#i did once say i'm gonna romance the hell out of him and guess what i'm doing
bladeoffrontiers · 1 year
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
"You look stupid as all hell right now."
"You look stupid as all hell right now," Mike snorted as he watched Robin touch up Steve's eyeliner, "You know that right?"
"It's called romance, you ass," Steve hissed, flipping him off while dutifully keeping his head still, "Who invited you anyway?"
"Your better half."
Steve rolled his eyes but he didn't correct him. He was right anyway, "Isn't it a school night? Are you allowed to be out this late? What would your mom think, knowing you were wasting your precious brain power on Halloween parties-"
"I'm in college you fucking dick!"
That struck a nerve. Steve smirked, good. The little shit deserved it.
"And done!" Robin announced before either of them could throw anymore insults, "I think you look good, way sexier than Tim Curry, for sure. Mike come with me to go get Nancy for a second opinion. You obviously can't be trusted."
Mike huffed, mumbling something under his breath before both of them left the room. Steve was pretty damn sure Eddie had sent him in as a spy because despite all of his reassurances, he still didn't believe that Steve was going to follow through on this stupid costume. But here he was, adjusting his fish net stockings while examining himself in the mirror.
He looked...decent. Which was better than he had been expecting. The make-up wasn't as cartoonish as the movie, something that he hoped Eddie would appreciate. In all honesty, Steve was going to take no criticisms for how he put the whole thing together, Eddie was lucky it was happening at all. Not that he would but still. Though if Steve had to guess, Eddie was going to be a fan. He better fucking be a fan, considering how he'd been asking for this forever.
They'd been together five years. Five fantastic, wonderful years. And four Halloweens with Steve laughing in his face whenever he brought up the Rocky Horror Picture show as costume inspiration. But this year...Steve didn't know. Eddie had just looked...extra desperate this time, needy in a way that Steve just couldn't say no to.
So now here he was, moments away from going downstairs to entertain all of their new and old friends for hours on end, all while wearing a corset.
The things he did for love.
"Knock, knock," Eddie's voice called from the other side of the door, like he could just smell that Steve was alone, "You decent in there Stevie?"
"Not exactly?" Steve called back, still frowning in the mirror, "But you can come in. Just lock it behind you."
Steve didn't look up when Eddie waltzed in, but he did hear his little sharp intake of breath.
"Holy shit," Eddie mumbled, bordering on a whimper as he came up behind Steve. He wrapped his arms around his waist, locking eyes with him through the mirror, "You look..."
"Stupid as hell?" Steve answered for him, smiling a little at how flushed Eddie's face already was. Damn, maybe this thing wasn't that bad after all if it could make him look like that.
Eddie shook his head, swallowing once before breathing out, "I was going to say beautiful. Gorgeous. Breath-taking. Extremely attractive-"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Steve laughed, turning around in his arms. He wrapped them around Eddie's neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss, "I'm glad you like it so much. In fact, I'll even let you take it off later tonight."
Steve thought that would have been a good deal, but it made Eddie frown, "Later? But we can-"
"We can what?" Steve interrupted, "Have sex with all of our adopted children downstairs waiting for us? I don't think so."
But Eddie wasn't done begging. He was even starting to bring out the wet, puppy dog eyes, the manipulative little shit, "B-But I can be quick. I can fix your make-up after. I can-"
"Nope," Steve laughed, pulling away from him with a little smirk, "You made your bed. Now lie in it."
Eddie nearly looked like he was gonna cry, the little drama queen, "I...I didn't think this through, did I?"
Steve grinned, leaning up to kiss his cheek before going to the door. He looked back at him, his smile getting a little bigger at the desperate look on his face.
Maybe he did look like an idiot in the bizarre get-up, but Steve didn't care. Not when it had Eddie rushing to follow him out.
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Itadori Yuji x Reader
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⚠️ Spoilers for chapter 257 and also a warning for cannibalism
Itadori Yuji
You enjoy fawning over babies, are a dog person or you have the attention span of a goldfish
First Date:
You were ecstatic. You never would have dreamed that your crush would agree to go out with you. Yuji insisted that the two of you meet up outside the theatre. Something about how he wanted to show you this romance movie? "I don't care as long as I'm with you itadori." You then heard what sounded like someone trying to vomit? "What was that?" Before Yuji could respond he slapped himself. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Just swatting an annoying mosquito. Anyway I'm gonna go grab some popcorn now..." You wondered why Itadori was acting so nervous. "Maybe he's just as excited about this date as I am?" You then made sure your mascara was on fleek and then made your way to the screening. "Great, you made it! It's just about to start!" You sat down while the previews began playing.
You couldn't help but notice how your date was shovelling fists full of popcorn down his throat, almost as if he was eating for two people. "Hungry?" you whispered. You then heard a voice saying "No more brat, this tastes awful!" It was probably just the movie since you two were the only ones in the room. Yuji then gave you a bashful look as he rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I've always had a larger appetite. My grandpa once mentioned something about my uncle eating his twin in the womb?" You were too stunned to speak.
The title of the movie showed up on screen. 'HUMAN EARTHWORM 4'. You cringed. How was this a romance movie? You were starting to fall asleep out of boredom when you heard a voice that was far too deep to belong to Itadori. "Pathetic. This is your attempt at courting a woman? Back in the Heian era I would-" There was a loud clap that was enough to fully wake you up. "What happened Itadori?"
Yuji was now sweating bullets. "Oh, You fell asleep? Is the movie not to your liking? We can always do something else if you want." Why did your date have to be so sweet? "No, it's fine. I suppose I'm just tired." The movie soon ended and the two of you decided to get something to eat. You then stopped at the local KFC. Yuji sat down while you went to order. You then returned to see him with a strange look on his face. "What's the matter?"
"I think I just saw my teacher? No wait, maybe it wasn't him? But then again who else has white hair in Tokyo? Anyway, I think this girl in blue robes dumped him or something? He just started crying. Look, he's still there!" You cast your gaze down the street. Itadori was right. There was a man sobbing on the ground while slamming his fist into the concrete. "SUGURU, WWWWHHHHHYYYYYYYY?????? PLEASE I NEED YOU!!"
You turned away. How embarrassing. You were just glad that he wasn't your date. "Hey, the foods getting cold. Let's eat!" The two of you then began to feed each other chicken tenders. You were so lovestruck that you failed to notice the burnt piece you had picked up. If anything it resembled a claw made out of hot dogs more than fried chicken. You put it to Yuji's lips and watched him swallow it whole.
Somethings wrong. Why was your date convulsing all of a sudden? "I swear if they gave you food poison!" You then noticed black markings appear on Itadori's skin. "What the hell-" You were then cut off before you could finish speaking. Literally. Next thing you knew, you were being cut apart into tiny meat cubes. Your date then took a slice of human meat, savoring the flavour. He then started tasting the blood on his fingers. "I guess that's why they call it finger licking good!"
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girlfromthecrypt · 7 months
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Hope you had a good weekend. Seeing your other post just had me thinking of something I wasn't clear on. So about the crush Stat.
You could either choose to turn into a shy mess (which is what i did with Flo) because come on I'm creating my own personal hell with how oblivious he is. He probably won't even notice 🙈 but it's gonna be so cute.
And a flirty MC with basil because nooo I refuse to shy away from that smug hot.. I mean smug ass. Yes. That. That would just be blood in the water to a shark. I refuse 🙄
The other Stat tho. The one that says you never get your hopes up because it never works out.. im paraphrasing here lol what exactly does tht one mean. Does it close the romance or just makes MC a very sad person?
I really lost my way getting to my point didn't I?? Oh well you're used to it.
Hehe ok there might be a lil misunderstanding here. The options are shy, comically awkward and flirty. You described flirty pretty well but I believe you might have gotten things mixed up with the other two.
The awkwardcrush!MC will act flustered around the RO, blurt out embarrassing things, struggle to get their nerves under control and all in all be a cringefail embarrassment, as another ask once aptly put it. (And yes, Flo will be oblivious to this. The others will not, except maybe Anita at first. For what it's worth though, Flo will also be oblivious to the other types of crushes.)
The shycrush!MC will act bashful and soft around the RO, not really speaking up about their feelings/attraction. Not because they're sad or things have gone sideways in the past, but because they're just, well, shy. But they're not a fumbling idiot like the awkwardcrush!MC.
The flirty!MC is neither shy nor awkward, and that explains them pretty well. Always good to meet Basil halfway with this one, like you said. Otherwise, you're blood in the water for him. Anita will turn shy at this, Reem will like it... Flo will be, you guessed it, oblivious.
There, hope I explained it a little better.
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cloud-somersault · 6 days
I get where you are taking the story with Macaque's confession but can you please not make it an abusive power struggle. with wukong desperately wanting love or affection and his partner holding it over his head like a treat? I'm so sick of seeing that kind of "romance" in shadowpeach fics now a days. It's so cruel.
I think this is going to be the last question I answer on this blog for the foreseeable future or else I’m just going to keep getting stupid shit like this in my box. Once again, I never asked for criticism, and I said as much, nicely, last time. But since you felt the need to come here to my blog and state what you want to have happen? In my story? Nah. No more being nice. I’m gonna sit you the fuck down.
First off, this story isn’t being written for you; it’s being written for me. I am doing whatever the hell I want to do in my own fucking story. I am so sick and tired of people coming in here complaining and whining and being rude and inconsiderate to a stranger. I don’t fucking know any of you people; do you think it’s just okay to go up to someone and say shit like this? When they’ve already written free content for you?
You’re being entitled. Stop it. Don’t send this kind of stuff to any other writer or artist on any platform. You want to have shadowpeach behave a certain way? You want to see more of a certain dynamic? Then write it yourself and stop making your preferences my problem.
What the masses do is not in my control and, frankly, not my fucking concern. I have enough understanding to know people are going to write what they want, however they want it. I’m not gonna like everything they do or agree with it, but that’s how it is. They have that freedom, just like you have the freedom to sit down and type out a story yourself.
And you think that dynamic is cruel. Again, those are your preferences. And don’t come in here asking for the fic to be a certain way and say you understand where I’m taking the story when you clearly don’t.
From this ask, I’m guessing you didn’t read chapter 12, because if you did, you wouldn’t have sent this. Or you read it and chose to ignore half the content, I guess. Either way, how many times, in that chapter alone did Macaque shower Wukong with affection? He initiated that first kiss. He initiated more kisses three fucking times.
Wukong deadass asked Macaque for kisses, and Macaque instantly gave him kisses. He literally saves Wukong from falling when the tree breaks and makes that his first priority. He constantly remarks on how beautiful Wukong is, how warm he is, how he can’t live without him, how Wukong belongs to him.
Macaque wants affection just as badly from Wukong. He literally tells Wukong he’s enthused to just fucking kiss and bite him. In every other paragraph, Macaque is talking about how badly he wants more. But Macaque’s holding affection over Wukong's head like a treat? The entire point of chapter 11 was them coming to an understanding and setting off on this new path their relationship is going together. What are you reading?? Because it sure as shit ain't the epilogue.
Like, what is this take? I am so confused how you ended up here. You are missing fundamental elements and aspects in this story because you're projecting onto Wukong or whoever and feel the need to defend him when he doesn’t need your defense. He’s gotten plenty of affection and he’s going to get so much more. Don’t act like you know where I’m going with this story. The only person who knows is me.
And even if I did write that — that’s my fucking choice. I can do what I want.
You, and everyone else I guess who shoots criticism my way, is forgetting the entire premise of this AU: Wukong killed Macaque. So if Macaque wants to take things slow or doesn’t want to give out affection sometimes, that’s his fucking choice. Also! There doesn’t have to be a murder for him to want that. That’s just a relationship thing. People want what they want when they want it. And Macaque isn’t forcing Wukong to stay in this situation, Wukong wants this. He loves Macaque. He wants to be with him.
The story isn’t even over. They just kissed, and you’re shooting this ask my way? Thinking it’ll change something? If anything, it makes me want to write this power struggle dynamic because you think it’s okay to push your opinion on others.
I’m not changing this story to suit you or anyone else’s wants or needs. No one is forcing you to read this. If you don’t like where it’s heading, stop fucking reading it.
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford REWIND- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 4 Ep 21 & 22
Here's another pair of episodes that have been requested together a few times, now, so I'd love to answer the call!
SPOILER ALERT: If you hate spoilers, you'll hate this. Run away. Turn around. Scroll on by. If you do choose to enter in, I'm going to write this as though I were seeing the episodes for the first time, but I will be spoiling both these episodes and reference episodes leading up to it.
If you're ready to read, I'm ready to share. Let's dive in!
Mother's Day
"Mm, yeah, that's a hard pass. Look, I'm boycotting Mother's Day, but even if I wasn't, I really don't think this is the right time to meet your parents."
Lucy Chen putting up her walls and keeping the men she dates at arms' length is completely on-brand. We haven't even heard her call a guy she was seeing "boyfriend" to date on this show.
And with everything going on with her mother and her utter lack of support for her daughter, I don't blame her for not making a big deal out of Mother's Day.
Also, Chris, honey. It will never be the right time for Lucy to meet your parents because y'all ain't gonna last. Lucy is meant to be with Tim. You saw it, once, at the world's worst double date, but you've chosen to ignore it. So, you're a moron.
"I figured you'd say that. But they've been hounding me about meeting you for weeks."
Run, Lucy. Run. Because his parents sound as clingy as he is, and you do not need that drama in your life.
Your instinct is right not to want to meet his parents... maybe you don't need to continue knowing Chris, either. Just sayin'.
"Are you really freezing your mom out?" "I mean, I bought her flowers. I'm not an anarchist." "I'm thinking we just lock in the Hyatt. They have a lazy river, what else do you need?"
Oh, look. Tim and his Blonde Bitch and Lucy and her Dead Weight Puffin have run into each other in the station.
Last time the four of them were together, it looked like Chris and Ashley were mighty jealous of Tim and Lucy's connection. I mean, if I were sitting at a semi-romantic dinner next to the love of my life, I'd be distracted, too!
"You think I'd be sick of beaches, at this point, but it's gonna be awesome."
Watch how Lucy looks at her man (and I don't have to clarify which man in the scene, because y'all know how this goes).
She's looking at Tim like he's got a second head. Because there's no way this man is going to be happy going to the beach. He doesn't. like. SAND!!
"I gotta get to work." "Me, too. I'll walk out with you."
Good. You two can take a long walk together, realize you're perfect for one another, and leave Tim and Lucy the hell alone. Everybody wins! (especially us)
"Call me if you change your mind." "I'm not going to."
Love how he touches Lucy and she physically pushes him away. Like, back off, dude. When Lucy's mind is made up, it's made up.
"Change your mind about what?" "He wants me to meet his parents. So, uh, whose idea was Hawaii?" "Mine, I guess, why?" "
Nyla's arrival interrupts the thoughts, but we all know why. Tim Bradford is Tim Bradford-ing, again, and giving too much in a relationship. He hates sand! And he's suggesting they vacation... on an island.
But there's something else needling at her about this vacation...
"Are you proposing to Ashley?"
Look. At. Her. Face. Her face right before she asks. She's building up the courage to ask him this, because big Hawaii vacation is more than he ever did with Rachel, and it screams romance, right?
Cackling laughing at this. This is the furthest thing from his mind, right now. Yes, he's dating this... person... and they're doing dating people things. But, he's not even thinking about marrying her.
"Of course not. We've only been dating a few months."
This suggests that Tim Bradford likes to take things slow, and isn't in a rush when dating someone. But, the "of course not" shows that he thinks it should be obvious to Lucy.
"You might not be aware of some of the signals that you're sending." "What kind of signals?" "The kind that makes her get a manicure because she's assuming she'll be sending pictures of her hand to all her friends."
Tim looks terrified. Look, we all know Ashley is a placeholder girlfriend until Tim and Lucy get their act together. But he doesn't know that.
Tim is visibly shaken. His hand is unsteady on the wheel, he's looking back at Lucy repeatedly while stumbling through answering the call. Because he really never contemplating marrying this woman. Something in him knows she isn't the one.
*hint* The gorgeous, badass gal beside you with the sunshine-y personality and compassionate heart is right there. Might wanna ask her something sometime, eh?
"My abuela taught me the perfect curse to put on him."
I have to put this line in here for context. Yes, Angela is talking about Nyla's ex. But we now know that if you need a curse, Angela's your gal.
"When did hotels get this expensive?" "Oh, that's pretty good." "Seriously?" "Yeah, I mean, it's a nice hotel."
First off, Lucy is doing all the planning for any trips they take once they get their act together. Second, this kinda hurts. It drives home how long it's been since Tim's taken a romantic vacation.
We know that Tim remained faithful to Isabelle while she was missing. We know that they were together for a long time. But when did they stop going on vacation together? How long has it been?
Tim, you deserve to go on more romantic vacations... but not with Baywatch Reject, okay?
"Oh, you're going to Hawaii. Congratulations on your engagement." "Ah, told you." "I'm not getting engaged!" "Does your girlfriend know that?" "Yes. It's not an issue."
Annnnddd... another voice echoing the romantic vibe of Hawaii that lends to the expectation of engagement. I was rolling!
"Looks like you won't be the only one getting married." "What?" "Nothing. Ignore her."
I love the look that Angela and Lucy exchange, here. Much as there have to be bets rolling around about Chenford, I'm sure there are other bets, gossip, and secrets in that station.
Angela knows Tim better than most, but even she knows that Lucy could be onto something she's not. When this all started, Tim and Lucy had to hear about each other through the rest of the Station.
Now, they've got one another on speed dial and are the first to know what's going on with the other. So... maybe Tim is proposing.
"Ashley can't possibly think I'm proposing." "Why not? I mean, you're of a certain age-"
Tim's face on that had me rolling. We can estimate he's about 10-12 years older than Lucy. And that reaction was priceless.
"She is in her prime. I mean, on paper, it's, it's like a no-brainer. Okay, be honest. Can you see yourself married to her?"
He can't. We can see in his face right there that he really can't. And as the wheels are turning, something pops into his mind that sets him on edge. He glances over at Lucy and he nearly gulps.
Now, I can't tell you what he saw. I'm a Meta writer, not the show Writer or the actor. I can postulate all I like, but I don't know the answer here. But my guess? If he thinks of the future and being married again... he sees Lucy.
Because the person for him isn't the person he's dating. I truly believe he started this relationship with Ashley as a way to distance himself from his growing feelings for Lucy. He's burying them deep down, the same way he did his trauma with his father. And like his father, it's going to take an external force to bring it all to a head.
Lucy is trying to get Tim to talk this out, the way that she talks things out. But we can feel the edge to everything, here. She's not yet fully aware of what she feels, but it's there.
It's dripping in her hesitancy at first asking him if he's proposing, in her nervousness at his response to this question. Because if he's that serious about Ashley, there will never be room for them.
And as Lucy waits for her answer, Tim realizes he can't say the truth. So, he lies.
"Yeah. I can."
The cameras purposefully focus on Lucy, here. On her disappointment. On her sadness. Because, she's not ready to admit it, but she's falling for Tim.
Yes, she is with Chris for the same reason Tim is with Ashley. They both think the other isn’t an option (though for different reasons, at this point). They're both deflecting because they can't get hung up on something that'll never happen.
It's admirable, in a way. They're trying to be happy for the other person while hoping they'll pretend themselves into believing they're happy, too.
"I'm not expecting a proposal. I would say no if you asked."
Proving that everyone got into Tim's head, he addresses the issue with Ashley directly. But I don't think he expected this. Tim isn't ready to face his feelings for Lucy, but having this door shut is unexpected.
"I have no interest in every being married or having kids. I'm just not wired that way."
First of all, there is nothing wrong with being this way. Nothing at all. Some of my closest friends never wanted to be married or have kids, and as we near 40, they've stuck to that and are quite happy.
But there is something wrong with Tim being with someone like that. Because he wants the wife and kids.
Tim didn't have the stability of a safe and loving home, and he wants so badly to break the cycle and pass on a different legacy to his own kids.
Tim spots Lucy watching from the window, and he decides to turn the situation on his head. He's been stressed the eff out all day worrying about this. Now that he knows Ashley has zero interest in marriage, he has to have some fun.
Lucy's Heart Breaks
I don't think she knows until this moment just how deep it is, how she feels about Tim. She's known for a while that something was there—something that could never be.
But watching through the glass as he gets engaged to someone else... it hits so hard she can't ignore it. She can't pretend it away. She can't bounce back.
I've seen people say this is the moment for her—the moment she realizes she's falling for Tim. I go back and forth on it. Because she's known for a long time that she has a thing for Tim.
We saw back in 4x01 that she was totally ready to sleep with him. And while Lucy's confident in her sexuality, she doesn't sleep with just anyone. We know she doesn't do one night stands. She has her standards and sticks to them.
Even earlier in this episode, she can't be completely oblivious to how she feels when he says he can see himself marrying Ashley. No, I'd argue that Lucy has known since 4x01 that there was something there.
Is this a point of no return for her in terms of pretending? Yeah, I can go with that. Because in this moment, she can't shake it loose, and she can't move on. Tim is engaged and she's heartbroken, and they were never even really a thing, right?
So, is this the moment she realizes she has feelings for him? No. I think 4x01 sealed that up because she knew she was willing to sleep with him that night. But, is this the point of no return in terms of pretending not to have said feelings? Yeah, I can roll with that.
Chris approaches, and she keeps looking back at the parking lot, because that's where her mind is stuck.
"It's a good thing you didn't come because my mom, she drove me crazy."
Lucy offers a half-laugh. But she's visibly upset. She's so distracted that even Chris, Mr-Hums-THE-Song-And-Can't-Read-A-Room picks up on it.
"What's wrong?" "Nothing. I-"
Her phone goes off to the "GOT YOU!" message and now she's pissed. Because she's now had to deal with a slew of emotions striking her all at once, only to find out it was a joke.
"Could you just wait here. I need to go find Lopez and figure out how to put a curse on someone." "Yeah, right. Oh, you're serious."
"Serious as a heart attack", as they say. Tim screwed with her emotions, and she's pissed.
Day in the Hole
AKA "Finding Your New Favorite Flavor"
"Come on. We gotta get to work." "She'll be here." "Seriously, we gotta go." "She'll be here."
Mom and Dad waiting for their daughter to show up. Come on, you see it, too! Tim's back from his vacation with the Land of Sand, and we've thankfully left Lucy's jump-scare behind us.
Hopefully the curse doesn't work too well because Lucy might want things to not fall off in the future, if you know what I mean.
Lucy is applauding like a proud mother as Tamara nearly kills a couple people. Tim's glaring like a slightly-annoyed father. I love this family.
"My car was your first car." "I mean, if we're including cars I've stolen, this is probably like my fifth." "What?" "Joke!"
Yeah, you can't joke like that around your step-dad. Tim's a bit of a hard-ass, if you hadn't noticed.
"You are gonna take it to the mechanic though, right? You never know what these cars have been through." "Yeah, Tim set me up with his guy." "What, you did?" "Yeah." "Oh, you have a heart after all."
Mom and Dad... you're flirting in front of the kid. Like, Tamara's not the kind to go "ew", but, still. You might want to chill out considering you're still dating other people.
"Relax, ok? It was purely self-interest. You would be a total drag to ride with if she died in a fireball of mangled metal on the 405."
Did you hear how Lucy gave him that motherly "tsk" in the middle of this!? I've heard it a few times since in Season 5, but this is the first time I can remember it really standing out to me in previous seasons.
Not your best first attempt at a dad joke, Timothy, but since it's you, we'll let it stand.
"Previous owner of your car is Jake Butler."
Can I say I love how Tamara kept picking things up off the desk (like a kid) and Lucy played the mother role by wordlessly taking each thing away all while continuing her work? Lucy is such a natural mom!
"Let's take a look at his mugshot... But." "What? What the what?!"
This next shot is GENIUS. I have no idea who came up with this (writer/director, etc), but it's genius. We go from the two shot of them looking at the monitor to a shot of Tim approaching.
He sees something that stops him in his tracks... and then we get to see it, too.
Half the station's gathered around Lucy's monitor. And each actor is giving an amazing performance, here. I've paused and played a million times to appreciate each one. Do it. You won't be sorry.
"What's going on?"
Cue everyone looking at Tim. Except Lucy. She's about a beat behind everyone else, which draws my eye to her, every time. And the music bumps up to give us an auditory transition.
"It's even more uncanny in real life."
Through a combination of swift transitions, body doubles, and Eric Winter being in two different positions, we get the treat of meeting... Jake Butler. Tim's doppleganger.
Come on, how much fun must this have been for Eric Winter to get to play this kind of character after playing Tim for so long? And my husband especially appreciated Jake's pot belly.
Yes, while he hasn't seen this show, Matthew is fairly well-versed in Chenford and my appreciation for Melissa O'Neil and Eric Winter as performers.
We get a bit of split screen at the end (throwing me back to my Parent Trap obsession as a kid... yes the one with Haley Mills. I'm old). And I'm frankly excited at all the different techniques in use for this episode when one actor has to be two characters simultaneously.
"He really doesn't look that much like me." "The hell he doesn't." "Not the brightest bulb, though." "Oh. Oh my god. It's Tim and Dim."
The ladies get a chuckle out of that, but Tim's nonplussed.
"Yo. This is blowing my mind. It's like we're looking in a fun-house mirror of handsome." "Sit down Dim... Jake."
I died laughing the first time I saw this. Lucy really got into his head on that one. But, knowing how easily Lucy can get into his head these days, it's no surprise.
"Have we met before?" "No. That I'd remember." "Oh, you would."
Even Tim's doppleganger is flirting with his girl! Yes, I've seen the episode and know that Dim should know why Lucy looks familiar. But it's funnier this way and just plays into what a dumbass Dim is.
"You just wanna see me pretend to be Dim." "Duh." "Fine. I'll do it." "Yes! Okay, okay."
Lucy is so excited she puts both hands on Tim to stop him in his tracks as he's walking.
"So, uh, we gotta dirty you up. And then we have to slick back your hair, because, you know, that guy was, like, kinda greasy." "You are enjoying this way too much." "Oh, and tattoos! We gotta get tattoos."
Lucy, Tim Bradford isn't your Ken doll. As much as we all know you'd like to practice dressing (okay... undressing) him.
"Rescue 1 status?" "Rescue 1. We're ready in 60 seconds."
How much do I love that Lucy is heading the team to protect her man? There's no way she's going to let anyone hurt Tim, but it also gives us the chance to see some worried Lucy.
Tim's been worried about Lucy going undercover so many times, but we've not really seen her worried before. The hit man UC before was fairly safe. He wasn't in any real danger.
This is different. This is a criminal on his turf with a long drop and plenty of armed guns standing by. Lucy's worried for her man.
"Get ready to breach." "If anyone lays a hand on our UC, you put them down."
Let's be real. Lucy and Angela are two of the most important people in Tim's life at work and outside of it. And here they are getting to be his guardian angels—his wife and his best friend. I love it.
"So, I had Dim's girlfriend picked up." "Okay. Why are you being weird?" "It's easier to show you."
We need Sava to know who is going to go undercover with Tim, right? As if things weren't weird enough with Tim's doppleganger, now we've got Lucy's.
Tim is inside and already waiting for her reaction. Now he gets some payback for how much she was ragging on him and his doppleganger. Tim's smiling like an idiot.
"Guess we know who's going undercover with Dim." "Yeah, Juicy." "No." "That's Juicy." "I don't like that."
Our babies get to go undercover as a couple! They spend so much bloody time trying to run from how they feel, and now they've gotta cozy up to one another and play boyfriend/girlfriend? Sign me up! I'm so ready to see this.
We know both of them are capable in the field, though Lucy's a little more natural on the fly. But getting to see them together's gonna be fire, right?
"If we're gonna make this work, our backstory's gotta be airtight."
Oh, Lucy, honey. I didn't mean actual fire. You've lit enough candles to send a beacon to all of LA more powerful than the Bat Signal.
Lucy brings Tim a beer. And while they've shared drinks before and he's been in her apartment before, I find this particular combination so very domestic. They're brainstorming on the couch instead of at the counter, and I think all of this ambiance shows how relaxed they are around one another.
But also that Lucy's a tiny bit horny. Look, we know she's in a committed relationship with Curried Goat Boy, but subconsciously Lucy has lit a hundred candles because she wants Tim Bradford.
Now, Lucy's not a cheating person. We know this (and I go into more depth in 5x01 Meta and beyond). But, some part of her is subconsciously excited to have Tim in her home and wants the ambiance to be just right.
"Agreed. So, um, how did Dim and Juicy meet." "At a barbecue." "That's lame."
Also, are there barbecues out in LA? Like, real barbecues where you smoke meat for hours at a time? Or is Tim talking about a cook out? They really are two different things... I'm from the South, so we're kinda weird about that.
Plus, when Tim first said it, I said, "Lame." So, I take a small bit of pride in being on the same page with Lucy on this one!
"Really? You think you can do better." "Watch me! Okay, so, um, you were on the run from the cops. A bank robbery gone wrong. You ended up in my building, frantic, looking for a place to hide. And I opened the door for you. I lied to the cops for you. And, ooh, and it got me so hot that we hooked up while they were still searching the building."
Tim's mouth has fallen so far open that we're halfway to his O face.
He's imagining every bit of that. Because, after all, he remembers better when he listens, right? And Lucy just took him through one heck of a journey that will be burned into his brain for a long time.
He's imagining every bit of it... especially that last part.
It takes a second for him to recover.
"Okay. That's, that's, that's pretty good, actually." "Thank you." "Mmhmm." *giggle*
His brain's moving, now, and he's overthinking. Because, what bad guy will ever say, "Kiss your girlfriend or I'll pop a cap in your ass!"?
Also, I love Lucy's giggle. There's an episode in Season 5 where I discuss it extensively, but I love how it makes an appearance, here, considering where this scene is headed.
"So, look, we, we should, we should probably, you know, talk about the elephant in the room." "Hmm?" "You know, if we're gonna sell that we are, you know, actually boyfriend and girlfriend, then we might have to, uh, you know?"
And Lucy does know. But she's having a lot of fun fucking around with Tim. Come on, the girl is so repressed in her feelings for him that she's never gotten to really poke at him this way. And she is loving it.
"Have to, have to what?" "We might have to, to." "Okay, okay. We might have to PDA?" "You know what, forget it." "No, no! Okay, you're right."
Lucy nearly touches Tim's hand before he moves it. They're still very careful about being physical with one another, partly because of the boundaries of their job, but also the personal boundaries they've set with one another.
Remember what I said in 4x01 about proximity making it harder to deny what they feel. They're sitting as far away from each other on the couch as they can, as it is.
"Yeah, you're right. I mean, if we're gonna, if we're gonna have to kiss it probably shouldn't be for the first time." "That's what I'm saying." "Right, yeah."
Because the baddies need to see you kissing, right? Like, isn't that what everyone does when they're engaged in criminal activity? Stop to make out?
Maybe James Bond does, sure, but actual baddies?
Whatever. I wanna see them kiss as much as the rest of you. So, let's see if they can get through the initial awkwardness to get the job done.
"Should we maybe, uh, should we stand?"
It cracks me up that this is so awkward for them. Just a few months earlier (show time) these two were considering the horizontal mambo in his bed, and now they can't even figure out how to get through one kiss.
When Tim makes the kissy face and she runs away, it cracks me up so much. I mean, nobody really kisses like that, first of all, and I'd probably die laughing, too.
Fishy face Tim is not his best look.
"We're professionals. Let's just get this done with." "Woah. Well that's romantic." "I'm not trying to be romantic." "Well, you're succeeding."
Tim and Lucy. Never change. Y'all are making me die laughing when normally I can't stand awkward scenes. But Tim and Lucy can be this frank with one another because neither thinks the other is an option.
Truly, that's what gives them all this freedom. They think the other person has zero interest. They each think it's all in their head. So, they can treat this little moment as something totally bizarre that they have to do for work.
Tim gives Lucy the most chaste-wouldn't-offend-my-Spanish-Catholic-grandmother kiss in the world. And he looks so damn proud of that tiny peck, too!
Lucy echoes all of our thoughts.
"I'm sorry. Is that it?" "You know what, if you're gonna criticize-"
Tired of talking, Lucy pulls him in with both her hands on his face. Their lips meet, and as soon as they do, Tim's hands instinctively go to her arms.
The kiss deepens as the camera shift around them, both of them leaning into one another as Lucy's right hand falls from Tim's face.
Their lips part briefly, the hint of a smile on Tim's lips as his hand settles on her shoulder. Lucy's left hand falls from his face.
This pause could have been the end of it. The second their lips parted, they had done the assignment. Case closed. Kiss achieved. Move on to the next thing.
But Tim and Lucy don't want to stop. Now that they're finally here, both of them want to keep going. Tim has her in his arms. She has her hands on his chest.
In this moment, they've forgotten the assignment. They've forgotten Chris and Ashley. This is the definition of "getting lost in the moment". Tim and Lucy are the moment.
Tim is a touching-foreheads kisser and a top-lip-lover. He goes for hers just as the door behind them opens.
You've. Been. Caught.
Lucy distances herself from Tim by pushing off of him with her hands. His left hand drops from her am as he literally runs to the wall to put distance between them.
"I should probably go."
I love Tamara. Like, she's not judging them in this moment, and she has absolutely no idea what is happening. But, she has to know that there's something between them just waiting to be unlocked.
"No. This is work. This is work."
Lucy spat it out the first time, but she says it again because, well, it's true. And she needs a way to explain this away. Not just to Tamara, but to herself.
"Yeah, yeah, we're, we're going undercover." "Hey, it's cool. I mean, you don't have to explain yourself. I should probably go." "No!" "No, I, I was just about to leave. You know what? No, I don't have anything."
Cackling. Dying. ROLLING the first time I heard that. Tim Bradford is so flustered he can't even remember if he brought anything in with him. And what would he be looking for, exactly? A file? Paperwork?
"I'll see you tomorrow." "Good work tonight. Ay."
Lucy. Chen. Did you really just say that? Even she can't believe she said that. But Tim is too flustered to call her out on it.
"Great work, as well. Bye."
Tim high-tails it out of there so fast. And Lucy lets him go. But why?
Because they both know what just happened wasn't some fluke. They both wanted it. They both felt it. And neither knows what would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted, but both knows that because they were... it's awkward.
Like, they could barely talk about having to kiss. How are they going to talk about the fact that it felt... real?
"I'm gonna go to my room." "Yeah, me, too."
Lucy can't talk about this. Tamara just walked in on her kissing a man who isn't the man she's dating. Not just thin-lipped kissing. We're talking mouths open, bodies touching, hunger growing kind of kissing. And it was with her boss.
And who is outside reeling? Tim Bradford. I love that the writers/director gave us this space to see how Tim feels. Because it would be so easy to dismiss this as a one-sided thing where the subordinate falls for her boss.
But Tim Bradford's been on his way down for a long time. He's been able to push it down, repeatedly. Even last episode when picturing his wife, he had to push Lucy down. I firmly believe it.
But tonight he kissed Lucy Chen. And she kissed back.
I used to think this was his moment of realization, but the more I've rewatched the episodes, I still think 4x01 was a huge revelatory moment for both of them that they've been pushing down and ignoring ever since. They never discussed it and they're both running from it.
This is the episode that makes it so much harder for Tim to run. He's been completely convinced his feelings were one-sided. But this is a hint to him that, maybe, he's wrong. Maybe, just maybe, she feels it, too.
Because she wasn't kissing him like a platonic coworker. She was breathing into him as much as he was breathing into her.
She didn't want to stop anymore than he did, and when Tamara walked in, they were both flustered. She felt it, too.
Yes, Tim's reeling from how he feels because he was smacked in the face with feels tonight. But he's also reeling from the fact that freaking Lucy Chen kissed him back.
"Hey." "Hey."
He was waiting for her. He's been thinking about this since last night, as has she. And he wants to talk to her before they head in.
"Listen, about-" "We should probably-" "Go ahead." "No, you go first." "You sure?" "Mmhmm." "Uh, okay. I just wanted to say..."
His eyes are so soft, here. Look at him. He's more of a show guy, but he's trying to find his words. And Lucy Chen's looking at him so expectantly.
And he chickens out.
"We need more work on our backstory. Give it more depth. Key moments. You know?" "Yeah, we, uh, we could take the morning, you know, while we're waiting for Hajick to call." "Great." "Great."
Look, obviously it's the Season 4 finale and they needed to drag this out more. But there are also a host of obstacles between Tim and Lucy, and he's not entirely sure of how he feels.
Having the night to think has also lead to time for him to doubt. He's doubting his own memories. Maybe it was the beer. Maybe the adrenaline. Maybe it meant something to him and nothing to her.
So, he chickens out. But Lucy doesn't know that. All she knows is that Tim wanted to talk to her, but it wasn't what she'd hoped to hear... so she shoves her feeling back down.
They're both in a point of mad denial. But, I think this episode was a turning point for them because it marks the end of them being able to pretend with themselves.
Yes, they'll still pretend with one another because they care so much about each other that they want the other to be happy, no matter what.
But, within their hearts both Tim and Lucy know there's something there that cannot be ignored any longer. Tim longs for Lucy. Lucy yearns for Tim. And until they start actually talking about all this, that's where they'll stay.
As always, thank you for reading! Please keep the requests coming! It rained all day, the kids had a rainy-weather fun day indoors, Matt has a cold, and I'm still nursing the back thing. So, writing this was a great distraction.
I really appreciate y'all reading and going on this journey with me. Next one'll likely be for Tuesday night's fresh airing of 5x13. But I'll try to get to more requests on the flipside! Stay safe out there.
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Can we be moots?
Also, am I wrong for feeling this way, or is it reasonable?
Personally, I’m not mad at Gwen but definitely irritated. People like to claim it wasn’t her fault and that she didn’t betray Miles because she was just doing what she had to do to survive.
NEVER will I bash on someone for doing what they need to do to survive. However, it also doesn’t mean that there were some personal choices that she made regardless of her circumstances that hurt Miles and hit their relationship a bit.
And I’m cool with them being together. Do I absolutely ship them? No, but I’m fine if it happens. What certain people hate on me for is not wanting the relationship to happen right away in the next movie.
I like things being realistic, and I don’t think I could justify in my mind them being together simply because Gwen came to save him and then everything is all sunshine and rainbows.
Does that make sense? If you don’t agree, feel free to say so
Hell yeah we can!! ALSOOOOOO You're into my other blorbo who I never talk about on this blog or else I'll go off the rails (Carmy)
But yeah I think some of the behaviors Gwen does is a lot more to comfort herself or save face sometimes.
This REALLY made me think about something and i make a post about it a couple minutes ago
I noticed this in the scene in HQ, when she's lying to Miles and Hobie is correcting her.
Gwen lies to Miles maybe three times directly in the movie -
Once when he asks how many months shes been working with the society. The second is when he asks about the 'small elite strike-team comment', which Hobie corrects her on. And then one more when she lies about how many missions her and Hobie have been all, which he also corrects her on.
And I realized something - that none of those lies contribute to the Society. As in, every time she lies it's not for the society, it's to ease her own anxiety.
And it seems like when she downplays the society, saying it's smaller than it is, it's because she's feeling guilty.
So I think it is important no matter how someone see Gwen, to acknowledge that not everything she does is out of survival mode. It's outta guilt too. And sometimes that guilt leads to her lying unnecessarily - which Hobie always immediately corrects. So I can totally get where you're coming from
I mean it's not that I don't ship Gwen and Miles but if they didn't kiss in BTSV I wouldn't notice. Like if they implied they were gonna kiss and didn't I'd notice, but if they went the whole movie not even coming close to kissing once, I would not notice.
I wouldn't say I'm not invested in them, just not the romance element of it. I guess when I think of Miles and Gwen hanging out I think of Pavi and Hobie too. I'm never like 'awwww Miles and Gwen going on a dinner date' the way I am with Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker
And i FULLY expect Miles to be like 'why did you follow me?' or at least a little bit upset with Gwen. Like...if he doesn't I want Hobie to be like 'wait up no we need to talk about what just happened cause Gwen and Peter you owe him an apology.'
I really want the betrayal to have an emotional payoff or else the romance won't have an emotional payoff either.
I think the final scene they're in together shows how he feels about her so far - their last interactions were when he was leaving HQs and he cut her web and gave her an upset look. Then after that he leaned that she knew about all this.
So I think the next time he sees her he's still gonna be like 'nahhhhh wtf Gwen dont tell me my mama was right :((( '
I would be the development Gwen's character needs, being able to openly express her feelings enough to apologize and give Miles space to heal
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characteroulette · 1 year
A study on prosecutors -- (previous) (next)
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. Hoo boy.
You want a hard sell? THIS guy is a hard sell. A pretty boy who continuously forces his own views onto us for a pretty unfunny bit. Someone whom we don't even really see the true face of until the very end of the game. And yet I found myself liking him anyway.
Again, sorry if I get any of the events of Spirit of Justice wrong here. I played it through once and am waiting to do so again, so some of the details are less clear to me than the other games in this series.
That being said, I do remember we get a pretty standard buildup to Nahyuta's presence. Ema mentions him being actually reasonable, that she's gonna do her best to try and talk him out of the worst for Trucy. (Also Trucy is on trial here. This is definitely not gonna haunt Nahyuta later for spoiler reasons.) Apollo has an odd hitch, too, but he's back to refusing to say anything about himself so we're left to wonder until the end of that first investigation day.
...is what I WOULD say, if there wasn't a one-time opening cutscene introducing Nahyuta to us in a really confusing way. See, Spirit of Justice is unlike any other Ace Attorney game because it has a special cutscene it plays when you boot up the game for the first time. This cutscene is kept in the extras content, so you can view it later, but it literally only naturally plays when you boot the game for the first time. Wild decision. In this cutscene we get a nice little view on where Phoenix and his lawyer kids are now, including a mention of Maya being off in some other country. She calls Phoenix up and then the restaurant she's in gets attacked and who else saves her but one Nahyuta Sahdmadhi?
This cutscene is bonkers for several reasons. For one, I was thrown off completely when the first case begins proper and Phoenix is so chill. Like, didn't we just see you rush off because Maya was in danger? Is that no longer an issue?? For two, I legit thought there would be some building romance between Maya and Nahyuta because of that cutscene. He saves her and her expression is pretty anime language of being hit by the shoujo sparkles is all I'm saying. But nope! I was wrong on all accounts!! This is probably from some of the early promo material for the game, if I had to guess. I don't know why it's here or implemented into the game as it is, it's very confusing tonal whiplash for everything that follows.
But anyway. Back to the actual narrative of the game. The first proper look we get of Nahyuta is him sitting beneath a tree and surrounded by animals like a real Disney princess as Ema approaches to talk to him about the situation. He seems to recognise Apollo's name, just as Apollo recognises him. He also calls a butterfly a restless wandering spirit which is a good setup to his whole thing, at least, but it did make me think he had more to do with butterflies than he really did. Just like another well-known Ace Attorney villain. (I was wrong but uh maybe be careful there what sort of image you want to build with symbols all ready in play.) (Unrelated side note, shoutout to Apollo sticking his hand into a dude's back pocket in this case. Apollo the only attorney who gets to grab ass and he's arguably the least interested in it, I love it what an insane detail to just throw in there.)
Then the trial begins and what a disaster that is.
Nahyuta's running gag, as we learn, is assigning us increasingly ridiculous levels of hell. He also throws around his prayer beads to restrict our big gestures, but I take less umbridge with that one. His soft-spoken, calm and collected front is interesting, but he falls apart pretty quickly as the trial goes on. I'd say he falls apart as fast as Franziska does, and this owing to Spirit of Justice's strange structure of one day trials only. We have to get his intro in and his breakdown as we prove him wrong all in a single trial day. A tall feat, but not one wholly unfamiliar to this series.
I appreciate though that he does seem to genuinely hold a deep respect for Ema and what she does, going so far as to even request she accompany him back to his home. That's really sweet, a small insight into his less cold nature.
Unfortunately, I can't say much for any intrigue they wanted to build between Nahyuta and Apollo, as they have Apollo act in his pretty standard way during this trial. They could have built up more to the strange connection Apollo and Nahyuta share instead of just dropping it on us at the end of the trial! But I have issues with the implementation of every idea in this trial in general so I can't really hold that against Nahyuta in particular. He certainly does his job of making us want to defeat him right out the gate! They did that real well, so points there.
Ah, right. That ending of the trial scene. We win the case and Trucy's innocence, and then Nahyuta comes to spirit Ema away. Apollo's language towards him, specifically his "you've really changed", was a bad choice. I'll say it. It calls to mind the same way Phoenix and Edgeworth reacted to one another all the way back in the first Ace Attorney game, which is *most definitely* **NOT** the vibe they wanted to go for. Because it had me (and my sister) both asking ourselves, wait. Is this guy Apollo's ex-boyfriend or something?? Like, I get they wanted to show that he and Apollo have some kind of history together. And it's even a fun little nod towards what happened with Phoenix! But these are the absolutely wrong vibes to set up hi yes I hate this. To be fair, this could just be me reading too far into things. I am, after all, too invested in these silly little lawyer games. But I stand by my literary analysis brain getting thrown for a loop because hey why did you use the Narumitsu language for Apollo and Nahyuta brothers?? It's weird, please tell me it's very weird.
Either way, we head on into case 3 and start really rolling into Nahyuta's long week of no sleep.
First off, it's great to see Maya again, even if we have to defend her once more. Nahyuta being her prosecutor makes sense, since he's our main one of the game, and it only furthers our dislike of him for threatening to convict yet another of our best girls. First Trucy, now Maya?? They really did a good job on the front of making us want to defeat him right out the gate. And they have the gall to allow him to basically win on that first day, too! If not for Maya being accused of a second murder, she would have been sent to jail after that first trial day. We lost. Nahyuta beat us into a corner we couldn't fight our way out of. Strike three, you're out.
But we do manage to defeat him the second time around. We prove Maya's innocence on both accounts and it's not even satisfying to rub it into his face. Granted, the end of THIS trial is uh. Distracted, what with Dhurke showing up out of the blue, but you get what I mean. We don't really get a moment of relief, a moment to consider hey what the hell is up with this guy?
He doesn't really get a chance to relax, either, as he heads straight back across the sea in order to start case 4.
Now, however, we get to the good stuff. Nahyuta is dead tired by this point, he hasn't slept in like two days, and it's immediately apparent. He's so goofy in this trial! He's goofy and cranky and he pushes Athena into a near panic attack (boo on him, what a bastard move) and he's actually starting to be kinda a fun opponent. At least, I thought so. He's still his mostly calm and collected self, but his being so refreshingly goofy adds a great layer to his character, even if it's borne from how exhausted he has to be.
This case isn't really about him, though. It's about Athena and Blackquill being fun siblings. That they made him a mostly fun addition though is great, it went a long way towards endearing me to this otherwise infuriating priest.
When we roll into the final case, another shocker: Nahyuta isn't our opponent for the first trial. It's Phoenix. Nahyuta doesn't even appear until we have to book it back to Khura'in, and that's when his character really starts breaking through.
I will never forget this moment he and Apollo have against one another where Apollo accuses him of lying, knows he's hiding something, and Nahyuta throws all of his anxiety on at full force. This guy just weaponises his anxiety against us to shut down this line of questioning! Iconic, really. His avoidance of telling the truth is both really sad and really good.
He's not even our opponent in this last trial, either. It's Ga'ran. Nahyuta gets to act her supporter for a bit until she tells him to confess for all the crimes she's committed. The wide swing his role has taken works really well, I think, because even if I wasn't 100% sold on him yet, I didn't want him to continue suffering, either. His relationship with both Apollo and Dhurke ended up so complicated and got me invested, damn it! I couldn't just let Ga'ran get away with taking his chance to reconnect with his brother away from him!
(Spirit of Justice's finale is excellent, I cannot stress this enough. It has so much going for it and Apollo is squarely at its core and I really love it a lot.)
Once we convince Nahyuta to fight back, once we reveal the whole truth, seeing him stand up is excellent. The way he throws his glove off to reveal his dragon brand, his dragon heart, it's so good. I was finally sold on him right here as he made the same declaration as the rest of the dragons. His reveal as Rayfa's older brother certainly sweetened the deal, though the two have a long ways to go before they reach a comfortable understanding with one another.
Anyway Nahyuta took a while to get to me but gosh darn it he sure did. I hope you can understand my perspective on what made him such a hard sell at first.
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cxhleel108 · 11 months
S7 Thots for this week: Oh god…
• I will in fact not be giving “us” a chance Vicky I’m so sorry.
• “There’s a him-shaped space in my bed and there’s a him-shaped space in my heart”…GIRRRLLLLL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I already made a post about this quote alone but omg thinking about it again has got me crying. Someone please come get this bitch.
• I know I said my MC was gon keep it classy with Willow but both her AND I have had enough of Willow flapping her gums so best believe I chose to read her ass for filth when they let us.
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• Gee I wonder what it is…
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• *Gasp* REALLY??? YOU DONT SAY🫨🫨🫨
• Fusebox…CAN BITCHES JUST BE BISEXUAL TO BE BISEXUAL LIKE WTF??? They always pull this dumb shit like either you only want the boys or you only want the girls it’s never TRULY an option to choose both. Most of the time if I’m making my MCs bi it’s just for character building purposes so when I’m being forced to hear Bonnie declare her love for me 20 times each volume when I don’t want her you’d see why I’d be irritated.
• So apparently, after gathering info from other peoples posts, we coulda been having this convo with our original love interest and we coulda snuck out to the daybeds and did the nasty with them pulling our hair and shit if we chose the “Travis/Evan/OG LI” option. The way this makes no sense my god. This goes back to the point I just made like y’all don’t know what the fuck y’all doinnnnnnn!
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• Omg she’s so embarrassing I can’t do this anymore😭😭😭
• While I’m mad I didn’t sneak down there with Bryson, seeing her lil pussy ass get absolutely nothing from him never fails to make me laugh.
• Uma getting all the girls to leave by pretending to gush about Alex…she ate that.
• I love Daphne (Sorry Raf romancers).
• Time to talk about outfits!🤩
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• Fusebox let the stars go like good lord😭
• Ignoring that aspect, this is cute.
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• Now THIS is what I want to see more of! Yes!
• Ok Willow being an embarrassing and obsessive ass bitch was funny at first but now it’s just annoying. Does she have any other hobby besides keeping MC’s nuts in her mouth?
• Now, onto this lame ass movie night.
• First of all, I guess I yet again need to clarify that I want nothing to do with Bonnie or her Ellen Degeneres haircut. Second of all, even if my character chose to give her the time of day…Vicky why the hell do you give a fuck??? You weren’t even here when these clips happened and once again I DID NOT CHOOSE YOU!
• Evan don't stick up for me like that baby I'm liable to put this thang on you😩
• In a shocking twist that nobody expected, Willow started talking shit and immediately shut up because her tea got clocked. I honestly gotta applaud her tenacity.
• Bryson’s confession over us uggghhh so cute😍
• Travis saying that Uma was hotter than Bonnie unprovoked was so rude😭😭😭 At the same time tho…did he lie?😶
• Alex is such a hypocrite. He knew damn well he was bout to fawk Estelle on that goddamn terrace before she left.
• Omg Uma said the casa girls needa make sure that they get to the villa😱😱😱 They grasping for straws tryna make up drama like obviously she’s gonna prioritize getting to the villa that’s literally the whole point.
• #Raphne lives on yesssss!
• Evan asking us on a date…WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME?????😫😫😫😫😫
• Outfit time again!🤩
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• Ok I love love looooove all these options. The ONLY problem I have is with the choker necklace on the green dress like that needs to go. Other than that these are sooooooo cute.
• *Sigh* Why is Evan literally perfect lol🙃
• It’s not even the fact that he’s fine as hell and his personality is chef’s kiss but the way he’s not suffocating us with the fact that he likes us (Some other people should take notes😕). Lemme not speak too soon tho cuz they still have time to ruin him💔
• I am not kidding, when I replay this season I am grafting on him so hard with NO FUCKING HESITATION.
• I was so tempted to flirt with him just to piss off Vicky and Bonnie cuz why are y’all staring??? GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS!
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• I legit thought they were going to have us go through this entire volume without getting alone time with our OG LI and I was finna be so pissed.
• Not gonna lie tho…having sex in the middle of the living room where anyone could just walk in is kinda insane😭
• Where was I at Willow? Oh, I was just giving “your man” the time of his life😁
• Calling it now we’re not actually gonna get to sleep with who we want.
• Girl where tf did they get a whole curated bouquet of flowers?
(I’m not gonna lie guys I fell asleep before finishing this post cuz I was busy yesterday so I prolly forgot some things but yeah this volume was…ok)
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growling · 6 months
please give us the tea on the warrior cats ships!!!
I'll go first by saying Mothpool is overhyped and Leafpool had more chemestry with Cinderpelt. (in my opinion, ship what you like!)
:3c !!! Didn't think anybody would actually ask I am gonna gonna ramble now.. Separating this into pos and neg opinions
I did think of leafcinder before and thought it was cute but not really something I'll get passionate about (i tend to be very picky on these kinda age gap/mentor x apprentice ships), now that I'm reminded of it I can really see it! They would have a great dynamic (taking tnp cinderpelt personality into account here. tbh her in tpb and her in tnp are almost different characters to me... where's your whimsy girl...), and honestly, there are almost endless options for Leafpool ships (she interacts with so many cats woagh that's crazy for this series she actually has friends??) that have more chemistry than crowpool. I mean it's fine I guess from a strictly plot perspective (and even that's well. bendable) but why is Leafpool, 30 cat years after their breakup, dead, in cat heaven, STILL deeply in love with cat Clay Puppington. I know they will get back together in StarClan because the authors absolutely love them and think they popped off writing their romance subplot they think they created a banger. Sorry this veered off into negative can't help being a hater.
hollyjaylion, leafsquirrel and bramblehawk are the three shipcest pairings I will never be able to be normal about. Canon to me. I say this as if I'm joking but I'm serious oughhh the goddamn dynamics. On a joking note though, graysky. there is no healthy nothing to see here just bro supporting his bro explanation for whatever the hell gray wing's problem was this entire arc
spottedtiger is cool it's interesting it's mindblowing it saves lives and it's haters are sooo silly I am sorry... "but spotted is his aunt according to the family tree!!!!" ok. and is this made relevant in the books at all? do they ever even acknowledge these two as kin. It's so pointless.. draw them making out
why's the fandom turning on darktiger suddenly now because they're still related (which is not even relevant or explicitly pointed out in the books and them being related was only decided way after both of their arcs together were done I. ughhhh.) wasn't this your favourite little henchman x fascist dictator toxic yaoi ship just a few years ago?? cowards. draw them making ou- ah wait that's just dark being obsessed with tiger, who on the other hand would RATHER NOT he wants that useless lickspittle OBLITERATED he doesn't CARE
ivyhawk good she could fix him. or he can make her worse. once again the fandom are major cowards for turning on it just like they did with darktiger, but much, much more aggresively so. like you people need to calm tf down just take deep breaths it's just a warrior cat ship...
people complaining about dovetiger's age gap (which are commonplace in the wc series tiger is not alone in dating apprentices) are so boring. they actually have the most wholesome dynamic in the current era/arcs I'd argue. they're in love and I love them. as a ship and both as characters.
fallenholly had the option to be one of THE best dubiously-canon wc pairings to come out of this series had they just went the direction of making fallen actually somewhat more messed up after being trapped as a ghost in the torment tunnels for cat centuries like. I remember someone else wording this really well earlier but I'm not really gonna search so just. Yeah. fallen leaves ships.
leopardtiger is hilarious I don't care. she thinks he's sooo correct and intelligent and truly the enlightened sigma worthy of the tigerclan podcast throne while also poisoning his food because he's fucking pissing her off in their side twitter dms and plotting his demise every night while he's snork mimimi'ing next to her in their kitty political marriage cuddle pile. ben shapiro x pragerU fucking ship I hope they kill each other
mudhawk... funny... seriously WHY is the fandom picking the most interesting goddamn ships to get pissed off at and call "problematic"??????? "age gap" THEY WERE BOTH ADULTS WHEN THEY MET WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON LET HAWK MANSPLAIN MANIPULATE MANFUCK THAT OLD MAN
I didn't read AVoS in it's entirety (and don't want to. it's... boring for the most part. I mean I love violet but is she enough to make me keep reading all that.) and don't remember if they even had any notable interactions but violetpuddle is very cute and my favourite (and, honestly, only) option for their ships. puddle's mother suckled violet but they don't consider each other "real" siblings just like how their mother doesn't consider violet as her daughter but try telling that to the fandom who can't distinguish between wet nurse arrangement, foster siblings and adopted siblings. Proud only resident of violetpuddle nation...... literally nobody else is here...
Negative: (gonna start censoring the cat/ship names now)
so correct moth.pool overhyped and their fans annoying. and also because I headcanon moth as aroace like there is not a single romantic thought in her body I cannot ever imagine her in a relationship moth don't care.
*takes a deep breath* mouse.fur is not aroace. tall.star, raven.paw and barley aren't gay. authorial statements made 10 years ago at some con ARE NOT CANON. IF IT'S NOT IN THE TEXT IT'S NOT CONFIRMED CANON. Also the latter examples also reek of biphobia lol. you can ship any of these characters with anyone forever, what is any of you people's problem.
long.fire, shadow.root, holly.cinder, bright.cloud, jay.kestrel are boring yaaawn I am falling asleep and do not see it. same with sandfire; these two did not have the groundbreaking dynamic (nor was sand that uh, well-rounded as character) you think they did you're just nostalgic. I actually prefer spottedfire and cinderfire over sandfire. anything over sandfire.
hawk.ash pisses me off because their shippers are always "hahahaha toxic yaoi sooo fucked up they make each other worse!!" but show them an actual toxic pairing and they immediately shit themselves and call you an abuse fetishizer. COWARDS you lot are COWARDS and this is why I cannot get behind hawk.ash at all like I associate them with the most annoying people so much I cannot sorry. I'm sure it's a cool ship or whatever
I actually got tired and now am too sleepy to articulate myself properly anymore but still here are the other ships that I either dislike or just plain out hate seeing: fern.ivy, alder.needle, crow.squirrel, bristle.root, bramble.squirrel (but that's a very popular one lol), lion.cinder.
thanks for the ask! :3
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glosskirt · 11 months
we work .
Tumblr media
Synopsis; Y/N enters the hallway of the college she chose. A music major. While walking, she passes by a door that says 'Recording Room' and hears someone yelling. After the yelling was a not-so-good singing voice. Who was this?
Genre; Somewhat fluff, what I find amusing, platonic, the start of romance
Warnings; A LOT of cursing, angy Yoongi
While walking around the campus of your new school, people were looking at you weirdly. Maybe it was because of your music-themed everything, but you're just really excited!
"Excuse me, where's the main office?" You asked a student. She just looked at you. How rude. You tried asking a couple more students, but they all gave the same reaction. While looking for more people to ask, you passed by a door. It was labeled 'Recording Room,' so, it was probably meant for the demo recordings of the songs the students make. What you heard inside was yelling. "What the hell?! Why can't you just hit the note?! It's A for fucks sake!" Is what you heard. After that, the person who was getting yelled at started singing. And, the yelling was probably necessary. The person's voice was really raspy, and he really couldn't hit the note. "Well maybe it's because you can't play the piano properly!" The singer yelled, exiting the booth. "You say A, but you're pressing B! The A key is here. Not here! They make different noises, you know!" He yelled in the pianist's face. "Yoongi, this isn't gonna work. Find someone else for this project." The pianist said, packing up his bags and leaving the room. When the pianist saw you on his way out, he looked at you with an annoyed face. "He's a hopeless case, don't even try." And left.
When you looked back inside the room, the singer, who's name is Yoongi, was crying. "Fuck, fuck... I'm gonna fail now! That dumbass ditched me,, this is the fifth time this has happened!" He cried. You felt bad for Yoongi. Wait a second... You can sing! You can definitely help him with whatever project he's doing! Without thinking, you entered the room.
"Hey, are you alright? I saw you crying." You said. He looked up at you, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just had to deal with a bastard. No biggie." He said, sarcastically smiling. He picked up his things and was ready to walk out, but you spoke. "Are you doing a project?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but I'm a shit singer. I'll probably fail." He said. Getting his beanie. "Can you play piano?" You asked. Approaching him. "Yeah, it's my first love. Of course I can. Wait, are you suggesting that we do the project together?" You nodded, enthusiastically. He ruffled his hair and asked, "Well can you sing?" You nodded again. He smiled. "Let's do this then! I need to pass this fucking semester." You laughed at his face.
"So this is the song I wrote. But, it's written for an alto. I'm guessing you're a soprano? Or are you an alto too?" He asked. Flipping through the pages of his notebook to find a blank page. "Yeah, I'm a soprano. Sorry." You said. "Oh, that's fine." He said, writing some stuff on the paper. "Can I hear you play the instrumental?" You asked. Wondering if Yoongi was going to let you hear. "First tell me your name. I need to write it for the grading paper." He looked up at you. "Y/N L/N." You said. He smiled, "Y/N? Nice name. My name's Yoongi. Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, Y/N." He wrote your name down on the paper. And his handwriting was nice. After he did, he held his hand out. You took it, and you both shook hands.
He played his song for you. It was so beautiful. "It's called eight." You were amazed. A college student wrote better than how your parents wrote your life plan. "It's beautiful." You said, smiling at him. He looked back at you and smiled too. "It'll be more beautiful once we record the vocals. Are you ready? Do you need more practice?" He said, holding a thumbs up that would go to a thumbs down once or twice. "I think I'm ready." You said, standing up and heading to the recording booth.
He started the instrumental, and you sang to it. Carefully pronouncing the t's and d's. Making your hands flow to the melody, since that makes it easier. You stopped singing when it was Yoongi's turn. When you exited the booth, he smiled. "You have a mellifluous voice, do you know that?" He said, walking past you. You blushed while you sat in his chair. When he nodded, you played the instrumental and listened to his voice. It wasn't that bad. Maybe it's cause of the song choice him and the other guy chose. When he was done, he exited the booth. "Sorry, we can't share the chair. If you want, I can work on the floor." He said. Moving his equipment to the ground. "No, it's okay! I'll sit on the floor. You deserve the table." He pouted and moved his equipment back onto the table.
While he was working, you got a little tired and rested your head on his leg. He caressed your head for a bit before getting back to work.
"We sound beautiful together." You mentioned.
"We work." He smiled.
"What? It's the truth."
tagging; @haecien
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othsource · 2 years
Did you feel like Peyton liking Lucas came out of nowhere? I always wanted it to be Jake and Peyton
hiiiiii :) i'm gonna go on a rant, if that's okay xD
this rant is about lucas, peyton, brooke, and jake! but short answer? no i feel like it made sense. i love peyton with jake! don't get me wrong. but peyton never really got her chance with lucas for the first 3 seasons. it makes sense that those feelings didn't go away completely.
i think they were masked with anger after the shit lucas pulled toward the end of s1 and then they slowly came back to the surface as lucas continued to show up for peyton throughout s2 and s3. examples: lucas calling jake because he knew that peyton needed someone to lean on; lucas being there for peyton through the entire ellie situation; lucas going back in to the school when he found out peyton was shot.
i think all of that (and more that i'm not thinking of atm) reminded peyton why she liked lucas so much in s1 but she couldn't admit it to herself because brooke was with lucas and she wasn't going to do that to brooke again
and to be perfectly honest, i like lucas with brooke and i like lucas with peyton. i ship both of them. either of them. i'm cool with whatever!
but after re-watching s3 as a grown adult, i realized that lucas was a really realllllyy crappy boyfriend toward brooke. watching her break down at the wedding like that hit different this time.
"why didn't you tell me about the kiss? and why didn't you call me while you were away? and why won't you ever just let me all the way in?"
why didn't he tell her? if it wasn't a big deal, and if it didn't mean anything romantic to him, then why not tell her? if he cares about her so much, why didn't he call her while he was away? why didn't he lean on the person that he supposedly loves so much when he's going through something so terrible? this whole season was just lucas keeping brooke close by without ever truly letting her in - especially after keith died. it was all just fun and light-hearted surface-level romance and brooke wanted something so much more than that, which is why she ultimately broke it off. she needed someone that was going to go 100% in with her, and lucas wasn't doing that.
lucas drove me wild during this part of the show, as well. brooke was clearlllllllly very upset about something at the wedding prep when lucas came up and she asked him not to talk to peyton. and then she realized she shouldn't make it about herself, so she made up some bullshit about why she's upset. but in reality, if he knows her so well, and he loves her so much, wouldn't he see right through that? no. instead, he just chuckled, shook his head, and said "pff... weddings." like REALLY bro?!?! and then when she listed off reasons why it's not working, after begging him to let her all the way in, all he had to do was admit his fault and tell her he really wanted to make a change. but instead, he just said "brooke... i'm sorry." and she looked at him like, "yeah.... okay... that's real heart-felt. thanks. cool. me too." and the look on her face broke my heart because i could see what she really felt behind her actions! she wanted him to fight for her! just like in the beginning of s3. but once again, he fell short.
it feels like he always fell short when it came to brooke and that is lucas' biggest character flaw because she is brooke penelope davis!
but the leyton stan in me chooses to believe that all of these flaws are simply because lucas never truly truly loved brooke the way he loved peyton. that's why once peyton and lucas got started in s4, they never really ended. s5 is all about them finding their way back to each other (because lucas is an idiot who put her through hell but i lowkey loved s5 because so much emotion) and s6 is all about their journey to get married and start a family.
soooooooooooo i guess what i'm saying is, peyton loved lucas from the very beginning. she just needed to be reminded of that, and that's what lucas did without knowing it in s2 and s3. so it makes sense that an emotionally mature person like jake would see that even if lucas and peyton haven't seen it themselves yet.
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Wednesday, January 11th 2023 - "Either a little too high or a little too low" /lyr
God what a day. Where do I start? I mean, it wasn't that exciting, but interesting things happened. Things didn't get good until science though, when Janek almost set his book on fire with an electric motor.
Fun times.
After that I headed to windband. And I was getting chairs for the saxophone section, because I play tenor saxophone, when Andrew appeared, saying he was coming to the whole rehearsal instead of going to rugby. And I was like, "uh, why?!" And he wandered off and left me to set up for the saxes, which i did perfectly well, as usual. Andrew appeared behind me and was like "did you get me chair??"
Of course i did. It's a habit to prepare for his abrupt arrival.
We started playing a guardian's of the galaxy medley which i adore so much, it's goddamn beautiful, except Andrew can't always play it but that's just... mildly annoying.
He was relatively mature this windband. Kinda. And sorta kind, too.
At the break, Harry murdered me. Yes he did.
I was about to text Winch about the fact Harvey mouthed "foreskin friend" at me in retaliation to me calling Wini wifey on Sunday, when Harry snuck up on me and muttered "interesting" into my ear I kid you not, I screamed like I was about to be stabbed. And smacked him for good measure. Whack. The thing was Harvey was stood right in front of me playing trombone and watched the whole thing occur with no expression. The little git.
Anyway, after playing a new piece called Invincible which seems almost impossible for all except us, the 'taxes', according to the conductor, we had to pack up. And for once, Andrew helped. He stacked my chairs, and almost got stuck in the door and was insistent he didn't need my help. Now this is where things get interesante.
According to Harvey, Andrew announced he knew he is in my "top six crushes" because one of his friends told him.
First off, I do not have six crushes. I have four, max, and mainly it's all Andrew.
Second of all, how the hell did his friend find out?
I was bombarding Harvey with questions on the way home and he was equally as confused as I was-
Apparently Mattson found out as well. He looked sour as hell and when i tried to help him with the timpanis he gave me the cold shoulder. I guess he doesn't like the fact I like his friend, then.
Once I got home, I went detective. I messaged Alison, who had no idea, and then Carter, who revealed to me several things; (disclaimer - i do not blame Carter or Andrew's friend for him finding out I at least like him a bit. Carter didn't know they'd tell Andrew, and they didn't know not to tell him. Besides, he was gonna find out at some point, I was just curious as to how)
Carter and Peter were talking about Cath Morrison, as in me, the notebook and this blog, in science. Andrew's friend kept asking them about it, and I guess some information got through. And then they relayed it back to Andrew.
Interesting, interesting indeed.
So I guess Andrew knows I like him, at least a little bit.
Should I be upset or angry? Probably Am i? No. I'm pretty excited I don't know how this is going to go down. My romance life hasn't been this exciting and anticipatory in what feels like forever.
The teasing hope. The hanging question of "do they like me back"? Does he? Probably not. Probably not at all. Maybe as a friend. Ugh, who knows-
I'll wait it out and see... and I cannot bleeding wait.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Hey… uh… Sal here (Sally Face), I'm bored, so I want to do the ask game thing… Not sure if I set this up right, so uh.. sorry if it isn't formatted correctly…
1 Canon Fanon "Fanon fails and triumphs: what is something that is so common in fanon depictions of you and not present in canon that is either horribly inaccurate or scarily accurate" Fails:
Making my PROSTHETIC a mask…
[Yes, I do wear a mask over top of the prosthetic usually… but my actual prosthetic is NOT a mask… I understand that for cosplay you might need a mask… but my prosthetic isn't a mask…]
People making my scars "burns"
[I was shot. By. A. Goddamn. SHOTGUN That's not "burn" scars… HALF MY FACE WAS BASICALLY BLOWN OFF!]
People who draw me with both eyes fully intact.
[Like… if you're drawing me with my glass eye in, then thanks! you're actually representing me well… me me… yk right. my left eye was damaged beyond repair from the shot, and I used a glass eye. I had a lot of fun colors, actually… it was fun once I got used to it. Kind of like braces… it was an extra form of self expression.]
Anyone who ships me with Larry…
[Like… I get it, shipping is gonna get… interesting… but Larry's my stepbrother and also our types do not intersect. I used to talk to him about romance shit, but that's because he listened… I'm not fucking or kissing him– that'd be really weird…]
Treating me like two different 'versions' of myself
[I've seen a lot of 'Sal' vs 'Sally Face' content… and like… there isn't a difference? I'm still Sal… those 'differences' are my mood swings… and just my neurodivergence in general. Yeah, I'm all over the place, but it's not two separate people or identities. At least not for me.]
Anyone who HCs me as trans
[I'm AFAB Intersex, but I identify as a guy, or… well, a demiboy. but I am technically trans. cause I don't identify with the AFAB assignment. Also, yes, trans me isn't cannon source material, but what IS cannon source material is me being chill with dressing femme; which I also am, on occasion!]
Any stimming content
[I stim and to an extent, tic a LOT, both vocal and motor. mostly hand flapping, foot tapping, spinning and snapping. vocally I don't know why but I say 'whheeee!' like a little kid, I click my tongue and I used to whistle but apparently we don't know how to do that now– :/ So anyone who SHOWS that is incredibly right and it makes me feel seen.]
Anyone who actually keeps me skinny [or just SLIGHTLY chubby] and not buff as hell in their fanart
[I was NOT super athletic… like, yeah, I had muscle.. but I wasn't buff. And I didn't eat all that much, or that consistently plus I had a fast metabolism… so I was skinny. Like… yeah I'm better now about not being THAT skinny, but I was still skinny… I'm not a body builder…]
2 Canon Pets "did you have any pets (canon or otherwise) in source? canon creatures. Yknow /nf"
Gizmo 💙
[my idiot little goober cat. I miss him a lot, but we have cats here too which is nice. I just wish they were as cuddly as he was..]
3 LGBT Canons Tell me about your genders and / or sexualities in your canons! It can be in detail [out of the closet or not, how your life went, who was your fellow lgbts or your bestie allies, etc, etc] or it can be just a lil list! Gender -
Well, I'm a FtM (AFAB) Intersex guy… demiboy to be exact. Aside from dude gender feels, I'm pretty genderless, actually… so I guess I'd describe myself as a mix of masculine and agender or gendervoid?
Sexuality -
I'm not entirely sure tbh… I know I'm on the ace spectrum [I can feel sexual attraction but I'm disgusted/repulsed by the idea of sexual intimacy], I'm nebularomantic. I'm usually only attracted to guys, but anyone can be hot, and I have no idea what my type is. So if I had to put labels I'd say I'm autochorissexual, nebularomantic and omniattracted? [omniattracted isn't a thing- oops… basically omniromantic and omnisexual at the same time like… or… the omni label across all forms of attraction I guess? …okay yeah, omniattracted is a thing to my brain now–]
Uhh.. for other a hotdog magician people I knew, if I'm being honest it was pretty much everyone… we were a bunch of a hotdog magician little freakazoids [in a good way] well… at least that's how my friend group was. To quote Nirvana: "Our little group has always been / And always will until the end"
[be a hotdog magician little weirdos, we will always be a hotdog magician weirdos.]
Sorry for how long this is.. hope y'all are having a good day, and uh.. yeah.
the rules page https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/rules
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Tomorrow Live Blogging
Thought I'd watch a cute GL or BL after finishing Alice in Borderland since that was pretty high stakes and stressful but here I am a few days later, once again starting a high-concept show. There's no romance tag on MDL, so I hope that's at a low
Ep 1: (May 25)
I don't know if I like this beginning. It's a bit cringy and I know this ~threat of death~ to people who are suicidal is supposed to be cool but it doesn't work for me
lol rip our mans (Choi Jun-woong) losing to nepotism
pls this fight to stop this guy from committing suicide
bro why are the grim reapers so cringy
Do I want to watch this show with this much over-the-top humour...
damn these managers are all so annoying
I like Jun Woong and Jade Emperor Director's interactions
oh, is the writer somebody who bullied that interviewer woman?
the memory part feels like I should feel some sort of urgency but I just don't
the epilogue is also cringy
Ep 2: (May 25)
okay you know last episode I was like oh her crying kinda sounds like laughter but now I realize it's supposed to be like that
man i didn't sign up for a school bully storyline rip this is terrible
ah Eunbi having to even transcribe the interview poor girl
So the other guy is looking for something and that's why he always leaves on the dot
I'm just not a fan of her yelling at the victims and then blaming them as a way to dissuade them
so cringy the way she had Eunbi fall and then caught her
Junwoong bringing someone Eunbi used to like is funny/cute
the revenge part of this is also kinda cringy rather than cool
the hell backstory of Kuryeon could be cool
lolol the epilogue of how Junwoong got the mans to come to see Eunbi
Ep 3: Forest of Time 1 (May 25)
I shouldn't be starting this new ep truly, I haven't done much since work ended but oh well
aw Junwoong's father's death anniversary
wait friendshipppppppp yes, Junwoong and Jaesoo friendship since high school and now he's gonna have to save Jaesoo
woah friendssss Junwoong knew what to send to Jaesoo to get him to come out and Jaesoo literally raaaaan to see Junwoong in the hospital because of it T.T
the straw in the caaaan
aw shucks he's gonna get his insurance money if he dies
man this is so fucking sad, I guess I should've been prepared but seeing this poverty suddenly is really just
oh by the way what happened to interacting with people in the last episode vs this one?
ah the life insurance
plsss this epilogue T.T both Junwoong and the Grim Reaper serious man getting conned by cult members because of the mention of Director
Ep 4: Forest of Time 2 and Tree 1 (May 25)
I'll finish up this episode for today and then stop since these drama episodes are in pairs
predetermined predestined chicken by Jumadeung
ahh Jaesoo saying Junwoong sent all of you, right?
friendship T.T
aw Jungwoong making sure his younger self gets to see his dad for the last time before he goes away on business and dies
the problem is I think the next storyline is starting... but I shouldn't watch that now
Kuryeon and the grim reaper man's history
bro this lady and her stalking her husband into liking her lol they're kinda cute though
Ep 5: Tree 2 probably? (May 26)
I was going to just stop watching this and go to ep 15/16 and finish up but I looked at some reddit on-air threads on r/kdrama that said ep 6 was soooo good, so I'm gonna watch ep 5 on 2x speed and get to that
some sort of Reaper's Guarantee of Responsibility
I'm sure this story was good but i didn't care
Ep 6: A Soul Becomes a Star (May 26)
ah finally this is so touching, this old man T.T
old man as young volunteer of the korean war
this man's sad-ass life T.T I can't
(Linguistics) also Dongchil using informal you and banmal with the old man even though he's his hyung bc he's so mad
I know Escort Team Leaderwill show up in hanbok and stuff to escort the old man out but it's funny that he also asked Jade Emperor to give him a peaceful death right before she did
we'll never escape the cringy fight scenes
ohhhh Escort Team Leader was also in the same Korean war troop as this man? I thought mans was a lot older? Or actually I think he was there to take some people's souls from that war and saw him then
This whole Escort Team and Jade Emperor coming from this man is still cringy but at least it's touching this time
old man's name is Lee Young Chun
I still have half a mind to just drop the show but ig I'll just watch the episodes I think are good and 2x + skim the rest
Fave Ep so far
Ep 7: (May 26)
I'm gonna skim through this because I don't feel like watching an ED case now and also the on-air thread said the recovery/ending part of this was badly done
it seems like a fun episode with a lot of humour but I don't actually care and the humourous clapback to weight stuff is still
Ep 8: (May 26)
oh the on-air thread mentioned stuff about Kuryeon and Joong Gil but I didn't expect it to be the first thing of the episode. I too am curious about their history
wait I like this, an inside job type of thing. Jun Woong infiltrating a suicide pact group
oh wait was that man Betamale actually the Grim Reaper or something? or in kahoots with the reaper? he was indeed the one who got everybody drunk and was the only one who didn't leave
oh I really am more of a fan of these thriller sort of storylines with a fucked up people and villains and scenarios than the regular slightly fantasy where the mission is to save people
oh betamale grim reaper killed some of these people as well? or is he trying out a new thing by attempting to kill Junwoong with his own hands?
becoming disabled as a source of punishment i don't like it but it's common
how much do Kuryeon and Joong Gil remember about their past and the nightmare that Joong Gil has?
heh the epilogue with the business card consequences
2nd Fave Ep after ep 6
Ep 9: Someday, Because of You (May 27)
I know this is about pet stuff, so I'll just skip through those and watch parts that are about the lore or group dynamics
oh so they each remember their last life but not previous lives, so Kuryeon and Joong Gil know each other from an earlier life - which is Joong Gil's nightmare unless she's lying
ahhh Junwoong having to learn his mother is sick and his sister is taking time off school to secretly private tutor kids to make money. oof seeing them go trough a hard time but not being able to do anything
aw he had to save his sister, no wonder he ran to protect her
aw poor dog :<
oh the dog has regrets too
ohhh he found the person he was looking for? past love
Kuryeon also remembered Joong Gil in a past life
Ep 10: Breath (May 27)
oh so it was indeed them in their last life? "you killed the person he loves" and she committed suicide?
I just remembered that ep 10 deals with a lot of victim blaming according to reddit
i hate this i hate this i hate this kill him kill him kill him
I was already thinking that although her family wants to punish the guy, it shouldn't be against her wishes and force her to endure everything that comes with it but now we know they yelled at her and blamed her first so just fucking fuck all of them fuck you
"instead of doing a 1-person protest and seeking revenge, go to her side and tell her you're glad she lived" like literallyyyyyyy
so is the woman who Ryung Gu keeps following around is his mother from centuries ago who killed herself?
Ep 11: West Sky (May 27)
Having one episode of it last episode was fine but I'm already tired of the visceral hatred of women and sexual violence storyline compounded with family accusing and demeaning the woman like I'm done idc fuck off i know he's a child but I'm tired of these storylines
agh fuck she killed herself over it fuck
I'm also tired of sexual violence against women being a story about the men related to them
ah yes fuck her she should die if she's a willing prostitute, it's only terrible if was raped and deserved if she wasn't, huh? blagh man I'm so done
oh yeah i am also annoyed that suicide is a sin here and that most of the people who committed suicide go to hell
the nose picking explained
bro we're doing this next ep too? his mom's gonna be suicidal and they're gonna have to help her? like bruh let's be done
Ep 12: West Sky 2 (May 27)
I've decided to skip most of this episode because idc, except for the team and dynamics stuff
fuck ass dream interference, this show is just irritating
ah sad meeting of parent and child for just a moment where the parent will soon forget and the child will go on being a reaper forever
okay so it was indeed not Joong Gil's last life, which is why he cannot remember but it was Kuryeon's last life that's why she remembers
Ep 13: Spring (May 27)
I know this is about comfort women and that's important but 3-4 episodes in a row about sexual violence against women is too much and I don't care about this show and certain aspects of how they handle things put me off, so I think I'm gonna mostly skip this.
damn, fights during war among the afterworld too
aw shucks, despite saying I probably won't watch, I'm watching cuz it's good
Yuni T.T oh noooo
I can't remember the new girl's name but I assume it's Yuni? Since she apparently died as a kid during Joseon vs Japan war
naurrr this ep and these girls' interactions and the meeting of Yuni again made me cry
New Fave ep, very good
Ep 14: Wildflower (May 27)
more Kuryeon backstory
who's the celebrity woman? Was she her friend or enemy? or wait is that her servant lady in waiting person? but idk Kuryeon seemed to be a bit resentful of her or something?
lol past Kuryeon and Joong Gil are cute but I wish they didn't look about 14 so that I could be more invested in them lol
oh yeah in the previous iteration of this flashback I was like oh interesting she still wears the red eyeshadow
why are they gossiping about her? just because she come back alive and they're assuming she had sex/was raped by the barbarians?
oh damn i keep thinking gop-dan betrayed rukyeon but she hadn't yet but maybe she was the one who spread the rumours
oh but she is protecting Rukyeon from the rocks, so I guess not?
I think that in a different show, I would've been annoyed like uhh why is this show veering away from the premise of saving people from suicide into a random Joseon era romance tragedy but here I don't care about a lot of the cases and think a lot of the stuff is cringy, so the cringy young love was par for the course and the tragedy of their married life was intriguing
Ep 15: Circus (May 27)
I'm not supposed to be watching this now cuz it's 12:20AM on May 28 but oh well, might as well
oh yeah Joonwoong is just being told all this without Kuryeon's permission lol
Joong Gil is just way too cruel about suicide man
idol storyline
oh Joong Gil really had wanted to forget his past life, damn
ah fuck
Joong Gil is just terrible
how will they wrap everything up in 1 ep?
Ep 16: Threads of Fate (May 27)
ah fuck it I guess I'll just finish it
ah, so he'd been reincarnated twice since his life with Kuryeon
kneeling tied up and beat up beautiful man <3 I don't like Joong Gil but I know a man in an attractive situation when I see one
oh yeah idk how I feel about Joonwoong and the idol Gon-dap like I guess they could be cute? but I don't feel anything toward them
aw he doesn't remember anything about the grim reapers D:
so are we assuming joonwoong and the idol fall in love?
man idk sure it's fine ig idk
There were some episodes that were sooo good and others where I hated how they handled things or were just cringy or were boring. idk if the ending was satisfactory or not - I guess it kinda was? At least I wasn't mad about the ending. I skipped/skimmed some parts but also ep 13 made me cry because it was touching.
Rating: 6/10
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maddwich · 2 years
Summer Lovin' (Eddie x Reader)
Desc; Eddie Munson and y/n have been friends forever, but how long can they be just that for?
Fem reader! This also takes place before s4! 1.4k words
No warnings! Just fluff! Pining, cutesy almost romance, friends-to-lovers, the whole shebang (Not the whole shebang it's unfinished.. might make a pt 2)
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“Holy shit it’s hot out here!” Eddie groaned, of course the fact he was wearing his denim vest, his hair down, and black skinny jeans didn’t help with the summer heat. 
“Well, Eds, it is July. And 80 degrees. And-” You couldn’t help but to stop to take a sip of your water bottle, though the warm water didn’t help all that much. “God, you’re right. It’s hot. So, so hot.” Eddie smirked from his spot on the grass, basking in both his victory and the sun. 
He was the same Eddie Munson you had always known. Dramatic, cocky, and the sweetest guy to ever waltz into Hawkins. You couldn’t help but just gaze at him, to observe as he got lost in his own mind. Resting on the palms of his hands, and about as spread out as his jeans would allow, he looked content. Perfectly happy with his own thoughts as company. You had to wonder what was in that boy’s brain, what kept him so occupied in there? 
“Like what you see?” Eddie asked, snapping you out of your own daze. “Shut up, Munson. Not like there’s a whole lot else to look at.” You retorted, and he smiled. “Well, I can’t disagree with you there. This place is a shithole.” Nodding, you glance around you. Not very scenic, that’s for sure. The park wasn’t horrible per se, just mistreated. Beer cans littered the benches around you both, and for every can you could see there were at least three cigarette butts. You and Eddie were able to find a decent area on the ground and sit, which was nice. Just you and him today. A not-so-rare occasion, but enjoyable nonetheless. You smiled to yourself, happy that no matter what, it was the two of you against the world. Always had been, always would be. Looking over to where he was sitting, you found he was already looking at you. 
“What’s on that mind of yours, princess?” He beckoned you closer, “That’s quite a smile you’re owning.” You rolled your eyes, and inched over to him. 
“Oh nothing but the usual, satanism, animal sacrifice, ritualistic murders.” You answered dreamily, earning a bark of laughter from Eddie. He sighed, and decided to lay down on the dry grass beneath him. You could already hear the complaints about twigs in his hair later. 
“What are we gonna do?” He asked, staring not at you, but at the blue sky above you both, cascading into light oranges and purple hues. Almost as pretty as him.
“Today? I figured just hangout here, then weren’t we going back to yours and Gareth and Jeff were coming? Unless you wanna be alone?” 
“No, no. I want you here. I just mean, once we graduate. Like when we move from Hawkin’s High School delinquents to Hawkins working class adults?” 
You looked over at him, his eyes still trained on the sky above. The sun began to set. Your heart began to thump. He was simply beautiful. Even when he didn’t care, hell, especially when he didn’t care. You opened your mouth to answer, and felt any words you could’ve imagined saying dissipate when his eyes met yours. Waiting for acknowledgement. Wanting an answer. You swallowed your nerves and spit out your thoughts. 
“Well, I guess I figured I’d go to college. But maybe not. Maybe move away if nothing’s keeping me here by then.” He nodded at you, and you scooted to lie down to the spot next to him. “Nothing keeping you here?” He questioned, and moved you to the crook of his arm. Your stomach whirled, it was clear he thought nothing of it, but that was the beauty of Eddie. His thoughtless kindness. You tilted your head up to him, and found he was still focused on you. More butterflies. You couldn’t suppress a smile, and nor did he. “I just mean I'm not close with my family, and most of our friends plan on leaving here too. So if nothing’s keeping me, why stay?” He sighed, and nodded. “I suppose that makes sense. This is a crappy little town. Just promise me you’re not gonna run off without me?” He smiled, and leaned his head on the top of yours. The anxiety in your stomach were almost painful, swarming less like butterflies, and more like vultures. But you had to ignore them, what other choice was there? “I swear, Munson. Wherever I go, you’re coming with, willingly or by force.” You smirked, and he only nodded, ruffling your hair slightly. “But, uh. What’re you going to do? After we graduate I mean.” You questioned, and saw his chest rise and fall in the Slayer tee you’d bought him. By pure luck, it seemed to fit him in all the right places. 
“Well, y/n, I’m not sure college is gonna work for me,” He chuckled, “But I’ll find a job, and a house, and we’ll get married-” You cut him off. 
“We’ll get married?” 
Eddie coughed, clearing his throat “...I believe you have to propose before suggesting plans like that, Mrs. Munson.” He teased, and you felt your face grow hot. You felt Eddie look down at you and let out a light laugh. You couldn’t help but cover your tomato face with your hands.
“You said that! I was questioning what you said!!” You defended yourself, but alas, he already had you. And he certainly wasn’t letting this go. 
“Oh, poor Mrs. Munson. How is our marriage EVER going to survive if you get flustered whenever I mess with you?” He moved his arm as he sat up, and smirked as he took hold of your hands so they would come off your face. You noticed a glint in his eye as he let go of your hands and sprung up. You began to sit up, whilst Eddie was already on his feet. Before you even got the chance to stand, he whisked you into his arms. Easily lifting you into a bridal carry and spinning with you in his arms.
 Your thrashing in his arms proved useless, and Eddie only appeared to be having the time of his life. 
“Heeereeee comess the brideee~”
“Eddie! Set me down!” You giggled at his absurdity. He continued with his singing, only this time he started off toward his trailer. 
“Allll dressedd in whiiiiiteeee~” He only continued, as you both came closer to the trailer park. 
“I don’t knowww the rest of the lyricccss~” You softly shushed him, and pointed. The sky was sprinkled with stars. Eddie stopped in his tracks and looked up, and then looked down. You were in his arms, peacefully, having since given up on getting out of his grasp. The way you read the stars, like you knew what they wanted, or maybe you knew why they were there, it utterly fascinated him. Eddie began walking again, back to the trailer, and your eyes stayed on the beginning night sky. His eyes remained on you. He got to his door, and managed to open it without dropping you. You let out a small woop at his feat, and as he scoffed a smile rebloomed on his face. 
“Alright gorgeous, we have arrived back to my humble abode. What’s on the agenda?” 
“Putting me down?” 
“Oh, right.” You both laughed, and he gently set your legs down. Or, not so gently. Immediately after being put back on even ground, you toppled over. Over, being onto a distracted Eddie. You came crashing onto him, and he went straight to the floor. The both of you landed with a singular crash! 
You quickly looked up from the…compromising position you two were in. You were laying on him, and in the confusion of the fall, he grabbed onto you. His hands? Your hips. Your hips? His hips. You scurried to sit up, which then put you in possibly a worse position. You were straddling Eddie Munson, on his floor, moments before your guy’s friends were supposed to be there.
But to make matters worse? Eddie hadn’t moved.
You hadn’t moved.
His hands were still on your hips.
Your hands were on his chest.
His eyes locked on yours. 
You both sat there for a moment, heart pounding out of your chest. Both of your breaths had become slightly shaky. Both dared the other to look away. A challenge to break the moment. To make it a memory. 
But it wasn’t either of you who broke the contact or silence.
It was Gareth and Jeff, knocking anxiously on the door.
This was going to be a long night. 
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