#i cant really develop a routine of any kind
unhingedselfships · 2 years
I love when it's like 11AM and I'm like "sorry if I'm a lil out of it, I just woke up" and the other person is like "ooh lucky, sleeping in" and like
Fam I went to bed at 7-something-AM. I barely got a decent nap. I work evenings/nights and irregular shifts.
This sounds like I'm being super bitchy XD it really does amuse me that people just automatically assume how much sleep you got based on when you woke up like they think everyone gets magically knocked out at 9PM or something.
Even when I worked days I didn't sleep for shit.
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swiftcast-selene · 5 months
✨ pre-dawntrail wol questions! ✨
over on our little server i've been asking a WoL development question a day until dawntrail and it's been well-recieved so far, so after a month of doing it i figured i may as well put them on here~
use them to draft your own posts! send each other asks about them! answer them in the tags! do whatever you want with them, as long as you're having fun!
how is your wol about personal hygiene? are they on top of it? always perfumed and spotless, a little messy sometimes, or do they have to be reminded to groom?
is there a texture your wol absolutely can't stand, either food or feeling-wise? or is it not something they tend to worry about? do they go to great lengths to avoid it or do they just power through it?
what is your wol's evening routine? do they prepare for the next day? do they just wing it? do any weapon or gear upkeep? just pass out because that's tomorrow them's problem?
how does your wol's echo manifest itself? do they see visions as they happen? all at once? delayed? do they get any physical symptoms from it?
does your wol have any siblings? how do they get along with them? is it a good relationship or is it tense?
how does your wol feel about romance? are they a hopeless romantic, waiting for The One, or are they more casual? do they believe in soulmates?
how does your wol feel about their hair? is it important to them? just kind of in the way? who cuts it? do they take good care of it or are they not particularly fussed about it?
how good is your wol at taking care of their armor/clothes? do they mend them themself? pay to gave it fixed? just change it when it gets old?
what's in your wol's travel bag? any trinkets? any vital items they cant go without? do they travel light and figure stuff out on the fly, or do they bring way too much with them? (bonus points if you have images!)
how does your wol sleep? very light? very heavy? do they need a specific item to fall asleep? is it easy for them to fall asleep, or does it take them forever? where do they prefer sleeping?
where was your wol during the last calamity? how did it make them feel? did it change their life, and if yes, for better or for worse?
shadowbringers spoilers: how did they feel being so... up and personal with another calamity? did they feel responsible? scared? did they feel like they owed the first to stop it, or were they more detached from the situation?
for the canon casters: what does casting magic feel like to your wol? how does being "out of mana" feel?
for the physical fighters: how does it feel when they do those impossible moves? the twirls, the jumps? do they supplement with aether? dynamis? is it purely physical or is something else involved?
what would your wol be if they weren't the wol? what would they do as a job or career? would they be happier?
is your wol good at cooking? what's their specialty? what can they never get right no matter how hard they try? what flavour profile are they good at cooking? what do they eat on the road?
out of all the scions, which one is the one your wol gets along with the best? what about the one they get along with the least? why?
how good is your wol with money? do they save up? scrounge around? spend it with wild abandon?
what would you say is your wol's greatest flaw? what part of their personality causes them the most problems?
what is your wol's best quality? what's the thing that they do that really gets stuff done of makes people like them? hard mode: their own perception vs. a friend or partner's perception.
what does your wol do to unwind? any hobbies? reading? sewing? croquet? sitting in a dark room in complete silence?
how good are your wol's table manners, based on their own culture? how does it compare to ishgardian table manners? eorzean? doman? steppe?
what is your wol's inner monologue like? do they refer to themself as "i"? "we"? "you"? is it organized or all over the place? are they kind to themself, or do they chide themself constantly?
what's your wol's relationship with food? do they skip meals or do they eat at specific times religiously? is food important to them, or is it just a means to an end to keep their body going? does food mean something cultural or personal to them?
what is your wol's relationship with their family? are they estranged? still very close? tense?
what does your wol think about lying? is it unacceptable to ever lie, are white lies okay, are they a pathological liar? how do they feel about people who lie to them?
how does your wol feel about allag in general? the tech, the experimenting, the crystal tower? any thoughts on allagan ruins? are they impressed, scared, resentful, neutral?
what sense does your wol most rely on? hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste? maybe even aethersense or dynamis?
how does your wol feel about mind-altering substances? do they partake? do they dislike them? are they neutral? do they take them socially, or anytime, or not at all?
how does your wol feel about children? do they want them? like them from a distance? hate them? no strong feelings?
how does your wol work out? lifting? sports? walking? how often do they do it? is it for fun or to keep up their physique? do they enjoy it?
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samarecharm · 4 months
tw disordered eating (not in explicit detail)
Whenever i write Yusuke and his relationship w the thieves, i try to emphasize that Yusuke was in a really really Really bad space not only mentally (like the others) but physically; hes bone-stick thin and you can feel his ribs jutting out if you go for a hug. Hes a bit gaunt in the face and hes got next to no muscle mass. He tires easily and hes kind of a shit fighter bc of it. The metaverse fills in the gaps a little bit, but his body is still very frail and unprepared to transition to an active lifestyle after years of surviving off of such a bare bones calorie diet. For my Akira, it is the driving force behind wanting to takedown Madarame; hes a sucker for a pretty face but hes also unable to look away from someone actively wasting away because of the actions of their guardian.
If any of them try to mention Yusukes physical state or diet, he often deflects, angrily, reminding them that he is abnormally tall, and that that obviously contributes to his thin (frail) stature. Its very hard to get him to eat while theyre in saferooms, and he often lags behind while exploring the museum. He cant stay in combat for too long, and at some point, Akira debates if he should even allow Yusuke to stay on the team; if he passed out or Worse under Akiras watch, hed never forgive himself.
BUT. As the thieves gain his trust, Yusukes a bit more willing to indulge them. He learns quickly that they arent pitying him like he initially assumed (he is far too aware of how much he feels like hes neglected his own body; and how others can easily see that neglect). They routinely eat and hang together bc thats just how they bond, and theyre just trying to invite him into their circle properly. Akira has zero experience w this kind of thing, but Ryuji and Ann are athletes and models respectively; theyre both in fields that encourage that kind of self destructive behavior, and they have some kind of insight into how to avoid falling for those same traps, and helping people who Do end up in those scenarios.
(Anns parents, despite their absence, do their best to prepare her for how cutthroat the modeling world is; to keep her from developing the kind of habits and mindsets that let young men and women destroy themselves. ESPECIALLY bc my Ann is a plus sized model. And Ryuji, as a promising track star, would know how bad it can get for professional athletes, the lengths at which theyd go to maintain their positions and ability to compete. Hes a gym rat who loves food and nutrition and knows what he needs to keep himself fit, and thats all he really needs)
They cant feed Yusuke the way they WANT to bc hes already so thin, so they just let him take from their plates to sample things and let him feel included. He starts taking up Ryujis offers to go get meals together, even is Ryuji ends up taking almost an entire extra serving home as takeout. He lets Ann drag him away to the crepe shop and her other little snack havens, even if he only leaves w a small chocolate of sorts to take home. He lets Akira make coffee and curry for them to split when he comes to Leblanc. And maybe he lets Sojiro cook a full plate for him to take back home to eat at his leisure and away from prying eyes. Yusuke goes from bitter to extraordinarily fond rather quick, and he finds himself angry that this is yet another thing Madarame has stolen from him.
By Futabas palace, hes filled out enough that Akira doesnt immediately panic when Yusuke gets tossed onto the floor by some brute of a shadow, worried that hed shattered every goddamn bone in his body on impact. He doesnt have any real muscle by any means but his face has the faintest bit of cheek fat that Ann is able to pinch w her evil little hands, and when he looks in the mirror, the ribs peek out but they dont jut out. His breathing is better, his skin is just Pale and not Ghostly white, hes got a healthy flush when he laughs at Akiras stupid puns, and he finds himself allocating a bit more of his budget towards stocking his fridge. Sometimes, Akira can even convince him to people-watch out in the sun instead of in the subway tunnels.
At some point, Yusuke becomes very vocal about things he wants, but importantly, about Food he wants. He will eagerly allow his friends to treat him if they ask, and he picks whatever sounds nice to his ears or whatever Ann and Ryuji recommend him. Part of it is due to him feeling safe enough to ask for such things; the thieves kinda laugh about his eccentricity and forwardness, but Akira, Ann and Ryuji know how different and comfortable this Yusuke is compared to the one they met. Its silly but its good; he gets to act like this bc the thieves let him be forward- they let him voice his wants and needs without a fight.
By post game, hes got the barest hint of a tummy pouch, and Ann will attack it relentless with a firm poke whenever hes foolish enough to stretch and lift his shirt to expose it. She thinks its cute 😭 Shes really happy to see it, bc she thinks of Yusuke all skin and bones and angry and scared like a feral dog barking mad, lashing out at any help they offered and working himself sick (figuratively and literally) trying to help make things right. It makes her so sad recalling it, so she likes to remind herself that hes okay now, even if hes a little embarrassed by it. She knows Akira and Ryuji do the same, inviting Yusuke to hang and just see him w their Own eyes that hes better, and that they did the right thing by insisting he join their little ragtag group.
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Hii Cas,
I am in need of some advise. I am 13 years old and have questioned my sexuality for a long time, and am finally able to make peace with myself and accept that I am bisexual.
I am out to all my friends, my cousin, some other people, it really isnt a secret anymore. But i have not explicitly told my parents and I am now questioning if I will.
My parents have always been very supportive of the lgbtqia+ community until lately, they have been saying things that make me rather uncomfortable, like;
' to much people are bisexual, most of them must do it for attention and Arent really bisexual'
' you cant really be genderfluid, its just making yourself special'
' If someone would be non-binary, I would not learn his or hers pronounce'
' in the end all that matters is what is in your pants, ofcourse you are allowed to be trans but that doesnt mean you Arent the gender you were assigned at birth'
And many more mean comments about being gender fluid and non binary.
I think my parents know that im bi, but I really dont feel comfortable being a part of the lgbtqia+ community in my own home, because of their perspective.
Do you have any argument or something, because of I try to change their mind they always say something mean, and I really hate it.
Sorry for the rant, and btw, i realllyyyy love clandestine, it is my fav ficc❤️
Hey hon!
I'm so glad you're able to be out to so many people and have an accepting support system outside of your home. It sucks that your parents aren't supportive, but I'm happy you at least have that.
I do want to make sure it's SAFE to come out to your parents. As long as you feel like they won't react in a way that puts you in danger, then I'm totally down to help!
For their questions/comments, it might be good to ask them some questions back! Get them thinking. Here are some examples.
' to much people are bisexual, most of them must do it for attention and Arent really bisexual'
"What kind of attention are they getting? Why does that matter? Does supporting their identity hurt you in any way?"
' you cant really be genderfluid, its just making yourself special'
"Why does being genderfluid make you special? Does it bother you that people are genderfluid? Does supporting genderfluid people hurt you in any way?"
' If someone would be non-binary, I would not learn his or hers pronounce'
"Would it bother you if I used the wrong pronouns for you? Is it difficult to learn new words? Did you know that people who are routinely misgendered are more likely to develop mental health issues? Does supporting nonbinary people hurt you in any way?"
' in the end all that matters is what is in your pants, ofcourse you are allowed to be trans but that doesnt mean you Arent the gender you were assigned at birth'
"Why do you care what people have in their pants? Can you always tell what someone has in their pants? Does supporting trans people hurt you in any way?"
I think sometimes asking these questions helps people think about their bigoted views. Their responses will also give you an idea on if they're just ignorant or truly unsafe, you know?
Keep me updated! Naming you glasses anon!
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
real world au headcannons for reader x kinger and caine? im not sure how caine would work but i trust you to get creative with it
Real world AU w/ Caine (with a twist!)
multiple things! ive already kind of done this with kinger before, which will be linked here! and within that post is linked a second post that can also fall in with this! i decided to borrow from my ben drowned hc for this one; caine is confined to electronics and you carry him around in your phone and stuff, but unlike ben he cant pull himself into the real world for obvious reasons! hope you enjoy!
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theres so many ways that this can go down but imagine you were all once in the digital circus and everyone managed to escape, and you manage to take caine with you and implant him in your devices so you can still talk to him and interact. lets also say theres also no repercussion for this or anything messing with his coding or whatever
its like having a more intelligent and interactive siri, or something; makes sure to set alarms and reminders for you on your devices.. sometimes pulls up things for you if you mention needing a recipe or wanting to look something up
though, hes still as chatty as ever, so to outsiders it looks like youre constantly on call with someone... sure hope theres no nosy folks trying to pry into your life to see who youre talking to..!
imagine showing him around the real world and hes just asking for you to show him a bunch of random stuff; parks, stores, your home, ect ect... you probably get a few weird looks from walking around with your phone out; i mean can you blame them? you look like youre recording things and it makes you look sketchy
i think there would be some level of tension, though, or at least some conflict... i mean youre back in your real body now; it needs sleep and food... and you have a job, most likely... you cant really hang out with caine all day everyday now like in the circus.. and considering its a safe bet the circus is now out of commission, theres no one else in the digital world to keep him occupied... well he probably still has bubble, buuuuuut....
really there arent any real romantic ideas that i can give this scenario, since theres such a huge barrier between you two now... though i guess theres nothing stopping the reader from trying to build a body for caine... hmm... maybe ill save that for another day if thats something someone wants!
take this as a moment to show him a bunch of media too; movies and books and everything like that! let him develop his own taste in media and find what he likes and doesnt like... talk to him about it!
though theres a solid chance hes going to like what you like, i mean he likes you enough to have let you be the one to take him home with you out of the rest of the circus members...! he definitely favors you..!
sometimes you prop your phone or open your laptop so he can sit across from you while you eat dinner or get ready to go out, it makes him feel included in your routines
sometimes tries to help you if youre working on something on your device but sometimes it leads to him just hijacking your mouse or keyboard to put his own spin on what you're working on... oftentimes he has no idea what hes doing, especially if youre doing something for work....
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 9 months
The sleep thingy you did. That's not a mistake. Dont go back to sleep unless you have at least 4 more hours to sleep or that's gonna happen again. I've been doing this a long time. I cant remember the last sweet dream I had. But there is some techniques i developed to mitigate the effects of these awful dreams. Theres a really common style of bad dream where if you pay attention, the entire dream was mostly fine but it went super sour in the last few seconds. Knowing that helps. Next; if you have one that really needs to not exist, then in the first few moments after you've woken up, commit to forgetting it. Generally, dreams happen when you're not making memories so you can exploit this by simply not thinking about it. It will fade away if you dont commit energy to thinking about it.
All of this assumes you dont already know this. Sorry for didacting at you, I sincerely hope it helps. :>
hey thanks for the advice actually!! 🌠 That is EXACTLY the kind of dreams I've been having lately, fine but odd until the last moments when something goes horrifically wrong. Then I wake up exhausted and I'm too tired to do the things I want to in the day.
There's a lot of things that have been affecting my sleep. Because of my c-ptsd falling asleep in the first place is difficult and can even feel scary to me. And I'm no stranger to horrific nightmares (doesn't make them any less terrifying though) so I usually take melatonin BUT I've been running low on those and been trying to save. I've also just been not feeling well in general, depressed, so my routines have gotten a little messed up.
Funny thing is I usually like being a morning person, when I'm feeling well. I used to get up at like 5am to bake bread before sometimes lol
Well it's best I don't ramble more now, it's already 2am and I have a therapy appointment tomorrow, hope that might help me a little :> And I'll try more to not go "ugh the floor is cold and it's still dark outside, I'm sure sleeping a little longer won't hurt hahaha ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ" when I wake up now lol
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pastriibunz · 1 month
heres your letter! i'd rather you private answer this if you do im embarrassed by how gay it is
happy birthday, princess. i know you’ve had a couple rough weeks recently, and im sorry i haven’t been able to do very much for you. i’m sorry last night even happened.
but i can do this. by the time you read this, sotbaw will be done and hopefully fully posted or queued it least. i hope every fic i've written for you this month brought you just a sliver of joy, even if they were all late lol.
this is the only letter i'm writing. i scrapped the other ones because of burnout, but this one was so easy to finish, it barely affected me at all. i’m still not the best letter writer, but i do my best.
you’re incredible. i don't want to talk about kai this whole time, but i think she deserves a mention or two at least. nothing goes unanswered (forever) or unturned when you write, and that shines when you write kai. she’s saved you, i know, but she’s saved me, too, and seeing the way she’s developed over the years (although i've missed almost all of them) is so genuinely amazing. both your drawings and writing come to life around her, no matter the tone. sotbaw would’ve been nothing if not for the little bits you helped out on, and really would’ve been nothing if you hadn’t started it, and boosted me along those first few days, not to mention the fact that you created this.
everything you touch, you improve. from our other friends, to the hatchetfield community, to me, my life, and my writing. nothing i’ve ever seen you do has been less than wonderful, and most things have exceeded even that. 
you’re kind, creative, hilarious and gorgeous. somehow you’ve wormed your way into my heart, and my daily routine in just a few months, and if i have any say, you’ll stay there. from the way you connect to other people, to hearing you sing and read while we’re on call, every moment from you is worth keeping in a locket.
and yes, i mean every single moment. the more time i get with you, the more i believe that there may be a god, and he’s gifted me with the most incredible person in the world.
you’re everything to me. i hope, somehow, i make you even a fraction of how happy you make.
i can’t wait to marry you someday. to see you dancing with your friends, singing at the top of your lungs, dressed in what i’m sure will be the prettiest dress in the world, just for the fact it’ll be yours.
i’ll see you in seattle, with our book on the shelf in our living room.
happy 16th birthday. i hope you enjoy your present. you’re the best friend, and best qpp i could ever have dreamed of, and ever have asked for. here is fic 21 and 22, 
surprise! and finale.
          raspy <2
im. im literally gonna cry
listen. im not the best with words. not when im not talking about kai. but. i really do love you. i think youre the best thing thats ever happened to me. youve made me better. thank you for everything you do. i love you more than anything.
i cant wait to see you. youll be the most gorgeous woman ive ever seen. not that you arent already are. i just feel itll be better in person.
i love you, raspberrysmoon. thank you for loving me.
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utterdrip · 8 months
hello im back (that anon who cant play bg3 herself but needs to Explode dekarios-style over her tav and astarion)
i wrote a full ask for axelias backstory to provide context but then i realized how long the ask would get . so here i am with half of what i need to rant over AJSJSJA
ANYWAYS axelia (my rogue tiefling who was a street urchin) and astarion are absolutely enemies to lovers in the same way shadowheart and lae'zel would be enemies to lovers !! they initially hate each other w a Passion but thats before they realize how eerily similar they are w their experiences and outlooks, and how the other can only really begin to understand why they behave the way they do
initially axelia hates astarion bc she has Issues with political figures (the start of her Trauma is bc of one bribed politician that fucked her already poor family over .) and while she wouldnt admit it easily she had a bias AJSJAJAJJ the only thing she really cared about when she got out of the nautiloid was to get back to her younger sister (hope). astarion would pick up on the friction pretty quickly and sass her right back the most to the point where its honestly a routine for them to fight and the only thing missing is either of them copying shadowheart and laezel w the blade at the throat
however. axelia got to know more about astarion beyond his facade . what really was the first thing that made her empathize w This One Of All People is how they both really dont trust/like ppl who display themselves as a lawful hero AJSJAJJAJ she grew up as a street urchin who was forced into that position bc of a guy who pretended to be good, and nobody would help her, a starving dirty tiefling child whos providing for both her and her sister, without smth in return ? so yeah no she Fucking Gets It .
time passes on and she develops an old married couple dynamic w astarion AJJSJSJA like still bickering but more lighthearted as they learn to empathize more w each other. fast forward to him trying to seduce her for the first time and it was a "might as well happen" thing for her KWNRKSJAJA she felt comfy enough that she didnt see any reason to refuse, and she didnt want to admit it at the time but she was def growing more unironically fond of him and his company
the more she hears about astarions story the more she gets furious for him and determined to show him that there are people who will fight for him . its the protective kind of love that axelia doesnt even realize is whats happening. she just knows that above all else, cazador needs to Die and she'd be willing to risk her own safety just to help astarion see it through
by this time theyre in a relationship w no labels AJJSAAA basically act 2 relationship. theyre both not exactly sure what they are to each other but they both know they can rely on the other to actually Give A Shit about them. while they both still love to argue and Disrespect each other its the fun kind where they definitely know its just banter at this point that they can easily use to team up on the others <33
act 3 comes and while axelia also gets the fear behind astarion wanting to ascend so badly she also knows that thats not a decision hed be too proud of if he could see the consequences now AJSJAJAJ so ofc spawn route <33
this is already a super long ask and i apologize for that but thats roughly how i see them progressing if i could acrually play the game </3 i have more Thoughts but ill shut up for now AJSJSJAJA but thank you for reading all that if ever <33
-���️ (new anon !)
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axelia sounds like a fucking Deligjt and i empathize SO HARD. with distrusting political figures. astarion says magistrate and i tense up like a scared cat
it mustve been like whiplash for axelia tho!! him first acting all posh and haughty and “im a magistrate i put away trouble makers i do it sooooo often its boooooring to talk about” and then. hes like okay so if u had to die. how would u want to die. are u cool if i just like drain the baddies we kill. can i please please pleeeease open this door to creatures fucking i wanna see what they look like and make fun of them. like this little fop being the most bastard gremlin of a man is everything to me
honestly playful bickering is So Important to me like if u cant chat the shit with your partner, if you cant make fun of yourself with and for them its just boring imo.
i wonder—how does she begin to start opening up to him as well? like is there a specific catalyst do u think? like i feel like her having a protective anger over astarion would make him be like ????we are barely more than strangers why do—oooooooooohhhhh you have siblings. dont you (disdainfully)
idk im just throwing shit at the wall bht im adoring this i reallt hope ur able to make it a reality sooner!!!!!!
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tea-with--honey · 1 year
The Ted Lasso Finale has left me EMPTY. like man I knew they were gonna be kind of realistic about and it stuff but a lot of it just didnt feel like an ending to me? Do I think its probably what would happen if the show was completely realistic? Yes. Do I think it made ANY sense narratively? NO.
Like I'm actually very happy about what they've done with Roy and Colin and maybe maybe maybe Nate but thats it. Nate on paper worked okay for me but I just felt like he didnt have his big moment? That could have been intentional though.
I may ship Tedbecca/Tedpendent but I would have been fine without it if they didnt??? Do them so dirty like that???? Like they did NOT need to tease us like that throughout the entire episode that was just plain mean. Like hello????? the scene in Rebecca's house?? The 'you go, I go?' Ted actually saying that Rebecca pulled a rom-com moment on him? Hell Rebecca getting a first-class seat and Coach Beard leaving the seat next to Ted open? Its like they loaded MULTIPLE Chekov's guns that didnt fire. i would have been fine okay and THEN they pulled up with Boat guy coming back. What. Even. I hated that so bad.
And guys Trent not even getting a moment to really say goodbye to the man who he got fired over was so??? AHHAHSHSJDDGSB
AND IM MAD ABOUT COACH BEARD AND JANE. Especially after so many scenes that indicated that the better choice for Beard was to break it off. And also jane was just, incredibly toxic.
Also I would have hoped that they spent a better part of the season establishing that Ted needed to go home? Idk it just felt like I was waiting for Ted to reveal that he stayed in London the entire time. Henry is obviously a very important part of his life but we didnt even get to see Ted being fulfilled and being there for the reason he went back home in the first place!!! At least give us some scenes where Ted doesnt look like hes about to have another panic attack back in Kansas and he's actually spending time with his little boy.
Okay im just gonna put all the other things that bothered me in a list because im sleepy but I gotta get this all out
The way we have 0 idea what rebecca found out from the doctor
The green matchbox thingy not being addressed
The lack of Bex and the Rupert's ex assistant girlie in the episode. I know them going into Rebecca's house served as a plot point but I wish we still got to see them yknow
Not getting to see Sam's restaurant again
We literally dont even get to hear what Trent wrote in 'The Lasso/Richmond Way' I had hoped there would be at least a reading of it played over some 'future' scenes
Also that Ted looks so unhappy at the end and he just as always steps aside. WHERE DID HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GO
Also how OOC Ted seemed this episode, I thought they were setting up him revealing to be just really upset hence the behavior but nope nothing nada
Lack of Jade
Doctor Sharon's reaction scenes feeling shoehorned in
While I do love her getting her own official position in the team I wish they just saved showing her character for that scene specifically. Idk the rest of her cheering scenes just didnt really add much
the lack of discussion on mr awful therapist
Ted seemingly still living in the same house as his ex wife who is currently dating his ex marriage counselor
Theres more I just cant think about it anymore
Anyways they did the Diamond Dogs and the Sound of Music routine so right but thats really it for me. Would love to rant about the ending with anybody so DMs are always open
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maxe-murderer · 9 months
Saw your tags on the post about kids not being computer literate and you saying that kids just don't know how to do something new and I'm a high school music teacher and that is so unbelievably true.
I'll have 30+ kids in a room and each will wait until I'm standing next to them to do anything. They get bored easily and don't know how to just play around, they need their hand held constantly. It makes it so so difficult to teach when I'm constantly running around and each kid wants me to only pay attention to them!
I've tried to show them how to compose and give them instructions and they're still so lost all the time. They all just seem kind of dead inside, not really caring what happens around them.
I don't mean to insult these kids, more just say that I totally understand what you're saying. Everyone is seeing it now. Most kids were never taught to care it seems, they just passively move through their own lives. And then they tell me that they're bored and I'm pointing to all the options they have of things to explore and learn and they just never want to try any of it. It's so so frustrating.
its absolutely insane how much kids seemingly just cant care. ill stand by the statement that last years high school seniors were the last class where the vast majority made it out of covid online school mostly ok. high school seniors rn missed freshman year and the rest missed a year of middle school which we're seeing very obviously affecting everything abt them rn. a lot of kids straight up don't know what a passing period is, social skills have been super stunted cause they were spending middle school isolated and on tiktok, and yeah, no one knows how to care.
cause theyve not rlly been given a reason to, you know? they were thrown into what easily felt like to end of the world when they were too young to do anything abt it and too young to properly understand it. all while they don't get the routine of going to school, they cant do the extracurriculars they like, they're not allowed to hang out with their friends. Some of the most important years for a lot of development were spent being told nothing but all the horrible things going on in the world. "if everything is this awful and there's nothing (I'm able) to do about it why does any of this matter" sorta thing.
and they dont have the skills needed to deal with that. then they also don't have a lot of the skills needed to be a functional student so they're struggling there too - not necessarily with their grades, but I think you know what I mean. freshman year is when you learn to be a high schooler in both the academic/going between classes sense and in the social sense and middle school is when you learn to be like, a person. without that you get a bunch of high schoolers acting like middle or even elementary schoolers with a high schooler's knowledge of everything that's awful and they still don't have the ability to do anything abt it.
they dont see a reason to care and they don't know how to just try things cause they didn't have the space to just try things for a while. online they were given their assignments and that was it. extracurriculars that continued online didn't help either - like, online theater was so focused on "can we get this done" that there wasn't a whole lot of space for the actors to try and properly act beyond say the words and putting a little bit of something into it - and a lot of those extracurriculars that did continue online couldn't always include all of the kids who would be a part of them normally - again, theater, you couldn't have any kids doing tech beyond maybe an AD and/or SM. like shit dude, if I was in their position id feel fucked!
and its definitely easier to notice with younger kids. they have a worse version of the stunted social skills. the only way I can describe it is that these kids are spoiled. not necessarily spoiled in the traditional sense but for a while their world consisted of online school, most likely being put in front of an iPad cause their parents had to work or take care of the house or were just too tired themselves (and some were just bad parents, and oh boy can you tell when a kid is an iPad iPad kid), and then being the only or one of the only things for their parents to pay attention to. If they have siblings its still only a few ppl to split attention between and if the sibling(s) is older then they could have still gotten the majority of the attention, and if they're an only child then they were seemingly the center of the world for a while to them.
so a lot of them dont know how to share attention and they don't know how to not be told exactly what to do. they don't know how to have fun if they're not told how to (unless its like, roblox, not even Minecraft a lot of them don't know how to play Minecraft!) working summer camp, I had so much trouble getting kids to be engaged in stuff that they liked. the kids who signed up for theater classes cause they like theater barely wanted to do theater. the only classes I didn't struggle to get them engaged with was the art classes that everyone wanted to sign up for, photography (it was mostly older kids and more importantly I think, using ipads), and oddly enough the asl class (I think because that one was so specific compared to the other classes that it rlly was only kids who were interested, and I think kids find sign language cool in general. like "wow I can talk with my hands!" or "oh cool we heard abt this in that one book we read!" sorta thing).
im sure you know this, and idk how coherent this ramble is. ive just been thinking abt this for a while cause of just how insane it is to me. cause from what I've seen these kids arent rlly learning all those skills they missed out on. they're just gone.
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seita · 4 years
— better than (m.)
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pairing : iwaizumi/reader
wordcount : 3.087
genre : fluff, smut, pwp
cw : college!au, athletic trainer!iwaizumi
tags : implied age gap (hes 27 reader is in college- age nkt specified. he's older tho), size kink, dom!iwa, pussy job (a lil bit), multiple orgasms, sensitivity kink (if u squint), squirting, fingering, creampie, aftercare.
note : this was just an excuse to write about how iwaizumi is better than any other boy <3 thank u to @toshisins for beta'ing this for me <3
+ summary : you're so tired of dumb college boys who hump and dump, with no stroke game, and can never even try to get you off. that is, until you meet 27 year old iwaizumi hajime.
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When you first met Iwaizumi Hajime at the bar near your college campus, you noticed how good looking he was. Well, that was an understatement - he was tall, fit with tanned skin and a confident aura that made you weak in the knees.
You hadn't actually had the courage to approach him, however. Instead, you let some college boy buy you a cheap drink and take you home for some mediocre sex before kicking you out after not even 15 minutes of his reckless humping.
The second time you met him was at the same place. He was sitting at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey that was almost empty. His back was to you and it gave you a wonderful view of his broad shoulders.
The mediocre lay from the last time you had been there attempted to chat you up again with false confidence, as if he had been the best fuck of your life. Naturally, you weren't having any of his bullshit - he tried to rub your clit like a scratch and sniff, forcing you to pry his hand away from it, there was no chance in hell you were giving him another second of your time. He definitely wasn't the type of guy who took rejection well, if not evident by the way he exploded and went off calling you a wide, colorful variety of names paired with numerous hurtful insults that had tears of humiliation filling your eyes.
“Hey now,” a smooth, deep voice had interrupted his very public spiel, “Don’t punish the girl for your own short comings, if she doesn't wanna fuck you again, don't you think that says more about your abilities as a man?”
The other man sputtered, muttering even more curses before storming out - probably not wanting to tussle with a guy who looked like he benched every second of his day.
There was something about Iwaizumi that just immediately had your heart skipping a beat over him. He was kind, a gentleman, and never seemed desperate or overbearing. He was confident and comfortable with himself and where he was in life.
You quickly learned that Iwaizumi was 27, almost 28 and worked as an athletic trainer so he traveled a lot.
For a while, your relationship seemed one sided with him. You'd text him and he’d reply but he rarely ever actually reached out to you. You tried flirting with him, asking him out for drinks, but it never seemed to pull him in.
It was frustrating. In basically no time at all, you had developed a stupid puppy dog crush on him. You felt like a middle school girl with a crush on a high school senior - like he was never going to give you the time of day. You were simply too young for him.
You eventually stopped trying with him, choosing to delete your message thread with him and continued on with your life.
You went through more college-boy hookups - all of them ending in disaster. Quite frankly, you were fed up with mediocre cock and being treated like shit when they were done with you. It wasn't a nice feeling, being kicked out after they didn't even bother trying to make you cum.
You couldn’t help but wonder what Iwaizumi would be like in bed. He was just so attractive, you knew he had gotten his dick wet more times than he could count. He definitely seemed the type who preferred relationships over hookups.
That's when it occurred to you.
You pulled out your phone and scoured your contacts. It had been a couple weeks since you spoke but you couldn't resist bugging him just one last time. You opened a new message thread with him and quickly typed the question that was now plaguing your mind.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
It was the question that had changed the course of your relationship with him.
When you asked, it was like everything fell into place. Perhaps it finally relayed to him the interest you had. All that really mattered was the fact he suddenly began talking to you, starting conversations and even venturing into phone calls with you.
You lost all interest in those college boys you once hung out with and went home with to get laid. None of them made you feel the way Iwaizumi could with a simple text message. He was everything a girl could ask for and you were shocked he was single.
Which was why you were quick to ask him on a date, not caring if it made you look desperate -- you practically were. You would be damned if he went off the market while you were busy beating around the bush.
Going on a date with Iwaizumi was like a dream. You were so used to dates at sleazy bars for a couple of drinks just so they could hurry up and take you home for a quick fuck.
Iwaizumi took the time to take you on several dates -- dinner, movies, walks around town to obscure shops he thought you might like, before it finally led to the bedroom.
You had never been nervous with sex but with Iwaizumi it was different. The routine was dumb college boys who usually fawned over your tits for a few minutes before their hard ons became the center of their brain function.
You found yourself completely bare on his bed as he stood at the foot, fully clothed. The way his eyes raked across your body like a lion eyeing its next, delicious meal had you curling in on yourself shyly.
His lips quirked up as your arms came across your breasts, shielding them from his predatory gaze, “Oh now, you know better than that, don’t you? What kind of good girl hides herself, hm? Acted so eager for my cock all this time, now you wanna be shy?”
You gasp, cheeks flushing hot as you register his words -- he’d known you wanted him that badly all this time?
He clicks his tongue, “You didn’t think you were subtle did you? Bet you would have done anything to get your paws on my dick when I got off work early the other day, hm? Showed up at your apartment...you were starin’ real hard at me, I’m right aren’t I?”
You think that to that day, lashes fluttering against your cheeks at the memory. He was wearing loose gray sweats and a muscle tank top that showed his biceps flexing with every movement he made. Your eyes had immediately been drawn, however more down to his crotch instead. Where you could clearly see the outline of his cock through the material.
You had stuffed your little fingers in your cunt for hours that night, thinking about how big he looked -- even soft, couldn’t imagine if he was hard.
“Ah, there you go again,” he muses, snapping you out of your haze, “Maybe if you ask real pretty for me, I’ll give you just what you want.”
“Please,” you immediately gasp, “Want you so much Hajime, i-it hurts. Can’t stop thinkin’ about you…”
“It hurts?” he huffs, finally reaching up to pull his shirt off, leaving you to ogle his pecs and defined abs, which flex as he works on removing his jeans, “Needy little cunt hurts ‘cause you don’t have a nice, fat cock stuffing it full? Such a dramatic little baby. I just know your phone is full of some little college boys’ numbers...why don’t you give them a call?”
You shake your head, “Don’t want them! I just know they’re not as good as you, Hajime, please...please make me cum, I'll do anything?”
“Aw, those idiot little boys don’t know how to make a pretty girl like you cum, is that it?” he asks, climbing onto the bed, making the mattress dip beneath you as he slots himself between your thighs.
“No,” you pout, letting him spread your legs, hands under your knees to open you up to his greedy gaze.
“So compliant with me, you just need a real man to get you off, huh?” he smiles when you nod, “Don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of you.”
Oh, you knew. Just from the way he moved his hips against yours, parting your folds so the head of his cock glided from your clenching little hole, dragging your slick up to your clit -- you just knew that he knew what he was doing.
As you looked between your legs, you felt yourself gush at the sight. His cock was so big, long and fat, drooling precum over your slick little slit, making a mess. He wrapped his fist around his length, making you whimper as his fingers couldn’t even wrap around the girth of him. He slapped his cock against your cunt, groaning at the strings of your slick that clung to him.
“Such a messy cunt,” he sighs, making sure to spank your clit with the head of his cock, laughing breathlessly when your thighs jumped in response to the sudden stimulation, “So fucking eager for me, aren’t you?”
“Uhuh,” you sigh, arching your hips, “Want you to fuck, please, Hajime, need it so bad.”
Much to your dismay, he shakes his head, “Can’t just put it in, pretty baby,” the pet name makes you whimper, “It’ll hurt too much, want you to feel good, yeah?”
“I can handle it,” you breathlessly reassure, canting his hips upward once more to drag your clit against that ridge on the crown of his cock, “Jus’ put it in…”
He doesn’t respond this time but still makes no move to put his cock inside. You’re distracted, however, by the way he now focuses on playing with your clit. Using his cock, he drags the underside across the hard little bud, slaps it once with the tip and before you know it your body is seizing up and you cum.
You let out a string of curses, falling limp against the bed as he works you through the quick high.
“See, that was so easy,” he chuckles, “Those stupid little boys you’ve been letting screw you have no idea what they’re doing, do they? Little cunts so sensitive, I barely even had to do anything to make you cum.”
You’re still trembling when you come down, licking your lips as you give him a dopey little smile and a nod at his cooing. He can’t resist leaning down, and pressing his lips against yours almost desperately. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding him in a deep kiss while his hand finds its way between your legs, two fingers sliding easily into your slick little cunt.
You moan into his mouth, “Hajime ah! ...please, make me cum again.”
“Fuck, you’re so desperate for me,” he hisses through his teeth, “Clenching around my fingers so tight. If I crook my fingers...right here...I bet you’ll just…”
As if on cue, his fingertips hook on your g-spot and you squeal, legs kicking out as you gush around his fingers. He bites his lip and continues to fuck his fingers against that spot, watching your eyes roll back, mouth falling open in a silent cry as you cum for the second time in mere minutes.
“Y-You’re so good, Hajime…” you praise softly, “Fuck, please, give me your cock now!”
He laughs and sits up properly again, pulling his fingers from your cunt. He examines them for a second, slick with your cum and streaks of cream covering the digits before he pops them into his mouth with a moan, savoring the taste of you.
“Alright, baby,” he sighs after pulling out his fingers with a pop!. He grips you beneath the knees again and scoots closer until his tip prods at your entrance. You shudder at the feeling, “Relax for me, pretty girl, let me in…”
Iwaizumi begins pushing in, letting out a soft groan as the head finally buries itself in your cunt. You squeal at the feeling, pulling your knees closer to your chest. The sound of you moaning and whimpering just from his head has him throbbing almost painfully against your tender cunt.
“Almost there…” he huffs, grinning at the sight of your eyes rolling back, “Ah, does that feel good?”
“Yes!” you cry out, “Biggest cock I’ve ever had…’s full…”
“Yeah, baby? It feels so good to finally get your cunt filled with a nice, big cock huh?” he laughs when you nod eagerly, “It’s alright, baby. You won’t have to deal with any mediocre college boys anymore, yeah? This cock’s all yours now…you hear that? All yours.”
Your hand flies down between your legs, finding your clit. He watches with lidded eyes as you circle the little bud and squeal, keeping his hips still to let you cum around his cock nice and hard like you need.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” he hums, “Get yourself off, you know what you need...atta girl…”
You sigh happily at his praise, licking your lips and relax against the bed once more. He takes that as his hint that you were ready, pulling his hips back before roughly slamming back inside your sensitive cunt. It knocks the air from your lungs and you cry out, unable to hold back your noises as he fucks you senseless.
He uses his strength to keep you pinned, forcing your knees against your chest, leaving your cunt open and vulnerable to his pistoning cock. Iwaizumi is so big that the stretch burns every time he sinks back into you, the tip touching your cervix with every calculated thrust, making your entire body ache with the deep pain of it.
But it all feels so good, you’d never been fucked like that before. He knew exactly where to aim his cock, keeping his eyes fixed on your face to watch your reactions, gaze flicking down to where his cock stuffs your cunt full to watch you coat him in your cream whenever he grazes that sweet little spot deep inside you -- a spot no other man had ever tried to find before.
“Feel good?” he questions, though he knew the answer even before you cry it out.
“Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” you sob, “I-It feels so good, Hajime! Fuck, you’re so good at fucking me! You make me feel like a virgin all over again!”
He grins, “Yeah, I know I am, baby.”
His cocky, confident response would have been a turn off with any other man, but with him -- it only made you moan. He had every right to be cocky, he knew just how to use his cock and it was exhilarating.
“You gotta cum again for me, pretty,” he pants, “Cum again, one more time, let go.”
Your throat burns from how much you scream for him, the messy noises coming from him fucking your sloppy cunt should be embarrassing -- you’ve never made such a mess before. You’ve never been so wet, creaming and gushing all the way down his balls.
He didn’t seem to mind, instead he seemed to only be turned on by it.
“I want you to squirt, can you do that for me? Make a pretty mess for me.”
You shake your head, “D-Don’t know how...Can’t.”
“Yes you can, baby,” he purrs, “I can make you, you know that I will.”
You didn’t but, you couldn’t help but nod -- immediately believing him and trusting him. He shifts his knees just slightly, changing his center of balance before his palm curls over your pubic bone, thumb effortlessly finding itself pressed against your clit.
The change in angle lets him hit your g-spot even more brutal than before. You’re immediately arching and crying out for him, eyes rolling back into your head as you feel your orgasm slam into you faster than you’d ever experienced.
Instead of slowing you down, he works you through it, keeping the same, animalistic pace and keeps his thumb pressed against your clit, the rough pad of his thumb has you ogling. If anything, the calloused hands of Iwaizumi proves to you how much of a real man he is, those college boys have nothing on him.
“Give it to me, c’mon,” he urges, clenching his teeth together from the effort it takes to keep going to this hard and fast pace.
“H-Haji…” you cut yourself off as you feel yourself get thrown over the edge again. This time, something feels different and you can’t help but sob, “Please! I-I’m gonna-!”
“That’s it, fuck!” he moans, pace stuttering when you squirt -- your cum splashing against his abs as you shudder and squeal, “Good fuckin’ girl, my good girl. Shit, where do you want me to cum?”
“I-Inside! Fuck, please! I need your cum!” you immediately sob, nails biting in his biceps where you reach out to grip him -- trembling and crying from overstimulation as he works towards his own high.
“You sure? Shit,” you nod, breathless pleas falling from your lips as he finally stills, spilling his load deep inside with a long, drawn-out groan.
Everything is still for a moment and then he’s pulling out with a hiss. You whine at the feeling of your cunt gaping, yearning for his cock again, as his cum leaks out.
He hums, “Sorry about that, let me get you cleaned up.”
You sigh, and close your eyes, trying to relax and let your body settle its trembling. He comes back and quietly works on cleaning the mess between your thighs.
“Alright, up you go,” he sighs, taking your arm and helping you to your feet. You whine and wobble for a second, making him laugh, “You good?”
“Y-Yeah…” you stumble a bit and lean against his dresser, looking for your discarded clothes.
He has his back to you as he strips his sheets. Suddenly, you feel shut out -- like you shouldn’t be there anymore.
He brushes past you to his closet, pulling out some fresh sheets. You feel silly, standing there naked while he gets ready for bed. You bend down and grab your panties, clumsily putting them on before moving to pick up your dress, where it’s crumpled on the floor.
“What’re you doing?” he laughs, “That won’t be comfortable to sleep in.”
“Huh?” you tilt your head to the side and he pauses fluffing his pillows.
“What...you didn’t think I was kicking you out, did you?” he asks and scoffs at the face you make.
“Well I...usually I…” you shift on your feet nervously and he frowns, walking up to you.
He cups your cheeks and makes you look at him, “Jesus, who have you been fucking?” he laughs and gently nudges you towards the bed, “Lay down before you fall over.”
Fighting back a smile, you do as you’re told and sit on the bed, watching as he puts on a fresh pair of sweats, waiting for him to join you. When he does, he immediately pulls you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Take a nap, and then we’ll take a shower.”
“It’s 11 at night, it wouldn’t be a nap,” you counter with a giggle.
“Well,” he sighs, “Take a shower in the morning then, and then we can go get breakfast, yeah?”
You smile and relax against him, “Sounds good.”
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seita © 2020 | all content and its rights belong to me. do not modify or repost
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midnightsxxvi · 3 years
In Vino Veritas (Part 1)
Summary ─ Bucky never thought there’d come a day where you’d stop bothering to even ask him to come to Friday pub nights. You’d given up, but one night he shows.
Pairing ─ bestfriend!bucky  x avenger!reader
Warnings ─ fluff x angst. alcohol use and light swearing. two friends who cant figure out feelings? 
Word Count: 2800+
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gif by buckysbarnes
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In Vino Veritas
Under the influence of alcohol, a person tells you the truth
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“I didn’t think you’d show!” Natasha interrupted the middle of Steve’s sentence to yell at someone out of view.
Steve was not completely bothered, and just shook his head with a little grin. “Nat.”
You followed Natasha’s gaze, seeing that her reason for interrupting Steve’s riveting story of testing organic versus non organic ingredients was valid because tonight Bucky had decided to show up.
Going out on Fridays has been an event that developed naturally over the past year. It started with you and Natasha, wanting to get out of the tower more after the world had been rebuilding itself. It wasn’t long after that Sam started to join, and then Steve, making the four of you who had found routine. Sometimes Wanda would join, and Sam’s sister Sarah had come along a couple times if she was in town. Thor had come along once but then he caused quite the scene at the pub causing you all to get kicked out and have to pick a new place. That was a long story. Anyway.
Bucky had never joined. No matter how many times you all invited him, or told him how much he was missed, he always said no. Sometimes you swore he looked intrigued, but he never showed. The excuses eventually stopped and he would give a simple no thanks and you guys were giving up hope so much that you hardly bothered to ask anymore.
You’d spent too many Fridays glancing at the door, hoping he’d walk in. Sure, the two of you spent plenty of time at the compound hanging out, and rarely, oh so rarely, he’d come along shopping in the city with all of you. But the Fridays at the pub were special, and you wished that your favourite person would come to fill the empty space meant for him.
“Woah, what?” Sam whistled as Bucky sauntered over. “Buck? Is that really you?”
Steve nudged Sam’s arm, “Don’t make such a big deal.”
“Yeah, you’ll scare him away,” Nat grinned.
Sam scooted over, making room for Bucky who slid in beside him with a shy smile.
“Hey,” Bucky said quietly, raising his hand a bit in a shy attempt at a wave. “Yeah, yeah. I’m here.”
You were usually part of the banter at the table, but Bucky showing up had you quiet, gazing at him across the table in disbelief.
Nat leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Bucky with a smirk. “Well well well, you listened for once.”
“How’d you convince him?” Sam put his arm around Bucky who only looked mildly bothered.
Bucky mirrored Nat’s crossed arms. “She promised me that she’d never ask again if I showed up just this one night. This is all you’ve got, guys. Make it count.”
“So melodramatic,” Steve chuckled, “Let me get you a drink.”
Nat shook her head, “I also bribed him. Who knew that would work?”
Bucky ignored this and looked at Steve, “I don’t need a drink. I’d still be sober anyway.”
“No, I’ve got the good shit,” Steve looked proud of himself as he brought a flask out. “Send your thanks to Thor, wherever he is.”
“I think Australia,” you mumbled, not understanding why the guy loved Australia so much.
Bucky had been kind of avoiding eye contact with everyone, clearly a little nervous over the whole ordeal, but as you finally spoke up, his eyes were right on you. You swore his smile had subtly grown, and he quickly looked away again. It was so hard to get him to open up, which was understandable, and he was so quiet, which was understandable. But sometimes you wish he’d just look at you, and let himself feel you look too. Let himself relax enough to stop looking around as if on guard, or stop glaring for once, and notice any admiring eyes.
Sam interrupted, “No no, go back, what was the bribe?”
“Simply, if he showed, then all of us would promise to never ask again,” Nat explained.
“How were you supposed to convince us of that!”
You quietly sipped your drink before telling her, “I am not agreeing to that.”
“I mean,” Bucky spoke up and you looked at him again to find him looking right back, “You haven’t asked in a while.”
“Maybe I was planning to.”
While Bucky was semi-distracted, Steve was looking around, trying to make eye contact with one of the servers to order Bucky a drink. The bartender had already noticed Bucky come in and go to the table of these regulars, so Steve gained the attention easily.
“What could I get ya, sir?”
“Get him a–”
“Steve,” Bucky hushed but Steve persevered.
“Whiskey neat, please and thank you,” Steve used his most charming voice.
Bucky didn’t stop him, and he still had a small smile on, which was a good sign.
He didn’t stop anyone from any teasing, and his smile grew as the banter changed. He didn’t stop Steve from adding the Asgardian stuff to his drink, or stop Sam from feeding him a fry or two. Even though he’d insisted he’d never come again, Bucky seemed to actually be enjoying himself.
Bucky Barnes had not felt the buzz of alcohol this strongly since the 40s.
           And it was nice, he thought.
          Now, in a comfortable environment Bucky could be chatty on his own, and he could also be quite witty when he wanted to be, especially with a smaller group. But going out to the pub, he was grateful for the push of the alcohol.
          About once a month, the pub would have a Trivia night which people could join in on from their phones, and winners of the round would get a free drink or appetizer. Of course, this happened to be tonight.
         Bucky was getting better with his phone, but he didn’t join in. Instead, he leaned over to help Sam with as many questions as he could. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much.
         “What kind of question is this?” Steve muttered, squinting at his own phone. “Nat, what’s the answer?”
         Natasha was banned from playing the game because she knew every answer. Seriously, the pub owners told her she wasn’t allowed to win prizes anymore.
         “No clue,” she told him, obviously lying.
         “What even is an HTTP!” Steve huffed. The question was what does http stand for? Poor guy knew how to work spyware but had never typed http in his life.
         Bucky looked very concentrated. “It has to be B, Sam.”
         You also had no clue what the answer was, but decided to listen to Bucky so you clicked on B.
          “No, that sounds stupid,” Sam shook his head. “I’m going with A.”
         “Mhm, okay,” Bucky shook his head.
         Who knows what Steve put in, but it wasn’t the correct one, because the answer showed up momentarily, the answer being B, as Barnes said.
“What!” Sam laughed, looking at Bucky with amusement, “Man, I’m sorry!”
“Told ya,” Bucky smirked. He started taking a sip, trying to look smug, but then his smile broke and he started giggling, “I don’t even know what this means though!”
You were giggling too and explained, “It is used in the web search bar, coming up before the www-dot. You’ve probably never noticed.”
“Never,” Steve sighs.
“You knew the acronym though? Nice!” Sam was all smiles and reached across the table to give you a fist bump.
“Admittedly no,” you blushed, “Just trusted Barnes enough.”
Bucky’s eyes lit up in a bit of surprise, and he almost looked shy about this for some reason. The confidence he gained from the alcohol quickly took over though and he raised his bottle to you, “Thank you.”
Mirroring him, you raised your glass, and the two of you took a swig of your drinks in tune.
The next question was up, and Steve rubbed his palms on his jeans, feeling the competition. He was very close to winning, but the last round messed him up.
Nat was laughing at his dramatics, “You’ve got this, Steve. Win us a round.”
         “Help me, Natasha,” he muttered under his breath, staring at the screen.
“Shit, it’s the last question,” Sam rubbed Bucky’s arm in excitement for some reason.
The question was: When was the tamagotchi released?
“Oh shit, even I don’t know this,” Nat hummed. “Good luck, Steve.”
Sam nudged Bucky, “Do you have a magic answer for this one too?”
Bucky ran his fingers along his beard, touching along his jaw nervously, “I don’t know what a tamagotchi is?”
Staring at the multiple choice, you were surprised to realize that you knew the answer. A, 1982, was too early, B, 2000, was too late, C, 2010, was straight up horrible, and so of course it had to be D, 1996.
Steve tapped an answer and set his phone down dramatically, “Has to be ‘96.”
Bucky, in a semi-serious manner, told him, “I think it’s 2000. Sam, go with 2000.”
“No,” Sam grinned. “I agree with Steve. That seems right.”
Bucky looked at you then, before you could hit the answer, and he asked, “What did you guess?”
You knew it was D, of course. And you did want to feel the satisfaction of possibly winning the round and earning your table a free appetizer, but also, Bucky’s smile was so sweet and he looked so eager over the possibility of you listening to his suggestion.
Fuck it, Steve can win us some fries instead, you grinned back at Bucky and said, “I’ll trust ya again, Barnes. 2000 it is.”
Nat eyed you suspiciously, watching as you changed your answer from D to B before hitting submit. When the correct answer flashed on the screen, she just kept glancing your way, biting her lip curiously.
“Aye!” Steve cheered, realizing that not only did he get the answer right, but he won the whole technology category! “I’m gettin nachos!”
“Oh fuck ya! Let’s go!” Sam nudged Bucky to scoot out of the booth so that they could go up to the bar and receive Steve’s award.
Steve and Sam slid out of the booth, Sam dashing to the bar and leaving them behind. Steeve looked to Bucky, “Coming?”
Even though Natasha was not being addressed, she also got out of the booth beside you, “I’m comin’. I want to get the first pick of the chips with the best cheese.”
BUcky briefly glanced at you to see you were making no moves. They’d be back in a minute. It’s not like five people needed to carry a plate of nachos together. “Uh, nah. But can you get me another drink?”
You sat up, “Oh, Steve, me too.”
“Yeah sure,” Steve gave a little thumbs up before following the other two.
The moment he had his back turned, you felt as Bucky slid into the booth right beside you, taking Nat’s place.
He clinked his nearly empty bottle against your glass, “Sorry I lead you to the wrong answer.”
“Mhm, not okay,” you said with a teasing grin, glancing over at him. His eyes were on his hands, so you allowed yourself the freedom of keeping yours on him.
Subtly, his noose scrunched, his smile slightly growing at your sarcasm.
“Also,” you continued, scooting a little closer, “A tamagotchi was this little hand-held game thing where you had a pet to take care of  every day. They were quite the thing in the late nineties or 2000s.”
Bucky’s brows suddenly furrowed slightly. “The late nineties?”
You kept your eyes on him as his tongue glided across his bottom lip, “Uh, so, you knew the trivia answer was wrong?”
Hand flying up to cover your face in shame, you groaned, “Well that’s embarrassing.”
He was back to grinning, eyes quickly darting up to look at you before going back to his hands clasped on the bottle. “Your trust in me outweighed all logic then, hey, doll?”
“Listen, I just wanted to be a supportive friend!”
“But then you lost!”
“Steve’s gettin’ us nachos anyway,” you nudged your arm against his, and to your surprise, he adjusted himself a little bit to get closer to you.
You’d never seen the blush of alcohol rosie up Bucky’s cheeks this way before. He seemed calm and happy, smiling over nothing, your shoulders brushed up against each other. You could feel the warmth through his shirt against you, and for some reason this was killing you.
The thing was, you and Bucky were close. Closer than you felt to Steve or Sam, and close enough that you shared a morning routine in the compound; you made him breakfast, he made you coffee, and you’d spend the morning together until whatever afternoon plans came along. If he was having an anxious night, you’d stay up with him, even if it was just in a comfortable silence in the living room alongside the quiet television. You worked well together on missions, looking out for each other and smoothly completing tasks as though you moved together.
You’d become best friends, somewhere along the way. Both shy and cautious after the Blip was reversed, you’d met when you both moved into the tower across the hall from each other, and you were grateful ever since.
So, despite the closeness, something about Bucky being here just made you so nervous, and you couldn’t shake it.
On Bucky’s end, the alcohol had gotten to him enough that he wasn’t nervous about being here anymore, but for some reason, he was nervous to sit by you. It took all his courage to slide into the booth, fulfilling some sort of longing to be close to you.
Unbeknownst to anyone, maybe even himself, you were both the reason he stayed away, yet the reason he came anyway.
The business and the noise was also a concern, but most of all, he was just nervous to be out with you. He’d seen you a few times coming home after a friday night, drunk and giggly, looking adorable in whatever outfit you'd especially picked out for the night. There were a couple times he’d picked you guys up, or just walked you to your door. Your blushed cheeks, your sweet laugh, and your tousled hair drove him crazy every time.
He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he actually came for the whole event,  especially if the asgardian mead was a possibility in the mix.
You and Bucky had sat closely many times, as friends do, but this was different.
It was different because the liquor was invigorating, and the night was invigorating, and this, to him, was the feeling right on the edge of what he wanted. If he wasn’t careful, if things went past the edge, he’d ruin it.
Because what Bucky wanted was you.
He wanted to feel you close to him every week on these Friday nights you loved so much. He wanted to watch you drink, humor you, warm you, and be the one who took you home and stayed.
But that was a dangerous territory he told himself he could never have. He didn’t deserve you, which he decided a long time ago.
So, tonight, being pressed up against you in the booth, feeling your warmth, knowing that he made you smile even just for a moment? This was enough. This was his edge of glory.
Your voice took him out of his trance as you softly called his name, “Buck?” Your arm pushed lightly against his for a second.
“Hm?” He sat up a bit more before taking a sip of his drink.
“I–” You were hesitating over something, your hand briefly brushing against his before you pulled away again, “I’m just really happy you came tonight. Even if you really don’t again. I’m happy you did, just once.”
He cleared his throat, “Uh, yeah. I– I, uh, I’m happy I came too.”
“Are you having some fun then?”
He could practically hear your smile and found himself looking over to meet your eyes. “I am, doll.”
You bit your lip nervously at the nickname, being the one to look away from him this time, even though it wasn’t like he hadn’t used the name before. He practically melted at the sweet expression, wishing he had the damn courage to just cup your cheek and hold your look for longer.
Just as he wanted to say more, possibly admit that he’d like to come again– for you, the little nacho trio had arrived back at the table. The plate of nachos was already a quarter eaten as it was set down, and Nat scooted into the other side of the booth, not even questioning Bucky’s move.
“Oh, here are your drinks!” Steve said as he slid the glasses down the table to both of you.”
A screen flashed on the televisions announcing that the next round of the trivia game was going to start.
Bucky nudged your phone on the table with the side of his hand, “Doin’ another?”
You weren’t quite planning to, but figured why not? “You’ll help me with answers?”
“Of course, doll.”
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miroyuuu · 3 years
so i expanded my cheer au’s universe to include nathan who’s a football player, murderface who’s on the wrestling team and pickles who’s a baseball player!! 
under the cut is a fuckton of thoughts/ideas developing this au further! there’s angst, halloween costumes, school sports shenanigans n more
also! a song that suits this au!! frankly any mike krol songs suit this au
also yeah i guess this is kind of ‘high school au’ but im still calling it ‘cheer au’ haha and also they look like all their grown adult selves bc thats how i’ve been drawing them and haha just ignore that
anyways THINK ABOUT IT all 5 of them are friends that go to the same school- they’re all popular for their own reasons. 
skwisgaar is popular bc his huge cheer reputation- he is the smart, beautiful, and intimidating school cheer idol- crowds part in the hall for him to walk through (hand in hand w his bf toki ofc.. wearing each others’ varsity jackets :’) toki is popular because he’s super friendly, befriends everyone and all the staff love him too! plus he’s the hot buff cheer idol who doesn’t love that. him and skwisgaar are The Couple of the school- homecoming king and queen every year haha. 
skwisgaar isnt just very skilled in cheer he is also super smart and gets high grades- him and pickles ends up tutoring the rest of dethklok when exam time comes around. anyways skwis is a prodigy- honor student, best musician in band class, cheer idol. the pressure is so much on top of his own perfectionism and fear of failure and insecurity, he often breaks down crying alone in the empty locker room before cheer routines, if he’s missing from their group toki always knows to go looking for him there n to comfort him, straighten out his bow n redo his eyeliner :’) its a routine they both know well- toki is his rock
nathan ofc is a football superstar and the biggest, toughest, scariest student there heh- he has a reputation not only for brutality but for being a star athlete. gets offered sport scholarships left and right. 
pickles is the biggest school stoner and a bit of a baseball star- he’s one of the best players on the team and is their fastest runner. seth is also on the baseball team, and even though he’s far crappier player his parents praise him so much for mediocre accomplishments, while pickles’ skill and hard work goes unnoticed. some games are won solely because of pickles saving the match, yet his parents (who only ever cheer when seth is doing something) attribute the wins to seth :’( anyways pickles hates it and is constantly trying to get seth kicked off the team
pickles is always training and practicing (the other guys keep him company and idk. pitch for him to practice his swings or smth idk i never really played baseball LMAO) but u can imagine the gang all hanging out on the baseball field after hours and just chatting while pickles practices. basically the scene in show where pickles is hitting tennis balls and nathan is shouting encouragement heh
murderface pours all his energy into wrestling- going up against him is terrifying and seeing him threaten you in the halls with a knife is worse. teachers hate him and he skips class with pickles. maybe an angsty angle about his dedication to wrestling tournaments is that his extreme low self esteem and self hatred leads him to placing way too much of his self worth on the success of his wrestling matches.
murderface drives this beaten down pickup truck and picks up pickles every morning and drives him to school bc pickles cant bear being in the car every morning with seth behind the wheel and his asshole friends in the car with him.
murderface is just as bad at driving as seth is but pickles would rather die in a car crash with him than seth.
 toki and skwisgaar do cheer performances at their school’s sport games- and the other guys not on the team for whichever sport it is will come to watch the game too. like nathan’s football games has skwistok cheerleading and pickles and murderface being the loud ass motherfuckers screaming from the bleachers, pickles with the megaphone drunkenly slurring encouraging words to nathan whos on the field, and murderface screaming threats againts the opposing team- pulling his knives out. they are the two lil dudes going batshit in the bleachers front row, waving drinks and spilling snacks all over- they also do face paint of their school’s colors (murderface and his intense competitive school spirit insists on it)
after the games they all run out onto the field and congratulate them when they win :’) after pickles wins a baseball game they run onto the field and nate n murderface picks him up and runs around the field with him on their shoulders heh and of course we get skwistok on the sidelines cheering (and then joining them after their routine is done)
ofc lots of going to parties together and getting stoned in the parking lot
there is also SO MUCH good pickleface and nickles potential in this au.... maybe an ot3 ship with them too heh.
skwisgaar and toki just like in canon cant fucking drive so nathan drives them to school in his black truck and they walk into campus as the football player and cheerleaders combo like in those cheesey high school movies- slow mo with pop punk playing in the background, all the girls going heart eyes at them haha.
maybe they’re even all in a lil garage band together on the side. they all sneak out night to go hang out together and to escape their shitty home lives and ofc to go to parties together heh
ok now HALLOWEEN time where they all go to a costume party together (maybe pickles or nate is throwing it heh) and god. just imagingin all the amazing costume possibilities for them all. all the cute slutty halloween costumes skwis would wear, maybe gorgous glowing golden angel costume. but also before the parties, they all reluctantly go trick or treating together (mostly because toki likse to, and murderface and skwisgaar need lots of candy for their horror movies and snacks routine) also ofc vampire halloween costume for skwis would be sick
sidenote imagine kid skwisgaar in little halloween costumes like a dragon, wizard or even just a lil white sheet with holes cut out to be a lil ghost :’)
 anyways toki in silly cute and ‘scary but not really’ costumes, one year hes a really cools cat, another year he’s doing detailed zombie paint that he asks pickles to apply for him (because pickles also dresses as a zombie with him some years and they twin together that year)
usually skwisgaar and toki twin together on halloween as undead cheerleaders or vampire cheerleaders!! sexy scary is their forte when it comes to halloween.  toki goes over to skwis’s place beforehand so skwisgaar can do both of their body paint. every year they take turns picking the twin costume ideas, sometimes skwisgaar thinks tokis ideas are silly but he goes along w them lovingly bc he loves him. but skwisgaar’s ideas are always perfectly executed with high effort.
if uve read this far congrats i love you
anyways this was just the stuff i was thinking about last night.. please share ur thoughts too if ya have any or just how ya feel abt this au. i am def going to draw more for it and pickles in his baseball uniform is definitely high on my list of shit to draw heh
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sidespart · 4 years
For the fake fic title, if you're still doing it: Why do you hate me? (I honestly don't know where I came up with this lol)
X-Men AU!!! Found Family + Anxceit friendship. TW: child soldiers, child endangerment, abuse etc
(So typical X-men universe set up: some people are born with the X gene, which typically triggers during puberty, giving that person a mutation which normally results in cool powers. Many people hate mutants for their differences (/ bad press of people using their mutant powers for the evilz) and so most mutants live in hiding. The Xavier Institute is a school set up by an extremely powerful mutant which seeks to provide a safe space for young mutants to learn to manage their powers, get a regular education and hopes to see peace between humanity and mutant kind. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is a group of mutants who believe humans will never let mutant live in peace and do various anti-human, pro-mutant vaguely terrorist-y actions (there’s like a billion version of the x-men and these details may not be correct for all the versions all of the time because comics but this is the vague idea))
ANYWAY PLOT - Containment breach at the Super Secret Child Soldier Lab (SSCSL) - Subject VII has escaped. Subject VII is only 6-7 years old but his mutations were artificially triggered much younger than is normal. He can warp reality and create very sophisticated illusions, but has very limited control over his powers.
Cut too - Virgil and Dee, a couple of teenage mutants living on the street. They find a little boy with a buzzcut wandering around The Bad Part Of Town and Virgil immediately decides they need to adopt/help him (Dee makes more of a fuss about how this is not their responsibility and the kids barely even talking and do you know how hard I work just to keep you and now you wanna add another mouth to feed?? Huhh?? but obviously does not actually say no) (Dee is like. Barely any older than Virgil he’s just dramatic). 
Naturally, just as the three of them have had time to bond, the SSCSL and other assorted bad guys show up to try and take VII back. There’s a big fight, Virgil and Dee have a lot more experience with flight and would probably have ended up dead if the X-men (Patton and Logan) hadn't shown up to save them. 
But they lose VII.
Patton and Logan take them back to the Xavier institute to recuperate and offer to let them stay. They can go to school there, get some training and help the X-men track down VII and the whole SSCSL. Virgil says yes, Dee says no.
(So, reasoning - Virgil's mutation developed when he was 12. It was not pleasant. Various students at his school were injured and the media set up a which hunt for the mutant that caused the chaos. Virgil ran away from home because he was worried about the backlash on his family and about hurting anyone else again. So to him, this school full of mutants who can help him control his power, can offer him stability and a return to normal structures and routines, who are promising to help him get in contact with his parents if and when he’s ready?? This is like every fantasy he’s ever had come true
Unlike the other characters, Dee’s primary mutation is physical. He was born with it, its very obvious and its resulted in him being rejected for most of his life. He bounced around increasingly disturbing foster homes before running away when he was very young, so most of his memories are of living on the streets and surviving on his own. So, to him, number one: all adults are inherently untrustworthy idiots and number two: stay at a school? where they expect him to have a curfew? and, what - write essays? follow all their random arbitrary rules? rely on them for food and heat and all that shit? Completely ludicrous.)
It doesn't occur to either of them that the other one isn't going to agree with them. The resulting argument is epic and cruel, both hurling accusations at the other (Ungrateful /controlling are two of the big ones..) and both basically feeling hateful and 100% betrayed. Dee leaves and although they look for him, he’s got a lifetime experience of hiding and they cant find him.
CUT TO - 5 years later. Virgil is a (semi) well adjusted 19 year old junior X-men. He’s still a bit withdrawn, but is very close with Patton and Logan. He’s still holding out hope of finding VII one day and still firmly pretending he’s not listing out for any possible news of Dee (there were rumours some years ago of him joining the brother hood of evil mutants but then it all went quiet) who he, of course, hates for his betrayal. 
BUT THEN - mysterious knocking at the door in the night. Dee, now wearing a hat and cape and calling himself Janus, has returned. And he’s brought with him a little boy with a buzzcut and a tattoo of XXII on his foot.
Janus and Virgil need to put aside their resentment and work together to help XXII, who really does not seem interested in helping them, and hopefully use any clues he can give them about the SSCSL to track down VII. But that's difficult when they’re both still struggling with their own trauma and have no idea how to reconnect - both of them want to ask why do you hate me but are a bit too scared of the answer. ...
This already got way to long so mutant power/ extra back story descriptions under cut!
Patton - 22/27 years old. An extremely powerful telepath/empath. It takes him serious concentration and focus to not hear peoples thoughts and its almost impossible to not feel their feelings. Some people dislike him because of this as they feel he's spying on them. Grew up in the Xavier institute and 100% believes in and is committed to the future where humans and mutants live in harmony. Has pretty limited life experience in the real world. Sometimes floats. (inspired by professor X)
Logan - 21/26 years old. Fires destructive laser beams from his eyes. Was in a car accident when he was younger leaving him with permanent but apparently harmless brain damage - until his mutation developed and he slowly realised that no matter how much he trained he just couldn't control his power. Has to wear specialised eye guards at all times to keep himself from accidentally destroying everything around him. Had big plans to go to university and was angry at his mutation for a long time for getting in the way of that. Eventually enrolled online and is now a very dedicated teacher at the Institute. (inspired by cyclops) 
Janus - 15(?) / 20(?) His primary mutation is  lizard/snake like scales over most of his body, but especially the left side. Has oversized fangs, and yellow eye and a short lizard tail. His secondary mutation makes him immune to almost any sort of mental based mutation (so Logan could still knock him on his ass with his lasers, but Patton cant sense anything form him and Virgil cant whammy him). Spent a lot of his life on his own and got by being sneaky, cunning and charming. Initially took Virgil in because he saw that his powers could be useful for keeping them both safe, but eventually Virgil became his first real friend.
Virgil - 14/19. Shadow manipulation and ‘draining’. Virgil can make himself (and with practice, people he touches) literally disappear into the shadows. He can also direct shadows as powerful energy ‘blasts’, but in order to do so he has to drain any surrounding living things of their energy. When his mutation first developed  he took out half of the school hall where his exam was being held, leaving 15 students in a coma. (inspired by rouge/shadow cat)
VII - 6? / 11? Reality warping/illusion powers. One of the institutes first successful subjects. He was able to escape by changing the wall of his cell into a door. He finds it hard to talk but can project his ideas as lifelike illusions who can talk for him. One of his best is the image a handsome grown up Prince and he will often use this Illusion as an avatar to communicate. When he was 6 he did have some hazy memories of outside the SSCSL and expressed a desire to go home. Current status is unknown. 
XXI - 7.  Illusion powers  (reality warping has been removed from the program by his time as subjects proved too difficult to control). Has no memories of outside the institute and is extremely uncooperative with his new captors/guardians. He does not understand the affection they’re trying to show him and lashes out a lot, often by creating a lot of extremely disturbing and graphic illusions. Bites. 
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glacialltz · 4 years
Hello! Can I please have fluff F, R, T, W, Y, Z for Jade and Lilia? Thanks for considering my request <3
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F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Jade is incredibly hard to fight. The evasive, ever calm facade of his seems to always have the upper hand during a fight, and it’s infuriating. Why cant he just show some actual emotion during an argument? He continues to keep his emotions behind a placid mask, but every now and then, that mask of his slips. Maybe he’ll set something down a little too hard, or his eyes will narrow a little too much in your direction. Regardless, this facade of his does keep him from escalating situations too much, and Jade does tend to be very pragmatic and easy to work with when an argument ensues.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jade tends to be very romantic, and you aren’t quite sure if he means to or not. He often does things like drape his jacket around you when you’re cold, slip you something extra at the Mostro Lounge, or even pick up something small for you when he sees something you like. When he takes you out on dates, his hand tends to find its way toward the small of your back as he leers at everyone who gets to close. He does enjoy going on candle lit, romantic dates with you. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Nothing much is needed in a relationship with Jade - he’s perfectly content with any routine the two of you develop. He’s very busy serving in the Lounge and working beside Azul, and, regrettably, doesn’t have much time for you. He always seems to work something around in his schedule, and he pops up somewhere during your day to whisk you away to spend time together.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He loves to see his hat and jacket on you. Or any of his clothes really. He knows he’s extremely tall, and most people are dwarfed next to him. But seeing your relatively small self next to him draped within his massive clothing does something to his heart. He can barely stand how absolutely adorable you look right then. Wait... be careful with that power you have now! That stone cold exterior he has wont show it, but his heart flutters so hard, he fears that you may hear it from where you stand.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Once again, it’s not something one could be able to tell from the outside. Azul may struggle with it as well; only Floyd can really tell. Jade does tease you a little more when he has a crush on you, but otherwise, there’s no difference really. 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
The lengths Jade goes to are those of the protective sort, but he would not give up too much for you if you were not doing the same. Jade is surprisingly protective of you, and would go to extreme efforts to keep you safe. However, the second that eel nose of his catches a whiff of a lack of motivation to not do the same on your end, well, he knows how to bail from a sinking ship.
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F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting? 
Lilia is even more annoying to fight with. He dances around the topic and if you even think of raising your voice anymore, he just gets more annoying. If you really want to settle anything with him, you have to sit down and have an actual conversation with him. When it comes down to it, however, Lilia’s too old to really care for arguments anymore. Where there are some he’ll take more seriously, they’re mostly a silly little human game to him, and he wouldn’t ever be too mad about one.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Lilia is romantic, but it’s a little bit old fashioned at time. He enjoys courting his lover, and always pulls out your chair and holds the doors, no matter who you are. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to have his fun with you, as well, because any relationship with Lilia includes being messed with. He absolutely loves showing you some of the older traditions, however.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
A relationship with Lilia is thrilling enough as it is. There’s, honestly, never a dull moment with him. He doesn’t always do things to you, but you do always have front row seat to the problems he has a hand in creating - usually through the ever loud Sebek. However, if you prefer a more quiet relationship, Lilia can find room in his heart to keep the trouble to a minimum around you.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
While he is certainly not the best at it, Lilia enjoys cooking beside you. He absolutely loves the fun of whipping up a yummy (in his eyes) treat beside you. Besides, something about the way you’d move around the kitchen is mesmerizing in a way this old fae can’t put his finger on. Maybe you can improve his cooking - for the sake of Silver, please try.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Once again, this secretive fae keeps this tucked up under his hat, not talking about when he misses you. But... he seems to be lacking a slight bit of his pep. Even his hair seems a little bit droopier than usual. Though, upon your return, that stupid smirk of his can’t seem to disappear, and the amount he talks is almost as ungodly as Rook.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Lilia is, once again, sadly not one to give up everything he knows for the sake of the relationship. He knows that, no matter what, he outlives you, and he will live on without you. However, while he does still have you, Lilia enjoys spending his time with you, and will happily forgo small, simple pleasures that don’t matter in the long run in order to make you happier.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Alleycat
Also on AO3! 
The story of the Erasure villain: Alley Cat and his heroic kittens. Aizawa, a rather nomadic villain, accidentally acquires two teenagers and a four-year-old. It's not the most conventional family, but it'll do.
villain aizawa: hes incredibly brutal and efficient, kind of an antihero type. he shuts down some things the heroes dont see, patrols the sketchy areas, looks out for children
he kinda,,, accidentally adopted some children
shinsou and izuku were runaways from a terrible foster home that tracked down the 'villain' alleycat and basically said
"are we worth anything to anyone?" and aizawa sees these kids hurt by heroics and takes them under his wing
eri is a kid izuku stumbled upon while out with shinsou before they met aizawa, and izuku basically adopted her straight out, came back to shinsou like "hi we have a little sister now" they are like 12, eri is 4
so aizawa accidentally gets 2 teens and a lil kid and he finds out they lowkey wanna be villains like him bc they wanna help and heroes dont help people like them. aizawa's heart breaks bc he doesn't want these kids to have the life he's had, so he promises to train hitoshi and izuku only if they try for the hero course
they agree. a villain begins to train heroes to enter the very thing that hurt them, with hopes of changing it from the inside out
ok also: in this au whatever horrible thing happened to shirakumo,,,, didnt. and he's 1A's homeroom teacher. hes bright, bubbly and cheerful, with the same expulsion rate aizawa has
so, shirakumo's hero name is cloud nine, hizashi's is feedback, not present mic. they both think aizawa is dead, and separately have to deal with the villain 'alleycat' as his territory intersects w ua's zone
aizawa, as alleycat, is a lot gentler to shirakumo and hizashi, more polite when speaking to them, less brutal with his takedowns. hizashi notices, but says nothing
hitoshi and izuku, with their baby sister eri, end up living with aizawa, training to be heroes to improve them fucked up society that taught them they were worthless in the  first place
he takes them on parkour routes in the early morning, teaches them how to disarm people with knives, to use an opponents size against them.
izuku hones his ability to analyse, hitoshi learns how to push peoples buttons. there is no such thing as a fair fight for them. they break each others noses, chip a tooth or two, get black eyes. there are no hard feelings, they are together through everything
the 4 of them live pretty rough, only on what aizawa can get as a villain/working day shifts in a dodgy bar. aizawa pretends to be their dad for anything legal, says they had two different mothers. it works, somehow.
Some minor cosmetic changes:
Izuku, Hitoshi and Eri all dye their hair black. It started as them quietly wanting to look like their ‘dad’ for sentimental reasons, but they quickly worked out that it made the lie a lot easier for others to swallow.
They all take the surname Aizawa
Eri’s hair is cut into a messy bob – she loves getting Izuku to give her pigtails with the little sparkly hair ties Shouta stole for her. Izuku’s hair is shorter at the back and longer at the front, obscuring his eyes a bit. Hitoshi’s hair is shoulder length and growing, he ties it back in a low bun.
All three of the kids have scars. Eri’s are like canon but a less extreme because her quirk only just showed up. Izuku and Hitoshi have some from bullies, horrible foster parents and reckless sparing. Izuku has a few more little ones because he developed his not-dad’s love of cats and is unafraid of getting bitten – on top of his lack of self-preservation.
they go to aldera middle school, bakugo is still a little shit. to be honest, izuku hates it the most when bakugo burns his uniform - they cant afford to buy extra. there have been a few weeks hes just had to where shinsou's spare and roll the sleeves up
izuku and shinsou have a bit of a spat the afternoon of the sludge villain. it's nothing either of them remembers in a weeks time, but it means shinsou leaves school first, without izuku
bakugo corners him, notebook, allmight, etc
izuku has to ask
all might says no
izuku crumbles, such a dramatic shift from the calm but nice boy he'd been before. you can see the moment his heart breaks. all might feels terrible, but izuku has jumped down the fire escape before he can say anything.
to be honest, izuku is moments away from a full-fledged breakdown. He shoots shinsou a quick text about the villain, but pauses when he hears explosions. He knows the chances its Katsuki are tiny but he’s never been a lucky guy, so he runs towards them
basically the rest of the episode plays out like canon, izuku goes home and meets with his whole ass family panicking because he sent a vague text about a villain then was totally AWOL for 2 hours
hitoshi hugs him really tight while aizawa mumbles something about a tracking chip.
Izuku tells hitoshi about all might, but just tells aizawa vaguely that hes getting a quirk, no he isn’t in any danger, yes he’ll be safe, no he can’t tell you how.
Izuku and Hitoshi both pass the entrance exam with a mix of hero and villain points.
Izuku still doesn’t his whole bone breaky routine but he also manages to take out a few robots by himself before that. He ends up with the highest score.
Hitoshi takes out a few more robots but spends a fair bit of time pushing people out of the way of robots, yelling at people to be more careful about the others around them, and controlling people to get them out of the way of debris. He gets into the top 10.
Nezu is very very interested in the two ‘brothers’ with very different quirks that both did so well. He resolves to keep and eye on them.
Shirakumo is a riot as a teacher but boy is he stressful to be in a class with. The first insult out of Bakugo’s mouth and hes kicked him out of his class, telling him to try class B or get out of the school. (Blood King takes him. Bakugo is a little less horrible to izuku, at least where others can see)
Izukus having a quiet panic attack because Bakugo is going to kill him, and Hitoshi is caught between respecting the balls on their teacher and being pissed at the guy for putting izuku in a terrible position.
No quirk test, they do actually go see the opening ceremony. Hizashi and Shirakumo chat in sign while the principal’s speech drags on. Hitoshi and Izuku watch on, trying not to laugh when they start signing that they want to go to sleep.
Then they do the quirk test bc shirakumo’s a bastard. They end the day with Bakugo kicked out and Hagekure hanging onto her place by a thread. Izuku and Hitoshi come 4th and 5th respectively, despite not being able to use their quirks in the test. Shirakumo is interested.
Skipping to the interesting bits:
The USJ is just as terrible as canon, with the added fact that some of the thugs totally recognise izuku and hitoshi. Izuku works out how to use one for all at 1% during the attack. Hitoshi ends up with a scar on his eyebrow from a person with a claw quirk, Izuku gets a broken arm. Hitoshi sees all might in his skinny form for the first time and is suitably surprized
The sports festival goes a lot like canon in the first round, the second round features a team-up of just Hitoshi as the horse and Izuku as the rider bc they are so used to working with each other they felt it’d be more trouble to have extra team members. They arent exactly wrong and that round ends with them still in control of the 1’000’000 points band – along with a fair few teams just sitting on the sidelines with no idea how they got there.
Tournament round has izuku fighting Todoroki in the second round like canon, but in this universe, he wins (after helping him because whats izuku without a saviour complex). Hitoshi beats Tokoyami and Sero, but loses to Bakugo. The final round is Izuku vs Bakugo, they tie.
The stain arc is a riot. Izuku is interning w Gran, Hitoshi is with Nighteye who happens to be looking for ‘Alley Cat’. Hitoshi is so done with this.
Izuku finds Iida about to be attacked by stain and swoops in. Stain recognises him instantly
“Oh, you’re one of the cat’s kids, aren’t you? Let me deal with this fake hero and you can show me what your dad's taught you.”
Iida is confused – resolves to ask about it later
“You step away from him.”
“I said. Step away from Iida. He’s – We’re going to be heroes. We’re both going to be heroes and I won’t let you hurt him!”
Stain pauses, then smiles.
“Lets see if the apple falls far from the tree, hm?” And he launches himself at Izuku
Izuku can dodge with the best of them, but he can’t get close enough to hit stain while protecting Iida. He manages to escape paralysis, but by the time Todoroki arrives stain has barely taken damage.
Todoroki isn’t the only person that responded to that warning. 1 city over, Hitoshi is franticly begging Nighteye to do something, because his brother is in danger. Nighteye is shocked at the fear in the previously apathetic child’s voice. He alerts heroes in the area, and makes his way over with a nervous Hitoshi in tow. On the other end of the city, where he’d been trying to keep an ear out for his kids, Aizawa gets the text and his heart drops. He begins running over.
Stain is taken out before any more help arrives. Without ropes, Todoroki freezes him solid in a block of ice. Endeavour arrives, as does Nighteye with a panicked Hitoshi. Aizawa arrives soon after, perched on a nearby rooftop, ready to whisk his kids away to safety should they need it.
The nomu swoops down, grabbing Izuku. Stain can’t help – trapped in his block of ice. Aizawa runs after Izuku. The nomu drops Izuku off at Shirgiraki’s feet, who is rather delighted to have the annoying boy from the USJ delivered to him out of the blue. He’s not, however, so happy with the knives he finds flying towards him. Kurogiri redirects them and the portal fades just in time for them to come face to face with the villain ‘Alley Cat”
“Well that was a cheap shot Alley Cat, what crawled up your ass and died?”
Aizawa places himself in front of Izuku, teeth bared. Izuku is clutching the leg of his costume. “Don’t hurt him and you won't lose a hand.” Kurogiri goes to attack, but Shigiraki waves him off, letting Aizawa take back Izuku.
“Don’t you see? There are villains in the hero course. I smell a side quest, don’t you? We might even get some new party members out of it.
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