#i blame the internet
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OG Mashup Credit: here My other FMVs found here
Trigger Warning: Flashing Lights
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whimsycore · 1 year
There’s a big difference between introversion and just being self absorbed.
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miteistic · 2 years
Why the hell do I find this so funny lol, something is wrong with my humour
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thebean-17 · 3 months
I am not having a good time right now. Having a bit of a mental breakdance, but what I can at least be thankful for is that it's nothing self-destructive. But still kinda fucked.
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Me: Oh hey, a post about this thing I like, let me check the comments!
Random comment: Fuck every single detail about this thing.
Me: I never really liked that thing anyways.
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youngvictorianchild · 2 years
this was in my dream last night
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tonguingthegods · 2 years
Drunk, emo bops on shitty headphones, ready to blog like it's 2012
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
W-where am I? How? How did you do this?
Sisyphus? Is that you?
How are you so big? And I’m so small?
No! Let me out of here!
Let me- *muffled yelling*
*cats meowing*
Audio source
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chintato · 3 months
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I drew the school dudes i can date lol
Btw its a super messy sketch since its mostly just a way of how i can draw them in my style cries
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Jumping on the bandwagon woo-hoo
no spam reblog or spam comment ;P
For every 100 reblogs I'll drink another bottle of water
Update: Ive drank almost 2 whole water bottles in the last 3 days which isn't much proportionally but for one, I'd probably not even drink one if it wasn't for the internet critters in my phone telling me to and also, yk, thats alot of water compared to my last few weeks getting all my fluids from food
10 reblogs: Go to bed before midnight tonight
50 reblogs: I'll make my bed in the mornings for a week
Update: I found out that my bed being made kinda stresses me out for some reason, it's just so neat I get scared, and so instead I am putting away 3 pieces of clothing that have been clean for months and i just haven't touched every morning :D
75 reblogs: I'll work on getting accommodations for my autism at school
Update: I don't have the required "proof of diagnosis" and I'd have to wait 2 years or so to get it and I won't be in school anymore at that point, so I'm working with my counselors to see what they can do aside from official autism accommodations
125 reblogs: I'll work in upping my failing grade in math
Update: Math test retake on the 12tg, wish me luck!
150 reblogs: I'll work on my dopamine addiction and get help
Update: Hooooooly shit addictions are hard. I'm going to start a timer for time between uses of YouTube shorts or Instagram reels in an effort to reduce my need for instant gratification and try to replace every time I pick my phone up with drawing or reading or talking to people around me.
200 reblogs: I'll post my art that I've been self conscious about posting
Update: I am really happy for this, it's finally an excuse for me to make myself post my art :D it's probably gonna be 1-2 drawings per post with a little background with each :3
300k reblogs: I'll start cleaning up my room
400k reblogs: I'll clean out my bag (God pls don't get to 400 yall T T)
500: I'll get sharp objects out of my room
1k reblogs: I'll be really happy :0
Edit; Added more goals
2k reblogs: I'll start streaming on twitch again!!!
3k reblogs: I'll empty out my drafts
5k: I come out as trans to my parents (I don't know if they're transphobic so to speak, but they are of the mindset that "do whatever you want once you're out of our house but until then you are our kid" but I wanna be like um no actually-)
5.5k: I come out as trans to my non-transphobic grandma
6k: I come out as trans to my transphobic grandma
Edit 2; Yo same picture of the earth reblogged me?!? the picverse found this?!?! that's insane xd
Edit 4; I added some coming out goals because I'm not gonna do it if I don't have the pressure from hundreds of little things in my phone cheering me on xd
Pinging moots so there's at least a small chance of any of these happening xd
@calimewzz @annotated-catastrophe @glitched-out-dusk @life-is-okay-rn
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maladaptivewriting · 8 months
people in this fandom are way too comfortable saying that don’t like an artist’s fanart
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
I can imagine Zane being in an argument with someone over whatever, and they just yell “DONT YOU HAVE A HEART?!” And Zane just lowkey opens his chest hatch and rips out his glowing blue circular heart, before saying “No, you bi-”
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thefawnfallacy · 5 months
You don’t have to like sebaciel or the many undertones it presents in the series but it’s actually getting to the point where insistent ignorance of the sexual nature Ciel is presented in can be dangerous. Fiction does not exist on a 1:1 scale with reality but just using this fictitious scenario of Ciel being sexualised (by Yana herself) while having a panic/asthma attack and it being called “not actually sexual” or sebaciel fans being called “delusional” when pointing out the erotic nature of, not just this, but the many instances in which the viewer is meant to see Ciel in a sensual manner, is concerning.
You should be able to identify a sexual situation, even if it’s a situation in which the things happening are not inherently sexual. One of the main components of grooming is that is does not start out sexual, there’s a buildup to that in which the groundwork has already been laid. I’ll say it again, you should be able to identify when something sexual is happening without it being inherently sexual.
Yes, Ciel is repeatedly sexualised canonically, it is not being used to mock shippers, he simply exists in a very erotic manner in many situations using a variety of different ways to depict it, most commonly being flower language. No, you are not “morally correct” for not enjoying it, you just find it uncomfortable or triggering and that’s fine. Yes, you should be able to see that he’s being sexualised because he’s fake and if you cannot see it then there’s a chance of not being able to see this in real life, whether it be a friend, a child in your care, or even yourself.
Not being able to identify the sexual nature a character can be presented in is not a good thing. It doesn’t mean you “aren’t a porn addict”, it doesn’t mean you “aren’t a bad person” and it certainly doesn’t mean you are “not a pedophile, like those shippers are”. It means you cannot spot the difference between a bad fake relationship and a bad real relationship.
Stop giving a damn about fictional characters and start giving a damn about yourself.
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jeannes-world · 7 months
Just watched Dune Part II, and I know tumblr will be the only place I won't be judged because Austin Butler as a complete bold psychopath did a few things inside of me and it wasn't an unpleasant feeling
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
Um if you write Jason having to get drugs for Catherine I want you dead btw. Not only does it tell me you assume the average drug dealer would give the hard shit to a very small child and then not supervise them at all (classist stereotype that all drug dealers are inherently evil + lazy writing with no grasp on reality) and you genuinely think that Catherine was CONSTANTLY high, as if that's even possible without overdosing far sooner than she did. That's without even getting into the bad mom Catherine propaganda.
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dailyjevil · 1 month
jevil with jordans
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Day 355 of posting Jevil every day
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