#i couldnt help but do a little post
justbeinglonely · 9 months
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nothing but 끝
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monarchamos · 1 year
thinking abt an au where dazai convinces chuuya to ditch the pm and join the ada and he gives chuuya his trench coat bc "its tradition for new recruits to receive a piece of clothing from the person who brought them in"
also chuuya totally has to hem it and it STILL is nearly floor-length and he has to actually tie its belt and it goes off his shoulders (yk like that one official art that everyone loves you know the one)
dazai's like “chuuya you dont actually have to wear it if it really is too big we literally have a 21 cm height diff i understand”
but chuuya is so adamant on wearing it bc its the first sign he's gone into the light and it reminds him of detective murase and its a gift from dazai he can't just not wear the oversized trench coat
UPDATE: I drew it
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ninjasmudge · 11 months
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heres my oc for today, shī tóng, hes a guardian lion brought to life by a wealthy dragon household, but when his other half died (guardian lions almost invariably come in sets) he left to go wander. he was almost consumed by his own magic in grief until he came across two kids, one of whom had the ability to cancel out magic for a short time. long story short hes a dad now.
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moeblob · 5 months
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AU where Brent is a drone to help out at crime scenes and offer input after Right finds the drone. And basically he befriends the really weird guy possibly controlling the drone but has his doubts as to how human the drone's source can be. So Right and Brent just go around trying to solve crimes while Right just calls the drone "Fuckwad (affectionate)".
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angelfoodscake · 3 months
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me last night: hheeeeeeugggg im so sleepy i should go to sleep early tonight i slept so late last night
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
doing the mental equivalent scrabbling my legs in the air like a beetle on its back because i am thinking about the concept of cindy piss and fuck taking care of cuno and c. and i love it so much but i dont have anything significant to add to it so the idea is just being. rotated in my mind while i flail for something to say about it because i want to talk about it but i cant think of anything. to say.
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ scenes & themes: crash course in romance - hand in hand [1/4] ⟣
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gibbearish · 5 months
i can't take any discourse post seriously if it says "x side is refusing to listen to survivors" because if you can't accept that survivors are not a monolith and may disagree with you in regards to your shared type of trauma then it really begs the question, are YOU actually listening to survivors? or are you only listening to the ones who say what you already thought and disregarding the rest as a) people who are incapable of understanding their own trauma and therefore can't be trusted to make decisions about it for themselves or b) outright fakers?
#i also go out of way to try and take all discourse posts with a heaping helping of salt but these ones specifically im like#conflicting access needs dude what hurts you might help another person so you need to step back and ask yourself if what they're doing#is overall harmful or just harmful to you specifically and act accordingly#theres nothing wrong with you being the problem here‚ its ok to be like 'i cant be around this' and dip#ik the word problem has negative connotation but idk ive always felt like my brain worked a little differently than other ppls w that#problem doesnt mean anything morally bad it just means somethings not working as intended and so#you need to problem solve to fix it#you have a problem that is you can't be around xyz thing while others can#and in your own spaces youre allowed to solve that problem by requesting others not bring it in with them if doable or to work together#to minimize its impact on you if you have to be around it#but in spaces where that thing is accepted and enjoyed and you are the outlier‚ theres nothinf shameful abt the solution to that problem#being removing yourself from that space#you were the problem‚ so you solved the problem. it doesnt have to be a bad thing yknow?#same with 'broken' ive had multiple people to me explain why i shouldnt use that word about myself but im like#no i understand abt forming neural pathways with negative words but its not negative to me genuinely !!! its just a descriptor!!!!#like. a part of my body is supposed to work/exist in a specific way‚ but it didnt. it was broken‚ it couldnt perform its intended function#it was broken‚ and we fixed it#you wouldnt tell me to call a broken bone a fuckin. 'area for improvement bone' it got broke! it dont work anymore!!#my brain doesnt produce the chemicals its supposed to‚ its BROKEN and im taking medicine to fix it#i think veronica got it but i only got to see her for a few months#anyways. that was kind of offtopic but i think still follows the central theme of just. understanding that sometimes people's brains#work different from yours and they process the world differently than you#i dont call other people broken because i know that would be mean given how their brains interpret the word but i do feel comfortable#using my own version of language to describe myself#autism dialect KENFKSBFKSBFMDB
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sirompp · 1 year
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another drawing for @dreamperson-poll !! this ones a mermaid :)
(also her tail isnt bloody its just red. and finless. those things at the end are supposed to be feathers. i am aware they do not look like feathers)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
i think i’ve pinned down one of the things that’s bugged me about the recent series/books - over time there’s been a slow over-saturation of the mythological aspects, at least in how they’re presented to us. The first series and TKC balance the mundane and mythological really well, but as things go on there’s more and more emphasis on mythological things as separate rather than merged with the mortal world. The best two examples I can think of for this are Tartarus (We’ll ignore Tartarus in mythology versus how it is in PJO for now, that’s a topic for another day) and MCGA -
[Under cut for length]
in the first series, Tartarus is scary and ominous because we don’t know anything about it, we’re just told it’s bad and the only things down there are Kronos and reforming monsters (who can actually relatively easily escape Tartarus, it just takes them a minute), essentially. All we ever see of it is glimpses in the first book of the edge of it and a little bit later in the Labyrinth when there’s some cracks that lead to it. In the beginning of HoO it’s still scary because we still haven’t seen it, but we know Nico went down there and it was extremely bad for him. We still know nothing else! This also adds something special - Nico now has the unique trait of being the only mortal to have passed through Tartarus and survived. All of that then immediately falls apart when Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus and... it’s not that impressive. They actually get through it relatively fine. They run into a friendly giant who gives them soup and we get a literal deus ex machina as Iapetus/Bob shows up out of nowhere to help them out too. So now we’ve revoked the fact that it’s a special trait to have been able to survive Tartarus, that apparently means nothing, and apparently there’s enough friendly/useful things in Tartarus to make your life easier while you’re there AND now with TSATS we’re revisiting it again and now Will gets to have survived Tartarus too, I guess, because just anybody can do that now. Not to mention the whole “Oh, btw, Nico actually also has Super Special Tartarus Vision but Percy also temporarily got that too so that’s also not special.”
With MCGA, the series is supposed to be set in Boston, right? Except, it’s not, really. It’s set in the Nine Worlds. And it’s set in the Nine Worlds in such a way that we the reader are essentially just on a convenient guided tour of the Nine Worlds for some reason. We didn’t need to see a guided tour of the Nine Worlds! It’s just shoehorning in mythology for the sake of showing it off. PJO and TKC being set in New York worked because we actually see New York and New York is important to how the story functions. The mythology stuff is in New York! Camp Half-Blood is on Long Island Sound! Olympus is in the Empire State Building! The Grey Sisters drive a taxi! Camp Jupiter works because it’s in California. TLH and SoN work because we are in different real-world locations, but mythology stuff is happening in those spots. That’s what made PJO unique! And that’s what starts falling apart later in the books - Team Statue’s trip is memorable because we get some details about the places they end up. That one scene where Hazel, Frank, and Nico are wandering through Venice is memorable because we see Venice! Most of the rest of HoO we don’t get that same description. In TOA we lose it even more - yes, we’re in these different spots, but they feel disconnected because it’s less “We’re in this location! and there’s mythology stuff here too!” and more “OMG MYTHOLOGY STUFF and we’re like, vaguely in this location, I guess.” You could essentially interchange the mundane location of those scenes in HoO or TOA or MCGA without disrupting the story at all because it doesn’t play into it at all. In the first series it matters that we’re at the Gateway Arch and the Hoover Dam and Las Vegas and Manhattan. In TKC it matters that we’re in London and Brooklyn. In TLH it matters that we’re at the Grand Canyon! In SoN it matters that we’re in California or Alaska! Heck, it matters that the Princess Andromeda was a normal cruise ship with mortal passengers still on it! But in MOA-BoO and TOA and MCGA it doesn’t! You can interchange any random place with Greco-Roman ruins because we’re just apparently on a tour of Europe anyways. You can interchange the setting of TOA because for the most part between Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Labyrinth, we’re either just vaguely somewhere or some new randomly introduced demigod-or-mythological-related place. You can interchange the setting of MCGA to any large North American city because we barely see the city, it’s just a backdrop for Hotel Valhalla and spots are chosen at complete random as access points to the Nine Worlds.
It takes away some of the meaning, to me, to over-emphasize the mythological aspects of the universe when it’s supposed to be this big special thing. The entire first series emphasizes how the mythological world has merged with modern mundane life, and especially that demigods struggle to locate and interact with a lot of these mythological locations. Trips to Olympus are rare and special occasions.Trips to the Underworld are difficult and extremely uncommon unless you have specific access or are summoned there, so every time we do go there it’s exciting! In TKC it takes effort and difficulty and specific circumstances to gain access to many mythological-related things and places in the first place, which in turns makes it rewarding when we do see it. There are absolutely some mythological locations we see in the series that it makes sense to repeatedly visit or have easier access to - the camps and nomes, obviously, are safe havens we expect to return to. The Labyrinth has access points everywhere. But the cool part of the Labyrinth in the first series versus TOA is that in PJO, where the Labyrinth was entered and exited was important and created interesting scenarios - such as fighting Kampe in Alcatraz, or having to guard the entrance into CHB because it was dangerous. In TOA it’s always just kind of... somewhere?
There’s also a lot of rehashing of places and monsters and beings we’ve met before - it doesn’t make sense to return to Ogygia a whole two times after Percy’s trip (which is supposed to be, yknow, impossible to reach unless you get hopelessly lost) or for Calypso to even show up again after the first series since part of Percy’s deal at the end of TLO was supposed to be for Calypso to be freed. Returning to Ogygia’s island and reintroducing Calypso there feels like a retcon more than anything at that point, when if you wanted to reintroduce her you could have just had her show up somewhere else, having been freed from her island and gone traveling to see the sights of the world. Why revisit Ogygia? Or Tartarus? These places that are supposed to be impossible to reach or survive? Every time you go back it just invalidates the intended feeling and structure of those settings. Why not revisit like, Triple-G Ranch? Which is just kind of there and a perfectly open spot with a known location that’s not difficult to find at all? Or the Amazon headquarters, which is also a known and easy to access building. Neither of those were totally explored when we were introduced to them! And we haven’t seen them again! Heck, we could even revisit the ruins of Circe’s Island, see if anything’s going on there now! What happened to all the sorceresses and pirates? Did the sorceresses become pirates and take back the island? That’d be cool to see! That’s an interesting revisitation of past mythological-based locations, not going back again and again to these impossible-to-reach places. It’s why we never went back to the Garden of Hesperides - we know where it is and under what circumstances to gain access it, but we only went there once and saw it maybe twice and that’s good! Because the less we see the mythological places the more special they are! And the more we see the mundane places and how mythological things have taken root in these modern mortal spaces, then the more grounded the universe feels! Not a random private building entirely occupied by Nero’s forces or magic grottos hidden in already magic summer camps, but furies and centaurs hiding as teachers and satyrs disguised as students. That was what made the universe feel so unique. And I’d like to see more of that instead of things feeling so disjointed like they have recently.
#pjo#tkc#mcga#riordanverse#tsats#meta#analysis#long post //#the whole ''oh yeah no its actually kind of easy for monsters to leave tartarus it just takes them a couple of years''#''but if theyre a titan or giant or something that isnt cursed to be bound there its even easier'' thing feels so forgotten#which bugs me a ton because it. completely negates the entire need for the ENTIRE plot of TSATS#Bob is not being held prisoner in Tartarus! He's just. there? and we know as a Titan not being specifically punished he can just. leave.#like Damasen cant. yeah. because he's cursed to stay there forever. Kronos couldn't leave because he was CHOPPED UP INTO TINY BITS#AND BEING FORCIBLY HELD THERE#he couldnt leave until he had his team do a little ritual and then he just SNAPPED BACK TO THE OVERWORLD#most of the other Titans were imprisoned elsewhere or not imprisoned to begin with!#like under a mountain or. oh i dont know. HOLDING UP THE SKY.#Bob has been freed from his punishment because he's helping Olympus now! He's a janitor for Hades! he should be able to just leave!#There's no reason for Nico and Will go to on a quest for him because HE CAN GET OUT ON HIS OWN#it might take him a little bit but he can do it#also the gist of the ''Tartarus in mythology versus pjo'' thing is that Tartarus is basically the same as the Fields of Punishment#Rick just kind of made Tartarus Superhell(tm) for no particular reason#like yeah it's where the punished souls go. not exactly GIANT PIT IN THE UNDERWORLD (OF DOOM)#so that by itself extra negates like. all the tartarus arc drama.#cause then it's not ''20 demigods survived the Superhell Pit''#it instead becomes ''Nico took a little jaunt through the Fields of Punishment and stubbed his toe i guess''#and i will accept that edit for story purposes but i will not accept throwing demigods into Tartarus because we've run out of plots#theres so many plots we could still do. we're just picking the lazy options
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recallback-art · 6 months
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First post of the new year! Thought I should post my first proper drawing of the new year - and so, why not the matching ones?
I usually make one of these doodles for the weeks my friends play DND as a reminder we play that week (though sometimes we have to cancel y'know how it is), and I put special effort into this weeks since it's the new year! My guy is half dragon, tis his year!
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The Set-Up / Part 2
Part 1 / Part 3
A little Wilmon Social Media AU
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90stvqueen · 2 years
i understand why this isn't the case, but i think everyone should be able to play an instrument. the same way i think everyone should speak multiple languages. the craft of music is a language in and of itself
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sushisocks · 8 months
i wish i was as good as you in being feral in tags. i truly try, but it just doesn't come. you, on the other hand, make growling and barking in the notes seem so effortless, i'm in awe
the fact that this could have been spurred by SO many posts ive reblogged the past 24 hrs. or like, ever 😭
but see
that's my secret, lissu
im always feral (lol)
and i just live in the tags so that's where it comes out more often than not LMAOO thank u for the compliment im glad my brand of mental illness is enjoyable HAHAHAH
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lzrdprsn · 1 year
It's really weird when you know someone in a context different from how everybody else knows them so you look at them and you still kind of see that person they used to be
#this post is about the boy i dated my senior year who was so incredibly sweet tbh wouldnt be the person i am today if i hadnt met him#but he was so fucked up he had so many issues it was really hard so it didnt work out but i loved him and i think he loved me too#but hes in a moderately successful band now which i just found out about do i looked them up and theyre good#but its so weird because its like i know that when you were 17 you wanted to be an underwater welder#i helped you clean your room at your grandmas house because you were so sad you couldnt do it yourself#i ditched 5th period AP English to sit on the steps behind the auditorium and listen to you talk about whatever#you pushed me on the swings and we took the bus to the movie theater and you liked cherry wraps and you played me my favorite songs#i havent REALLY thought about that guy in years and we were only together MAYBE 6 months but its so weird what you remember about people#and especially how you remember how they made you feel because he made me feel so good like i was in control#all my previous relationships was me trying to desperately please someone who wouldnt do the same for me#and honestly a lot of my relationships since have been the same especially in college and with the one girl who honestly if she called me#today i would drop everything and go be with her again no questions because i cant get her out of my head#but stuff witj him was never ever like that it was so easy it was like breathing even though it ended messy i have 0 regrets#and its nice to know that things are going well for him because honestly he changed my life a little bit#the way i dont give a fuck now is something i learned from him#ill probably delete this later but you know
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varietysky · 2 years
idk I think if more people saw the gay vampire show as closer in essence to iasip rather than something like the gay pirate show, we'd be having more effective conversations about the direction of the current season or sumn
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