#sirius black is just summer
r0mantic-f00l · 7 months
(not really proud of this one ngl, but I'm tired and I can't write anymore 😫)
friends with benefits with sirius in summer, who could ask for more??
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Summer Benefits
It was quite humid, the summer air intoxicating the room as birds chirped and children laughed, glee accompanying the warmth that the most anticipated season brought every year. Ice cream trucks blasted music down streets as people laid in their gardens, trying to ease the heat but failing.
The clock had turned half 11, yet you were still lying in bed, not your bed, but a bed that had grown quite familiar to you over the summer. You had been awake since 10am, but you chose to close your eyes and relax, with your body above the covers and the pillow flipped to the cold side. You turned your head to glance at the boy next to you, who had been lying the opposite way, his body fully under the covers as his arm rested below his pillow. A familiar sight. Yet he wasn't snoring like he always did when he fell into a slumber, signifying to you that perhaps he had the same idea as you to just relax in bed.
However, you sat up from your position and threw your legs over the bed, stretching your spine and your arms as you yawned, proceeding into the bathroom as you popped the joints in your fingers. You glanced in the mirror, and grinned at the many hickeys Sirius had given you the previous night, all of them trailing from your neck to your stomach.
You would never admit this to him, but you were rather impressed with how many love bites he managed to paint on your body; at that point your body was his own personal canvas.
The sound of running water filled the empty silence as you pushed whatever little toothpaste was left from the tube onto your toothbrush (which Sirius had bought for you after the fourth time you had stayed over), and you began brushing your teeth.
The door opened, and you were immediately greeted with the sight of Sirius rubbing his eyes as you stared at him through the mirror. He stepped next to you and took one glance at the thin tube of toothpaste you had left before bending to the cabinet below the sink and fishing around amongst the many hair products and cologne until he found a brand new toothpaste. He stood up and pushed a string of toothpaste on his brush, running it under the tap then brushing his teeth.
His warm eyes had caught yours in the mirror and you both smiled, giggling when he waved. You waved back, feeling warmer due to the lack of proximity between you two, and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
It had been at least two minutes when you and Sirius had finished brushing your teeth. You splashed your face with cold water after you were done, smiling as you felt the boy's fingers trail over the hickeys on your shoulder. You stood up straight once again, rolling your eyes at his proud smirk as you glanced at him through the mirror.
"Damn, I really went to town on you last night." He joked, chuckling as you turned your body to face his.
"Tell me about it." You murmured, grinning whilst Sirius pushed your hair off your neck, a sigh of relief escaping you as he clipped it back.
"No problem." He muttered, massaging your shoulders, oblivious to your thoughtful gaze.
"Hey, Siri?"
He hummed in response, his eyes staring into yours once more.
"What are we doing?"
Sirius glanced up, pursing his lips and furrowing his eyebrows as he pretended to think deeply.
"Well I believe we're standing in my bathroom."
"No," You grinned at his ridiculous joke.
"No, I meant, what is... this? Us? I mean, we've been having sex one day then the next day we act as if we're best friends, then we have sex again, and the cycle repeats."
Sirius nodded in response, this time his eyes truly had a thoughtful look.
"To be honest, I don't know what this is. But I do know that I really like you. And I don't like you just for sex. I mean, the sex is really, really, like heavenly good, but I like you... beyond that? Do you get what I mean?"
You giggled, nodding as Sirius took your soft hands in his.
He smiled softly. "I suppose I've always liked you."
Your eyes turned soft whilst you tilted your head and replicated his smile.
"I've always liked you too."
He hummed, his smile turning into a charming grin, and you instantly knew what he was going to say.
"I think it's time that I ask you on a date then."
"Finally, you've only been fucking me all summer."
You both laughed before Sirius drew his arm over your shoulders and leaned in, nuzzling your nose as his lips were still curved in that Sirius Black smile.
"You know I'm not the brightest button in the box, darling."
You nodded in agreement.
"Understatement of the century."
"Shut up." He said, with the most jovial expression on his face.
"Make me." You teased, leaning even closer to his lips as you stood on your tip-toes.
And so he did.
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lemongrass77777-moved · 7 months
Sirius is such an icon. He literally just turned up at his “best friend’s” house with practically no warning to stay indefinitely, without talking to his “friend’s” parents first. Then, after they didn’t immediately tell him to fuck off, he started an affair with said friend, their only son, while they slept across the hall. I aspire to be that guy the way Sirius is that guy.
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luv-x-liv · 3 days
regulus is serif, sirius is sans serif.
regulus is thursday, sirius is friday.
regulus is winter, sirius is spring.
regulus is poetry, sirius is songwriting.
regulus is glaring even when he feels like cracking a smile, sirius is laughing even when he feels like breaking down.
regulus is wishing he could act imperfect, sirius is wishing he knew how to be perfect.
i don't make the rules
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delicatepointeofview · 4 months
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thinking about a moody whimsical summer spent at twelve grimmauld place… listening in on order meetings with the twins, trading clothes with tonks, reading sirius’ tarot much to his displeasure
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starchaserdreams · 7 months
Absolutely incredible that I treat stargazing as a seasonal hobby that runs from December to May and then don't look up at the sky the other six months of the year
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
sirius and peter are actually best friends btw <33 yeah, they loved each other sm. yeah, sirius enjoyed hanging out with peter. yeah, he didn't see him as inferior in the slightest that's just how outsiders viewed it just because sirius and james were more popular.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 11 months
he tells them all about the louvre, since that is where they’re bound to go after paying. he tells them about the notre dame and about the seine and about the history of paris. remus can tell, by the way his tongue curls around the words and by his passionate voice, that it was not the first, and it would not be the last, time he tells someone about his city.
when their order arrives, sirius thanks the waitress, and strikes a small conversation with her; they seem to know each other, by the way she smiles, all plump lips and dark, warm brown eyes. she flicks her curls over her shoulder and puts an arm on sirius’ shoulder, and remus’ breath hitches a little, in the back of his throat.
she sets their drinks and treats on the table and she elegantly leaves; sirius’ eyes trail at her.
sirius gestures to the table, inviting everyone to take their order. lily smiles at remus — although they had met just days before, on the plane, he feels like he’s known her for ages. she’s lighthearted and warm and fierce, and she’s exactly the kind of person remus needs in his life.
“so,” she says, looking at sirius as she took a sip from her coffee, “sirius. have you ever imagined yourself moving out of france? somewhere else, maybe?”
sirius shakes his head. “paris will always be my home.” there’s a tinge of accent to his voice, obviously, that remus finds charming. sirius leans back in his chair, elegantly and with not much thought to it, and puts his arm on the headrest.
“i see,” lily answers. “you know, i can’t blame you, paris really is beautiful.”
“they don’t call it the city of love for nothing.” he grins, because he doesn’t smile. remus has noticed that; he smirks, or grins, and remus would like to see it for the rest of his life, thank you very much.
dorcas nudges remus. “come on, say something. i know you want to talk to him, don’t be a coward.”
but remus had never been known to be exactly brave. so, he sits in silence and smiles as sirius falls into conversations with the other tourists again.
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stillwithmeisonlyyou · 2 months
August is really the thought daughter month cuz like
Salt air and the rust on your door?
Come on home you don't have to be alone?
You're a winter bitch but summer's in your blood?
Summer child?
Grant "you weren't mine to lose" chapman?
Like there is a lot for me to dwell on this month see u in september
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suugarbabe · 3 months
more slutty boys 2k14
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James was Sirius’ summer sun forever.
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snowverit · 1 year
wait... Summer of '84 (2018) is so marauders coded
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luv-stargazer · 2 years
kill your darlings by messermoon .
that is all
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 months
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Are they not the most sirius black ever?
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up-to-some-good · 1 year
I Can See You
Written for @cruelsummer-ficfest era number 5
Ship: Wolfstar
Song: I Can See You (TV) (From the Vault)
7 July 1980
Living with Remus should have been no problem. They'd shared a dorm for 7 years, and an apartment with James and Peter for another year before James moved out and Peter followed a while after. Living together was like breathing, at this point. Sirius knew how Remus took his tea and coffee. Remus knew which biscuits Sirius liked from the grocery store. Remus knew how to cook and took care of their meals; Sirius was incredibly neat from his upbringing, so he took care of cleaning the flat. They were the ideal pair of roommates. Living together should be easy.
But then Lily and James threw a party at the end of June as their last hurrah before the baby came in July and everything changed. They had been drunk that night, but not drunk enough for Sirius to forget.
Now, he'd brush past Remus in the hallway and shiver, feeling the ghost of his fingers on his hips and tangled in his hair. He'd watch Remus swallow his coffee and remember leaving bruises down his neck. He couldn't make eye contact with his roommate without flashing back to Remus pressing him against the wall in the guest bedroom, gold eyes flashing and hair ruffled.
It was getting unbearable. He couldn't help but wonder if Remus was having the same problem; if he felt Sirius's nails scratching his back or his arms pulling him impossibly closer.
They hadn't spoken since the party. It had been a week of silence and tense eye contact. Sirius would make them both coffee in the morning, nod at Remus when he appeared in the kitchen - already fully dressed for work, and retreat to a cold shower the second Remus had closed the front door.
He was in the same place he was every morning, perched on the countertop with his coffee when Remus walked in. Sirius nearly choked at the sight of him. Remus had some sort of interview or meeting that had him dressed up in a suit and tie, the suit perfectly fitted to show off his form.
Once he had composed himself, he gestured to Remus's coffee sitting next to him on the counter. Remus smiled in thanks and stepped forward. He leaned up against the counter next to Sirius, his jacket just brushing Sirius's knee.
"Busy day today, Pads?" he asked.
"Not particularly," Sirius responded. "I'll probably head to the garage and work on my bike a bit. You nervous for your meeting?"
Remus shrugged off the question.
"Plans for tonight?" He leaned over slightly, resting his arm in Sirius's thigh.
"Not that I know of," Sirius answered after a deep breath. "Why, Moons? Planning on surprising me?"
Remus placed his coffee back in the counter and stood up fully, turning to face Sirius.
"Maybe I am."
He stepped into Sirius's space, standing between his legs, and gently placed his empty cup down. Sirius inhaled sharply as Remus reached forward and tucked a strand of his hair away before tracing his finger down his face and over his lips. Sirius found his own hands on Remus's hips as Remus cupped his jaw, pressing the tip in between Sirius's lips, parting them ever so gently.
"Remus." He whispered the name like it was a request which was fulfilled immediately.
Remus pressed even closer as they kissed, wrapping his arms around Sirius's back, pressing them closer together. Sirius moved to tangle his fingers through Remus's hair and tug in his tie with the other hand, trying to reel him back in when he pulled away.
They sat there for a moment, chests heaving and foreheads pressed together, before Remus spoke.
"Tonight," he whispered. "I've got to go. I'll see you tonight."
"Then we'll talk?"
"After." Remus kissed him again before pulling away properly and heading for the door. "We can talk after."
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birlwrites · 2 years
hi!!! i'm the person who asked all those questions about emma and heir stuff and a back with more questions! okay so what do you think would actually happen if, for example, regulus did run away with sirius like what happens in a lot of jegulus fics? what do you think would happen, with your atfhv reg? that is, how would he come to the conclusion to run away, and what would happen? you did touch on this a little in stga, but i want to know for atfhv reg.
HMMMMM ok so - i think the central difficulty for atfhv reg is not just coming to the conclusion to run away, but doing it *with* sirius
in stga, regulus and sirius are always each other's #1 ally, so in that case, regulus would either run away with sirius or not at all. like, if he's going to do it, hell yeah he's going to the same place sirius is going to, and sirius isn't going to do it without him
in atfhv, regulus and sirius have been kind of estranged for a while before sirius actually leaves. i think regulus has a lot of confidence in his own ability to adapt AND to play the games his family plays and come out on top. he'd need a hell of a reality check to decide otherwise
this post got. long. normally when i say that, the post is long. but this is easily twice the length of some other posts i have called long. I HAD FUN OK
the other difficult factor is that atfhv reg *does not like* how sirius solved this (i.e. by running away). we'll get into that in ch 41 of ttdl. part of it is the abandonment issues, and another part of it is reg's sense that this was the irresponsible/selfish thing to do. he's not obsessed with duty to the family, but sirius was heir and that meant something to regulus - he doesn't even really see sirius running away as a solution (because of how it impacted him), but just as running away from his problems
so i don't think he'd come to the conclusion to run away of his own accord, which means someone's going to have to convince him, and the only person who a) is capable of doing so and b) would actually give it a go is sirius
for this to work, he'd need some reason to believe regulus might actually go (and not kill james immediately), so let's call it a last-ditch effort to give regulus a lifeline he may or may not want. sirius would need to be pretty persuasive here which is where the death eater ultimatum comes in - their parents give it to sirius, he's not stupid, he knows if he leaves regulus is next up for everything including the death eaters.
regulus as we know him in the prologue (or rather in like. the first half of the prologue. the description of the prologue maybe. ajfslghjdkfd) is kind of...... living in denial about that ultimatum and KNOWS he is but is still holding out hope that it won't come for him now that there's no spare. persuading him to give up that hope would be difficult and it would also need to be QUICK. i think sirius came to the conclusion that he might need to leave during the spring of his fifth year or so and proceeded to bring it up to james, which is how he knows for sure that he has this viable option, and i think he would then need to start talking to regulus about it..... pretty much ASAP?
and that would be difficult for sirius. genuinely, sincerely apologizing is not something that comes easily to either of them, and sirius has absolutely no shot at persuading regulus to listen to him unless he does it. (regulus owes sirius an apology in a similar vein but he's repressing that)
the next hard part would be persuading regulus that not only is there a risk of their parents telling them to join the death eaters, but it's an *imminent* risk. at this point, neither of them are of age, they've both got a couple years left at hogwarts. regulus would question what use voldemort would even have for either of them at this point, answer his own question with 'political clout because we're blacks in the main branch,' and then question how much danger they'd *really* be in - getting either of them hurt or killed would piss off their parents, which voldemort presumably doesn't want, and even if they got arrested their parents could probably get them out of it
like, we have to keep in mind that this conflict isn't real to regulus yet, and it won't be until the ultimatum is actually delivered. action doesn't feel urgent to him the way it does to sirius at this point
although i do think around now, regulus would start feeling a bit of concern that maybe their parents would skip over sirius completely re: death eaters and go directly to their spare. he's comparatively disposable but still a gesture of goodwill/confidence in voldemort's abilities
he also doesn't have the same leverage with their parents here that he does in atfhv, because sirius hasn't run away yet, so i think regulus would be somewhat less confident in his own ability to solve this for himself. i'm positive he'd have the thought that if sirius left, regulus would have more leverage, so THEN the difficulty is persuading him not to follow up on that
ajfslghsdkfhgdf this is really turning into a monumental endeavor for sirius
of course sirius wouldn't like the argument of 'even if our parents DO force us into becoming death eaters, we have some time before that becomes a real problem,' because Becoming A Death Eater *Is* The Real Problem Regulus. (which isn't to say regulus LIKES the idea of taking the mark - he's just trying to prevent sirius from taking unnecessarily drastic action)
so in order to get regulus to run away with sirius, regulus has to believe that running away (to the potters) is NOT unnecessarily drastic and is unfortunately merited by the situation. this will be difficult seeing as he's of the opinion that becoming a dark lord is a more reasonable response than running away from home afhsghkdfsfdf
so after a LOT of arguing and debating and back and forth and venting to various besties, i think sirius would back regulus into a deal regulus thinks/hopes will never come to pass: if their parents try to force either or both of them to join the death eaters, they unionize and LEAVE.
regulus's thinking is similar to stga reg in that he thinks their parents can't afford to lose them both (and he's basically right. orion and walburga COULD try for more kids but starting over would be a bit of a setback and they got very fortunate the first time around with having two sons and they can't guarantee that'll happen again). however, atfhv regulus is also of the opinion that going to the potters' will be temporary (which is the oNLY reason he agrees to spend a prolonged period of time with james). and i think he's right
with both regulus and sirius gone, the blacks can't just disown sirius and go 'ok regulus is heir now,' but they also don't want regulus hanging out with the potters and going down the blood traitor road (lmao). sirius may be a lost cause but regulus isn't, as far as they know, and they don't want to lose him
so what do they do? send orion.
in stga, it's narcissa - she has a pretty good relationship with both regulus and sirius and is really as neutral of a party as the blacks can get to play messenger. but in atfhv (or like. this atfhv spinoff, but for the sake of simplicity i'll call it atfhv) orion and walburga aren't trying to deliver a message - they're SPECIFICALLY trying to get regulus back.
so, send orion, because he'll be able to get regulus to listen to him
the thing they DON'T know, of course, is that it's not just that regulus doesn't want to become a death eater - he's a full-on blood traitor and is coordinating his actions with sirius at this point (once sirius actually got that ultimatum, it really solidified their alliance). even if orion talks to regulus one-on-one, regulus is going to request time to consider it and then immediately go tell sirius.
i think orion's point goes a little like 'you don't want to take the mark, i understand that, it DOES carry a sense of lowering yourself, but with the right help, voldemort WILL win this war and we want him indebted to us. if you can suggest a viable alternative strategy, neither you nor sirius has to take the mark.'
and orion and walburga know that regulus and sirius have been fighting/not talking for years, because they are not obtuse, so i think orion also tries to split up the alliance here with 'if sirius wants to be a potter so badly, let him be. our family would be in good hands with you taking up the lordship after my death'
and that offer would be REALLY TEMPTING to regulus. for a few reasons:
solve the death eater issue (for both him AND sirius)
it's obvious that sirius doesn't want to leave the potters. regulus, however, does NOT want to be here forever.
there's the same tension here around dark arts as there is in stga, but worsened because at this point, regulus has already taken charge of the slytherin dark arts study group. he's made it not just a part of his identity but something that he feels is his responsibility
since orion is here and willing to make a deal, they have proof that the 'you will have no heir or spare unless you compromise with us' approach WORKS, which means regulus would have leverage he knows how to use upon going back. without sirius, regulus has even MORE power, because there is only one of him
regulus wants validation from his role model :(
so i think he'd go present that to sirius as something that could potentially solve everything. i think that, by talking to sirius about it instead of just doing it, regulus is hoping that them splitting up doesn't necessarily mean a return to them being estranged. they could still keep in touch and see each other at school
sirius, i think, does not really like this idea. yes, it solves the *death eater* issue, but it's still giving their parents what they want, and supporting voldemort in general is just. bad, and sirius points out that OBVIOUSLY orion is trying to keep them from working together, and i think he's upset that regulus seems to be falling for it
but regulus *does not want to be here.* he's literally just here for collective bargaining power and allying with sirius. he wants to be with his friends (barty aside, but orion and walburga do already tolerate their friendship even if the potters would certainly approve of it more) and his dark arts books and his high society battlefield and, to a certain degree, even his family
regulus in atfhv is not afraid of orion and walburga. this is a different take than ones i see pretty commonly in 'regulus runs away' fics, which is part of why i think it's so difficult to get regulus to *leave* in this universe - the cost-benefit analysis doesn't work out well in his eyes
but i do think regulus in this au would make a condition 'sirius doesn't get disowned.' yes, make regulus heir, let sirius hang out with the potters, tell everyone he abdicated because regulus was a better choice for the role, make sirius the black sheep of the family even more than he already is, but don't kick him out. regulus's argument here is that if sirius gets disowned, it looks like there was Big Drama, and after that whole thing with she-who-must-not-be-named eloping less than 10 years ago, do they *really* need more of that?
(it shows more confidence in regulus as heir as well, if it doesn't look like the blacks were forced into that decision and made it of their collective free will)
sirius still isn't thrilled, but he attempts to make the best of it by going 'would it at least be possible to come up with a way to support you-know-who that gives us an opening to sabotage him later?' and regulus goes 😈 we will make one 😈
turns out, with the combined efforts of regulus, narcissa, and various parental figures, the blacks (and malfoys) can exert VERY tight control over voldemort's purse strings. lucius and bellatrix are the 'show of good faith' death eaters which is great because they're ALREADY MARKED and it doesn't require forcing anyone into the position.
probably regulus and sirius end up concocting a plan in which regulus goes to orion and walburga and says 'i've changed my mind, we should disown sirius, his political inclinations hurt our position with voldemort' and orion and walburga go 'mwahaha our plan to divide and conquer worked. yes regulus that is a reasonable idea good for you'
regulus then promptly begins passing information through sirius to the order of the phoenix and hinting to various people he both likes and trusts that they should maybe start peeling off from the death eaters a little bit juuuuuuuuuuuust in case it works out poorly for them later
he may very well still end up working with barty and evan - barty goes 'SABOTAGE??? I LOVE SABOTAGE' and runs off to take the mark, which serves the dual purposes of giving them multiple avenues of information in the death eaters and endearing him to orion and walburga so he can hang out at regulus's house. (barty would probably still live with his parents - voldemort wants him there b/c of crouch sr. but he can at least *avoid* his father by way of grimmauld place. orion and walburga understand the desire to spend no time with crouch sr. they don't really do 'sympathetic' but they do just kind of accept the fact that he will show up randomly)
and evan comes into play because *mumblemumble.* if you've read my spoiler posts you may have some ideas on what the mumbling is but i genuinely don't remember if i've talked about this afjlsghksdf i think i have though?
anyway the order wins the war and everyone regulus likes just HAPPENS to avoid azkaban because they just HAPPENED to have a contingency plan already (the good thing about killing voldemort permanently is that the dark marks disappear - no instant proof of guilt!)
so then regulus has a stranglehold on the dark network (thanks to getting rid of the people who aren't helpful to him AND giving certain people tip-offs that make them feel grateful), which leads to an immense degree of influence over the wizengamot and the sacred 28, and orion and walburga are very proud, and sirius is watching regulus sit in on wizengamot sessions 'for fun' and thinking 'oh god what have i created'
(every day is bring your child to work day if you're orion and your child is willing to have passive aggressive conversations with your enemies to distract them while you actually go about negotiating with useful people)
somehow this still ends up with regulus fighting voldemort and dumbledore, just one at a time and more subtly. i clearly have a one track mind FJSLGHSKGHSJDKFJDS but atfhv regulus is really surprisingly committed to his principles once you back him into a corner
oh my god this got SO LONG. sjlghsdkfd i'd read the hell out of this fic ngl
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
who would stay at their grave the longest?
sirius: james
james: sirius
remus: peter
peter: james
lily: petunia
marlene: mary
mary: marlene
dorcas: marlene
regulus: pandora
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