#i can't transition i can't get hrt i can't get top surgery i can't get bottom surgery i literally cannot afford to and people like you are
thesoundofmadness · 1 year
im so fucking tired of cis people and their fake supportiveness
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commanderogerss · 1 year
sims team: here’s an update, you get top surgery scars, binders, and a lightswitch!
a patreon content creator’s post that’s in my emails: here’s a link to a subreddit where 99.99% of users aren’t actually detransitioners, the subreddit is deeply transphobic. i also use words like mutilation, which is a dog whistle, and how we shouldn’t give children ideas to have top surgery even though legally, they can’t!
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transgenderpolls · 24 days
*eg. had top surgery, or got enough atrophy/chest hair from T to basically get rid of dysphoria, or with a combination of HRT and working out, you pass without wearing a shirt, etc
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official-megumin · 6 months
there is always this discourse about if transfem and transmascs have it worse
And like, I know it's not really quantifiable and measureable to find the objective suckiness of being trans.
But like
Man it's gotta suck to be a trans guy. This is coming from the perspective of a trans girl btw.
I know that not all transmascs care about passing and having a "fully male body", like everyone decides for themselves what they wanna do. But let's see this from the perspective from a trans guy who wants to be as close to a cis perisex man as possible, this guy is also perisex afab, meaning normal development and stuff.
Ok, so for this man to "finish" his transition, he would need like, what? 3 surgeries. All of which are gatekept. He would need top surgery, tit chop as you say.
This is already a lot, and it sucks fucking dick that y'all have to wait for that. But other than that already sucky and gatekept surgery, we also have phalloplastry, which many countries including Denmark, doesn't offer at all because it's more complicated than vaginoplastry.
This is also a hugely impactful surgery, and I assume that for many trans men, it also doesn't really feel good enough because no semen and dick pump. Of course I'm no expert, so don't take what I say as gospel, I might flat out be wrong about many things.
But that still isn't it. By now we have moved past surgeries the average transfem would "need"
Like yes, many trans women end up getting BA and FFS to combat dysphoria on top of bottom surgery, but they aren't "required" in the same way. So let's round it out and say one half of both of those surgeries count, so that means that transfems on average get two gender affirming surgeries. Which means that now, transfem and transmasc surgery counts are the same.
But wait, there's more!
There are also hysterectomies to remove the uterus and ovaries. Which again is very extremely gatekept because "devine femininity"(bleugh)
That's three surgeries to transition "normally" for a transmasc versus the two of a transfem, already there it's more sucky.
Of course this is not taking other typically gendered features into account like hip and shoulder width, which is too variable to really take into account here. Also it is not as widely different between the sexes as some people claim.
But this is just the surgery front.
I can't even begin to imagine how dysphoria inducing dealing with menstruation must be to a trans man.
Like periods suck dick, I know that from personal exprience. It hurts like shit for like a week at a time and there's blood everywhere.
But for trans men you add fucking dysphoria on top of that???? Hellish, the female reproductive system is so invasive and intrusive. For transfems we can just y'know, not touch the thingy and we won't have to worry about a visceral bloody reminder every month that stays even after hrt starts.
Really what I want to say is that yea sure maybe transfems struggle more with sexism and such whilst transitioning, I'd argue even that is not quantifiable and will be hugely variable on how the individual looks(speaking from experience as a trans girl who has not once had transphobia aimed at her in person in public from strangers)
But the physical struggle of transitioning? I think that trans masculine transitions take the cake by far here. Like objectively too.
And all the transmascs out there at all, doesn't matter how dysphoric you are, or how far you wanna take your transition. I respect you so god damn much, and I'm in awe of all of you. You're genuinely incredible
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takethispotion · 8 months
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I wanted to draw a lil' portrait of myself imagining how i would look like on hrt and after top surgery, finally being able to rock crop tops i want. It gave me so much gender euphoria, i can't even >< I can't wait to get further into transitioning medically, im trying to transition socially for now and .... its a struggle sometimes, but it's oh so worth it. In the end it became my new awatar, hope you like it :>
Also - i'm cooking some more arts in the back, i just have to somehow finish them and not start another milion new projects :"") Wish me luck with my chaotic mind...
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Hey, so I'm a cis(?) guy who really wants to go on estrogen, but i also really do not want to have breasts. Is there any way that i could get all (or most, i guess) of the other effects of estrogen without developing breasts?
Lee says:
Hi my friend! Navigating your gender identity and the decision to undergo hormone therapy can be complicated.
It's sometimes possible to start hormones if you're 100% sure that you want hormones, even if you aren't 100% sure what your gender identity is, but support from a therapist who specializes in gender identity issues can be invaluable.
They can help you explore your feelings about your gender and your body, expectations, and concerns about taking estrogen and the changes it brings, and I would really recommend looking into finding a supportive therapist.
You don't always need to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a mental health provider to access HRT if you see a provider who uses informed consent, and not everyone feels therapy is helpful in this area-- it really depends on whether you can find a trans-friendly, competent, and affirming therapist.
But if you don't see a therapist (And even if you do!) finding support from the trans community can be super helpful if you're questioning being trans, or considering medical transitioning.
Looking for local support groups that meet in-person or online can be a great opportunity to hear from people who have similar experiences as you do because they can provide useful insights and helpful information.
With all that said, it isn't possible to pick and choose what changes you will get when you start hormones. It's an all-or-nothing thing. If you choose to start estrogen, you may experience some breast growth. For reference, this chart lists some of the major changes that you can expect from estrogen!
You can't anticipate how much chest growth you'll get- some people have minimal growth and others develop a C cup or larger-- so if the breast growth is a deal breaker, estrogen may not be the right option for you.
There is a type of medication called SERMs which might allow you to take estrogen without breast growth, but there isn’t enough research on the effect of taking SERMs and I don’t have personal experience with it either, so I can’t provide much information on that— you’ll need to speak to a medical provider about it.
Because the effects are not fully known, I would assume that there’s a chance that even if you take them you could still have some amount of breast growth, and make your decision based on that assumption unless your provider says otherwise.
You may choose to wear a binder for the rest of your life if you get breast growth and remain unhappy with your chest, but you might be swapping one form of dysphoria for another, so you should really consider whether all of the desired changes that you'd get from estrogen are more important to you than the one big change that you don't want.
You could also start estrogen and wear a binder until your chest has stopped developing (at least ~2 years) then undergo top surgery to get a flat chest again if you are uncomfortable with the breast growth from estrogen therapy. This is a significant decision and requires thorough consultation with both your hormone prescriber and a plastic surgeon.
If you feel that having breast growth isn't worth the other changes, you could explore other things.
While estrogen can slow down the growth of new facial hair, it does not typically eliminate existing facial hair, even though facial and body hair may become lighter and grow more slowly. It also doesn't reverse hair loss that has already happened, although it can slow or prevent future hair loss.
So removing facial and body hair with laser hair removal and electrolysis, and reversing and preventing further hairline recession and balding with a hair transplant, minoxidil, and finestride might mimic some of the hair-related changes that you might see from estrogen.
Similarly, facial feminization surgery and body contouring surgery can help to mimic the body fat redistribution that you'd experience on estrogen without also creating the chest growth that you don't want to experience.
However, these surgeries are more invasive than estrogen, so if you're considering estrogen, you may want to wait until after you've been on it for a couple of years before you decide whether you still need surgery or are satisfied with the changes.
If you're confident that you don't want estrogen then you could hop straight to those surgeries, but they may or may not be covered by insurance even with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria; some policies recognize that they are medically necessary interventions and others deem them cosmetic.
As you may have guessed, the vast majority of people who were assigned male at birth and express interest in taking estrogen are not cisgender men. Many end up identifying as transgender women or non-binary people. That doesn't mean that you are trans for sure, but just considering the overall probabilities, I'd say there's a good chance that you have more to explore to figure out about your gender.
But even if you don't end up identifying as part of the community, you can still consider medical interventions even if you identify as a cisgender man. It's your body, and you should do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable in it.
It's okay to look into starting estrogen (or any other medical transitioning step) while identifying as male. Just make sure you get the support you need from your medical providers so you know all the options available to you and the risks of each choice.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Came up with a Jercy take/au so i remembered those hcs i promised @kitkatperce LMFAO Here you go Sar🤟🏼
Black4Black obviously-Percy's monoracial and Jason's mixed because Sally's afro-dominican third gen inmigrant and the gods are black.Jason's a natural dirty blonde and has brown eyes and lightskin swag /lh
Certified t4t couple.Jason's a wolfgirl turned werewolf-adjacent trans man who's the walking embodiment of positive and healthy masculinity and is fully transitioned with top surgery scars and Percy is a pastel punk trans woman who canonically acts extremely femme eggy so she's a blue hair and pronouns mermaid-esque gamer girl and her new full name,Persephone,was chosen because the og gave her Metamorphose,food that's been blessed by Aphrodite to give the eater their ideal apperance so it's basically hrt for trans people,as a gift and Percy wanted to thank her
Also transhet4transbi demi4demi and autistic4autistic but Percy's got no masking game and Jason's got all of it but he don't play with her ever
They were kinda meant to have a spark in every way-Tons of similarities but a few significant contrasts that don't lead to toxicity but instead them being complimentary and good for eachother,the beef between Zeus and Poseidon and how much Percy fucking despises her dad and Jason wanting to be completely free of Jupiter,Percy's severe older men trauma and Jason's defiement of what men are 'supposed' to be that's influenced by his transmasculinity but also a genuine effort on his part and connection with Percy that women are inherently better caused by the misogyny he also faced pre-egg cracking and even some afterwards from particularly big jerks and Jason being Hazel's pseudo-dad pre-Hoo and Percy being Nico's pseudo-mom before All That Fuckshit.Obviously they're not perfect together based off that last part alone and Jason's mostly a hc but it's certainly better than adultifiying Hazel!!
Percy's tgirl ass was glad to be friends with a guy who was taller than her for once and Jason found her 6' height hot on sight and immediately wanting to shock himself for because JASON THAT'S INNAPPROPRIATE,SHE'S A LADY AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!!!!!!(There was minus zero nsfw thoughts going on and he's just a prude)
'She's Lois Lane........But with Aquaman's powers.Does that make sense?'-Jason telling Piper about his Percy love epiphany and she rightfully laughed at him for it and he fumed in humiliation
Piper is a false romantic lead but there's no jealousy on Percy part and none on Piper's part either actually because she never actually liked Jason and only used thinking she did as a heterosexual allusion to avoid confronting her internalized lesbophobia(which is the general term for anti-sapphic in case y'all get mad,i know she's canon unlabeled and mspec)and Jason realized he's transhet instead of bi transmasc like he thought and just had envy of Piper's butch swag so they were on great terms afterwards
Huge on physical touch,quality time and words of affirmation.Percy can't keep her hands to herself once she really falls in deep for him and he's loving every second of it but is completely oblivious to the change,they do parallel play on a daily basis but also share a few special interests now thanks to infodumping and participating in them together and they're training partners and aside from direct verbal validation,they also leave sticky notes with sweet messages('Even if you weren't perfect today,you're still my Superman'-Your Blue Kryptonite/'Hey,the sea may not liked to be restrained but i heard she likes this'-Bolt Boy')and talk good things to others even when they're not around
Outcast gf x Popular bf but they cut the bullshit and go straight to best friends with zero judgement and only sunshine and clear rain.Them getting together by Boo would be forced asf so instead they're a Ghostflower situation:Besties with implied subtle crushes > Significant seperation period causes their hearts to grow fonder and they're fullblast soulmates by choice > They settle into it for a long while so they can be a real couple and true true love.This includes Percy having a Jason tributed hairstyle change as she dyes her faded from gray to white streak sky blue and Jason asking for tons of Percy sculptures to be made in her honor and she's as flattered and flustered and teasing about it as Gwen was and Jason has the rizz Miles does too
Back to the Percy older men trauma thing,i think we all picked up on how Weird And Unnecessary Luke is towards her in canon and i won't get into it so it dosen't get triggering but even though he never dated her,his frequent and looming presence combined with his again canon pedophile status to her own best friends(Annabeth and Thalia)and another friend of hers she felt awful for not keeping an eye on(Silena),he left scars on her regarding manhood that only fueled her transfemininity and hatred of the gods and Apollo in particular due to his treatment of the Hunters and 'history'.Jason's entire Percy appeal is despite the looks,he acts nothing like how boys are taught to and punished if they don't and the closest exception is how gentlemanly and chilvarious is he but even then that's black dude swag specifically
Percy is 4d,Jason is 4c.Her usual style is comics!Starfire hair i.e down to her hips and BIG FLOOF,his is shoulder length and his natural very thick curls.They have wash day together and Percy's uses fruity shampoos and gets Jason to do the same and they try out different looks together-Percy's favorites are butterfly locs,a blk version of mermaid waterfall and jumbo ponytail and Jason's are twists,afropuffs and at one point he got an afro fade with a lightning bolt and Petcy damn near forgot how to breathe
Nico's also black(Maria was black-italian)so cute lil found black family sitch.He could NOT stand Jason's ass at first for no reason,he's just a posessive brat over his big sister slash mom but Jason proved himself not too much into it by defeating Cupid before he even got a hint of what he was tryna get out of him and Jason telling him that he only cared Cupid was forcing him into something earned him lifelong trust.They're an official quartet as off Hoo finale and Jason makes regular trips to the Familia Jackson household and they have both quests and normal adventures and they can be found doing just about anything together from wholesome down to earth activities to buck ass wild supernatural shenanigans
Hazel's also a lesbian and pastel goth so her and Jason's semi-normie ass have a lot of fun getting to know eachother again /gen /pos.Naturally they talk about their gfs with Hazel's love life being as Mabel Pines-esque as she is by herself and Jason is goofy black dad from a sitcom-coded and supports her in her nonchalantly macabe nature and you can just feel the rekindled familial love there like you can Nico and Percy and when Jercy finally have their bio kids,Nico and Hazel become the best Tío and Auntie ever
Jason is Percy's All American Boy in a black biracial kinda way and Percy is Jason's Girl Next Door in an afrolatina kinda way
Something something The Man with his head in the clouds and The Mermaid who keeps her head above the water meet where the sky and the sea do and their worlds are forever transformed by it as they become just one united
And since this is a ships trend with me at this point:Jercy-coded images
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aizawasgay · 2 months
Do you think in MHA medical/surgical stuff around trans ppl has improved since 1) takes place in the future and 2)a shitton of quirks that require more thought and diversity? What do you think would change?
yah for sure
hrt is probably a lot easier. instead of constant routine injections or tablets, it's probably not a stretch of the imagination to say they could just.. alter your endocrine system to naturally produce the hormone levels you need to achieve your transition goal
surgery is also probably a hell of a lot more advanced - im sure surgical scars are optional, and keeping sensation is a guarantee
like, for ftm top surgery, if you get free nipple grafts then you're pretty much gonna lose sensation there. mine are fuckin numb as shit. not a problem in the futuristic bnha world - if you wanted, you could get extra nipple sensation, why not!
and with bottom surgery, fuck i bet they have it good - you wouldn't even need a full thickness skin graft for phalloplasty, they would just create that shit for you without you having to live life with huge scars like that - i bet it's no big deal to just graft a quirk-grown penis onto someone without all the potential complications that urethral connection and nerve grafting have currently
fuck it! if a trans woman wanted to have a womb and ovaries and the capability to have a baby, that's fully on the table! trans men with working testes and sperm and the ability to have bio kids without the debilitating dysphoria of pregnancy - please god i wish that was real
if someone out that had a chromosome swapping quirk they'd make a fuckin living helping trans people
also like some people in that world are animals so i really can't comprehend transphobia existing in bnha
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transwolvie · 3 months
I think that more trans people really REALLY need to hear that intermediate treatment or things that are smaller can still be great for transitioning. I never see enough discussion of getting a breast reduction if you can't afford top surgery, even though I know multiple trans ppl who have gotten reductions that have helped a ton with dysphoria and it's probably easier to get your insurance to cover if you're over a certain cup size
You can start out your hrt on a very low dose if you're anxious and you might find that the low dose is exactly what you like, or you may have the confidence to up it later. As a nonbinary person, I've been on a relatively low dose of T for a long time at this point!
So much trans stuff is approached as all or nothing, and it makes me just as unhappy as when trans ppl act like puberty is something you can NEVER recover from and smth that will always frustrate your transition. You can transition bit by bit. You can start small and happily stay there, you can decide it's not for you, you can decide you want to go further. You don't have to chase down the most life changing things first. You can take baby steps, and honestly, doing so can feel really good!!!
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windwardstar · 6 months
So like the whole "they don't put any effort into presenting not-femme and are still femme presenting so I'm just going to treat them as a woman still and not take their identity seriously" has always just been an excuse to misgender people and dismiss the trans identities of people who don't perform gender to the person's standards.
And it's always couched in terms of "not bothering" to bind or dress masculinely or have long hair or continue to wear makeup and who "aren't able" to access hrt or surgeries or whatever. Because it gives the person plausible deniability to say "I'm not talking about those trans people who are really trans and just can't meet my new gender performing standards for legitimate reasons, I'm talking about those fake trans who just say they're trans but don't actually put in any effort"
And like. You have no way of knowing who is in the closet and unable to transition for safety, who is not able to access resources for medical transition, who is comfortable with their current appearance and has no desire to pursue surgeries or hrt or change anything about themselves as part of their transition. There is no way of knowing just from looking at someone whether or not they meet your criteria in order to take their identity seriously.
And also like. The further I get in my transition and the more things I'm able to access the more it's like... I've had top surgery. I'm on T. I've had short hair. I've dressed in men's clothes. And I've been gendered as female 100% of the time throughout everything. Because despite all that my face still reads as feminine and my voice despite dropping still reads as feminine. My hair is currently in a femme style. And I don't care to change those things because with all the other ways I've been able to transition I'm comfortable in my body and they don't cause me dysphoria. But they're enough to make me "present femme" in a way that doesn't make cis people pause before assuming I'm a woman, and any of the ways I have been able to masculinize my body get registered and then dismissed as things I've actively cultivated and instead get me read as transfemme by other trans people. Because apparently in order to not assumed to be a girl I have to remove every trace of anything feminine from my existence.
And then it's also like. The expectation of performing non-femininity of performing masculinity or degendering androgyny to the appropriate standards in order to have your identity respected is just like. If you're just existing in your body, just throwing on jeans and a t shirt and letting yourself exist as is, is like how is that presenting "femininely"??? just because you're afab and existing is not inherently "presenting feminine". And like when you couple that with not binding...which uh it can be choice but also like... binding is the active choice here where you have to get a binder and put on the binder and choose to use the binder. Again there's no way of looking at someone and being able to tell if they're not binding because they can't due to medical or financial or safety reasons or just due to personal choice. And so the idea that not binding is presenting as inherently feminine is just. Not binding is the default existence of the body and shouldn't be gendered as a presentation choice + nobody should be required to change anything about themselves in order to have their identity respected.
...anyway I have a bunch of thoughts about existing as a trans masc enby and being read as feminine and being misgendered. Hope some of the train of thought ramble vent rant made sense.
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revscarecrow · 8 months
(I'm sorry this got so long. you don't have to post it if you don't want to) late to the party but I did want to say that while I don't know what the perfect answer is, I also don't like it when trans kids are written off as being dumb (or kids in general). Even at a pretty young age its not impossible to understand complex ideas, even if you can't explain them in the most clear way. As early as 5 my mom noticed I would talk about my gender in certain ways, saying I'd wish i was a boy and other things along those lines. For a while she chalked it up to me possibly being a tom-boy but after I started to transition it really clicked with her that I knew I was trans from a really young age. I'm not sure she would have gotten me onto HRT if she knew I was trans sooner, but I feel like if we were more open to trans healthcare for kids we can at least get that conversation started sooner, yknow? Sure at certain ages kids can't understand EVERYTHING but that's why we teach kids things. As a trans kid it kind of felt like I had to find all of the information myself which kind of sucked. Not all the information i was able to find was good information. Around that time non-binary was a known thing but not as wide spread and accepted as it is now, so the idea of sitting outside of certain molds was super new for trans and non-trans people alike. So a lot of the information being spread even within trans circles was a bit weird. Like,the idea of a masc person not wanting top surgery or being fine not binding was seen as a bad thing at the time and it would confuse trans and cis people. It made trying to figure out if i'm trans or not hard because on one side i knew for a fact i wanted to be masc presenting, and on the other hand a large portion of internet randos are saying that some of the ways I felt made me "not trans enough". As a young teen I knew what gender was, what gender dysphoria was, and it would have been great for someone that knew MORE than I did to explain the right information to me. I wasn't dumb, I just didn't know better. And I think the same can be said for a lot of trans kids and parents of trans kids that want to learn more about hormones, and being trans in general. Withholding that information from parents and kids did do harm and still does harm. I do understand the worry with regret. Hormones do in fact have some life changing effects. But at the same time I feel like we can do a LOT better in terms of giving trans kids resources. I don't know enough to know if changing the age when hormones can start is a good or bad idea, but treating kids as kids that are able living people helps a lot. At the very least kids deserve to be informed. Something kid-me WOULD have loved a lot was getting to sit with a doctor that knew a lot about being trans and have them offer me things I could do even before hormones. Play around with pronouns, names, think about how I want to express myself, maybe doctors would have known about non-binary genders at the time too, i'm not sure. And maybe they could have information I could sit and think about, like giving me sheets about the good and bad changes of HRT, and even how to deal with transphobia and gender dysphoria while those problems exist. but yeah- i know this isn't strictly related to hormones but this is my two cents. the TLDR is that trans kids aren't quite as ignorant about gender as people think they are, its just hard to put those feelings into direct words sometimes. If a 13 year old can learn multiple subjects a day at school, teaching them about gender expression and medical options for gender dysphoria isn't that hard.
Posting because it's good info and an important perspective.
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wolves0nmars · 8 months
i loved cal bowman's arc in season 4 of sex education. it was one of the first times i've ever felt seen in any trans rep on television.
SO so much trans rep is so white. and all of it is so passing. when i look at the trans people i see on screen, specifically the trans kids i see on screen, and then i look at the trans people in my life... something does not add up. one of the biggest problems the trans community is facing rn is access to medical transition between crisis in the NHS, and growingly restrictive laws in the US. and it all applies so much more heavily on trans kids. but the trans teens i see on screen are all... um. well, they're played by 24 year old models. they've been on HRT for years, and they'll typically have ffs/top surgery. which is really not the slightest bit relatable to actual trans teens.
but back to cal. because cal is a complete rebellion of all this. cal is not white, cal is not transfemme, and most of all, they are very early in their transition.
throughout season 4, they literally compare themselves to the other transmasc kid on the show. 2? in 1 show? i know right!!! roman has top surgery, and has clearly been on HRT for at least a couple months. this is the trans teen representation that we see all the time!!! something that is so out of reach from most trans kids. but cal is not like roman. cal is on a waiting list for top surgery, and can't afford it if they go private. the private HRT is already expensive enough. they are also literally just starting HRT. that is a lot more relevant to real trans kids, who are probably kind of just starting it or haven't at all. looking at roman makes cal so dysphoric and envious, because it's everything they can't have. that is the reality of a lot of trans kids. that is the precise discrepancy between trans rep and real trans people. and when cal literally runs away, not to get anywhere, not to run to the netherlands or something. but just to sit on a rock and look out at a world which they don't belong in.
i have never felt more fucking seen in my life.
and some even more stuff, 1, cal's mom. she supports cal... but she doesn't really... get it? its giving left leaning centrist. it's giving average joe or josephine. its giving... my mother!!! hahaa ha
and 2, roman. i said roman is kind of a representation of a lot of the trans rep we see but thats not actually completely true. most of the trans rep we see is white, thin, and minimalist. and also transfemme but thats a conversation for another time! what i mean when i say minimalist is that the androgyny and gender noncomformity of it is very... nothing. i guess it's the difference between being enby as in neither gender, and being enby as in both genders. the androgyny we see all the time is very masculine, with short hair, short nails, no boobs, no bulge, no color, no nothing. i think this post describes that pretty well. i would definitely recommend reading it.
but roman on the other hand, is not white, has long hair, and long nails. he isn't performing that kind of masculinity that's... expendable?blends into the background. he's performing a kind of femininity which is loud, which is something to be looked at, something to be admired. and thats the kind of androgyny we need to see more often.
overall, i really really enjoyed the trans storylines in this season, and i would definitely recommend watching it. just skip over all the otis parts cause hes a annoying little bitch
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dyedcomrade · 2 months
Wesker with trans male reader
based on me, it's very likely your experience or boundaries are different from mine, don't take offense.
in the first place he is either interested by your skills and your workplace performance or their lack of. the two extremes intrigue him, he can't help it.
your appearance comes only second in why he wants to pursue you.
with his god complex he likes that no matter how hard you try you can never equate to his genius. even if you do he just doesn't acknowledge it - after all, one of the main driving force of his uroboros project is his presumed superiority. if you are not the one on the top of the food-chain at your job, that's the most favorable to him. knowing his darling won't even get near his greatness is comforting to him. you won't leave him for someone better, simply because none exists. and surely you need someone to take care of you or at least help.
he doesn't realise people don't have a value ranging from one to ten based on their intelligence, money and power, and how his theoretical hierarchy is nonexistent in everyone else's mind, so you are, in fact, not chained to him forever.
his mind is in dvd screensaver mode most of the time when he is not working, so it is possible he either waved you off when trying ro open up to him about yourself or didn't get any of it.
he will go with any of your fashion choices though. as long as it's proper for the occasion and high-quality clothing, he won't have any negative comments about it. he thinks you are hot in everything and even if he could have had a better outfir in mind for you, he shrugs it off thinking it's a new trend he didn't have time to catch up on.
he would be over the moon if you dressed exactly like him. his little human looks so much up to him that he wants to copy him the best his ability? how cute. he may even want to introduce your body to uroboros. - of course if he deems it safe for you.
if you ask him to recommend you a doctor for hrt or gender reassignment surgery he will be caught off guard. like for what? and you have to explain it to him all over again.
he understands of course. feeling alien from the person your environment taught or at least wanted you to be. but also a forever outcast in society. people just won't take their time and understand. and what they don't, feels strange to them. but don't worry, he will be with you on this road. will ask you if you would like to join him on his throne when his plan is done. of course you can choose to stay the way you are. he will mention, though, the benefits of his creation on healing and regeneration if you choose to have surgeries.
if you can't or don't want to for some reason, he still will see you as a man. he will be more fussy about your safety - for example he will remind you a couple of times to take your binder off and just breathe throughout the day. he also makes sure that you feel as comfortable as you can with him without the binder as well.
he will make your transition smooth and fast. no footlong waiting lists and irresponsible, careless or transphobic doctors. in case, he w i l l ruin the ones who mistreat you. and some others who abuse their power just for the fun of it. they've got the opportunity and smarts to make it through med school and use it for making other's lives miserabble? well then, he just has to dig up some controversy from their past, sue them over it, aaand consider it done.
he immediately switches to your preferred name and feels kind od horrible for seeming untrustworthy for a time, thus forcing you to go by your deadname around him.
he will proudly refer to you as his boyfriend and if you are okay with it he will be open about the fact that you're trans.
any transphonic comment will at least get the person thrown through the room by uroboros. they must have not been the sharpest tool anyway, so not much of a loss if they get hurt or die by it.
from the start of the relationship he would prefer if you just moved in. not because he has ulterior motives, but it's just more convenient and he hasn't got time to commute. he will provide you with a separate room if you don't yet want to sleep with him.
if you for some reason can't go yet, he will be extra attentive when you two meet up. he makes sure you know that he enjoys getting flooded by text messages or pictures from you any time of the day. he is kind of dependent on you so he usually wants to facetalk into the night. that's how you both fall asleep on these occasions.
he is very patient with every step of the relationship. before you come out to him and after especially. he asks before he does something new it it's okay, whether you want to try it or not.
if marriage is important for you he will spare no expenses to arrange one for the two of you. just reminds you he really has noone to invite from his side. (maybe in another universe his s.t.a.r.s. team with chris being his best man. he is not, but funny enough for the role.) although if you want only a small one, even just the two of you with or without a priest/pastor he will be delighted. after all he doesn't have to waste his time on people who he barely even knows. and who may even barely even know you.
he makes sure you don't accidentally consume extra oestrogen with your food and plans meals for you - if you allow him to. his love language is more like gifts and physical touch but you make him want to try new ways to love: making time for you and helping out however he can.
he believes you are the only person worth leaving untouched uroboros. preserving something from the old world, something only you could have. by remaining human, the fragility he was never allowed to posess and the strength to still have it despite the world being disgusting towards you, the courage, which should really be called recklessness, to still be by the side of most powerful being
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
hey! sorry if this is a weird question but i don’t know any other multigender people to ask and i’m feeling very lost. do you have any advice on how to figure out if HRT is a good choice when you’re multigender? i’m afab genderfluid and currently in a very masc shift and i’m experiencing the deep urge to get on T, but i’m worried i’d regret it when i hit my next femme shift. rn i feel neutral about my body in a femme shift and dysphoric in a masc shift, and im worried that if i get on T i’ll start feeling euphoric in a masc shift but dysphoric in a femme shift. do you have any tips on how to figure this out?
What I would do is wait until I'm in a strong femme shift, and then try to focus on how I'd feel on T while in that shift. You might wanna draw using a voice modulator or one of those filters that shows how would would look with facial hair to get an idea of how the effects of T would make you feel. In general I think a good way of figuring out transition goals for yourself is looking at other people & doing a lot of fantasizing.
You can also try to imagine your absolute fantasy ideal and work backwards from there. Like, if you were a wizard and could do whatever you wanted to your body with no laws of reality to hold you down, what would you do? For me, as an example: I would ideally like to be able to go from a flat chest to natural breasts whenever I wanted, and to have a penis that functioned like a typical natal one does.
Then, go from your fantasy and find out how close you can get to it, and what parts of it are the most important to you. For me, I like having boobs more than I want a flat chest, so I'm not pursuing top surgery (although i have considered getting it + using breast forms in the past). I can't get my most ideal dick (atm), but I can get phallo w/o vaginectomy, which is close enough for me to be happy with. Figure out what causes you the most dysphoria and what would cause you the most euphoria & balance the pros & cons of all your options.
Also, keep in mind that low-dose T is an option, & you can also go on T for a certain period of time to get some effects and then go off it again.
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liquidstar · 4 months
Hey if I had a transmasc character and he never actually transitioned himself, would that be transphoic? bc I have a really cool, like, metaphorical thing there, where he makes this artificial living puppet to be his idealised self + physically masculine, but that metaphor kind of falls apart if he himself also transisitions into a male body.
Am willing to elaborate!
Oh there's absolutely nothing wrong with depicting a pre-transition or NO transition trans character. I do think there can be wrong ways to go about it (such as caricatured depictions) but nothing here is raising any red flags to be about that.
Not every trans person medically transitions (hormones and surgery). There can be many reasons for this, from personal choice to inability due to outside factors. That's okay. And not every trans person is about to socially transition- to come out. Many do in fact go about their lives presenting as their agab because sometimes there's not really a choice. It's something that will upend your entire life too, so many people just take their time. Nothing at all is wrong with that. Not every trans person got to go on hormones by age 16 and had top surgery by age 20, that's a very idealized narrative that isn't actually very common at all (nothing wrong w indulging in wish fulfillment tho but not to overdo it)
Basically what I'm saying here is that not every trans experience is getting to do all the medical transition stuff, or even the social transitioning. And it's not inherently wrong to depict that. Because that's just kinda... Life. There are lots of different experiences and all are valid
And the whole puppet thing in this case... I think it makes sense. I think that lots of people who want to transition/come out but can't will find ways to express themselves. In the past I've talked about how many identify w a different identity online than what they seem to irl, and I kinda compared this to that old stereotype of a closeted trans person finding freedom in "crossdressing" in private. It's not a 1:1 but I think you understand what I mean.
I would maybe be a bit careful about the idealized self stuff because while that is VERY MUCH a thing, I think it's also important to acknowledge that his appearance and medical transition (or lack there of) isn't what makes him a man. A no-op no-hrt trans dude is still a dude, no matter how much he looks like a "girl" according to binary societal standards. Y'know? But obviously that doesn't make it wrong for him to have an idealized self, I just think that too much escapism on this end isn't ideal either. But this can certainly be an arc, because like I said before, this stuff is often a necessary coping tool for many. I think what would be nice (if it ever comes to it, idk how you story will go so I'm just spitballing) would be that if the people around him ever saw his real body, they still treated him like a boy even if he doesn't "look the part." (Again, according to binary standards that mean nothing) Because it's not about looks 👍 that's only superficial, doesn't reflect who you are. And I think that could be a good lesson. if it makes sense for the story, that is.
Because his body already is a male body. Because it's his body. And he's male. That's it. Everything else (hrt and surgery) should be a personal choice about presentation, rather than conforming to a societal ideal of what a "male body" is. A male body, regardless of AGAB, can look like anything. A cis man can look like anything, or have "female" sex characteristics, since sex itself isnt binary either. (Though I'm not the person to ask for writing advice from on that end) Same applies for a trans man. Even if he does eventually want to medically transition, that doesn't make his body now any less "male," because that's his decision. Bodies just aren't that binary.
Anyway those are just random thoughts but the TLDR is that there's not an inherent issue w portraying ppl who haven't transitioned one way or the other. It's not an offensive subcategory of trans people! It's how many live and that's okay... As long as you're treating them like a character and not caricature it's all cool. But please please please please remember that a trans mans body is a mans body no matter what. Good luck anon! Feel free to ask follow-ups if you want!
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abstractlesbian · 5 months
Trans stuff + brief mention of sex stuff
Also hair loss
Keep mentally debating with myself about whether I want top surgery or not lately and I'm heavily leaning towards yes even tho I don't have much chest dysphoria anymore (like honestly growing chest hair solved 80% of it for me then stopping wearing bras and wearing more masculine shirts solved another 15%)
Tbh having gay sex this summer made me realize I like touching boobs way more than I like having them lol
And like the cons list is mostly just I haven't had surgery before and I'm being a bit of a wimp about it and I know this is going to be another case of rollercoaster anxiety (when I'm in line for a rollercoaster I get panic attacks and feel like I'm going to die but when I ride rollercoasters I'm fine and I really enjoy them)
The only other con for top surgery and hrt for me is I stress myself out so much about people seeing me as a man and not a butch
But like that already happens?
My hormones already skew towards higher t and androgens and I'm balding and have lots of facial hair and body hair (💛💜 perks of being intersex). I go by he/they professionally and he/him ze/hir with friends & family & in lgbt spaces
Strangers perceiving me as either of the binary genders is whatever. That's going to happen no matter what I do. And as long as the people close to me get it that's what matters right?
And like my remaining grandparents already see me as Boy nonbinary and my sibling as Girl nonbinary which drives us both nuts. Its not like holding off on transitioning is making them or anyone else who chooses to perceive me as a man respect my gender identity.
I guess I'm more worried about how other wlw will perceive me when I transition? But I mostly spend time with other butches and trans people these days?? So that's mostly lingering anxiety from when I mostly knew cis lgb people
And god like this older cis bi woman at my job was onboard immediately when I told her "i know it might not be obvious BC of the facial hair and how I present myself but I'm a lesbian and I'm in a long term relationship with a woman too" she was so respectful and we started hanging out more and she even introduced me to her butch partner 😭
So it's not even like all cis wlw won't get it
Anyway if u read all this thank u for listening transgender ppl in my phone ily
Don't overthink things like me and delay ur transition for years BC u can't make decisions 👍🏻
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