#i can't say this with confidence because it feels pretty “fill in the blanks”
dearmahiru-archive · 11 months
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i've been having brain worms about mahiru's relationship so i've been rewatching i love you to piece together day sixteen. this feels like a reach but i think a fight might've broken out between them.
first, mahiru boyfriend's house, birdcage, and carousel are all the same location─we know this because each one has the same couch, throw pillows, and table formation.
on day sixteen, mahiru excitedly prepares her boyfriend's favorite meals as a surprise for him. later, when milgram extracts mahiru's mind, we see a table with shattered silverware. then, mahiru fantasizes about her boyfriend coming back to life so they can share food together (notably, only mahiru is fed because when mahiru tries feeding her boyfriend it goes awry.)
though i don't believe her boyfriend was ever physical and broke the dishes, it's possible that he suffered from an eating disorder and responded badly to mahiru's attempts to convince him to eat. this is the reason mahiru's murder is portrayed as feeding him rats that she percieved as a gift to save him from starvation.
we also know that they've fought multiple times from mahiru's t1 song. specifically. theres this very moment in the second teaser where mahiru's screams at her boyfriend, telling him (paraphrased) "don't say you love me if you don't mean it."
which is insane because mahiru is a very forgiving person! she can turn a cheek to someone trying to kill her, laugh off those who trick her, call her stupid to her face, and says she's happy to fight with her boyfriend—lovingly referring to it as their break-up ritual—but saying you love her without any weight behind it? that's what sends mahiru right over the edge.
i think it's possible that mahiru's boyfriend reacted poorly to mahiru's "gift," and tried to console her by saying he loved her which made mahiru's upset, which then escalated into their final fight.
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dannyphantom-zero · 8 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 5 Stay-cation
Jason glanced at the couch as he made breakfast. Huddled inside a blanking was Danny with nothing but his pouting face exposed.
Jason shook his head. The doctor would run himself ragged at this point. Getting all upset because he couldn't go to work.
Danny was gradually getting hungrier by the second. Jason walked over with two plates with eggs and bacon on them.
"Made some breakfast" Jason said circling the plate near Danny's face. The smell was making Danny pissed off. He wanted to eat it but he didn't like the way Jason was so smug about it.
Eventually Danny broke down and had to open up his blanket to receive the plate.
"How is it?"
Danny scowled at Jason, "it's good" he muttered before shoving more food in his mouth and chewing angrily.
Jason couldn't believe how cute this doctor could be.
"Try some of this" Jason said handing Danny a glass.
Danny looked at Jason hesitantly. Danny brought the cup up to his lips and took a big sip.
A sweet liquid filled Danny's mouth, it left a tart aftertaste.
"What is this?" He asked looking at Jason with stars on his eyes.
"It's wine that I made when I visited a brewery a while ago" Jason picked up a napkin and gently wiped Danny's mouth.
Danny was too embarrassed to think.
"D-do you want some ectoplasm?!" He blurted out before thinking.
"If you want to, yes"
Jason was acting strange, why was he being shy and complacent all odt he sudden??
Danny crawled across the couch to Jason. He put his hands on Jason's shoulder to steady himself and bit Jason's neck.
A calm feeling washed over Jason as he closed his eyes. He felt disconnected and tingly. Danny was the opposite. Whenever he did this he felt like he was drinking pure energy.
"Mm" Jason's eyebrows furrowed. Danny let go.
Jason opened his eyes.
"Yeah, thanks"
Jason and Danny watched a few movies. Danny was talking about a character when his phone interrupted him.
Danny glanced at it casually. His eyes grew big.
"SAM!" Danny squeaked as he answered.
"Hey Danny, my band is performing tonight at the mike bar, you know the one right?"
"The usual one right?"
"Yeah, anyway we lost the lead singer so to a sore throat and we desperately need a replacement. I know how good you can sing and you play guitar so, please help me!"
Danny peered at Jason.
"Sure, I'll be right there" Danny hung up.
"Where are you going?"
"A bar nearby, I have to help out a friend"
Jason stood up and grabbed an extra jacket for Danny.
"Jason? Your coming too"
"Your still on the run remember"
Danny smacked Jason's shoulder.
"Don't say it like that! You make it sound like I'm running from the law!" Danny chastised.
Jason shrugged, "Batman isn't easy to shake off"
Danny crossed his arms.
"I already knew that, but I don't think he'll randomly bother me. He's gotta have a life too right?"
Danny got a bad feeling about the face Jason was making.
"You'd be surprised" Jason groaned.
They made it to the bar without running into to any issues. Danny stepped in and started looking around. This bar has a rustic vibe to it before but now it looked like a goth den.
Maybe it was because Sam's band was performing today but there seems to be a lot more goths than usual.
"Danny!" Sam exclaimed hugging him.
"Hey Sam, how have you been, it's been so long"
Sam grinned confidently and pointed her thumb towards her band mates who were setting up.
"My bands been doing pretty well"
Sam punched Danny's arm, "but hey can't believe my little delinquent is a famous doctor now"
Danny waved his hands.
"Sam! Don't talk about that on public!"
Jason put a hand on Danny's shoulder.
"Oh, who are you?" Sam asked.
"He's a friend of mine" Jason growled.
"R-right, Jason and I became friends recently."
Sam grabbed Danny's arm, "well sorry Jared but I'm going have to steal Danny for a bit"
Sam gave Jason a cold look, "not that it's really stealing since he isn't yours"
Danny send an apologetic look at Jason before being dragged off. Sam took Danny to the male bathroom.
"Here, change" she ordered thrusting clothes at him.
Danny didn't have time to object.
His eyes bugged out when he put on the clothes.
"What kind of clothes are these?!" He exclaimed.
He was wearing a black button shirt that was open in the back with an x strap, it also had three spikes jutting out on each shoulder. His pants were black jeans with rips and chains hanging along the side.
His shoes had been swapped for boots and on his hands he wore fingerless, fake leather gloves.
"You look almost perfect!" Sam said once Danny stepped out feeling dazed.
"Sit and stay still"
Danny sat on the stool and let Sam apply mascara to his eyes. It deepened his eyes, making him look like a real goth. A hot one at that.
"Your stage name should be...."
"How about Runner?" Danny suggested.
"Huh,Runner? Sure I guess it works"
Danny helped set up his mike. Sam let him use the spare electric guitar they had.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Sam asked, the band mates shouted in unison.
Jason waited impatiently for the Danny to make an appearance.
The band started up and Danny stood up to the mike.
The band started playing, Jason watched Danny sing and play. He seemed so different from the doctor Jason knew.
The crowd was cheering as the band played. It had a pop rock vibe to it, the songs were catchy and Jason had to admit he liked the band.
Danny smiled and waved after the band finished their last song.
"Let me help you pack up" Danny said as he stuffed the equipment in Sam's bus.
"Thank you so much Danny! Who knew you still had in you!" Sam said laughing.
He turned to see Jason standing a few paces away.
"Hey Jason"
"You were really good up there"
Danny grinned.
"When you sang o felt my heart racing"
Danny laughed, "your funny Jason, but really it was all Sam. Her band is really great"
Sam playfully ruffled Danny hair.
"Yeah that's right, I'm awesome I know" Sam boasted.
"We should probably head back" Jason said.
"Head back, did you come from the same place?"
Danny seemed flustered.
"Yeah, Danny spent the night with me"
Danny was quick to clarify that he apartment had been broken into and Jason let him spend the night.
Though he could tell by Sam's face that she was thinking they were romantically involved.
When Danny got back he plopped onto the couch.
"You hungry?" Jason asked.
"A little" Danny said yawning.
'cute' Jason thought.
They ate and Danny passed out soon after.
The next morning Jason woke up to a note from Danny saying he had gone to work.
Jason had troed texting Danny alter that night but had gotten no response.
This went on for a couple days and later when Dick met up with Jason he could tell something was wrong.
"Hey, you look way too depressed, even for you"
Jason just drank.
"Come on, let it out"
Jason clenched his fist.
"I think I made someone mad"
Dick raised an eyebrow. Jason made people mad every day, there had to be more to this.
"This person started avoiding me, isn't answering my calls or texts and hasn't come back to my apartment-" Jason said too much.
"Ooh, romance problems huh?"
Jason groaned, "I wish, we aren't even dating. I've never been more frustrated"
"Maybe this person is just really busy, did you seem to be on good terms?"
"Yeah, I mean, he's a doctor so I guess he could just be busy but..."
Dick eyes lit up, a doctor? And a male one at that. Could it be-
"Do you have a crush on the famous doctor Fenton?"
Jason blushed furiously.
"It's not a crush!"
So he did.
"Why don't you visit him in person if your so worried?"
Jason sighed, "I don't want to bother him, besides I don't think he likes me back"
"There's only one way to find out you know"
And that's why Jason was currently waiting outside of Gotham General. He wasn't sure how long he had waited but a tap on his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts.
"Jason, why are you here?"
He shrugged and turned his head away so Danny couldn't see him blushing.
"You weren't answering my calls or texts so I came to see you myself"
"Ah" that's right, Jason was a stalker. How could Danny forget.
"Right well I should probably get going" Danny said as he opened his car door.
Jason shut it and didn't take his hand off the door.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just tired and I want to go home" Danny said turing away.
"I'll take you" Jason said.
In one deft movement Jason had picked up the lanky doctor and put him in the passenger side.
"What?" Danny said confused.
"You said your tired, so I'll drive"
Danny looked at Jason's face, he seemed anxious.
"H-hey, this isn't the way to my apartment." Danny said.
"Your apartment isn't safe, I'll take you to mine"
"What? Why? It's not your business if my apartments not safe"
"Your my friend Danny, I don't want you to get hurt"
"This isn't the way a friend acts!" Danny said. Jason had stopped at a red light giving Danny the perfect window to escape.
He unbuckled and slipped from the car. He started running. Jason had been acting weird, too weird. If I kept up Danny wasn't sure what he might do and he was afraid to push Jason away.
They were just friends! He really didn't want to make Jason uncomfortable but now everything was ruined.
Jason clenched his teeth. He found a secure place and parked Danny's car.
He made Danny run away! He was stupid!
Jason did his best tracking down Danny. Finally he spotted someone walking alone.
"Danny!" The person turned their head and it almost looked like they were crying.
Suddenly he started running again.
Jason caught up to him and grabbed him from behind holding him in a tight hug.
"Why are you running from me?" Jason asked in hurt pleading tone.
"Because-" Danny suddenly cut off, "batman" he said weakly.
"Batman?" Then Jason saw him.
"Crap, come on" Jason said tugging Danny with him as they ran, wearing in between stores.
They ended up on the roof of a quick-mart.
"Did we lose him?" Danny asked panting.
"Yeah I think-"
Jason fired his grappling hook, at the same time Danny almost tripped. Before they knew it, they were trapped, tangled up together and hanging off the side of the building.
"Shit" Jason said softly.
Bruce pulled them up and Jason untangled himself from Danny.
"Can't you just let the poor man go?" Jason asked.
Danny sighed and stepped up.
"It's alright Jason, I'll take responsibility for my actions."
Danny held out his hands to be cuffed.
"I'm not taking you to jail" Batman said.
Danny dropped his arms, "huh? Your not?"
"Your not?" Jason asked.
"No. However Jason and I seem to need have a talk."
"Then why were tracking Danny down"
"Your always together"
Jason was taken aback at Bruce's abruptness.
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Come to the manor, well discuss there"
Jason cursed after the bat had left.
"What a dick seriously, how dare he do that to you!"
"It's really fine Jason, come on. Let's go, he's probably waiting for you"
Jason shrugged.
"Just don't jump out the car this time"
Danny promised not too and they drove up to the manor. When they got there, Danny noticed a butler waiting at the entrance.
"Welcome master Jason and his friend"
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ceterisparibus116 · 1 year
Hey! As far as I understand, in the US you guys have to do an undergraduate degree before doing law school. Do you have any opinion on what Matt would’ve taken at undergrad?
Also I just want to say that I really love your writing and your posts are genuinely making me consider a career path that I’d never thought about before! I’d always sort of dismissed being a lawyer because I’m quite shy about public speaking, so I never really thought about how much I like the law in itself. It’s so interesting!
EEEEEEEEE this is exciting! The world needs more lawyers - especially more lawyers going into it for the right reasons. So many lawyers just care about the money or the power (or their parents' approval), which means there's a dire need for lawyers who want to help people.
And I just wanna say: law doesn't require public speaking. Criminal law kinda does (you're pretty much always showing up for hearings and trials in criminal law), but civil law...not so much. Civil law has some hearings and depositions, but very few civil cases go to trial. The vast majority of it is sitting at a desk, writing and researching. Although you do have to be able to meet with victims and witnesses, and that makes some people nervous. (That still makes me nervous, actually.) But it's not public speaking, I think?
You could also try to be a full-time law clerk. Most judges hire clerks for only a year or two, but some take on clerks permanently. As a clerk, your job is 100% research and writing and preparing documents. You get all the fun of making brilliant legal points, but you can make those points safely on paper without having to stand up and present them.
However, I also do believe that public speaking is a skill, not just some natural talent. So I think it's always possible to get better. Here are my two absolute favorite resources on public speaking:
This amazing youtube channel (which isn't specifically for public speaking, but does address public speaking sometimes, and has a ton of general tips for building confidence, overcoming nervousness, turning awkwardness into charisma, etc.); and
This lifesaving book (which is the best book I've read on public speaking, hands-down, and I highly recommend it even for people who aren't lawyers because although it's written for lawyers, the content is overall about how you approach public speaking [how to both feel and appear more confident, etc.] rather than the content of what you're saying. I literally love this book so much!)
Oh, you also asked about Matt. XD
My undergrad was political science, so I like the idea of Matt doing the same just because #relatable. But I don't actually think of him as a poli-sci guy. Like, Karen is the one who's more concerned with broad social structures. Matt seems more interested with figuring out what he's supposed to do than he is with figuring out what society is supposed to do. Matt seems to say: "The system is broken, but I can help as a lawyer, and where I can't help as a lawyer, I can help as a vigilante." He's not the one invested in uncovering corruption or dismantling oppressive systems.
I think of him as more like a history guy. Partly because of the Thurgood Marshall thing. But I imagine him digging into the history books, finding people who inspire him, and modeling his life after them (when he's not angsting about whether he could live up to them).
That said, I secretly ADORE the idea of Matt as a math major. My mock trial coach in high school tried to convince me to be a math major myself, and although I didn't go that route (I'm more like Karen; I wanted to research social and political issues), there's a lot of wisdom to it. Math is logic, after all. And it's pure logic.
If I say "a + b = c," there's no emotion there. But if I say something like "police + poverty = ____" ...y'all already are having an emotional reaction, right? And you're filling in the blank with something. You're likely filling the blanks in based on emotion and anecdotes, since I think most of us have a strong opinion about this, but most of us probably haven't done a deep statistical study into the issues.
As a lawyer, if you care about truth, it's absolutely vital to be able to use logic both to make your arguments and to figure out which arguments you should be making in the first place. We can't completely ditch our personal biases, but I do believe studying math helps work those parts of your brain that can analyze a problem with logic and without using emotion and anecdotes as a shortcut.
So yeah, I love the idea of Matt being good at math.
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honeeslust · 1 year
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Satoru Gojo | Sweets
To the people he works with, he's a perfect asshole. They hate his confidence. They hate that he doesn't hesitate to say what's on his mind. He doesn't respect schedules or authority. He can even come off as a little selfish.
Women swoon whenever he walks into a room and it’s not from much effort on his part. It's because he is him. And women just know. Who wouldn't want the honored ones cum oozing down their throat as he curses and growls your name.
Sorry.. that last part might have been a little too much. But I can't help it, the flashbacks and my hormones are making me crazy.
It's moments like this when l'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, making his favorite sweets before he gets home. Papa loves his sweets and I can't wait to give them to him
As if on cue, I feel him before I see him.
Satoru pushes himself against me and hugs me from behind. “Mmmm, how are my sweethearts?”
“We’re feeling good today. I actually had enough energy to put up the crib.”
His hands slipped over my belly and a warmth started to spread from where he touched me. He kisses the top of my head before turning to wash his hands.
He groans being his dramatic self, “You did it without me?”
“I never know when you’ll be back. Why are you even here now? You know they said—“
The blue eyed giant shifted his glasses down to look at me.
“Right! you don’t give a fuck”
I smile and shake my head as I return to cutting his lemon bars. “How do people deal with you?”
Satoru dries his hands and returns to me. He places his hands on my waist and squeezes me gently. He lowers his head and whispers into my neck. “Can I taste?”
My stomach does the butterfly thing and I sigh knowing he’s not talking about the lemony dessert I’ve made for him.
His long fingers rest on my hips as he uses his thumbs to massage some of the tension from my lower back. His massive hands always feel so good on me. I moan and turn around to face him.
His lips are on mine before I can even speak. He bends to slip his hands under my thighs and Carefully he lifts me and sets me on the kitchen island.
He drops to his knees in front of me and slips the silk gown out of his way so he can kiss my thighs. He adds his tongue, whispering how he couldn’t wait to get back to his sweets but I knew better.
The first trimester was hard. I was constantly sick and almost never in the mood. I know he missed me. And I missed him.
His tongue does everything right. My belly stops me from seeing him but my memory fills in the blanks as my eyes close and my head falls back. I picture the vibrant shades of blue that almost seemed to sparkle everytime I whimpered his name.
He eats my swollen pussy so good that I actually start to feel sorry for those women who swoon. They would never know what it feels like to have his honored tongue circling around their sensitive clit. They would never know how good it feels to have his slender fingers pulsing inside you while he called you so sweet for being so wet for him. They would never know how hard you can come from the way his tongue flicks back forth over the tender bundle of nerves making your entire body go stiff…..
“Fuuu—ck Toru!”
He stands licking his pretty pink lips and presses his soft mouth to mine, kissing me like he’s yearned for me since the dawn of time.
And again I almost feel sorry.
He helps me down and I stand shakily. A strong hand clasps over the small of my back and I finally open my eyes.
“See how sweet you are?” He says with his impossibly dazzling smile.
He bends again to kiss my belly and there was a small nudge where he placed his lips. Satoru smiles as he stands again and takes my hand.
“Let’s go see if it's true that I can rock her to sleep.”
I smile and happily follow him.
No one will even know him the way I do. Nor would he let them. Those women try. They really fucking be trying.
But hey…. If I were you, I’d wanna be me too..
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alluralater · 8 months
hi there! so sorry to hear that you're sick :(( I hope you feel better soon!
I also wanted to ask your advice, as an experienced gay? I'm 21 and queer and I'm in a great relationship with someone I really love. we've been together over a year and they're the best. at the same time, lately, I kinda developed a crush on my friend/roommate. she's great and we get along super well, and I've had this raging crush on her for a few months now. normally I wouldn't really worry abt it because I have no desire to leave my current partner or initiate anything with my friend. but lately it seems my friend might also have feelings for me too? and we see each other pretty much everyday since we live together, so it's kinda becoming this big unspoken thing, at least for me. I'm curious if you think I should bring it up to my friend so we can clear the air and move past it (and I'll prob stop overthinking abt it), or if I shouldn't bring it up and just get over it? I'm not gonna do anything with her, I just wanna know if I should rip the bandaid off and talk about it or not. thanks in advance! love your blog :)
hi! alright so you are in a bit of a sticky situation. let's dissect this. i have multiple questions for you so might need you to drop another ask at some point to fill in some blanks <3
my questions for you: is your relationship strictly monogamous? from the way everything is phrased i'm assuming it most likely is but i wouldn't really know. next question, how comfortable are you with very very honest conversations? if you open this box with your roommate, just know that you might not be able to close it again. learning that someone you're attracted to whether emotionally or physically has those same feelings for you is sort of like a pandora's box situation. once that knowledge has come out, there isn't really a way to rid yourself of it or put any of it back, because in this case the feelings for you are not just physical.
that being said, there are three ways this can go. 1. you start the conversation with her and she says she also has feelings for you, be they physical, emotional, or both. you then confirm your own feelings and she's maybe wondering what will or won't happen. if she knows you're happily in a relationship, she probably doesn't bring it up out of respect for that or she may not want to complicate things since you live together. either way you'll have to guide that conversation and be prepared to drop the facts that you aren't looking for anything else but want to be open and honest. you have to hope she can take that with grace and it doesn't become a problem. 2. you say nothing, things build to a fever pitch over time and something happens between you, lots of drama may follow or none at all, definitely issues in your relationship. the other side of this is that you say nothing, you both silently think about having sex with each other from like ten feet away at night and then slowly over time the novelty of wanting someone you can't have wears off. but then maybe it doesn't, and we're back at the first part of 2 again. there is both power and weakness in the 'do nothing' strategy because you have to allow for a certain lack of control, which might be hard for an over-thinker. 3. you talk about it and it goes super well! you both feel confident that having mutual attraction/feelings for each other won't be any kind of strain on your living situation or friendship and you carry on as normal, even building a healthier relationship through this type of honesty.
there is a secret fourth option. and that option is a threesome/you hooking up with the roommate (sorry i have to drop this one because it's such a mood and honestly, if i found out my partner was attracted to their roommate and vice versa, i would tell them to go fuck that person after lots of communication and reassurance that their living situation wouldn't be affected <3 i'm always the partner that does a little smirk and is like "so what did you do about it??" bc i'm a whore. i live and die for the satisfaction of my partners' appetites.
my advice to you is to think long and hard about if you want to open that box. sometimes we think we're clearing the air but really all we're doing is making something known and therefore even more seen in that very same air. i believe in you to do whatever feels right for you. drop another ask if you want and we'll brainstorm this together some more <3
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blackjackkent · 10 months
OK so to probably no one's surprise that fight got a LOT harder after the first round. Each turn brought in new waves of more difficult enemies - including some corrupted githyanki who presumably got wrecked by the curse while they were looking for us! Doh.
Hard to say how this fight will be when I eventually play on a higher difficulty, but my immediate first impression: Spirit Guardians is fking broken on these big group fights, especially against creatures like this which I'm pretty sure are vulnerable to radiant damage. Shadowheart spent a good chunk of the fight just running in circles all over the battlefield and letting her little field of glowy friends obliterate everyone she passed, and when she was done she still had an action to hit someone at range with Guiding Bolt or Sacred Flame.
I'm sure she's really thrilled about being a radiant damage juggernaut in service of Halsin's goal to cleanse the land of Shar's corruption.
Gale's fireball also got a couple of good uses, and Karlach is completely terrifying with her new Great Weapon Master feat and is one-shotting some medium-strength foes with no trouble at all.
I need to do some research and learn more about how to make monks v scary, because Hector feels like the least intense of the party right now, although he still holds his own perfectly well.
Anyway eventually we cleared them all out, and Halsin came out of the portal bearing a small boy in his arms.
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"It's done. I have him."
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Thaniel looks perhaps twelve or thirteen - though appearances can be deceiving among the fey. Without the horns he could be easily mistaken for human. His skin is twisted and burnt - or perhaps corrupted - along his arm and chest and cheek. And he is utterly still as Halsin lays him out on the ground still soaked with the blood of the shadow creatures that hunted for him.
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Halsin's eyebrows knit in worry as he looks the boy over. Whatever state he expected (or hoped) Thaniel to be in, this isn't it. "But something's wrong," he says urgently. "Dreadfully wrong..." He presses a hand to the boy's forehead, then against his pulse. "No...it can't be..." he whispers.
He trails off and looks up at Hector helplessly. In that moment, all of the confident, knowledgeable First Druid of the Emerald Grove is gone. He has done all he knew to do, and it was not enough.
Is the boy dead, Hector wonders? Surely not - there is the faintest indication of a rise and fall of his chest in breath. But quite certainly, his retrieval has not cleansed the land around them, which is just as brutally dark as it ever was. And Halsin's agitation is obvious, as is that wild look in his eyes, a plea for guidance.
Hector is reminded abruptly of Lae'zel, and how she looked staring down Voss as he tore the remains of her life down around her. There was that same plea in her eyes then. Where there had been certainty, it was replaced with a blank fear of the empty space that should be filled with a next step...
And Halsin looks that way now too. He does not see the path, not any more.
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So it is up to Hector to make the decision, to say something to galvanize him. "We need to get Thaniel someplace safe," he says gently.
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The blank look clears a little from Halsin's eyes and he seizes on these words hungrily, a lifeline in the blankness. "Yes," he says, nodding sharply and standing up. "I'll...bring him back to camp. He'll be safest with us."
He gathers the boy hastily into his arms again, turns to move past Hector down the rocky shore. "I need to examine him." The words are coming faster now as he recovers himself, recovers sight of the path. "I need to understand what's wrong. It's almost like something's missing from him."
He glances over his shoulder at Hector. "Come see us, when you can."
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boyfrillish · 1 year
your works have me curious, what else do ya headcanon for our boy victor? :o (and other chars too! i'm just esp interested in how you filled out his blank slate)
Ohh this is a good one. Since I only played Sword for the first time starting in January, I'm still very much in my formative phase for headcanons and stuff. For most of the characters I can't even say I consciously headcanoned yet, even with all my thinking about everyone and saying "the whole of swsh is my blorbo" (admittedly with most of my focus on Victor and Hop because they're my number one favourites and OTP lol so there are definitely also ship headcanons in here, hope you don't mind! ^^"). I'll put it under a readmore since it kinda got a bit long ^^"
So here's my personal "fixed"/"core" headcanons for Victor when it comes to my own stuff:
he's transmasc and gay (this one was probably obvious since I've made on-text trans references in all but like, two fanfics haha)
he's the one who becomes Champion and is chosen by Zacian
Corviknight, Sylveon, Obstagoon and Toxtricity (evolved from the babby Toxel you get as a gift at the daycare) on the team
Fairy type association
He and Hop won the inaugural Galarian Star Tournament together and are the dream team everyone wants to battle but knows will be tough to beat (Hop calling them "Postwick dream team" is a canon thing, so!)
a short king
Now for personality and other random things? I'm open for so many things lol I did start out (even before I played) with the timid/soft-spoken/shy headcanon and I'm still so very fond of him being timid initially (and that's why Sobble as a starter + the Isle of Armor Kubfu are a perfect fit lol) — whether it's only when he's younger or still at the start of the game but growing confident once he gets his starter from Leon and finds he's pretty good at battling (the fact that he got it as a gift from Leon aka the Champion he admires + big bro of his best friend when Leon met him for the first time combined with Leon just being such a sweet and encouraging dude probably helped with that)
But yeah I'm open for many other headcanons/portrayals in that regard lol cool and confident? bless all the fanart. Easily flustered? sweet. On the oblivious side? heck yes. Sunshine boy? Absolutely, he is a whole sunshine boy 10000000000000%! Just give me all the positive Victor content and I'll probably soak it up happily and cry and have it fuel me lmao thank you for my life.
As for his starter, god I simply cannot decide. I picked Grookey in my game (I really wanted Sobble but joked I was obligated to pick Scorbunny because I like football and then GMax Rillaboom came and said "hi" lol) but as mentioned above I'm so fond of Victor with Sobble. But Scorbunny is also a perfect fit so I've just been rotating around for a bit between my fics (though I think I've yet to actually write him with Scorbunny???). Maybe one of these days I can make up my mind for both him and Hop which starter they choose ^^" in any case: I also live for the whole "they gift each other eggs of their starters and some of their 'mons are partners" thing so there's that (in fact it might've been easy to guess that in my world of things their Corviknight are a partners for sure)
Speaking of Hop, it's my headcanon that Victor has a crush on him pretty much since they're kids/since they first met, and is very much aware of it being a crush that just never leaves and his feelings grow stronger as they grow up. Meanwhile Hop also has a crush all along but is a bit oblivious about how to interpret his own feelings until along on the main story (Leon, meanwhile, guesses pretty easily that his little bro has a giant crush on that friend he keeps talking about all the time and lightly teases him for it, cue denial lol). So much potential for both fluff and a dash of angst... mmmm. By the post-credits story lines Hop definitely had that "Oh." moment and then is even more loud about his crush.
Based on me associating Victor with the fairy type, I have the silly little headcanon that at first he just thinks Bede is kinda funny, then it gets personal when Bede very largely contributes to Hop's mid-story crisis, and then Opal rejects him as a successor candidate only to later scout/adopt Bede in front of him. Cue him solo-ing battles against him with just his Corviknight (ok I admit this last part is also based on how it goes in my game lmao Bede is far too easy to beat... both as an opponent and if I team up with him)
Recently I've really been into the idea that Victor is asked to take over the Flying type Gym a couple of years after becoming Champion and then he's both Champion and also becomes strongest ranked Gym Leader (this is me guessing that since Gym Leaders can win the Championship, it's possible to be a parallel thing/Champions in general have a side thing they're doing rather than just being fulltime Champ, idk lol also, he totally beats Mustard's record for a reigning streak). His ace as a Gym Leader is Corviknight! (because what else would you expect from me, I adore Corviknight hahaha)
Now for "where's his family from" I am not sure if I have a "proper" headcanon yet. I've seen the headcanon that the protagonist's family is from Sinnoh and I like that hc, so I adopted that for the meet-cute drabble I wrote earlier this week but with a spin where I kinda combined it with some inspo from Elio|Selene (i.e. Dad's still working in Sinnoh/often away for work + combined with the headcanon I've seen for Elio|Selene's mom that she does have an Alolan background. unrelated sidenote, I'm really fond of the Alola protags' mom lol she's sweet). So basically like with all these other things I'm just having fun playing around with different possibilities at this point!
I'm also so very fond of flower boi Victor and it's one of my headcanons that he loves exploring and really loved the Crown Tundra adventures (and didn't mind that Sonia asked him to do all the work finding the Swords of Justice + was happy about the praise). He really enjoys tagging along with Hop and/or Sonia for fieldwork, and the two make it a habit to invite him along since they value his input and also want to make sure he gets breaks to destress from everything that comes along with being the reigning Champion, especially as the one who caught Eternatus + gained the title when he beat Leon. Especially Hop invites him along since that also doubles as more time together when they're both often busy with their career paths. Also on that note, Leon and Sonia being Victor and Hop's mentor figures just makes me so soft 🥺 the Leon being Victor's mentor doubly so with the headcanon that Leon is transmasc too (which unlike transmasc Victor I can't say is a "fixed" hc yet but I'm very fond of the idea)
(also, while I'm now all on the "Victor is a total career Champ/Gym Leader and thriving" train at this point, I still live for the type of angst where he gets a little bit of selfdoubt crisis — in the early years somewhat more subtle and like a case of stagefright like in my drabble "Believe", then a bit more into the future it's like "oh god what do I even do when I inevitably lose the Championship, can I even continue as a Gym Leader if I lose my title, this is kind of all I have going for me what do I do" but he gets through it since he has such a supportive network of loved ones and friends. Also another tangent here, I also love the idea of Victor as a (part-time) model so lol he definitely has a lot more than just a fulltime battle career)
He likes hanging out in Spikemuth with Marnie, Piers, and Team Yell, and especially Obstagoon and Toxtricity really have fun when they do. On a related note, I like the idea that Team Yell kind of become Victor stans too because Marnie thinks highly of him, so they cheer for him together with her (whenever she's not the one battling him in a match, obviously lol)
I've already rambled so much about various aspects I could think of ahaha so now since I've already talked about Hop + this is a trainshipping zone, I'll add some of my "core" headcanons for him!
is gay (or not clearly labeled but definitely likes boys. this is coming from someone who's very "???" about labels re: my own orientation but definitely is a boy-liker lol so please excuse the bit of vaguess here despite listing it in my core hcs hahaha)
chosen by Zamazenta (easy to guess when Vic is chosen by Zacian)
he's so supportive of Victor's transition, regardless of whether or not Leon is also trans, but it's a bonus when he already grew up with a trans big bro and then his best friend/crush is trans too and that's his two most favourite people in the world so of course he'll do anything to be supportive
fighting type association
he grows tall like Leon
He'd often ramble to Victor about what he's studying and Victor is always happy to listen and loves when he's so excited, so it basically turns into Victor helping him study. Also, they both make sure the other gets enough rest and destresses, already through their teens but especially when they're both grown up and Victor is still Champion (+ a Gym Leader) while Hop is now a fully fledged Professor. Even way into the future it remains a Thing that Hop excitedly rambles about his research or rants when he's stuck on something, and Victor is happy to listen and try to help him get unstuck (and Hop gives him a big smooch in thanks even if all Vic did was just listen and ask questions to hear more).
Most random thing but I so love the idea of either (or both) of them having freckles and same for glasses... bless all the fanarts with glasses for either of them. And while I also love fanart of Prof Hop wearing a more formal look, it's my wholehearted believe that he'll still wear the signature trackies look just with a labcoat now (and — you guessed it — Vic hogs his jackets. Nevermind that he has all the hoodies and fancy jackets and everything, the boyfriend jacket is so much comfier than anything else).
And I'm going to end this looooong ramble to mention that I've been developing fankids for them too! I already talked about them over on twitter and I'll probably talk about them here eventually too haha
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I was "!!!" when I saw it last night and couldn't help myself from rambling on forever lol. I kept the focus exclusively on Victor featuring Hop & them as a couple since they're my main focus so I have a lot more concrete thoughts about them than for any of the other characters (or ships bc I don't quite actively have side ships). But maybe I'll talk a little about others at another opportunity haha.
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bittersweetvampire · 7 months
Being a young adult: I don't really like my life edition.
I think there's probably a bunch of kids like me. Around my age, or that were my age. They don't know what to do with their lives. They're a bit lonely. They have a few friends, but it's hard keeping contact. They don't really like anything, not school, not work, not this empty routine where's there's nothing more after responsabilities than passing out on the bed without changing clothes. Their world is grey. Mine is. Sometimes I really like music, sometimes I talk to friends, and I realise how much I crave it. How much I just need someone to talk to, and I don't have that.
I don't really like my life. It could have been worse, but it feels pointless somehow. I don't like the way I think (I kinda hate me sometimes) (sometimes is every day).
I feel washed out. It comforts me to think there're others like me. Who feel left out, stuck in the same place, same job, same school, same clothes, same stuff, same, same, same, and everyone is moving out around them.
I'm a little bit fucked up. Lonely, wishing I'd go out. I would if I had friends. I would if I found myself pretty. I would if I weren't so exhausted all the time.
If, if, if. It's always if with me.
Stuck, still, I'm blank. My mind is filled with a quiet buzzing, keeping me busy enough not to think about what the hell am I doing with my life.
I often think about my eulogy. Does anyone?
What would they say about me.
Young adult dead in a.....
They were a children, a sibling, a friend. They went in art school for a year (missing most classes because of -I can't leave my bed I'm in pain and I hate it god I hate me, hate it-), pursuing a some artistic dreams they didn't have (they didn't know what to do with their life).
They did poor jokes to hide the fact they didn't have an once of confidence. Most of the time they were nice, not by good nature but because they were a people pleaser. (They were so angry all the time. They hid it and no one knew.)
They weren't catholic, though their parents were, and didn't believe in god but desperately wishing they did. The few time they prayed they begged god to show up, or they screamed at her for making the world- them- as they were.
They probably won't be missed on the long term. Passed the shock of their death, they weren't that much important to anyone. They weren't anyone's person, anyone's first. They often wished they were a ghost so they could fuck off and fail their life without being a further disappointment for anyone. They won't be missed by their extended family, nor by the people they talked to. They weren't remarkable, they weren't someone you remember. They wished they had live their life fully. In their death, may they find it to stop it with the self loathing. They had a great musical taste, so at their funerals you'll be hearing good music. (Maybe that'll get people coming to it. They can't stand the sight of their parents seeing that no one showed up.)
That's all.
So long and good night, my lonely dead friend.
0 notes
Spider-verse, Angels, What We Measure
The things we associate with the divine is not What There Is to the divine.
It's what we can see, and/or what impacts us in the places and on a scale where we comprehend it.
That which we never perceive, collectively, we claim not to exist.
Scientifically, this serves. But also scientifically this has no basis, and a decent scientist will tell you so.
What is an angel? Some accounts say a beautiful man with wings who had children by one or more of the women in the village; children who then had no wings but did seem to have impressive abilities. Some accounts say a voice from the heavens. Looked upon, as we were asked to, the being had many eyes, formed in rings upon halos of light, wings and fire. The voice told us what was to come, and what we must do. This kind of thing is shockingly detailed but gains us very little ground toward answering the question of what an angel is. The two accounts differ on as straightforward a question of "is an angel a thing of flesh?"
By the nature of these events, if you assume they happened and everyone involved was being honest on the topic of their own lived experience, there remains an issue of vast swaths of unseen information. Questions like, "Why?" and "How?" are left practically untouched, and "What?" remains rather vague.
The question of "Why?" is seldom discussed and the reason given is that this can't go beyond speculation. That the "why" of godly things is not something to be known by humans. But many take it a step further and forget that "Why?" was ever a part of the missing information. Perhaps they fill in with their own theory and, in absence of proof to the contrary, they take that as truth.
This leads to weird questions of veracity. Like, how would a human distinguish between a demon - in some lore literally an angel who happens to be on the outs with the divine - and an angel? We admit we don't know any of what's going on behind the curtain but then make assumptions about our own capacity to judge what we haven't seen.
Were those angels who begat nephilim angels as the other ring-of-fire angels would call them? And vice versa? Would angels be offended if you referred to their fallen kin as Not Angels? There's all this lore hidden from us by virtue of the things we're talking about being of a core state we do not (and potentially cannot) understand. But we make all kinds of confident declarations about what a True angel is. About what is and isn't an angel. About the properties, purposes, and nature of angels.
Even if we trust our religion of choice absolutely and assume all the lore within scripture is true, we must assume functionally everything else is just made up. In terms of how much we can trust it, it might as well be.
This is one of the weird places I get to looking at Spider-verse.
Miguel has this utter certainty that being broken down by a failing of personal responsibility and driven by a need to make good on a debt that literally can't ever be repaid without resurrection powers is necessary to being Spider-Man.
We know he's been watching a lot of stuff in a lot of universes.
We also know he's biased as fuck. He's got his own hang-ups. And everyone wants to think other people think like them. Outside of contrary evidence almost everyone defaults to this mindset.
I also find his place as the gatekeeper for who does and doesn't get to be declared "really Spider-man" pretty funny, because a lot of fans rejected his comic series as just not being very spider-manny. A lot of his themes and even powers feel more like someone stuck Morbius into a spider-man outfit?
I dunno. There will always be Secrets of the Universe (or Multiverse, I guess) that we don't know. It's really important to recognize the points where you don't know things, and quit acting like you do when you hit those blank points in your own knowledge. We've absolutely got to keep working with the best knowledge we have. But the fact that it appears to have been functional so far doesn't mean we should ignore the possibility that it's faulty. The water pulling away from the beach does not mean this is a good time to play in the sand. It may seem that way, and indeed will be that way, until the tsunami arrives and suddenly it is Not At All a good time to be on that beach.
Assumptions that anomalies and everything associated with them are inherently a problem but the spider-verse travelers' travel methods aren't...Well. Those are some assumptions. And when you think about it, they're assumptions that happen to align with what a big group of people who want to Make It Right and can't do that in their own world would want to believe.
0 notes
We! Need! More! Magne! Content! Can I please get Magne dealing with an anonymous secret admirer who specializes in those letters from books that premake the love letter like (Letters To My Love: Write Now. Read Later.) and the entirety of a little book (Knock Knock What I Love About You) among whatever else basically fill in the blank love letters the only reason she can't guess the admirer is because they use a little calligraphy to hide their normal handwriting the only reason she catches them is because she catches them in the act and they admit to never approaching her simply because they don't have relationship experience or as they say any of her life experience they admire her (when the letters started) which turned to crushing on which developed into love
~Magne's Secret Admirer~
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"Ugh damn it!" She slammed her fist onto the counter at the bar area and dropped her pen. Toga stopped playing on her phone and turned her head to peek over her shoulder. She watched Magne do the same thing she did every single week for the past 3 weeks in a row. Finally her curiosity got the best of her and she decided to check it out. She locked up her device and placed it on the couch cushion before getting up and skipping over to the bar. Magne's forehead was on the counter and her arms hung in defeat at her side. She groaned and Toga gently reached over to pat her back. "Are you okay big sis?" The girl asked with genuine concern. Magne groaned again before finally sitting up and staring at the paper in front of her. "Yeah I guess...I'm actually not okay. Himiko, how well can you keep a secret?" Magne looked over at her and waited. "Hmmmm..." Toga placed a finger on her cheek thoughtful. "Pretty good I think! I'm better than Twice at least." She teased playfully. "Okay well come with me then." Magne got up and Toga followed behind her faithfully. Magne opened her bedroom door and ushered for Toga to come in first. Magne then looked around to make sure nobody was watching when she entered herself, closed, and locked the door. Toga took a seat on the bed and pulled the large stuffed penguin into a hug while she watched Magne dig through a shoebox she'd pulled from underneath the bed. When Magne found what she was looking for, she pulled out the paper and shoved the box back underneath her bed. "Here look at this and tell me what you think these are." Magne shoved the stuffed animal out of the way and placed the paper into Toga's lap. She crossed her arms and watched Toga scan the letters with her eyes before looking up and gasping lightly. "Love letter??? You've got a-"
"A secret admirer, I know! But I can't fucking seem to figure out who it is. I mean, I keep looking over these letters and it feels like I'm only getting half of what I need to figure this out. I mean, what do you think? Do you have any idea what this could even be? Any clues, suspects, literally anything!?!?!" Magne freaked out just a tiny bit. She'd never truly been the object of another person's affections. Not even during school was she very desirable to the others around her. When she was younger she was shy and could've blamed most her issues on simply not approaching enough people first. Her confidence came later in life after meeting with her close friend Yukine. So to now be in the romantic sights of someone was a big shock to her. The only obstacle now is trying to figure out just who it was. Toga sat with her and started narrowing down suspects.
Boss man couldn't be the one, could he? He's got a bit of Tsundere potential but what really would he do if he liked someone? Probably not love letters.
Dabi could've been it but he didn't seem like the love letter kind of guy either.
Spinner was a big potential so we'd add him to the list.
Y/N seemed like a very close friend, maybe like family almost?
Twice would've said so by now if it was him.
Compress and Kurogiri are STRONG suspects when it comes to something like love letters.
Muscular and Mustard no. Muscular didn't show interest in her and Mustard was a literal child.
Moonfish maybe???
Could it be someone outside of the league? Maybe Giran perhaps? He wasn't the love letter kind of guy but then again...he was unpredictable to most.
The girls had turned into detectives just overnight. Magne's wall was scattered with bits of paper and thumbtacks with yarn connecting them. The two of them were running back down the list of suspects for at least the rest of that week. By the time Friday had rolled around, Magne was once again on the lookout for the new weekly letter. She usually got them in the same place (slipped under her bedroom door when she least expected it). That's why today she had her door wide open as she stayed in her room all day long on lookout. However, she was still human at the end of the day. That meant she eventually needed to fall asleep. In the dead hours of the night, he admirer struck once again. When she woke up she wiped the grogginess from her face and waited until her eyes adjusted to the light sweeping over the bedroom from just behind the thin veiled curtains. When her eyes made contact with the envelope she gasped and quickly fumbled out of bed. She grabbed the letter, inspected it for just a second, slammed the door and then locked it. She rushed to her desk and grabbed a pen to try and decipher the note. It ended in failure yet again and she was beginning to feel like she was losing her mind over it. Something so sweet and romantic was starting to bring her sadness and frustration. She would've spent the entire day moping around in silence had she not just barely noticed you sitting at the bar scribbling something onto a familiar type of paper. The type of paper that had a certain texture and color to it. The same type of paper that her secret admirer had used for every letter she'd gotten. Magne quietly moved to stand over your back and watched your hand weave the intricate words onto the paper right in front of her eyes. You eventually felt that feeling that someone was standing before you swiveled around and gasped. 
"AHA! I CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED!!!!" Magne shouted before jumping up and down and quickly taking a seat right next to you. "Y/N it was you?! It was you the whole time! Why??? Why didn't you just tell me how you felt! I mean, the letter were cute and all but I was having a pretty shit time at trying to figure everything out." She stopped talking and stared at you with wide eyes, awaiting an answer to it all. You side and cleared your throat, looking everywhere but directly into her eyes. "I thought it would be the best way to do things. I've never really had any type of relationship experience before so I figured this would be okay. I mean, for a while I spent a good bit of my time admiring you. I think eventually I'd somehow fallen in love with you when the crush started feeling like it was suffocating me. I like you. I like everything about you and I was worried you wouldn't feel the same." Magne reached out and pinched your side. "Oww, hey!" You moved quickly to the side and frowned. She smiled widely at you and quickly pulled you into a hug. "Sorry, I just felt like you needed to be brought back to reality so I pinched you. Y/N you shouldn't ever be scared to admit your feelings to me. I like everything about you too. I mean Hell, to me you're one of the best people I've ever had walk into my mess of a life. If you'll still have me then I'd kill for a date with you." She pulled away from the hug and stared at you with hopeful eyes. You smiled and gently cuffed her face with your hands. "I can't wait."
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boncorner · 3 years
Character Analysis: High School Karamatsu
So I've been thinking about baby Karamatsu, and once again Osomatsu-san does so much with the motto "Show, don't tell" when it comes to this boy. I saw a tag on one of my pictures saying that if teen!Karamatsu's only trait that gets recognised is his crying they feel bad for him, and I can't agree more on that!! I'll joke about it sure, but let's actually talk about what we find out about Karamatsu's teen years.
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First of all I wanna address the episode 23 from season 3, "Friend", before we deep-dive into the movie.
In this episode we get to see all of the characters' personalities re-told from Choromatsu's POV. And you know how Choromatsu tends to see his brothers a bit... Exaggeratedly. Just see "Karamatsu and Brothers", where he does impressions of the others, and Karamatsu doesn't even understand who he's trying to be, because he sees his brothers in a much more gentle way than Choromatsu does.
So when Choromatsu thinks of Todomatsu, he's super tiny
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And he establishes himself as an unreliable narrator at the end, where he
When he thinks of Ichimatsu, his voice is high pitched much unlike the movie, and his shift into depression-mode is much faster too
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Admits to not even having a friend, he was completely made up.
[spoilers end]
So I bring this up of course, because Karamatsu is described as a scaredy-cat who can't even handle holding a conversation. I'm not saying this is necessarily false, but...
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Maybe it's a little more toned down than this. After all, he seems to be very low-key in the movie.
Karamatsu's confidence, or rather, his lack of one, has been confirmed by word of God before. Literally.
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And it's interesting that it has almost never been stated outright, save for the earlier mentioned episode "Karamatsu and Brothers", where Choromatsu calls him out. Otherwise it's always been a "show don't tell" with him, it can actually be difficult to glean this from his character if you don't know what you're looking for. After all, he's called a narcissist over and over, he's so full of himself all the time! But is he really? I've said this over and over, but this "act" is most likely just him trying to be true to himself and feel good about himself, so it's not necessarily a false picture of himself, but more an exaggerated one that he hopes will boost that poor confidence of his.
Remember how he was in drama club? We'll get back to that so let's put a pin in it for now 📍
What we see
In the movie, Karamatsu is the person that we see the least of what he is like in the company of others, but at the same time, the entire movie is revolving around him. This is his memory, his regret, and ultimately, it's about him getting closure. But even so, we don't ever "learn" what he was like in the same way that we do the others. We don't get funny scenes or examples, but again, everything is unsaid. Shown to us, but never explained. You just have to fill in the blanks yourself.
Yes. He does cry a lot.
It's not something that Karamatsu would subconsciously hide in his memory world. So in a fair observation, we can determine that Karamatsu was indeed a crybaby and easily startled, anxious, and generally unsociable.
We also see this in official art
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Karamatsu has for a long time been pointed out to be a crybaby when he was little, because he generally used to be one in Osomatsu-kun. This solidifies this claim, and so I believe his reaction to the whole incident at school where they all fell apart went like this:
• He loses his support network - He is suddenly left to fend for himself, his already frail nature grew, and his social anxiety really took off. Getting teary-eyed or outright crying from even just the littlest thing when you're at your lowest is part of the anxiety-experience, most of us know this. It's not the same for everyone, but it's safe to say that his anxiety was pretty damn bad.
• Isolation - Not knowing how to break out of his shell and attempt to become his own person like his brothers do, he can't let go of what they had, and he feels himself slipping away. He doesn't know how to speak to them all, nor anybody else when he doesn't have his brothers by his side. So it's safe to assume that he had exactly 0 friends back then.
• Sense of hopelessness - We often see Karamatsu staring out into the air, reflecting on his situation, but he never actually does anything about it. And when he tries to, he actually fails. Despite his confidence being nearly non-existent, he still managed to ask them all to meet him to talk about the letter, and I think that does say something about him.
• He still loves his brothers - Again, despite everything, he managed to gather them all together, because his brothers mean everything to him. He just can't let go of them, and that's also why he just can't think of doing anything without them. That's why he doesn't try to become somebody else, or try to impress others. That stuff doesn't matter.
• Then he snaps - He has enough of it, and ends up snapping at his brothers, causing their fight to escalate.
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I will never get enough of baby Karamatsu acting. Ever.
Anyway - We all knew he was in drama club when he was younger, and this is the one thing that we see him actually do to explore his interests. And it's strange isn't it, how somebody so socially anxious would decide to join drama club of all things... Unless it's because he wanted to reinvent himself.
Again, we don't see him do it during the movie's runtime, we only see the others, but we do see this in the credits. Doing a show, don't tell, so that we can figure out ourselves why he would suddenly do something like that. He wanted to build up his confidence, or maybe even pretend to be somebody else for a moment. However it is clear that he never got a chance to actually try this out until he got older, and he managed to sort out his anxiety somewhat.
Do you roleplay? It can be nice to get out of your own shoes for a spell and be somebody else, take a break from real life and play somebody completely different from yourself, or maybe even somebody who is quite a lot like you, but you get to decide what happens in their life. You might even get to experience things that you normally never would have gotten the chance to do.
High school Karamatsu is a deeply complex character, and there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. You just don't get it handed to you, you need to be observant, just like with him when he's older, when it's all an act.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
ear candy || Mike Weiss x reader
summary: for a good time, call ‘candy.’  she can’t fix your life but she can distract you from it for a while.
word count: about 2k
warnings: technically not smut but definitely close enough (dirty talk/phone sex), some angst, daddy kink, a touch of degradation/objectification kink?? very subtle tho
a/n: my goal with this was to make it very dialogue heavy because I wanted it, like real phone sex, to be mostly about the words rather than anything else!  so I kept the descriptions to a minimum, hope you don’t mind…
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You’d heard that more established phone sex operators had companies and screeners and services to help them disguise their number.  All you had was an ad in the paper and a landline, but it got the job done.
Technically, you had no way to know if a call from a number you didn’t recognize was a horny customer or something actually important, but it was pretty obvious when the phone rang at one in the morning on Friday night wasn’t going to be your bank or something.
You let it ring two, three, four times before picking up, putting on a slightly sultry voice as you greeted, “hey.”
“Hey,” the voice returned— so much more assured than you were used to, more confident and casual, nothing like the married men whispering to keep from waking up their wives, nothing like the nervous first-timers who made it clear that you were a mistake they would regret.  “Saw your ad in the paper…”
“I’m glad you called,” you smiled, “what’s your name?”
"Mike,” he answered quickly.  “What’s yours?”
"Hi, Mike,” you purred.  “You can call me Candy.”
“I’m not gonna call you that,” he sighed, and suddenly the air of confidence was gone; not to fear or secrecy, but to obvious weakness, to exhaustion, to an ache that you wish you didn’t understand as well as you did.  “Tell me your real name.”
“You don’t know that Candy isn’t my real name,” you defended.
“Yes I do.  Tell me your real name,” he demanded again, though his tone wasn’t actually very demanding.  You did it anyway.  “It’s pretty,” he decided, a little crack in his voice making your heart twist.
“You don't sound like you're doing too good,” you noted, trying not to make it too pitying but still sympathetic.
"My wife left me."
You nodded, to no one in particular, because you definitely knew how to handle this kind of guy, even if it had been a while since one had called.  "I'm sorry to hear that.  How can I help you?"
"I can't stand being alone," he explained tensely.
"I can definitely help with that…" you trailed off.  “I can just listen, if that’s what you need.”
“No, I... I want you to talk,” he assured, making you smirk slightly.
“Do you have a credit card, Mike?” you prompted.
“Yeah, yeah, lemme give you the number,” he mumbled, the sounds of shuffling indicated that he was searching for his wallet.
He dictated the numbers to you as you sat up and dashed to your computer, entering them in and stalling a bit until the card came back approved.  “So, Mike, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Nothing, it’s a blank slate,” he murmured, voice lilted with a smirk.  “Wanna give me something to think about?”
“What do you wanna know?”
“Tell me what you’re wearing.”
“Not much, I was in bed when you called… so just a t-shirt.”
“Just a t-shirt?” 
“Yeah… it’s too big for me, it’s an old Cowboys shirt my ex left behind…”
“Cowboys?  You’re breakin’ my heart, honey,” he chuckled.
“You’re a Houston fan?”
“It’s a symptom of being in Houston, right now, as we speak.”
“Fair enough,” you giggled.  “Maybe I should take it off then, if it bothers you…?”
“So if my calculations are correct, that should mean you’re completely naked right now.”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
You set the phone down to remove the shirt, coming back with a chipper announcement: "Done!"
“Yep,” you agreed, popping your lips at the end of the word.
“Then do me a favor and play with your tits a little bit.  Are your nipples hard?”
“Yeah, they got hard when I heard your voice, it’s really sexy.”
“Good, give ‘em a little pinch then…   does it make you wet, when you touch them like that?”
“Mhmm, they’re really sensitive,” you admitted.
“I bet you’d love my tongue on them, wouldn’t you?  You’d like me sucking on your tits?”
“Yes,” you sighed, “please, I’d love it so much.”
“Why don’t you touch your pussy for me?” he prompted, cocky as ever.
“Tell me how, exactly,” you bargained.  “I wanna touch myself the way you would touch me.”
“Two fingers on your clit— slow, smooth circles…”
You moaned a little, following his instructions.  “Fuck, Mike, it feels really good.”
“I like when you moan my name like that.  By the end of the night you’re gonna be screaming it for me, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds like exactly what I need.”
“Yeah, I bet so, bet you really need to get fucked.  And it’s handy, then, that I really, really need to fuck something, god I’m so worked up I could just lose it.”
"Yeah?  Tell me about it."
"M'hard, so hard, can't stop thinking about what it would be like to be inside you."
"I like the sound of that.  What would you do to me, if you could?'
"I'd fuck you so good, sweetheart, until you begged me to stop because you couldn’t come anymore."
"Mmm, I bet so, you sound like you know how to fuck.”
“Hell yeah I do, and you sound like you need a thick cock.”
“Is that what you’re offering?” you hummed, biting your lip.
“If you think you can take it.”
“Fuck, I’ll try my best… it’ll probably be a pretty tight fit.”
“Good.  I wanna fucking ruin you.”
“Oh god,” you groaned, “can I please put something inside me?  Two fingers?”
“Just one,” he instructed.
You whined when you pushed one finger in and it wasn’t nearly enough to satiate your needs.  “I need more, please…”
“Okay baby, just one more but go slow, I like when you get desperate.”
After a few quiet moments where you could only hear his breathing and your own needy moans, curiosity got the better of you.  “Are you stroking your cock, Mike?” you asked softly.
“Yes,” he answered, the little strain in his voice making you confident he was telling the truth.
“How does it feel?”
“Good,” came another hasty reply.
“It would feel so much better if it was my pussy, if I was riding you right now.”
“I’d be so fucking deep in you,” he groaned tensely.  “That’s where I wanna come, too… wanna fill you up right inside that snug little cunt.”
“Oh fuck,” you whispered.  “Please, daddy…”
“What was that?  I can’t hear you,” he taunted.
“I— I said ‘please… daddy,’” you repeated, afraid it would turn him off but he let out a dark chuckle that ended with a groan and a hissing breath in through his teeth.
“Fuck, that’s hot.  Is that what you need, sweetheart?  Need daddy to take care of you?”
“Yes, please, need you…”
“Don’t worry honey, I will, just keep fucking yourself with your fingers, and don’t come until I say so.”
You whined but didn’t dare disobey, moaning with each touch to your sensitive bud, not holding any sound back so he could hear how needy you were loud and clear.
“Please, I need to come, wanna come for you, Mike,” you begged when you were starting to worry you couldn’t hold back much longer.
“I know, but not yet… almost.”
“Please, daddy” you sobbed, weak and almost a whisper, making him grunt a little.
“Just say my name when you come, honey, and don’t stop rubbing that little clit until you’re absolutely sure you can’t take any more.”
“Fuck, Mike,” you hissed.  “Oh god, I’m gonna— fuck, daddy, I’m gonna come so hard for you.”
“Good, just like that, baby, keep going,” he egged you on.
“Mike!” you yelped, shocks reverberating through your body as your back arched up off the bed.  His moans encouraged you further, echoing in your ears and somehow making everything more intense.  It was easy like this to imagine that he was on top of you, moaning in your ear as he filled you with his cock; your walls clenched around nothing, begging to be stretched around something, as you felt a gush of warmth seep from your entrance.  
Like he’d told you to, you kept going past the peak until your hands gave out, until your body was numb with pins and needles from the intensity of your pleasure.
“Oh my god,” you sighed, “that was… I haven’t come that hard in so long.”
“You sound incredible when you come, baby,” he cooed, “think you can do it again before I finish?”
“I’m too sensitive, it’ll hurt,” you whined.
“Give it a minute, then,” he chuckled.  “Did you make a mess, honey?”
“Um, a little,” you giggled.  “I’m so wet it’s dripping onto the sheets now.”
“Fuck, wish I could help you clean that up,” he purred, laughing at your little gasp.  “Would you like that?”
“Yeah, I bet you’d be good at it… you’re good with your tongue so far.”
“And you?”
“Me?  Well, I bet no matter how big you are, I could take you all the way down my throat.”
“Fuck, honey, you’re so dirty, huh?”
“Yeah, and I really like sucking cock…” you added coyly.  “Would you let me get on my knees and taste you, daddy?”
“Whenever you wanted, sweetheart, fuck… I’m close, keep going honey, you’re so fucking good.”
“Please come for me, oh my god, please come,” you moaned, “I want you to come— please daddy?”
“I will, baby, I’m gonna come… fuck, I’m so close.”
“I wish I could help you, daddy, I wish you were fucking me so hard right now, using me, making me your toy.”
“Yeah baby, you just wanna be owned, huh?  Wanna be daddy’s little slut?”
“Yours, fuck, wanna be all yours.”
“That’s it, keep talking— m’gonna come.”
“Yes, daddy, stroke that cock for me, close your eyes and imagine I’m there with you, begging for your come… I want it all in me, daddy, I want it leaking out of me all night, please please please come, please come inside me—”
“Fuck!” he yelped, moaning louder than ever.
“Yes, keep going, fuck, you sound so hot,” you encouraged, “give me all that fucking come, daddy.”
A throaty, exhausted groan preceded a sigh as he began to catch his breath, making you smile pridefully.
“Shit,” he hissed, “I have to clean this up all by myself, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s the less fun part,” you sighed.
“You’re good,” he offered, voice still breathy as he panted a little bit.  “Thanks, that really… that helped.”
“Feeling a little better, daddy?”
“God, don’t say it like that,” he groaned, “you’re just gonna get me goin’ again.”
“Maybe that’s what I want.”
“What you want is to take all my money by keeping me on the phone all night,” he chuckled.
“Okay, I’ll let you go,” you relented.  “I bet you’re gonna sleep well tonight.”
“Better than I have in months,” he agreed.
"Will you call me again sometime?"
A little pause made you worried he wouldn’t.  "Maybe we could meet up instead?" he offered hesitantly.
"Different price than talking on the phone…" you warned him.
"Yeah, I know, that's fine," he dismissed.  “We’ll work that out later.  But maybe you could come to my motel room?”
“I can do that,” you grinned.  “You talk a big game, I’m looking forward to finding out if you can live up to my expectations.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re gonna regret saying that.  You won’t be able to walk when I’m done with you.”
You laughed a little, clenching your thighs together.  “Promises, promises…”
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It's officially whumptober, so here's another entry.
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It's a loud bang and sudden pressure that awake Billy from an apparently uncomfortable sleep.  He cracks open his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar and dark room. 
Where the hell is he?  
The noise turns out to be a large metal door slamming shut and the pressure was apparently another person being tossed onto him. 
"What the fuck?" He tries to sit up but he finds that he can't move his arms. They've been bound behind him. And to make matters worse, he feels like he got hit with a mack truck. 
Twice .
Fucking great. 
The other body finally rolls to the side and he is surprised when he can clearly see that he knows this guy. 
It's Steve Harrington. 
Harrington lets out a slew of curses as he too, tries and struggles to sit up."-last fucking time I do Henderson a favor. If it's not getting a flat tire and stranded, it's something else, I swear to god-" The tirade stops when he finally manages to get upright and notices Billy staring. " Hargrove ? What the hell are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same question." 
He sort of shrugs."Some shady dude got the drop on me when I was picking up something for one of the kids." he sighs dramatically. "What about you?" 
Billy thinks about it, thinks about where he was before waking up in this room, but he's drawing a blank. The last thing he remembers is drinking a shot of whisky at the Long Branch. His dad is pals with the owner so he gets away with sneaking a drink every once in a while.
But after that…nothing. 
"I don't remember. I drank something and then…I don't know."  He definitely can't remember anything that would make him fucking ache like this, that's for damn sure.
"Well I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say we are in Hawkins Lab."
His interest is piqued at the statement. "I thought they got kicked out and the place was condemned?" 
"Yeeeeah, evil people don't really give a fuck about legalities. If they have money they'll do whatever the hell they want." 
Billy huffs out a tired laugh and attempts to get in a more comfortable position, which he unfortunately finds that he can't . "You do have a point." He knows money talks. 
After a moment of nothing but silence and awkward grunting from him still trying to sit the fuck up, he decides to ask the other boy. Because every time he breathes now he feels like his body is on fire and Harrington looks fine.  "Hey, do you feel OK? Like physically. You're not in any pain?"
Harrington meets his eyes and they look concerned. "No, I'm fine. Are you in pain?" 
"Yeah, but...I was fine..." 
"You must have been drugged. These guys...they're sick. I can't really say for certain what kind of shit they're up to this time, but if it's the same group as before…" he trails off.
Yeah, Billy doesn't like the sound of that. "What did they do before ?" 
His voice is quiet when he replies "Human experimentation." 
All the pain and memory loss make a lot more sense now, but he feels queasy with the thought of someone touching him...experimenting on him while he was unconscious. "You think they've already done something to me..." 
"Yeah. They probably have." 
Fuck. "We're going to die aren't we?"
"No. I didn't go through two years of bullshit just to get kidnapped and murdered. We are getting out of here." 
"And how do you propose we do that?"
He looks thoughtful for a moment. "OK, here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to scoot my back to yours. I can't move my arms, but I can still move my hands. If I can get you free, we can get the fuck out of here. I don't know the layout but I have a general idea of where the exit is. I wasn't knocked out when they brought me in."  
"Fuck it. I'm willing to try anything if it means getting the hell out of here." Billy agrees, even though he doesn't have much faith in the plan, but surprisingly Harrington manages to get the ropes around his wrists untied. 
Hands free, he returns the favor and Harrington quickly stands and makes a break for the door. It's just as loud opening as it was closing, and Billy cringes, waiting for someone to come storming in.
But no one ever does. 
So, they both stick their heads out and glance down the hallway. There isn't a soul in sight.
Either their captors are overly confident in their abilities to contain their prisoners, or they are really dropping the ball here. 
  Whichever it is, it doesn't matter. What matters is that they have a chance to get out of this place unscathed. Or in his case, relatively unscathed. 
He keeps stumbling after Harrington, like he's not used to his limbs, but it's not bad enough that he's lagging behind. It just hurts…. a lot.
And it's weird...He can usually ignore pain. He's played basketball with broken ribs and waited for broken limbs to mend without medication before, but he is quickly realizing that whatever they did to him... It's different, and he doesn't know how much longer he can keep up the pace. 
Thankfully, Steve hadn't been full of shit and led them out a side exit…
...just in time for sirens to blare throughout the whole damn building. 
"Looks like they finally noticed."  He says, trying to hide the sudden fear in his voice. 
"It's fine. There's the woods. We're almost there" Harrington points forward and Billy follows his finger. 
It's freedom, and the only thing standing between it and them is a barbed wire fence. 
It's probably ten feet tall but Harrington scales it like a pro. He's dropping onto the other side in no time flat. 
Billy would usually be right there with him, he's a pretty fit guy, but he stumbles again when he reaches the fence and puts his boots in the holes. His right leg is fine and he gets halfway up, but the moment he puts his weight on the other he falters. The only reason he's not on his ass is because of all the push ups and lifting he does. His upper body strength is nothing to scoff at.
Harrington notices his struggle and climbs up, reaching out to take his hand and pull him over the top.
But the pain is excruciating and after a few tries, he knows he can't get up and over the fence.
His leg is fractured or something. It has to be. Maybe the running just aggravated it. Or...whatever they fucking did is starting to overcome him.
His chest feels tight and his jaw is sore from gritting his teeth through the pain. 
It only takes a moment more for the severity of the situation to set in. 
He's not going to make it.
He stares up at the wounds on the other boy's face and arms from the wire cutting into him. The longer he tries to help Billy, the more injured he'll become….
So, there's really only one option here, but Steve hasn't realized it yet. There isn't a way for them both to escape this. The creeps that took them have already noticed their absence. He can still hear the sound of alarms and now barking dogs behind them. 
"Harrington," his voice shakes despite the bravado he's trying to project. "You have to let go, man."
There's confusion and then anger in those brown eyes as he glares at him. "I'm not leaving you here." He tries again to unsuccessfully pull Billy up, panting out, "You're an asshole, but I don't want you to fuckin die."  
The barks suddenly move closer, making them both shudder. "Look, there isn't another way, and you have a chance to get out of this freak fest. My leg is fucked. Something is wrong with me and I'm slowing you down. So let me go ."
There are so many emotions that cross his face before he finally relents."Fuck you, Hargrove," he hisses, and lets Billy's hand fall from his grasp. 
Something like relief fills his chest as he slumps down to the ground, but the other boy isn't moving. He has to hiss out, "Go!" 
"Fuck. I'm going …but when I find help, I'm coming back for you." 
Billy forces a smile and gives him a wave. "See you later then, pretty boy." 
He watches his back retreat into the darkness and shivers as heavy footsteps stop behind him.
"The control subject escaped," someone says into a radio before roughly grabbing him. He doesnt put up a fight as he's dragged back towards the lab, but he does throw up when the pain becomes too much. "I have subject A." The man speaks again. "But it doesn't look good." 
And Billy sighs sadly, because he had already known the outcome. The only thing Steve will be coming back for, is his body.
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the28thofseptemberr · 3 years
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helloooo!! i didn't do a fic rec last month because i was so busy with my exams and barely had time to read, so this month's post is going to comprise of mostly fics i've read in june but also some i've read in may.
thank you to all of the incredible writers, please go support them!! and remember to read all of the tags and possible warnings before reading the fic! here is the list of fics (mostly below the cut):
•° — led by your beating heart by @missandrogyny 29.4k | E | famous harry/non-famous louis
Nick leans over. "Oh," he says, his voice smug. "Who is that?"
Harry just blinks at his phone. "Um," he manages to stammer out.
"Who's that, Harry?" Nick asks again, but this time he raises his eyebrows and smirks. Harry knows Nick is just teasing, and that he's not really looking for new Harry Styles gossip, but, um. He might have found something. Accidentally.
Harry opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is another 'um'. He really needs to work on translating his thoughts into words. But then it probably wouldn't be any help right now, would it? His mind is as blank as a newly erased etch-a-sketch.
"Oh," Nick says again, this time gleefully, seemingly having picked up on Harry's distress. "Looks like we've got a story here! Are you going to call or delete her number?"
Her number. So Nick thinks it's a girl. Well, Harry can't blame him: 'Lou' is kind of an androgynous nickname. His stylist's name is Lou.
But this Lou, well, Louis, he's kind of, really, really not a girl. He's really pretty though, which, is something.
(Or: AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'.)
note: this was so funny and cute and well written, and everyone was characterized so perfectly!! i adored the chemistry between louis and harry, this fic kept me smiling for the whole time while i was reading <3
•° — sounds like love to me by @neondiamond 14.6k | G | kid fic
“Do you want to hear the heartbeat?”
Louis watches as Harry’s face falls with the realization that this is one of those things he won’t be able to experience. For a second, Louis considers saying no, to show Harry they’re truly on the same boat through all of this. But he nods in the end, reaching over for Harry’s hand as the doctor flips a switch. Noise fills the room then, and it takes a few seconds for the sound to become clear enough for Louis to make out the baby’s fast heartbeat.
“It’s really fast,” he voices his thoughts out loud as he uses his thumb to tap against the back of Harry’s hand, replicating the rapid rhythm of the baby’s heartbeat. It takes the younger man a little while to figure out what Louis’ doing, but a huge grin breaks out on his face as soon as he does.
“Is that them?” He signs with the other hand, his own eyes starting to tear up when Louis nods.
OR: Harry is deaf, Louis is pregnant. They figure it out.
note: i'm not a fan of mpreg or kid fics in general, but i stumbled across the fic post for this on my dash and the summary sounded really intriguing to me, so i had a go at reading and it did not disappoint!! it was really sweet and fluffy but also so touching and heartbreaking in some parts. plus, i really enjoyed how harry and louis worked together and supported each other.
•° — this restless dream by @afirethatcannotdie 5.6k | NR | first meetings
“Hiii, I called earlier about the dogs?” he asks, taking a few steps closer to the desk where Louis is standing. He’s taller than Louis, with a dimple when he smiles and bright green eyes. There's a cute eagerness about his whole presence. “Do you have any puppies?” He’s a bit like a puppy himself, actually.
AU. Louis works at an animal shelter and Harry wants a puppy. Things don't go quite according to plan.
note: this was so so adorable and soft, especially since i have a soft spot for h&l with pets. i also have a soft spot for h&l being oblivious lovesick idiots and this was perfect!!
•° — all i see is you, lately by @runaway-train-works 2k | G | first meetings
Harry noticed him for the first time three months ago. He couldn’t not, really, what with the man being so pretty and all, and Harry remembers it well because it was three days before his birthday and he had joked to himself that seeing someone so gorgeous for three days on the trot must be an early present from the Gods.
The one where Harry has a crush on a fellow commuter.
note: this one was quite short but so sweet and perfect and lovely!!
•° — the things i'd do to wake up next to you by orphan_account 36.1k | M | amnesia fic
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
note: this fic was incredible, i'm always up for an amnesia fic and this one was heart-breaking and realistic but also sweet and fluffy as well :)
•° — this glorious mess by theweightofmywords 14.2k | M | post-breakup
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
note: this is the third mpreg-centric fic i've read this month and... i don't even like mpreg?? but god the premise of this fic intrigued me so much, and it was lovely and emotional and beautifully written.
•° — BLAH BLAH BLAH there's a moment you know (you're f*cked) by @mercurial-madhouse 3.2k | M | spy au
Anyone impulsive enough to betray their country is either foolish or overly-confident. Louis’s too cunning for the former. So his inflated ego tips precariously close to the edge between pride and hubris. In sum: He may be an expert, (as proven by the .32-cal Beretta Alleycat Harry found strapped to his back) but ex-agent Louis Tomlinson will explode like a busted bullet misfiring in a broken gunbarrel if Harry can find his trigger.
Or, the spy AU in which Harry thinks he's prepared to meet Louis only to find he's not.
note: the banter and tension in this fic was so good and so fun!! i need moreee
•° — every lonely place by @ham-palpert 38k | E | time travel/alternate lives fic
Facing the fact that he’s been prioritizing his career over his relationship, Harry proposes to his longtime boyfriend Louis on a whim. But when yet another work emergency takes precedence over their plans, Louis decides he’s had enough. Harry goes to bed drunk and alone, and when he wakes, he finds himself in an entirely different world. Over and over again, Harry visits a lifetime he’s once lived, across time and dimensions. And wherever there’s a Harry Styles, there’s a Louis Tomlinson.
note: this was such a unique fic! and such an emotional one too, love the message it sends and the character arc and development was so good
•° — tick-tock by bubblegumclouds 6k | G | soulmate au
When Louis was born to Jay Tomlinson with a tiny 2 years on his clock, it starts the most beautiful love story. Even if things are missed, fate finds a way to make it work.
note: this was just so, so cute and fluffy and sweet! i loved it
•° — baby baby, you're a caramel macchiato by @missandrogyny 3.2k | T | coffee shop au
So, yeah, Harry doesn't think it's that far of a stretch to call himself a good barista. There are some particularly bad ones, and some particularly good ones, and, with his work ethic, his skill, and his charm, he'd probably be lumped in with the latter group.
note: this was so lovely, and i especially really loved the little section talking about louis' name and how it suits him!
•° — one shines brighter by @afirethatcannotdie 11.8k | T | wedding fic
“Hi, baby. You doing anything fun today?” Harry shrugs. “Dunno. Thought I’d see how I was feeling before making any plans.” “You wanna get married?” Louis asks. Harry’s face breaks into a smile, and he nods. Louis’ lips are just brushing Harry’s when Gemma appears in the hallway. “You two are in so much trouble.” Harry's wedding was never supposed to be the happiest day of his life. No, that was going to be the day after, when he finally got to start his marriage. Unfortunately his family (and Louis) have other ideas.
Featuring a pair of moms who only want the best for their kids, meddling sisters with too much time on their hands, and a groom who gets caught up in the fairytale.
note: i adore this fic!! it's so so so adorable and so soft and well written, and you can feel how in love h&l are with each other. so so good!
my own fics
•° — under your bed in new york 33.4k | T | exes to lovers
"We know you're still in love with Harry."
Louis' nostrils flared up. "I'm not—"
"I'm not!"
there are many things louis likes to tell himself. we broke up for a reason. it's been so many years. and of course, the classic: i’ve definitely moved on from him. but when he suddenly finds harry back in his life after three years, louis realizes he might be a little less moved on than he thought.
au; spilling coffee onto an ex, being set up on dates, and having a nosy puppy might be all louis needs to find love again
note: i didn't actually write or publish this one this month, but i did edit, revamp and make a fic post for it this month so i thought i'd put it in here anyway. reblog the fic post here!
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Hey love! How about some winteriron h/c fluff? Millennial vet Bucky, Tony as his generous amazing self just without IM. T picks B as a test subject for his project on prosthetics he started after making a new [blank] for himself after Afghanistan. B expects the public Tony Stark persona and so he's a bit rude (cuz "fuck corporations and the superwealthy") but can't afford to say no, T picked him cuz he read B's profile and found him hilarious&refreshing. Snarks ensue. You know how it ends ;)
This ended up diverging a little from the prompt but I hope you’ll still like it :)
Also on ao3 here
“If there’s one thing I’ve proven,” Stark says on the screen, “it’s that you can count on me to pleasure myself.”
Bucky snorts and shakes his head in disgust. Maybe he shouldn’t be so disgusted by the guy seeing as he’s the one offering to build him a new arm but honestly, Bucky just thinks it’s a publicity stunt. He knows the type of guy that Tony Stark is. He was at the last SI weapons demonstration before Stark nearly got himself blown up and he remembers how drunk the guy had been. He remembers Stark leering at Steve before climbing into a jeep with members of their sister troop—good soldiers, men and women who hadn’t deserved to die defending someone like Stark.
So what if Stark had stopped making weapons?
So what if it had turned out that Stane was double dealing?
So what if it isn’t actually Stark’s fault that Bucky had his arms blown off a few months after Stark announced he wasn’t going to make weapons anymore and the DoD had turned to Hammer who apparently couldn’t even make a decent bomb that blew up while he was setting it?
People are dead because Stark couldn’t pull his goddamn head out of his ass, because he’s just like every other billionaire in the world, obsessed with his own wants and his own wishes and expects the world to bow to his every whim. And now, when he gets called in front of Congress to account for breaking his contract with the DoD, he makes a complete mockery out of the proceedings. Not that that’s all that hard and honestly, Bucky would have probably done the same thing if he’d been in Stark’s position.
Bucky wouldn’t have even accepted the offer of the prosthetic if it hadn’t been for Steve signing the paper for him. He would have told Stark exactly where he could stuff his publicity stunt of a philanthropic endeavor. Steve had been the one to fish SI’s letter out of the trash, sign the waivers and the forms, and mail it back to a Ms. Potts to tell her that he was apparently accepting SI’s oh-so-generous offer.
Eventually, he’ll get Steve back for that. Probably after he gets used to having another arm.
“Mr. Barnes?” someone asks, walking into the waiting area from one of the many branching hallways. “Tony’s ready for you now.”
He stands, tucking his phone back into his pocket, and joins her. She’s pretty enough and once upon a time, he probably would have even flirted with her but that was back when he had two working arms and self-confidence. Now he has one arm, a cheap prosthetic that makes his shoulder seize in pain sometimes, and he’s in therapy to get his head straight.
…Dr. Beck probably wouldn’t call it that though and he’d probably get upset that Bucky is, even if it’s in his own head. He’s big on that whole “use nice terms to describe your PTSD” thing.
…He’s in therapy to learn how to manage his PTSD.
There. That sounds nice, right?
“Tony’s sorry he couldn’t get to you sooner,” the woman tells him as they walk down the hall. Her heels click on the floor, sounding a nice rhythm that Bucky finds himself emulating unconsciously. “He had you lined up for the program ages ago but then everything with Obadiah and—”
“It’s fine,” Bucky mutters. He probably wouldn’t have wanted to meet Stark back then anyway. He doesn’t even want to meet him now.
The woman stops in front of room that looks like it should have glass walls but are currently covered in some sort of black…stuff, Bucky isn’t sure what. A keypad pops out of the wall right next to the door and she types something in that looks long and complicated. Bucky looks away so she’s not worried about him trying to guess the password even though he doubts he could have remembered it even if he’d been hovering right over her shoulder.
The door slides open and Bucky follows her inside—into a wonderland.
There’s a whole bunch of absolutely gorgeous vintage cars in one corner and what looks like actual robots fighting over a smoothie machine in another and blue holograms filling the air and Stark himself talking to…thin air?
Except not thin air because a moment later thin air says, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sir.”
“Sass!” Stark exclaims. “I’ll donate you to MIT, see if I don’t. Let the undergrads pick you apart.”
“As you say at least once a day, sir.”
“What do I have to do to get some respect around here?” he mutters and before Bucky can stop himself, he snickers.
Stark wheels around, seemingly startled, and peers first at Bucky and then turns to the woman. “Pepper,” he laments. “Why do you let me make a fool of myself?”
“You do that just fine on your own,” she says, smiling fondly.
“Hmph. Sass from you, sass from my own AI—”
“That was an AI?” Bucky blurts out. The articles don’t say anything about something like that.
Stark looks at him again and then asks, “Which answer is less likely to make you think of Skynet? Never mind, not important. Your arm is what’s important and I put it—somewhere. I put it somewhere. What the fuck did I do with it? Pepper!”
“Have you checked the fabricator?”
“…No.” He wanders off towards the robots and some sort of fancy device behind them.
Pepper must see the shell-shocked expression on Bucky’s face as he tries to put together the image of the polished Tony Stark he’s seen on TV with the greasy mechanic wearing goggles on the top of his head in front of him because she says, “You’ll get used to him.”
“Uh-huh,” he agrees doubtfully.
“Do you have a preference on color?” Stark calls from the other end of the—what does he call it, a lab? A workshop?
“You might as well join him,” Pepper says. “He really wants your input on this.”
He must sound as confused as he feels because Pepper smiles understandingly at him and says, “Because it’s your arm. I know Tony puts on this front for—everyone, really—but he’s not as bad as he makes himself seem. He blames himself for you losing your arm.”
“Why would he do that? It’s not his fault Hammer makes shitty bombs.”
“No, but it is his fault that the Army went to Hammer in the first place. He still thinks this is the right direction to take the company in but he still feels guilty for what happened to you.”
“Do you agree with him?”
“About the company?” She looks over at Stark, a wistful look in her eyes. “I’ve always thought that Tony could do something more. About you? It doesn’t really matter how I feel. It matters how both of you feel.” She pauses and then adds, “He really liked your application, you know.”
“Application? What application? I didn’t apply for this.”
“No we both know that,” she reassures him. “Your friend did. Said you were too stubborn to take a handout from a stuck-up billionaire to fill out the application yourself. It made Tony laugh.”
Huh. That says something about him, doesn’t it? That he can laugh about being called a stuck-up billionaire?
He glances over at Stark who’s now jumping up and down in the air, waving his arms to get him to go over there. “Barnes!” Stark calls. “I want your opinion on the color of your arm.”
“Wait, that’s what he wants to know?” Bucky asks, amazed. The world suddenly feels like it’s been flipped upside down. “He’s asking my opinion about that?”
“It matters to him,” Pepper says simply. She raises her voice to ask, “Will that be all, Mr. Stark?”
“That’ll be all, Miss Potts,” Stark calls back, grinning like it’s an old joke between the two of them. “Barnes!”
As Pepper leaves, Bucky picks his way across the room, carefully dodging holograms even after Stark says it’s okay to walk through them. “You know, you can call me Bucky,” he says as he joins him.
“Sure, I’ll do that just as soon as you call me Tony,” Stark says distractedly.
“Can do, Tony.”
Tony visibly freezes, shivers a moment, and then flashes him a quick smile. It’s there and gone but it’s still surprisingly lovely, something real and sweet that Bucky thinks he’s gonna have to ponder when he gets home tonight.
“So, color?”
“I don’t really have a preference.”
“Great!” Tony says enthused. “Because I had an idea last night for interlocking plates.”
“Like armor?”
“Yes, but sexier.”
And his enthusiasm must be infectious because Bucky thinks about that quicksilver smile he saw a minute ago and says, “Sure thing, Tony.”
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lvnatiq · 4 years
Strip Poker w/ Nicky Valentino pt. 2
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Warnings: Smut, very much nsfw.
a/n: Well... Hello my gorgeous readers ! Today I don’t have a lot to say other than hit me up with requests, let me know your opinions about my scriptio and don’t be afraid to message me to discuss/fangirl about TATW anytime you’d like.
(I couldn’t proofread :,( your foreign girl has no time on her hands because of the major exams ahead of her so...)
The mischievous smirk planted on your face explained everything. Your naughty intentions were well appreciated by Nicky, at least for now.
“Oh… toots are you sure about this ‘cause I mean it when I say that I got the gist of this game like no other.”
Seeing your smirk turning into a wide smile, he raised his eyebrows in a curious manner, still unable to comprehend your actions.
“Shall we ?” You say as you slowly inch your cards closer to your chest.
His face is flushed, he doesn’t know if it’s the whiskey or the thought of you in his bed that got his head spinning but he doesn’t mind. Not at all, when your hair is drooping over your shoulders where your dress reveals your neck all in its glory.
At first, he just thought that he could impress you with his skills by agreeing to play the game. Now, the sight of your face painted with a concentrated expression while your fingers move feverishly to organize your cards became his main cause of participation.
You look at your cards while having an inner monologue,
“Well what do we got here… Wait what! One card away from a STRAIGHT FLUSH !?!?”
Your original plan was to fail and lose in every single way possible but with this hand it was inevitably hard to follow up with it.
“The probability of getting a straight flush is about less than 0.02% , the only way Nicky could win this round is by having a royal flush which is nearly impossible.”
You eyed your cards in a shocked manner, not being able to keep your so-called “poker face”.
“I mean I could destroy my hand by trading two cards but still what if his hand is worse? I could also fold and move on… right ?”
Your thoughts were cut short by Nicky’s words.
“Don’t worry toots we’ll start slow. I won’t be too hard on you.”
His playful attitude filling the air as you pick up two cards laying them on the table face down and sliding them towards him with your fingertips. You raise your eyes to meet up with his, biting your lower lip.
“I think this will be the only time in your life that you’ll regret winning.”
Nicky raised two cards, holding them between his index and middle finger. Trying his best to look composed.
“We’ll see, my love.”
His eyes dark, his stare is as much if not more dangerous than the scenarios that are circling in his mind.
You take the cards placing them under the deck. Then you give both Nicky and yourself a new pair.
You take a deep breath as you pick up the cards facing them towards yourself.
“Yes! Two different court cards that have nothing to do with each other.”  
You manage to keep your expression blank. You look up to meet Nicky’s eyes.
“My boy, you seem so confident. I would hate to disappoint you.” You say, playfully messing with him, moments before your critical move. You raise your hand, fanning your cards, lightly letting your back lean against the plush cover of the couch behind you.
“Are you ready ?” You say excited to move on with your plan while desperately trying to convince yourself that you can lose.
“How can I not be? I don’t think that folding your hand in a game for two would be the right thing to do only for the sake of not losing” Nicky says as he gives you a faint smile.
“Taking risks is my deal and if that risk leads me to lose to you, then I’d be delighted to take that risk.”
Feeling the heat creeping up on your cheeks, you decide to take a big gulp of your booze.
“Then, it’s time for the showdown.”
You both stare into each other's eyes deeply before slamming the cards on the table. Your eyes scanning his cards while he is looking at yours.
“ I lost.”
“Well, I guess it was meant to be” He says, smiling coyly.
Nicky’s winner smile slowly disappears into thin air as the realization hits him square in the head. You can see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he anxiously fidgets with the collar of his tie, loosening it.
“There goes nothing” You say as you rose to your feet.
He is completely flushed, a blushing mess from head to toe. His confidence fading away as he excitedly waits for what is about to come.
You glued your eyes on his, lowering your gaze towards him. The air around you feels thick, sexual tension dominating the aura surrounding both of you.
You slowly let the loose straps of your satin dress fall as you raise your arms slightly, allowing the dress to pool around your feet.
His breath hitch, his pupils dilate as his eyes wander on your skin. He looked and felt like a mess. You continued to look at him intently, eyeing the masterpiece you created.
His eyes find your nipples deliciously peeking through the silky material of your tiny undergarments. His, now, inevitably visible bulge catches your eye urging you to wet your lips with your tongue.
“This should be illegal (y/n). You have not even the slightest idea of what you are doing to me, my darling.”
You innocently smile at him as you walk towards him. His demeanor becomes even more cheerful as you lower yourself in front of him. Inching your body closer to his as if you were about to kiss him.
Then you unexpectedly grab his wrist pulling him to you. You lower your gaze as if you were eyeing him, but instead you look at his watch and then back at him.
“Oh my… It’s getting too late. It would be a disaster if we don’t get enough sleep, we have a long day ahead of us” you whisper as you plant a light kiss on his cheek.
He is so shocked that he can’t even manage to form a single word.
“Goodnight Nicholas.”
You get up and leave, quickening your steps as you hear the other footsteps accompanying yours. You try your best to get into the guest room as fast as possible.
The game of tag comes to an end as you reach for the door handle, Nicky’s hand finds it’s place on the small of your back pulling you against him. Then with a quick push of his hands you find yourself trapped between him and the wall. He doesn’t waste any time on sealing his lips with yours.
The kiss is gentle yet passionate. Nicky’s hands start traveling up and down on your body, at this point he has no control over himself whatsoever.
You moan into the kiss as he nibbles on your lower lip, lifting you and allowing you to wrap your legs around him. Your hands lost in his hair, pulling it just enough to make Nicky groan.
“You are in big trouble toots.”
"Mhmm... How big ?"
"You'll find out soon enough" he says as he pushes the door open with you in his arms.
You connect your lips once again as he walks over the bed laying you down onto it. He eyes your flushed figure arching against the bed.
"Teasing me like this... I can't believe how cruel you are.”
"Nicholas, you had me on the edge for the past 12 hours. I think that I went pretty easy on you."
"Oh you think so ?"
"Truly? Yes."
"Well then it's too bad that I'm not going easy on you tonight, my love. Don't you think?"
You feel the heat between your legs as it gets more and more unbearable thanks to his words.
"Is that so?"
He nods as he climbs on top of you lathering your chest with kisses, taking your nipple in his mouth as his hand slowly travels down to your hips.
"Yes, toots."
Your mind is hazy with pleasure. You can't concentrate on anything but Nicky's touch. His kisses trail down to your stomach nearing to your core.
You close your eyes, losing yourself at the way he feels.
"Open your eyes my love. You don't wanna miss the show" he says as he places himself between your legs.
The sight of him staring at you with his plush lips agape and his messy hair falling in front of his eyes is unreal.
He wastes no time pushing the silky material down as his tongue finds your folds. You moan pushing yourself against his wet tongue.
"Sweetest of the sweet..." he hums as he continues to devour you.
You feel yourself getting close, your legs are trembling. Nicky, aware of your condition, pushes his finger inside of you picking up the pace.
"Nicky I'm-- close."
"I know my love."
Just before you tip-off of the edge Nicky pulls his fingers out of you.
He raises his hand, checking out his watch, looking at the time.
“Oh my… It’s getting too late. It would be a disaster if we don’t get enough sleep, we have a long day ahead of us” he whispers as he plants a light kiss on your cheek.
You shot up a glare as your lips part in shock.
"Goodnight, y/n." He sends a wink at your way as he gets up to leave. His million-dollar smile getting wider as he hears your rushed footsteps behind his.
"Nicholas you are not going anywhere !"
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