#i couldn't move on to a new movie today even though i had the time because i'm not ready to leave the birds of prey world
hyewka · 3 months
choi yeonjun. | c.yj
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PAIRING ▸ bsf!yeonjun x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ fluff, smut, a bit of angst
SYNOPSIS ▸ in which getting your male friend prettied up for a party goes weirdly left.
WARNINGS ▸ sub!jjun, femdom, grinding, protected, dacryphilia 
NOTES ▸ parenthesis around an event refers to the past!! anyway its been like, a hundred years since ive gone ghost but i promised to come back with a fic and here i am!! its a silly best friends fic lol nothing more to it but i always enjoy any semblance of feedback, it'll motivate me greatly <3 enjoy this meal hehe.
tags: @soobhns (hope you enjoy it babes ^^)
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You swirl your cup, tilting your head as you watch the new topic of your conversation touch up his hair a little too much, running a hand through his unruly strands as his legs barely work to have him stand up straight when a girl approaches him.
Mark looks concerned as he adds in, “And who the fuck got him in those bunny ears? Is it easter or something, geez”
You snort, your drink sputtering out of your mouth, spraying some of it on Taehyun. “Oh my god, Y/N, gross!” he groans loudly, jumping back as if he’s been hit by a water balloon.
“Sorry,” you giggle, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, your eyes still glued to Yeonjun. He’s fumbling awkwardly, trying to maintain a conversation with a girl who’s very clearly interested if the finger trail down his bicep was anything to go by. The rooftop air is especially chilly today, and you wonder if Yeonjun’s goosebumps are any visible to her. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, completely out of his element.
“It’s probably some stupid hazing shit, he never backs down from those.” Hyejoon mutters, scrolling away on her phone.
“But bunny ears? For hazing that seems weak as shit.” Mark responds, seemingly as interested on the train wreck thats about to ensue as you are. Then suddenly, he turns to you, eyes still trained on Yeonjun and the pretty girl. “Dude you’re practically his twin sister—why’s he acting like that?”
You cringe internally at that, smacking Mark’s arm. “Ow! The fuck?” he hisses, rubbing his arm. Twin sister? Oh god, you do not like that one bit.
Not at all. “Shut up Mark.” He only grumbles as he backs away.
You would rather shower in spoiled milk than be referred to as Yeonjun’s sister in any capacity—and it has absolutely nothing to do with what happened a few hours ago.
...It does add on to the grossness of it all though.
—4 hours ago …[5:21 PM]
The moment you step into his flat, you dash down the narrow hallway and into his room, launching yourself onto the bed with a triumphant yell. The plush mattress bounces slightly under your weight giving you a fleeting second of bliss before Yeonjun bursts in, diving towards you. "Not with your outside clothes!" he whines, trying to wrestle you off. "You're contaminating my sacred space!" he adds with mock seriousness, his efforts both frantic and hilarious.
You stick out your tongue childishly, and it serves the job to tick him off. “Man, you’re such a pain,” he groans.
“What should I do anyway? Change into PJ’s I haven’t brought along? Besides!” you retort, struggling to pull your makeup bag out from your tote while Yeonjun’s weight presses down on you. With a triumphant grin, you finally free it and wave it in front of his face. “Where are we supposed to do this then?”
He snorts. “The couch, duh.”
The mere thought of that dark green monstrosity, old and beat-up, sends a shiver down your spine. The last time you sat on it, its worn fabric had felt like sandpaper against your skin, and the patches of stuffing poking through made it seem like you were sitting on a nest of lumpy scars. You couldn't even sit through twenty minutes of the movie with Yeonjun before you had decided to move to the floor.
Your upper lip curls in distaste. “No chance. You need to switch that thing out ASAP.”
Yeonjun shrugs nonchalantly, clearly not as repulsed as you are. “What’s wrong with it? I mean, yeah, it’s seen better days, but it has character.”
“Character? More like a biohazard waiting to happen,” you say, grimacing. “I’m not risking sitting on that thing again. Also, get off, you're killing me.”
Yeonjun lets out a long, resigned sigh, knowing that arguing any further would be a losing battle. "Fine," he mutters, shifting his weight off you. "But at least take your shoes off. You're genuinely a psychopath," he adds.
You relent, rolling off the bed and kicking off your shoes with exaggerated care, just to appease him. Yeonjun narrows his eyes, silently watching you with a playful glint in his gaze, his arms crossed over his chest. You can almost see the gears turning in his head as he observes your antics. "What?" you finally ask, catching him off guard.
He blinks, momentarily flustered, then quickly averts his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Just counting down how many more years I have to deal with this," he says, gesturing vaguely at your exaggerated movements.
"Yeah, yeah," you say, waving your hand dismissively. "You know you love me."
"Keep telling yourself that," he replies, but his tone is light, the grumble fading away. You click your tongue, making sure to stick out a solid finger behind his back when he stands up to head to the bathroom. Prick.
But you can't keep up the act much longer when you look down at your outfit. It's not overly complicated but you still haven’t thanked him for helping you feel a lot more confident in it than you would've if he wasn't by your side ranting about silhouettes and all his other (not-so) stupid fashion advice.
With a sigh, you allow yourself to flop back onto his bed, your fingers sinking into the soft duvet. As you lay there, you take in the new decorations he's put up on his wall. He only recently moved here, and it's already looking a lot more like him than the last time you paid him a visit. The posters of his favorite bands, the quirky art pieces, and the sleek record player that sits atop a vintage-looking stand, surrounded by stacks of vinyl records—everything screams Yeonjun. Even the smell your brain finally registers as his signature scent subtly creeps up your nostrils; sandalwood, fresh linen and hints of citrus. It calms your nerves—like your body's trained to associate anything about Yeonjun with feeling safe.
You reach out for a familiar-looking photo strip on his desk, your finger stretching as far as it can until you manage to snatch it.
It's a sequence of three pictures of you and Yeonjun back in... high school? Freshman year considering you're sporting a terrible bowl cut that looks like it was done with a soup bowl and a pair of dull scissors. Yeonjun, on the other hand, smiles big with his braces, the metal gleaming under the photo booth's flash.
And just like that, you're suddenly reminded one thing; Yeonjun's always been there with you, for you.
("She's a total bitch anyway."
You gasp, hitting his arm. "What?!" he exclaims, affronted. "I'm starting to think you really enjoy abusing me."
"You just- you can't say that about women!" You try to sniff back the snot running down your nose, but it's futile.
He rolls his eyes. "She slept with Heeseung behind your back. Shes’ earned the title."
You shut your mouth and turn from him, not believing you're seriously trying to defend the ex-friend that had taken enough of a liking of your crush to sleep with him. It isn't the worst offense in the world but considering she's done it behind your back instead of telling you upfront...it leaves a bitter enough taste in your mouth to end the friendship altogether.
"I...really liked her, and I really liked him," you mutter, the admission feeling heavier than you'd expected. "Do you think I'm being childish? It's not like I was dating him or anything."
Yeonjun wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in as he taps his hand rhythmically against your arm.
The summer heat lingers in the air, the warmth from the sun-baked concrete seeping through your clothes. You can feel the rough texture of the sidewalk under your palms, gritty and familiar. "Nope. Feelings are valid."
A silence overtakes you both as you watch the fifth car drive by you. Distant chirping of crickets mingle with the occasional rustle of leaves in the slight breeze. The neighborhood is alive with the soft, ambient sounds of summer nights: a dog barking in the distance, the faint laughter of kids playing a few houses down, the low murmur of a television through an open window.
Suddenly, he tightens his arm around you, providing a comforting squeeze. You lean into him, finding comfort in his presence.
"You know I'd never do that to you, right?" he says softly, breaking the silence.
You look up at him, narrowing your eyes playfully, "Sleep with my male crush? I've always questioned, I don't know."
He gives you a betrayed look and you burst out laughing.)
It's weird how often you reminisce about the past...especially these past few months; sappy and overly sentimental shit that you try not to dwell on every time you hang out. Is this how old people feel?
There's always a time and place, it's just not when he farts into a pillow and practically Dutch ovens you with it. Now, that memory you'd rather attempt to forget as you close your eyes, throwing the photo strip back on his desk exhaustingly.
You don't notice that he's out until you feel water dripping onto your skin. Your eyes shoot open in horror, seeing his face inches from yours, freshly washed and hair slightly damp. He's leaning over you with a look of resignation mixed with amusement, a towel slung over his shoulder. "Enjoy your nap?" he asks, a mischievous grin spreading across his face before he shakes his head vigorously, sending a shower of water droplets from his hair onto your face.
You yelp and scramble up, swatting at the water droplets. "Yeonjun, seriously?" you sputter, wiping your face. "You're such a child!"
"That's ironic because you're even more of a child!" he rebuts with a pout, mimicking a petulant toddler. Talk about ironic. You narrow your eyes at him before exhaling sharply out of your nose, sitting up to make room for him on the bed.
He plops down beside you and it takes you a second to take your eyes off his face—freshly scrubbed and still slightly damp—before remembering why you're here in the first place. Makeup.
Right, makeup.
—3 hours and 12 minutes ago …[6:09 PM]
It was over seven months ago when you and Choi Yeonjun, slightly drunk off soju and beer, were giggling uncontrollably over the dumbest jokes in the dead of night with Beomgyu, his (now ex-) roommate, passed out on the floor. Turns out, shaky hands proved to be absolute dog shit when it came to drawing a straight line. You had silently panicked as you attempted to clean up the eyeliner that you've horrendously drawn on. You had really, really wanted him to like it.
Originally, it started off as a way to tease him, begging to apply eyeliner and some eyeshadow on his lids because you think he’d look gorgeous with them, to which his lips quirked up to, whining about how no man wants to be called ‘gorgeous’ and oh how emasculating it was. Plus, Yeonjun had an inkling your intentions were far less innocent than you let on.
When he finally surrendered around... the sixth time you bring the whole thing up, you admit that your idea of making him look like a clown and getting a good laugh out of his reaction moves itself out of your thoughts the moment he ushers you to scoot next to him and work your magic... whatever that meant.
But hey, it all worked itself out. Oddly enough, from that day on, you think putting makeup on Yeonjun quickly became one of your favorite pastimes beating your recent liking to duck herding (yes, it's a real thing you've spent way too much of your time investing in).
You like to think he enjoys it to some extent too, given the number of times he's let you practice on him, even if he would never admit it outright. But regardless of how relaxing you think it might be for him, he seems to go out of his way to make it as tedious as possible for you.
Every time you start working on his makeup, he fidgets and squirms like a restless child. He'll make funny faces just as you're about to apply eyeliner, or he'll suddenly sneeze, causing a puff of powder to explode into the air. Thankfully it doesn't last long, he either tires himself out or feels too bad to continue torturing your patience. Either way, you appreciate doing this for him a lot more when he's half asleep and relatively still.
Like now for example.
You're like, 99% sure he's dozed off. Considering he's spent the week cooped up in his apartment studying his ass off for two exams, it's not very surprising the all-nighters are catching up to him. Which is exactly why you're wondering the reason hes' chosen to go out to this party anyway.
His breathing is slow and steady, and his head lolls slightly to the side.
Just as you start to apply a touch of blush, his voice breaks the silence. "Don't make it look too obvious."
You’re caught off guard that he's in fact not asleep. "I won't."
"And no crazy blue tint."
You groan, pulling away from his face. Not this again. "C'mon, I only did that once and you've been holding it over my head for three months dude."
He cracks open one eye, peering at you with a mix of exhaustion and amusement. "You made me look like a smurf."
"It was artistic!" you splutter, not believing you're back to arguing about this again. "And you looked good!"
Suddenly, his mouth closes and he cocks his brow. Then his lips twitch into a suppressed smile.
He closes his eyes fully, trying to hide his amusement. "There's absolutely no way you just let that get into your head." you whisper, truly astonished at who you've chosen to be acquainted with for more than half of your life.
"Blah, blah, blah," he mutters, waving a hand dismissively before settling back into the pillow, a small smile playing on his lips. "I know I'm handsome, thank you for the reminder."
You open your mouth to retort, then close it…open it again…and close it once more, dumbfounded. Yeonjun's insufferable when it comes to anything that has to do with his face. His ego is practically impossible to pop.
But if you had to be completely honest with yourself, you don't blame him. You especially don't now as you try to ignore the fact that he's staring you down while you apply tint to his infuriatingly perfect shaped lips. You would never admit that one out loud.
Or the fact that you've thought about kissing Yeonjun a dozen times in the past. You seem to have some weird fixation on them. You would even go as far as to replace thought with imagine. Hell, you’ve been friends for ten years, it would’ve been odd if you hadn’t at least once...right?
It's normal.
("You're weird."
You snap your head around to him, frankly offended, "What?" Is there even a chance of enjoying a party with this nuisance by your side?
"Don't act dumb, you've been staring at my lips the entire night." Yeonjun tilts his head, puckering his lips, "Trying to kiss?"
You're horrified as you blink rapidly, your cheeks burning red, completely caught off guard. "N-no? How drunk are you?"
"That was a no with a question mark. We can try it out if you want." He shrugged, leaning in closer to you, of course with his lips annoyingly puckered and his eyes closed.
You're standing in the cramped kitchen of a typical frat house, the air thick with the smell of spilled beer and cheap cologne. The counters are cluttered with half-empty bottles, red solo cups, and discarded food wrappers.
Without thinking, you had grabbed the nearest drink and thrown it at him. The cold liquid had splashed across his chest, soaking his second favorite shirt. You know it's his second favorite because he's managed to pester you about it two years after this incident.)
You don’t necessarily like Yeonjun; hell no, you just absolutely appreciatively despise how well he's grown. He’s always looked cute—you distinctly remember the countless girls who handed you notes for him in elementary school or some who've befriended you in high school to try and get his number. You just never reckoned you’d be one of the girls checking him out.
As you finish applying the clear gloss to his lips, you can’t help but let your gaze linger. His eyes are closed and his lashes casting delicate shadows on his cheeks, and those lips— god damn it are they stupidly inviting.
You gulp down the irrational thoughts bubbling up, trying to focus on anything but the quickening of the beating in your chest. You’ve always been the one in control, the one who didn’t fall for his charms like everyone else. Is this a side effect of being under a dry spell for longer than a month? Being stuck in the unfavorable position of lusting over your long time best friend?
That must be it because when he flutters his eyes open, the world seems to pause. Just for a second, all that fills your thoughts is just how absolutely gorgeous he looks. It hurts.
“Done,” you whisper, your voice barely steady. "Went with the au naturelle look, per request."
“Thanks,” he replies softly, his smile warm and genuine. But then you're sitting there longer than you intend to and the silence stretches out longer than appropriate, and he snorts lightly. "What?"
You blink out of your daze, shaking your head, laughing airily. “Nothing." You clear your throat, awkward. "You just look... pretty.”
But then his reaction to that pulls you right back in your trance. For the first time, a cheeky reply doesn’t leave his lips. Instead, he’s silent and he looks…shy. That's new.
“Gorgeous,” you correct yourself, nodding. “You look pretty gorgeous.” Can you say that? You don't have a clue.
“Aren’t you just complimenting your makeup skills?” He teases, though it doesn’t nearly have the same effect as it usually does when his eyes are so doe-like, giving him a weirdly innocent look. 
You would never describe Yeonjun as a puppy, but if you had to before this, he'd be more like an annoying chihuahua. Right now, he's anything but. He looks innocent. Innocent and beautiful, like a hybrid mix of an angelic, golden retriever. "Besides, maybe not the ideal impression I want to make tonight. Does that whole pretty boy thing work with women? We're probably not that advanced into the world yet. Hey! You're a woman so you should know; do you think it's going to be a little threatening or—"
His rambling fades out by like, the first word— you think you might as well just be under a spell. Because once again, you find your gaze's zeroing in on his plump, pink lips.
Fuck... should you just go for it?
Your heart races, pounding in your ears, and every rational thought slowly slips away to go knows where, leaving behind only the burning desire to close the distance between you.
Just as you lean in, a phone dings, shattering the moment. Yeonjun’s eyes flicker towards the sound, subtly breaking the spell.
He pulls out his phone, glancing at the screen with a slight frown. “Taehyun said in the group chat that he’d pick us up.” He whispers. “Meaning I don’t have to drive or anything, yay.”
You smile in response, or try to as you try to gather your scattered thoughts.
“When’s he coming?”
“Uh, hold on. Let me ask.” You should move away, just a little further—you really, really should. Take your chance now and go to the bathroom to calm yourself down. It's the combination of Yeonjun being unfairly attractive, the fact that you haven't had sex in ages, and the proximity. If you eliminate one of those factors, you won't make the huge mistake you're so, so close to making.
But…you don’t want to. You don't want to ignore the burning desire of jumping his bones right this moment...for lack of better words.
“He hasn't even showered yet, Jesus christ.” Yeonjun snickers, looking down at his phone then back up at you. His squeaky laugh dies down pretty quickly when he notices you aren't sharing the humor, silently putting his phone face down on the bedside table. “What?” he says again. The shy expression’s back, his eyebrows tilt up and he looks like a damn kicked puppy…exactly your type.
Your eyes twitch and narrow with hesitation as you bite the inside of your cheeks; this feels wrong. You could stop it from going any further, keep your juvenile attraction from altering anything between you and Yeonjun. But when his tongue flicks out to wet his pink lips, you curse the gods for making the forbidden apple irresistibly tempting.
"Your teeth are pretty."
He furrows his brows, clearly taken aback. "That's an odd thing to—"
"I like it when you smile," you blurt out, your voice barely above a whisper.
"...Th...ank you?" He stammers, confusion mixed with curiosity in his eyes.
You take a deep breath, then out. "Yeonjun. Can I fuck you?"
He blinks. It’s silent as his eyes dart around like this is some elaborate prank, expecting a group of people to pop out with a camera in his face. You can see the visible gulp in his throat, his fingers hesitantly toying with the hem of your shorts, showing that he absolutely knew jack shit what to do with his hands. “Can you what?” He laughs nervously.
You've always imagined how it'd be like to kiss Choi Yeonjun.
And now that you’re experiencing it, all thoughts about this being a silly little thing you’ve entertained ever so rarely, hits the fan.
He feels against you like everything you imagined and more; the pillowy softness of his plump lips that feels so comfortable as they open slightly more each time it could lull you to sleep. His breathing that comes out in short gasps the harder you press yourself against him, having you dig your nails further into his face. His pitched whines drowned out by your feverish lips as you kiss him over and over again, feeling yourself get hooked by the minute.
You should stop. You should.
That’s what you plan to do when you finally pull away from the kiss, wipe your lips of any remnants of him, get off the bed and sprint the hell out of his house, then preferably find a way to blame it on female hormones or whatever. College guys never question that, do they?
But for the second time tonight, your mind draws blank and your eyes are stuck to his face, the slight smudge of the tint you applied and his heavy lidded eyes, his rising chest, the print of your nails showing up red on his cheeks…God, you’ve got absolutely no self control. “Um, do... that?” You breathe out.
You haven't entertained the idea that he might reject your advances, until now that is. And then what you've just done would probably be counted as assault. And it'd be too awkward to speak ever again and oh god, what the fuck have you done—
Your reverie's broken when Yeonjun suddenly leans in, capturing your lips in another kiss. His hands find their way to your waist, pulling you closer before he finally moves you to straddle his lap, the initial hesitation gone. The intensity of his response takes you by surprise, but you quickly melt into it, your body responding to him with an urgency that matches his own. The makeup kit gets knocked off the bed in your fervor, and neither of you care.
“Yeonjun. We—we won’t do this again right?” You ask, breathless, as you start to roll your hips slightly into him in an attempt of reliving that incessant need at your core.
“Yeah…yeah.” he sighs out, seemingly a goner when you increase even just a bit of friction.
“This is like, totally a one time thing that we’d just randomly bring up in a game of truth or dare as a fun anecdote and—and we’d be like those cool best friends with a cool little platonic relationship that’ve hooked up once. Totally normal.” you ramble, your resolve breaking as you grind against his rapidly growing boner. “Right?”
“Mm, totally.” he whines, his eyes heavy with lust. He looks completely consumed by the sensation he’s feeling and it fuels your desire for him tenfold. You kiss him again, your noses bumping against each other as you take his pretty lips in yours over and over again. You pull away slightly enough to catch your breath, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips, glistening in the dim light. Your faces are only inches apart, so close you can hear the gulp he takes, his breath warm and ragged against your skin.
"Whatever you say." he murmurs, his voice husky.
Oh. Oh.
This is totally unfair.
You brush your thumb gently across his bottom lip, savoring the way he shivers under your touch. "Whatever I say, huh?”
He nods slightly, “Yeah.”
You bite your lip before deciding to trail kisses down his jawline, your breath hot against his skin. You can feel his pulse quickening beneath your touch, the small gasp escaping his lips as you press a lingering kiss just below his ear is something you can only describe as maddening to your state. “You’re sensitive,” you note lightly before continuing your journey down his neck. 
You gulp when he decides on finally gripping your ass, taking a bit of control on your pace. He rolls his head back slightly, chuckling, “Fuck, gonna make me nut in my pants if you keep goin’ like that.”
You need to hear more of the whining, more of his cute noises and more of his pathetic display. You want to hear him beg.
“Hands off.”
Clarity washes over his eyes a little more as he falters, his hands lessening its grip, blinking perplexed. The innocent looks back almost immediately and it drives you insane. “Keep them above your head, you don’t get to touch me unless I tell you to.”
You don’t wait for a reply before immediately sinking down to nip at his neck again, soothing the spot with your tongue, and he gasps. Yeonjun whines like earlier and it’s so …primal. Actually you don’t even think he would’ve protested in the first place because he seems entirely fine like this, completely at your disposal as his moans start to pick up intensity way quicker than you anticipated. 
"Holy shit," he breathes, his voice barely a whisper. "You’re driving me crazy."
You smile against his skin, leaving one last kiss before pulling back to meet his eyes, which he visibly pouts at. You cup his cheeks. "I know. But don’t get too excited just yet.”
He lightly scoffs, “Way to stroke your ego.”
“Learned from the best.” you retort, your hands moving quickly to unbuckle his jeans.
His breath hitches as he watches you. “Are we really going... all the way?”
You pause, raising a brow, searching his eyes for any hesitation. “...Do you not want to?”
“Condoms in second drawer.”
—2 hours and 1 minute ago …[7:20 PM]
“P-please...please. Please. Move. Just a little." he hiccups the last plea, his tear stained face buried in your neck. "You're s-so fucking cruel," he says, his voice muffled.
"Sorry, I kinda like it when you're crying."
His breath shudders against your skin; you can feel his desperation, his need, and it sends a thrilling rush through you. You gently pull back, just enough to see his face, his eyes wet with unshed tears, his lips parted in a silent plea.
Slowly, deliberately, you let your hands trace the lines of his body, feeling the tension and desire coiled tightly beneath his skin. You press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, savoring the soft gasp that escapes him. "My jjunie's such a good boy," you drawl.
He trembles under your touch, his hands gripping you tighter, silently begging for more. You move your hips up slightly, just enough to elicit a strangled moan from him, the sound raw and needy.
"Do you like it when I make you cry?" you murmur against his ear, your voice a sultry whisper.
He nods frantically, unable to form words, his breath hot and ragged. The sight of him so vulnerable, so utterly at your mercy, ignites a fierce desire within you. You bite your lip, relishing the power you hold over him, the way his body responds to your every touch, every whisper.
"Are you usually like this?" you suddenly muster to ask, finding too much enjoyment playing with this poor boy.
He only whines as a response and you laugh, increasing your pace on his cock as you go up and down. "Y'know...so pliable."
Yeonjun bites back a sob of pain, feeling like he's going to die from the power he’s exerting to hold back. He grips onto the sheets, his fingers turning white from the strain. "Aw, look at you, poor baby. Am I going too slow?"
He nods again, more vigorously this time, drool seeping out the edge of his lips as his mouth hangs open, thinking you're going to spare him just a bit.
If you're going to do this once with him, you'd rather do anything but.
His face falls when you suddenly stop, his eyes blown wide, hair a disheveled mess; he looks absolutely debauched. This time more closely resembling a fallen angel. "Fuck me on your own if I'm so bad at this."
"I didn't- you're not bad at-" even when he tries to respond, he doesn't hesitate to try and switch positions, but you immediately put a stop to it, pressing him back down firmly. "No. I'll still be on top."
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, eyes wide. "Then... how?"
You shrug, a teasing smirk playing on your lips. "Figure it out."
You gasp when he starts massaging your breasts, not expecting the sudden touch. "You're the worst," he moans against your tit once he engulfs your nipple in his mouth, suckling rather roughly while simultaneously raising his hips off the bed, struggling to slam his cock in a fitting pace.
His bangs fall over his eyes, and his lips are swollenly red from how hard he's bitten them. You would label his determination adorable if it wasn't for the fact that you currently had him stretching your pussy out.
"Yeah— but probably the best fuck you've had in a while." you manage to grit out.
"You humor yourself."
You can't take him too seriously when his words are so slurred and barely coherent with how eager he is to bury himself between your tits and lather them with his spit.
"You're such a dog," you purr, "C'mon, don't give up on me doggy. I can tell you're just desperate to let it all out."
He groans, sucking harder as he starts up again, frantically fucking up into you. You can tell hes already a goner when his eyes start to roll to the back of his head, the moans of your name short and incessant.
"Don't get dumb on me already."
He whispers sorry's over and over again, nodding his head.
"Fuck--f-fuck, why're you doing this to me?” his breath hitches, whining like a baby. What you're completely unaware of as you get lost in your pleasure— the last thing Choi Yeonjun wants is to get out of this looking like a desperate bitch. Especially to you.
But he simply can't help it.
Hes' never been under these circumstance. Hes never sounded like this for any girl, hes never let himself get this vulnerable. And for it to be during sex? It's the closest thing to a nightmare.
But he can't dwell on those thoughts when you lean over to his ear, showering him with praises on how pretty he looks and oh how well he's doing. That he's just getting you so fucking close.
When you pull away again, the only thing that's on his mind is just how...pretty you look.
“B-bet you tell other guys that all the time,” his smirk twitches at that, getting himself worked up.
You tilt your head. “Calling them pretty?” you implore, rolling his nipples between your fingers just to elicit that perfect reaction from him; he gives you just as much, half gasping half moaning against his better will, “A few, yeah” you tease.
That doesn't seem to be the right thing to say because his face immediately falls and your intention of having light banter goes to the back burner as you slightly panic, feeling bad and kissing him in attempt of making it up to him non verbally. But that doesn't do the job because the moment you pull away, he's still frowning.
You sigh, rubbing your thumb on his cheek affectionately, "But you're the one I'm most honest about."
He doesn't hesitate to lean into the familiar touch, and you can't help but coo at how cute he's acting. "You mean that?"
You press your forehead to his, your breath mingling with his, and nod. "Mhm, the prettiest."
That does it.
Slowly, he starts to thrust upward, trying to match the rhythm he had previously set. You can feel his desperation, his need to please you, and it sends a thrill through your body.
"That's it," you purr, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Show me how badly you want it baby."
He groans, the new angle allowing him to hit deeper inside you with each thrust. His hands find their way to your hips, guiding you to move with him. You can feel the tension in his body, every muscle working to bring you both closer to the edge. You purposefully clench around his swollen cock and he buries his head against you again. You let him as you thread through his hair.
"You feel so good, you smell so good, you—" he breathes, his voice trembling with the effort. "Please, let me—fuck, cum please—c-can't hold it any longer."
You press your lips to his neck, sucking lightly as you murmur, "Not yet, baby. I want to feel you beg for it."
His thrusts become more frantic under you, the sound of skin slapping against skin being proof, his breath coming out hot and ragged against your skin. "Please," he begs sweetly, his voice a desperate whisper. "I need it so bad. Please, let me cum. I'll do anything."
Your own desire reaches a fever pitch as you watch him unravel beneath you. "Anything?" you tease.
"Anything," he repeats, his eyes locking onto yours, filled with a mixture of desperation and adoration.
With a wicked smile, you finally relent, moving your hips in sync with his thrusts, the friction building to an unbearable intensity. "Cum for me," you command, your voice low and sultry. "Now."
His body tenses, a guttural moan escaping his lips as he finally lets go, the release hitting him with shuddering force. The sight of him coming undone beneath you pushes you over the edge, your own climax ripping through you, leaving you both breathless and trembling.
"Holy shit."
You chuckle, collapsing to his side, both of you now staring at the ceiling. But slowly, the realization starts to set in.
You just...had sex with Choi Yeonjun. Whatever bliss you were stuck in, dissipates as nut clarity takes over. You just fucked your best friend. And even worse, you dirty talked. Suddenly, you feel shame and embarrassment course through your bloodstream, making your cheeks burn and your stomach twist.
"D-did you... like, cum?"
You avoid eye contact, preferring the staring contest you're having with his stupid ceiling as you wrap your naked body with his sheets. "Yep."
An awkward silence hangs between you, the air thick with unspoken emotions. You can feel his eyes on you, searching for something, but you keep your gaze fixed on the ceiling, counting the imperfections in the paint.
"Splendid," he finally says, the word hanging in the air.
You burst out in a fit of giggles, unable to hold it back. The look of disbelief on your face is mirrored by the amusement in his eyes. "Splendid? Really?" you manage to say between giggles, your body shaking with laughter.
He blushes, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "What? I use big words when I'm nervous."
"Splendid's a big word to you?"
"Okay, low blow."
"Man, just pass me my clothes," you laugh, shifting to sit up on the bed. The blanket is draped over your chest, and you look at him expectantly as he fetches the ones that got on the floor.
He watches you, a slight smile playing on his lips, but confusion clouds your eyes. What's he expecting? "Turn around."
He looks even more puzzled as he says, "But we just had sex. Like penis in vagina sex. I saw it all."
"Yeah, and never again, Yeonjun," you retort, still giggling as you reach out for your clothes. "Just turn around."
He rolls his eyes but obliges. "Fine, fine. I’m turning around."
You quickly gather your clothes, slipping into them while keeping an eye on his back. "Damn, so that really was just a one-time thing."
"Mhm," you hum, then get off his bed fully dressed to go to his bathroom and at least make your hair look presentable. As you run a brush through your hair, you glance at your reflection, shaking your head at the state you're currently in.
Meanwhile, Yeonjun is still in bed, naked and absolutely spent, watching you as you step out of the bathroom, heading to his closet to fetch him some pants since ...there's a big wet spot on the ones he was going to wear to the party. As you rummage through the closet, something catches your eye, and you pull out a pair of familiar bunny ears.
Your bunny ears from high school.
You come out of the closet, holding the ears up with a look of surprise. "You still have this?"
Yeonjun glances over, his eyes widening in recognition before he breaks into a sheepish grin. "Oh, those. Yeah, I found them a while back and couldn't bring myself to throw them away."
You break into a grin, walking over to the bed, playfully placing the bunny ears on his head. "You look ridiculous," you laugh, pulling out your phone to take pictures of him.
He groans but doesn’t stop you, knowing it's futile. "Great, now you're going to have blackmail material for life."
You snap a few photos, giggling at how silly he looks. "Oh, absolutely. These are going to come in handy."
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly as the ears flop around. "Just promise you won't show them to anyone. My reputation can't handle it."
You laugh, tucking your phone back into your pocket. "Don't worry, these are just for me."
You and Yeonjun are just fine. Was it a little awkward the first few seconds? Sure. But there's absolutely nothing in the world that can get in the between of you two.
—present …[9:24 PM]
Noticing how much more comfortable he seems now, everything else fades into background noise— he’s almost right back to his usual self. Something about that bothers you as you take a big gulp of your drink, feeling the burn as it slides down your throat. Suddenly, you stand up, blinking away the dizziness. “I need to sober up. Hyejoon, come with me to the bathroom.”
“Huh? Oh, okay.”
It’s a hassle to find the bathroom, but when you do, you quickly lock the door behind you and your friend. You rush to the mirror, staring at your reflection before turning on the water to wash your face.
What’s wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you? It must be the alcohol.
“You feeling alright?” she whispers, her brows furrowing in concern.
You splash your face with freezing water over and over again, trying to snap out of it. The one question that plagues your thoughts over and over again feels dooming; did you make a mistake?
“Hey,” she pulls you back to face her. “Are you okay?”
You stare at her in silence for a bit until you end up cracking a firm smile, “Yeah, just needed to get my head out of the gutter.”
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running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
Drunken Stupor
A/N: this is based off of that drunken yan gangster idea that I couldn't get out of my head. I might rewrite it or do it differently but this is 4 u my 1 gangster lovin' anon for now!
OG Yandere Gangster Drabble (nsft) w/ da Yan Gangster Ramble
TW: kidnapping, drunken yandere, noncon kissing (no nsft), threats, toxic behavior, 
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Puzzles, accompanied by whatever news channel you could get through. Paint-by-number pictures, and shitty DVD’s from another time. Horribly thin sheets and an aching back--- you were completely, utterly, and seemingly irrevocably, isolated. The tight handcuffs around your feet only allowed you to hop around the house, barely making it to the front door before you tripped over the rug and nosedived into the cold, black floor. 
How long has it been? When was the last time you felt the spring wind on your face? You weren’t even allowed to open the windows, out of your captors fear of you screaming for help, even with him right next to you. He gave you countless things to keep yourself entertained, whether they be knitting grandma-like sweaters or taking up a different artistic hobby, anything that could keep you in one spot for long without the need to move or the option to hurt yourself. 
You were tempted to scream, to throw your half-finished puzzle at the wall and destroy the nice room set up for you that once belonged to the lone bachelor-- who, was much later than usual tonight. Your throat was too sore to keep up with the screaming however, and you pushed it to the back of your mind to try again tomorrow. If he came home all of a sudden and found you screaming at the ripe hour of 11 PM, he might do more than just threaten with one of his switchblades. 
You hated being around the bastard, feeling so terrified and weak like maybe today would finally be your last-- but at this point, you were going insane being by yourself for so long. Even a nice screaming match with him until your voice finally left you would more desirable than watching another 80s thriller that would haunt your dreams, alone. For someone who wasn’t home very often, he certainly had an extensive collection of old gangster movies, romcoms too even. But you couldn’t put Sixteen Candles on again without wanting to rip your eyes out-- not even one of his five million copies of The Godfather. Who needs that many copies of the same movie?
Your exhausted, beaten-down brain jolted at the sound of someone jerking at the door handle. The door practically thumped with the lock against the wall, dust raining as it was violently ripped back and forth. But then came the familiar jangle of an overloaded key ring, one you had heard most nights for what you can only assume has been the past month. 
Finally, your spiked anxiety crashed when you saw those familiar, much-too-shiny-for-a-gangster-to-be-wearing black leather shoes thump inside. You peaked your head out from your sitting position near the opened bedroom door, trying to get a glimpse without getting up and alerting him of your presence. It was inevitable for him to come to you, his kidnapee, but you tried to postpone the smothering for as long as possible. Maybe now was the time to chuck that puzzle. 
“You reallyyy gotta hold *hic* on mee…”
Mismatched footsteps trudged, stopping first to hit the corner of what you could only assume was the livingroom loveseat.
“Move outa ma way, couch! ..Even though you… treeat me *hic* badlyy..”
You heard the raking of fingernails on the couch cushions, the clink of a bottle rolling on the ground back and forth. You didn’t dare look back through the door crack. Maybe you should shut it? Lord knows what that would cause him to do, though. 
“You still gotts’a hold on me…” 
The sing-songy voice came closer, belonging to the madman you dreaded the return of. Within the crack of the door you saw a dark silhouette, the TV casting a face-shadowing glow that made you just an inch more terrified. 
“Hey, baby…” He hiccuped. 
“Well that’s new,” You started, looking away from him back to your puzzle. “When did I become your ‘baby’?” 
He moaned thoughtfully, thinking about your rhetorical question. “After you kidnapped me, I suppose?”
Maybe it was wrong to poke the beast, especially because he smelled like dirty whiskey and had three buttons too loose on his dress shirt, showing a deep scar betwixt his faint chest hair. A vulnerable image he’d never let you witness soberly. 
“Hrmmm….” He pushed his entire weight on the door, letting it creak open as he looked at you with a smile. 
“I dunno…maybe.” He laughed a little, giving a small snort like a schoolboy hearing his first nasty joke. 
You rolled your eyes. Damn, as if you weren’t on edge before, now you were going to have to deal with the equivalent of a murderous toddler who’s been threatening to hurt you ever since you were first brought here. Drunken fools were best left at the bar. 
But your icy demeanor didn’t sway his unsettingly good mood, the gangster opening the door all the way to flop onto your (unwillingly) shared bed. He dug his face into the sheets that smelled like you, looking at the back of your head that was pressed against the edge of the mattress.
“Was thinkin’ bout’cha…” He murmurs, tugging at a strand of your hair from behind. “Couldn’t stop talkin’ to the boys, ‘bout how pretty you are..” 
The short yanks at your hair to get your attention were becoming annoying, though you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of glaring face-to-face. 
“Told em’ how nice you look when yer sleepin’, when ya brush ya teeth, sayin’ that they’re not allowed to have ya....”
You hummed in response, trying to bend away to get closer to your puzzle. But you could sense the bubbling in your stomach, could feel that something was coming. Whether it’d be a bunch of slobbered kisses or your early demise, you couldn’t tell. 
“Oh really?” You asked, knowing he’d been adamant on not saying a word or letting make a peep about your existence in his gang-funded condo. 
“Yah, I did. Don’t believe me? Said i’d cut their fingers off, like boss does when some’n fucks up. I’d slam into em, make em watch while I...” 
He went quiet, and you thanked whatever made him. Whatever he said, you didn’t want to know; you’d already had enough of an unwilling look into his violent thoughts. 
“Well, doesn’t matter now, right... ‘cause now I gots’ya here. Mmph,” You hear him kick his shoes off, his face coming up to bury in your hair. “Smellin’ so good, lookin’ so nice fr’ me… wanting you so bad.” 
The sound of him inhaling you, his nose pressed to your neck as he shimmies his head deeper against you like a cat is uncomfortably warm. You feel two hands creep up, looking for your shoulders to push you back and make you more accessible. 
The gangster wasn’t normally so affectionate, so quiet and simple when he spoke. You were waiting for it to be replaced by his normal, angrily resentful behavior, the type that’d pull you by the hair to kiss you, that’d rant about the idiots he’d had to deal with for the day at you. But maybe, just maybe, you were in the clear for now?
“You’re acting weird,” You try to jerk away. “I’m not in the mood to entertain you, okay? Just, let me do my puzzle in peace. Go take a shower or something.”
He’s quick to respond, wrapping veiny arms around your shoulders and dangerously close to your neck. 
“Nuh huh, not unless yer comin’ with me, wanna show how much I loove you,” His head pops up closer to yours, the stressed crinkles under his eyes making him look older. “Cuz’ baby, you reallyy gotta hold on mee..” 
“Stop stop stop.” You couldn’t take the second-hand embarassment of listening him to try to sing again, horribly off key and far too confident in each drawn out word. “What do I have to do to stop you from singing again?”
“I can’t hold it in though. Love’s too strong for you, love.” His disheveled hair, once slicked back in an oily black, now strewn about across his forehead as it nearly covers his eyebrows. He presses his forehead towards you. “Lemme kiss. Told the boys you give the best kisses, lemme prove it..”
“Prove what-- they’re not even here!” You try to go under his arm-barricade, only to be stopped as he practically puts his full weight forward, dragging him with you each time you move. 
“Lovin’ you for so long, jusst a kiss, just one kith..” He reaches for your cheek with his lips, ignoring how you whip your head around in retaliation.
“No, no! You stink like a bar and ciggarettes, get off me.”
He grunts in frustration, biting down on his lower lip as his dark, full eyebrows furrow together. 
“Let me kiss or i’ll.. I’ll gut you like a fish, my lovely..” 
You stopped at that, looking out of the corner of your eye to his pink-tinted cheeks and strong neck that sweated at the sight of you. 
He puts a ringed knuckle to your cheek, huffing as his eyes go half-lidded. His suit was all wrinkled from rolling around on the bed, dirty with the day’s work and bar-stench as he forced you back against the end of the mattress. 
“C’mon, don’t make me say stuff like that just for a kiss…” He whined, scooting closer. “Maybe I’ll start singing again, y’knoww, if y’don’t come close.” 
“Please just… don’t hurt me.” You mumbled, trying to avoid that blank, dark look he often held that came crawling back a moment ago. You didn’t want that sober side right now; this was somehow easier to handle, even if it meant losing your dignity. 
“Don’t wanna, never will,” He hums, staring unbothered at your lips, as if he wasn’t holding you tight enough to suffocate. “S’just kiss me, need it bad..” 
You looked around, as if there was anyone else looking, trying to avoid the task that made you shiver inside. 
But you didn’t get a chance to reject the drunken gangster again, his wet lips coming against the side of your face. He poked the tip of his tongue out, flicking against your lip before going tongue-first into your surprised mouth. 
Anytime he had tried to kiss you, to do anything overtly intimate, the most he released was the silent huffs of a man too wrapped up in himself to let you hear anything of pleasure. But now, you witnessed the lewd shlops of his lips against yours, the neediness of the back of his throat, groaning to be deeper inside of you. 
One of his heavy hands cradled the back of your head, his stupor not caring (or rather, not noticing) how little you moved, how you seemed to be backing into his large palm that massaged your hair. 
“Loved’ya forever, so happy you were so stupid…” He mumbles between licks to the corner of your lip, diving back into the sticky warmth of you. “What kinda… mph, idiot, doesn’t..hugh, report to the police..?” 
With his arm once wrapped around you, the gangster takes your limp wrist to his collar, bringing it to hold his loose tie. He makes you drag him closer, guiding your slow and frowning lips in his one-sided makeout session. 
“Not’ma fault, making your life so much better now.. N’now, you’re mine.” He grins, a stupid little grin from the alcohol and delusion swarming his head as he consumes you, fingers coming to fiddle with your cotton T-shirt as he draws lines down your chest. “My sweet sunshine, all mine, forever n’ ever.” 
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userlando · 1 year
sweetener — oscar piastri
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oscar piastri x fem!reader [4.2k] summary: you'd shown him a picture of a couple on a date, painting. it was an offhand comment from you, something along the lines of ‘I’d love to do that’ that oscar had apparently stored away in his mind. warnings: 18+ explicit smut & language, semi-public sex, cunnilingus. a/n: hellooo my loves, this was completely inspired by the mclaren painting video and I just couldn't resist writing it. it was time that oscar made his debut on my blog so hope you enjoy this. as always, don't be a ghost reader bc i'd love to hear your thoughts!! happy reading xx
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Your boyfriend was a closeted romantic but not many people believed it. He was sarcastic, funny and way more intelligent than people gave him credit for and your friends had warned you of lovebombing when you first started dating.
They couldn’t believe that a man his age could be so sweet, doting on you from the start and planning your dates whereas, in the past, you’d handle everything, secretly wishing that the men on Tinder could - for once - plan nice dates that didn’t involve a couch, a movie and minimal dry conversation that lead nowhere.
It was on your fourth date, when Oscar had taken you for a fun night of mini golf that you realised that you’d quite literally struck gold. And when he’d wrapped his arms around you to help you put and kissed your cheek, you knew you were screwed.
Summer break had just begun but you were still swamped with work, sitting in online meetings until your back turned sore and Oscar kept his distance out of respect for exactly two days before he grew bored and restless. He had your full attention during nights, where you’d go for late night drives to get your usual soggy fries and milkshakes, but he saw how you were growing more and more agitated from work and he couldn’t have that.
It was a bit tricky to set up a picnic basket, packing everything up neatly for a drive out to a meadow he’d come across a few months ago. It was something he’d randomly planned - and scrolled through Pinterest for, and the look on your face was worth all the trouble and then some.
You’d cupped his face in your hands and pressed smacking kisses to his face in thanks, squealing in barely contained excitement as you skipped into your room to change out of your sweats. And when you’d emerged… Oscar had half a mind to throw the plans to the wind, restraining his urge to grab you by the hips and guide you back into the bedroom.
He couldn’t stop staring as you walked in front of him, watching the way your legs moved as you took large and calculated steps over the tall grass. You were surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery, but his eyes were focused on you and the flowy dress you wore. The hem of it was kissing the tops of your thighs, beautiful and flattering on you but then again, everything you wore was. It must’ve been new, because Oscar would have definitely remembered a dress like that.
You turned your head to shoot him a smile over your shoulder that was brighter than the sun above and Oscar stumbled a little, causing you to giggle as you stuck your hand back for him to grab. The warmth of your palm made him squeeze it in his grasp, taking a few big strides to fall into step with you.
“This is beautiful.” You mused, voice laced with wonder and he was nodding, even though his eyes were trained on you.
“Yeah.” He murmured, sounding faraway and you shot him an amused glance that Oscar absolutely loved.
The furrowed brows and teasing tilt of his lips would be the death of him. He glanced up, scanning his eyes for a good place to spread out the blanket and he made a pleased sound in his throat when he spotted a hidden spot beneath a gigantic tree. It had plenty of shade and he thanked his lucky stars because he’d forgotten sunscreen and the sun was brutal today. He’d hate to see you get sunburnt. Although he never did mind rubbing you down with aloe.
Oscar cleared his throat when his mind started wandering, ridding himself of his thoughts as he steered the both of you to the spot under the tree. You followed him, humming a song quietly and he couldn’t help but smile at the serenity of it all.
You took a few moments to spread out the blanket, toeing off your shoes and settling down with a sigh. Oscar popped open the lid of the basket and reached inside for the bottle of Orangina and champagne.
“Ah, fuck.” He swore as he peered down into the basket, making you frown in concern.
“What?” You scooted closer, craning your neck to see what he was looking at.
“I forgot the glasses.” He looked up at you, giving you an apologetic smile that you were quick to wave off. “Sorry, love.”
“That’s fine.” You made grabby hands at the bottle, watching him pass it over with a laugh. “We’ll just have to share.”
You unscrewed the cork and took a sip of the cold juice while Oscar started unpacking the vast array of food. He’d really gone all out, picking out your favourite pastries and fruits and something about that made you very emotional. Oscar glanced up at you, stopping his movements when he noticed the shine in your eyes and your wobbly lip.
“Baby.” His voice made you look up, and he laughed when you smiled tearfully at him, like you were trying to reassure him that your tears were out of joy rather than sadness. Oscar cupped your cheek and pulled you forward for a kiss. “Why have you gone all teary on me?”
You gave a heavy sigh that made Oscar’s heart clench painfully in adoration. “It’s just… You’re so sweet to me. I love this. I love you.”
Oscar watched you scoot closer, pressing his face into your hair when you cuddled into his side. You smelled like flowers and he couldn’t resist burying his nose in your hair because that scent was absolutely intoxicating. It was everywhere at home. On the pillows, towels and blankets and it always pulled the same reaction from him.
Sometimes you’d pack his suitcases for him, not because he asked or demanded you, but because your heart was just that kind and you’d spritz your perfume on his clothes because you knew that he secretly loved that. And he did. Nothing made him feel more homesick and loved than when he flipped the lid of his suitcase open and was hit with your scent.
“I guess you’re gonna love me even more.” He said and that prompted you to look up, pulling away from his embrace slightly. The curious tilt of your eyebrows made him smile. “Here.”
He handed you the small container of washed and fresh strawberries before turning to his bag to rifle through it. You gave a laugh of surprise when you realised what he was pulling out, eyeing the paintbrushes and tubes of colours.
You couldn’t believe that he remembered. The one time you’d tilted your phone towards him when you were sat on the sofa, showing him a picture of a random couple painting during a date. It was an offhand comment from you, something along the lines of ‘I’d love to do that’ that Oscar had apparently stored away in his mind.
“I suck at painting.” He said and it made you laugh. “But I thought this could be fun.”
“Oscar!” You didn’t even know what to say, staring wide eyed and speechless at the things sitting between you before moving your eyes up to him.
His cheeks went pink, bashful smile stretching his lips and you got up on your knees to smack a kiss to his mouth that he laughed into.
“We’re going to outshine Monet.” You said determinedly, sitting back down and grabbing your canvas.
The evening went on as the both of you painted, not very well but it was fun and prompted several fits of laughter from the both of you as you took occasional peeks at your paintings.
One too many gulps of fizzy champagne later and sandwiches eaten, the both of you found yourselves almost done with your pieces. You were sitting cross legged, face pinched in concentration and Oscar couldn’t help but sneak a picture on his phone; finding the sight of you all too endearing. You had a little paint on your cheek that you weren’t aware of, lips slightly pursed and Oscar couldn’t for the life of him stop staring at your exposed thighs. Your dress had ridden up, giving him an amazing view of your legs and he had to physically flex his fingers to keep from grabbing at them.
He cleared his throat and looked away, glancing up at the sky squinting. The sun had found its way behind some very dark clouds and he silently cursed the weather app for giving him false information because it looked like it was definitely going to rain.
“I think it’s gonna rain.” He said, absentmindedly voicing his thoughts out loud and you looked at him before glancing up at the sky.
You scrunched your nose before your face transformed into a smile that made your boyfriend’s heart skip. He squirmed.
“That’s okay.” You said slowly and put down your brush. “Because I... Am done.”
“Let’s see it then.” He grinned at the way you grabbed both sides of your canvas, revealing the other side slowly.
The splash of colour was pretty and it wasn’t hard to make out what it was supposed to be. A beach with a colourful sky consisting of pink, orange and even subtle red. Oscar nodded his head, visibly impressed and you smiled.
“That’s gorgeous, I don’t even wanna show mine now.” He said and you frowned.
“But I wanna see it.” You said, pushing yourself up a little to strain your neck.
But Oscar was quick to hide his canvas close to his chest which made you pout.
“No, it’s hideous.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“Oscar!” You whined and it almost made him cave.
You realised fairly quickly that he wasn’t going to concede, so you put your canvas down and crawled on all fours over to his side of the blanket. He leaned back, smiling at your giggles until you were on top of him; The awkward angle sending you both into a fit of laughter.
“Is that a duck?” Your voice went high with laughter and Oscar sucked his cheeks into his mouth when you grabbed his canvas and took a look at it. “It’s so cute!”
“It’s —“
“It even has lashes!” You squinted your eyes at it and Oscar frowned.
“That’s eyebrows.” He said and you looked up at him, an apologetic smile playing on your lips.
“Oh.” You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth in a poor attempt to hide your laughter, but Oscar raised his eyebrows in mock insult and it made it harder. “Sorry.”
He wanted to open his mouth and feign insult, but the way you were chewing on your lip made it very hard to concentrate and he found himself getting distracted easier than he’d like to admit. The shine your saliva left had him craning his neck to catch your lips in a kiss, revelling in your surprised moan that you breathed into his mouth.
You tasted of fizzy champagne and sweet fruits, Oscar licking into your mouth and it made you squirm in his lap. He kissed you until you were out of breath, grabbing your sides and rolling the both of you around until he was straddling you. The squeal that left your lips made you both laugh and it didn’t stop when he struggled to get his canvas out from between your chests to throw it to the side. You blinked up at him slowly, and it was like he was stuck in a trance.
The first drop on your forehead was almost comical, and you thought that maybe he’d accidentally drooled on you for a second. But Oscar glanced up with a frown, just in time for the skies to open up and begin drizzling. Luckily, you found yourselves under the tree and that’s what made it so easy to dismiss the rain, grabbing the collar of Oscar’s shirt to redirect his gaze back to you.
“We’re gonna get si—“ He was interrupted by your lips, a small mmpfh being punched out of his chest and you were quick to swallow the noise, kissing him until the pink in his cheeks deepened to a pretty shade of red and his lips were kissed raw.
You loved the way he looked after a make out, with the dark eyes and the smatter of colour on his cheeks. It drove you further to mess his hair up and have him grinding down into you.
He wasn’t doing it yet, hips carefully held above you so he wouldn’t crush you with his weight but you wanted it. Craved it, even.
The rush of water coming down from the sky turned the air damp, clamming your already heated skin up and making it sticky. You let your thighs fall open in an obvious invitation, one that Oscar was too happy to accept when he slotted his hips against yours; Successfully pressing your crotches together. The weight of him was delicious, sparking something hot in your body that had you wrapping your legs around him to keep him close. You felt your foot knock something over, but you were too preoccupied with the way his lips were wandering to actually care.
He kissed wetly down your jaw, sucking insistently on your sensitive skin under your earlobe. You keened, hips jumping up into his in an attempt to grind your centre against him and Oscar quickly met you halfway, the hard bulge of him setting fireworks off in your chest.
“Oscar, please.” You gasped when he bit your throat. He hummed in acknowledgement, low and breathless. “Need more.”
He detached his lips from your neck, glancing around as if he was keeping an eye out for someone and you took that moment to take in his face. The pout of his lips and the width of his neck that you were dying to mark up with your mouth. The sight of it always did things to you, so much so that there had been several occasions where you went a little overboard and sent him on his way to the paddock with a bruised up neck and a blush dancing on his cheeks. He never really protested though, so you didn’t stop.
“Out here?” He asked, looking down at you and you nodded shyly. “Really?”
You turned your head to stare off into the distance, thinking that there was no way anyone was frolicking anywhere near you in this weather. And if there were people around, it was almost impassible to spot the two of you with the way the rain was coming down incredibly heavy. It was hard to see past a few metres and the grass was high enough to hide you both from any prying eyes.
In the meantime your thoughts had calculated the very low risk of being caught, Oscar had begun his ascent up your thighs with his hands, pulling the hem of your dress up in the process. His eyes were fastened on you, wanting to catch every micro expression on your face the higher he went up.
Your mouth opened in a quiet exhale when his hands touched your clothed pussy, thighs trembling when his finger ran over the nub of your clit. Oscar’s heart was beating fast, emotion and adoration gripping his heart in a vice when you looked up at him through your lashes.
You hadn’t dated for that long, but he’d memorised every single expression on your face, along with their meaning. He prided himself in how well he could read you, and he felt just a little smug whenever you brought it up. There was always a bit of wonder in your eyes and surprise in your voice when he said something that you didn’t expect him to remember. Like you never had anyone in your life to pay close attention to you, or even care to and it made him sad because how could they not?
You had somehow managed to become his entire world in the span of a few months and he intended to keep you happier than the average person.
That’s why he didn’t wait to pull your panties to the side when you whispered a small plea, sounding a lot like please, fully zoned in on making you feel as good as possible.
“Oh, shit.” You swore and Oscar hid a smile by hanging his head to stare between your legs instead.
You never swore in daily conversation, but boy, did you turn into a sailor when he was between your thighs.
“My pretty girl.” He complimented you, voice quiet but loud enough to overpower the sound of the downpour.
You smiled shakily, lip wobbling in pure pleasure when he swiped his fingers between your slick folds to wet them. Oscar circled your clit a few times, pulling some moans from your lips and he kept his eyes on your shiny bottom lip as he located your hole and pushed a finger inside.
He groaned around an exhale at the tightness of you, your warmth enveloping his fingers beautifully as he tested the waters. He must’ve deemed you ready for a second digit, sliding it inside alongside the first and watching you squirm atop the blanket.
“God, your fingers.” You bit your lip when his thumb joined in, rubbing your clit just the way he knew you liked it. “Like magic.”
It took everything in your boyfriend not to smile proudly and puff his chest out. It always made him preen when you complimented him while you were lost in the moment, and he knew that a big part of him needed and wanted your validation.
Oscar listened to your whines and moans, bending his head down to press small and fleeting kisses to your clammy skin. Your chest was heaving as he kissed you between your breasts, feeling his own breathing go heavy when you arched your back and stuck your chest out. Like you wanted him to touch you there. And really, who was he to say no when you begged so prettily?
The neckline of your dress was thankfully very stretchy, allowing your boyfriend to pull the material down enough to expose your chest to his eyes. You weren't wearing a bra, something he’d noticed on the car ride over here when the AC had been blasting cold air and tightened your nipples. He hadn’t said anything then but his cock had stirred in interest at the sight.
He moaned almost depravingly when he got his mouth around your nipple, licking and sucking on it until your walls were clenching around his moving fingers. He gave the other the same treatment before deciding that he’d waited enough, moving down your body while his other unoccupied hand bunched up the fabric of your dress over your stomach.
You were dripping wet, slick sliding down his hands and presumably messing up the blanket underneath you and Oscar had to bring a hand down to squeeze around his cock. The sight of you under him with your legs bent and wide open was something he’d take a mental photo of, storing it away in his mind for his loneliest nights.
“Fuck,” he swore, shuffling further down so he was face to face with where you needed him the most. He gave you a sucking kiss on the inside of your thigh and you whined. “You smell so good, baby.”
That had you squirming self-consciously, bringing your hands up to hide your face. Your mouth opened against the palm of your hand when you felt his tongue swipe between his fingers messily, like he was tasting you and you bit down on your hand to stop the inevitable moan from tumbling out.
“Oscar.” You pleaded with him and the next swipe came almost immediately, like he didn’t want to keep you waiting.
Oscar was as talented as they came, when it came to his hands and how to use them. The way the both of you had learned each other’s bodies was admirable, and Oscar had really learnt it well. He knew what made you tick, what made you throw your head back and scream out blasphemous words that had him smirking.
It wasn’t a surprise, really, when he took you to newer highs in record speed. With the aid of his fingers and mouth, he managed to pull out your first orgasm that sent your head spinning right into the gutter. Your thighs closed around his head, turning your head to the sky as you cried out your climax.
Oscar withdrew his fingers from the tight grip of your pussy, but he didn’t stop licking gently as you slowly came down from your high. He kept his eyes on you, enjoying the tremble in your legs around him and the occasional hitch in your breath.
He couldn’t see your face, it being turned to the sky still, but he watched your throat bob before finally looking down at him with a dazed look on your face. Your body jerked when he tongued across your clit, hand shooting down to his hair to grip it loosely.
“That was…” You trailed off, still out of breath and tongue thick in your mouth but Oscar grinned like you’d handed him the stars and moon.
“Another one?” He asked, almost hopefully and you gave him a look of slight disbelief.
You laughed with a nod, trying not to flush warmth when he tilted his head back to wipe at his wet mouth with the back of his hand. He looked so casual, but the sight of it made your entire being turn fire hot. Even more so when he pressed a few absentminded kisses to your thighs before going right back in, working you with his tongue until the initial sensitivity faded off to the background and brought forth a second wave of pleasure.
Oscar’s jaw was starting to ache, but you were grasping at his hair and scratching his scalp so pleasantly that he couldn’t even bring himself to care. He needed you to come again, needed to taste more of you because he couldn’t have enough. So, he upped the ante and focused on your clit, laving his tongue over it and pursing his lips to suck it into his mouth.
He was almost disappointed when your moans started turning high pitched, thighs clenching tightly around his head because he wanted it to go on for longer. But he couldn’t be too sad about it when you sounded the way you did, so breathless and lost to the world.
There was no doubt that anyone could’ve heard you if it weren’t for the rain, the way you were moaning and cursing. It made Oscar smug, but also so fucking hard that he had to reach his hand down to fish himself out of his pants, almost moaning into your pussy when his hand closed around his length.
It really wouldn’t take long for him to come, already feeling sensitive to his touch as he jacked himself off.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You cussed suddenly in one drawn out breath, hips arching up into his mouth as you groaned out your second orgasm.
The hitches in your breaths as the orgasm rolled through you made Oscar squeeze himself and it was when you pushed his head off of you with your hand that he hurriedly sat up, getting so dizzy from the sudden movement that he almost went teetering to the side. You hadn’t realised that he was taking care of himself until you caught sight of his hand, peering at him through hooded eyelids as he groaned low in his throat and aimed between your legs, coming with a jump of his hips.
It made you clench around nothing. The sight of him throwing his head back, hair damp and floppy as he sucked air into his lungs. He gave off a full body shiver, sitting back on his heels with a deep sigh.
“That was new.” You said around a smile, making him look down at you. His cheeks went pink, smile a little shy and you grabbed his arm to pull him down so you could kiss his smiling mouth.
“I hope that was okay.” He whispered against your lips and you gave him a slow nod.
“More than okay.” You glanced down between you two, pulling a slight grimace at your soiled underwear. “Need to get those off though.”
Oscar laughed and sat up, reaching for tissues while you did your best to pull your panties down your legs. You let them drop to the side, cheeks warm at the sight of both your spend on the wet material.
“Do you reckon it’s better to wait the rain out?” Oscar asked casually as he pried your legs apart, gently cleaning you up.
You glanced around, noting that while it was still raining, it seemed to let up quite a bit and you figured that it wouldn’t take long before it ceased completely. It was a trek back to the car and you honestly didn’t think that your legs could work for the next half hour anyway.
Oscar threw away the soiled tissues and grabbed your legs, pulling you closer to him until you got the memo and moved to snuggle up into his side. He pulled you in, burying his face in your hair with a sated sigh.
“Probably best to wait it out.” You replied belatedly. “I don’t mind sitting here with you.”
Oscar hid a smile in your hair.
“Me neither.” He murmured against your temple.
He’d sit around here forever if it meant spending time with you.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 4 months
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Previous chapter < MASTERLIST
Bucky plans your first date, but it doesn't quite go according to plan.
Word count 5.2k
Warnings: first dates, explicit sexual content, Bucky Barnes ... still a warning
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It was strange, waking up in a room far away from everyone you knew and loved. It's not that you lived that far from your friends, it's just that it felt like a chasm. But this had been your choice. May made you feel very welcome at the Academy and you got to work with kids who had powers from a young age, helping them to understand their physiology and giving them the opportunity to explore what they were capable of in a controlled environment. Needless to say, you loved it.
Bucky had been very attentive to you, bringing you food and keeping you company, driving you to your physical therapy. You had gotten the impression from Sam that he refused every mission that Tony and Steve asked him to take part in. The other Avengers all visited but they had their own lives and work to attend to, but you saw Bucky every day. As you regained your strength, he accompanied you on your daily walks to maintain some baseline level of fitness. Sometimes you were bold enough to hold his hand while you walked. And he would always leave you with such intimate kisses. To your frustration, they never seemed to progress to anything more than a goodbye and you were beginning to wonder if he would ever want anything more.
One day, the two of you were hanging out in the middle of the day, watching a movie, cuddling on your couch. You'd recovered well and been assessed by the S.H.I.E.L.D. medical teams and deemed fit for any duty you wished to carry out.
Even though you'd been cleared and gone back to work, Bucky insisted on helping you out with everything and frankly, it was grating on your nerves. You were certainly not made of glass and he was treating you like you might break at any second. Luckily for you, Steve was ever the loyal friend, even if he had no idea what he was doing. He descended on your new abode demanding Bucky's participation on a mission which clearly would benefit from his expertise.
“Come on, Bucky. This is important.”
“Then you do it,” Bucky replied sullenly. “I’m staying here with Cricket.”
“Oh for crying out loud, Buck!” you exploded. “Are you shitting me right now?”
Bucky and Steve froze with surprise, both their blue eyes wide and staring at you.
“Just go!” you pointed your hand at the door. “Help Steve.”
A flash of uncertainty and hurt flickered across his face. It disappeared so fast that you wondered if you had imagined it. Bucky shuffled forward to the edge of the couch seat from his place beside you. “Will you be okay?”
“I’m perfectly fine, Bucky.”
“You want me to go?” he asked, quietly, avoiding your gaze.
“Bucky… I want… I need you to understand what I’m not… going to break. I’m okay, Buck.” You sat forwards too and put your hand to his face. “Thank you for taking care of me, but I don’t need that now.”
“You’ve always been the one to take care of me, I just…”
“And I love you for that, Buck. But you need to go, do the things you need to do. Help your friends, your teammates. They need you more than I do right now.”
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Bucky asked, a playful smirk on his face as he leaned in closer to you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the fluttering in your stomach at his proximity. You moved off the couch and slid into Bucky’s lap, your face barely an inch from his. "No, I just think you should go with Steve to work today."
Bucky pouted, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "But I'd much rather spend the day with you, darling."
You couldn't help but blush at his words. Bucky had been your best friend for such a long time now but for the first time since you’d confessed your feelings there was a tension in the air, a feeling that something more was brewing beneath the surface.
You cleared your throat, looking over at Steve and trying to push down the butterflies in your stomach. "We both know that it’s time for you to go back to work."
It was cute how uncomfortable it was for Steve, being present for this conversation between you, seeing Bucky flirting so shamelessly with you.
Bucky's smile faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered, his charm back in full force. "Of course, Cricket.”
You shook your head, trying to ignore the way your heart was racing in your chest. "I think it's best if you go with Steve."
Bucky sighed dramatically, but he finally relented. "Fine, fine. I'll go with Steve. But only because you asked so nicely. But I'll be back as soon as I can."
“You promise?”
Bucky's eyes softened as he looked at you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. "Promise."
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth in your chest. "I'll be waiting for you."
“When I’m back, maybe I could take you out on a date? A real date?”
Your face broke out in a huge smile. “I’d like that.”
As Bucky leaned in to kiss you goodbye, the world seemed to fade away. His lips were soft and inviting, and his touch sent shivers down your spine. His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as if he never wanted to let you go. The kiss wasn’t just a sweet chaste peck on the lips, no, it was deep and passionate, filled with a longing that had been building between the two of you for what felt like an eternity. It was as if all the unspoken words and hidden desires were finally being released in that one moment of connection. And then all of a sudden he was gone, as though looking at you would somehow stop him from leaving. You waved at a grinning Steve who followed Bucky down the corridor. Who knew that all it took for things to move forwards was to get Bucky to leave?
The second you closed the door behind them, everything felt quiet, too quiet. Your space which had felt slightly cramped when Bucky was with you suddenly felt empty and cold without his comforting presence. You retreated to the comfort of your couch, wrapping the throw blanket you had been sharing with Bucky around you, breathing in his scent, the traces of his cologne clung to the soft material. Picking up your phone, you sent him a text.
>>>> Miss you already. Come home soon. xx
His response was almost instantaneous, as though he was holding his phone when you sent the message.
Bucky << Miss you too. Make sure you’re ready for our date when I get back. It’s going to be as special as you. Love you. xx
>>>> Love you too, Bucky.
Bucky texted you every chance he got. He had even tried a video chat, only to have Steve snatch his phone away. You caught the Captain glaring at his friend before giving you an apologetic glance and cutting the call. He apologized with his own message to you later, as had Bucky, calling Steve a few impolite names. As the day of Bucky’s return came closer, he messaged you with a time and date for you to prepare for.
When the day finally arrived, you were a nervous wreck. You called Nat and Wanda, desperately begging for their help in choosing your attire. It didn’t help that they spent two hours bickering over what pair of heels would make you look the sexiest. It was only when you took a swig of wine directly from the bottle, did they take their leave, along with access to the liquor. You spent the next two hours alone waiting for Bucky to arrive. He texted you the moment they landed the quinjet and the progress he was making towards making it to your date.
Bucky >> Just landed, Cricket.
Bucky >> Heading to the shower. Don’t want to turn up without. You wouldn’t like it.
Bucky >> Sam says I should wear a jacket, I’m not sure it fits.
Bucky >> Steve agrees. Jacket is a must. I hope you like it.
Bucky >> Tony said if I drive my bike, he will have Friday lockdown the garage.
>>>> Probably best you didn’t, not sure I’ll be able to get on the bike in what I’m wearing.
Bucky >> What’re you wearing?
>>>> Come over and see for yourself.
Bucky >> Soon darling. Nat’s making me change, she says you’ll like this more.
Bucky >> On my way!
You dropped your phone running to the mirror to touch up your makeup and check your hair. It wouldn’t take Bucky long to drive to your apartment. You had been looking forward to this night for a while now and you knew that you and Bucky would have an amazing time. You slipped out of your robe and into the flared dress that Wanda and Nat had settled on. It fitted you like a glove, highlighting all the right curves. The perfect date night ensemble!
You jumped at a knock on the door. As you went to answer the door, you found yourself in a state of butterflies. You hadn't seen him since he left for the mission and every fiber of your being was eager to reunite with him. He was going to take you out and you decided to look your best. And when you opened the door you were blown away by what you saw on the other side. Bucky was standing there in his finest, looking like the hottest guy you had ever seen; dark jeans, a slim fit black shirt with white dots and his favorite leather jacket. You made a mental note to thank Nat for his wardrobe choices.
“Hi,” you greeted him, breathlessly.
“Hey…” He grinned, taking in your appearance, how beautiful you looked. "Ready?”
You blushed under his gaze, accepting the pink rose and lily bouquet he held out to you, swooning over his old fashioned ways. “Thank you, they’re gorgeous.”
“Not as gorgeous as you.”
“Have you always been so charming?”
“Yeah, you just never noticed.” As he spoke, Bucky moved closer and closer towards you. He was only inches away from your face, when he asked, “Ready?”
His body was pressed against yours, his warmth enveloping you in a comforting embrace. Bucky kissed you deeply, his mouth soft yet full, his hands sliding down to wrap around your waist. The taste of his lips was like sweet nectar, intoxicating and addictive. You found yourself melting into his touch, losing yourself in the sensation of being wanted and loved. As the kiss continued, neither of you wanted it to end. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment where time stood still and all that mattered was the love that you shared. Bucky held you close, his embrace strong and reassuring. It was as if the kiss had been building up inside both of you for a long time, neither one wanting to let it end.
As Bucky pulled away eventually and you laughed, throwing hands up in celebration. “I win!”
Bucky chortled at your response. “Cricket, I don't think you understand. I win every time you look at me, every time you smile, every day that you're beside me is the best day. There will never be a time where you aren’t the most perfect thing in my life. You’re my everything.”
How could you not kiss him again after hearing those words? So you did, desperately, the flowers crushed between your bodies, as yours throbbed with the passion you felt for him in that moment. His arms wrapped around your back, pulling you into him, your mouths pressed together as his energy met yours. The feeling of you against him sent a wave of heat through his body. He held you tight against him, unable to resist the temptation. Your lips were soft and he craved them, the two of you caught up in the long awaited moment.
Taking the lead, you tugged at the collars of his jacket, drawing him into your apartment and fumbled to close the door. Bucky tapped it shut with his foot, lifting you into his arms and letting you drape your legs around his waist. Your arms snaked around his neck, still clutching the floral arrangement. With the door closed, he was far less restrained, his mouth left yours, tracing your neck as his lips played with your soft skin. His hands caressed your back softly, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Bucky,” you moaned.
He smiled at you as your fingers twisted into his hair. He couldn't help but get lost in you so he leaned forwards, his mouth searching for yours. It took only a second for his hand to start exploring your body, letting his fingers roam freely to feel every inch of your soft and supple skin. They trailed down your back and his voice was a husky whisper as he broke from the kiss. “God, I've missed you.”
“I missed you too. Forget what I said, don't go away again.”
“Then let's make up for all the time we lost. I'm never leaving you again.”
“Bedroom, now,” you commanded.
Sergeant Barnes was good at following orders. He marched you across the apartment, hands cupping your ass to hold you up against him, taking the happy opportunity to knead the muscle. He stopped temporarily for you to deposit your now crooked flowers on the dresser before continuing to the bed. He laid you down, getting greedy with the kisses he was giving you. It felt like he wanted to devour all of you. His hand slid up your leg until it reached your hip, hot and cold fingers grazing the bare skin under your dress. His hands stopped temporarily at your hip, just for a moment before they slid up even further under the straps of your panties. His touch made goosebumps erupt on your thighs.
Bucky noticed your reaction and chuckled. He knew exactly how hard his fingers were pressing into you and how you were responding with shivers. He wanted to keep going and his flesh hand came back down to your thigh, rubbing closer and closer to your core. You pushed his jacket off his shoulders, letting it slip off his arms and onto the floor, discarded. Bucky approved of the move with a grin, loving to see you take the lead. His fingers were slowly approaching his final destination now and he wanted to get there soon. He needed it.
You marveled at your body's response to his ministrations. Every inch of you felt like it was on fire, everywhere he touched blazed with excitement and anticipation.
"Everything go okay with your mission?" you asked, making small talk as Bucky pushed his hands between your legs. You felt yourself tense repeatedly in response.
“Everything went fine... It was rough, being away from you, but got through it knowing I got to be here with you at the end of it.” Bucky's words were barely distinguishable, his voice reduced to a low growl with the excitement and tension building inside him. But he stopped for a moment and looked up at you with a look of pure desire.
"I'm glad you're home," you answered breathily, as you feel his arousal pressed against your abdomen.
Bucky smiled down at you, a hint of mischievousness coming into his eyes as his mouth pulled away from yours and moved down to your neck. His fingers rubbed small circles on the sensitive skin at the top of your thigh and he watched as the skin became flushed just from that small movement. You whimpered softly, holding back your moans. 
He watched you closely with every caress and touch, the way you flinched and shivered from his movements, feeling your arousal growing by the second. He felt your breath grow deeper, heavier as the circles made with his fingers got faster and faster. Bucky grinned at your reaction, eager to go further. But he could see you holding back and his face softened, seeing you bite your lip to avoid making any noise. Bucky broke away from your neck for a moment to whisper into your ear.
“I want to hear everything... let yourself go, okay? Let loose, for me?” He knew why you were afraid of expressing your desires and he was going to make damn sure that your first time together would be perfect for both of you.
You nodded, flushing. “I want you Bucky. I missed you so bad. Tell me how much you want me?”
Your words made his heart skip a beat, he suddenly felt anxious, torn between wanting to please you and feeling embarrassed about sounding foolish. “Cricket, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for this? I don’t want you, darling, I need you. Now…” his eyes darkened dangerously, “tell me how you want me to fuck you.”
“Take off your clothes.” You started unbuttoning his shirt, still kissing him desperately.
He kissed you back eagerly, his mouth moving back in rhythm with your tongue. He pulled away for a brief moment as he helped you unbutton his shirt - his hips still pressed against yours. Then he resumed his kissing as he slipped his arm back under you, pulling you against his bare chest. He pushed the straps off your dress, fumbling with the zipper. But the normally nimble fingered super soldier was having some trouble with the mechanism. As his hands fumbled with the zipper he couldn't help but chuckle. “I'm normally not this bad…” The nerves were starting to set in on his mind and his muscles started to tremble ever so slightly as he realized how close you both are to having each other for the first time. With a frustrated sigh, he gave up on the zip, resuming the exploration of your body through the thin material of your clothing, searching for a weak seam in the dress.
You giggle slightly at his desperation. “Don't you dare rip my dress, Buck,” you cried in warning.
It was almost predatorial, the way he watched you as you made the process easier for him. You rolled slightly in his arms, taking pity on him. It slipped off you like water off a duck’s back and for a moment, all Bucky could do was stare. His eyes drifted down to the curves that were pressed so tightly to his body. He wanted more, he craved it. 
As you stood there, feeling the intensity of his gaze on you, a wave of self-consciousness washed over you. His eyes seemed to strip away all your defenses, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. But at the same time, there was something undeniably thrilling about the way he looked at you, as if he could see right through to your soul.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you instructed him to take off his pants. His lips curved into a knowing smile, and you couldn't help but return it, appreciating the sight of his flexing abs and the glisten of sweat on his chest. He reached down, hooking his thumbs into his boxers, and you gave him a little helping hand to push them off his hips.
As the fabric fell to the floor, you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. You gasped quietly at the sight of his erect cock and how it matched the magnificence of his body. A work of art, every muscle defined and sculpted, a testament to the serum that coursed through his veins. But it was more than just his physical appearance that drew you to him. There was a raw, primal energy that seemed to radiate from him, a magnetism that pulled you in and left you breathless. And that was all Bucky.
He stepped closer, his bare skin brushing against yours. You could feel the heat of his body, the strength of his arms as he wrapped them around you again. His hands, hot and cold, felt perfect on your waist. His deep voice was just a whisper as his hands ran over your body, sending shivers down your spine.
"I want to touch everything, I want to worship you," he murmured, his eyes filled with desire. His hands continued their downward trajectory, the speed picking up as he grew more and more excited. There is nothing he wanted more than this moment to be perfect for you. 
"What do you want me to do to you?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Nothing. I want to take care of you. I want to make you feel amazing. I want to give you everything I have right now," he replied, his lips brushing against yours. His touch was gentle yet firm, his hands exploring every inch of your body with reverence. You could feel the love and desire radiating from him, and it filled you with a sense of warmth and contentment.
"Bucky, I want you to touch me. I want you to see what you do to me”
As his hands slid lower, you felt a surge of anticipation building within you. His touch was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You closed your eyes, losing yourself in the sensation of his touch, letting yourself be carried away by the love and passion that flowed between you. And you knew that this was where you belonged.
“Dear God, Cricket. Is this really for me?” he asked, dipping his fingers between your folds, coating them carefully in your arousal.
You whimpered softly as he continued to caress you, exulting in the ecstasy. “All for you.”
“Hey Cricket?” he whispered, huskily in your ear.
“Talk to me darling. Tell me how it feels. I want to hear you.” He pushed down on your clit with his thumb, gently rubbing circles over it, working his magic on you.
“Please, Bucky,” you moaned, hips pushing into his fingers. “S’good, but not enough. Want you.”
Bucky chuckled darkly. “Are you sure you’re ready, darling?”
Nodding enthusiastically, you answered. “Yes, want you… inside me. Make me feel good. I need to feel every inch of you inside me.”
“You want me? You want this?” He wrapped his vibranium fingers around his shaft, pumping it up and down with long, firm strokes, right in front of your eyes, taunting you with his cock while teasing your clit.
Bucky shuffled closer, getting comfortable between your thighs. You spread your legs to straddle his hips, opening your entrance to him. He looked down at you, a look of awe frozen on his features.
“Buck?” you asked after a moment of silence.
“Hmm?” he startled out of his reverie. 
“You okay?” you asked, gently.
“Yeah,” he huffed a short laugh. “Sorry, just wondering if this was real or just a dream.”
“Let me show you how real this is.” You put your hands over his, helping him guide his cock towards your entrance. Just before you let him penetrate you, you stopped. “Buck, I… do we need a condom?”
“Nat said you have an IUD.” He frowned, pulling something from his memory. “She made me get some tests, when they came back she said I was good to… fuck you raw. Whatever that means.” Bucky blushed, and you suspected he knew exactly what it meant.
You couldn’t contain the laughter that bubbled inside you. It was good to have friends who looked out for you.
“Does that mean we’re good to go?” he asked.
“Yeah, you’re good to go. Just like this.” 
The wetness from between your legs mixing with his as he ran his tip between your folds. He grunted with pleasure as your tight walls pressed against him.
“Oh God Buck, so thick,” you mumbled as he pushed into you slowly, letting you adjust and stretch around him.
Carefully he watched your face for signs of pain, surprised at how well you were doing. “You gonna take all of me, darling?” He threaded his fingers between yours, pushing them up above your head, pinning them to the bed.
You watched as your pussy glided over each and every inch of his thick hard cock. “Deeper, that’s it. Shit Buck, you fill me up so well.”
Bucky felt his whole body tense, willing himself not to blow his load into you after hearing you utter those words. “You like that?” he asked, pushing further until he was buried right inside you.
“Yes, si-” you stopped for a moment, but the flash in Bucky's eyes and the throb of his dick between your legs suggested that he liked it.
“Yes?” he asked, expectantly.
“Yes, Serrrrgeant,” you moaned softly as you spoke, bucking your hips up towards him, pushing that last inch into your stretched out pussy.
“Good girl.” He shuddered as you clenched in response to his words. “So perfect.”
You hummed, happily. 
“Come on, Cricket. I want you to be as loud as you like. You have no idea how much I want to hear you. Ever since Italy. Do you know how hard I was when you said those things?” he growled, pushing himself deeper inside you. “How much I wanted to be the one who made you moan that way. I haven’t stopped thinking about that since then.”
You were speechless, panting as his cock filled you up, stretching your walls to their limits.
“God it makes me feel so many things when you look like that. Do you have any idea how perfect you are?”
“Well I have some idea, but no harm in hearing it from someone else.” You winked, regaining enough power of speech to sass back at him
Your cockiness earned you an unexpected thrust, making you gasp loudly.
“Have you any idea how hard it’s been these last few weeks? For me to keep my hands off you?” he rasped, trailing kissing up the side of your neck. “I’m gonna show you.” 
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes. Please, show me.”
You sounded better than anything he had imagined. He still couldn’t believe he was the one who was coaxing those pretty sounds out of you. It only spurred him on to drive his hips into you, again and again, faster and faster until he was pounding you into the bed. The neighbors probably wouldn’t be too pleased with the noise your headboard was making against their wall, but you didn’t care at all. He let go of your hands to get a better grip on the bed, to get closer to you until the small hairs on his chest rubbed against your breasts. Every vein on his ridged cock caressed your walls as his swollen sensitive head brushed your sensitive spot repeatedly.
"How's this darling? Is this what you like?"
"Yes, Sergeant, just like that. I’m so close.”
“Don't! Try to hold back. I want this to last as long as possible. I’ve wanted to give this to you for so long... so you can get the most pleasure out of it.” The need inside of him was getting too intense and he held back as much as he could to keep going. He wanted to be able to give you this for as long as he could.
“I can't, it feels too good. I need to cum.”
“Try… that’s my girl." He was having a hard time keeping his voice from breaking as he tried so hard to hold back. “So good for me.” Bucky watched your body react to every move he made. Your hands grabbing at the bed sheets, your hips slowing their movements against him, you moaning and breathing heavily. The sight of all this made it so hard to go slow but he had to. He had to keep trying.
You looked into his eyes and the way he looked back at you felt like he could see right into your soul. Your fingertips dug into his back in an attempt to stop yourself from falling over the edge as he thrusted down into you.
Your touch was driving him crazy and it was almost enough to drive him over the edge. He continued to focus his every effort on holding on but it was getting harder to resist as your hips began to move slightly faster against him.
“Please-” you whimpered. “I-oh God, please.”
“Please what? Go faster? Let you cum? Tell me. Be a good girl and use your words, darling. And maybe, just maybe I’ll give it to you.”
“Please Bucky, make me cum.”
His body suddenly tightened and he let out a small groan as the feeling of your pleas went through him. He was holding back but it wasn’t working as well now. Your legs started to tense up more and were your nails breaking his skin? Every movement you made, every noise from your mouth was sending him closer and closer to his final climax.
His thumb on your clit was what had you tumbling into oblivion, waves of pleasuring washing over you, Bucky's name on your tongue. His face wore a feral, completely fucked out look as your orgasm triggered his, the stuttered way his hips grinded deeper into your body drew out your pleasure until your vision went completely black for a few seconds. You squeezed around him, milking his white hot seed, greedily claiming what was yours until his cum was leaking out of your overfilled pussy. Bucky collapsed on you shortly after, his breathing heavy and his chest vibrating ever so slightly from the effort he had just gone through but he smiled, looking down at you with his most vulnerable expression yet.
“I love you, Buck,” you whispered, carding your fingers through the edges of his hair.
"I love you too, Cricket... so damn much." He let out a soft sigh of satisfaction, the feeling between the two of you was one that could never be matched.
"That was... something else.”
He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "That's one way of describing it." He pressed his lips onto yours again for one more lengthy kiss before pulling away and resting his head on your chest. "Did you get everything you wanted?”
"And more.”
He grinned as he closed his eyes for a moment, head still on your chest, and arms wrapped securely around you and his body was still trembling ever so slightly. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking up at you, the warmth of this moment was indescribable. "That makes me happy to hear.”
Every life might be a pile of good things and bad things, but in this exact minute, everything was perfect. Bucky closed his eyes, simply absorbing everything about this moment of peace.
"Is it too late for dinner?” you asked, as Bucky chuckled at your rumbling belly.
“I suspect the place where I made reservations won’t accept us turning up now.”
You sighed and pouted. “Boo.”
Bucky pulled out of you and you lamented about the loss of fullness inside you. He propped himself up on his elbow, resting his head on his hand and turned to you. “I was going to make a reservation at Sticks and Stones, but... I wasn't sure if you would feel comfortable with that because that's where... I want you to feel comfortable and secure about us first. ”
“Thanks,” you whispered gratefully. 
“You in the mood for something else?”
"Yeah," you grin, seductively. “Dessert!”
You screamed gleefully as Bucky suddenly rolled onto you, his laughter ringing in your ears.
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midnightstar-90 · 6 months
A Damsel In Distress
Georgie Cooper x Fem! Reader Taglist | Request | Wattpad Main Masterlist | Other Actors/Characters Masterlist Requested Anonymously: "Hi, i was wondering if you could do Georgie cooper x reader who has an abusive father or smt and he helps her, tries to get her to move in with him to his family house and after his begging for weeks she finally agrees? Thank you if you do." Summary: When Georgie finds you on his porch bleeding and bruised, he finds the need to avenge you. Warnings: Abuse, Slut Shaming, Angst, Protective! Georgie, Not Proofread Words: 2.4K
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Georgie Cooper may not be the smartest man alive, but when it came to the people he loved, he was protective of them. So when you showed up at the Cooper residence all beaten up, you were nervous.
About a year ago, your dad lost his job and ended up spending his days and nights drinking his life away. Since then, he'd found a new job, but the drinking never stopped.
As time went by, drinking led to harmless fits of rage to you and your mother hiding away in a room until your father fell asleep. Trying your best to get away from your father, you joined after-school clubs and helped tutor kids.
That's how you met Georgie.
Georgie was failing almost half of his classes, and if he wanted to stay on the football team, he had to get his F's to at least a C. So, he asked around, and everyone he talked to said that besides Sheldon, you were the one to go to. And he did.
Surprisingly enough, you and Georgie got along. The two of you worked hard, and as his grades got to where he needed them, you still kept in touch. You would have lunch with him and his friends, and sometimes join him at the movies. You two even became each other's wingman, with him giving you advice on boys and you vice versa.
All was good until the day you allowed Georgie to walk you home. Being the gentleman he was, Georgie walked you home every day, but the home he was walking you to was actually a few blocks down from your own. You told him that was your house because you didn't want to risk your father finding out that you were friends with a guy.
But today was different. You and Georgie had just left the movies and you both couldn't stop talking about it on your journey home.
"Did you see that alien?" Georgie laughed.
"Yes, oh my goodness. When it first came onto the screen I was so scared," You said, with a soft laugh.
Georgie looked over at you. Still holding the theater popcorn, he popped a handful into his mouth and began making weird creature sounds, which startled you a bit. You jumped and released a scream.
Georgie laughed harder than before and shook his head. "It's so easy," he said, talking about how easy it was to scare you. You teasingly punched him with a long grin before grabbing some popcorn.
Unknowingly, you and Georgie had passed up the house you had told him was your house and were quickly making your way to your actual home.
When you arrived at your house, your smile was gone as you quickly realized your mistake.
"Oh, dang it!" Georgie said, flinging his arms in the air in disappointment. "We passed your house."
You worriedly looked at the door to your house, ignoring the boy next to you. "You should go," you told Georgie as you noticed the living room curtains abruptly shut.
"What?" Georgie asked, confused.
Georgie looked over at you to see that the playful smile that you once wore was replaced with a sunken frown and a look of fear in your eyes. He followed your line of sight to see your home.
"Y/N, this isn't your home. I'm not leaving you to walk the streets alone at night."
Your lip quivered as you continued to stare at the window. "Georgie, go home," you muttered, but Georgie just shook his head.
"Y/N, what's going on. This-"
"This is my home, Georgie! Now please... leave."
Your fear overwhelmed you as you watched a dark figure walk past the window. Georgie looked back at you confused. He knew you wouldn't move until he left, so even though he didn't want to, he did as he was told and left.
He turned and left, only looking back when he got to the end of the street. He looked back and watched as you entered the dark house. An uneasy feeling washed over Georgie, but he continued home, waiting till tomorrow to ask his questions.
Georgie had only been home an hour when he heard the doorbell. He ignored the door and continued reading his magazine. He questioned who would be coming over at 10 o'clock at night. His door was cracked open as he heard his mother answer the door.
"Y/N?" he heard his mother ask, slightly worried, making his head poke up from behind his magazine. Georgie slowly stood from his bed as he wondered why you would be here after he left you at what was actually your home.
Georgie walked into the living room and froze.
You stood at the door with messed up hair, a black eye, and ripped-up clothes. Your eyes met his, and suddenly, he understood why you were so scared, earlier.
"Y/N?" Georgie called out your name as he walked over to you. You were shaking, which Mary had quickly noticed.
"Here... let's get you out of the cold and inside." Mary softly grabbed your arm and moved you into their home before closing the door. She led you to the couch and Georgie followed close behind you.
"George!" Mary called out for her husband.
A few seconds later a slightly annoyed George Cooper exited his room. "What," he said, a bit aggressively, causing Y/N to flinch.
"Oh dear," Mary said after seeing Y/N's reaction. "George, grab the first aid kit. I'm gonna put some soup on."
"Why?" George said, confused, stepping into the living room. His eyes shifted from his wife to the figure on the couch. He moved closer to get a better look at who was on the couch. When he saw it was Y/N, George was in shock. "Y/N? What happened?"
"I would like to know that as well," Georgie said, standing behind his parents with his arms crossed. He kept his gaze strictly on Y/N. Georgie was angry. Not at Y/N, but at whoever did this.
"Yes, I would like to know that as well, but can we at least stitch her up first," Mary said before leaving for the kitchen.
"Oh, right," George agreed, leaving to grab the first aid.
With his parents gone, Georgie took the opportunity to talk to you alone. He slowly stepped forward, joining you on the couch. Georgie opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, you laid your head on his shoulder as you silently cried.
"Who did this to you?" Georgie asked in a soft tone.
On the outside, Georgie was prepared to do whatever to help you feel better, but on the inside, Georgie was angry. He wanted to kill whoever did this to you. You were everything to Georgie. If he could, he'd give you the world.
You closed your eyes and sniffled before answering the boy. "My dad," you whispered. Your cries became louder, making Georgie tense up. Unsure what to do, he placed a loving kiss on your forehead and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
He did this for a few minutes before George came back with the first aid kit and a wet cloth.
"Okay. It took me a second, but I finally found it," George said, kneeling down in front of you. "Mind telling us what happened?" George asked, as he grabbed her arm and started wiping off the blood.
You hesitated. Just thinking about what happened brought you into a spiral. But Georgie quickly calmed you down by calmly running his fingers through your hair, trying to fix what your dad messed up.
"My dad is an alcoholic," you started. "He has been for a year. And it wasn't until recently that he started getting... physical."
"Your dad did this?" George asked. You nodded, and George went back to cleaning you up.
Mary soon came into the room with a bowl of soup. "Here you go, darling?" She placed the bowl on the side table and stood next to her kneeling husband.
"Thank you, Mrs. Cooper," you gave her a small smile, before continuing. "Anyways, I started joining after-school activities to get away from all the chaos. That's how I met Georgie."
"Wait. So this has been going on since before you met Georgie," Mary asked with a frown. You nodded.
"I didn't want Georgie to get hurt. So, when he asked if he could walk me home, I told him a fake address, so my father wouldn't see him. But today, the night got ahead of us and we passed the house we were supposed to stop at."
Georgie was livid. You were so scared of your father that you lied to protect him. No one should have to avoid their own home.
"We stopped in front of my house, and my father saw."
You paused and suddenly, more tears started flooding your eyes. You tried to speak, but your throat felt tight. Georgie rubbed your back and calmly waited. It took you a minute, but you were finally able to talk again.
"I made sure Georgie left before going into the house, where I knew he was waiting for me. My dad can be unpredictable when he drinks and I didn't want him to attack Georgie."
You wiped your eyes as you kept your gaze down toward your lap.
"When I entered he was just sitting there in the dark... Waiting. When he started talking to me, I knew by his soft voice that I would be in trouble, so I did exactly as he said and answered all his questions truthfully."
You paused, taking a deep breath.
"He grabbed me by the throat and called me a "slut". But it didn't stop there..."
"Oh, lord," Mary muttered to herself.
"When he finally let go of me, he punched me so hard that I fell to the ground. Then he climbed on top of me and began to rip up my clothes. He said that if I was going to be a slut, then I needed to look the part. As he tore up my clothes, I could feel his nails ripping into my skin, hence the scratches."
You paused again, sobbing into your hand.
It took everything in Georgie not to go to your house and teach your father a lesson about treating girls, especially daughters, but he kept his composure.
"I tried to scream for help, but no one came. I saw my mom standing in the doorway, but she didn't do anything. She just stood there... watching. When my dad was done, he dragged me out of the house and locked me out. That's when I decided to come here."
"Oh, you poor thing," Mary frowned with a hand over her chest. She moved toward you and pulled you out of Georgie's arms and into hers. She held you tight as you sobbed loudly against her shirt.
"It's really terrible that you had to go through all that. You don't deserve that. No one does," George said, throwing in his two cents.
Georgie stood from his spot on the couch. "I wanna kill him!" Georgie said, making his way to the door, but he was quickly stopped by his father's grip on his arm. "We're not killing anybody," George said, but that didn't stop Georgie from wanting to go over to your house and beat the living daylights out of your father.
"I think it's been a long night for all of us, so we should all get some sleep. I'm gonna grab some blankets. Georgie, you want to help get the couch ready?" Mary asked, giving you a smile.
"Actually, can I sleep with Georgie? I don't feel comfortable being alone."
Mary was unsure if letting you sleep with Georgie was the right move. She looked over at George, who just shrugged, and then back at you. You looked so sad, and Mary just couldn't say no to someone who's been through all that.
She nodded and sent you another sad smile, which you thankfully returned. "Georgie, take Y/N to your room, and i'll be in their soon with some spare pajamas and blankets. I want to talk to your dad about something."
Georgie's eyes widened, "You aren't seriously thinking about sending her back there, are you?"
Mary was taken aback by her son's outburst. "No," she shook her head. "No, I would never say that. Just go help Y/N so your father and I can talk alone."
Georgie let out a huff, not in the mood to go back and forth with his mother. "Come on, Y/N," He beckoned you to follow him, and you did just that without any hesitation.
You entered Georgie's room and made a quick B-line to his bed. You carefully removed your shoes and lay down. It was safe to say that after the night you had, you were exhausted.
"I know it's a mess, but I wasn't exactly expecting company," Georgie said from across the room. He picked up some of his clothes from off the floor and threw them into an empty hamper. When he was done, he turned to see you knocked out on his bed.
Someone knocked at Georgie's door, making him flinch before turning to see who it was. Mary stood at the door, still wearing that same smile from earlier as she held onto a folded blanket and nightgown.
"I just came to drop these off," Mary spoke in a slightly hushed tone.
"I think you're a bit late for that," Georgie responded, pointing back at you as you slept soundly in his bed.
Mary nodded. "Okay, then I will just leave these right here," she placed the folded blanket and piece of clothing on the corner of the bed next to the bed.
"Thanks, Mom," Georgie smiled, making Mary's smile grow wider.
"No problem, honey," she said before making her way out of the room.
With his mom gone and you sleep, Georgie quickly got ready for bed and joined you. He lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
"I swear. Next time someone even thinks about hurting you, I won't hesitate to kill 'em." Georgie knew no one was listening, but he still continued express his feelings toward you.
"I love you," he said to you, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead before turning off the lights and falling asleep.
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If your User is in orange, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to be re-added. Taglist:@buckysmainhxe , @esposadomd , @natalia12700, @siriusstwelveyears , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @countrymusiclover , @bellarkeselection , @alexxavicry , @xivilivix, @idontknowwhat2type , @ietss
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mayghosts · 2 months
Sabrina Ionescu: Dating Headcannons
Summary: what it would be like to date Sab
Warnings: none! All fluff 🫶🫶🫶
AN: there's not a lot fics under the Sab x reader tag, so lets fix that!
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☘︎ You met her after she moved into the apartment across from you.
You were a bit nervous as you knocked on the apartment door across the hall. Your last neighbor had moved out about a week ago, and as of today you noticed that someone new had moved in. Holding your tray of cookies tightly in your hands, you listened as you heard shuffling and muffled voices from behind the door which suddenly swung open. “Hi! Uhm… I'm your neighbor in 13A! I just wanted to say hi and I made some cookies for you!” Sabrina looked you up and down as you talked, “oh! Thank you, I love chocolate chip cookies! I'm Sabrina by the way, whats your name?”
☘︎ She immediately was obsessed with you, even though you had only talked for a few minutes in her doorway
☘︎ Would always try to linger in the hall in hopes of running into you. She also started using the apartment gym in hopes of running into you again
☘︎ eventually gave up on trying to run into you naturally and decided to take matters into her own hands
You were surprised to hear a knock on your door this late, your friends had left a few hours ago. Padding to your door, you glanced through the peep hole before opening the door. “Hey Sabrina from next door right? Whats up?” Her long hair was damp from the shower and she was wearing an oversized hoodie and pj pants. “Uhh nothing much, I just wanted to thank you for the cookies from last week, and give you these!” She handed you two courtside tickets for the next New York Liberty game. “If you can come I would love to see you there, and feel free to bring a friend to if you want…” You smilled up at her, gently taking the tickets from her hands “Awwe thanks Sab! I will deffinately be there!” She felt her stomach flip at the nick name you had given her. “Awesome! Okay well, I'm going to head to bed now. Goodnight n/n!” “g’night Sab.”
☘︎ Absolutely lost her mind seeing you courtside in her jersey, she didn't even care that you brought a friend who was also wearing her jersey.
☘︎ The New York Liberty won that game by a landslide (thanks Sabrina)
☘︎ She asked you out to dinner after the game “as a friend” but you two always considered it your first date once you started dating. She also refused to let you pay.
☘︎ Since she doesn't have a ton of family in New York, you would always come to her games for her and she would always sign your jersey after the game
☘︎ You started a Friday night tradition of watching 90s movies together in your apartment. Sabrina almost always fell asleep during the movie
You were about half way through “10 Things I Hate About You” when you felt Sabrinas head slump against your shoulder. You couldn't help the butterflies that raged in your stomach. Gently you grabbed a blanket from the table and draped it over her while you finished the movie.
☘︎ She asked you out while you guys were decorating Cupcakes together.
Sabrinas kitchen looked like a cyclone hit it. Mixing bowls and cupcake trays were strewn around the counter, icing coated the walls as well as your clothes. The two of you were pulling an all nighter to bake and decorate 100 cupcakes for a team bonding event tomorrow. “Sab, why the fuck did you not just buy them? I hope you know I'm never doing this with you again.” You piped out another perfect icing dome before handing the cupcake to Sabrina who was doing sprinkles. She sighed before she answered “I don't know, the internet made it seem so easy! Thank you for helping.” you couldn't help but smile at the girl as you let out a sigh. “You owe me big time for this ya know?” Sab paused for a second placing the unsprinkled cupcake down on the counter. You looked up at her as she a spoke. “Let me take you on a date? Tomorrow? We can go to that fancy Italian place in town.” Smiling at her words you turned back to your cupcakes, “so is that a yes or-” you cut her off by smearing icing down her face.
☘︎ She did end up taking you to your favorite restaurant in town and it was everything you had hoped for
☘︎ you two started spending even more time together, and it wasn’t uncommon for you to wake up to her making breakfast in your kitchen
☘︎ She loves being able to do little things for you, whether that's picking up your dry cleaning, organising your messy desk or just getting you a coffee
☘︎ Obsessed with the fact that she can just pick you up and carry you around, which she frequently indulges in
☘︎ You guys are always coordinating outfits for games or events
Taglist: @ayannatv @smiths-fan--13
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writingroom21 · 2 months
Okay how about this purge AU
Where reader is a pouge and is not living in a secure house.
Rafe is the one purging like the other kooks but had a soft spot for shy pouge reader and lets her stay in his house and threatens her to have sex with her or else he kills her (I mean he's lying but she believes him so they have sex)
Warnings: 18+, DUBCON, smut, darkish Rafe. Please be advised that reader only has sex with Rafe in fear of her life.
Wc: 3.2K
A/N: Sorry this took me forever to get out. I was contemplating on how I wanted to go about this because this is a new realm of writing for me. Then I felt like everything I was writing sucked.
You know when you say you wish your life was like a movie? The first time that idea ever occurred to you was when you were a kid watching Disney movies. You’ve always wished to be able to run away from your home life. Escape into a world where you could be anything and have the perfect life.
Growing up as a pogue you found it hard to see how the other half lived. You and your friends were barely getting by and then there were the super rich kids. It also didn’t help when the kook and pogue rivalry started to gear up. It felt as if no matter where you went people would always remind you that you are nothing and no one would care if you disappeared. 
Even Though it was hard you tried to not let it bother you. Taking all the insults they threw at you as if they were nothing. Cleaning up your yard after they trashed it without making a peep. The kooks from your year always seemed bothered by you never making a fuss. The other pogues always put up a fight and then there was you. The only one who never showed any hatred from them and never showed weakness even when they tried. 
You were like some rock that they couldn't move. Which only ended up making you a target for their games. Every Halloween a bunch of kooks would make their way to the cut just to egg your house. One time they even put up edited photos of you all around school making you the laughing stock. To say the least they were not happy when you just kept walking with your head high not acknowledging what they did.
Your only escape was dreaming how different your life could be. Comparing your situation to the ones on your tv screen which only had half a screen. You’ve pictured your life in most movies or sitcoms. But you never imagined it as a horror movie.
Today was a normal day like every other day. You had gotten up and rode your bike all the way to work. Since you work at the country club you always have to deal with all of the kooks. Especially since you work the front desk so you are the first thing they see every time they walk in. Today was no different with the snide remarks.
“Look its the whore from the cut. I’m surprised they haven’t given you a job upgrade after fucking all of them.” Some random guy you think you’ve ever seen comments. You just type away at the computer ignoring his irritating voice. He walks up to the desk and tries to talk to you again. “Come one why don’t we go to the back and you show me how you got this job.”
You slowly look up at him and see Rafe Cameron behind him. You watch as he taps the guy's shoulder and gets even more confused about this whole situation. “Yo buddy why don’t you fuck off.” The guy turns around and backs up a little when he sees Rafe walking towards him. “Why do you care?” Rafe gets in his face ready to punch him if he opens his mouth one more time.
“Because I fucking do. I don’t need to explain myself to you. Now run along before I beat the shit out of you.” They guy looks back at you and then scurries off without another word. “You okay?”You stare at him in shock. “Yeah I’m good.” He just nods his head, knocking on the front desk in front of your computer. “Good.” Then he was off to go play golf like he does every Saturday. 
You don’t understand what just happened. He was a kook and he was defending you. Now that you think about it you never really saw him be rude to you. He never made fun of you and you can’t recall him laughing at your expense. The rest of your shift was a haze. All you could think about is why would he tell that guy off. It’s not like the two of you were friends.
By the time you left work it was on the back burner. The wind was blowing in your hair as you pedal through the streets. The breeze was a nice comparison to the heat from the day. You were a few streets away from the country club when your phone started ringing.. The noise was obnoxious like those test alerts they sometimes do. You pull over to the side of the road and pull out your phone.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the new commencement of the purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. When the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all."
You stare at your phone as the voice reads the words that scroll through your screen. Laughing you put your phone away thinking it was some dumb joke and keep riding your bike. After only a few pedals a loud siren scares you, making you fall from your bike. You slowly stand up fixing your bike and looking around. Everything seemed normal so it must have been nothing. 
Then there was a scream.
One that you would hear in a horror movie when they are getting murdered. You look around confused as to where the noise came from until you see someone run out of a building holding their shoulder. Just as you were about to ask if they are okay another person runs out with a knife, stabbing the first person until they are laying in a puddle of their blood. Standing there in horror your eyes meet theirs as they look up.
As quickly as you can you get on your bike pedaling as fast as you can. You see people running out of the store with a bunch of things, other people laying on the ground. This honestly doesn’t even feel real to you. It has to be some nightmare you are about to wake up from. You take one hand off the bar to pinch yourself and sure enough this is all real. 
Suddenly a truck is revving behind you, headlights illuminating you on the street. The wheels make a crunching sound as they speed up along the street. Fuck. You have nowhere to go and they keep getting closer. Panicking you dart to the sidewalk trying to get to the trees for cover when you hear your name. Looking over your shoulder you see Rafe leaning to the passenger window trying to get your attention.
Great he defended you earlier just to kill you now.
“Can you just fucking stop for a minute. You need to get in.” Not stopping you go down a dirt road trying to get away only for him to follow. He passes you and stops so you can’t get any further. He gets out of the car and walks towards you. “Please, I just want to get home. You don’t have to do this.” You try to plead with him. Sure you could ride off right now but he would just catch up eventually.
Rafe gives you a look and shakes his head. “I’m not going to kill you or something. The kook from earlier, you know the asshole.” You nod your head at him recalling the guy. “He made a post once the announcement came on. Told everyone to go to your house so they can all kill you. I’m just trying to save you.”
It's hard to believe that he wants to help you. “Why would you help me?” He crosses his arms and takes a step back towards the driver side door. “I maybe an asshole but I’m not a killer. Plus you never once did anything to deserve this.” You were still skeptical until he showed you the post. After another second of thinking you agreed and he’s loading up your bike in the trunk. If he was going to kill you he would have done it by now. Both of you are out of sight of any person and plus there are no laws stopping him. Maybe he is just trying to help you.
You get in the passenger seat and look in the back to see a shirt with red stains on it. Rafe catches your eye sight when he gets in and sees how you scoot closer to the door. It’s the polo shirt he was wearing before you didn’t even notice he wasn’t wearing the same thing. You want to leave but he convinces you otherwise. “I got a bloody nose on the course. Stupid Topper was practicing swinging and I didn’t see.”
It makes sense, you’ve seen it happen plenty of times. Rafe is grateful when he sees you relax. He doesn’t want you to know that the blood is actually Thomas’. After he saw the post he found Thomas going to his car. He used the bat he keeps in the back seat to teach him a lesson and ended up killing him. The last thing Rafe needs is for you to be scared of him when all he wants is to protect you.
When he arrives at his house he is quick to get you inside. Stating that the less people that see you both the better. Plus his house has a great security system so no one will be able to get in.
“Where’s your family?” That’s a great question that he honestly couldn’t care about. The only person he’s worried about is his youngest sister but he already messaged her and she’s staying at her friend's house until it is all over. The house is the one next door so he knows she’s safe. “My dad and Rose are on a business trip. Sarah went with them and Wheezie is good. It’s just us here.” Something about the way he says it sounds reassuring yet the undertones tell a different story. Ignoring it you let him lead you around the house mansion, giving you a tour so you are comfortable. The time keeps ticking as the two of you talk. It feels like the world actually isn’t ending and it’s nice to forget about what is happening outside. Rafe had put on a movie after a while of just sitting. It was a dumb action movie so you weren’t really interested. You were looking around his room.
He said the upper floors would be safest since it gave the two of you more time to get to the safe room. Not that the two of you would need it but just in case. Again it made sense so you went along with it. The room was simple, a TV was across his bed and there were little decorations. It honestly didn’t seem like a bedroom and more like where you put the guests. As you look around Rafe is busy looking at you. 
He’s always like how you kept to yourself. Even when the other kooks gave you shit all you did was take it. Never put up a fight and took it with stride. It reminded him of himself. He’s used to taking crap from his dad and he isn’t allowed to say anything. He admires the fact that you share the quality with him.
When you turn your attention back to the tv you see that Rafe is looking at you. You turn to ask him what’s wrong but he takes you by surprise. He kissed you. It took you a few seconds to realize that he was kissing you. His lips are moving against yours but you are completely still. What the hell is happening? This isn’t real.
You pull away, pushing his shoulders when he tries to chase you. “What are you doing?” Wanting to put some space between you two, you move further away on the bed. Which in hindsight might have been bad since you are now up against the wall. “I’m kissing you. What the hell are you doing?” He grabs your arm, yanking you back next to him. He starts to kiss your shoulder as you try to think of what to do.
He’s kissing your neck and all you want is to get out of here. Pushing him off of you again, you get up from the bed. “What is wrong with you?” You give him a look of disbelief. “What’s wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?” Rafe gets up from the bed and blocks the door as you try to leave. “Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to help me. I don’t want this.”
Rafe is starting to get angry now. Why are you fighting this? “What are you even talking about?” He’s messing with your brain right now. There’s no way he can be serious. “Why fight this? We are so alike and we should be together.” Wow he really is serious. You knew he was crazy from what you’ve seen and what others told you but you never believed them.
“Are you fucking crazy? We don’t belong together. I don’t know where you got that idea when this is like the first time we even talked or hung out. Plus the only reason why I’m here is because of the stupid purge thing.” You’re panicking. He’s still blocking your way out and he has this look in his eyes. If you had to pinpoint it the look would be sad maybe desperation. But you knew better, that wasn’t it.
“Fine if that’s how you feel then you can leave.” He’s bluffing, the rejection hurts but he wouldn’t hurt you. You don’t make a move to leave so he goes over to drag you out of the room. He just wants you to leave him alone and just stay in one of the guest rooms. 
You really start to panic now. He’s throwing you out just because you won’t sleep with him. The grip on your arm is tight so you know he’s mad. Just as he goes to open the door you throw your body onto him, lips smashing against his. He’s confused. You were just fighting him because he kissed you and here you are. He pulls away holding you in his hands. “I’m sorry. Don’t put me out when they want to kill me.”
You think that he’s going to let them kill you. Wait he can actually work with this. “Why shouldn’t I? There’s nothing in it for me by keeping you safe. I should honestly just offer you up to them.” He’s lying to his teeth. Even if he truly wanted to, there's a part of him that doesn’t want to hurt you. Your eyes start to swell with tears. You’re scared, you don’t want to die and you know out there you will. 
“I’m just scared, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight so I was pushing you away.” He knows you are lying, only saying it to save yourself. A sick part of him doesn’t even care, liking that you are willing to sell yourself for safety. One of his hands cup your cheek, pulling you closer to him. “It’s okay baby. You don’t need to be scared, I’ve got you.” There is a need to be scared. He’s willing to sell you out and he thinks there is nothing to be scared about.
He leans in, bumping his nose with yours before kissing you. You timidly kiss him back, letting him set the pace. As the kiss progresses he gets more aggressive. Slowly he starts to pull you back into the room. His hands are wandering your body and it doesn’t feel right. You wish this stupid purge never started or that he had never found you. Maybe it would have been better if you did go home and they found you.
His kisses start to travel down your neck, his hands making their way under your shirt. You allow him to pull it up, leaving you in just a bra. Rafe takes a moment to admire you, playing with your breasts. He takes you closing your eyes as a sign of pleasure, enjoying the feeling. But in reality you just need to get it over with. “You look so beautiful.” You hum not knowing what to really say. Once again he takes it as you enjoying what he’s doing. 
Before you know it you’re laying down on his bed naked with him on top of you. His fingers are rubbing your clit, circling it as he sucks on one of your nipples. You hate that it actually feels a little good. But you remind yourself that you can’t control how your body reacts. His actions stop causing your eyes to open.
You are greeted with his eyes staring down at you. “I knew you felt it too.” He kissed you, distracting you from the fact he lined himself up. Your mouth gaps open when he pushes himself in. It feels like he is splitting you in two. Giving you just a few moments to adjust he starts to thrust. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, nails digging into him.
“God, you feel so good.” His head drops to your shoulder. “Doesn’t it feel good?” You nod your head as he kisses your neck, trying to stifle the whimpers threatening to escape. His thrusts are steady, ripping you apart from the inside out. You only got a little glimpse of him but you saw that he was big. Not only that he was girthy too.
It wouldn’t be a shock if he was actually ripping you apart. His right hand right hand finds its way between the both of you. His thumb continues its work from earlier and circles your clit. You squirm around as he keeps using your body. 
He grabs your face so you are looking at him. “It feels good right?” He repeats the question, nuzzling his nose with yours. “So good.” At the confirmation he lets out a moan and rests his head in the crook of your neck. 
You don’t know how long you laid there but soon his hips started to lose their rhythm. His grip on you tightens as he finally cums. He keeps holding you so you wrap your arms around him. You soothe him for some odd reason, running your hand up and down his back.
Rafe starts to feel guilty. He does know that you only slept with him to stay alive. It’s starting to eat at him. He lifts himself up to look at you and caresses your face. When your eyes meet his, he breaks.
“I wouldn’t have hurt you.” You just look at him without saying anything. “You may not believe it but I mean it. I won’t hurt you.”
You somewhat believe him. Maybe he wouldn’t have sent you off to your death but he still hurt you. Yet for some reason you give him what he’s seeking. “I know. It’s okay.”
The purge may have taken a part of you but you know that he’ll live with the guilt.
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valkyrieromanoff · 2 years
Summary: When a question during an interview makes you uncomfortable, Pedro comforts you.
Tags: no romance just hinting, can be read in a platonic way or not, a little bit of angst but with comfort.
I don't know why it took me so long to finish, and in the end I didn't even like it. But anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the grammar mistakes.
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"That will be the last interview, then you are cleared for lunch." Your manager was notified as she checked the schedules one more time. "Can I call the next interviewer, or do you need a few minutes to prepare?" 
Pedro put his cell phone away in his pants pocket as he stared at you finished your cup of coffee. "I think the sooner we start, the sooner we can have lunch." He suggested it, and you nodded in agreement. Your manager went to notify production.
"Good morning, I'm John, and I thought about asking a few questions and then playing a little game; is that okay with you guys?" He asked, when you nodded, he signaled to the cameraman and started recording.
"Today I'm joined by the lead actors of the new Netflix movie 'Caught Eye', the talented actor known for roles in series like The Mandalorian and Narcos, Pedro Pascal." John spoke, Pedro smiled, and made the peace sign with his hands. "And the actress making her debut, Y/N Y/LN. How are you guys doing?" You smiled with your mouth closed and waved to the camera.
"Always excited to share that film with the public." Your co-star said smiling.
"I heard that you guys recorded on an island where the ferry only came twice a day, is that true?" The interviewer asked, curious.
"Oh, yes, that's true. The production kept reminding us that we had to pay attention because the ferry only made two trips, one at seven in the morning and the other at ten at night. So we couldn't miss it because it wouldn't arrive until the next day; it was something about the tide." Pedro explained, moving his hands as if to exemplify what he was saying.
“Tell me, have you guys ever been late? And miss the ferry?" John asked.
You and Pedro exchanged glances before giggling. He placed his head on your shoulder as you struggled to hold back your laughter.
"Can someone explain to me what I'm missing?" The interviewer asked, after you stopped laughing.
"We missed the ferry only once." You stated, settling into your chair. 
"It was on the last day of recording." Pedro added.
"And for a silly reason." You finished laughing.
"And what would that reason be? If you guys can tell?" John questioned curiously.
"There was a store that sold a variety of tropical fruit liqueurs, and I mentioned during one of the breaks in the recordings that I wanted to try the guava liqueur. But since the tapings ended late, the store was always closed." You commented. “The last day of recording, though, we were given an early release. We went to the store, but there was a long line, so I gave up and went to wait for the ferry. But in the end we ran to the stand when it was ten minutes before it arrived."
"What could go wrong." The interviewer joked.
"Yeah, what could go wrong? It was a very smart choice to go to a huge line to buy a bottle of liquor." Pedro joked, ironizing the situation. "We thought time was just like in Star Wars, that ten minutes is half an hour."
"After we paid for everything, we came back, and obviously the ferry had left." You concluded, rolling your eyes.
"When I went to check my cell phone, it was full of missed calls from the director and production asking, "Where the hell are we?" He said, imitating the director's voice.
"At least the liquor was good?" The interviewer asked.
"No." You spoke, laughing.
"It was horrible." Pedro complemented, making an exaggerated reaction of false sadness.Then the interview continued with more questions about the movie, the characters, the filming, and asking for some spoilers.
"So, Y/N, do you think the fact that you're acting with such a talented actor like Pedro Pascal in your first role made you nervous? Aware that maybe you would be overshadow?" The interviewer asked. "Or perhaps you were out of place because you didn't have the same level of acting?"
"Oh" You sighed anxiously. Pedro stared at you out of the corner of his eye. Your voice tone let him know that you were upset with the comment.
"Hey, that was rude and unnecessary of you to say." He caught the interviewer's eye. "Every member of the cast is equally talented; no one overshadows anyone. But if I were to pick someone, I would say that in certain scenes I may have been overshadowed by Y/N's brilliant talent. She delivered her all in every performance." You murmured a thank you to him as Pedro gently rested his hand on your leg, squeezing gently.
"I think it's normal for me to be nervous; as you emphasized yourself it's my first film. And a lot of the people in the cast I grew up watching, so it's a privilege to have this opportunity." You spoke up, trying to disguise your discomfort. "And I am very proud of the end result of our work.”
The rest of the interview passed like a blur; you shut down completely, only answering when questions were directed at you. When the interviewer left, you allowed yourself to release the tension. Well, Pedro had warned you that reporters can be too much.
"There aren't many varieties of food here; I think the best thing to do is to go for the classic pepperoni pizza, which you don't have..." Pedro interrupted his suggestion when he noticed you covering your face with your hands. “Hey, what's going on? What makes you feel this way?" He asked, standing next to you.
"Nothing, I'm fine." You insisted, using the back of your hand to dry your tears.
"Look, I'm not going to force you to tell me what's going on, but I want you to know that everything that interviewer said is not true; you're as talented as any actor in that movie." When placing his hand on your shoulder, Pedro spoke. “Of course, as time goes on, you'll get better at acting; you'll change and inspire other people.”He went on while rubbing your shoulder. “But right now, what matters is that you gave it your best effort; fame will come in due course.Many actors, myself included, take years to build up a career, and that's alright.”
You lifted your gaze to face him, your face a little more relaxed. "Can I hug you?" 
“Come here.” Pedro spoke, pulling you into his arms. He held you up to him, and as he caressed your hair, you laid your head on the arc of his neck. You have no idea how long you stayed there, cuddled against one another. You thought he would have the best hugs, and you were right.
"You know, I think I'll have that pizza you recommended." You said, pulling away from the hug.
Pedro smiled.  "As you wish." He said, entangling your arm in his while you looked for the pizza place. Every now and then, Pedro would crack a joke and look away to make sure you were okay. At the end of the day, you reflected on the events, and as uncomfortable as some moments were, you got through them together, and that was enough to put you to sleep with a smile.
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famwhy · 1 year
Right Way Up (03)
Stranger Things
Yandere! Steve Harrington X F!Reader, Yandere! Eddie Munson X F!Reader, Yandere! Billy Hargrove X F!Reader
Synopsis: You always hated when your favourite characters died in shows or movies; always longed to have the opportunity to save them. So when you're transported into one of your favourite shows of all time, what else are you supposed to do besides save your beloved characters?
Warnings: Threat/violence, Gore, Mentions of sexual content (implicit), Death, Manipulation, Depictions of toxic relationships, Drugs and alcohol abuse
Note: I know Steve's initials are on this chapter but that doesn't mean this chapter is focused on him, just a head's up.
prev part. masterlist. next part.
03. bring unto me altruism
trait: s.h.
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"YOU know him?"
Your gaze wandered over the top of the BMW, breaking away from the (very sturdy-looking) back of Billy Hargrove to instead lock eyes with Steve Harrington—the latter of which had his own optics thoroughly narrowed in your direction.
"The new guy—" he scoffed out, and you watched as his lips tugged down, brows furrowed very harshly, "—do you know him?"
Ah, shit. You have got to stop slipping up, Y/N.
"No." The response came out quick—and you turning around to face Billy again came quicker. He was still walking off—skinny jeans making it almost impossible to ignore his figure, very clearly outlining his... ahem just as they had in the show. "I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know him, though."
"Ew, gross."
"Oh please, like you can talk."
"I can talk, actually, and—hey! Where are you going?" 
Midway through his sentence, you had started off towards the school, strutting after the dirty blonde with just as much feigned confidence in your walk as he.
It was rude to walk off halfway through a conversation but that was probably the least of your worries right now. You had a plan and if you wanted to execute it, you couldn't let Billy out of your sight.
"Just heading to class, don't worry. Walk Nancy to her first period then head to yours, 'kay? I'll be fine."
What exactly were you doing? Simple—remember the other day when you had no clue where you were going and had to rely on Steve to get you to your classes? Well, today, you could follow Billy Hargrove and, with any luck, you'd end up finding the counselor without having to ask for help and sounding suspicious.
Although, the last of anyone's guesses as to why you were acting peculiar would be that you came from a whole other world; one wherein they were all characters on a screen with almost three-quarters of them being completely irrelevant to the plot and, therefore, not even paid the littlest of attention to by the audience.
Still, better to be safe than sorry.
You had many more worries running rampant in your mind, all loud and overwhelming, grand and all-consuming—almost to the point where you had bumped into the defined back of the 80s bad boy; a defined back which, all of a sudden, wasn't moving like it was just moments ago. 
Why did he stop?
The answer to that question was written clearly on the solid plate stuck to the blank, beaten door before you: COUNSELOR.
Your ears perked up as a jingle sounded from the metal knob, a strong, slightly-tanned hand wrapped firmly around it.
The door refused to budge.
"Ah shit," came the steady curse of the broad male. His body had shifted after that, and even an idiot could tell that he was about to turn around, so you did what any sane person would do—you flung yourself to the side and crashed your butt against one of the chairs snugly tucked against the wall.
Ouch... you'd think the chairs next to the guidance counselor's office would be a little more comfy to land on. 
If Billy had found your actions at all weird, he showed no signs of it—choosing, instead, to plop himself down on the seat next to you; pink lips pulled into a straight line and ocean-blue gaze as cool as steel. If eyes were the windows to the soul, then Billy's glass panes were sure-as-hell foggy beyond belief because you hadn't grasped a single glance at his soul.
But... you still knew what it looked like, the shattered crystals left behind in the wake of his past, ready to prick whoever dared come near with their razor-sharp edges—and that thought had your heart squeezing painfully, both in sympathy and guilt; sympathy for his unfortunate circumstances and... guilt for knowing so much about this boy who hadn't a single clue that you existed before... well, any of this.
"'S there a reason for your staring, princess?"
You blinked, all of a sudden being the recipient of a grin that didn't quite seem to reach the eyes of the sender.
"Huh?"—damn, caught lost in thought again—"Oh! Uh, you're my new neighbour, right?"
He arched a brow.
"Cherry Lane?" You added. "My brother told me someone moved in and you don't look like anyone I know."
His mouth stayed sewn shut and you chose to keep going.
"I think I saw you get out of your car earlier too, there was a California tag on it, is that where you used to live?"
Again. No words. Though, this time, his lips pulled taut and any sign of that previous expression had vanished.
"I always thought the Golden Coast was pretty." You weren't an idiot, you saw the change in his expression—the shift in his gaze—but you didn't let it stop you, continuing to speak with a small, gentle smile, "I'm thinking of going one day."
His eyes had softened a little at that, and he parted his lips—looking as though he was about to speak—when, all of a sudden, a sound reverberated through the near-empty hall, and he closed them once more, raising a brow before sending a pointed look your way.
You felt it coming, the rumble deep down in the pits of your stomach, but you were helpless in stopping it—in containing it—and it arrived before you could even blink—
—a low growl.
Your fist rose up, a light cough leaving your mouth as your gaze awkwardly drifted to the side. "I, uh, didn't eat this morning."
Then—to your utter surprise—soft, mirthful chuckles flooded your ears, causing you to whip your head around so fast, you almost sprained your poor neck. Beside you was a sight for sore eyes; one that resulted in your jaw dropping all the way to the floor and your eyes practically bulging out with how much they'd widened.
Billy Hargrove—the Billy Hargrove—was laughing.
His soft, golden curls bounced with each bout of snickers that left his mouth—beautiful, azure eyes crinkled and barely visible past his squinted lids—and yet—they still looked just as striking as usual, as mesmerising and jaw-dropping as on TV—if not, more so.
And then, it really sank in.
You made Billy Hargrove laugh.
And it wasn't some fake, obligatory giggle—nor was it that little, psychotic laugh he did when hysteria clouded his usually-cold gaze—no, it was full-blown, genuine laughter. And you caused it.
That thought had your chest swelling with a lot more pride than it probably should've—
"What's up with the tattoo?"
The question left his mouth much more comfortably than his previous words, flowing out with a small, slightly-smug quirk of his lips, and it took you a moment to register the fact that he had stopped chuckling, his gaze having drifted down—specifically, towards your wrist.
You trailed his gaze, finding yourself being met with the three, thick lines that had been there since the day you arrived in this world and—unsure of why they were there yourself—you shrugged. "Dunno, I think I got it while blackout drunk once."
Something about your response must've been funny because he officially chuckled for the second time since meeting you. "I didn't know you country folk knew how to party that hard."
Now, you might've not been from Hawkins yourself but... something about the way he said that had your eyes narrowing slightly in his direction, and you sprung up from your seat, the underside of your thighs suddenly being greeted by cold air.
"Watch it. We can party just as hard as you Calis."
Your pupils grew shaky as you stood there, watching the next set of his actions with a tingling feeling deep down in your stomach.
One hand on his denim-clad knee, defined biceps flexing as he slowly rose up—your eyes rising with him. And as he took a step closer to you—lips twitching further up with a glint in his eyes you couldn't quite discern—you found yourself starting to slowly lose your breath, hands growing just the slightest bit clammy with the sudden blaze of active nerves you were struck with.
You gulped. "Yeah."
You felt hyper-aware as a rough, sun-kissed hand slid around your waist—fitting perfectly against the curve of your back, slowly dragging you closer, and sending a flurry of pleasant tingles straight up your spine to meet with the group that started to steadily arise in your chest; a chest that was mere millimetres from the thin, cotton material that covered his own.
Then, he leaned towards your ear, lips grazing the lobe as he whispered—a sultry lull bleeding into his tone—"Why don't you show me just how hard you can party, huh?"
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat but—before you could fret over what he'd say next, how he'd respond to your silly, little fumble—a 'click!' sounded from your side, and you threw yourself straight out of his sturdy arms quicker than a bolt of lightning—just in time, too, for the face of an older woman emerged from within the office not even moments later.
"Ah," the lady nodded, "you must be William."
Your eyes flitted over to him just in time to catch the way his jaw ticked.
"It's Billy, actually." And when he responded, his voice came out cold, different to the playful lilt it held just moments before.
It didn't take a genius to figure out the name struck a nerve.
"Ah, my bad. Would you like to come in and grab your schedule, Billy?"
He didn't respond but did as she asked, brushing past you to walk into the smaller room, only sharing a brief few seconds of eye-contact as he walked past—but those brief few seconds were enough to grant you just a tiny glimpse into the thunderous storm hidden within the pools of his irises—
—and as the door shut behind him, your lips tugged down.
You couldn't help but let your mind wander to the way his muscles seemed to tense up at the mention of California, freeze in what you could safely assume was caused by his longing to return to the freedom of his home state.
To be forced to depart from your home was nothing new, but you truly felt for Billy and his circumstances. His dad was more than hard on him—he was downright abusive, and Billy was forced to endure it without a single soul in his corner to help him through it, to guide him down the right path and teach him how to break out of the cycle of abuse he was forced into upon being born.
He was only eighteen. A goddamn child. He shouldn't have had to go through what he did.
He should've had the chance to redeem himself.
But that chance was squandered in Season 3, ripped from him akin to how his life was—a grotesque limb of mixed flesh having pierced through his chest, several other messed-up tentacles latched painfully onto his sides, bleeding him dry, draining the life from his eyes.
He didn't deserve to die.
Officially bummed-out by your own trail of thoughts, you heaved out a sigh before your ears perked up at a familiar 'click!' and your head snapped to the door again.
Out came Billy, the smug twitch of his lips back on his face—it was so comfortably situated there, in fact, that if any other person had seen it, they'd have assumed it was there the whole time.
But, despite him looking perfectly fine as he walked out of the old office, you still felt the urge to fly into his arms and wrap him in an embrace filled to the brim with promises; promises to at least provide him some level of support for what he was going through and what he would go through. Though, unlike with Eddie, you couldn't act upon it.
See, Billy and Eddie were two completely different people—where Eddie had brushed off your sudden hug quite easily—happily welcomed it, even—Billy would definitely question it, especially considering the fact that he didn't even know who you were.
And so, although it took all of your willpower, you refrained from throwing yourself onto him—choosing, instead, to stand still as he sauntered over, fingers rising up to brush against your shoulder gently; teasingly.
"See ya 'round, princess."
Instantly, a flurry of tiny, winged creatures erupted in your stomach, sending tingles through your body—up your spine to seize you at your throat, clawing into your windpipe and rendering you motionless in astonishment and awe and—
Was it just you or was it getting hot in here?
"Y/N?" You blinked, attention turning to the dark-haired female suddenly stood before you. "What are you doing here?"
Forcing yourself to forget that... whatever that was, you let a small, sheepish smile curve onto your lips. "Actually, miss, do you mind if I ask for a reprint of my schedule?"
"A reprint?" She rose a brow, arms slowly folding over her chest. "I thought you already had it memorised."
"Oh, uh,"—cue a small, nervous giggle—"you see, it kinda like... slipped my mind, y'know? And I already lost my old one so... can I have that reprint?"
She stood there for a little while longer—letting you really bask in the glory of her heavy judgement—before finally heaving out a sigh through her nose, sounding like she just aged up another ten years as she spun on her heel, full, brown curls bouncing after her.
The ground was smooth, friction practically non-existant as you rocked on your heels, awaiting the piece of paper with bated breath. The ticks of the clock suddenly didn't seem so much like white noise anymore as impatience furrowed your brows and your teeth jutted out, sinking a little into your bottom lip in anticipation.
Then, with a loud, echoing, "Y/N!"—someone had called out to you, but their voice was too high-pitched to be the one you were looking to hear—not to mention the fact that it came from the hall to your right as opposed to the office in front of you.
Your head whipped around just in time to have your whole body jerk a little as a girl skidded to an abrupt stop right next to you, her brown, soft-looking hair bouncing with an almost unnecessary amount of volume.
In her hands were several pieces of bright orange paper, all inked with a few words you couldn't quite make out—not without squinting at least.
"Uh, hey..."
Who the hell was this again?
"How have you been? You haven't been to practice for a while now, the girls are pretty worried." As she spoke, she tucked a stray strand behind her ear and you squinted—trying to figure out where you'd seen her in the show.
"Oh, uh, I've just been a little sick, that's all."—seriously, who was this girl?—"I'm fine now though."
"That's great to hear!" She beamed, though her smile didn't quite seem to reach her eyes. "Listen, I'm having this party on Halloween and... I wanted you to be the first invite."
She extended one hand—flyer fit snugly between her fingertips—and you reached out, wrapping your fingers around the other end before she released it.
Eyes falling down, you took in the words written in... well, you didn't even know what font that was: TINA'S HALLOWEEN BASH. Come and get Sheet Faced.
Oh, so this was Tina.
"You'll be there, right?"
Your eyes flew back up and you were met with her intense gaze, swirling with a desperate, expectant plea you were almost saddened to see.
"Yeah," you nodded, "I'll be there."
If anyone saw the way her shoulders fell and the muscles on her face relaxed at your words, they would've assumed you took some sort of heavy anvil off her shoulders, freeing her of some sort of imaginary weight that was supposedly weighing her down.
"Thank you," she breathed out, voice practically inaudible over the air leaving her lungs.
Damn, were you that influential?—so much so that your presence would make or break a party?
"No problem?" 
If you were being completely honest, you had no idea what to think of Tina—her character wasn't very explored in the show considering the fact that her role was very minor, the only thing she was really used for was the Halloween bash. But just from these few minutes with her alone, you could tell she was someone who heavily valued reputation.
"Okay, well, I should go," her voice pierced through your thoughts. "I'm thinking of inviting the new kid."
You parted your lips—about to say goodbye—when she twirled around and took off running, not even bothering to spare another glance your way.
But as your gaze drifted down to the piece of paper in your hands once more, you found yourself uncaring of her rather unorthodox departure—too busy thinking about... something else.
"Y/N, here's your schedule."
Ah, nevermind the bash, you had your schedule now. You could finally know where you were meant to be for each period—albeit, it would take you a while to actually find the places but at least you knew what subjects you were meant to be in during the week. It wasn't much, but it was something.
Speaking of class, you were long overdue for your first period—
—and your teacher seemed to agree on that too, judging by the harsh glare situated on his face as soon as your sheepish form walked through the door. But hey, could he blame you? No, you were just trying to find your way around this stupid maze of a school.
Luckily, getting to your second class was much easier seeing as you passed it on your way to the first—but that didn't make it any less difficult to have to sit through. You were in Stranger Things—for fuck's sake!—what the hell did Newton's Third Law have to do with it?
You weren't ashamed to admit that you didn't pay attention to any of the other classes leading up to lunch—nor were you opposed to confessing the huge sigh of relief you let out once the long break period finally arrived, because—c'mon—who the hell paid attention to class when they just got transported to another world?
Not you.
So yes, you were currently happily strolling through the halls with your arms crossed over your books as you hugged said items to your chest, no sign of Steve in sight—but, you did catch a glimpse of a very familiar Lion's mane by a set of grey lockers in the corner of your eye.
Your voice must've come suddenly because he jumped as soon as you called out to him, head turning your way and one hand situating itself above his heart after he saw you. "Oh, Y/N!"
Your lips twitched up at just the sight of him. "What happened to 'sweetheart'?"
"Oh, uh, you want me to call you that? In front of all these people?"
And just like that, your lips tugged down. "Of course, why would that be a problem? Unless you're uncomfortable with it yourself—in which case, you don't have to call me by it."
Immediately, his head shook from side-to-side, messy hair bouncing crazily along with it. "No, no, not at all... sweetheart."
You'd be lying if you said that the nickname didn't garner a reaction from you; didn't result in your chest swirling with a blazing warmth.
Though, it also seemed to result in the jaw of the person stood next to him dropping to the floor; the same person you had just noticed was there in the first place. He had hair that was just as curly as Eddie's, but—unlike the male you knew—his was cut shorter, barely reaching past his ears really.
You knew this guy, he was one of Eddie's friends.
What was his name again? It started with a G. Let's see... Gavin..? No... Gary..? No...
"Gareth right?" Relief washed through your insides when his head nodded, eyes wide and seeming to look through you, almost as if he couldn't even believe you were there, "It's so nice to meet another friend of Eddie's!"
"Another?" He seemed to have shot out of his trance at that, and it wasn't long before he gave you an incredulous look, gaze flickering over from you to Eddie, to you to Eddie, over and over again.
Then, all too suddenly, he pulled on the other male's arm and yanked him to the side—not even 3 feet of you—before resuming, "You're friends with the Queen Bee? How the hell did that happen?"
"You think I know?!"
Eddie's response was enough to garner a chuckle from you, causing both boys to quickly return their gazes to your form. Before they could comment on their fuck-up however, another voice came bellowing down the hall, calling out to you.
Unlike with Gareth before, you recognised that pretty face paired with those luscious ginger strands of hair straight away. How could you not? You had practically seen a thousand edits of them along with the 'Chrissy Wake Up' song on TikTok. Kinda hard to forget her after the Internet did its magic.
Though, it wasn't exactly unpleasant to be meeting her, and so, you gave her as bright a smile as you could muster. "Chrissy! Hey!"
"Hi!" She beamed right back at you, but unlike Tina, Chrissy's smile genuinely reached her glinting eyes, even going as far as adorably crinkling them up a little. "Tina said you were feeling fine now, do you mind coming to practice today? Only if you're okay! I know you've been sick so take as much rest as you need and don't feel pressured."
How the hell could you say no to that?
"Yeah, okay, sure! I'll come with you to practice."
You weren't sure how it was possible, but she seemed to light up even further at that, almost blinding you like the little ball of sunshine she was.
In fact, she was so distracting, you almost forgot the presence of the two boys dressed in a completely different colour pallet to you. Keyword: almost.
"Looks like that's my cue." You turned their way—if only to save your eyesight from genuinely deteriorating due to the light that was Chrissy. "It was nice meeting you, Gareth. Good to see you again, Eddie."
Just before departing, you ghosted your fingers over the covered shoulder of Eddie, wiggling them about like you had done to Steve just the day prior; a signature goodbye, if you will.
And as you walked down the halls, you picked up on one last thing coming from Gareth's mouth... one last thing that was enough to drill your feet straight into the ground.
"Eddie? Eddie, wake up!"
That phrase... 
Flashes of Season 4 infiltrated your gaze; of the unfortunate victims that had their lives stripped from them; of the very girl stood next to you's body flying up, limbs distorting as they snapped irregularly, eyes not even having the pleasure of losing light with how unjustly they were gauged out from her.
Had you messed up somehow?
Had the events of Season 4 ended up being triggered too early by your mere existence?
The questions overwhelmed you—flooded through your senses and clogged up your airways with their untimely arrival. You were a puppet and they were the strings, ushering you to turn around; to rid yourself of the wool pulled over your eyes—of the blissful ignorance surrounding your form—and, helpless to their influence, you did exactly that.
Slowly, your head reared backwards—the room spinning around you—and your eyes were greeted by a welcome sight; one that breathed life back into your limbs.
Eddie stood there—eyes still very much on his face—with a familiar, light blush spread across his cheeks. Even as his form was being rapidly shook by his dear friend, he remained still, gaze trained on you. He only seemed to have snapped out of it after making proper eye-contact with you.
Two blinks. A small, shy raised hand. And a tiny wave.
False alarm. He was just flustered.
It made sense, your previous actions could be interpreted as flirting after all—and to be honest, you didn't really mind if it was (again, the Eddie Munson)—but, you'd be lying if you said he didn't just give you a bit of a scare there.
The sentence that just came out of Gareth's mouth was the very same, infamous sentence uttered by Eddie's lips just before the first death of Season 4—a rather brutal death involving the very ball of sunshine that was just tasked to retrieve you.
Speaking of that ball of sunshine—
"Y/N, you coming?"
You blinked, quickly returning Eddie's wave before whipping your head back around to face the ginger next to you once again.
You had to admit, it was very surreal coming face-to-face with people from the show who were meant to die—it felt kinda like seeing a ghost, and a part of you (just a teensy-weensy, little part) found it... well... unsettling.
But, that was just a small part.
"Yeah. Let's go."
You shook off the residual fear that lingered from that little moment before finally continuing to follow Chrissy down the hall. 
The whole walk was full of her detailing you on the failed practices of the cheerleaders in your absence. Apparently, Heather tried and failed to do a cartwheel into a back-flip as part of one of the routines before dramatically throwing her pompoms to the ground and angrily muttering that you could do it instead.
You had no idea who Heather was but you wished you were there to see it.
Oh, and—with you gone—it seemed as though a lot of the girls had taken to slacking off, opting to gaze longingly at the sweaty boys that played basketball just across the Gym instead of actually being productive.
You doubted that would get any better with Billy around now.
"Well, well, well," a high-pitched voice sliced through your thoughts and you blinked, finally noticing that you arrived at the Gym. "Look who finally decided to show up."
You recognised that puffed-up, blonde hair from the first day of your arrival, the stance she took on being an almost-exact replica of the one back in the infirmary.
"Finally done punching the daylights out of some random freak in school?" She scoffed out.
"Sarah," Chrissy hissed from beside you, "don't say that. Y/N's been sick recently."
"Sick of being just as aggressive as her brother?" Sarah rolled her eyes.
Before you could retort with your own defense, however, someone else had piped in—that person being a brunette with rather short, straight hair, "You're talking like you don't wanna fuck him."
"Jenny!" Your eyes flitted over to the blonde just in time to catch her reddened cheeks.
"What? It's true, isn't it?"
"Whatever, let's just..."
Sarah trailed off there, jaw hanging open as her eyes seemed to land on something not within your immediate eyesight. And when you found yourself following her gaze—you located the subject of her interest, the lack of words suddenly making sense.
Golden curls you had the pleasure of seeing up close just this morning were farther now, having just barely passed through the entrance. A cigarette hung loosely from his lips as the electricity in his eyes zapped through the Gym before finally landing on you, lips edging up into what you could only call a smirk.
It wasn't long before he sauntered over, practically demanding all of the attention in the room with his walk; attention which was happily handed over to him on a sleek, silver plate.
"All this time I've been calling you princess... when you've really been a queen," as he spoke—voice as husky as ever—a teasing lilt laced into his tone, intensifying his gaze and overwhelming you with his suffocating presence. "Why didn't you say anything, dollface?"
Breathe, Y/N, breathe. Stand your ground. 
You tried to, you really did—but, the only way you'd be able to keep your composure right now was by closing your eyes and pretending you didn't see him—
—so you did exactly that.
Your lashes fluttered shut and you envisioned a blank sea of darkness before uttering out a response, "Didn't think it was important."
"Yeah?" Now, while you might not have been able to see him, you could still very well hear him, and his voice was nothing short of the perfect mixture between smooth and rough and—
Stop. It.
For your own sake—and for fear of further falling apart—you chose not to say anything and only nodded.
That was a mistake.
Instant regret hit you square in the face when you felt the gentle touch of a few, rough fingers against your chin, tilting your head just enough to rest at an angle before a surge of warm air tickled your lashes.
And as he spoke—lips almost grazing your closed lids—those familiar flying pests made their home in your stomach, "Where'd those pretty eyes of yours go? Didn't seem to stop wanting to use them this morning."
Damn him and his smoothness.
In an effort to continue to save face, you resorted to squeezing your eyes even further shut—paying no mind to the blissful warmth slowly coating your form or the teasing snickers that left the bad boy's mouth; snickers which you could practically feel the vibrations of.
"What's the matter? Have I rendered Miss Queen Bee speechless?" 
Your vision was dark but you could still see the smug smirk on his face. Just wait until you gathered yourself, you were gonna make him ten times more flustered than you—just wait.
The light clearing of a throat suddenly served as a reminder that you two weren't the only ones in the room and you found yourself feeling a little... cold when Billy pulled away.
Cold? Ugh, once again, damn him and his smoothness.
Finally deeming it safe to do so, you opened your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light once more before you were finally able to make out the slowly-shrinking figure of Billy Hargrove. But just as he reached the entrance of the Gym once more, he paused, one hand firmly gripping onto the frame as he called out to you over his shoulder.
"Keep your bed nice and warm for me, will ya, dollface?"
Your jaw dropped.
Someone else then said something along the lines of 'oh my god' but—if you were being honest—you were barely able to hear it over the echo of Billy's snickers as he walked away, completely amused by your reaction no doubt.
He was so unequivocally bold, you almost couldn't believe it.
"Uh, guys, I think I'm gonna take a raincheck on practice today." But, it seemed as though the other girls definitely could—judging by how the very girl who said this rushed right after Billy.
"Me too!"
"Yeah, uh, I think I'm feeling a little sick."
"Well, I, for one, am chasing up that boy."
"Not if I get him first!"
And as a majority of them rushed after the handsome male, you found yourself deadpanning.
You definitely couldn't blame them though, the rest of your day was spent recalling all those scenes with him after all. Even Steve noticed your absent-mindedness in the last period of the day—trying several outlandish things to grab your attention that he only informed you of once the lesson was over.
You didn't even notice him waving his arms wildly in front of your face while the teacher's back was turned.
And even as you walked beside him, Nancy strutting ahead of the two of you after you'd picked her up from class, you still had your head roaming around in the clouds.
"Hey, Y/N?" 
You hummed, half-listening, half-not.
Steve then leaned further your way, shoulder brushing your own as he whispered against your ear. "Wish me good luck?"
You blinked up at him, having paid enough attention to scrunch up your nose in confusion and ask, "Good luck for what?"
"The dinner. At Barb's?" 
A few more blinks.
And then—
Nancy turned around at that, and Steve was quick to hush you. He only resumed talking when she faced forward once more—albeit, slower than she turned around.
"What are you doing? Trying to get me in trouble?!" His whisper came out harsh, and you winced a little.
"Alright, alright, gheez." 
His attitude seemed to be at an all-time high because he rolled his eyes after that. "I just... don't get why I have to go to this stupid dinner anyway."
"Steve." It was your turn to harshly whisper. "Don't say that. Nancy needs closure, this dinner is exactly that."
You felt for Steve just a tad bit, it wasn't his best friend that died after all (thank god for that) but that didn't mean he got to complain about attending a dinner his girlfriend wanted him to be at because he was there the night of the first attack; of the first murder.
See, Barbara (or Barb) had been Nancy's best friend—the two being practically attached by the hip—so of course the night she died would be one that Nancy deeply regretted, and of course she would want closure with the parents of her best friend. It just made sense.
In fact, the whole reason why she did any of what she did in Season 2 was so that she could inform Barb's parents (who still thought their child was out there somewhere) that their kid was, in fact, dead.
"Y/N, you there?"
Caught in a monologue? Seriously, Y/N? What are you, the main character?
"Yeah, I'm here."
Seeing as you were already outside and stood right by Steve's car—you slotted your hand between the cold of both the handle and the door before pulling it open, leaping straight in, and causing the whole vehicle to jerk in a symphony of loud clangs from sheer force.
"Hey! Careful!" It seemed like your music wasn't appreciated by Steve though.
"Relax. It's not like I broke it or anything—" feeling like messing with him—because duh—a smirk slowly twitched onto your lips, "—besides, it's excited to see me, aren't you, girl?"
Steve let out another hiss when you patted the seat a little too harshly—sounding akin to a pissed off feline which just made him seem less menacing and more adorable.
Ha, you tried, Steve, you tried.
The click of the passenger door drew your eyes over to Nancy's form, watching as her legs entered one at a time before she took a seat and turned your way—"We're dropping you off then heading straight over to Barb's."—then, turning to Steve, "Right, Steve?"
You could already hear the grumbled out 'yes' coming from him and you only sent him a grin seeping with amusement when he met your gaze through the rear-view mirror—your lips stretching further as he mouthed the words 'help me' with anguish in his eyes.
"You two have fun, yeah?"
You said the sentence to piss Steve off even further but when you caught a glimpse of the look on Nance's face, a pang shot straight through your chest.
Her eyes had this far-away look about them as her lips curved up by a very small amount—though there was no joy in it, only grief.
"Hey..." you placed one hand on the shoulder of her seat, using it to pull yourself forward as you furrowed your brows, worry clouding your gaze. "You alright?"
She sniffled a little before waving her hand and nodding in response. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."
Your lips tugged down and you shared a look with your best friend before he started the engine, breathing life into the vehicle as you slowly lowered your body back down onto the leather seat.
She wasn't fine; even without knowledge from the show, you could tell. She might not have been crying but her lip was definitely quivering a little and her eyes... well, they just weren't all... present in the moment.
But, she would be fine. And that was enough.
Besides, though it was cold to say, you had bigger things to worry about. Nancy would get help from Jonathan in order to come to terms with Barb's death—meanwhile, you had no one to help you out with all the spare knowledge you stored in your brain; with all the premonitions (if you could call it that) you were blessed with.
Perhaps it was time you started preparing for another bout with the demodogs—you were Steve's best friend, after all; that probably meant you'd most likely end up facing the dogs together with him later on in the Season.
You perked up at the call of your name, shaking away the thoughts clinging to your brain.
"We're here."
Lo and behold, so it seemed you were, the familiar sidewalk leading up to your house being visible through the clear glass panes beside you.
Clicking open the door, you took one step out before swinging the rest of your body to follow after, and once you closed the door again, you walked over to the passenger-side window—shoes barely making a sound against the ground—before your knees bent down a little and you tapped lightly against the glass.
"Let the Hollands know I wish them the best, okay?" You offered a gentle smile to the girl sat before you, and she tried her best to muster one up in return.
"See you guys." 
And with a brief wave, you quickly spun around and headed towards the relatively-normal house.
You now—thankfully—had keys of your own so there was no need to knock or anything. Well—it was more like you had them all this time but didn't know where they were and just so happened to find them the other day but—details, details.
After fiddling with the keys a little, you heard a 'click!' and pushed against the handle before entering, one hand moving behind you to carefully shut the door.
"I'm home."
Curt's voice was the first to greet you—albeit, not very genuinely. "Congratulations, want a trophy?"
Uh, yes, actually. You would very much like a trophy after coming back home in one piece in the world of Stranger Things.
"We're having pasta tonight!" Luckily, Cain's words were a lot more welcoming than the other brother.
So, as was your right, you ignored your second oldest brother in favour of responding to the first. "Ooh! Pasta?!"
You had to admit, his cooking the other night was rather good—okay, it was magnificent, you just didn't wanna admit it because you stormed off the other day before being able to properly finish it.
But now that you could—
Before you could finish that train of thought, three loud knocks resounded through the room, no doubt coming from the door behind you.
Was that Steve? Did he forget to say something?
You lightly wrapped your palm around the handle, turning it slowly before the door was open once more, a sudden, light breeze hitting you square in the face—
—though, the breeze could never be more sudden than who you saw at the door.
It wasn't your swooshy-haired companion to greet you on the other side—no—but rather, an older woman with barely visible bags underneath her drooping eyes; eyes which seemed to have lost all light, almost appearing chillingly lifeless—
—well, that was until they lit up at the sight of you.
"Oh, Y/N! Baby! I've missed you so much!"
And as she threw herself onto your form—arms engulfing you wholly, emotionally—you found yourself blanking out for once, only one thought popping up in your head:
What. The. Fuck.
@bdudette, @tanyaherondale, @killerqueenfan, @l3xiluve, @thedoubleexposurephotography, @xxqueenofdemonsxx, @briarsheart, @nickey-diano, @uselessbutinteresting, @steeldaisies, @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom, @patheticreative, @majestichugs, @eddiesbitch83, @secretdryrose, @bloodywickedvamp, @charlizekkelly
Did Billy give you guys butterflies or what? 😏 (Srsly tho, I need to know if I'm writing him well—)
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thatfandomslut · 8 months
All Of The Girls You’ve Loved Before
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Gretchen Wieners x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warning: just a bunch of fluff
Hello, there! I don't know if this request will reach you or not, but I would like to request some Gretchen Wieners x reader fluff please, thank you! Inspired by All Of The Girls You've Loved Before by Taylor Swift
Mean Girls requests are open.
"Who wrote that?" Gretchen wondered, flipping through (Y/n)'s yearbook. The pink ink glistened on the page with red hearts floating around the name, (Y/n)'s name. The yearbook in Gretchen's hand was dated back to their freshman year, but the pink, flowing cursive made her feel ill with the recognizable feeling of jealousy.
(Y/n) rolled over from her back, and looked over at the book curiously. A hum escaped her lips as she recognized the handwriting. "This was back in freshman year when I was dating Emily." (Y/n) said casually. It was one of those fourteen-year-old relationships where you think you will be together forever. Of course, in the long run, it wasn't healthy, and it ended in text and approximately two days in bed before they both had developed crushes on someone new.
Gretchen didn't experience this kind of relationship. She had situationships like Jason's. She couldn't think back to when she didn't have feelings for (Y/n). Even though she's liked (Y/n) since middle school, it was their sophomore year that those feelings started to blossom fully. Then during the summer between their sophomore and junior years, (Y/n) and Gretchen became official. Gretchen almost forgot about all of the relationships (Y/n) had before them.
(Y/n) noticed the thoughtful pout on Gretchen's lips and gently took the book from her hands and closed it. "Gretchen," she called for the girl's attention, smiling a bit when Gretchen's coffee-colored eyes met hers. "You know, if we had gotten together earlier, this relationship wouldn't be as healthy as it is. I had to mature before I got to where I am now. I grew from those relationships in order to be the person I am today with you." (Y/n) said softly, cupping the girl's cup before placing a soft kiss on Gretchen's pout. Thankfully, this seemed to satisfy Gretchen as she kissed back.
Gretchen had realized that (Y/n) was right. They had been friends during all of the relationships (Y/n) dabbled in before they became official. She has witnessed this growth and maturity. Gretchen also grew during that time. Thankful for her words of reassurance, Gretchen pulled away, pressing a soft kiss to (Y/n)'s nose. "I grew during that time, too. I was in a toxic situationship with Jason, and he treated me horribly. You are the first and only person who has ever treated me like a person who deserved a good and healthy love." Gretchen confessed with a soft smile.
"I'm glad I can provide that for you, baby. You genuinely deserve the world, and I want to give that to you." (Y/n) moved to sit up, stretching slightly, her muscles tight from the position she was in on the bed. "Do you want to watch a movie and cuddle?"
Gretchen grinned wider at this. (Y/n) knew her well. Gretchen practically launched herself into (Y/n)'s arms causing the two to laugh as (Y/n) held her close. "Can we watch Clueless again?" She questioned, hoping (Y/n) would agree to this. After all, they watched it once every week. Unfortunately for (Y/n), it was a movie that Gretchen never grew tired of. (Y/n) nodded softly, kissing her girlfriend's temple before flipping on the movie for her. The room's previous tensions were now completely settled as the two enjoyed the movie.
(Y/n) could always appreciate how she and Gretchen communicated their feelings. She knew that Gretchen struggled with the idea of her and her past relationships. And, that was something (Y/n) understood. She heard an earful from Regina about how Gretchen had been crushing on her for years and she needed to 'woman up' and ask her out. (Y/n) was nervous to go out with Gretchen. She had only been in unhealthy relationships before her, but this has been the most amazing relationship she has ever been in. She was determined to spend forever with the honey-blonde girl in her arms.
Gretchen looked up at (Y/n) as she noticed the girl lost in thought. Her focus was obviously not on the movie. "What's on your mind?" Gretchen questioned softly, her hand gently moving to take (Y/n)'s. She always liked to know what was on (Y/n)'s mind. She lived for her girlfriend's thoughts and ideas.
(Y/n) bit her lips with a smile as her cheeks heated up. "Would it be too cheesy if I said you? I was thinking about how lucky I am to be with you. I'm just thankful for you, and in a way, Regina for pushing me to finally ask you out." She confessed before leaning her head back to rest on the pillows behind her. She didn't mean to get caught so zoned out, but Gretchen was someone who was incredibly observant.
Gretchen smiled at (Y/n)'s answer, squeezing her hand. "It is a bit cheesy, yes, but… It's also very cute, and it's nice to hear that you feel that way about me and for me." Gretchen responded, meeting eyes with (Y/n). The action would always take her breath away. "I feel the same way towards you. Also, I'm thankful for Regina, too. I love you." She said happily, leaning up to pepper (Y/n)'s face with kisses, causing the girl to laugh happily at the action.
"I love you, too, Gretchen," she said as her heart felt warm, the fluttering feeling in her stomach returning. It always came when she and Gretchen were acting like this. Both had forgotten about the movie playing in the background once Gretchen's lips landed onto (Y/n)'s. Both of their heartbeats accelerated but they were still in sync. The feeling of love and happiness filled the room as the two kept each other close, as they always did. At that moment, they felt lucky and a sheer amount of love that could end a war. It was evident to the both of them how much they wanted and needed each other, and how important it was to grow from all of the relationships they've had in the past.
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mustainegf · 3 months
Valentines day with Metallica! They all ask you out on a date- but you can only choose one!
(would be cool if it ended on a cliffhanger and there was a poll at the end- whoever wins the poll is who you go on a date with :D)
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There were posters everywhere of Iron Maiden, Diamond Head, and Motörhead, amplifiers stacked in corners, and guitars strewn about, literally everywhere, like they were a part of the furniture. The year was 1984, and this band was about to hit the big time, I just knew it.
Me? I was just a small part of that world then, living with in their basement, but I’d grown to love these guys.
Valentine's Day was drawing close, and the house was charged. I was a friend to all of them: James, Kirk, Lars, and Cliff. But on this particular Valentine's Day, things turned a little differently than I thought they might.
Well, February 14th started like any other morning. The ringing in my ears was from James’ guitar. His bedroom was just above mine, and he had developed a habit of early morning fiddling. Today, though, there was something soft about his playing.
I went and began making my way downstairs to the kitchen. As I did, I could smell freshly brewed coffee waiting for me. There was James, standing at the counter now, looking more frazzled than I had ever seen him. His usually confident air was replaced by a sort of shy, somewhat boyish bashfulness.
I mean, it wasn’t like he wasn’t always shy, because he was, but this time it was different.
"Morning, James," I said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the tickling butterflies in my stomach.
"Hey," he replied, cracking a little. "I just made some coffee for you, so…”
"Thanks," I said, taking the mug. "What's up?"
James took a deep breath, his hands trembled a bit as he leaned back on the old creaky linoleum counter. "I know this might sound kinda crazy, but, um, I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go out with me sometime. I mean, it's Valentine's Day and all, and I thought- um, I don’t know it doesn’t have to be serious or-” He seemed to be backpedaling as his cheeks burned red. “Just you and me."
His eyes were earnest, full of vulnerability, leaving him open, more open than I’d ever seen the boy. It was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen, and it made my heart speed up.
"I'd love to, James," I said, "but I have to think about it. Can I let you know later?"
He nodded a little, his eyes showing he was a little disappointed, but he could muster up a small smile. "Yeah, sure. Take your time."
Afternoon, I lay on the living room couch just flipping through a magazine when Kirk came bounding in. He was his usual giggly self, but today there was an added element of excitement to the feel about him. His curly hair bounced as he moved and his eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Hey," he said, plopping down on the couch next to me. "Horror fan, cool magazine. I’ve got that one.”
"I know, I took it from your room," I teased, setting it aside to face him. "What's up?"
He leaned back on the old seat, still grinning, and the giggles began to spread. "So, I was thinking. It's Valentine's Day, right? And, well, I was just sort of wondering if you'd like to go out with me, maybe tomorrow? You know, we could go see a movie, or something... They’ve got a new horror one out that could be cool, if you wanted to…"
He was so excited that I couldn't help but smile. "That does sound like fun. But, um, I have to think about it. Can I get back to you?"
"Yeah, yeah… Of course!" he said, just about bouncing off the couch. "Take all the time in the world." He said happily, his cheeks going maroon.
The day dragged by. The atmosphere in the house was tight, for I knew Lars would eventually make his move. Never had he shied away, even though, admittedly, it fazed him a little.
Later in the afternoon, I found Lars in the garage working on his kit. His usual cockiness was shadowed by something.
"Hey, Lars," I said, walking up to him.
He startled, then dropped one of his drumsticks. "Oh, hey.. Didn't see you there."
"Someone’s on edge. Can find a valentine?" I joked, picking up the other drumstick and handing it to him.
"No, no, everything's fine," he said, though by his eyes, he was nervous. "If you’re so adamant on teasing me, why don’t you just be my valentine." He blurted out, the realization then washing over his face as he took in his own words.
I paused with a grin. Lars swallowed hard and then blurted out, "Do you want to go out with me sometime? For Valentine's Day? But.. I mean like, it doesn’t have to be today..." He cleared his throat, looking away.
His words came out in a tumble, and I could see he was bracing himself for rejection. I smiled at him sympathetically. "That sounds awesome, Lars. But I need some time to think. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure," he said, trying to hide his disappointment. "Just uh.. just let me know."
Evening dropped over the house, and the sky outside deepened into a rich, velvety blue. I stepped out into the yard for some fresh air, needing a break from the emotional whirlwind swirling about. There I found Cliff sitting on the porch, cradling a joint between his fingers. He was the calmest of them all.
"Hi, Cliff," I said, sitting down beside him.
"Hey," he responded, his voice as calm as ever as he blew the smoke in the opposite of my direction. "How's it going?"
"Busy day," I admitted, leaning back and staring up at the stars that were beginning to peek through.
"I bet," he said softly. A second or so of comfortable silence before he turned back to me.
"So, I was thinking. Valentine's Day. I thought maybe you'd want to hang out sometime. Nothing fancy, just the two of us. We could just chill, go on a walk. What do you say?"
He was refreshing in his directness, and it brought an ache to my heart in a much different way. "That sounds really nice, Cliff. Let me think on it. Can I tell you later?"
"Sure thing," he said with a reassuring smile. "No rush, I’ll always be here."
Night fell, and I retreated to my room. My mind was blurry. They all asked me out in such a different but sweet way that I feel like my heart pulled in four ways at once. James with his vulnerability, Kirk with his dorky joy, Lars with his rare nervousness, and Cliff with his calm charm.
I could hardly believe that ALL of them asked me out on the same day, and none of them knew about it.
I lay down on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking of what to do and feel. How was I to choose just one of them? They all meant a lot to me in different ways. Really, the thought of knowing I would hurt 3 of them sickened my stomach.
Or even all 4 of them if I decided not to go through with it.
Who would I choose?
Click here to read the first date!
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delulu-with-wandanat · 10 months
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Reader Description: He/him, adult, early 30s.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Male!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, angst?
(Now now, i know i put out a poll. BUT i started writing this and... oh well enjoy :> I promise the next one will be a lighthearted Wandanat HS au eeekkk!!!!!)
Summary: America Chavez gave Wanda what she wanted, Wanda sees the love of her life again from another universe. However, her lover's variant already build a life without her...
Y/n sits on the sofa with a huff and turned on the TV to watch whatever was available on Netflix, "What a day..." he said to himself. He loved his new job, but of course like any other person he just needed some time alone.
He scrolled to the various crappy movies and series that he hadn't watch. Deciding that he just wanted something light, he put on a sitcom that he watched many times with his late wife a few years ago. It felt weird not watching it with her even until now, but he remembered how much his wife loved re-watching the sitcom over and over to the point where she could recite every single episode by heart.
Y/n smiled at the memory, when the two used to binge watch Brooklyn 99 at the common room of the compound. Wanda even got to the point where she hosted a 'Halloween Heist', but it ultimately stopped after two heist when Natasha won in less than 10 minutes, yes both heist. Honestly they should've known better than to have those kind of heist games with a well renowned international spy.
At least they still have a few rounds of 'Jimmy Jabs' games.
Except they dialed the extremeness to a 10 considering they were the Avengers. We don't have to get into details, but due to the techs that they have and the powers they own, things get very interesting quite quickly.
Well almost everything in his life was interesting, I mean he's surrounded by gods, witches, spies. Not a single day in his life was ordinary...
Including today, when a portal in the shape of a star appeared out of nowhere right in front of him. The portal it self did not shock him in the slightest. What did shock him though was the fact that the love of his life, his wife, his soulmate who died years ago, was now standing right in front of him in the flesh.
Y/n was speechless. Ever more so, the fact that Wanda was choking what it looks like no more than 14 year old girl. "Wanda, what are you doing?!"
"Y/n..." Wanda breathed out, her grip on the girl loosen. The 14 year old girl then fell to the gasping for air. "I- I didn't..."
Y/n stood up from the couch, he couldn't move. His dead wife was alive right before his eyes, either she had rise from the dead or... well, there was only one other possibility.
She was from another universe.
No doubt in his mind that she was. In Y/n's universe, they knew the existence of the multiverse. "I just wanted to see you again." Wanda said with teary eyes.
Being a former SHIELD agent, he was quick to piece the puzzle together. This Wanda must be from a Universe where he had died. He tried to stay calm for her, even though inside, seeing Wanda again brought back so many memories. Happy ones, but most notably the painful one.
Particularly, a memory of the day he lost her.
Wanda noticed that Y/n had been silent the whole time, she hung her head in shame. "I'm a monster..."
Y/n's heart broke at her words. "No... Lyubov, don't say that." He approached her slowly and gently lifted her chin so her eyes meets his.
Gazing into the eyes of the woman he loves that died years ago was something that would never have crossed his mind. It took every, by that I mean EVERYTHING in his power to not breakdown right in front of her.
Little did he know Wanda felt the same, however the difference was her wound was still fresh. Staring into his beautiful eyes again, it broke her. Wanda broke down and pulled him into a hug, taking in everything she could.
His scent, his warmth, his comfort.
She cried on to his shoulders, and Y/n simply held her. It felt good, really good. To be in his arms again. To have Y/n hold her like he used too.
“I miss you, so much." She told him between sobs.
"I miss you too." Y/n responded. Wanda pulled back and rested her forehead against his with her eyes closed. The two stayed like that for a little while, yet the question still lingers in Y/n's mind. Why was Wanda choking an innocent little girl?
It seems like his mind is louder than he thought as Wanda answered the question. "I... When you died, I couldn't- I couldn't move on." She told him hesitantly as she opened her eyes. Fear and guilt painted over her face as she thought of the potential reactions she would get from Y/n.
He glanced at the 14 year old girl behind her, Wanda noticed the way his eyes shifted. She felt the need to explain herself, he deserved to know the truth. To know the extent she went just to be with her lover again.
"I... I chased down, America Chavez. She was the key..." He shifted his eyes back to hers. Key?? "I tried to-" The words got stuck in her throat. "I tried to kill her..." She cried, hanging her head in shame. Y/n's eyes widen at her words.
Wanda... a killer? How bad was her universe treating her to the point where she goes to that extent??
An embrace, was the last thing Wanda had expected to receive from him. She expected a look of disappointment, shame, anger, yet all he did was simply pulled her into a hug.
"I understand."
That was when Wanda started crying against his chest. He was taller, so he kissed the top of her head lovingly. With her ears pressed against his chest, she could listen to his heartbeat. It was the calmest sound she hasn't heard in a while.
"I... I lost you, In my universe. I understand how you feel." Y/n remembered the day Wanda sacrificed herself for the soul stone. After the battle he begged, begged the Avengers to use the stones to bring her back. To have her in his arms again. To hold her...
Wanda felt his emotions. Anger, sadness, grief, Wanda felt it all as memory of her own death came back flooding his mind like a tidal wave. She held him tighter, knowing that he needed this just as much as she does. After a long while, they pulled back resting their foreheads against each other. Both with tears streaming down their eyes.
Wanda cupped his face, she felt Y/n leaning to her touch. When they gazed into each other once again, Wanda, without a second thought, pulled him down for a kiss.
Y/n reciprocated just as quick. Wanting to feel her soft lips after 4 long years. He missed it. Her soft touches, the taste of her lips, her beautiful voice. He missed her so dearly.
Wanda wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Holding onto his figure almost desperately. They held onto each other as they poured all the love they couldn't express with words through their actions.
After a long while, Wanda broke the kiss. "Let's not leave each other again."
Y/n clenched his jaw, he moved his hand from her waist to her face, caressing it. "I want that, more than anything..."
Wanda smiled, a genuine smile that she haven't had for the longest time. Yet... she noticed a hint of hesitation on Y/n's part. "What is it, love?"
He had to tell her, but he didn't know how. Y/n could tell she was broken, broken beyond repair that she goes to this extent. He doesn't know how to break the news to her. "Wands... I want you back, more than anything."
Slowly her smile fades. God he wishes he could bring it back.
"But... you can't stay here..."
That shattered Wanda's heart, "W-why?" Did he not love her just as much? He was a variant of her lover yes, but surely they would share the same love. Did he find someone else?? "What makes you say that?" She asked, from the tone of her voice Y/n could tell his words broke her heart.
"You can't... stay in my universe. And I can't- I can't stay in yours."
"It would cause an incursion. It will destroy my universe and maybe even yours. I can't let that happen, Wands. I'm sorry." He told her gently while caressing her cheeks.
Her eyes started to pool again as she leaned to his touch. "Why... Why does it have to be like this- Why is the universe to cruel..."
Y/n wanted so badly to erase her sadness, her grief, to see her beautiful smile again. "If I was as powerful as you, I would've ventured across the multiverse for you. But, I'm just a human. The only thing I could do was... move on."
Move on
The word echoes in her head. Y/n had moved on. She looked at him in disbelief. "Move on?" Wanda breathed out.
Y/n clenched his jaw again, "Move on isn't the right word. You will always have a special place in my heart, but... I couldn't stay like that forever. I'm sorry, Wanda." He remembered the countless times he almost took his life, just to be with her again.
Wanda was... angry? Sad, heartbroken, deep down she understood. If she had died, she would've wanted him to live on. The same way her Y/n told her too. Yet part of her was still corrupted. How can he move on so quickly when she would destroy everything just to be with him again?
Anger was boiling inside her, before she could ask any further, they heard a little girl's voice. "Daddy?" Wanda was shocked to her core. Y/n... has a daughter.
Y/n quickly wiped his tears and turned around to face the 4 year old girl. "Heyy pumpkin." The little girl ran over to her father as he bent down to pick her up. "What are you doing up this late huh?" He asked her.
"Bad dream..." The little girl said while rubbing her eyes, yet it was clear she was still sleepy. Y/n turn to face Wanda with a gentle smile as he held his daughter.
Wanda was speechless, the sight... warmed her shattered heart. She was happy for him, but devastated that he had built a life... without her. The thought of Y/n having a kid, a family with someone else felt like a stab in her heart.
"Who's that?" The little girl asked, pointing at Wanda who was standing a few centimeters away from them with her hand on her chest. Trying so hard not to burst into tears.
Shit... how should he say this. "Honey, this is..." He wanted his daughter to know. But, she was too young. "...a very dear friend of mine. She has magical powers and came to visit me."
'Dear friend', so Wanda truly is out of his life.
The little girl waved at Wanda. "Hello!"
"Hi..." Wanda whispered. She wanted to hold the little girl. Wanda felt some sort of connection with her that she couldn't quite pin. It seems like the little girl felt the same as she leaned towards Wanda with grabby hands. Y/n took a few steps closer to Wanda, slowly.
"I think she wants to be held by you." Y/n said, looking at his daughter lovingly.
"May I?" Wanda asked, glancing at him. He nodded and gently moved his daughter onto Wanda's arms. The first thing the little girl did was reach up to touch her crown while giggling. “Oh-“
The action caused Wanda to laugh a little too. His daughter is beautiful. She definitely has her father’s hair. But her facial features probably leaned more towards her mother, whoever it is. Probably someone she knew as the little girl looked so... familiar.
“Magic?” The little girl asked.
Wanda smiled gently as she hovered her hand in front of the little girl. She projected a tiny rabbit that hopped around her hand, causing the little girl to giggle while clapping her hand. The bunny hopped around the little girl as well before disappearing into a red mist.
Unbeknownst to Wanda, Y/n doing everything in his powers not to break down at the sight before him. “Are you friends with my mama?
Wanda didn’t know how to answer that. “Um…”
“My daddy says my mama has magic powers, like you!” The little girl explained.
“Has your Mama talked about me?” Wanda asked, trying to keep her voice steady. The only other person who she know was a witch is Agatha.
"No..." The little girl said sadly. "Dad says she's somewhere up there." She pointed at the ceiling, Wanda understood what she meant. "He said we'll visit her one day!"
"Oh... I see." Well, what was she supposed to say. The little girl then played with her crown again, and Wanda lets her. Loving smile plastered on her face. It seems like the little girl was studying her face as well??
"You look a little bit like her?" Y/n's daughter blurted out. Could it be? No it can't be. "My mama had brown hair though, yours is red."
Deciding she didn't want to get her hopes up, she asked the girl a question. Hoping to steer the subject. "What's your name?"
"Wanda." The little girl answered, she was too pre occupied with Wanda's crown to notice the shift in Wanda's expression. "My daddy says my mama has the same name too." The little girl added.
Oh... It all makes sense now. The connection she felt toward the little girl.
Wanda finally glanced at Y/n who had a sorrow look plastered across his face. That was when she finally noticed the difference, this Y/n indeed looked much much older than the one from her universe. Her heart stammering in her chest. This wasn't just Y/n's daughter... It's their's.
Y/n approached the two of them, they didn't know how long time had passed. Probably a while, as little Wanda had decided to nestle on the crook of her mother's neck with her eyes closed. Wanda searched Y/n's eyes for explanation.
"You-" He corrected himself, "Her mother, had complications with pregnancy." He explained while tucking a hair behind his daughter's ear, watching her sleeping form with a small smile. "So, Tony made us an artificial womb to carry this little devil."
Wanda looked at his- her daughter's sleeping form. It felt surreal.
"But uh..." His voice cracked slightly, "Wanda and I got sent on a mission, to bring everyone back from the snap. We won... but I lost her." It was clear that the memory brought so much pain to him. "Not long after that this little bug was born. Wanda... never got to meet her. So I named her after her mother."
No wonder the girl looked familiar, she had took on most of Wanda's facial feature. Her nose, her face structure, but most notably her eyes. She looked exactly like how she was when she was younger.
"I would never forget you, Wanda." He whispered so only she could hear. Wanda glanced at Y/n who had tears in his eyes.
Wanda was at lost for words, the only thing she could came up with was. "She has your hair."
Y/n chuckles, "Yeah... that's kind of the only thing she got from me." He had a longing look as he stared at little Wanda holding onto her mother. A sight he wished he could've seen with his Wanda, but she was taken away from him before she could ever meet her own daughter. "I was lost for days, but then when she was born I-" He stopped himself, trying to find the right words. "I had to be strong, for her sake."
Y/n slowly wrap his arms around the two of them, the sight of the family was perfect. America, who had been watching their whole conversation was touched by the image. To see the contrast of how Wanda used her powers in front of her daughter. How tender she was, the power that caused so much chaos to be used in such a gentle way. It reminds her a little bit of her own mothers.
"If she wasn't here I-" Y/n's words got stuck in his throat, "I think I would've..." Yet Wanda knew what he meant, her heart shattered for him.
"Y/n..." Wanda closed the distance and rested their foreheads once more with their daughter sleeping soundly on her shoulder.
They stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying the warmth from each other. Wanting so badly to be the perfect family that they could've been if the universe wasn't so cruel. Another thought creeped into his mind, how was he supposed to explain this to their daughter when she remembers?
Surely it was probably because of sleepiness that she couldn't properly remember her mother's face. But she has seen multiple pictures of her mother, how was he supposed to explain that this Wanda was a variant.
His thoughts was so loud that Wanda could hear it clearly. "It's ok." She said, giving him a reassuring smile. Wanda raised her hand slowly, little red mist emitting from the tip of her fingers. She tapped their daughter's temple ever so gently. Causing little Wanda to nestle further into her neck with a faint smile.
"Rest your head and go to sleep, little one. When you wake up, this will all just be a dream." Wanda whispered.
"Hey, pumpkin. Time to wake up." Wanda Y/l/n, slowly opened her eyes. She yawned and stretched her arms. Her father was smiling softly at her, she sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes.
"I had a dream..." The little girl told her father. Unknown to her, Y/n tensed slightly.
"Was was it about?" He asked.
"Mama came to visit us instead." The little girl didn't understand why, but she felt extremely sad as she started to cry. Y/n was quick to pull her into a hug.
"Shhh... It's ok little one, don't you cry." He held his daughter as she cried in his arms. "Everything's gonna be alright."
"Why couldn't she stay?"
He thinks for a second before answering, "I know mommy's not here right now, but I promise she's gonna be alright."
And if you ask me to, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird. Imma give you the world. Imma buy a diamond ring for you, Imma sing for you, I'd do anything for you To see you smile
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devnmon · 2 years
Eyes on The Road
Daryl decides not to drive his bike somewhere for once, which opens up a new opportunity for you.
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Disclaimer: This is probably going to get filthy. Minors u are NOT welcome here! i mean it, don't even interact.
Warnings: Smut!!! oral (male receiving), dom!daryl, doggy style sex on the side of the road, head while driving, begging, teasing, fem!reader (reader with female anatomy), praise kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it ppl), language
word count: 3.3k
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Daryl and his bike were two things in the world that weren't without the other very often, much like his leather vest and familiar crossbow. He would become stubborn over taking a truck when one needed to be driven, because he was always sure he'd be faster on his bike.
Today though, he'd missed the smell of motor oil and a running engine of something that wasn't a bike. Before the turn, Daryl had driven his father's truck a hundred times and always loved being behind the wheel. As it was, there was a supply trip scheduled for you and him to venture out upon. The area for scavenging was big, not to mention guaranteed to have supplies. So, a truck with the capacity for a large amount of boxes was the right way to go.
Hesitantly, Daryl chose to leave his beloved bike home for a pickup truck that he had conveniently fixed up to use for days like this. Not only because the two of you continuously brought back an abundance of supplies; Daryl always wanted to be able to look over at you while driving, which didn't happen, couldn't happen, when he rode his bike.
Although, Daryl was fond of the way your arms gripped his torso when you rode on the back of his bike. Rick said the two of you looked like one of those couples in a movie that went riding off into the sunset together.
As Daryl walked down the hallway, he relaxed his eyes on you, sat on the couch. You were already preparing to leave on the supply run with him. he had always wanted you to be safe behind the walls while he went on runs. Though, him getting outside Alexandria without your company was never an option.
"Hey, you. So listen, uh, 'bout the run.."
Your gaze lifted from tying the brown boots at your feet to the familiar voice that met your ears. Rising from the couch, you looked at daryl who was stood a couple feet away, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. The leather jacket he'd found for you rested around your shoulders and the sight of you in it brought back Daryl's constant itch to kiss you.
"Hey, what about the run? If you tell me I can't go, Daryl, I swear-"
"No- no, sunshine. I still want ya with me. We're just gonna take one of them trucks outside 'stead of my bike. Just, we ain't gonna know how much we might find 'till we're out there. So, I wanna make sure we got 'nough room."
"Oh, okay. Wow, Daryl Dixon behind the wheel of a car for once, that'll be a sight to see."
"Pfft, stop. I'm just sayin' it'll be safer for us, ya know?”
"Yeah, I know. With you, it will be. I trust you."
The image of Daryl behind the wheel of a truck sounded unimaginable, since he’s always taken his bike on runs.
This time though, you would finally be given the opportunity to gawk at his charming face while he drove.
You could hold his hand, too. you could do a lot of things.
"Mhm, well we should get goin', 'fore we lose any light. Ya got everythin' you need?"
"Oh I definitely have everything I need." He picked up on the look you shot him immediately, walked over to where you stood and took your hand.
"C'mon, let's go." The grip he's got on your hand tethered both of you together. Even without it, you would follow Daryl anywhere, and you knew that already.
With help from the archer, the truck got packed to head out through the Alexandrian community you called home. Long roads you drove down were curved and lined with trees, until Daryl finally pulled onto the highway.
Your view moved from looking out the window to the man next to you, relaxed in his seat as he drove. You took in the sight of him, accompanied by his usual dark flannel shirt and pair of angel wings on his back.
In that moment, the pesky little idea you tried to push away earlier returns to your brain.
Daryl's ruggedly handsome figure sat inches from you, and you weren't all over him. It was time to change that.
That being said, it was the perfect time to put your idea into motion.
You shifted closer, just enough, so the both of you were shoulder to shoulder. That's when Daryl glanced over at you, seeing the slight smirk on your face. He thought nothing of it as his eyes went back to the road in front of him.
He felt your left hand drop softly onto his inner thigh, gripping it ever so lightly.
"What do ya think yer doin’?" Daryl cleared his throat, caught off guard by your movement. Without responding, your hand shifted further up Daryl's thigh, rubbing against the inner denim of his leg.
Your doe eyes studied his face, soaked in lust, wondering whether he would let you go further or not.
Daryl’s eyes didn’t budge from the road.
"I just wanna make you feel good, Dar."
That was the moment he realized what your motive was. It’s not that he didn’t want it, Daryl was damn sure he did.
It was just, well you caught him a bit off guard.
"Sunshine- wait-"
You paused.
Shit. Oh my god, what if he doesn’t want this.
“Daryl, you want me to keep going?”
His gaze on the road faltered a bit.
“I- yeah course I do, but-”
“But what? Daryl, if you don’t want this, please tell me.”
“No- it’s just- ya don’t gotta.”
Daryl wasn’t the type of man to believe since you were together, you had to do things like this for him.
No, in retrospect, it was the complete opposite.
Daryl was the one on his knees for you most of the time. Of course, you enjoyed it. Hell, you lavished in it. Though he didn’t speak often, Daryl was good with his tongue. He hadn’t given you a chance yet to be the one on your knees in the name of his pleasure.
Your hand moved again, rubbing over the little tent in Daryl's jeans, such jeans that were growing way too tight for his liking.
"But, I want to, Daryl. Let me, please."
There was a part of his brain that wanted to tell you no, that it would be dangerous for you to do while in a moving vehicle.
But there was a completely different part of him that was going to ignore the other half of his conscience and let you continue.
Daryl himself had one or two or several dirty thoughts about you in a car, so the notion of you doing that to him while he drove wasn't completely out of his comfort zone.
"God- shit, sweetheart. I-I mean.. shouldn't I pull ov-"
You scooted impossibly closer to him and leaned up to his ear.
Your hands moved then, undoing the button and zipper of Daryl's pants. he felt your hands moving swift as an arrow to rid him of his straining boxers.
Daryl could taste the tension on his tongue at this moment. He so very badly wanted to rip his eyes away from the road.
Though, he could feel the warmth of you surrounding him then. His length finally hit the air, and more importantly, your hands.
Daryl groaned at the sudden feeling from you and bit down on his lip so hard, he could've sworn it drew blood. His resolve weakened when he glanced down to catch an image of your hands on his length. One he could pull from his brain the nights he was away from you.
He didn't catch one, though. All Daryl got when he looked was you glancing up at him followed by your hands slowly halting their movement and pulling away.
"Eyes on the road, Dar. Or I stop."
His eyes locked right back on the road, in time to swerve around an abandoned car left aimlessly to rot away.
Though his teeth were hooked atop his lip, another groan escaped him.
"Fuck- fuck. Sorry, sunshine, shit. You just- you felt so good."
"Daryl. Are you watching the road?" The condescending tone you spoke to him with made Daryl want to slam on the brakes and cut your teasing short. The only reason he’d held out thus far was the sole fact that you hadn't put your mouth on him yet.
"Yes- yeah, I am." He felt your hands crowd him once more, one of them now resting at the base of his shaft, the other wrapped around his tip, thumbing gently.
Daryl's work-weathered hands gripped the steering wheel with more force now, the feeling of you egging him on so intensely. His foot on the gas pedal increased pressure, making the truck speed up.
Your hand dragged up and down slowly, as he hardened even more between your fingers. Your hand at his tip moved to his thigh, only for the loss of you to be replaced by your mouth.
Now circling Daryl's tip slowly, he tossed his head back with a groan at the sensation you brought him. He realized how much he almost couldn't take the wetness from your mouth dripping down his cock. In that moment, your lips leave him, only for your tongue to lick a stripe down his length.
One of Daryl's hands lets go of the steering wheel and landed on the back of your head to gather your hair in a makeshift ponytail. Groans slipped from his lips one after the other, soaked in his enamor for you. The pleasure of him surrounded by you, against your tongue, completely overwhelmed him.
You hum against him in response to the low sounds he made. He had to hand it to you, whatever the hell you were doing to him was damn good. The vibration he felt from your mouth on his length sent a shiver running up his spine.
You'd continued your path up and down Daryl's length until suddenly, the truck ran over a pothole. Daryl's torso jolted at the sudden dip in the road, your mouth enveloping an inch or so more of his cock. He burrowed his fingers deeper into your hair now as you gagged against him.
Daryl groaned at how much more complex it became to keep his eyes on the fucking road, like you'd asked him to.
All he wanted was to look down and admire the sight of your pretty mouth wrapped around him, tongue hungrily swirling. His gaze on the road ahead of him faltered more and more as another expletive followed by your name dropped from his lips.
A short moment was all it took. your lips around his length, the ever growing desire to look down and watch you, it was all too fucking much.
"Tha's it. Yer done, girl." Daryl's foot hit the break as his hand lifted your mouth off him. He stopped the car and shifted the gear to park, where you were now on the side of the road with him.
"What are you-"
"Get outta the car." Daryl's drawl deepened and you did as he said; he followed you to the front of the truck.
"Are you okay, Daryl? What's wrong?" You were clueless, like you didn't just have your head between his legs. It was fucking evil, how much pleasure you brought him, all while he was forced to just keep driving.
Yeah, he’d had enough.
"What's wrong is I ain't been able to see your beautiful mouth stuffed with my cock. Now yer not gonna get to see how good ya take me."
"Shut up.”
“This is exactly what you wanted, ain't it?”
“Gettin' me all worked up while I was drivin'? Forcin' me to pull over? An’ don’t even say nothin’, I know it is.”
All you heard next was “Take off your clothes” before you were being pushed over the front of the truck.
Daryl's demands rang in your ears as you watched him start to undo his pants.
Your hands hurriedly removed your bottoms, so he could take you.
Like you had planned all along.
Daryl wasn't stupid, he'd only played along because he too wanted to find the right spot between your thighs that made you whine, while in the car. Or in this case, over the car.
Now bent over the front of the vehicle, one of Daryl's hands rested on the small of your back. Your hands were placed on the hood as well.
Daryl's other hand landed on your ass, gripping tightly. His grip disappeared and landed right back onto your backside with a smack. a moment later, he leaned over against your back to whisper in your ear.
"So desperate for me, ain't ya? Bet you're all wet from havin' my cock down yer throat, too, huh? My pretty little slut."
Daryl's hand wrapped around his length and ran his tip over your sensitive bundle of nerves, spreading the wetness that leaked from your entrance.
"Daryl.. P-Please.." you whimpered at his payback teasing, which was only going to be worse on the receiving end.
"Hm? What's that, doll?" He halted his movements between your legs.
"P-Please, give it to me good, Daryl."
"I dunno.. Maybe I shouldn't give ya anythin' after teasin' me earlier. So i guess yer just gonna have to convince me."
"N-No.. I want you to take me.. please, please. Wanna feel you inside me, I need it. Need you."
"I want ya so bad, darlin'."
Daryl could tell you were desperate, craving so badly for him to thrust into you and hit those spots inside you only he could.
He couldn't lie either, he was desperate, too. And he'd quite frankly wanted to bend you over the truck ever since you'd gotten in it with him.
Daryl lined himself up with your slit. With each slow, heavy push of him, he entered you slowly.
As he bottomed out, a groan slipped from his lips.
"Sh-shit, Dar. Oh my god, you're so big." Those words slipping from your lips made his cock twitch.
"Mmm, yeah?”
“Y-Yes.. Love it, love you, Daryl.”
Daryl chuckled to himself. Just minutes ago you were beckoning his release in the truck, and now you were proclaiming your love for him with his cock inside you.
So innocent, yet lust dripped from your voice.
“You're so wet, sunshine, shit. All from gettin' on yer knees for me?”
You muttered a mhm paired with a pathetic whimper for him in response. The feeling of Daryl inside of you clouded any coherent thoughts you were going to have.
“What, got nothin’ to say now?”
“Daryl, please, move.”
His resolve diminished, as the grip on your hips tightened. Slowly, he pushed fully inside again, hitting the deepest parts of you. Daryl pulled back even slower, almost fully so just his tip remained inside you.
One loud moan slipped out, when Daryl pushed in again.
“Torture, ain’t it?”
You mumbled something under your breath, which you hoped Daryl didn’t hear.
Though, he was a hunter, of course he heard you.
“What was that?”
“I said, just fuck me already, Dixon.”
That had done it.
That was the key to cracking open a side of Daryl you didn’t see often: a rougher side. Especially during sex.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.”
Daryl didn’t waste any time as he found a steady but fast rhythm of thrusting inside you, only harder now. He cursed as you involuntarily clenched around him at the sensation.
Each time he fully buried himself into your entrance, his tip pushed against the deepest parts of you. Sultry moans followed by Daryl's name were audible as you gripped the hood of the car like no tomorrow.
One of his hands, followed by clever fingers, found its way between the two of you to swirl at your sensitive bundle of nerves. The sudden jolt of friction against your clit made your legs shake.
The onslaught feeling of Daryl only beckoned you closer to your release, one you were so prominently chasing. He pulled even more delightful sounds from you for his listening pleasure.
Daryl repositioned a bit before thrusting into you harder and rougher than before. The angle he hit now sent your head spinning with pleasure as your climax inched closer.
"Da-Daryl... I-I'm-" Despite the attempt to hold back, you couldn't bear to be without the feeling.
"You wanna come, don't ya, sunshine? I know yer gettin' close. C'mon, lemme feel it, babe. Let go for me."
Daryl's words pulled your orgasm out of thin air, quickly sending you over the edge as the last syllable left his lips.
"Tha's it, pretty girl. Fuck, look at ya, all messy for me. So damn gorgeous."
The jolting of your body as you rode out your high caused Daryl to quicken his movements inside you. He was chasing the same feeling you'd given him the very first time you'd slept together.
"Fuck, darlin'. You're perfect. Can't focus all day cause I just-just wanna be doin this." You moaned again at Daryl's reassuring words and clenched around him again, wanting so desperately to catapult him to his finish like he'd done for you.
"Shit.. Fuck, I'm gon'-"
"Daryl... You feel so good inside me.. No one can ever make me feel as good as you... C'mon, come for me, baby. Just let go.." The praise dripped from your mouth in a breath, and it sent Daryl over the edge. His pace quickened for a few thrusts until he pulled out and came in his hand with a groan of your name.
"Sh-shit... oh f-fuck, darlin'. You're so fuckin’ good at that." You blushed and turned to catch Daryl in his afterglow.
"I learn from the best. Besides, you always know how to make me like that.”
Daryl glistened in the sunlight, beads of sweat painted across his chest, his shirt sloppily unbuttoned. You stared a moment longer at him, his torso heaving from the activity you’d just participated in with him.
He chuckled, and beamed with pride at how he will always be able bring you pleasure, no matter what he did.
"I know I do. Now, listen to me. If you ever tease me like that again, I’ll fuck you till ya can’t walk, understand?"
"Oh, I understand. Just name the time and place." Daryl could tell you were half serious and he scoffed. He'd begun to pull his pants back on, and you did the same.
You glanced over at Daryl to see he was making sure the highway was still clear. Your arms wrapped around the nape of Daryl's neck as his hands met your waist again, more softly this time around.
"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Daryl questioned, but he already knew the answer. You just smiled with just the slightest twinge of blush on your cheeks.
"You know me so well." The smile cracked across your face was due to the brown haired, blue eyed archer before you.
"Course I do. Love you." Daryl's lips met yours in a soft kiss, as his arms surrounded you in the same moment.
"I love you too. Maybe we should get back on the road now. You know, before we're surrounded by walkers. I mean.. they definitely all heard me.."
Daryl chuckled, since the two of you in the act probably did catch the attention of whatever was roaming by.
"Yeah, we should. Just, no more teasin’, alright? Or else.”
You knew you really shouldn't tease Daryl anymore than you already did, but that or else option just sounded so good.
"Alright, let's go."
The both of you climbed back into the truck, your minds clouded by thoughts of what you’d just done.
If teasing Daryl led to things like that, you were definitely going to tease him more often.
a/n: likes + reblogs are appreciated!! it lets me know how much everyone enjoys my writing & sharing to others is a generous thing to do. much love & thanks :)
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 10.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
Okay this one is admittedly a necessary filler so the reader can work out her feelings, but I promise we’re moving into the good stuff next chapter 🤍
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You tuck your letter away under your placemat as you eat, not wanting to open it up in the middle of lunch, even though the others had done so.
Truthfully, you were dreading whatever news your dad had for you and you would rather read it in private, knowing he rarely wrote to you so it must be some form of news, most likely bad.
George kept flicking his gaze to you at he ate, clearly checking on your well-being but you simply pretended that you were fine even though you could feel the pit on anxiety building up inside.
After lunch, you'd all decided not to go back to the lake but to shower and chill in the house as the sun was at its peak and quite frankly, you couldn't sit in it much longer. Hermione had packed already and had everything ready for her leaving later that afternoon, so you took some time to just spend her last few hours all together.
You were all sat around in the lounge, the coolest room in the house, some of you reading, some playing exploding snap and others just chatting. It was nice just to all spend time together even if you weren't all interacting as you escaped the heat in the coolest room.
"Wanna play a game? Like truth or would you rather or something?" Ginny asks after winning another round of exploding snap. "I'm not doing dares with these two here," she says, nodding towards the twins.
"What's that?" Ron says, confused.
"It was on a muggle movie we watched, they take turns and ask each other questions," she shrugs, not really able to elaborate further. "Sometimes it's like would you rather chose A or B."
"We're in," the twins say in unison, moving to sit closer around the coffee table.
You, Hermione and Harry were sat on the sofa, Ron in the armchair and Ginny and the twins were sat around the table on the floor, padded out with cushions.
"Yeah sounds good to me," you say, placing your bookmark into your book and placing it down next to you on the floor.
Everyone mutually agreed and you all began huddling round, deciding on the rules.
"Okay youngest to oldest," Ginny says, hearing immediate protest from the twins. "You chose first yesterday and today, time for a switch up." You laugh at her bossiness, having to sometimes remind yourself that she was the youngest but the twins, Fred especially, had a soft spot for her and actually didn't protest further.
"Right, Harry, truth or would you rather?"
"Umm, would you rather," he says, touching his glasses nervously.
"Would you rather spend the entire day with Draco or Dudley?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He huffs out a little nervous laugh as he thinks before answering Dudley.
"Ron, truth or would you rather?"
"Would you rather," he says confidently.
"Would you rather, er, throw up slugs again or dance with Snape at the yule ball," Harry says with a devious grin. You had to admit the last one was good but it was much tamer than you originally had thought it would be.
"Vomit slugs, easy," Ron says, brushing his hair out of his face. "Hermione?"
"Um, truth?" She says, unsure of herself.
"Oh erm, ughr," Ron mumbles, not knowing what to ask. Immediately the twins begin to mock him and you even inwardly groan, finding the game boring already. "How many books have you read this summer?"
You roll your eyes and openly groan along with the twins, all three of you finding the questions too boring.
"I'll answer that for her, too many," Fred says, jumping in. "Right I'm switching things up." He immediately stands and walks off, coming back a few minutes later bringing an empty bottle with him, necking the last of the drink before he puts it on the coffee table.
"Whoever it lands on has to answer the question, then they get to ask the next question," He says, spinning the bottle until it lands on Ron.
"Ronald, still a virgin?"
You have to hold back a little chuckle at the sudden shift in tone at Fred's brash words and even without looking you know that Ron is beet red.
Ron manages to huff and puff, squirming in his seat as he does indeed turn bright red.
You found yourself dissociating away from the game as others answered, trying to squirm away from the harsher questions the twins were coming out with. You excused yourself and walked to the kitchen, feigning getting a drink as you sat at the table, pulling out your letter, unable to wait any longer.
"Dear y/n,
Your friend has written you a letter but did not know the address of the friend you were staying with; so please find their letter inside. Hope school is going well and you are staying out of trouble. Best wishes, dad.
You almost rolled your eyes at the bluntness of the note, feeling overwhelmingly relieved that it wasn't a true letter from your father. Casting the note to the side, you pulled out the second letter, written on both sides of regular notebook paper that had been folded somewhat neatly, the girly but messy writing already making you smile.
"My dear y/n,
We miss you so much, when are you coming back to see us? You've not really missed much, apart from Johnny has a girlfriend now! Weird right? It's actually kind of disgustingly cute. School is shit, just like normal but only one term left before college. Everyone misses you, the band just isn't the same without our rock chick.Dad's taking me to London after work on Friday, remember that coffee shop we found last time? I've made him promise to take me and he said that he'd eat the banana bread that you loved so it would feel like you were there with me! Hope to hear from you again soon. Love you! Val, Still your best friend x
You reread the letter multiple times, perfectly envisioning her voice as you read it. You missed her terribly, along with all of your friends, but Val had always been you're closest friend back home.
You sensed a presence behind you and turned to see George watching you with concern. You smiled at him and he looked instantly a little relieved, moving forward to stand behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Is everything okay with your dad?" He asks cautiously, knowing that the relationship was rocky and sometimes a sore spot for you. You snorted a laugh and nodded in reply.
"He was just forwarding a letter from my friend," you explained.
The beginnings of an idea were forming in your head as you looked at George, a rising hopefulness gathering in your belly.
"What time are your parents taking Hermione to the train station?" You asked, looking up at him questioningly, before craning your neck to look at the clock near the staircase.
"Um about two I reckon, why?" George asks, moving to sit beside you at the table in Arthur's usual spot.
"Do you think they'd let me go with them?" You asked and George immediately looked bewildered, "not to catch a train, I wanted to nip into London."
"I don't see why not, why do you want to go to London though?" He asked, thoroughly confused.
"My friends going to be there, I was hoping to surprise her and to be honest I could do with some new stationary before we get back to school," you explained, "maybe a new textbook or two."
"I don't like the idea of you going alone angel, can Fred and I join you?" He asks, warming your heart a little more at his concern. You burst into a smile and nod enthusiastically, it would be nice for you to go with the twins.
"I'd like to meet my friend alone though, no offence," you said, treading carefully. He smiled in understanding.
"Of course angel, you can meet me and Fred after, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable that way," he says nervously and you immediately reach over to kiss his cheek at his sweetness.
"Oi! Fred!" George bellows suddenly as you pull away. Fred walks out not a minute later after hearing his twin calling for him.
"Wanna go to London this afternoon? Y/n wants to go," George says, nodding towards you.
"I'm in," he shrugs, sitting down next to you at the table.
And that is exactly how you found yourself in the centre of a bustling and muggy Diagon Alley on a Friday afternoon with most of the Weasleys. Molly had jumped at the chance to go shopping and Arthur had gone along with it for the sake of his family. You knew where Val would be later that afternoon and hoped to be able to catch her but until then you strolled around Diagon Alley with the twins, having dropped Hermione off at the station and then broken away from the others as you weaved in and out of the stores.
Your first stop was Gringotts to exchange a muggle cheque your father had sent at the start of term for your school supplies before heading to Flourish and Botts for some new supplies.
"Wonder if they still sell Lockhart's shit?" You laugh as George opens the door for you.
"Doubt it, though fiction books always sell better," he laughs, following you towards the textbook area with Fred lingering behind.
Seeing a potion book you didn't own, you briefly flicked through it before putting it back on the shelf, realising it was utter trash. You briefly wondered if Professor Snape would let you borrow any of his own books this year, knowing that though they were much more advanced, they were immeasurably more informative.
You picked up a new textbook that you needed for your defence against the dark arts class and began wandering towards the back section when an overly excited Fred ran up to you and George, wielding a book.
"Twelve fail-safe ways to charm witches!" He says excitedly, laughing whilst flicking through the pages to show you a few diagrams and read out a couple of passages.
"And you need that why?" You asked defensively with a frown, not finding the underlying meaning very funny. He immediately senses your displeasure and his eyes bug out as he stumbles over his words as he tries to explain.
"Not for me princess, obviously, merlin, I meant for us to give it to Ron!" George immediately laughs at the plan and you absently nod, feeling a little off from the whole thing. You begin wandering away from them, making your way back to the potions area as they excitedly flick through the book.
"Professor?" You say smiling, spotting a familiar face within the potions section, his characteristic black hair and flowing capes always recognisable.
"Miss y/l/n," he says, turning in surprise at your voice, an almost smile tugging at his lips in recognition as he looks down into your basket. "I would have thought you already owned a copy of the necessary textbook for my class," he says with a hard but familiar tone, as if there's humour buried deep within it.
"I do sir, I was hoping to find something more advanced but they're all utter drivel," you said honestly, gesturing to the green book you'd looked at earlier. He huffs out a little puff of laughter though he tries to hide it before turning away to look up at the shelf. "Yes," he says, drawing out the syllable of the word before reaching up to the top shelf and pulling down a small, leather bound book that was hidden between two much larger books. He checks the spine and briefly flips it over before handing it to you with an almost smile, "this should be of use to you, it is well beyond the ability of a typical sixth or seventh year but you've exceeded all of my previous expectations, what's one more."
"Thank you Professor," you say as you reach for the book, trying desperately not to blush at his praise.
"Angel- oh, Um, Professor Snape," George says as he bounds around the corner, coming to an immediate holt as he spots the Potion master. Fred, clearly not anticipating his brother's sudden stop, barrels into George from behind as they both look up to see you and Snape conversing.
"Anyway," Snape says, his tone and features immediately hardening as he looks at the troublesome twins before looking back at you, "good day."
You follow him with your eyes, looking down at the book he'd given you before looking up again, just in time to see him cast one last glance at you before exiting the store.
"What did old Snapey want?" Fred said, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
"He recommended a book for me, said it would help me with my NEWTS," you shrugged, not directly trying to knock Fred's arm off of you but also not actively trying to keep it around you, still feeling a little uneasy about the misunderstanding with the book from earlier.
You walked and paid for the two books before shoving them into your little crochet shopping bag and walked over to Quality Quidditch supplies with the twins so that they could fawn over the new brooms and array of merchandise.
Checking the time, you briefly wondered when you should set off for the little muggle coffee shop just outside of Diagon alley that you knew Val would be visiting and decided to have another thirty minutes with the twins before going.
You ran into Molly and Arthur who were sat outside one of the tea shops sharing a pot of tea. They waved excitedly at you all and carried on with their little date that mainly consisted of people-watching and laughing.
You nipped to fetch a new quill and some parchment before eyeing up a new school skirt in Madam Malkin's but couldn't justify spending the money when you're old one would do, at least for the rest of this year. Fred, true to form, had quietly muttered some sexual innuendos about never having enough skirts and how much he liked you in them but you ignored him and instead left without the skirt.
"Okay, I'm going to meet my friend, not sure how long I'll be, where will I find you?" You turned, addressing the twins.
"Take all the time you want. We'll probably be in Gambol and Japes, if not we'll meet outside Ollivanders or come to you?" George said, pointing towards the joke shop on the corner. You nodded and reached out to subtly grab his other hand as you said goodbye. You turned to Fred and he subtly leaned in, looking like he was whispering in your ear and kissed the side of your head gently.
George then reached up and grabbed your shopping bag off your shoulder with a smile, "don't want her seeing any of this do you?" He slung it over his own shoulder and you had to bite your lip at seeing the 6 foot 3 Weasley boy lugging around a rose patterned crochet bag, but it didn't even faze him after wearing a lifetime of Molly's knitted creations.
Walking towards the coffee shop, your nerves were all over the place, firstly hoping that you could catch her and secondly that she would respond well to the surprise if you had your timings right.
Walking in, the little bell above the door chimed and you took a moment to look around at the customers, not seeing her signature blond hair anywhere.
"What can I get you love?" The barista asks and you ordered a caramel macchiato, something that you would never be able to find in the wizarding world. You reached for your little coin purse of muggle money and paid with the change, waiting to collect your drink at the end of the bar. When your drink was ready, you walked over to a table near the window and were immediately thankful that you'd bought along your book so that you'd have something to distract you and that the coffee shop had working air conditioning. Each time the bell chimed, you looked up in hope but then went straight back to reading your book, waiting for the next time.
"You have to get the banana bread!" You heard as the bell chimed and it immediately alerted you to the voice. You grinned as you spotted a shirt female with familiar blonde hair stood beside her absurdly tall dad who had dark brown nearly jet black hair.
They ordered their drinks and cakes, paid and then moved to wait by the end of the bar just as you had. Seeking an opportunity, you stood and walked over to them discreetly before putting on a voice, "excuse me?"
They both turned around with polite but confused smiles on their faces and you couldn't help but laugh at the reaction as waves of recognition passed over them.
"Oh my god!" Val squealed as she threw her arms around you, not a single care in the world about her absurd volume. You beamed and laughed as she rocked you in her arms, thankful you were able to see her again. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were in school? Did you get my letter?" She began to say frantically as she pulled away to look at you. You simply laughed and nodded, not even knowing where to start. She pulled you in for another hug and you held her just as tightly; only realising now how much you'd missed her.
You looked over her shoulder to Adam, her dad, seeing him smile widely at you both. When you pulled apart, he held out the plate of banana bread towards you, gesturing for you to take it as he pulled you into a side hug, having been close since you were five years old.
"No I can't, you have it," you said, trying to protest. He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, "I don't even like it, I was just doing it to shut her up. It's really good to see you, kid."
He walked off with his drink to sit down near the table where your stuff was, happy to give you both space and to flick through his mobile phone for a while, something you hadn't seen in a long time.
You were desperate for a catch-up with your best girl friend and truthfully, you needed some one to talk through your problems with, someone with an unbiased, outsiders perspective; someone who didn't know the twins at all. The whole Amortentia incident was still fresh in your mind, only worsened by smelling the whizzbang smoke the other night and you were more conflicted than ever about your feelings for both of them. Val was the only one who wouldn't judge you for what you were doing, who you knew you could trust to talk openly to, at least without mentioning the magic.
Val grabbed her drink from the counter and moved over to your original table so that you could chat. She went first, immediately telling you about how she was seeing a guy at school and that her dad didn't know so you had to be cool about it. She told you more about what college she had picked and how the rest of your friends were doing and some chatter about new muggle movies and music you needed to experience
"So, what about you?" She asks, picking the last little bits of her cake off the plate. You huffed out a sigh and placed your drink back down on the table. "Oh no, what happened with Fred?"
You'd told her all about your crush on Fred a few years ago but had never mentioned much about his twin, though you'd spoken about him in a friend way. You figured there was no time like the present to offload all of your complicated feelings.
"It's, complicated," you say, picking at the lid of your coffee, "did I tell you that Fred told me he had feelings for me?"
Judging by her almighty gasp, you assumed not. "Problem is, so did his twin brother." Another almost comical gasp.
"Then I realised that I might also have feelings for you George and things are now a little complicated, to say the least." You were quiet now, just a little above a whisper to avoid someone overbearing.
"So what did you do?" She asks attentively, giving you her full attention. You sighed and looked up at her as you replied.
"I'm kind of dating both? For now, please don't judge me."
"I would never!" She says reaching her hand towards yours, "so you have to decide eventually?"
You nod. "That's the problem. Every time I feel like I'm starting to decide, something tips the scale and I'm right back to the beginning."
You rub your hands over your face trying to relieve some of the tension but of course it doesn't work.
"Who do you see a future with?" She asks, keeping her tone even as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"Well that's the thing, I've been staying with them this week and both of them have said the cutest things about the future and it's got me even more confused. We had separate dates earlier this week and I had a night with George first, well kind of the day and night because Fred was sick and we talked about what we were doing after school and how we both wanted one or two kids etc, and it was such a nice thought. Then the other morning I came downstairs and he was in the kitchen reading the newspaper, shirtless and looking hot as fuck and it made me think that it could be my future you know, husband in the kitchen making breakfast blah blah blah." You took a breath and carried on explaining as she listened to you, "but then with Fred, the other night, he was saying about how we'd live together and he's hold me every night and bring me cups of tea in a morning and god the constant marriage references," you took another breath, trying to remember not to overload her and forcing yourself not to mention the Amortentia outright.
"The thing is, I love them both but in different ways. George brings me comfort, he's gentler and more sensitive, real proper husband material. I can see our future completely and I'd be happy but then there's Fred. We'd have a happy, fun filled life, it would never be boring and I'd be happy with him. But now I know what it's like to be loved by both of them and I can't even bare to think of choosing one and losing the other."
Silence lingers around you both as you finish offloading your thoughts. The weight of your words hangs in the air and you have to shoot a look at Val to check that she's still with you, and then around to check no one was listening.
"What about quick fire questions? We write out the answers or tally them and you can see who you favour?" She asks and to be honest, it sounds like a good plan.
"At this point I'd do anything."
She immediately scoots over to sit beside you rather than across from you and leans down to pull a notebook and pen from her bag. She flicks it open to a blank page and draws a little tally chart with their names at the top.
"So I'll ask you a bunch of different questions and scenarios and you have to say the first one that comes to your mind," she explains as you enthusiastically nod along with her. She suddenly leans in to whisper in your ear. "Quick one, have you slept with them both?"
You nod slowly, feeling as if she would judge you but she simply nods with a neutral expression, as if it was just a regular thing to ask someone.
"Okay, who's messier?"
"Who's grumpier?"
"Who's the most romantic?"
"Who's funnier?"
"Who's more sensitive?"
"Who hugs you more?"
"Who kisses you more?
"Who's hornier?"
"Who gives better head?"
"Who has a bigger dick?"
"Fred," you say, quickly adding, "only by a fraction though." She nods, then begins changing tactics.
"Does Fred want kids?"
"Yeah, but he wants more than George."
"Who's more attractive?"
"They're identical twins," you say blankly but she reaches out and flicks you on the arm.
"And you can tell them apart so there must be differences," she reasons and you can't fault her logic.
"Um Fred? George's nose is a little bigger and his features are a little sharper I guess."
"Okay next set of questions," she says, looking up from her notes, "If you did chose one, who would take the rejection worse?"
"George," you reply, your heart doing a little twang of sadness at the very thought.
"Okay, fast forward five years, it's a Saturday morning, no work, no plans, explain what it would look like with George," she says, preparing to make notes again.
The memory of him in the kitchen the other morning, shirtless and reading the newspaper flashes into your mind.
"I wake up and he's not in bed but there's a hot cup of tea on the bedside table. He's in the kitchen, sat shirtless at the little table, reading the newspaper and sipping his tea. He pulls me into his lap, rests his head on my shoulder and reads the sport scores out to me and any news bits he knows I'd like. I make breakfast for us and we sit and eat at the little table laughing and chatting until we inevitably end up back in bed," you say, listing out each part of your little dream.
Val let's out a little 'aww' as she makes her notes before looking back up to you with a smile, "same scenario but with Fred."
"I wake up and he's sleeping next to me, still holding me from the night before. He wakes up and we don't leave the bed for another hour at least. He makes me tea and we make breakfast together and then we sit watching terrible tv, mocking the actors and awful storylines. He pulls me closer to him to cuddle on the couch and we spend the day just like that."
"Okay different tactic again, I want you to give me the pros for dating Fred or listing his best qualities," she says, flipping over the page and starting a new one entirely.
"He's funny and mischievous, kind to me, very protective. Hot obviously, like little stupid things like running his fingers through his hair or rolling up his sleeves. We're best friends so there's no weirdness and most people think we're dating anyway."
"Okay now George."
"Funny, sensitive and sweet, more considerate than Fred and more likely to notice somethings wrong. More likely to think ahead, and to apologise. He's comfort for me."
"And now worst qualities of Fred."
"Doesn't always think things through, can be impulsive and not think of the consequences. He can be a little mean, to his brothers and stuff, just a little more brutal than George is. He can be a little grumpy sometimes, usually about other guys or whatever like he's a little possessive. Not always the most responsible and can be a little unreliable."
"And George?"
"Follows Fred diligently, a little insecure, not as confident in himself, same as Fred that he doesn't always think of consequences."
"Okay last one, what are the pros and cons of being in a relationship with them in general?"
"Pros; wonderful family, great parents in law, I get along really well with their other siblings, share the same friends. I'd be happy."
"Um well I guess there family isn't rich or anything, not that it bothers me, but for some maybe that's a thing? The only con is hurting the other brother."
"Right, your conclusion," she says, adding up the tally before looking back at you.
“You’re screwed.”
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galene-gothic · 2 years
✎ . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Hii snowies !! This is a post valentine's day present for you because I love you ! I hope this reading found you in good health, every reblog is appreciated and thank you for everything :)˖♡ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🎧 ꒱
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☆ 🖇️ 𖥻 <꒱                PAID SERVICES
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Today we'll take a look at:
- who wants to be your valentine
- what about you catches people's attention
- something that needs your urgent attention
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Pile 1
꒰ Who wanted to be your valentine ? ꒱
↳ “ There are two energies coming off very strongly. One of them is someone from the past. I also feel like most of you here are disappointed that your ex or former situationship came up in this reading. This person is not in the best place right now but compared to before, they're doing better. I'm pretty sure that you've seen this person down in the dumps though. I'm getting that they're starting to look at you and everything that went down between the both of you as something to be grateful for and they're finally starting to heal. For a very long time, they felt trapped by the amount of affection they felt towards you. They have a lot of regrets when it comes to you but they are finally starting to accept that it's the best for the both of you to stay away from each other, atleast for right now but they do want to be your valentine, I'm getting that they want to spend one last day with you smiling, having fun, saying what the both of you left unsaid, crying, just exchanging emotions and energy. You are like home to them, found family honestly. When you rationally think of them, you might think that they've already found happiness in new things but the truth is they haven't, they are starting to though. I think this person from the past is someone pretty strategic and also overall a very nice person. They might have a soft and warm aura. Now, moving on to the next person, this person is someone new but they have gotten hurt in the past. I'm getting a very nostalgic vibe though. I think when you met them, you felt like you had known them forever, I'm getting a sense of deep adoration right from day one. The both of you might have met in an environment where you used to be around each other everyday or something but for some reason, the both of you aren't in the same environment anymore or won't be soon :(. Playful teasing, feeling comforted and familiar yet uncomfortable when the other is in your sight, looking for the other while pretending to look around/at something else, wondering why you adore the other so much even though you barely know them.
You might have had atleast one deep conversation with them. There was an undertone of depth/sexual tension whenever the both of you were around each other. I am getting very high school movie/drama like scenarios here. For some of you, you might still meet this person everyday but won't very soon. There's something that the both of you want to tell the other, you want to express affection but you can't gather the courage to do so when you actually see each other. The both of you still manage to feel adored by the other though. The way the both of you express affection is just very different, you might roast each other. Compared to the past person, this person is way more mysterious though and their energy might be more dominating and authoritative rather than soft and warm. They seem to be nice too though. I feel like they care about humans in general and come off pretty social. However, they might also be on a pedestal of some kind, I'm getting unattainable and intimidating vibes from them even though they seem to have a friendly personality. If the both of you aren't in contact anymore, they are definitely thinking about you, even though they seem to be the type who likes to live a busy life, you're always in their mind. The last time the both of you met each other, you might have wanted to express something that you left unsaid because you couldn't catch the right moment to say what you wanted to say. The both of you might act like you don't like each other, I'm getting that the feelings here are mutual though. I don't think that you want the past person back in your life but you might still be healing from them or you took a lot of time healing from them. The new person and you might have chosen to let go of each other because you know that you still have to do your individual healing, however, the adoration and what could have been is still present, they miss you a lot. ”
꒰ What about you catches people's attention ? ꒱
↳ “ I'm getting that people close to you or people who get to know you well to a certain extent are the ones to notice this the most, you're a very self reflective person. At first sight, if you're alone, you might look reserved and cold but when you interact with others, you seem very friendly and maybe even a little self obsessed, flashy and loud but the more people talk to you the more introspective you seem. People can pick up on the fact that you're very wise. You might sometimes randomly choose to sit alone and think about life even though your friends are having fun. You might give off a sad vibe or have a resting bitch and sad face. People can sense that you're in your self care phase and don't really want to connect with people because you're very busy looking within. People think that you are understanding. You seem to be on the path of self discovery or reinvention. You seem to randomly self isolate. I think that you're fine with socializing but aren't interested in letting people into your close circle atleast for right now. I'm also getting that people think that you are the type to abandon people but still choose to trust you anyway because you're overall very loving and understanding, you just need more space and distance compared to others especially at this time.
People think that you're a very internal person, someone who looks within and wants to be left alone at times. No matter how friendly you are or how often you get angry, you always have an air of mystery or detachment surrounding you. Some of you might come off very warm, childlike, fun and happy when interacting with people for the first few days or when you're socializing in general but as people get to know you, if you trust them enough to share your thoughts with them, they realise that you're so much deeper than they had thought of you to be and even if you don't trust them, they start realizing that the cold and reserved aura that they got from you wasn't just a cover. People see that you know your worth or atleast they think you do. They think that you believe that the grass is always going to be greener for you if you choose to leave a person, place or situation behind. They think that the grass is always greener for you in comparison to them as well. They think that you have options. You definitely come off to be the type to suddenly leave though, it's coming up again and again. You're good at working with others though. People think that you know a lot of influential people and are always planning something. ”
꒰ What needs your urgent attention ? ꒱
↳ “ You guys are really courageous people but I'm getting that you're prone to entering situations that are unhealthy for you. I think most of you have already realised that just because you're capable enough to grow from toxic situations doesn't mean you deserve to experience them. You guys seem pretty defensive at this point, you are having a hard time letting people in and are also choosing not to. You're finally going for your own happiness. However, some of you haven't let go of whatever this is that you're clinging onto, I think it might be a one sided crush for most of you but at this point, this crush has gotten so bad that you don't know how to get out of it, if you haven't already walked out to choose your own happiness, you really need to. Some of you have people pleasing tendencies but also a strong desire for self expression, the thing is, not everyone shares the same beliefs as you so you might end up saying things that you don't mean thinking that that's what the other person might want to hear and because of your strong need for self expression, you feel really bad after you say something that doesn't align with your own personal beliefs. For some of you, you are being too defensive to your own detriment. I feel like this pile has been through a lot so I don't blame you, it's okay to stay in this energy for a while but please understand that it's going to get unhealthy at some point and when it gets unhealthy, I hope that you have enough courage to let your guard down. You have a lot of love coming towards you, I don't want you to end up self sabotaging. I think the reason why the defensiveness is especially unhealthy for you is because you are not being able to give out affection and what you have got to offer to other people.
Even if you don't acknowledge it, giving to others, forming relationships, loving someone, having someone who loves you is what makes you the happiest. I think you're very self dependent right now and I'm really proud of you. I think that being picky with people is important for you right now but there's a difference between being picky and being straight out defensive. I'm pretty sure, you guys have gone through enough to understand what's healthy and what's not and I think I'm just reaffirming things that you already know/ want to work towards. Most of you here feel robbed of your affection and resources, you feel drained out, you feel used and you might feel like you've got nothing left to give at this point but I'm getting that deep down, you know that you have a lot to give and you're just protecting what you've got to give it to someone worthy. Please don't be so hard on yourself, you don't deserve to be so hard on yourself. Also, some of you might get offended here but there's a need to learn how to behave, carry yourself with more dignity, please learn when to talk, when to laugh, etc. I think some of you have forgotten how to behave in front of people because you've spent a lot of time by yourself or in one-on-one situations but you're definitely someone who already knows how to carry themself to a certain extent, you might end up laughing a lot with your friends in places where you shouldn't be because you want to have a friendly image, you're already doing great, just need a little more refinement. Also, please don't lose your warmth and generosity because of people who have hurt you. I'm getting that most of you have already realised the things that I'm telling you, this is just confirmation. ”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Pile 2
꒰ Who wanted to be your valentine ? ꒱
↳ “ This person is very successful. You see them as someone very fulfilled and as someone who wants to live their life to the fullest. You might feel sleepy around this person because you just feel so comfortable. They make you feel like you belong, they make you feel included. This is a new person though. It was fated for the both of you to meet. The both of you seem to be grateful to have ever come across each other. The both of you are very different yet very similar. I'd ship you guys if I was around you. The both of you might have split already. I'm getting a very short yet fated meeting. It's something like the both of you were in a group project for a month but don't talk to each other now that the project has ended, even though you both seem to miss each other. This person helped you be more at peace with yourself. I'm getting that just like pile 1, you both let go of each other because you know that you have your own individual healing to do. You both want to see each other but at the same time never see each other again. I'm getting that adoration towards the other came very naturally and a bit too fast. "Why do I care about her even though I barely know her? Why do my eyes look for her in a room full of people even though I don't like her?"
You both feel comforted and happy when the other is around you even if the both of you don't interact. They're mature and compassionate person. They're empathetic towards you and are soft only for you. They feel really affectionate towards you and probably show it too. It's funny because just like pile 1, the both of you seem to roast each other. They're very controlled over their emotions though. You aren't able to figure out if they like you or are just being themself but you feel adored by them either way. They know how to keep their emotions to themself when they want to. They might sometimes try to act non-chalant in front of you and vice versa. I think that the both of you are sure that the other person likes you back but you're also sure that they don't, if you know what I mean. This person has a lot of social intelligence, they are really friendly in general but know when to behave more serious and responsible. One way to recognise this person is that they are really hot when they're angry or serious. They are a warm person in general but sometimes you both end up acting cold towards the other because you both like each other. You guys feel like you've known each other for years. Also, they adore you more than you adore them!! Some of you might have been attracted to pile 1. ”
꒰ What about you catches people's attention ? ꒱
↳ “ People think that you're lucky or privileged in some way. I literally heard 'god's favourite'. People from the past can see that you've changed a lot and people in general can notice that you're going through changes. You know how to connect with people on a soul level. People think that you have a lot of fated connections around you. People think that you are moving towards a better life than the one you're already living. People think that you've learnt a lot of valuable life lessons. They think that you've released control and stopped worrying as much. People think that you're very independent, it doesn't even have to be materially/financially, it can just be in terms of your thoughts and values. You might be a little rebellious too. People can see that you're very self sufficient. I'm also getting that you're able to be grateful for all experiences, negative and positive, regardless of how much it might have pissed you off.
You can come off kinda flashy though. Compared to before, you might be richer, look richer or dress in a more expensive manner. People believe that you've got more than enough for yourself. You might spend a lot of money, maybe even in front of people. You should try to be a little more stingy with money. People think that you're happy. I think this is the perception of people who don't know you very well but even if you know people well, you still like to act like you're having fun or end up acting that way. You help people with their healing. You help people feel relieved and more at peace with yourself. You come off as someone who's been through a lot but is doing well now. You help others move forward and show a lot of empathy towards them, strategize what's the best for them and make sure that they're protected. You seem to be really visually pleasing or into aesthetics, maybe you like buying new and pretty things and talk about it. ”
꒰ What needs your urgent attention ? ꒱
↳ “ You should control your spending. You should also drink more water throughout the day and not chug down gallons of water before bed. Try to live a productive life if you aren't already. Not skipping meals is important for you. Health in general seems to be the theme here. I'm getting that there's a need to strengthen your immune system right now. Also, I'm getting that some of you are already working on creating a better life for yourself and you might be starting by working on your mindset. Some of you might come from a small town where it's difficult to find the resources to follow your passions. I'm also getting that you guys are actually extremely ambitious, you might be resting for a while now though, if not, you should, rest is productive.
However, if you've been resting, it's time to start working again. Forming healthy habits is important for you. You care a lot about material abundance, if you're not feeling good about yourself, work on making, spending and saving up money. You're a wealthy person even if you don't have money, you have a wealth that not many people possess, you're abundant in character and are self aware. You should definitely focus on long term financial stability and security, it keeps on coming up again and again. Spending time in the countryside is going to be really beneficial for you. I'm not getting much here honestly but I think you have a weird mindset regarding money, maybe you're like 'I deserve to spend this money' and end up spending too much but still deep within have a lack mentality regarding money and are always worried about money. ”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Pile 3
꒰ Who wanted to be your valentine ? ꒱
↳ “ They have a very big energy. They stand out and have a very strong personal character. They're also very generous and affectionate. I'm getting that they come off very warm. You might like their hair. They are also a very responsible and reliable person. They are super hot when they get mad. They are tolerant and show affection in really big and also really little ways. You see them as someone with a lot of energy. You might feel really jittery and giggly around them. You seem to like them back. There's a weird romance going on between the both of you. Really exciting feelings. You think that they're trustworthy and hold a lot of loving intentions towards them. You see them as a charming and romantic person. I just heard 'written by a woman'. You are just enjoying what's going on between the both of you without trying to force or create anything for the future. You might think that they're not ready for commitment, atleast for right now. You both seem really curious about each other. You want to know how the other thinks, their beliefs, likes and dislikes, etc. You kinda see them as a muse? For them, they don't want to share you with anyone. This person doesn't let people get close to them very easily, very big and warm hearted but you're one of the few people they hold really close to their heart. They're kind of possessive of you and want you all to themself. They're afraid of losing you. I'm getting that you're someone they really want to keep in their life. However, I'm also getting that they're still kind of guarded.
I think it's the same for you, the both of you seem to have an understanding that you need to heal yourselves and be ready before getting involved with anyone right now. Both parties here seem very mature. You both don't want to share your energy with anyone and even if you want to, you know that you aren't ready so I'm getting a mutual understanding. You're also their muse. They feel like they're living in a romance novel, thanks to you. They think that you're really beautiful in every aspect. You both idealize the other to a healthy extent. You both are faithful towards each other. You both inspire each other and connect on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. There's an almost telepathic connection present here. They find you really graceful and there's a warmth present between the both of you. The both of you seem to be sensitive towards the other's emotions. You know them from a homely environment, maybe your school or workplace if you love the people in there and the atmosphere is homely. I'm getting an educational/professional place that is like a second home. You met somewhere where you have to behave well and follow set rules but there's still a homely atmosphere. You might know them from school, church, university or hospital too though. Every moment you spend together is a special occasion to the both of you. There's a healthy and happy energy surrounding the both of you. You help each other grow and love yourselves even more. You make each other love life. ”
꒰ What about you catches people's attention ? ꒱
↳ “ You seem really happy to people. You seem to have a good life. You seem like the type to vibe through life. Things always seem to work for you. People assume that you have a lot of options and abandon people or situations when you feel like things aren't working anymore. People think that you have plans for the future. You're always progressing in some way, improving and getting better. You come off kinda detached to people. You seem to be a controlled individual who has a lot of control over their own life. People think that you know the secret to living a happy life. People see that you have a lot of people who love you. You have friends who adore you. You are a popular person who seems to be having fun. People think that you're lucky. People might want to be you or live your life. People also notice that you effortlessly steal everyone's attention. Many people want to be friends with you, everyone seems to want a piece of your energy. You might have a really detached or even cold vibe but your facial features might be cuter and warmer but they combine and harmonize together to form a more calm/tired/bored/innocent/bitchy looking face.
When you interact with someone for the first time, you might end up acting like a people's pleaser and charming people's pants off but choose to give people the same energy that they give you as you get to know them. You start becoming warmer/colder as people get to know you, depending on who it is. People feel excited and ecstatic around you. You come off so childlike, sweet and cute, people cannot even say 'no' to you. At the same time, you have a side to you that is mature, detached, cold, stimulating and wise. Some of you might look/have a sweet and young image and people might assume that you don't know much but when they have one-on-one conversations with you, you just leave them so mentally stimulated and wanting more of your mind. Your thoughts, ideas, visuals, values and energy are all very captivating. People might assume that you're a mean girl at first sight but you end up acting really friendly, atleast at the first few meetings. You also seem really sassy at times. You show memeable reactions and facial expressions at times. You kind of remind me of Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui. You're so much more intelligent than people give you credit for. You're the type who'll always be loved no matter where you go. ”
꒰ What needs your urgent attention ? ꒱
↳ “ You're way more powerful, attractive and influential than you realise. I think you're already pretty confident but you should try to do things that make you feel even more confident. Soon, you'll be feeling very positive and happy. You're on your way to feel even more content. You might get invited to meet someone/a group of people who you've made a lot of memories with, maybe a school reunion. You seem to be girlfriend/boyfriend/partner material. You have a very domestic charm. "That's my girl/man." Is coming through. There's a lot of potential to get to make friends and even get into a romantic relationship. You should continue working towards your desires. I think you have recently shifted your attitude from wanting things to turn out a certain way, you focus on self fulfillment and what's good for you instead. Like, for example, you start growing affection for someone, instead of thinking 'I really hope I end up with them' you're starting to think 'I want to and deserve to be happy.'
You still don't have a selfish attitude though, you have a loving attitude towards everyone and wish that the other person is happy too. You try not to do things that affect other people negatively. This is my favourite pile, I look up to you guys. You never let people change who you are, a kind and loving being. You understand the difference between being selfish to protect yourself and being selfish at the expense of others. There's a lot of love coming towards you. I'm getting that mastering how you manage money is going to be even more helpful for you. You've been through a lot, it's obvious that you have a complex past and personality. It's also obvious that you deserve all the good things that you receive and will receive. I'm so proud of you. I think you're starting to be much more long term happiness focused than short term excitement focused. You still have a fun loving side to you though. I'm getting that you also really care about security and comfort in all forms. I'm really excited for you. I wish you nothing but the best !! ”
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
shy fingies
im having a really bad dysphoria day
if possible can i have some trans masc reader/141 comfort? no pressure, im just havin a hard day bc i have medical issues that make a medical transition unsafe and my dysphoria is kicking my asssss
hi!! no need for shy fingies! the dysphoria has been coming too for me lately, so im sending my love your way!! if this sucks im sorry in advance!! ;__;
tf141 x trans male! reader, platonic. brief mentions of transphobia, protective!141, reader users a binder.
It had been a shitty day all round, and things only continued to get worse. 
The day had started with forcing yourself into the shower, in the pitch black darkness, because you just couldn't face it with the light on. Your chest felt tighter than usual, and your skin just felt distinctly not like home. 
When you'd made your way into the canteen for breakfast, the new recruits were staring again, clearly talking about you amongst themselves as they snickered and judged and whispered words and phrases you really never wanted to hear.
Your only salvation was that you were ending this shitty day with a movie night with your task force. 
"Lad!" Soap calls out to you as you enter the rec room with a bag of snacks in hand. "It's yer lucky day, you get ta pick the movie." 
Soap pats the couch beside him as Ghost, Gaz, and the Captain offer their usual smiles. 
"Uh, I'm not too fussed, you can pick." You offer Soap a forced, tight smile as you try your hardest to get comfortable, despite the constriction at your chest. Today it felt a little worse than usual. 
Gaz lets out a groan, as Ghost's eyes narrow. "He picked last week." 
Offering a shrug, you remember you need to grab a drink before you get too settled into the plush of the couch. When you approach the kitchenette, you notice Price beside you.  
"Everything alright, son?" He asks, his hand clasping down on your shoulder as he offers a soothing smile. "Not yourself tonight." 
Son. As the youngest in the taskforce, Price's sweet and affirming nickname for you makes your heart soar.
You struggle to meet his eye as you mumble your response--a clear lie. "I'm fine, just tired." 
Your captain doesn't seem convinced in the slightest, as he remains by your side as you move round the kitchenette. 
"Can always talk to me, you know that? Or any of the boys?" 
"I know." You sigh, knowing they'd be supportive even if they never can quite understand. 
Another body comes closer, joining in the concern party that Price is throwing. It's Gaz, the same look of worry plastered over his face.
"Something happened?" He asks. 
"No." You snap, just a little too quickly, and the entire room falls silent with Soap and Ghost's conversation ending as they turn their attention to you. "Oh god, can you all stop staring at me?!" 
Gaz's hand replaces Price's on your shoulder as he tries to soothe you. "Talk to us, c'mon." 
Ghost and Soap join you all in the kitchen, and the pressure of them all worrying about you is almost too much to handle. They all look so worried, so protective--though you'd long come to accept that it was mostly because you're the baby of the team. 
"The new recruits were talking shit about me behind my back, you know, that kind of shit." You sigh, staring at the floor and wishing it would swallow you whole. 
The atmosphere of the room changes in an instant. 
"I want names, now." Price's words are a demand laced with anger, though not a shred of it directed at you. 
"Captain..." You call out, as Price is already halfway to the door ready to pull the recruits out of bed and give them the dressing down of a lifetime. 
Soap shakes his head. "Easier if you just tell him, lad." Soap's eyes are kind and soft as he considers you, though you know that he will have some choice words for them too next time he's training them. You almost pity them. 
You mutter out the names of the ones you had recognised, and try not to flinch as Price nods and slams the door behind him as he leaves.
"How long have you had your binder on for?" Ghost asks, his gaze severe with concern. 
"Uh... since 6am." 
He sighs, in his 'not mad, just disappointed' older brother way. "Did you take a break at lunch like you're supposed to?" 
You give him a sarcastic look, and cross your arms over yourself defensively. "It'll be fine, promise." 
The door swings open, Soap coming back into the room with Gaz in tow, and you hadn't even realised they have left in the first place. 
Soap holds out a massive bundle of black fabric, while Gaz has a silky garment in his hands. 
"Biggest hoodie of mine I could find, lad, and a fresh compression shirt." Soap explains, as passes the clothes to you. "Binder off, yeah? Then we'll get under the blanket and turn off the lights." 
"And you still have to pick the movie." Gaz smiles.
You nod in compliance before you head to the bathroom to get changed--freeing yourself from the binder and quickly covering yourself with Gaz's shirt and Soap's hoodie. While your chest still aches just a little, the unease you expect doesn't come on as strong as you expected. 
Maybe it's the sense that you get to go back into that room with a group of guys who accept you for who you are and have never made you feel lesser. 
When you get back to the rec room, Price has returned, and the room is cast in darkness. The Captain gives you a nod, but offers no further comment--which means he won't be addressing it tonight. 
You get comfortable on the couch between Soap and Ghost, and try to ignore the groans as you make suggestion after suggestion that they all hate, and you eventually settle on something all of you have seen before. 
You snuggle under the blanket with Soap, and feel euphoric when Ghost wordlessly accepts your toes wiggling under his thigh. Every once in a while, you'll meet the eyes of your captain and see his fond gaze, or Gaz will look to you when there's something funny so he can see if you're laughing too. 
Right there, on that couch, you feel at home with your brothers, with yourself. 
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