#i ate slime once
red1sg0n3 · 5 months
I've been thinking of making a slime/ASMR channel bc it's good practice for sound production which I'm prob going to do after graduation.
- art anon
Those are always fun!! Good Luck :DD
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Wait. There's a slime reader? What would happen if slime reader and gigi met?
Wait wait imagine if they were captured by the same organization- They're put together by the scientist assuming they are the exact same species of slime, but the pair can easily tell they're different. Still, they bond over being two sentient puddles of jello and frequently escape their prison once everyone has left for the day to raid the world fridge for treats. Maybe Gigi was outside longer than Reader and tells them about as much of the human world as he's seen - promising to show it to them someday when they leave the facility for good-
GiGi, while not wanting to harm anyone, lives off the moisture from whatever he's consuming. Like I said he'd prefer not to hurt anyone, but if any scientist "hurts" Reader he'll suck all the moisture out of their body.
[Slime Reader sulks in the corner alone - drained from all the questions and experiments given to them by the scientists.]
Slime Reader: ???
[The slime looks up as banging can be heard from the vents - two popsicle sticks wedged through the slits in the grates as blue ooze drips from them. GiGi regains his human form and slides over to Slime Reader, sitting down next to them.
GiGi, giving them a popsicle: These always make me feel better when I'm sad. You're sad too, aren't you?
[Slime Reader nods]
GiGi: The humans here are the worst! I hate when they poke us with those needles. It doesn't hurt, but it's still rude. Someday, I'll get you out of here. We'll go wherever we want and eat whatever we want. Like jello?
Slime Reader: J....ello?
GiGi: Yeah! It's really jiggly - like us! It almost feels like eating another slime if you think about it-
Slime Reader: Would Gigi eat...me??
GiGi: No way! I mean - you're really sweet, but I love you! I'd be really sad if I ate you and you weren't here anymore.
Slime Reader: Hmmm?
[Slime Reader licks Gigi's cheek]
Slime Reader: GiGi tastes good :D... I'd be sad without GiGi too.
GiGi, hugging their fellow slime: Yay! Promise we'll get married when we get out of here?
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
You Give them Face Mask! 🧼
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Buggy, Mihawk
Fluffy Fluff
Just felt like more Fluff Fluff rn 😌 Enjoy!
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Trying to get this man into a face mask is like trying to wash a puppy- A happy struggle and pain in the ass.
"Luffy please" You say with a sad eyes- He will fold after this and let you. However he doesn't sit still so you use a sheet mask that simply helps with oily skin.
"This smells nice" He will say as you have to bribe him with snacks to keep it on for 15 minutes.
"It's rose scented" You say and wear one yourself to keep him still with some gummy candies. Will have trouble sitting still and will start chatting and walking in circles as he waits.
Once it's over he rubs his shiny face and talks about how squeaky he sounds. Utterly destroying your work-
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Sanji is more then willing to indulge you. Picking out some mild scents and you do a peel off mask since he has deep pores.
"Wanna do the charcoal mask?" You offer which he accepts after finding the scent pleasant enough.
"Do people do these often?" He will flirt and talk about the curiosities in your self care. Once the mask is done he will complain about the tightness.
"That means it's ready to peel!!"
"AHHH! OW!!?" He yelps in surprise as you pull the mask off his face. His face bright red and raw from this so you add some water based moisturizer to his face. You show him the mask.
"That was in my face!?"
Will both be disgusted and fascinated by the amount of gunk pulled from his skin.
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His skin is fairly flawless which is honestly frustrating since he cares so little for his skin.
You offer the face mask anyway and he refuses for a while bit does eventually fold. You use a snail slime mask on him since it will keep him skin looking flawless.
"This smells funny..." He grumbles as he will lay there listening to you talk, Half asleep and waiting. Will open his eye occasionally and ask a few questions about your interest in this stuff.
You wipe it off and help him rince his face. Skin is pretty much glowing at this point and You stare in awe. "So pretty!"
"I'm going to go train now-" You scream at him in protest in trying to ruin his pretty face.
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Usopp is willing of course, since the ocean air drys his skin quite a lot. So you use a shea butter face mask and tap his skin with your fingers to help it soak in his rough skin.
"You know I once got a spa treatment from Mermaids like this-' He will spin his tales as You work. When you do rince off the mask you add some nice skin oils afterwards to his skin.
You rub a lot of oil in his skin and he will pause his stories as he judt enjoys the time. Will smell the jar you're using and a softness will run over his face in fondness.
"This smells like the stuff my mother used to use-" He will say with a smile. His skin looks shiny and golden by the time your done, making him look sexy- in his own words.
Will come back regularly to have you treat his skin and will even talk about stories with his mother from time to time.
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Grease paint wrecks havoc on one's skin Buggys especially since he wears it so much. Needs some detoxing clay mask then a aloe moisture one to replenish. If you're doing his face might as well deep condition his hair as well.
He does enjoy the attention and doing them since his face feels better. Secretly he actually has acne marks from his youth and some scars from before he ate a devil fruit.
"What was this one from?" You ask pointing to a light scar on his cheek.
"Hmm 10- Me and Shanks were trying to figure out blades better. Let's say I learned knives can bounce back at you-" He says amused and letting you work.
"The skin around your nose is dry" Buggy will frown, thinking you're about to insult him since even though he trust you the most his insecurities will win- till you carefully paint the mask on those areas and smile proudly.
"There we go, all better" You say and kiss his hand to go apply your own.
Will sit and listen to you read outloud or talk with him about show ideas as he lays there with the face mask.
"Can we do this every night?"
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"No-" He will protest, his eyes narrowing as you offer the mask to him. However after enough begging and ever Perona joining in at pestering him he will fold.
Mihawk gets treated to a full spa day when this happens- A hydrating honey facemask on his skin, cucumbers on his eyes and even a hair mask in his hair to make it softer.
Perona is overjoyed as well as she cleans his nails and applies clear polish to make them shiny and nice! Grumbles the whole time silently and ends up Downing a bottle of wine.
"Do not get used to this-" He grumbles as he takes his wine and drinks from it as you and Perona work. He kinda looks like a spa mom-
Once done this man looks runway ready- His hair is much softer so sets lower, his skin flawless and even his beard looks nicer. Stares at you and Perona deadpanned and sighs-
"Thank you both for the nice gesture..."
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mayullla · 2 years
Quest: Clear out the slimes in grandmother's garden.
Character(s): Slime Monster (Oc / Original work) Summary: You are an adventurer, taking up missions and quests in the guild. You didn't know that your choices all have unfair consequences. You thought of the slime more as a pet while it thought of you as a mate. Tags/warnings: Yandere!monster, fem!reader, non-consensual kissing and touching, possession (not the reader), taking a bath in front of a 'supposed' pet if that is a warning needed
{ - JRPG Quest masterlist - }
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You took a simple mission, help an old grandmother clean out the slimes that have been eating all her crops and vegetables in her garden.
Clearing out the slime with your sword you noticed a smile, a little lighter blue than the other slimes. Weakly moving around while others jumped in panic at the sight of your sword. You should have killed it then and there, but you left it.
The old lady was kind and gave you your reward for clearing out the monster yet she could not help but question if it was really all right for you to hold such a dangerous creature in your hand. "Are you sure it would be okay to keep such a thing? I know some people keep them as pets but aren't they still wild creatures?" You tried to calm the worries of the grandmother stating that you will only release the slime out to the wild.
Walking deeper into the forest you gave it some food to eat that you have brought with you. You watched as the sandwich slowly disintegrate inside the slime's body. You wondered why you let this one go, really while most slimes are harmless too many also cause trouble for the ecosystem. Maybe it was because of its unique color, you never saw such pink slime in your life.
"Don't come back if you know what is good for you." You mumbled poking the little slime on your hand. The gushing sound it made in delight perhaps because it finally ate made you smile. When you thought you were far enough from the place you tried to place the slime down. "There you go- huh?" You were supposed to plop the slime onto the grassy floor instead the slime continued to cling to your hand refusing to let go. "What the..."
No matter what you did, the slime did not let go. As you scoop the slime from one hand it started to cling to the other when you tried to remove the creature from your hand with your boots. It still didn't let go instead choosing to stick to your boot's ankle making it hard for you to walk.
After trying to get this thing off from you and failing miserably you had no choice but to take the thing back home as the sun slowly goes down and the day ends. "What am I supposed to do with you." You mumbled scratching the back of your head as you glance at the thing on your arms giggling in happiness that you weren't trying to throw it out anymore.
The little thing had become a pet of sorts for you. It followed you around the house everywhere you go. When you finish eating, the remaining food and plate you would feed it to the slime where it would eat all the leftovers and clean the plate and then give it to you. (You thought it the little thing could become your dishwasher with how clean your plates look but at the same time the idea that it was not washed by water and soap and instead slime doesn't sit right with you.)
It would follow you when you get ready for the day and follow you to the bathroom and even when you shower. The slime had at one point crawled into your bathtub once joining you in your soak. You didn't think much of it really, the thing didn't have eyes nor a mouth or anything it was just a blob really.
"Hmmmm" You poked the floating slime that did its best to get on your bathtub. The slime clinging to your finger at that moment and started crawling closer to you till it reached your shoulder nuzzling itself on your neck.
It followed you to your bed when you went to sleep. The thing tried to cuddle next to you again, and while it didn't bother you while in the bath it bothered you now. It was a weird feeling! How were you supposed to sleep went it feels like one side of the bed was wet. Too uncomfortable you grabbed the slime and placed it on a pillow that you tossed to the floor.
"That will be your bed from now on all right?" You told it satisfied when you saw the curious motion it was doing looking at you and then at the pillow. Too tired you were soon fast asleep.
You woke with the thing right on top of your chest as if it had sneaked up when you were sleeping. And the next time it happened again and again, you tried to put the small slime outside your room but it seems that since it didn't have any bones it was able to slide on the crack of the door and place itself again close to you.
You had gotten so used to this slime being in your life thought of it nothing more than a pet unknowing that in the end it still was a monster. That pink slime grew so attached to you, unknown to you its attachment was somewhat an obsession than something cute.
In a sense, it thought of you as its mate. Your affection for it was a courting ritual for the pink slime as it returned your affection with rubs in your hand almost as it was a puppy when all it wanted was to merge with you. Yet it can't. Slime went the smartest yet they pick up fast as it watched you interact with a man. You wondered what the slime was thinking when it watched you as you talked to your crush. You have fallen in love with another adventurer for a while now and while you two aren't partners sometimes you would join with him on a quest or two if you happen to bump into each other.
But you weren't able to dwell in those thoughts anymore when the adventure called your name wondering if you were okay or not as you seem to zone out a bit. "Are you okay? Want to rest somewhere?" "O-oh no! I am completely alright!"
You wondered where that slime had gone after the quest, disappearing near the end. You called out a small nickname you have given to it yet no blob of pink appeared in your vision and after trying to search for it for a while you returned home thinking that it finally returned back to the wild. You felt everything was odd at first there was no squishing sound of slime following you and when you tried to reach out for something you realized it was there anymore.
After staying in your life for more than 2 months you have grown used to the little guy that you can't help but become a little solemn at the thought.
Yet you didn't want this... You certainly didn't want this...
It was a rainy night when you got a knock on the door. It has been two weeks since the pink slime left but it also has been two weeks since you last saw that certain adventurer that you have in mind. You gasp when you saw him all drenched from the rain standing right in front of the door. "H-hey... It seems that i have been caught in the rain... Sorry, can I stay at your place for a little till the rain stops..." He told you having an awkward smile on his face.
You have given him the shower while finding clothes that he could wear. You let him stay for a while, thinking that he would leave the moment the rain stopped but it didn't as your heart beat with how close the man that you liked was as if the man was unconsciously nuzzling you on your neck as the two of you waited on the sofa for the rain to stop.
When you realize that he was that slime that you once cared for it was too late when he forced you down on the sofa his hand slowly changes to something more slimy texture yet still strong enough to pin your arms down. The smile he gave was so lovestruck and goofy as you could see specks of pink in his eyes.
When he forced a kiss something that the slime has saw all the other couples would do, you could taste and feel the texture of slime on your tongue as the slime on top of you curiously explore your mouth. His eyes were sickeningly sweet... you now knew you make a mistake in bringing the slime in.
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m0thgutzzzz · 3 months
hmm.. about time i properly posted about monster tower, huh? HERE WE GO
MONSTER TOWER (cw for violence)
pizzahead loves horror movies. hes obsessed with them to an unhealthy extent. but he’s quite the film critic! pizzahead becomes obsessed with creating the perfect horror movie. and what’s better than creating real monsters to act out your plans?
peppino: the main subject of pizzahead’s obsession. pizzahead sees him as the ultimate protagonist to his movie, so he kidnaps peppino along with stick and gustavo to be apart of it. he uses a chemical he developed to turn peppino into a vampire.
gustavo: being abducted meant he was also turned into a monster! this time, a werewolf! the tower is kept in a perpetual state of moonlight, so he can never transform back into a human.
stick: he was transformed into a merman, much to his dismay. it’s hard to walk around with a giant fishbowl on your head! but he gets by.
pepperman: phil was hired by pizzahead to be an actor for the movie. what he didn’t know was that pizzahead was going to beat him to death and immediately revive him from the dead as a demon! now he serves pizzahead’s every command.
vigilante: one of the few non-monsterified tower residents. vigi comes from a long line of monster hunters. and their specialty? slaying vampires. he begins to question his entire career when he meets phil for the first time.
noise: theo was a popular eighties celebrity. that was until he was brutally stabbed to death, along with his girlfriend in an unsolved murder case. pizzahead brought the two back to life to be actors in his movie, as they both had experience prior.
fake peppino: pizzahead was able to contact alien life! said alien came down, and the two formed an alliance. the alien could take as much resources from earth as it wanted, as long as it helped act in pizzaheads movie and take the form of a certain italian.
brick: starting out as a small pink blob, the more she ate, the bigger she got. now she’s apart of a giant hive mind of pink slime rats around the tower.
noisette: as previously mentioned, she was stabbed to death! now she lives in the tower and provides meals for monsters that have certain dietary requirements.
burton: he eventually entered the tower after stick had gone missing, and was turned invisible by pizzahead as a result. hes finally with stick! but at the cost of his visibility.
gerome and john: the two had been at the tower for generations. once pizzahead took ownership of the tower, he cursed the both of them. john was cursed to keep the tower standing, while gerome had to do whatever pizzahead said. he now serves as a janitor around set.
pizzaface: a giant, moldy, undead, floating pizza director! he’s equipped with the weaknesses of every monster in case they were to discovery or even turn against him.
pizzahead: the main man. hes a scientist who was obsessed with cinema, specifically horror films, from a young age. his science became so advanced that he found his pizza body parts obsolete and began to replace them with machinery. now he rules over the tower, a perfectionist making sure every single shot of his movie is exactly how it should be.
everyone is trapped within the tower. they all have a relatively cozy life, as pizzahead tries to appease to their demands. yet he refuses to let them out until his film is finished.
OKAY THATS IT. i have a bunch of other characters planned out (doise, mort, ect) buttt i can explain them in a different post. feel free to ask questions! and take some art of the characters!
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celestemona · 3 months
Bea, this question is for the guys. What were your wives' weirdest food cravings when they were pregnant?
Aaaaa I love this type of question 🥹💗🩷 Though I don't know how to incorporate them, I'll share with you guys the informations they've told me about this topic!!
Cyno's wife hates padisarah pudding but for a whole month it was the one thing she wanted to eat. Cyno had to make sure his wife ate healthy food because it was getting too much — archons forbid his wife to get diabetical.
After that, she started to get sick only at the thought of the dessert hahaha.
About Kaveh's wife... Hm. At some point she really started to miss her hometown food so deep fried jueyun chili was something she came up with. You can say Kaveh was terrified (and very worried) of the sight of his wife eating peppers so happily. Fortunately, it lasted till the day Ningguang went to visit them and cooked her sister some jade parcels. Mama & an unborn Zahra were finally satisfied and papa Kaveh relieved.
Lyney's wife had sugary cryo slime condensate. And it had to be cryo slime otherwise she'd refuse it and make her husband hunt them again!
Alhaitham speciality dish were a no-no inside their house. The smell of it was just too much for mama reader to handle with. Instead, he had to learn how to cook the most delicious mushroom skewer with apple & honey for his beloved wife. He did a great job, ngl.
Kazuha remembers very well of his wife, pregnant with Kazumi, waking him up during a night crying over katsu sandwich. Unfortunately they didn't have the right ingredients at home nor restaurants were opened at such time of night — so poor woman had to eat a dull white bread with egg & cabbage hahahah
Kiyomi gave her some super but weird sense of smell. Though mama reader didn't eat anything abnormal, she loved Yoimiya's firework burning smell. It gave her a drooling mouth.
Haruki was dango milk!
Now, if some of you are expecting some weird pregnancy craving from Neuvillette's wife, maybe you guys can say it is really uncommon for an average human-being to taste water' flavors so well as she did pregnant with Éveline. There's a reason why Eve loves Mondstadt's water so much lol. Other than that, mama reader here enjoyed Navia's macaron.
I know I've told yall before that I'm not the right person when it comes to angst but if you read Cameron's introduction you must remember that mama reader went through a difficult labor. And the reason was because she was barely eating in her last trimester and she was getting sick a lot! So she didn't have any food craving when pregnant with Cam.
On the other hand, Marie showed her how delicious Sumeru's culinary can be and her favorite dish was Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake.
"That's... absolutely disgusting, love," said Wriothesley once, "but anything for you."
Bonus: Kimi's mom only desired for Sunsettia. And I mean A LOT of it. Everyday, all day, all night she'd have it hahaha
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𝐸𝑦𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚
Part 1
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Aether, after witnessing the most bizarre things in the whole world when no one else did and was often watched with slacked jaws at how he could still be alive, couldn't help but look at himself and then the taller, blue haired man before him with a blank stare.
Did he look like a stupid boy?
"You don't expect me to believe in this, right? Even Y/N says more logical things-"
"Paimon wants to disagree! Wanting to adopt slimes and petting hilichurls even though they don't attack Y/N but only us is no good thing!"
Yeah... That happened, BUT! In your defence, those slimes were cutely nudging your leg with a smile and one of them even offered a pretty-shaped, shiny rock to you as a gift! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
( And most of the "New recipes" you learnt were from the Hilichurls, who suprisingly made amazing food and didn't attack you but... patted your hair? Even braided it even if it was a tiny one??Sat with you and ate whatever you cooked?? You though they were not that smart, according to what Aether told you but now, you strongly disagreed! They were great companions! Aether didn't know that you already befriended most of them and learnt their recipes, and you intended it to be this way hehe 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 God knew what their reactions would be and that was enough to make you want to spill the beans while smiling cheekily)
"Hmm? What's that cheerful face you are making, you think I'm making this up?"
Kaeya: ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ, Aether: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Duh, so much so as being discreet Aether ರ⁠_⁠ರ
Kaeya, as the man who often hides his true feelings and thoughts behind a flirty and careless attitude, whined and pointed to his eye-patch with a pout
"Look at my eye-patch! It's a heirloom from my grandfather, It's a solid proof that we are blood related! Let's ask your friend what they think!"
Home boy was so sure you would side with hım just to annoy your companions LoL 😝
"Okay... Hey Y/N, is having an eye-patch a hereditary things?!"
*cue you looking around like a dog trying to determine where you were being called suddenly while cradling the PRETTIEST jewelry you had ever seen, zero-ing on to your friends up near the headquarters of the Knights*
"Nah, whoever says that bullshit is one hell of a Himbo and stupid!"
(did you... just call my precious main "a stupid Himbo"?? ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ)
The Second Trait Aether Loved The Most About You: Brutal Honesty
It hurt whenever you said exactly what's in your mind okay?? ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
That's why you toned it down, especially for Aether and Paimon, even if sarcasm was your love language... NO LONGER SAD AETHER AND PAIMON!
Now though, as they stared at Kaeya who was trying to hide his embrassment... It was only a source of joy for them
"My, my I didn't know that friend of yours had such a... brutal honesty." *Crying internally and trying to piece his shattered ego back together all the while pretending like it didn't hurt*
As much as Paimon was delighted to see the embrassment on Kaeya's face, since for once she wasn't the one on the receiving end of your honest remarks, she... wondered something none of the males did as she stared at your form down near the entrance of the city where you were waving excitedly at her with earrings on your other hand, purchasing them and speedwalking to where they were and slightly panting from the amount of running you had been doing.
Paimon turned to look at Aether from her shoulders with a confused face, pointing with her tiny finger to your form as the boy still didn't look at her
"Uh... Aether, how was Y/N able to hear us down there?", "Down there? What do you mean they were just... here..."
Aether was once again shocked to his core as he leaned over the balcony and stared at your form which was ... way too far away from where they were. Seriously, how did you hear him? You said you didn't have any powers!
And what gained your attention again?
"Hi! You know what, this place is amazing! I hadn't felt that alive in a long time! So... Where is the person who thinks eye-patch is heredi-" you exclaimed happily as you stepped up on the opening where the three were, playing with the shiny stones you got and the necklace you for for yourself while not holding back from insulting whoever that person was. Even those adults in your world was much smarter than that! But as often as it happened to you, you failed to take a look at the person who said that and see him and make the biggest mistake of your life...
By not realizing the hottest person you had ever seen in your entire life.
Was he really that handsome in the game too? The graphics surely didn't do enough justice to the gorgeous sight before you.
He was taller than you imagined, with those cool and perhaps exquisite clothing alongside the clinking sound his vision made against his leg. But perhaps,the tanned skin and with navy blue hair with lighter streaks waswhat made him even more cute in your eyes. Yes he was hot, obviously, but as he was looking at you with that teasing yet welcoming eyes of his... He looked so damn cute!
How could he both be masculine and feminine?! Why the hell did I fall for him as soon as I entered the city? No wonder he is "the top candidate for grandson-in-law"... *dreamy looks at him while planning 20 years from now on*
Kaeya, unknowingly but also having a gutfeeling about your flustered state at his body, bowed down slightly as he took a hold of your hand and kissed the back of it with that charming, side smile of his and let his lips linger there for a moment to watch your blush deepen slowly.
"It would be me, my lady/lord, I hope I didn't disappoint you with being... a stupid Himbo, I believe?" *Catsmiling at you with that flirtitous voice and rubs your knuckles*
*blushing while looking at the said person who cocked a surprised eyebrow at you who was blushing and looking at him- and the chest window obviously-with an open mouth, clearly down bad for him*
"Here we go again..." Aether, who definetly wasn't jealous of the sight before him and blushing at how intimate it somehow looked, facepalmed at yet once again... your attention being taken by a hot person. He only hoped that wouldn't occur again because he really didn't know what to do to get you away from them since you cried softly at being "seperated" from your true love or whatever.
*spoiler alert: it would only get worse as each day went by hehe*
"I'm surprised you didn't know such common knowledge, darling... Name is Kaeya Alberich, the Cavalry Captain. At your service."
"More like we are at your service!", "Stop flirting with my friend, Captain." A jealous Aether and Paimon exclaiming angrily with a hmph and you turned to look at the taller one with a quirked eye brow.
And absolutely confused at what was going on.
Can a person not have some fantasy world where they can live with the Prince charming for a little while? Why were they acting-
"Aww, are you jealous? Don't worry, you two will always be my favourite person!"
Aether: *smug smirks while being hugged to your chest* Paimon:* holds onto your sleeve as you pat her softly, also smug smirks* Kaeya: *defeated yet makes a new plan to gain your attention back*
Aaand that was how your first meeting went by. You having a raging attraction on Kaeya, him both flirting with you and trying his best to stay strong at your honest comments, Aether tugging on your sleeve to get you away from him (jealousy who?) and Paimon... Begging for food.
Except, all you three got was a mission... even if you also agreed with Paimon with needing food.
"You know what? We can use an ice blade to kill them and later put them out in the wild! That way, the sun would melt the ice and the murder weapon would be poof!" ☺️😁
Paimon: EEEEHHH?! (⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠) 😳😨😧
Aether: (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠) "Please don't handcuff me, I don't know them." and Kaeya: (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠) "I found my friend!"
Aether was so sure that he could end up in some kind of jail, just by listening to you say this shit but... well, you were his bestie, he had to roll with it.
"Don't you feel... I don't know, even slightly disturbed at the way your mind works sometimes?", " Half of my intrusive thoughts are 'Stab yourself with that knife.' while the other half is 'Stab that person with the knife.' What do you think?" ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Kaeya, ASF: Note to future self, don't anger the one with Aether *writes down, mentally scared and sweating*
"Sooo... what's in that treasure? Gold?" *Huge gasp* "Maybe even better, jewelries!" You side-eyed Paimon harshly while rolling your eyes. Sometimes, she really forgot that none of you were much of jewelry people and that she shouldn't get too excited over a "suspicious mission".
"The only jewelry you wear is a hairclip."
"Paimon thinks you are being a meanie- Oh, what's that pretty flower in your pocket Y/N?" Aether slapped his forehead for what seemed like the hundreth time at Paimon, who much like you was easy to loose her track, but still raised a brow at you, just like Kaeya who also eyed the slightly peeking flower in your pocket.
And the sight made him almost choke on air, as his eyes slowly drifted up and he finally looked into your eyes.
Star-shaped ones, much like his, staring right at him with wonder... Face flush with embarrasment and running, all alive and lively, without a worry or a simple knowledge about the significance of your eyes and... the five petaled flower, four white and one blue, you held between your lithe fingers with a soft smile.
And with one look at your glimmering eyes, came another set of headaches to him and you. One that he wasn't able to conceal and groaned in pain, but you did behind a kind smile.
"I'm not so sure... A girl came up to me, just before I came here, and told me that a man in a dark armor, blonde hair and a mask wanted her to give this to me." You shrugged your shoulders noncholantly as your eyes stayed fixed on the pretty flower. Even while playing, and watching some edits about the game, you have never seen such flower except on Lumine's hair. The flower almost seemed like a stone, so dull and colorless though there was some sparkles when you touched its petals. Maybe it was because the flower was away from its homeland, as cliche and naive as it was...You didn't know where it came from or what was the meaning of it, but for some reasons...
The flower made you feel nostalgic and left you longing for... something.
What was it? Why couldn't you exactly say it? Why were you not bothered or slightly scared that someone gave you flowers in a world unkown to you? Why would someone fancy you at the same day you came to Mondstadt? Who was that man?
"I wish I saw them... It's so unrealistic that someone would-"
"It looks like the one on my sister's hair..." your attention was immediately on Aether and how sad he looked. Your heart broke for him, while scolding yourself for straying from your real mission on hand which was getting somehow a clue about his sister, and as the caring and motherly person you were...
You hugged him thightly to yourself. He was a "cutie patotie" in your eyes, not that these people would understand your affectionate terms. And for now, this mysterious person could wait: You had more important matters, such as coddling the boy between your arms!
"Well, maybe, we will see that man again and he might know something about her! Maybe this is a good omen!"
I highly doubt it, considering where it comes from, Kaeya bitterly thought to himself with his fingers playing with his chin thoughtfully. He couldn't help but wonder if you were a spy sent here but quickly dismissed the idea since you weren't even aware of the Seven Nations yet alone Mondstadt or the visions. You seemed like someone who didn't have any powers, except knowing when Aether was in danger as Paimon said, super-hearing and being a skilled swordfighter.
And where you came from seemed like a mystery to you as well. He knows Aether said you two were from another world, but in a way... So was Khaenri'ah, and he had to know it...
Know if you were... another survivor that might have just forgotten who they are as a result of erosion.
As Kaeya was deep in his thoughts, Aether hummed thoughtfully as he hugged you back, though you three were in public, even if there was a cute pink tinting over his cheek. He really didn't want to "ruin" your mood with how crestfallen he had become at the sight of that flower but he just... couldn't help it. With the way he parted ways with his sister, no the way he was forced to, always left a bitter taste on his tongue. He felt like he had failed her, they had never parted before and they never had to go for such a long time with no communication...
He missed her so much... But still, he didn't feel the longing and missing feeling so much with your and Paimon's presence: By the way you always hung out with them, took care of them by trying hard to learn how to cook, watch out for both of them as they slept (even if he made you think they were safe and sound sleep and not awake making sure you were safe too), how you always praised him for his hardwork, patted his head and even helped train with him...
And the best part was perhaps letting you comb through his hair and re-braid them. He didn't let you, for the longest time. Since you two just met, and he didn't know anything about you when he asked and you only said you didn't "remember" much, he didn't want to show a vulnerability to you. Whether you would stab him from the back, tug him back harshly from his hair and kill him... He wasn't sure of what to think about you, considering the life on the wild was already dangerous, but when he saw you begging him to go over a "baby hydro slime" to pat "him", cooing at it from a distance as he held you back with tears in your eyes as a result of "cuteness overload" as you ran at him as soon as he let go of you and watched with a soft smile...
He really liked you a lot... As a friend and companion of course!
Seeing his face contorted in a frown, you pouted and pondered for a few seconds for a way to change the subject and a bulb lighted above your head, visibly brightening your face.
"So... what's the 'super secret' mission you had for us again? I hope it's something risky!" you turned with your whole body to Kaeya with your arms still holding onto Aether thightly, as the man in question raised a brow at how... content you three looked.
A weird trio indeed...
"Why, if I may ask?" he, just as chivalrously as expected of him, asked. He smirked under his breath at how you flushed, even though this headache of his was starting to get him irritated but still... couldn't help but soften when you look down at the blonde in your grasp with obvious tenderness and familial care and then-
"So that I can come close to-hmph!" *harsh slap by none other than a blushing Aether and a bonk by Paimon, who were done with your dying tendencies*
"Nothing... Just explain it, Kaeya."
*Kaeya, shocked... But still gives a long and detailed explanation of the mission and what you three were supposed to look for and overly exaggerating the story while you three are like this*
"The sky used to roar with the thunders as my grandfather would grasp the handle of the sword, the waves get stronger and the sky was covered with the black clouds and strong storms! My grandfather, with the power of the sword, once killed a silver-haired fairy, an abyss dragon-"
"This seems like a huge lie." You, deadass serious: Ehe , ehe
"We can't let the sword to get on wrong hands! We need to get to it first!
"Are you for real? Really Paimon? You believed in his words." As Kaeya watched you bicker with the "floating baby" with a pout while she yelled at you, he hummed to himself and silently made plans for what to do with you and his mission as you three slowly walked away from him.
He had to watch out for you... especially since you seemed like you didn't know about your roots and what potential danger you were in.
At all.
"Perhaps, I should scout the area more... Can't have our guests in danger, now can we?" he said to no one and went to his own office, where he could find some silence, plan his next move on the "secret mission" he gave you and hope to spend some more time with you and Aether, hoping that him and you two...
Ahh, never mind... He was used to loneliness anyways.
But well... Would you look at that! Things, just as usual, didn't go according to plan, as usual, and now you three were tied up together- Wait, Paimon could fly? Why was she here? (ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ)
"I thought you could fly away Paimon!", "Paimon got panicked, okay?!", "Of all times... Now?!" (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)
For Aether, the worst part wasn't being tied down with you two... It was the constant corny jokes you made, and the most-irritating-yet-funny-statements-that-he-definetly-didn't-find-funny you did.
"You know what, mister treasure hoarder? This is the most I've seen a guy putting in efforts to get me... Are you sure there isn't a sparkle between us?"🫦☺️
"Singing in the shower is fun.... Until you get soap inside your mouth, now it's soap opera!"/ "What did the ocean say to the beach?.. Nothing, it just waved!" 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Yeah, you get it. The pain of Paimon and Aether is real. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Spoilers Alert: Your very much so bestfriend was already waiting in the Dendro Archon's land, who went by a certain name such as General Mahamatra and his ears ringed "without a reason" 😋
Boy was having the hardest time of his more than 3000 life ever by having to conceal his giggles and not irritate people even more. ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ
"Look Bro, I'd have reallyy wanted to act like a cute and girly girl who guys like you loves to prey on but It's against my codes, my morals! I just can't be one, just like you can't be smart enough to tell that I'm already outta the shackles~" you shook on tandem with the shackles between your hands and giggled before sprinting up towards them with Aether's sword that laid idly on the ground, fast on your steps.
*evil giggles, and proceeds to knock out them all in two simple blows and sitting down to munch on the snack you brought* "We should make more of this one! It's yummy!" 🤤😋☺️
Aether, to his future self: Don't tempt Y/N's wild tendencies or anger ✍🏻
He was impressed tho, he never would have thought that you were a strong person, that much at least. He never ever thought of seeing you jumping up and down between enemy like it was a game for you, swinging a bat you found on the corner after letting go of his sword... How did you even find it? How the hell did you get out of those shackles?? Yet alone beat those buff men twice, maybe thrice your size??
"It's a trick I learnt in my world! You see, these little shits are not that hard to-"
"Oh, I see that our newest Honorary Knights are feisty~" *Kaeya fucking Alberich who entered dramatically clapping his hands as a look of confusion yet teasing in his eye, smirking*
The ungodly shriek you and Paimon let out at the sight of him ☠️😅
"Hmm... Remember what I said back when you two beat the StormsTerror?" he asked as he tidied around for the last time, sending the hoarders and thieves into jail with other knights. Aether looked at him for a few seconds, then his face lightened up visibly at remembering it as he picked his sword up from the ground.
"That whether we are a new ally or a new storm?" Kaeya nodded and for a second, turned to look at your form that was now petting a cyro slime cutely, cooing at it as the slime gurgled and made cute sounds to you. He chuckled under his breath at how cute and oblivious you were, and how different you were than the rest who would usually go for killing it rather than adopting them, and how people gravitated towards you naturally... Even though you had the potential to become so much more...
He wondered what your story with him, and with Teyvat, entailed...
Of what you would become.
"I think you are a new ally... Welcome, to Mondstadt." He said looking directly at your face when you turned to look at him with a shocked yet happy smile, knowing full well that he wouldn't leave you alone and you would indulge with any kind of shenanigans with him... By flirting back! ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
You had to take your revenge on him for making you feel like that😤
For now though... You had to have a good rest, preferably on a bed, so that this annoying headache ever since you got that flower would go away. Besides, as much as sleeping on the wild, cuddled together with the other two was cute and wholesome -except the times you watched over the two with a keen eye, draping your cape over their figures to warm them more- you desperately needed a good sleep like you used to have in your world.
"FINALLY! I'm so tired and I want to eat something! I'm literally craving and this close to cook Paimon-"
"Paimon is not an emergency food!" All of you chuckled at her answer as Kaeya helped you up and promised to treat you with Mondstadt's national foods as a special thank you which made your heart literally skip a beat at the flirty voice... Someone had to stop this man.
How did he always find a way to flirt?? Does he not run out of ideas?? Ahh, he knows the effect he has... Dangerous indeed, you sighed but nodded anyways. A little bit of fun wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
*cue the "Careless Whisper" entering your mind as he helped you and you both looked at each other for a few seconds and Aether butting in and pushing Kaeya out of the way to lead you himself, while the man was left dumbfounded but even more determined*
"So, how about we go and eat together Y/N? What did you say you were craving again?"
You were definetly going to be the Storm that caused havoc and turned Teyvat upside down.
For now though... You had to meet with some new people, after arriving to the city of course.
Oh boi, you weren't ready to meet all those hot people that would come across you lol
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sandyca5tle · 4 months
Slime HRT - 18 Months
Another few months, another update, this one’s been interesting.
First, the general progress update: I’m down to just bones in my body, no more muscles or organs, the latter of those hurting a lot as they were each dissolved and absorbed. My stomach was the first notable one to go, and that hurt like all hells. It initially felt like a horrible stomach ache, and when I looked (‘cause enough of my musculature had dissolved that I could see my internal organs) I saw that a hole had been punctured in the side of it and acid was leaking into my body, which was why it was hurting. I did call the doctor, and apparently it’s normal, and in fact is how my slime will be able to dissolve things in itself. So that went on for about a week, which sucked, but once the acid had all leaked out, true to what the doctor had said, I found that things I put in myself would dissolve.
I’d be lying if I said that reaching this stage wasn’t euphoric, or that I may have put a few random pieces of crap I had laying around into me to watch and feel it dissolve. At first, I could really only dissolve cardboard and similar things like that, but recently I’ve been able to eat some plastics - which is really useful for reducing waste. It is a little weird to be able to kinda feel things dissolving within me, but at the same time it’s kind of cool. It typically feels kinda bubbly if I had to describe it, like Sprite or something, but wherever I’ve put it. Which is another thing worth noting, the acidity kinda spread - from my stomach to the rest of my body.
The only drawback with this is that a) I can’t store stuff inside myself any more, and b) I do have to be a little careful hugging people - while my outer membrane keeps my insides safe from the outside, and vice versa, apparently it can be a bit of an irritant to sensitive skin. Fortunately, apparently, I can learn to control it, both the location and strength of the acid - so hopefully hugs will be back on the table soon! I’ve just got to work out how…😅
Another benefit of the acid is that I don’t have to clean lint out of myself any more, I can just let it dissolve in my acid and add to my mass, it’s really convenient, although I do miss the satisfaction of pulling it out of myself. 
The other thing I’ve begun to notice, more so now that my acidity is up, is that I’m occasionally getting some strange cravings, for things like metal and stuff, and I couldn’t help but notice it’s for denser things. Unfortunately most of those things are used in stuff, so I’ve had to find similar, disposable objects to quell the cravings… really hoping they go away eventually, as fun as it is eating all this new stuff.
An extra note worth adding is that I can’t really taste what I eat unless I ingest it through my mouth, which makes sense, given that’s where my tongue is. Certain things I think get passed up through my body - metal is definitely one of them, can usually taste that at least a little when I absorb it.
The other organ I noticed changing was my lungs (surprisingly most of the others went without any issue - not sure what to make of that). Initially it started as a pain across my lower chest, which I naturally investigated, seeing that my lungs were kind of peeling apart. The pain continued to get worse over the weeks, more and more of my lungs peeling as the acidity of my body ate away at them. It was excruciating towards the end, until one day, I suddenly felt what could only be described as a stabbing pain in my lungs. Naturally I tried to inhale from the pain, only for it to not work. As I struggled to breath I looked at my lungs and found that they now had holes in them - which explained the troubles I was having with breathing. It didn’t take long after that for me to pass out.
When I came too - which at the time I was a little surprised about - I naturally tried to breathe trying to recover after what had happened… except it felt off. I kept breathing, going from short, panicked breaths to deeper, more controlled ones. It didn’t take me long to work out what felt off - my chest didn’t move when I breathed; it didn’t rise and fall with my breath. I looked down , inside my chest, only to see that my lungs had mostly dissolved - just a small part of the top remained, and I could still feel a tingle where my acid was eating away at it.
In some respects I had been prepared for this - when my lungs first started hurting, I knew this was coming - I just hadn’t expected it to hurt so much, nor leave me unconscious. I did wonder how long I had been out, and upon checking, it had been around 2-3 hours (I hadn’t exactly checked the time before I lost one of my vital organs) which only added to my curiosity as to how I survived. 
I tested my primary theory, holding my breath and waiting, quickly noticing something else off - I didn’t feel the kind of build up of pressure that humans got when they held their breath. The longer I held my breath the more it became evident as I never felt any kind of push from my body to start breathing again. I did find a small instinct that told me that I should breathe soon, but with no alerts from the body signalling the same, I continued regardless. After a little while I was getting antsy, mostly at staying still so long, so I stopped holding my breath, and despite my mind waiting and expecting it, I didn’t take a deep breath in after, I just kinda kept breathing as if I had never tried to stop myself.
All this to say: I no longer need to breathe! And it really is breathing  - I tested putting my head in water to much the same effect, I could keep my head under there for as long as I liked, although trying to open my mouth did lead to issues with my remaining human biology. So I’m pretty sure I now absorb air through my slime, passively as I walk around. I think was only breathing at the start because of 20 of years of muscle memory and instinct, but it wasn’t long before I did that thing where you forget to breathe for a little, but instead of suddenly taking a large gulp of air, I just… genuinely didn’t notice for a while, and when I did, I wasn’t entirely sure when I stopped. Since it’s happened, some people have noticed something ‘off’ about me, which I quickly learnt was the lack of breathing - apparently humans find it a little unnerving when animate creatures don’t visibly breathe. While I’m not super worried about that, I have worked out how to imitate breathing, chest movements and all, to help quell that unease (of course some people just find my general existence uneasy, but I’m not spending time worrying about that…). It is really neat not having to breathe anymore, and it’s another very affirming change - breathing feels like something very human, even if it’s something many organisms do, so to no longer need it gives me that distance from humanity, and greater closeness to slime…ity? slimeness? Whatever it’s called. Basically not having to breathe makes me feel less like a human, and more like a slime, which just makes me really happy. 
Between my lungs and stomach, I have noticed that the process seems to need to absorb certain organs before the slime can begin to mimic their function e.g. I definitely still had to breathe before my lungs went, and the change is even more pronounced with my stomach and new digestive abilities. It does make me wonder how that’ll work with the remaining organs in my head.
One thing that has me a little concerned now is how exposed my spine - and thus a core part of my central nervous system - is. With all my musculature and organs gone now, I just have the bones in my torso floating around in there (pelvis is pretty much gone), so my spine is kind of very exposed. My slime does provide a general cushion, but my back is still very sensitive now, and I’m just worried about some lasting damage happening while I wait for it to dissolve.
The other thing about the torso bones is that they seem to move less than the rest of my bones did - with my arms and legs I could push the bones around and rearrange them, but I can at most wiggle my ribcage a little, but nothing much beyond that. Nothing really to note about that, just an observation I made.
While all this was happening in my torso, my slime also made some progress on my head, having gotten as far as the skin, so the muscle is visible now beneath the thin layer of slime. A little bit of my nose has gone, as well as my ears, although neither sense has been affected just yet. Surprisingly my eyes have been untouched, although there is a slight pain in them - which I’m guessing is from the acid now in my slime. It could be worse, and I don’t notice it if I'm distracted, but it is a little painful when I do. 
The other funky thing around the eyes is my eyelids - while they’re still there, they’re now translucent, which, uh, means that I can’t really close my eyes in the same way anymore - I’m still able to see through them when I close them. It’s made sleeping a little harder, more just ‘cause it’s unnerving to be kinda able to see while I’m falling asleep, despite having my eyes closed… really hoping that something happens or that I can do something about it ‘cause it really is a pain.
Interestingly, while the inside of my mouth has changed to slime (not sure quite how far/much, but lips have and the mouth I can see in the mirror) my tongue hasn’t, which is another weird experience - meat tongue in slime mouth. My teeth also haven’t changed, which mostly looks weird rather than feeling weird like my tongue, but they’re still there.
I will add though that now that my skin is slime, my hair isn’t as cold against my face, and there’s no real difference in ‘wetness’ now, so that’s a pro.
Lastly, and more lightly since this has been a kinda heavy entry, even if the end results on the whole have been super euphoric for me, I’ve continued to mess around with shaping my slimy body. I can now firmly say I have a tail! Interestingly, it seems easier to hold that than it did to reshape my legs and arms - I’m guessing ‘cause they already had existing forms, while the tail is completely new. I imagine the phantom tail I’ve been able to feel for a while helped too - gave me a mental template to build too. I decided to go with a long, medium-width tail shape, with a horizontal fin on the end - I always liked how aquatic designs looked - mermaids and dragons - so I decided to try it out myself. Combined with the claws and talons, and you know, the general sliminess, I definitely can’t be mistaken for human any more. Only con of the tail is it’s a lot harder to hide how I feel - when I get happy, my tail wags, and sad, it droops - it’s honestly a little embarrassing, but I do still like it, and it’s not like I particularly want to be hiding my feelings anyways. Although in the early days of having a tail, wagging would occasionally send blobs of slime launched off the end of the new limb - or the end of the tail itself, which was very embarrassing, but I think I’ve got it under control now.
Anyways, I think that’s everything I’ve got to write about this time, was a painful few months, but the payoff has still been worth it, so I ain’t stopping anytime soon! See ya in the next one, goobye!
Might be a little while til the next update, but working on another thing in the meantime
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fl3ur3 · 5 months
Part 3
Gender neutral reader
GREEN TEXT = Jean Speaking/Thinking
BLUE TEXT = Readers thoughts
WHITE TEXT BETWEEN ‘’ = Reader Speaking
Warnings: ooc Jean
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I take a sharp breath in at the sight of the acting grand master ‘Maybe I can sneak away without her noticing..?’ Our last encounter was less than pleasant to say the least, as I attempt to stealthily flee the scene I failed to notice the hydro slime right behind me and slip falling right on my ass.
‘Ow’ As I recover from the fall I hear Jean gasp, she turns quickly and raises her sword ‘Oh shit’ noticing I’m not a threat she lowers her weapon ‘Are you alright?’ Too scared to speak I stay silent.
Just as she starts to speak again I interrupt her ‘…Um yes thanks I just slipped over this slime’ she looks confused until the tiny hydro slime appears from behind me ‘That’s odd why is it not attacking?’ ‘Also what are you doing out here, you don’t look like a traveler… No offense.’
I think trying to decide I could A. Tell her the truth or B. Make up a lie… ‘I mean I might aswell just tell her right, She hasn’t shown any signs of wanting to kill Me.. Yet’ I take a deep breath ‘Ok I’m going to be completely honest, I don’t belong here’ She looks confused ‘You’re not from mondstadt?’
‘No, I mean like not from this world I’m not supposed to be here.. Actually where I’m from you’re not even real!’ I hold back tears thinking of home. Jesus expression goes from pondering to unreadable to realization? ‘Wait.. [PLAYER/NAME] that’s you?!’ ‘..Yea???’ ‘Why are you here?!!’ ‘I uh don’t know..’ ‘mhm Well firstly we should get you back to the favonious headcourters then we can figure out why you’re here and how to get you back’ she says smiling reassuringly ‘Should I go with her mhm I’ll trust her for now she seems good for now, But what does she ate mean by [PLAYER/NAME] how does she know’ Only now realizing I’m still sitting on the ground I stand up with jeans help and begin following Jean to mondstadt.
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NOTE: IM SO SORRY FOR DISSAPEARING FOR A MONTH, I did not intend to leave y’all on such a long cliffhanger T^T But here’s part 3! Once again quite short buttt I plan to be more consistent with posting new parts, Hope you enjoyed!
See you next time ^^
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detentiontrack · 1 month
In honor of the beast’s 3rd BIRTHDAY, here’s the top 15 CZ moments and behaviors since I found him (in no particular order) (and pictures at the end)
Ate a string, almost died, and needed a $5000 surgery with a 50/50 chance of survival that I’m still traumatized from and still paying off (he has tried to eat strings again multiple times and now strings and thread are banned from my house unless they’re locked up)
Learned how to take his cone off after his surgery and did it so much that I had to buy him an infant onesie of shame from the target baby section to keep him from ripping out his stitches
Was a homeless kitty for a year until we moved into a new house and he walked into our living room with zero hesitation and took a nap on our fireplace and was so cute he convinced my mom to let me keep him.
Got so cold in the winter he needed a little sweater, fought me like I was trying to kill him when I put the sweater on, realized he enjoyed the sweater and napped in it while purring, got warm enough and ripped the sweater off, and then got cold again and repeated the cycle constantly the entire winter
Hissed and tried to bite the man just trying to set up our WiFi and had to be physically restrained and banished to another room (BONUS: hates all men with a violent passion except for my brother, and I think CZ likes him more than me)
Scratched me so hard I have a permanent scar on my arm because I tried to take away his food bowl to wash it (I don’t do that anymore)
Was the reason slime got banned in my house (he was left unattended in the living room for less than 2 minutes while I went to the bathroom and rolled in it and had a bald spot on his back for a while from removing the slime)
Got mad at me because I worked a closing shift and was gone until 1am, so he retaliated by somehow opening my school binder and absolutely shredding 150+ pages of notes and assignments into confetti, scattering the little pieces of paper all over the room
Got mad when I went to Oregon for a week without him and retaliated with violence towards my mother. She picked him up and tried to move him to a different room, and he jumped onto her back, sunk all 4 claws into her back, and hung there for a WHILE (she had to sit down on the bathroom floor and wait for him to let go)
Gets stuck in bags every single time I bring a grocery bag into his evil lair (my room) because he tries to get inside the bag, but he’s too fat, so he gets stuck. And then becomes violent when I laugh at him and take pictures before freeing him.
Acts like a poor little baby kitty who is starving to death every time he finishes his food and I’m not there to immediately fill it back up. Proceeds to SCREAM and CRY at the top of his kitty lungs until someone saves him from his inevitable fate (dying of malnutrition)
Was a homeless cat with food scarcity the first year of his life, so if I wait too long to refill his bowl (like… if I’m out and no one else is home to hear his screaming and he goes without a full bowl of food for less than an hour) he’ll eat it all at once, and then throw up on my bed
I had to buy a home depot bucket with a lid to store his food in because when I just had the cat food bag with a clip holding it closed, one time while I was asleep (and he had a FULL bowl of food in his bowl may I add) he chewed a hole in the bag, scattered cat food everywhere, and ate so much that he (you guessed it) threw up on my bed
He psychologically tortures insects for his entertainment. Every time there’s a weird bug in my room, he can spend HOURS chasing it, hunting it, and then he lets it escape and run away a few feet, and then he hunts it again in a long drawn out hunt that always ends in him carrying the bug onto my bed and eating it loudly
One time my stepdad entered my room without permission and CZ jumped off the top of a bookcase onto his head.
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phightingconfessions · 6 months
i once had a dream where I was suddenly isekai-ed to the phighting world and let me tell you that shit was like a fever dream
i spawned as this guy who was just made out of literal slime and my ability was being able to throw living slime blobs at people like im some kind of mario miniboss
anyways immediately after I spawned I saw the entirety of the SFOTH just sitting at those kinds of colorful plastic tables you'd see in kindergarten and they were sitting on the green frog chairs in animal crossing (examples in pictures)
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They immediately started out some kind of speech which I did not remember at all I think it was abt getting McDonald's for them??, after that I found myself in a phighting match with most of the phighters– the thing is that instead of their usual gear/weapons they were all using pool noodles and threw butter at eachother. After that phight Subspace immediately yelled out and said that he was going to marry Medkit. Medkit was not a big fan of that. Despite that they still had a wedding and the reason why they did was for tax benefits (i was the flower boy) a lot of wacky stuff happened blah blah which included Windforce putting Banhammer up for adoption because "he forgot bug type Pokémon were immune to dark type and made them lose the Pokémon battle" And then I proceeded to disintegrate slingshot by yelling "BEGONE CATBOY!"
I also remember exorcising Valk using a skibidi toilet plushie after "he ate too much peanut butter and peanut butter demon took over him"
a lot of stuff happened in that dream and the things I listed above were just some of the shit I found confusing or funny
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Yan Alien Slime + Loser Reader Blurb [No pronouns mentioned, but in future fics they are to be amab]
"I got a date tonight- Don't stay up too late while I'm out, Gi."
The slime pouts, flicking the empty jello cup in front of him off the table as you begin the harrowing search for your house keys. He wonders how much lucky you'll have in finding them considering he ate them while you were in the shower. You're such a a jerk- He read all your messages with that girl, how she bragged about knowing the best Italian restaurant in the city. How can you stuff your face with pasta knowing he's left home alone to starve? If he wasn't so dependent on you he'd leave you for once and see how you'd like it....
Well, that might not be true - but he wished you gave him all your time instead of chasing after the first girl to say hi to you.
"Hey. GiGi, have you seen my- Are you okay?"
The slime sighs - face melting against the hardwood table as he loses the will to keep the form he tried so hard to lure you in with. "I'm hungry."
"There's still a few jello cups in the fridge. I think I saw some ice cream left in the freezer too."
"I don't want jello or ice cream. I want you."
"Gi, I have a date-"
"I'm sure your little human "girlfriend" would understand. Feeding a poor, starving slime could be seen as charity work to some people, couldn't it? I'm wasting away over here - and we both know what would truly satisfy my hunger right now - at least until you get back home."
If you don't satiate him now, you'll never hear the end of this when you get home. "You got five minutes."
The slime boy drops to his knees - cold lips pressed to your navel as he lifts your shirt, hands steady at work to unbutton your jeans.
"All I need is one."
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shadowmonkstone · 6 months
Could we have just one peaceful night at camp so Kay and I can actually spend some fucking time together please? Fuck me.
So yeah, tried to sleep but Gale needed to eat another bloody magic item. I gave him a dagger, much to Astarion’s horror. Gale ate it and said it didn’t work. I could fucking feel Astarion burning the words ‘I told you so, you phenomenally ungrateful slime’ into my back with his gaze.
Anyway, turns out before all of this kicked off, Gale was shagging Mystra. Yeah, THAT Mystra. Goddess of all magic and lover of bearded weirdos.
Aside from being a very dirty boy, Gale wanted to up his kinky game and went off searching for a book of all magic power or something, I wasn’t paying much attention.
Long story, short; the book fucked him up and now he has to eat magic stuff to survive. If he doesn’t eat then he’ll explode and kill all of us.
Fucking great.
He offered to leave like a bloody martyr but I told him no. If Astarion the fucking vampire who we’ve kept hidden from the hunters stays, if Lae’zel and Shadowheart who want to murder each other stay, then he fucking stays too.
Once the tadpoles are out then we can all bugger off and do our own thing. Until then, we’re a fucking team and now I sound like Timmy One Bollock giving a motivational fucking speech none of us want to fucking listen to.
If that’s not a sign I’m too bloody tired, I don’t know what is.
I’m going to see if Kay’s awake. Night.
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
aaaAAA I'm on a roll now, I'm just spitting whatever comes into my mind about Generation Loss onto the table now. I love this show very much and I no longer care if people see these posts, I have too many thoughts and I'm writing them down :DD.
I don't think Frank is a skeleton. We know he's a dude, right? There was that screenshot someone took of Frank's poster in Episode 3, let me see if I can find it.
Tumblr media
Here we are. In my search for this screenshot, I did come across a lot of posts that said very similar things to what I was going to say, which was that Frank might just be a rotting corpse they drag around with them, which is really quite insane. I said in my first post of this late-night frenzy of Genloss thinking that I'm not very good at drawing, and in 45 minutes that hasn't actually changed. But I have a very graphic view in my head, and it makes the point where Jerma fucken smacks Frank across the face and breaks his fucking neck or something, it makes it all a lot harder to stomach. It's a gruesome thing, and now I'm just worried about how exactly Frank died.
Sneeg likes him, so maybe he was once the main character, where GL!Ranboo is now? It would make sense, because he's in that cage thing with Sneeg, so they might've just both failed together, but Frank was never going to go beyond the first episode without dying.
OH SPEAKING OF THAT. This is where the "and character origins" part of the post comes from.
I want to talk about where the other characters came from. We see a bunch of them, and they all allude to being in this game for a while before we see this iteration with GL!Ranboo in the main role, but I also have other ideas.
OPTION ONE: they're all, strictly speaking, actors, and Ranboo's the one running through this completely blind. They all know their roles, they understand what they have to do to get the story moving along (Sneeg tackles Austin to get Ranboo through the moving cutout wall thing, for example), and they play those roles. That would explain why Charlie's in every episode: he's the Slime Demon, then he's Surfer Dude/Patient Slime, and then he's Charlie Slimecicle the Streamer. He's a recurring talent (maybe I'll write another thing about where I think GL!Charlie came from, when speaking about option one). They're all mind controlled like Ranboo is, with the same filter layered over reality (except on Austin, I think his malfunctioned which is why he looked so horrified in the clothes room with Ethan, and on the merry-go-round next to rotting corpse!Frank, and Sneeg when he was wearing the hat). They're briefed on their roles, and they follow them, but their main goal is to keep the story moving and get Ranboo to the end. Once again, I think GL!Austin's filter thingy doesn't really work, because he called Jerma "sick", he looked horrified and disgusted to sit next to a dead body, I think he was the only person to care that GL!Ethan had been, you know, brutally murdered, and he also tried to take Ranboo's place in the cutout room.
OPTION TWO: They've all been through the games before. They've all been the main characters, and they've now been moved into other roles with each repetition of the show. So GL!Sneeg was once the main character in Episode 1, and then he fucked up and was locked in the cage with Frank (who also was the protagonist, but then he, uh, well something went wrong and Showfall regrets this Tragic Accident), before Ranboo comes around.
Slimecicle was the main character in Episode 2 once, and he was about to lose the Mousetrap game in the Candy Room, so he ate the piece so the Puzzler couldn't blast him to pieces. Obviously it worked, but he was repurposed as another role, because they took that "oh it's in him" as a great premise for the next time this show went over. Now, our version of Genloss, where GL!Ranboo's the main character, this could happen right after Slime ate the piece, or it could be a while back, but Showfall liked the idea so much they just kept forcing Slime to eat the pieces and random shit, or they cut him open and put it all back inside. Either way, it's not pretty.
Option Two would explain why GL!Vinesauce says "I've done it before" when he asks Sneeg and Ranboo to throw him across the lasers. It would make sense for the first two episodes, where there are other characters and the storyline seems to be in control (as much as Hetch was manipulating Episode 3, Ranboo did have his own mind back and made his own decisions, like with rescuing Streamer Charlie Slimecicle), because for those, the plotline is simple, straightforward, with barely any variation. The characters can be recycled, it makes sense. However, I think accidents do happen, and sometimes, in the case of Frank, actors only get past one episode before, you know, dying. RIP Frank. Squiggles misses you.
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kieraelieson · 7 months
Patton knelt beside the child’s bed. They were feverish, covered in sweat, and struggling to breathe.
The parents stood at a small distance, huddled together in an attempt to comfort each other.
Patton reached out a hand, waving it gently over the child’s chest. He could nearly feel it. The illness, like a thick slime filling the lungs, tendrils squeezing at the throat. The heat of the fever and wetness of the sweat he could physically feel, even without placing his hand onto the child’s skin.
He closed his eyes. Visualizing what he could feel.
He lifted at the slime. It stuck to his hand, leeching into his skin. Patton kept pulling.
It wasn’t holding tight to the child, pulling it off was easy, but it was slippery and drippy and hard to gather together. Patton had to use both hands, shaping the slime into a rough ball in the air. As long as he kept it moving he could somewhat control it, but let it still and it would drop back into the poor child.
Patton’s sinuses began to itch. His chest felt heavy. He forced himself not to cough at the phlegm in his throat. Sweat beaded on his forehead.
Still, he focused on the child. On clearing every bit of the illness he could. If he missed just a little, the child’s immune system might be able to manage it. But too much and it would multiply, taking over again. And this time wary of being removed.
The slime continued to seep into Patton himself, and he allowed it. He was no true healer. He couldn’t banish an illness like some could. He couldn’t seal it away either. But he could pull it into himself, and deal with it there.
When the child took a deep, full breath, and opened their eyes, the parents broke from their huddle, taking their child into their arms.
Patton’s stomach churned as he tried to excuse himself. They wanted to give him thanks, a reward or payment of some kind. But he couldn’t stay, he didn’t want them to see the same symptoms displayed in himself.
He made his way home, struggling more and more.
Finally he’d made it. He locked the door and pulled closed all the curtains.
Here was the part he couldn’t allow others to know about. The village thought he was a healer, nothing more. If they knew how much less he was…
“You really ought to be more careful,” the fire hissed. Or rather, the demon within the flames.
Patton tried to answer, but fell into a coughing fit, dropping to the rug by the fire.
A tendril snaked out from the fire, touching him on the knee. It didn’t burn him, almost never had.
Once he managed to stop coughing, Patton gave the fire demon a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine, you’ll make sure of that, right?”
Janus hissed grouchily, coiling up under the log.
Patton closed his eyes, feeling within himself. The slime was far more stuck to him, annoyed at having been moved once. It was like tar now, stuck everywhere.
He pulled and coaxed a bit off the whole, and flicked his wrist, sending it into the fire. Janus snapped at it before it had even landed, and swallowed it down. The flames became tinged with an icky greenish color.
Patton pulled a bit more, drawing it up through his throat, tricking it into believing it was merely moving through the body, rather than being removed.
Janus ate or burnt every bit Patton tossed to him. He lived on bad things. Never had Patton offered him an illness or a pain that he had refused.
Finally, Patton felt he had removed it all. He took in a deep breath, held it in his lungs, and blew it out into the fire.
The flames flared all around Janus, who was fatter from all he’d eaten.
“I think I need a bit of a refresh,” Patton said, still feeling a bit weak even after all the illness had been removed.
Janus slipped behind the log. “Just don’t do that one near me.”
Patton went outside. He stretched and took in a deep breath of the fresh air.
The sky was full of oranges and pinks in the sunset. A perfect focus for a refresh. He fixed his eyes on the beautiful colors.
He felt for his own essence, tendrils woven through his whole body. He took in another breath, the pure air, the gentle humidity, the scent of nearby flowers, and the colors of the sky. He washed it through his body, cleaning and refreshing all the threads of his being, then let it out.
It took a few cycles for him to feel properly himself again, and the sky had turned to purples and blues, the land around him mostly shadows.
“It’s worth it,” he murmured into the air. “Always.”
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