#accidentally but nonetheless
red1sg0n3 · 2 months
I've been thinking of making a slime/ASMR channel bc it's good practice for sound production which I'm prob going to do after graduation.
- art anon
Those are always fun!! Good Luck :DD
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abisalli · 6 months
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Bad doodle req of Tim in a ✨situation ✨ (of any kind) but I lost the actual ask...
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taiyami · 8 months
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"What's wrong, Pharaoh? You look like you've seen a ghost."
₊˚🕯️♱‧₊˚ 🎃 Happy Halloween !! 🎃 ₊˚🕯️♱‧₊˚.
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possamble · 3 months
Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Marcille Donato/Falin Touden
Hunched over the stove, wrapped in one of her embroidered shawls, Marcille stares at Falin between unruly strands of long hair. It’s funny. Kabru had called Marcille’s stunned face “owlish,” once, but Falin disagrees — owls are birds of prey. Hunters. Marcille’s eyes aren’t wide like an owl scanning for a kill, they’re wide like a startled prey animal desperately keeping still in the face of a predator. 
One part of Falin wants to leave and never make Marcille look at her like that again. The other part wants to cross the distance across the small room, grab this skittish creature by her delicate little waist and—
Falin looks away. 
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Oh gosh. Oh man.
So, onesidedness is probably the main criticism of the Heiji and Shinichi friendship, and when potential romance is added to the mix, the prevailing thought—at least, in my experience—is that Heiji's affection would never be returned.
If Shinichi is interpreted as a character who experiences romantic attraction, it's an argument that doesn't sit well with me. "It feels a lot like, 'Well, of course the desirable protagonist could never romantically love the dark-skinned boy,'" I once expressed in the tags of a post. "And maybe that's unfair of me, but I can't deny that that's how I feel. Shinichi clearly has a lot of love for Heiji, and this OVA [9, 'The Stranger From 10 Years Later'] shows that he finds Heiji attractive. Like... I really don't think it's as implausible as it's made out to be."
But it's not that I don't understand the reasoning behind the hopeless, unrequited reading. There are implications of Shinichi's strong feelings for Heiji, bits and pieces that you can put together if you turn your head to the side and squint, but Heiji is loud with his love, unabashed, an open door. He speaks so fondly of Shinichi that Kazuha initially believes they're dating (Episode 118), and yet, any similar sentiments that Shinichi holds for Heiji are only quietly mentioned and barely tangible. There's a reason that Dr. Agasa calls Heiji to help Shinichi (Episodes 189, 277), a reason that the most constant adult presence in Shinichi's life believes no one else can reach him, a reason that Heiji is considered Shinichi's best friend, but on the surface, Shinichi brushes off Heiji's invitations to get together (Episodes 238, 381), states on more than one occasion that he's only accompanying Heiji because Heiji forced him to (Episodes 381, 479), and consistently has a sour look on his face whenever the two of them cross paths unexpectedly (Episodes 166, 189, 221, 381...).
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I've always chalked up the attitude to Shinichi's inherent tsundere nature. He's embarrassed to show his affection for others, so he conceals it with annoyed faces and pouts and teasing (that I know is supposed to be fun but tends to come off as overly cold and meanspirited to someone as sensitive as me). Heiji isn't the only one on the receiving end of this kind of behavior from Shinichi—even Ran, Shinichi's childhood sweetheart, experiences it (Episodes 58, 927...).
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So, I've never read Shinichi's grumpy behavior around Heiji as evidence that he doesn't love his friend or enjoy his company. There are plenty of examples of how that's clearly not true. Literally every Heiji case after the Reveal (Episodes 57-58), so far as I've seen, at least, depicts an excited, enthusiastic Shinichi who pointedly cherishes sharing deductions with the Detective of the West—even the cases that began with a cranky Cone!—and Conan is notably devastated whenever he's separated from Heiji or left to solve a puzzle on his own (Episodes 117, 118, 174, 224.).
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It's not that Shinichi dislikes Heiji. He just doesn't shout his love to the heavens like Heiji does for him. Shinichi's love is whispered and soft, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful or real.
Still, I'm also fully willing to admit that the level of reciprocity I do interpret or could interpret in Heiji and Shinichi's relationship is simply an overanalysis—a desperate, futile attempt to justify why I'm fond of these two and their interactions despite the snotty attitude that Conan often directs towards his fellow detective.
But that's just the thing I only now realized: Conan's snotty attitude towards Heiji. When Shinichi is Shinichi, the nastiness he subjects Heiji to vanishes. The irritation that colors their dynamic fades away. There are broad smiles (Files 257, 653). There's an eagerness to work together. In "The Scarlet School Trip (Bright Red Arc)" (Episode 927), the partnership arguably takes precedence over the case, as Shinichi doesn't instantly race to solve it only to belatedly remember Heiji's presence, but instead immediately wakes Heiji so that they can unravel the mystery as a team.
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Even the first time the two ever directly meet (Episodes 48-49), Shinichi treats Heiji kindly, explaining the flaws in Heiji's deduction without being insulting and devoting his time and energy to encouraging his so-called rival to be a better detective—all while he suffers horribly from the effects of the antidote wearing off.
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So, this thought crawled into my head, built a nest, and refused to leave me alone: maybe the main source of Shinichi's grouchiness around Heiji is not his tsundere tendencies, but rather that he hates being Conan in Heiji's company.
It makes a heartbreaking amount of sense. Heiji is comfort to Shinichi, a reminder that, to quote Undertale, a game I've never actually played, "Despite everything, it's still you." But it's comfort that aches, a warmth as soothing as it is agonizing, because Conan is Shinichi but not, because as reaffirming as it might be to spend time with someone who always sees you as you are, who flounders and struggles and fails spectacularly at seeing you as anything else, there has to be pain in that, too, the pain that you aren't yourself anymore, you can't be, and you're trapped being something you're not, that you never wanted, that no amount of "Kudo"s can fix or undo.
More than that, Heiji represents everything Shinichi's lost. Conan can't be the teen detective that Heiji's freely able to be, with his name in the papers and his deductions widespread. Whenever the two are together, Heiji has to be sneaky or lie or conjure up excuses to keep them that way. Whenever Heiji calls, Conan has to hide or pretend he's talking to someone else. Whenever they speak, Heiji has to crouch to meet Conan's eyes—a gesture that's meant to signify their equality but simultaneously underlines how they're not equals, not as things are, not to the rest of the world.
While I can't say I'd ever excuse the undeserved annoyance that Shinichi pushes on Heiji, considering the behavior with this lens makes it a whole lot more sympathetic. It's humiliating for your friend to see you sitting on someone else's lap like a little kid when you're not one (Episode 166). It hurts that you can only talk candidly with your friend after he's manufactured a reason to send everyone else away (Episode 189). It stings that your friend has to orchestrate a plot so that you can attend the Detective Koshien when, had you been in your own body, you could have made the decision to go yourself (Episode 479).
It's not that Shinichi dislikes Heiji. He just dislikes the unfortunate necessity of being relegated to the child sidekick instead of the peer that he is. He just dislikes that he can't fully be the Kudo that Heiji thinks of him as.
If you consider "Conan's Dream Vacation," after all, it's one of Shinichi's greatest desires to be by Heiji's side, with Ran and Kazuha... but as himself.
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Anyway. I already liked Heishin, but the idea that Shinichi's bouts of stinkface around Heiji are largely because Heiji reminds him of how desperately he wishes to return to himself does soften what I considered to be one of the friendship's most glaring flaws. And while the answer to the question of onesidedness here is of course up to interpretation, that Shinichi clearly has a lot of trust in Heiji (asking for advice in Episode 189!), and that Shinichi enjoys Heiji's company in cases and misses him when he's gone, and that he displays a palpable joy when working with Heiji as Shinichi (Episodes 522-523, 927-928), and that he dreams of being together in an official illustration, all demonstrate to me that there's a lot of love here.
The thought that Shinichi is upset that he can't be Shinichi for Heiji only adds to that feeling.
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ask-ozai · 6 months
Personal opinion on cats ?
I used to have one when I was a boy. My father gave it to me so I wouldn't bother him. His name was Fire Master. Azula also had one when she was four and named him Fire Master Junior. They are very honorable and very intelligent creatures. Definitely more than Zuko.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
WOOO!! Rough Henry design LMAO bonus mini comic thing, BC why not
Y'all try on your mates glasses too, right?
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-- Notes under the cut --
- He never shaves his moustache LMAO he does his beard, tho.
- Along with William, he needs glasses to see, but his eyesight is dramatically worse then Wills LOL
- The design is like-- sorta a combo of Henry's Novel and Character files design BSBSVSVSV
- This is his work attire, he wears suitable clothes for engineering ofc
- His wife left 🫡 as to why is unknown. They never fought to the extent of her leaving, but she left Henry behind one day, and Charlie. Charlie constantly thinks about it, but all she and Henry know, is Henry's wife left on good terms.
- Henry was the one to sing "my grandfather's clock" to Charlie as she grew up. Charlie was so fixated over the song, she would hum or sing it whenever they passed a Grandfather clock at the shops. Eventually, Henry created a smaller then average grandfather clock as a gift. This is why it calms the puppet.
- Henry has a habit of getting stressed and frustrated if work isn't going the way he wants. He doesn't lash violently out but he does request quiet and loneliness if he gets too heated. He has a personal punching bag in his shed.
- He originally created Carnie which later was repurposed into Lefty.
- After Charlie's death, he fell into severe depression. He drank heavily and it wasn't until he was confronted by Michael again, that he started seeing a therapist. He is still on edge alot and suffers from his mental health.
-- Relationships --
- His relationship with William is very close lol romantically involved? No clue. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, I seriously haven't decided, just like I haven't decided with Mike and Jeremy lmao
- Henry is William's crutch. He feels jealousy toward him, but ultimately relies on him most of the time after his own wife left (on bad terms). Henry doesn't mind, though.
- William is considered family to Henry.
- He is also the one to discover Williams corpse inside springbonnie and decided to board up every single safe room. Yikesssssss
- Strangely, Springtrap doesn't act violent toward Henry. He stares just- silently. Watching.
- Loves his daughter more than anything in the world.
- He passionately encourages Charlie's path in wood work after discovering her love for wooden crafts like the aforementioned Grandfather clock and various types of Puppets. Sometimes, if supervised, Henry hands her a block of wood and tools and lets her craft away. She finds peace in wood calving and Henry's utterly joyful.
- He struggles to recognise the Puppet as his own daughter, and unknowingly put her through so much pain when being caught by Lefty. It was only after the capture did he find out that of course the puppet is possessed by his daughter 😭 he just thought it was possessed by a very vengeful ghost. He didn't know that ghost possesed Golden Freddy, and that's why he's not in FNAF Pizzaria Simulator :')
- He's on edge around Mike. He reminds him too much of Will.
- After Crying Child and Elizabeth died, aswell as Charlie's murder and William disappearing (he got spring locked rip), Michael lived with Henry shortly before disappearing himself. (He went to the SL bunker.)
- Henry looks after post-scooped Michael.
- Henry doesn't anticipate Mike to be the one to work at the Pizzaria Sim location-- but he knows this is where he wants to be.
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atinyladybug-art · 4 months
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I was trying to see if I could make concept art surrounding the like, places for Recollection AU? Like the vibes things and stuff which ends up with this.
I'm not toooo happy with it cause the vibes are too off and the clouds does not match the style of the building so I'm going to experiment and look up more references.
My initial plans were to make them more Cyberpunk and futuristic vibes but this one has a bit too much of a cozy vibe than I intended. Still, it is a good starting point.
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hislittleraincloud · 24 days
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Whatcha got there?
Sacramental grape juice.
Said the barrister's daughter.
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butterflieswhisper · 13 days
Dingo (she/they)
Oku (they/she/it)
Sonic (any)
Oak (any)
Echidna (any)
Bree (she/he/they whatever)
Me (they/xe/he)
Moch (they/them)
Kiwi (he/him)
Fishie (she/her)
Mei (any)
Gery/Grey (he/him)
Joe (no pronouns)
Phia (she/they/fae)
THANK YOU it's appreciated . im so glad what i have written down is at least mostly right thank you
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Alright y'all new year, new me and the 'me' I've chosen is Jesus Christ. That's right, I'm stealing his identity watch out gayboy
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elvisabutler · 2 years
now im just thinking about baz officiating birdie and austin’s wedding and then getting absolutely plastered afterwards omg
anon!!! consider! that exactly what the hell happens in some universe. does it happen in the main one we don't know. i haven't decided. ( look, i have this plotted out, do my small details change? yes. do my base they're together, they break up, they come back together, they live happily ever after change? no. ) tw: drunkenness? baz luhrmann making poor decisions ( seriously @satninbeaulieu wine mom baz is my new favorite thing. )
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but okay! consider! you and austin are just in love. we all know this. we also know that truth be told y'all are baz's favorite soap opera and despite him being a grown ass man and y'all being grown ass adults he indulges you two too much. catherine has told him this while also facilitating you two stealing costumes- which honestly, totally baz's fault because everyone stole shit from the set and she just planned ahead and there was multiples of the costumes. basically baz's set was a madhouse in some respects and you two just really fit in very well in a way you couldn't have fit into another set.
but yes you and austin are in love. baz and everyone on set knows this. everyone who isn't necessarily a higher up at wb knows this. so know what. you may want a courthouse wedding. austin may for some reason think it's hilarious for you two to be married by an elvis impersonator. baz? baz wants to marry you two himself. look he's responsible for this and has been from the second he told you to get on the floor and austin told him "that's my priscilla." does he acknowledge that y'all took a real weird road to get here? yes. does it make him love you two and the relationship you two have cultivated any less? no. hell, disregarding the weirdness at cannes and the met and the Shitshow of the Vogue shoot y'all have been the best couple on screen or off for him. he loves you two to pieces.
so when you calling baz- because it's you and not austin because he's the dumb idiot who had you almost passing out in the hallway of some late show with "dove, let's go to vegas." and "we've talked about moving in together and you've told me how many kids you want in the future and we've talked about when we might want them for the past two months after talking about it a year ago, why wouldn't want to marry you right now?" and "i wanted to marry you last year." seriously, austin robert butler there is a time and a place and it not in the hallway after an interview when you're both tired as hell because it's a been a long day. but you say you'd prefer a courthouse wedding and you want to have something borrowed from priscilla and you win that argument sort of. and then you have to call catherine and baz. austin is in charge of the rest of the cast including tom who you know is busy but maybe a part of you is like i don't care how i get married if tom hanks is at my wedding i will be secretly delighted because that's a badge of honor in real life and hollywood.
so you call baz. actually you call catherine but you figure they're next to each other so you reach one you reach the other. you are more than a little excited and in a rush "austinandiaregettingmarriedwe'dlikeyoutocome" and catherine tells you to say a little slower before baz- who has overhead this informs you that he can actually officiate if you'd like. he'd be honored to, in fact.
that should have been the clue that something was going to go very very wrong by the end of the night. but because your life and austin's life are basically ruled by the phrase "in hindsight oops" you two don't realize this until after the fact. catherine should have warned you but honestly, catherine didn't even predict this one.
but you jump at the chance and how fast can we get everyone to the same place because you're going to hunt for rings and you've got this black dress you wore for the last interview and "yes, austin i'm wearing a black dress. i don't want a full wedding dress. and even if i did why do you think it'd be white? be thankful i'm not wearing a suit." "i mean it'd be hot." "focus, daddy." and baz says to meet him at this hotel in the middle of nowhere. which is to say it's somewhere that isn't vegas but isn't la and maybe it really just in upstate new york or utah. it's somewhere where there isn't going to be a lot of paparazzi so that the gaggle of people who will be with the pair of you aren't going to bring a massive amount of attention. you forward the address to priscilla and lisa marie and it's great.
the thing is when everyone gets there you and austin are bombarded with the question "how drunk are you two?" a question that makes you both laugh like tipsy college girls trying their first sip of alcohol.
"unless being drunk on that idiot over there counts, sober." you answer pulling austin closer to you so you can try and curl into him.
"never been more sober in my life." he answers with his hand around your waist and his head dipping down to your neck to nuzzle at it.
baz has had one ( 1 ) singular glass of wine before the ceremony. this does not remain the same throughout the night. he hands catherine his phone and tells her to take a million pictures and video tape and maybe austin hands her his camera or he hands someone- maybe it's kelvin or alton or natasha- but it's someone being given his camera. point is the two of you will have a billion pictures and one video of this entire thing.
baz is surprisingly good at officiating which shouldn't surprise you and yet it does. and maybe you give him war flashbacks with your kiss. you did try and keep it chaste, but truly, you're marrying austin and he's marrying you and maybe it got a little heated. maybe you have to stop yourself from letting austin pick you up but he still 1000 percent squeezes your ass.
here's the thing though, there's alcohol afterward because you've drug these people out to the middle of nowhere it's the least you could do. so you imbibe. so does austin. catherine even sips a big glass of wine and everyone else? they get mildly tipsy at least. baz gets- a little plastered. a lot plastered. look- he rarely gets like this and catherine figured this was fine. it was fine. she was keeping an eye on him and the phone.
up until the point right before she takes his phone and he decides that the world needs to know that his leads are not only having sex but they've gotten married. after ignoring each other for the greater part of a year. it blows up on instagram and quickly slides right onto tiktok and twitter. it is everywhere on the internet. you watch the tiktoks in a panic after you finally grab your phone with austin's dick still inside you while he's passed out at 9:15 in the morning. it's your distressed laughter and whispers of "oh fuck. oh shit. oh noooo." that wakes him up eventually.
no one realizes this until 7am because you're all are enjoying the good time at the reception. you don't realize this until 9am when you finally wake up with austin curled around you, his dick still causally inside you and see a million missed calls, several text messages including one from your own mother asking "why wasn't i invited? what are you wearing? and did he grab your butt at the altar?". you don't move because of austin and because you're not 100 percent your legs work without help despite the maybe 5 hours of sleep you have gotten.
austin doesn't realize it until 10am because you figured the old man needed his beauty rest after last night. why? well that's a story for another ask.
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saintchaser · 2 years
jilyposting today james whose special interest is quidditch and who knows all about its history, all the techniques and maneuvers and can go on talking about it for ages and he does, and at some point he just. stops. he feels like he's annoyed lily because she hasn't said anything for a while and she just kept on looking at him and he ends up apologizing a billion times because he's annoyed her. and lily cups his face. and looks into his eyes and she says. hey. you're not annoying me. sorry if you felt like it i was just so engulfed in what you were telling me and in parkinson's pincer and in how happy you were while talking i kind of forgot to say anything. and james melts into a puddle right there.
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futuristic-science · 3 months
Please remember when using a welder you haven't used before to double check the MIG settings (if using a MIG welder of course)! Setting the voltage too high can burn holes in your metal, yes, but can also cause short circuits if you're unlucky.
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red-hemlock · 3 months
Mun Questions n' Stuff!
🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
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(Let's do another fandom. Deepest apologies if you do not happen to know it, but if you do... Berserk. 8'D
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moodr1ng · 10 months
admitting to myself that i cannot live in a fulfilling way if i keep hoping to match the expectations and fit within the norms set by strangers and that includes that trying to be gender conforming or, as ive frankly been doing, being gender non-conforming in a way that wont bother the average person too much is never gonna work out for me lol
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