#i can name so many ships that fit this song
amaibylers · 2 months
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. the great war is THE ship song
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I absolutely love Legally Blonde (the musical). Elle is such a great character!!
The audience is introduced to her in such an amazing way, with her mathematically trying to figure out what to wear. “It may be perfect for a blonde, but I’m not that blonde. I may be in love but I’m not stupid, lady, I’ve got eyes.”
Elle in general is so good. She’s so smart and she’s legitimately the most interesting character to follow.
But!!! The best!!! Part!!! At the end of the musical, when she says she’s leaving, Emmett confessing that he loves her isn’t what convinces her to stay. Instead, it’s the other female characters showing their support for her!!! The way the girls in this movie support each other!!! The “Greek Chorus” is perhaps my favourite example, if only because they’re so supportive of absolutely everything Elle does!!! It’s so sweet!!! “We came to see our president be legally blonde”? Best line, I love it, it’s so good.
But also, the romance between Elle and Emmett is so fucking good. Emmett supports her through absolutely everything. Emmett is such a great person, but also his musical cue is an oboe, which means I’m biased to like him anyway-
“They laughed at me like they’re laughing at you. We can’t win if we don’t follow through.” “Though it’s hardly my business to say, could it be the real thing in your way is the very man you’re trying to impress?” “But I know it’ll all be worthwhile when I win my first lucrative trial, and buy my mom that great big house out on the cape.” “As I hugged my mom and told her, with the chance I’ve been given, I’m gonna be driven as hell.” All of Emmett’s lines are so good, all of his songs are perfect, Emmett is the best character ever.
I love the ending, when Elle proposes to Emmett. It’s the character coming full circle. She begins the musical by planning an outfit that will be perfect for Warner to propose to her to; “This dress needs to seal the deal, make a grown man kneel, but it can’t come right out and say bride.” “I’ve got t leave Warner his pride.” She’s fulfilling the stereotypical idea of the woman having to be proposed to. She can’t propose to him or look too desperate to be proposed to, because that will ruin his “pride.”
Elle proposing to Emmett at the end shows such an amazing character growth. She knows she doesn’t have to fulfill the stereotypical female role in their relationship. She proposes in a room full of people, proving that she is no longer concerned with her partner’s “pride.” She proposes by saying “Emmett Forrest, please make me the happiest woman I know.” She proposes in the stereotypical male style, but it’s so fucking sweet because Emmett is so excited and they just love each other so much-
But the best way to portray the character growth is two specific interactions. To set it up, the Greek Chorus mentions, in the very first song, that being married won’t come between Elle and their “sacred bond of sisterhood.” Later in the same song, the Chorus sings: “We love you guys.” And Elle responds: “No, I love you guys.” Note that she specifically says “I,” because presumably, Warner doesn’t actually care all that much about them.
Now, in the finale, the Chorus repeats the line, this time to Elle and Emmett: “We love you guys.” But, this time, Elle and Emmett respond together: “No, we love you guys.”
Emmett supports Elle’s interests to the point that she feels comfortable sharing them with him. She feels comfortable introducing her best friends to him and he actually likes them. It comes full circle. Elle finally has someone who supports her completely, just like she supports Emmett completely, they make each other happy. It’s so sweet.
Also, it’s kinda funny because Emmett is Elle’s sugar baby-
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plugnuts · 1 year
f&a&y for the name playlist game!!!
Oh HECK yeah get ready for tunage
F: Fly Home - The Living Tombstone
A: Animal - Chase Holfelder Cover (Original by Neon Trees)
Y: You Are Mine - S3RL ft. Kayliana
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I think the hardest part of being trans is the uncertainty.
Like, there's a new band I kind of like. They've only released a few songs, but I like those songs, and I like the bands style, so I followed them on Instagram to keep up with them. Neither member of the band is openly queer but many of their (young) fans talk about how their dynamic and their music fits with a popular gay ship. The band has really leaned into it and made content to appeal to that, so I feel confident in assuming they're decently gay friendly, at least. But said popular ship is from Harry Potter, so I don't feel at all confident that they're trans friendly. They haven't said or done anything specifically transphobic, but they haven't specifically said anything in support of trans people either. So it creates that uncertainty. Am I safe in this fan space? Am I wanted? Will I be accepted?
Even in queer spaces, it's the same story. I've been in queer spaces that claimed to be trans friendly. They have name tags and pronoun stickers and pins available to everyone, a trans flag on the wall. But most of the staff won't try to use the correct pronouns. And trans men aren't welcome in the queer men's group they run. And when they invite a group to do free haircuts, they won't cut trans men's hair because they "don't do women's haircuts."
It's like, I can go to pride with a trans flag and five different he/him buttons pinned to my chest, and I'll still get misgendered to my face.
Every time you want to be a part of something, you have to ask yourself
-do they accept trans people
-if so, is that acceptance limited and conditional
-do they accept trans people as a part of the group or do they allow trans people to be there but not a part of it, is it a "you can tag along but you're not one of us" situation. A "trans people can join but gay trans men are not "real" gay men and trans lesbians are not "real" lesbians" situation.
Every fucking thing is uncertain.
The tweet has long been deleted, but years ago, Laura Jane Grace tweeted something to the effect of 'do you think I don't know that everyone I admire would hate me'. And that it. That's the shape of it. You just have to live with the idea that there's a good chance anyone you look up to, would hate you.
And that eats at you.
It really does.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hiii can i ask for hcs of quackity and his s/o being it couple? like other ccs are constantly bringing them up and hyping them bcs they're giving couple goals, or just fans getting them to trend on social media all the time idkk sorry if weird
oooo okay!! ; and dw this wasn't weird at all! it's fine lol ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy 🫶
QUACKITY ; it couple
summary ; you and quackity, through your shared fanbases and friends, have become the online it couple of the month
warnings ; language
word count ; 379
y/s/n = your ship name
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the hype and popularity spiked again once the qsmp had a random popularity spike after korea was introduced into the smp
then quackity started trending on tik tok and then you did once you posted a new video with him on your channel
getting the jake webber / tara yummy / johnnie guilbert treatment 💀💀 tik toks couple of the month
"Hey, Alex, I think we're trending again!"
"We are, cause you're so beautiful, Y/n/n."
"Shut your goofy ass up"
anyways, your friends loveeee sending you both edits and fanart
especially ones that make you look so hot together and shit
the tik tok edits go crazy
a solid hour of tubbos tubbathon is just reacting to y/s/n edits
they also love hyping you two up
from fit checks to cute couple moments, they're always hyping you up 💯💯
"ayeeee go! go! shake that ass! QUACKITY SHAKE THAT ASS" ; from roier and foolish
niki, foolish and tommy are probably your biggest hype men, in comments or on stream LMAO
god forbid one of you mentions having a favorite song or shared song you like /pos
the edits AGAIN lmao
you dressed as aesthetics of music you listened to for a video but never addressed it on stream so again, the edits LMAO
so many of you to emo/punk music and so many of him to rap/hip-hop (take this with a grain of salt ok...)
anyways, insta posts and stories together>>>
Twitter white boy of the month? more like Twitter it couple of the month. fuck them
dude streamer awards 😨😨😨 /pos
yall looked so good. head to toe, you fucking KILLED. IT.
the fanfic writers have been inspired. the people who paused their fics are all back solely for a streamer awards chap bc yall were being a little wink wonk the whole time /ns
you were just being adorable in general
nevermind the vids u posted of karaoke in the car afterwards
so many edits of you and alex making like thirst traps LMFAOOOO
anything for the fans 🙏🙏🙏
then you publicize a playlist titled "hot stuff w Alex 💯💯" and the world BREAKS.
don't care don't care
mostly like hot girl motivation + banger songs from the 2000s
like rihanna, jay-z, plus some newer kinda stuff like victoria monet and 21 savage LMAO
anyways that's all I got idk I'm sick and have 0 braincells
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
A People Eater's Worse Nightmare
Yandere Parasite/Shapeshifter + G.N Reader blurb
Summary: They love you. What the fuck's wrong with them.
Warnings: Mentions of cannibalism
A nice big house. Large group of friends.
Yeah- this life was great.
Framed pictures of loved ones on the wall, freezer stocked full of meat. Beer cans on the coffee table and blood stains in the carpet. Such accomities made this place fitting to be their perfect home.
Shame they couldn't stick around.
[Hey, Dude! Last night was killer. You on for Sunday?]
The homeowner shoots a dismissive reply, sinking deeper into the revels of their catch present in the murky waters they reside. It was far too easy this time. A homebody with loose ties to numerous people turned the life of the party and friend group after a trip out of town. "Taking a new approach on life." And all that other horseshit that left people none the wiser to the horrors committed behind locked doors.
It was paradise, but too much of a good thing was bad for anyone's health. Getting to caught up in prey's daily life could make one sloppy. How people managed to miss those tiny spots of macroon in the rug or the smell that lingered was beyond them, but maybe that's just how primitive those claimed to be the top of the chain were. They needed to move ship, and fast.
A new message pops up on the screen, from a number simply marked with a heart.
[I had a really nice time with you last night. I hope we can meet up again soon.]
There it was. The other issue with being human. With how many lives they have under their belt, they've done this song and dance many times before. They've been married and divorced. Slept with numerous people in one night, and had committed friend with benefits deals. They could've made excuses for it all, but there was a side of them that longed for connect. An amalgamation of the feelings the one before them held and their own urges. There was many partners before this one and there would be plenty after.
So why can't they hit send?
[Hey, Y/n. Some stuff came up with my folks so I'll be out of town for a while. I'll hit you up when I get back.
A passage excuse. One that could potentially throw off their temporary mate if they were the type to overthink. For some reason, that got under their skin. Freaky. Maybe it's because they never managed to get them in the sack - or call them by their real name.
It's cool - By morning those feelings will be gone and they'll move onto the next. Just one more night and the homeowner would go back from social outcast turned devil worshipper - to a beast a little closer to home.
As their head sinks under the water, the homeowner just can't get that smile out of their head.
The parasite groans as it pull itself out of the bathtub. Hangovers were a bitch no matter what breed you were. It drags its heavy body off the floor and picks up the homeowner's phone. There's a missed message on screen. Their body suddenly feels lighter
[Hi. I saw you read my message, and I'm not trying to push things, but I wanted to invite you to breakfast if you were free.]
[Sure thing, Sweetheart. Just send me the locale]
The parasite hums to itself and it walks in front of the mirror, thinking about what to wear for its date with its partner. They open the cabinet to grab that perfume you said was nice on your second date-
What. What the fuck?
Ink slams the door shut; whiplash cracking the mirror. They stare at the exposed muscle structure of their skin, narrow eyes large as tennis balls. They - were themselves again, but they still as they did masquerading as that whiny little bitch. Their heart smiled in tune seeing that message, and their guts bubbled in anticipation for being beside the one to make them feel this way. They feel sick.
"What did you do to me. What did you do-"
Ink scrolls through the texts you've sent and photos you've taken together. You had to've done something. Poisoned them with some fucked up chemical. Snuck a part of yourself in their food to make them crave you so god damn bad.
Their search leaves them with nothing but a swollen heart and rage filled mind. They punch the mirror. Angry at the world, they still want nothing more than to see your disgustingly pretty face again.
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Since this ask is a little specific, I'll let you choose the characters. Basically, the characters of your choosing with a winx fairy reader. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to.
I don't mind! However I haven't watched the Winch series in a very long time so if these aren't exactly like them I apologize! I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!
P.s. This was so nostalgic for me, I remember watching Winx alot growing up and even having like my first set of ships between the fairies and their significant others 😋
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
CW: Fluffy! Made the reader have a different fairy magic include as many as I could! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour,
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Xiao, and Freminet!)
𑁍༄Lyney: <Fairy of light>
"Lyney...are you alright? I know this isn't what you were expecting.." You chuckled nervously, feeling your face heat up as he stared at you wide eyed, watching your dazzling wings sparkle in the sunlight, it was a lot to process to say the least. "You're...a fairy? Like what you read in books? You'd think being a magician I'd be better at handling things others don't normally understand, but I must say...this is definitely throwing me for a loop."
"Well to be more accurate, i'm a light fairy. I can use light magic...I also have a more optimistic personality." His gaze started to make you shy, suddenly you regretted showing him...what if he couldn't accept it.
"A light fairy, you know that suits you. You do radiate a type of light, I noticed that even before you showed me your wings. In a sense, you're a true being of optimism....that's beautiful. Mon amour, may I ask a few more questions?"
𑁍༄Tighnari: <Fairy of nature>
"Does being a nature fairy mean you are naturally more gifted with plants and animals?" Tighnari sat in the bright green grass, watching you with dazed eyes that constantly flicked to your wings. He'd asked so many questions, if you were born a fairy, were your parents fairies, did you know others like you, but he still able to actually wrap his head around your secret.
"I think I'm pretty good with plants, they certainly grow nicer when I'm around and I have control over some...as for animals..I mean I was able to start dating you fox boy~" You giggled teasingly, trying to loosen him back up to his usual self..hoping you hadn't just absolutely shocked him to the point of no recovery.
Thankfully your words helped, "I'm fennec fox boy thank you very much. If you're going to call me a furry at least be specific."
𑁍༄Xiao: <Fairy of music>
"Is that why...your music is soothing to everyone? Why you're able to convey so much emotion in your songs?" Xiaos hand was gently holding yours as the two of you swayed your feet off the edge of the Wangshu Inn railings, watching the night sky with your wings finally out in full view..your true self exposed for him to see.
"I'm not really sure if that's why...all I know is, I have a deep connection with music. I can feel what every note means, hear songs of joy, sorrow...any emotion clearly just through the melody. When I make music...I try to put that into it, make it so everyone else can hear it as well as I can... especially you."
"I can...it makes me feel calm. Thank you for that."
𑁍༄Freminet: <Fairy of waves>
"You're a fairy of waves? Like...one with the o-ocean?" Freminet looked away from you, the blush on his face steadily growing darker everytime he caught glimpse of your wings...of you. It was like he saw you in a whole new light, his love for the ocean...for water itself and now you were apart of that as well. It was like a dream he didn't know he wanted to come true...had just done so. You were undeniably the most perfect fit for him now.
"One with the ocean...I don't know if I could say that entirely...but I do know that..the second I met you I could tell you understood how the sea felt. That you were like me when it came to it's waters and the creatures within, I was hoping that finding out my secret...wouldn't be to shocking that you'd no longer want to spend time with me."
"A-all I want to do is spend time with you. We should g-go diving together, talk about everything the ocean has to offer...I want to know more about you. T-to relearn everything a-about the one i-i...l-love."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
let’s go to a greek island because three men are in love with us and celebrate 5k
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thank you all so so so much for 5000 followers! that is a super crazy number. like, wow. thank you all so much for being here, for reading my silly little stories and for always being so kind. I am unbelievably grateful for you all. this time will be a tiny bit different. not only will I hold a regular, fun celebration (this time in a mamma mia theme because why not? it's summer, it's fun) but I also just so happen to finish writing a story that I've been actively working on since january and thought that since I put so much love and time into it, it seemed fitting to share it as a part of this amazing celebration. here is a little schedule of when I'll be posting them, they are long and one hell of a read, I really hope you all like them ♡
friday (14/07) at 18:00 (CEST) - the murder at evergreen university
sunday (16/07) at 18:00 (CEST) - sour summer (an evergreen prequel)
this celebration will run from now till the 16 of july. anyone can participate and you can send in as many asks as you’d like, there is no limit.
if you need some prompts as Inspo for the request options, then try and click around on my sideblog @prompt-heaven where I keep a bunch of prompt lists very organised.
navigation | masterlist | request guidelines
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fernando - games! (cast your mutuals, fuck marry kill, would you rather…)
lay all your love on me - tell me a random fact about yourself and I’ll say who I ship you with!
super trouper - i’ll give you an abba song that has your vibe!
angel eyes - send me a sfw request!
kisses of fire - send me a nsfw request!
when I kissed the teacher - request a moodboard! (it can be for a character, a prompt, word, name, colour or ask me to make one that fits the vibe of your blog) 
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moots: @ddejavvu @oncasette @fightingdragonswithwho @angelulls @fxllfaiiry @prettyboyeddiemunson @cosmal @creelteeth @spencersfunkysocks @reidslovely @happyheidi @wonderlandhatter @spideyheart @appocalipse @skullrock @starlit-moonlight @chvoswxtch @lone-nyctophile @autumneverleigh @lanadelreyscokewhor3 @bruisedboys @midniteluv @solarluvs @ghostlyfleur @bcyhoods @vhagarlovebot @bradshawed @mystcldydrms @songs4themoon @katyswrites @strrawberrryjam @inkluvs
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consanguinitatum · 5 months
Patti Smith and Her Dedication To David
On this day in 2014, the iconic rock-n-roll queen Patti Smith (who's celebrating her 77th birthday today, by the way) dedicated her song "Distant Fingers" to David Tennant. Which makes me even happier when the first thing he said to me when I told him my name and spelled it so he could sign an autograph, he asked me, "Oh, like Patti Smith?" Yes, sir, exactly like that! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, let me elaborate. I don't know how often she did it on her 2014 tour, but I know that on 29 December 2014 at New York's Webster Hall, she had a talk with her audience (watch at the link) before singing her song "Pumping (My Heart)," and described how David first caught her attention for his role as Alec Hardy in Broadchurch. Then, after catching him by accident in Doctor Who, she ended up watching his entire run as the Tenth Doctor, and - predictably, because DUH! - fell head over heels for him.
The following night, again at Webster Hall, was her birthday. That night she dedicated another of her songs, "Distant Fingers" - from her 1976 album, Radio Ethiopia - to David. You can watch that here - and I'd advise you to watch it in its entirety, as she begins to riff at the end of the song and talks about David:
And oh, just in case you're having difficulty understanding her words, or English isn't your first language, here are some of the lyrics to the song:
When, when will you be landing? When, when will you return? Feel, feel my heart expanding You and your alien arms
All my earthly dreams are shattered I'm so tired, I quit Take me forever, it doesn't matter Deep inside of your ship
La, la, la, la, la, la, landing Please, oh, oh, won't you return? Feel, see your blue lights are flashing You and your alien arms
Deep in the forest I whirl like I did as a little girl Let my eyes rise in the sky looking for you Oh, you know, I would go anywhere at all 'Cause no star is too far with you, with you....
Keeping in mind she wrote this song in 1976, the lyrics fit David's turn as the Tenth Doctor with eerie clairvoyance!
And because she is the queen she is, she adds a sly little comment: "So come for me, David. I know I'm an older woman, but I know so many things."
One wonders what David thought about this. I've no doubt someone in his circle alerted him to Patti's dedication, because how could they not? And as an aside - his interaction with me about Patti Smith was about nine months before she did this dedication to him. So not only was he aware of her as the music connoisseur he is, the fact her name sprung immediately to his mind when speaking to me has always made me think he's a fan.
He probably blushed. Deeply. Well played, Patti. Well played.
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
green and gold
DATE: MARCH 29, 2023
summary: tom invites you to the brothers trust charity event that you didn’t really want to go to. you made up countless excuses, trying to run away from him like you usually do, but were convinced anyway. during the event, tom finally confronts you about always running away when he’s close. years of pent-up feelings are unraveled along with some clothes to make up for all the time you lost.
request: yess
song: dress- taylor swift
words: 7.7k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [fingering, slight masturbation, some nipple play], exhibitism, small praise kink, unprotected sex [coming inside], dirty talk), pining, lots of fluff, and some language.
note: i used this image because it was one of the only ones i could find of him at the event where he wasn’t with other people lol. this is hardly edited
best friends to lovers :) famous!tom x female!reader
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You really didn’t want to go tonight. You had so many reasons, or excuses is what Tom said, why you didn’t want to go to a high-end charity event. But your best friend put on his puppy dog eyes and played the “I need you by my side tonight” card. It was truly an unfair move.
The “reasons” you gave Tom were all in-the-moment excuses. Like “I have to clean my entire apartment and it’s going to take a week” or “I’m not going to feel good for the next week”. Yeah…your excuses got worse every time he asked.
Tom told you a week in advance and it went like this; he asked if you wanted to go, you said no for three days straight, and then eventually caved because of those stupid puppy dog eyes. That’s how most of Tom’s requests for your presence went. At first, you loved the idea of all the fancy clothes and luxurious events, but after about two nights out, you were already sick of it. You respected that Tom did that and more for a living.
Like every other event he convinced you to go to, you shared a suite in some grand hotel that still made your jaw drop from its lavishness. He made sure his team arranged an outfit for you each time, every dress more opulent than the last. The dresses he got you always fit you so perfectly, you were in disbelief when you looked in the mirror at the final results.
Tonight was no different. Well, it was a bit different. As you stood in front of the full length mirror, you stared at your figure way longer than you usually would have. Tom ordered you a long, green dress with velvet fabric that comforted your skin. It was snug, flawlessly fitting, and had a huge slit that showed your entire leg. You made sure to shave everything and wear your tiniest pair of underwear, so nothing could be seen.
You weren’t a celebrity like Tom. Yeah, sometimes you went to events with him, but only for support. You were seen on the media with him a lot, and after at least a year of fans either “shipping” you two or hating you, they finally understood the idea that a man and a woman can be friends.
No matter how much you hated it, that’s all you two were. That’s all it was ever going to be.
You and Tom have been friends since you were kids. You only ever saw him as a friend, and he, the same. But as puberty hit and hormones developed, the line of friendship began to blur for you. When he had a few girlfriends (all for short periods of time), it became clear to you that he had no interest in you outside of a friendship.
His name got huge after he landed the iconic role of playing Spider-man for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But your relationship together never faded, along with the confusing feelings you learned to label as a crush. Your “crush” eventually turned into a “like”, and then…well, you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t in love with the man.
And as you smoothed your hands over the velvet dress, your heart swelled at the idea of it all. A girl in love with her best friend.
You took a deep breath and pulled your conscience away from your reflection. You hastingly put in the dangly, gold earrings with matching green gems that Tom also ordered for you. Sparkling gold heels rested by the bed, waiting for your feet to become ridiculously uncomfortable. You strapped them on and grabbed your black clutch on the bed. You peered one last time at your shared hotel room before walking out and to the elevators.
Outside, a car was ready to escort you to the event. As you rode, you made light conversation with Tom’s driver, Eddy, and asked about his family and how his night was. While entering, sitting, and exiting the car, you repeated numerous thank you’s just like you did every time he escorted you. A few events ago, you overheard him say you were something along the lines of “kind-hearted” and “a keeper”, which made you smile to yourself. But you swear Tom replied saying “that’s the goal”.
Maybe it was all in your head, but it never left you. Even if it was, you wanted to hold onto it–the sliver of possibility that there might be something between you and Tom.
You trailed up the long, creme cemented stairs and opened the double glass doors. The lobby was roomy and extremely tall for no good reason besides the glistening chandelier that hung from the roof. The floor was covered in red velvet carpet with a white and gold marble outline. Heels padding the carpet, you checked in easily and were directed to the ballroom area. You followed and strutted into the decked out event.
Similar to the lobby, red velvet and marble decorated the floor and walls. The foundation of the walls were dark wood, which matched pleasantly with the other colors. Accents of gold were everywhere, including the white-clothed tables; candle holders, golden tassels, and picture frames. Voices buzzed all around you, but you hardly acknowledged anyone before taking in the beauty of the room. This was definitely one of the fanciest events you’ve ever been to.
After a welcoming look, you scanned the crowded tables for a familiar face. Or, familiar faces. Since this was The Brothers Trust charity event, all of the Holland brothers were present. That being said, it was also one of your first questions you had asked Tom when he asked for you to go. Why would you need to go if he had the support of all his brothers? You would just be there.
But that’s all he wanted. He just wanted you there. At his events, by his side; in his house, in his bed, in his arms–he always just wanted you there.
You got easily distracted by the outfits and people that it took you a minute to find him. But when your eyes spotted his face, your heart skipped a beat so frequent and fast that it became comfortable. Tom stood in a criminally charming tux by a table of middle-aged people, conversing with a wide smile plastered on his tan face. You watched as he laughed whole-heartedly when Harry made a joke, clutching onto his arm for support.
Without noticing, you had swallowed all your saliva and weren’t breathing correctly. Once your brain and body wanted to function, you used your legs to wander his way.
Tom was busy talking to one of his associates at another table when you caught his eye from across the room. The words that left the older man’s mouth turned into a muffled hum along with all the other voices in the room as he gazed at you. He’s seen you in a numerous amount of dresses, all beautiful and glamorous in their own way. But the dress you’re sporting tonight caused his breath to hitch in his throat and heart stop–correction, it made everything stop. Everyone around you blurred as he absorbed the image of you strutting towards him in that dangerous green and gold.
Dangerous because he might not be able to hold himself back tonight.
“Uh, Tom?” The associate questioned, causing Tom to shake his head and peer down at the man. Before the man could continue about whatever he was talking about, Tom politely, but quickly excused himself with a pat on his shoulder and met with you in the midst of the room.
He inhaled deeply to appear unaffected, like you didn’t just ruin his entire night–entire life–by taking his breath away and looking drop-dead gorgeous. He wouldn’t be too surprised if you killed him.
“This place is ethereal,” You said, head spinning and arms waving. “I cannot believe you made me come to this.”
“Why? You don’t like it?”
“Tom, I just said it was beautiful. Of course I like it. It’s just…a lot,” Your arms cross and you tuck your clutch under your armpit. “I don’t think this scene works for me.”
“Me either. You stick out like a sore thumb,” He teases with an exaggerated sigh. You dramatically gasp.
“What is that supposed to mean?!” You whisper-shout, leaning closer to him. He feels your breath fan his cheek and a slight blush creeps up his neck at the proximity. He doesn’t want to look down because he knows that he would get a glimpse of your breasts perched up by your crossed arms. However, his eyes betray him as his glances quickly at the pair causing a subtle twitch in his cock.
No more looking, Tom, he tells himself.
“You’re way prettier than all of these people. You’re killin’ all of their egos and raising all of their jealousies. If everyone hates me, I’m blamin’ you and that goddamn dress,” Tom expresses with gritted teeth, eyes wandering anywhere but yours. A wave of heat rushes up your neck and your eyes have a staring contest with the carpet.
When you finally have the courage to look back up, his eyes are piercing into yours causing your skin to feel flushed all over. The glare of his brown eyes kindles a small fire in the pits of your stomach, dull but throbbing. The feeling travels lower until there’s a slight drip in your thong.
“I’m glad I chose a good one,” He adds, eyes drifting to scan your entire frame once again with his hands behind his back. Your breasts raise up and down with the deep breaths you take, still unable to comprehend his previous words. You shake your head.
“You chose it?” You always thought it was some stylist, or literally anyone else but Tom. You thought it was just his money that he used to rent it. “Do you always choose my dresses?”
He nods matter-of-factly. “Of course. I’d like to think I know what you like.”
He wasn’t wrong. Every dress that he chose looked like it was made exclusively for you and only you. Whether it was flowy or tight, red or white, you always managed to leave the hotel room more confident than you had when you entered. Now that you think about it, you don’t remember ever telling Tom your sizing. It must have been something he learned along the way because like you said, every dress fit perfectly like it was tailored for you.
Before you could respond, a lady tapped on his shoulder and introduced herself. Tom didn’t hesitate to take a step back and introduce both himself and you. You greeted the lady kindly as you three talked about the goodness of the event. After a few minutes, the auction was set to begin and Tom had to excuse himself.
Before he went on stage, he showed you your seat, which was right in the front with Harry, Sam, and Paddy. You didn’t sit before giving them each a heartwarming hug, even though you saw them all yesterday. Even though you were in a glamorous ballroom you weren’t used to, you felt comforted by the boys you were close enough with to call the brothers you never had.
Sometimes, you wished you saw Tom that way. But when you compared the feelings in your heart and your head, you knew they could never be the same.
Finally, the auction started. Tom’s name glowed in dotted lights on the striped wall behind him. You turned your whole body to face Tom as he introduced the entire event before it got kick-started. Many items were being auctioned; paintings, autographed guitars, and other things that were so far out of your price range that you were deaf to all numbers over the thousands.
In between each item were fun little trivia games to keep the people awake and alert. It was an entertaining way to support a charity, and you felt a sense of pride because you knew it had been Tom’s idea. One of the trivia questions had been to guess how many na’s there were in “Hey Jude” by The Beatles. Some people got insanely close, but no one got it on the money.
After all the auctioning and bidding was over, you felt immensely poor, but felt instantly better when Tom came to sit next to you. The room chatted away, wining and dining while Tom’s brothers did the same. Unlike them, Tom turned to you.
“How are you?” His voice was raspy, probably from talking for hours. That subtle fire in your stomach tingles at his voice. You turn your body to face him.
“I’m good. You did really well up there, by the way,” You said, lifting your nearly empty wine glass to your lips. There’s a blurring stain from your shiny lip gloss on the rim.
“Thanks, love,” The graveliness of his throat doesn’t fade, even after he takes a few sips of water. You watch as his fingers wrap around the cup, and it’s embarrassing that you’re obsessed with his simplistic movements. You subconsciously lick your lips, unable to rid the dirty thoughts piling in your head.
Tux. Pretty. Hot. Raspy voice. Thick fingers.
Tom’s lips started moving, but you weren’t paying enough attention, too caught up in your head to focus on the living dream in front of you.
“What?” You asked, subtly leaning toward him. He leaned closer, lying a hand on your bare thigh through your slit. You quietly gasp because his hand is chilly from the water, but also because it was so close to where you ached. Your skin burned nearly causing you to break out in a sweat, contradicting his icy palm.
“Are you okay?” His other hand gently patted against your forehead and caressed your hot cheek with his thumb. “You’re warm.”
No shit. Does he see what he’s doing?
You couldn’t formulate a response when his hand traveled down to rest on the curve of your shoulder and neck. His hand on your mid-thigh rubbed reassuring circles as your heart thumped a million miles an hour.
“I’m fine,” You vaguely answered in a squeak, subtly squeezing your thighs when his touch got too much. His eyes glance briskly at your tightened thighs and anxious hands in your lap, a knowing eyebrow raising slightly. Tom didn’t mean to put his hand on your thigh, but now that it was there, he didn’t want to remove it. When he saw you squirm for a sliver of a second, he engaged in the idea that you might be turned on.
The thought made his cock twitch needily in his pants.
You didn’t notice, too concentrated on the feeling of his hands on you.
You wanted him to slide his hand up higher, to break that boundary that you’ve waited years to cross. But of course, when your chances were closer than ever, you had to be at some stupid, very public event. And doing anything explicit would be stupid.
“Are you sure? You’re burning up, love,” Tom’s hand squeezes the back of your heated neck causing you to inhale sharply. “And you’re so tense. What’s up, Y/N?”
You clenched your teeth. You began to run through every excuse in your mind, just like you had when Tom first asked you to this event. But he wasn’t texting you or calling you this time. He was sitting right in front of you with his hands on your neck and thigh. You nearly moaned out from just him rubbing your skin, his touch delicate with his rough skin. With every excuse you thought of, you couldn’t think of one that made sense enough for Tom to want to leave you alone for the rest of the night so you could collect yourself.
“I’m just really hot,” You complained in a low voice. Tom’s eyebrows raised, pursing and tightening his lips. To Tom, your voice sounded whiny and lustful. His dick stirred, slightly hardening at the growing conclusion that you’re highly aroused. Like him.
“What can I do, love?” He noticed the smallest quiver of your lip at the name, almost as if you were holding something in. He’s called you love for ages, so maybe it was something else. Or someone else…
What if it wasn’t even him? If it wasn’t him then what had you so worked up?
“Um…can we go outside? Need some air,” Your eyes traveled down to his pink lips, looking so soft and kissable. You were barely a foot away from him before he nodded and stood up. You didn’t know you were holding your breath until a wavering sigh left your mouth. Tom extends his hand and you follow him to what you assume is outside.
He leads you out a back door after giving a curt nod to a security guard. The chilly February night breeze brushes over your skin, finally cooling you down as Tom releases your hand. The exit led to an alleyway, a brick wall that grew darker one way. You strained your eyes on each brick and attempted to concentrate on your breathing. But Tom’s looming presence made it impossible because that fire in the pit of your stomach never dulled.
“Feelin’ better?” He broke the silence and it had you swinging your head to face him. You shakingly nodded your head with a quick hum.
You couldn’t take it. You couldn’t stand so close to him while you were feeling this way.
“I have to go,” You exhaled briskly before beginning to walk away. Tom told you to wait, but you didn’t.
You didn’t get more than a few steps before Tom caught your hand and spun you around magically. Your shoulders collided with the surface as he stood in front of you, caging you to the wall. Your breathing faltered as your heart bounced crazily against your ribs, skin beginning to burn up again. He faced the floor before finally meeting your wide eyes. He gazed at you as if he was searching for something and you wanted to give it to him, whatever it was, so he would stop looking at you intensely.
“Why do you always do that?” His voice was a whisper, low and still a tad raspy.
“What?” You scanned his features, allured by his lips only inches away from yours. He’s never been so close and it was dangerous. So, so dangerous. The only barrier in between you was that line of friendship that thinned with every passing second.
“Always run away. Every time…”
Your heart raced faster than it ever has before. It thumped out of your chest like a lovestruck cartoon character as he had you hanging on every single word.
He closed his eyes for a moment, seeming to collect his thoughts. “Every time I get close. Every time I want to be closer, you make up some excuse so you don’t have to be near me. Am I that horrible, Y/N? Is the possibility of this that horrible?”
Possibility? Possibility of what? Oh, please be what you’re thinking.
“No, God, of course not. You’re perfect. You’re too perfect that I get…overwhelmed when I’m near you. I can’t do this,” You shake your head and try to duck away under his arms. You’re completely disarmed when one of his hands drops to pin your hip down. Your wiggling comes to a halt.
“There you go again. Just stay, Y/N,” He leans toward you, mouth hovering near your ear. Your senses dial up to a hundred when you feel his breath tickle your skin. “You’re still warm, Y/N.”
You bite your lip, holding in a whimper that was threatening to leave your mouth. Your hips subtly moved against his hand that stationed you to the wall, but you weren’t going anywhere.
A thick thigh parts your legs, pinning you to the wall more securely. You gasp as his hand that was on your hip travels up and brushes over the warm skin of your cheek. You search for the words in your brain.
Maybe instead of avoiding it, just go with it.
Tom is struggling. Being this close to you has his cock rock hard under his trousers. He’s sure you could feel him against your bare leg, which was slightly spread for his own leg. His chest was restricting and blocking his air flow because he couldn’t breathe correctly. Your glossy lips were plush and soft, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss you until you shared oxygen.
You felt what you assumed was his large boner on your thigh. You mewled so delicately you weren’t sure if he heard it, but he did.
You felt years of friendship being slowly torn apart with every second he didn’t say something. You were about to push him off of you and sprint towards your hotel, which was miles and miles away, so you could die of embarrassment. Or maybe you would die because of your lack of cardio.
When you looked away from him, his hand adjusted your chin so you were staring directly at him. A soft kind of smile adorned his lips, but no words were spoken quite yet. You hated the sliver of hope that leaked from your heart. His thumb rubbed against your bottom lip and pulled it down, smearing your lip gloss.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to kiss these lips?” Throat husky, he pushed himself impossibly closer to you, lips barely an inch away now. His nose bumped yours and you felt the breath evaporate from your lungs. “Sixteen years.”
“Sixteen years…” You repeated breathily. If you were to do the math, which your brain was very incapable of doing right now, that would be your entire friendship. Since you were only ten years old, Tom has been waiting to kiss you.
Tom’s been waiting to kiss you for sixteen years? That must mean…
“Promise you won’t run away,” Tom said, on the edge of pleading and demanding. A slow nod was all you did, and then Tom’s thumb slid down to your chin and tilted your head.
He pressed his lips to yours gently, slowly molding you both together. The motions are so agile, but you can feel everything this way. The tip of his tongue nudges yours, eliciting sparks of fire with every push of your lips. Your polished nails trail up and lightly scrape the soft hair on the nape of his neck. A swirl of passion ignites in your stomach, encouraging and begging for more. Eagerly, your movements got faster, rocking your heads together as you took in as much of one another as you could.
His body pins desperately into yours, smushing you against the rough wall. He removes his hand from your chin and slams it on the wall beside your head. His free hand lifts one of your legs, so he can slot himself in between you. A needy whimper escapes you as his clothed bulge presses against your damp thong. You clench around nothing but the aching and throbbing of your pussy.
“T-Tom, the dress–” You pant.
“I’ll buy you another one,” He slams his lips back on yours to shut you up, which of course, it works. But not for long before another excuse is popping up in your head.
“What if someone walks out here–”
“I’ll kill them,” He goes to kiss you again.
“Tom!” You dramatically shout with a giggle as your hand rests on his chest while the other is on his neck.
“Okay, I won’t actually kill them. Unless you want me to…” He drifts off, getting lost in your smile and your sparkling eyes.
At that moment, it hit him. He had you. He finally had you. Like he’s said, he’s waited sixteen years to have you. He’s been through trial and error with other girls, but they weren’t you. No one could ever be you.
Suddenly, someone bursts through the exit door and has both of your heads turning hastingly. Tom gently releases your leg as he scoffs annoyingly when he realizes it’s just his brother. His hand balls into a fist on the wall as he smiles irritatingly at Harry.
“There you are! Can you save this for later? We have things to sign and people to acknowledge,” Harry says before walking briskly back into the building.
“Yeah, let’s just “save this for later” like I haven’t waited long enough,” Tom mocks his brother with a grumble. You feel Tom sigh into the air. You bring your hand to caress his cheek reassuringly. After the last few minutes, you’ve gotten the courage to be a bit more vulnerable with him, without feeling the urge to run away.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve waited a long time, too,” You curl the corners of your lips into a faint smile as you watch your own thumb smooth over his tan skin. Tom practically melts into your touch, smiling goofily at you. “But we’ve waited this long, what’s a few more hours going to do?”
“Kill me,” Tom mumbles dramatically and you roll your eyes. “I don’t want you to run away.”
Your heart aches at his words. You made a promise to him, and you planned to fulfill that. After that kiss and feeling him in ways that you only imagined, you couldn’t run away now. You needed more of him, all of him. But even if you had all of him, you don’t think you’d be able to leave him again.
“I’ll stay by your side all night. Just like you asked,” You reassured and he nodded. He slowly backs away from the wall, releasing you, and all the heat between you dissipates. But your skin still burned from his touch and your clit still throbbed for him. You quickly adjusted your dress and wiped your hands over the fabric.
“How does the dress look? Fucked up?” You asked, spinning in a half circle. Tom cursed to himself, getting a view of the curve of your ass. That dress really did fit you perfectly, but he wanted nothing more than for it to be off of you.
“Not nearly as bad as I want it to be,” He husked, the sexual innuendo hanging in the air. He quickly swipes his thumb under your lip to fix your smeared gloss before leading you back inside. You blink a few times as he drags you through the door. You weren’t used to him being so blunt, but you loved it. It made you aware that there was something between you and Tom.
You had both surpassed the line of friendship ages ago. You looked back at it like a distant horizon as you entered a new, long-awaited arena; romance.
After what you swear was the longest two hours of your life, Tom had talked to every person at least twice with the addition of his goodbyes. Ever since you came back from outside, the tension between you and Tom was undeniable. You stuck to your word and were tied to Tom’s side for the straining hours. His hand was placed on your lower back for most of the night torturing you, and it was no different when he was ushering you out of the front door. Hastily, you both went down the steps and into the car with Eddy.
You tried your best to make normal conversation with Eddy like you usually do, but when Tom placed his large hand on your bare thigh again, it was hard to comprehend anything. Eventually, you entered traffic and Eddy got a phone call. He pressed a button and the wall that separated him from you and Tom was rolled up.
Tom gave you a knowing look as his hand raised higher on your thigh. Your breath hitched as his fingers were merely inches from your drenched heat. You instinctively spread your legs a bit wider, allowing him more access. He leans toward you, purposefully missing your lips and pecking your cheek. He tucks a stray strand of hair around your ear causing shivers to crawl up your spine.
“Are you wet, darling?” His thumb rubs dangerously close to your clothed cunt. Finally, his finger skims over the laced fabric, soaking. You whine when his delicate, teasing touch pets your clit. He chuckles hoarsely. “You’re soaked, baby. Have you been like this all night?”
You nod with closed eyes. “Please, touch me, Tom,” You plead quietly, in fear that Eddy might hear you.
“In the back of the car? Naughty thing,” His fingers press harder into your seeping hole, still covered by your panties. He rubs your hole, thumb petting your clit while your hand slaps over your mouth to keep you quiet. Your chest rises quickly with your racing breaths, your nipples poking at velvet material.
Tom slides your thong to the side, making bare contact with your dripping cunt. He massages your arousal around your folds while his thumb quickens its pace on your throbbing clit. That fire in your lower belly burns deliciously as his movements send you into a frenzy.
“Tom,” You mewled behind your hand suctioned to your face. Tom groans as his middle finger slips into your hole easily. Your hips buck into his touch, back slightly arched.
“Almost there, Mr. Holland,” Eddy informs on the other side of the wall. Your eyes widen as your heart beats quickly in a panic.
What if you get caught? Oh God, you would seriously die of embarrassment.
“Okay,” Tom replies simply, as if he’s unaffected and he isn’t fingering you in the back of a car. Tom’s voice lowers and instantly becomes raspier. “Are you almost there, Y/N?”
You remove your hand from your face, so you can hold onto his shoulder and nod briskly. Your nails dig into his tux jacket as your head slams against the leather seat. Rolling your hips for more, Tom inserts another finger into you and curls them. Your teeth stab into your bottom lip, probably drawing blood, so you don’t scream and alert the whole street.
“I need you to come, love. Right now,” His order was soft and sexy, but demanding and dirty. The thrusts of his fingers only increase in pace as he tries to get you to your orgasm before the car comes to a stop. With another curl of his fingers and a nudge to your clit, your stomach tightened until relief flooded over you.
Noticing this, Tom crashes his lips onto yours to dull your sweet noises. Every moan, scream, and whimper melts into his mouth as his fingers gradually pump into you. Your legs spasm intensely as your release coats his fingers. Tom pulls away from you and takes his fingers out from your sopping cunt, messy with your arousal and cum.
He doesn’t hesitate to raise the substance up to his pink lips, licking it clean off his hand with a devilish smirk on his face. You watch him do so with a widened mouth while you try to catch your breath, panting.
“Did so good, love,” His smirk never fades as the car comes to a stop. Before you know it, Eddy is unlocking and opening your door for you both. You exit first while trying to fix your disheveled appearance, so your post-orgasm look isn’t too suspicious. You mumble a thank you as you hurriedly walk to the front door of the lavish hotel. You stop in your tracks, almost forgetting your clutch in the car. Turning around, you walk back to the car and overhear Eddy and Tom again.
“I’m no fool, Mr. Holland. You told her.”
“I know you’re not, Eddy. And I did. Finally,” Eddy pats him on the shoulder. “And you can call me Tom, you know. We’re friends.”
“I know, I know. Because as your friend and driver, I know when to roll up the partition.”
As a wave of heat rushes up your neck and cascades onto your face, you realize that the clutch wasn’t that important and someone would return it. You resume your fast-paced walk into the hotel with an uncontrollable smile on your face.
A girl in love with her best friend.
Since you didn’t have your clutch, you were standing in front of your hotel room waiting for Tom. He wasn’t long after you, finally walking up to you with a smug smirk on his face. And your clutch in his hands. You snatch it from him.
“Finally, I can take these heels off,” You moan, slipping them off as he scans the card and unlocks the room. You place them on the floor near the door and head straight for your room. You don’t get too far, though, because Tom captured your hand and is twirling you around just like earlier in the night.
He traps you on the door, instantly warm against you. You feel his bulge poke your bare thigh as he spreads your legs slightly, fitting in between them. He grabs your hands and pins them above your hands.
“Your dress,” Rough and raspy, his breath fans your cheek.
“What about it?” You whisper, swallowing as your heart falters.
“I need it on the floor,” He husks. You hesitate, so aroused you can’t think straight. You just had an orgasm in the car and you were already horny again. This man made you insatiable.
“Then take it off,” You reply. Everything was so quiet around you. The only things you could hear were your ragged breathing and galloping heart. Tom groans, but listens.
He drops your hands and then folds the straps off your shoulders until your dress is pooled around your ankles. Now, you stood anxious in nothing but a black thong.
“Fuck me,” He grumbles after just looking at you for a second. Your breasts were bare and perky, nippled pebbled from being so turned on. He wanted to put them in his mouth and suck on them until you were sore and begging him to stop.
“That’s the goal,” You’re not sure if he got the reference, but he chuckled, voice even more raspy from the low talking.
“I knew you heard that conversation, you minx,” Without a warning, Tom sweeps you off the ground and throws you over his shoulder. You squeal, squirming in his hold, but it doesn’t even phase him as he leads you toward his bedroom. He jokingly slaps one of your ass cheeks causing you to shriek at the jolt of pain. You won’t lie, it turned you on even more.
Tom tosses you on the bed easily, watching as you scramble to lay on your elbows. You gaze at him with a seductively lip bite, wondering what he has in store for you.
“Touch yourself,” He orders as he loosens his bowtie around his neck. “C’mon, want to see what you can do.”
Hesitatingly, your hand sails down to your laced thong, slick with arousal. Your fingers rub your throbbing clit causing you to sigh and spread your legs. Your eyes drift shut as you get immersed in the feeling of your own hand. Your other hand massages your breast, gently pulling on your nipples. Getting eager, you yank your panties off. You get a glimpse at Tom, who is admiring your every move in nothing now.
You’ll never get used to Tom’s body. He was attractive on a God-scale level and sometimes that scared you. But finally seeing his whole body was jaw-dropping. His cock was girthy with a good amount of length that you had a feeling would kill you. His tip was pink like his lips, and like his lips, you wanted your mouth on it. Was he even real?
You didn’t get too much time to think about it because Tom was removing your hand from between your legs while hovering over you. His brown orbs ogle yours, piercing into your soul and reading you. Although you were way past friendship, entering the “romance” area was very scary. If not, scarier. Tom’s body above yours and the way you could see every detail of his skin terrified you. But you’ve never wanted something more in your entire life.
You pushed your head up, interlocking your lips with his. You melt into a passionate kiss, your hands entwining with his brown locks. Tom drags his lips down your neck, sucking for a moment on a sensitive part. Moaning, his smirks smugly against your skin, trailing lower. He meets your breast and immediately begins to suck on it.
You sharply inhale as his tongue swirls around the bud. His other hand twists the other causing your back to bend off the mattress. It should be illegal for him to be this good with his mouth. He could cause some serious damage.
He sails lower and lower until he’s kissing the skin near your heat. You’re already panting and he hasn’t even touched you yet. His mouth licks your thighs, teasing you immensely. You had already come once tonight around his fingers, you didn’t expect his mouth too. Although you would love to have his mouth on you, right now, you just needed him inside of you. You needed to feel him stretch you out and officially break that boundary.
“I really need you inside of me. Like right now,” You yank on his hair, pulling him towards you. He moans at your words and you love how vocal he is.
“Need a condom, fuck, hold on–”
“Can you actually um…not have one?” You suggested, voice shaky as the question came out. You just wanted to feel him. Everything that he was willing to give you, you wanted. You’ve both waited too long for this. In some way, you felt like you were in a relationship with him this whole time.
Maybe that’s what friendship to relationship feels like.
“Are you…are y’sure? I mean, I’m clean and everythin’–”
“Tom,” You put a reassuring hand to his warm cheek. “I’ve never wanted something more.”
“Christ,” He grits and strokes his shaft above your cunt a few times. His tip teases your entrance, and the small, but very bare contact had you both hissing into the air. “So fucking wet for me.”
His dribble of pre-cum mixes with your arousal as he rubs himself against you. Finally after ten years of waiting, literally, he slowly pushed himself inside of you. The crown of his cock is squeezed by your walls as if you were going to lose him. He curses, pulling himself out an inch, just to add more of his length.
Just like you craved, you feel the impending stretch as his entire cock gradually enters you. Once he’s fully in you, you sigh as he holds the position for a moment. You both take in the feeling of the moment; you’re never going to forget his body on yours or the look on his face as he slowly moves.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight, darlin’,” Tom moans with a lip bite.
“Please, please, move,” Just as eager as you, he obeys your request.
He lifts his hips, almost pulling completely out, before thrusting back inside. You cohesively moan, your mixed sounds echoing off the hotel walls. His leisure rocks gently accelerate into powerful pumps, hitting that sensitive spot with a simple nudge of his cock. Your body naturally levitates toward his body, pushing your neglected breasts on his skin.
Tom rams his cock into you, pinning you to the bed with his harsh thrusts. His head falls in the cradle of your shoulder as one of his hands lifts your leg to spread you wider. When his dick sinks entirely deeper, you gasp and drown in a mix of moans and screams. Your nails dig into his tough shoulder blades, probably leaving crescent moon shaped marks. Your leg wraps around his backside, forcing him to be deep inside of you forever.
Your head is thrown back onto his pillow, hair fanned out wildly. When Tom lifts his head to look at you, the wind practically gets knocked out of him. You were drop-dead gorgeous in your dress, like he said. God, your naked, bare figure nearly sent him into cardiac arrest. But watching you wither in complete bliss underneath him gave him a sense of pride that he was the one making you feel this way. No one else. And it would never be anyone else ever again.
With this thought, his cock pumps barbarically into you, rightfully proving to you that your friendship will never be the same. He repeatedly pokes at your G-spot, eliciting debauched shrieks from you. When you thought it couldn’t feel any better, Tom’s hand sneaks between you both and circles lightly on your clit.
“Feels so good. God, you’re so good,” You praise breathily. Clenching around him, a shuddering moan leaves him. “I’m so close, please.”
“Gonna come for me, hm? Need to feel you come around my cock,” Tom orders with another jarring thrust into your cunt. Your eyes roll to the back of your head with his demanding words, your body on the verge of caving.
Squeezing around him greedily, your entire figure tenses as an overpowering wave of relief floods over you. Your abdominal muscles clench intensely, your hands cramping from fisting his skin so hard. Your legs flutter around him as you begin to coat his cock in your release. At the same time, you feel the twitch of Tom’s length inside of you, alerting you that he’s close.
“Where do you want me to…” He grunts when you clutch around him from overstimulation. A string of curses leak from his mouth as he holds back his load, waiting for your response.
“I-Inside, please. Fuck, I need it inside of me, Tom,” You panted as he practically growls against your perspired skin.
“Fuckin’ killing me, angel. Shit,” Finally, Tom releases into you, pumping sloppily as he does so. You sigh relievingly as his orgasm covers your walls, tingling your insides. He slowly pushes every drop inside of you, ensuring you didn’t miss any.
Your eyelids flutter closed as Tom falls on the bed beside you. Your body sinks into the mattress beneath you, suddenly too tired to move. You had a keen feeling that tomorrow you would struggle to walk, or move in general.
“Tom,” You start. “I think you just ruined me forever.”
“Good,” His post-orgasm was somehow even more sexy. It was groggy and double raspy. He drags your body towards him and holds you close. Your head relaxes on his buff chest, his rapid beating heart making you smile to yourself. “I want to ruin you for everyone else.”
The heat on your skin that you thought had ceased never did, not with his flirtatious and alluring comments. A flush creeps up and makes your cheeks all warm against his torso.
“You know you’re mine now, right?”
“That’s definitely not how I pictured you asking me out…”
“Well, how did you picture it?” The truth is, you never really pictured it. You never let yourself think that far because then you would start getting hopeful. And being hopeful made you scared, and when you were scared…you ran away. It was a constant loop of life you lived in. However, with Tom lying beside you as your face was cradled in his chest, you had a feeling you wouldn’t have a problem staying this time.
“How about “Will you be my girlfriend?” That seems better.”
“But what if you said no? Might as well jus’ say you’re mine, so you can’t,” He kisses the top of your head softly while you roll your eyes at his foolishness. “Aren’t you glad you went now?”
“Yeah, yeah,” You wave him off. Realizing you have to get up from the comfort of his security, you gently push yourself up into a sitting position.
“I really don’t want to get up.”
“Then don’t? Just stay here. We don’t ever have to leave this room again.”
“As much as I love you, I’m not sleeping with a face full of makeup,” You begin to slide off the bed before you realize what you just said.
Oh fuck. Did you just admit you loved him after not even five minutes of being in a relationship?
“You love me?” He gripped your wrist, but didn’t spin you like what he did earlier. This time he let you stand still in shock of your own words. In every other situation you would have run away or made some excuse. But you wanted to be different. You didn’t want to be so easily intimidated by intimacy or vulnerability anymore. You really did love Tom, you always have, even if it took you a little longer than him to realize it.
Maybe instead of avoiding it, just go with it.
“Yeah, I do,” You smile full-heartedly at Tom, delicately biting your lip. A part inside of you bursted open, unlocking all sorts of emotions you didn’t know how to comprehend or express.
“I love you too, So much,” You both lean in to share a passionate kiss, but you cut it short to seriously push him off of you, so you could leave and wash up. If you didn’t have an ounce of self-control for the both of you, you would never leave this hotel room. Tom was clearly the insatiable one.
“If you don’t come back to my bed in five minutes, I’m dragging your ass in here. No warnings,” Tom says before you strut out of his room completely naked. You hear him groan to himself, which makes you giggle like a young school girl.
Walking to your bathroom, the same uncontrollable smile etches on your face like the one you had when you returned to the hotel. You splashed icy cold water to your heated cheeks and tried to rub away the plastered grin, but nothing could dull the adoration you felt for the other man in your hotel room. Instead of trying to erase it, you stared and allowed yourself to feel the emotion without running away from it.
A girl in love with her best friend.
A boy in love with his best friend.
Best friends who are stupidly in love with each other.
this was wayy longer than i thought. i liked this a lot more than i thought i would, too. i hope you enjoyed it just as much :D
tags: @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @raajali3
crossed out= not able to tag
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
Who exactly is this about? (I'm Not That Girl)
When you are finding someone to play Elphaba in a production of Wicked, you need someone with range. Not just vocal range, but acting skill. Because they need to be able to perform with the stage presence and anger inherent in Defying Gravity, but they also need to be able to reach the devastating low that is I'm Not That Girl.
To me, I'm Not That Girl is at the core of what Wicked is, and what musicals are in general. It is a combination of singing and acting, and is someone excelling at both.
But, I would like to drive home the queer reading of this story, and try to explain why I think that reading adds to the message and power of the musical.
Let me explain.
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I don't think I need to explain why this song hits so unbelievably hard. It's about unrequited love, and its a strength of the satire that is this musical.
Usually in musicals and fairy tales, the love story is fairly uncomplicated, with an extra option thrown in but not really given much depth and the audience doesn't really buy the drama.
Seriously, how many of you shipped Belle and Gastone?
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So, this is a song about that love not working out, not because of plot reasons, but because its entirely one sided at this point. To Elphaba's knowledge, and probably the audience's as well, Fiyero loves Galinda, and there's nothing she can do about it.
"Don't wish, don't start Wishing only wounds the heart I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl There's a girl I know He loves her so I'm not that girl"
This is the other side of love, heartbreak.
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Elphaba is a relatively rational character. She has been through the ringer and has ended up detached and restricted in her emotions. Now, someone has pushed through her barriers and she doesn't know what to do about it.
This song seems to me like Elphaba wrestling with love as a whole. Don't feel, don't try. It'll hurt too much, it's not worth the pain. So why can't she stop thinking about it?
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The term "rose and thorn" sent me down a spiral.
Both Florists' Transworld Delivery and Bloom and Wild gave a ton of meanings for roses that boiled down to "it's romantic."
Pearls meanwhile have a ton of meanings depending on the culture. The blog My Pearl proposed these, most of which did not have anything to do with love at all. According to My Pearl, pearls are commonly associated with purity, innocence, and wisdom. So, not particularly romantic. However, My Pearl did say this:
"[White Pearls] are often seen as symbols of new beginnings and are often used as gifts for special occasions such as weddings and anniversaries."
So, this is a symbol of a happy ending, and Elphaba is essentially saying that she doesn't deserve that because of her birth. In essence, she is convinced that her difference makes her unworthy of happiness, which... if you think this about yourself, please don't. I don't know who you are, but you are worthy of love.
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"Every so often we long to steal To the land of what-might-have-been But that doesn't soften the ache we feel When reality sets back in"
My main point for this series on Wicked as a whole has been that it is about dreams and reality colliding, and this verse fits with that. It's Elphaba letting herself imagine and fantasise about a stolen moment with Fiyero. Once again, at this point she has no idea that Fiyero likes her back, so this is purely theoretical.
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I have been using the free sheet music from this website for my analysis, and I would like to stress before I continue that I am far from an expert on the actual theory of music here. I can point to which bits go up and down, and can name a few chords, but I can't tell you about the intricate workings of that.
With that said, allow me to attempt some music theory.
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The time signature of this song is all over the place, split between 4/4 and 6/8. In other words, sometimes the bars finish earlier, and so the thoughts within continue, pulling you along as you wait for the conclusion.
In this song, the two signatures differentiate that splitting of reality and dreams. For example, the verse below is in 6/8 time:
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As Elphaba imagines, she breaks from reality and the verse is really flowy, almost comforting within the song. But then it ceases the second she comes back to reality.
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This keeps happening. Elphaba starts in reality, then drifts into dreams and comes crashing back down.
This time, however, the reality of the verse is about Galinda, the barrier between Elphaba and happiness, the wall she stands in her way. Although, it's a little bit odd to talk about a romantic rival in the way that Elphaba does, isn't it?
"Blithe smile, lithe limb She who's winsome, she wins him Gold hair with a gentle curl"
Let's talk about Dolly Parton.
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I genuinely had a whole section trying to argue that this song is the Jolene of musical theatre, but then multiple people mentioned it to me in person by that term, and @a-fast-rebloger referred to it as such here on tumblr. So clearly I'm preaching to the converted here.
So instead, I'm going to explain what that means.
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First up, the queer coding of Jolene is barely less than explicit, its essentially the one Romeo and Juliet speech that everyone remembers. "Romeo, romeo, am I in love with you?"
But, the song actually has a history with the queer community, with this article by Nadine Hubbs detailing its implications. The song also has covers and rewrites that bring that subtext to the forefront by Nadine Hubbs, Rainaeiry, Annapantsu (@annapantsu), Jessica Rica, and Dolly Parton herself (Although I have not been able to find footage of this), as well as arguably the versions by Lil Nas X and Caleb Hyles.
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Rainaeiry has two covers of Jolene on her youtube channel, by the way, and a cover of I'm Not That Girl that I highly recommend.
Jolene is a song about unrequited love and being unable to do anything about it, and the song focuses on the woman who forms the barrier to this love. It is a song about defeat.
"Your beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair Ivory skin and eyes of emerald green Your smile is like a breath of spring Your voice is soft like summer rain And I cannot compete with you Jolene"
Compare that with this:
"Blithe smile, lithe limb She who's winsome, she wins him Gold hair with a gentle curl That's the girl he chose And Heaven knows I'm not that girl"
This is more than just thematic parallels, this is subject overlap, and remember when I mentioned the dreams vs reality theme being expressed by the time signature? Well take a look at the time signature for that verse.
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The verse switches halfway through, as Elphaba begins describing her friend, and that dreaminess comes back as she discusses Galinda, but then dissipates when she remembers where she stands.
This is a love song by Elphaba, about Galinda. It's about how Elphaba isn't deserving, how she isn't pretty, how she isn't chosen. And who does she associate with those traits, but Galinda.
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And here is where my reading comes in, finally. I read both of these witches as either biromantic or bisexual, probably both. Galinda for reasons I will get to in a later post, but Elphaba because of this song.
This song to me, is a true love triangle. Elphaba is desperately in love with both Fiyero and Galinda, but she can't reconcile those feelings, and she can see that they both seem to make each other happy, and she doesn't want to break that for either of them. This is a song about defeat.
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I keep separating the line "I'm not that girl" from the rest of the verses, and I've been doing that for a reason. The line gets separated by the music as a melodic outlier.
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Every part of the song rises and falls. I'm not sure what this is technically called musically, but it's like a ramp or a ski jump. The notes lower slowly, then raise sharply and drop off even more so, as seen above. This matches the song as a whole, which rises and falls in the same way. But consider the following:
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This is the only line in the entire song that only descends. It is a line of resignation, as the reality weighs down on our protagonist. Once again, this is a song about someone who does not feel like she deserves love from either Fiyero or Galinda, because of how she was born.
And I will say this again: If you feel like Elphaba here, that you are undeserving of affection, then you are wrong. Everyone is worthy of love, even you.
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Final Thoughts
The correct term for this song is "heart wrenching".
While it isn't my favourite in the musical, you will just have to wait and see for that, it is definitely up there, and is one of the few numbers in all of musical theatre that I would classify as a perfect song.
Also, I would not be able to forgive myself if I wrote this post and didn't mention that Steffan Hughes' rendition of I'm Not That Girl is genuinely the most emotionally resonant video on YouTube and it needs more attention than it has.
Next week, I will be looking at One Short Day, so stick around if that interests you.
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a-halo-for-you · 7 months
Grishaverse Tribute
I'm pissed. I'm vengeful. I'm going to march on Netflix.
The cancellation is uncalled for, now all we will see in return for the snubbing of one of the best series on Netflix, with one of the best fandoms, cast and creators another stupid documentary glorifying a serial killer, another shitty teen show with no plot but plenty of sex (because sexualizing children will be something they always get away with), and another over-marketed pointless action film with some former boxer or wrestler leading it who can't really act more than one type of nice-buff guy.
In my mournful and restless vengeful spirit, I have come up with another playlist dedicated to the Grishaverse, the fans, the cast and Leigh Bardugo. This breaks their hearts so much because we know how excited and passionate they were about telling this story, and to think now so many won't be able to go on and live their beloved characters through to the end. I can't stand it.
"None of this had been fated; none of it foretold. There had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed Tailor, Heartrender twins. They were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive. But maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out. For the survivors then, Zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. And for the lost." - Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves
I got to dream through them, Shadow and Bone saved my Covid years, when I was alone in a dorm learning online, unable to be with anyone else, with no friends and no family. I had little to no confidence and was stuck in a place that scared me. But then I had Shadow and Bone, I had these amazing characters and when I dove into the books, I found so much more. (A found family is my favourite literary trope for a reason.)
“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias." - Leigh Barugo, Six of Crows
This is a playlist for all of us who are mourning and for all of us willing to fight on. I've seen petitions already posted on change.org, lets sign them all, share them all and try our best to change this while we can. Warrior Nun got their season 3. Who says we can't? Who says we shouldn't? Brick by Brick we will build our season 3, or we'll go down trying.
“Have any of you wondered what I did with all the cash Pekka Rollins gave us?" "Guns?" asked Jesper. "Ships?" queried Inej. "Bombs?" suggested Wylan. "Political bribes?" offered Nina. They all looked at Matthias. "This is where you tell us how awful we are," she whispered.” - Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
Pardon the ecclectic taste of this long playlist, but there are so many types of song that I feel fit the plot, the charcaters and themes as well as their relationships to each other. This has sparked inspiration in me to create more playlists catering to the Grishaverse and I'll do that alongside my usual playlist posts.
I would also like to say that this playlist isn't just mine, it's for everyone and I would love for any fans of the show or books to let me know if they have any songs that they love to be added to the playlist and I will do so.
There are over 60 songs on this playlist, so I'm not going to write them all here for obvious reasons, I hope none of you mind that.
For our founding mother Leigh Bardugo. For the Six of Crows; Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar. For our S+B crew; Alina Starkov, Malyen Oretsev, The Darkling, Baghra Morotzova, Nikolai Lantsov, Zoya Nazyalensky, Genya Safin, David Kostyk, Tolya Yul-Bataar, Tamar Kir- Bataar, Nadia and Adrik Zhabin.
Let the revival of Season 3 be our final grand mission.
Lets stream the show, post more art, more fanfics, more posts, more petitions. Let's fight for what we can.
No Mourners, No Funerals.
'Yuyey sesh'
'Ni weh sesh'
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k2ntwo · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
A bunch of writers that I follow have already been tagged and responded @helloliriels @khorazir @7-percent @discordantwords @totallysilvergirl to name just a few. Now I have a few new things to read that I somehow missed the first time around as well as a bunch of old favorites to go and re-read. So much good fic is out there by so many talented writers!
In the spirit of adding to folk’s ever growing MFL list I’ll just pile onto the bandwagon with my answers as well.
 1.  How many works to you have on AO3?
56 although there are several collections of snippets that technically could be counted separately. On AO3 I'm KtwoNtwo.
2.  What’s your total AO3 word count?
3.  What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Sherlock Holmes (most all iterations from ACD to Sherlock) and James Bond.  However, I dabble in a good number of other fandoms upon occasion.
4.  What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Conversations from Q-Branch
50 Reasons (The Q-Branch Edition)
A Rare Breed
Brothers Three
5.  Do you respond to comments?
Yes, even if its just a “I’m glad you liked it.”  The only ones I don’t respond to are the generic solicitations to join some random contest or fic publishing website.  Those get blocked and reported.
6.  What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I don’t really write major angst but The Four Riders has got a bit as does the poem Gun in the Drawer though they both end on a hopeful note.
7.  What’s the Fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings but probably A Toast to the Science of Deduction resolves the happiest of the lot.
8.  Do you get hate on fics.
Nope.  Only got one anonymous troll alleging trademark infringement due to a title.  I fired back a factual rebuttal: basically "there is no book by that name by that author, there is no lawyer by that name, you didn’t provide contact information and btw trademark doesn’t work the way you allege" then added a set of quotation marks to the title.  Never heard anything more about it.
9.  Do you write smut?
I have but I’m not terribly good at it.  Most of the time the characters look at me then politely, or not so politely, shut the bedroom door in my face.
10.  Do you write crossovers?
Oh God Yes!  Technically I think I write fusions, where both fandoms end up in the same universe, as opposed to crossovers but I’m rather unclear on the difference between same so I tend to just call 'em crossovers and leave it at that. 
11.  Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I could find or prove.  I did have a couple of strange search results pop up with my use name and some fic titles attached but the websites all seem to be defunct now.
12.  Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
13.  Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14.  What’s your favorite ship?
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
15.  What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There’s a fic based on a song by Abney Park that I’ve got an outline for but it never seems to go anywhere.
16.  What are your writing strengths?
I can merge and/or crossover all sorts of different fandoms. 
17.  What are your writing weaknesses?
Typos and punctuation.  Being slightly dyslexic I can’t spot the former and I never know if I’m using commas correctly or not.
18.  Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actively avoid doing so because I’d butcher it badly.
19.  First fandom you wrote for?
Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker.  I will admit that I wrote in my head, but never got around to put on paper, a number of Star Trek stories when I was significantly younger.
20.  Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I like all of them for different reasons.  The one I’m most proud of however is The Emerald Falls my Study in Emerald inspired ACD Fic.
I'd love to have some of the artists/podcasters respond to this with whatever modifications are necessary to fit the medium involved. Hours of podcast or number of artworks as opposed to number of words for example. @podfixx @bluebellofbakerstreet if you haven't responded to this thing already and I just missed it.
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athena-xox · 5 months
Eah ships and their Taylor Swift song
Tailor Quick
Dexven - The Archer
I could have said enchanted but that’s a copout. Anyways when I first listened to lover and heard the archer I immediately thought of them. “I cut off my nose, just to spite my face” is so Raven and her relationship with her mom. “I’ve got a hundred thrown up speeches I almost said to you” is also literally dexter. “All of my heroes die all alone” raven mfn queen. I could literally quote any lyric and related it to dexter raven or their relationship.
Dizzie - King Of My Heart
You know how in songs people don’t say normal things? And how they say like metaphors, rhymes and weird extra or missing words? That’s literally riddlish. And komh feels very Lizzie coded. And the title speaks for itself.
Dappling - Paper Rings
I also thought this immediately when I heard the song that it was very much apple and Darling. The fact that paper rings literally says darling in it… The archer is from both raven/dexters perspectives but paper rings is specifically Apples perspective of Darling. “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” I rest my case.
Bribelle - Don’t Blame Me alternatively I Can See You
I literally don’t have to say anything. For either song.
Huntlynn - Love Story
Forbidden love. Sneaking out to a garden is so Huntlynn coded. Just like the visuals of it all>>
Heartlockes - You Are In Love or “Slut!”
And historians will call them roommates. “One night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says, you’re my best friend. And you knew what it was, he is in love” but like replace he with she. My fav friends to lovers. Unrelated but I was so shocked when I found out so many people hate Blondie. Also I could see this song from either perspective. And with slut it’s basically the same song just sm more aesthetic and well I feel like people would probably call Cupid a slut (my poor baby) because god (fairygod? Narrative? Gods? Grimm?) Forbid a goddess of love talk about… love.
Farrahlynn - tolerate it
Istg they need a better ship name. But no one ships them !! *Sighs* I see them as tragic unrequited in love with your childhood best friend who has a boyfriend and is now popular. Literally any song off of evermore fits them. I want more people to ship them!! If I had to give a happy (ish) song I’d say snow on the beach.
Dexpid - Foolish One
I like to forget Cupid ever had a crush on dexter. But if I had to acknowledge it it’s fs foolish one.
Bunnistair - Wonderland
I mean we knew it was coming. Also wtf is their ship name. Going with my personal hc (aka my canon ‘rearrangement’) I like to think that Alistair wasn’t also a wonderlandian and that he found wonderland (lmao Chissy Columbus) after Lizzie, Kitty, Maddie, Hatter and the White Queen had already left. And like he fulfilled his whole destiny literally missing the mad hatter, Cheshire Cat, and Queen of hearts. And that he lowkey went insane there.
Crystlynn - Forever Winter
More of athena rearranging canon; evil crystal!! And like basically the snow queen and crystal (snow king erasure bc what was the point in making him be the one who goes all crazy instead of the literal snow queen) purposefully mad it winter forever because they’re villain (Jackie Frost and Northwind erasure because they’re fucking useless and annoying). But like Crystal deep inside doesn’t want to be a villain and Ashlynn slowly starts melting (haha) her cold exterior. But then Crystals like sike and that’s when this song takes place. (I beg people to start shipping Ash/Crystal and Ash/Farrah more)
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masterisabelle · 5 months
axis from undertale yellow
Favourite thing about him:
ROBOT ROBOR WEEEE- also he’s an angry horny gremlin that is consistently funny, I absolutely love comedic characters
Least favourite thing about him:
There is not enough Axis in the actual game, once you leave SteamWorks he is gone from the story similar to Dalv, only being relevant in story outside of the game which is pre-undertale yellow. He doesn’t get to contribute as much and you can only get extra stuff if you backtrack which many players will probably not do. I wish he got to interact with other main characters and contribute to the plot.
Favourite line:
(Hands clover a trash can lid) “HOLD THIS, IT SUITS YOU”
I think he and clover could’ve been bros, if he got more screen time that is, clover is the calm listener and axis would probably vent a lot to him since he finally has someone to talk to
Well it’s basically canon that he absolutely loves daisy (canon name for the spouse we made I think), I saw a friend ship him with Trashy and I think that’s funny and awesome. I personally ship him with guardener because they’re both robots in the same area, who are super lonely and probably dealing with depression in different ways, they deserve each other. I love ship dynamics like that (tall calm and angry small gremlin)
Just don’t ship him with children
Random headcanon:
Axis has a memory backup thing where he has the memories of all previous models, he remembers every time he malfunctioned and probably knows he lost Chujin his job, he feels really bad about that and doesn’t understand why Chujin still treats him so well, which is why he really looks up to him.
Unpopular opinion:
as funny as the spouse moment is I feel kinda bad that we basically let him live in blissful ignorance with a pile of trash, it just feels sad and pathetic, he was that lonely and instead of offering him companionship we just threw him a bone and ran away. He deserves an actual spouse at the very least (like bro guardener was right there arrange a date with her or something)
Song I associate with him:
I don’t have a song since I mainly listen to a lot of vocaloids that don’t suit him a lot but there’s a game ost I think fits him, omori ost Chaos Assembly
Favourite image of him:
I can’t pick a favourite so I’ll show a few and you can use to your heart’s content
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Also any fanart of him is my favourite image ❤️
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autumnalwalker · 5 months
Songs and Ships Tag
Rules: write about two to five songs from them that represent your a ship between your ocs (it can be platonic or romantic or a secret third thing). then add a quote from said wip (if possible!) underneath it.
Thank you for the tag, @theprissythumbelina.
Passing the (optional) tag to @blind-the-winds, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @void-botanist, @theimperiumchronicles, @ieppiq, and an open tag to anyone else who wants to join in.
So, now here's Sullivan and Road from Empty Names being "a secret third thing". Think of these all as being sung from Sullivan's perspective to Road, and in roughly chronological order:
Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf
Dear fellow traveler under the moon I saw you standing in the shadows and your eyes were blue You put your hand out, opened the door You said, "Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more"
You spoke my language and touched my limbs It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again And in our travels, we found our roads You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose
Eternity by Mizz Fish
Friends like you are hard to find So I’ll stick with you til the end of the line We aren’t perfect but that’s alright
All your dreams, your passions, ambitions You’ve told them to me like a man on a mission And I’ve done the same to you many times
Somehow we made our way here just by lookin around Somehow we knew what was lost had somehow been found Because of you I knew I could be who I wanted to be without feelin a fool In front of those who don’t understand Because of you I knew that sometimes you may be hurtin But that cannot stop you from feelin deserving And following your dreams You come runnin when I fall even if I don’t make a call for help No one needs their eyes to see We’ll be friends for eternity
Trying times and metal struggles I know for a fact you’ll be there on the double Because you won’t want me to feel alone
And anytime you need someone beside you A shoulder to cry on, a friend to stay true You know I would never let you down
The Funnyman's Smile by Michael McCormic Jr.
Well, I had a dream I was trapped in a cave with nothing but a magic lamp I polished its side, and out you came with gold shackles around your hands You said, "Son, I think there's something people like you and me should know" Life is more than empty jokes and putting on a show 'Cause you can make the world smile, and get nothing in return And in the end you find that what you give is what they think you're worth Then you offered me three wishes, but I saw only one worth while" I said, "I want the chance to make the Funnyman smile Oh, give me a chance, a chance to show you"
Funnyman, you're not alone No, even when you're crying I'll be there to hold you close And tell you everything will be alright
Because doctors still need checkups Bartenders need a drink or two The funnyman, still needs to smile And these days, I do, too 'Cause all the times you made me laugh Now they feel a little colder To know that when life knocked you down You cried on your own shoulder 'Cause you can make the world forget its problems for a while But who was there to make you smile? Tell me, who was there to make the Funnyman smile? Oh, to make the Funnyman smile
Ship in a Bottle by fin
You can fit everything you know In a bottle for you to show Pick your brain apart and put it in And build it again with needles and pins Everything you have earned is a ship With blue waves crashing into it But nothing can touch your happy thoughts anymore With your glass ceiling, walls, and floor
Between My Teeth by Orla Gartland
And I-I-I bite my tongue 'Cause I don't know how to tell you I'm getting this urge to run And I-I-I bite my tongue 'Cause I don't know how to tell you Oh, you deserve someone else Who can treat you like I want to
Oh, ah, ah, please don't lean on me 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth I, I think I better leave 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth I can't take the pressure of it, I can barely breathe Ah, ah, please don't lean on me 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth, no
Turtles All The Way Down by Sammy Copely
See, I could choose for the both of us And you'd just go along because You've trusted me for no good reason Love no matter what the season
Force the last page of our story You're my favourite allegory Hope to god that you'll forgive me My mistakes will long outlive me Mine, mine is the unkind, kindest cut of all And I'll watch you fall
And I don't know if this makes it any easier Perhaps you'll find comfort when I say You and I are nothing more than meteors Never meant to live long past today
Yes, I'll choose for the both of us You'll just go along because You've trusted me against your judgement You deserve someone who doesn't
Force the last page of your story No more boring allegories Hope to god you'll rise above me Though you'll always be part of me Mine, mine is the unkind, kindest cut of all I'll watch you fall
Now watch me fall
And now a snippet:
“I see.  I’ll leave you to it then.  Just try not to rough anyone up too badly while you’re there.”
“Of course not.”  Unlike with this job, Sullivan had given his friend his word about certain aspects of his conduct ahead of time.  It had been long indeed since the last time his friend had simply explained a situation and left with no implication other than that they wouldn’t ask questions about what Sullivan chose to do with the information.  It was certainly one way to keep their conscience clean.  “Sleep tight,” he adds.
“I’ll try.  See you later.” 
The line goes silent but there’s no click of a hangup.
Sullivan moves to the kitchen, checks the freezer, and finds it surprisingly boring.  No stashed electronics, frozen potions, or preserved body parts.  He grabs a carton of ice cream, kicks another body out of the way so that its partially-crushed head won’t hold the door open anymore, and closes the freezer.  
Returning to the balcony, he leans over the railing, balances the carton on it and begins scooping out ice cream with a knife.  Much like the city vista below, it’s night black and speckled with glazed bits that reflect the glowing veins of light that run through it.  At least the penthouse’s late owner had good taste in something.
He glances back over his shoulder and blinks through his filters.  No significant signatures other than the already-ransacked saferoom.  He returns his gaze to the view, eats his looted ice cream and waits with his phone still up to his ear.
“Su?” his friend’s expected voice finally whispers.
“Am I a bad leader?”
“Of course not, everyone loves you.  They’d follow you anywhere.”
“But should they?”
“Hey, what brought this on?”
“This is twice now that Eris and Ashan have come back in bad shape, and every quest so far we all wind up separated.”
“That’s just a new team going through the growing pains of getting used to working together.  The point is they came back and it’s not been anything they couldn’t recover from, and you’ve been able to help everyone you’ve tried to help.  That sounds like a resounding success to me, especially for the early stages.”
“Has this happened before?”
“Do you want me to answer that?”
“No.  I don’t think I do.  It’s just…”
Sullivan’s grip on his phone tightens.
“Just what?”
“I’ve been thinking about the gaps more than I should lately.”
“And?”  They should barely be able to think about them at all.
“The list of reasons I’d want to leave them empty is pretty short, isn’t it?”
The ice cream carton tumbles down to the streets far enough below to be another world.
“You trust me?”
“For happily ever after.”
How bitter the old joke between them is.
“This isn’t going to be another gap.  I would have tried harder to talk you out of it if I thought there was a chance of that.”
“Thanks.  I needed to hear that.”
“That’s what I’m here for.  Now get some sleep.  You’ll feel better in the morning.”
“I’ll try not to dream.”
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