#i can only imagine in his head when buck did the first of many puppy dog smiles and that and he was like
gayofthefae · 2 years
It is very common for people who come from household where they received little praise or positive responses to seek out that approval in people who dislike them, an attempt at healing by ‘convincing’ this person to like you.
*ahem* Eddie in 201 *cough cough*
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dsmutp · 3 years
Learning Curve (C!Charlie Slimecicle x Reader)
Teaching Charlie was a delight.
When Quackity had put you up to the job, you hadn’t been too sure about it. Teaching someone how to be human (whatever that entailed) seemed like more than you had signed up for when you had become a resident of Las Nevadas - just imagining long hours of helping someone learn the intricacies of human life made your head ache. But Quackity had insisted, and you really had nothing better to do.
Three months into the job though, and you were quite attached to Charlie.
He was a wonderful student - eager to learn and bright enough that it never took him too long to grasp new concepts (though, as with any student, some things came more naturally than others) - and an even more wonderful friend. It was amazing how a sentient piece of goo (though it was really hard for you to think of him like that anymore) could be more kind and caring than half of the actual people you knew. 
You were pleased to say that Charlie had become quite fond of you as well. Though you were only supposed to spend six hours a day with him, oftentimes you wound up just spending your days together, wandering around the unfinished Las Nevadas after you had completed his schooling for the day, talking about whatever crossed your minds. Charlie was always eager to hear stories from your day to day life, and the amount of history he had seen just from being around for that many years never failed to make you gaze at him with wonder. 
It wouldn’t have been a stretch to say that he had become your best friend.
You certainly liked him enough - that goofy smile never failed to brighten your mood, even on the worst days, and though the slight fluidity of his skin had been off putting at first, through the amount of daps you shared, you had gotten used to it - come to enjoy it even, something that was uniquely Charlie.
For all his wonderful attributes though, there were still some times that you got a little exasperated with him. 
“Nope.” You sighed, watching as his arm bent the wrong way again. “You can’t just bend the joint that way, Charlie, that’s not how bones work.”
“But you said to hit the lever behind me..?” Charlie asked, righting his arm again. 
“Right, but with humans, remember, the joints don’t bend all the way around because of the bones.” You reminded him. “Just because your body can bend that way, doesn’t mean mine can.”
Charlie nodded slowly, but the confused look was still hovering in his eyes. 
“Do you want to go over joints and movement again?” You asked. 
Charlie smiled sheepishly. “Yes please.”
You stepped forward, extending your arms. You had done this exercise a few times before, just to help Charlie learn which body parts worked together and which joints moved in which directions. It was easy for him to forget though - his body didn’t really have limits to movement, being slime - and he had a bad habit of just throwing human joint movements away in exchange for what was the most easy at the time. 
Charlie placed his hands on your elbows, and you bent your arms, letting him feel how the joints moved and worked. “See? One way.”
“Right.” Charlie said, nodding now. His hands moved to your shoulders. “But these ones go all the way around?”
You rolled your shoulders, moving the ball joint in a circle. “Correct.”
His hands wandered down to your wrists. “Same as these?”
You rolled your wrists, nodding. 
From there, Charlie’s hands found your hips. “But these ones only go forward and backward.”
“For walking.” You said, nodding. “They can go out, a little - nothing too far though.” 
Charlie nodded, his eyes wandering over your body innocently. The first few times you had done this with him, you had been a little uncomfortable - it was strange, to be treated like a scientific model, slightly slimy hands running up and down your skin, asking what each of your joints and muscles did. But over time, you had gotten used to it - Charlie was only curious to learn, after all, and you were more than willing to help.
A hand over your crotch startled you, and you broke out of your train of thought, raising an eyebrow at Charlie. He only blinked at you though, saying, “You never said what this part’s for.”
You closed your eyes, steeling yourself. You had known this day would come, eventually - sex was a large part of human life, after all. You didn’t really want to be having ‘the talk’ with a sentient piece of goo that you had come to know and love, but you supposed it had had to come at some point. 
“It’s for sex, Charlie.”
Charlie’s eyebrows shot up. “You have a stripper pole on you?”
The comment was so out of place that you couldn’t help but bark out a laugh. “What?”
“A stripper pole.” Charlie repeated. “Like the one in the casino? Quackity said it was for sex-”
“No, no.” You said, cutting him off, still laughing. “Sex organs Charles, for the actual act. They’re part of basic human anatomy - everyone’s got some.”
Charlie’s eyes narrowed as he nodded, and movement under his pants caught your eye - the fabric shifted and pulled until it filled out a little more - like his very skin was reshaping itself to include what you had just told him. 
It was then that you realized that Charlie might be the answer to every sexual fantasy you had ever had. 
It didn’t take much convincing to get Charlie into bed with you.
You had always known that he had had something of a puppy dog crush on you - just from the way that he hung on your every word, even when you weren’t teaching, and followed you around like a little duckling. You had stopped yourself from doing anything about it though, telling yourself that it would be wrong, that he was your student - but those sentiments had faded the more time you had spent together outside of the teaching. 
They were completely gone now, as you tossed Charlie’s pants over the side of the bed. Though you were both naked as the day you were born, he was perfectly comfortable, sprawled out on the pillows like he owned the place. 
“So, again,” He started. “You want me to put my dick inside you? But not detach it? And thats sex?”
“The basics of it.” You said. “Simple stuff, really. You tell me if you don’t like it though - I don’t know exactly how it’ll feel for you.”
Charlie nodded, arranging his arms underneath his head with a smile. “I am ready to sex.”
You laughed as you straddled his hips, gently wrapping a hand around his cock and aligning it with your hole, just pressing his tip against your entrance. “Promise you’ll tell me to stop if it feels bad, okay? Just because I wanted to try this doesn’t mean you have to suck it up for me.”
“Promise.” Charlie assured you. “I won’t pretend to like it just because you do- hhh.”
You sank down on his cock, reveling at the feeling - there was almost no stretch as he entered you, the slime of his body simply moving like a liquid, filling out your insides completely without having the painful stretch around your entrance. Every nerve ending in you lit up at the contact - the slime filled every space without pushing too far - Charlie’s cock had molded to you completely, hitting all your spots without even trying.
“Wow.” You breathed, placing the palms of your hands on Charlie’s chest. “This is- wow. How’re you feeling Charlie?”
Underneath you, Charlie was in a daze, eyes glazed over as he stared at some point past your shoulder. His mouth moved, but only a long string of syllables came out - more like a moan than any real words.
“Descriptors, love.” You prompted, shifting to place your hands on either side of his face. 
Charlie let out a breathy whimper, his hands finding purchase on your hips, squeezing the skin there. “Good.” He said. “Very very good, uh, sort of tingly? And warm? I-I don’t really know words for it…”
You smiled, caressing his hair. “Good.” You said. It was good to know that it felt pleasurable for him - you weren’t quite sure how slime anatomy worked, and if human sex was something that he would enjoy, but now that you knew it felt as good for him as it did for you, you had no intention of holding back.
You began to rock, slowly, rolling your hips over Charlie’s and letting his cock begin to rub against your walls. Charlie’s fingers dug into your hips more as his breathing canted upwards, instinct taking over as he bucked up into you a few times. You welcomed the movement, using the momentum to fuck yourself down on him harder, savoring the feeling of him running over your nerves, lighting you up from the inside. 
Charlie let out another whimper, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips, still keeping your hands framed gently around his face. Charlie kissed back eagerly, releasing his little whimpers and moans into your mouth now, the hands at your hips moving up to your lower back, holding on for dear life.
“You’re doing so well.” You cooed, feeling that familiar coil begin to tighten in your gut. “You’re a natural, Charlie.”
“Really?” Charlie said, a grin overtaking his features. His slimy complexion really didn’t allow for a blush, but you could see the flushed pride just in his expression.
“Really.” You gasped out as a particularly good thrust made your head spin. Your hands fell from Charlie’s face as you instead buried your face into the crook of his neck with a groan, rolling your hips down with more intensity now, chasing your orgasm. Without the painful stretch in the beginning, you were reaching it so much more quickly now - though it probably also helped that Charlie’s cock had become a perfect fill for your insides too - leaving no nerve ending spared.
“Mmmm.” Charlie tipped his head back as he moaned, lips pressing together into a thin line. “It feels different now.” He said, voice shaky. “Bigger, I think?” He tried. 
“That’s supposed to happen.” You said, speeding up your thrusts, for both your sake and Charlie’s. You were getting to the brink of orgasm now, the pleasure making it’s way all the way down your legs and to your toes. It was only a moment more before you were shaking with it, the rolling of your hips slowing as you rode out your high. 
Charlie groaned underneath you, tipping his head back into the pillows as the slime inside you rippled, the sensation making you moan at the strangeness of it. You hadn’t really known what his orgasm was going to look (or feel) like, but you hadn’t been expecting that. 
For a moment, you just laid there, head still tucked under Charlie’s jaw as you both caught your breath, just feeling him breathe.
“That was pretty fun.” Charlie said. “It felt weird, but good weird.”
You sat up, rolling off him to sprawl out on the rest of the bed, his cock sliding out as easily as it had gone in. “Glad you liked it.” You said, letting yourself stretch out into a boneless heap. “For your first time ever, you were really good, Charlie.”
Charlie beamed at the praise, and you pressed a kiss to his cheek. You were definitely going to be doing that again.
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aussiepoguepunk · 3 years
Perfect Storm pt3 (JJ Maybank x reader)
Summary: heartbreak is hurting JJ in more ways than one.
Warning: angst, mention of pain, crying, JJ's lungs, smut,
Part1 part2
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Why would you do that?” JJ tried to stop himself, but going on not knowing, it was killing him. In that moment JJ was more vulnerable than he had ever been in front of another living soul. He was anxious and confused, his throat burning as a consequence of the sobs that filled his sleep. Heartbreak and desperation tightening around his lungs, awaking that all too familiar pain in his chest.
 “If you rejected me, fine. If nothing happened an-and we kept-'' JJ paused, his lungs tightening. “-kept on the way we’ve always been, I-I-I wouldn’t be confused,” Tears had begun streaming down JJ’s cheeks and he didn’t care at this point. “but..but why kiss me if you were just gonna ...I-I…” JJ ran both his hands through his hair, only making it messier in doing so. “I don’t understand.” he whispered, letting himself cry again with his head in his hands. The sound of his sadness echoing quietly through the van.
Y/n felt her heart shatter. She’d made a mistake in thinking he didn’t have feelings for her.
JJ’s muscles tensed from the unexpected contact. Y/n having wrapped her arms around the boy, one around his back, the other coming under his chin.
“I’m so sorry, JJ.” She rested her head lightly on his shoulder that shook with each of the boys’ quiet cries. “I was trying to prevent anything from getting too complicated. When you said you had a thing for me I misunderstood and thought it was just in a sexual way.” She hugged him tighter. “I never meant to hurt you.”
JJ tried to stop crying but his lungs felt like they were on fire. In an attempt to cope, even though he knew it would do nothing, he clutched the fabric that covered his chest. A weak cry of pain barely leaving his mouth. 
Y/n removed her arms from around the blonde. “JJ, please stop crying” she brought her hands to his face, getting him to face her. It was then that she saw his red puffy eyes. JJ had always been a master of puppy dog eyes, so to see their beautiful blue colour stained with sadness was unbearable. He still held his chest, strands of his hair sticking out in all directions.
“It...it hurts.” JJ sobbed, beginning to move away. Y/n pulled him back to her.
“I know, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I should have talked to you about it, I was just-”
“N-No my...my lungs” he managed to correct her.
It took Y/n a second to realize what he was talking about, but once she had her only concern was him. Well, more than before. 
“Shit. Okay, do you think you can move to the back of the van? Maybe lay down.” Y/n asked, a new tone of concern and care taking over her voice. JJ only shook his head, breathing becoming more difficult as he continued to cry. 
“What-how do you usually stop the pain?” Y/n tried not to sound alarmed.
“I... c-c-calm.” JJ whimpered.
“Alright just… hey JJ...hey come on” she tried to get him to look at her again but he was beginning to panic.
There were probably a dozen other things y/n could have done but she didn’t have time to think about them all, she just went with her gut. Guiding JJ out from behind the steering wheel, she pushed his shoulders back. Y/n sat herself on one of JJ’s legs and took his face in her hands, kissing him gently. JJ froze, his breath caught in his throat, letting out a long exhale when Y/n pulled away.
“You’re okay J. I got you, alright.” she hummed. JJ looked up at her, his breathing slowly steadying as he tried to speak. “Shhh. Breathing first. Talking later.” Y/n hushed, pushing back stray hairs that had fallen on the boy's forehead.
JJ let himself lean into her touch, the fiery pain in his chest gradually dying. His fingers toyed with the hem of the sweatpants pockets to further calm his nerves and focused on Y/n as she fixed his disheveled hair, listening to her sigh quietly once she brought her attention back to him. JJ closed his eyes at the feeling of gentle hands on the back of his neck, moving his hands up from the pockets of the sweatpants to hold her sides. It was a peaceful moment, the boys breathing stabilizing as a welcoming warmth fluttered in his stomach.
After a small movement on Y/n’s behalf the warmth and anything JJ felt was feeling overshadowed, a grunt being drawn from the surfer. 
“What? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Y/n panicked, trying to move away when JJ held her sides tighter, releasing whimper that sounded desperate, and more needy.
“nothi- mmh- Nothing’s wrong, just-” He tried to speak but JJ had become painfully aware of the placement of Y/n’s knee and where it kept grazing everytime she moved while she straddled one of his legs.
“Oh, God! P-Please stop moving!” JJ pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut when Y/n’s knee brushed against his groin again.
“Am I hurting you? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d be too heavy.” With a small voice she apologised and began to push herself off of him, only to be pulled back.
“No! Fuck. You’re not too heavy, Y/n.” JJ took a quick glance between the two before letting his head fall back on the seat . “Y-Your knee just isn’t in the best place for you to keep moving around like that.” 
Her face glowed red once Y/n noticed what was happening. A tingling sensation beginning between her thighs.
“If you could just- mgh- just give me a minute to-mmh” he stopped when she began to litter his jaw with kisses.
“I’m...here...to...help you J” she whispered against his neck.
“Let’s move to the back then” JJ gestured to the vans back seat.
A hoodie and JJ’s boxers were all that kept them apart as he pulled her to sit on his leg again, desperate kisses and needy hands bringing them closer. Gripping her hips firmly, he guided her centre to slowly rock back and forth on his thigh, cherishing the little whines she released at the contact. The pace he kept her at was torture. Fighting against JJ’s stong hold, she did anything she could to go even the slightest bit faster. 
His thigh glistened from her arousal, feeling himself grow harder while the sounds of her wetness moving against him filled his ears.
“p-ple-ease” she breathed, gripping his shoulder tightly, trying to grind down on him more.
“You want more, baby?” he teased, somehow slowing the pace even more. She nodded eagerly, biting her lip to suppress her moans.
“You can have my fingers. Do you want that, angel?” JJ slid his right hand to rest on the inside of Y/n's leg that sat between his.
“Please J” she begged, letting a needy whimper slip past her lips.
“Well since you asked so nicely...” Carefully JJ caressed her inner thigh, making his way upwards, eventually beginning to massage her. He moved his fingers up and down through her folds, spreading them apart to toy with her clit between two fingers. Y/n gasped at touch, tingles of pleasure swirling through her. But just as it had begun, it disappeared, the wonderful feeling vanishing for only a moment as JJ freed her from the hoodie that covered her naked body. He resumed his previous actions, now using his other hand to tenderly caress her breasts. 
“Move your leg over, baby” JJ instructed, removing his hands. 
"but I like it here." Y/n whined, displeased once again with the loss of touch.
JJ pulled her forward kissing her sweetly, leaning next to her ear "So do I, baby. But I'd like you grinding on my dick even more" he whispered, his sentence very near being enough to make the girl cum then and there. 
God how she wanted him, both in the purest and most scandalous way. 
Y/n shifted her body to straddle JJ, resting her hands on his stomach as he laid back against the seat. His many hours of manual labour in different jobs had most certainly played off, leaving him with an abdomen that would put famous sculptures to shame. 
Profanities fell from her mouth, rolling her hips over the surfers tightly clothed hard-on. The girl bit her lip to suppress the uncontrollable expressions of pleasure when JJ's hips bucked upwards from underneath her. 
"This is great and all babe" he panted, slowing down the pace and lifting Y/n's hips so that she would hover barely centimeters off of him. "but if we keep going, I'm gonna cum in my boxer" 
There was a moment of silence, Y/n trying to think of words to say, all sensibility blurred for pleasure. 
JJ rushed to fill the quiet "if you don't wanna go any further, tell me. I won't do anything you don't want to." He explained. 
Y/n was happy that JJ was being a gentleman about things, it was very reassuring, but right now he looked so good layed back on that seat, torso coated from perspiration as his hands gripped her thighs. She'd much prefer to skip the chivalry. 
Anticipation began to shape her thoughts, mind imagining all the ways the two of them could express their affections. She quivered feeling her wetness leek down her inner thigh, a needy whimper leaving her.
"JJ. For my sanity and yours, can we skip over the whole 'taking it slow' thing?" She pleaded, shifting under JJ's hold in desperation of any sort of friction.
Without a word the boy lifted her from his lap. The cool leather of the seat sent goosebumps rippling over her body when it came in contact with her warm skin. 
JJ stood, removing his boxers swiftly. The bulge that previously occupied his underwear had displayed his size well, his erection now free from the constricting fabric. 
The blonde kneeled between Y/n's legs, leaving a trail of kisses upwards until their eyes met once again. 
"There are so many things I wanna do to you right now." JJ sighed, moving his fingers teasing between Y/n's thighs. He was driving her crazy.
"Can you just fuck me." y/n suggested, entirely flustered. 
JJ pretend to think for a moment. "Well I suppose eating you out can wait for another time." 
Before long the van began to rock with every movement, every thrust JJ made. The sound of Y/n panting his name was as sweet as he had dreamed. 
"Sounds so beautiful, baby." He'd whisper in her ear, kissing along her jaw, every now and then groaning when her fingernails would dig into his back. All of it building, every moan and kiss leading up to their peak. 
The climax was blissful, pure serenity away from the lighting of the storm. 
JJ rested his forehead on hers, Y/n's chest heaving up and down quickly. 
"I'm really glad we could work out our differences." JJ laughed lazily. 
"oh yeah, I really think it strengthened our relationship." y/n smiled moving wet hair away from JJ's face. 
He pulled her in to rest her head on his chest. They laid there staring at the roof peaceful and content, but something seemed off with JJ. A look of concentration painted across his face, staring at the roof as thought it was presenting him with a math problem.
"You okay, J?" Y/n ask lifting her head from his chest. JJ contemplated his answer, nervous that he might mess up the moment.
"Are we- um... you and I…" he was cut off with a soft and loving kiss.
"Yeah. We are." Y/n nodded, bitting her lip.
The blanket now comfortably draped over both of them, they held each other close for the rest of the night.
I feel like the ending could have been better. :/ but I still like it.
Taglist: @taylathornton @skyfallgazingstar @poguesarah @mysticalhearteagle-trin @wannabejjmaybankswhore @gia-maybank
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sugar-petals · 3 years
🌹 Sub!SuperM 18+ HC: Riding Their Faces
↳ NOTE. These guys... I swear. Bringing some heat to the dash right here. Enjoy the SuperMadness 👀
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word count. 3.7k | bullet points | ot7
WARNINGS. ⚠️  all explicit, cum play, latex, hair & sweat kink, bondage, spit, brat taming, toys, breath play, ass fixation going strong, dominant reader, femdom, degradation, hardcore, veins kink, graphic language, strap-ons, crying kink, clothed sex, some crack
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⌜ 💋  byun baekhyun ⌟
▸ strength: energy
not for the faint of heart. baekhyun thoroughly enjoys you giving it to him roughly; it’s the leader being led, how sexy is that
i spy with my femdom eye, baekhyun likes the bossy dommes who bring him to his knees — quite literally.
case in point: hates seeing you hold back. tells you to just bounce on him how you want it. no fumbling around, it’s gotta be hot and proper.
whatever you’re insecure about he hasn’t even noticed. the more confidently you’re taking your designated seat, the better. this shit’s gotta make him all loud and squeaky, baekhyun can’t get enough of your wild and demanding side. “don’t you dare move your hands!” — he’s already hooked.
yep, he’s part of the feral squad. and louder than the bass in jopping for that matter
small as hell face but the jaw is sharp, you can literally feel it, he fits between your legs so well
endless breath. put your pussy all over that nose, grind on it, cum all over him. society will thank you for suffocating a millionaire
like seriously the breath play is off the charts. if he’s into asphyxiation you’d not be surprised
meanwile baek’s naughty hips keep on bucking, like hello there, giving you a cheeky 69 invitation
such a cocky little shit, whiny byun all the way from those ruined orgasms he’ll be getting cuz you might just touch him with two fingers at best, you know how to keep him on his toes
swallows everything he’s like whatever, almost chokes because he’s so messy and greedy to taste you. damn baekhyun
does a “mmhhhnnn...!” sound all the time, this guy has pussy all over his face and is still more vocal than you no matter what you do
eats ass, all day if he can, knows the most shocking techniques, wants to get crushed by booty he’ll end up admitting it. no matter how big or small yours is. because remember, that face is small, everything is big to him
the type to cum on his stomach way before you do. groans a lot, then goes on even more intensely, how the hell did he just leak out five ounces of semen and still manage a whole tongue workout
slobbery and all over the place, those are tongue movements you can’t even think of in your wildest dreams
baekhyun is never content just making you cum once or just really lowkey, much less hearing you being silent. he’s a moodmaker, he naturally wants to hear you, and see you twitch like the world ends for goodness sake
brattiest tongue ever, always pulls out the taunting puppy licks, tries to grope you all the time, he’ll get a rough spanking later believe me
also gets his payback from you being crazy wet, as beautiful and cute his face might be it’s gonna end up damn ruined
not gonna lie his voice acrobatics will turn you into a waterfall that’s coming down on him
you can punish him for teasing by going raw with your hips, mochi is in wonderland, seeing stars. put his wrists in a spreader bar and go off is what i’m saying, YOLO
since baekhyun annoys the members by being so hyper in the evening, they appreciate you knocking him out for sleep. and indeed baekhyun dozes like a baby, probably using your ass as a pillow or something
you’ve drained the shit out of him and um watered the flower that is his face, so
another cupcake down, mission success, baekhyun certainly had his fill not to mention lucky you having to deal with his wildly talented mouth ahem, moral of the story annihilate him with your ass
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⌜ 💋  lee taemin ⌟
▸ strength: steaminess
you will come (heh) to discover that none of his lyrics were a lie
yeah he’s busy hot boy shit for his gal
taemin has an all-soft and plush tongue that’s super pinkish. it literally feels so good, how to ever get enough of it holy shit
it also happens to be very long so buckle up, he wants to be deep inside of you, serve and please you
probably the most slow and agile movement in the group, tantalizing is the right word for sure
prefers kissing and sucking over just licking because he’s sappy, good on him and good on you those lips are heaven and need to be used by all means
once you go on the pill, taemin will eat his own creampies straight out of you, maybe even two at once, it’s taemin c’mon he’s above-average horny lord knows how much sperm he’s hoarding
loves drowning it seems
raunchy stuff aside, he always dresses up nicely or wears the fluffy sweaters you like the most on him. what an exclusive ride, the scent of the clothing turns you on even more he’s pulling all the registers taemin is so docile and giggly
most sensual style in the group, will edge and give you goosebumps first before the main course even remotely goes down, taemin thinks in several stages hot damn he calculated this 
his face heats up so much it’s crazy, then again kkoongie capitalizes on all the warmth from the radiator so you might as well be taemin’s personal heating alright. it’s fun seeing him sweat like mad, see his neck veins bulge... ugh 
is gonna be a provocateur and try to nibble on your folds, man he just wants to get slapped around you can see right through this brat’s rowdy plan
might even want his ass played with while you ride his face so prepare for some intense contortions, fingering, butt plugs, prostate massage, the whole array, gladly taemin is flexible
always pulls it off hands-free because he’s a pro and well yeah he’s always tied up how um totally surprising
and any challenge he will meet that i guarantee you
he has immediately apparent shinee concert stamina, longevity like his career, taemin can lend his face to your purposes for the whole night he doesn’t care if he needs to chuck it in the freezer afterwards
bonus: if taemin doesn’t at some point wear one of his glittery masks for sexy time, somebody is probably impersonating him and it’s not the real lee taemin i’m afraid
so many orgasms you’ll stop counting, one blends into the other, even if you’re not moving much, how does he do it
that being said gee can we just appreciate how beautiful his face is, everything about him, it’s gonna be so sexy and soft to kiss him to sleep oh my god
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⌜ 💋  kim jongin ⌟
▸ strength: escalating
just how industrious is he? dammit kai is the rent due or something, this shit is not a comeback stage cool down
jongin is needy as fuck, he’s desperate to taste you especially in the morning when his lips are all plump
since then he’s skipped his skin care routine you do the bulk of the moisturizing you see
jokes aside get ready for whimpery kai thrusting his face right into you because he can, should you need something to hold onto, his thighs are literally right there
constant high-pitched moans, some during quick pauses, others stifled, kai are you okay he’s really going all out 
so thirsty
if you don’t put a harness on him for this you’re missing out, also you need something to hold this wild slutty motherfucker in place
rock-hard throughout, harder than a goddamn superm choreography
also: sturdy chin that can take a lot, it’s made to be sat on
does a lot of the work, very active, main dancer vibes you know, you can be lazy and just enjoy
most continuous style in the group, gradually getting more and more passionate and nervous — the second you thought it gets boring he goes off, have fun losing your mind and seeing him basically K.O. himself
if he wants to make you cum, rapid tongue jabs deep into your clit, and his hard breath against it, no fair play in here
absolutely has a thing for your shaking thighs, like what the hell he’s blowing a huge load the more you tremble, and he’s goddamn crying from pleasure every time woah
those big ole lips are an absolute treat, yeah i’ll say it again his face is meant for this
wants to be called all kinds of names wow jongin, it just spurs him more
kai. is. so. good. 
you can most definitely film your own POV cam, jongin can put on one hell of a show. just this time it’s not his eyes flirting with the camera, it’s his tongue getting a nice rough treatment oh yum
don’t get me wrong he can deliver a romantic version of this, but kai just likes you being tough on his face he can’t deny it
uses his hands so you can ride him even harder, all his teddy bears will be falling off the bed like dominoes
might one day ascend to heaven while giving head, wouldn’t regret it
can do it until complete exhaustion you guys just pass out
being such an oral workaholic do i sense a masochist streak in him there? 
fucking typical capricorn
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⌜ 💋  wong yukhei ⌟
▸ strength: appetite
first off yukhei is hilarious
it’s called eating out and that’s exactly what he does duh, he’s not nicknamed foodcas for no reason — the restaurant is open my dear, and he just served himself five courses (you)
gets super sweaty, forehead and down the neck, a 6′0 glazed bun can you imagine
giggles a lot, makes the atmosphere relaxed, loves banter before and after, an allround sweet experience
though beware, this guy is hungry. most prone to open his mouth super wide he wants to eat all of you at once
don’t tell kun how nasty he is, much less leader baekhyun, promise me that
and especially nosy kai should not hear about what sexy shit yukhei is doing in his freetime unless you want to trigger a war 
that being said the wayv dorm is still the safest place to sit on his face, so. it’s a lawless land there, nobody gives a fuck anymore at this point. yangyang would not even blink if ten murdered someone in cold blood on the balcony, that’s how the atmosphere there can be best described
lucas being a far more harmless himbo still ironically fits into the environment being so sexually insatiable, just how often are you going to fuck? it’s only natural to lose the overview
he loudly pouts and complains when it ends, wants to go on and on, you need a lotta stamina to get with this guy this is not a warning it’s a fact — yukhei really wants to tire himself out and give everything
if you lower your thighs just a little you can feel his dangly earrings. kinda sexy but also a safety concern i know i know, he’s not gonna wear them next time 
noisy as heck, wants to do well, always goes the extra mile to be sure you are all happy and satisfied with today’s dining
his tongue is... big...
we’re not gonna talk about that giant bulge either, such a huge tent in those pants it’s a whole camping ground. anyway
what we’ll talk about. his super soft blonde hair, we’re talking salon quality soft, that’s amazing to feel against your legs, it’s great to pull as well, or to twirl really playfully
though there’s not much playful going down when the initial inhibition drops
he’s not made of glass you can really get those hips going
sliding down his nose when you’re all wet... damn good stuff.
lucas is the kinda guy that has you grunting and gritting he loves your reactions, and how aggressive you can get. usually he’s the reaction king but like this? he can get used to it.
totally into having that kinda frog perspective it’s a whole new thing, he’s such a giant now he’s below you, the sight is just superb to him
less likely to have toys involved, but rather a bunch of rope for his chest, his arms, his long ass legs. yukhei is a bondage insider tip y’all
stable as a block of metal. if you go a little too wild on baekhyun he’s probably gonna break his mochi neck but lucas is a different calibre, this mf is made of giant muscles galore, i can only say one thing: finish him
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⌜ 💋  mark lee ⌟
▸ strength: speed
talks a lot, even occasionally curses — instantly apologizing, but you curse right back, so this becomes the cussing olympics at some point, taeyong would bury his face in the ground all his parenting efforts have gone to waste
mark basically chokes himself
he can’t control his spit by all means jesus... in his own words: must be the drip then
next to taemin and baekhyun here we have the third drowning victim, mark is in serious need of multiple tissues or towels afterwards but that’s exactly what he likes
mark’s slutty side is not to be underestimated i’m warning you
that’s a healthy young man right here
loves to do quickies to get you off during daytime, if you’re horny just tell him and he’ll find a quiet spot, might do it on his knees rather than you riding him sometimes for practical reasons 
all options open, mark is flexible af. if someone can promote with nct dream and superm at the same time that’s the result
so yeah you’ll experiment with positions and even outfits, what’s the most comfortable to wear? 
few people even remotely think about this. mark himself stays in his signature sweater but the glasses come off, you know very well he’s a nerd without them he has nothing to prove lmao!
the clothes will be cozy but don’t let that fool you yet alright
this guy has watched too much porn to just keep it light and cute
don’t get me wrong you can baby him ad nauseam for the more gentle femdom moods
but at the end of the day mark loves some intense shit, he likes feisty girls who aren’t coy and subby, the more perverted you are the better, in fact he enjoys being shocked with brazen attitude and getting orders on what to do.
loves it when you to take it all out on him, rough is good. mark lee’s face is the rodeo range of super m alright, just don’t break his glorious jaw or anything, he still needs it okay
but yeah mark’s face is tempting to ride hard not gonna lie
his tongue can go so fast it’s at the speed of sound, no, the speed of fucking light. mark goes crazy on your clit, wait a few seconds, boom five orgasms rain down on you. 
it’s like an anime swordsman just lifting the sword hilt, walking off calmly, and one minute later things are in shambles like how? mark’s sword tech is just epic like that
he’s a leo what did we expect, show-off
in the meantime, RIP to mark lee’s pants. they’ll be soaked with cum, gonna be a bitch to hide your clothes from taeyong who’s always eager to wash everything by himself
that aside, mark really enjoys the position, he doesn’t need much else to be honest, he goes “oh my god oh shit” enough for you to know
thank god he’s a rapper, otherwise his dang technique would be dangerous, he doesn’t breathe for half a minute or so
enjoys you really doing shallow thrusts, super fast and sloppy, loves how much you enjoy it
needless to say: breaks a guinness world record for most licks per second, it’s that mark lee flow
long story short his face is your favorite spot he can prepare for a daily session
all that practice on water melons paid off good job markly
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⌜ 💋  ten lee ⌟
▸ strength: allround skill
you know a pro by how he’s offering you a tall glass of water beforehand
and by the way he’s chugging one himself
champion, a keeper
you’re guaranteed to love it, ten is amazing
takes his time, gets to know your every inch, figures out your soft spots in a matter of minutes to seconds
everything for his sexy mama, service sub right here
take him on a leash, grind on his lips, make him kiss your clit, he’ll respond by circling his tongue around obediently
chittaphon might be a little fidgety at the beginning, but the atmosphere is not as tense anymore after doing it two or three times. 
ten is actually quite good cracking lighthearted jokes and showing his more extroverted side, he always gets like that with a partner. 
you have an easy time with build-up conversations and communicating in general, same with aftercare pillow talk
that being said the degree of professionalism this guy is heading for needs a lot of talk in the first place. 
ten likes doing advanced things that aren’t just intuitively understood, you need to exchange yourself a lot
through trial and error you figure out how to incorporate sex toys into the little routine you have going on
the pleasure will be so intense you’ll never want anything else fuck
ten is also down for a lot of moving around, some athletic shit
you’ll go from bouncing on his dick to smothering his face back and forth pretty much, let’s see how fast you’re gonna bust a huge nut like that my bet is five minutes
those like “oh... ah—” moans are just angelic
since he focuses so much on your erogenous zones and always keeps his hands involved, ten is always guaranteed to have you breaking a major sweat
ten does not like to eat any fruits, they say. well that’s true, because he’s too busy eating you that is. boy can basically retire from citizenhood, he’s that busy between your legs. 
enough fruit juice for an entire week impending, don’t worry about his nutrients, this is also a form of diet.
uses his chin, his cheeks, the nose especially, the damn nose it’s perfectly shaped
wants you to really ride him hard, and fast, no holds barred at all, going so feral he’ll be squeezing his eyes shut
sometimes his hair gets in the way, it’s just so damn long. the result: hair ties for face-sitting, always on his wrist
among all members, buries his face the deepest, turns him on so much
always makes sure you’re both washed up, no impromptu sessions. ten is a hygiene priest and he’s right
the mattress is kinda bouncy and he always uses his favorite soft pillow under his head so you can definitely take mister ten lee to pound town like work your hips give it to him
in case he survives i send my congrats, you got yourself the right guy, terrific choice queen
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⌜ 💋  lee taeyong ⌟
▸ strength: ideas
how much more religiously can he eat you out, he treats this like the best reward he can get
as you can probably tell by now, all the lee surname members are definitely a certain brand and clan of highly distinguished pussy eaters like, these guys are a fucking gang like... well taeyong is no different
reckless abandon oral, eats you like it’s the last day, even death fears lee taeyong when he’s in giving head mode
you might be showering together beforehand and be all shy and kissy like it’s puppy love. but that is all for naught when the tongue of god is unleashed and taeyong gets himself as messed up as he can
yeah i like the thought of god being incarnated as kinky taeyong begging to have his mouth spit and cummed in it just makes sense
very deep mumbles, very hard breathing, those veiny hands on your waist, he wants to make you feel good so bad, fuck he’s so sexy
intense facial expressions, need i say more
also um... he likes to be... threatened. he’s the student you’re the teacher, strict as hell surveying his every move, the more you yell at him the harder he gets, jesus christ he has a thing for you acting mad and shit
taeyong doesn’t even need you to pull off your underwear, he’s gone get through any type of fabric with that leaking mouth
let’s just say he likes to experiment with innovative techniques... anyway, taeyong is a nasty fucking freak, he’s a grade A hoe, you never know what to expect
one time he just licks like a shy doe, the next second slurping explosion 5000
imagine whipping his thighs with a riding crop while sitting right on that ultra gorgeous elven prince face like
taeyong is almost always getting super emotional. he sheds even more tears than kai, like at some point you’ll develop a crying kink because of him SOS
nervous as hell, shaky hands. that can easily be fixed sir let’s tie em up
has you moaning nonstop, he’s so engaged and so dead-on with his movements. don’t be surprised if this damned man has your eyes almost falling out
beware, this guy is into full-on sensual deprivation as well. blindfolds are only the start. 
you might end up with a whole lotta black latex involved, who knows, a whole gimp on him he’s down for that, he learned from ten what it is blame chittaphon’s vast kinky knowledge
even better: while you’re grinding on him, taeyong likes you pumping his cock with a fleshlight with zero mercy until he yelps in tiny oops
hell he might ask you to roughly fuck his face with a strap and then ride it, the mister likes double treats huh
then again: wants it to be degrading and dirty and intense on some days, and really wholesome and romantic on others
especially aftercare will be sweet and dulcet, you take care of him, pepper him with kisses for being such a dutiful boy.
looks pretty no matter what. maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s tyongbelline. yeah just how handsome is that face and hair like... t’yongreal paris in full splendor
long story short he’s an oral deity. i rest my case howdy and goodbye see you next time aye
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superm masterlist
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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cafeacademic · 3 years
omg congrats on your milestone!!!! here’s to many more *clink clink*,,, anyways i loVED YOUR ‘off the record’ with fox, and i’m a s1ut for him sOOO maybe prompt 31? f/gn!reader is cool!!
Fox sluts unite I love that man so much. here is some pure smut for our man because he deserves some time off and a bunch of smooches. hope you enjoy my lovely thank you for all your support <33
also i saw that you were working on a new fox thing as well very excited for that👀👀
On Background
click above for AO3 link
Pairing: Fox x Reader
Rating: Explicit (You know the drill)
Warnings: PiV sex, oral sex (m receiving), orgasm denial, teasing, semi-public sex, some objectification of reader (but it's pretty tame)
Word Count: 2.2k
When Fox stumbled into your apartment one night, the first thing he saw was you slamming the door to your closet closed.
“You alright, princess?” he asked warily. He rolled his neck as he removed his bucket, trying to ease some of the tension of the day.
“Yep!” you said a little too eagerly. Fox closed the gap between the two of you, lifting your chin with his forefinger. You looked up at him innocently.
“What are you hiding?” he teased. Leaning into his touch, you smirked.
“Oh, just work stuff. Wouldn’t want to bore you,” you said. Fox narrowed his eyes but didn’t press you further. “Are you working the Chancellor’s speech tomorrow?”
“Don’t remind me,” Fox groaned. The Chancellor’s annual speech was never a fun night for the Guard; they often had to arrive early to help set up, listening to Palpatine fuss for several hours before the actual main event. If that wasn’t already draining, they often had to hear faux praise from the various elites that attended the event, though they knew that most considered them less than human. Sensing that Fox was getting lost in his thoughts, you reached up to plant a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I’ll make sure to stop by then,” you said, snuggling into his hold. Fox rested his chin on the top of your head, enjoying the feeling of being held.
The next day, Fox was running around, trying to ensure that everything was set up for the Chancellor’s speech, at least security-wise. In between pretending to listen to the demands of Palpatine and downing cups of caf from the break room, he would respond to the silly comms you would send him. On typical days, you would complain about your coworkers or send him pictures of cute lothcats you saw on the holonet. Today, however, your messages were suspiciously short.
“Miss you xoxo,” your last message read. That had been nearly two hours ago, and Fox hadn’t heard from you since. It was probably for the best, considering how much work he had to do, but it still hurt a bit.
“Are you stopping by?” he tapped out a message to you. A few minutes later, his commlink buzzed.
“Something came up. Have to take the time to get ready for a work thing tonight,” you replied. Normally, Fox would have sulked at the fact that you couldn’t visit, but he was instead intrigued by the fact that you had followed up your message with a photo attachment.
He nearly dropped the comm when he opened the picture. You were laid out on your bed, crisp white blouse unbuttoned and falling off your shoulder. A thin, lacy bra covered your chest, the material a perfect Corrie Guard red. At the very bottom of the photo, Fox could see that your skirt was hiked up over your hips, allowing just a glimpse of the matching panties.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he typed back. He could imagine you smirking down at your comm as you tapped out a response, the image only making his half-hard cock press even tighter against his codpiece. A soft buzz alerted him to your response.
“Is it a good look? I’ve been told that we’re supposed to dress nicely for the Chancellor’s speech. Wouldn’t want to make a poor impression on my first time covering the event,”
Fox nearly groaned out loud; there would be no way he could concentrate if you were going to be at the speech tonight. All he would be able to think about would be how badly he needed to see you in the pretty lingerie you were wearing.
“You better behave tonight,” Fox responded. It was only a few seconds before your reply came.
“But where’s the fun in that, Commander?”
This time, Fox did groan out loud.
By two minutes into the Chancellor’s speech, Fox was already bored out of his mind. Instead of being on alert for attempted assassinations as Palpatine had requested, his eyes were scanning the crowd for you. The general comm chatter from his brothers had become a background hum as he searched for your telltale white blouse.
When he finally found you, he was almost embarrassed that he hadn’t noticed you sooner. You were sitting in the press box near the front, near enough that you could pick up all the details of the speech but out of the way enough that the Chancellor couldn’t see you. As if you could feel his gaze, your eyes immediately snapped to Fox’s visor. You bit your lip teasingly as you toyed with the top button of your blouse. Fox straightened his posture, hoping to convey as much warning as he could with just his body language. You either didn’t notice or didn’t care; likely the latter, seeing as you popped the button with ease and pulled your neckline open slightly, revealing just the top of the lace covering your breasts.
“Hey Fox, you see that girl in the press pit?” Thire’s voice cut through the comm chatter that Fox had blocked out. Thire’s comment, however, snapped him right back to his senses.
“What about her?” Fox snapped back a little too defensively.
“She’s cute, isn’t she? Keeps toying with the hem of her skirt,” Thire commented. Fox bit his tongue to keep from snapping at his brother.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind tearing that skirt off of her!” Hound added with a snort. Thire hummed in agreement. Before Fox could start yelling at his brothers, Thorn cut into the conversation.
“Hey, vod? I think that’s the Commander’s girl,” he said warily. Thorn was the only one Fox had confided in about his newfound relationship, and that was mostly because he had heard the two of you going at it in Fox’s office. A number of curses poured over the comm, and Fox smirked at the panicked apologies his brothers gave.
Turning his attention back to you, Fox noted that the second button on your blouse had also come undone. The crimson lace was now peeking prominently through your neckline, and you had a smirk plastered on your face. With a wink, you spread your legs in your chair slightly, allowing Fox a glimpse of your panties.
Faking an important message, Fox pulled out his comm and quickly tapped out a warning: “Keep that up and you’re not going to like your punishment,”
You checked your comm and responded quickly, still smirking. “Aww, can’t handle a little teasing?”
Fox growled quietly under his helmet. Just as he was about to type out a message back, he was roused from his thoughts by thunderous applause, signaling that the Chancellor had finished speaking. Mentally, Fox made a note to thank Palpatine for keeping it short this year. As soon as he was off the stage, he sent you a quick message. “My office. Now.”
You were already sitting on his desk when Fox entered his office, swinging your legs innocently.
“Fucking finally! I’ve been trying to get you alone all night!” you said, hopping off the desk and reaching for your lover. Before you could get to him, however, Fox scooped you up in his arms and pressed your back against the wall.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” he growled, voice still modulated by his helmet. You smirked up at him.
“What, you didn’t like my little show? I got all dressed up for you and everything!” you pouted, reaching to take off Fox’s helmet. His hand shot out and gripped your wrist before you could touch him.
“No way, sweetheart,” he said, grinding against you. “You’re not getting away with teasing me that easily,”
Holding you steady against the wall with his hips, he ripped your shirt in two, the remaining buttons flying around the room. He could still feel the heat of your breasts, even through his gloves. You squealed as he pinched your nipple through your bra, admiring how the bud peaked through the red lace. In the back of his mind, Fox worried that he was being too rough with you, that you might not like how he was touching you. His worries were calmed, however, when he saw the absolutely delighted look on your face as you squirmed out of his grasp and sank to your knees.
“Can I please suck your cock, Commander?” you batted your eyelashes. Fox nodded and you launched for his codpiece, getting the armor off in record time. You grinned devilishly at him as you pulled his cock out of his blacks, the tip already flushed a rosy brown and a bead of precum leaking from the tip. When you licked teasingly up the throbbing vein on the underside of his cock, Fox reached out to roughly tangle his fingers in your hair.
“Don’t tease. You’re in enough trouble as it is,” he warned. You obliged, taking him all the way down your throat in one motion. Fox swore loudly, trying to keep from bucking into your mouth. You worked what you couldn’t reach with your hand, twisting your wrist to spread the saliva that was slicking his cock. When Fox’s grip on your hair tightened, you pulled off of him with a pop.
“Was that what you wanted, sir?” you teased. Before Fox could scold you, his words caught in his chest as you began pumping him again, this time slowly working down him with your mouth. The modulated groans of the clone above you made you rub your thighs together for some sort of relief. When you thought he was distracted enough by your tongue, you slid a hand down between your legs.
“Oh, sweetheart. You just keep testing me, don’t you?” Fox growled, tugging you off of his cock by the hair. You looked down sheepishly, not having expected to get caught. Fox quickly discarded his helmet before yanking you back to your feet.
“‘M sorry, sir,” you said. Fox looked like he was going to fall victim to your puppy dog eyes, but he shook his head and adjusted you so he could have access to your clothed cunt. With two fingers, he slid the scrap of fabric to the side, inhaling sharply when he noticed how wet you were.
“Does putting on a show like that get you this wet?” Fox said, lining himself up with your entrance. “You know all my brothers could see you?”
“Really-- fuck!” your words were interrupted by the stretch of Fox sliding into you with one movement. Normally, you would’ve been upset that he didn’t touch you first, but you were so turned on that he slid in with little resistance.
“They were all drooling over you, sweetheart,” Fox said through gritted teeth as he fucked you. The slight jealousy he felt was obvious not just in his voice, but in the rough way he was fucking you, almost as if he was worried you’d disappear out from under him. You grabbed his chin and kissed him passionately.
“Mhmm, but you’re the only one who gets to fuck me, Commander,” you said when you pulled away from the kiss. “I’m all yours, Fox,”
That seemed to unlock something in Fox’s head, because he began fucking you with even more force, trying to get as deep inside you as he could with every thrust. He began to mouth at your collarbone, teeth grazing over the sensitive skin.
“Fuck, that’s right. Mine,” he repeated into your neck. You scrambled for purchase on the plastoid armor he was still wearing as he ruined you, moans pouring out of you too loudly for the only semi-private office. Neither of you seemed to care, though.
“Fuck, Fox, I wanna come,” you whined, shivering from when his groin rubbed against your clit with a well-angled thrust. Fox seemed to contemplate for a moment before grinning into your collarbone.
“What do you mean no? Shit, Fox!” you cried out. Fox’s thrusts were getting sloppy, and you knew he was close.
“I mean no. I’m gonna fill up this pussy, and then we’re going to go home, and if you’re good, maybe I’ll let you come then,” Fox said, voice shaking slightly.
“Shit, you can’t be serious. Come on, I’m so close,” you said breathlessly as Fox’s hips snapped into yours with such force that you slid up the wall you were pressed against.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before teasing me all night,” Fox growled, breathing heavily. You whined in protest, but he had made up his mind. “Fuck, you’re all mine. I’m the only one who should get to see you like this,”
“All yours, Fox. Only yours,” you moaned, and that sent Fox over the edge. He bit down harshly on your shoulder to muffle his loud groan as he emptied himself inside you. Fox slumped against the wall, leaning into your body, and you pressed gentle kisses to his temple as he recovered.
“You know, I love you and everything, but I need you to get me home so you can fuck me properly,” you said, the serene smile on your face in sharp contrast to how needy you felt. Fox pulled back, leaving one last kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Are you ever going to learn to behave?” he said with mock exasperation.
“No, you like me better this way,” you teased back, making yourself presentable before pulling a lovestruck Fox out of his office, the two of you too enamored with each other to register the catcalls from the other guardsmen.
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cower-before-power · 4 years
Slippery When Wet: Part 2
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Summary: An untimely accident in the shower leaves you injured and in need of rescue. Lucky for you, the object of your affections is more than willing to help.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
TW: swearing, nudity, implied sexual content, description of injury (nothing graphic), unintentional voyeurism? (idk i mean like voyeurism in the name of helping i’m not sure how to say it ha), lots of dick talk, prolly really bad sex jokes
Link to A03 here
A/N: First of all, THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO READ, LIKED, REBLOGGED AND COMMENTED ON PART 1. You are all amazing, I am so glad you are enjoying this silly little venture Gojo has dragged me on. Again, thank you so much to @ghost-party for her beta skills, you da best! I hope Part 2 makes you all happy :) please enjoy, sweet potatoes!
You shouldn’t look. Not because you don’t want to, but if you do you’ll know what is absolutely not warming your bed at night and then you’ll probably just feel worse. But, you were overwhelmingly curious. Just a quick look couldn’t hurt.
You peek through your fingers, just at his upper half. The sight makes you curse softly under your breath. Of course he’s absolutely beautiful out of clothes, did you really expect anything less?
“If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll get dressed,” he says, “just thought this would help you out.”
Help you out? Good grief this is going to be the star of your late night fantasies for months. Because instead of dreaming it up, you now have the real thing to recall.
“No,” you take a deep breath and drop your hands. “I’m fine.”
Are you though? He’s built to perfection, checking off all the boxes on your “Things I find physically attractive” checklist. You marvel at this long column of his throat, sweeping down into a set of collarbones that would make models die of envy. His chest is hairless (did he wax or was it just naturally that way?), miles of smooth skin and muscle that your fingers were just itching to trace.
Your eyes trail down past his stomach, briefly cataloging the very nice set of abs, before settling on what you were the most curious about.
The snort of laughter escapes your lips before you can stop it.
“Excuse me, did you just look at my dick and laugh?” He asks accusingly, crossing his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you giggle at the disgruntled expression on his face. “It’s just, I’ve always wondered if the carpet matched the drapes since I assumed you dye your hair. Guess I was wrong.”
For the first time since you’ve known him, Gojo Satoru visibly deflates.
“That’s what you’ve thought about?” His voice is full of frustrated disbelief. “My pubic hair?”
You can’t stop giggling. “You can’t blame a girl for being curious! Are you sure you shouldn’t get rid of it though? Doesn’t the white make people think they’re boning an old man?”
“The utter disrespect,” he gasps, shaking his head. “I can assure you that is the last thing on their minds when I’m working my magic.”
You wonder why you aren’t feeling more flustered. The fun and teasing atmosphere feels almost refreshing after the intense back and forth that was just occurring.
“What, you casting spells for dry weather?”
“Oh, you are evil!” He moans, then looks down at himself. “Don’t listen to her, big guy. You know what you can do.”
“For fuck’s sake, don’t talk to it,” you roll your eyes, trying not to grin. “And don’t oversell the merchandise. It’s average, at best.”
(It isn’t. It’s probably the nicest looking one you’ve ever seen. But him and his astronomical ego do not need to know that)
Gojo grabs his chest as if you’ve physically wounded him. “Ouch! Shots fired, target annihilated!”
“You’re such a drama queen,” you sigh. You wonder if he notices the quiet fondness in your voice.
He opens his mouth as if to retaliate, but then suddenly shuts it. A look comes over his face as if he’s just remembered something very interesting and important.
“Hey,” he says, and you watch his mouth spread into a smile. “You said you’d wondered if the carpet matched the drapes. That means you definitely imagined me naked at least once.”
And your blush is back.
“What of it?” You huff, cross your arms and looking away. “It’s only natural. I’ve thought of lots of people naked.”
“Do you ever imagine sleeping with me?”
The question causes you to choke on your breath.
“What-why would you ask that?”
“Inquiring minds want to know.”
You take a look at him, standing naked and unashamed in front of you. His smile is different; there’s a sultry edge to it you’ve never seen before.
“Maybe inquiring minds should stuff it,” you stick out your tongue. Immature, but he’s got you feeling all funny now.
“Well, I’ve thought about it,” he says. “I’ve thought about it quite a lot, actually.”
Your heart misses a beat in your chest.
“You have?” Your voice squeaks as you force the words out.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” He asks, tilting his head like a curious puppy.
You consider the question. You’ve got insecurities, but you know you are a decent looking person. And despite his flightiness about many things, Gojo has actually never given you the impression that he’s shallow in that way.
“I don’t know,” you say truthfully. “I guess I just never considered the possibility that you were interested in me in that way.”
He sighs. “Pumpkin, I’m not blind. You are stupidly attractive. Every time we’re out in Tokyo you’ve got a million guys and gals staring at you.”
“I just always assumed they were staring at your and your stupid blindfold,” you scrub at your cheeks with your palms, trying to rid yourself of some of the perplexing confusion you feel swirling inside you. “How come you’ve never made a move?”
“Would you have wanted me to?”
You want to shout at him, to say of course yes a thousand times yes, but you pause. You realize you’ve never given him any signals, any hint that he was more than just your often annoying friend. Sure, you blushed at his silly flirting, but so did lots of people.
You shift back through your interactions, all the missions, the late night hang outs, the strolls through the city. Nowhere can you find any instant where your ever expanding feelings might have risen to the surface. But still, would your seeming indifference deter him? He was a very self assured man, after all.
“You have confidence coming out your ass, it’s hard to believe you wouldn’t make a move anyways, just to see,” you say instead.
His whole demeanor softens. “I didn’t want to fuck anything up.”
And you know exactly what he means. It’s why you’ve never said anything, why you forced your desires deep down into the pit of your being when in his presence.
It seems even the strongest shaman could be afraid of something.
“It’s not just about fucking, is it?” You ask, feeling your whole body start to tremble.
“It was never just about fucking,” he replies, and it’s like the universe explodes before your very eyes. “Why do you think I spend all my free time with you?”
“To annoy me?” You croak feebly. “To eat all my snacks? To enjoy torturing me by spoiling the end to every movie we watch?”
He chuckles. “Just side bonuses. Being with you is the real prize, pumpkin.”
“Oh,” you whisper, and your brain whirs like an overworked laptop. You’re having trouble processing that this is actually happening, that the man you’ve been pining after for what feels like forever is really standing there, confessing his own feelings.
Buck ass naked.
“You’ve got two options right now,” Gojo takes a step closer to you, and you shiver at the dominant aura that suddenly swirls around him. “Either I get dressed and we put today behind us, or I come over there and kiss you until you can’t remember your own name. Make your choice.”
Was there even a choice? There was only one option. A slow, warm feeling blooms in the middle of your chest and spreads outwards, dousing your whole shaking body in molten yearning. It’s not a new feeling, but the sensations are different. Because now you can give in to it.
“Kiss me,” you blurt out, breathless and giddy. “Get the fuck over here and kiss me.”
He doesn’t have to be told twice.
A flash of a savage grin, the soft thump of footsteps and then you are numb to everything but him.
He tastes like sugary coffee and chapstick, lips hard and hot against yours as he kisses you like he’ll die if he stops. He’s everywhere at once, in all your senses, drowning you in his onslaught of desirous fervour. It’s not a timid kiss of new sweethearts; it’s a passionate embrace of long overdue lovers.
Your hands run over every inch of him they can reach, mapping the ridges and valleys of his exposed skin. His own slip beneath your shirt to spread across your back, crushing you to him with a grip of iron. It’s not enough; you want them everywhere, you want him everywhere, until he’s branded onto your body. Until you no longer know where you end and he begins. Until he’s sunken himself into your very bones.
You need to breathe- you pull away with a gasp, one gossamer thread of saliva lazily trailing after you.
“Why didn’t we do that sooner?” You pant, digging your nails into his arms. He’s unwilling to keep his mouth off you, now pressing scalding kisses along your jaw.
“Blame it on mutual stupidity,” he sighs into your skin, teeth slightly grazing the spot just below your ear. “Let’s make up for lost time, eh?”
“I’m game,” you say, a soft whine leaving your lips as he works steadily on what is sure to become a bruise.
“Good,” he murmurs, swiping his tongue across the blossoming mark before leaning back to smirk at you. “Have to make you take back all your snarky comments about me and my game.”
You giggle. “Oh, so you’re saying it won’t be as dry as a desert ‘round here?”
“Well let me just check tonight’s weather report,” he laughs, grinning cheekily as he slips a hand down between your legs, brushing gently over the front of your underwear. You bite your lip, grip on his biceps tightening.
“Ladies and gentleman, we’re in for a wet night,” he says in what you assume is his best weatherman voice. “Expect a great deal of precipitation, more so than what’s already accumulated. Perhaps we’ll even see some flooding. We’re talking possibly record setting levels here.”
You snort with laughter, pushing at him slightly. “You are such an idiot. Just shut up and put your money where your mouth is.”
“Oh, I intend to put my mouth in a lot of different places,” he removes his hand, snapping the elastic band of your underwear against your hip as he goes. “I know I just got you into these, but shall I undress you now?”
“Yes please,” you nod eagerly, already wiggling out of your shirt. He quickly helps remove the offending garment, but in all the lust and excitement you’ve forgotten about your shoulder, and you moan in pain when you jostle it.
“Owwwwwwie, stupid shoulder!”
“Shhh, pumpkin,” Gojo coos gently, leaning down to pepper the area with kisses. “It’s okay, I’m here. I’m going to take such good care of you.”
You feel yourself melt at the sudden tender display, and you can’t help but run your fingers through his luscious hair as he continues to smother your bruised shoulder in affection. “You already are, Satoru.”
The first name slips out unexpectedly, but you like the way it rolls off your tongue. He seems to as well, judging by the pleased noise that rumbles from his chest.
“Well, allow me to continue then,” he purrs, and his lips leave your shoulder to capture yours in another toe curling kiss. You press yourself to him, the feel of his bare skin against yours sending a thrill shooting down your spine.
An idea suddenly pops into your head.
“I never got to finish my shower,” you break your kiss to speak, looking up at him under your lashes.
He catches on immediately, his smile once again turning primal. It makes your knees weak and your gut clench in anticipation.
“Maybe you should help me, since I’m injured and all,” you push yourself even closer to him, shivering at the feeling of his not-so-average excitement pressing against your belly.
“Hmmmm, I could do that,” he’s already got his fingers hooked in your underwear, slowly starting to push them down your hips. “But what if you slip again?”
“Well, you’ll just have to catch me then,” you wink at him. “With your dick.”
He roars with laughter, and your heart has never been more full.
“Oh, I’ll do more than just catch you, pumpkin,” he growls playfully, and before you can blink he’s rid you of your bottoms and swept you up into his arms. “I’m going to absolutely wreck you.”
You reach up to kiss him as he pounds towards the bathroom, your blood on fire and only one thought in your head.
Bless that stupid, slippery, wonderful bar of soap.
Taglist: @satorudicks @sara-nyaa @dixonsbugaboo @fandomtrash100 @oikusa-snow @okemis @kuxredere @mylittleteddybear @the-fandoms-georgie @inaflashimagine @crapimahuman @elenapri0502 @fragments-of-aria @bollywoodghoul @wrdro @kiasnotforever @disregardedbymybias @lavihs @euniartsu @satjsstuff @lycorizzz @fushigurosimp @levisbrat1 @bxstboy-tetsu @one-leaf-grimoire @glxar (sorry i just tagged everyone who asked and commented haha, bold means I couldn’t tag you sorry!)
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blkgirl-writing · 4 years
"Head Game" part 1 Zuko X Reader Smut Hcs
Warnings: complete filth. Zukos first blowjob at like 20, poor guy.
Requested: yes! By many beautiful, horny anons.
A/n: as always, Reader is assumed as a WOC. Though, everyone can read it, as its left a bit vague. My requests are always open!
[Part 2 found here!]
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Zuko was having a really, really hard day.
Years had gone by as a king, and yet he felt less equipped the longer the title was held to his name,
Meetings became white noise, training because a dull pastime. There was no adventure left in life,
That's why he started the arrangement between you two...
You, a representative of a small city in the fire kingdom, and most importantly, his good friend.
A good friend who shot him the most dirty, lust filled looks at any given chance
He definitely shot some back too.
The touches you shared were getting longer, hugs a bit tighter,
You started to kiss his cheek, staining his skin a dark red. A memory of where your lips were.
He had a wet dream about you,
Lipstick still painting his skin
Zuko was fucking confused. Sure, the pair had flirted playfully, maybe he had placed his hand on your thigh one or two times, but no one had spoken about it.
The picture of your head bobbing, unholy moans from your lips on his-
It was wrong. Really, really wrong.
For the next week, Zuko avoided you at all costs.
If course you noticed the fire lord ignoring you clearly calling his name down the hall.
Had you miss stepped? Maybe he had a girlfriend and you had gone too far?
The week after that, you decided enough was enough. You had to know.
After a meeting, you asked to speak alone with Zuko
Zuko was freaking out.
He had three more dreams about you since the first. His only thought was how the fuck you found out about them. (This boy actually thought he was being so sly and smart with his avoidance)
"Do you hate me?" Your words came out far more desperate than you wanted. "I'm so sorry if I messed up. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable-"
"What?" Zuko was so confused, oh my god. Where the hell? What the hell were you talking about?"
"Well, you've been avoiding me, so I assumed that I was coming on too strongly and you don't..."
"Don't what?" Still confused Zuko can't imagine a girl liking him, even when shes flirted with him for years...
"This is already embarrassing, zuko, don't make me-"
"Tell me~" His voice changed, a bit more buttery, lower, sexy...
"I was worried I was too clear with my flirting, and you were disappointed? Disgusted? I don't know, honestly." You huffed.
There was a really, brutally long length of silence.
Zukos mind was going at full speed...all thise touches, all the small kisses that you gave no one else. You wanted the same thing he did...maybe. was it worth the risk?
The answer was yes.
"I think about you. I dream about you, even." Zuko forced himself to look up at you, who sat with your painted lips slightly parted. "My imagination went wild. I couldn't look at you without thinking of my...dreams."
"Well, I'm sure I can help with that-" you stood up, zuko quickly following. He didnt know what to do, so he just stood there, looking like a shook puppy.
"Tell me about your dreams, Zuko. Tell me how I made you feel."
Your hips pressed into his, lips inches away from his ear, hot breath sending shivers down his spine.
Zuko rested his hands on your hips, urging you so very softly to just come a bit closer. Maybe then his words wouldnt fair him.
"It's okay, Zuko. You can take your time." You hummed, placing a small kiss on the exposed skin if his neck. A perfect canvas to paint love marks.
After one or two, hickeys, you asked "is it okay if I keep going?" Followed by - "do you want this.
"More than anything-" "I dreamt that you
"Keep going-" you hummed, untying his pants as he spoke.
Zuko barely even breath. You so easily made him weak. So easily hard...painfully ficking hard as you palmed him though his boxers.
"You sucked my cock," Zukos voice was low, forcing himself to to whimper as you wrapped your fingers around his length.
You looked up into Zukos eyes, his yellow ones staring into your brown eyes with a desire you hadn't ever seen before. Lust beyond words.
The motions were quick...pushing his underwear down, his cock springing free from the cloth, spitting on his length as you used both hands to pump
Honestly you fought the urge to gasp, cause hot damn, he was packing
Your jaw was not gonna be okay after, holy shit
"What next, my king~" you purred, kitty licking his tip.
Zuko hummed under your touch, the way you talked to him was just pure filth, and he loved it.
"Can...can I touch your hair? I...i remember helping you take me in," for a man on the verge of being a puddle, his words were affirming and deep.
"You can pull my hair," this is how you knew you found Zuko attractive. Any other time you'd shamelessly swat the guys hand away. "Guide me."
His fingers intertwined with the hair near the nape of your neck a gentle motion to take him inside your mouth. Nothing too hard, just a bit of pain.
"Just like that-fuck" Zuko let out a strangled breath, shutting his eyes tight as you hollowed your cheeks around his cock.
It was slow, taking what seemed like minutes until you got as far as you could go, still quite a few inches left at his base. The muttered gagging sound as his length hit the back of your throat fully fucking aroused and confused Zuko
"Are you okay?" He choked out, moaning when you hummed a reply.
You bobbed your head at a decently slow pace, not wanting to overwhelm the king, who clearly hadn't gotten a blowjob before. Giving a soft pump from your right hand, just to give that extra amount of pleasure.
His eyes shot from how you sucked on his cock, lips pushing in and out, leaving a streak of red lipstick down his shaft, down to your exposed breasts. How did he not notice you unwrapping your blouse?
And how fucking soft your hair was in his hands, how you moaned around him if he pulled hard. Sometimes he just had to close his eyes for a few seconds, bathing himself from the moaning mess he had become. His free hand brushing through his messy hair,
"When I came," zuko muttered, licking his chapped lips. "You drank it all, licked your lips of the rest."
Your free hand came up to Zukos thigh, squeezing his skin softly as your own little reply.
Then you start going faster, hand moving to to caress his balls, and zuko comes undone.
"F-fuck, you're doing so good, fucK"
His grip on your hair became much tighter, his hands forcing you to go just a bit deeper, faster, harder. Then he looked into your eyes,
Looking up at him, eyes begging to drink up every drop he would spill into your mouth
Zuko was literally shaking, his hands coming down to your shoulders as he came, knees so close to giving out.
The deeper angle of him, plus the weight of zuko keeping himself upright purely by hanging onto you made you honestly think you might drown in cum
Not the worst way to die, but still.
You brought both of your hands to his hips, steadying him as he bucked his hips into you
It seemed like he was cumming for hours, an absolute mess, black hair draping down on his sweaty face.
Eventually, Zuko pushed himself up from his slumped form, running a hair through his locks, trying to play it cool
The sight of you was dirty and so, so beautiful. Lips plumped, curls springing out left and right from your hair, tears of arousal brimming at the corners of your eyes. Fuck. Fuck fuck.
"Enjoy yourself?" You managed to smile, voice weak and throat a bit sore. With the help of Zuko, his hands held yours to help you balance. The long time on your knees had certainly taken a bit of a toll.
"Fuck yes-" he sighed, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Just as you did to him, he placed small kisses along your neck, up to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. "You're so good. So beautiful."
"Can I return the favor...?" Zuko whispered, voice hoarse and raspy from the moans.
"Of course, my king." You replied, bringing your hands up to his hair, pulling slightly. "Let's recreate one of my dreams."
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
A/N: Sooooo, I wasn’t originally going to participate in kinktober in any way, but so many blogs inspired me to do something. Even if it’s one thing. So here I am sinning™️.  I wanna start writing for haikyuu, so this is my experimental fic. I wrote it with my two favs so I hope got the characters somewhat right. I hope y’all enjoy this and happy kinktober <3
Pairing: Bokuto x Fem!Reader x Kuroo Word Count: 2k Context: You’re a volleyball player (you choose the school) that caught the eye of the Fukurōdani and Nekoma volleyball team’s captains. They’ve expressed their interest, but you don’t believe it. Now they’ve cornered you and won’t leave until they’ve convinced you of their feelings in a way you can’t deny. 
All characters are 18+
Warnings: sexual content aka dry humping, fingering, threesomes without p*nis to v*gina penetration...but it is later implied, cursing
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A Dip in the Hot Tub
The private hot tub was supposed to be relaxing treat. And it was. At first.
That was until you realized you were in the water with two insanely aggravated (read: jealous) men who had recently expressed their attraction to you. And your dumb ass only believed them after seeing their reaction when they caught Oikawa flirting with you.
You admittedly had an ego boost under the power you felt in that moment. Now, with Bokuto and Kuroo sitting across from you, displeasure in their gazes, you were filled with anxiety.
Or was that excitement?
You decided to stay on your side, legs tightly bound together.
“Uhh, so the first day of camp went well,” you said, attempting to make conversation.
Wow. Okay.
“Tough crowd,” you muttered. You tried again. “Um, have any plans for the rest of the evening?”
“Not really.”
Then, it was crickets.
You nodded, giving up. You can take a hint.
“Okay, well, obviously I’m not wanted here so I’ll just take my leave—”
“No, wait.” You felt your body tense as Kuroo put his hand on your shoulder. His brown eyes were rigid, but not with anger. It was something more vulnerable. However, he looked away before you could decipher it.
“Kuroo…” you whispered.
“Stay. We didn’t mean to make you feel unwelcomed,” he said.
You stared at him for a second before looking over to Bokuto who still looked…emo…but didn’t seem to make any protest. Despite your apprehension, you let the dark-haired man slowly pull you back down into the water.
“Okay,” you breathed.
You hadn’t realized just how hurt they’d be. Your own insecurities made you believe there was no possible way both of your crushes were interested in you. However, that didn’t give you a right to mess with their feelings like you did. You were grown enough to know better.
Sucking in your pride, you apologized.
“Hey. Tetsu, Tarō. I’m sorry,” you quietly spoke. You looked down at your hands in embarrassment. “I was wrong to not take your feelings seriously. I just…I just couldn’t believe that you two liked someone like me more than a friend. Especially when I um like you two aswell. So, I’m sorry if that really turned you off. I wouldn’t blame you.”
What was said next totally caught you off guard.
“You really don’t understand how much we want you, do you?”
Your eyes snapped up to see a pair of golden irises closing in on you. You couldn’t get the chance to wonder how Bokuto got so close to you because the intensity of his gaze made you blank out.
“Huh?” you dumbly said.
His hands readily found your waist before running down your hips, fingering the laces of your bottoms before finding purchase on your thighs. “Even though I’m incredibly pissed off at you, all I can think about is how much I wanna fuck you right now.”
The way his eyes rolled down your body made goosebumps flood your skin and your pussy clench with desire. Bokuto pushed himself closer to you and you gasped at the feeling of his erection on your abdomen.
You couldn’t even comment before Kuroo came up behind you, placing wet kisses on the back of your neck. You felt his clear excitement on your back.
“I guess we’re just going to have to show you how much we like you, huh princess?” he said with a Cheshire-like smile.
You were easily feeling overwhelmed with four hands and two mouths feeling you up. You wanted it, but you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You’d never taken two men at the same time.
“W-wait—I’ve never…I haven’t—”
“Don’t worry. We won’t go all the way. We’ve got you babygirl,” Kuroo whispered before nipping your shoulder.
Your words turned into putty as you finally welcomed Bokuto’s lips. Despite his past seriousness, he was soft and hesitant with his kisses until he felt your arms wrap around his neck. Then his confidence shined through. You were pushed further into Kuroo’s embrace as you deepened the kiss.
You felt yourself moan as his tongue passed through your mouth, leaving no crevice unexplored. He kissed you like he couldn’t have enough of your taste, swallowing down every whimper you gave. It was almost instinct for you to wrap your legs around him and you reveled in how he grinded his hips against you. You were breathless as he positioned himself so that he was right on your clit.
“Oh, Bokuto…”
“This is how you make me feel, Y/N,” he panted. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt about your legs around me.”
Bokuto’s hips continued to buck into you and it felt amazing. He was slow in his movements, his hips like sensual waves as he rutted against your sensitive nub. You moaned, hands latching onto whatever you could hold of his muscular back.
“You like that? Does it feel good, baby?” he exhaled. “Does it feel good when I pretend like I’m fucking you?”
You whined out a yes and dug your fingers in his hair. But just when you thought this was it, a pair of hands from behind untied your bikini top, letting it fall down your shoulders. Kuroo smoothed one of his hands over your breasts, teasing your nipples with his thumb and forefingers. The other hand squeezed your ass before his thick finger past your bottoms and into your slick folds.
The feeling of his fingers curling against your walls and Bokuto’s dick against your clit made your head fall back. Kuroo bit down on your neck and licked the mark before whispering in your ear, “All we’ve ever wanted was to make you feel good, kitten. There were so many nights I touched myself thinking of how you’d feel wrapped around me. So many nights I wished it were your pretty little mouth choking on my dick.”
He found satisfaction in how his words alone had such an effect on you when he felt you shiver. Meanwhile, you were on cloud nine. You closed your eyes and let a desperate whine drip from your lips as you felt Kuroo start to thrust against your ass. He then took his fingers out from your heat and lied them flat against your tongue.
“Suck,” he ordered, and you did just that, tasting yourself. A delicious moan vibrated through your body as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of your mouth.
It took a few moments, but soon, the three of you were moving in sync, chasing the orgasm you felt within their bellies. The closeness of it all was nearly overwhelming. Their grunts and moans were hot in your ears; one hand was in Kuroo’s hair while the other gripped Bokuto’s back.
“Imagine that we’re in you, filling your pretty holes up. So stuffed that you can barely tell who is who and god—you’d feel so good. Taking us like the good girl you are. So wet and hot for us as we fuck you until you can’t remember your own name,” Bokuto groaned.
Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You were trying your best to keep your voice down, but the two men against you were not on the same wave. The white and black haired man gripped the flesh of your thighs to pull you closer as his thrusts got faster and messier.
Bokuto buried his head into your neck and moaned, “Y-Y/N, baby, I’m close.”
Close? You were barely holding on. If it wasn’t for that fact that Kuroo twisted your head to swallow your moans away, you would’ve been heard through the walls of the private room.  
In your pleasure filled daze, you found it within yourself to slip your hand within his trunks and pump his dick. The extra heat from your hand and the way you stroked your thumb over the tip nearly pushed him over the edge. Kuroo let out the prettiest moan that made his face heat up. Gone was the smugness as he peered at you with desperation.
“Princess—fuck Y/N!”
You huffed out a chuckle.
Kuroo took his hand out of your mouth so he could wrap one arm around your waist and pinch your nipples. He began to urgently thrust in your hand as you pulled Bokuto’s hair back so you could also see his face.
You almost came on the spot as he gazed at you like a lovesick puppy, golden eyes begging for release.
Within both of their gazes, you could see the fondness they had been trying to express to you. That along with the overstimulation was enough to make your eyes prick with tears.
The feeling was all too much. Your stomach was coiled tight. One more thrust and you were nearly sent over the edge.
“Kuroo! Boku—ah! Oh shit!” you sung.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Bokuto growled. “You’re right there—ah! C-cum for us.”
He grabbed the ledge of tub and nearly slammed into you as Kuroo licked his lips at the sight of your open mouth gasps. The water sloshed back and forth, spilling over the edges with your movements. You looked so pretty with your tongue out and eyes fluttering between open and closed.
Kuroo’s hand wrapped around your neck and gave it a slight squeeze. “Let us hear you princess—“
Then it hit you. Your eyes blacked out from the intensity. “I’m cumming!” you screamed. A wave of pleasure shot up your belly and spread warmth hotter than the humid air throughout your shaking limbs.
It was weird how their bodies automatically followed yours. Your voices tangled in the air for a few seconds before all that was left were the sounds of your heavy breaths.
The two men slumped over, each taking a different shoulder to rest on. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes to steady yourself from that mind blowing orgasm.
There was a moment of peace as you three simmered in the afterglow. Then Bokuto broke the silence.
“Now do you believe us?” he asked.
He lifted his head and you saw that confidence of his shine behind rosy, cheeks. And although he was flushed from what occurred moments ago, his blush was more attributed to the rush of getting to be so intimate with you.
“Believe you about what?” you panted with a lazy grin.
“That we’re yours, duh,” he goofily smiled.
Kuroo kissed your cheek. “That is…if you’ll have us,” he softly spoke.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the incredulousness of the situation.
Both of them, huh?
You sighed. There was no use in denying their feelings anymore.
“You two always had a weird habit of sharing anyways,” you conceded.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist our charm!” Bokuto cheered. “Now let’s head to my room do the real thing!”
You choked on your spit. “W-what!? The real thing? Aren’t you two tired!?”
“Tired?” Kuroo chuckled. “You got caught up with two A-List volleyball players and you think we’re tired after this? You’re funny.”
You squealed in surprised as Bokuto suddenly lifted you out of the tub, bridal style. They began to cheerfully walk out the room ignoring the fact that you were completely topless. You scrambled to cover your chest and cursed the two out for laughing as if someone wouldn’t see you half naked as soon you walked out of the door.
“Kuroo! Bokuto! If you dickheads don’t get my fucking bikini top—”
“Yeah yeah. You’ll be fine. You won’t need it anyways~” Bokuto chirped.
Kuroo nodded. “What are the chances that anyone will see us?”
“Uhh a lot!?”
“Welp! I guess we’ll find out!”
Just what the hell did you get yourself into?
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Inferno dreams
Summary: A 23 year old girl gets the role she's been waiting to get for years. She didn't know until she got on set that she'll be working with her crush Chris. After weeks of growing clothes to each other and falling in love with out the other ones knowledge you and Chris finally express your feeling!
Chris Evans x female! Reader
Warning: fluff, friends to lover AU, implied smut
Masterlist | word count is 1.9k | Chris request are closed until I clean my inbox out | hope you all enjoy this |
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Your heart is racing, palms are sweaty, legs are bouncing as you wait for that all important phone call. You've been waiting your whole life to be an actress. Many years of watching your idols on screen and learning from them how to be a good actor was going to be put to the test today. 
After what felt like years your phone rang. You jumped at the sound, quickly picking up the phone. You waited a couple of seconds so that it didn't look as if you were desperate before you picked up the phone.
"Hello." You sounded like you haven't talked in years as you said hello. "Hi, is this y/n?" The voice behind the phone asked. You cleared your throat before you answered yes. There was a brief silence before you heard the voice again. "We'll Miss. Y/l/n you got the role."
You gasped, your hand coming to cover your mouth. "Oh my gosh. No freakin way." The guy on the phone laughed. "Yep you got the role; they're going to need you on set in three days so you can start filming."
You stopped freaking out to say okay, thank you and to hang up the phone. As the call ended you let out a squeal of excitement. You got the role, you finally were an actress.
You felt like crying and screaming at the same time. There were no words to describe how you felt in that moment.
Those three days passed bye with flying colors. On the third day you got up nice and early wanting to look like a million bucks. You ate breakfast, had a nice long shower, did light make-up, and dressed up in some pretty decent clothes. You packed a few clothes because you'll be spending about two month on set. 
You left your home around 10am, driving to your new job. The music was cranked up in your car despite it being beginning so early. If people saw you they would've thought you were crazy. You were just super excited.
You arrived on set about an hour later. You parked Your car and got out to grab your luggage. As soon as you shut the trunk a smiling woman with brown hair and a clipboard in her hands, came up beside you. You smiled at her a little confused. "Hi."
"Hi y/l/n, I'm Maria and I'm going to be your assistant. I'll be showing you around and things. Would you like to see your trailer?" She asked in a sweet voice. "You nodded while picking up your two bags. "Lead the way."
Maria led the way to your trailer. When you arrived she opened the door for you and let you walk in. "I'll be back in about an hour so we can go on set and meet the director. Your script is on the couch so you can read it. If you need anything you can just call me."
Maria smiled before she waved bye to you. She shut the trailer door and you took a seat on the couch with a huff. I'm finally here you thought to yourself. You smiled as you picked up the script flipping through the pages. This was going to be fun, you just knew it.
You've been reading your script over for an hour when you heard a knock on the door. You rose from the couch and opened the door to see Maria. "Time to go."
You nodded before you stepped out of the trailer and followed her. You both walked a short way to the main set and entered. The place was buzzing with people, it kinda made you nervous but you kept following Marie.
"Here's the director, steven." Maria stopped in front of a man who was talking to someone else. "Oh my lead actress y/n, it's nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand and you happily shook it. "Hi." 
Steven looked over his shoulder flagging someone down. "Y/n I'll like you to meet Chris." You turned to look at Chris who you thought was just a random guy, but when you saw that it was Chris Evans, you gasped slightly. Luckily he didn't catch that and stuck out his hand. "Hi y/n, I heard so much about you."
Holy shit! He knows your name… stay cool.
"Hi Chris." Your hand stayed enveloped for longer than needed which made you pull away as you felt your face heat up. You turned to Maria seeing her smiling, her lips pressed together. She definitely saw what was blossoming.
"Well set starts in a few minutes. While we wait you two can get to know each other. Steven and Maria walked away leaving you two alone. You placed your hand in your pocket, looking down at your feet. "It's very nice to meet you." You Mumbled as you looked up at him before looking back down at your feet. Chris smiled seeing how shy you were. "It's nice to meet you two y/n. I heard this is your first time acting, that's very exciting." 
You laughed, "yeah, it is. I've been waiting to be an actress for a while now." Chris nodded, "well you're here."
You and Chris talked for a while. You both talked like you've known each other for years. Your shyness soon faded and you were full on talking to him. 
Chris was already liking you. Your laugh made him smile harder than he was before, Your voice was soothing, everything about you made him feel good. He wasn't going to deny his crush that was growing. He's never felt this way about a woman.
Set was soon called and you and Chris soon started acting together. You loved Chris's acting just as much as he liked yours. Your chemistry was felt by everyone on set, Steven was quite happy about that too.
Around 10pm, after many hours of working, the set was done for the day. You left to go to your trailer. You didn't notice at first but Chris' trailer was beside yours and he was waiting to tell you goodnight.
When you saw him you smiled. "Hi Chris." 
He smiled as he stood up from his trailer steps. "Hi y/n. Um I just wanted to say goodnight to you." He walked up to you placing his hand on your shoulder. "You chuckled softly as you looked at him. "Well goodnight to you too."
Chris winked at you before he walked off to go in his trailer. You did the same. Once you were in your trailer you plopped yourself in the bed with a smile. Yep, this was fun.
As the weeks went on you and Chris grew closer and closer to each other. He took you out for breakfast and lunch some days, he always helped you with your script, and he always said goodnight to you. You were falling more and more in love with him every second and it was getting to the point where it was hard to keep it in.
Chris felt the same way. He couldn't help but tell his family about you. He was always so energized when he spoke about you; everyone knew it was a matter of time before he asked you out. 
Scott always teased Chris about it which pissed Chris off but he knew he deserved it for not telling you how he felt
You were sitting on the steps of your trailer after a night of filming. Chris was just returning when he saw you. "Hi y/n! Whatcha doing?" He came and sat down beside you. "I can't go to sleep." You said as you looked at him.
Chris nodded, "yeah there's days like that."
The both of you stayed silent for a second before you spoke. "Do you want to go inside my trailer and watch some disney classics?"
Chris eyes widened at your proposal. "Sure." You smiled before you got up and opened the door for you and Chris to walk in. You grabbed your laptop and sat down on the over size bed. Chris stood like a lost puppy, not quite sure what to do. You patted the space beside you, "come on sit."
Chris did as you said, sitting beside you. You started up your disney plus and you and Chris debated on what you'll want to watch. After a couple minutes you both settled on Lilo and Stitch. The movie played quietly as you both laid and watched.
Throughout the whole movie you felt Chris glancing over at you. It made you flustered and shy like the first day you met him. You tried your best to ignore him.
An hour later later the movie ended. "Wow that's great like it was when I was little. What do you think ch-," you stopped mid sentence when you saw Chris out. 
You felt kinda guilty that you brought him over. He was probably tired and still decided to keep you company. Saint was the world to describe him.
You hopped out of bed and placed your laptop on the floor near your luggage. After that you grabbed a throw blanket and draped it over Chris before you crawled in bed and got under the blanket. You kept your distance from him the whole night thinking he wanted it but Chris didn't.
The next morning when you woke up, Your head was buried in his chest and his bulky arms were wrapped around your waist. You frowned as I tried to figure out how you got there. Chris stirred awake as you did. He was very aware you were in his arms.
"Good morning y/n." His morning voice was raspy sending shivers down your spine. "Good morning Chris." Chris chuckled as he looked down at you. You smiled softly at him. Before you could even think straight you placed your lips on his. God they were as soft as you imagined they'll be. 
Chris couldn't help slip his tongue in your mouth. You moaned softly as you cupped his face. The kiss got heated, so heated the clothes were stripped off and love making was made. His body against your body, his moans mixed with yours, and his burning desire to pleasure you was too much to comprehend. He made you feel so good, like you were the only woman in the world. He didn't stop until he pleased you like you should be pleased.
When you both were done he laid down beside you chest rising and falling. You looked over at him seeing a messy haired Chris. "That's so good. I- I have no words." 
Chris chuckled as he looked at you. His massive hands came to cup your cheek. "I wanted to do that for a while now." You smiled as he continued. "I wanted to show you how I felt about you, how happy you make me, and how these past few weeks you changed me." Chris ran his thumb over your cheek bone, looking at you with his baby blue eyes. 
"Yeah I've been wanting to do that too." You ran your fingers in circles over his chest as you tried not to get nervous.
"Y/n." You looked back up at Chris's eyes. "Yes?" 
"I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" He said looking at you. You laughed, "of course you don't even have to ask." You leaned in and kissed him with a squeal. 
You never thought in a million years you would be kissing the one and only Chris Evans but you were a damn you were so happy about it.
I'm working on two request rn!
@chris-butt @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @bval-1 @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @raveviolet @rynabarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captainamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @a-little-counter-esperanto
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yinses · 4 years
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 k i n t o b e r  [masturbation]
gojo satoru
wc: 875
rating: 18+
a/n: i was going to space these out but i don’t want to disappear and get behind again. so here is a double feature. besides i need to catch up
rqst: i’ll let you choose the prompt but anything for gojo satoru please!
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given his winning personality and other heritable responsibilities, gojo’s longest and closest friend was his right hand. he really has a way of making you feel sorry for him in a kicked puppy kind of way. the majority of his sex drive stems from his bouts of solitude while he cultivated his power. something about curses and exorcisms really manages to keep his gears going. unfortunately, in his single days, with no one to help work off the steam he only had himself to take care of the problem.
exorcising always prioritizes when it comes to burning off the brute intensity of it. not to say he particularly gets off from putting them down, but it's a lot harder to crave anything when he’s too exhausted from a fight. but if it’s been awhile nothing is going to keep sated.
he’s not too prude about his needs, but he’s also not enticed by exhibition. gojo prefers solitude and the comfort of silence in his time of need. the security of a bit of privacy helps to engage his mind properly and build up the right fantasy. though fantasy is put lightly- he’s not very reactive with limited experience. mostly relying on scattered magazines and generalizations to get him to the edge. he’ll be quick and efficient, following his completion with irritated groans about the mess.
gojo is impatient all the time and never bothers with teasing. it is probably why he never learned as much about his own body until he began to share it with you. being with you also gives him a more vivid imagination to carry him over until he can get you back under him again.
the man can easily lose track of time and space when you’re on his mind. the tight clench of his hand around himself is nothing in comparison to what you have to offer, but the echo of your moans helps to play into the part. he’ll take it more slow with you in mind, stroking against his foreskin and pinching to mimic your teeth.
he’s not pissed at you. he's not that kind of lover. you’re welcome to hang out with your friends all night if that’s your shtick. besides it’s not like you knew he would be driven to madness by need. frankly, neither did he. the urge just came out of nowhere, punching him in the gut and crippling him through anything other than the crude circle of his hand around his cock.
gojo didn’t make it far into the room before he’s stumbling into the wall, hands working at his buckles. he’s alone so the walls separating him from the outside are enough.
he makes a face, but spits into his hand anyway, already enjoying the smooth glide it adds as he drags down his length. lube would have been better. messier. sloppier to match your eager mouth but this would have to do. his mind will take care of the rest.
right now- it's you- not his hand tucked between his thighs. his free and grips at his exposed thigh, nimble fingers engaging around the ghost of your hair. he doesn’t really need to guide you, you’re so good at it without instruction. cheeks filled out around his girth, cheeks flush from all the effort it takes to keep the gagging at bay.
in this moment he’s allowed to thrust forward, a low groan leaving his lips as he imagines the wetness of your tears soaking him. his hips roll forward into his hand, knocking into the base of your mouth where you’d managed to take him to the hilt. even this far into your relationship, it takes a bit of effort to get you relaxed enough for it to happen.  it's the one thing he will always be patient for, no matter the wait. something about you having to adapt to him. your own desire to make accommodations for his own pleasure is worth it.
his hips buck harder, taking advantage of this fabricated reality of it all to really push your limits.
fuck- he’s there. he’s so there. you’re too good, so perfect for him. this would be one of the times he would waste his seed in your mouth rather than starve it off to enter you properly first. he’s hazy from the memories- too many of them stroking, biting, sucking at him to keep up with. he’s become so efficient at this that he knows it will only take a few more strokes.
you’d back off at this point, no longer needing full stimulation to get him them. you’re much happier talking him through it as your hand pumps. you beg for him to come for you, and he does.
gojo’s hand is a mess but he’s sliding down the wall rather than rolling to his feet. his head knocks back against the wall a little harder than necessary but he had no energy to complain. the entirety of the day finally catches up with him as he can feel it all weigh down on his shoulders.
as his eyes drift close he makes a promise to himself to wake before you return. it’s unlikely. but maybe you’ll appreciate coming home to him already unwrapped for you.
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let-love-bleeds-red · 3 years
Ezekiel reyes x reader
A/N: I’m new to posting/publishing my works so any feedback is welcomed! Maybe will do a part 2?? Depending on you readers. Also don't be shy to ask for more characters or different shows. ☺️
Summary: Ezekiel leaves their romantic partner high and dry as he deals with supposed club business. Y/n feeling quite lonely sends an attention grabbing video to Ez only for his phone to be left behind. After a confusing phone call with Angel, y/n decides she needs to see who Ez has been talking to. When Ez’s past crashes with his future puts Y/n in a bad position, y/n must figure out what’s better for her future and their relationship.
Warnings: Mature language, smut, oral sex, fingering, masturbation, mention of bodily fluids, mention of abuse, angst.
Word count: 3073
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Light shuffling wakes me from a blissful dream. My eyes adjust to the light shining through the window blinds. I rub the sleepiness away and make eye contact with the bare back of Ezekiel Reyes. Shamelessly, I take in every inch and mark of his body, happy that he's mine.
Ez turns around feeling eyes on him. "Like what you see cariña" (darling) the corner of his mouth curves up into a devilish smirk.
I'm sure I'm drooling at this point. Recapturing my composure, I throw a pillow at the back of his head. "It surprises me that your ego is bigger than your head" I retort.
He turns away from the dresser facing me “you didn’t mind my head size when it was between your legs,” a shit eating smile filling his face.
“Ezekiel Reyes!” I scold giggling. Warmth floods my cheeks as I hide underneath the covers. Large hands make they’re way up my legs, kisses trailing close behind them. My breath hitches as his lips make contact to my inner thigh. His teeth nip at certain spots making sure to leave many love bites. My fingers scratch the back of his head leading him further up to where my body most craved. He licks my slit, his focus now on teasing my clit.
A soft moan escapes my lips as my hips involuntarily buck up closer to him. Ez smirks kissing up to my sternum. He looks up to me with mischievous eyes. I pout from the loss of contact, “you just want to get me worked up.”
His hand molds my breast while playing with my nipple, “You look so sexy when you’re frustrated.” His hot tongue connects to my erect nipple sucking and tugging lightly, the other hand not stopping its menstrations. He bites the side of my breast causing loud moans to escape.
My hips grind against his abdomen looking for friction and much needed relief. “Fuck.. Ezekiel” my nails scratch along his shoulders driving him further on. “Please mi corazon” (my heart) I moaned, needing more of him. His hand leaves my breast, sliding down to where I ache the most. Two digits pump in me while his thumb gives attention to my clit. I ride along Ez’s hand getting closer and closer to my climax. His fingers feel like magic, hitting every sensitive part. I’m arching from the immense pressure of pleasure that’s fighting to be released. Just as I’m reaching the edge a ringing freezes Ez’s actions. Ezekiel looks to me, then to his phone across the room on the dresser, then back to me. “Don’t you even think about it,” The need for release takes over my emotional state.
Ez kisses my forehead, “Lo siento mi amor.” (I'm sorry my love) He climbs off of the bed making his way to the dresser and answers his phone. He turns away from me talking low to the person on the receiving end. I don't know if it’s my sexual frustrations or the fact that he’s acting sneaky but something was definitely up. Ez’s hush conversation ends as he rushes to get his clothes on. I sit up worried, “Is something wrong with the club? Is Angel alright? Bishop?” Here I am frustrated since we didn’t finish, yet my Mayan family could need help. Even worse they could be hurt. God I’m so selfish.
“No hermosa, everyone is fine. The club needs me for a run. I can’t say no to them,” He eases my mind. “Rest baby, I’ll be back before you know it.” He kisses my head rubbing the crease on my forehead.
“Be careful, I know it's just a run but things can go bad so quick, so please be careful.” I hug him snuggling my head to his chest hearing his beautiful heart beat.
He rubs my back holding me close, “See you in a few, sleep mi corazon” He takes my face in his large hands planting a soft kiss to my lips. After a brief moment he lets go and grabs his kutte from the corner chair. I hear the door close seconds later and sigh sadly. He just left and I’m missing him like crazy. I’m so whipped. Maybe I should show him how bad I’m missing him.
Grabbing my vibrator from the nightstand drawer, and setting my phone on the stand to catch all my naughty actions. I flip the switch to High on my vibrator moving it along my wet slit. The vibration re-excites my sensitive clit, as I rub it through my folds, lubing it up. My other hand finds my breast playing and tugging my nipple. “Ezekiel I want you so bad baby” I moan imagining his hands, his tongue, his huge thick cock. “I want you fucking every bit of me to pieces.” I rub against the vibrator gathering friction on the bundle of nerves. Feeling tired of waiting for release I thrust the vibrator into me. Not stopping to get used to the size, I thrust it fast in and out of me hitting my g-spot repeatedly. Taking my hand away from my breast I moved it down to my clit rubbing the sensitive bud to push me over the edge. “Fuck! Right there Ezekiel!” I moan arching my back. A split second later the burst of release and pleasure fills my body. I take the vibrator out seeing my cum drip along the sleek tool to the tip as I rub my orgasm out. “Would’ve been better if you were actually here,” I look at the camera. “I miss you, baby. Come home soon. I love you,” I blow a kiss toward the camera and end the recording.
After a long hot shower, I lather myself in lotion and get dressed. Checking how the naughty video looks, I send it to Ez satisfied with the results. A ding sounds from across the room. Investigating where the sound came from leads to Ez’s forgotten phone. For someone with great memory he forgets a lot of stuff. I’ll call Angel to let Ez know.
“Hey princess, you finally wise up and realize I’m the hottest Reyes?” Angel answers.
I roll my eyes laughing, “Sadly you’re mistaken Angel, Philippe will always be number one.”
“I’m gonna tell Ez you said that.”
“What makes you think Ez doesn’t know,” I smirk.
“Gross” he groans is distaste.
“Like your face. Anywho, how did the run go?”
“What run? Everyone is given the day off until the party tonight”
Confusion wracks my brain, “none of you went on a run this morning?”
“Not that I know of. What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly.
“Uh nothing, I just thought Ezekiel was with you and the guys. My mistake, sorry to bother you Angel.”
“You’re no bother princess, let me know if you need anything.”
“Okay thanks Angel, bye.” My heart sinks. Ez lied to me. He actually lied and broke his promise. Why would he do that. It has to be important if he needed to lie to me. Yea that’s it.
I look towards his phone thinking back to who he was talking to earlier. If it wasn’t the club then who? Going against my conscience I look through his messages to see Emily pop up on his recent. The messages showing meet up places on days Ez left early to do club business or met up with his dad. My heart is breaking into pieces. Shattering even more with the lies and betrayal. He knew how I felt about starting this relationship, about the trust issues, and trauma. He knew every part of me yet decided to destroy all that was built between us. Liquid drips onto my arms, I wipe my eyes not realizing the tears pouring. I don’t want to cry. I shouldn’t cry. Not over someone who didn’t truly love me. Yet I cry for the love that I gave him. I cry for being dumb enough to fall so hard for him, for giving my all to him.
~Months prior~
Slowly slipping out of strong arms I reach for my shirt and panties laying across the floor. Trying to be stealthy, I look for my missing shorts. How can someone lose shorts in a trailer?! There’s literally no way it’s too small, but of course my luck. I yelp as I feel myself being pulled back into a warm chest. Ez chuckles beside me, happy to catch me by surprise. “Buenos dias hermosa” (good morning beautiful) He kisses my temple leading more down the curve of my neck.
I hit his firm chest, “You scared me half to death, jerk!” Trying to hold back my smile, but Ezekiel being Ezekiel can see right through it.
His hand frames the side of my face as his thumb lightly trails across my bottom lip. “You weren’t trying to leave without saying goodbye were you?” His brown eyes bore into mine taking in every feature.
Not able to lie to him, “Yes, but only to get to the office before Chucky,” I explain while trying to climb off the bed again only to be pulled back to straddling Ez’s waist. “This is what got us in this situation in the first place, Reyes,” pointing to our current position.
His big hands slowly crawl their way up my bare thighs causing shivers to run up my spine. “You’re too irresistible, and you didn’t seem to mind it. I do remember you begging for more.”
Curse his memory. I hit his chest, ”Not my fault you kept following me around, I felt bad. You were like a lost puppy.” I smile thinking back to the first day we met. “Speaking of memory, where are my shorts?”
A mischievous smirk slips across his lips, “now what do I get if I tell you?” His hand now on my ass, pushing me slightly on his erection.
I jokingly ponder his question, grinding my hips slowly to tease, while tapping my chin in a thinking motion. “Hmm.. Not getting caught by Bishop, nor beaten to death. Oh and possibly get buried in the desert.” His smirk falls off his face. “But knowing Bishop he’ll probably castrate you first,” I grin thinking how protective the Mayan President can be.
He groans, pulling my shorts from behind his pillow. “Take them.”
“You were hiding them!” I laugh pinching his side teasing.
“I didn’t want you leaving,” he taps his finger along my thigh nervously.
“As sweet as that sounds, I don't want your death on my hands if Bishop catches us,” I joke.
“I want Bishop to know,” he states confidently. He sits up having us chest to chest as he watches my features. “I want us to date, be a couple in front of the club, in public. I don't want to hide it,” his hand caresses my face.
“Ezekiel,” I stop his hand. “I can’t do that. I can’t put sheer dumb trust in another person, not with my emotions and body.” Heat fills my chest from the traumatic memories. “I will not put myself in a position to be beaten down and taken advantage of.” Slipping out of his hold, I put my shorts and flats on trying to make a quick exit.
His hand gently wraps around my arm catching my attention. “I don't want you for your beauty and body, you’re so much more than that. You’re so strong and very smart, your humor and wit make you, you.” His arms wrap around my waist pulling me a bit closer to him. “I will never hurt you. I’m not that low life thug. I will never lie to you or make you feel uncomfortable. I respect you so much. Just give me a little trust, I promise you won't regret it,” he begs, his eyes full of love?
A knock on the trailer door interrupts the moment. “It’s Chucky, I brought by coffees for a morning wake up,” he explains happily.
I walk over to the door, opening it coming face to face with Chucky. “Thanks Chucky,” I take the two cups. “Do you mind letting Bishop know that I need to talk with him? He’s gonna wanna know I’m dating his prospect,” I look over to Ez smiling.
“Of course young love is beautiful, I hope to witness it myself one of these days.” Chucky sighs dreamily.
I peck his cheek, “You will Chucky. She’ll be one lucky woman,” I assure him.
Muscled arms snake around my stomach as Ez’s chest warms my back. “Chucky, y/n is gonna be late to clock in. I won't keep her for too long,” he kisses my temple.
“I love you Chucky, thank you!!” I squeal as Ez shuts the door and picks me up kissing me all over the face.
~End of Flashback~
My phone ringing brings me out of my haze. I answer it hearing the one man I didn’t want to contact. “Hey I’m calling from a pay phone, I think I left mine on your dresser. Any way I’ll be by to pick you up for the party tonight in a few minutes.”
I hold back from crying anymore, not wanting to show how hurt I am. “Don't worry about me, I’ll drive over by myself,” trying to keep my voice steady.
“Are you sure the house is on the way.”
On the way from where? Is what kills me. “I’m sure. I’ll see you there, bye.” I hung up before he could get another word in, not able to handle a longer conversation. Grabbing a duffle bag from the closet I pack every belonging of his. Erasing any sign of him from my home. As I fold the last of his shirts, his scent takes me in its embrace. I’m really going to miss him. Holding his shirt to my chest I hug it letting the last of my tears drip away.
After pulling myself together, I toss his stuff in my Jeep and head over to the club house. Chucky opens the gate and greets me. “Lovely night to let loose, huh y/n?”
I can’t help but always feel comfort from Chucky, he’s a true sweetheart. “Indeed Chucky. Make sure you get to enjoy the party a bit too.” I pat his arm before driving into the lot.
Hopping out, I head into the clubhouse to see Bishop playing a card game with Hank and Reaper. I greet the men hugging them one by one, leaving the last to be Bishop. “Can I talk to you in the temple?”
He nods a look of worry flashes across his face, “Of course mija. We’ll be back.” He tells Hank. We walk back to the temple, him taking a seat as I stand. “What’s wrong y/n? Did something happen?” He scopes out my face for any bruise or marks.
“Yes but it's not for you to worry about, Bish. Just letting you know I’ll be in Charming for the next couple of days.”
“Why are you leaving? Did the prospect do something to you?!” He starts to stand up to head toward the door.
I stop him shaking my head, “There is a job opening at the hospital there that I’ve been invited to try out. I think it’s a great opportunity for me since I’m back on my feet.” I explain leaving Ezekiel out of the situation.
“But that’s not the only reason. You look like you’ve been crying. What did the prospect do.” He demands an answer.
“Nothing that deals with the club. He didn’t touch me nor hurt me in any physical way. I can’t deal with being in a relationship, they don’t work well with me.” There’s no point in getting Ez into trouble with the club.
He gets up and embraces me, “If that’s what you want then I can’t stop you. Just make sure you’re doing it for you and not just running away.” He kisses the top of my head.
“I’ll call you when I get to Charming,” I pat his chest. “Please keep this between us, for now?” He nods his head in agreement. “Thank you for everything, El Presidente” I smile leaving him to head back to the Jeep. As I exit the club I come face to face with Ezekiel.
He smiles seeing that it’s me, “There you are hermosa,” he leans down to peck my lips. I step back avoiding the gesture. Confusion washes over him as I step around him to get to my car. He follows close behind, “Hey, wait up!” He grabs my arm only for me to yank away from him. “What’s wrong mi amor?” (my love)
“How was your run?” I steal my voice, staring at his brown orbs.
Worry taking over his emotions, “It was fine, everything went well. I’m okay.”
I scoff shaking my head at his lies. “Here,” pulling his phone out of my pocket and shoves it into his chest. “Emily has been messaging all day.”
Realization flashes through him, “wait baby no it’s not like that!” He tries to grab my hands.
“Don’t touch me. You lost the privilege the moment you decided to lie and sneak around. I don't want any part of your charades.” Tiredness heavy in my voice.
“Let me explain, please,” he pleads. “I didn’t cheat. I only helped her with a business issue,” he explains hurriedly.
“I don't need your explanation nor do I want it, Ezekiel. It’s not fair for you to live in your past, while you tell me to move on from my own. It’s hypocritical of you to think she loves you. Emily is a married woman, she loves Galindo, she’s moved on.” I sigh grabbing his duffle bag of belongings from my car dropping them at his feet. “At least I know I’m not the only stupid one in this relationship.”
“I don't love Emily, I love you, you are my everything. You make everyday worth it. I can’t lose you.”
“The problem, Ezekiel, is I don’t believe you. Your words are just that. Words. No meaning behind them. I’m not gonna give my time and trust to a man who doesn’t respect me. I’m done. It’s over. Don't contact me, don't go to my house.” I rush into the Jeep starting it and backing up out of the lot. The only thought is to drive away and don't look back. If I look, then I know I’ll turn and go back into his arms.
A/N: please feedback and let me know if there should be a part 2
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solarwonux · 4 years
college!minghao x f!reader
warnings: pining, smut, oral sex (male receiving), public sex, dirty talk. I think that’s it if I missed one pls let me know. 
Note: this takes place in the same universe as crop tops and tattoos, no chronological order, there’s one more of wonwoo after this one and then another one with both wonwoo and minghao. let me know if you’d like me to upload them and as always let me know your thoughts <3
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The thin strap of your summer dress kept sliding down your shoulder and it was driving Minghao crazy, while he worked alongside you. He had watched you closely throughout the day, burning holes into your naïve skin. The tension growing rapidly and embracing the two of you, digging itself into your veins. It bubbled up into something uncontrollable in the pits of your stomach, begging to be let out.
And now as the two of you stood alongside one another between the cramped-up bookshelves you weren’t sure how much longer you could take the heat. “Hao, can you help me?” You whispered handing him the Music Theory textbook, you had been trying to place on the highest shelf.
Minghao stopped his movements, swallowing hard as he turned to face you. He grabbed the book from your hands. His fingers briefly touching yours sending a shiver up your spine as he closed the gap between the two of you. Your back finding one of the shelves his body inches from yours, engulfing you in his warmth. You watched as he leaned above your head placing the book in its intended location, your hands itching to pull him closer in order to close the teasing gap between the two of you.
He looked down at you his arm falling to his side, clutching his fist as he eyed your fallen strap. And without a second thought, he hooked his finger underneath it, tilting his head as you felt your breathing speed up. Slowly he glided your strap back into place, his hand staying there for a long second playing with the knot that kept it tied to together. He breathed out before shaking his head pushing himself away from your body, trying to remind himself that you were just his co-worker. And feeling this way about you was far from appropriate. But the feeling of your hand catching his wrist stopped his wandering thoughts. You pulled him to you wrapping one of your arms around his neck. Before he could ask you what you were doing you planted your soft lips against his.
He jumped slightly as the shock coursed its way into his body, soon being replaced by the overwhelming feeling of lust. He placed his hands against your hips pulling you closer to him finally breaking the tension the two of you had been feeling.
The kiss the two slowly morphing into a sloppy passionate mess. Tongues fighting against one another, teeth clinking softly, soft sighs escaping your throats and hands gripping onto anything they could find.
When you had pulled away to catch your breath, Minghao let out a soft whimper. He leaned down again trying to connect his lips with yours once again, feeling like if he didn’t do so soon enough, he’d physically die. But you had placed your index finger against his soft lips stopping his movements. Minghao eyed you curiously as you pushed yourself off the bookshelf and signaled for him to follow you. And like a lost puppy he did.
He watched as you effortlessly moved through the rows of books, your arms reaching behind you and grabbing your hair tying it up into a makeshift ponytail. The smoothness of your neck on full display and he wondered how beautiful it would look with his marks decorating it.
You led him to the forgotten section of the library that kept all the VCR tapes whose only purpose was to sit and collect dust. He had always wondered why the system had decided to keep them instead of just throwing them out, but his thoughts were interrupted by you pushing him up against one of the shelves.
“What are you doing?” He spoke, his head falling back as he felt your lips attack his neck. Sucking and biting harshly soft sighs escaping his flushed lips. His hands finding their way up to your shoulders, his thumbs hooking underneath the straps of your ocher dress rubbing soft circles.
“No one’s around.” You whispered before biting down on his earlobe gently. A shiver running down Minghao’s spine. “Which means I can finally do anything I want to you.” You smirked, your hand running down his torso and playing with his belt buckle. Mingaho gulped as you eyed him innocently, feeling himself get harder as you toyed with him.
He placed his thumb over your lips opening them up slowly. You took him into your mouth running your tongue over the pad of his finger. “Show me how pretty your lips look wrapped around me.” He groaned feeling you start to suck on his thumb, your hand palming him through his black jeans. He was melting underneath your heated touch and if you continued to look at him the way you currently were as if you were waiting to devour him. He would’ve come in his pants like a teenager.
You released his thumb with a pop. You reached over and kissed his lips softly pulling away before he could respond. His eyes widened as he watched you sink down to your knees. The adrenaline of possibly getting caught by one of the other library assistants, turning him on even more. You kissed over his clothed length, while you unbuttoned his pants slowly.
“Hao how many times have you imagined this?” You looked up at him doe-eyed as you freed him, his cock standing up against his stomach begging to be played with.
“So many times.” He gripped the bookshelf, his knuckles turning white, while your hand wrapped around him. “Hmm, me too.” You mumbled running your tongue over your bottom lip, moving your hand slowly. You leaned forward and lick the underside of his cock, a slow breathy moan escaping Minghao’s lips.
Smirking, you placed your lips around his swollen head running your tongue over his slit slowly, moaning as the sweetness of his precum hit your taste buds. You continued to stroke him as you brought him further into your mouth. Admiring the way Minghao’s mouth hung up as the pleasure of feeling himself inside your warm mouth overtook his body. You started bobbing your head slowly, swallowing around him trying to take him in as much as you could. His hand finding its way to the back of your neck, gripping onto your makeshift ponytail and pushing you down. A loud moan falling out of his throat and quickly you pulled away releasing him with a pop.
“We have to stay quiet baby.” You smirked kissing down his length slowly keeping your eyes trained on his. The nickname you had called him by and the feeling of your lips against him would’ve been enough to get him to fall apart.
“You’re such a fucking tease.” He said before guiding you down onto his cock again, this time, wasting no time to thrust himself further into your mouth. A soft sigh escaping your lips, feeling yourself get wetter. His grip in your hair tightened as he started rocking his hips slowly at first, feeling you swallow around him. You gripped his thighs tightly digging your nails into the fabric of his jeans.
“You look so pretty like this; I should take a fucking picture.” He groaned his hand pushing you down further into him keeping you in place making you gag. You tapped his thighs pulling back, his length falling out of your mouth as your heaving chest matched his.
“Too bad, we’re at a spot where the cameras can’t see us, I bet you’d like it if they were. You could watch it over and over at night instead of imagining it.” You teased smirking. Your hand taking hold of him again, moving your hand around him rapidly. Minghao’s breathing caught in his throat as he threw his head back hitting it with one of the VCR tapes on the shelf behind him.
“God, you’re such a little minx aren’t you; I’d bet you like knowing we could get caught any second now.” He moaned bucking his hips up to your hand. You groaned lowly taking his tip into your mouth again sucking on it harshly, pushing your knees together to relieve yourself a bit. Minghao placed a hand over his mouth, biting down on his skin as the pleasure inside of him increased. You hallowed out your cheeks pushing him further into your mouth, saliva running down your chin.
You looked at him through hooded eyes, his face contorting into pleasure as he slowly began to thrust his hips against your mouth roughly. You moaned around him sending a delicious shiver up his spin as he opened his eyes again. One of his hands gripping the bookshelf behind him while the other gripped the back of your neck. Eyebrows furrowed as his gaze stayed locked on yours, small praises falling out of his mouth. And with a soft sigh, he came into your mouth, his seed spurting across your tongue making you whimper. You gripped his thighs as he rode out his climax, trying to swallow as much of his cum as you could, some of it escaping your mouth and sliding down your chin.
Minghao pulled away panting, quickly stuffing himself into his pants again before grabbing onto your arms and pulling you up to him. He wrapped one arm around your waist bringing you closer to him. “I can’t believe you just sucked me off in the back of the library.” He chuckled, his thumb wiping the excess of his cum and bringing it into your mouth. You licked it making a satisfying sound as you swallowed it.
“Wouldn’t be the first time. Ask Wonwoo to give you his review the next time you see him.” You smirked before kissing his lips softly. He groaned lowly tasting himself against your lips, pulling you closer to his body, digging his nails into your hips. After moments of kissing you hard and sensually, he pulled away resting his forehead against yours.
“Come back to mine and I’ll have you screaming my name instead of his.”
“For your sake, I hope you’re not all talk.” You pecked his lips one last time before walking away leaving him behind all dazed.
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redpandaramblings · 4 years
Laundry Day. Sero x F!reader
Content warning- Mature humor, Mineta mention, sexual situations, heavy petting.
 “Come on!  It would be so much fun!”  Mina was bouncing on her heels, practically vibrating with excited energy as she tried to convince the group to go along with her scheme.
“So let me get this right.” Bakugo sighed.  “You want to do this fucking thrift store scronging thing for Christmas?”
“Yep!”  Mina said.  “Let’s be real, none of us have a lot of money this year, and this will be a way to have a lot of fun on a budget!  It’s simple.  Everyone finds the weirdest or most inappropriate thing they can buy for five bucks or less, and then we have a white elephant party on Christmas Eve!”
“White Elephant?” Kirishima asks, tilting his head.
Kaminari nods, jumping in.  “Yeah man!  Means people take turns picking gifts out of a pile.  Or they have the chance to steal a gift someone else already opened.  Basically, don’t go picking stuff thinking it will go to a specific person.”
“Is this going to be just us?  Or are we inviting everyone?  Because I live in curious fear of whatever Mineta would manage to dig up.”  You asked from where you were lounging.
Mina blanched while Denki cackled in delight.
“Oh god, we have to invite everyone now!  Imagine Midoria’s face!  Imagine Iida’s!”
“It’s settled!  Party at Bakubro’s!” Kiri cheered.
“Oi shitty hair! Don’t fucking invite everyone over to my place!”
“But you make the best curry!  Please?  For your bestest friends in the whole wide world?”
“Fuck no!”
“Pleeeeaaaase?”  Kiri pleaded.
Kirishima looked around the squad, communicating silently as everyone nodded.  As a collective force, you all turned your best puppy eyes at Bakugo.  He squirmed, firmly trying to look away from all of you.  You all started fake whimpering and whining.  You knew you had won when Katsuki’s lips briefly twitched into a smile.
“Alright!  Alright!  Now stop it, you fucking extras!”
“Three cheers for Bakubro!” Sero exclaimed.
The weeks flew by and before you knew it, the party was upon you.  Katsuki had grumbled and bitched the whole time, and yet now was gazing with pride at the absolute spread he had spent the last two days cooking.  Everyone had showed up, had gorged themselves, and were now in the process of opening presents.  There had been a couple weird mugs, a lamp made out of a deer leg, and Iida had had the misfortune of opening the gift Mineta had brought.  Everyone stared in horrified awe at the three foot long, hot pink dildo.
“Are those teeth marks on it?”
“Yep, teeth marks.”
“Mineta, where the hell did you find this thing?”
“I swear I got it at a thrift store!  The price tag is still on the base, look!”
“Yep.  That’s a price tag.”
“I’m not drunk enough for this.”
“I wanna bite it.”
“Y/N!  NO!”
There was a lot of laughter and teasing as the evening continued, gifts continuing to be claimed or stolen at a slow pace.  Just about everyone after Iida had tried to steal ownership of the horror dong as it had been nicknamed.  Denki had just stolen it from you, so you had to pick a new gift.  You pointed toward a box that was rather conspicuously wrapped entirely in tape.
“Okay, someone toss me whatever the hell Sero got.”
The black haired man gave a little fist pump as he snagged the box, walking over to sit next to you as he handed the box over.  He casually pressed against your side and slung an arm around your shoulders.  “Amiga, I’m honored!  You’re going to love it!”
“Yeah, I’m going to love it if I can ever get into it.”  You began the process of slowly unwrapping the absurd amount of tape.  “Seriously, anybody got a knife?”
A chorus of “no”s replied, no one actually bothering to look for one.
You gave a dramatic groan.  “You’re all awful and I hate each and every one of you.”
Hanta gasped and placed a hand over his heart.  “Even me, Querida?”
“Especially you, you office supply elbowed freak.”  You replied, sticking your tongue out at him even as you snuggled more comfortably into his side.
After a couple more minutes of dramatic whining and tape unwrapping, you finally got the box open, only to reveal the gaudiest t-shirt you had ever seen.  It was a nauseating shade of Pepto Bismol pink.  There was glitter.  And oh god, what the thing said.  You started cackling.  You held it up for everyone to see, discovering as you did so that this had to be the largest shirt you had seen in your life.
“Ooo, nice one Hanta, that’s really awful!”
“Someone steal this from me, please!”
“No way, Y/N!  It’s the perfect addition to your wardrobe!”
“Hermosa! I’m wounded you would get rid of my gift right after opening it.”
“Look at this thing!  Fatgum would swim in it!”
You made a show of grumbling, but you stowed the shirt back in its box and enjoyed the rest of your evening with your friends.  When you got home quite late that evening, you shoved the box into the back of your closet and didn’t think about it again until almost a year later.
Today had been the day from hell.  You muttered curses to yourself as you stomped down the hallway to your apartment.  Work had been harder than usual, the kind of day that made you grateful to make the long commute back home.  So of course today would be the day that the subway would be taken over by a villain who had a sludge quirk.  Asshole had flooded the cars with the thick, foul smelling, viscous ooze that reminded you of things unmentionable.  You and the other passengers had had to scramble to make sure no one ended up in over their head.  Lucky everyone had been saved.  Unluckily you and many others, you had spent the better part of two hours standing shoulder deep in the muck.  It was in your hair.  It had soaked your clothes.  It was in your underwear.  And the icing on the cake was of course it was your friends and neighbors who had rescued you.  Of course your crush had seen you when you looked like you had taken up competitive septic tank diving.  
It took you three tries before your key actually got in the lock.  You shuffled into your apartment and straight for the bathroom.  Grimacing as you peeled your clothing off, you unceremoniously chucked everything into the hamper before stepping into the shower and turning the water as hot as it would go.  You stayed in the shower for over an hour scrubbing and rescrubbing every inch of you.  With great reluctance, you eventually stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel.  You lazily dried yourself off as you walked into the bedroom, intent on putting on pajamas and pretending you didn’t exist for the next several hours.  
You opened your underwear drawer only to be filled with a deep sense of dread.  Empty.  Your pajama drawer? One pair of extreme booty shorts that say “creepy” on the butt.  Your t-shirt drawer?  Empty.  Your closet?  Empty.  Frustrated tears threatened to slip down your cheeks as you realized that the shorts were the only clean item of clothing in your apartment.  You had been meaning to do laundry for a while, but you hadn’t realized that it had gotten this bad.  As much as you hated to, you were going to have to do your laundry tonight.  You put the shorts in and  looked through your closet again, desperate enough to find a sheet to try and fashion into a toga when you spotted a rather bedraggled tape covered box.  You hadn’t thought about your ridiculous white elephant gift in several months, but now?  Well, it technically was a shirt.  It certainly would cover you better than an improvised sheet toga.  Before you could think twice about it, you opened the box, grabbed the shirt, and slipped it on.
The shirt swam on you, going past your butt.  The color was bad, and you winced at the image on the front.  But, you were now decent enough to venture down to the building’s shared laundry room.  So, after grabbing your hamper, detergent, and quarter jar; you did just that.
You hummed the Mission Impossible theme to yourself as you descended the stairwell to the ground floor.  Most of your friends lived on this level, but chances were they were fast asleep at this time of night.  You were glad of that as you hurried along.  You really didn’t want to run into anyone wearing your current getup.  It took several minutes to sort your laundry into a few machines and get everything started.  You were leaning against the last machine in the line, debating going back to your place or just staying here when you heard something that made you freeze.  Upbeat whistling that was growing closer each second.  You knew that whistle You did not want to see the owner of that whistle right now.  You had already been embarrassed in front of crush today, you really didn’t need him showing up for round two.  You were debating how quickly you could scramble into a dryer to hide when Sero Hanta entered the room.  
He briefly glanced your way.  “Hey Y/N!  I figured I might see you here.  I’ll admit I’ve seen some shit, and that was gross even by my standards.  I wanted to ask how you were doing.  Make sure you weren’t injured or any…”. He trailed off when he finally registered what exactly you were wearing.  His grin turned positively feral as he set his own laundry bag to the side.
“My, my, my.”  Sero gave a rumbling chuckle.  “Whatever do we have here?”  Sero’s eyes could sweep up and down your body.  His signature grin grew wider as his gaze lingered on your t-shirt clad chest.  
You crossed your arms, attempting to hide the gigantic image of a lime green, glittery, prancing unicorn proclaiming “I’m horny!”  What were the odds that someone else would be washing their clothes at two in the morning?  Apparently changes were pretty damn high, you thought as you leveled a half hearted glare at your friend and neighbor.  
“It’s laundry day, Hanta, don’t read into it.”
“But Hermosa!  How can I not?  The first time I see mi corazón wearing the gift I so painstakingly chose for her?”  He waggled his eyebrows as his trademark teasing grin spread over his face.
You blushed, turning your head to the side and refusing to look at him.
“You’re full of crap, Cellophane.  It’s been a really shitty day, and this was literally my only thing to wear.”
Sero nodded and hummed, turning to put his own laundry in the machines.  “Si, si.  It was a rather difficult time, it looked like.  And you okay though?  Not injured?  I didn’t get a chance to catch up with you after the fight was over.”
You groaned, tilting your head back and covering your face with your hands. “I’m afraid I got a nasty case of extreme embarrassment and took a heavy blow to my pride.  Of course you fuckers had to be the heros on duty for that whole debacle.”
Hanta looks at you seriously as shoves disorganized armfuls of laundry into the nearest machine.  “I’d rather it be me saving you than anybody else, Querida.”
You let your hands fall to your side with a disgruntled sigh.  “Why?  So you can witness all the embarrassing situations you can blackmail me with?”
“Well now that you mention it, yes.”  Sero dumped an obscene amount of soap into the washer before turning it on.  “However,” he purred in a sinful voice that startled you.  He stalked toward you like a hungry jaguar.  He stalked toward you like a hungry jaguar.  Squeaking, you inched away from him until the back of your legs were pressed firmly against the cold metal of the washing machine. Hanta leaned over your retreating frame, placing an arm on either side of you, caging you in.  “Querida mia, I want to always be able to make sure you are safe.”
You placed your hands on his chest, halfheartedly trying to shove him away.
“That’s very touching.  Now get out of my personal space.”
 “But Querida,”  Sero murmured, his voice going low and sensual, moving closer until your hips pressed against each other.  “There’s nowhere I’d rather be than your personal space.  Si supieras las cosas que quiero hacerte...”
With him so close, there was nothing you could do to disguise the shiver that ran through you at his words.  
“Oh?  What’s this?”  Sero said.  His large hands traveled to your hips, his long fingers finding their way under the hem of your shirt to tantalizingly stroke your skin.  He leaned forward, voice turning to a growl with his mouth next to your ear.  “Hermosa likes me speaking Español, hmm?”
You bite your lip before giving in and nodding.
“Well, in that case…  Taco supreme!”
The fingers that had been stroking your skin suddenly became deadly, horrible tickle weapons; digging into your sides and moving rapidly.  You shrieked with surprised laughter, thrashing from side to side as you tried to escape.  However, Hanta’s large frame and firm hips kept you pinned against the washing machine as his traitorous fingers continued their assault.  He continues to tease in between his own laughter.  “Nachos grande!  Cinnamon Twists!  Quiero Taco Bell!”
Tears are streaming down your cheeks as you wheeze and slap at his chest.  “Stop!  Stop!  You horrible man!”  He gets in a few more tickles before he does stop, wrapping his arms around you, pulling into a tight hug as you both take a few moments to pant and calm your laughter.  He nuzzles your neck before asking softly, “Feel better?”
You nod, just enjoying his warm body wrapped around you.
“Yeah?”  Your voice just as soft as his, one of your hands finds its way up to stroke his hair.
“I’d really like to kiss you right now.”
“Please.”  You whisper softly, tugging at his hair just enough to encourage him to move his head back.  Your lips find each other, cautious and gentle at first.  Then, Hanta nips at your lower lip, and you let your mouth fall open with a whimper.  The kiss is hunger and passion, and heat.  Tongues wrestling, teeth lightly biting and teasing each other as hands roam and grope.  Sero’s hands find the back of your thighs and soon he’s lifting you, setting you down on the edge of the washing machine.  He presses himself between your spread legs, bucking against you, and you can feel his hard length teasing you through your clothes.
“Wanted this so long.  You have no idea how long.  Y entonces hoy estaba tan preocupado por ti.  Cuando vi que estabas en peligro, quise matar a ese villano y encerrarte donde nunca más estarías en peligro.”
“Me too.  Wanted this so long, but didn’t think you felt the same.  Now get back here and kiss me like you mean it!”
He happily complied, his lips fitting over yours as if they had been made to be placed together.  The kisses and touches didn’t stay innocent long, his hands finding your breasts through your shirt, teasing and pulling at your nipples.  One of your hands traveled down to stroke the obvious bulge that was rutting against you.  Between his thrusting and the vibrations of the machine you were sitting on, your shorts were becoming visibly soaked.  His fingers found their way up a leg hole and he moaned sinfully when he found there weren't any undergarments keeping his touch from your soaking folds.  It was your turn to smirk, pulling away from his kisses to whisper in his ear.
“I told you, Darling.  Laundry day.”
“Amore, you’re going to be the death of me.”  He groans, shoving his face into your cleavage as he slips a finger into you.
You laugh breathlessly.  “You better not die on me, Hanta.  What I have in mind will be much less fun if you’re dead.”
“HOLY FUCK!”  Shouted a very recognizable voice from the doorway.  Your groan was not from pleasure as you rested your head on Sero’s shoulder.
“Piss off, Denki.”
“Hanta’s finally getting some honey!  Score man!”
“What’s going on?” Mina’s sleep heavy voice drifted in from the hallway.
“Y/n and Sero are going to Pound Town in the Laundry Room!”
“Denki, en el nombre de Dios, I will kill you if you don’t back out of that doorway and let me finish what I started.”
Bakugo’s voice rang down the hall “No fucking in the goddamn Laundryroom!”
Kiri’s voice soon followed “Take it easy, Tsuki!  They can clean up when they’re done!  Get some guys!  You need condoms?”
Sero sighed deeply, pulling his hand out of your pants as your shoulders shook from silent laughter.  “I think, Hermosa, we can agree no fucking in front of the friend group?”
You nodded, laughing as you jumped down from your washing machine perch. “Not until the third date at least.”
Sero moaned softly, not expecting the way that statement had made his cock twitch.  Acting quickly, he scooped you up, and threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  “My room.  Now.”
“Ooo, Caveman Hanta.  Sexy.”
Denki jumped to the side to let Sero pass, calling after you “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!”
You called back “Well, I’m going to do Hanta, so what does that say about you?”
Sero’s hand came down on your bottom with a firm smack as he continued down the hallway and around the corner, taking you two toward his apartment and out of sight.
Spanish guide- 
Amiga- Friend
Querida- Darling
Hermosa- Beautiful
Querida mia- My darling.
 Si supieras las cosas que quiero hacerte- If you knew the things that I want to do to you
Y entonces hoy estaba tan preocupado por ti.  Cuando vi que estabas en peligro, quise matar a ese villano y encerrarte donde nunca más estarías en peligro.-  And then today I was so worried about you. When I saw that you were in danger, I wanted to kill that villain and lock you up where you would never be in danger again.
Hey guys!  Pan here, hope you enjoyed it.  It’s been quite a while since I’ve put any of my fanfic out there, so please be gentle with me.  I just used Google translate for the Spanish, so I’m sure some of it is very wrong.  If you have corrections, please feel free to send them my way!  Also, if you see any triggers that need tagging please let me know.  I also accept constructive criticism, and appreciate having spelling and grammar mistakes pointed out.  Also want to take the chance to answer this question ahead of time-
“The fuck is up with the dildo?!?!”
The Dildo of Doom is based on real events.  That actually happened.  One of my former sorority sisters found the dong of death at a thrift store.  It did indeed have teeth marks on it.  Human teeth marks, I should clarify.  Truth is stranger than fiction.
I have to thank @reinawritesbnha for helping me edit some clunky sections.  If you aren’t already familiar with her work, please check her out!
Taglist- @reinawritesbnha @nkjktk
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voidcat · 4 years
— Seijoh 4 & dom!reader
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a/n: this is legit my first time writing nsfw so yea b kind pls. I was getting tired of sub!reader stuff and I’m not the most sexual person but yea have a lil dom!reader w the boys,,, as a treat,, I’d also like you all to know that Nicole enabled this... thanks for supporting the sad horn knee hours wife<3
mostly gender neutral reader but i just realized i used nicknames “miss/mistress” few times so yea
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Hanamaki Takahiro:
Oh boy is he excited!.. the moment this slips out of your mouth, he is fuming, vibrating from where he’s sitting and can’t wait to get home.
He is always open to try new things. Back in the day you two tried a thing or two but you were unsure how he’d act so you downplayed often... but now that knowing you’re a dom, the things you can do with the trust you share, shit, did it get hot in here?
On random days, he’ll just go “hey babe what do you think of this?” And show you a page of strap ons, for you to choose. some days he’ll practically beg to be pegged. he loves your demanour when you’re in charge, the air within you when you’re the one in control is, comforting but each night a new adventure and he just can’t get enough of it, of you.
Probably the two of you start with a basic list of things to try and see what he is into. When it comes to spanking, you warn beforehand again and say you’ll do it only once. Holding back yourself and smacking him as lightly as you can, you watch his face for any changes. The moment your hand makes contact with his skin, he lets out a “yelp!” and you stop right there, growing worried. Instead of a face in pain, teeth clenched and brows furrowed; he has the most satisfied and flushed face, eyes half closed and glossy and mouth slightly open. “Do it again babe, but harder this time? Please?”
He probably gets on your nerves on purpose & loves it when you call him a brat or your good boy. Some days he’ll just call you to hang out at his place and when you arrive, you find him spread on the bed, touching himself, his eyes on your figure, staring right into your eyes “hope I haven’t disobeyed or crossed any lines Miss” (he’ll be pissing you off on purpose during your movie nights and let you teach him a lesson right on the couch, the counter or the table...)
Def calls you praises and names (especially titles, telling you over and over how much he loves and enjoys you, how he loves to be drowned in your presence, begging you for anything, even the tiniest bit of a kiss. 
He likes to shower together after a long night and wash each other’s hair, gently massaging your scalp and placing kisses all over your shoulders and the top of your head; whereas you gently kiss the places you’ve bitten and bruised, smothering his face with kisses.
Oikawa Tooru
This boy here, loves to act tough and all but let’s face it, he is a switch. It’s a typical Never Have I Ever game and at one point bedroom talk enters the game. He takes notes of the things you drink to, curious and you swear you catch a spark of excitement when you make it plainly obvious you’re a dom. Although that spark leaves as fast as it has appeared and you brush it off as a play of light.
That night when you return home, he practically jumps at you, a little rougher than usual and you’re sure why. Letting him pin you to the wall, hands roaming your body greedily, you let him live out the fantasy. The kisses now rough, one minute his lips on yours, the next on your neck, shoulders, collarbones... desperate to sink his teeth in and leave some marks. You think to yourself, that’s enough.
Next thing Oikawa knows, he is the one pinned to the wall, his wrists pinned above his head. With your unoccupied hand, you graze your finger lightly on his figure, jaw, neck and chest. “Someone is feisty.” he won’t tell at first but definitely got a thing for being marked and marking, and honestly? you don’t need him to tell you that.
orgasm denial!!! lots of it!! first two times you take pity on him and let him but the third time? the smug bastard is so sure you will let him come again but surprise!, as soon as you come, you leave him high and dry. he tries solving the issue by himself (which only makes things worse) after like 5 days of no orgasm on his part, he finally gets the clue, is on his... better behaviour; once you allow him to come, the days long of wait is worth the pleasure but he learns not to test you like this again. (however, this won’t stop him from disobeying you few more times just to get you to be rougher)
public teasing!! pda is already a given but you guys use remote controlled toys some days (usually you have the remote and he is the one who does his best to keep quiet) the driving and being near the edge of his climax is painful but he manages to hold himself until you two return home (or find a safe place to take care of it) and the endless wait and your cruel play with the toy’s settings is worth the wait. oikawa shivers every single time.
besides these, he likes to dress up and put on make up. and he is quite picky when it comes to lingerie the two of you wear, he checks the fabric qualities and colors beforehand, after all you only deserve the best of the best. he’ll be picking palettes to compliment your features best, loves using highlighter and always picks a dark shade of lipstick for each other; just to see how many times you’ll have to reapply until you’re both covered in its colors.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Ok so I know he has the brute facade going and everyone thinks he’s a dom but hear me out: actually quite soft switch/sub-leaning iwachan
Its a night out w the gang and during a drinking game oikawa makes a snark at you being such a dom in the streets AND in bed. to this blood rushes to Iwa’s cheeks and not many pay attention to it, bc he gets blushy easily plus he has been drinking too. but his mind? Oh he’s for sure imagining scenarios on what you could do to him.
Orgasm denial isn’t much of a thing because he’s very obedient. he’ll do his best to please you and follow your each and every word, watch your lips to hear your next words. for him, your word is law at this point... it’s almost impossible to deny him or those puppy eyes and those sweaty arms anything. He will call you ma’am, mistress, your highness, my goddess... whatever you wish and do not wish for. He loves praising you and ramble about how perfect and holy, etheral and magnificent you are.
lowkey into being tyed up, handcuffed and/or bondage. absolutely loves seeing you in full control. some days you won’t even bother to get undressed while he’s squirming under your touch fully stripped, begging for the tiniest bit of release. sometimes you’ll do the smallest gesture of taking control and he’ll be drooling, not even joking, this man LOVES IT when u take the ropes into ur hands (both metaphorically and literally) loves to lose control and wait for you to do whatever your heart desires, he wants to be what you desire.
(lowkey got a “corruption kink” too) when you two decide to shake things up a bit one day, you bring up some games, activities and kinks (mostly stuff he has only heard of) and, and he’s hard on the spot. lowkey into you wearing leather and gagging him up, his hands tied. he doesn’t mind blindfolds but watching you is so breathtaking, he even does his best to blink as little as possible. he loves it when you ride him to the point of orgasming for the 6th time that day, he’s ready to do anything for you, be your good boy and please you til world’s end.
very very good at oral too, his arms arent the only muscles he’s good at using, he loves your taste, your fingers in his mouth, his fingers in your mouth and in you. feeling your warmth however you want is enough to be content.
not something you do often but having sex in front of the mirror, seeing you in different angles drives him crazy, watching you covered in sweat, shining, panting, telling him how good you are is enough to make him drunk. but still he prefers to be chest to chest, you in his lap, riding him as he holds you to his chest, feeling your skin against his, burning with each move, rubbing against each other.
Matsukawa Issei
of all his relationships and hookups, Issei always encountered subs. few times his partners were doms, they were still submessive to him so when he finds out realizes you’re a dom, needless to say, he’s intrigued...
it kinda starts off with sex in front of a mirror one night, your back pressed against his chest, you’re riding him as his face buried in yourneck and his hands howering over you and suddenly, you grab his hands and out them at his sides, hold his chin and make him look at the mirror: “now watch hoe good i’ll be fucking you and your brains out until you won’t get a coherent sentence out.” you whisper in a low voice and do you deliver as you’ve said? but he got tricks up his sleeve too...
Most of the time, it’s rough and the fire play as well as powerplay takes most of the time. There’s always a battle for dominance, which leaves you both covered in marks and bruises. To say neither of you like it, would be unfair, especially when he disobeys you or flirts with other people beforehand, stepping on your nerves on purpose. (the quiet moans he lets out as you bite his neck, his collarbones, his earlobe, chest and thighs is an indicator if you ever need one.)
And thighs! Lots of thigh biting, massages, rubbing with fingers, or just squeezing the others head inbetween thighs is a given during oral and any foreplay that involved pecks and love bites in that area.
And as it is rough, you two always take your time, having a gentleness to jt in your own way. Be it a soft kiss out of nowhere, a certain way of bucking your hips or thrusting his hips into you. And as things are rough, it’s also when you get to let it all out, be yourself, unstrained.
Some days you’ll drop by his current job, or he’ll stop by at your place, and if he sees you in a headspace that’s too distracted, bothered or irritated by something, or just down; he’ll pick you up, wrapping your legs around him, pressing to you and nibbling on your neck and literally fuck your frustrations out. Those times he lets you take the ropes into your hands but if you’re not up for even that, he’ll take the charge on the spot, and leave clear marks to keep your mind off things for days. And in return, you’ll leave claw marks on his back, tug at his hair and press him to yourself until all you can feel is him; some days you’ll flip the both of you out of nowhere and press his head against your chest, hold his hands behind his back and guide him with your body, his muffled breathes tingling your chest, the nape of your neck and your lips; until your skins red, lips bleeding and gentle purples decorating all over you.
(and he’s a sucker for it. some days he’ll go in town to get something for you to use on him and drop at your place without a card or a name. If asked, he always denies, claiming he’d not get you things to make it easier to control him but the sight of you holding a whip and he can feel the blood rushing already, tugging at his belt and your tshirt. He hopes it’ll be just like that one time you pressed against his dick with high heels, making him beg to come.)
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tags: @myelocin​ @atsumu-brainrot​
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Gone Clubbing
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Coming hot from the Red Flag update, I wrote this chapter that is in a very similar light. It fits the story, so you can't blame me :P Enjoy!
The interior of the club was looking surprisingly normal. Dark colors, tasteful wooden decorations, tables and booths lining the walls. There was a bar in one corner, but the center of the whole club was undoubtedly the raised stage. It was empty now, Darius’ performance didn’t start yet, so Eren took the lead and maneuvered them towards the reserved booth.
Looking around, he realized one thing. Hey, they even fit here! Mikasa was looking amazing as ever and her goth getup worked well with the overall vibe of the club. Eren, who was dubbed a clown by both himself and his friends, also got substantially better, because black lipstick and nail polish were very far from the most eccentric clothing they saw.
“Look, that catsuit is the same as one of yours.”, he pointed out, making Mikasa look.
“It is..”, she agreed, inspecting the latex bodysuit of one of the visitors, “I guess Darius is making big bucks with custom-made gear.”
“He is an artist.”
“True that. Everything we got from him is amazing, so I will never disagree with his statements.”
Mikasa’s grey eyes slid towards the bar, pondering the question of “not getting hammered.” She could handle a few more drinks, especially when she asks for something with less alcohol, and there was no reason to just sit here dry.
“Well, I’ll get us something to drink, because I might get thirsty over the course of the evening.“, Mikasa stated, letting the double entendre hang in the air as she stood up and walked in the direction of the bar.
That’s when Eren’s phone rang, and a quick check showed that it was his mother calling. As one does not let his mother go into voicemail, he picked up, curious what she might want. They did see each other a few hours back.
“E-Eren, you freak!”
That made him blink.
“Come again?”
“I know what you did! Mikasa spilled the beans and now I know… Everything! I don’t remember raising you like this!”
Eyes flying to where his fiancé was, Eren’s mind worked frantically around the words. Carla knew… everything? What did that mean? What did Mikasa tell her? He couldn’t imagine his reserved girlfriend bragging about anything embarrassing in public, so…
“Mom, what are you talking about?”
“I know that you… you had s… sex in public, Mikasa said so.”
Statement one – Carla was drunk, judging from how she mingled the words.
Statement two- What the fuck?!
Statement three – What on god’s green earth made Mikasa tell Carla such a thing. Fine, it was far from the worst that they’ve done, but still. It’s not something that you boast about to family members, and Eren would rather bite his tongue clear off than walk up to Levi and say: “Hey friend, did you know that I often tie your little sister up and do all kinds of freaky shit to her?”
“Well, I mean…”
But Carla didn’t even let him finish, another accusation flying Eren’s way.
“And you have a tattoo!”
“You said that it looked cool!”
“Yes but…”, she sniffled on the other side, “You were just a tiny little baby yesterday, and today you have a tattoo and a girlfriend and… s-sex… and…”
The sounds she was making were suspiciously like sobs.
“Mom? Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes... It’s…”, he could hear her shaky exhale, “I wasn’t here for such a big part of your life, I missed so much.”
“Mom I…”
“No, it’s my fault, I was the one who decided to leave. But no more. I promise that I’ll be around much more Eren, I want to remember what you do, I want to be a part of your life.”
“You are a part of my life mom.”
“Bigger part then.”
“Very well.”, he chuckled, “Do you want me to come over and talk?”
“No, I know when I’m drunk. Mikasa’s party was great but I feel like lying down now.”, Carla bit back a yawn, “Also, tell her that she looked beautiful today.”¨
“See? Even you tell me that she’s beautiful and you act all surprised when she tells you that we fu-… I mean that we are intimate. Like seriously, did you think that we were in some sort of celibate relationship where we kiss each other on the cheek and sleep in separate beds?”
“Okay Mr. Libido, where are my grandchildren then?”
If Eren was drinking anything, he would spit it out right now.
“Mom! What the hell?”
“I’m just saying Eren, if I die without seeing a single tiny bundle of joy from you and Mikasa, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your days.”
“Shush, I’ll get out of your hair now. I love you Eren and tell Mikasa I love her too. She’s like the daughter I never had.”
“Now that would make things rather awkward between us.”
“You know what I mean! Once you finally push yourself to action and marry the poor girl, she’s going to be my in-law anyway.”
“Wait, did you say poor?”
“Good night sweetie!”
And with a click, Carla was gone. Putting the phone down, Eren’s eyes were drawn to Mikasa making her way back towards him, two glasses in hand. She moved through the club with her usual predatory grace, easily weaving through the people there, completely in her element. Eren wasn’t the only one watching her, he noticed, several pairs and individuals stole a look at the enchantingly beautiful goth girl that walked in their midst. Maybe it should have made Eren jealous, but all he felt was a pang of foolish pride in his chest. Yes, she’s so incredibly gorgeous, and she’s mine. Look, but don’t touch or we might have a problem. Or who was he kidding, Mikasa would definitely take care of herself. She was the one who, in high school, broke a hand of a guy who touched her without permission.
Reaching her destination, Mikasa slid down to the booth next to Eren, putting the glasses on the table. A bit driven by all the stares, he immediately took the opportunity to grab a sort of possessive hold of her, angling her face so he could kiss her. Way more aggressive and deeper than necessary, but he was buzzed just the right way not to care. Let anyone see how much he loves her. They were in a freaking BDSM club anyway, this was by far not the worst that happened here.
“Well hello stranger,”, she said once they broke apart, her cheeks all flushed and the black lipstick smeared around her lips, “Didn’t know that you were this grateful for the drink”
Keeping one hand wrapped around her, Eren took a sip of whatever she brought up, pleasantly surprised. It was good, way better than he expected even, as one would not think that a club like this needed an amazing bartender. There were other reasons why people came.
“Mom called.”, he announced, putting the glass back down, “She knows about our public adventures because you told her. May I know why?”
“Eeh, I couldn’t help it.”, Mikasa had an apologetic smile on her lips, “We were playing truth or dare, and it sort of came up.”
Truth or dare? That did sound like fun, and Eren regretted the dumb argument he got into with the other guys at the bar. Pulling out secrets from Hitch or Krista, or hell, his own mother, would have been amazing. Then again, he was here with Mikasa, they had drinks and the show didn’t start yet. So…
“Wanna have a little game of our own?”
“Why? We know exactly what we did.”
“Maybe it’s just an excuse to get you drunk.”
“Ooh, you sly bastard.”, Mikasa’s eyes narrowed, “You’re on.”
“Good, I’ll be taking the first word then.”
Eren cleared his throat, raised his glass, and began.
“Never have I ever been suspended from a ceiling.”
“Cheap shot.”, she commented.
“Could be, but still.”, he tapped her glass, “Drink, shibari lover.”
She did so, revenge forming in her head.
“Never have I ever licked someone’s boots.”
“And you talk about cheap shots.”, Eren clicked his tongue but drank.
“Never have I ever done a pole dance.”, he shot back.
Mikasa’s eyes were calculating as she took a sip.
“Maybe we will have to change that.”, she said before firing her volley, “Never have I ever filmed us having sex.”
“That tape is going to be useful one day. And we have so many more to make…”
Mikasa ignored the tingle that it sent down her spine, frowning at her fiancé.
“Sure thing, voyeur.”
Rolling his eyes, Eren drank.
“Never have  I ever wore cat ears during sex.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing, nothing.”, with a mysterious smile, Mikasa drank.
“Never have I ever been in a chastity cage.”
“How the hell is that fair? You literally can’t even be in one.”
“There are similar devices for women, it’s fair play.”
“No buts.”, she pointed at the glass in clear command, “Drink, puppy.”
Eren obeyed, eyes studying her even as he spoke.
“Never have I ever stepped on someone.”
“Oh please, you enjoyed it!”
“Sure did,”, Eren agreed,  “but that’s not the point of this game.”
Mikasa took a swig, a follow-up in her mind.
“Never have I ever come from a footjob.”
“Dirty.”, a sip, and it was Eren’s turn, “Never have I ever been taken against my will.”
“Can you really call it non-consent when I was the one who came up with the idea?”,  Mikasa wondered, clearly just stalling.
“Miki, I still have some of the photos I took of you back then. Should I pull them up as evidence and let the committee decide?”
Defeated by a sound argument, Mikasa drank.
“Maybe we could give it another shot, sometimes soon.”, she said, remembering how strange the experience was.
Terrifying and perfect at the same time, she was scared for her life when the Not-Eren threatened her, he managed to play the role of an abusive bastard so well. Maybe there was something about him being a bad guy in her dreams because at least party he could be such an asshole even in real life. If she begged nicely, that is.
“I’d have to ask Mr. Incognito if he has a free schedule.”, Eren joked, making Mikasa snicker, “But I have a faint feeling that he might squeeze you in.”
“Let’s leave it on open for now, who knows, maybe I will be the one in charge once we get around to the thing.”
That made Eren blink a few times.
“You want to do that to me?”
“Maybe..”, a bit of worry entered her face when she realized that Eren might not be into it. She had to be sure because Mikasa would never force him into something he didn’t want, that was a big No in their relationship.
“Don’t you want me to?”, she asked, but Eren shook his head.
“It’s not that I don’t want it, I honestly just have a hard time coming up with any scenario where I don’t want to have sex with you.”
“Tsk, don’t you worry about that. If I want it, I’ll come up with something.”
“Fine by me. Open it is then.”
With that topic solved, it was time to continue their game. Mikasa’s turn, she thought for a moment before she tried her next line.
“Never have I ever deepthroated a strap-on.”
But Eren was having none of that.
“Nah, but you did, don’t you remember the “class” you gave me?”
“That wasn’t a strap-on, it was a vibrator!”
“Close enough. Drink.”
Murmuring about unfair rules and crooked referees, Mikasa drank with Eren mirroring her.
“Never have I ever had anal sex.”, was his put, and Mikasa snorted in amusement. She couldn’t even count how many times Eren was either the giving or receiving party in anal sex, so she called him out on his bullshit.
“Seriously? Do you need me to spell it out for you?”, Mikasa moved closer, whispering, “Slut.”
It was magical how a single word could make Eren’s crotch tingle.
“No need, I did it on purpose.”, he drained his glass, putting it down, “I like the stuff they serve in here.”
Chuckling, Mikasa followed suit, both their drinks empty. Then, just as Eren was about to get up for a refill, the lights dimmed and the show began.
The figure that walked in on the stage was undoubtedly Darius Zackly, and he was followed by not one but two women, the player. One was dark-skinned and the other very pale, almost as much as Mikasa. To contrast their natural look, each wore lingerie of the opposite color, white on black and black on white, complete with high heels on their feet. No one spoke, the trio bowed to the crowd instead, almost dramatically, while two rings descended from above, stopping to hover over them.
Keeping his mysterious air, Darius held out a hand and the pale girl moved, grabbing a rope from the cart in the back and handing it to him. With the silky thing in hand, Zackly began his performance. He worked on the black girl first, coming up with an intricate design. Even the rope was white, Mikasa realized, a stark difference to the model’s skin. First, Darius tied her hands behind her back. The second rope went around her chest, tying her breasts in a very familiar design. Then he guided a rope through the metal ring, one that went from her tied hands to the chest bondage. With that, the ring rode up a bit, forcing the model to stretch her body and anchoring her in place.
“Isn’t the chest bondage the one you used on me?”, Mikasa whispered to Eren, recognizing the shapes.
He studied the way Darius worked the ropes for a moment.
“It is, you have a good eye. Although the binding on her hands is different than the one I used on you.”
“Because you tied me all the way from wrists to elbows.”, she made a tiny frown appear on her face, “I couldn’t move my hands at all.”
“Only the most secure bondage for a beast like you.”, he chuckled, kissing Mikasa’s scarred cheek, “I can’t edge you unless you are properly bound, otherwise you take control of the situation.”
“You better keep those skills up then.”
“For you Miki? Anything.”
The performance continued while they talked, and Darius was now working on the model’s legs. He didn’t touch her right leg, but her left was picked up and bend at the knee. Ropes sneaking around the limb, Zackly immobilized it, and that was it for the black girl. She was now balancing on one leg, but with the ropes pulling her up it wasn’t that much of a strain. With one model done, Darius turned his attention to the pale girl.
Retrieving a few more ropes from the cart, black ones this time, he closed the distance to his partner. Following the same path as before, Zackly tied her hands and chest first, copying the pattern. But then the show changed. He didn’t secure the model to the ring, he made her lie down instead, kneeling and working on her legs like that, with her on the floor. The ring started descending at the same time, going very, very low. Done with the design, Darius pulled the rope up and into the ring, anchoring it. And that’s when Eren realized what was happening.
“He’s hanging her upside down.”
“Ooh, that looks like fun.”, Mikasa poked Eren in the shoulder, “Why don’t you do that to me?”
“Eh, I don’t prefer it. When you are upside down, blood goes to your head quickly, so you have to be very mindful of the time. When I tie you up, I like to go slow, really enjoy you.”
“Hmm.”, Mikasa’s eyes were back on the performance.
She was chewing on something in her mind, and Eren had a chuckle when he realized what it was. So many things that they’ve done and Mikasa still had trouble asking him for something.
“We can try it if you want.”, he offered, making her face light up.
She leaned over to press a chaste kiss to his lips followed by a gentle whisper.
“Thanks, I’d like that.”
Just then the whirring resumed, and the ring began ascending, pulling the pale girl up. Upwards she went, until her whole body was off the floor and hanging from the ring, her blonde hair cascading around her face. It was the hangman position, Eren realized. And when Darius took a step back, both Mikasa and he finally took in the thing Zackly created as a whole. Contrast, that was the centerpiece of his performance. One girl was standing while the other was hanging upside down, both in the exact same position. One was dark-skinned yet wearing white lingerie and tied by a white rope, while the other was pale, wearing black and tied by a black rope. It was bondage, but at the same time it was art, and from the murmur that ran through the club they weren’t the only ones who realized that. The old man was an artist, no matter how you put it.
With a bow from Darius, his performance was finished. Both Eren and Mikasa joined in on the applause that resounded through the club, the show he put on was amazing. Once the ruckus began to die down and everyone got their fill of ogling the beautiful bondage design, Zackly untied the ladies while talking to them, laughing here and there. It was an interesting dynamic to see them like this, relaxed around each other, it betrayed that they all have been in this business for some time.
As they were both watching the stage, neither Eren nor Mikasa saw the couple approach them. The woman was tall, made even taller by the extremely high heels on her shoes. It was the one that Eren noticed earlier, dressed in a latex bodysuit of the same design as one of Mikasa’s. The man at her side was much less eccentric, wearing jeans and a shirt, but when he nodded his head in greeting Eren saw that there was a collar around his neck, marking him as a property of the lady next to him.
“Hi,”, the woman repeated, “Did you like the show?”
Mikasa took the lead in answering.
“Yes, it was great, very artistic too.”
“That’s Zackly for you,”, the woman smirked, “He is amazing at what he does.”
“But we didn’t come here to fawn over Darius,”, that was the man speaking, nudging his partner, “Did we, sweetie?”
“Right, no, we didn’t. We came to talk to you for a reason.”
“Which is?”, Eren asked.
The woman faced Mikasa when she spoke, the words aimed at her.
“I hope that we aren’t too straightforward, but my husband saw you at the bar, and he was quite taken by you.”
Eren had to bite back a laugh at how Mikasa’s eyes widened.
“H-huh?”, was all she managed.
“We were wondering if you would be willing to do a partner exchange for a night or two, maybe a weekend.”, the collared husband took the word, “If you guys are into it, of course.”
“He’s a bottom, as you might have guessed,” the latex-clad woman followed up, “and from watching you I’d guess that you are the top in your relationship? You have that air of dominance around you.”
“I-I do?”, Mikasa choked out, much to Eren’s amusement.
But he wasn’t spared either, as the woman’s eyes slid over to him.
“You don’t have to worry either pretty boy, I promise that I’d take good care of you. I’m an experienced dominatrix.”
Now it was Eren’s eyes widening. He and Mikasa looked at each other, neither knowing what to say. Seeing their slight panic, the man grinned.
“I feel like we started with a wrong question, we should have asked if you are in an open relationship first.”
“That’s right, our fault.”, the woman agreed immediately, “Sorry if we are making you uncomfortable with this.”
Finally understanding what this was about, Mikasa blushed but reached out, taking hold of Eren’s arm.
“No, we are not open.”, she said, meeting the woman’s eyes, “We are very closed.”
“Yep, just me and her, no one else.”
“Aw, that’s too bad, you guys are something else.”, the woman clicked her tongue, “Oh well, can’t have everything.”
“We will take our leave then.”, the man said, unbothered by the refusal, “Have a pleasant evening.”
With that, he walked away and deeper into the club. The woman stole a last wanton look at Eren before following, her heels clicking against the floor. The stunned silence that came didn’t even get a chance to properly cook before a new figure appeared. Familiar one this time, it was Darius who slid into the booth, grinning at the pair.
“Eren! Mikasa! I knew that I saw you!”
His joy was infectious, and the cold feeling was being melted by his presence alone.
“That was an amazing show,”, Eren complimented him straight off the bat, “You are so good with the rope.”
“Bah, just years of training. Plus judging from our talk, you are pretty good yourself, the forms you wanted to do were rather advanced.”, his gaze went over to Mikasa, “Isn’t that correct, miss Ackerman?”
She nodded, feeling way more relaxed around Darius than the two from before. But his mention of her, Eren’s significant other, combined with how the pair talked about open relationships and brought a question out of Mikasa, one that she was pondering ever since they entered the club.
“Darius, aren’t you married?”
“Sure am.”
“And your wife… does she know about this?”
“But of course, I don’t think that keeping such a big thing secret is a good idea.”, Zackly sighed, “I keep trying to make her come here, but this scene doesn’t interest her at all.”
“So she doesn’t mind you working with other women?”
“Not at all, she knows that I appreciate the art in bondage, not the sexuality.”
“That’s very open-minded of her.”
“I mean, I work in a sex shop,”, Darius shrugged, “I never kept what I like hidden.”
Smart approach, if they ever heard one. Seeing that he satisfied Mikasa’s curiosity, Darius put forward his idea.
“Are you liking the club?”
Two heads nodded to that.
“What about the performance, looked like fun, right?”
“For sure.”
Well then…
“The thing is, you guys could perform here too if you wanted.”
“W-What?”, Eren exchanged a bewildered look with Mikasa, “You’re joking, right?”
“Why would I?”, Darius continued, completely unmoved, “How long have you two been in this biz?”
“A bit over four years at this point?”, Eren guessed and Mikasa agreed silently.
“And I’d guess that you have the skills for it.”
“I mean…”
But they did, all the plays and scenes they did together amounted to a fair amount of skill when it came to the act. Mikasa knew how to maneuver her sub expertly, Eren knew how to tie her up without worrying that he might hurt her. The experience did matter. Having a quick mental conversation, they both agreed in the end.
“See? I’m willing to bet that either of you could easily take the stage. Forgive me for saying, but you two are very, very hot. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that you two are the hottest couple I’ve seen here, and you would be in high demand.”, he gestured around, “If I walked around the club and asked every single person in here if they would perform with you, I’m pretty sure that I could count the number of “No.” on fingers of one hand.”
He redirected his attention to the pair.
“From the various gear I sold you, I’d guess that you are both switches, right?”
This time it was Mikasa who answered, agreeing cautiously.
“See? Even better. The possibilities would be endless..”
This felt like the same conversation they had with the pair from earlier.
“Look, the thing is, I don’t think that either I or Mikasa would be willing to ever perform with anyone else.”, Eren cut into his monologue, “We are very… possessive of one another.”
Mikasa was again just nodding to his words, shuffling closer and wrapping her hand around Eren’s waist. He did the same, surprising her a bit when Eren pulled Mikasa to sit on his lap. Talk about needing to express your attachment physically.
“We are super exclusive to each other.”
Seeing that and hearing her words, Darius grinned.
“You guys are just adorable. This devotion you have, this is rare to see and it’s so beautiful.”
“But still, if you want, you could totally perform as a pair. Even exclusive, seeing one of you work the other would give the guests something to dream about.”
“Look, we will think about it.”
“Of course! No one will ever force you into anything.”, Darius calmed them immediately, “Your comfort and consent are the most important things here.”
He said his piece, got the offer out, and there were still several people he needed to talk to. So bidding the half-confused half-surprised pair a quick goodbye and see you soon, Darius stood up and disappeared towards the bar. Eren was the one who broke the silence Zackly left behind, rubbing Mikasa’s back in a soothing motion.
“So, what do you think?”
She shifted on his lap, chewing her dark bottom lip cautiously for a moment before answering.
“Ask me a year back and I would say No. Ask me two years back and I’d laugh at you. Ask me three years back and I wouldn’t talk to you for a week. But now…”
“Let’s add it to our pile of open topics.”, Eren proposed, “No need to worry about that now.”
With that out of the way, Mikasa grew more relaxed again. Just when Eren was returning from the bar with refilled drinks, she looked up at him, eyes sparkling.
“We should bring Ymir and Krista here.”
“Why is that?”
“Krista needs a confidence boost. She wants to top Ymir, but she keeps questioning herself, so uncertain about it all.”, Mikasa gestured around, “Being here, I think that it could bring her inner domme out.”
“From what I hear you are sure that there will be a next time?”
Realizing the meaning of her words, Mikasa smirked.
“I would want that. I like it here.”
“Ah, look at us – the quiet goth girl from the back of the class and the grade-a student. How far we’ve come.”
“Indeed, but I’m enjoying these changes. Do you?”
“As if you had to ask. When I’m with you, I’ll go for anything, and do you feel like stopping what we do?”
Mikasa’s black lips curled upwards as she shook her head.
“Hell no.”
This year’s birthday was amazing and Mikasa made sure to thank Eren properly once they got home. But the amazing night would have a sadder continuation because, despite all the great fun that she experienced tonight, Mikasa’s dreams were once again disturbed by an unwelcome visitor.
A nightmare.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Let’s do it
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Fluff and Smut for Yosuke (Kings of Paradise)
@rockingbrooklyn​ - 800 followers winner 💛
*Smut below the cut*
The couple sat across from each other, smiles and laughter shared amongst them and their friends whilst they indulged over a few late night drinks around Pandora. Yosuke admiring the radiating smile of his partner as she swapped stories with the others, he was so lost in his gaze of her he didn’t hear Taki calling his name. A scoff followed by, “You look like a love-sick puppy,” caused a roaring laughter from Shun, who almost snorted his champagne out of his nose. But Yosuke didn’t care, he did indeed feel like a love-sick puppy, completely infatuated by the women he felt lucky to call his. He was so deeply in love with her, feeling empty without her by his side. He was sometimes reservant to tell her his feelings, but he knew right then and there what he wanted, what they both wanted. It occupied his mind all day and night for the past week, the thought of seeing her belly swell with his seed, a child, their child being brought into the world.
He stood up and offered his hand out, a signal of ‘follow me’ that they both knew too well. They left the group of others, Yosuke leading her away to the building entrance and pulling her into a store cupboard.
“Yosuke what are you-” She squealed slightly, finding her back pressed against the wooden door inside the enclosed space.   
“Let’s do it,”. 
“Huh?” Yosuke brought up a hand to push a strand piece of hair behind her ear, leaning closer until their noses were inches apart. 
“Let’s do it, let's have a baby,” A slightly drunken haze upon the both of them. Yosuke's heart pounding as he confessed what he wanted, the way her eyes sparkled brighter than any star in the sky at his words as she looked up beneath her thick lashes. Whilst they’d never talked of their future, even though she’d been separated from Tomohiro for almost five years now, divorced for just over four. He knew she was the only woman for him, they were in a stable relationship with a hefty income, a perfect safe place for a child to be welcomed. But most importantly he loved her more than any other being in the whole world, she was his sun, his reason for living.
“Yo- are you serious?” She gave a nervous swallow anticipating his answer. 
They’d been looking after a close friends new-born for the week, giving back the small bundle to their parents earlier this morning. It felt so natural, everything falling perfectly into place like a complete family. Yosuke saw the longing way she cradled the baby girl close to her chest at every given opportunity, the sweet whispers and coos of love, comforting and calming her when she cried causing tiny screams to turn into babbling gurgles before peaceful silence. He admired it all and he would have had to be have been blind to not see the way she longed to have a family like this of her own. She’d cried that morning after the parents came to pick the baby girl, an emptiness almost taking over which they both felt. It was in that moment Yosuke realised how much they both wanted a family, that a perfect balance of him and her to bestow upon the world.
“More than anything,” Whilst he struggled to display his affection with words at times, ‘I want you to be the mother of my children’ fell so naturally from his mouth. 
“And how many children are we planning on having?” She couldn’t help but laugh, Yosuke's face now buried between her neck placing wet kisses, pressing her further against the wooden door. 
“One, two... five, a hundred,” He chuckled, palms running up the skirt of her thigh, hooking just beneath her bum and hoisting her up, “I’ll have as many as we can,”. 
“I want them all Yosuke, I want all of you,” Manicured nails sinking into his chestnut hair to pull him away from her neck, lips crashing down upon each other in a heated frenzy. No more need for words, just a sense of urgency exchanged with whispers of “I love you”. Her shirt unbuttoned with the cups of her bra pushed down, breasts being fondled by his mouth, teeth gently enclosing around a nipple giving it a gentle tug before moving on to the other side. His hand pushing the delicate lace of her underwear to the side, using his index finger to trace up her wet slit, a shiver taking over him to feel just how wet she already was. 
“More… Yosuke more,” She moaned, two fingers knuckle deep twisting and curling inside her. Her hips bucking as she threw her head back, a small whimper falling from her at the collision of it against the solid door behind her.
“Shh, someone will hear,” He chuckled, pulling his mouth away from her breasts now gleaming with his saliva to capture her mouth once more. Her hands fly to undo his belt, a smile of satisfaction to feel the hardness of him. His fingers withdrawn, a loss of the feeling inside her made her whine aloud, tugging at his boxers with urgency. 
“Yosuke please,”.
“Tell me you want it,” Using one hand to push his boxers down enough, pulling her panties to the side and letting his cock slide between her wet slit. The sheer arousal of her being enough to coax him, head twitching with need as he positioned himself to her entrance.
“Just fuck me please, I can’t wait,” Lust brimmed to the max in her eyes as they shared a look, Yosuke couldn’t help but feeling his ego being boosted higher than anything. It took everything he had not to just thrust into her in that moment, how could anyone resist that, but he wanted to be sure this is what she really wanted.
“As much as I love to hear that, tell me that this is what you want,” One hand pressed against her lower back whilst the other now cradled the base of her neck, love radiating from one and other.
“I want this, I want you Yosuke,” Fingers sinking into the tufts of his hair to pull him close, “I want you to get me pregnant, I want us to have a baby,”. It was all the confirmation he needed, a deep breath as he pushed himself into her. Regardless of many times they had had sex, this was the first time they’d never used a condom, the warmth of tight wetness enveloping over him caused a heavy groan. The feeling of her walls pulling him in further until he was fully hilted, neither one breaking the intense eye-contact. 
“I love you,” Both of them repeated as he pulled back to re-thrust into her, delicate whimpers falling from one followed by the other. Both of them savouring the sensation of him raw inside her, each snap of his hips bringing them closer and closer to the brink. Their mouths met in a heated kiss in efforts to silence their moans, tongues and teeth meeting in a sloppy exchange. His pace never faltered as he pounded her into the door, hands grasping as each other for added stimulation. All it took was for him to move his hand from her neck to press a finger against her clit beneath her underwear, swiping in a motion that made her clench tighter, for her to come over him. Her walls squeezing him in an more intense sensation than he could have never imagined, the feeling of her walls fluttering and pulsing whilst she moaned heavily into his mouth was proven to be his undoing. Spilling deep inside her as he stuttered, gasping followed by groans at the addictive feeling.
The couples apartment was soon filled with ovulation charts and pregnancy tests, both of them taking it in full seriousness. They were unable to keep their hands off of each other, feeling like when they first started dating all those years ago, going at it at any given opportunity. Showers alone now turned into steamy sessions, waking up and finding the other with their mouth lapping at their clit or lips wrapped around their cock preparing for a ‘good-morning quickie’. But Yosuke's all time favourite was when she was ovulating whilst he was at work. 
“Mr.Sagara, Miss.____ is here to see you,”. The minute he heard them words he knew exactly why she was there. 
“We have to keep quiet baby,” His hands planted firmly on her waist, guiding her to lower herself down on his cock. She gave an affirming nod, biting her lower lip to hold back the moan as she sank down onto him. They’d already had sex that morning, her peak day of ovulation was not going to waste, finishing inside her once more as he leant back in his office chair. 
“I love you,” He whispered to her, cradling her face just before she left, knees still trembling from her climax.
“I love you too, I’ll see you when you're home,” Playfully stroking a finger up his chest with a hint of teasing in her voice, both of them knowing they’d have a repeat of their office antics at home. Only this time they could be as loud as they wanted and would not just stop after one round.
“Oh god...oh fuck, Suke!” Fingertips entwined in his hair, tugging slightly in a big to keep his head in position. 
“Shh… it’s okay,” A large palm pressing to her hip to keep her from bucking off the mattress, “You’ve had a hard day, now let me help ease your stress,” he cooed softly before his lips pressed back forward to suck on her clit. She was almost embarrassed how fast she reached climax, crying his name and panting excessively as she came against his mouth.
Yosuke pulled back, chin slicked with arousal to admire her breathless form withering atop of their bed. His interlaced his left hand with hers, thumb rubbing the wedding band upon her thing in a soothing motion. Eighth months had passed since they decided to try for a family, his now wife, lying blissfully content on their marital bed. Her skin was glowing and not just from the sheer film of sweat upon her body, but from the small bump beginning to form on her stomach. The couple had their 12 week scan that day, confirming that the pregnancy was running smoothly after a month of missed periods and a handful of positive pregnancy tests. 
“Ready,” She whispered, the nervousness in her voice clear as she squeezed his hand reassuringly. They walked through the registry office to the counter, two signed forms requesting a marriage license. A spontaneous, “I want to marry you today,” was how she was greeted as she made him fresh coffee in the morning. No need for anything else but them, an unprompted form of love between the two of them as they sped off hand in hand to the offices. By noon the two of them were married, relishing in their love, the time for a family-gathered wedding would come later but now they just simply needed each other. It was that night three months ago that she would fall pregnant, the universe in line for perfection as the couple conceived their first child in a marital bliss.
A marriage full of love and laughter, two beautiful souls with doting affection ecstatic to bring a baby into their now complete family life. 
“Sukie…?” She whispered it so faintly, unwilling to turn over after just getting comfortable, only for a strong need to flood between her thighs. She felt like a teenager again, hormones sending her wild with need, an insatiable hunger that her husband was more than happy to fill.
“Mhm?” The feeling of his lips pressing against the base of her neck, pushing himself forward to have his bare torso flushed against her back.
“I-, are you awake?” Hoping, praying he took the hint as to why she was asking this at 1 am. The light laugh against her neck made her smile, the slight thrust of his hips against her ass to feel the hardness pressing against her was a clear indicator that he had similar ideas.
“Seems my wife can’t get enough of me,” His breath top on her ear as he gently nibbled her lower lobe, a pleasant sigh he loved falling from her lips. 
‘I can’t help it!” She pouted slightly, cheeks flushed knowing he was teasing her because it was only a few hours ago she was riding him in the bath. 
“I’m not complaining,” He responded using one hand to push up her nightie, groaning to feel the heavy wetness of her slit as he ran a finger between her folds. Boxers pushed down, he groaned as he pushed into her from behind, slow but deep thrusts as he held her close. She was extra sensitive as of lately, it only took a few deep thrusts, a brush of his fingers of nipple and his lips to fall upon her neck before she was already coming undone over him. He coaxed her through it before another followed shortly after, her third finally drawing out his own. 
 Her need finally satisfied, for now, she fell fast asleep as he kissed her hair and ran one hand over the more defined bump showing beneath her nightie. They were reaching the halfway mark of pregnancy, a content smile on his face as he nuzzled her close to him. He hoped he would be able to continue satisfying her ever-growing needs as it continued, in love with the feeling of being buried inside practically every minute of the day. After a few moments of watching her sleep, he finally shut his eyes as his needy, beautiful, wife blissfully asleep in his arms.
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