#i can't really change how i type online it's now just me unfortunately.
bottlehawk · 1 year
i just saw your responses to anon. so wait are you like saying you're into problematic stuff or not. sorry i can't read tone very well...
okay so if you look through my blog you can see that i am like the biggest teenage girl-man blogger faggot in the world. the general cadence and word-choices of every single sentence on this account painfully recalls the image of a butch tumblrina teeheeing kicking its feet back and forth going slay-queen while sipping a nonbinary soy milk frappuccino in an eco-friendly tumbler with a "BELIEVE WOMEN" etsy sticker on the base. i literally say shit like "autism girl-queen winz" unironically and trigger-tag scopophobia and blood and weed and make trans swag headcanons for almost every homestuck character that would probably make 2017 r/homestuck explode. what i'm saying is that when you see like my fifth post in a row about rose lalonde steven universe style autism moment i want to ask what particularly compels you to think that the persona occupying this blog is into like. incest or something lol
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this is a slight detour from your usual subject matter but i'm very curious about your experience renting a high-quality camera lens? how did you go about doing that and have you been pleased with how it worked out? (the changing of hands i mean, it's clear you're happy with the lens!)
i didn't know this was a Thing before and now i'm wondering if i might be able to try that myself!
Oh yeah, it's absolutely the best thing if you can't afford fancy lenses / want to try out new gear / just need something for a special occasion.
There are places you can rent online that will ship you gear, and depending on where you live you can often also rent from local camera stores. I've done both!
Right now my main practice is renting lenses from LensRentals, which is an online company that ships out of Tennessee. They've got pretty reasonable rental prices, and they don't charge a deposit - but you do sign a thing saying if you damage or lose it, they can charge you. You can also pay for insurance on the rentals against damage or loss which would mitigate a lot of that cost if something went wrong. I've heard a range of opinions about them, but I've pretty much always had a good experience with them and gotten stuff on time that worked correctly, and their customer service has been really responsive for me when we had some snafus with shipping stuff back lately. One thing they do that I really like is their system is set up with an option to ship directly to FedEx stores for you to pick up, which means I don't have to worry about a package containing pricey gear getting stolen or rained on.
LensRentals also is willing to let you buy their rental gear, which is what I'm hoping to do before I send the really nice huge telephoto lens I've been using back tomorrow. They'll take some of the price of your rental off the purchase cost - it isn't a ton, but it generally covers sales tax and maybe a little more. I like it as a way to purchase used gear because I can see the condition before I commit, and I've had it in my hands and gotten to use it a bunch. That's how I bought my first real digital camera like a decade ago, and where I got my current camera and starter lenses.
If you've got a local rental store, I absolutely encourage going through them! I've done that when traveling - there have been some times I wanted a specific piece of gear to test on a habitat - and it's worked out really well. Plus, supporting local businesses is always the right choice. They'll often all operate a little differently, but it's nice to know people IRL who can help you decide what gear to use or just nerd out with you. Sometimes local places will ask for some type of deposit to make sure you bring the gear back, and TBH if that's within your budget it's perfectly reasonable.
Unfortunately, the local rental place in my area charges a deposit to your credit card for the entire worth your rental until you bring it home, and my credit limit isn't high enough that I can float a hold for that (e.g. upwards of four thousand dollars for the two lenses I'm using lately) and still be able to, y'know, use my card, so I go with online rentals. It drives me up a wall! I'd really like to support local businesses and minimize shipping costs / carbon emissions.
If you think you'd like to rent some gear to try out, I recommend it! Just make sure you know what's compatible with your camera, you've got a safe way to transport and store the rental when you're not using it, and that you know the terms up front. It's been such a fun way to play around and see what I like and what works well for me.
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froggoon · 3 days
I’ll love you in every multiverse: First Dates and First Loves Pt. 3 I Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Post Apocalypse Au! WC: 2.58k Pt. 1 Pt.2
Summary: You're Five's wife from another universe and he's trying really hard to help you back home, unfortunately, it's been weeks and you're losing hope and he's gaining feelings.
It's been 4 weeks of research, quality time, sexual tension, and awkwardness, and it was starting to get to you. You knew you shouldn't have feelings for this Five, but this version feels new, like when your relationship has begun again. It was the tender touches and the sense of leaving each other wanting. It felt good but it was torturous.
Today was Friday, every Friday you and Five ordered food and watched a movie to convey some type of normalcy. It started when you guys had been reading and making equations for 11 hours when you had had enough. -------------------------- 3 weeks ago --------------------------------- The two of you sat in Five's room surrounded by a ginormous load of reading material. "Okay, I can't do this right now I'm actually going to explode." You pushed all the papers in front of you aside. Five sighed and leaned back in his chair, a few buttons of his shirt undone from the summer heat. You watched as he flicked his hair back with his hand then rubbed his wrist from the pain of writing so long. "What are you looking at?" He questioned. "Nothing, just thought I saw something." Oh, you saw something all right. Something that made your pulse quicken. But now wasn't the time to think about how hot he was you shook your head "Look we've been at this straight for 4 days I think we need a little pick me up." You started typing away on your phone for the closest pizza place and best movies streaming now. Five furrowed his brows at you before dusting his pants and standing up, "Okay while you do that I'm going to take a shower." Pointing to him you replied, "Fine but you better be back for this prime-time fun." He waved you off but nodded. You had managed to find a pizza store nearby that delivered and ordered half pepperoni, half cheese, with a diet Coke. Plopping on Five's bed you opened his laptop that Viktor had gifted him. Plain. Looking fresh from the store with the mediocre sky background screen saver. You turned your head to the door waiting to see if you had enough time before opening the camera app and taking a photo on his computer and changing it to the background, the perfect prank. You then began typing away looking for free movies online. Normally it would take you forever to find a movie with your Five, the both of you were pretty picky in wanting to find just the right movie. But right now you just wanted to let some steam off. Reaching over you pulled out a side table to rest the laptop on and sat on the edge of Five bed leaning your back against the wall. You grabbed one of his pillows to hug against your chest, subtly inhaling the smell.
You heard Five come in the room and opened your eyes. "You weren't sleeping during our fun Friday right?" He laughed. You smiled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, and I've already picked out a movie!" He walked in pizza in one hand, plates and napkins in another. You scooted over to make space for him and leaned over to play the movie. "The hunger games? Is this a movie about starving people? Because I prefer thrillers." You laughed loudly, partially because he wasn't wrong. He rolled his eyes before grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza and putting it on a plate. "Here," he moved it closer, "for you." You grabbed the slice, "What a gentleman."
The two of you sat in silence, munching on your pizza while watching Katniss Everdeen volunteer as tribute. “Me and my husband loved these movies, he was team Gale, initially.” The two of you watched Gale and Katniss say goodbye for the first time. Five hummed “Gale does look more suitable for Katniss. But I won’t judge for now.”
The two of you were halfway into the movie and had 2 slices left of the pie. Sleep was beginning to overcome you as your eyes fluttered open and shut. Five looked at you from the side of his eyes. You looked so cute like that. Like a child trying to stay up past their bedtime. Hesitantly he spoke up in a soft voice, “ You…you can lean on me if you’re tired.” You yawned, confirming that you were indeed sleepy. Slowly your head fell to his shoulder as you shimmied closer to get comfortable. Five prayed you couldn’t hear his heart as he leaned his cheek on the top of your head. He closed his eyes and hoped this moment would last forever, he inhaled deeply trying to remember everything he had experienced with you so far.
Your breaths slowed down, indicating you were fast asleep. Five didn't want to interrupt your peaceful slumber so he carefully scooped his arm under your neck and legs to lay you down. He reached for the laptop closed the movie and saw the little present you left as his screen saver. He laughed, you were cute. Your pearly white smile was wide and your eyes were shut. He'd definitely keep it this way. He shut the laptop and began cleaning up the remnants of dinner before bringing them downstairs.
You stirred in your sleep, twisting and groaning as if you were having a bad dream. Five crept back into the room hearing your discomfort. He approached you and placed a hand in yours, perhaps thinking that the comfort would help you sleep. But your turned and pulled him toward you hugging his arm, face pressed against his palm. He wanted to leave, not in a bad way, but he didn't want to take advantage of you. Although, you had looked so much calmer with his hand in yours. He carefully laid above the covers making sure to not disrupt you. Five stared up at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through his mind. He genuinely enjoyed your presence and thought less and less about Delores. It was no surprise to him why almost every variation of himself was in love with you, and it scared him to admit that he was one of them. He closed his eyes, wishing to silence the thought, and eventually drifted off.
You cheek was smushed up against something hard and your hand against something warm, the smell of cologne and books welcomed your nose. Well whatever it was, it was breathing. You looked upward and saw your husband, you reached your hand to trace his jawline before pressing a kiss to his neck and snuggling deep into his side for a bit extra shut-eye. Unknown to you, Five was awake and felt everything, he knew you must've confused him for your Five but he pretended to sleep. You woke up again but this time Five was gone. You stretched out your arms and let out a groan before getting up and wandering downstairs. You saw Five nose-deep in a newspaper with a fresh pot of coffee. "Morning! Five, how did you like the movie last night. Sorry, I fell asleep I was exhausted." The boy put down his mug before responding "No worries, I kinda got into it and finished while you were asleep." He paused, thinking about his next words, "It was really fun just kind of relaxing." You jumped up and smiled, "I'm glad! We should do these movie nights often." You zipped around the counter to pour yourself a glass, unaware of green eyes following you, memorizing your figure.
--------------------------- Present Day ----------------------------------
Ever since then Friday nights became a regular thing for you and Five. You would order in fast-food and pick a movie. It almost always ended with you falling alseep first and the Five, but the two of you never acknowledged that.
There was a knock on the academy door. "I'll get it." Five said he was able to get there the fastest after all. "Viktor?" he said skeptically, "Come in, what are you doing here?" He moved away to let his brother in. "I'm here just checking in on you and our uh new visitor. You two kinda disappeared for a while. Luther and Ally had to catch up on work, Diego and Lila had plans, I don't know about Klaus but we wanted to know what was up." Viktor took a good look at Five. Although he still retained those dark eyebags under his green eyes, they seemed lighter. He even looked like he put on a healthier weight. "They're all busy with their own things, seems reasonable I'm busy with mine. But for you and our sibling's information, I'm doing just fine. I've been helping (y/n) try to get back home for a while. It's been...tough. But we're slowly making progress." Viktor nodded understanding that they, including him, as of late have not been the most invested in Five.
You came walking from behind Five, "Hello Viktor! Nice to see you again." Viktor waved awkwardly. It was funny seeing someone you'd known for years but here you'd only just met. "You know Viktor back in my universe we hung out a lot. I went to every one of your concerts." You paused, "I missed that." Viktor smiled, you were so nice, he kinda wished you were apart of this universe and this family. "Well, I have a concert tomorrow if you wanted to come? I know you two are probably busy with the machine but..." Five and you spoke simultaneously "I'd love to." "Yeah we are." You turned to look at Five with a harsh look before responding, "What time is it and were?" "its a 7pm at the mainstreet theater." You grabbed his arm excitedly, "We'll be there!"
When Viktor left Five looked at you with one eyebrow raised, "Don't we have work to do?" As much as he wanted to support Viktor, the two of you were busy, and there was no end in sight to when you would be able to go back home. Weren't you worried? At times he thought you to be too carefree, unbeknownst to the seriousness of your own situation sometimes. "Yes, but it's good to be there for Viktor, it's important to him." You had similar talks with your Five, growing up in an emotional student house, vying for the affections of their stoic father, you could tell that it was hard for the family at times to understand certain things. "Sometimes, it helps to be the first one to reach out, it shows that you care and you want to prioritize them." You nudged him on the arm. "Now...weren't we about to commit to our weekly movie night?" And that's how the two of you ended up in his bed once again burger wrappers in hand while The Conjuring played in the back. You pulled the covers over your eyes and gripped Five's sleeve. "Why did you have to pick a scary movie. Five.. she's right behind Lorainne!" You jumped up and buried your face in his side. "I can't watch!" You cried. Five only chuckled and pulled you closer. "Shh, It's okay it's almost over." His voice soothed you. You peeked through your fingers for the ending. "I didn't take you to be a scared cat." He chuckled. "Me and my Five used to go on movie dates often. I remember the first day he took me too was at the movies and it was Insidious. I had no idea what it was and didn't research beforehand. But I had a feeling he did it on purpose because I was so terrified I was almost in his lap." You remembered your first day fondly. "Anyways I was so scared after the movie and after he drove me home that I had called him that night to talk and refused to hang up, just in case the monster got me. So he stayed up all night talking to me. I swear we talked until 5 am, about everything." It pained Five to know that these were memories of him, but not. He had risked everything for his family and given up so much of his life due to one mistake. Didn't he deserve this? You continued, "You want to know when I fell in love with you?" Five nodded. "We had 3 dates so far, not too fancy just dinner and the occasional movie. But the day I fell in love wasn't even planned"
----------------------October 15 2018-----------------------------------
You had just the shittiest day at work ever. Absolute garbage. You worked at Lancroft Banking, one of the world's biggest banks, so there was constant pressure and work. Today your boss had made snarky comments at you all day about how you messed up the calculation in the data that was supposed to go to their international team. It was a small era just due to the outdated information you received. But someone must've shat in his coffee that day because nonstop was he giving you backhanded comments. You cried your whole lunch break and texted Five that you were going to quit because of your shit boss ( just a bluff though).
After work, you were getting ready to head to the train when a bouquet of tulips infiltrated your view. Your eyes looked up to the giver of the beautiful flowers. "I heard my favorite girl had a hard day at work." You blushed at his words. "You were having a bad day, so I'm here to distract you. I've already picked up Thai from Mai Thai and got (your favorite dish). I have vanilla ice cream in my fridge and the entire (favorite movie) collection waiting for us at my place." You were shell-shocked. No one had ever taken the time to care for you like this. And it wasn't till you were driving in his car, ranting to him about your job when it hit you like a soft wave crashing in. You started to notice how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the little flash of a dimple on his cheek. His responses faded into the background when a warm hand grabbed yours. The moment felt perfect, he felt perfect, not a flaw in your eyes. You had been in what you thought was love in high school. But this was different. No one had cared for you like this. I mean there was Diego who looked out for you in the police academy but Five? Five had taken the time to understand you, listen to you, talk to you. You thought to yourself, "I think...this is what love is."
-------------------------------Present ------------------------------------
"We dated for 2 years before you proposed." You said while admiring your ring. "This ring you had custom-made for me." You pushed your hand out to show off the diamond ring surrounded by two small emeralds. A thick silence came across the two of you. It was undeniable the attraction the two of you had for each other, but neither wanted to push the boundaries. They feared the consequences. You eventually had to go back home and Five eventually would have to move on. It was complicated. "Well, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to head to bed now. Good night (y/n) I'll see you tomorrow." Five lifted the covers, letting a cool breeze hit your legs before packing up the food and his laptop and retreating to the door. "Good night Five, sleep well." You responded. Your body ached for his closeness again, the feeling of comfort and solitude in a single person. Instead of calling out you just laid back in bed and closed your eyes replaying the last moments again and again you had before you fell through the portal. This was a mistake.
Author's note: I know there are still a lot of unanswered questions but I'm just getting started! be on the lookout for pt 4!
I also just want to say I finally realized messages and inboxes are two different things so I was able to read some of your comments! Thank you so much to everyone who has written something nice, your comments make me want to keep writing and be better.
I will get around to some of the requests!
Masterlist 🖊️
Taglist : @cialovesklopp , @lovehatekill, @rosekeu , @iifrui
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daitranscripts · 8 months
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Frequently Asked Questions
Update: 8/29/2024
I would like to remind everyone that I am just another fan, and this is a fan project. I have no control over character dialogue.
Remember to be kind in my ask box and notes. I cannot explain why some character lines were chosen to be cut from the game, nor is this the place to start character discourse. I am also not a machine - I am a person with feelings and other hobbies. I love to take dialogue requests, but asks that demand certain quests or are rude will be swiftly deleted. Repeat offenders, or especially rude anons, will be blocked.
Please be courteous! This is something I enjoy doing, and I ask that you keep the experience enjoyable for myself and your fellow fans.
What is this project?
DAI Transcripts is my endeavor to document and format all of the dialogue in Dragon Age: Inquisition (I hope that's obvious, otherwise I might be doing a pretty bad job). I started this project in 2019 as a spiritual successor to the discontinued @dragonagetranscripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Why are you doing this?
Because god has punished me for my hubris and my work is never done. 
jk it’s actually because I was sick of watching bad let’s plays while trying to work on my longfic so I took matters into my own hands.  ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
How do you know you're using accurate dialogue? Where are you finding the deleted lines?
I type the transcripts by hand side-by-side with the game files, a plot flag editor, numerous youtube playthroughs, and my own game open. I also keep a number of handwritten notes on plot flag strings. I have played DA:I over 30 times, and crowd-source from the communities I'm in.
I do occasionally miss things or can't figure out exactly how a piece of dialogue fits, but I always note this within the transcripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Where did you learn to read the files?
I used to create my own mods for DA:I - There are a tutorials online that cover dialogue file editing you can find on the nexus. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Can you share the audio files?
Unfortunately, this isn't something I'm willing to take on right now. Each line must be extracted one at a time and renamed as you go, or every line within a dialogue file will try to export with the same name (some files have hundreds of lines). They are not logically named and it is a lot of trial and error. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Why do you use "PC" instead of "Inquisitor" or "Herald"?
The game files use "Hero," and to save myself the trouble of trying to differentiate between conversations that can happen before or after reaching Skyhold I decided to use the neutral "Player Character," or "PC". ㅤㅤ ㅤ
You typo'd/did a thing wrong/you’re missing race/class specific dialogue!
Please let me know in an ask - I hope to have a very accurate account of all the dialogue, so don’t be afraid to let me know if I’m missing something or have any egregious typos.
Please note: since this project has been ongoing for nearly 5 years, I bridged over the change in text editors. Additionally, I only started referring to the text files around 2022.
Posts made before April 2022 (around the middle of In Your Heart Shall Burn) may be missing dialogue.
Posts made before March 2023 (around the beginning of Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts) may have formatting errors due to the change from old to new text editor. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Will you do -insert quest-?
Short answer: Hopefully, yes!
Long Answer: I intend on working through the game from start to finish, first main quests, then secondary/companion quests, and then romances. DLC, location, and side-quest dialogue are on the list as well.
If you want to see something specific, just drop me an ask! I don't mind it at all, and sometimes it's a refreshing little break. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Who are you anyway?
I'm Plisuu in disguise :) I am a high school teacher, artist, and writer. You can find me on all social media under the same name, though I'm only really active on tumblr these days. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Please take my money! How can I support you?
I have a Ko-fi, but honestly, the kind messages and tags I get on my posts are more than enough! The best way to support me is by sharing this resource :)
Feel free to share your fics with me as well, I love seeing how different folks use the dialogue given to us and spin such unique and varied stories.
Remember, my ask box and messages are always open!
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
get to know me tag from @heffer-wen this is a good one!
tagging: @perfectpiety @echthr0s @colorsofmyseason @kvaradonaa @protect-daniel-james @thundercrack @arsenalgbt @steeple-sinderby-wanderers @lamperry4ever (this is all optional of course!!!)
1. Do you make your bed?
I only properly make my bed when I change my sheets, but I can't stand to have the bed looking janky when i come home, so I wrestle with my thicc blanket until it's decently even and neat on the bed, and if the pillows have gone wild I'll straighten them out a little. if any of my over 9000 stuffed animals are on the floor I'll pick them up of course.
2. Favourite number?
24! my birthday, and a nice solid good number, can fit lots of other numbers into it. 17 has been an Important number for my bff and me, and I have a religion based fondness for 18...but 24 it is.
3. What's your job?
my job is very cool and specific and I love it, but it's not one I would ever want to mix with my online persona for various reasons. in fact I've always worked in an "industry" that I think should never mix with my nsfw ways on here. always happy to talk about it in private!
4. If you could go back to school would you?
oh hale to the FUCK no. I hate school. I haven't liked school since I graduated high school. my brain can't be made to think like that and do so much work to other people's specifications--and then there's sitting in class and having to listen to other people talk, I couldn't give less of a shit if I tried! I'm a voracious self directed learner--I want to learn something new like, every second--but this doesn't translate well into a school setting.
unfortunately--a job I think would be really cool to have, I'd have to get a master's and certification, and while I think I'd be great at the job, I'd be right shit at the kind of work the degree requires you to do to pass. (I could easily do the job with good mentoring and maybe like...one course, but that's how so many things are.) Maybe if I marry rich I'd go back! Frank lampard step the fuck up!
5. Can you parallel park?
I could do it just to pass my driver's test and have done it like. twice since. I'm terrible 😭 I have visual-spatial-perceptual whatever deficits and just can't do it. I also have a spot missing from my peripheral vision on my left side so parking on that side is even more confusing. my sister however is great at those things and yet she also can barely parallel park, you should see the two of us try to do it together, it's a full on yakety sax comedy. the WORST is here in the city, people stop on the street and give you unsolicited advice while you park and this gives me so much anxiety that I can't even remember what to do.
6. Do you think aliens are real?
not really? I suppose there's sentient life somewhere but is it likely to be humanoid? I'm terrified of space (I'm one of those would rather go to the bottom of the ocean than outer space freaks) so I try not to think about it
7. Can you drive a manual car?
what to heck,,,,,,,,,,,,of course I can't 🇺🇸 shamed by having to pay more to rent an automatic when I've driven in Europe
8. Guilty pleasure?
disregarding my dietary restrictions? I also have the bad habit of reading what scents my hot favs wear and then buying cheap samples. today one arrived that I forgot I'd ordered so now my wrists smell like chanel allure. I'm indifferent? it smells like Ladies' Perfume
what else...idk, I'm not too guilty about my pleasures really
9. Tattoos?
none--I have a couple of ideas, but have never been tempted to actually do it?
10. Favourite colour?
black and pink!
11. Favourite type of music?
I like things that are loud and repetitive and insistent. sometimes screechy. I like listening to other languages. my favorite instrument is the bagpipes (how do I say that in a grammatically correct way ffs) if that helps! will always go for: good rap/hip hop, 80s thrash metal, eastern european/balkan folk music, techno (the darker and more berghainy the better), other weird electronica, the beatles, most things that came out of the 80s
12. Do you like puzzles?
the kind with pieces? those are fun, I just don't have any room to spread one out. other kinds, like logic and shit, absolutely not, my brain doesn't work like that at all
13. Any phobias?
insects, and the main one: food contamination, but not the kind you're thinking--I definitely am more anxious than the average person about the food I eat being contaminated, but what the phobia actually is is more like...places where food shouldn't be being contaminated by bits of food...It's very specific and I've always had it but it's getting worse as I get older. like, imagine if you go into a restaurant and there's a couple of crumbs on the chair, or like, a bit of dirt on the underside of the waiter's tray. you'll just brush them off, right? or like, just not care about the bottom of a tray? I feel sick to my stomach and my heart is racing a bit just imagining this. what a privilege!
I'm also fucking terrified of being alone in elevators, but I'm not sure if that counts as a phobia? (I'm afraid of getting stuck in one by myself--as long as there's another person in there I don't care lol)
14. Favourite childhood sport?
swimming was my only one--I begged for lessons, started young, and was pretty good, did a swim team and everything. otherwise I am horrible at sports--I can't run (never could), and have no hand-eye coordination (did some occupational therapy at age 18 but it was Too Late), and again, those visual perceptual spatial issues! I wasn't terrible at floor hockey and volleyball in gym class I guess. footy was my worst 😭 in 8 years of gym I scored one goal--an own goal
15. Do you talk to yourself?
Not really.
16. What movies do you adore?
hmmm...I am not a huge movies person, but here's a list:
mulholland drive
mary poppins
the producers (mostel/wilder, 1967)
willy wonka & the chocolate factory (gene wilder version ONLY)
little miss sunshine
moulin rouge
my cousin vinny
run lola run
y tu mamá también
the sound of music
kill bill vol. 1
cidade de deus
diarios de motocicleta
buena vista social club (not without its problematic side, but the musicians/music is so joyous)
the wedding singer
anklaget/the accused (weird danish movie that I don't think anyone i know has heard of?)
le dîner de cons
imagine me and you
ghostbusters 2016 (i will DIE on this hill)
brokeback mountain
team america: world police
rear window
the crow
the incredibles
a shot in the dark
romeo + juliet
school of rock
american psycho
uncut gems
dial m for murder
17. Tea or coffee?
coffee! please. tea makes me feel a bit sick
18. First thing you wanted to be growing up?
I wanted to be an opera singer and a "lady mover" (we moved twice in the span of like, 2 and a half years when I was little)
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albonoooo · 9 months
thank you for the tag @borntogayz <3
star sign: pisces
favourite holiday: christmas (for the cozy vibes and food)
last meal: rice and stir-fried veggies
current favourite musician: this changes daily, but lately i've been listening to a lot of palaye royale (damn you, liquid) and nostalgic 2000s music like britney spears, beyoncé, christina aguilera and the pussycat dolls.
last music listened to: i'm listening to palaye royale as i'm typing this.
last movie watched: drei haselnüsse für aschenbrödel (which is the same answer i gave in a tag game a few weeks ago lol)
last tv show watched: it's been months since i've watched any show, but i think it's the witcher.
last book/fic finished: the last book i finished is to kill a kingdom by alexandra christo (only took me one and a half years). i'm not sure about the last fic, probably something from the kinkmeme idk.
last book/fic abandoned: the last book i abandoned (for now) is bleak house by charles dickens. i technically had to read it for a seminar, but it's just too fucking long. as for fics, i don't really "abandon" any, i just keep them in my library (marked for later section) until i get to them, whenever that may be.
currently reading: as per the previously mentioned older tag game, i'm still reading the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde. since my last answer, i have made zero progress.
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: does frantically looking for the right pictures of alex albon in red bull gear as well as articles about him leaving/them sacking him at 3am count?
favourite online fandom memory: honestly just discovering that there was fanfiction beyond x reader stuff was eye-opening. the first few m/m k-pop fics i read had such a huge impact on me, i can still recite the plot down to the smallest details.
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: it's not old per se, but the pedro pascal girlies (gn) seem to be having a great time atm. i had my pedro moment in 2019/2020 when i watched triple frontier for the first six times, but maybe i should revisit that.
favourite thing you enjoy that never had an active or big fandom, but you wish it did: i've been thinking about this for ten minutes, i can't think of anything. if something comes to my mind later, i'll just add it then. EDIT: my best friend and i have an unhealthy obsession with the film napola (more specifically, max riemelt in it. the film itself is quite dark), but barely anyone even knows it. devastating.
tempting project you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: i'm currently trying to learn how to make web weaves because i have a bunch of ideas, but uni comes first unfortunately.
zero pressure tags in case you want to do this: @wanderingblindly @piastrisms @hrhgeorgerussell @bright-and-burning @liamlawsonlesbian
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sasquach-scratches · 1 month
Unfortunately that poll of "Your Most Hated TES Game" has got me thinking again about my level of disgust across the series and tbh i kinda need to update that so I guess I'll use this to organize my thoughts lmao
For the record, though, I haven't played EVERY TES game out there and those I did weren't finished half the time
Anyways let's get into it
Arena-Actually, lemme separate them into categories cause can you REALLY compare them all equally given how different they are
The Eldest of Scrolls
Arena: Probably the only one of the old-school games I actually finished. Big ol dungeon crawler. Magic goes boom. Hard to really "hate" the game cause I don't feel too strongly about it which is funny cause it's technically the first TES game I played (I waited a month for Oblivion to arrive in the mail)
Daggerfall: Never finished it. As I understand, though, it's Arena but More. I think this is one I'd have stronger feelings about had i actually stuck to playing it till the end
Battlespire: Arena but More but Without the Extra Roleplay. Probably more polarizing but again, barely got an hour or so in lol
Dawnstar/Shadowkey/Stormhold: Never played, but want to (especially Shadowkey) I hear they're all full of jank tho so who knows if i'd enjoy it
The Modern Scrolls
Redguard: Never played.
Morrowind: Played a full game and got through half of another, but given how hogwild I go with the modern TES games it doesn't feel like it's enough to deserve that "Worlds Biggest Hater" energy from me. I do think the "combat sucks" thing is overblown, though. Not saying it's perfect but maybe y'all are too used to the actionized games and/or using the wrong weapon for your skillset. Do not like how easy it is to get lost cause if you don't have Mark/Recall or an Intervention spell you can't just jump to a familiar location.
Oblivion: In short, it's the first TES game I truly played. So I love it for that but also hate it for its shitass levelling and whitewashing of lore/the Empire in more ways than one. I love it more now because of how streamlined Skyrim is. I hate it more now cause it was definitely a low point for Bethesda's worldbuilding. LOVE the CC and I remember spending over an hour creating my first character then immediately rerolling cause oops I overdid it. It's my problematic fave
Skyrim: Love the OCs and the adventures I made for it. Hate the fandom it grew. Love the art direction in comparison to Oblivion. Hate the "gritty" filter put over it. Hate its shitass writing and quests. Love the addition of skill trees but hate their implementation. Absolutely LOATHE the downgrade to magic (idc if it's "story integration" it still sucks) Heavily dislike how little choice you get at CC as far as your skills go. 50/50 on the cosmetic side of CC cause on one hand you can't go ham on face creation but on the other you can change things like weight and nose/eye types but on the other other hand weight is just muscle mass unless you're using the fem body where it's SLIGHTLY thicker
Spinoff Scrolls 2: Finger on the Monkey's Paw Curls
Elder Scrolls Online: This one's...complicated just by virtue of being an MMO that's STILL updating. When I first played it, it was a breath of fresh air over the previous entries not just cause of different gameplay but because having multiple characters was an actual tangible thing in-game. I'm an OC whore okay. The story of the base game felt a LOT tighter, too, given it was actually linear. 'Course, the writing always felt really good or really bad and rarely was it in-between. Either way I got very, VERY invested in it in a way I knew I would never be able to experience again and I will never forget that. The CC is Phenomenal and easily the best one in any TES game so far. (Boob and ass slider? FOR MEN TOO???)
Lore also was hit or miss, with me being VERY appreciative of them touching things that Bethesda never bothered with if it wasn't for killing (i.e. types of food, clothing, toys, etc) but also while the lore team did consult with Bethesda there were and still are some glaring oversights that feel like they shouldn't have happened (especially earlier in the game's life) Given there's still some hiccups I'm guessing the Bethesda team doesn't actually consider it very important (makes sense, the main games also bend lore for the sake of gameplay/Todd's whims A LOT, just look at Oblivion lmao) I also love love love that they touch on the weirder topics, even if sometimes it's done in a way that feels too...on the nose? idk how to explain it
Recent ESO, though? Writing got more and more bland, with some standout sidequests. Lore still hit or miss so that's whatever. I stopped caring for the gameplay after...Orsinium?...when I gave up on relearning how to play with the regular changes to combat. Gave up trying to fit my OCs stories into the new content too, even with new characters (helps that they're not as developed lol) Still play out of habit but I defo think it fell off and this recent change to the yearly content doesn't seem to be helping but then I haven't touched new content since High Isle lmao
Legends: Seemed interesting but never played it much lmao, lore/story seems to follow ESO's example of being hit or miss from what I saw
Blades: It was okay I guess. Another game I developed a habit for then promptly dropped after I finished building and upgrading my town. It's a mobile game so idk what I expected, annoying ads begging for money abounded. I did all of it without paying a single cent on my Switch and it was a slog but I did it. Pretty meh about it tbh
Castles: Looks cute. Never played it and probably never will.
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anitatapio · 3 months
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How I overcame self hatred
When I see pictures of myself as a kid smiling or doing whatever silly things I used to do, I can't imagine how I could ever have hated myself? My mom sent me a bunch of pics from when I was 10 and I was so cute! I think that's something a lot of people should do. Look at childhood pictures of yourself when you feel like self harming in whatever forms it may be (the words you speak to yourself matter and negative thoughts also count as self harm in my opinion). You wouldn't treat that child badly so why do you still abuse yourself? You're still that child inside even if your exterior is different. I thought the other day about how I don't really feel insecure about my physical appearance anymore. I'm good as long as I care for my face. I think it helped me - to start wearing that mask online, represent myself by my characters, words and not my physical appearance.
On the days I used to post selfies daily I kept picking apart every detail of my appearance to an OCD degree - don't wanna get into that subject right now cause it's a lot to type but I believe I have it for more reasons but the way I obsessed about it was unhealthy. I don't think anyone staring at their face too much is healthy for anyone - like instagram and tiktok first and foremost encourages. I think that's part of why plastic surgery is skyrocketing. I used to think about getting a nosejob and smooth out my jawline (which is funny because after learning a sharp jawline was the beauty standard I accepted my own). Now I just can't be fussed about it. Another thing that helped me was historical paintings and victorian photographs. I'm skinny but facially I don't think I fit the current ideal. That's another way to go about it - find an era in history that appreciates your look! It's a weird balance to upkeep I haven't entirely figured out yet. I miss posting outfit pictures. I miss not hiding myself. I don't think that's entirely healthy either to listen to my ptsd induced paranoia... then again the online discourse around gender non conforming/nb/trans people has gotten worse in recent years and I just don't want any drama... I don't know.
I might start posting fashion related photos of myself. I do enjoy it as an art form but it should be carefully deliberated and my principle is that I always want my personality and my words to be louder. Valuing yourself solely based on physical appearance leads to a rude awakening as we age and change because no one (even with the most advanced anti aging interventions) looks like a teenager/in their 20s forever (as is unfortunately the beauty ideal these days).
I do practise skin care, to preserve/delay because I'm not immune to vanity (and want to protect what I have for as long as possible by topical applications, sun protection, exercise and nutrition but no injections). Vanity has its benefits in our shallow world but your personality should beam brightest.
Find your purpose, something meaningful to you to channel your energy into that's not appearance based. I care less about how beautiful I am to others when I'm proud of the things my mind and my hands can create not just what I look like without effort on my part. For me I hope my stories will be valued by people someday. I hope the things I put out can enrich other peoples' existence. Even if I was conventionally attractive, I'd think it was sad if that was my only contribution to this world, to be something pretty to look at or be compared to/make other people insecure. I want to inspire others. I want to make a positive impact in the world, and if not in my stories then by the way I carry myself.
The world needs more kindness. I see so much polarization, so much harshness everywhere these days. I feel like the political climate is worse than it's been before in my short lifetime. I know it's a lot better than it was in the past politically but still, feels like the world is rolling back and we are behind where we were circa a decade ago. I utterly despise that when something progresses in society, something else always regresses but if not the grand scheme of things in the world, I hope to be able to improve the lives of the people in my circle. I think that's a good thing. Not sure how to round up this post. Just spontaneous thoughts here.
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mariska · 1 year
hello tumblr friends who live in my phone i just wanted to pop in real quick and let everyone know that I Am (somehow) Still Alive since i mentioned being very sick last month and did not want anyone 2 think i had finally Expired. wish i could say i'm doing better this month but while im definitely nowhere near as miserable as i was in April, i've been spending this month trying to deal with Sickness Aftershocks that have been making all of my long term autoimmune diseases/health issues in general flare up randomly really bad at pretty much completely random times and i also have a whole new fun set of similar feeling but definitely different and 100x worse physical health problems and its been extremely difficult to try and power through all of it like i'm used to doing for the 26 years i have been alive 😔 but i'm still hangin in there. idk how at this point lmao. subconscious fight or flight survival mode i guess. i'm like 99% sure i somehow caught one of the new covid mutations in April unfortunately despite the lifelong Agoraphobia and 3+ years of effort i've done to do literally everything in my ability to stay protected against it but. thats life i guess, u leave the house one or two times masked up hand sanitizer ready to go sweating from being overheated wearing clothes that cover as much of ur skin as u can stand and other people just Dont. so. i knew it would probably happen to me eventually i just was really hoping it would not! but. i will continue surviving as best i can because i dont have any other option or choice. but that is why i've unintentionally been distant here and online in general. it was already extremely difficult getting myself out of bed and taling showers and changing clothes and brushing my teeth and remembering to eat food and drink water before but now its reached a difficulty that i literally can't have any control over most of the time and its a lot of physical/mental/emotional effort to even tap reblog on a post online or respond to a text more so than it was previously. which again was already. very difficult to power through.
anyways! uh! yeah. life update i guess. i hope you guys are genuinely doing much better than i am this year and i hope you're all able to stay safe and as relatively healthy as you can. and please please please please at the very least wear some form of a face mask in public even if you're outside and not in a tiny building. i dont say that to shame anyone here i just feel like there are a lot of well meaning good people who arent fully aware that in the US at least the pandemic is very much not over and people like myself are suffering and dying because of that and we cant be the only group of people that are still doing our best to stay protected when we have to leave the house. if you're able to get some i highly recommend N95 type face masks because supposedly they offer one of the best chances of protection as long as you're wearing it correctly and it fits your face well; there's a really great non-profit organization called Project N95 that has an official website and a huge list of various face masks in a bunch of different sizes and types to order if you don't know where to find some high quality ones and they also have a form you can fill out and submit to request an order of free masks if you can't afford to buy them; their money donation pool goes towards providing masks (and some air purifiers i think?) to low income people/organizations/work places that doesn't have the funds or resources to constantly buy expensive batches of masks and their website is super detailed and well organized and has a long list of visual and written resources and information about different mask types, ways you can help keep yourself/your community safe, etc. so i highly recommend them if you are like me and are very stressed and anxious and confused about all of that information all the time. their site should be the at the top of the search results if you google N95 Project, it has a dot org site url so thats another way you can tell its the official site.
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neonganymede · 2 years
I hadn't gotten into pokemon until many years after it came out. By the time I bought Platinum even it was considered old. It had been in a display case with other pokemon/older games instead of in it's proper case on the shelves. (I was in a super market on vacation with a friend). Lost many DS games due to the size of the cartidges though. I hope you find and beat if that's something you want to do! ^-^
They need to make the npcs more useful in the higher levels raids. I'm barely beating five stars, forget the six stars. And it wouldn't surprise me if those were the ones that dropped herba mystica. And then go and do things like having a water type pokemon have a fire tera. Like??? What do you want to do with that?! I think I had used rock or ground but still?? Who that what would be a good idea?? The pokemon shouldn't be able to have skills for it's tera type. So that was interesting. Even if they didn't make the npcs useful, at least make it so water and fire can't be paired together LOL
That is an amazing naming scheme! I add y to a lot of names or just a version of what it already has. For example, I named my rockruff Rocky and Rocks, for it's two different evolution types :3 Having named your pokemon after bsd characters though sounds extremely interesting. May I ask how you knew which names you were going to give to which pokemon?
Wait you actually have a shiny eevee for me. That's so exciting! You're so cool and awesome and thank you so much!! He'll be my first shiny!! I'm so thankful and excited I really don't know what to say <3 Unforunitly I don't get online back for a tiny bit. Either later in the week or early in the new year, depends on when I can get to Target ;-; Thought I was going have it back before the holidays
I tried to dm you but it wouldn't let me >///<
-⛅ Hoping you had a good weekend if you celebrate the holidays or not! <3
I think the weird tera types are actually kinda nice sometimes! I was doing a five star tera battle earlier against a water pokemon with a fire tera type, and winning the battle was easy because of that. I could take my gyarados into battle and take hardly any damage, so I didn't need to worry about healing or fainting and losing the match because of it. It's just a way to be strategic! And tera types can be changed in case you really like a pokemon you caught in a raid ^^ five and six star raids are where you get the herba mystica, unfortunately. I do wish they made the npcs a little more useful ><;;
I usually go by some sort of reference or vibe when I'm naming my pokemon! Originally, my sprigatito was named Atsushi because cute and cat! But when he evolved into meowscarada, I changed his nickname to Nikolai. For obvious reasons. My magikarp is nicknamed Dazai because useless fish (even if he's not so useless now as a gyarados) <3 and also because it's my favorite pokemon. Growlithe is Chuuya because fire suits him and also dog pokemon. Shroodle is classified as a toxic mouse, so obviously Fyodor. Things like that ^^
And yes!! I have a shiny eevee for you!! I'll hold onto him for as long as you need me to, so it's really no problem. Just whenever you're ready for him. I'm just happy to have found one for you! You should be able to DM me now (i forgot to check my settings so that was totally my fault) in case you'd like to see a picture ^^
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gems-x-gabby · 2 years
"Perfect" Pants Block Journey Update
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I think around August last year I decided I was going to find and fit the “perfect” pants pattern. Why? Well, pants shopping has never been affirming for me. I have a bit of a lower belly and a swayback and my hips and stomach are several sizes apart. For that reason, I have found that leggings are usually the most comfortable option. BUT…
I think pants are really fun! I love the different silhouettes that pants can create. From super relaxed to ultra fit, pants look good and can help people explore their personal style. I wanted to look and feel good in pants in the silhouettes that I preferred and thus, I started my pants block journey. 
If you’re new to sewing, here's a definition of the term “block” from In The Folds online article entitled “Issue 55 - What is a pattern block?” : A pattern block is a foundation pattern that patternmakers use as a base or foundation when drafting patterns. 
In my words, it means a starting place for a garment I want to adjust/fit. For example, I am starting with a basic pant pattern and I will adjust it for my specific body measurements. In the future I won’t need to adjust the pattern and I will be able to make another pair in the exact style. If I want to change features such as length, pockets, or zippers I can easily do so because I know that the pattern will already fit my body. 
I know that was repeitive but hopefully someone who needs it one day can stumble across my blog and have their questions answered. :)
The pants pattern I used as my block was the Vintage 1950’s Pants Pattern sold by EnbonpointVintage on Etsy. It’s not just a pattern, it's a drafting system. The PDF print out comes with a miniature pattern piece and the ruler to grade it to a full-sized pattern piece. I did have to buy a yardstick to help me draw lines. 
Unfortunately it’s not as simple as it advertises. It’s not beginner friendly and I would say only take this one if you’ve already made a few pants or are ready to draft your own waistband and know how to install a zipper. There are no instructional steps for construction, it is assumed you will already know how to do that.
After adjusting this pattern for my stomach, hips, and back I was very satisfied with the result.
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This is a high-waisted pants with pleats and side zip
The fabric I used here is some lovely Ankara print from The House Of Mami Wata. These pants brings me greats joy and I can't wait to find more ways to style them.
For my second pair, I adjusted the crotch rise and the back rise and slimmed down the legs a bit.
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This version is high-waisted, lined with a light cotton, include a side zipper and pleats.
This fabric is a light, poplin type cotton from JanesDoesVintage on Etsy. It's a super cute pink and black houndstooth print.
Overall, I am feeling very happy with my pants! For my next step I'd like to try a heavier weight fabric like corduroy or twill.
Signing off for now,
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ollieoliver910 · 3 months
Under Night In Birth 2: Sys Celes is a DEAD GAME (My Last Post On The State Of UNI2)
I don't even know where to start with this. I feel like this is the third time I had to address my issues with the sequel. A few months back, I had made multiple different attempts to learn and play the damn game. I even went to discord, which in the end without going into detail, did not get me to enjoy the game either.
I gave it my best shot. I listened to the fans who said there is, in fact, a way to play with other people online (I play on the PS5, not PC cause I don't enjoy it)...but it's been six months since UNI2's release and I'm done being nice. The gloves are officially coming off.
I don't usually come off this harsh towards a video game unless I REALLY have something to say. So if you don't want to listen to me critique and/or bash UNI2 and how it was handled, scroll away, but to me. UNI2 is not only one of the worst sequels ever made. It is also, to me, the worst fighting game I have ever played, period. The gameplay is the ONLY saving grace. It's just too bad that network mode literally has a total of 0 people online to learn it! And before anyone asks. Some people have messaged me and said 'well, why don't you get friends to play with you?" Some people are unfortunately not lucky enough to have friends, or friends with the same interests as other people. When I go online every other night to play BBTAG, that is my escape from reality. It is a game I can feel good playing so that I can forget about my troubles for a couple of hours. Even though there are people who will say "Well, back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, you HAD to find someone to play fighting games with in real life."
Those days are OVER.
Having an online system with a big pool of people in your fighting game should be THE STANDARD. It's one thing if your franchise isn't the type of genre or type of game (like a single player game) that would incorporate an online mode. Fighting games are different. They should ALWAYS have an online mode for people who still want to play and can't find friends to play with. That will be my piece on this subject. Now I want to go into why Under Night In Birth 2: Sys Celes fails on every level.
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It is Monday after all (or it was Monday, I had to stop writing half way through) and THIS was the face I made when I realized this game was DEAD AF.
The Character Art
OK, I want to start off with probably the most controversial thing that I cannot prove, but is just speculation, and that's the artwork. I found this out quite recently, but the artist who worked on the first UNI game, Seiichi Yoshihara, is the SAME artist for UNI2. I don't know if the guy posts artwork on a different site in Japan just so I can see if anythings changed, but to me. There is no way someone who had that much style and talent when creating the original designs would forget basic anatomy or facial structure for UNI's sequel. I need to see different artwork from him outside of UNI to really confirm my fears, but the speculation part of this is, unfortunately, I think the guy was rushed and it shows in the art he put out.
I'm not the one that usually says "toxic work environment" when it comes to extremely daunting tasks for a single person with a strict deadline...but man does this feel like it. I just don't think this artist would pump out something mediocre and be ok with it. I would like to believe he clearly trained and practiced his art style already for many years before UNI. Again, I cannot prove this so please take what I say with a gain of salt, but all the signs are there and if it turns out to be true? It was in no way Seiichi Yoshihara's fault and the blame should be shifted towards whoever heads French Bread or ArcSystems. Since we don't know the full story of how UNI2 got developed, it's hard to really point fingers at the right person at the moment until someone speaks up, but if I had to guess. I wouldn't be surprised if ArcSystems was the main contributing factor. I don't believe that the people at French Bread would what to put out a bad game either...but it happened. Until we learn more about UNI2's development, this is really all I can say on the matter when it comes to the artwork.
I'm not going to pick apart the character designs again as doing so would take an hour to really digest it all, but if you know, you know. It's not good, like at all.
Ok, thank you for making it this far. Here's a picture of a dog licking an ice cream cone.
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Marketing and Lead Up To UNI2's Launch
What marketing? Welp, that pretty much sums it up. No, but in all seriousness. One of French Breads biggest mistake before the trailer was even shown was that UNI2 was rumored to be a "sequel," when it really isn't. The only reason why it was given the title "UNI2" was due to the arcade mode which was very sloppily put together with no rewarding pay off...that's it. Take that away and UNI2 is literally a copy/paste of the original except everything got downgraded and I mean EVERYTHING. I will talk more about that in a moment, but calling UNI2 a sequel immediately set high expectations for the game that were NEVER going to be there. I fell for this trap myself.
French Bread had several years to work on it. Why couldn't they make new sprites? Or give the same sprites they already had a new coat of paint? Something, anything at all! To imply that your game is a "sequel," to me, by definition would mean French Bread would take the time to create something new from the ground up and upgrade everything. If Devil May Cry 2 copy and pasted all the same mechanics, boss fights, castle areas, and items from the first game EXACTLY how they were with very little changes at all. That game would more than likely be considered a port with very minor tweaks to it, not a sequel. This use of the word "sequel" for UNI2 set up French Bread to fail right from the gate.
So when the first trailer dropped and I saw the artwork. I pretty much knew exactly what kind of game we were going to get. It would be one thing if there was ANY kind of marketing for UNI2 at all...but there wasn't. You can argue that as long as the game is still fun, which it is, you can forgot about all the other things that make it bad...but you have to have a sizable player base to play the damn game! For the time I was on Twitter, I don't even think there was any promotional material at all for UNI2. If I remember right, French Bread doesn't even have a twitter account, and if they do. Everything that was posted about the game completely went under the radar, and due to that. Most casuals who liked playing fighting games didn't know about it's existence. The only people who were following it closely are fans that were already playing BBTAG or UNICLR hoping that, maybe, UNI2 will be "the underdog that changes the fighting game community forever..." There have been many videos of people claiming that on YouTube before the damn thing even dropped. Fans who have already been playing UNICLR for years flocked to their cameras to say that "UNI2 will change everything!." No, it hasn't, and the lack of any growth in the player base for the past several years is my proof.
Point is, when the game dropped in January. There were SOME new players giving it a shot, and the people who wanted to learn it got bullied by the veterans who have already been playing UNI for YEARS! UNI2 needed to market it's game heavily towards new fans so that casuals could learn and fight other casuals instead of being forced into a match with a veteran. This lack of marketing is why UNI2 is now forever stagnant. It will never grow a player base so that beginners can learn how to play along side each other, and even outside of that. People should be able to experiment and mess around with a fighting game without thinking their livelihood is on the line. Fans of fighting games can still have fun with them without taking every match so seriously, and if these new players later on want to expand their knowledge? Let them, don't force them! Forcing players to become better overnight will drive any players who are interested left far, far away. That's the point I am trying to make.
The marketing and the lack of new players to fight is ultimately what doomed this game from the start, and to make matters worse, there isn't really anything "sequel" worthy about UNI2 other then the terrible, terrible endings for many of them (with Gordeau's. Wagner's and Merkavas being some of the exceptions to that rule.) Speaking of which, we should probably move on to those terrible things, huh?
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I don't know. I wanted a picture of a gerbil. Here it is! Cute huh?
Alright, now onto--
UNI2 is seriously, SERIOUSLY the definition of a copy/paste sequel with one or two exceptions. The artwork and UI (which is complete and utter trash) and the one or two new moves a character would get. The majority of them either falling into good, meh, bad, or why do I need another spacing tool category. Yes, I'm talking to you Hyde. I think a counter would have benefited him better then another red energy blast of some sort to which Hyde already has several...
Anyways, outside of the "new stuff" and the gameplay, everything is worse. EVERYTHING IS WORSE! How the hell do you do that when UNICLR has already been established???
Let's start with the opening when you boot up UNI2. Who decided that a somber song would hype people up for a fighting game? UNICLRs opening theme was already perfect! Why change it if you know the new one you're putting out is going to be worse by comparison!
That's literally my motto for this game. "Why change it," when what you had in UNICLR was already close to perfect.
All the songs that you love from UNICLR and BBTAG are gone, GONE! UNICLR's opening theme? Not present! Gather under the night? GONE! Overwhelmingly Despair? Hilda's theme? One of the few banger songs in UNICLR that was aloud to how a choir? Rip that shit out and give her a somber, toned down version! Yeah, that will show her! Like...I don't...I don't understand who makes these decisions...
Another glaring issue is the lack of things to buy in this game. After a handful of matches, you will have so much money that literally, like a character from SpongeBob once said, "You won't know what to do with it!" This is mostly because the majority of the alternate colors for every character are already unlocked. Plus, despite that, there is no reason to ever buy these skins because you can customize the sprites colors yourself! Though I do like that I can do this, I particularly hate--
A.) That the the sprites colors are split into sections of the character, meaning you don't have complete control over what the characters look like and--
B.) The lack of colors! There should be a grid somewhere so that you can choose any color you want and this mechanic is not present at all! And even if it was, things like not being able to change ONLY the color of Gordeau's belt because it's color is tied to what his pants color is just fricken frustrates me. I feel like I should be able to customize the colors of the characters accessories alone and I just can't. Same with weapon colors...where's my option for that? If I want Insulator to have a dumb looking green color while Hyde is still set to his default skin, I should be able to!
Since UNI2 decided to make the alts free essentially. All that money (or IP, in think, in this game) will be spent on 5-10+ year old artwork that we have already seen in UNICLR. The only things worth buying in this game are the customization options for your online profile...but even THAT was downgraded! I missed the profile backgrounds where the characters were laying on there sides in UNICLR and I thought we would get more stuff like that here...NOPE! Every profile background and boarder is basic AF. I wish there were more options, like in BBTAG, to put your favorite characters on your profile and it's just not here in any form. Welp, there goes any hope of spending my money.
You know, and I hate to say it. Since UNI2 for a lot of people is very dependent on sex appeal. Why couldn't they just make alts where the characters are in swimsuits? Make that the most expensive thing to buy, at least then the IP would have some purpose! Ik, ik, "they can't for many of them because they would have to change the sprite," but the reason why I suggest this is because if creating new cloths for these characters is too hard and time consuming. Maybe it would have been easier for French Bread to remove sections of the sprites and just add a bathing suit instead. It would at least be SOMETHING, but we weren't aloud to get something. We got nothing most of the time and it shows with how little there is to buy in this game.
Arcade mode...god I don't even know where to start.
I have not viewed all of them, but the ones I saw, especially when it came to the night blade group were very, very bad. There were things important to Hyde's character development (specifically him promising Linne to kill her) that were never followed through with and that contributed to not only Hydes bad ending...but his MULTIPLE bad endings (yes, he has several.) What I mean by this is while Gordeau has a solid conclusion with one canon ending, Hyde has at least four of five different endings (depending on the character you play) and to me. That is just a complete and utter copout. If we need to be technical about it, I would guess that Hyde's arcade mode is the cannon ending...but because Linne is present at the end during the other characters stories. It makes me think that French Bread wanted to leave the conclusion to Hydes story open ended...in the last game in the series...probably...
Side note, I also really hate that most of Hydes friends just sort of ditch him in his arcade mode. This is something that sort of bothered me in UNICLR where he and his friends are either forced to fight or they leave him in the dirt because "it is the only way." I just never felt like Hyde's friendships were genuine (other than maybe Orie, but we don't see enough of them interacting.) It's the same problem I have with Gordeau and Hilda where in UNICLR, Gordeau pretty much swore off to being friends with her at the end of his arcade mode. In UNI2? For SOME REASON there buddy buddies again and THAT really bothers me. Especially with what happened to Rodger and how his death effected Gord throughout the series.
But yeah, most of the endings feel like either huge copouts or let downs. Orie doesn't even speak in her ending! (The last section of her arcade mode I mean) To me, it's the little things that really add up to make UNI2 a bad game.
The last thing I will say that really pisses me off is how network mode is handled. Say what you will about BBTAG, but I think ArcSystems nailed how the lobbies should work. The only things I wished they added eventually was a spectate mode or a way to turn your tag, (and your name if you want), off so that you can fight people who are your rank without the fear of losing your tag color. There are some other nitpicks, but I liked choosing avatars and talking with other people online.
UNI2 needed something like this, and I know, I understand. They might not of had the money or time (the time thing is what I'm most curious about because the rumors say UNI2 has been in development for a couple of years). However, I still stand by that aesthetically and maybe even gameplay wise. Network mode needed to change or have a complete overhaul. This might be a me thing, but it does bother me and is something I felt needed an upgrade...if it was done right which, unfortunately, I fear that it wouldn't have been.
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(My reaction to working on this long, dumb ass essay for two days.)
I will end my final statement on UNI2 by saying this. The one thing as a writer that pisses me off more than anything else is seeing the potential for game to grow and become something more....but the passion to do so from it's creators is never fully there. That itch to expand your world, to develop your characters, to try to advocate for the game you put years and years into hoping it will be the next big thing...and in the end, French Bread fumbled over the finish line, hard.
UNI2 was ripe for an anime adaptation, or a manga, or SOMETHING the would get it's name out there more because trust me. I saw it's potential! I wanted it so badly to do well so that maybe, we could get more merchandise, or a spin off game, and anime, hell, even new stickers for my laptop would have bee cool!
When I am THIS critical of a game like UNI2. It's because I want so badly for it to succeed. I WANT it to be the next big thing because I adore every single character on the roster. Other than the lack of a player base, UNICLR had it all. In my opinion, if French Bread didn't have a lot of money to spend. They should have just updated or ported UNICLR to the PS5 and used the money they had to market the game and put, oh I don't know, cross console play into your online mode! Yeah, I am still extremely bothered by that and this is also a contributing factor as to why players can't find people to fight online.
This will be the last time I say anything about UNI2. It's dead, it's done, and I'm ready to move on. At this point, the only hope UNI2 has now is if in a year, or maybe relatively soon, they start promoting the game they created. Other than advertisements, the only thing that I can think of that would really give UNI2 an overhaul is if one of the Under Night characters were put into the next smash brothers game. I don't know why this is the first thing that comes to mind for me, but smash brothers helped gamers for many years become interested in other franchises, big or small. Honestly, if French Bread has no money to advertise their game. To me, putting one of their characters into smash brothers or another fighting game feels like there only play at this point. I doubt that this will ever happen, but if it did, I honest to god believe it would at least keep people interested in UNI2 for several years.
Anyways, that's it, I'm done.
I gonna go get an ice cream now I guess.
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ablogforanothertime · 4 months
For most of my life, I've been a nobody on the Internet. And Ive liked it that way. I don't seek fame or recognition. I just want to exist in my little bubble of close friends where I can say mostly whatever I fancy and it's mostly fine.
And while I'm still a nobody on the internet, I am slightly less of a nobody now and that was made abundantly clear when I took my last Instagram break without any warning. People were texting me, finding me on Snapchat and on Facebook, and when I came back, I got many messages of "I missed you", "I thought you were gone forever" and even "I thought the cool girl blocked me and I was very sad about it".
To be sure, it makes me feel good to know that I've made so many connections in a community and can say for the first time in my life I am a part of a community. But with so many people who "watch me so closely because I'm like their personal TV show", comes opinions. Lots and lots of opinions. If I want an opinion, I will ask for it, but no matter even if I don't, I get messages all day with people's opinions. It's mostly fine, but I, unfortunately, have a sensitive personality type and despite knowing this, despite trying to actively change it, sometimes my nervous system immediately rears up and takes shit really personal.
This brings me to why I left Instagram so abruptly this last time and why I am still irritated with my role in that community.
I am fucking tired of renovations. I have tremendous mom guilt because this is all my kids will remember and I just don't want to fucking do it anymore most days. Yeah I go Instagram and sometimes I complain, and people tell me they love that I'm "real" but they don't. Because when I really start complaining and on the rare occasion actually state how I feel - like how I fantasize about selling my house as is and buying a new build - people get offended.
My followers have formed some kind of personal pseudo social relationship with my house and they cannot stand when I talk about selling it and they get even more irritated when I talk about new houses. They want me to be real and like that I "am" but yet when I really do say how I am feeling, suddenly they don't like it.
And that's what happened this last time. A long time follower WHO IS AN ARCHITECT FOR NEW HOUSES, messaged me about how my house will be built better than any new house (it won't) and I would be foolish to move (I wouldn't be). I was already in a mood over my house that day, which I thought I made pretty clear in my stories, but apparently I guess not and I hair flipped my account to deactivated.
I took it pretty personal that someone who's never actually been in my house, and who only knows what I put online, is telling me how I should feel about my house and my frustrations with the situation. Someone who is a DINK, by the way.
But I have returned to Instagram because so many people reached out to me and I am back to posting, but less than before. But I still have a sour taste in my mouth over it. I don't like feeling like so many people are watching me this close. I don't like knowing I can't just disappear offline without people trying to find out what happened or why (and maybe not considering that I dont want to be contacted?). And I don't like that I can no longer say whatever I'm feeling because I was getting on average 50-80 people messaging me per day and I just don't have time for that.
Yes, there are friends there I have made that I do like and I do enjoy talking to. I have also learned so much. But at the moment, it feels toxic and I'm not enjoying it like I used to.
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extinctdreamdiary · 1 year
Ya boi got Dumped
Long story.
It really was for the best, and I had been planning to break up with them for a hot minute because we are NOT well aligned and I had grown to resent them instead of having ~feelings~ for them.
We got together a few years ago and it was nice. I didn't realise at the time that I was putting in all the effort, but I was. We have totally different needs/love languages. Mine is doing favours/giving things, theirs is touch. We're both autistic so I don't love long periods of touch and I thought they were the same because after we moved in together for financial reasons they insisted on having their own room and expressed that they didn't really like sharing a bed.
Anyway recently they expressed they were touch starved and unfortunately there wasn't much I could do about it, so them dumping me was best for them.
Why was it good for me? My ex is a 'Chik-fil-a queer'. They bought the hogw4rts legacy game and didn't tell any of the friend group about it despite being a generally bubbly and oversharey type of person who likes to talk about themself (to a fault, another gripe but not a huge deal as they're neurodivergent and can't help it), specifically because all of the group are queer people and would be offended. However they have an online friend group about HP fanfiction that they were probably very excited to share it with them-- I don't know, none of us have ever been introduced to them in any way. They have stated that HP was one of the few enjoyable parts of their childhood and they just didn't want to let it go despite that I could say exactly the same and JKR successfully put me off the fandom. They also bought J4mes Ch4rles products after all that individual has done but 'it was ok because it was on clearance' ????
This year they are going on an overseas trip to meet their friend group and have been so strict with money so as to not pay for their groceries. We haven't said anything before to keep the peace but I expect we will be now. If it pushes them to move out living will be EXTREMELY lean for the rest of us.
Having experienced an abusive childhood and overbearing parenting, they value their independence a lot, and it took me a little while to get used to not being a 'normal' couple and while we planned a future together, they would never accept my input on any life decisions except living together. In the beginning we talked casually about kids and agreed that if we had them, we'd adopt them, as I in particular feel strongly that we should adopt over making children. It wasn't long before they changed their mind and expressed that they were going to have their own kid, with their own body, because it was easier. I can not fertilise them so they were just going to have casual sex with randoms. They also weren't interested in my or anyone else's input in parenting, they wanted the kid all to themself like the kid wouldn't be an actual person with the need to know who their other parent is and where they came from. THAT was the point at which I decided that when I was financially independent I would be leaving them.
All in all I feel like the whole relationship they didn't think much about anyone else's feelings, despite being supportive during my lowest points, which I will always be extremely thankful for because otherwise I would have been alone. And despite resolving to break up with them when it was convenient to me, being broken up with has still hurt. In the days leading up to it they had suddenly become very very withdrawn and they lash out in anger when they're going through it, another thing I had absolutely no idea how to deal with. The breakup speech itself was very amiable and I really had nothing to say. Now their mood is back to normal like they're just happy to have got shot of me and I also feel like I can't talk to our mutual friends about it, in part because I've been sort of trained out of venting to people due to one other friend that would always tell me to 'go do something about it then', they wouldn't necessarily get my reasons for wanting out and anyway, why am I upset if I wanted out anyway? My ex is back in the group chat like normal. I've muted it. I owe my ex a little money and as I'm only working part time all my extra cash is going to paying them back as quickly as I can so I can be done with it. Once I've paid it back I'm going to start going to therapy because LORD knows everybody in this situation needs it.
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Game 224 - Final Fantasy XIV by Square Enix
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What did I think it was at first? This is a review of of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which includes a free trial that includes the entirety of "A Realm Reborn" AND the award-winning "Heavensward" expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime. FFXIV's newest expansion, "Endwalker", is out now.
Now that this is out of the way...
A year ago, my husband was really into this game and I wanted to try it so we could play together. I hated it so much I quit within the first hour, but they convinced me to try again a few weeks later. And now, it's been a year and I just finished the main plot of the latest expansion. I'm going to try to very gently sketch out the plot and avoid major spoilers for Endwalker, but I may accidentally spoil other expansions as it's all a blur at this point.
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How was the character creator? You must assign your character as male or female, but you can choose from a multitude of classes (some combat, some not), races, appearance options, and outfit choices. I chose to play as a male Viera, and I have two classes at the level cap - one is dancer, and one is white mage. I'm working on lancer now!
I tend to prefer more feminine outfits on my bunny boy, and there are quite a few I can choose from! Some, however, can't be worn on a masculine frame which is a total downer.
I did enjoy that I could get married in the game! I married my RL spouse and it's the only wedding we got to have because of Covid. The perks are nice and it was a fun way to get my friends together, so that's a special memory I'll always have in this game.
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How was the game? There's quite a bit going on here! The MMO gameplay is at the core of the adventure, and as the plot propels forward it spins through a variety of genres. You go from being a lowly adventurer to a hero on a cosmic scale, and on the way you build lots of relationships with figures in the world.
One of the things I really enjoyed about the narrative was how thoroughly planned it is. There are frequent callbacks to previous sections of the game where information gets expanded or revisited in a new light. They do a great job musically with this as well - motifs from other songs frequently pop up at significant story moments. As a whole, the music here is really well done.
You really get to love the characters - and because the story is so extensive, they really are able to show growth and development in the core cast. There are several plot twists and character changes that completely took me by surprise - a common refrain of my friends was "I couldn't wait for you to get to X part and see how that played out."
There's a really substantial main story that is carried through with typical MMO-style questing. The dungeons and raids are also like other MMOs I've played, though I appreciate that enemies telegraph their attacks a little more than in other MMOs I've played. I really feel like online raiding has taken the social niche that square dancing once held.
Each class feels a little different, and that's even without touching the crafting and gathering classes as I have not. There's also some farming sim elements that I haven't done yet. Housing is a huge part of the game - I didn't like it as much as I would in like The Sims, but my husband loves it so much.
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What did I not love? My main quibble is with overworld questing. Unfortunately, I can only play solo for sort stretches of time on the main quest - the types of quests are a little repetitive and they get tedious. Go talk to someone, sit for a lore dump. go talk to someone...I usually nod off a little. The dungeon design is really fun and I wish there wasn't so much silly "go talk to x" design in the way.
The art assets are also starting to show their age a little, and closeups on pixelly textures aren't a cute look. The animations get better as the expansions go on, but a lot of the game isn't as pretty as most modern games.
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At 23 days, 16 hours and $30 for the whole game plus $15 per month, was it really worth it? I really enjoy FFXIV, but I don't think I'd still be playing without a community of friends. If you have a social group that's into it, give it a try! I have definitely gotten my dollars worth!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
Need IMMEDIATE Help To Afford Life Saving Second Dose of Renal Failure Treatment
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(Hi, this is Maddie, Mia typed almost all of this one for me again because my coordination problems are getting worse. This is why I haven't been online lately.)
Unfortunately Wesonga Yazid, the owner of the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage (the nonprofit we have been working with the last two years, and are opening a neighboring chapter of), has been struggling with the complications and after effects of kidney failure for a long time now, after he's gone into failure twice. This is something my Mom almost passed from, so I know firsthand how serious it can be. He didn't bring it up for a year because he didn't want to draw attention or worry us, but he's too sick to be able to hide it anymore. We were able to get him his first dose of medicine but now he desperately needs the next one by this Saturday, something his doctor emphasized. He's doing very poorly and the medication needs to be taken within a certain time frame to work effectively. Yazid is my best friend, to the point we plan on him coming to live with me for a while someday so we can work more together. I can't bear to see anything bad happening to him.
We've been able to scrape together half of it after Yazid sold his bike, but we still have half left to save! That's still really possible!!! If you are able to donate anything at all it would be incredibly appreciated and would go towards saving a man’s life, if you can’t then please please please reblog! No matter how many followers you have. Even if you have one, that might be the one who gets it seen by someone who can help. Reblogging and sharing is seriously what makes the biggest difference, it's the PRIMARY thing you can do to change this.
If 25 people donated $10 we would have the amount and if 100 people donated just $2.50 we would also reach our goal! These numbers are hard to reach. But, sharing the post and getting it traction makes it entirely possible, as we've absolutely had luck like that. So please
(If you are able to donate, if you are all can please do it somewhere besides GoFundMe! GoFundMe takes 4-7 days to process a donation, and we only have two days to raise this. If you're worried about the safety of your donation and how reputable it is I can also send you Yazid's mobile banking information.)
You can read the recent GoFundMe update for a more detailed version of what’s going on. Yazid also has an account at @yazid007, and you can get more information on our (under construction) landing website here. If you want to write him directly, he is frequently active on Discord wesonga01#0356 to write or call.
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