#i decided. why not. this cat is trans now!
sniffanimal · 2 months
I now have a policy about not interacting with discourse if I wouldn't be able to explain it to my dear friend who owns a flip phone. if I try to explain it to her and she just replies with "that's dumb, why are people fighting about this?" then I know it's not worth arguing about online
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skullamity · 4 months
PSA for trans men and trans mascs on T who are afraid of/concerned about or experiencing male pattern baldness: Talk to your endocrinologist who monitors your T about hair loss before you talk to anyone else, you have options!
When the hair in the top of my head started to thin, I talked to my regular GP. She told me it should be fine to use Rogaine topically. There were no other options, either because she was somehow not aware OR was under the impression that alternatives might interfere with HRT. If this was the case, she did not relay this info to me, and if she had, I would have made an early appointment with my endocrinologist, who specialises in HRT for trans people specifically, and asked her about my options.
But, since I only have appointments once a year with my endo now because my levels are generally super consistent, I decided to try Rogaine. I lasted about a month, because it basically meant I had to wear a lined hat at all times to make sure I wasn't getting any on my pillow/cats/child. You need to apply it two to three times a day and leave it on your scalp for a couple of hours for the best results, every day, forever, and if you stop using it, your hair goes back to whatever it was up to before that made you concerned in the first place. I quit after a month and resigned myself to eventually going bald.
I finally had a phone appointment with my endo last week (was supposed to be in person but she had an emergency and was working remotely for the day), and when I brought this up and that I had tried Rogaine but couldn't deal with all of the above + my scalp was not reacting well to the alcohol in the foam so I quit, she was like ????? what? why didn't your GP just prescribe you finasteride???
I am now on finasteride! It is a dirt cheap, tiny ass pill. I only need to take a quarter of a pill once a day (my endo also helpfully explained to me that pill cutters exist and are also dirt cheap, so perfectly cutting a pill into quarters takes about 5 seconds and I got it for a whopping $8). Just like Rogaine, I WILL need to take it every day, forever, but it's not going to get all over my pillow and make my cats sick or cause my kid to grow a beard or whatever. It isn't going to dry my scalp out, and it also the cost comparison is a joke. I take it every morning at the same time I take my adhd meds, so it's easy to remember.
I have seen so, so many trans men and mascs online lately worried about this, probably because I've seen so many conservatives and the kind of detrans people that conservatives like to parade around put a lot of emphasis about how T will make you UGLY and make all of your hair fall out. I do feel sorry for any detrans women who are dealing with wonky hairlines or male pattern baldness, but also it sure is convenient that none of them see fit to mention that if you are experiencing those things, you can literally just talk to your endocrinologist about what your options are and then take a quarter of a pill every day to fix it. Almost like making you aware of that might move you away from their end goal, which is getting you to detransition.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
Hello! I'm Julie from Cariona and I just want to ask if you're interested in doing ads/promotions here on Tumblr? If yes, how much do you charge per reblog?
For proof of legitimate promotions, you can check @catchymemes, @sulfatto, @isnt, and many others.
Website for reference: http://cariona.com Over 200 five star Facebook reviews: https://www.facebook.com/carionaproducts/reviews
Please feel free to respond here or reach out to us on [email protected] for more details! Thank you once again and have a great week!
absolutely fascinating that you decided to send this as an ask, when you also DM'd me. unfortunately, you may realize that this was a mistake - you see, asks can be responded to publicly.
so, allow me to respond:
hi, Julie! I'd never heard about Cariona before, so I decided to go poking around, and I learned something!
well, I learned a few things, actually. from your site, Cariona seems to be a small business that sells reusable menstrual products. and while I will never advertise a product that I haven't used, there's nothing wrong with wanting people to promote your company.
I have, however, found a few problems.
the first thing I found was this post by @crafiet from May 12th of last year, saying that shortly after making a purchase on your website, her debit card info was leaked, and used to make facebook ad purchases.
it seems that at least back then, your payment system was insecure. I'm really hoping you've fixed that, because. yikes.
and when I messaged crafiet to ask if it was okay if I linked to her post, she also mentioned that even though your website says you ship from Georgia, her package came shipped from China, and took a long time to arrive.
that's pretty sketchy.
the next thing I found was some folks talking about receiving cards with their orders that have a QR code on them with the words "Scan For God's Message To You", and that on the other side, have this bible verse:
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Psalm 63:1
fun fact! that's from the King James Version (which I have a lot of thoughts about, but I'm not going to get into that right now).
additional fun fact! that particular psalm is from that time David fled to the wilderness because Jonathan's dad was trying to kill him.
and that's why I have to talk about the verses that follow it:
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(ID in alt text; link to the NIV version if you want it)
so...are we like 100% sure it's god that David is thinking about here? because...I mean...that's pretty horny, right? and all of this while on the run from his boyfriend's dad?
I'm not saying anything, but like...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's a weird verse to choose for this, that's all.
anyway, back to you, Cariona: after seeing people talking about the bible verse cards, I decided to poke around your website more, and allll the way at the bottom of it, finally found your "About Us" page, which ends with this:
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...look. there's nothing inherently wrong with being christian. but to say "we do not wish to impose any beliefs on our customers", and to then put bible verse cards in people's orders? that's sneaky, and I don't like it.
I also think it's a bit sneaky that you've flagged your tumblr account as pro-trans on shinigami eyes. at least, I assume you flagged it yourselves, because I didn't find a single post on your blog that mentions trans issues.
(though you have, entertainingly, reblogged some stranger things fanart, and a castiel cat cosplay)
and while your website uses very gender-neutral language, your "About Us" page doesn't say anything about being inclusive of trans people, just that you don't "discriminate against anyone who has a different belief than ours."
unfortunately, that's not good enough for me. I have this sneaking suspicion that "trans people are the gender they say they are" counts as a "different belief".
lastly, since you say on your website that people can message you asking about your faith, I had a friend do that!
baptists. you're baptists, which is a pretty conservative denomination.
and according to you, part of that 10% you donate goes to your local churches, and some missionaries. who are also probably baptists.
in the end, I just...don't trust you? I don't trust that the 10% you're donating is going to organizations that aren't homophobic or transphobic. I don't believe that you're not trying to impose your beliefs on others, because that's what you're obviously doing. I mean, your "About Me" says that one of the reasons you built this company is to spread the gospel.
and I especially don't like it that you reached out to me (an openly queer person) for promotion without mentioning that you're an evangelical company.
so to answer your question, Julie: no. I am not interested in doing ads or promotions for you on tumblr. and honestly, you probably picked the wrong website for this kind of thing.
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ralvezfanatic · 5 months
Outfits and Naps
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Spencer Reid x FTM!Reader
FEM-ALIGNED DNI - You will be blocked if you interact with this post. This is made for trans men/mascs, not women.
Reader is bored at home, not having much to do. He decided to try on some outfits he bought earlier, and then falls asleep.
Warnings: Mostly focused on Reader. Slightly feminine outfit mentioned. Dysphoria is implied if you squint really hard. Practically just a random drabble I randomly came up with. Reader has a cat because cats are very cool. Also, guys.. please don't sleep in your binder..
Word Count: 1.2k
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Spencer was away at work, so it was only you and your childhood cat (that you got at 17.. so more of a teenage-hood cat), Mr. Whiskers the 3rd (and since it was such a long name, you shortened it to Mr. Whiskers. Although you stated his full government name was Furball Whiskers the 3rd.) at home.
You didn't have much to do, it was a peaceful day and you decided you were going to order takeout for dinner when Spencer came home. So, cooking wasn't an option. Having set your mind to takeout, there was no way you could cook. You already knew what you were going to order, so you couldn't change plans.
So there you were, sitting on the couch, your cat next to you, sleeping while you were bored out of your mind. You pet him for a whole, sighing as you tried to come up with something to do. Calm days were actually really boring. As you thought, you scrolled through your phone, switching between apps trying to get an idea.
Maybe you could take a walk? No, too cold, and you felt bad leaving Mr. Whiskers alone.
As you scrolled through your phone, you saw this post which reminded you of some outfits you bought and wanted to try on earlier, but always put aside. Happy that you found something to do, you stood up, rushing to your bedroom, your cat soon following behind.
You threw your phone on your bed, heading to your closet and pulling out some boxes where you stored the outfits. You carried them and placed them on the bed to open and take the clothes out.
You decided to wear your binder while trying on clothes, so you knew how they'd look when you go out. You go get it, and put it on after a few minutes of struggling.
Now you stood by your bed again, your cat sitting in the middle of the bed, waiting for the boxes to empty.
“Which one looks better Mister? This? Or.. this?” You ask him, holding out a cropped turtleneck with the shoulders cut in your left hand, and a white, sleeveless button up shirt in your right.
Mr. Whiskers turned his head to the left, sniffing the air a bit, which had made you think he chose the turtleneck, but then he turned his head to the right, so you thought he changed his mind. Finally, he just spun around in a circle trying to get comfortable on your bed before lying down and not picking anything out for you.
“Thanks..” You mumble, wondering why you even bothered asking a cat for help. You decided you would try both of them, hoping to style them for future use. You set the button up shirt down and put on the turtleneck. You had to find a nice pair of pants now.. which was difficult because you knew this turtleneck would look great with a skirt, but you weren't that comfortable yet.
Finally, you decided on a pair of black jeans, because you couldn't figure out what else to wear. You thought you looked nice, and snapped a mirror selfie of your newly created outfit and sent it to Spencer.
That's how you spent your afternoon, mixing and matching different shirts and pants, trying out different outfits, taking pictures, and sending a few to your boyfriend, asking for his opinion.
Not that he was helpful, that man said you looked absolutely stunning in each outfit you created. And also he usually stuck with sweater vests and slacks.. so he didn't really know he was supposed to help with.
You gave up after his third, “They both look great.” and his second “It’s you, anything looks good on you.”
Obviously, he wasn't helping, so you just sent him pictures of what you decided looked better, which he still enjoyed.
Finally, you tried out all the new clothes you got, and managed to style each of them. You put everything away, and sat on the bed, telling yourself you were only sitting to think of something else to do, but instead ended up laying down and falling asleep.
Spencer opened the front door, and was surprised when Mr. Whiskers didn't rush over to sniff and inspect him. “Y/N! I'm home.” He called out, closing the door behind him, only to be met with silence. Puzzled on why he arrived home to be met with a quiet house and no greeting, he ventured further into your house. He grew slightly nervous, which was only normal considering his job, but kept calmed.
He walked into the bedroom, slowly opening the door, hoping you just fell asleep and the animals were locked in with you.
As he opened the door, he was met with the cutest view, and he felt his heart melt at what was in front of him. He smiled, taking out his phone to snap a quick picture before walking up to the bed.
You laid in bed, wearing a pair of your boyfriend's sweatpants, which were baggy on your smaller body, along with your binder that you didn't take off after trying on clothes. In front of you was Mr. Whiskers, which you held close, hugging him as if he was a plushie.
He had been asleep, but woke up when Spencer entered the bedroom. He only looked up to him, but stayed comfortably on the bed under his owner's arms.
Spencer couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the sight, finding it absolutely adorable how you slept with your cat. He also saw how you still had your binder on and decided to wake you up, now knowing how long you had it on.
“Love. Get up, you need to get that binder off.” He shook you lightly, trying to wake you up in a nice manner. You grumble and shoo him off, trying to pull your cat closer, but he decided to get up when Spencer started to wake you. “Y/N, get out of your binder..” He insisted, shaking your shoulder now.
You groaned being woken up from your nap and shook your head no. “Mm.. 5 more minutes.” You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands, turning away from your boyfriend.
Spencer laughed and shook his head, finding your sleepiness amusing. “No, get up Y/N. Now.” He laughed, grabbing your arms and pulling you up to a sitting position.
As he managed to sit you up, he smiled at your now barely conscious self. “I was having such a good nap ‘Pence.. you should have joined me instead of waking me.” You mumble, leaning your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his own.
“Sweetheart, as good as a nap it was.. and as cute as you look in my sweatpants and your binder, you shouldn't be sleeping with that on! Now go change, I'll give you one of my sweaters if you want too.” He smiled, pressing a kiss on your temple. “And then we can cuddle and nap if you want to.” He added on, knowing that'll be good enough motivation for you to go change.
You turn your head to look at him and smile, pressing a quick kiss to his mouth before getting up to change out of your binder, rushing so you could cuddle up with him.
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 month
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Look guys!!! It's G1rlR0b1n 💖💖💖 (bet you didn't know this is what my handle meant lol)
Yet another commission by the super talented @tamdrry!!! (this was done a while ago I just hadn't gotten around to posting it)
So, there was actually a fic that was supposed to go along with this but... I never got around to finishing it 😭
If you want to see what I had planned to write you can check it out under the cut. 👇
One of my personal headcanons is that Damian is nonbinary (or trans but for this particular story, just nonbinary for now)
Anyway, he starts to discover this after spending a lazy afternoon with Cass and Steph in Cass's room.
They're cleaning out her closet and think it'd be fun to play dress up with her little brother. He relents because he likes feeling included and he enjoys their company and doesn't 'want to mess this up'. They're several piece swaps and a whole makeover in when the girls finally settle on what they have decide is the perfect 'fit. Damian turns to see himself in the mirror, mini skirt, crop top, fish nets, combat boots, smoky cat-eye, glossy lips, and he just…freezes… doesn't react… until he does. He starts to cry and flees from the room. The girls don't know what to do but they run after him. He nearly knocks Bruce over in the hallway, then the girls come storming after and he stops them.
Bruce: what's going on?
Steph (she looks worried): we were just messing around, we didn't mean to make him cry!
Cass (also upset and crying herself): we didn't mean to hurt him.
Bruce: ok, let me talk to him. Go back to your room, we'll chat in a bit. Try to calm down, ok?
The girls nod reluctantly but turn and go back to Cass's room. Bruce had long suspected that Damian may be having a difficult time with self-discovery from little things he's picked up on and from when he was at that age himself. he had a feeling something like this would be coming sooner than later, after all, emotions and individuality were not traits looked highly upon by the League of Assassins… or (he admits) with the Batman. he knocks on his door and when there is no answer he peeks in. Damian is sitting on the carpet in front of his floor length mirror.
Bruce: hey chum
Bruce: can I sit down?
He says nothing again but scootches over slightly
Bruce: you wanna talk about it?
Bruce: Cass and Steph think they've upset you.
Damian shakes his head: I'm not mad at them. (He emphasizes the word 'them')
Bruce: are you mad at yourself?
Damian nods but says nothing else. Bruce pulls him into a hug and he allows it, buries his face into him, cries, and Bruce just holds him there. They say nothing else until Damian finally let's go an eternity later. Bruce tells him he won't make him talk about it and he won't make him explain himself to the girls but he is going to tell Cass and Steph that he isn't upset with them unless he would like to do it himself (he'll tell them nothing more than that, he emphasizes). Damian's not ready to face them, he tells his father he can relay the message, and he does, later once Damian has asked to be left alone. The girls are relieved, they don't ask questions, they respect Damian's privacy. It's one of the reasons why Damian loves them.
A week later Bruce takes Damian to go to a fashion show with him, he goes because his father has been nagging him to put more effort into him public persona long before this anyway. There he sees androgynous models wearing mashups of typically male and female clothing and something starts to click. He feels seen for the first time but the feeling is uncomfortable and he begins to sink into himself, Bruce pulls him into his side, and he doesn't pull away.
Another week goes by and Damian comes home to find a large box on his bed, tied up with a large red ribbon. There is a tag that just reads, "fighting evil by moonlight". He opens the box and there is a new Robin uniform inside reminiscent of one of his favorite characters, Sailor Moon. The tears he cries are from happiness this time.
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Clanblr dashboard simulator is back babye (part 1)
#yes i just finished part 1 #yes im already doing another one #this is really fun to me #hey btw when the follow button is "missing" it isnt missing. #that's your mutuals
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I miss leaf-bareeeeee... my long-haired ass CANNOT with this weather
#shorthairs please dont reblog with "actually i think the warm weather is nice" #then this post isn't for you #robbbinposts
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
I'm trnasgender
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Happy 6 moon anniversary to the time I butchered what was supposed to be my cool, unexpected coming-out with a spelling error
🔥 b-b-b-blaaazr Follow
At least the typo wasnt in your url dude
Also. The coming out wasnt unexpected. At all. We all knew.
#fuck you blaze #"we all knew" yeah maybe because i posted about how i wished i was a tom 10 times a day #whacking uou on the head with my manly paws
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🔁 🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow reblogged
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Happy bday to @lionsight-x3, my beloved mutual! Cant imagine life without you
🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow
#Was honestly having a TERRIBLE birthday until I saw this. #Love you so much Lilystem.
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🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Am I the only one who didnt know that @ex-thunderclan-kipper is a kittypet??
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
His whole blog, including his url, is based around the fact that he's ex-clan... how are you just now finding this out...
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
I just followed for the wood-scratching art..
#didnt realize he was a kittypet #:/
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🦢 gentlesong-momof17 Follow
Kits are having their apprentice ceremony tomorrow... can't believe they're all grown up. At least my next litter is due in a moon!!
#momlife #queen #leaving the nursery #mom life #nursery queen #perm queen #perm queen life #permanent queen #permanent queen life
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🔁 🪺 robbbinpaw Follow reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Im actually gonna die
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Sorry guys forgot to specify. My assessment is tomorrow. So like. My mentor is gonna decide if I get to become a warrior or not. Im freaking out
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Wait. Youre an apprentice still??
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Ya? My bio says 11 moons- how old did you think I was?
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I thought you were 21 moons old! Last time I read your bio was 2 days ago and I swear I thought it said 21!??
#moose ive been thinking you were 21 this whole time #cant believe youre only a moon older than me #this is surreal #robbblogs
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Im on transblr and I keep mixing @l1llyst3m up with @carnation-stem-02... they look nothing alike and post about completely different things I think it's just the (flower)stem names
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
This is extra funny to me considering Lily and I actually became mutuals due to a similar mix-up (someone tagged her where they meant to tag me) but I for the life of me cannot understand how nobody takes one look at our blogs and never makes that mistake again.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
To the cats in the notes saying "but you're both trans, it's confusing" guys. We arent even the same flavor of gender...
#shes transfemme #im agender #why is this even a source of confusion #we dont even go by the same pronouns..
2,702 notes
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uh... hello?? I think Im on the wrong site... what in the name of StarClan is... Tumblr...
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bbybluemochi · 10 months
bbybluemochi's F.A.Q. ✧・゚
Hi! Arun here! I thought that instead of answering your submissions one by one I’d gather all the frequently asked questions and answer them in a single post (this is a mix of art/OC/commissions related q's)!
Please note that I do read all your messages and I’m so grateful for every one of them!!!! I keep all your words really close to my heart, thank you for liking my art and loving my Ocs as much as I do, it means the world to me <3
What’s the name of your OCs?
They’re called Cotton (the blonde one) and Puppy (the dark haired one). The original idea for them was to make some silly wolf/bunny OCs (that’s why Cotton is called like that, it was supposed to be a joke about her tail…) but somewhere along the way they took over and became something completely different!
Is there a webcomic for your OCs?
Not currently! I don’t have the time or the skills (for now) but I’d love to give it a try in the future! 
I was wondering if you mind people using your OC art as character art/inspiration for DnD?Just games with friends that are for fun, nothing for commercial.
Go ahead! I find that really flattering.
Just out of curiosity, are any of your OCs bisexual?
Both Cotton and Puppy are lesbians. That’s what I feel comfortable drawing since I’m a lesbian myself. If I ever do draw a bisexual OC I’ll make sure to mention it! <3
I think you said Cotton was a dominatrix in a previous ask, but is Puppy on the opposite side of the spectrum or is she just glad to be there whichever way?
Puppy is very much a sub. They both switch (Puppy as a service top and bottom and Cotton as a top and power bottom), but the dom/sub dynamic never changes. Also I wanted to mention that these dynamics do not transcend outside of the bedroom that much, there’s more to them than their kinks but I do love to draw them deep in their submissive/dominant headspaces. 
Are one of the lesbian fairytale characters trans?
I didn’t design either of them with that in mind, but I’m super OK with people headcanoning them as trans!
May I use your art as a header/icon?
Of course! Remember to credit me tho~
Do you allow people to use your art freely?
I don’t allow reposts of my work (not that it matters that much, since almost all my art has been already reposted a million times ))): but I’d really appreciate it if you just shared my posts instead of reposting my art). As for phone backgrounds/wallpapers or stuff like that, yeah!
Do you have an instagram account or other social media, I would love to follow you there.
My main platform is twitter (same @), I post all my drawings there and I’m usually more active over there. Tumblr is kind of like an archive. I really like the community here but I find it easier to reply/interact with people on twitter! As for instagram, I do have an old art account (same @, again) but I haven’t posted in so long. I may start posting there soon if a certain rich guy decides to keep destroying the bird app tho. 
I’ve always thought about this… how do you think it’d look if the aesthetics/styles [of your OCs] were reversed?
I’ll have to explore that in a future drawing, I haven’t thought much about it! 
Do you write fics for your characters or has anyone else written fics about them?
Not yet! A couple of my friends have offered, tho! I usually like to stick to drawing because that’s what I do best, I don’t wanna subject anyone to my writing (it’s not very good,,,,). When I share some of my Ocs stories, I think it will be in comic format. 
What's the story behind your OCs? 
There are several, actually!! I like to put my OCs in different universes. As for now, there’s the Fairytale AU, the modern setting AU (this is the original one), and now the Werewolf/Vampire AU. I also did a drawing of them as spiderwoman and black cat but I don’t think that AU is gonna make a comeback for a while. I’m also planning a scifi AU but I’m not sure I’d be able to pull off that aesthetic with my current art style so I’m still working on it. 
The Fairytale AU is the one I’m working on most of the time. I wanna release a small artbook with their story + illustrations. That was my main goal for 2023 but life got in the way, so maybe,,, 2024??? *crosses fingers* 
Is your shop down? It’s saying that it’s not available.
I open my shop for 1-2 weeks every now and then, that’s why it’s closed most of the time! My plan is to open the store again in september, if i manage to finish all the merch in time! I’ll announce it on my twitter and tumblr account when I do. 
Would you ever share a tutorial on how you make your art?
Yes, of course! I’m not very good at explaining my drawing process but If it helps anyone I’d love to! Just let me know what part of the drawing process you’d like me to focus on, because If i try to make a full illustration tutorial it’s gonna be too long/difficult to follow. 
May I ask what brush do you use for your lineart?
I use a different brush almost every time I start an illustration, I’m not very consistent when it comes to that (I think it’s mainly because I haven’t found the perfect brush yet!). But let me know what illustration you’re curious about and I’ll try to remember which one I used!
Do you come up with poses off the top of your head or do you use some type of reference? I always struggle with them.
It depends on what I’m drawing! Some of my drawings are reinterpretations of paintings (I’m obsessed with pre-raphaelite painters and arthurian legend paintings in general), so in those cases I try to adapt the poses to my art style. Even If I’m trying to recreate an already existing painting I end up changing the poses/proportions a lot along the way to fit my personal taste/art style. 
Other times, I just sketch from imagination (this is more entertaining, I think, since looking at references can make the drawing process a bit tedious). If I find it hard to draw a certain pose/part of the body I will look up references on printerest, no shame in using pictures! If I still can’t find the pose I need I’ll just take a picture of myself (this is like, a last resort for me. I’m too lazy for this). 
My personal advice would be to use references for the pose and then tweaking the pose and trying to make it more personal 
I love the way the armor was designed and rendered! Can you share some tips on designing armor? 
Drawing armor is something I still struggle with most of the time. I think I’ve learned a lot in the past year (please don’t look at my armor drawings from 2022,,,,, sigh) but I still struggle to draw certain poses/angles. My advice is: don’t hesitate to draw non-functional armor!!! There’s always gonna be someone like “actually, that armour makes no sense :)” well !!!! it looks cool as hell so who caresssss !!!!! 
I think it’s more important for you to get comfortable drawing armor before you start beating yourself up for not drawing accurate ones. It takes a lot of practice (I’m still learning!!!), especially if you’re trying to draw historically accurate ones, so start by having fun, and then work your way up from there.
Most of the tips I can think about are really hard to explain without a visual example, so let me know if that’d be a tutorial you would be interested in and I’ll try to make one (I’m cringing a little just saying this bc I swear, my armor skills are so bad compared to some amazing artists out there………..).
Do you allow cosplays your OCs?
YES…. YES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BEGGING YOUUU ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER !!!!!! *rattles my cage* 
Do you allow fanart of your OCs?
Again,,, PLEASEEEEEEEEE !!! Just tag me so I don’t miss it and remember to give me credits if you do !!!!!!!!!!! :D
I was wondering if you use procreate , clip studio, or similar apps?
A mix of both. I used to draw on procreate only until I got a tablet and now I’m a clip studio user (csp sponsor me please), and now that’s all I use. I’m so used to drawing on PC now that I don’t think I’d be able to go back to procreate, but I still like that app a lot! All my drawings (even the ones I do on csp) always get retouched on procreate because I like some of the effects (*dreamy sigh* chromatic aberration filter,,, love u). 
I wanted to know if the marks Cotton has on her waist are tattoos or like a scar? 
Those are tats! Puppy is a tattoo artist ~~~ (I’m actually not sure if i’ll keep the waist tats on Cotton or if I’ll end up redesigning them,,,)
I was wondering if you take commissions?
Not right now. I also don’t have any plans of opening commissions any time soon! When I do, I’ll post a google forms on twitter and here on tumblr with the prices and type of comms I do. But there’s nothing scheduled. 
Even tho I'm not doing commissions atm, I’m currently looking for illustration jobs (specially book covers), so don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]
That's all for now, thank you for reading!! I think I covered most of the questions, I'll make another q&a post in the future! Bye~~
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lopsicle · 3 months
Okay,like a couple minutes ago I learned that it is actually trans day of visibility today soo woohoo! Kind of hard to celebrate in this shithole called the UK though, so I’m going to hide on tumblr and talk about which characters I think are trans coded or just Headcanon as trans because it’s my day I can do that now heheheh-
Also, I’m just tryna do a little thing for trans visibility day, I like being opaque, I ain’t trying to start any arguments, if you see a Headcanon you disagree with, just scroll. And if you think I’m biased towards transfem characters, it’s because I am and I ain’t apologising for that, they’re underrated in terms of fandom and obvs I’m transfem so I love them and relate to them more. Transmasc characters still will be on this list though as there’s so many that I love.
Characters That I Think Are Transgender Because Fuck You
Number one: Hunter Noceda (The Owl House)
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This was probably the easiest and hardest pick for the list, for a couple reasons. Number one, I don’t think there’s a single person who agreed this pathetic wet cat is cisgender. Whether you think he’s transmasc, transfem, something else entirely, he ain’t cis. It’s clear why the fandom clung to Hunter as the resident trans character, him having a secret identity via The Golden Guard (seriously, any character with a secret identity is immediately trans, I don’t make the rules), the overconfident attitude mixed with deep insecurity and his arc about finding a way to ‘like who he is right now’ in Thanks To Them really just sealed the deal. Other little details like how his hair cuts helped him find his new identity did not help his case.
While I personally think he’s transfem, and am just using he/him because that’s his canon pronouns, Hunter is one of those characters that a lot of people can identify with which is what The Owl House is really about so I kinda had to include him on this list. The reason it was a hard decision is because holy fuck, every single character in this show is trans. Deciding between him and Amity was the hardest choice of my life because transfem Amity is heavily underrated and I love her, but you really can’t compete with Hunter, he’s had an amazing influence on the fandom and the character has probably helped a lot of people come to terms with their identity.
To summarise, Hunter is a great character, I miss him everyday, I miss The Owl House everyday, he was cool as fuck and a lotta people identified with him.
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
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This is one that I feel is heavily underrated, and that’s coming from someone that took two years after the show ended to watch Amphibia. With Amphibia, pretty much all of the human characters are Headcanonned (is that a word?) as some part of the trans umbrella but Anne is the one who does not get enough attention, especially for a main character.
At least to me, Anne was very transfem-coded in the show, everything from her raggedy appearance, to her essentially assuming a new life in Amphibia to the arc about accepting who you are to THE SONG ABOUT ACCEPTING WHO YOU ARE-this was the most in your face, trans-coded rep I could ever ask for. But she is criminally underrated in terms of being viewed as trans rep even though I’ve found her story one of the most compelling in terms of trans coded storylines in nearly any piece of media I’ve ever seen. Give Anne more attention, she’s literally the best. Marcy and Sasha are cool too but Anne’s writing deserves so much more praise than it gets.
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Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
If you haven’t realised it yet, this entire list so far is just one massive fuck you to Disney because fuck Disney. Dipper was the closest we got to having a canon trans main character in a mainstream animated show and it was taken from us, fuck Disney y’all. But still, Alex has all but confirmed Dipper’s identity as trans masculine, you can see remnants of that arc with him learning that he’s a man in his own right and masculinity being something he can define for himself, the whole thing about Dipper actually being a nickname, and him bonding with the men in his life, like Stan.
Even though I didn’t notice it when I was a kid watching the show, rewatching it now with the knowledge of Dipper’s identity makes the experience a bit more personal, I can see bits of myself in Dipper and I think that’s the whole point of his character. Watching it as a kid you can relate to him because of his sarcasm, his bluntness, his comedy but also because of how heroic, adventurous and curious he is, he’s basically the idealistic role of the viewer. But as you get older and think more critically about him, you can see more of his flaws and that makes him so much more real and so much more relatable. Obviously being trans isn’t a flaw, that was just me doing a side tangent because Dipper means the world to me and is only the standard of writing a cartoon protagonist in some ways, I just think he’s a really cool character and Disney robbed us.
Also Pacifica is transfem because TfT couples are hecking adorable
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Sallie May (Helluva Boss)
Guess who just realised that (other than Dipper technically) I haven’t put a single canon trans character on this list. Headcanons are better, I don’t make the rules, but Sallie May is amazing. No matter how critical you are of Helluva Boss, one thing it unapologetically does well is queer representation. The amount of characters that the audience can relate to makes it almost addicting to watch as you get to watch these characters live their best lives. Well, their lives are kinda fucked but you get what I mean, they just get to live as queer people, most of the time.
And Sallie May is proof that trans people will eat up absolutely anything, even if it’s a whole thirty seconds of screen time of a trans character. Being fair to her, Sallie May eats up every moment she gets on screen, her dialogue can be equivocated to just a middle child acting like a middle child and I think it is partly that, I feel like we have a lot more to learn about Sallie May and in turn her sister Millie. At least I hope we do, Millie’s writing needs to improve, their family dynamics can be so interesting because every other one of their siblings is a boy, their parents can be judgemental, I feel like even if Sallie May can be a bit taunting to her, those two are probably really close, especially since Millie is one of the people Sallie May would have to go to for girl advice.
To summarise, since I went off on a bit of a tangent, Helluva Boss brings out the worst in me, give Sallie May and Millie more screen time, they’re the best, we love healthy sibling dynamics.
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Double Trouble (She-Ra)
Jesus, they’re hot. Anyway, the first non binary entry on this list, the fabulous Double Trouble who stole the entire show from the moment they were introduced. Throughout the entirety of the last season, I can remember just waiting for the point that they’d show up again and nearly screaming when they did.
Double Trouble was one of the most charming members of the She-Ra cast and became effortlessly iconic, conning every single character, playing both sides of a war so that they’d come out on top, and they did win in the end. DT basically had zero consequences and even got to flirt with Sea Hawk when they were reintroduced so they got a win really. Double Trouble was mean, condescending and a liar and I love them so, so much, them being a shapeshifter is just absolutely perfect and fits their character so well. It was nice to see Non-binary rep in a cartoon and have it not immediately be cancelled, looking at Disney and thank God it wasn’t because She-Ra really wouldn’t be the same without this manipulated, child of a bitch
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Crowley (Good Omens)
You know the gender’s hitting when you don’t even know what the fuck the gender is. Crowley is a delight of the character from the moment they’re introduced to the end of the show, which nearly broke my heart since I watched it just recently, if anybody would like to send me tissues, that would be greatly appreciated.
From my vast research of one google search, I’ve concluded that they’re gender is up to viewer interpretation which is actually what mine is too so I can respect that. This literal demon stole the show whenever they were on screen, whether it was David Tenant’s acting, the moments we saw softer sides of him, her pinning over Aziriphale of them just being an actual demon, Crowley is a wonderful piece of representation and I hate that because it makes me sad, let them get together, please.
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Not to be confused with that one place that makes pretty good chicken, I’m talking about the protagonists of two of the best RPGs ever made, Undertale and Deltarune.
For those unaware, KFC is the trio name of Frisk, Undertale’s protagonist, Chara, Undertale’s narrator and Kris, Deltarune’s narrator. Despite them being the main characters, they’re not characterised too strongly as you are in control of them for most of the game, minus Chara who specifically says you aren’t in control of them. Due to it being canon to the games that you are playing as these characters, the Internet started a rumour that they are whatever gender you want them to be, which was just never true. Undertale is packed with trans representation, and these three are no exception. It’s the whole reason I added them to the list actually, just to get the message across if anyone was unsure; they’re all Nonbinary.
Frisk and Kris, despite only having glimmers of their true characters in the game, are still very lovable and intriguing with their actions. Even just the idea of these two being controlled, which is more of a heavy theme in Deltarune, is enough to make you interested in their characters, especially when Kris starts fighting back against you. This entire section is just gonna be a couple paragraphs of me fighting back the urge to yap about Undertale lore so you’ll have to forgive me. Chara, being the only one not under your control, has a much stronger character through the lines of dialogue from them or said about them, the latter usually being more interesting as it gives you insight to their tragic life.
Undertale is one of my favourite and given the amount of rep it’s given us, I had to pay homage to its own main characters on this list. Even though I’m hungry cause now I’m thinking about KFC.
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Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
I think it’s been a year since I finished tumblr’s favourite sitcom and while Jake was lovable, he didn’t stand out to me too much. Still, this guy suffered from that overconfidence but riddled with insecurity personality which lead to him being inevitably headcanonned (it’s a word I decided) as trans masculine. I don’t know what the correlation is between those kinds of characters and the transmasc headcanon, maybe it’s the desire to present as being that confident, maybe it’s being that confident but still held back by struggles about your gender identity but that’s neither here nor there.
What is here and is there is that this show was amazing for trans people, even if only in small ways and Jake was no exception to that. He was funny and watching him grow through those eight seasons gives you one of the most satisfying and heart throbbing conclusions to a TV show, largely due to his presence as the main character. Even though it’s not canon that he was trans masculine, the Headcanon is so popular that I had to pay homage to him and add him to the list.
Jack Kennedy (DSAF)
Is this fandom so dead and so unpopular that I couldn’t find a good gif? Yes. Am I gonna talk about it anyway because I love these games and I want an excuse and this is my day? Yes.
Anyway, Jack Kennedy was the main protagonist of the Day Shift at Freddy’s games and if you don’t know what those are, there’s a 50% chance you had an alright childhood. DSaF is obviously a fan game of the more well known horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s and I think they are some of the best fa games ever made. They’re hilarious, they’re so low budget it’s insane, it can give you the hardest tonal whiplash of not taking itself seriously to one of the hardest stories you’ve ever went through seamlessly and I don’t even get a fuck. The story told by these games is done so well and evokes so many emotions but one important thing it’s done is actually be really great for queer rep.
Despite it being played for more of a joke in the earlier games, the two characters Jack and Dave Millie clearly have romantic chemistry and that was so important back when the games released since they became so mainstream due to being attached to a popular franchise. Many fans headcanon Jack Kennedy as being non binary, which is a label that I think really works for them, mainly because it fits for the protagonists of roleplay games to be non binary. I can’t explain why, it just makes presenting the character to the audience so much easier and makes them a lot easier to play without having to worry too much about the gender of the character.
Anyway, Jack’s a self described asshole with a noble goal, and playing as them really gives you a feel of their character and makes you understand why this little known indie franchise snuck into so many people’s hearts.
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Bridget (Guilty Gear Rising)
You know I had to end off the list with one of the most iconic, canon, transfem characters out of there. Pretty much every single transfem has heard of Brisket and not a single one has played Guilty Gear Rising, I had to look up the name of this game just before this to make sure I got the right one.
Bridget has recently become a meme on the Internet, with every other transfem having her in her pfp, Bridget became a staple in the community. As stated, I can’t talk too much about her character but seeing the Internet come together to just appreciate this one transfem character, despite their being obvious hate and pushback and claiming her being canon transfem was a ‘mistranslation’ (to my knowledge) was actually really heart warming.
I didn’t really get trans day of visibility too much, I was happy for it, thought it was cool we got a day but it didn’t really help us all that much. But the more I thought about Bridget is the more that I saw just how good it can feel when people come together. It doesn’t have to be a movement or a call to action to save trans people from another bill trying to wipe them out, which is just depressing to listen to, it can just be as simple as joking about this character that barely any of us know. That level of community made me understand what this day was actually about; finding common ground and letting at least one other person know that they’re not alone, that there’s so many people just like you out there, that went through the exact same thing as you did at some point. And to let you know, those people turned out fine, so you’ll be okay too.
Happy trans day of viability everyone, even if this list only reaches one person to let them know they’re not alone, I’ll be happy with that.
Anyway, ignore the emotional stuff there, here’s my honourable mention of
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 5 months
Based on previous feedback
Ramona, trying to be subtle: What do you think your name would be as a girl, Scott?
(Thought cloud above Scott with "Ramona" and "Roxie")
Scott: Uh, "Rhoda", maybe. Why?
(there's a panel without any dialogue where Ramona just exchanges a look with Wallace and Kim)
Kim: ... Scott, have you ever wondered if you might be trans?
Scott: Haha, absolutely not! I'm definitely a guy! Uhhh totally a manly man here!
Caption on Scott: Just happened to have a feminine name for himself off the top of his head
Ramona: ... You're sure?
Scott, deflating, but only a little: I dunno, Ramona. Like. I mean I've wondered if I was trans like you and Roxie, but I mean. I ... think it'd be more obvious, right?
Wallace: To yourself, you mean?
Scott: ????
Ramona: Scott, I'm just gonna come out and say it ...
Scott: Yeah?
(whole entire wide panel showing everyone in the room, including a surprised Scott)
Ramona: I think you're trans.
(a catgirl speedrunner (whom I've named Susan Smalls) noclips through the wall, fist swinging at Ramona. The panel is otherwise identical to the previous one to indicate that time has gone backwards.)
SFX: Netcode Rollback!
Ramona: I think ywhoa!
Scott: Huh!?
(Scott and Ramona, in perfect sync, block the punch and knock Susan back.)
SFX: Perfect Tean Parry! Team Counter!
Susan, landing with catlike grace and glaring at Scott: And you are?
Scott: I'm ... Scott??
Susan: Nice name! Did your mom pick it out for you?
Character intro caption: SUSAN SMALLS, Age 32, Enforcer for the Canadian High Council of Trans Women, Also She's A Trans Woman
Ramona: Susan Smalls!?
Susan, pointing: You know the Prime Directive, Ramona Flowers!
Ramona: The Prime Directive has been twisted! It's gone beyond it's original purpose of stopping us from being so pushy it drives someone away!
Wallace, casually: Oh, is Scott about to ...?
Kim: Yeah, I think so.
Susan, leaping towards her: That's not your decision to make, Ramona! The Council has spoken!
Scott, blocking: What is she talking about???
Ramona, also blocking: I think you're trans!!!
Susan, horrified, hands on her head: NOOOOOOO--
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Susan: --OOOOO‌oh?
(Scott undergoes an entire magical girl transformation. When it finishes, there is no visible change whatsoever.)
Character intro caption: RHODA PILGRIM, Age 24, Also She's A Trans Woman
Kim, to Wallace: You owe me five dollars.
Wallace, deadpan: Darn it.
Susan, now grinning: Ooh, magical transformation sequence, huh?
Rhoda: ... What? That's it? I just decide I'm "Rhoda" and then ... nothing?
Caption on Rhoda: No Change To Appearance Or Voice
Ramona: Yeah, sorry -- figuring yourself out is just the first step.
Susan: Yep! It's gonna be tough-tough, not gonna lie, but I hope you find out that it's worth it!
Susan, threateningly wrapping her arm around a suddenly-nervous Ramona's shoulders with a sarcastic grin: But in the meantime, regarding someone's breach of the Prime Directive ... ^u^
Rhoda, threateningly wrapping her arm around a now-somewhat-nervous Susan's shoulders with a similar sarcastic grin: Oh, you sure you wanna be playing that game? ^u^
Kim: Yeah, Susan, right? Sc-- Rhoda's the best fighter in the province, y'know.
Susan: [angry cat noises]
(that is, the speech balloon literally says "[angry cat noises]" in brackets)
Susan, noclipping away back out of the room: You haven't heard the last of me! ... I mean seen the last of me!
(There's a moment where everyone just processes all this.)
Rhoda: Ahahaha ... uhhh wow!
Ramona: Yep!
Rhoda: So, uh, what now?
Ramona, putting her hands on Rhoda's shoulders: Lots and lots of bullshit.
Rhoda, nervously: ... will it be worth it?
Ramona: You have to be the judge of that. But it was for me!
Rhoda: ... Are you still my girlfriend?
Ramona: Of course!
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girltigerclaw · 6 months
breaking into ur house rn
top ten characters and bottom ten. reasons are optional
I just finished this chart thing i think i actually stole from your blog a few months ago <3 Slightly edited to my own prefs.
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If anyone wants the template check the reblogs, and feel free to add you own. I'd love to see. I'm just rambling under here:
Leafpool: She is more special and sacred than the virgin mary. She has everything. Daughter of the first protagonist, ex boyfriend for me to hate, TONS of wlw situationships<3, a lifetime of tragedy, and some of the most gorgeous canon art to exist.
Crookedstar: Crookedstar is a trans woman to me. Her life is genuinely just so tragic and fucked, I love it. The erins asked: “How much truama, death and misfortune can you fit into a single cat?” and then they wrote Crookedstar’s promise.
Tawnypelt: GIRLS WHO HATE THEIR FATHERS. The erins dont love her like I do.
Tallstar: I love old men… I fucking love seeing older characters and how much they’ve changed from their younger selves. Tallstar is considered one of, if not the most peaceful leader in the clans. But also when he was like 19 he went on a quest to fucking murder a guy :3
Cloudstar: I rlly do not care abt anyone in Skyclan(I like Leafstar but she's not a fav yknow?) Cloudstar... he was based as fuck. Why did Starclan get away with this shit for real??
Scourge: It’s fucking Scourge. He’s awesome
Briarlight: I’m disabled and I love her. She has such a consistent fun, sweet personality and she makes me happy!!<3
RavenBarley: It deserves all the attention and hype it gets. Though I wish mlm ships didn’t overshadow wlw ones in this fandom, RavenBarley is genuinely well written and makes me very emotional even if the publisher didnt allow it to be explicitly canon.
CrookedBlue: TRANS WOMEN CROOKEDSTAR YURI. Two leaders having a forbidden relationship and kits is way more interesting than Oakheart. The angst of Crooked and Blue sitting next to eachother every gathering while the entire forest has their eyes on them. Don’t look for too long, don’t let the mourning slip into your voice. You have to pretend your lover is a stranger. You… have become strangers. You can never be together again. You're enemies now. This is what we wanted, isn’t it? …We’ll never be happy again.
Mothwing: Her novella delving into her relationship with Hawkfrost was so good and heartbreaking.
Heathertail: Daughter of leader, sister of a major villian, and former love interest of a protagonist! Why did she fall off the second po3 ended. She’s shown to be very compassionate and willing to put her own feelings aside for the sake of others. Would’ve honestly prefered her as a mate to Lionblaze or get a pov herself over the nothing we got.
Blackstar: *Murders an elderly woman trying to stop me from kidnapping children. Supports a dictator openly abusing/neglecting children and the elderly. Murders a man for refusing to kill mixed raced children- then tells said man’s sister that she will never be safe.* Man…. i sure do feel bad for abusing and killing all of those people…. Good thing I will face no consequences and proceed to be made leader, where I will have even more power over the wellbeing of others.
I hate. This guy.
The New Prophecy: A classic. My first series was actually tnp! i feel more attached to first arc cats tho, if you couldn't already tell by my list lmao
Johanna Map- Best Tawnypelt content out there
BlueQuince: My personal handcrafted, homemade Yuri. Bluefur feels terrible about Tiny going missing and promises Quince she’ll help her find him. They never did, but they had a very… fleeting but intimate relationship. Quince is grieving and Bluefur feels so overwhelmed by the duties in her clan. They’ve always thought of eachother since but never met again.
Tigerclaw: My name sake<3 The angst of his earlier life is so, so facinating to me. Starclan being straight fucked up and decided killing him is their only option? He was a kid and they saw him as a lost cause from the start. They never tried any other methods, never tried to steer him in the right direction or… even just take it into their own hands and kill him themself, which they have SHOWN they’re capable of.
They watched all the the horrific crimes he commited, entirely aware they were going to happen. Thats. Fucking. Horrifying. Starclan is scary as shit… and his death? FANTASTIC. I only wish he’d gotten lives from cats he killed so that him coming back to life to suffer over and over was an actual curse from Starclan and not blessings. They knew how he would die and they gave him the lives to torture him for his sins…
Flywhisker: Adhd girlies. Painfully relate to that feeling of the constant scolding for never being “good enough” because I prefer to do things a certain way or struggle to focus. So, SO happy for her when she left the clans! You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone! Hope she’s happy and warm indoors with her brother💕
(P.S. I was very suprised to find she actually had an official art piece!)
Bluestar: Get behind me women with mental disorders. I will defend you. Beautifully complex and tragic character, my favorite written in the series. Literally can't think of a single other female character in handled as seriously and with the complexity of Bluestar. (Although her super edition was a bit of an L with how others treated her, it ultimately makes her breakdown even more painful.)
Exile from Shaodwclan: Nightstar my beloved! He's such a great guy. The rightful leader of Shadowclan, always and forever.
Crookedstar art: So beautiful. I genuinely think she's one of the prettiest cats in the series. This along with her official art by Wayne Mcloughlin.
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Leopardstar: As a kid I hated her and loved Blackfoot, now I hate Blackfoot and love her. #feminism. But seriously I think she has way more going for her than he ever has. Her father is a medicine cat who hates violence, the DRASTIC change in Riverclan's view of outsiders upon Crookedstar's death and her leadership. Her already having a position of power before proving she's unworthy of it. (Unlike Blackstar who gets rewarded for his racism and violence by being made leader afterwards) and the fact she has to interact with her victims on a daily basis after what she did.
The writings attempts to redeem her are really lame and dismissive of the actually damage she did, but at the very least they TRIED to do something else with her. Personally, I would have loved to see her assassinated by Mistyfoot. Just like her mother Bluestar was almost killed all those moons ago by Tigerclaw... The parallels of violence for power and violence for peace. A victim repeating the actions of the very man who killed her brother to put an end to what he started in Riverclan.... A shadow in Riverclan, if you will. (<-Pretending erin hunter has hired me to rewrite their series)
Windclan: Tunneling as a concept and inviting outsiders into their clan so friendly and casual makes the clan seems so much more diverse than the others. It always stuck out to me!
Andddd there are my current warrior cat options as of 2023! If someone actually read this whole ramble ily<3
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This might sound transphobic maybe (?) But as someone who is trans myself I promise it's not meant that way.
I was wondering about what exactly it means in the Clans to be a tom, molly, neither, etc. And to transition fron one to another. (Regarding your post however long ago about how they don't label things and just say stuff like "she was a tom and now she's a molly") Basically I'm asking what's the concept of gender/gender roles for them if that makes sense? I didnt notice any clear differences between treatment or opportunity for them but I also haven't read it in awhile so what I do remember at all is kinda fuzzy, and generally male and female cats don't look much different so I guess I'm just curious if it's just more of a vibe thing or not /gen
Again sorry if this is weird to ask!!
No you're good I love transphobia <3
All joking aside, the clans very much do not have gender roles! Transness therefore looks very different to them. While it sometimes comes with bodily dysphoria (for instance, Russetfur does not like any of the tom characteristics she has. When she takes a mate and they have kittens, she opts for a surrogate instead of siring the kittens herself due to that dysphoria) it usually has more to do with identity and, to a point, parenthood.
A lot of the time, a cat becomes because they want to honour or embody a piece of someone else. If Whitestorm had lived, he would have decided to be a molly based on his close relationships with the mollies in his life, especially Bluestar and Frostfur. What that means is different to every cat, about as individualistic as transness in real life.
And then sometimes it has to do with parenthood. Redtail lies more in this category--he related heavily to his father, Thrushpelt, and they were a big influence on why he decided to be a tom. Things went a little awry when he had kittens, because he had trouble reconciling that with his identity, but once he no longer needed to nurse them he felt a lot better about being a parent.
Mossflower is also a good example! Before she had Greystripe, Mossflower identified as a tom. When she had her first litter, though, she decided she wanted to be a mother (has to do with her feelings around Bluestar, who was very distant, and Rosetail, who helped raise her in Bluestar's stead). In Darkest Hour, she'll make the decision to return to tomhood, because she's finished having kittens and isn't as much a mother anymore (to that point, though, her kittens will continue to call her mom!)
The Town cats are a different story, though. They don't have much of a central sort of culture, so gender can range from being very tied to sex to not at all. Brick has no strong feelings about anything to do with their sex OR gender, hence the they/them pronouns. When they eventually got neutered, they weren't too bent out of shape about it--and in fact they found they enjoyed the new hormone-free mindset.
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Hi!! Congratulations on passing 1,000 followers! I thought, maybe something cool to write about would be...
Ed and Jim talking about their feelings on gender expression/presentation, and Ed realizing they are more similar than he first thought? Maybe post season 2?
This one took a sec to ferment in my brain but when it did. ooooh when it did. Trans people talking about gender is the fuckin BEST.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 1k word fic!
Ed wasn’t even sure why he’d bought the little bottle of nail polish.
The crew had come round to visit for a few days - earlier than they’d expected when they got the letter from Lucius around the start of the spring, so they had to cram them into the two guest rooms they’d been able to finish. Still, Ed had enjoyed showing them around, showing off how the master bedroom was coming along, and the kitchen (Roach promised to help furnish their growing spice rack), and Stede’s garden out front.
They’d treated everyone for lunch at their favorite fish spot down near the docks, then wandered around the market stalls, everyone offering their opinions on potential new pieces of decor for the inn.
And Ed had found the nail polish at a little stall selling cosmetics and medicines and all sorts of little trinkets. It was purple, and sparkly, with little bits of shiny glitter worked into it, and he held the bottle up, admiring how the color turned rich in the sunlight.
“That’s a nice one,” the nice old shopkeeper said. “I’m sure your girlfriend would like it, too.”
He’d winked, and Ed’s stomach had turned, and he’d almost put the bottle back. He knew the shopkeeper was just trying to make a sale, but it just reminded him - it was something Ed shouldn’t want.
He bought the nail polish, tucking it quickly into his pocket before anyone could notice.
Now, here he was, standing in the bedroom and chewing on his bottom lip, unsure what to do with it. He could hide it away, like a shameful little secret, but it would eat away at him. He could put it in the bathroom, but Stede would ask where he’d gotten it, maybe even ask if he wanted to wear it.
Wearing it seemed like a whole other can of worms.
Ed remembered the first, and last, time he’d worn nail polish. He’d painted his nails somewhere between all the poetry, after he came back to the ship alone, before the bad times. And then…yeah. All that had happened, and he was reminded that wasn’t something he got to do. He’d tried to scrape it off with a knife, back then, but he’d given up after he’d nicked his fingers too many times - hadn’t been able to keep his hands steady, for some fucking reason. He’d worn those full-fingered gloves to hide it until it had peeled off.
That was just the way it was, for people like Ed-
“Hey, man.” Jim’s voice in the doorway made Ed jump - they were as quiet as a fucking cat. 
Ed let out an extremely dignified squeak of terror, moving to reflexively hide the bottle and accidentally just tossing it away from him. It landed on the bed, thankfully, instead of shattering on the floor.
“Stede was wondering where you were - dinner’s ready.” Jim, in their infinite mercy, chose not to make fun of him, but their eyes flicked to the bed. “Why are you being so weird about nail polish?”
“Not being weird,” Ed deflected, trying to think of any good excuses for why he was being weird. “I just. Uh. Trying to decide if I want to wear it.”
Jim shrugged, bending to pick it up. They nodded at the color. “It’s nice.”
“Yeah,” Ed mumbled, looking at the floor. 
It was the caginess, maybe, that did it, but Ed could practically feel the second Jim got it.
“Oh,” they said, and then, “look, you don’t have to tell me, it’s no one’s fucking business, but - if you’re like me, then, fuck, I get it.”
“Not exactly like you.” Ed hadn’t realized how nice it would feel, to talk with someone who got it, and the little relieved smile felt good in his mouth. “I’m a man, people just thought I was a girl when I was born.”
“You know, I paint my nails, sometimes,” Jim told him. They sat on the bed, still holding the nail polish, and Ed followed them down, relaxing into the pillows.
“Are you…” Ed took a deep breath. “I’m scared, sometimes, that things like that will make people think I’m not enough of a man.”
“That’s the fuckin’ bitch, isn’t it?” Jim shook their head. “Lucius paints his nails all the time, and he’s fine. But people like us, we have to be so much more careful.”
“Yeah,” Ed nodded. “It’s like some people are just waiting for any chance to tell us we’re not actually who we say we are.”
“Fuckin’ exactly!” Jim thumped his shoulder in agreement. “It’s like, hello, I think I know myself better than you do, and I can paint my nails if I fuckin’ want!”
Ed’s laugh felt light. 
“Hey,” Jim said, passing the nail polish to Ed. “You wanna give it a try?”
Ed let his breath out, slowly. “I don’t know.”
“If you want, I’ll do it with you,” Jim offered. “And if you don’t like it, y’know, alcohol can get it off pretty easy, and we can take it off while it’s still wet. You’re a man, you’ll just be a man wearing nail polish. If other people can do it, why can’t we?”
They sat on the bedroom floor so they wouldn’t get anything on the nice sheets, and they painted each other’s nails. Ed tried to be careful to get Jim’s just right, and they didn’t complain when his hands were still a little shaky.
They were a bit late to dinner, and Ed felt a little awkward as Jim showed off their nail polish to their partners. Archie thought it was a fuckin’ dope color, apparently, but Ed hung back until Jim said “and look at Ed’s! Doesn’t he look fuckin’ cool!”
The round of agreement from the crew as they made him pose so they could all get a good look was more than Ed had expected.
Jim caught his eye over the dinner table. They winked, and Ed winked back.
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valy-gc · 4 days
It's MC time guys!!
So I showed you Dust and Bram. They are two of my favorite MCs of thoses I created/imagined.
And now are some other favorites and it's 3 in 1!
Here is Kross (depressed one), Rinri (blond and glasses) and Jia (pink bows).
Their stories after the image (there is a lot but I love them so if you like them please read their story ^^)
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Their backstories (it's long, you can go lower to have the Twisted Wonderland part, after the "what's in my bag" images):
First of all, let me clear a misunderstanding. Rinri and Jia are boys. Yep, the three of them are boys. Jia and Rinri aren't trans. Everything is explained bellow :)
They are triplets. Or more like, they considere themselves triplets. They have the same father, the great ultra rich Edward Murong, but they have three different mothers, the three living in three separates houses next to each other. But the three are born the same days, with just minutes of difference.
Their mothers were best friends. And they were friend with Anne-Marie Murong, Edward's wife. Edward was a real jerk, mysogyne and arrogant, thinking only of his compagny and producing a worthy heir. Heir he actually have with his wife. He don't care about any of his kids, not even his heir. They're just tools to him.
Jia and Rinri's mothers were really similare. They were gold digger bimbo, only thinking of appearance and they wanted girls. So, when they both gave birth to boys... they decided to raise them as girls.
Jia and Rinri DON'T identifie as female even if they actually don't care if peoples use she/her. It even amuse them. However, they loves dresses, skirts, frills, makeup and cute things. Rinri love gothic-cute and Jia love pastel-cute.
Jia and Rinri can't do anything by themselves. Their mothers, after having Edward's kids, received a huge allowance to raise them/to not bother Edward. So they had a housemaid, gardener... and a lot of pocket money to order food and anything they want. They were constantly alone, with a lot of restrictions (and the maid and gardener as the watchers). Their mothers wanted to have some sort of "stupid girls", just little gold diggers like them. So they taught them (more like paid someone for it) makeup, fashion, and to always have fun and let the "little people" do the hard work.
Jia and Rinri had to study in secret. They both have ADHD and are actually very smart boys but often "play" the stupid pretty girls, force of habit to have to be like this to please their mother (and it became funny to them, the look on people's face when they reveal how smart they are). Their mother also often introduced them as their "daughter" to old rich men. If they both look sweet and a little stupid, better not hurt Kross, because they become feral.
Despite all this, they are usually two ray of sunshine, always looking for the good way and they both love (family love, but they're really ultra close, that's why they say they're triplets) each other and Kross.
Rinri suck at drawing, he usually just do doodles, while Jia love aquarel painting with pastel colors of course. They both LOVE sewing their own dresses. Jia is really good a nail art and love video games, while Rinri is very good at singing and love nature and animals. His favorite animal is the crocodiles he call "swamp puppies". Jia prefer cats.
They're both influencer on instagram, posting cute selfies and pics, and showing of their sewing work.
Now, what about Kross?
Kross lived in the third house next to them. His mother didn't wanted girls or boys, she just didn't wanted kids at all, and made his life a hell. He was a little servant for her from an early age, often taking a beating or left to starve. She could cuff him to a heater when she was going out to meet mens and was hyper exigent for how the house was cleaned and picky about her food. The smallest little mistake was good excuse for a beating. he didn't even had a bedroom, sleeping in the garage with an old ripped blanket.
Since his mother, just like her two friends, was often out of the house, Rinri and Jia were always coming to his rescue. Rinri learned to pick lock so he could free Kross when he was cuffed to the heater.
Kross learned to cook very early and to master it very early too since mistake was leading to beating. So he was often cooking for his brothers too since they can't do anything.
In the opposite of his brother, due to a way harder life, Kross is usually gloomy. He lack self-confidence, often apologizes for everything and have protection reflexes when someone is angry near him. His brothers are kind of his safe zone. He also have social phobia and anxiety, to the point that he get into a panick attack if someone else than Jia or Rinri touch him (even just a light touch) He's actually fine with being in a crowd, as long as he's not alone (especially with one of the two with him) but he will rarely talk to peoples. He's always afraid of bothering peoples and tend to think nobody would care if he disappeared.
Kross love cooking, he's good at drawing and singing, even if he was doing that in secret. He's good a hairstyle on others, often doing Rinri and Jia's hair and he's smart just like his brothers.
While Jia and Rinri love taking care of themselves (like Vil) have a ton of product in their bathroom, ten different brushes and comb, a huge collection of makeup and accessories, Kross don't. He let them dress him, just refuse to wear anything too extravagant, comb his hair and do his makeup. He don't like bright color, he prefer black so he's not easily noticable. He don't like cutting his hair because he can hide with it, but he tied them in a bun when he cook.
Because of receiving beating from as long as he remember, more and more violent as he was getting older, Kross developped (as a copping mechanisme) an addiction to pain. His full legs and arms, from ankle to thigh and from wrist to shoulder, are full of cuts. He don't try to die. He don't WANT to die (thanks his brothers, they keep telling him they need him, so he want to live for them, that's the only way). He just seek the pain.
-!- Jump this next part if you are sensitive about r*pe attempt -!-
With the approval of his mother, a man tried to assault Kross. Kross was terrified and panicked, grabbed a bottle and broke it on the man's head. He was a little assomed but became more violent... until Kross grabed the broken bottle and sliced that man's throat.
-!- You can read from here -!-
After the altercation, Kross fled from his house to his brothers. Rinri and Jia were both in Jia's house (the three mothers were out... maybe in a nightclub). They both immediately helped him. it's after that he became really scared of people's touch. The three decided this moment they couldn't live like this anymore. They took some of their thing and ran away.
Not too long before that, they heard their "father" was dead and the Heir, Hai-Lee Murong, took over the weapon making compagny... to shut it down and make a model agency instead. (Hai-Lee is actually the one who killed his father) so the triplets though the best thing to do was to seek protection to their half-brother, despite the news saying he was cold and arrogant.
They discovered Hai-Lee was indeed cold but very humble. he's just wary of peoples because his life wasn't very prettier than their. When he heard how was their life until now, everything they lived and what happened recently with Kross, he immediately took them under his wing. He used his relations to arrest the three mothers. Jia and Rinri's for negligence, and Kross' for child abuse and murder (he put the man's murder on her)
He then trained his three brothers. Because the model agency, as was the weapon factory before, is a cover. in three giant basements, Hai-Lee have a very special work. Collecting artifacts to keep them safe, far from humans who could use it for bad, and also capturing cryptids and others creatures for two reasons: first, good creatures, to keep them safe. Second, dangerous creatures, to keep humans safe. His basement is full of aliens, unicorns, mermaids, slenderman... well all type of monsters and creatures. Some of the good creatures are actually working with him. All the model, photographers, makeup artists... well every single employee of his agency is in the secret and help him, as well as his family (they have another brother) and they are all trained in three others basements, one for all type of guns, one for close-fight weapon (sword, knife...) and one for fighting sport aithout weapons.
Hai-Lee also tried to help Kross with his pain addiction, by seing psy and all, but then offered him to get piercing. So that's why he have both ears fully pierced. he also have one at the eyebrow, tongue, each n*pple, belly button and... uh... a certain place.
The triplets ALWAYS have a gun in their bag, Kross with demonic bullets, Rinri with silver bullets, Jia with angelic bullets, and have each a protective artifact Hai-Lee gave them.
Kross have a tongue piercing, a little spider. If he take it off and use the pin to trace in the air, he will open a portal to any destination he already visited. He will discover that's not working for going from a world to another.
Rinri have an ancient amulet repelling malevolent spirits and curses. He keep it hidden in his clothes.
Jia have a ring, known to purify any poison or toxin that comes into contact with the wearer, whether ingested or inflicted through a wound.
Rinri and Jia also became models for him, while Kross prefered becoming photographer.
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Now about Twisted Wonderland:
The three arrive at the same time... and in the same coffin/portal. Of course Rinri and Jia loving cute things immediately adore Grim. While Crowley was thinking of sending the two to an all-girl school instead, he was surprised to hear they were in fact boys too.
Of course Crewel and Vil like the two "girls" because they love fashion and sewing. Kross is closer with crowley, since he's really helpful and will never say no to anything, force of habit.
They are "One student" the three of them + Grim. Each taking care of the subject they're good at (Like, Rinri take care of Biology homeworks)
Each join a different club. Mountain Lovers for Rinri. Film studies for Jia. And Gargoyles research for Kross. Even Grim join Board Games.
Jia and Rinri love brushing Grim's fur and adding accessories to him and will always try to add accessories on peoples. Rinri is bossy, not in a bad way. Meaning he's good as being a leader and will totally put jerk in their place, with violence if needed. (and it's often the case)
Jia is more the type to be like "I'll destroy you on social media". Of course the two will join magicam as soon as they can to continue being cutie influencers.
I know it's not a dating sim but I have couples for them.
Rinri with the octa-trio
Jia with Idia
Kross with Malleus and Leona (yep I love making even more rivalry between thoses two XD)
No need to say, both Jia and Rinri have a lot of fun with Floyd especially. They both loves hugs and will always allow him to "squeeze" them to not let him touch Kross.
If someone touch Kross and put him in panick attack, one of the two (or the two at the same time) will respond with a punch.
Also about their uniforms... Jia and Rinri made them. And when thoses aware ask them why they made dresses if they are boys, like "You know your mothers aren't there to force you anymore?" they will both answer "I don't wear cute panties to hide them in pants!"...cause yes, both wears cute panties, gothic black or red with lace for Rinri, cutie pastel ones with childish designs for Jia. They ever wear girls' swimwears.
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casp1an-sea · 3 months
Caspian Aster!
(my Twst’s Yuu)
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The beauty mark is under the wrong eye because I’m An idiot
Trans masculine, he/him or ey/em, bisexual
Grade/Class: Sophmore/1A and 2C (keep reading if you’re Confused)
Birthday: October 13 (Libra)
Age: 17 (cause that’s when I started the game)
Height: 157 cm (Ik he’s short 😢)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Louisiana (doesn’t remember that)
Club: was in film studies but it was a bit to much for him so he joined board gaming club after meeting Azul. He also sometimes hangs out with Malleus and Jade so they aren’t lonely and will also pop by science club and pop music club for fun. Best Subject: History
Likes: making films
Dislikes: Sports
Favorite food: Teriyaki Pineapple Burger
Least Favorite food: Brownies
Talent: Being from another world? Idk
———————————————————— Cool Facts:
In the middle of Book 5 before the VDC performance he asked Vil to cut his hair, bye bye ponytail!
His guest room has a mini Monstoro lounge bar because he’s a stupid simp and basically recreated Octavinelle in his guest room and Azul decided to make a profit out of it
Hates Star Rouge with a burning passion
A few differences from canon:
Grade: in my Yuu’s universe after book 3 he complained to The headmage that being a joint student with Grim was bringing his grades down. So aside from magic related classes their grades are separate now and because of this Cas was able to take some of the basic classes as a sophomore because the freshman classes were too easy. He’s the age of the sophomores anyway.
Book 3: He did not tease Azul for his baby photo because WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
Book 4: Did take up the offer to stay at Octavinelle over Winter break, but still had to keep ramshackle from falling apart so the events of the book are unaltered
Book 5: He did make it into VDC, because he does have experience performing on stage.
Book 6: Stayed at Octavinelle during Ramshackle’s repairs
Rooks nickname for him is Monsieur Soleil
Haven’t decided how many of them are in the actual story but obvi I self ship with Azul, Rook, and Jade :)
@keii-starz, @shinysparklesapphires, @dove-da-birb, @v-anrouge, @vivigoesinsane, @edith-is-a-cat, @krenenbaker, @l7k-a, @distant-velleity, @xen-blank come meet my Yuu!
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tigerrsmn · 4 months
"...we will not let despair win. We will see Nex in all the community and things that bring us joy. We will organize and fight, rest, rinse and repeat. We will see Nex in each other and so we will honor and care and protect one another. And we will honor and care and protect our trans kids so this doesn’t happen again."
The incredible co-founder of and Intersex Services Coordinator for TIGERRS, Ly Chayim (they/it/he), speaking at the Twin Cities vigil for Nex Benedict, organized by Thomas Edison High Gender and Sexuality Alliance. (transcript below)
[Ly Two Electric Boogaloo! Hello, everyone. Before I start my speech I also just want to bring light to Jacob Williamson who was an eighteen year old who also died in the past week. He was a trans man. I just have not seen people talking about him and I wanted to have a moment for him. Also before I start the speech I’d like to say “Hello” and “Thank you for being here” on behalf of Representative Liish Kozlowski who couldn’t be here because they have to be there for their own kiddo, but we talked earlier this week and they would like me to remind you that Nex and Savannah are a part of the Missing and Murdered Women and Two-Spirit Indigenous Relatives we have lost. We must uplift and fight for MMIR as much as we fight for trans youth as a whole.
Notes from this week:
I get to make a house I don’t need to go in debt for and also travel without using a car.
It’s building, exploring, crafting, adventuring, and just having fun.
It’s basically just a normal sandbox game with more creatures.
Um, the cats of course. Another note: (From a google search) Zeus is considered the ruler, protector, and father of all humans.
I promise these are not random notes in my notebook. Zeus is the name of Nex’s cat and one of Nex’s favorite games was Minecraft. I work at TIGERRS, an organization for Trans, Intersex, and Gender-Expansive kids — an organization that is youth lead and where those youth decided to create a Minecraft server an exact week before Nex’s murder. And I will be calling it a murder. These are our kids’ favorite things about the game. Nex was sixteen. They liked rock music and head banging. They were kind. They were a straight-A student. And the worst part is, they shouldn’t of had to be. They should have been able to be failing every class, to have been kind of a jerk, and to have the most niche interests the world has ever heard of. They shouldn’t have had to work to be respected. They were a child. They deserved to just be respected. But the beautiful thing is despite how terrible world the can be, they were kind, they were patient. They were remembered for lights, for being a light. Which is why you are here today.
I see Nex in the kids I work with. I see Nex in my little sibling, the same age as them, in them being sixteen, tenth grade, loving Minecraft, nonbinary, and asking them their favorite things about the game. And them looking in the mirror and seeing Nex’s burial shroud instead of their own reflections. When Nex was attacked, they were attacked with another trans friend. A friend who deserves and needs support right now. A friend who deserves flowers and light while they’re still alive, much like the kids here. Nex’s sister is also queer, also dealing with the hate their sibling faces. Our kids here deal with the same, seeing people like them once again not making it to old age. And so in the name of Nex’s love for their friend and their sibling, we will not let despair win. We will see Nex in all the community and things that bring us joy. We will organize and fight, rest, rinse and repeat. We will see Nex in each other and so we will honor and care and protect one another. And we will honor and care and protect our trans kids so this doesn’t happen again. Minnesota is intimately intertwined with what just happened in Oklahoma. We just lost Savannah in Minneapolis to a similar murder. A murder that is using the Trans Panic Defense to plead “not guilty”. The Trans Panic Defense needs to be banned in Minnesota.
This is the homework I am assigning to you today:
Contact your representatives, they’re trying to pass anti trans legislation here and we will not let that happen (I have the website on how to find your rep here up front if you wanna come up here) And you’re going to yell at them for making this state a trans refuge state, but not protecting our native trans siblings from murder. Side note: shoutout to Leigh Finke, who just spoke, Liish Kozlowski, Athena Hollins for doing the work. We see you, we love you, and we need you.
Find a trans youth in the crowd, take the crumpled $20 in your pocket and give it to them so they can go buy a rock album or go to the cat cafe or buy Minecraft or whatever else trans kids don’t get to do because we make them grow up too early. And you will ask them their favorite things, and all of the trans people in your life their favorite things. So if something happens they are not just known as a number. They’re known for naming a cat Zeus, for being patient, for teaching their friends how to head bang safely (by the way, if you’re going to head bang, please do that).
In the words of Aurora Levins Morales, slightly tweaked for tonight, “Imagine winning, this is your sacred task, this is your power. Imagine every detail of winning, the exact smell of the summer streets in which children celebrate themselves, not as an act of revolution, but as an act of every day life. Hold hands, share water, keep imagining so that we and the children of our children’s children can live.” Our struggles are always holding hands. From the genocide of Palestinians, to the genocide of trans people, to the genocide of Native folks and the genocide of people who are in the center of that Venn Diagram. We must be steadfast in solidarity.
This murder happened after attacks on their school district by Chaiya Raichik and Ryan Walters — may they be haunted forever — for having a queer teacher. As school board races start here, pay attention. Do whatever you can to make schools safer for trans students and Native students here. Reach out to trans students across their state borders when you can. Cis people, do better. I do not just mean cis men. Cis women, also get your act together. Kids shouldn’t be fighting for themselves, that’s our job. It is also our job to call an ambulance when needed. Be uncomfortable, invest in mutual aid, flood the streets with tambourines and singing and screaming and cries so that people must pay attention to your love for us. Trans folks, hold each other, uplift each other, also get out on the streets. They are yours. Another world is possible.
May Nex’s memory be a blessing, may be found in everything you do for community, may be rooted in the earth in the cycle of rebirth, may you remember them in stories of gods in the sky, may you remember that they were not alone. They were loved. They are still loved. And the fight continues on. There’s more to their memory than just an excuse and reason to fight, than just being a number, than a vigil. They’re when our kids say their favorite things with a smile. ]
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240605 ONEW Fanmeet Guess 2024 in Osaka Day II Recap
■ ONEW cold got worse and his throat was sore but he still sang well. The first songs he sang were Circle and Kira Kira
■ A lot of people followed the dress code, and Jinki was happy about it
■ The photos that are being shown in Osaka are going to be uploaded he will also upload sticker pics he took around Osaka
■ He talked about climbing Mt. Fuji again said he trained a lot. While he was climbing it, he kept asking himself why he decided to do it, if it was really worth it, but all of those thoughts disappeared when he reached the top. He even made a wish: to meet fans soon
■ 🐰 'As i spend my time alone, i kept thinking about what i should show to all of you. but for now, i thought it’s fine to just be in front of you as “Onew” i wish i could express more what my heart is (really) feeling. I think it would be great. Thank you, everyone' (trans)
■ He sang Ayo and To Your Heart
■ In one challenge he had to serve porridge while wearing cat gloves, Jinki did it without dropping anything
■ ONEW Quiz: I want to drink beer rn (WRONG) Since he has a cold, he wanted to drink water and juice.
Onew: Orange juice is so expensive these days...
Most of the pics in my phone are food (RIGHT) Jinki says he's not good at taking pics/ selfies so his phone is full of panorama and meals pics
I only take 15 min to shower (WRONG) Jinki takes more time when brushing his teeth
I went to the cinema recently (WRONG) Jinki watches movies at home
I bought shoes (WRONG) OP didnt remember the answer lol
■ Songs that heal you section: Anywhere, Always, Starry Night and Rainy Blue
■ Dance Challenge: Poké Dance
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