#i didnt even touch on redacted but like...what is there to say...what is there to argue over even?
1eos · 1 year
that person is one of two sisters who are neo shippers and are well known and hated among the intl twt ppls. they can even be spotted leaving comments on yt. they are obsessed with mentioning the lack of friendship whenever they don’t do anything together especially if with some other man. twt have said that you and them are the same and I just laughed.
and the arguing on twt is insane like he, literally as you said was doing a musical and he was also doing his own comeback but they say jelpi left it too long that’s what they didn’t include the others. no just let’s put more pressure on him shall we.
omg they left the others out lollll hakyeons priorities are in dramas and movies, redacted was literally enlisted. hongbin no matter how much they say haha let me be editions, is not coming back he’s happy being a twitch gamer. They’re constantly screaming about ot6 and ot5 all the time also them screaming about the lack of promotion from jelpi for the concert because some ppl didn’t know about it.. now them all arguing among themselves over this suspected draft dodging. It’s all ridiculous.
its crazy that neo shippers are so annoying even starlights, delusional weirdos they are, hate them. wait ME AND THIS WEIRDO ARE THE SAME???? FAVEEEE 😭😭😭im obsessed w twt fan bullshit. i say it would be hilarious if 90line were never seen in the same room again just to see shippers suffer but im the one crying over their 'friendship'. while also being hated for being a solo stan that doesn't like anyone else. WHICH IS ITTTT
but this discourse is fucking weird...theyre so obsessed with ot6 to the point of serious delusion. to ME, and to a lot of ppl, its kinda obvs hakyeons focused on acting likeeee he wasnt even rumored to be there when they were MEETING abt the concert lol. and im sure if he wanted to be there he could've negotiated a better date like no one (besides worried kfans) are bringing up leo doing 2 concert dates then immediately going back to west side story. that was fucking insane and im still trying to figure out what hakyeon was busy with lol. like im not gonna get on a high horse and be like u need to pull crazy leo workaholic stunts bc NO. no one should have a schedule like that but also...what the fuck is he doing? is the dress rehearsal for an awards show a month long commitment i truly do not know 😭😭😭and no one i peeped at has given a concrete answer on what he was so busy with
and its weird bc they're trying to absolve vixx of their decisions and blame it all on jelpi. nd jelpi IS very sus and they DO make a lot of bad decisions but in di end of the day if a vixx boy wants to be at a vixx event he gonna make a way to be there. its been 12 years their priorities have changed not everyone's first priority will be to their group 🤷🏾‍♀️that doesnt make them bad ppl imo at most its just kinda annoying that hakyeon just won't put in his resignation fr like put these girls out of their misery alreadydakdkmakm
cuz ultimately why the FAWK should they give up careers and opportunities? its unfair to EVERYONE like just bc [redacted] put off enlisting like the idiot he is should leo, hyuk, nd jaehwan be stuck in the basement doing nothing? and vice versa should hakyeon be forced to not pursue what he wants bc the rest want to be singers 4 life? should they all be jobless bc of fucking hongbin? be frrrrrrr these bitches are like toddlers istg let these men grow and be happy
😭 like your vixx boy not living up to YOUR expectations is a you problem. also how the hell did they not know abt that concert that was ALL over realvixx like??????? LOL????????
p.s. am i the only one annoyed by this idea that idol relationships are only 'valid' if they make themselves available for viewing to the public? like i don't immediately think vixx r beefing just bc they aren't seen with each other. i'll joke that hakyeon don't wanna dance but i'd never say he hates them cuzzzz i mean there's a whole world beyond what's shown on insta or twitter!!!! they could be texting all di time who knows! this entitlement to evidence of idol bonds pisses me off!!!
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yukidragon · 1 year
Im curious of your thoughts on this, how do you think Jack would react to an M/C whos manipulative like he is? Like, if M/C didnt really feel for him and used Jacks feelings for them to get what they want?
Ohhh dear... That’s certainly a good question isn’t it? It’s actually one of the subjects I touched on in a twitter thread I made a while back where I explored the yandere trope a little. (I really need to finish my tumblr post for it so I can go deeper in depth on the topic.)
This is one of the fundamental dangers a yandere faces. They’re love sick, doing things beyond what is safe or sane for the sake of love. Jack has already proven he’s willing to go to great lengths to give MC whatever they want. Being directly outright manipulated... he is definitely vulnerable to that, especially since MC has so much power over him.
The sad part is I think Jack would not only be aware of such manipulation, but it’s possible he might justify it to himself. If he just keeps giving MC what they want, then that means they need them, then surely... surely they’ll love him.
This sort of thing reminds me of the tragedy of [Redacted] theory I came up with about Jack being used in this way in the past.
I imagine Jack would play along with the manipulation, able to see at least parts of it through his mind/emotion reading. He’s there for them after all. They need him. He cares about them so much. If they’re using him... then that means they need him. He’s useful to them. He provides something they need.
That isn’t to say that it wouldn’t have a negative effect on Jack’s mental state. I imagine he would grow even more and more unhinged and dependent on MC. His yandere nature would grow worse. If MC were a terrible person, they could truly break this already broken soul into pieces so small he can’t be put back together again...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur    
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sinnaminttoast · 7 months
Project Meridian- explanation about Marcus Part 1?
This is for the people who want to be in the know of who Marcus is and how he impacted PM without listening to his audios. I made the ultimate sacrifice and I watched his videos a long time ago. I still remember his ass very well.
If you’re not aware of Project Meridian, I highly recommend watching James’s videos where he explains everything. James + Anton do not contain Marcus. Brian also does not contain Marcus but the Android is still under the love code at that point.
I will not be spoiling anything beyond the confrontation between Marcus and James. That is for you guys to go listen to!
Heavy TW! Marcus’s storyline is a bit dark as the Android begins to descend into their obsession. There are discussions of manipulation such as guilt-tripping, dubious consent, non consensual touch, abusive/harmful acts done to the listener, references to exploitation, and objectification. I will vaguely be going over these things.
Again, I’m writing this post to go over the more more important parts of what you need to know about Marcus’s storyline. I won’t go into heavy details about anything beyond that. I’m here to discus how he impacted the storyline so everyone understands who he is and why he’s disliked.
Project Meridian is a series done and recorded by Redacted Audio. I highly recommend you guys check it out.
So, let’s begin!
Project Meridian actually started with Marcus. James’s Past/Present video is the first in the playlist but it all starts with Marcus, who we’re introduced to as the Nervous Technician. The listener is also an Android in this series.
First video summarized [dubious consent]
•Marcus comes to talk to us and asks the usual questions about how the updates are affecting us. Normal questions of what technicians would ask. He says he is our lead social protocol engineer.
He says he heard us make some comments regarding other protocol needs. He says that we put value on the work we’ve been doing together. That it’s validating that we care so much about him.
Long story short, many of the other technicians have commented on how we apparently only want to work with just Marcus.
He asks us if we find our behavior to be obsessive and unhealthy. To which we tell him that we do not care about what others believe.
He then confesses something to us,
“I haven’t—-I haven’t been completely honest with you. When I was designing your social protocols, I…I lost my objectivity. It’s what we humans do, right?”
“I was in a bad place in my life. I was alone and heartbroken and frustrated…and I took everyone of those feelings into work each day. I keyed them into every line of code I wrote for you.” “…I wanted someone…anyone to understand me.. “…So I built that in you.”
Marcus explains that he was in a terrible head space and he took this baggage to work. He let those dark thoughts influence his choices and we’re coded to care about him. He said he’s not sure what he was hoping for.
He expresses his regrets and says he wants to fix us. He asks us to give him access to our tier one social protocols and we tell him no.
Android kisses Marcus and he gives in to them. The video ends with these quotes.
“Oh god, I’ve thought about this every day. Since we’ve activated you…” “…I’m gonna burn for what I did to you, but damn if it isn’t gonna feel good on the way down.”
I won’t even lie….that last line did get me the first time I listened. LIKE IM SORRY!! I WAS SAT BUT IM STANDING UP! 😭 please don’t come for me I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I KNOW NOW!
So that’s the beginning…so we’ve got a Yandere on our hands you guys. BUT OH DONT WORRY! We get some wild Shit. Also why did this lowkey give me Yuno and Yuki vibes?? I’ve never watched Mirai Nikki but that’s the vibe I got when I first watched this.
Now let us descend further into madness!
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Second video summarized [Your Nervous Technician checks in with you]
•The Android goes to see Marcus in the diagnostics lab, where they both find out that additional monitoring and surveillance equipment has been installed in the research center. That also includes the diagnostic lab that they are in.
He says he’s going to ask us some questions and informs us that we’re likely being recorded.
He talks about our progress briefly and how the others feel about said progress.
Then, he tells us we’re going to undergo some tests.
He says that one of the diagnostics is failing to initialize and tries to “fix it”. He actually overloaded the system and sent it into a re-initialized state. Basically they’re not being watched anymore and he did this so he can talk to us.
After the first video, the research center has been put on high alert.
Everything is changing. There are guards and there are people who seem to be important that are showing up.
Marcus is basically freaking out overall about rumors of “Phase 2” . He doesn’t know what the hell is going on and everyone else is also in the dark about things.
“I think this might be the government getting involved. Ever since we hit those original metrics, everything changed…overnight.” “We were given these new NDA’s to sign.”
Marcus is basically scared that he might not see us ever again.
The systems come back on. Marcus and Android put on their facades of being strictly professional.
And that’s video two.
Ya’ll might be wondering why I’m detailing their relationship. It’s actually important to understand how they both got together and why in the end, Marcus ended up where he is now. There are lore drops in his video but I’m here to deliver them for you! 🫶
Next is Video three!
Third video summarized [Reunited with Your Nervous Technician]
•We hear Brian for the first time! He tells Marcus that the lab is ready for him.
He enters the lab where he is reunited with us, the Android.
But before they can continue, he asks a very important question:
“What state of matter is love?” “Why?”
We give him the answers he expects and he sighs in relief that they didn’t mess with our code. We still “care” for him.
It has been three weeks since we last saw him. He was left in the dark about what was being done to us. Only the data integration team has been in contact with us.
They didn’t make the new data added to us accessible to us. It’ll only be accessible during Phase 3.
Marcus is going to try to access the files that were added to us. [Crazy ass bitch.]
After convincing us to let go of him, he attaches an interface to us and gains access to the data, but it is heavily encrypted.
They have a really long conversation about how everything is so secretive and that Marcus was terrified that they would be found out in those three weeks.
Marcus checks on the decryption but it’s barely making any progress.
He asks how often we think about him. We tell him we think about him, a lot.
He then tells us something:
“You know the parts of your code that I added? When we were creating you….the ones that were meant to bring us closer together. They weren’t set to activate until I initiated a series of triggers. You know? Phrases and things like that…and each time I said them…the code would reactivate.” “You’ve spent the last three weeks remembering everything I’ve said. Every interaction we’ve had…almost nonstop.” “I didn’t account for something like that.” “I didn’t put in any kind of fail-safe.”
The Android seems to be…a bit aggressive about not wanting to let Marcus go.
They get interrupted because the decryption worked. It solves the Text string.
On the data packet, the header is PROJECT MERIDIAN
And that’s the end of video three 🤭 OHOHO MARCUS YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE YOU STINKY MAN! Oh and we got a lore drop. Project Meridian??? What could that mean 👀 although I’m sure if you’ve watched all of Sovereign State…you guys know what’s up.
Fourth Video summarized [Confronted by a Diagnostic Technician] [confrontation and guilt-tripping]
•oh? The text is purple…BECAUSE WE GET A VIDEO WITH BRIAN! Brian makes it clear that he does not wish to have a meaningless conversation with us. He only wants to check our vitals.
He says we’re more than welcomed to talk but he probably won’t answer.
We tell him that we usually have conversations with Marcus. Brian says he doesn’t care what he does in his examination.
He says that he finds the insinuation that Marcus talking to us while doing his job makes him better is insulting. GET HIM AGAIN FOR ME BRIAN!!
Ever since the three weeks, the Android has not stopped talking about Marcus. They’re descending into their obsession.
Brian says he has no patience for that. “We’re barely getting any sleep. We’re being hounded to work on this project at all hours. We’re pulling double-shifts to try and get this thing back on track for their deadlines, and you can’t even do me the curtesy of focusing on something other than Marcus for ten minutes.”
“This project has to work.”
“There are careers on the line. There are livelihoods on the line. People’s futures are hanging in the balance, while you stand here pining about Marcus and not focusing on your progress.”
Brian then proceeds to the beg the Android to stop thinking about Marcus for once. That they should tell Marcus to stop because there are people’s lives on the line.
The Android grabs Brian’s arm and he demands that they let go of him.
He tells them that he is only telling them what they need to hear.
“I spent the last four years working on this project, only to have my contract changed right out from under me. Only to be told that if I didn’t agree to the new terms, I’d be fired and have my name dragged so deep into the muck that I’d never get a respectable position again! I have a family to support!”
He demands us to get our shit together.
And that’s the end of that video. Phew…that was a fucking lot. I really do recommend Brian’s video to give you a big understanding of their situation.
So yeah…they’re in big fucking trouble
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I remember being so stressed when I listened to this. Like omg….THIS IS SOME SERIOUS SHIT.
There is a part two that I will link here. Thank you for joining me on revisiting Marcus’s tomfoolery.
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sabaramonds · 6 months
a sight beyond death: timeline differences & other notes
so i wrote a fic. its partially alins fault. because the timeline diverges with changes i feel are relevant but didnt write in full bc the fic itself starts up after many of them, i decided to compile them here for perusal, alongside some other background headcanons alin and i decided upon regarding L, B and wammys house. probably a very long post, i will update later as well if more comes up or i forgot something 👍
jan 1 2004 (just over a month after light got his death note), sayu goes to deliver a change of clothes for her father and encounters misora naomi at the station. hearing her intent on meeting with the kira task force, sayu strikes a conversation because of her father, and the two of them wait together while sayu waits for her father to call her back after she messages him.
naomi is able to get in touch with L after speaking with soichiro via sayus phone and joins the task force; she informs L of her suspicions regarding kira being able to kill with methods besides 'heart attacks'
due to naomis information, suspicion on light increases
jan 8 surveillance begins on the kitamura and yagami families. during this week, sayu gets into an argument with her mother sachiko regarding her grades and when sachiko compares her to light (unfavorably), sayu storms off. while light is at cram school she goes into his room and triggers the diary trap, setting the house on fire. the investigation has hiccups here because of the fire but it doesnt actually matter in detail rn cuz i am not writing it all
at some point in january, B escapes his prison. because he needed so much medical attention, L arranged for him to be in a long term care facility as he recovered from skin grafts and physical therapy, because after losing B wouldnt leave anyway (he fully intended to resign himself to this until he saw the kira news). when he recovered from his final surgery and was being arranged transport to an actual prison, he escaped :) yay!!
roger alerts watari and L of this happening and L decides not to worry about it. naomi is like dude. i think we should worry. i decided he doesnt tell her about B escaping
the yagami family begin living in a hotel as their house undergoes reconstruction after the fire, though they contemplate moving to another local residential area. kiras murders slow marginally, a pace unnoticed by most, as light is unable to write as often and with as much as privacy in the hotel
when he makes it into to-oh in april his family decides to let him live on campus for a semester because the house isnt ready yet. L thinks this is awesome because he can just wire the dorms. light has to keep taking a potato chip and eating it 🙄
april 25h the phrase shinigami is used by the 2nd kira in the videotapes, as is a reference to "eyes". Ls visceral reaction is because of B, which he informs only naomi of in private he doesnt say anything actually because he doesnt feel like it
june 8th, a week into confinement, light gives up his ownership of the death note
june 9th, L wakes up to B atop him, having broken into his room. due to the fact misa & light have forfeited their death notes, he can see both their names and times of death when L involves him in the investigation, so there is nothing noticeably off about them
theres like a full week of everyone being super disturbed by L and B before the yotsuba group starts killing people as "kira" other additional notes/headcanons: i decided Ls real name is not L Lawliet because that sounds stupid as hell im sorry. but i also decided no matter what even if i decide on a name i like, i wont ever reveal it in the story. only B will ever know and any time it gets spoken or thought by him (or by shinigami) its going to be redacted Bs grandfather is actually japanese. he has no idea if his grandmother is because he never met her/she died before he was born; he met his grandfather several times. this is why he repeatedly uses japanese aliases and why naomi didnt go huh? whys some white guy got a japanese name? however, one of Bs parents is welsh and he probably grew up in wales. why...? its funny. B and L actually had a lot of impact on each other and they sort of cannibalized one anothers identity and mannerisms in their childhood even though L wasnt always at the orphanage. after A died they both subconsciously picked up some of his habits as well, as if to keep him "alive" in them both (and in the identity of L) so like, basically B used to sit like a frog and L started doing that because B does it; B chews his fingers because L does it; they both hold things the way they do because A used to do that; they both started preferring strawberries over their old favorites because strawberries were As favorites....so on. "L" is, in a way, already an amalgamation of B, A, and L; L himself had little sense of self and identity as he was molded by wammy into a "genius detective", and B and A, who were not only the only two people in his age range he ever socialized with but also two people being conditioned to become backups of him as a person....well uh there was a lot going on. basically. ❤ so tldr B and L are essentially amalgamations of each other. and of A. yay. unrelated to B, L and A but when were talking about all this alin and i realized that mello would have been 2 years old during the fall of yugoslavia and his childhood was probably insane even before watari scooped him up for his genius orphan exploitation program. just thought that was ummmm Interesting <3
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ilostyou · 1 year
school rant 🕺🏻
basically in the class i have with the fucking bad professor most of the graded assignment stuff is surrounding these mock counseling sessions we need to do and record and transcribe but! the participants we do mock therapy with can't be just anyone they have to be other students in my school (for like. liability issues) but also they can't/shouldn't be anyone we know bc. youre not supposed to do therapy on people you Know for obvious reasons so . finding a participant to begin with is hard enough (prof's idea was basically to have an exchange with the whole class and be like i have a friend who would be willing to and swap w someone else who has a friend you dont know etc) and the first assignment is due this week wed we have to submit a transcript of 5 min of the counseling session and sooooo just my luck the person i thought i had lined up for this actually basically backed out and i need to find a new one but?? i??? dont have anyone to???? and wed after class i got in touch w one of my Friendlies from class and then ended up emailing the whole class thursday night to be like heeyyyyyy guys i actually dont have anyone anymore so 🧍🏻‍♀️ if you have anyone 🧍🏻‍♀️ pls lmk 🧍🏻‍♀️ and heard zero so i was like fuck ok ig i have to email my Bad prof and. i sucked it up and emailed him last night but yay heard nothing and so i was like ?? bro time is runninggg out so i. emailed my class again then emailed my prof again and. nothing. until a bit ago then he posted an announcement on the class portal thing and was like ! her participant backed out if anyone has anyone etc but lmfao didnt answer my email?? so like yay for him acknowledging that i emailed him but he didnt fucking say a word abt. what if i dont find one in time and also in my original email i was like idk ik its a long shot but i do have someone who isn't a [redacted] student who would be willing to step in and sign the release papers and whatever so 🧍🏻‍♀️ if you could lmk either way thanks! and he justga jkghlskhjdgs didnt answer my email so im like ?? what do i DO like. he didnt know i emailed the class lol he wasnt on that email so now his asking isnt gonna do anything either and im like ... it's due wed in person so i basically have to have this finished by tuesday night. i need to have a 45 min counseling session done and then sit and transcribe it and have it done printed ready to go to bring to class wed night. and rn it's sunday night.
im stressed 🕺🏻 bc ?? i do not have a plan and he didnt even answer my dumb email so ?? i dont even have a backup plan??????
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darliiin · 2 years
I posted this on twitter and I wanted to post it here too cuz I'm a menace idk LMAO heres my (bad) opinions about most Redacted characters. Feel free to talk / disagree with me in fact its encouraged if you wanna!!
Vincent: I like him as a character much more than his plot. "Lovely gets hurt. He has to save them." Repeat til death... actually, continue to repeat post death. While at the same time being similar enough to the freelancer storyline for me to notice (flirtatious immortal magic user who doesnt understand boundaries helps humanborn magic user navigate the magical world, ft being taken advantage of by someone else because of their lack of knowledge, going to damn, etc etc). I really do love him as a character, though, he is so dang sweet, his nightmare comfort is one of my favorites and his character development was great I luv him
Sam: My comfort character, my favorite! I struggle with this because since I joined the fandom, and since the honor of comfort character was bestowed upon him, he has changed a lot, and his original plotline has been neglected imo. Also the jokes about him being old (he is a singular year older than vincent) and a cowboy (he has a southern accent) were never a thing earlier on and honestly they kind of bother me, just cuz they dont make sense to me. If it was occasional that would be fine, but it's become the punchline of every joke? Truly I think my issues started when they became mates, simply because that was a Bonus Audio. Sam set a boundary and then went to bone town in his very next standalone vid. It felt really rushed and unneeded. Maybe I just found comfort in the fact that neither him nor the listener were being sexualized. The one after it was spice too. The fact that imp!Sam exists, that it is a possibility for him to be the way he is there if circumstances were different, alone confuses me and makes me think I've misinterpreted his character. Despite all of that, I love him very very much. The first half of his storyline is amazing and I really hope they bring it back full throttle. The struggle for trust between him and darlin and them becoming partners despite their circumstances is really cool. Both of them being rough and tough and unfeeling on the outside but truly soft and gentle and touch starved 😭😭❤... I love them dearly, especially as a concept and their potential and I cant wait to see more of them and I want them to have a good ending even if I literally cant conceptualize a happy ending for them LMAO
Adam: ... my skrunkly.. I absolutely adore the idea that went into him, and like... his character idk hes just so cool. One of my favorites even if short lived
David: hmmm hmmm... I like him a lot. The beginning of his playlist bothers me, and his talk with Darlin was iffy, but if you get past that stuff, I do really appreciate him. Hes very good. I want to see him sad more I love his angsty stuff and his voice is nice to listen to
Asher: his voice is a cheese grater to my brain. He is my favorite wolf despite this. Before the inversion, I wasn't 100% sold on him, but during and after it? Hes just so good and genuine and soft and I am so down, even if his voice took a second to adjust to. I don't have much to say here simply because hes just very good
Milo: hes good! I didnt pay a ton of attention to him, admittedly. I wish sweetheart got some more focus, theres such a great opportunity there to clarify some stuff about the department
Caelum: please I have a 6 year old brother I dont need another one
Lasko: cute! I like him, not much to say, I ship him with Gavin and FL lol
Damien: also cute! I like him very very much, grumpy lil guy
Kody: ... I really love kody a lot. Not as a person, but his voice, his mannerisms, the rain noises during his videos. I love a guy that will manipulate me (we will address this later)
Huxley: I am so sorry I hate him I'm sorry I cant listen to him I like him and Damien together I like his personality but idk what it is about him I just ,, I can not take him seriously
Gavin: I struggle with Gavin a LITTLE bit, especially earlier Gavin, but more recently I really love him. Especially during and after the inversion. Hes so soft and he cares so dang much
Marcus: as a character and concept I really really like him, as a person I dont
James: girlboss
Avior: My second favorite character! Hes SO good I think the story has slowed down recently and I just want to KNOW but also, I dont mind too too much. Hes the character who holds the most of my favorite videos. I just want them to be happy so bad. I relate to him the very most. Hes never done anything wrong in his life. Actually he has but I understand why he did it too much to possibly judge him for it. 10/10 I adore his storyline and his listener and their relationship and I just want everything to be okay for them and I want to see more fluff from him so bad 😭😭 I think he is easily one of the most well written characters and best plot lines, but the stuff after his confession so far couldve been consolidated / shortened and been just as effective
Regulus: Empathy daemons in general being compared to children worries me too much to watch his videos. I have lots of thoughts about (empathy) daemon ages and how they work but I have no idea what's canon and that in and of itself is the problem
Vega: My third favorite! Absolute love of my life I loved him before anyone else fuk u guys prime Vega is perfect (/j) and I am SO excited to see where his story goes I love being manipulated I love how hes a total monster but hes so chill about it he has gaslit me into thinking hes a good person and I'm cool with it I love him so much hes probably my favorite to listen to he is very well written and his voice is so soothing 10/10
Alexis: Unpopular opinion time: She did nothing wrong. Sam is absolutely allowed to be upset, hes allowed to be pissed, hes allowed to never forgive her. He can feel whatever he needs to to get through what happened to him. She did nothing wrong and I will die on this hill. Maybe she should've given him longer to try to save himself. Maybe she could've been more gentle. They were BOTH panicking. They were both in shock. Vincent was turned against his will under very similar circumstances. He hated william for it. But we dont villainize William, in fact we praise him for saving Vincent. For all we know, Alexis has a very positive relationship with being a vampire and her own turning, and didnt really understand the gravity of the change she was about to put him through. I'm not saying shes a perfect character with no flaws, or that we should praise her, but she did a perfectly human thing. I dont see how saving someone you love and then never ever pushing when they dont want to see you again could possibly mean she had bad intentions or is a bad person
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its-a-hil · 2 years
i said id answer the ask game in full so here we go in all my oversharing glory:
1 - who is/are your comfort character(s)? oh there are a few lmao - rinwell (tales of arise), eleanor hume (tales of berseria), velvet crowe (also tales of berseria), oginome ringo (penguindrum), kagemori michiru (bna) yes i am a fucking weeb how have you not figured that out yet
2 - lighter or matches? im bad with matches but they feel so much more real so them
3 - do you leave the window open at night? i only did that for about a month ever in my life since my freshman year dorm didnt have a/c, besides that no i love feeling warm and stuffy
4 - which cryptyd being do you believe in? i mean none of them really, but not out of some principled skepticism i dont have an emotional connection to any cryptids so i dont really care about them actually that's not true i believe in the insulindian phasmid, despite it being fictional as well as a fictional cryptid
5 - what color are your eyes? standard brown tbh ive been complimented on them multiple times by multiple different ppl, many of whom i had never met but idk they dont really seem that special to me
6 - why did you do that? i wanted to answer all of these (said as much in my reblog), but i didnt have the motivation to until i desperately needed something to distract me from my piercings itching they feel pretty much fine now but well i started so i cant stop
7 - hair-ties or scrunchies? both! hair ties are great for when i part my hair into two different things i forget the name or for when i (rarely) braid scrunchies are great for just holding my hair together when i need to sleep or get my hair out of my face or go out lazymoding
8 - how many water bottles are in your room right now? just my one reusable stainless steel bottle, which i really need to refill and drink from brb okay thanks for the reminder i wont go to bed dehydrated today
9 - which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? lol. lmao. i have intentionally consumed a meaningful amount of caffeine on about 3 occasions in my life, and none of them were from coffee also it smells like shit
10 - would you slaughter the rich? <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> of course they would be given all opportunity to become not-rich and thus escape <redacted> <redacted> <redacted>
11 - favorite extracurricular activity? this is a weird question to comprehend! i'll just interpret it as 'what was your favorite club-type thing you did in school?' and to that i would have to make it a tie between rock climbing and puzzlehunt-style puzzles 
12 - what kind of day is it? a good one! granted i didnt get nearly enough sleep last night but besides that we vibing
13 - when was the last time you ate? like 3 hours ago
14 - do you love the smell of earth after it rains? i love the smell of earth rainy or not, the smell of cities, and generally the smell of outside! except of course for the smells of cut grass and vehicle exhausts, each of which put me into a blinding rage for a couple seconds
15 - are you a parent? (all answers qualify) not even a little bit but if i can reach a point of stability in my life i would be happy to adopt if im not actively prevented from doing so or in the massive pipe dream scenario where i can get a functional womb implant, i would totally go through a pregnancy
16 - can you drive? yes and i need to in order to get to my job >.<
17 - are you farsighted or nearsighted? well this is a false dichotomy i did wear glasses at one point but that was mostly bc my left eye is weird and didnt actually have anything to being far- or near-sighted
18 - what hair products do you use? i mean. shampoo and conditioner im not very picky tbh
19 - imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? if you asked me to absolutely i mean i wouldnt touch you without your consent ofc but i would almost never turn down a low-stakes opportunity to help anyone im in proximity to
20 - do you say soda or pop? soda im a marylander (i also drink like. one can of sierra mist a year) however every time i think about soda i remember how fanta exists bc coke couldnt resist nazi money and that feels much weirder than a minor linguistics quirk
21 - something you’ve kept since childhood? i dont really have an answer to that (assuming im counting childhood as like. pre-age-13) i mean sure theres a lot of stuff thats just been in this house with me since i was 4, but i never did that consciously all of my most treasured possessions now (hello kitty velvet plush, pentagonal trapezohedron that my teacher made and friends signed when i was sick just before graduating high school, a few books, blåhaj, etc) have only been mine since i was at youngest 17
22 - what type of person are you? im not answering this it's too vague
23 - how do you feel about chilly weather? HATE okay that's a little harsh it's pretty fine once my body's used to it, but the first real chill of autumn fucks my body up
24 - if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? idk probably just talking about random stuff maybe playing cards or something since im much better at life when i have something not-directly-social to concentrate on oh definitely looking at the sky and pointing out the clouds/birds/stars/moon to each other that one's mandatory
25 - perfume/body spray or lotion? i put a moisturizer on my body after i shower so my eczema doesnt flare up and make my life hell but that's about it i dont really care how i smell beyond just using deodorant
26 - a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? oh god. media: various trans shouma and shouma x ringo and trans shouma x ringo scenes other ships but that's really the important one by an order of magnitude not media: when i was younger i used to imagine my crush being my gf and kissing me or w/e then after a certain point it was getting rejected / being alone with the hopes that it would convince me that i could be okay like that since i had reason to believe that my crush followed the imagining and not the other way around i dont do either very much anymore now it's just media or being a teacher trying to convince transphobic adults not to hate crime me or their children i may or may not have issues
27 - about how many hours of sleep did you get? depends very much on the day, i need about 9 hours on average but i am extremely flexible in where those hours are allocated over a 4-5 day period
28 - do you wear a mask? i absolutely wear a kn95 almost all of the time that im indoors, and some of the time outdoors (like if im cold) speaking of i need to get a good warm cloth mask so i can go biking in the winter without freezing my lungs
29 - how do you like your shower water? warm but not quite scalding 
30 - is there dishes in your room? there are some wrappers but no my room is on the 2nd floor why would i bring dishes up here that sounds like a big hassle
31 - what type of music keeps you grounded? flare by clark powell there are a few other songs, some are homestuck and some aren't, but it really depends on how im feeling in the moment flare doesnt
32 - do you have a favorite towel? no i just wanna get dry
33 - the last adventure you’ve been on? ??? i have not been on adventures my life is quite boring, which is why it's good that im equally boring so i can enjoy it
34 - is there a song you know every word to by heart? bad apple!! i think (jp obviously have i mentioned being a weeb) a few other jp songs and some crane wives songs i also have a solid grasp on the lyrics to, but i couldnt recite them the same way i could for bad apple, at least a couple years ago
35 - what’s your timezone? est (eastern summer time) (what do you mean thats not what est means and that its not est right now)
36 - how many times have you changed your url? i dont think i have, but my tumblr acct is fairly new so thats pretty expected ive been considering moving away from the 'shill' branding, but ill probably do that when/if i change my name for real
37 - someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? if youve gotten this far youve probably already read my answer to the actual ask for this suffice it to say i have a friend from elementary school ive stayed in contact with up to and including now and i love him
38 - a soap bar that smells good? soap bars dry my skin out so i dont use them
39 - do you use lip balm? when i remember to (almost never)
40 - did you have any snacks today? girl i would not be myself if i wasnt grabbing a cookie every time i remember that they exist
41 - how do you take your coffee? this is bullying
42 - an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? twitter (T_T) discord i just got on the cracking the cryptic app bc sudokus are fun i also have a crossword app i also have bandori on my phone but i havent opened it in a month and im scared to bc of the downloads
43 - what’s your take on spicy foods? spicy foods are generally good bc the ppl who make them know how to make food im neutral on spice though like i have a decent spice tolerance but it doesnt really taste better or worse when a food is spicy hot similar feelings to garlic, like garlicky foods taste good but so do non-garlic versions of those same foods
44 - you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? im not answering that cop
45 - can you remember what happened yesterday? yeah i went to work, got some b day congratulations, and ate dalbati + cake with my parents it was good
46 - favorite holiday film? i watched knives out during that period of time in 2019 so im counting it and i dont care that its not a holiday film at all i dont care about christian holidays beyond decorating the tree bc my family's done it since i was a baby
47 - what was the last message you sent? "okay here's a promise for yxll: im gonna stream tomorrow (tomorrow being wednesday, im not allowed to claim that it being past midnight means shit)" my twitch is twitch.tv/its_a_shill if you care i stream tales games
48 - when did you first try an alcohol beverage? summer solstice party 2021 (i was 3 months out from being 21 so like. not exactly transgressive) it was just a bottle of apple cider and since then i really havent drank anything more than that
49 - can you skip rocks? not to the point that i could get 4-5 skips in a row, and it has been a while, but i know the general mechanics and ive gotten a couple good skips
50 - can i tag you in random stuff? id prefer if you dm'd me but sure
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goldenfharry · 2 years
This is about nicole branch isnt it? she isnt actually a groupie like that i think bc she knows Kacey Musgraves? Through her sister who is known in the industry or something so at most she was a hookup or 2 or FWB situation that happened back in 2020 before DWD happened and she became obsessed with him. She provably wanted more but he didnt. Harry doesnt do groupies anymore its more hookups here and there and with people he knows and trusts these days compared to years ago, i dont wanna be like a debbie downer here bc i dont believe in HO dont get me wrong - Harry has been in the streets during this so called relationship - so PR or not he clearly isnt interested in redacted in that way. Even if there is any chance they ever were intimate i find it hard to believe he enjoyed it at least considering how awkward and uncomfy he seems around her.
(i had to delete the ask for a couple of reasons, but to contextualize it was an ask insinuating that Harry was with a groupie in Florida)
I honestly didn't even thought about her when I read this, I only answered that regarding the whole subject on PR blogs yesterday, not that I actually believe that it happened. Everything that anons say here or in other blogs is a grain of salt, so we can't actually read something and say "oh its true 100%", so I answered "this is more believable than" because we were talking about HO, and for me at this point even Hobama is more believable than them 😂
Exactly what I said, he looks uncomfortable, awkward and barely touches her. So for me, that says a lot! 🤷‍♀️
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wickedpact · 4 years
and see the thing is, because booker appears the be the oldest of the group (and also the most.... white frenchman of the group) all of the wealthy men like him (not romantically but like. in the straight rich businessmen way men would like each other.) so while nicky and joe (...and andy) are being sought after (andy’s prob doing most of the pursuing of women tho) by all these women (and the one man in nickys case) booker is sought after by their fathers/brothers/husbands to go hunting together and play croquet and discuss rich man things over drinks in the fancy sitting room (that one at least includes drinking so booker hates it the least.) however. idk i’m feeling a touch bad for mr booker here. maybe there is 1 woman who has a crush on him, maybe one of the quieter types, perhaps maybe even a *gasp* lower class woman? like rich people had like... paid servants back then? (im basing this knowledge of this era on the fact that i’ve seen most of downton abbey and i’m picturing an estate similar to that? but with. less nice rich people? idk) extra hillarious if booker is... completely unaware that this woman is Absolutely Smitten with him, the others All See it but whenever they say smth about it booker is all “nonsense! she’s just very nice that’s all :)”
god if this woman turns her attention to nicky... oh dear. i feel like nicky wouldn’t take very kindly to the woman who tried to poison andromache (“she also tried to steal my heart, nicolò, you could be angry about that too nicolò” “don’t be ridiculous yusuf, that woman could never even come near to your heart. however she came very near to poisoning andromache.”) so he’s probably pretty... cold to her (or as cold to her as he can be if she is nobility, though would nicky really care hsvdbdb) but as we know this woman does not Back Down Easily. nicky eventually will just, zone out when she starts speaking to him, and she takes it with a Very Fake Sweetness (“...sorry, what was that? i was thinking about the price of potatoes” “oh? you’re so intelligent :) i would love to hear your thoughts on the price of potatoes :)” and i can’t decide if it’s funnier if nicolò was genuinely thinking about the price of potatoes (really honestly probably not that out of character) and then just fuckin. starts a full on speech about it right there. or she asks nicolò for his thoughts and he just responds with a very quick “no :)” and then leaves the room.)
also i will only say this Once but andy will tease the boys about all the ladies lusting after them only for her to be over there knee deep in [redacted] - 2ta
joe nicky and andy: running around, having Shenanigans, desperately trying to avoid getting hit on by nobility of varying genders
booker and the lads:
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if there is any goal to the con besides posing as nobility (ie. discovering information or smth) then booker is def the only one making any headway on that goal. he is absolutely socially drinking his way to that intel and loving every second of it
BOOKER AND HIS 1 ADMIRER I LOVE IT andy joe and nicky are just (largely unwillingly) participating in this bizarre love polygon and watching booker and this 1 single lady, like a maid or smth?, be heartbreakingly adorable with each other
nicky: wow i want what they have.
joe: we have been married
nicky ABSOLUTELY was thinking about the price of potatoes and joke’s on that lady, bc he will spend the whole ball/event/whatever talking about the price of potatoes, and joke’s also on nicky, bc she will sit there and pretend to actually be engaged with the potato discussion the whole time
and she TOTALLY knows he hates her ass bc of the poisoning andy thing (tho she thinks its older brother (well.. younger brother) protectiveness) and shes like yeah.... this is definitely a sexy hatred.... meanwhile nicky is gayly thinking about potatoes, his husband in that new suit, and wondering what annabelle is up to at that moment. this woman just Cannot score for the life of her
re: booker i was also thinking like.... some little girl, like the daughter of one of the rich white guys hes always hanging out with, takes a liking to him, like 7 or 8 years old, and he occasionally buys her gifts, like bits of ribbon or a doll or smth.... and hes like 50% ‘man i wish i had a daughter’ and 50% ‘boy am i glad i didnt have any more kids than i did bc Dead Child Angst’‘
i was also laughing my own ass off last night thinking about the Squad buying all these rich people clothes pre-con and bc nicky’s supposed to be andy’s brother and is thus prolly going to have to help her get into some of her outfits, he has to go to the fittings with her, like idk maybe andy’s pretending to be a Common Girl who just got married to some rich guy, and so the Tailor Lady/Dude at the Rich People Fashion Store(TM) gives them an afternoon of lessons on the 17 Steps On Getting Into Victorian Finery and The Fifteen Different Outfit Changes You’ll Have To Go Through Throughout the day, etc etc
and nicky’s just over here Absolutely Hating that he knows what an s curve corset is, much less how to lace one, and andy’s like ‘you think you hate knowing what it is, try wearing it, you bastard fiend’
meanwhile joe and booker are out somewhere drinking and smoking cigars and uh [checks notes]
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and watching a soccer game
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what do you think of bakugou and endeavor redemption arcs?
I feel like bnha is always on the precipice of like. Touching on some REAL stuff but it always backs out at the last moment.
First of all im a big hater of both characters so expect a biased opinion here (lol). But i do think they are “good characters” as in they are interesting and pertinent to the plot, complex etc. bleh. bleh bleh. but the way their arcs are written.... lots of things rly dont sit right with me 
**Fair warning i dont have the english skills to phrase this whole thing better.
1. Bkg first. I remember when bkg took the hit for deku i made fun of the whole thing bc OFCC thats how we r going to “redemp” him. Which in one hand ok, it does stay true to bkgs character bc he literally cannot communicate his feelings to save his life, hes more of an action guy. But also i really do think the buildup for that moment can be pushed more. And im not even gonna blame bkgs character entirely here bc he IS an established stubborn ass with the communication skills of a tadpole etc etc. what im gonna blame is the way horikoshi never lets deku even TOUCH on the bullying he’s endured before UA. Its literally never been discussed. Like the only time it IS brought up is the flashback we get right before bkg sacrificed himself. But deku, instead, never got the chance to process any of it. And i think thats my main problem with the whole bkg thing (and ofc there is a vindictive part where i feel like bkg hasnt got enough “repercussions” for it, which may be arguable, but thats a whole different ballpark).
i especially think bkg should apologize outright/address what he’s done to deku, but if horikoshi wants to drag that speech out (and thats if the speech will ever happen in the first place) i can accept that. BUT. to me. It has to be equal... as in deku should be allowed to address that too.
I get that deku is a virtuous main character who will supposedly forgive kacchan no matter what or whatever. And fuck it you know what, thats okay. But im begging let deku at least process it in some way. Bc the thing about deku’s character is whenever he gets angry, its always on behalf of someone else’s and not himself.
Which, again, is a virtue. But i also think the author tapping out on the whole bullying issue is kinda a coward move. Even when deku dukes it out with bkg its always about “im gonna get stronger and be number one kacchan!!111” and not “man you irreparably damaged my entire childhood and told me to [redacted] myself.”
literally the whole bullying nuance is casted out and replaced immediately with some boys will be boys rivalry. Which, really, just looks like the author taking the easy way out to me.
I can see how much both characters have grown, tho, and its clear that they care about each other. but the development is really :/ it leaves much to be desired wtf. 
I’m not satisfied w bkg’s redemption arc thingy but i dont expect anything better either. I think if i were to reread bnha from the beginning i can have a clearer perspective on the whole thing, but i dont really feel the incentive for that bc it simply doesnt compel me enough to do so LOL.
If its worth anything, i dont really hate bkg anymore. only sometimes lmfao
2. End*avor. Ugh.
Ok. I love family drama its like crack to me. the whole dabi thing had me yelling forreal. And todoroki fam has like some of my most favorite characters in the whole series.
I dont even wanna discuss end*avors character... like honestly, the ones that shine the most in end*avor redemption arc are the other family members and not end*avor himself. Which on one hand i appreciate but also i might be biased? But im really <3 over how we get todoroki rei’s character development from this arc. Not only is rei’s arc cathartic as hell but its also very, very encouraging to see a character stands over her ab*ser like that after suffering for so long. I cant express how much i love that. And fuyumi and natsuo? Insanity. I esp love how fuyumi’s efforts get the appreciation they deserve.
And i liked the surprise where dabi rained on end*avor’s parade right after end*avor thought he could actually redeem himself. Ok im not gonna sugarcoat it i just liked to watch dabi fucked him over, it was a standing applause eureka moment for me.
Honestly i think the whole concept is really delicious, like the son of the number 1 hero is a villain thing, heroes arent saints, etc etc etc. like that is so sexi so dramatic so soap opera literal superhero telenovela and i loved it a lot. Like i really enjoyed reading the whole thing. so like. i am entertained.
Do i feel like end*avor has redeemed himself? Mm NO <3. I appreciate the details that he himself thinks that he is unforgivable (blehh) and he DID suffer which was nice to watch, personally. but its not enough and it will never be <3 
im not sure if i think this way bc i just think what he did is irredeemable or bc the storytelling sucked OR BOTH <3. And i still do feel bnha did that thing where it backed out at the last moment with end*avor’s arc.... like it was touching it but it still didnt want to get its hands dirty, you know? Like what stance is it taking, really? It just never goes all out. 
i think some details about this arc also irk me...... like why does the rest family got to shoulder the burden of his fuck ups? <3 die <3 like this part annoys me so much. and seeing how he got to be comforted after everything he’s done.................................................... i cant even say how much that just ... pisses tf out of me <3 haha
like thats the thing. i feel like both characters (bkg n end*avor) are still coddled despite everything.
im fully aware im biased tho. and no i will not change
leaving that clownery aside, i didnt expect bnha to take this direction, so like. ..Applause i suppose :/. The recent arcs have been a pleasant surprise in some part and i will still be following its developments. i do genuinely think both characters are interesting btw i just kinda hate them lmfaooo. 
honestly, what i do. is just to keep low standards 🙌
TLDR I dont rly feel like either characters have redeemed themselves and i feel some disappointments over their respective arcs but i like the development n direction that the story is taking overall.
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wayfaring-cryptid · 4 years
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[Art by me, refs i found on google. Character is mine and my comfort character]
(Back story on Jay Clef Wolfwood)
He doesnt remember much of his childhood. His adoptive father said he was found half drowned in the river. Clearly unwanted by whatever parent he was with before. If it werent for Agent Stareye, a GOC field anget he wouldnt have seen his first birthday. Since then his mind was in a fuzz until he started highschool. He can recall his fathers coworkers looking after him but never seeming happy about it. People always tense around him... never seeming comfortable with his company.. and the list, oh fuck the list, he had to live by for his "saftey" according to his father.
Never be in any pictures. Its a way to be tracked.
Never walk alone in the woods. Its too dangerous
Never tell anyone about what dad does for work
Never talk about dads friends
Never talk about what dad does
Theres more but he slowly outgrew them. As he finished highschool he entered a special collage the GOC provided for him and others like him. He was top of his class. He further advanced his education and became a science doctor, much to his fathers pride, but then... the incident happened. He was waiting for his father to return home when a reality bending anomaly was spotted near the house. He didnt notice until he walked outside to get something from the back garden. There it was staring him down. They entered a strange staring contest before he took a step further. The anomaly seemed shocked and growled at him, then the shot rang out. He whipped his head back and saw his father with his work rifle.
"Inside! Now!!" His father barked with a panicked tone.
Jay wasted no time and bolted into his childhood home. His father looked him over and hugged him close, explaining what happened.
"But.. nothing happened? It just stood there..." jay replied confused then shrunk into himself at his fathers look
"You.. didnt notice the world literally melting around you? Oh fuck oh fuck fuckfuckfuck!!" His father started to pace and tug at his hair.
"Father.. dad whats wrong?" He was scared, father never acted like this...
"Pack clothes and anything you need desperately. I... i need to call in a favor-" and off his father went.
Jay did as he was told and hurried to pack bags of clothes, blankets that calmed him, worn stuffed animals, all drawings, pictures of dad and his coworkers, and anything that would keep him sane.
He and father started to load up the car just as dads radio started to go off.
For the first time ever, his father turned it off.
They drove for hours after the incident until they reached a cabin across the country. His father has been quiet the entire time but looked to him with tears in his eyes.
"Listen my little bird.. you wont understand this yet but.. the person who lives here... she'll care for you okay? Shes gunna get you a good job and keep you safe. Please do not, and i mean this, do not under any circumstances tell them about me or what happened. You will be killed if anyone found out about who i am or what happened. Never forget your safety list either okay? I love you baby bird.. i hope you live well.." his father held his shoulders firmly as he started to cry.
Jay was frozen as tears silently streamed down his cheeks. He had so many things he wanted to say, things to ask, but no words came out.
A woman with bright red hair and her husband came out in a hurry to help unload the car while the father and son had their moment.
It wasnt until jay was on the porch and watching his father figure drove away. He broke down screaming and crying. He never knew it then but as his world broke so did the world around him.
The world gray-scaled and started to crack. Pitch black horns sprouted from his forehead and curved like twisted dear antlers. His eyes blazed different, glitching colors and a third eye opened.
The husband took a risk and hugged him tightly, urging him to calm down. It.. it took some time before things settled, the world back to normal... but jay wasnt. There were stubs where his horns were and a faint line of his third eye remained.
The kind husband, Gary, took him inside and sat him on the guest bed. Gary and Rose, the wife, began to explain what they could. That his father's work hunted down anomalies and he would be forced to kill him were his work to find out. Rose was his brother and worked for a different organization called the SCP foundation. They protected and contained anomalies like the one in the woods.
"But... i wasnt the one father killed. Why... why did he leave me here?" Jay asked through hiccups.
"Well.. that anomaly was a reality bender. It makes things change around you. You never noticed and even scared it to backing down. No one can just... not be affected. You would most likely be killed.. the place your father works for hates anomalies and he wouldnt be able to hide you. The SCP foundation would allow us to not only give you a home but make you at least a class b researcher. They would treat you well given our status as class a doctors."
As rose explained jay just nodded numbly. He wouldnt be seeing his father ever again for his own safety. It felt so.. selfish. That was the man who took him in when no one wanted him, raised him pasted the age he was about to be denied, given a home and love. Now he understands why he was abandoned, their birth parent knew he was different and tried to kill him.
Soon the lovely couple left him to unpack and settle in.. he kept the photos hidden away but didnt get rid of them. Just as he put the last blanket on... well on his new bed there was a soft knock at the door.
"Hey.. jay um.. a doctor is here just to make sure youre okay. She wont tell anyone unless we say. Shes nice, rose works with her." Gary spoke softly with a... pitiful expression.
Jay nodded and walked to the dining room with a stuffed deer plush hes always had for comfort.
The doctor, Dr felleen, made sure his mind was still in one piece and that he had no hidden injuries. He was completely fine so to speak.
Time would pass and he would adjust to his new home, gary and rose maple were kind to him. They taught him alot about where he would first show up during a "bring your child to work day" then shadow gary, who was hot shit on campus. Soon he would have his own office at Site [redacted] which he excelled in. He could make any SCP talk. Sure his coworkers were uneased around him, like something bad would happen if they stayed, but he didnt mind. Eventally he was forced to transfer to Site [redacted] and sadly forced to move away from gary and rose. He left on good terms and promises to keep in touch. He takes most of his things, just in case he must come back and takes a moment to look at photos of his old adoptive father. He smiles and kisses the photo.
Hes gotta go, Dr Kondraki is gunna be his new site director! He promised to show him around, something about 05 loving his work and promoting him to class a? Oh well. Things seem to be looking up!
[More to follow soon!]
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I need you to know that I read every single [REDACTED] with a mental profanity bleep. I just,,, I need you to know that (Also I don’t think that this will be touched on in the main story, I may mention it in like... Additional post-story chapers the way I did with The Pool and The Continuing Adventures of Benny and Techie. We’ll see)
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talooka · 3 years
I had the girl of my dreams. And I let it slip away.
*Details, such as names and times, may have been altered for the sake of SOME anonymity. Not that I really care who knows, but if the wrong person reads this it may effect them in ways that I don't want it to lol.*
It just all hit me now. I had to type this out in a place that I won't lose, in a place that I'll read through once in a blue moon. That's Penzu. That's here.
Just now, I was putting Sabrine to sleep. We both were having trouble sleeping. Eventually I dozed off, but I didn't even realize that I dozed off. And I was dreaming, but In the dream I was walking around the house procrastinating and thinking. And I was thinking about life while I was dreaming. And just thinking about the past in general. And thinking about how I've been feeling lately. And somewhere along the line, my thoughts went to what I want in a partner. And people tell me that me and C should be together, which is nice because people see two good people and are like hey two good people should be together. The thing with C though, is while we COULD be together, meaning we'd get along and stuff, we SHOULDNT be together. We want different things in life, we enjoy different things on a daily basis, we're just good and kind people and others think thats enough for people to sign away their entire lives together lmao.
But then that made me start thinking how I've never met a girl who was into the same things. Then I was like. Oh wait a minute what about [redacted]. She was my friend. We used to talk about movies and TV shows and stuff and OH WAIT DIDNT I USE TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HER?!
I completely forgot. Wtf. I honestly, truly, forgot that I used to have a crush on her. The thing that made me remember was remembering that B used to like her, and that B moved one day and he happened to move close to her...AND I WAS SO JEALOUS. That memory is what triggered the memory that I had a crush on her. And when I think about it. She liked me too.
I was too young though. She was too young. WE were too young. We didn't know how to properly express ourselves. Actually, let me only speak for myself lol. I didn't know how to properly express myself. SHE LITERALLY kinda TOOK ME ON A DATE. Wow. I didn't even realize it back then. Smh. I was so focused on how we couldn't work out.
Because of B. Because she was X and I was Y. Because she was an inch taller than me and girls don't like short guys. Because I didn't want to ruin the friendship.
If you want something - you go for it.
Its true. If instead of focusing on why things WONT work, I should have been focusing on what I could do that COULD work. No matter what. No matter how if I was in that persons shoes I wouldn't want the other person to do blah blah blah BULLSHIT!!!
Back when my mom had to sit in class with me for a week, at the end of it she joked how [redacted] and I could be good together. I said she's X though. My mom made a joke and said you'd be surprised what people will do for love. And I thought that was so dumb, like if someone would change their entire life for love that's dumb.
But...here's what I have since learned.
There's a part of us humans that's just in our DNA. We can't change it. It effects our brains in ways that we are incapable of controlling.
In a relationship - from what I have experienced - either the man has to lead, or there has to be a partnership between the two. The woman never leads.
My perspective of people changing for love - that is what was dumb. I shouldn't have looked at it that way. It's not people changing for love. It's people COMPROMISING for love. Working together. A partnership. And worst-case-scenario - if she was the type who wanted to be lead - then she would be open to the idea of changing and it would not have been offensive. And I had to not look at it really as changing her, but leading her. "This is how things will be in the household." Not in a controlling way. In a taking charge way.
I was so dumb. Shit, I still am. I'm messing up my life left and right haha. But I'm learning. I'm improving. And I'm fired up.
Oh...and how I know she liked me back now that I'm looking back....
1 - We would stay up late talking over text on the phone til way past midnight. Just us two. We were morning people so this was significant lol.
2 - She really wanted me to take a ___ class even though I didn't need one with her so we can hang out. She was considering going to a different school after community college, but because I was planning on going to ____ she decided to go to ____ as well. I ended up not going to ____.
3 - Just before college, still in High School, I had something on my face and she held my face with one hand and wiped it off with the other. The reason why this is significant, is because we are both practicing Muslims. I didn't touch girls at all. She didn't touch guys at all. It wasn't until she was done she had a confused look - not just a shocked look - but a reeeaally confused look on her face. And she goes, "Sorry..I have no idea why I just did that..." and then we kinda laughed it off and nothing like that ever happened again. But looking back...she was comfortable with me, and I with her.
I let that slip away. And by that, I mean that opportunity. Who knows if it could have led to happiness - only Allah knows - because there were still a buttload of other issues that would have come with it (her family rejecting me, my relationships with my closest friends at the time being damaged, my family rejecting her family, etc) but the point is. Here I am, 10 years later, almost 10 years EXACTLY....and I am longing for someone similar to her.
And who is to say I won't mess that up as well? I've been living my whole life not chasing opportunities but just trying to prepare myself to be ready when the "perfect" opportunity presents itself. Not to say that it won't happen that way, but chasing what I want is what I need to do.
"Wait for it."
Hah. Hamilton has taught me. That's so insane lol. Waiting for it is how I ended up here.
"I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait."
That's what I was doing. I was prepared, ready to seize the opportunity the moment it came across.
But that was wrong for me.
It may be right for some people, but it was wrong for me.
I learned that the hard way.
And I'm paying for it now.
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mspbandj · 3 years
More on The Mandalorian Season 2 and Why its so Frustrating and Also Why Lucas Film Should Just Hire Me as a Writer Goddman it coz this is My Blog and I have Feelings™
Okay so again, this pertains to the finale of The Mandalorian Season 2 so............ spoiler warning.
Lets talk about Dins face
I feel like that final scene, when [redacted] came in and took Grogu away to train as a Real Jedi rang really hollow. It didnt feel rushed so much, but it just felt really anticlimactic. We all knew it was coming (sure we didn’t know for sure it would be [redacted] but we knew someone was going to come get Grogu) but even with that knowledge, they had real potential to make the scene super emotional and touching, which the final cut just didn’t really have and heres why.
Most of the emotion was supposed to come from Din taking off his helmet to let Grogu see his face. Baby Yoda had never seen his Adopted Dads face before, and this moment was set up to be a really touching moment of connection and vulnerability. But it was dampened by the fact that we had already seen his face, multiple times, and in detail. We the audience. And because of that, we couldn’t relate to what Grogu must have been feeling in that moment. 
Like, for Grogu, that must have been such a Big Deal yk? He’s spent so much time with this man, they’d been through so much together at this point, but he hadn’t even seen his face because of the very strict Mando Creed that Din had been raised under (the cult or not cult thing is a discussion for another time btw.) So this must have been huge for him. For Din to finally make the decision that Grogu was more important than his Creed... thats a huge thing!
But! For us, the audience, Din removing is helmet was old news by now. He’d taken it off twice before (in Season 1 with the droid, and then in Season 2 at the Imperial Stronghold (dont even get me STARTED on that craptastic episode)) so we didn’t have that sense of anticipation or importance. We were very much treated like we werent in that moment with them, and I find that hugely underwhelming.
So here’s how I think it should have gone, because that moment could have been set up perfectly all throughout the series.
Din very much could have taken his helmet off the first time, with the Droid. The whole arc there was about What Makes a Life, and Are Droids Counted as Living Things right? The Mando cult Creed dictates that no other living being can see the face of a Mandalorian (with very very few exceptions, and with death being preferable to being exposed.) And the argument in that moment is that the Droid is a machine and not technically a living thing, even tho it acts and behaves like a living thing, and is capable of the same “emotion” as a human. In the end, the Helmet comes off, and we are left to make up our own minds about whether this is a violation of the Creed or not - that was my take away.
But by allowing us, the audience, to see Dins face also calls into question our own place in the Mandalorian Universe. Are we Living Beings here? Apparently not, according to this we’re not a part of the scene at all, which is a decision I disagree with because, as I said above, it dampens the emotional potential of the entire show. Allowing us to be an exception to the Strict Mandalorian cult Creed limits the use and/or very purpose of the Creed at all.
How I believe that scene should have gone is more like this:
The Is a Droid Alive philosophy is discussed, and as they talk it becomes urgently apparent that the only way to save Din is to take the helmet off and allow the Droid to attend to Dins wounds. We see a close up shot, as we did, of the Helmet being raised, with a cut away at the crucial reveal moment - denying the audience a view of Dins face. The next shot is of the Helmet being laid down beside them, which informs us that Dins face is now definitely fully exposed, but we are not allowed to see it, which confirms our place in the Mandalorian Universe, and gives the sense that we are very much there with them in that moment.
Cut in some extreme close ups of a hair line, a patch of cheek, some disinfectant being administered, with further voice overs of the discussion, and we’re golden. The scene takes on a much more intimate feel, with a heightened sense of anticipation. We get a tease of Will We Ever See Dins Face, and are left with the question of What Will it Take to Make Him Cast Aside His Creed, which is raised in light of the knowledge that a Droid does not count, but we the audience do. We ponder this for a moment and then the next time we see The Mandalorian, hes restored to full armour, and we’re reminded that this is The Goddamn Mandalorian motherfuckers, and hes here to Fuck Shit Up with his Little Green Gremlin Child.
As for the Imperial Terminal WELL
This was a very good opportunity for a second removal, and I definitely think that part was a good choice however the execution of the scene was poor as shit.
Having Din change out of his armour was a good start, it showed us that he was Serious about finding Grogu, and that he was willing to bend the rules and push the boundaries of his Creed without technically breaking it. This was discussed pretty well in the script, so it was a strong start.
Now, again, I dont disagree with the decision to have Din remove the helmet at the terminal in order to complete the face scan and access the information he needed - in fact I agree with that part entirely. Again, is shows us how far Din is willing to go to get Grogu back, and it’s a solid recall to the What Would it Take to Have Din Cast Aside His Creed question from Season 1. Furthermore, it really drives home the fact that Din will get Grogu back at any cost. Its exciting, and emotional, and drives his character development.
So heres how I think it should have gone:
Mayfield makes his attempt, sees his former superior, and turns back. Tells Din that no, it wont work, he cant do it, just as the scene originally goes. Din says no, fuck that, I havent come this far to turn back now, Ill go do it. Mayfield says lol good luck, the terminal needs a face scan for access so have fun with that, Din hesitates, and then very deliberately makes the choice to go - this is all pretty much in the scene.
Where it differs is after the failed face scan when Din still has the helmet on. The Countdown starts, Din hesitates, clearly torn between his Creed and Grogu, and we leave him there. Next shot is of Mayfield in the doorway when he looks over and sees the back of Dins head. We see this too, and we know that holy shit the madman actually did it. Hes *exposed* and his body language tells us he knows this. Maybe throw in an extreme close up of a drop of sweat on his chin, give us a lil glimpse of his bottom lip even, more than we got the first time he took his helmet off, but still not the full thing. Really get that anticipation going, you know?
As soon as Din gets the info, and the officer dude comes over to investigate, we get a half shot of Din turning while simultaneously stuffing his helmet back on his head, and the scene continues as it did. Maybe we see the same section of chin and neck in the process, maybe we dont, but the helmet is firmly back in its place, and so are we. I strongly feel like these events would have ramped up the emotion of the scene and, like i said above, the anticipation. We got closer this time! When will be the next time? Third times the charm right, so we can conclude that the next time he takes his helmet off will be The Big Moment™ so whats it gonna take???
Lets skip to that moment now.
The Final Scene. The Big Reveal. The Reunion, and the Parting of Ways.
Imagine the series went the way I just described. Imagine that in this Final Scene of Season 2, you, personally, had not seen Dins face. You’ve watched this Mandalorian trek and fight and blast his way through the Universe, been there in the room when hes been at this most badass and his most vulnerable. You’ve come so so so close to seeing his face, of seeing him break the Creed he’s clung to for two whole seasons, but you never have. Not yet. And now you’re watching him reunite with Grogu, Baby Yoda, The Kid. The one thing in the entire Universe that Din cares most for. Its a touching and emotional scene, after the fight, after the reveal of [redacted] after it becomes clear that This Is The End.
And then... he reaches up.... is he going to??? is he going to????? HE IS!
He lifts his helmet. Theres no danger, theres no threat, theres no pressure or incentive. This is completely his choice. This is Din, The Mandalorian, raised under the Mandalorian cult Creed, choosing to reveal his face, not only to Grogu, but to everyone in the room, including you.
How much more personal is that? More intimate, more emotional. We get to experience the moment that Grogu, who we all love and care for, is experiencing. We get to feel like we’re in the room. Everyone in that room knows how Strict the Creed is. Sure, the other Mandos dont live by it, but they know what it means to Din, so even they know the sheer significance of this act.
As it is, we the audience dont get to experience this on the same level. We have to think about it after the fact, after we’ve calmed down from the hype. We’ve already seen Dins face, many times, so we dont get that same intimacy. And its a real, real shame.
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faunusrights · 4 years
“Nice?” Cinder laughed under her breath once, and returned to examining her threads. “Oh, come on, Glynda. Favor isn’t in my vocabulary, remember? It’s just a shame about your cape. The emblem looked good, and your new outfit would look much better with it. That’s all.”
we’re bacc baby B) let’s hop right in
When Glynda awoke from her dream of being consumed,
alright calm down we’ve literally JUST started we’ve literally JUST woken up can we chill Out,
“Cinder?” she yawned, surveying the room.
sneak peek of that Sweet Domestic Life we dream of once this enemies-to-lovers malarkey reaches the ‘lovers’ bit but no we’re just surrounded by enemies. two of them being the writers!
Still, she couldn’t go wandering around Cinder’s apartment in only her underwear, but rooting through the drawers and closet didn’t seem— 
The clothes didn’t seem Cinder’s size or style; they were casual and soft, a black t-shirt and steel-gray sweatpants.
okay but the idea of cinder getting up and being like ‘do i have ANYTHING this Unit of a woman will fit into’ and like actually having to think abt it and then folding em up and leaving em there like ‘hope she finds em okay’????? peak. absolutely peak. shes so gay but does she know it? no,
The fabric had enough give to make it work, even if only barely, and she looked in the mirror to see the loungewear looking more like tight athletic wear. Funny that.
kc and diesel envisioning this: oh yes. oh YES. ohhohughohguhghuhu yessssssssss--
She had—trusted? Been trusted? She had told Cinder fragile little things, and had heard similarly earnest words in return. It had been strange. Nice.
i love glynda like. feeling out of the edges of her own comfort and Pleasant Feelings with this almost-wariness? like every word she uses to describe it just Edges a little closer to Softness but she has to taste the word first to see if it fits. her narration is SO fun 2 read yall what the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
This was Cinder’s house. It wasn’t just any house. These were Cinder’s belongings, Cinder’s resting places, and she was wandering around without Cinder.
Voyeuristic was putting it mildly. Glynda needed to find Cinder, fast.
HJGDKJGHDFSSDF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glynda just. losing it at such LITTLE THINGS is so goddamn funny jesus christ. this is cinders house!!! her THINGS!!! fuck she NAPS IN HERE. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god i love how soft this is. i know exactly why this is happening and i know exactly how [REDACTED], but i’m living for this moment. living IN it.
Spread out on the table was a wanted poster with a mugshot of Cinder on it, defaced with black permanent marker and crease marks.
cinder: yeah they didnt get the eyebrows sharp enough and im mad abt it
“Well, your clothes are in the wash.” Cinder said, turning around, coffee in hand. It was so…domestic. “It would help if you had more than one set.”
shouting from a distance: you two should get MARRIED
“You’ve been wearing the same dress the entire time I’ve known you.”
look at these lil JABS... the JESTS... the JOQUES... i cant believe theyve been married 10 years already. im also deeply enjoying how very indulgent this section is. I Am Seeing,
Glynda scoffed, and when Cinder reached for the sugar on the counter, she gave it a subtle nudge with her Semblance. It slid out of Cinder’s reach.
JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT THIS WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soulmates.
Cinder shrugged, still looking elsewhere. “Mercury thought it was funny.”
cinder: my son and BOY. and, one day, yr son and boy, tho he won’t take it lying down.
Cinder scoffed. “You just don’t appreciate my good tastes.”
i feel like the evidence is truly stacking up to very much prove this statement wrong but u kno what lets let her figure that one out for herself
“A souvenir from the brats,” she said. “And a letter excusing the mess they made of the place.”
She said, “I just didn’t know you had kids.”
“It’s fine,” said Cinder tersely, but not harshly. “It isn’t wise to advertise in my business, so keep it to yourself.”
KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD YES that little like... indirect admittance that em and merc r basically her own kids is a fucking BLESSING from ON HIGH are you SEEING THIS SHIT????????????? we have been fed today. my crops r watered and my lambs bouncing over the green fields as we feast. what a moment. wow. what a chapter.
When Cinder finally finished hers and rose to get another cup, Glynda allowed some of her thoughts to solidify. She said, “I want new clothes.”
as a side note, i think it rly shows the strength of the writing that the feeling of the narrative can change so much, esp when u take into consideration that we jump between the points of view of TWO characters? like with cinder we’ve gone from sheer fury to gruesome sickness, and with glynda we’ve gone from Complete Dissociation to this gentle and soft morning and you can feel it absolutely fluffing up in every word! still love how good the writing in this fic is its NUTS
Cinder shrugged. Her usual clothes were still in the wash; right now, she was wearing high-waisted black pants and a loose top tucked in.
diesel i want you to know im thinking abt what u said abt the high-waisted pants mods in sims 4 and im giggling
The necklace with Glynda’s earring hung from her throat.
i didnt mention it before but this is the... second time this chapter its been explicitly mentioned? and i know we could be like ‘ah the MEANING’ but honestly im like glynda r u rly not over the bobbies y
“You aren’t dead in there, are you?” came Cinder’s voice.
“Well. At this pace, I will be before we get out of here.”
cinder, who probably once spent 7+ hours choosing an outfit: look its only cool if i do it, dipshit,
Unsnapping the lone earring left to her, she brought it to her collar and fixed it there, under the clasped button to dangle just over her sternum.
When she stepped out of the changing room, Cinder looked up. A slow dawn of interest eclipsed the boredom on her face. Glynda stood very still as her gaze flowed up and down again, pausing over the earring.
Cinder touched the matching one hanging from her own neck, almost in surprise. She cleared her throat. Her tone was very deliberately mocking: “Cute.”
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OOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD are we for SERIOUS right now??? jesus christ. jesus christ. we’ve moved on past married now this is ride-or-die shit right here what the FUCK. jesus CHRIST. theres- i- i have THOUGHTS on this matter that are spoilery and so i will SIT ON THIS EGG but HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT
“Nothing,” Cinder said, smoothing her expression into something unreadable. “I was just thinking—nevermind.” 
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no, no, go on, speak yr mind, please do, because if u were abt to offer to embroider that shit then PLEASE say it aloud for the audience at home
“If I was a cop, you’d already be in jail.”
“You’re welcome to try to take me in, darling.”
im sure its obvious but im BESIDE myself @ this flirting. im losing it. this is SUCH a treat and i KNOW that [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“That’s because of your—” Cinder was already gone. Glynda pressed her lips together, but watched her go. Rolling her eyes, she finished, “—Grimm tattoos.”
Whatever. She could gloat about figuring it out later.
okay okay. wait. okay. wait. theres. wait. okay. i cant. am i safe to say anything. probably not. so. im not gonna. but. you WILL be seeing me in dms, friends,
okay okay im moving on im gonna. keep going. okay. okay. im going. (but i will be in dms)
there was a brief discussion of dinner: namely, that neither of them wanted to make it.
oh god why is this me
“Give me your new cape.”
Finally looking up, Cinder said, “Your cape. Let me have it, and I’ll put your emblem on it.”
Glynda ignored it for the time being and sent the vector of her emblem to Cinder.
i deeply love the idea of all hunters and huntresses carrying a vector of their emblem JUST IN CASE,,, SMTHNG HAPPENS,,, its right alongside the list of their next of kin and their will and testament,
Cinder Fall was a name built on Dust and money and extravagant demonstrations.
But Cinder Fall was also a woman with a family. A home. A favorite blend of coffee.
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this is absolutely kicking me in the dick for reasons i cant say but also for reasons of SNOFT because oh my god. this is. like. this is why i rly vibe w. cinder in this fic and is also like one of my favourite characterisations of cinder of ALL TIME (which is why all my fav cinder fics typically have it as a Theme). shes SO good and SO dimensional and i just. god. GOD. i LOVE HER!!!!!!!!! ID DIE FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA CINDER FALL IS MY ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL
It felt like being told a secret, like being told a thousand secrets, and not knowing what to do with them. All she could do was hold them in her palms, delicate as she could, trying not to break anything.
GIMME ARMS TO PRAY WITH INSTEAD OF ONES THAT HOLD TOO TIGHTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /goes apeshit
And because of that, Glynda asked, “Do you have any more stories?”
Without looking up, Cinder drawled, “About Witches?”
“Or dragons.”
Gold flickered her way.
“They’d already been built by the Witches that came before her,” Cinder replied. “But she’d been a headmaster at one of them, and a teacher before that.”
Something in Glynda’s chest gleamed.
lore lore lore lore LORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets GET THAT LORE as i peer blearily thru tears,
“...You haven’t just been pretending not to remember things, have you?”
firstly: called out lmao JHGSDFKJHGFSD and SECONDLY:
“The moon?” Cinder made a face. “I’m not sure if it’s that literal. Your soul is powerful, but it’s not a physical thing. Besides, the moon is…”
“Broken,” Glynda finished for her.
hm what a fascinating thing hm how interesting hm hm HMMMM 👈🤔👈
Even as they ate, they both seemed lost in their own heads, but somehow, to Glynda, it seemed perfectly clear that both of them were wondering the same thing.
wait glynda. hey glynda. did u uh. ever. did u uh. text winter back or w
WE DID IT CHAPTER 17!!!!!!!!!!! this was a Lot (4,500 words? yall better be careful before those 10k chapters return to Haunt Us) and was also, a Lot. holy shit. theres. i. id make a spoiler edition but tbh its just the SAME SPOILER thats like. rly driving this chapter. i know what its for. i know it. i feel it. dont trust winter more like dont trust the writers
ANYWAY I LOOK FORWARD (?) EAGERLY (???) to chapter 18, unsure when the vibes will turn rancid for the worse. when. honey. theres a big storm coming.
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yami-yomiel · 4 years
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REN AND PIX KILL A MAN AND WOMAN BRUH CONTROL YOURSELF DietyUlala killing shadow with a sword is also very medusa/renaissance-ese so OHOHOO..
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I shouldn’t have laughed but HAHAKASLHAKSASLKALKAMWK
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so a demon, a child, a dnd character, and so many others just got game ended SMH,also i thought thorn would live because were-wolf man type guy
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Anaripsa( aka Ana): Pam getting lost is definitley in character Me: MAIE JUST KILLS HER BROTHER WITH OUT HESITATION
Me: pix Ren and Shion singing songs together will make me ugly sob but also wholesomly sob
also Ulala’s gonna die im CALLING IT, 
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me:  NICOLE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, ALSO JAGUAR KILLS HIS OTHER SELF I MIGHT DIE Ana:  THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE JAGUAR me:  also the image of this teeny decebal (assuming Planemo is HUMONGUS somehow) scaring Planemo just by looking at him is FUNnie 
(we then go off saying how Tenshi mistakes Ulala O. for being the dead Ulala in his universe and we tag it with vines)
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Diety!Ulala didn’t have enough protection and Twinks died
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also Brooke and Planemo,,wholesome
the jaguars are the same but also different,,crying themselves to sleep(fun fact, ‘Jaguar’ is Dandelion’s jaguar aka their dad)
(in response to pix and ren) Ember:Gay rights prevail but only a little Ember:  Im glad planemo and brooke get to have a nice night :) Ana: yeah it’s wholesome me: big sister brooke time Ana:  everytime something wholesome happens i always expect the worst to be next me: YEAH ME. this dang game:
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Ana:  SHION YOU {redacted by brooke lol}
Ember: we love 2 different purges in Chase,Trust no one especially not yourself
(Decebal and Tenshi rlly did say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6oQUDFV2C0 )
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ya’ll get a screenshot of my reaction because reasons
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Ana:  shout-out to the drama involving the gays— i mean, fiore and tenshi Ana:  jaguar my man don't get close to that moth [redacted by brooke] and they said and quote “ really unfair that event horizon is still alive but ren just died “
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Fiore this is the 2nd time you’ve questioned your sanity is everything ok?
fun fact Jerome is like 17, so a 17 yrold just beheaded nicole, powerful,..
ana says “ see jaguar i told you you couldn't trust that mothman son of a [redacted]” also a little musical number from me:  PRESSURE, PUSHIN DOWN ON PAM PUSHIN DOWN ON MAIE
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 Akira 🤝🏽 Dandelion 
tripping into an acidic puddle Tenshi 🤝🏽 jérôme 
dragging your killer to hell with you
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If planemo wins, he’s doing it for Pix and Ren, they passed the torch onto Planemo..
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Dial was opened with the opportunity to kill a god and she turned it down everyone agrees that Dial is powerful, but does only uses her power if nessasary. also She killed decebal but didn’t even bother to save pix what is her ISSUE
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 im so angery at that pit rn you DIDNT HAVE TO BE THERE???? BUT YOU CHOSE TO BE THERE also Jaguar will just end himself if no one does it for him.. smh Piremo united in heaven..:’)
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Maie im sure that Fiore is like WAYYYYY older than you, but everyone is so cuddly... in some way ember says “touch starved space pals” and i agree..
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Maie really said “We’ve cuddled now LETS CUT TO THE CHASE >:D” also Diety jaguar acting like an animal lets gooooooo
also this is like the 3rd jaguar that’s falllen out of a tree and died do you know guys know how to climb..but also Diety jaguar with a spear got ana going 👀👀👀👀👀
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i am mean to my own OCs..
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diety jaguar needs to C H I LL,,someone give him a HUG
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Avengence and death..
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Everyone agreees that Fiore lived surprisingly long so good for him
 but all Brooke had to say was:
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(usually i’d draw smth for this but uhhhhhh my tablet isn’t acting right atm, so maybe later smh)
(also there could be some missing pics because tumblah mad dummy with formating)
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