javier getting out of the bathroom, and thankfully had the decency to wear full pajamas, you would have fainted at the view of his bare chest.
“So, I’ll go to the couch, do you have a blanket?”
“What are you talking about?” you asked. “I was going to tell you to sleep in the bed with me. We already shared a bed before, so I don’t see a problem. Plus, I could use the help if Francisco wakes up.” you commented with a cocky smirk. You usually wore just a t-shirt to bed, but today you had to use full pajamas, like Javi did.
“Okay.” Javier said, not really convinced. Francisco was asleep already, his father caressed his little hand with his finger. You were already under the covers, ready to hit the bed, Javier looked tired too.
He laid down, under the covers as well, looking at the ceiling. He moved looking at you, you were both face to face, generous space between both of you. “I’m sorry.” You shook your head, and took his hands on yours.
“Sleep Javi, you look tired.” you kissed the back of his hands and closed your eyes, sleep getting the best of you. Javi smiled, his face soft, getting a little closer, leaving his hand on yours, then he shut his eyes. He had never felt more at home. 
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bunnibai · 4 years
Enterance Exam Taiyuu
AAAA ITS HERE students used in order of appearance: Zuruko Kayaki, Nahito Kirai, Sainochi Yurei, Merce (mentioned), Busujima Aki (mentioned), Takeda Yukino (mentioned), Naishin-Sunomu Isejin (mentioned), Naishin-Sunomu Seisho (blink and you miss her), Kokoro Boar
Kayaki had always been very good at hide and seek. 
When she was four, back when the birds still sung in the springtime and the bright yellow flowers dripped with fresh morning dew, Kayaki had been friends with a small gaggle of kids. She would run through the rich mud, splatters of brown dropping on her robin’s egg blue dress in a colorful, careless, fun mess. She would crouch down behind a bush, her hair matching the blossoms that would protect her from the sight of the other kids, keeping her breath silent. Patient. She would have to suppress airy giggles, her right hand over her mouth and the left holding tight to a stuffed animal. 
Of course, as Kayaki grew older, she became much more experienced with the game. Instead of shuffles behind trees and urges to keep quiet, the game was more serious. Stony eyed gazes focused on the black shoes that tap-tap-tapped against the slick concrete. Sidestepping out of the way of flashlights, bright and swishing like a bloodhound. It felt like more than a game; like, instead, life or death. Age tended to make things feel more weighted, that way. 
Long after cottony blue eyes became stormy grey in the cloudy light, Kayaki stood, 15 and holding an umbrella to her side. The forecast had never said anything about rain, but it never hurt to be careful, especially with how the sun itself was hiding in wait to see what the weather would bring. In the quiet residential neighborhood, big houses of pristine white walls were locked by big fences and keypads. It was one of the most secure in the city, maybe the country, and Kayaki felt small lingering by the gate. If someone was to walk down the street, if they were perceptive enough, she was easy to pick out. However, people were rarely perceptive enough for a girl like Kayaki. 
The gate swung open, and Kayaki straightened to attention, not unlike a dog awaiting orders. Kirai adjusted the bag on his arm, looking at her and raising an eyebrow. It wasn’t questioning as much as it was amused, in the way a child might be amused watching a flightless bird struggle in a puddle of water. 
“My, my, how long were you waiting, Kaya-chan? That eager to see me?” 
Kayaki had long since learned to translate her best friend’s passive aggressive jeers into more friendly, conversational Japanese. 
“It’s good to see you, too, Toto-chan.” She patted at her skirt, carefully smoothing out any creases. He looked her outfit up and down, shifting his weight and putting a hand on his hip. 
“Kaya-chan, don’t you think that outfit is a little impractical? You’re going to cry when you fall during the exam, and then I’m not going to stop to help you up. I can’t pull your weight forever.” 
Kayaki hummed, spinning her umbrella and following Kirai a step behind. “You’re worried for me?” She spoke in a soft, questioning tone. Kirai scoffed, crossing his arms.
“I am not worried for you.” 
“I’ll be okay, Toto-chan.” A ghost of a smile traced Kayaki’s lips. It was cute, when he worried about her like that. Of course, Kayaki wasn’t worried. To her, whether or not she passed wasn’t much of an issue. Whether or not Kirai passed felt much more important, all things considered. 
The walk to the train station was mostly silent. That was the thing about Kayaki and Kirai; they had never really been the type to pour their hearts out to one another. Instead, they took value in the ability to be comfortably quiet with one another. It was a level of understanding that was rare in any pair of people. 
Kirai abandoned her the second they found the small cluster of students waiting for the train.
Kayaki watched him stride up to the group, dazzling them with an introduction and a wink. She stayed back, folding her hands behind her and leaning against the wall. She had expected it, of course. Kayaki and Kirai always seemed closer to one another when they were alone. 
It was better this way, anyways, watching everyone excitedly chat with one another, avoiding her by just an inch. 
The train was comfortable, surprisingly so. She found a nice spot towards the corner of the bus, storing her umbrella under her and folding her hands in her lap. A part of her wanted to relax fully; it was a nice, closed space. 
The rational part of her knew otherwise. 
The train had been going for a few minutes when a weight on the seat beside her shifted. 
“You mind if I sit here?” 
Kayaki startled, looking up at the boy hovering by the seat. She nodded, taking a second to find her words. “Uhm—yeah, I don’t mind.” 
He sat down, rummaging in his bag. “What’s your name? I’m Sainochi Yurei.” 
This was more talking than Kayaki had been counting on. He was charming, though, and seemed harmless enough. “Ah… I’m Zuruko.” After a pause, she quickly added, “Kayaki.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Zuruko-san!” He smiled at her, taking out some kind of almost-machine Kayaki couldn’t identify. “Taiyuu, huh? It’s kinda scary, knowing we’re almost there.” 
Kayaki crossed and uncrossed her legs a few times. She fiddled with the hem of her skirt, scrunching the familiar fabric against her fingertips, struggling to find a way to carry the conversation without seeming rude. “Yeah, uhm… It’s weird. I wasn’t expecting it to come so soon.” 
Sainochi-san turns a small gear, nodding. “You know, once we get into her school… that’s it. We’re on the path for this forever. I don’t even know if… Well, I know I want to help people, but what if I’m not a good hero? What comes after that?” 
“...I’m not sure if being a hero is my thing, either.” The honesty of Kayaki’s words shocked even herself. “I don’t know… I’m not good at the whole combat thing?” Her face flushed. “I’m sure everyone here is super confident in what they wanna do. But I…” She stilled. 
“...I know what I want to do right now. And I know that that means walking through those doors and passing that exam.” 
Sainochi-san is silent for a moment. “...that’s a good way of thinking of it, Zuruko-san.” He fumbles with his things a bit more. “Uh—music always helps me calm my nerves. If you want…?”
Kayaki smiled appreciatively and took the earbud being offered to her. The music is something that sounds vaguely familiar, although she doesn’t recognize it. 
After a couple songs, Kayaki’s eyes are closed and she’s bobbing her head ever so faintly. 
“Hey—! Uh, uhm, Zu! Check it out!” 
Kayaki startled again, and her eyes opened. “Huh?” 
Sainochi-san pointed to the window, eyes wide. “Look! It’s a freaking—we’re underwater! Isn’t that cool? Imagine the kind of technology needed to do something like this! In order for the air pressure to—,”
Kayaki was not following whatever he was saying. That wasn’t what made her so curious; instead, she was focusing on something totally different, however small it was. Although she felt the telltale buzzing of her quirk right at the back of her neck, however difficult it was for him, Sainochi-san had remembered her name. 
She put the information in the back of her mind and continued to listen to him ramble. 
The rest of the ride went smoothly, but something felt… Off, to Kayaki. As if something was terribly, terribly wrong. She kept glancing around the train scanning the faces, but she couldn’t pick out any particular threat. Eventually, she casted it aside as nothing. 
Getting off the train, Kayaki dusted off her skirt, trailing behind the crowd of kids. They all seemed to be joking about one thing or another; Kayaki herself preferred to hang towards the back. It was easier to get by that way, not being noticed. 
The school was less of a highschool and more of a college campus to Kayaki. The group was led down into the big auditorium building in a poor attempt at a single file line. 
The auditorium was big, and smelled the particular clean, pine-y smell that Kayaki had always associated with newly built places. The floor was lined with carpet, not yet dirtied by the shoes of teenagers or their messy habits. It was well lit, with different teachers set up at the entrance and in the aisles. There was a banner above the stage that read Welcome to Taiyuu High!, big in Japanese and smaller in English at the bottom. Each chair had a little desk that could be slid over, and each chair had a piece of paper with a name on it. 
The seats were randomly assigned. Kayaki was seated at the very back, tucked away in a corner. Kirai, on the other hand, had been sat towards the middle. He was currently turned around in his chair, hand on his chin and chatting with one of the other participants. Kayaki shifted, and he glanced up, raising an eyebrow in a clear question. What are you waiting for? 
Kayaki looked down at the little nametag that designated her seat. She printed out name was the only thing stopping her from changing seats, and for a moment, she considered letting it go. It wasn’t until she saw the empty seat beside him, not yet taken by it’s participant, that she had decided what to do. It was going to be quick. Switch the nametags, sit besides Kirai, easy.
It was not that easy.
“What are you doing?” 
A fellow examinee hovered in the aisle, watching her with muted confusion as she grabbed the other person’s name tag off of the desired chair. They looked plain, even more so than her, shifting a backpack on their shoulder. Kayaki eeped. 
“Sorry! Uhm—is this yours?” She held up the nametag. 
They nodded. “What are you doing with it?” 
Kayaki opened her mouth to come up with some kind of excuse, glancing towards the bag. “We aren’t allowed to have personal items,” She told them, raising her voice a little. They frowned, holding it to their chest. 
“Who has a personal item?” One of the teachers, a young woman with grey hair and a nametag that read Aurora, skips over. “Whoa! We were supposed to leave all belongings at the front.” 
They blink a few times. “But… what am I supposed to use during the exam?” 
“Your own wits and strength! That’s what we’re testing!” She patted them on the shoulder, leading them away as they protested. Out of their sight, Kayaki could feel the buzzing of her quirk as she swapped the nametags. 
By the time the kid had come back, they went straight to find their seat, not even glancing at Kayaki as she nestled in besides Kirai. She almost felt bad for them, now item-less; but she figured that, if she hadn’t used it as a diversion, their bag would have just been taken up later. It wasn’t her fault that she had been the one to point it out, and if she happened to benefit from the diversion, that wasn’t anyone’s business.
Kirai glanced over, having been bickering with one of the other students. “Well,” he sighed, “The exam is about to start. Took you long enough.” 
Kayaki smiled a bit. “I missed you, too, Toto-chan.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “I did not miss you. Try not to fail, alright? I know it’ll be hard without my luck.” 
“Thank you, Toto-chan. I hope you pass too.” 
The exam was largely uneventful. The questions all felt repetitive to her, and she had spent more time bubbling in the answers then mulling over the questions. She might have been one of the first to finish, but she had waited, carefully counting out half of the participants before raising her hand. 
Her first event came soon after. Kayaki and the other students were lead to a small clearing, the dewy grass clinging to their shoes and crunching under their feet. The other kids had a cocktail of different emotions; some shifted side to side and glanced around. Others picked at their nails, hand on their hip. Others were standing so straight and alert they might as well have been taking notes. 
Wolfsboon stood at the front of the crowd, arms crossed and looking very unhappy about being in the situation. “The goal is simple,” he called out. “You’re all getting five minutes—and only five minutes—to go hide anywhere in the arena. There’s a ring of tape to stop you from going out of bounds, do it and you’re disqualified. Hurt any of your fellow examinees or the wolves, and you’re disqualified. Sabotage, and you’re disqualified.” 
Someone in the crowd raised their hand. 
“What if I’m caught petting the dogs?” 
Wolf looked confused for a moment, before it was overtaken with annoyance. “You’d be disqualified if the wolf touched you.” 
There was a series of disappointed grumbles in the crowd. Kayaki shifted around antsily, anticipating the start. 
“Is that all?” 
There was a pause. 
“Then your time starts now.” 
The crowd dispersed quickly. Kayaki weaved her way through the trees, glancing around. She knew that the smart option would be to climb a tree. It was so obvious, in fact, she was almost certain there was a catch. She wasn’t one to overthink her situation, though. So she grabbed a branch and hoisted herself up. 
Kayaki had hidden in trees during a game of hide and seek many, many times. It wasn’t too different from this; the rough bark rubbing up against her palms. The way the leaves, ever friendly and rustling with the breeze, would brush up against her face, daring her to do a thing about it. Every creak was a warning of how the tree was feeling about the arrangement, and if it groaned the wrong way, it meant you were about to fall. 
Kayaki heard the whistle blow, and her breath grew quiet. She kept her eyes open, scanning the field, but her mind was somewhere else. 
Quiet. Quiet quiet quiet. Sometimes, people say that if you don’t move, people won’t see you. Those people were right, in Kayaki’s case. She had to control everything, to how her chest raised and fell to whether or not her foot was about to slide. She had been expecting her contestants to do the same thing. 
She saw a girl run just ten or so feet from the base of her tree, footsteps loud and her outfit even louder. She threw a small bomb, and when it exploded, a sticky substance covered the ground behind her. The wolf sprinting out of her slowed, tugging at it’s paws lodged in the goo and whining. She laughed, sticking her tongue out and throwing out a rude gesture. 
“Have fun with that, Puppy!”
She kept running past. Kayaki blinked a few times, listening to her yell out as she went along. 
...well. So much for being quiet. Suddenly, Kayaki became painfully aware that being unnoticed might go easier than she had thought. As time went on, the other kids only got more distracting. She heard screams of the other kids, and at once point, she could have sworn she saw an entire dome grow from the ground. By the time the alarm sounded, a voice came out from the speakers strung along the field. 
“Congratulations to Takeda Yukino, to make it all 15 minutes!” 
Kayaki sighed, annoyed, climbing down from the tree. “She’s not the only one,” she called out, waving her hand halfheartedly. There was a small pause, and a wolf bounded up, sniffing her. Trailing behind them, Wolfsboon walked into the area. 
He slowed to a stop, eyeing her up and down. The wolf trotted in front, sniffing at Kayaki and digging his snout into her side. She smiled, reaching out and petting him. He yipped at her in return.
“Where did you come from?” He asked, eyeing her up and down and cross referencing Kayaki to his clipboard. Kayaki shifted in her spot, frowning. “...I was hiding. In the tree? You never said it was against the rules, so I figured, uhm… it was okay?” 
“It’s fine.” 
Kayaki scratched just under the wolf’s ear. “So… I’m good?” 
“Do you have an ID?”
Silently, she pulled out her ID. He nodded, scanning it over. 
“...Good job, Zuruko-chan.” 
Kayaki, having also been signed up for the next event, only had ten minutes to switch out. She grabbed a drink of water, pulled up her hair, and followed the group of kids to what she was quickly realizing to be the exact same area as before, just a different section of woods. She wondered if the teacher would have nodded to her, if she was any other student. She wasn’t any other student, of course; and most likely, he had long since forgotten the interaction in the second event. 
The wolves were nowhere to be found. They might have all been dismissed; although they weren’t quiet living things in the way traditional animals were, the idea of a creature suddenly… not existing made her nervous. 
“The third event is straightforward.” 
In the crowd, one of the kids raised their hand. Their eyes sparkled with something mixed with curiosity and mischief. “Wolfsboon-sensei?” They bounced on their heels, tucking their hands behind their back. 
“What’s the name of this event?” 
“That’s unimportant.” 
“I feel like it’s kinda important, though!” They pressed, flitting their hands in the air. “How else are we supposed to be on an even playing field? As heroes, we need to know all of the information that’s available to us! That means knowing the name of the events! I’m just trying to make use of all my resources.” 
Wolfsboon sighed loudly, rubbing his hand over his face. 
Pleased, the student snickered, their smile still wide. “Thank you, Sensei.” 
“Any more questions before I start actually explaining the rules? I suppose you’d like to know the footsize of my wolves, or their favorite icecream flavor, since we’re going around asking stupid questions.” 
“That might be pretty helpful, actually,” The same kid mused, tapping their chin. Beside them, a taller girl nudged them, muttering something Kayaki couldn’t pick up. 
Wolfsboon went on to explain the rules. They had thirty minutes to catch the wolves running in the woods, and bring them back from a safe zone. At the sound of the bell, Kayaki separated from the group, who had been mostly sticking together. It wasn’t like she’d be much help to them; and even worse, they wouldn’t be all that much help to her. Too loud. It’d give her right away. 
Finding a wolf was easy enough. He was sniffing the ground furiously, his tail wagging. Kayaki, silent as a mouse and with a quirk to cover up any lingering traces of her presence, pressed against a tree. She had done this many, many times. Be quiet. Don’t let them know you’re there. A wolf doesn’t take kindly to a sheep in their den, after all. 
She pounced, colliding with the wolf and the ground. It yelped, squirming and pawing to get out of her grasp. With effort, she held it down.After the struggle came to a standstill, Kayaki noticed a terrible problem with her plan. 
Kayaki was not strong enough to drag a squirming wolf back to the safezone. If she tried to move to hold him better, he would have definitely escaped. She cursed under her breath. 
Footsteps crunched behind her, and Kayaki tensed. She struggled to wiggle her way to see the kid standing by the treeline, eyebrow raised in a silent, judging manor. Well… it seemed judging. Instead of being a completely average person, they had heavily mutated features, like a boar. 
“Uhm. Hi.” Kayaki’s face heated up. They eyed her up and down, before nodding. Their hooves clicked a few times; at first, Kayaki had no idea what they were trying to do. But the tapping had a pattern, one that was… oddly familiar. 
Kayaki stands in pitch black room, cold and unforgiving. She’s crouched close to the ground, straining her ears to listen out. There are footsteps, before they stop, cold. The person’s foot taps on the ground in a pattern. 
.-- .... . .-. . / -.. .. -.. / - .... . -.-- / --. ---
Kayaki grabs her small utensil, hitting it on the ground lightly. 
- --- / --. . - / .- / ... .... .. .--. -- . -. -
Kayaki blinks, holding the wolf tighter. “Repeat that?” 
It takes a second, but Kayaki makes out the message, What are you doing? 
“Oh! Uhm, participating in the event? I mean, trying to. I can’t… Well, I can’t pick up the wolf.” 
How did you pin it down, then? 
“I snuck up on it. Quirk.” Kayaki shrugged. “Why, are you having trouble?” 
They keep hearing me coming.
Kayaki’s eyes lit up. “Oh! Well, uh. I can help with that? I mean—if you don’t mind. I just need you to carry them.” 
After a small consideration, they nodded once. They walked over, picking up the wolf and slinging it over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The wolf squirmed, but he wasn’t any match for the kid, who was strong.
“What’s your name?” Kayaki asked halfway to the safezone, trying to keep up with their pace. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Kokoro-san.”
Kokoro-san handed the wolf back to her right before they got to the zone. Kayaki heaved it over the line, where it flopped over with it’s tail swishing. She looked around. 
“...that’s weird. Were we the first ones to bring a wolf over?” 
They shrugged. 
Does it matter?
“Good point. You got the next wolf, okay?”
They nodded. Not one for conversation, she guessed. They spent five minutes wandering around, looking for any wolves. There were… None. At all. 
“This is weird,” Kayaki muttered, following a trail of paw prints. They had found a few sets, and… They were all going to the same place? They were a lot more straightforward than wolves meant to run away from students should have been. 
Kayaki stopped, looking around. Kokoro-san pointed to a small section of woods were the rest of the students gathered. The wolves were crowding around the same kid who had asked the question at the beginning, who was beaming and sprinkling sand over the wolves head. They urged the other kids to take wolves. 
Kayaki stiffened. “What are they doing?” 
Getting the wolves. 
“All of them? Doesn’t that feel a little greedy?” Kayaki kept her voice low, although the group looked preoccupied. “Even if they’re letting kids take the wolves, that defeats the point. No one would be able to show off their skills. It’s making the whole test useless, just so they can show off.” 
Kokoro-san huffed out through their nose, nodding. Annoying.
“Well,” Kayaki frowned, crossing her arms. “I’m not taking any pity wolves.” 
We can grab from the edges.
Kayaki nodded. “...yeah. We should.” She eyed the kid, laughing as they made a joke to the tall girl from earlier. Something made her feel off. She pushed down the annoyed cocktail of emotions, and nodded to Kokoro-san. “Let’s go.”
All in all, with all of the wolves being quickly put to sleep by the group, Kayaki and Kokoro-san only got three each. It was more than she had been expecting, though, and she was fairly pleased with herself. 
“We make a pretty good team, Kokoro-san.” 
They didn’t respond, and she smiled to herself. 
Kayaki was, thankfully, not participating in the next event. She settled in the waiting area, watching as the group of kids completing the 4th event gathered with one another. She spotted Kirai, talking to a taller boy with blue hair and—
Kayaki felt her entire body tense up. She didn’t know him; she didn’t think so, anyways. But something about him made her feel sick and uneasy, like a parasite that clung to its host. She narrowed her eyes, searching her mind. She would have remembered someone like that, she was sure. But nothing quite came to mind. It was like a bad dream, just out of her reach. 
It occurred to her that it might have been because of the way Kirai had a small half smile as he bragged about himself. It was subtle, but it… Well. It was a lot more friendly than Kirai ever was with most kids.
She looked away, clenching her hands and thinking it over. After the event, Kirai came over, sitting beside her and setting his arm on his knees. “Kaya-chan, Darling! It feels like I haven’t talked to you all day! How are—”
“Who is that?” Kayaki interrupted him, frowning. Kirai blinked a few times. “Pardon?” 
“That kid you were talking to earlier. Who is it?” She sounded impatient. Kirai looked back behind him.
The name didn’t settle right with her, either; it was completely unfamiliar. “Yes.” 
“One of the other applicants. Dumb as a brick. Why?” 
“Just curious.” Kayaki crossed her arms, hugging herself. “How’d your round go, Toto-chan?” 
“I did great, of course.” He smirked. “As if there were any doubts. What about you? It looks bad on me if you do poorly, you know.” 
“I know. I did okay.”
Kirai nodded. There was a small stretch of silence between them. Kayaki fiddled with her things. “...hey, you wanna sleepover after this, Toto-chan?” He considered it, nodding. “If you’re so desperate to have me over.” Kayaki smiled to herself. “Always.” 
The last event was a run, plain and simple. There weren’t actually many kids competing in this round; none of them looked particularly flashy, either. Kayaki knew that, just running, she would have trouble keeping up with any of them. Her quirk wasn’t going to be of any help; for all intents and purposes, she was going quirkless. 
Or was she? 
Kayaki had an idea. A stupid one that could have gotten her disqualified, but an idea nonetheless. 
When the siren went off, they all started off running. Kayaki verged her way towards the right, eventually drifting into the treeline. Once she was covered, she started slowing down. And down. She spotted the others, trying to overtake one another and tripping over obstacles. 
If she was any one else, Kayaki would have definitely been called out for going out of the bounds. But Kayaki wasn’t one to be noticed for breaking small, tiny rules. 
It was a boring walk, and waiting in the treeline was even more boring. She let herself cool off, watching the teacher check off people as they came up to her and claimed their time. 
After roughly thirty minutes, Unbreakable went over their list. 
“...Zuruko-chan? Has anyone seen Zuruko-chan?” 
Kayaki sped walked out in the clearing. Once she was halfway, she raised her hand. 
“I was here the whole time, Unbreakable-sensei!” 
They squinted at her. “How come I didn’t notice you?” Their voice was suspicious; as it should have been, really. Kayaki shrugged. 
“My quirk probably made you forget? I told you a while ago.” 
They scanned their checklist again, looking confused. “Oh. I guess it does say that’s your quirk, doesn’t it? I’m sorry, Kiddo.” 
Kayaki waved her hand. “It happens all the time.” 
“What was your time again?”
“19 minutes,” She replied smoothly. Not crazy, distinctly in the middle of the times. They wrote it on their list, nodding to themselves. “Make sure to stay here so I remember to write it down. Good luck.” 
“Thank you!” Kayaki smiled. 
She was done. Kayaki took a deep breath, waiting for Kirai so she could head home. He told her he felt pretty good about the whole thing, too. Kayaki was proud of them both. Maybe, she thought, things might just turn out after all.
Across Japan, in Osaka, a girl holds up a flyer in her hands. It’s advertising a hero school just off of the coast of the ocean. 
“Hey, hey! Look at this!” 
She points. Her brother comes over, brushing his fingertips over it. “That’s great, but I don’t know what it’s for.” 
“I wanted to scout it out, right? I was thinking of applying—”
He cut her off. “You? To a hero school?” 
“Shush! I thought it might be fun. Anyways, I went to sign up, and guess who I saw! Just guess?” 
“Who,” He said, sounding largely uninterested. 
The air grew much, much darker.
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whattodowithace · 4 years
Circuits & Wires (Seyoon)
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Title: Circuits & Wires 
Paring: Seyoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff; Slight Angst
Count: 5431 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: Who would’ve thought one of the android prototypes would work in the actual office. But he seems too human to be an android...
A/N: This story is discontinued, but I spent a lot of hours on it so I still want to post it, but I was worried I was doing this story an injustice. I love it too much to ruin it further. I hope you enjoy the beginnings of this story :). 
“How did you get hired at AND Corp?”
This was a common question I received when I told people about my employer. My response was always the same and cleared up all confusion that someone could have.
“I’m just the secretary.”
AND Corp was the biggest company of the 22nd century, bringing the world things like the first Hoverboard model, current models of flying cars, and their latest invention, helper bots. These bots being the prototype for androids that AND Corp had been working on since their startup.
Because of their reputation, only the ridiculously smart got hired into one of their five departments. It was the only company worth working for since they basically controlled the world because they supplied society with everything that we used.
It was a huge honor to be able to work in the company, even if it was just the secretary position. It was hard being the only person in the room without an IQ of 170+, especially when they expected everyone in the company to have the same intelligence level as them. Secretaries here needed patience and a harder shell, but that didn't mean it still wasn’t difficult.
I push the glass door open, walking swiftly to my desk, placing my belongings in their assigned spots before starting my day.
I walk through the empty office, making my way towards the coffee station on the other side of the office. My steps quick, but not hurried as I walk my habitual route to the station.
Five coffee machines were lined up on the marble countertop. Individual coffee cups were stocked neatly in a small cabinet next to the machines. Coffee mugs were stacked in the next to the cabinet, creating a efficient assembly line.
This was just one of my many tasks to complete in the morning before the office workers came in. The secretaries usually worked three or four extra hours versus everyone else in the building. I honestly believe that the secretaries are the glue that keeps this place together.
I had gotten everything down to a T, finishing all the morning tasks in perfect time as the first employees began to enter the building. The floors were small, so you always saw the same people everyday, only having about 20 people on the floor. As they enter, I keep track of who enters, recognizing the faces of my colleagues as they filed into the spacious office space.
My eyes meet deep brown ones as a man with silver hair enters the office. His eyes were hiding behind a pair of thick framed glasses, that framed his handsome face perfectly. He was on the shorter side, but it was easy to tell that he wasn't weak or scrawny underneath his crisp black suit. His hair was styled professionally, but still modernized to enhance his features.
I tilt my head in confusion as I notice the employee badge around his neck displaying his picture and his name which I couldn’t see from my desk. He smiles warmly as he gives me a bow, which I return. He shows me his badge quickly as he passes, not stopping to say any greetings. After his back is to me, my eyes glue to my computer, checking emails and messages to see if I had missed one about a new employee. I send a quick message to my superior, asking him about the silver haired man, to which he replies ‘he’s going to work on our floor starting today.’
I felt a wave of relief wash over me knowing I hadn’t let in unauthorized personal onto the floor. Still, I wondered about the man, we hardly had any interesting news in this company, much less our specific floor, so anything new or changed was exciting. My eyes were drawn back to him when he came back to the main room with all the office desks. I secretly hoped he would sit at the one closest to my station, cause honestly, it would be nice to see such a nice looking young man every once in awhile against the boring scenery of the office.
The office gods must have been upon me as he took the desk right in front of me. He must have felt my stare for he looked into my eyes, offering another warm smile, one which I returned but turned away as I felt my face heat up.
The end of the day drew near, and it went much like any other day. I had done my duties and the office treated me the same as it always did. With the exception of the new guy. He hadn't talked a lot, but he was the only one who offered me a please when he asked for copies and the only one who thanked me throughout the day as I refilled coffee and kept inventory stocked.
It always shocked me, since I wasn't used to it with the rest of the office. I began to take a quick liking to the new employee, his presence making me feel comforted as I realized I had someone who had appreciated my hard work.
Lunch was an interesting time as well. The secretaries of each floor tended to eat together. It was hard to sit and listen to the smart analysts and coders discuss intelligent workings, so the secretaries flocked together to talk about day to day life and usually they tended to gossip, but I usually zoned out during those parts. However, the conversation was quite a bit different this time. The new guy joined the secretary table, offering smiles to each of us as he gave me a quick bow exchanging a hello. I could see the shock and panic on the rest of the girls at the table, some of them blushing as they looked at the handsome young man. I smiled as I watched them fangirl over him, enjoying it because we never had this much excitement in the quiet building.
During that lunch period, we all found out his name was Kim Seyoon. He was very dismissive about his family and even his younger years. I smiled fondly as I noticed his shy apprehension. We didn't press him too hard as we just enjoyed his quiet, lovely company. He seemed very curious about us and asked us a lot about our lives, mine in particular when he noticed I had strayed from the conversation. I didn't want to get the wrong idea so I brushed it off, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel my heart skip a beat more than once during lunch.
At the end of the day after everyone left for their homes, I would be the last to leave, cleaning and setting up desks for the next day so the geniuses could have a clean enviornment to work in. If the pay for this job wasn't so good all of the secretaries would've left by now, but the owners know that so they keep our pay high to keep us happy and to keep turn over down.
The last ones left in the office this chilly night were Seyoon and I. He was still typing on his computer as I worked around him, doing my best not to disturb him with too much noise or by crowding his area. He worked late into my shift to the point where I was done and he was still working. I didn't want to bother him, but I worried slightly for the newcomer and decided to address him and check up on him.
"Seyoon, I'm heading out for the night." I tell him quietly, his dark brown eyes lifting to meet mine behind his rounded glasses, his nose scrunching to push them back up his face, making me smile at his cuteness. "Do you need anything before I go?"
He smiles softly and shakes his head. "No, I'm okay. Thank you for all your help."
I smile back at him, bowing in respect before taking my leave. "See you tomorrow."
Little did I know that that was just the tip of the iceberg for Kim Seyoon. I figured his kindness would lessen the more he worked. I expected his caring attitude to stay, but his appreciation to begin to dwindle like it had done the others. But with time, he became more gracious and more appreciative. He always used kind words with everyone and often helped those who needed it, even when they were too prideful to ask for it.
He had helped me countless of times, helping me with heavy contents or staying late to help me organize the desks and to clean up the office, no matter how many times I told him it was fine, he would insist on helping.
There were even some nights where he lent me his suit coat, insisting I take it because the office was cold and he didn't need it. Many of the secretaries began to tease me about it, finding it adorable that he always seemed to come to my aid. I brushed it off and denied everything involving him, including denying feelings for the platinum haired boy. I denied it all, but as the days continued, my heart would skip more beats and my nerves would increase with each passing day as my feelings for him grew.
I tried to make it obvious to him, worried he wouldn't like it if I made the first move. I gave him more hints as the days passed,  staring at him a little too long, brushing against him gently when I passed him things, anything to make it painfully obvious that I was into him.
He never took the bait. Either he wasn't interested or he was just too pure to realize my advances. I thought hard about if I wanted to make the move. It was a tough decision, but I hadn't had feelings like this for someone in a long time. I had been so busy working I didn't have much time for a dating life and I really didn't have time to even meet many guys. Suddenly, one falls into my office and not only is he handsome, but he is sweet and caring to add to it. I didn't want to let the opportunity slip even if he would reject me.
I watched as Seyoon stood to get ready to leave. As usual, we were the final two people in the office and he offered to take me to my car. He said he always worried because some weird guys would wait in the parking garages and he was worried they would try something one day, especially if it was late enough. Just another thing to add to the list of heart palpitating things Seyoon did. He smiles as I approach him, walking next to me as we reached the elevator to the garage floor.
“Seyoon?” I call out to him, catching his attention just before we reached one of the many elevators in our building.
He looks over to me, his eyes meeting mine as he gives me his undivided attention.
“Are you going to dinner?” I ask him, suddenly, a surge of boldness running through me as I wait for his response.
He nods with a smile. "Are you?"
"I am." I smile at him as I feel the nerves bubble in my chest. "I was wondering, it you would like to go to dinner together?"
"I would like that." Seyoon agrees as the elevator doors open inviting us in.
I follow Seyoon into the small box as he hits the number for the parking garage. I look anywhere but him as I feel the butterflies multiply in my stomach, but my head tells me he doesn't understand the motive behind my request which makes my heart sink.
"Should we ride together?" He asks, breaking the silence.
I nod with a hum of acknowledgment , ignoring the fast beating of my heart as I think of being with him alone as we drove.
“Where should we go?” I ask him, trying to keep the silence from going awkward.
“You can choose.” Seyoon smiles as he looks up, twitching his nose slightly to push his glasses back up to his eyes.
I nod, starting to think of place to go to fit the mood and hopefully a place that would give me enough courage to wear my heart on my sleeve.
Seyoon drove carefully to a restaurant that was nice enough for a couple going on a date but casual enough for friends or co workers to have a casual dinner together. My hope was that this dinner would eventually become both scenarios.
My nerves grew as I watched him drive quietly. The street lights illuminating his figure only slight as he passed under them. I could feel myself fall more for him as I studied his features, my face heating up as I watched him, everything he seemed to do was perfect. His calculations down to his driving. This thought making me even more nervous.
We arrived at the restaurant after about a twenty minute drive. We were seated immediately and were quickly offered menus. We talked quietly amongst ourselves, but I don't remember much of the conversation. I was too nervous to pick up any of the words he said to me or to remember the words I said to him. I started many times to get the sentence out, but would chicken out last second. It took a lot of courage to get the conversation started, but I finally pulled that courage together to speak up.
“I actually called you here to tell you something.” I confess as I begin to twiddle my thumbs in nervousness.
Seyoon stares at me, but not with a stare that made feel inferior, one that made me feel confident.
I sigh out heavily as I look into his eyes. “I wanted to tell you that you’re really sweet and really kind and I have fallen for you charms. I know you haven’t worked here long, but I really wanted to tell you...” I trail off, looking away from his face.
All I could hear was my heart beating rapidly, it seemed to drown out the soft music that played throughout the restaurant. Only his next words stopped the thumping in my head completely, making all my thoughts stop in the process.
“You’re the sweet one.” He says quietly, making me jerk my head to him.
He held a small smile on his face as I felt my body heat up.
“I’m an android.” He states, his eyes boring into mine.
My heart drops as I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out.
“I wish I could return your feeling, but I’m incapable.” He continues, his face appearing to show sorrow, but I wrote it off as a machine learning mechanism. “I’m just here as a test to see if a prototype android is ready for the workforce.”
“I am so sorry, I had no idea!” I exclaim as I feel embarrassment flood me.
“That’s okay.” He reassured me, somehow making me feel better. “No one is supposed to know, so you really had no idea.”
“I won’t say anything.” I promise him as I look back down to my plate, my appetite leaving me.
“I hope we can still work together closely?” He offers, his voice now beginning to sound more monotone the more I hear it. “I don’t really feel emotions, but I do know I feel a sense of accomplishment when I work alongside you.”
His words shouldn’t make my heart beat anymore, but here it was, beating out of my chest. “I would like that.”
The rest of the dinner was spent like I had never confessed to him, our conversations comfortable and casual as they had been over the past few months. I knew he could never reciprocate my feelings, but I also knew my feelings for him wouldn't dissipate just because he was android. I was content with staying his friend and having his as a close companion, even if it wasn't the way I fully desired.
Weeks had past since that dinner. Nothing really changed, which made me happy. Our work habits and tasks continued to intertwine and my feelings never went away. It was strange, even though he was an android, an android created to show no emotion and to just do what he was told, he seemed to care for minor things.
It was little things that I started to notice, things that made me realize why I had been fooled into thinking he truly had feelings like any human would. He would walk to work from his apartment, one that the company worked out for him so they could fully test all of his functions, and he always arrived early. It was an admirable thing and something I had admired even now knowing he was an android. But it was what he did on his way to work that shocked me, shocking em because it was something I never expected an android to do.
In the alleyway, next to our corporate building, is a communal meeting place for the stray cats and kittens around the area. I had always tried to capture the kittens before they became too feral to be tamed, but I wasn't the most capable in that department. I would bring them by actual cat food cause it was cheap and they really did bring me joy on my commute to work as I saw them play with each other on the sidewalks.
One morning I was walking on the sidewalk, following one of the new kittens that had been birthed over the springtime. Said kitten was walking with a purpose, but would occasionally get distracted by a bug or a wrapper that flew in front of his path.
We reached our building and the kitten slid into the alleyway quietly, his tail rubbing against the building as he cut the corner. I followed him quietly as I pull out the bag of cat food I had brought with me, turning the corner to offer the strays some of it.
I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Seyoon's back to me as he leaned down, the kitten running in between his legs and rubbing against his pants suit. I tilted my head as I watched Seyoon, the smallest of smiles on his lips as he petted the orange kitten that meowed up at him.
"Do you feed them?" He asked suddenly, making me jump in surprise.
"Well... I..." I stuttered out, not preparing to hold a conversation with him seeing as I thought he didn't know I was there. "I do, when I can."
Seyoon stands up and turns towards me, stepping closer to me, my heart beating quickly as a reaction.
"I'm glad you do." He stated as he looks back to the orange kitten who had reunited with his other cat friends. "No one else pays them mind."
"But you do." I commented as I lean down separate the cat food in piles so that the older cats wouldn't swat the kitten away.
"I can't do as much for them as you can." He said quietly as I stand back to my feet, looking into his eyes.
As I look at him I could have swore I saw a swirl of emotion behind his eyes, but it quickly left when he blinked back at me.
"I wish I could do more." I confessed as I looked back to the cats and kittens that ate the food happily.
"I think you'll be able to one day." He offered, making me look at him as I felt my heart rate quicken even more than it was already.
I cleared my throat as I stood there avoiding his gaze.
"We should head inside." He suggested as he walked out of the alleyway, stopping just before rounding the corner. "I'll walk you to your desk."
That was just one instance that I had seen compassion from him, making me question weather androids had more emotions than the company realized, maybe more emotions than the androids even realized.
It seemed as though I was just falling harder for Seyoon, making me wonder if I had just been so deprived of a relationship that I was having these thoughts about a creation that supposedly couldn't feel. I had done hours of research on Seyoon's android prototype, wondering if there was anything more to learn that could help me work through this childish crush, but none of the manuals had a section under 'what to do when you fall in love with an android'.
Seyoon was a full android, no natural emotion was to come from him. They said that he would pick up facial queues and would replicate them to have the illusion he did have emotion, but none of his actions would support those feelings.
I still couldn't shake the gut feeling that he had some emotion. He seemed to get more human every day. His facial expression conveyed feelings yes, but his eyes grew more and more sentient every time I looked into them. His facial expression became more natural and his words carried a feeling that was more than I felt an android could produce.
My feelings for him never staled and it was because I felt a connection, one that most people would call me crazy for, but one I was sure was there. His feelings were real and I could feel them and I wanted to see them come to light.
The end of another day approached as the usuals begin leaving. Seyoon and I were the last ones, as usual. Most of the time Seyoon would stay behind to help me finish my work. His proficiency making the tasks go by faster. However, this time, he was the last one working. I had finished my work for the night and realized the Android bent over his desk as he wrote quickly, faster than I’ve ever seen any human write.
I approach his desk, pulling the chair from his desk neighbor to sit next to him.
“How’s it going?” I ask him as I mean an elbow in the desk to watch his face twist in concentration, making me heart pound in excitement at the realization of his face showing emotion.
He looks up to me, smiling mechanically as he assures me. “It’s going well, I’m almost done.”
I nod as he goes back to work. “You don’t need any help?”
“I’m really okay, thank you.” He replies as he goes back to his paper.
“You don’t need your pencil sharpener?” I ask him as I play with the dull pencils he had put aside on his desk.
Seyoon stops writing, putting his pencil down to focus his attention on me. I feel my body heat up as his eyes focus on mine.
“You really don’t need to stay and help me.” He smiles slightly. “I really can handle it on my own.”
“Seyoon, please.” I beg him as I give him puppy dog eyes. “You help me very night with my tasks and you do it without complaint. I know you don’t need my help but let me stay with you, even if all I do is keep you company or get you a sharp pencil, please let me stay with you.”
Seyoon’s eyes dance in amusement just for a moment before he goes back stoic. “Okay.” He agrees, making me squeal in excitement.
“What do you want me to do?” I ask him as I scoot my chair closer to him.
“I want you to lay your head on the desk, on your hand facing me.” He directs, my body following his order. “Now close your eyes.” I do as told, shutting my eyes tightly. “And just stay like that.”
My body straightens quickly. “Seyoon I’m not sleeping.” I glare at him. I suddenly grab the pencils he had thrown to the side and angrily walk towards the sharpener. “I’m sharpening these for you.”
I don’t wait for his reaction as I walk to my desk where the sharpener was. It was set there for my convenience, I was the only one that did the sharpening anyway.
When I look up from sharpening, I see Seyoon looking at me. His eyes fixed on me, making me feel embarrassed. I focus on the pencils, the quiet machine sharpening the lead, it’s low buzz engineered to not disturb any work.
I continued to do small tasks for Seyoon as he calculated numbers at his desk. It was hard to find tasks that could help an Android, but the ideas quickly dwindled.
I sit next to Seyoon after getting him and myself a cup of coffee. I lean back on the desk, my eyes focused on his fingers that write the numbers and words.
“I’m going to be here for awhile.” Seyoon speaks up, making me jump in surprise. “You can go home.”
I shake my head. “I’m okay. I’ll stay with you.”
He stares at me for a moment, making heat rush through my body. It felt like an eternity of him staring. I watch him push his glasses up with him nose, making a rock gif my stomach at his cuteness. This jolts me out of my trance, looking away from Seyoon to my coffee that steamed against the cold office air conditioning.
I notice Seyoon begins to write again, his movement capturing my attention. I rest my arms over each other, leaning my head down to them to watch his hand closely. I could feel my eyes heavy as I watch his rhythmic strokes. I decide to rest my eyes just for a moment, exhaustion settling in for me.
I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember opening my eyes in a confused state, not recognizing the surface I was resting atop of. I lift my head, rubbing my face, focusing my eyes to recognize the office. I realize I'm the only one here, making me stand in panic. I worry about Seyoon for a split second before I realize his suit jacket was draped across my shoulders.
Butterflies erupt in my stomach as I pull the jacket around me, it's heaviness keeping me warm. I smile to myself as I think about the weight this would carry for a human, the thought making the butterflies reach my heart. I stand from his desk, noticing his papers and utensils still on his desk. I call out his name quietly, hearing no response through the small office.
I decide to venture out in search of Seyoon, I had nothing better to do anyways. I walk out of the small office, his jacket securely around my shoulders as I walk the halls of the quiet building. It was probably well over midnight by now, so even the late nighters were at home, resting in their beds.
I reach the cafeteria, the giant floor to ceiling windows reveling the night life of the beautiful city. You couldn't really see the stars because of the skyscrapers that lit up the area around them, dimming the lights in the sky, but the moon was in full illumination. I felt awe as I looked out over the city, feeling the urge to feel the wind against my skin to feel the full effect of the atmosphere.
I knew it would be a bit chilly, but I wasn't worried because of Seyoon's jacket would keep the brisk wind from my arms. I walk quickly back the way I came, arriving at the elevators to the roof. The ascent was quiet, even the elevator music had stopped this late at night. It carried me to the rooftop terrace,  the wind greeting me as soon as the doors open.
I step out before freezing just outside the elevator. At the ledge stood a familiar figure with his back towards me. I feel my heart quicken as I observe him in the moonlight. His platinum hair seemed to glow in the moonlight, his tan skin shining beautifully as he leaned on the ledge to look down at the city.
I gulp as my feet carry me towards him, my nerves skyrocketing like they did the night I confessed to him. I approach him quietly, leaning against the ledge next to him to copy his movements.
"Did you sleep okay?" He asks, breaking the silence as the wind blew over us quietly.
I nod towards him, looking over to him. I suddenly worry about the wind against his thin shirt, quickly taking the jacket off myself to offer it back to him.
He smiles at me, pushing his glasses up with his nose as he often did. "You'll get cold. You keep it."
I nod as I feel a blush wash over me, making my heart beat quickly. I place the jacket back on my shoulders, warmth immediately coming back to me once the padded shoulders reach my body.
"Do you have more work to do?" I ask him after a moment of silence, the city seeming quiet this late at night.
"I finished for the night." He tells me, looking up to the sky where the stars were barley visible.
"Then why are you still here?" I ask him, my attention fully on him.
He tuns to look at me and when he does a shiver runs through my body. His eyes held something, something I hadn't seen from him, but had seen in other humans. The amount of emotion in his eyes was powerful and made me forget, once again, he was an android.
"I didn't want to leave you." He states simply, his words piercing straight through my heart like Cupid's arrow.
The world around me feel silent, all I could focus on was him in that moment and I couldn't tell if it was just my hopeful imagination or if he was feeling the same way as me.
A power gust of wind pushes me off balance, bring me back to reality as I clear my throat and look away from him. "I'm sorry for making you stay later."
"You stayed for me." He reminds me, making me whine in protest.
"You always stay for me and the one time I stay for you it still ends up you staying for me." My eyes fill with frustrated tears as I look at him.
It was probably from exhaustion, but this moment made me want to cry. I think he could tell because he gives me a soft smile as he steps closer to me. He lays his hand on top of my head gently as he pats my head a couple of times.
"I will always stay for you." He whispers as his hand falls from me. "I don't know why I feel like I need to, but I do."
My heart explodes at his confession, my feelings for him running deeper with each passing second. Before I can even register words for myself, he speaks again.
"You need to go home and get some rest."
I nod, finally, as I clear my throat. "Yea, I should head home."
"I can drive you." He offers, making me smile with a nod.
He drove me home that night, the time being 2 in the morning as he wished me a goodnight. I left his jacket in his car before making me way up to my apartment. Once inside I crash on the bed, not even bothering to change into pajamas. I sigh out heavily as I think of the night's events, my heart never once calming since the rooftop. My mind knew that it wouldn't work, but my heart wanted it so desperately to work. I fall asleep with these thoughts, but my heart doesn't fully slow until I slip into unconsciousness.
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atxlxs · 3 years
Beyond The Veil: Chapter 12
Eras was in the middle of waking up that morning with her smoothie, Muska had left 30 minutes ago to head to UA, and she was zoning out the window next to the dining table.
The pungent scent of week old blood wasn’t the best of scents, yet Eras refused to obtain blood any other way except through blood banks. Most Vampires had donors or they just asked politely for consent (When the veil was made there were rules put in place to prevent vampires from extorting humans or keeping them as glorified blood bags for their whims, a lot of rules-)
A soft chime from her phone brought her attention back to the dining room table where her phone laid face up, the words ‘Message From Unknown’ were bold and sat at the top of her notifications. With a confused tilt to the head, despite no one being around to see it, Eras opened the notification.
123-xxx-xxx: This is Aizawa Shouta, your ward's homeroom teacher. I believe I promised to keep you updated so I recommend watching the video file I’ve sent below.
123-xxx-xxx: *Video File ‘punishment.vid’ Attachment*
Tapping on the file, Eras watched with mild skepticism as it downloaded, hoping that this isn’t some weird scam text message even if logic dictates it isn’t. Once it finished, Eras felt her lips twitch as she saw a bundle of cloth being hung from the ceiling, suspiciously familiar blond hair sticking out of the bottom.
The video did not disappoint.
The camera shook slightly, as if whoever was holding it was holding back giggles as the familiar rugged man rolled in one of those ancient box T.V’s that schools used to keep for educational videos in elementary school. The cloth bundle swaying fruitlessly in the wind as whoever, most definitely All Might, was in it struggled. After stopping the table roller with the T.V in front of the bundle, Aizawa walked over to the cloth and with a few quick movements, uncovered All Might's eyes and spun him to be stuck facing the T.V. Pulling out a cassette tape of all things, those were impossibly older than the T.V itself was, Aizawa loaded the T.V after turning on the power.
Eras choked on her smoothie when a Nedzu mascot appeared on the screen with cartoonish glee to its expression as it gestured animatedly at the title on the screen.
‘Teaching For Dummies! Vol:1 of 126: Safety 101’
Aizawa then pulled out a second roller cart that was filled with cassette tapes, most likely the other 125 volumes of the Teaching For Dummies series, as his grin bordered on maniacal.
“You’ll be hanged for your crimes as you watch Nedzu’s Hell Course videos on teaching. You will then be assigned a 5 thousand word essay on how you could improve based on what you learn. Good Luck”
Aizawa then turned towards the exit and power walked out of the room as muffled screeches came from the restrained All Might, the person holding the phone started guffawing and ended the video abruptly. The now black screen reflected Eras’s face as it was stuck in a sadistic grin.
Eras cackled.
*Eras changed Unknown’s name to AizawaShouta*
Eras: Appreciated, shall I send you a gif of him struggling like a worm on dry concrete?
AizawaShouta: yes
Eras: *wormwiggle.gif*
Eras: will you be getting an after shot of the torture?
AizawaShouta: Oh definitely, I assume you’ll want that as well?
Eras: it’ll be a good reaction image to use
AizawaShouta: …
AizawaShouta: i’m going to torment the teachers group chat with it
Eras: as you should
Chuckling to herself in the dining room, Eras sipped on her smoothie as she sent messages back and forth with Aizawa. The tension easing in her shoulders as time passed. She was still tired, exhausted really, but the air seemed a little lighter each time she breathed.
AizawaShouta: I do still wish to apologize myself though, I don’t exactly know how the blond buffoon had managed to get battle trials accepted but normally I have them learn safety and test out costumes on the first day.
Eras: unnecessary but accepted. Really Aizawa-san it was just as you said, the quote “blond buffoon” unquote is at fault for this so no harm no foul.
Eras: Though if you did happen to do something yourself that warrants my visit you’d be lucky to still walk the next day.
AizawaShouta: ….
AizawaShouta: mildly terrified
Eras: only mildly? I’ve lost my touch
AizawaShouta: No, no I would be more affected if it weren’t for my policy to not harm students or allow them to get hurt by being overly cautious about what they do.
Eras: Ah, I feel a bit better than.
Shouta laid on his side, wrapped up in his obnoxiously colored sleeping bag, with his phone resting between his hands in front of his face.
After Eras had left the meeting yesterday, Shouta had been stuck there for another 3 hours as Nedzu let them know that Bakugo would be pulled in for his own meeting with the principal this morning to discuss his previous schooling as well as his punishment. If he said anything concerning, which was definite at this point, then Nedzu would launch an investigation into Aldera. Currently the walking bomb was going to be in ISS as well as attending a counselling session. (Since mandatory therapy wasn’t an option without further evidence to prove their theories about his mental health) If Hound Dog says it’s necessary, then anger management will be added.
That had drained him in more ways than one. Though the universe did decide to give him a break in the form of free reign of All Might’s punishment. Which was carefully planned. When the meeting had ended, and the parents had left the premises, Aizawa had wrapped All Might in his capture scarf and dragged him back to the faculty lounge. The remaining teachers watched on in amusement as he hooked the weapon around a support beam on the ceiling and left the blond hanging from the ceiling.
Before he could leave to grab the… videos, Shouta tossed his phone to Hizashi.
“Record this.” He simply stated and walked towards the storage closet in the lounge.
He could tell Hizashi knew what he was grabbing because as the cockatoo caught the phone, his eyes widened before he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop the laugh he wanted to spill and immediately flipped on his phone; swiping for the camera.
Once he had finished setting up the torture, he left. He would not stay around to hear Nedzu’s hell videos. The cheery animated mascot talked condescendingly the whole time and seemed to read your mind as it tore down your thought process to the simplest of structures before ripping into your teaching style.
Each of the staff have had to sit through all 126 volumes at least once and each and every single one swore to never need to again. It was cursed in all the wrong ways.
It was around 7 in the morning when Shouta had remembered a particular part of the meeting from yesterday, turning on his side he whipped out his phone and pulled up the newest contact he had added in his phone for this exact reason. Sending a quick explanation of who he was, he sent the video Hizashi had taken for him to her.
He was not at all expecting to actually enjoy the conversation that followed.
He could admit with little fanfare that he was not the most conventional person to talk to. He was gruff, sarcastic, logical to a fault, and used dry humor that bordered on morbid some days. This is why he was genuinely surprised to see Eras not only take his humor in stride, but to respond in the same way.
Now at 8 o’clock in the morning, 25 minutes away from the start of homeroom, Shouta was actually going to miss talking to someone. Hizashi could never know.
With a sigh, he sent a quick goodbye and snorted when he received a picture of a cat with a face of disgust in response, he got off the couch and headed to his classroom. God it was the USJ field trip today too, grumbling he slid open the faculty door and left.
Completely missing the looks of horrified bewilderment on his colleagues' faces.
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silvia7272 · 5 years
? ~ Threats & Frights Tonight
I decided to do some smaller fanfics to just make sure everyone is on the same page as me so the SongFic will be revealed later on. However, I’m going to write out of order just like season 3 because I thought this would be cool and a nice way to introduce my OC.
I believe this takes place in season 3, after Lila gets back but before the oh so great finale episodes, so they’re still like around 14. I won’t mention all the episodes but I will post more about how my OC becomes friends with Kagami and Luka. (And Felix because I love Fanon Felix)
Also, I want to ask, do you want consistent salt, salt but redemption for few or all?
Edit: The question mark just means I’m unsure which part this takes place in my main story. It doesnt mean too much.
Word Count: 2203
Marinette stood there frozen, her new best friend, one she knew she could trust with everything, one who knew her identity… Was being Akumatized right in front of her.
Rosina, the newbie of Collège Françoise Dupont, the one who was able to get Marinette and Chloé to settle their differences and let them become friends had fallen for Hawkmoths Akuma.
Why don’t we go back to see how that happened?
Ever since Marinette and Chloé’s friendship blossomed apparently overnight, things had only gotten worse for the girls.
All the classmates had believed that they were always friends but decided to trick them so Marinette would be seen as their ‘Everyday Ladybug’ while Chloé was the bully.
Thank god they ditched her as soon as they saw her “true inner colours”
However, even with all the glares and comments directed towards the girls they never even bat an eye to them, they just kept on walking ahead never looking back. They even had the nerve to smirk back at them.
And now it had appeared there was one more person they wanted to convert.
Rosina Scoats.
She had been a new student to Dupont, and everyone had been excited.
She had looked so pleasant, and everyone had tried to warn her of Marinette, the bully, the one who had made Lila feel so sad and disheartened after Marinette had openly tried to oppose her for being a “liar”.
After all, she had done nothing wrong.
…Nothing wrong.
And yet, no matter what they did, she had always gone back to the outcasts of the class, and they talked as if they had been long-time friends.
It was hopeless now, she had fallen for their lies, there was no way they could save the poor girl.
Although they thought it weird it was only after she came that Marinette and Chloé became friends.
It had just started like any other day. Marinette and Chloé had arrived first and walked to the back where their seats were located, not that they minded being at the back.
Because Rosina had been staying with Marinette she made sure the busy girl got up early for school much to Tikki and her Parents comfort, although she hadn’t appeared yet as there was something the girl had to take care of before coming so the trio became dos at the back.
Then the quiet ones, Nathaniel, Juleka, Ivan, Mylène and Adrien came in. The latter held a disapproving stare at the two girls who should’ve taken the higher ground. They shouldn’t have rocked the boat, and what did they do? The exact opposite.
Honestly, they were worse than Lila at this point.
He just wanted them to apologise to Lila and they could be friends again, couldn’t they see the error in their ways?
It was even worse when he had that argument with Chloé. After that everyone told him it was great, he finally got rid and stopped being friends with Chloé, he could, at last, see just how much she had hurt all his friends and he felt like a fool; he only just realised. Chloé had hurt people while Lila hadn’t.
How ironic right?
Then all the rest came in, ending with Lila, again sprouting some nonsense about meeting several celebrities and she was like a little Sister to them all. Alya was sucking all this information and typing it on her Ladyblog, which by now should be called ‘Lilablog’ considering all the information dedicated to her ‘bestie’ instead.
“Of course, but because they live so far away, they can’t come and celebrate my birthday. Sometimes it’s hard being so far away from them, they’re like family, but they always give me a message and the best presents to make up for it” Her fake tears earned her so many sympathy votes the girls were surprised she wasn’t nominated for best actress.
A scoff was heard, and all heads turned towards the back, it would’ve been creepy considering how in tune they all were, but they didn’t say anything.
“Yes, is there anything wrong?” Lila innocently asked but pulled a disgusted face when no one saw her.
“Oh, nothing nothing, I just love watching Reality TV so early.” Chloé knew they all hated her, but she didn’t care, Lila had already turned Sabrina against her, so she only had Marinette and luckily newbie Rosina as friends.
“Don’t listen to them Lila, their just jealous of all the people that love you compared to them” Some snickers were heard but the girls didn’t pay them any thought. However, a noise disrupted the talk amongst the students.
A phone ringing.
Marinette’s phone was ringing.
“H-” Before she could even get a word out, she had to pull her phone back by how loud the girl’s voice had been on the other line.
“OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!” Marinette confused but used to weirdness in her life did what she was told and opened the nearest window. It was a close call as a body slammed into her just as the window opened, leaving no room to run.
“Sooooooorrry about that Mari. I got held up again. That thing I told you I had to do while here, weeeeell it came up, so I had to take care of it, and then Piper wanted to- AHH! Piper are you ok? You aren’t hurt, are you?”
The redhead turned to the bundle she had been carrying while she flew through.
A child, possibly 4 or 5, with black hair and pink eyes in a colourful mini dress, that looked incredibly cute on her all the girls awwed at the girl that they all knew as Piper.
Their meeting would be stated for another time.
Part of her hair was tied in a small high side ponytail, adding to the girl’s cuteness as well as her fringe. They just hope the girl wouldn’t become a bully like the other two. But whenever they tried to come up to her she was always too shy and would bury her head in the girl Rosina.
The little girl nodded before going over to Marinette and trying to help her up. Even if she was shy of the class somehow the bullies were able to warm their way into the girl’s heart, it seemed surreal.
What did they have that the rest didn’t?
“Don’t worry Piper I’m fine you don’t have to worry about me.” The girl nodded before hugging her after noticing everyone was still glaring at her, or rather Marinette.
Before they could even sit-down Lila just thought she should tell the class her thoughts.
“Shouldn’t Piper be around some nicer people? I would hate to think what would happen if she continues to be in that type of environment?” She said sneakily yet no one seemed to notice while they all still nodded.
Rosina although knew about the situation between her friends still always wanted to remain positive for her besties and besides, she was great at being civil.
“While I appreciate your concern, Layla-”
“Layla, my seat is assigned here, and Piper would tell me if she wanted to move. So, Piper, would you like to-?”
“No thanks,” A barely audible voice spoke before she could even finish.
“Well you heard it folks the answer is no. Hey, Piper, you want to draw something?” She nodded enthusiastically and started drawing while Lila wasn’t finished.
“But I’m worried. I’ve been to multiple care homes and helped out whenever I could, and all children love me. You can just leave her with me, I’m sure it would be good for her to spend some time with new people.” The rest seemed to agree with her and started to encourage both girls to hang out with them instead, even if the child had previously said no.
But Piper had been focusing on some particular words.
Leave her with me.
Leave her.
“No no no, p-please don’t leave me, p-please y-you promised me you would s-stay with me!”
Everyone stopped, they didn’t realise the girl would be so upset over this. Even Lila, she was mean but not heartless, especially to a kid.
The three girls at the back tried to comfort the girl with her worries, one bluenette especially worried.
But that didn’t stop the Akuma from entering. Mylène had been the first person to see it.
“Quickly move! The Akuma’s headed for the girl” Even if the teacher was there what could she do? Become Zombizou and have to go through all those Kissy Boo again? No thank you.
Rosina didn’t know what to do. Sure she had faced Akumatized victims before and helped Ladybug (Marinette) whenever she could, she was an amazing fighter, but that was all after the Akuma.
This, right here, was now.
And like hell, she would let Piper be Akumatized.
“Chloé!” Before the girl could respond Piper was placed in the blonde’s arms anyway, the girl would’ve denied but she could see the urgency in her eyes, plus she was trying to be a better friend anyway.
At that moment Rosina was concentrating. She focused her feelings, learning that you must keep a level head in this city, she had to make sure to display positive emotions all the time.
So she threw all of that out the window.
The Akuma had nearly touched Piper but quickly changed course once more prominent emotions appeared. Surely Hawkmoth would prefer a capable fighter to a little girl?
Hehe, you’ll see.
There was a bow in her hair, just begging Hawkmoth to Akumatize it.
And so, that was how everyone stood in terror to the girl with the magical pink mask on her face.
“Rosina please control it you have to!” Marinette grabbed onto the girl, trying to calm her. Tikki looked apprehensive, there was no way Marinette would be able to turn into Ladybug now, all they could do was wait.
“Angerella, that anger is nothing like I’ve felt before. I am Hawkmoth, I see all you want is to protect your little girl, I can give you the power to make that come true, all I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.” Hawkmoth’s offer and voice seemed so tempting.
“I can protect and conquer” No. No this couldn’t be possible, all that’s left would be the purple substance covering her, she was going to have to fight her friend.
A friend with a lot more fighting experience.
“If I cared.” Marinette breathed a sigh of a relieve, as well as Adrien. She knew she should’ve trusted her newfound friend but she was so scared. She’d make it up anyhow.
“Now Hawkmoth, I have your attention and you best listen to every word I say” The class looked on in anticipation, some had run off to try and get some help from teachers. Alya, thinking it would be great for the Ladyblog, started recording the whole ordeal.
“That girl you were about to Akumatize, if you ever try to Akumatize her again I will give you hell. Not even the heroes would be able to protect you from my wrath, understand”
“Your answer is duly noted. Now!” She but her hands on her head, seemingly struggling with the sudden Akuma. Was Hawkmoth increasing his control?
“Get out of my head! Now!”
“It's… Gone…” They didn’t expect that to happen, certainly not.
So they cheered and raved how great and cool she was able to do that. Alya cheerfully exclaimed how excited that scoop she was able to get and posted it on her blog right away.
And they all carried on as nothing had happened.
As if it wasn’t important.
Little did they know repelling an Akuma took a lot out of you, ask Chloé she’d tell you.
“Rosina are you ok? You had us so worried” When Rosina stumbled because of her unbalance, Marinette held onto her tighter, that ordeal really frightened her.
“I-I -pant pant- just need a moment, can we get some air? Please?” She nodded and the four immediately left.
“Rosy? Are, are you ok?” Rosina smiled and hugged the girl as they approached the entrance.
“Of course, don’t worry Li’l Piper, no one will ever hurt you, if Hawkmoth knows what’s good for him he will stay away from you.” She rubbed her head as the little girl smiled.
“I gotta say that was impressive, you had me worried for a sec but of course you’d be able to pull something like that off” The blonde lifted her ponytail up and down while commenting the tired girl.
“Thanks for your belief. I never would’ve forgiven myself if I hurt either of you. I love you two so much” She hugged them both surprising them more.
“We love you more Rosina. But please don’t scare us like that again. Angerella” Marinette couldn’t stop the light punch coming from the redhead before they all laughed.
All the while Hawkmoth in his lair was coming to a conclusion.
“She is the one who will bring me both the Miraculous’”
I just noticed this was more about the OC than salt so sorry, I’ve never done salt before so hopefully, I’ll get better as time goes on. But anyway I hope you liked it and I may do another one to add more details if you want.
Have a good day/night.
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ssixa · 4 years
Chance Encounter//Mark Tuan x Y/N
Description: Walking into the night shift at the hospital proves to keep you on your toes. Nights are left to the universe so you can only hope that tonight will be decent. What happens when you find out that one of your patients is THE Mark Tuan from GOT7? how do you try to deal with the chaos erupting from this chance encounter? and how many times do you have to tell yourself that you love your job?
Genre: fluff, slight cringe
Pairing: Black Fem ReaderxMark Tuan (though I will say there isn’t much description of black characteristics)
Word count: 4.4K
Warning: explicit language
A/n: uploading this while I’m in the middle of lecture. Nothing crazy to add though. I was trying to be more specific with the collage, but why is it so hard to find a picture of an actual black woman arm?! (this will most definitely make sense when you read this chapter lol). I really try not to use the same photos twice, but it happens. hope y’all enjoy chapter 3!
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Chapter 3
For shifts being 12 hours long, they always seem to go by quickly. Fortunately, this shift was one of them. Nothing else crazy happened the rest of the shift. More flirting from Mr. Tuan, more me getting slightly flustered by it, got in an argument with a confused elderly patient who...well...it’s too long to explain, actually got to eat dinner, etc. Before I knew it, it was 6:50am. I was finishing up on my last bit of charting when I heard the patient phone at the desk go off. I groveled because I was hoping it wasn’t one of my patient’s who needed something extensive done. I got up and headed to the phone. I checked the screen and saw a room number I know all too well...Mr. Tuan. I answer the phone,
“How may I help you?” I question just like I do any other patient.
“Oh, I was wondering if I could get a cup of coffee” he says politely.
“Sure! how many creamers and sugars” I respond.
“Um, how about 3 creamers and 6 sugars?” he responds giddily.
“Coming right up” I speak up happily. Maybe a little too happily because all I receive is a giggle at the end. I’m just happy that the request wasn’t anything major that involved me having to leave super late like I normally do. It definitely isn’t that Mark’s face would be the last face (of my patients) I would see before going home. I head to the pantry where the snacks and juices are located. I remember the nurses mentioning making a fresh pot of coffee a little while earlier, while I prefer my red bull. I grab a little styrofoam cup, fill it up with coffee, grab the requested amount of creamers and sugars, and head to Mark’s room. 
I reach Mark’s room and proceed to knock. I make my way in and I’m greeted by a bright smile so early in the morning, the poor guy looked tired though. The one of a few downsides of night shift is having to wake up patients while they sleep. I know I’m angry when someone wakes me up from my slumber, so I try to be as polite to them when I go into their rooms at 3am in the morning. I set the coffee, creamers, and sugars down on the table and pull the table across him so it’s an easier reach; and also that breakfast would be served soon so there won’t be much to do for the people bringing the food. 
Once I set down everything, I look to Mark who just has a tired smile on his face. 
I begin brightly, “hope you enjoy your coffee Mr. Taun.”
He looked at me with such a calm look, I guess he was done with the flirting from doing it all night. He comments,
“You seem happy to see me so early in the morning”, maybe I jumped the broom to think he was done with the flirting. 
“Well I’m happy that I get to go home in a few minutes and sleep until coming back tonight. Also the fact that your request isn’t something to keep me here for a long time” I reply happily. 
“So, you’re coming back tonight? Do you ever get enough sleep?” he questions.
“I do, but luckily I only work weekend nights so my sleep schedule doesn’t get super messed up.”
“Oh so you at least get the week off, that’s good” he says earnestly.
“Well, kinda. I have another job I work during the week and on Saturday mornings. So I end up going from there, then home for a little while, then come here for the night” I reply nonchalantly.
“Do you ever rest? You must be tired a lot” he says slightly concerned. 
“Well look who’s talking Mr. Idol” I laugh.
“Yeah you have a point, but just make sure not to push yourself too much. I can at least vouch the damage exhaustion can do” he solemnly replies.
“Don’t worry, once fall starts I won’t be working as much because of school” I say. 
“You’re in school too! You’re insane you know that right haha” he laughs.
“And like I said before, look who’s talking Mr. Idol” I laugh along. I don’t understand why he’s so worried when everyone who knows idol life knows how hard and tiresome it is. It’s sweet though. I look at my watch and see it’s already 7am.
“Well mr. Tuan, I have to go now, my bed is calling for me. I’ll probably see you later tonight” I state walking towards the door. He looks at me with slight confusion,
“Are you not going to be my tech tonight?”
“What? will you miss me if I’m not?” I say sarcastically
“Yes…” I hate when he does that. He gets so serious all of the sudden and I know he’s just trying to mess with me, well not this time pretty boy.
“Oh yeah sure, I bet you’ll just miss teasing me. I only say that ‘probably’ because they could switch my rooming assignments, but to be honest, that rarely ever happens with me since I only work two shifts back to back” I conclude. For a second I thought I saw a slight smile, what a weird dude. We say our sorta last goodbye and I leave the room. Though it’s been an exciting and yet weird shift, I’m just happy to be finally going home.
~Later That Day~
Back again for another shift. Everything is the same as last night and previous shifts. When I check the census, I see that I have one less patient. I guess someone was discharged during the day, good, one less person to look after. I make my way around my rooms, happily greeting my patients who are happy and surprised to see me back again. Then I reach Mark’s room, yet again, a couple deep breaths and my knuckles hit the wooden door. I walk in and I’m greeted by a soft smile...wow...didn’t realize how I missed that smile within a short amount of time. This whole thing is still so surreal to me. 
I see that the manager’s back, but luckily no death glares this time. He actually looks at me pleasantly and I look at Mark,
“Um, Mr. Tuan, did you tell your manager something about me? He doesn’t look like he wants to kill me like he looked yesterday”I question slightly side eyeing the manager. 
“Oh, I just told him how great you were last night, even put up with my annoyingness. He found it impressive that anyone could put up with me for 12 hours straight that wasn’t him, other managers, and the members” he laughed.
“That makes a lot more sense, I’m glad then. Honestly though, I still see you as the quiet member even though there are plenty of videos that truly prove the opposite” I mention. 
“Yeah, I’m still pretty introverted though. The members really bring out my goofy side” he scoffs. I can tell that his members really mean a lot to him, it’s really in the eyes. The small glint I saw in his eyes for just a second, it was really...beautiful. y/n, this isn’t the time. I continue on with the typical routine where I get his vitals and ask the same questions. I even asked his manager if he wanted anything and he asked for a cup of coffee; no problem there. Since I wanted to get more on his good side, I decided to get it for him and add in some graham crackers with it (nice touch y/n). 
Mark watched as I gave his manager the requested item plus the bonus gift. He smirks,
“Really? I don’t recall him asking for crackers. Someone’s trying to make a good impression, but why don’t you treat me that nicely? When I asked for coffee this morning, you really only just brought what I asked” he whined with puppy dog eyes.
“First, you got me on his good side so I would love to keep it that way. Also the fact that he has to keep tabs on you and the other 6 members, I feel for him. So of course I would like to show my appreciation towards him. He must also really be worried about you...ya know” I say shyly. Thank goodness I’m wearing a mask…
“M-my y-y/n is so caring” Mark fake sobs. I roll my eyes at the over acting. For someone so quiet and yet so loud, Mark will never make any sense to me. I continue on with small talk, but excuse myself to finish up my vital roundings. I say goodbye to Mark and the manager and be on my way. 
I had a gut feeling that tonight’s shift wasn’t going to go as smoothly as last night’s. It always happens that way unfortunately. Though I had one patient discharge during the day shift, I gained two more meaning my section was close to its max. One particular new patient had some extra strength for being elderly; she would make a great teammate on a kickball team. While the nurse was trying to get her info and do her duty to get her fully admitted she started kicking and screaming. Another nurse came to help and I entered the room not long after. It was quite the sight though, both nurses having to hold down the limbs of the patient. I told the other nurse that I got it and she would be ok to leave since this technically wasn’t her patient to deal with. She nodded and I took her position holding the patient’s legs. 
An intense stare off between my new patient and I was a battle I knew I could win. I could tell by her eyes, and because I got a report on her from the nurse before she arrived, that she wasn't all there in the head. As the nurse started putting the restraints on our new patient, I slowly let go of her legs because it seemed she had calmed down a bit, boy oh boy was that a mistake. Only about a minute after letting go of her legs do I find a foot flying in my direction. I managed to shield my face with my forearm and block it, but I knew a bruise would be forming there pretty soon and my arm would be sore for a while. I wince in pain, but managed to grab her legs again until we would be able to restrain her. The nurse looked at me and began to ask,
“y/n you ok? That looked like a nasty hit” said the nurse.
“Yeah I’m fine, I just know I shouldn’t push myself for a while” I say to her. She looked and nodded in agreement. She double checks my arm to make sure nothing is out of place and deems I should be alright. I thanked her, asked if there was anything she needed me to do and she said no. I walked out and went to sit at one of the computers to try and clear my mind. After a little while I decided it was best to get some ice and some gauze to wrap and cool off my hurt arm to reduce any possible swelling that could occur. By the time I was done, I saw it was about the time for me to check up on my patients and to see if they needed anything. I made my way room to room while keeping the small ice pack on my arm. Fortunately, I was able to keep it hidden from the majority of the patients (some were asleep at this point anyways)...key word is majority. When I got to Mark’s room, I knocked slightly afraid he would be asleep and I didn’t want to wake him. He was awake, of course, and talking on the phone. When he heard me open the door he turned his head and smiled,
“Hey y/n, great timing! I’m chatting with the members, do you want to say hi?” he asked. This I was very grateful for since the last time was very much a surprise.
“Um sure, as long as I’m not interrupting anything” I say softly.
“Nah, they never do anything that important or they wouldn’t be talking to me” he laughed. The laughing quickly halted when he noticed the ice pack on my arm.
“y/n, what happened to your arm?” he questions, unable to take his eyes off my injured arm.
“Oh nothing to worry about” I smile and wave the hand of the injured arm. Big mistake. I slightly winced a bit and put the ice pack right back down on the arm. Mark mutes the facetime call and flips his phone over. He grabs my arm to bring it closer to him and again I slightly wince in pain.
“y/n...what happened?” he deadpanned.
“Honestly it’s nothing, one of my new patients just has a killer kick for being in her 80s. It’s fine, but unfortunately no bath for you tonight” I laughed, but he didn’t. He looks a bit concerned, but I try my best to brush off his worries. 
“Mr. Tuan I promise it’s nothing serious. In retrospect, I should be the one worried about you given I’m a fan” I say trying to make light of the moment. It partially works, but I know the worry is still there. 
“y/n you don’t have to worry about the bath. The doctor came by and said I could move around with some assistance so I’ll just hop into the shower chair. Luckily, I don’t think I’ll plan a shower for tonight...it’s not like I’ve done much but sit here” he laughed lightly. I smiled glad he was over it, but forgot he was still kinda holding onto my arm.
“Um Mr. Tuan, you’re still kinda holding on to my arm and if you don’t mind I would like to put the ice pack back on it before any possible swelling occurs” I laugh. His eyes grow big, fully forgetting that he has a hold of my arm. He lets go quickly and the room is filled with an awkward silence. Well, almost silent. We started hearing noises and I started getting a little creeped out because...night shift. That’s when I remembered,
“Mr. Tuan I would’ve hoped to have befriended your group members by now. You might want to show you're still alive before they think I did something to you” I laugh. He realizes the whole purpose of me being in the room was that I get to talk to his members. He flipped the phone back over and un-muted it,
“Hey~ sorry idiots, I had to talk to y/n about something” Mark started.
“Who you callin an idiot...idiot” BamBam replied almost instantly. Wow so he really is this extra even when not around fans and cameras huh.
“So are we going to get to meet her or what?” Yugyeom blurts out in Korean. I laugh a little at how childish this giant is. Mark turns the camera to me and I’m met with five faces I’ve grown to know since debut.
“Hi~ I’m y/n and I’m such a big fan! Like this is honestly crazy, though I would’ve loved to meet y’all in a different situation” I relay softly. 
“AYE WASSUP y/n!!” Jackson screams
“Jackson you’re too loud, but hello y/n it is nice to finally meet you” Jinyoung says with a sweet motherly smile. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, this is all super crazy. 
As I continue to receive warm greetings from the five I realize there’s someone missing. I look to Mark and whisper,
“Where’s JB?” 
He roles his eyes and proceeds with 
“He had some songs he was working on so he couldn’t join” he replied.
“Wow she really must be head over heels for JB huh?” I hear Jackson comment. I panic slightly,
“I was just wondering where he was, I would’ve wondered the same about any of y’all if a person wasn’t here!” I ramble. 
“...wait, but how---Mr. Tuan you didn’t!!” I look at Mark with daggers that're sharper than any needle. He raised his arms up in defensive mode quickly and rebutted,
“I promise I didn’t say anything! I learned my lesson last time so I kept my mouth shut I promise!” he said hysterically, but trying to laugh away the situation. I keep the daggers on him until I hear someone speak up in Korean 
“JB was actually texting us and bragging about how he’s your favorite member and your favorite idol overall” Youngjae speaks up laughingly. I look at Mark and he translates what Youngjae just said, but I find it hard to believe. 
“Jackson is Mr. Tuan translation right or will I have to make his hospital stay longer?” I said evilly.  
“No, his translation was right, JB was bragging about it in the group chat” Jackson said irritatedly. I was shocked, like I can’t believe my bias was this excited that I’m one of his fans. 
“But on your favorite list, what place am I on there sweetheart?” he smirked. Really, this again? And paired with the smirk too...Lord help me.
“Umm~ are you sure you want to know?” I question.
“You and I are tied Jackson. She’s been a fan of Markson so you can tell she’s been around for a while” Mark interjects.
“I’m pretty sure he asked me the question, Markipoo~”I roll my eyes
“I told you not to call me that!!” he grumbled. Laughter filled the room from me and the boys on the facetime call.
“OMG she knows about the nickname!!” BamBam exclaimed. All the boys had tears welling up in their eyes. I couldn’t help but laugh along too, though I had to keep my voice down. Not that I would get in trouble, but I’m at work so I don’t want to seem like I’m just hanging out too much. Then again, I’m done with all my duties for a while so it’s not too crazy to stay here for a little while. 
“But, Mark is right. JB is my favorite member, but Mark and Jackson are tied for second. Even then, apart from JB being my favorite member that doesn’t mean I love y’all any less. I think I would equally pass out if I met any of y’all in real life” I mention.
“Well?” Jinyoung questions
“Well...what?” I asked back confused.
“You’re not passed out” Yugyeom finished.
“Haha, well at this point I don’t think I could be surprised by Mr. Tuan anymore” I laugh tiredly. I could tell they wanted me to continue given their curious looks. 
“Well, first I didn’t even know it was this Mark Tuan that was my patient last night. He also tended to be a big flirt and joker throughout my shift last night. Then, though I was grateful, he rudely surprised me with a video call with JB. Then I came back in here, but fortunately he at least offered to tell me ahead of time that I would get to talk to you all. So though I’m still a bit nervous getting to meet y’all, I’m beyond the moon right now” I conclude. Wasn’t sure if all I just said made sense, but luckily Mark jumps in to translate to the members that are less fluent in English. Thank goodness to Mark. A chorus of ah’s made their way into the room when Mark finished explaining which signaled an understanding. 
The conversation continued on naturally until I heard the intercom come on, 
“Hey y/n room 123 needs some assistance whenever you’re available” the nurse said.
“Okie dokie, thanks. I’ll head there now” I reply. 
“Well looks like duty calls, it was so nice meeting you all finally!” I continue on happily.
“Awe, bye y/n! Hope we can meet again soon!” Youngjae says. The boys follow with similar melodic phrases as we both said our goodbyes. 
As I was walking out, I say my last goodbye to Mark and that I would be back later when I made my rounds for vitals. 
“Okay, see you later sweetie” Mark joked.
“Yeah yeah whatever” I roll my eyes, exiting the room with a smile. That boy is such a headache sometimes, I swear. Welp, I better go help this patient. I know exactly what this patient’s deal is so I know to hurry because they need to get up to use the bathroom. 
*Mark’s POV*
“Sweetheart huh?” Jackson raises an eyebrow.
“Oh shut up, Jackson. That’s how I’ve been messing with her this whole time, though it seems like she’s used to it by now” Mark speaks up.
“Yeah~ sure, but we’ve never known you to flirt like that especially without other fans and cameras around because at that point you would be forced to. Does our Markipoo have a crush?” Jinyoung taunts.
“You would think I would get more respect as the oldest” Mark sighs
“Haha nope, never” BamBam grins.
“But really Mark, you sure you're not seeing y/n any other way. Your eyes seem to tell something different” Jackson brings up.
“I promise it’s nothing, being here is really boring so y/n is just simple entertainment. Really, you should’ve seen her reactions when we first met” Mark says laughingly. 
“Ok bro, just checking to make sure” BamBam replies. 
*y/n’s POV*
The rest of the shift goes by not as eventfully as the earlier in the shift, but what shift goes by without a bit of craziness. I reach the end of the shift and I’m sitting down at the computer catching up on some back charting. 
“How do I always get caught in this situation? Ugh, I’m going to be here for a while” I mumbled under my breath. Next thing I hear is the patient phone ringing. I cringe just knowing very well it’s one of my patients...it always is. I head to grab the phone and look back at the screen to see the room. 
“This boy is amazingly attentive” I laugh to myself. Of course it’s Mark calling. I pick up the phone and answer in my best customer service voice,
“How can I help you?” I answer.
“It’s almost like you wait for my call, do you wanna hear my voice that much?” Mark says. 
“Mr. Tuan did you need something?” 
“Oh ok, I just wanted another cup of coffee” he says in a small voice. 
“Haha ok coming right up, 3 creamers and 6 sugars right? ” I question.
“Yup, good memory” he laughs.
“Why thank you, sir” I laugh and hang up the phone. Yet again happy that the request isn’t too crazy, I head to the pantry once again. I grab the coffee, creamers, and sugars once again. I think to myself that maybe the manager will be back again like yesterday evening so I decided to grab another cup of coffee. I head to Mark’s room and knock lightly. I leave one cup outside the door in case the manager wasn’t there (I know I could just give Mark the other cup, but nah). As I make my way in I’m met with pleasant smiles from Mark and the manager as well. I take a slight step back to grab the coffee I have sitting outside the room and handed one to Mark and the other to the manager.
Both faces were garnished with bigger smiles than when I walked in and it was honestly satisfying. Not gonna lie, nothing more satisfying then making people happy. I greet the manager and he greets me back. Mark sparks up the conversation while instead of me leaving to finish up my charting, I sign into the computer to finish up (thank goodness for this system sometimes). Mark continues,
“So how was your night?” Mark asked curiously
“Good, that new patient that gave me the wicked kick didn’t cause me any disturbance last night” I laughed. 
Staring down at my arm, Mark asks “Oh yeah! Speaking of which, how is your arm?”
“Still hurts a bit, but nothing a little otc (over the counter) meds can’t handle” I reply.
“That’s good, I hope you don’t push yourself too much with that arm,” he says thoughtfully. I smile to myself, also thankful that I’m yet again black and wearing a mask because Mark would see how red my face would be. Sometimes I hate how he’s still able to mess with me even when he doesn’t intend to intentionally. 
“I won't, I won’t, thanks for the worry though” I say with a small smile.
“This is your last shift right? I remember you telling me you only work weekend nights” he brings up. 
“Oh yeah it is, but as I tell all my patients on Monday mornings, ‘if I don’t see you next weekend, it was very nice getting to be your tech and I surely hope you’re not here when I’m back because who would want to be stuck in a hospital?’” I remark. 
“Haha nice, but I’ll miss teasing you. Besides that, you’re very good at your job so props to you” he relays kindly.
“Hahaha thanks, but you know what I would really love? Is to see you boys at a concert! A sis too broke to get good seats AND plane tickets along with everything else” I fake whine as I sign out of the computer being happy that I’m done with the charting as well. Mark laughed understanding how it could be frustrating, but also knowing he doesn’t have the ability to decide where the group tours. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll have to see,” he laughs. I laugh along as well, but it struck me that this would be the last time I would get to talk with Mark. It was expected obviously, but could you blame a girl. This isn’t a new feeling because it tends to happen whenever I get close to patients, Mark just so happens to be one I’ve known for years, even if he had just heard of me Saturday night.
We say our last farewells since it was 7am. It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is. I head towards the door and turn around one last time. A slight smile graces both Mark and I’s face,
“Have a good day Mr. Tuan” I say.
“Have a good life y/n” he replies with a soft smile. 
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Could i get a match up please????? Im 5"1 and my fashion is dark alternative. I am shy when i first meet new people because i have autism but when im comfortable i talk so much its unreal, i love art, writing and drawing and id like to think im kind and loving and fairly affectionate because im a lil touch starved. My perfect date would be a movie night under the stars with hella snacks, thank you love your writing!!
❴🐰❵┊ I ship you with ➸ . . .
─────「 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚣𝚘𝚞 · 𝚃𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊 」 ─────
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Okay, Tachihara didn't truly mean to give you your dream date on purpose at first. He really was just bored out of his mind and you were the only one who answered to his invitation. But truth be told, when he saw the way your face lit up when you saw the star populated sky and how your eyes shine as you gaze at them, his heart beat out of his chest in a way he never felt before. He's been through countless battles and faced far too dangerous missions, but never has he felt this nervous (if that's what this is). He can't even look you straight in the eyes after that, and he began acting weird around you. For a while, you thought that he decided to ignore you for some reason, so saying that you were shocked when he called out of the blue to ask if you'd want to go on a date with him, is an understatement.
To your pleasant surprise, Tachihara is a real gentleman. He ditched his usual rugged outfit and put on his best suit to take you on this one classy restaurant for your first date. You were pretty good friends but you haven't really spend a lot of time together, at least not this much. He knows that you can get pretty shy so despite his own anxiousness, Tachihara tried his best to initiate conversations with you.
It didn't really take you that long to be totally comfortable with him and became a bit more talkative, especially when the conversation stirred in the topic of art. Although he's no expert, Tachihara would impress you with some things he actually knows about it. He'll just brush it off as something that he picked up on some of his assignments or have unintentionally read it from somewhere but nevertheless, he's proving himself to be worth your time. Tachihara also wouldn't mind if you do all the talking, he'll be just happy listening to anything you want to talk about, especially if it's something that you're passionate about. He just gets all soft whenever he sees the way your features seems to come alive during these times, and he secretly prays that someday he'll be the reason why you'll light up like this.
Tachihara loves showing you off. He loves your dark alternative look and there's always that attractive smirk on his face whenever he sees your outfit for the day. You carry yourself very well and others might find you absolutely intimidating, only for Tachihara to pick you up and swing you around whilst telling you how beautiful you look. Whenever you two are going somewhere, Tachihara will always be latched on to you in some way. Whether it be by his arms around your neck or waist, holding your hand or even intertwining his index finger on yours. He just needs to feel you there with him, it keeps him grounded and focused on what really matters to him.
Tachihara will love you being affectionate with him, too. He doesn't seem like it, but he loves being loved. That's why he treasures you so much, because you're his sanctuary. He feels like someone whenever he's with you and you're the only person he can remotely feel safe with. There will be lots of hugs and cuddles to be share in between the two of you. His kisses will be deep and lingering most of the time. Tachihara doesn't let himself fall in love if he can help it but when he does, he falls hard. You'll be the only thing that keeps him going, and he will lay his life on the line before he can let anyone lay a finger on you. Tachihara will be your ride or die, your knight, the dragon in your tower, your hero.
Overall, I matched you with Tachihara because you will look such a cool couple together. People seeing you walk in a room together, and they'll be immediately intimidated by both of your strong presence, but only the two of you will really understand each other's true personality. He will be able to reciprocate your kindness and warmth towards him, and he's just as touch starved as you, if not more. Because of his life experiences, it will be easy for Tachihara to appreciate you and your value. He's also as loyal as they get and cheating will not even a thought that will cross his mind. He may be cunning and elusive, but he will never purposely hurt you in any way. You're one of the very few good things that's in his life, and he will never jeopardize that. He will always put you and your well-being first. Now and then, he'll recreate the first moment he fell in love with you by putting aside one day to find a wonderful spot to give you your idea of a perfect date. He will have a couple of movies rented, about five orders of take out, every pillow he could find in his place and enough blankets for the two of you to wrap yourselves into. But that's not all. Tachihara thinks that you deserve the best and nothing but the best, that's why he didn't just get you out here for a date. Before he invited you, he made a bit of research and found out that this particular night, a meteor shower is going to happen. He specifically looked for the place where it's the most visible and send you the location. Tachihara's smile cannot be wiped off of his face as you sit down beside him. He just can't wait to see the utter happiness that will light up on your face once you see it. Once he does, his happiness will be out of this world as well.
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▮ ❝ Hello, anon~ here's your matchup! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for waiting so patiently and for your support! I appreciate you very much (♡´ ˘ `♡) ❞
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necromancy-savant · 4 years
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@harry-leroy’s Shakespeare Appreciation Week: Villains Day - Richard III.
Pictured: the tattoo on my left leg, inspired by one of his speeches.
Long post under the cut:
I more or less skipped favorite play(s) day cause I figured it’d be better to wait to talk about my favorite character who happens to be a villain. When I was 18, I was told in a class I was taking (skipping more often than not tbh and not doing the reading) that Shakespeare could write about anyone, that he had captured a full range of human experience. Being someone who can’t relate to most people, I thought that was bullshit, assuming he could never have written anything that would speak to me personally. I was so wrong.
6 years later, during my second attempt at college, I was assigned to read Richard III for a Shakespeare class. Now, I was already loving the class and loving Shakespeare at that point. I had enjoyed Shakespeare in high school (though admittedly not as much as Milton) but was getting so much more out of his plays upon revisiting them and finding a deep interest in them.
I had been talking with my professor after class one day about how in 8th grade everyone in my grade (mind you it was a private middle school and there were 43 of us, actually making us one of the largest grades) was assigned a Shakespeare monologue that we had to perform (if you’re curious, I was not out as trans at the time and I was given Viola’s ring monologue and had NO idea what to do with it - I was also ace even though I didn’t have a word for it yet.)
My professor said she used to assign students to memorize at least 14 lines (so they could pick a sonnet or a monologue) and offered that it might be fun to let us do it for extra credit, and I jumped on it. I had enjoyed memorizing my lines (which was not required) for an assignment we did where we had to perform a scene and was eager to have a second chance to do a monologue, this time one of my choosing. I remembered the second day of class when we were given a few lines of the opening monologue from Richard III to provide examples of Shakespeare’s figurative language, and we were given a summary of the monologue. I was sitting there thinking “you’re telling me there’s a Shakespeare play with an ace villain protagonist?!” but immediately dismissed the thought, not wanting to get my hopes up.
But when I started reading the lines to decide if it might be a good one for me to learn, what I saw reflected back at me was the exact way I had felt my whole life, not only put into words but done so better than I could have ever done. It was uncanny. The first time I read it aloud I got choked up, and I tried to preserve that in the way I said those particular words even as it became rote memory because it was an authentic reaction to speaking them.
Needless to say, I immediately devoured the rest of the play in one night even though we weren’t due to read it for another month (don’t worry, I read it again to prepare for class.) I didn’t want to get my hopes up that I would like it through to the end and wouldn’t disappoint me in any way and it did not. I then realized I’d been blessed with a prequel and read 3H6 that weekend and it gave me my favorite scene and speech in the canon. By the time I got to class to discuss The Tempest I had completely forgotten about it. I practiced that Richard III monologue every day for a month and bared my soul for the class, and I sort of had a realization that when acting I could just...say a bunch of stuff I wouldn’t cveven dare say in therapy, and the more open I let myself be the more people will think I’m just faking it. That’s when I decided I wanted to be in a real play.
I’ve always thought it was a little weird that I connected so strongly to Richard. I am not physically disabled. I am trans, ace, and autistic/adhd. I certainly have a lot of body issues and I’ve always felt like a different species. “Deformed” - that was the word I used to describe how I felt physically in high school, when I was grappling with being trans. And I’ve always felt lacking in the things that supposedly make someone human. Of course, I’ve managed to make much better choices than Richard does, but I was extremely angry and isolated for most of my life and it can be cathartic to watch someone else do all the destructive stuff you yourself wouldn’t.
This past year I wrote about him (solely in the context of Shakespeare) for my Master’s degree, diving into some of the intersections of gender nonconformity, asexuality, and disability (and man are there a lot more than I expected.) I would never want to downplay the ways you can read this character for disability studies, but one of the things I noticed is that for him it’s presented as something purely cosmetic - there’s no consideration about how Richard has to accommodate himself to exist in the world, only about how he looks. And it sort of clicked for me that that, while definitely an inaccurate and insidious idea about disability to think that it’s just about looking different, is part of what allowed me to see myself in him. And it was validating to find through my research that it wasn’t just me seeing stuff that wasn’t there: a lot of these lines really could be taken a couple different ways due to the intersections of how our culture thinks about these things.
I guess what I’m saying is, I know what it’s like to beat myself up over things about my appearance that other people probably don’t even notice. And I know what it’s like to be alone, to be desperate, and to wonder if the only way to be noticed is to be powerful. And unlike so, so many other works of fiction, Shakespeare will always be special to me because he made room for me in his world.
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crown-of-briars · 5 years
Peace Keeper | John Seed x Female Deputy
Chpt 1
“Deputy Winters; we've got another call concerning Edens Gate.” Sheriff Whitehorse tosses a file down on the deputies desk with a sigh. “Mrs. Sanders says she's concerned about her boy; claims he started showing interest in the cult before going missing last Thursday.”
Avery raises a brow, taking the file and opening it to scan the contents. “Last Thursday? It's already Wednesday. She waited almost a week to call it in?”
Shrugging his shoulders Whitehorse brings a cup of coffee to his lips. “This isn't the first time her boy has wondered off for a few days, she was probably expecting him to show up again sooner or later.” A momentary silence fell. “He's been sighted at their compound. Figured placing you on this would be the best decision since you're the only one here who's managed to stay neutral on the matter of Edens Gate. Putting Hudson or Pratt on the case would undoubtedly end in conflict; we can't risk that.”
“And what about you? I know you've got your reservations on the matter but you're more than capable of keeping your wits about you.” For the last few months anytime a call came in concerning the project she would always be assigned the job. It normally wouldn't be an issue except the residence of Hope County were whispering about her being an Edens Gate sympathizer because she tried to keep peace between the project and Hope County, tried to resolve things in a civil manor, talking things through instead of going in throwing accusations and harsh words around.
“Being the Sheriff Edens Gate doesn't take kindly to me, Deputy. I have no grounds with them where you... well, the project doesn't seem to have any qualms with you.” Whitehorse wasn't wrong, he was the face of the local police, the face of the people who showed an obvious disdain for their cause. “You best get moving, Winters. You know how inpatient Mrs. Sanders can be.”
With a sigh Avery rises from her seat and throws on her jacket before grabbing her keys from the desk. “She won't be all too happy I'm the one at her door, Sheriff.”
“I wouldn't be sending you out if I didn't think you could handle it, Avery.”
Deputy Winters headed out, climbing into her tan and white bronco which proudly displayed 'Hope County Sheriffs Department' on its side. Within 20 minutes she was in the heart of Holland Valley, standing on Mrs. Sanders porch. As soon as she had knocked on the door it flung open, a distressed older woman standing before her. Her expression faltering as she saw Avery, wrinkling her nose.
“Of course they sent you.” The woman exclaimed as she threw her hands up. “Can't even mutter the words Edens Gate to the police without you showin' up!” Leaving the door open she shuffles deeper into her house.
Winters' purses her lips as she takes a step inside. “Well like it or not, I'm here. Now why don't you tell me what's goin' on.”
The Deputy proceeded to take a seat on the woman's couch, listening and taking notes as Mrs. Sanders broke it all down. Her son Kevin, 18, had been acting 'weird' talking about the project and showing interest in their cause; acquired a copy of The Book Of Joseph which disappeared along with him just shy of a week ago. In the end she just wanted to know if he was okay and perhaps try to convince him to come home. Though there wasn't much the Deputy could do in way of getting him to come home. The boy was 18 and legally didn't have to return if he didn't want to.
Rook thanked Mrs. Sanders for her time and left, closing the door behind her before letting out a groan. This was just another person who didn't like that a family member joined The Project, another person who harbored negative feelings towards something they didn't agree with and couldn't accept another persons choice. In the end these particular calls always resulted in a welfare check and rarely with anyone coming home.
It wasn't before long she pulled up to the gates of the compound, greeted by two armed guards who looked her over as she climbed out of her vehicle. Rook offers a smile as she walks past them, quickly being struck by the sickeningly sweet smell of Bliss flowers as she entered the compound; rubbing her nose and huffing softly trying to clear her airways to no avail. She couldn't stand those flowers. As pretty as they were to look at the smell always gave her a headache and made her stomach churn. Making her way towards Joseph's church she was greeted, to a degree, warmly by the members of Edens Gate and she returning those greetings in equal warmth.
Approaching the large white doors of the church a pang of anxiety bloomed inside her. She was no stranger to the Seeds by any means, they had been an element in her life since her youth. At this point encounters with the Project, with the Seeds' in her personal life felt as natural as could be, especially with the youngest of the three. But when the uniform was thrown into the mix she was expected to behave a certain way, had to keep an image, the image of law enforcement and that was what caused the unease within her. Pushing the door open slowly she peaks her head in, glancing around the room before entering; and before her they stood, their conversation halted, the Seed Brothers and sister. Joseph stood at his podium, Jacob was leaning against the wall behind him, Faith sat on the edge of the platform and John... Oh John. Standing beside Joseph, his stance and well built frame screaming elegance and power.
As she steps inside they all lift their heads, gaze falling upon her. The church was silent for a moment longer than was comfortable before Joseph spoke.
“Deputy. To what do we owe this visit?” For once he had a shirt on, the only thing at this point that ever surprised her when it came to Edens Gate.
“Apologies for uh... interrupting. I'm here to ask a favor of you.” Avery strode forward, taking a deep breath to shake off her nerves. “There's someone I've been asked to check on who I can only assume is currently under John's care, likely for confession.” She glances at the youngest Seed, his cold blue eyes and heavy gaze threatening a lump to form in her throat.
John tisks at her with a slight smirk. Were she not in uniform she'd roll her eyes at the arrogance this man emitted. “Deputy, you know someone can't be interrupted when preparing to confess their sins. I'm shocked you'd even ask.”
“Yeah well, that's the favor I'm asking for, to speak with him.” Joseph and John shared a glance for a moment before looking back to the Deputy. “Look, for once I'm not here having been asked to preform a removal. If I'm able to see him and just talk with him for a moment with no resistance from the project, it's likely you won't be seen as the bad guys for once.”
A thoughtful look graced the Father's face. “This decision I will leave to my brother.” Joseph announces as he places a hand on John's back.
The youngest Seed takes a moment to think, still taking in the view of the Deputy standing before him; stray blonde hairs messily framing her face and cheeks red from the chilled winter air. He smirks as he steps down from the platform, firmly clasping a hand on Avery's shoulder to turn her around towards the doors of the church. “I believe I can work something out, my dear Deputy.” His arm wraps around her shoulders as he walks with her out the doors of the church. “Who is it you're looking to speak with?”
Within moments of John's embrace Avery's face flushed a disgraceful shade a red. Since the day she had first laid eyes on him she'd been memorized by the youngest of the brothers. Everything about him drew her in, from the way he presented himself even when under heavy allegations of abuse and kidnapping; to his manicured and masculine presence, his perfectly shaped form and sculpted  features and those... beautiful steel blue eyes... This train of thought isn't helping...
Avery hunches her shoulders, drawing into herself to escape his hold as they step out of the church, quick to give John's firm... toned back 'Avery stop' a friendly pat. “I appreciate it, Seed. His name is Kevin Sanders.”
John looked almost offended for a moment at her slinking away from him before amusement takes it's place. “Well what can I say, you're solely responsible for the fragile peace between Edens Gate and the people of Hope County. You're our Peace Keeper.”
The Deputy scrunches her nose. She hated being called that, but it wasn't far from the truth. “It's certainly come with it's share of consequences. The county is convinced I'm in your pocket, that I'm one of you.”
With a smirk on his face John hails on his radio for the Sanders boy to be brought to Seed Ranch then returns the device snugly to his hip. “Is that really such a bad thing? You've been such a help to us that should you decide to join I'm sure Joseph would provide you a comfortable spot among us; perhaps even by me, aiding in bringing the sinners to redemption. Edens Gate has warmed up to you Deputy. I'd even go so far as to bet you weren't searched or questioned when entering the Father's compound.” John gave a knowing look in Avery's direction, catching a look of what seemed to be frustration from the fact she knew he was right.
The two approached her vehicle and climbed in, John settling into his seat with a dramatic sigh. “The boy will be at Seed Ranch waiting for you, Deputy Winters. Though do keep in mind, every favor requires payment.”
Rook narrows her eyes and glances at him as she shifts into reverse. “What do you want?” Her response came off more aggressive than intended, though John didn't seem to care.
Bringing a hand up to thoughtfully stroke his beard, John gazes ahead, letting a silence hang a few moments longer than was necessary. “I'll think of something.” His gaze shifts towards Avery, a mischievous look in his eye.
Avery rolls her eyes, letting a soft smile stain her lips before driving off. That look on the man's face made her stomach flutter with butterflies and her heart feel warm. She may have been in uniform but in the privacy of her Bronco, she felt as though she could relax around him more, even if just a little.
She was 16 when the religious congregation moved into the town she called home. Her grandfather would rant and rave about them during supper, Avery and her grandmother ignoring his ravings as they ate. The Project was small then, never caused problems and kept to themselves aside from the public service the Father would host every Friday and Sunday which she had attended on occasion. Initially it was out of curiosity, but the moment she had laid upon the youngest Seed, she admittedly attended for more... personal reasons. Avery would sit as close to the front as possible just to gaze upon blue clad man standing at the back of the stage. Though by the end of the service, when the brothers would encourage attendees to approach them, the young woman would leave due to lack of nerve. While she enjoyed looking at him, the thought of speaking with him drained her of all confidence, typical teenager. Avery continued her attendance for quite some time before her first interaction with the either of the Seed brothers.
Not long after turning 17, during a sermon one evening as she examined those in attendance, taking in who was around her and spotting familiar faces, she couldn't help but take notice of just how much their following had grown; how many more people now came to attend their service. As Avery returned her attention to the front, her heart stopped when she caught the gaze of the youngest Seed. His eyes were shamelessly watching her with a knowing look; as if telling her 'I know what you've been doing'. It took a few moments but Avery managed to pry her eyes away from him, face flushed and heart racing. She kept her attention off of him for a good portion of the sermon that evening, but whenever she tried to catch a glimpse of him after that, their eyes met, making her more and more frustrated each time.
At the end of service when it was time to rise Avery briskly made her way towards the exit, letting out a deep breath as she stepped out of the tent to sooth the rapid fire nerves shooting off inside her. This was the end, there was no way she could continue to attend these little sermons after this.
“It's impolite to stare, dear.” A voice suddenly calls to her, the tone a playful mockery of a parent scolding their child.
The young woman quickly turns with wide eyes, the unexpected company firing up her nerves yet again. She was met with the sight of the one and only John Seed slowly walking from around the tent, that knowing look still on his face and accompanied by a smirk. No words Avery could muster up in that moment would have been adequate, so she pursed her lips and chose not to respond, instead deciding to take a step back. Blue met gray for a long moment as the two stared at one another, the silence doing nothing to help the anxiety that was bubbling up inside Avery.
John tilts his head in amusement, the smirking growing the slightest bit as she continues to slowly stride towards her. “But, I'm willing to be... lenient in allowing this behavior. I also tend to find myself not wanting to look away when I see something I like.” His words dripped with salaciousness, sending the girls mind reeling, rendering her near unable to process what was happening.
A faint nervous laugh managed to force it's way past the barricade that had built in her throat as John grew close enough that Avery could smell his cologne; and if she focused hard enough, she swore she could feel the heat radiating off of him. Just as she tried to find a response a white book held by long tattooed fingers thumps against her stomach causing her to let out a yelp. Taking hold of the hardback Avery look down at the book examining the cover; The Book Of Joseph... As she looks it over a shiver runs down her spine when John leans down to her ear and speaks softly.
“See you Friday, dear.” His playful and alluring tone echoed through her head as she watched him walk away, leaving her to process what just happened.
After that she felt she had no choice but to continue attending, continue those heart pounding moments where their eyes would meet throughout the evening. Her relationship with the brothers, especially John continued to grow and became comfortable and familiar for the next year; until she turned 18. That day she had taken the first steps to joining the police academy and ship off not long after. For those 21 weeks and the following 2 years of service in Great Falls, Avery counted the days until she could request a Deputy's slot in Hope County.
That had been 5 years ago by this point. 5 years of desperately trying to keep peace between the people of the county she loved and the people of a project that was ran by a man that she... well... admired.
The drive was quiet for the most part, nothing but the sound of the dirt and loose rocks beneath tires to fill the silence. Since coming back to Hope County the feelings she felt for the man had never faltered, though due to her job she couldn't allow herself to indulge in them too much no matter how tempted she found herself. John still gave her those knowing looks which she on occasion returned, he still made her nerves set a blaze, she still found herself enjoying the moments she could gaze upon him. Nothing seemed to have changed. Despite all that hadn't changed, enough about the project had changed that she found her concern growing.
“John...?” The Deputy spoke up, thumb worrying the leather on her steering wheel.
“Avery?” He turns his attention to her.
“Off the record... all these accusations of the Project 'forcing'..” She air quotes “people to join... are they any grounds for those claims to stand on?” Avery almost sounded ashamed to ask, guilty for daring to question the innocence of the project on the front of the accusations pressed against them. Every time she had been sent out to look into kidnapping allegations she found no proof of it being true, but the number claims struck her with concern.
John stared at her for a moment, clearly putting together his response in his head before opening his mouth to respond. “Our goal is to save as many of god's children- the Father's children as we can before the earth is cleansed by his righteous and holy fire. His creatures, his children, don't all know they need saving. They don't all want saving, sometimes they just need a little... coercion. We do nothing but present them with what they will inevitably accept they need.”
Avery sighs, rubbing her forehead she closes her eyes for a moment. That basically sounded like a big ole' 'yes' to her. “Yeah, I've read the book John, I know what the project is about but exactly how do you coerce people join?”
“We simply promise them what they need, we promise them freedom and a chance to be cleansed and reborn. And, should it be necessary we will use... a firm hand to guide them to their decision.” He spoke matter-of-factly.  
“Well maybe try softening that hand a bit? There's going to be a point John where no matter what I say or what I do, it won't be enough to protect the project...”
“Is that self doubt I hear in your voice, Avery?” Slender fingers gently caress her mid thigh. “So unlike you...”
A shamefully pleasurable shiver quakes up her spine.
“You needn't worry, Deputy. You're our peace keeper, capable of more than you realize.” There was an unusually tender sound to his tone, his words coming off softer than she was used to. His words always carried such boldness, a confidence that was honestly annoying; but in that moment he sounded genuine... sounded sincere. With that the previously uncomfortable silence felt comfortable, and they spent the rest of the ride in that silence.
Full work will be posted here
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