#i became homophobic when i saw this
jekyllmachine · 1 year
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i think i love this guy
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stevesbipanic · 2 months
@steddieangstyaugust Day 6: "Who did this?"
Cw: homophobic language used (f word, not used by main characters)
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Steve was late.
He was never late which is why Eddie had spent the last twenty minutes pacing around the trailer. Since Spring Break and Eddie's release from the hospital Saturdays had been movie night for the two older boys. A movie night that became date night a couple months ago when Steve smiled so softly at him and Eddie couldn't help but risk it all and kiss him. Steve never was late, but especially not on Saturdays.
Eddie knew Steve had a closing shift, solo because Robin had finally gotten the courage to ask out Vickie. Sometimes closing took longer alone but Steve always would call to let Eddie know. Eddie had already tried ringing the store multiple times but got nothing but voicemail.
Now, twenty minutes later, he couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed his keys and tried to keep his panic under control as he drove to the store, hoping that maybe he'd pass Steve on the way and it would all be a misunderstanding.
His relief at seeing Steve's car parked outside Family Video was short lived. The lights in the store were off, doors shut, no Steve. He parked quickly, jumping out, that's when he saw the real state of Steve's car. The tyres were slashed, headlights and a couple windows smashed and as he rounded the side looking for Steve he saw in bright red spray paint "faggot".
"Shit," Eddie whispered, "Steve!?" he called out desperately. Against all odds he heard a whimper from behind the store. He quickly ran around, his eyes catching on a crumpled figure curled up on the ground. "Steve? Baby, sweetheart, are you ok? Who did this? What hurts, love?" Eddie rambles crouching down towards him, brushing his fingers gently on his face which thankfully looks unharmed, Steve couldn't get another concussion.
"Ankle," Steve whimpers out, Eddie sees that it's red and swollen, he hopes it's just a sprain since it looks ok otherwise. "Stevie, what happened baby?"
"Can we go home first please?" Home had been the trailer for awhile now, Steve rarely went back to Loch Nora these days. "Of course, sweetheart, where are your keys, Wayne and I will come deal with your car later."
Steve whimpered again, "They're on the roof, I fell trying to get them back." Eddie sighed, running a comforting hand down Steve's side, "That's ok, sunshine, we'll deal with that tomorrow too, c'mon I've got you just lean on me." Eddie looped an arm under Steve helping him limp back to the van, Steve pointedly didn't look at his car. The drive home was quiet but thankfully not tense, more tired.
Eddie set Steve up on the couch, a pack of frozen peas on his ankle, he'd get Wayne to look at it when he got home later. He gingerly sits beside him, trying not to jostle Steve's foot too much. Steve immediately leans against his side, the weight of the night seeping out of him.
"I'm sorry."
Steve looked up quickly, "Why are you sorry?"
"You wouldn't have gotten hurt, whichever assholes that did that wouldn't have done it to you if it wasn't for me, Steve."
Steve sighed, "Eds, look at me." Eddie lifted his eyes to meet Steve's hazel ones wondering how much longer he'd get the privilege of being close enough to see the flecks of green in them. "I faced monsters worse than some homophobic assholes to get the honour of loving you, Eddie."
Eddie's breath caught in his throat at Steve's words but he continued, "I don't care what they call or do to me as long as you're always there to come get me, that I always get to come home to you, that's all that matters to me, not the car, not words, just you and me, ok?"
"Ok," Eddie whispered, he thinks he'd start crying if he tried to respond anymore. Steve nodded, satisfied, "Good, I love you, Eds, now can we please watch a movie. We were supposed to finish the trilogy tonight and if I see Dustin on Monday and can't answer his questions he'll pick you as his favourite and that won't do."
Eddie giggled at that, even when faced with danger and hate, Steve could make him smile, "Of course, sunshine." As the text began to scroll on the screen he wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders, "Love you too, baby, thank you for giving me the honour." Just him and Steve, against the world, upside down or otherwise.
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
Understanding Alex Jones’s place in the Bush-era anti-war scene would do the left a lot of good in understanding (and not repeating) similar mistakes that the current anti-war scene is making today.
For those who aren’t old enough to remember, there was actually a time when Alex Jones had a decent amount of goodwill on the far left. He was obviously always a lunatic conspiracy theorist, and most everyday people saw him as such, but there was a significant enough portion of the anti-war left that liked him, that actually promoted InfoWars, appeared on AJ’s show, and linked arms with him at anti-war protests.
Without the momentum that his Bush-era popularity gave him, Jones would not have become a recognizable or relevant media figure like he did. The model InfoWars pioneered, which helped pave the way for the entire far right griftosphere that sprang up around it—from Breitbart to OAN & the Epoch Times to the sea of smaller Q-fluencers—owes its success in part to this diagonal reach across political lines. The extreme right wing conspiracy theory platform that has all but consumed the GOP would not have been able to gain nearly as much of a foothold if it were not for the years of work InfoWars & outlets like it did to normalize it in the Bush years.
Obviously I am not going so far as to say “The Left Is Solely Responsible For Alex Jones™️”. But much of the anti-war/anti-government left absolutely participated in helping him rise to prominence. They were willing to jump in bed with Jones without paying attention to his work or else were willing to turn a blind eye to who Jones was, all because he was saying things that were convenient to their cause. It didn’t matter that he was a rightwing or grade-A bigot; he opposed the US government & the war.
And I’m fully aware that there’s a common refrain among a lot of that “I used to listen to InfoWars” section of the left that would push back against this and say, “well, yeah, Jones is obviously a fascist now, but back then he wasn’t like that; he was kooky back then, sure, but the pre-Sandy Hook, pre-Gay Frogs Jones wasn’t nearly as bigoted or rightwing as the ‘Hillary For Prison’ Trump-era Jones became”.
To that I say, no, that’s bullshit. If you actually go back and listen to his show from back then… holy shit. He was homophobic as fuck. He was racist as fuck. The entire NWO/Globalist framework that he hangs all his other conspiracy theories on is built around antisemitic tropes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion he regularly hosted & promoted explicit antisemites like his pastor Texe Marrs, who openly espoused that Jews (often named as such) controlled the world politically, financially, and religiously through Zionism, a global banking cartel, and Communism. In some ways, Jones was even more transparent then than he is now.
“Okay, but what does this have to do with the current anti-war movement?” I hear you say. “I never fell for Alex Jones; I’ve always hated that guy.”
To begin with, you should be on the lookout for the internal biases and lack of vetting that lead the left to tolerate Jones in the first place, whether you think you’re liable to or not (arguably, it is all that much more important when you think you aren’t, because you are never more susceptible than when you think you aren’t). But unfortunately much of the anti-war left of today has been making the same mistake, just with different people and organizations.
Take for instance Jackson Hinkle, a tradcath & self-described “MAGA Communist”, who has gotten a lot of traction with the leftwing anti-Zionist crowd (and I would be remiss not to mention, has also been a guest on InfoWars). Or take another AJ, the media outlet Al Jazeera, which says a lot of things that are attractive to the left out one side of its mouth while spewing a bunch of rightwing theocratic garbage out the other, much like Bush-era InfoWars did. Take PSL/ANSWER (Pro-Putin Pro-Assad Pro-Xi atrocity denialists & conspiracy theorists) are one of the most common fixtures of the current protest movement, regularly advertised as organizers by other prominent organizations like JVP & SJP. A lot of people on the left have been embracing figures and organizations that espouse Khazar Theory, Deicide, Media Control, and Blood Libels not at all dissimilar to the accusations you could hear from Jones and his pastor friend Texe Marrs, with the same figleaf of “anti-Zionism” that Marrs frequently used himself.
Whether by sheer ignorance or willfully turning a blind eye, the left keeps making the same mistake of tolerating & even embracing figures & organizations with similarly noxious politics & conspiracy thinking now that was made with Bush-era InfoWars. We need to do better. We need to learn from the past so we can stop repeating its mistakes.
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sun4ki · 3 months
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“So young and pretty, it’s too bad they passed”
- In my room _ By insane clown posse
Aeon of light!Gn Reader X various Hsr women hcs
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Characters (Ruan Mei, Kafka, Robin, Himeko, Black Swan, Natasha)
Gn Reader being forgotten Aeon of Light, keeping their distance around any human life as they wandering peacefully around the universe. Having great and powerful strength, only to be degraded by other, stronger Aeons. They hid their identity but that would soon change as these women found Gn reader and took them in...
Warnings: slight ooc? MEN OR HOMOPHOBIC DNI
Author's note: first fic post like actually :p hope you like this! I'm open to criticism and improvement! Sorry for bad English, its not my first language and im dyslexic :(
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Ruan mei
The scientist who found you wandering all alone in the secluded zone, the poor Aeon got lost and ended up in the Herta space Station..
Lucky for you, That was the day Ruan Mei visited. You explored the Secluded area, seeing a lot of these critters around.
feeling curious you picked up one of them, only to hear mechanical noises of a door being opened behind you. You turned around seeing the Scientist who created these critters herself. . .
“How interesting . . “ the scientist spoke to herself in a monotone manner
Eventually Ruan Mei soon took you in, doing some simple experiments for her study.
“Hold still , this would be less painful if you stop with the unnecessary movement .”
You could only sit and watch idly as the scientist takes some blood sample from you for her research on an extraordinary being like you
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Kafka found you during one of her missions, She took you in, saying how it was “destiny’s plan”, how both of you were destined to meet eventually. . .
Elio had already told her it was part of her “script” meeting with you and bringing you with. . .
The stellaron hunter knew you could be a great addition to their team— I mean just imagine a powerful yet forgotten Aeon of Light in the stellaron hunters team ?! Not to mention you would also be a great sparring partner
“You’re pretty strong Y’know ?
Great for me to test my skills on without you dying ~ “
Jokes aside Kafka is actually very gentle and caring about you, aware of the fact you don’t know a lot about how humanity lived (considering you kept your distance around them), she would teach you how to blend in and live a life like the rest . . .
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By the time you got to Penacony, you were immediately drawn to this ethereal singing . . .
When you saw Robin for the first time, you were mesmerized by her beauty as she sang. . . Her looks reminded you one of an Angel, a beautiful one, you couldn’t take your eyes off her
The two of you became fast friends, Robin would guide you around Penacony, she was like your tour guide, showing you around the dreamscape.
Robin was actually very supportive about your whole Aeon of Light thing, and just like Kafka, she would often accompany you and teach the ways to live like the rest
her brother Sunday doesn’t actually approve of you though , he’s suspicious of you and Robin’s relationship but ether way Robin would ensure you he means good
“Don’t mind my brother . .
He’s just concerned about me . .”
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Himeko found you in one of express’s trailblazer missions right after they left penacony, Himeko took it upon herself to take care of you, aware of the fact you still felt unsure about the rest of the members
The navigator would often let you sleep in her cabin, accompanying you as you would always feel comfortable in her embrace . .
It’s not a surprise you would avoid any contact with the other members of the train. . Either way, when the others set out for another expedition, you would stay behind with Himeko, making sure Himeko is protected and safe at all costs . . .
Maybe because you’re close or maybe because she reminds you of a certain someone in The past you can’t quite identify. . (Doing this cuz i miss murata himeko)
“You’re clingy sometimes you know..?
Who knew the Aeon of Light could act like a clingy love sick puppy at times ?”
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Black swan
When you enter penacony, you haven’t seen black swan just yet. . She would be keeping an eye on you from a distance before actually revealing who she is . . (She gives me stalker vibes idk)
She finds you intriguing . . She would observe how you behave for a few days or so and by the looks at it- you clearly don’t know how to act properly around others let alone socialize . .
That’s when the Memokeeper decided to step out of her “bird hide” enough with watching you like a delicate bird unaware of her keen eyes
“What’s an interesting being like you wandering all alone in this dreamscape ?”
Black swan would look into your memories aswell . . Witnessing your past . . Aswell as the memories of being degraded by other Aeons and being forced to live in the shadows of the universe to be left and forgotten. .
“What a poor birdie you are . .” The woman would whisper
“Don’t worry dear ~ I’ll make sure to take care of you ”
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As soon as you got to Belobog, you were immediately sent to the underground. . .
Let’s just say the guards gave you a not so “friendly” Welcome, which lead to fighting- a lot of fighting-
The fight eventually forced you to be sent to the underground
Natasha was the first to find you, you met her while she was doing some errands . . . Seeing that Natasha was actually kind and gentle with you, you stayed by her side, helping her in the clinic and with the kids
Eventually, Natasha introduced you to the other wildfire members, you started helping in the underground, being a big help in taking care of the people there, like the underground’s guardian.
you would help with the wildfire’s fights, often getting all bruised up since you force yourself to not use your full power.. but whenever you do, atleast you have your trusty doctor to patch you back up
“Just be careful next time okay sweetie?” She would often tell you
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Little side note: i was actually supposed to add acheron and stelle lmfao but i got busy and keep forgetting to write their part haha, i will add them though if any of you want a part two. You can also recommend other characters to add ^^
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hazzabeeforlou · 1 month
i had a question and i hope that it doesn’t sound rude. do you feel ashamed being in the fandom and being a shipper at 32? i ask because i am 27, and have been in the fandom since 2012, off and on. i haven’t rly been in it actively for the last two years or so, but when i want to come back, i feel embarrassed. i also don’t think i could handle the stress of it tbh! lol. i hope you are well <3
I was going to answer this yesterday but then remembered I had a 7 hour drive today and didn’t want to stay up later than I already was. Because I’m an adult, with (now one) previous multiple jobs, a pet, rent, vehicle, three post high school diplomas, and student loans, and there are many things in my life I get ashamed of, like when I answer “you too” when a cashier tells me thanks for shopping or when I let a whole bag of celery go bad in my fridge without ever cleaning or eating it. Shame? At my tax dollars funding death weapons and family members voting for strong men? Sure. Latent homophobic internalized shame from my upbringing? Yeah, sometimes.
But life is too fucking short to be embarrassed or hold shame about a FANDOM. Listen, I “ship” Johnlock, or Merthur, but Larry wasn’t a ship for me it was a discovery of queer joy. Like I’m so sorry but baby Larry was real. 100%, actually, seriously legit, like how else do you fucking explain any or all of that. We watched two boys fall in love with each other and okay we don’t know the devil or the details but we have how many albums and interviews, jokes made by media personalities etc, plus the fact that now, this many years later, their solo stuff is still haunted by a nauseating back and forth, these odd lyrical choices that are echoed in the other?
Yeah it’s not a ship. It’s a thing that happened, that we witnessed, and by virtue of it happening and us witnessing it something about gay love became dreamable, reachable, attainable, soft and puppy and exciting and wild. Their secret sign language and mimed blow jobs and jealous looks and touches when they thought there were no cameras, all those things made queerness not just something you saw on Glee. Not just something your parents talked about while wrinkling their nose up about ‘those people.’ It’s a generational thing, the world has moved on, we don’t NEED Larry anymore. And that’s okay. But we don’t need it because it happened. Not to be a brat but you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
And yeah, we wrote fics about highly characterized and publicized versions of Larry, often inserting our own traumas or fantasies, creating a kind of gay mythos around this witnessed event from the periphery, from the lens of the consumer, the only lens we have. But I’m not ashamed of that. You think stories are only ever written about people that don’t exist? At some point you have to acknowledge that in our world, celebrities are the deities of our popular imagination. I could write a thesis, but before I get into the weeds, suffice to say Harry and Louis have created a world of what can be, unburdened by what has been.
Yk? Anyways. Hope this made you feel better. And hope you come back to visit from time to time. I’ll be here.
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jeonscatalyst · 13 days
I just realized today after thinking about things long and hard that most of the hate Jimin gets today especially within the fandom is because of his bond with Jungkook. When I say it is because of Jungkook I don’t mean that Jungkook himself caused it, I mean that Jimin being associated to Jungkook, having a bond with him, loving him and being loved by him is the one of the biggest reasons he gets all the hate he gets today.
The very first people who started with this insane hate against Jimin were taekookers who developed a hate boner for him and started sending him death threats as early as 2015 because according to them Jimin kept coming in between their ship. Things got go much worse for Jimin after GCF in Tokyo and after 2017 in general as we all saw a huge increase in Jikook moments (because they were together alot and not because the company was pushing a narrative that they were the closest) and a huge decline in taekook moments which made the cult go feral. That is when the vitriol and vile hate we see these people have for Jimin started.
Whether they want to admit it or not, majority of Taehyung’s fans within the fandom are taekookers or were at some point and that led them to hate him too and that hate continued even after some of them stopped shipping taekook and became solo stans.
Jungkook solos always had a hate boner for Jimin and I believe this is because they saw and still see what most of us see in Jikook and it makes them extremely uncomfortable and that is why they constantly project unto Jungkook by claiming that Jimin makes him uncomfortable and that Jungkook hates Jimin and that’s why they don’t like him but the truth is that, they are the ones who felt uncomfortable watching Jimin and Jungkook interact. Something about Jimin and Jungkook’s bond always felt “weird” to them and they could sense the things jikookers feel when they see Jikook interact and seeing as most Jk’s stans are Y/Ns who picture themselves with him and most of them are deeply homophobic, it makes sense that they would have a huge problem with Jimin. I mean they know about Jimin having his mouth on Jk’s neck long enough to leave bruises. They know about Jimin’s sweaty earlobes being in Jk’s mouth. They know about Jungkook choosing to spend many a nights with Jimin doing “nothing” so it makes sense why they are uncomfortable.
Without Jungkook in Jimin’s life, there would be no taekookers to hate on him, no Tae solos (ex taekookers) to hate on him and no JK solos to hate on him either.
We also wouldn’t have blinks so desperately hating on Jimin because we know that a good number of Jk solos are blinks who token stan Jk just to hate on Jimin and other members.
Me specifically speaking about the hate Jimin gets because of his affiliation to Jungkook doesn’t mean Jungkook also doesn’t get hated because of his bond with Jimin but everyone knows that the hate Jimin gets is tripple what Jungkook gets. Stan tweet in particular seems to have it out for Jimin and I honestly don’t understand why. They look for the least opportunities to hate on him and mass like hate posts about him and in those posts, we see all the other idiots like taekookers, jjks, tae solos and other solos who hate Jimin more than they love their own faves because they don’t mind liking and even rting a post from a hater who has also hated on one of their faves so long as that person is dragging Jimin.
So many times I have seen people say Jimin’s solo stans are the worst solo stans but I can honestly say that Jk solo stans are the worst and it baffles me how two people can love each other so much and yet have the nastiest fans who are at each other’s throats every single day. I say Jk solo stans are the worst because they are manipulative, deception and pure evil. Don’t get me wrong, PJMs are a piece of work but they haven’t gotten to that level of evil yet in my books. Jjks are evil set of people. This fandom and the entire kpop community never think twice about any rumors that concern Jimin as they eat it up no questions asked, JJKs know this and they use it to their advantage. I have seen these people fake tweets, websites, messages and so many other things and spread them around just to “prove” that Jimin’s success is fraudulent because they cannot stand the fact that Jimin is the only member who can compete with Jk. They have single handedly created and spread the narrative that Jimin is fraudulent. After Jimin released his album they faked a tweet from one of the biggest Jimin funds accounts claiming that PJMs sent phones to the US to stream for Jimin. Before you ask me how I know they faked it let me tell you. JJKs would rather die than have Jimin break any of Jk’s records so if they could boost streams by sending phones to the US, JJks would have been the first ones to do it. They made up a fake tweet and spread it around and no one questioned it’s authenticity and even when the account denied it, no one cared. First of all who is stupid enough to do something like that and make a tweet about it? JJKs also created a fake account pretending to be a Jimin solo and threatened to leak Jk’s passport information a few weeks back and even though it was clear that they did it, no one batted an eye and jimin solos took the blame. Jjks/tkkrs have faked two gcs now (that we know of ) and tried to pin in on jkkrs. One happened right before Jimin’s album dropped (after we got Tteokbokki By Jk) and then the next one happened after AYS episode 6.
This is why I say these people are pure evil because I have seen Jimin solos do and say some messed up things against Jk but not up to the level of JK solos. They throw stones every damn time and hide their hands and Jimin takes the fall for it. They fake articles about him and his family, about his numbers, his success and the sad part is, they have way of getting the media to pick up on their bullshit.
Tae solos (ex taekookers) are just lazy. No offense to Taehyung’s beautiful soul but most of his fans don’t give a tiny rats ass about anything but his face. They don’t care about the music he makes, about his art. They are so quick to like and view and follow his accounts everywhere but when it comes to streaming his songs and actually supporting him, they don’t do it and because of that, they lash out at Jimin and call his fraudelent because they could never believe that Jimin whom they always considered inferior to Tae would get better streaming numbers than him. They spent years believing that the number of likes and followers someone has on social media equals success and when reality hit them in the face, they couldn’t accept that they were wrong but resorted to accuse Jimin of being fraudelent. How does hating on another person’s success make you succeed?
Taekookers, Jjks, and Tae solos (ex taekookers) have made all sorts of rumors about Jimin. They have accused him of sleeping with bang pd for favors (Jimin solos have done the same thing to Jk btw), they have accused Jimin of selling himself to pdogg and the other producers for favors. They have accused Jimin of being jealous of Jk and Tae. And the funny thing is, because these people hate Jimin so much and are desperate to bring him down, they choose to believe any negative thing they see about him whether it makes sense to them or not. Someone could post an article tomorrow claiming that Jimin is Donald Trump’s lover and you will see that post having over 100k likes with people agreeing to it even though they know it isn’t true. No one cares about the truth when it comes to Jimin, they just care about having a reason to drag him and most of this is because Jimin met a doe eyed boy over a decade ago and loved him.
No one would have cared about hating Jimin this much if he wasn’t a part of Jungkook’s life. Taekookers, tae solos, jjks wouldn’t have had this deep hate for Jimin if Jimin didn’t love Jungkook and if Jungkook didn’t love Jimin too and this is one of the reasons why Jimin and Jungkook just never made sense to me as platonic friends. There has got to be a reason why them together drives people so crazy and if their love and feelings for each other was just at the level of bestfriends, things would never have been this bad. If taekookers really didn’t see and fear something about jikook’s bond, they wouldn’t hate him so much or spend almost all their time talking about him on their blogs. Taekookers on tumblr can barely go a single day without bringing Jimin up on their blogs. Some Tae fans on tumblr can barely go a single day without bringing him up and talking about his success and work and then we have JJKs who are quite literally obsessed with Jimin and then Jimin solos obsessed with Jk. If JJks didn’t feel the tension between Jikook they wouldn’t project their discomfort and hate unto Jk so much.
Regardless of whether what Jimin and Jungkook have is platonic or not, I think it says alot that how they feel for each other brings them so much hate alone and together. I think it says alot that despite all these hate they have gotten for years, they just keep getting stronger. I think it says alot that millions of people cannot stand the ground Jimin walks on just because he has Jungkook in his life. Whether people choose to admit it or not, they feel the strong bond Jikook have and for some reason this frightens them.
No one breaks into an empty house. No one puts so much effort into something that isn’t relevant so usually when a whole lot of people are doing everything in their power to break or bring something down, it is usually because they see and fear it’s power. No one would care about hating on Jimin so much if they really thought Jk hated him. No one would care about discrediting his success so much of they really thought he was irrelevant, no one would try to make him the villain so much, if they didn’t see the beauty of his soul and no one would try so hard to dim his light if they only saw darkness.
It breaks my heart that their love for each other is one of the biggest things that brings them hate but there is some weird satisfaction I get from knowing that their bond is strong, deep and obvious enough to get this many people trying to destroy them individually and together. No great person ever had it easy. No one who made history ever went through life without getting stones thrown at them so I take this to mean that Jimin and Jungkook are meant for the greatest things. When people see your grace and the bright future ahead of you, they try to break your wings before you even realize you can fly but the good thing is, they always, always fail.
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planetception · 3 months
could u write headcanons for nika as a protective gf?
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Protective Girlfriend Nika - Headcannons
cw: mentions of fighting, just a very protective nika
an: thanks for the request. i hope you enjoy this one and i hope that it fulfills your expectations. also first emoji anon?
༊*·˚ it all started when you were getting hit on by some guy in a bar after the team and you went out
༊*·˚ he tried flirting with you and although you told him that you were happily dating someone, he still was adamant on being a creep
༊*·˚ nika was standing next to paige ordering a few drinks when she saw the guy being really weird, she told paige she would be right back and she sauntered over to where you were sitting
༊*·˚ i can imagine it to happen like this, nika would come up to you and wrap her arm around her neck as she told the guy off "she said she wasn't interested dickhead, get lost" to which the guy made a disgusting comment back to her, "that's your girlfriend? damn i'm fine with you both. two lesbians? that's pretty fuckin hot"
༊*·˚ that's when nika lost her cool and swung at the guy, striking him right in the face. she scoffed as he got up and ran away to which she yelled at him, calling him a pussy
༊*·˚ from then on she became very protective of you
༊*·˚ will never let you out of her sight at bars so another one of those incidents will not happen again
༊*·˚ when she posts you on her instagram and someone insults you, she will reply back in an instant, insulting them right back
༊*·˚ one time nika posted you for your anniversary and someone was all up in the comments being a homophobic prick, you best bet nika replied and called them a dickhead then blocked them
༊*·˚ someone once called you a bitch while you and nika were walking together hand in hand, she turned around and said to them "say that again?" and dude ran away like a coward
༊*·˚ some weird guy ogling you in a class that you share with nika? yeah she's giving you a big fat kiss on the lips as she smirks at the guy
༊*·˚ some girl asking to dance with you at a bar while nikas arm is clearly wrapped around your waist? she will tell her to fuck off then give you a kiss to get the message across
༊*·˚ constantly working out to get that physique that you love so much so she can beat a bitch up if they disrespect her girlfriend in anyway shape or form
༊*·˚ is not afraid to get into fights to protect you at all
༊*·˚ you make sure to clean up any of her cuts and bruises that she got from fighting
༊*·˚you always tell her that fighting people in the sake of her girlfriend isn't needed, to which she calls you princess and tells you that she will always protect you no matter what
༊*·˚ we stan a protective girlfriend here
two posts in one day wow! anyways i hope you enjoy this and let me know your thoughts on this. also welcome to the family crab anon!
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hi to chrom hater anon i'm a professional chrom enjoyer
if you get deranged enough about awakening i think chrom is a very well done character :) he's ignorant but well meaning which meshes in interesting ways. he's not overtly prejudiced to the plegians he knows personally but still *generally* prejudiced because of his upbringing.
additionally in discussions of the ylisse-plegia war he tends to focus on how ylisse came away from it because that state of ylisse is what shaped his formative childhood years (seen particularly in his feelings about emmeryn's early years as exalt). this is UNDERSTANDABLE but still an extremely DEEPLY FLAWED and naive stance when doing politics on a larger scale, which chrom is incredibly ill-prepared for. it's a very childish view of a large scale conflict.
chrom's propensity for violence is a trait that actually deeply fascinates me. he has intense admiration for emmeryn's desire for peace yet he has a very short temper in tense situations (seen in basically all of chrom's interactions with gangrel), and he tends to lash out easily at anyone he views as an enemy. he admires peace but sees no other means to achieve it than violence. isn't that interesting. the implications here. like, he's the inheritor of the falchion, he's the only son in his family, in all likelihood it was expected that HE would take the throne and continue his father's war, but he was so young when the exalt passed that the crown went to emmeryn instead.
it really seems like emmeryn intentionally kept her siblings away from politics, which results in BOTH of them being naive in vastly different ways, with the expectation that she would always shoulder the burden of the crown yet left all the bigger a void when she died.
mind, intentionally being raised to behave this way isn't an excuse either. it's ultimately still something chrom, as an adult, SHOULD examine critically. this is, in fact, a character flaw, and i think its great.
you can then of course do nice little compare and contrast at the shitty dads, i.e. chrom's dad vs validar. robin's first act as an awakened god is murdering validar. robin became the monster everyone saw them as, the one their father thinks they were born to be. it's a neat lil nature vs nurture comparison if you really get into the depths of grima-ology (hi grima ✌️ mutuals).
to dig more into points the chrom hater anon makes.
"chrom is transphobic for killing excellus" do you hear yourself. excellus was an enemy commander. chrom has no personal grievances against the commanders other than they are part of the army with the known intent to raze ylisse.
SAME WITH ROBIN BURNING DOWN THE BOATS. THEY ARE AT WAR. IF ROBIN DIDNT DO THAT THEY'D ALL GET KILLED. they would have to fight the valm forces ON FOOT and BE KILLED VIOLENTLY because they are vastly outnumbered. it would be weird if he WASN'T at least happy about this.
he could stand to be regretful about the massive loss of human life but honestly hashtag robin warcrimes W.
"chrom makes sure to only recruit white ylisseans" i think this is just dev colorism actually. like you know how robin's dad (who is evil) is brown, but robin (who is good) is white? and how that makes no sense and robin should logically also be brown? i dont think chrom would've turned down if like, mustafa joined him. it is simply that intsys was still in their racism era (which is, tbh, only really ended with engage, like, cmon, look at literally all of FE, this isn't a chrom flaw, it's a FE being racist flaw.)
same with the sexism things actually FE is just homophobic and sexist a lot so all the characters are also by extension. this is called doylist analysis
Chrom tells Aversa "One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions" Chrom is a hypocrite i hope this helps. additionally what aversa is doing is "help the dark god literally causing the apocalypse rn" whereas the sacrifice/save robin choice is "doom people in some hypothetical far off future" which is FAR less personal than "all of humanity RIGHT NOW".
TLDR: the real chrom enjoyers know about his character flaws and love him anyway because it's nice flavor to chew on
also never insult my beautiful daughter lucina ever again. she is deeply compelling even if she is narratively underutilized. anyone who calls themself a chrom fan and hates lucina is a faker and will not survive the winter.
also learn the difference between flaws of the story's writing and flaws of the character otherwise everybody in awakening is sexist.
anon you should read chrom/grima fanfiction unironically we fucking love tearing this dude to shreds for his flaws. this has all been a ploy to say that. chrom is naive and selfish and hypocritical and i love him very much he is my wif e :)
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
At least I got you in my head (6)
Summary: Abby is straight. And then you move in with her.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, straight!abby (she is doing some comphet bullshit), pining, idiot in love and it's abby, reader is gay and tired.
Notes: Abby is stupid, but she finally says goodbye to Aslan and leaves Narnia! Let's say a big thank you to Ellie for being the bestest friend ever. You're just chilling with Vi, this chapter is mostly Abby-centric because oh boy she overthinks. Four-eyed girl/blonde bitch is Kara Danvers.
Taglist: @abbyily @lillysbigwilly @gravygranules @blairfox04 @frogtits1 @ccinnamongrl @ninazenuk @urmomsgirlfriend1 @sunkissedbibi @couchgarbage @nil-eena @inlovewithelliewilliams @st4rluvrr @mai5mai @machetegirl109 @azelmawrites @zootedhoe @rhae-blackqueen @vea-vea-vea @mnim58e @chubeline @strgrlxox @chrry1ovr (if you want me to tag/untag you for the whole series dm me please)
Abby had a problem.
It’s been two weeks since you brought that blonde four-eyed girl home, and Abby had a problem.
Because you brought another girl again a week ago, and it didn’t make Abby feel any better.
In fact, she only got angrier and felt even more disgust than before. And it was bothering her, because you yourself weren't disgusting at all, the best roommate and a good friend, and she loved spending time with you as always, but there was one thing that made her uneasy.
The gay thing. The thing where you had sex with girls. Abby was absolutely fine with you at any other moment, but when she saw that blonde bitch kissing you goodbye she almost puked.
So Abby came to the most logical conclusion: she was homophobic. This revelation made her heart stop as she became more afraid of herself - she'd never say she was a homophobe, her best friend was a lesbian, it just didn't make sense! But Abby never heard Ellie have sex and never saw her hookups after, so she just didn't have a trigger to figure out how much gay was too much for her. She could listen to Ellie talking about her new girl no problem, but that was probably it. And they never lived together, so Abby couldn't say if she'd be okay if Ellie would bring girls over, so.
Abby was deeply ashamed of herself, but she had to admit it.
She wasn't okay with the fact that you were a lesbian.
To make things worse, Abby remembered how you told her you were a lesbian to make sure she was okay living with you, and she said yes, and how sad it made her that you had to clarify it right away because you probably had your fair share of homophobia in your life, and now Abby was not okay with it.
Fuck, she was like those shitty parents who said that they accepted their children as they were, but then pulled "keep it to yourself" on them. That was literally how Abby felt, because she wished you could go back to "normal" where she didn't know anything about your sex life.
When you didn't have a sex life.
"Did you finish your paper?" You asked on Tuesday morning as you brewed coffee for her, sleepy and tired, your hair a mess.
How could she live with herself now?
"Yeah." Abby said shortly, not looking at you, too ashamed.
"That's amazing." You yawned and put the plate with breakfast in front of her. "You'll have to wait for coffee, sorry."
Abby wanted to cry. You were so nice to her and she was a horrible fucking person who hated the fact that you were gay.
"It's okay."
"Are you feeling okay? You seem a little bit down." You looked sympathetic and worried, and it really hurt.
Abby chuckled, trying to act normal, but when she lifted her eyes the first thing she saw was a hickey on your collarbone and her stomach twisted in disgust.
"Just tired. Can't wait for the break." So she could go home and not see you. (So she could go home and miss you crazy)
"Are you going back home?"
"Yeah, all the way to Seattle. You?"
"I'll probably stay here. Or if Cait would have to go home, I'll go with her to keep her sane."
"Does her family celebrate Thanksgiving?"
"Not really, but social events are social events and if they need to show her off, they will."
"Are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me." You asked again, still worried and clearly not buying Abby's excuses.
Abby shook her head and smiled, knowing you'd read right through her.
"Nah, I'm fine. Don't worry your pretty head."
Besides, what would she tell you? That she despised your sexuality? That she wished you were straight? That she needed you to stop having sex and promise her you'd never get a girlfriend because it didn't align with her traditional beliefs? Yeah, what a great conversation it would be.
The lessons with Vi were very productive: you were sure she'd get an A on her test with how much progress she made in these few weeks. She tended to forget some things, but she was able to logic her way out of questions that she didn't remember the right answer to, and you felt confident in her abilities.
The sex was amazing too. Vi was really chill about a lot of things, very flexible and actually enjoyed it when you topped, which didn't happen often with girls you usually hooked up with. She was very sweet and so down to earth you started trusting her without even noticing it. You started having deep conversations after sex, sharing your secrets and problems, and you adored Vi.
"In a friendly way." You specified when you told her how much you appreciated her.
"I remember, don't worry." Vi laughed and stroked her bare thigh. "I'm not emotionally available either."
"Really? Spill." You got excited, happy to not be alone in the losers' boat.
"Only if you do too."
"Oh, no problem." You laughed. "I'm the worst gay stereotype. She is straight and I'm hopeless."
Vi's hand stopped on your thigh and she looked at you like you were insane.
"Are you stupid?"
"I am." You laughed and nuzzled on her shoulder. "My best friend thinks she is in the closet, but it doesn't really help, you know?"
"Yeah." Vi sighed and looked at the ceiling, contemplating your words, as her other arm pulled you closer. "I'm genuinely sorry, (y/n)."
"Yeah, me too." You took a pause, looking at the ceiling as well, still a little high after your last orgasm, but sadness was creeping out on you when you thought about Abby. "What about you?"
"I-uh. We share a class together, but I've never talked to her. She is very smart, like. Genius level."
"And I'm stupid?" You said, playfully offended. "Be brave, talk to her. Which class do you share?"
"The class I'm failing and you're tutoring me in. Not the great first impression. Plus, you know, what if I'm in love with a fantasy in my head? I don't know her."
"Go and talk to her, I swear to god. I can do it for you, if you want." You shrugged, not seeing any barriers in this situation. You were 100% hopeless, but Vi could still get her girl.
"It's pointless. She'd never give a chance to someone like me, we're from different worlds. Oil and water." Vi said, sad and given up, and you felt angry on her behalf: what was so special about this girl that Vi didn't even want to try?
"What do you mean?"
"She is rich. And I'm an orphan who can barely pay rent and have a baby sister to support."
"If it's a problem for her, she is an asshole and doesn't deserve you anyway." You huffed. "But yeah, I know what you're saying. Privilege is something you can't really ignore."
Vi hummed and you kissed her shoulder just to show you were there for her. You knew what Vi was talking about firsthand: Caitlyn really had to learn a lot when you became friends, since you had to financially support yourself the whole time and couldn't afford hanging out in places Cait used to hang out. She was confused when her expensive gifts offended you and she looked so terrified when you brought her to eat street food and there were no textile napkins. It was hilarious but it was also a harsh reminder of what privilege looked like.
Now she was way down to earth and ate pizza with her hands while sitting on the ground, changed her whole friend circle and yeah, she was still wearing a lot of expensive things, but she knew her privilege and never looked down at anyone, almost embarrassed she had it better. Which was a good look on her, honestly - she wasn't responsible for her family's wealth, but she was still responsible for herself and you felt comforted knowing she held herself accountable. Caitlyn was good, and you hoped Vi's girl would be even better to her.
Or you'd have to hunt her down and kill her, because Vi was precious.
On Thursday you had your usual cuddle time and Abby never felt more guilty in her life as she once again held you in her arms and enjoyed it. She couldn't keep her hands off you no matter how hard she tried, and she didn't want to distance herself from you and make you feel guilty - she knew you would since you always confirmed if Abby was okay with being touched. It didn't seem fair to still cuddle you and bask in your warmth and softness when she had this nasty feeling inside her. If before that she felt like she was using you because she was touch-starved, now not only she was using you because she was touch-starved, she actually had the audacity to be disgusted when she thought where your hands might have been.
Where your mouth might have been.
Abby noticed she was looking at your mouth a lot, and she was mad at herself because instead of trying to block those awful thoughts and avoid possible triggers she only instigated them by looking at your mouth for no reason at all.
Abby was slowly going insane and she really needed to discuss it with someone who wouldn’t judge her, because it wasn’t her proudest moment. She felt like the worst person in the world for being the way she was, but she just couldn’t get over herself. So instead of going home on Friday night Abby went over to Ellie’s place.
She was afraid to bring this up with Ellie too, because if she was homophobic it meant Ellie was under fire too and Abby wanted to cry from how bad she felt. They have been friends since they were children and Abby was the first person Ellie came out to and now Abby felt like she might ruin something between them and betray Ellie's trust.
Ellie noticed something was up with her and Abby already saw her stubborn frown that meant she wouldn't get away without talking to her.
"What's up with you? You look like a kicked puppy." Ellie took a swig of her beer as she observed Abby, trying to read her non-verbals.
"I've discovered something about myself I'm not really proud of." Abby admitted and Ellie nodded knowingly as if she already knew what Abby was going to say. Fuck, was she micro-homophobic to Ellie before? Was it something noticeable? Did she hurt Ellie? "I'm a homophobe."
The knowing look on Ellie's face changed to shock as her eyes grew in size and her mouth fell open.
"You're what." Ellie asked carefully as if Abby was an angry animal who needed to be calmed down.
"I'm sorry." Abby said immediately. "I know it sounds ridiculous since you're my best friend but hear me out."
“Fuck, it’s so awful.” Abby started, ashamed of herself. “A few weeks ago (y/n) and I discussed  bringing people over and she started bringing girls. And I thought I'd be okay with it, but I'm just. So disgusted. I literally want to throw up.” Abby looked at Ellie, ready to accept her reaction, no matter what it would be, but Ellie only stared at her, confused.
"That's why you think you're a homophobe?"
"Yes. Because I'm only like that when she brings girls over. She is the best roommate I've ever had, but I'm not fine with her being gay."
"Are you fine with me being gay?" Ellie asked, still confused, and Abby felt the guilt wash over her.
"I don't know anymore. You didn't have sex in the same apartment with me, so I have no evidence. I think I'm fine if you keep it to yourself?" Why was she like this? This was her best friend and she was a total asshole to her right now.
Ellie sat straight and leaned to Abby as if she wanted to say something important.
"Abby. Abigail. You went to lesbian bars with me. You saw me making out. You were hit on a million times by other women. I never kept it to myself with you." Ellie waited until Abby took it in. "I'll prove it to you."
Ellie stood up and went to the door to her room, opening it halfway and sticking her head out.
"Dina! Can you come here?"
Ellie's roommate came into the room a few moments later and Abby was confused as fuck - did they need a whole council to decide Abby's fate or what?
"Abby here thinks she is a homophobe. Can you make out with me in front of her?"
Abby couldn't help but laugh in surprise, her affection for Ellie's stupid ideas lifting her mood a little. Dina laughed too and shrugged, sitting next to Ellie on the opposite side of Abby.
"Pda is generally uncomfortable, you know." Dina said to Ellie, seemingly thinking her idea was stupid too, but still rolling with it.
"Well, you tell us Abby if it's generally uncomfortable or you want us to burn in hell." Ellie murmured in Dina's lips before she kissed her.
Abby felt her breath hitch as she watched them making out and it was even more embarrassing - she didn't feel disgust, no. She felt- She felt-
Abby was terrified to give a name to this feeling, suddenly ashamed of what she felt as she watched her best friend making out with another girl, but her chest fluttered and her heart was beating faster. She felt an ache between her legs and it was even more embarrassing - was she- was she fetishizing her best friend? Was she that deranged?
"So, do you want to throw up?" Ellie asked, panting, as she moved her hands away from Dina's face.
"No." What Abby actually wanted was a very different thing. "I mean- no. I'm fine. You both are pretty, so."
Ellie and Dina shared a look between them, and if Abby paid attention she'd know their looks said "this bitch is stupid".
"Am I fetishizing you right now?" Abby asked, genuinely confused.
"I can't believe this shit." Ellie said, exasperated. "You're not. Abby, you're not a homophobe, okay?"
"I'm gonna go, I have shit to do. Good luck with the identity crisis, Abby." Dina said and left Ellie's room to give them privacy, knowing it was a conversation she shouldn't be a part of.
"But if I saw (y/n) like this I'd definitely puke. I almost did." Abby countered, still confused.
"So you're saying you only have this reaction to (y/n)?"
"I think so. How many lesbians do you think are having sex in my apartment?"
"Well, considering (y/n)'s body count, I'd say a lot."
Abby frowned in anger and Ellie caught it, coming up with a different reason.
"Maybe you're just uncomfortable with her having sex at your place. Would you care if she didn't bring those girls home but fucked them somewhere else?"
Abby went silent as she imagined that, but Ellie interrupted her fantasy where she was totally cool with you sleeping around outside your place.
"Because I know she stayed over at other people's places."
The cocktail of her awful emotions came back full force and the fantasy where Abby was okay with it was in ruins, replaced with fury - she didn't know that and it made her fucking mad.
"How do you know that?"
"Gossip." Ellie said shortly. "So, do you care if she fucks somewhere else?"
Oh, Abby wanted to lie so bad. She wanted to pretend the whole issue was just about your sex life on her doorstep, but she was tired of feeling like this. She was tired of getting angry at you for nothing and she just wanted everything to be back to normal.
"I do."
"Okay." Ellie sighed. "I'm going to say something, okay?"
Abby nodded, apprehensive.
"You're jealous, Abby."
"Nah, I had Owen, remember? I'm not worried about having less sex." Abby said, relieved: she already thought of this and figured out it wasn't about who had more sex in your apartment.
"No, Abs. You're jealous of all those girls who fuck her."
"That… doesn't make sense." Abby laughed nervously, suddenly filled with desire to hide from Ellie and her words.
"Dude, being homophobic to one person doesn't make sense either, since a) I'm your best friend and I'm a lesbian b) you didn't punch me when I told you I had a crush on you-"
"That was so embarrassing why would you bring it up-"
"And c) you literally punch homophobes in their face."
"I'm not gay." Abby said stubbornly. Yes she did punch some homophobes in her life, but it didn't make her a lesbian. She didn't like girls! She wasn't like that!
"I didn't say that." Ellie chuckled like she caught Abby on something. "But the thought that you're homophobic is ridiculous."
It was ridiculous. Oh god. Abby felt so stupid right now - what kind of mental gymnastics was she doing? And she was so sure of it too, it really seemed logical and sensible. But if she wasn't homophobic, she didn't care where you had sex (she only cared that you had sex at all), what was her problem?
"Have you ever thought of her in that way?" Ellie asked.
"Why would I?" Abby asked, suddenly defensive.
"Why would it be so wrong if you liked girls?"
That question broke Abby's brains. She stared at Ellie for a few seconds, not even comprehending her words. Indeed, why would it be so wrong? There was nothing wrong with liking girls, why didn't she want to even entertain the idea? Why did she push this "husband two and a half kids dog" agenda on herself? 
"Am I fucking-" Abby was shocked as thoughts ran through her head at light speed. "Am I homophobic to myself?"
"This feels like therapy, I swear." Ellie chuckled. "Dude, if you feel guilty for liking girls then yes, you're homophobic to yourself."
"I just-" Abby looked at her own hands, still shocked. "I didn't think I was allowed." 
"Well, as the president of lesbians I'm giving you permission to like girls. How does it feel?"
"Like you're stupid and I'm even more stupid." Abby deadpanned. "This is-"
So many things started to make sense: the way Abby always tried not to stare at other girls, how she preferred softness to hardness, "all girls are pretty", how she never bothered with boys because they didn't strike much interest and ran to girls instead because they were just better-
(How she stared at Caitlyn's tits)
"I'm not straight." Abby said and laughed. "And I'm so stupid."
Ellie laughed and nodded. She was happy for Abby, even if she was an utter idiot. 
"Homophobic my ass." Ellie thought as they clicked their bottles. "Congratulations on liking pussy, Abs."
Abby laughed, a little embarrassed, but she felt so light in that moment, finally free of years of guilt for looking at girls for too long. It also explained why didn't look at you when you were just out of the shower - she was just gay and scared. 
For some reason the conversation changed and they never got back to why you were Abby's "favourite", too overwhelmed with the biggest realisation of Abby's life. Abby was absolutely thrilled with her new discovery and excited about what laid ahead. 
As far as she could tell, all lesbians around her were having a hell of a fun time.
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Dreamworks posted a video for pride month about Yasammy and some comments are just ridiculous. I know this isn't exclusive to them and I know I should have been over these idiots by now but it still makes my blood boil. I mean I get it you are a homophobic bigot but how can you belittle their love and chemistry and call it forced(Not a single interaction between Sammy and Yaz felt forced to me. Not when they were friends or girlfriends. Their scenes had a purpose from the beginning) or say they were better as friends when it has been shown and stated over and over again that they were almost always meant to be lovers. How can these people completely disregard the obvious love and affection they had for each other. Their romance was a beautiful saga that certainly didn't happen in one season. Yasmina's feelings didn't appear out of nowhere. You can't tell me they haven't noticed that Yaz is a completely different person with Sammy since the beginning of CC. How much she cares about her. I mean how many times did we see Yasmina make heart eyes to Sammy before we even got close to season 5. Same goes for Sammy. She was clearly falling for Yaz with every interaction they had. Also I think it shows a lot that most of their memorable scenes from CC happened before they became a couple. Throughout the entire CC series they've built a strong foundation for a relationship and in CT we saw that thanks to the strength of their bond they can solve any issues they might have. Anyway my point is their story is beautiful, natural and well written. And I am really sick of people claiming otherwise. If you don't want to see it then don't watch. I really don't understand ppl who get out of their way to make a rude comment. Sorry for ranting I just needed to let it all out.
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Sokkla actually saved my life.
In my early 20s, I had left my abusive family to move in with my high school sweetheart. But once we were living together, he showed a side of him I had never seen before.
He became abusive and cruel and began to cheat. And everytime he blamed everything on me and my depression and anxiety (I have PTSD from my childhood). He made it seem like this was the best I was ever going to get because no one would ever want a broken person like me.
Eventually he dumped me and left me with nowhere to go. I had to move back in with my abusive parents and I wanted to kill myself. They agreed with my boyfriend that no one would want me because I came back to them even more traumatized and mentally ill with mean outbursts and constant crying.
I genuinely thought it was over for me. I had always identified with Katara and Zuko the most, so I had shipped Zutara as a teen. But now I could no longer see myself in Katara because she was so strong and kind and everyone loved her.
I felt more like Zuko except a version of him that nobody could love with his scars. I began to see myself more like Azula. Doomed and tragic. The more hate I read about her, the more I searched for it and applied it to myself. Everytime someone called her irredeemable or unloveable, I took those words as a reminder to myself of how the world truly saw me. I guess it was a kind of self harm…
Eventually this became a late night ritual. And it was while doing this one night, sobbing my eyes out, that I clicked on what I thought was another fic about Azula being tortured and hated or punished and executed. But I must’ve misclicked because instead I ended up on a Sokkla fic.
And I don’t know if it was just my emotional state or how late it was, but by the end when Sokka showed her he could still love her, I just broke. I started looking for more Sokkla fics and art. Instead of looking for content punishing and hating Azula so I could harm myself, I started wanting to find stories where she healed and was happy. And Sokkla fics were so good about this without making Azula just a crazy person abuser or erasing all of her problems either.
Eventually I found metas written by some lovely Sokkla shippers on here and I decided that maybe, if I could be kinder to Azula, I could be kinder to myself.
But I made the mistake of sharing this on my tumblr and all my old Zutara friends FREAKED OUT. Lot all of them were mean about it, but some were. And eventually it ended up in tags that attracted other Zutara shippers and they attacked me over and over again, saying the most messed up things. Calling me mentally ill. Calling me homophobic. Calling me an abuse apologist. Even saying I must be an abuser and a horrible person if I identified with a psychopath like Azula at all. All because I said I like Sokkla now and it helped me.
I left the Zutara fandom that day. But I still love ATLA! I love Katara and Zuko as much as I used to, I just don’t really ship them anymore.
Sokkla is my ship now and it upsets me when people Zutara or TyZula or other fans bash it for no reason. Just like what you like and leave us alone! Zutara gives me panic attacks sometimes now because of it. I blocked all the tags and I’m never going back.
By the way, I’m doing better now! I’m back in school and I have new friends. One of my friends has a cute brother who likes ATLA. And his favorite character is Sokka. I asked him if he likes Sokkla and he said he had never thought about it before. But now we send each other fan art!
I have hope now, and a lot of that is thanks to friends and therapy. But Sokkla fandom helped me realize I deserved those things to begin with. If they could show empathy to Azula, then maybe people could show it to me too.
And to everyone in the Zutara or TyZula fandom who harasses people who ship Azula with people you don’t like: FUCK YOU.
Thank you for this blog. It helps me realize I’m not crazy. They really can be that mean and delusional. Sorry for the rant.
...Anon, do you want a hug?
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meryachkins · 1 month
so. um. i wanted to post something about my mc. but i realized i need to Explain her a little. even if my english is wonky. even if no one besides me will like her. i'm willing to sacrifice my pride lmao ( pls don't beat the shit out of me because of misspelling or weird use of words or horrendous grammary. i'm silly your honor )
SO. there's her profile thing ?? i guess ??? and yes. my every character is armenian, thank you very much. es hay em what can i say 😭
cr for sheet: @kiwiplaetzchen
Tumblr media
aaaaand there we go with A Lot Of facts sbout her ...
about blood status ! i believe she doesn't really know about all that stuff. in my head magic armenia is tied together with non-magic one, because there's no magic school and communities are small and local. wizards live like muggles, live side by side with them. therefore blood of her family is so mixed, that i can't even say is she half-blood or what.
and she doesn't know english very well. her handwriting is in block letters and it's stiff and sloppy. often when she's yapping about something she switches to her mother tongue without realizing it. and then she tries to translate her rant, but fails miserably lmao. that's why she asks her friends for help with textbooks in classes and why she hates potions ( she doesn't know all that terminology for ingredients )
during the first days at hogwarts she was a little shy, but quickly became friend with poppy and natty. then she beat the shit out of sebastian in the duel and felt Very confident because of everyone's vivid reaction, so she started to befriend every person in this school lol. she's very tactile and kinda touch-starved even though she always pissed her siblings off with the need to touch and hug and peck Everyone ( but they always let her do it )
also. she's aroace. she really loves her friends, but she do not understand ( and need ) romantic love and relationshisp. i mean, she doesn't really know she's aroace she live in 19 century lmao. but not once in her live she fell in love
she have 5 siblings: two oldest siblings zabel and levon, older siblings lilith and masis and smol sis asthik ( who's a menace to society. ) she loves them to death, but in the summer after 5th year there was a huge drama about levon and maro was Fighting for him with zabel ( who's a homophobic bitch, but i'm the one who made her like this so i'm not shitting her 😭 )
and they lived in constantinople, but when father died they moved to erivan, hometown of their mother. after this she have some kind of prophecies about something bad happening with their family and maro being their "savior". that's why maro ended up in hogwarts, like it's the only school except koldovstoretz that her mother know about. and there's some relatives in england, who left erivan when it became part of russian empire in 1829 ( i think ??? i'm not too familiar with dates, but i want this story to work ... )
also her patronus was the van cat ( or vana katu, it's a landrace of cats found around lake van ) like her father's. but she doesn't cast patronus often so she found out that her patronus has changed to the borzoi at 6th year. her neighbor from a wealthy family bred borzoi from russian empire and she fell in love with these dogs from the very first time she saw them. it's kind of a symbol of her homesickness and yearning for family, for her life in erivan.
so. um. if you read all that text above. thank you. i really want to be in fandom and to show my maro to everyone 🤲 i will post arts with her. i guess ........ and i really want to draw other people's characters !!! i just like the vibes in here lol
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Father!figure Joel random headcanons with fem!reader?
(now that I'm reading my request again it sounds pretty vague :/ I'm gonna try to tell some ideas or details. So, would be cool to see how joel cares about reader's hobbies like bringing her new things, what does he do when reader gets sad, or when someone in town is messing with her, how does he reacts when reader shows him affection like making him a gift or hugs him or kisses his cheek, or how does he teases her when she's shy of some subject, etc)
I love this! Especially since I see Joel more in a platonic way.
Joel Miller father headcanons
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Joel would be TERRIFIED to be a father again.
After losing Sara he kept living with the feeling that something bad is going to happen to you too.
Even so, nothing is going to harm you while Joel's there ,and he's always there for you.
He had a hard time accepting you as his newly adopted daughter,but once he made peace with himself? Best dad ever.
You like drawing? He left a box with a ton of art supplies.
He found them a while ago but didn't know at that time that you like art.
You enjoy music? He got you your own guitar,which also comes with music lessons only from him.
He knows how much you like listening to him singing,so it became a habit for him to sing to you,and once you gain more experience you'll be able to sing with him.
Maybe you like reading, Joel makes sure to bring you to this huge library,a bit far from Jackson but it's totally worth it.
You returned home with toons of books to occupy your time.
It doesn't matter which hobby you have, he will always be there to support it.
One thing I learned from the show,is that Joel likes hiking.
He used to do that with Sara when things were still okay, so when he started this with you it felt like a part of him healed.
When exploring a new place,he found an old shop full of video cameras and photo camera,and so he started collecting photos of you two. He even made an album where he keeps the photos with you.
If there was a fire that would be the main thing he would save.
When you got older he became more protective. He knew those Jackson boys barely wait for a new girl to get with. Well not this girl,not his little girl.
If you're queer,he would be completely oblivious. My man doesn't have a gaydar,not in the slightest.
If you would hang out with a girl pretty often he would just assume you're best friends or something along the lines.
Now if he accidentally saw you kiss with said girl? S-H-O-C-K.
Joel's not homophobic,don't get him wrong,but he just never expected it. And never actually saw it coming.
But if he saw you and a boy kiss,he's all protective father mode on.
Of course he's not a meat head, he'll understand that you have the right to a relationship just as much as anyone,but that doesn't mean he's also fond of the idea of a boy around you.
He'll only accept it for your happiness,but if that guy ever hurts you? Oh well, it's not his fault for what's about to happen.
Fortunately he trusts you can pick the right person, whether they're a girl or a boy.
At times when you're sick he can't help but remember Sara, he'd also remember how worried he would be for his daughter,the same worry that he feels for you.
He makes sure you stay inside and makes you drink and take the pills the doctor prescribed for you,even if you don't like it.
If you ever return from outside hurt, expect to never hear the end of it. For some time he wouldn't let you leave Jackson, mostly because of his fear of anything happening to you again.
But he's not that kind of Father,so after a while he will reluctantly give you permission to go outside Jackson again.
Movie nights.
Joel finds those old DVDs with movies he used to watch before the apocalypse,and he just loves rewatching them with you.
You'll be all snuggled up in his chest,head right where his heart beat, everything reminding him of his movie nights with Sara after a long shift at work.
Joel feels really happy and fulfilled that you trust him enough to be this vulnerable around him. Especially since this world is cruel and full of dangers.
He's dead set to never let anything or anyone lay a finger on you,even if it costs him his life.
My daddy issues are sueing me.
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tupperwaretub · 5 months
A male reader who's super cautious around people because their queer identity has been an issue in the past, and so Negan being so explicit and flirty all the time just relentlessly getting on their nerves, and Negan just find it's so funny until he starts to realize how genuine the annoyance is, and just being like. Dude why would you EVER care about what other people think when we all know these people are horrible, and they're wrong about EVERYTHING Else, so they're wrong about you. And then they kiss 😈 (is this too cringe am i cringe bro)
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(A/n): TYSMMM for the request, this is so cute!! ALSO PLEASE KEEP SENDING REQUESTS ANYONE!! I'll write almost anything as long as it's not noncon or fetish. If you're unsure just look at my character list I'll link a list of what i will + wont write for
(Warnings): snarky Negan being himself, harsh language (it's negan duh)
(Summary): Before Negan arrived it was really easy to hide your sexuality, but when he went snooping and found old photos with your ex boyfriend he obviously couldn't keep his mouth shut but it definitely went better than you can expected.
You hid your sexuality even before you got to Alexandria but getting to Alexandria didn't help, the way the older folk looked at Aaron and Eric made you want to curl up and wither away. So you hid yourself, you hid your family pictures, you hid your pictures of friends at pride events and your ex boyfriend in fear of them finding out and shunning you. In your dream world you'd have your family pictures around your house in Alexandria, being able to see the faces of loved ones you'd lost and reminisce on a time before the outbreak but sacrifices have to be made in the new world.
When Negan started showing up you'd only just managed to settle in Alexandria, a lot of those who may of judged you had died and your group from before such as Rick pretty much ran the show around Alexandria now. You weren't at the line up and you hadn't seen Negan kill Abraham or Glenn, you didn't know Abraham well but he seemed nice enough although you never got too close due to an itching bad feeling he was homophobic. Glenn on the other hand you got on with well, being around the same age you both instinctively became close and you'd even considered telling him you were gay but in the end you decided not to, you had known how bad he was at keeping secrets since Hershel's farm when he told Dale about Loris pregnancy and the Hershel families secret zombie collection in the Barn. You feel slightly guilty for not telling him now he's gone though, he would've always had your back.
Less than a week later Negan came banging on the gate, you were counting ammunition and had noticed missing guns but decided it would be best to stay quiet right now. He sends his men to strip peoples houses of mattresses and items he decided he wanted, you're suddenly struck with a horrid feeling of nausea knowing your photos are hidden under your mattress so you run off back to the armory to pretend to check stock.
Around your fourth time checking the stock of guns and ammo Negan bursts in, "Well hey there... Y/n?" You nod. "I believe these are yours sweetheart." He hands you your photos and you swallow hard, you can't tell if you're about to cry or scream. "Don't worry i won't tell a soul, I'm not as bad as prick makes me out to be I wouldn't out someone. Well, assuming you're not out by the way all these photos were hidden under your mattress." You hide the photos in your back pocket and shrug. "I had my men leave your mattress there and maybe we could... You know, in return for my selflessness." He gets close to your face and smirks but backe off when his men enter and you hand them the lists of stock.
The next few time's Negan visits he flirts with you relentlessly, subtle to obvious.
When you saw him walking through the gates this time you sighed knowing it'd just be another day of annoyance, he walks straight up to you and smirks, "hey handsome..." You glare at him.
"Lighten up hon' you don't like a man like me being interested in you?" He laughs to himself and you just look away, almost seething with anger but holding back for Rick's sake. Negan sees your anger and his face shows how hard realisation hit him that you were genuinely annoyed with him and not just playing hard to get.
"Look, you don't have to act all macho to make people think you're not gay. Plus, i don't understand why you're even bothered about people knowing! It's the end of the damn world, laws don't exist anymore if you didn't realise, so if someone makes your life hard over your sexuality do what i do, bash some skulls in." Your eyes soften, while he doesn't exactly have a way with words you do understand his point. "I'm not like you." You respond to him with an ounce of bitterness but he smiles, "no you're not, but you get what I'm gettin' at." His hand brushes yours and you finally look up at him and your eyes lock. "Yeah... Yeah i guess you're right." You mutter and he smiles, his face gets a bit closer to yours. "Loosen up and have a bit of fun doll."
Your lips meet, at first you're unsure and think about pushing him away but his words ring in your head "loosen up and have a little fun" So you pull him closer and the pair of you share a passionate kiss.
Wherever this is going to go, you're sure it'll upset people but you've decided that if you're going to live in a world where you could die any day you'd rather die happy than moping and hiding yourself from others.
(A/n): I hope you liked it! I loved the request, sorry it took so long I've got ridiculous amounts of work to get done so squeezed this in as much as possible!
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petitemistletoe · 2 years
Pairing: James Potter x Reader, James Potter x Regulus Black
Warnings: smut, some homophobia (sorry)
Word Count: 2.1K
A/N: Please request more from the marauders era please!!
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“He’s staring at you again,” you commented, barely looking up from your book as you adjusted your position so your head was sat more comfortably in your boyfriend’s lap. James stared down at you and sighed. 
“He doesn’t stare at me. He’s probably staring at you.”
“I’ve seen his eyes follow you, James. It’s not me he stares at.” You were talking about Regulus Black, who was also laying in the grass on the other side of the courtyard and pretending to listen to whatever shit Barty Crouch was spewing. 
You noticed that Regulus would stare at James any time he saw him from Regulus’s first year at Hogwarts. You initially assumed it was because James was Sirius’s best friend and young Regulus would have done nearly anything to seek his older brother’s approval. Even when it became clear that Sirius was not going to give any such approval, Regulus continued to stare. You certainly couldn’t blame Reg, James was gorgeous. His sharp jawline, his easy laugh, his arms strong from Quidditch, his skin beautifully tanned from all the time he spent outside. And most of all his infectious kindness. Those were all the reasons you had fallen for him. But James couldn’t see it. Or wouldn’t. 
James was ready to rebut your statement when Remus and Sirius flopped down next to you on the grass. 
“What’ve you two been up to?” Peter asked, taking stock of the boys’ pink cheeks. You had almost forgot that Peter was there. He more often than not third wheeled you and James, saying it was far preferable to third wheeling Remus and Sirius. You suspected it was more so because James was far too polite to tell Peter to fuck off. 
“Took a walk,” Remus said at the same time as Sirius said, 
“Had a quickie by the lake.” 
You burst out laughing as Remus turned a deep shade of red and punched Sirius’s shoulder. 
“What the fuck happened to discretion?” Remus snapped.
“It’s alright, Remus. James and I had a quickie by the lake earlier today too,” you grinned. It was James’s turn to blush and he stammered, 
“You and Sirius are animals.”
You and Sirius laughed and high-fived. Your jovial attitude was apparently ill received as the younger Black stood from his patch of grass and stalked over to you all. Sirius immediately shot to his feet, as did Remus to hold him back. 
“What the fuck do you want, Regulus?” Sirius asked coldly, his head held high in order to look down on his younger brother. The sun seemed to glint off of Regulus’s sharp cheekbones as he sneered, 
“I’ve heard a rumor about you, Sirius.”
“I’ve heard one about you.” Sirius said, his eyes flashing dangerously. You and James were on your feet now too, anticipating the incoming storm that could only occur between Regulus and Sirius Black 
“I’ve heard things about you and Lupin.” Regulus said, narrowing his eyes as he looked Remus up and down. 
“What kind of things?” Remus asked, his hand still firm against Sirius’s chest. 
“I’ve heard you two are in a relationship.” Regulus hissed. 
“We are.” Sirius said simply, grabbing Remus’s face and kissing him deeply. Regulus looked gobsmacked. 
“You-you’re going to hell!” Regulus stammered. 
“I heard you’re a death eater,” Sirius said, grabbing Regulus’s arm quickly and tearing his sleeve up to reveal the dark mark, “so I guess I’ll see you there.” 
Sirius then turned cooly on his heel and stalked back towards the castle, hand firmly in Remus’s. You all followed, you turned back only once to see that Regulus was glowering at you and James. 
“He’s staring at you again.” You nudged James. You were at dinner this time, two days later and James was still upset about the situation with Sirius and Regulus. 
“I just don’t get how he could say that to you!” James was saying to Sirius. “It’s just…it’s so intolerant! So homophobic! It’s terrible!” 
“He’s Regulus. I don’t know why you’re surprised. Honestly went better than I thought. Thought he was gonna hex me or something,” Sirius said with a shrug. 
“Yeah Prongs, newsflash. People are homophobic.” Remus clearly wasn’t torn up about it either.
“James! He’s staring at you again.” You repeated, tugging on James’s sleeve. James turned to look at Regulus. Sure enough he was staring and once James looked over, Regulus blushed and dropped his head. 
“Just forget about him.” Sirius suggested, “We have.”
James couldn’t let it go. You and him were on a late night walk, trying to find some place in the castle you could hook up in. Sirius and Remus had claimed the dorm room and exiled Peter to the common room. Marlene had Yaz in the girl’s room and Lily would have had your head if you had even tried to bring James there. He was still stewing as you walked. 
“Regulus is just so awful to Sirius. And he knows better. He should know better. I just hate him so much and I’d honest to god kill him if I knew that Sirius wouldn’t be a little cross with me about it.” James was ranting. You had finally found a classroom that wasn’t locked and you pulled James into it. 
“James, baby, please. Stop talking about Regulus. God, I almost feel like you want him more than you want me.” You said with an eye roll. 
“You haven’t stopped talking about for two entire days. You honestly sound like you want to hate fuck him.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” James looked appalled. 
“Just saying. Hate and love are really close emotions. It makes sense that you would be a little confused about it.”
“Confused? What the fuck could you mean?”
“James. Haven’t you noticed that the entire time you ranted about Regulus you’ve gotten harder and harder?” You looked down at James’s pants which were practically tented with how strong James’s erection was. James was surprised at this and shook his head.
“Channel this energy,” you said, holding his face in your hands, “and fuck me really really hard.” You smashed your lips against his. He resisted at first before giving and and kissing you back. It was toothy and intense and you think James might have bit you a few times but it was delicious and it was different. Your clothes were coming off and were being thrown in every direction. James had you backed onto a desk as he was fumbling with his belt buckle, his lips still on yours when you heard the door to the classroom creak open. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, crossing your arms over your chest and turned to see who had spoiled your fun. When you saw it, you couldn’t help but giggle. 
It was Regulus Black. 
“What the fuck do you want?” James barked, pulling his belt out of the loops and unzipping his pants. You were a little confused as to why he wasn’t stopping but you weren’t any less turned on. 
“I’m,” Regulus had to clear his throat, “I’m doing prefect rounds. I ought to give you a detention. What are you even doing?” Regulus was walking slowly towards James. 
“Hi Reg,” you said, leaning up on your elbows so Regulus could see you. Regulus froze in place when he saw you and scowled. 
“Oh, a hundred points from Gryffindor.” He hissed. 
“You have no authority to do that and you know it.” James growled. 
“Come on Reg, we’re just having a little fun.” You said with a light shrug. 
“Shut the fuck you stupid halfblood.” Regulus snapped. 
“That’s it. Perfectus totalus.” James pointed his wand at Regulus. Regulus went rigid and dropped to the ground. James maneuvered Regulus with his wand so Regulus was sitting in a chair facing the desk you were laid on.
“I’m tired,” James said, raking a hand through his messy hair, “of your bullshit. I know you’re in love with me, Reg. Everyone has noticed you staring at me. But you’re a piece of shit and awful to my best friend and my girlfriend so now you’re going to watch me fuck her brains out.” 
You got even wetter at that. James turned back to you and attacked your neck, leaving large teeth impressions around your neck and clavicle. He pushed two fingers into you, causing you to throw your head back and moan. You kept your eyes open and on Regulus. He was staring at you with a mix of hate and lust, his pupils blown and his fists balled. The hex seemed to be wearing off but he made no indication that he was going to move from his seat. James added another finger inside you and curved them so they brushed against your g-spot. You moaned again, grasping James’s wrist and fucking yourself on his fingers. James was moaning with you, obviously extra turned on by the situation. He pressed his thumb against your clit and began moving it in quick small circles and you came, moaning James’s name and carding your fingers in his hair. He kissed you again before taking his cock out and helping you off the desk. He turned so he was facing Regulus and pushed your head down towards his cock. You took the hint and started to suck him off, relaxing your jaw and gently massaging his balls with your free hand. You looked up at him but James’s eyes were fixated on Regulus. James had his hand on the back of your head and he pushed your head suddenly against him. Your gag reflect instantly activated and you were gagging and spitting around him but you noticed that James barely seemed to care and then you heard Regulus moan. James released you and you fell backwards, breathing heavily and looked between the two boys. You were right. They did need to hate fuck but you had a feeling that wouldn’t happen tonight. Tonight, James wanted to punish Regulus. Make him a voyeur. 
James grabbed your arm roughly and pushed you back onto the desk. He kissed you deeply and you could tell he felt a little bad about how rough he was being but one quick finger to your pussy and he would have seen that all it did was make you wetter. James pushed inside you. You moaned loudly, locking eyes with Regulus. Regulus’s erection was straining against his pants and his nails were digging into his palms. There were beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
“He’s so big, Regulus,” you whispered as James fucked you. You were getting close and so was James. His thrusts were getting sloppier and his breath was heavy on your neck. 
“He feels so good, Reg,” you said again.
“Shut up,” Regulus said through clenched teeth. That got James’s attention as his head snapped up and looked back at Regulus. You came around James’ cock, moaning loudly and raking your nails down James’s back. James pulled out of you before he came and stared hard at Regulus.
“Come here,” he said, practically vibrating with rage, “and suck my girlfriend’s juices off my cock.”
You could only stare at Regulus as he stood on shaky legs and walked over to James. He fell to his knees and stared up at James with wide eyes before taking James in his mouth. James’s eyes shut and he carded his fingers in Regulus’s hair before pushing Regulus’s head down on his cock roughly. Regulus’s eyes shot open in surprise and he gagged, his fingers pressing bruises into James’s thighs. 
“Don’t stop, I’m going to cum.” James commanded. Regulus’s eyes were tearing up but he was nodding and opening his mouth even wider for James. James came and Regulus was caught by surprise swallowing some of it but backing away too quickly so his face and hair were coated the remainder of James’s cum. 
Everyone took a moment just to steady their breathing before James looked down at Regulus and said in the coldest voice you had ever heard from him, 
“Don’t you ever call my girlfriend a dirty half blood or tell my best friend he’s going to hell again. Now get out of my sight.”
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I want to cry when I think of the old gen in SGE.
You're telling me it's canon that Lady Lesso was Callis' Dean (With Callis being the not-so-ugly uglification teacher).
It's cannon that Lady Lesso absolutely despised Evelyn and Rafal because hello, Evelyn ratted her out and Rafal forced her to make a choice, BUT THEN Evelyn and Rafal's son (Japeth) is obsessed with Lady Lesso's son (Aric).
It's cannon that 2 generations, no, THREE generations of evil were obsessed with Sophie? Rafal(love interest), Rhian(Love interest)/Japeth(Interest) and Evelyn(Interest). Although truth be told Evelyn was probably a bit irritated after she read the Story of Agatha and Sophie and saw Sophie kissing Rafal. Maybe she pushed it to the side with 'Oh it's fine, he's just using her'. Ok Miss Clown and you think he ain't using you? She probably realized he is when he turned her to dust.
Do you guys ever think that Sophie thinks that she practically dated a father and his son(s)? As we know her probably not.
Here's my question, I can't exactly recall if in book 5 when we are shown how Rhian and Japeth's existence came about if Rafal was young and beautiful or not(aka if he was old).
But if he WASN'T old and ugly then what happened in the meantime? How did he turn wrinkled and ugly as hell?
Was he also ugly or not when he tried to propose with Calissa? Cuz I can't remember for the life of me.
Are we also just gonna ignore that Evelyn was practically on the streets and that the Green Knight, the OG Japeth took care of her? Talk about being a deadbeat dad Rafal (cough RHIAN cough).
How does he keep seducing all these women?! I mean with Calissa it was a fail, Sophie was easily manipulated, and hell only knows what Evelyn's thinking process was given how easily she dismissed her each time she tried to be 'useful' to him.
Do you guys think Rafal knew that Japeth liked Aric? And if so is that why he made Aric the Dean of New evil(besides his own...evilness and the fact that he is Lady Lesso's son and inherited her magic).
We don't forget that 'Rafal' literally laughed when he was told he'd have to marry a woman for evil, right? Right? And then he became the Number 1 playboy. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because his true name sake(Rhian) took Sophie for the same reason (power) as his father while liking Kei and Japeth, the son that took after him, took Sophie with the intent of reviving Aric.
(I still refuse to believe Japeth was conscious of how Aric would act towards him when he came back. Japeth x Aric feels like it has a weird symmetry to Evelyn x Rafal due to the possible toxicity between the two given Aric was low-key homophobic. Well... More than low-key but that's beside the point)
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