#i could easily have a fandom specific icon
piratefishmama · 11 months
okay but why a fish?
WELL, CURIOUS PERSON, apart from my name, which stems from
Pirate - my first fandom One Piece, and because i have a shitton of fish making me, the mother of fish, aka: a fishmama.
Back in the twit days when i was part of the MHA fandom, i had this lil guy as my icon.
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it's Kirishima as a chain chomp. from a silly throw away line in a fic i wrote where Kirishima claimed Bakugou had "clearly never had an irrational fear of chain chomps"
when i eventually moved away from MHA to Genshin and beyond, I still kind of wanted a Chain Chomp for my icon, i loved my lil chomper and didnt wanna let him go, but i was trying to create sort of an online existance for myself so i needed something that wasn't owned by a big ol company lmao. A mascot if you will.
I turned a chain chomp into a fish.
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truly revolutionary, so very original, dont you think? 🤣
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⚔️⚔️ Sword gays showdown, grand finale ⚔️
*Camilla fanart by @friendamedes, used with permission
For Camilla:
she prefers dual-wielding two short blades but can fight with pretty much anything. she's ambidextrous she's autistic she's even sex-repulsed ace. she sighs longingly when reunited with her weapons. she's from planet academia and dresses like an off-duty librarian. literally one of the most iconic moments of the entire series is when she gets challenged to a duel and absolutely wipes the floor with her opponent even though she doesn't even like rapiers that much. 'swords don't lie.' 
OK I’m sure you’re getting just about every character from The Locked Tomb but Cam is my favorite. She's a nerd AND a jock. She is in this deeply intense and loving and unhealthily codependent soulbond partnership with her best friend second cousin and prince. She is smart and deadpan snarky and fights like a grease fire and I have never been able to get that line out of my head.
For Gideon:
she's incredibly good w/ her two hander and less good with her rapier but she's still pretty good!! she is a horny lesbian who's taste in women seems to exclusively be "girls who have tried or are going to try to kill her". she's a redhead. i love her
Gideon’s a HUGE Butch lesbian and literally always wanted to use a broad sword. Specifically a broad sword. She said fuck rapiers. Uhhh literally dies to save the girl she cares for and the sword she uses then becomes like an altar for said girl. Gideon Nav Supremacy <3
oh she is the most badass swordswoman lesbian in media. she’s her gf’s cavalier, defends her in battle, she’s incredibly butch and buff
C'mon shes THE sword lesbian like... canonically 
Loves her broadsword more than anything on her home planet and practices whenever she can. Spoiler it’s possessed by her mom. Gave everything so her best enemy could eat her soul and become the new saint. The character of all time child of two separate threesomes, child of the god emperor, she’s dead, she’s butch, she’s a dork, she’s doomed by the narrative. She’s my favorite.
girlie is literally the swordswoman supreme. she’s the cavalier primary to her necromancer. she has a fuckoff huge longsword. she gets absorbed into another person SPECIFICALLY to swordfight for them. in a gay way too.
While everyone else was developing common sense, she studied the blade. This dyke's main weapon and true love is the long sword, but she's also passable with a rapier. The sword is, in her own estimation, pretty much all she's good for. That and her smoking hot bod and terribly charming sense of humor. 
"While we were developing common sense, she studied the blade." (Direct quote from the book). She's the most useless lesbian to ever exist, and she's obsessed with an absolute wet cat of a woman. Learned longsword mostly on her own and is such a genius with the sword she learned rapier in a few months (by personal experience, it's really really hard)
Most badass broadsword wielding lesbian easily slaying bone monsters and evil space wasps
The cavalier to her necromancer. very gay. in a complicated codependant lovehate relationship with the only other person her age she knew growing up.
For Xena:
It is HER! The OG woman with a blade! 
Her show was so iconic that any lesbian over the age of 30 knows her IMMEDIATELY because this show probably helped her have her awakening. Fandom foremothers and fathers rise up and get your gal a title.
An all around badass, bisexual woman, comfortable with many different bladed weapons. Her show was so much better than Hercules people forget his exists.
Xena is one of the OGs: once a baddie who turned good, she's a warrior who uses swords, daggers, and her trusty chakram to defeat evil and defend the innocent, while traveling with her kickass girlfriend Gabrielle. 
She has many skills
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brynhildr13 · 5 months
About the GazettE.
TL;DR I had recent experiences that reinforce my belief that Reita REALLY is still with me and with all of us. Even if they can be easily explained as coincidental. Please if you want, share something that has been helpful to heal. Take care. Gazerock is not dead. Gazerock never dies.
Full post under cut.
I consider myself spiritual, but not really religious. But let me take you through my last few days, if you so care. Its important to me and I want to share this in hopes that the others in this Fandom know that I share the pain and want to spread my own love and solace and peaceful mourning.
I took an hour drive to my twin sister's to have our birthday hangout on Wednesday. I had the GazettE on plus other vkei groups on shuffle, but I kept skipping most of the other groups trying to find the GazettE songs. A few came on and even with the heavy and rock and headbanging songs I was just sobbing. To the point where I told myself, "you have to keep your eyes open. You need to watch the road." But the TEARS were plenty and heavy. I also started to judge myself a little. Wondering why I was SO emotional.
Then I had one of those intuitive downloads where like, you know it didn't come from your own brain and then after you hear it your mind expands. I don't know who's voice it was. I couldn't repeat it if I tried. But it said, quote "but feeling is healing."
And I lost it all over. Because I knew it was right and I needed to sit with the feelings. So I let myself cry as much as I could.
And then, To Dazzling Darkness came on.
My favorite song. Well, one of them. The whole Beautiful Deformity album is iconic, but that song specifically is one of my favorites BECAUSE of Reita's bass part. (Plus my twin sister, with her music degree, thinks the song is well written and can back up why and that means a lot to me that my sister who isn't the most into heavy metal or knows the group near as well as I do likes THEIR songs BECAUSE they're good).
And after that I laughed a little and wiped my eyes and said, "ok. I get it. It has to mean you're here right now. Thank you."
Maybe it came from Reita. I'd like to think so.
Had tons of fun with my sister. Come home. Worked Thursday. That night i shed a tear or two as i watched a few music videos in bed. And i just said outloud and in my head. "As long as he's okay. I'd like a sign that he's okay, please." And i fell asleep. Fast forward to today.
Today's our birthday. I planned to grab my free trenta from Starbies cuz $0 is the only amount I'll pay there unless I'm desperate. When I got to the screen in the drive thru, i meant to order 2 cake pops for my treat. Cuz fuck it. Im desperate. I'm a sad bitch and I want cake. It's my birthday. But I have anxiety and panicked and ended up asking for them at the drive thru window instead.
And they gave me the pops and I waited to hand them my card and after a few seconds she came back up and said, "oh don't worry about them today. No charge." Once I was sure they didn't want my money I thanked them profusely.
And I drove away. And I smiled from inside. Cuz I'd like to think that that was my sign he's okay. Maybe he pulled some strings to make me smile and to say, with that grin on his face, "don't worry about me. I'm here. I'll be here. Have a cake pop you sad bitch."
I meant it when I said before his spirit is here.. there's truly a feeling of the hole in my heart filling a little. I feel like emotionally and spiritually he's here in my peripheral stronger than ever before. Especially because I had become more of a backseat fan that would slink out of the woodwork when they had new content. My "obsession" (hyperfixation) died down a lot after saw them in 2016 and 2019, and I shared my gift of art and they shared their gift of music. But that love and adoration never ever left regardless of how often I talked about it and showed it. Or didn't. Cuz NO ONE else in my every day immediate circle knows anything about them.
Cuz here's the thing, and this is just me, too. I don't have any better way or words to string together to say this other than this way. I KNOW that they don't "know me". Like , I'm not missing the physical presence like they are. I didn't sit with him every day talking about all the most common shared passionate things we're doing, etc. Etc. So I can argue for myself that because of that the burden is likely to not be as heavy as any of theirs. But music and the arts connects hearts and minds beyond the physical. And for me listening to the music keeps him close, and I almost think that I can Feel him when I hear it. I can imagine him putting a hand on my shoulder (with his endearingly weird thumbs, they always made me giggle.)
Idk I think Im getting a little off track. Long story short, he was physically here with me when he was at the shows. When he wasn't he was still there, off across the world, doing his thing. and while I knew that like in an unconscious way, i never really sat with that to be like "what are they doing right this moment" or that i could energetically feel them all at any time, you know? And I remember getting upset with myself cuz my first coherent thought after I metaphorically picked my stomach off the ground after it fell out of my butt was "well, it HAS to be ok cuz the world's still gonna turn." And that felt horrible to say. And that's not fair to me or to anyone who needs time to process this. I mean, YA, I GUESS, it WILL. But once again. This WILL still hurt for a while. And that's okay. That doesn't mean i have to "get over" it right away either. Cuz once again. The physical loss isn't felt (yet) or as heavy as the bandmen will feel. But I will feel. And my feelings are my truth. And i can argue the band itself will have worse grieving till the sun dies, and that still doesn't mean my feelings are literally less than for my own personal experience. And thats okay.
But getting back to the point of this, thinking and believing Reita's making his way to us, I now just have this new vibration around me that I know is spiritual in nature and it is energizing the room, especially when I play their music. He's here.
I keep thinking about The Haunting of Hill House and Nell's words in the last episode. And I don't want that to ever fade. I'm determined to keep him strong in my heart and my mind. Just like ruki said he and the guys would.
Anyways, I hope yall are feeling as okay as you can. I hope this may touch someone and bring more healing. Free to share things in the comments if you want, too.
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
imagine the family all play neopets or club penguin or some other mid-2000s online game site. do they all use the same one? different ones? what ones appeal to them? what do each character do when its time for them to use the Family Computer? bonus: what default windows xp icon is their account labeled
odile is rich as fuck because she plays the stock markets, plus she manages her item shop quite well (she has premium). she uses her excessive neopoints to buy paintbrushes for bonnie! she likes aishas and ixis the best.
bonnie has many side accounts bc they're on a quest to collect all the coolest paint colors. they love to fight in the arena too, and play the flash games! their fave neopets are hissi, eyrie, and lupe, and their fave paint colors are chocolate, darigan, and fire.
mira roleplays!! she has the fanciest html pages for each of her beloved neopets, esp her pastel cybunny, but she also does a bunch of non-neopet-related roleplays. she's in a guild for vampire roleplay!
siffrin only has two pets, a starry kacheek and a starry acara. they have like two dozen daily tasks bookmarked, like getting the free omelette, spinning the wheel, looking at one page of random shops, etc. he doesn't do much else on the site, he just likes the routine of taking care of his pets, and collecting odd items!
isabeau is an altador cup guy! he's loyal to one medicore team, and has very specific strats to get his team the most points he can. he does some stock markets too, and plays cheat. he has a bori fursona, and likes dressing up his neopets!
odile is in charge of computer time. usually it's mira and bonnie who fight over it, but bonnie can start and stop their tasks easily while mira leaving a roleplay means leaving the roleplay. isabeau could play all day but doesn't fight to get a turn. and siffrin only really wants to play once a day for twenty minutes anyway. so usually it goes something like odile first before everyone else is up, then bonnie, isabeau, bonnie, siffrin, bonnie, isabeau, then mira for the entire afternoon.
odile also does crosswords and sudokus and is part of a couple long-running irc chats. bonnie is on club penguin, runescape, flash game websites, and meme websites. mira has accounts on a couple fan forums, and her own mutli-fandom website. siffrin doesn't really understand how websites work. isabeau wiki-crawls and helps bonnie with runescape tasks.
assuming i found the correct windows xp icons (i grew up with macs lol): odile is the green water drop thing, bonnie is the bike jumper, mira is the froggy toy, siffrin is the ducky toy, isa is the fish.
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purpleqilinwrites · 8 months
the body is a soft animal.
a/n: i have a long-ish fic planned for a cyberpunk 2077 au with nanami on the brain. i just had a specific scene that haunted me and i didn't where to put it in terms of the fic, so i just wrote it (also because i needed a taster of sorts to motivate me into writing the rest of the fic). also, this is the longest piece i've written in a while, so i just want to celebrate a little haha.
fandom: jujutsu kaisen
character: nanami kento
genre: general / fluff (can be read as either platonic or romantic)
info: cyberpunk 2077 au; reader is a ripperdoc; nanami is a merc
warnings: mentions of injury; mentions of killing
synopsis: nanami wasn't sick but still, he found his way to you.
word count: 2.4k
companion fic to "these unfamiliar intimacies".
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Nanami Kento
When you remotely unlocked the door to your clinic after hearing Nanami's voice over the intercom, the first thing out of your mouth was "Are you hurt?" He was inclined to say that he wasn't. At least, not physically. He came to see you after a particularly taxing gig that also happened to be physically strenuous, but it wasn't the lingering soreness in his muscles that made him want to see you.
"I'm not," he said after a while.
You had turned away from your workstation in the interval between your simple question and his admittedly late answer, and he could easily guess the next thing you'd ask him.
The question "Are you sick?" was formed in a warped version of your voice, ringing in his ears before the words left your mouth. Your voice didn't register the same way it did when he imagined it in his head, and it made him think that maybe, just maybe he was a little bit sick, after all.
"Physically, no."
You gestured to the examination table beside your workstation, turning your back to him once more to start up the necessary diagnostics equipment for a full-body scan. Nanami acquiesced, quietly crossing the room and adjusting the backrest himself before removing his shoes and then lying down.
The synthetic leather was freshly sanitised, traces of the bergamot-identical antiseptic spray you favoured wafting up into his nostrils. Glancing up at your side profile, he couldn't tell if you had been napping on the examination table before he interrupted it by unexpectedly announcing his presence over the intercom.
When you spun yourself to face him in your swivel chair, he lifted his hand so that you could jack him in for the scan. There was a sound that confirmed the security of the connection, and then there was a different sound that signalled the start of the process. A loading icon began playing in a loop on the little square screen on the largest of the machines, hovering over text that read "SCAN IN PROGRESS". The two monitors on your desk lit up, one with empty progress bars that quickly filled up and the other with a multitude of pop-up messages he didn't bother reading.
"From a medical standpoint, you're entirely healthy. All your cybernetic implants are in good working condition as well," you said, disconnecting him from your equipment. "If you'd like more specific tests run, we'll have to move to the university hospital in Shibuya."
Nanami met your gaze, and he wondered if you had to learn it. If you had to learn to keep your eyes emotionally vacant but intellectually keen. If it ever came in useful when breaking a notably dismal piece of news to someone.
A sigh escaped him before he could reel himself in.
"I came here to talk, actually," he said, sitting up. Your eyes never wavered. Instead, you simply hummed in acknowledgement and drew closer to him on the examination table.
Nanami readjusted the backrest so that he could sit comfortably, though it was more to keep his hands busy. He didn't know what he was doing. What was he trying to accomplish? He did mention wanting to talk. What did he want to talk to you about anyway? His relationship with you was strictly professional. The conversation that could potentially alleviate the pinch in his chest would have to be one between him and a friend he trusted with his life, and he didn't have many of those left.
"Would you like something to drink?" Your voice came from the far side of the room where you had a wall-mounted control panel. He cleared his throat and requested a hot black coffee, to which you nodded before tapping a few buttons on the screen.
You wheeled yourself back to him, crossing the span of the room in one kick, and you informed him that one of your service androids would be bringing his coffee within the next three minutes.
"Thank you," he said, and he felt like he was having his first non-work-related human interaction in decades. Had he spent so much time completing gigs alone that he had socially regressed to a kid who couldn't hold a conversation? Nanami cleared his throat again to banish the thought.
As much as he hated to admit it, maybe Gojou was right to suggest that he accept a few gigs where he'd be forced to work in a team. Gojou, despite his number of obvious flaws, was occasionally able to offer a piece of sound advice, after all.
The service android swiftly ducked into the room with two mugs and exited at the same speed before Nanami caught himself. He thanked you for the drink again, blowing on the surface of his coffee and then testing the temperature with a sip.
The coffee was just right in temperature and more than excellent in taste, and he gave a low hum of appreciation as his first sip slid down his throat.
He looked at you over the rim of the pristine white mug in his hand. You were watching the spheres of ice move in a current of your own creation, bobbing erratically as you twisted the straw you held between your thumb and index finger this way and that in the amber liquid.
"Whiskey?" he asked, fumbling over the singular word and cursing inwardly at himself for it.
You shook your head, appearing not to notice his perceived blunder as you continued swirling your drink with the straw. "I don't drink alcohol," you said. "It's apple juice."
The conversation halted when you picked up your drink and motioned for him to consume his. Nanami obliged, content to cup both hands around the warm mug in between tiny, leisurely sips of coffee.
There was something quite precious about your manner now that he had the proximity and the silence to observe you. You chose a sweet juice instead of every alternative that was available in your extremely well-stocked clinic. Your drink was served in what must be a personal mug with the caricature of a dog painted on beneath the transparent outer layers of glaze. These little things chiselled away at the stoic image of you he had from his first meeting with you, even if it was nothing but a vague recollection of his anaesthesia-laden mind.
Nanami almost laughed into his last sip. He thought of you the same way almost everyone else thought of him. The irony wasn't lost on him.
"Have you ever killed someone and regretted it?"
His temporary good cheer loosened his lips in a way that even a whole bottle of whiskey could not. One moment had him holding his laughter back out of politeness. In the next moment, some words in a fairly unfortunate sequence left his mouth before he could process them.
It spoke to the capricious state of his emotions that he didn't want to take them back.
You blinked slowly, your face tilted in his direction even if you weren't looking directly at him. He suddenly became intensely attuned to the whisper of your air-conditioning system, the consistent tick-tick-tick of the mechanical clock hanging by the door, the dull hum of the machines as they awaited another order from you.
"No," you said, looking him in the eye and propping your cheek against an upturned palm. "I do everything with purpose."
It shouldn't be of any concern to him. He was well-acquainted with the wretched state of the world he lived in. It'd be supremely difficult to find a person who hasn't killed someone by the time they've reached adulthood. He wasn't surprised by the insinuation in your reply.
It was your choice of words that left him feeling like he had trespassed on what should be a secret.
The touch of your knuckle to his chin alerted him to the fact that he had been gaping at you. Nanami immediately apologised, clenching his jaw when he wasn't speaking to keep from making the same mistake again.
He wanted to put the topic to rest. If you weren't elaborating of your own accord, then it wasn't his right to pry. In spite of this, he was still curious. Who did you kill? On what occasion? Have you killed more than once? On purpose?
You were taking your time with your apple juice, cheek still in your palm and eyes fixed on a spot on the mostly bare walls that was apparently visible only to you. From the other end of the folding coffee table, his traitorous mind superimposed a likeness of you sitting in the same chair adjacent to him.
You were leaning slightly over the same table, facing away from him as you expertly broke open the shotgun in your hands. The empty shells clinked against the surface of the table when you shook them out of the barrels. There was an open box of ammo sitting to your right. Your hand knew exactly where it was when you reached for fresh shells to slide into your weapon. You brought the barrels back up to close the break, and it was the sound of a click too real to be his imagination that snapped Nanami back to you.
'Everything with purpose,' you said. You would've made an excellent merc. Better than him, even.
"Have you killed someone and regretted it, Nanami?" You threw his question back at him. It was very uncharacteristic of you, and it gave him a pleasant tickle. He knew you as someone who diligently avoided small talk, and yet, here you were.
"I have," he started, careful to taste his words before he spat them out. "I accepted a gig to dispose of a cyberpsycho. I only found out that he wasn't at fault after the deed was done. I—"
He paused, but he wasn't sure what for. There were plenty of other related things that he was leaving out. You didn't need to know. Or did he not want you to know?
"Did the cyberpsycho hurt anyone before you were contracted to kill him?" you asked. There was that tickle again, running up his chrome spine and settling into spaces between the individual vertebrae. The very same spine that you had painstakingly put together yourself just a few months prior, when he had to be hauled into your clinic in bloodied bits and pieces.
Nanami nodded. "He killed 4 med techs and injured 13 other lab staff. An entire wing of a research facility was ruined," he said, and it instantly transported him to a day earlier when he was on that Militech property far outside city limits once again.
The entire building had been cordoned off a few days before his arrival. Business carried on as usual in the rest of the compound that was unaffected. It was only the ground zero of the cyberpsycho attack that looked like a scene out of those old-fashioned zombie apocalypse movies Yuuji enjoyed watching.
"If you hadn't neutralised him, he would've hurt more people," you said. "There's no reason to feel regret if your purpose was to protect people."
He had been a police detective before he did away with his badge and became a merc. The desire to protect was the lifeblood that kept him going before the change in career, even when the uniform he wore and had admired as a child was what the people committing atrocities against other people were also wearing. It was the same desire to protect that moved him to remain in a line of work where his hands would always be sullied by death.
How did you know? Maybe he was a children's picture book to your knowing eyes, open and simple to read.
When Nanami looked up from his hands, he intended to thank you. For listening to him, and for letting him feel heard. The pinch in his chest remained, but it had lost its nails after sitting by you for a little while.
When he met your eyes for the first time in what must've been at least half an hour, there was an unknown but very much welcome tenderness in them that he hadn't seen from you before. 'Tender' would've been one of the last words he used to describe you, before this conversation. He'd hazard a guess that you preferred being identified on the other end of the spectrum: 'efficient', 'immovable'. The same words other people used to describe him, too.
At this moment, you were tender, and he was breathing it in, basking in it. It was strange to feel soft, especially when the bulk of his body was an arrangement of predominantly metal parts engineered into the remains of his flesh.
The urge to thank you for putting him back together bloomed in him from all the half-formed thoughts in his mind. He wasn't so brazen as to believe that a lesser ripperdoc would've been able to manage what you have. There was a reason Gojou entrusted him to you in his time of emergency.
"You're good at this," Nanami said, instead. To tell you what was in his heart seemed to breach the boundary line of professional etiquette between a merc and his ripperdoc. Maybe there would be a time in the future when he could run his mouth in your presence, a little treat for him that hopefully amused you too. Maybe it would happen soon.
There was a quirk that nipped at the corners of your lips. He counted it as a smile, mirroring you in equal proportion.
"That's the first I've heard of it," you said, lifting your cheek from your palm and straightening your posture. The veneer of a stoic ripperdoc quickly took over the half-smile you graced him with.
"I'll be back when I need a listening ear," he said, presenting you with an offering – of goodwill? Friendship? – and surprising himself with the magnitude of hope he was attaching to it.
You blinked. He watched you visibly inhale, and you looked unsure of how to respond. There was a slight wrinkle in your brow as you mulled his declaration over. "Do come back," you said. "Don't wait until you've been bisected again to come see me."
Nanami chuckled at the unexpected joke, though comedy might not have been your intention. Your half-smile was missing from your face, but the amicable glint in your eyes told him everything he needed to know.
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jadedharleys · 11 months
dave strider for the character ask thing?
favorite thing about them
his speech patterns enchant me
least favorite thing about them
that andrew hussie wrote him. yknow what i mean. hes so great at character writing but sometimes...
favorite line
oh god how can i choose ONE good dave line. the entire apple juice conversation at the very beginning is absolutely iconic. also the jupiter bit is quite funny. the whole conversation with dirk where he actually talks abt his traumatic childhood
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^ this is so fucking stupid but it makes me cackle every time
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^ does this even need a caption
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^ one of the funniest scenes in the entire comic if im being real
i could go on for forever but i must stop here
i do love pepsicola but also. imagine. john and dave as besties who maybe get a bittttt gay sometimes but like shhhh. they chill.
davekat rules i love yaoi but . i gotta go davejade here . childhood friends to lovers AND . the one pixel smile . like theyre so sweet but tragic and sometimes messed up but still soft and . theyre like straight yuri to me.
hisses through teeth. why must large fandoms and sibling characters mix in such ways. i will stop there.
random headcanon
albino mixed asian guy (dirk has white boy surfer ecto dna and roxy would be of some kinda asian descent if she wasnt a paradox clone but i cant fuckin make up my mind for more specific than that help) + wears sunglasses bc light sensitivity. scars easily and has a ton from training w bro. thats like 5 headcanons in one whoops
unpopular opinion
shouldve been more texan. "thats just about the saddest thing i ever heard get said" please more of this. let me have my southern brethren.
song i associate with them
modern man by arcade fire and eight by sleeping at last
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favorite picture of them
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so silly
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heloflor · 1 year
After getting into Mario with a more “fandom” kind of mindset, and more specifically getting a bigger interest in the RPG games, something that amuses me a lot are the people in youtube comments trying to argue that the Koopalings aren’t Bowser’s children.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I know Miyamoto retconned their link to Bowser. But the funny thing is, even to this day, Nintendo themselves are still writing those kids as if they were related to Bowser !
Seriously :
- In New Super Mario Bros Wii and Wii U, the Koopalings are attacking the castle along with Junior/Bowser, thus putting them on the same level of importance as Bowser and his son. The ending cutscenes do the same thing, especially the one in Wii U that just screams “they’re a family”. Plus, all the Koopalings serve as world bosses, which was kinda Junior’s role in DS, yet again putting them on the same level.
- In New Bros U, they all have their own ship. The only character to have a ship with their face on it before had always been Bowser.
- As I’ve seen someone point out in a comment section, the Koopalings are different skins of Junior in Smash Ultimate, again putting them on the same level as Bowser’s son. They might also be skins of Junior in Mario Maker 2 but I’m not sure on this one.
- In New Bros 2, they’re using a giant clown car, which is implied to belong to Bowser as Bowser and Junior are the only ones with a recurring clown car and Junior’s is too small. I doubt Bowser would let just about anybody use his car.
- On top of that, each has their own clown car in Smash.
- You know that icon/logo of his head thing that Bowser has (the one we see in games like 64 when we die) ? Bowser Junior had had one for a while now and more recently each Koopaling were given one (I think you can see them at Nintendo World in Bowser’s castle ?).
- Since they were originally created as Bowser’s children, they’re the same type of Koopa as him, and that fact hadn’t been changed in recent years. Hell, outside of Ludwig in Mario World and the fights in Superstar Saga, the Koopalings are never shown to breath fire, yet in the remake of Superstar Saga, they chose to keep the fire breath (except for Ludwig ironically enough). They could’ve easily removed the fire breath to make them more similar to Boom Boom, especially since Boom Boom has recently been shown with spikes on his shell, but they chose to keep this ability. Granted their shell plastron is different from Boom Boom, but that’s another design change Nintendo could make to set them apart from Bowser (giving them the same shell as Boom Boom to make it seem like they’re the same species, instead of keeping them as “Royal Koopas”).
In short, the Koopalings’ design wasn’t changed after the retcon, making them, Bowser and Junior the only members of that specific type of Koopa, thus implying they might be related. It’s also not helped by them having magic (which only Magikoopas and Bowser have) + being high-ranked members of the army. They might also be the only minors in the army, which raises a few eyebrows as to how they got the job (why would Bowser hire a bunch of children/teenagers to put in charge of his army ? Granted some like Ludwig, Roy and Wendy might be adults by now but I can’t bring myself to see Lemmy and Larry as anything other than teenagers).
- Saw a video of the bosses in Paper Mario Color Splash, and the minions (paratroopas) address Ludwig as “your evilness”, which is pretty reminiscent to how Bowser is called by his army, most notably by Kamek (“you grouchiness”, stuff like this)
- Baby Bowser and Bowser Jr are referred to as “young master” by Kamek. In the RPGs, the Koopalings are sometimes called “master [name]” (and “mistress Wendy”) when talked to individually. Note that both this point and the previous one are for the English version tho, not the Japanese one (no idea how they’re called in Japan).
- There’s that one Super Mario Adventures comic made in the 90s that was apparently re-released a few years ago (something like 2017-2018 ?), aka well after Nintendo retconned the kids’ relationship with Bowser (around 2012). Yet, in this comic, at least in the English version, the Koopalings are explicitly said to be Bowser’s children, with him saying he wants to marry Peach so they can have a mom + the kids calling him dad. And I don’t think they changed this dialogue in the re-release ?
- Bowser Jr’s Journey. Just, Bowser Jr’s Journey. After seeing all the cutscenes of this game, it is a crime that those kids aren’t related ! Hell there’s literally a moment where Junior pulls out the “I’ll tell dad !” card on Roy ! And let’s not forget stuff like the interactions between Junior and most notably Ludwig/Morton/Roy, Junior saying “us Koopalings” at some point thus including himself amongst that group, or stuff like him singing “I’m the one who wears the crown” making it sound like he’s saying “I’m the one chosen amongst the eight of us”. Then there’s the “family drama” vibe in the first half, the cute moments etc (Also unpopular opinion but after seeing that game, Ludwig should still be the heir of the throne. He has what it takes to be a fantastic king ! Granted Junior is still extremely young and could learn and mature.)
- Also about Jr’s Journey, the main conflict actually works a lot better if you imagine the kids to be siblings, with the Koopalings talking down to Junior because he’s the baby of the family + they resent him for taking the throne from them, while Junior is tired of his siblings babying him + he’s that kind of kid who orders the older siblings around because he thinks he has the power to do so. Them being siblings also justifies why Junior changes his mind so easily during the beach scene and then is quickly shown to be strongly attached to the others (getting happy when Iggy gets his memories back, ordering Ludwig to stay with him from now on, that whole adorable scene with Morton etc).
Meanwhile, if you see the Koopalings as nothing more than high-ranked underlings, it’s weird why they would have such an issue with Junior, the son of their king who is also their boss, and likewise it’s weird why Junior would take such issue with them only to have such a quick change of heart. Idk, I feel like if they weren’t siblings they probably wouldn’t spend that much time together, making both their whole conflict and strong bond a bit weird. And in general their interactions in this game read more as people who are widely different and wouldn’t usually be friends yet still love each other, which is the kind of dynamic many siblings tend to have (isn’t there a poll going around about whether you’d be friends with your siblings if they weren’t your siblings, and the option winning is “we wouldn’t be friends” ?)
- According to their page on the Mario wiki, during an interview revealing them in Mario Kart 8, Miyamoto used a word that means either “underlings” or “adopted children” when mentioning their relationship to Bowser (btw I know it’s the most popular headcanon anyways but them being adoptive children is just perfect. It would explain why 1. Some might be young adults while Bowser is younger than 40 depending on how old you see him, 2. Why they look so widely different from Bowser and each other, 3. Why Junior is the rightful heir).
- Also according to the wiki, the Italian and German versions of Mario and Luigi Paper Jam has mentions of them being Bowser’s kids, which I find hilarious. The translation teams didn’t give a fuck !
So yeah, when it comes to the Koopalings not being Bowser’s kids : who’s gonna tell Nintendo ?
(Side note about the whole idea of “Bowser clearly likes Junior more and neglects his older kids” : what if instead it was just that the Koopalings are teenagers/young adults now so Bowser is giving them their space + have them busy with royal duties, hence why he doesn’t spend that much time with them ? Plus, in all the examples that put the Koopalings on the same level as Junior, it’s pretty evident that they have the same privileges)
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novantinuum · 2 months
Thank you friend!
(Fanfic writer ask meme- I am still taking these!)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Ahahahah, good question...
I suppose every time I leave a chapter off on a cliffhanger I'm being just a LITTLE "mean" to my readers. But of course, I'm also being mean to myself- because damn, even as the writer, even I am dying to know how they'll get out of this one! Smh, would love if the author would update one day.
Beyond that I'm not sure if I could classify any of my writing decisions as me specifically picking on the readers. Mean to myself? Sure! I overtly have a line in Crack the Paragon that's me making fun of myself for being a slow writer on long fics. But overtly mean to readers? Not super my style beyond cliffhangers.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
While it's more of a fandom trope than a more small-scale story trope, I will never personally touch the "all-human AU."
I have read a few stories that make this set up work, but I think an author has to have a REALLY solid grasp of the characters, their dynamics, and the overall themes of the source material to make it work and have it still feel like a transformative work.
And that's my main thing with this fandom trope... very often, they become so detached from the source material that they no longer feel like a transformative work at all, but rather a completely different story with only the names of characters and a few vague plot beats in common. If I go looking for fan works to read for a sci-fi/fantasy story, then I ideally want to SEE those sci-fi/fantasy elements represented in some way. The reason why I enjoy characters such as... say, Steven, is in PART because they aren't like anything we know. I like toying with those inhuman aspects of such characters.
So yeah, you'll never see me doing an all-human coffee shop AU, or what have you. It can certainly be done in a satisfying way with the right setup, but it's not for me.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Steven. Not even a contest. Anyone who knows me, and my icon, and my blog title, and the subject (whether it be the POV subject or the focus subject) of the bulk of my works can probably tell this very easily, ahahah.
I don't think I've ever been so sucked in by a single fictional character in my whole life. I could probably write a 50 page collegiate level paper on Steven at this point.
The runner-up to this right now is either Greg or Connie. Both very fun characters to watch bounce off of Steven and the Gems, not to mention just all the wild Gem stuff that's going on otherwise.
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chuuminn · 2 days
Heloooooooo!!! <3
🪄 and 🎒 for BSD please!!!!
roxxxyyyyyyyy !!! hai hai !!
why did i have to spend so much time thinking about these !! literally had discussion that lasted multiple hours about who detective!minnie's opposite would be. 🪄 which canon character is the closest to being the complete opposite to your s/i?
we settled on fyodor dostoevsky. he and detective!minnie are diametrically opposed in many aspects of their personalities, and i'm pretty sure i could write a damn essay on the specifics. but i'll spare you that and try to cover it in broad strokes. fyodor does not trust anyone but himself and his lord. he cares very little for the lives of others, using his 'allies' as sacrificial pawns and discarding them when they're 'no longer of use'. to minnie, this is one of the most evil things a person can do. she trusts, and loves, so completely- willingly betraying a friend, or even a reluctant ally, is out of the question. next to fyodor's intellect and sophistication, minnie is a bumbling idiot. in dire straits, he is still calm and composed, whereas minnie would more likely be nervously laughing or word-vomiting while she tries to find a solution. she'd be considered naive, with her blind faith in others and the extent in which she cares for those around her ( <- womp womp, this is one of beast!minnie's biggest pitfalls ). TLDR: fyodor is the logical mind whilst minnie is the emotional heart i think she'd be very easily manipulated by fyodor, though.
🎒 what does your s/i carry around in their pockets/bag/purse/etc?
minnie is stocked !!! spare hair ties, tampons, bandaids, painkillers, mints- anything that someone might casually say "sigh, i really wish i had _____ right now" about is in her satchel. she has several spare pens, since kunikida so often snaps his when dazai is being dazai.  she does, however, often forget to put in things like her wallet or phone.
send me a fandom and icon from this list to learn more !!
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narrettwist · 9 months
free space for oc rambling. tell us more about your bone fashion designer (michi, right?) please
Michi!! So they started as a My Hero Academia OC but they have migrated into several AUs and other fandoms at this point.
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Originally I wanted to make a character with what could easily be an OP quirk that they don't use in an OP way. Skeleton Animation works on all bone skeletons, even ones in living bodies, so very easily a big bad villain ability. However Michi only uses it on the dead, for personal reasons, and uses it mostly to create things to carry their stuff, make coffee, act as dress dummies/dress-up dolls, open doors, etc. Their real "villain" power is their attention to details especially in contracts. Manipulating business practices to create favorable outcomes for themself and their fashion design business, the typical white collar shady business practices. Basically, a shitty villain that's not worth the time of heroes to deal with. Or as I put in a few fics "a villain for the aesthetics."
They're an orphan, parents died in a car crash, and they were raised by their paternal grandfather Hamon. However because of Hamon's quirk, Spirit Summoning, Michi grew up knowing their parents. Hamon is head priest at a shinto shrine, where Michi grew up, with the family quirk line relating to death the place was known as "the spooky shrine". Michi was othered as a child and decided that they would be better than everyone else when they grew up.
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I often pair them off with Tsunagu/Best Jeanist because the idea of two fashion icons who are both petty and dramatic is very entertaining to me. Also falls into the "villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin" thing. They both put forward a very specific public image that comes down completely around the other. They share history from being in the same first year class at UA, Michi was in heroics until second year when they transferred to business. Tsu was the first person who became friends with them. After graduation they both lean into the rival thing until Michi's redemption arc.
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But because I love the dynamics of OCs with existing universes/fandoms ice brought Michi into several other fandoms and generic AUs. Sometimes I drag Tsu along, sometimes I leave him at home.
Common traits through all iterations:
Afro-Japanese (unless otherworldly fantasy au). Shinto. Raised by grandfather (shinto priest). Dramatic petty ho. Afab masc Nonbinary (there are a couple where they are transmasc). Usually some connection to the dead. A million walls to keep people from getting close because they become possessive over those they do like. Acts villainous but has very defined moral codes. The "Dating Catwoman" trope all day long. Does things for the aesthetics (and drama).
Fashion inspiration: Alexander McQueen, Balmain, Zuhair Murad, and general Burning Man vibes.
I love my fashion pseudo-villain.
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perelka-l · 3 months
You’re a fucking icon and I hope you know it.
People complain all the time about seeing shit they don’t want to see but guess what? THE BLOCK BUTTON IS RIGHT THERE! TAG FILTERS ARE RIGHT THERE!
To all those who are scared, take your time to build up courage and know that people sending you threats/shaming you for the things you like is NOT YOUR FAULT. Being loud and proud about what you like unabashedly is beautiful. You enjoying yourself is what matters.
Also love your art. Especially the exchamps one where they’re both covered in scars and bloody. It’s so feral and I love it. Plus Draycest very good! I can’t decide which I like more: Drayden being aware of Drayton’s attraction to him and waiting for him to make a move, or Drayden not knowing and trying desperately to hide his own attraction to Drayton 👀
Thank you, anon, but I just do similar thing I ever did. At least now I can put things I believed in in words and direct myself more easily where my belief is, but essentially... Yeah. If that is a thing that has to be said and I can say it, hey, might just as well do it. And as I said, it really breaks my heart to see fans be so scared out of this fear. If anything I say coaxes someone out of it, makes someone feel more brave, I can be only happy.
I can fully second what you said. Although it's okay to be scared too, but please remember that online fandom gives you tools to keep out of fire and not put yourself at risk of anything but angry words of someone with no importance. Also indeed pride is a good word here. It's pride month, and something something kink something your fav gays something it's all connected. You get what I mean.
(Plus, c'mon, as I look at jpn fandom I can see everyone get into race who can draw more Kieran in microbikinis, why the fuck they can have fun and not us!!! (I am gonna draw that once I finish online bit of comic ywy))
I think the issue with "the block button is here" is an approach. It feels natural to you, because you know not everything is for you,, you carve out your own space, and that's fine. But for them, if they see something, the thing is on their territory, not other way round. It's not enough to look away, they want it gone from their space - and their space is for them the entirety of where they look.
If there is light shining in your eyes, you just move out of its path or hide in shadow, they want the source of light gone but won't move an inch.
(For fuck's sake, someone recently left a comment on my semi-abandoned instagram on a post from 2020 (???) with DanHiru (two naruto old men) kissing, throwing a hiss how disgusting it is that Hiruzen is gay and how they "never want to see this again"?? Like, how does one even FIND this kind of stuff on INSTA for starters. I was so baffled...)
Thank you for your love as well ;w;)b I feel like I really went hard with this art haha, I am unsure if I'll be able to top it anytime soon. I am so stupid proud of it, fr...
Draycest for me is very appealing when Drayden is aware of Drayton's crush, of Drayton's deep, deep desire. I saw some scenario on other side of fence that Drayton possibly could be a pretty much free use slut to try and make Drayden furious, maybe jealous, definitely angry for him. There is an element that Drayton would trust him, would allow himself to be vulnerable and open in his grandfather's arms and it's a rare thing for this guy... But then, Drayden might not even know where such behavior stems from. Maybe though it awakens something more protective or possessive within him...
I love the thought of Drayden harboring his own desire, one that repulses him to no end. Drayden is a type to stick to roles, he's an upstanding man, a mayor, a public person. That little perversion, that dark lust, the fact that he looks at his own grandson and wants. I like the thought that dragon trainers are a bit specific and pretty dragon-like in some behaviors and Drayden is an old man, tempered, wise dragon type... And then there is something that isn't even denied to him but he has to deny himself.
They are so tasty, it makes my head spin... Waaaaaaah...
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unohanabbygirl · 11 months
Thanks for tagging me babes ☺️ @sapphireblueye
How many works do you have on A03?
7! Five multi-chaptered and two oneshots
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,884 (I honestly thought it was more)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
HOTD, specifically Lucemond with some background pairings.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Forget me not
2. Hiding in plain sight
3. Fill my bleeding heart
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! However my timing is always so bad and it makes me feel shitty but I’m the sort of person who needs some time to think out what I wanna say + I get distracted very easily and forget to do so until weeks later. My responses are horribly late but my words are genuine.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I guess it would be by latest oneshot featuring corpse queen Luke with a very mentally unwell Aemond. Very sad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The ending isn’t published yet since the story won’t be completed for a while but Hiding in plain sight should be my happiest ending according to my plans. Crazy, I know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn’t say I receive outright hate. Maybe a few backhanded responses every once in a while but it’s rare.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
YES! Very emotional, 9/10 there will be tears shed while they fuck nasty.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one
Sadly no. I don’t think I’m the type of person who could pull off clashing two different universes and their characters together. It’s a difficult thing to write in my opinion and the handful of crossovers I’ve downloaded so i’ll never lose them are god-tier. Takes a lot of talent me thinks.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge 🧐
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Its translated in spanish
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. My process is a very long drawn out one that I don’t want to stress anyone out with while trying to work alongside me. Sometimes it’ll take me weeks or even months to get a chapter out. Im looking at you FMBH.
However I wouldn’t be co-writing something small if the plot interests me. Maybe four chapters or so? Idk
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
IchiRuki (bleach) and Braime. Samdean is a big one too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Interesting enough I started a WIP when Lucemond was still new so around December-ish. It’s a dragon shifter AU but I don’t know where to take it so she’ll probably never see the light of day. Lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotions I think. Probably because i’ve been down the depression and crappy self image rabbit hole enough to express it in my works. Internal monologue is also one I’m good at.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing! Omg my pacing is ass. Everything is either too slow or too fast which leads to so much re-editing to get it all flowing in an appropriate time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don’t do it because google translate isnt very accurate most of the time and language is so important. If I do feel writing dialogue in another language is that important i’ll ask someone who speaks it to help.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well…does the shitty fic I wrote about Edward/Bella/Jacob in seventh grade count? Because if not then Lucemond it is lol
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Forget me not. She’s an icon, what can I say.
Tagging; @handsome-wise-strong @armonial
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makoandharu · 2 years
What, would you say, is the most culturally significant piece of makoharu fanart? The fanart that caused an entire cultural reset not only in the makoharu fandom, but even across the free! fandom; the most famous fanart that every single makoharu shipper should have seen at least once in their fandom lifetime; the art most commonly associated to the ship that when you think "makoharu" that very specific art comes to mind; the art that summarizes makoharu as a whole?
Also which is the fanfic version of this for you?
I think the art that transcended even the fandom itself was this piece by jwitless. It's so iconic that it stills makes its rounds on the Internet and sometimes people don't even know it's Makoharu. It's timeless, it's life changing. I'm still in awe of it to this day, and i think there are few fanart pieces that have had a greater cultural impact. But then again, Makoharu ran so anime BL could walk 😔
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However the art that will always be the most significant to me is this one by deli-not-here. It was my phone background back in high school (how was i that brave lol???) and it was at a time in my life where mh really got me Through It ya know? But that's just me.
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I think fanfic wise nothing will ever top 2/13189000 by tide (tothemoon). This was easily THE talked about fic after s2 aired. (Similarly heart's departure by the same author is a fic that has caused great pain to p much every person in the fandom.)
Also even tho I've never read it bc it's just so long i know Eyes Wide Open All the Time has it's own fandom at this point and i would say that's damn impressive!
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serabellyms · 10 months
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   ⬐ @dutyworn ⬎
🎨Are you neurodivergent or disabled? Anything that uniquely affects your RPing?
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Yes, to both.
I am neurodivergent because I have been diagnosed with ADHD. I don't like the specific descriptor of "I'm disabled" for myself (as I feel that makes it sound like I'm entirely incapable of certain things that I very much am capable of possibly with accommodations, but that's personal interpretation), but I do consider myself to be a person with a disability, one that affects how I function in my day-to-day and one that requires accommodations to maintain that functionality.
Specifically, the way this negatively affects my RPing is in three ways: executive function (or dysfunction, rather), hyperfixation, and working memory. I also have really crappy eyesight (strabismus). More details under the cut because this one got... really long.
Executive function/dysfunction is simple: some days, no matter how much I want to write, I can't. My brain just can't do the thing. It sucks. Sometimes it means I have to do something else until my brain unlocks the gate. Sometimes that's later that day, sometimes it's after my meds kick in, sometimes it's not for a few days or a week. Outside factors, such as work, life events, holidays, etc. all affect that ability to function, so I don't always have the spoons left to write, no matter how desperately I want to. So it just... won't happen. Do I wish I could power through it? Absolutely. Can I? No. That's not how my brain works.
Hyperfixation is a little different. Hyperfixation means that something new and shiny has my brain's attention, and I can't just pull my brain away from it. It could be making icons, it could be finishing up my blog pages, it could be one or two particular muses or a particular fandom that's taken over another fandom, etc. I do my best to reign in my hyperfocus by not rapidly adding or removing muses (believe me, I probably had 30 muses that I was like "I would LIKE to write this muse" and ended up cutting it back to muses I knew I would be likely to stick with, or that had the most urge in my brain) but sometimes, that's just how it be. This is actually the reason my blog is so focused on Mass Effect/on my Mass Effect muses: Mass Effect has been a hyperfixation for me for the last couple years.
Working memory is by far the worst. This is why I ask for certain accommodations such as my interest tracker. My interest tracker isn't just a one-and-done thing on my end with the spreadsheet; I take the time to carefully and meticulously organize the responses in a way that I can interpret. I have tabs for each verse, columns per-muse, and I pull that information from the initial fill-out on my mutuals' end over to secondary sheets that I can more easily reference. I have a tab that ties mun names and pronouns to blog names, as well as the muse(s) they write that I either have interacted with or am likely to interact with.
The reason this accommodation is needed is because the layout of everyone's blogs, rules, muse page, etc is DIFFERENT from blog to blog. What might be at the top of someone's rules page is only in another's pinned post, or in another's about page, or is at the bottom of it, is in their blog description... you get the idea. This means that if I'm looking for a particular piece of information, I may have to check six places, per blog, to find it. Not being able to find it, or not knowing where it might be, or simply not remembering it leads to me feeling incredibly frustrated, which leads into feeling demotivated and other crappy feelings.
That's also especially difficult for someone like me who switches devices, as I often write from my iPad and not always from my desktop. Having my tracker compiles that information in a method that I can comprehend and understand with my disability, helps me keep track of things, and helps keep me on top of things. It is essential to my functionality running my blog. Period.
Now---I'm flexible when it comes to what's actually in the interest tracker. I don't treat it as you're locked in to only the characters you pick in the tracker (and it's set up that you can update it on your end at any time, and it notifies me if it's updated) and can't pick any more after that. Not at all! That's where communication comes in. If there's a new muse you want to interact with that I added, or you watched a new piece of media that I already had on my blog and you want those muses, you can either ask me directly, or update the tracker. It's cool.
But the fact of the matter is, I do need it filled out for my functionality, and it is incredibly frustrating that five minutes, at most, of someone's time is too much for an accommodation. What is a minor inconvenience or discomfort for one person greatly affects my functionality in ways I can't fully explain (and that honestly, I shouldn't have to explain) and the fact that some people can't make that one small step just grinds my gears to no end.
This isn't one I talk about too often, because I'm in the process of working with it (and it has been improving over the last 6 months), but: the reason I ask for certain text aesthetics to be tagged is, in simple terms, because my eyes suck.
The more complex answer is I have what is known as eye misalignment/strabismus/crossed eyes. My eyes don't quite line up properly (they're not visibly crossed, so it's nothing crazy like that), but because of this, my eyes do not focus properly the way they should. It's intermittent, which means that it's not happening all the time, and it's to a degree that's not physically noticeable without special testing (which I've had done).
What this essentially means is that when I'm doing anything---watching TV, on the computer, on my phone, etc---the muscles around my eyes will flex repeatedly in order to maintain focus. We're talking as often as every five to ten seconds throughout the day when I'm trying to read on the computer. Given the fact that my job does require me to be on the computer during the day, it's not something I can just avoid. In most cases, my brain will try to avoid flexing those muscles by filling in the gaps (similarly to how the blind spot in the eye works), which reduces the strain. It causes headaches and neck stiffness, something which I've had chronically for months now. It also means that my eyesight worsens drastically; over the last 2 years, I've gone from about a -2.75 to a -4.25 prescription. THAT'S A LOT.
But what does this mean for multi-spaced aesthetics? Because the spacing is unnatural, my brain can't fill in the gaps, and has to flex to focus. This means that when exposed to text in this manner, the response in my eyes is almost immediate; if I were to spend two to three minutes reading an entire post, I'd have a headache for the rest of the day. That's debilitating. That's why I ask it to be tagged. That's why it's INTEGRAL that it's tagged for me.
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sohemotional · 2 years
2, 9, 17, 20, 22, 26 (mike Chang), 29, 41, 47, 49, 50 for Brittany
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Mike ends up marrying Tina. They stay friends and end up rekindling their relationship later. Oh, my other headcanon is that he always had a purely platonic relationship with Brittany and they're childhood friends. I don’t buy into the whole “Bike used to date” theory but I think they have a good friendship.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Probably the whole argument with Tina in the library about chicken feet. That was just iconic. That or his performance of Sing! with Tina.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I don't know Mike that well but I always associate him with Uptown Funk and Frank Sinatra songs/or other jazz/big band songs
20. Scars
He has so many because he was constantly moving as a child and pretty reckless. Maybe one on his chest from a skateboarding accident when his guy friends dared him to do some stunt.
22. Best physical feature
His eyes
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
He and Tina would definitely get it on in that elevator
29. Eating habits
Brittany likes lots of desserts and anything super sweet. She also loves appetizers and small cute things like macaroons or tea sandwiches. She just eats normally for the most part, she's not a heavy eater but her main thing is she gets indecisive about what she wants so Santana ends up making that decision for them a lot (I'm basing that on Santana's whole "breakfast is confusing for you" line).
She has some strange cravings, especially when she's pregnant but even when she's not pregnant she still gets them a lot. It's actually pretty hilarious when Brittana go through a drive through because she gets so confused and can't decide what she wants or asks for something totally weird. So then the worker gets confused too and Santana argues with them. It’s chaotic. Brittany is definitely a breakfast for dinner kind of person too. She definitely steals some of whatever Santana is eating when they eat together (which Santana has no problems with at all). She’s more adventurous about trying different foods than Santana is but she’s also easily confused if it’s something she isn’t accustomed to or she has a lot of choices.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Maybe Stephen Hawking? She’d want to get to know her biological dad.
47. Their dream job
This is probably an unpopular take but I don't think she has a specific dream job in mind. She mainly wants to be Santana's wife and a mom to their children, which is beautiful and she'll be wonderful. I could see her being a dance teacher when her kids are older though but her main dream is being with Santana.
50. Favorite toy as a child
Probably a Barbie doll because she seems to love dolls. She was that girl who had tons of dolls. She’s very creative and would use dolls to tell her stories.
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stcries · 2 years
questions for muns,  accepting !
@peachiiihearts​ wrote:  3 and 14
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3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
hmm,  if i’m quite honest,  my biggest inspiration are my mutuals on dash.   it’s the main reason i end up changing my graphics so often,  especially my icons and borders.   i very easily get inspired by what i see on dash,  with their own graphical creations,  and i end up changing mine because of that.   but as for writing style?   i can’t say i have a specific inspiration in that department.   this is just the way i’ve developed my own writing style.   whilst it’s not where i want it to be quite yet,  it makes things so reassuring when people compliment me on it!
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
now this question has an easy answer.   my favourite rpcs have without a doubt,  been the ducktales and encanto rpc.   they both have such special places in my heart,  and whilst they may not be as active as they used to be,  they’re still absolutely incredible.   the ducktales rpc was one i joined when i first made my multimuse,  and it was the fandom that really kicked off my blog in terms of popularity,  if i could even call it that.   but the encanto rpc is also just as special.   not only is it one of my most favourite movies of all time,  but the people in it were so welcoming,  i made a lot of amazing friends during that period of time,  i’ll often find myself rereading old threads because of this.   i wish these fandoms were more active,  and that i kept in touch with the mutuals from these fandoms,  but alas,  it cannot be helped.   though if you’re one of those people,  and you’re seeing this post?   it’s your invitation to hit me up again.
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