#i didn't redact the one it is obviously about lol
folatefangirl · 6 months
Find the Word Tag
I was tagged by @byjillianmaria to find please, sweet, and soft.
(Yes, I actually have content for a game for once. Quelle surprise.)
Note these are all from my very unfinished first draft so forgive the bad wordage etc. etc. I'm just amazed I found all 3 words in it lol. And yes it's fic. Possibly one of my most bonkers and darkest fic ideas to date, so forgive me for being a bit vague re: where I cut out bits for people reading this who aren't Jilly since I'd prefer to have it more polished before more people know the specifics.
“Please,” he says. “Hear me out. I’m not asking you to rejoin the Jaeger Program. It put you through hell. And then some.” “And spat me back out in Arizona and now I’m all broken and sad,” she snorts. “I’ve already told you: I don’t want to be pitied.”
“I’m not sure I follow.” He tilted her chin up and smiled. “What a sweet little lamb you are. So perfect.” Before she could react, he dipped his head and kissed her.
He softened a little. “Look, [Name Redacted], the Shatterdome has people you can talk to. An objective third party, if you won’t talk to me.” “I am talking to you,” she pointed out. “I mean a therapist, [Name Redacted]. And you and I both know you aren’t really talking to me. You’ve been shutting me out. Just think about it, okay?”
Tagging without pressure for the words time, light, and hold (or any variations on these words): @adorhauer @morethanslightly @drpathetique @wizardheart83 and @kathrynabbott
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mirror-ralsei · 10 months
MINI THEORY: Egg-veryman
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Look, I'm not the first or only person to believe the man behind the tree might be Everyman. Just from a quick search, here's a theory and depiction preceding mine: 1 (huecycles), 2 (JJayBlaze123).
But as of the Spamton Sweepstakes, I do agree they're our most likely candidate. Here's a breakdown of all the evidence that personally led me to that conclusion.
Let's take a look at details we know about the egg man that might help us identify him:
The room's layout resembles mysteryman and “[redacted]”
He seems to exist in a cat state, just like the eggs he gives.
Noelle's story may imply, if the man is anything like his eggs, that the man is disturbing in some way.
There is graffiti clue of the egg tree in the same color as the ICE-E spraypaint in the alley. (Credit to VGFM for noticing this!)
He can be seen in a car.
While in the car, he is waving at us, and he “might be happy to see” us.
Spamton may know him.
He has never spoken out loud.
Comparing this to Everyman:
Everyman has not appeared in the overworld yet. (Unconfirmed)
We don't know enough about UTDR's cat states or Everyman to confirm or deny this point. (Unconfirmed)
Everyman is disturbing enough to have their first appearance be in the True Lab lmao (Likely)
Graffiti of Everyman is right next to the ICE-E graffiti. (Plausible)
We don't know if Everyman can drive lol (Unconfirmed)
We don't know if Everyman would wave to us or not, since we know little about them, but they are described as “Just a good guy who shows up on occasion,” and “might be happy to see you” seemingly would either be a reference to a cat state (as in “they might be happy, they might not be”), or referring to being uncertain if the egg man is happy (as in “they might be happy, but I could be wrong”) - the latter would make sense, as Everyman has never emoted with their face in any appearance so far, and would thus be difficult to read. (Plausible)
We don't know for sure if Spamton knows Everyman, but we do have this interesting line: “WE DON'T NEED ANY [Man, Woman or Child] [At Half-Price]!” While it's unclear what character, if any, “[At Half-Price!]” is referring to*, every other bracket in these “WE DON'T NEED...”s seems to indicate a character Spamton knows: [Easels] seems to be Swatch, [CRTs] seems related to an upcoming Chapter 3 character from the “cathode crew,” and obviously there's Mike. And I suspect that “[Man, Woman or Child]” may indicate “Everyman.” It includes the “man” part while throwing out a generic umbrella for a lot of people - "every." (Plausible)
Everyman has never spoken out loud. In fact, their silence is such a notable part of their character that their Queen battle cameo has them give a noticably blank dialogue bubble, in stark contrast with all the others. They visibly fall to their knees in agony when overtaken by butterflies, but cannot scream. Even their visual design has them noticably lacking a mouth. (Likely)
As you can see, many of these points range from plausible matches to confirmed ones. And the remaining points are left inconclusive, not deconfirmations.
There's also these additional clues:
The egg given to Noelle was titled ““SPECIAL”” in quotations and without a period. In the first documentation of Everyman's name, Fox replied “”Everyman”” exclusively in quotations and without a period.
Noelle notes that the egg “didn't seem to be doing anything" - in most of Everyman's appearances, they do not move, with the exceptions being after they are attacked and taken over by butterflies, and while they are propelled by a carousel (but still stationary themself).
Everyman is made of round shapes, which could concievably allow them to appear in Cat Petterz.
Subjectively, Everyman resembles a white, embryonic-looking bird, all of which relate to eggs. Spamton even mentions the white color of the egg man's eggs when saying “A WHITE ONE, THAT'S SURELY [another man's treasure].”
Subjectively, I think the Waltz of Seccom Masada, or whatever the egg room theme is called now, suits the Everyman character very well: starts in major key to indicate friendliness, but something is slightly, unnervingly off about it...strange, even. (ba dum tss) Everyman's visual design is similarly made up of round, friendly shapes, yet is very disturbing due to a variety of factors.
“Just a good guy who shows up on occasion” perfectly describes the egg man's appearances behind the trees.
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Again, Everyman is also heavily tied to the term “man”: both with “Everyman” and “strangeman.”
Literally clones their head like an egg.
We know little about Everyman, but what we do know seems to line up with the man behind the tree.
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*(If I could hazard a guess, I don't actually think [At Half-Price!] is referring to a character, but a property about [Man, Woman, or Child]. Specifically, I think Spamton means that the character has been "cut in half" in some way. Why do I think this? See my theory about division through reflection, a motif that seems to be cropping up a lot.)
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I like you, have some Alastor sketches I did which brain storming for my story
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While the au I'm going for was supoooose to take place in the middle of happily ever after, after some undefined series end, I couldn't help but imagine said series ending.
So, Glasgow Smile, all stitched up, because I like imagining, like Alastor as we see him now, with just a permanant, unhealing cut open smile, put there by whoever owns his contract, though no one would KNOW that untill afterward, and afterward it finally getting stitched up to heal.
The antlers aren't drawn yet because finding a reference at the right angel is proving difficult, but the base of his skull even without the antlers, that was hard to working out so I just went with them going back, and the antlers can grown out sideways because demon logic, I just wanted a skull shap that made the idea of having giant antlers not, excessively painful.
Ears I also thought about putting up high but, against, the logistics of the anatomy change, idk just didn't vibe with it.
Not a fan of the noses, still working on it, but you get the idea. Deer nose.
Of anyone has hair style suggestions I'm alllll ears 🙏
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More detailed sketch of the glosgow smile shape and stitches, I imagine the cuts weren't done in one swip, obviously, so theyre pretty jagged.
Cartoony Alastor I desperately want to erase, but it shows off the torn ears, and the neck scar where [redacted cause I miiighhhhhht still write this bit out] ripped his thoat out in a bit of poetic justice. And the bullet scare on his forhead, because could you imagine if that was just always on display?
Also long curly hair because please Alastor get a new haircut.
Deer legs with knees and ankle braces, because I really am just imagining this man having got the absolute shit beat out of him by whoever owns his contract, as I imagine it's Roo.
Like he redeems himself, but he suffers long term consequences.
And then an Alastor from behind because I was trying to reason out how satyr legs would look, and his tail. I tried to make it look like he had a White tail deer's booty, because Louisiana, but it kinda looks like some one gave him a sanitary shave lol XDDDD
Also briefs, even though we all know that man where those onsie undies that are undershirt/shorts combo
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lazyrezi · 3 months
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Lol what a nerd
But also. On the one hand I would be happy if ART got to experience the emotional parts first hand. But. I also really enjoy that it can only understand those parts through Murderbot so a little petty part of me doesn't want that to change
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Haha every single time Murderbot comes across tons of new media it geeks out so hard
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Ouch AND to think the whole series started with Ratthi being almost eaten alive!!
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Okay. That actually makes sense. Not just because OF COURSE it didn't who the hell would handle that well? But also because I was thinking while this whole redacted business has obviously shaken Murderbot to the core and everyone is rightfully concerned I didn't get why Murderbot was... embarrassed? BUT if afterwards it had an emotional reaction to the flashback that would make aaaall the sense in the world (emotions=embarrassing) and as someone who wants to crawl under the depths of the earth if anyone sees me expressing negative emotions...
Yeah. I get it
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I dont know why but. This. THIS! Specifically Murderbot saying this to ART is so heartbreaking. Imma cry. And then be embarrassed about it
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Lol the way they know each other.... ART KNOWS Murderbot would freak out (even more) if it acted sympathetic so it acts like it's usual ass self. Out of love <3
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Aaaaaaaaa I mean. I don't even know how to express what this makes me feel. I am. Like so sad. THIS is what Murderbot is worried about right now! It's thinking without it functioning as a security consultant it is useless and!!! It!!!! Isnt!!!!
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Phew okay some funny was needed here thank you that was too dark for a moment
Okay wait. Is it actually funny tho? Like ART'S wormhole IS broken and it went through some shit in Network Effect... but you know what they say comedy comes from suffering or something so IT IS funny I have decided
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Eeeesh I. Don't even know anymore. I get what Murderbot means but also it is all ART it can be your bot-bestfriend and also your therapist at the same time
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Right in the feels
Phew this section was. Something else
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laufire · 4 months
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may reading meme!
The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle. This one introduces Mary. I wish she'd gotten the treasure and become a rich heiress 😢
Inheritance by Devin Grayson. Loved it. I'm definitely gonna track down her other prose novels. I made a good guess on who [redacted] from very early in the book, practically from the first, and it was still quite gripping. The funniest thing, however, is how unequal each of the former sidekicks' sections are lol. Was she just going through the motions with Garth? Although, by virtue of being the one I know the least about, it did make me want to read his comics. Roy's and Dick's were more even, both with incredibly poignant, poetic flashbacks I adored, but you can tell DickAndBruce is where her heart is and their dynamic was showcased beautifully imo. Her characterization of Ollie is... surely controversial, and doesn't quite match how I see the guy, but it didn't bother me.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. This one is a reread, though it's been a decade since I read it for the first time. I've read it even more slowly than the first time around, pondering over practically every passage. Nabokov's prose is simply sublime, and Dolores's character is one of those that stays with you for how much you read into her.
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees. The first issue enchanted me, and the last one was a very apt ending for the story. The journey to get there let me down.
FCBD 2024: Barda Special Edition. This is a preview for an upcoming story. A young Barda is charged to break the prisoner Scott Free, as the beginning of their romance. Theirs is a ship I've been curious about for a while, and I really dig the premise, so I can't wait to read it.
Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper. A short, gritty origin story that builds on the Selina we see in Batman: Year One, written by the same author as Lois Lane (1986). I really wish her sister was more present in Catwoman's story in general, tbh. She was featured in Selina's Knight Terror mini, which I might end up rereading.
The Bat-Man: First Knight. Three-part run set in the 40s, the original Batman setting. A tale of monsters, human experimentation, and the effects of the second world war. I enjoyed it, though not wildly, but it confirms I'd enjoy more historical settings in my comics.
War Games. Oh boy. OH BOY. My kill list grew with each page I read. The missed shot at a proper story with robin!Steph, the incredibly uncharitable way she's written... all to end in the grossest example of character assassination I've ever seen with Dr Leslie Thompkins, all to relieve Bruce of his guilt for his part in Steph's demise. I wanted to read the arc because I thought it was important for some Steph-focused storylines I want to write that build up on it (mostly by subverting or contradict him), but with few exceptions (SOME of Steph's Robin arc, the school plot, Tarantula's appearances, and the parts touching on Dick's downward spiral, for example) it was all so hateful and mean-spirited. Even the prelude to the proper arc, starting with Bruce and Cass's visit to Jason grave to use him as a cautionary tale against Steph, or that storyline about the teen mothers... death. Death to Dan DiDio for one thousand years.
Outsiders (2003). I'm including the Teen Titans crossover arcs (including both Secret Files and Origins issues, both GREAT), and the Outsiders: Five of a Kind arc where Batman is a shit xD (it also did make me wanna read the continuation in the next Batman and the Outsiders run). The art was... Mixed, by which I mean that sometimes it was fuck-ugly lol, but I loved the run. Winick gets me. I have a special place in my heart for Jason's little arc, OBVIOUSLY, but my favourite parts are, second, Dick's arc, and first, ANISSA AND GRACE. I as a lesbian owe Winick much for that one. They're the main attraction for the continuation, ngl. I also loved Shift and Indigo, btw. So damn tragic 🥲
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mxbo · 19 days
Me yapping about something that happened on TF2 today
I was playing casual TF2 with a friend now that there aren't as many bots (I SUCK like REAL BAD, so no way we're going to community servers, I would get OBLITERATED the second I stepped on one, also a lot of players on community servers dislike F2Ps for existing) and found a player who shares names with my light and it was really awesome
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[ID: Meme recreating the interaction. There's me, my bestie, the random player we encountered and batman in the background because he was also there. My bestie says: “OMG! *redacted name*” and I reply: “Voice communication is not available for this account”]
(BTW, me and my bestie are not drawn with specific cosmetics, it's just our OC's/sonas dressed as the classes we were playing lol. Yes, he was pocketing me because I'm just THAT bad)
(BTWBTW, we didn't actually talk with them, just mentioned it in our private call because like it would be super weird to go “hey, you have my love's name”. Super creepy HASHSj. Worst case scenario, they wouldn't believe I actually have a partner and think I'm hitting on them or something. And women and people who pass as feminine because of username/voice already suffer enough on FPS games with people either insulting them or simping for them and not seeing them actual players but objects. Like I'm not risking (potentially) making their day worse ykwim)
Anyway, they had pink cosmetics and I think I shot a rocket at them at some point because I thought they were RED AHSA *insert video about the problem with team recognition*.
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[ID: Screenshot of the random player with their name obviously censored not because of them, but because it would reveal my love's name and, like, I haven't consulted if I can just say it in a random Tumblr post AJSAHJ]
There was also a Soldier who had all the batman cosmetics and dominated me because of course JHS (they were super good at rocket jumping). I sadly didn't take a screenshot (THEY WERE SO FAST AND KILLED ME, I COULDN'T TAKE A SCREENSHOT) </3
Also, yeah, I'm a F2P until MY BESTIE DECIDES TO PAY FOR MY FRICKING PREMIUM UEYDEUEHR (hopefully this or next week).
Hate that I'm mute for the time being, tho. Because Valve thought not letting F2P accounts speak would solve the bot crisis for some reason some years ago. SPOILER: It didn't work, it just made the bots more difficult to identify and ruined the experience of a bunch of players (kids, people who can't pay for TF2 like me, and people who just play for fun and don't want to throw money at a corporation, which is completely valid). Thanks, Valve.
But also love the fact I own the title of worst TF2 F2P, like, that way nobody expects anything from me.
My steam profile backs this up btw
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[ID: My user says “world's worst tf2 player” and my description “I suck at tf2 it's not even funny”. Also, my pfp is the spongebob crying meme edited to have my OC's hair and Soldier's helmet and says “I PROMISE I'LL DO BETTER” in the funny impact font]
I'm genuinely bad (reason why I play Soldier) BUT I HAVE SO MUCH FUN PLAYING TF2, I LOVE THIS GAME EVEN IF I GET KILLED EVERY X SECONDS (x being equal to the time I take to respawn).
I want to meet more noobs like me and play with them while on a Discord call and learn together (would also help me with my English, probably, if they're not hispanophone).
Or maybe even players who know what they're doing and teach me (but they need to have patience with me because I'm a SLOW learner and barely know how to WASD lmao, my spacial awareness in videogames is just like in real life: 0).
Someone interested? 🤨
No, Rom, nobody's interested, nobody cares LMAO, just go back to making userboxes and stamps and drawings and stuff
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the-sweet-hibiscus · 10 months
On Racism in the Darklina Community
disclaimer: this is less receipt based and just my own personal feelings over the last few days.
With the situation with Christina there was a lot push back and divide between whether or not Merel deserved the vitriol and larger if Darklinas at all deserve the automatic hate and discrediting as fans in this space.
There were a lot of responses, and with this I noticed a common theme of accusing Darklinas, in a general sense, of being racist harassers. And I want to discuss it earnestly and genuinely because racism is a very serious thing. So I'm going to show a few tweets and we can go from there (redacted user names because I don't think who is making these accusation is as important as what they're saying).
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These come from the same person. I've explained this before and I stand by it — I don't think any one person should be penalized for the actions of someone else. Full stop. The person who was attacked was - only in the family for a few months, hadn't really interacted with Christina before, etc. But that was hashed out in my previous post. My real issue came when people asked for proof of these accusations. "I don't have it, I didn't see a reason to screenshot it." Now this person has since claimed to not be in the Shadow and Bone fandom at all. So lets give the grace and say they thought "not my circus, not my monkey". Right? It's fair. I don't go into other fandoms and screenshot the worst of the worst and put them on blast. But I also don't, months and years later, return and say "oh you're all awful" I just find it weird. But again. We have no proof here. Not a name to look into. Not a phrase that someone might have said. They said this:
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But I just. How are we supposed to know what to search right? If I, over the past three years, have never seen the racism people are talking about. How am I supposed to know what to look for? Who am I looking for? They claim just look it up? Look what up? Racism and Darklina as key terms? All I'm asking for is a name. Literally anything to prove that "oh these people are bad, let me disassociate with them." Instead, I and anyone who asks for a modicum of evidence or even just 1 name its "i don't know" or "well I didn't think it was important". For years! Like if you don't think it's important to spread awareness about when it happens, or even provide like the standard "this is you?" or just ANYTHING. Then they call us idiot for asking for it. People are just begging for information. I AM BEGGING for someone to say or show something that can ya know. Justify the claims they're making. That's not insane I don't think. All the time, accusations are put out on the internet. And every time. "Do you have any proof? If not I won't believe you." EVERY TIME. In pop culture off the top of my head — Colleen Balinger v Adam McIntyre. The Ace Family combating sexual assault accusations. Percy Hynes White. Chris D'elia. The list goes on and on. And each time it was like "where are the receipts. Or the receipts are given. Counter-evidence is given. The court of public opinion takes place.
Yet when it's a group of people asking for proof of these actions so they don't interact anymore. It's "you're just like them." This seemed like such a popular response. So popular for people to think "lol proof? fuck you."
No Proof is Our Fault, I guess
So obviously this person wasn't the only one voicing their opinion. And this person said:
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Firstly, I hate that anyone would be harassed because they point out racist actions. I'm sorry, that the one person you showed, did something awful. Truly. I'm sorry that the people in question lashed out at you. However. Like I said: if the majority of us didn't see it, right, how are we supposed to call this out? If we didn't see? We never heard it? So now we're all evil, and are going to attack you? Because we said nothing because we saw nothing? But it's people like this, who at the same time will go out of their way to quote tweet, and screenshot when they see minor behavior on the timeline.
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To the point that bee briefly deleted her account. So it's like, obviously the capacity to call out problematic behavior is there. The willingness to screenshot, quote tweet, and spread around any tweet from a darklina is there.
But when it comes to racism: "I don't trust you enough to share evidence." "I didn't think it was important."
When it comes to harassment: crickets.
It's not important until darklinas have a problem with being discredited. It's not important enough to screenshot or report until other parts of the fandom want to have a gotcha moment without providing any instances of racism actually happening.
This is long winded already.
Final Thoughts
Idk man. I just feel frustrated because all I've seen for DAYS is "please tell us who these terrible people are, so we can block and stop interacting with them." and then it turns to "Fuck you, you know what you did." NO. I don't! None of the people asking for proof know what you're talking about! That's why we're ASKING.
In literally all of my other fandoms, there are similar dramas and accusations. But it never drags on for years because proof is provided! Those people are excommunicated from the larger space! But it just feels like anti-darklina fans are so gun-ho on demonizing EVERYONE because the actions of the few.
If you see racism and harassment, REPORT IT. Screen shot, share why. Say "hey this is problematic." Everyone talks about cancel culture, but when it comes to serious accusations they think solving the issue is hiding it? Refusing to share what was said so people can make sure no one interacts with them or at least make it know that person sucks ass?
At this point it feels like y'all WANT darklinas to be these bad people who say and do awful things. Meanwhile, this year alone, Darklinas have excommunicated several people for defending Ben Barnes and the racist actions he's committed this year. (This is not a BB call out post, but as BB and Darklinas had a lot of overlap, it was something that came up and overwhelmingly Darklinas shamed Ben Barnes and the defenders).
I just wish this fandom was able to collectively acknowledge when someone is being terrible, regardless of their fucking shipping preference. Racism has no place in fan spaces. It never should. (It has no place in real life, either.) And fan spaces should work TOGETHER to expel racists when it's seen. It's called a fandom community for a reason.
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distant-velleity · 4 months
well anyway in the meantime, here's a bunch of random headcanons about my hsr ocs that i may or may not have posted before
mizaru used to have a lover, the two would quietly rebel against their government together, but obviously things didn't work out--now, it's not so much mizaru has sworn off love as they absolutely need to trust any possibly romantic partners
if regis hadn't left her home planet, she would have had to become a shrine maiden or some other form of religious work; her home planet takes the worship of idrila (who they call the Rosedreamer/THEIR Elegance) very seriously. regis is relatively faithful herself but she could not stand her home
aki's home planet is very similar to modern-day earth, except it used to be ridden with a certain supernatural species (that has since mostly died out). the ipc is present on the planet, but it has significantly less influence in the city aki resides in due to high levels of gang activity
the government in mizaru's home planet would make use of memoria to torture prisoners/rebels/etc., which is how mizaru ended up as they are
regis had to watch her father succumb to "mara" with her own eyes, seeing him go from a normal-looking plant human to a monstrous abomination
the x-shaped scar on aki's cheek is from an altercation with his rival group; it also happened to be the same altercation in which his "sister" was killed and he had to take the position of "boss"
(ironically, the same fate almost befell him when he "died")
in regards to no one using their birth names:
mizaru finds it more convenient to use different aliases everywhere they go--after all, the work of a galaxy ranger often gives their aliases a criminal association. that, and they're sick of their old name
regis simply doesn't like her birth name, because it's heavily associated with her home planet. she wanted to completely discard her past, "ugly" self so when she left she also chose a different name
aki's birth name was chosen by his father -- who left upon aki's birth, realizing that both his son and his wife were "monsters" -- and given by his mother who couldn't let him go. after his mom died, aki was still very bitter over the whole thing, so he chose a different name out of spite
anyway here's some more silly/less angsty headcanons
mizaru loooves spoiling themselves. shopping sprees, spa days, you name it.
regis is always on the lookout for the most popular, highest-quality makeup products
aki is popular with kids, who unwittingly refer to him as "uncle"--obviously he wouldn't dream of making them join, they're too young and innocent, but he does take good care of them!
mizaru can and will smoke their pipe in the middle of combat, they actually use it to blind enemies momentarily lol
regis doesn't just use her mirror of transcendence to fight, she has a bunch of these smaller floating mirrors that can cause projectiles to ricochet (she would have made a GREAT preservation unit)
aki's ultimate animation is lowkey just him setting enemies on fire with gasoline and a lighter...
mizaru and aki would get along, i firmly believe this in my heart. tax evasion friendship /j
regis got the rose accessory in her front pocket from her father
aki runs hot despite being a [redacted for silly lore purposes], which is why he's actually more active at night now and . you know. never wears shirts properly
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geneeste · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @mrv3000 like, last year, but we'll just pretend that isn't true!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 53
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
It's about to be higher, but currently 236,415 (89k of that is co-written with @machawicket, though, so I can't claim it all!)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Arrow, Stargate SG-1, Bones, Timeless, Pitch, and a few others that are sort of incidental to the main ones.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm pretty sure all of these are going to end up being Arrow fics (Genie's note: ha! I was right!):
Our Version of Events falling in reverse Chips and Dip (With a Side of Sparkle) Cabin in the Woods The Male Prostitute in the Club With His (Word Redacted Due to Content)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try really hard to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I was going to say Forfeit (SG-1), but honestly I think it's a toss up between that and time's right but the clock's wrong (Arrow).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one's tough, because my angst to happy ratio can be pretty hight in my fics, but in terms of, like, purest fluff, probably How the Day Sounds (Arrow).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, especially in the Arrow fandom because it's probably the biggest (and therefor has the most potential for toxicity), but it disappears fast.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL yep! I do write explicit smut, but even that is pretty vanilla (which is not to say that's bad, and maybe one day I'll write kink, but I haven't yet).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I imagine a lot of crossovers, but I rarely write them. The only one I've done (to my recollection) that didn't involve characters from different shows but still in roughly the same universe was The Male Prostitute in the Club With His (Word Redacted Due to Content) (Arrow), in which Oliver Queen met his doppelganger, Jason from Hung. It was ridiculous, and fittingly, my first fic in that fandom.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Honestly, for the most part my fic is too short for most people to bother with, I think.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I wish!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Absolutely! There's obviously Our Version of Events with @machawicket, and I wrote a few SG-1 fic with @danveresque back in the day. I really enjoy co-writing, although I'm almost always the one slowing us down.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sam/Jack from Stargate SG-1. It was my first love and the only one I come back to over and over.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am reserving my 5th amendment right not to incriminate myself.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm pretty good at characterization and nailing a character's voice. I also enjoy writing dialogue, although I don't know that that makes me good at it. I'm also pretty good at hitting the emotions I want to hit in a scene and also writing emotional complexity.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing consistently and to completion is a big weakness -- a result of poor executive function skills and high perfectionism, ha. I'm also great at coming up with big sweeping plots and terrible at executing the details of them. And, until recently, I clung a little too much to thinking fic needs to be realistic and grounded -- now I understand that fic can be as ridiculous as I want, because what matters is how much fun I have writing it and whether it gives me the serotonin I'm seeking (as @mrv3000 put it).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm incredibly impressed by folks who might be polyglots who can do this. I, sadly, cannot.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly don't remember! I have a notoriously bad memory of my childhood and I got into fandom very early. But the first fandom I published a fic in was Stargate SG-1.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking who my favorite child is. I don't think I can answer with just one! Favorite funny fic is probably Cabin in the Woods (Arrow). Favorite fic where I just slid easily into the character's voices? Probably the devil's right there in the details (Timeless). Favorite (and only) remix? reclaim (the destiny rules remix) (Stargate SG-1). Favorite angsty fic (of which there are maaaany), probably god himself would call it justice (Arrow).
I'm trying to remember who recently I know has been writing -- I'm going to zero-pressure tag these just a few people, but if you're writing, consider yourself tagged! @annerbhp @mylittleredgirl @sharim28 @joracwyn @starrybouquet @anretc @tielan
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greyvvardenfell · 1 year
Gods I want to ask so many of these, but I'll start with a few. Oak wants to know Verian's answer to 7 of course xD And I want 10, 12, 38, 46 and 68.
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it?
hmmm i wonder what the party artificer could want with this information? :3c i think it would be cute to have a little mechanical raven... like a fidget toy kind of thing? it would remind him of [redacted] and might calm him down lol
10. what inspired this character’s creation?
back when we were planning on playing curse of strahd, i saw that wereravens were a thing, which obviously appealed to me. i was also dealing with some big Body Betrayal:tm: feelings at the time, and i wanted a character to reflect that. i didn't... set out? to make a religious zealot with strange ideas about death, but it's not an unnatural progression based on his life circumstances.
12. how have they altered their body? piercings, tattoos, biohacks, or other modifications—anything. why (or why not) did they (or someone else) make those changes?
well....... the whole wereraven thing is pretty body-altering, i would say. but verian has no artificial body mods like piercings or tattoos. which is unusual for a character of mine. i think he might've been a tattoo guy had his life turned out differently, but at this point his body changes enough.
38. do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
they don't see themself in the party at all uhhhhh sort of? but mainly in terms of like..... they have skills that no one else does, so they're filling a gap.
46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun?
their art skills were for fun. more or less everything else they know was practical
68. where’s their home?
it doesn't matter. they can never return 💖
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frothingatthemaw · 5 months
Not sure I’ve you’ve been asked these before but…
Sunny’s favorite color? Favorite animal(s)? Favorite stunt? Favorite stunts or bits to do? What was her and Knoxville’s first date? Do they ever marry? Do they ever want any Sunny and Knox jrs or do they not want children together or undecided? If they marry I’d love to hear about that…
What are her biggest pet peeves? Biggest fears? How does she form an opinion on people/what’s the most telling thing about a person that makes her decided if she likes them or not? Did she know about Jackass before she met them? Who did she meet first? Is there anyone she doesn’t get along with cast and crew wise?
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS AHHHHH!!!!!!!! you're the best <3
sunny's favorite color: deep red or dark purple, mostly red though since it's the color she wears most often aside from black
favorite animal(s): she loves cats a lot.... but she also likes snakes since she's been bitten by them multiple times!
favorite stunt: i'm gonna answer this as her favorite overall stunt in any jackass movie. and that's anaconda ball pit!
favorite stunts/bits to do: anything pain related really... snake bits, tasers, piercings, tattoos...
her and knoxville's first date: this is actually a fic i'm writing rn! it's at a bar.... and they [redacted] (<- spoilers) maybe!!!!
do they ever marry: YES!!!!!!!!!!! their wedding isn't even a wedding. they're in vegas and they're bored and they are discussing getting married while knox is wasted and sunny is high in their hotel room and they have this crazy idea to just get married at a wed n go! usually sunny isn't a spontaneous person but she knew she doesn't like the ideas of weddings so this would be fun and silly and they would be officially married by doing this anyways. so yeah. they were high and wasted getting married in vegas all alone on a random afternoon
do they ever have kids: yes! they have a couple. but since sunny is on the asexual spectrum and is entirely not okay with being pregnant, they adopt and/or use a surrogate
sunny pet peeves: lots of sensory issues..... so That. she also has little things like she hates watching people do things when they is a Much Simpler way to do them. or when people just aren't listening when it's something very important. does that even count as a pet peeve??
sunny biggest fears: losing her pj... dying alone honestly too.... or like suddenly realizing all the people she loves hates her.
how does sunny tell if she likes someone: honestly through knox lol, if he likes someone then she normally does too! or their opinions on him. she can't like someone who doesn't like her other half. but other than that or before knox, it would be how people treat others! if people are just Assholes, what's the point!
did she know about jackass before she met them: nope! she absolutely did not. the reason she met them was because she made herself go to a bar alone one night as she had formed a fear of going out and especially to places like bars which are loud. she met bam first by him being in on a bet to start fights with the most people (competing with dunn ofc). so bam starts a fight with sunny and she wins obviously... she inspired ehren to say "that's bam margera, he's famous" in terror taxi because he said it to sunny once they all started talking and she didn't know who they were at all
who did she first meet: as from the other question, bam!!!
is there anyone she doesn't get along with in the cast/crew: hmmm... i think her and tremaine have gotten into a few little arguments and that's just because of her worrying about stuff i think? i dunno i haven't thought about this. i feel like dave would have some kind of weird relationship with her because she's definitely a different person from him, like in a way that doesn't allow them to click well
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
How long have you had your OCs, and how much have they changed since they arrived?
Oooh, very good question!!
Let's see....
(long ramble coming up. you've been warned lol)
Preliminary warning that I get a little time blindness for nontangible things like when I first created my OCs, so I'm going more off when I started posting their stories than when they first started taking shape in my mind. I've probably had these guys a lot longer than the dates I put down here, since I tend to let the stories develop and marinate for a while before I start writing them.
Rae/Mira: Okay, technically these two started as one OC, originating back when I was 13 or so and first getting into the McAvoy timeline movies (I'd been watching the original movies since I was a kid but got into the new timeline a little later). Originally, they were one OC who was given the power of healing from Apocalypse, used as a fifth Horseman, and gained silver eyes/silver magic as a result. At that point, it was mainly just a daydream I had to 1. help occupy my mind when I was bored and 2. fix a few movieverse deaths that always bugged me, like Angel's. I split them into two OCs when I started actually writing fanfiction, late 2020 to early 2021, and obviously they've gone through loads of edits and changes to make them the unique, distinct OCs they are today.
Robin: I started posting Symphony in August of 2021, so I created Robin probably a month or so before that. I don't remember any particularly distinct changes, though I know I decided to make her a Cassidy about the same time I decided to make her powers sound-based, so those two fell in line together.
Madison: I started Smoke and Mirrors in May of 2021, but Madison's gone through a few changes leading up to that. Her earliest inklings as a character were just as a slightly-feral fish mutant the X-Men ran into while out on a mission (which is actually pretty similar to her actual introduction in the fic). I wasn't even sure if she'd be a better fit for Alex or Sean (ended up with Alex of course), and originally I had her needing to be in water to survive. Obviously that's changed, and she filled out as a character little by little before eventually becoming the Madison we've got today. Bravo was also a spur-of-the-moment addition, but we love him :D
Ophelia: Started thinking about her as an OC in January 2022, just after No Way Home came out, and didn't make many big changes before I started posting her story. Hers was more a sudden burst of creativity where all the pieces fell together (mainly since I wanted to get her story started before the NWH hype died down), so it was a lot faster of a character-building process. I realized about 7 chapters into Catch and Release that I was very much writing her to be autistic without really realizing it, and decided to lean into that as an aspect of her character going forward.
Jasper: Started Heartstrings in August of 2022, but I know I had Jasper as an OC for at least a year before I started writing that story. I knew I wanted them to be an empath from the beginning, mainly to help Kyle once he comes back from the dead, and I had the general storyline already in place, but the smaller details (their love of music, roller derby, even their genderfluidity) fell into place when I started actually putting the fic down on the page. I also didn't have a name for them for the longest time, it was just a big [redacted] of indecision until I actually started writing and needed to pick a name.
Indigo: I started Bolts and Blasters in May of 2021, though I had Indie for a while before that. Most of her primary details haven't changed, and her story's also been constant, but originally her name was Blue instead of Indigo. I changed it because I wanted her to have a nickname/variation, since she doesn't use a surname. Zero was also a last-minute add - originally she had a raccoon as a pet, but I changed it to be Zero for a bit more Star Wars alien flair
Katherine: Started posting WWFA? in December 2021, and honestly, I struggled for a while with Katherine. I struggled a lot with her name, which is how I eventually landed on naming her after the astronomer Katherine Johnson. Other details, like her being linked to Bastet, her physical appearance, her friendships with Emily and Jace, built up slowly over time. The only thing I started with was her leaving the drawings for Ahk and him getting enamored.
AJ: I started posting Nom De Guerre in May 2021 (no idea why I started so many fics in that particular month), and I honestly can't remember how much has changed about AJ over time. I think she was another rapid development, with fewer changes over time.
Quinn: I mainly mentioned AJ because she led to Quinn. I started Desert Song in October 2022, but I actually created Quinn as a character while finishing Nom De Guerre - as much as I loved Billy and AJ's dynamic, I remember thinking how fun it would be to have someone who was once on his old crew with him (and fell with him in Kyiv), who was eventually who Quinn ended up being. I also wanted to be a bit more daring with her than I'd been with some of my other OCs, which is how the queer and disability elements became so prevalent in her story. It's a lot better this way, though.
Kestrel: I started posting Taking Flight in August of 2023, but Kestrel as a character was developed over about a week in July 2023. I was on a trip for marching band and rereading a few of the Fablehaven books, and all that travel and waiting left me with loads of time to ponder new OCs. I got home, starting writing the fic, and that's where we're at today. In general, I feel like I've gotten a lot faster and more definitive with OC creation over time.
Eris: I've only just started sharing parts of their story, and I don't have a core fic for them yet, but I've had them as a character since The Suicide Squad (2021) came out. Their power set and Amazonian identity hasn't changed, but originally they were a female warrior like Wonder Woman and had a different name (I remember naming her after a lion-themed myth, but I can't seem to find that particular myth now), and they were a lot more altruistic and good-aligned than they are now. I think they're more fun this way, though.
Nikoletta: Similar story to Eris - I've had her since The Suicide Squad (2021) came out, but haven't had a chance to write out her story until now. She's also been through a few changes, though not as many as Eris - namely, her backstory scamming tourists on the streets of New Orleans is new, though her experiences with STAR Labs and the shadows were always part of her story
I have a lot of other OCs that I haven't written out yet, and it's interesting. Some of them are years old, created a while back but without having a chance to write their stories yet, while others are brand new. And like I said, I've gotten a lot faster and more decisive in creating OCs recently. My most recent creations, Easton McKay (a mutant with the ability to make his tattoos/body mods come to life) and Gia Pantazis (a girl who had her life force bound to a patch of clover by HYDRA) , both took shape in a matter of days, and now seem to be well-developed characters.... at least in my head, since I haven't really shared as much of their bios or stories here yet.
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aloeverawyvren · 2 years
A Plague On Necromancy Review
( I was supposed to get it a few days from now, but it came early! This is surprising considering mail delivery services like to pretend I don't exist . Amazon Isn't letting me leave a review rn, I'll try again though) Tldr: I liked it alot and recommend you read it.
Spoilers? Maybe? I talk about Bucklers secrets, but not what exactly they are, just my vague thoughts on them. Also this is super long so buck-ler up we're going on a road trip ( See what I did there? Haha, why are you booing me off stage?)
Oh boy, where should I start?
The concepts of necromancy and plague doctors are interesting on there own to begin with, but the way this book joins them together is really cool.
The setting is London,in the 1700's. From what I can tell its pretty historically accurate, even if it wasn't I would still enjoy it, I'm chill with historic inaccuracies. I just think its neat when stories that take place in the past go that extra mile. The magic system was really neat, it was cool- sometimes literally haha- but not to overpowered, making it more ... Is 'believable' the right word? Like it never takes you out of the story is what I'm saying, it interacts seamlessly with the world in a way that isn't clunky, if that makes sense.
Barty ( who my auto correct keeps calling Barry lol ) is our protagonist, he's a little confused but he's got the spirit. Oh, poor Barty. The author is so mean to him :( /j . Not only did his bioparents die in a fire, his adopted brother also dies, his adopted parents basically shun him, the doctor he was working with gets the plague and dies. I could go on but spoilers ya know.
Tragedy aside, Barty is relatable at least for me, blushing /embarrass easily, wanting to help people but not knowing how, crying alot and choking on food. ( no seriously he chokes like two distinct times that I can remember. Its hilarious) he's human. He has faults, failures, and troubles along side his positive traits. Its how he deals with them though that's so great I think, I liked hearing his reasoning/train of thought. his dynamics with other characters are fun too. he's also new to the whole doctoring thing, (and magic) making him a good tool for exposition.
I think I'll talk about Buckler now, I had a feeling he was gonna be a favorite of mine and I was right. James Buckler is stern but not altogether unkind, he obviously cares and like Barty he's doing his best really. His dynamic with Barty and other characters was something I liked alot. (When he first met Barty he was a little grouchy for a bit, but Barty was being nosy so it was warranted lol)
I had only heard he had one big secret, I missed the memo that there was another one. I had guessed one of them off the bat, the other one however bitch slapped me as I was only expecting one secret. (I think he should've told Jessica sooner, like I know why but still)
I think its Fabian time, there's so much to unpack with Fabian. Complicated, smart, and very cool. My thoughts when he explained the plan where "ok, what's the catch though?" But there wasn't really a catch was there? he was set up to be the villain by others and ended up being not so much a villain but more of an anti-hero? (At least in this book, he does have the (REDACTED) now doesn't he? Who knows what could happen)
AND OH MY GOD, THE TRUE LOVES KISS THING CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD! I WAS LIKE ?!??! it just came out of left fucking field, like "wait, he do can that?" I questioned everything I thought I knew about his powers.
Oh my god , I wanna mention some side characters! I never see anyone mention them and its sad because they are cool too!
Jack the rat catcher is great, I enjoyed all her appearances and her dog (even if Barty didn't lol) .
Agnes, also gets a shout out from me for being a good person.
The zombie rats where oddly adorable too.
Fabian 's gang is extremely interesting aswell, I'm curious about them.
Three particular people are on my shitlist however for reasons. Plot reasons.
this post is getting very long isn't it? If you've read this far, here's a cookie 🍪.
I'm not entirely done though, let's talk about the book as a whole. Its pretty short, but the pacing is good it doesn't feel too rushed or too slow. I'm a fast reader though and finished it in like two-three hours, in one and a half sittings ( I got up to get coffee and my cat sat on the book until she got the required amount of attention and pets before she deemed I could continue, I call it the Cat Tax)
There was one punctuation error I found, a quotation mark was missing after Fabian was talking ( I forgot the specific page), it wasn't to big a deal though and other than it was all good. I also liked the writing style! I'm glad i 've finally read it, it gives the ask blogs lots of context.
I can easily see this as something I would get from a bookstore or library, I think it could get pretty popular if more word got around about it honestly.
(I actually don't have a tiktok, I learned about it through Tumblr)
I enjoyed reading it!
if your reading this and have not read the book, I recommend it! All encounters I've had with the author has been positive, there's also another book about Barty meeting a dragon.
You can find links to both books on Barty's ask blog, @drbarty. Fabian has one to: @lordfabian
(Was Fabian really the one who was assassinated or me? I almost died laughing at 'shite fish' , my favorite bit . I'm still giggling)
(Also I'm going to start using 'shite fish' out of context now, )
if I remember any other notes I'll put them here.
(Readers: How much trauma do your characters have?
The author: yES/j)
(the Author: *slaps roof of characters* this bad boy can fit so many horrible backstories/j)
(Are you even a creator if you don't torture your ocs tho? I dump my ocs in a blender and put them in the microwave on high for two hours and burn the house down then refrigerate for two days, so I'm not actually judging lmao)
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kippykasey · 1 year
Hey @darke15
Its finally time for the live reaction of season 2 of Soldier and the Spy.
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- leave it to Boone to make a dramatic entrance
- of course Duke is being a mother hen over a breakout
Error. Bad connection redacted comments. Please try again.
- Jack has it bad for Duke and its adorable
- Jack and Zac are the first of my children as they are cinnamon rolls and I will fight for them.
Connection reestablished. Please continue.
- wait wait wait Rafael is the one who is going to treat our girl ghost??? Hell yeah!
- just waiting for Belov to meet someone new who knows what he's saying and messes with him
- please pause the tension caused by brainwashed Ghost for some adorable children
- Raf is something else.
- The Hadar and Jack gym moment made me snicker. Poor Jack just wanted to make sure a fight didn't break out.
- Belov and Zac are like Spike and Jerry (I don't know why that correlation popped into my head but it did) unlikely friends
- me going my whole life thinking it was 'Golf' Coast... yep
- nooo not the ptsd ahhh poor Dugan
- catch me giggling over the idea of a wooden child puppet being a drug dealer
- okay but Duke would be a badass bar tender. Love it
- this part (Lawrence being drugged) is so wonderfully written (as odd as that sounds)
- 💉💉he got his shot💉💉
- Boone having flashbacks from Rook gives me gross vibes
- we love a protective Duke
- all dresses with pockets are superior
(I am technically supposed to be working but I'm hooked. Ahhhhh)
- “Only Marines take in hood rats.” true for the marines I know
- Jack is too kind
- oh look a meet-cute run in
(Totally had a small panic over bad internet and thinking all the comments from ep2 so far didn't save but we good)
- Belov, bear, vodka is not a food group
- the gossip mill is deep.
- oh, Boone, darlin'. Someone give this gal a hug
- the friendships forming are beautiful to watch
- ah Boone and Duke banter, I missed it
- cackling at this tech class
- During all of the fights for Alpha picks I just imagine the nurses getting upset at select few that they constantly see
- oh so that's how T becomes senator. I like it
- Nea helping set up Jack and Duke unknowingly
- lil happy dance at the first use of Senator Johnson
- i would like to take this time to thank General Garner for taking vacation
- giggling like a school girl at poor Jack's expense
- now laughing at Duke's expense
- pass code guesses: alphaone or alphatwo
- Jack and Duke obviously crushing but oblivious
- Jack, don't compare relationships
S2E5 (about halfway through and its only been 5 hours, since I'm working and multitasking)
- whoa there no going after kids or we gonna have a problem and you aren't gonna win
- watch them become a team because they get caught sneaking out for drinks
- Hadar going to save the day?
- Montana plates huh? 👀
- mmm the baby blue camero
- I caught that Fury mention
- Thomas Frazier consider yourself fired
- Bardot Calinescu sounds familiar, was it referenced in BS:A?
- Boone how scandalous lol
- well there goes one of my code guesses, alphaone is still there and my third would be outbreak (that was Johnsons code name if I remember)
-alpha two is literally going to be formed in a bar to save Johnson.
- “And,” Rafael said, the smile on his face growing, “I know just the guy to get us to Dugan.” mhm his name is Jack Bennett
- didn't see Sherlock coming
- ugh this comparison to wonderland is beautiful
- hell yeah! Go Zac!!
- we going to throw hands and then get back to slapping some sense into Boone for doing stupid shit
S2E7 (just a random time update its like 12:30)
- eeeeeeee! He asked him out! It begins!
- happy dance at alpha 2 forming to save kids
- no no no we going to fight
- DARKE NO. OMG NO. THAT CLIFFHANGER. That's so mean. My heart is racing and I. .... *incert scream here*
- nia being so strong ♡
- i just feel like a ball of anxiety right now. 20 minutes to save the girls before a big boom boom
- oh sjit oh shit panic
- this is a stressful situation Duke shooting and coming out of the dark is not supposed to be attractive!
- “You and I remember Havana very differently,” 👀
- oh my god. Go alpha two
- not Jack finding out Duke wants to kiss him by a child in a death zone
- wish I had ice cream to get through the heart palpation you caused :P
- Ghost is awake!!
- Duke ruining his own love life
- pour the champagne for Senator Johnson!
- Amma ♡
- Winter Soldier just seems like a stalker, promising to find Ghost. (Bad joke)
S2E10 (time update 2:16)
- well a stabbing is one way to start an episode
- home to New Eden
- squealing over Duke and Jack is just a thing now
- the fact that Thomas still has a job... prick
S2E11 (last one)
- honestly New Eden is probably the best place for Ghost right now
- short sweet and Raf better not disrespect the car like that again or we gonna fight
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So in total it only took me like 9.4 hours to binge read everything. But yes ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Much love to the Alphas.
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guardiandae · 10 months
Tagged by the wonderful @rayadraws!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 70
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Punch Man, Marvel. Formerly BTVS.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
" - 2,391 kudos "Natural" - 2,448 kudos "5+7" - 3,341 kudos "Milkyway" - 4,601 kudos "Salvaged" - 6,567
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes! But i have a habit that tends to backfire on me... I'll respond to all comments for a while and then after a couple weeks I'll stop responding because I want to finish a chapter first.... this is fine except sometimes by the time I let myself respond to all those old comments it's been like.... 5 years. LOL. But I really do like to reply to every single one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Distance Between Us
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sugar & Spice
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Lmfao. Surprisingly rarely! I've maybe gotten two actual hate comments on my more spicy account. I've gotten more hate comments for making Saitama transmasc, but not by much. But like... I didn't make him transmasc anyway, it just happened. But yeah if people are whiny little bitches and I just roast them and then delete their comment because that doesn't fly for me, especially the transphobic weirdos.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Ummm I like it when the weiners touch 👉👈
Actually lemme see. On my main account, my top tags are kind of all over the place. Mainly fluffy stuff, dirty talk. On my secret second account we'll get better results.... Watersports/Urination - obviously. Anal sex - duh, but boring. Dubious consent - spicy. Felching - MM. 🙏 Male lactation - MILK. HIM. 💦
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Only "Now Recruiting", which still gets a lot of love tbh. It's about the Avengers trying to recruit Saitama, which isn't too crazy. Fun though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
WOOF. I hope not. The sites that scrape fics are scary.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Oh yeah 💜 I love my international fans, and I always say yes when someone asks to translate. I just ask that they remember to link up with mine!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My memory is bad but I really don't think so. I don't play well with others >.< Also why I have turned down RP requests every time.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Wade/Nate. It might have hibernated for years, but it came back with a vengeance when it came back. But any ship I've written for, it's gotta be a hyperfixation for me, so I promise I love them all.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
[Redacted]. But I'm not sure it's that I never will - it's that I think I overshot my ending and I actually need to hack it back a little and just end the fic. The way I kept going, it would've added another small arc to the fic that made it end on a sad note. And That, I'd probably never finish. The fic is old enough though that even thinking about opening it up to do that makes me cringe.
Secondary: Salvaged. But don't panic! It's not that I'll never finish it, it's that I will but still not any time soon. ;; It'll be a lot of work to open it up again and finish it. I wanna finish some other projects first, including new ones (oops). But I don't feel 'cringe' about opening it again. Just a loooottt of files to sift through.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm told my dialogue is amazing. I think it's because I enjoy practicing the lines, over and over again, and pacing everything out to make sure it sounds like something the character would actually say, and somewhat flow in real time.
I'm also quite lucky at being able to have details fall into place in really interesting ways. So that thing that seems elaborately planned out, who knows, lol. It's sort of half elaborately planned and half happy coincidence.
People also tell me that I manage to capture their imagination and especially their emotions. 🫶
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing. Haha. I'll either catch stage fright if something gets really popular (especially if there's a sex scene, oop) or I'll get bogged down with things needing to be perfect, or a secret third thing - I get really attached and don't want to end the AU because then I worry I'll forget it exists.
Memory problems. Returning to a fic is harder because even after a month I don't remember what happened. And if I'm going without writing for any period of time I feel like I forget who I am as a writer completely. Sometimes I really can't understand who wrote a fic of mine, because it doesn't feel like it was me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ummmmm I do this very sparingly because I know that google translate is very flawed and I'm not fluent in any other language. Sometimes a little bit of french or spanish has been appropriate for a Deadpool fic, but not full dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer <3 I didn't include that in my fic count tho.... I don't dare go back to That Place, even just to look (FF.net)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm gonna have to break it up by ship otherwise this ain't even fair--
"Hello, Handsome" - Cablepool - it's just soooo creative and fun! and COMPLETE! "5+7" - Genosai - another really fun one, emotional ups and downs but ultimately soooo fluffy and nice and one of those fics that changed my life. Almost done! "Yours" - Skirth/Agony - a rare f/f pairing but I really enjoyed writing them <333 COMPLETE "Milkyway" - Eddie/Symbiote - can something be a fluffy family fic AND really dirty filthy kinky at the same time? Apparently, somehow. COMPLETE.
Tagging @aeriamamaduck @pohjanneito and @theomnicode!
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
Ummm OC thing. Might? Delete later? Redacted the name of a friend's OC.
TW for implied CSA and descriptions of dissociation.
Andy's past haunts him in ways he can't put into words. He doesn't dwell on it, not usually, his past is something he's happy to have put behind him, never to be worried about again. Still, sometimes he looks at his hands and has to take a moment to remember they're his. Sometimes, a bed has just the wrong amount of give and he has to feel his body to remind himself he's no longer small. Sometimes the heavy silence of his apartment late at night makes his heart race.
He remembers being brought to the school shrink once, a small light blue room that might as well have been a utility closet. He slumped in an uncomfortable chair, his leg bouncing as he used one claw to scratch a pattern into the plastic of his seat. The shrink asked him questions, her voice starting out saccharine and slowly cracking into irritation. He hadn't said a word the whole session, and was sent home with a letter to give to his mother, the school's plea to get him to "someone more equipped." But he couldn't imagine what could change to make him want to talk, or even able to talk about it. How was he to talk about something so all-emcompassing, something so inescapable? It felt like trying to explain the taste of air.
Still, he knows that even without words, M knows some of what happened to him. Enough, at least. He can notice when Andy starts to fall out of his body, snapping by his ear to bring him back. He knows just the sort of slow, safe touch to give when Andy presses against his side late into the night. He knows not to ask.
Anyway. Andy is the OC closest to my heart. He's trans and a full service sex worker just like I was. He reflects sort of how I think I would've turned out if I hadn't grown past my teenage coping mechanisms and life outlook. Not in a necessarily bad way, he's not a bad person but he's much much more reserved and cynical than me.
He has a lot of trauma obviously. It's kinda a complicated backstory. But he's fiercely independent to a fault, he didn't have anyone looking out for him growing up so he doesn't trust anyone now. He kind of reflects a small little p part of myself that still thinks like that. He's grown to trust a little bit now that he's partnered w my friend's OC, who had a similar trauma history but had two brothers to support/be supported by. So now he has a little family of him & his brothers & in-laws.
Also he's a calico catboy bc. Why not LOL. It's cute.
I also think it's interesting that like. He's very prone to dissociation, but it's a different type of dissociation than I personally experience. I've described it as sinking, or an out-of-body sort of thing. Just kind of detaching from his body and drifting off. Very slow and steady and easily recognizable on his part, kind of deliberate.
Anyway I don't remember what I said about him before to friends like Bunny. I tend to be kinda guarded about his whole deal just bc his whole background and being can be A Lot. Like this isn't even really that deep on him and it still feels very vulnerable to share.
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