#insomnia life is real
unhingedselfships · 2 years
I love when it's like 11AM and I'm like "sorry if I'm a lil out of it, I just woke up" and the other person is like "ooh lucky, sleeping in" and like
Fam I went to bed at 7-something-AM. I barely got a decent nap. I work evenings/nights and irregular shifts.
This sounds like I'm being super bitchy XD it really does amuse me that people just automatically assume how much sleep you got based on when you woke up like they think everyone gets magically knocked out at 9PM or something.
Even when I worked days I didn't sleep for shit.
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treemaidengeek · 2 months
what did I do last night instead of sleep? oh, nothing much. an anxiety beast emerged from the void to knaw on my sanity for a while. also I ate a sandwich. how about you?
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Hi, I hope you and yours are happy and healthy. Please continue with the Quast Spam; I am loving it! Take care and stay safe. xx
I'm ok. Real life stuff has been kicking my butt lately. The philip Quast spam will coninue. Plus my les mis female characters spam will at the very least be started in the next few days. I've also gota million ideas for Javert fanfic as well. I've made a start on my very first fanfic. It's not even close to being finished yet. I'm trying to get motivated again becaus emy depression kicked in and I'm having problems sleeping. So my mind is messing with me atm. I've got some new meds to help me sleep and help my depression, so I'm hoping to get my ass back in 2nd gear soon. I'll be ok. I haven't forgotten anything. I write notes for myself about spams I'm going to do so they will be done. I need to get back into my screenshotting again too. Got some PQ stuff to get through yet. I've been watch the Les Mis TAC a lot lately (just to listen to PQ and CW).
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mynameisakissi · 5 months
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astone2292 · 1 year
me, eyes closed, fan on, pitch black in the bedroom:
"Sleep, motherfucker, pretty please!"
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sweetfreedom2107 · 4 months
People who find reality sweeter than dreams are the luckiest.
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somegiantmess · 6 months
Had a dream that I took the plane for a long round trip to who-knows-where-on-the-other-end-of-the-planet for studies (I'm not even a student and you could say I never was) and it added 3 tons of CO2 to my annual carbon footprint -which these years is usually about 4 tons without the plane- and I felt so bad and wondered why I even agreed to do it, on top of that I had to pay 2,000€ for the flight and the journey wasn't even fun?
A very bad dream indeed.
(Edit: i should expect anything so just in case, this isnt an april's fool, why would it be??)
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animalcuckllective · 7 months
My insomnia is killing me. Why can't I just be tired when it's time for bed?
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lady-writes · 10 months
Haven't slept in going on nine days please anyone with insomnia remedies...... assist me
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abyssaldyke · 10 months
Last night I was up for hours ruminating and at one point, still dozing, ollie rolled over and kissed my forehead, after which I fell pretty much instantly asleep. The healing magic of love 😢
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zephersspace · 1 year
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I'm so sick of struggling w/mental health.... I just wanna be normal dude. Y'know. Actually be able to sleep and my brain doing his damn job and producing and the chemical shit it has to and not freaking out by things that aren't even happening or aren't even there.
Dude I'm so fucking tired.
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quilleth · 2 years
I have an appointment at 3 but need to be there at 2:45, which means leaving around 2:15, which means my brain is in the "we must be ready for our appointment later!" mode where it won't let me focus one much because appointment later! It doesn't help that I am feeling extra exhausted today to begin with
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solis-angelus · 1 year
How do fic authors write regularly?????? (Genuine question) I signed up for a fest thinking 'ooh funn!!' And now I don't sleep 😐
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celiaelise · 1 year
Reminder to my middle-of-the-night self that the only way to ensure things are "better in the morning" is to go to sleep right now.
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sepheroth · 1 year
post nibelheim sephiroth is much more aware of his emotions, what angers him and he chooses to deal with it in carelessness and coldness, arrogance and sadism. let's not forget he's a lover of self. and even if there are consequences, he doesnt care--because he feels there is no true weight or repercussions behind them. its easier for him that he feels nothing or anyone's holding him back. he has no attachments. those he was once attached to are gone--angeal, genesis or zack is not there to stop him. they aren't there to warn him, none of them (particularly angeal) are there to be the voice of reason. none of them are there to yell at him and go 'bro, stop. that's really fucked up' whereas pre nibelheim sephiroth allows himself to be a lot more vulnerable and visible no matter how much he tries to hide it. he's transparent. he's readable. he worries more than he allows himself to say or show. he's much more awkward where it comes to as as in terms of affection and things like fear and embarrassment, hes a always been cold, stubborn and a bit of a sarcastic grouch, he's prone to complain but at least then he was more tolerant, he's very human about it and acknowledges he's a very flawed individual.
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mothmanns · 2 years
tmi in tags
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