#i could have added chloe/diana
kendalroys · 7 years
10 favourite fictional characters (5 male/5 female)
I was tagged by @fredweasleying
Tag 10 ppl: @jynersoandor @frnakcaslte @ladytharen @jynersoandor @andyoudoctor @allisonscott @reyskeywalker @baenakinskywalker @agentdunhams @geniusparker 
male characters: 
1) Luke Skywalker 2) Frank Castle 3) Jonah Simms 4) Jake Peralta 5) Will Turner / Lucifer Morningstar 
female characters:  1) Jyn Erso 2) Amy Santiago  3) Elizabeth Swann Turner 4) Iris West 5) Kate Fuller / Karen Page
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Two is company, Three's a Crowd, but Four is the Death of Diana Cavendish (4): Dumb and Dumbass
A/N: Sorry for not writing enough recently. Been burnt out and have some terrible writer’s block. Hope I can write quite a bit these next two weeks before classes start up again. Had my finals recently and just... ugh.
Sorry for the not-so-good chapter.
Right. Tagging people. Uh @komatsuna-yuki @dianacavendishisgay @tanuki-pyon. Thank you for supporting my madness.
~Shintori Khazumi
Two is company, Three's a Crowd, but Four is the Death of Diana Cavendish (4): Dumb and Dumbass
"This is dumb."
"It is not! Right, Barbara?"
"This is dumb."
Diana switched her exasperated gaze between the pair who had their arms crossed, vehemently against her "step one" of  the plan: Proper Courtship for Miss Kagari Atsuko.
There was absolutely NO way they were doing that.
Hannah ran a hand through her curled locks, freeing it from her signature yellow bow as they got ready for bed. She tried to ignore Diana's pleading eyes, but ultimately could not. She took one look at Diana's helpless face and sighed, walking forward to pinch her nose and plant a kiss on her forehead.
Really, courtship wasn't the issue in and of itself. It was Diana's view of courtship. There were just too many things to be said about it.
Starting from the issue of daily sending a truckload of roses to Akko every morning.
She lived in a DORMITORY for crying out loud!
How was she supposed to receive them, much less keep them around??
It wasn't as though she had the luxury of living in a flat a little too big for just its occupants- just like their own right now. Hannah sighed, giving Diana a look. She received an indignant one in return.
Physical constraints aside, how would Akko feel receiving such an overwhelming gift? She already exploded in embarrassment from the simplest of flirtations. Who knew what her reaction would be to such a grandiose gesture of affection?
Hannah concluded it would be best to keep it simple, walk it slow. Ease into the already shocking situation they'd kiiindd of threw her in.
Okay, but Hannah didn't desire anything too slow either. Just right. Enough that Akko wouldn't spontaneously combust beyond recovery.
Holding out a pointer finger, with the other arm crossed about her waist, Hannah warned, "I swear, if I see even one petal, we're not talking to you tomorrow. And we're taking Atsuko with us too".
"One petal?!" Diana gawked at her with such pure incredulity, Hannah wondered if she was really all that shocked.
The look on her face almost made Hannah reconsider. Almost. She thought about it again, pausing and tapping her cheek in contemplation.
Diana's face lit up in hope.
"Maybe I'll allow two."
"Morning, Atsuko~."
Akko jumped in her seat as she felt cool arms snake around her neck from behind, a soft weight pressing against her back. The scent of honeysuckle permeated her sense of smell. It was fruity and warm; like hints of honey and ripe citrus on a summer's day. For some reason, it made her calm immediately.
Turning around, Akko tried to return the greeting. "M-Miss Engl-" A finger quickly hushed her lips, Hannah's coy smile settling in while Akko's heart became unsettled. She didn't think it was in a bad way.
"Hannah. Call me Hannah."
Akko would have tried to gently deny that request, not being one to so quickly drop formalities as was her upbringing before coming to England. However, there was just something in Mis- Hannah's eyes that compelled her to not even try to fight against the command.
"Y-you can call me Akko then,, .I-if you want! Only... if you want... it's... it's what my friends call me...""  Akko mumbled in reply, voice growing smaller and smaller as she shyly pried her eyes away from the magnetic hazels that were so keen on pulling her in.
She had missed the way her companion grinned, leaning in closer to her, arms tightening about her. "Adorable." Hannah playfully whispered into Akko's ear, the tips reddening brightly.
'Save me.'
"Oh, but we don't want to be just 'friends'." Barbara suddenly popped up, positioning herself right in Akko's line of vision, propping her elbows on her desk, face nestling in her hands comfortably as she smirked at Akko with a little wink. "But you already know that."
She watched as Hannah and Barbara shared a quick, sweet kiss as a good morning greeting. Eyes glinting as they caught Akko watching them.
"Oh? Do you want a nice "hello~" as well, Akko? I wouldn't mind~." Barbara grinned, fingers tilting Akko's chin up already, eyes flickering between Akko's own and her lips.
Akko felt her face burn that extra bit more. She wasn't going to make it through class like this if they kept teasing her so early in the morning.
Barbara was beginning to lean closer and closer as Hannah simply watched from behind Akko, inadvertently keeping her in place due to their positions.
Akko swallowed nervously. Sure, she did not necessarily have any qualms against kissing someone as pretty as Barbara. Even Hannah maybe, but at the very least, she wanted to have her fi-first kiss with...
Diana's arrival shook Akko out of a trance she had unknowingly been placed under. She had somehow expected, at the back of her mind, for Diana to arrive soon as the trio was rarely apart except for when they had separate classes.
Akko felt her heart do a little flip in her ribcage, breath stilling in her lungs at the refreshing sight of Diana in a ponytail, a pale nape and a slender neck exposed for the world to see. A bead of sweat rolled down the smooth expanse. Had it been hot outside? Maybe. For some reason, Akko just wanted to lean into the crook of Diana's neck and maybe-
Diana's cough told her she'd been staring an uncomfortable while. Akko flinched, her hand instinctively reached up to touch her bangs, smoothing out each strand of hair nervously in attempts to redirect her thoughts- wherever they were heading.
This was neither the time nor place to be having such... inappropriate musings.
"Aww~ Diana's so lucky to be the favorite girlfriend~." Barbara said with a pout as she observed the awkward two, pulling away from her initial position on the desk and walking around to take a seat next to Akko instead, leaning her head on the girl's shoulder.
"Right?" Hannah sighed, finally releasing Akko as she went to sit next to Barbara. "We put in all this effort to fluster our dear Akko, but Diana just has to breathe and she has her heart and her soul. Oh Barbara~ whatever shall we do?" She sniffled, wiping away a non-existent tear with her index finger.
Akko stared at the pair, mind short-circuiting at a particular word.
Diana was silent as well.
Hannah and Barbara exchanged a confused look at the lack of reaction, as well as Diana's frozen state.
"Um... did we perhaps say something wrong?" Hannah began nervously, not wanting to possibly offend Akko or hurt her like they could have the last time.
Barbara bit her lip, equally anxious. "If so, then-"
"G-girlfriend?!" Diana and Akko had burst simultaneously, earning looks from the few early students around them.
Akko bowed in silent apology as she turned back to her companions.
"W-what do you... what are you...?"
"Huh?" Hannah and Barbara tilted their heads in confusion.
"G-Girlfriend...?" Diana repeated, vision swirling as her face reddened.
"Aahhh..." Hannah and Barbara got the message, nodding... before doing a double-take. "Wait, we're not? Girlfriends?"
Akko slammed her head onto her locker door right after shutting it. She shuffled her subject materials for the next class in her hands, trying to check if she missed bringing anything, sighing heavily all the while.
She was lucky her second class was away from everyone else's. That gave her some breathing room to recollect herself.
Hannah and Barbara were way* too skilled at riling her up. She had no idea how to deal with them. She was sure she wouldn't get used to their antics anytime soon. The whole situation with them spun her wheels around so well, it was actually tiring her out.
Then there was the matter of being g-girlfriends, and Diana.
"Diana..." Akko's head banged against her metal door again with a clang, a few passing students casting her worried gazes. "What the hell..."
When was it, she wondered, that she had first taken notice of the incredibly gorgeous biology major. Diana with her clear blue eyes like the oceans and the sky at the peak of a beautiful summer; her hair that flowed down to her waist in flourishing curls; Diana and her sharp and classy style; Diana and her shapely body- Akko hit her head once more against the locker, groaning against the cool metal.
"What the hell am I thinking about?" She muttered, pushing herself away from her locker to get ready to head off to the next class. Maybe she should just keep her mind off of it for now, focus on what was in front of her, and deal with it later. When her head cooled down.
Yes. That was the perfect plan.
Before she could leave, however, a hand slapped against either side of her head, a the impact causing a ringing sound in her ears that only added to her headache. Her eyes that she had unconsciously shut fluttered open, widening at the sight that greeted her.
Oh, this was just great.
"Oh, I don't know, Kagari. What *were you thinking about? Hmm?" That familiar snarky tone of voice bit at her, a hand resting on her shoulder before pressing her into the hard metal.
"Chloe..." Her weak response coupled with a glare only made the perpetrator grin happily.
"Atsuko~ our cute little lackey." Short-haired and short-tempered towards Akko was Avery trailing behind the Frenchwoman- the actual lackey, Akko thought.
"Geh- Avery..."
"Glad you're happy to see us." She rolled her eyes, popping her bubblegum as she picked up a paper Akko had dropped in her surprise, flipping through its contents, bored. "Our lackey seems to have been doing good in school lately. Doing her homework and all. Guess you could do ours too?" She smiled that sickly sweet way that Akko loathed.
Akko's breath hitched when she made a little tear on the sheet just to spite her. Finnelan was surely going to chew her out again for a reason she couldn't explain.
Akko grit her teeth, truly wanting to retaliate physically, but then remembered that they weren't in high school anymore. These girls had no real power over her. Not then, not now. She needed to just ignore it and walk away. Really. Years and years of this, and they never got sick of it? Why did the universe allow them to apply to the same university anyway? Not that it mattered anymore.
Resigning herself to a -hopefully- more peaceful exit, Akko sighed, attempting to move Chloe's hand away with only enough force not to trigger her more. "I'm not your lackey." She said, kneeling to the ground to grab her other scattered materials.
"Aww, you're not?" Chloe whined, watching Akko like a hawk.
"I'm not." Akko replied, standing up and throwing them a blank look. "I have to go. See you."
"Leaving so soon?" Some girl she didn't know called after her, sneer evident in her tone. "Not gonna entertain us for a little longer?"
"Obviously." Akko responded, not looking back. She just needed to get the hell away as fast as possible and avoid any further interaction with them.
"Oh, then you wouldn't mind if we told the entire school about how you're always off to a strip club."
Akko halted in her steps, turning around to stare hatefully at the evil grin Chloe sported after knowing she got her way once more.
"Always, as in everyday?" Avery added, leading the group forward to surround Akko once more as other students avoided the potential mess in the hallway.
"What has that got to do with anything?" Akko grit her teeth, fists clenching "And I already told you... it's not what it looks like."
"Then why are you so scared, hmm? About word getting out?" Chloe tipped Akko's head up with her index finger, making her look directly into her eyes. "You know how they say that if you have nothing to hide, then there's nothing to be afraid of."
Akko swallowed the lump in her throat, searching her mind for a comeback to that without revealing too much about herself and giving these bullies more information to harass her with.
She had nothing.
They didn't like that she was quiet and had nothing to say.
She heard Chloe sigh before Akko's cheeks were squeezed together in her hands, nails digging into the flesh slightly. "Also, what was it? Your friend, uh... Lois or something."
"Lotte..." Akko corrected, barely managing the word out; she hoped they weren't planning on doing anything to her sweet friend. She could handle their insults, their disgusting behavior, and their petty tricks on her, but she couldn't stand it if her friends got hurt in her place instead.
"Whatever. Her." Akko slapped Chloe's hand away, earning her a pleased smile and a pat on the cheek. "There's the little tiger we love." She giggled, a glint in her eye.
Akko gripped her books in her hand, trying her best not to throw her fists right at them. The last time she had let her temper go, she was wrongly suspended anyway. She'd rather not have to live through the same sucky school experience again.
"So,"  Chloe continued. "you wouldn't want the entire school to read her disgusting work, right? Fanfiction? I can't remember it all that well. Couldn't stand to read that shit for more than five seconds." She made a gagging motion, tongue stuck out at Akko.
"Lotte... Lotte is amazing at writing..." She whispered, hoping they actually didn't hear those words. "Don't touch Lotte." She managed to say loud enough, raising her head to gaze upon them with a warning. It only seemed to fly over their heads as they all sashayed away from Akko, feeling like they'd won.
"Anyway, we'll keep your secrets for another day, Kagari." Chloe waved over her shoulder. "In exchange for our, ehem, considerate service, we expect cutlet sandwiches on each of our desks. Noon. Sharp." She commanded.
Akko, immediately recalling her class schedule for the day, wanted to protest. "But my class doesn't get out until-"
"Is that a no I'm hearing?" The group paused in their steps, all pinning Akko down with their looks of contempt, daring her to say anything besides their desired response.
Her fists trembled, knuckles as white as her torn assignment paper. She felt the quiver in her lip and the tension in her frame as she held back from screaming bloody murder.
"... I'll get you your damned sandwiches."
"Akko! What took you so long!" Akko's friend, Lotte, worriedly asked. "Finnelan usually comes in really early. You could have been in some major trouble!"
"Maybe she just got lost in the cafeteria again? Among all the donuts and pastries." Sucy drily replied, not looking up from her textbook.
Akko kept staring at her torn paper in dismay, pondering if she should risk it and start rewriting a new one, hopefully finishing before the professor arrived.
The lack of response only fed Lotte's concern even more. She squeezed Akko's shoulder to catch her attention and noticed her friend flinch.
"H-huh? Oh! What? So-sorry. I was... I dropped my phone in the toilet, haha." Akko said, not looking at her friend at all as she dug around her bag for a pen and hoping for a clean sheet of paper as well.
"Wait, what? Is your phone okay?" Lotte asked, skeptically watching her friend's frantic movements.
"Yeah, yeah." Akko replied half-heartedly.
Lotte frowned, feeling that Akko was still hiding something. "What happened to your assignment?" She questioned, noticing the crumpled and torn edge. A thought came to her mind. "Was it them?" She asked in a quieter voice. "What did they say? Did they hurt you?" Lotte scanned over Akko's features, pupils shaking. They settled on her face and Lotte's frown deepened. "You're cheek..." She reached out, trying to touch it.
"Huh? N-no? It was... the school... cat...?" Akko tried lamely, moving away from Lotte. She instantly felt bad about it as Lotte sported a hurt expression in response to her actions.
Akko finally faced Lotte, guilt on her features. She was never really good at masking her feelings from her friend. She could never lie to her. They both knew that.
"What was it about this time?"
Akko bit her lip. Despite how close they had gotten over the years as friends, Akko hadn't revealed too much to them about her background. She wasn't sure she was ready to either. Not anytime soon. She also couldn't find the heart to let Lotte know that part of it was about her.
"Just that I'm a dumbass, and the other typical stuff, y'know? Appearances and that kinda thing." She lied.
"Hmmm..." Lotte was clearly not convinced, but she let it go, knowing Akko wouldn't budge on things like this. She instead decided to  settle down in her seat next to Akko.
Akko knew Lotte wouldn't pry anymore. She was both thankful and sorry for having to do this to her friend, but she really couldn't help it.
Akko sighed, clicking her pen open.
"Want me to poison their lunch today?" Sucy piped up, flashing Akko a vial from her bag.
As much as Akko wanted to say yes, she knew it could only make things worse and reluctantly declined. "Maybe in my dreams." She smiled at her friends weakly, finally turning to her fresh sheet of paper to begin copying her assignment.
She missed the shine in Sucy's eye and the grin that was starting to grow on her face. Akko only looked up in terror as she heard the words that spilled from Sucy's mouth, hoping she wouldn't go through with any funny business.
"That can be arranged."
Akko felt a shiver run up her spine, whipping her head back to her paper to avoid that scary expression.
"Let's just... not."
"Tch. You're no fun."
Maybe she really wasn't.
A/N: I would have made this longer and added one more scene, but my brain cells can’t. Sorry haha. ;-; Really sorry. 
~Shintori Khazumi
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 11
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
“Maybe if we use this as a counter agent, it could keep both preserved.” Marinette pointed out, “It says right here that this can balance the whole process quite well on it’s own.” 
Alfred hummed thoughtfully, leaning over to read what she was indicating more thoroughly. “But that is only for one, Miss Marinette. You are talking about four at the very minimum. I don’t know if-”
Her phone chimed with the notification reserved for messages to her yo-yo, interrupting their conversation. “I’m so sorry M. Alfred, may I be excused for a moment?” She asked, looking over at the older man apologetically. 
“Of course Miss Marinette, take your time. We will keep researching this while you go, and inform you if we find anything.” Alfred indicated the tablet sitting in the table, pages of the Grimoire lighting up its screen. Beside him, the rest of the Kwami murmured agreement, engrossed in their findings as they scrolled through the text.
“Thank you!” She smiled and ducked out of the room, standing in the hallway to view the message for Ladybug.
Greetings, Ladybug, this is Princess Diana of Themyscira. On behalf of the Justice League, I would like to formally invite you and your team to come to the Watchtower for your first day of training on October 20th. A member of our team will be in Paris, and will take you there at precisely 900 hours. We look forward to seeing you then.
Marinette read through the short message several times, brain not fully comprehending the words in front of her. The moment they registered, however, she blue screened. 
Marinette.exe has stopped working. 
Her thoughts were a muddled mess of panicked catastrophizing and half-baked contingency plans jumbling together in her brain as she went over what the implications of that message were. 
They were training. 
At the Watchtower. 
Holy fuck. She had to tell the team! 
She immediately started a group call, speed hobbling to her room as she waited for everyone to pick up. 
“What’s up?”
“Hi everybody.”
“Guys! We have our first meeting with the other heroes!” She whisper-yelled in French, trying to contain her excitement.
Her announcement was met with several exclamations of joy from her team. They celebrated for a few minutes, finally feeling hope for the first time in years. “We need to have a plan for what we’re going to do there,” she cut in, worry bleeding into her voice. “Can we all meet at Luka’s in like, five minutes?”
“Uh, sorry Bug, but I can’t go out unless there’s a valid reason.” Adrien sheepishly informed her. “Otherwise my Father won’t let me.”
“Same here,” Kagami sighed regretfully.
“How about we all meet at Adrien’s?” Luka suggested, “Kagami just tell your mom you and Adrien are going to practice your languages together or something.”
“And if that doesn't work, I can always just pretend-demand that you all need to come over for a sleepover.” Chloe added.
“I think...that may work.” 
“My Mother would agree to that.”
“Alright. Adrien’s house in...ten? Fifteen?” Marinette clarified.
“Let’s do fifteen.” Luka said. There were murmurs of agreement before she ended the call and flopped backward onto her bed, hope and excitement flooding her veins. 
Thirteen minutes later, she was stepping through a portal into Adrien’s room. As soon as she had gotten through, she was tackled enthusiastically by Adrien and Chloe. “Mari!!!” Adrien yelled, grabbing her in a tight hug. 
Surprising as it may be, Chloe was secretly a cuddler, and Adrien was severely touch starved, so they were always hanging on to other members of the team. Kagami and Luka were also fans of physical affection, but they stood back a little, not wanting to get caught in the giant Celtic Knot of limbs that had formed where the other three were still hugging. 
Breaking out of the embrace, Marinette reached over to the other two and hugged them gently, clutching on for a few moments as she relished the feeling of being surrounded by her friends one again. 
Finally, Chloe spoke up, reminding them why they were all there.”So...when exactly is the meeting?” 
“Oh, it’s on October twentieth. So like, in a week. ” Marinette replied, “We need to plan for this though.”
“Let's set some basic rules.” Adrien suggested, curling up in a beanbag chair. “First things first, even if they reveal their identities to us, we don’t have to reveal our identities to them. Not until all this is over, maybe not even then.” 
“And make sure to stay on guard, and not reveal anything about our civilian lives, right?” Luka asked.
“Yes.” Kagami nodded, “We should wear comms just in case we split up as well.”
“Nettie are we using Kaalki?” Chloe asked, turning to face her.
“We’re not using them, but I will be bringing them along with us. You never know what might happen.”
There were nods of agreement.
“And most importantly, try not to pick fights with the other people.” Marinette added, casting a meaningful glance around at Chloe. “Even if they challenge our honor, or say something rude about our families.” Another glance at Kagami.
“”Oh fine,” Chloe grumbled, rolling her eyes. 
Kagami gave them a little half-smile, one that screamed ‘I make no promises,’ but nodded. “Agreed.” 
“Alright, so nine am, on the twentieth.” Marinette called on Voyage, “I’ll see you then!” 
And she was gone, the portal closing behind her in a flare of blue light. 
The morning of their meeting dawned bright and clear in Paris.
Marinette, however, stared out at the dark sky and fog surrounding Gotham, and longed for home. It was nearly always cold here, and she spent every day in a constant battle against her Ladybug instincts. She was going to end up hibernating all winter at this rate, which would not do. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was nearing three, which meant she should probably go to Paris if she didn’t want to be late. 
She waved to Alfred before walking upstairs, having finally downgraded to a simple brace for her leg. The rest of the family seemed very surprised, and a little suspicious of the rate she was healing, considering it normally took three to six months for a fractured tibia to heal. Granted, she had been injured in August and it was now October, which was a solid two months, but still too short of a time period to be completely normal. 
That’s a problem for future Marinette to solve. She decided, choosing to ignore the thought. 
She stepped through the portal onto the Eiffel Tower where her team was already waiting. Wonder Woman’s message hadn’t told them where they would be meeting the hero that would be taking them to the Watchtower, so they had decided to wait on the Eiffel.
Barely five minutes later, Superman himself swooped down from the sky, landing lightly on the support beam they were perching on. “Well, well, if it isn’t the Man of Steel himself.”  Chloe snarked, rolling her eyes at his appearance. “Gonna get me killed again today?” 
Kagami elbowed her in an attempt to shut her up.
“Bee!” Marinette hissed, giving her a warning glare.
“Sorry.” She muttered, not sounding apologetic at all.
Superman’s eyes went comically wide, before he sputtered out a series of half formed apologies, looking flustered and ashamed at her accusation. 
“Save it.” She held up hand. “It wasn't the first time, and it won’t be the last. You’re here to take us to the Watchtower, right?” 
“Um, yes. We’re going to use the Zeta Beams to get there.” He looked even more concerned at her statement, but chose to let it slide. “Follow me.”
Stepping out of the beam, Marinette braced a hand against the wall as she struggled to keep her lunch down. Swallowing against the rising bile, she pressed her hand to her mouth until the worst of the nausea had faded. Looking up, she watched Adrien and Chloe stumble out of the beam, looking as green as she felt. Unlike her, however, Chloe did not manage to keep her composure, stumbling to a nearby trashcan and vomiting into it. 
“Oh yuck!” Adrien wrinkled his nose, enhanced senses already picking up the stink beginning to waft through the air. Kagami followed next, looking as composed as ever. She swayed lightly, but regained her balance fairly quickly, walking over to her girlfriend and hugging her gently as she moaned miserably from her spot on the floor. Luka and Superman were the last to join them, both of them booking unruffled from the ride. “Ah, I’m sorry about that.” Superman apologized, “The beams can make you feel a little nauseous the first few times.”
“A little?” Adrien asked incredulously. 
“It’s subjective.” He shrugged. 
“So, what’s the first order of business?” Marinette asked, looking around curiously. They seemed to be in an entrance room of sorts, but that was all she could tell. 
“Well first, we’ll need to have Martian Manhunter do a quick mind search just to make sure you aren’t enemies, or have bad intentions towards the Justice league. He won’t hurt you.” Diana called from where she was standing. Next to her was another person with green skin, an alien most probably.
Luka stepped forward, arms folded across his chest. “How, exactly, will this mind reading stuff work? We don’t want any of our secret identities being compromised.”
“It’s sort of like a google search.” The green-skinned hero in blue and red stepped forward. “I just search for specific terms, and if none of them pop up, you’re clear.”
“And are you going to do this on us one at a time, or as a group?” Kagami asked, gaze steely.
“One at a time. But it might dredge up some painful memories, so be prepared.” He warned.
“In that case, I’ll go first.” Marinette volunteered, stepping over to the hero.
She closed her eyes, and the visions began.
She was thirteen again, opening the box and watching Tikki appear before her in a flash of red light. Flying through the air with laughter singing through her soul. Staring out at stone golems, facing everyone’s doubt, ever her own. Floundering desperately, looking for someone to help, fighting the battles on her own as Chat Noir joked and fooled around. Collapsing slowly under the pressure.
Fourteen and struggling, Siren makes an appearance. Those nightmares have never left her. Drowned civilians, water-logged limbs, bloated sacks of flesh floating in the water. Still no help from Chat, the Guardian remaining as elusive and paranoid as ever. She is falling, falling, falling, weighted down by her duties. She still flies, but there is no more laughter.
Fifteen and Lila comes along. Spinning web after web, ensnaring everyone with poisoned words, dripping honey-sweet with lies. She watches as she loses everyone to a girl that only wanted to fit in. Adrien does nothing, and the last of her love for him flickers out. 
Still fifteen, and there is Miracle Queen. Her cure wiped everyone’s memory, but she knows she can’t afford anymore slip-ups. She’s the Guardian now, and she knows she can’t do this on her own. She adds three permanent members to her team, and with the reveal comes remorse. Chat-no, Adrien-realizes his harassment, and Chloe apologizes. Things are looking up.
Then, she is sixteen, and the bullying becomes physical. Heroing, schoolwork, and commissions for ungrateful classmates wear away at her. Designing loses its joy. She sinks into a haze of monochrome grays, mechanically moving through life. Then there is The Incident, and there is nothing but cold, and red, and-
With a gasp her eyes fly open, and she looks around wildly, bright blue eyes shadowed, and far away.  
“Bug!” Chat called out, reaching for her as she gasped, struggling for air. There was wetness on her cheeks; when did that get there? The other heroes looked at her in concern, Martian Manhunter had apologies written all over his face. Before they could say anything, she waved a hand dismissively and tried for a smile. “I’m okay, really. Did I pass the test?”
Martian Manhunter still looked worried, but nodded. “You are good. You can go sit down or wait here until I do the rest.”
“I’ll stay.”
Adrien was next. 
He stepped forward, feeling his apprehension rise. If Marinette’s reaction was that bad, what would his be?
He breathed in, and closed his eyes.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00, @toodaloo-kangaroo
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monkeebratz · 5 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne AU - Super Meet
Initial idea | How it Happened | Addition by iggy-of-fans | Reply to iggy’s Addition | Summer Begins | Summer Part 2 | Supers Meet (you are here) | Scarecrow Interlude |
SO we have two ways that the Parisian Super Squad meets the Batfam. 
The first, which I’m only writing down because I cannot forget about it, and its hilarious is: the Super Squad gets to Gotham, gets Mari’s texts, gets to their hotel room, throws their stuff in, transforms, and starts running around looking for her. They find her walking around the fashion district with the Wayne’s. Adrien, as Chat Noir, spies Marinette first. And, in typical fashion, acts first and thinks later. 
So basically the Wayne’s watch a young, blonde, male version of catwoman throw an incredibly expandable baton between them and Mari, jump down, pick her up. Say “Bonjour. Au revoir.” And then make his expandable baton extend again and carry the now screeching Marinette to the top of the building where the rest of the Super Squad is waiting. Luka is going to strangle him. Holy shit. Chat Noir? More like Chat NO-ir!
The Batfam, of course, suits up and starts chasing after them. In full daylight. (These are the perfect opportunity for “Only in Gotham tweets” tbh) They catch up to Marinette berating all of them in incredibly loud and frantic French. As Multimouse. Going on about how irresponsible it was to leave Paris unprotected! Yes she knows Hawkmoth was defeated but it is the principle of the matter!! And they left BEFORE she told them about what happened with her bio!family and Batman! ALSO THEY KIDNAPPED HER IN BROAD ASS FUCKING DAYLIGHT IT DOESN’T MATTER IF THIS IS GOTHAM YOU SHUT YOUR TRAP CHAT! 
The whole squad looks so defeated but then Mari starts crying and throws herself into Chat’s arms going on about how good it is to see them and she’s so happy they’re here and they’re so so stupid! And then its a hug pile. Big hug pile. The Batfam looks on in utter confusion bc, again, only like. Two of them know French. Then Batman coughs and they all look up and just. Don’t move. Maybe if they don’t move he won’t see them. 
“... I need to be taking Miss Dupain-Cheng back to her family, now.” 
“But-!” WHACK (why yes that’s the sound of Marinette kicking at them all)
“You kidnapped a girl in front of her family with no warning, in a very dangerous city. I’m sure her family would like the reassurance that she’s safe.” 
So Batman and the Robins take Marinette back to Wayne Manor and Alfred clings to her (like he totally didn’t put everything together already they’re all so obvious). And then the Batfam, minus costume, comes barreling down the stairs and they all tackle Marinette and its another hug pile. Bc holy shit Mari why did you get kidnapped by your so called friends? Oh, they’re stupid? Can relate. 
And then. Of course. Guess who shows up at the door. Just peeks their heads in, detransformed of course. “Uh, hi? We’re friends of Marinette? We’re here to visit her?” 
Bruce is shrieking like WHY. WHY IS THIS SHIT GENETIC?! Internally. Can’t spill the beans QUITE yet. 
Anyway, INTRODUCTIONS GALOR, YADA YADA, Dick and Adrien get along so well. Too well. Kagami and Damien also get along well too (they’re both ready to stab a bitch, don’t test them). Luka is too chill NOT to get along with anyone, unless they insult his friends and partners. Chloe is ready to throw down but also holy shit that’s Bruce fucking Wayne? Damn, Mari. DAMN. Already on social media about this. 
(Also listen, I am shipping trash so I’m going to be vague as hell with things but in my brain this will be a poly!partners au so the Super Squad is just dating each other. But for the sake of everyone they could also just be really good/close friends, as they’ll be sharing rooms and be very touchy feeling and such. Its up to you. But just know, I’m just. Like this.) 
So it basically just devolves into story sharing and puppy piles and the Wayne’s all looking at the Super Squad with side eyes bc HM. HOW FAMILY. ALSO STOP TOUCHING THE BABY! NO CORRUPTING THE BABY!! THAT’S OURS!!!
This is all happening with their eyes btw
And of course. The whole squad follows Marinette out as Multimouse to go meet batman, who Bruce told her had something to talk with her about. And she kinda cries bc SHE’S GOING TO GET KICKED OUT OF THE CITY BC OF HER IDIOTS!
Its not, its the Batfam taking the Super Squad to the Justice League tower. They weren’t expecting so many people but its fine. They’ll make it work. 
Because Bruce had called the Justice League for an emergency meeting that night with the tone of voice that clearly said anybody who didn’t show up would have a bat hunting them down and shoving his foot up their ass so far they’ll taste patented leather for the rest of their life. They’ve almost never seen him so angry? And he’s bringing guests? What? The fuck?? 
Multimouse Marinette gets briefed that, as the current Guardian of the Miraculous, and a hero of Paris, she’ll be there to get a formal apology and an explanation about why a bunch of teenagers had to fight an emotionally manipulative super villain by themselves. Chat Noir is maybe hiding behind the rest of the Miraculous Crew and they’re only kinda notice but don’t think much of it tbh. Adrien does NOT want to be the one to explain that his FATHER was said super villain. save him. 
Btw the whole group is having mixed reactions to the idea of meeting the Justice League. Adrien wants to run away but he also doesn’t care? Like. They’re all superhero’s, he gets that they can’t always help, but also. Fuck. He loves being a superhero but having someone with actual experience might have saved them all a lot of heartache. Chloe, meanwhile, doesn’t give a sINGLE SHIT about the JL. Fuck them. Fuck them so hard, so assholes ignored them and they’re going to be high and mighty. She may be a better person now but she will not put up with their nonsense. Not now. Not ever. Fight her. Luka is that sort of calm angry? He’s pissed that they brushed them off but since everything’s over there’s no point in holding onto his anger. There may or may not be a lot of meditating in the Bat Plane on the way there so he doesn’t use his lyre like a fucking BOOMERANG AGAIN and smack them all upside the head with it. Kagami doesn’t care? She’ll threaten them to the ends of the earth should they ever blow off such messages again, but she also just. Has very little emotional investment in them otherwise. 
Marinette, of course, is freaking out and pacing and trying to channel her inner ladybug and screaming internally bc why. WHY. She’s angry but she also understands, but she’s still so stressed. just. please. Tiny squeaks. 
And okay, they get there, and Batman comes in with ALL the Robins AND all these new kids? 
Flash: I’m sorry, you called an emergency meeting because of your extended family? 
Diana: HUSH
Because Diana, of course, recognizes them what and who they are. And is screaming bc holy shit? The Miraculous Holders are active again? Do they need their help? Where is Ladybug? Who is the Guardian? She just has. so. many. questions. 
And Captain Marvel/Shazam (seriously wtf IS HIS NAME) is fangirling HARD. Because that’s the Miraculous Holders! The ORIGINAL magic users! SEVERAL of his people (Hercules/etc) were Miraculous holders on top of Shazam and HOOOLLLY SHIT THEY’RE HERE! IN FRONT OF HIM! HOLY SHIT!!!
Superman, Green Arrow, and several others are sweating bc uh. UH. OH SHIT THOSE MESSAGES WERE REAL?
Yes. They were real. And now they have Batman in full dad mode demanding an explanation. Several people (Superman, other mutation/alien esc powers) claim they went to Paris to check on the damage but they couldn’t find any, OR the supposed supers of villain. 
Multimouse steps forward and starts explains how the Ladybug powers work and if they had bothered to contact them beyond telling them this wasn’t a line of communication to be used for PRANKS, they would know better. Diana chimes in with how she was helped created BY the Ladybug miraculous, etc, why did nobody ask her about this? Hell, why did nobody ask their resident magic user, Captain Marvel/Shazam??? 
Green Lantern: No offense, but doesn’t this all seem a little far fetched? 
Chloe: ... Bitch, you have an alien ring that gives you powers. Shut the fuck up. 
So there’s some arguing, back and forth, and Bruce looses his temper a little bit. Smacks his hand HARD on the table. “Enough. It is your job to investigate. It is not your job to leave the saving of an entire city to my fucking daughter, who was barely thirteen at the time this all started. As far as I’m concerned, this can never, ever, happen again. Wonder Woman, Captain, I assume you’d be willing to go through our notifications for any discrepancies?” 
And there’s a huge moment of silence. Everyone’s staring at him. Multimouse squeaks. Red Hood just. “Good going, Bats. Real smooth.” 
Viperion is making wheezing noises and covers Chat’s mouth and then there’s even more yelling and arguing and finger pointing, and Bruce wants a drink. And a nap. In whatever order he can get them. 
Basically he gets Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel/Shazam to agree to looking through messages but also gets the hell out of dodge. 
Next in, the reactions to all this tomfoolery. Also apparently superhero-ism is now genetic. 
Tag List! (Please remember to send me an ask if you want to be added!)
@mystery-5-5 @mariae2900 @vgirl-10123 @iglowinggemma28 @deredereart @synnesstra @dahjokester @destinationdesignation @lordsmeldingtonthethird @emjrabbitwolf @unabashedbookworm @saphiraazure2708 @rhub4rb @romanoff-queen @octoberscorn@littleblue5mcdork @foxyrelina @severelyenchantedwonderland @dast218 @ace-aro-agender​ @rogueptoridactyl​ @kitkatcatfangirl @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @poshplumcot  @iggy-of-fans @schrodingers25​ @two-faced-biatch​ @moonlitarchangels @vixen-uchiha @rikku052 @elspethshadow
People who should be tagged but may not? So sorry, I’m still going to add you until tumblr stops being a dick about this.
@tbehartoo  @wuvpancakes
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aion-rsa · 4 years
MrBeast, Charli D’Amelio and More Nab Big Streaming Award Noms
MrBeast and Charli D’Amelio are among the nominees for the 2020 YouTube Streamy Awards. The tenth anniversary of the awards will stream exclusively on YouTube on December 13, and you’ll be able to watch them right here.
John Krasinski, James Charles and Addison Rae have also received nominations this year, as have Will Smith and Jack Black. Disney and Netflix will almost certainly be fighting it out again to snag the top brand award.
MrBeast aka Jimmy Donaldson is also up for a Social Good award for his Feeding America Food Drive. The popular streamer dropped out of college to pursue a full-time career as a YouTuber, and has become one of the most-watched creators on the planet, dabbling in a winning combo of expensive stunts and philanthropy.
Here’s a complete list of 2020’s YouTube Streamy Awards nominees:
Overall Awards
Creator of the Year
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio David Dobrik Dixie D’Amelio Emma Chamberlain James Charles Larray Marques Brownlee MrBeast Sarah Cooper
Show of the Year
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Binging with Babish • Babish Culinary Universe Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB Game Master Network • Rebecca Zamolo Good Mythical Morning • Good Mythical Morning Instant Influencer • James Charles Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Nikita Unfiltered • Nikita Dragun UNHhhh • WOWPresents
HIKAKIN (Japan) Mikecrack (Spain) Mythpat (India) Sandra Cires Art (Cuba) Whindersson Nunes (Brazil)
Individual Awards
Breakout Creator
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio Dream Spencer X ZHC
David Dobrik and Justin Bieber – SURPRISING PEOPLE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER!! The Hype House – TURNING THE HYPE HOUSE INTO A TRAMPOLINE PARK! Jackie Aina and Naomi Campbell – NAOMI CAMPBELL GETS GLAM WITH ME!!! Sway LA – Most Likely To Challenge! Zach King and David Blaine – David Blaine Tricks Zach King with Zoom Magic
Jack Black Jason Derulo Kevin James Naomi Campbell Will Smith
First Person
Alex Warren David Dobrik Emma Chamberlain Larray Logan Paul
Live Streamer
NICKMERCS Ninja Pokimane Shroud Typical Gamer
Show Awards
Indie Series
20 Seconds to Live Arun Considers Choose Me: An Abortion Story Chris and Jack The Lock Down Buddy
Live Series
BET’s House Party Bright Minded: Live with Miley Cyrus D-Nice’s Club Quarantine Reunited Apart with Josh Gad Verzuz
Live Special
Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020
MrBeast’s $250,000 Influencer Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament Some Good News Prom with Billie Eilish, Jonas Brothers, & Chance the Rapper Travis Scott and Fortnite Present: Astronomical YouTube Dear Class of 2020
Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain H3 Podcast Impaulsive On Purpose with Jay Shetty ‎ VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash
Scripted Series
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Could You Survive the Movies? • Vsauce3 Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB FPS Logic • Viva La Dirt League Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Unscripted Series Brave Wilderness • Brave Wilderness Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Instant Influencer • James Charles Jeff’s Barbershop • Jeff Wittek UNHhhh • WOWPresents
Subject Awards
illymation Jaiden Animations Ketnipz The Land Of Boggs TheOdd1sOut
Bailey Sarian Brad Mondo Hyram Jackie Aina James Charles
Brandon Rogers Brittany Tomlinson Gus Johnson Nigel Ng Sarah Cooper
ContraPoints D’Angelo Wallace Danny Gonzalez Jarvis Johnson Tiffany Ferguson
BFunk Dytto Matt Steffanina Michael Le Sofie Dossi
AntsCanada Justin Bieber: Seasons Nikita Unfiltered The Secret Life of Lele Pons State Of Grace
Fashion and Style
bestdressed Bretman Rock LaurDIY Sneaker Shopping Wisdom Kaye
Alex French Guy Cooking Babish Culinary Universe How To Cook That Joshua Weissman Tabitha Brown
Dream FGTeeV Jelly LaurenzSide PrestonPlayz
Health and Wellness
Chloe Ting Demi Bagby Doctor Mike The Fitness Marshall Kati Morton
Kids and Family
A for Adley Goo Goo Colors Kids Diana Show Rebecca Zamolo Ryan’s World
Learning and Education
ChrisFix Mark Rober NileRed onlyjayus Peter Sripol
Alexa Rivera Calle y Poché Jennelle Eliana Larray Rickey Thompson
All Gas No Brakes Complex News HasanAbi The Philip DeFranco Show Some More News
2HYPE Braille Skateboarding Dude Perfect No Days Off: Sports Prodigies Ryan García
iJustine Marques Brownlee Michael Reeves Simone Giertz Stuff Made Here
Craft Awards
Cole Bennett – Lyrical Lemonade Devin Graham – devinsupertramp Niels Lindelien – Lindsey Stirling Peter McKinnon – Peter McKinnon Pierre Wikberg – Climbkhana TWO
Casey Neistat – CaseyNeistat derkslurp – derkslurp Emma Chamberlain – emma chamberlain Evan Puschak – Nerdwriter1 Hayden Hillier-Smith – Logan Paul
Visual and Special Effects
Aaron Benitez – Aaron’s Animals Buttered Side Down – Buttered Side Down CyreneQ – CyreneQ Sam Wickert and Brendan Forde – Chalk Warfare 4.0 Zach King – Zach King
Akilah Hughes, Milana Vayntrub, Brian McElhaney, and Nick Kocher – Making Fun with Akilah and Milana CalebCity – CalebCity Chris W. Smith and Jack De Sena – Chris and Jack James – Casually Explained Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, and Carter Deems – Epic Rap Battles of History
Social Good Awards
Company or Brand
Barbie – Career of the Year • Mattel Dave’s Killer Bread – Second Chance Employment • Tastemade Lyft – Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys • LyftUp
The Game Theorists – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital #CancelCancer LIVE MrBeast – Feeding America Food Drive Nabela Noor – NoorHouse
Nonprofit or NGO
Arbor Day Foundation – #TeamTrees • MrBeast and Mark Rober COVID-19 Response Fund – Post Malone x Nirvana Tribute – Livestream • Post Malone Equal Justice Initiative – Bear Witness, Take Action • YouTube Originals
Brand Awards
Agency of the Year
BEN Portal A R and CPMK Reach VaynerMedia
Brand of the Year
Barbie Disney Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Netflix Old Spice
Brand Engagement
100 Thieves Cash App Compound Reveal – Cash App 5-Minute Crafts – Barbie Need for Speed Heat x David Dobrik – Electronic Arts Rihanna’s Summer Fenty Face Tutorial – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Under the Influencer – Comedy Central
Branded Content: Series
Cold as Balls – Old Spice • LOL Network No Days Off: Sports Prodigies – Got Milk? • Whistle Second Chances – Dave’s Killer Bread • Tastemade Under a Rock with Tig Notaro – Amazon Alexa • Funny Or Die Undercover Lyft – Lyft
Branded Content: Video
Aladdin Meets Parkour in Real Life – Uzbekistan Tourism • devinsupertramp ASMR SNAP SHADOWS TUTORIAL W/ AMANDLA STENBERG – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna I Trained Like Black Widow – Marvel Strike Force • Michelle Khare James Charles Spills the Tea on His Glow – Ole Henriksen Skincare • James Charles We Lost A FaZe Member – G FUEL • FaZE Clan
Creator Product
Chamberlain Coffee – Emma Chamberlain Dragun Beauty – Nikita Dragun Hairitage – Mindy McKnight McKinnon Camera Pack – Peter McKinnon Pro Ant Farms – AntsCanada
Influencer Campaign
HotGuysMakingLipstick – Bite Beauty
Google Pixel 4 Nebula Superstars in Training – WWE
Multi-Platform Campaign
Disney+ Launch – Disney Gift it Forward with Cardi B – Pepsi The Greatest Challenge of All Time with Cristiano Ronaldo and Marta – Clear (Unilever) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – Star Wars Tito’s Made To Order – Tito’s Vodka
Social Good Campaign
DistanceDance – PandG • Charli D’Amelio
My Vaping Mistake – The Real Cost • AwesomenessTV Seize the Awkward – The Jed Foundation • Ad Council Teens for Jeans – Aéropostale • DoSomething.org Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys – LyftUp • Lyft
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The post MrBeast, Charli D’Amelio and More Nab Big Streaming Award Noms appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3of9HLb
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
top 5 Supergirl ships? (ships involving Supergirl characters and ships involving Kara specifically)
Oooh! Very interesting one! Thanks for asking!
So if I am doing a top five of ships involving Kara, I’ll take Kara-ships out of the equation for the top five of Supergirl ships then:
CLARK KENT/DIANA PRINCE. It is one of my top three DC ships and while they haven’t given me Diana yet, you did say involving Supergirl characters so with Clark, that counts and I AM ALLOWED
Brainy/Winn Schott. Just a quality ship featuring two absolute nerds
Nia Nal/Mary Hamilton. A ship I am currently entertaining a lot. I love them both and I think this could be very sweet and very soft and very dorky
James Olsen/Chloe Sullivan. As with SuperWonder, I will take the liberty of “it features half my ship”. I have loved this ship since Smallville and age-wise I could even still use Allison Mack for the role and I just want James to be happy and Chloe to join the show
Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen. They still haven’t quite done enough to sell me into deep investment here, but it’s a cute ship, especially for a canon ship
Now for the Kara ships! Which will actually be easier. xD
Cat Grant/Kara, my first Kara ship and I will always hold it very dear
Nia Nal/Kara, they have suuuch a cute dynamic I love them
Felicity Smoak/Kara, I mean... let’s just take my two favorite blondes and put them together! Yes? Yes. Potentially with at least one added dark badass (either Kate or Nyssa... or both. Oh that is an OT4 I should try some time)
Koriand’r/Kara, look, I’ve been playing with the idea of this for a looong time now but Kara in any Teen Titans setting meeting Kory would be great and now with Titans I would be veeery curious to see that Kory meet up with Supergirl!Kara
Send me five things (whatever you’d like!) and I’ll rank them!
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
The Worst Third Date Ever part 26
Chapter 26: To Rome with love
After Spencer and Max cut the cake, his mother had to go so Will offered to take her and the nurse back.
Spencer kissed his mother's cheek and hugged her "I will see you when we arrive from our honeymoon" he promised.
"Ok sweetheart. Enjoy" she patted his cheek then turned to Max "I'm so happy my boy met a woman like you. Take care of him" she nodded and hugged her now mother-in-law.
"Thanks for coming and I will keep him out of troubles" she smirked at her and Diana laughed softly and hugged Max.
"Good night" then she left waving her hand.
Spencer held Max's hand and turned to talk with Hotch.
"So what are you doing beside be a father?"
"Well I'm working as a lawyer. But only for legal consulting and some fathers wanted me to be coach again of the football team again"
"You did a great job when you were Jack's coach" said Spencer.
Hotch laughed "it was when Jack was little. Right now his league is more competitive and it will be harder to deal with the pressure"
"Oh come on you can handle the pressure" commented Spencer when he felt a hand on his arm and when he turned he saw Henry with Sammy and Jack "hey kids what's up?"
"Uncle Spence" said Henry "Jake, David, Chloe and Lily don't believe you can do magic" he continued "so we want you to go and show them" Spencer smiled as the other two kids nodded.
"Ok, do you have the card?" He asked Sammy. The redheaded kid nodded.
"Yes and they are new, I haven't open them" Max bit her lip holding a laugh as her nephew talked excited.
"Excellent. Let's go" he looked at his wife and former chief then left to the rest of the kids.
JJ and Matt joined Hotch and Max.
"That's the cutest thing ever" said Max looking as Spencer interacted with the kids.
"He always is like that with the kids" commented JJ "I remember been here with Hotch watching as he did some magic tricks to Henry and Jack"
"Or his physic magic" added Hotch.
They laughed at Chloe's face when he pulled a card out of her ear "I'm sure tonight she will ask me to check her ears for more cards" that made everyone laughed more.
"Hey... I think you should go change to leave for your first night as a married couple" said JJ wagging her eyebrows.
Max smirked and the other two men cleared their throat "oh come on Matt, its not like you haven't do it five times to make those cuties" the Asian man laughed "I'm watching Spencer playing with kids and I enjoy it. So we can wait a little more"
JJ smiled watching as Spencer doing more magic tricks to the kids and they laughed and have a good time.
When he ran out of tricks he left them still wondering how he did them. Spencer walked to Max and the parents of his young audience.
"Congratulations baby, you did an excellent show" she kissed him cheek then held his hand "but we have to go. My family booked a hotel for us with a limousine included"
"That's amazing" he laughed and she nodded and the couple left to change their clothes.
Meanwhile Derek walked to Luke and tapped on his shoulder, when turned Derek said "so you are dating my baby girl, right?"
"Hmm we just had a few dates" said Luke looking at Derek a little nervous and confused.
"Look she is like my little sister, threat her like the princess she is. Am I clear?" Luke nodded.
"Of course, we had a hard started but we ended up understanding each other and when she wasn't my coworker anymore, I asked her to go on a date"
"Great. I like how she is around you. I saw her dancing and having fun and she seemed relax and comfortable. I'm glad she found a nice guy to date"
"Thank you Derek. I know you and her were really close and I will do my best to keep her happy"
"Great man now go with her because I can see she is dying to know what I'm saying to you" Derek winked at her and Luke laughed walking to her.
After that the newlyweds walks out the house. Max was wearing some black pants and a purple shirt and Spencer a white shirt and dark blue pants.
"Well family and friends. Thank you for coming. This was an amazing evening and I just hope we can share more happy memories with all of you" said Max and everyone clapped "we love you all"
All the people clapped again then Max and Spencer left the Rossi house with their suitcases and found the limousine her family rented. The man opened the door for them and put the cases in the trunk then closed their door.
Inside there was an bucket with ice and a bottle of champagne, next to it were two cups and a note.
She held the note while he opened the bottle.
"Dear Max and Spencer Reid" she smiles at that "first of all, Congratulations! You deserve each other and I couldn't be more proud of calling Spencer my son." she looked at him and he smiled "to celebrate this big night. Michelle, Eloise and me decided to book you a room in a good hotel here in DC. The hotel has a full day with all the food and drinks include and a gift for the newlywed couples. Hope you enjoy it. Loves. The Brenner Family"
"That's so sweet of them" Spencer handed her a cup of champagne and kissed her forehead "I think that will be pretty cool" he looked at her.
"Yeah... and we did the same to Michelle when she got married. Because my parents decided to give us something nice with their savings on our wedding day" she hugged him "they did it with Michelle and start saving for me but I didn't want to get married" she looked up at him "I didn't like the compromise and marry is the biggest of all" she laughed.
"And why did you accept my proposal?" He asked looking at her curious.
"Because I realized I wanted that compromise with you. You're decent, kind and a gentleman and of course very handsome. So I thought... I'm truly in love and I want him to be mine" he smiled and kissed her with passion and love.
"I love you and I never was good to express my feelings but with you its easy" he smiled "so I guess we are perfect for each other"
"I'm agree" she laughed and clinked her cup against his and they drink some more.
When they got to the hotel the driver opened the door again and the couple walked out, then he handed their cases and they walked in the hotel lobby. They talked to the receptionist.
The reservation was made with Spencer Reid's name. The man put around their wrist a bracelet that identified them as part of the full day plan.
"And we know tonight was your wedding so we left some presents in the suite also tonight your dinner will be on us in our fancy restaurant. Congratulations and enjoy" she smiled at the couple, they smiled and thanked her then left to their room.
Spencer and Max walked to the elevator holding hands and looking around the hotel. It was a nice one and it looked expensive.
"I guess your negatives to get married had made your family budget growth a lot" teased him and she punched him softly.
"Mean..." she smirked as they got into the elevator. Their room is on the 10th floor so theirs a long way up "but I guess you are right" she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Rossi gave us two tickets to go to Rome for our honeymoon"
"Really?" He nodded "that's a great gift. I love Roman architecture oh and the Vatican... I'm drooling right now just thinking about it" he laughed.
"We will need to find some tours because I heard that you can spend hours in the lines"
"Ok we can book some tours around the city and we need to make a reservation for the hotel. Damn... Rossi should tell us yesterday"
"Yeah I am agree but don't worry. I think it's not too crowded these days so if we do the reservation tomorrow. I think we will find a good hotel"
"I hope so" she said as the elevator arrived to their floor. They searched for their room and when they found it. He used the key and walked in.
The room was beautiful with a huge bed. They had a beautiful view of the city. There was a jacuzzi and a big bathtub.
She got into the bathroom after checking out the bedroom. Their presents were flowers, fruit, a little box with chocolate and a bottle of champagne in the mini fridge.
She got out of the bathroom using a sexy black satin lingerie sleepwear lace babydoll nightwear features deep v neck, lace patchwork at neckline, side and hemline, with adjustable shoulder straps, and special floral lace halter neck.
Spencer looked at her in shock and his jaw dropped as she walked to him. She laughed softly watching her husband's face "it was Penelope's present" she sat on his lap "I will thanked her when we have that double date she wants" they kissed passionate and they made love that night.
That night was different from their other times together, maybe the married experience made it more epic or was just a silly thought but something felt different.
They fell asleep in each other's arms until the next day.
They decided to spend the morning at the pool. She even convinced him to swim with her in the pool.
They went up to take a shower and they decided to call for room service, he ordered as she checked some hotels on her phone.
"So did you find something good Mrs. Reed?" Asked him laying next to her.
She smirked and turned to him "yes I did Dr. Reed" she moved to lay her head on his chest "this hotel looks nice and it's not too expensive. Besides we just need a place to sleep cause we will be out almost all day"
"Yeah but yet try to find one with good conditions" she laughed.
"Ok this one is" she checked the information and read it our loud.
"Yes I approve it" she nodded and booked it for a week. Then they checked the tours.
She liked one to the Coliseum and other historic places. She also wanted to check the museums and of course the Sistine Chapel. He suggested some other attractions they could check.
She booked some nice tours "oh Spencie..." she looked at him and he rolled his eyes playfully "we must go to the Fontana di Trevi and toss a coin in then make a wish"
"I know the story. Not like I believe but I'll do it for you" she smiled at him and kisses his cheek.
"I love your scepticism" she hugged him tight "do you want to see anything else around the city?" He shakes his head "ok we have some nice tours booked and also we need to try the proper Italian food" he nodded and then their food arrived.
They ate and then they laid in bed hugging and slept some after food.
At night they change to go to the restaurant of the hotels they ate and they dance. There were other couples in the restaurant enjoying everything.
They headed back to their room and after another heated moment on bed they felt asleep until the next day and after breakfast they left in a taxi.
He got his suitcase with some clothes for a week and left space for some extra things. Then he drove to her apartment and got her clothes. They headed to the airport and check in to their flight which will leave at 6pm.
That's all for now. I will look for some nice places to visit. Of course the emblematic places of Rome. I will check the distance to other cities so they can visit more places. Hope you liked it.
Comments what you thought. I had been trying to keep a good writing pace but these two last chapters took some more effort.
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islcndxmisfits-a · 4 years
below is a list of my currently updated thread tracker since the website hasn’t working lately.... but here’s the link anyway.  the threads are listed in abc order (as best as i could) by partner url !!
now that i have updated my tracker, i am willing to take on more threads (will probably post some starter calls for muses without any threads since they need love too) .... with exception!!!! as well as bust out my currently old memes in my ask box :P
and figure out relationships & verses & bios & which muses to keep / get rid of since my last update and clearing out my followers / following lists !!! pretty much everythiiing!!
i will probably from now on, as replies come in for me, i will most likely reply & add them to queue as i do them so they don’t build up and i can also work on other things in between however some might get posted right away depending on how much muse and how much interest i have towards that specific thread at the moment.
if I’m missing ANYTHING please let me know.
I OWE: already replied and added to queue. if you want to drop or move any of the following threads, feel free to let me know. i will delete it from my tracker & my queue if it hasn’t already been replied to !!
plain text = done, queued, & added to tracker
italics and indented = queued, needs added to tracker after posting
indented = in the drafts, needs icon, queued, & added to tracker.
bold = needs replies, then queued, then added to tracker
Family Reunion // Sebastian & Lizzie
Romantic Dice // Lizzie & Peter
Playlist // Lauren & Peter
Resident Evil AU // Ray & Kayla
Early Lunch // Kara & Lena
Amnesia // Dabi & Yume
A Christmas Witch // Seraphina & Sharon
Almost Uncertain Death // Laurel & Sara
Arranged Marriage // Leonard & Sara
Bloodlust // Leonard & Sara
Dragon and Assassin // Eleanor & Sara
Familiar Faces // Steve & Diana
Gotham's Queens // Sofia & Sara
Sara & Enzo
Saved By The Flash // Leonard & Sara
Second Chances // Ray & Nora
Treasure Hunter // Chase & Jean
Welcome to Hell // Caden & Sara
Friend In Need // Charlie & Dean
New Friends // Charlie & Claire
Drunk Beck // Beck & Derek
A Helping Hand // Beck & Derek
Escape // Marceline & Noctis
Long Live The Queen // Historia & Noctis
Investigating // Winry & Noctis
Blood Kink // Himiko & Shdwkyz
Bad Influence // Toni & Amber
Dangerous // Steve & Seb
Hot Tubbin' // Lea & Lana
I'm a Delacour // Adaline & Camille
Live To Party // Farah & MIchael
Snap with Sierra // Sierra & Camden
Stepcest // Kara & Gray
Reincarnated Lovers // Dean & Dorothy
New Visitor // Sonia & Yozora
Tomato Fight // Sonia & Yozora
Soft Lips // Bakugo & Deku
Comfort // Bakugo & Deku
Nightmare // Bakugo & Deku
Birthday Boy // Dominic & Jagger
Caden & Rory
Christian & Jagger
Hugh & Jagger
Klaus & Rory
Rory & Elijah 
A ghost and a vampire // Hal & Sally
Who Sent You? // Hal & Sally
Infamous // Tara & Alu
Kill to Survive // Natalia & Alu
Loners // Stefan & Alu
Truth or Dare // Nick & Alu
A New Meta // Barry & Maddie
A Powerful Mutant // John & Victoria
After Cotillion // Ben & Mal
Another Kryptonian // Kara & Maddie
Another Mermaid // Cleo & Evie
Anything She Wants //  Lea & Kara
Corrupted Ben // Ben & Mal
Done Talking // Avery & Kara
Easter Dinner // Evie & Mal
Fake Girlfriend // Michael & Clara
Famous in Love // Josh & Maddie
Fancy Meeting You Here // Wes & Liv
Forgive Me // Erik & Ondina
Holden and Superhero!Liv
House of El // Kara & Clark
Hurt // Gar & Gwen
Hurt & Angry // Mon-El & Kara
Into the Spiderverse // Brainy & Gwen
Livewire's Apprentice // Livewire & Liv
Mermaid Reunion // Cleo & Emma
New Earth // Miles & Gwen
New York Minute // Holden & Liv
Old Friends // Sebastian & Lilly
Pain in the Ass // Tandy & Ruby
Peter & Mal
Poisoned Mal // Ben & Mal
Quiet Time // Hades & Mal
Return of Lilly // Lilly & Freya
Revisiting Themiscyra // Diana & Maddie
Romantic Evening // Ben & Mal
Seeing Double // Lilly & Harry
Stefan & Elena
Superhero!Maddie and Josh
Surprise Return // Mason & Alex
Survival // Lorna & Victoria 
Thank God You're Breathing // Mason & Alex
The World of Music // Barry & Kara
True Love // Harvey & Sabrina
Vampire Powers Activated // Hope & Lilly
What Do You Think You're Doing? // Ben & Mal
Winter Spirits // Noelle & Evelyn
Shower // Levi & Prompto
You Can Be Useful // Levi & Prompto
Drag // Harley & The Professor
Scoot Over // Clara & The Professor
Sit On My Face // Harley & The Professor
New Playmate // Harley & The Professor
Morning Sex // Harley & The Professor
Crisis Averted // Oliver & Lea
A Whole New World // Staz & Kise
Attractive Meme // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Gilthunder and Gowther
Impatient // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Puppy Love // Gilthunder & Gowther
Cisco & Hestia
Cisco & Aria
Cisco & Aqua
Cisco & Tara
Accidental Mistletoe // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Lucien & Cami
Carnival Date // Kol & Davina
Comfort After A Nightmare // Elijah & Hayley
Karamel Angst // Kara & Mon-El
Mating Season // Klaus & Camille
Nude Pictures // Klaus & Camille
Oh Bite Me // Kol & Davina
Pinned // Klaus & Camille
Small Closet // Klaus & Camille
Smell of Blood // Klaus & Camille
Snowstorm // Klaus & Camille
Take Off Your Pants // Christian & Hayley
Trapped in a Closet // Hayley & Dean
Hizzie // Hope & Lizzie
Hosie // Hope & Josie
Old Faces // Hades & Mal
Seduction // Harry & Mal
Bucky & Harley
Drunk & Missing You // Mon-El & Kara
Kai & Katherine
Mommy’s Little Monster // Lucy & Harley
Selina & Harley
Bloodbath // Christian & Alice
Damon Royalty AU // Damon & Alice
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice
Familiar // Christian & Alice
From Playful To Possessive // Damon & Alice
Greece Vacation // Christian & Alice
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice
Late Night Phone Call // Christian & Alice
Mating Season // Damon & Alice
Need You Now // Christian & Alice
Negative Soulmates // Christian & Alice
Pray For The Wicked // Christian & Alice
Prince Christian // Christian & Alice
Sex Under the Stars // Christian & Alice
Surprise Me // Christian & Alice
Vampire Lover // Christian & Alice
Brotherly Reunion // Kol & Henrik
Distracted // Persephone & Poseidon
Do You Knock? // Rebekah & Henrik
Fated Meeting // Hope & Raven
Forgot To Knock // Freya & Kol
New Students // Jackson & Sebastian
Opposing Sides // Natasha & Jake
Persephone's Garden // Hercules & Persephone
Please Remember // Hope & Kol
Singles Night // Riley & Kyle
The Modern World // Hades & Ares
We're Family // Hope & Henrik
Who The Hell Are You? // Hope & Jackson
Young Gods // Persephone & Blake
A Pirate's Life For Me // Harry & Harriet
Children of Hades // Mal & Hadie
Children of the Sea // Uma & Uriella
Like Mother, Like Daughter // Jasmine & Jasura
Mermaid Teachings // Ariel & Aria
Riddle Me This // Chesney & Alice
Sisters At Heart // Ruby & Ginny
Stretch Your Wings // Maeve & Fleur
The Aftermath // Audrey & Preston
The List // Erica & Malia
The Sheriff and Archer // Roland & Skye
Underworld's Royalty // Hades & Persephone 
Voodoo Queen // Freddie & Mal
Childhood Crush // Gou & Sosuke
Future Fish // Rin & Sosuke
Heaven and Hell // Maxxie & Cas
How Badly Do You Want Me // Maxxie & Cas
Oral Sex // Dean & Cas
Pin My Muse // Dean & Cas
The End // Dean & Cas
High School Sweethearts // Hugh & Addie
Not Alone // Iris & Emma
A Princess and a Pirate // Killian & Emma
Super Friends // Kara & Emma
Lucy Quinzel, Nice To Meet Ya // Rick & Lucy
Enzo and Bex
Brothers Salvatore // Stefan & Damonm
Ain't No Crying in the Club // Harley & Kelsey
Breaking and Entering // Harley & Kelsey
Hold Still // Kelsey & Asya
Heartbroken // Luciana & Dahlia
Stargazing // Benny & Ben
Almost Killed Me // Lizzie & Oliver
It's Safe Here // Josie & Oliver
Lost Stray // Harley & Oliver
Make Me Feel // Lizzie & Oliver
New Roommate // Oliver & Harley
Oliver and Chloe
You're Staring // Josie & Oliver
YOU OWE: let me know if you want to drop any of the following !! i am also willing to move some to discord to make things easier. these threads will automatically be dropped if i don’t get a reply within a month except for those with a ** who have been on hiatus.
School Work // Penelope & Peter ( x )
Upside Down // Josie & Peter ( x )
Tour Guide // Lizzie & Peter ( x )
Alice & The Mad Hatter // Alice & Jervis ( x )
Kennedy Cochran, P.I. // Kennedy & Sara ( x )
Master & Servant // Lucy & Kyon ( x ) ** will be archived temporarily due to hiatus.
Cheryl and Alu ( x )
Don't Let Them See // Hazel & Alu ( x )
Oldest Friends // Jayden & Alu ( x )
Slow Dance // Dick & Alu ( x )
Terrifying // Valerie & Alu ( x )
Sorry I Ran Into You // Remi & Maddie ( x )
Travel Back in Time // Kara & Annabelle ( x )
Birthday Girl // Vera & Luciana ( x )
Practice Makes Perfect // Snow & Hope ( x )
Thief In The Night // Mal & Roland ( x )
Found Dog // Neal & Snow ( x )
Aren’t You Afraid // Diana & Chaos? ( x )
Chaotic Good // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Hot When Angry // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Too Much To Drink // Lux & Chase ( x )
@loserbled​ / @hcrlequins​
Mommy's Little Monster // Harley & Lucy ( x )
Handosie Threesome // Hope, Landon, & Josie ( x )
Landon & Ava ( x )
Landon & Jo ( x )
Stolen Sweatshirt // Tsukki & Kageyama ( x )
Can’t Wait // Dean & Tsukki ( x )
Personal Chef // Tsukki & Shinomiya ( x )
Attention // Tobio & Tsukki ( x )
Summer Vacation // Gou & Momo ( x )
Christmas Celebrations // Nick & Sabrina ( x )
Broken, Beaten, & Bruised // Steve & Nancy ( x )
One Scratch, Two Scratch // Nick, Nate, & Sabrina ( x )
Nick, Harvey, & Sabrina ( x )
Sweet, But Psycho ( x )
Sibling Bonding // Mia & William ( x )
I Own You // E2!Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Taking Care of Laurel // Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Apocalypse Now // Emily & Felicity ( x )
Cold Weather - Penguin // Uma & Mal ( x )
Cold Weather - Santa Hat // Ben & Mal ( x )
Fake Girlfriends // Evie & Mal ( x )
New Villain at Auradon // Harry & Mal ( x )
Listen... // Ben & Mal ( x )
Happy Anniversary // Ben & Mal ( x )
Alone // Toni & Cheryl ( x )
Harley & Wade // sms ( x )
Roommates // Ivy &  Cooper ( x )
I’m Gonna Show You Crazy // Kai & Alice ( x )
Bad Things // Damon & Alice ( x )
Dance, Dance // Christian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Newly Turned Vampire // Cristian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Teacher’s Pet // Christian & Alice ( x )
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice ( x )
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice ( x )
Fifty Shades of Grey AU // Christian & Alice ( x )
Christmas Party // Aurora & Henrik ( x )
Into the Unknown // Regan & Wyatt ( x )
Anti-Christmas // Kai & Henrik ( x )
Masquerade // Lucien & Ellis ( x )
Earth & Fire // Tara & Ember ( x )
Old Friends // Nagisa & Rin ( x )
Shielded From The Rain // Ruby & Dorian ( x )
Should've Been You (fcxsinned)
Protect Ban (fcxsinned)
Not Morning (fcxsinned)
Why Him? (fcxsinned)
Butterfingers (licnspride)
Drunken!Sins (licnspride)
Massages (licnspride)
Remarkable (licnspride)
Fairy Children (windscint)
Spanking (windscint)
Extra Special Service (pollutedxdesires)
I'm Fine (fragmntedx)
Home For the Holidays (monsterineveryone)
Gotham City Siren (sarcasmpersonified181)
I’m Your Mother (killersmoakism)
Snow Fairy (killersmoakism)
Brothers (memorystxrs)
Are You Cold? (pinafcl)
On Your Knees (multidivision)
The Hunter & His Wolf (multidivision)
Cook Off (multidivision)
Not Drunk Enough (multidivision)
Pinned (multidivision)
The Boar Hat (multidivision)
Oikawa & Shoyo sms thread (multidivision)
all threads with @chooseyourmuse​ & @ocylum​
Elizabeth & Howzer ( x )
Workout Routine // Izuku & Bakugo ( x )
Freaking Me Out // Meliodas & Elizabeth ( x )
New Friends // Gou & Kamina ( x )
Take Me With You // Xi & Colin ( x )
Is That Blood? // Cassandra & Matthew ( x )
Guzma & Alice ( x )
Blushing // Ochaco & Bakugo ( x )
Romantic Dice // Ban & Jericho ( x )
some threads with @multidivision already moved over; not linking bc too much work and they’re already linked in discord.
1 note · View note
sailorportia · 6 years
Three Englands and an American
Ficlet Valentine for @cwjhunt
Roses are red Bamboo is for pandas I think you’re a star So here’s some Hamanda!
Fandom: Little Witch Academia Pairing: Hannah England x Amanda O’Neill
approx. 1650 words, rated T
In which Hannah receives some unexpected assistance taking care of her two younger cousins.
One kid? Hannah could handle that just fine. Two kids? Pushing the limits, but still manageable. But three kids?
"Kill me now."
Hannah had been press-ganged by her family into taking care of her younger cousins for an afternoon during their visit to Blytonbury. The girls were pleasant enough to spend time with, but they needed all of her attention. The last person Hannah wanted to see right now was Amanda O'Neill, who happened to be walking toward them.
The girls noticed that their cousin recognized Amanda.
"Who's that, Hannah?" The younger of the two girls, Gabriella tugged at Hannah's sleeve. Like all the Englands, she had auburn hair, tied back in two pigtails, and dressed in clothes as similar to the Luna Nova uniform as she could get—Gabriella couldn't wait to go to the same school as her cousin. The eight year-old was Hannah's favourite of the two, sweet, well-mannered, and shaping up to be a proper witch.
"Is that your girlfriend?" The older of the two girls, Danielle, had learned the previous summer that Hannah was bisexual and brought it up at every available opportunity. The twelve year-old had developed an attitude and was old enough to resent having a babysitter, on whom she took out her frustrations through relentless teasing. Danielle couldn't have been more different from her sister; she had recently shorn her long hair into a rough pixie cut in a gesture of rebellion against her parents, and her current outfit was a pair of artfully ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a crude slogan plastered across it.
"Absolutely not," Hannah protested. "She's nothing but trouble." Particularly what she did to Hannah. And her feelings. Hannah would never have expected that she would actually look forward to Amanda's attention. Unfortunately, the American's interest in her seemed to be strictly intended to frustrate her.
Amanda spotted the three of them, smirked and made a beeline for them. "Kids already?" she said. "I heard teen pregnancy was on the rise but this is ridiculous."
Hannah rolled her eyes. "They're not mine, jackass. They're my cousins."
"I'm Gabriella England. How do you do?" She held out her hand and Amanda shook it solemnly.
"I'm Amanda O'Neill," the American replied. "Coolest witch at Luna Nova."
Hannah elbowed her other cousin. "Introduce yourself, Danielle."
"Ugh," Danielle scoffed. "My name is so frickin' girly. I hate it."
"Danni, then," Amanda said. She held out her first for the twelve year-old to bump. Danni smiled and obliged.
"What are you doing here, Amanda?" Hannah asked. She hoped that she was in Blytonbury for something important so she'd go on her way and leave her alone.
"I was just killing time looking for something to do," Amanda said. "And look what I found." She laughed. "Three Englands? Is this the War of the Roses or something?"
"That reference almost makes sense, so I'll give it a pass," Hannah said. "Now get the hell out of here."
Gabriella tugged at Hannah's sleeve again. "Hannah, you said a bad word."
"Yeah," Danni said. "And earlier you called Amanda a jackass." Gabriella reprimanded her sister for repeating the word.
"Urk!" Hannah had forgotten to watch her mouth around the two younger girls. Amanda really did bring out the worst in her.
"Wow, Hannah," Amanda said, smirking even more obnoxiously. "Looks like you don't have what it takes to take care of kids."
Hannah put her hands on her hips. "And you do?"
"I'm actually great with kids."
"Yeah, because you are one!"
"As fun is it is to watch your lover's spat," Danni said, "I thought we were going to the park."
"Yeah!" Gabriella said. "You said we were going to see the ducks and go to a café!"
"We are not having a lover's spat!" Hannah blushed.
"Like I'd be having a lover's spat with her!" Amanda said, forcing a laugh.
"Amanda should come with us too!" Gabriella grabbed Amanda's arm.
"Yeah," Danni chimed in. "Amanda seems like way more fun than you." She grabbed Amanda's other arm.
"I've been captured," Amanda said dramatically. "I guess I have no choice."
"No way," Hannah said. "I'm not watching three kids."
"Please?" Gabriella and Danni gave Hannah their best wobbly lip
Hannah considered her options. She didn't need Amanda complicating her task of taking care of her cousins, but on the other hand, Gabriella and Danni rarely agreed on anything, and if she could mollify both at once, that was a win. And if Amanda was as good with kids as she said she was...
"Fine," Hannah sighed. "But you better behave yourself." She pointed at Amanda accusingly.
"Yes, mom."
The group of three became four and made their way to the park. Hannah led the way, holding Gabriella's hand; Danni trailing at Amanda's heels like a puppy. Once at the park, Gabriella went straight to the pond to feed the ducks, and Amanda magicked up a ball for her and Danni to kick around. Hannah noticed that Amanda had intuited Danni's boundless energy and chosen an activity that would tire her out. In theory. Danni ended up climbing a tree to show off to Amanda. While Hannah chased her back down to the ground, Amanda gave Gabriella a piggyback ride. Once the energy was wrung out of the two girls, they lazed around on the grass in front of the lake—Hannah chastised Amanda for her unladylike sitting position.
"I wish Amanda were my cousin," Danni said wistfully. "She's so much cooler than Hannah."
Hannah frowned, but before she could respond, Amanda chimed in. "You have no idea. Hannah's such a bossy-pants."
"I know how bossy she is way better than you," Danni said competitively. "She's always lecturing me on manners 'cause she's the queen of being ladylike."
Amanda scoffed. "Hannah? Ladylike? She challenged me to a duel for pulling a prank on her." She neglected to mention it was the eighth prank that week.
"Whoa!" Danni looked at Hannah with stars in her eyes. "You challenged someone to a duel!?"
"That's nothing," Amanda said. She smirked at Hannah. "Didn't you spit at Chloe after she trash-talked Diana?"
"That was supposed to be a secret!"
"Hannah, spitting is bad," Gabriella said earnestly.
"Well," Hannah scrambled for an appropriate answer. "If someone is being rude, they aren't deserving of a lady's finer manners and should be treated accordingly."
Gabriella considered this, while Danni stared at Hannah incredulously, apparently reassessing her opinion of her cousin.
Their time in the park came to an end and Hannah ushered the others in the direction of the café. As the girls walked (Amanda joking with the girls along the way), Hannah tried to puzzle out Amanda's behaviour. Not only was she actually being helpful, her revelations that Hannah wasn't as stiff as she seemed gave her a huge boost in Danni's books. Was Amanda trying to make things easier on her? Naturally Hannah appreciated the effort, but the thought of Amanda going out of her way for her put butterflies in her stomach.
They got to the café and Amanda took the others' orders. When it came for Hannah's turn, Amanda put a finger on her lips before she could speak.
"I know exactly what you want," Amanda said before walking off mysteriously.
"Ooh!" Gabriella and Danni voiced in unison. Hannah shushed them and herded them off to a table.
Amanda returned with their orders; she handed Hannah a scone and a coffee with a single cream—just how she liked it.
"How'd I do?" Amanda asked cockily.
"H-h-how do you know what I like?" Hannah spluttered.
"I asked Barbara and she said that was your fave." Amanda waved her phone.
"You have Barbara's number?"
Amanda smirked. "Jealous?"
"As if!"
"Damn, I try to impress you and this is what I get?" A crack appeared in Amanda’s suave facade at that slip of the tongue.
Hannah raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you care about impressing anybody?"
"That's the thing," Amanda replied nervously. "You're not anybody; you're nobody!" 
"Hey!" Hannah felt her face grow hot with indignation. And then she processed that, posturing aside, Amanda had admitted to trying to impress her, and her face grew even hotter out of embarrassment.
"Awww, you two are so such a cute couple," Danni said, taking a self-satisfied bite of her donut.
"We are not a couple!" Hannah yelped.
"Amanda, Hannah won't tell us if she has a boyfriend," Gabriella said. "Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Does she have a girlfriend?" Danni asked.
"Not yet," Amanda said, winking at Hannah, who made a strangled noise in response.
Is Amanda flirting with me!? The thought was more than she could bear. Is that what she's been doing all along!? Or is just trying to annoy me? Did she come along with us because she wanted to spend time with me? Impress me?
"Just have your snacks, children," Hannah said in a high-pitched voice. The girls grinned and did as they were told. Even Amanda.
For a while, anyway.
"Admit it," she said, nudging Hannah with her elbow, "you're glad I'm here to help you out."
Hannah couldn't disagree. Amanda had made the afternoon easier on Hannah. She was good with kids after all, and they actually made quite the team. Taking care of kids. Together.
And following that line of thought made Hannah choke on her coffee.
"I had lots of fun with Amanda," Danni said.
"Me too!" Gabriella added.
The hopeful tones in their voices pushed Hannah to make a decision. She ignored her own apprehensions and the jittering of her heartbeats and pushed forward. "I'm in charge of Gabriella and Danni tomorrow too," she said. "I... I would appreciate it if you helped me baby-sit them again."
"It's a date." Amanda smiled so sincerely that Hannah was left speechless.
"I guess I'll be getting Amanda as a cousin after all," Danni said slyly.
"Danni England!"
81 notes · View notes
ffwriter2018 · 6 years
Parents Pt 1
It’s been about a year an a half since Beca , Amy and Chloe all moved up to New York together. Chloe was in vet school, Beca got an internship at a music production company and Amy was doing her odd jobs singing on the streets. It turned out to be a very trying and emotional rollercoaster of a ride for the girls. Beca and Chloe always shared a special bond at the very beginning of their freshman year that neither women were planning on or they didn’t know how to express it. That all changed once they had to share a fold out bed in Brooklyn that it became very hard for either to keep their feelings hidden anymore. It was on their one year anniversary of moving in together that they had both confessed their feelings for one another. They were emotional but after talking they realized that the way they were with each other they seemed to be in a relationship. They kept it a secret from everyone but it was coming to the point they wanted to come clean and tell their parents.
Beca sat on their fold out bed while her girlfriend of 6 months but bestfriend of about 5 years stood across the room near their kitchen table. Beca looked up from her laptop after noticing her girlfriend pacing back and forth she took her headphones off looking at Chloe. “Chlo what’s wrong?” Beca wondered having a bit of an inkling on what it was. “ I just texted mom asking if her and dad could FaceTime, she said yes in like 5-10 mins.I wanna finally tell them about us.” Chloe said in what seems to be in a defeated tone. Beca gets off their bed walks over to Chloe, rubs her arms up and down Chloe’s arms to try an calm her down. “Hey it’ll be okay, no matter what happens I’ll always be here. If that doesn’t help just know I’ll be stressed just like you when I tell my dad.” Beca adds with a little chuckle just to put a smile on Chloe’s face and it works. “I’ll be right next to you, not where they can see me but I’m with you in this.” Beca gives Chloe a kiss just as her moms face pops up on her laptop.
“Hi Mom hi Dad.” Chloe tries to sound calm but she’s freaking out. “Hi hunny how are you?” Diana (Chloe’s mom) asks her daughter excitedly “Hi bug” Bill (Chloe’s dad) pipes in. “I’m good good good.” Chloe knows she is starting to ramble so she takes a deep breath “I need to tell you guys something and I need you to think before you reply please Okay. Know this shouldn’t change anything.” Chloe looks at her parents “Alright hun what is it.” Diana asks secretly hoping for something. “Well about 6 months ago I finally came clean about something so important to me, to someone who means the world to me. Beca and I started dating. It scared me because I never would of thought she loved me this way to so I never said anything. She makes me feel so loved. I didn’t want to hid us anymore. I hope this doesn’t change the way you guys feel about me.” Chloe let out a deep breath looking at screen trying to read their reaction. It felt like years before they said something.
“Wow” Diana and Bill said at the same time looking to one another. Chloe thought she was going to get sick until she felt Beca holding her hand reassuringly. “So you and Beca are dating.” Bill stated not really questioning. “Yes Bill that’s what she said” Diana hit his arm playfully. “Finally” Diana smiles looking at Bill than to the screen at Chloe who doesn’t believe what she had just heard. “Wait what? Did you just say finally?” Chloe was lost. “Dad and I knew your second year of school that you were in love with Beca. We also knew in your senior year just how in love Beca was with you.” Diana states confidently. Both Chloe and Beca’s jaws drop. “We were just waiting until the both of you finally told one another how you felt.” Bill added surprising his daughter. “We didn’t think it would take 5 years but.” They all laughed at that. Chloe was at a complete lose of words. “A parents job is to love their child unconditionally nothing could ever change our love for you. Especially not when it comes to someone els loving you. We know how much she cares about you cause it’s almost as much as we love you.” Diana starts to tear up as she says that. “ I-I-I love you both so much. Thank you for what you just said. It means everything.” Chloe says wiping her eyes “Beca come into the screen we heard you sniffle.” Bill laughs. As soon as Beca moves her chair next to Chloe she doesn’t even hesitate to wipe Chloe’s tears off her cheeks. Bill and Diana notice the way Chloe’s eyes close and her smile grew when Beca came into frame. It was a little sign to them that parents intuition are always right.
“Well hello.” Bill says jokingly as he’s trying to hid the tears that are welling up in his eyes. “Hi guys.” Beca smiles holding Chloe’s hand. “We meant everything that was said. We didn’t expect it to take 5 years.” Bill tries to sound stern but fails as all 4 laugh. “Seriously we’ve always known/ hoped that we were right about this. About the connection you two had. The respect and confidence you both have in one each other is like nothing I’ve seen. Beca you’ve supported Chloe in her dreams since your freshman year, even thought she failed her senior year many times. I think it was meant to be that you both graduate and go on YOUR journey together. Chloe we’ve never seen you this happy, but more importantly confident. You have grown into such a wonderful loving women. We’re glad you finally found your person who pushes you to do your absolute best who loves you but more importantly accepts every quirky strange thing about you.” Bill wipes his tears after finishing looks at his daughter, even though she’s crying she’s smiling. “No matter what Chloe you have our love and our support just like always. Remember we love you more than words can describe and nothing can change that.” Diana reassured her daughter. “Beca we love you as well always have always will. We are so glad that you found happiness especially with Chloe.” Diana smiles. “Thank you both. It truly means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to Chloe. Thank you for always being so accepting and loving. I love you both to. Thank you.” Beca started to tear up as she turns to her girlfriend who just had the biggest smile on her face. “I love you both so much.” Chloe tells her parents as she laying her head on Beca’s shoulders. “We love you too.” Diana and Bill say together.
48 notes · View notes
The Male Gaze: Seen But Not Heard
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The “male gaze” is a concept created by feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey in her 1975 essay titled “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” The male gaze is a way of filming that sexualizes women by making them the passive objects to heterosexual masculine desire—usually personified as the male lead. Thus, making the audience view the female characters as that lead would; as something to be looked at—Mulvey, taking from Freud, describes it as scopophiia: “in which looking itself is a source of pleasure.” By objectifying women in this way, it subdues, and often submerges, any kind of personality or desire that she might have, and reduces her to nothing more than a body for the hero to look at and lust after. Though this isn’t always the case, and some films actually do a decent job at portraying women. However, because most of Hollywood makes films with the heterosexual male viewer in mind, the male gaze has become the norm.  
A perfect example of the male gaze is a scene in the 2013 movie Star Trek Into Darkness (a reboot of the classic TV show). About half-way through the movie there is a scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6zGX2qpxzU) where two characters, Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and Dr. Carol Marcus (Alice Eve), are discussing where to go to take apart a torpedo that they have on the ship. As they are talking, they walk into a shuttle craft and Carol asks Kirk to turn around. He does, but not before asking “why?”; to which she replies “Just turn around.” She continues talking for a few seconds while the camera stays on Kirk, but soon he turns around (for no apparent reason) to see a tantalizing shot Carol in her bra and underwear—meant for the target audience, I’m sure. Now, this scene might’ve been able to be passed off as an awkward encounter, but only if Kirk had turned away quickly, and Carol had been filmed in a less objectifying way. However, what we get instead is a full body shot of Carol Marcus in a push-up bra and tiny panties, and another shot of Captain Kirk staring at her with his mouth open. I would love to ask the creators of Star Trek Into Darkness why this scene needed. Because, to me, it is completely unnecessary! In the original series, Carol and Kirk do have a romance (and actually have a son together). However, in Star Trek Into Darkness that romance isn’t there past Kirk flirting a little bit with Carol—to no avail, I might add. And even if there was a romance, that scene still wouldn’t have added much to the plot besides reducing Dr. Marcus to a sex object.  
A classic example of the male gaze is Mikaela Banes (Megan Fox) in Transformers (2007). A scene in Transformers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6L3Ef1JCC8) depicts Mikaela checking out the engine of Sam Witwicky’s (Shia LaBeouf) car. She’s pointing out what’s wrong with it, and talking about how her dad taught her about ow to take care of cars when she was a little girl. Sounds nice right? And it would be, if it weren’t for the fact that Fox is being shot as if she was in a porn. The camera drags up her bare stomach and focuses on her breasts as she leans over the car with her butt sticking out. The scene is obviously shot from the POV (point of view) of the male lead, Sam, and you can tell he is getting off on her leaning over the engine due to his comical facial expressions. It’s absolutely ridiculous, and even more disappointing when you realize that, while all this ogling is happening, Mikaela is talking about something she is very passionate about (something her love interest, Sam, should be interested in). But it is completely glossed over to get a tantalizing shot of her pornographically leaning over a car.
The resident pop culture symbol of feminism, Wonder Woman, is also being seen through the male gaze—though it isn’t uncommon for female superheroes to be hyper sexualized (check out The Hawkeye Initiative, http://thehawkeyeinitiative.com/, for some funny gender-role reversals of superhero characters). Surprisingly, Wonder Woman (2017) did a really good job at avoiding the male gaze (thank you, Dir. Patty Jenkins!), especially considering the fact Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) wore a bustier throughout most of the film. However, in regards to Justice League (2017) the same cannot be said. In Diana’s opening scene in Justice League, the viewer can see a clear difference between how Jenkins shot her and how Dir. Zack Snyder shot her. Look at these two scenes where Diana is in battle, from the respective movies, side by side.
In the Justice League scene, there are numerous shots of Diana’s butt and a view, or two, up her skirt while she is fighting that are completely unnecessary and uncomfortable. It’s very disappointing to see her sexualized like this, and especially after the success of Wonder Woman (2017)—makes one wish Patty Jenkins could direct all movies that feature Wonder Woman. However, in the Wonder Woman scene, there are no up the skirt shots or closeups on her butt. Instead Diana is a total badass, and her power and strength are being highlighted instead of just her body. While it’s obvious Gal Gadot is beautiful, Diana’s beauty this isn't the focus of her character. Wonder Woman (2017) is about Diana’s growth not about how appealing she looks. Wonder Woman isn’t perfect—the bustier and wedge heels donned by Diana are an issue (who would want to fight in that!) and the film suffers from the “token female character” trope (as do many superhero movies)—but, in regards to cinematography, there is minimal objectification.
Wonder Woman (2017) isn’t the only movie that avoids the male gaze, there have recently been numerous movies that get it right. Pitch Perfect (2012) does a really good job at taking a scene, that would be shot as tantalizing in any other film, and making it funny while also pushing along the plot and showing relationship development between two of the lead characters! The scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg18gcypaJI) shows Beca (Anna Kendrick) is singing in the communal showers at her college before she is interrupted by Chloe (Brittany Snow) who tells her that her voice is so good and she needs to join the campus all female a Capella group, the Barden Bellas. Even though both girls are naked it’s not objectifying or tantalizing at all—it was shot from the shoulders up, as if “Beca” and “Chloe” were “Ben” and “Charlie.” It’s awkward and funny and shows the bonding between two characters who later become friends. Like all movies, Pitch Perfect is not without its issues (oh, hello there, racial stereotypes!), but it does a wonderful job at showcasing a group of semi-diverse, well developed female characters in a non-objectifying way.
The problem with the male gaze (not only in film but also in advertising, porn, TV, and social media) is that it makes women into objects, often sexualized objects (AKA sexual objectification). It takes away their humanity, and can lead to self-image issues, mental illness, and becoming victims of sexual violence and/or harassment. However, things are looking up. Even though the male gaze is still alive and well today, there are more movies that are being directed by women and/or have a large female cast and crew who are trying to take the male gaze out of Hollywood. Films like Ghostbusters (2016), and Black Panther (2018) are good examples of what a male gaze-less future might look like, and, considering the fact that more of these kinds of movies are on their way (Captain Marvel [2019] Check out the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1BCujX3pw8), the future's looking bright! 
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raleigheverhart · 6 years
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Full Name: Raleigh Cristina Castillo/Raleigh Everhart Nickname: None Birthday: November 1, 1996 Gender: Cis Female Sexual Orientation: Right now she’s in the territory of “doesn’t like labels” or just “none of your business” but she’s on a journey and the last stop is....lesbian.  Astrological Sign: Scorpio, The Week of Intensity Spoken Languages: English, Spanish Birthplace: Houston, Texas Relationship Status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, kept long and usually worn down. A big fan of the side part. She styles her hair almost every day, adding some curl to the ends. When she’s feeling lazy, she’ll go for a messy bun on top of her head. Eye Color: Brown. Face Claim: Chloe Bridges Height: 5′5″ Tattoos: None Piercings: Single holes in both ears Unique Attributes: Her most unique feature is her full lips. She also has a slight scar on the knuckles of her right hand and one over her ribs, both mementos of fights from her teenage years. 
Positive Traits: Ambitious, quick-thinking, intuitive, goal-oriented   Negative Traits: Angry, proud, shallow, self-pitying  Hobbies/Interests: Cheer and dance, makeup and fashion, maintaining her instagram follower count, watching movies from “the worst movie on Netflix EVER!” clickbait articles, especially bad horror movies Insecurities: That, deep down, she really is just as angry and as violent as she’s been during the worst times in her life and that, to achieve any kind of happiness or fulfillment in life, she will have to spend the rest of her life hiding it, and fooling people into thinking that it’s not there. That all of the love and affection she’s found in her life since her parents left, mostly from the Everharts, have been based on that lie, and if she were to show her flaws, or if she were to be anything less than perfect, she could lose it all.  Quirks/Eccentricities: Tosses her hair way too much when she wears it down (which is most of the time), wears heels almost all the time outside of practices and games to appear taller, can’t seem to keep herself from picking at her nail polish. She’s taken over a cabinet in the Vixen Den’s kitchen for her tea collection, and owns far, far too many mugs.  MBTI Type: ENTJ, “The Commander” Enneagram Type: Type Three, “The Achiever” Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil Temperament: Choleric
Immediate Family: David Castillo (Father), Diana Atkinson Castillo (Mother); Cecilia Germain Everhart (Guardian)  Harlan Everhart (Guardian) How do they feel about their family?: She tries not to miss her parents. She spent so much time after they left trying to turn all her sadness into betrayal and anger, something more powerful, and that’s what she tries to hold onto: the story she had built for herself in her teenage years, that they were somewhere foreign and beautiful living a wonderful life under assumed names while she was left behind with nothing. She tells herself that she has the Everharts now to give her the life that her parents would have given her, and so she doesn’t need them, or even her memories of them, for anything. The Everharts, even after all these years, still feel too good to be true. Like something she doesn’t deserve, even if only she knows that. Even if she’s doing everything she can to keep them from ever knowing that. She loves the Everharts unreservedly, and in a way that frightens her sometimes. She’s legally an adult, and therefore they have no legal obligation to her, and the love and support they’re giving to her is purely out of the kindness of their own hearts, which means that it could be withdraw at any moment, should they feel that she know longer deserves it. Their declining health means that, sooner than she would like, she may lose them, even if she does nothing to deserve it. She likes to pretend that she doesn’t love them as much as she does, that she wants their money more than she wants their love, but she knows that it isn’t true.  How does their family feel about them?: Deep down, Raleigh does know that it likely wasn’t easy for her parents to choose to leave her behind, that they wouldn’t have done so if they didn’t think they had no other choice. And she knows that the Everharts care for her, every action they’ve taken has showed her that they do, she just can’t be sure if they love her for her or for who they’ve imagined her to be, or how imperfect she can be before she shatters that illusion, fails to fill the role of the daughter they always wanted. Part of her thinks that her fear might be greater than the reality, that the Everharts would tolerate a lot more from her thank she thinks, but she’s also too afraid to test that.  Pets: She has a cat at home with the Everharts that she talked them into adopting the summer before her senior year of high school. She’s cream-colored, very fluffy, and named Missy.  Where do they live?: During the school year she lives in the Vixen Den, over summers and during breaks she lives with the Everharts in Houston. Description of their home: The Everharts live in a historic brick house in Houston’s Boulevard Oaks neighborhood that has been in the Everhart family since it was built in the 1920s.  Description of their bedroom: Her bedroom at the Everharts is very girly, done in pastels and cream. It’s full of trinkets, photographs of Raleigh with the Everharts and with her old squads, throw pillows, plush carpets over polished hardwood floors, and she keeps it scrupulously clean. Her bedroom at the Vixen Den is a little bit less neat, mostly because she has too much stuff—particularly clothes—to confine to one half of the room. Everything is color coordinated, her sheets/comforter and other accessories matched to whatever it is that Stormie has.  
Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist Leader or Follower? Leader  Confident or Self-Conscious? Confident, with hidden insecurities Cautious or Careless? She does her best to be cautious, but her temper often pushes her towards being impulsive and careless Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts? She has a fair deal of both Compliments or Insults? Compliments when she’s trying to get her way, insults when she doesn’t
Favorite Color: To wear, black. As decoration, lavender.  Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Raleigh likes clothes, and she owns a lot of them. She doesn’t have a set style, and switches between what’s fashionable. She likes short dresses, high-waisted jeans and crop tops, and owns more pairs of expensive leggings than any one girl should. She also has more modest apparel, shirts with higher necklines and dresses and skirts with longer hems that still find their way into her regular rotation, because the Everharts bought them for her. Almost all the shoes she owns have a heel on them, and even her sneakers usually have a little bit of a platform. She loves red lipstick, and is hardly ever seen without winged eyeliner.  Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Her playlists are mostly all Top 40, but she has a soft spot for pop-country, and the more Americana and folk that the Everharts listen to.   Favorite Movies: She has a weakness for early-2000s romantic comedies like Whatever It Takes and 10 Things I Hate About You. Center Stage will forever be a classic. And she only likes bad horror movies.  Favorite Books: From her childhood, anything by Tamora Piece. As an adult, she has a strange affinity for tragic autobiographies or semi-autobiographies that are probably/definitely fake, like James Frey and JT LeRoy.  Favorite Foods/Drinks: She loves any kind of seafood, but especially shrimp. She will regularly extol the virtues of Texas barbecue over Carolina style, and bemoan the lack of good Mexican food in South Carolina compared to Houston. She drinks coffee in the morning but tea at any other time of day, and she’s a snob when it comes to alcohol.  Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: She likes football and baseball, and goes to Houston Astros and Houston Texans games when she’s home.  Favorite Time of Day: Night owl Favorite Weather/Season: Autumn Favorite Animal: Cat
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For adolescents blessed with willowy good looks, the fashion world offers the prospect of glamour, celebrity, and wealth. But this, for many, is what the beginning of a modeling career can actually look like:
On her first test shoot as a 15-year-old, Dasha Alexander said, a photographer held a camera in one hand and digitally penetrated her with his other — a move, he explained, that would make the pictures more “raw” and “sensual.”
When Coco Rocha refused to get naked on set as a 16-year-old, she said, the photographer replaced her with a girl who was younger and more obedient. Months later, a famous photographer simulated an orgasm as he took Rocha’s picture.
By the time Lenka Chubuklieva was 17, she said, an agent had repeatedly groped her, a photographer had thrown her on a bed and kissed her, and another photographer had masturbated in front of her and threatened to ruin her family in Ukraine if she told anyone.
“If people really understood what goes on behind the glamour of the industry, they would be mortified,” said Abbey Lee, an Australian model who, despite having been fondled on sets, describes herself as “one of the lucky ones.”
Emboldened by the #MeToo movement, more than 50 models spoke to the Globe Spotlight Team about sexual misconduct they experienced on the job, from inappropriate touching to assaults. Some are seeking to expose serial predators and those who enable them. Others are demanding new legal protections and calling for radical reform of a youth-obsessed industry they say has left them feeling exploited, treated like “meat” and “clothes hangers,” and, in the words of one model, “pimped out” by their agents.
Collectively, these models — predominantly females, although also males — made credible allegations of sexual misconduct against at least 25 photographers, agents, stylists, casting directors, and other industry professionals. In many instances, Spotlight reporters verified the accounts with third parties or examined records such as e-mails.
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Some of the alleged victims were willing to talk publicly, but others spoke on condition of anonymity because they still work in fashion and fear reprisal. The Globe does not identify alleged victims of sexual misconduct without their consent.
The accused men include some of the most well-known powerbrokers in the multibillion-dollar fashion industry and were often named by multiple women — in one case, seven — for alleged sexual misconduct.
Among them: Patrick Demarchelier, who was Princess Diana’s personal photographer; David Bellemere, whose photos have appeared on the covers of Elle and Marie Claire Italy; and Greg Kadel, who has shot for mega brands like Victoria’s Secret and Vogue.
Models also identified photographers Andre Passos and Seth Sabal, who often did test shoots that models usually pay for themselves to build their portfolios, and Karl Templer, who, as one of the world’s most powerful stylists, has worked with Coach, Zara, and Tommy Hilfiger.
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All of the accused men denied the allegations against them, and many complained that they can’t fully defend themselves when the Globe protects the identities of alleged victims, including by not always disclosing names, dates, and locations to them.
One photographer insisted some sexual encounters were consensual, and others said models may have misunderstood the touching and positioning that can be part of their jobs. But models say these are merely justifications for widespread abuses that have been part of the business for decades.
After Globe inquiries last week, Conde Nast, a media conglomerate that includes Vogue, Glamour, and GQ, said it has stopped working for now with Demarchelier and Kadel, and Victoria’s Secret said it has suspended its relationship with Kadel.
The fashion world, according to industry veterans, is rife with sexual misconduct for reasons built into the business. Models are usually minors when they enter the field, a highly sexualized adult world with little supervision and no job protections. Many Hollywood actresses, who helped start last fall’s #MeToo movement, at least have the option to join a union.
And the very nature of models’ work involves the marketing of seduction. At times, they are asked to dramatize sexual behavior they may not yet have experienced in real life. They regularly undress in front of colleagues and often appear scantily clad, sometimes with no clothes at all, to sell everything from watches to lingerie.
It is an industry, the models told the Spotlight Team, where the sexual and financial exploitation of teenagers is almost routine. Nearly 60 percent of models interviewed by the Globe said they had been touched inappropriately during work-related situations, the violations ranging from unwanted kissing to rape. Yet, for decades, victims of sexual misconduct in the fashion world have struggled to be heard and taken seriously.
Modeling, they say, may be work that accentuates their beauty and sensuality, but it is still work. “It’s a job, and just because you see a picture of me in underwear, that’s not an invitation to come to my bedroom,” said Chloe Hayward, a British model who said fending off propositions by photographers is common for her and many of her peers, especially early in their careers.
But models say they rarely complain, since doing so could get them labeled “difficult” and derail their professional aspirations. Still, spurred by the ongoing uprising over sexual harassment, more models are speaking out in hopes that change will finally come to their industry.
In recent weeks, model Kate Upton, famous for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, and model Miranda Vee accused Guess cofounder Paul Marciano of sexual assault, allegations that have rocked the company. He denies the accusations.
Under growing public pressure, designers and brands pledged greater protections against sexual harassment in the days leading up to New York Fashion Week, a high-profile event that ran through Friday. But the basic safeguards put into place, such as private dressing rooms so models don’t have to get naked in public, only underscore how vulnerable the models have been.
In the immediate aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein scandal last fall, Cameron Russell, a model who grew up in Cambridge, Mass., took to Instagram to protest the widespread mistreatment of models with the hashtag #myjobshouldnotincludeabuse.
Within two days, Russell had collected hundreds of accounts of sexual misconduct. Some of the alleged predators were painfully familiar to Russell: They had victimized her in the early years of her career. Russell began posting models’ accounts on her Instagram page — keeping victims anonymous and redacting the names of the accused — and asked others to share their stories.
“The last 48 hours has been devastating,” Russell wrote on Instagram at the time. “We know what is happening in fashion. We tolerate it and ignore it and excuse it every day. We all know who the perpetrators are and we continue to work with them. STOP. Advertisers and magazines, stop hiring these people. Agencies, stop sending them talent. Stop today. Do not wait until lawyers get involved. Do the right thing because the wrong thing is horrific.”
Two weeks later, Vogue and its parent company, Conde Nast, banned Terry Richardson — a prominent photographer who had been dogged in the media for years by misconduct allegations, including exposing himself to models and pressing his genitals on a model’s face — from shooting for its magazines. Richardson, who is under investigation by the New York City Police Department, has denied any wrongdoing.
“It’s interesting and frustrating that now people want to finally pay attention,” said Rocha, a Canadian model who began speaking out about Richardson’s behavior roughly a decade ago after, she says, he pretended to have an orgasm as he photographed her. There are “people at the top who no doubt have heard these stories for the last 20 years,” she added, “and haven’t done anything.”
Consider the case of photographer Patrick Demarchelier, who has maintained superstar status despite allegations that he has long preyed on young women.
Russell’s Instagram posts led one of Demarchelier’s former photo assistants to write in October to Vogue editor Anna Wintour about relentless advances by Demarchelier beginning when she was a 19-year-old intern, according to an e-mail reviewed by the Globe.
As his subordinate, she told the Globe, she eventually gave in to his sexual demands, feeling that she could not continue to reject him without endangering her position. When she did resist, she said, he would later berate her on the job.
The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, urged Wintour to prevent Demarchelier from having access to other young women.
“It hurts my heart so much to think of how many girls, many my own daughter’s age who have had to fend off or give in to his advances because I didn’t speak up at the time,” the woman wrote in another e-mail that was circulated to a modeling group. “I remember many test shoots with teenage girls where Patrick’s team of assistants (including me) was dismissed for the day only to find naked photos of the girl in the darkroom the next day.”
The Globe interviewed six other women who accused Demarchelier of unwanted sexual advances, including thrusting a model’s hands onto her genitals and grabbing another model’s breasts, as well as making vulgar propositions. Most spoke on the condition of anonymity because they fear career repercussions for speaking out against people with so much clout in the fashion world.
Four years ago, Demarchelier allegedly asked a teenage model, “Can I lick your pussy?” and indicated he could make her famous if she said yes. Shocked, the model, who detailed the exchange to the Spotlight Team, said no and left the Paris hotel where the shoot was supposed to take place.
“I wasn’t sure even if I understood his English correctly,” she recalled in an interview with the Globe, but then he repeated the question verbatim. “I said, ‘You should be ashamed, and I will never see you again.’ ”
About two years later, she said, she was sent to a New York City shoot with Demarchelier, despite having told her agents she no longer wanted to work with him. There, she said, he again posed the same crude question. The Globe corroborated her account with a subsequent agent.
“Everyone is trying to take advantage of you,” the model said. “At one point I was like, do I really have to do this to succeed? Do anything?”
Asked by the Globe about the various sexual misconduct allegations, Demarchelier said it was “impossible” that the multiple complaints against him were true. “People lie and they tell stories,” he said. “It’s ridiculous.” Demarchelier said he has “never, never, never” touched a model inappropriately. Noting that he is married, he called the accusations “pure lying” by models who “get frustrated if they don’t work.”
On Feb. 2, Demarchelier told a Spotlight reporter he still worked for Conde Nast. “I shoot for everybody,” he said. Conde Nast said that although the company decided in December to stop commissioning new work with Demarchelier, it didn’t officially notify him until recently. In a Feb. 10 statement, two days after being contacted by the Globe, Conde Nast said: “We have informed Patrick we will not be working with him for the foreseeable future.”
Photographers like Demarchelier wield enormous influence because they not only take pictures, but also often select which models will appear in magazines. As a result, models desperate to make money, or at least make a name for themselves, can become easy targets for men with connections to prestigious brands.
For some teenage models, it’s a traumatizing rite of passage to be sent alone to a photo shoot at the home or studio of an adult male photographer who pressures them to undress or perform a sex act. If I say no, they often wonder, is this the end of my modeling days?
Seth Sabal and Andre Passos are two of the photographers who models said exploited them when they were teenagers.
Three models have accused Sabal of sexual harassment during the mid-2000s. One of them, who asked to be identified only by her middle name, Teresa, said she was 17 when she was given alcohol and asked to take off her underwear as Sabal allegedly shot up her skirt.
An attorney for Sabal denied all the allegations and said, “At no point in time did he ever ask or force a model to do anything she was uncomfortable with, or certainly that was not his intention.” The attorney added: “Seth agrees and feels the industry is rampant with drugs, sex, and abuses of power, discrimination.”
In the case of Passos, former model Dasha Alexander said she was 15 when he inserted his fingers in her vagina while taking her picture about 20 years ago, saying it would give the photos “more emotion.”
Passos, who is living in Brazil, texted a response to a Globe reporter: “I have already suffered enough consequences out of this absurd story. . . . I was a victim as well as the model was a victim of her parents and agency to send her out in the world in such a tender age in the hands of an evil industry. An industry that never knew how [to] educate [these] girls, that only looked at profit and fame no matter what.”
Passos said he has never engaged in a sex act with a model involving his fingers. He also volunteered that he has faced charges of misconduct in the past: “I went to court for this and was not guilty,” he wrote.
Passos did not respond to questions asking what court he appeared in and the name of the victim, and the Globe could not locate any records. According to Alexander, she never told her parents about Passos’ alleged assault or went to court over it. So it is unclear whether his text message refers to a separate incident with a different model.
Male models said they have also been subjected to sexual misconduct by some of the industry’s top photographers, including Mario Testino and Bruce Weber. Several brands and magazines, including Conde Nast, Burberry, Michael Kors, and Stuart Weitzman, severed ties with one or both of the men after a New York Times story in January identified them as alleged sexual predators.
When model RJ King was 18, he said, he was sent by his former agency to a photographer’s Manhattan apartment to be considered for an upcoming job. There, with no one else present, the photographer casually offered him beer and drugs and then sexually assaulted him while he was changing his clothes, King said.
“When he finished,” King said, “it was the lowest I probably have ever felt.”
The incident, King said, left him wondering: “Is this what the industry is like? Is this what I’m going to continue to have to face?”
For many models, the answer is an emphatic and devastating yes.
Abuses can also occur when models are posing for major brands and magazines. One model said that during a shoot she was called a “whore” and “hooker” by a Dior executive, and a teenager who resisted going topless for German Vogue said the photographer suggested that a male model forcibly have sex with her to “loosen her up.”
Both companies denied any knowledge of these incidents and said they don’t tolerate sexual harassment.
Former Calvin Klein chief marketing officer Kim Vernon spoke generally about sexual misconduct: “I’m aware that it has happened in the industry and I believe all these recent measures to discuss and expose and correct the behavior are extremely important. . . . I don’t think brands have knowingly turned their head the other way.”
Ostensibly, modeling agents have a duty to safeguard their young clients from such situations. But many models say their professional shelf lives are so short that agents are more loyal to photographers and companies, forcing them to navigate troubling encounters on their own.
“Modeling agencies aren’t protecting these girls; they care more about the money,” said Carolyn Kramer, a former codirector of the Marilyn Agency in New York who now owns a Provincetown art gallery. “If you’ve got a $30 million exclusive Ralph Lauren worldwide contract available to you as a model agent, but you’ve heard rumors about the photographer being a scumbag, you’re taking a booking. You don’t care about the model. . . . I was complicit. I own up to it.”
Many models told the Globe that agents frequently remind them that legions of other attractive young people are available to take their places, including from overseas. About 20 of the models interviewed described highly exploitative relationships with their agents, who work for many of the top New York firms.
Some said their agents gave them drugs and alcohol, withheld earnings, coerced them into sexual relationships as teenagers, failed to inform them that photo shoots would require nudity, encouraged them to sleep with photographers to advance their careers, and sent them to sets with known predators, among other transgressions.
“Everyone knew the names of photographers making advances and using their power against young women,” said Trudi Tapscott, a former agent for Elite Model Management and DNA Model Management.
Tapscott said she used to warn models about certain men, but she now acknowledges that’s not as effective as saying to photographers: “ ‘We’re not going to work with you ever again.’ . . . What makes it better is getting that photographer out of the equation.”
Greg Kadel was one of the photographers whom Tapscott said she heard complaints about because he allegedly insisted that models pose nude or topless, and treated his shoots like a “personal playground.” Some models described far more extreme behavior.
One model said she hadn’t yet finished high school when her agent took her to a fashion party in New York City where adults gave her cocaine and alcohol — a vodka soda, her agent specified, because “that wouldn’t make me fat.”
At the end of the night, the model’s agent allegedly asked Kadel to put the stumbling teenager in a cab. Kadel did, but he jumped in the car, too, and directed the driver to a hotel. Once there, the model said, he pushed her against a wall, pulled off her clothes, and had sex with her. She spoke to her agent the next day.
“I told her what happened, and I was crying and upset,” the model recalled. “She convinced me that what happened was a good thing and hopefully my career would benefit from it.”
The agent also instructed her not to tell anyone because, she said, Kadel worked with major brands and magazines and complaining about him would hurt her chances of making it big.
Indeed, Kadel helped the teenager land gig after gig with Victoria’s Secret, all while subjecting her to ongoing harassment, she said, until she refused to work with him — a move that she says effectively ended her relationship with the lingerie empire.
The model, who asked that her name be withheld, confided in her boyfriend at the time about Kadel’s unwanted sexual advances, warned a modeling friend about Kadel’s behavior, and told a subsequent agent she was uncomfortable working with Kadel. All three corroborated her account, and the Globe reviewed e-mail exchanges between the model and Kadel, as well as topless photographs Kadel took of her when she was a minor.
Victoria’s Secret said it is conducting a “full third-party investigation of the allegations” and added: “We are a company that celebrates and serves women, so this behavior could not be more contrary to who we are.”
The model’s friend told the Spotlight Team that when she was a teenager she was accosted by Kadel, as well. After he photographed her for one of Vogue’s European editions at a private home, she said, she woke up in the middle of the night to find him lying on top of her, his tongue in her mouth, his hand holding hers.
The Globe interviewed two other models who requested anonymity and said Kadel made unwanted sexual advances, including kissing, when they were teenagers. A fifth model said Kadel asked her to do a private photo shoot and then pressured her to get nude, repeatedly asking her to take off her underwear during the hours-long session. All of the alleged incidents took place within the past dozen years.
Ernesto Qualizza, an agent for Kadel, vigorously denied the allegations. “Greg has never done that. He’s dated some girls and that’s happened. It’s all consensual between adults. He’s never used his power in any way that is unbecoming,” Qualizza said.
Kadel believes the encounters described to him by the Globe were consensual or “he misinterpreted a social situation” when he made a pass, according to Kadel’s attorney. The lawyer also said Kadel was working on a book and exhibition about photography and shot in hotels and private homes because they provided the atmosphere he was seeking.
A spokeswoman hired by Kadel provided additional comments, saying that Kadel “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone in his life. As a creative professional for many years, Mr. Kadel has always accurately represented the intention or scope of his work and has always worked through a model’s agent and made sure that each model was fully aware and comfortable with the creative vision being pursued in any project before they signed on to participate.”
Then there’s David Bellemere, who gained international fame shooting for top fashion magazines. Madisyn Ritland was 19 years old and living in Paris when she wound up alone at his home for a photo shoot.
At the end of the session, she said, Bellemere grabbed her by the waist and stuck his tongue deep into her mouth. She dipped beneath his arms to escape his embrace, she recalled, but didn’t tell her agent at the time because, she said, he had made his own sexual advances.
Ritland said she was reluctant to continue working with Bellemere, but he was a gatekeeper for brands and magazines she aspired to be featured in. At an audition a month later, she said, he positioned her on her back on a couch, topless, then crouched on top of her with his camera, his knees clamping her ribs and his crotch hovering above her head.
“I felt like I had no choices,” Ritland said. “I didn’t feel like I had permission to have thoughts. I just felt like, OK, this is how it works.”
The Globe reviewed photos from the first test shoot and spoke with two of Ritland’s friends who corroborated her account.
Bellemere’s behavior is so well-known that two agents told the Spotlight Team they stopped sending models to shoot with him years ago. But only in the fall of 2016 did Victoria’s Secret cut ties with him. That move came after several of its highly paid contract models, known as “Angels,” complained about his inappropriate touching and kissing.
Bellemere said Victoria’s Secret never explained the decision to him. Any physical contact with models was the result of “pushing the girl to pose, directing,” he explained. “I do it to get the best picture. It’s not harassment.”
Myla Dalbesio’s uncomfortable encounter with Bellemere happened during a lingerie shoot in Paris for Lord & Taylor in 2015, as he pressed his body against hers and wagged his tongue at her to mimic oral sex, she said.
“I was really shocked,” Dalbesio recalled. “It felt really sexually charged and inappropriate.”
After the shoot, she said, Bellemere contacted her on Instagram with a photo of a naked woman with bondage marks and an accompanying message that said, “Let’s shoot private next time.” The Globe saw the message and photo and corroborated Dalbesio’s account with her fiance, in whom she confided at the time, as well as with an individual present at the Paris photo shoot.
A spokeswoman for Lord & Taylor said, “While we were not made aware of misconduct during that photo shoot, information about aspects of Mr. Bellemere’s behavior came to light recently.” The company also said it has not hired Bellemere since February 2016.
In an interview with the Globe, Bellemere said it was “surprising to hear” that models had complained about him and “there is nothing creepy” about his interactions with them on set.
“I’ve never been taking advantage [of models],” he said. “This is not true. I’ve never done anything like this in my life.”
Seasoned models say they are accustomed to the inevitable physical contact that results from working with photographers and stylists, such as having their clothing adjusted and being helped into different outfits.
But some models described experiences to the Spotlight Team that they say crossed the line of professionalism.
In interviews with the Globe, three female models who asked not to be identified accused Karl Templer, a top stylist, of yanking their breasts, touching their crotches, or aggressively pulling down their underwear without asking them during shoots.
One model described a shoot within the last several years in which Templer approached her while she was against a wall, topless.
“Karl comes up to me,” she recalled, “and gets down on his knees and yanks my underwear and my shorts down . . . really fast. I remember I’m gripping onto it with my finger and he’s still pulling.”
“He was trying to get me naked,” she said. “He was trying to pull off my clothes without my permission.”
The Globe corroborated her account with two friends and reviewed an e-mail she wrote to her agent before the shoot specifying she would not be comfortable with frontal nudity below the waist.
Templer, in a statement, said, “I deny these vague and anonymous allegations. If I’ve ever inadvertently made anyone feel uncomfortable, I’m truly sorry. Although physical interactions with models is a necessary aspect of my job as a fashion stylist, I’ve never touched anyone in an inappropriate way nor ever with any sexual intent. I’m always respectful of models, remain deeply committed to creating a safe and professional working environment and embrace the systematic changes that our industry is implementing.”
In addition, Templer’s lawyer referred the Globe to three former and current colleagues of Templer, all of whom said they have never seen him behave inappropriately and asked that their names not be published.
Numerous models said they have felt pressured to take topless or nude photos by people who could make or break careers. Declining such requests, or rebuffing sexual advances, can harm a model’s prospects.
During a shoot for a lingerie brand, model Alison Nix said, a photographer stuffed a $20 bill in her bra and asked how much he would have to pay to have sex with her. When Nix complained about his behavior, the client dropped her.
“It’s really difficult because you get punished,” Nix said. “At the end of the day, I’d rather lose clients than do things that are emotionally traumatic. But it’s a shame to have to choose between the two.”
Over the years, there have been various efforts to protect young models. New York, for example, passed a law in 2014 that classifies models under 18 as “child performers,” raising the bar for how often they can work and in what circumstances.
But industry insiders, and a report last summer from the New York State comptroller, say there is little enforcement of the law, and no similar national or international regulations. As a result, New York’s law would not have helped models like Ritland, who at age 16, while working overseas, found herself in a disturbing photo shoot for an Italian brand.
“I was a virgin, never had a boyfriend, never been kissed, and I was topless, rolling around with another male model, simulating — I have really no idea, but it was supposed to be sex,” she recalled. “Very young girls are meant to be simulating something that they have never experienced, and it’s just kind of strange to me that that’s a culture that exists.”
In December, several models testified about sexual harassment and financial exploitation before the New York City Commission on Human Rights, which is expected to release a report in March addressing their concerns.
Because models are independent contractors, they are exempt from workplace protections that cover most other employees. As a result, modeling can be tantamount to indentured servitude, with young men and women going into debt because their agencies charge them for rent, travel, copies of photos, and even the privilege of being listed on the agency’s website.
“Models are in a loophole area where they’re not protected by any of the laws carved out to help artists,” said Shivani Honwad, an attorney who works with a firm, Law on the Runway, that represents numerous models. “Modeling agencies are dictating if and when to pay models.”
Many models hope the time has come for the industry to acknowledge its deep-rooted problems and institute widespread reform. Baby steps have already begun.
In January, Conde Nast, which also publishes Vanity Fair and The New Yorker, created a new code of conduct that, among other reforms, bans drugs and alcohol from sets, prohibits work by models under 18, and says no model “should be pressured to expose themselves more than they feel comfortable.”
An official for Calvin Klein told the Globe that in coming weeks the company will roll out new policies “for safeguarding the well-being of fashion models,” such as requiring prior written consent for any photography that includes nudity or semi-nudity and creating a process for reporting misconduct.
“Policy changes alone will not change the industry’s culture or empower vulnerable individuals to come forward with complaints. We have seen codes of conduct come and go,” said Sara Ziff, founder of the nonprofit Model Alliance, which recently helped introduce a proposed bill called the Models’ Harassment Protection Act in New York. “Voluntary standards without meaningful education, proper complaint mechanisms, and independent enforcement are not going to work.”
Meanwhile, a New York organization called Model Mafia is encouraging models to create their own reforms. At a December meeting, models discussed having Uber-like reviews of photographers, writing scripts of “friendly one-liners” they could use to firmly rebuff photographers who proposition them, and creating a “buddy system” that would allow inexperienced models in uncomfortable situations to call more seasoned models for advice.
“Yes, we need high-profile perpetrators to be held accountable,” Russell, the model who started the #myjobshouldnotincludeabuse campaign, told the Globe. But what’s also needed, she said, is “recognition that many of us play a part in maintaining a work environment where abuse of power is acceptable.”
Zuzanna Krzatala, a Model Mafia member, said the fashion business needs to change “the twisted rules of the game.”
“If I quit, then someone else is going to take my job, take my space. They’re going to endure the same sort of harassment, disrespect,” Krzatala added. “It’s about changing the culture, once and for all.”
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Season 2 Episode 3- Just a Barbie Girl in a Barbie Woooorld
These are the challenges made me love the Bravo seasons of Project Runway. They’re fun, yet they have real relevance to the fashion industry. And, for the first time this season, most of the looks were actually decent! 
Challenge: Create a new dress for Barbie to be manufactured and sold as part of the Barbie My Scene Line
13. Andrae
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This is bad for a barbie and bad for a real woman.  I love a bubble skirt that is made well...this does not fit into that category. And the skirt is a completely different look than the cropped hoodie vest. Oh Andrae.
12. Raymundo
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He literally combined the two dress that were eliminated in the first episode...how did he think that was going to go?  Nothing about this reads Barbie, it’s more ladies who lunch but they lunch at the McDonalds in Wal Mart.
11. Zulema
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It’s just blah.  A basic tube dress with a sheer tank over it. And it’s not even in a fun color.
10. Guadalupe
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Whomever put her on the show must have been color blind because this is two out of three weeks that her print and color relations have been a mess.  And the third week? She made an all white look.  The shawl is stupid and restricting, the half sleeve is confusing and I want to rip that rose off of her chest.  The actual dress?  Not bad.
9. Marla
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I’m honestly not sure why this was in the bottom 2.  The color is vibrant enough for barbie and it overall had that barbie vibe.  Yes, it is a little old but the crop top saves it...a bit.  The skirt is a total throw away.
8. Emmett
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I would be willing to bet that if you went into the Barbie archives that you would find this dress on a 70s Barbie.  It’s cute, fun, and flirty, but not for 2006.
7. Kara
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This just reads slightly too junior for me.  I like the skirt, but the sweater is a total throw away. The bow on the belt needs to go too, along with the hair and hat. The skirt is cool and fun and I think a more sophisticated top would have done wonders.
6. Daniel V.
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Eh, ok.  The vest is cute, as is the dress, and they do go together.  I just don’t feel any excitement from this dress at all.  The color pallet is good though.
5. Daniel F.
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Essentially a version of Chloe’s winning dress last week, and totally not for Barbie. That being said it is a well made dress that brings some excitement. The fit and flare of the skirt takes it to a tween/teen place it needed to go for this challenge.
4. Chloe
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This is just so stinkin cute.  Maybe too cute for Barbie?  That blush fabric she chose was beautiful and I love the rhinestoned trim that she added for the extra bling.  It may just have been too simple for the judges to reward.
3. Diana
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I could totally see Barbie rockin the art school rebel look.  Each of these three pieces is good on their own and work well together.  The skirt could be a go to piece for a lot of women and the hoodie adds the drama needed for the runway.  Well done Diana (though she never gets any love on the show).
2. Nick
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Nick was a genius with styling, which is why he won the challenge.  That head scarf added the perfect amount of pazzaz to catch the judges attention. He rouched the entire top without making his model look larger which is an incredible feat.  The only reason it isn’t #1...I just liked another one more.
1. Santino
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Frickin CAH-YUTE!  This is a dress for Barbie!  His color story was great and I love all of the ruffles he added without making it too girly and junior.  The length keeps it very sexy and fun. This just IS a Barbie dress.
Judge’s Top 3: Nick, Santino, Kara
Judge’s Bottom 3: Andrae, Marla, Raymundo
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scarletjedi · 7 years
SCARLET for the ask game!
I see what you did there :)
Here we go!
S: What's a headcanon you have?
That even though Leia is the trained diplomat, Luke is the one with the natural affinity for diplomacy, even if his upbringing makes him more skilled at, say, Hutt-negotiations than Republic. Leia’s Aunts (who are Padme’s surviving handmaidens, I don’t care) despaired of her at first, but Padme also had to learn diplomacy, so they soldiered on. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
Spirk. I think I would read so many good fics if I could ship Spock and Kirk romantically but...meh? 
The same goes for Luke/Han. I just...Han/Leia. 
A: Your current OTP.
Wynonna Earp/Peacemaker (that finale!)
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
uh...I found Percy/Kingsley because of a fic, so it’s not just me, but it is a SMALL ship. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
oh man. OH MAN. Right now? Obi-Wan being a space-wizard in the desert. From the artist, I want brilliant colors. From the author, I want religion. 
also, fanart/fic of my own fics. I will ALWAYS love stuff from my stuff. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
I was part of the conversation that named gigolas
pineapple bacta-lube (with you!)
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Top 5 dudes
Fraser/RayK (Due South)
QuiObi (Star Wars)
Gigolas (Tolkien)
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
McShep (SGA)
Top 5 ladies
Wahaught (Wynonna Earp)
Diana/Etta (Wonder Woman)
Uhura/Chapel (Star Trek)
Beca/Chloe (Pitch Perfect)
Steph/Cass (Batfamily)
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devon-kelley · 7 years
Charlie Hunnam Starved Himself on 400 Calories a Day For His Latest Role
Gym rats and couch potatoes can agree on one thing: when it comes to losing weight, it’s no walk in the park. Hollywood actors regularly endure this daunting task when they’re forced to shrink their already perfectly fit bodies down to nothingness for roles, then snap back to their healthy forms as quickly as is humanly possible.
Charlie Hunnam is the latest victim of forced weight loss for his role in Lost City of Z, which opens Friday. Hunnam’s character is an early 20th century British explorer who makes three treks through the Amazon in search of an ancient indigenous city, and he and his costars Robert Pattinson and Edward Ashley were each required to lose about 35 pounds to demonstrate the hardship of their characters.
“We were starving, and it was incredibly humid and hot, so we didn’t have to imagine too much of the hardship those guys were enduring,” Hunnam told Yahoo Movies, saying he consumed between 400 and 500 calories a day. “On the last film that I did (a remake of the 1973 prison escape drama Papillon), I just had to lose a lot of weight again, and that was by myself,” Hunnam said. “I really missed the camaraderie of losing it with the guys.
“There was a sense that we were in it together. But then also on the underside of it, a little bit of competition… [We’d] be very suspicious of each other. When Robert would be going off and walking away, I’d have a tendency to be watching him wherever he went just to see if he was like, going off into the jungle to smuggle a quick banana or something. So we kept each other honest.”
Click through to see the extreme measures that 18 stars were willing to take for the right role.
Read more from Yahoo Beauty + Style:
Charlie Hunnam's 'Lost City of Z' Diet: 400 Calories a Day
Empire Star Gabourey Sidibe Opens Up About Her Weight Loss and Body-Image Issues
The Surprisingly Body-Positive Reason That Mama June Went From a Size 18 to Size 4
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Charlie Hunnam
Hunnam lost some 35 pounds for his role in Lost City of Z, in which he plays an early 20th century British Explorer trekking thrice through the Amazon in search of an ancient city.  “We were starving, and it was incredibly humid and hot, so we didn’t have to imagine too much of the hardship those guys were enduring,” Hunnam told Yahoo Movies, saying he consumed between 400 and 500 calories a day. He found it easier to lose weight for this film than his last, Papillon, because he did it alongside costars Robert Pattinson and Edward Ashley. “There was a sense that we were in it together. But then also on the underside of it, a little bit of competition… So we kept each other honest.”
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Adam Driver
Driver said that his extreme weight loss was helpful to his “process” as an actor while playing a 17th century Jesuit Priest alongside Andrew Garfield in Martin Scorsese’s Silence. "You’re so hungry and so tired at some points that there’s nothing you can do — you’re not adding anything on top of what you’re doing. You only have enough energy to convey what you’re doing, so it’s great," Driver told Interview Magazine. "I can't control what's happening in scenes, but I could control when I ate food. And that visual part of the storytelling, I don't think I've ever taken it to the extreme before." (Photos: Paramount Pictures/Getty Images)
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Liam Hemsworth
“I didn’t eat for weeks,” the 26-year-old told E! News of his latest role in The Dressmaker. “I could actually hear his stomach growling,” his co-star, Kate Winslet, added. Hemsworth admitted that getting used to a new body isn’t easy. “I did some pushups in my trailer,” he said. “Anytime you’re going to come out and take your top off, it’s good to do a couple of pushups… It’s very difficult to come out and just take your clothes off.” (Photos: Everett/Universal Pictures)
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Matt Damon in Courage Under Fire
in a Reddit ask me anything, Matt Damon laid out the exceptional difficulty of extreme weight loss and yoyo dieting (that pretty much comes with the territory of winning an Oscar). “I think the most challenging role that I've ever had was when I did Courage Under Fire and I had to lose all the weight that I lost on my own, that was the most physically challenging [thing] I've ever had to do in my life,” Damon wrote. “I weigh probably 190 pounds right now, and I weighed 139 in that movie, and that is not a natural weight for me and not a happy weight for me even when I was 25. So, you know, to do that I had to run about 13 miles a day, which wasn't even the hard part. The hard part was the diet. All I ate was chicken breast. It's not like I had a chef or anything, I just made it up and did what I thought I had to do. I just made it up and that was incredibly challenging.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Beyonce in Dreamgirls
To prep for her role as Deena in Dreamgirls, Beyoncé lost 20 pounds on her own accord. "I figured in the '60s Twiggy was the hot model, and Diana [Ross] and Cher and all the legends were thinner than I am," she told Oprah. "So I decided I wanted to lose weight and make a physical transformation. And it was difficult because I love food. I love to eat. I did a fast—a master cleanser for 14 days. Everybody was eating Krispy Kremes around me. I was grouchy, but I did it and I lost the weight." (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada
Emily Blunt shed a few pounds for her role in The Devil Wears Prada, but she doesn’t want young girls to think they should look like she did in the film. “I am from a family of thin children, so I have always been OK with that. I’ve only lost weight for The Devil Wears Prada and that was because my character was supposed to be on the edge of anorexia,” she told Parade. “But I think the pressure is so huge on young girls right now to lose weight and it needs to diminish. It is becoming worrying how many super thin girls we see walking around, and they are so obviously ill. It is kind of accepted and it is glamorized more than it should be.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Chris Hemsworth in Lost at Sea
"Just tried a new diet/training program called 'Lost At Sea.' Wouldn't recommend it,” Hemsworth tweeted. He detailed his staggering weight loss in an interview with Men’s Health. “We couldn't go away for a month and get skinny, we had to do it while we were shooting,' he says. 'At one point, a day's rations were a boiled egg, a couple of crackers and a celery stick.” Hemsworth happily got back to his brolic Thor figure after filming was over. “To get back to looking like Thor is simple: I get in the gym and work out,” he says. “I enjoy it. It keeps me fit and healthy. I've got to eat more calories – certain types and all clean – and it can get boring eating chicken breast and rice and so on. But at least you're fed properly.” (Photos: Instagram/Getty)
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Amanda Seyfried in Chloe
Seyfried slimmed down for her role as an expensive call girl. "I'm on a raw-food diet," she told Esquire. "It's intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just spinach. Spinach and some seeds." But to her, Hollywood’s pressure to be thin is nothing more than doing her job. “I looked way better when I was 15," Seyfried told Ellen DeGeneres. "I had huge breasts, and then I came to Hollywood and I was like 'I got to lose weight. I got to look thin and fit,' and I lost them a little bit. They were quite uncomfortable, but they look beautiful. I was feminine. I had some nice curves and I think that we should really appreciate that as opposed to trying to get rid of everything." (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Christian Bale in The Machinist
Christian Bale famously dropped more than 60 pounds for his role in The Machinist, weighing in at a staggering 122 lbs at 6 feet tall. “The writer is only about five-foot-six, and he put his own weights in,” Bale’s co-star Michael Ironside told Huffington Post of the mixup in the weight Bale was expected to meet. “And then Chris did the film and Chris said, ‘No, don’t change the weights. I want to see if I make them.’ ... So those weights he writes on the bathroom wall in the film are his actual weights in the film.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables
To portray a dying prostitute in Les Mis, Anne Hathaway had to shed the muscle she put on for her role as Catwoman and drop 25 pounds in merely a month. “I lost the first 10 (pounds) in three weeks through a detox and then I lost the subsequent 15 in 14 days by doing food deprivation and exercise, which I don’t recommend,” she told SF Gate. “I know when I was a teenage girl … I would try crazy things and I do not recommend anyone do this at all. I was under the supervision of a nutritionist and I had a doctor monitoring me, but it’s not fun. You can be too thin.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Tom Hanks in Castaway
Hanks shed 50 pounds to portray a character stuck on a deserted island, and he looked to his character’s surroundings for a painfully realistic weight loss. ”You know coconuts? Think you can eat a lot of coconuts? Well, let me tell you, it’s a natural laxative,” he told Entertainment Weekly. “So just put two and two together there. Take a coconut, drink all the milk out of it, and then eat all the insides, and you tell me how you feel after an hour and a half…” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Mila Kunis in Black Swan
"I had to look skinny in order to look like a ballerina," she said on a SiriusXM interview with Howard Stern. "You fake it. So, the best way to fake it is to unfortunately look like it." Kunis weighed in at 95lbs during the film and trained in ballet for three months to fake it as best she could. "I never watched what I ate [before]. It was one of those things, for the first time in my life, I got a food delivery service," she said. "And I'll tell you this, I'm not promoting this at all, but I used to be a smoker, and so I smoked a lot of cigarettes and I ate a limited amount of calories. 1,200 calories and I smoked. I don't advocate this at all. It was awful.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Natalie Portman in Black Swan
Natalie Portman lost 20 pounds over six months on a 1,200 calorie vegan diet for her role as Nina. "At a certain point I looked at [Natalie's] back and she was so skinny and so cut — I was like, 'Natalie, start eating,' I made sure she had a bunch of food in her trailer,” director Darren Aronofsky told Popsugar. (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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50 Cent in Things Fall Apart
To play his best friend who died of cancer, 50 Cent dropped from 214 pounds to 160 in nine weeks following a liquid diet and running on a treadmill three hours a day. It was an emotional process for him, and not an entirely unfamiliar one. When he was shot in the jaw in 2000, he could only drink liquids and his weight plummeted to 157. “This time it was a lot tougher for me,” he told AP. “I had to discipline myself not ... to actually have myself be in the physical state to convey the energy I felt. It’s a passion project for me.” (Photos: Instagram/Getty)
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Rooney Mara in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
To play the “pale, anorexic” Lisbeth Salander, Mara kickboxed with a trainer. She didn’t discuss her diet, but an interview with Vogue made it seem like eating, or lack thereof, played a significant role in preparing for the film. “’You can eat.’ I look up to see her reaction. Mara rolls her eyes, and Fincher laughs. ‘You can have lettuce and a grape. A raisin if you must.’ She orders a piece of fish and barely touches it…  I ask if she had to get unhealthily skinny for the role. She says, ‘Umm . . . not really.’ ‘It hasn’t been too hard for her,’ Fincher quickly adds.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Jared Leto in The Dallas Buyers Club
To play a trans AIDS sufferer, Leto lost 38 pounds. “I got down to 116 or something. I just basically didn't eat. I ate very little,” he told E Online. “I had done similar things with weight, but this was different, I think the role demanded that commitment... It was about how does that effect how I walk, how I talked, who I am, how I feel. You know, you feel very fragile and delicate and unsafe.” The role took a major toll on his health. “Your organs [and] muscles shrink, your organs shrink [and] my stomach has shrunk as well. I'm doing cardio but I'll tell you what, the more I've learned is - and I think it comes with age too - is it's 90 percent diet. It's a matter of how much I eat or how little I eat.” (Photos: Splash/Getty)
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Matthew McConnaughey in The Dallas Buyer’s Club
McConnaughey’s character was also a victim of AIDS, and he lost 50lbs for the role. He consulted the shapeshifting master, Tom Hanks, as well as a nutritionist before embarking on his weight loss. Starting at 185lbs, he thought he would stop at 145, but he didn’t feel it was enough. "I was going around and people were going, 'Hey, are you feeling all right?" McConaughey told People of reaching his initial goal. "But then I hit 135 lbs. I ran in to somebody and they didn't just ask if I was all right, they said, 'My God, we need to get you some help.' And I thought, 'There we go. That's the perfect spot.' " He ate good foods, but not much of them and found himself “uncontainable with energy,” needing to sleep three hours less each night. “I found through this journey that the human body is much more resilient than we give it credit for.” (Photos: Splash/Getty)
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Jennifer Hudson in Winnie Mandela
Jennifer Hudson starred as Winnie Mandela and went from a size 16 to a 6 for the role. "Whatever it takes to morph into a character I'll do it,” she told People. “I’m in the best shape of my life!” Hudson enlisted the help of celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, and got her start on Weight Watchers. (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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