#i asked him the previous day hey how do i do this and proceeded to do what he told me
neonqueerautumn · 1 year
Personal Danni Tag Rant.
If you see this cover thine eyes.
#it's not like i can put “gets nervous working with men and falls into a people pleasing over the top personality as a coping mechanism”#on applications#so like i get it...#but i H A T E the fact that i am the only “woman” at my job now....#all the guys personalities are cool dont get me wrong#but....wtf#a new guy started today and it was going great until the last 20 min#my manager calls me up to the front and asks me about the store credit amount from the previous day as its 105 and thats higher than usual#i asked him the previous day hey how do i do this and proceeded to do what he told me#i knew if i did it wrong it would show up when i closed out the register and counted out the deposit#but nothing was wrong so i didn't mention it today#my manager asks me to take him through what happened#so i do. he asks if anything was off on the paperwork. i said no.#i said i knew that if i did the transaction wrong it would show up when i closed out the register#he goes “...im not trying to accuse you of anything but did you change a negative anywhere?”#“i just need to know if you changed anything and how you did.”#i said no i didn't. and he said okay i dont have enough time to sort this out tonight so ill look into this more tomorrow#but im not mad at you at all. please dont leave here today thinking im upset with you. i said no i understand#meanwhile my new conventionally attractive coworker is keeping his distance and im just....incredibly embarrassed.#like hes cute and tall and talked to me about manga for like an hour and it was nice. he has a gf whos very nice.#i just wanted to come off cool and...not like im this awkward fucking dork who doesn't even feel like they know how to do their job anymore#i just...second guess and doubt myself at every interaction now. its not my managers fault really... he tells me hes proud of my work#he tells me im doing a good job... idk...#all the people i became comfortable with and felt safe with are gone now...#the last coworker from when i started.. the first guy ive felt safe around in a long while... they are putting him on retainer...#it just...it fucking sucks.#he changed the computer background to batgirls and it showed that he wasn't just listening to me ramble about me being a but if an art snob#he was ACTUALLY LISTENING and it just made my heart feel so light...i just really appreciated that.#i wish i didn't have to pull myself back from anxiety attacks about work every night i wish going into work didn't make me nervous#i cant even smoke a bit to relax on my day off because im scared i wont be alert enough the next day. my job...its not fun anymore.
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deluluwrites · 1 year
Florist!Barbie x Ryan Gosling!Ken Part 2
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✨Part 1
🌸💖🌷🌺💐🌸💖🌷🌺💐🌸💖🌷🌺💐The next morning in BarbieLand, the sun rose to reveal a picturesque little town where every Barbie had their own unique career and style. Florist Barbie, with her vibrant personality and a love for all things floral, woke up in her charming pink dreamhouse.
As the morning sun cast its gentle glow upon her dreamy pink bedroom, Florist Barbie slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She had been up late the previous night, lost in her thoughts and emotions.
Unbeknownst to her, dark circles had formed underneath her usually sparkling eyes. Oblivious to her tired appearance, she went about her normal routine, putting on a brave face. "Just a bit tired," she thought, trying to shake off the exhaustion. Oh well," she shrugged, "a little yawn won't stop me from having a beautiful day!"
Unaware of her own appearance, she proceeded with her morning routine, putting on her cheerful smile and preparing to welcome customers to her beloved flower shop. Little did she know that her usually vibrant eyes were now adorned with noticeable dark circles, a sign of the sleepless night she had endured.
As usual, she gracefully went about her morning routine. She watered all of her lovely flower arrangements, rearranged some delicate blooms, and prepared the shop for the day ahead. She loved her flower shop, and the sweet fragrance of blossoms filled the air.
Just as she was arranging the freshest blooms in a vase, the chime above the door tinkled, announcing the arrival of a familiar face– Allan, her caring and inquisitive friend. Concerned by her sudden departure from the party the previous night, Allan had come to check on her.
He had a worried expression on his face. “Hey there," he greeted warmly, "I wanted to see how you're doing after last night. You disappeared and everyone was asking about you."
Florist Barbie sighed, recalling the heartache she felt. “I couldn't bear watching Stereo Ken with Stereo Barbie. I... I've always been in love with Ken, but she doesn't even like him," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness.
Allan's gaze softened, and he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," he said sympathetically. But then, he noticed the dark circles under her eyes and gasped. “Barbie, did you even notice the dark circles under your eyes? This is serious!"
Confused, Florist Barbie rushed and grabbed her compact mirror out of her purse in order to check her reflection, her eyes widened in shock. "Oh no, what is happening to me?" she exclaimed. "I didn't even realize! It must be from all the crying I did last night.”
Allan’s jaw dropped. “ You cried? But Barbies can’t cry! This is unheard of!" Allan exclaimed, genuinely shocked. Florist Barbie sighs shaking her head. “I know, I know. It's just that... well, it's about Ken I think," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Oh no," Allan sighed, understanding her predicament. "Barbie, you need to go see Weird Barbie right away. This sounds like a serious malfunction."
Florist Barbie nods in agreement, knowing that Allan was right. Weird Barbie was known for her unique knowledge and understanding of all Barbie malfunctions. "You're probably right, Allan. I'll visit Weird Barbie today. But first, let me give you these flowers as a thank you for being such a good friend."
Allan smiled and accepted the bouquet. "Thank you, Barbie. Just promise me you'll see Weird Barbie and figure out what's going on with you.” Florist Barbie promises her friend and bids him goodbye.
Just then, Florist Barbie spots Stereo Ken through the window, making his way towards her shop. Panic set in, as she desperately wanted to avoid him but she knew he wouldn’t leave without a bouquet.
Thinking quickly, Florist Barbie grabbed a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses from her purse and put them on, hoping to hide her dark circles. She rushed to create a beautiful bouquet for Stereotypical Ken, trying to finish quickly so she could leave and seek help from Weird Barbie.
Determined to avoid any awkward encounters, Florist Barbie continued to pre-make a bouquet for Ken. She hoped to give it to him quickly and escape before he could start a conversation. However, Ken was known for being talkative, and today was no exception.
"Hey, Barbie! How's it going?" Ken greeted with a big smile, entering the shop. “Hi, Ken! I'm doing well, just busy with the flowers," she replied, trying to keep her composure while focusing on the bouquet.
“Can I get my daily bouquet for Barbie?" Florist Barbie's heart raced as she tried to keep her composure. "Sure, Ken. Here you go," she said, handing him a lovely bouquet without making direct eye contact.
Ken noticed her sunglasses and raised an eyebrow. "Why the shades indoors, Barbie?" Florist Barbie looks up directly at Ken through her glasses. “Oh, you know, just trying out a new look," Florist Barbie stammers, hoping he wouldn't see through her facade.
But Ken was talkative by nature and continued, "You know, I can't help but think Barbie enjoyed dancing with me last night. She seemed to be having a great time, and I think she even laughed at one of my jokes. I thought it was finally gonna be my night and then she told me to leave because it was Girl’s Night and only girls are allowed. What do you think, Barbie?”
Florist Barbie's heart sank further, but she knew she had to get out of there. “I think that’s great, Ken! You two looked marvelous on the dance floor. You should definitely ask her out," she encouraged, trying to sound cheerful.
“Oh I’ve got an idea! Maybe I should bring her two bouquets.” Ken exclaims excitedly disregarding the nervous lip bite from Florist Barbie. “Oh Ken! That is an amazing idea but I would wait to do that on your first date.” Florist Barbie says as she manages to steer him toward the exit.
"Well, I hope she loves the flowers, Ken. Gotta run now, though. Busy day ahead!" she says trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Oh okay. Thanks again Barbie.” Ken says seeming slightly puzzled by her abruptness but thanks her for the flowers nonetheless. As he left, Florist Barbie let out a sigh of relief, grateful to have avoided any emotional confrontation.
Determined to figure out the cause of her malfunctioning emotions, Florist Barbie finally makes her way to Weird Barbie's unique and mysterious abode. The eccentric Barbie, known for her quirky experiments and odd but effective remedies, welcomes Florist Barbie with a knowing smile.
"Ah, my dear, I've been expecting you," Weird Barbie said, gesturing for Florist Barbie to sit down.
✨Tag List✨ @freyafriggafrey @meowkid1000 @savagemickey03 @goldencherriess @not-gone-yet-bitch @derusaert @yourm0m909 @aremos @momos-peaches @jokersgrf @imogen-skye @alathan13 @peary-smol @soowhyune @urahara24 @iwdbipp
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 months
Ghost Part 6
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Synopsis: Jack confronts you to talk about what happened between the two of you the night before, and you tell him about your hesitations. He promises to give you all the time you need, but still hopes in the back of his mind that you'll say yes.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Previous Part
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The light was peeking through the windows in your hotel room as you had finally woken up. Immediately your mind went to what happened last night between you and Jack as you grabbed your phone from the nightstand to see what time it was.
The numbers 9:16 were staring back at you as the comforter was then thrown from your body. Swinging your legs over the bed, you went into the bathroom to start to get ready for the day. As you switched on the light and glanced into the mirror, you laughed quietly to yourself as you looked at your neck and saw the evidence that Jack had left behind further proving that the night before did in fact happen. Luckily you had brought your make-up with you to be able to cover it up.
Once you were dressed, you sat back down on your bed and proceeded to put on your necklace and bracelet when there was a sudden knock on your door. As you told them to come in, you were slipping on your shoes and when you looked up, Jack was in front of you.
“Uh hey, how does your back feel?” He asked and your heart couldn't help but to flutter as he sat down next to you.
“Much better.” You replied as you started to play with your bracelet, but Jack quickly took your hand in his.
“Are we going to talk about what happened last night?”
Glancing up at him with the intention to respond, you were interrupted by Ace coming in the room and making his presence known.
“Mommy!” Ace immediately greeted you and you noticed that he was already dressed and ready to start the day. It was obvious that Jack had gotten him up early while you were sleeping or it was the other way around.
“Hi bubs!” You excitedly responded as you picked him up to sit in your lap.
“Daddy let me have pancakes for breakfast.”
“Oh, did he now?
“Yes, because he said no when I asked him for a milkshake with whipped cream on top.”
Thank goodness you thought to yourself because you knew if Jack had let him have it that he would be bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day.
“Well the day is barely getting started, maybe he can get one for you later if you ask.” You told him as you looked at Jack and smiled.
“Please, daddy!?”
“Tell you what. We can go get one once we get home.”
“Ace, can you do me a favor?” Jack asked him and he eagerly nodded as he moved from your lap to his.
“Can you go make sure all your toys are packed so we don't forget anything? I'll be there to help you in a minute.”
“You said I could have a milkshake so I guess we have a deal.”
When Ace was out of the room, Jack turned back to you and simply brushed a few stray curls out of your face as he waited for the silence to be broken.
He noticed that you weren't saying anything, so that meant that he had to be the one to do it.
“You don't have to give me an answer right now. But, I want this. I want you and I want us to be together. Not only for Ace, but because I miss how we used to be. Before all of the fighting and the pettiness.” Jack softly confessed.
“What happened between us before will never happen again. I just want for us to have a fresh start without anything lingering over our heads. Last night really made me realize how much I missed us. Not because of how the night ended, but how basically the entire week went. We didn't fight, talked to each other about different things all while taking care of our child. I think it really hit me when you hugged me that night I called you to come over. That was the closest we had ever been since we made Ace. It caught me off guard, but it made me realize how much I love being around you and how amazing of a person that you are. I admit we still have a lot to learn about each other seeing as we weren't together for a long time, but what you have shown me so far is someone that I want in my life for the long haul. I just want you to think about it.”
As you sat there, digesting everything that he had just told you, all you did was nod before you could find your voice.
“Can I be honest?” You asked Jack and he once again put your hand in his, this time squeezing It.
“Of course.”
“I never admitted this out loud, but I saw a side of you that made me question who I had gotten into a relationship with in the first place. It clouded my head so much that I blocked out all of the good times that we had with each other before I told you about Ace. Not once did I talk bad about you in front of him, it really had me questioning if we would ever get back on the same page again. But, I don't think you realize just how bad you hurt me. I never wanted to trap you or hold you back in any way because I knew how much your career meant to you. All I ever wanted was for you to help me take care of Ace, that's all. A child that I never thought that I would be able to have and truth be told, I probably won't have any more after him. I just need you to understand why I'm hesitant about this. I can't let the way that you treated me slide like it never happened.”
“And I don't want you to. I admit to what I did and how I know that my parents raised me better than that. I was scared and it came out as me acting like an asshole towards you. And I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for it. You were literally going through everything alone and I had no idea and pushed you away. I know that they would have been supportive throughout the entire thing and that they would have welcomed you with open arms. You have my word that something like that will never happen again. I noticed when you were hurting, Ace would hurt too and that's the last thing that I would ever want.”
You slowly nodded your head letting Jack know that you understood where he was coming from.
“Like I said, just think about it.” Jack told you as he leaned closer to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead before standing up.
“I was serious when I mentioned how much I missed kissing you. Being able to do that all the time would be a plus.” He whispered in your ear before smirking and going to help Ace finish packing his bag.
When you all landed back in Louisville, Jack kept Ace for a few weeks so that you were able to have more time to yourself. During those weeks, you moved into the house that Jack had bought for you and you had been searching for another job. You didn't want to give Jack any inkling that you were trying to milk him for his money, even though knowing him he wasn't going to see it that way.
Job application after job application and interview after interview proved to come up empty and you knew it all had related back to your Only Fans account. When you and Jack actually decided to be in a relationship, you stopped making content but you kept your account active to get money which he wasn't aware of at the time. You hated asking people for help so if you were able to do it on your own, you were going to.
Ace was currently with Jack and you had promised them to come over and fix dinner for them since Ace had been asking you for eggplant parmesan. You absolutely lucked out in the kid department because there wasn't anything that Ace wouldn't try at least once and he actually liked eating vegetables.
Cursing silently as you glanced at the clock, you were about twenty minutes behind from the time that you told Jack that you would be leaving and sure enough a facetime call from him popped up on your phone.
“Hey.” You said while letting out a frustrated sigh.
“What's wrong? I thought you would have been here already. Ace keeps asking for you.”
“I promise that I'm coming. I was just trying to finish up a few things.”
“Hmm, how's the job search going?”
“I might as well file for unemployment at this point. Everyone says we love your resume and know that you would be a key asset to our team, until they find out about the Only Fans account. I think the district must have told all the schools not to hire me.”
“Let me ask you this. Have you ever thought of doing something completely different?”
“Different like what? And how? Jack, my degree is in early childhood education. I don't know how to do anything else. Maybe except to apply to be a porn star since I had my foot halfway in the door with that one.” You responded as you got up from your desk to make your way over to your closet to find something to wear. Your shower had been taken earlier and all you had to do was unwrap your hair and moisturize it.
“Y/N, I don’t want you to stress about this. I told you that anything that you need, I'll get you. The right opportunity will come along and you are definitely not doing porn.”
Nodding your head as you set your phone down in order to get dressed, you heard Jack sigh.
When he didn't hear anything, he spoke up again.
“Hurry up and get here so I can take your mind off of all this.”
Even though you were in the middle of getting dressed, you propped your phone up to look at him.
“Umm…” Jack started to say as his eyes went wide.
“Jack, your first idea to get me to relax should not be having sex with me.”
“It wasn't but well it's kind of hard not to seeing as you are giving me a free show.”
You looked at him confused and he gestured down to your chest. Looking down you immediately sighed, since your boobs were on display for him.
“Well what did you tell me? You've seen them before and even had them in your mouth so it shouldn't be a big deal.”
“Thank goodness Ace is playing with Clay and wasn't in here to see that. But I can put them in my mouth when you get here. I mean I'm not opposed.” Jack told you as he wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“No, Jackman. We're cooking when I get there and besides, take me on a date first before we do all that again.”
“I’m trying to but you want to be superwoman all the time and it doesn't leave a lot of room for me. But I understand that it's all you knew for so long. I just want to help take some of the load off.”
“You can take some of the load off by…”
“Eating you out?”
“I…. Have all the ingredients out that I told you that I needed. I’m leaving in ten.” You responded as you laughed.
The two of you were moving around his kitchen as Clay kept Ace occupied. Well you were moving around the kitchen and cooking as Jack was simply admiring you. Many times he wanted to steal a kiss from you but didn't want to run the risk of Ace or Clay seeing. The last thing he would want is to get Ace’s hopes up and this falls through. It had been weeks since he had put the idea in your head of the two of you being together and you had yet to give him an answer.
“Jackman, you’re doing it again.” You told him as you laughed and squeezed the lemons that you intended to use for the fresh lemonade that you were making.
“Doing what?”
“Staring at me. I asked you a question about five minutes ago that you have yet to answer.”
“What did you ask me? And I can't help it if I have a pretty girl in my kitchen. I'd rather have you underneath me, but I'll take what I can get.”
“Cut it out, Harlow. I asked you if you wanted blueberry lemonade or lavender?”
Jack didn't get a chance to answer as his mother Maggie made her presence known.
“Oh, hi Y/N. I didn't know that you would be here.” She said, greeting you as she came over to hug you.
“I'm here too!” Jack piped up and both you and Maggie made a face at him.
“I just saw you the other day, it's been a while since I've seen Y/N.”
After the custody battle had gone to court, both of Jack’s parents reached out to you and said that they wanted a relationship with Ace despite the circumstances and what their son had done. They would invite you and Ace over for dinner often and once Jack found out, it gave him that much more motivation in order to repair his relationship with you. However, she didn’t know that you and Jack had been spending a lot of time with each other.
“How's everything?” She asked as she jumped in to help squeeze the lemons.
“Can't really complain too much. I'm okay for the most part.”
“Good, but if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. Jackman, make yourself useful and fill the pitcher halfway with water instead of staring at Y/N. You haven't taken your eyes off her since I walked in the door.”
“I…” Jack started to say and then immediately turned red making you laugh.
“Although it's nice to see you two getting along or what I assumed to be? I mean Y/N's here and hasn’t burned down your house even though she has every right to do so.”
“Yes, my oldest child?” Maggie responded to Jack as you laughed again.
Soon the pitter patter of tiny feet were heard and you heard Ace yell excitedly before you had put eyes on him.
Maggie quickly turned around to catch him in her arms as he basically launched himself towards her.
“Hi my sweet Ace. You're getting so big! What are mommy and daddy feeding you?”
“Hot dogs.”
“Ace! We eat more than that when you come over here!” Jack said as he laughed.
Soon Clay came up next to you and bumped you on your shoulder while Maggie was occupied with Ace. You quickly smiled at him before starting to make the blueberry puree for the lemonade.
“I'm happy to see that you two are finally getting along.”
“Me too. We both just want the best for Ace and that includes us being able to get along with each other.”
“Ever since we came back from Boston it seems like something is different between you two.”
“How so?”
“I don't know exactly but Jack is just… Different. Not in a bad way, but…”
“He wants us to be together again.” You whispered and Clay’s eyes went wide.
“Don't tell him that I told you that.”
“Well are you…..?”
“No, I have a lot to think about regarding making a decision as big as that one and I explained that to him.”
“Well whatever you decide, I'm going to support you 100%. It's been that way from the beginning and it's not about to change now. Yes, I want my brother to be happy but your happiness is important too.”
“I appreciate you saying that Clay. You've always been so nice and sweet to me. I don't take that for granted for a second. I've just gotten so used to the world being against me.”
“What are you two over here talking about?” Jack asked as he reached over you to attempt to steal one of the cookies that you had just baked, but you immediately smacked his hand.
“How incredibly nosey you are and you just proved my point.” You told him as you booped his nose.
“But I thought I was getting special treatment?”
“The only person that gets special treatment in this room is our child.”
“Just one?”
“No, Jackman.” You told him as you turned around and handed Ace a cookie.
“Oohh, thank you mommy!”
“You can wait until later.”
After dinner Jack was in the kitchen cleaning up while you were putting Ace to bed and Clay left making his way home since he told you that he had to catch an early flight to California in the morning.
Maggie decided to come and keep her oldest child company and began helping him dry the dishes as she spoke up.
“Jackman Thomas….”
“Uh, yes?”
“If you hurt that girl again, I will knock you into the next century.”
“You heard me. You put that girl through enough and truth be told how she can be open and pleasant with you is beyond me because of what you did to her.”
“I know I messed up, mom. You don't have to remind me.”
“But I do because all of this affects my grandchild.”
“I told her that I want us to be together again.” Jack quietly said and Maggie looked taken aback.
“And what did she say?”
“She told me she would think about it. It's been almost a month. I get it completely but I’m going to do right by her this time. I promise.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Wait, can you do me a favor?”
“What do you need?”
“Can you keep Ace tomorrow so that I can take Y/N out on a date?”
“Does she even know about this date?”
“Nope, I'm going to ask her later and I'm hoping that she says yes.”
“In that case I'm going to get you a Costco size box of condoms.”
“Nothing wrong with being prepared. You already have one and you acted like he didn't exist. You got some sense knocked into you, but you do not need another one running around here. At least not yet.”
“Y/N can't even get pregnant. Well, that's actually what she told me the first time and…”
“And look how that turned out. Let's not take chances. As much as I want more, you still have a lot of learning to do.”
Once you closed the door to Ace’s room, you turned around as you felt someone behind you and was now face to face with Jack.
“Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you.”
“It's fine. I was just about to leave anyway. He's sleeping.”
“But what if I don't want you to leave just yet?” Jack shyly asked and you couldn't help but to smile.
“Well I guess I could stay a little while longer.”
The two of you got settled in his backyard beside the pool and you were looking up at the sky admiring the stars when he caught your attention.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Jack asked as he grabbed your hand.
“Sure, what is it?” You replied as you turned to face him.
“Would you let me take you out on a proper date tomorrow night?”
“Hmm, I'd like that. What are we going to do with Ace?”
“I have all of it taken care of. The only thing I need you to do is look gorgeous which obviously isn't hard for you to do.”
You couldn't help but to do anything but smile as you looked away from him. He quickly turned your face back towards him as he planted his lips on yours.
You eagerly kissed him back as you swung your leg over to straddle him.
Once the two of you broke apart, you stayed in the same position as Jack wrapped his arms around you.
“Now this is the Jack that I remember starting to fall in love with.”
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livelaughlovekny · 1 year
Taking care of Muichirou when he is sick
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Summary: Muichirou caught a cold after not listening to you and you had to take care of him (+Bonus)
  His form and movements were precise and perfect as always. To anyone else, nothing about his seemingly stoic appearance seemed off. You knew though. You weren’t anyone else; you were the “stubborn Tsukugo who enjoys being tormented”. His lips had paled ever so slightly. His eyes weren’t their usual mint green. His skin was less glossy. This has been going on for more than a week and you saw that signs were starting to get worse. Muichirou was sick.
  After your usual training session, you observed him silently. Muichirou continued on with his habit of wiping his sword, sheathing it before proceeding to his own physical training. You contemplated telling him your “findings” and suggesting he visit the Butterfly Estate. Were you overreacting though? Perhaps he was just affected by the heat and not his health. Well, it wouldn’t hurt too much if you asked him just in case right? You stared at him, a minute had barely passed, he was already completing 146 push-ups and continuing without any obvious signs of discomfort or pain. “Hey, are you, like, sick or unwell?”
  Not pausing his training, he replied, “No.” Ah, well, if he said so. You still didn’t quite believe him since this was the same person who was said to have nearly trained himself to death but decided not to push it any further.
  After completing your break, you started on your own workouts too. 2147 sit-ups later, you heard the sound of thunder cracking and saw lightning flash. Picking up your pace, you tried to at least reach 2200 sit-ups before seeking shelter in the Mist Estate. Moments later, rain poured down. Groaning, you hurriedly got up and rushed into the estate. Your training had been disturbed but at least you could continue in the estate.
  Finding a suitable spot, you were about to continue when you notice Muichirou still outside practising his stances and swinging his sword repeatedly. A thunderstorm is currently taking place and yet he still continues training outside. “You’ll get sick. Come in and find another way to train.” You were ignored.
  The day continued on as usual. You continued with your usual workout in the estate while Muichirou continued with his training outside the estate and under the rain. You went to bed and so did he. You woke up the next day fine. He didn’t.
  You knew immediately because your room was facing his. Upon opening your bedroom door, you noticed two very wrong things. One, his bedroom door was closed. Muichirou always wakes up before you and only closes his door when he’s inside. Two, you heard loud coughing coming from his room. You knocked twice on his door before sliding it open, not waiting for any response.
  Muichirou was lying on his mattress, curled up in a foetal position and coughing heavily. God, why don’t people listen to you when you bring up good points? Makes you wonder who the stubborn ones really are. Pushing his fringe away, you lay the back of your hand against his forehead. He was burning. “Stop touching me, I can handle myself.” Muichirou pushed your hand away. You snorted.
  “Don’t bother, hold on, I’ll be back soon.” Despite his previous protest, he made no effort to stop you from whatever you were going to do. Leaving his room, you mutter to yourself about how you had no idea how to care for sick people, much less stubborn and idiotic ones. Drenching a towel in a bowl of cold water, you brought the bowl to his room. Setting the bowl down, you sat down and squeezed the towel before folding it neatly and placing it on Muichirou's forehead. “What are you doing?” Swatting his hand that was reaching for the towel away, you glared at him. “Stop it, you’re clearly sick and dying. Don’t you dare refuse my efforts to care for you.”
  “I’m not dying.” You replied instantly, “To be fair, everyone is dying.” Silence. Triumphantly, you smiled. You knew he would say that and prepared a response beforehand. “Now, lie still and quietly while I write a letter to the Butterfly Estate for advice on how to care for sick, stubborn dummies.”  No response, you’ll take that as a win too. Laughing internally, you left his room and went to yours.
  A few minutes later, your crow was flying off to the Butterfly Estate. Returning to Muichirou’s room, you note that he was lying still and silently. Muichirou stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. Unsure what else you were supposed to do, you leaned forward and looked down at him. His eyes refocus on your face. You grin. “I’ve sent a letter, I’ll be training in my room. If you need me, just call for me. I’ll check up on you and adjust the towel every once in a while.” Pausing, you remembered that the both of you had yet to eat. “Oops, I forgot about breakfast. Hold on, let me see what I can do.” 
  “I’m not hungry.” So insistent on ruining his health. “Nonsense, your body is fighting for its life, it needs food and that’s final.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you walk to the kitchen. Hands on each side of your waist, you looked at the food supply. “Wonderful, I have no idea what to make that wouldn’t make him sicker.” For the briefest of brief moments, you think about just knocking Muichirou out.
  No, you don’t trust yourself enough to not accidentally somehow kill him by hitting the wrong spot. And if you did somehow manage to not kill or induce a coma, you knew he would immediately cut your head off. You liked where your head is and would like it to remain that way. If only he listened to you! None of this would have happened and you wouldn’t have to figure out a way to not give your master food poisoning while he was sick. “Porridge. Sick people can consume porridge right? That’s just watery rice and some other stuff right?” You bit your bottom lip, considering the risks of carrying out a freestyle recipe. 
  You were sure an eternity had passed when you finally entered Muichirou’s room with a steaming bowl of porridge and a glass of water. The glass of water was probably unnecessary but he didn’t need to know that. Muichirou turned his head and looked at you as you carefully set the tray containing his breakfast on the floor. “I thought you left the estate.” You definitely took a while to prepare his breakfast then.
  “I considered it for a while but that would be too cruel.” You scooped a small portion of the porridge and blew on it lightly. “Say ‘ahh’.” Muichirou opened up his mouth and swallowed. You were fist pumping in your mind, he did not resist!  Repeating your actions, you smiled at him. He swallowed the food again but decided to object to your help again, “I can feed myself.” Ignoring his protest, you continued feeding him. “Perhaps, but you were also the one who insisted on training under the rain.” Muichirou looked away.
  Once you were done feeding him, you grinned, proud that he didn’t get poisoned and willingly accepted your help. Drenching and twisting his towel, you folded it neatly and placed it on his forehead like before. Picking up the tray, you smiled at him and got up. “Alright so like I said before, just let me know if you need anything, otherwise I’ll check up on you every once in a while.” Inhaling a deep breath, you cheered yourself on. Taking care of sick patients scares you. It always feels as if their future depended on your every move and decision. Sliding his door open, you left and slid it shut.
  Now alone in his room, Muichirou turned to look at the closed door. He really shouldn’t remain idle and get up and start training. He really shouldn’t let this fever of his deter him from his duty. He really shouldn’t enjoy you caring for him as much as he does. And yet he remained as he was. Muichirou tried reasoning with himself. He couldn’t quite remember when he started feeling unwell, perhaps he had been pushing himself for more than a week and yesterday was his last straw. Thinking back to when you had asked if he was sick, he remembered feeling a little shock. Used to ignoring his symptoms, he had forgotten that he was sick. How did you know though? He was sure after numerous times of pushing himself to his limit even when sick, his body had started to give up in showing signs of sickness.
  Perhaps the Butterfly Hashira would have been able to tell since she was an expert in the field of medicine and doubled as a doctor. But you clearly had trouble caring for the sick so how was it that you were able to notice? He couldn’t recall much but he was sure that you were already aware of his illness when it started and chose to not comment on it. He recalled feeling your questioning stares and observing looks, your concern written clearly in your expressions. Your absence left his room so silent, allowing him to lose himself in drifting from thought to thought.
  His door slid open. Muichirou turned to look at and saw you standing there, holding a letter. “Helloo, how are you feeling? I just received Kochou-sama’s response, she said that it might just be a bad cold and resting for the rest of the day and drinking warm water would help! Look, she even wrote a short and quick recipe since I said I sucked at cooking for stubborn patients!” You grin at him. Muichirou stared at you silently, not sure why you were so cheery all the time. “She said that I did good in caring for you and drew a smiley-face!” Pointing at the corner of the letter, you waited for a reaction from him. Receiving none, you whined exaggeratedly, “Not that I agree, but I can see why people call me a stubborn idiot who enjoys torture. Your silent treatments are killing me. One day, I’ll tell Oyakata-sama that you keep bullying me and ask to be Kanroji-san’s Tsukugo.” You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry at him.
  “Who called you a stubborn idiot?” That was not the response you were expecting. Tilting your head to the side, you looked up as you tried to recall the mean comments you constantly overheard. “I’m not sure. It’s mostly just overheard gossip but there’s always this weird girl with like, blue pigtails and red eyes that keeps giving me dirty looks. I think she’s just jealous because she’s always saying how if she was my rank she would apply to be your Tsukugo and kick me out.” Snorting at the ridiculousness of it all, you laughed. “You would like that wouldn’t you? I think she has a crush on you and would totally do whatever you wanted and not laugh at you.”
  “No. She sounds like someone who wouldn’t work hard. You’re annoying but you’re hardworking.” Ignoring the insult, you focused on his compliment. His first ever compliment to you. “Aww, I didn’t know you could be so sweet. You should get sick more often and maybe you would be more charming!” Muichirou looked at you plainly, unimpressed. “I’m a Hashira. My job is to kill demons and train you, not be charming.” Waving your hand, you rolled your eyes and smiled. “I know, I know. I was just kidding. Don’t worry, I respect your determination. It’s honestly impressive.” Not responding, Muichirou turned away.
  Assuming that meant that your one-sided conservation was over, you got ready to leave his room again. Hearing you getting up, Muichirou turned back and looked at you. “Wait. Don’t go yet.” You turned back and looked at him confused. He wasn’t sure what to say, he didn’t mean to call for you. “... You haven't changed my towel yet.” An unimpressed look crossed your face as you wet his towel and placed it on his forehead.
  Relishing the way your cool palm would brush his fringe away and place the cool, folded towel on his forehead, Muichirou blurted again, “Thank you, I like the way you care for me.” Your hand froze and you stared at him. Pinching his cheeks, you looked at him seriously. “Who is this and what have you done to my master?” Pushing your hands away, Muichirou glared at you. “Stop it, I didn’t mean to say that.” You raised your eyebrows but decided not to say anything else.
  The moment you closed the door, Muichirou allowed himself to cringe at his earlier behaviour. It wasn’t like him to be so… sentimental. This illness and your concern was really getting to him. And yet despite everything he told himself, he couldn’t wait for you to come back to check up on him again. 
Bonus: A few weeks after his recovery, Muichirou was walking back to the Mist Estate when he heard someone calling his name. It was a stranger. She waved her hands wildly and ran up to him. “Oh my gosh! Are you Tokito Muichirou, the Mist Hashira? I’m Yua and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” The girl’s blue pigtails bounced and her red eyes shone as she reached excitedly to grasp Muichirou’s hands. With a look of disgust, Muichirou took a stride back and extracted his sword, pointing it at Yua. “Don’t touch me, you low rank. Just by looking at you, I can tell that you don’t even deserve to gossip about others.” He paused. “Much less ones who deserve the titles they earned with their own hard work.” Not willing to spend anymore time with Yua, Muichirou turned away and walked off. Gossiping about others? How did he know that that girl, who’s name he has already forgotten, had gossiped about his Tsukugo? He heard a faint voice in his head and a blurry image appeared in his mind – You were gently dabbing his face with a cool cloth as your hand caressed his face. You were quietly whispering to yourself, “Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be your Tsukugo. Maybe others are right and I’m just wasting your time. But looking at how angelic you look, how can I bear to leave you?” He wasn’t quite sure if that was a fever dream or how he even remembered but he felt his cheeks heating up.
a/n: sobbing, i tried my best but it wasnt as cute as i wanted it to be!! i tried my best to not make mui ooc but at the same time making the scenes cute but i think i just spent too much time on their banter and unnecessary stuff and not enough on you caring for a sick muichirou :'( + i think many stuff are probably incorrect and i want to yeet myself now im so sorry oml
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Talk tonight: Evan peters x fem reader smut (kinktober fic 1)
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Summary: Evan is away from home, you decided to tease him by sending a pic of your new lingerie which leads to other things
Warnings: smut, phone sex, masterbation, dirty talk, spicy pics
Word count: 973
A/n: first kinktober fic, what do we think? I’m on the fence with this one i Don’t know if I like it or not.
Boredom took over you as you laid on the sofa of yours and your partners shared house. Evan was away filming his latest show. You missed him on nights like this, you thought about the night before he had left making a tingling sensation bubble in your core, getting yourself worked up.
And as the saying goes speak of the devil and he shall appear, a notification from your phone pulled you out of your daydream. Seeing it was indeed Evan a grin plastered on your face you opened your phone to see the text.
Hey babe, how was your day? ❤️
Hey babe yeah it was okay, Just missing you also I got a package today ❤️
I miss you too ❤️ what did you get?
A lingerie set 🫣❤️
Show me😉❤️
You bit your lip suppressing a grin getting off the sofa and into the bedroom to retrieve your lingerie set. It was a three piece lace set set a deep plum colour which was one of Evan's favourite colour.
You slipped out your previous attire, holding up the Lacey bra you put it on your chest. It gave your breast a little lift giving you the perfect cleavage. You moved on to the panties which were a thong also lace. Gliding the flimsy fabric up your legs. Lastly was the little robe that came with it the robe was a silk material soft against your skin.
Tying the robe loosely on you so it would show the underwear. you examined yourself in the mirror your phone in hand trying to find the perfect angle you snapped a few pictures in front of the mirror. Then proceeded to use the front camera now on your knees on the bed you made yourself look seductive to tease Evan further since you were now in the mood.
You took a few more pictures before laying on your bed picking out the perfect one. Deciding to use the one of you on the bed slightly biting your finger. You had to admit you look hot, knowing it would get Evan riled up. Seeing that we saw the photo, three little dots popped up on your screen telling you he was typing before they disappeared and he instead called you.
With a grin you answered the phone putting him on speaker. "Hey babe" you said blushing at the fact you sent him that. "Hey baby, I wow" he was truly lost for words. "So what do you think" you asked fiddling with the belt of the robe.
"I think that I wish I was there so you could give me a full show, you look so fucking hot" he groaned. With the sound that came from his lips you could guess he was probably palming himself. "I wish you were here you could've have the full experience" you pouted even though he couldn't see.
That's when you heard it again a low groan from down the phone. "Evan are you touching yourself?" You giggled your plan was working perfectly. "I can't help it baby you in that little set does things to me, don't even wanna know what I would do to you" his voice was deep thick with lust, making you grow wetter by the minute settling yourself down more comfortable on the pillows, your hand trailed over your body teasing yourself.
"And what would you do" you asked biting your bottom lip.
"Well firstly I'd kiss your neck, especially that spot that makes you sigh" he started off, a sigh left your lips and your cold fingertips came in contact with your clit.  "What else would you do" you asked, a slight moan leaving your lips. "My hand would roam down your body, and into those purple panties, you'd so wet" you could hear how deep Evan's voice got with lust, a grunt followed behind.
"I'm so wet right now" you moaned collecting your arousal bringing it to your clit, your movements were slow to begin with essentially teasing yourself. "God I wish I was with you, make you feel so good" Evan grunted. You could picture him already laying on the bed, his boxers halfway down his thighs, droplets of sweat decorating his flushed skin, tugging on himself picturing its you.
A moan left your lips as the pace of your fingers fastened, your hips bucked towards your own hand. “Feel good baby” you heard Evan tugging himself a little faster, more turned off by your sounds down the phone. “Mhmm” you hummed. “Come on baby tell me, use your words” he coaxed needing to hear your voice to bring him to his breaking point.
“It feels so fucking good Evan” you managed to let out. Your other hand on your breast. “When I see you I’m going to fuck you so good” Evan grunted his voice slightly higher signaling to you he was also close. “I’m so close Evan” you alerted feeling that knot forming in your stomach.
“Let go baby” Evan encouraged hearing another groan from him, that was all you needed to let go. With a loud moan your orgasm took over you, the overwhelming yet euphoric feeling washed over you. Hearing your orgasm through the phone Evan came after you with one of the most hottest sound you have ever heard.
Once you were both calmed down you retrieve your hand from inside your underwear. Trying to regain your breath, “I can’t wait to see you in three days” Evan’s voice chimed. A lazy smile on your lips “me too I miss you so much” you sighed a bit tired. “Tired babe” he asked.
“A little but I want to talk for a while” you stated. You missed hearing his voice in the late hours of night. “Okay babe we can talk for a while” he agreed.
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baurbiediv · 2 years
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pairing ➔ jj maybank x gf!pogue!reader
warnings ➔ reader got that STRAP ON HER, reader basically pulls a S1E01 jj move at the boneyard that will forever be classic, fic takes place during S1,E05, mention(s) of a gun, reader is not playing around with y’all, and yes i used the dialogue from the show, and yes i altered it???
synopsis ➔ what happens when the reader happens to be in the wrong place at the right time?
a/n ➔ not proofread per usual
the annual island club party. you never understood what it was and why it was so special, yet every year kie attempted to drag the entire group with her in an effort to keep herself sane during the kook event.
this was the year that kie was able to get you to join along with her.
the one time of the year where every kook princess ever got dressed up in pretty silk dresses and wore weaved flower crowns that almost identically matched the dress.
“i’m not too sure about this guys. i mean what if something goes down and we’re not there?” pope questioned, he said tapping his foot on the creaky floorboard of the chateau porch.
“i mean me and kie will be there, nothing too much to worry about. we’re both responsible!” you piped in earning a nod from kie.
jj spoke up from his spot on the small seat, “look, in the event that something happens, someone’s gotta have something on them.” he said, pulling the gun out off his pocket, waving it around in the air.
you leaned over and snatched the gun out of his hand, proceeding to tuck it in the waistband of your shorts, then turned back around at jj then looked at him as if he was stupid.
john b pointed at you, “see jj, that’s exactly why you shouldn’t do that.” he said before laughing, causing jj to dramatically roll his eyes. “look j, you can’t just do that,”
you said mimicking his previous actions with your hands, which made everyone else but jj laugh. “but the guns safe with me. i promise.” you said as everyone nodded and carried out with the rest of the plans.
the day of midsummers had crept up on you.
and quite honestly, part of you was excited for it, the other half? not so much, an uneasy feeling had rested in the pit of your stomach.
something inside was saying that about to tonight was going to go down, but clearly you couldn’t pin point your finger on what exactly it was, and so you easily decided to brush it off.
kie had practically begged on her hands and knees to get you to stay over her house, saying that it was ‘important so she wouldn’t lose her mind’, if that wasn’t one way of asking to get ready then you don’t know what was.
sighing loudly, you flattened the small wrinkles in your dress with your hands. the silky fabric feeling smooth against your hands.
kie came bursting into her room (like it wasn’t even hers to begin with), “hey y/n? you almost ready —,” she blurted out before seeing you standing in front of the full body mirror in the corner of her room.
“dude, you look amazing!” kie said excitedly before running over and hugging you, which made you smile brightly before hugging her back.
“this almost wants to make me go full kook! almost.”
the amount of fancy suits and rich entities that surrounded you was quite literally starting to give you a headache.
trying to enjoy yourself was going well until the amount of kooks that bumped into you and eyed you like you were the one to blame.
chugging down a shot, sarah found you clearly lost from kiara even though you two arrived together. “you’re by yourself huh?” sarah said leaning against the counter.
you playfully smiled at her, “i don’t know how though, kie magically disappeared and that’s how i ended up here!” you laughed.
“look, if you see her tell me!” patting her shoulder before walking away to find the bathroom.
during your hiatus from the main venue, jj was trying to not make himself too noticeable as he tried to slip a note to sarah, but in the midst of trying to get away, he was a little too late.
rafe caught up to him and turned him around, making sure jj faced him.
“i’m wonderin’ if you could get me a mai tai my friend.”
“yeah pogue, how about you make that two?” kelce piped in.
“well i’m on the clock right now, you guys look spiffy.” jj blurted out in an attempt to buy himself some time to escape his situation.
“you know, uh, i got a couple of orders ahead of you, so why don’t you guys go ahead and wait by the bar?” jj suggested, hoping that they’d actually listen to him.
but of course, rafe didn’t like that answer, “but until then, help yourselves to hors d’oeuvres.” jj said now walking backwards in a poor attempt to run away.
rafe scoffed as he brought his friends over with a simple hand motion, “hey guys, jj’s gonna serve us some hors d’oeuvres.” rafe said now hot on his trail. “we’re actually gonna follow you in here just to make sure.” rafe said, chasing jj through the door.
meanwhile you were still on the hunt for the bathroom, seeing so many hallways that lead to literally nowhere.
much to your knowledge, you stumbled upon a door and you pushed it open, not to sure on where you were you looked to the right of you and opened the large brown door and walked in then groaned, you were in the goddamn men’s locker room.
of course you out of all people would do something this stupid. you cursed yourself mentally before hearing multiple voices suddenly come in, quickly putting your ear on the door.
“hey, man, what are you doin’ in the locker room?” a voice all too familiar voice said, rafe. you rolled your eyes before hearing more footsteps and grunts. “wow that’s a cute outfit.” another voice said, jj.
you wish how badly you could’ve sighed out loud right now, you wanted to help him, scratch that, you needed to help him.
only god knows what rafe and his friends were planning on doing. kelce came up behind jj and put him in a chokehold. at this point in time, you were peeking through the small openings of the door.
“hold him still. what — what do you think? a four iron, right?” rafe said cracking his knuckles.
“alright hold his head still. i’m gonna line this up.” he said.
“very rafe of you. five on one?” jj said trying to get out of kelce’s grip.
“if you could please stop talking? it’s very disrespectful, i’m trying to hit a ball. learn. your etiquette my friend” rafe said, getting ready to punch him.
“come on.” jj said still wriggling
in one swift motion, you took the gun from out the holster of your dress and opened the door. sliding the barrel of the gun back and placing it on the back of rafe’s neck.
jj looked at you, “y/n?” he said.
the entire room fell silent, “look rafe,” you said before laughing, “i don’t think your friends would enjoy seeing your brains splattered all over the floor now would they?”
you said out loud, rafe kneeling down with his hands in the air while you were waiting from a response from his friends, nothing.
“look y/n, you seriously have no idea who you’re messing with.” rafe said, sounding very confident in himself you scoffed as you put your index finger on the trigger, “shut the fuck up and let me repeat myself. do you think your friends would like seeing your brains splattered on the floor? yes or no!”
this time putting more emphasis in your voice, and pushing the muzzle of the gun harder into his neck.
hearing various ‘no’s’ coming from the boys, “didn’t think so.” you muttered, suddenly you pointed it at kelce, “let him go.” you spat and he complied, letting jj out of his grip.
you slyly put the gun back under your dress and making your way over to jj, and grabbing his hand leaving rafe and his friends behind and dumbfounded.
jj was hollering, he was so proud of you, “that’s right! that’s my girl!” he screamed, you slapped your hand over his mouth and laughed, “too loud j!”, before finding your way to john b and finding the others
“i mean you guys should’ve seen it!” jj said as he re-enacting the entire scene, pope was shaking his head, shocked at everything he was hearing.
“y/n, no way you pulled a gun on the rafe cameron.” pope said.
you sat up brushing your shoulders off, jokingly, “i did! but i mean look. i wasn’t about to let jj get his ass jumped by a bunch of kooks.” you said as jj stepped in.
“now now, i wasn’t letting them jump me, i was just .. stalling.” he said which caused you to look at him at the side of your eye,
“yeah. sure. okay jj.”
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shelbystales · 7 months
Best Aid - Part Eight
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Summary: you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don’t know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: swearing, mention of torture and panick attack
A/N:  Comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
On your next shift, the first thing you did when you arrived at the hospital was go straight to John Doe's room to see if he was still there. 
To your surprise, yes, he was still there. 
He had already undergone jaw surgery the day before, and to an even greater surprise, he was awake. He stared at the room's window as if he was hypnotized.
"Hi," you said, entering the room. "Good to see you awake," you smiled.
He shifted his attention from the window to you but didn't say anything. Well, he couldn't speak, as his mouth was paralyzed on the side of the jaw surgery, and it would probably stay that way for a while. 
His face was much less swollen and deformed then you had remembered.
You approached him to get the medical record and check the progress of his exams. "My name is Y/N; I was the doctor on duty the night you arrived. Do you feel any pain?" He subtly shook his head, and when you asked if you could examine him, he gave a small nod.
During the examination, you proceeded with caution, aware of the potential trauma he might have experienced. The signs of infection from his blood test had decreased, and the wound appeared to be healing well. Other than that, he was healing well.
After completing the examination, you left the room and returned to the trauma center, where you met with the shift residents and assigned tasks.
You started to overthink why Thomas hadn't stolen your patient, but as you created a thousand questions in your head, you just decided to accept the situation and move on with your day. After all, he did comply with your request.
Continuing your rounds, you attended to other patients.
During a break in the staff lounge, Jeremy joined you with his usual big smile. "Hey girl, how are you?" he asked, taking a seat beside you.
"Hey," you smiled back. "I'm good, you?"
"Great. Doctor says my fiancé has prostatitis," he said, relieved.
"Good, some antibiotics should solve it. Might take a while, though." you smiled
"Yeah... no sex for a while… well, at least it's not cancer," he joked.
"Dodged a bullet, huh?" you chuckled.
"Yes, yes. I was worried," he sighed. "Are you really okay? I didn't see you leave last shift."
You sighed, debating how much to share with Jeremy. "It's been a wild ride, Jer. There's this whole situation with the patient, and then late at night, Thomas showed up. It's like a never-ending rollercoaster with him."
Jeremy's smile faded, replaced by genuine concern. "What?" he asked, leaning in slightly.
"Yeah. And I fucking had a panic attack after he told me he would discharge John Doe. But then... he was so kind, helping me through the panic. I just... I don't know. I'm so confused about everything," you confessed.
"He just showed up and wanted to discharge the unconscious, almost dying man?" he asked, and you nodded.
"And as I argued he couldn't, I suddenly couldn't breathe," you shrugged. "I need a break. I told him I didn't want to see him. He just doesn't care."
Jeremy's expression turned from concern to disbelief. "That's insane. He is insane.”
“Just figuring that out now?” you frowned and sighed “But… At the same time, he brought the man in, and I don’t think he did all that to him. Also, he didn't steal my patient… and he was so so gentle to me.”
Jeremy furrowed his brows. “Okay, listen up, I love you. But you've got to figure out what you want from him, Y/N. It's not healthy to be caught in this constant state of confusion. You either want him or not."
“I don’t,” you blurted out.
“Shut up, you don’t. If you didn’t, what he did or didn’t do wouldn’t bother you,” he said, cutting through your protest with a knowing look.
You sighed, realizing Jeremy might be onto something. The conflicting emotions and the chaos Thomas brought into your life were undeniable, and deep down, you questioned your own motives.
“I just can't make sense of it, Jer. He's this enigma, this complicated man who seems to defy any logic i create,” you confessed, running a hand through your hair.
“People like that can be dangerous to get involved with, Y/N. I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Yes, he’s hot as fuck, might fuck you senselless, but we need boundaries to keep ourselves safe sometimes” Jeremy said, genuine concern etched across his face.
“Yeah I know. I just need time to figure things out,” you replied, your mind still swirling with uncertainty.
“Maybe just fuck him and ghost him” He smiled 
“That is definitely not the best option” you chuckled
“Yeah… i just. I want you to get laid. Maybe with someone else. You deserve it. Some dick could make your thoughts clearer” he leaned back as his big smile continued crossing his face
“Yeah, right. As if I have a line of people that want to fuck me”
“Oh girl… you are so oblivious. Let's start with all the male residents! And some nurses… Jesus you have no idea” He said surprised
“I’m gonna go. You forget it, i’m not getting involved with anyone in this hospital” you said
“Okay” he shrugged as you stood up and left
As the day progressed, you found yourself once again immersed in the demanding environment of the hospital.
In the quiet moments between duties, you couldn't help but reflect on Jeremy's words. The need for clarity tugged at you, urging you to confront the feelings you failed to understand.
As you left the hospital that day, the internal conflict within you raged on. Thomas Shelby's presence seemed to evoke a myriad of emotions - confusion, frustration, and an undeniable attraction that left you questioning your own judgment.
When you walked into the lobby of the hotel, you caught sight of Thomas engaged in a serious discussion with his aunt, Polly. The lines on Thomas's face spoke of stress and tension, a departure from his usual composed demeanor.
You stood there, observing from a distance, deciding if you should or not talk to him. Set some things straight. Maybe all you wanted to hear was that he didn’t do anything to the man. Or maybe that he cares about others and that’s the reason he left the man in the hospital care. Or maybe… just maybe… you wanted to hear his husky voice…
As Thomas and Polly concluded their conversation, you observed him preparing to leave the lobby, a sense of urgency evident on his face. Your eyes met, and a shy smile from you prompted a momentary pause, marked by a furrowed brow.
"Can we talk?," you mouthed standind a few feets away from him.
He slightly nodded. Stopping in the middle of the lobby and following you after you started to walk in the direction of the elevators.
As you stepped into the elevator, the atmosphere between you and Thomas was heavy. The air charged with unresolved tension.
The doors closed, enveloping both of you in a temporary cocoon of privacy.
"Alright, Y/N, what's on your mind?" Thomas inquired, his voice low and steady. His posture, rigid yet composed.
You took a deep breath, your gaze fixed on the floor, steeling yourself for the words about to spill out. "I need you to be honest,"
"About?" he replied, his piercing gaze fixed on you. 
"The man," you said, meeting his gaze, searching for any hint of emotion in his stoic posture—a true master of the poker face.
"What about him?" His response, delivered with an air of nonchalance
"Did you do that to him?" you pressed
"I already told you that, eh?" he countered, glancing around the elevator as it announced the floor—the floor to your room.
"You didn't," you asserted, the tension escalating with each passing moment.
"Yeah, I didn't do it," he admitted, his eyes meeting yours briefly before the elevator doors opened. You exited first, and he followed, the charged atmosphere trailing into the corridor and eventually into your hotel room.
In the room, you moved with purpose, entering the kitchen to fetch two glasses of water. Placing them on the dining table, you invited him to sit. 
"How long will this take?" he inquired, his posture a blend of impatience and reservation.
"Do you have somewhere else to be?" you countered, your eyes locked onto his.
"I do" he answered shortly
"If you want to fix this, take a seat," you added, leaning back and crossing your arms, awaiting his response.
Thomas hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on you, weighing the options. After a pause that seemed to stretch on, he finally relented, his movements fluid yet hesitant as he took a seat at the dining table.
You observed him closely, noting the subtle nuances in his posture.
"Why did you bring him to the hospital if you weren't responsible for what happened to him?" you questioned, your voice steady. 
His eyes met yours, a flicker of something unreadable passing through them. "I never said I wasn't responsible. I said I didn't do it," he responded, the words hanging in the space between you like an unspoken challenge.
“Fuck you” you filled your mouth to say those words, and it felt good “What the fuck is that suppossed to mean?”
"He's a friend," he admitted
"Why didn't you just say that from the beginning?" you retorted, frustration evident in your tone.
Thomas's gaze remained steady, a mixture of regret and resolve in his eyes. "There are things that go beyond simple explanations."
"No, no. Some explanations are pretty simple," you shrugged, your frustration simmering beneath the surface.
"Y/N," he began, his Birmingham accent adding a distinct cadence to his words. "If I started spillin' every detail, you'd be tangled in a mess you're better off avoiding. Because then, you would ask me why my friend was like that. And I would have to tell you, since we're bein' honest, that he was kidnapped and tortured for information about me. Because that's what happens to people around me. And you would ask me why, and I tell you, that's business, and me business is a difficult thing to explain" he continued, his voice carrying the weight of a reality that seemed both distant and uncomfortably close.
The room echoed with a heavy silence, the weight of Thomas's revelations settling around you both. You knew exactly what his business was after a few hours googling him, no. A few hours fucking stalking the man.
"I never asked for any of this, Thomas," you finally spoke, your voice a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "I never signed up for a life entangled in your... business."
Thomas leaned back, his eyes fixed on you, acknowledging the truth in your words. "And I never asked you to. But here we are."
"I don't want to end up like your friend," you stated firmly, your voice carrying the weight of your fears and the boundaries you needed to set.
Thomas's eyes, now revealed a hint of regret. "You won't," he replied, his voice softer than before. "I promise."
You sighed, feeling the weight of the situation settling on your shoulders. Taking both hands to your face, you couldn't shake off the stress that had crept into your being.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, his usually stoic demeanor giving way to an unexpected tenderness.
"Stressed," you answered
"Aren't we all?" he remarked, a rare hint of vulnerability in his voice.
"Is your life always like this?" you inquired, curiosity peeking.
"No, it has never been like this," he admitted, taking a sip of the water in front of him. "Could be a glass of whisky, eh?" he suggested, a faint smile playing on his lips.
"I don't remember the last time I drank whisky," you confessed.
"Really?" he raised an eyebrow, glancing around the room. "I think there's a bottle somewhere."
"There's a drink cart in the bedroom," you informed him.
After a brief search, he found the cart and walking into the living room with the bottle in hand he looked at you for approval. "One glass?"
"Sure, why not?" you agreed, welcoming the distraction 
Thomas poured a modest amount of whisky into two glasses, the amber liquid catching the soft glow of the room. As he handed you a glass, his fingers brushed against yours in a fleeting touch, making your heart race wiht excitement. 
As the whisky warmed your insides, Thomas leaned back, the weight of his own burdens evident in the lines of his face. You couldn't help but notice how well he looked, how well dressed he was. If you just saw him crossing the streed, you would never believe that the man in front of you was a fucking gang leader.
The air between you carried a mixture of tension and a strange camaraderie born out of the unexpected intimacy of the moment.
"This is better," Thomas remarked, studying the liquid in his glass after taking a sip.
"You know, this isn't how I imagined our conversation going," you admitted, a wry smile playing on your lips.
Thomas chuckled, the sound rich and resonant. "Nor did I, Y/N."
Ozzy appeared, strolling in from the bedroom and hopping onto the couch, where he promptly settled down for a nap. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him make himself comfortable.
"Do you like cats?" you asked, curious about Thomas's preferences.
"No," he answered bluntly.
"Get out of my room," you joked, eliciting a chuckle from him. "Why not?"
He shrugged. "I just don't."
"Yeah, you look like a dog person."
"I have horses, I don't have a dog."
"Oh, right. Rich people pets," you teased, a playful smile on your face.
Thomas raised an eyebrow at your playful jab. "Horses are not exactly house pets," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Fair point," you conceded, enjoying the banter that seemed to ease the tension. "So, what does Thomas Shelby do for fun? Besides making me insane, of course"
His gaze flickered with a subtle mix of contemplation and amusement. "Fun... hm, let's say I like riding horses, reading, and chess."
"Chess, huh? I bet I can win” you smiled, gaze locked on his
Thomas Shelby leaned back, a mysterious glint in his eyes as he considered your challenge about chess. "You can try," he said, his smirk hinting at a quiet confidence.
The air between you felt lighter. You felt good about it. He could be a good company. 
"What happened?" you asked, meeting his gaze. Thomas frowned slightly, not understanding what you meant. "How did a guy that likes horses and plays chess turn my life upside down? making me feel like I couldn't breathe for days? Made me fear my life. At one point I felt so paranoid that i could swear there was someone was following me down the hospital. Because the Thomas in here now... I like this Thomas."
There was a moment of silence, Thomas's gaze held a mixture of contemplation and a touch of vulnerability you failed to see before.
"I already told you I didn't intend for any of this, Y/N," he began, his voice softer than usual “Believe me if you want, I didn't want you to get caught in it. But then, I woke up and you were already involved”
"I know," you admitted, your voice reflecting a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. "But I don't know how to navigate through this. It's like stepping into a world or a war I never knew existed."
He reached across the table, his hand covering yours in a gesture of reassurance that sent a little jolt through you. "Look, I want you to know that I won't leave you alone in the chaos I've brought. Ok?", You nodded 
His touch, warm and reassuring, sent a subtle thrill through you, awakening a desire you hadn't fully acknowledged since he walked in here tonight. As your eyes locked with his, an unspoken promise hung in the air, and for a brief moment, you found myself teetering on the edge of exploring something deeper with Thomas Shelby.
you cleared your throat, a nervous habit that betrayed the tumultuous thoughts racing through your mind. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" you managed to inquire, hoping to redirect the conversation and temper the rising anticipation. The effects of the whisky were starting to weave their magic, adding a layer of haziness to your judgment.
"I do," he sighed taking his hand from yours and adjusting his suit. "I enjoyed our talk. Are we in a better place?"
"Yeah, just... don't bring me more near-death guys. Please," you chuckled, the sound echoing in the room.
"And who would I take them to?," he replied, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“I don't know" you shrugged "Government health system is avaible in birmingham"
He chuckled "yes, i have a hospital so that I can send my friends to the public system" he mocked
"Well... can I just ask you to try and be honest? That's all I really need from you. I don't want to fear you” 
"Are you sure the truth won't make you do exactly that?,"
"So far it hasn't, the other way around actualy" you answered
"Fine. That's a challenging thing to ask me, but sure. I can try," he agreed.
"Good," you smiled.
"Have a good night, Y/N," he said, starting to stand up. As he rose, something compelled him to lean down, and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"You too," you replied, feeling a strange mix of surprise and comfort. As he headed toward the door, you couldn't help but blurt out, "Wait, why didn’t you steal my patient?"
He stopped in his tracks, turning back to face you. "I couldn’t have him die on me, and… I trust you," he explained, his words hanging in the air. It left you with a complex swirl of emotions.
"Can I ask his name?" you inquired.
"Johnny Dogs. He's not registered, by the way. So, keep it as John Doe. If people start asking too many questions, you tell me," he instructed, and you nodded. His gaze holding yours for a moment longer before he walked out.
With a deep sigh, you sank back into your chair, contemplating the unexpected twists of the day.
The Thomas you saw in here now was the same one you welcomed into your home and that version of Thomas was surprisingly good company. That was the Thomas who drew you in, the one you found yourself attracted to. Yet, how could he embody two entirely different personas simultaneously? one you felt like punching and other you felt like kissing...
At least, he trusted you.
The knowledge of his trust provided a welcome boost to your self-esteem. Despite the whirlwind of confusion and complexity, you couldn't deny the comfort in knowing that, in his own enigmatic way, Thomas Shelby trusted in you.
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zorosjuicymelonsx · 7 months
Finding You
A/N: Hey lovelies, I'm here with a new chapter for you all. I hope you like it, its very fluffy. I don't know why I've been feeling super fatigued this week, its been very annoying since I've not been productive at all :( don't worry, I will bounce back as I always do. Finding You has reached over 1k hits on AO3 and over 100 likes on Tumblr and I just wanted to express my gratitude when I saw this. Thank you so much everyone and I will be back next week!
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Chapter Six Previous Next
‘I miss you so much.’ You whispered to yourself, sitting on the cool sand listening to the waves crash against the sunset.
Your heart ached, turning to your side to see the empty space he should have been occupying next to you. You felt your throat closing and your lip tremble, leaning your head down in between your knees to choke out a quiet sob.
Where are you?
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
You woke, groggily blinking your eyes to open as you adjusted to the bright light seeping into your room. You lifted your head slightly to look for Nami and Robin to see if you’d woken up too early or too late. The room was different. Why was-
You shot up, taking in your surroundings and remembering you shared your first night with Zoro. You cautiously turned to your side, only to find his side of the bed empty. You breathed a sigh of relief, holding your chest to calm yourself. You didn’t mind spending the night with him, in fact you had overly fantasized the day you would get to. It was only the first night and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt that you felt you were forcing him. 
You decided to move to cross your legs to meditate, to bring yourself back to the present and focus your negative thoughts away. You did this on occasion, Zoro had taught you a while back and you hadn’t turned back since. 
“That's better.” You mumbled to yourself, deciding now you could start your day off. You got ready for the day, deciding on a blue blouse and black shorts would suffice for this hot weather, keeping your hair down to keep your neck cool. You slipped on a pair of comfortable white shoes, taking your sword and tying it to your shorts before leaving the room.
As you walked onto the lawn of the deck, your eyes scanned for Nami, finding her at the helm with Jinbe who was manning it. She was currently barking instructions at Luffy, Usopp, Franky and Brook who were currently running around the ship following her orders. You made your way up to her, seeing the focus she had on Jinbe shift to you and a smile beamed out of her.
“That island over there is where we’re going to stop, we all could do with a break.” Nami clarified, pointing across the ship, your eyes following and nodding as you saw the small island up ahead. 
“So…how was last night?” Nami asked, grinning slyly. You rolled your eyes at her smiling, knowing she would mention your night with the swordsman. 
“Nothing happened, we just slept. I’m guessing you and Robin had something to do with the decor?” You giggled out. 
“You’re welcome, I don’t even want to get into the plans Franky had for that room.” She shivered at the memory, you frowned in confusion but chose not to pry further. Her attention steered away from you, noticing Brook was incorrectly tying the rope and proceeded to walk over to correct him. 
Sighing, you walked over to the rail to admire the scenery of the sea. A small smile crept on your face, appreciating the beauty of the blue and white hues and taking a deep breath to smell the saltiness of the sea. You peered down to watch the crash of the waves against the ship, finding comfort in simply admiring the vast world around you. You never thought in a million years you would become a pirate, the name itself a stigma. After being with your crew that you’ve grown very fond of, you knew you wouldn’t have become a pirate unless it was with them. 
“I’ll do my best to reformulate this for you Zoro, then we can try again.” You faintly overheard the reindeer, turning your gaze to find Zoro and Chopper nodding at each other before Chopper headed back under the ship. Zoro looked up to see your gaze on him, you offered a small smile and a wave before he decided to make his way over to you. Your focus shifted back to the sea, whilst Zoro who was now leaning on the rail in a similar fashion to you.
“So…Chopper tried to test out his memory solution with me.” Zoro shared. You hummed in acknowledgement. 
“I’m guessing no success?” You raised an eyebrow. You heard a short ‘hm’ from him. 
“He’s going to try again, he said maybe he picked the wrong herb or something like that.” You looked away from the sea over to him, his eye was already on you.
“We’re heading to an island for a stop to rest.” You chose to change the subject, not wanting to dwell on the matter anymore.
“Good, I could do with getting off this ship for a bit.” You could see how tired he looked despite the number of naps the man could take in a day. Maybe a small chat with Nami would suffice to get the night shifts routine changed. 
“You plannin’ to do anything specific?” You didn’t want the conversation to end just yet. Despite being a man of a few words, you found comfort in his presence. Even just pure silence between you both was enough for you.
“Find a bar, get drunk, pass out, repeat.” You let out a small ‘ha’, it was typical Zoro behaviour even back at Shimotsuki. You could remember after graduation witnessing a competition he had with the local drunk to see who could drink the most. You remember being more concerned for the drunk than him, everyone knew how well Zoro could hold his tolerance for. Zoro did indeed win. 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Zoro could see you were reminiscing on something, he felt it wasn’t his place to pry on that moment. He could see how content you were in that moment.
“What about you?” Zoro asked. He could have ended the conversation there, but something nudged him to continue the conversation. He surprised himself to feel just how easy you were to talk to.  You were surprised that he wanted to continue conversing with you rather than just ending it. 
“I need clothes, even back home I didn’t have much to my name and Nami promised to take me shopping when we found the next island” 
“Make sure you use your own money before the witch catches you in her interest trap.” Zoro warned. Just remembering his huge outstanding debt to her made him want to heave. 
“Interest trap? And don’t call her that, she isn’t a witch.” You lectured, you turned to face him completely moving your hands to sit on your hips. 
“Guys we’re almost there, Zoro can I talk to you?” Nami shouted out. Zoro rolled his eye before muttering a quick bye to you and leaving.
‘Small progress is better than no progress.’ You thought to yourself. You decided to head to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and caffeinate yourself. 
Zoro walked and stood in front of Nami. She looked at him briefly before turning her attention to the side of her jean pocket to pull something out. She then turned back, grabbing Zoro’s hand and dropping the item in his hand. Zoro looked down to see it was a sachet of berry. He frowned in confusion before looking back up at Nami.
“What’s this witch?” He questioned.
“That's something called money.” Nami sarcastically punctuated her words. Zoro rolled his eye, having no energy for her shit. 
“I know what it is…why are you giving this to me?” He bit back irritated with gritted teeth. 
“That is for you to spend on Y/N when you take her clothes shopping.”
“I’m not taking her shopping.” He scoffed. 
“Yes you are or I’m doubling your debt to me.” Nami threatened.
“Why are you doing this?” 
“Because dumbass she deserves to be treated and since you clearly don’t have a romantic bone in your body, how great would it be for her HUSBAND to take her out to buy clothes?” Nami explained. 
Zoro was dumbfounded. 
‘Nami was willing to part with money… seriously what's the catch??’ He thought as he moved his eye from the berry to Nami with suspicion heavy in his gaze. 
Nami sighed before continuing. 
“She's been through enough, I know what happened isn’t your fault but I can see you care for her. Don’t pay me back for this.”
Zoro softened at Nami’s reasoning, his lips thinned before nodding. 
“And one more thing. This is not for booze. I will know if you spent it…” Nami warned, wagging her finger at him before walking away. Zoro stayed glued to his place, looking down to eye the bag for a bit. 
He sighed to himself, gently squeezing the bag in his hand a few times before safely putting it away in his sash. 
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
The Sunny had arrived and docked on the island. The weather could be described as perfect; sunny but with a gentle breeze that came at the right times. Luffy had jumped out of the ship, beelining through a dirt path that looked like it led into a town, Usopp was placed on Luffy patrol and ran after him. You heard some wacky stories from the others about Luffy’s knack for getting into trouble on islands he’s new to. 
Chopper, Robin and Sanji made their way to town at their own pace to restock the shop with food and medical supplies. Brook tagged along with Franky into town to get more hardwood for any future repairs. Jinbe was left to stay on the ship to watch for any danger. This left you, Zoro and Nami.
“Y/N, I would take you shopping but I’ve actually got to work on my maps and get some more ink and trinkets. I'm so sorry but I’ll definitely make it up to you another time.” Nami sadly spoke. You nodded in understanding but couldn’t help a small bloom of disappointment spread across your chest. 
“Make sure he doesn’t get lost. Have fun guys.” Nami winked at you before walking away, missing the fumes expelling from Zoro’s ears. You looked at him to see his annoyance, a wave of guilt filled you realising that he probably didn’t want to be stuck with you. 
“You don’t have to go shopping with me, I can help you find a bar to get hammered in.” You said, knowing how much he wanted to sit back and unwind. You didn’t want to get in his way or make it seem like you were being too clingy. He looked at you and could sense you were being earnest with your words. He felt the bag of berry in his sash burn into his skin before shaking his head in disagreement. 
“Let's go get you some new clothes.” He spoke, walking confidently in the wrong direction.You didn’t have time to laugh or smile before you were chasing after him, grabbing his forearm and pulling him into the direction of town. 
You both walked in comfortable silence, eventually reaching the quaint town to look around for a clothing boutique. You eventually found a boutique and pulled him into the store, a soft bell sound clicked as you opened and closed the door. The clerk welcomed you both in and left you to your own devices. You looked around taking in all the vibrant colours and styles of fabric that hung on each hanger, your smile only getting wider as you already spotted a few pieces you wanted to try on. 
You looked up at Zoro, giving him a ‘don’t go anywhere’ face before leaving him to explore the shop. Zoro turned to see a chair that had his name on it, making his way to sit and wait while you shopped. He decided to close his eye just for a few minutes, reasoning it was the bright lights of the shop that made it harder to keep them open. 
A few minutes became 20 minutes before he heard the sound of you clearing your throat. He opened his eye to find you wearing a mini white dress that was littered in small yellow daisies, it flowed out from the waist mid thigh and sat snuggled at your chest with a v-neck and thin straps. His eye travelled up to see the bright excited smile on your face as you stared at him, your hair flowing down over your shoulders only adding to his sudden rising heart rate and unconsciously holding his breath. 
It took everything in him not to stare, he couldn’t understand why you were making him so hot and bothered.
“So…what do you think?” You excitedly asked him.
The best thing he could do was offer a small nod of approval. You took that as a yes and went back to the fitting room to try on the next items. After closing the curtain of the changing room, Zoro breathed out the air he was holding, clutching his chest briefly to try and regain the tempo of his heart again.
The next few outfits you tried on accentuated your figure, from the pink long sleeved tops to the black mini skirts that showed off your curves. Zoro was suffering, his cheeks were painted pink for a while, you noticed this and asked him if he was alright. He blamed it on how hot the store was. At all the clothes you picked, he nodded at all but a bright yellow dress that reminded him too much of the shitty cooks hair. 
You eventually got changed back, taking the clothes and a couple pairs of shoes you wanted to buy and went to the counter. As Zoro noticed you pull out your wallet, he quickly stood up, almost tripping over his own foot and made his way to you. You looked at him quizzically before he pulled out a bag of berry from his sash and handed it to the clerk. 
“My treat.” He grumbled. Just for good measure on a whim, he snatched your wallet out of your hand and put it in his sash to stop you from trying to pay. Zoro also took the liberty of carrying your bags, you did try to argue about this but he ignored you instead. Accepting defeat, you both walked out of the boutique. 
You both ended up wandering around town in comfortable silence as before, taking small glances over at the swordsman with the bags in his hand. You couldn’t help but enjoy how domestic he looked while giving his normal ‘fuck off or I’ll kill you’ aura. 
You couldn’t help but let your eyes drift off down from his face to admire his chest that always seems to be exposed. It didn’t bother you per se but you couldn’t help but feel a bit green on the inside with jealousy at the thought of how many women could have thrown themselves at him while you weren’t around.
‘Did he sleep with anyone while he was away?’
Deciding against going down that thought path, you moved your eyes to focus back on your surroundings. You spotted a bar on the right, a small glint of mischief glazed your eyes before you cleared your throat to speak. 
“Since you kindly paid for my clothes…how about I treat you to a drink?” You questioned. 
Zoro looked over at you to see the smirk on your face, he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit before nodding. You signaled your head to go in the right direction where the bar was. Shortly arriving, you both entered the bar and made your way to a small table in the corner. The bar was relatively buzzing with locals, the aura was bright compared to other bars you’d been to. It almost smelled…clean apart from the lingering smell of yeast that wafted in from the bar side.
Arriving at the table, Zoro bent to drop the bags off whilst tucking them under the table. Once finished, he stood up straight and turned to see you were standing next to him gazing up at him. He hadn’t noticed how small you looked compared to him until that moment seeing how much neck was bent back as you looked up at him. 
“My wallet?” You raised your brow smirking at him, bringing your hand up and out ready to take your wallet back from him. 
“Oh.” He sheepishly uttered out. He dug into his sash and pulled out your wallet. You gave a small nod as you took the wallet, relishing in the warmth of it. It took everything in you not to raise your wallet up to smell it as you secretly loved his natural scent. 
You headed to the bartender and put in an order for two bottles of sake, pulling out berry to pay for it. With your drinks secured, you headed back to the table to find Zoro comfortably sitting in his chair, slightly manspreading. He made the chair next to him look so inviting with him there but the way his legs parted made you feel more parched. You made it to the table, dropping the bottles carefully before taking your place next to him.
“Thanks Y/N.” He grunted out before making work by opening his bottle and drinking it straight from the bottle. After a few gulps and a sigh of satiation, you took a few sips from your bottle. You weren’t sure how but you both ended up engaged in conversation, both reminiscing on the people and life back in Shimotsuki Village. 
You couldn’t stop laughing at his story about this old lady who constantly tried to pinch his bum whenever he walked past her, tears forming in the corners. He also expressed shock and a few laughs when you indulged him in a memory of how you were dared by your friend Lily to walk in the local shop with a mask on and rap freestyle. He made you laugh when he told a terrible joke, the sound of your laughter bringing a sort of peace to him. He never wanted to see your smile fade. 
‘Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.’
“Well hello pretty lady.” A voice interrupted causing you and Zoro to both look up. The smell hit you first, the clothes the guy was wearing reeked of alcohol. You did your best to shift yourself in your seat as far away from the guy as possible. It didn’t help as he just leaned closer in. 
“Let me buy you a drink.” The stranger offered, completely unaware of who he was potentially messing with. You looked at Zoro to see his demeanor darken, his gaze focused on the man in front of him and the grip on his bottle tighten.
“No thank you.” You politely declined. 
“Why not? I’m sure your bodyguard wouldn’t mind.” He insisted, his hand landed on your shoulder to give it a tight squeeze. The action caused Zoro to abruptly stand up and tower over the man. 
“If you don’t get your dirty hand off and back the fuck away from my wife right now, I’ll see to it that you lose your fingers.” Zoro threatened. The man took his hand off like you were on fire, gulping before quietly apologising and leaving with his tail tucked between his legs. You looked up at him in surprise, the anger continued exuding out of him. He hadn’t addressed you as his wife since the wedding. Zoro looked at you with equal shock at what he just said out loud. 
‘I called her my wife..’ 
“Zoro, it's okay. If he tried anything I would have kicked his ass.” You tried to change the subject to lighten the mood back, however, nothing was changing. Instead, Zoro gulped down the rest of his drink, then yours before reaching for the bags in one hand, then your wrist in another dragging you out the door. He didn’t say anything, you couldn’t bear to stop him even knowing he was going the wrong way in case he snapped. 
Some time had passed and you both ended up outside of town in a wooded area. 
“Zoro, can we stop? You’re hurting me.” You cautiously questioned, your wrist was feeling hot under his grip. Zoro had stopped at this, looked down at you and then let go on your wrist. He hadn’t noticed how tight he was gripping you, seeing a red outline of where his grip was woved around your wrist. He felt guilt wash over him.
In Zoro’s mind, all he could think about was snapping that guy's neck. The thought of anyone touching you the way that guy did made his blood boil. He knew had he not left, he would have caused trouble for you and the crew.
“Sorry.” He muttered. 
You now felt bad and decided to take his hand into yours and looked at him, using your thumb to slightly rub gently circles on his skin. 
“It's okay, I understand.” You meant every word. 
‘Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.’ 
‘He really needed to get his heart checked out by Chopper.’ He thought as he looked back at you. 
“Let's get back to the ship.” You decided the best way back would be to summon a hole. You let go of his hand, walking towards an empty patch of grass you found before raising your hand, conjuring the memory of the deck while creating the hole. Once the hole had formed, you let your hand fall before you look over at Zoro and encourage him to jump in. 
Zoro nodded before he tightened his grip on the bags, walked up to the hole and jumped through. He felt somewhat light going through the hole. He guessed it was because of the clouds in the hole making it seem like he’s somewhat flying. It somewhat reminded him of being back on Skypiea. He landed on the deck, moving away from the hole to ensure you didn’t crash into him. You followed behind him a few seconds later. You reached your hand out to close the hole behind you. 
You walked up to Zoro and took the bags from him. 
“Thank you for taking me shopping, it was really sweet of you.” You smiled at him. 
About to turn away to walk towards your room, he reached out to grab your forearm. Puzzled at the sudden heat of his hand on your arm, you turned to see him as he looked at you with an unknown expression on his face you couldn’t decipher. 
“Everything okay?” You asked him. 
He didn’t know what took over him but he dragged you into him crushing you into a hug. The sudden tug made you drop your bags, your eyes bulged out in surprise as your cheek was now nestled into his chest. You could feel his heart beating strong and oddly fast, the familiar warmth seeping into your skin. It had been so long since he held you like this. 
You had to fight your tears back, you didn’t want to give yourself hope for nothing. 
He let you go after a few more seconds, wordlessly turning away from you to walk to the Crows Nest no doubt wanting to start training. All you could do was watch him and question his intentions behind the hug.  
Unbeknownst to you, something else was watching you from a distance.
————————————- ⚔️✨ ———————————— Fun fact: the shop incident actually happened to me and my best friend. We were 16 and she dared me to rap the rap from Scary Movie 1 with a ghost mask over my face. I did it and it got us banned from that shop ever since XD
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 8 months
We listen to a lotta true crime- Wrio x Gn!reader- Part 3
But it's alright, she'll be fine t/w- prison, Wriothesley flirts(?) with you, kissing (consent cause consent is sexy) summary-you've been wrongly accused of trying to murder your ex-husband and wriothesleys determined to get you out
Part 1, Part 2
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The kiss that had happened the previous day had felt like a dream. The way his lips were so soft and gentle. Wriothesley was just perfect. The whole night you sat there blushing and kicking your legs like a little girl, anyone who walked in would’ve guessed what happened.
The next day Wriothesley came to your room once again. “Y/n wake up.”
His voice was stern and his face wasn’t much different. He walked right in sitting down next to you on the bed. “The Knave contacted me, She heard you were in prison.”
Your family has supported the House of Hearth for many years and Arlecchino was like a mother to you when your parents died. You grew up and eventually backed the orphanage financially, which she was very grateful for. The news had reached her ears because of Lyney.
He was one of your closest friends and you too always stuck together. Makes sense he would worry.
“She sounded terribly worried and asked what would happen. I told her about our plan and she said she can help in any way.”
“That's great! We have someone on our side.”
“Oh and also your court hearing is in a week.”
“For the appeal.”
“Ah yes.”
You too continued to talk and figure out how you could win the court over. Over about an hour you could fell Wriothesley moving closer and closer, till you ended up in his arms. It was nice and warm, can’t say it helped you think too much but it was nice. Your ex-husband had never shown you affection the way Wriothesley does to you.
A week later
(Look I honestly have no idea how court things work, I have tried to write one before, but that story never finished.)
You and Wriothesley walked into the courtroom, but only one of you was confident. You were sweating and was almost not breathing properly. Wrio noticed this and began to help you. “Hey y/n, look at me okay? Its gonna work. And if it doesn't you can come back down to the fortress with me.”
“Wriothesley, I have a life… I need to get back to it.”
“I see.”
The judge began to silence the room and started the proceedings. She called you to the stand to present your brief. You felt like so many eyes were watching and almost couldn’t take it. THis was something you had to do… If you wanted out that is.
You took the stand and began to speak.
“I had an unfair trial as I barely had one at all. My ex-husband framed me for attempted murder for what reason I don't know. I was out with some friends all day and had hardly seen him, the witnesses are here. When i got home the police were already at my house and my husband was one the floor covered in what seemed to be blood. The next thing i knew i was in prison and now i am here. There is no evidence that i even tried to murder my husband, no finger prints and no other forms of DNA. Thank you for your time.”
The judge seemed to think over your statement before inviting your husband to the stand. After the proceedings, it was time for a final verdict.
“The defending party is declared not guilty.”
You and Wriothesley in happiness. You had won, you were free. You weren’t a criminal. You felt a large pair of arms pull you in for a hug.
“You won…”
You hugged him back pulling him into a tighter embrace, how could you leave him behind?
After you had recovered from the shock of winning Wriothesley took you out to dinner.
“So whatcha gonna do now?”
“Go back to my normal life.”
Wriothesley seemed slightly hurt, he wasn’t really included in your normal live, as he lived underwater. He knew he couldn’t get too hurt because he’d only met you, what a week ago?
“I’m assuming I’m not included.
“Wrio.. I really like you, I'm just not quite sure how it would work.”
“May i have this last night with you?”
“You may.”
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || EIGHTEEN
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: drug overdose mention
Word Count: 3.2k
Part Summary: Y/N reflects on her place in the band and expressed this to Eddie.
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The next morning when Y/N woke, it wasn’t to anything good, like birds chirping or Eddie pressing kisses to her cheek until she woke. She woke to the sounds of fighting and shouting in the hall. Eddie was already awake and half dressed when the shouting started. 
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked as she got out of bed. 
“I don’t know.” Eddie replied while the two walked over to the door. As soon as it was opened, the shouting was heard as clear as day.
“I said pack your shit up and get out of here!” Daisy yelled, throwing Nicky’s bag at him.
Eddie stepped further out into the hallway, as did Warren and Graham, watching the argument from afar. 
“No.” Nicky responded. 
Daisy turned and picked up a statue, held it over her hear before throwing it full force to the left of Nicky before proceeding to push him away. As Daisy pushed him, Nicky gripped onto her arms, pushing her back before raising his fist in the air. 
“Whoa, whoa.” Warren says as he, Eddie and Graham all rush forward, standing in between Daisy and Nicky.
“You heard the lady,” Warren says, “You heard her.”
“You’re making a huge fucking mistake.” Nicky says before picking up his bag from the floor, “You’ll regret this.”
As Nicky walked away, Eddie places his hand on Daisy’s shoulder though she pushed him away, she pushed all the guys away. Y/N quickly rushed form her place in the doorway and over to Daisy. As soon as Daisy saw her face, she broke down, clutching onto Y/N tightly. Karen rushed over only seconds after, holding onto Daisy as she sobbed into Y/N’s shoulder. 
DAISY JONES: You start doing drugs to escape and to dull your emotions, but drugs don’t dull your emotions, they heighten them. So coming down is a lot like rediscovering your sanity. And when you rediscover your sanity, it’s only a matter of time before you remember what it was you needed to escape from in the first place.
KAREN SIRKO: Even in shambles, Daisy was a powerhouse, but this was just…sad.
Y/N sat in her bunk as everyone partied on the bus, she would join but she didn’t feel up to it. Everything that had happened to Daisy had affected her as well. Seeing what Daisy was like was like watching someone do a complete turn around. Daisy wasn’t as energetic on stage, she stood like a statue in front of the microphone, not moving, not even interacting with Billy or the rest of the band. 
It worried Y/N. She tried to be there for Daisy as much as she could after her overdose but she didn’t quite understand what she was going through, no one did. No one but Billy Dunne. 
“Hey.” Eddie says, sliding into the bunk.
“Hey.” Y/N says, smiling. Despite how she was feeling, seeing Eddie never failed to put a smile on her face. 
“What you doing here on your own, come out and have some fun.” Eddie says. 
Y/N shook her head, “I don’t feel like it tonight.”
Eddie nodded before he left and left Y/N alone. She curled up into a smaller ball, resting her head on her knees. However Eddie returned with two beers in his hand, he offered one to Y/N.
“I said I didn’t want to party Eddie.” Y/N says.
“I know,” Eddie says, climbing into the bunk with her and sliding the curtain over, “That’s why these are just for us and we are going to stay here.”
“You don’t need to leave for me Eddie,” Y/N says, “Go and have fun.”
“Nah, I wasn’t having much fun anyways,” Eddie says, sitting down in between Y/N’s legs, resting his back against her chest, “And I’d rather spend time with you.”
Y/N smiled and wrapped an arm around his chest and pressed a kiss to his head. 
“Now, what’s getting you down?” Eddie questions.
“I’m not really sure,” Y/N says, “I guess it’s a bunch of different things.”
“Like what?”
Y/N sighed, “Well everything with Daisy for starters. She nearly died Eddie,” Y/N took a deep breath and Eddie gently took a hold of her hand, “It just made me think about how easy it is too…” Y/N cut herself off as she wiped away a tear, “We take so many drugs basically every night and what if one day we accidentally take too much and then…”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie says softly, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand, “Don’t think about that alright? Don’t you dare think about that.”
“I know,” Y/N says, gripping onto Eddie tighter, “But the thought of losing you, hurts me to even think about.”
“Then don’t think about it,” Eddie says softly, “I’m here and you’re never going to get rid of me.”
Y/N smiled, “Good, because I never want you to leave.” Eddie tilted his head back to look at Y/N and she pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“Now there’s something else bothering you, I can tell because you’re still frowning.” Eddie comments. 
“I hate that you can tell.” Y/N says.
“I don’t, because then I can always make sure you’re okay.” Eddie said, brushing his thumb across her wrist. 
Y/N sighed. The thing that was bothering her wasn’t something she wanted to share with anyone, with fear from how they would react. 
“You can tell me, whatever it is.” Eddie says.
“I don’t want to be apart of the band anymore,” Y/N says and saying it felt like a relief, “After the tour, I want to leave.”
“Okay.” Eddie says.
“Okay?” Y/N questioned, “That’s all you have to say?”
Eddie sighed, “You never wanted to be apart of the band in the first place, Y/N, every time we would even mention you joining it you would strongly state your opinion that you didn’t want to be in a band. I don’t know why you joined in the first place.”
“I joined because Teddy tole me that the label wasn’t going ahead with my album.” Y/N explains. “They didn’t want to waste their money on a solo artist when they could invest more money into the band. That day Billy gave me an ultimatum, join the band as the rhythm guitarist or the label was going to drop me entirely, though he wasn’t very kind about it, called me an ungrateful bitch and said that I wouldn’t have my career without him, said  wasn’t good enough.”
“He fucking did what?” Eddie says, sitting up, “I’m gonna kill him.”
“Eddie, no,” Y/N says softly, pulling him back down to her chest, “It was months and months ago, it doesn’t matter now.”
“Yes it fucking does Y/N,” Eddie says, “He can’t say that shit to you and get away with it.”
“Well what could I have done, Eddie,” Y/N says, running her fingers through his hair to calm herself down. 
“Not taken what he said to you, he can’t go around saying that shit to you,” Eddie says angrily. 
“Trust me I didn’t take it Eddie, I was ready to walk away. But then I thought about how hard I tried and I was getting no where, then Billy comes along and passes a tape of me singing to Teddy for me to even get noticed,” Y/N says, “In that moment I thought that maybe he was right, I wasn’t good enough.”
“You are good enough,” Eddie says, “Y/N you are the most talented person I know. You’re better than Billy, you’re better than Daisy, you’re better than anyone and everyone.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend and you have to.” Y/N dismissed. 
Eddie sat up and turned around to face Y/N, “No I’m not, I really mean it Y/N. And before you joined this band, you would have through it too. You might be having fun but it’s slowly taking away your confidence that I know and love so much.”
Y/N looked down, but Eddie took a hold of her chin and tilted her head up, “I don’t blame you for wanting to leave. I’m thinking about it too.”
“Eddie, this isn’t because of me right, because if it is I can’t forgive myself for that.” Y/N says, taking a hold of his hand. 
Eddie shook his head, “No it’s not because of you. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I’ve done everything Billy ever wanted me to do, hell, I even switched over to bass for him. But everything I did was never good enough, he always calls the shots. I thought that maybe when he said he didn’t want to be a part of the band, I would get a chance to prove myself. I’m sick of being in the background.”
Y/N slowly moved so she straddled Eddie’s waist before hugging him tight. 
“You’re too talented to be in the background.” Y/N mumbled into his shoulder.
“So are you.” Eddie responded. 
Y/N pulled away from the hug and pressed her lips to Eddie’s. The feeling of his lips was something Y/N would never get used to. They made her feel like a teenage girl every time they kissed, she felt giddy inside. 
Pulling away, Y/N lied down, pulling Eddie with her. His head buried in the crook of her neck, pressing gentle kisses in the area he had access to. 
“You want to know something, Eddie?” Y/N says.
“I am extremely lucky to have you.” Y/N says. 
Eddie pulls back, lifting his head so he could look Y/N in the eyes, “It’s the other way around, I’m extremely lucky to have you.”
Y/N smiled before she connected their lips, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Eddie says, “And I’m never going to stop saying it.”
INTERVIEWER: How did it feel to be sober on tour?
DAISY JONES: Sober isn’t the right word for it, no. What I did was, I started making rules for myself. No dexies in the morning. A bump of coke but onyl before shows. A quaalude at night to bring me down. It was the best I could do under the circumstances. 
The band finished playing ‘Kill You To Try’ and Daisy stood in front of the microphone looking exhausted. 
“You need a rest,” Y/N overheard Billy say to Daisy, “Take it.”
Daisy didn’t respond, she only stepped back up to the microphone, “I almost died the other night.”
The band stood still, not knowing how to react.
“I was this close,” Daisy paused as fans continued to shout, not comprehending what she was saying, “But I’m alive tonight! And you’re alive tonight. So let’s just stay alive a little bit longer.”
Y/N smiled as Warren hit the drums and the band continued into the next song.
Y/N was elated when she walked off the stage, everything felt okay, everything felt good. It almost made her rethink her choices to leave the band but she knew that she needed to follow her heart. 
“What you thinking about?” Warren asked, catching up to her.
“Just about how well the show went.” Y/N said with a smile.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Warren exclaimed.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Spring ‘77. This was our moment.
GRAHAM DUNNE: It’s when you least want things to change, that they always do.
Y/N stood with Graham and Karen as Eddie continued to step forward, an indescribable expression on his face. 
“It’s over.” Eddie says, defeated, “Why would anybody care about us when stuff like this exists? We’re done, man. We’re dinosaurs.”
“What are you talking about?” Karen says, taking a drink out of Warren’s hand, “Don’t worry so much.”
“What is this shit?” Warren questioned.
“The future.” Eddie says, stepping forward. 
Y/N rolled her eyes and followed him as he stepped closer to the stage, “Eddie you do realise that different genres of music exist right?”
“I know, but this is just…different.” Eddie says as he caught the attention of the lead singer, “Oh, hey man. I’m in a band too, uh, The Six. I mean, you probably don’t listen to the radio.”
“I’ve heard of you,” The lead singer says, “My little sister plays your record all the time.”
As the lead singer walked away, Y/N shook her head, taking Eddie’s hand in hers, he turned to her to give her a small smile. 
“You still thinking about it?” Y/N questions, “Leaving the band?”
Eddie sighs, “I just don’t see how we ca keep up with this.”
Y/N places a kiss to his cheek, “Let’s not worry about that tonight,” She grips his hand and drags him away from the stage, “Dance with me, here is the one place where people don’t know who we are. We can just have fun.”
Eddie finally smiles and holds Y/N’s waist. The two only swayed back and forth but it was enough for Y/N. 
WARREN ROJAS: We had the biggest album in the country. We were nominated for a whole bunch of fucking Grammys. We were on Saturday Night Live. I mean…
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: It’s called a ‘moment’ for a reason, though, right?
The crowd cheered as the band stepped off the bus in New York. Y/N was overwhelmed, the crowds had always been big whenever they get off the bus, but they were never this big. Y/N stepped over to the crowd with a wide smile on her face. She began signing posters and records for people in the crowd. Y/N couldn’t believe this was her life. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” A man shouted in the crowd, “Is it true?”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Is it true you screwed someone to get in the band?” 
Y/N couldn’t tell where the question came from but she frowned. These questions were always asked but she still hated it when they were. 
“She didn’t fucking screw anyone, prick.” Eddie says, as he stops signing things and looks at the man who asked the question. 
The man asking the question shrunk back in the crowd after being confronted, obviously not expecting it. 
Y/N turned and gave Eddie a small smile and he returned it before she continued to sign things for the girls in the front row. 
“Are you two together?” A young girl asked, her eyes wide and full of wonder.
Y/N winked after she signed her record, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
After signing a couple more posters, Y/N waved to everyone before entering the building, Eddie following not too far behind her. 
“You didn’t need to do that, you know.” Y/N says.
“I couldn’t help it, anyone saying shit like that to you is just uncalled for.” Eddie says. 
Y/N smiled, and leaned up to press a brief kiss to his cheek, “Well I appreciate it regardless.”
“And we’re live in six…five…four…”
“Ladies and gentlemen, my new favourite band, Daisy Jones and The Six.” Actress, Lisa Crowne introduced.
Y/N couldn’t believe it. She was performing on Saturday Night Live. Since joining the band, Y/N’s life had gotten infinitely better, she had the fame, the money, people knew who she was. It was everything Y/N always dreamed of. On top of that she had amazing friends and someone who she loved more than anything else in the world. Despite all of this though, Y/N still wasn’t satisfied. 
Y/N’s decision to leave the band after the tour was one she made easily, she didn’t want to be in the background forever. Even though she had a song on the album, she knew that she would have to fight Billy on everything if she ever wanted to contribute to the song writing or changing a few lyrics. And Y/N didn’t want that, she wanted to say what she wanted to say. She wanted to create her own music with her own meaning. She wanted to have her own name and not to be linked with the band every time her name was mentioned in conversation. 
There are times when Y/N wonders what her parents would think. She was successful so she had that to prove to them, but she wasn’t successful in the way she wanted to be. Just as she had the opportunity it was snatched away from her as quickly has she had gotten it. 
Y/N hadn’t had contact with her parents since before the release of her single, nearly three years ago. They hadn’t even called to give a congratulations. They hadn’t even sent a letter. 
One thing Y/N didn’t want to do was contact the one person who always believed in her. Her old singing teacher, Alice Reyne. Y/N didn’t want to contact her because she wasn’t successful in the way she wanted to be. She wanted Alice Reyne to be able to turn on the radio and her her voice, she wanted her to come to a concert and see her standing centre stage, singing a sing she wrote. 
Y/N didn’t feel accomplished where she was in her career and the only things he could do to fix that is to leave. 
Y/N stood on her own by the drinks table, getting three more drinks for herself, Eddie and Graham. 
“You’re Y/N right?” A voice to her left said. 
Y/N turned to see Lisa Crowne standing there. Y/N smiled, “And you’re Lisa Crowne. I’ve seen a few of your movies, you’re great by the way.”
Lisa smiled, “So are you, I was a fan of your song Nightmare.”
Y/N was taken back a little, “Wow, thank you so much.”
“No problem,” Lisa says, “But there’s something I want to ask you…”
Y/N turned away from the table with the three drinks in her hands as she walked back to the group and handed them out. Warren’s gaze however, continuously drifted to the drinks table where Y/N just stood. 
“Warren you’re staging at her.” Y/N comments.
“I’m not.” Warren denies, tearing his gaze away for a brief moment before looking again.
“You are,” Y/N chuckles, “Go and talk to her.”
Warren looks back at Y/N and shook his head, “I can’t do that.”
“You can,” Y/N says, “You’ve never been this way about a girl before.”
“But this is different.” Warren says.
“How?” Y/N questioned, “Go and talk to her. The worst thing she can say is no,” Y/N lowered her voice, “And I don’t think she will.”
“What was that?” Warren asked.
“Go!” Y/N exclaimed, giving him a small nudge in the direction of the actress.
Y/N smiled as he walked up to her, taking a sip of her drink.
“You should stop meddling in people’s love lives.” Eddie jokes.
“Why it’s fun,” Y/N says, “And it’s Lisa fucking Crowne, if I weren’t with you, I’d want to be with her.”
“I’m not sure how to feel about that.” Eddie says.
“Oh shush,” Y/N says, wrapping an arm around his torso, “I’m with you now aren’t I.”
Eddie smiled, “Yes you are.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead before screams were heard from another room.
“We need a medic!” A woman yelled. 
Everyone rushed into the next room in time wit see Teddy Price being wheeled away on a gurney.
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mafiasliege · 5 months
I dare you to let me go
(This is part 7 of my fic. Enjoy reading!)
Part 6 ↓
The next two months may have been the worst time of Avery's life. Poverty, attempts on her life, pressure of the world, nothing compared to this. She threw herself even more into her work, tried not to be in the house that suddenly felt so lonely. Jameson and her didn't spend every waking moment together, even before everything went to hell, but he'd always be there. Making mischief, speeding cars on the track, sunbathing in the solarium or jumping off of his beloved climbing wall. She could feel him being there, and that was a great comfort. Now it felt so empty.
Jameson was still in the UK. He had come home for Christmas and New Year's, though. But the Hawthorne House was big enough for him to never see her.
She had to do something. Just because he told her to go away doesn't mean she'd just obey.
The next day, Alisa was in her office with Gray.
"Alisa. I need you to research every loophole on this."
The next few hours, the for of them discussed every possible outcome regarding her… proposition.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Avery?" Grayson asked her, even though he jumped on board with the idea.
"Hey, Priscilla."
"Oh dear! Get inside, you all."
"That's okay. Is Jameson not home?" That was Xander, peeking in.
"Oh no, sweetie. He's in London. He had been since his mot was here two weeks ago."
Avery frowned. "A mot?"
"The blonde one."
"What's her name?"
"Don't know, girl. Mario tells me she's the Countess of Caithness. Real charmer."
Mario was the security at the front gate. No doubt they'd talked around. Even the media had gotten the hint they weren't together anymore. Their theories only made her feel worse.
Avery tried to mask her disappointment. He was flying around the globe like it was a ball, but he'd only come home for the sake of holidays. Just when she'd tracked him down, he was in London.
She was nervous on the flight there, and Xander tried using his distraction skills to it's best.
"What do you think he's doing in London? You know, other than getting into trouble."
Avery ignored that and voiced her fears thoughts instead, "do you think he's dating someone?"
"Probably." Said Lyra, casually sipping on her Manhattan. "What? It could happen. He's single and a Hawthorne. It could even be that blonde." She shrugged when Grayson glared at her.
Jameson was not in his apartment, not at the mercy, and not with Simon. Max had stumbled into a famous bookstore. After Avery started panicking again, Lyra tried to redeem herself for her previous taunting, and dragged them to her favourite bar place in the city.
"You need to chill. Come on, the Manhattan on the flight has started losing its effect, anyway."
Inside the club, called The Onyx, Avery realised how fucked up a sense of humour life had, when she saw Jameson… with a girl.
"We did not go through so much trouble with Sheffield Grayson just for you to commit murder yourself," Grayson said, warning Avery, her dagger eyes on Jameson and the pretty blonde sitting together. He proceeded to say something that made them both laugh a lot and she touched his arm. It was his real laugh, which only made her more jealous.
"Gray's right. Max says it's harder to hide bodies in winter." Why Max knew that, no one knew. "Besides, don't you need to, you know, be married to be Countess?"
"Caithness is in Scotland, Xan. Some women there can just inherit the title. As a matter of fact, she's on google. Unmarried." She showed him a Wikipedia page.
While Lyra and Xan kept chattering, Jameson had spotted them. She waved at him. They got up and came toward them.
The blonde put out her hand, "Bridget. Nice to meet you." Avery put aside the most vivid fantasies she had sitting there of pulling the hand that touched him and burn it, and shook it instead. "Avery."
After initial introductions, avery excused herself to the bathroom.
Stay cool, calm, and collected.
Avery turned around to see Jameson standing there. She turned around slowly to face him. He looked so beautiful, it hurt. His eyes seemed brighter, somehow. And his face and posture looked more relaxed, like when you water a drying plant. She felt equal parts guilty and ashamed that it took him leaving her to feel like himself again.
"I have to tell you something." He just nodded. Her heart was thumping rapidly in her chest.
"I gave up the Hawthorne foundation. It officially belongs to Grayson now." Jameson was shocked. He blinked twice, as if it wasn't real and all in his head.
"How? I thought you couldn't-"
"I told you, I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever. But i had too many expectations from too many people. I had to release some of it. So, I researched every loophole the past couple of months, and made it official, it can't be undone now. And i wouldn't have it any other way." She always knew the Hawthorne foundation was what Grayson really missed about losing the inheritance, and she had her own foundation, her own purpose.
She kept talking, if he wasn't going to.
"So, your girlfriend's nice." The best way to cut out the awkward parts, according to her, was to rip off the bandaid asap.
“I'm not here on a date. Bridget's just a friend,” Jameson said in a small voice.
“Then why…”
"Why did Priscilla say-" his eyes glittered with emotion.
“Because I knew you'd ask her. Because I'm afraid of getting too attached again. I've been fighting against my still-consistent longing for you, and I almost gave in. I don’t…” He inhaled a shuddering breath.
“I’m scared I’ll go back and lose myself again. I’m scared you’ll get comfortable and take back you're words. I can’t go through that a second time, Avery. I can’t.” Avery put her hands on his neck.
"I won't, Jameson. I'll never take us back to that time." She pressed her forehead against his.
“Give us another chance,” she said. “One last chance. I promise I won’t hurt you. I know my promises don’t mean much to you anymore, and that's entirely my own doing, but tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it.”
This time, it was her who waited. Waited for so long, she wasn't sure he'd even heard her. When it became clear he wasn't going to say anything, she turned around.
She hadn't even turned around halfway before Jameson grabbed her hand to gently pulled her toward him…
And kissed her.
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blametheeditor · 2 months
Day 20 | Sour
Gt July Prompt List
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When stranded on an uncharted underwater planet, alone and surrounded by hostile lifeforms, there are only two possible outcomes: adapt and survive, or die trying.
Spoilers: For the game Subnautica
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and violence. Mentions of drowning and suffocation. Mentions and thoughts of isolation. Darker themes.
Scott doesn’t know how Fritz does it. 
Him waking up to almost immediately be greeted by the sight of two leviathans sitting directly beside the window nearly made his heart stop. It only got worse when David woke up right as he finally got his breathing under control and glared down at him when it was realized he wasn’t Fritz. 
Which isn’t that a wonderful start to the morning? Getting jump scared within the first minute before he was even able to get coffee. 
Suffice to say, living with leviathans clearly isn’t for the faint of heart. Scott has nothing but respect for the kid being willing to stand up against such massive beings, but he has a feeling he doesn’t want to hear the story about how they all met. 
At least there weren’t any more surprises after that. He was able to get his coffee, commandeered a workbench to act as a dining table, and watched as the shadows slowly faded away as fish darted around. 
And then Fritz proceeded to scare the life out of him when the first words out of his mouth were something straight out of a horror film. 
Scott might never get used to the kid talking in the slow and low language. Not when it seems to be used interchangeably, at least when the leviathans are present. It’d be fascinating how quick it’s gotten picked up if didn’t send a chill up his spine at the sight of someone using such haunting tones so casually. As if Fritz is only pretending to be human instead of actually being one. 
At least it settled down again after that. Scott was left to his own devices after Fritz showed him how the lockers were organized and gave him permission to use whatever materials he needed for whatever he wanted. Warned a certain leviathan might want to ‘inspect his work’ if he does fabricate anything. Because of course one of the massive beings is a control freak. 
Good news, David’s much more focused on Fritz, meaning Scott was able to leave the leviathan with mandibles behind by climbing down to the room where the seeds he planted are nearly mature. 
Bad news, Vincent isn’t as attached to the kid, meaning he swam by the windows every five minutes. 
It made him jump every time the leviathan appeared. Nearly made him spill his coffee a grand total of ten times as Scott listened to the numerous messages on the radio he fabricated. By the end of it, he’s more somber than frustrated. Has coordinates for a handful of lifepods, but not all of them. Knows there is a slim chance anyone survived based on the recordings sent with each distress signal. 
“Hey, Fritz?” Scott begins after he climbed up to where the kid is talking to David. A startled jump has him offer an apologetic smile, not having realized he interrupted something. 
But while the leviathan sends a fierce glare, Fritz only straightens up. “Yes, Scott?” 
“I wanted to ask if it was possible to borrow the seamoth.” 
His question receives two different reactions. A look of sudden despair that he’s seen a few times before, and one of joy at being able to help someone. Scott realizes a little too late how his question must’ve sounded without any explanation. 
...he can’t give the whole truth, of having heard distress signals begging for help that never arrived. He can’t leave the poor kid completely in the dark, though. 
“I just want to check on the other lifepods,” he begins, sighing softly as Fritz tenses at his words. Can almost hear the kid’s thoughts of quilt never thinking about going out to look for others. 
But it’s not your fault. If anything, it’s mine.
“Um, d-do you, do you know where they are?” Fritz breathes. 
Scott’s glad he deconstructed the radio instead of leaving it. “I’ve got higher permissions, so as long as the antenna isn’t damaged, coordinates are sent to me.” 
Not a complete lie. It doesn’t erase the quilt on Fritz’s face, but it does make the kid uncurl a little bit. Now the main concern is the uncertainty lurking under the surface. 
“I-I don’t mind you borrowing the seamoth. I, um, I-I'm just worried about you. If a leviathan finds you.” 
There’s a quick look over at David. Scott almost begins to panic at the thought of the leviathan making comments about wanting to kill him when he sees regret appear for a brief moment. 
He had every right to be scared about the story of their friendship, didn’t he? 
Scott clears his throat, shoving down the terror at the thought of facing something as big as the leviathan next to him. One that wants to do nothing more than kill him. “Do you know where leviathans are?” 
Fritz looks over at David who then proceeds to look over his shoulder and roar. A few seconds later and Vincent appears. The air then fills with low rumbles as the two talk. Pause for Fritz to reply, half in common and half in the other language. 
“Where do you need to go?” is directed toward Scott. 
“It’s pretty late into the day,” the man muses as he looks at his PDA. “I don’t want to be out past dark. Looks like the closest ones are just northwest of the Aurora.” 
Vincent snorts before responding. 
“He says you’re going straight into leviathan territory,” Fritz murmurs. Suddenly looks at Scott with fear at another rumble. “David leviathan.” 
One look at the powerful mandibles and Scott’s getting a really good idea of how their first meeting went. “Anyway I’d be able to avoid them?” 
"Well, most predators leave you alone after you give them fish. Leviathans are just a little harder. You’d need to spot them before they spot you.” 
He regrets ever asking. He can just imagine how Fritz managed to figure out something like that. 
Vincent says something else. And this time there’s only relief on the kid’s face. “Vincent said he’ll join you and make sure you’re safe!” 
Oh God no.
The last thing Scott would ever want is to let the leviathan who chased him be the person he trusts his life with. 
He nearly says it. States he won’t be leaving this base until the purple leviathan is tied to the ground and unable to escape. Promises he’ll be careful and won’t risk going near the lifepods if a leviathan is near. 
The pure terror Fritz is barely hiding keeps him from saying it. Because his words won’t be anything but a death sentence. Nothing but a promise the kid will be on his own again. 
“He won’t do anything?” Scott whispers. 
Fritz shakes his head firmly. “He will keep you safe.” 
He can’t stop the growl to his words. “Fine.” 
Vincent looks smug as Fritz leads Scott out of the base and to the seamoth. Shows him how to access the hatch. Explains how to work the controls. 
Despite his anger of the leviathan forcing his presence, at his own terror of what could happen the moment he’s out of these shallows, he doesn’t miss the way Fritz is trembling and the waver in the kid’s voice. Takes a shaking hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I’ll be back before it’s dark,” Scott swears. 
Fritz takes a deep breath. “Okay.” 
“Keep David out of trouble.” 
That earns a smile as Fritz carefully swims back to let Scott climb into the sub. With a glare at the purple leviathan waiting for him to begin the journey, he slowly turns toward the Aurora. Carefully accelerates into the vast ocean. After a few moments, movement catches his eye, looking down to see the tip of Vincent’s wing staying just in sight. 
Why did he agree to this? He might as well jumped into the water and said ‘eat me’. 
“No thank you?” 
“For what?” Scott can’t help but snap. He had been expecting something to be said, but he almost forgot just how infuriating the leviathan is. “Giving you the perfect opportunity to kill me and tell Fritz there were too many leviathans to fight?” 
“And leave him completely devastated when I broke the news?” Vincent asks. A little too innocently in his opinion. 
But he hears it, the silent statement he’s safe from getting killed because of Fritz. “He’d forgive you.” 
“Maybe. I think we’d miss you, though.” 
...hold on. “We?” 
“Well don’t sound surprised, Scott,” Vincent grins up at his stunned expression. “It’s not like I promised not to kill you before Fritz got hopelessly attached.” 
Great, his entertainment value is also keeping him alive. He doesn’t know if he should feel insulted or not. 
“So is there any reason why you only speak common when we’re alone?” he asks, not wanting to think about the why he’s safe from being eaten. “How’d you get fluent in it, anyway?” 
“Not really,” Vincent says. “There’s something above you.” 
Scott looks up in fear of it being another leviathan. It turns into despair at the sight of Lifepod 4 bobbing in the waves. Upside down, with no signs of anyone around. 
He turns the seamoth to see if there’s anything lurking in the distance, almost jumping when he sees Vincent circling below like a shark. Stares as the leviathan continues to circle, not once looking up to check if Scott’s out of the sub. Seeming to be solely concerned on watching for other predators coming for them. 
Is he really going to trust this? 
The answer’s apparently yes as Scott slowly opens the hatch, climbing into the water as quietly as possible. 
The moment he’s out, he sends a fearful glance down, expecting an open maw coming straight for it. But there’s not. Vincent continues to dutifully circle. 
Taking a deep breath, Scott swallows down his terror and swims up to the lifepod. Feels himself tense at the sight of a massive hole in the side, much like how Lifepod 7 was. This time, though, there’s scratches along the metal. But again, no one’s inside, empty save for a dying tablet. 
What happened here? 
The sound of a distant roar seems to answer his question as Vincent calls up “We need to go, Scott.” 
He reaches forward to quickly tap his PDA against the abandoned one before swimming back to the waiting seamoth. Has to use all his willpower not to flee in the opposite direction at the sight of Vincent coming directly toward him. Clambers into the sub with shaking limbs and immediately throws it into its highest speed away from the Aurora. 
There’s another roar in which Vincent sends back one of his own. “Will it follow?” 
“No, they’re just territorial,” the leviathan replies. “Got what you need?” 
What he needs, maybe, but not what he wants. And he has a feeling the same thing is waiting for him at the next lifepod. 
Scott taps on his PDA to listen to the last recording left as he keeps the seamoth steady. Listens to the admittedly decent plan. Sends a thoughtful look toward the Aurora. “Did Fritz go the ship at any point?” 
“He would’ve had to. David wouldn’t have found him otherwise.” 
“Do you think he saw anyone there?” 
Vincent makes a soft noise. “I think you know the answer to that.” 
The leviathan’s right. It wouldn’t just be him and Fritz at the base if the answer was ‘yes’. He really hopes the poor kid hadn’t gone to the ship assuming someone had made it there safely and could be waiting for him. 
“Do you really think anyone else is alive?” 
It’s not said in a way that implies Scott knows exactly what’s waiting for him at every lifepod, more so a genuine question. And considering he himself is proof there’s a possibility for others to have survived the crash, it’s a valid one to make. 
“I actually don’t know,” he murmurs. 
“...mind if I ask something a bit nuanced,” Vincent rumbles. 
Scott slows the sub down in order to get a proper look at the leviathan. Sees something dark in the seemingly emotionless expression. “Sure.” 
“Why are you here?” 
Well it’s certainly vague, able to be interpreted in numerous ways. Scott knows exactly what’s being asked, though. Not why he’s looking for survivors or came to the shallows. Why did the Aurora come to this planet. 
“We weren’t supposed to,” Scott begins. “The only reason why we got so close to this planet was to scan and see if we could find another ship that was lost ten years ago. I learned it crashed here, but that was after something damaged the Aurora and we crashed ourselves. And I don’t even know what caused that to happen.” 
Vincent goes silent. Doesn’t speak again until they reach the second lifepod. 
“Scott,” stops him from climbing out. Looks up to see the leviathan watching him closely. “If there are others, would any of them hunt us down if left to their own devices.” 
...Vincent’s met humans previous to the Aurora crashing. 
The revelation isn’t as shocking as he thought it would be, not when the clues have been there. The fact he’s fluent in common even though Fritz guaranteed hasn’t said things like ‘nuanced’ and ‘devastated’. Knew Scott was going to run out of air and had been fairly spot on with how much time was left. 
The question is, were they good interactions, or bad. 
Going based off the question asked, it’s most likely the latter. Meaning his answer might just get him killed. ”I can't say for sure.” 
The leviathan smiles. “That’s why I like you, Scott.” 
“Was that supposed to be a compliment?” the man scowls, hiding the fact he was legitimately terrified the sub would get crushed with him inside for a moment. 
“I thought it was a good one.” 
“Well you’re wrong,” Scott huffs as climbs out to quickly dive down to Lifepod 12. Doesn’t stay longer than needed to collect the abandoned PDA’s information. Flinches when Vincent’s massive form swims by. All in all, not too bad compared to the scare from the last one. 
He’s more than happy to turn the seamoth back toward the base, though, ready to put this entire day behind him. 
“So are we doing this tomorrow?” Vincent asks as he swims around the sub, grinning at Scott’s curse when the current he made causes everything to shake. 
“What are the chances David would agree to coming with me instead?” 
“Ah, come on, I wasn’t that bad, was I?” 
Scott hates himself for wanting to admit that, when it really counted, Vincent really wasn’t that bad. “You were.” 
“Don’t be sour.” 
“I’m excited for when we get back and you stop using common again.” 
The leviathan smirks. “That just means I get to insult you directly to your face and you’d never know.” 
Never mind, he takes it back, Vincent is the worst companion to ever have and he will be dreading their next trip out to find more lifepods. But at least he can look forward to asking Fritz for insults he can fire back if need be. 
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r0mantic-f00l · 7 months
(not really proud of this one ngl, but I'm tired and I can't write anymore 😫)
friends with benefits with sirius in summer, who could ask for more??
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Summer Benefits
It was quite humid, the summer air intoxicating the room as birds chirped and children laughed, glee accompanying the warmth that the most anticipated season brought every year. Ice cream trucks blasted music down streets as people laid in their gardens, trying to ease the heat but failing.
The clock had turned half 11, yet you were still lying in bed, not your bed, but a bed that had grown quite familiar to you over the summer. You had been awake since 10am, but you chose to close your eyes and relax, with your body above the covers and the pillow flipped to the cold side. You turned your head to glance at the boy next to you, who had been lying the opposite way, his body fully under the covers as his arm rested below his pillow. A familiar sight. Yet he wasn't snoring like he always did when he fell into a slumber, signifying to you that perhaps he had the same idea as you to just relax in bed.
However, you sat up from your position and threw your legs over the bed, stretching your spine and your arms as you yawned, proceeding into the bathroom as you popped the joints in your fingers. You glanced in the mirror, and grinned at the many hickeys Sirius had given you the previous night, all of them trailing from your neck to your stomach.
You would never admit this to him, but you were rather impressed with how many love bites he managed to paint on your body; at that point your body was his own personal canvas.
The sound of running water filled the empty silence as you pushed whatever little toothpaste was left from the tube onto your toothbrush (which Sirius had bought for you after the fourth time you had stayed over), and you began brushing your teeth.
The door opened, and you were immediately greeted with the sight of Sirius rubbing his eyes as you stared at him through the mirror. He stepped next to you and took one glance at the thin tube of toothpaste you had left before bending to the cabinet below the sink and fishing around amongst the many hair products and cologne until he found a brand new toothpaste. He stood up and pushed a string of toothpaste on his brush, running it under the tap then brushing his teeth.
His warm eyes had caught yours in the mirror and you both smiled, giggling when he waved. You waved back, feeling warmer due to the lack of proximity between you two, and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
It had been at least two minutes when you and Sirius had finished brushing your teeth. You splashed your face with cold water after you were done, smiling as you felt the boy's fingers trail over the hickeys on your shoulder. You stood up straight once again, rolling your eyes at his proud smirk as you glanced at him through the mirror.
"Damn, I really went to town on you last night." He joked, chuckling as you turned your body to face his.
"Tell me about it." You murmured, grinning whilst Sirius pushed your hair off your neck, a sigh of relief escaping you as he clipped it back.
"No problem." He muttered, massaging your shoulders, oblivious to your thoughtful gaze.
"Hey, Siri?"
He hummed in response, his eyes staring into yours once more.
"What are we doing?"
Sirius glanced up, pursing his lips and furrowing his eyebrows as he pretended to think deeply.
"Well I believe we're standing in my bathroom."
"No," You grinned at his ridiculous joke.
"No, I meant, what is... this? Us? I mean, we've been having sex one day then the next day we act as if we're best friends, then we have sex again, and the cycle repeats."
Sirius nodded in response, this time his eyes truly had a thoughtful look.
"To be honest, I don't know what this is. But I do know that I really like you. And I don't like you just for sex. I mean, the sex is really, really, like heavenly good, but I like you... beyond that? Do you get what I mean?"
You giggled, nodding as Sirius took your soft hands in his.
He smiled softly. "I suppose I've always liked you."
Your eyes turned soft whilst you tilted your head and replicated his smile.
"I've always liked you too."
He hummed, his smile turning into a charming grin, and you instantly knew what he was going to say.
"I think it's time that I ask you on a date then."
"Finally, you've only been fucking me all summer."
You both laughed before Sirius drew his arm over your shoulders and leaned in, nuzzling your nose as his lips were still curved in that Sirius Black smile.
"You know I'm not the brightest button in the box, darling."
You nodded in agreement.
"Understatement of the century."
"Shut up." He said, with the most jovial expression on his face.
"Make me." You teased, leaning even closer to his lips as you stood on your tip-toes.
And so he did.
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erisxdrifter · 4 months
At Home
  "Hey, Moondust," the Drifter murmured softly as he came up behind her.
  Eris turned her head to meet his eyes, a small smile flitting across her lips.
  He came up behind her, wrapping his weary arms around her waist and pulling them close.
  "How was your day?" He asked quietly in her ear.
  "Uneventful, to say the least." Eris replied, looking up at the stars. "And yours?"
  "Pretty tiring, to say the least." He chuckled dryly, pulling her closer. "But it's a lot better now... mm- you smell awfully nice, Moondust," he sniffed at the side of her neck. "You put somethin' on?"
  "No, nothing out of the usual." Eris replied, tilting her head up and giving him more skin to press his face against.
  "Huh, that's odd." The Drifter replied, his warm breath falling softly on her throat. "You smell amazing... Guess I just missed you that much, huh?"
  "I suppose so," Eris replied with a smile as the Drifter began pressing his warm lips against her cool skin, causing her to laugh as his beard tickled against her.
  After a moment the Drifter took his face away from her neck, and in half a second he was in front of her, pulling them close enough that their bodies were pressed against each other. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could escape, Eris's face was against his, lips to his, mouth on his own.
  Eris pulled away swiftly to study the Drifter's expression, only to be pulled back into his beckoning lips a moment later. They kissed slow, long, soft, not realizing as the minutes passed them by. They wrapped their arms around each other, pulling one another further into each other's loving grasp.
  By the end they were both clinging to each other, breathing hard as they stared into one another's eyes, cheeks and lips flushed and red.
  The Drifter once again opened his mouth to speak, but stopped before any words could come out. Instead he smiled and grabbed Eris by both sides of her face, drawing her in until their lips were conjoined. They kissed unhesitatingly, drawing it out and enjoying each and every single moment their lips were touching.
  They finally pulled away, faces flushed from the profundity of their countinual and unabating love making. They smiled blissfully, Eris's eyes glowing green and bright, the Drifter's own sparkling with warm joy. Eris proceeded to slip her hands into the Drifter's coat, pulling them closer, their noses gently bumping into one another in the process. The Drifter smirked, tightening his grip around her.
  "I love you, Moondust. You know that?"
  "I dearly hope I know, otherwise that would make our previous actions quiet questionable, Rat." Eris countered in a soft steady voice.
  The Drifter chuckled. "Yeah, you got a point."
  "Do you know that I love you?" Eris questioned further.
  "Yeah," the Drifter replied. "Oh, hell yeah, I do."
  He pulled her right back into his lips, kissing her long and sweet as she joyously returned the gesture.
  They proceeded that way for some time, basking in the warm rays of their love through the dark clouds of unsurity and danger that surrounded them. For once, they were both truly happy, at ease, relaxed. They felt safe. Safe in the warmth of the comforting confinement of one another's love, their mouths converged, their bodies close. Finally, they felt at home.
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fcknstar · 2 years
(Amazing Spider-Man) Harry Osborn with a (female) s/o with social anxiety? <3
i honestly love this request cause i experience social anxiety myself too!
,, hold me? "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : m vv sorry abt how late i posted this. i currently have alot of hw and in my previous post i stated my reason. i hope everyone understands! my taglist!
warnings : mentions of social anxiety!
** lowercase intended **
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" you dont have to come you know? " harrys voice broke your focus. you both were currently in the lift, trying to get the main room where his company celebration was being held. 
" yes, i know harry. but i wanna be there for you, be here for you. youre telling me that i cant try and bear it for a few hours? " you looked up at him, seeing his concern look. 
" okay, if it gets tad bit too unbearable, pull me with you okay? i dont want you to suffer alone. " 
" okay, just hold me and don't leave my side.. please? " you tightly held on his arm. 
" never. " harry gave you a comforting smile when the door of the lift opened up. 
walking into the main room was frightening. it was so crowded, that it looked like there was multiple insects running into each other. taking a deep breath, you readied yourself and placed on a smile while harry brought you deeper to the room. you most definitely didnt want to embarrass you yourself and harry when it was supposed to be his special day. harrys hand hardly left your skin, worried that you both might get separated, knowing that thats one of your biggest worries. 
" mr osborn! ah, im guessing this is the soon to be mrs osborn? " a family friend greeted you both, making you lose the train full of worries. 
" well, what can i say. we found each other. and you know people fall in love. " harry looked at you with adoration in his eyes. he truly loved bragging about you. 
" oh, honey! they are just like us when we were younger! " his wife cheered. " you two are made for each other. " 
that sentence warmed your heart despite having heard that multiple times. youd like to think that love is rare, and that you managed to build love with someone else. someone that truly saw everything in you. 
" congratulations on the company! its better than usual! "
" yea well, couldn't have done it without her.. " harry pulled you closer, giving you a comforting side hug that he knew you needed. you always found hugs comforting, and harry loved giving hugs. 
when harrys family friend communicated with harry for a few more minutes, you smiled at everyone who came your way. 
" (name)! you look even more gorgeous in person, its actually surreal! " a young lady, around your age complimented you. it was very rare yet delightful when the same sex complimented you because it was very common for the opposite sex to do so. 
" she is, isnt she? " harry seemed to have ended his previous conversation and went ahead and listened to your current one. 
the girl smiled, eyes focusing on you and only you. " well, have a good night (name)! oh! and congrats mr. osborn! " 
" you okay? " harry asked, tugging your arm. 
" mhm, just a little bit tired.. " you said, feeling overstimulated with all the walking and smiling you did. 
" alright then, we can leave now if you want? " harrys gaze was focused on you. nodding, you sighed, leaning your forehead on his chest taking in his scent. 
bonus : 
harry would order for you. 
" so what would you like? " the waiter asked, chewing her gum annoyingly. many things annoyed you and it made it worse when you realized she was directing that question to you. frowning, you looked at harry who sat opposite of you. harry saw how stressed you were even if your facial expressions didnt show any of it. harry then gave you a soft smile and proceeded with the order you both agreed on. 
" shed like a venti latte with a cheesecake, and a cup of cappuccino for me, please and thank you. "
" sorry harry.. i know i said id try and- " 
" hey, hey.. i know its hard and you dont have to force yourself you know that right? im here and most definitely can and would love to help you.. okay? so don't worry. " you appreciated having harry by your side. he knew how to comfort you when you had nearly tuned out everything. 
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
The Break Up - Part 5
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Series Masterlist
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
+Tommy’s birthday is completely made up by yours truly as it was never mentioned.
Part Five <3 | Previous Part
June 20th 1985
10:48 AM
Things had gotten worse. You slipped even further behind in your schooling, resulting in you having to take a few weeks of summer to finish up all the past due assignments you had. It was that or they fail you, and that was completely off the table.
  In all honesty, you were embarrassed at yourself for getting too comfortable and not taking your schooling as seriously as you should’ve been. A good education was close to impossible to have in a town like Shadyside, and you were ashamed at the fact that you took it for granted for even a second.
  On top of getting caught up on your school work, you were also putting in more hours at the hospital. Eve had told you that if you were to keep up the hard work you’d been putting in, she’d offer you a job there after you were done with school, as well as pay you for the hours you’ve already worked.
  Your volunteer position became an actual job before you even knew what was happening and it only added to the overbearing weight that was currently on your shoulders. You were grateful, but you were also exhausted.
  It didn’t help that your and Nick’s relationship was on the rocks and having Beth constantly being in your ear about ending it. You loved him more than anything, and you knew that you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life, but you were also young. Maybe you had gone too fast, maybe you were rushing into things. 
  It was a Saturday morning and usually you’d be hanging out with Beth and Emma, but you were stuck doing assignments instead. Beth hadn’t been wanting to do anything other than get drunk as of recently, something to do with her and John fighting more often lately, so you hadn’t seen her in a few days. 
  The break from your sometimes overbearing best friend was something you never knew you needed. She had always been the bossy type, but recently she had become extremely controlling as well.
  You sat across from Emma in the food court at the Shadyside Mall, your eyes scanning over the words in front of you but not actually reading them. Emma leaned back in her chair, admiring her freshly painted red nail polish before she looked at her engagement ring and wedding band, her lips turning upwards into a smile.
  Unbeknownst to her, you watched the whole thing and for a split second felt envious of her. She had found someone in this hellhole of a town who loved her more than anything in the world, and her relationship wasn’t judged or frowned upon, like yours. She was one of the lucky ones. “Hey, Em?” You ask and she looks up at her, the smile still gracing her face as she hummed. You paused for a second, trying to figure out the right words. “How…did you know that Steven was the one? Was there something he did? Like a gesture or something?”
  Emma looked caught off guard by your questions and leaned over, folding her hands on the table. “You know Steven, he’s not much of a romantic guy,” she started. “So, no, there was no big gesture or anything like that.”
  “Then what was it?” You asked, your attention now completely taken away from your study book in front of you. 
  “It was more like…a feeling,” she answered, spinning the band around her finger. “There’s this one look that he gives you and you know that you want to be looked at like that for the rest of your life. At least that’s how it was for me. There was this one night where we had planned out everything perfectly, and then when everything ended up completely falling apart, he just looked over at me as if everything would be okay. That’s when I knew that I wanted him forever. Our night had been ruined, but we were so happy anyway.”
  You nodded, your eyes glancing down at her rings. 
  “Why? You’re thinking Nick’s not the one?” Her question made your eyes shoot up to meet hers, your brows furrowed. “Sorry, but I’ve noticed how distant you’ve been lately. That kinda thing can hurt a relationship more than you think.”
  “No, it’s not that,” you trail off, looking around the food court. Nick was across the room, standing in line for the drink stand. You make eye contact for a split second before you’re looking away. “Whenever Nick looks at me, I feel the same way about him that you do with Steven. I get all nervous around him and my heart races every time he enters the room. I know he’s the one for me, but I don’t know if it’s the right time.”
  “Uh oh,” Emma said. “Did Beth get to you, too?”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I mean, did Beth give you the whole ‘you’re too young to know what you want’ speech?” Emma asked. “Because she did the exact same thing to me on the ride home from dinner back in February, right after I told you all about my engagement.”
  “Really?” You weren’t all that surprised. Beth was never one to mind her own business. “She gave me a speech, just not that one.”
  “Don’t let her get to your head, okay? It’s your life, not hers,”
  You shake your head and sigh, playing with your fingers. “It’s not like that. I’ve been falling behind in class and with this position at the hospital, it’s been even harder to keep up and I’m just…” you trail off, looking at the scattered papers that littered the small table. “I’m just stressed.”
  “Try not to worry so much,” Emma said, reaching over to place her hand on your wrist. “Everything is going to be fine.”
  You smile at her, though her words did very little to put you at ease. 
  “Man,” she said, looking over at Nick. “That is one frustrated looking boyfriend.”
  You follow her eyes and look at Nick. He was normally good at hiding his emotions, especially in public, but he wasn’t doing the best job at hiding his annoyance at the moment. “Yeah….I’ve been kinda avoiding him,”
  At this Emma’s eyes widen, taking her hand off you. “You what?”
  “Yeah,” you sigh again. “I feel bad, but whenever he’s over at my place, I never get any work done and he’s always asking me if I’m okay. Recently he’s been annoyed that I’m always at the hospital and not with him… it’s just too much for me right now.”
  “I get that, I really do, but don’t push him away just because he cares,” Emma tells you. “He’s a good guy, Y/n. You know that.”
  “I know,” you say, sitting up once you see Nick walking over to the table, a tray of drinks in his hand. “I just wish he understood how stressed I am. I mean, he’s Nick Goode. He’s never had to work this hard for anything. I feel like he doesn’t understand how hard things can be for people who aren’t him.”
  “Have you told him that?”
  “I don’t want to hurt his feelings,”
  Emma sighed. “You can’t keep things bottled up like this, Y/n. It’ll break you beyond repair,”
  “Yeah, I know,” you said quietly. “We’re meeting up later this week. I’m gonna talk to him about it then.”
  “Good. And, hey, if all fails, you still have me,” Emma smiled at you just as Nick reached the table, handing her a pink colored drink. “Thank you.”
  He nodded at her and sat down next to you, sliding you your drink. “Thanks, baby,” you say and grab the side of his face as you kiss his cheek quickly. You tried to ignore the fact that you hadn’t been affectionate to him much recently and the quick peck showed that. 
  He smiled at you before you went back to reading your notes, missing the look he gave Emma and the comforting shrug she gave back to him.
June 24th, 1985
12:53 PM
Nick had never been more annoyed and pissed off in his entire life.
  Things were going great, and now it’s as if he was dating a ghost. How did things go so wrong? He tried to think back to when he could’ve possibly fucked up so bad to the point of you feeling the need to avoid him like you were currently doing, but came up with nothing. What had gone wrong?
  He remembered the exact moment he noticed a change in you. It was the night of Emma’s wedding. Things were going fine, until Beth decided to set you up with Luke just to get on his nerves. It didn’t work out in the end, because it was Nick who took you home, after all.
  It was definitely when Beth took you away for a talk that you had drastically changed in so little time. 
  He rolled his eyes. Of course Beth had something to do with it. And just when he thought he couldn’t hate her any more than he already did.
  Nick hadn’t spoken to her since the night at your apartment where she ripped into him as if she knew him better than you did. He had nothing nice to say to her after that night and he swore to himself that he’d keep his thoughts about her to himself, for your sake, but this was ridiculous. Beth was a massive threat to his relationship with you, and he has had more than enough of her games.
  You had told him to come over and help you finish up some assignments, but how could he do that when it seems as if you weren’t home? He gave up on knocking and went to leave when he paused at the top of the stairs, his eyes on the door next to yours. 
  307. Beth Roberts. 
  He walked over to the paint-chipped door and knocked loudly, waiting for your best friend to open it. She did, and when she saw who it was, her expression turned hostile and her eyes squinted. “What do you want?”
  “What do I want?” He repeated the question, looking down at her. She was a lot shorter than him, much like you, and he could tell that his height intimidated her, but she didn’t let it show. “I want you to tell me what you said to her.”
  He didn’t have to say your name for her to know who he was talking about. Her smirk proved that point quite well. “Said to who?”
  “You know who,” his voice was deep and told her that he was in no mood to put up with her bullshit. 
  “I can’t say I do,” she hummed, leaning against the door frame. 
  “Beth, I am not going to do this with you right now,” he said, his voice dripping with masked anger. She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off by slamming his hand roughly on the frame, just inches from the top of her head. He wished he could take joy in seeing her jump slightly, but he was beyond pissed off. “What the fuck did you say to her?”
  The question was asked loudly and Beth looked around to make sure no one peeked their heads out of their doors to see what was going on. “Would you keep your voice down?” She muttered, her confidence leaving her by the second. “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t have a damn thing to prove to you. Maybe Y/n’s finally realising that you’re not good enough for her.”
  Nick stared at her, his face void of any emotion. He leaned down so his face was mere centimetres from hers, making Beth hold back her want to cower away from him. “I swear,” he said. “If I find out that you said anything to her about me and our relationship, I’ll find you and I’ll make you wish you never even met her.”
  Beth’s eyes widened at the threat and she stepped away from him and into her apartment. 
  Nick gave her one last look before he turned around and walked down the stairs without another word. 
  Beth stood there for a few seconds, her heart beating wildly as she tried to calm herself down. She closed the door and locked it, grabbing her half empty bottle of wine and picking up her phone, dialing your number. 
6:46 PM
You sighed as you entered your apartment, tossing your keys onto the counter and throwing your jacket over the chair. 
  While you were in the middle of taking notes from Eve at the hospital, you were paged to the front desk where you were told that someone had called and asked for you. 
  It was Beth with some rather interesting news about your boyfriend. She sounded drunk and completely out of it, so you weren’t sure how much of it was actually true. She rambled on about how your home phone went to voicemail so she just had to call you at work. 
  It was embarrassing, to say the least. She had called you at work to complain about Nick when she could’ve waited until you got home. You could only imagine how unprofessional it looked to see you comforting your best friend over the phone instead of paying attention to what Eve was saying. 
  You changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black tank top, sitting down at the table to go over the notes you took today. Just as you began reading, the sound of knocks were heard. “It’s open,” you call out without looking up from your book. The door opened and your boyfriend walked in, his eyes meeting yours almost instantly. You furrowed your brows, not knowing who you were expecting, but definitely not it being him. “I told you I’d see you later this week.”
  “I can’t wait that long,” he said, walking over to you and leaning down slightly to place his hands on the back of the chair across from yours. “I missed you.”
  You sigh as you place your hand on your forehead. “Why didn’t you try to use the key I gave you?”
  “I didn’t know if you were home,” he replied. “I stopped by earlier and waited for a bit. I didn’t know you had a shift today.” He sounded bitter and it fueled something inside of you.
  “So I heard,” you say and watch as he gives you a confused face. “Beth called me at work and told me you went and saw her today. Said you threatened her?”
  “I’d hardly say I threatened her,” Nick said and shrugged the situation off. He sounded so nonchalant that you were beginning to believe that Beth made things sound worse than it was. “Scared her, maybe.”
  “Really,” you squint your eyes at him, looking back down at your notes.
  “Baby, you know I’m not like that,” he said, reaching over to grab your hand. “She’s lying.”
  Before his hand could make contact with yours, you pull away and sit up. “Okay, I can’t do this right now,” you look up at him. “I have to go over these notes so I don’t lose my job.”
  “Will you put the book down for two seconds?” Nick asked, frustration seeping from his words as he tugged at his hair. “I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.”
  Maybe you were acting irrational, but you couldn’t help it. You were running on very little sleep and the call from Beth had made you angrier than you thought you’d be. “So you go to Beth?”
  Nick looked at you with an expression you’ve seen many times on him, but not when it was directed at you. He looked livid. “I have to get updates on you somehow,” he muttered, dropping his head so you couldn’t see his face. “You don’t give me any.”
   “I need space, Nick,” you say, your brain not catching up to the words quick enough. “I’ve been so busy and stressed lately.”
  “How would I know that?” He asked, his eyes angry as he stared at you. “You don’t tell me anything anymore.”
  “Nick, please,” you said quietly, putting your elbows on the table and tangling your fingers in your hair out of frustration. “Just give me a little time to figure things out.”
  Nick’s ears were beginning to burn as he felt his chest tighten with anger. “Figure things out?” He mumbled. “Or figure us out?”
  “Nick,” you pleaded, having a bad feeling about where this conversation was going. “Please, let’s talk about this another time.”
  He stood straight up. “No, we’re talking about this right now,” he said. “I don’t see you for days and the one time I do actually see you, you want space? How the fuck am I supposed to be okay with this?”
  His tone was somehow making you stress out more and you shakily sighed, trying to calm yourself down to be able to think rationally. “Nick,” you say quietly. “I think we need to spend some time apart. Just until I get caught up on things.”
  “Are you fucking kidding me?”
  “No,” you weren’t sure where this was going, but you pushed past your nervousness and sat up straighter, refusing to back down now.  “Please, just go.”
  “Fine,” he muttered, making no move to leave. “Can I see you sometime this week, then?”
  “Yeah, maybe,”
  “Maybe?” He wasn’t getting the hint and you were growing more frustrated by the second. “Come the fuck on.”
  “Jesus Christ, Nick,” you said, your voice raising slightly. “I can’t do this anymore. I need a break.”
  “From what?”
  “From everything,” you were quiet again. “From you.”
  “You’re breaking up with me?” He asks angrily, backing away from you.  “Because I want to actually see my girlfriend every once in a while?”
  “You don’t get it,” was all you could mutter as you refused to make eye contact with him. 
  “Enlighten me, then,”
  At your silence, Nick got his answer. You didn’t want him anymore. 
  “Fine,” he said, pushing aside any rational thoughts as he finally let his frustration out. He always had been too stubborn for his own good. “Fucking, fine. That’s great. First, you tell me you need space and now you’re telling me you want a break less than two seconds after?”
  “It’s not like that,” you tried to reach out to him and make him stay so you could properly talk about it. 
  “Whatever,” he mumbled, pulling away from you and walking towards the door. “Good luck with your school work. I hope you do fucking fantastic.”
  “No,” he cut you off, opening the door and turning one last time to look at you. “Like you’ve been wanting to say since I got here, we’re done.”
  At that, you shoot up from the chair, your brows furrowing. “Nick, that’s not-” you shake your head, beginning to walk over to him. “Nick, wait, that’s not what I meant.”
  Before you could reach him, he turned around and slammed the door shut behind him. You stood there for a few seconds, trying to wrap your mind around exactly what just happened. At the realisation that your relationship was over, tears immediately formed in your eyes and began to fall as you dropped to your knees. Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you sobbed, all the stress and weight of the past few weeks finally becoming too much for you to handle.
April 16th, 1985
5:32 PM
“Okay, Beth, calm down,” you say, rubbing your forehead with your hand as you listen to her ramble over the phone. 
  “I can’t!” She said then went quiet for a few seconds. “You know…I’d feel better if you came over and hung out with me for a bit.”
  “Beth,” you sighed. “Nick and I have plans tonight. You know that.”
  Just as you said that, Nick walked into your apartment, takeout bag in one hand and the spare key you gave him in the other. You gave him a quick wave then held up a finger, signaling that you’d be done in a second. 
  He just nodded and placed the bag on the counter, beginning to empty it.
  “I know, it’s too much to ask,” Beth mumbled. “I get it. I’ll be fine.”
  “No, wait,” you say, stopping her from hanging up. You look over at Nick, giving him an apologetic smile while he gives you a confused look. “Why don’t you join us?”
  Nick’s eyes widened as he opened his mouth to protest. 
  “Really? Are you sure?”
  “Why not?” You say, hiding your disappointment that she actually agreed, but also knowing that she needed a friend right now. “Come over in a few.”
  “Okay! See you soon,”
  You hang up and help Nick take out the food, setting it up on the counter. The whole time, you felt his eyes on you, no doubt ticked off at the intrusion of your date night. “What?” You ask and he just shakes his head. “Beth and John had another fight and she doesn’t want to be alone right now.”
  “You shouldn’t let Beth walk all over you,” he said casually, grabbing the plates. You were caught off guard at what he said, his nonchalant tone not being what you expected. 
  “She doesn’t walk all over me,” you tried to defend Beth and yourself, but who were you trying to kid? Nick knew you better than you knew yourself. 
  “She does, baby,” he replied. “And you let her.”
  You shake your head. “She’ll only stay for a bit, then I’ll send her on her way,” you reach over and wrap your arms around his middle, kissing his shoulder through the material of his t-shirt. “After that, it’s just you and me.”
  Well that was a lie. Beth stayed the night and slept on your couch, successfully ruining Nick’s night with you and proving his point of her walking all over you. You tried to get her to go home but she whined and said she didn’t want to be alone, thus resulting in her spending the rest of the night by your side, making Nick sit across the room from you. 
  It was frustrating, for you and Nick, but what could you do? She was your best friend and she needed you.
  You’d have the rest of your life to have date nights with Nick, anyway. 
July 2nd, 1985
4:56 PM
An old, sappy romance movie played on the TV as you wrapped the blanket around your body tighter, leaving no room for any air to touch below your shoulders. 
  You knew you should get up and be productive, but you wallowed in self pity instead. 
  Fuck, you missed him. 
  Why hadn’t you fought harder to get him to stay? Why did you push him away in the first place? Why were you such an idiot sometimes?
  You could only continue to lie on the couch for a few more minutes before you had to go to the hospital, and that thought alone filled you with dread. You quickly realised that Nick really was one of the few beacons of light in your life. He’d been out of your life for less than two weeks and you felt as though you lost a part of yourself. 
  How tragic that story turned out to be.
  A few more minutes pass before you finally get up and change into dark blue scrubs, tying your hair into a low bun as you look for your keys. 
  Three knocks were heard against your door before it opened and in walked Beth.
  You hadn’t talked to her much since she called you at work, something you were still ticked off about. “Hi, Y/n/n,” she said as she made herself comfortable on the couch. “So, John and I had another fight. Can you believe it? Do you want to come get drunk with me at Marley’s?”
  You stopped looking for your keys to glare at her, gesturing to your current attire. “Does it look like I can do that right now?” You muttered, grabbing your bag and slinging the strap over your shoulder. 
  “Jesus,” Beth held her hands up in defense. “What’s wrong with you?”
  A shaky sigh leaves your lips as you close your eyes. “Nick and I broke up,” you hadn’t told her yet and the poorly hidden smirk on her face was the exact reason why.
  “Awh, honey, I’m so sorry-”
  “Don’t bother, okay?” you cut her off, spotting your keys on the kitchen chair. “I know you hated him and were just waiting for the day he broke my heart. Well, that day was a week and a half ago, and it was my own fault.”
  You walk over to the door and swing it open, not bothering to shut it behind you as you knew Beth would follow you. “Oh, don’t say that,” she said, following you out into the hall. “You weren’t meant to be. That’s not your fault.”
  You stopped walking and turned to face her. “I actually think we were, but I fucked up and pushed him away,” you muttered. “All thanks to you.”
  She grabbed your arm as you turned away. “Excuse me?” She roughly let go of you, crossing her arms over her chest. “How is any of that because of me?”
  You rolled your eyes. “Come on, Beth. You had it out for him from the second you saw him,” you say and this time Beth rolls her eyes. “You never gave him a chance! You were constantly in my ear, telling me to break up with him every four minutes.”
  “Please,” she scoffed. “It’s not my fault your taste in men sucks. He was the one who was never truthful. He was manipulating you the entire time! I can’t believe I thought you were smart enough to realise that.”
  That made any and all words die in your throat. So this is what she thinks of you? She thinks you’re stupid and clueless. 
  This was the last time you let her walk over you. Fuck, you should’ve listened to Nick. “You’re right, Beth,” you start. “I’m stupid and that’s why I got into college while you sit at home all day and get drunk. I’m stupid and that’s why I got offered a full time job at the hospital after I finish school. And I am so stupid for not realising soon enough how stuck up and opinionated you are.”
  Beth opens her mouth in shock, but no words come out, and steps away from you as if your words physically hurt her.
  “But the thing I was most stupid for was letting go of a great boyfriend and an even better guy,” you finish and turn around, walking down the stairs and ending the conversation there. 
  Beth watches you go, anger, guilt and sadness running through her body. 
  Finally, you were beginning to stand up for yourself. Finally you told Beth that she doesn’t have a say on everything in your life. Finally you were relieved of the pressure that came with being her best friend.
  Was this repairable? You didn’t know. But at the moment, you didn’t care. It was time you stopped letting people walk all over you.
July 4th, 1985
6:43 PM
The cemetery was surprisingly peaceful in the evening. This is where the dead go to rest, after all. 
  You walk through the seemingly endless rows of headstones until you find his, the stone marked red with graffiti. 
  Thomas Slater. 
  March 17th, 1960 - July 19th, 1978
  Son. Brother. Friend. 
  You reach out and run your fingers over the word brother before putting your palm flat against the stone, closing your eyes for a few seconds. 
  He’s probably so disappointed in you. It had been months since you last visited him, and to be honest, you were just as disappointed in yourself. 
  You hold a single tulip in your free hand, admiring the pretty flower as you think over your words. What do you say to someone who might not even be listening? 
  With a heavy sigh, you place the tulip onto the dirt beneath you, knowing that it would soon, too, be among the dead. “I don’t know if you can hear me,” you start, looking over the headstone. “Tommy…..things are bad again.”
  The last time you visited your brother was back in April, when you first started falling behind in class. You realised that you only ever came to talk to him when something bad was happening or was going to happen. Like now, with both your schooling and now Beth. It was a habit you needed to change. 
  “I know it’s been a while since I last came to visit you. I wish I had an excuse, but I don’t,” you shakily sigh, reaching up to quickly wipe away the few tears that had fallen. “I feel like I’m failing. I feel like I’m letting everyone down. Mom, dad, you. You were always so proud of your little sister.” 
  Your hand held onto the necklace that he had given you days before he left for camp, knowing that he’d miss your actual birthday. The last thing he had ever given you.  
  “I sometimes forget that I’m older than you now. But I’ll always be your little sister. Always,” you don’t bother to wipe away the tears at this point. The cemetery was abandoned, leaving you alone with hundreds of dead people, so no one (alive) would see you cry. It was oddly comforting. “My birthday is in a few days. I’ll be twenty one….you’d been twenty five.”
  You reach over and attempt to wipe away the red spray paint, hardly being successful. 
  “I’m gonna make things right. I’m gonna do better,” you wipe the red paint onto your jeans. “I want you to still be proud of me.”
  After a failed attempt at wiping away the paint, you read the simple word that hurt your heart more than anything. 
  “You weren’t a monster, Tommy. You were the best brother anyone could ever have, and I was lucky to have had you in my life. I’d do anything to have you here again,” your voice broke at the end, and you could only imagine how broken you looked in general. 
  You read the headstone once more, your eyes lingering on the date of his death. 
  “I miss you, Tommy. I love you,” you stand up, brushing the dirt off from your knees. You step forward and rest your hand on the top of the grave. “I’ll visit again soon, I promise.”
  With that, you turn around and walk away, not being able to bring yourself to glance back as you exit the cemetery. 
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