#i basically write maybe a total of 15-30 minutes a day
katierosefun · 2 years
so annoying when you want to write and you have motivation and inspiration to write, but unfortunately. your real life obligations are dragging you away
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delicatecloudfire · 2 years
31 Dec - really didn't overeat or anything over the holidays at all, so that's good! Had some cookies, 2 slices of pie over the course of a week, and maybe 3 pieces of chocolate? No alcohol except maybe 1/3 glass of wine (it was gross). I did several Pilates videos, and the stationary bike once. It was too cold to walk for the most part, though I did a 30 min walk/jog this Thursday when it was about 54 out which felt wonderful!! Perfect temperature for that. Very impressive step totals for the time at my parents' though.
I am using the Lose It app to track my food. I don't have much of an issue with eating too much or being hungry, but I do easily add 300 extra calories with evening snacks on the regular out of not much more than random cravings, and I want to stop that, and also be more aware of the times I will have a glass or two of wine and think little of it. I know that if I didn't do these small things I'd lose the five pounds I've been stuck on forever....
Most important from just five days of tracking, though, is how low my protein is! I knew I wasn't getting what I should but i am below even that!!! So this is my biggest goal. No wonder I've been stuck in terms of increasing my weights for dumbbells!
I do want to incorporate some barbell exercises this year, but I'm most interested in losing those five pounds of fat I'm so uncomfortable with, so I don't expect to advance much. Maybe if I achieve that goal I can add in extra calories for muscle building, but I don't trust myself to work out heavily enough during the winter months when it involves going to the gym, so there will be more at-home videos and basic dumbbells til spring.
Overall, I did not make the progress I wanted in terms of looks or muscles, BUT I can say honestly that there was hardly one week this year where I didn't work out at least twice, and I've kept the commitment of going to the gym and using weights more. My back is definitely stronger which is huge for me!! I feel more aware of my body for better and for worse.
Specific-y Winter 2023 goals:
Track calories/macros daily January through April.
Increase average daily protein intake to 75 grams (I'm averaging like 50 now) by February, then increase.
Pilates/yoga/balance-ortiented videos once a week, even if only 20 minutes. Must log here and link specific video/routine.
Exercise at least 4 a week (20 min minimum, preferably 40+)
Post Fitbit reading for every. day. Posting multiple days at once allowed, but can't go for more then five days without.
Go to all sessions of the barre class I signed up for. Starts second week of January.
Be able to do 3 30 s deadhangs in a row by March 15.
Incorporate 1 set of 7 lat pulldowns at 80 lbs every time starting in Feb.
Write out all workouts for posts here.
Equally important less-measurable winter 2023 goals:
Reduce belly/back fat -- pretty much the only places excess weight collects on me, though I also expect to possibly reduce my bra size slightly. I don't want to make a specific inches goal, but I think 5 lb is reasonable even if I gain a bit of muscle (which I don't really expect, being at a slight deficit, tho maybe the protein will help.)
Return to place where 15 lb dumbbells are very comfortable for me for basic curls etc., because how was it so much easier when I was 15 lb lighter and not now?! That's nothing! Vague I know, but I'll feel when.
Good luck everyone!
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
tuesday - wednesday
feel super horrible after my super long shift.
or at least it felt super long, 7.5 hours, basically there for 8 hours (30 minute break), 9 hours of my day missing (half an hour to and from work roughly (maybe more like 25-20 mins? idk. a lot of time to lose though).
anyway, i am too tired to sort through my pictures today but i am going to be less tired tomorrow. i promise i think. anyway, beyond that:
i am now reading the impossible (bataille), there is one quotation i would like to get down now:
"in spite of my concern with being truthful, i can't say more about this. i write the way a child cries: a child slowly relinquishes the reasons he has for being in tears".
i find this very true, in myself, maybe others. it feels like something we can never give up on really. the book is quite good, i read some of it a while ago, i didn't feel it then, i think more to do w/ bataille burn-out more than anything else. a lack of variety can make me turn off of certain things.
an exciting thing in books, and something to waste some money on, is dennis cooper has a new book of shorts coming out. so i need to preorder that and get some other stuff from amphetamine sulphate.
beyondddd thatttt, hummm.
i did watch a movie today, just now, hard to parse all of my thoughts, it's called bye bye love. it's a queer movie from japan, from 1974. it features a transfemme lead which is fun, she is very pretty and i do think the movie is oddly empathetic and observant of dysphoria and the drive to look 'good' as a kind of thing one does not just for oneself but to attenuate, approach the limit of the possible, to push the barriers, to imagine, i guess, that one is not what one was told. by the end of the movie she proclaims, she is not a man or a woman. i feel that, frequently.
the movie also, i think, seems to make note of her moves towards an androgyny, the kind of life she begins to lead in the movie, and that by becoming an outlaw, she must hide, return to "being a man" in some respect, taking on the shape of her now-dead lover. which is tragic and pretty.
there are caveats to this, that i must think on though. the movie is certainly sexist, in all directions, perhaps though this is a critique that falls apart in the charm of the male lead's performance but it seems to be, by his macho-ness, a kind of ideal. though it can't be discounted totally, what he is. there are positives, i like when he claims he is nothing, and him wanting to be so dirty is an interesting issue in the thread of the sexism. that drive and then the degradation of women, i mean, they could be not the same, it is almost by that conflation, the degradation he expresses is cheapened. the perfect icon to absorb the focus.
the end also, i am not sure, there is almost this sense the movie gives me of siding with the male lead on the issues of gender, he asks, why aren't you a woman, why don't you become a man, why do you do your makeup. she is able to respond, and her responses are left alone fairly i suppose until the end upsets things, though what choice is there, in the face of annihilation by pigs. i suppose, better to keep living, is the only message there unless i look too much, but i want to look too much, but also:
i need to sleep now, so
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hopefulpenguincreator · 6 months
New plan 2024.03.29 for 3 mo.
3 mo = 2024.06.29 - Sat, June 29th.
Mondays & Fridays @ 4 pm: Spanish with dad (edit: 2024.04.06)
2024.04.17 edit - balance approx. goal: 51% SV, 32% KR, 17% ES.
= SV 5.1 hr/week. KR 3.2 hr/week. ES 1.7 hr/week.
(to try for the next 3 mo. 1 active study lang and the rest, 2, passive study langs. total: ~3.5h/day)
1 hour ACTIVE study for 🇸🇪 + 1h TV
- read to flashcards, study EN -> SV (Currently: Kalle Anka) 15 terms. ~30 min (see post on flashcard tips for more info)
Edit 2024.04.04: focus on reading/watching flashcards for the 1st 3 months.
can spend ~1hr per lang per day bc i found myself doing general lang study for about 3hrs a day naturally. think ill just watch (eng/target subs) or study (target/blurred eng subs + flashcards) whenever/additionally.
- speak (or simply write in early days + flashcards) to describe something in Swedish (with or without speaking/writing in English 1st)
& consider reviewing SV pronunciation videos from YT too. (On deck: rewriting my personal journals, or texts etc in SV)
&/or - pronunciation practice: for 3 MONTHS just listen to my recordings and take note of any obvious variations. Later, record myself copying swedish ppl speak and review and retry. ~30 min
(or 1h or read or speak on rotation)
Edit: add singing along/music? no.
- listen to TV show etc with SV. Watch with Eng subs for 3 MONTHS. Then (probs) switch to SV subs with help from Language Learning with Netflix plugin. Later, no subs. (On deck: Young Royals & Love is Blind Sweden) ~1hr
(other ppl: 1. beginner textbook, 2. listen ur heart out with target subs, 3. speak and record and playback)
PASSIVEish study for 🇰🇷🇲🇽
- read Korean. translate as I go. start with basic books 1st oc. 하늘의 일기 ~15min + TV (kor/langlearnsubs) +~30min = ~45min
- watch Spanish TV (eng subs) Latin Am. food show
goal: collect and recognize more words with more focus on Korean over Spanish
1hr Swedish + Korean and/or Spanish (1hr total)
1.5h total
- read to flashcards EN -> target. 7 terms. ~15 min
- listen to TV show (~30 min) etc for each. (On deck: read 하늘의 일기 or 한식 show + Street Food Latin America)
things to consider:
yes: still listening (1)/reading (2) first in the that way i am
listening: eng/target subs native content for chilling + add level-appropriate audio
reading: level-appropriate & topics of interest
i think the listening goes with the reading the way i make flashcards, so whether the flashcards come from a book or a video - there is still an audio component.
add speaking ("from day 1")component to flashcards: use new words to create another sentence that is SIMPLE and RELEVANT to you.
keep in mind, some speaking will occur just by repeating audio from flashcards and audio content.
and you can count on your curious mind to do some speaking exercises both in your mind and outloud.
however, some writing may be beneficial to speaking and easier at this point. (lang journal/brain dump) more details below
+ some recordings of you speaking what you wrote or audio youre copying early on, maybe with benchmarks, would be good to have just to track progress over time
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Create a language journal Write only for yourself. This is the simplest way to get started. Do it in a Google Doc or a journal, whichever you prefer. Write about what you did the day before, the things you’re doing at work, your plans for the summer, your thoughts on quantitative easing, or whatever strikes your interest and is near your level.
Brain dump for 25 minutes
Set the timer and start writing, stream-of-consciousness. Whatever comes to mind. The only goal is to get in the zone and write in your target language while the timer is running.
(Maybe...) write an essay
maybe. challenging, but would be cool to write an essay regardless of the language.
Next 3mo. (for an example timeline),
move to speaking to yourself or stuffed animal without writing crutches (record yourself and review) + upgrade listening to avoid eng subtitles or even any subtitles. more details below.
THEN speaking (3) - tips I appreciate:
start here korean 🇰🇷
Read out loud - pronunciation
Focus on pronunciation more than on comprehension. Listen to a native speaker and repeat after them (this is called “shadowing”).
If you don’t have audio for the text, you can put it into Google Translate. It’s not the most natural pronunciation, but it’s better than nothing.
Speak with yourself - sentence creation
Give yourself a topic and record yourself speaking for 5 minutes (increase difficulty based on level).
The topic can be anything. You can summarize an episode of TV, list your plans for the day, talk about your favorite food, describe how you get to work, describe what you see around you, or anything else.
+ review my recordings
+ cont. step 2 of reading/watching to gather more vocab. (into flashcards)
remember flashcards are for: listening practice (if no original audio), and eng to target practice, as well as some basic speaking practice. so if that's not already built into the study content, flashcards need to be made. also plz add grammar to a sort of simple grammar database/dictionary.
& upgrade listening around this time to native only subs and/or no subs
let's skip writing beyond what's necessary to memorize and read and work through sentences.
2024.04.14 Edit
listen to, think then speak
imagine situation while studying the target lang. (and actually dont focus too much on this, think it happens naturally as I study from English to Target)
- and i actually find that this happens naturally when going from listening to speaking. it happens well with reading too but a little more imaginative effort may be required (note: this is also natural, it's kinda harder for me to zone out of whats being said when listening than it is when reading in native lang)
2024.04.23 Edit
Maybe [edit: not] stop with the English speech prompts? I'm finding it more useful to just memorize and repeat. But how to do that for long from speaking? Maybe the issue is I'm going into the speaking without having practiced the repetition (echo method) enough yet.
lesson (naturally includes listening and speaking) -or- another comprehensible audio (or text)
echo method for each section (need TL transcript, need EN transcript in next step too)
use EN to TL speech prompt to record self [upload to Proton]
review video of self, take notes on errors and what is correct
(any need to review pronunciation side by side audio, or do the echo method again before next step, consider that here.)
Return to TL transcript and simply record self reading it. [upload to Proton]
Calendar week
can read for the rest of my "study time" on passive learning days <3
M: light learning/rest day + ES
T: active
W: active
Th: light learning/rest day
F: light learning/rest day + ES
Sa: active
Su: light learning/rest day + ES prep
light learning = actively listen to (or read in) (pre-watched) TL with no subs for 10-15 min each (aka review).
active learning = echo method, speaking, learning new vocab via listening/reading
other times it's good to just listen with ENG subs or TL subs. TBC
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thatonebirdwrites · 10 months
Words Written: A discussion about Ableism and Disability
Content Note: Discusses ableism and harassment This year I set out with a goal to write 500,000 words. When I hit that goal in the summer, I joked with my Internet friends that I would reach a million by December. I did in fact do that: Legend of Korra Shared Moments story is 913,285 words. Supergirl: Supercorp Endgame is 105,475. Spirit World Vacation is 20,769 words. Is this a romance story is 14,411 words.
If I only go with what I put on AO3, then my total word count this year (as of 12/4/2023) is 1,053,940 words.
However, I have several chapters planned for Shared Moments and Supercorp Endgame (Unraveling Realities) stories, so this word count will probably have at least a few thousand added to it by years end.
How did I do this?
This is a complicated question to answer, and it involves me being real about my very shitty situation. Considering there's a fifty-fifty chance next year could be even worse, I find myself wondering at times how I can keep going.
Yet I try to choose hope, despite the fact that everything I've tried to do these past few years has burned around me.
Writing plays a huge part in how I choose hope.
So here is the reality:
1. I've been ill all year with no job. I survive because of my temporary Long Term Disability benefit. I lost my job November of last year. My illness progressed where the accommodations the job allowed wasn't enough, and they rejected what my doctor and I offered. I'd worked there for five years, had been instrumental in the success of that department, given an award by the head of that department, but my illness destroyed all of that in a few short months. It's a slow progressive illness with no cure.
2. I'm in pain a lot, sometimes to the point of where I can't move much at all. Or the nerve pain makes it so I can't use my hands or concentrate. The schedule my doctor and I worked out is 30 minutes of writing. I then rest for 45 minutes to an hour. I then do another 30 minutes of writing. I rest for 45 minutes to an hour. If I use this schedule, I can get about four or so hours of writing. But it uses up the ENTIRE day. Meaning I can't do much else. I also cannot do this every day otherwise I will have a massive flare up that requires days of rest.
3. I space out these writing days. Every other day seems to work okay. If I have to go somewhere, such as to an appointment or some other place outside my house, then I need to space it out even further. To leave my home, I must spend an entire day resting to prepare for that outing. Resting means stuck in bed, sleeping, maybe doing some mindless crafts, watching something that doesn't use up energy, or reading a few pages here and there.
So do I recommend this schedule to folks? No, actually. I don't.
So why do I do it then?
I need something to help me choose hope.
Some basic facts I deal with daily:
I'm sick with a debilitating disease that has no cure. I can barely leave my bed. I often have to use a wheelchair or crutches to get around my home, and I can't leave my house without my wheelchair because I can't walk further than 10 to 15 feet without collapsing.
We live in a society that dehumanizes people like me. I get very little visitors. The local so-called disability programs often fails to help and drags their feet for everything. I'm constantly fighting to keep disability benefits (every 5 months I gotta pull out the paperwork to prove my disability still exists, which once done wipes me out for a week).
When I need assistance for energy-intensive tasks like cleaning and cooking larger meals, I often fail to get that help. Every task I do requires me to carefully ration my small amount of energy (for example, most people have ten spoons to work with in a day. I have two or three at most, and sometimes I have to borrow a spoon from a future day, so I end up with less spoons one day to make up for that).
I often rely on my sisters and friends in town, much of whom are busy. Meaning, unless it's an appointment, the task will take months because that is often how long I must wait before someone finds the time to help me.
For example, it's taking me months to fix my desktop. It doesn't matter that I could do more things with it: play video games again, make music again, do more creative things (that maybe might allow for income), etc... -- none of that matters, because in the end, I rely on the schedule of others to find time for me. My dreams, hopes, needs are always secondary.
When I ask for help, I am forced to trust the person will continue to see me as a human being worthy of respect and dignity, worthy of care. I have discovered in the course of this illness, that some people I trusted with my life? Some of them came to resent the fact I am disabled, and I have been told to my face by these former friends about how I am a burden, a drain on society, that it disgusted them I had to ask for help for simple things, and they no longer wanted to be my friend.
Moments like that made me less likely to reach out, so then I try to do it all myself, only to end up collapsing (often leading to a hospital visit). This year I've been trying to not fall into neglecting my health. I didn't want to end up at the hospital every three months (which has been the norm for five years). I'm proud to say I only was in the hospital twice this year. (Hey, let me have my victory, okay? I'm quite proud of this.)
But how do I avoid falling into neglecting my health? I have to stop pushing myself beyond what my health could handle. It meant asking for help knowing it could be the last time this person every spoke to me if they decided I asked for help too many times.
For a disabled person like me, it rarely matters what I offer to others. I have skills that I can leverage for people and for organizing, but I'm often told that because I'm disabled I shouldn't help.
For example, a friend needed assistance with the audio tech at his church. I came in my wheelchair and got it all working just fine. I did this for a few months, until the church council got wind of it, and proceeded to harass me about how I am "too disabled" to do this. That I shouldn't "make a spectacle of myself." How sitting behind a giant wooden desk that hid me from view, while I wore headphones and worked a soundboard is a "spectacle" is beyond me. In the end, I was driven out by those people who "claimed" to be "doing good." This hurt them, since they no longer had an experienced audio tech, but also me because it left me even more isolated. I often offer emotional support to people, and yet I get told that I shouldn't "overexert" myself as if this person knows more about my limits then I do.
No one knows my limits but me and my doctor, and even then, I am the only person who can make that call. If I say I can do the thing? Then I will do the thing within my capabilities. If for any reason I need assistance or must delay the completion of the thing, I will communicate that.
People seem to forget that I have a brain and can communicate effectively without assistance.
In the end? Far too many people want me to be abled-bodied and to show up in-person. Being told that directly far too many times felt like a slap to the face because I desperately wanted to be able to do that but I couldn't due to my illness. If I show up in-person, yes, I will need some accommodations, but that doesn't mean I can't still use my knowledge and skills to assist. The assumption that disabled people have no skills, no knowledge, no capabilities is ableism painted up as "good intentions" to "keep disabled people from hurting themselves." It's eugenics in action, isolating a group of people, dehumanizing them, and stripping them of their autonomy slowly over time. I wish people took my skills and knowledge seriously. That they see ME and not just a sack of breathing meat in a wheelchair. I may not be able to pull off many abled-bodied stunts that involve physical prowess, but I can write, work audio equipment, edit documents, run software programs and do basic de-bugging, organize meetings or marches by doing the behind the scenes paperwork, crafting tech solutions to a problem, and so forth. And yet, if I try to offer these skills, I'm ignored, pushed out, and dehumanized all because some people (often white cisgender people) decided they "knew best" about my own body and mind.
I can give people all that I am, only to be spat upon for being too disabled to fit people's expectations of how a friend should behave.
It leaves me exhausted, scared, and worried that this next time I reach out? It could mean another friend lost.
Who can I rely on then?
Internet friends to some degree, but I worry sometimes due my trauma. About whether they would still be my friend in person. In the end, all I can do is trust and hope that they love me as I am and accept what I can offer, and continue to be there for them when I'm able to do so.
I can rely on my fluffy cat Sgt. Quark Amaya McFluffers, who has saved my life many a time. Literally. He brings me joy and cuddles me when I weep.
I can rely on my writing.
Yes, My writing.
The primary reason I am alive right now, is because I have been writing all year.
To give myself a reason to keep going.
To not lose hope.
Writing keeps me alive literally.
So no, I don't recommend people use the schedule I did above. I don't recommend that because it's not sustainable. It's actually not that healthy.
I recognize it's not healthy, but at this time, when there's little else in my life that gives me strength to keep going?
I cultivate hope through these written words.
Do people read what I write? Do they enjoy it?
Gods, I hope so. But in all reality, longer stories generally don't do well for keeping readers. I also don't write smut (it might appear in a story but it's never a focus).
The stories I want to tell?
They dig into the trauma of the characters, dig into their emotions, dig into the reality of the consequences to actions and situations, and explore how they heal.
Sure I've written silly things here and there to amuse myself, but the vast majority of what I've written is about healing from trauma. It's about survival. It's about choosing hope.
So yes, most people don't want a Lord of the Rings version of Legend of Korra or Supercorp. And that's okay.
But there are people that do. And those people somehow manage to find my niche. I still sometimes get comments or kudos from them.
And to see that?
To see those comments? Those people reaching out to let me know my writing mattered? That it brings them joy? That it got them to cry? To think?
It floods me with the strength to choose hope yet again. Human connection matters.
It's that reminder that I'm not a burden. That I'm not alone. That I'm not forgotten. That maybe, just maybe I can make a difference in people's lives. Even if it is just words on paper or a screen.
I am so grateful for these people. So, so grateful.
Because in a world that is hostile to the existence of disabled people, of people who can't fit the productivity standards of capitalism?
This is literally all I have left.
And so I write.
Thus I leave you with this: May you find the strength to keep choosing hope too.
Thanks for reading.
Now go write stuff.
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aquaticrunner · 3 years
Modern Academic Rivals to Lovers | Edmund x Reader
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Request by @generalblizzarddreamer : Hey love! I don't know if you're inspired to write Narnia right now but could I have academic rivals to lovers with Edmund Pevensie? Maybe Edmund could be a law student and the reader is a journalism major? Thanks so much if you do it! | Word count: 2.9K
A/N: I did not mean for this to come out so long but I loved the idea and just kinda ran with it. I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it. I’m so sorry it took so long but I’m finally out of school so I’m catching up on all my requests.
I stood up from the small desk I was sitting at in the university library and stretched my arms up above my head. I’d been sitting at this desk for at least two hours and still felt like I hadn’t made much progress on my project. I decided to go searching for some more sources and scanned the section closest to me. A book title on the top shelf caught my eye and I reached my hand up to grab it. Just as my fingers brushed the spine of the book, another hand reached over and swiped it. “Hey!” I shouted, immediately cringing at the loudness of my voice in the quiet library. I looked over at the thief who had taken my book. The guy seemed familiar like maybe we’d had a few classes together. He had dark, curly hair that had grown past his ears and an easy smile that probably made most people melt. 
“Hey yourself.” He said, chuckling as he started to walk away. I bit the side of my cheek in frustration and made the impulsive decision to follow him. “Excuse me, but I need that book.”
He stopped walking and smirked at me. Despite how attractive this boy was, it infuriated me. “Well, so do I.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “I saw it first and there’s only one copy.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “You saw it first? What is this, primary school?”
“Seriously? Just give me the book.”
I could see the smile in his eyes as he just looked at me and said, “No.” Then he turned around and walked away again.
I decided not to follow him this time and walked back to my desk, fuming the whole way there. He was the most arrogant and obnoxious guy I’d ever met and I didn’t even know his name. I tried to focus on my project again but gave up after about 30 minutes. I packed up my stuff and walked back to my dorm. When I made it back, I checked the time on my phone. It was only 8:15. Too early to go to sleep. I scrolled through the contacts on my phone until I saw my best friend’s name. I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear. She answered after the first ring and asked what was up. “Do you wanna go out?”
I woke up the next morning with a slight headache and my mouth dry. I picked up the water bottle that I keep beside my bed but it was empty. I sighed and stood up. I ventured into my small kitchen area and filled up the bottle in the sink. As I drank the water, my mind drifted back to last night. My friend, Valerie, and I had gone to a small club and stayed out till about midnight. I had pretty much gotten over my encounter with that guy at the library. I looked at the clock at the wall and cursed when I realized that it was almost 7:30. I only had 15 minutes to get ready for my morning class. I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and brushed my teeth. I rushed out the door, barely checking to see if I had the right notebook. I walked as fast as I could to the humanities building and breathed a sigh of relief when I made it with 3 minutes to spare. I took a seat in the front row where I always did and smiled at the boy that always sits next to me. I opened my backpack and grabbed my notebook, thankful that it was the right one. I opened the notebook to a blank page and sat a pencil next to it. I was waiting for the professor to walk in when someone else caught my eye. It was the boy from the library! So we do have a class together, I thought. I waited for him to see me but his eyes stayed focused on his path and he sat down in the middle row. I turned my head quickly in case he saw me looking at him. 
The professor walked in a minute later and I tried to refocus my mind on what he was teaching. This class was already boring to me. I knew that research and writing were important, but this class felt almost too basic. As the professor talked my mind drifted to the boy sitting behind me. I wondered if he had noticed me yet, if he was as bored as I was, or if he was paying attention and didn’t notice me at all. 
“Does anyone know the answer?” I was snapped out of my thoughts when the professor addressed the class and averted my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t call on me. “Anyone at all?”
“A research question is focused, complex, and arguable.” My eyes widened when I realized it was the boy from last night.
“Yes that is correct, Mr… ?”
“Pevensie, sir. Edmund Pevensie.”
The professor nodded and went back to lecturing. My eyes stayed glued to the boy, Edmund. His eyes snapped to mine and heat immediately rushed to my cheeks and I turned back to my notebook. Now he’s going to think I’m obsessed with him.
When the professor dismissed class after what felt like forever, I threw my stuff in my bag and rushed out of my seat. I made it out the door and thought I was clear and my path was blocked. “Excuse me.” I said, trying to get past.
“Avoiding someone?” His voice burned into my soul and I jumped back.
“No. I just have somewhere to be.” My eyes drifted up his chest as I leaned up to meet his eyes.
The corner of his mouth ticked up and he narrowed his eyes at me. “Right. I’m Edmund by the way. Figured I should introduce myself after you called me a thief.”
I rolled my eyes. “You are a thief. And I heard your name. Everyone in class did.”
This time, he smiled completely. “So…?”
I looked at him, unsure of what he was wanting. “So what?”
He stared at me blankly as if he was trying to figure out if I really didn’t know or if I was messing with him. “Your name?”
“Oh. It’s Y/N.” I don’t know why it surprised me that he wanted my name. Was he trying to be friends or something?
“Well, it was nice to meet you Y/N.” And with that he turned and walked away. Why is he always doing that?
I rolled my eyes as he left and walked back to my dorm, throwing my bag down in the living room. My roommate, Elle, walked out and raised her eyebrows at me. “Someone’s in a foul mood.”
“I am not!” I shouted defensively. She just looked at me and my shoulders sagged in defeat. “Fine. I met this guy and he’s a total jerk.”
Her eyes lit up immediately. “You met a guy?”
“Seriously? That was not the important part of that sentence.”
She laughed. “Well I can’t remember the last time you said the words “met a guy.”” She said, using air quotes around my words. 
I sighed and walked into my room, looking over my schedule for the day. I had one more class and a club meeting later that day. 
“Hey would you wanna grab lunch before my next class?” I asked her, walking back into the living room.
She shrugged, “Sure. I have nothing better to do.”
We ate in the campus cafeteria and I went to my corporate communication class. Now I was on my way to one of the meeting rooms on campus for a debate club meeting. It was my first time joining a club and I was definitely nervous. 
I walked up the stairs of the building and into the room that was on the announcement. A tall girl greeted me at the door with a large smile. “Hi! Are you here to join the debate team?” Her enthusiasm was almost scary but I smiled back and nodded as she handed me an instruction packet. “Great! Feel free to sit anywhere.” I thanked her and took a seat near the middle. Normally I liked to sit in the front but I was a little too nervous tonight.
I looked around for anyone I might know and noticed a familiar boy with dark, curly hair. You have to be kidding me. Ever since our interaction at the library Edmund seemed to be everywhere I was.
He was busy talking to a group of kids at the back of the room. He caught my eye and waved at me with a smirk on his face. I clenched my jaw and turned back around, facing the front of the room.
The girl who greeted me when I walked in had now moved to stand behind a small podium. She cleared her throat to catch everyone’s attention and I sat up a little straighter in my chair. She spent the next hour describing what the debate club was like, our meeting schedule, and how often we attend competitions. “Now there is a sign-up sheet being passed around. Please write your name and phone number on the sheet.” She handed the clipboard with the sheet on it to the boy on my left and he handed it to me when he was done. I wrote what she instructed and passed it to my right, not paying attention to who was beside me. Once everyone was done she announced that the meeting was over and we would receive a message for our next meeting time. I sighed and stood following the small crowd out the door.
“Hey Y/N!” I looked to see who was calling my name and of course it was Edmund. 
I kept walking, pretending I hadn’t heard him, but he caught up to me almost immediately. “Hey, I didn’t know you were interested in debate.”
I shrugged, “Well you don’t really know that much about me at all.”
He put his hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Ouch. You wound me.”
I smiled condescendingly. “I try.”
“You don’t like me, do you?” He asked.
“I don’t have any feelings toward you.” I said in response.
“Riiight. Is this about the book?” 
I sighed. “No. I don’t care about some stupid book. Look, it's late and I have to go. Bye.”
I walked away from him and headed back to my dorm for the night, trying to concentrate on my project. 
The rest of the week went by quickly with limited interactions between Edmund and me. Finally, it was Friday and I was ready to take a break. However, before I did that I needed to buckle down and finish the project that I had been procrastinating. I packed my stuff up and drove to the library. I spent hours there and by the time I finished, it was dark outside. I packed my stuff up and stopped by the vending machine on my way out. I reached the doors and pushed, but was surprised when they didn’t open. I pushed again and started to get nervous when they still didn’t open. Maybe there’s another exit. I walked away from the doors and searched the perimeter of the library looking for another set of doors. When I didn’t find any, I walked to the center of the library where the help desk was located. “Hello?” I said, hoping someone would answer me.
I heard a voice from behind me, “Please don’t tell me we’re locked in here.” I cringed, knowing who it was going to be before I even turned around.
I slowly turned to face him. “It’s starting to look that way.”
“Do you have your phone?” He asked me.
“No. I leave it in my car when I’m studying. Don’t you have one?” I asked, crossing my arms defensively.
He waved it in front of me, looking annoyed. “It’s dead.”
I wanted to bang my head against a wall. “Great,” I said sarcastically. 
“Maybe we can use the library phone?” He suggested and I nodded, walking around to the other side of the desk.
I picked it up and attempted to dial a number. Instead of hearing the phone ringing, all I heard was constant beeping. I groaned when I read the inscription at the bottom of the phone. 
Edmund leaned over. “What is it?”
“This phone only connects to other phones in the building. No one else is going to be here at this hour.”
“Well, guess we better make ourselves comfortable.” He took a seat on one of the couches and propped his feet up on a nearby table.
I took a deep breath and sat down in a chair across from the couch. 
He stared at me from across the table and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. “Why are you looking at me?” I finally asked.
He shrugged. “I’m trying to figure out why you don’t like me.”
“By staring at me?”
Edmund laughed and I felt the tension in my shoulders ease just a bit.
“So are you going to tell me or not?” He asked me.
I bit my lip nervously. This is going to be a long night. “I never said I didn’t like you.”
“So you’re acting like this because you do like me.”
“So you’re rude to everyone?”
“I am not rude! I don’t dislike you. I just have no interest in talking to you.” I finally said.
“Why not? I’m hilarious.” 
I snorted in response. “I doubt that.”
“You’re judging me based on one interaction. That hardly seems fair.” He said. I looked away, not wanting to admit that he might be right.
“Well it was one rude interaction. First impressions matter.” I said in my defense.
“Okay, well I’m sorry I took the book you wanted. I needed it for a project.”
“So did I.”
He laughed, but it sounded dry. “Whatever.”
I bit my lip, guilt starting to settle in my stomach. Maybe I had judged him too harshly.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have judged you so fast. Maybe we could be friends?” I asked.
He half-smiled and I felt slightly relieved. “We can be friends.”
I smiled at him for what felt like the first time and he smiled back.
“Let’s play twenty questions.” He said, sitting up suddenly.
“Twenty questions. I ask you a question and then you ask me one.” 
I curled my hair around my finger nervously. “I don’t know…”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. You can ask me first.”
I sighed, knowing there was nothing else to do anyway. “Fine. What’s your major?”
Edmund laughed. “Okay, starting off easy. I’m pre-law. What’s yours?”
“Journalism.” He nodded, and I sat for a moment, thinking of my next question. “What’s your family like?”
Edmund smiled and his fondness for them was written clearly all over his face. “I have two sisters and a brother. Lucy and I are the youngest and then Susan and Peter. We’re all really close. I don’t get to see them as often as I like but we text all the time.”
I smiled, surprised at such a genuine response. He cleared his throat and then asked his next question. “What’s your favorite food?”
I laughed and tried to think of a genuine answer. “Pizza. Yours?”
Edmund thought for a moment. “I love anything sweet. Why are you majoring in journalism?”
“Well… I’d like to have an impact on the world. I like discovering the truth and telling real stories. Why do you want to be a lawyer?”
“To defend those who can’t defend themselves, obviously.” He said, jokingly.
I laughed again and thought of my next question. Edmund and I spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. I had seriously misjudged him. He was actually very pleasant to be around. Eventually, we fell asleep and when the librarian woke us up the next morning I was embarrassed to find that Edmund and I had moved together in our sleep. The librarian apologized profusely for not checking before she locked up and then Edmund and I were on our way out of the library.
He walked me to my car and I grabbed his arm before he turned to leave. “Thank you.”
He looked at me curiously. “For what?”
“For making last night a little better. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d been locked in by myself.” In a moment of bravery, I leaned forward and hugged him.
Edmund hugged back and I could feel the warmth radiating off of him and his heart beating in his chest.
I leaned back slowly and Edmund kept his arms around me.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
I nodded and Edmund leaned forward, immediately capturing my lips with his. The kiss was passionate and I could’ve sworn I saw literal sparks. I wasn’t sure how long it lasted but I was sure it wasn’t long enough. He leaned his forehead against mine and I smiled at the closeness.
“Do you want to go out tonight?” He asked me.
“I would love to.”
He kissed me on the cheek then began to walk back to his car. 
“Hey Edmund!” I called. He turned back to face me. “Thanks for stealing my book.” A smile broke out on his gorgeous face and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Anytime.”
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meichenxi · 2 years
Update: hnnnnn
this is just a rant, feel free to ignore. but explains why no korean news.
I get up at 5:45 for work, and get home at around 5:30-6. After getting home and masking for an entire day I basically lie on the floor in the dark for three hours. It takes that long before my brain starts to boot up. I cannot begin to describe how exhausting it is talking to people and teaching and being normal and everything being loud and never being told anything and being expected to rewrite a lesson plan with zero notice with no real reason other than a vague ‘oh...I think it would be better another way’ and being told 12412 conflicting things by different people and also being treated like a nice pet that’s all shiny and new and being incredibly patronised. (I do something and my boss is like ‘Wow! My English daughter from [X university] is so clever! Such a genius!’ and then micromanages every aspect of lesson planning including moving tables because where I put them is ‘not good’.) And being normal. 
A significant part of this is just me dealing with working with other people. Every day I learn things about myself and they are Bad. I’m a chill person! I’m flexible! I’m fun! I like meeting new people! Literally all lies. I stalk around the school as a bundle of pent up rage behind a slightly manic smile. I am, as the cool kids say, in my JGY era. Reverting back to my primary school days of being an ‘unusually aggressive child’ who ‘doesn’t engage in team activities’ and ‘shows no interest in other children’. ALL THE COOL KIDS HATE TEAM ACTIVITIES (and other children). These are all things about myself I like to conveniently forget. Shocked and offended when they turn out to be relevant to daily life. 
Also everything is loud. And everyone talks. And even with my nice headphones in I can still hear them. And they all make water-cooler conversation. And every time I walk down a corridor the entire school population says hello / tries to gift me their pencils / touches my arms / shrieks and runs away / screams HELLO TEACHER and dissolves into giggles.
Also like. My room is an absolute disaster - I don’t have any food and am living off oats and instant noodles (if I eat enough at school lunchtime, I won’t *need* to cook right - not ED, don’t worry, just ADHD). I am also feeling very despondent because I can’t do ANY of the things I love because it takes too much brain. I can’t write. I can’t do languages - which is a disaster for Korean, because there is no point during the day when I can sit down with a fresh brain and learn. Chinese is ok because I can just do Anki (and I vaguely know most of the words in the HSK deck I have seen so far, I just don’t know how to write them / need a reminder / got the tone wrong etc, so they’re not totally new) and listen to podcasts (the walk to school is 50 minutes each way, so....I will be listening to a LOT of podcasts) and watch dramas. But Korean...at this stage of learning there is no passive learning. It’s all active. I’ve tried the TTMIK podcasts but - maybe unpopular opinion - I can’t stand the presenters lmao they’re so annoying. They take 15 minutes to say what could be said in literally 3 and then don't give you enough examples and just spend the other 12 minutes making the same jokes every single fucking time. JUST TEACH ME KOREAN WE ARE NOT HERE TO BE FRIENDS. (I am angry about this a normal amount. If anyone has a recommendation of less pal-y podcasts that don’t try to be #fun and #relatable please let me know. Literally the most boring grammar shit please I can’t stand anything else teeth gnawing biting gnashing ready to rip plaster from the walls)
And my mood is very low. Objectively the new school is great, and I like the students. It’s just always not a particularly fun time full of sexy introspection when you realise your three neurodivergencies in a trenchcoat mean working with other people in literally any capacity is enough to make you want to strap yourself into an rocket and fire it into the sun. 
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zhuzhudushu · 3 years
Rocket Languages Chinese Review ★★★
I did trial for 3 days of Rocket Languages Chinese. You can see a shorter review on my Resources Page!
What is Rocket Languages?
An app designed to be a "quick" way to get fluent (isn't that what they all say lol) and uses a well-rounded approach with self-paced modules on speaking, listening, writing and reading, with additional cultural lessons.
Price: (March 2022, no discounts)
Free Trial – 5 days (limited module access) Level 1 - $150 (you can also buy Level 2 and 3 individually for this price, but you have to hunt it down in their FAQ) Levels 1 & 2 – $300 All Levels (1-3) – $450 Each Level has 7 modules and a "survival kit" extra module. Total: 23 modules, 366 hours
TL;DR Review:
WAY better than Pimsleur, but nowhere near as good as Yoyo. Definitely not worth the price, but might be if you have a significant discount. Decently well-rounded, but like Pimsleur, the beginning lessons are stilted, and to me the lessons felt like they were talking at me instead of teaching. If you are anywhere above HSK3, probably only Level 3 will be worth your time. If you're going to pay this kind of money, I'd recommend Yoyo Chinese instead.
Full Review Below:
It's hard to give a super in-depth analysis for 3 days of messing around with it, but in general I just can't help but see how it's so much weaker than Yoyo Chinese!
The lessons feel stilted, the dialogue even in Level 3 feels a tad robotic (though, 10x better than Pimsleur) and I felt that even in English, the "teachers" were talking AT me instead of teaching me. The levels are also 15-40 minutes each (just the audio parts alone) so it's definitely a lot more time to dedicate to each level than Pimsleur or Yoyo, and it's difficult for me to stay engaged when something is audio only without visuals and actually seeing the teacher (another reason why I prefer Yoyo).
But for me, 30 minutes is a LOT of listening when you're a level 0 beginner and it's mostly English and extremely repetitive. I also don't see where they describe pinyin or tones, either. Basically they take the same route as Pimsleur and they're like "don't worry just repeat it exactly as you hear it and you'll get there!" But they do at least give you all four tones in isolation, which is more than Pimsleur did.
They do have "Bonus: Write it!" sections where you type pinyin with the tones, but they don't go into any detail about how "x" is different from "sh" in English, etc.
One thing I will say is the vocabulary seems very functional from the get-go! For example, 你的汉语很棒 is taught in Module 3 of Level 1, and even Yoyo Chinese hasn't taught 棒 (that I remember...) so I think for functional colloquial words, Rocket Chinese is doing a good job. But again, like Pimsleur, they don't teach 中文,they teach another word! Which is funny because I've literally never heard a native speaker use 普通话 or 汉语!They all say 中文,but that's not in Pimsleur or Rocket for some reason lol (Yoyo, on the other hand, teaches all 3)
Overall, not a bad supplement, or maybe even main source of self-teaching, but I don't think it's worth the price. It's better than quiz-style apps like Duolingo, but because this one doesn't have videos, it feels like self-studying without a teacher, and you would definitely have to pace everything yourself and motivate yourself, as it's 90% reading and listening with massive bodies of text.
In my opinion, you'd be better off paying $300 for Yoyo's lifetime access and get x3 the amount of videos all with live native speakers and videos instead of just audio alone, lol.
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mikrowrites · 4 years
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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iamdorka · 4 years
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COLSON (x Reader)
Last updated: 2020/04/25
I Couldn’t Be More In Love ‘Colson and the reader have been friends since high school. “Friends”. Maybe they were more than that but before they never really spoke about it… and everything was okay until Colson started to act quite strange because the reader started to spend more and more time with his co-worker Harry Styles. ‘ not requested (12/08)  100+ notes
PART II (12/10)
PART III (12/12)
When we were young ‘Heyy I dont know if you’re a fan of adele but there’s this song of hers called when we were young… There’s a lyric there that goes ‘you are just like a movie just like a song’… Could you do one where they are breaking up because of obvious reasons but they’re still in love but they cannot do that anymore. Just her being sorry for what’s happening and like she says something on these lines to him. Her being tired and last goodbye type something.’ requested by  @lovemythsworld (11/24)
IMAGINE ’Basically, it’s involve Colson taking care of the reader during her period please? I just got mine today and I passed out on the floor because I got very dizzy and then I had to run to pharmacy to get more medicine and to the store as I had no food left and all while feeling really bad… ’ requested by @being-worthy​ (11/05)  200+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Make the reaction of Colson knowing that it will be dad!!’ requested    11/03)  100+ notes
IMAGINE – ’Hey girl can you do a imagine where colson is meeting your girlfriends for the first time and he is kinda nervous but they don’t know he is mgk until he walks in with y/n and they get all the tea in the “ladies room” and y/n thinks it’s funny they are so interested because to her colson is colson not mgk’ requested by @britshmgkstan (10/30) 100+ notes
IMAGINE- ’Can I request an imagine of Colson pleasuring himself. And y/n catches him. She watches in secret for a minute then sneaks in to pleasure colson. He is in shock and literally has no words. Really really really smutty pretty please!!! Love you!!!’ requested (10/20)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a GC where you and kels are together and you guys decide to play never have I ever and of course it turns sexual and it gets revealed you and kels are in the mile high club’ requested (10/13) 100+notes
Bad dreams - ’Could I ask for a ColsonxReader where there not together yet please? She’s sleeping at their place after a party, has a bad dream, one of those that make you wake up with a jolt, racing heart, it’s very hard to get back to sleep. She goes to the kitchen deciding to stay up but C sees her, asks what she’s doing up. He decides to carry her to his bedroom and just holds her close & tight telling her it was just a bad dream, he’ll protect her, & confesses to her? ’ requested by @being-worthy (10/08) 100+notes
IMAGINE - ‘Hey girl I want to request teaching Spanish to the crew.’ requested by @verywell-fandango (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
new puppies.  “How about an imagine with Colson, where his girl adopts two pups (they’re still growing and both are half husky half wolf) because they’re brothers and inseparable and couldn’t let them on their own and because she misses Colson, so she has someone to snuggle with. Colson comes back home after a few months and finds two huge dogs on his side of the bed and they’re growling at him because they think he’s a threat and wont let him get close to her?” requested by @being-worthy ❤ (03/15)
The making of the new album (02/01)  100+ notes
Mad Being mad at him (01/21)  100+ notes
Fashion week… in Paris  Going with Colson to Paris fashion week (01/16) 100+ notes
Fake texts
IMAGINE “Will you write another ColsonxReader quarantine story soon? I’m bored and don’t know what to do with myself… Stay healthy and stay indoors!!!’ requested by @being-worthy 💕 (04/05)
COLD  ‘I feel like these lyrics “You want somebody that’ll keep you warm at night Then, tell me, why you actin’ cold to me?” Would be great for an imagine’ (01/19)
Rehab  ‘Hi, can I request an imagine with Colson inspired by/based on Rehab lyrics. Thank you💜 Love your works💗’ requested by @kiss-yall (01/18)
IMAGINE ‘She said no to him so many times. But she had enough with herself and she decided to have some fun because she knows she deserves it.’ (01/11)
IMAGINE ‘Request for Colson & Y/N teasing texts cause he’s feeling excited late at night! Please & Thank you love your posts!’ requested by @xxkellsvixen19xx .(12/23)  100+ notes
why are you here ‘The one based on Colson’s new song 'WHY ARE YOU HERE’ (12/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request some fluff and funny convo between reader & colson ??? Being in love 😍 making fun of each other idk not too corny’ requested (11/16)
IMAGINE ‘Kells and reader have some history together, but after he texts her one day she doesn’t want to talk to him because she knows the reason behind his texts… and she doesn’t want to get hurt again’ not requested but special thanks to  @echelonwonderland for helping me out (11/15)
IMAGINE ‘When you have time can you write one where he is working on a new movie in another state and she sees this video and she is mad because he has cut his beautiful hair?’ requested by @bakerkells (11/14)
IMAGINE - ‘hiii pumpkin, can i request a text w/ colson about him finally asking y/n to be his girlfriend after talking/dating for months? thank you in advance 💜’ requested (11/12)
IMAGINE ‘Hellooo.. I have a scenario in mind. Could you do an text imagine, where the reader has Colson watch over her puppy while she’s gone? Let’s just say he has a hard time keeping him/her out of trouble. ❤’ requested (11/09)
PART II - the new family member ‘Hi can you do an imagine based on the instagram story Colson put up recently of “well we got a dog in the family now” (I have a screenshot of it if you need it!) And something like hes away on tour and you are looking after Cassie and you two decide to get a dog while Colson is away? Thank you so much in advance xxx’ requested by @sacvf (01/07)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a chat imagine where they met the night before at a party an kells asks her on a proper date’ & 'Could I have a MGK request where you’ve just met at a party and exchanged numbers. Later in the night he sees you talking to another guy who is flirting with you so MGK texts you to ask you out before he loses his shot?’ requested by an Anonymous and by @thesetemporaryfeelings (11/08)
IMAGINE ’You’re a new actress and Kells slides into your DMs after watching one of your movies and invites you to his next show?! Love your blog!!!’ requested (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘Hieeya it’s me here again..So today what I had in mind is something like this..Colson and reader are like the chillest kinda friends (the ones where everyone thinks they are dating but they are not.. Cliche I know but pleasee read on) And then reader starts hanging out with a bunch of different different guys.. And colson gets like jealous. (some points it out on their group chat and colson like gets mad and then they talk on dm’s…)’ requested @lovemythsworld​ (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘How about imagine where Y/N is a single mother of a kid (6 y/o idk). Colson and Cassie just met her baby. And Colson texted Y/N how excited he was to finally meet him/her for the first time. And Y/N is kind of confused because she didn’t expect someone to love her child this much. And she tells Colson that her kid is constantly asking about him, and wants him to come back. And Colson wants to see Y/N more often and also he adores her baby. Thanks💜’ requested (11/01)
IMAGINE ‘Ooooh what about reader x MGK where he spots you in the crowd at his show, gets your number and ends up texting/ sexting you that night???’ requested    (10/22)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘can you pls make one where y/n love rock music and always get horny while listen no Marilyn Manson, and suddenly Colson tell her that we will be in his birthday party, and things get kinda hot there? tnx!’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘can we please have imagine where y/n is sick and grumpy and “doesn’t” want colson to come over and take care of her (but obviouslyyyy she does) thank you 😌’ requested (10/18)
IMAGINE ‘Can you maybe post a text where y/n sees what happened to Kells in his forehead and texts him worried?’ requested (10/18) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - I wanted to write an imagine based of some of my own bad experience with a boy (because writing this things down could help a lot even if it happened a long time ago and I don’t care about it or him anymore but it still an inspiration) then today I.D.G.A.F. by Dua Lipa started to playing on my phone today… AND IT MADE SO MUCH SENSE (it’s heavily inspired by that) hope you like this little thing too. 💜 (10/11)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you try one where colson loses his phone at a cafe he visits and then he texts his number from someone’s phone and the cute waitress who he flirted with before finds the phone and replies and they start getting to know each other and hit it off. You can totally ignore if you find it vague or stupid. I just had a thought.. ♥♥’ requested by @lovemythsworld (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘My idea is just MGK texting you trying to stop you from breaking up with him.’ requested by @thesetemporaryfeelings (10/05)
IMAGINE - ‘Yn is an actress and her new movie debuted. Colson is a friend (and totally into her) and he texts her how great she was in the movie. Their flirting is really intense and in the end she invites him over her house…(maybe for something juicy? 😏) requested (10/04) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can we pleaseee have a text imagine where colson is the one upset and needing his girl? that man is my heart and soul and it breaks my heart to know how much he’s hurting’ requested (09/28) 200+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘I would love to request something if that’s okay! Could I request a Machine Gun Kelly text where he texts you late at night because he hates your boyfriend and thinks you deserve so much better???’ requested (09/26)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request reader and colson being writing buddies for a new song on her girl group and them being low key flirting with each other?’ requested (09/22) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘hi angel 😍 would you be willing to do one where y/n had a really bad day and just wants to smoke with colson and forget everything? random i know but i’m such a pothead and i just wanna smoke w kells 😂🙈 don’t judge meeee’ requested (09/22)
IMAGINE- ’Can you do one where yn is pregnant. She’s at home due to morning sickness. Mgk is in the studio but checks on her like every second lol also she has weird cravings and after colson leaves the studio he has to bring her pickles and ice cream (or something). Thank you, sweetheart 😊’ requested (09/21)
IMAGINE - ‘Request for texts between Colson & Y/N after seeing an IG post if her from a photoshoot that gets him turned on! Please & thank you love your posts!’ requested by  @xxkellsvixen19xx (09/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Haha can you do this: yn has a fave panty set. She wants to wear it, but just finds the bra, not the panty. She texts mgk (her bf) and she’s sad, that she can’t find it ☹ Turns out Colson took it with him on tour, to have a piece of his gf with him 😄❤’ requested by Anonymous (09/18)
IMAGINE - ‘can you do one where colson and the reader had an argument and are both too stubborn and have too much pride to actually fix it but keep messing with each other being sassy af and all that until one of them cracks (hope any of this made sense) hahaha’ requested by Anonymous (09/17)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do one where reader just wants to be hold and loved with Colson please?’ requested by Anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE - ‘Jealous kells text? Pleeeease?’ requested by Anonymous (09/13)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request readers being upset about being far fron Colson and posting on her Instagram and kells texts her to make her feel better?’ requested by @verywell_fandango (09/11) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a imagine where you are on tour with colson and the boys and because he isn’t paying attention to you and your in the mood you send him a nude and rook or slim almost sees it and he punishes you because only he can see you like that’ - requested by Anonymous. (09/10) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - You terribly miss Colson and finding some of his photos with Casie… you start having a really bad baby fever… 😇 but what does he think about it? (09/07) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could u write a friends with benefits with colson similar to the one you posted about the instagram story? that’s hot af btw’ (09/06) 100+ notes
  PART II -   - ‘Can you write a follow up to the fwb/hot date one. Maybe she’s having the date now. Even though the guy is hot, he’s so boring. So while he’s in the bathroom, she texts Colson to 'save her from the date’ (like with a phone call or text) so that she can leave the date. Of course she’ll go to colson then 😏 Thank you, you’re awesome! ’ (09/08) 100+ notes
IMAGINE -  Colson is desperate to convince you to go the new IT premiere but the thing is.. you are scared af 🎈🙈’ (09/05) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do a text for colson where he meets your family and you are at dinner and he texts you from next to you saying how good you look in your dress and how turned on he is and you knew it that’s why you wore the dress so you tease him and sext him and as soon as you finished dinner he punishes you for it’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE - ‘Colson and Y/N are best friends and they start sexting because she sent a picture to him that was supposed to be for someone else. Thanks love’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  ‘Colson and Y/N working together on a shoot (music video or movie) but have to keep their hands to themselves because professionalism.’ (09/01, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -   Colson’s new Instagram post makes you miss him even more and it’s not the only thing it makes you feel (09/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  because of the bad weather you decide to stay at home but then your texting with Colson turns into something else (08/29)
IMAGINE - ‘Could I request reader x colson text where the reader keeps on flirting with him, dropping hints that she likes him and him being oblivious?’ (08/27, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  the one where you argue about Bucky Barnes (08/25)
IMAGINE -   you two had some history before which was a mess really and you haven’t talked like months because you were really hurt but one day you text him out of nowhere (08/25)
IMAGINE - long time no seen friends just start texting… and flirting (08/25, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  Kind of a drunk texting with Colson. (08/24)
IMAGINE -  You are kind of deadly exhausted because of your work and Colson is done with that shit. (08/24, requested by @thoughtsoftheantagonist)
IMAGINE -  Colson helping you out with your outfit for your girl’s night out (08/23)  100+ notes
Fake Instagram
#quarantinetime (04/19)
IMAGINE  ‘Could we please get some MGK quarantine smut or something, please? 💜’ (04/10)
blank space (03/29)
#stayingathome (03/18)
the dork. the real. the Baker. (02/22)
#attheBahamas ‘Hey hun i wanted to ask are you gonna make a fake instagtam or a imagine based on his vacation in the bahamas? With the reader?’ requested by @kellysimagines (02/19)
Drunk night (02/15)
Valentine’s day (02/14) 100+ notes  
adventure time ‘So the Reader and Colson took a little time off and went on a vacation, just the two of them and when they returned they just could not hold themself back and posted some pictures from their trip because they wanted to show the world how happy they are and there is nothing wrong with that because they can do whatever they want to do’ 👫❤ (02/01)  100+ notes  
IMAGINE ‘Poking fun at each other on IG stories’ (01/14)  100+ notes  
ADORE YOU ’Adoring your boyfriend’s futures’ (01/12)
part II (01/23)
Love is… “…a series of IG posts based on the idea of ‘Love is… ’ (01/09) 100+ notes  
#thanksgivingatthebakersXX ‘Hiii happy thanksgiving! I love your writing, could you write about thanksgiving with Kells and the fam ❤️ ’ (01/05)  100+ notes
why are you here (the aftermath) ’Just got this idea from why are you here, but can u do one where is someone’s bday (like Pete’s or Rook’s or smth) and there’s a party ofc, and y/n is in Colson’s friends group, so she’s in the party but they always had this hate/love relationship, and they kinda fucked randomly but nobody knows, but now she’s there with somebody else and so he is, and that’s when the lyrics of the song starts to make the story you can do it imagine, instagram or sms. wtv u prefer ly’ // The backstory is the request and all of the pics were posted after that party, so it is the aftermath. An online game which only those two are playing. The song in this universe is out, just to be clear. Hope you like it this way too 😘 (01/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Because there is no such a thing as enough IG love. #sorrynotsorry (12/29) 100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Colson and Reader roasting each other in IG posts’ (12/26)  100+ notes
#christmasatthebakers 🎄🎄🎄 little Christmas present from me to YOU (12/24) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Some IG stories from the Reader with the perfect captions.’ not requested (12/07) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Reader spends lot of time with Kells in the studio… and she is making a journal of that time on IG 😍’ not requested (12/05)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Colson’s girlfriend is just not having it’ not requested (12/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N and Colson showing their love for each other on Instagram because why not? 💋 not requested (12/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N showing her love for C and his friends in her special way 🙅❤ not requested (11/23)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Just a little fake IG treat for You just because 🔥 not requested (11/14)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N shows her love for Colson on IG in a very unique way 📸 just capturing the real love (10/20) 100+ notes
PART II (10/25)
IMAGINE (male reader) ‘Can please I request another Colson x male reader Instagram style imagine and/or fake text kind? Thank you.’ requested (10/09)
IMAGINE (male reader) -  ‘Could i request a reader x colson where the reader is male? im gay and there’s exactly: 0 content.’ requested by anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE -  Colson praisin’ his girl in his Instagram posts & in her comments  (08/26)  
IMAGINE - you lowkey admitting to the world you are a couple with Colson. (08/24)
Fake social medias (mixed: IG, twitter, texts etc.)
IMAGINE ‘After that pic of Colson with baby Ash, i totally need some fooking fluffy stuff like he and y/n have a baby boy, and she out of town for some work related shit, and he’s taking care of their child, and being all goofy and cute about it’ requested by @rosesinmars (01/02)
IMAGINE - Can i request one where the reader has curly hair (like myself) and she doesn’t like it and kells really loves it// requested by @bakerkells (12/25)
IMAGINE - So basically Kells is getting way too much hate from the online trolls because of his extrem behavior like partying and being seen with different girls literally every night. And it’s not just a momentary thing, they are hating on him strong even some ‘fans’ do this too. And it’s starting to piss off his friends too, the unnecessary behaviour of his so called fans because they know him better than those people and even if they want to ignore it… they see literally everywhere those hating, shading comments, opinions which nobody asked for. So one day Y/N, Colson’s long time no seen friend from his inner circle has enough because she knows even if C doesn’t admit it… this behavior from his 'fans’ hurt him a little bit.” not requested (11/28)
PART II (11/29)
IMAGINE ‘Reader is a famous actress and friends with kells. Before she had her big break, she modeled. She posts a throwback, when she modeled for Bikini or underwear. She’s like “so awkward lol” and Kells answers with emojis and is like “Damn YN!” They flirt in the comments and later Kells DM’s her ;)’ requested (11/26)
IMAGINE ‘you and Colson are close friends and occasionally sleep with each other. We all know about his feet kink. One day after you had a manicure and pedicure, you posted your newly designed finger and toe nails on insta. Colson is like 😍👅🔥😈 And then DM’s you, to invite you over 😏’ requested (11/10)100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Could you make this: YN and Kells are friends and she visited him on The Dirt set. Afterwards she followed everyone on insta. One day she liked and comment on a post of Daniel Webber (something flirty) and he responds, also flirty. Kells see this and DM’s yn and is jealous but won’t admit it at first. YN finds this funny and says stuff like “You flirt even more than me on insta 😂” Kells can’t deny this 😄 Thank you, you’re so sweet!!’ requested (10/28)
IMAGINE - ‘So not a long ago Colson liked this first tweet (in real life) and it caused a little problem in our community and I just felt I needed to write about it.’  (10/27)
IMAGINE ‘Reader tweeting something like “we were so much more than you let us be” “our almost still haunts me” and kells texting her’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘Y/N is an actress and one day she totally starts to fangirl about MGK on Twitter/IG and then Colson sees it.. ‘ (10/01)  100+ notes
PART II (10/03)
PART III (11/19)  100+ notes
(the main masterlist)
273 notes · View notes
~ 30 Questions Tag ~
Got tagged by @illicitfuck thank you Rei for thinking of me <3 you made my day you have no idea how much I love tags and answering questions :D
1) name/nickname: Not sharing my real name on here and I also don’t really have a nickname but I use Persephone for writing and stuff so maybe you could say that that is my nickname. (Feel free to call me Persephone on here if you want to :D)
2) star sign: Taurus
3) height: 5′3 / 160 cm
4) birthday: May 6th
5) favorite bands: Måneskin (thanks Rei for already putting them here :P :D), The Rolling Stones, The Bee Gees, Muddy What?, Santana, Rosenstolz,  Electric Light Orchestra, BAP, Smokie and a lot more that don’t come to my mind right now :D
6) time: 9:30 pm
7) favorite solo artists: Oh god let me think I don’t even listen to that many solo artists on a regular basis (like in more than just a few songs of them)... okay here is what came to my mind: Lucky Dube, Suzi Quatro, Frank Sinatra, Harpo... that’s all I could come up with sorry :D
8) song stuck in your head: Amandoti Cover by Måneskin
9) last movie you watched: Twilight
10) Dream Trip: Right now I just want to be somewhere at the ocean like Italy or Greece (but somewhere not so touristy because I don’t like people :D) and just chill there and relax. My future dream trip I hope I can do after my graduation in 2 years is going to Botswana for 2 Month.
11) Last Show: Young Royals on Netflix
12) When I Created This Blog: When I started writing fanfictions about 3 years ago.
13) What I Post: Whatever I am obsessed with which right now is Måneskin :D and random thoughts or stuff I like or find funny or important :D Idk I just post about whatever I like :D
14) Last thing I googled: “In which direction to turn your key to open the front door ” (The story behind this: I moved into a new apartment two weeks ago and it’s all new and it has super heavy doors that are so fucking hard to open and after desperately trying to unlock the stupid door for five minutes I wasn’t so sure anymore about which way is the right way to turn the key because neither way worked and I was afraid of breaking the key if I accidently turn it to hard in the wrong direction. End of story: I called my bf almost crying asking if he remembered which direction is the right one and he did and then I tried again with full force and the damn thing finally opened)
15) Other Blogs: None
16) Do I get asks? Sometimes but not many but I’d love to get more so if you wanna ask me anything or talk to me please feel free it always makes me so happy if people want to talk to me :)
17) Why I Chose My URL: Because it’s who I am, just another obsessed fangirl :D
18) Following: 167
19) Followers: Tumblr says 1212 but most of these are bots because if I post something there are usually about 10 people who interact with my posts (unless something goes viral in a tag of course) It’s very annoying because I’d actually like to know how many people are really following me and are interested in my stuff but I guess I’ll just never know...
20) Average Hours Of Sleep: I need 7-8 hours minimum and if I get less than 6 hours I feel like shit
21) Lucky Number: 13, 7, 2, 21 (just numbers I like for whatever reason when I was a teenager 13 definitely was my lucky number)
22) Instruments: None because sadly I have no musical talent :/ I tried to teach myself playing guitar when I was 16 but I failed :D But I am actually thinking of trying to learn an instrument again these days just because I find it very cool to make your own music and it’s just such a nice way to express yourself and tbh also because of Vic De Angelis and her bass :D
23) What Am I Wearing: I just took a bath and just put on some comfy clothes after so I am simply wearing sweat pants and one of my bf’s shirts I stole from him because I like oversized shirts :D
24) Dream Job: Being an actress. It simply is my passion. Right now I am studying social work though (which I like too) but I am trying to do some acting on the side because seriously when I am infront of a camera I just feel like that’s where I belong. I just did some filming in May and June and when I was on set I realized that I haven’t been that happy and didn’t feel that much like myself since years and even if it’s just a no budget movie for now it’s like one step closer to my dream. Also I could totally imagine working part time as a social worker but also doing acting jobs because it would certainly put some pressure off if I’d have a steady income and can just choose whatever projects I like without necessarily having to earn a living with it (not that I’d complain lol)  :D
25) Favorite Food: Pasta & Potatoes in any form. :D Oh and Antipasti because I just love having many different dishes to choose from.
26) Tea or Coffee: I drink neither of it regularly.
27) Nationality: German.
28) Favorite Song: Right now Vent’anni by Måneskin (and basically half of their discography)
29) Last Book I Read: The midnight rose by Lucinda Riley
30) Top 3 Fictional Universes I Would Like To Live In:
1. Harry Potter Universe (because we don’t like JKR in this house but we certainly love the Potterverse especially if we can make it so queer that JKR would faint lol)
2. Maybe “Die jungen Ärzte” (= ”The young doctors”) It’s a german medical drama series maybe you could compare it to Grey’s Anatomy just less dramatic and with more happy endings :D anyway I just love that series and the actors and the characters and I’d really like to live in that universe just so I could for once have such caring and nice doctors treating me who’d magically find a solution for my chronic illness just like they always do on TV :D
3. Idk does the kind of fictional Universe where I am friends with Måneskin count? :D
I am tagging: @parva-noctua @ginny-lily @bexfangirlforlife and everyone who wants to do this, no pressure though :)
5 notes · View notes
A little announcement
Hello guys hope you’re doing well. So I want to say that I’m going on a hiatus which definitely I cannot tell when I’m coming back. It’s not because of hate or non-appreciation in this fandom quite the contrary- I’ve had the best supporters here ever so thank you all for believing and liking my shitty writing. And the real reason why I’m going in this is because in Monday I am going to be officially a Senior in my high school ( the 12th year or better the last year ) which means that I’m totally going to focus on it. But I really want to say that nothing good is going to happen ‘cause of our educational system which is old and not well-prepared for this situation as the pandemic still is present in our lives. Masks are an obligatory which I totally agree but about the lectures... every single subject is going to last only 30 minutes  ( from 8:00 am to 11: 00 am- the 1st shift and then the 2nd shift from 12:00 pm to 15:00 pm ) which basically it is not good and it’s just shit. We are also separated from some of our friends because of our different shifts. Our teachers do not care if you try the hardest in being the best as you can be and nonetheless they don’t care if they don’t explain well during the lesson ‘cause- who cares. In my country you have to go through courses if you want higher grades. Luckily I managed 10 years without going through this and I’m grateful ‘cause you have no idea what kind of stress and many other emotions we experience as teenagers here. Goodness sake this took too long huh? Sorry but I just can’t stand the fact that in the same day of starting school it’s my birthday and I’ll be officially 18.... yuck.....disgusting and I hate it already.....bad luck always follows me. EVERY TIME. And if you are curious about which field I want to be well... I’m between medical and financial studies but mostly medical ( totally confused ) but I’ve already chosen my subjects to focus on: Advanced Science or better saying Adv. Chemistry, Adv. Physics and Adv. Biology. These are actually called “The Freely Chosen Subjects “ apart from “The Must-To-Do Subjects” such as Literature, Mathematics, English, Economics and Technology. ( these last two are simply boring and unhelpful for my future ) And if you ace them you can have a place in university . So yeahhh this is my actual situation now. I apologise if I don’t catch up with your writing but who knows- maybe if I have a free time ( i really wish) we can talk or leave my thoughts in them.
This is it.
Until then.
Sending lots of love and hugs,
P.S: You can continue tagging me in your latest works in case if I want a spare time from reality so I can see them. Okay? And I will tag you in this post if you want to know where the hell has this girl gone lol.
Tag list:  @ohramsey | @utterlyinevitable | @junggoku | @caseyvalentineramsey | @aylamwrites | @starrystarrytrouble | @agent-breakdance |  @kaavyaethanramsey | @rookie-ramsey | @eramsey28 | @trappedinfandoms
25 notes · View notes
nicknellie · 4 years
By the time I finish/send this it’s going to be at the most random time so I say good night and technically good morning for whenever you read this!
I’m glad that you were able to finish your schoolwork, if it’s any consolation you still did hand them in, which is amazing! Also shame on them, they should’ve explained how all of this was going to work.
Same here! It’s so fun replying to these
Let’s do this
(Also if I were to make a tally of how many times I used exactly and agreed I would be in the hundreds by now 😂)
1. You are so brilliant, yes. Reggie just uses random stuff to hold his things especially considering that he has like 1000 scrapbooks so all the other stuff needs to go somewhere. (He also has used Luke’s and Bobby’s)
2. I didn’t think that Reggie actually has pictures of random baby, oh my goodness that is hilarious.
3. Exactly, and the reason why he doesn’t recognize the French dip is because he has no clue where it came from but it does belong to him
The non-box stuff
First two very random comments that totally did not come from me accidentally hitting some board games and seeing jam which led to inspiration for this
First point, Sunset Curve and then later Julie and the phantoms most definitely had board games. In this scenario I’m going to use Spin Master Hedbanz because, I have no clue when this game came out so I’m just gonna say it’s a game that the Molina’s play.
(Hedbanz is the fast-paced, easy to play question game of “What am I?” Ask “yes” or “no” questions, I think Amazon can be thanked for that description)
Anyways, so they play this and after not guess Luke flips a table. that’s this entire point that Luke is the one during game nights to flip tables (never play Monopoly with him)
The second point, the jams. First Reggie hates strawberry jam, loves raspberry jam and is indifferent to marmalade (I mention the last one although it’s not really a jam) however Alex loves marmalade and grape. Luke has no taste, but sometimes likes jelly, and Bobby like marmalade as well (honestly idk)
Now numbers,
2. Wait yes, I don’t know how else to describe it aside from that. (All of them feel guilty, and massive group hug and movie night after)
3. Luke as a frustrated puppy is his facial expression when Reggie accidentally scares Victoria and Luke sits down on the couch. Also yes, that is exactly the conversation they have (Yes Willie can also get through to him). Also it does work when Juli tries it however maybe not as much as when Alex and Willie talk to him.
4. Yes, basically Luke and Alex are two halves of a whole and can read each other very well.
5. Oh yea, Alex is always very sarcastic with the boys and is a tiny bit hesitant in front of Julie however after that interaction he acts more like how he normally is.
6. Yes and there’s no in-between (although it could be that he stayed there for a few days and hasn’t been back since). Aww, that’s so sad and exact what happens, however he doesn’t have someone who gives him a flower, unlike Julie, so he just sits there crying.
8. Yes! I like that theory as well, also for some reason Luke was always very good at solving Rubiks cubes however Bobby never was.
10. So I randomly saw this meme one day and you mentioning the spinning tea cups reminds me of it (I have no clue who made this sadly)
Tumblr media
(Just change Luke to be sitting with Julie then) Also yes Luke doesn’t like things that spin, honestly I love the fact that I went off on a board game tangent and you went off on a theme park tangent.
Yes, every single ride Alex goes on, also yes for bobby. I love the little addition you made that they save it for the end of the day, adding on there’s like one ride that Bobby won’t go on (maybe the tea cups) and he always rides the logflume ride during that time)
Oh yes, anytime they go to a waterpark or go on a roller coaster or basically anything Reggie will take a picture of it, (also there’s quite a few of the boys going on roller coasters that Reggie doesn’t want to ride)
Luke goes on a ghost train once and regrets everything, he spends the entire ride with his head buried in Alex‘s hoodie. Yes, also Bobby has to make sure that Alex doesn’t accidentally bump in to random strangers.
Toffee nut- for a second I thought you said that Reggie didn’t know one of his friends was allergic to gluten and I was like this fits Bobby so much but I misread that severely. But that’s exactly what happens, also Julie brings it up once, just in general, and that’s where Alex has to be like ‘Reggie we are already dead’
11. The game to see if Reggie is lying or not, love that. (Honestly I wanted him to have actually met Queen Elizabeth very randomly however your theory fits so well)
13. Yes, they all just randomly dance around the studio. I mean the band in full cowboy outfit should be very high up on your list of things to expect for season two.
14. That’s exactly why I said that, because Nick shouldn’t be able to see the boys however since he’s actually Caleb during that moment he can. So he has to pretend like he isn’t furious, he kind of fails but somehow is able to pass it off.
They can’t deny good music, love this line and yes they most definitely can’t.
15. I’m glad that you like the little Han-solo idea
16. Yes, yes, we all know that Alex still lets them in the kitchen because he can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes however during that moment he tries his best to keep them out
17. Alex was most definitely the cutest baby also that is precisely what the photo looks like. (As you mentioned earlier I believe whenever Reggie was upset at Luke he would give Julie baby pictures of Luke. So of course Reggie does the same to Alex and shows Willie pictures of him as a baby. And Willie has heart eyes for the rest of the day from that photo
19. They definitely jump in puddles also the amount of times Luke has done that to Alex for no reason at all is a lot (also this is adorable)
20. Yes, I think everyone fell in love with Alex after the first episode as they should. ‘I have been crying for 25 years. How is that possible?!?!’
Yes Reggie and Willie definitely only talk in puns to each other and Alex is not happy (lies but for now they will let Alex be)
Also this makes me think that if flynn had known that Luke existed when she was going to egg Julie’s house, he definitely would’ve helped. Also yes, Emily buys those eggs right then and there, alongside toilet paper because.
21. That’s exactly what I thought but now seeing it in writing makes me upset. Him having a key symbolizes that he now found his home, and when Luke ran away Alex was so torn because obviously he supported his best friend more than anything however at the same time he just didn’t know what to do. (I don’t think I’ve seen this list but I am very intrigued, should we petition the show to let you write Mitch‘s character for season two) Yes, Alex and Luke are such brothers and we can blame Mitch.
24. The first time I saw the song I just thought that she sang in it as background vocals or something and then I was massively disappointed. Wait wait, what if in season two we get a song from Flynn that basically answers flying solo and shows how much Julie means to Flynn. I am in the same exact boat flynn is in a music program so at the very least we have to see her doing something they can’t just waste that talent like that. So I know this YouTube creator by one video and one video alone which is I’m going to kill Santa Claus, but yes I added it to my watch later (also you did get the title right, caps and everything)
25. Yes, he wanted to be strong for her which is why he initially went. (Third chance at getting a family 🥺🥺 awww)
Yes they exactly would’ve been uncle Reggie, uncle Luke, and uncle Alex, she definitely would’ve been nicer just due to the fact that the boys never would’ve let her get away with it.
26. I mean even when the boys forgive him, he still doesn’t forgive himself. Also yes, and the first thing he does is remake the hat for Alex because for some reason Alex hasn’t been able to find the hat (and or one for Willie because he wears beanies as well) Just imagine happy Bobby reunited with his bandmates (family) though aww.
28. Yes, also Reggie is like a cat when it comes to yarn so after he initially got tangled of course he got himself even more tangled until he just became a ball of yarn. (I love that title, also there is two parts because Reggie made a similar one again due to the fact that this happened twice)
30. Yes, Willie does have an old soul and him and Alex connect very well with Vitoria
32. Yes, best fan base ever. Legitimately they will get stopped on the street and if someone finds out that their sunset Curve they immediately get some sort of fanart or sticker (also a hug because Luke will give free hugs to everyone)
Yes, honestly I was thinking that Alex could be a cat as well however you’re entirely correct it’s Bobby who is the cat. I’m a bit stumped on what Alex would be, hear me out he would be a hedgehog just because that would be absolutely adorable. (Also I love the owl idea that’s brilliant)
Wait, not only does Alex get that but a fan handmade a puzzle of the band and it’s one of Alex‘s most treasured items from a fan.
34. The boys laugh for so long but the eventually help him out of the fridge, not before Reggie takes a picture though
35. Wait yes, Ray helps them out with the photoshoot. At first he thought that Flynn was asking him to take the pictures and he was completely prepared but then he quickly realizes that she kind of just wanted him to be there too not only help out but because he’s the greatest.
37. They take all of his hoodie expect the pink one, however they do wear it just give it back.
39. He says it immediately, honestly doesn’t even register that he says it until about five minutes later
40. It’s actually a mixture of both, also because Alex wears Luke’s shirts while they are practicing. Even if the practice doesn’t turn out the best they always have a great time just because they love spending time with each other and that makes everything better.
So you mentioning Willie wanting to learn lifts and stuff, and it made me think of the fact that Kenny Ortega has done dirty dancing which means they should have a scene like this
https://youtube/DIKpUa0O7Ns (if the link doesn’t load basically its the dirty dancing - time of my life final dance)
So now I need this in season two. (Also Willie is the one who is being lifted)
Also I agree this may take the cake for my favorite (also because I now have the dance I want Willie and Alex to do in season two)
Now I may have Time of my life stuck in my head ‘and I owe it all to you’ (actual a song lyric and technically I only have myself to blame)
I’ve been trying to answer this all day but kept getting interrupted by things including but not limited to my schoolwork and the fact that my kitten escaped the bathroom while my mum was trying to wash her which caused s t r e s s but I’ve finally got round to it so here we go!
Before I start, thanks! I actually managed to get most of my work in on time today which I’m really proud of (all of it was in on time if we ignore maths, but that’s my worst subject and I don’t think my teacher is excepting much from me anyway 😂😭)
And oh god I kind of am tempted to make tallies of how often we say that now lmaooo I’d add for me any variation of “ahdslflkdp” or “omg lmaooo yes”
Anyway! Let’s start!
1. Thank you!!!!! Exactly but somehow I can imagine he still manages to be messy. Like all his stuff is packed away neatly, but the boxes they’re packed away in are just everywhere and it’s a nightmare for Alex who likes to be clean and tidy. (Luke doesn’t care whether things are messy or tidy, and Bobby is messy but not as cluttered as Reggie I think) And yes!! He uses Luke’s and Bobby’s too, as well as a drum Alex accidentally broke and is now kind of like a box if that makes any sense lol
2. Ikr lmaooo he just puts them in there like “well we needed something” and when Bobby continues to say it doesn’t count because it’s not him he just claims the baby is an honorary member of the band
3. Yes! Maybe he found it one day, thought to himself that he’d read it and try it out later but then completely forgot about it and the box
1. I am so in love with this idea oh my godddd, yes, your mind!!!! They have these extravagant board game nights that last hours and hours (while they’re all wearing their matching pyjamas or onesies of course). I love games like Hedbanz omg and I can totally imagine them playing this and also games like Cluedo, Pictionary, Articulate (great game btw if you’ve never played, highly recommend), and any game Julie finds like at a charity shop (because I can totally see her and Flynn going to charity shops and finding a bunch of cool stuff??) Whoever is in a team with Julie is pretty much guaranteed to win (unless it’s Luke, but Alex or Reggie with Julie are pretty much unstoppable) and in the old days Reggie was the master of all games. You’re so right about Luke getting angry lmao monopoly was banned after the first fifteen minutes of the first time they ever played it
2. I love how random that whole thing is but also that you’re 100% right. Also the fact that This Band Is Back is also called Reggie’s Jam has led to some interesting different versions of that song over the years
2. This kind of links in but not really - once they’re with Julie they have movie nights too and Flynn and Willie often join in. Julie and Flynn have a couple’s jumper and Reggie and Luke are jealous of how comfy they look all snuggled up together so because Luke is wearing one of Alex’s hoodies they both get into that. The only problem is Alex’s hoodie only has one head-hole so they end up stretching it and Alex isn’t happy. Him and Willie just watch the whole time, Alex not finding any of it amusing, Willie laughing his head off
3. Yes that was the exact image I had in my head!!! And it only works when Julie does it because it’s Julie and Luke isn’t really convinced but he’ll agree with her because it makes her happy and that’s all he really wants
4. Ok that made me think of Merlin if you’ve ever watched that show??? If you haven’t then you should, it’s on Netflix and one of my all time favourites. Anyway the phrase two halves of a whole is really similar to two sides of the same coin which is used all the time in Merlin and now I kinda wanna write a Merlin AU where Luke is Arthur, Alex is Merlin, Reggie is Gwaine, Julie is Gwen, Carrie is Morgana, Caleb is Uther, etc.
5. Yeah 🥺 I kinda just want more of Alex relaxing around Julie next season y’know? Like they’re obviously super close but he doesn’t always act around her the same as he does with the guys. I want to see them get closer, have nights where it’s just the two of them, maybe Alex officially coming out to her (though I like to think he already did that and it just wasn’t shown to us)
6. Omg ok that hurt. Wow. Because the boys don’t cross over or go to wherever Rose went after they died, they just stayed in the dark room for an hour, they can’t watch over Bobby and see how he’s doing and they can’t send him any signs like Rose did for Julie. If they had been able to do that then things would have been so much different!
8. What if Bobby started trying like everything the boys liked when they were alive? Like after he realises he can’t make jewellery or write poetry anymore he tries the Rubik’s Cube but can’t do it. So he tries puzzles but just can’t find them as interesting as Alex did. And he tries crosswords and sudokus but can’t wrap his head around them like Reggie. Eventually all his interests kind of drop away and he’s left with even less than he already had.
10. Absjdldl yes lmao that’s perfect! Honestly I love that for us, little random tangents here and there is perfect 😂
Yessss I love that lol like when he meets up with the guys again he’s soaking wet and grinning like an idiot lmao
Reggie has scrapbooks dedicated to their theme park trips and it’s kind of messy and most of the photos are blurry but he loves them as they’re some of his best memories
Also the image of Alex getting so lost in his happiness watching everyone having fun that Bobby just has to pull him out of the way of people is glorious and I love it
Also I had another random thought literally just now. This is kinda based on something that happened when I was 12 I think? So Sunset Curve goes to a theme park and they’ve just finished lunch and Alex wants to go back on rides immediately so they decide to go on something small and not scary so they won’t like vomit their food everywhere. Reggie goes with it because they won’t be going on a big ride. They go on one of the smallest rides there, literally it’s this platform that moves side to side I can’t really explain it better than that. And it is the most terrifying ride any of them have been on in their entire lives even though it looks fine and Reggie refuses to go on anything else for the rest of the day just in case he’s tricked by its tame appearance again.
Toffee nut - omg yeah no I love that! Bobby is definitely allergic to gluten. Alex loves baking special gluten-free stuff just for him and the others are banned from eating it (but y’know they ignore that and do anyway)
11. Tbh now you’ve said that I want it too and I’ve changed my mind, there’s a high chance he did meet her. Somehow. Even he’s not really sure what happened but yeah he did 😂
13. Honestly just any kind of fancy dress? Like cowboys is up there but I’d love to see Fairy Princess Luke ngl
14. I love the image of Nick very poorly containing his anger and ending up accidentally saying something like “they wouldn’t know sophistication if it snuck up and slapped them” and then having to explain what the hell that meant to Julie
16. No one can resist Reggie and Luke’s puppy dog eyes 😂 I love the idea that he shoos them away but they look at him through the door. So he shuts the door, leaving them outside, but they move to the window. He pulls the curtain down over the window but they come in through the front door and stand in the kitchen again and either he has to relent and let them stay or offload them to Bobby or Julie depending on when this is
17. Afjkgjl yes and Alex looks as if he’s embarrassed by it but really he’s isn’t, he’s actually angry because he wanted to be the one to show Willie his baby photos and Reggie stole that from him damnit!
19. This is kind of unrelated but it’s on the subject of water so kinda close - water fights. Absolutely. Especially in summer. Alex is the best at them. Luke sucks (it’s kind of becoming a theme that Luke is awful at anything competitive and I love that lmao)
20. LITERALLY. He said that and a bunch of other things (there’s too many to list lol) and I was immediately like “ok yeah he’s gonna be my favourite isn’t he” and I was right
Absjdidko yeah he hates the puns but love that they’ve found something to bond over, he’ll just never admit it. Whenever they’re doing it he just shakes his head disappointedly, trying to hide a smile
Lmao yeah Luke is well-practised at egging houses and for at least an hour he would have been thinking “I want to but it’s Julie” unable to decide and eventually he would have done it for the fun
Emily Patterson honestly would’ve won Mother of the Year imo (except the arguing with Luke, but that’s one flaw and otherwise she was great)
21. Omg yeah totally, he would have definitely struggled between supporting Luke by not going and supporting himself by going. Either he would have not gone, or gone secretly and updated Emily and Mitch to tell them Luke was safe.
YES DEFINITELY PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Honestly I love Mitch and there’s so much I want to see from him (especially a conversation with Ray) and I would love to write his character @ Kenny Ortega please hire me :)
Also here’s the list of you want to look through it whenever lol
24. I love this yesss we deserve to see Flynn’s response to Flying Solo! Honestly my prediction for her is that she kind of starts feeling left out of everything because she can’t see the boys (even though Julie and the guys obviously don’t mean to leave her out and they’re devastated when she tells them that’s what’s going on) which A) could be how she starts to reconnect with Carrie and B) could be the reason she sings a song for Julie. And YES Jadah Marie is so talented therefore Flynn is and that can’t be wasted!
Lmaooo I’m Going to Kill Santa Claus is one of the only videos I’ve not seen of his but I love all his other stuff. And I’m legit proud of myself for remembering that title 😂😂
25. Exactly! Like Trevor I think would be a semi-lenient parent and whenever Carrie acts up it would have been Alex who was the first to tell her off and tell her what she should have done. He would never shout, but he also wouldn’t sugarcoat it and would be honest. Reggie and Luke would have been gentler on her but Bobby would have just been terrible at discipline lol
26. Yes omg 🥺 the little gestures like making more hats are the things that get the boys to finally forgive him. And I know for a fact that Willie wearing a beanie is all I’m going to be thinking about forever now, holy moly
28. Ajsbdkspskke yes!! Eventually it turns into a whole series of songs that end with “Bobby I Swear I Will Hide All Your Knitting Needles If You Don’t Start Cleaning Up Your Yarn, This Is Your Final Warning”
32. I love that! The band is very sociable so they run into fans a lot and fans just start bringing their fanart and stickers wherever they go because you never know when you might run into Sunset Curve
Omg I can totally see hedgehog Alex that’s literally perfect I love it! Because he’s kind of shy and nervous but also prickly (like come on, his sarcasm and the way he just deadpans half his lines is brilliant)
Yessss it’s this really detailed painting made into a puzzle of all of them and Alex puts off making it for ages because he doesn’t want to damage it or anything 🥺
34. Lmao yeah Reggie has to take a load of photos because he’s using his Polaroid and he’s laughing so much that the camera shakes and the photo comes out blurry every time
35. Yes she wants him there because Ray is obviously the Best Dad Ever (I am definitely in agreement with Reggie on this one). Also it helps because then it doesn’t look like Flynn is by herself taking all these photos because the guys can’t be seen 😂
37. Yes lol the one rule is that if you take the pink one you MUST give it back. Willie is the only one who can occasionally get away with breaking that rule, in which case Alex just takes it back himself
39. Absjdldl yes especially because Carrie doesn’t comment on it (because she’s not really listening to him, just speaking her thoughts aloud, because I feel like she does that a lot? Talks to herself because it’s easier to understand her thoughts when she says them?)
40. Omg yes and that’s even better because Alex had done it with Luke and Reggie so he knows how! I mean, it doesn’t go well at all, but they have fun!
God me too now I’ve got it stuck in my head 😂 tbh I had Devil Went Down To Georgia and also Ring Of Fire stuck in my head for ages after we mentioned those so it only makes sense lol
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thelagomlifestyle · 4 years
21 Healthy Habits And Goals To Incorporate In 2021
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2020 was quite exhausting to be very frank both mentally and physically. For some, it was a chance to learn something new, slow down and focus on themselves but for others, it was mentally exhausting to the point that it led to laziness, procrastination, and delay in work without a proper routine.
In this blog post, we are going to cover 21 healthy habits and goals to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
I want each and everyone to take it slow and not put too much pressure to achieve all these goals at once because it takes time to build a habit.
All I want to say ‘Do not give up’
One and a half months have already passed and during the new year a lot of us must have set some resolutions for ourselves like we do every year.
Most of us are still going strong and that’s great but for those who feel like they are not able to keep up with their resolutions ‘It’s completely okay, you can still start’.
1) Prioritize Your ME Time
Having ME time is an important part of our daily life be it at night for a few hours after work or maybe on weekends when you have the whole day to yourself.
Watch your favourite Netflix show, take a nice shower, create a skincare routine wherein you pamper yourself by scrubbing, a nice face pack, and a face mask, eat whatever you feel like on weekends (cheat day), light a scented candle to uplift your mood
Try this scented candle which not only smells amazing but is super affordable at the same time. It instantly lift up your mood.
I have used their Rose, Ocean and Jasmine fragrance and it feels so good when you light up and listen to music or read a book. I mean there must be a lot of things you feel like doing but you can’t prioritize yourself throughout the week, these are just a few examples above.
I would suggest making the most out of your ME time.
2) Eat Nutritious Meals
Try to add fruits and vegetables to your diet.
I am not a fan of dieting at all and I try to eat homemade food throughout the week and have a cheat day on weekends just to balance out
Honestly, it is impossible to have too much homemade food or too much junk, we need to balance out.
One thing which I need to focus on this year is to include fruits in my diet because I eat less fruits and it’s not that I don’t like them but I just don’t know the reason.
Maybe I am too lazy to eat fruits
Anyways, include green vegetables in your meal throughout the week and fruits as well as it’s going to be good for your health, skin and also for your digestive system.
3) Drink More Water
I just can’t focus on how important it is to drink water.
It might sound basic but remember basics are the hardest to incorporate.
I know everybody knows the importance of drinking water but I would still like to state a few:
It keeps your skin healthy
Removes body waste
Improves digestion
Improves blood circulation
There are tons of other advantages but I have mentioned a few basic ones here.
A tip: Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and refill after a few hours in case you are like me and feel lazy to go to the kitchen and get water.
4) Journaling
This is something that I started last year during lock down when things started getting pretty exhausting mentally and I wanted something to brain dump all my thoughts.
Journaling requires you to be true to yourself and be as transparent with your thoughts as possible.
There is no one to judge you, it’s just you and your diary.
Also, journaling helps you feel mentally relaxed and lets you reflect on certain situations and dilemmas going on in your life.
5) Schedule Your Sleep
My 2021 goal is to have a proper sleep cycle because 2020 has worsened my sleep schedule.
I used to sleep at 2 or 3 am most of the days in 2020 because of lack of motivation.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep in a flow and sleep early so that you can wake up on time.
It is going to make you look fresh in the morning instead of getting puffy eyes when you wake up. Also, it affects your health.
I am telling you all this because I have been there and it did affect my health and my face used to look super dull.
I am trying to improve my sleep schedule and trying to wake up early. Of course, it is going to take time but you have to be persistent.
6) Spending Time In Nature
If you want peace and need to calm your thoughts then being close to nature is the perfect answer.
It helps you reduce stress and increase your happiness.
Last year we were locked inside our homes and nobody was allowed to go outside.
Now that things are getting back to normal try to spend as much time in nature as possible.
Go to parks near your place, plan trips where you can be close to nature or maybe put as many plants as you want in your house.
7) Make Your Bed As Soon As You Wake Up
It is a good habit to make your bed as soon as you wake up as it prevents you from getting back to bed instantly and also reduces mental stress
Imagine you come back after work to a cluttered bed I am sure it is going to exhaust you mentally and now imagine if you come home to a nice, clean bed you will feel so relaxed.
So make sure you make your bed as soon as you wake up.
8) Social Media Detox
We all need a break from social media from time to time.
I mean there is no point in endlessly scrolling your feed and wasting your time and energy.
Social media is also one of the major reasons for procrastination.
Only follow people who inspire you and avoid following people who make you feel bad about yourself and fill you with negative or toxic thoughts.
Do not let anyone or anything question your identity.
Consciously, start giving your precious time to your friends and family instead of unnecessarily being on social media.
Set a specific time you want to use social media or set a limit.
9) Read Books
To be honest, I was never a big fan of reading books until last year when of course there was a lock down and we were trying to learn something new or build a nice habit.
That was the time I started reading books and the book that I read was a self-help one which changed my perspective to perceive life to a whole new level
The book is written by VEX KING named – GOOD VIBES, GOOD LIFE.
If you haven’t read this book please read it. It is an amazing one.
Written in simple language and something which is guaranteed to change your mindset.
I somehow love this new habit and I try my best to read a book daily for 20-30 min either in the morning or before sleeping.
You know until last year I was in no position to guide you why reading books is a good habit but now I am pretty sure that I am in a position to tell you.
It enhances your creativity, increases your knowledge and you know knowledge is never wasted.
You can use a kindle or paperback version, whatever you feel comfortable with. I prefer paperback so that I can be away from the screen for a few minutes.
10) Celebrate Small Wins
It is important to celebrate small wins in your life instead of being harsh on yourself.
Celebrating small wins will make you feel motivated to grow more in life and make you feel good about yourself.
11) Prioritize Meditation
Start by meditating 10-15 minutes each day if you are just starting out but I would say START.
There are a number of apps like Headspace, Calm, or Youtube where you can follow a guided meditation.
It is going to calm your mind and let you sit in stillness and reflect on your thoughts and emotions.
12) Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries should be given priority in life.
Do not entertain anything which makes you feel uneasy.
Also, learn to say NO when you don’t feel like doing a certain thing.
I know I know it is not easy to say NO to a lot of people and I am one of them.
I always feel like I am going to hurt the other person without realizing that the thing is being done at the expense of my happiness.
Another important thing, communicate with people and let them know if you don’t like a certain situation so that they know there is a thin boundary that they should not cross.
13) Being Productive/Organized
Okay, being organized is something that I suck at and I feel like I am telling you guys about so many weaknesses of mine.
But like so many of you I am also trying to be a better version of myself.
I really need to start planning a day or week ahead to stay productive in life because I am really bad at planning things
This is the reason I end up completing most of my tasks at the eleventh hour.
This is something that I need to focus on in 2021 so that I can make the most out of it.
Plan monthly tasks related to work or set weekly or monthly goals or plans. There are a lot of things you can do to stay organized.
Use either a dairy to write your to-do list or if you can then buy a productivity planner to keep you organized. There are so many productivity apps out there as well.
14) Get Therapy Or Consult A Counsellor
This is a serious topic which I need everybody to take seriously.
Do not care if anybody is trying to judge you because it’s your lie and nobody has the right to judge you in this matter.
Most people don’t normalize going to a therapist which I feel is so wrong.
It is so difficult for people to tell that they are seeing a therapist
People think anybody visiting a therapist is either crazy or has serious mental problems.
Especially after last year which took a toll on a lot of people’s mental health we need to accept the fact that it’s fine if we seek help.
I mean we all need help at some point or the other in our lives and there are certain things we do not find comfortable to share with our closed ones.
The fact is now it’s time to change our thought process and focus on our mental health more.
Normalize saying “I am visiting a therapist”
15) Slow Down And Give Yourself A Break
Last year became the year we all were forced to slow down in our lives.
Things didn’t go as planned and life became a bit complicated in a lot of ways.
We got so much time in our hands to self-reflect and learn so much about ourselves.
Instead of rushing through this year try to take things slow and take each day at a time.
I am in no sense asking you guys to not be productive, all I am saying is don’t put too much pressure on yourself or do not overestimate your goals.
Take one task at a time and give your best at it.
16) Create A Thin Line Between Spending And Saving
I mentioned this point in one of my previous posts where I mentioned how important it is to save money and not to spend it on unnecessary things.
Things you only desire but don’t need.
Again last year taught us the importance of saving money because when so many people were unemployed they relied on their savings.
Make a point to save as much as possible this year and in the coming year because life is so uncertain, you never know what is going to happen next.
17) Invest In Yourself
Invest in yourself means this year make a point to learn a lot of new things be it new courses or seminars, maybe a good workout or reading a new book, listening to a podcast.
Spending your time and money on something which will help you grow into a better person is the best choice you can make.
It’s good to unlearn and learn in life. Also, it’s a fact that knowledge is never wasted.
18) Stay Away From Toxic People
Stay around quality people because that’s the best gift you can give yourself.
Also, that is a sign of self-love.
I read an amazing post of Steven Bartlett on Instagram wherein he says
“Being selective about how you spend your time and who you spend your time with is a sign of self-respect.” –  Steven Bartlett
19) Practice Gratitude
One of the healthy habits which we tend to ignore is practicing gratitude.
Practicing gratitude is like a continuous journey which makes you feel good about life and gives a positive perspective altogether.
There are a number of ways you can practice gratitude –  by keeping a gratitude journal, gratitude prayer and being kind.
I have written a detailed post on how effective practicing gratitude is for your mental health.
20) Declutter Your Surroundings
A decluttered space brings you positive vibes and a clear mental state as well.
Take some time out daily for 15 minutes to clean your space especially on weekends so that throughout the week you don’t have to stress too much over cleanliness.
At least make your bed daily in the morning as soon as you wake up.
21) Stop Being Afraid Of Failure & START
Failure is something which can paralyze your thought process and you are so afraid to start anything which makes you feel uncomfortable.
Start taking baby steps and do not worry about the results. Focus on learning new things throughout the journey.
Also, remember it is okay to fail because at the end of the day you got to learn something new.
If you don’t start anything which makes you feel uncomfortable you won’t ever come out of your comfort zone. Also, you never know when these small steps can give you big results.
Words From The Lagom Lifestyle:
It’s high time we need to focus on ourselves and take care of our mental health.
Don’t be in a rush to take up all the goals together and go on with one at a time.
You have a full year to try these new habits and enjoy the process. Take things slowly and do not rush anything.
You might feel these are so basic points that I have mentioned but trust me sometimes the basics are the hardest to keep up with.
All the best for this New Year. I wish we could have the courage and move towards our dream life
Lots of Love, Sejal
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 38
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: a tiny smut scene, LOTS of discussions between them. btw he’s about to leave for his trip soon and then ill also skip a few weeks. was this chapter okay?
here are the ‘requests’ i added in this chapter!
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Chapter 38 : His chapter
I couldn't remember the last time I felt this happy with a steady girlfriend, or with a girl at all, so when she proposed to go ice skating, i couldn't say no. I was leaving soon and I wanted to spend as much time with her as i could, which resulted in basically being 24/7 together. I even followed her home when she needed more clothes or something and we also took our showers together. The only times we weren't together were pretty much only when we needed to use the bathroom but even then, sometimes, i would end up just doing nothing while waiting for her. I wanted to say I thought our commitment was too much and that our behavior was over the top but if I wanted to be honest, I didn't give a fuck about what it looked like. I wanted to be with her, so why should I stop myself?
"Can you even skate?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as she put her skates on.
She chuckled and I saw a cloud coming out of her mouth. It was cold, colder than we were used to for this time of the year, but she didn't seem to mind. She pulled on her beanie to hide her ears better and it made me smile a bit.
"Not really." she admitted with a shrug. "You know I suck at sports. But I thought it could be fun."
She got up and I did the same, searching for her hand to hold it in mine. We were both wearing gloves and I tried to squeeze her fingers as she pulled me closer to the rink. A bunch of people were already there and I was a bit annoyed to realize they were still playing Christmas songs even if we were in the middle of january. Did they want to kill us?
"Christmas songs never seem to end." I pointed out, groaning a bit and making her laugh.
"Oh come on, you love Christmas songs!"
"I'm overdosing." I just replied before slowly putting one foot on the ice.
Olivia was holding my hand a lot tighter and I realized she was trying to keep her balance. We ended up skating slowly together and the more time passed, the easiest it seemed to get. After a while, we were just skating slowly, still holding hands and enjoying the day. I noticed she kept glancing at our hands together and it sort of amused me.
"What?" I just asked, making her look up at me.
"Oh nothing." she replied with a shrug, her lips still curled.
"Does that bother you?"
I moved our hands up a bit to show her our intertwined fingers and she just shrugged again, shaking her head.
"No, no, I thought it would bother you though." she explained as I let our hands fall back between us. "You know, PDA and all."
"You know i'm not trying to hide you, right?"
Her smile turned into a soft one and she looked up in my eyes, glancing from time to time in front of herself to be sure not to trip. It made me want to kiss her.
"I know Niall, i've been around you long enough to know you just want to save this, to keep it private, and i'm okay with it, you know I am."
It was incredible how easily she understood me and I knew it was partially because we grew up together but I couldn't help but think it was also because our personalities just fitted so well together that we could just connect and understand each other. I was about to answer when she shrugged once again.
"As long as it's not because you're ashamed of me."
Her words hit me hard and I felt my heart jump in my chest from thinking she could believe that for one second.
"No way, no." I just let out, not really sure how to prove otherwise. "Look."
Without an other word, I brought her hand up, extending both our arms up in the air to show our intertwined fingers. She laughed but I could see her eyes sparkling and somehow, I loved it. She chuckled a bit and it's only when she almost tripped on her feet that I brought our hands down, trying to help her get her balance back.
"It's okay, Niall, you didn't have to do that, I trust you." she explained even if I could swear that my reaction reassured her. "Besides, you did sing for me in front of a public. That's hard to forget."
"Oh because you're trying to?" I joked, raising my eyebrows and pretending to be insulted. "That was unforgettable."
We had slowed down without realizing it and we finally stopped skating completely. She put herself in front of me, still holding my hand tight, and I sent her an amused smile as people kept moving around us.
"It really was the best moment of my life." she confessed so low that I barely heard. "Totally unforgettable."
I smiled more and bent down to kiss her but we both jumped when we heard someone say her name very close to us. She turned her head quickly before our lips could touch and her expression changed into a surprised one. I was a bit bothered that someone would disturb us but it quickly turned into annoyance when I realized who it was.
I was not sure if she was happy or just surprised but when he hugged her, I suddenly felt out of place. I was pretty sure I was dating Holly when she started dating Rian and I remember being annoyed back then, too. He was too kind, too caring, too perfect.
"Oh my god, Rian, I haven't seen you since..."
He pulled away from her and laughed with a shrug.
"Yea I can't remember either, how have you been?"
They started chatting for a while and the fact that he ignored me didn't get unnoticed. I waited an other minute and finally coughed to get their attention before looking at him and sending him a fake smile. I was pretty sure he could read in my face that I wasn't super happy to see him but he didn't say anything.
"Horan, hey mate!"
He showed his hand and reluctantly, I slapped in it.
"Wherever Olivia is, Niall isn't too far." he added with a chuckle. "That's what everyone always said."
I held my breath at his words, a bit shocked that I hadn't heard that before even if apparently, all of our friends said it. It was even more surprising knowing that we were both taken yet our friends still took time to mention how close we were.
"I see it's still true!" he continued, realizing we weren't going to comment on it. "Still as close as you used to be?"
"Closer." I replied, searching for Liv's hand with mine and grabbing her fingers.
I saw his gaze fall on our hands and then he looked up with a cheeky smile. For some odd reason, I wanted him to lose that stupid smile.
"So it finally happened? I should have bet money on that." he joked, laughing a bit before my girlfriend joined it.
"Yea, it did." she just said before changing the subject. "What are you doing in London?"
"Oh, I moved here! It's been a few years actually."
He kept talking about what he had been up to in the past few years and I just turned to Olivia. She was staring at him, listening carefully to his words and laughing at his jokes, and my jealousy seemed to falter slightly. I tried remembering how i felt for her back then but all I could see in my mind was the first time i saw them kiss each other. I hadn't been jealous the way I was jealous now but it was still jealousy. Probably jealousy from seeing her happy with someone else than me, or jealousy because I knew she wouldn't be able to spend as much time with me as she used to. Either way, it was bad, and I had decided to focus on Holly instead.
"We should go."
I had no idea why I had said that but they both stopped everything and turned to me before Liv sent him a smile.
"He's right, it's getting late."
"Hey, give me your phone, i'll add my number and maybe we can hang out?"
Without thinking, I squeezed her fingers tighter as she handed him her phone with her free hand. It seemed to take forever until he gave it back and he got closer to kiss her cheek before shaking my hand again but it's only when he left that my grip on her fingers loosened a bit. I turned to look at her and I thought she would make a comment but she simply smiled at me and licked her lips.
"Let's go home, i'm dying for a cup of hot chocolate."
"Yea, good idea."
We left the rink and put our boots back before walking to my car in silence. I had the feeling I made things tensed between us but in the middle of the ride, she turned to look at me with an amused smile. I glanced at her and frowned but didn't have time to ask anything.
"Niall, I have no intention on seeing Rian again."
I shrugged, trying to show that I didn't mind, but it made her laugh.
"I noticed, you know." she started, making me frown more. "How you reacted around him. Even back then, when we were younger, you couldn't stand him."
"He was always sort of an arrogant prick." I mumbled with a groan, making her laugh even more. "I know he treated you well, and he really cared for you, and he was nice to you... but he was still an arrogant prick. And he still is."
This time, she laughed louder and it made me grimace but I couldn't help but enjoy her happiness and amusement.
"I give you that, he really is." she added before getting more serious. "And you clearly claimed your territory." she half-joked.
"I'm sorry, Liv." I apologized as I parked the car in my driveway.
I sighed as I stopped the car and we got out of it. We walked to the door and I unlocked it and after we put our skates and coats away, she followed me to the kitchen, sitting on the counter as she looked at me preparing us two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows. She was swinging her legs and I noticed how her thick socks were rolled over her sweatpants. It made me smile more but I decided to focus on our drinks.
"You lost your virginity to this guy, didn't you?"
I asked but I already knew. Someone had told me about it and I had waited for her to share this information with me but she never had. I couldn't blame her, though, since I hadn't told her when and to whom I lost my virginity either. She wasn't answering and I finally looked up only to see her looking down at her hands as she was playing with her fingers nervously.
"You were dating Holly and... Willie told me you had sex with her." she shrugged, still avoiding my eyes, and it made me sad. "I don't know, I guess I always had the dream that we'd do it together, so it sort of hurt me really bad."
"I'm so... so sorry, Olivia."
"No!" she let out, looking up at me and sending me a sad smile. "No, Niall, don't apologize, it's not your fault and you didn't owe me anything. I guess I just wanted to get rid of it too."
"Get rid of what?" I asked, bringing her her mug and standing in front of her as she took a sip.
"My virginity."
I stared at her for a few more seconds in silence as she drank more, making a grimace as she burned her tongue. I watched as she pushed a lock of her messy hair behind her ear and took a step closer, putting my untouched hot beverage on the counter. It caught her attention and she looked in my eyes again.
"The next day I saw Rian at a party and... yea, I invited him home." she admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "And we did it. And then we started dating."
I didn't know what to tell her and I just stared at her again, wishing I could take away all the pain I could see in her eyes. I regretted so many things yet I knew that apologizing wouldn't change anything and would probably just make her feel guilty so I just took an other step closer and put my hands on her thighs. My palms brushed on her pants and reached her waist as I tilted my chin up to look into her eyes.
"Do you wanna watch a movie before bed."
She sent me a fond smile and nodded slightly as her eyes moved from mine to my lips. I pulled her closer, her ass sliding on the counter and making her chuckle. She brought her free hand on my cheek, her palm very warm since she had held her mug for a while, and i smiled at her. She bent down slightly and our lips met as her fingers slipped down on my neck. Neither of us deepened the kiss. She just brushed her parted lips gently and very slowly against mine as we stared at each other.
"I'm a bit obsessed with you." she admitted in a low tone, the right corner of her mouth moving up. "I'd literally lock myself in your room with you and fuck for days."
I laughed against her mouth and nibbled gently on her bottom lip, making her smile more.
"Oh yea."
I pulled away a bit and let my eyes fall on her lips as I felt her thumb rub softly on the skin of my neck. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me even closer to her.
"Don't tempt me."
She started laughing and kissed me again before loosening her grip and letting me move back. She put her mug on the counter and got down before following me to the living room. We remained silent as I turned the tv on and the lights off and she brought a blanket on the couch. We ended up cuddling under it while a Christmas movie was playing. She was leaning against my chest, between my legs, and I let my fingertips brush gently on her arm, giving her goosebumps. I felt like we were exactly where we were supposed to be and nothing else seemed to matter.
She tilted her head up and I looked down, sending her an amused smile before she sent me a fond one. I moved closer and kissed her lips again. Slowly, she turned around and got on her knees, her mouth still attached to mine, as i let my arms rest on the back of the couch. She deepened the kiss and moved her knees on each sides on my thighs to straddle me. I gripped the couch hard with both hands when she pressed her inner thighs against my cock and groaned in her mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about her wet pussy rubbing against me and drenching her panties and I finally brought my hands to her face to cup her cheeks, pushing my back away to sit straight.
"You're such a little tease." I whispered with a smirk as my hands slid down on her sides to reach her waist.
I tried to slip my hand past the waistband of her sweatpants but she grabbed it and brought it back to her waist, allowing her lips to leave mine but still remaining very close.
"Don't move." she whispered as she started rubbing herself quickly over me.
I could feel my dick swell against her and I whimpered very low when her pussy ground against my tip. The friction was becoming too much and I started feeling an orgasm form in the pit of my stomach. It was unbelievable how quickly she could make me cum and I brought my hands to the bottom of her shirt, moving it up over her breasts. I reached in her back to take her bra off and grimaced in annoyance when I realized I was struggling. I was too horny and couldn't focus on anything else but how she moved over me. She chuckled and stopped moving to help me take her bra off and my eyes immediately fell on her breasts. I ran my hands up on her sides before grabbing both gently. She started moving again and I reached for one of her nipples with my mouth, running my tongue on it before moving to the other.
"Fuck, i'm so close." she whimpered, running her hand in my hair and pulling on it slightly. "Oh.. oh god."
My hands gripped her waist tighter, my fingers sinking on her skin, as I helped her move over me.
"Do it petal, cum for me, soak your panties just for me." i let out low in a husky voice.
Her grip tightened in my hair and she started shaking over me. I watched her for half a second but couldn't stop myself from reaching in her panties. Quickly, I rubbed her clit through her orgasm, making her eyebrows raise and her lips part. The sight was beautiful and the feeling even better. She came on my fingers and the whole thing was so sexy I almost got an orgasm too. She bent down to kiss me but I quickly put my fingers in her mouth and watched her suck on them, taking them completely in her mouth, as she grabbed my hand with both of hers.
"Dry humping has never been so hot." I admitted with a laugh as she took my fingers out of her mouth with a low 'pop'.
I let my fingers slide between her breasts, leaving a wet trace on my way as my eyes followed them down.
"You drive me fucking insane." I admitted before looking back up at her.
"Where do you want to cum?" she just asked, ignoring my comment, and without thinking, I moved my eyes on her breasts again.
My cock was painfully hard by then and when she got off of me, I groaned, wanting to just pull her back on top of me. She held her hand out and I took it before getting up too. She tilted her head and the smirk she sent me almost made me cum right then. Slowly, she got on her knees and unzipped my pants before quickly pulling them down and bringing my boxers with them. She took my cock with both her hands and started stroking it as I watched her but it didn't take me long to be close to my orgasm again.
"Fuck..." she let go of me and I started jerking myself off as she moved up on her knees, bringing her upper body closer to me. "I've been thinking about cumming all over your tits a lot recently."
She bit her bottom lip and cupped her breasts for me, tilting her head again and raising her eyebrows up.
"Please do it, i'm really craving your cum right now." she whispered. "I really want it all over me."
She looked so innocent and vulnerable that one of my legs started shaking as I came on her breasts. I groaned when I got down from my high, rubbing the tip of my cock in my cum to spread it on her more but focusing on her nipples. The feeling was amazing and I could swear I heard her whimper too. I was panting and my whole body was throbbing but I just closed my eyes, trying to get my heartbeats back to a normal pace.
"Come here." I said, bending down a bit to help her up before kissing her gently. "I'm really thinking about your proposition. Locking ourselves in here for weeks seems like the only solution."
She laughed against my mouth and i did the same, not really sure how long we spent just kissing each other. All I knew was that the movie was over when we pulled away and I took a step back.
"You need a shower." I pointed out, glancing down at her breasts and making her chuckle. "And so do i."
We cleaned quickly in very warm stream of water and ended up in bed again, the lights off and the room in complete silence. There were so many things rushing to my brain and even if I knew we had so many things to talk about, the only thing that came out of my mouth surprised me probably more than it surprised her.
"Did you love him?" I asked low, my hands behind my head.
I tensed at my own words and stopped moving but I could swear she could hear my heartbeats echo against my chest.
"Who, Rian?" she asked, turning her head my way. "No, not really. I mean, I liked him a lot, but it was nothing like love."
I just nodded but remained silent, feeling stupid for even asking. I didn't know why I had been so jealous earlier, when we saw him, and I would never stop her from seeing her friends, but I couldn't pretend I wasn't happy that she had no intention on calling him.
"What about you?" she asked in a soft voice, turning her whole body my way. "Which of your ex girlfriends did you love?"
My lips curled into a smile and I closed my eyes for a few seconds before doing what she did and turning my body her way to face her. I blinked a few times to see her better as my eyes got used to the darkness and I could read in her face that my answer was making her nervous. I brought my hand up and moved a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"I thought I loved a few of them..  very few of them." I pointed out, the right corner of my lips moving up as my eyes roamed on her. "But then I admitted to myself that I loved you and it made me realize that what I felt before, for the other girls... it wasn't love. Nothing felt half as good, intense and real as what I feel for you."
Her eyes seemed to flutter and she moved closer to press her lips against mine slowly and softly. I moved my arm around her waist and kissed her back very gently.
"Now that I think about it, I wish I would have lost my virginity with you." I confessed again in a whisper. "We were close, the closest I ever was with a friend, and I trusted you more than I trusted any of the girls I dated. We should have lost our virginity together, Olivia. I'm sorry I didn't realize that before."
She didn't answer but I knew she felt the same. It was too late, though, and it's impossible to go back in the past but at least, she knew I regretted it. If I had known back then what I know now, things would have been different. It was stupid to dwell on the past but it was important for me to tell her that I was sorry, even if I couldn't change it.
I kissed her again, my lips brushing against hers and feeling her warm breath on my skin. I had never felt like that with anybody and it was scary to think it was the first and last person i'd feel that way for but I knew it was true.
"I want to spend my life with you."
The way she had whispered made me shiver but her words made something jump in my chest. She was literally telling me she wanted me to be the last lover she'd ever have and the thought suddenly scared me. I could feel my heart thump hard and fast in my chest and I swallowed, unsure of what my answer should be. I didn't want to tell her that life isn't easy, that things and people change, and that we had no idea where we'd be in a year, even if it was exactly what I thought, because i didn't want to hurt her. Not again. I had hurt her enough before, she deserved to be happy now and today had been too perfect to end up on a bad note by stating ugly facts and inevitable truths. Plus, I loved her more than anything but I was still 22, and life was long and tough.
I pulled her closer to me and stared in her eyes for a few seconds, telling myself that there was no way I was ever going to lie to her, and just decided on telling her how I felt and what I was totally sure about.
"I love you, Olivia." I whispered back. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you."
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iamdorka · 5 years
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COLSON (x Reader)
Last updated: 2020/04/25 
I Couldn’t Be More In Love ‘Colson and the reader have been friends since high school. “Friends”. Maybe they were more than that but before they never really spoke about it… and everything was okay until Colson started to act quite strange because the reader started to spend more and more time with his co-worker Harry Styles. ‘ not requested (12/08)  100+ notes
PART II (12/10)
PART III (12/12)
When we were young ‘Heyy I dont know if you’re a fan of adele but there’s this song of hers called when we were young… There’s a lyric there that goes 'you are just like a movie just like a song’… Could you do one where they are breaking up because of obvious reasons but they’re still in love but they cannot do that anymore. Just her being sorry for what’s happening and like she says something on these lines to him. Her being tired and last goodbye type something.’ requested by  @lovemythsworld (11/24)
IMAGINE ’Basically, it’s involve Colson taking care of the reader during her period please? I just got mine today and I passed out on the floor because I got very dizzy and then I had to run to pharmacy to get more medicine and to the store as I had no food left and all while feeling really bad… ’ requested by @being-worthy​ (11/05)  200+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Make the reaction of Colson knowing that it will be dad!!’ requested    11/03)  100+ notes
IMAGINE – ’Hey girl can you do a imagine where colson is meeting your girlfriends for the first time and he is kinda nervous but they don’t know he is mgk until he walks in with y/n and they get all the tea in the “ladies room” and y/n thinks it’s funny they are so interested because to her colson is colson not mgk’ requested by @britshmgkstan (10/30) 100+ notes
IMAGINE- ’Can I request an imagine of Colson pleasuring himself. And y/n catches him. She watches in secret for a minute then sneaks in to pleasure colson. He is in shock and literally has no words. Really really really smutty pretty please!!! Love you!!!’ requested (10/20)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a GC where you and kels are together and you guys decide to play never have I ever and of course it turns sexual and it gets revealed you and kels are in the mile high club’ requested (10/13) 100+notes
Bad dreams - ’Could I ask for a ColsonxReader where there not together yet please? She’s sleeping at their place after a party, has a bad dream, one of those that make you wake up with a jolt, racing heart, it’s very hard to get back to sleep. She goes to the kitchen deciding to stay up but C sees her, asks what she’s doing up. He decides to carry her to his bedroom and just holds her close & tight telling her it was just a bad dream, he’ll protect her, & confesses to her? ’ requested by @being-worthy (10/08) 100+notes
IMAGINE - ‘Hey girl I want to request teaching Spanish to the crew.’ requested by @verywell-fandango (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
new puppies.  “How about an imagine with Colson, where his girl adopts two pups (they’re still growing and both are half husky half wolf) because they’re brothers and inseparable and couldn’t let them on their own and because she misses Colson, so she has someone to snuggle with. Colson comes back home after a few months and finds two huge dogs on his side of the bed and they’re growling at him because they think he’s a threat and wont let him get close to her?” requested by @being-worthy ❤ (03/15) 
The making of the new album (02/01)  100+ notes
Mad Being mad at him (01/21)  100+ notes
Fashion week… in Paris  Going with Colson to Paris fashion week (01/16) 100+ notes
Fake texts 
IMAGINE ''Will you write another ColsonxReader quarantine story soon? I’m bored and don’t know what to do with myself... Stay healthy and stay indoors!!!' requested by @being-worthy 💕 (04/05)
COLD  ‘I feel like these lyrics “You want somebody that’ll keep you warm at night Then, tell me, why you actin’ cold to me?” Would be great for an imagine’ (01/19)
Rehab  ‘Hi, can I request an imagine with Colson inspired by/based on Rehab lyrics. Thank you💜 Love your works💗’ requested by @kiss-yall (01/18)
IMAGINE ‘She said no to him so many times. But she had enough with herself and she decided to have some fun because she knows she deserves it.’ (01/11)
IMAGINE ‘Request for Colson & Y/N teasing texts cause he’s feeling excited late at night! Please & Thank you love your posts!’ requested by @xxkellsvixen19xx .(12/23)  100+ notes
why are you here ‘The one based on Colson’s new song 'WHY ARE YOU HERE’ (12/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request some fluff and funny convo between reader & colson ??? Being in love 😍 making fun of each other idk not too corny’ requested (11/16) 
IMAGINE ‘Kells and reader have some history together, but after he texts her one day she doesn’t want to talk to him because she knows the reason behind his texts… and she doesn’t want to get hurt again’ not requested but special thanks to  @echelonwonderland for helping me out (11/15)
IMAGINE ‘When you have time can you write one where he is working on a new movie in another state and she sees this video and she is mad because he has cut his beautiful hair?’ requested by @bakerkells (11/14)
IMAGINE - ‘hiii pumpkin, can i request a text w/ colson about him finally asking y/n to be his girlfriend after talking/dating for months? thank you in advance 💜’ requested (11/12)
IMAGINE ‘Hellooo.. I have a scenario in mind. Could you do an text imagine, where the reader has Colson watch over her puppy while she’s gone? Let’s just say he has a hard time keeping him/her out of trouble. ❤’ requested (11/09)
PART II - the new family member  ‘Hi can you do an imagine based on the instagram story Colson put up recently of “well we got a dog in the family now” (I have a screenshot of it if you need it!) And something like hes away on tour and you are looking after Cassie and you two decide to get a dog while Colson is away? Thank you so much in advance xxx’ requested by @sacvf (01/07)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a chat imagine where they met the night before at a party an kells asks her on a proper date’ & 'Could I have a MGK request where you’ve just met at a party and exchanged numbers. Later in the night he sees you talking to another guy who is flirting with you so MGK texts you to ask you out before he loses his shot?’ requested by an Anonymous and by @thesetemporaryfeelings (11/08)
IMAGINE ’You’re a new actress and Kells slides into your DMs after watching one of your movies and invites you to his next show?! Love your blog!!!’ requested (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘Hieeya it’s me here again..So today what I had in mind is something like this..Colson and reader are like the chillest kinda friends (the ones where everyone thinks they are dating but they are not.. Cliche I know but pleasee read on) And then reader starts hanging out with a bunch of different different guys.. And colson gets like jealous. (some points it out on their group chat and colson like gets mad and then they talk on dm’s…)’ requested @lovemythsworld​ (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘How about imagine where Y/N is a single mother of a kid (6 y/o idk). Colson and Cassie just met her baby. And Colson texted Y/N how excited he was to finally meet him/her for the first time. And Y/N is kind of confused because she didn’t expect someone to love her child this much. And she tells Colson that her kid is constantly asking about him, and wants him to come back. And Colson wants to see Y/N more often and also he adores her baby. Thanks💜’ requested (11/01)
IMAGINE ‘Ooooh what about reader x MGK where he spots you in the crowd at his show, gets your number and ends up texting/ sexting you that night???’ requested    (10/22)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘can you pls make one where y/n love rock music and always get horny while listen no Marilyn Manson, and suddenly Colson tell her that we will be in his birthday party, and things get kinda hot there? tnx!’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘can we please have imagine where y/n is sick and grumpy and “doesn’t” want colson to come over and take care of her (but obviouslyyyy she does) thank you 😌’ requested (10/18)
IMAGINE ‘Can you maybe post a text where y/n sees what happened to Kells in his forehead and texts him worried?’ requested (10/18) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - I wanted to write an imagine based of some of my own bad experience with a boy (because writing this things down could help a lot even if it happened a long time ago and I don’t care about it or him anymore but it still an inspiration) then today I.D.G.A.F. by Dua Lipa started to playing on my phone today… AND IT MADE SO MUCH SENSE (it’s heavily inspired by that) hope you like this little thing too. 💜 (10/11)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you try one where colson loses his phone at a cafe he visits and then he texts his number from someone’s phone and the cute waitress who he flirted with before finds the phone and replies and they start getting to know each other and hit it off. You can totally ignore if you find it vague or stupid. I just had a thought.. ♥♥’ requested by @lovemythsworld (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘My idea is just MGK texting you trying to stop you from breaking up with him.’ requested by @thesetemporaryfeelings (10/05) 
IMAGINE - ‘Yn is an actress and her new movie debuted. Colson is a friend (and totally into her) and he texts her how great she was in the movie. Their flirting is really intense and in the end she invites him over her house…(maybe for something juicy? 😏) requested (10/04) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can we pleaseee have a text imagine where colson is the one upset and needing his girl? that man is my heart and soul and it breaks my heart to know how much he’s hurting’ requested (09/28) 200+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘I would love to request something if that’s okay! Could I request a Machine Gun Kelly text where he texts you late at night because he hates your boyfriend and thinks you deserve so much better???’ requested (09/26)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request reader and colson being writing buddies for a new song on her girl group and them being low key flirting with each other?’ requested (09/22) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘hi angel 😍 would you be willing to do one where y/n had a really bad day and just wants to smoke with colson and forget everything? random i know but i’m such a pothead and i just wanna smoke w kells 😂🙈 don’t judge meeee’ requested (09/22)
IMAGINE- ’Can you do one where yn is pregnant. She’s at home due to morning sickness. Mgk is in the studio but checks on her like every second lol also she has weird cravings and after colson leaves the studio he has to bring her pickles and ice cream (or something). Thank you, sweetheart 😊’ requested (09/21)
IMAGINE - ‘Request for texts between Colson & Y/N after seeing an IG post if her from a photoshoot that gets him turned on! Please & thank you love your posts!’ requested by  @xxkellsvixen19xx (09/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Haha can you do this: yn has a fave panty set. She wants to wear it, but just finds the bra, not the panty. She texts mgk (her bf) and she’s sad, that she can’t find it ☹ Turns out Colson took it with him on tour, to have a piece of his gf with him 😄❤’ requested by Anonymous (09/18)
IMAGINE - ‘can you do one where colson and the reader had an argument and are both too stubborn and have too much pride to actually fix it but keep messing with each other being sassy af and all that until one of them cracks (hope any of this made sense) hahaha’ requested by Anonymous (09/17)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do one where reader just wants to be hold and loved with Colson please?’ requested by Anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE - ‘Jealous kells text? Pleeeease?’ requested by Anonymous (09/13)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request readers being upset about being far fron Colson and posting on her Instagram and kells texts her to make her feel better?’ requested by @verywell_fandango (09/11) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a imagine where you are on tour with colson and the boys and because he isn’t paying attention to you and your in the mood you send him a nude and rook or slim almost sees it and he punishes you because only he can see you like that’ - requested by Anonymous. (09/10) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - You terribly miss Colson and finding some of his photos with Casie… you start having a really bad baby fever… 😇 but what does he think about it? (09/07) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could u write a friends with benefits with colson similar to the one you posted about the instagram story? that’s hot af btw’ (09/06) 100+ notes
    PART II -   - ‘Can you write a follow up to the fwb/hot date one. Maybe she’s having the date now. Even though the guy is hot, he’s so boring. So while he’s in the bathroom, she texts Colson to 'save her from the date’ (like with a phone call or text) so that she can leave the date. Of course she’ll go to colson then 😏 Thank you, you’re awesome! ’ (09/08) 100+ notes
IMAGINE -  Colson is desperate to convince you to go the new IT premiere but the thing is.. you are scared af 🎈🙈’ (09/05) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do a text for colson where he meets your family and you are at dinner and he texts you from next to you saying how good you look in your dress and how turned on he is and you knew it that’s why you wore the dress so you tease him and sext him and as soon as you finished dinner he punishes you for it’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE - ‘Colson and Y/N are best friends and they start sexting because she sent a picture to him that was supposed to be for someone else. Thanks love’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  ‘Colson and Y/N working together on a shoot (music video or movie) but have to keep their hands to themselves because professionalism.’ (09/01, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -   Colson’s new Instagram post makes you miss him even more and it’s not the only thing it makes you feel (09/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  because of the bad weather you decide to stay at home but then your texting with Colson turns into something else (08/29)
IMAGINE - ‘Could I request reader x colson text where the reader keeps on flirting with him, dropping hints that she likes him and him being oblivious?’ (08/27, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  the one where you argue about Bucky Barnes (08/25)
IMAGINE -   you two had some history before which was a mess really and you haven’t talked like months because you were really hurt but one day you text him out of nowhere (08/25)
IMAGINE - long time no seen friends just start texting… and flirting (08/25, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  Kind of a drunk texting with Colson. (08/24)
IMAGINE -  You are kind of deadly exhausted because of your work and Colson is done with that shit. (08/24, requested by @thoughtsoftheantagonist)
IMAGINE -  Colson helping you out with your outfit for your girl’s night out (08/23)  100+ notes
Fake Instagram 
#quarantinetime (04/19)
IMAGINE  ‘Could we please get some MGK quarantine smut or something, please? 💜’ (04/10)
blank space (03/29) 
#stayingathome (03/18) 
the dork. the real. the Baker. (02/22) 
#attheBahamas ‘Hey hun i wanted to ask are you gonna make a fake instagtam or a imagine based on his vacation in the bahamas? With the reader?’ requested by @kellysimagines (02/19)
Drunk night (02/15) 
Valentine’s day (02/14)  100+ notes  
adventure time ‘So the Reader and Colson took a little time off and went on a vacation, just the two of them and when they returned they just could not hold themself back and posted some pictures from their trip because they wanted to show the world how happy they are and there is nothing wrong with that because they can do whatever they want to do’ 👫❤ (02/01)  100+ notes  
IMAGINE ‘Poking fun at each other on IG stories’ (01/14)  100+ notes  
ADORE YOU ’Adoring your boyfriend’s futures’ (01/12)
part II (01/23)
Love is… “…a series of IG posts based on the idea of ‘Love is… ’ (01/09) 100+ notes  
#thanksgivingatthebakersXX ‘Hiii happy thanksgiving! I love your writing, could you write about thanksgiving with Kells and the fam ❤️ ’ (01/05)  100+ notes
why are you here (the aftermath) ’Just got this idea from why are you here, but can u do one where is someone’s bday (like Pete’s or Rook’s or smth) and there’s a party ofc, and y/n is in Colson’s friends group, so she’s in the party but they always had this hate/love relationship, and they kinda fucked randomly but nobody knows, but now she’s there with somebody else and so he is, and that’s when the lyrics of the song starts to make the story you can do it imagine, instagram or sms. wtv u prefer ly’ // The backstory is the request and all of the pics were posted after that party, so it is the aftermath. An online game which only those two are playing. The song in this universe is out, just to be clear. Hope you like it this way too 😘 (01/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Because there is no such a thing as enough IG love. #sorrynotsorry (12/29) 100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Colson and Reader roasting each other in IG posts’ (12/26)  100+ notes
#christmasatthebakers 🎄🎄🎄 little Christmas present from me to YOU (12/24) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Some IG stories from the Reader with the perfect captions.’ not requested (12/07) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Reader spends lot of time with Kells in the studio… and she is making a journal of that time on IG 😍’ not requested (12/05)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Colson’s girlfriend is just not having it’ not requested (12/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N and Colson showing their love for each other on Instagram because why not? 💋 not requested (12/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N showing her love for C and his friends in her special way 🙅❤ not requested (11/23)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Just a little fake IG treat for You just because 🔥 not requested (11/14)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N shows her love for Colson on IG in a very unique way 📸 just capturing the real love (10/20) 100+ notes
PART II (10/25)
IMAGINE (male reader) ‘Can please I request another Colson x male reader Instagram style imagine and/or fake text kind? Thank you.’ requested (10/09)
IMAGINE (male reader) -  ‘Could i request a reader x colson where the reader is male? im gay and there’s exactly: 0 content.’ requested by anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE -  Colson praisin’ his girl in his Instagram posts & in her comments  (08/26)  
IMAGINE - you lowkey admitting to the world you are a couple with Colson. (08/24)
Fake social medias (mixed: IG, twitter, texts etc.)
IMAGINE ‘After that pic of Colson with baby Ash, i totally need some fooking fluffy stuff like he and y/n have a baby boy, and she out of town for some work related shit, and he’s taking care of their child, and being all goofy and cute about it’ requested by @rosesinmars (01/02)
IMAGINE - Can i request one where the reader has curly hair (like myself) and she doesn’t like it and kells really loves it// requested by @bakerkells (12/25)
IMAGINE - So basically Kells is getting way too much hate from the online trolls because of his extrem behavior like partying and being seen with different girls literally every night. And it’s not just a momentary thing, they are hating on him strong even some ‘fans’ do this too. And it’s starting to piss off his friends too, the unnecessary behaviour of his so called fans because they know him better than those people and even if they want to ignore it… they see literally everywhere those hating, shading comments, opinions which nobody asked for. So one day Y/N, Colson’s long time no seen friend from his inner circle has enough because she knows even if C doesn’t admit it… this behavior from his 'fans’ hurt him a little bit.” not requested (11/28)
PART II (11/29)
IMAGINE ‘Reader is a famous actress and friends with kells. Before she had her big break, she modeled. She posts a throwback, when she modeled for Bikini or underwear. She’s like “so awkward lol” and Kells answers with emojis and is like “Damn YN!” They flirt in the comments and later Kells DM’s her ;)’ requested (11/26)
IMAGINE ‘you and Colson are close friends and occasionally sleep with each other. We all know about his feet kink. One day after you had a manicure and pedicure, you posted your newly designed finger and toe nails on insta. Colson is like 😍👅🔥😈 And then DM’s you, to invite you over 😏’ requested (11/10)100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Could you make this: YN and Kells are friends and she visited him on The Dirt set. Afterwards she followed everyone on insta. One day she liked and comment on a post of Daniel Webber (something flirty) and he responds, also flirty. Kells see this and DM’s yn and is jealous but won’t admit it at first. YN finds this funny and says stuff like “You flirt even more than me on insta 😂” Kells can’t deny this 😄 Thank you, you’re so sweet!!’ requested (10/28)
IMAGINE - ‘So not a long ago Colson liked this first tweet (in real life) and it caused a little problem in our community and I just felt I needed to write about it.’  (10/27)
IMAGINE ‘Reader tweeting something like “we were so much more than you let us be” “our almost still haunts me” and kells texting her’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘Y/N is an actress and one day she totally starts to fangirl about MGK on Twitter/IG and then Colson sees it.. ‘ (10/01)  100+ notes
PART II (10/03)
PART III (11/19)  100+ notes
ROOK (x Reader)
IMAGINE ’Can you do a rook imagine where you are dating him and the boys walk in on them during your or something ily’ requested (10/27)
Fake texts 
IMAGINE  ’Could do something about the reader being in psychology major in university and Rook teases them for being interested in true crime and the psychology behind it’ requested by @adorethevoid ❤ (03/23)
IMAGINE ‘babe!!!! can you do some rook x reader? idc about what but we need more bby boy content 🥰✌🏻’ requested by @rosegoldrichie (12/27)
IMAGINE ‘the reader and Colson have some pretty ugly, painful history but she has been out of his life for quite some time until Rook texts her because he is really scared about his best friend… ’ (11/17) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do one where yn is bff with rook and she wants him to introduce Colson to her because she thinks he looks good and she is shy to ask’  requested (09/20) 
Fake Instagram 
Fun love ‘So @mgk-rooklover1997 has an angel friend, @being-worthy who asked me to do something Rook related for her and so I did it.’ (01/02)
IMAGINE - ‘I can’t find any new rook stories 💔 & Like can more people appreciate the lil munchkin’ not really requested requested by pumpkinqueenxx but it was made because of her (11/24)
DOM aka YUNGBLUD (x Reader)
IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
Fake texts 
IMAGINE ‘Hi okay i’d like to remain anonymous but could you do a dom (yungblud) x reader text about like her being plus sized and really struggling with it and over working herself or something like that?? 💕💕 i’m still reading your stuff and i’m down to the rook imagines and i’m so happy that you write for him 😭’ (12/24)
IMAGINE ‘I saw you did a Yungblud post and I was hoping I could have one? Where you’ve started to hang out with Machine Gun Kelly and Dom texts you bc he’s worried Kells (a known player) will break your heart even though it’s his boy! Thank you!!! xxxx’ requested (10/11)
IMAGINE - ‘Do you take Yungblud requests? I was just wondering if you’d do a request where Yungblud messages you bc Colson won’t shut up about you/ has a crush on you.’ requested (09/24)  200+ notes
Fake Instagram 
IMAGINE ‘I need domestic Dom x reader 🥺🥺’ (04/12)
IMAGINE  ‘Could you please maybe do something really cute and fluffy involving him to make me smile. Maybe like an imagine or fake post/text I just really need to smile right now. 🖤🖤🖤’ (04/10)
yung love.  "I need more yungblud imagines and content. Please do some yungblud I love him so much and I need more cute content. I'm pretty sure I've read all of it I need os much more lol." (02/23) 100+ notes 
Missing you ‘Can I request a romantic Dom x reader please? Quite frankly it could be about anything 😂 but maybe about domestic couple life (no kids or marriage) or maybe he misses her while he’s on tour? Go crazy, I’m just dying to see boyfriend!Yungblud in your Instagram/message style 😍 Thank you x’ (12/21)
Being pregnant with Pete’s baby “I saw an interview with Pete recently saying he wants to be a dad and that made my heart go 💥💕 so I was wondering if you could please do something about being pregnant with Pete’s baby??? Thank you!!” (04/25)
IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
Fake texts
IMAGINE  “another leap of adoration and admiration for pete davidson came up. would you please do fake texts where pete and y/n plan an outdoor activity for just two of them, please?” (03/25)
Fake Instagram
IMAGINE 'Please write more about Pete! I love this guy so much and your imgines about him give me much joy! 💕' (04/13)
IMAGINE  ‘I would LOOOVEEEE more Pete instaposts 💜💜💜’ (04/05)
IMAGINE ‘Hey! do you write for Pete?’ & 'So whenever you have time could you write something cute about dating Pete cause he is so cute and I think he deserves all the love in the world’ (03/21)
BAZE (x Reader)
Fake texts
IMAGINE  ‘Hi can you do a imagine about Baze? he’s really cute and he’s underrated. lf you do it thank you’ (04/06)
PHEM (x Reader)
Fake texts 
IMAGINE ‘Do you think you will ever write up a phem imagine…. Her with another girl….? Love your stuff ♥ you can totally ignore if it’s not something you wanna write on…’ requested (11/03)
THE XX GROUP (x Reader)
Fake texts
Reader x Colson + Rook, Slim, Baze, Dom, Pete etc.
Birthday present ‘Baze has a hard time find the perfect gift for his good friend, for Y/N, so he asks for help in their group. But does he get any help there? Hmmm. Sarcasm is very real here. 😉’(01/01)
IMAGINE ‘hey sweetie! i wanted to make a request, where rook thinks (and it’s right) that y/n and colson are something, but the rest of the crew is always mocking him bcs colson and y/n are always arguing with each other like children in front of them’ requested by @rosesinmars (11/07)
IMAGINE ‘The reader and Colson are together and he forgot something important (like an anniversary or so, up to you what exactly). She was angry at first, but then she’s just sad and disappointed that he forgot such important day for them, so she’s giving him the silent treatment and he’s not getting any action either because if this and slowly getting blue balls (lol). She’s not being helpful either because she’s walking around the house in very tight leggings, or in just one of his shirts and nothing else torturing him on purpose. So, he speaks to the guys trying to figure out what he forgot but they’re just having too much fun seeing him suffer, besides the reader is like a little sister to the rest of the guys’ requested (10/17)
IMAGINE ‘Can you do a GC where you are with colson and someone asks where something is like whipped cream or something and you and colson used it during sex so colson tells them then they discuss it and y/n tells colson if he doesn’t shut up and telling them stuff he will never get any from her again’ requested (10/15)
IMAGINE - ‘So Rook and the reader are in a relationship but nobody knows it. So in their group chat everyone is taking the piss outta Rook for not getting any pussy. So without thinking the reader text believe me he does.. believe me he does good. So the group freaks out and everything’ requested by @pumpkinqueenxx (09/28)
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do one where the reader lives with the guys until she finds her own place. She’s quite shy, curvy, & nerdy. Every time she gets out of the shower Colson loves how good she smells, especially if she used her body scrub. He has it bad for her, he can’t stop gushing over her nonstop and one of the guys “accidentally” adds her to the chat, so she’s sees he likes her just the way she’s. Please? Sorry it’s a weird request but when I use my body scrub it’s the only time I feel beautiful…’ requested by @being-worthy (09/27) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Reader being drunk af and texting kells out of the blue something weird and corny like I want to eat yoghurt with you + Wait reader being drunk and confessing being the in love with colson in their friends group chat?’ requested (09/24)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do a group one where you and colson are sexting but y/n accidentally sends it to the group chat and all the boys see it before she can delete it and they wind her and colson up about it’ requested (09/23)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a group chat thing with est boys and y/n is bisexual and rook or slim is talking to someone and they want to know y/ns opinion in if she thinks the girl is hot (hope it makes sense) love ya girl!!❤️❣️’ Requested by @britshmgkstan (09/18)
IMAGINE - ‘Rook walks in on reader getting head from Colson (under the covers) but he texts in the group & finds out who it is’ requested by anonymous (09/15)  300+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request a dirty convo between y/n, kells, and rook. About y/n and kells asking rook to join them for a 3 sum?? Please!! ’ requested by  Anonymous (09/13)  100+ notes
 PART II requested (09/29)
IMAGINE - Someone in the crew stole her icecream and when she wanna find out who was that some interesting things come up in the messages.. (09/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - when you go mia for a while your friends start to worry but then something interesting happens (08/30) 100+ notes , first ever fake texts of mine to get there
Fake Instagram 
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a Rook imagine where he meets the reader at a club and they get on really well but he forgets to ask for her number so mgk posts a pic of her and Rook together and asks his followers on Instagram to help find her?’ requested by @freakshow-jodie (09/29) 100+ notes
Other fake texts 
Yungblud x Colson
IMAGINE ‘What about this: YN is Yungblud’s older sister (but younger than Colson). She’s the guitarist, sometimes songwriter for her bother. She can be as loud as her brother, but is mostly a bit calmer. Anyway Colson has a huge crush on her but texts Dom first if it’s okay if they go on a date. And Dom is like “Finally someone makes a move!” and that the attraction between the two is undeniable as YN likes him, too.’ requested (10/24) 
Colson x Rook
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request one chat where rook and kells talk about how much Rook loves y/n? I love Rook so much too’ requested (10/01) 100+ notes
IMAGINE -  ‘Can you do a text chat between rook and kels because you and kels are being loud so rook texts him to tell you both to shut up but you only get louder because of the pleasure and to annoy him’ requested (09/21)  100+ notes
Reader x her friends
Afraid ‘Y/N is afraid of Colson… but not in the way you first would think’ (12/28)
  Other fake group texts 
the Dirt cast x Reader
IMAGINE - ‘A funny group chat between the cast of the dirt where reader was playing someone too’ requested (10/05) 100+ notes 
So I decided I would make this post where you can find all of my post in one place. If you like them let me know by reblogging them, liking them, commenting on them. Also if you have any request feel free to write me. Love you!
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