#i could possibly do the same with chantelle
thinking about my cornley bapo au again
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stravacious · 8 months
What happened to Gary and Nadine’s parents?
ahh thank you for asking!! c:
i think to me, they had a parent who died right after they were born, and they had to be taken in by the equivalent of gumbald, lolly, and cousin chicle. (idk who this parent would have been, i can’t picture anyone else but the mother gum personified?)
(gumbald i’m calling aunt georgia, lolly i’m calling uncle larry, and chicle i’m calling cousin chantel lol)
i think georgia reluctantly took them just to complain all the time that she “could’ve been someone if she didn’t have to take them”, that she was “destined to be great” if she didn’t have extra mouths to feed. chantel bought into all of this, but larry actually has a heart and helped when he could.
gary got them out as soon as he possibly could, it was so difficult to have the money and try to raise nadine at the same time, bc no one else was rlly gonna do it. (i think while he worked they just let her kind of rot on her own and drink root beer all day and watch a tablet bc they couldn’t be bothered)?
although larry still sends them money when he can :)
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throne-for-queens · 1 year
My feelings are honestly hurt. This woman tried to HUMILIATE him by doing immature shit (at her big ass age) and followed someone he's KNOWN for having issues with and others he may be feeling insecure compared to (cause WTF was even that with poor Timmy and Harry??). Made him out to be an abuser. It irks the fuck out of my soul because it was so disrespectful. Then she wanted to be a weirdo and play in our faces about Sophie when SHE started everything and put that weird as narrative out there in the first place (playing or not, she should have known better) and acted like she didn't know how the world could possibly think that that man was cheating on her and abusing her.
I understand she's considered pretty... But how she dogged him in multiple ways and tried to be cute about it made her so ugly to me. There's so many other beautiful and fascinating and mysterious women out there... Why deal with one who will try to ruin you when y'all hit a bump in the road?
And I'm so irritated cause it's been EST this and EST that from him ... But he's been icing everyone practically ever since he got with her. Then when people wanna scratch their heads and be like what is going on, they're in the wrong and can't question him. But then it sure is EST this again when it comes time to get him somewhere or something he wants.
I hate this. I hate that I do care and that so many took him at his word back at EST FEST 2014 when he said to remind him and don't leave him when he starts slipping.. just to not be listened to.
And you have every right to feel this way. I dont get where people get off policing other people. He even asked EST to personally remind him when he starts to forget, but God forbid someone actually does it. Now it's you're a bad fan, and he's allowed to change. They said the same thing about chantel and sommer until he went on social media acting all sad. Then, suddenly, it was buy one get one free pitchforks.
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My opinion on tonight’s episode is basically the same as my opinion on the previous one: I Sure Did Just Watch An Episode Of Casualty.
I must admit, my interest in the episode was going to be dragged down either way by the fact that fucking Faith was in it, bringing her back to us after a lovely nearly 2 months of being able to forget she existed. So even though I love Stevie and Jan, both of whom featured a lot in tonight’s episode, it was hard to pay attention when I kept thinking about Faith.
Before I get to the review, I’ll say - I noticed the writer for this episode is Jodie Ashdown. I wonder if she’s a relation of Simon Ashdown, the Eastenders writer (I think he’s actually done some stuff for the Holbyverse, too, but it was years ago if so), or if they just coincidentally have the same surname. Anyway, onto discussing the episode.
The best part of this episode, if you ask me, was the 2 seconds of getting to see Stevie in her suit before the patient’s boyfriend beat her up. She looked so good in that suit. I hope we see her wear it again, in a happier context, at some point. She looked gorgeous. She looked so gender. Stevie, please share your gender with me, I would love to borrow it.
The attack on Stevie is, obviously, primarily a plot device to further the Marcus storyline. Jon Sen said something in his latest interview about the Marcus/Stevie relationship turning “coercive”. I hope it was just awkward phrasing and the relationship doesn’t turn into full-on abuse, I don’t really want to see that (not that I’d ever want to see it but you probably know what I mean, right?). I’d rather it just stays lower-level, with Marcus using Stevie’s vulnerability after the assault to his own ends for his plan to further his career, but not crossing the line into actual flat-out coercive control. (I might also just be biased because we know what happened last time a show produced by Jon Sen did a coercive control story. Albeit I’m pretty sure Kate Oates was the one to introduce Chantelle and Gray to Eastenders before Sen even came along, so it’s very possible everything about how that story played out was her fault.)
If they do go the abusive relationship route, though... some of Stevie’s lines tonight and in general how she reacted to the domestic abuse case were interesting. “Guys like Jordan, I’ve met before.” particularly stood out to me. She could just be referring to previous DV cases she’s dealt with as a doctor, but the thing Jon Sen said makes me wonder - does Marcus have a history? I doubt they’ll go the route of him having been physically abusive or anything, but maybe he was manipulative/controlling in some way to her or Emma? Maybe that’s where they’re going with it?
Alternatively, it could mean there’s some other abuse situation in Stevie’s backstory, rather than anything with Marcus specifically. I don’t know exactly why, but something about her reaction when Jordan attacked her struck me. But if it were related to Marcus then that would contradict what I already said, that I doubt they’d have Marcus have a history of physical abuse, so yeah.
One thing that scares me is that if they go the route of making Marcus abusive, they may very well have Faith be the one to “save” Stevie, since they fucking love having Faith be painted as a saviour to abuse victims, rather than what she actually is - an abuser herself. She was emotionally abusive to Lev, she tried to rape him, and, in an eerie parallel to Jordan tonight, her abuse doesn’t stop with her partner - remember when she attacked Natalia’s boyfriend?
Please don’t make Faith the saviour in this, Casualty. I am so fucking tired of the show painting Faith as totally sweet and innocent just because she happens to be a good-looking white woman.
Also, speaking of Faith, both she and Marcus were patronising as fuck to Stevie. Yes, she wasn’t in any state to be going for the interview, but the way to deal with that is not talking down to her until she relents.
I liked the paramedics stuff tonight. The story with the little girl whose parents died was so tragic, though. Very upsetting storyline to watch. :( No wonder Jan was so shaken.
They seem to be heading for some sort of storyline about the effects of paramedic work on mental health with Jan, which could be a really interesting thing to explore. Di Botcher is an excellent actress, so I know she can pull it off.
Also, Sah looked great tonight. I still love their hairstyle. They, too, looked very gender. I want their gender just as much as I want Stevie’s, lmao.
The story with the old lady Rita was very sweet, although I got a bit annoyed at Paul’s involvement because I still don’t like Paul. Also, I feel like every other episode Casualty has an old lady turn up who goes on about “my Ronnie”, “my Sam”, whatever, and about how much she loves him, and then he turns out to be a dog.
So yeah, all in all, an okay episode but nothing particularly special (which feels weird to say given how many important storylines featured). Presumably the next episode will be that improvised paramedics special. I’ll be interested to see how that ep turns out.
Edit: ...Okay, Digital Spy put up a “Casualty spoilers for next week” article. It is obviously not the improvised paramedics special, either. I am baffled, we weren’t supposed to be getting an episode next week. I’d like to say “well, I’d be glad if we did get an episode after all” but it looks like a lot of it will focus on Faith so I can’t say I’d actually be particularly glad. ://
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ghostlytalkin · 1 year
This is probably annoying but you said you know alot about problematic rpers, could you possibly give some names or examples? Like do you know anything about someone named caroline, luna, ash raine or megan in the discord rpc or appless rpc
So I haven't heard of Luna or Megan, but plz tell me more
I know one ash but I'd have to know the discord username to tell you, cause the ash I know I haven't had issues with but there's like 10 people named Ash in findrps and roleplay helper
Caroline joins groups all the time, picks the same like three fcs, one got mad at me for having Sabrina Carpenter reserved for somebody else. The super fucking annoying part is she joins groups all the time, reserves, gets accepted, all her stuff gets set up and she ghosts. I've literally never seen her talk in ooc chats. I think once she was in for a week and responded to plotting and starter calls just to dip. It's even more annoying when the group is only accepting so many muns and she's one of them. Like, what is the point of joining groups just ot leave?? I'm convinced that she just does it to waste time. I've also heard she gets angry at people for taking her main fcs, Sabrina Carpenter, Zendaya, Cindy Kim(berly). I've heard things of people who actually have rped with herald she was just awful. Gets you all hyped up to plot and get things going just to dip. All groups end the same. She joins, and she leaves.
Raine does the same thing as Caroline. She joins, usually takes Zendya, dips after a while. She usually has something comes up and leaves. Really annoying. I think I was in Nightgate with her for a week before she disappeared. I haven't really seen her join groups as of late.
Actually, I'm now wondering if Luna was involved in a group with Cody and had the character Sapphire.
Ari, Mads, Kt, sage, Caro. The Elysium problem team. I haven't seen them around but then again, all but Mads got removed or left findrps. Mads I think left and honestly my main beef with her is how she treated the core.
Chantel, I've heard a lot about her. And it ranges. I think rpsense has more. I've heard just myths of her and never ran into her. But one of the core has and said that people legit dipped from the rp they were in because the admin accepted her. So I mean that reputation alone says something
There's an admin that advertises rps as chill but then requires you to do stats, full biographies, in depth personality sheets in detail for each personality trait, a reasoning of why they are the way they are, and have all posted connections done before you can rp. Which I think takes away the chill and makes it hard to handle.
There's Alex who was in Elysium that accepted an apology not meant for them and I know that has caused beef for people because not your apology to accept. And low key ghosts groups too.
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Summer Games - three
Blaise Zabini x reader
warnings: no pronouns used for the reader, 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this part and coming up with all the stupid things! I really hope you like it :)
written for @omgrachwrites​​​ writing challenge with the prompts: ‘I can’t have this argument with you again.’ ‘But—’ ‘No, I’m done.’ and ‘Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought  I should move it so I could see you better.’
word count: 3.9k
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The next morning Blaise awoke before Draco and rather than waking his friend too, Blaise got dressed in silence and slipped out of the room. He walked down to the kitchen, where he found you sitting at the table with a mug in your hands, reading the morning papers.
‘Might rain this afternoon,’ you said without looking up.
Blaise hummed something as he sat down opposite of you and poured himself a cup of coffee. He looked up and studied your face as you read the newspaper. Your eyes scanned the pages quickly, picking out the things worth reading. Blaise watched you for a few minutes until you had finished and looked up at him.
‘What you’re doing?’ he asked when you kept looking at him.
‘Looking at you,’ you smiled.
Blaise chuckled nervously. ‘I noticed that, yeah. But why?’
‘I’m probably not gonna see you all day,’ you shrugged. ‘Don’t wanna forget that pretty face of yours.’
Blaise straightened his back and blinked. ‘Don’t wanna—’
‘Good morning, lovelies!’ Pansy interrupted as she threw open the door of the kitchen and strode in.
Blaise was still turned to you and watched as you hugged Pansy shortly before she sat down next to you. She poured herself some coffee and looked at Blaise.
‘Blaise, stop staring, that’s rude,’ Pansy said and she waved her hand in front of Blaise’s face.
He quickly looked away from you and shot Pansy a nasty look before he turned to his coffee.
‘Pansy don’t bug him,’ you scolded and shot Blaise a kind smile. ‘It’s only morning.’
‘Fine, fine,’ Pansy said and she waved your words away with her hand. ‘I won’t bug him until later this day.’ She took a sip from her coffee and pulled a face before quickly scooping two spoons of sugar in her cup. ‘Where’s Draco?’
‘Still asleep,’ Blaise muttered. ‘I considered hexing him awake, but I still have to sleep here for two nights and Draco with a grudge is not someone you want to sleep next to.’
‘I am not that bad,’ a grumpy voice at the doorframe said. Draco walked into the room and flopped down on the chair next to Blaise. ‘Coffee, please.’
‘Sure, you’re not that bad,’ you snickered as you poured coffee in Draco’s mug.
While Draco drank his coffee, you told your friends what Game today would be. ‘It’s the last day before the winner gets announced. Yesterday while we were at the lake the other half of the teams played games in the fields. Before we set off today we’ll get the ranking so far, so you know what team to beat.’
‘But what are we doing today?’ Pansy asked.
A big smile spread on your face. ‘It’s the best Game of the whole festival. The organisation has put out a big scavenger hunt. It goes through the whole village and we have to solve riddles and collect things. You’ll get a list with things to collect and usually the team splits up in little groups and each group gets a part of the list.’
‘What sort of things do we have to collect? Because I’m really not interested in breaking my back from carrying a lot,’ Draco said.
‘I don’t know,’ you replied. ‘Usually there’s a theme to the hunt. My grandma helps to put it together and previous years she’d tell me what the theme was but she hasn’t this year.’
‘So we’ll just go around town collecting things? Isn’t that boring?’
Your smile faltered a bit and Blaise kicked Draco under the table. ‘Don’t listen to him, he’s a jerk in the morning. It sounds fun!’
You smiled thankfully at Blaise and after Pansy also reassured you that it sounded great, your smile was back on your face, and it stayed there for the rest of the morning.
The scavenger hunt had officially started. A little earlier the scores of the teams had been disclosed; the Sly Foxes were on top with only two points difference between them and the Red Titans. Next were the Oiled Machines and at the bottom the Raging Angels. But just by a few points so all could change with the scavenger hunt.
The organisation had handed out the lists with the things to collect and the theme had quickly been clear.
Book of Spells … 7 pts
Iron Cauldron … 15 pts
Vial with Sleeping Potion … 12 pts
Witch Hat … 5 pts
Unnecessarily the woman of the organisation had added that the theme of this year’s hunt was ‘magic’ and both Blaise and Draco had had to refrain their laughter at the stereotypical items they had to collect. There was a whole list on ingredients for potions that no real wizard would ever think of using, such as goat milk and rabbit turds. Apparently Muggles still thought of witches as old, weary women in little shacks in the woods.
Blaise and Draco had been teamed up with three other Foxes. Neither of them knew any of the three, but after his little spat with Alysia two days ago, Blaise was more than happy that he wasn’t in her team.
The oldest of their team was Ivanna, a woman of thirty-four with a pale face and sleek brown hair. Despite the heat she was wearing long trousers and a jacket over her shirt. She’d told the rest of the team that she had a little baby of just two months old, so that if she seemed tired it meant she probably was.
The second of the three was the twenty-three year old student Mica. They had a dark golden skin and black, curly hair that had been cut short and dyed blue in the ends. Under the blue bangs lay two dark eyes that glittered with excitement and competitiveness. Mica was a student in London, but they had come back to the town where they’d grown up for the Summer Games.
The last teammate was the very young Raoul. He was the son of the man Draco and Blaise had met the first day of the festival at the stand with the cherry pastries, Hank. Raoul was just eleven years old, but he brought a childlike enthusiasm with him that made everyone in the team energized.
They were by far the youngest team, as all the other teams had the more aged villagers, so they called themselves the Sly Pups. Quickly they set to work and looked at the items on their list.
‘Does this make any sense to you?’ Ivanna asked as she handed the list to Blaise and Draco.
Errn rq srwlrqv … 7 pts
Eurrpvwlfh … 17 pts
Fordn … 9 pts
Fdqgohv .. 10 pts
‘I don’t get it,’ Draco said to the rest of the team and then he whispered to Blaise: ‘You didn’t take Ancient Runes, did you?’
‘No, I didn’t,’ Blaise answered and he looked at the sheet in his hand. ‘But I doubt these are runes.’
Blaise looked around at the rest of the Sly Foxes but they didn’t seem to have the same problems, as they were already heading off. Then he looked at the other teams on the field and realised that from each team one group would stay bent over their list while the others took off. In one of the remaining teams Blaise recognised you and Pansy.
‘You don’t think it’s a mistake, do you?’ Ivanna asked with frowned eyebrows.
‘No, the other teams have it too,’ Blaise said and he nodded to the three groups left behind around them.
‘Wait, this one we can read!’ Mica said and pointed out the first line on the paper. ‘”To understand the magic you must always think three steps ahead.” What does that mean?’
The whole team silenced as they thought about the possible meaning of the sentence. Raoul looked around on the ground as if he would find the answer literally three steps ahead of him. For minutes it was quiet and Blaise’s annoyance grew.
To make his irritation even worse two of the other teams around them, including your team, had found the solution to the weird texts and were now running off the field. Blaise let out an exasperated sigh and he shook his head.
‘It can’t be this hard,’ Draco said.
‘It’s some sort of secret language, but I don’t understand the three steps,’ Mica admitted and they rubbed their temples with their knuckles.
‘My dad taught me a secret language once,’ Raoul said. ‘So we could write each other without my other dad finding out. We changed each letter with the one next in the alphabet.’
‘Of course!’ Mica exclaimed and they took the paper from Blaise. ‘Does someone have a pen?’
Ivanna gave Mica a pen and they turned Draco around to use his back. ‘What are you doing?’ Draco snapped but Mica ignored him as they started to write the alphabet on the top of the paper.
‘Look, it’s actually really easy,’ they said. ‘Each letter is swapped for a letter three steps ahead in the alphabet! Just like Raoul said!’
‘So that would mean that the e in the first word is actually a…’
‘A b!’ Mica completed Blaise’s sentence. ‘So the first word is… book… on… pot—potions! We have to find a potions book!’
‘I’ve got one of those in my bag,’ Draco muttered, but Blaise kicked him softly on his leg.
‘We have to go the library!’ Raoul said and he ran off.
‘Raoul! Wait a minute! Not so fast!’ Ivanna yelled after him and the group quickly followed the little boy.
Your team had quickly figured out the solution to the weird text and found a potions book in the library, accompanied by a little paper with the next clue. Now you were sitting on the wall around the garden of the library with your team.
On your right sat Pansy and on your left Quincy. Quincy was your grandparents’ neighbour and you knew him very well so you were glad he was on your team. He was fifty-five and he had studied philosophy at the university in the nearest big city when he was younger. You hoped his intelligence would be applicable in the hunt, and so far it had for he had figured out the secret language.
Opposite of you stood Chantelle, the forty-two year old town’s librarian. Despite her being in her early forties she looked much older. She had a wrinkled face and neck and always stared at you with big eyes from behind her thick glasses. Her appearance was deceiving however, because her mentality was as quick as that of a young adult.
The last in your team was a teenage boy only a year older than you and Pansy. His name was Christopher and you had known him since you were a small child and you went to your grandparents in the summer. He had dark curls framing his olive face that was always painted with a bright smile. This time there was something other in his smile too and it only made sense to you after he told you that his boyfriend was in the other team and he desperately wanted to beat him.
‘y/n too,’ Pansy had said and Christopher had raised his eyebrow.
‘No! Blaise is not my boyfriend!’ you’d cried to which Pansy had laughed.
‘Who said anything about Blaise? I merely said ‘boyfriend’.’
Now you were all looking at the new paper in your hand. The next item on the list was an eurrpvwlfh; a broomstick. Though finding out what the next item was had been easy, the real problem was finding the place where. The text on the paper you had gotten from the person in the library didn’t exactly help you very much.
Where I am is always a mystery.
Over mountains I fly,
Or I cross above the trees.
Down on the ground I rest,
Still and motionless I stand.
Pansy sighed and she threw her head back, closing her eyes as she thought about the riddle. Next to you, Quincy was staring at the text as if that would make him any wiser. Every once in a while he would hum but he didn’t come with an answer.
‘We’re gonna lose our lead like this,’ Christopher sighed as he looked around the street for other teams.
‘Surely we’re not seeing something,’ Pansy said and she tilted her head to the side, looking at the paper from a different angle. ‘No offense, but the organisation isn’t exactly a group of highly intelligent people, so maybe we have to think easier.’
Christopher chuckled and you faked a scowl at Pansy. ‘That’s my grandmother you’re talking about!’ you cried and Pansy just shrugged. ‘But you’re right. I am sure there is something clear that we’re overlooking.’
Chantelle cleared her throat and pointed at the text. ‘Maybe we should take a literal approach. You know, look at the text rather than the meaning?’
‘Here,’ you said and gave Chantelle the paper, allowing her to put her full focus on it.
Down the street you noticed a group of people approaching the library. Running ahead of the others was a young boy you recognised as Raoul. He had a big smile on his face and was waving the list with things to collect through the air. In the group behind him Blaise and Draco were walking together, followed by Mica and Ivanna. They noticed your team and Blaise and Draco waved.
‘Not to put pressure on you, but I really hope you can figure it out now because if we don’t win from Blaise and Draco I will be hearing that for the rest of my life,’ you sighed and Pansy nodded.
Chantelle looked up from the paper and winked at you. ‘I got it.’
Your team cheered and Blaise’s team, that was just about to enter the library, looked around. Upon seeing your team so happy, their faces turned sad.
‘See you tonight, boys!’ Pansy shouted. ‘Losers have to do the dishes!’
Blaise and his team stepped out of the woods with the broomstick in their hand. The broom was old and twitchy and Blaise had to stifle a laugh thinking of how different the real broomsticks were in the wizarding world.
Again it had been Mica who had guessed the answer of the riddle. Blaise wondered where the team would be if they hadn’t been here. Probably still working on the first puzzle. But Mica had figured out that the first letters of the sentences in the little poem formed the word woods, the place where they had found the broomstick.
Now they only had the next word, fordn, meaning cloak, and a silver pin. It was not much to go on but Ivanna had recognised the pin straight away.
‘It comes from Mrs. Heath’s studio!’ she exclaimed and looked at the little pin in her fingers. ‘It’s what she uses for her dresses!’
Unfortunately Mrs. Heath’s studio lay on the other side of the village and it would take at least forty minutes before they’d get there.
‘Forty minutes?!’ Draco cried and when the team set off he turned to Blaise. ‘Stupid Muggles, why can’t we just apparate?’
‘Oh shut it, Malfoy,’ Blaise said. ‘It’s fun!’
‘I’m gonna curse y/n for making us do this…’
Grudging Draco followed the rest of his team and though Blaise would never say it to his friend, he had to admit that his feet were beginning to hurt.
The Sly Pups passed little houses with colourful front yards, full of flowers and bushes. The main street was silent and all the shops were closed, as most of the inhabitants were participating in the Games and there was no need for the stores to be open. They ran into a few other teams, but none of those had the same list as they had.
After forty-five minutes they arrived at the old house of Mrs. Heath. In the garden there was a little path, past pink flowerbeds and a small pond with fish. Halfway in the garden the path split in two. One side led to the bright yellow front door, the other led to a wooden door with a sign on it that said the Heath atelier.
Ivanna stepped through the garden and knocked on the yellow door. A minute it was silent and then an old lady opened the door. She was wearing an orange with blue flowers dress that reached to the ground and her grey hair hung in a braid over her shoulder. Her lips spread into a smile when she saw the five people at her door.
‘You’re the first ones!’ Mrs. Heath smiled and she stepped out of the door. ‘Come, come, follow me!’
Blaise sent Draco a questioning look as they followed Mrs. Heath to her studio. Your team had been far ahead of Pups, having figured out where to find the broomstick before Blaise’s team even had the riddle. In the forest there had been two brooms already collected, but apparently the Sly Pups were the only ones who had found where the silver pin came from.
Inside the Heath atelier stood four mannequins with colourful robes. Each had a different colour and pattern. There was a dark blue one with yellow stars, a green one covered with red flowers and one coloured yellow with orange and red flames. Blaise snickered at the cloaks; the only one he had even seen wearing such colours was Dumbledore and he couldn’t exactly be called a normal wizard.
‘You take this one,’ Mrs. Heath said and she pulled a bright pink cloak with yellow and green crescents embroidered in it from a mannequin. ‘And also—’ she opened a drawer and pulled out a thin object in the shape of a circle ‘—this one. Good luck!’
Ivanna took the object and the cloak and ushered the team outside. In the garden she handed over the cloak to Draco, who took it with a frown, and looked at what Mrs. Heath had given her.
‘It’s a coaster,’ Mica said, raising one eyebrow. ‘Why would she give us a coaster?’
Before anyone of the team could guess, however, another group arrived at the house. You and Pansy were walking ahead, both with tired and sweaty faces, and the rest of your team seemed just as exhausted.
Blaise waved at you and you gave him a weak smile back as you walked with your team inside.
‘Does anyone recognise this?’ Mica asked and they looked around the team.
Everyone shook their head and they sighed as one. Ivanna brought the coaster closer to her face and examined it. She dropped her shoulders and shook her head again. ‘I don’t know what it is.’
‘It probably has something to do with the next item,’ Mica said and they pulled out the list. ‘Candles. Is there a place here that sells candles or anything?’
‘But what has that got to do with the coaster?’ Blaise asked.
‘I don’t know,’ Mica admitted.
Your team came out of the studio with the green cloak and Pansy had a coaster in her hand. You huddled a little away from Blaise and your team formed a protective circle around the object in Pansy’s hand.
Blaise was standing with his back to your team, but he could hear the whispers. While his team tried to think of a solution for the weird puzzle, Blaise tried to listen to what your teammates had to say. And it seemed like your team had sorted it out as quickly as Ivanna had sorted out the solution of the pin.
‘I know where this is from,’ Quincy said. ‘At Mikey’s they use these coasters.’
‘And that would make sense, because in a restaurant they surely have candles!’ Chantelle added and the rest of your team mumbled approvingly.
Blaise looked around and saw your team leaving the garden and heading for the main street. You caught his stare and smiled enthusiastic at Blaise, making him weak in the knees with the innocent laugh on your face. Butterflies were fluttering through his stomach and he felt bad for eavesdropping on your team.
‘Yeah?’ Blaise tore his gaze from you and turned to his team, finding them all looking at him.
Mica laughed and shook their head. ‘Ivanna said that she knows someone who makes candles,’ they said. ‘I know we haven’t got much time left, but it’s worth a try.’
The scavenger hunt would only last till four, then everyone had to return to the fields, whether they had found all the objects or not. Now there were only thirty minutes left, so they had to hurry.
Blaise looked at his team and thought of what he had heard a minute earlier. If they went to the candle-maker they would never get to the restaurant in time, and that would mean that they’d lose from your team. However, when Blaise thought of you and how happy you’d be when winning, he just couldn’t tell.
‘Sure,’ he said. ‘Sounds great.’
You were lying in bed, staring at the shapes the lamp cast on the ceiling. Pansy was hopping around in the room, trying to find the pyjamas that she had thrown off this morning. Her footsteps were heavy sounds on the wooden floor.
There was a faint smile on your face. This afternoon your team had been the only one to return with all four of the items on the list. Though that didn’t guarantee that the Red Titans had won the entire scavenger hunt, it did mean that you and Pansy’s team had won from Blaise and Draco’s.
However, there was one more thing that added to your smile.
‘He knew,’ you said and sat up against the headboard of the bed.
‘Who knew what?’ Pansy asked as she was bent over in the closet.
‘Blaise knew where to find the candles.’
Pansy looked up at you. ‘What do you mean? His team didn’t find them.’
‘No, his team didn’t know,’ you said while Pansy took off her shirt and trousers. ‘But he did.’
Pansy neatly folded her clothes and placed them on a shelf in the closet. Then she closed the door and looked around the room. ‘Where the hell are my clothes?’ she mumbled before she looked back at you. ‘How do you know?’
‘He overheard Quincy telling where the coaster came from,’ you said and you lifted the pillow on the bed and revealed Pansy’s pyjamas. ‘He looked at me before we walked away. I could see it in his face.’
Pansy had sat down on the bed and pulled the shirt over her head. ‘So if he knew, why didn’t he tell his team?’ she asked and then a wicked smile spread on her face. ‘He let you win.’
‘He let us win, Pansy,’ you corrected, but even you couldn’t suppress a smile. ‘But yeah.’
‘So that’s why you’ve been smiling so much all evening!’ Pansy exclaimed loudly and you shushed her.
‘Shh! He’s still in the room next to us!’
Pansy rolled her eyes and crawled under the covers next to you. ‘Will you now believe he’s totally into you?’
You turned off the light on the nightstand and lay down, pulling the duvet up to your chin. You stared at the dark ceiling for a moment, thinking back of today. With a smile you took Pansy’s hand and gave it a little squeeze.
- - - - - - -
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gebtoons · 3 years
my contribution to the bapo timeline discourse bc i’m just gonna propose a timeline and will not be taking criticism <3 (under the cut bc this is gonna be a long post probably) 
ok disclaimer I am quite stupid, however I’m gonna use my knowledge from my own 12 years in american public high school and what little info I have about american boarding schools/catholic schools that I have from my friends lol. so. idk. 
i’m also gonna date songs/major events and i’m gonna be taking some “just trust me bro” liberties bc y’all are right it does NOT make that much sense. 
January 6: Epiphany; this is like an actual holiday lol. like its always on the sixth. idk its good that this is the starting point bc its an actual date yknow? For the purposes of this timeline were going with that its early in the week, so lets go with Monday idk
January 6-13: You and I, Role of a Lifetime; so we’re all kinda in agreement that this timeline (at least the beginning) only really makes sense if you and i/role of a lifetime aren’t like. a singular moment and are instead multiple days. so yeah, of this first week, this is like. monday-next sunday ish yknow. 
January 14: Auditions, Plain Jane Fatass; ok so having auditions for a spring musical right after kids get back from break actually makes perfect sense to me, like i can see it being like “ok take break to prepare so as soon as you come back we can have auditions so we can jump right into rehersals” yknow? and since the rave is clearly on a friday (”we’ll meet in tanya’s room on friday night”) so i’m going with the monday before.  
as for pjf, i know it doesn’t make a ton of sense for them to get a two week late birthday package their first few weeks back from school, but hear me out it makes sense. the implication throughout this entire show is that the twins have decently shitty parents. from bits of dialogue (in this song in particular lol) i’m kinda inferring their the “only concerned with how their kids make them look to others” kind of neglectful. so I don’t think it’s too outside the realm of possibility that they went away for the holidays, didn’t bring the twins, and instead mailed them a birthday package and having it show up two weeks late. realistically the timing of this isnt that important and the explicit “two week” time frame could’ve been an exaggeration on nadia’s part to mock her shit parents (idk its in her character) basically ppl are a little two fixated on this imo but anyway. moving on. 
January 18: Wonderland, A Quiet Night At Home, Rolling, Best Kept Secret; a very agreed upon point in the timeline. its the friday following the auditions. moving on. 
January 21: Confession; also very agreed upon. the monday following the rave. moving on again 
January 23: Portrait of a Girl; the date here is kinda arbitrary, but bc sister chantelle says “ok lets try to put yesterday’s rehearsal behind us” and i for the life of me cannot think of a scene she could be referring to (there’s none in the script either) that implies it wasn’t the same monday as confession (bc even in a boarding school i think holding extracurriculars that aren’t sports over the weekend (especially when they are no where near crunch time lol) is weird and not common) so i just picked a random day during the week
January 25: Birthday Bitch!, One Kiss, Are You There?; from matt’s line in wonderland, ivy’s birthday is a week after the rave. in my timeline that’s january 25th (an aquarius queen). 
btw given all grown up’s “17, how will i manage?” ivy is 16 during 17 at her party, which is strange given shes a high school senior and seniors are typically 17 during 18. so either a) she skipped a grade, not an unheard of thing. or b) shes not a senior, shes just a junior who hangs out with a bunch of seniors, which is also pretty common. and looking through the script i can’t find any mention that she is also a senior, other than yknow she graduates with them, but she isn’t mentioned during the class ranking scene? so idk not that it really matters just a fun detail 
February 3 (at night): 911 Emergency!; ok controversial. i know i like the joke about how its funny that peter having a weird dream when he was high prompted him to want to come out and really ruined his relationship with jason. BUT. i think the dream (despite it’s weirdness) would have a lot more meaning if it wasn’t the result of being really high, but if it was a dream he had like a week later as a result of a building sense of guilt/anxiety bc he told matt. also it fits better given later timeline things. (this timeline literally only exists if there are weird jumps in time that don’t make a ton of sense) (EDIT: I forgot one line about Jason crashing at ivys but fuck it forget that bitchass line this makes for more drama its staying this way)
February 4: Reputation Stain’d, Ever After; the next day following peter’s dream, idk what else to say, moving on. 
February 25-28: Spring; another jump! i’m sorry but the only way for this to make sense logistically is for there to be quite a few time jumps! however, i also think this one works bc i think it gives time for everything from around ivy’s party and peter and jason’s break up to stew emotionally. like obviously a musical only has so much time to tell a story so the audience cannot see every realistic beat, but honestly i think it makes the whole thing a little more dramatic™ if there’s space for everything to settle, and for ivy to come and apologize and such. also, the reason it’s multiple days is bc in the script, ivy is trying to study (presumably for some sort of midterm) while nadia is playing, so that probably takes place a few days before they move out, so before finals. but in the script, jason and peter are packing and peter is leaving, so that part of the song/staging takes place on the 28th. yes, that’s weird, but we are clearly thinking more about the logistics of this school than the writers were so. 
March 1: One; assuming st. cecilia’s works kinda like boarding schools here, they probably do staggered move out/move in, just bc that would be a lot to have people coming and going at once so it makes sense that peter left the day before, while jason and ivy are leaving the next day. also, given that peter is trying to call jason while he and ivy are banging, it’s probably been a hot minute since the actual break up, since peter was clearly very hurt by the whole thing, it would make sense (at least to me) that peter would reach out a month ish later, rather than like a few days later (you have to make so many assumptions to make this timeline work granted they aren’t super out there assumptions but still this is annoying) 
March 1-25: Spring Break. the coworkers I have who are in boarding school work over their school breaks, which are longer than the public school breaks (which are only a week) so i put their spring break at 3 weeks. it makes sense, and it makes the later part of the timeline make sense. 
I know i’m already halfway through this, but to me it makes sense for their to be quite a few time jumps in the story bc its a musical. they cannot show every day. there are a lot of other shows (particularly shows set in high schools) that are set over a whole school year, but if you just look at the events of the story that doesn’t make sense, so you have to imply that obviously they are not showing every little detail. moving on. 
March 25: Wedding Bells, In The Hallway, Touch My Soul; peter wakes up from his nightmare in the church, so im assuming he fell asleep in church (like he almost did during epiphany). also it makes sense that class ranks are announced in late march-early april, I know my school announced ours in like, the first week or so of april? so yeah. moving on.
(from this point on i was giving myself a headache trying to make it make sense so its all weird from here!!)
April 4: See Me, Warning; the date doesn’t really matter here, I picked a random day in early april. the script said peter is calling from him and jason’s old dorm room, as he was picking up the last of his things, so he clearly made the roommate switch after school started (makes sense to me). 
April 15-20 (approximately): Ivy finds out she’s pregnant. look google tells me on average people find out they are pregnant around 5-7 weeks after conception. i went with around 7 just so this timeline makes a tiny bit more sense given the later stuff, so yeah here we go. 
May 4: Pilgrim’s Hands, God Don’t Make No Trash, All Grown Up, Promise, Once Upon A Time, Cross; a rough night for our heroes. so given sister chantelle saying “again? wonderful.” and nadia saying “i can’t believe you missed rehearsal again”, clearly ivy has been missing quite a few rehearsals, so for dramas sake maybe from when she found out she was pregnant? also i know i’ve been saying they wouldn’t have rehearsals on weekends, and given my weird timeline this would be a saturday, but its tech week so i’ll allow it. 
May 5: Two Households, Bare, Queen Mab, A Glooming Peace; pretty self explanatory, and it makes sense to have the spring play in early may. rip jason. 
May 11: Absolution; the day before graduation peter goes to confront the priest. gives him a small amount of time to start processing, and it makes sense it would be the night before, at least to me. 
May 12: No Voice; i fucking hate this. “peter, we graduate next sunday” i hate that stupid fucking line. do you know that this timeline literally would be fine if it weren’t for that stupid fucking line? bc then, the school play would be in early may and graduation could be in late may-early june (when most high schools hold graduation) but no. keeping with continuity, they have to graduate the sunday following the school play. “peter we graduate in a month, are you really never gonna talk to me again?” would have been fine. but no, now we have beef. literally everything else about the end of this timeline being kinda weird would work itself out, except for the fucking graduation. god damn. anyway, may 12th, the graduate on may 12th which is really fucking weird bc of that one fucking line. whatever. i didn’t write the damn thing bc if i did i wouldn’t have written that fucking line. (i’ve been at this for over an hour and a half, so i’m a tad annoyed, can you tell?) 
anyway, that’s it. that’s my long as hell proposed bare timeline. if there’s anything glaringly wrong with it i don’t care bc this timeline literally cannot make sense. but honestly, now that i think about the Popular Tween High Schooler Musicals (heathers, bmc, deh) the timelines of those (especially heathers and bmc) don’t make tons of sense either. that’s just the way it is, that’s the way its gonna be. and we have to live with it. 
this post is so long it is actually slowing down my laptop as i type it
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (IX)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: Hope you enjoy ;)))
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Chapter IX
The café was rather quiet, most seats inhabited by typing away behind their laptops or cocooned between their books in an anxious attempt to memorise as much as possible. She recognized some of them as her fellow peers, yet she didn’t feel nearly as stressed; she was at the top of her class, she didn’t have much to worry about. Learning things was like riding a bicycle to her. She never forgets, and it’s just the same wheels that keep spinning.
She ordered a cup of tea while she waited, and glanced down at her watch. She had been told to meet at this exact location, at this exact time.
She was waiting for her date.
 “Does my hair look okay?”
Light studied the Shinigami for a good, serious moment. “…I don’t think anyone in this universe or the next would know what to do with your hair.”
“Hm. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Ryuk had spent quite some time preparing for his big date. He’d dusted off his clothes, polished his accessories, combed his hair and had even convinced Light to get him his own toothbrush. Though when he’d begged to let him borrow his cologne, the boy thought it went too far.
“It would be suspicious,” Light had explained, “People would be confused as to why there was a random waft of expensive perfume passing them.”
“But you humans are so smelly all the time! I can’t tell where which smell is coming from, because you all wear something different and prominent.”
“What does the Shinigami world smell like, then?”
Ryuk shrugged, “Rotten.”
Light pulled up his nose.
“I don’t see why you’re preventing me from having a successful date,” the Shinigami continued, “I can’t wear your smelly fragrance, I can’t wear makeup and you didn’t even tell her it was me she would be going on a date with. It’s not fair.”
“Stop it about the cologne. You’re not wearing makeup, because that’s for girls, mostly. And I can’t just tell her it’s you.”
“Why not?”
“Have you looked in a mirror recently? You’re a Shinigami, not a cute boy from school. She’d freak out. We need to do this through slow, deliberate steps.”
Ryuk huffed, “Fine.”
 When half an hour had passed, she was starting to grow annoyed. Her second cup of tea had long been consumed, and her third one was now getting cold. She picked up her phone.
“I really hope you have a good explanation for this, Light,” she ground out.
She heard some whispers in the background on the other end of the line, before the boy in question finally responded. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is your date not going well?”
“No, it’s not going well. Because no one showed up, you buffoon! Tell me this is not some scheme you’re playing out to get me to do something for you-know-who.”
You-know-who had been the decided upon codeword when they referred to Light’s other identity, or to the Death Note. Well, decided upon by her, really. And Ryuk made the final call, as it was her word against Light’s.
“It’s not, I promise. He must’ve gotten lost or something. I’ll call him, all right?”
“Light, you wouldn’t set me up with idiotic boys who get lost-“
She glanced down at her phone with a gaping mouth. He’d just hung up on her.
 She didn’t have to wait long before Light was able to get a message through. Only, it didn’t come to her phone this time.
“Ryuk? What are you doing here?”
Her mistake was evident; people were looking at her funny. She quickly held her phone back up to her ear, smiling awkwardly at one of her classmates, who had also turned their head in curiosity. She’d have to remind herself of that trick more often if she wished to spend frequent time with the Shinigami in public.
The God of death sat in the booth across from her, so she didn’t have to turn her head oddly for the fake phone call she was having. Well, perhaps her eyes gave her away, as they looked up to meet the eyes towering above hers, even as he was sitting down.
“Light asked me to tag along on your date. You know, for moral support.”
“Moral support? Do you even know what that is? Do you even know what dating entails?” She asked.
He blinked. “Sure. Flowers and kisses and all that. Now, I was also asked to tell you that your date is at the wrong café. I can take you there.”
She sighed in annoyance. “I knew Light couldn’t plan a date for the life of him. He’s never even been on one! I’ll be shocked if he even manages to snag himself a girl. Or boy.”
Ryuk chuckled, and guided her outside.
He floated slightly above her as they walked the streets, careful not to bump into any people. He could not afford to mess this up now, he was so close to finally getting what he wanted. Or attempting to get what he wanted. Asking nicely, probably. Begging, maybe.
She wavered in her step as a breeze flew by. And another. She glanced up at him, her eyebrow lifted.
“Ryuk… are you wearing Light’s cologne?”
The Shinigami gulped. “Eh, I probably spend to much time in his room.”
“Smells a bit too strong for that.”
“Well, perhaps he sprayed it while I was next to him. Why? You don’t like it?”
She only hummed thoughtfully in response, making him sweat from nerves.
 Another thirty minutes passed; this time, at a different café. And she called Light once more.
“I really don’t know where he could be-“
“You know what? I bet he misspelled the word ‘café’. I think I know somewhere he could’ve gone-“
“Light, the fact that you’d even presume I’d go out with someone who shows up late, can’t follow clear directions, or doesn’t know how to spell ‘café’ is honestly insulting. I thought you knew me better than that. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going home. To study. Like you should be doing right now.”
She hung up on him this time. She barely glanced back at the distressed Shinigami as she stormed out of the shop.
 “You don’t have to follow me around anymore, Ryuk. No date is going to take place any time soon.”
He thought he’d humour her, and floated upside down beside her in the deserted street. He grabbed the rose he’d been hiding slid on his back behind his belt, and held it out to her. “How about I take you out on a date then?”
She suddenly stopped, and he grew wary once more. Until she smiled. Gently taking the rose from his long fingers, she couldn’t help but blush. “When did you get this?”
“Eh, we walked past a flower stand earlier. Snagged one when the lady wasn’t looking.”
“That’s odd. I must’ve missed it.”
Ryuk didn’t have the heart to tell her he’d been carrying it along for the past two days, unable to decide when the right time was to give it to her.
“It’s getting rather dark,” she noted, looking up at the sky.
“Good,” he said, “I’ve got something nice planned for us.”
“You do?”
 It wasn’t quite where she’d expected to end up on a date, but she wasn’t complaining just yet. Until she stepped closer to the ledge of the top of the office building she was standing on, where the people below appeared to have shrunken down to the size of ants.
“Ryuk, not that I mind you taking me up here for the view, but I don’t really do well with standing this close to ledges.”
He grabbed her hand gently, “I won’t let you fall.”
Her lips quirked up, as her eyes moved across his folded wings. “Do you ever really go flying with those anymore? You know, not floating a bit above the ground, but above the clouds?”
“That must be really cool.”
He glanced down at her with a curious look in his eyes. “What’s so cool about it?”
“You know, just the fluffy white below, and nothing but the stars above while the wind blows in your face. I know rollercoasters have tried to recreate what it’s like to fly, but I don’t think they’ve made all that successful attempts.”
“I don’t know what or who rollercoasters are, but I doubt they’d know what it’s like if they don’t even have wings.”
“That’s true.”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off her yet, when an idea struck him. He bent down to his knees. “Hop on.”
“You heard me. Hop on.”
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years
Swiftgron Shows Up, Liz Spirals (March 2012 - September 2012)
This is not going to be a timeline of Swiftgron and their relationship. For that, you can go to the @swiftgronmasterpost​. This is just to show how, when things got serious with Dianna, things deteriorated between Taylor and Liz:
25 March 2012 - Swiftgron go watch the Hunger Games together. Taylor follows Dianna on Twitter afterwards. This is likely their first actual date:
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27 March 2012 - Liz tweets this:
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Was this in response to Swifgron’s first date? Maybe. Was Liz jealous Taylor had pulled the exact same move on Dianna that she’d pulled on her back in 2009 when she took her to Valentine’s Day? Also maybe. But also maybe not. Still, #Lizgototherapychallenge.
30 March 2012 - Taylor introduces Dianna to her mom, they all get dinner together:
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12 April 2012 - Dianna blows a kiss to Taylor on Jimmy Kimmel.
18 April 2012 - Mutual friend Chantelle tweets that she spent the night and early morning hanging out with TayLiz.
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Chantelle will post a picture of her, Taylor and Liz hanging out in a kitchen together almost a year later -- when the girls don’t seem to be on speaking terms -- making me think this picture was taken on this night:
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24 April 2012 - Swiftgron Shirley MacLane party happens:
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27 April 2012 - Taylor and someone (possibly Liz) are papped getting lunch together in LA. The secret message for the song “The Last Time,” which will be written in a few months, is “LA On Your Break.” They’re certainly in LA, and the tour is certainly on break. Perhaps this is Taylor finally ending things with Liz.
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Liz tweets at Taylor about Skittles later that day, making me think it was her at lunch.
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28 April 2012 - Dianna’s birthday party. Taylor dresses as a tiger and leaves a note on the door with a joke they’d made that reads “I’m a little kitten and I need to nurse because I’m a runt and I’m likely to fall victim to predators.”
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10 May 2012 - Taylor posts on Instagram “Going back to Nashville. Thinking about the whole thing. Guess you gotta run sometimes.”
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This is from the song Nashville by David Mead. Other interesting lyrics include:
You’re a distant memory, you’re an exit sign I was talking crazy on the driver’s side
I was talking crazy on the driver’s side I will always love you like a long goodbye
The driving references are interesting, considering that Red has the theme of driving all over it. “I will always love you like a long goodbye” also seems to support the theory that Taylor has just finally broken things off with Liz.
15 May 2012 - Taylor finishes writing Everything Has Changed with Ed Sheeran then gets dinner with Dianna Ashley and Claire. The original lyrics of Everything Has Changed talk about “falling for a Gemini,” which describes Gemini Liz, but Taylor seems to have re-fitted the song to be about Dianna and removed those lyrics:
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27 May 2012 - Liz’s birthday. Taylor does not tweet at her. No pictures are posted of the party, if there is one.
28 May 2012 - Taylor and Ed record Everything Has Changed:
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Late May 2012 - Taylor writes The Last Time:
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Here’s what she had to say about the inspiration for the song:
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The Last Time is a hard song for me to analyze, not because I don’t have theories about what it means, but because I think Taylor is oversimplifying the story here. To me, looking at this song, assuming it’s about Liz, it reads less like a pleading “baby I want you back” song, and more like an “I’m losing you to addiction song.”
We haven’t fully gotten into this yet, but Liz was dealing with a lot of mental and internal shit at this time. According to rumor, she’s about to be let go from The Agency due to getting “out of control,” and the songs she writes this summer, including Wreck of Who I Am, definitely seem to imply she was trying to claw her way out of a spiral here. When I listen to The Last Time through this lens, it feels more like a last chance, pleading intervention.
Wreck of Who I Am:
And the tide is strong that it keeps me from the land
And I’m low on faith and I pray with shaky hands
Well it hurts like hell tryna tell myself
This ain’t the only thing that’s meant for me
Gotta piece back together the wreck of who I am
The Last Time
This is the last time I’m asking you this
Put my name at the top of your list
This is the last time I’m asking you why
You break my heart in the blink of an eye
And there’s also the fact that The Last Time seems like it was written on if not around Liz’s birthday (May 27).
3 June 2012 - Dianna jokes at the GLAAD Awards about having kissed girls before:
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4 June 2012 - Liz does some songwriting of her own with Seth Jones and Megan Mace:
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Taylor and Liz’s dresses from Mean are placed next to each other at the Speak Now Tour Exhibition:
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10 June 2012 -  Taylor diaries about recording 22, and IKYWT, says she’s already written WANEGBT:
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Story behind WANEGBT: I wrote it with Max Martin and Johan Shellback who are two of my songwriting heroes, they’re amazing. And we were in the studio, and we were writing a different song and this guy walks in who I- was- A friend of someone I had previously… dated. And he comes in and he’s like “Oh, I hear you and [redacted] are getting back together” and um that was like his opening line. And we weren’t. We’d done that whole like on/off on/off just the worst. Bleh. And um… And so when he left I just turned to Max and I was like “We are never getting back together. What? That’s ridiculous!” Um and I told them the whole situation as I do ‘cause I tend to share, as you know. And so uh he just looked at me and he was like “I know the song we’re writing today. Let’s start a new one.” And so I got the guitar and it just sort of happened and so uh this is that song.
So what we know from this is that it is HIGHLY more likely that a friend of Liz just happened to walk into the studio that day than a friend of either Jake or Dianna (I’m guessing someone from The Agency maybe? Taylor seems to fumble when choosing how to describe them)
Martin and Shellback are credited on three songs on red -- WANEGBT, IKYWT, and 22. We know Taylor wrote 22 here. She also says she “came back to trouble.” From that I can assume they were trying to write IKYWT when this story took place.
The secret message for WANEGBT is “When I stopped caring what you thought.” To me, this really signals things have broken down between them. Rather than the pleading in The Last Time, this is song is much more distant and moved on, where Taylor is able to have a sense of humor about the breakup.
18 June 2012 - A friend of Liz’s tweets this at Taylor (am I the only one sensing some shade??):
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1 July 2012 - Liz does some songwriting in Nashville:
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Between this session and the session on the fourth, presumably the songs she’d release later that winter (One Hand On the Wheel, Wreck of Who I Am, and Blessed Are the Brokenhearted) are written here, making it seem like Liz is processing both some depression and a breakup of some sort.
8 July 2012 - Taylor takes pictures with a fan at a coffee shop (presumably in Nashville). According to the fan’s account, Liz was also there, sitting at the table behind them. The fan ends up taking pictures with both Liz and Taylor:
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I’m not entirely sure what this means for them. Obviously Taylor has just written The Last Time (presumably about Liz) and then gone off to Hy(i)annis port with Dianna to go frolic in the waves and all that, so I don’t think this means TayLiz is back on. However, we know from fan accounts (which I’ll get to in a second) that Liz thought she was going to be coming on the Red Tour until she was let go from The Agency in September. Perhaps this is some amount of reconciliation? A check in? An ultimatum to get her act together or she won’t be allowed on tour?
Truthfully, we can’t know for sure. But this is one of their last hang outs together (that we know of) this year.
13 August 2012 - Taylor’s Red Youtube Webchat. She describes what some of the songs on the album are about
22: This is a song that I wrote with Max Martin and Johan Shellback and it’s a song about the way I spent my summer when I was finishing this album. Kind of hanging out with my friends all the time and I really decided that I love being twenty two. It’s um kind of my favorite age that I’ve ever been. I kind of have like different theories of the years in my life and like what they meant and 22 has been so much fun. It’s- it’s been so much fun and I decided to write a song about that and just all the ridiculous nonsense that my friends and I got into. And, um, so this one’s called 22.
Treacherous: This is a song that I wrote with Dan Wilson… I’ve always wanted to work with him. So I called him and um it turned out that he was into the idea of working with me. And um so I went in with this idea and uh we wrote a song about when you’re falling for someone and you know that it’s dangerous. And you know that it could really really really really really just annihilate you if it were to not work out and it could possibly not work out and it probably won’t work out, but you go for it anyway. And so this is called Treacherous.
31 August 2012 - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is released as a single. The MV features the rest of the Agency, but not Liz. Fans take notice.
13 September 2012 - The news breaks that Liz is leaving The Agency and will not be on the Red Tour:
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Interestingly enough, according to the L Chat, Liz had been telling fans that she was planning on going on the Red Tour before this point, so something must’ve happened:
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And because of this fan encounter below, we have somewhat of an idea of what it was:
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So from the combined events of this summer we know this about Liz being let go:
1) Liz wrote songs that summer about having a hard time and trying to claw her way out of it.
2) Taylor and Liz met up twice that summer, and Taylor did not acknowledge Liz’s birthday publicly.
3) Taylor may have written The Last Time, a song about begging someone to choose you over other things (possibly addiction) on Liz’s birthday.
4) Liz thought she was going on The Red Tour.
5) Liz was fired for “getting out of control.”
The picture this paints to me is that, while Liz was spiraling, Taylor was trying to help her, using coming on the Red Tour as a reward for getting her act together. When she ultimately couldn’t, presumably after that meeting in July, Taylor had no choice but to ask her to leave the Agency, since hardcore intense tour life is likely the last thing Liz needed to get better. This is a really difficult and hard situation, regardless of whether or not the two women were ever sexually or romantically involved. 
Fortunately, as we’ll see moving forward, this seems to be the wake up call Liz needed to start the process of getting back on her feet. However, it’s clear that for at least a little bit after this, Taylor became a taboo topic around Liz. But ask anyone who’s dealt with addiction or helped a friend/family member through it -- there’s some resentment that’s bound to happen, even towards the people trying to help.
20 September 2012 - Liz spends “quality time” with Claire and Taylor:
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I personally read this as one last hurrah of the trio after Liz was not asked back for the Red Tour. The “not mad at this day” feels a little weird to me too, and I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be shade or not. Either way, this is the last major interaction between Taylor and Liz for a while.
IN CONCLUSION: Liz had her demons. Whether this is what caused the end of her and Taylor’s relationship or something else, it’s almost certainly what caused her to not be asked back on the Red Tour. In the winter, she would release the music she was writing over the summer, making it clear she was going through some shit, probably not helped by seeing Taylor so obviously move on with Dianna. But this is the low point. Things with Liz can only go up from here.
Liz After the Agency (September 2012 - September 2014)
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Caffeine Warmth in the Cold
A/N: Just a gift for @ink-fireplace-coffee for a prompt that she gave me. Just turned out a little longer than expected and I hope you see your prompt here. ^-^
Takes place in my contemporary WIP five years after college.
Word Count: 1153
TW: None
The city carries on with the same energetic bustle despite the heavy snowfall. Each sidewalk is covered in frost crystals and footprints mark the coated streets. Most people would be choosing to stay home, however, some certain employees chose to attend to work of their own choosing.
Chantelle Barnett happens to be one of them.
It's even weirder that some of her co-workers did the same thing too.
Either they're here because their families' are busy or they have personal problems at home. It could be the only explanation for why people choose to work in the winter time.
Without their boss marching in and demanding their orders to be done, work has been silent as everyone did their task. Designing a new clothing line for the next winter, because this winter sent inspiration for the designs always looking for a new opportunity to explore.
Chantelle shivers, the room temperature sure to knock her down. If she brought a sweater instead of a cardigan, maybe it wouldn't feel this cold.
"You okay?" Rosington asks, stilling with the measuring tape in her palm.
"J-just f-fine," Chantelle answers through gritted teeth.
"Maybe we can take a break for lunch," the other woman suggests. "What do you think?"
She almost drops the threads of fabric, before catching it in a rush. She plasters a smile and nods.
"Sure, sounds great. I could use a nice warm drink."
"Great! Let's get back to stitching the dress together later."
Rosington practically disappears and she has to trail after her. She retrieves her coat and boots from the designated cabinet, where they keep their clothes after getting into the building. She puts the clothes on, immediately sheltered from the snow.
The other woman's ready in a winter get-up. Chantelle walks beside her as they leave the office to the hallway. They take the first elevator that they find. She blows a breath, watching it turn to brittle ice that falls apart in seconds.
She frowns at it, leaning against the side.
After the ride brings them down, they leave the premises and onto the snowy sidewalk. Chantelle zips up her coat as the cool breeze brushes on her skin.
She rubs her nose at the sensation. At the path they're taking, she sees a building up ahead that she recognizes.
A quaint coffee shop that she goes to, on break time everyday. It's no surprise that her co-worker knows about this place too. From the glass windows, she sees plenty of people and a long queue to the cashier. Damn it, they're going to take a while to wait for their order.
"I'm going to get hot chocolate since it's too cold right now," Rosington says, swinging the shop door open.
It's the blustering weather that lowers her body temperature. She sneezes in the cold, shaking her head.
"I'd like some coffee instead, please."
Rosington furrows her brows.
"You'd rather have coffee?"
"Yeah, uh, I need it to recharge," Chantelle answers, lowering her voice.
"No, you don't have to do anything," Rosington reassures, smiling with warmth that could melt the snow. "I can order for the both of us, okay? You can sit tight and wait until I get back."
Chantelle revels in the right temperature that the coffee shop offers. She's gonna take all the chance she can get to be far from the cold weather as possible.
As she finds an empty seating booth, she occupies it. She looks out the window, watching the shimmering snow gather outside. For something that's cold, it could melt so easily in a single warm touch.
While the snow might be too frigid for her preference, it didn't mean that she didn't have moments where she enjoyed it. Like the time, she used to initiate a snowball fight on her former best friend.
Or making snow angels on the backyard of her grandma's house.
"There you go," Rosington says, arriving with paper cups. "A warm espresso to-go for you, and hot chocolate for me."
Chantelle takes her drink. "Thank you. You didn't have to do this."
Getting lost in galaxies made of coffee may lift her spirits.
"No problem," Rosington replies, taking a seat. "It's a pleasure to help you out. You don't have to pay me back or anything."
Chantelle's face grows warm and she bows her head. She smiles a little.
"Why don't you take a day off, Rosington?" Chantelle asks, mixing her coffee. She watches the cream swirl like the cosmos dance out in space. "Don't you have a family to spend time with or something?"
The other woman's face falls. She sighs, leaning back on he seat.
Rosington stares at her hot chocolate. "My aunt's out of town, and I have nothing to do in my house. I could take rest and stay from work, but I don't like doing nothing. So, I decided to go because it'll give me something to exhaust me."
She raises her brows, crinkling her nose.
"You don't like being unproductive?"
"If you put it that way, I don't."
"Well, you have enough opportunities to do what you want outside of work. You should use it as an opportunity."
Rosington sighs, her face expressionless.
"Trust me, I don't deserve things like that. It's complicated, I'd rather be working all day than spend time at the house.
"Does it get lonely?"
"Most days? No, I'm not lonely." Rosington's shoulders slumps. "I have you and the others as company. I don't mind missing out on lots of things."
Chantelle takes a sip, then sets her cup down again. "It's hard to find a purpose after losing that one shot that you were given."
Oh, yeah, Chantelle does know about her co-workers fall from her previous career as a ballerina. Well, not much really. A few tidbits regarding some scandal that she couldn't remember nicely because she blocked it from her head. She has a similar experience as a song-writer for a famous rock star, who took her for granted. She thought getting out would be easy.
Unfortunately, she had been so wrong. And so miserable and crestfallen from the entire thing.
It makes sense that Rosington would hide her past then reveal it.
The silence let them take their time to enjoy their drinks. Chantelle slowly drink in the warmth of the goodness delivered from the coffee. The bitter aroma slips down her throat, enriching her taste buds.
She blinks and lets out a breath, fanning herself. Yup, now she's wide awake than she's been this morning.
When their drinks are drained and their cups get disposed, Rosington pays for their drinks. Chantelle does a head-start, walking out of the store. She clutches on the lapel of her coat.
The moment left her raw more than she'd like to admit.
They return to the office, staying silence on the whole way. If anything, words couldn't alleviate the secrets that the two of them concealed.
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mar04isdead · 3 years
Freaks But Family
Read chapter 1 here
Chapter 2: The Tutor
So you're back, took a while but you're back, welcome to the real start of all of this. So far as of now in the story, we are jumping a half of a year. This is the middle of the group's sophomore year, how Kayla, Alyssa, and Immanuel found out about everything is a story for another time. 
  "Mom, for the last time, I do not need a math tutor! Sure I have below a fifty, but I'll bring it up in a few days." Favion complains to his mother while she's behind the register.  
His mom slams the register shut, "No, I need you to have that grade up and soon. I will not allow you to keep working for your uncle if it stays below a seventy." She wipes her hands on her apron and heads to the back of the kitchen. 
Favion hits his head on the display case, "Mom, you said I could have Megan over. But I have to do tutoring? Mom, can we call the tutor and have them over tomorrow, please I am begging you." Favion makes his way around to the back so he can bother his mother.
"I said no, now go upstairs and clean your room. She'll be here in five minutes." His mother points to the stairs and Favion admits defeat and heads to his room.
Favion's father shakes his head, "I know he loves his job, but he needs to pass his math class. It's his sophomore year and he needs to pass."
"It took me awhile to find this tutor, she can help him. He knows her, she knows how to deal with him." Favion's mother puts on some oven mitts and checks the cookies in the oven. 
The bell above the door in the store rings. Mrs. Freeman heads up front to meet the tutor. 
"Hi, Mrs. Freeman! It's nice to see you again." Maria walks up to the register and shakes hands with Mrs. Freeman.
The last time Mrs. Freeman saw Maria, Maria had long black hair that touched her waist, now it is in a pixie cut with red streaks. Maria now wears glasses and her heterochromia eyes seem to have brightened. Her vitiligo has spread to patches on her arms, streaks on her neck, and blotches on her cheeks. Her freckles still stand out and she has grown a bit. She wears a black band tee with a red flannel shirt over it, black skinny jeans, and knee high converse. 
"You remember my name girly, go on say it." Mrs. Freeman encourages Maria.
Maria chuckles, "Good to see you again, Chantel. I heard that you had a baby, how is she?"
Chantel smiles, "She's a heavy sleeper which is good, she's already better than how Favion was as a baby." That causes both females to laugh.
"Oh yeah, I remember how he was. How is he anyways, I haven't seen him in years." Maria says.
Chantel nods, "He's up in his room, he doesn't know you're his tutor. Oh," She grabs a paper bag from the side of the register and opens the display case and get's a few cookies. "I remember how much you like these." She hands the paper bag to Maria.
"Thank you, you're right I do like these. No one can make these better than you." Maria accepts the bag.
 "You head on upstairs, poor boy needs help. He's failing math horribly, his uncle won't allow him to continue working until he gets his grade up." Chantel motions for Maria to follow her. "He's been failing since he started dating Megan, that and work, he's all over the place."
Maria sighs, "Yeah, he hasn't talked to the others at all after I left. Don't worry I'll make sure he gets that grade up." 
Chantel stops them at a door, "Thank you." she knocks on the door and the door opens, revealing Favion. "Favion, this is your tutor and old friend, Maria. That grade better be up soon." Chantel leaves to open the store. 
Favion hasn't really changed a bit, same short frizzy and curly hair. His skin the perfect mix of his mother and father's, a chocolate brown and pale white. His eyes are a dull brown and he has gained at least another foot in height. He seems to still wear what he always wore, a grey sweatshirt, faded blue jeans, and black sneakers. 
Favion frowns at Maria, "Five years later and now you show up?" 
Maria glares, "Nice to see you too, dipshit. I'm only here because you need to pass math, and by how major your mom makes your work with your uncle seem, you really need help." She pushes past him and goes into his room.
"I'm not failing, my grade is just low." He counters.
"I checked your grade in the system. You have below a fifty, how the heck is that possible?" Maria questions him. 
"I do the work, I just turn it in late." He argues.
She scoffs, "Like I said I saw it in the system, you don't do it. This semester's finals are in two weeks. Which means I have those weeks to help you suck up whatever crap is going on in your head, and get that grade up." She looks around the room. "Weird, you went back to that twin sized bed."
Favion chuckles, "I think that curse you gave me when we were eight, that may have been true."
Maria smiles, "That was years ago, still can't believe you remember that." 
He rubs the back of his neck, "I remember a lot, I've actually been back to the tree a few times. I haven't seen you there."
"Doesn't matter, I'm here to do my job. So I have some worksheets that will let me know what I do need to help you with." She digs through her book bag and pulls out a packet. 
"This," he snatches the packet from her hand, "This is a worksheet? This is an entire week's worth of work." He complains.
 Maria snatches the packet back, "Work you should already be doing! Now, you are going to do this and I will be timing you. You have half an hour and after that I will check it over and then we will go over what you need to relearn." She hands it back to him. "Now do it, half an hour starts now."
Surprisingly, Favion finished the work in under ten minutes. When Maria checked it, she was totally shocked. He got everything right, so why was he failing his class?
"This comes easy to you, I remember that in fifth grade, you always finished the test first and you got the highest score on the Georgia Milestones! So why when even this work comes easy to you, you just don't turn in your work?" She wonders, flipping through the packet. 
Favion shrugs, "I just never felt like it, I always have other things to do. Can we hurry this up, I'm having someone over soon."
Maria smiles mischievously, "Oh Megan Brown right, that girl that cheated on you at the football game last night?" 
Favion's eyes widen, "How... how did you know that? How the heck, how did you know that?" Favion stands up and glares at Maria, "We didn't tell anyone about it, how did you know?"
Maria shrugs, "Well I have to go," She stands up and collects her things. "Been nice seeing you after five years, you were one of the reasons I came back." She frowns and leaves the room. 
Maria returns downstairs and begins to talk with Mrs. Freeman.
"He's good at his work, he can do it, he just doesn't want to. I have no idea what makes not want to do it, and I understand that he does a lot of work for his uncle, but why won't he?" Mrs. Freeman asks.
Maria shakes her head, "I honestly couldn't tell you. He was hard working, and in a way he still is. I'll try to drill it back into him to get him back on track."
The bell above the door rings signaling someone has arrived. 
"Hi, Mrs. Freeman. It's nice to see you again!" A girl says once she steps inside. She's tall with light brown hair and caramel eyes. She has soft tan skin and she's wearing a black crop top, blue jeans, and black sneakers. 
Maria notices how Chantel puts on a fake smile, "Oh, it's nice to see you, Megan. Favion is upstairs." 
Megan smiles but looks over to Maria, "Who's this?" 
"I'm one of Favion's old friends. I just came over to visit." Maria responds and turns back to Chantel. "I'll be back whenever he needs me, just give me a call. It was nice to be back here, Chantel." Maria puts her book bag on and gets up from her seat.
"Hey, Maria? Do you know how long it will take for him to get back on track?" Chantel ask.
Maria shakes her head, "Hard to say, but I promise that at this rate you will be seeing more of me. Oh, are y'all still open on Sunday's?" 
Chantel smiles, "Of course we are, you planning on coming over with your family?"
"Yup, we haven't had your baking in a while. It would be good nostalgia for us, plus no one makes pastel de mil hojas better than you. See you tomorrow!" Maria waves and walks out of the door.
"So, I'm going to head upstairs. I'll see you later, Mrs. Freeman." Megan smiles at Chantel before going behind the counter and going upstairs.
  "What are our numbers?" Rose asks Alyssa while looking at the monitor. 
Alyssa starts to type on the keyboard and pulls up a graph, "We are behind by a few thousand, Maria is making up for them right now. Oh, and Immanuel should be done with that new tech for her staff. We'll upgrade it when she gets back."
Rose frowns, "What upgrade?"
"Her shadow and death powers!" Immanuel shouts from behind a curtain. "It's just to prevent it from draining her energy quickly," He explains.
"Oh yeah, that. Esme is still trying to figure out how to fix up the dome for those abilities. her great grandmother left all sorts of notes on how to upgrade the dome for all of the abilities, but nothing for shadows and death." Rose walks over to Immanuel's station to see what he is doing.
Immanuel sets down his tools to look at Rose. "This thing will just act like a storage space, she can keep her abilities in here for later use so that it's ready when she needs it." Immanuel sighs, "But the thing is, we still haven't cracked how to deal with her shadow and death abilities. And what we do have only lasts for mere minutes." 
Kayla comes from around the corner with a paper in her hands, "New formula that I've been working on with Esme. This should work to extend the containment time, try this. We'll try it on the dome tomorrow, Esme is upgrading it right now." Kayla hands Immanuel the paper, "Oh and Maria will be back in two minutes so to your positions."
All four of them start to clear the center of the room, they set down a large tarp, and begin to wait and watch the ceiling. After a few seconds a circular hole with multi colored edges forms in the ceiling, stacks and stacks of money start to fall through it. After a while the money stops and they start to hear laughter and sirens. Soon Maria is falling down from the ceiling and lands on the money pile. Her shoelaces have come undone, her hoodie is a bit singed, her goggles are on her forehead, and her face is covered in soot.
"Babe, what did you do?" Rose asks Maria helping her down from the pile.
Maria stumbles into Rose's arms, "May have set a small fire." She raises a hand to the ceiling and the portal closes and the ring that made it falls down into Maria's hand.
Kayla brings Maria a bottle of blood, "It's bear blood, and by what I can tell," She looks Maria up and down. "It was not a small fire." 
Maria places the ring back on her back and takes the bottle from Kayla, "Thanks," she starts to drink. "And it was meant to be small, dumb Liberator just made it spread." She downs the rest of the bottle, "I needed that, tomorrow Rose and me will get some kids out of the homes, you three will be handing out the money we already have to the listed families." 
"Okay, we'll get to separating the money. Rose checks her over, to make sure she isn't severely hurt." Alyssa instructs, she grabs her partners from their hands and drags them to get what they need to count the money.
Rose helps Maria to sit down and check over her injuries, "Shirt off babe." 
Maria groans, takes off her goggles, and reluctantly takes off her short sleeve hoodie, throws it to the side, then her long sleeve shirt, and then throws that to the side. Her usual green and tan scales now have a tint of red and pink.
"Alyssa was right, you got burned a bit. Was that fire really necessary, you got real hurt, and aren't you immune to fire?" Rose looks over Maria's burns.
"I wasn't concentrated, I'm sorry. And like I said, that Liberator dude made it spread. It was supposed to be just a small wall but he came along and tried to blow it out. And-OH FUCK!" Maria suddenly shouts. 
"Sorry, you were distracted so I took the chance." Rose has a rag with some aloe vera on it on her scales. "I know it hurts but it'll sooth the burns. Your scales are tough, you're lucky you're not burned where your legs come out of." Rose rubs Maria's back.
Maria stares, at her girlfriend wide eyed and in shock, "A little warning next time!" 
Rose smiles, "Again sorry, but it's not that bad. And when we get home your cousins are going to chew you out for this." She kisses Maria's cheek.
"Yeah, are you done yet?" Maria looks down at Rose who starts to wrap gauze around the burns to keep them from getting infected. 
"You're good, just try not to cause fires next time." Rose helps Maria to stand up and they walk over to the others.
"How much do we have now?" Maria looks over the money.
"We are actually above quota. We might just be able to give each family a little extra." Kayla shows Maria a notepad with the math.
"That's good, we have been a bit behind." Maria starts to lean a bit more on Rose. "Okay, once this is all done we can all go home. I'm just gonna go change." Maria pushes herself away from Rose, walks over to where she left her bag, and goes behind one of the many curtains they have.
"How injured is she?" Immanuel asks Rose.
Rose sighs, "Not too bad, just some burns on her scales. It'll take a while for it to heal considering how thick and strong her scales are."
Alyssa chuckles, "Esme is going to kill her when she sees the burns."
"I heard that." Maria interrupts them, walking over to them while adjusting her glasses. "I'll heal, and training is tomorrow afternoon so i'll be fine by then."
Immanuel finishes putting the last bit of the money away, "Okay, that's it. We can all go home now."
Everyone gives a half hearted cheer and start to pack their things. After everything is cleaned up, they close all doors and lock up everything valuable. Once that is done, Maria takes the ring off of her back and uses it to open a portal. Everyone hops through it, landing them in an alley. 
Maria stumbles over again, "That last one drained me, I need to sleep. What time is it?" she ask.
Rose puts an arm around Maria's waist to keep her from falling over, "It's like one in the morning. We're on our way home, don't worry." Rose turns to the others, "See y'all in the afternoon."
   "Oh my, there are so many of you!" Chantel greets the Alebrije-Gonzalez family when they enter the bakery.
Maria giggles, "Yeah, our family expanded a bit from the last time you saw us all." she gestures to the toddler on her hip and to the girl holding her hand.
Chantel smiles, "I know everyone but these two. So, please introduce me."
"Of course, youngest of us, Mike." Maria bounces the baby on her hip. "And this is my girlfriend, Rose." she nudges at Rose.
"Well, seeing all of you again is great. And just like last time, ask if there is something you are looking for. We still have all the baked goods you introduced us to." Chantel let's the family roam around the bakery and pick what they want. 
Maria is with her little cousin Mike, squatting down next to him while he looks at cookies in the display case. 
"I don't remember this one." a voice says from above them.
Maria looks up to see Favion, but with a pink apron on.
Maria smiles smugly, "I don't remember you working here. This one's new, hasn't been around long." She blows a raspberry into Mike's cheek.
Favion smiles, "Has he ever tried these?" He points to some sugar cookies that have faces on them made of jam.
Mike starts to laugh and clap his hands. Maria chuckles, "I guess he wants to try it."
"Here's a sample," Favion hands Maria a sample of the cookie and she gives it to Mike.
The baby happily takes it and starts to nibble on it. After a few bites, his eyes light up and he starts to clap his hands again.
"He likes it!" Maria makes a happy face for the baby. "We'll get you some."
Favion smiles down at the baby, "So, what's his name?"
"Mike," Maria responds, standing up and putting Mike back on her hip. "He's been with us since he was born." 
"He's cute, freckles all over just like the rest of you." Favion reaches over and taps the little boy's nose. "Weirdly enough, she doesn't have them. Is she related to y'all?"
Maria laughs, "No, that'd be weird. She's my girlfriend, kind of weird to be related to my girlfriend." Maria has a small blush across her cheeks.
Favion's smile turns into a frown, "Girl-girlfriend... girlfriend? You have a, a ummm... girlfriend? When did that happen?" He ask.
Maria scrunches her face in thought, "Three years in about a month." 
Esme calls Maria over, "Almost time to go, do you have what you want?" 
"Yeah, just five of those Favion, thanks." Maria points to the cookies before walking to her girlfriend. 
Esme goes to the register where Chantel is waiting for her with their purchases. Favion just stands behind the display case watching as Maria holds hands with that girl.
Just as the family is gathering to leave Chantel stops Maria, "You'll be back tomorrow to keep tutoring Favion right?"
Maria smiles, "Yup, and he better be able to do his work from now on. Oh, actually me and the others have study groups every Monday. He can join us, that way he can interact with others."
  Maria is put in the dome again for training, this time testing several other formulas that may be able to stop her shadow and death abilities.
"Nope, try again." Maria drags herself out of the dome while Esme starts to fix it. 
Esme hits her screwdriver against the dome, "I don't get it! I have tried everything in her notes, everything I could think of! And why does it not work?" 
Liam puts a hand on Esme's shoulder, "Calm down, I get it we've tried everything. But we can still keep looking." Liam looks over at Maria who is sitting down with her shirt off and drinking water. "We just want to help her, we all want to help her. But we need to give it some time, let's try to train these abilities instead of locking them up."
Esme sighs in defeat, "Okay, you're right. Maria, get Rose down here we are testing you both in gymnastics."
Maria chugs the rest of her water, "Okay." she gets out of her seat and goes upstairs.
"I honestly can't help but worry, we know nothing about her new abilities. If something goes wrong, it goes wrong and we won't have any help in fixing it." Esme packs up her tool box.
"I know, I'm just as scared as you are. But we need to let her train with more room than being stuck in a glass prison. That makes us no better than the people who used her for research." Liam walks over to the computer. "We have to find a secluded and open space for her to train. Somewhere she can train all of her abilities."
"I can only think of one place, the temples. That's the root of all our abilities. She'd become stronger." Esme rubs her eyes, "But we can't risk the journey."
"Can't risk the journey to where?" Maria asks, popping up from behind Esme.
"Ahhh! Where did you come from?" Liam asks.
Rose doubles over while holding her stomach, "Your shadow, that was some weird Percy Jackson crap."
"Well you better get it together because Maria is ahead of you in gymnastics. You have to catch up." Esme get's a clipboard and starts to write on it. "Let's see how you are with splits."
Maria cheers and Rose groans.
  "Here's the list, make sure you give them the extra too. We're going to check the foster homes." Rose hands Alyssa a notepad. "So everyone suit up and then on your way." 
They all split up into their groups and get the things they need. 
"Here," Maria tosses each of them an earpiece. "Courtesy of Esme, so we can talk even though we are on different sides of town." 
"No phones, no way for that Liberator to track us." Immanuel smiles.
Rose frowns, "We better not run into him. We would have helped all those kids if he hadn't but in last week."
Maria rings out the ring on her back, pushes a button on the rod in the middle, and splits it into two, opening two portals. "Alright, you three on the left. Me and Rose on the right." 
Everyone jumps through their respected portals and starts their missions. It takes a full three hours for all of them to finish their assignments. Maria and Rose finish a bit early, but they have a run in.
"There's no reasoning with him is there?" Maria asks Rose while blasting at Liberator.
"Nope, he's just a thick headed dipshit!" Rose binds Liberator down with vines.
Liberator struggles against the vines, "You're kidnapping kids! What reasoning is there?"
Maria starts to use shadows to add more restraints, "You're really getting on my nerves dude. We don't kidnap them."
Liberator looks at both girls with sadness, "You could be doing so much better. Why are you doing this, you were both taken care of at the research center. They took good care of you both."
At the mention of the center, Maria gets angry and holds one of her blades to his face. 
"How do you know about that place?" Rose asks, tightening the vines. 
Liberator smiles, "Thorn, Madness, she sent me to help you both. Your caretaker, she wants you both back."
"That's her side of the story, you don't know ours!" Maria pushes the blade onto his throat, revealing a small bit of blood.
Liberator glares at Rose, "How can you trust her, she can turn her back on you any minute."
Rose smiles, "I trust her, love her too much not too."
"Babe, time for us to go." Maria lowers her staff and opens a portal.
Rose jumps into the portal while still holding Liberator in the vines. Before Maria jumps through she glares at Liberator.
"Favion, when we first meet, you wanted nothing to do with this job. Now that me and Thorn are almost done with our work, now you care." Maria's eyes glint with mischief behind her goggles. She smiles one last time before jumping through the portal herself.
  "What do you mean she knew your name?" Favion's uncle shouts at him. 
"I don't know, it's like she read my mind." Favion takes off his mask and throws it to the side.  "None of the tech they have can help them with that. There is just no way." He walks over to a monitor and pulls a keyboard from behind it. "One thing I know about Madness' appearance is that she has vitiligo and heterochromia."
Favion's uncle rolls his eyes, "Yes, that was what Dr. Gomez said. She was in charge of Madness and Thorn for a while. She has more on them than anyone." 
"Yeah, these are the records of all the teenage females who fit that description. Only five, so one of these is Madness." Favion points out on the monitor.  
"Look at that," his uncle points to a name. "Maria Alebrije-Gonzalez, old friend of yours."
Favion shakes his head, "Uncle no, can't be her. She was in boarding school until freshman year."
"Are we sure about them, a few months after she leaves, two villains appear in the city. And the only person your parents can find to tutor you, is your old friend." he reasons. "You know I remember her when y'all were younger. She was real nice, but something always seemed off about her."
Favion glares at his uncle, "Well we have it narrowed down for now. Next time i'll see what I can do."
  "Are we sure we want him here, he hasn't talked to us in years." Immanuel complains. 
Kayla sits down on Immanuel's left side, "He's right, half of us are gay now!"
"True, and what are we supposed to do? He has ignored us, played around with so many girls, and now we have to help him pass his class?" Alyssa lays herself across her partners' laps.
"I say we let him fail." Rose suggests putting an arm around Maria.
"As much as I want him to fail, I am getting paid for my efforts." Maria lightly pushes Rose. 
Alyssa groans, "So, the solution is to invite him to our weekly study groups. The same ones where we plan a heist."
The doorbell rings signaling that someone has arrived. "My house guys, let's keep the heist out of it for now." Maria walks to the door to open it.
"Hi, nice to see you again." Favions says when Maria opens the door. "Are the others okay with me being here?" He as9k.
"Fuck no, we're not!" Rose yells from the inside.
"Babe, suck it up!" Maria shouts back. "Sorry about that," She quickly puts on a smile for Favion. "Come on in, ignore the idiots."
Favion follows Maria inside the house and into the living room. Favion notices how his three old friends are very close together. And Rose sitting next to them glaring at him.
"Say hi dipshits," Maria glares at her friends. 
They all mumble a hello under their breaths, none of them looking Favion in the eyes. 
Favion points to his three old friends, "Are you guys dating?"
The three of them look at each other before responding. "Yeah."
Favion's face morphs into a giant smile, "Finally, since when? How long did it take?"
Alyssa shrugs, "Freshman year, we had to literally sit down and make a paper of terms and conditions."
Favion looks over at Maria, "Did they really?"
"Yeah, I wasn't there but I have been told." Maria walks over to Rose and sits in her lap.
"So, are we supposed to just do homework?" Favion asks, setting down his bag.
Immanuel nods, "Yeah, but we really don't have homework. We're just here to help you so Maria doesn't have to suffer."
"I'm not that problematic." Favion mumbles.
"Yes you are!" Maria, Immanuel, Alyssa, and Kayla counter.
"That one time doesn't count!" Favion shouts and hides his head in his hands.
Rose lanes forward looking around Maria, "Now I'm curious, what was this one time?"
Maria laughs and puts an arm around Rose, "One time Favion was so desperate for attention, he gets on the fire escape outside his room. And then he jumps off of it, it was so sudden we as kids forgot that there was another fire escape underneath that."
"We genuinely thought he jumped and died. We were screaming, it got his mom's attention. When we told her what happened, this fucker decided to climb back the fire escape!" Alyssa points at Favion who is laying on the floor in shame. "Your mom was so mad!"
"I was grounded for a month! I actually thought y'all knew there was another fire escape!" Favion complains.
Immanuel chuckles, "Okay, let's help you with your work. We have somewhere to be after this."
  "Maria, just give us your fangs!" Sam chases after Maria who has stuck herself to the ceiling. "We are just checking venom!"
Maria shoots webbing at Sam, "Just because you're a dentist, does not mean you know what you're doing when it comes to animals!"
Sam sighs and sits down, "Rose, she's your girlfriend, you get her down from there."
"Why me, last time I got near her fangs, I almost died." Rose complains.
Maria slowly comes down from the ceiling using her webbing, like Spider-Man. "Babe, you know I would never hurt you." She says with a sweet voice, yet with a sense of annoyance in it. "If you try anything near my fangs, I will not hesitate to poison you causing you to die." 
Rose's eyes widen and she takes a few steps back. This causes Maria to laugh maniacally.
"Just kidding!" Maria leans forward and plants a kiss on Rose's cheek. "I love you, just stay away!"
"Maria, we seriously need you to show us your fangs so we can check them. Esme will be looking over the venom and then I have to make sure you can still use them to drink blood and eat." Sam reaches a hand out to Maria.
Maria makes a swing with her webbing and swings back and forth, "Do I really have to?"
"Babe please, we can't kiss until we see how poisons your venom is. So if you come down and let your family see what it is, I'll give you kisses." Rose looks up at Maria. 
Maria rolls her eyes and jumps down from the ceiling, landing on her feet. "I still have training after this! I don't want to be shifting back and forth too much." She walks over to the examination table and jumps on. 
"Okay, open up. I'll get samples and then look over your teeth." Sam grabs some of her equipment and starts to gather samples of venom from Maria. "The twins were better at cooperating than you." She mumbles under her breath.
  "This is new tech that we will need you to test next time you go out." Favion's uncle puts a small black circular object, no bigger than his fingernail, into Favion's palm.
Favion brings it closer to his face to get a closer look, "What is this supposed to do? Who made it?"
"Dr. Gomez, it's supposed to stop those abilities. The only thing we know those two have are telekinesis from Madness, and Thorn has control over plants. Dr. Gomez is trying to create some tech for you that can transmit an EMP. All those other things Madness does is because of tech. Shuts down Madness' tech, both hers and Thorn's abilities, and you can beat them both." His uncle points to the small device in Favion's palm.
"Are we even sure that it works, how do we even test this?" Favion questions and gives it back to his uncle. 
His uncle smiles, "Test it right in the field. If something happens, it happens. We want them gone in the end don't we?"
"Well, Dr. Gomez wants them both alive. Why, none of us know." Favion walks back over to the computer monitor and pulls out the keyboard from behind. "Madness is Hispanic, I know because she spoke fluent Spanish." 
Favion starts to type into the keyboard. It takes a while for the files to load, and to both male's surprise, there are no results.
"This can't be right!" Favion tries to check for any spelling errors. "How is this possible?"
Favion's uncle shrugs, "I don't get why you're not happy about this."
"But it's weird, Maria is a Hispanic, teenage female, with vitiligo, and heterochromia! So how did she not she up, I know she can't be Madness but still, she would have shown up." Favion keeps trying to look through the files. 
"Didn't she immigrate here, so why would they put Hispanic on any of her records?" his uncle ask.
Favion slams the keyboard down, "It has always been on her records!" 
"That does not sound creepy at all." Favion's uncle mumbles sarcastically. 
Favion glares at his uncle, "Watch it, Damion."
  "Let me see that test grade." Chantel says the minute Favion get's home from school.
"I tried, I actually tried this time." Favion hands over the paper to his mom while taking his baby sister from her. "Hi, Alijah. Have a cookie." Favion takes a cookie from the display case and hands it to his sister.
Chantel smiles at Favion when she is done looking at the paper, "This is good, just about one more week of this before finals. Why did you give your sister a cookie?"
Favion slowly takes the cookie back from his sister, "She wanted it."
Chantel shakes her head at Favion, gives him back his paper, and takes his sister back from him. "Go help your father up front. This one needs a nap."
Favion nods and drops his things off by the stairs. He heads upfront to help his dad, he gets an apron off one of the hooks on the wall, and puts it on. He heads to the register to ring up customers. And a bit before closing while he is handing a customer change, Maria and Rose walk in hand in hand.
 "Hey you two, what can I help you with?" He asks as he waves to the customer.
"It's the twin's birthday today and we ordered a cake. Your dad just called us, said we can pick it up now." Maria gestures to the back.
Favion nods, "Sure just give me a minute, I'll ask mom about it.'' He heads to the back to talk to his mom. "Mom, Maria is here to pick up her cake."
"Oh, yeah it's ready. Let me get it." Chantel walks over to an industrial fridge and pulls out a round cake. 
She places it on the counter, gets a box, and puts the cake in the box. She picks it up off the counter and heads up to the front. 
"Hi you two! Your cousin already paid for it, you're free to go. Tell the twins I said happy birthday!" Chantel hands the cake to Rose and gives her and Maria a hug.
Rose smiles, "Thanks Chantel, we'll tell them." She and Maria wave as they leave the bakery.
Chantel waves back as the door closes and looks to her son, "Still miss her?"
Favion sighs as he puts his apron up, "Yeah, she's not the same girl from when we were kids."
Chantel pats his back, "I don't mean this is a bad way, honey really. But it's not like you even stood a chance, if it wasn't obvious when you were younger, she is only into girls."
Favion hits his head on the display case, "I should have done something earlier."
"Well you couldn't, but it wouldn't hurt to let those feelings go." Chantel heads back into the kitchen with Favion. 
"And how exactly will I let those feelings go?" Favion questions his mother. 
"By telling her." His dad comes from around the corner with his daughter in his arms. "When was the last time you had a real heart to heart with that girl?"
Favion shrugs, "I think when we were ten, when she left. But c'mon, she has a girlfriend. We just started talking again I don't want to mess up again."
"Well, it's obvious you still have feelings. It will soon be time to face the music." His dad shakes his head.
Favion nods, "I'll try, i'll try my best."
 Soooooo...what do you think? Will this is still barely nothing of the whole story. There is still a lot to be revealed. Things will get rough soon, but don't fret, you'll find out some things as we go. See you soon friend, that is if you are willing to stick around.
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lejoursdor · 3 years
I feel so fucking violated.
For the last few weeks my landlord has been harassing me - passive aggressively texting me about things that could and should be taken care of after a single conversation but instead were drawn out through multiple, long, inappropriate (not to mention rude) texts at ALL hours of the day (including 3 different instances between 2-4 AM). I have had to put my phone on DND just so I could get some sleep/peace of mind at night because I have been having sleeping problems for MONTHS due to my autoimmune disease/fibromyalgia and most recently good ol’ fashion insomnia. 
I thought this morning the whole situation was finally over and that I could finally move on and focus on centering my self and nothing else today. I was unexpectedly forced to go off my depression/anxiety meds due to issues with my insurance and have been working HARD for the last month to monitor and work through the side effects that stopping that kind of medication can cause. Luckily, I had started back on birth control a month or so prior so my hormones were already in the process of getting regulated so it hasn’t been THAT bad. I only had maybe 2 days where things were scary/alarming. But otherwise it has been okay considering. A lot of bursting into tears and taking much longer to bounce back from negativity entering my life (AKA: my landlord) but I’ve been praying no sort of suicidal tendencies/ideations spring up but so far okay but I’m still on high alert just in case.
So since this drama was seemingly over and she would have literally NO REASON to contact me, at least for the day - I decided I would make today a ME day. To try to get me back on track as much as possible. I went to the pharmacy to try to straighten out some stuff with my meds but there was a setback and it’s gonna be a little bit trickier for me to get back on my anxiety/depression meds than previously thought. But I wasn’t feeling defeated so I switched gears and chose to decompress and get all the bad energy out. Maybe after 30 mins of leaving my place, I come back from the pharmacy to check my phone and i have two texts from her about the electricity temporarily being turned off & some other unimportant shit. Quickly texted that I wasn't home yada yada didn’t care byeeee. 
Shortly after I started to drive around aimlessly and listen to music. I drove through my high school best friend’s old neighborhood, by her old house and down the street to the park we used to always go to. I parked and sat there in my car for maybe 45 minutes. Just thinking of what my life has been for the last 15 years since I first went to that park. That no matter how many years have past, I still feel everything from back then, I still feel her. That I will always love and miss who she was in that snapshot in time even though I know she is no longer that person, without even having to know who she is now. That this void that she left can never be filled again, not even by her because that person, the person that I formed quite possibly the closest bond I’ve ever made - is gone. She’s so gone, she may as well have died. It happens and is a part of life and I’ve long since accepted it but that doesn't mean it doesn’t still break my heart. 
After the park I made my way to the city where my mother grew up and unintentionally ended up in the neighborhood of my grandmother’s old house. Maybe I wasn’t cognizant of what I was doing in the moment but maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I purposely led myself there. As soon as I saw the sign for Kelley Ave. i immedietely started tearing up and I just needed to see the house. Even if it doesn’t look the same, even if someone else lives there now. I drove by and it set off a bunch of emotions at once. Every couple of years I hit this point where i really miss her. The last time it was like this was my 25th birthday that I ended up spending alone. On my way home it was like a dam had burst and I couldn’t stop crying. I got home and decided I would take the rest of the afternoon to go for a walk, focus on getting through my emotions in peace. I walked to a park not too far. I ended up laying down, listening to music and bawling my eyes out. I started running all these memories of her through my mind. I wouldn’t say I came to the realization but in reflecting on the last 15 years it’s become glaringly apparent that the only safe space I’ve ever had was with her, in that house. Not the one I grew up in and definitely not where I am now. I kept trying to imagine what it would be like for 31 year old me to be able to show up at her house, walk through the door, into her kitchen, straight towards the sun soaked living room where she would be sitting in front of the glass coffee table like she always was. She’d probably be writing on napkins in Japanese, with the TV on, not watching what was on. I would sit down next to her and hug her and she would hug me back and tap my shoulder and say “Hi Chantel.” like she used to, in her strong accent, with her warm smile. And we would sit next to each other in comfortable silence like we always did and I would watch her as she scrawled her native language on leftover McDonald’s napkins. My grandmother was and still is the only family member of mine that I was ever allowed to be myself in her presence. Maybe it was a cultural thing, it just never crossed her mind that I needed to change/fit a particular mold because it wasn’t an idealogy she was familiar with, unlike my ant’s, parents, uncle’s etc. We had a great relationship, I was her first grandchild and I know that had a lot to do with it. I knew her relationship with my mom and my ant’s/uncle’s were more complicated, so not everyone has the same feelings about her as I do. But I was her favorite and she was mine and it is the only time I have ever been anyone’s favorite. She died when I was 14, she’s been gone for basically half my life now but I still would give anything to see her now and I don’t think I will ever get used to her being gone, no matter how long. All I want is to be next to her, we don’t even need to talk, I just want her to be able to be here now. I miss her so much, all I want is the chance to be with her again...
After an hour or so I walked back and started to feel a little better. Maybe not better but felt like I was able to let a lot out. All I wanted to do was go home, wind down and salvage the rest of the day and indulge in much needed self care. Where I currently stay, I have my own separate entrance attached to the main house but in order to get to my entrance I have to pass by the front of the house which currently has one of those doorbell’s with a camera attached that alerts people on their phone when there is any movement. I unlock my door and get inside. I literally put my keys, phone etc down and maybe 5 seconds pass since I’ve gotten inside and a text pops up from my landlord. 
“Nothing like fresh air for the soul! Hope your feeling better. I have good and bad days too!” 
I think this is the only moment I've ever wanted to murder someone.
I just came back from spending two hours mourning my dead grandmother, after a day filled with repressed emotions coming to the surface due to an awful few weeks (mostly due to my landlord) and I can't even come home with the expectation that I wouldn’t be bothered by her for the rest of the night. 
Today was just not the day. 
Not the time, place or her business. 
I feel like I have no peace anymore, the little I was able to grasp on to.
She has stolen it from me with her unchecked neurosis, constantly invading common boundaries. 
I’m at my wits end, truly. And I’m not sure what to do.
(Insert the dog surrounded by fire “I’m fine” meme) 
Singing off with whatever’s left of my sanity.
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noreasonjustbored · 4 years
Fall In Fake Love With Me
Hey everybody! I’ve been off of this story for a minute, huh? So sorry about the long time between updates on this but thanks to everyone who is still sticking around.The next chapter should definitely be up quicker than this one was. If you want to be tagged in my future posts, please let me know. Please leave feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write. Tag List: @mychenrymadness @up-the-tube @heyimtavia @adorkable-blackgirl @henryhearts Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Sitting in the car after Henry’s little door stunt was... awkward to say the least. Charlotte couldn’t stop thinking about what it meant. Or if it meant anything at all. Was Henry flirting with me just then? Or did he do that to prove a point that we do need to practice? Am I looking too hard into this? Ugh.
Sighing, Charlotte turned away from the window she was staring out of to glance over at her best friend. Henry was focused on the road while casually bobbing his head to the music softly playing on the radio. He was driving with his left hand while his right arm was draped over the center console.
Taking a deep breath Charlotte as casually as possible slid her hand under Henry’s, entwining their fingers. Without saying a word, he shot a glance in her direction before giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
Ok, that was natural enough. And I’m not even that uncomfortable despite the fact that Hen’s hand is kind of sweaty. See! We don’t need to practice. Or IS this considered practice since no one else is around? Am I still looking too hard into this? Ugh.
Charlotte was absentmindedly scrolling on her phone with her right hand while her left stayed comfortably nestled in Henry’s. She looked up randomly and noticed that they had passed the neighborhood where the party was being held.
“Uh, what are we doing?” Charlotte asks. “You missed your turn.”
Henry just looked over at her then smiled softly.
“That creepy smile wasn’t an answer to my question.”
Henry laughs slightly but still doesn’t answer her.
“Oh wow, it’s really happening huh? This is the night you finally kill me.”
“Yeah, all these years I’ve been lulling you into a false sense of security so that I could murder you. Even though I am LITERALLY a superhero.”
“I’m breaking up with you.”
Charlotte rolls her eyes in response but doesn’t say anything verbally. After driving for a few more minutes they arrived at their destination.
She almost forgot they were holding hands until he pulled his hand from hers when they arrived at their location.
“Chantel’s? What are we doing here?” Charlotte asks.
“WE are going on a date.”
She whips her head in his direction. “We’re doing what now?”
“I’m kidding, we’re just getting something to eat before the party. Relax.” Henry chuckles.
“You could’ve just said that.”
“Yeah but your reaction wouldn’t have been as fun” he says as he gets out of the car.
“Whatever. And we couldn’t go through a drive thru and eat in the car because...?” she counters as she also exits the vehicle.
“Well we could have but where’s the fun in that?
Charlotte rolls her eyes again but follows him towards the establishment.
“Plus I told Bianca that we already had dinner plans, remember?”
“Yeah why did you say that? I actually don’t mind Mastro’s.”
“Because” Henry opened the door to the semi-formal restaurant and gestured for her to go in. “Everyone is going to be at Mastro’s.”
“Exactly. Isn’t that what we want?”
“Not necessarily. Us being here will show exclusivity.”
“How’s that?” Charlotte wonders as they stand in line.
“We’ll be here. And although we could have hung out with everyone, we chose to be alone instead.”
“Sure...but I still don’t see the point of being here specifically, we could’ve just gone to Nacho Ball.”
“Yeah but Nacho Ball isn’t a good place to flex for the Gram.”
As he said that, they reached the hostess station. “Reservation for Hart please.”
After being seated in a booth they looked over the menu.
“Order something that will look good in photos” Henry urged.
“This isn’t like a super fancy restaurant but okay.”
“Yeah but it’s fancier than Mastro’s and that’s all that matters.”
“I guess.” Charlotte shrugged.
After ordering their meal and waiting for it to arrive, the two made small talk.
“So what’s the strategy for the party?” Charlotte inquires.
“Uhhhh? I was thinking that we could wing it.”
“Of course you were. Hmm. Why don’t we keep up this exclusivity thing? That way we don’t really have to interact with many people but they can still see us together.”
“I guess that could work. Sure.”
“Okay so when we get to the party let’s just find a corner to chill in for like an hour and then we can leave.”
At that moment, their waiter brought their food over. Charlotte picked up her silverware but Henry stopped her from taking a bite.
“Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember?”
“Oh yeah, what do you want me to do?”
“Just look at me and smile.”
“Simple enough.”
Charlotte smiled while Henry tries to make sure both her and the food were in frame.
Wow her teeth are perfect. Henry thought to himself.
“Got it.”
“Cool, let me see?”
“Yeah sure. Hold on, I’m just typing a caption.”
Charlotte takes a few bites of her dinner while she waits.
“Okay here” Henry says while passing her his phone.
On it she can see an in-progress Instagram post with the picture of her, which turned out great, and a caption that says ‘Prettiest girl in the Tri-State area’.
“Alright Doofenshmirtz, Tri-State area? Really?”
“I don’t know! I realized as I was writing it that I’ve never flexed for the Gram before.”
“Clearly. I haven’t either but saying that your “girlfriend” is pretty in only three states is definitely not it. How about this?” Charlotte asks she changes the caption on the photo and hands the phone back.
“Prettiest girl I know” Henry reads out loud. “Fax. Alright that works. And...posted.”
When Henry looks up from his phone Charlotte is staring at him incredulously.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Did you just say fax?”
“No printer. Why?”
“I’m the prettiest girl you know?”
“Objectively speaking, yes. 100%.”
“You can’t be objective about beauty. It is inherently SUBjective.”
“Suuuurrreee, Charlotte ‘PYT’ Page.”
Charlotte looked at him even more confused. “You know what? Let’s just move on. Should I post something of you?”
“Yeah but let’s not do the same type of photo. Ummmm...here” Henry says as he goes over to her side of the booth. “Scoot over.”
Charlotte obliges and then Henry throws an arm over her shoulder.
“Cheese” he says while taking her phone and snapping a photo of the two. Then he leans in and kisses her on the cheek for the second picture.
“Oh that’s perfect. We look goooooooood.”
Henry putters around for a few moments before handing her the phone back.
“My date is better than yours” Charlotte nods her head in approval. “Not bad Hart” she says while officially posting it online to her profile. When she exited out the app she notices that Henry also changed her phone screen background to the first picture they took.
“Really Henry?” She asks while turning the phone around so he could see what she was referring to.
“Yeah really. Real couples have each other on their lock screens, it’s a thing.”
“Ok well make it your lock screen too. Let me send it to you.”
“No need.”
“But you just said-“ she cuts herself off after Henry flips his phone towards her so she could see his background. It’s the picture of her upside down on the ManCave couch. The snapshot he took on the day this whole fake dating thing started.
“Okay then” she concedes.
They continued their dinner in relative silence but it was a comfortable quiet. The stifling air from earlier in the night had completely dissipated.
Once finished, Henry paid for their meal and they left Chantel’s hand in hand.
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"I'll Chase Them Up In The Morning, Okay?"
Friday 15th January 2021
Hello again everyone! Hope your weekend has been okay so far! I hope you're all keeping well and looking after yourselves. I apologise for this post being a little late, but I'm ready to head straight into it!
So there's quite a bit to catch up on, the first thing I'm going to mention is Ruby and Martin. After her husband finally coming round to the idea of her being pregnant, Ruby makes a suggestion for her husband. In an attempt to get pregnant, she asks Martin to spend lunch at home with her. Unfortunately, things don't go down the way she expected, as in the meantime Martin has caught up with Kush. Obviously wanting to be the supportive friend, he wants to be there for his best mate, they've been through so much together. Martin informs his friend that Ruby is pregnant with his child, of course Kush is completely over the moon for his friend. Later Ruby is sat at home waiting for her husband to join her, only as the door opens she hears two voices coming inside the house. It becomes clear that Martin hasn't come home alone, he enters the room acknowledging his wife, even though he appears to be on the phone ordering food, suddenly Kush appears, much to Ruby's surprise. Her plans have simply gone out the window. Kush congratulates her and gestures that he's bought some non-alcoholic wine to celebrate. I loved this moment, I thought it was hilarious - as Kush disappears to grab some glasses, Ruby hints to her husband that she wanted to spend the afternoon in bed together, Martin suddenly realises his wife's intensions, but the first thing that comes out of his mouth - "The pizzas are on the way!" ... Clearly pizza is more important to Martin!! But then again, doesn't food always come first?!
The next thing I want to mention is Gray and Karen. After Gray insisted that he wanted his children back to live with him, I guess its fair to say that Karen has been wanting to help as much as possible. I'm assuming it's a way of keeping Chantelle close, but of course she wants to be there for her Grandchildren and tell them stories about their Mother. She even proposes to Gray that she'd help out with the children's meals and homework etc etc, just to give that extra bit of help. However, regardless of her kind gestures, it looks as if that Gray is getting fed up of her, thinking she's interfering with his children. Something tells me that he's not going to be able to cope with her interfering for much longer. I think it's also fairly obvious to say that Gray is someone who likes to keep things in order and very tidy - it was the same when Tina was living there. Of course with Karen helping looking after the children, the house is going to get messy, it looks as if Gray's anger is bubbling inside of him and soon that anger is going to burst. I do fear for Karen, I fear that if she treads on his toes a bit too much, he may go over the edge once again and take his anger out on her. What do you guys think? Could Karen be in danger of being Gray's next victim?!
The third thing I want to mention is the Trueman/Fox family. Firstly, I just want to mention how much I LOVED Kim in this episode. Even though she was only in it for a short moment, her part was just the most brilliant, hilarious part for me. I just love Tameka Empson, she plays the part of Kim so brilliantly, iconic! She's just fantastic! After Patrick being discharged from the hospital and finally returning home, it looks as if the Fox's and Trueman's are sat in silence as they ponder the recent events. Patrick betraying Denise and taking Raymond to see Phil and then Lucas's attack. However, in the silence, Kim enters with a huge handful of balloons to welcome Patrick home. Of course, being her usual self, she is happy and bubbly and smiley as she sees him sat in his chair, only everyone is silent and looks at her holding these huge balloons. I just thought it was brilliant! Denise still can't bring herself to understand why Patrick would go behind her back and let Phil see Raymond. Patrick starts to dwell on his actions and attempts to get up and leave so her can speak to Phil, however Denise stops him in his path and decides to take it upon herself to speak to Phil. After a while she finds Phil on the Square and confronts him about everything, seeing Raymond and attacking Lucas. I do kind of feel that Phil should have a right to see his son, regardless of his dodgy past and reputation. Only when Denise accuses him of attacking Lucas, Phil puts her straight - all he did was talk to Lucas and left him to it, he had nothing to do with Lucas being attacked. This surprises Denise but also makes her worry that there could be someone else who's out for revenge against him, which could mean that her daughter Chelsea could be in danger. Who's to say that to get to Lucas, they may attack Chelsea? Later, she calls for both her daughter and ex-husband to meet, getting straight to the point that Phil was not behind his attack, and for the sake of everyone's safety, it would be best if Lucas was to stay away, not just from Denise - but from Chelsea aswell. Only, of course, we know that it was in actual fact Chelsea who set up the attack on her Dad. She tries to fight her Dad's corner and informs her Mother that she's overreacting, telling her that she has no right telling her Dad what to do! However, Lucas agrees with Denise and tells Chelsea that he will stay away if it means keeping her safe. The interesting thing now is, how is Chelsea going to be able to carry on getting her revenge on her Dad? Which I'm assuming is what she's doing - unless she's after something specific. Is she out for revenge? Does she want to teach her Dad a lesson? Or is there something much more darker going on with Chelsea? What is she after and who has been calling her? I'm really looking forward to seeing this story continue.
The final thing we need to mention of course is Ian! So, after a long time of feeling unwell, Ian has gone to the Doctor's, and of course Sharon is by his side, acting as the doting wife. Ian begins to describe how unwell he's been feeling since coming out of hospital, getting weak and collapsing etc. They suggest taking some blood tests and checking things going on inside that could've made him feel so unwell. However, in her attempt to swerve the Doctor's from checking Ian's insides, she suggests that Ian could have depression, as he has had it before, and that it could be his mental health making him feel this way. The Doctor does seem to agree that that could be a possibility, however Ian insists that his emotions have nothing to do with him collapsing. They arrange to date to take some blood tests and do a mental health assessment. Later, when they've returned to the Vic, Sharon sneakily rings the Doctor's, informing them that she wants to postpone Ian's tests, using the excuse that they're going on their honeymoon. But unbeknown to her, Max has heard every word of her phone conversation, it looks as if Max is slowly sussing out Sharon, he's certainly looking very suspicious of her. As Ian is left resting upstairs, alone, Max somehow manages to sneak his way upstairs and finds Ian on the couch. Regardless of their recent history, Max sits with Ian and informs him that the reason he's feeling so unwell and that the one person who could be responsible of wanting him dead, could in fact be Sharon. Ian at first doesn't believe him, but he makes a few valid points - they still haven't slept together, they don't have a prenup and most importantly, perhaps Sharon believes Dotty's words about his involvement with Dennis's death that what he first realised, plus he drops the big bombshell that he's just overheard her postponing his doctor's tests. Ian seems to brush off Max's words, even though he thanks him for his concern. But the interesting thing is, when Max leaves, Sharon peeps in on her husband, it's at this moment where you can see that Max's words are playing on his mind. He questions whether he should sleep in Sharon's bed that night, but Sharon flirtatiously suggests that they wait until he's feeling much better. Ian smiles at her response, but then when he questions on whether she's heard about his tests, she face up denies hearing anything and promises to check the following morning. I think it's this moment that Ian realises that what Max has said, could be right!
So many questions to be asked as well, will Sharon be caught out before it's too late? Will she even possibly have a change of heart?! What is going on with Chelsea? I'm looking forward to her secret being revealed! And also, how and when will Ruby get pregnant? Will she lean on someone else to get her pregnant? Or will she have to lie even further and possibly fake a miscarriage, potentially asking her husband for them to try again? Who knows?! There are endless possibilities all these stories can take. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing them all unravel! I hope you've all enjoyed reading! Thank you all for your on-going support, I appreciate it endlessly! Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks! Love you all xXx
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i feel so confused with this whole thing about jon sen like whats gone on or whats about to happen sorry for asking??
It's no problem, anon! I'm happy to explain. :) (And I do apologise for however long this has been in my inbox, if it's taken me a while to answer this it's just because I've been busy.)
OK, so Jon Sen is a TV producer. Right now, he's the Executive Producer of EastEnders, and the Senior Executive Producer is a woman named Kate Oates (who is also the Head of Continuing Drama at the BBC, which basically means she's responsible for keeping all the BBC soaps - Casualty, Holby, EastEnders, Doctors - running). So they work together to run EastEnders, and Kate Oates is Jon Sen's boss.
But yesterday, it was officially announced that Jon Sen has left his job at EastEnders, and he's gonna become the new Executive Producer for Casualty instead.
The thing is, a lot of people think that EastEnders hasn't been very good since Jon Sen took over. And I would have to agree - the quality of that show is very bad right now. So a lot of people are worried this means Jon Sen is going to "ruin" Casualty too.
But what people are forgetting is that EastEnders was in a very bad state before Jon Sen took over. So he didn't make it any better, but it's not like the show was good before and then he came along and ruined it, or anything like that.
Also, Jon Sen has worked on Casualty before, as a writer, director, and a story producer. (Here's the link to his IMDB, if you're interested in seeing what episodes he worked on: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0784010/) And he worked on some pretty good episodes! So I think it's worth it to also look at his actual Casualty work before we start assuming he'll be bad based off his work on EastEnders. After all, they're very different shows - EastEnders is a normal 30-minute (20 minutes at the moment because of filming restrictions) soap, and it's on 4 times a week. Casualty is a 50-minute (40 minutes at the moment) medical drama, and it's on once a week. It's perfectly possible that someone could be bad at producing a show like EastEnders, but still be good at producing a show like Casualty.
Plus, some of the problems with EastEnders that people assume are Jon Sen's fault actually seem more likely to be things Kate Oates is responsible for. For example, there's been a really awful storyline that started out as a serious storyline about the character Chantelle Atkins being abused by her husband Gray and eventually he ended up killing her - but then after Chantelle died, Gray randomly turned into a serial killer and the writers seemed to completely forget that it was supposed to be an abuse storyline. Understandably, a lot of people (including me) are bothered by this and think it feels really disrespectful.
But there were similar problems when Kate Oates was the producer of Coronation Street (she also used to be the producer of Emmerdale, but I didn't watch it back then so I don't have anything to say about that part). There were still serious storylines that ended up turning into silly sensationalist drama. There was still a long-running serial killer storyline that was dragged on way too long. The show was still unnecessarily dark, and characters were still killed off for no reason.
There have even been some similar issues on Holby and Casualty, to some degree, which, like I said earlier, Kate Oates also has some influence on both of those shows. But she doesn't have as much control at Casualty or Holby as she does at EastEnders, so Jon Sen is going to be working with less influence from her at Casualty. So it's unlikely that the problems that are affecting EastEnders right now will be affecting Casualty any more than they already do.
Casualty also still has the same Series Producer (Loretta Preece), so she'll still have influence on the show too. It'll be her and Jon Sen working together to make the show. So it's not like they're suddenly bringing a bunch of new people in to make the show, it's still the same producer team as before except with 1 new person, which means the show will probably stay the same in a lot of ways.
Basically - Jon Sen has been the producer for a really bad era of EastEnders, but the problems with EastEnders right now are a lot more extensive than just Jon Sen, so he's not completely to blame for that. He's also worked on Casualty before and written/directed/produced some good episodes, which is worth considering. Casualty probably just isn't going to change much either way with Jon Sen as the Executive Producer. It's unlikely to suddenly get hugely better, but I doubt it would suddenly get much worse either. Jon Sen probably won't be the greatest Casualty producer ever or anything like that, but the people panicking that he's going to "ruin" the show don't need to panic that much.
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sergeanttucker · 5 years
Summary: Jake comes home and is suddenly a dad. (I really need to work on my summarys)
Warning: It’s just fluff… veeeeery little angst (if you squint)
Word count: 1094
Request: I too have drowned in a deep Jake Gyllenhaal and Quentin Beck sea, so I’d love to request a fic where fem!reader has a habit of going to animal adoption centres and when Jake comes back from his press tour, she has two new puppies. Thanks if you do it xx 
AN - For @chantelle-x0x I’m so sorry it took me so long to write this, but it’s finally finished. I hope you like it, love! 
AN2 - Feedback appreciated.
Requests for Jake/Quentin are currently closed! Other requests are open
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Finally. The only thing Jake wanted to do after such a long time was to have a good time with his girlfriend. Being an actor had its advantages. Jake loved challenges, so he loved being an actor as each role brought with it its own challenges. Is the character he plays an astronaut? A businessman? A doctor? All roles require different things, and Jake loved to interpret them. It also allowed him to work with other talented actors and actresses, each with their own way of acting, and he loved learning a thing or two from them.
 Of course, that also has a down point. Although he loved traveling to different countries for his films, he hated being away from his girlfriend for so long. Whenever she had a weekend off, she took the next plane to visit, but it was just not the same as being home with her.
 Now that the Spider-Man movie was finished and the press tour was over, he had a full three months to spend with her before he had to leave again, and he wanted to make the most of it.
A smile played around his lips as the cab he had ordered stopped in front of the house he shared with (Y/N). He hastily threw cash at the driver before he practically flew out of the car and ran to the front door. He had some trouble picking up the keys from his pocket; he even dropped them as he tried to push them into the lock. He swore under his breath and took a deep breath before trying again, successfully. He opened the door and entered, silently dropping his suitcase. He stayed as quiet as possible. (Y/N) didn’t know that he would come home tonight. He wanted to surprise her.
 The voice of (Y/N) came out of the living room and made Jake smile. He loved her voice. Of course they had talked while he was away, but phone calls and Skype were something completely different from the real thing. Slowly he moved closer to the door that led to the living room, leaned against the wall and listened to what she said.
 “…Jake will be home, soon. So we have two more days to spend alone together.” What? Jake’s heart dropped at her words. It sounded like something he really didn’t want to hear. “When he is back, this will have to stop.” No, she wouldn’t betray him like this, would she? Was she talking to another guy?
 Jake swallowed hard and stepped into the doorway, already preparing for the worst. What he saw made him think he had a stroke. (Y/N) didn’t talk to another man, but two puppies! She was sitting on the floor with a container of Jake’s favorite ice and two furry bundles that had climbed onto her lap. Susy had a happy smile as the puppies licked the rest of the ice off the spoon. “We’ll get in so much trouble when Jake finds out we ate his favorite. Remind me to buy more before he gets home.”
“It’s a bit late for that, darling.” (Y/N) turned her head to the source of the voice. It took her a moment to realize that Jake was really there, and she stared at him stupidly, the melting dessert falling from the spoon onto her bare legs.
 A wide smile spread across her face as she burst out of her trance. She carefully placed the puppies on the floor before getting up and jumping into his arms with a happy squeal. Jake caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. (Y/N) pressed a well overdue kiss to his lips, a relieved sigh left her lips as Jake responded immediately.
 They pressed together their foreheads when they broke the kiss, both of them beaming at each other. “I missed you so much, Jake.” He pressed another soft kiss on her lips. “I missed you too.” Another kiss. And another. And another. They only stopped at the sound of high-pitched barks that came from behind them. (Y/N) giggled when Jake let her go. “I think they are jealous.”
 “Aww ... is he right? Are you jealous? “ (Y/N) leaned over and picked them up, holding one in each hand. “You do not have to. I love you just as much.” She kissed their little heads and giggled again as they started to lick her face. Jake smiled and sat down on the couch, patting the place next to him, so (Y/N) sat next to him, which she did. She put the puppies on her lap and patted them.
 “So ... you adopted dogs while I was gone?” He raised an eyebrow when he saw the ridiculous face she was sending to the dogs. “WE have adopted dogs. You always said you wanted to be a dad. Now you are one. “ (Y/N) grinned at him and put one of the little creatures on his lap.
 “To be honest, I had something else in mind when I said that.” He scratched the puppy in his lap behind his ear and smiled as he leaned into his touch. “What are their names?”
 (Y/N)’s grin widened as she pointed to the one sitting on his lap. “This one is Quentin ...” She pointed to the other on her own lap. “... and that’s Mysterio.”
 Jake gave her his best bitch face when he looked at her. “You didn’t call them that, did you?” (Y/N) laughed at his slightly irritated expression and nodded. “I did. See...” She pointed to the collar of the puppy in his lap, on which hung a small pendant with the name Quentin engraved on it.
 “Are you serious?” Jake tried to look stern, but he failed, (Y/N) could see a smirk tugging at his lips as he held the pendant between his fingers. “Well, I wanted to call them Jake one and Jake two at first, but I don’t think they would listen to it.”
 Jake laughed at her words, closed his eyes, and threw back his head. The little puppy in his lap almost fell to the ground as his body rocked with laughter. When he calmed down, he turned his face to her, still smiling from ear to ear. “You are ridiculous.”
 “Yeah, but you love me.” (Y/N) smiled happily and snuggled against his side. Jake threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer before he pressed a kiss to her hair. “Yes, I do.”
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