#i bet you thought this was gonna be angst right? XD
epiphemera · 1 year
"why wont you just tell me what i did wrong?" {{For byakuya}}
〘 40 questions meme 〙
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"it is simple," he sheaths senbonzakura as he stands over his downed lieutenant, "if you do not learn for yourself, then the lesson will not be effective." but the noble does hold a gloved hand out to help renji up. "again."
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 2 months
Hiii! I was wondering if you could write a angst/fluff fic on Bam, where the reader is a female dirt bike rider, and they absolutely hate each other but they have to work together bc they're both in Jackass, and the reader ends up getting severely hurt doing a stunt on the dirt bike? maybe this is based in 2002ish. I luvv ur work btw <333
Crash and Burn
Bam write Y/N off immediately, and her teasing doesn’t help her case, especially after she gets a leg up on him, but Ryan makes a bet that helps him see things in another light.
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader, Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
(Fluff, angst)
3k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, Madonna-Whore complex, misogyny, injury, blood, hospitals, broken bones, alcohol, flirting, enemies to lovers
An: Thank you so much for the request! Yet again, me returning to the whole Madonna-Whore complex thing XD I love writing for bolder Y/Ns, and this lady definitely fits the bill! I got to doma lot of research on motocross for this fic, and I always enjoy the more research intensive focus, so no matter how niche, please feel free to send any requests my way!
After Bam got word they would be flying out this female motocross rider alongside Tony Hawk and Matt Hoffman to film the loop, he kind of wrote you off without a second thought. Just went back to helping the guys set up. So when you pulled up on set that morning and took off your helmet, he was a little confused at how…normal you looked. In fact, you were pretty damn hot. Holding his hand up to shield his eyes from the sun, Bam peered around a ramp to squint at you watching like some weirdo as you, Matt, and Tony chatted it up with Knoxville by the lake you were set to jump into. “The hell’s she doin’ here?”
Ryan, who was helping carry a large piece of plywood from the bed of Chris’ truck, leaned the board against a half built structure before glancing over towards you, “You mean Y/N?” Blinking in disbelief at that, Bam’s jaw practically hit the ground, “Wait, that’s Y/N?” He had this idea of you before you even stepped foot on set. You know the type: the tattoos, a couple holes in your face, or some kind of edgy hair color- in his eyes, as masculine as a girl could get without growing a beard. I mean, there were attractive women in the skateboarding world, but Bam wouldn’t look at them the same way he looked at hot chicks at the bar or something. Whatever. Who did you think you were anyways, walking around like you were hot shit? Probably only there because MTV was desperate for them to get more sex appeal on the show. It’s not like you would be doing anything crazy.
How wrong Bam was. Your stunt was first, and after they got you suited up in all the compulsory safety garb as dictated by standards and practices, you actually landed the thing in two tries- two fucking tries! After that first attempt, Bam didn’t think you were even getting up after he saw that spill you took off your bike, the way you hit the ground like a ragdoll. The air swam with that silent worry while everyone was kind of scared to say anything, (and you know it’s bad when that group of guys shut up) but before Jeff could punch in that last digit of 9-1-1 into his phone, there you went, stumbling up with a smile to excitedly shout over to Rick, “Can we try that one again?”
After you trugged out of the lake to much applause after your second and last attempt, Tony and Matt went off to film their segments, and while you always like watching the big air that bikes can get, you had something else on your mind. You walked over to where Bam was sitting off to the side and strapping on a pair of wrist braces. Glancing down at where he sat on the grass, you toweled off your hair. “What’re you gonna do?” Your shadow blocked out the sun as you looked over Bam, who shot a scowl up at you, “Huh?” A fat drop of water dripped off of your clothes and hit him right between the eyes, making him flinch. You didn’t seem to care, “BMX, dirt bikes- what’s your deal?” Bam stood up to meet your gaze, which he literally could, given the fact you were pretty similar in height, “I skate.”
You already knew who he was and what he was gonna do- I mean, in 2002, who didn’t know who Bam Margera was? And that’s exactly why you wanted to fuck with him. “Wait- seriously?” There was this glimmer of disbelief in your eyes at his simple answer before your knees buckled a little. “Holy shit!” And you started laughing. “That is just…god, that’s adorable…” It's not like you could help yourself- he sounded so proud of himself and that little boy sport of his. If Bam didn’t hate you before, he certainly did now. And while he could bring up the fact that you seemed totally cool with the fact that Tony skateboarded to try and call you out on your bullshit, he had a better idea.
He couldn’t do it. Five attempts, and Bam still couldn’t make it all the way around the loop. Maybe it was something wrong with his stance or the way he held his legs- he would’ve tried it until the sun went down if it meant he could spite you, but Jeff cut him off after that last try where he missed the pad completely and fell about ten feet to the patchy grass to land directly on his head- something about liabilities and the blood that was now dripping from his forehead. And guess who was the first person he saw when he groggily blinked his eyes open to someone knocking on that dumbass helmet they forced him to wear. “How’d that go for you?” See, he wanted to sound all confident and badass telling you off, but it came out a lot more pathetic than he intended as he mumbled out, “Fuck off…”
“Aww, don’t be mean…this is one hell of a first impression from you. Keep this up and the only thing you’ll be sleepin’ with tonight’s that dinky little board’s yours.” Yeah, you think you’re soooo fucking funny, huh? He got plenty of ass, thank you very much- enough to not feel the need to suck up to you just because you were a chick. “Listen, Y/N- whatever the hell your name is,” Bam tried to gather his bearings as he staggered to his feet, “I couldn't give a fuck if you were Ricky Carmichael’s secret love child-“ He got all up in your face as he continued like some kid getting into a fight on the playground while also trying to sound totally nonchalant, “I don’t need some amature dirt bike chick like you gettin’ all on my ass about my shit! Just- leave me the fuck alone.” The crew gathered around to get a front row seat to the action, but nobody was backing Bam up. Not even Ryan, who always had his ass even when he was blatantly wrong. In fact, when he looked back at him for some sort of escape here, he could’ve sworn his best bro was making cartoon heart eyes at you behind those sunglasses. Holy shit. How could this get any fucking worse?
Well, there’s something in seeing a very angry, fully grown man in protective gear that doesn’t quite fit him right that you found hilarious. There was this holding back a laugh sparkle in your eye that told Bam exactly how seriously you took his anger, “Alright, tough guy. Don’t get your knee pads in a wad...” His jaw clenched as you reached out to pat him on the shoulder condescendingly, delivering one final blow to Bam’s fragile little ego, “Maybe you should stick to something you’re good at, like pushing your buddies around in shopping carts or throwing yourself into bushes?”
Cocky MTV millionaire skater boy, walking around like he’s the best thing on wheels with those shitty tattoos and that dumbass facial hair and those big eyes that almost made him look like a baby deer. Yeah, like Bambi- you’d have to use that one later. But there was something to his blind overconfidence that you found, for lack of a better word, sexy.
Thank god for the fact they went to the bar that night: a chance to get away from the host of shit that happened that day- or at least, it would be if Ryan was able to keep Y/N’s name out of his mouth. The fact that he was so smitten with you was starting to make Bam believe that his best friend was either completely blind or some kind of masochist. “She is such a fucking cunt- what god’s name do you see in her?” Thank god the bar was loud enough that their conversation couldn’t be heard over the chatter and the other guys’ bad behavior. Ryan just shook his head at his obliviousness, “You’ve got no idea what’s going on, do you?” Bam, who couldn’t usually see beyond his own nose, still had no clue what he was saying- this chick was a bitch who hated him for no reason, end of story.
Taking a swig of his beer, Ryan had this demeanor about him like he was imparting ancient wisdom onto him, “Let’s ignore the fact that she’s ridiculously hot, because all motocross chicks are hot-“ Bam cut him off, “The hell you mean?” Dunn sighed before he began to explain, “Have you ever watched a woman ride a dirt bike? It's the goddamn hips, man. I can’t explain it- point is, she was flirting with you all day- frankly, I’m jealous!” He made it sound like basic logic because, to everyone except Bam, it kind of was. In the other corner of the room, Steve-O just broke a cue stick over his thigh and was using it’s splintered remains to threaten a guy who he swore cheated him out of a hundred bucks, but the entire bar might as well have been dead silent as Bam tried to process all of this. He could only scoff at his best friend’s words- clearly, he was under the influence of this she-devil. “No way...” He was used to chicks throwing themselves at him left and right, so he took any signs of boldness from a woman as a threat to him and his masculinity.
“I’m serious! Some women just work like that…You know what?“ Ryan loudly put his pint glass down on the sticky bar top and turned to him, “I’m willing to bet money- actual money on this.” Bam was a little surprised at his eagerness, but more than that he wanted to prove him wrong. “You know what? Sure. If this chick flirts with me tomorrow- by your definition- I owe you fifty bucks.” “Deal.”
Luckily for Bam the next day, most of the other guys were too distracted filming that slip & slide stunt on the repurposed plywood loop that got configured into some sort of hellish ski jump to notice what was going on between him and you. As they went through filming their bits, you had a lot of time to yourselves to fuck around. Bam would’ve completely ignored you that next day filming after all that bullshit yesterday, but Ryan’s little bet seemed to motivate him to be more of an obnoxious ass (which, mind you, he was really good at). You were idly chatting with Dunn about which of the guys you thought was going to eat the most shit with this piece, when Bam suddenly jutted into your conversation, “Y’know, I don’t get what the big deal is with the whole dirt bike thing-“ Plopping down next to where his buddy was sitting on one of the various plywoods structures that littered the shoreline of Camp Payne, that slight defensive tone seemed to slip through, “I mean, skatin’s way harder- you don’t have some thing between your legs doin’ all the work for you...”
Ryan actually choked on his beer, but honest to god, there was no euphemism behind Bam’s words. You would’ve thought he just got slapped by the speed the visible realization hit his face after those words left his mouth. Idiot. He tried to play off the fact he just said that to a chick by pretending it was totally intentional, but his laughter was tinged with nerves. But you didn’t feel threatened or try to defend yourself- in fact, his whole “open mouth, insert foot” slip up gave you an idea. Coyly cocking your head to one side, you took a few slow steps toward Bam who was starting to turn this really cute shade of pink. “Really?” Everyone was in their lake gear for the stunt, so the fact that you were half naked didn’t help the tension as you leaned in close- a breath shy of touching him- to whisper right into Bam’s ear slowly, drawing your words out, “Well, i think your problem is that you don’t understand that feeling of riding something so powerful…” Teasingly, your hands slid down the length of your thighs, “The cold, hard steel between your thighs, the-”
Your little tease was cut off by Ryan toppling backwards off of whatever he was sitting on, because even though your words were this soft, drawn out coo only intended for the ears of the embarrassed, flustered mess in front of You, you were apparently barely loud enough for him to overhear. Not that you cared. You were more preoccupied with the wide eyed, borderline slack jawed expression plastered on Bam’s face. Satasified, you spun around on your heel, slapped your ass, and walked away, leaving the two men alone in the silence. “Holy shit…” Well, that is until Ryan eventually spoke up, ”Dude, you owe me fifty bucks.” Still trying to process what the hell just happened, the only response Bam could conjure up was a nod, “Yeah. I guess I do.” “So pay up.” Turning to Ryan, Bam slapped his outstretched hand away, “I ain’t got no pockets! I’ll get’ya later...”
From that day on, the teasing between you and Bam started getting less mean and more playful. MTV wanted more seasons, then a movie, and as such you’d be seeing Bam a whole lot more. Although he got on your nerves half the time (yet again, anyone who spent more than a minute around him would say the same), a part of you found the way he could be such a little bitch really endearing, not to mention that it was equally as fun to piss him off as it was to fluster him, neither of which took much effort. Sure, to the rest of the world, Bam was this insane badass with no regards for his own safety, but all it took for you to make him melt was you wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind and squishing your boobs up against his back. While totally innocuous to you, that one encounter by the lake completely changed his mind when it came to that hot motocross chick. What simple creatures men are…
You couldn’t remember for the life of you what magazine wanted that photo shoot they flew you in for while they were promoting the second movie, because you were more excited at the prospect of messing with your favorite boy toy. “I’m still surprised you got that Right Guard commercial, seeing as you care so much about bathing and staying clean…” Standing behind in the cover of a trailer, you stripped down to your underwear to change into the tight, black riding gear they had for you, not even bothered by the way Bam was shamelessly watching you from where he leaned against the trailer wall. “Yeah- An’ i'm wondering whose bright idea it was to dress you in that…” Turning to press your hands against Bam’s shoulders, you put on a mock pout, “Aww, c’mon Bambi! I thought you’d like a woman in leather…” The little back and forth the two of you had wasn’t the only thing that made Bam crack a grin, judging by the way he was shamelessly sneaking glances at your half naked body, “Not saying I don’t like it…”
Now, what you were slated to do was a pretty basic jump, one you’ve done maybe a hundred times before: one ramp, over a gap where the cast was lined up underneath you, and down to the other ramp. Your overconfidence here may have contributed to the outcome of your stunt. Picture, if you will, this photo sequence in some magazine: first shot, you making your way up the ramp, the next moment you’re airborne, soaring up- photo two, photo three- then the fourth, after you began your decent, when your front wheel barely grazes the lip of the ramp, and the fifth, when helmet makes contact with plywood and your bike goes flying off into the background. In fact, the moment when you felt your brain bump against the back of your skull as your head sickeningly cracked against the wood was the moment anyone noticed anything was amiss, and who was the first to run to your aid after you skidded down to curl up at the base of the ramp? “Jesus- fuck!” Yep, there Bam went after you, practically shoving Dunn out of his way to dash towards you like a gazelle on the Savannah. The shouted orders not to move you from the medic were mere white noise in his ears next to the thrumming of his own heartbeat.
Bam showed up at the hospital quickly, around the same time you got there, but the only reason he didn’t run into you sooner was that he spun on his heel halfway through his dash towards the elevator to make a U-turn for the gift shop and grab you flowers. Even so, his concern was palpable when he actually got to your floor and started questioning the nurses on where you were, despite you not even being there for five minutes. Though you could very well hear Bam and his little tizzy through the door that was left open as he asked fifty nurses where they took you, he was completely, totally chill when he walked in the door, like some switch flipped in his head.
“So, how is it?” Sitting across the room in one of those stiff hospital chairs, Bam dropped the bouquet of periwinkle bellflowers onto the white sheets at the foot of your bed. Glancing down at it, you groaned, squeezing your eyes shut at the shooting pain going up your arm, “Dude- this sucks fuckin’ ass…” Ask him when he met you what he would do if you broke your elbow, and he would probably say something along the lines of high fiving Dunn or having a drink to celebrate, but not now. “Don’t sweat it. I broke my elbow seven times- you’ll be fine, I promise.” You smiled softly at Bam’s comforting words in the silent ER room, thinking about how he must really care about you.
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thank you @callivich for sharing the idea of making fic dvd commentaries! I thought I'd give it a go 🥰 @shamelessdvdcommentary
Broken things
summary: When Lip brings home an advanced android in order to test it for the company he works for, Ian doesn't know what to make of him. MIK-940810, or Mickey, seems virtually indistinguishable from a human being, throwing Ian for a loop as he feels an undeniable connection to the android. Their relationship deepens when Ian finds out about something that Mickey has been keeping from Lip and the people who built him.
There’s a faint blue light shining from the place where Lip’s thumb rests for about two seconds. Ian’s expecting some kind of whirring noise, like when you turn a computer on, but there’s just silence.
And then suddenly the blue eyes come alive.
some stats: I started writing this about a year ago, as part of the latest shameless big bang and finished it around january this year. it's a multichapter of about 28k words divided into 8 chapters
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
probably something I was watching at the time. I love sci-fi! I think I would've had the initial idea in the spring of 2023 and then let it marinate for a while, until the big bang came a-knocking lol. I'm pretty sure it was always gonna be android!Mickey and human Ian, and when I remembered Lip's canon interest in robotics it all started slotting into place for me
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
like I said it was always gonna be android!Mickey and I really wanted to explore Ian trying to figure out what made him tick and questioning what makes us human in the first place
What was your favourite scene to write?
probably their initial conversation when Ian asks all sorts of questions that make his brain explode more and more, while Mickey sort of watches him spiral and just seems to have an obvious answer for everything lol. that and the scene where Mickey heavily flirts with an increasingly flustered Ian, that was a lot of fun
How did you come up with the title?
one of the main themes of the fic is the coming together of these two individuals who meet at a time when they both needed it because they were feeling broken, for different reasons. there's a parallel especially between Ian's relationship with his bipolar disorder and Mickey's feeling that he's malfuctioning as an android and that he'll be seen as a broken toy. in both cases it's because of heightened emotions compared to what's considered 'normal', but they heal each other throughout the fic and overcome that sense of brokenness together
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
hopefully all the little references and parallels to canon! (things like Mickey's serial number for instance) I had a lot of fun with those, it was like winking at my fellow fans like 'get it? it's like in the show!' lol
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
I struggled a bit with the resolution of the main conflict/angst, especially explaining how Lip suddenly decides to help them in the end, after being a dick for most of the story lmao. hopefully it doesn't feel that sudden or rushed, but yeah. I still think about it at times lol
Favourite line in the story?
“Well, ask away, doc. You studyin’ human anatomy all day, right? Bet you’re curious as fuck to know all the ways they replicated that shit in this hot little android body o’ mine.” - like I said, I really enjoyed Mickey shamelessly flirting xD
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
I just checked my original (handwritten) outline, and I think I had meant to make Ian catch on more to the fact that Mickey is a different type of android, even with Lip's reassurances, but I think in that version he ended up being suspicious in a way that didn't gel with his blossoming feelings for Mickey, and maybe as a result I made Ian a little bit more unsure of himself, which goes back to him feeling broken because he feels like he can't trust his brain too much. also when I was still gathering my ideas for the story I initially thought Mickey might turn out to have memories of a human Mickey Milkovich who had died, but I scrapped that because I wanted this Mickey to be the real Mickey, android or no
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
I'd definitely never written sci-fi or an android fic before! I might delve more into science fiction in the future though, who knows 😌
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
overall plot and dialogue, probably. I'm really proud of how I developed my original idea, and some of the lines still make me laugh (or cry)
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
going back to my original outline, I apparently had a whole chapter that never came to be? here's what I'd written down: "Lip's boss shows up at the house. Mickey needs to pretend to be a regular android despite his anger. Ian defends Mickey. The police gets called. They have to make a run for it." maybe this would have helped the resolution feel less rushed/anti-climactic but it also seemed to complicate things a bit too much for my taste, so it got scrapped
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
I think the epilogue leaves things in a good enough place!
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
both!! but more excited overall, I think. it's probably my favourite story I've written
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
please!!!! I will love you forever <3
this was great, I highly recommend it to all writers 🥰
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dipplinduo · 6 months
BYFILWM Chapter 3 thoughts:
1. I love the chaos that is Drayton and Carmine. (Poor girl is fighting for her dignity to remain intact 😂🤣😭😭)
2. NOT AMARYS BEING THIS 👌 CLOSE TO KNOWING ABOUT CARMINE'S BUSINESS WITH DRAYTON 😂🤣😂🤣 (well, she will find out eventually one way or another but I did not expect it to be this soon)
3. Red gardenia necklace eh... (I am certain the flower language enthusiasts are screaming rn XD)
4. When Drayton said that he and Kieran were going for the necklace with the tickets, they must be competing over who will get it while gathering enough tickets for it, right? Or did somewhere along the line, Kieran did suspect whatever is going on with him and Carmine and decided to help Drayton with getting that necklace? 🤔🤔🤔 (I like to believe it's the former cause it would be fun to have a bit of friendly rivalry just like old times)
Ngl the best way to sum up my feelings for this chapter is basically this gif:
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The wholesomeness of it all with hints of possible sweet angst is delicious.
- ☕️
That is not changing any time soon bucKLE UP CARMIBEAR & FRIENDS LOOOOOL
Carmine: I'm going to get in this convoluted bet that involves me spending most of my free time with Drayton if I lose
Amarys, her literal roommate: *is suspicious Carmine is suddenly spending most of her free time elsewhere*
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The red gardenia 100% has an implied, significant symbolic meaning and @mandachuart helped me for a painstakingly long time to figure out what flower lore to drop and put up with me being picky until I was satisfied. SHE IS BRILLIANT, AND I COULDNT FIND A MORE BRILLAINT FLOWER MYSELF
I am not gonna lie I was gonna write in that part and perhaps address it in that way but I got lazy and went "eh no one will care about this anyways, I just wanna wrap up my writing now" xDDD May add context in retcon down the line LOL
I am so glad you enjoyed!!! Thanks for reading & sharing ur thoughts <333
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I know I've sent you enough asks about Poppy and Kingston... But now I've been thinking about their trip to Australia and now I HAVE to send you my thoughts on them in the Outback XD
Of course as usual, you don't have to answer right away, and whether these are true on Kingstons end is up to you ^^ and if you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them!!!
First things first. The language/slang barrier. Can you inagine??? XD I did not confirm if your guys language was still the same around the 40's, but still!!! Like-
Kingston: *sees Poppy packing shoes that probably aren't the best for the Australian environment* Yeah, we're gonna get you some thongs, love.
Poppy: ... Honey, we're going to meet your parents??
I know that by then they've more than likely cleared some things up about their languages, but still, this was too hilarious for me not to include XD besides, hearing your boyfriend talk about bringing thongs to his parents' house would factory reset any American I bet XD
Poppy just- not at all being prepared for the Bush XD but also loving it!! She's not used to not having the sounds of the bustling yet dangerous city outside her window at night, but she definitely appreciates the lack of it. Having neighbors being literal yards apart and not having to worry about walking too loudly for people below you, etc. Of course Poppy still minds her manners, but it's very jarring and relieving for her out here ^^
Of course, Poppy on the farm. If Kingston was raised here, he can introduce Pops to the animals!!! And just in general, assure her woth the Australian wildlife... But also giving her a heart attack when he just calmly picks up a snake that snuck in their room that night, or wave a dismissal hand at a dingo XD (omg imagine if Kingston Kangaroo got into a fight with a human kangaroo!!! I wanna see that. And I want Poppy to see that and be very surprised what real-life kangaroos are like XDD)
Again, Poppy going through a culture shock with Australia. Idk if people in general in Australia don't care about filtering their words like Kingston, but if they do, ho boy Pops is in for a treat XD
Ok, time for your regularly scheduled angst. Poppy would be trying so hard to impress Kingstons parents. She's upping her etiquette to the max and is going to be stressing out about how Kings parents will perceive her :( though something tells me that Mr. And Mrs. Kingston will be quick to assure her ^^
All in all, it's a very surprising culture shock for her, but she loves it all the same and would love to move somewhere outside of the city with Kingston someday ^^
No. Never enough Poppy and Kingston XD
First off, coming from an Aussie, I can genuinly say that the thongs thing will never not be funny XDD Yes, I'm sure, hearing that would be a surprise for her 😅😄 And Kingston would know e x a c t l y what he's doing, cuz we are perfectly aware of American slang and non-slang XD He would just say it, smooth-faced, and move on. Rena will perpetuate the horror, too. So Ryan will have to let her in on the secret (whils King's whining that Ryan ruined his fun XD ). But eh 🤷‍♀️ There are other fun Aus Things to tease her with 😏
Poppy: OH, it's SANDALS! Oh my- thank goodness. Kingston how dare you do that to me!!
Kingston: Awww, Ry, you had to ruin the fun?
Ryan: I'm just being a friend. What she's really gotta worry about is the drop bears, anyway 😏
Poppy: Drop- Drop bears??
Rena: 😏 Mhm, scourge of Aus, those fucken drop bears.
Kingston: 😏😏😯 OOOOOOooooo you're right. When you're right, you're right, Ry. Don't worry Pops, I won't let those viscious cunts get you.
Poppy: W h a t???
Ahhhhh! Imagine bonfires with Poppy and Kingston's family!! XD They're out in the middle of nowhere so as long as weather permits, they can set up a nice fire and roast marshmallows, and look for the southern cross and orion, and listen to kookaburras!! God I'm suddenly so jealous XDD
Omg, Kingston introducing Poppy to the animals 💛💛💛 And don't forget- Kingston introducing Poppy to Aussie snacks!! Vegemite, Tim Tam's, Milo, twisties, anzac bickies, fairybread, lamingtons, pav, shapes, etc. Obviously some of these are more modern but hey, if they're toons they're immortal! Kingston showing Poppy how to Tim Tam Slam! ^^ (she will never be the same. Girl will be importing Tim Tam's to the US in order to tim slam them- )
Haha, as for how the regular person talks... yeah I guess their could a culture shock there 😄 It's not that fuck and cunt are every second word or anything but we're definitely not as sensitive about them as I think the US probably is (or at least older generations?). Cunt is for sure used as a term of endearment, especially if you're mixing with bogans XD I'm sure by that point Poppy will be used to that though from Kingston! XDD He's the most g e n u i n e aussie bloke XD Friendly, but loud and a little kinda scary.
Awwww, King's parents will l o v e Poppy!!! I'm basing them off of any and all of my aussie friends parents, so they're friendly and sweet and inclusive ^^ When Poppy arrives they just want her to r e l a x. 'We're not here to scare you sweetheart, our home is your home ^^ Now we were thinkin of frying up some fish for dinner, what do you think? We'll have whatever you want ^^'.
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers
I was tagged by @thursdayinspace, and possibly others but idk, I'd have to go back through my activity feed to find out and. No. Bless you and thank you to anyone else who may have done it xD
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? Only 26,434! So far xD
3. What fandoms do you write for? NBC's Blindspot and X-Files.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Bet (txf), A Good Team (blindspot), Bitter Truth (txf), Selfless Disregard (blindspot), A Joke A Lie (txf)
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I really, really try to!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Well right now it is hands down and without question a Deadalive chapter I've written for my txf AU, but that won't be posted for a while. I guess I would have to say it's a toss up between Bitter Truth (txf) and The Coin (blindspot).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Family (blindspot). If you want an x files one then where I've currently left The Bet is happy as shit. This will change however lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics? To date I have not. There is one fic I went into knowing that it was going to be a possibly unpopular take on an already INCREDIBLY unpopular plot line. I knew it will never be beloved, but thankfully, people were gracious even so.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do not. I am not brave enough. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? 🙈🙉🙊
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of! I was working on a series of drabbles with someone, but my co-author had to step away from fandom for life reasons. I did receive blessing to proceed on my own, but idk, it's just not the same. :/ So they will probably never see the light of day.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is a more complicated question than I can convey in a tag game.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The aforementioned team project.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at getting into some characters' heads. I do (what to me is) fantastic angst, but that also usually involves a lot of purple prose. xD I'm very arty farty about it. xD
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I tend to go round in circles. Fortunately I think I've been so far pretty successful at brutally editing my way out of it, at the end of the day. I struggle with physicality. Emoting, gestures, movement and action.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have thus far had no reason to do so, and I'm not sure I'd take that on. As a reader I think it's tough to do it well, in a way that doesn't make things awkward or clunky for people who don't speak the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I mean, I love them all? They're my babies. I love Bitter Truth. I love Selfless Disregard. I love love love my blindspot 5x11 deleted scenes fix WIP, my x files season 8 deleted scenes WIP, and now I've got this x files married on a dare AU eating holes of pain and delight all through my sensibility. Do not make me choose amongst my children xD
@randomfoggytiger added additional questions:
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life? Both and neither. I love to play with words. I can't not play with words. Not everything need be written, however. I went many many years without writing.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript? I don't really do notes, scenes generally come for me in one, so I guess I'd have to say manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration? It's a ~mystery~. There is a mental slow cooker. Anything at all can be an ingredient. I never know what's gonna come out til it dings at me. I would never have turned it back on if not for my lovely pal over at Blindspot (you know who you are xD) and a handful of others, though. Their work and their friendship inspires me constantly.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing? Am I singing solo. If so, do I get to pick my key. These are VERY important questions.
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective? It can do, yeah.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN? AO3 for the posting/feedback (and love the download option), Tumblr for the community aspects especially while in progress.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it? 26,434; yes and no. I'm happy that I've posted anything at all; three years ago it never would have happened. Would I really, really, really like to add my 23k and counting x files and my 24k blindspot WIPs to that number? OF COURSE. (Come to think of it, I have several thousand more words floating around tumblr that I've never migrated. I should get on that. xD)
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably? Movies/books you are LOOKING at them, every time you look at my tumblr. Fics? Ahh, too long a list. Would need its own post.
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it? When it's my writing, I love to hear if I've made someone cry tbh 😅 That I've made someone feel anything at all, really, but I write a lot of angst, so. 😅😅 Misery delights in company, I guess xD In life? Someone I really respect and looked up to professionally once paid me an extremely high and thoughtful compliment about my curiosity. I still carry that one tucked under my ribs.
10. What defines your writing style? I. have. NO IDEA. xD xD xD Messy chaotic angst! Words that come unbidden and often at the most annoying times so they may or may not have any "style" at all! Wordy and sometimes overly poetic and entirely novice! Are any of those "styles"???? xD
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countlessrealities · 1 year
Sliiiiiides my url across your desk like hiiii
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Do I Follow Them? Duh. Of course I do! And I'd be a fool not to follow Locke, because both he and Clarissa are positively rad! And you can bet that they'll be stuck with me till Tumblr crashes and burns for good xD
Why Did I Follow Them? I'll be honest, Locke found me first. I scoped out his blog and I was instantly fascinated by Clarissa. She's a strong, well-rooted, round character, with a captivating even if tragic backstory and plenty of flaws that make her feel so very real. I really admired how beautifully built she is and I was really flattered than her creator had chosen to follow my silly blog xD I had to follow back u-u
Do We Role Play? Yeah, we do! It's a bit sporadic, because Life Gets in the Way™, but we've built a great dynamic between my main Rick and Clarissa, with lots of juicy lore that's ever expanding (especially in the joint verse with Rin!). Not to mention the blossoming friendship between Morty and Clarissa / Chance, and all the other potential dynamics we've discussed 😎
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: YEAH, of course, absolutely, gimme gimme gimme! For all the reasons I listed up there! And also for many more. The troubled relationship and character development. The delicious angst. Seeing these two walking disasters hating and loving each other and failing to get their shared shit together. But also the softest moments, both past and futures. Also, Locke's writing is fantastic.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Watch me totally failing at coming up with one x'D The only idea I can think of right now is a scenario like "What if the government Rick and his rebel pals were fighting back in the days was Eclipse and not the Federation?" 🤔 It could definitely offer a lot of chances for speculation!
A Song For Our Muses: We kind of have our little playlist for Rick and Clarissa by now, even if I'll be honest and admit that Locke has contributed to it more than I did 😅 Sooo, I'm gonna pick a new song to add to it u-u "The Life You Left Behind" by SinHeresy. Have some post break-up angst 😈
Do I Ship Our Muses? Heck yeah! Clarissa and Rick and their troubled relationship have a very special place in my heart! They are such a big source of emotions (angst especially, but not only) and I wouldn't have it any other way. Plus, as I mentioned, I'm really soft for Chance and Morty 🥰 They are so wholesome!
What I Think About The Mun: Every good thing you can want in a RP partner you can find it with Locke! He's thoughtful, engaging, fun, creative, and he's also a great, smart person. I feel really blessed for having met him!
Overall Opinion: I can safely say that this blog has one of the best OCs you'll ever find out there, a mun who can easily be on of the best writing partners ever and did I mention how talented they are in both writing and arting? Don't miss out!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+
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Heyy O'Brien xdd
I don't suppose maybe he heard and might tell Owen lol?
Nope we're at the FBI xD
Come on mannnn
The fact that Owen doesn't know. at all. the entire time
Ah dang I thought I wasn't gonna have any coda ideas unfortunately but also phew but there it is xD Owen finding out
Now I'm conflicted bc when would TK tell him xD but let the anger still build up for later lol
Also it would be more dramatic finding out yk. While the missing person is still missing xD
WAIT maybe TK left messages before it was full :D
Okay that works
RIGHT I'm watching a show
I'm gonna be honest I wasn't really listening to all of that lol
"They never wanna see you again" yeah fair honestly xD
Uh. You're not???
You mean without having been asked don't you xdd
I mean I'm sure you are but c'mon guys XDD
This is gonna beeee rough lol
Ope quoting the same thing XD
Ahh y'all
Anyway as I've been saying out loud for half this scene (though this is that night): OWEN THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. SO MANY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS!!!!
Oh ope-
Another scene o.o
Oooope ohh no that's all the explosives stuff
Ohhhh nooooo xdd
Wait oh my gosh wait
Y'all imagine the TWIST
Ooh if he's still alive I bet it is
Even if he's being forced to make it idk but I think it would interesting if he wasn't 👀👀👀
Ooope wait. That's an article about Owen isn't it
Of course xd
But hey I can accept drama lol
Nah I'm pretty sure it's just Owen
Rip xd
I mean obviously that's awful news but like XD angst for everyone yk lol
Even if it's almost definitely just by the firehouse, like yk it's blown up before XD, but maybe in danger besides just the place but because of Owen 👀👀
Oogh that shot as we go away xdd this is gonna be crazy lol
A H that was wild
0 notes
gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale reviews: ML Season 4 episode 18 Wishmaker
-So basically career day for students. But there is like a fair for it.
-Chloé says she is rich and that it doesnt matter.
-Adrien has a crisis over what he wants to do. Confirmed that adrien only models because his dad asked him to.
-Adrien saying that Ladybug will eventually replace him... ( Oh hi rocketear, Optigami and Sentibubbler. The angst is still there
-Plagg being more successful cheering adrien up.
-Marinette felt sure until her kwami started questioning her purpose.
-So she goes to the Fair and Alec proves he is litterally an awful human being.
-Andre getting roasted! XD
-Well gotta give points for Andre the ice cream man. He really believes he has value.
-Andre just DECIMATED ALEC! WOW. I respect the Ice cream man now. i gotta move him off the list.
-Andre backstory revealed.
-Well Luka's voice got deeper in the english dub.
-Luka is an instrument maker? You know what that makes sense. Side note... He is like 15 right? Boy already has a career making instruments...
-Well this platonic Lukanette sure is interesting. He actually makes a decent Tikki. Maybe if he was a kwami it would be better
-Alec swinging in with a guitar app to roast Luka. Points on that one but My bet is it doesnt work
-Oh! Luka pulls out the Violin. So this was how it was confirmed
-OH MY KWAMI THE CRINGE OF THAT MONOLOGUE! But yea, Luka is right tho.
-And Alec showing cracks in the persona.
-Marinette impressed with Luka for a moment and Luka just like "Oh Adrien is right there."
-So now we get to Sad adrien
-This episode is sending mixed signals. I dont like it.
-Also Adrien's fear is legit
-Oh wow Lukadrinette moment. Is this going to be their version of loveater?
-Luka is basically the Andre of Music.
-Okay so he is listening to both.
-And he plays the violin. Well this was nice
-Alec just keeps taking the L's today. Point is if you are doing what you love, you cant let others shame you for loving it.
-Alec just had a breakdown. Dude... please give him a hug
-Shadowmoth you are doing that same s*** to your son
-Wishmaker looks cool.
-Luka really prominent in this episode. I am on the fence on this
-Croc jagged doesnt know how to swim
-Chat noir takes down the robot.
-Someone wanted to be a cucumber... He got turned into a cucumber... That is the funniest s*** I have ever seen.
-Okay so the phrasing is Chat noir was confused on why Ladybug would get revealed if she got hit. Marinette admits to wanting to be the knitting fairy.
-Chat noir confessing he had no idea what he wanted to be. Just realized Chat noir really hasnt been making any jokes so far... Okay I am NOW CONCERNED
-Luka CHILLING WITH his crocodile dad is hilarious. "Dad Crocodiles know how to swim." "I didnt know that as a kid" DID THEY JUST EXPLAIN A PLOTHOLE AWAY!
-Viperion appears.
-I am getting a very bad feeling about this.
-OOO! They added sparks to the transformation. Cool.
-Wishmaker making a convincing arguement.
-Oh Luka screwed up
-And... Marinette just got exposed... Also the costume is adorable! But Luka knowing when it was his fault... WHAT THE FRIG?!
-Also Adrien... sweetie. You deserve better than that dream
-So senti-adrien theory might hold more water than we thought.
-I am just gonna say it. Viperion... You SUCK TODAY.
-And thats how they win.
-Wishmaker charm looks cool.
-Alec decides to make a new show.
-Dude... Luka F***ING LIED! Like I get why but... oh Kwami I have thoughts
-So no cap. ALEC'S new costume is amazing!
I am pissed for both of my children.
Marinette put her trust in Luka and when she asked if he knew HE LIED TO HER. He basically knows who she is and thats a danger she cant predict. Luka doesnt have an akuma charm! Luka is a danger to her. HE SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER! WHAT HAPPENED TO HONESTY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TRUTH MATTERS?! THIS ISNT A MATTER OF FEELINGS LUKA! THIS IS A MATTER THAT IS CONCERNING!
And Adrien. Adrien has yet to tell anyone his identity. And the first person to find out is someone he never told? This is even worse because LAST EPISODE! Adrien found out about Carapace and Rena Rouge. His faith in secret identities is going to be shattered.
Despite my emotions.
I am still iffy on him knowing tho
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simsadventures · 5 years
Not Me: Chapter 2: Domestic Bliss
Summary: You throw a party at your house, and while on the outside you look like the perfect couple, the reality is quite different. Especially after you learn about another shocking truth. But Bucky seems to be shocked as well.
Warnings: angst, pretending, infidelity, hint of jealousy, swearing, betrayal, weight loss
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
Word Count: 2555
A/N: I promise, all will be explained in a short time. What did we all think? Bucky is an ass, that’s for sure, but maybe there’s something behind his behaviour… who knows? XD FEEDBACK is gold, so please, let me know if you like it, or what was your favourite part :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. Where there used to be a happy, confident woman, was now standing an unsure being without shape or form. You always loved the way your boobs looked, having been one of the lucky girls to have their breasts just the right size and shape without undergoing surgery. But since you lost more than 20 pounds over the last year, your boobs all but disappeared.
So did the glow your skin used to have once. You were dull now, and if it weren’t for your hairdresser who tried to keep your hair shiny and healthy-looking, you bet you would like a walking dead. But no matter how much weight you lost, James didn’t seem to care.
It was pathetic to even try in the first place, because he would always mumble something like you’re not gonna get me, and would walk away, leaving you confused and hurt. You thought that maybe he thought you weren’t representative enough for him, so you tried to lose weight. But nothing happened because you were just the right amount of weight.
It came only with the constant heartbreak that you finally lost your appetite, and the pounds started to disappear from the scale.
You shrugged in the mirror and applied another layer of red lipstick to your lips and plastered a fake smile on your face. This would be a long night, you thought to yourself, as you descended the stairs leading to your formal room, aka the torture room, as you liked to call it.
It was there that most of the parties and meeting happened, and because it was your turn to host one of the Y/L/N family parties, you couldn’t even protest. Your whole family would be there, and so was James’.
After what your father told you that day, and the way he’s been acting towards you ever since then, you weren’t looking forward to seeing him. Nevertheless, you couldn’t wait to see two of your three brothers. Not that you wouldn’t see them almost every month, it being your only outlet and your flight towards safety, but their faces and goofy acts always made you smile.
When you saw your oldest brother, Max, you actually smiled at him, and you had to tell yourself not to rush too fast towards him, because it would actually look like you weren’t happy in your current position. The hostess of the party. Ugh!
 You made sure that the caterers brought everything they should and that your home decorator came soon in the morning to put things in their places, but other than that, you couldn’t care less. It was just for a show, just like every other aspect of your life, apparently.
Max waved at you, and you came close enough to squeeze his hand affectionately. He looked you up and down and frowned, but didn’t say anything, being the polite one of the four of you. You wanted to say something, but then you felt somebody hauling you up from your feet and you screamed, not being able to contain yourself.
When you heard a huron laugh from behind you, you let out a chuckle and tapped his hand, signalling that he should let you down. It was the other brother, two years older than you, Thomas.
While Max was a cardio surgeon, Thomas was in the Army. He only recently got sent home from Afghanistan, and you couldn’t get enough of him, missing him like crazy over the past 7 months while he was on a mission.
“I swear to God, you’re lighter and lighter every time I see you, cheerio! You’re almost translucent, what the fuck is going on, huh?”
You just shook your head and put your fake smile on to calm him down so that he wouldn’t make a scene. Your father and James would eat you alive if somebody caused a scene and you wouldn’t be able to shush them appropriately.
“It’s this new diet I’m on, Tom! I thought I looked marvellous so thank you for bursting my little bubble,” you said playfully, hoping that neither of your brothers would see through you. But who were you kidding? You grew up with them, and you were their little sister, of course, they wouldn’t trust you just like that.
They both exchanged looks that said, right but didn’t press the matter for which you were extremely thankful. You looked around the room to see where your husband was, trying to keep up the appearances at least for a while, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You shrugged and hoped he’d come as soon as possible, because you could see your father’s prying eyes on you, and you didn’t want to give him another reason to scold you.
To get your mind off of things, you looked for your nieces and nephews, Max’s children, so that nobody would ask you unnecessary questions and you could enjoy some time with your family before you had to go and speak with your father. You couldn’t find your mom anywhere, and you could bet she was outside having a cigarette, or 10. It was her outlet in this crazy world, and although you used to give her lectures, you totally got why she started this horrible habit. It even crossed your own mind a few times.
The little ones were having fun on the veranda, and after you greeted their mother, Felicia, you sat on your heels to let the little ones tell you all they needed.
“And auntie Y/N, why is grass green?” “Y/N, I have a boyfriend, his name is Joshua!”
You listened to the 4-year old asking question over his sister’s telling you about her kindergarten’s love, and you smiled to yourself. You loved the two of them, just as much as you loved the two babes in Felicia’s arms. One-year-old twins. Four children were apparently a lot to take in and to take care of, but Felicia was a pro, and you admired her for her patience with your brother because he sometimes acted worse than those kids.
“Shouldn’t you be in there, entertaining your guests with your husband?” You heard your father’s stern voice from behind you, and the hair on your neck stood up. You clenched your jaw, gave Felicia an apologetic smile and went back inside, without as much as looking at your father.
He didn’t like that too much, so he grabbed you by your upper arm, squeezing so much you could feel the blood draining from the limb.
“Don’t you give me this treatment, young lady. How about you put a smile on that pretty face of yours and stop being so sour, huh? Wouldn’t kill you to be pleasant for a day!”
You blinked away the tears welling in your eyes, nodded absentmindedly, which made him release your arm. You looked around the room once more, looking for James, when you saw him leaving one of the guest rooms on the floor ground. You sighed and put on a smile, which fell as soon as you saw another person leaving the room behind James. Her red hair seemed to be the only thing you saw, and you had to try really hard not to vomit at the sight.
It was one of your bridesmaids and great friends (sure), Natasha. They both looked like they either went through a tornado or they fucked each other’s souls out, and your heart fell.
Not only was he making your life a living hell, but he also fucked one of your friends? That was just perfect. You knew that if you saw him, you weren’t the only one, and sure enough, your father made his presence known again
“You can’t even keep a man? Pf, I thought at least that pussy of yours was for something, but I guess I was wrong,” he said mockingly and left you standing there, feeling like you stood under a cold shower.
James turned around the room, greeted a few people he missed due to his escapades before his eyes landed on you. You wanted to yell at him, wanted to throw stuff at him for doing this to you. Why he married you in the first place, you didn’t understand. You didn’t give him even a small smile as you walked towards him, and, for a second, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. That soon passed, and his typical scowl replaced the shock on his face.
When you reached him, and he snaked his arm your waist (which cause you to shudder in disgust, to be quite frank), you leaned in, and with a smile for the other guests of the party, you whispered to his ear,
“You could have at least each left the room in a different time. And you could have made sure you didn’t look like you just fucked one of my best friends, but maybe that’s just me, dear,” you hissed the last part of the sentence as you looked deep into his eyes and without as much as another thought left him standing there, and went to your brothers again.
Not that you wanted to talk to them about it, but you saw the looks on their faces, and you knew they saw the whole thing, from Bucky leaving the room with Natasha to you talking to him. And the looks on their faces were very close to two people ready to murder somebody, so you tried to go and calm them both down. You were just lucky your twin, Adam, wasn’t there, because he would definitely have already acted. And it wouldn’t be nice considering he was an MMA fighter.
“Is he fucking kidding me? I’m going to kill him, Y/N. Like seriously, it will take me one good measured punch, and he’s down,” Tom said, seething, and you patted his shoulder, keeping your fake smile on your lips.
“Don’t. Please, Tom, Max. Suits me for thinking he could actually love me. Let’s just forget about it and act as if nothing happened, can we?”
“Is that the reason you looked the way you do? For fuck’s sake, Y/N. That idiot’s been killing you for over a year, and now he’ll sleep with your friend, to top it all? Has he been beating you too? That why you have the forming bruise on your arm?” Max asked, his temper showing as well.
You looked down to your bare arm and saw that Max was right indeed. There was a bruise already kind of blue from where your father grabbed you minutes ago.
“It’s not like that, I promise. James hasn’t laid his arms on me, I swear. It’s from a pleasant conversation I had with dad a while ago,” you added, knowing that there was nothing your brothers could do about your despotic father.
They were both red from anger, and you didn’t blame them. If somebody treated your brothers the way James treated you, you’d probably tear them to pieces. Or, at least, the old you would. You didn’t know yourself anymore. This meek wife, trying to do as her father and her husband tell her. You were disgusted by yourself but couldn’t see a way out.
Somebody touched your arm, and from the surprised looks on your brothers’ faces, you knew exactly who it was. The fucking audacity of that woman.
“Natasha, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked her, so mockingly, you were actually surprised at yourself.
She looked taken aback, but she still laughed freely.
“What? Can’t I come and as hi to my dear friend?”
It was your turn to laugh in her face.
“Aaah. So I guess that’s what you’ve been doing in one of my guest rooms with my husband, then? Saying hi to him? You guys have some special secret handshake? Or did you fuck him after you exchanged pleasantries?”
She looked terrified, and before you could say more, or before she could start stuttering some lame excuse, you felt a hand on your hip, and from the unpleasant reaction of your body, you knew it was your husband. This was hilarious. His wife and mistress talking, and he just casually strode in.
“May I speak with you, Y/N?” James hissed into your ear, and you stabbed Natasha one last time with your eyes before you let James pull you away from the party into the kitchen.
You couldn’t even look at him, you thought you’d vomit if you did.
“What the fuck is your problem, huh? You’ve got everything you wanted, the house, the marriage, the prestige, everything. What more do you want from me?” He said, raising his voice, and you finally turned around to face him, your brows furrowed in disbelief.
“What? What are you talking about, James? You think I asked for any of this? For the hell my life is right now? Oh so great, I’m married to one of the sexiest CEO on the planet, good for me. But guess, what. I never asked for any of this. All I wanted was to take over the publishing part of the company, live in my little apartment, and maybe, maybe fall in love one day with a nice guy who would treat me right.
Did I think it could be you, for a while? Sure, but don’t worry. I don’t anymore. You asked me to marry you. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but at least I try to make this marriage work and don’t go fucking your best friends behind your back. But I guess I ask too much of you, don’t I? Well, excuse me, your excellence. I did everything you told me to. I stopped speaking up, I started cooking like crazy, wearing make-up all the damn time, wearing clothes like I was part of the Gossip Girl extras, just because you told me to. But I will never be good enough for you, will I? I don’t know what you want from me, James, I really don’t, but if we don’t go back to the party now, people will start asking questions we don’t have answers to,” you said, fighting the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
Bucky was watching your, his expression somewhere between surprise and anger. He looked at you, obviously wanting to continue fighting with you before something caught his attention.
“What the fuck is that on your arm?”
You scoffed and walked around him to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, now you care? Please, give me a break. I don’t know what your motives were to marry me if you wanted the whole company to yourself and had a deal with my father or something, but please, stop acting like you are the worried husband, ok? Let’s just get this party over with, and then you won’t have to look at me for weeks, just the way you like it,” you said with a fake smile (Bucky knew that much, that was definitely not a real smile of yours), and left the kitchen, not caring if he followed you or not.
He just stood there, confused and with more questions than with how many he initially came into the kitchen.
/Next Chapter >
Not Me:
@jennmurawski13 @lovely-geek @vogueworthy-barnes @veronawrites @loser-alert @trumpettay @thesoldierrogers @girlbehindthecameraposts @little-smurf @jesseswartzwelder @fuckwhateverfuck @learisa @karla-silva @blowing-mikey @afterlaughter27 @93generation @ungratefultroll @maybeisthemoon @greenprisca @geeksareunique @champagnesugamama @hailqueenconquer @grincheveryday @mc225g @thatweirdwalangpake @neerness @ntlmundy @captainchrisstan @sspider-parker @cap-just-said-language
Bucky Taglist
@this-kitten-is-smitten​ @paradisiacalsparks​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @owlyannah​ @lassini​ @s-trawberryv-eins​ @reniescarlett​ @bxrnsfeyson​ @the-soulofdevil​
Marvel Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @lumar014​ @ptrs-prkrs​
Forever Tag:
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​ @caswinchester2000​ @mogaruke​ @justthatfangirloverthere​ @mushyjellybeans​ @livsheph​ @sebbbystaaan​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @itsunclebucky​
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loversandantiheroes · 3 years
Which of Your Fics
Got tagged for this quite awhile by the lovely and talented @astroboots, (ty sug 💗) and it kinda got buried in my drafts. So in the spirit of trying to clean it out, here it is. I *think* this is all the questions that came with it, but it’s so far back I can’t find it. This will probably be exceedingly boring for everybody given how few fics I’ve actually contributed to the Pedro Pit so far.  Apologies in advance.
Which fic did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got?
None, really.  I’m not trying to be humble, I’ve just got exceedingly low expectations. XD
Which fic got a better reaction than you expected?
Everything I’ve written in the last two years.  I mean that sincerely.  Partly just based on prior experience in writing fanfic (combination of still being pretty new to writing fanfic and writing some very niche stuff nobody was interested in), but also just...Case History got an insane reaction, and I sure as shit didn’t expect to walk into the Pedro Pit, toss out a Whiskey fic and get the response I did.
Which fic is your funniest? 
Not sure on that one.  Humor tends not to be a big focus, just a kind of a byproduct.  I don’t think I can point to one.
Is your darkest/angstiest? 
There’s a few contenders on that front.  A lot of my earlier OUAT fics were horror-tinged or straight up angst-fests.  My only TSW fic features my poor bee’s first death.  At least two of my canon-ish compliant DW fics are angsty as all hell, and that’s not even counting Like Blood Running Warm, the vampire au, which...well I mean it’s a vampire au, ffs, there’s gonna be a body count by the time that wraps up.  There’s also Structural Damage, which is my DA:I Cullen x F!Inquisitor fic that deals with Cullen going off of lyrium and that’s definitely not the lightest topic (though there’s a lot of that fic I’d like to go back and fix).  And I mean Hotel Hobbies is starting to unearth the buried angst as well.
Is your absolute favorite? 
God that’s hard.  Part of me wants to say Jigsaw just because I put so much work into trying to make the sci-fi bullshit make sense for the sake of a fix-it fic and I’m just proud that I managed to finish it.  Like it exists, it’s complete, it’s done, the nerds have been put back together and all is right with the universe.  There’s also some damn good writing in there, too.  But Case History is such a strangely special series to me, and Hotel Hobbies has morphed from a one-off “Whiskey deserves to get tied up and tormented and I bet he’d love it” fic to something a lot deeper and more emotionally grounded.  So I don’t know.  Three way tie?
Is your least favorite?
Oof.  Restless.  More DA:I fic.  It’s not exactly bad, but it did not come out the way that I’d hoped.
Which was the easiest to write? 
My memory is wonky, so that’s a tough one to pick.  I’m gonna say probably Risk & Reward.  That just sort of came out in a rush during a bout of anxiety, most of the difficulty involved was just trying to make sure everything was in the correct order (damn you, non-linear thinking).
The hardest? 
I mean at this stage the next segment of Case History and Ch3 of Hotel Hobbies could duke it out for the reigning champion.  I have too many fics that I’ve started and found myself stuck in.  But I think the one that caused me the most like actual stress and agony was Structural Damage.  I was trying very very very very hard to strike a balance with the portrayal of Cullen’s lyrium addiction, not wanting to handwave it as something easily fixed and not turning it into a “I will cure you by the miracle power of love and boning.”  That and trying to handle PTSD in a respectful way and just...yeah.  That one took a lot out of me.  Somehow at least that prepared me for writing Side Effects, so the stress on that one was considerably less.
Which fic has your favourite line/paragraph? 
Oh god I have a few.  Jigsaw alone has so many bits I’m proud of.  Here’s one:
He studies her, intent, almost desperate, as if she were a map of some place he thought he had traveled long ago, perhaps in a dream.  His eyes search out familiarity, looking for a landmark in the darkness of her eyes or the upturn of her nose or the sweep of cupid’s bow above her lips.  But then his eyes blur, losing focus, and his face falls.  There is no recognition here; her face is still beyond the edges of his map. Here there be monsters.  
I am also, of all things, very attached to this bit from Referral (Case History #7)
“I’ve been busy,” Alex insists, shoulders straightening.  “Y’know. School stuff.”  
An awkward moment of silence passes while Abigail shuffles for another pumpkin.  It’s a lie. You know it, and clearly Abigail knows it, too. It might just be Pelican Town’s worst kept secret, right next to the Mayor’s pointlessly illicit “affair” with a single woman.  Alex hadn’t been able to secure a sports scholarship after graduation, and without a proper college fund he’d been left with no real options. The kid was watching a dream die in real time, and was doing his damnedest to pretend it was still breathing.
Harvey would’ve understood.
Which fic have you re-read the most? 
At this stage it’s somewhere between Hotel Hobbies and The House Call.  The latter was very much written as a bit of comfort during a very very bad month, and re-reading it is very much a fictional hug.
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nightklok · 4 years
For the angst prompts, something about #1 says Pickles to me. Bonus points if it’s not about Nathan (I love Nickles but it’s too close to what happened in the show in this case XD).
Angst Writing Prompts [Open] 
I am deeply sorry this took so long firstly! D: It was hard to not pick Nathan or Charles for this one tbh! But I think I found someone that actually fits for this more; Skwisgaar!
1. “You say you love me. So what? You wouldn’t be the first you most certainly won’t be the last.”
Trigger warnings: Drinking/alcohol use
Skwisgaar may not look like it but he was the type of person to fall head over heels in love. And who could blame him? Love was such a wonderful and sweet feeling that made him feel a thousand times lighter and feeling so much more alive than he ever had before. It was so much better than the meaningless one-night stands he had over the years; so it made all the more worth it to drop those one night stands at the drop of a hat the moment he fell in love.
And falling in love is what ended up happening when he met Pickles, the singer for the disbanded band Snakes N’ Barrels and now the new drummer for Dethklok. 
It wasn’t fast with falling in love. No, it crept up and slowly consumed him before he could even be aware he had fallen in love with a bandmate. It was something that never happened before and while the familiar warm feelings of falling in love surfaced, there also came the uncertainty. It was unprofessional though he was never one to follow rules. Though if he said anything and Pickles quit, it meant having to go through drummer (and possibly guitarist) auditions all over again. And Pickles felt like the perfect piece to their mismatched puzzle of a band.
But when was the moment he had fallen in love with Pickles?
They were alone in the apartment they called Mordhaus for the first time. Magnus and Murderface had gone to do some side gigs to earn them extra cash. Nathan was scouring around a different town with their recently made demos in hand to hope that some venue would let them perform. That left Skwisgaar and Pickles in the apartment alone. 
Pickles was going through a can of cheap beer and trying to write some songs while Jeopardy was playing in the background. He was one of the few that could write music but also one of the many that couldn’t exactly read what he wrote. It would mean Magnus, or Murderface would have to revise what he wrote and give him additional feedback if needed. Skwisgaar couldn’t read music for the life of him; he just simply went where the music flowed.
Still, he wanted to be of some use. He approached the drummer, “Hey, Pickle.” 
“Oh, hey Skwisgaar,” Pickles looked up at him with a grin that made his heart slowly pound for whatever reason, “What’s up?” 
“Uh, just wanteds to asks whats your doings...”  He answered. He had no idea why he even bothered approaching, “Or if you wanteds somethings.”
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks, though. But I’m trying to write whatever Nate left for me. Don’t know if I’m doing a good job but it’s something.” 
“Yeah,” He looked at the sheet of music that contained all sorts of random symbols and music notes he couldn’t read. What he wouldn’t give to be able to read music at the moment, “Maybes I can helps you..if you wants...”
“Sure. Just get your guitar, wanna see if this part sounds good.” 
Skwisgaar went to his room to pick up his guitar and sat down next to him,  politely rejecting the beer offered and tuned his guitar as the other got ready.
“Okay, you remember what Nate talked about right?” Pickles asked.
“Yeah, he wanteds the songs to be fasts...rights?” 
“And heavy too,” He answered. To any other people, fast and heavy wouldn’t mean a lot or carry a whole lot of weight but to them, it sure did mean a whole lot. 
“Okay, he told me he wanted my drums to kinda follow your lead so I’m trying to learn your part to figure out my own.” 
“Can you evens plays that fast?” The words tumbled out before Skwisgaar could think. For a moment, he feared that Pickles would be offended but thankfully he laughed instead and his fears quickly diminished. He never really heard him laugh before and it was actually cute.
“I am in this band so I think I can. Why don’t you go show me how you’re planning to play?” 
Skwisgaar nodded and once he felt he was ready, began to play. It was a fast progression as Nathan had wanted, no build up to it or anything to be able to prepare an inexperienced guitar player for such swift playing. Pickles seemed unphased, concentrating on how his fingers hit each note and studying each fret and string hit similar to studying for a test.
“It’s actually really good, Skwisgaaar,” Pickles smiled at him when he finished playing, “Why don’t you play it again and I try and keep up with the drums this time?”
Pickles got the drum kit ready, adjusting and doing whatever he needed to do. With a nod, Skwisgaaar began playing. It took a moment or two before Pickles quickly began to play. It was a little too fast and rushed but by the time they got the first verse done, a steady drum beat was made. It had kept up with Skwisgaar’s in a call and response kind of way and it worked surprisingly well. By the time they finished the song, there was the adrenaline rush from a good performance.
“I should’ve asked you to help out sooner, we really did it!” Pickles grinned at him and it made Skwisgaar’s heart beat rapidly once again.
“Oh it’s no problems,” Skwisgaar managed to say with a smile of his own.
“I’m gonna get us food to celebrate; you don’t know how long I’ve been stuck with this song, dude. I really owe you one!” Maybe Pickles was too wrapped up in his own excitement but he had given him a very brief hug before grabbing his car keys and leaving to grab said food.
Skwisgaar was alone with a very flushed face, rapidly beating heart and confused feelings.
Okay, so he was in love with Pickles. Totally fine. Totally okay. Totally not something that will backfire if all goes wrong.
He was one to confess feelings the moment he felt them but he had a feeling that it wasn’t wise to do it on the spot. He was impulsive but he also had to use his brain. And band romances are such a tricky situation to go through.
And as he got to know Pickles better, he also realized how much pain he had gone through.
From a family that never loved him to relationships that crashed and burned, he wouldn’t be surprised if he had sworn off falling in love. He already gave a feeling that he was hurt. And so badly did he want to help him. No person should be in that much pain internally but he didn’t know how to help.
He tried to initiate more contact with him as appropriately as he could. Brushing hands against him, leaning against him during movie nights, all that subtle stuff. He knew those things were platonic and the band was surprisingly casual about that stuff around each other. Pickles luckily didn’t seem to mind but most likely took it as a platonic thing.
There was one night where he drank a bit more than usual and got a little too brave. He rested his hand on top of his and didn’t know what to expect out of it. 
And this would happen various times after that night like Pickles realized something he didn’t want to realize. Anytime Skwisgaar touched him, there was a moment of comfort, like it was something he had craved and wanted for so long. But then the moment would disappear and he would excuse himself or move himself away. It was like he had put up a wall between them and he didn’t know how to get himself out of it.
So who could blame Skwisgaar if he decided that enough was enough and he should confess? Maybe Pickles needed the reminder that someone did love him. Not someone who thought of him as a one night stand but someone who had lived with him, gotten to know him, and fell in love with who he was as a person rather than idealized image people may have of him?
It must’ve been close to a year and Skwisgaar never stopped falling in love with him. He wanted him to know. He wanted him to know that he was who he thought about when he woke up or went to bed, how he fantasized kissing him or holding him close until they fall asleep. He wanted to kiss him and do all those lovey-dovey couple things that would never grow old. He just wanted to make him feel loved.
They were alone in the apartment once again but this time for the night. Nathan had gone to a family reunion, Magnus was going on some road trip with some friends and Murderface was spending the night with his old bandmates as it was their reunion or something. 
Skwisgaar asked Pickles if he wanted to watch a movie with him. And Pickles thankfully agreed. They sat on the couch of the living room, watching some horror movie that was on cable but neither were really paying attention. There were drinks and a box of pizza that sat half empty.
‘Hey, Pickle?”
He had to say it. He just had to. It was now or never, “I ams in loves with you.” 
There was silence for the longest time before an answer was made that made his stomach churn, “How much did the guys bet you?” Was all Pickles said with a laugh drier than the wine he was drinking.
“Wha-no-I never tolds anyones! I’m serious!” 
“Skwisgaar, it’s a very funny joke but not really. Just drop it.” His voice turned bitter as he looked at him with confusion, hurt, and anger.
“I ams not. I reallies, reallies, do,” Skwisgaar said quickly, “I haves been in loves with you for a longs times.”
“Oh, really? Why?” 
“I...just ams! You’re talenteds and good lookings and nice to mes, it just happeneds!” 
“Dude, you’re not in love with me. Besides, you got other people to be with, no?” 
“No, I never evens had peoples over to fuck. Have you ever noticed me bringings in someones over for the nights?”
Pickles had to pause and realized that it was true. Skwisgaar hadn’t brought over anyone in such a long time. It still didn’t help words from coming out like he was convincing himself that it couldn’t be true, “How many times do you think people have said those things to me? So what if you said you love me? You wouldn’t be the first and you won’t be the last.” 
“What ams you so afraids of?” Skwisgaar had to ask.
“Me? I’m afraid of nothing, you just don’t know who you’re saying that stuff too.” The lights may have been off but it was easy to see the shine of tear streaks against his cheeks from the glow of the TV.
“...I don’t wants to hurts you, Pickle. Please.” Skwisgaar said and placed a hand on top of his. When Pickles didn’t pull away, he continued, “I...knows that it mights be difficults but you don’t haves to do anythings if you don’t wants to. It’s okays if you don’t haves feelings for me...Just wanteds you to knows.” 
For that moment, he could truly feel what Pickles must’ve felt. The fear of falling in love and the fear of heartbreak. He must’ve never known the feeling of falling in love and feeling like the world was just right for once. Their faces were close now. Skwisgaar reached a hand to touch the side of his face to gently pull him closer. He paused every so often to give the other a chance to back away or tell him to stop. He only moved forward when he felt him move closer to him until their lips touched.
It was soft and light but eventually turned deeper. The taste of wine and vodka was apparent but it didn’t bother either of them. There was warmth and a spark and it felt like falling in love for the first time. And it felt so, so, right to kiss each other.
And for that reason, Pickles pulled away. He didn’t even meet him in the eyes, his face flushed but seemed to be going through all sorts of emotions, “I-uh-gotta go. See you later.”
Skwisgaar watched as Pickles left before giving him a chance to speak. His own face felt flushed and he was probably running through the same emotions as well. It felt like they were just going somewhere, finally going a few steps forward, but now everything crashed back and they were probably back to square one.
Maybe other people would give up at this point. And maybe it was what Pickles expected; after all, any other person would label him a lost cause and move on to someone more worth their time. But to Skwisgaar, he was worth the wait for so much and more. He knew that there was something and he knew the other felt the same. He just had to go about this in a manner that would reassure him that he wasn’t going to give up on him and he wasn’t going to hurt him.
Despite the feeling of heartbreak, he still was in love with him. And he was determined to prove it to him no matter what.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
The redhood nightwing fight scenes look like they're gonna be dope af like thats all I'm thinking about how awesome the fight scenes are (hopefully) gonna be (I'm already finding it difficult to see this jason as redhood cuz he's like literally a child but I dunno what age he redhooded in the comics so??)
I had no idea tim was even gonna be in it !?! Can I please get some kind of recognition from the batboys that they actually view each other as brothers and family! 😢
Someone needs to kill the joker It'd be kinda interesting if old bruce killed joker and it'd be nice if that was the last thing he did as batman buuuttt then again it'd be a nice touch if dick killed joker for jason, it would personally be disappointing if joker was just let live not gonna lie i really want bruce to kill him and that be the reason he gives up being batman because he failed to protect jason and then he broke his no killing thing so he just hangs up the cape
we are getting FEAR TOXIN yassssss cue awesome nightmare ish fearscapes (no idea if that's an actual word but that's what I call when you get to see everyone's fear hallucination)
Kory I love you, I do ship dickkory however I feel like she's too good for dick and should marry me instead lol I wanna see how donna is still alive? and I know there's people who are like ughh hank dawn go away already but I really freakin like hank and dawn as characters even though their suits are ridiculous did they break up last season I can't remember? Hank needs a break poor man someone give him a blanket and a hug and let him sit the fuck down everybody leave hank alone
That line where babs is like don't try be your father and dick is like excuse me what you saying there Commissioner Gordon, that will never not be funny 😅😅😅
I ain't in love with this show it has so much potential it could be so lit but I do like it anndd they got suits now whoop!
Wait is this my previous Titans anon? (The one where we ranted about Jason, or the one thinking they hadn’t seen S2 but went to watch it and realized they had? Or are you the same person? xD )And if so are you the same one who asked for the comic and fic recs? Just wondering in terms of if I’m talking to one person or not hahaha
But ahh I got so excited when I saw I got an ask about this 😍
Omg the nightwing red hood fight already got me so stressed lol. It looks great but ahh angst! But I think Jason is like 19ish in most versions when he comes back? Though tbh I forgot what age Jason is in this , I’ll have to see when i rewatch it soon. Curran, the actor, is actually 23, he just looks super young/short. He got pretty buff though. But yeah, that is an unfortunate thing wi the them rushing it already but also, I’d rather have it like this than if they were gonna spread it out through the seasons then it gets cancelled or something (poor Gotham s5, RIP). I think he was the PERFECT robin jason Todd though. Like I love his acting and portrayal of Jason(“Titans are back bitches!” classic Jason), he just is young looking and short. Gosh I still wanna know if they are going with the Lazarus pit for Jason or not! But like that also begs the question of whether they are doing a time skip cause normally Jason is dead for like 2-3ish years, but it doesn’t look like it from the trailer.
And yes, I’ve been looking forwards to Tim!!! While the trailer didn’t show it, the actor was on set a lot over these last couple of months (I’ve been keeping up with their instagrams xD) and seemed super close with the cast! I can’t believe the first look we got if Tim was him nearly crying, though that look already won me over, I love him and he is my son now. But RIGHT! That’s all I want, is the bat bros platonic love, gosh dang it😭 that’s all we want DC😭
BRO! OLD MAN BRUCE KILLING JOKER WOULD BE FREAKING PERFECT. Dang it! Now I’m gonna be so disappointed if that doesn’t happen 🤣gosh it would be perfect, and normally I would be like it’s Bruce, they would never do that, BUT, this show does that kind of “edgy” stuff anyway so if it’s ever gonna happen(without the Batman who Laughs plot line happening(which would make a perfect dc animated movie btw)), it would happen in this show, especially with what was shown in the trailer with him giving Batman up. Man, now my hopes are up for that xD though I wouldn’t mind if Dick killed him. I would be shocked though if they had the balls to actually kill off joker though, dc seems to refuse to do that :/
Omg I squealed at the scarecrow part omg. Dr freaking Crane is a big reason I spiraled down this entire fandom tbh. Like literally a year ago I got obsessed with him for some reason and that led into the Bat hole where I am currently WAY deeper than I ever would have thought 😂 and while I’m not hyper fixated on him anymore, I still love him so much and is my 2nd fav rogue, and it mainly started with Jonathan 🥺 we barely even see his face and I am already in love with the casting, the voice is perfect. And I LOVE when villains have to help the heroes, that is like one of my fav tropes ever omg, I was really hoping they were gonna do that to him. I hope he is in it for more than one episode tho. And oh lordy, like those poor Titans need even more trauma in their lives and now fear gas is in the equation. Oh no, I bet poor Gar is gonna get hit cause they just love to torture that poor boy. And tbh I hope the fearscapes(perfect word for it) will be better than most of the Gotham ones, those seemed a tad cheesy tbh
Lmao about you and kory😂 she is too good for him, but also, this Dick needs someone who can kick his ass and get his head out of his martyr butt 😂 tho tbh, I’m still not fully sold on Dickkory, Like I don’t hate it but I don’t LOVE it in many versions, like they can be cute but no strong feelings, the Original Teen Titans cartoon is like the only exception, I def ship those 2
Omg I low key forgot Donna “died”😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like I knew it wouldn’t last so it didn’t have a big impact on me lol. Like I had/have a feel raven is gonna bring her back. I wanna know what happened to Rose/Joey! Like are they not gonna be in it at all? Especially with Jason going off the deep end?!
Lmao, hawk and dove’s suits😂 I think they did break up, I’ve only seen the series once through tbh, planning to rewatch before S3 tho(and try to force my mom to watch it tho she is convinced everything DC is too dark for her lmao), yeah, I don’t mind them, like I don’t want the focus on them but like they deserve to be happy/need a break, omg yes! That boy needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given a break, that grumpy boy is TIRED. Let him rest!
Lmao! That babs line is so great😂
I’m just so excited for all this live action Batfam content, considering the live action movies NEVER give us Batfam 😭(we aren’t talking about the 80’s/90’s live action robin lmao)
Also so sorry this was so long 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
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Moments from the new Sanders ASides video that had me screaming (or really, me screaming about the new video)
*Raid Thomas sounding like Roman/Remus*
“You bet your shiny metal AX”
“Why do I pay for a membership if I still gotta watch the ads?”
“Unless our problem is a hungry alligator-” “A remote possibility for a Florida dwelling man who never leaves his house”
Roman rigging the votes so it’s just Frozen and Patton is okay with that (WAIT BUT WHY IS PATTON CHILL (pun not intended) WITH IT???)
“Thomas is in a bad place-” *camera pans to VIRGIL*
Roman calling Thomas a special snowflake
“Something good” *Frozen shows* “,,, or neutral”
“And from this point on, NO MORE NORDIC INSPIRED NUMBERS”
Virgil keep going back to the actual problem while Roman and Patton just like 90% forget the problem and Logan talks to and tries to calm Virgil
“Cuties, I’m gonna keep you” “Ah you’re joking right? No you’re mine now”
“The heart is not so easily changed” “No it isn’t” *confused Patton noises*
“But, the head can be persuaded” “Can it though?” THAT SHADE AT LOGAN HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK
“Fear will be your enemy” *gay emo panic*
“So you’re saying lock her away because she’s dangerous” GOING BACK TO VIRGIL??? UH????
“JOAN!!!” They definitely wrote that line
Virgil’s mini existential crisis
Remus just yeeted up from behind the couch shirtless oh god was he jacking off to Frozen wtf
“Did I screw everything up?” “No I threw out your vote so you wouldn’t do that” ROMAN WHAT
Roman: *calls Frozen a Classic* Also Roman: *Makes fun of the entire movie and demands a rewrite*
“How are you telling me to settle into something right now when you’ve taken your sweet time to settle into things that you were uncomfortable with in the past” THAT SHADE!! THAT TEA!! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THESE *THINGS* PLEASE????
Patton: Let’s relax!! :) Virgil: Bruh I legit AM Anxiety that’s not in my job description
“How many times has our response to a difficult decision been half committing to one option and subsequently panicking about whether that option is our best option until it’s too late for Thomas to change his mind?” “7,430″ MOOD
“Why have a ballroom with no balls?” *Trash boi snickers at the dick joke that wasn’t there until then* "Nope, I’m an adult” (me me big boy-)
“AW MAN YEAH I’M LIKE SO FUCKED UP ON CHOCOLATE FONDUE I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING RIGHT NOW” *Patton looks over, concerned* *Virgil looks over, annoyed* *Thomas glances over, lowkey amused* *Logan doesn’t even look at him and just grabs his tea*
“There’s no way she’s coming out of this situation without trust issues” honestly though yeah
“Not a footprint to be seen” “Except for the footprints behind you” “hEy YeAh” KEEP IT UP LOGAN YOU’RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE
Virgil: *Serious comment* Patton: “Don’t let them in, don’t let them see...” (did he sing the rest of the song or did he specifically choose these lines because if it’s the second one THAT CAN BE A WHOLE LOT OF ANGST AND I’M HERE FOR IT)
Logan canonically criticizes the movie at movie nights
“Do you think this ice castle has a lavatory?” “ICE TOILET” “Or a bed?” “ICE BED” “This place sounds awful”
“You meddled with the vote to ensure that we would watch this and yet you’re the one constantly making fun of it” FACTS LOGAN 
“This [^] is how I show my love” WAIT A MINUTE *Looks back at the entire series* HE MADE FUN OF VIRGIL SO MUCH SO WAIT PRINXIETY??? LAMP?? DR LAMP?? (is that the ship name because that’s this video basically*
“Like... bruh” mood
“Take care of my sister” “You’ve already done a good job of that yourself Elsa” *hood falls off*
“Ah, we’re all gossipy bitches sometimes” “nO-” (also Roman channeled so much Remy energy right there headcanon they hang out all the time change my mind)
“Oh sweet Frank Iero” I’m using that now
“Just think about it” “LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE”
“Attacking a person for opinions they don’t have doesn’t really do anybody any good” Me: BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK!! AYYY YOU LISTENED TO AND ARE REFERENCING LOGAN IN LAST EPISODE??? OR AM I JUST TRASH??
“Oh yeah like me kissing a man is unacceptable?” What a power move though 
Ok but also like Virgil basically rapped like that rapid talking was as fast as a bunch of rappers and even faster than some
Logan using the grounding method that my therapist suggested gave me life
Most of Virgil’s grounding answers were existential and oof
“A sour taste in my mouth probably left over from those reheated thai noodle leftovers” *Confused faces*
“FIGURATIVELY” *DWIT has entered the chat*
“Thank you Logan” “No problem, just your cool teacher being his cool self” *sips tea* Felt that. Also I have a new reaction image now XD
“Take it from Frozen’s most inspirational song” Let it Go? “Fixer Upper” Oh but ya know what valid
“Throw a little love their way” Virgil *confused smile?? I think that’s what that is??*
“Elsa, we the villagers have thought it over and with no discussion whatsoever we’ve decided we’re not scared anymore and ice magic is actually cool as hell!!” YEAH WAIT A MINUTE OMG
Logan: *Lists all of Elsa’s powers, reading from a notebook (meaning he took notes while watching the movie which is so in character omg) and implying that there is no way any of that makes sense* Patton: Sounds okay that makes sense
“With Elsa’s seemingly unstoppable “ice powers” I’d imagine Arendelle becomes a global superpower. No military force of that time could ever stand a chance against her never ending army of ice golems” 
Nobody:     Not a soul:      Patton: “True love is a closed door that is eventually opened up to you!”
“What if your soulmate was there” “OH SHIT” I love Roman that was all it took huh
*Deceit has entered the chat* “HISS” 
“Don’t touch my shit”
I wish we got to see Deceit’s face there but I get it we couldn’t see him without his hat (except for in the bloopers videos but those don’t count) (Also they probably just didn’t wanna do the makeup for him because it’s a lot and it might’ve been a split second decision and someone else might’ve played him with Thomas just voice recording over it especially considering there’s overlap so they wouldn’t have just been able to split screen it)
“I was gonna rig the vote anyway”
“I don’t know what you’re asking”
Roman is the source of SFW fanfic and Remus is the source of NSFW fanfic and Virgil is the source of angsty fanfic
“I’m going to bed. IN THE B U F F”
THE NEW SWEATERS IM BROKE SO IF SOMEONE WANTS TO GET ME ALL OF THEM (at least just Virgil’s even though I love like all of them)
WAIT THERE’S SCARVES TOO OMG I ALSO WANT ALL OF THEM (or at least,,, nope all of them)
“We were trying to make a slightly simpler video” Video: *is longer than most of season 1′s episodes* *has full body shots of almost all the characters* *has like 5 way split scenes* *uses every side* 
WAIT LOGAN BROUGHT BACK OUT HIS ONESIE I LOVE HIM and he’s still got his necktie on just underneath it amazing
This video was just LAMP and potentially DLAMP and maybe DR LAMP if that’s the ship name. There were also a bunch of really good Prinxiety, Royality, Analogical, and Roceit moments in this one so I’m expecting fanfic hella soon
Also as of right now (I finished writing this at like 4am ET) we are still #1 on trending on Tumblr
***We never see Remus’s legs in the video so my theory of there is only one set of legs for the creativitwins still stands and is valid
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quotesforwriters · 4 years
What to write when writing a comment on your favourite fanfiction site:
So, you want to leave a comment on a fic you liked, but you don't know what to write? Well, you've come to the right place! Here, I've give you plenty of suggestions for things to comment to let the author know you're thinking about their fic:
1: The Basics
-Aaahhhh I love this!/This was fantastic!/Great job!/Amazing!/etc
-Key smash (ajshfugiroebcjgispajdje)
-Kudos! (because you've already left kudos on this work but dammit you want to leave more) (AO3-specific)
2: Ask questions
-Oh no! What is (person) going to do now?
-I wonder how it will impact (person A) and (person B)'s relationship when (plot detail).
-Do you have any plans for a sequel/prequel?
-Wait, I thought (plot detail A), but then (plot detail that contradicts plot detail A). Did I miss something?
-Wait, what did you mean by (quote)? Optional: Did you mean (your interpretation of quote)?
-Can you explain (thing)?
-Is (character) ever going to come back?
-Can you tell me more about (thing)?
3: Give specific opinions
-I thought it was really interesting when (detail).
-(Character) doing/saying (thing) was a really unique way of showing (thing).
-I liked it when (detail).
-I like how you (detail).
-You know, I was wondering why (detail), and this fic provided a great answer! Thanks!
-etc. Responses will vary by fic.
4: State, specifically, what you liked
-I thought that (detail/quote) was a really good way of describing (thing).
-I like how you made (character) (personality), I think it (reason).
-I liked how you (specific writing detail, eg "switched from A to B's point of view") (reason, eg "so we got to see how they were interpreting the same situation completely differently).
-I loved the ending! It was so (reason).
5: State what you didn't like/disagree with the author (tread carefully with this one: poorly-worded criticisms can come off as insults)
-I actually think (character) would have been more (personality) in that situation, but I get why you did it like you did.
-I would have liked to see more (thing), but overall a great story!
-I think it would have been cool if the ending were more (*specific* detail, eg "open, because I think that would fit better with the tone of the story.", "angsty, because the happy ending after all that angst felt a bit forced to me." "specific. I didn't really understand what happened at the end.")
IMPORTANT: As I said before, tread carefully with this one, and try to "soften the blow" by adding a "but" to the end ("but still good/well-written/a fantastic read!). If (thing) truly killed the story for you, then either don't comment or leave something to the effect of "The ending kind of ruined the whole fic for me, but I can still appreciate how well-written it was." Remember: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
6: Make requests (Again, tread carefully, and consider the tone. Could it come off as rude to someone who is only reading the words?)
-Could you possibly tag (ship/warning/etc)?
-Is there any way we could get more (character/ship/other thing) in future chapters? I really like it!
-This is a fantastic story, I hope you come back to it at some point. NOTE: "Update please!" is considered unacceptable as a comment. Don't do it. If you want to request an update, be really, REALLY gentle about it. The above sentence is a perfect example.
-I was wondering if you would ever consider writing (ship/plot/AU/etc).
7: Make predictions
-(Character) is gonna be *so pissed* when (plot detail)
-I'm thinking (Character) is probably going to (action/behaviour)
-It'd be hilarious if (thing).
-(Potential future plot detail/Character reveal/etc), I'm calling it right now.
-(Past plot point) is going to be because (potential reason), I think.
-Am I wrong in assuming that (potential future plot point/character reveal/etc)?
-I bet (potential future plot point) is what's gonna happen next.
8: Quote the fic
-(Quote). Oh my god, that was amazing!
-(Quote). Legit my favourite line in the whole fic
-I loved when (character) said (quote), that was great.
-(Quote). MY HEART!!!
9: Emojis/Emoticons
-(plot moment/quote) 🤦‍♀️ (character), you idiot.
10: Miscellaneous
-You better be paying for my dentist bill after the amount of sweetness in this fic
-Me at 4am: Okay, let's start this 36 chapter fic.
-I KNEW IT!!! (about a plot twist/reveal)
-I knew it was strange that (sign that hinted at the plot twist/reveal)
-I did *not* see that coming *at all*!
-Is it weird that I actually thought that (plot point/character reveal that didn't happen)?
-Why do I feel like (plot detail that could theoretically happen)?
-I'm grinning so much right now.
-I am literally crying
-I *live* for (ship/AU/plot/etc)
-(Character) is such a/an (name, eg "princess" "drama queen" "mood" etc)
-I wrote a (prequel/sequel/spinoff/etc) to this fic, I'd love it if you could check it out! (link)
-I also wrote a (plot/AU/etc) fic, but mine turned out completely different, lol.
And there you have it, a comprehensive list of potential things to talk about in a comment! Feel free to add your own if you think something else can/should be on the list!
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vampirefreakism · 5 years
The Scientist (Chapter 50)
Summary: In the events following Asgard’s destruction, Loki finds himself on Earth seeking refuge to await the inevitable. Much to his surprise, it comes from a source he would never have expected.
Warnings: fluff, angst, cute stuff, eh
Word count: 4.5k
The AO3, Wattpad, and Spotify links are all available on the MasterList
A/N: New chapter! Yay! Ugh I know these take forever to make, but I love making good things I’m confident in so y’all can read it and like it (at least I hope y’all like my thing here <3). How was that last chapter? Didn’t see that coming, did ya? Not gonna lie, I was counting on it XD
Luna’s first conscious feeling was her body being heavy. Not her physical self, but of something resting on her, like a weighted blanket. But it couldn’t have been one. She didn’t have one, the room didn’t come with one, and if it did, nothing was on the bed but the designated comforter and thin sheet beneath it.
Opening her eyes, she was met with a large hand. A hand she was loosely holding on to. Loki’s hand. She must have moved during her slumber and dragged him along. Feeling slowly came back to her, and she felt the distinct contact of his body pressed against her back as well as his slow breathes on her neck.
Heat prickled at Luna’s cheeks. Never before had she lay with someone like this, let alone someone like him. Feeling her whole body flush, she gradually eased out of his limp grasp and from under the covers. She knelt on the bed and fanned her face to cool down. Loki, with nothing to hold, rolled onto his back and kept sleeping soundly.
She didn't know what to think. Should she start her day and leave him to continue sleeping? Or go back to snoozing by his side? It was embarrassing, but she felt drowsy. She knew she couldn't break her own rule, but at the same time, she desperately wanted to. It was quite clear: 'no unnecessary touching while asleep.' But it felt so lovely, and she'd slept so soundly. And from the looks of it, so did he.
Sighing, Luna got back under the covers and pushed closer to her dear friend. She lay a hand steadily on his broad chest. He didn’t move, so she followed with her head and eased a leg over one of his. His heart and lungs sounded loud in her ear, like the dull turning of deep ocean waves. It was a lulling sound, and halfway into her dozing, she felt arms wrap around her, one hand on her shoulder and another on her hip.
Luna came to again by the sensation of being slowly slid off of her resting place. She wasn’t ready to leave, so she tightened her grip, rubbing her cheek into Loki’s chest to solidify her point.
“What about your rule?” he asked, voice gravely. The low timbre of it sounded different with an ear pressed to his ribs. Luna sighed.
“Forget the rule.” Loki put his hands back where they were.
“You sure?” She groaned loudly in response. He didn’t press her further, but he needed to make sure she was aware. “You do know where my hand is, right?”
“Mhm.” Luna patted the arm attached to the hand on her hip. But Loki knew what he was touching. He could feel the little bumps through her shorts.
“A-aren’t you worried?”
“No.” She swiveled her head and looked up at him. “Should I be?” He sensed an edge in her voice.
“No.” He squeezed her gently, and she relaxed again, closing her eyes back.
“Besides, it’s only fair.”
Loki was puzzled. “I’m sorry?”
“After last night,” Luna said, opening her eyes and relenting to her present restlessness. “It’s only fair that I let you.” Loki turned his head, and she felt his chin brush against her hair.
“But, it's not a game of fairness that we're playing."
She looked up at him. “Then what game are we playing?” He was so close, she could see the little flecks of color in his irises.
“A bit of a dramatic one,” he uttered. Luna snickered under her breath and tapped a finger on his jaw.
“Good thing you like drama.” Loki flashed her a toothy smile, and she settled back into him. He squeezed her shoulder as she yawned and rubbed an eye.
“So, what do you want for breakfast?”
“Mm, bagel.”
“Too bad we don’t have those.”
“Then we go out for breakfast. If memory serves me right, there should be a place not far from here. That sound good?”
“It does,” Loki smiled. He felt Luna smile against him, and it warmed his heart.
True to her word, the shop Luna had in mind was an easy 15-minute drive away. Loki didn’t voice it, but he was glad they took the car. It had everything he liked: personal music, clean air, comfortable seating, and no old metallic smell. He did care for the aroma inside the shop. The scent of toasted bread and cheese reminded him of simpler times, and how hungry he was. It made him impatient and unwilling to wait for the three people ahead of him to go first.
"Have any idea what you want?" Luna inquired. Loki pondered all of the choices and combinations.
He pointed to one on the middle shelf. “The dark bread, there.”
“Pumpernickel? Yeah, I like that too. With plain cream cheese?”
Loki tilted his head. “Savory. You know what you want?”
Luna kept her eye on her prize - a poppy seed bagel with spicy cream cheese - and grinned. "Oh, yes."
Along with their sustenance choices, they got two coffees and two strawberry lemonades. Loki was curious as to what it was when Luna picked one up from the open fridge, so he tried one with her. He offered to pay, and, as expected, he was met with gentle protests. But with a little convincing, she relented.
The duo picked a clean and unoccupied two-person table by the window. It was far enough from any prying eyes and batting ears, but close enough to blend in with the people.
Luna finished her bagel first, making a passing excuse about not wanting it to get too cold, and resigned to staring out the window at nothing in particular as she sipped her lemonade. She thought about the last time she remembered having a bagel in the Maryland area. In university, it made for a fast and sustaining lunch as she studied. Going back further, she recalled going for a fresh bagel every Sunday morning with her mother, and if memory served her right, she always had it with lemonade. Not unlike the one she drank now.
Funny how life worked. One minute, she was enjoying life with redeeming company, and the next, she's dwelling on what she can never get back. Hilarious.
“Where are you?" Loki said quietly, giving Luna a start. He held up a hand, and she leaned in closer. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looked like you traveled far away from here.”
“I guess I did,” she muttered.
“Where did you go?” She lowered her eyes to the paper used to contain her bagel. Loki reached over and touched her hand. “Luna.”
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
“Into what?”
“This.” She waved a vague hand. “My mess of a life. Trust me, when I took you in, it was never my intention.”
Loki leaned in, the edge of the table pressing into his abdomen. “This hardship is not your doing.”
“But it is.”
“How did you cause it?”
“By breathing. Existing like,” Luna gestured to herself, “this.” She sighed and hung her head. “I figured if I stopped doing that, everyone’s lives would be better.”
“Mine wouldn’t,” Loki blurted. “Now that I do, the mere idea of not knowing you tears me apart. And if you didn’t exist the way you do, I don’t think I would like you as much as I do.”
“I bet you say that to everyone.”
“I really don’t. I’d have you ask Thor, but seeing as he’s not here, you’ll just have to take my word for it.”
“But really,” Luna whispered, “knowing what you know about me, how can you stand me? You’ve lived a long life. I’m sure you’ve met better people.”
Loki took a swig of his coffee and swallowed heavily. “I could be asking you the same thing.”
“Why? I’m barely 30 years old. That’s nothing.”
“But I know you’ve met better people than me. Much better people. So why are you with me now and not them?”
“For starters, you’re stuck with me, and we compromised. Then, I came to really like you, so that’s the second reason.” Loki opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and played a smirk. “What?”
Loki waved his hand. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just something I thought about.”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
He took a deep breath and adjusted his posture. “How fate likes to weave our lives in and about things without our knowledge." He looked down at his hand touching Luna's and threaded his fingers in between hers. “It swings us to and fro to places we don’t think we need to be, but where it knows we should be.”
“Like the Norns of old.”
Loki’s head jolted up. “Precisely," he said with a bright smile, pointing a finger loosely at her. “You understand.”
Luna shrugged with one shoulder, looking smug. “I do my best.” Loki's smile drifted to a small one, and it remained there as he looked at her. But it quickly fell, and he became serious. “What’s on your mind?” Luna spoke softly.
“I should have gone to you.” Loki was a tad grim.
“When your mother accosted you yesterday. I should have gone to you and stopped her, and for that, I am sorry.”
Luna adamantly shook her head. “Don’t be. I didn’t want to make any more of a scene than I already was. You wouldn’t have exactly been quiet about it, and you getting caught in a government facility would have been much worse.” She rubbed her thumb across his. “You helped me when I needed you.”
Staring down at the empty wrapping papers, Loki nodded. He didn’t want to agree, but he knew he had to. She was right. As he was still without his magic, his resulting actions would have only added to the commotion and gotten him into another world of trouble. It would have hurt her, and that was the last thing he wanted.
He took a long, thoughtful drink of his lemonade. There was nothing to be guilty about now, and he had no more stomach for unnecessary concerns. What he needed now was a change of subject. Something the two of them could bear.
“Tell me about Wanda.”
Luna straightened up a bit. “Why do you want to hear about her?”
“Why not?” Loki leaned in closer, his chest almost flat on the table. “Didn’t you love her?”
"No," she said curtly and sighed. "I didn’t know her enough for that.”
Loki crumpled up the empty papers and set them aside, clearing the table. “What did you think when you first saw her?”
“What else do you think about someone when you first see them? I thought she was pretty. Beautiful, even. I felt compassion for her.”
“Her brother had just died, and she was deep in grief. I did my best to be nice to her and give her as much comfort an acquaintance can give.” Luna laughed humorlessly. “I even went so far as to memorize how she liked her coffee. Cream with two sugars.”
A smile passed over Loki’s face. “You ever bring her some?”
Luna held up a finger. “Only once. And that one time, she wasn’t in the mood for it, so I drank it for her. I don’t even like cream in my coffee.” She shook her head gently and looked out the window. “Heh, it’s pathetic.”
“No. It’s very kind.”
“My kindness got me nowhere. It was just a silly attempt for friendship at the most desperate hour of our lives. She’s gone, and she loves Vision.” Feeling agitated, she bit at her cuticle. “She could never love me, no matter how many cups of coffee I brought her or how many times I told her her hair looked nice.”
But Loki pushed on. “You could still pursue her. I’m sure this Vision is nothing compared to you.”
Luna made a face. “Nah. First of all, Vision is an android. He can literally do everything I can and can’t do. Second, even if she – all of a sudden – returned with open arms for me, I couldn’t go after her now.”
“Why not?”
“She’s not the one I got a crush on anymore.”
Loki's eyebrows shot up, and Luna went stiff. It felt like her entire world stopped.
“Oh,” Loki breathed and leaned closer. “Is it Rogers?”
Luna let out a loud cackle. She covered her mouth, not wanting to embarrass herself. “Sorry.” She held a finger under her nose to suppress her humored smile. Coughing awkwardly, she righted herself. “Uh, no. He’s not really my type. Plus, I’m way too hot for him.”
Loki took a sip from his coffee cup. “You sure are,” he mumbled from behind it.
But Luna heard him. “What?!” she exclaimed, surprised, and amused.
As good as it made him feel to see her smile, he had to backtrack. “Hm?" he hummed, playing dumb. He needed to change the subject and fast. “So, who is your type?”
She huffed and leaned back in her seat. “Um, the darker the hair, the better.”
“And who’s your dark-haired princess this time?”
She quirked an eyebrow, maintaining eye contact. “I, uh, I don’t know. I guess that remains to be seen.”
Loki fidgeted and pulled at his shirt. Her gaze was making him grow hot, and he was at a loss as to why.
The trip to the grocery took longer than desired. Luna had not driven these roads and highways in years, and her memory couldn’t keep up fast enough. She made a few wrong turns and asked Loki to help with directions, but before they could get hungry again, they made it to her destination.
Stepping through the doors, Loki was hit by the sharp smell of seafood. It soon faded, and his eyes were met with tables upon tables of fresh plant produce. The sights and scents reminded him of the town market he frequented as a child. He smirked, remembering how he’d use the opportunity to practice his doppelganger spell and slip past his caretakers. He’d visit the same bread stand each time, buy one of his three favorite pastry rolls, and wait to be discovered. Sometimes he’d share his bounty with a stray cat or a bird passing by. Or, if he was lucky, a mild-mannered rabbit.
Most things were familiar to him, and the ones that weren’t piqued his fancy. He spent extra time admiring the halved jackfruits and bundles of rambutan as Luna busied around him, picking up anything she thought she could cook with or bring home.
“You feel like trying anything?” Her voice piped up next to him, interrupting his idle inspection. “I’ve tried almost all of these, so take your pick.”
He pointed out the rambutan. “What do these taste like?”
“Sweet like candy, but really nutritious.” Luna tilted her head. “It’s a little like lychee.”
Loki picked up a single fruit and turned it over in his hand. “Very interesting.”
“Great. Let’s get some.” Luna selected six of the best ones and pocketed them in a plastic bag. “Ooh, there’s another thing I wanted to get.” She pushed the cart down, skillfully maneuvering around the other shoppers, and turned the corner. Loki followed close behind like a duckling following its mother.
In the next aisle, Luna looked for snacks and tea. She knew exactly what she was looking for, but all the colors and selections had Loki in a daze. He developed the idea that if he tried one every day, he’d never run out or get bored. He liked those odds.
“What do you feel about this one?” Luna held up a bag in front of him. “It’s an Indian snack mix.”
“I have a feeling you’ve had it before.”
“My whole life.” Taking his comment as a ‘yes, please,’ she tossed it into the cart and picked up another bag from the lower shelf. “This one is Tony’s favorite. He tried it once when he was in India and hasn’t had enough of it since.” She put the bag back and reached for a box of sweets. “This, too.” She looked down and read the label. “Soan Papdi. I recommended it to him, and now, he buys several boxes at a time.” She tucked it into the cart and moved to the other side of the aisle.
Loki took his time inspecting the things Luna had picked out already. He read the label on the sweet box in all the languages it had written. The picture on the front made it look very appetizing. He looked from the snack bag Luna picked out to the others on the multiple shelves. He wondered what the difference was between them all, but he trusted her judgment. Everything he knew about the balance of ingredients he learned from her.
The sound of items dropping into the cart caught his attention. Luna had selected a few more things, including another bag of crisps. Loki plucked it from the small pile and raised a brow.
“Plantain chips?”
Luna pointed at it. “You will like that. Trust me.”
He tilted his head and placed it back down. “I do.”
She pulled the cart to the end of the aisle. “Anything else you feeling like getting?” Loki shook his head, and she walked toward the checkout counters.
As they approached the shortest line, Luna gasped sharply and quickly shuffled to a large basket. Loki, wondering what the fuss was about, pushed the cart closer and studied the rare find.
The basket was filled with plastic pouches, each containing a different color of fine powder. “What is it?” he asked. Luna grabbed a bright green one.
“Holi powder!”
“Holi!” She looked up at him, eyes sparkling. “Festival of colors. It’s a, uh, a springtime celebration. You throw colored powder and water at each other.” She picked up another bag, this one holding yellow. “My mother called it Phagwah because that’s what everyone in her village called it, and they only used red. I’ve always wanted to do it.” Finishing her words, her features fell as she remembered the many reasons why she couldn’t. The emotional shift was concerning.
“Why haven’t you?” Loki asked harmlessly, but Luna didn't answer. Instead, she put the bags back and took place in line. Gazing down at the abandoned find, Loki puffed out his chest and picked the bags back up. He squeezed into line and slide to Luna’s side. “Hey,” he said, touching her back. “Here.” He held them out for her, but she didn’t take them.
“Why?” she asked solemnly. He leaned down to her ear.
“When it’s safe for us, I’ll do it with you.”
Luna looked him in the eye. “Can you make such a promise?” she whispered back. Loki sighed softly.
He desperately wanted to give her something. Something with meaning. He knew what it was like to have everything he loved taken away, but with her, it was different. Compared to him, she’d never done a wrong thing in her life, yet some people regarded her as the worst. She deserved everything she’s been told she couldn’t have.
“For you, I’ll do my best to keep it.”
Emotions swam in Luna's eyes, along with the possibility for a few tears. Inhaling deeply, she took the bags from Loki’s hand.
“Ok,” she said, and put them on the belt.
Groceries in each hand, the duo returned to their hotel room. The bags were not plentiful or heavy, but Luna allowed Loki to assist her. He seemed to be in a doting mood. Odd behavior for someone like him, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. They silently debated with themselves on whether or not they should go out again later in the afternoon, but seeing how maid service had already made its rounds, it was ever more tempting to stay in.
“Alrighty,” Luna started, brushing her hands, “I will use the restroom real quick, and then we can decide what else to do.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Loki replied. Luna smiled kindly at him and left the room. Hearing the door close, he took his glasses off and pinched his nose bridge. “Ugh. ‘Sounds like a plan.’? It’s not a plan, it’s a proposal.”
He set his now-useless spectacles on the counter and looked over the new bounty. Curious about the plantain chips, he opened up the bag. The noisy crinkling was irritating, but he dealt with it. He broke off a small piece and tasted it. As expected, it was salty, but he liked it enough to go back for a second and third piece.
Reaching for a fourth piece, Luna made her return known. “You like it, don’t you?” she said. Loki paused and looked over.
“Oh, uh,” he looked down and back up, “y-yeah.” She sauntered over and took one for herself.
“Yeah, it takes a certain preparation.” She hummed in realization. “That reminds me, I do know how to make it good. I just keep forgetting.”
“Which is?”
“Cook it separately and mix it in with daal.” Luna took another piece, and Loki bit into his.
“Interesting. What’s that like?”
“Daal?” He nodded. “Oh, that’s right, I never made daal with you.” Luna waved a hand. “I’ll do that when we get home.” Crunching on her piece, she contemplated her situation. “How about we just stay in for now? I don’t feel like being out.”
Loki shrugged. “Sure. I’d like that.” He straightened up and dusted his hands over the sink. “In that case, do excuse me for a moment.” Luna nodded, and her eyes followed him out of the room.
On hearing the bathroom door open and close, she took out a bowl and filled it with chips and snack mix. She set some water to boil and moved the container to the living room table. Keen on having some fresh tea, she picked up the two boxes she bought and looked them over. One held masala chai and the other rosehip. She recalled how her mother would make chai with fresh spices. The store-bought brands could never compare to it. But the memory made a weight settle in her heart, and it brought down her mood, so she set the box down and went with the rosehip. No need to bring up more heartache. There was more than enough lingering from the previous day.
Loki stepped out of the bathroom – now in a new set of clothes – to find Luna on the couch in her own lounging clothes and the water boiling vigorously. He turned off the burner and went to join her. On his way over, he carefully surveyed her. Her expression looked a bit blank. Usually, it wouldn't raise his suspicions, but after yesterday, his senses were on high alert.
Taking a spot beside her, he gently questioned. “You alright?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Just thought about something I really shouldn’t have right now.” She looked up at him and smiled to placate him. It was nice, but she didn’t try to make it reach her eyes. She had no reason to lie to him. “Is it ok I put this on?” She gestured to the film playing on the television.
Loki nodded and studied it a little. “‘Lord of the Rings.’?” Luna shook her head.
“No, it’s ‘The Hobbit.’ Made by the same guy, though.” She peered over to the stove and, seeing the burner now off, got up to attend to her task.
With two hot teas in hand, Luna returned and raised the volume of the movie. She'd seen it before, and though it couldn't match 'Lord of the Rings,' it did little to dampen her enjoyment of it. She needed something distracting and pleasant to look at while she was in the company of someone who was, objectively, pleasant to look at.
But her mind and eyes wandered as she waited for her tea to cool. She put it to use and thought about the costuming, how long it would take to make everything, and the hairstyles for each character. Some had short hair, some had long. Some were flowing and simple, others were elaborately braided. Her train of thought stumbled over a question, and she averted her gaze to Loki.
“Have you ever had your hair braided?” Luna asked. He turned his head a little.
“How come? I thought the Norse always did theirs up.”
“While that is true, mine was always too short. And after it grew, I never bothered with it, and I didn’t want anyone’s hands in it.” Loki caught his tongue and corrected himself. “Well, anyone else’s.”
“Would you mind if I braided it?” Luna pinched her thumb and forefinger together. “Nothing drastic. Just little ones.”
Loki looked at her, a little surprised. He was willing to accept her offer, but still, he hesitated. “But I’d have to take them out later to wash.”
Luna shrugged a shoulder. “I can redo them after. It’s no problem if you want it again.”
His inhibitions left him, and he smiled. “Go right ahead.”
She left the couch for a second time and returned with an unopened plastic box. “I picked up some small hairbands, just in case.”
Loki tittered as she tore open the packaging. “You plan for everything, don’t you?” He felt flattered.
Luna tilted her head and brushed her fingers through his hair. “Only what I think I can manage.”
Staying as still as he could, she started the first braid over his right ear. Each time her hand brushed the shell of it, blush tickled the edges of Loki’s cheeks. Like him, she had a delicate touch. An artist’s touch. And she was an artist. Everything she lay a hand on became beautiful; the food she cooked, the drawings she did, the work she produced, and now, him. He was her latest piece, and what an honor it was.
As he could do nothing but watch the movie on the screen and the shadows on the wall, he let his thoughts drift about. Feeling Luna start on the second braid, he found his way back to the issue he’d been pondering on for a few weeks now: how come he, an inherently uncaring person, cared for her? Why should he care? He tried to find a reason, but the only answer he came up with was another question. Why not?
What did he lose from caring about her? So far, it was things he never knew he was better off without. But what did he gain? Painted nails, soft skin, and braids in his hair. Colorful food he got to participate in making. Outings to exciting places. Room to breathe. Stellar company, a beautiful face to look at every day, and a warm hand to hold.
There was no good reason to not like her, so he did.
A/N: you know, holding your finger horizontally under your nose really does suppress those smiles you can’t stop? It’s literally so cool. Also, I don’t know about y’all, but I get Big Excited when I see Holi powder in the market. Just delights the heck out of me. Anywho, did y’all like this? I sure hope so. I just wanted some cute and nice things to happen after the last few chapters. After the day they had, they’re gonna have heavy emotional ups and downs, but they deserve a nice quiet day.
Taglist: @the-doctor-9-10 @pinkieperil @sherlockfan4life @kybaeza @withering-thoughtts
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